#im the little deer on both of ours
elreydelabasura · 4 months
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Matching tattoos with my partner 💕🦌
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wellnesscard · 18 days
if you guys want a guy thats the sweetest snuggler and so spunky and hilarious still at 10y old get u a chiweenie
#chihuahua weiner dog every mix of these looks different hes a sturdy boy hes my everything#so much personality#i was gonna take him on a forest adventure he chased some deer last time the deer were unbothered like wygd lil boy 😂#they were right it was so cute tho his lil rump while he runs#hes got such a funny gait. his haunches. his front legs are built and go side to side his back end is so narrow hes just like his daddy#i didnt like him at first hes devons dog hes my stepdog now i always grew up w big dogs n hes so little and girthy and weird im obsesssssed#it is funny. like i said. every chiweenie i see is built different (i think theyre becoming a popular breed? and not for no good reason this#dude rocks)#but yea the funniness in his mimicking of devon#hugeass shoulders and chicken legs#its funny his dad and brother are the same way. his dad calls them his “cheetah legs” 😂#small guys. hes the tallest in the fam clocking in at 5'7. all of them have effortlessly huge shoulders and small everything else#his sister too shes built she lives in the same town as us so she comes over to use our benchpress and weights every now n then#she could throw me forsure. im from this lanky family my brothers are both like 6'5 im just average at 5'9 i wishh i broke the 6ft threshold#were like long lanky. stg im meant to wander i walk walk walk my sister dad and cousins are marathon runners#i dont know what im doing when im not travelling on my feets its everything to me. ive been compared to those classic bigfoot photos with#w his arms swangin bc i do walk like that each stride is 3 ft gotta take advantage of these stilts#there was this girl in my highschool i was fascinated w the way she walked she had negative three inches on me but each step was like#a mini lunge#and ya actually you get the bounciness going it works well#ive been described as a stomper which is true but its not cos im mad or whatever its like ice climbing you wanna make sure ur cleats sunk in#wavy lanky postural sway its a dance small steps are actually harder i lunge and correct.#being on a boat makes so much sense to me its just these movements and strong rooted feet w a swaying-to-the-enviroment everything else#damn. so this post was originally abt my awesome dog?
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countycashew54 · 2 months
Caught-AlastorxLucifer fic
Also please remember this is my FIRSTT attempt at writing so... if you yell at me I will cry.
Waking up after a one-night stand is rough.
Waking up after a one-night stand with the Radio Demon proved to be just as horrific, if not more. Only the difficult nature of this wake up had little focus on Alastor at all. In fact, the opposite.
See, when you wake up to your daughter and her entire hotel, residents and staff, (although that's not saying much) barging into your room while you're in bed with the man who is also trying to parent your daughter; you're bound to have an extremely, painstakingly rough morning.
"Dad we can't fin- oh. OH-wo- that is jus-... Dad is that- Alastor?" Charlie was very clearly fighting to keep her shock and disgust off of her face, with a forced smile. Whether it was from seeing her father and her hotelier in bed together or the state of unclothed said men were in remained to be seen.
"Morning Deer!" Alastor smiled, as though nothing was out of the ordinary.
"Shit- Charlie, sweetie, this isn't what it looks like, I mean we- he-"
"NO- I mean, no need to explain dad! I am super happy to see you guys are finally…getting along! In fact, I am SO happy about it that I am going to create an activity for our patrons focused on making friendships and boundaries! You know maybe you two could be the ones to lead the activity and-" Charlie's shock-toned voice began to trail off as she was slowly walked away from the room by Vaggie, who managed to glare threateningly at them both with her one eye.
Seconds, minutes?, passed by with Alastor adjusting his hair as if nothing just occurred, while Lucifer was engaged in a reluctant stare down with Husk, Angel, Niffty, and Sir Pentious.
Angel was the one to break the standoff, a wide grin on his face.
"So I guess now I know why Smiles wasn' intrested in gettin' a sample of all o' this," a lewd gesture to his legs by one set of hands, and a scrunch of his chest fluff with the other, "when I offered huh?"
Alastor narrowed his eyes at the spider while Lucifer began to feel a golden glow coming to his cheeks, "A-and why would that be? exactly?"
"ain't it obvious? Al clearly got a kink for short kings wit' more power than he's used to, I don' fit the bill on either o' those."
"I think you will suffice to close your mouth before you end up caught in your own web, Pest." The Radio Demon's eyes had begun to darken to black as his antlers grew steadily.
"HA! He's only mad cus' I totally got it right! Huskie-baby you owe me twenty bucks!"
"Yeah, yeah let's get out of here before he decides you're his next meal," Husk had begun pushing Angel away in almost the same manner Vaggie had with Charlie.
Another moment of silence ticked by..
"Ssso-" Pentious was cut off by Lucifer's growl.
"LEAVE. please," horns and scarlet eyes flared.
As Pentious fled, Niffty awaited instruction from Alastor, who then nodded to release her from her stand still. Once she was out of the doorway Lucifer slammed the door closed with a flick of the wrist, falling back into the pillows with a groan.
Alastor had returned to his usual form, still sitting upright he glanced towards Lucifer, "well that was an entertaining start to the morning."
Lucifer ripped himself upright to glare at the man, "what part of making our little night of fun known to the entire hotel, to my daughter, was entertaining to you?"
"Why the overwhelming discomfort from all parties involved of course," He then leaned forward to whisper, "you included, my darling, you now know how much I love to watch you squirm."
Lucifer froze as the words processed through his brain and sent chills down his body. His eyes slightly crossing as he gazed at the sinner with shocked lust.
As Lucifer was processing, the demon had already stood from the bed and snapped his clothing back into pristine condition with the use of his shadows, "I do hope to see you at this morning's breakfast, the tense atmosphere that our daughter facilitates won't be the same without you, mon ange."
With a swift kiss to Lucifer's cheek the sinner was out the door, humming a radiostaticed tune that sounded vaguely from the 30's.
Lucifer stayed still for a moment, calming his body down while also wondering what had just happened. A jolt came to him when he realized, “WAIT, OUR DAUGHTER?”
Once again, please be nice to me this is my first time writing anything so I literally winged it. Hope you guys enjoyed it :,)
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sunnysidestories · 28 days
Introductions Pt 3
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Summary: Reader is a vigilante on young justice who goes to the same school as Walls. Only Wally doesn't know the readers identity, but she knows his. SLOW BURN
Part 1
Part 2
His body would stop moving in my arms. Being the only thing holding him up at the moment gave the leverage needed to move him forward, slowly. At this point, the fight had ended, and the rest of the team sat looking at Wallys disheveled appearance, his eyes blown wide open in shock. Robin was the first to our side spouting words that couldn't reach my ears. I didn't allow it. Step by step down the hall and back into the bioship. A deer in headlights was the only thing that seemed remotely close to how Wally had reacted.
Mind beginning to race, doubts returning, as I sat Wally down in a seat. He crossed his arms, folding himself in the seat in an attempt to shrink in size. I knew it. He didn't like me. I've ruined it. I'm - I'm a-
The feeling of a hand gripping my shoulder forced me to turn around. In my own state of mind, I somehow had reached the other side of the ship. Robin's words finally flooded into my skull. "H/n! What did you say to him? He completely slacked. You two almost fell off the edge." Oh. Yeah. "I'll tell you another time. I just wanna go home." Tears seemed to brim around the edge of my mask, threatening to spill with any further explanation.
Idiot. Kicking off my gear, throwing it onto the small corner holding dirty clothes. Idiot. Before dropping to the floor, head pressed into the side of the mattress, pathetically gripping the sheet. Finally, starting to cry. Everything started to crumble, the mountain of self-worth that has been slowly starting to build over the year shattered. Built on a foundation of hope. A hope that he, Wally, had liked what he saw. It's so silly to put so much on a boy. One that didn't even accept you for who you were. A disappointment, it could have been anyone in the world on that roof with him. Anyone could be H/n, just had to be you. A girl from his class who fell in love with both sides of him.
I love him. Shutting my eyes, I whisper it to myself, I love him. Stupid, this is how I realized. Slowly standing back up, I started to recollect myself. Walking over to the window, half expecting to see the yellow blur pass by in a sense of familiarity. Nothing. He couldn't even run by the house. Like he even knew you lived there. Walking... no stumbling, back to bed, trying to hide in the blankets warmth. I would roll over, adjusting myself, only stopping as the crinkle of a paper made itself known under the pillow.
Of course, I left it out. Of course, I left out one of the silly little notes he wrote. Hand reaching out, I grab the small folded paper. I know I shouldn't open it, but I find myself doing the exact opposite.
"What do you call an acid with an attitude?.... A-mean-oh-acid. Ha. Ha. Ha. That was bad. im sorry, but like, did you know the acid in your stomach is the strongest in the world. So strong it can dissolve a razor blade? If i ate one i wonder if id be okay"
He's right. It was bad. Terrible. Stupid even, but I can't stop myself when a smile graced my face. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually would try to eat one. I crumble the note and his perfectly placed handwriting. Another tear frames my face. Another momment passed before I realized, I have school tommorow.
With him.
On another note. I'm staying home tomorrow.
Sent 12:13am
I'm not mad please just, text me back.
Please H/n.
Sent 12:30am
Can you call?
Sent 12:32am
Please, I just really need to talk to you.
Sent 12:45am
Seen 12:55am
Incoming Call
I click open my screen when waken by the sounds of my ringer. I accept the call, sleep fogging my vision. "Hello? It's one in the morning. Who is it?" I can hear a sigh over the other sign of the phone. "It's you." Oh. Oh, sh- "Y/n please, I'm coming over." His voice states rushed to the point my brain doesn't hear the last bits. "Wally, you don't know wher- why? Huh ? you're supposed to be mad right now." He laughs and I can hear the sound of a door closing behind him. "Wallace are you actually, Wally please its so late my parents are sleeping and I live on the second floor Walls they would kill me if they saw you."
I sit up straight in bed, partially realizing the state I sat in. Messy hair, a tear stained face, pathetic truly, my grip on the phone increases. If he's going to be here maybe I should put on some clothes... wait, what am I even saying ? "Wally? Where are you?" I check the phone, somewhere in my panic he hung up on me. I get up quickly grabbing a pair of shorts and I shirt. There's no way he knows where I live? Wally knows where I live? Kid Flash knows where.... without thinking I find myself trying to pick up my room half way through it there's a knock on the window.
No way.
I rush to the window pulling back my curtain, and there he was, standing in the fire escape. The largest grin plastered his face, growing twice in size as I open the window. Somewhere along the way he had changed into normal attire. A black shirt, and matching shorts. As if it was a covert mission. I look up to him, the very eyes I've stared at far too long catching my own, those freckled cheeks dancing as if they were the stars themselves when he spoke. In an instant he's inside, holding me close. "I'm so glad it's you."
His voice. His words. Words so desperately needed to be said, the way he seemed to melt back into my arms once more. It was too much. I began to cry again.
"Wally- I- I should have told you sooner." Eventually, I choked out. Even if he's quick to reply. "No. I shouldn't of reacted the way I did. If i'm honest, I don't even remember how I got home. I just could hear you. Over and over. Saying your name, h/n just saying y/n. I was just thinking. Trying to grasp that the two people I'd fallen in love with over the year... Are the same person? How was I so stupid? " He ducked his head back into my neck.
My heart spiked. One of his hands traveled to my face, whiping some of my tears, they were surprisingly soft.
"You're anything but. You're kind, you have the best jokes, light up any room you inhabit, and always know anything and everything when it comes to science." I pull away from him, the close proximity suddenly becoming too much, in the small space of the room I take a step back. Besides. I want to look at him when I talk. It's so much easier to read him. "Don't call yourself stupid. I hate it when you put yourself down like that."
"You're the one to talk." His eyes flicker to mine again. "Somedays, sure, it's better than most. I knowtice it. I watch you y/n. Even after our conversation. You beat yourself up over the smallest of things. You think you're the smallest thing, an atom in a world full of matter. But you do, atoms make up everything, make up matter. You matter. You matter to me! You matter!" He points to my heart and states.
I can't help it when I laugh at his accidental joke. Despite the situation, he can't help but bring science into it, into a joke.
"Every night when I can, I run past your house looking at that lamp of yours. You never turn it off until you head to bed. And well, the more I think about it, I kind of- sort of realize you were never in bed and probably out on patrol- and I know you're okay. Because I care, I care so much." I can hear the faint way his voice cracks. Are his eyes watering? I reach out for him, grabbing his hand in both of mine. He's always been so warm.
"I care because I love you y/n, and it's such a bonus that you're h/n because, heck, I fell in love with her too." He squeezes my hand "Even if you tried to hide your real self to the team. Those little things that slipped through, the real you. You might not see it. But I did. Those things I loved." My face becomes increasingly hot as he goes on.
"-how you think before you reply to me, bitting your cheek as you do so. How you listen to me. Putting your head in your hands and looking right at me. Even if what I'm saying is the most random thing. Do you know how hard it is trying to not forget what I was saying when you'd look at me like that? With such-" -Love' I finished in my head, watching how his eyebrows furrowed. As he tried and failed to find the right word. I go to say something, getting cut off quickly.
"-You'll remember. Like when I told you my birthday offhand and you bought me something." He throws his arms up in the air, and his head back, with his eyes closed. "Then got me something as y/n, and I was so confused how you knew it was my birthday. You bought me two things! Just to hide it." He laughed, looking down at his feet. Before placing a hand over his face.
By now, it was evident he was blushing. Once again, he was the color of his hair, no redder. "I just wish you could see yourself like I do y/n."
It's quiet for too long before I finally speak. "I'm trying... it's hard. It really is Wally. You've done more than you realize. Yes, some days are harder than others. I'm not perfect. But it isn't so hard with you there, and when you're not there, your notes are." I slip.
He yelps before I quickly grasp my hand over his mouth. "Shhhh! If you wake my parents right now, Wallace, I will actually never talk to you again." Letting him go he starts to shake. Visibly shake. Like when we're fighting in combat, using his speed, it always happened when he got too excited. He's got that look on his face again. Like he's up to no good. Did- did me grabbing him cause that reaction?
"Yes, I keep your notes!" It feels good to admit. "They remind me of you, and you make me feel safe, compared to everything you've made me feel known, seen! I love you too, okay? said it!" I whisper in a yell.
The blur of red registers as it zips into my direction. His smell fills my noise as his lips meet my own. Dipping me slightly with a hand on my lower back, the other snaking around my neck... Like an old book, he smells like that stupid textbook.
My eyes are wide, not expecting the outburst of his speed to be used in such a way. Eventually though. When I realize what had just happened, I return the kiss. It felt like it lasted forever, and not nearly long enough at the same time.
As he pulled away, he apologized. I shut him up quickly by kissing him again, before my bedroom door opens, my light flicking on.,
"Y/n? What are you doing up so late I could of sworn I heard someone?" My mother calls as I turn to her. "Oh well-" I turn back to look to Wally. Only for him to be gone. "I just was using the bathtoom. I stubbed my toe though and yelled. Sorry if I woke you." She sighed biding me goodnight and closing the door. Wally rolls out from under my bed as I smack my face with a groan.
Five years later
"Wally, I don't know about this. There's supposed to be a lot of important scientists there - I shouldn't be just going with you!" He rolls his eyes, adjustinging his tie. "You've meet my uncle before, and he's the smartest one there."
"How do you always drag me into this?" I ask aloud, hooking my hand into his, while we walk inside. "Because you love me?" He states with a roll of his eye. He leads me past the party goers until we reach his Uncle, who was engaged in conversation with a small group. He greets us both with a smile. I let go of Wally to shake their hands.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you all, I've heard so much about your research. I'm Barry's nephew. Wallace West, but people call me Wally. This is my lovely wife-" I finish "-Y/n, y/n West. It's a pleasure."
@redsakura101 )) ;)
Sooo???? I finally finished it..... what did we think? How many little details did you knowtice? And God did I forget how much I don't like writing in first person. Is that part of the reason why I didn't update this?? Yes. Is it also because I fell a bit out of DC??? Also yes! Anyways I love you guys and I really hope you enjoyed the last part. I hope it was worth the wait, and I didn't misspell or have too many gramatical errors.
Pls request things! Kk! 💞
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
Literal man hunt!!
Ghost and Soap who are protective of their land like they're Americans, literally guns everywhere and shooting anyone suspicious on sight because they have many enemies and a lot of people would love to kill them once they're retired.
But our girl literally just...got lost. She stumbled across their cabin like a baby deer because she is either got lost or was running from someone. It was the first time ever when Ghost missed a shot...and he is happy he did because now they have an adorable injured darling!!
Her leg is no good so they help her, get her treatment from a real doctor even but of course you have to stay with them, you're cold and hurt and delusional because you're their soulmate and their perfect little pet who can't even resist because they are providing food and shelter. Living cottagecore life with your two murderous husbands but you really don't want to be here.
And you want to ran away but you physically can't. Soap is constantly doting on poor us, supports us when we have to make food because they are horrible at it, Ghost is adoring the sight. Retirement is nice when you have a little pet near you.
Eventually they even force us help them with other victims!! Like cleaning the blood from Ghost and Soap in the shower, listen to their various hunting stories, hold the ammo for them once we can escort them in the forest.....the possibilities are endless. Other victims think we can help them, but we just cry and apologize over and over as Soap bashes their brains with an axe
being forced to help with their other victims... my guy you should read Brother by Ania Ahlborn, man is forced to help his serial killer family dispose of their victims
also below the cut i kinda barely touched on the concept you sent but it's so good and i had nothing to add im sorry :(
cw below for like... very light gore? description of murder fitting of a horror movie
wandering around lost through the woods and randomly getting fucking shot, only for someone to come running out of the trees and asking if you're ok??? has me going bonkers
also this is totally giving the most dangerous game so i present you: soap and ghost kidnap groups of people and hunt them for sport, but when you wake up they realize that they want you to stay alive. maybe soap pretends to be one of the victims, teams up with you to help you (help keep you alive) and herds you in the direction of their cabin without you knowing
you only realize what's going on when he slaughters another person, someone who wants to team up with you two. sure the way the new guy looked at you made you uncomfortable... but johnny split his head open with an axe when he reaches for you, splits him right down the middle and leaves you staring up at him, both of you covered in blood
and now what, right?
you learn you've been kidnapped to be prey in some sick bastard's idea of fun, and now the one man you thought might help you through this turns out to be that sick bastard?
and johnny's pretty pissed, he'd wanted to play along with you for a little longer :/ but that other motherfucker had forced his hand, had tried to touch you, and he couldn't just let that happen. and now you're screaming and crawling away from him, which is bullshit because he was literally protecting you
so now you've got pissy serial killer johnny, grabbing you by the elbow and dragging you behind him despite your best struggles, grunting and asking can you just fuckin' relax for a minute while you stare up at him like ?!?!!?!?!?!
anyway he drags you to where simon's been hunting the others, drops you at his feet and crosses his arms all angrily. ghost just raises an eyebrow, "i thought you wanted to play along with them this time?"
and johnny's pouty about it, damn near tapping his foot in complaint. "wanted to play along with her, but some bastard got touchy."
you manage to scramble away, get up and fucking sprint through the forest because oh my god the guy johnny took you to had a fucking crossbow, only to trip over a wire and end up locked in a net, six feet off the ground
and here comes johnny and ghost, sauntering out of the woods and looking up at you in the air. johnny laughs at you, and you're crying so hard you can hardly even see them
anyways, they leave you in the net while they deal with their other prey <3 come back for you at the end of the night and take you home with them
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gyubby99 · 10 months
@disneyanddisneyships um.
Alaponi smut headcanons
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• Alastor gets off of Aponi's fear • That scary face of his and the radio screech lets her know he likes it • Alastor pounds on aponi with blood drool dripping from his mouth as he smiles menacingly and he looks like he's out of control • As soon as Aponi gets that hard c^ck out of his pants it's already glistening wet with pre-c^m • He likes to see Aponi struggling and helpless but in a good way sohe uses the tentacle thingy to hold her down and also obliterate her holes as he jerks off to the sight of aponi getting it with the tentacles (I've seen enough picrew ads to imagine this) • He shouts "oh dear" as he pounds onto Aponi • Aponi has to guide him through because hes never done this before • Im sorry but he is not gentle. This month is about HIM • He wouldn't talk about shit he would eat her out for surprise • He bites Aponi in places only he can see • He looks like an actual dark entity while fcking aponi you'd be impressed she could stay turned on and not scared • 10 to 15 times every october because deer • I wouldn't be surprised if he has a voodoo kink • Alastor makes her sign an agreement before they made it official that she will help him every october. He made her sign an actual agreement. On paper and everything. • Aponi teases him a lot but Al always gets his revenge. • He doesnt rip her clothes off. He lets her take them off and he waits patiently. • His d gets bigger everytime he slowly turns into his demon form • Headcanon alastor is actually feral it's not even a joke • Aponi has a small 'X' scar on her chest bc alastor wanted to "seal their deal" • Pain kink. • No lights on. Just his glowy red eyes and that menacing smile. • I think once Alastor has found his "mate" he will only be attracted to Aponi in that way. Like even if he's in heat and she's not around, he looks at other people and feel nothing. Which is why Live Linda is a rap- • Knife play • Aponi couldn't walk one time • Aftercare are dad jokes and jambalaya
Mal: pls let me sleep
Staticfly NSFW headcanons
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• FILTH • Sin • Mal has developed electrokinesis kink because of him • Vox lets Mal suck his dick under the table when he's working when he's rlly horny • Vox records him and Mal fucking for when Mal is away and he needed it badly • Mal sends Vox "pics" • He electrocutes her when he fingers her pssy • He's sadistic (like any overlord is) and he likes seeing Mal whimper in pain as she feels the shock from her pssy when he electrocute n fingers her • He's a living taser and Mal is very much into it. • Vox is not opposed to being called "daddy" but he prefers "sir" • Mal is very vocal • She wants him to fck her in his full demon form because it gets bigger and she can see it from her stomach • Why do I think Vox has clear c^m.. like it's not white like others. Kinda resembling gasoline or something because he's an electronic demon • He blue-screens when Mal takes him in too good • Vox degrades Mal fr • "Yeah, take that in you little slut.. hm.. you're doing a great job.." • Pain kink. Both of them. • He has a lot of toys <3 • Mal screams with and without the S • Vox electrocutes her boobs and she's very much into it • Dont ask what happened if Mal suddenly couldn't walk • He gives her electrocute burns as hickies and he is very proud of himself for it. • He ties her down with cords that has grounds • Mal: Fuck me til' I forget both of our names. • Vox's servants, assistants and housekeepers all know they be fucking but the real action is only betaeen them both • Vox would be the type to say "I did that" to a pregnant Mal • Mal, regarding that statement: *buggs bunny communism meme* we • After a performance Vox fucks the shit out of Mal backstage • Vox is very aggresive and Mal is into it • Mal says "yes sir" nd Vox says "good girl" • Vox: You just can't get enough, can you? You're a horny little slut. *he chuckles and pounces on her* • Vox does not care if anyone hears Mal. Let the whore out • Not opposed to 3somes • Vox gave Mal a choke hand print scar and possibly an electrocution burn on her neck and Aponi was concerned and almost thought about domestic abuse • Mal plays with herself alone and Vox appears on the screen, amused. He says "wait for me later ;)" • Vox: Fuck.. you know how to get me so easily, huh, babe? • Never sleep in the room next to them if they're horny. Just don't. • With an overlord like Vox? Mal has a 'V' scar on her back • Both like it rough • The wedding night was uhhh... nice. • Aponi is still concerned.
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biscuitbox23 · 3 months
The Stag and the Warbler
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Pairing: Jaskier/Dandelion x Witcher!Reader.
Summary: The bard has written a song about you. And it has given you a lot to think about.
Author's note: It's a late night thought I've had for a while. Jaskier has always been my favorite character in both the Witcher games, books and the tv show. I wanted to give him a bit of honor by writing this :) ���also a little Skyrim reference cuz im not creative in song writing.
Warning: platonic love, fluff, kind of a bittersweet ending.
As Jaskier strummed the strings of his lute, he hummed the tune of a popular ballad. "Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart…" he sang but then paused mid-verse, his forehead creasing in concentration. "I tell you, I tell you, the Witcher comes- no, that does not sound so good," he muttered.
You couldn't help but chuckle at him. You busied yourself with grooming your loyal steed, Melorax. The horse stood still, contentedly munching on bits of hay. While you brushed off dust and dirt from his coat, you could see the tiny frown written on Jaskier's face as he tried to come up with a better verse for his song.
Curious, you asked him, "Who is this hero exactly?"
Jaskier looked up, glad for the distraction. "Ah, well," he said, his fingers stilling on the lute. "It's just a tale, my friend. A story of a brave warrior who fights for justice and honor."
You nodded, understanding the stories that Jaskier shared with you during your travels as a Witcher. Tales like these were always inspiring and entertaining. Jaskier had been your companion for quite a while now, and you had grown fond of his musical talents and witty banter. He would often compare your kinder nature to his friend Geralt, who hailed from a different Witcher school whom you had heard of but never met. After grooming Melorax, you approached the front of the horse and kissed his soft muzzle. The horse whinnied softly, and you smiled at him, feeling content.
"You know I just hunt monsters for coin," you recall, sitting near him as you started the small bonfire.
"Well, yes. But, Y/n of Verden makes a good song subject. Don't you think?" Jaskier smiled widely at you as you put your hands near the fire for warmth. His fingers began strumming on his lute, calmly humming with the tune of his renowned instrument.
You began to listen closely. "With a silver sword gleaming and signs so fierce and cold…" Jaskier sang, "Believe, believe, the Stag of Verden has told."
"Stag?" You asked sheepishly, looking over at him with an expression of confusion.
"Umm… do you prefer to be called deer?" Jaskier asked sheepishly.
"Just confused with the Stag part…" you replied.
"Well, you remind me of a stag."
"How so?" You asked.
"Well, you're strong, very resilient, and almost similar to that of a protector of the realm," Jaskier beamed with poetic pride.
Upon hearing those words, a sense of pride and appreciation washed over you. It was rare for a Witcher to receive such positive recognition, as they are empty vessels of beings whose sole purpose was to slaughter monsters and collect payment. Being regarded as a hero was a new and unexpected experience for you. However, it was evident that most people still saw you as an exterminator who only existed to rid the world of dangerous pests rather than a true hero. All you let out was a slight chuckle.
Jaskier turned his head towards you, and his eyes met yours. He noticed the corners of your mouth curling up, and your eyes sparkled. Curious, he leaned slightly to his right and tilted his head, trying to catch a glimpse of what had caused this reaction in you. "What's so funny, Y/n?" he asked, his voice full of genuine interest and amusement.
"Oh, nothing," you jested. With a look of concern on the bard's face, he turned his gaze back towards his musical instrument, the loot. He asked in a questioning tone, "Is there something wrong with my song? Don't you like it?"
"I assure you that I like it," you said to the worried songwriter before returning to warm your hands by the fire. "Please continue."
Jaskier's face lit up with joy as he responded, "As you wish." He meticulously plucked the strings of his lute, producing a melody that seemed to flow effortlessly from his fingers. His body swayed with the rhythm, and it was clear from his performance that he was a true virtuoso of his craft.
"In the heart of the woodlands, where shadows dance and play Beware, beware, the Stag is on her way For monsters she'll conquer, with every foe she'll slay
You'll know, you'll know, the Stag brings light to the gray."
You were captivated as the bard plucked at the strings of his lute, his voice soft and sweet as honey. The music wrapped around you like a warm embrace, easing the tension in your body and calming your mind. The bard's songs were beautiful masterpieces of melody and meaning. What impressed you the most was how his music seemed to capture the essence of the world around you, bringing to life the sights and sounds of your travels in a way that words alone never could. Being a Witcher often meant living a life of solitude and danger. It made you feel isolated and alone. But having the bard by your side changed everything. His easy conversation and quick wit were a constant source of comfort and amusement, and you eagerly looked forward to every new adventure with him by your side.
By the end, you knew you could never repay the bard for all he had given you, but you were grateful nonetheless.
"You know one thing," you thought to him, "you remind me of a Warbler."
The bard chuckled at you with his sweet smile, "a warbler?"
"Yeah, those birds that sing a lot," you recalled.
As you reminisce about your childhood, your mind wanders back to when you were a young girl, growing up in a Witcher school. Life wasn't easy for you, especially since you were a frail child with a mother who struggled to provide for you. Days at school could be long and tiring, and you often find yourself exhausted by the end of them.
One particular memory that stands out to you is the sound of the Warblers that would perch on the window sill of your room. Their melodic songs would echo through the walls, piercing your ears and keeping you awake at night. You would try to drown out the noise by covering your ears with your pillow, but it was no use - the Warblers always seemed to find a way to sing their way into your thoughts. Despite the annoyance they caused, however, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in their presence. After all, they had been a constant presence in your life for as long as you could remember.
"They were annoying when I was young," You scoffed playfully, "I hated listening to them sing whenever I wanted some peace. Now that I'm older, I wish they still sang to me," you look at the burning bonfire as the warmth engulfed the front of your body. “I like your songs, jaskier, even if you played the same tune for a week. I won’t get tired of you.”
"Huh…" Jaskier gave your statement some thought, "I've never had anyone think of me that way." He sat over next to the fire, feeling a bit cold.
"Why? May I ask," You cocked a brow at him.
"I'm a bit of an exasperation and––" Before Jaskier could continue, he stopped himself. He could ruin his godly reputation in front of you, and he did not want that.
"A skirt-chaser?" You continued.
"Oh- No, no, not that," you can sense the embarrassment that overcame his confidence.
"right, alright," A mischievous chuckle escaped your lips as you heard the mention of the notorious bard. His reputation preceded him, and you couldn't help but be amused. Word on the street was he had a knack for breaking up marriages or being the third person for sleeping with married men's wives. You won't deny it. Jaskier was handsome and quite the romantic.
The atmosphere was serene as if the world had a standstill. Not a sound except for the gentle rustling of leaves as the wind passed through the trees. "Can you sing me a song, Jaskier?" You asked, "Please?"
As Jaskier continued his endless string of tales, you couldn't help but politely express your reluctance to hear more. In response, Jaskier flashed a sweet smile and said, "Yes, you may, Y/n."
One day, Jaskier won't be around you. One day, you won't ever see him again, and it will be just you and Melorax on the lonely road. It could happen tomorrow, or it could be years from now. You tried not to dwell on that possibility, but it was always there lingering at the edges of your consciousness. But that did not matter now. It was a love that grew deep inside you that you have never felt. It's a companionship that was a strange yet familiar feeling. One day, he will see you as a monster like everyone else did when they saw you. Despite this, You listened intently to his stories and musings, even when they seemed nonsensical or meandering. You laughed at his jokes and marveled at his wit. You knew these moments were precious, and you never took them for granted because you will never know when that moment will end.
A/n: hey guys :) I apologize if my interpretation of Jaskier and the Witcher universe had errors. I was busy with school to read the books and watch the show for extra context and accuracy and did this all by itself. Overall, im unite happy with how this turned out.
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buddhamethods · 6 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
AKA I'm just a person with two keen eyes and dubious morals when it comes to enjoying media so don't take it seriously, I'm here for a good time.
Thank you @sndrys for tagging me! This was an eye opening experience putting this together. As it turns out I might have a type (ew).
1) Guy from Bake Me Please (2023)
The sole reason for me creating this list! Look, I dropped Bake Me Please almost immediately because it just wasn't for me BUT I've been lowkey watching through my dash. And let me tell you, my fingers gain consciousness and hit reblog everytime this baby's face pops up because...well...LOOK AT HIM. He is beautiful and he should get the guy (hehe get it) in the end idc.
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2) Yok from Not Me (2021)
Yok is such a beloved character and for good reason! He is sexy, he is gay, he sets buildings on fire and steals cops' wallets on accident because HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT GUY HE WAS STALKING WAS A COP??? I love you Yok, never change.
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3) Palm from Never Let Me Go/ OurSkyy2 (2022-23)
The anger I felt for all the injustice and mistreatment our beautiful Palm had to face in this show took literal years off my life. It's rare for me to get this passionately protective over a character and yet here we are, in the Palm Protection Squad headquarters. Even Nueng is on the watchlist!
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4) Tonhon from Tonhon Chonlatee (2020)
Not to out myself as an enjoyer of silly goofy times , but I did have fun watching Fish Upon The Sky and Secret Crush On You, so OFCOURSE I thought I would like this one too but GOD was it rough. Did I still finish it? Yes. Did I fawn over PoddKhao pairing and have been quietly praying for some kind of reunion ever since? Also yes. Was I foaming at the mouth barking everytime Tonhon AKA Podd was on my screen? I'm not gonna comment without lawyer present.
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5) Tew from My Dear Gangster Oppa (2023)
Speaking of Tonhon Chonlatee...AH! Ai Long Nhai (TC's spiritual prequel of sorts) was sure...something. And by something I mean I saw Meen and decided I will never speak ill of men ever again, feminism quite literally left my body. And then a year later My Dear Gangster Oppa came out and guess what??! MEEN IS THE GANGSTER OPPA! Dreams really do come true, kids.
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6) Wen from Moonlight Chicken (2023)
(or Tian from ATOATS or Mueang Nan fron FUTS). Mix...I will eat you. Always so dewy and healthy and sparkly-eyed. But Wen from Moonlight Chicken is something out of the realm of my imagination. The sex appeal? The maturity?? The gentleness??!! Somebody sedate me before I say something I will not be able to justify in court.
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7) Vee from Love Mechanics (2022)
He is a pretty bisexual who makes the most abhorrent stupid decisions known to men and then weeps and suffers for them WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? Once again, is the show flawless or even remotely coherent? Absolutely not. That being said Vee brought me so much joy by being stupid I'm forever grateful.
(also YinWar are so back GO WATCH JACK AND JOKER TRAILER)
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8) Prapai from Love In The Air (2022)
To a certain extent I've enjoyed every MAME show I've watched. To do that you need to possess the rare ability called "I abandoned every shred of moral integrity to gawk at hot men". And Prapai? MAN is this bitch hot. Tall dark handsome? Check! Bisexual on a bike? Check! Stubborn and annoying? CHECK!
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9) Xiang Hao Ting from HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
*incoherent wailing and sobbing* IM NOT EXPLAINING SHIT ABOUT HIM LEAVE ME ALONE
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10) AlanJeff from Pit Babe (2023)
My newest obsession! I refuse to separate our local senior citizen and his favorite prophetic mechanic. Both of them are hot as shit in their own way. Alan is a sexy dilf with so much weight and responsibility on his shoulders it's a miracle he retained his optimism and youthful awkwardness. And Jeff is a prickly baby-cow-baby-deer eyed baby that is so touch starved it's actually a little funny. SO I GUESS ALANJEFF SANDWICH IT IS.
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(don't be shy tag yourselves besties <3)
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camywamycam · 1 year
night guys.
short polly!marauders blurb 
fem!American!reader implied.
571 words
You and your boys were always together, and I mean always. even before you transferred to Hogwarts in your second year it was rare to find one of the four of you alone without another one of you attached to their side. This year when Liam parker transferred from the American school Ilvormorny you two instantly hit it off. you had known Liam before you moved to London with your parents. it was nice talking to someone familiar, also someone whose accent made you question if you were hearing them correctly. you have to admit now that you were thinking about it, you were kind of distant. you were very open with your boys and you really didn't mean to, you were just spending a lot of time with Liam. "hey Y/n we have this awesome prank planned where we add this to the Slytherin's wash and it will turn their robes red and gold! we just need you to sneak this in" Sirius said smirking while handing you a red little packet of a glittery substance "can't, I promised to help Liam with his transfiguration work, he's still not used to Minneys Scottish accent" "oh blowing us off for him again? yeah go ahead I don't care." Sirius grumbled while Remus and James looked at him shocked "oh well sorry that Im helping someone with their work pads" "it's not just that!" "oh yeah? then what else is it? I'm just helping him adjust he's only been here a week!" when Sirius didn't look back at you you got up and made your leave. who was he to dictate how much time you spent with your friend? you still made time for them you quite literally saw them daily!
you lay in your bed staring at the ceiling awaiting sleep to overcome you. you tossed and turned but eventually, you slipped on your deer slippers and quietly snuck out through the portrait door. you wondered the halls on your way to the astronomy tower still half asleep, that was when someone grabbed your wrist. "Couldn't sleep either? James said with a cheeky grin "I'm sorry about the way i acted i was just jealous." Sirius practically whispered "no no don't apologize I was spending a lot of time with Liam Im sorry" "what you have nothing to be sorry about?" this banter went on for a bit until the four of you basically ran back to your dorms when you heard meowing from down the hall.
"Where are you going princess? come back to ours" Remus said softly while guiding you by your shoulders toward the boy's dormitory. their dorm was clean yet messy? socks and underwear laid tossed around the room, but Remus's corner stayed pristine and neat. the complete opposite of Sirius who had rock posters covering every inch of space around his bed with clothes tossed everywhere. The four of you squished into Remus's largish twin bed which was definitely not meant to fit four people in it. "Sirius I swear to get put your foot in my face again and I'm gonna cut it off" Remus grumbled while burring his face in your side which caused both James and Sirius to shove their feet in Remus's face which caused a little war to break out in the bed. the four of you eventually calmed down as you cuddled into each other's warm bodies "night".
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margowritesthings · 11 months
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a RDR2 x Black Badge crossover
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pairing: N/A for this chapter, will eventually be Arthur Morgan x reader word count: 2650 words warnings: spoilers for RDR2 ending, violence, Micah Bell, explicit language, major character death and subsequent resurrection, brief mentions of domestic violence YOU DONT NEED TO HAVE READ THE BLACK BADGE TO UNDERSTAND THIS SERIES, EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED DURING THE STORY authors note: What's that, you say? You want a RDR x Black Badge crossover?? No??? WELL IM DOIN IT ANYWAY
The series that no one asked for tbh. If you haven't heard of the Black Badge, it's a wonderful series of books by Rhett C Bruno and Jamie Castle, where the audiobooks are narrated by Roger Clarke. This series puts Arthur in the shoes of the protagonist, who is doomed to hunt the supernatural to pay off his karmic debts. The prologue explains it a little better, so sit back and enjoy! There will be romance, there will be monsters, what more could you ask for?
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I have seen so many incredible things. 
Living on the land for as long as I have, you tend to. I’ve camped under the most breathtaking sunrises, that big orange orb scattering unimaginable colours over our poor souls as it creeps over the horizon. I've seen nature at its finest: baby deer learning to walk, wolves running together in tight packs not unlike us outlaws, even saw a little chick hatching once. Beautiful women from all around batting their long lashes at me, not even all of them because I was a prospective customer. I’ve been a lucky man, to have experienced so many sights.
Never did I think that the last thing I saw living on this Earth would be Micah Bell’s goddamn ugly mug.
The barrel of his gun was shaking in his tight grip, and I used the absolute last of my strength to keep my head up and look right down it. 
“You’re not better than me, Morgan.”
Never claimed to be, but if I had more time, I might have argued it, the rat. But that was the thing… I didn’t have more time. I could tell, the simple act of breathing was becoming just too much. I might have gotten a few more days, if Micah hadn’t just knocked the seven bells of shit out of me and the last few days had been a little calmer, but such is life. Such is death, I should say. 
After a wheezed cough was pushed out of me, I still managed to get one last jab in, as laboured and choked out as it was, 
“Whatever you say, you fool.”
Everything hurt, and I could hear the clock ticking my final seconds out as Micah’s finger trembled on the trigger. He was mad, I could see the fury spreading across his face as he registered what I was choosing to do with my final words. 
Maybe it was supposed to be the time for prayers, the time to have my life flash before my eyes while I count my regrets and mourn the things that will never happen, but there’d been enough of that ever since that doc told me my days were numbered. I hadn’t lived a good life, I wasn’t a good man, but I got some peace knowing my final hours were spent getting Marston and his family out safe, making sure Milton didn’t, and insulting the gang’s little pet rodent. If I had any regrets in that moment, they would only be that I didn’t manage any more permanent damage to Micah’s ugly ass mug before he got me. Actually, I might’ve wanted to die at dawn, to see one last sunrise, but mostly the Micah thing. 
“Damn you…” he spat, the glow of the moon casting the most horrendous shadows from his twisted expression. 
“Damn us both!” 
And that was it. 
A shot,
and it was all over. 
No sunrise, no grand redemption in the last few minutes of my damned life…
Just me, the moon, and goddamned Micah Bell. 
I never expected I’d get into Heaven, but I never thought it’d be so goddamn dark down here in Hell.
I stirred as if waking up from a fitful sleep filled with nightmares involving Micah shooting me in the face, and even though my eyelids flew open, there was no light to speak of. There was a crushing weight on my chest, and a burning behind my right eye. What felt like dirt fell into my face with each little movement, and suddenly it all fit together, forming a terrifying reality of my predicament. 
It wasn’t a dream. Micah fuckin’ Bell had shot me. Tuberculosis ran ragged through my veins and filled my lungs, I’d been captured, hung in an O’Driscoll camp and tortured for information, hell, I’d been shipped off to goddamn Guarma with nothing but the shirt of my back… and in the end the sorry sight to end my story was a rat with a revolver. 
The dirt fell in my eyes relentlessly, so much so I had to close them again. It wasn’t like they were being much use anyway, what with me being buried alive and all. Moving my limbs was hard, but not impossible, I found, giving me hope that I wasn’t too far down in the ground. I never thought I’d hope for a shallow grave, but then again I couldn’t have predicted waking up in one either. None of it made much sense, but I reckoned it’d probably be best if I got back out into open air before figuring out why I couldn’t feel my toes, why breathing felt so strange and unnecessary, or how I’d survived a gunshot to the head. 
I started with small movements, flexing my numbed fingers in and out until there was enough room to ball them into fists. I would have shouted for help, if I could, but I knew all I’ll get from it is a mouthful of dirt. I���d have to do this alone, it would seem. 
The movement spread from fists to arms, the dirt starting to mould around me until it didn’t feel so crushing anymore, and I was soon clawing upwards. I dared to squint one eye open, finding small holes of light poked through the blanket of nothingness like stars. I felt triumphant when I reached upwards into open air, but it was short lived when I failed to feel the wind or the breeze or the sun or anything to let me know this wasn’t all some death dream. 
I pressed on, scraping at the skies until big patches of the Earth fell apart around my body and I could pull myself out of my grave. The sun beat so brightly that I couldn’t help but continue to squint, trying to make out my surroundings. It was dawn, ironically. I always assumed Hell’s skies would hold a lot more fire in them, but the blue hues and yellow rays were anything but hellish. They were beautiful, a sight I was sure I’d never see again. 
After my eyes adjusted, I made out the tombstone standing above my grave, a handcrafted wooden cross with my name scratched into the centre. Folk aren’t usually lucky enough (or unlucky enough, I hadn’t yet decided) to see their own graves, and yet here I was. Why? Was this truly Hell, looking over the sunrise while I was damned to sit by my own grave and wait for no-one to mourn me? 
‘Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Will Be Comforted’
It was my epitaph, carved into the circle surrounding my name. I hoped it was true. I didn’t know how long I’d been buried, but I didn’t want anyone sitting around crying over me. I hoped I’d done enough, in those last few hours, and that the ones I loved, whoever was left of them, anyway, made it out okay. 
I pushed myself up out of the grave, dusting off the mud that clung to me and standing straight despite the complaints of my aching back. I looked over the hill, over what looked an awful lot like Ambarino. 
“Beautiful, ain’t it? I tell you, that friend of yours picked a good spot. Shame you’ll get no rest here.” 
I froze, my spine straightening on instinct as the voice behind me confirmed that I was in fact in Hell. Even after looking Death in the face and calling him a fool, it still took me a moment to turn and face my father. 
I expected anger to course through my veins, for my fists to ball and fury to burn over my skin the first time I saw him after all these years, but it didn’t. I looked my Daddy straight in his cold, dead eyes, and nodded to him. He did the same.
“Fraid so.” 
I was almost too dumbfounded to realise what he was sitting on. Who he was sitting on, I should say. Boadicea stood as tall and as beautiful as that last day we spent together in Blackwater. The sight could have taken my breath away, if I had any. 
I wanted to step closer, to pat my girl on the neck and feel to make sure she was really there, but I wasn’t ready to move just yet. 
“What… What the hells goin’ on?” 
Daddy dearest chuckled, probably at my ironic choice of wording, and Boadicea stomped a foot on the ground. Despite everything, all I wanted to do was to get Lyle Morgan off my horse, but there’d be time for it. 
“You’re dead, son. Nasty shot to the head, though you put up a good fight.” He said it like he was recounting the most mundane story ever told, not breaking the news that his only son had died. I considered his words, finding a strange peace with them all.
“...This Hell?” It had to be, right? There’s no other way he could be here, not with the way he treated me and Ma. I dreaded to think what Boadicea could have done to deserve an afterlife with him, but it made more sense than both of us fools being let into the pearly gates upstairs everyone always goes on about. 
Pa chuckled again, clearly finding my demise much more casual news than I, “To some, but not in the way you’re thinkin’ of it. I’ve got some bad news, boy.” 
“Worse than my death?” It was annoying me, how elusive and blasé he was being about everything, dragging this out for longer than he needed while holding the cards right up close to his chest. He knew what was going on, and yet there he was, sitting on Boadicea like he owned whatever goddamn realm we were in. Surely this was Hell, having this conversation with the man who beat me into who I am today. Who I was, before karma caught up with me and shot me in the face. 
“Depends on how much you were lookin’ forward to it.”
My teeth ground together as the frustration at his evasiveness built. He must’ve sensed it, as he dismounted Boadicea and patted her on the neck.  It threw me more than it should, watching the man I’d left long behind me interacting with my beloved Boa. 
He stood just as tall as the day I watched him hang, the only difference being a nasty scar that wound around his neck and made me dread to think what I might look like. It was like looking at a ghost. Well, I guess I was looking at a ghost. 
“You’re still here, Arthur. On Earth. Seems you did just enough good there in the end that they didn’t know what to do with you. Too bad to make it to the upstairs, too good to burn in Hell… for now.”
“Earth? But… I’m… we’re-“
“Dead? Yeah. But you’re stuck here, doin’ their bidding.” 
He was running his fingers over Boadicea’s mane, and she shook her head in response. She seemed like she wanted his hands off her as much as I did, but I had to find out what was going on first. 
“Bidding? Who’s bidding? Can you just be straight with me for one damn minute-“
“Patience, boy.” He snapped, bringing out one of Boadicea’s signature annoyed huffs, “The White Throne’s bidding. You’re theirs now. You do as they say, or you end up in a far worse position than you’re in now.”
I felt like I needed to sit down, but unless I was going to climb back in that grave, there was nowhere to rest. 
“I… I don’t understand.”
Lyle sighed, turning fully towards me and hooking his thumbs in his belt loops.
“The White Throne have chosen you to be a Black Badge, Arthur. You’re not alive, nor are you fully dead. You work for them until they decide they’re done with you, and then…” 
“And then?”
“Well… I ain’t sure, truth be told, boy. I never got as far as you, I’m just here to pass the message on.”
None of it made any sense, and I had no idea who this White Throne was. Dad didn’t seem to have the answers, nor did he seem inclined to give them to me even if he did. It was then I noticed that my heart should be pounding out of my chest. Instead, it felt hollow, the anxiety of my situation bouncing around an empty can of nothing. 
So this was really happening…
“They’ll call on you when they need you with this,” he turned, rummaging through Boadicea’s saddle bag and handing me a journal. It looked exactly like the one I gave to Marston just before I died, the one I collected my thoughts and sketches in, only when I flicked through the pages, they were all blank. 
“Keep an eye on it, it’ll tell you what you need to do, who to look for, or where to go.”
“What am I, a goddamn undead bounty hunter?” 
He laughed, a proper hearty laugh that would’ve made my skin crawl had I not been so occupied with the confusion of it all. 
“You could say that. But you’re not just after anyone, they’ll send you off to the supernatural stuff. Vampires, werewolves, demons, that sort. You’ll get the hang of it.”
I was so stuck on the whole supernatural thing that I hardly noticed him step towards me, slapping a hand onto my shoulder. I froze, but not because my father had touched me for the first time in decades, but because I couldn’t feel a damn thing.
He must’ve seen the shock on my face, cause his brows pulled together in a pitiful look, “Ah, yeah… there’s some side effects to death, son. But I’m sure you’ll figure that one out.” 
‘Side effects’ was a light way of putting it. I’d later find out that we unlucky few in the Black Badge have a fair few impediments. I can’t feel. Not the sun on my face, the wind in my hair, the touch of another, not even the burn of a good whiskey. I don’t feel pain, which can be helpful at times I guess. I can’t taste anything, either. It’s a unique punishment, to be stuck walking the earth but not really living, having no access to those simple pleasures in life like a stiff drink or the touch of a pretty lady. If I’d have known what was waiting for me at the end of all this, well… maybe I’d have made some different choices. 
“It’s a lot to take in, I know.” 
I glanced to my shoulder, finding Dad’s hand still there. He must’ve sensed my discomfort, removing his touch- or lack thereof- from me. 
“You’ll get the hang of it, son.” 
If I weren’t so preoccupied with my new lot in life (or death, I should say), now would have been the perfect time to confront the man who stood beside me. Ask him why he did what he did, get some answers for every question my teenage self tortured himself with while he wandered the streets for somewhere to stay for the night. But when I turned, he was gone, without a single trace to suggest he was ever there in the first place. Seems I’d gotten all the information out of him I was entitled to. 
That left me and Boadicea, standing beside an empty grave I wasn’t sure anyone would have visited anyway. 
I sighed, finally stepping towards her and patting her neck in that spot she always loved. 
“Well girl, guess this is it for a while…” 
I looked down to the journal in my hand, just in time to see inky black writing appear on the page as if bleeding through the realms.
‘Welcome to the Black Badge, Arthur Morgan.’
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dancingwiththoughts · 1 month
Medwhump May Day 4: Sedated
So I wasn't too sure how to write sedation, so I figured that drugging was good enough. Here's a little excerpt from on of my fanfics that I'll link below, along with a quick sketch.
TW: Drugging
But if he was going to knock Alastor out, he’d need something stronger.
Normally, Angel was strongly opposed to drugging people. He’d had it done to him plenty of times, and it wasn’t pleasant. But this was a special case; if Alastor wouldn’t rest on his own, Angel was going to make him.
And it wasn’t like he was going to use anything dangerous.
Angel opened up one of the cabinets, moving aside a pile of plates. And there was the medicine.
Charlie had hidden small stashes of meds around the hotel; she didn’t know that Angel had found most of them, but what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
Angel dug around a bit until he found what he was looking for. The bottle of melatonin was still full. He grabbed a handful of pills, crushing them up and sprinkling them into the cup of coffee. He didn’t really count out how many he put in, but it would probably be fine.
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“Here ya go,” Angel strolled back into the lobby, passing Alastor the cup.
He took it, mumbling a quick thanks before taking a sip.
Angel couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay, so Vaggie’s going to go first,” Charlie announced, dragging her girlfriend to sit in the chair she had placed in front of everyone,”So Vaggie will sit in the chair like this, and then I’ll sit in the chair behind her. I’m going to take a picture from the pile and describe it to her, but there’s a list of words that I can’t say. Vaggie then has to draw what I tell her! Does that make sense to everyone?”
Everyone made sounds of approval. Except for Alastor, who yawned, nodding. They both sat down, and started the game.
“Okay, Vaggie, so draw a large eyed furry creature with a tail that has floppy ears. It’s a common human pet.”
Vaggie scribbled something down,”Okay, I’m done.”
“So what did you draw?”
Charlie frowned,”What? It’s a dog, how did you-”
Vaggie shook her head, pointing towards the deer demon,”No, Charlie. Look at Alastor.”
Everyone turned. Alastor’s eyes were closed, his head falling against the back of the chair. His ears twitched slightly, breaths mixed with the faded sounds of radio.
“Oh my gosh, he’s so cute,” Charlie squealed.
“Surprised he actually fell asleep,” Husk muttered.
“You’re welcome; and no need ta’ whisper, he’s gonna be out for a looong time,” Angel chuckled.
“Umm, what?” Vaggie asked.
“Angel, what did you do?”
“Relax, toots, I just slipped ‘im some melatonin in his drink.”
“You drugged him?! Angel, how much did you use? And where did you even find the medicine?” Charlie exclaimed.
“Eh, just seven or so. I wasn’t sure how much ta use, but he’ll be fine. He ain’t gonna die from some sleeping pills. Besides, he was gonna need ta sleep one way or another.”
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 10
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count ~3400
hope yall missed me cuz im back on my bullshit. i already have 14 more chapters written of this garbage and youre gonna like it cuz im not even halfway done with the fic as a whole yet
“Hmmm…” Rei sat with his sister in Laventon’s office as he hummed to himself. They had told him about Kleavor, and he had been deep in thought ever since. They had taken out their pokedexes to work on them, Rei drawing in the margins of his dex and Akari filling out the words of hers, as she insisted that he was the better artist of the two. He was currently doodling the little Budew that sat on the table in front of him, drawing a diagram of how its top buds opened and closed on command. The lone Rowlet also observed them closely, occasionally turning its small head one way or another as they sat in silence. It had even begun to drift off, a small bubble forming in its nostril as it breathed, its wings tucked into itself. 
“EUREKA!” Rei and Akari jumped in their chairs so hard, they smacked their knees together painfully. Budew screamed, letting off a Razor Leaf on accident, giving Rei some painful cuts. Rowlet let out terrified “HOO?” as it fell backwards on the branch and flailed, its feet snagged on the wood but unable to right itself. Akari hopped up and grabbed the poor thing, helping it down and placing it back into the tree. Its feathers were a bit unruly now as it blinked and glanced around wildly.
“We’ll simply have to throw the food!” Laventon shouted. Rowlet shot him a dirty glance at the ludicrousy of that statement. Rei rubbed his arm where small bubbles of blood were welling up from the sharp leaves. Budew sat down, tears in its eyes, as it looked at him apologetically. He rubbed its little buds. It was an accident. “You’ve quite the arm for throwing things, haven’t you both? Might I suggest taking Kleavor’s favorite foods and throwing them at him?”
“How would that help?” Akari asked from her spot by Rowlet. In an attempt to placate the upset bird, she had snagged a couple berries from its food dish and offered one to it. It had accepted the bribe. For now.
“By taking the foods Kleavor loves and wrapping them up into little balls, we can achieve the same calming affect - but from afar! A genius idea, if I do say so myself. We could call them Teatime Balls!”
“Why not Laventon Balls? You came up with the idea.” Rowlet had settled on Akari’s arm now and she brought it over to the table. It continued to munch on a Persim as she stroked its feathers. 
“I worry that’d make it sound like I was the projectile being thrown…” Laventon trailed off. “In any case, we can trust that the Pearl Clan will gather the necessary foodstuffs, yes?” The twins both nodded. “Then you should head back to the Grandtree Arena to let them know our plan! It would be best to set off from the Heights Camp- oh, Rei, my dear boy, wherever did those scratches come from?” 
The twins crested the ridge that separated the Heights Camp from the rest of the Fieldlands. Rei was surprised to find some people waiting there for them. 
“Rei! Akari!” Adaman smirked at them from his position beside the Noble. Mai stood just a couple paces away from him. The twins scampered over to see what he needed. “I’ve been telling Wyrdeer all about what you two have been doing for Kleavor, like how you’ve been traveling all across the fieldlands to help him. All for someone not even from the Pearl Clan or our clan.” He grinned at the majestic white deer pokemon. “And you can see how he responded!”
“I trust you appreciate it,” Mai added. 
“He’s found you worthy, you see. You’ll need a flute like we have. Mai, mind demonstrating?” 
Mai nodded. She brought a silver instrument to her lips and played a series of seven notes. The musical tones reverberated around the clearing, loud and crisp. Wyrdeer huffed loudly in response to the notes she played, tossing his massive head.
“That’s a Celestica Flute,” Adaman explained, “an instrument that can be used to call upon pokemon like the mighty Wyrdeer. It is said that the flutes are gifts from almighty Sinnoh itself… and now, we’d like you both to have these. Do not lose them,” he added with a sly grin. At their bewildered looks, he shrugged. “It’s not that grand a gesture, really. I can’t play the flute for the life of me.Try to replicate that melody.” 
Akari met eyes with Rei. He played the tune first, the lilting timbre of the flute eerie and somehow, it seemed that the notes could be heard all around Hisui. Akari played them next, each sounding exactly the same as the one Mai played. Wyrdeer huffed and strode forward. They both lowered their flutes in confusion as he bowed his head and shook his horns, allowing something to fall from his mighty beard. A small brick-like object fell directly into Rei’s hand. It was a deep fuschia. He had no idea what it was. 
“I- uh… Thank you, Lord Wyrdeer.” It was probably best to be polite. 
“Use that flute wisely and gallop across the land with the great Wyrdeer!” Adaman announced proudly. Wyrdeer tossed his head and huffed again. 
“We can ride him?” Akari asked incredulously. 
“He deemed you worthy of it,” Mai clarified. “He will allow you to ride his back.” 
Akari grinned at her brother. “I call the front.” 
Wyrdeer thundered down the path, its hooves tossing aside leaves and smashing through twigs and tearing up clumps of mud and grass as it wove its way up the hillside to the arena. It was all poor Rei could do to hold on and try his absolute best not to be thrown off the back of the massive beast. He bounced up and down uselessly, holding on to the saddle for dear life. The trees passed by in a blur, along with smaller pokemon on the ground. The Lord was careful never to run any of them over, resorting to leaping over any pokemon in his path. 
Just as suddenly as they started, Wyrdeer skidded to a halt. Rei had to wait for the world to stop spinning before sliding off the pokemon’s back, his legs wobbling. He waddled his way over to Lian as Wyrdeer’s footsteps pounded away behind them. “...throwing them at him,” Akari was saying. 
“You want us to ball up his favorite foods so we can THROW them at him? That’s quite an unorthodox approach…” Lian scratched his chin. “Though I must admit, you Galaxy folk are quite inventive. Let us not waste any time! Let us begin!”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Lian! We still need to prepare!” Irida came up the path to join them all at the offering table. “I have his favorite Plump Beans, but I still worry about having someone outside the clan do this. They do not follow our customs and values…” She knitted her brows, taking on a fighting stance. “I must ensure you are worthy of the Lord. Battle me! One of you! Battle me and let me test your worthiness! You may order about the pokemon in those silly balls, but I have with me a pokemon as close as a sister!” At her shout, a Glaceon tumbled down the path where she had been and let out a battle cry. 
Rei could feel his blood beginning to stir. Honestly, the more Irida complained about pokeballs and assumed that the relationship with his pokemon was strictly a boss-and-slave type of work, he grew more and more frustrated with her. He stepped forward. He tossed a ball in the air. If he had to show her that pokeballs weren’t shackles for his beloved partners, then he would show her the old-fashioned way. 
“Campfire.” His voice was calm. Too calm. “Quick Attack, Agile Style. Then Ember.” The little Cyndaquil hadn’t even hit the ground before it shot off like a rocket, careening into the side of the icy opponent. Glaceon tried to fire off a Swift, the stars readying themselves by its side, but they never even had the chance to be released. Campfire spit out a red-hot coal that buried itself into the ice-type’s fur, hitting it so hard, it careened into a bush and quivered as it fainted. A critical hit. Campfire huffed as it turned back to Rei. 
Rei blinked. He needed to calm himself. It really wasn’t that serious. He took a breath and knelt down to pet the excited little pokemon. “Good job, buddy! You did so well-” He stopped as a glow enveloped the tiny blue ‘mon. He gasped, backing up to allow it space. An ethereal, primal power emanated from Campfire’s body, swirling in a blinding flurry of activity until it just as suddenly exploded out, rushing past all the humans. And there stood Campfire, a freshly-made Quilava. “C-Campfire! You evolved!” Campfire took inventory of itself, looking at its much more elongated body. Its eyes were much wider than they had been prior to evolution, the irises a vibrant red. Fire now came from a mohawk on its head, as well as in a ring around its behind. It blinked a few times. 
“Campfire evolved?!” Akari rushed forward, standing with her hands on her knees as she watched the fire starter. It ran towards its trainer as Rei squealed and hugged it close. “Now you and Riptide match! Look at you both!” Akari released her own starter, the blue fur of the water pokemon almost matching the fire-type. They investigated each other. Quilava sniffed at Dewott. Dewott showed it its two shells on its hips. Quilava burst into flame and tried to stand on its hind legs. 
Rei patted his starter’s head again as he stood, recalling the pokemon. They would have a proper celebration later. Akari recalled hers as well, clipping the ball safely to her belt. 
“I see now…” Irida murmured. “The balls are simply tools of choice, not products of disregard for your pokemon…” She looked up at the two. “You still treat the pokemon you catch as partners. I feel better putting some trust in you now. Allow me to heal our pokemon’s wounds. As I do, tell me the Galaxy Team’s plan.” 
Akari explained what Laventon had devised as Irida healed up Rei’s pokemon with poultices and berry mashes. She nodded along to the explanation. “So you have developed balms to throw at Kleavor to calm him, I see…” She stood up after everyone was revived, including her Glaceon, which now was curiously sniffing at Campfire. Her eyes were lit with a rejuvenated fire. “Very well. If it is to help Kleavor, we will make these balms with our very hearts and souls!” 
Emmet put away the last of the groceries and sighed to himself. He grabbed all the cloth bags used for grocery runs and placed them on their hook by the door so as not to be forgotten. Ever since he'd come home, he'd heard not a peep from his brother. He was half-convinced Ingo wasn't even aware he'd come home. 
To say he was worried was an understatement. 
Emmet peeked into the bedroom. There sat Ingo, books piled up around him as he combed them meticulously. A page flipped.  Ingo’s thinning hairline seemed to be thinning faster than Emmet's in the last month from the amount of times Ingo ran his hand through his hair, as though the goal was to rip it right off. Emmet could hear a foot tapping away. 
He hesitated before leaving. He should pull Ingo away from his studies, but to be honest… He wanted a minute to himself. Granted, he got many of those lately, but just a minute he needed to not argue with the brick wall that was sitting in his desk. 
He flopped onto the couch with a deep sigh. His arms rested at his sides as be stared at the ceiling. His mind could not seem to slow down. More often than not, he was throwing out food as of late, because he could not eat the food for two he bought. Someone needed to be working to pay their bills and quite honestly, it was exhausting for him to bring Ingo to work because he practically had to babysit him. Ingo would space out on the tracks and was not able to battle properly. 
Emmet ran a hand over his face. He knew, he knew, it was not fair for him to be so harsh on his brother. He'd been in that place before. Even thinking about it sent a wave of guilt over him, for the millionth time. But it was so damn exhausting. Having to be the sane one was usually not his forte. 
“Drill?” Emmet peeked through his fingers. Ingo's Excadrill stood in the doorway. It's drill hands were threaded into each other as it glanced up at him awkwardly. 
“I'm alright, Excadrill.” Emmet sat up straighter. “What do you need?” The pokemon gestured to him and pointed down the hall. Emmet stood and followed the ground pokemon as it led him away from the couch. 
He was dimly surprised to come to a stop in front of the spare bedroom. “In here?” 
“Excaaaa.” The mole nodded at him and stood back to let him into the room. What could be in here? Ingo was in the room back where they had come. Emmet opened the door and flicked on the light. 
On the bed, in a makeshift nest of blankets, laid his beloved Butternut. All her legs were curled underneath her, her pedipalps tucked against her chin as she investigated the scene before her. Emmet smelled a thick scent of wet electricity. He sprinted to the bed, skidding down on his knees. His eyes were wide with excitement as he took in the objects of interest. 
Thirteen yellow orbs with blue speckling sat in a blanket. If one looked hard, some of them were beginning to shake imperceptibly. Emmet listened hard for the tell-tale scritch scritch scritch from the inside of the shell. Yes! They were there! 
The pair waited alone with bated breath, watching the eggs like Staraptor. One of them began wiggling more than the others, knocking aside other eggs as it rolled out of the blanket. It nearly fell to the floor, making Galvantula give a strained “VAN-”, but Emmet caught it with ease. 
He went to place it back as the shell cracked in his hand. A small blue foot stuck out of the shell. More scratching emerged from the egg as the occupant struggled around inside. Another leg erupted from a different spot. 
Finally, the legs retracted and a small head burst from the shell, shattering it to pieces. A soggy little spider was left in his palm, wobbling as it took in its surroundings. Galvantula clicked her mandibles, prompting Emmet to move the infant closer to her. She rubbed over it with her pedipalps, working on drying off the little creature. Emmet plucked a towel from the floor and rubbed it off the rest of the way, making its fur downy soft. Then he placed the baby onto its mother's back, where it burrowed its way down and settled in, blinking around with large blue eyes. 
They continued on with eleven other eggs. One would begin to hatch, it would fully emerge, Galvantula and/or Emmet would dry it off, and the little Joltik would be brought to sit upon her abdomen. 
Finally they were left with one egg left. Scratching noises were still coming from it, though Emmet had noted them growing weaker and weaker over time. He worried for the Joltik within. They waited for the last egg to hatch for several minutes. Emmet bit his lip. 
The scratching stopped. 
Emmet plucked the egg out immediately, standing and rubbing his socks against the carpet. Galvantula squealed in surprise and concern at him. He worked up some static for a moment and then laid the egg directly against the carpet, eliciting a loud shock. And then they waited again. 
A crack appeared in the shell. Emmet scurried back to the bed and propped up the egg again, murmuring, “Come on, little one. You can do it.” A little leg appeared, quickly followed by a second, a third, a fourth. They flailed around wildly, trying to get some purchase on something. Emmet set the egg down as the baby scuttled blindly into his chest, the shell shattering as it splatted to the blanket. It blinked up at him. He gasped. 
Its eyes were a bright purple instead of blue. Its fur, upon closer inspection, was a greener shade of yellow than the others. Emmet grinned and shouted in excitement, scooping the baby into his hands. A shiny! He'd never actually seen one before! 
Galvantula waved her frontmost limbs at him. He wiped the baby dry and went to set it on her back with its siblings as the door creaked open. 
“Emmet? What was that?” Ingo was peeking into the room, trying to find the source of the shout. 
Emmet gently took the baby, getting permission from Galvantula. He strode to his brother, the newly hatched infant in his palms. “After almost two full decades of breeding Joltik, we have had a truly special one hatch. Behold, a shiny!” He held the little one up to his brother’s face for him to see. The small spider could still hardly stand, it was so fresh. It blinked up at Ingo with large eyes. 
Ingo cocked his head as he examined it. “Ah! That is rather exciting.” Emmet could swear that a ghost of a smile danced on Ingo's features. 
“Indeed!” Emmet quickly returned the infant to its mother before shooing his brother and his lamp from the room - Chandelure had come in to see what was going on. She bobbed at Galvantula from a distance, likely offering congrats, but left quickly. Emmet shut off the light as he left her with her newest brood. Every pokemon in the house knew that a new clutch meant that Butternut would prefer to be alone for at least a week or so to bond with the babies and keep them safe. Only Emmet was allowed into the room to care for her and the babies. 
“I did not know that she had laid eggs,” Ingo confessed. His voice cracked from disuse. Emmet did not mention it. 
“She laid nearly six weeks ago. They were due to hatch any day now,” Emmet grinned. “I was beginning to get worried they might not come. Usually they hatch closer to five weeks.” 
Ingo hummed, but said nothing else. He followed Emmet around the house for a bit, deciding to dwell in the kitchen and grab a snack. “I didn’t see the food…”
“I just got home from the store an hour ago. I do not believe I forgot anything.” Emmet noticed Ingo staring longer than usual into the fridge. “Is something missing?” 
“What?” Ingo blinked and shook himself out of whatever he was thinking about. “Oh no, nothing like that. I… how long have I been in there?” 
“At seven hours, give or take,” Emmet admitted. “I tried to bring you out for a break, but I do not think you heard me.” 
Ingo said nothing as he closed the fridge. He instead watched what Emmet was doing - putting away dishes from his solitary breakfast that morning. He busied himself with wiping down counters and the stove, starting the dishwasher, tidying the silverware drawer… but Ingo was still staring. “What’s wrong?” Emmet asked finally. 
“Do you need help?” Ingo returned after a minute. 
“If you want to.” Emmet shrugged. “You could help in the living room. We haven’t dusted in ages.” 
Ingo nodded and grabbed the cleaning spray and a rag from under the sink and shuffled into the living room. Emmet had no idea what he was on about but if he was offering, Emmet would by no means turn him down. 
Emmet began the laundry, swept the kitchen, and even pulled out the vacuum before checking on his twin. The entire room was spotless, top to almost-bottom, as Ingo was finishing up the last shelf. His brother wordlessly grabbed the vacuum from Emmet and began to run it under the couch. Emmet stood and openly stared at Ingo as he did so, gears slowly turning in his head, but approaching no conclusion. 
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Tangerines and deers- part 5
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“Im gonna go get something.” You said, looking in Ladybugs direction.
“Do you really think that’s necessary, deer?” He asked
“I think it is. It’s what I’m best at.” You said.
“Okay, what are you guys talking about?” Tangerine said confused.
“She has a katana. She always brings it with her.” He rolled his eyes.
“That’s.. new.”
He’s never seen anyone actually fight with one.
“And if I’m dying, I’m dying with it.” You said.
“Where is it exactly? The katana?” Tangerine asked.
“Oh, I hid it. It’s stowed away safe, why?”
“Cause Lemons looking for you both.”
“Oh, got it. Well, I’m going anyways. I’ll be quick!” You said, and ran away.
Ladybug sighed and shook his head and turned back to Tangerine.
“You know what’s waiting for us in Kyoto.”
“We should just get off this train. Now.”
“If you think I’m stepping off this train without lemon or the case, you must be mistaken.”
“The case is in the first- class lounge. It’s behind the bar it in a trash can. It’s yours. Uh, me I’m calling deer and we’re getting off. I’m gonna go find a temple and reevaluate my choices or something.” He pulled his phone out and began to walk. But tangerine went in front of him.
“Ooh, that sounds very lovely, but here’s the deal, I still need a fall guy. Or- girl.”
You came back, panting and sitting down.
“You need a fall guy.”
“Wait what?” You said, snapping your head up.
“No, I understand. I get it.”
“It’s a bit of a conundrum, cause I’m thinking, do I hand you both back in one piece or do I chop you guys up into little pieces and stuff you inside a fucking momomon doll. That’s what’s going through my head right now.”
“That’s not fair. What about the date?” You sighed.
“Oh my god. Is that seriously all you gathered from that?”
“Yeah. It definitely was.” Ladybug answered for you.
“I have an idea. Instead of giving my amazing friend and partner here to the white death, we can use the hornet as our fall guy.”
“Friend? Hey, you finally learned something from me!” Ladybug smiled.
“That’s if we can find him, which is pretty much impossible in this goddamn train!” Tangerine said, raising his voice and clearing his throat.
“You know, before us now is just a wall, but it’s an illusion, man, it’s a construct. You know, cause within that wall sits a window. A window of opportunity.”
“I think that you meant to say door. You always say door.” You said.
“Within that wall is a door.” He corrected himself.
“I’m finding it very hard to follow this story.”
“He says it all the time.” You chime in.
“My point is, that door is closing.” He kicked tangerine and he went outside.
You sighed and stood up, ladybug laughed at him.
Tangerine got up as soon as the train started moving, and he ran. Then he hopped onto the back of the train.
“Now the only question is, which one is the diesel, which one is the duck?” Lemon said as he pointed a gun at the two.
“The duck?” The girl asked.
“It’s a kids show. Thomas the train engine.” The man said.
“Close. Thomas the tank engine.” He corrected.
“Please mister. This man, he kidnapped me, and he said that he’s going to hold me for ransom.” She started crying.
“I’m sorry. I get captivated by white girl tears. Bravo. Common sense tells me that this old, shaky geezer here is the one in charge, but I’m really good at reading people, and something tells me that you are just not fucking right.”
He clicked his tongue and thought. “So.. let’s see here. I mean, I can’t shoot you both. Then I get no answers. You know what? How about this? I’m sure you’ll love this. We’re gonna play a little game. I you wanna play a game put both your hands up.”
Both of their hands were still up.
“You’re gonna close your eyes, and I’m gonna count to three. Whichever one is In charge, raise your hand, whichever one isn’t, you point at the one who is. Now if you both raise your hands or you both point at each other, I know you’re both liars and the truth ain’t in ya. And then I’ll fucking shoot you both. Ready?”
“You said you couldn’t kill us both, you’d get no answers.”
“I did say that. Didn’t I?”
“Sometimes you gotta shoot first and come up with answers later.”
Kimura thought back, and remembered that she had said if she didn’t answer the phone to kill his son.
He thought, he would do anything for Wataru.
He had his hand up, and the girl pointed a finger at him. He didn’t realize he had been shot, he looked down at his hand and the blood and collapsed onto the ground.
“Am I dreaming?” He asked as he saw a snake and was carried away by the two.
Tangerine struggled to stay on, but he practically hugged the glass.
Lemon and the girl had dragged him into the bathroom. He set him on the floor.
“Sorry, mate. Not your lucky day.”
He took another sip of water as the girl kept speaking, he silently hoped she would shut up.
“I have a wire in my bag, and I think that we could use it and lock the door from the outside.” She said While going through her bag.
But, as she set her bag down she must’ve forgotten to close again. Because Lemon now saw a gun in her bag. He reached into it and took it.
“It was so scary.” She said, as she tied the wire. “He said that if I didn’t do what he said, or if I yelled or anything, that he would do awful, awful things to me.”
“Then why didn’t you use this, then?” He showed her the gun.
“N-“ she struggled to find an excuse.
“Yeah, he kidnapped you and uh, gave you his gun to hold, right?”
“No, no, no. Um-“ she stood up and tried to think of something.
“Easy.” He pointed the gun at her.
“Please. I don’t know how to use a gun. I don’t know. Please.” She put her hands up.
“Fuck me. You are fucking good- you are really good. You sure you didn’t study? You’re not even afraid and your lips quivering.”
A tear came out.
“That’s a tear. That is really authentic, mate. You’re the diesel. I gotta kill ya.” He laughed.
“Please, I’m just a kid. Please.”
“How do you do that?! It’s really unbelievable!” He said as she begged.
He sighed “You are-“ He felt dizzy. He stuttered and breathed heavily.
“I got, uh… it’s fucking— you stay right there. Did you—? What the fuck is happening?” He walked back slightly “Everyone loves lemons.” Is the last thing he said, before he fell back and hit the floor.
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livingdreams97 · 2 years
Daenerys Targaryen -- "The rightful heir." (part 1)
Daenerys Targaryen x Male reader/oc
Summary: Tiryon Lannister asks his queen for a favor: to help his missing nephew in a questionable way and just as his sister; Cercei proclaims the iron throne. The favor is to save his nephew and create a union between the heir of the House Baratheon and the mother of dragons.
Words: 3.835
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NOTE: If you see any spelling mistake im sorry, english is not my first lenguage and i try to do it the best possible.
POV Narrator
House Baratheon of Storm's End is a noble house of the Stormlands. With the emblem of a sable-crowned deer, on a field of gold and the motto “Ours is the Fury” .
House Baratheon gained renown when Robert Baratheon, head of House Baratheon and lord of Storm's End, led a rebellion against the Targaryen Dynasty and emerged victorious.
King Robert married Cercei Lannister, with whom he later had four children and a bastard son out of wedlock. All the king's children were completely different from him in appearance, they were blond, blue-eyed and had features identical to their mother's. All but one; the oldest.
Y/n Baratheon has always been completely different from the rest of his siblings, from his physique, to his personality and to the treatment he received from both parents. He had brown hair like all Baratheons, his eyes were green and brown.
In fact, from the day of his birth, they discovered a disease in his eyes, a disease that only made him look more identical to his Baratheon blood. The prince was born with Heterochromia, thus having the right eye of a leafy green color like the forest and the left of the color brown characteristic of his surname.
His physique at a young age was identical to that of his father, when he was his age and had a healthy physique. He had a personality very similar to his father, playful but serious when he should be, he knew how to behave when he was told, he liked to enjoy the little things and he has a heart that is too big.
King Robert saw in Y/n the perfect son, he saw himself reflected in his little fawn and from the day of his birth; It became his most precious possession. Especially after the rest of his children were born and none had a single faction similar to his.
And on his deathbed, the only one King Robert wanted to see and the only person he wanted to say goodbye to was his first son. The son who should have reigned after his father's death, but who, due to guilt and insecurity, did not accept the crown. An act that would bring consequences and great regret on the part of the young deer.
While Y/n was his father's sweetheart and his clear favorite child, his mother was the complete opposite and she never missed an opportunity to show her contempt for her first child behind closed doors.
When Y/n was born, his mother was in love with him and his eyes. Cercei spent hours and hours looking into the different but mesmerizing eyes of her first cub. But a year later, after the birth of her second son Joffrey, Y/n faded into the background and was never her mother's priority never again.
When Cercei saw Joffrey's blue eyes and blond hair, she knew what that combination meant. In Joffrey she saw herself and her brother Jaime reflected in the child. As her children grew and two more were added to the family, the clearer was Cercei's contempt for her first heir.
Y/n didn't look like a Lannister, it wasn't one of her cubs but a deer and she didn't want him. Especially when Joffrey began to adopt a personality very similar to his mother's and became everything his mother wanted him to be.
The day Joffrey died in his mother's arms, everything around her ceased to have so much importance and a part of her died with her son that day. Y/n tried to take the throne, but his mother forbade him and made sure he felt the guilt of his father's death, to prevent his coronation. And he got it.
Then it was Myrcella, the sweet and innocent only daughter of the lioness. A twisted death and in the form of a cruel revenge. Ellaria Sand poisoned Cercey's only daughter, through a kiss and an irreversible effect poison without the antidote.
Tommen was the next to reach the throne, but it did not work out very well when the Red Sparrow appeared and severely punished his mother for her sins. Cercei herself carried her youngest son into the arms of death, when she destroyed the Sept of Baelor and with it the beloved of her last two living children.
And that leaves us with now, where a Cercei Lannister is crowned queen after the explosion of the Sept of Baelor and a Y/n Baratheon is locked in the dungeon to prevent his coronation.
Daenerys POV
Tomorrow we leave Meereen for Dragonstone, my home and the home of my family. Home of the Targaryens, where dragons soared through the skies and my family was alive. Oh at least until King Robert Baratheon started the rebellion and usurped what is rightfully mine.
Tyrion: Your Majesty, can I talk about something with you? - asks knocking on the door of my chambers and sticking his head out.
Daenerys: I didn't think there was anything left to say after our talk a couple of hours ago.- I comment confused, stopping helping Missandei to pick up my clothes and alluding to our conversation about leaving Daario in Meereen ruling on my behalf.
Tyrion: And there wasn't.- He assures me entering my chambers and walking towards the wine table.
Daenerys: So what do you want to talk about? - I ask confused, walking towards where she is and sitting in one of the chairs.
Tyrion: Five minutes ago a letter arrived from King's Landing.- he announces, pouring himself a glass of wine. -A letter reporting the death of Tommen Baratheon, the coronation of my sister Cercei and the alleged disappearance of my last living nephew.- He informs me, sipping his wine.
Daenerys: I'm sorry for the death of your nephew Tyrion.- I assure him with a small sad smile. -The coronation of Cercei was something that we both saw coming, what I don't understand is why mention your other nephew.- I comment confused.
I have known Tyrion for a year and he has hardly ever talked about his family. The times he has done it has been to make a negative comment against his sister and father. His nephews are something he rarely talks about and when he does he never mentions them much.
Tyrion: I am afraid of the well-being of my nephew, my queen.- He assures me with some concern. -He is the only one who can take my sister's crown and his disappearance could not have happened on a better occasion for Cercei.- he tells me. -I fear for the life of my nephew, he has never been very loved by his mother and as much as he is her last living son, my sister does not have much esteem for his life.- he explains to me and I avoid opening my eyes surprised by what that my hand is insinuating.
Daenerys: But it's her son, I don't think that your sister, no matter how bad she is, inflicts pain and less death on her own blood.- I deny scared by the idea of it.
Tyrion: And believe me I wish that was the case.- Agrees with me. -But I know my sister, I know her ambitions and what she is capable of doing to get what she wants.- he assures me and I see the slight panic in her eyes.
Daenerys: You fear that your nephew is dead or is going to die so that Cercei keeps the crown.- I say a little unsure, understanding what he means and receiving a nod. -And what can I do? - I ask interested and wanting to help.
Tyrion: Just take him in.- He answers me simply and I look at him confused.
Daenerys: Take him in? What do you mean by that?- I ask in confusion.
Tyrion: The letter has reached Varys from one of his contacts, in the letter they report on the disappearance of my nephew and the extra presence of guards in the castle dungeons.- he tells me calmly.
Daenerys: But I still don't understand what my role is in this.- I comment still confused with the situation.
Tyrion: Varys has contacts in the city, contacts that can free my nephew and put him on the first ship to Dragonstone or a nearby port.- He explains to me and I see where he is going.
Daenerys: And you want me to take in one of the sons of a traitor, a usurper and the same person who kicked my family out of his home.- I assure myself, getting up from the chair furious.
Tyrion: I know it's a lot to ask my queen, but as the saying goes for you; it also does it for my nephew.- He comments, leaving the glass on the table. -You are not your father and you cannot be blamed for what he did in the past, therefore; my nephew should not be judged for the acts of his father as you have not been for those of your father.- It reminds me of the phrase that I myself have repeated several times.
Daenerys: I know you're right about that, but I don't think I can trust the son of my enemy.- I deny going out to the terrace of my rooms.
Tyrion: Please my queen.- he asks me leaving behind me. -I'm not asking you to trust him, but to trust me and give my nephew an option.-  he says pleadingly.
Daenerys: I don't think it's the best time Tyrion, we're just a little bit away from getting my throne and proclaiming my position as queen.- I remind him seriously.
Tyrion: That's why my nephew can help you proclaim the throne.- he says quickly.
Daenerys: How can your nephew help me? - I ask without understanding.
Tyrion: Y/n Baratheon is the only legitimate son of King Robert, he is the true heir to the throne and believe it or not, he is very loved by the people in King´s Landing.- he answers me quickly.
Daenerys: I don't know Tyrion, I'm not sure.- I say a little worried. -Because if he is the heir, he has never before risen to the throne and has allowed his brothers to be kings?- I ask curiously.
Tyrion: The day his father was attacked by a wild boar, he was hunting with Robert and blamed himself for his death.- he tells me with a small grimace. -He refused to accept the crown because he felt guilty, at that time Y/n was 17 years old and seeing his father, the only person who really wanted him to die before his eyes destroyed him.- he explains to me and I can't help but feel sorry for him.
Daenerys: And then, because Tommen was crowned and not Y/n? - I ask interested.
Tyrion: I don't know, my queen, but I wouldn't doubt my sister's presence in her decision and in the coronation of Tommen instead of Y/n.- He answers me and I think for a few seconds.
Daenerys: Okay.- I nod letting out a sigh. - Tell Varys to get a ship to take him to Sharp point and you will go look for him on a ship to take him to Dragonstone.- I tell him seriously.
Tyrion: Thank you very much, Your Majesty.- He thanks me with a huge smile before running out of my chambers.
I stay silent for a few seconds, enjoying the views of meereen for a few last moments and going back inside my bedroom. I see Missandei putting away my clothes and I go back to help her pick up.
Missandei: It is very generous of you to help young Baratheon, Daenerys.- She assures me with a shy smile.
Daenerys: I don't know if it's generous or not, but I just hope it doesn't bring me problems.- I whisper with a sigh.
I hope that Tyrion does not betray me and his nephew tries to assassinate me on the orders of his made. I don't want to regret opening the doors to both of them and ending up having to kill them both for treason. I just hope this doesn't blow up in my face.
I don't know how long I've been locked up in the dungeon, I don't know if it's been just hours, days, weeks or months. All I want is to die. I don't want to remember, I don't want to think and above all; I don't want to feel
I have lost everything, I lost my father and the only father figure who loved me almost seven years ago. I lost my only sister, the most innocent and joyful person I've known a little over a year ago. I've lost the only brother who showed me affection and appreciation for nothing, practically the same time I've been locked up here.
But that's not the worst of it. Not only have I lost my last brother, but I have lost the woman I loved and who loved me forever. Besides that I lost them the same day.
I know that many would be surprised and would raise their voices in contempt if they knew the truth. If they only knew that while my beloved, Margaery Tyrell was publicly with my brother Tommen and privately with me.
It wasn't my brightest idea to fall in love with my brother Joffrey's fiancee, but I couldn't help it and I don't regret it either. I have never been as happy as with Margaery; like when we spent sleepless nights in my rooms, talking, reading books and making love for hours.
For her I was going to declare my right to the throne after Joffrey's death, so I could be with her and we could marry. But my mother reminded me that if I wasn't even able to protect and save my own father, how could I protect an entire kingdom.
I had to watch as the love of my life married my younger brother, while I watched from a corner and suffered in silence to see the person I loved marrying my own blood.
But that didn't mean anything within the four walls of my bedroom, Margaery kept coming every night and we showed how much we loved each other. Or at least we did, until my mother had the Sept of Baelor destroyed with Margaery and the Sparrow inside.
That was the last thing I saw, before my mother's guards entered my chambers and brought me to the dungeons. The green color of wildfire and how the Sept was exploding being my last memories of the outside.
I can't sleep, remembering that deep green and Margaery's face smiling between my sheets every time my eyes close. So to avoid remembering, I avoid sleeping and close my eyes for no less than two seconds.
I jump where I am sitting on the floor, when I hear the door close and see how it begins to open. I just mentally prepare myself for what's to come, knowing that the only three times that door has been opened it hasn't been to feed me; but rather so that my mother's soldiers beat me to know what my place is.
I swallow hard, when I see two soldiers enter the dungeon in a rush and clearly in a hurry.
XY: Get up.- one of them orders me and I can only look at them confused. -Get up.- he growls, approaching me and pulling my arm up.
XY2: We don't have much time, we only have twenty minutes until they realize the lack of soldiers at your door and that you've disappeared to get on the ship.- the second explains to me, imitating his partner, when he sees that I can't walk very well and helping me to walk.
Y/n: Where are we going? - I ask with a hoarse voice, for not having spoken in time and for the lack of water.
XY2: First you'll go to Sharp point and there they'll pick you up to go somewhere.- He answers me walking quickly and securing my arm around his shoulders.
Y/n: But who is going to come for me? - I ask completely confused and with a cloudy mind.
Probably due to the lack of food, water, light and lack of movement since I've been in the dungeon.
XY: We think that Varys, we owed him a favor and you must be important to him, because he asked us to get you out of here.- He answers me with a slight grunt.
They hurriedly walk through the underground corridors of the castle, carrying me on their shoulders and carrying me towards the small beach behind the castle. Once outside, I see that it is night and I can see a small boat on the shore of the beach.
They lift me onto the boat, quickly stripping off their uniforms and pushing the boat out into the water.
XY2: Now we'll get you on a bigger ship and you'll have to hide in a box until they tell you to leave.- He informs me and I nod seeing the castle where I've grown further and further away.
I don't know how much time has passed since they put me on the ship, they put me in a box with holes in the hold and they left me locked up here. What I can tell is that there is a big storm, by the way the ship moves and by the sound of thunder.
The only positive part of this is the bread and water that I have been given as soon as I have been put in the box. My stomach and throat greatly appreciate those two things.
Suddenly one of the walls of the box opens, causing me to fall on my back and jump out of the box suddenly. I widen my eyes in surprise, fearing that it was someone helping my mother and that I would give myself to her again.
But my eyes fill with tears, when my eyes connect with familiar blue ones and a smile full of affection. I throw myself at my uncle, hugging him with all my strength and ignoring the pain in my body as I do so.
Y/n: You're alive, mother said you were dead.- I whisper separating myself from the hug to see better. -You're older.- I comment and he laughs yes in response.
Tyrion: And you look horrible.- He says to me, pointing at me, and it's the first time I've seen my clothes.
What used to be a dark gray jacket of good linen, with a black shirt underneath and black pants; it is no longer what it was before the dungeon. Now I'm just wearing the shirt, pants and shoes.
The shirt is dirty and torn in some places, where the guards grabbed me or where they made a cut where you can still see the dried blood. While the pants are just dirty and slightly torn at the bottom.
Y/n: Where have you been? - I ask confused.
Tyrion: It's a long story and I'd rather tell you at another time.- He answers me seriously. -Now we have to get out of here and take you to Dragonstone right away.- he informs me and I try to get up, but my legs fail me and I end up falling to the ground on my knees.
Y/n: I can't.- I whisper, feeling the pain in my muscles.
Tyrion: Wait two seconds.- He says and leaves the cellar with quick steps.
Not much happens, until my uncle comes back with a soldier and he puts my arm around his shoulders. With the help of the soldier, the three of us walked out and, crossing a wooden bridge, got on the next boat.
Tyrion: Soon we will arrive at the castle, where you can take a bath and where you can clean those wounds.- Points to one of the cuts that can be seen thanks to the hole in the shirt.
Y/n: Thank you.- I whisper sitting on the chair and trying to keep my eyes open.
Tyrion: When was the last time you slept or ate? - He asks me, clearly worried.
Y/n: I don't know.- I answer honestly. -I haven't eaten or slept since the explosion in the Sept of Baelor.- I comment and I see how he opens his eyes completely surprised.
Tyrion: Y/n that was a week ago.- he whispers and I open my eyes in surprise. -I think the best thing would be to take you to one of the cabins so you can sleep a bit.-  he says, getting up from his chair.
Y/n: No.- I quickly refuse. -I don't need to sleep.- I assure him with open eyes.
Tyrion: Y/n it's not true, you do need to sleep and you would agree with me if you saw yourself in a mirror.- He points to my face and I look away.
Y/n: I'm fine.- I assure her in a whisper, swallowing hard and refusing to sleep.
Tyrion: I'm your uncle, I've known you since the day you were born and I know when you lie.- He points out, approaching me and sitting back in his chair. -What's wrong? Why don't you want to sleep? - He asks me worried.
Y/n: I can't.- I admit without wanting to look at him.
Tyrion: But why can't you? - He asks me, clearly interested and worried about my state.
Y/n: Because every time I close my eyes, the only thing I see is the vibrant green color of wildfire and her face.- I answer in barely a whisper, feeling my eyes water again and my throat close.
Tyrion: Whose face? - asks without understanding anything.
Y/n: Her face.- I answer without wanting to specify.
Tyrion: I don't understand Y/n, you have to be more specific and tell me the face of who you see.- he asks me and I bite my lip to avoid crying.
Y/n: Margaery.- I whisper almost without a voice, feeling a tear slide down my cheek and fall on my hand in my lap.
Tyrion: Oh nephew.- he whispers getting up from his chair and approaching me to place his hand on mine. - Everything will pass, love and losses hurt for a while, but then that pain disappears and just becomes a ghost of memory. - He assures me, leaving a squeeze on my hand and trying to comfort me.
We sit in silence for a few moments, with me crying for the first time since Tommen and Margaery died. One week. It's been a week and I don't know it. Did they have a decent funeral?
Y/n: Why are we going to Dragonstone? - I ask, breaking the silence and wanting to talk about something else.
Tyrion: Because the next queen of the seven kingdoms awaits us, your future ally and the woman who will change the world.- He answers vaguely, but I am very tired both emotionally and physically; how to ask for more
Do you guys think that the parts are too long? Or they have a good lenght?
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
Reunited ch 6
Still in training and pencil writing everything anf then trying to get it all on here is taking a little longer but ill keep plugging away at it. This chapter isnt as long as the others but I’m again working on it. May come back and put this chapter and what I was planning for seven together to make it longer we’ll see
Again thank you to everyone who reads this, im a baby writer and trying my best love you all.
Previous chapter. Next chapter
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(Got to get both views)
Y/N pov
After saying goodbye to Jake,Neytiri and everyone else we fly back to our clearing. The others all take to reattaching all of the gear we left behind. I just stared at Spider as he ran alongside miles to help him. My thoughts desperately wanted to have left him back with Jake and tiri, but i couldn't, not without making Ardmore suspicious. She already watched me like a hawk as it is. Fike and Warren were able to to get two packs full of fruit to further our alibi while Lopez and Wainfleet hunted down a deer like creature quickly.
Getting to the bridgehead of course Ardmore is there in her exo suit waiting for our team to land. She approaches miles as always.
“Are we prepared now, colonel?
“Yes ma’am”
“Good you'll move out tomorrow at 0800 hours”
“Roger that general”
Ardmore nods, taking a quick look around her, her gaze falling on me and Spider who I push behind me not wanting her beady eyes anywhere near my son. She simply smiles and drinks from her coffee as she walks away from us.
“Ok team you have 30 minutes to get your shit put away and get your blueberry asses to the rec room. Y/n and I will order the food and meet you there now fall out.”
“Yes sirs sound through the air as the group disperses” Spider, y/n and I, make our way through the base to our apartment after getting all the food delivered to our hungry herd of a team,
“Finally home”
“Home for now sa’nu.”
“That’s right baby home for now. Soon though well be free, you’ll be able to play in the sand with your friends and
“Don’t promise him stuff darling.” Miles interrupts us.
“No just dont dove ok we have to make it out of here first I wouldn’t want either of you to be devastated if it goes wrong. Just…sigh……hey kid go grab some food before everyone else your ma and i need to talk”
“Is everything ok?”
“Yes baby go on.” I usher spider out the door giving him a quick hug and wait for him to walk away
“Miles what's wrong?” I ask the pacing man, his ears twitching back and forth with agitation and nerves. He finally pushes enough to fall down on the couch to run his hand through his hair
“What if this doesn’t work?”
“Oh hun its”
“No y/n don't honey me right now ok how do we know they will accept us after all of this. What if we're just jumping from one fire to another one. I don't want that for you, or anyone else, us to all be ostracized.”
“Miles wow shhh just breathe ok”. Rushing over to him, as soon as im in distance he grabs me pressing his head into my stomach as i run my finger through his hair
“It will be alright miles I can feel it”.
“But what” / “No no buts we have to think positive ok, were so close we just have to have faith that eywa will guide us
“Don’t get me started with that “
“Miles, I know for damn sure you have felt her. We all have, even if you all want to lie to yourselfs for now, I've seen the changes. He's silent for a moment before,unburing his head to look up at me.
“Your right ok,”
“Oh i'm sorry who are you and what did you do with miles
“Oh hush you, he grumbles out just shaking his head at my cheekiness
“I said you're right! the more time we’ve spent out there the less like the old me i feel. But it's like my mind is fighting my body. And I can’t honestly say which is winning. The memories of the old days keep weighing me down.
I fully straddles his lap bring his head into my neck as i hold him tight to me.
“The past is just that love the past we have to move forward, what matters now is making up, and your doing that. I for one have loved you as a human as Navi hell id love you if you where a worm. I say trying to get a smile out of him and succeeding He laughs hotly into my neck. “A worm?”
“Yeah a worm “
“That’s the dumbest thing I think you’ve ever said to me.”
“Oh really than fine i dont/wont love you as a worm see how far you get.” I go to move off his lap but he just wraps his giant armies around me and pins me to him. Much like a koala holding on to a tree.
“You know darlin I think i might need some convincing that you would actually love me as a worm
“Well your not a worm so I can’t do anything for you.
“I'm sure we could think of something miles says his pupils going wide as he leans in to kisses me
{Once again i have not figured out how to write smut without copying someone so idk use your imagination until i learn more}
After we calm down from our activities I feel miles tense up again.
“What’s wrong now”
“Nothing i've just been thinking”
“Any more thinking from you and your going to give yourself gray hairs
“Haha”. He says clearly not amused with me as i just giggle next to him
“No i've been thinking, you know since we’ve been back i mean we’ve just fallen together again because its familiar, and when we were human i know, we never got to finally get married, or any of that.
“Miles what are you getting at?”
“What i'm saying is will you be mine again y/n”
“Um did you just miss the last hour or”
“Not like that,like this” Miles says, pulling his braid around to the front of him. It's my turn to tense as I realize what Miles is asking me. He wants us to maté permanently.
“You realize what your asking right”
“Or course I do.”
“Miles this is permanent”
“You're damn right it is, If i could do this as a human i would have, its the only thing i truly respected about the natives. They picked their person and stayed loyal to them till the end, I want that with you. Well have a normal wedding later if that's still something you want, i just don't want to go any longer without knowing you're fully mine. Especially since I can't have us going out there and you find someone better now can i.”
“Oh miles”, I say lightly, smacking his shoulder, happy tears clouding my vision as I kiss him softly.
“No one could beat you in my eyes”
Readjusting on the bed so im straddled in his lap again. I bring my queue forward and watch as the pink tendrils from both our braids reach out to the other, seeking its embrace. When they finally do twirl together it's like a thousand bolts go through me. I can feel our hearts synchronizing, the breath in our bodies, our very essences now permanently intertwined in a way we never could have as humans. It’s truly something transcendent.
I love you darlin
I love you my miles. Forever.
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Y/n pov
It’s bright and early the next morning as we all depart from the bridgehead. It’s not till we get almost half way there that miles signals Lyle to contact jake and set our plans in motion. We see the ocean crew of the rda. Their ship hovering over the water to come to a stand still as they see our ikrans approach.
Two men in plain cloths come out of the deck mask on their faces as they stare up at all of us miles hoping down in front of them, spider and i not to far behind
“Are you scorsby?”
“I am, are you the asshole comadering my ship?”
“That would be me” miles replies
“Well come on then. He says tracking dejectedly back into the craft. Miles just looks over at me, irritation clear on his face. I offer a simple smile back and shrug my shoulders, Miles, Lyel, spider and I all head into the hanger, everyone else explores the giant ship or stays with their ikrans
“So are target is the entire archipelago but well start with the island closest to us and work or way up”
“Let me save you some time these all are uninhabited so you won't want to go there, but these will be harder since ur ship is to heavy to get in some of these waters and make it out in one piece”
Doc you know the area what's over there,” scoresby asks the other man in plain clothes
Primarily metkayinas there’s about 50 villages just on this coast”
“Who are you?” Miles ask the other human who had meet us outside with scoresby
“Ian Garvin im a marine biologist.
“Well if there’s 100 villages we just have to search them all then won't we”. Miles says, keeping up his hunter dog persona
“Now listen here” scoresby starts. “I hunt tulkuns that's what we're here to do. I have quotas to meet” Scorsby tries to level miles with his best intimidating gaze, but miles as a good 6 feet on the man as well as muscle, but hey ill give them man props for trying. Miles shuts down my small grin leveling scoresby back with his own glare.
“Ill be nice once then i wont”
“Well you know what they say can't get out of it get into it all men to there posts, scorsby says as the ship goes into work mode
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I can see that dr garvin is different from everyone and wish i could speak with him but it's too late, i have to focus on our mission first. I take Spider somewhere to get some food before meeting back up with the others. A holo pad between them as a picture of a whale-like creature swims on screen.
“So thats a tulkun?”
“Their beautiful”
“It’s a whale y/n,” Z-dog says quickly, clearly not as impressed with the creature as I was.
“And? Whales are beautiful. Besides, we're not going to actually hurt one of those animals right?
“Well try not to but we got to keep up this act. Miles tells me
“But the dr was saying these creatures are bonded to the people out here like with our ikrans, we can’t kill one and the expect these people to help us later.
“Well try to derail scorsby dove dont worry” Lyle says to me.
“Yeah darlin will tell them we just want to mark one not kill it.
For now we just got to start getting ready. Everyone’s already subtly getting rid of anything with trackers out in the ocean or hiding it here on the ship. Everything else we’ll dispose of afterward
“Ok just everyone be careful out there i'm going to stay here with spider”
“Ok darling we'll be quick trust me.”
The hunt was successfully unsuccessful. Spider ended up sneaking off to go with his father and Lyle on the tulkun hunt, which needed up helping them come up with an excuse to not kill the whale or her child; they simply tagged them and let them swim off, thank eywa. Spider on the other hand was grounded from leaving my side until this was all over.
It was three more days of “searching” the islands, finding nothing. We kept moving forward till we came up on the predestined spot. The main vessel was too heavy for the location so we all had to go out on the smaller boats.
“Ok darlin you ready for this Miles asks me as we make our final approach.
“Yes and no i just don't want anything bad to happen”
“Now weren’t you the one telling me to trust sully and all that shit
“Yes but that doesn’t mean something couldn't go wrong
“We’ve got this y/n come on we’re almost there.” Lyle says ever the optimist.
“Ok let's get this over with.”
The dingy descends on the island Spider and I step out first mile as and Lyle not far behind us as Z-dog takes point in the back watching our tails. The few human soldiers that are with us take up simple positions not really here to help us or interfere simply to watch and report back to the general.
The people of the clan coming forward towards us warily. But once they see spider they realize we are the ones they’ve been waiting for. I see the chief send out a young boy to go call for the mission to start.To the untrained eye you would think this would be a normal village, but to the trained eye you only notice younger children. Elderly and a select few warriors scattered about, the rest must be in the area waiting for the signal to strike.
I tap spider on the shoulder signaling him to introduce us just as we practiced
I see you” spider calls out to the clan's chief and his mate . They simply nod and return the gesture sightly eyeing the few humans with us and their weapons. The chief turns to me and Miles and begins speaking. We let Spider answer since we don't want the humans to know we all understand what is being said, since none of them do either.
It is your clan we are rescuing, the chief asks Spider, answering as miles nodded yes.
Very well may eywa bless this mission he says his face looking stern even as his words scream peace. Truly taking on the role he and his people were Intrusted, he quickly yells out and a horn sounds through the air. Everyone goes into defensive stances, especially the human soldiers. Hoping out of the sand and shallow water, Navi grabs hold of the humans and disarms them while the rest of us put on a show of shooting at them and missing because they were just too fast. Before, they were captured in giant nets. The clan chief and his mate play their part tackling miles down. As I yell out to him. Truly putting on a show that would rival the best actors. It’s not till the tsahik goes to help her mate plunging a long spear through miles side..what the humans don't know is that the spear nearly catches miles vest not lodging in it.
But the humans are too preoccupied to even try to help before Navi riding what look like giant flying fish descend from the ocean and attack the dingy we had commandeered. Forcing the humans to turn tail and run away. Pushing the small ship to get as far and fast away as it can while the Navi pursue sending water bombs at it and the other ship before fleeing. They do significant damage to one of the back propellers sending the whole crew back towards the rdas sea port.
War cry’s fill the air at the metikayinas victory the rest of us continue to play our part now all being hogtied and placed together as we wait for familiar faces to hopefully pop up.
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@dyingofcookies @ratchetprime211 @myh3artttt @ducks118 @navs-bhat
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ravennaortiz · 7 months
Day After
Summary: Chapter 3 of Countdown.
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Rocky opened her puffy, sore eyes the next morning when she felt her bed shift. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you” whispered Juice as he cringed when he saw her eyes open. He had been trying to exit stealthily and had obviously failed. “Its okay” replied Rocky as she rubbed carefully at her puffy, sore eyes. “How you feeling” asked Juice as he watched her carefully. Rocky sighed heavily before answering. “I dunno…..tired….scared” replied Rocky struggling to find the right words while putting on a brave face. “Those are fair responses. It’ll be okay Rockstar” soothed Juice as she sat up and stretched. “How about I go get donuts and coffee for breakfast?” he added. Rocky nodded before making her way to her bathroom. Juice frowned as he straightened her covers before making his way out of the room.
 As Juice opened the door he came face to face with Jax who was leaving his own room. “Relax brother” stated Jax with a small laugh as he saw Juice tense like a deer in the headlights. “I trust you with my little sister. I know you wouldn’t be stupid to try anything” continued Jax as they made there way down the stairs to the kitchen area. “Appreciate that. I was going to go get us all breakfast real quick” stated Juice as he grabbed his keys from the hook by the door. “Sounds good” replied Jax as he watched Juice walk out the back door.
Jax looked up as his back door opened. “Jackie Boy, I got an interesting call this morning” stated Chibs as he sat at Jaxs Kitchen table. “From?” asked Jax as he took a seat as well. “Tig. He said Alvarez wants to meet with you today” stated Chibs as he sat his phone on the table. “Apparently he wants to make an alliance since we both have a common enemy.” He added his gaze locking on Jax’s. Jax was quiet for a few moments. “Give him a call” ordered Jax with a nod.
Later that day
Jax had sent Rocky, Juice and Halfsack away for a few hours while he met with Alvarez. The two men had been talking for a bit and Alvarez was now pondering Jax’s last request. “I am willingly to hide your sister. My charter in Santo Padre can make it happen. I’ll make a phone call and we will figure out the logistics after” stated Alvarez as he reached across the table to shake Jax’s hand. “Thank you. Looking forward to this new relationship between the Sons and Mayans” stated Jax as he shook the other mans hand before walking him out.
“What are you gonna do about the boys?” asked Opie as he looked over at his best friend. “Im just going to be honest. We need to get Rocky out of Charming while we figure out how to get the Aryan Brotherhood sorted. They will look at anyplace connected to SAMCRO but they wouldn’t look for her in a Mayan charter.” Stated Jax as he looked from Opie to Chibs who both nodded.
Santo Padre Clubhouse
Bishop sat listening to Alvarez on the phone as he sipped his beer. His men sat silently watching him while he talked. “We can do that” stated Bishop as he nodded his head. “Let me know when we need to head there” he added before ending the call. “We got ourselves a long term protection job boys. Sounds like the Mayans are going to get in bed with SAMCRO permanently and one of the pieces of the deal was for our charter to take in the sister of the VP in Charming.” Stated Bishop as he looked around the table at his men. “I need one of you to open your home up to her” he added. “I’m always open to a woman keeping my bed warm” replied Angel making the others roll there eyes and chuckle. Bishop shook his head before speaking. “Shes sixteen” replied Bishop as he watched Angels smug smile drop. “She can stay with me Bish” offered Gilly. “Sounds great” stated Bishop with a nod.
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