#im not taking constructive critisism
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"the dumb kids" otherwise known as
gatekeep girlboss gaslight
malewife mansplain manipulate
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I'm turning on anon but if I get so much as one rude person it's going back off again
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pastadoughie · 6 months
Read over what was going on with anon asks and your posts, and tbh, if you are 16 and you are reaching this kind of critical thinking and actively trying to better yourself through meaningful debates and convos, you are doing god's fucking work from early. I couldn't even begin to form the kind of arguments you are articulating at your age in your posts, so fucking kudos.
I have a similar opinion of sexism being bad no matter the form it takes, patriarchy affects everyone because it imposes roles on everyone, not only women. Breaking those roles on all sides and genders should be the ultimate goal, not try to benefit from the system to become the oppressor.
In any case dude, good luck with the unavoidable influx of people who will misinterpret your posts. Also, your art is hella cool!
i think that alot of ppl just have a rlly hard time like, getting over the gut response to defend themselves when they recieve some kind of serious critisism, like, i think ppl understand on some level that sexism as a concept is stupid, but it can be hard to fully see all the nuances it takes and like, actually recognize it when its subtler
sexism is bad and when i point out that alot of you guys believe ideas that are like, really sexist then thats like, im assuming none of you are like "YEAA SEXISM RUELZZZ!!!! I HATE PEOPLE BASED ON THIER GENDOR" and u rlly rlly dont wanna be lumped into that group
its rlly normal to not wanna be mischaracterized and if you dont self identify as sexist then when someone points out sexist retoric it feels like an unfair and reductive veiw of u
and its like, you really really really need to work past that, im talking abt this stuff because i want ppl to change and be better and if you want that for yourself u have to like rlly chew on these kinds of things
i think what alot of people have issues with is like, relatability in artwork, like "of course im gonna like art with queer women in it more and find it more valueble if im a queer woman" but i think that this points to a really rigid and uphelpful veiw of gender
ive discussed before that, because the mind numbing ammount of biological differences people have theres no actual objective definition of sex or gender, its socially constructed and entirely arbitrary and subjective
i think that labels for sexuality and gender are useful shorthand in our current society though ideally we wouldnt need them, but you need to remember that these things arent rigid
butch lesbian is not a definable group, gay man is not a definable group, they are arbitrary words that mean something different for literally every different person
likewise acting like those meaningless labels somehow make some artwork more or less valueble just points to a bias against people with a certain label
like, the labels dont mean anything they shouldnt change your veiw of a work, if you resonate with a peice of work why does it matter what label is put on it? why does that affect your veiw on the peice?
and yes you are objectively going to relate to some experiences more then others, but i dont think relatability should effect how you value the work, infact id argue seeing perspectives different then your own is incredibly incredibly valueble and, if your disregarding (even subconciously) certain things because theyre made by men then that not only hurts men but it hurts you, it isolates you
maybe i didnt word that perfectly im not always the most articulate but like, i think most of the issues people are having with this are coming from me articulating things maybe not as intuatively as i could or from people refusing to properly engadge with what i have to say
idk, regarding the people accusing me of transmysogeny i just wanna say that like, I AM NOT ALLERGIC TO TALKING TO YOU ABT THIS!! i want to be better and i dont want to be mysogenistic! and if you do see concerning behavior in me i want to be told of it, you keeping these kinds of things to yourself or refusing to engadge with me when i actively am trying to be like, thourough and nuanced about things is just kinda, not productive
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rowretro · 3 months
im falling out of liking with your writing. When i saw your writing, i immediately liked the way you wrote stuff that others didn’t and how active you were, but it was quickly shown to me WHY people don’t write that kind of stuff. I think the yandere thing is cool, write what you want, but wether you like it or not, its overdone + taken too far. Please take this as constructive critism and nothing else. It was cool at first how you interpreted the boys as yandere (even though i usually think that stuff is weird or cringe). But it escalated the second you wrote Jake kicking a preggo woman to “get rid of the dna”? That’s a bit absurd. No one in their right mind would do that, let alone Jake. And i know its apart of the “yandere persona”, but aren’t these imagined supposed to reflect off the boys? Not based on what you want them to be. And also the wlw stuff? Again, write what you want, but you’ve said the Islamic word “Wallah” before. Please don’t use that word unless you are Muslim. Reminder, i still enjoy and find your writing cool, its just a couple things you could “work” on going forward.
have a good day 🤍
uhm- what? gurl i definitely haven't used any muslim words b4, that's the most absurd thing i've ever heard. As for the Jake fic, i fixed that AGES ago , idk how this is meant to be CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, and no my ffs don't reflect on the boys, it's nothing like them irl everyone has the common sense to know that. and what's "wlw".
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tahiraseoti · 2 months
Sherlock x reader part1
so....this was my first writing in my life..constructive critisism is welcome...im also not a native English speaker..so there might be mistakes ..im sorry for that
Y/N is Jim Moriarty's sister. She is as notorious as her brother, if not more. they work together. Jim is the mastermind and she does all the dirty work such as killing and threats ....and dealing with big bads...but one day she accompanied Jim to the pool scene unaware to sherlock and john, and she saw sherlock. That day they came back because jim had a Calllll...gawd it was going very well, she was actually intrigued by sherlock. then she studied about him...and she does'nt know why she was standing in front of 221/B Baker street. obviously in disguise.
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She went in and was greeted by Mrs. Hudson . she said y/n is a pretty lovely girl among other things...things y/n didnt care about .She went upstairs and Sherlock thought she was another client . And in a glance he read her that she had some issues in her family and she had fled from her abusive husband .
he said " you,ve had an abusive husband and you want me to catch him". y/n kept her poker face but she smirked inside. he said exactly what she wanted him to say. but it was true that y/n and jim had an arguement and he told her to leave and sebastian is back in the business. So while coming to baker street she thought if she could or should join sherlock. she also knows that sherlock is searching for another assistant. she said " no mr holmes im here on business i was actually here to become your assistant. And i guarantee you im a lot better assistant than john."
smirking she says "if you are to take me as an assistant call me" then she exited. sherlock was dumbfounded he forgot to ask about anything...later he remembered she didnt even give him his number. but somehow left a note that says, " when you make up your mind, i'll be there, dont worry i'll know"
-Y/N Moriarty
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alright here is the first part...do let me know what do you wan' for 2nd part, If you want that.
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sillylittlelemon · 3 months
hello! :3 Thank you SMM for answering my ask (https://www.tumblr.com/sillylittlelemon/744715123557531648/uhhh-hi-im-kinda-scared-to-do-this-but-i-wanna)
And I def agree I would get along the best with Kaidou, but I wonder, would I be able to matchup with Kusuo? I kinda am on the fence about this, but I want to know.
You don't have to answer this btw!! I'm already satisfied with my character, but I just wonder.
bye :>
Hi anon, welcome back! 😊😊❤️❤️ I can defiently see you matching with Saiki, in fact i was on the fence about matching you with him but my like 'intial reaction' to the characteristics you gave just matched Kaido so well (also i was a little worried to answer 2 matchup requests back to backwith the same character matched 😭)
A relarionship with Saiki with those characteristics would progress at an absolute snail pace, to be honest. Because the traits you listed are so similair to Kaido i feel like the two of you would get on like a house a fire (if you arent southern that means 'youd be really good friends') And because of that Saiki would initially judge you based on that and henceforth avoid you, at least until you manage to convince him that you are at least a somewhat sane and tolerable person.
But in my opinion, which literally means nothing, Kaido woukd be the best fit for your personality, quirks, and hobbies.
You can always request headcanons for either character (or both 😈) if you arent satisfied, please be honest! I promise i can take constructive critisism, i am not pussy. 😊❤️🫂
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
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a/n: here's one of the new boys! i figure i should crank these new boys out before i include them in a few more requests! also omg thank you so so much! idk if it was my pathetic begging but i got so so many requests and ill definitely crank those out too!
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warning: gender neutral reader, stalking. cat fishing, phone sex, non-consensual filming
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soren 'soleil' ravi kumar ★ profile
there's not a lot of places you could meet soren becos he's such a dedicated musician and becos to become his new obession you have to be related to his current one
which brings us to the fact that you have to know him thru his band
of course a lot of these posts are just suggestions of how the yans can meet their darlings but i really truly think that soren would do well with meeting his darling at a meet and greet
meet and greets are where the band sits at a long table and the fans line up to greet each member one on one for a few seconds each, long enough to get a few sentences in, maybe give the member a pre approved present, get something signed, etc
the meet and greets are ofc very tiring and, after a while, the faces get very samey
however, when he sees you, he immediately thinks wow, very cute
its kind of a not-very-well-hidden-secret that soren sometimes sleeps with some of the groupies
it's well hidden enough that only the really really dedicated fans know about it but its like not well hidden enough that the paparazzi sometimes catch him going out with some of them
he's earned kind of a playboy label but like nobody's really put two and two together that they're all just dedicated acatalepsy fans
anyway, when he sees you, he thinks might fuck around and see if he can talk you into sleeping with him loool
but then you open your mouth and then he thinks might fuck around and shee if he can talk you into wearing a ring around that finger, if you know what i mean
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"Hi! Sorry, ohmygosh, I'm so happy to see you!" You rush out, giggling in that same drunken way a lot of fans do when they sit down in front of them for the meet and greet.
Soren laughs boyishly, nodding as he takes your album and signs his name "Yeah, I get that a lot. Who should I sign this to?"
You tell him your name and, for some reason, he pairs it with his last name in his head. Sadly, he can't write it down but he does add a cutie in front of it when he scribbles it onto the front of your copy.
"Uhm, I know we only have a few seconds but I just wanted to say that I loved your first album. A lot of fans don't appreciate it to much and, hot take, don't tell the other Asteropos but I feel like the other albums just don't have the same spark as the first two do."
After your little spiel, you sit there, fiddling with your fingers so cutely and all Soren could do was stare at you. Instead of shutting up, you continued, too nervous to do anything else.
"I mean, the meaning to the lyrics were just so profound in the first two albums and the thematic tie ins were so satisfying but I feel like the newer albums, you're just making coincidences to make coincidences, and they're not really to do anything and-- I don't know. I just-- miss the old Soleil, I guess."
Then, as if sick of how much you were embarrassing yourself, you squeaked out a small apology, touched his hand (which was absolutely electrifying, grabbed your album and then moved on to the next member.
Soren had never been so in love in his entire life.
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its very much the case of 'nobody's ever punched me before in my entire life and now im in love with you' trope but it's like nobody's ever been so like nice but critical of him?
like it's the price of being popular i guess? but everyone either really loves him so he can do no wrong or really hates him so everything he does is wrong
but you are such a sweet and nice middle that it feels so nice and pleasant! like constructive critisism?? and you're not being paid to give it to him? why? you care about him? oh myog od?
its because you love him. the two of you are meant to be!!
he already has your information from where you bought the tickets! they had to take your credit card information (which included your billing address) and your phone number
he'll try to use the band as much as he can to get as close to you as possible!
maybe your ticket to the concert was used in a raffle and you won! now you get to spend a whole day with him doing whatever the two of you want!
he'll show you around the studio, the two of you can talk about whatever the two of you want, you can do whatever
he'll flirt with you as much as possible lmaooo but what he wants from you is more than what he's ever wanted from any of the fan fuck buddies he's ever had before
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The office chair the two of you sat on creaked under your shared weight and the sound snapped you a little bit out of your arousal. You were, after all, in the room he used to write songs and brainstorm ideas.
It felt a little blasphemous to fuck there.
"Are you sure this is okay?" You stuttered out, looking nervous and unsure, even as your hips ground down into his.
He just laughed, bright and sweet as his large palms pressed into your skin, one of hands pushing into your shirt, trying to undress you, while his other hand cupped your thigh, pulling your legs apart.
"Darling, if I don't have you right now, I think I'll go crazy." He muttered against your ear, that melodic voice you were so used to hearing singing such innocent songs now uttering much dirtier words.
It made a shiver go down your spine.
You quickly nodded, agreeing, your fingers tangling into his locks when his lips latched onto your neck, teeth marking their way down to your clavicles.
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he wants you to belong to him wholly and completely so you can take care of him and give him compliments and constructive criticism and so you can inspire him!
neway if you think he's just a one night stand, he'll show you a one night stand!
lol but seriously though, he won't let you get away after one night. you're his eternally
he might fuck around and make a fake fan account and get to know you that way too becos of course he would
he kind of has all the money in the world so he doesn't care what he has to do to make you his, he'll do it
might even fuck around and pay someone to put cameras where you live cus like he cant go around skulking in your neighborhood but if he puts cameras there, he won't have to!
but yeah, definitely a pain in the ass lmao and like he's socially adept enough that he knows how to hide his obsessive tendencies well so that you don't really see them
to you, it'll feel like you met the popstar of your dreams and he fell in love with you after spending a day with you (which you won through a raffle you were entered into?) and now the two of you are dating? weird
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Soren held his phone in between his ear and his shoulder, his hands unbuttoning his uncomfortable jeans "I'm sorry I can't be with you, baby. You know I hate travelling but I have to."
You nodded, pout playing across your face, your knees pulled to your chest and your cheek pressed to your knee. You were sat against the headboard of Soren's expensive California king sized bed, feeling lonely and small. All he could hear was your sigh.
He could see everything though.
After all, he had a camera pointed right at you and it was streaming right into his laptop camera. He really was telling the truth when he said he wanted nothing else than to be with you and, if you said the magic words, he'd quit and be with you all the time.
However, there he was, in Australia. And there you were, all by your lonesome.
"Why don't you do something for me, hmmm, baby?" Soren palmed himself, not quite fishing his cock out of his underwear quite yet "Something to help you feel less lonely?"
When you hummed in agreement, he continued "Why don't you go lay down on my bed and take off all of your clothes and maybe play with yourself while we talk on the phone?"
He definitely heard your breath hitch.
"I'll talk you through it." He reassured you, his dick already chubbing at the thought of watching you hanging onto his every word, following his every command "And I want to listen to you cum over and over."
"Cus you're mine right, baby? You're mine, even if I'm millions of miles away, right?"
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m4yasnotthatcool · 7 months
Can u pls write a Tristan x reader fluff fic? Whatever prompt you want.😋
Can u pls write a Tristan x reader fluff fic? Whatever prompt you want.😋
yea so my bsf actually requested this and they specified female reader in one of our messages
like, if i dont specify im prolly gonna do g/n or female reader idk
btw its hc because im not rlly confident in my actual fic writing skills just yet
anyway, my writing sucks, enjoy! (btw i say this just to not get ur hopes up or anything, if i actually tought it was that bad, i wouldnt be taking requests)
okay, so
first of all, he would "bully" you so much dude (actually just make jokes, but if you ask him, yea, hes a big bad bully, so dont tell him otherwise)
but if he saw it made you uncomfortable or sad or anything like that he would stop
clingy asf
like this boy would be all over you at all times
you could be just sitting on a random bench and idk, reading something, and he would just spawn out of nowhere and get his hand around your waist
its kinda cute actually, but it could be frustrating at times
like, lets say your parents wanted to meet him so you arranged for all of you to have dinner
and ofc he sat next to you (and you didnt complain, hes your boyfriend after all)
but he would just randomly put his hand on your thigh, and while you didnt usually mind it, you did now
(after the dinner he got a whole speach from you about why it was not okay that he did that, but he continued doing it anyway)
also gets overprotective easily
if he sees you talking to anyone and you seem uncomfortable, he would be right there by your side in a matter of seconds asking you to leave because of his "big, great emergency" while getting his hand around yoiur waist
you would of course agree to go with him, and when you werent looking he would shoot a death glare towords the person you were talking to
over all, great boyfriend, i dont know what else to tell you, rlly
after his dad sent him to that other school (god help me, i havent watched this show in so long) he wpuld send you letters and whenever he could he would call you
like, he would find a way to stay in touch with you
and he would keep all the letters you sent him back
in conclusion, 10/10, good job for getting him, and i hope you like him because hes not leaving soon (thats all i have for today, sorry)
anyway ily byeeee
yea so,(i was gonna say ur name but id rather not have strangers know your name so..) bsf, if this sucks ass dont come to me bitching about it, okay? (do come, i havent written anything in a really long time and constructive critisism would be rlly good rn)
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aure0l1n · 3 years
himbo characters will always cuddle with their face buried in your chest 
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
Cat Is Tommy, Mellohi is L'Manburg and friends, Blocks is Manburg vs. Pogtopia, Chirp is exile, Wait is Bedrock Bros, Stal is Disc War Finale send tweet
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You know that one "AU where Jon has the tma wiki songs to decipher what's going to happen?" I put together a list of things that he would actually be able to find out (including bastardhour's other tma songs because I'm a cheater and 'Murdering This Jurgen' fucks)
Murdering This Jurgen:
Elias kills Jergun Leitner (Very specifically with a pipe)
He gets framed for it.
Elias is omnipotent
They're trapped at the institute.
There's some sort of ritual in a wax museum (but that probably wouldn't make any sense until NotSasha.)
He gets kidnapped. (This one can only really be inferred from the music video, though.)
He has a lighter. (He probably still wouldn't be able to comprehend it, but I thought I should probably put it here anyway.)
Jane Prentiss and her worm body
Elias and Peter's divorce kink.
The Archive Employees:
Tim is looking for clown????
Martin's in love with him.
A total of 0 of his employees have any interest in the paranormal.
Tim has a dead brother.
escaped the institute? that's a good move!:
She "escaped the Institute"
Melanie still has the bullet in her leg.
Melanie tries to kill Elias.
The world ends.
Melanie and Georgie start dating at some point. This may not be super helpful, but it will stop at least one painfully awkward conversation.
Her dad was killed by something called the "Corruption" (I don't really think he'd be able to figure out the entities from this.)
she has a boyfriend named tom:
Not??? Sasha???
Another wax museum mention.
Chasing around Jon" is a line, but I think it could be interpreted as hyperbole, so I'm not counting it.
She was "born" in 2016. (I count this because if you found out your adult coworker was born a year ago, it might start some cogs turning.
Jon is scared of her.
She has a boyfriend named Tom (who may or may not be the rat from flushed)
Melanie sees something. (I think this could give him a hint to go ask her.)
canonically assigned hot by basira:
Tim dies. Don't believe me? First-line.
Worm scar??? Related to Prentiss??? (I'm not giving that one easily because if someone just said worm scar to me I'd think it was like,,, worm-shaped.)
Tim has a deep-seated primal fear of geese.
that is what most of the daisy comments say:
Daisy being of the hunt (i.e "lovely werewolf wife" yes that is pushing it)
people are talking about jude perry:
She is not a TERF (can anyone tell me where that came from?)
Jude Perry dies/leaves.
i love my dead gay goth son:
Gerry's dead/is going to die.
Gerry really fucking hates Jergen Leitner. 
Mary was abusive
Jon is saying Gerard Wrong.
cool and evil and swag:
Helen gets turned into the distortion.
Helen dies
The world ends two: electric boogaloo
Helen was a tory (aka the biggest plot twist of the entire series.)
gentle voiced old man i love you:
This isn't the information that Jon could get from this song you just need to know I get angry every time I listen to this song because of how much I hate Peter. >:-(
The Wiki pages would predict COVID.
The Lukases (presumably the ones funding the Institute) are evil.
He Hurt Martin.
He's... Dead???
Elias is the villain
But apparently, Jon is to real believers because he killed Peter Lukas.
short king archivist supremacy:
His life is Not Fun.
People care about his well-being. Yes, I am counting this as a revelation.
He's not as good at hiding his past in theatre as he thought.
People also think he's a coward.
People think he's an ignorant jerk (they're wrong :///) but still care very deeply for his wellbeing.
I feel like after listening to 11 of these, he would have Gotten The Eye Imagery (I know I did).
Eating my computer isn't on youtube and I'm tired. Bye.
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Kaishin based on my favourite vine.
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harcove · 3 years
nemesis looks like thanos if he fell in a vat of acid
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thatboxylady · 3 years
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Thrust can’t talk now he’s doing hot boy shit
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happyshippingnoises · 3 years
(Same anon from before.) What I meant by Teruteru going into a blind rage, I meant like his accent would immediately slip out and he would just go on a massive angry rant about that vegan bitch to the point where everyone in the cast is just scared to talk or mention her lol. (I honestly don’t think Teruteru would as go too far as to kill someone for mentioning her, I bet that’s what everyone thought that happened to the last person that mentioned her lmao-)
(Nononononono i was joking about the killing thing, he's a total mommas boy so he wouldn't unless he really had to... COUGH COUGH TWOGAMI) /lh
I forgot he had an accent!!! but I also feel like when he rants about her there'd be a lot of hand movements and steaming because he's passionate.
Idk why but it always feels like every danganronpa character has a hidden plot twist in them.
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very passionate.
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bigtwiceenergy · 4 years
"Jin Bubaigawara likes to be pegged" I say into the mic.
There's a whispered hush over the crowd. I begin to walk off the stage, discouraged by the lack of cheering at my statement
"They're fuckin RIGHT!! Never been more wrong!" I look into the crowd, there in the 5th row is Twice of the League of Villains himself.
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