#insert the “do you want me to kill that guy for you???” quote
synthshenanigans · 6 months
Drew one of @solazu1's funny lil guys from their The Devil's Lapdog/THDPH AU!!
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The AU is very very good & I love it sm
[Denise deserves so much better & a lotta therapy]
Alt. Lighting versions + some extra stuff/lore things added to it! Warning however, for VERY very bright colors!!!!
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Funky lil brightly colored demons are so fun yk. Definitely making everything better
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idolomantises · 1 year
nothin' serious, just thinkin
The whole situation with a certain Indie creator’s work blowing up too quickly and feeling overwhelmed by it, really makes me think about how… not fun it is sometimes when your work gets popular. Obviously my level of popularity and fandom doesn’t match there’s but dealing with people who see your OCs and start claiming them as their own, disrespect boundaries and basically hound you with their preferences is such a reoccurring problem it’s a bit scary.
For example, I remember wanting to completely scrap Powers as a character when people were treating her as a self insert to be homophobic and misogynistic, despite carrying neither of those traits. People make fetish art of my OCs and then tag me in it (and if I don’t reblog/retweet it they practically spam me about it). I’ve had people try to steal my own OCs out of spite. I’ve seen people draw smut of my underaged characters. People have gotten angry with me when my characters disprove their headcanons or present themselves in ways that aren’t their preferences. The amount of times I’ve dealt with people genuinely angry with me that Sera is a woman is a scary amount. Queer people thinking my art is fetish content that is catered for straight men. I’ve had people tell me that because I don’t depict more of a specific group, that means I despise them and that my art is inherently promoting hateful ideology for not depicting them. People sending me videos of bugs being killed or mocking my characters because they think it’s funny. and I have to repeat again these aren’t random trolls online, this is from my own followers.
And you guys have seen how angry people get when I tell them to stop being bigoted under my queer art, whether it’s complaining that I’m drawing too many women/lesbians or bitching that I’m drawing gay men at all, I’ve had to deal with the unfortunate fact some of my followers, no matter how many times I try to push them off my account are just… very hateful and think my work is fetish content meant to cater to them. Lesbian art isn’t queer art, it’s a porn category for some people. And a lot of queer men think it’s fine to lesbophobic and misogynistic under my art and demand that I draw less female characters because (insert that annoying Speed quote here)
I do really like the fanart and I’m completely fine with NSFW works as long as the characters are 18+, but it’s just. It’s scary sometimes. And it scares me to imagine what would happen if I really blew up. Respect creator’s boundaries… please.
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someone-named-adel · 1 year
I will give you some incorrect quotes because my brain trying to write the future! yandere leo with MC rotted when i just wrote some lyrics so this is what they have for now
MC talking with April
MC: yeah, I don't know where my favorite sweatshirt is, and I need it, it has a lot of sentimental value to me, and it helps me when I'm sad.
April, suspecting that one of the boys stole the sweatshirt: oh, and when was the last time you saw it?
MC: I think it was on Sunday, a few days after the boys' visit to my apartment, oh, and some other things I had in storage disappeared too, I don't know how.
April: and you haven't asked any of the-?
Mikey runs past with MC's sweatshirt on, while Leo chases after him claiming it's his turn with the sweatshirt.
MC: Is that my-?
April: Yes, apparently it is.
Mikey, using his Dr. Delicate Touch side: So, MC, have you thought about taking therapy to heal your trauma?
MC, looking at him seriously: my traumas make people laugh, Mikey.
Mikey: Yes but-
MC: my traumas, my ways of coping.
Mikey, already sighing wearily: We have a long way to go.
MC: correction, YOU have a long way to go.
MC in the kitchen of the den, looking for a glass to pour theyself(? some water while he has his headphones on loud listening to music, oblivious to Donatello's presence:
Donnie, who quietly approached from behind, suddenly placing a hand on MC's shoulder: you know, I don't think it's healthy for your ears to have music on high volume
MC, who wasn't expecting Donnie's sudden presence at all: AHH-, WHAT THE HELL!?, WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?
Don, already used to they sudden screams and scares: well, about two songs ago, you should listen to your music at a lower volume if you don't want to go deaf.
MC: Okay, I'll take that into account from now on.
Donnie: you said that the previous 5 times-
April, talking on the phone with Raphael: yeah yeah, I'll ask him.... No, don't worry about it... Okay bye.
MC: Who was that? what did they say?
April: It was Raphael, he asked for his sweatshirt, the red one, he lost it apparently.
MC: Oh, the one with some holes in it?
April: MC, Raphael is the only one of his brothers who wears red.
MC: yeah but is that the one with holes in it or not?
April, sighing heavily: yes MC, it's the one with holes.
MC: ah, then tell him it was Mikey who lost it, Because am I wearing it as pajamas.
April: Sorry, what?
MC, making a gesture to play it down: Yeah, I saw it on the couch and I asked Casey if he knew who it belonged to, and he said it didn't belong to anyone, so I took it, and since it's cold and it's made of soft fabric, I'm wearing it as pajamas.
April: MC seriously, if Rapha finds out about that, he will kill you.
MC: Let him do it, after all I don't even like living.
Donatello, who is listening to the conversation from April's (hacked) phone: bro, wtf?
MC: You know, if the government had to silence us for any reason, I'm 99% sure they would silence Donatello first.
Leonardo: And why him first?
MC: first of all, WHY would you even DOUBT it?, secondly, this guy doesn't rule the world because he doesn't have the materials and the will to do it, and thirdly, your brother is a potential psychopath.
Leonardo: good point.
MC about to vomit and suffer a coma for eating Mikey's invention (with a good persuasion + puppy dog eyes), which mixed pizza with some other food of dubious origin:
Mikey: and how is it?
MC already 100% shivering and unable to focus they gaze: It's.... It's fine
Mikey: OH REALLY?, GREAT, I made it especially for you!
MC, with one foot already in the coffin: that's *insert subtle gag* good to know.
Mikey: Great, because I made it with a secret ingredient, sedatives from Donatello's lab love.
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devilsrecreation · 3 months
TLG Outlanders Incorrect Quotes pt…..5?
Janja: I think we're missing something
Reirei: Teamwork?
Kiburi: Cohesion?
Mzingo: A general sense of what we’re doing?
On some mission (feat. Kifo):
Kifo: Nenenenenenenenenenenene-
Shupavu: *whispering loudly* Kifo, what are you doing?!
Kifo: It’s my stealth noise! Nenenenenenenenenenenene
Njano: *laughs* Nenenenenenenenenenenene
Shupavu: Everyone, shut the fuck up!
Literally all of the skinks: Nenenenenenenenenenene
Human/Zootopia au:
Chungu: Wait, Cheezi! We’re not cavemen! We have technology… *repeatedly smashes computer*
Janja: That’s crazy talk!
Chungu: That’s not crazy talk, THIS is crazy talk! Gableehblahbleh Hublehbluhbleh BLEH BLEH BLEH lehlehlehleh-(Janja smacks Chungu)
Goigoi: Chungu, I don’t think “wumbo” is a real word
Chungu: Sure it is! I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, me, wumbo. Wumbo, wumbo-ing, wumboer...
Sumu(while Chungu is still going on): ...I wonder if a fall from this height would be enough to kill me....
Chungu: Wumbology: The Study of Wumbo?! It’s 1st grade, you guys!
Mzingo: Can you take hats in a dignified, classy, and sophisticated manner?
Chungu: You mean like a weenie? Okay! (in a funny and somewhat baby-like voice) May I take your hat, sir? May I take your hat,sir? May I-(Mzingo puts his hand on Chungu’s mouth)
Mzingo: Alright, that’s enough.
Chungu: (raises paw) Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Ushari: No, Chungu, mayonnaise is not an instrument
(Chungu raises his paw again)
Ushari: Horseradish is not an instrument either...
Scar: People talk loud when they want to act smart, right?
Tamka: Well who cares about a stupid reptile?
Kiburi: *pissed off* Gee Tamka, it seems you would care a lot about stupid reptiles CONSIDERING YOU ARE ONE!
Nduli: (sliding downhill) Hey guys! Watch me do “The Grouchy Kiburi”!
Kiburi: Stop naming moves after me!
Nduli: (mimicking Kiburi) Everybody’s an idiot except for me
Kiburi: Well it’s true
Mzingo: Could you not stand so close? You’re making me claustrophobic
Chungu: What does that mean?
Cheezi: It means he’s afraid of Dandy Claws
Mzingo: No, it doesn’t!
Chungu: Ho ho ho! *laughs*
Cheezi: Stop it, Chungu! You’re scaring him!
Cheezi: 🎶Janja is my best friend in the world!~
Janja is my best friend in the Outlands!
Chungu: (interrupting) 🎶Likes Chungu more than Cheezi!🎶
Human au
Kiburi: Okay, “insert rod support A into Slot B”
Janja: That’s what-
Kiburi: If you say “That’s what she said” one more time, I’m going to pop you.
Mzingo: Janja, what happened?
Janja: I’m sick. (coughing badly) Remember that time you dared me to lick the swingset?
Mzingo: No, I said “Janja, DON’T lick the swingset” and then you told me “Don’t tell me what to do!” and then you licked the swingset
Janja: *about some random animal* Tell him off, furbrain!
Cheezi: That’s my ice cream cone!
Janja: Great! Now let him have it!
Cheezi: You can have it :)
Cheezi: Psst, Chungu…I thought of something funnier than 24
Chungu: Let me hear it
Cheezi: 25
Chungu and Cheezi: *snickering*
Cheezi: “Chungu, you’re a genius!”
Chungu: “Yeah, I get called that a lot.”
Cheezi: “What? A genius?”
Chungu: “No, Chungu
Goigoi: Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.
Nduli: Wow, Tamka, I didn’t know you spoke bird
Tamka: No, Nduli, that’s Italian.
Nduli: I know who owns this river, I just can’t place the name….
Hatari: *suddenly arises from the water, bellowing at Neema* AAAAAAAAOOOOOOOAAAUUUGHHH
Nduli: *oblivious* No no, it’s not GAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOAAAUUUGGHHHH
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bug-ju1c3 · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes
-Huntlow/Emerald Trio addition- 🌱⚡️🪞
Hunter: How’s the cutest person here~?
Willow: I don’t know, how is he~?
Hunter, flustered: I-
Gus from across the room: I’m doing great, thanks!
Willow: While I’m gone, Hunter, you’re in charge.
Hunter: Yes!!!
Willow, whispering: Gus, you’re secretly in charge.
Gus: Obviously.
Hunter: Gus, can I talk to you for a second?
Gus: Yeah, what's up? Lemme guess.
You and Willow are having problems
and you want me to teach you how to
Hunter: What? No, stop that. I know
how to kiss. I've read books.
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Willow
please come to the front desk?
Willow, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points to Hunter and
Store Worker: I believe they belong
to you?
Hunter and Gus, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Willow: I didn't even bring you guys here with me-
Willow: What's a word thats a mix
between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Hunter: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated.
Gus: Smad.
*Willow and Hunter skipping stones
on lake*
Willow: It's such a beautiful evening.
Hunter, whispering: Take that you
fucking lake
Willow: Hunter and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Hunter: Sentences.
Willow: Don't interrupt me.
Willow: Ok, maybe playing 'whose family is most dysfunctional' wasn't the best idea we've had. Hunter's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can't get him out..
Willow: I trust Hunter.
Gus: You think he knows what
he’s doing?
Willow: I wouldn't go that far.
Willow: Hunter and I were crossing
the street, and this dude drove by
and honked at us
Gus: *Sighing* What did Hunter do?
Willow: He chased him to the next
red light, then reached into his
window and..
Hunter: Who wants a steering wheel?
Willow: If Hunter and I were
drowning, who would you save?
Gus: You two can't swim?
Hunter: It's a hypothetical question, Gus! who would you save?
Gus: my time and effort.
Willow: I prevented a murder today.
Hunter: Really? How'd you do that?Willow: self control.
Willow: Dandelions symbolize
everything I want to be in life
Hunter: Fluffy and dead with a gust
of wind?
Willow: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Gus: edible
Hunter: Hey Willow,
Willow: Yes?
Hunter: Can a person breathe inside
a washing machine while it's on?
Willow: Where's Gus?
(quotes are not mine; character insertions are)
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solunstell · 5 months
Notes I've taken from the Beast light novel:
Right off the bat, Akutagawa's autism is showing lmao. He just like me fr
Akutagawa was already known as the "Silent Mad Dog" or "Heartless Dog" pre-mafia
Describing akutagawa's ability in combat: "as if he were mowing grass with a scythe." Atsushi was right, he is a lawn mower.
Akutagawa bit through an enemy's neck. Insert vampire comparison
I'd love to see an analysis of the parallels between chuuya and akutagawa. Both were in a group in the slums that relied on their ability, both were taken into the mafia by dazai, both have abilities that have an incredible destructive potential but can also make then near-invincible...
"Akutagawa glared at his foe - one of the men responsible for his friends' deaths - then smiled with evident satisfaction...and collapsed face forward." Insert comparison to his death
I think there can also be a comparison In this whole fight to avenge his dead friends to Oda's death. Both were orchestrated, both knew that they were probably going to die, and both were at peace after defeating the enemy.
Okay adjusting mental image I always saw it as dark brown (yes the anime is brown canonical but in my heart I hold priority to the manga and novels. Same reason I draw the hat chain on chuuya and red eyes on dazai)
Dazai points out how akutagawa's foolish death would leave behind his little sister. This also reminds me of oda leaving dazai and ango behind.
Akutagawa is really out here saying stuff like ergo lmao
Akutagawa's skill evolved into the beast-like form when Dazai mentions his sister coming to harm
Dazai quote as he decides not to take in akutagawa: "I think I'll go with that other guy for my right-hand man." Does this mean that main timeline dazai saw akutagawa as his right hand man?
Things akutagawa is called or compared to in this novel: Silent Mad Dog, Heartless Dog, Cerberus, a slide (by the orphan kids), Former Disciplinarian and Current Ambassador of Paper Shredding
Naomi calls Junichiro "Jun"
Kunikida and Junichiro communicating through looks
Canon bitch face
Oda is described as unpredictable and he is late. Ty asagiri for more blorbo characterization crumbs
Akutagawa: king of purple prose
Atsushi is afraid to die
Even in the Mafia, atsushi is described as innocent looking, not sadistic, and respectful
Kyouka is extremely pale, and has a childish voice
Chuuya still wants to kill dazai, and won't let anyone else do it
Dazai is still cracking jokes!
The Port Mafia is more successful under dazai, and there are so many assassination attempts against dazai that he never even uses the windows in his office.
Akutagawa grew potatoes behind his home in the slums
I love that akutagawa's first choice when embarrassed is always denial. "No. No. No."
Akutagawa is a light sleeper and a morning person
"Oda, who was always late because some lady in the neighborhood stopped him for a chat..."
"...destruction was (Akutagawa's) go-to answer for everything."
Akutagawa. Ate. Paper (probably in the slums but it doesn't say so explicitly)
"Akutagawa is supposed to be filing paperwork right now, but he's nowhere to be found! He must have used his skill to remove the restraints around his wrists and ankles, then ran away..." kunikida, did you tie him up?!?!
Oda just kept collecting kids in beast! I love that
"It's your job to look after the kids, as the oldest one there." Oda also collected akutagawa
"It was Parent's day at one of the orphan's schools, so Akutagawa participated on behalf of the child's guardian." So normally, oda would go?
Another parent said he looks like a hitman. Boy do I have news about the kids actual guardian!
Akutagawa raised Sakura's hand cuz she's shy and was proud when she got the question right
Akutagawa hates guns
Akutagawa has been using lots of farming metaphors
Atsushi puts three sugars in his coffee, and akutagawa put four in his tea
Akutagawa saved up 300 chocolate bars, ate them for days on end, and collapsed of malnutrition
I really like the emphasis in this novel that they're really just kids who grew up too fast
"...but a vermillion line appeared on his throat..." ch88 flashbacks
Gin spends every waking moment with dazai. I want to know abt their relationship more. Does dazai treat her like he does the agency in the main universe? Or like chuuya, perhaps? How does gin see him? I wanna know more abt them in beast and the main timeline.
About akutagawa: "'I can't believe such a powerful skill user has gone undetected by our network for so long.'" That definitely has to be due to inside interference. Was it Dazai? Gin?
Apparently, Demon Snow wears a mask, and that isn't actually her face
Dazai is now using his windows.
Oda in this universe joined the agency in the place of dazai, solving solving azure messenger/apostle case. However, he doesn't see himself as a detective. Tanizaki told akutagawa a few pages ago that you become a detective the moment you believe it.
Oda gambles
Apparently the headmaster abused all of the kids, not just atsushi. He didn't even let them have clocks.
The scene between atsushi and the headmaster here is so phenomenal. The way asagiri portrays trauma is *chefs kiss*. A normal interaction from the outside, but with context and with atsushi as the narrator, it's completely different. It's very similiar to the headmaster death in the main timeline
Atsushi looks up to the headmaster in a similiar way akutagawa looks up to dazai. And in beast, he has both of them as negative influences in his head
"There was a researcher who came to the orphanage to secretly investigate the tiger, but it killed him. He had long hair the color of white mist and eyes as red as apples. Had his death gone public, the military police would've intervened and killed the dangerous tiger - me. / But the director covered up the accident. He threw the researcher's body into a river and burned his belongings. He then got the teachers together so they could coordinate their story: "No researcher ever came here." Then, after checking if I had any memory of what happened when I was a tiger, the director locked me in a basement cell. He continued handling the aftermath every time the tiger went berserk going forward. He locked me in the basement in seclusion so there wouldn't be any victims - so I wouldn't hurt anyone." Dead apple makes much more sense now.
The jazz playing in Lupin is a about "a heartbreaking farewell."
Oda sits one seat away from where dazai gestures.
Dazai excitedly informs Oda that he finally defused a bomb and had been waiting to tell oda. In the Dark Era novel, Dazai says he's jealous of oda cuz oda gets to do cool stuff at work. On that day, oda had defused a bomb, which he mentioned to dazai, prompting dazai to say he was jealous. My heart can't take this.
Next thing dazai informs him is that he's perfected his hard tofu recipe. Another throwback to dark era, where the hard tofu was going to be a suicide attempt, but ended up only cutting his cheek.
Oda about dazai: "He may have been an adult, but his boyish voice made him sound far younger. He smiled like a lost child who had finally found his house."
Dazai has crystal clear eyes when speaking with oda here. Reminds me of when he was fighting with chuuya against rimbaud in fifteen
Dazai looks like he about to cry when oda mentions they've just met
Dazai really seems to want to tell oda the truth about the world. But he can't.
Akutagawas skill can keep going after he loses consciousness
Akutagawa really likes going on revenge-suicide charges huh
"'You're not evil... you just don't know who you are yet.'" Common kunikida w
Akutagawa saying to atsushi "'My job at the detective agency does not include helping those with a death wish.'" Two things this illustrates: one, akutagawa doesn't hold vengeance above his morals anymore. Two, akutagawa isn't like atsushi in this way. Atsushi would help people escape their death wish, such as with kyouka and sigma.
Dazai says abt this fight between sskk, "That was just as good as match fight on the ship..." This is a reference to the main timeline
Dazai tells atsushi to go with kyouka to a "world of light."
The fact that dazai dies even though three people can know the truth abt the world makes me think he plans for them to tell someone else
"'From now on, allow me to handle any job that involves soothing children.'" Stark contrast to the beginning of the novel, where he threatens a child about a kidnapping
Akutagawa still helps kenji w the farm
"Whenever a document needed to be shredded, he gave it to Akutagawa, who would shout with a bit more cheer than usual, 'I will tear you to pieces!' before reducing the paper into fine scraps." And does he make a salad with it afterwards?
Elise is a beautiful woman of about twenty years old in Beast, which means she either was never a girl here or she was turned into a woman at some point. If the latter, I imagine it would be when mori is put in charge of the orphanage
Atsushi aimlessly wandered the country side after dazais death. I want an au where he finds kenjis village instead
Dazai saved moris life four years ago
This breaking the watch scene is just as good as the killing the headmaster scene
Mori, here, understands that using violence and fear to teach is wrong
Mori wishes he could have save dazai
In mainline, atsushi challenges akutagawa not to kill anyone and then they'll fight. In beast, akutagawa challenges atsushi to move forward
"'Until then, you can live here as my student - no, as my son.'" ILL CRY
I like the side theme of akutagawa being assigned as evil by not only the enemy, atsushi, but by gin as well. I think the way the ending wrapped it up was perfect, by having him decide to prove to *himself* that he is not evil.
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marcusagrippa · 16 days
Hey, what was inaccurate about Domina? I want to watch it but I’m unsure on the characterizations
(oh this got quite long, sorry in advance-)
it's not that it's *super* inaccurate, it's just that (in my opinion) some of the choices made were a little, well. they could have been more interesting. guy who only ever thinks about agrippa all the time voice i am going to talk about agrippa first. i do love how they did agrippa but i also feel like his character was sort of flattened? like we see him for the most part as either a violent warmonger or then flip it entirely to this (i'm going to be mean here, but i don't care) pretty pathetic man who just kind of rolls over and does whatever gaius and livia want, and there's not really much nuance - no mention of the whole quote unquote 'exile' situation in 23, or negotiations with herod or parthia or anything like that.
(this is very much a personal thing, but the [spoilers] sort-of-but-not-really romance plot with him and livia definitely irked me. i think they did it well for what it was, but - they did come close, but when are they going to make a show where him and octavian are as insane about one another as they were historically? the emphasis on his relationship with livia over octavian lessens the effect of his death - and the whole death thing really did piss me off. they show his death, they show his funeral, they focus on how sad LIVIA is in that funeral shot (and not his, you know, childhood best friend other half of my soul etc etc) and then immediately cut to a sex scene with livia and gaius. yay. i haven't seen beyond this episode, so correct me if im wrong, but it kind of feels like people just... forget about him immediately? even gaius. there's not really a mourning or grief sort of thing. it's weird.)
the show also often skips out on events that, in my opinion, could have been more interesting than inserting some kind of weird little random subplot in instead. like - without too many spoilers, they give livia this ex best friend who's now a vestal virgin who was also in love with her as a kid which could have been really interesting! and done really well! but it's. not. it glossed over characters who's stories i think are really intriguing - like octavia adopting and raising antony's children (cleopatra selene isn't in the show at all, which i think is pretty sad) could have been interesting to focus on, but instead after a point in season 1 they just kind of reduce her to her grief over marcellus.
i think the show has a little bit of a problem with girlbossifying livia, but to the point where it sort of comes full circle and goes right back to portraying her how people like tacitus might have portrayed her. despite all the reasoning and motivation the show gives her, it still comes across like she's picking off and poisoning octavian's possible heirs one by one (because, well, she literally is) to protect her and her family's power. i think the whole 'restoring the republic' thing COULD have been really interesting! but they don't really explore *how* they'd do that or anything, they just kind of... bring it up every time there needs to be some kind of dramatic secret scene and never expand on it. i understand the show is the livia show but i think the focus on her sometimes makes the other characters (eg gaius) seem stupid or idiotic when we KNOW they weren't historically.
i am not very knowledgeable about the historical julio-claudian 'kids' (for want of a better word), so i can't really speak on a lot of their portrayals, but the whole 'bad tiberius' thing irritated me. unsure of how grounded in history this is but they give him some slightly odd butchered form of doctor-jekyll-esque did where he has an evil fucked up version who comes out and kills people sometimes. i really really love the portrayal of tiberius for the most part in the show, but this bit... eh. he also wants to kill his mum and have sex with his mum, so that's a thing.
side note but it does feel a little weird that two of the main slave characters (antigone and tycho) are both Black, especially in a setting where slavery wasn't influenced by race.
not sure if this is coherent or what you were asking at all, but here are some slightly disconnected thoughts! but despite all of this i do genuinely enjoy the show, if nothing else i think it's very fun. thanks for the ask :]
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princeescaluswords · 1 month
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Skewed Priorities
Every time I think the Teen Wolf fandom has run out of ways to surprise me, I get bushwhacked by a take so egregiously WTF that it makes me resolve never to doubt anyone's claims of racism or misogyny in media, no matter how outlandish they sound.
QUOTE: "I think people get hung up on the first season and how Scott seemed a little more interested in Allison then the dangers that Stiles or Derek might have been in"
This person isn't a Scott hater. They're not a BNF or the Asshole Anon. As far as I can tell, they like Scott! They like the show!
It's mystifying.
Scott doesn't ignore Stiles ever. He has scenes with Stiles every single episode. Scott ditched a study date with Allison because an angry Stiles demands that he do something! The only time that Stiles is in physical danger and Scott's not present protecting him is in Wolf's Bane (1x09) when Stiles deliberately kept information from Scott in order to keep Scott away and when Peter kidnaps Stiles from the Winter Formal in Formality (1x11). Scott never discovers that Peter has kidnapped Stiles or bitten Lydia until after the end of the season because he's too busy trying to find Derek.
As for Allison, she is stalked by and Scott is threatened with her death by Peter (and Derek) not less than eight times in the first season: Wolf Moon (1x01), Second Chance at First Line (1x02), Night School (1x07), Co-Captain (1x10), three separate times in Formality (1x11), and Code Breaker (1x12). The first four were before she knew werewolves existed! Doesn't she deserve a little protection, too?
As for Derek, I cannot stand it when the fandom does this bit when they say "Derek is a poor woobie baby and why doesn't Scott see that and follow him around and take care of him! For Hale's sakes, his sister just got killed! His family's dead! He's a wreck. Scott should show him some compassion!" and then turn around and say in the very next breath "as a Hale and a born werewolf, Scott should listen to every single word that comes out of Derek's mouth, never question him, and do whatever he asks, because he's simply better."
I know where part of this comes from: The Tell (1x05).
Scott: What? Stiles: Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts? Scott: Yeah, like all 9 million of them. Stiles: Do you have any idea what's going on? Lydia is totally M.I.A., Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guy's dead, and you have to do something about it. Scott: Like what? Stiles: Something. Scott: Okay, I'll deal with it later.
Of course, the fandom takes Scott saying "I'll deal with this later" as him refusing to listen to Stiles! But here's the thing -- Stiles doesn't know what to do, either! The show wanted to indicate that Scott and Stiles were out of their depth, with too much they didn't know. But fandom doesn't care, because a character of color didn't snap to attention when a white male character demanded something of him. They took it as saying that Scott wasn't doing what he was supposed to do and spending too much time with Allison, because how dare he go after something he wants when the Smartest White Boy in the World and Lost Werewolf Prince aren't being his focus?
Stiles never NEVER got angry with Scott for being with Allison. He got angry with Scott because his father got hurt (and it wasn't fair to Scott). Derek got angry about Allison, but who the hell was he to determine anything about Scott's life? It's 2024, and the idea that Scott should have been Derek's and Stiles's personal manservant is alive and well.
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lazulian-devil · 9 months
The Villains of Skulduggery Pleasant 2
Now before I start, I want to point out that Book 2 has an absolute myriad of Bad Guys™.
The book introduces not only Dusk (who is great at making everyones day just a whole lot worse. Just fun to be around. Only bit Valkyrie, killed the Lord Vampire of Dublin™ Moloch and is generally just... So much fun!), but also the whole Diablerie Subplot (oh look, China is getting a backstory upgrade), Billy-Ray motherfucking Sanguine (who is in one way or another responsible for a third of my favourite quotes from the books), the Torment and Roarhaven (and all that bullshit), the reflection quite literally cracking (this could never possibly become important later on), the whole Faceless One dimension and whatever was going on with Thurid Guild.
So uh, yeah. Book 2, for being actually quite short in comparison to the absolute Grimoires Derek would later be known to write, is a dense friggin book. You might ask yourself "Wow, this sure is a whole lot more dense than the first one" and thats because Landy had at this point already won and be nominated for enough awards that his writing adventures would be a solid thing for him.
The first book was a leap of faith, the second was the beginning of a saga.
(Tangent: I personally think Landy plans and writes books in pairs of threes, as even Phase 2 was originally supposed to be nine but then turned into six books by force of publisher. Because I read them on a Kindle, I am very much aware of how much longer they have gotten with each installment and I think that he, like many an author, would absolutely benefit from cutting down some of the sizes of his books. But book 2 is still very much on the shorter end, if not the second shortest book of the series).
So, after all these absolute bangers of villains, who will I focus on? The one that dies (which is honestly how I think I should do these. Just slowly talk about everyone who actually dies and leave the "I will appear in a trillion books" villains for last, in favor of my sanity).
Baron Vengous.
In a world filled with sarcastic, silly villains, Vengous is the stern military guy that doesnt talk a lot.
And I mean that literally. Besides like... One or two speeches the guy just doesnt talk much.
Ive managed to complete Book 7 in my reading insanity and have read up to 13 before that (reading them as they come out) and I can say with a solid 78% conviction that he is the most "normal" villain and antagonist the series has ever had.
Hes straightforward. Hes methodical. His status as a General of Mevolent is based not only in honestly insane levels of power, but in his pure military might brain and body.
Baron Vengous is the absolute most opposite anyone could have written to Serpine. He almost seems specifically written to oppose him in as many ways as possible. If Serpine was the Vibe, Vengous is the Antivibe.
You get my point.
We actually get an in depth look into him later (where? Leibniz. In terms of trouble, always assume Leibniz) and even among those people, he is somewhat normal. Apart from his wife.
Oh and the other character trait he has. What was that again? I can barely remember.
Ah. Right. Faceless One fanaticism to the point of self destruction.
It makes you wonder what he did after the Amnesty, as he is broken out of prison by Sanguine at the beginning of the book and its never quite explained why. Serpine was just vibin' in his castle. Maybe he did some human sacrifices to his beloved gods and got caught for it. Who knows. (Afaik, its never explained what he did after the Amnesty to end up in prison in the first place and at this point, Im convinced it doesnt really matter and was just a neat way to introduce Sanguine).
But Vengous just isnt a very... Interesting character. He only works so well because Sanguine is a delight anywhere he shows up and Dusk is just utterly terrifying. The Baron is almost too normal among them.
You need proof? Fine. Let me grab my Kindle real quick.
Insert transition music.
Alright, so. Vengous first appearance (Chapter 3: Vengous) paints him as the man in control, the guy who has been in prison for eighty years (Im sure cellphones blew his mind) is out and looking for revenge. He doesnt say a lot. His first actual words are "You're late." to Dusk (who he later points out in his internal dialogue isnt even a man to him). This gives us two insights into his character: First, his stoic mentality. He just murdered someone. Hes entirely calm. Lifes are a casualty to him. And second, he holds enough power or reputation that a very skilled vampire is not only working for him, but accepts being talked down to by this man.
Later in Chapter Ten: The Armour, Sanguines inner dialogue says "The Baron was not a man to be trifled with, especially at a time like this". Once again, we have a whole chapter that shows of several things (passively) about the Baron. He is a planner (shown by his knowledge of the armor and its requirements, the supposed knowledge of where Vile died and his general tactical demeanour being described), he is someone who seems to be in control at all times (shown by him casually watching a bunch of infected under Dusks command dig away) and he is incredibly patient (shown in previous chapters by him being able to wait 80 years and then just "get on with it. Sure, hes mad at Sanguine, but his plans are more important).
And then we add something a little spicy in the mixture: Hes not only a fanatic, hes also an asshole. Ooooohoho.
Its Chapter 18 in which our Protagonists finally meet him and he simply despises Skulduggery. But thats not whats actually interesting. The Chapter reveals him to be self important. Sure, hes a leader, stoic, goal oriented. But hes also cocksure of himself. (A trait he shares with about 84% of all characters in the SP universe).
Skulduggerys taunts go right over him.
"Skulduggery nodded. "So, you married or something? Do I hear the pitter patter of tiny evil feet?"
"I will destroy you."
Normal reaction, ey? The scene goes on quite a while longer than that, but only hammers home this point even more.
The Baron believes himself superior. Righteous. Blessed, probably.
What kills him in the end? His self importance. And how does he react to his death?
"But... But this isnt how Im supposed to die", He said weakly. "Not... Not like this. Not by your hand. You're... You're an abomination."
And then he crawls towards the actual abomination he summoned, pleads it to tell them (the Faceless Ones) that hes sorry for failing them.
The Grotesquery moved its hand so that it touches Vengous' face. It looked almost tender, until the hand gripped and wrenched and the Barons head snapped to one side.
Vengous is a fascinating villain, because he stands calmly among the flashy and vibrant. In a long line of batshit insane people, his insanity is the one that hits closest to home. Many, many villains in the future would be obsessed with religion (the Necromaner Temple, the whole Diablerie plot, later on Darquesse). But all of them are so overpainted, so saturated, that many are just that: A mockery of real life fanaticism.
And the Baron still feels like someone who is rootes in reality. He truly believes that he and the Faceless Ones are superior. His last act is - and I cannot stress this enough - apologising to his gods.
This man. This stoic, straightforward man. This absolute unit. Former General of Mevolent. Words like a scalpel, tactician, wit and gumption combined.
Hes just as insane as all of them. But his insanity is so much quieter. So much more refined.
And that makes him scary.
While I would like to end here, lets summarise real quick:
Vengous has mostly two traits that make him stand out: Straightforwardness and Fanaticism.
Hes a pretty boring villain in comparison to his counterparts.
He is - at least in my opinion - one of the most realistic villains in the series. His insanity is believable and while its not as flashy as those of others, its a kind of insane that makes your skin crawl as soon as you think about it.
He stole Skulduggerys Armor. If you know that Skulduggery is Vile, there are some really interesting scenes that allude to it.
His Leibniz counterpart, for once, seems to actually improve on the OG one. He talks more and he even shows a certain twisted kindness to Valkyrie in explaining her everything. I would almost argue that the Baron of Leibniz is more interesting than the OG Baron. Also, silly wife Eliza. Such a stupid joke.
If he had been succesful, he would have actually ruined the world. Legitimately. The stakes were so high and the man remained so calm. Imagine trying to resurrect your gods. Imagine resurrecting Jesus, all the while having the vibes of a Military Dad with PTSD.
Im afraid that I never found Vengous that compelling. The writing in Book 2 is immaculate though and Dusk and Sanguine are amazing.
I give him a... 7? 8 out of 10?
Also: remember to stay hydrated. Eat a snack. Stretch. You deserve it.
Wanna read more of my mad ramblings? Heres Part 1 with Nefarian Serpine and Part 3 with Batu!
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 11 months
~Minecraft incorrect quotes for the Main 6 cuz I love them~
(To anybody that understands this reference, here’s a cookie 🍪)
~Texas, California and DC walking up~
DC: Hey guys!
Florida: Ya want some mule bits?
Cali: Mule bits, please!
NY: (in the background) NOOO 😭 (x4)
Florida: What bit of the mule?~
Cali: Uhhh- the back :)
Florida: *walks into shop*
Texas: Ya really said- ya really said ya wanted the mules r*ctum Safe-Space you mother f*cker-
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it.
Florida: Do it!
NY: *incoherent screams as he kills the mule*
~outside the shop~
DC, TX, CA: 👁️👄👁️💧…. *the cries of the innocent in the background*
Texas: What the f*ck?!
Florida: *walks out* Here’s your back, sir! *drops mule bits so Cali can pick them up*
Cali: What the fu-
Florida: *blocking off the entrance* We’re closed now.
Texas: *trying to hold it together* What- what part of the mules back is that 😏
*insert more sobbing in the background*
Texas: Tell you what- here’s what we do- this time we go and we save Empire (NY), alright? W-we are Child Protection Services.
Cali: I-i actually need food, im on one heart.
Texas: I don’t have any. *quite obviously has an apple in his hand*
Cali: Pfft-
~at the mule bits shop~
Texas: Ok- Florida, Florida-
Florida: Hello Texas~
Texas: Im so- W-What is this operation of yours then, eh? I can hear cries from behind you. I can hear CRIES, Florida! I can hear the CRIES of a distorted child!
Florida: Name a bit of the mule.
Texas: Oh- uh…. An*s :)
Florida: *walks into shop* New York?
Cali: Don’t make York do this!-
Texas: Wait Safe-Space- *gets some ladders* I have an idea.
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it, New York.
Texas: *breaks roof so he can see inside*
NY: NOOOO 😭 *screams as he kills the poor mule*
Texas: WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS?! This is the SWAT, b*tch! THIS IS THE SWAT-
Cali: *falls off roof and dies*
DC: So…. This is what you’ve been doing while New York was apparently being forced to kill a mule by Florida?
Louisiana, standing in front of a very intricately built XP farm: Yup :D (he’s so proud of himself 😭-)
His horse: *is f*cking suffocating in a wall*
NY: *bringing another dog home* Welcome to the pack buddy!
The other 32 dogs: 👁️👄👁️
Loui: Hey Texas?
Texas: Yea Lou?
Loui: So y’know how we went fishing earlier?
Texas: Yea?
*insert several cats hoarding Loui*
Loui: Well I just have to say, I think I put my fish to good use :D
DC: *getting attacked by phantoms at night*
DC: Damn Minecraft I get it already- Stop rubbing it in my face that I’m an insomniac-
California: *finishes building his house* Finally done….
Florida off in the distance with flint and steel: :)
*Florida and Loui building their house*
Florida: Should we put our beds together?
Loui: O’course sha.
Florida: No homo tho ;)
Loui: Yea no homo.
NY: *bridging over the lava in the nether*
Florida, irl: *comes up behind him and grabs him from behind like the little a$$hole he is*
NY: *screams and falls* GODDAMNIT FLORIDA-
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chasingpj · 1 year
𝕩𝕖𝕟𝕚'𝕤 𝟙𝕜 𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟☺
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Thank you so much for the support all of you have given me since the beginning of my blog. It’s been so crazy experiencing this account grow and knowing my writing has been enjoyed by so many of you. I put off this celebration because I was debating if I should do one but I miss interacting with you guys and you all deserve it! You guys are the best and I'm excited for the fun we'll have! ♡♡
this celebration will go on from Friday, 3/24th to Sunday, 3/26th
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🎁 personalized letter from your favorite character (you can tell me about yourself and/or a situation and i'll write a short love letter for you from your favorite character. things to include: preferred pronouns, name, cabin, hobby, interests, personality, scenario, and who you want the letter to be written by!)
🏹 tell me anything about yourself (be sure to include your preferred name/pronouns, cabin, preferred weapon, your powers, personality type, your favorite characters in the series: romantically and platonically, literally any aspect of yourself or your personal ocs), and I'll give you a brief summary of what your years at CHB look like.
⭐️ send me a personal headcanon (it can be about a character, a concept/au, pjo as a whole, or my fic yg and i'll add on to it!)
✒️ ask for a blurb: (send me one of the prompts provided or an idea and i'll make short headcanons or write a 200ish-word blurb)
🎬 ask for a director's cut (ask me about anything I've posted! what inspired me? i can elaborate on a headcanon or one-shot, give sneak peeks, and answer questions about young god)
🍄 get to know me more! (feel free to ask me anything)
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don’t know what to request? here are 30+ prompts you can use!
disclaimer & reminder: i will cross out the quotes that have already been requested so just check back before sending it in. I will add more if i get lots of requests. i write romantically for percy, leo, jason, connor, and travis and platonically for annabeth and nico.
Dialogue Prompts
"If we lose this-" "It's just a game of Capture the Flag honey, it's not that serious-" "If we lose this, I'm divorcing you."
“I feel like I’ve stepped back in time.”
“Please tell me that we’re not stuck out here in your piece of shit car.”
"We can't take care of a baby."
“Don't even talk to me about this because I won't remember.”
“What is worse than death?”
“In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.”
With time to kill and entertainment to have, you lay your hand on his and the new waltz commences.
“Tell me, what will you do when this is all over?”
“Do you ever think about what life would be like for us if things were different?”
“C’mon, we don’t really need to get up yet.”
“Can you remember how you died?”
“Act natural.”
“Is that blood?” “No?”
“Mom says if you blow up the house, she’s gonna put you up for adoption.”
“how is it that you always manage to look so handsome, even in [insert not-handsome looking clothes?”
“Excuse you, I am great at being a third wheel.”
“Apologize. Right now.”
“Don’t let this one go. he’s perfect for you."
“Pass the binoculars. Hurry!”
“Why did i have to end up partnered with you of all people?”
"Why are you wearing my skirt?"
"You're not getting sea sick, are you?"
"We're way too drunk for this."
"Watch how a professional does this."
Lyric Prompts
Photo album on the counter; Your cheeks were turning red. You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed and your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team /// All Too Well by Taylor Swift
I've been watching' you for some time. Can't stop staring' at those ocean eyes. Burning cities and napalm skies, fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes. Your ocean eyes. /// Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish
What if I told you none of it was accidental and the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me? I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork the dominoes cascaded in a line. /// Mastermind by Taylor Swift
Then you're drivin' me home and I don't wanna leave but I have to go. You kiss me in your car and it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before /// Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine
I'm playing hooky with the best of the best. Pull my heart out my chest, so that you can see it too. I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall. The lace in your dress tangles my neck, how do I live? /// Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco
Recount the night that I first met your mother and on the drive back to my house, I told you that, I told you that I loved ya /// Still into You by Paramore
In the car, I just can't wait to pick you up on our very first date. Is it cool if I hold your hand? Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? Do you like my stupid hair? Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear? I'm just scared of what you think. You make me nervous so I really can't eat. /// First Date by Blink-182
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon? Twenty stitches in a hospital room. When you started crying, baby, I did too but when the sun came up, I was looking at you. /// Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift
And if you have a minute, why don't we go talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything so why don't we go somewhere only we know? /// Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
I have kissed honey lips, felt the healing in her fingertips. It burned like fire, this burning desire. I have spoken with the tongue of angels. I have held the hand of a devil. It was warm in the night. I was cold as a stone but I still haven't found what I'm looking for. /// I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2
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tonnerreblanc · 9 months
Ramble Incoming!⚠️
I'm usually not one to talk much about fandoms or franchises. I'm not even in all that many. Because, to me, they're too much like politics in regards to drama. (Yes, I said it). And I don't feel the need to deal with that. The most I find myself doing in fandoms is showing off my art, and swiftly going back to my corner.
But, I'mma open the can of worms that are my educated opinions. Thus, I might step on some toes. Just… don't take anything personally. Hahah, I'm not out to start beef with anyone. I'm just doing this for fun and to see what others think. I'm 100% up to having some friendly debates! So, feel free to Ask me if you want. :)
Today, Transformers is going to be my victim: I've been watching this fandom for a while… And boy, is it funny to watch y'all chase your own tails. Especially in regards to how y'all treat new content. (All fandoms with continuities do this, not just us).
People always complain that the new show/movie isn't good because and-I-quote. "It's not loyal to the original!"
Of course, creators can't copy-paste the old stuff. With new people, things will change. And that's okay.
Yes, some things—such as the themes and characters' cores, extra—should stay similar. Y'all forget that the new stuff is basically just professional fanfiction that's at this rate. *cough* And that G1 was a slapstick comedy, but I digress. But, give it 10 years, people like the older stuff that… for lack of a better term, everyone hated. It's suddenly much better compared to the new releases.
With that said, I can't really give my opinions on All Spark or Rise Of The Beasts. I haven't seen them yet. So I don’t feel very comfortable talking about them without context.
But what I can give my opinions on are the characters. Specifically how the fandom treats them.
I'm going to use Optimus Prime (the strong one) and Bumblebee (the golden child) as my main examples here.
Starting with the one and only leader of the Autobots:
One of the most common things I see people comment on is. "Optimus is too [insert reason]!" Then go on some tangent. (Which is normally valid, no hate). And the most common statement is that he's 'too' violent… but let me break it to ya… he's not. He deserves to be darker.
Now, hear me out!
This trend started with Bayverse, which yes, I'm not saying those movies are perfect or the best out there. A better part of the writing sucked! (I don't blame them for it, writers kept and still are going on strike). But… they're not as bad as most fans painted them to be. So let me play the Devil's advocate here, please.
The Optimus in the blockbuster films was brutal, yes. But that's not all he was.
Out of all the Primes in most of the movies and shows (I'm not including the IDW comics, I haven't read them yet), he is the most traumatized. Don't believe me? Just think about it.
He not only had what reality he knew torn out from underneath him once, but twi—wait no… three times! Once with the fall of Cybertron (his home), second with Sentinel's betrayal (his father figure), and third with humanity (a race he swore to protect). He has had it rough! Geez…
Not only did he already have very poor coping skills from the beginning. And what support system he did have ended up getting killed, for gosh sake. And now all he has left is Bumblebee and… a load of jerks. I would talk more about this but, Transformers and support systems are a completely different ramble for another time.
No wonder he's mad! I would be too.
Optimus is very obviously grasping at straws here. Yet he still tries his best with the resources he's given. Guys… he tried to give Cade relatable reassurance about his parenting struggles! And that was after humanity started to hunt him down and all the nonsense that ensued afterward.
Another thing that is implied in the movies—that much like Bumblebee—he was a CHILD SOLDIER. (Most of them were if you look at it). He obviously started fighting quite young. So it makes sense, that first and foremost as a soldier he would learn the best and fastest ways to defeat his enemies. Regardless of whether it was seen as brutal or dirty. He would get versed in those techniques after thousands of years of fighting. He gets the job done, that's all that matters.
Y'all also forget that most of the time his opponents were three-plus heads taller than him… ya do what ya gotta keep your loved ones safe, folks.
I love the fact that he has character flaws.
But, he's the strong one, the example child. So the fandom has hung a special set of standards that he must uphold.
Which brings me to Bumblebee, the golden child. Y'all complain to High Heaven about Bayverse. But the Bumblebee movie? Not a peep.
Do NOT get me wrong folks. I adore the Bumblebee movie (and Bee as a character) as much as anyone! But, y'all completely overlooked the fact that… It has some of the most brutal fights in the franchise. Are y'all going to really ignore the fact that Bee shredded Dropkick with a chain? That is on par with how Bayverse Starscream died. Which was just a slower version of Dropkick's death. Speaking of whom, Optimus didn't kill him. N.E.S.T did. And it's by far the most violent death in the blockbuster films. Along with poor Ravage (R.I.P) who… surprise, surprise! Bumblebee killed. Almost no one talks about that…
*Thinks for a moment* Jazz too. Megatron killed him. And no one really commented on how brutal that was either, because it was expected. It's Megatron, he's been shown to be brutal for ages. Ol’ Bucket Head is also very violent in the blockbuster films, big whoop. What am I getting at here? So it makes sense that Prime and everyone else has to keep up with him. I'm afraid G1's 'carefree' passive Optimus wasn't very realistic when you look at the facts of things…
If people are going to talk about how out of character Optimus taking a Decepticon head off is. What about Ironhide? Hound? Bumblebee? He's ripped bots spines out! That is definitely out of character for the OG Bee. Please, keep them all to the same realistic standards!
Which brings me to my next point.
Things tend to be heavily rooted in bias. And with continuities like Transformers, that bias is nostalgia. None of the shows, movies, or comics are going to be perfect, or ever have been perfect. Not only is the notion of perfection impossible but… It's HASBRO. Why do you expect so much from them? They can’t keep jack-squat consistent for anything they own. We all know they have a nasty habit of dropping the coolest lore and never talking about it again… this franchise deserves so much better. It deserves to be shown exactly as it is; a story about a civil war. *sigh* Such a shame.
Anywho… I should probably stop talking now. XD, This is three Google Docs pages long. So apologies! I hope my thoughts (if you made it this far) were interesting at least. I don't know if I made the best of points but, oh well…
Till we meet again, Shalom,
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sol-draws-sometimes · 11 months
Disc World bookclub thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 20-28
Hey @anna-neko ! Did I miss last week… yes. BUT JUST BECAUSE I MISS ONE WEEK DOESN’T MEAN I JUST ABANDON THIS. Look, finals are the week, so these past few weeks have been alot… also I’ve been hyperfocusing on dnd(stares in adhd). I’ve barely read but that’s alright. Once finals are over, I’m going on a roadtrip, so I should have time to read when we’re driving(unless I catch up on critical role…we’ll see).
It’s so late and I’m literally way too tired for nuance. With expectations set, Lets go
“Ankh-Morpork is a godawful city,” he said. “Poisonous, just like its river. Barely fit for humans now, they let everything in—zombies, werewolves, dwarfs, vampires, trolls—“
Something something we live in a society. Cue family talking about how NYC is corrupting the youth or something 🙃. Tbh, insert any big progressive city, and it should work for most of them.
A lot of good stuff in this page(and the next few ones)
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1. Something Something colonialism bad. They[Borogravia] are the bad guys here🏃🏃🏃
2. Cool POV stuff coming back. Especially with the song and what not
3. Damn Strappi’s certainly something
4. I hate nationalism. The line b/w patriotism and nationalism is real hard sometimes. I mean, something something, true patriotism is knowing how your country’s fucked, and wanting to it be better. You fight for change cause you love it, and that is way more patriotic than just blinding fighting for country and defending it, even when it is in the wrong.
5. Uggh, the national anthem. Yes the flag thing is an actual thing we do in US. And certain teachers DO loss their shit if you don’t stand up/sing. Look, it’s not like I’m trying to disregard veterans, it’s just… weird and indoctrinationy. Plus, they added, “Under God,” during the cold war so, that feels even more insidious.
6. Poor Wazzer man. I’m glad he rebels in his own small way. Small acts of rebellion are still rebellious.
7. Learning new phrases! I figured due to context clues, but it’s always good to check.
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Literally this conversation is literally my fucking thoughts
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Uuuuh. War bad! Look. See!
“Well, I’m not buying into it. It’s all trickery. They keep you down and when they piss off some other country, you have to fight for them! It’s only your country when they want you to get killed!” said Tonker.”
Tonker. King Behavior!
And just as they’re going to sleep, so am I.
Fuck this book is good!
Here’s another quote good night!
It’s all lies, she thought muzzily. Some of them are just prettier than others, that’s all. People see what they think is there. Even I’m a lie. But I’m getting away with it.
Ps: I realized last time I stopped at pg 20 but wrote 60… my bad.(should be fixed now tho)
I will add ID text some other date cause I don't have the mental energy rn. I just did, scan text, and copy pasted it into alt w/out checking. If someone besides Anna finds this post and wants them, just @ me in the comment and I'll @ you when I finish this.
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
silvergate please let me write above and beyond S4 i deserve it <3 👍 :)
(also known as Incorrect Quotes but Actually Written By Me edition. it's mostly Natquik and Calico Jack, and all of it is very self indulgent and dumb. please enjoy <3)
it's under a readmore because i made more than i thought and the post got a little long oops-
Natquik: "You're a genius!"
Calico Jack: "I am? :D"
Natquik: "Understand? Yes yes?"
Calico Jack: "Aye aye!"
Natquik: "Good good!"
Calico Jack: "Hey Nat!"
Natquik, turning around: "Yes–?" *gets decked in the face with a snowball*
Natquik: ... >:0
Calico Jack: >:3
Barnacles, having flashbacks knowing full well what's about to go down: :O
Tracker (on accident): "Hey dad?"
Natquik, Calico Jack, and Ranger Marsh, in unison: "Yes?"
Natquik: "Hey Barnacles."
Barnacles: "Yes?"
Natquik: "I can't remember the last time I told you this, but I'm proud of you."
Barnacles: ...
Natquik: "...Are you okay?"
Barnacles, crying: "Yeah I'm fine,,"
Tweak: "Do you ever want to talk about your feelings?"
The rest of the Octonauts: "No."
Tweak: "Yeah me neither, pass the cocoa."
Tracker: "Ever since I became an Octo-Agent, I–"
Bianca: "Wait, a what?"
Tracker: (*insert blinking guy*) "........Uhhh–"
Barnacles, somewhere else: "Why do I feel like I'm in trouble??"
Natquik: "I finished that [thing] you wanted, Barnacles."
Barnacles: "Perfect, thanks dad."
Barnacles: "DADQUIK-"
Natquik: ?? :))
Barnacles: *opens the windscreen, jumps out, and runs away*
Natquik: "Barnacles,"
Tracker, not Barnacles: ????
Natquik, who has done this 30 times since meeting him: "I'm so sorry–"
Calico Jack, freaking out because he broke something: "THE CAPTAIN IS GONNA KILL ME-- (SOB)"
Natquik (very bad at emotional comfort), who raised Barnacles from a cub, and has literally watched him cry over having to hunt in order to Not Starve: "How in the WORLD did you get that idea??"
Paani: *doing something reckless and dumb*
Barnacles and Kwazii, in unison to each other: "You are so much alike, y'know—"
Still in unison: "—wait what??"
Tracker 10-ish years ago, trying to learn how to use a radio: "It's so hard... they should get someone else for this job :("
Barnacles: "You can do it, Tracker! Trust yourself!"
[present day.]
Tracker, training to be an Octo-Agent: "I don't know, guys... maybe I'm not cut out for this..."
Peso: "Don't say that! You can do it, you just have to trust yourself :)"
Tracker: "........this feels familiar."
CJ: "Ahoy! I'm Calico Ja–"
Natquik: "Yes yes, I know."
Calico Jack: "...You do?"
Natquik: "Yes. I saw you get crushed by a tree."
Calico Jack: (*not sure whether to be relieved or embarrassed*) "...oh,, okay,,"
Calico Jack, calling out: "Be careful, Kwazii!"
Kwazii: "Aye aye, grandad!"
Barnacles: "Heh,"
Natquik: "You too, Barnacles!"
Barnacles: ...
Kwazii: "HAHA–"
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funtimespringscare101 · 5 months
The Oblitus Casa Self Insert! AU as Incorrect Quotes
My Self Insert: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Mother: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? My Self Insert: Yes! Jake: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you. ------------ My Self Insert: Mother, keep an eye on Jake today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched. Mother: Sure, I’d love to see Jake get punched. My Self Insert: Try again. Mother, sighing: I will stop Jake from getting punched. ------------- Photo Negative Minnie: What time is it? Jake: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out Jake: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune* My Self Insert from the Red Void: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT TWO IN THE MORNING Jake: It’s 2 am -------------- My Self Insert, trying to vibe: STOP FOLLOWING ME! Can you just leave me be?! Oswald Corruptus, outside the cabin window: ... Oswald Corruptus: N O. -------------- My Self Insert: Did you kill him? Mother: What sort of fucking animal do you take me for? NO, I DIDN'T KILL HIM! My Self Insert: Aww fuck... Mother: But I did kill all his friends! My Self Insert: OOOHHH NNNOOO- --------------- Mother: CHILD, ARE YOU OKAY?! My Self Insert, who just was thrown against a wall: I created a Corruptus out of my worries about my family and leaving you guys, and I probably now have a concussion. My Self Insert: Mother: My Self Insert: Yeah... I wasn't having the best of times. -------------- Lisa's ghost, passing through: Whoa, Kid! You Ok?... My Self Insert, spread across the table on Cam 03 looking like shit: ... I just spent the last two hours trying to get Belial to sleep. My Self Insert: But now Jake and Mother are arguing again. My Self Insert, in a sleepy whiny tone: I just want to go to bed!... @chaosverse-mainblog @misterah13 @the-good-ol-art-corner They're back!!!
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padfoot0216 · 6 months
Part 1 of me single handedly trying to grow the Miracle Workers fandom because I love the show.
Segment 1: Out of context quotes (Season 1)
1. Eliza - “Theres no way we can answer all of those [prayers].
Craig - I generally try and shoot for three, four a day. Although, now that I’ve got you, a teammate, theres no telling what we can do. I’m thinking 5…6…maybe as many as 6!”
2. Eliza - “There’s got to be something we can do .
Craig - I mean you can press F7.
Eliza - Does that stop typhoons?
Craig - No but it turns the sound off.”
3. Craig - “And does the debris ever dance?
Person - What?
Craig - Say the debris had lost an object, and then that object were found for it, would the debris be like *insert Craig dancing slightly*”
4. God - “But if you fail…
Eliza - Earth explodes.
God - Yeah but also…you have to eat a worm. Alive. The whole thing. The head and the butt. In front of everyone.”
5. God - “So we could explode his heart, or his lungs, *under his breath* or his penis.
Sanjay - Explode his penis?
God - Woah now that’s an idea!”
6. Abe Lincoln - “Out of my way black cat I’m late for my fun play!”
7. Craig - “Oh, no. No. Im not scared.
Eliza - You’re not?
Craig - No. I’m a bold, intrepid man with a strong mind. I’m a risk taker. I’m a big, bad…boy?”
8. Man 1 - “Oh shit my melon.
Man 2 - There goes our fruit salad.”
9. Craig - “If the world explodes then you will go down as history’s greatest murderer. Nobody wants that.”
10. Person - “This isn’t the department of anuses. We have integrity.”
11. Craig - “Thank you, and this pizza gentleman is gonna live, right?
Eliza- We are back on track.”
12. Eliza - “That necklace…why? I mean who wears bones to a massacre. I mean ugh I thought I was so hip.”
13. Sanjay - “We just watched you eat mud out of a bog.
Craig - Yeah that was clean mud.”
14. Person - “Why is the tornado staying in one place! This is impossible!”
15. [God scatting]
16. Craig - “It would make me really sad if God couldn’t read.”
17. Eliza - “Did he just turn that guy into a jellybean?!”
18. Eliza - “I am objectively bad at my job. I have accidentally killed a ton of people and I’m the leader of this group.
Sanjay - It’s true.
Craig - She leads us.”
19. Craig - “Yes! She saved us! Nooo, I have it away! He knows.”
20. Sanjay - “Okay, okay, new pitch. Uh, how about a romantic carriage ride?
Craig - Nope. Sam’s afraid of horses. Doesn’t like their eyes.
Sanjay - All right, then, uh, what about an eyeless horse? We get some crows, right?
Craig - Wait, where are you getting crows from?
Sanjay - It’s Earth. Anywhere. We get them to swoop down and peck the eyes out of the horse.
Craig - No, crows only peck out of dead things, though. So unless you’re going to get a dead horse-
Sanjay - Then I’ll get a dead horse!”
21. Eliza - “You’d go for it, right?
Craig - Well, no, not necessarily. Not if I was unsure about how she felt about me, or was scared to death if losing her as a friend, and also pretty frightened of her in general.
Eliza - What?
Craig - What?”
22. God’s Brother - “Explain cows.
God - I don’t want to do this anymore.
God’s Brother - Tell mom and dad what a cow is.
God - It’s like a big dog you can drink from.”
23. Gods Brother - “Tell then about giraffes. What’s a giraffe.
God - Tall dog with a leg for a neck.”
24. Craig - “(singing) Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket you live on a shelf. One is wet and one is dry and you are both my friends.”
25. Eliza - “(to Craig) Listen I’m sorry we put you in the cabinet.”
26. Person - “I’ll be honest, I’m always high, you know?”
27. Eliza - “Craig! Craig! Are you okay? Craig?
Craig - Bzzzzzzzzzz.
Eliza - *gasp*
Craig - Just kidding.”
28. Sanjay - “(pointing to a word that is clearly mammoths) We do it right here in the department of love.
God - Oh. Makes sense. Okay.
God - There sure is a lot of mammoth stuff in here.”
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