#inspired from Alien Isolation!
sharkdream3421 · 2 years
The Encounter
By sharkdream3421
“Are you a doctor? My friend needs medical attention!” Carter Cooper shouted in desperation towards the man that was behind the glass wall.
“Calm down young man. I am a doctor, and I do need assistance as I am trapped in this room due to the lockdown. My name is Dr. Dawson. I need a code from downstairs, so I can open the door in my room. If you can go down to the emergency room and retrieve the code. I could get out of this room and help you with whoever needs medical attention,” The person behind the glass mirror explained.
Carter thought about what Dr. Dawson said. It was dangerous to go down there, especially if there was a serial killer in the facility that he was trapped in right now. His friend needed those medical supplies. The wound was an infection and would only get worse. Without those medical supplies, his friend could be in massive amounts of pain. Carter had no other choice, but to go to the emergency room.
    “Okay, but I’m only getting the code that’s it.”
    “Magnificent! Be wary down there for any intruders.”
    “Whatever, the sooner I get this code the better.”
    Carter walked up to the door that led to the emergency room and accessed the wiring processor. Carter rearranged the wires and the door opened. Carter stared down the corridor, and a dark, tense, atmosphere had begun to fill the room. Hospital beds were scared around the room, dead bodies lay on the floor, and pills were scattered around the floor. This hallway alone appeared to be like some sort of entryway into the worst place you could have ever imagined.
It was like he was in hell. What had turned this place into a hellish state? What happened?
Carter swallowed his fear and walked down the corridor. The lights on the top of the ceiling were flashing, and one of the light panels had been hanging in midair. Something had done all this damage, and Carter wasn’t liking what he was seeing. Carter rounded the corner at the end of the corridor. He appeared to be in the lobby of the medical center. More dead bodies could be seen on the ground, large claw marks appeared on the walls, and lockers were opened throughout multiple hallways.
    “Thank you for doing this task for me young man. You would be great at leading the next generation of our race for sure,” Dr. Dawson praised Carter as he spoke through the microphone system that was connected from the room he was trapped into the entire medical area of the facility.
    “Whatever, I’m just doing this for my friend.”
    Carter continued to walk down the hallway and turned left to enter a room. On the desk appeared to be a computer and Carter sat in the desk chair and investigated the terminal. Carter accessed its files and saw no code. Although, a mention of where to find the code was in the computer. The code would be in one of the doctor’s offices. The code would particularly be in Dr. Johnson’s office. That was on the other side of the medical area of the facility. Carter’s eyes widened in surprise.
Crap! Hopefully, I’ll encounter no problems on my way.
Carter got off the chair and opened the room’s door. Carter had begun to walk down the hallway and would take a right toward the lobby area. Carter figured that Dr. Dawson didn’t know where the code was. Carter knew it wasn’t in the emergency room.
“Young man, something is wrong! The security system is saying that there is a breach in the medical area of the facility. I would be on your guard!”
Carter rolled his eyes in disappointment. The doctor wasn’t offering any assistance with what Carter’s objective was. Carter was surrounded by tons of dead bodies in an abandoned part of the facility he was trapped in. The dead bodies gave a particular, gross, and disgusting stench where the scent could be tracked from yards away. He was already on his guard.
Carter was walking down a hallway that had a wide glass panel on his right that showed the other side of the hallway. A door was about a yard away from where Carter was, and a loud sound could be heard that was emanating from the door.
Something or someone was slamming against the door. Carter knew that whatever it was; it wasn’t good. The hinges from the door had begun to peel off as if it was skin. A powerful force was beyond that door. Carter searched the vicinity for anything that could ensure his survival. On the left side of the hallway appeared to be an opportunity to hide. A locker door was open and had nothing inside it. The lockers in the medical facility were the size of a human being so anyone could fit inside them. They were large for the sole purpose of storing people’s belongings. Although, Carter was sure that the locker might just save his life.
Carter sprinted to the locker with haste and hopped inside. He spun around at a complete one-hundred and eighty-degree angle; using his left hand, Carter closed the locker door with a soft sound emitting from the door when he closed it. A small panel that looked like a vent was installed on the locker door. This allowed Carter to see what was on the other side of the locker door. The door separated outside threats from Carter, and would hopefully guarantee his safety.
A loud noise came from the direction of the berated door. Something was down the hallway, but what? Carter’s breath had quickened, his body began to shake on its own, and his expression was one of fear. Carter heard loud, stomping, footsteps down the hallway. His reaction was to only slowly walk backward in the locker. Only until his body hit the back of the small box with a small, quiet, thud.
Carter Cooper’s eyes widened at the shock of what he had seen before him. It was something out of a horror movie! It was something that would chase you in your nightmares! Carter Cooper would be traumatized. A creature had entered his line of sight. The creature appeared to be a combination of a great white shark and a reef shark. Meanwhile, half of the shark’s body appeared to be made out of metal. The shark’s head was something of a great white shark. Its right eye was pitch-black, while the left eye appeared to be mechanical that glowed a deep red. 
The man shark's body was very large as he had the structure of a human-man but shark-like. His right arm was mechanical, and his left arm was equivalent to a human-shark hand. Both hands had three sharp nails that protruded from their fingers. The palm of the creature’s hands was huge. The creature had a large dorsal fin that stuck out of its back as a normal shark would.
Lastly, the most dangerous aspect of the creature was its large tail that swayed around the room. It had the shape of an anchor that would come from a ship. Half of the tail was mechanical, while the other half was from the shark’s own body. Carter put the pieces together and found out the harsh truth of the rumors that had been going around the facility. Rumor has it that there was a killer among the staff in the building. The killer aspect was right. However, the staff part was wrong. Rumors tended to be a half-truth, half-lie most of the time in Falco City.
Carter gasped as his heart pounded twice as hard against his chest. Small tears started to escape the young adult’s eyes. The mechanical shark opened its mouth. Multiple rows of very sharp teeth appeared from the shark’s mouth. That monstrosity was a living nightmare! The shark sniffed the mysterious scent in the air and traced it to its origin.
The shark was heading straight to Carter. Carter knew that this was the end. All those dead bodies were probably from this monstrosity. The shark moved its large head around the locker. Carter panicked and took a large deep breath. He then held the air into his lungs as he dared to not make any noise. A growl emerged from the creature, and they moved their eyes to get a closer look at the suspicious locker.
I’m dead! I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m so very dead!
The shark groaned and slowly walked away from the locker. As Carter heard the creature’s loud feet slowly get distant and harder to hear. Only then Carter released the tension from his lunges and let oxygen seep back via his system. Carter took a glance through the vent to check for any dangerous signs of life. There appeared to be none. Carter took out the MapPad that he had received when he first walked into the facility for being a visitor. The young adult looked closely at the contents of the map of the medical area of the facility. Carter wasn’t that far from his destination as it was only some twists and turns away from the locker he was in.
Carter exited the locker with a small creek emitting from its hinges and continued his search for the code, while he was simultaneously being on guard for the shark that was walking around the facility.
When Carter found the code, he raced back to the entryway that led to the emergency room. The young adult noticed that the door was locked. Dr. Dawson had locked him in with the creature! Carter noticed that a security camera was in the ceiling and it was facing towards him.
“Dawson, open the door right now!” Carter demanded.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, but I can’t. That creature is still out there!” Dawson said in distress.
Dang, it! He knew about that monstrosity all along!
“Listen, Dawson, if you don’t open the door then you can’t get out of the room that you’re trapped in. I have the code so let me through!”
“Tell me the code!” Dawson pushed Carter.
“Not until you open this damn door!”
It was only a few seconds later that he finally got an answer.
“Fine, but it’s your funeral!”
The door opened and Carter ran to the glass wall. Dawson was sitting in a wheelchair and was clearly under a lot of stress.
“The code is 6109, now give me the meds!”
“Of course! Just let me grab the medication and then we can get out of here together!” Dawson replied.
Dr. Dawson walked up to the shelf of pills, and vitamins. Dawson grabbed a cylinder-like tube and put it into a big, square, box. A small rumble from the box occurred only until a moment later; a small ring escaped from the box. The pills turned into a liquid substance. Dr. Dawson walked up to the door and typed in the code. Carter saw a small, metal, object behind the doctor's back, but wasn’t sure what it was. When the door opened, Dawson walked up to Carter and gave him the deformed pills.
“Let your friend drink it, he should start to feel better in no time.”
“Thank you, Dawson,” Carter said with a sincere smile.
“No problem, now let’s get out of here before that creature arrives.”
Carter had suddenly been run over by a fast, speedy, and large critter. Carter screamed as he landed on the ground with his head hitting the floor. Due to the impact, his head throbbed with slightly blurry vision. The medication that Carter was given, landed on the ground next to him. Dr. Dawson backed away from the creature as the shark crawled to be in front of Carter. Carter screamed in fear at the full sight of the mechanical shark in front of him. The upset abomination opened its jaws as it was preparing to feed on its snack.
The sound of a gunshot rang in Carter’s ears. The young adult looked for the origin of the sound and found that Dawson had a revolver in his hand. The shark roared at the doctor in anger as the shark had a gunshot wound in its arm. The shark changed its target to Dawson, and Dawson cowered away in fear. Carter heard the loud footsteps of Dawson’s feet as he ran down the emergency room hallway along with the stomps of the creature chasing after Dawson.
Carter quickly grabbed the medication and sprinted to the elevator that was at least a hundred feet away from where he was previously standing. Carter counted how far he was away from the elevator as he heard the shark growl. One hundred feet, eighty feet, sixty feet. Meanwhile, the monstrosity was getting closer to Carter. Forty feet, twenty feet, two feet! When Carter entered the elevator and hit the elevator button to go down. As the elevator doors were closing, Carter turned around to see that the shark was very close to grabbing Carter and devouring him.
A loud growl could be heard throughout the entire building as Carter descended the elevator toward the lower levels of the facility. Carter breathed with heavy breaths as he tried to take in what had just occurred. That monster was in the building and was willing to kill anyone in its path. The shark cornered him when he landed on the floor like a wolf trying to chase down its prey. Sharks were apex predators after all. Dawson never made it to the elevator and the shark chased Carter, which only meant that the doctor met a tragic death.
“Thank you, Dawson, for saving me. I’ll make it up to you somehow.”
Carter sat on the chairs that were in the elevator and rested for a short moment. Carter only hoped that he could escape the facility as soon as he could. He would do it for everyone that had died in the facility. He had to survive for his mother, father, brother, and Dawson. Although, Carter knew that the shark would be back eventually. That shark had been killing everyone in the facility, which explained the piles of bodies that were found in the medical area. Carter had to contain that beast because if he didn’t, only chaos and death would occur.
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maburito · 18 days
I feel like I'm playing Alien Isolation
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officialsollux · 2 days
trying to open up and connect again went. very badly. cannot express how badly. the reinforcement of trying to ascertain placement within society in any small way equalling severe worsening of condition and high degrees of pain is not. great.
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gayelderstourney · 11 months
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Gerald Robotnik/Black Doom:
Scientist who wants to blow up the world and his evil alien boyfriend
Dude they had a son together and his name is shadow the hedgehog
They created Shadow the hedgehog together. Yes Shadow the hedgehog. This is canon. Theyre also super divorced just trust me on this.their old man yaoi is real
we as a society would not have shadow the hedgehog without their old man yaoi
old man fucks alien so he can bring his daughter back from space safely, gives birth to sad gay hedgehog
you KNOW they fucked
they’re shadow the hedgehogs dads. Like canonically. black doom is an alien god guy and gerald is eggmans grandpa who didn’t love him enough and gave him daddy issues. he also went insane after the government killed his granddaughter (who he loved instead of eggman) and tried to kill humanity :3 these two are like bitter exes to me. they’re both dead. the devil from the bible fucked that old man
Black Doom and Gerald Robotnik are Shadow the Hedgehogs dads. Gerald is a (silly, slightly insane) old scientist and Black Doom is a two thousand year old alien who wants to destroy the Earth. Its not canon but Shadow's gay dads mean everything to me. They kiss and hold hands on the space colony.
Sheo/The Nailsmith:
It's really nice because you unlock it after the nailsmith asks you to kill him with the pure nail and you refuse and walk away. He then says he was wandering hallownest without purpose until he found sheo who helped him discover that there was more to life than just one calling. These two are probably the only characters in the game to have a genuinely happy ending
The nailsmith loses his purpose in life after finishing his ultimate masterpiece, his lifelong goal, the pure nail. He requests the protagonist to try the nail on him, but If you refuse, he will find sheo who helps him to find new meaning in life and realise that there is more to life by teaching him different crafts. They can then be seen sculping figurines together, and sheo is also painting the nailsmith.They share a common love for art and crafts and inspire each other. Sheo's story is that he was a nailmaster, but got tired of it, and put down his nail to pick up a paintbrush. I think it's beautiful that he could help the nailsmith realise what he himself did. They both also used to live in solitude without even realising how lonely they were, and I think it's cute tuhat they can do art together now :]
They are two bugs retired from their career and making better lives for themselves and they’re gay about it. Nailsmith believes at first that he has nothing left after creating the perfect nail and asks the knight to strike him down, and if you don’t, he meets Sheo, a retired nailmaster finding a new calling in painting and sculpting. They find a shared love in creating things and Nailsmith finds a new calling in art as well. The achievement you get for uniting them is called “Happy Couple”
Gay bugs gay bugs gay bugs (Cw mention of suicide) They both used to pursue their one passion in life: forging the perfect nail (sword) for the Nailsmith and the art of combat for Sheo. Sheo realized he could just leave that life when he lost his passion for fighting, and he found himself a new purpose in life: art. However, he always seemed very lonely, completely isolated by all other bugs in his hidden house in the middle of a thorn jungle. When The Nailsmith achieved his goal and forged the perfect nail, he lost his purpose in life and his will to live. He asks the player to kill him. However, if the player refuses, he can later be found in Sheo's house, modelling for Sheo or sculpting figurines with him. He thanks the player for not fulfilling his request, because he has found a new calling in life here, making art together with Sheo. They both express how happy they are to no longer be alone. This also gives you the "Happy Couple" achievement, confirming that they are a couple.
THEY'RE CANON!!! They're fucking canon!!! You can talk to them at one point after doing a Bunch of Stuff to get them to meet each other and you get an achievement called "Happy Couple"!!! Gotta love old man yuri
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venussaidso · 5 months
𝗞𝗲𝘁𝘂 𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀 — 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (part 1) 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟎
disclaimer: spoilers for all movies or shows mentioned.
the warnings: mentions of drug abuse, sexual violence, self-harm, genocide, mental disorders/illnesses, cannibalism and self amputation.
The most interesting theme within all the Ketu nakshatras was one that was unexpected, as it is common to mainly associate Ketu with concepts of disconnection or isolation from society as a whole -- since Ketu is often linked with the 12H. But it is more about the interactions with the unseen forces within society more than anything. Because the 12H also represents the collective's consciousness and all the interconnected energies that come with that which Ketu becomes possessed by. And it is Ashwini that is the most sensitive Ketu nakshatra, as it easily becomes consumed & absorbed by these 12H energies which often leads to chaos and loneliness.
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Ashwini nakshatra embodies Nothingness which is the oldest energy in the universe. It's between a space before actualized creation, and after the rise of awareness that's emerged from Nothingness (or the Cosmic Void). It is very fitting that this is the first nakshatra; but it should also be considered the last as it essentially represents the non-duality of Life & Death. This theme is further extended in Bharani and beautifully explored in that nakshatra, but in Ashwini we focus on the spirit's evolution. The energy found in this nakshatra is as undeveloped as it is chaotic, which is why evolution needs to take place -- and this usually involves extreme harsh forces to tame it. It is in Ashwini where there's confusion or lack of self-awareness of one's own identity as energies here become repressed, unconsciously accumulating. I'm going to use some films as examples to explore this point.
First, I'm going to use the most typical Ketu-coded character. Ashwini Moon Christian Bale's Patrick Bateman in "American Psycho". This film follows an investment banker who relishes in the wealthy excesses of his superficial lifestyle in which everybody else around him also revels in. His life is empty, mostly revolving around getting into exclusive restaurants, wallowing in designer suits, having a meticulous morning routine etc. There's a pressure in general for conformity and Ashwini is sensitive to these energies which they take up, driving them to compete and also go too far with this -- because it's no longer about conforming anymore. It's become an obsession, and these pressures drive Patrick Bateman into homicidal tendencies as an outlet. This film perfectly encapsulates modern-day consumerisms, and it is of course an Ashwini native who is driven into a descent of madness from this empty, superficial culture he's subjected to.
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Nothing can fill up the emptiness inside of him and he knows that. This crippling, painful understanding is what continuously manifests his violent self-hatred and hatred towards others. And this is why he is forever trapped in a cycle of loneliness, as he is surrounded by the same narcissistic, self-absorbed suits who will continue to maintain this soulless, superficial culture.
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The movie was adapted from the book with the same name, written by Mula Moon Bret Easton Ellis whose own experiences inspired the book "American Psycho".
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Quote from an interview; OregonLive (2010);
"[Patrick Bateman] did not come out of me sitting down and wanting to write a grand sweeping indictment of yuppie culture. It initiated because my own isolation and alienation at a point in my life. I was living like Patrick Bateman. I was slipping into a consumerist kind of void that was supposed to give me confidence and make me feel good about myself but just made me feel worse and worse and worse about myself. That is where the tension of 'American Psycho' came from... It came from a much more personal place."
-- Mula Moon Bret Easton Ellis
Now, onto the movie "Fight Club", which was directed by Magha Sun David Fincher, and stars Magha Sun Edward Norton and Mula Sun Brad Pitt.
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The most highlighted character from this film, played by Brad Pitt, is Tyler Durden, who plans on making a revolution to destroy the hyper-capitalistic, materialistic superficial culture that we saw destroy Patrick Bateman from the inside in "American Psycho".
(video - 🎧)
Of course, just like Ashwini Moon Patrick Bateman took his obsessive consumerism too far; Mula Sun Tyler Durden lays on the opposite spectrum -- aiming to destroy modern society by blowing up all credit card companies and ruining the world's economy. Mula is related to destruction as it is ruled by Nirriti, the goddess of destruction. The oppressive forces that weigh on this Mula character, Tyler Durden, causes him into a spiral for freedom (9H), using extremities and acts of terrorism to be rid of ego/society. Whereas Ashwini, having no solid identity and just being undeveloped in nature, is more likely to conform; but so long as Ketu is there, there will always be an emptiness in the ambitious pursuit of things. Ashwini can grant excess wealth and fame, but with no inner fulfillment or balance, you see characters like Patrick Bateman. Or Daniel Plainview from "There Will Be Blood".
A movie directed by Paul Thomas Anderson who has Ketu in Magha, and stars Ashwini Moon, Mula Ascendant Daniel Day Lewis who portrays Daniel Plainview. Plainview is more Ashwini, as he is an extremely ambitious, capitalistic and competitive oilman.
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His pursuit for wealth and power leads him to personal loneliness, isolation and emptiness -- we see how Ketuvians become so drained and eaten alive by the energies they absorb in the pursuit of things. Similarly to Patrick Bateman, he not only hates others but himself and wishes for no one to succeed in life.
(click on the gif(s) if they're buffering lmao, i swear they're cheap)
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His primal competitiveness and self-loathing even drives away his only family -- his only child. His adult son means to do his own oilrig business and cuts his partnership with him. But Plainview's unchecked ambition shows that even after attaining success and power, he literally goes ahead to disown his own son as he considers him competition now. And now he extends the same hatred he has for others to him. Further isolating himself; this validating his deep sense of loneliness that was always there with his self-loathing.
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The film ends in an Ashwini fashion; in which Plainview goes into a psychotic meltdown and murders someone who he has had a long stewing hatred for.
(YouTube clip by me - 🎧)
I wanted to provide a brilliant video from the YouTuber "The Vile Eye", who explored the dark nature of this character; because it perfectly illustrates Ashwini nakshatra in a twisted way -- especially in how Aries in this segment is influenced by Ketu forces. Everything about this character is every Aries stereotype you can think of from the top of your head, but Ketu exaggerates it to the point of extremity and tragedy.
Amazing video for anyone who wants to understand Ashwini at its extreme which can manifest in real life of course.
Now in the series "Peaky Blinders", which I quickly wanted to mention, stars Ashwini Moon Cillian Murphy whose character faces moral dilemmas, as his relentless pursuit of power contributes to his moral ambiguity.
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His ruthless ambition to become the most powerful in the criminal underworld is something I couldn't help but relate it back to Ashwini's drive & competitiveness.
The movie "Scarface" stars Ashwini Sun Al Pacino who plays Tony Montana. And fun fact, Tony Montana is loosely based and inspired by the real-life figure, Al Capone, who was literally a goddamn Ashwini Moon. So, I say Scarface is a fucking Ashwini movie.
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Both Tony Montana and Al Capone had unchecked ambitions and an unrelenting desire for power. In Ashwini, extreme power can be attained, and we saw how Tony Montana quickly rose to it (as Ashwini is the Star of Transport and it is associated with Shidhra Vyapani Shakti which translates to 'The Power to Quickly Reach Things'). Similarly, Al Capone was also driven by the desire for power and he attained it.
Like Daniel Plainview in "There Will Be Blood", Tony Montana starts to experience isolation after all of his achievements. His chaotic behaviour contributes to his alienation, and he starts to feel intensifying loneliness, which seems to be a theme with this nakshatra. And this film also ends in Ashwini fashion; with absolute chaos, the psychotic unraveling of Tony and of course death.
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I wanted to also add in the movie "Nightcrawler" which stars Mula Sun Jake Gyllenhaal who plays a character willing to go to the extreme lengths for success and personal achievement, to the point of exploiting others and not giving two fucks about ethical boundaries.
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He has a distorted view of success and has an unchecked, ruthless ambition which is common in Ketu nakshatras. He is also a socially isolated character, behaving inappropriately as he is disconnected from social norms. He lacks zero empathy. In his obsessive & relentless pursuit of success, he is devoid of humanity. Had to mention this film because these themes are not exclusive to Ashwini.
But as I did mention, Mula is more likely to be aware of societal pressures and these natives often feel deeply disturbed by them -- while Ashwini is more focused on the Self, as it's ruled by the 1H. In the film "Falling Down", Mula Moon Michael Douglas plays a character who has become disillusioned and is now aware of the pressures and oppression caused by the modern-day life. This movie is literally directed by Magha Sun Joel Schumacher.
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He confronts many issues such as homelessness and crime, which are heavily rooted in the greedy, capitalistic system of modern society. But he becomes violent and chaotic himself, going into a descent to madness (from absorbing the energies felt by the collective who also feel the weight of these oppressive forces within society). This movie deals with the consequences of unchecked rage, a theme shared in all Ketu nakshatras.
The film "Taxi Driver", which stars Magha Sun Robert De Niro and is directed by Magha Ascendant Martin Scorsese, depicts a man who suffers from extreme loneliness, alienation from society, and struggles with existential crisis. The film explores social decay; such as social disparities, the disillusionment of our main character to society's ills, crime, poverty etc. He goes into a descent into vigilantism, using violence as a catharsis which is a common thing for these Ketu nakshatras (mainly Magha and Mula as it looks at societal frustrations and the emptiness in life/modern culture).
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The character also suffers from a possible case of untreated mental illness, and insomnia -- and this seems to be a theme with all Ketu nakshatras in general.
Another film where the main character suffers from extreme insomnia is "The Machinist", starring Ashwini Moon Christian Bale whose character's insomnia and untreated mental illness literally contribute to his isolation and alienation.
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will be coming back to this film in my part 2 post
And the film "Fight Club", in which Magha Sun Edward Norton plays an insomniac character who has dissociative identity disorder. And his split personality is interestingly played by Mula Sun Brad Pitt.
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Then we have the film "Insomnia", directed by Ketu in Magha Christopher Nolan, starring Ashwini Sun Al Pacino who plays an insomniac detective who faces some mental challenges.
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There is a spiritual belief about insomnia, which suggests that there may be a disturbance in one's spirit; unresolved issues that have been long suppressed can be linked to an imbalance of energy within the body. This causes restlessness and more mental problems. This could make sense as Ketu and the 12H deal with what is unconscious -- and how that tends to be our deep, rooted traumas and the way in which they affect us & those around us. And not just traumas, could just be repression of one's own internal suffering from either loneliness or external pressures. We see this with Patrick Bateman, whose only outlet is literal murder, or Tyler Durden's 'revolutionary' fight club causing more destruction around him as planned. Both characters violently act out from these unaddressed decaying energies within themselves and from within society.
The series "Sharp Objects", directed by Magha Moon Jean-Marc Vallé, mostly deals with family traumas, but also shows how those traumas and unresolved energies literally cause death and chaos around them.
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Camille Preaker, who is played by Magha Sun Amy Adams, is deeply traumatized and troubled. She has a history of self-harm and has many scars on her body; her self-destructive behaviour is a coping mechanism for what happened when she was young (sexual violence by a group of boys and witnessing the slow, painful and preventative death of her sister). Then we have her younger half-sister Amma, played by Magha Moon Eliza Scanlen, who has a hidden dark side that has been shaped by the family's troubled history and generational trauma. By the end of the series, we find out that Amma is the killer of the violent murders that have shocked the townspeople of Wind Gap. It is Amma who is responsible for all of the gruesome deaths of the girls whose teeth were removed. As Camille's coping mechanism is cutting herself as self-punishment for all the guilt she harbours from the death of her sister, Amma literally commits homicidal acts. All of this connecting to just how messed up, and complex, their trauma and the community they grew up in is. And then we have their mother, played by Mula Moon Patricia Clarkson, who has Munchausen syndrome and is responsible for the death of her oldest daughter. Camille was a witness to her sister's suffering and death, and she sees her mother as a monster and now her little sister is an extension of her. This series is such a good example of how our own personal unchecked traumas affect others, especially those who aren't involved. And how much destruction can be caused, as we see with Amma killing other girls as an 'outlet'. This is why I now realize how wrong I was about Ketu, as Ketu is not necessarily about isolating from society. Regarding society, Ketu will be the complex yet intricate unaddressed/rotting energies within society, and it always relates back to individuals' personal generational traumas. It makes sense that Magha relates to ancestry roots and origins of oneself, even the origins of one's trauma.
Now onto the film "Nocturnal Animals", which is directed by Magha Sun Tom Ford, stars Magha Sun Amy Adams and Mula Sun Jake Gyllenhaal.
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Amy Adams plays Susan who is a successful art gallery owner. She receives a manuscript for a novel called Nocturnal Animals sent to her by her ex-husband Edward who's played by Jake Gyllenhaal. The book is extremely violent & tragic; but it actually turns out to be a symbolic reflection of their relationship and marriage. Bringing in the Ketu themes of unresolved trauma and getting to the roots of it (Mula theme). This book serves to make Susan confront how much of her actions fucked him up. The movie focuses on the confronting of one's past, telling of how trauma will still continue to shape the lives of those involved. And the movie shows that even Susan still has unresolved issues just by her repulsed reactions to extreme parts of the novel.
The movies "Split" and "Glass", stars two Ashwini Suns, Anya Taylor Joy and James McAvoy. McAvoy's character, Kevin, has dissociative personality disorder and these different personalities exist to keep him safe. His trauma is so extreme and deeply painful that it manifested into the creation of The Beast, the most dangerous and superhuman personality. Three kidnapped girls are prey to The Beast as they end up being devoured by it but there is only one doesn't fall victim to him -- and that's Anya Taylor Joy's character Casey.
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The reason why she doesn't fall victim is because she, too, has suffered extreme trauma and her resilience through it is what creates an immediate connection with Kevin. It is when The Beast sees her scars that he calls her pure, implying that those who have been damaged are the ones who are truly evolved.
(YouTube clip by me - 🎧)
Also, "Split" is another example of how deeply repressed energies and traumas of one can ruin everything around them and victimize those close to the Ketuvians (usually uninvolved people's lives being violently taken; "Split", "Sharp Objects", "American Psycho", "Falling Down" etc.).
Ashwini Moon Zendaya in the series "Euphoria" plays a character, Rue, who has been through a significant amount of trauma, including the passing of her father. She uses self-destructive ways to cope with her deep emotional pain and grief, very similarly to Magha Sun Amy Adams's character in "Sharp Objects". Rue uses drugs to numb herself from her harsh realities. There is a moment in the series in which she has a chaotic meltdown.
(YouTube clip by me - 🎧)
Something I now understand with Ashwini is how explosive, volatile and scary its ungrounded energy can be -- exactly why I'd commonly associate it with hysterical meltdowns which can lead to accidental or unplanned homicidal acts or other forms of harm/self-harm. This scene of Rue is vaguely taking me back to Ashwini Moon Christian Bale's spiraling and meltdowns in "American Psycho".
(YouTube clip by me - 🎧)
Ketu, especially with Magha, seems to cause erratic behaviours when its natives aren't purified of their long-accumulated baggage in their unconsciousness -- exactly why the 8H is also ruled by Ketu as Scorpio shares this particular theme. As long as there is deep disturbance and imbalance in the body, there is no rest for the soul -- even for future incarnations to come.
But now, I want to touch on the senseless harshness of Ketu. Remember, this energy embodies the eternal sucking void. Mula nakshatra relates to the center of the cosmic void and goes straight into the roots of it. Ashwini has already risen from it, while Mula is centering itself back into it. Mula is where we seek an awakening to the truth of what is behind reality. What is on the other side of the cosmic void? Truth is searched in Mula, but it seems that it is Ashwini that understands that chaos is the absolute truth of reality. There is no meaning to anything, which sounds nihilistic, but it is what makes life beautiful.
In the film "The Pianist", written & directed by Magha Sun Roman Polanski, starring Ashwini Sun Adrien Brody, starts out quite warm with a well-put together family and a handsome talented Ashwini man who dreams of being a pianist. But things take a drastic turn. We see a once bright-eyed boy turn into the shell of the person he once was after going through such harrowing events, and things just keep getting tragically worse and worse until there is not even a sliver of hope anymore. The majority of the film is literally just despair, senseless cruelty, and the protagonist's soul slowly becoming annihilated.
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I've never watched a film more Ketuvian than this; surrounded by genocide, death and being completely isolated while being eaten by one's own lonely misery.
One moment you think one character is going to make it out alive somehow because they have the conviction and drive to survive, but the film immediately takes that idea away as they helplessly die. You think the protagonist is going to see some light, and the film even makes you slightly comfortable in some moments given the harsh realities, but you witness just how everything remains tragic. There are no answers to any prayers, as suffering is just ongoing. This tonality creates another layer of feeling trapped, and you watch as the character just lets life do whatever it wants to him as he is trapped in a world where he is helpless anyway. With Ketu, you realize that there was never any security or answers to this senseless chaos in this world to begin with.
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But his survival at the end makes you question why he even went through all of that. There was no lesson to be taken from such a tragic, horrifying experience. Why did his other friends and family die but not him? In the end, he became a successful pianist as he dreamt of from the beginning. He was exceptionally talented from the start; these events took everything away from him except his passion for the piano. What he went through was senseless, as Ketu has no prime motivation. Saturn will push you through the worst so that you can reach a level where you can now attain all of your reaped rewards, Ketu doesn't care for what you get in the end -- that's Rahu's objective, as Rahu deals with ego; Ketu deals with the evolution of one's soul and that usually involves its annihilation.
The kdrama "Save Me", stars three Ketu natives; Magha Moon Seo Yea-ji, Mula Moon Woo Do-hwan and Mula Sun Ok Taec-yeon. It follows Seo Yeah-ji's character, Sang-mi, and her family after moving into a new town. They become influenced and entangled by a religious cult. Sang-mi becomes aware of just how oppressive and dangerous the cult is when she & her family literally lose all control to them. Sang-mi's attempts to escape become futile, as she remains trapped under the oppressive abuse of the cult, turning her more into a shell of the person she once was.
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(The Mula male characters are the ones who find out about the Magha girl's whereabouts, and they plan to save her and her family from the clutches of the cult.)
She witnesses extremely harrowing events, and the drama makes you feel the sense of hopelessness that she's feeling -- trapped and completely helpless no matter how much she tries to save herself and family. There is a similar sense of hopelessness and lose of one's own identity found in "The Pianist", but in this drama it's more about extreme involuntary isolation from society (which I will be expanding on in part 2 of this exploration).
The film "Society of the Snow" is literally directed by Ashwini Moon J.A. Bayona, based on real life events. There's a documentary based on these events as well, "Stranded: I've Come From A Plane That Crashed On The Mountains", directed by Magha Moon Gonzalo Arijon.
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Now, in the "Society of the Snow", there is a tone of hopelessness set in the film because of the gruesome reality that these characters (based on real life people) experience. And never in their lifetime did they think that everything was going to change so drastically from just living the average life of normal teenage boys. These characters, who were in a rugby team, get on a plane that would soon crash onto glacier surrounded by endless cold harsh mountains -- with just a piece of the wrecked plane remaining in which they take shelter in. The protagonists are surrounded by the dead bodies of friends who did not survive the crash, and now they must spend the first night in harsh coldness while many are severely injured. They couldn't even sleep, the first night being spent with many of them crying and wailing out loud, nearly freezing to death. One day after, a rescue helicopter searches for them, and they all scream out for help. But the helicopter misses them as they're barely noticeable under all the glacier that surrounds them. This is when the sense of hopelessness and despair kicks in and intensifies as the story progresses. Now that chances of being rescued have completely fallen to zero, they realize that they can't ignore their growing hunger anymore. They all have no choice but to eat the flesh of the dead bodies after running out of chocolates. We see how these decisions mentally challenge some of the characters. It is truly tragic as they were stranded, isolated from the world and completely in despair in every waking day, for a span of 72 days.
After being rescued, we see just how malnourished they were from the looks of their bodies. They come back home bone-skinny and weak. And the monologue in the ending scene tells us how the survivors wondered; "Why didn't we all get to come back [home]?" "What is the meaning of it all?" These are the questions asked when we observe these raw Ketu events.
Ashwini Moon J.A. Bayona also made the film "The Impossible", which is about survival and resilience -- based on real life events. Much like "Society of the Snow", it also has a sense of complete despair and there is an involuntary separation of a family (which reminds me of "The Pianist" in which Ashwini Sun Adrien Brody's character is also separated from his family in the story).
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"Nothing is more powerful than the human spirit" it writes on the poster.
"Nowhere", is directed by Ashwini Moon Albert Pintó, a survival thriller about a pregnant woman who finds herself isolated from society as she's drifting in the sea trapped inside a container. Because of her newborn baby, she is forced to survive and protect her child even when there is no hope. The reason why she's even in the container is because she was fleeing a society of a dystopian future in which women & children are caged and murdered (Ketu's oppressive forces and her attempt to run away from them leads her to total isolation which is another manifestation of Ketu).
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And we also have the film "127 Hours", directed by Ashwini Moon Danny Boyle, starring Ashwini Sun James Franco who plays Aron Ralston whose right arm becomes trapped against the canyon wall when he was on a solo canyoneering trip. When he is unable to release himself, we realize the severity of his situation. He is completely isolated and alone. His own supplies running out and he's losing his mind. The struggle for survival and one's own helplessness is a theme of Ashwini nakshatra as this eventually drives one into taking extreme measures for freedom -- as the audience sees him resorting to cutting his own arm off.
These themes seem to speak of the power and resilience of the human spirit, as emphasized in "The Impossible" and "Society of the Snow". Our ability to survive even just our own personal traumas must be a testament to our spirit being an extension of the Higher Power which is behind the happenings of all of these senseless yet significant experiences and events we go through.
It is in Ashwini that one's experience through harsh forces contributes to the spirit's evolution after total annihilation, which leads us on the path towards moksha. This is particularly why I state that Ashwini must be the last nakshatra, in my opinion of course.
Ketu is very pure by nature, and it wants to destroy impurities. The repression of one's accumulated dirt can manifest in destructive tendencies, this being a misdirected flow of Ketu energies wanting to express the very raw forces we're wired to run away from. By facing one's true inner self and embracing your entirety is how you embrace Ketu in general. But one must go deep and inward. All three Ketu nakshatras deal with getting to the roots for this reason.
Ashwini is ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras, gods of medicine and healing. Also known as divine physicians. In order to heal, one must get to the root of all disturbances in order to create the perfect medicine to heal. As Ashwini is ruled by the 1H, this does involve getting into the roots of oneself for self-liberation. Magha, on the other hand, is about tracing your own existence back to the consciousness of others -- usually family members and ancestors. Magha relates to generational trauma and shining light on that in order to be freer. Mula is symbolized by the roots of a tree, and 'mula' translates to 'roots'. It signifies ancestry roots as well, but mostly the truth. Mula is where disillusionment takes place as one gets directly into the roots of everything; going right into the galactic center -- which can also signify going right into the roots of our demons and letting all of that rotting energy burn from your body. And after this purification process, one's consciousness raises by default.
Ashwini has strong, undeveloped energies which can be tamed and grounded to be properly channeled -- in order for this to be achieved, one must let go of poisonous impurities so that they're no longer controlled/possessed by unseen forces. It is in Ashwini that we expand on the interconnection of the collective consciousness being tight, as this was secretly discovered in Uttara Bhadrapada and remembered in Revati. Ashwini nakshatra is extremely sensitive to outward energies, as are the rest of the Ketu nakshatras. Every individual's consciousness is affecting the whole world somehow. This being a Ketu theme in general describes the whole energetic field of the world and how we each play a part in it and affect each other's lives. As all Ketu nakshatras deal with getting into the roots of things, we must get dirty by digging into our own roots which are connected to the reasons for our layers of repressed emotions such as rage, numbness, resentment, hatred and grief which are commonly harboured in Ketu natives. These unconscious emotions, which form our Shadow Self, contribute to how we interact with the world and other people -- and there's always that capacity to harm or further traumatize others because of our own unchecked, hidden troubles. Mula also perfectly shows how all of the complex, interconnected traumas of everyone else are intertwining and creating more chaos and confusion in society; and the disillusionment to how the oppressive systems of society are just breeding more of these pains & troubles -- which in turn, in Ketu fashion, demonstrates just how trapped everyone is.
Continued in Part 2 of this exploration
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Struggling with Setting and Plot
[Ask edited for length]
enzoid23 asked: I can easily make characters/relationships but the setting and plot are difficult for me. I like stories where characters are stuck together in a new place and have to learn to accept it or find a way to escape, which is a basic concept, but I can't figure out how to do it. I'm trying my to avoid copying other stories but I'm not sure where to draw the line between that and inspiration either. There's too many gaps, such as the how and the where and how many characters. I keep throwing in as much stuff as i can whether it fits or not, like a Mary Sue, but it's plot instead of a character.
First, since you asked about copying vs inspiration, start by reading these posts:
Taking Inspiration from Another Story’s Premise Similarities vs Plagiarism Plagiarism vs Reference vs Inspiration Hopefully that will help you get comfortable with borrowing ideas from other sources but making them into something new and unique to you.
Next, being able to come up with characters is great, but unless those characters are rooted in a particular setting or situation, it doesn't help much with world building and plot. And while some writers can find a plot within a setting, I think for most writers its easier to start with the plot, and once you have the beginnings of a premise, it's not too hard to expand a plot from there. As luck would have it, you already have the beginnings of a premise:
People get stuck together in a new place and have to learn to accept it or find a way to escape.
Now we can look at that and start asking questions. Perhaps the easiest question to start with is "do they learn to accept it, or do they find a way to escape?" Which one? Because those are two very different goals. Choosing one and eliminating the other tightens up your premise:
People get stuck together in a new place and have to learn to accept it.
All right... I think the next logical question is who gets stuck together in a place? Is it two people? Three people? Five people? Twenty-six people? One-hundred people? You don't even have to figure out the exact number right now, but just knowing whether this story is about two people, a few people, a small group of people, a bigger group of people, or a huge group of people is going to really narrow things down.
A small group of people get stuck together in a new place and have to learn to accept it.
Okay... where do they get stuck and how? Let's brainstorm... are these modern day boaters, or a misfit bunch of 18th century buccaneers, who become castaways on a remote island? Are they a group of students whose project gets them sucked into another dimension? Are they far-future astronauts who get stranded on an isolated planet? Keep going...
A small group of students get sucked into another dimension and stranded when their science project goes wrong.
Ahoy, there! A PREMISE!!!
Now you can start brainstorming the specific details... who are these students? Middle school/equivalent? High school/equivalent? University? Graduate school? Where and when is their school located? 1926 Chicago? 1980s London? 2077 Kinshasa? 1926 Shanghai?
A small group of middle school students in 1980's London get sucked into another dimension and stranded when their science project goes wrong.
Time to start world building and brainstorming this alternate dimension. Is it going to be an alternate version of our dimension? Will it be a dimension that's similar to a past time/place on Earth? Will this dimension be like a futuristic city? Will it be something fantastical like a place that feels like an alien city, or like Blade Runner meets Ready Player One? Are there other people in this dimension? Or is this group completely on their own?
Now you can start to think about a conflict... what is the problem that must be resolved by the end of the story? Is it simply a matter of figuring out how to survive in this new place? Are they immediately captured by some faction or army or group, and they must escape, or convince someone that they're not dangerous, or win their freedom somehow? What is the specific goal they work toward in order to reach this resolution? What steps must they achieve? Who or what places obstacles in their path, and what obstacles?
Once you know all of this, you can figure out the nitty-gritty details like how many characters, who each one is specifically, and what their role in the story will be. You can look at various structure templates (like Save the Cat! Writes a Novel, Larry Brooks Story Structure, Dramatica, etc.) for guidance... just don't feel like you have to stick to it exactly. You can also read through posts on my Plot & Story Structure master list for more help with plotting.
I hope this post gets you over the hump, though! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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Batfam x GN!Bat!Reader.
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Summary: Bruce had another kid in Arkham asylum that nobody knows about.
Warnings: Murder, Arkham asylum, Reader can see the dead, Bruce being a bad father, hallucinations, delusions
Yes, I know that a psychiatric visit wouldn't go like this, I also know that hallucinations don't normally work like this, but it's a fictional world with a bat inspired vigilante, use your imagination.
Part one
"Bruce, what the fuck!" Tim had yelled as he ran into the Manor.
Dick had abandoned the thought of taking Damian and going to get both Tim and Jason. Even if they showed up at the asylum with proof that they were your adoptive siblings and half sibling, they would still have a slim chance of getting to meet you.
"Calm down, Matster Timothy.." Alfred had tried his best to make the tension die down. He himself only knew of you from the brief explanation Bruce gave him five years ago.
"Calm down?!"
"Listen, I mean I could go in there with my badge and get to at least meet them." Dick proposed, searching his brain for a way to meet you.
"Yeah, we all could with our reputations." Jason made himself known by talking about their vigilante personas. He was weirdly calm throughout this entire thing. "Why have you never mentioned them?" Oh, now they could see it. He was acting... he's seething.
"I-" Bruce thought of something to say. "When they were fourteen, their mother was murdered. I was asked to survey the scene, and they had told me about how they weren't even there-"
"Where is this going, father?" Damian interrupted.
"And then we looked inside one of M/N's journals. Y/N has a history of delusions that they fully believe."
"So you shut them out because of that?" Tim asked, genuinely trying to grasp ahold of what was going on.
"I know that they wouldn't want me in their life, M/N didn't, so why would Y/N?" Bruce sighed.
Jason opened his mouth to speak but was beat by Dick speaking first. "We're going up there. We are going to meet them!"
"So you're Y/N's family." Dr. Conley spoke. "Bruce Wayne... I would not have called that."
"Can we see Y/N or not?" Damian asked, boredom evident on his face.
Dr. Conley took in a breath before setting a file on the table in front of herself. "Y/N is plagued by hallucinatory delusions. They believe that they can see the dead."
"Can they? I mean, we have aliens roaming around." It was Dicks turn to speak.
"No, they can't. They claim that two of the "people" they see are named Alice and Mathew, old residents of the asylum." Dr. Conley sighed. "We've never had any residents named Alice and Mathew Hallows."
"Are those her friends?" Tim asked.
"Y/N, you have some visitors." Dr. Conley told you, a small smile tugging at her dark skin.
You got up from where you sat, silently gesturing both Alice and Mathew to follow you. Dr. Conley guided you out of the main building and into a sanctuary that you had never been in.
"I'm still in isolation." You told her, afraid that you would get in trouble for being out of your room.
"We've made an exception." She smiled again, now opening up a door for you. As you walked in, you immediately noticed the one face you hoped you'd never see. Bruce Wayne.
And his little ducklings all sitting with him.
Dr. Conley pulled out a chair for you to sit in, but you never noticed that. All you could focus on was Bruce avoiding eye contact.
"Y/N." She snapped you out of your daze, finally letting you sit down. All seven of you sat awkwardly, not muttering a single thing. The boys just gave you small smiles.
Just as Dick was about to say something you spoke.
"You think I killed her, don't you?"
The room remained silent, offering Bruce's avoidance on a silver plater. "I would never, I loved her."
"You don't know what it was like out there, I was hungry, and so was she...I was getting us food-" You cut yourself off as you began shouting. "and when I came back, she was....dead."
Tears had started to unwillingly fall from your eyes, something that Bruce noticed as he finally looked up at you. "And I'm not crazy." You whispered.
You noticed the weary looks that everyone around the room shared. "What?" You asked.
When none of them answered you turned to look at Dr. Conley, taking notice of her frown.
"Y/N.." She whispered, "There are no records of an Alice and Mathew Hallows."
"What?" You laughed.
"We've looked at computer documents and paper documents... they just aren't real."
You looked at everybody in the room, hoping to find a smile on one of their faces, signifying that this was all a joke.
You whipped your body around to face Alice and Mathew. The young man, whom you've grown to know very well, only looked at you with a sorry look, and Alice stared at Dr. Conley with wide eyes.
This couldn't be real. She was lying.
You quickly turned to look at Dr. Conley, before going back to look at Alice and Mathew. This time, Mathew was nowhere to be seen, seemingly having turned to air.
"Y/N, no, she's lying, I'm real!" Alice yelled, grabbing at her face to convince herself.
"I know, I know!" You tried to make her feel better, but the hysteria under your skin started to break free.
"No, I'm real!" She was crying now. "I'm real!"
You turned to look at everyone in the room, about to ask them for help, only to stop yourself when you noticed their wide eyes. You heard Alice's cries die down but never turned to face her again. You were sitting there just staring at the people around the room.
When you came back to your senses you tried to mutter out, "We need to he-" you paused, "-lp her?"
Alice was gone.
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I know that people wanted a "holy shit you can see the dead" reaction, but I strive to suprise.
Also, I think I'm going to post a follow-up of this fic, just to see how Y/N's dealing with it and how their relationship with the batbros turns out.
I have another two part Asylum!bat!Reader in the works if you're interested.
@godknows-shetried @cookielovesbook-akie
@kinkmaster96 @sen-nes @bbnny
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love-islike-abomb · 1 month
Iron man
(sequel to Mr. Roboto)
Cyborg!Roman reigns x Esme (OC)
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(a/n: for the sentinels, think of the ones from the matrix, which was somewhat the inspiration for Mr roboto in the first place);
Warnings: smut, angst, SciFi, errors i may have missed.
Word count: 2.1k
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @mzv11 @marchm-langdon @mandeelemons @pittieprincess22 @romanreignshairdresser @wrestlingprincess80
K6. A planet in the Andromeda Galaxy 2 million light years away, and soon to be our new home. The space program had been excelerated when we found out an asteroid was coming to earth. The asteroid brought the sentinels with it. An alien lifeform that sucked the energy resources from other worlds, leaving them a baren wasteland of what they use to be.
Humanity had taken to the cosmos to find a new, home but the sentinels were always right behind them! Eventually, humanity managed to isolate the sentinels to one section of the Galaxy near the titan quarter, home to the largest black holes in existence, giving humanity a small glimmer of hope that defeat the sentinels.
In the process of trying to flee the sentinels humanity had lost 95% of its population, dropping it to a mere 3 million people. In an attempt to repopulate, humans were paired with cyborgs. 85% of the time no conception happened. 10% resulted in miscarriages, and 5% resulted in healthy babies. Scientists were unsure why 5% of women carried healthy cyborg babies until they discovered the M5 gene, the gene that saved humanity!
Esme's POV
"Danny! Have you seen Roman?" I shouted.
"Lover boys around here somewhere!" She shouted back.
I put my hand over my face "Danny!" I yelled.
"I think it's cute!" His deep voice eched in the hallway. Shit! "How much did you hear?" I asked.
"Lover boys around here somewhere!" He said, smiling from ear to ear.  I covered my face "dammit Danny!" I yelled through my hands.
Danny was the only person I'd told about Roman and I. We were the first human and cyborg and naturally paired together on our own. With humanitys very existence in the balance I had wondered for a while if that would be the difference between whether or not we conceived and the others didn't. Roman was insatiable! I know Danny heard us several times even though she never said anything.
I was to busy thinking about the night before. I never expected a cyborg to be so loving in the bedroom, so intune with my needs but he knew what I needed better then I did. His touches were soft, yet held a firmness that no human man had ever shown. His kisses, delicate, yet needy, covering every inch of my skin.
"Esme? You ok?" Danny asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
"huh? Oh yeah I'm fine!* I smiled. Roman saw right through me. He leaned towards my ear "I know you were thinking about last night! How I was pounding that pussy, making you scream!" He growled. 
I bit my lip to hold back a moan "get a room you to!" Danny smiled, taking a sip of her coffee. I picked up a plastic cup off the counter and chucked it at her "shut up, Danny!" I laughed.
"she's not wrong though!" Roman chuckled, picking me up bridal style "don't worry if you hear moaning, Danny!" He winked.
"Esme, you lucky girl!" She shouted, the smile in her voice evident.
A sudden shake of the ship had Roman setting me to my feet "both of you run to Esme's quarters!" He said.
"Roman what is it?" I asked, worry and confusion in my voice. I knew he wouldn't tell me to run for no reason, His senses were far more powerful then any human, but something told me he should come with us "Roman you need to come with us! It's not safe for you either. Whatever this is, it's out for all of us!"
The entity that was attacking us flew by the window "a squiddy?" I gasped.
"A squiddy?" Roman asked "how did we get near the titan quarter?"
"I don't know but that squiddy is dangerous to all of us! It doesn't differentiate between human and cyborg but it doesn't just come around for no reason. It's a parasite. It's sensed the energy of the ship and followed it!"
"How do we get rid of it?" He asked "emp pulse?"
"No that'll only make it worse! We have to shut off the ship! Make it think it our energy is gone!" I said "the other possibility is we drive it back to the titan quarter, but we risk being caught in a black hole!"
"We need to do something quick either way or that squiddy is gonna take every bit of power the ship has!" Danny yelled.
"Go downstairs and find the switch that shuts all the ships main power sources off! If we can at least make it think it's drained our resources we might have a chance!" I told Danny.
Danny ran off to the ships main power supply "Esme, you look worried!" Roman said.
I sighed, plopping myself in a chair "I never thought I'd have to deal with a squiddy myself!"
"Hey you did an awesome job!" He said, sitting down next to me "I'm proud of you!"
"thank you!" I smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss. The lights started shutting off, indicating Danny had begun shutting off the ships power, Each section of the ship going black.
A loud thud echoed throughout the ship. I ran to the window, looking out into the darkness of space, seeing squiddy leaving the ship "it worked!!"
Roman came to the window I was at "you did it Esme!!" He smiled. We all waited until the squiddy was long gone before I grabbed my walky talky to tell Danny to turn the power back on.
3 days later
A knock on the door woke me out of a deep sleep. The artificial sunlight on the ship to give us a sense of normality and keep our circadian rhythm in line hadn't kicked on. It was on a timer and came on at roughly the equivalent of 8am.
I heard the knock again "Esme! We just wanna talk to you!" A male voice said. Remembering what happened last time I didn't answer "Roman!" I whisper yelled, trying to get his hard drive to boot but to no avail. The knocking got louder, I assume because they thought I was still asleep and they were trying to wake me "Esme open the door!"
I had to get Roman to reboot and quick! All the talking I had done wasn't working. I tried to think back to how I woke him before and then it hit me. I got up as quietly as possible and walked over to Roman, careful not to make a sound. I waved my hand in front of Roman and amongst the heavy banging heard his hard drive fire up "hello Esme!" The knocking stopped.
"Esme? Is everything alright?" He asked.
"a few guys have been pounding on the door for the past 10 minutes and they stopped when you said 'hello Esme!'"
His expression quickly changed "open the door!" He said "I'll he right here!" He said moving to a dark corner of the room. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the panel. As soon as the door opened the grabbed me and threw me over their shoulder "you have the M5 gene Esme! We're taking you to the breeding program!" One of the men said.
"the fuck you are!" I said trying to get away, elbowing one of them in the neck. The other grabbed my legs trying to tie me up. Moments later I saw one of them get flung against the wall, knocking him out cold. The other tried to run with me still on his shoulder, dropping me along the way when his instinct for survival over powered him.
He wouldn't make it far though. Rounding the corner, I heard him scream and Romans cyborg voice take over "you'll never touch her again!" He yelled. I covered my ears and shut my eyes, I knew what was about to happen but I was to far away from my room to run to it.
Moments later Roman came around the corner, walking over to me. When I saw his feet I looked up"Esme are you hurt?" He asked.
"no, I'm fine!" I said. He reached his hand out to me, pulling me up as I took it "so apparently you can make cyborg babies huh?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled "you don't miss anything do you?"
"nope!" He said, scooping me up bridal style "not when it comes to you!"
I smiled "you know 6 years ago If someone had told me I'd find my soulmate in a cyborg I would've said they're crazy?"
He smiled, standing next to the panel so I could put my hand on it "and now?"
"And now I have you!" I smiled, as he gently laid me on the bed, crawling into bed next to me.
"Do you remember that night?" He asked, kissing the soft skin on my neck, the softness of his lipsaking goosebumps form on my skin.
"The night you spoiled me for any other human man?" I giggled, turning over to face him "I remember everything about it!"
"so you remember how I kissed you?" He said, connecting his velvety lips with mine. His kiss had always taken my breath away. He kissed me with need, yet a gentleness that no human could ever possess. Slowly moving from my lips to my neck I finally managed to say "I remember!"
A deep chuckle escaped him "I love seeing you like this! It's always turned me in knowing how I can make you need my cock inside you! Pounding into you over and over til you're screaming!" He growled in my ear
"how wet is that pussy?" He asked running his hand underneath my pajama shorts. His thick fingers finding their way into my slick folds "that pussy is dripping baby girl!" He groaned, flipping me on my stomach and lifting my ass in the air to pull my shorts off, pulling the straps of my tank top down over my shoulders "you're so fucking beautiful Esme!" He groaned. I felt him slide his cock Through my folds, coating himself in my essence "please!" I begged. A deep chuckle escaped his beautiful lips as he gave me what I wanted. The feeling of him filling me up, making us one.
"still so fucking tight!" He growled, digging his hands into my hips, snapping his hips against mine "fuck!" I groaned.
"is this what you wanted? Huh? Did you want my cyborg cock pounding your tight pussy? Uhn! You're so fucking wet baby!" He growled.
"when I fill this pussy you better keep every drop in it! Do you understand me? Answer me!"
"yes sir!" I groaned. I'd never seen him like this before but it drove me crazy!
"yes what?" He growled.
"yes daddy!"
"that's my good girl!" He growled, snapping his hips harder. Skin slapping skin and the sounds of our moans filled the room "fuck! Don't stop!" I groaned.
"uhn I feel that tight pussy squeezing my cock baby! Uhn! That's it! Let it go!" He growled. His words sent me spiraling into an abyss of ecstasy that only he could pull me out of.
"uhn! Milk my cock baby! Fuck!" He growled, his cock twitching inside me, spilling his seed deep within me. A few last sloppy thrusts and he stilled inside me, both of us trying catch our breath, a breath heavy with satiated lust.
Slowly he pulled out me and I collapsed in the bed. He crawled next to me, rubbing my back "I can't wait to see you pregnant with our child! You'll look so beautiful!"
I smiled "I love you!"
He smiled back "I love you to baby girl!"
5 weeks later
I stood In the bathroom, impatiently waiting. Why is this taking so long? It should have shown up by now. My period is a week late. I tapped my foot, the nerves getting to me. I waited the full 3 minutes, scared out of my skin. I grabbed the test and flipped it over. Positive, the digital meter read.
"I'm pregnant?" I mumbled, tears forming in my eyes. I ran into the bedroom "Roman!" I yelled handing him the test.
"You're pregnant?" He smiled.
"We did it!" I smiled back.
He pulled me to him "I love you so much Esme! Fate truly did bring us together 6 years ago!"
The end
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nataliasquote · 2 months
Welcome To My Head At Midnight | n romanoff
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is her own worst enemy and maybe this fight isn’t one she’s so sure she can win.
Warnings: more depressing stuff, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, isolation, depression, overall angst
wc: 2k
note: inspired by ‘Midnight’ by Bow Anderson. I listen to it too often so why not write a one shot about it to fuel angst. I’ve worked on this in small bits for a few nights now, and it’s not a fic exactly, but anyway, here it is :) enjoy
They say the brightest smiles hold the darkest secrets, their shimmering landscape a disguised war zone of trepidation. And those who dared tread there risked mutilation of their closest loved ones in exchange for the truth. No one came out of there unscathed, but perhaps the one who could never leave had it the worst.
Natasha knew how to keep herself occupied. Her work was her top priority, not having a secure bond with family nor friends to latch onto in her darkest hours. She threw herself into whatever she could, often picking up extra should she find simply a few spare minutes in her day.
But those hours weren’t taken for the hell of it. Her body wasn’t driven into the ground and her knuckles weren’t battered and bruised just for the fun of it. She needed solace, but nothing was ever strong enough to keep the lid on the overflowing terrors in her mind. She never would be strong enough, for this kind of pain was never made to be handled alone.
But the Black Widow, a feared warrior, would only ever be alone. Her hand crafted smile was simply a ruse but no one seemed to see through the cracks in her mask, no matter how large they felt from the inside. Her master manipulation worked a little too well, her silent cries for help falling upon deaf ears.
Among all of this, she couldn’t slow down. Just a momentary standstill had her grip on her emotions slipping, one by one her fingers losing contact with the sheer cliff face she found herself hanging from. Natasha may fight assassins and aliens with a fearless prowess, never batting an eyelid or showing a flicker of terror.
But the same could not be said for her own mind. The part of her that formed her every thought and controlled her every movement was simultaneously destroying her from the inside out. Her thoughts paralysed her, a punch to the gut when her guard was at her lowest. But no hours of running would ever let her escape these violent clutches that her fears had on her. She was trying to lose her shadow, an impossible fight.
She was always two steps ahead of both her enemies and her anxieties. The faintest lurch of her stomach or tightening of her chest had her appearing at Fury’s door in a breathless stupor, voice icy as she demanded an immediate mission. Her superior had his skepticism but always agreed, sending her across the country at the drop of a hat. Natasha never cared where she went; frankly, she never noticed. She would go anywhere, do anything.
But even she was forced to have days off. They felt like a fever dream, and Natasha found herself unable to partake in the excitable chatter rumbling among her friends at the prospect of their weekend plans. She could barely muster a smile, never mind a verbal reply whilst her hands began to tremble and her eyes turned glossy. Dread sank into the depths of her stomach like a stone - a day off meant isolation, it meant fighting her battles by herself - a death wish. Relaxation would never come, yet she braved a smile and lied through her teeth to dodge the inevitable questions.
Lifting her aching body out of bed was an impossible task. Her pillow was often soaked with tear stains but she barely noticed as her cool palms hit the wet fabric. The heavy curtains that fell to block out the world never twitched, and sunlight never got the chance to kiss her pale complexion. She didn’t want a reminder of what the day was like for everyone else. She remained a victim to the darkness, both inside and out.
There were no interruptions, why would there be? What little sleep she got was plagued by nightmares and she still shook from the aftermath as she shuffled to the bathroom, legs shaky and cheeks damp. The harsh reflection in the mirror only highlighted her anxious state, so she ignored it, too scared to be faced with what she knew would stare back at her. Mirrors across her room were covered up- she’d go crazy if they weren’t.
Natasha hated this side of her. Where was the tough woman she was supposed to be? How could she feel this much emotion when it had been beaten out of her since she could walk. How did any of it still remain? Nevermind enough to debilitate her and curl itself around her windpipe, slowly crushing her from the inside out and forcing every last piece of hope out.
She knew she was a failure, but not to this extent. Despite her success, she was fucking up her life and the demons in her head screamed this to her over and over. There were so many little girls who looked up to her. They admired the strength she had and her resilience and she wished she could tell them to stop when they uttered the words she was scared to hear.
“When I grow up, I want to be just like you.”
No you don’t. You really don’t.
Because they never got that insight into how she really survived each grueling day. They never saw the way her legs gave way the moment she stepped through the door, or how her hand clamped so tightly over her chapped lips her sobs were muffled. No one saw how many times she’d had to sweep pieces of shattered glass from her floor after her shaking hands had lost their grip on a cup, or the state of her nails after she’d picked them to death in an attempt to calm herself.
Everyone only saw what they wanted to see; the good. They didn’t want to know the bad. But Natasha had no choice, she had to live this nightmare. Her whole life had been spent running and she was exhausted from the fear that was always moments away from drowning her. It rested in her stomach like a grenade, the slightest movement could jostle and be fatal. But sometimes it felt more like the lingering touch of a ghostly figure, slowly dragging a nail down her back and igniting all her nerve endings so her body was on fire.
This ever-tense state that she had found herself in was exhausting and Natasha was tired. Simple tasks had become a chore and even small trips to the grocery store would result in a sudden, debilitating wave of tears and laboured breaths. A box of cereal still in hand as she kneeled on her kitchen floor, forehead pressed against the cupboard as she cried a silent scream. Anxiety hit her like a truck completely unexpected, snuffing any hope she had of a ‘good’ day.
But the worst times were the silent days. She had no tears to cry out, no thoughts to tumble into a panic attack about. She was just floating somewhere between wake and sleep, a hazy mess of a woman with no life behind her eyes.
There truly was no one who was worse of an enemy that she was to herself. She wasn’t afraid of death - no one was able to kill her.
No one but herself.
No one could love a killer like her. All the lives she had taken without a single drop of remorse, moving through crowds with a holstered gun like a goddamn machine.
Shoot, reload, repeat. Shoot. Reload. Repeat.
Where did ‘cry’ fit into this? Where did ‘self loathe’ fit into this? Where did ‘drown inside your own mind’ fit into any of this?
It didn’t. It shouldn’t.
Silence wasn’t a word in Natasha’s vocabulary. Screams rang in her ears like tinnitus, although she probably had that too.
‘No one’s going to love you’ she would mutter as she obsessed over her reflection with burning red eyes. Not with those scars. And certainly not when she was so fucked in the head. Who would want to love someone who spent the whole day smiling only to come home, flick off the lights, crawl under the covers and completely break down?
She hated that she craved someone’s touch, the coldness of her pillow failing to replicate the comfort a human would bring. But she was nothing if not a living, painful contradiction. Natasha never let herself get close to people, too scared they’d see the horrors she had to endure. So the chances of ever having someone to hold her at night was becoming slimmer by the day. But it was all the broken little girl inside her wanted. To hear someone’s comforting voice whisper in her ear that she wasn’t a monster. She wouldn’t believe them, her anxiety would fight against it, but to not go through this alone? It hurt her more than she’d ever admit.
The waves got stronger throughout the day until midnight hit and Natasha felt as though she was suffocating, water flooding her lungs as the monsters in her mind finally crawled out of their caves. It was just her in this lonely fight, weakly holding her weapons only to find them clattering to the ground in a matter of minutes.
She was tired, so tired of constantly fighting. She wasn’t born to be a soldier, she was born to be a lover, to be loved. But her trembling lip and curled up body tightened as she wrapped her arms around herself in a grounded effort to ease the pain.
As she silently shook in her bed and finally gave into the horrors, allowing them to submerge her under for another night and drain her energy and desire to live, there was one underlying question that felt heavier than everything else.
Was this her life now? Would she ever win? Or would the end of Natasha Romanoff come not from a wound gained out on the battlefield, but rather from one that had festered inside her for years, slowing growing and expanding until it consumed her in her entirety.
Was there anything worth living for anymore?
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orkbutch · 4 months
ok ok, i know this isnt a wicked blog but its time for me to say my thoughts on the Wicked movie trailer.
I'm not stoked. I'm not much of a musical version lover already, but two things really rubbed me wrong, and I believe they apply to the musical as much as the book in their importance within the Themes.
Elphaba being played by Erivo and being black is cool. Erivo is a great singer, and her hair looks sick, and Elphie's hair is important. However, that casting choice being combined with a white Fiyero (who is Not White in the book, and very much experiences colonialist racism) and with no prosthetic effort to make Elphaba Not Beautiful (which is a Significant Element of Her Experience And Character), spoils any truly transgressive or progressive bite to that casting decision.
The only of the core mains thats not white is the character that is green. Interesting. The character who is extremely belittled for her appearance because she has a deformity, and because she's unattractive by conventional standards (esp because of her hawkish nose and strong chin), is a beautiful woman. Interesting!
Something about this just rubs me wrong. I think the musical has always made me skeptical in this area because its core adaption decisions were always bent toward stripping Wicked of much of its commentary on racism. In the book Fiyero is Vinkan, clearly coded Native American, and Winkie is a slur. They made the slur the name for the Vinkans in the musical. If I recall correctly, Quadlings aren't even mentioned in the musical. But Fiyero in the musical... I don't even know Why they keep him being a foriegn prince because he isnt written like hes foriegn from Gillikin at all. His ethnicity seems totally flattened, a slur that indicates no cultural or experiencial distinction from Gillikin.
I think that may have happened because Animals were already considered an allegory for racism, and they wanted to make that allegory cleaner and easier to condense into a musical plot. Thats my theory. However, that is a misreading. The Animals are not a perfectly singular allegory, and I think you could argue several inspirations, but the most apt interpretation for sure is that the Animals are an allegory for people with disabilities and neurodivergence, as Elphaba's experience is.
The Animals are not merely culturally different or isolated. They are not falsely believed to be different from the Gillikins or the Munchkinlanders or Vinkans. They ARE different, not because they aren't people but because their basic needs are different, and are not adapted to by society. They have hooves, and different skeletons, and different senses, and different mouths that can't necessarily make the kind of speech humans use.
This is important because Elphaba uniquely relates to the Animals, and its because Elphaba has a deformity and is super autistic. This is the other thing that always rubbed me wrong about the musical: it always implied that the only thing that made Elphaba "ugly" to people was her green skin. Thats... weak shit!!! In the book, Elphaba is Not beautiful. She is hatchet faced. She is tall and androgynous and looks weird. And this is IMPORTANT, because it makes Elphaba a genuinely transgressive character!! Her experience is layered! She is green but also breaks gender rules, is awkward, is self hating, is rude, ect. ect. It strengthens her empathy she feels toward Animals, because she feels so othered from society that she feels non-human, alienated.
The book also handles Elphaba's attractiveness much better; it does a great job of depicting someone who is not beautiful but is nevertheless Hot, which Elphaba is. When Glinda looks at her for the first time and thinks that shes beautiful, she is not looking past Elphaba's skin and she does no make over. She puts Elphaba in an orange hat as a joke, and sees how it matches her skin and suits her, and it makes Glinda realise that the green of Elphaba's skin can be beautiful to her. And that changes how Glinda sees Elphaba; Elphaba does not change.
okay im just complaining about the musical now. But idk, I wish that they'd used this opportunity to do better by Fiyero, make the themes a bit better... and just... put some light prosthetics on Erivo. Just make her look a little uglier! A little more hatchety. Its not like it'd be out of place, Ariana Grande as Glinda looks spooky as fuck. Why does she look like that. I like it bc I like Glinda looking intense and spooky but it IS weird
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thealienfantasy · 3 months
Alien Fantasy-File 2: False Faced Humans (A.K.A. Humans with Masks)
This story in particular was inspired by a post from Recklessly Tall Tales. Ya'll should give her a follow. A lot of her posts is what inspired me to start writing my own. Here's the post for reference:
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"Heh! Now this might be one of our best hauls yet!" The leader of a gang of Tecorrians responded. they were on a planet that was a bit more isolated from the more populated systems and thus made it the perfect spot for trades that would be deemed illegal on other galaxies. One of the partners ran his claw through the Draxilite Horn he had acquired from the sale. If you were to ask the Terrans how to describe the Tecorrians, they would tell you they look like a weird fusion between two animals native to their home planet. the Turtle and the Armadillo.
"I can't wait to show this to my clan. Everything will be built in our honor once they find out i've gotten my claws on one of these!"  "Are you sure about this? I'm sure the elders will know. They always seem to know when you've honestly conquered a Draxilite." His partner responded.
"They won't know. This planet is very close to the colony. they'll just assume i'm struggling but still braving through the beast!" "If you say so." A third voice chimed in. "Me personally. I'm looking forward to giving my mate this." He said as he pulled out a flower. "The humans refer to it as a "Silent Princess". Apparently it's a special breed of flower that has almost gone extinct on one of their planets. The dealer said he had to invade a human garden to get this." "Well, We better hurry and get off this planet before-" "Everyone hide!" One of the Tecorrians abruptly shouted. his partners looked confused as they watched him retreat in his shell. They quickly rolled behind a bush and waited.
"I don't understand. What are we hiding from?"
"Look over there!" The Tecorrian stuck out a claw and pointed. his partners peered from behind a bush and were confused at what they saw. It was a group of humans. Widely considered to be a fairly wild when they had a reason to be, but were otherwise pretty harmless. "Humans? Are you really concerned about them?" One of the chuckled. "i don't see any weapons on...wait." The Tecorrian voice trailed off. The scales on his shell began to shiver as his eyes landed on the humans. more specifically, their faces.
"Are those....?" "False Faces. Those are False Faced Humans!" One of the Tecorrians nearly shouted. he was quickly silenced. Most of the group now seemed horrified. but one of them remained confused.
"I don't understand. What is the concern? Why are they wearing those?" "Wait. Didn't your clan tell you about False Faced humans?"
"I've heard mentions of them."
One of the Teccorians peeked over the bush and then hastily retreated. "Those humans. the False Faced ones. They always have a terrifying story behind those false faces." "My father told a tale about one of them. it happened five years ago. A human got severely wounded and almost killed by one of the guilds in our village. But on the verge of death, He struck a deal with the Ah'Lufrit. The deity of fire himself. He had been brought back to life and had been granted the ability to spread fire. In exchange, He had to wear a hideous False Face. A black one with pitch black glass eyes and a very large snout with several holes. He then burnt down part of the village and wounded most of the guild before he was securely captured. "
"A False faced human did that? i thought one of the knights got to over confident during a weapon demonstration." "I have a story too. One of the clans in my village had visited on of the human colonies while they had a pandemic going on. And elder told us the humans were all wearing False Faces that resembled the Avian species of our system." "Are you sure it was a human?"
"Yes! The False face was protruding from the rest of the body and it seemed to be made out of something completely different! The worst part is, according to the elder, the face didn't move at all when the human spoke. it's like it's face was stuck that way."
"Really? You know. on the Subject of Human colonies. A close friend of mine had gone to visit one of the human planets. i believe it was called "Macbeth". The humans were hosting a ceremony there, celebrating the day they had first set foot on the planet. He returned completely horrified the next day. He had seen hundreds of humans with False Faces. all performing these coordinated dances. And they all had different False Faces. One had one that looked like the "Dragons" from human mythology. Another one had a False Face that looked just like a regular human. But it was baring it's teeth. My friend says it was one of the most terrifying things he had ever seen. Almost as if the Deity of Death was taunting him." While listening to these stories, The Tecorrian took one good look at the false faced humans. They all had the same False Face. Golden with the resemblance to a normal human face. But a few looked "Happy" while the others looked "sad". The Tecorrian found it mildly unsettling how the expressions didn't seem to change. Humans were known for how expressive their faces were. to the point where it could be pretty difficult to read a human. So to see their faces frozen like that. it just didn't look right. He wondered just what these humans did to end up like that? Did they make a deal? did they anger a deity and had been cursed to look like that? One of the humans put a bunch of logs together and then set them ablaze. creating a massive fire. He watched them surround the fire and stare at it. 
"Has anyone ever tried removing those faces?" "The knights that had managed to capture the human burning down our village did. Once the villagers pulled off the False Face, They said it was the most horrifying sight they had ever seen. It's as if the False Face had completely messed up his face. Many people took it as Ah'Lufrit sending us a message." "You know. Come to think of it. I've heard a few people at our bar talk about going to one of the Black Market planets in order to meet one. they said they were planning to see if they could bind them to their service."
"I...What fools!!!" One of the Tecorrians shouted, Alarming the entire gang. to their horror, one of the humans turned to look in their reaction. Feelings of fear and panic went through their Tecorrians are they saw the False Faced humans slowly approach.
"Oh no! No! No! No! Not like this!"
"Your holiness! Have mercy on me!"
"Scales to you all! i'm out of here!"
They all quickly scrambled to leave. they didn't know what could possible happen if that False Faced human decided to confront them, but they weren't going to stick around to find out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yo. I'm back." Jade declared as she lifted her comedy mask. "So what was that noise again?" Roy asked, lifting his tragedy mask while holding a fruit on a stick over the bonfire.  "Just one of those Turtle-Armadillo looking aliens. nothing to worry about." Jade brushed off. "Let's just get back to work. Are you sure this is the right place?"
"Yeah, look at how much space there is. And this is one of the more isolated planets. the perfect spot to perform without problems. This birthday party is going to be one for the ages!" Roy said with excitement.  "Riiiiiiiiight. But are the masks really necessary?" Jade asked as she looked at her comedy mask. "Of course they are! Carol is an absolute theater girl. She would never let me hear the end of it if we didn't go all out!" Roy said. "Now pass me that box. I want to test out some of the fireworks!"
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skyacya · 6 months
Hello! I got into transformers recently and I've been scrolling through Tumblr for awhile to find TF related content. I happen to come across your blog and dare I say your illustrations are stunning!🧡 The color choices and the line work is absolutely amazing.
You can say I'm a little motivated to draw some robots now—but as someone who only drew humans in the past and someone who just joined the fandom. I've come to the realization that drawing robots is much harder than it looks🤲..
If it's not too much to ask, would you mind sharing some tips or experiences on how you started drawing them? Thank you🦐
Man, you have no idea how much seeing this made my day (〃´∀`)! But sure!
The general idea I use is to break down characters into their most basic shapes, fx Transformers Prime and Animated has super strong shape language especially compared to G1 where everyone are squares
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Before drawing a new character, I like to practice my muscle memory by isolating these basic shapes on top of a reference image. To get that proper giant alien robot feel it's especially helpful to practice big, squareish shapes (though depends on the character, some have more fluid shapes similar to humans).
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With the overall shapes you can draw your desired pose much easier because you don't need to think about details yet.
When you have the pose down, you can continue on with the details. These are also just shapes broken down into smaller shapes. You just continue to break everything into shapes until you have achieved the level of detail that you want. Everything is shapes
When adding details, it's a good idea to have a bunch of references ready. I usually just go through an episode/chapter with the character I want and take a shit ton of screenshots
⊹⊹⊹⊹Some general tips I have are:⊹⊹⊹⊹
Find inspiration from different artists you like and see how they break down the characters (and try doing the shape practicing to get used to the feeling of drawing bigger shapes)
This is a strange addon tip but hear me out, a lot of R18 tf artists are insanely talented, like to an unlawful degree. Welcome to the rust sea of sin, I would add recommendations but I am a coward
Varying lineweight is especially useful to separate bigger shapes from details, otherwise it can quickly look busy and messy (look at Alex Milnes art before coloring, there it is very visible)
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Alex Milne also uses full black in certain less visible/high contrast areas to create focus on the more important details. It helps to create a more balanced drawing. Also helps to hide areas you aren't confident about such as joints lol
Don't be afraid to exaggerate the lines, robots have a tendency to look stiff
Do not fear the shapes, the shapes mean no harm.
And lastly, thank you for your kind ask! There are many ways to begin drawing robots and I hope this may help in your journey down the rabbithole of giant sexy gay alien robots (ʃƪ˶˘ ﻬ ˘˶)♥♥
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timeoutsoup · 1 year
Dig You A Grave
Inspired by @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
Part 6
(warning for language)
The Light was in shambles. Vandal Savage had no idea how all of his carefully laid plans came crashing down around him. Members were being hunted down and arrested. Somehow the Justice League had gotten a hold of their plans and files. Pieces of equipment and various items were gone. Someone or someones had even ratted out the Reach to the Guardians on Oa.
Black Manta had retreated to his underwater base. QueenBee returned her Country to Isolation and prepared for the oncoming political onslaught. Lex Luther was taken but pleaded that he was lied to about what his technology was being used for, the coward. All of them had gone to the wind, to save themselves. Savage could not blame them because he did the same, but being held in this U.N. cell gave him time to think.
He would get out of this and get his revenge on whoever was responsible for this.
Earlier in the week
Tim was so confused. Something had tripped the alarm in his penthouse and when he arrived, there were stacks of files and documents on his coffee table. Sitting innocently on top was an old Young Justice comm and what looked like a note.
Hello Tim,
I thought you would benefit from these files. Maybe spread a little chaos. Take down a few villains. Who knows.
Your friend Klarion, the Witch Boy
P.S. Don’t tell anyone it was me.
After reading the note he rushed over to his computer, and pulled up the footage from his camera. Checking the footage and there he was, Klarion and his familiar Teekl, standing in his apartment. He had waved his hand and the mounds of files appeared. He continued watching the tape until well after the Witch Boy had left. He quickly called Oracle, Batman and Zatanna for backup.
It took them hours to go over everything, once Zantanna cleared everything. After the initial surprise of what these documents were, had worn off everything was taken to the Batcave to be examined.
At the emergency meeting Batman had called the next day, nearly everyone had shown up, even John Constantine.
Hal and the other Green Lanterns rushed in, panicked. “We know what happened on December 30th!”
“As do I, now take your seats so we can start.”
“No bats you don’t understand. We just finished talking to the Guardians and they told us about..”
“About The Light syndicate teaming up with the Reach to mind control the Justice League frame us for invading, so the Reach can invade Earth as retaliation, but not break the contract they signed with the Guardians of Oa.”
All members were shocked into silence. It was Guy Gardner who finally broke it. “Well, shit Spooky, is there anything you don’t know?”
“You can debrief us on what the Guardians told you later in the meeting. Now take your seats.”
The next few hours the heroes went over everything. By the time they were finished everyone was exhausted. Constantine stood up to leave like the others but was stopped by Zantanna. “We need to talk to you, and fate.”
“Bloody hell. Can I at least have a smoke break first?”
“Fine but meet us back here in five.”
“Alright.” Constantine shrugged her hand off and went off to enjoy a quick smoke. He thought something or someone was being omitted from the meeting, but now he knew it and whatever it is, is powerful and most likely magic. Fuck. He just finished a tough job and just wanted to crash at home.
Klarion waited for Danny to meet him. The heroes had been busy with rounding up the remaining members of The Light. The press had been filled with all of the underhanded secrets. Politicians were debating on clone rights, and what to do about the Reach. Everything else has basically come to a stand still. He had been free to do as he wished and today he wanted to hang out with his new friend.
It wasn’t long before Danny came running up to him, slightly out of breath.
“Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting.” The blue eyed boy panted as he caught his breath.
“Your apology is accepted since you were only a minute late.” Klarion patted himself on the back for being so cordial. “So what shall we do today?”
“I was thinking of getting something to eat. Before that though. Sam, Tucker and I are going to ‘The Back to School Fest’ Friday. I was wondering if you wanted to join us. It’s not the most exciting but it’s held at the fairgrounds.”
Klarion raised a brow and looked down at Teekl. This didn’t sound all that fun and exciting but he didn’t want to scare off Danny … yet. Giving it another thought Danny had good taste in food so far, so maybe more tasty delights could be in his future. Looking back at Danny Klarion replied. “That sounds doable.”
“Awesome. I usually go to Nasty Burger but a new cafe just opened up near the bookstore. Sam says the selection is great.” (It had taken both Jazz and Sam the better part of an hour to convince Danny to not take Klarion to Nasty Burger right off the bat. If he was Amish, the Nasty Sauce would more than likely put him in a coma. Jazz is pretty sure it is low level toxic but no one listens to her.)
Danny grabs Klarion’s hand and heads off. It was a short walk to the little cafe and to the Witch Boy’s delight the establishment had a cat theme and was pet friendly. They were seated outside, ordering drinks, a few cat themed desserts (Klarion has a major sweet tooth.) and they even had a few tasty looking morsels for Teekl to try.
Opening the pastry box, an all too familiar voice calls out as Danny’s ghost sense goes off. “I am the Box Ghost and I am here for your confection containing cardboard.” Exploding out of the box, sending the food flying and looking down at the occupants of the table the ghost realizes just who was sitting there. “So the rumors are-”
“Why today Boxy?!” Danny growls, as he whips out the Fenton thermos, sucking the cardboard obsessed ghost into it. “Sorry about that. Amity has a bit of a ghost problem but don’t worry they mostly leave people alone. The only real issue is when it involves a ghost's obsession and when that happens Phantom shows up.” Nervous of Klarion’s reaction, he quickly stuck the thermos back in his bag. Taking a breath, he gathered the courage to look at his friend’s (date’s?) face and was shocked to see the gleeful expression.
“Oh this is wonderful. There are just ghosts that pop-up and cause chaos.” Klarion broke out into a fit of giggles. “This is so interesting you must tell me more.” Looking down the young Chaos Lord noticed the destroyed treats. “After we replace our snack.”
Danny was thankful that Klarion was finding all of this amusing. He was worried that the culture shock might send the other boy running. The halfa could build with this foundation. Slowly introducing new foods and technology, and maybe Klarion will start sharing more of himself too.
The afternoon flew by as Danny told Klarion the crazy ghost stories that happened in Amity, with some editing of course. Can’t have a secret identity if you tell people who you are.
Klarin had enjoyed his afternoon with his new friend. Seeing another ghost and hearing Danny tell all of those wonderfully chaotic stories, made the Witch Boy curious about Amity. Instead of heading home, he decided to stay and see what mischief he and Teekl could find.
The first few hours were very boring for the two. If he didn’t know better he would have assumed that this was just another dull city full of mortals. It wasn’t until after the sunset that things began.
It started with a whistling sound that turned into an explosion, which was shortly followed by shouting. Klarion followed the sounds of battle, hoping to catch a glimpse of Phantom and whomever he was fighting. Maybe even challenge the ghostly hero to a fight, if he was lucky.
Following the battling ghosts path was easy for a Chaos Lord like himself. Deciding to stick to the shadows, Klarion watched on. He watched as a tall, buff ghost with a flaming green mohawk, chased down a ghostly teen. The younger of the two seemed unbothered by the projectiles being thrown at him or the threat of his head being mounted on a wall as a trophy. To Klarion the ghost he assumed to be Phantom, from Danny’s description, actually appeared annoyed and dare he say bored.
It wasn’t long before the self proclaimed greatest hunter was defeated, and was sucked into a thermos, just like the one Danny had. Now that the fight was over Klarion was able to get a good look at the ghost. It was unsettling how much he looked like his new friend, so much so that the Witch Boy decided to follow Phantom.
Still sticking to the shadows, they continued to watch as the ghost made his way around town, as if patrolling. It had gone back to being quiet and boring. Klarion was thinking of calling it and just confronting the ghost, when Phantom quickly ducked into an alleyway. Not wanting to miss anything, the Witch Boy followed.
Phantom had landed and began looking around as if to make sure everything was clear. Fed up with waiting, Klarion stepped out of the shadows but before he could say anything, two rings of light surrounded Phantom, and after a bright flash Danny was standing there.
Note: check the tag list below for you username if you’ve asked more than once because I might just have misspelled it. If I did please tell me and I will do my best to fix it.
Also sorry if this seemed a bit repetitive
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officialsollux · 2 days
trying to open up and connect again went. very badly. cannot express how badly. the reinforcement of trying to ascertain placement within society in any small way equalling severe worsening of condition and high degrees of pain is not. great.
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muzzleroars · 4 months
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What? This is what I thought when he has V1's parents' same reaction.
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lucifer sees v1 as a work of art that has become an artist in itself - being once of god, unlike any other angel, lucifer has massive amounts of creativity and appreciation for what humanity achieved through their own god-given spark. but beyond that, for v1 in particular, he sees something that has moved past its makers, it has forged its own path in defiance of what it was made for. he is fascinated by its mind, its construction, its life as something that may or may not have a soul (for what constitutes a soul, even lucifer does not know). but importantly it is a life not made by god, it is removed from him, and he wants to meet what god did not create. he wants to see what a full, vibrant experience it has, and v1 sure does. not disappoint lol so animalistic in behavior but with a razor-sharp mind, its first action is probably to challenge him to a one-on-one fight - not a surprise, given how much he knows through hell itself, but he worries he won't be an impressive match for it. he had been inert for so long and really...lucifer was never a warrior, his strength bolstered purely by his closeness to god. still, like anyone that can face v1 and live to tell about it, he finds the fight inspired, unpredictable, and a beautiful insight into a mind he cannot understand despite his godly knowledge. he is not moved by battle, but he can feel how v1 is, its emotions showing through and resonating within lucifer so that he gains insight into its passion. v1 finds its fascination in turn, recognizing right away that lucifer is not a fighter yet there is a disjointed fluidity in his movement, his choices largely defensive and illusory - he wouldn't be v1's first choice as an opponent, though his skillset is unique enough that it doesn't get bored. they stand as two perfect creations, the pinnacle of what god and man could create, and they find interest in the other purely for how alien they are. lucifer made for love and creation, v1 for apathy and destruction, curious of the other as they have been steeped in the role of their opposite.
gabriel doesn't ever really say anything to lucifer about his relationship with v1, mostly figuring it wouldn't be of any relevance to him as he seems preoccupied with attending to his fallen angels. but also...gabriel's aware that lucifer knows most of what's happened in hell and so his partnership with v1 likely isn't a secret to him. unsurprisingly, lucifer doesn't broach the topic for some time, his talks with gabriel a bit sparing and distant with his mind so attuned now to a self-centered focus in his isolation (GENUINELY does not remember how to talk to other people). gabriel actually begins to think he might not even have an opinion on their relationship, but he finds out that's quite far from the truth once lucifer is able to acknowledge more outside of himself. it's just...not what gabriel expected, if he expected anything at all. lucifer, already coming in with an appreciation of the bizarre, is actually happy for what v1 and gabriel have together. their relationship entirely defies the "natural" order of things, an act that would have been condemned fully by god and denied even as possible by v1's makers. he is glad too to see that love led gabriel to something better, it allowed him to finally follow what his heart had been telling him for all this time. it is a very rare thing to find such a kindred spirit and then to defy everything you were told you are in pursuit of that....and lucifer can find nothing more noble in the world than that. so while he continues to harbor his own issues with gabriel, he believes v1 has improved him by bounds and that he is now far more "palatable" than his siblings. gabriel has no idea how to take this, but v1 labels it an "endorsement" of its "personality"
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dearorpheus · 1 year
Are there any non-fiction you can recommend for people who are fascinated by your blog (especially the elements of dark eroticism, morbidity and horror)?
🖤 love that you are loving!
i will try to stick to non-fic (also refraining as best i can from re-recommending texts from previous asks but there is of course bound to be some overlap): - The Severed Head: Capital Visions, Julia Kristeva -> read about Aubrey Beardsley's illustrations for Salomé (x, x)
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and supplement w Baudelaire's Une Martyre "in which the narrator lovingly contemplates the beauty of a woman's severed head at rest upon a nightstand"
- Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty & Venus in Furs, Deleuze - The Sadeian Woman: And the Ideology of Pornography, Angela Carter - Aesthetic Sexuality: A Literary History of Sadomasochism, Romana Byrne - Perverse Desire and the Ambiguous Icon, Allen S. Weiss - "Must We Burn Sade?", Simone de Beauvoir -> read also about Erzsébet Báthory, the Bloody Countess. supplement your readings with Borowcyzk's Immoral Tales (1973), Julie Delpy's The Countess (2009), Alejandra Pizarnik's La Condesa Sangrienta and/or, if you have the stomach for it:
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Lorna's death in Hostel Pt II (2007), inspired by the Countess^
- Anaïs Nin's diaries + Henry and June - Abject Eroticism in Northern Renaissance Art, Yvonne Owens
Hans Baldung Grien "gave powerful visual expression to late medieval tropes and stereotypes, such as the poison maiden, venomous virgin, the Fall of Man, 'death and the maiden' and other motifs and eschatological themes, which mingled abject and erotic qualities in the female body"
- Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture, Per Faxneld - The Library of Esoterica's Witchcraft - the biographical Taschen on H.R. Giger's oeuvre—biomechanical, Lovecraftian-tentacular fused limbs, bodies, systems, overtly phallic/yonic symbology, darkly psychedelic... very much fantastically erotic; I have my eye on the 40th Anniversary Edition
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Giger, as we know, having designed the xenomorph from the Alien (1979) series to have an intensely sexual evolution:
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- DEFINITELY read about+explore ero guro (see also: Bataille's L'histoire de l'œil / Story of the Eye! though it is fiction)
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brief introductory articles here and here but it's truly so rich and decadent... delve into it!! film, lit, manga, history, so on... -> watch Nagisa Ōshima's In The Realm Of The Senses (1976) too
- if you can read French by any chance, Le Corps Souillé (The Soiled Body) by Eric Falardeau looks incredible; if not, this excerpt alone is delightfully provocative even in isolation - similarly, L'espirit de plaisir: Une histoire de la sexualité et de l’érotisme au Japon (The Spirit of Pleasure: A History of Sexuality and Eroticism in Japan) by Philippe Pons and Pierre-François Souyri is something I'm hoping might see an English translation
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^an excerpt from an interview with the authors
- The Art of Cruelty + The Red Parts, Maggie Nelson - Crucial Interventions: An Illustrated Treatise on the Principles & Practice of Nineteenth-Century Surgery, Richard Barnett - The Butchering Art, Lindsey Fitzharris - Death, Disease and Dissection, Suzie Grogan - The Theatre and Its Double, Antonin Artaud - Men, Women, and Chainsaws, Carol J. Clover - House of Psychotic Women, Kier-La Janisse - The Monstrous-Feminine, Barbara Creed - Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers, Sady Doyle - The Lady From The Black Lagoon, Mallory O'Meara
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