#in the... grand scheme.... of things...
kerorowhump · 9 months
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stuckinapril · 7 months
Kind of ridiculous that it’s a ubiquitously held notion that if you don’t start a hobby while you’re literally a developing embryo then you can never go pro at it. I have all this TIME to live am I supposed to just lie down and die
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rubydubydoo122 · 3 months
Robin!Jason, Dying: Honestly, this isn't even the most traumatic thing that has happened to me.
The Joker: Excuse me? this is so traumatic. I'm about to blow you up.
Robin!Jason: I was homeless at 9, a pasty man with a crowbar isn't really that scary compared to the streets of crime alley
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halvedslab · 2 months
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For a "two artists draw designs for same character" with @thegaycousin 🪽
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transjudas · 1 year
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One of the hardest things about watching LOTMS is seeing Gerard in crisis and seeing those around him who love him doing their best to look out for him. And the past year we’ve gotten to see that same love and support while they seem to be doing so much better coping with things even through the pandemic. Because no matter how you’re coping, having friends by your side there for you is everything. (x, x)
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nonpoppie · 1 year
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tianjiu (food 4 me specifically)
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therealslimshady · 7 months
psychonauts is like. what if you met your hero and he turned out to be a silly, kind, down to earth guy who was willing to be there for you at a moments notice and was also personally responsible for every bad thing that'd ever happened to your family specifically
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crimson-nail · 5 months
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she was running a little late for the photo but she’s here now!!
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color-palettes · 4 months
I saw a palette here once with 7 bars of colors, are the maximum colors still 6? Or can we actually add like 7 bars now?
jam (queuer) has some explaining to do :'/ i dont pay him so it's fine i guess
as for your second question, ill open it to the crowd
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namchyoon · 30 days
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day 150/547 until joon returns cr. jung-koook
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kroosluvr · 29 days
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don't wanna talk, baby i just wanna dance
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yikes-ajax · 7 months
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I dont have a clever and witty sarcastic comment tonight, I just think she's cute
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corvase · 2 years
oblivious idiots in love prompts
feel free to use :)
one character trying to hold the others hand and failing miserably
so then they make a fool proof plan they think will work just to hold their love interests hand
the talk with their best friend like “should i just give up? at this point you’d have to be pretending not to know”
character b going in for a kiss and when they both accidentally bump heads character b can’t stop laughing at the insanity and character a is just confused because they genuinely didn’t know b was going in for a kiss
the stomach drop when your main character has to see their love interest w someone else or simply hear about them liking someone else
the spider-man meme where they’re all pointing at each other but it’s a conversation like “i said i didn’t like you like that because you said you didn’t like me” “but i said i didn’t like you because you were literally in love with someone else” then “i only said i was in love with them because you didn’t want me!”
one character being like “yeah im soooooo bored this weekend. when you are free. You know. i have NOTHING to do. oh what ever will i entertain myself with!!! WHOOeverrr should i entertain myself with.” and the other is just like “huh. yeah that’s pretty sad”
���i changed my schedule for you, you idiot.” “wait i don’t get it. why?”
one character going in to touch the other characters face and the other character freaking out like “WHAT????? IS THERE A BUG??? WAIT GET IT OFF”
^ but twist if they’re enemies and the other character thought they were gonna like throw a punch
your character being convinced they like everyone BUT them
“i can’t believe you didn’t know.” “YOU WANTED ME TO READ YOUR MIND??!!??!”
“marry me.” “what?” “what?”
OH OH BUT ALSO one character is asleep and the other whispers “i like you.” and they wake up like “what” and the response is, once again, “what”
“can i love you?”
“i told you i liked you!” “i thought you were joking!”
“but i don’t know how to love.” “me neither.” “okay. shall we figure it out together?”
“i like you.” “wait what? but i like you.” “HUH?????”
“i just don’t want you to hurt me. i don’t know how to do this, /name/.”
“be honest. do you know?” “know what?” “that i like you!” “you like me?” “OH MY GOD.”
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possiblyawesometmblr · 8 months
to be fair to president snow if i found out that a song that was written by my first true love as a message to me to run away with her (which i did and ended up killing her) was now being used as a rebellion song designed to inspire my enemies to rise up and take me down i would start eating drywall
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prolibytherium · 8 days
Would kill to read animal POV fiction that has the animal POV’s interaction with humans be like, semi realistic to the level of caution most predators take with large prey and/or competitors (including humans).
Like instead of the usual - “the human is such a weak, pathetic creature... so slow, no claws, blunt teeth… completely helpless without its 'Fire Sticks'. how is it the master of the earth?” type crap it’s like, the bear protagonist or whatever approaches some dude who spreads their arms and yells and the bear is like “FUUUUUUUUCK THAT THING JUST GOT HUGE. IT'S LARGE AND MAKING NOISES. HOLY FUCK.”
#A lot of this realm of fiction tends to severely overestimate how physically weak humans are in the grand scheme of things..#A human body ft. no tools has a pretty average level competency at escaping predation. WITH tools it's significantly above average.#Like a lot of human physiology IS the way it is because of reliance on tool/fire use but interspecies competition/predation is really not#a literal battle won by physical strength + teeth + claws (at least until the actual process of killing)#Intimidation and shows of strength/threatening behavior can go a long way. Healthy predators (who aren't unnaturally#accommodated to humans) are generally going to be cautious and may avoid confrontations they absolutely COULD win because#the risk of injury is judged as too high#And most animals can't weigh risks in the most objective manner and won't understand that you aren't any 'bigger' just because you#wave your arms and yell. That is why puffing up/spreading out as a threat display is so ubiquitous in nature.#Massive tangent but this is why I fucking loved Prehistoric Planet so much like the commitment to having its dinosaurs behave like#actual animals is fantastic and tragically rare#Like having a scene where a T Rex gets bullied away from a carcass by two much smaller azhdarchids.. Yeah that is probably#how it would behave. It's not a mindless killing machine it's an animal so is going to avoid confrontations it deems too risky even if it#WOULD win in an all out brawl. thank you so fucking muych.
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wolflyndraws · 9 days
like not adding dream in the mc 15 year anniversary is already questionable but the audacity of YOUTUBE GAMING out of anyone to add qsmp but not dsmp in the mc 15 year anniversary vid is fucking willdd + no manhunt like hello....
like yeahhh qsmp!! the smp that is riddled with controversy, unpaid employs, racism and exploitation of fans and MORE + the smp that didn't do even a FRACTION of what dsmp and manhunt did for minecraft is totally so much more deserving of a spot for the 15 YEAR ANNIVERSARY VIDEO than dsmp or dream yeah sure and ofc its q getting the credit for the hard works of others ofc
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