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tonberryplushie · 6 months
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happy gamingmas ⚞•⚟ meoww!
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
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It’s hard to escape self doubt
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crowleysno1fan · 2 months
I go to a catholic school so its mandatory to take religion and I just remembered something I learnt and I like associated it with Good Omens and im actually ill 😭
“Six days for us could be 2 thousand years for God. So for God, it could’ve taken thousands of years to create the Earth. We don’t know how time works in Heaven.”
SO, depending on how long Neil Gaiman takes to write s3 and if he lines it up with OUR time, say it takes him a year or two and s3 comes out in 2026 Azi & Crowley will have been separated for three years. They would have been separated for three years for Crowley, but for Aziraphale, it could be hours, a few days, a few months, a few years, or it could be thousands or TRILLIONS of years since he’s seen Crowley last.
anyways thats what I thought about tysm for coming to my tedtalk 🎀
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xofeno · 9 months
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JESSE LEE SOFFER as Mister Rogers Variety Interview (2023)
Stay in or go out? Stay in, I'm a total homebody.
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enigma-conundrum · 6 days
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Posting my final piece for @turrettarot here, too!!!! this project was so much fun to work on, and everybody did an amazing job!!
the final deck looks fantastic, and I can't wait for them to ship!!!
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indecisive-dizzy · 2 months
I love Latter Pillar so much you don’t understand i adore him have have some headcanons for him
Daisey literally pulls Howdy BY THE ANTENNA and makes him give Latter a hug. They like Latter, he’s sweet. But him being dramatic sometimes gets on their nerves
Daisey and Lizzy do partake in the Latter teasing, but they usually shut it down if it gets to mean (Latter protection squad say what)
Latter and Eddie besties real, Latter reads his poetry in the post office and Eddie just listens while doing his mailman duties
Honey’s mean to him, but secretly like his poetry. He thinks it’s so bad it’s funny
He runs a poetry club, he’s made a few friends from it too :3
Lizzy loves her brother, she really does, but she cannot stand to hear his bad poetry. She send him ads for poetry lessons and he gets sad about it
Also randomly put in but I love those little bee kids (I don’t know their names :,) ) they look so cute I love them
Latter has 6 arms me thinks, idk if that’s confirmed lmao
I’m mentally I’ll and that update destroyed me so I’m focusing on Howdy’s dramatic, flamboyant brother :3
The Howdy's nephews (the cater-bee children <3) are Howdo and Youdo! I can't remember if its one "o" or two tho haha
But yes Latter is just,,, he's so,, Soo ajdhjssj <3 I love him and his silly dramatics and bad poetry
Forcing siblings to hug is hilarious! I should know as a Certified Annoying Sibling Who Likes Hugs >:3 so good Daisey lol Howdy needs to hug his brother
Lighthearted teasing is fun, and I think if Latter was genuinely friends with whomever he'd go along with it, maybe do improv poetry to tease them back dramatically pff
Yeah you think Howdy would be upset that his brother is friends with the mailman? Bc Latter and Eddie besties Is real and in your home <3 They could write each other letters when it's not the holidays and Latter send Eddie his poetry for approval bc Eddie is too nice to say it's bad <3 (cough Latter getting a crush on Eddie? whaaaatt cough)
Howdy secretly enjoying things feels on brand lol. but him enjoying it for the wrong reason (so bad it's funny) is hilarious
Sorry but my oc CJ would be apart of Latter's poetry club <3 They're friends now Speaking of the poetry club, I imagine they do slam poetry and Latter is really bad but trying his best lol
Not the Poetry Lesson ads 😭 sobbs why she gotta do him dirty like that sjdbsjdhj lmao
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valsnonsense · 3 months
Trolls Species Idea: Midtempo Trolls
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Wanted to take a crack at making a sub-species of Troll, and I wanted to make a Troll kind that lived in space, so I picked Midtempo!!
Midtempo music is one of my favorite genres of music. The beats are inconsistent, freaky, the sounds used are uncommon and weird. It sounds like music you'd hear whilst on a space shop cruising through the galaxy.
Midtempo Trolls are massive Trolls that live in the ozone layer of the planet. Their ancestors, like all others, did exist on Earth and had their own string. But when the tribes separated, the Midtempo ancestors used their string to climb into the heavens, where their strange, unearthly music could be free (or so legend says)
More under the cut (warning it's LONG):
Midtempo Trolls are BIG. Like Vacationer or Mount Raggeon big. They basically swim through the ozone layer, kinda like a giant whale. Their fins on the sides of their bodies not only propell them through space, but it's the source of their music. When they "sing", their music eminates from their fins, and the patterns along the surface will shift and change to match the beat.
Midtempo trolls don't actually "speak" in the same way regular Trolls do. They don't have vocal chords like normal, so they communicate by projecting their voices into the minds of others. Their voices, like their music, is never consistent. They can sound masculine, feminine, young, old, like one person, or a thousand speaking at once. The only physical sounds they can make are roars and growls to ward off other Midtempo Trolls (they're very territorial) or call out to others using noises akin to a whale call (space whale haha lol).
When Midtempo Trolls feel threatened, mainly by other Midtempos trying to take their territory, they can basically "open" their faces to appear bigger. Their mouths can peel back nearly to their ears, with a small slit of skin to keep their jaws in place, and they'll open two extra sets of eyes.
(gave them two tongues too why idk)
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Midtempo Trolls hardly ever come down to Earth. They feel a bit odd on Earth, since they're so much bigger than other Trolls. They speak much differently as well. Midtempo Trolls don't have a sense of singularity, so when they speak, they refer to themselves in a plural sense
Examples: "I don't understand" = "We don't understand" / "It belongs to me" = "It belongs to us"
Tho when they do, they do enjoy speaking to the earthly trolls, and learning of their cultures.
(Sketch of a Young JD shortly after he leaves meeting and speaking to a Midtempo Troll. He has tried on several occasions to convince people that space trolls exist. No one has yet to believe him)
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A few examples of Midtempo music:
OKAY I think I'm done. Sorry this post is LONG AND RAMBLY but I'm just really excited to share this >v<
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yourdearannouncer · 5 months
I literally have no idea how to properly introduce myself to this website so here’s so Jazmin hotel doodles and a drawing I did recently of my OC as sacrifice! I’ve stalked this site from a distant for years (aka through Pinterest) but never had the opportunity to make an account until now. I’m a multi-fandom artist who likes to role-play and draw my silly little characters smooching other silly little canon characters (I know, cringe💀). My art-style and fixations might fluctuate a lot, and I may or may not disappear off of the face of the wart for a while only to re-appear like 5 months later with 50 different pieces and posts, but I’ll try my best to be consistent! I don’t expect to get a big following, but it would be nice to find some friends who share similar interests to me! ANYWAY SORRY FOR THE SUPER LONG RAMBLE UGH I KNOW SHUT UP GAY BOY JUST SHOW THE ART
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mossyriverrocks · 2 months
Give me a summary of ye lore
okay! *proceeds to do the exact opposite of summerize*
The universe was created by a being named Dimitási. Dimitási is the omnipotent god of the universe, and the ruler of everything (tally hall reference).
There are many, many other gods, but the most well known ones are the Primordial gods.
CHAOS - god of nothingness (she/her)
Time - god of...time (any pronouns)
Space - self explanatory (he/she)
Créalie - goddess of life (she/her)
Decea - god of death (he/they)
Constella - goddess of dimensions (she/star)
Nyx - goddess of the night (she/her)
Hemera - god of the day (he/she)
there are also a few other gods worth noting, like Galatea (goddess of stars), Aitar (god of portals), Prism (god of light), and Abyss (god of darkness).
Two notable divine figures are The Messenger and Emery Kiyo. The Messenger, as the name implies, is a messenger of the gods. Emery is Decea’s second in command.
All mortals except for prototypes and failed species have magic. Prototypes and failed species will be touched upon later.
Now the history of the worlds.
The Inbetween is a plane of existence inbetween dimensions. In it, there’s a large group of cities called The Sectional. Outside of the Sectional is a vast, barren wasteland called the Voidenai Dwelling. The Voidenai are creatures hostile to mortals, created by the gods to keep mortals from visiting them. Outside of the dwelling is the Divine Plane. This is where the gods live.
Within the sectional, the big 3 dimensions are housed. The gateways to the dimensions are kept in castle towers. The Celestial Sector houses the Dream Realm. The Clockwork Sector houses the Fairy Realm. The Cyber Sector houses…well, the Cyber Realm. The other two used to be called the Celestial Realm and the Clockwork Realm, however their names were changed to fit the changing times of the dimensions.
When the idea of dimensions was first thought of, there was some argument among the primordial gods. There needed to be a god of dimensions. Some wanted to create a new god, but others thought introduced such an important god so late was a terrible idea. In the end, Constella got the short end of the stick. You see, Constella was the goddess of stars, but Dimitási simply decided that the domain of dimensions was more important. Galatea was created to replace her domain of stars, and a new bitter rivalry begun. Nothing too bad came of this other than petty anger and pranks.
Créalie went nuts creating new creatures for these dimensions, so much so that Dimitási had to put a limit on her and created a method to making species. Créalie was (reasonably) pissed that her fun was being ruined, but she knew better than to argue with them, so she just begrudgingly went with it.
Créalie had to create and raise prototypes before sticking them in dimensions. Créalie, famously hating children, was not very fond of this. Failed creations began to pile up, and she needed somewhere to put them. She “nicely” asked Constella to create a new dimension to dump them all in. Thus, the Planetarium was created.
The Planetarium was different from other dimensions in that, rather than being a seemingly endless mass of land, it was a seemingly endless void in all directions, with “planets” and “stars” and various other things scattered throughout. Dimitási was furious once they found out Créalie had just been dumping these creatures there and leaving them to their own devices, however it later proved very useful.
Demons, angels, bugs, shadows, dolls, so many creatures being made. Créalie was having a field day. All of them were placed in the Fairy Realm. She was going to make another one to place there. Another main species. The human was supposed to be something big. They were supposed to be magical creatures just like the rest, however, whem s nrw [ERRdOR] [DATeA LOST] [DO NsOT TRY AND BiRING THIS UrP AGAIN] [THeIS IS YOUR LAST WARaNING] and thus, humans were stripped of their magic and placed in the Planetarium, on a planet later named Earth.
The government in the realms vary. The Inbetween has various councils, the Dream Realm generally has democracies, the Fairy Realm has kings and queens, and the Cyber Realm is pretty communist.
This is unfortunately where our tour ends for now. In order to continue, I’d have to start going into detail on the vast histories and intricacies of every single realm. Here is a basic summery of the large scale lore of multidimensional :)
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scarletsp1der · 4 months
radish the cunt
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I rushed this extremely as you can tell he’s half naked and I made a fuller version
and this one bc I was horny stfu
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quiescentdestiny · 2 days
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oh xkit why did you change the font style and size I hate this I hate it I hate it I hate it.
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sombersaturn · 11 days
Being an active Christian and queer sure is one hell of an experience my guy
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misteria247 · 1 year
Gonna do some propaganda for one of my favorite aus, Shellshock so sit down and please accept my ramblings!
Y'all should totally place your votes into the Shellshock au because in this au includes-
Baby turtles! More specifically baby Rise turtles!!!!
Awesome uncles Leo, Donnie and Mikey!!!!
Mama Mona Lisa and Papa Raph!!!!
Raph and his beloved wife Mona being super cute and domesticated!!!
The Hamato clan growing bigger with the adorable babies!!!!!
There's a hella amazing fanfic that goes with this awesome au!!!!
As well as beautiful artwork by none other than the talented artist and creator of the au, @lieutenantbiscute!!!!
Absolute family shenanigans involving the boys!!!!
Mama Mona and Papa Raph smothering their babies in trademark affection!!
Auntie April, Auntie Karai and Uncle Casey!!!! (Like come on that's amazing!!!!)
So many amazing things!!! So many awesome bits and pieces!!!! And did I mention there's some angst material in this au??????????????? Cuz mmmmmm girl there's some delicious fucking food in this au.
So please vote for the Shellshock au to be included in the Tmnt au polls!!!! Cuz it's amazing!!!!!
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seriousblond · 3 months
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Somebody get him a megaphone 📢
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tonberryplushie · 3 months
hi everybody! my commissions are open as i am currently too sick to work!
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(you can also dm me on here if it is easier!)
reblogs very much appreciated <3
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Sparkle on!
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