#im currently working on A Thing for the theme which is why i wasnt on all day but i'll be back later~
killemwithkawaii · 3 months
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razzmothazz · 3 months
rambling more abt nightcord and their theme because i just NEED to get it out if my system
i think nightcord is such beautifully constructed with its theme of healing because every character has someone specific helping them out most within the unit
idk how to explain it in general terms but basically
kanade struggles with overworking and not taking proper care of herself, her main help with this comes from mizuki! sure, others help out too but mizuki is the one who points out those self destructive behaviours the most [or at least from ehat i remeber] and this dynamic is so so beautifully shown specifically in carnation recollection
mizuki is the one telling kanade to take a break, but kanade is set on making another song for mafuyu despite being absolutely stuck. i think mizuki is the most clever out of the 4 specifically because of this event, since they knew kanade wont give up on it ever and decided to use a different approach to give her the deserved break and would also help her out in this situation. kanade would never have some time off if it wasnt for mizuki. thats how mizuki cares for her, by "tricking" her into taking one while also getting to spend nice time together and end up reminiscing.
this is such an important story because thanks to mizuki, a part of kanade got to heal.
mafuyu very obviously is mostly helped by kanade, who tries her very best and gives it literally her all to help mafuyu find herself, but she always gives mafuyu space when she needs it as well. i think since this one is most obvious i dont have to dwell on it too much but the love and care kanade has for mafuyu makes me soooo fucking insane like omg. kanade is the whole reason mafuyu even tries. shes the sole reason why mafuyu could get where she is now and didnt give up.
ena is a bit tricky, but surprisingly i think her helper is... mafuyu. i have honestly no clue how to explain what i mean at all, but seeing someone with so much talent and the "perfect" life be completely empty was so important to enas character. mafuyu makes painfully slow progress on her situation yet ena notices it, and she might not fully realize it but its helping ena take things easier with her art as well, which i think is shown very well in hope will someday go beyond the morning. mafuyu makes just a slightly different expression but ena still notices it, paralleled by enas art teacher noticing enas intent and emotion behind her art project. despite so many mistakes in the work on a technical level, it had soul. not to mention mafuyu indirectly helps ena be more understanding of others, which is very obvious when you compare how she was with mafuyu at first vs their current dynamic. mafuyu doesnt even know it but she inspires ena so so much not only in her art but to be better as a person.
and for mizuki, its also very obvious with main help coming from ena. pretty much every mizuki focus [<- exaggeration warning] will have ena trying her best to help mizuki out, and thanks to enas growth she can understand mizuki better and better and know how to deal with their issue. she thinks she needs to know the secret to know mizuki, but she learns that its not actually important, and she wants to show mizuki that as well. she constantly shows mizuki support and care weather they are willing to tell their secret or not, and in her own way wants to reassure mizuki that no matter what she wants to be there for them. ena helps mizuki so much that they even finally consider telling ena their secret, after like a year in canon if not longer!! which is such a huge deal because mizuki was convinced that telling ena someday they will tell what it is was completely a lie. they never had any intention to actually say what it is. but they grew so much and feel so safe around ena that the fact they even CONSIDERED IT implies so much healing, growth and trust. it makes me SOB. i am INSANE about mizuena. ena loves them SO MUCH its just so JSHSHDHYSHEIRUDHXHJSNB
okay im gonna stop here cause the tired is getting to me and i feel like i cant explain myself at all now but you get the point n25 care about eachother so much it makes me cry and punch walls and scream and drop to my knees on the floor in a dramatic way and explode and-
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as someone who's personally never been a big dad for one fan, why don't you like it? 👀
obligatory disclaimer that ppl can headcanon/theorise whatever they want, im fully aware that AUs are just ppl having fun and dont necessarily reflect what they want to/think will happen in canon, etc etc
okay so, to me dad for one is fundamentally antithetical to who midoriya is as a character and his position within the narrative. midoriya is not a chosen one. yes he was literally chosen by all might to inheret ofa, but midoriya is different from a lot if shounen protagonists in that there was nothing inherently special about him other than his heroic spirit. he doesnt have a demon inside him like naruto, or saiyan abilities like goku, or even a hyper genuius intellect like senkuu. midoriya is literally Just Some Guy who happened to get noticed by all might. which is actually what makes his story all that more powerful. yes, midoriya being quirkless ends up working to his advantage with ofa and the whole 'last holder' thing does kinda feel like destiny but ultimately, all might chosing midoriya wasnt predetermined. there wasn't some grand prophecy or legend, there was no fates whispering in all might's ear, its just that in that moment with the sludge villain, all might saw midoriya be a hero and knew that he was the right person to inheret ofa.
objectively i get the appeal of 'ofa, a quirk born out of defiance to afo, is passed onto his hero son who takes him down' as like this cool narrative parallel but to me it undermines the whole basis of midoriya's character. he didnt get involved with ofa and afo and all might because of some hidden deeper connection between them all linking their destinies or whatever. midoriya is involed with everything that hes involved in because regardless of the circumstances of his birth, regardless of whether or not he got a quirk or met all might or got into UA, he was always going to be a hero no matter what.
with shigaraki, the whole sereniputous narrative thing of 'the grandson of one of the ofa users is groomed by afo to be the 'next him' and is the super villian nemisis of the current ofa user' works because shigaraki's defining character trait, his core theme, his 'origin' if you will, of hatered, is literally a product of the relationship between ofa and afo. shigaraki would literally not be the character that he is without his life, before it even began, being shaped by ofa and afo. but midoriya's origin is completely seperate from that, his origin is that of being a hero, no matter what, before he even knows a single thing about ofa and afo, before his life is shaped by them in any meaningful way.
i think there are two moments in bnha that make it blatantly obvious to me that dad for one was never going to happen.
first is back during the sports festival when, after hearing todoroki's backstory, midoriya kinda breaks the 4th wall a bit and thinks 'if we were in a comic book, he'd be the main character'. and the thing is? thats totally true!! yes 'kid with no powers in a world where everyone has powers' is a quintessential shounen manga story set up, but its not a super-hero story set up, as far as western hero comics (which horikoshi obviously takes massive inspiration from) go, todoroki with his tragic backstory and special dual-power would be the main character, which is what makes it all the more poignant that midoriya is instead. yes he inherets this great legendary power from the greatest hero ever and gets embroiled in this centuries long battle between good and evil, but prior to that, theres nothing about midoriya, other than his overwhelming heroism that made all might choose him, which is a choice wholly made by all might rather than some predetermined destiny thing, that makes him a main character.
the second is during the paranormal liberation war when afo tries to steal ofa and critises all might and the other vestiges for allowing the quirk to fall into the 'wrong hands' by ending up with midoriya, who he deems as weak, only for yoichi to defend all might's choice in selecting him as successor and his + the other vestiges' choice to remain within him. that has nothing to do with midoriya being some perfect, narratively appropriate, parallel inspired chosen one, hell its even before the 'you'll probably be the last user because your quirklessness makes you perfect for ofa in a way that quirked people arent' reveal. yoichi and the other vestiges' support and defence of midoriya, just like all might's chosing of him to be his successor, comes from nothing other than the understanding that midoriya is a true hero through and through.
'but leo! doesnt the fact that midoriya is a true hero mean it would be even more poignant if he were the son of the greatest villain ever' i hear you all cry, and the answer is no.
because if midoriya is all for one's son then it makes too much sense that he inhereted ofa. he goes from being this true hero who embodies the will of everything ofa and its users stand for, who is ready to carry on their legacy and offer the world hope in a time of despair, to being the ~perfect~ narrative choice to inheret ofa to fulfil a circle of fate and break a generational curse.
in the canon universe, if all for one is midoriya's dad, midoriya goes from being this character who's sheer conviction to win and save, to be a hero, despite his non-suited circumstances, and nothing else about him, makes all might, who had already planned to go to UA and select a student to be his successor, pick him, out of all possible people, to inheret ofa, to suddenly being the only possible successor. if dfo is true then it doesnt matter that in another life mirio or bakugou or someone else couldve been the 9th user, because by being all for one's son midoriya is put in such a narratively perfect position to inheret ofa that its obvious it was literally never going to be anyone else. which to me, wholly and completely undermines all the poignancy and narrative weight in midoriya, who had absolutely nothing to do with ofa and afo but who was such a genuine hero that all might and the ofa vestiges chose him regardless, being the one to inherent ofa.
so yeah, i dont like dad for one, (and villain deku AUs for pretty much the same reasons), and thats why im convinced it'll never happen. because for all his many flaws horikoshi definitely knows how to craft a narrative, and i think hes both too smart and too good a writer to undermine his own protagonist's origin like that.
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waywardgardenfury · 9 months
i (now) use arch btw
after a few months of not posting anything here, i finally managed to get arch working with awesomewm :)
initially when i tried a few months back, it was going fine until i could no longer hear audio for some reason lol. after searching for a solution i eventually gave up and retreated back to mint for the time being. after getting my infamous itch to just nuke everything and start again, i reinstalled arch and tried once again and i gotta say, its been going REALLY well.
the first time i ever attempted an install of arch (before archinstall was a thing) i somehow forgot to install a network manager and therefore couldnt really do much else. i really enjoyed setting it all up manually, but the fact that in the end i didnt really have it working was very annoying. the next time around, archinstall was there to back me up and its made everything so much easier!!! for me its broken down the barrier of entry significantly. i simply chose the desktop setup i wanted, and it chose the relevant packages. i went with a window manager rather than a full desktop environment this time around, more specifically awesomeWM. i wanted to go with something more bare-bones and configure it from the ground up so i could learn what sort of packages go into a full de. in addition people often talk about how much more efficient they find using wms, both productivity and resource wise. i see why! my entire operating system on boot uses like <500mb of ram, which is baffling that its possible. plus, the use of shortcuts of navigating around has been great.
i ended up going with awesome as nvidia has been absolutely the biggest issue with this whole process. for some reason my graphics card just HATES wayland which eliminates some options off the bat. ive had soo many issues in the past with it, so trying to use xorg is probably my best bet going forward and luckily its still a very popular choice, no shortage of resources for me. i did have a few issues setting it up on arch, as i wasnt really familiar with how to configure it at first but getting nvidia-settings it made it much easier for me for now.
pacman was an interesting change to get used to. discovering that it didnt have some packages that i have usually was interesting, but then shortly i discovered the aur and yay. it opened me up to a wide range of new packages that werent even on some of the package managers i had tried previously, like dnf and apt. in contrast to those, i found pacman and now yay much easier and incredibly fast to use. there just becomes more and more reasons to use arch every time i open it haha.
one of the things i havent got around to choosing is a file manager. having to navigate my files entirely by terminal has helped build the muscle memory of commands i didnt know before. plus may even be faster than i found previously? i may get around to setting up some aliases if i feel like i could shorten some tasks. using cli packages in terminal over graphical packages has helped me to learn git some more as well, which im sure will be useful for me in the years to come. in regards to the terminal too, im looking into switching to zsh instead of bash which i currently dont know what the difference is between shells or what they do exactly but ill find out.
i have only been using arch consistently for a few days at this point. and awesome is still pretty ugly, so the next task for me is to spice it up a bit with some theming. i dont have much, if any, experience with lua, which apparently is the language that awesome uses to write its dotfiles (also took me a minute to learn what dotfiles actually were). the last time i used lua was probably in roblox studio at like the age of 10 or something, so its been a while. i have a few articles and videos lined up that i need to watch for an introduction, so i already have an idea of where to start. with that said however, if anyone has any advice or tips send them my way!
now the obvious question for myself after this is what project am i actually going to do next? i want to actually develop software but i find it extremely intimidating. so there are a couple options for me going forward. one of the big ideas in my mind is developing a longer form game project in godot. i have developed smaller projects in the past to get used to the engine, but i want to try my hand at doing something over the course of multiple weeks. i have poor time management skills and tend to get sidetracked with other projects but i really want something i can chip away at every day for a few hours. and i think a game could be just that! plus, it gives me a creative outlet as well. i can make the music and art for that and combine a few hobbies into one.
arch & awesome has been definitely an interesting change to get used to, but it has been so fun! learning how to do everything myself has been what i have been craving and every day i regret abandoning windows less and less. i cannot sing the praises of linux and its community enough for scratching my brain in the right places! at some point i want to make a post detailing my full journey with linux, so keep an eye or two out for that.
if anyone wants to talk with me about any of this feel free to send me a message! dms are always open :)
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hikari-ni-naritai · 10 months
1 4 5 7 10 11 16 18 19 22 26 28 30 34 35 38 42 44 45 for Nest, Lia and your paladin, Valyrie, I believe? If that's not too much of course
good lird. ok lets get into it. i have answered some of these about valyrie in another ask. readmored bc god fucking damn dude this shits long
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Nest, as far as ive thought about it, doesnt have any siblings or close family members around their age.
Lia actually does have an older sister, who as of her incarnation in my campaign has almost certainly passed away already. they were never close. Lia didnt ever go back after leaving her world.
Valyrie also had no siblings or anything. im noticing a pattern where i dont make characters who are close with their families. i wonder where that came from. /sarcasm /pieceofshit /handjob
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Nest at some point witnessed uh. a family that loved each other. and that changed her on a very fundamental level. she couldnt exactly go back to being content with her own family.
Lia, a long time ago, hopped into a world that didn't have any magic in it at all, and this changed her from a carefree scholar and wanderer to a paranoid, desperate recluse. she wasnt a recluse in that world, she actually worked constantly to get the hell out of there, but once she made it to the next one (the location of my current campaign) she decided she couldnt leave until she found a way to imbue herself with magic. the magic item she brought still worked in the magicless world, and she theorised it was because the magic was held within it, whereas she as a wizard had to take advantage of the magic of the world itself. the only reason she escaped the magic free world was bc it was technologically advanced enough to be testing some real scifi warp drive shit. if she ended up in a less advanced world with no magic, theres a good chance she'd die before she could jump again. she threw herself into her research and basically everything she's accomplished in this world has been in pursuit of finding some way to become magical herself so she can just leave immediately if it happens again. she hasnt succeeded yet. it's been a LONG time. half her life has been dedicated to this.
valyrie. i mean, her parents dying.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
nest would probably have some bandages. with the amount of picrews i make of them having just gotten beat up, they fuckin need them. a bit of cash, also.
lia doesnt really have pockets. she doesnt carry things around. she also doesnt like, leave the house much. so its not necessary. she'd pack properly if she was going someplace.
valyrie already answered
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Nest definitely has nightmares about being trapped in mazes and labyrinths. there's always an encroaching danger just out of sight and she CANT stop moving or it'll get her. she wakes up when she hits a dead end and has to turn around. she hasn't ever seen what the danger is.
Lia doesnt dream.
valyrie answered!
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
Nest is the only character i have whos comfortable with less clothing. they spent a lot of time with a tribe of orcs in a forest, and it tended to be a bit of a clothing-optional wrestling-mandatory sort of scene.
Lia likes how flowy and stifling big wizard robes are. like a weighted blanket you can wear.
Valyrie isnt comfortable with people seeing her scars, so she tends to cover up most of her body at all times. possibly why she likes the bath so much.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
I think Nest's most afraid moment was when she discovered her orc friends' little village had been razed at her parents' command. that meant both that her friends (and really, her second family) were gone, AND that her parents knew she'd been sneaking out of the boarding school she'd been attending.
Lia i dont think will ever experience a fear as gut-wrenchingly primal as realising she was in a world that didnt have magic in it. like jesus christ can you imagine being a consummate wizard and then you get stuck somewhere where youre powerless, and you cant leave because you need your powers to leave? horrifying.
valyrie answered!
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Nest idealizes happiness, Lia idealizes uh. scholastic success? Valyrie would trample them both underfoot for vengeance. which would make her happy, i guess. in a way.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Nest is more likely to admire wisdom, Lia ambition, and Valyrie wisdom also.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Nest is a little ball of anger and rage who likes to settle disputes with fistfights. they havent succeeded in any sort of relationship with the Civilised Noble Children they grew up around because of this, but they fit in quite well with their orc friends, who really enjoyed playfighting.
Lia is cold and disinterested and doesn't let anyone close enough to be considered "friends." the only reason this hasnt wrecked any relationships is because she hasn't had any.
valyrie answered!
22. What does your character like in other people?
Nest obviously likes people who like to fight, but she also likes when those people are smarter than her. smarter might not be the right word, but like. someone who can fight but knows how to defuse situations without fighting, or someone who fights for the sake of a hyperfixation they can tell her about at great length. nest isn't stupid by any means but she doesnt have much going for her besides fighting, so anyone who goes beyond that is really cool
Lia likes people who are intellectually curious, or people who leave her alone. she actually does love talking about the magic shes researching even if she just does it on autopilot (she'll basically answer anything asked of her on reflex). but if youre gonna be annoying she dearly wishes you would just do that somewhere else.
Valyrie likes people who have a strong moral compass. she doesnt want to have to kill you. she also likes people who mind their own business and dont ask her questions like "what are those scars from" and "is that blood"
26. How does your character behave around children?
Nest is surprisingly good around kids! kids love to wrestle in the dirt and that is one thing nest is VERY good at. if theres a lot of them they'll probably all gang up on her and she'll let them pin her down. but she would never lose a one-on-one to a child
lia is really awkward around kids. theyre generally not capable of engaging with things on the same level as her, so when they ask questions and dont understand her answers, she is kind of caught off-guard by it.
valyrie would like to be good with kids but they tend to be scared of her. shes very ominous and imposing. kids at the church that get bullied or left out tend to gravitate towards her, though. she gives off a sort of air of 'ill keep you safe'
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Nest fucking instantly.
Lia doesnt do "physical" violence but she'd weigh her options and if a situation could be resolved by killing you with magic and it wouldnt be a hassle to deal with the fallout, she'd do it pretty quick. its soooo hard to make it be not a hassle to deal with tho.
valyrie would prefer not to escalate things, but if you deserve to die or you attack first, she wouldnt hesitate for a second.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Nest really anything about stuffy uppercrust nobility. they dont like dresses or balls or fancy foods or waxed moustaches or arranged marriages.
Lia tends not to like things that are gross or slimy or filthy. she likes things to be clean. she also hates worlds without magic but idk if thats 'repulsive'
valyrie uhh. evildoers. marshmallow. the dick she used to have.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
Nest would absolutely keep trying something at least a couple times.
Lia would move on pretty much immediately.
Valyrie would likely also move on. it might take her a few moments more thought than lia tho. shes not the smartest.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
like, LIKE like? or just regular like? Nest around regular friends acts like One Of The Guys. but around people she's developing a tiny baby crush on she gets nervous and embarrassed and a little bit softer. DEFINITELY very defensive of them.
lia doesnt experience romantic attraction but she tends to treat people she likes just about the same as people she dislikes. she'll answer questions and do favors for people regardless. its just simpler that way. if she finds you particularly interesting she might ask if you wanna fuck.
valyrie softens a bit. not like, a lot a bit, but perceptibly. she might even smile if she feels comfortable with someone. her attitude changes from 'this isnt my problem' to 'id like to help if i can,' basically
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
nest would definitely 100% remove a problem. Lia would remove herself if the problem isnt likely to affect her later, but if it would, she'd remove it. and valyrie also removes the problem.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Nest was really close to the leader of the orc village they spent a lot of time in, bc he was the father of their friends there. he taught them how to fight and how family is supposed to work. a good guy all around.
Lia was as close as she can really get to a woman at the local temple she spent a good bit of time in studying what few scrolls they had on magic. it's hard to say it was a "parental" relationship tho since in addition to teaching her about magic she also taught her about uhhh how to do sex. but its the closest thing to an answer i have for her, so. there ya go.
Valyrie definitely for sure. she was taken in by the church after her parents died, and the woman who saved her was also the woman who trained her to be a priestess/assassin, so she saw her as a parental figure.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Nest would have SO much trouble bc thats embarrassing. i dont think she would say it without meaning it.
Lia cant full stop.
Valyrie would be able to say it if it was like, required for her job. but as far as actually meaning it and saying it to someone, it would take her a long time to work up to it. and she definitely wouldnt say it to anyone if it wasnt either true or for work. which to be clear is killing evildoers designated by the church.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Nest i dont think has ever really thought about it. they have more immediate concerns. i think if they had to pick something, theyd probably believe in whatever religious beliefs are held by orcs in the setting. maybe some kind of eternal battlefield full of glory and brotherhood. i think they'd like that.
Lia doesn't think anything happens. she believes in the soul, of course, because it's documented fact that it exists and can be affected by spells and magic. but she doesnt think anything happens to it. it floats around in the aetherial sea until it degrades to nothing after hundreds of years. its basically just the essence of You. anyway she would never admit this but she's fucking terrified of that. her soul is from a whole different world and she has no idea what would happen if she died in a different world thats not built to handle her world's take on souls. she is determined to never die. shes done a good job so far.
im not sure what valyrie believes. it would really depend on what sort of church she's working for. and thats not something i want to decide ahead of time.
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ssamie · 3 years
epilogue. “your girlfriend’s kinda hot”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide and suggestive themes + dirty jokes
masterlist.          suicide freak!
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"hey uh, welcome to my stream i guess" he said as he spared the camera a quick glance "im not really playing tonight because an incident has recently occurred in this household" kenma said with a tired sigh 
nobody else knew it, but the said 'incident' was y/n accidentally setting half of their living room on fire 
the reason? apparently, she wanted to try burning herself to death in the furnace. obviously, it didn't work. and all that's left from that is more shit for kenma to clean up and a trip to yosano-san. 
kenma is stressed. and y/n is still alive. both of them are facing problems. 
"can you please wear a maid outfit- no."
kenma shook his head as he continued playing, glancing at the chat once in a while to read the veiwers' questions and comments
user: how about cat ears?! 
user: u suck at this game wtf
kuroo.tetsu: hey kenma ;) 
"first of all, i do not suck at minecraft thank you very much" kenma scoffed 
"second of all, go away kuroo. im still mad at you" 
user: LMFAOOO kuroo what did u do?? 💀💀
user: he probably broke kenma's pc 
user: PLSS he's the one kenma’s throwing shade at on twitter 
kuroo.tetsu: STOP THE SLANDER 😔✋🏼
user: rooster head lookin ass 
user: ^^ NOT THE HAIR 
kuroo.testsu: 😃😃
kenma sighed as he continued building a cute little cottage. he was currently vibing, just building y/n a cute cottage for her to probably burn later on. 
and he decided it would be nice to go on stream since his oh-so-lovely girlfriend was still out for work. 
ah yes, kenma has somehow kept y/n alive all those years. 
hence why his phone was being bombarded with messages from her, all of which being blurry selfies. 
the photos had her sporting a huge grin while atsushi panicked in the background. 
user: ayo, ur phone's blowing up 
user: do you have a girlfriend? 
user: ^ ayo chill 😃
kenma simply ignored them and continued on with his task. all was going well until a loud slam was heard. his cat-like eyes widened as he heard a familiar voice singing from downstairs, it was undoubtedly y/n. 
kenma chuckled nervously and muted his mic. 
but of course, cute dumb catboy didn't actually mute his mic. haha <3
he ignored all the questions in the chat, all of them being  speculations that he has a girlfriend. which he does, but they simply did not need to know that <3
"kenma~" she yelled out "i have a surprise for you!!" she said, followed by menacing giggles. 
kenma glanced at the camera before hopping off his gaming chair and peeking his head out of the door. 
"y/n, im streaming!! stay down there!" he yelled out in panic 
"aw, you're playing hard to get aren't ya?" she chuckled 
kenma deadpanned as he saw her limping up the stairs, with her bandages torn and unravelled, same with her clothes. he didn't really think much of it since this is usually how she comes home. 
its most likely just due to work and/or another suicide attempt.
"so, kenma.. you'll never know what just happened to me today" she started off with a goofy grin 
"im streaming, atleast let me turn it off first-" 
she paid no mind to him as she peeled off her ruined coat and pointed to her poorly bandaged stomach
"i got stabbed!" 
"you got what?!"
kenma furrowed his brows as he immediately rushed over to his side, cradling her face and waist as he inspected her injuries
"are you okay, kitten?" he asked worriedly 
"yep, apparently it wasnt deep enough to be fatal" she sighed dejectedly 
"please don't be sad about that." kenma groaned "can you undress?" 
"ara ara~ whats this?" she cooed "you're getting real bold, kenma" she smirked at him 
she unbuttoned her shirt and started pulling down on her skirt "but since you asked so nicely-" 
kenma simply sighed and shook his head. "i was gonna prepare you a bath but now im considering leaving you here to die" 
"but the second option would've been better though" she smiled at him 
"oh my fucking god." 
kozume kenma. (22)
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╰─▸ university student, stock trader, pro-gamer, youtuber, ceo of bouncing ball lpt. 
╰─▸ y/n's struggling boyfriend. definitely needs a pay after all he's been through.
╰─▸ currently panicking because his girlfriend got stabbed.
l/n y/n. (22)
╰─▸ operative/member of the armed detective agency. 
╰─▸ kenma's girlfriend. kinda dumb, very hot to compensate for it. still hasn't died yet. 
╰─▸ currently bleeding and wounded. also hoping for severe blood loss.
"kenma, did you know" she mused in a teasing tone "lack of sleep and too much stress could possibly lead to poor memory and lack of awareness" 
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kenma looked up at her with a look of confusion. he was currently kneeled down before her while she was sat on the bed as he cleaned her wound up with a damp towel. 
"why are you telling me this?" he asked 
"i just thought it probably applied to you" she snickered 
"why? i didnt forget anything-" 
he cut himself off with a huge intake of air. he slowly turned his head to look at the screen which still had his stream going on. to make it worse, the camera was on and they were both clearly in the camera's field of view. 
to make things worse worse, his mic was on the whole time and the live chat was in shambles. 
"i hate it here" he sighed 
kenma laid his head on her lap as he continued on patching her up, honestly not caring that this whole scene was being recorded for thousands or millions of people to see. 
"well, atleast the internet could finally see my beauty before i die" she laughed 
she ran her fingers through kenma's hair as he grumbled under his breath. kenma was a pretty private person. he made sure not to overshare, given his current 'influencer' status. and he was planning on keeping his relationship a secret, though it seems he can't do that anymore. 
"might as well say hi" she shrugged 
so of course, she then decided to walk up to the camera looking utterly dishevelled and roughed up. 
for context, the newly wrapped bandages around her stomach was being stained already by a crimson red hue and it was only getting worse the more she moved, undoubtedly messing up her wound. 
"hi, im kenma's girlfriend and if i see you flirting with him i will make you regret it" she grinned 
"y/n!" kenma groaned from the bed "you're close to dying right now, turn the stream off" 
ignoring him, she proceeded to read the veiwers' comments, laughing at some of them while she joked around. 
user: heLLO?!?! 
user: bruh, did i just hear that right? were you fuckin stabbed? 
user: ur kinda hot tho
kenma furrowed his brows as he reluctantly walked up behind her, reading the comments with varying reactions 
user: well damn, hot bloody girl comes in and suddenly im lesbian
user: kenma looks so done
kuroo.tetsu: hi y/n ;) 
"jesus christ shut up, kuroo" kenma grumbled out with a sigh 
"yup! yup! im y/n, and no, i am not a criminal. i swear." she shook her head 
"i got an injury from my job, that's all." she cleared up 
user: tangina nyo sana ol
user: time to scratch another gamer boy off my possible bf list 😔
user: girl wtf happened to u
user: that's wack bro 🚶‍♀️
"great question, random person from the internet!" she beamed "see, what happened was.." 
"i went on a certain mission and got severely injured. though, when i called for help nobody responded" she said 
kenma furrowed his brows at her words. "why didn't anybody respond?" he asked. she sighed and fiddled with her torn bandages, pouting her lips as she does so. 
"well, when i told them that i was finally on death's door, all they said to me was 'congratulations!' and all that.." she said "what's your take on that, hm?" she asked kenma 
"im not surprised" he said 
she grinned at his words and leaned in for a kiss. "you're so mean to me, kenma~" she whined 
she licked her lips as she held his blushing face in her hands, she nuzzled their noses as she leaned in closer to him. 
kuroo.tetsu: oh shit 😳
user: we all know where this is heading ;) 
user: sana ol talaga punyemas 
user: AYO CHILL 
user: why we goin so fuckin fasstttt 😳
kenma hastily turned the camera off as soon as y/n's lips touched his. 
"kitten, were still- hmph-" 
he was only silenced as she slipped her tongue in his mouth, smirking lightly as she ran her fingers through his hair 
"thanks babe." she said as she pulled away, giving him a soft peck on his cheek and a nod "anyways.." she hummed as she turned the camera on once again 
she looked through the chat while kenma slaps his face to get rid of his blush. 
user: ur fuckin freaky 
kuroo.tetsu: oya oya 😼😼
user: not me blushing chiiilllleeeeee 🏃‍♀️
kuroo.tetsu: kenma, i didnt expect this from u 😼
user: im so fucking JEALOUS GRR😡
user: girl r u bleeding rn 😃
upon reading a certain comment, she subconsciously grazed her fingers against her bandaged wound. her eyes slightly widening as she felt a concerning amount of wetness seeping through
she glanced at kenma who was still calming himself down and inspected her wound 
"oh my.." she muttered, though she couldn't help but let a smile slip through 
so like any normal person would do, she simply ignored her bleeding wound and the fact that she was getting a bit lightheaded. haha <3
"anyways, let's answer some questions!" she beamed 
user: what's ur full name
user: what's ur job miss girl 
user: are you possibly looking for a gf, because i am more 
than willing to take the spot 🚶‍♀️
user: how did you meet?? 
"alright, those are all very nice questions" she chuckled. kenma, who's now calmed down, sat down beside her to look at the chat. 
"first, im l/n y/n" she mused "nice to meet ya" 
"second im a detective! mhm, im cooler than your fathers" 
"third, it depends, belladonna" she cooed as she sent the camera flirty smirk "are you perhaps willing to join me in a double suicide?" 
"oh god.." kenma grumbled. he pouted at her and shook his head in disapproval. "don't flirt with random girls" he whined 
"why not?" 
"uh- because i am your beloved boyfriend, is that not good enough of a reason??" 
"... anyways, we met at a cafe way back in high school" she said with a smile "also, i asked him to join me on a double suicide" she said 
she was smiling and nodding as if it was the most normal thing in the world, all while kenma nods along 
user: wtf are u okay 🗿
kuroo.tetsu: teenage romance 🤩
user: cute ❤️
user: im concerned ❤️
user: ur a detective?? cool
user: ^^ SAME 😩
user: u r still bleeding 🚶‍♀️        
kenma was simply glaring at the chat as more compliments and flirtatious comments came flowing in, all of which were directed to his girlfriend. 
"this is why i didn't wanna let people know about you.." kenma grumbled 
"aww, why not?" she asked with a playful pout 
"people are flirting with you." he sighed "also, stop asking for my girlfriend's onlyfans! she doesn't even have one!" he snarled
user: y/n-senpai spit on me 😡😡
user: drop the onlyfans 
user: chupapi munyanyo 😩
"anyways, i'd hate to ruin the mood" she chimed in with a sluggish giggle "but im so wet kenma" she whined out 
a menacing smirk was etched on her lips as kenma spluttered in response, a bright red hue covering his face almost instantly as he faced her with widened eyes 
"y-y/n! why would you say that?!" he whisper shouted 
"cuz i am" she whined out as she grabbed his hand and trailed it down her abdomen 
she faced the camera and gave them a shit-eating grin as kenma mumbled out incoherent words 
"y/n we should-" he cut himself off as he felt the concerning amount of blood drip down his whole arm 
kenma's face paled as he looked up to see her smiling like a kid in a candy store, completely unbothered. 
"y/n, you idiot! why didn't you tell me!" kenma exclaimed 
"um- my girlfriend is bleeding. excessively. so uh- bye i guess" it was all he said before hastily ending his stream and turning off his computer. 
"y/n, let's get you to a hospital" he said as he reached down to carry her away. though she simply slapped his hands off and closed her eyes. 
"nope. this is my time, kenma. don't ruin it for me" she said 
"you're fucking dying!!" 
"well, would you like to join me?" 
"damn." she muttered in response 
"so...wanna fuck?" she asked sheepishly 
"for the love of god-" 
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this was so messy :/
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safetyrat · 3 years
My take on the Jack Manifold being killed by Tommy discussions
This is written so someone who isnt caught up can understand, so lets start at the beginning, Jack Manifolds ad Tommys relationship. Irl Jack and Tommy are very close, but I don’t think they had a strong established relationship in character before exile, especially because Jack was mia for a lot of lore? Many relationships on the smp get taken from the ccs dynamics before the smp (wilbur and tommys mentor/brotherhood, puffychus date), which is why they have been interpreted as close? Jack was part of lmanburg and they have interacted for sure, so I think its fair to say they were friends in roleplay, even if not like,, best friends
during exile, jack visited Tommy- well, tried to visit. Tommy punched him off the bridge in the nether and made sure he died. Jack lost all his stuff and was pissed offed - but that was about it.
The tone of the visit could maybe be compared to the one with Mamacita and Mexican Dream? It was in character, but it wasn’t... serious?
It feels wrong to call it “friendly banter” when mexican dream died, but you cant call it a “Building Character Moment For TommyInnit” either. Jacks visit was similar.
At that point, neither Jack nor Tommy refered to the death as “canon” - the wiki did, however. Not sure what happend there, but it was listed as Jacks second death and when he died on Doomsday, went to hell and back - that part of lore doesn’t work without Tommy killing him.
After Jack came back from hell, he started a bigger character arc with Niki revolving around taking revenge on tommyinnit. Killing him until he is dead permanently. And while that is not presented as the right thing to do - both niki and jack consider their characters villains - its not irrational or without motive.
Tommy has made mistakes and hurt people - whether these were justified is in the eye of the beholder.
For Jacks arc right now, Tommy killing him is an important motivator and a driving point for his plot. Nothing about Jacks current character would be the same without it. Because he acknowledged the death and it was on the wiki for the longest time, its generally considered canon by the fandom.
So, case closed? Tommy killed a man while depressed in exile- yeah, that doesn’t sound right.
A Tommyinnit analysist pointed that out,, earlier today? Thats why we are having this discussion right now. I’m not sure they would appreciate me mentioning their username here, but ive read their analyses before and theyre great, they have a lot of interesting thoughts, and i agree with them bringing this up!! please never send hate to anyone about character analysis!! some people (like me) actually do this for fun.
so, i dont want to touch exileinnit to much, there is a lot to talk about, but... TommyInnit would kill somebody without a second thought. Canon deaths are heavy, theyre big, theyre- and you cannot compare this to punz killing wilbur! Yeah, that wasnt a big character moment for punz, but on one hand hes a mercenary, killing people is kind of part of his job, and on the other hand- the story around lmanburg is not a character focused one, thats a big part of wilburs writing. His main goal is progressing the geopolitical plot and let the character be shaped by it - themes like personal conflict seem less big when there is the fate of a country on your hands.
The exile arc is an entirely character focused story. It deals with themes like mental illness and inner turmoil... do you think it would pass the chance on discussing tommys feelings about killing someone? A past friend, no less?
Murdering someone, on purpose, completly changes the morality of tommys character, and im not ready to commit to that.
There are more reasons I think this, ask me to elaborate if you want, but in my eyes there is no way that Tommy could kill someone in exile with it still being consistent with his character.
So, whats the conclusion?:
TommyInnit killing Jack Manifold is canon in Jacks story, but isn’t canon in Tommys. There is no other way eithers devolopment makes sense otherwise.
This is it. An inconsistency. A plain old plothole.
Oh no, the cinematic masterpiece (/s) that is the dream smp has a plothole, what do we do now?:
...move on? There is no way discussing this will change anything. This type of inconsistency is unique to the dream smp as a medium where the creators have a direct dialogue with the fanbase. This is not the first or last time the wiki has made weird deaths canon, I personally disagree that quackity and schlatt died in the explosion of tubbos execution. This doesnt do against the wiki writers or anything, you guys are so important for this community, but you do stand in direct contact with the creators - an active fan would have probably more, but more importantly different, knowledge of the lore than 90% of the members.
Dont be harsh on the fans, dont be harsh on the ccs, we are exploring a new type of mass reaching story telling here guys.
how do we still make this consistent for the storyline?:
this is where the analysis ends, we are diving more into headcanon territory, but I choose to believe that this was a canon death, but tommy didnt realize it is. In my opinion this just feeds into Jacks themes of being ignored, not taken seriously, etc.
tldr: while tommy killing jack was considered canon for a long time, it doesnt work if you want to have tommys character make sense. Instances like this, where dubious canon gets reinterpreted later happen because of the dream smps unique type of storytelling and should not be a reason for conflict in the fandom.
Thanks for reading, if any of this doesnt make sense after tommys last stream, that I didnt watch because writing this, youre allowed to personally come into my house and assassinate me.
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sun-stormz · 3 years
Genshin Impact Visions & Gods
This has been bugging me since i started playing in mid november, but what makes a certain Archon give a Character their Vision. Considering i couldnt find any official info, I decided to do some research on each Archon and then on the player Characters we have of each element as of beginning of December 2020.
This will contain spoilers on characters & story!
Note: The travelers will not be included due to them not having Visions and having more then one Element.
I am basing this on overlaping themes and not on anything related to the actual Archon. I did add some info on the archons tho, due to this being about Visions and archons
“It is unclear whether Visions are directly granted by its element's corresponding Archon or by the nation's Archon. There is also the possibility that granting a Vision requires approval from both Archons. Yet another possibility is that they are granted by neither, and are instead given by the gods on Celestia.”
-Genshin Wiki on reciving Visions
Starting with my Favourite Element, Electro.
Electro wise, We have five Characters as of right now: Kequin, Razor, Beidou, Fishl and Lisa. The Electro Archon, God of Eternity, Baal, is the ruling Archon of the Area, Inazuma, whitch is the area we are getting in the 1.4 update in 2021.
To start off i read into any info i could find on Baal and i gotta say, she is a interesting Fellow. As of right now we know that Baal has locked Inazuma down and has initiated a Vision Hunt Decree, due to her thinking Visions should be under the sole domain of divinity. She also hasnt handed out any Visions since this decree which means all Electro characters we know have gotten theirs before this drastic change.
Now, why did these 5 characters get their Visions? Well each character has a different reason, from Razor wanting to protect those he calls friends to Lisa simpley saying it would be of use to her and just getting it. From what I've found there isnt really a big overlap in the reciving of the characters, but what is overlaping is their fixation on something.
Razor recived his vision due to him being fixated on getting stronger to protect his friends after he failed to while being dragged away by an abyss mage
Kequin was fixated on sharing her beliefs, that the people of Lyiue shouldnt rely on Rex Lapis and have their Pride and that their views are of Equal importance
Fishl was so fixated on a book series she changed herself to be like the main character, fishl and her Vision manifested in the form of Oz, one of the characters from said book
Beidou was fixated on killing Haishan, a sea monster, from a young age and recived her vision when she did so
Lisa is pretty much fixated on understanding magecraft and the cost of reciveing a Vision.
Now onto a easier Element, Geo
The Archon of Geo and Contracts, Morax, Archon of Lyiue.
Morax or Rex Lapis, was one of the oldest gods, defended Lyiue in the Archon war, the Currency in Teyvat, Mora, is named after him and as of Chp.1 Act 3 we know that he has taken the form of Zhongli and has retired as the Geo Archon.
Morax, Along with Barbatos, are the only two Archons of the Original Seven that havent been replaced.
Now, who are our Geo Characters? Noelle and Ningguang, two dedicated powerhouses! This one is fairly simple, thanks to voicelines we have of Zhongli since he came out as a player character (Bless the pity pull for giving me this man)
In his “About Ningguang” Voiceline he says: ”Despite the multitude of affairs she deals with in a day, Ningguang always continues to press on. A rare gem indeed. I'm reminded of the time that she used to walk barefoot from Yaoguang Shoal to the south wharf, trying to sell her wares as she went. Time is cruel to humans.”
Noelle recived her vision when Jean Acknowledged her hard work when she tried to get into the knights of favonius. in her “Vision” story it states: This was a lucky day that she would always remember, for she would receive recognition from two all-important sources this day: once from Jean, and the other from the gods. Her hard work has been remembered after all.
So for short: Hard working and dedicated = Geo Vision
Next up we have Anemo
Our wonderful Tone deaf bard, Venti or otherwise known as the Archon of Anemo and freedom, Barbatos, the not really ruling Archon of Mondstadt.
Barbatos is a freedom loving guy and refuses to rule over Mondstadt, the city of freedom and is by far the weakest of the Archons, despite this the people of Modstadt still love and adore their windy God.
I went into this one thinking “Oh this is easy, itll be love for freedom or something!” Nope, it surprisingly wasnt. Jean and sucerose recived their visions through their Determination it seems. Sucerose from doing her 159th Dandilion seed Simmering experiment and Jean seemed to be determened to be a good grandmaster and to protect Mondstadt.
That aside, i couldnt find many overlaps with the two, they are both free spirited and love what they do.
Now on to Pyro
Pyro, the Element of the Archon Murata who is also the god of War, is wielded by the fan fav Diluc, as well as Klee, Xiangling, Amber, Bennett and Xinyan.
Not much is known about Murata, Venti describes her as a “ wayward, warmongering wretch” and thats about all we know. She presides over Natlan.
Now to the characters, this was acually the easiest of them all: Passion.
Every Pyro user has a huge amount of passion that a rolemodel or Loved one ignited within them.
This one definitly surprised me the least and i am really excited for when we meet Murata and Natlan.
Diluc has the same passion his father had
Klee has a passion for Explosives that her mother ignited
Xiangling has a passion for food and cooking she got from her father
Amber got her Passion for Mondstadt and the outriders from her grandfather
Bennett got the Passion for adventure from all the old adventurers he calls dads, yes Dads as in plural, that raised him
Xinyan has a passion for Rock, tho i havent found out more of her story due to her being so new.
Now heading onto Hydro
Hydro, along with Dendro, is the only element where we do not know the name of the Archon. All we do know is that they are the Archon of Hydro and Justice and rule over Fontaine.
So straight to the Hydro characters: Barbara, Mona and Xingqiu.
I dont really count Childe due to the only thing talked about is his dilusion and i am rather confused on if he even has a real vision but i still love him lots
Im going to be honest this one really had me running the brain gears for a while.
All three recived their Vision as an extension of the self.
Barbara  got hers after helping a sick boy by singing to him to help him sleep through a fever, Mona rekindeled a learning aid to her vision, to aid her with her search for the truth of the rules of the world and Xingqiu got his after he explained the principles of his clans martial arts anew, litterally saying that martial artists should see Visions as a extension of the self.
Last but definitly not least, Cryo
Cryo, the Element of the Archon know as the Tsaritsa. We acually dont know her corrisponding ideal nor her acual name and this one was just as geargrinding as Hydro.
The Tsaritsa, Ruler of the fatui and the one that gives them their Dilusions, is one interresting lady. We get a description of her from Childe: “Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself. Likewise, she declared war against the whole world only because she dreams of peace. Her gaze was cold but pure, arrogant yet sharp. She was not only the sacrosanct Cryo Archon but a true warrior also.”
Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona and Qiqi, our current four Cyro userer, all have rather interesting storys when it comes to how they got their Vision.
All dont accept something
Kaeya felt guilty about hiding who he was from the family that adopted him after his father abandoned him to be a spy in Mondstadt, and told Diluc, someone he used to be very close with, the truth, since then he sees his vision as a stern reminder that he must live his life under a heavy burden of Lies. He pretty much doesnt accept the truth of his situatin and would rather live with that heavy burden
Chonyun is surpressing a part of himself, the condition he has, and as Xiangling says in Chongyuns stories, is denying a part of him. He trys to work around his condition and wont accept it as the way to go about how he practices exocrism.
Diona wont accept the truth about her father being a Alcoholic, and places the blame on the Alcohol industy instead of accepting that he isnt as high and mighty as she thought. She wont accept that her fathers bad control over his drinking habits is the reason he acts as he does and instead blames the alcohol industry.
Qiqi didnt want to accept her death nor does she really accept her Zombie like traits and only uses them when she needs to defend herself.
My theory is the Cyro Visions are recevied when you wont accept the grim reality as it is, if this is positive or negative variates
When it comes to the last element, Dendro, we sadly know nothing nor have we seen any dendro character in action. So that might be a addition later on.
I’m really interrested if we find out the actual criteria for reciving each Vision one day
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littlenekosfan · 4 years
Friend - visual narrative
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this is going to be a long thread bc i have a LOT of panels, so read under the cut!
since im reworking with Friend chapters panels, i paid attention to the details more than ever before.. and wow, the way these chapters are narrated is absolutely amazing
lets start off with my one of my fav panels
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if there is a theme between these two that keep recurring it’s “duality” (whether when it comes to their character or the way their story is told) we will also find a lot of parallels with it.. this panel above starts it very well, one left, one right, they both call each other’s name, the expressions completely different, even the background is reversed
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there we go again, all this in one chapter, i simply love how they have the same pose/image but reversed, its a really nice contrast with how different they are and yet are at the same level also, look at their speech bubbles, most of the time, jugram has a round one while bazz a sharper one, its the case here and the previous panels aswell
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AGAIN! kubo gives us each’s pov with the same image/paneling, i love that method bc he treats them the same, even if one is stronger than the other and ppl will most likely root for/side with one more than the other, they both get the same treatment, also, we get to see how both lives the same struggle, it both conflicts them this whole fight considering the past they had together
the transition is also really nice, the black background outside the panel and the partial grey shading that matches with it inside the panel.. we will get to see that technique again, but here?? lovely.
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a whole page not showing their face even if you guessed who they were, you get that little surprise with the face reveal which comes out really nice
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the chapter reveal!!!! its so pure and empty (no dialogue and it’s only one panel), it perfectly empathize on the title and its meaning
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i love how discreet bazz motive to help out jugo is shown here, obviously none of them would speak about it (jugo is pretty closed and bazz despite being loud, he isnt obnoxious and he’s smart) so it had to be shown without any words and these panels do it so well!
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the first panel is just so beautiful and you can tell how jugo is just, happy. and then, the moment his uncle speaks, his face drastically changes, from white to black, kubo loves to work with that contrast of b&w (just look how the ritters/espadas are dressed vs shinigamis.. there is also the sun/moon theme and so on... its not called bleach for nothing lmao) kubo uses contrast very often and we can tell he loves to do it (and he does it super well!!)
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i know we dont have any colour on these pages, but both pages are from the same chapter, first one (right) being their fist meeting on a normal day (probably an evening so the sky is orange ish) and the second page is again a jump to a flashback but this time it’s not the sky that we are shown in the last panel, but rather flames, the same colour as the day they met... the two last panels look the same but arent....
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there is also the absence of facial expression in some panels, which imo conveys the mood much better, we are not left up to interpretation, we clearly know what kind of feelings that are expressed yet they didnt need to be shown...
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again with the parallels (left/right) and using the same image from younger to older to show their growth? nice.
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the built up with the grand reveal... wow, love it, also, that panel was such a surprise to me when i first read it... still give me goosebumps today ngl..(if you are a manga reader to likes to have the book, well, this the end of vol69... what an ending :))) just look at the build up, the bg is dark and you get that white and empty panel right after like, wow 
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AGAIN WITH THE SUPRISE AND WOW IT HURTS, also the title being in capital... OOF, im going to loose it
ppl like to call kubo lazy with his titles, but is it?? i mean, here, i really cant think of a better title, remember how the first chapter friend was introduced? so sweet and smooth and then you get this... the fact friend is written here is a good call back to their relationship, what it is, what it really means, and the current situation
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the way bazz recalls all the things he had heard about this.......th-that hurts (we’re like in his mind, we’re just as shocked as he is) also, it shows well how bazz recall all these moment in silence and does all the realization without saying a thing, bc no, he didnt say a thing ever since yhwach started to talk..
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the left panel is yhwach talking (as he was for like the whole chapter) and there is no dialogue going on, the two boys didnt say a thing... as the slience was taking place, bazz breaks is with a shrieking voice, just looking how the letters are written in japanese, we went from pure, clear panel to a messy and dark one....
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jump back to present, with both jugrams having the same pose but they both don’t convey the same feeling, with the shading and how cut it is (not being able to fully see jugo’s eyes) you can tell the first one is more disturbing/devastating than the second one
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there we go... we get to see both of their expression at the same time and it change within the following panels,.. (im telling you, kubo love both of them, not just one.., both.)
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this is one of my favorites moments, the way know bazz has lost his fight and how HE is self-conscious about it..., the way he monologues about jugram is really depressing, and how we are only given images that illustrates his struggle...the images are so strong, desperate and yet, his words are so empty, powerless, he knew he lost.. (the moment i start reading it, i cry on the fucking floor)
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i mentioned earlier how i loved kubo’s choice in not showing the face, well we have it here again in a flashback and the end of the fight... jugram turning his back to bazz, he did it in the past and did it after bazz’ death..  it’s his way to avoid to face his feelings. (the fact we are shown he did it in the past and the reason to it, let us know why he did it again even later)
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here again with empty panels, the fact it’s only bazz who is talking.... feels really heavy and the way he clings to jugram with burning hands....... you really need to look at every panel carefully to feel that heart wrenching moment,, there is no crying or screaming, he just softly admits his defeat and that’s it, like, im sorry but that’s fucking sorrowful
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here again with kubo choosing to not show the face, but in this case, it’s harder for us to tell which expression jugram has (since he’s so closed about showing emotions or his intentions) but the fact kubo deliberately chose to hide it proves jugram has something to hide from us, something he didnt want us (readers) to see.........
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these panels? concludes their story perfectly you have jugram walking up the stairs leaving bazz-b alone laying behind, being reminded of the day they met where bazz was the one standing high while jugram is on the ground the setting: the cold empty castle during nighttime vs the warm summer day met in a forest at daytime bazz reached to jugram and jugram left him behind, they met with touched hearts only to leave with empty ones, bazz used to look down on jugram and now, jugram does, they used to be so different and still do but only now, their role are inverted...
thank you @equipollency​ for that remark! i think your post does it much better if yall wanna read it !
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i mentioned earlier how the background (outside the panel) would change from black to white, we know the black means the past,  but i love how its broken here, going back and forth from the past and present (within the same page) to show how things are still the same between them, the same struggle, the same fight over and over
also, the “not yet” is just so perfectly placed, i cant, it just emphasize even more on my point earlier (how things between them never changed on that matter)  and it finally concludes the flashbacks (with the way it’s presented: the b&w,, and the words themselves, how they weight so much)
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the black shading like that is rarely used with kubo but when he does, you know it conveys extreme emotions (we didnt get to see it with bazz bc it wasnt as intense as jugram has it but also)  the trigger to these emotions for jugram are related to trauma, the first one being his uncle and the second being his friendship (im not calling his relation with bazz traumatic, its how important this relationship was to him and how ended up broken that triggers him)
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but NaKi ThErE iS ThiS pAneL wHerE baZz Is ShaDeD bLacK! yes i know, but it’s not about bazz expression nor emotions, its about the scene, the situation (the white bg vs the black silhouette: perfect), so no it doesnt count, but its still a very nice panel just like with the jugo’s reveal with everyone “kneeling” to him.. white bg was The way to go
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i forgot to talk about how i like their fight, how there is so little dialogue and how there are a lot of empty pages just to let place to the fight... it lets you enjoy their fight while we suffer with their flashback, anyways, im not a fan of endless dialogue in fights unless it really changes something, here, they both already know each other and they know what they want, so it was a good pick to just, us reader, witness their story through their mind instead of them narrating/recalling it to us
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i know kubo uses that technique outside of these chapters, but the grey shading... i love.. he also has a LOT of close ups with eyes bc we all know how expressive eyes are;... i love that too
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i know i talked about some facial expressions, but really, kubo’s art is amazing, the way he can convey certain expressions that are so precise... here, have some panels that i think are underrated naki your boys are underrated.. bc i love kubo’s art so much
i had the chance to see the colored version only once, and to be honest, the black and white is just, Amazing. nothing close to that, kubo’s use of b&w and how he keeps his panels pure is MADE to stay that way
anyways, im really in love with how Friend was made and thought out in it’s visual narrative (and story wise too ofc), kubo didnt just do a side story, these chapters are fucking amazing and ppl often ignores that sadly..
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kuromichad · 3 years
man sometimes you realize youve spent days on end doing mindless non-tasks while idly thinking about how everything is bad and nothing ever gets better and youre not excited by anything or hopeful for anything and kinda dont like it when other people express any kind of wonderment or ‘excessive’ optimism because it makes you flinch and etc etc etc and then finally it clicks like... oh bro you have depression huh... i feel like every month or two i rediscover the concept of depression because i forget there are more types than like ‘letting a plain tortilla fall out of your mouth’ or ‘crying frequently’. even though i think the irritable cynical type is what i have the most often.
ive been very hostile to any kind of like sympathy in the form of ‘2020-onward has been hard for literally everyone’ or like ‘youve been dealing with a lot’ because im like. that cant be true because i’m lucky that no one in even my extended family has gotten covid and my parents and grandparents i leech off of are already retired/work from home and like. between stimulus and cares act stuff ive had more money in the past year than in like my whole life. and even though it’s been difficult due to Phone Calls and dealing with incompetent people i did get to start hrt. so really i’m very spoiled and i guess (clearly) i resent myself for that. 
but all of this still um. sucks? like to just. every single day have to hear bad news and then see 300 slightly different posts in reaction to the bad news that just really drive in how bad everything is. you get like ten minutes to laugh about ‘reddit steals money from wall street via gamestop’ before then having to see people repeat over and over how doomed and miserable it is that ‘the government is letting people die but will rush to help the stock market’ and its like i know. i know. i know. the worst possible thing is always what’s going to happen and there’s no levity in the world without a bitter aftertaste. it’s great. i’m used to feeling this way about my own life but it really is hard to have it driven in so incessantly and deeply regarding just, the whole universe, for almost a year, with no end in sight. everything is bad every single thing has a rotten core. 
i feel unbelievably fucking stupid for it but i feel like probably the hardest thing for me, like the most insidiously damaging, in the past year has been like. ok so. we all know i’m a cringe ass nae nae Disney Adult. i have no desire to like, actively behave like one, but i know in >current year to like any disney anything at all in public past age ten is considered like peak braindead behavior. and i understand Why and it’s not like i disagree that Disney Is Bad. but for me disney parks have always been a bit different, a bit removed from whatever bad movie or shitty corporate move, there’s a more genuine spirit there right, whatever, youve seen me go on about this before. but this year its very very clear theyre uh. behaving evilly with the parks now too. i’m exposed to constant discourse about this because of having a Disney Family who likes to watch Disney Vloggers constantly (yes yes i know youre sending missiles to my house ouuhhh the cringe oh it burns i deserve this oooh) and having to hear these people whine nonstop about why doesnt disneyland reopen wah wah, and reading about the massive cast layoffs, and just. yknow. disney acting how everyone who wasnt stupid like me expected them to act. it’s made it impossible to engage with the whole concept of theme parks which was obviously a major interest for me, probably (pathetically) pretty much the only ‘non-fandom’ interest i have, one of the few arenas i could actually picture myself Having A Job in and actually being happy, basically the only thing ive ever like cornily waxed poetic about in posts the way other people on here rhapsodize about the moon or gay kissing or the found family trope or whatever, Ugh Cringe. 
and i just cant have that anymore. i cant bear to think about my, like, Special Interest anymore, because everything on earth comes back to how theres money involved and everything about how we deal with money is evil and people are always suffering and corporations are always ruining everything and nothing ever ever ever ever gets better nothing will ever be okay. and having that in the back of your mind nonstop, with constant external affirmation, is like. not good for you. like i think maybe... guys... im maybe allowed to be depressed. even if i dont like, know anyone whos died. (my paternal grandma did die last spring but it wasn’t covid.) This is a great revelation to arrive at. i don’t know what to do with it now though. like it does feel good to be able to blame something like it’s external, like ohh okay i feel bad this week (the past two months) (the past year) (my whole life) Because Of Depression, but it doesn’t... solve it. it’s not preventing next week from being differently bad in a way that it’ll take me a while to recognize yet again. but like at least im not suicidal like 2018 <3 im just. frustrated and sad.
i also kinda dont know why i’m posting about this. i guess i don’t really talk on here anymore but i also feel like i’ve been exhausting my friends lately with my bad moods and in particular, my need to Talk About everything. (theoretically i know that being a person who copes by venting/needs to talk through their feelings is like, a value neutral thing, people are just different from each other. but since a percentage lower than 100 of my friends are not the same way i decide oh okay this is evil and revolting.) so im just kinda. getting it out. here’s how im doing, how about you,
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf chapters 107 - 120 this is one where i give some Opinions. i do overall like hualian a lot but i have some quibbles
wait why am i still taking screenshots? i can copy/paste again afskldfjasad
It really was hard to tell whether people would feel happy after watching such performances. However, in truth, slaughter and the sight of blood did create excitement in people. Whether or not there was fear, after the initial shock was over, a rush of adrenaline would be produced in the heart- me watching horror movies
“Shi Qingxuan said. “Then, Your Highness, Crimson Rain Sought Flower! I order you to—to immediately strip each other’s clothing!” - djslkadjlsd WHY DID HE SPECIFICALLY SAY THEY HAD TO STRIP EACH OTHER THISALSKDJ is this a normal thing is it a wingman attempt what is happening
“I’ll tell you what it is,” he said softly. “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.” ... “Ming Yi asked, “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”- when truth or dare gets a bit too real
On the side, Hua Cheng was still only observing, and was already bored to the point where he’d changed back into his red robes. Then he changed to black robes again. Then to white robes. Almost every time Xie Lian looked back, he would be donning a different appearance, and with every new look there were different hairstyles, and different accessories, and different boots, and so on; sometimes playful, sometimes elegant, sometimes deadly, sometimes glamourous. Xie Lian was growing dizzy from all the colours and kept looking back, unable to look away. - THIS ISNT THE TIME HUA CHENG. YOURE PRIMPING. THE WINDMASTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AND YOURE PRIMPING
obsessed with xie lian not being able to figure out to use the windmaster’s fan and just. using it to SMACK
also windmaster??? whats going on??? :( i know some things from spoilers like who is not to be trusted but i really have no clue whats happening rn
anyways back to puqi shrine lets check on those kids also can we PLEASE get some funds for this restoration smh. hua cheng and xie lian doing mundane hard labor together to fulfill prayers.... :pleading:
jailbreak in the heavens 2: dig a tunnel
Sure enough, the moment Ming Yi put pressure on his shovel, a hole opened up before them. With the shovel raised, he burrowed crazily ahead while Shi Qingxuan, in the middle, cheered him on crazily. As the only non-crazy person, Xie Lian brought up the rear. That treasured shovel of the Earth Master was indeed magical, and with only a few strokes, a new tunnel of over ten meters was dug. - anybody remember mulch diggums from the artemis fowl series? this is much more dignified than that but i think this is only the second time ive read a character just starting digging a tunnel as a plot point
okay so much is going on i wish i hadnt spoiled who certain characters actually are for myself but i have no one to blame but me for a) not blacklisting spoilers at all and b) just having a little freefall through the tags. oh well. anyway heavenly college admissions scandal except way worse. the corruption extends to the heavens and the windmaster is having a very bad day
i guess we’re having a high seas adventure now?
im gonna keep it real im getting tired of how often we get told how handsome hua cheng is. i know its all xie lian’s pov and while im not terribly familiar with it i know what genre we’re working with and im assuming thats pretty typical. its something i dont much care for in general and idk maybe it sounds better in the original but ngl its starting to make me roll my eyes. love you goth king but god okay we get it.
i guess what i will say about hualian so far is that overall i like them and i like how they interact in general they have a lot of nice moments and they just genuinely seem to like each other which is really nice to see EXCEPT for when it actually comes to things that could be romantic or sexual which is a shame bc i dont think it has to be like this. again disclaimer that im only reading a translation and dont know everything might not have all the knowledge necessary to accurately criticize etc etc and im assuming a lot of this is expected from the genre (disclaimer to this disclaimer that i cant say that for sure its just based on things ive picked up about the bl genre over the years) but idk like xie lian was so distressed after their underwater kiss scene. it was kind of uncomfortable to read and maybe im being unfair i know his cultivation is based around abstinence or whatever but idk i dont care for it. and that scene alone doesnt have to be a bad thing like idk i guess its his first kiss ever (?) and it would make sense if he feels weird about it but i just have my doubts thats going to be addressed or resolved in a satisfying way. also im like. dude everyone is like centuries old. xie lian’s been on earth for 800 years. has he really never met or heard of a gay person during all this time? maybe he hasnt idk what he got up to yet maybe that’s actually a thing. also same thing with the reactions from the immortals to xie lian in a dress and characters like the windmaster like again you’re all centuries old and its not uncommon to be able to just completely change gender presentation. why are you all weird about a man wearing a woman’s dress? i just feel like that shouldnt be a big deal to these characters idk
also again not going to lie part of this that im not really a big fan of reading romance in general. yes i am reading this book. yes i do read and write a lot of fanfic that includes or centers romance. im multifaceted. but really what im talking about is the like physical side of it and descriptions im extremely picky about it. ill give an example. early on in the torture pit (or whatever it was called i cant remember lol) when xie lian kind of accidentally felt up hua cheng in the dark when he was being carried. i dont think thats a bad thing to have happen between the two romantic leads i think thats fine and good to include that early but i just did not enjoy reading it when it happened idk maybe it was the wording and i do think that moments like these work better in a visual medium. ive definitely read het romance that reads like this and i wasnt a fan of that either lol same with fanfic i get tired when writers go on and on about how hot one characters finds another character. this isnt a huge criticism of it like i said im picky but again like with the way that hua cheng is described it just makes me roll my eyes sorry kings
okay back to the reading. this whole saving the fishermen thing feels like a big set up for something narrative-wise. hua cheng specifically insisted on coming and i know one of the characters involved ends up dying im wondering if thats now it would be a good time tbh if things get just a bit too unfortunate during this heavenly calamity... and the brothers are notably not having a harmonious time... also tho it feels very likely we’ll just have another Hualian Moment (tm)
In such a situation, Pei Ming still acted the same. In the evening, when they rescued a few fishermen girls, so scared their eyes were blurry from tears, he held them in his embrace and soothed them with a gentle voice; a true show of honeyed romance, affectionate and charming. - pei ming please get pickled again.
also its funny that hua cheng is just kinda hanging out and everyone else just has to deal with it
Looking down from above, the entire area was painted in a terrifying black. It was easy to see the collision between the two different-coloured currents. Their fierce battle was what formed this enormous whirlpool. As the eye swallowed the ship whole, the two currents of water separated. However, the battle was far from over. Like two venomous vipers, they continued to snap at each other. Each collision was followed by a mountain of angry waves. - this pretty dope ngl. also love our wind and earth masters just chilling on a shovel i dig it. hehe
Yet, other than discovering Hua Cheng had a fine body, there were no other finds. Xie Lian was at his wit’s end and started to worry. - okay see this one’s funny im just also irritated bc im like WE KNOW!!! WE GET IT HE’S HOT AND XIE LIAN THINKS HE’S HOT OKAY GOT IT
okay kiss #2 again its not the kisses themselves its xie lian’s reaction it just bothers me idk im not saying i need him to be super into it and completely unconflicted about it rn but he’s just so freaked out about it and idk i just dont really like it just feels weird i dont care for that aspect of it. also dude hua cheng is a ghost and he did this exact same thing for you before just chill. i wish instead of xie lian literally running away while screaming that hes sorry he was just like “oh haha youre fine thats cool im gonna go look around the woods i dont feel weird about this at all haha” like idk its kind of funny but when its literally our two romantic leads i just feel like its confusing like it kind of makes me feel like they shouldnt be together if one of them freaks out this much again considering the fact that they are both CENTURIES old. i know i know xie lian is an 800 year old virgin but. he hasn’t been like this about anything else so yeah idk like it still could have been awkward and funny i just dont think it needed to be so :/ that being said it was funny that xie lian was then internally like “oh i did it wrong? perhaps i should ask him for more.. instructions....” if that actually happens i might like it bc it would complete this little watery theme
Before he finished, he immediately remembered. Coffin wood. There were trees here everywhere; and a deceased? There was one right before his eyes. Sure enough, Hua Cheng smiled. “Won’t it be fine once I lie inside? - love that hua cheng just sat on the fact that he can turn anything into a coffin. that would have been really useful information earlier but no he just waited until everyone but xie lian was gone afjaklsdjf
also i do think that oblivious xie lian thinking “wow whoever it is that hua cheng fancies is an idiot for not liking him back theyre totally taking him for granted :/” is kind of funny and sweet. actually the whole conversation they have at the campfire is good and im bookmarking it to think about later
“...You on top and me on the bottom,” Xie Lian replied. “Isn’t top and bottom the same?” Hua Cheng asked. - okay im sorry but. mood whenever theres discourse about top/bottom dynamics for a ship im just like jesus christ i dont care. tbh i rarely read fanfiction if its just sexual and ngl if i see a fic specifically tag characters as top or bottom i wont read it lmfao. especially when people have really strong opinions about this stuff when theres nothing canonical to back it up like headcanon all you want but whenever i see people argue about it im just like no offense but go work out your own sexual issues and dynamics instead of arguing with strangers on the internet about who’s a top and who’s a bottom. sorry to be mean but just thats how i feel lol
this was mostly a ramble with a few excerpts but im getting sleepy im going to TRY to take a break from this for like a day but we’ll see how that goes i do very much want to know what happens. anyway if you read this whole thing hiiiiii sorry for subjecting you to my opinions on top/bottom discourse
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selfcareparker · 3 years
LMAOO I WAS GONNA BRING UP FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER BUT I WASNT SURE IF YOU WERE WATCHING IT HSKAJ (are you liking it? i know it’s only the first episode but ya know, another one tomorrow night- well tomorrow night for me, and did you like wandavision?? i loved it!!)
oh my goodness i’m watching lion king while writing this and i haven’t seen it in a while and i am..... emotional. but anyway, i love that streaming services think that imma pay for them while they charge $50 a month. like yes of course i have that kind of money and i am going to give it to you to watch tv 🙄 that $50 is budgeted to sims thank you. (ALSO SIMS!!! i’ll get to that in a minute) now see if i don’t google levidia right this minute LMAOO, not that i’m gonna use it.. just for the research...
AND HDKSHS SEND THAT CHAOS WALKING LINK LMAO i saw it for the third time with a different one of my friends and she wasn’t the best one to see it with? she literally was on her fucking phone and i was like ok whatever her loss not mine, and idk if you’ve read the books or if you’ve seen it by now, but by the end of the whole movie, after they’ve confirmed THE THING throughout the whole movie she asked the dumbest question and i’m like diD YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE, and i guess she didn’t. so. this sounds so vague but i don’t wanna spoil the movie for you just in case lol.
THE STORY LMAOO, so A DIFFERENT FRIEND LOL, like my oldest bff, we had a day together and we wanted to go see chaos walking. and i honest to God thought that no one would be seeing this movie. like NO ONE. every day, i checked the theater seating and no one was there right? plus i really wanted us to have the theater to ourselves. so we sit in the wrong seats, the row in front of us, STILL THINKING WE’RE ALONE. and then these 3 older people came in AND IM ABOUT TO SCREAM FHSJSH AND IM LIKE “are we in your seats?” and they we were like uh yeah, AND IT WAS SO BAD LMAOO , we’re moving and everything would’ve been FINE but my friend’s reclined seat was going down so slow and as it’s going shes LITERALLY SAYING ALOUD “awkward awkward awkward” so she thinks forget it, lemme just get up. HER BAG GETS CAUGHT ON HER CHAIR AND HER FRIES AND THEY SPILL ALONG WITH HER HONEY MUSTARD 😭😭 ALL OVER THE FLOOR! so i’m trying not to laugh lmao but those aren’t even our seats and we just made a mess, so naturally, i get on the floor and start cleaning it up with my napkins (this is going for too long) AND MY FRIEND IS STILL SAYING “awkward awkward awkward awkward” and i’m really abt to crack up bECAUSE LIKE SHUT UP HAHAHA and we’re cleaning it and shit and the oldest lady is gonna say “yeah you’re not gonna make an old lady get on the floor, are you?” AND I WANTED TO LAUGH AND SCREAM AT THE SAME TIME BC DID WE ASK YOU TO, NO, so then i had to get the manager and she helped us clean it, we got new fries and everything was fine, it’s just a crazy story bc LITERALLY WE COULDVE AVOIDED IT AND EVERYTHING BUT THESE ELDERLY PEOPLE HAD TO COME AND SEE THIS MOVIE😭😭 at least the gentlemen was nice.. he helped us clean. but then his wife was like “i aM nOt siTTiNg tHeRe” and at first i thought she was a teenager bc of her stink attitude but her husband was nice. and it’s not like we weren’t cleaning it up, we were!!! like i was so apologetic- anyway.
about sims! do you play console or pc? wait,, you already told me you play pc bc your computer was broken, i’m glad you can play now though :’)) litetally when i read in the tags that you’re playing sims !!!! and are you hyped for bunk beds? i have cc so i’ve had them for a bit, but they were glitchy... but i’m so excited we have them now! i should really play sims today...
GURL IM SO PROUD OF YOU 🥺🥲 i know you aren’t fluent in everything and you aren’t a linguistic genius LMAO but it’s still soooo amazing :’) here i am reading the captions while ur just going hahah, yea i tried duolingo but.... i didn’t stick to it HDJSH talking to you though makes me so interested because you know all these languages, not even studying them like that, but you have this foundation and ahh it’s just super cool. LOL YOU DONT SOUND LAME HAJA IM TELLING YOU ITS SO SO COOL, i’m loving this lesson btw oh my goodness- HSKAJS YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT??? HDYSJHS MY ONLY ENGLISH SPEAKING ASS??? HAHAHAHHAH i find that word (Rindfleischetikettie- i’m not gonna write the whole thing i’m sorry) very interesting... like... wow. did you have to google that or did you just know lmao
OKAH THE WATER THING HDKDJDKS UR GONNA TERRIFY ME HAHAH OH MY LORD- first of all CROATIA 😍😍 but thinking about it like that, I WOULD FREAK OUT TOO HAHSGSG i never go that deep into the water, or if i do i have my dad with me lol and i kind of hold onto him bc ive seen/heard too many things about people being dragged into the sea. but i loveee the water (i wanted to be a mermaid soooo bad ohmigosh)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ONE CANNOT LIKE MUSIC ITS AWFUL !! lmao yeah i haven’t even listened to harry’s his first album, everyone says they love it more. I WAS GONNA SAY IMMA LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL BUT THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE IT HUHAHAH also i have never listened to anything by mgk (i actually had to google who he was IM SORRY😔) i’m tempted to listen tho lol PLEASE JUSTIN BIEBER- I PROMISE IM NOT LAUGHING AT U IVE JUSY NEVER HAD SOMEONE SAY THAT B4!! like i don’t know many people who’ve liked him bUT NOW IM GONNA LISTEN & the cardboard cutout- okay. 😭😭😭
oh my goodness to see the vamps live 🤧 TO SEE ANYONE LIVE PLEASE JJDGSHAHGD and little mix is so good oh my goodness- i actually haven’t been to that many concerts.. i was at my first one, elsie fest (it’s like a broadway thing really) in uhhh october of 2019, yea i took my mom for her birthday bc she loves darren criss and i’m obsessed with glee lmao OH MY GOODNESS YOUVE BEEN TO SO MANY!!! and those are such great artists 😩😩
LMAO UR FINE, hamilton is a musical that lin manuel miranda wrote and i think generally made? i’m obsessed, but basically it was on broadway and then recorded and put on disney+ ... idk i guess it counts a film bc it’s like a movie really cuz it was recorded but in what 2018 or 2016? i don’t remembers the date that is on disney+ but it’s strange how i got into it, a lot of my friends were obsessed and i was like uhh why? and while researching it and watching it, trying to figure out why people love it... i fell in love with it LMAO but the music is FANTASTIC and lin is incredible😭 but yes yes yes i loveeeee high school musical!! my dad actually took my cousins to see it on ice or something (i absolutely forget lmao) but i don’t know how people don’t know hsm. it upsets me.
OKAY IM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM HAHAHA (it takes me so long to respond, now i’m on lion king 2 WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE FHHSSHHSHSH) i could respond in chunks but i kind of enjoy responding like this? it feels a bit like a letter but if this whole thing is overwhelming i’ll cut it up lol
+ yes that was me about your fic and sleep and everything lol but it was so good😭 i don’t understand how you write peter so well like you have this ability to capture his.. everything? i’m crine. all the time. over your fics. & i cannot describe my happiness for youuuu :’) i’m so happy you’re writing again 🥺🥰 the thing about how you only want to write the long peter fic but you don’t know how to continue... i feel that so so so hard, i don’t think i told you but ughh i was so blah bc of that feeling of having pent up inspiration for only one fucking thing and not being able to write it. it’s so frustrating 😭
not to add more to this but i need to vent a bit? the situation is definitely different bc with your major it obviously requires for you to ya know, know english lol, but uhm bc i’m homeschooled ive been cheating on all my work SHSHDHSJ like i google the answers but i’m still learning! it’s just..... i find it so unnecessary, like going for an audition no one is gonna say to me “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” like tf??? there’s literally no point. i’m gonna be getting into voice lessons again soon and i’m already doing dance, AND i’ll be doing this summer camp program (more hamilton lol) and thinking about school is only making me stress more, like i haven’t been able to rehearse dance at all this week bc of it...... so
hahaha reading your tags, lonely anon would still be accurate HAHAHHAHA // another add: yea i love ur current theme, i’ve gotten used to “seeing you” like this, but anything will look super pretty :)) ALSO HOW IS IT STILL SNOWING THERE, i swear it’s getting warmer and warmer by the day here 😭🤧
these long ass posts, my gosh🥲 lonely lovely anon <3
Omg yes it does feel like a letter sldkdj and then the few days of waiting also make more sense okay i love this ❣️💕❤️💓❤️💞🧡💜💘(wtf)sksjhz
Dear lovely anon,
ALSKSJVKD yes i‘m liking falcon and winter soldier dlkdh i haven‘t watched the second episode yet but i‘ll watch it tomorrow! but i didn‘t watch wandavision........ eidislskks i was going to but idk i wasn‘t that interested in it and watching series is already too much of a commitment (what can i say i‘m a Sagittarius—🤧 (no i’m joking i actually know NOTHING about starsigns)) didjj that i couldn‘t force myself to watch it, ALSO i hate (idk if this is an unpopular opinion) when every episode is like a whole hour. i‘m rewatching an old series today (it‘s german so i won‘t even get into it) and the episodes are 25 mins each and i‘ve already watched 8 episodes today ridlndjdjd,,, and i feel like if the episodes were an hour each i wouldn‘t have gotten past episode 2 today like idk.... even if series had the same length in total, i prefer when the individual episodes are shorter idk why tho tbh (so yeah i already wasn‘t 100% convinced about watching wandavision so i just couldn’t make myself watch a bunch of 1hour episodes— i‘ve heard that it‘s good tho- but i‘m not much of a series person so. Dldkk (have we talked about this already??? sorry i don‘t remember what i said lol and i couldn‘t find my own post anymore so dkdjsh) (WAIT I JUST CHECKED THE WANDAVISION EPIOSRDES ARENT EVEN THAT LONG??? Okay wait i might watch it now - did you like it? let me know if i should watch it— why did i think they were 60minutes???)
okay another confession i‘ve never watched the lion king????? i mean i watched it when i was a child but i was too young to actually pay attention to any kind of plot i just liked the songs lol sldkdj i‘ve been meaning to watch it for years tho 🦁 (idk it just felt appropriate to put a lion emoji lmoaoo)
OH MY GOD THE CHAIS WALKING/CINEMA STORY AHSJSKKS😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO (very fitting that there was so much chaos when you were watching a film that has chaos in the title loool) and the “awkward awkward awkward“ SAME SKSKSLSKDJ, that‘s literally me 24/7 ahajshshhshshsh. Like i was so skdjdjdkdllsldksnsnsnsb while i read what you sent me djslslsjdjdbdn why are old ladies always so grumpy btw 🥲🥲🥲 at least the man was nice tho! and wait did i read that right... you have fries (which, to me, are called chips dusuusldk) at your cinemas?? (Movie theatres sorry sksjsh) we just have popcorn and nachos and drinks i want chips too when i‘m watching a film what😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also i still haven’t watched it so thanks for not spoiling it!!! (idk when i’ll watch it i’m so bad with films and even worse with series💀💀💀- same with cherry. i literally forgot all about cherry, i was SO hyped when the trailer came out like i’ve never been so excited about a movie... and then it came out... and i still haven‘t watch it like what‘s wrong with me???? Dkdjdjdjdklsl i feel like i‘m not gonna watch it anytime soon tbh, but i wanna watch chaos walking i just have to find the time
Okay and @ your other friend who wasn‘t paying attention like why are you even watching the film then???? but ok (omg this sounds so mean i‘m sure she‘s very nice but in this situation just like❔❔❔)
SIMS ahhh, BUNK BEDS, ahhhh sdljdjdjdkdkdldksj i actually haven‘t played it since the update 🤧🤧 i made both of my sims (enisa (bestselling author already, thank you) and michael (aspiring doctor)) go to university and bro it takes so long 😭😭 and you can‘t do anything else if you want them to do well so literally the last three times i played sims i was just constantly clicking their homework and computerd to write their assignments (i play it in german so idk what its called on the sims) and do their presentations and do them all over again so that they get better or whatever for HOURS, but imma play again soon
also i‘m living my fanfiction life loool, so i made my two sims neighbours (on the same plot tho but i made two small separate houses lol, i still wanted to control both of them at the same time but i made sure they didn‘t interact before i wanted them to skdjdjdk). and first they both experimented and got some experience in the love department you know (all genders, cause i have to live my sexuality even in a pc game slskdjh— wait, i‘ve never lived my sexuality irl like i‘ve done NOTHING nothing with guys nothing with girls (🥲) but maybe that’s why i want to do it even more in the sims) and then they met at uni and realised like hey we‘re neighbours and now they‘re together (but michael accidentally had an alien baby with another woman (who was an alien which i was not aware of) cause i wasn‘t paying attention like i said woohoo not try for baby like michael why is your pull out game so weak tf LSHDDHDJDJSKKDKSKDKS okay but making out and flirting and doing all the fun stuff in the sims turns me on way more than it should PFAHAHHAHSH) so idk why i told you this but I’m creating that neighbour!au in the sims lmaoooo
i did not have to google Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsübertragungsaufgabengesetz (just did it again😌 sisjshhs) but i might have mixed up the words überwachung und übertragung or i might have even forgotten a word skskks but in the end it doesn‘t matter (by linkin park- ok i‘m so sorry it‘s 2 am and i have a headache from having waveformers in my hair all day but i still wanted to reply to this now so sorry if i‘m not making any sense right nowbahahshah)
i wanted to be a mermaid too dldjdksksj like h2O and all those series convinced me i could be one like. i remember i‘d always go in the deep pool and attempt to swim like them in all the series with that wave motion i must have looked so crazy with my goggles as well dkdjsksöksj (i was like twelve but still)
so mgk has two sides one is hip hop/rap which is like ~~~~ idk he has good and bad songs, but his latest album is like punk pop snd I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, so if you like punk pop I’d recommend his album tickets to my downfall (i don‘t blame yoj if you don‘t like it tho like about a year ago i would have HATED that type of music dkdkdkkd)🥴
Okay talking about music, there‘s this german rapper and he is... not a good person. he‘s literally a criminal and extremely sexist but to me he‘s still hot???????? he‘s even cute at times even tho he has tattoos everywhere and is like 6‘5 and is super aggressive but i see him and i‘m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 my heart beats only for you💘💘💘💘and he released a new song today and i watched the video and i‘m wondering wtf is wrong with me 😃 (he did look particularly cute cause he was high so idk he wasn’t really aggressive in this one) 😭 so i thought i‘d share that LMAO IDK
(not saying tattoos aren‘t cute btw i LOVE tattoos imma get some soon, but you know he looks like someone your grandma would be afraid of (and in his case rightfully so💀)
okay wait i‘m getting so tired it‘s 2 am i think i‘ll have to do the rest tomorrow but i wanted to do it now😭🥺🥺 see you tomorrow
it is now 3:42 am and i couldn‘t sleep so here we go again
girl you can laugh at me for liking justin tho skskks i wanna laugh at myself idk, like i said i really really really liked him a few years go, basically my life was at least 50% justin and then he went on a break for a while and released an album last year which i hated 🥴 but this album is wow. (Still weird to me because it‘s literally the definition of pop and i don‘t ever listen to pop?) and it‘s so weird because i used to know so much about justin and had so many friends who loved him as well and now it‘s like I’m listening to someone new? Don‘t get me wrong i never KNEW justin and i never will and i‘m aware of that shahsh but yeah i used to be soooo used to him and it‘s like reconnecting with an old friend and you realise you don‘t know that friend anymore- like you don‘t know them anymore at all. I mean justin is weird nowadays 😂😂😂 so pls laugh at me tbh dskksjsjsh
awww it‘s so wholesome that you gave your mom tickets to the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i gave my mum tickets for pink like 2 years ago and she loved it so much and i was like 🥰🥰🥰 (i went with her) AND OMG GLEE ok so unfortunately i barely remember glee, but i used to watch it too!!!! And it‘s actually on my list of series i wanna watch (again) so youre making me want to watch it even more (but like i said i‘m bad with series so 😩😩😩 who knows when i‘ll rewatch it)
When all this pandemic shit is over (let‘s be hopeful <3333) then you need to go to as many concerts as possible!!!!! i‘ve been to SO MANY and it‘s literally one of the things in my life i‘m the most grateful for, concerts are some of the best experiences i‘ve ever had in my life especially the ones that are in smaller concert halls where you can feeeel the vibe and everyone‘s energy (and that sounds awful thinking about it mid-pandemic 😐) anyway—
Okay omg you‘re absolutely making me want to watch hamilton right now like omg i WANT TO WATCH IT NOW but it‘s 4 am sodndkdldl
what you said about my peter fics🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺like omg i love these emojis they literally just describe how i felt when reading what you said so, yes, 🥰🥺 + thank you :) it really means a lot <3
and no omg i totally get the studying thing. like last year before i graduated .. was that last year? yes wtf omg okaykdjdj, so the last three months before i had my final exams we were just in a lockdown and we didn‘t even have online classes. We had nothing except one teacher who left our group chat (😭) because she was mad at us (?) and one maths teacher who did an online ““lesson““ once a week. he‘d ask: so does anyone have questions. us: . Him: okay, bye then. So. Yeah dndldldj. But we had one online test and it was in german and like i read the book wee were supposed to read? but the questions on the test were all unanswerable (is that a word?) and i had to google everything (got an A tho 🤪 but only because i googled everything so i was so scared that i wouldn‘t be able to get a good result on the final exam because what if i‘d gotten used to just googling everything and i couldn‘t do it by myself anymore? anyway it was all fine in the end but yeah at times i couldn‘t even study because i had so much anxiety about studying and yeah- like this whole annoying cycle. but you said you‘re still studying———- okay wait 👁👄👁 i forgot what i was going to say??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Like wtf. Is wrong with me? And i‘m reading what you wrote again and i just don‘t know what i was going to say? Like i get what you‘re saying obviously but i‘m like? Idk 4am brain ayeee, please vent more if you need to and elaborate further because right now i‘m???? Too dumb to respond to this right now wtf. I‘m so sorry lmao ddlkdjdjd what is even going on like i‘m sitting here open mouthed just like ? But btw the fact that you have Voice and dance lessons is like SO FUCKING COOL like oh my god that is sosososos cool wtf, i was thinking that when you first talked about it too
And “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” ODHDKSLDBDJDOFIDKDNDLDK
Yes i know about the weather dkdkdkjd but it‘s getting (a lot) warmer here too and where i live we kind of get a weird type of wind called föhn (which literally means hair dryer but idk if that‘d the reason why it‘s called that, i‘m too tired to think of whether it makes sense rn) and it gives me headachesssssss and the changing weather is also giving me headaches 😭😭😭😭 so this season right now is just headache season and i hate summer so i wish it would just snow again lmao (okay it‘s getting so late that it‘s early already snd i can hear this bird chirping so fucking loud wtf i‘m also getting a headache 🤧🤧🤧) but at least i can do my new theme soon (i hope it‘ll look good🥺 and omg thank you for what you said about my current theme- i always feel like i‘m so bad with aesthetics, i obviously like my theme but i feel like every single person on tumblr has a theme that is prettier than mine so it was very nice to hear you say that you love it👉🏼👈🏼 (i‘m so used to it by now that i actually hate it lmao so it‘s getting yeeted soon and i‘m making megan thee stallion my pfp 🤪 (if the graphics and shit works out skdjdjdj)
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kymkdd · 4 years
a few mangas i think you should read (pls)
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originally i wanted to write a review about fukakai na boku no subete wo
anyways enough introductions here is the list :
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fukakai na boku no subete wo
a really sweet story about a nonbinary amab protagonist getting introduced to an “otokonoko cafe” where they meet 3 other amabs that all work at the cafe for different reasons
it is obviously lgbt oriented but it has some really nice humour and doesnt shy too much from facing its characters with familial issues which i often see overlooked in the genre where most conflicts are more internal
to top it all it has some extremely sweet m/m and nb/m romance as well as a pretty conflicted lesbian character only 21 chapters so far so it is a pretty quick read but it is really worth it in my opinion
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shimeji simulation
a really funny and strange 4 koma by tsukumizu
as with his previous work on shoujo shuumatsu ryokou this manga can get pretty existential at times altho so far theres only 16 chapters but the dynamic between the two main protagonists is amazing imo
so far it seems like it is headed to get even better than SSR was and i hope it will
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nora to zassou (r-18)
a hard hitting manga about a girl who looks a lot like the deceased daughter of the other main protagonist, a jaded assistant inspector devastated by the loss of said daughter
the plot deals with very serious themes such as child trafficking and prositution as well as domestic abuse however it never uses those themes for shock factor they are integral part of the plot and are key to understanding the psyche of the duo and how it affects them both deeply on a physical and emotional plane
this manga is probably the one i recommend the most out of those 3 but the r-18 isnt for show imo
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dead dead demon’s dededededestruction
a really good slice of life/seinen from asano inio (oyasumi punpun, solanin) that talks about the daily life of high school girls living in the middle of tokyo while theres an alien invasion going on (lol) however it isnt all cutesy as one would expect from the cover or the quirky name and you will soon remember that youre actually reading a seinen (if it wasnt obvious because of who the author is) because the story can and will get dark in unexpected ways a few chapters in
probably my favourite on this list and my favourite out of asanos catalogue but i could definitely see why someone would think it isnt as good as stuff like punpun but to me the interactions between the characters, their personalities, their opinions on things are all really amazing to me and the main cast is lovable af so ill still recommend this well over something like punpun, if you want something in the same “genre” (sol+aliens) you should check out dainana joshikai houkou even tho i personally havent read all of it yet it seems to be pretty similar but more slice of lifey and way less seinen
aaaaaand thats a wrap currently im working towards finishing hibike! euphonium and plan to write a review for it so please look forward to that additionally i still have to finish watching tonari no kyuuketsuki-san and eizouken ni wa te wo dasu na! and might write reviews for those two as well finally theres a bajillion mangas i plan to read in the upcoming days/weeks, im still waiting for the last chapter of ao no flag to release in english so that i can review it even if i already read it because i might need to make a spoil section for that review to explain more in depth etc.
all and all thank you very much if you took the time to read all the way down there
heres a nice screenshot for you as a gift
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(intense lesbian stare)
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prorevenge · 5 years
Be a jerk about fixing my car? hope you and your manager enjoy unemployment thanks to my dumb luck
Okay so, Few things to start. Im sorry this is long, but its a lot of information to lay out the story. i think the revenge is pretty sweet tho.
Secondly, English is my first language but I never did well with grammar, sorry.
Okay so the story.
In Jan. 2018, my best friend, his girlfriend and I all went out. we took my car, but I got drunk so my best friend drove us home. As we were approaching a round about, a driver from a side street pulled out in front of us then slammed on their brakes, causing my best friend to swerve, and hit the concrete median with both drivers side tires. We parked the car in a parking lot, and ubered home.
Next day I had the car towed to my personal mechanics shop. Insurance guy asses the damage and my mechanic gets to work.
He does everything he thought it needed, put it on the alignment rack, and found out that the engine cradle had been bent in the impact and it needed a new one. He didnt have the capability to do this, so they sent my car to a different company. lets just call it "ABC Repair".
ABC repair outsourced the engine cradle replacement to "Di*kweed shop AKA DS". Car goes, takes forever because the first cradle they got was bent, so they had to order another one from California. dude ordered the wrong parts originally. Dude gets the cradle in on the day my rental car coverage expires. as a single dad, i needed my car. Also, this whole time the manager of ABC Repair shop was not keeping me up to date on any of this, was dodging my calls, and anytime i did get him, he was rude to me.
So, guy busts rear to get it in that day, test drove, and returned it to ABC repair right before closing time, where i was waiting to pick it up. DS gave it a clean bill of health and handed over the keys.
so the minute i left ABC shop that night, there was something wrong with the car. Since i have a bit of auto mechanic experience i assumed it was a wheel bearing. Next morning i call my insurance adjuster who tells me to take it back to DS and see whats up.
So i call him up, and say hey, its the dude with the engine cradle job, uhhh i think theres something wrong with one of the bearings.
DS : yeah, i knew about that.
ME : uhh... so why did you give it a clean bill of health?
DS: i was being rushed to return it, so i just said it was fine. It wasnt critical, so whats the big deal?
Me: uhh. okay, well this needs fixed. Are you sure you know exactly whats wrong?
DS: 100% right rear wheel bearing.
ME: okay, ill call adjuster and get it approved for repair. I have no more rental coverage, but i am going out of town this weekend and will not need my car thurs - sunday. I can drop it off then, does that work?
DS: sure no problem, see you thursday morning.
DS orders the bearing with ins. approval, and all is well. I go in thursday morning to drop off the car, and the convo goes roughly as followed.
ME: hey there, heres the keys. Now, if its actually not what you think it is, or theres more, PLEASE call me right away. ill call INS adjuster and get it approved since this is the only time i dont need my car for transporting my child.
DS: no worries. im positive its what i think it is. but if not, ill call.
I head out of town. have a great weekend, no call from DS.
Monday morning comes around, and i am about to head to pick up the car, when i get a phone call from my adjuster. He tells me he just got off the phone with DS and he was informed that no work was done on my car all weekend. I. was. livid. i asked why, and ins adjuster said he didnt know, head down there and talk to the guy myself. so i did.
I walked into the shop and dinged the bell. He walked into the office and said "can i help you?" as if he didnt even know who i was. Followed is the convo.
Me : Yeah, Ins guy tells me you didnt touch my car, what the hell happened?
DS: well, it was the right front not right rear bearing like i thought. so i couldnt do it work since the right front wasnt approved.
ME: but i asked you to call me if it wasnt what you thought it was, and you said you would. why didnt you call?
DS: well, whos paying for this, you or insurance?
ME: that doesnt matter, i asked you to call so i could get it approved while i was out of town. why didnt you call me?
DS: i dont have to answer you. it wasnt the approved work. i didnt do it. end of story.
DS turns around, grabs my keys off the counter behind him, hands them to me, and says "take your keys, take your car, im done dealing with you"
I walk out, pissed, and across the street to his managers office and ask to talk to manager. on vacation until wed. i leave my number and ask manager to call me. In the meantime, i get car to original mechanic, who starts bearing repairs on all 4 tires ( approved by ins as a "were sorry" for DS shop experience) He also noticed that DS used the wrong strut in my car when he replaced the engine cradle, and didnt put the rivets back in the plastic wheel well liner, causing the tire to burn a hole though it. which insurance approved replacing both with the correct parts.
manager finally calls me at 445pm on wed after being busy doing "payroll all day"
ME: so do you know anything about why i am calling you?
DSM : no clue whats going on?
ME: begins to explain what happened when i returned from out of town, then state the strut was wrong and the liner was ruined.
DSM " interupts me he couldnt of ruined the liner by replacing the cradle
ME: oh so you do know who i am, what actually happened. (i never mentioned engine cradle replacement)
DSM: well, ill apologize for wasting your time, but i dont know what else you want me to do. sorry. hangs up on me
Remember that trip out of town? Well, on my return trip, i was bumped off my original flight, then bumped from that flight, to the one that finally took me home. I get on the plane, find my seat, put in my headphones and start to settle in. now mind you, i was out of town for a party, and i was wearing a themed onsie. a gentleman in a business suit sits down next to me. Im naturally an outgoing person, so i strike up a conversation.
ME: hey there, heading to destination for business or pleasure?
HIM : Business.
ME : what do you do?
HIM : im the regional vice president for ABC Repair company.
my eyes got huge. it was destiny. So i begin to tell him my current experience up to me leaving for out of town. the A-hole manager at his shop to the DS jerk they were subletting business too. VP was taking notes on my entire story, i swear his jaw was on the tray table. he was furious. He gave me his personal cell and email and told me he would be having a talk with the manager. he also had his company pay for 5 more days for a rental car since they ordered a used cradle and not a new one, which A-hole manager decided, didnt even ask my adjuster or me. which wasted 5 days.
The next afternoon, after i pick up my car and had that experience, i got a call from VP. He waned to make sure my car was fixed, and that he also found out there were more complaints about his manager who treated me poorly. the manager was hiding the complaints and they never reached cooperate, so he was fired.
I then tell him about my experience that morning with the guy not doing any work on my car while i was gone. That pissed him off too. He said he would be in touch.
after i talked to DSM on wednesday, i called VP back and told him what happened. He said thank you for the information and hung up.
About a month later, i had a question for VP not related to any of this, so i called him up, and i learned that they stopped giving their work to DS shop, and when the owner of DS found out why, he fired both DS mechanic, and DSM.
So thats my story. hope yall enjoyed. Moral, dont be a d-bag, be honest, and you wolnt get bit by karma.
(source) story by (/u/MajorMoron0851)
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So I’m finally getting around to writing out a bunch of info about my Sander Sides au so I hope youre all ready--(its like 1 am im so sorry for any spelling mistakes and missed tags)
So its 1 am on a work night and I cant sleep and I’ve had lots of ideas and canon things for this au bouncing around my head for days and now TONIGHTS THE NIGHT ITS HAPPENING IM DELIVERING YOU ALL THE DETAILS AND EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF AND TYPE 
Also please feel free to ask about this! I know I got a few new followers from all my recent sander sides art and also thanks to @sugarglider9603 reblogging some art I made of their au I got the biggest flood of exposure and attention on my art ive ever had and I have so much to thank them for, for all recent exposure ive gotten the past couple days( theyre so sweet and lovely and easy to talk to sugar deserves all the love--) and its given me a huge surge of motivation and confidence to post this. And please, my inbox is always open to talk about my aus or my art! Ask questions, send requests, send headcanons or ideas, send fluff angst im open to anything and I try to do all requests sent to me(sooner or later)
Oh oh! and please id you catch any and all the little inspirations or anything let me know
And finally this au is a LAMP au with Remile and Demus on the side
Ahem ahem anyway onto the au!!!
More under the cut so I dont flood your screen too bad!
Ok so! 
This Au was originally inspired by @residentanchor‘s amazing fanfic A Lesson in Practicality and also a little bit by @prettyinaccurate‘s fanged virgil au( I’ll get more into that further down) 
So it takes place in a (currently) unnamed bigger city I based off San Francisco and Sacramento( because I live in Cali and those are the two major cities ive really visited ya know?) The boys are all in various stages of their twenties when they move into a four bedroom apartment together: Patton Foster is the oldest of the roomies at 27, then Logan Masters at 26, Roman Prince at 24, and finally Virgil Collins at 22. They move in together because it all works out for them really, the apartment is in a good distance to all their current jobs, whether by bus or even in Pat’s case in walking distance and with all four of them it was well affordable and was pretty nice. I mean hey it even came with a little communal balcony ( since theyre on third floor of the building) 
Things are understandably a little rocky at first , i mean isnt it always though?
Virgil has alot of anxiety and so he tends not to talk really at all at the beginning unless he ABSOLUTELY had to, mostly communicating in noncomittal noises and soft grumbles, and he was fresh out of collage and barely two years into his job and out on his own for the first time and he wasnt really ready for it either like christ too many people
Patton was bright bubbly and caring. This wasnt his first rodeo with roomies, I mean cmon, hes been sharing a room with his older brother Damian(deceit) on and off almost all his freakin life, nor was it his first time living on his own with strangers(hes lived in two different parts of two when he was job hopping before he settled down in his current part time job)
Roman was extroverted loud and exciteable, he too was used to sharing his living space( he had TWO siblings after all) and before he had moved into the apartment he had tried living on his own and with other roommates while he attended collage, but those just didnt work out well ( he ended up staying with his older brother Remy in his studio apartment across the city while he finished out that semester and searched for a job to keep an income.
Logan was serious minded stern toned and confident, he had a minor degree in teaching that he was slowly repursueing and had been out on his own for awhile before he had moved in. And though cold at first he soon found his group of housemates...enjoyable.
Its about a month into them living together that they learn exactly why despite slowly getting close and getting to know each other Virgil still kept a wide distance: He had entirely sharp teeth.
“ I dunno....I was born with them..theyve always been a sharp pain in my ass...” - virgil, about his teeth
Of course just having sharp teeth wasnt bad enough oh no. You see a few years back when he was about 18 he was young and dumb and made horrifically stupid and reckless decisions under peer pressure and ended up doing something that not only pointedly (haha oh god im not funny) chipped his front teeth but it fucked up his teeth pretty majorly, he went from having a normal overbite to almost having a goddamn underbite and crooked all his teeth, and the only way to fix it( because somehow miraculous for all the damage done it turned out to be mostly reversable aside from the chipping) was getting braces to realign his teeth. So he’s had pretty purple braces over his fangs since he was 18 and they werent expected to come off until he was AT LEAST 25 and he was insecure about them. ( he got mocked for them through his two and a half years of junior collage)
Once the gang finds out they are understanding and helpful and dont make a big deal about it( though virgil gains a significant amount of more vampire related nicknames from roman)
Once they get close and comfortable around each other the apartment is pretty warm and lively! 
Virgil works at the art store as an assistant manager and head stocker( a bit of a dream come true since he was an art student)
Roman works as a part time waiter at a family resturant as well as working at a nearby theater( he was of course a lovely theater major) 
Patton worked at a nearby cafe and bakery as a bit of everything! He helped wait tables, serve behind the counter, and helped in the back in the kitchen( the owners were family friends and he’d been working there almost four to five years at that point, boi knows how to do everything) 
Logan worked at a big name bookstore, and also provided tutoring sessions for highschool students on the side by commision
More FACTS~~
Family ages for the big families go as follows:
Fosters: Damian(28), Patton(27)
Prince: Remy(26), Roman(24, older twin by 10 minutes), Remus(24, younger twin)
Emile is 27 and is a licensed therapist and works as a counselor for young adults that volunteers at the nearby library to ready to children
Remy works as a coffee barista in Emile’s building
Remus does alot of odd jobs, kinda working as an independent for hire and gets a surprising steady flow of work and pay. Hes still a trash man though, but hes a successful trash man( partly thanks to Damian calling in favors with connections)
Damian works at a law firm slowly moving into the position of prosecutor
Virgil doesnt really get along with his family and at some point Emile offers to take virgil in as his adopted brother, with Damian assuring him if he wanted concrete legal papers to start changing his last name, cutting ties with his family, anything needed for it he’d see to it that they’d be providing(something our boi really appreciates)
Remy visits Emile on his breaks since hes literally just...two hallways down and vice versa
Damian and Remus live together in the next, slightly smaller city over because Damian’s work transferred him to a different office in order for him to keep moving up in the ranks so to speak. 
Hes also good at what he does.
Family nights happen whenever they can
Patton got to teach them how to cook alot of complicatied dishes from scratch, a bonding time he adores
Roman got Virgil an Espeon hoodie after they all start dating and virgil loves it and wears it alot around the house because its a thicker hoodie and warm( though he tries to ignore the big ears and the obnovious tail
Virgil also loves visiting Roman’s work on what Ro likes to refer to as “ hellish days” AKA kids day which means goofy kid friendly theme days. His favorite was probably alice in wonderland day when Roman was Tweedle Dee
Roman played J.D at the local theater and likes to hum some of the his songs to switch up the Disney
The balcony is covered in houseplants and and a corner of old blankets and pillows to sit and chill on
Once a month Logan and Patton have what is affectionately referred to as the Cat Discourse
After any particularly rough days at work Patton tends to massage Logan’s shoulders and back to make sure Lo doesnt get any really bad stress knots
in return when Logan sees Patton’s head a hard day he makes Patton’s favorite drink and pulls him into a hug and let the older man fall asleep in his arms while they watch movies
Pat and roman sense each other’s bad days and order in some cliche diner food and hole up in pattons room with Pattons computer and relax the shittiness away with comedy specials and movies 
Likewise Virgil has a knack of picking up Roman’s bad days and always grabs a couple glasses and a bottle kinda cheap wine and they end up curling up together on Romans bed marathoning Disney movies on Virgil’s laptop 
and when Virgil closes himself off more than normal Logan manages to lure him out of his room and they end up sitting out on the balcony quietly talking and stargazing
so loving and fond and soft with each other
you hurt one of them you gonna get BEAT by the others. 
Speaking of getting beat, never EVER mess with Roman or Remus in Remy’s proximity
Remy Andrew Prince can and WILL fuck you right up if you hurt his little brothers. He’s protective.
and where Remy will rearrange your face Damian will ruin you mentally and legally if you so much as mistreat a single freckle on his little brother’s face, despite knowing that Patton is fully capable of taking care of himself. 
Everyone protects Virgil, dont mess with or hurt virgil or you have the pack coming for ya throat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats all I have for right now! Of course more will be added but now its almost three in the morning and I have work at 1:30pm and im sleepy finally! But I hope you guys like this! And please, feel free to talk to me about it, my inbox is always open!!
Taglist: @phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @loganberrysanders
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hypmicscenarios · 5 years
Anime Attraction
3.K words
A/N: High School au. Fic with ichiro, you two slowly falling in love over the span of a 4 day convention and bonding over the fact that you’re closeted weebs. (So he would like tdd era ichiro) And again! I use neutral pronouns! hope you enjoy~
Day 1: You were very excited, happy, elated, every happy word in the book! This year, you were finally going to your first anime convention. Unfortunately, you were a bit of a closeted weeb. People knew you watched anime….just not your extreme obssession with it. Maybe extreme was too harsh for you case, but you were sure that would be the situation if they ever saw your room, filled with anime posters, merch, etc.However, those were all bought online or in stores….youve never actually been to a convention.
Online, you heard many good things about it, and that people there, for the most part, were friendly. You smiled as you got off the train, an empty backpack on your bag, besides essentials, inside an empty tote bag for you posters. You had planned for this for months. Saving up all the money you could from your allowances. Your wallet, besides money for the train and food to eat, was going to be completely emptied by the end of the day. Finally, you took your jacket off, revealing a ( favorite anime) anime shirt on your person. One of your favorites. You could never choose. You could talk about it for days. However….it was Under rated. It was also a bit old...and you were late to watch it, so the fandom dwindled down.
You were amazed as you saw many cosplays, a bit too nervous to ask for pictures, or even compliment them, but you hoped they received your compliments in spirit….something like that. It was….also really big and crowded. You got too into your head, overthinking a bunch of things, that you didn’t see the larger man in front of you, hitting his back.
“O-oh im sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” you said, bowing quickly. You looked up at the man, gulping, quickly taken aback by how pretty he was, different colored eyes, red and green. It almost seemed like he was in cosplay, but he was just wearing a naruto shirt with black jeans on, a naruto headband around his forehead.
Ichiro blinked and smiled,”no need to apologize, I was kind of standing here in the middle of everyone anyway,”his eyes went down to your shirt and his eyes sparkled,”wait….thats a (favorite anime) isnt it! Whose your favorite character?”, he asked. You were taken aback about how eager and happy he seemed, but it definitely managed to make you relax a bit.
“My favorite character is [     ],”you said, stating your reasoning,”oh- sorry….I didn’t mean to talk that long,” Ichiro chuckled,”thats fine, I love them too! For mostly the same reasons, theyre kind of cool. This is my first convention so Im excited its going off to great start, thanks.”
Oh? It was his first time as well? “Its my first time too, I came here alone, I didn’t expect to be this big, theres so many people.” Ichiro nodded,”Im here by myself too, are you here all four days?” You nodded. “If you dont mind it, we can walk around together, ah! Sorry if thats a bit too forward….”,he trailed off. To be honest, Ichiro was a closeted weeb. So he had no one to talk to, let alone drag to a con. “Oh no, Um, its fine. I would like that...even though I know everyone here loves anime….”,you trailed off, the guy, whose name you still didn’t know, finished your thought,”because theres so many people conversing and being you feel like everyone already has their own cliques and you realize youre alone.”
Well. That. Yes that. You smiled,”Yeah, its that, and my nerves and anxiety.”
Ichiro stuck his hand out,”Yamada Ichiro, 2nd year high school student in Ikebukuro. Nice to meet you.”
“ l/n, f/n, also 2nd year in a high school located in yokohama, nice to meet you”m you said and shook his hand. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Day 2:
The first day, the two of you had walked around, played games, went to panels together, learning much more about each other. You agreed to meetup at the same place in the morning. Of course, you were even more excited than you were yesterday. You were dressed in more casual clothing, but backpack was now decorated with buttons you found. Soon, you heard your name being called out and waved your hand,”Good Morning Yamada-san”, you said, greeting him.
Ichiro smiled and spoke,”Morning! Did you sleep well?”, he asked.  You shook your head in disagreement,”I barely got any sleep, I was excited for today.” Ichiro laughed,”so did I, so what should we do today?”,he said, taking out the convention program guide. “Hmmmm, theres a bunch of panels,”you said, going to the side of him and looking at the program,”how to successfully master naruto hand signs….”,you trailed off. They really….had a panel for everything.
Ichiro’s face lit up,” that sounds cool, want to go? Although I already know a couple…”,he said, and you laughed,”what? You going to become the next hokage Yamada-san?”, you teased a bit, but he went along with it, of course he did. You found out about this from yesterday. That he was like this. “I am gonna be next hokage, just believe it!”, he said.
“Thats naruto’s punchline you cant just steal it,” you said, watching Ichiro as he thought, then spoke again, very excitedly,”Im going to be next hokage, because I said so!”, he said, putting out a thumb. For some reason, it had you laughing a lot,”b-bbecause you said so? Ahahaha, well, you sure have a passion like naruto, I think thats all you need, its cute”, you said, realizing that you had just called the other cute.
Ichiro blushed and put his hand behind his back,”Sorry...I just cant be like this a lot in real life without getting teased for it, so its a bit refreshing,”he said and you nodded,, understanding completely.
“Well, lets go learn some jutstus even though they wont help against a gun but who cares, because its an anime convention, and we’re doing what we love,”you said confidently, more confident than you would expect from yourself.  Ichiro nodded,”Dattebayo, lets go!”, he saidm turning around and walking. You were really having too much fun. Being attracted to him went way over your head for now, simply enjoying the time the two of you spent together.
Later on in the day, the two of you found an anime photo booth, Ichiro dragging you by the arm towards it,”for memories!”, he said. The two of you got in and hit the naruto theme poses. Of course, you indulged him, he was cute when he got his way. And, you didn’t have to worry about poses. Instead, they gave you poses to do.
The first was a naruto sign for any jutsu, the second peace signs, the third you had to stick your tongues at each other, seeming annoyed, and the last one….got you. It was only a hug, but they way Ichiro hugged you quickly and tightly, pushing both of your faces together, eft you shocked, and you were sure the picture didn’t turn out well. Once you got out and looked at it, Ichiro pointed to last one,”its like you were trying so hard not to blink, but we’re cute, arent we?”,he said and you laughed:yea we really are”, you replied, more focused on the current pace of your heart...beating very rapidly. You paid for two copies so you could keep it. The rest of the day, you two kept up your shenanigans. It was tough leaving, but you were going to come back tomorrow and, hopefully, your heart would learn to behave.
Day 3:
The two of you sat down to eat lunch on the third day, already having gone through a couple activities.
“Theres Jiro, then theres Saburo, and Saburo is the oldest. We’re all pretty close but Saburo and Jiro always fight a lot, typical sibling stuff…..and a lot of the times it includes me. I keep telling them I dont have favorites but they never listen,”Ichiro sighed with a smile on his face. It wasn’t an exhausted sigh though, he was used to it, it was just how they worked.
You smiled as he rambled on about his brothers. It was very clear that he cherished the both of them dearly and would do anything for them. “That must be nice….Im an only child so I could never relate to these type of things. Thats why I got into anime really, theres was no one that I could play with at the snap of a finger if I wanted to-oh Im not sad about it or anything, I love anime, it was really there for me in trying times, plus the internet.”
Ichiro nodded and then spoke,”Well, you have me now too, and you can be as passionate as you want, no holding back. You have my number now and its already fun texting you when we’re not at the convention.”  He was right. After you guys left, you were quickly texting each other at home before you went to sleep. You sent each other memes,pictures, and talked about a bunch of different topics, that often you had smiling or laughing at your phone.
At that point….you knew had a crush. It was only two days but he was just so…..it was the little things really, not just the fact that you had anime in common. When you were walking through the convention center, going through a massive crowd, he told you to hold onto his jacket, so you wouldn’t get lost. Or how he quickly offered to help hold your stuff when you were buying merchandise. Or even him talking about how much he loves his brothers. Rather than weird, it was insanely cute to you.
It wasnt love per say…..well. Lets be real. You were a sucker when it came to love. Honestly, you dont even feel like counting how many crushes you had but none of those ever came to fruition.  You should just focus on your anime boys but the moment some other boy is even the slightest bit kind to you, like helping you carry books, your heart falls. Despite that though, you felt like this was different. More than just a couple simple acts of kindness.
“Im really enjoying our time here, we’re going to the cosplay masquerade today right? We still have some time to kill, want to go to the game hall?”, you asked,”then we can see which one of us is better at dance dance revolution.” Ichiro smiled and nodded his head,”Yeah! Youre on!”
After that, the two of you managed to spend all of your time in the hall. Ichiro was by a claw machine and you commented,”I suck at these things,”then looked inside, seeing what plushies they had. “I think im pretty decent,”Ichiro said, walking up,”sometimes I won stuff for saburo when I was little...he grew out of it though,”Ichiro said with a laugh.He wanted to try it.
“Good Luck Yamada-kun!”, you said, cheering him on. You were amazed by how focused he looked. “Do you want anything specific?”,he asked you. “Wait, me?”, you said, trying to clarify. Ichiro laughed,”I think you’re the only l/n here,”he said. That...kind of caught you off guard. But you walked up and placed your hands against the glass. “Ummmm, that cat in the middle is kind of cute.”
Ichiro nodded. The first time, he managed to pick the plushie up for about three seconds before it fell, but that was better than what you could do! The second time, he managed to grab it again, your eyes wide in anticipation as you followed the claw and plushie to the drop off slot. “Oh my god, you did it!”,you said, going to high five both of Ichiro’s hands but, instead of letting go, he held them and put them down,”Yeah I did! Guess I didn’t lose my skill after all.” “Yeah...youre amazing”, you said, trying to not comment on the fact that he was still holding both of your hands. God….your heart was a mess. There was no denying you fell for him. At most, it was very high like at this point.
Day 4:
Ichiro was excited to see you again. Well, half-excited and half-sad. He really liked hanging out with you. More often than not, he found himself thinking about how you look best when theres a smile on your face. So, he always did dumb things to make you smile, no matter how stupid it may have looked. Maybe it was because you didn’t think his obsession was weird. When you guys talked, your interests lined up more than he thought they would. It was perfect.
Of course, he eventually figured out that he’d want to see you, in a more romantic context, that it is. He knew his feelings towards you were different. Honestly, he even weirdly got a little bit jealous when you mentioned how hot a specific anime character was. Ichiro didn’t necessarily plan on confessing that day….but who knows how things would turn out. Yes, it had only been three days, but he felt like he knew you already. Really, you guys always messaged each other.
The conversations would go dull for an hour or so but one link to a meme and that sparked a conversation that continued for a while. It was great. He had never felt so validated.
“L/n-san! Hey, morning!”,he said as he walked up to you. You looked like you were thinking hard about something, but Ichiro didn’t comment on it.
In fact, you were. Thinking about how you wouldn’t be able to see him so frequently. It made you….sadder than you expected. Granted you could travel to see him, but it was also due to the fact that it was the last day of the convention. Here, you could be yourselves without glancing over you shoulder every couple seconds in fear that someone you knew would spot you.  It was so much fun, especially because of him!
Its for the best though….your funds were just about dried out. You couldn’t help but smile as you saw him though,”hey, good morning to you too, ready for the last day?” Ichiro laughed,”Yes and No because this has been very exciting.” You nodded in agreement,”it has, it does suck that we cant experience this everyday.”
“well!”,Ichiro clapped his hands,”lets not worry about that and focus on having fun, okay?” Your smile got wider,”yes, okay!” Ichiro spoke,”Datteba-”, then he pointed towards you,”Yo!”, you said, the two of you giggling. This had become your thing now, apparently, but you two werent used to it, hence you laughing off you embarrassment.
You went to the artist alley and exhibit hall one last time, taking a lot more pictures together than usual, even with cosplayers! Ichiro helped you out a lo with expressing that you wanted pictures with them and that was yet another thing that you loved about him. Without even asking him to do so, he just did it on a whim, and that made you incredibly happy.
A bit later, it was closing ceremonies. It wasnt much really, but anything to just spend even a little more time with Ichiro. However, that ended sooner than you expected. And you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
The two of you sat outside on a bench.
“So, I suppose this is it…”,you said. You had to get back early today anyway. Yet, you really didn’t want to. You looked up as Ichiro spoke,”no, its not it. We still have each other’s numbers, we can make it work, I-well….these past few days have been really fun for me,”Ichiro blushed, placing his hand behind his neck. Was he going to confess? If he didn’t do it now he knew he’d procrastinate on doing so forever. He didn’t necessarily have to make sure you were his in this exact moment, but his heart wanted an answer as soon as possible, before he got in too deep.
“The thing is….I want us to be more than just friends. I just….the more we talked, the more I found myself drawn to you. Like I can tell you anything. Its really easy to be myself around you, l/n, I want...to get closer. So, would you go out with me? Or not now, I mean you can think about it but...yeah.”,he said, face blushing. He had only confessed once in his lifetime and that was during elementary….he was quickly shut down.
You….couldn’t believe your ears. Did you really manage to find someone who was interested you at an anime convention. Well, you were sure there were more interesting stories but this was still way out of your league. You even thought he was way out of your league.
“I….we can date. I feel the same, about you, I like talking to you. And I think whats making me so sad is that I cant see you...not the convention part,”you said, looking towards Ichiro and seeing his grow excited. He grabbed your hands quickly and held them,”really?! Thats great.”,he said, letting go than hugging you. Oh. This was happening. It took you a couple seconds to process the hug before you reciprocated it.
Ichiro pulled away, looking down at you, a smile on his face,”when I talk with you, I feel like the happiest and luckiest man in the world. I know love is too strong of a word right now, but I want to do my best to make you happy.”
You were so flustered that you made no response, even more so when you felt his hand on your cheek and saw him leaning in. It all happened quickly. You closed your eyes and suddenly his lips were on yours. No movement, but it lingered for a moment, before he pulled away.
That was your first...kiss. You didn’t mind that it got taken by him but still….it was so much to process. Ichiro brought you back to reality,”Ikebukuro isn’t too far from Yokohama on the train, maybe we could meet in the middle on weekends, or switch up, ah, well I guess we can talk about this letter, getting ahead of myself,”he said and chuckled, which only prompted you to let out a soft laugh. He was like an eager puppy that you wanted to pet. Weird how he so easily calmed your nerves by the sounds of your laughs.
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