#increase linkedin followers
chaogoldenofficial · 2 years
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How to Increase LinkedIn Followers - Tips and Tricks
Do you want more LinkedIn followers? Increasing your LinkedIn profile can increase brand exposure, organic reach, and company growth.
But it's not always easy to figure out how to increase your platform following. Therefore, we'll give our right guidance on how to grow your LinkedIn followers in this article.
- Running a giveaway contest is one of the best strategies to grow your LinkedIn network. Giveaways are an effective strategy for creating awareness online. People enjoy the chance to win something, and you can make your offer go viral online by using clever promotion strategies.
- Did you realize that search results include both your LinkedIn profile and company page? It is real! Users looking for business-related keywords can find your webpage in search engine results if your LinkedIn page is SEO-optimized.
- If you want to increase your organic growth in India, Buy LinkedIn Followers India from a reputable website. Because this premium service will help your business rapidly.
- Adding your staff to the procedure is a simple strategy for increasing your LinkedIn followers. Ask your employees and staff to follow you on LinkedIn and tell their contacts about you.
- You can increase the number of LinkedIn Followers on your website by taking a variety of actions. You can add a LinkedIn follow button.
- It's the best idea to add social media sharing buttons once you put a follow button to LinkedIn on your website.
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Social Media Advertising for Sports Brands
How Dhrubo Organization Helps Sports Brands Succeed with Social Media Advertising Social media advertising has become an integral part of any successful marketing strategy, and sports brands are no exception. In fact, sports brands can benefit greatly from social media advertising, as it allows them to engage with their target audience, showcase their products and services, and increase brand…
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Public relations firms that specialize in digital marketing
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Best Digital Marketing Agency in India
The internet has transformed the world into a global village, making it appear to be an excellent location for numerous opportunities. If you’re a brand looking to hire a team of marketing professionals or outsource this work to an outside partner, you’ll need to know about digital marketing as well as local and international markets. We have compiled a list of the best digital marketing firms that handle everything from public relations to digital advertising because the decision to work with an outside partner cannot be made quickly. Here is a list of the best digital marketing agencies, along with information about their services, top clients, awards, CEO, team size, and location.
· iProspect India
· WATConsult
· Webchutney
· Mirum India
· Quasar Media
· Pinstorm
· iStrat
· BCWebwise
· Resultrix
· Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
Top Digital Marketing Agencies
· WebiMax — Overall, the best digital marketing company
· Ignite Visibility — Best digital marketing company for large and medium-sized businesses
· 97th Floor — Best business-to-business brand names
· Rise Interactive — Most effective for attracting online shoppers
· WebFX — Advantageous for maximizing local SEO
· DigitalMarketing.com — It’s best to get it right the first time with your campaign.
· Mad Fish Digital — Ideal for socially conscious businesses and brands
· Split Reef — Best for climbing to the top of the App Store
· Max Audience — Best for building a business-to-business marketing automation system
· Location3 — Ideal for franchises in person
How to increase LinkedIn followers
LinkedIn is the business world’s Facebook. It makes it possible for people to interact with other experts on the platform. This feature has changed the game for all professionals, despite the fact that it is not a big deal and does not require a complicated method to be followed. The main advantage of using LinkedIn is that, if he so chooses, a lower-level employee can connect with the CEO of a company. The number of followers you have is the single most important aspect of using this business platform. As you interact and share knowledge on LinkedIn, more followers will want to connect with you and use the information in your postings. One of the most challenging tasks you’ll face is growing your LinkedIn following. Numerous users of the network employ a variety of strategies to mislead job seekers and turn them into followers.
However, acquiring genuine followers is the most difficult task on LinkedIn.
· Post frequently with updates.
· Leave a comment with your perspective.
· Watch an actual influencer.
· Writing an article Get involved in society and help
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mira1308 · 1 year
Importance of digital marketing.
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Digital Marketing Any marketing that utilizes electronic gadgets and can be utilized by showcasing experts to pass limited time informing and measure its effect on through your client process. By and by, digital marketing normally alludes to showcasing efforts that show up on a PC, telephone, tablet, or other gadget. It can take many structures, including on the web video, show promotions, web search tool advertising, paid social advertisements and virtual entertainment posts. Advanced advertising is frequently contrasted with “conventional promoting” like magazine advertisements, bulletins, and regular postal mail. Strangely, TV is typically generalized with the likes of conventional marketing. Also look up best digital marketing agency.
Did you had any idea that multiple quarters of Americans go web-based consistently? That, however 43% continue at least a time or two every day and 26% are on the web “continually.”
These figures are significantly higher among portable web clients. 89% of Americans go internet based to some degree everyday, and 31% are online continually. As an advertiser, it’s essential to exploit the computerized world with an internet promoting presence, by building a brand, giving an extraordinary client experience that likewise brings more possible clients from there, the sky is the limit, with a computerized methodology. Also look up How to increase LinkedIn followers.
A digital marketing system permits you to use different advanced channels, for example, web-based entertainment, pay-per-click, site design improvement, and email showcasing to interface with existing clients and people intrigued by your items or administrations. Thus, you can construct a brand, give an extraordinary client experience, get likely clients, and that’s just the beginning.
What is digital marketing? Digital marketing, additionally called web based advertising, is the advancement of brands to associate with potential clients utilizing the web and different types of computerized correspondence. This incorporates not just email, online entertainment, and electronic publicizing, yet in addition message and media messages as a marketing channel.
Basically, in the event that a showcasing effort includes computerized correspondence, it’s digital marketing.
Inbound marketing versus digital marketing Digital marketing and inbound showcasing are effortlessly confounded, and for good explanation. Digital marketing involves a significant number of similar devices as inbound showcasing — email and online substance, to give some examples. Both exist to catch the consideration of possibilities through the purchaser’s excursion and transform them into clients. Yet, the 2 methodologies take various perspectives on the connection between the device and the objective. Checkout top digital marketing agency.
Digital marketing thinks about how individual devices or advanced channels can change over possibilities. All a brand’s computerized promoting procedure might utilize numerous stages or spotlight its endeavors on 1 stage. For instance, an organization may principally make content for web-based entertainment stages and email showcasing efforts while disregarding other computerized promoting roads.
Then again, inbound promoting is an all encompassing idea. It considers the objective first, then, at that point, takes a gander at the accessible instruments to figure out which will successfully arrive at target clients, and afterward at which phase of the deals pipe that ought to occur. For instance, say you need to support site traffic to create more possibilities and leads. You can zero in on site improvement while fostering your substance advertising system, bringing about more enhanced content, including web journals, greeting pages, and that’s just the beginning.
The main thing to recollect about digital marketing and inbound showcasing is that as an advertising proficient, you don’t need to pick between the 2. They work best together, truth be told. Inbound promoting gives construction and motivation to viable computerized showcasing to advanced promoting endeavors, ensuring that each advanced advertising channel pursues an objective.
Why is digital marketing important? Any kind of promoting can assist your business with flourishing. Notwithstanding, computerized advertising has become progressively significant as a result of how open computerized channels are. As a matter of fact, there were 5 billion web clients worldwide in April 2022 alone.
From web-based entertainment to instant messages, there are numerous ways of involving computerized promoting strategies to speak with your ideal interest group. Furthermore, Why is digital marketing important? has negligible forthright expenses, making it a financially savvy marketing strategy for private ventures. Lastly also check out best digital marketing agency in India.
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markweins · 2 years
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Tips to Increase LinkedIn Followers
Ways for achieving maximum LinkedIn's platform usage and gaining more followers.
1. Frequently update your posts Everyone possesses strengths. Stick to the one subject that you are knowledgeable and experienced in. This makes it easier for your followers to understand the ideas you express in your regular posts.
2. Share your thoughts. It's a good idea to leave a comment on a post that inspires you to express your opinion. Through your comment, you will not only share your point of view but also enable others to view the post from a different angle.
3. Follow a Genuine Influencer Finding real LinkedIn influencers is challenging. However, once you locate one in your field, it is advisable to follow them and read their most recent posts and articles to benefit from their expertise. One of the best ways to use influencers is to tag them in content where you believe their perspective can be beneficial to your career.
4. Buy LinkedIn Followers Buy LinkedIn Followers is the best and simplest approach to increasing your LinkedIn following on a regular basis. These strategies are used by many businesspeople and celebrities to increase their fan bases.
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hmfaysal99 · 8 months
New Business Marketing Tips And Tricks for Success
Starting a new business can be an exciting endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially in the competitive landscape of today's market. Effective marketing is crucial for the success of any new venture. Here are four essential marketing tips and tricks to help your new business thrive.
Define Your Target Audience: Before diving into marketing efforts, it's essential to identify and understand your target audience. Define your ideal customer persona by considering demographics, interests, pain points, and buying behaviors. Conduct market research to gather valuable insights that will guide your marketing strategies. Tailoring your messages and campaigns to resonate with your target audience will significantly increase your chances of success.
Once you have a clear picture of your audience, choose the most suitable marketing channels to reach them effectively. Social media, email marketing, content marketing, and pay-per-click advertising are just a few options to consider. Your choice of channels should align with where your audience spends their time online.
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Create Compelling Content: Content marketing is a powerful tool for new businesses to establish their brand and build credibility. Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. This content can take various forms, including blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts.
Consistency is key when it comes to content creation. Develop a content calendar to plan and schedule regular updates. Providing valuable content not only helps you connect with your audience but also boosts your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
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Leverage Social Media: Social media platforms have become indispensable for marketing in today's digital age. Create profiles on relevant social media platforms and engage with your audience regularly. Share your content, interact with followers, and participate in industry-related discussions.
Paid advertising on social media can also be a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer targeting options that allow you to reach users who match your ideal customer profile.
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Monitor and Adapt: Marketing is an ever-evolving field, and what works today may not work tomorrow. To stay ahead of the curve, regularly monitor the performance of your marketing efforts. Analyze key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to gather data and insights.
Based on your findings, be prepared to adapt your strategies and tactics. If a particular marketing channel isn't delivering the expected results, reallocate your resources to more promising avenues. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and keep an eye on your competitors to ensure your marketing efforts remain relevant and competitive.
In conclusion, effective marketing is essential for the success of any new business. By defining your target audience, creating compelling content, leveraging social media, and continuously monitoring and adapting your strategies, you can position your new business for growth and long-term success in a competitive market. Remember that success may not come overnight, but with persistence and the right marketing approach, your new business can thrive.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
How to survive having a job that you don't like? (Sadly. It's not the vibe. But quitting is not an option)
Hi love! I empathize with you on this one. Spending your entire day and mental energy on tasks you dread doing (and need to execute well) can be overwhelmingly draining. I'm hoping that this job only takes up 5 days of your week! Here are my best tips:
Keep Your "Why" Top of Mind: Even if a job doesn't align with your interests and passions or is in a bad working environment, you have to focus on the short-term purpose the job provides. Relish in having a steady paycheck to give you food to eat and a roof over your head. While long-term you deserve to find more purpose in your work, having a semblance of financial security will always top having to constantly worry about where your next meal is coming from – even if you hate every moment of being on the clock.
Plan Ahead: Mentally work through the following day ahead of time. Plan the tasks, meetings, and logistics right when you're ending your work day. This framework allows you to overcome the mental blocks and dread before you can go into decompress mode, so you can just wake up and go through the motions the next day. Taking the emotional aspect out of the daily work you hate is the simplest way to avoid burnout (at least in the short term).
Systemize Your Days (When Possible): Creating systems for different tasks or even your entire day can help you be more productive and lighten your mental load. This practice can help you to get your dreaded work done in less time while allowing you to feel less drained at the end of your shift. It's a win-win strategy. Create email templates you save for different types of messages (client-facing, different types of projects, scheduling meetings, presentation notes, etc.), have a folder organizing your different projects, program different Excel formats, and have outlines of decks saved – almost like a pre-made template that's actually useful (and potentially unique).
Focus On Skill Building Over Purpose: Consider the transferable skills you're acquiring while enduring this position – even if they don't pertain to your desired industry or role. Some of these universally-helpful transferable skills include writing a killer email, building a convincing case or admirable deck, learning how to speak to clients or stakeholders with confidence and grace, team-building and collaboration, organization, interpersonal communication, or simply prolonging your attention span. Reflect and dive deep to consider all the life lessons you can leverage later on by holding down this occupation.
Find Ways To Network Outside of Work Hours: Follow & connect with colleagues and influential figures in your industry on social media. Thoughtfully engage with the content they share. Ask about treating them to coffee for an informational interview. Go out to industry-related events, conferences, etc., and make sure to connect with those you met on LinkedIn the next day with a personalized connection message. Connect two of your mutual connections whenever possible. Allow karma to work in your favor.
Lurk, Research, & Study To Optimize Your Job Search: Set aside 20-30 minutes a day to search LinkedIn, job boards, social media (Twitter, Instagram), etc. to see potential next opportunities and evaluate the current market, trends, and most in-demand skillsets within your field/industry. Always tailor your applications and messages to mutual connections or hiring managers when applying to new roles. Be aware of your desired role/industry is evolving. Upskill whenever possible to increase your market value.
Incorporate Simple Pleasures Into Your Days: Make your favorite coffee every morning, have a go-to playlist that improves your mood to listen to before work, incorporate your favorite healthy meals into your week, find a workout you enjoy to add into your day either before or after work, indulge in a favorite book or TV show after work as a "reward" for making it through the day. Practice self-care – do a face mask or specialty hair treatment on a weeknight. Invest in an at-home massage tool or luxurious loungewear to wear in the evenings.
Indulge In A Creative Outlet: Find an opportunity for growth and self-expression outside of a workplace setting. Write, read, paint, draw, cook, bake, take a dance class, learn a new language, how to play a new instrument, or about interior design. Create Pinterest boards, poems, new playlists, and new recipes to celebrate your desire for variety in your otherwise mundane life.
Have Plans To Look Forward To Every Week: Whether it's hanging out with friends, going to a museum, watching a movie, or taking a walk along your favorite local route. Ensure you enjoy how you spend your days off. Don't waste time worrying about a dead-end job when you're off the clock. Spending your leisure time on your own terms. Take this time to do what you love.
Romanticize The Lifestyle It Provides: When motivation or your morale hits a low point, take time for gratitude and focus on the resources this job allows you to integrate into your life – whether that's a roof over your head, the opportunity to eat meals you enjoy, wear outfits you love, or even just provide you some sort of daily routine.
Consider your current job as a chapter in your life and career. Acquire the lessons, skills, relationships, and resources you can as preparation for the next stage in your ever-evolving journey.
Hope this helps xx
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Career change checklist
Embarking on a career change is an exciting but often daunting decision. Whether it's driven by a desire for a new challenge, a shift in personal interests, or the necessity for a better work-life balance, the process requires thoughtful planning and strategic action. This article outlines a detailed checklist to help you transition smoothly and confidently into your new career path.
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Assess your interests and skills
Begin by identifying what you are passionate about. Think about tasks or topics that excite you and reflect on moments when you felt most fulfilled at work. Knowing what you love doing will guide you towards a career that matches your interests.
Make a comprehensive list of your skills, focusing on both technical and soft skills. Evaluate which skills are transferable to your desired industry and which might need strengthening. This will help you understand the gaps in your skill set and identify areas for improvement.
Sometimes, outside perspectives can offer valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses. Talk to colleagues, mentors, or friends about what they think are your most marketable skills and consider their advice in your planning.
Research and explore new career options
Investigate potential industries that align with your interests. Look for emerging sectors with high growth potential as well as more established fields. Understanding industry trends can help you choose a career path with long-term prospects.
Reach out to professionals already working in your target field. Informational interviews can provide insider details that aren't available online. This network can also be crucial once you start applying for jobs.
Upgrade your education and training
Determine if your new career path requires specific qualifications that you don’t currently have. For some careers, you might need to return to school or obtain specific certifications.
Consider enrolling in relevant courses or workshops. Many are offered online and can be completed while you continue to work in your current job. This not only enhances your skills but also shows potential employers your commitment to entering the field.
Practical experience is invaluable. Look for opportunities to work on projects, whether through internships, volunteering, or part-time positions. This can be essential for building a relevant resume.
Update your professional brand
Revise key aspects of your professional presentation to align with your new career goals:
Resume. Adapt your resume to reflect your new career direction, emphasizing transferable skills and any newly acquired qualifications or experiences.
Online presence. Update your LinkedIn profile and other relevant social media to showcase your shift towards a new industry.
Networking. Leverage your existing network and actively expand it in your new industry by attending events and joining relevant groups.
Financial planning for your career change
Transitioning careers might involve a period of reduced income. Ensure you have sufficient savings to cover this phase. Consider how long you can support yourself without a steady income and plan accordingly.
Budget for any required education or training. The investment in further education is often offset by the long-term benefits of increased earning potential and job satisfaction.
A career change can reinvigorate your professional life and lead to greater job satisfaction. By following this detailed checklist, you equip yourself with the tools necessary for a successful transition. Remember that every step forward, even the small ones, is part of your journey to a fulfilling new career.
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hermajestyimher · 1 year
Hey hun x
I’ve recently been meeting a lot of influential people and wanted to ask your advice on how to strengthen connections with people you’ve recently met .
E.g. Do I ask them for coffee or call them ,even if I don’t really have anything particular to say ?
First of all, huge congratulations on increasing your network with these kinds of individuals!
What I always do when I meet someone that I feel is an authority in a field I'm interested in, or someone I admire, is to find a way to get connected with them immediately after meeting. 9/10 this will involve LinkedIn, and in very few occasions we may also exchange numbers.
If you get connected through LinkedIn or if they give you your number, make sure you follow up the next day with a message thanking them for the connection and expressing you'd like to arrange for some time to meet in the future if they would like to as well. Just leave it as an open invitation, you do not want to seem pushy nor do you want to come off as desperate for their time.
I always feel like coffee dates are amazing to chat with these kinds of people because it allows you to be in a relaxed setting where conversations can flow naturally. Before the date, I would brain storm a few topics I would like to discuss with them and then allow all other talking points to come through naturally.
I wouldn't ask invasive questions but I would be a listening ear if they feel comfortable enough to open up to you, it shows that they feel at ease in your presence and that could be a good pathway for them to keep you around in their circle.
Always look for ways to get involved in the events these people are going to, and you can do this after building rapport with them and expressing your shared interests. More often than not, they themselves will be the ones inviting you.
My takeaway is just to never seem pushy or needy, to keep a level of decor around them that let's them know you're not placing them on a pedestal while at the same time making them feel respected and understood by you.
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sodacansculptures · 5 months
I started following you on Facebook some years ago, and then apparently forgot all about your stuff. It just popped into my head randomly and I wanted to see if you're still active and if you're still making soda can sculptures?
Hi, I apologize, I have no idea when you sent this since Tumblr (at least mobile) doesn't have time stamps, and for whatever reason, I don't get notifications about messages. You're the first person I've heard who has migrated from my Facebook page to my Tumblr, so thank you for joining the blog! Way more commentary here than there where my mom can see.
To answer your question succinctly: I am alive, and that's about the best I can say I've been since covid. 
(I have donation links at the bottom, if you feel moved to want to help me.)
The extended director's cut answer:
After I made the Eevee sculpture, grad school ramped up and I figured I'd return to sculpting after I got my degree and settled into a job. However, I graduated in Spring of 2020, so the job I had lined up was withdrawn, and with all the budget cuts and layoffs in my field, I was competing for jobs with people who were trying to reenter the field and had decades more experience than me. 
I did 100+ applications (I lost count at 120-something), dozens of interviews (including getting to the final round of all that had such a format--which is a stupid format. You don't need to meet me in a formal pretense 3 times, ask me riddles, have me take multiple hour-long aptitude tests, plus make me travel on my own dime just to tell me "no" and not even send like a "2nd Place Loser" gift basket or accept my LinkedIn request or anything). I got super stressed and super depressed. 
I was so busy with trying to find a job and trying to deal with the breakdowns of not finding one. I tried applying in all the fields I was capable of at all levels: executive, mid, and gruntwork. I was turned down from entry level, no-talent-necessary jobs because I was overqualified. I was turned away from the others because of the lack of experience and unprecedented level and caliber of competition.
I was (still am) unable to pay my bills and, when not having breakdowns, I was calling, emailing, filling out applications, etc. for any and all financial aid. It was very arduous work and tedious with all the documentation they wanted from me, hold times on the phone, etc. 
I had a non-profit (ADVOCAP) laugh at me when I asked for rent help because apparently they were overwhelmed and I wasn't going to get anything as I didn't have a job or kids and was considered a non-priority. Later when I was working with the ADRC, I asked if my case manager (I applied for disability, but I'll explain in a bit) if she knew of any rent help. She basically scolded me for asking and told me that it was unethical of me to seek that because "that's for people who actually have a chance." People who have jobs, she means. She explained that that money wasn't meant for me, and that was a whole unexpected slap in the face with a bag of dogshit. Didn't realize we had devolved into a utilitarian society quite that quickly.
I started working with FSET (my state's employment training and search help program. I was literally trying everything. Like I had also called my college and emailed all my professors asking for job help, and they had no answers other than like, "look online"). After months of no luck, FSET eventually convinced me to sign with a temp agency.
I worked 2 temp jobs that treated me like garbage (worsening my depression) and also paid me as such. I had lost all my savings to trying to stay afloat and my free time was non-existent, unless you count the hours I'd spend in the middle of the night just walking around my neighborhood listening to music--in an attempt to stop what seemed like endless crying--while I cried.
I tried selling plasma but they rejected me because I couldn't ever get my heart rate low enough, as my antidepressants increase heart rate. I tried going off of them, but I was on them for a reason, so I need to go back on.
When I graduated, I had bought myself a PS4 as a graduation gift to myself. I could afford it and thought I earned it. All the atmosphere of rejection and failure the pandemic created for me and my link to survival (employment should not be tied to survival. I was doing everything right and the system was failing me direly while virtually no one else who shared my experiences understood why I couldn't get a job when "everywhere is hiring" and "nobody wants to work anymore") and I started to hate myself for stuff like gifting myself the PS4. I felt undeserving, like a waste of resources, etc. because those were the messages I was constantly receiving directly and indirectly.
I eventually landed a job in my field and was hired on the spot. I felt like I had hit the jackpot and finally was going to be okay. Surprisingly to everyone in my life, the job made my life even worse.
I signed an NDA due to being horribly abused for the 10 months I was there, so I can't say much more than I just barely paid off my credit card, still had no free time as I was salary and worked nights and weekends in addition to my scheduled hours because the real reason they hired me instantly was not because I impressed them but rather because they were collapsing and desperate for anyone with some level of responsibility and capability. I hated that job, was bullied and abused extremely badly by coworkers and bosses and HR was no help, and when my performance review came back with negative impressions of me when I was sacrificing so much to keep the employment entity alive and functional, I completely broke.
I ended up hospitalized for months for suicide, and part of the NDA included resigning. I never fully recovered and don't think I ever will. I think I've seen and experienced too much to return to the idea that I could be the trailblazer my professors projected me to be (I now think professors don't actually provide an accurate representation of the field and encourage with no basis for their optimism). 
The human mind is very easy to manipulate with propaganda, and I didn't catch myself being in a sort of “main character syndrome” and thinking that because I was Valedictorian of my graduating class and that I had so many national and international recognitions, awards, accolades, and qualifications that I was, for lack of a better term, pulling myself up by the bootstraps and going to be rewarded with a promising future where success is not just viable but imminent. I knew the world wasn't fair and that some people could do all the prescribed “right” steps and fail, but the operating paradigm (that had been ingrained in me since childhood from teachers who saw me as bright) I had held told me that I was far too talented and hard-working to fail. I had very little doubt that I wouldn't be successful. I was an ideal, hypothetical model of a pre-successful American worker.
So anyway, I didn't expect to have all the trouble that I faced finding a good job. At the end of the first summer of covid with nothing but rejections and employers affirming to me that there was nothing I could have improved on to get the job other than have prior experience, I was a discouraged worker who didn't even try anymore. 
That's when FSET convinced me to do the temp agencies (who dropped me because one employer who was inhumanely abusive and ironically an HR department) gave a bullshit reason about me violating a protocol so they wouldn't have to make good on their promise to hire me after the temp period. 
(I had allergies and it was literally the exact week in September when allergies were at their worst. A coworker, who hated me for some reason I never figured out and can only assume was jealousy, reported me for having a runny nose and I was immediately escorted out for bringing covid symptoms into the building. If I didn't go to work any day I had a runny nose, I wouldn't go any day. I take allergy meds literally every day of my life. My parents kept me too clean as a baby or something and didn't let me eat enough dirt, so an allergy panel showed I was allergic to every single common indoor and outdoor allergen).
Back to my suicidal hospitalization: I could say so much on the inpatient part. Suffice it to say I was never given my meds and there were no groups because they were understaffed and constantly wound up/pissed because of the uncooperative patients, so it was like prison where you had to argue with staff to get your basic needs met, and no soft surface existed and the water was always freezing, so it genuinely felt like being locked in a concrete box with no sunlight, no one on your side (they lied and said they called my psychiatrist and therapist. They never did. They also lied about ordering my meds), and no contact with the outside world. It was like a cruelly-designed Mr. Beast challenge with no reward in the end. 
My friends said I was messed up for 2 weeks after and scary af because I was in survival-fight mode that would not turn off. I also was too overwhelmed by the outside world when I got out and could only eat pre-packaged snacks for a while because that was all I was used to/comfortable with.
Part of the agreement to let me leave inpatient was to do an intensive all-day outpatient program. I was actually dropped from that by insurance because I had undiagnosed ADHD among all my other issues and couldn't show up on time or sometimes at all. I still don't have my ADHD figured out because I had to convince my psychiatrist to refer me to a neuropsych who booked out for months to test me. I did it and got “Yes, much ADHD. All of the ADHD. Very wow.” So my psychiatrist finally believed me and agreed to start me on ADHD meds.
My psychiatrist and I are still working to find an ADHD med that would work for me. Vyvanse helped for a time, but my body metabolized it too quickly, leaving me with only around 6 functional hours in the day. I'm currently on extended-release Adderall, but so far not much help and there are too many other variables that could be fucking with it, like that my sleep-wake cycle is extremely unpredictable and I have a million appointments every day, so I am constantly sleep-deprived and am actually busier now than I was in grad school or any 8-hour job I worked.
The breakdown I had triggered me to develop fibromyalgia, so that has been a whole ordeal. I'm constantly in pain, it again took many months to see any doctor about it, and the meds take so long to start taking effect that we've been trying since June to find something that works.
The crucible that was my pandemic experience didn't refine me like fire refines gold or whatever the saying is but rather left me burnt, and not in the way that you can scrape the charred parts off of toast but like BURNT burnt (I can't think of an example. Maybe a popsicle. You're not getting that back once you take a flamethrower to it. Plus the stick would crumble into ash. RIP popsicle).
My life lately is a lot of appointments I often miss and have to reschedule, arguments with various agencies and even my doctors, breakdowns, and driving for Uber Eats because no one can fire me (but it pays beans and I get flack from restaurants and customers AND Uber because somehow the driver is the scapegoat for any issue that arises. I was so proud of my delivery aptitude and quality service until the tip-baiters and people being assholes for no reason started hitting me as common and daily occurrences). 
A lot of people don't understand how UberEats works, but Uber doesn't even pay their driver enough to cover gas or depreciation on their vehicle for the mileage, much less the value of the driver's time and physical efforts. Tips are literally ⅔ of my income and my income does not cover my bills despite all the time I put in and algorithm I set up for myself that determines which trips to accept/reject for the most profit. It's a very toxic and unprotected form of employment. A lot of people lie that I didn't give them their food so that they can get a refund, but that comes back on me and risks my account being deactivated. It's virtually a fear-based system with some tricky artificial competition that Uber likes to throw in from time to time to convince us to drive for less and less pay. 
I've looked into all the alternatives like GrubHub, Spark, DoorDash, etc. but I've been on their waiting lists for years, including GrubHub booting me off their list even though I was always quick to respond to their periodic question of if I still wanted to be on the list.
Between depression and ADHD, I can't work a normal job. I no longer have the capacity to keep a routine and can't show up to things with any level of reliability despite how badly I want to. I also don't have the spoons to deal with working with others or being accountable for tasks that feel--idk how to articulate it, but like--stupid to my autism. If something seems inefficient or not progressive (like not helpful to humanity) to me, I can't get my brain to do it. And with ADHD, if it's not interesting to me/something I am passionate about (I was extremely lucky that learning and receiving the praise from teachers I never got from my parents was my passion that got me so far and through multiple degrees), I can't get my brain to let me do it. Sometimes I just can't do anything, including things I want to do, and simply end up stuck. I wouldn't last in any job that wasn't self-directed and only happening when I have the spoons to be available. My options are very limited. And Uber can be slow. I've had times where I've waited 13 hours and not gotten a single request that wasn't going to cost me money to run.
Uber has some personal difficulties for me. In the summer, I found it a little bit fun, but now that it's cold, my Raynaud's is painful and I don't enjoy having to watch out for people who got their licenses from cereal boxes and don't know how to drive in the snow. It's an unpleasant sensory experience for me to work and honestly risky safety-wise. People don't turn on their porch lights for some reason (I have a headlamp now) and don't salt their walkways, and I'm uncoordinated because my dad didn't throw a ball at me enough as a kid probably, so there's ice, the treads on my boots are shot (and I can't afford to replace them), and I get banged up from falling on concrete. 
I have a chiropractor and physical therapist, and they each said even before this that they could see me every day and still have something to work on with me. It's affirming, at least, to hear that professionals can physically feel how in pain my body is and that it's not just me being a baby. Part of it, I'm sure, is that I have PTSD (including from the traumas of my various pandemic experiences) and have horrible nightmares every night where I jerk around a lot in my sleep. I wake up every day feeling like I got hit by a bus, which is also partially why I don't get places on time. 
On my own time, I'll spend 2 hours trying to get out of bed both overcoming the pain to move and convincing myself to get the willpower to. It's so much easier to just lie there and accept it, especially when I don't look forward to having to do another day. I don't feel rested because I spent the night working my body and brain, so I'm not sure I ever am rested. I need so much more sleep now, too, with fibromyalgia. This adds to my stress of outpacing my bills and just keeping up with the maintenance of myself and my apartment because that's less time I have to get things done.
I have 4 alarms (phone vibrating plus noise, an earthquake pillow one, my Fitbit vibrating on my wrist, and a Pavlok going all out screaming, vibrating, and shocking me with electricity), and it's still possible for me to sleep through all of them or somehow turn them off while half-asleep and go back to sleep. There are also times where I will be like, “Okay, getting up now,” and then I black out and it's 4 hours later and I missed 3 appointments that will take weeks to reschedule, if the clinic hasn't dropped me for the tardiness and absence. I'm running out of clinics to go to.
On a mental level, I am in a near-constant state of overwhelm that holds me inches from a full-blown, all-day breakdown at any given moment. Something about being so stressed with no relief for years on end has rewired my brain, I think, to make the adrenaline pathway so reinforced and the stress part of the brain overlit/overactive. I don't know how to relax. Doctors keep telling me I need to, especially with fibromyalgia, but I physically cannot seem to do it. I can't focus on anything like movies. Nothing is fun when I have always-present and terrorizing (by threatening my survival) pressure from all these stressors (mainly money. I'm in a constant race against my monthly bills, and each month, they creep closer and closer to outpacing me). I'm never happy to wake up and I'm always low-key scared. I'm desperate for security in any form.
I was so unable to do tasks after my suicidal breakdown that even though my psychiatrist, therapist, and general physician were begging me to apply for disability. I had hoped I just needed a few months of R&R and would be right back to being willing and able to work. That never happened, and it was extremely difficult for me to accept the fact that I was disabled. When I finally did, I begged for months for people to help me fill out all the forms (they were overwhelming me, which is, y'know, kind of a key feature of my disability) and no one did, so I lost months of time there. I eventually just had a moment of conviction or indignation or something that I was able to force myself to do them. I'm still kind of mad at everyone who didn't help.
My therapist actually did her best to help and, when the outpatient hospital ousted me because insurance refused to pay for it anymore, referred me to the county's CCS (Community Care Something-or-other) program. They gave me a worker who allegedly had some psychology- or human services-related degree who would help me function for 1 hour a week. I think the whole program is a farce and despite spending hours on this program, we accomplished absolutely nothing.
The first CCS worker I had was supposed to come over to my place (which had become a mess. I was a messy person before, as my apartment was a graveyard of unfinished projects due to my ADHD), but with my extended burnout, I wasn't cleaning and organizing on the level I used to. So I texted my CCS person a warning that my kitchen table was cluttered. I mean it to mean, “It will take me a minute to clear the table once you get here for your laptop for you to finish the unreasonably long entry paperwork on me, and I haven't gotten the energy to declutter it yet and won't until you get here because my ADHD needs a body double right now. She, for reasons I still don't understand, canceled the visit and never came. When I confronted her about what I meant, she was like…embarrassed to the point of not being willing to work with me anymore. There was a communication breakdown that I couldn't get her to communicate with me and she was somehow scared of how much and how articulated or something I communicated that she shut down. 
I understand I “overcommunicate” from the perspective of allistics and neurotypicals [I had a bad childhood and was invalidated and wrongly blamed for things a lot, so I give as much explanation as possible to avoid any misunderstanding and articulate to the point that there won't be any ambiguities and thus can't be twisted into reason to punish me when I've done nothing to earn punishment. My caretakers as a child had their own mental issues that led them to being unreliable/unsafe to me and didn't offer me any feelings of security in relationships, perspective of reality (them taking their anger out on me and telling me everything, including their personal problems, was my fault), and ultimately everyone seems to say they want transparency and communication, but from my experiences and perspective, they don't want that. I have no idea what they really want. I give the level of communication I would want someone to give me and hope that they will just discard the parts they don't need/want, and apparently that's me being a burden or something and a “bad” quality. 
Meanwhile, I WISH people would communicate and be transparent with me more. I think I am an understanding person who has done enough work on themselves to not repeat toxic patterns and be a healthy relationship to others. I don't listen to judge but to understand so I can work with the other person to fix any problems and work with what we got, not devalue them and distance myself or abandon them. Everyone on dating apps says they want this, but I've yet to meet someone who does. I think it's that people see this as an ideal but are unskilled at the time to play their role in the situation–both in offering and responding. I think I've put so many years of therapy and introspection into working on myself that others just haven't, so we're simply on different levels. I know I'm not alone in my experiences, but it's very isolating when you don't meet people who have done the same work.
Anyway, I got assigned a new CCS worker and she did not do all that work I described. When I was told I would be assigned to someone else, I specifically asked for one who has seen some shit and that nothing I do or say will move them. They did at least give me someone older with more experience, but she either over- or under-estimated me (I can't discern which). She, working in the same building as my therapist and being basically in at least a good bit of communication with her when I wasn't around, knew that I had a lot of crap going on that I needed more therapy/support/help unraveling and making sense of and peace with than the 45 min/week I got with my current therapist. So she offered to be like a second therapist and said I could tell her absolutely anything.
As the pattern of this narrative likely already cues, it turned out I could not tell her absolutely anything. I was a few months into my transition and no one prepares you for some of the changes. My endocrinologist had only told me, “You might go bald.” I thought my years of research and consulting with transmen in my life had encompassed all I needed to know. However, we sometimes do not know what we don't know and thus don't think to ask the questions we need to ask. As probably an autistic/abused person trait of mine, I speak very clinically and technically. At the time, I had recently been speaking with my therapist about anatomical changes that triggered emotions I was not prepared for. I attempted the same sort of conversation with my new CCS worker, but she yelled me for being inappropriate. Not just scolded but legit yelled, as if I wasn't a full grown adult capable of reason and discussion.
I was confused on what I did wrong, since I thought I was just taking her up on what she willingly offered. I am also a firm believer in the Mister Rogers quote about how anything that is mentionable is manageable (which goes back to why I don't listen to judge but rather to collaborate and also why I see disagreements as us vs. the problem rather than me vs. them. I do not feel the need to yell at someone unless it's like an emergency of some sort and there's a threat that yelling can somehow address and be beneficial to the situation). 
From my perspective, I was being shut down and punished/shamed for asking for help with a problem that legit scared me and that I was willing to be vulnerable enough to share. I consider that sort of thing sacred and not something that can be trusted in everyone's hands. But the way she responded, to me, reinforced that I was a person unworthy of help: a message received from my childhood caretakers and all the people who were supposedly there to help me during my pandemic crises. 
I couldn't bring myself to trust her anymore or even want to see her again. I'll admit that's a bit of my Emotional Dysregulation Disorder weighing in, but I didn't want her in any intimate spaces I'd need to let her into in order to serve me in her CCS capacity. I had had too many things go wrong lately in that time to not shut myself down to prevent more hurt by simply refusing any future opportunity for more hurt to occur. I was well beyond my limit and it took much convincing from my therapist for me to even give CCS a chance to help me.
Still, I asked to be reassigned to another CCS worker, this time knowing that I could not trust what they claim to offer and just keep the things we work on surface-level functioning--like cleaning my oven or going through the pile of mail I hadn't opened in weeks because their potential contents paralyzed me with fear.
I was denied my request and let go from the program as they felt I had burned through 2 workers and thus proven that I am not a good candidate for the program. I still don't agree with this and argued, but after weeks of (a reasonable number of) periodic emails and voicemails, I never got an email or call back. In hindsight, I maybe should have reported to the county what happened, but it's been like a year.
That mostly brings us back to the present. I have been back in FSET since Spring but just focusing on staying afloat with Uber/working on whatever I can handle. I had a whole researched and designed pitch asking them to fund the several hundred dollars it would be for me to become a mobile notary, but they denied my request as they lack the funds. They also denied my request for new boots for the Uber hazards because they felt it was a fashion thing and not a need. Agencies, or honestly anyone with any power over me, not understanding me even with my articulate, crystal-clear explanations isn't surprising to me anymore. And counterintuitively, more explanation (even from different approaches) does not help and just makes me think I'm weird, which somehow is taken as more cause to not grant whatever request it is I am making in the first place.
So I Uber, I argue with doctors and agencies to try to get my needs met, and I have breakdowns despite my efforts to not. I have always had a massive list of more sculptures I want to make. I do want to get to a point where I can make them someday. I've been waiting on disability for an answer for nearly a year and done all I can to bolster my case with getting doctor testimonies, giving my testimony, noting clinic visits so the person assigned to my case can view the findings of them, getting an ADRC contact to guide me (though looking back, she didn't help at all and it was me searching out and discovering everything on my own while all she did was forward what documentation I had to the state for me)... All I can do is try to survive until they say “yes,” but they usually say “no” first (which is why an alarming number of people file bankruptcy and/or die waiting for a disability decision), especially since mental health reasons are the hardest ones to get approved, and my ADRC contact has been using language such as, “This will make it easier for next time,” and I'm not prepared to hear her tell me she thinks we'll have to file another claim and wait another year, so I don't ask 
I feel terrible that I've not been sculpting or posting. I miss engaging the Tumblr community and sharing my art with people who appreciate it (and not tell me it's garbage. Wtf, Grandma). 
The fact that I couldn't actually bring myself to commit suicide and still don't even though the extremely-difficult-to-survive--particularly with multiple debilitating ailments--and high cost I incur daily to myself trying to keep my head above water as long as I can, tells me that there is a life better than this that I want to live. I can't fathom for myself anything other than what is current, and I am putting all my chips into believing that I could be wrong and there's a chance all my striving will eventually meet stable ground to rest upon, where I can return to myself and make art again. I hate to think this wreck is who I really am and want to believe this is just who I am under a stupid-amount of pressure that no human should ever have to endure. A lot of people have been quick to point out all the resources, but I guarantee I've pursued all of them hard and received some help but not nearly enough. It's hard to wrestle with the feelings of not being enough to live or not being worthy of living because it's such a struggle for me to throw enough money at bills/expenses to allow me to live. It shouldn't cost someone all of themselves to try (and imminently fail) to earn the allowance to live.
Things like the ACP and student loan freeze (I owe $80,000+ because college is an overpromising, commercialized thing that is more gamble than guarantee) are ending soon (or maybe have ended and I just haven't opened my mail to know), and I'm deathly afraid. Uber isn't enough and on down-times with them and when my various ailments aren't being debilitating, I work on selling things to try to make enough for the month. Obviously I'm eventually going to run out of things to sell. 
I'm also fearful that my estimated disability check, if I get one, is only going to be $900/month, because I didn't get enough work experience to be allowed more. I genuinely don't know that that's going to be enough, especially since the price of everything like rent is inflating. I don't know how long I can financially sustain my means of survival. But I'm still doing everything I can. It's jarring to go from decorated Valedictorian to…whatever exhausted mess this is. 
My parents stopped asking me months ago how things are going because they know it's never good. They don't have the means to help me as my mom got laid off of work, my dad has dementia and doesn't work, and if I have to live with them again, I would essentially be signing off on my own death certificate because even spending a few hours in that home, with those people, is enough to completely drain me, trigger so much PTSD, grind my mental health down even more with whatever new dynamics and energies they decide to inject in our interactions. I wasn't free to fight the battles I needed to until I moved out into my own private space, and since it is the cheapest option in the entire city and so necessary of a component to my mental health, my therapist identified keeping my apartment as my number one priority. With my mental health, I wouldn't do well at all or be able to get back on my feet if I was homeless.
This turned into a lot more than I intended, but I'm really satisfied that it explains my situation and makes it known that you can do everything right and still lose. The system will cannibalize you if you don't have money to start with and don't have the means to keep it coming. Poverty charges interest and there are no days off, especially if you're disabled. There are no real safetynets and the ones that exist are overwhelmed, underfunded, underpowered, and essentially only serve to make the ones who don't need them feel satisfied (and aren't outraged and pushing for changes) being sold the lie that those who need help have it available to them. Having an inside view of what the experience is, I am apalled at how little systemic support or consideration there is for the disabled, especially since it is the largest minority group that anyone can join at any time.
Some days suck worse than others, like when the weather is so bad that I cannot Uber or when my pain or mental state has been aggravated and I haven't made enough time for self-care so it has decided for me when self-care must be attended to. I wish I could give myself the self-care my mind and body need so I can be healthier, more resilient to setbacks, and feel less pain, but honestly some nights I don't even go to bed because there isn't enough time/I can't afford to not be working or selling things. Society likes to frame self-care as a luxury and only recently (since covid attacked everyone's mental health) did self-care start to be widely accepted as a need. It's just too bad all that rhetoric amounted to is awareness without action. Capitalism still demands and glorifies the nonstop grind, even if it kills us.
Obviously some days are better than others and it feels incredible when I feel a genuine smile spread across my face. I wish it wasn't so foreign of a feeling, but the fact that it is makes it more impactful. I try to give my attention to hope, even if I have no practical basis to believe it exists. 
Receiving this ask did ultimately bring a smile to my face because it means I'm still cared for in a world that kicks me to the ground daily and says I don't deserve care. It is so hard for me to even care about myself a lot of the time, with all the negative messages I've internalized from my dominatingly high ratio of experiences that are rejection or failure in some form. Ultimately, we all just want to be loved. Thank you so much for reminding me that pain isn't all there is for me (it's easy to get sucked into that mindset after years of nearly everything gutting me. I often fail to even notice myself falling into it and being consumed by it). 
I know I don't owe anyone an explanation for my absence and that no one is mad at me or blaming me for it that I would need to provide some sort of justification. But I wanted to communicate with you all because I love you. I genuinely mean that. 
I still think about this from time to time and I still want come back to making and sharing sculptures and just having fun hearing all the things you have to say about them and how delighting, inspiring, or entertaining you find them. I consider the ability to do that and this Tumblr page to be one of my greatest things I've made. I don't care about money and despise that money dictates virtually every aspect of my life in the worst way. Community, creativity, and self-improvement motivated by joy/love rather than profit/fear are of infinitely more value to me. I'm still pursuing that dynamic in the end through all of this.
By no means is anyone obligated to donate to me, but if you can afford to and want to, I'll post my payment platform things below (some may still have my birth name attached). Any amount helps and Lord knows I dove for a penny on the ground last week.
If you can't donate but still want to help, reblogging can help no matter how little reach you feel your blog has, and I also would appreciate words of encouragement or support. I also just want you to know that if you've been reading this far, I really appreciate that you care enough about me to do that.
All of my love,
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The agency plays a crucial role in growing your online presence
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How to increase LinkedIn followers
LinkedIn is used for business digital shopping. Your LinkedIn Page is the primary focus of your association’s e-commerce profile. There, you can make your brand, establish allowed leadership, and make important connections. Still, unless people notice your runner, none of this is possible. You need followers if you want your LinkedIn profile to develop naturally. You will get further followers if people who visit your runner interact with the content. Not just want to know how to get further people to follow you on LinkedIn. You can perform the particulars on the list below to get further people to follow your LinkedIn runner. This conditioning range from simple tips for newbies to further involved strategies for businesses trying to make their runner more visible and effective.
Then are many suggestions on how to increase LinkedIn followers:-
1. Gain business from spots besides LinkedIn
2. Maintain a harmonious brand.
3. Update the content on your runner constantly.
4. Use visual media similar to cinema.
5. It should be published as internal study leadership content.
6. Respond to internet remarks
7. Your content should be modified in light of runner Analytics
8. Encourage hand involvement
9. matriculate the backing of guests and brand advocates
10. In the runner updates you make, mention significant thinking leaders.
11. Organize with important people
12. Use Follower Advertisements to launch a crusade.
Top digital marketing agency
When it comes to growing your online presence, the agency is pivotal. Accordingly, you must comprehend the platoon’s services and bandy your conditions with them. After that, probe their former work, their pricing, and the terms of their contract. Last but not least, make sure they’re up to date on the most recent digital marketing developments.
1. Webchutney
2. Intellemo
3. Pinstorm
4. Gozoop
5. Mirum India
6. Quasar Media
7. iProspect India
8. Phonetics
9. Blogworks
10. Adsyndicate
11. BCWebwise
12. SapientRazorfish
Best digital marketing agency in India
Digital marketing has changed how brands interact with their target followership. You nearly presumably have an addicted runner on Facebook, anyhow of whether you’re a bitsy business, a major pot, or another form of business. But just having a social media profile or presence is inadequate. Check to see that you’re also putting it to good use. To do this right, you need help from an Indian digital marketing agency.
So, to help you grow your e-commerce, then are some best digital marketing agencies:-
1. Sapient Razorfish
2. Group M India
3. Reprise Media India
4. Interactive Avenues
5. To The New Digital
6. Foxy Moron
7. Langoor
8. AdGlobal360
9. Xebec Digital
10. Social Panga
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mirandamckenni1 · 4 months
Can Ejaculation Lower Your Prostate Cancer Risk? Ft. Dr. Stacy Loeb In today's episode with Stacey Loeb, we're delving into the critical topic of prostate cancer — sifting truth from myths and exploring both prevention and treatment options. Dr. Loeb, a professor of urology with a personal investment in the field, joins us to debunk common misinformation about "miracle cures" and highlight the importance of lifestyle choices such as a plant-based diet, regular exercise, and the power of social connections in reducing cancer risks. Thanks for watching!! Become a Member to Receive Exclusive Content: https://ift.tt/hmS82JG Schedule an appointment with me: https://ift.tt/Fysrzlt ▶️Chapters: 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:03:23 - Prostate Cancer Prevention Discussion 00:04:22 - Importance of Diet and Lifestyle 00:08:02 - Role of Supplements 00:09:26 - Risks Associated with Misinformation 00:19:19 - Frequency of Ejaculation and Prostate Cancer Risk 00:23:42 - Lack of Early Warning Signs for Prostate Cancer 00:27:58 - Discussion on Digital Rectal Examination 00:29:07 - Prostate Cancer Screening Considerations 00:35:11 - Stopping Prostate Cancer Screening 00:37:33 - Role of MRI in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis 00:38:34 - Limitations of Traditional Biopsy 00:46:02 - Investigational Treatments & Lifestyle Impact 00:48:01 - Navigating Misinformation & Reliable Sources 00:49:30 - Accessing Support & Advocating for Education 01:08:36 - Encouraging Early Screening & Wellness Practices 01:02:12 - Testosterone Therapy 01:12:56 - Emphasizing Purpose & Social Connection 01:14:12 - Conclusion: Promoting Self-Care & Community Support https://twitter.com/LoebStacy https://ift.tt/Imvt6FC Prostate cancer foundation https://www.pcf.org/ Zero Prostate Cancer https://zerocancer.org/ Urology Care Foundation https://ift.tt/jaUAg6W Watch the video till the end and let me know your thoughts in the comments. If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to press the bell 🔔, like, comment and share. Stay safe and Love all. 😍 Rena Malik, MD is a urologist and pelvic surgeon on youtube to educate people about all things urology including erectile dysfunction, how to increase testosterone, problems with sex, premature ejaculation, urinary leakage, or incontinence, overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, prostate issues and more. ▶️Check out my Amazon storefront (affiliate links included): https://ift.tt/WzsUYMo. ▶️Coupons & Discount codes (affiliate links included): https://ift.tt/q5n2r10 -------------- ▶️Please Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@RenaMalikMD/?sub_confirmation=1 ▶️Visit my website: https://ift.tt/86aOUSQ ▶️Listen to the podcast: https://ift.tt/hGBq01r --------------- ▶️Follow Me On: • Instagram: https://ift.tt/xu6y5sF • Twitter: http://twitter.com/RenaMalikMD • Facebook: https://ift.tt/qpYWf7v • Tikok: https://ift.tt/i1L2On8 • LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/KiDMV5I • Pinterest: https://ift.tt/gmfU6yt --------------- ▶️Sign up for my e-mail list and get more content from me: https://ift.tt/n6maveV ▶️Get your FREE OAB Guide: https://ift.tt/QzoD8W3 --------------- ▶️Check out these playlists: • A Urologist explains what is edging and is it SAFE: https://youtu.be/qN23jUSSdVM • Penis Problems?! Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation & More: https://bit.ly/3wwivzS • Overactive Bladder Treatment: https://bit.ly/3hMzBoP • How to Increase Testosterone: https://bit.ly/2T9QJKV • Women’s Sexual Health: https://ift.tt/ykQIDEe -------------- ▶️DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and does not constitute medical advice. The content of this video is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). Use of this information is at your own risk. Rena Malik, M.D. will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death. -------------- via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbLwm2eyyK0
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qqhippo-in · 1 year
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How To Get More Followers On LinkedIn
Discover how to increase your LinkedIn following with these seven excellent tips.
Companies and individuals can connect with a community of working professionals through LinkedIn. It offers chances to its 810 million members in more than 200 nations. Having a strong presence on LinkedIn has a number of benefits. The chances of success are higher for those with a larger following. Read on if you've ever wondered how to get more LinkedIn followers.
Every day, a large number of people visit LinkedIn to build their brands, develop thought leadership, and search for job opportunities. One of the top three most trusted social media platforms, based on a recent Business Influencer study, was LinkedIn.
But if you want to grow your LinkedIn followers quickly, buy LinkedIn followers from a trusted and authentic service providers.
1. Create and enhance a strong LinkedIn profile. 2. Include Your Website's URL in Annual Reports. 3. Establish connections with industry experts. 4. Use other online resources. 5. Produce interesting video material. 6. Find the appropriate role models to follow. 7. Publish industry-relevant content frequently. 8. Utilize hashtags.
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cindylouwho-2 · 2 months
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Since I wrote so many articles on Etsy in the past 2 months, it took longer than usual for me to get the full ecommerce update out. Sorry about the delay, but here it is!
For fresher and more frequent updates, please follow me on Bluesky or on LinkedIn, or become a member of my Patreon.
Etsy’s fourth quarter 2023 financial results came out February 21; I did a deep dive into all the announcements here. In short, there are a lot of new things coming, and some changes that may have affected some sellers already, including:
plans for more predictable shipping costs for buyers and sellers (what does that mean?)
Etsy Ads are now localized outside of the United States
search will be shifting to boost "high quality" items, going from highlighting what shoppers are most likely to buy to what shoppers are most likely to love
a buyer loyalty program is coming
the goal of “shortening our estimated delivery dates this year by at least 2 days”
This recent post on Bluesky indicates that Etsy is surveying buyers on what they would pay for shipping, which could be related to the “predictable shipping costs” mentioned. A recent Etsy presentation at an investor conference provided a few clarifications on points discussed during the 4th quarter call, and in previous interviews and announcements.
“Our research showed that 10% off is a waste in this market. It's not enough to drive an incremental conversion, so all you did is give up margin. So recently, you've seen us both change the default and talk to sellers about how if you're going to put something on sale in this environment, it needs to be at least 25% off.” [my emphasis] Silverman has previously mentioned that buyers want discounts these days. 
Since the information sellers provide when listing (i.e., titles, tags, descriptions, attributes) “is not always very reliable”, Etsy uses image recognition to classify items as well
They are working on improvement for international fulfillment
Most orders on Etsy aren’t impulse buys; 70% involve 2 or more visits, and 50% involve 4 or more visits
“only one out of every three women in the United States bought something on Etsy last year…. only one out of every 10 men bought something on Etsy last year.”
Etsy’s use of AI in places such as Gift Mode is not in-house. (We already knew they used OpenAI’s GPT-4 for Gift Mode.) 
eBay increased the transaction fee from 30 to 40 cents as of March 15, for all orders over $10. 
An Etsy fee increase of some sort is likely coming soon, as Etsy has surveyed sellers on which options they would most prefer. While I was not picked to take the survey, a few people who did have contacted me with screenshots and details, which I wrote about in some detail. 
Packaging laws are becoming quite onerous for some ecommerce microbusinesses, but fortunately the Etsy forum crew has helped out with a recent summary of which countries in Europe require registration or payment to ship into the jurisdiction. Thanks to Claudia of https://www.etsy.com/no-en/shop/DoceVikaVintage for doing most of the legwork. 
Etsy is once again changing some sellers’ processing days, adding Saturday or Sunday into the mix when the shop owner only selected Monday to Friday. Some are seeing a notice on their dashboard, while others received an email.
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Remember, in the 4th quarter 2023 earnings report, Silverman said “shortening our estimated delivery dates this year by at least 2 days” was a goal, and unilaterally changing your processing times is one step towards that goal. Please check your shipping settings, as this could mean you need to ship earlier than you realize, and Etsy could put you on reserve, remove your Star Seller badge, and deny you Seller Protection when you ship later than Etsy thinks you should.
If that wasn’t bad enough, some sellers are reporting that Etsy has changed the timing of sending the Abandoned Cart discount to almost immediate, and changed the official Help file on the topic to say the coupon was sent just 2 hours after the listing was carted, down from 24 hours. Others say they can no longer deactivate these coupons, and that Etsy Support told them it was a known bug. 
If you want to learn how Etsy's algorithms work and what they favour, the company has added more details on "recommendations" modules we see all over the site to the legal policy page. I've written a short piece highlighting what sellers should pay attention to if they want visibility on Etsy.
Etsy is adding Regulatory Operating Fees to orders in India (0.29%) and Vietnam (1.24%) as of April 1, 2024. On the same day, the Regulatory Operating Fee in Spain will increase to 0.72% (from 0.4%), and the fee for Türkiye goes up to 2.27% (from 1.1%).
The Prohibited Items Policy has been updated in several places, as of March 5 2024. Some of the new sections are covered in this article. As always, the most important parts of these changes will be how Etsy chooses to interpret them, so for the moment I don’t have any further comment, other than to say these types of changes are sometimes driven by law, and sometimes by previous incidents in which Etsy is unhappy with the outcome. 
Looks like businesses in China will soon be able to use Etsy Payments, meaning new shops in China may be able to open for the first time since 2021. (It's not unusual for Etsy to beta test new countries before announcing them officially; it’s hard to say if that is what is happening here or not.)
Etsy's forum restrictions - requiring a signed-in seller account to view most posts - will start on March 26. Only posts in the Announcements and Technical Issues sections will still be visible to everyone. 
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There has been some speculation that this is to reduce spamming of Etsy sellers after they post, but the change will also have the bonus of journalists, investors and others not being able to read Etsy sellers' complaints about the platform.
It’s possible to have your product photos featured on the persona page of Etsy's Gift Mode but not have the product available for sale in Gift Mode. I’ve checked several times, and have never seen that seller’s embroidery piece in the featured listings. If you missed my blog post on Gift Mode, check it out here. Note that Etsy seems to have made some changes since I originally released the post. Among other Gift Mode promotions, Etsy employees rang the opening bell at Nasdaq the day after the Super Bowl. Did you know that this year’s Super Bowl was the most watched show in the US since the 1969 moon landing? Etsy hired Drew Barrymore to promote the corporation's new gifting push, which will continue all year. And the company has also released a new “gift teaser” email that buyers can have sent to recipients, which is useful for last-minute shoppers. 
Elliott Management now owns 13% of Etsy shares and options - making it the largest investor -  and now has a board member at the corporation. Known as activist investors, they usually force companies to cut costs ; for example they pressured “Salesforce, in which it has a multibillion-dollar investment, to harsh new policies for engineers and salespeople aimed at reducing headcount.”
Newly-opened Etsy shops will soon be subject to stricter ID requirements, a $15 fee, and longer holds on their early sales; I covered the details we know on LinkedIn. 
If you use the new listing form, you may see a new pricing tool pop up. (It’s not on the old listing form.) Ridiculously, Etsy calls it an “estimated profit calculator”, when really, it’s just an Etsy fee calculator, and not a good one at that. It includes the lowest processing fee possible (some countries have a range of processing fees) and also excludes taxes you may pay on your fees. I don’t know if it includes country-specific fees such as regulatory fees, as Canada does not currently have those.
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Etsy has several sales events coming up, including the “spring refresh” which has already started and continues until April 15. 
There are reports of Etsy now advertising its commercials in Canada, which is a first as far as I know. 
Struggling to update your tax information on Etsy? One tip is to use a different link to enter the updates. Another is to use a pdf or png file, not a jpg, when uploading documents, and to combine multiple documents into one. If Etsy is asking your LLP/LLC or corporation to upload ID, I’ve had multiple people report that personal ID should work, even if the wording of the page says it won't. 
If you are frustrated by the recent Etsy test removing the total number of items in a search, I explained here how to determine the exact number of results if there are less than 16,000 listings. Also, you can just try another browser or device because it is a test (I do not have it on desktop). 
Remember when The Smiley Company sued tons of small sellers for trademark infringement, and asked for damages? Some Etsy sellers fought back - and won.
Who is removing Taylor Swift-themed items from Etsy - the artist, or the marketplace?  Swift has sent cease and desist letters to Etsy shops in the past. 
The articles about Etsy being awash with non-handmade and counterfeit goods never end. Here’s one from Australia. Here’s one about Etsy sellers publishing fan fiction that is already free on the web and charging a huge amount. And the media attention to deepfake porn on Etsy also continues. AI use is also subject to media scrutiny. 
TikTok’s push to attract more sellers apparently involves approaching Etsy shop owners. [soft paywall; Modern Retail] 
Josh Silverman has sold off most of his remaining Etsy stock. 
I did a short report on who Etsy laid off in December. 
The scammers advertising a fake Etsy customer support phone number on Google are catching buyers too - why can't this be stopped? "Anyone looking to contact Etsy for customer service issues should be aware that there is no phone number to contact for Etsy support." It’s a big problem that Google seems unable to control, given this study on other fraudulent Google Ads.  
Speaking of scammers, there is a new version of fake copyright takedowns affecting numerous sellers; the person who files the DMCA then offers to remove it for a fee, or even file takedowns against your competitors for a bigger fee. Etsy did fix the first round after 3-4 days, but the perpetrator then filed new DMCAs from a different email address. 
ECOMMERCE NEWS (minus social media)
Michael’s Makerplace is beta testing selling third-party items in Michael’s brick and mortar stores. “Michaels says that MakerPlace garnered interest from thousands of sellers during its initial beta period, mainly through word-of-mouth. The company declined to disclose how many sellers are on the platform currently and is now focused on growing customers for those vendors to sell to. Buchanan says the next month will be "critical to make sure [the platform gets] some mass engagement from a buyer perspective."
Some Depop sellers had issues with deposits recently, with the money never being sent to their bank accounts, and instead the deposit was continually rescheduled for the next day. This may or may not be related to similar issues on Etsy. Depop is also immediately scrapping seller fees for the UK (as long as the account sells in GBP), but is adding a 5% fee for buyers in the UK as of April 15. Clearly the site thinks it has more UK demand than UK inventory, and that at least some of those buyers will pay for the ability to buy second-hand. Depop press release. 
Beni is a new “secondhand search engine” that pulls up used apparel from multiple different marketplaces such as eBay, Poshmark, and ThredUp. It offers an app and a Chrome browser extension. 
Temu is subject to a class-action lawsuit claiming that the company’s app is highly intrusive and can read "literally everything on your phone." Also, businesses in the United States can now sell on Temu. 
There are many different platforms and marketplaces to sell digital products such as ebooks, templates and courses; here are 20. 
If you sell on Amazon, make sure you have 2-factor authentication set up, as it will be a requirement starting March 28th. Users will need a mobile number or authenticator app. 
Amazon is using generative AI to create new listings for merchants who enter a link of the product on another site. “The goal is to help sellers reduce the time it takes to bring the product from a different website onto Amazon.”
If you don’t use at least 3 images per product page, Amazon will now add in photos from other merchants on the site. 
Amazon had a strong fourth quarter in 2023, beating all estimates.  Amazon Lending has been discontinued, but existing loans do not change until the term ends.
eBay agreed to a $59 million settlement in the US Department of Justice’s case regarding the selling of tools to make counterfeit drugs. The company must also modify its restricted items policies. 
eBay joined the layoff race on January 23 when it let go 9% of its staff (~1000 people). Those layoffs were spread throughout the company, including plenty of engineers, legal and PR staff, and several recruiters, as well as authentication staff. The company also made upper-management changes. 
eBay’s 4th quarter financial results were up a bit, but active buyers keep dropping. 
Jewellery sellers in the UK faced an across-the-board fee hike as of March 7, adding 2% to the final value fee. This appears to be related to covering the authenticity process, which only applies to certain items above £500. 
Be careful when you confirm your Promoted Listings Standard campaign on eBay - a few sellers report accidentally upgrading to a far more expensive Advanced Cost Per Click campaign.
Walmart is offering discounts for new sellers, covering part of fees for up to 90 days. 
If you sell on the Walmart marketplace, beware of the new rules on making authenticity claims.
Payment Processing
Klarna is now offering a monthly subscription to be able to use it at brick and mortar retailers without additional fees. The Verge speculates this may be related to Klarna’s rumoured pending IPO. The company has also employed an AI chatbot to do the work of 700 customer support employees. 
A US study reports that at least 20% of US consumers have used buy now, pay later options at least once. 
PayPal joined the tech layoff trend, getting rid of 9% of staff in January.
Venmo settings are public by default; here’s how to change that. [Washington Post gift link]
Is “free shipping” becoming less common? It appears so. [soft paywall: Business Insider]
Apparently USPS has significant delays in the Atlanta area, leaving packages in limbo for weeks. (Strangely, I had a shipment held up in Atlanta in late January even though the new processing centre did not open until February 24, and that package was finally delivered last week.)
Good basic post on return policies (from a Canadian perspective). Note that half of those surveyed say that return policies affect their purchase decisions.
Canada Post has sold its logistics and IT companies as it struggles to become profitable, and may be looking towards more ecommerce options. 
UPS will be laying off 12,000 employees this year, to save around $1 billion. The company is also starting to deliver to homes on Saturdays in major Canadian cities by March.
That's it for now! I hope to have the full SEO & marketing report out next week.
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hostpyters · 2 days
Reply.io is a sales engagement platform designed to help sales teams automate and manage their outreach efforts through multiple communication channels. It aims to streamline the process of engaging with prospects and customers, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.
Below is a detailed review of its features and functionalities:
Key Features
Multi-Channel Outreach:
Email Campaigns: Automate and personalize email sequences to reach prospects effectively.
Phone Calls: Integrates with VoIP services to facilitate direct calling from the platform, including features like call recording and logging.
Social Media: Allows outreach via LinkedIn, including automated message sequences.
SMS and WhatsApp: Supports text-based outreach through SMS and WhatsApp for more direct communication channels.
Automation and Sequencing:
Automated Workflows: Create automated workflows that sequence multiple touch points across different channels.
Conditional Logic: Use conditional steps to branch sequences based on recipient behavior, such as email opens or replies.
Task Automation: Automate repetitive tasks such as follow-ups, reminders, and updating CRM records. Personalization and AI:
Email Personalization: Use dynamic fields to personalize email content, increasing engagement rates.
AI-Powered Suggestions: AI tools provide suggestions for improving email content and outreach strategies.
Personalized Videos: Integrates with video messaging tools to include personalized video content in emails.
Integration and API:
CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with major CRM systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive, ensuring data synchronization.
API Access: Provides API access for custom integrations and automations, allowing for greater flexibility.
Third-Party Tools: Connects with various other tools such as Zapier, Slack, and Google Apps to enhance functionality.
Analytics and Reporting:
Campaign Analytics: Detailed analytics on email open rates, reply rates, click-through rates, and more.
A/B Testing: Test different versions of emails to determine which performs better.
Team Performance: Track team performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and optimize outreach efforts.
Contact Management:
Lead Management: Centralized database for managing contacts and leads, with segmentation and filtering options.
Enrichment: Automatic data enrichment to enhance lead profiles with relevant information.
Prospect Importing: Easily import contacts from CSV files or directly from integrated CRM systems.
Pros Comprehensive Multi-Channel Outreach: Supports a variety of communication channels, providing a holistic approach to sales engagement.
Advanced Automation and Sequencing: Powerful automation features help streamline workflows and increase efficiency.
Deep Personalization: Tools for email and video personalization improve engagement and response rates.
Robust Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with CRM systems and other third-party tools enhances data synchronization and workflow automation.
Detailed Analytics: Comprehensive reporting and analytics provide insights into campaign performance and team productivity.
Cons Complexity: The extensive features and customization options can be overwhelming for new users, requiring a learning curve to fully utilize the platform.
Cost: Pricing can be relatively high, especially for smaller businesses or startups with limited budgets.
Limited Free Tier: The free tier offers limited functionality, which may not be sufficient for more extensive outreach needs.
Reply.io is a powerful and versatile sales engagement platform that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for multi-channel outreach, automation, and personalization. Its robust integration capabilities and detailed analytics make it an excellent choice for sales teams looking to optimize their engagement strategies and improve productivity. However, the complexity and cost may pose challenges for smaller organizations or those new to such platforms. Overall, Reply.io provides significant value for businesses seeking to enhance their sales outreach and engagement efforts.
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topitservices · 11 days
10 Proven Strategies for Effective Social Media Development
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In today’s digital age, social media marketing agency isn’t just a trend — it’s a vital component of any successful business strategy. Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketer, or an entrepreneur, understanding how to effectively develop your social media presence can make a world of difference. But with so many platforms and strategies out there, where do you even begin? Fear not! We’ve got you covered with these 10 proven SEO Services for effective social media development.
Understanding Your Audience
Identifying Your Target Audience
The first step to social media success is knowing who you’re talking to. Identify your target audience by researching demographics, interests, and online behaviors. Are they teenagers who love Instagram, or professionals networking on LinkedIn? Pinpointing your audience helps tailor your content to their preferences.
Creating Buyer Personas
Create detailed buyer personas to represent your ideal customers. These personas should include information like age, gender, job title, interests, and challenges. By having a clear picture of who your audience is, you can create content that resonates and engages.
Setting Clear Goals
SMART Goals for Social Media
Goals give direction to your social media efforts. Use the SMART framework — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound — to set goals. For example, “Increase Instagram followers by 20% in the next three months.”
Aligning Goals with Business Objectives
Ensure your social media goals align with your overall business objectives. If your business goal is to increase sales, your social media goal could be to drive traffic to your website or promote your products through engaging posts.
Choosing the Right Platforms
Overview of Major Social Media Platforms
Each social media platform has its unique features and audience. Facebook is great for community building, Instagram for visual content, Twitter for real-time updates, LinkedIn for professional networking, and TikTok for reaching younger audiences with short videos.
Matching Platforms with Audience Demographics
Choose platforms where your target audience is most active. For example, if you’re targeting Gen Z, platforms like TikTok and Instagram are more effective than LinkedIn.
Content Creation and Curation
The 80/20 Rule of Content
Follow the 80/20 rule: 80% of your content should be informative, entertaining, or educational, while 20% can be promotional. This balance keeps your audience engaged without feeling overwhelmed by ads.
Types of Content That Engage
Use a mix of content types, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and stories. Visual content tends to perform well, so invest in high-quality images and videos.
Creating a Content Calendar
Plan your content ahead of time with a content calendar. This helps you stay organized, maintain consistency, and ensure a steady flow of posts.
Consistency is Key
Importance of Regular Posting
Consistency builds trust and keeps your audience engaged. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, stick to a regular posting schedule.
Tools to Maintain Consistency
Use social media management tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social to schedule posts in advance and search engine optimization company in Delhi is also play an important role. These tools also offer analytics to track your performance.
Engaging with Your Audience
Responding to Comments and Messages
Engagement goes both ways. Respond to comments and messages promptly to show your audience that you value their input and are attentive to their needs.
Encouraging User-Generated Content
Encourage your followers to create content related to your brand. User-generated content not only provides authentic promotion but also builds community and trust.
Hosting Live Sessions and Q&A
Live sessions and Q&A provide a direct way to interact with your audience. They can boost engagement and give a face to your brand, making it more relatable.
Utilizing Analytics and Insights
Tracking Performance Metrics
Regularly review your social media analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Track metrics like engagement rate, reach, impressions, and click-through rates.
Adjusting Strategies Based on Data
Use the insights from your analytics to adjust your SEO expert in ‘Delhi’ strategies. If a particular type of post is performing well, create more similar content. If something isn’t working, tweak your approach.
Leveraging Influencers and Partnerships
Identifying Potential Influencers
Influencers can help you reach a wider audience. Look for influencers whose followers match your target audience and who align with your brand values.
Building Mutually Beneficial Relationships
Establish relationships with influencers by offering value, such as free products, exclusive discounts, or payment. Collaborate on content that benefits both parties.
Running Paid Campaigns
Types of Social Media Ads
Explore different types of social media ads, such as photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. Each has its unique advantages depending on your goals.
Setting Budgets and Measuring ROI
Set a budget for your social media marketing services Delhi ads and track the return on investment (ROI). Use the data to optimize future campaigns and ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck.
Staying Updated with Trends
Keeping Up with Platform Updates
Social media platforms frequently update their features and algorithms. Stay informed about these changes to adapt your strategy and maintain your reach.
Adapting to New Features and Trends
Embrace new features and trends early to stay ahead of the competition. For instance, if a platform introduces a new type of content, experiment with it to engage your audience.
Building a Community
Creating Groups and Communities
Create dedicated groups or communities around your brand where followers can interact, share ideas, and connect. This fosters loyalty and engagement.
Encouraging Interaction and Engagement
Promote discussions, ask questions, and encourage your followers to share their experiences. The more interactive your community, the more engaged it will be.
Utilizing Hashtags and Keywords
Effective Hashtag Strategies
Hashtags can increase your content’s visibility. Use relevant, trending, and branded hashtags to reach a broader audience.
Optimizing Posts for Searchability
Incorporate keywords and hashtags that your audience is likely to search for. This improves the discoverability of your posts on social media platforms.
Dealing with Negative Feedback
Handling Criticism Professionally
Negative feedback is inevitable. Handle it professionally by responding calmly and addressing the issues raised. This shows that you care about your customers.
Turning Negative Feedback into Opportunities
Use negative feedback as an opportunity to improve. Show your audience that you listen to them and are willing to make changes based on their suggestions.
Developing an effective social media strategy takes time and effort, but the results are well worth it. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, and staying consistent, you can build a strong social media presence that drives engagement and supports your business objectives. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your social media channels thrive!
How often should I post on social media?
Posting frequency depends on the platform and your audience. Generally, posting once a day on platforms like Instagram and Facebook is effective, while Twitter may require more frequent updates.
What type of content works best on social media?
Engaging, high-quality content such as videos, infographics, and user-generated content tend to perform well. The key is to mix
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