#impose extreme sanctions
tisthedamngoldrush · 10 months
I need the opening sequence of season 3 of Good Omens to be The Show Must Go On by Queen. (This idea I hereby give freely to anyone who has the power to make it a reality)
Like its just Aziraphale and Crowley going through it while showing us what they’ve been up to…
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opencommunion · 3 months
"Forced Lent. The Syrian people did not have to wait for Lent to arrive, their lives are already filled with austerity and daily sacrifices.
For 13 years now, our families are living a forced Fasting which is becoming heavier each day, that seems like an endless Calvary.
No heat for the elders, already made fragile by the cold winter, no baby milk for the newborns, a shortage of many medicines aggravating sicknesses and illnesses, extreme poverty. Those are the conditions leading to the death of many.
Once viewed as the hope of the future, the young generation is suffocating and desperate. Poverty, lack of jobs, impossibility to start new families, impossibility to apply for visas and leave the country as consulates are shutting down, eliminating thus their last hope. A total blockade with devastating sanctions.
Facing all the above, many are desperately searching to leave, even at the risk of losing their life by drowning on one of those refugee boats.
Isn't all of the above a form of forced euthanasia that is slowly and surely being imposed on that poor and deprived population?
Let us entrust our concerns to Our Lady of the Resurrection."
Samir Nassar, Maronite Archbishop of Damascus, Lent 2024 On the third day of Lent in the Maronite calendar (Feb 15), the US House passed a bill expanding economic sanctions that contribute to the starvation of the Syrian people.
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jpitha · 1 year
Do you know how hard it is to have an inter-colony war?
How difficult it is to maintain a front that is light years away? To fight with people you have never met for reasons you barely understand? To go and die under a strange sun on a strange world at the order of someone who doesn't have to go and die?
The humans do.
Long, long before we met, they had already established colonies on other worlds with their enormous colony ships. Streaking between the stars at half the speed of light, it took them decades to reach their new homes.
Once there, they began the grueling work of building a new home for humanity.
12 ships were launched, 1 was destroyed, 2 were lost. The remaining 9 founded 3 colonies: Parvati, New Wellington, and Méihuā. Including Earth, there were 4 worlds humans found where they could grow and thrive.
So why, when asked today most humans say they are from Earth or Parvati or very rarely Méihuā?
New Wellington was destroyed. Not in an accident, or in some natural disaster, but destroyed by the hand of man.
Soon after the development of the wormhole generators, the colonies started trading with each other. The suddenly short distances between them meant that they could open their borders and learn to get along in a suddenly much smaller galaxy.
Some friction was inevitable.
If you ask someone from Parvati, New Wellington started it. New Wellington isn't around to ask anymore, but I found some people who had family ties on Méihuā and they say that they both started it. The reasons behind the war have been mostly lost, but it was supposedly over trading rights with Earth.
The war was brutal, and long. Both sides fielded massive dreadnoughts that were bristling with weapons, and would link into the others system and attack, and then link away. Both tried to avoid pitched battle due to the risk of being stranded in the other's system.
Unbeknownst to the people of New Wellington however, Parvati had an ace up their sleeves. Soon after war was declared, they had launched a dozen multi-ton lozenges of tungsten towards New Wellington, using drive designs copied from their colony ship. Without anyone onboard, they accelerated at extremely high gees, and were able to reach nearly 80% of the speed of light.
They also had no intention of braking before entering the New Wellington system.
One day, about 3 years after the war started, the relativistic kinetic weapons flashed in system and struck New Wellington.
In one premeditated shot, the colony was almost completely destroyed.
Earth and Méihuā were horrified. Méihuā cut contact with Parvati completely and Earth put them under very tight sanctions. Parvati claimed that it was just a part of war, and was used to insure a rapid resolution to the conflict.
The Red Cross and Red Crescent linked in-system the moment they heard of the catastrophe and took the survivors back to Earth. New Wellington was abandoned and left as a memorial.
It took decades for Parvati to admit that what they did was wrong, and even longer for them to agree to reparations for the survivors. By then, there were very few people left who could honestly claim to have been born on New Wellington.
Méihuā still has very chilly relations with Parvati. They blame them for the attack and do not feel the apologies have been sufficient. as a result of this self-imposed isolation, Méihuā is a very insular colony and their residents keep to themselves.
The humans tell us that they do not fight and war among themselves anymore. They tell us that through hard won lessons, they know to come together and discuss issues instead of linking in with dreadnoughts and destroyers.
They still keep their dreadnoughts and destroyers however. They are still out there, being maintained, being used for practice.
The humans say they don't make war anymore, but I for one am not so sure.
I once asked a Xenni acquaintance what they thought of the humans saying they don't make war anymore. Their reply was "when once reaches the tallest peak on a planet, there is no more need to climb."
They may have stopped because they are very good at it.
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sparksinthenight · 3 months
Letter to the Canadian Government to Help the People of Sudan
Our names are Farista ______. We are from ____. We are writing to you today to ask that you impose thorough sanctions on the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Neither of these warring parties have the support of the general population of Sudan, and they are killing many civilians, displacing many civilians, and destroying critical infrastructure. We are also writing to ask that you increase aid to groups that are providing humanitarian support to the people.
The war in Sudan must end. Over 9 000 civilians, including children, have been directly killed in the fighting. Over 5.4 million people have been forcibly displaced. These forcibly displaced people have nothing, they have had to leave their lives and livelihoods behind. And they are dying due to not being able to access food, clean water, hygiene, healthcare, and other basic necessities. The common people who aren’t displaced are also facing similar situations, because the war has destroyed the economy and destroyed critical infrastructure.
If you impose complete sanctions on the warring parties who are causing this unnecessary and deadly conflict, then that will send the message to them that the international community is watching and the international community disapproves of what they are doing. If you impose sanctions, that will make it so that these warring parties have less resources with which they can carry out their war.
Also, the UNHCR and other groups that are providing life-saving aid to the people of Sudan need to be adequately funded. Right now, they are extremely underfunded and cannot provide adequate support to the people. Due to this, millions of people don’t have the basic necessities for survival and they are dying. If we increase aid to the people in Sudan, they will be able to live.
They deserve to live. They deserve for their loved ones to live. They deserve to have everything that they need in order to live healthy lives. They deserve to have safety and security and mental peace. They deserve our kindness and compassion and support.
So please impose complete and thorough sanction on the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), and increase aid to the UNHCR and other organizations working in Sudan and with Sudanese refugees, so that the people can have their human rights to survival met.
Send to:
Prime Minister Trudeau- [email protected]
Deputy Prime Minister Freeland- [email protected]
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joly- [email protected]
Find your MP here: https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en
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biden also publicly criticized israel for going to far today and worked with congressional dems on setting conditions for military aide, namely the condition not to violate international law with those weapons, so thats movement in a better direction albeit slower than most people would like. he specifically acknowledged the suffering, particularly with humanitarian aide being blocked. according to MSN, the us is growing increasingly at odds with netanyahu, especially with regard to civilian casualties and a two-state solution, and have said they won't support any operations in rafah, so I'm half expecting a diplomatic break at some point, though that probably won't be enough to stop israel
I'm not surprised. Putting conditions on military aid is pretty much the best way for the US to impose sanctions on Israel without escalating or violating any treaties. Hell, I've been chanting invoke the Leahy Law ever since I heard of it, so while I doubt it's going to be as stringent as it should be (Congress is half Republican after all), the fact that it's even being floated is a very good thing. There will be a fight, but the fight will also delay the aid.
And yeah, Netanyahu is wildly unpopular right now and his most recent act of flat out refusing to rescue the hostages in favor of dragging out the war with Hamas is another nail in the coffin. He staked his entire political credibility on the idea that his extreme and cruel actions would keep Israel safe, and he utterly failed. They've been calling for his resignation and a snap election after the war ends practically since it started, so Biden might be gambling on the theory that Netanyahu won't be around much longer.
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boreal-sea · 17 days
This is good, in my opinion. I'm fully against the expansion of the West Bank settlements. No one has a right to start a "settlement" in a country that is not theirs - and the West Bank is not Israel. On top of that, there's the extreme Islamophobic violence happening in and around these settlements, with Israelis in some cases burning Palestinian schools to the ground in an attempt to force Palestinians out of their homes.
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
🔅Sunday morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
PASSOVER is Monday night!
❓SHIITE ATTACK CLAIM.. The Shiite militias in Iraq claim that they attacked a “vital target” in the Golan early this morning using a UAV.  (( No air defense alerts in Israel. ))
❓IRAN ATTACK CLAIM.. "In the attack we carried out on Israel, we destroyed a large intelligence center in one of the Zionist cities." - Iranian general Rad.  (( Lying liers lie. ))
▪️FOLLOW UPS ON IRAN & IRAQI ATTACKS.. satellite photos show an S-300 Russian air defense system completely destroyed in Iran by the Israeli attack.  In Iraq, heavy weapons depots were destroyed - “Iraqi officials claim the base was attacked with laser-guided bombs”.  This is somewhat unlikely as ‘laser-guided’ means someone is nearby marking the target with a laser.
▪️GAZA.. Heavy attacks this morning by the Air Force in the Nusirat camp and the surrounding area, the center of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Navy has also been firing on terrorist targets since the early hours. According to reports from Gaza, warships are firing along the coasts of the central and northern Gaza Strip.
🇺🇸 AMERICAN POLICY IS WACKO.. the Biden administration policy contradictions: US blocked the UN vote of recognition of Palestine's membership in the United Nations, the president openly supported  the passing of the Ukraine / Israel / Taiwan aid package, but now intends to impose sanctions on distinct units in the IDF, in this case Netzach Yehuda (which is the primary charedi draft unit).  By statements from US Sec State Blinken, there is intentional subversion of Israeli society involved - separating the “extreme right wing” Otzma and Religious Zionism factions - though a miss as Netzach Yehuda is not their segments (but if the US comes after the Hesder Yeshiva units next, then it will be clear).
▪️AID SHIPS FROM TURKEY.. Humanitarian flotilla set to sail for Gaza from Turkey this week, and Israel is negotiating with Turkey to reroute the aid through Egypt to prevent repeat of deadly 2010 flotilla raid.  The three-ship convoy will carry humanitarian aid for the residents of Gaza and 1,200 people from 30 countries on board. Also on board will be pro-Palestinian members of parliament from Spain, Norway and Canada. The plan is for the ships to sail to the Egyptian port of El-Arish and continue from there to Rafah.
▪️TERROR TRAP - KOHAV HASHACHAR.. An Israeli civilian injured as a result of an bomb near the Samaria town off Kohav HaShahar. The man was trying to remove a Palestinian flag on the side of the Route 458 highway when it exploded.
▪️WEEKEND PROTESTS.. The “Kaplan” protests (Kaplan intersection, Tel Aviv) this weekend focused on demanding elections.  Size estimate from online crowd estimation tools - 80,000. 
▪️FAKE - ILLEGAL PROTEST ON HIGHWAY 1 RESULTS IN 2 DEATHS..  we previously shared a report of an illegal protest on highway 1 resulting in deaths, but found no confirmations, so must consider this fake.
🍞SELL your Chametz, Passover is almost here! -> https://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/sell_chometz_cdo/sc/passover_home_button
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justforbooks · 4 months
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Alexei Navalny, who has died suddenly aged 47 while in prison, was Russia’s best-known campaigner against high-level corruption. For many years he was the leading critic and opponent of President Vladimir Putin and his political party, United Russia.
Repeated arrests, jail sentences and physical assaults did not deter Navalny from digging up financial scandals, which he published on his blogs and X feeds as well as YouTube. In a 2011 radio interview, he described United Russia as a “party of crooks and thieves”, which became a powerful and popular mantra on social media and at political protests.
Repression did not stop him attracting enthusiastic crowds in support of opposition politicians in local elections in cities across Russia. Occasionally he ran for office himself, most notably in 2013 for the mayoralty of Moscow, when the official result gave him 27% of the vote – which he said was rigged so as to deny him victory.
In 2016, Navalny launched a campaign for the 2018 presidential election but was barred by Russia’s central election commission due to a prior criminal conviction. In 2017 he was attacked with a spray, leaving him partially blind in one eye. In 2019 Navalny fell ill in prison, from what he claimed was poison. His most dramatic brush with death came in 2020 at the end of a political campaign trip through Siberia, when he was taken seriously ill on a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. His condition was so grave that the pilot made an emergency landing in Omsk, where he was rushed to hospital. Navalny’s wife and supporters asked for him to be taken to Germany, where they felt he would be better treated.
The Russian authorities agreed and Navalny was flown to the Charité hospital in Berlin, where toxicology tests showed traces of the nerve agent novichok in Navalny’s body. Russian officials complained that the test results were not made public nor disclosed to them. Navalny recovered and was released from hospital after a month.
He decided to convalesce for several weeks in Germany. Russian court authorities announced that if he returned late to Moscow he would be jailed for breaking the terms of a probation order. The threat was seen as a device to deter Navalny from returning to Russia in the hope, as the authorities saw it, that in exile his influence would rapidly decline.
Showing great courage, but defying the advice of his family and friends, he flew back to Moscow in January 2021, accompanied by his wife and dozens of journalists, and was arrested on landing. His Anti-Corruption Foundation promptly published on YouTube an investigation with pictures of a luxury multimillion-dollar mansion on the Black Sea, which they dubbed Putin’s palace.
Navalny’s stock had never been higher at home or abroad, and when a court gave him a two-and-a-half year sentence, western political leaders, including the US president, Joe Biden, protested openly and imposed sanctions. But Putin was determined to destroy him politically.
In 2022, Navalny was sentenced to an extra nine years after being found guilty of embezzlement and contempt of court. In 2023, he was given a further 19 years in prison on extremism charges.
Navalny was born in Butyn and grew up mainly in Obninsk, a small town south-west of Moscow. His mother, Lyudmila, worked as a lab technician in micro-electronics and then moved to a timber-processing factory. His father, Anatoly, a Ukrainian, was in the military. In addition to Russian, Alexei learned Ukrainian through spending summers with his grandmother near Kyiv. He gained a law degree (1998) at the Peoples’ Friendship University in Moscow.
In 2000 he joined the United Democratic party, known as Yabloko. Under its leader, Grigory Yavlinsky, the party stood for liberal and social democratic values. Navalny gained an economics degree at the Financial University (2001), and from 2004 to 2007 served as chief of staff of the Moscow branch of Yabloko. A charismatic speaker, he was attracted by the concept of television debates, and in 2005 founded a social movement for young people, with a name taken from the Russian word for yes, DA! – Democratic Alternative, which was active in the media.
Navalny started to move gradually to the right, and in 2007 he was expelled from Yabloko after clashing with Yavlinsky over Navalny’s increasingly nationalist and anti-immigrant views.
He then co-founded a movement known as Narod (The People), which aimed to defend the rights of ethnic Russians and restrict immigration from Central Asia and the Caucasus. A year later he joined two other Russian nationalist groupings, Movement Against Illegal Immigration (MAII) and Great Russia, in forming a new coalition called the Russian National Movement.
It made little impact and Navalny turned his attention to journalistic muckraking. His main outlet was a blog, LiveJournal. In 2010 he published leaked documents about the alleged theft by directors of millions of roubles from the pipeline company Transneft. The following year he exposed a scandalous property deal between the Russian and Hungarian governments. He decided to establish the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which continued until his death.
He also went back into electoral politics, leading street protests over unfair practices by United Russia. Navalny urged people to vote any way they liked in the 2011 parliamentary elections, including for the Communist party, so long as they voted against United Russia. He was tempted to run against Putin in the 2012 contest for the presidency, but said the ballot would be rigged. After the poll, he led several anti-Putin rallies in Moscow and was briefly arrested.
The following year Moscow was to elect its mayor. Navalny registered as one of six candidates. The next day he was sentenced to five years on embezzlement and fraud charges. Initially he called for an election boycott, but when he was released on appeal he changed his mind. Some analysts speculated that Putin wanted him to run to make the electoral contest look genuinely open. Navalny lost to the incumbent mayor and Kremlin ally Sergei Sobyanin, but claimed to have won. In 2016 he announced he would stand against Putin in the 2018 presidential contest. More arrests and repression followed.
Navalny’s nationalism put him in agreement with Putin on one major issue: Crimea. The territory had been ceded to Ukraine in 1954, but in 2014 Putin used force to reincorporate it into Russia. Navalny said he would not return it to Ukraine if he had the power to do so. Like Putin, he argued that Ukraine was an artificial construct. “I don’t see any kind of difference at all between Russians and Ukrainians,” he said, while admitting his views might provoke “horrible indignation” in Ukraine.
However, his agreement with some of Putin’s views on Ukraine did not bring him to support Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. That March, Navalny released a statement from jail. Through his spokesman he urged Russians “to overcome their fear” and take to the streets and demand a “stop to the war” against Ukraine. He called Putin an “obviously insane tsar”. “If in order to stop the war we have to fill prisons and paddy wagons with ourselves, we will fill prisons and paddy wagons with ourselves.”
“Everything has a price, and now, in the spring of 2022, we must pay this price. There’s no one to do it for us. Let’s not ‘be against the war’. Let’s fight against the war.” At the end of 2023 he was transferred to the remote penal colony at Kharp, north of the Arctic circle.
In 2000 he married Yulia Abrosimova, and she and their daughter, Daria, and son, Zakhar, survive him.
🔔 Alexei Anatolievich Navalny, politician and anti-corruption campaigner, born 4 June 1976; died 16 February 2024
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Dion J. Pierre
McGill University in Quebec, Canada has banned its Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) chapter from using the school’s name after the campus group posted on social media a statement that cheered Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.
SPHR described Hamas’ atrocities — which included the murder of 1,200 people, numerous rapes, and taking 240 people hostage — as “heroic.”
“The university cannot be, or seen to be, associated with a celebration of the taking of civilian hostages,” university spokesperson Susan Murley told The Montreal Gazette. “This post by SPHR was antithetical to the university’s values and stands to undermine the important work aimed at bringing our community together through the Initiative Against Islamophobia and Antisemitism.”
Murley added: “The university has clearly indicated to the SSMU [Students’ Society of McGill University] that the revocation should not be interpreted as the university taking a position on the Middle East and emphasized that the university would act in exactly the same manner in regard to any club that used the McGill name when posting content of a similar nature.”
SPHR — a Canadian equivalent of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) that earlier this month accused school officials of having “the blood of 20 000 [sic] Palestinians on their hands” — is refusing to abide by the university’s order. In a statement, the group told the Gazette that it is “rejecting this name change” and charged that the ban “is just another blatant way to smear the only group on campus which is representing Palestinian students.”
McGill University has made numerous attempts to combat antisemitic speech on campus, threatening even to disaffiliate with SSMU, the school’s student government, over a referendum it scheduled to declare that Israel is conducting “genocidal bombing campaigns” in Gaza and demand that the university end partnerships with businesses described in the referendum as “complicit in genocide, settler-colonialism, apartheid, or ethnic cleansing against Palestinians.”
Tensions between the university and its student government resulting from extreme anti-Israel activism have persisted for some years. In March 2022, McGill officials threatened to defund SSMU after its members voted to approve a policy accusing Israel of imposing “settler-colonial apartheid” against Palestinians and backing a boycott of “all corporations and institutions complicit” in the supposed practice. SSMU advanced the measure against the objections of its own judicial board, which had repeatedly ruled that joining the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel would violate both the SSMU constitution and university’s policy on equity and inclusion.
Later, a McGill University student sued the school for allegedly reneging on its pledge to defund SSMU, and last month he won a victory when a court ordered an injunction to halt ratification of the resolution.
In the latest controversy, SSMU is charged with officially withdrawing the group’s affiliation with SPHR. The student government has so far not chosen to contest the university’s decision, according to a statement issued on Monday.
“We regret to announce that SPHR will no longer be able to use the McGill name,” its executive committee said. “We continue to take our role as liaison between student groups and the administration seriously and will continue to investigate avenues for remedial action.”
As of Wednesday, SPHR has not published new content on its accounts using the McGill University name.
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dadumtss · 1 year
Slenderman Headcanons: Jobs 2
What is it like working for the Slender Brothers in the AU?
Most people that work under him are terrified of him. But really only because of his reputation and demeanor. While he certainly demands respect and some level of deference, most under him are rarely in any actual danger of him. Unless you anger him on a personal level or do something incomprehensibly incompetent or truly malicious, he’s not going to do any more harm than fire you. He’s curt, stand-offish and doesn’t care about interacting with you on anything other than a professional level, but he isn’t unreasonable or cruel. 
He does think the worst of others, but that ends up working in your favor since he expects that there’s going to be some level of mistakes made and incompetence displayed. Therefore, he isn’t angered when it happens and will offer guidance on getting things back on track. 
He’s sometimes hard to reach because he’s off being a diplomat all over the world and is often locked in his office when he’s around, but he always seems to have an idea of what’s going on. 
The pay and benefits are the best and requests for leave are almost always granted. He’ll listen to your opinions on relevant work topics and doesn’t impose weird office rules or brutal working hours (though sometimes staying late is expected when there’s a crisis). 
All in all, a perfectly reasonable boss.  
Working at his Clubs
Offender is a very absentee boss. He’s extremely hard to reach since he’s always off on some crazy adventure but thankfully he has managers and the like that ensure everything can run smoothly without him there. But then one day after a long absence he’ll burst through the doors and start talking happily about ideas he has and things he wants changed and events he wants to put on and you’re expected to get all of them done.  
It’s frustrating for sure but he’s fun to work with. He’s extremely entertaining, fun to talk to and brings a lot of energy to the workplace. While most of the managers hate dealing with the logistics of all his crazy ideas and impulsive decisions, everyone tends to enjoy having him around. He remembers names, faces and makes an effort to get to know you on a personal level (even if it is just a ploy to get you in bed). 
The pay is higher than any other club and while things like benefits, leave and work hours usually fall to the managers, if you can catch Offender and ask he’ll enthusiastically give you whatever you ask for and more without much thought. 
There’s no sanction on relationships (with him) in the workplace and he’s probably slept with most, if not all, of the workforce. 
He’ll sometimes jump in on the jobs he considers fun. He’ll join the bouncer in throwing people out and breaking up fights, he’ll help out behind the bar and make a show of making flashy drinks and he’ll even get up on stage and put on a show.  
Working at his Investment ‘Business’
Offender is much more involved with his investment business. He listens to the pitches himself and does most of the leg work in getting those that impress him whatever they need. 
However, if you’re one of the, like, two people at his ‘general’ office you have one hell of a job ahead of you. Your job is to answer his mail, keep his accounts orderly and his books clean, inform him of anyone looking for an ‘investment’ and ensure that all the businesses he ‘invested in’ are paying their dues.
Basically, you do all the paperwork since he considers it ‘boring’ and wants no part of it. 
The pay is undeniably great but putting up with Offender’s uncaring attitude towards your job makes it just barely worth it. 
He rarely comes into the general office but when he does he’s just as flirtatious and friendly as he is with his employees at the clubs. He tries to get to know you on a personal level but so much of your time has to be dedicated to your job due to the workload that he finds hearing about your life boring.      
A menace. 
Everyone who works for him is terrified and its for good reason. He does not tolerate failure or mistakes and he can and will make it impossible for you to get another job in design after you’re fired if you piss him off enough. 
Not to mention it’s known around the office that he turns people into mannequins. 
He runs his business with an iron fist. All his employees’ work has to be approved by him and he won’t hold back on any negative opinions. Even if he likes what you’ve done you won’t hear much more than “hmm” as he signs off on it.
All of his employees are experts at reading even his smallest micro expressions so they can avoid his wrath. 
He rarely yells but his quiet anger and scathing remarks are just as effective in breaking down his employees. 
It goes without saying that you are expected to dress well if you want to work for him. It doesn’t matter if you’re a secretary, interior designer or photographer, if he pays your salary you better look good when he sees you.
The elevator is his. If he’s on it you do not get on. If you’re on it and he gets on, you get out. 
The pay? The best in the business. You get amazing benefits and leave but you’re expected to always be ‘on call’ if needed.  
An amazing boss. 
The pay is way more than a comparable job anywhere else, the benefits amazing and your requests for leave are always granted. 
He’s kind, amicable, approachable and very forgiving of most mistakes. 
He brings treats to work for all his employees to enjoy.
He makes friends with everyone, remembers all his employees faces and names and always takes your opinion into consideration. 
He remembers details about his employees like birthdays and favorite foods that he uses to make sure he’s doing right by them. Expect gifts on your birthday and the treats at office parties catered to everyone’s taste.  
He’s very easy to reach and is very involved with his business (though not to the level of micromanaging). 
He has a propensity for taking on too much work himself since he always wants to help out his employees any way he can.  
He does ask his managers to fire anyone that absolutely has to be. He just doesn’t have the will to do it himself. 
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mariacallous · 2 months
Exclusive: Iran alerted Russia to security threat before Moscow attack
DUBAI, April 1 (Reuters) - Iran tipped off Russia about the possibility of a major "terrorist operation" on its soil ahead of the concert hall massacre near Moscow last month, three sources familiar with the matter said.
In the deadliest attack inside Russia in 20 years, gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons at concertgoers on March 22 at the Crocus City Hall, killing at least 144 people in violence claimed by the Islamic State militant group.
The United States had also warned Russia in advance of a likely militant Islamist attack but Moscow, deeply distrustful of Washington's intentions, played down that intelligence.
It is harder, however, for Russia to dismiss intelligence from diplomatic ally Iran on the attack, which has also raised questions over the effectiveness of Russian security services. Moscow and Tehran, both under Western sanctions, have deepened military and other cooperation during the two-year Ukraine war.
"Days before the attack in Russia, Tehran shared information with Moscow about a possible big terrorist attack inside Russia that was acquired during interrogations of those arrested in connection with deadly bombings in Iran," one of the sources told Reuters.
Iran arrested 35 people in January, including a commander of Islamic State's Afghanistan-based branch ISIS-Khorasan (ISIS-K), who it said were linked to twin bombings on Jan. 3 in the city of Kerman that killed nearly 100 people.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Iran blasts, the bloodiest since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. U.S. intelligence sources said ISIS-K had carried out both the Jan. 3 attacks in Iran and the March 22 shootings in Moscow.
Islamic State once occupied large swathes of Iraq and Syria, imposing a reign of terror and inspiring lone wolf attacks in Western countries, but was declared territorially defeated in 2017.
However ISIS-K, one of its most fearsome branches, has raised the group's profile again with large-scale bloodshed.
ISIS-K, named after an old term for a region that encompassed parts of Iran, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, emerged in eastern Afghanistan in late 2014 and quickly established a reputation for extreme brutality.
A second source, who also requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, said the information Tehran provided to Moscow about an impending attack had lacked specific details regarding timing and the exact target.
"They (the members of ISIS-K) were instructed to prepare for a significant operation in Russia... One of the terrorists (arrested in Iran) said some members of the group had already travelled to Russia," the second source said.
A third source, a senior security official, said: "As Iran has been a victim of terror attacks for years, Iranian authorities fulfilled their obligation to alert Moscow based on information acquired from those arrested terrorists."
Asked about the Reuters report, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday: "I do not know anything about this."
Iran's foreign ministry did not reply to a request for comment on this story. The White House had no comment on the matter.
A source familiar with the U.S. intelligence on an impending attack in Russia said it was based on interceptions of "chatter" among ISIS-K militants.
Challenging the U.S. assertions, Russia has said it believes Ukraine was linked to the attack, without providing evidence. Kyiv has strongly denied the assertion.
The attacks in Kerman and near Moscow both involved Tajik nationals. ISIS-K has aggressively recruited from the impoverished former Soviet republic of Tajikistan, security experts say.
Sources said Iran had discussed its security concerns with Tajikistan. A diplomatic source in Tajikistan confirmed that Tehran had recently discussed with Dushanbe the issue of increased involvement of ethnic Tajiks in militant activities.
Islamic State harbours a virulent hatred for Shi'ites -- Iran's dominant sect and also the target of its affiliate's attacks in Afghanistan. The hardline Sunni Muslim group views Shi'ites as apostates.
In 2022 Islamic State claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a Shi'ite shrine in Iran that killed 13 people. Tehran identified the attacker as a Tajik national.
Earlier attacks claimed by Islamic State include twin bombings in 2017 that targeted Iran's parliament and the tomb of the Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
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phlve · 6 months
The Enneagram of Divine Forms — Point 8: The Moralist
Look for the truth in the moral sense in their life and the lives of others, their own society and the world at large
Constantly evaluating everything from their moralizing point of view
Merciless critics of others, but even more devastating and unforgiving critics of themselves
Will fall from times to times into bouts of self-criticism (imagining themselves as being bad and doing wrong; sense of uncontrolled sexual lasciviousness, followed by unending moral chastisement)
Ego-position of being the final authority on moral, religious and political matters
Like to sermonize
Feel very acutely the lack of spiritual and moral authenticity
Lust to discipline others
Inclined to impose on others cruel moral sanctions, heartless judgment and righteous indignation
General existential attitudes of sadness and depression, a ‘broken heart’
Project themselves as having been morally abused, which provokes a form of corruption in them
Ego-delusion that they are living in moral disarray
Lust, not only in its sexual manifestation, but in the sense of excess and exaggeration in everything they are doing
Dichotomy of self-denial on one side and self-indulgence on the other
Go from the extremes of asceticism and self-criticism to indulging themselves to excess
Rationalization: superficial and primary defense mechanism of the moralist's over-critical stand to morally justify their excesses
Distort the facts, rationalizing their intolerant feelings or actions by elaborating plausible motives or excuses to make these appear acceptable
Appear to be constantly self-righteous
Assert to themselves: ‘I am ethical and open-minded’
Constantly inhibited as a result of their self-criticism
Their ego-reaction to the situations of life and more particularly to the criticism of others is violence by word or deed
Ego-justification: duplicity or astute explanations
Fair on one side and critical on the other
Source: @/if u seek amy on PDB
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kohinoor4u · 3 months
Tell your local CANADIAN MP: Vote for the NDP Motion on Palestine!
On March 18, Parliament will finally be voting on an important motion in support of Palestine. This the first opportunity since Oct. 7 that MPs will be asked to vote individually on questions related to Israel’s genocide in Gaza, so this is extremely significant.  
The motion makes several key demands that align with international humanitarian law and respect Palestinian human rights. Many of the policy planks reflect CJPME’s demands in response to the genocide in Gaza. These include:
Demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza;
Suspend all trade in military arms and technology with Israel;
Reinstate funding to the UN Agency for Palestinian refugees,  United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)
Support the prosecution of all crimes and violations of international law, including the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court;
Ensure that Canadians trapped in Gaza are safely evacuated and lift the arbitrary limit of 1000 applicants under the temporary resident visa applications;
Demand the supply of continuous humanitarian aid to Gaza;
Ban extremist settlers from Canada, and impose sanctions on Israeli officials who incite genocide;
Advocate for an end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories;
Officially recognize the State of Palestine
Local MPs must listen to their constituents and vote in support of this urgent motion.
The CJMPE has an automated email form. Based on your Canadian address, the email will be sent to your local MP:
or c&p the URL: https://www.cjpme.org/support_ndp_motion
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carriesthewind · 11 months
Yet another person following the ChatGPT case, and I'm curious. With the understanding that you are a single legal professional with no standing in this case--what do you think are the odds LoDuca and/or Schwartz are no longer lawyers when it's all over? Like. It's incompetence on fraud on fraud on negligence on fraud on stupidity. There has to be a certain bullshit limit where the bar just says "yeah, no."
I cannot begin to speculate. It is possible that they could still be disciplined by the bar. However, disbarment is an extreme consequence, and I would be extremely surprised if it was imposed here. (The joke is that the only times attorneys get sanctioned at all, especially for serious sanctions like suspensions, let alone disbarments, is for stealing money from their clients. That's not actually true, but at the same time...there is a reason it is a common joke.) (If you are curious about attorney discipline in New York, the Attorney Grievance Committee for the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Judicial Department apparently publishes a report every year. The summaries of public discipline cases start on page 39 of the PDF (page 31 of the document), and amidst all the misappropriate and commingling of client funds, there are some fun ones in there!)
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mywifeleftme · 11 months
92: Aquariana // Aquariana
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Aquariana Aquariana 2013, Drag City (Website)
The Source Family were one of the more successful new religions (read: cults) operating in Southern California during the early 1970s. Founded by Father Yod (pronounced “Yoad”; né Jim Baker), a towering, bearded figure with a few alleged murders (via karate chop!) and bank robberies under his robes, the Source Family operated a popular health food restaurant in L.A. and cut dozens of brainstewing psych rock records that have become holy grails to men who physically resemble late period Jerry Garcia. Yod assigned one of his 13 wives (Isis Aquarian, née Charlene Peters) to document the cult’s journey over the years, resulting in an incredible trove of video recordings, some of which were used to assemble 2012’s The Source Family documentary. The footage, much of it eerie and gauzily beautiful, gives us a good idea of what day-to-day life in the Family was like, from its origins to Yod’s corporeal demise in Hawaii following a hang-gliding accident (!).
The Source Family were as close to a prototypical cult of the era as you can get: white robes, buffet approach to Eastern and Western spiritual concepts, illiberal attitudes toward “personal possessions,” semi-involuntary polygamy, institutionalized drug use, etc. If you’ve ever listened to recordings of the sermons of Jim Jones or David Berg, Baker’s hep gibberish will sound strikingly familiar, and indeed, the Source Family followed the standard trajectory—from monogamy to a form of free love that mostly allowed the leader to fuck all the hot girls; from soft notions about kindness and peace to dark mutterings about an imminent apocalypse; from vegetarianism to moral loopholes that sanctioned the killing of dangerous outsiders. The Source Family never went the way of the Peoples Temple because, when faced with a mounting crisis (the cult’s disastrous move to Hawaii), Baker decided to disclaim his godhood instead of doubling down on it. No one knows why he eventually told his followers he was only a man, but I have a hunch: he wasn’t a sawed-off little gnome, and he wasn’t crazy. Unlike his murderous peers, Baker didn’t have much to overcompensate for; he was a huge, built guy who didn’t need a cult to get laid, impose his will, or feel important (though he got off on all of the above). In the end, no one died, and so it feels a little less vulturine to nibble at this particular cult’s artistic output than it does, say, the Manson Family’s.
On that note, let’s turn to the music. Record nerds are always on the lookout for cult music because it often goes extremely hard, be it Manson’s acoustic freak folk, Scientology space jazz, or “Veteran of the Psychic Wars.” The albums the Source Family are known for (released under a variety of names like Ya Ho Wha 13 and Father Yod and the Spirit of ’76) are out-there freeform acid jams in which the cult’s more experienced musicians try to work around frontman Yod’s untrained drumming and bellowing—a member of the No-Neck Blues Band pops up on the 2012 documentary to gush about their records, and you can see why acts like NNCK and Jackie O Motherfucker would lose it for this stuff.
The album we’re looking at today, by contrast, is a solo piano recording from the mid-‘70s by Aquariana, another of Yod’s wives, that went unissued till 2013. Aquariana had a Queen Guinevere-type look, and the liners note that she would frequently spin her own long golden hair into thread to sew and embroider with. A capable pianist with a multi-octave voice, Aquariana’s music could broadly be called folky, but it feels a little more theatrical than that, influenced by show tunes and AM soft rock. Her songs are mostly about love (-ing Father Yod), bearing children (of Father Yod), and the magnificence of Father Yod. It’s midway between devotional music and the type of stuff a medieval bard would be retained to write in praise of an egotistical baron. You can practically see Baker being fed grapes in the producer’s chair while she plays. Though it’s not as overtly weird as Ya Ho Wha 13, there’s still a lot of stuff on Aquariana that no sane producer would’ve allowed, like the way she tunelessly holds and holds and holds her notes on “Oh My Love” and “One Love” until you start to think your record is skipping. That strangeness is why it exerts the particular appeal it does, and it does have a particular downbeat intensity that holds my interest, despite its rudimentary songcraft.
Chicago’s Drag City label was behind the documentary and mid-2010s series of Source Family music reissues. Unlike reissues of, say, Manson-adjacent music, the label was able to work with surviving Family members like Isis Aquarian. This meant of course that they couldn’t dress up the reissues too salaciously (see LIE: The Love & Terror Cult), but Baker’s group already had such a strongly creepy aesthetic that there wasn’t much need to. A designer would be hard-pressed to come up with a more uncanny cover than Aquariana got: the singer at the piano in her ruffled gown with an unreadable expression, the head and shoulders of her husband-father visible behind the instrument, the portrait framed in ornate white fabric. It feels like the work of an outsider trying to underline the cult’s depravity in red pen—yet the composition and cover design were by Yod himself. Make of that what you will.
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cutebutalsostabby · 1 month
One thing I'm wondering as an Australian looking over at the US: are direct actions for Palestine a thing over there? Are they common? Asking because I feel like I only ever see indirect actions on the news. I'm not sure if that's an issue with the news itself, with me reading it, or if it actually reflects a difference in culture or tactics. /gen
"Direct action" means disrupting the flow of supplies/capital/people in a way that directly impacts the situation on the ground - whether that's a large or small impact. It includes things like picketing weapons factories, blocking Israeli ships from docking or loading/unloading, or even sabotaging Israeli exports or imports. "Indirect actions" are instead typically focused on convincing someone else to do something, e.g. protests that call for politicians to impose sanctions or for corporations to divest from certain businesses. Boycotts could be either, depending on the details (noting the difference between primary BDS targets like Ahava and organic ones like Starbucks).
Over here at least, conventional wisdom seems to be that both forms of action are important, but that you should ideally prioritise direct action where possible - especially given mounting evidence that most politicians and corporations do NOT give anywhere near enough of a damn. Indirect actions are also used as a recruitment tool for direct actions, e.g. a speaker at a protest may mention an upcoming picket. Though if you have a low tolerance for risk or if you're unable to attend an in-person action for whatever reason, you would probably focus more on indirect actions. And to be fair: that's me most of the time, in between work commitments, disability and not wanting to get pepper sprayed or bashed by cops.
But I feel like I've never actually seen any direct actions for Palestine coming out of the US? The furthest it seems to get is extreme indirect actions, or extreme police responses to very regular and normal indirect actions (related: ACAB). And surely there's way more opportunity to directly disrupt things over in the US than there is here in Australia? Am I missing something?
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