#infant sleep music
sukoonify · 1 hour
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The Top 3 Music Choices to Help Your Baby Fall Asleep
As parents, we know how crucial it is for our little ones to get a good night's sleep. Establishing healthy sleep patterns for babies can be challenging, but incorporating the right kind of music into their bedtime routine can make a significant difference. Music has a soothing effect on babies, helping them to relax and drift off to sleep more easily. In this blog, we'll explore the top three music choices that can help your baby fall asleep, along with some practical tips on setting good sleep patterns.
1. Lullabies: The Classic Choice
Lullabies have been used for centuries to help soothe babies to sleep. These gentle, rhythmic songs are designed to calm the mind and body, making them the perfect choice for bedtime sleep music. Lullabies often have simple melodies and repetitive lyrics that create a comforting and familiar environment for your baby.
Benefits of Lullabies:
Calming Effect: The slow tempo and soft tones of lullabies can help reduce stress and anxiety in babies, promoting relaxation.
Routine Building: Singing or playing lullabies as part of your baby's bedtime routine signals that it's time to wind down and get ready for sleep.
Bonding Time: Singing lullabies to your baby can strengthen the bond between you and your child, creating a sense of security and comfort.
How to Incorporate Lullabies:
Create a calming bedtime ritual that includes a lullaby session. Dim the lights, hold your baby close, and either sing or play lullabies softly in the background. Over time, your baby will associate these soothing sounds with sleep time music for kids, helping them to settle down more quickly.
2. White Noise: The Modern Solution
White noise is another popular choice for helping babies fall asleep. This type of sound mimics the consistent and gentle noises that babies hear in the womb, such as the sound of blood flow and the mother's heartbeat. White noise can mask other household sounds that might disturb your baby's sleep, creating a peaceful and consistent auditory environment.
Benefits of White Noise:
Sound Masking: White noise can block out sudden noises like doors closing or dogs barking, which can startle a sleeping baby.
Womb-Like Environment: The steady, rhythmic sound of white noise can remind babies of the comforting noises they heard in the womb, making them feel safe and secure.
Improved Sleep Quality: Many parents find that using white noise helps their babies sleep more deeply and for longer periods.
How to Incorporate White Noise:
There are many white noise machines and apps available that offer a variety of sound options. Place the white noise machine or device near your baby's crib, set it to a low volume, and let it play continuously throughout the night. This consistent background noise can help your baby stay asleep longer and wake up less frequently.
3. Instrumental Music: The Gentle Alternative
Instrumental music, particularly pieces with a slow tempo and soft melodies, can also be highly effective in helping babies fall asleep. Classical music, such as compositions by Mozart or Bach, is a popular choice, but any gentle instrumental music can work well. The key is to choose music that is calm and not too stimulating.
Benefits of Instrumental Music:
Cognitive Development: Some studies suggest that listening to classical music can have positive effects on a baby's cognitive development, known as the "Mozart Effect."
Relaxation: The soothing melodies of instrumental music can help lower your baby's heart rate and breathing, promoting relaxation and sleep.
Versatility: Instrumental music can be used not only at bedtime but also during naptime or any other time when your baby needs to relax.
How to Incorporate Instrumental Music:
Create a playlist of gentle instrumental music and play it softly in the background as part of your baby's bedtime routine. You can also use instrumental music during other quiet times of the day to help your baby relax and unwind.
Setting Good Sleep Patterns for Babies
In addition to incorporating soothing music into your baby's bedtime routine, there are several other strategies you can use to help set good sleep patterns:
Consistent Bedtime Routine: Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. This routine can include activities like a warm bath, a gentle massage, reading a book, and, of course, playing sleep music baby.
Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Make sure your baby's sleep environment is conducive to sleep. This includes a comfortable crib, a dark and quiet room, and a safe sleep surface.
Observe Sleep Cues: Pay attention to your baby's sleep cues, such as rubbing their eyes, yawning, or becoming fussy. Responding to these cues and putting your baby to bed when they are sleepy but not overtired can help them fall asleep more easily.
Limit Stimulation Before Bed: Try to avoid stimulating activities before bedtime. Instead, focus on calming activities like reading, cuddling, and listening to soothing music.
About Sukoonify
At Sukoonify, we specialize in creating soothing lullaby music and playlists on Spotify, designed to help parents establish healthy sleep patterns for their babies. Our gentle, calming melodies are crafted to create a peaceful and comforting environment, making it easier for your little one to relax and drift off to sleep. Whether you're looking for newborn sleep music or sleep time music for kids, Sukoonify has the perfect playlist to help your baby get the rest they need.
Incorporating the right music into your baby's bedtime routine can make a world of difference in helping them fall asleep and stay asleep. Whether you choose lullabies, white noise, or instrumental music, the key is to create a consistent and calming sleep environment. With a little patience and the right approach, you can help your baby develop healthy sleep patterns that will benefit them for years to come.
Remember, every baby is different, so it may take some trial and error to find the perfect sleep music for your child. Be patient and flexible, and most importantly, enjoy the special moments of bonding and relaxation that come with creating a soothing bedtime routine. Happy sleeping!
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kitkats-and-kittens · 5 months
I feel like Athena’s argument to Aphrodite in EPIC the musical makes no sense.
No hate the song is a bop but she’s out here like ‘a broken heart can mend’ when Aphrodite literally said earlier in the same song that Odysseus’s mother is dead.
Like come on now, I doubt her hearts doing much mending in the fields of Asphodel.
+ Odysseus in the horse and the infant which is my favourite song currently.
When he says don’t make me do this. When the decision to kill Astyanax was very much a choice. The Gods show him the future which really isn’t forcing him to do much of anything and Odysseus literally gets the choice to back out of murdering the kid like 5 beats earlier when Zeus is like idk man you’re not gonna love this one.
Am I giving the Gods a little too much credit? Yes, but have I hated on Odysseus for years ever since I found out that none of the Oddesy would’ve happened if he simply hadn’t given his name to the Cyclopes and that his own hubris (and the fact that his crew was dumb as shit) was the reason it took him like 20 years to get home?!?! Also Yes.
Still though the songs are so good. And my boy Polites deserved so much better. :(
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my soft effervescent cackle upon realizing the gtmpota account had used a mort havel gif in a reply. iconic all around
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#seeing that thumbnail in the [most recently posted images] sidebar like hello lmfao?????#mort havel is also an eternal delight lmao and Love that whodunit round. humors me plenty#had a moment he'd be proud of the other day when i was trying to sleep and going oh god oh dear lord#is that the sound of [someone's brought an infant in here]...it was; and not only that; it was one that'd been born not that long before a#particular pandemic and is now three yrs old and able to walk around. this meant going Oh Dear Lord and getting up just in time to like#go over and see about finagling the [door that's a bit askew and really has to be shoved into the frame to really be Closed]#and then have to hold it in place as i feel a toddler's laughable strength applied to see about trying to open that door#like well great update on that baby i guess; you're so weak it's very easy to defeat you;#but boy. i wish i didn't have to worry abt ppl's toddlers running amok & i'm sleeping & one just busts in here & i'm like well i'm in hell#this is a nightmare lmao. has happened once before; narrowly averted just yesterday. mort havel voice These Kids....#anyways lmfao this deepish cut but more importantly impeccable taste cut. and pertinent cut: Whodunit#my same reaction to finding out about things#multilayered quadruple escalating take or whatever like#goosebumps?? the musical??? will roland????? r.l. stine?????? (months later) album art by tim jacobus????????#goosebumps the musical#bway whodunit#will roland#mort havel
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munsonsprincess11111 · 3 months
It wasn't even a secret...
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: you and Eddie are married even have a new born. But thr younger hellfire members don't know?
Dustin Henderson walks into the munson trailer and hears loud music coming from Eddie's room. He approaches the room and through the crack of the door and sees a manicured hand grabbing at Eddie's bedside table only to see Eddie's not ringed hand grab it and pull it out of sight.
That's all he saw, but he got the point and left the trailer and sat in Eddie's van, which he never locked until he saw the lady exit.
But what Dustin didn't see was your wedding ring on top of Eddie's on the bedside table.
Months later Dustin was washing his hands in the munson bathroom when he threw the paper towel in the trash he saw a pregnancy test. It was positive. Dustin didn't mention it to Eddie or anyone thinking it was probably private.
What Dustin didn't see was how Eddie hugged you when the test came back positive as you both cried happy tears and kissed sweetly.
Months later Dustin and Mike approach the hellfire table and notice Eddie's not there. Weird they thought he wanted to graduate this year why would he be having time off.
"Where's Eddie?" Dustin asked setting his tray down. Gareth looks at Dustin and frowns. "What do you mean where's Eddie you know he isn't gonna be in for A few weeks." Gareth says confused.
Only then do Gareth, Doug and Jeff realise they genuinely do not know. They wasn't gonna be the ones to tell him so that's how they ended up at Eddie munson trailer skipping school.
Eddie was fast asleep an arm draped over you. He awoke suddenly to banging on the door cursing under his breath. He stands up and stretched kissing your head and peaking into the bassinet next to your side of the bed, only to see his week old daughter starring up at him with her wide brown eyes.
"Hey little lady." HE says picking her up making sure to support her head. He cradles her and heads to the door to let you sleep a bit longer. He walks into the kitchen and puts the kettle on to warm a bottle for his daughter haley. Then he walks to the front door expecting Wayne or someone.
Only to be met with a stunned Dustin and Mike. "Hello?" Eddie says confused. He let's them in as they stare at him in shock. "Whats going on guys?" Eddie asked slightly freaked out hy the look on the twos face.
"You have a baby?!" Dustin half yells.
"Dude shut the fuck up." Eddie says annoyed bouncing his daughter slightly so she doesn't cry from Dustins outburst.
"No I won't you have a baby and you didn't tell us what the fuck." Dustin half yells again.
Eddie looks between the boys with a look of confusion on his face. You walk out of your bedroom into the living room after hearing all the shouting.
"What's going on?" You ask crossing your arms over your chest. Both the teens and Eddie look at you. Your stood confused. Haley then cries and everyone looks at her.
Eddie walks over to you sliding her into your arms and she immediately stops crying as you bounce her and cradle her making soft shh noises. "Whose that's?" Mike askes Eddie's attention turning from you and haley to the two teens but you speak up. "His wife." You answer looking at the two boys
"You have a baby and a wife. How didn't we know that." Dustin says eyes wide.
"OK everyone stop, fuck me. Right. I thought you two knew but clearly you don't. This is my wife y/n who I've definitely told you about. The one I've been dating since I was like 15 and am now married to?" Eddie says waving his arms infant of you as you smile.
"OH we thought that was a cruel joke." Mike says scratching his head. Eddie looks at the boys in disbelief.
"Wow OK. This is y/n and my daughter haley who I'm gonna go with you also thought was a joke." Eddie says questionably getting nods from the boys.
"Y/n this is Dustin and Mike." Eddie says pointing at the boys rubbing his eyes.
"Hi nice to meet you?" You say still confused.
The boys says hello awkwardly.
"OK, now that's cleared up. Is that really why you came here." Eddie asks, slightly annoyed. The boys nod and explain that Gareth wouldn't tell them. You're starring at Eddie, who's clearly stressed and tired. Then, down to the little baby in your arms.
Eddie warms a baby bottle while the two teens talk to Eddie about the baby as you sit on the couch in the living room. He walks in handing you the warm bottle. "Can you feed her?" You ask quietly. But Eddie hears you.
"Yeh, yeh of course sweetheart." Eddie says sitting on the couch. You pass her to Eddie once he's sat along with her bottle kissing Eddie's cheek then haleys head before walking to your bedroom to get stuff for A shower.
"SO you like have a child." Dustin says watching Eddie feed his daughter the bottle.
"Yes and a wife." Eddie answers.
"And you've been married..." Mike says
"2 years been together for 5." Eddie says, setting the bottle by his feet, leaning back on the couch and laying the baby on his chest, gently patting her back.
"And the others knew." Dustin says as Eddie nods.
"How long are you off school?" Mike askes.
"I'm just going back to do my finals. I won't be there any other time." Eddie says as the tiny baby burps. The two nod.
Moments later you walk back in, wearing a pyjama vest and Eddie's sweats. Your stomach has shrunk since the birth of haley and it makes Eddie smile seeing you comfortable enough to wear the vest as when she was first born you wouldn't take off his hoodie.
Not that it mattered to Eddie he loved you every shape and form and you grew his baby in you. When you mentioned your insecurity to Eddie just before haley was born he comforted you and said, "either way your sexy no matter what n you've got me. If.. that helps? Probably not but you get my gist."
You sat next to Eddie and he handed you haley. "Common ill take you two home no point in going back to school." Eddie says. He too the teens to Dustin house and then came straight home.
He entered thr trailer and headed to your bedroom to see haley asleep on your shared bed and you sat up looking at her giving Eddie a smile when he entered the room. Eddie strips of everything but his boxers.
"Now give me a twirl." You says smiling at him from the bed.
He turns slowly as you clap quietly before laying on his side next to you. "SO those are two of your friends?" You say raising your brows and Eddie nods putting an arm over your waist.
Eddie looks at you then to his daughter and smiles. Taking your hand and kissing it. You lean down and kiss him on the lips.
"I love you." HE says as your foreheads touch.
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"I love you most." You smirk kissing him again.
Yeah Eddie was a happy man. He may still be in school but he's got everything he wants Sat right on his bed. His beautiful wife and tiny daughter.
Months later he graduated walking off the stage hugging you nice and tight laying a sweet kiss on your lips. Wayne holding 3 month old haley who's arm where flapping for Eddie. He took her from Wayne kissing her nose as she open mouthed his cheek.
The stunned look on Jason's face to see Eddie munson holding a baby in one arm with his hair and his other arm around your waist as your hand was behind haleys head. Eddie smirked to himself kissing your head. Wayne shooting him a proud smile and nod. The others soon came running over. "Finally man thought you was gonna end up going to school with haley." Gareth says smirking at Eddie.
"Shut up Gareth." You says earning a laugh out of Eddie.
"Y/n I'm wounded." Gareth says shocked.
"You heard the lady shut up." Eddie says smirking.
Gareth rolls his eyes.
Everyone stands and talks. Eddie saying haley needs feeding so you guys have to go. In reality you had fed her before and Eddie just wanted to go home.
"I am so proud of you." You say kissing his cheek.
"Yeah? Do I get a special treat for how proud you are." Eddie smirks.
"Maybe... you'll see when haleys in bed." You say smirking at him running a hand through haleys curls.
Yeah Eddie was right. 86 was definitely his year.
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grimesgirll · 3 months
you look forward to your car rides with rick.
you love your group too but sometimes a long car ride helps you unwind and recharge when your social battery is low and you just need to stare out the window at some grassy hills. besides, most days rick let you choose the soundtrack for your drive so you could DJ.
the only cds you'd had when you met up with the group were your signed cds that you couldn't part with: your parents' favorite foreigner album and taylor swift's sophomore album. after playing those albums front to back and hearing "double vision" one too many times enough to nearly ruin the song for you - and rick too probably - you set out to find some new tunes. you and daryl came back from a record store with a crate of old cds - it was a shame that you couldn't preserve the records but you had yet to run into a working record player that was worth your time. nonetheless, you found fleetwood mac albums, soft rock compilations, and music to mellow your trips.
you were itching to see him today. you’d been preoccupied mass producing buckwheat cereal and it was never a good time with him. you lavished the opportunity to spend time alone with the perpetually preoccupied rick grimes.
rick is waiting for you when you climb into the car. hickory curls frame his face which is sunburnt from all the time spent outside finishing up the harvest.
“hey,” you greet, pulling the car shut and shifting into your seat.
“hey there.” the sheriff farmer replies gruffly, hands already tensed and gripping the steering wheel.
you don’t need to ask what’s wrong because you already know: carl.
you love the boy but he wasn’t playing the part of the pacifist farm boy rick wanted him to. you don’t blame either of them. rick was right to rein carl in after he fired on that boy from woodbury as he surrendered.
that shook you up a bit too, but you remembered that carl was young and after weeks of planting, it won’t hurt to let the boy kill a walker or two on fence duty. there’s at least no reason for rick to give him shit about it.
rick’s so pent up though. it could be not just carl but the young infant going through the four month sleep regression.
settling judith for the night seemed to be a never ending battle, every battle a losing battle. you’d managed to take the little girl off of rick’s hands so he could sleep but she rarely went down for you either anymore. the baby that was once happy to fall asleep in your arms before bed was now fighting bedtime with everything she had.
your leader was saddled with stress. you can see it in the white of his knuckles against the steering wheel and how he doesn’t say anything before starting the car and pulling out of the prison, the gate being pulled behind your car by glenn and daryl.
almost forgetting to put in the new cd in your lap, your eyes are glued to the steering wheel. navigating whatever you have with rick is treacherous when just the sight of his taut hands has your breath picking up.
the two of you had no opportunity to get away lately. it’s not like you’re going to pester rick or jump him in the fields.
you’d already heard a, “later, sweetheart” earlier this week and it made you want to curl up into a ball.
waving the cd so rick can see, you ask if he likes the eagles. he shrugs. not much of a response.
“i’m gonna pop this in,” you inform him and lean over slightly to eject the cd currently residing in the media console - one of daryl’s buffalo springfield cds - to slide in an eagles’ greatest hits album.
he doesn’t pay much attention, just keeps his attention on the road and his knuckles wrapped around the steering wheel.
the sound of a guitar transitions you into the first song, which you think is aptly named. “take it easy” is exactly what rick should do but the song doesn’t seem to lighten his mood.
you two sit in silence. this isn’t unusual for you guys. sometimes you go quiet on parts of the drive.
rick breaks the silence.
“you like older stuff?”
i like older, rugged, handsome ex-cops with hands that can-
“i like all kinds of stuff.”
the older man laughs. “just wouldn’t have pegged you for an eagles girl.”
“it’s dad rock. don’t you like it?” you ask, catching his blue eyed gaze.
he slouches his shoulders. “they’re not bad. i would’ve liked if you put on that fleetwood mac cd a bit more.”
you grin. “i’ll remember to put their greatest hits cd on next.”
what you should be doing is reaching back to grab the cd booklet from the backseat but you’re fixated on rick. he’s driving, hyper focused on being aware of his surroundings again so he doesn’t notice the path your eyes take from his hands on the wheel to his pants. he doesn’t see your eyes cloud with thoughts of you two.
“pull over.”
“what?” rick questions, shooting you a skeptical look. “why?”
“i really have to go number one.”
he scoffs. “that’s why you wanna stop?” he shakes his head at you. you’re always asking him to stop on the side of the road for you to pee or find a dilapidated bathroom to go in. “next time, you gotta go before we leave.”
you nod, working overtime to conceal the early signs of victory on your lips. rick heeds your request and pulls into a rest stop parking lot, telling you to make it quick.
“be right back!” you chirp and use the bushes behind a gazebo to maintain your angle - and actually empty your bladder.
then you’re hopping back into the car and pressing the passenger side button to lock all of the doors. your hand stops rick’s when he goes to start the car, using the other to unbuckle his seatbelt. you’re in his lap by the time you’ve gotten his seat reclined by pushing down the lever.
the dark haired man is chiding your name. “what are you doin’?”
“helping you relax.”
“we gotta get on with our run.”
“i think you having fun is a bit more important.” you argue as you undo his belt. “why don’t you just relax?” you smile at him while you turn up the music slightly.
the sheriff rasps your name. “we have to stay vigilant.”
you send him a look that his him straining in his baby blue boxers. “rick, the doors are locked. we’ll hear a walker if they come up and we can drive away. just trust me and relax.”
it’s hard to argue when you’re tugging down his waistband, hands finding him and fondling him until the only sounds coming out of his mouth are pants.
opening up nice and wide, you slip him into your mouth. you smile when your tongue on the side of his length is met with a breathy moan.
one of rick’s hands are on the back of the center console and the other is pressed against the driver’s side door. between you wandering up and down his shaft with your tongue, he feels cornered. even more so when you take the opportunity to guide his hands to your hair.
it takes a few minutes but rick is no longer preoccupied with scanning the perimeter or heavy under the worry you could always sense under his skin, distracted by the curve of your ass. just leaning with his head back, basking in the soft rock playing and the woman so keen on relieving the pressure that weighed down on his reddened shoulders.
“such a good girl,” he’s gasping.
you move faster. suction your lips a little tighter. you haven’t been fooling around with rick for long but one thing is true without a doubt for him; he’s long and thick. you still haven’t mastered what must be some kind of witchcraft to fit all of him down your throat without gagging, but rick doesn’t care. as long as his dick in your mouth, he’s not complaining. especially not when you look up at him with his cock halfway down your throat.
success bubbles in your core and even with rick stuffed down your throat, you’re beaming. you’ve managed to get him to sit back and take a moment to enjoy himself - to enjoy you.
but you realize that your work is far from done when your favorite farmer cums down your throat, relishing the moment despite his still rock solid cock. he pulls your mouth off of him after you swallow, seemingly relishing the sight of you, lips in a pout in his lap.
“it’s your turn,” rick growls before fervidly dragging you to the backseat to pin your hips down and return the favor.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
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~Fairy AU~
Moondrop Fairy
~Active at dusk and nighttime
~He puts the buds and flowers to sleep
~Also hand-sized
~Interacts with nocturnal animals and critters
~His eyes change with the phases of the moon
~His fairy dust can put people to sleep, especially crying infants
~He collects people's nightmares in jars
~Can also speak, but sounds like bells and a music box
~The moon and star patterns glow in the dark
~Sleeps in a tree hollow with his sunshiny twin
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 4 months
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Sakamaki Brothers as Dads Headcanons!
This is in the context of their character development in later games, but I'm still going to try to be accurate to their personalities and try not to over-soften or idealize them
- Shu struggled to find a balance between gentle discipline and guidance and freedom for his kids, he didn't want them suffocated like he was
- While he's there to help and support, he believes they should learn to work things out on their own. He's not neglectful of their problems but he's a little less hands-on in that regard
- Instead of solving things for them he works with them so they can learn to solve things on their own
- He keeps an eye of them without getting too involved physically like while they're playing or in public
- Though he'll love all his kids equally he really wanted a girl after centuries of being the older brother to 5 brothers
- Though he wants them to be able to take care of themselves, Shu is very protective of them
- He's generally very calm, even when angry
- He'll probably adopt a kitten or puppy for them to raise with him
- When they're young he lets them nap on his chest
- Strict, but warm and gentle
- He makes sure to give each of his kids equal attention as to not let history repeat itself
- He also wants to prevent his children from having that same animosity and resentment he felt/feels with Shu
- If he managed to make some sort of peace with Shu he'll be okay with them interacting
- He'll take them into the woods and help them take care of and interact with animals
- He's adamant that they'll be vampires, not half-vampire, half-human, so he will absolutely turn his s/o into a vampire. No discussion
- Teaches them what he knows but also helps indulge them in their interests
- Kisses their forehead or heads
- Will check for monsters under the bed or in the closet, but won't let them sleep in bed with him and his s/o, he'll just reassure them there's no monster and give them a nightlight
- They can still hang out with him and his and his s/o's bed just not sleep there overnight
- He's the fun dad
- But also sometimes the really embarrassing dad
- His son's playing a sport? He's losing his mind in the stands
- His daughter's the lead in a musical? He's clapping obnoxiously and bragging to EVERYONE
- Literally brags about every single one of his children's achievements
- Also the parent with the belief of his children can do no wrong. Like he'll argue with the teacher if one of his kids gets a bad grade
- He was really excited when you got pregnant
- But was secretly really worried
- He kind of idealized it at first, underestimating the difficulties of raising a kid and how much work infants are
- Was legitimately surprised at how long it would take for them to walk or talk
- At first he was entirely against any sort of discipline because he didn't know what discipline was, he didn't know you could be a good loving parent and discipline your child without mistreatment or abuse
- As far as he knew, discipline was abuse
- Very protective and possessive, especially with his daughter/s
- Sometimes fights with his kids over his s/o's attention or the last bite of food
- He'll always give them to last bite of food
- He loves them the way he loves his s/o, it's genuine love but it's also very possessive love. He loves them as possessions
- Kanato can be surprisingly verbally loving in the games so he'll be like that with his kids, giving them compliments and telling them how much they mean to him like he does with Yui
- He'll stroke their hair and have tea parties
- They can't have Teddy but they can touch and talk to him
- He'll make them their own stuffed animal and they'll be allowed to name them Teddy Junior if they want to
- Kanato really likes dressing up his daughter/s like pretty dolls, he'll get disappointed if she doesn't like it but may come to tolerate/accept that's not who she is
- Not very interested in changing diapers, but will be present there, just not doing the actual action, more support and company
- He does hold them and rock them and he will take over so his s/o gets rest
- Extremely possessive. They are his and s/o's only. He's not even happy that they're related to his brothers
- If he has a good enough relationship with his brothers though he may tolerate them interacting
- He was excited to be a dad, but really worried
- Laito was sure to properly teach his children love
- Laito was really wary of who he allowed his kids to be near or alone with. He got it into his head that any adult might try to hurt or abuse them and for a while he was insanely over-protective
- He hated letting them out of his sight and even into their teenage years he had familiars following them
- A really playful dad
- Surprisingly good at discipline. Never in an abusive way of course, but he's surprisingly good at it and willing to teach them to behave
- Hates the idea of his daughter/s getting a boyfriend
- He will allow his children to play dress up with him, paint his nails, etc
- He'll play toys with them
- He's actually a very responsible father and all his brothers were really surprised
- Subaru started out TERRIFIED
- How could he possibly be a good parent? His parents weren't and he still thinks he's a horrible monster
- Finally agrees to get therapy for his anger issues
- He was at first terrified to touch or hold his first child after they were born because he was scared he'd pollute them
- All his kids after that he was able to hold and interact with because he was able to get over that fear
- He turned out to be quite the natural
- Fiercly protective
- Still a bit of a tsundere, but is very open with his love
- Can barely resist their begging or cute little pleading faces
- Like Laito he often sends his familiars after them and doesn't like them being out of his sight, especially as children
- Loved taking care of them as babies, he found bathing and feeding and rocking them really relaxing
- It reminded him of all the good and love in the world and he never wanted his children to feel unloved by him
- Lets them cling onto his arms and he'll lift his arm to hold them up
- Puts his hand on their heads affectionately
I hope you like this!
Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated my loves ❤️❤️❤️
Mukami Brothers Version 👇🏻
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kipskiptrip · 2 months
(Queueing this to 8:30 p.m. EST today)
Okay! I want to start a tag game... 2 truths, 1 lie! Put a poll with 2 truths and 1 lie, set it for a week, and see what your mutuals think is the lie!
Afterwards, tag as many mutuals as your heart desires (if you need a number, I'm aiming for 8) and then link a song that us currently on your mind! (EDIT: If I didn't tag you and you'd still like to participate, go ahead! Even if you aren't a mutual)
I'll start
@rubiqunda @screamingsquamousthings @pariskim @coolswagwoman @faggotarchives @spleakerboy @dale-aficionado-blueberry @smug-puppy
Finally, my current song stuck in my head at this very second
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rollingsins · 11 months
Jealous Wednesday drabble? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Filled, thanks boo
“He’s like a gnat.” Wednesday seethes. “Buzzing around girls who don’t want his attention.” 
The gnat in question is Xavier Thorpe. 
His crime? Offering you his notes from the phytotoxicology class you’d missed on Tuesday due to a head cold. Wednesday had watched the interaction, and had been seething like a stormcloud all the way back to her dorm room. 
“He was just being friendly, baby.” You say, reaching out to rub her arm. 
Wednesday shoots you a look and withdraws from your touch as if you’d burned her. 
She doesn’t like pet names, or affection when it’s not pre or post-coital. But even worse, she hates when you defend the people she doesn’t like. 
“Do I look like an infant to you, YN?” She asks, all of her ire suddenly turned on you. You blink, a little startled. Her eyebrows are knit, her eyes awash with fury. 
All the fury of a two year old being refused her favorite toy. 
“Right now?” You ask, hesitant, “A little.” 
Wednesday blinks. If possible, her eyes darken even more. And you’re immediately aware you’ve said the wrong thing. 
You sigh. 
“Xavier isn’t interested in me,” You say in an attempt to placate her, “He had a crush on you, remember?” 
Wednesday stares. 
“That was last year,” She says, eyebrows knit, “And once he became imminently aware I would rather sit through a sing-along screening of the Sound of Music than become romantically involved with him, I believe his affections shifted.” 
She eyes you up, as if it’s you who's done something wrong. 
You shrug. 
“Ditto.” You say, well aware of the fruitless attempt to pacify her. There was only one thing that seemed to always convince her. It would come sooner, rather than later. And thankfully, nowadays, Wednesday’s room always seemed to be vacant. Enid too preoccupied with Ajax to ever be home. 
At the prospect of having Wednesday’s dorm room to yourselves, arousal flashes hot and fast through you. 
But Wednesday, as always, is two steps behind. Her jaw clenches. 
“You love The Sound of Music,” She says, voice slightly accusatory, “That means nothing.”
“I love you.” You say, meeting her gaze. It doesn’t waver, “Doesn’t that mean something?” 
Wednesday considers this. Her eyes narrow, like she’s sizing you up. Her eyes flicker, and you know it’s time. 
“Undress,” She says, leaning back slightly, “We are going to copulate.” 
“Sexy.” You say, voice wry, “You sure know how to talk a girl into bed, Wednesday.” 
Wednesday leans forward. 
“Undress.” She insists, “I’m not asking.” 
You cross your legs, gaze defiant. You know she likes this. A little resistance, fire meeting fire. It isn’t fun when it’s easy. 
“I bet Xavier wouldn’t demand me to sleep with him,” You say, “I bet he’d ask, super nice. Call me nice names, tell me he loves me.”
Wednesday’s eyes narrow. 
You half think she’s about to throw you onto the bed and rip your clothes off when she meets your gaze. The storm in her dark eyes doesn’t let up. 
“Undress, please, sweetheart,” She says, through gritted teeth, “I want to remind you you’re mine.” 
You tilt your head, waiting. 
She sighs. 
“And…” She says, as if the pause in her sentence will lessen your desire for her to say the words. She quirks an eyebrow. It doesn’t work. 
 “And I love you.” 
You smile. 
“I love you too,” You tell her, pull your shirt over your head, “And Xavier isn’t going to woo me with phytotoxicology notes. Don’t worry, baby.” 
This time, she allows the epithet. She softens, meeting your submission with a kiss. 
She climbs atop you, a careful maneuver that has her knee fall between your legs in just the right place.  
“Xavier won’t woo you no matter what he does,” She says, as she unbuttons your jeans, “But I’ll remind you why, just in case.”
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sukoonify · 7 days
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Secrets of Sleep Training: The Ferber Method
Parenting is full of joys and challenges, and one of the most common struggles for new parents is ensuring that their baby gets enough sleep. Establishing healthy sleep patterns for babies is crucial for their development and your sanity. One popular method for sleep training is the Ferber Method, also known as "graduated extinction." In this blog, we'll explore the secrets of the Ferber Method, how to implement it, and provide tips to help you set good sleep patterns for your baby.
Understanding the Ferber Method
The Ferber Method, developed by Dr. Richard Ferber, is a sleep training technique that teaches babies to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. The method involves letting your baby cry for gradually increasing intervals before offering comfort. The idea is to help your baby learn to fall asleep without relying on being rocked, fed, or held.
Key Principles of the Ferber Method
1. Gradual Approach:
The Ferber Method is a gradual process. Parents are encouraged to let their baby cry for progressively longer periods before intervening. This helps the baby learn to self-soothe.
2. Consistency:
Consistency is crucial. The Ferber Method requires a structured approach where parents stick to the plan every night, helping the baby understand what to expect.
3. Parental Reassurance:
While the method involves allowing the baby to cry, parents are still encouraged to offer brief periods of comfort without picking up the baby. This reassures the baby that they are not alone.
How to Implement the Ferber Method
Implementing the Ferber Method requires patience and a structured plan. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
Step 1: Create a Bedtime Routine
Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is the foundation of successful sleep training. This routine should include calming activities that signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. Examples include a warm bath, reading a story, and playing soothing bedtime sleep music. The goal is to create a peaceful environment that prepares your baby for sleep.
Step 2: Set a Bedtime
Choose a consistent bedtime that aligns with your baby's natural sleep patterns. This will help regulate their internal clock and make it easier for them to fall asleep.
Step 3: Place Your Baby in the Crib Awake
After completing the bedtime routine, place your baby in their crib while they are still awake. This allows them to learn to fall asleep on their own.
Step 4: Follow the Ferber Interval Schedule
The Ferber Method involves letting your baby cry for specific intervals before offering comfort. Here's a sample schedule for the first week:
Night 1: Let your baby cry for 3 minutes, then offer brief comfort without picking them up. If they continue to cry, wait 5 minutes, then 10 minutes before offering comfort again.
Night 2: Increase the intervals to 5, 10, and 12 minutes.
Night 3: Increase the intervals to 10, 12, and 15 minutes.
Continue Gradually Increasing Intervals: Each night, gradually increase the intervals between comforting visits until your baby learns to fall asleep independently.
Tips for Success with the Ferber Method
1. Be Patient and Consistent
Consistency is key to the success of the Ferber Method. Stick to the plan every night, even if it's difficult. It may take a few nights or even weeks for your baby to adjust, but with patience, you'll see progress.
2. Use Soothing Techniques
While using the Ferber Method, you can incorporate soothing techniques to help your baby relax. Playing gentle infant sleep music or white noise can create a calming environment. These sounds can help mask household noises and provide a comforting background for your baby.
3. Monitor Your Baby's Health
Before starting any sleep training method, ensure your baby is healthy and not experiencing any discomfort or illness. Consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby's health or sleep patterns.
4. Stay Calm and Reassured
Hearing your baby cry can be challenging, but it's important to stay calm and reassure yourself that this process is beneficial for both you and your baby. Remember, the goal is to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits.
Addressing Common Concerns
Will Letting My Baby Cry Cause Harm?
Many parents worry that allowing their baby to cry will cause emotional harm. However, research shows that controlled crying methods like the Ferber Method do not cause long-term emotional issues. In fact, helping your baby learn to self-soothe and fall asleep independently can lead to better sleep and a happier baby.
How Long Does the Ferber Method Take to Work?
The time it takes for the Ferber Method to be effective varies for each baby. Some babies may adjust within a few nights, while others may take a few weeks. Consistency and patience are crucial during this process.
About Sukoonify
At Sukoonify, we specialize in creating soothing lullaby music and playlists on Spotify, designed to help parents establish healthy sleep patterns for their babies. Our gentle, calming melodies are crafted to create a peaceful and comforting environment, making it easier for your little one to relax and drift off to sleep. Whether you're looking for newborn sleep music or sleep time music for kids, Sukoonify has the perfect playlist to help your baby get the rest they need.
Setting Good Sleep Patterns Beyond the Ferber Method
In addition to the Ferber Method, there are several other strategies to help set good sleep patterns for your baby:
1. Establish a Daytime Routine
A consistent daytime routine, including regular naps and feedings, can help regulate your baby's internal clock and promote better nighttime sleep.
2. Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment
Ensure your baby's sleep environment is conducive to rest. This includes a comfortable crib, appropriate bedding, and a dark, quiet room. Using sleep music baby can also help create a calming atmosphere.
3. Watch for Sleep Cues
Pay attention to your baby's sleep cues, such as rubbing their eyes, yawning, or becoming fussy. Responding to these cues and putting your baby to bed when they are sleepy but not overtired can help them fall asleep more easily.
4. Limit Stimulation Before Bed
Avoid stimulating activities in the hour before bedtime. Instead, focus on calming activities like reading, cuddling, and listening to music for kids to sleep.
The Ferber Method can be an effective way to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits and learn to fall asleep independently. While it may be challenging initially, consistency, patience, and a structured approach can lead to successful sleep training. Remember to create a soothing bedtime routine, use calming techniques like infant sleep music, and maintain a sleep-friendly environment.
By implementing the Ferber Method and following these tips, you can help your baby develop healthy sleep patterns that benefit their overall well-being and provide you with much-needed rest. Happy sleeping!
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tearblossom · 1 year
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And they are dancing, the board floor slamming under the jackboots and the fiddlers grinning hideously over their canted pieces. Towering over them all is the judge and he is naked dancing, his small feet lively and quick and now in double-time and bowing to the ladies, huge and pale and hairless, like an enormous infant. He never sleeps, he says. He says he’ll never die. He bows to the fiddlers and sashays backward and throws back his head and laughs deep in his throat and he is a great favorite, the judge. He wafts his hat and the lunar dome of his skull passes palely under the lamps and he swings about and takes possession of one of the fiddles and he pirouettes and makes a pass, two passes, dancing and fiddling at once. His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.
(added the music, myself 😊)
🎻 Artwork: The Judge - Aleksey Efremov 🎻 Music: Devil's Trill Sonata - Giuseppe Tartini
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glitziinova · 24 days
General Toon headcanons
I suddenly remembered that I made these
🥧Baby and child toons are scared of skelecogs. They see one and immediately start busting out crying
🥧 Toons born/raised in certain playgrounds have perks
🐾Toontown Central - Jack of trades, better at making friends and building relationships with others
🐾Barnacle Boatyard - Better swimmers and fishers
🐾Ye Olde Toontowne - Witches or other magic-related skills; like alchemy. Also, they prefer to make things by hand, very handy toons
🐾Daffodil Gardens - Gardeners, green thumbs, but also bug hunters and collectors
🐾Mezzo Melodyland - Musically inclined toons, they have sharper ears than most toons. Also artists like painters, sculpture, tailors misc
🐾The Brrrgh - Have better resistance to the cold. Has thicker fur.
🐾Acorn Acres - Certified tree climbers and foragers. Tree climbing-related activities are very common
🐾 Drowsy Dreamland - Due to the playground being what it is, they all benefit from the perks of having better sleep and often do have better sleep than the other toons from the other playgrounds (Unless you’re that one toon from that Graham task)
🥧Baby toon fur/ feathers/scales are much more lighter when very young (like infant to toddler), they reach their true colors around early childhood
🐾 Mother egg layers (like ducks, other birds, and gators) lay eggs (woah that's crazy), and also assuming that they take the same time as humans, they will hold the egg for about 9 months, lay it, and then take care of the egg for about a few days until it hatches.
🐾 Brand new baby toons (I have no idea what to call it, idk the actual name) look like their newborn for their species, usually small, blind/deaf, bald, pink crying jellybeans with limbs. In around the couple of weeks or a month mark, they actually look like proper toon babies. Yes, the toon parents will take many pictures when their baby starts to explode in fur/feathers because they look hilarious.
🥧Toons of different species can have a child together, the child will mainly be the species of their mother with some features of their father (think of the hybrids from Beastars)
🐾EX: Duck (mother) and Alligator (father): The child would appear mostly duck with sharp teeth, spines, claws, and some scales on their body
🥧Speaking “proper” words is a learned behavior, baby toons often speak in their natural animal noises. “Proper” words are like a second language for toons, some toons will slip and talk in their “natural” language. Toons can understand each other animal noises even if they’re different species. (The Cogs can’t understand their natural animal language)
🥧Predator toons (I have no idea what to call them in this context) like cats, dogs, bears, alligators, hybrids, etc, have retractable claws. Most keep their claws short to keep in their gloves. More fashion-forward toons who don’t fight cogs tend to let their claws grow and keep them decorated (Like Malimew Barbie and Begothz)
🥧Cat toons can be scruffed and it’s really embarrassing for them. Most Cat toons often wear something on their neck, usually to make it harder for them to be scruffed, sometimes it's for fashion or both.
🥧Toons can temporarily change art styles. Usually for comic effect, imagine you said something stupid and the toon just looks at you like 👁️_👁️ -_- 👁️_👁️
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gunthermunch · 7 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
WG: hi Gunther: hi uh- sorry if i woke you up or something. i felt like calling. i don't know. WG: nah i was just… hanging. what's up? Gunther: ah uh- well. we're cutting our honeymoon short. Lilith had one of those really bad nightmares yesterday and she insists on going back with the kids. WG: seriously? it's not even been a whole week yet Gunther: it's that bad. i've never seen her this alarmed before Gunther: so uh- yeah. make sure to get Garrett from Caleb's before tomorrow night? please? she really needs the kids around. WG: yeah yeah. ahah. Bluma's gonna hate that Gunther: speaking of, i'm standing in the shore in my underwear because i want a starfish or something colorful and or shiny for said little lady. the sand feels horrible in my feet, i have to add. Gunther: how is she? WG: oh yeah. it's disgusting. WG: and she's doing excellent. Everything's excellent in fact; Bluma made a friend and Garry's first steps were right in front of me Gunther: …i'd need you to be more specific before i yell WG: i'm half joking. The house you and grandpa got includes a big freaking haunted maze, you geniuses. Gunther: what. WG: okay. I'll make a sum up. Gunther: i'd prefer all the details
WG: so are these forever or…? Caleb: oh no, nonono. well. not unless he learns or wants to control his mind controlling powers. Morgyn: if you ask me it' be fantastic to just glue those sunglasses on him WG: are you kidding? Garry's sick little powers could make us RICH Morgyn: and how exactly you plan on doing that? WG: dunno. infant robbery? i'm sure he'd love that Morgyn: my godness.
Bluma: the world has gone insane! all crazy! why'd they bring Garry back?! Bluma: not fair… and you! Jojo! Jojo why won't you sleep in the bed i made for your little body! Jojo: meow Bluma: i even gave you your own light because you've been on that basement for so long you must be scared of the dark! Jojo: mrow… Bluma: your- did your last owner let you sleep on his bed? is that why you don't like yours? Bluma: …what happened to them anyways? i saw the picture. Bluma: wish your kitty paws knew how to write… but i can't even read well either Gunther: hello my little flower Bluma: papa!!! Bluma: dad i missed you so much! so many things happened i really wanted you to see! Gunther: i know darling your uncle told me everything Bluma: all of it? Gunther: in big detail, yes. Even about your Jojo Gunther: how's he not dead? Bluma: dunno! Gunther: we need to get him checked in every way possible. The basement too, good lord. Garlic down there? Bluma: and ghosts! my kitty radio the Goth lady made spirit-y played a lot of music on it's own! Gunther: oh god Bluma: yes!! Gunther: now what are YOU so excited about Bluma: daaad!!! Gunther: …Bluma darling, there's something we need to talk about.
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 1 month
no no but monster is probably my favorite epic song because ooohhhh myyyy goooddddd it’s like the entirety of the musical so far has been building up to this
Like “is the cyclops struck with guilt when he kills, is he up in the middle of the night? Or does he kill my men to avenge his friend and sleep, knowing he has done ‘em right”?? like in ‘my goodbye’, (end of cyclops saga) Odysseus is already having trouble sleeping (“what’s a title that a goddess could lend, if I’ll never sleep at night?”) LIKE OKAY JAY OKAY
“when the witch turns men to pig to protect her nymphs is she going insane? Or did she learn to get colder, when she got older, and now she spares them the pain”?? Odysseus references how long it’s been, time passing, in ‘there are other ways’ (“but it’s been twelve long years”)
“When a god comes down and makes a fleet drown, is he scared that he’s doing something wrong? Or does he keep us in check so we must respect him, and now no one dares to piss him off?” Pretty obvious; in ‘ruthlessness’ when poseidon says “in all my years of living, it isn’t very often that I get pissed off”
“Does a soldier use a wooden horse to kill sleeping Trojans because he is vile? Or does he throw away his remorse to save more lives with guile?” tbh I’m not sure on this one but could be Odysseus’ internal turmoil in general ORRRR the fact that he decided to drop the baby from the walls of Troy to save his family (“save more lives with guile”)
AND THEN AND THEN [agh I love this song so much]
The “ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves… and deep down I know this well” BROTHER YOU HAVE ME ON MY KNEES
“I lost by best friend, I lost my mentor, my mom, five hundred men gone— this can’t go on!” JFC
I have a lot of feelings about this and feel free to add more thoughts on this
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How To Ruin a Friendship
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: language, slight angst?, fluff
Eddie's fingers falter over the strings on his guitar as you press on the yellowing bruise exposed by the hole in his jeans, enjoying the way his skin squishes beneath your finger.
Sorry," you giggle and thumb the fading contusion once more, memorizing the way his skin dips down until you can feel the press of bone below. It shouldn't be such an alluring sensation, but to your weed-addled mind, it's consuming. Eddie picks the song back up eyes drifting closed in response to the blunt you two shared half an hour ago. He had more than his fair share, leaving you pleasantly calm but not far gone by any means.
Your eyes settle on Eddie's hands as he plays, following the strong plains and ridges of veins that climb his forearms and taper off at the crook of his elbow. You look away, uncomfortable with the growing fascination resting low in your gut. It had been building for months -hell, years really- every time it threatened to boil over, you disappeared for a day or two, feigning illness or claiming you had a lot going on before rejoining Eddie as the easygoing best friend he expected.
"I wanna play," you murmur, breaking whatever spell the music held over the room.
Eddie's eyes popped open, blurry and unfocused as he struggled to take in your form at the end of his bed. He pulled the guitar strap over his head, passing you his sweetheart with the same caution a new parent might hand off their infant with. You slip the band of fabric over your head, and Eddie reaches out to adjust the strap, tightening it minutely. The gesture doesn't go unnoticed, it's impossible to ignore really, when his warm fingers brush your neck, the metal of his rings smooth against your skin.
Your fingers are clumsy on the strings, strumming a discordant melody, your face scrunching up in distaste and concentration. Eddie reclines back against his headboard, trusting you with his baby, and content to watch the show.
You struggle for a few minutes more, playing a fragile set of chords from a Metallica song Eddie tried teaching you before accepting defeat and shrugging off the guitar. He's so pretty when he plays, dark hair a curtain around his face, hypnotized by the song humming through his body. You prefer to watch him play.
The hours tick by, and you crawl up the bed to lay next to Eddie, no longer able to control the yawns erupting out of you. He smiles as you steal the blankets, wrapping yourself up tight and looking up at him. "Sleep Eds, it's late."
"Ah, whatever, the night is still young," he argues but moves to place Baby in her designated spot, turning off the light as he goes.
He hovers by the door, letting his eyes adjust, and you can feel his gaze on you. "You need anything, Y/N?"
The fact that he asked touches you, warmth curling around your belly, spreading outward. "No thanks," you whisper after a moment. He slides next to you under the covers, the bare skin of his arm brushing yours as he gets comfortable.
Most nights, you find yourself in Eddie's bed, sleeping over yet again, surrounded by the boy, the man next to you. Tonight isn't really different, but somehow it feels like more. Eddie shifts closer, whispering goodnight. Before you can say the words back, his lips are seeking, brushing your skin, turning it feverish.
And that kiss that Eddie plants on your forehead catches you off guard. How often have you both toed the line between friendship and harmless flirtations bordering on something more? You were never fully convinced that Eddie reciprocated your messy feelings, and you were terrified to muck anything up between the two of you. You can think of only one occasion in your long friendship when his lips had graced your skin, and you were half out of your mind with pyrexia. You weren't even sure if he actually had kissed you then, or if it was just wishful thinking. But he had definitely just kissed you now, and the familiarity with which those plump lips ghost across your skin now belies a hint that it's happened more than once. Stolen kisses when you were asleep, a fluttering press against your cheek before he surrendered to sleep or left in the early, watery light.
Now though, no one is leaving, and no one is quite sleeping so, you whisper a breathy goodnight before rolling over and trying to sleep.
Sleep must find you at some point because you're waking up now, blinking slowly against the pale light streaming through his window, growing more aware of the heavy arm around your waist and the face in the crook of your neck.
It's not new. Eddie is a cuddler in every sense of the word; you wake tangled together most mornings, but you're hyperaware of every juncture where his body touches yours. It's all too much, and before you know what you're doing, you're scooting across his small mattress to create as much space as possible between the two of you.
He groans through his sleepy haze, squinting at your retreating form. "Where ya goin', babe?" The pet name elicits a deep flush that crawls up your neck, peeking out of the low neckline of your sleep shirt and staining your cheeks.
"Bathroom," you squeak, refusing to turn around and see his face, softened by sleep, looking younger and boyish, hair mussed from his pillow.
With hurried footsteps, you rush from the room, stumbling over the ratty carpet that's bathed in a soft tangerine glow from the open windows. Once the bathroom door is closed behind you, the lock turned home, you sag against the wall, closing your eyes against the harsh artificial light.
This isn't going to work. Running away every time Eddie does any typical Eddie thing. Either you put up with things as they are, or muster up the nerve to tell him how you feel.
Rather than going back to Eddie's room, you make your way to the kitchen, intent on making breakfast for yourselves and the Munson boys. Reaching for the coffee filters you fumble with the thin paper, frustration mounting when you can't get the stupid things to separate.
"Jesus Christ, please." It's one of those cruel moments when everything begins to landslide at once. How are you supposed to handle these feelings when Eddie is so hard to read? And why won't the goddamn filters just separate. Fingers still fumbling over the thin edges of the paper you don't hear Uncle Wayne approach, don't notice how quickly he zeroes in on your watery eyes, and pinched expression.
"Here, girl. Let me. They can be stubborn little bastards."
He's reaching for them, a sweet smile on his face, and you relent, quickly trying to smooth out your expression. He doesn't let it go though.
"Something on your mind?"
Clearing your throat you open the fridge, pulling out the carton of eggs you brought over yesterday, along with some fresh vegetables, intent on making omelettes. "Oh, no. I'm um, no. Just still tired, I guess." You smile over your shoulder, trying to sell the story.
He doesn't buy it, you can see it on his face, but he doesn't pry, instead finishing preparation on the coffee you abandoned while you start on breakfast. Silence settles, the comforting kind that seems to only exist this way with Uncle Wayne.
This has become a bit of a routine with you and Wayne, what with you here so frequently, and Eddie sleeping until someone drags him from bed, you've developed this sort of back and forth in the kitchen. Wayne packs a sad lunch of cold cuts on white bread, grumbling as you pass him carrot sticks and celery before he settles at the small dinette to wait for breakfast, newspaper in hand.
You finish his first, grabbing a plate and quickly topping his omelette with a few garnishes. Wayne Munson deserves nice things in life, even if it's just a good breakfast. You set it in front of him on the table, a fork already on the plate, and he looks at you over his reading glasses.
"Thank you, girl. What's the green stuff."
You smother a laugh, unsurprised that he's caught you sneaking green into his food. "It's cilantro. It's good, just eat. Please."
"Alright, alright."
His food is gone when you turn back around to watch him fold up the newspaper and grab his lunch. "Thank you, it was wonderful as usual. Maybe we don't need the leaves on top next time though?"
"Oh, whatever. You just don't want to admit you like rabbit food."
"It'll be our secret," he winks, heading for the door.
Eddie's food is done, already on a plate on the table, and you really can't put off waking him any longer. You grab the mostly empty water glass off the counter, abandoned by Eddie last night after dinner, and pad down the hall.
He's sprawled across the bed, blankets twisted around his legs, old tee shirt riding up his stomach, revealing a thin stripe of pale skin. You don't let yourself stare, shaking off the thought, stepping up to the edge of the bed until your legs hit the mattress. You don't think before dumping the glass right over his head, cackling when he shoots up in bed.
"What the hell, Y/N!"
"Oh please, there was hardly any water in the cup to begin with."
Setting this glass on his messy nightstand, you're unprepared for him to lurch forward, wrap his arms tight around you, and pull you into the bed right on top of him. The squeak that slips past your lips is loud, deafening even, and Eddie tilts his head to the side, something unfamiliar lingering in his eyes.
"Eddie, let me go right now."
"Aw c'mon, babe, don't be such a bad sport."
Trying to wriggle out of his arms isn't working, and he's not letting you go. You resort to pinching his thigh, trying to shake him off, but his arms are tightening instead.
"Why are you acting so weird? Did I do something?"
"No, no." Those perfect lips of his are pulling down into a sharp frown, brows pinched, and brown eyes pleading. "Eds, you didn't do anything just- Let me go."
He does this time, lets you slide off of him, and perch on the edge of the bed, a much safer distance. He's sitting up now, leaning against the wall, watching you silently.
"Okayyy. If I didn't do anything then what the fuck is the problem?"
Eyes fixed on the carpet you focus on pulling at the frayed hem of your shirt, avoiding the question as long as you can. He's got clothes all over the floor, a messy trail to the laundry basket shoved in the corner.
"There is no problem, I just- Nothing."
"Bullshit. Since when do we not tell each other things?" He's scooting closer as he speaks, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed as he speaks, knee lodging itself against your hip as he faces you.
For a moment you allow yourself to imagine telling him. Letting three little words tumble into the space between you. But the next scenario you see is his disgust, lips pulling up as he leans back. Years of friendship going down the drain so fast, and the thought has tears welling in your eyes, a sob sticking painfully in your throat. You feel a string snap off around your fingers, further damage to your poor shirt, and you look down at it, the long thread tangled around your fingers, too tight, turning your fingertips an unflattering shade of purple.
Eddie sees it too, and he's focusing on pulling the string away, tossing it carelessly onto the floor, tipping his head closer to yours. "Don't cry. You know you can tell me anything, babe. Please."
"What if you hate me?"
His expression shifts, just a bit, like he's confused. "S'not even possible."
His voice is soft, earnest, and genuine, and his eyes are swearing it to be true. You look at his floor again, messy. He needs to vacuum. He needs to clean. And as you focus on the discarded socks and shirts, it's a bit easier to speak, the knot in your chest unraveling just enough to let the words slip past as you you spot the cassette peeking out from underneath his Hellfire shirt.
"I- God, okay, well it's like. If you don't feel the same or whatever, it's fine, obviously. I guess I just have to get it off my chest, and we can forget about it afterward but I-"
He stops you here, fingers on your chin tipping your face towards his, so suddenly you're looking right at those earthy eyes that you were trying to avoid.
"Eds, I love-"
This time, he's cutting you off with his lips on yours, sweet, nervous, trembling just a bit, but intentional. Shock worms its way up your spine, stiff and unfamiliar, but it feels so right, and you're melting into him, like sugar over heat. His hands are shaking too, one resting against your jaw, the other searching for your hip, landing a bit high and sliding down.
"I love you." The words are sticky against your lips, his voice lower than usual, heavier. He doesn't give you a chance to respond, tugging you closer, on top of him as he's moving back. You're on top of him again, but it's blurry, lost in a wave of hazy bliss as his tongue finds yours, muffling your moan. It's sloppy, and maybe you shouldn't like it as much as you do, but it's Eddie. It's more perfect than you had imagined.
His hands roam a bit, curious, finally free to explore like he'd fantasized about a thousand times before, from your neck, a slow crawl down your back, dipping beneath your shirt to feel your skin. When his lips finally graze your jaw, trail down to your neck, your fingers are twisted in his hair, his name leaving your lips like a prayer. Softer, cloying, and shaky. Full of adoration and pleasure.
"Eddie, I love you."
He's not kissing you now, face buried in the crook of your neck, hot breath fanning the flushed skin. "Fuck, I love you, babe."
Silence settles as you lay like that, neither of you in any rush to end the moment. You'd he's fallen asleep again, his chest a slow and steady rise and fall, if it weren't for the slow circles his fingers are tracing against the bare skin of your thighs.
"Hey, Eddie?"
He hums in response, the sound a ticklish vibration against your neck, a smile pulling at your lips. "I made breakfast for you. It's probably cold now."
He pulls back to look at you, brushing your hair out of your face, tracing a finger across your features, down your nose, over your lips, a barely-there path up your jaw to your ear. "That's alright. That's what the microwave is for."
It's clear he's not getting up right now, or anytime soon as his lips settle in the hollow of your throat, blazing a hot path up your neck, a wet constellation of soft kisses, eliciting a gasp that dies off in a choked groan.
"You can be breakfast instead," he whispers, right before he sinks his teeth in.
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thepalecaesar · 5 months
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Dark Souls: Eclampsia
The pale entity bears the grim designs, And grim designs deliver weird outcomes alone
The pale duke bears the pale infants
The postmature one is willing to be delivered premature, preterm, So even the music, put on oh so in time, cannot just lull him back to sleep To help it all last even if a little while longer
There is More to this so-called resin than meets the eye
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