#inconsiderate men
diaryofawornoutgirl · 9 months
‘Inconsiderate Men In Power’: version 1
“You’re awfully loud for a man,
the world's always willing to hear you out...
You only yell 'cause you can and want to...
I have to yell to be heard”
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uraandri · 5 months
i hate men so much it's unreal
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coochiequeens · 1 year
I hope this is fake. If it’s not some baby is going to be stuck with one unselfaware father who uses his ADHD as excuse to be a noisy AH even at 5 am.
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I had an ex who had dyslexia and he didn’t use coping strategies so whenever he gave me the wrong dates or times for events it would cause chaos for my whole day. Not going to lie it was a contributing factor in the break up because he would pull this shit and then he would say he wanted kids. Men fail to understand that stuff that is barely tolerable when the relationship is more causal becomes a deal breaker when kids, future or just hypothetical, become involved. But even he didn’t let his dog bark at 5 am.
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annabelle--cane · 11 months
we NEED more bi men in media. what other men am I supposed to get crushes on.
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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still gettin dividends from a past life...
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newfeeling77 · 5 months
maybe men wouldnt be so lonely if they didnt treat women like shit and generally act like assholes 99% of the time
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eggtrolls · 6 months
we need to ban men from being unchaperoned in public. This guy was blasting a tiktok on the train with no headphones (hanging offense) so I moved away and, in my walking through a crowded train, I jostled another guy with my umbrella. It’s a crowded train in New York - unless this is your first day on earth, this is not the first time that’s ever happened to you. And yet in this guy’s mind he was like “hey I know what the totally normal response to this is! Wait ten minutes after a strange woman bumps me and then reach over a random elderly woman to GRAB MY SHOULDER AND COLLARBONE and say ‘you should really say excuse me next time you go past someone’”
at some point I’m just gonna start making car alarm noises when men get too close to me. I should not have just sat there like a surprised gopher, I should have said GET YOUR HAND OFF ME at the top of my lungs and then maced him. Also he should have dropped dead.
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doeyedangel · 14 days
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howifeltabouthim · 5 months
They could thoughtlessly fuck you from behind, their hips on hydraulics. They could be tired, sick, sad, rageful over having the flu, yet their hips would be completely fine, moving back and forth like a car part. Men were dependable fuckers. But suddenly they could look sad like that.
Lisa Taddeo, from Animal
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tinned-beef · 2 years
here are some of the rejects for a project i’m working on 😔
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roseyboy · 1 year
The amount of cis men I see using and abusing my dream of all dreams - husbandhood and fatherhood. Cheating on their wives, ignoring their children, not sharing in the mundane manual labor of life to better help and lift each other up. The barest minimum of even supporting their wife. Do fucking better.
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heavierthanlaila · 9 months
allah surely is the most merciful and he truly does listen to your duaas and he indeed answers all of them.
#i literally made duaa few days ago and said ya allah if this person is bad for me or if this relationship is making you angry with me pls#take him out of my life#(i was only talking to this guy to know him better for the sake of marriage)#and LITERALLY the next day this dude out of nowhere decided to be super passive aggressive because of something very minor#so i confront him and express my feelings clearly and calmly but get a little mean at the end and his reaction is why are you being mean lol#so i explained why and he was like even if let's say i was mean why would you be mean to me in return???#LMAOOO#like...#so i said so you get to be passive-aggressive and give me the silent treatment and i dont even get to protest in a harsh tone?????#but i didnt argue i just said i really thought you were better than this and that was that#he left just as quickly as he came into my life#the funny thing tho was when he said that he doesn't like it when i use “big words” like manipulation and passive-aggressive#like so he even wants to dictate how i express myself let alone be angry that he crossed my boundaries and was doing something i found annoy#honestly egyptian/arab men are indeed something else#I'm just sad that i let him disturb my peace tbh#I'm glad it's over because I dont have time for some elementary school kid trapped in a 29 year old body#he even made me seriously question myself like if i was that rude or that inconsiderate but honestly it was just him being too insecure#alhamdulilah he is out of my life#I'm so grateful that allah is my wakeel because he surely won't let me down
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i'm really trying to understand, what on earth is up with the enstars tumblr trend of using she/her for literally all the characters?
are people projecting their gender on all the characters?? in which case, valid, but i feel like 80% of the posts in the tag do this now. that's a lot. did a trans person introduce their entire circle of trans mutuals to enstars and now they're posting 80% of the content in the tags?
misgendering cis transphobic people to make them feel what misgendered trans people do is one thing. it's funny. it's vindicative. it might even make transphobic people viscerally understand why using one's desired pronouns matters. but purposely assigning she/her to the entire male population of enstars!japan feels like something else altogether.
i dunno. something something haha all these men are sooo not masculine [by western standards]. they don't act like buff masculine hollywood dudes and therefore they're now all female. this is probably not what was intended when assigning she/her to everyone, but this does feel like one plausible explaination. and i don't have context for why this even happened so i'm not sure what the actual explaination is.
at the end of the day it's fiction and how other people engage with fiction really isn't my business. in fact, power to you, i'm glad you're having fun and (i think) having a very personal and validating experience with gender. but god. if i don't start to understand this trend and be able to see it as something other than obnoxious and purposeful misgendering, i'm going to have to block a huge chunk of the active enstars tumblr fanbase just so i can actually browse the tag.
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vlindervin7 · 2 years
harry’s house is forever tainted to me since i started listening to it on a walk through the park and then this man harassed me and then when i continued listening to it omw home i had to listen to ‘boyfriends’ and that. was just supremely annoying and now i’m just annoyed when i hear any of it
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there is a guy in my program who is very kind, probably the nicest boy here. he is always super friendly to me and he uses my name when he talks to me. he asks me about vegan food (we had jackfruit pulled pork for dinner tonight) and he was really considerate when people wanted to eat the non diary ice cream they got just for me (but i told him it was okay and i can share)
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ev-ngelion · 5 months
I think something people overlook about “icks” is that if you’re subconsciously looking for reasons not to be attracted to someone, you probably just didn’t like them that much in the first place.
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