#if you read this hey! o/ have a good next week! :D
sentientstump · 11 months
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my magnum opus is that question mark corner
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owlight · 2 years
Hello :D you are a lovely writer I was wondering if I could request Zoro Sanji and Law reacting to their gn s/o asking if they would still love them as a worm thank you:)
UR a Lovely anon !!!
Thank u for requesting this 😔🫶 an honor to have this request finely arriving on my doorsteps
Warnings: Wormy business
Zoro ,Sanji ,Law reacting to Thier gn S/o asking them " would you still love me if I was a worm?"
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You were sitting next to him ,both relaxing as the ship sail ,it was a sweet moment for you two ,Zoro was falling asleep slowly and you were thinking of something that's been bothering you since a while "hey Zoro? " You poke his side to gain his attention,Zoro open his eye to look at you " what?" He asks as he yawn "can I ask you a question?" You ask him as you fidget with your fingers a bit nervously,you have a sheepish smile on your face " eh..yeah sure , what's wrong?" You smile at him
" would you still love me if I was a worm?" You ask him with all seriousness in your voice and eyes
" what ?" He sits up as he isn't sure if he even heard you right " would you still love me if I was a worm?" You ask again more serious than he ever seen you before ,Zoro looks at you up and down as he put a finger on his chin "...a talking worm? Like a full sized you as a worm? Still as strong as you are now? Your same personality? if that's the case then yes" he answer you honestly,you smile " aw but I meant like a normal worm Zoro!"
" probably not, would use you as a fish bait if we needed it"
" HEY "
You did catch him off guard but for sure he would still love you if you were a worm-human creature ,but if you were a normal worm,he would keep you as fishing bait
Doesn't understand why are you mad about him using you as fish bait ,Like You would be a worm ,u still gotta be useful for the crew 😔
Let's say he didn't get any more cuddles for the rest of that day
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" would you still love me if I was a-" Sanji cuts you off fast with a fast " yes 100% my love " you huff as you mumble" I didn't even finish Sanji! " Sanji hold your hand with great gentleness as he start talking , there's sparkles all around him as he speak " I see no point of continuing,I would love you no matter what Sugar! I would lay my life for you, I would love you if you were a beast ,a frog ,a beetle, you're my sweetheart,my treasure,my everytime,please never doubt my love for you,I would love you no matter what my Beauty,my Lovely (y/n) " he tells you with full confident and love in his eyes and voice as he continues to praise you and say how much he will love you no matter what shape or form you might take ,You only sighs,you should known better he will make it into a speech
He fr would love you as a worm and would tell you he would put you in the perfect soil and give you good vegetables and Worship your wormy self
Would make you never question his love for you even though you never did,you just wanted to mess with him
Let's hope you are ready for a whole week of him telling you he would still love you as a fish ,crab,cat a zombie...you had it coming
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" Hey law-" you get cuts off quickly by law giving you a fast "No I won't unless I am a worm too then yes " he tells you flatly,you stare at him and he doesn't even glance as you as he read the book in his hands " you didn't even let me finish" you pout as you cross your arms " you asked everyone on the submarine if they would still be your friend and love you if you were a worm,I Assume you were going to ask me now , I'm right yo?" He give you a glance as he tells you that ,you huff loudly " fuck You " you stumble out the room in frustration,Law only sighs,you really need to get to the mainland,your new questions are making him question his taste for sure
He would love you if he was a worm too but it's unclear if he would love you if he wasn't a worm ,ngl relationship red flag you should dump him
Penguin literally said he would love you if you were a worm and He would give you good soil ,Law have new standards to meet
He later will tell you that he will love you as a worm only because Bepo told him he caught you planning his downfall by adding bread to his dinner ,He is in your good side...for Now
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gumnut-logic · 19 days
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The Adventures of Chicken Dad by WhatGaviiFormes
This little ficlet was written for @onereyofstarlight with all the permissions from @whatgaviiformes to use her wonderful Chicken Dad AU for my own nefarious purposes - if you haven't read that AU go there now and read it. Lots of Gordon and Virgil and FishTank.
I can only hope to live up to the majesty of that which is Chicken Dad. In this we have some Gords and Johnny and a chicken that @onereyofstarlight gave him and I hijacked. Piccy above is the genuine Johnny and his chicken from her Stardew Valley game :D
Thank you to both of you for allowing me to use your creations :D
I hope you enjoy.
“Here, hold her for me.”
John suddenly had his hands full of fluffy white chicken.
“Shh, you’ll scare her.” Gordon bent down and made his own version of clucking noises at the wriggling bird. “Isn’t that right, Polly. Don’t let the spaceman scare you. He’s harmless, I promise.”
“Gordon.” But John said his brother’s name a touch quieter.
Polly, for all her agitation, eventually settled in his hold, turning towards him as if to inspect her roost. A single chirp and apparently he had her approval.
Gordon, of course, was grinning at the both of them. “You’re a natural.”
Natural what, was the question. John had come down to talks accounts with Gordon. There had been some good results with several of the new products they introduced this season and John wanted to discuss the options for next season.
Though he had to admit it was just an excuse to drop in on his brother. Between rescues and TI, John hadn’t seen Gordon in a couple of months.
The fact John had arrived unannounced this morning had led to hunting his brother down in the chicken pens. This one apparently only held Polly.
“Why is she by herself?”
Gordon looked up at him. “Polly? Smother-henned. The other girls won’t leave her alone. So we separated her out to give her a break.”
John looked at the chicken. She had a sprinkling of feathers around her head that stuck out at odd angles giving her a touch crazed appearance.
“I can understand that.”
Gordon snorted. “I thought you might.”
John frowned. That sounded pre-meditated. “You knew I was coming today.”
Another snort. “Of course, I did.”
“God, no. She still hasn’t forgiven me for the Hal joke.”
“I don’t blame her.”
“Ahh, c’mon, I was complimenting her.”
“By comparing her to an insane murdering computer.”
“Eh, family is family.”
“Now, I’m considering taking offence.”
Gordon straightened up and turned back to him. “Aww, c’mon, Johnny, you love me. You know you do.”
“Yeah, well, family is family.”
Gordon gave him a flat stare. “Touche. Anyway, it was Virgil who dobbed you in.”
“Virgil’s in Germany.”
“He has a phone.”
“How did he…?”
“Hey, don’t ask me, I’m not the brother whisperer.”
John grunted and shifted his weight.
Polly clucked at him.
“So you knew I was coming.”
“Yeah. Thought it would be a good time to give you your chicken.”
“My chicken.”
“Polly. She’s been waiting weeks for you.”
“I don’t want a chicken. What would I do with a chicken?”
“Be nice. You’ll hurt her feelings.”
“She’s a chicken, Gordon.”
“Yes, your chicken.”
He stared down and the mostly white chicken with just a splash of dark spots. “I can’t look after a chicken in space.’
“I didn’t say you had to take her into space. She can stay here, but she is yours.”
“There has to be a reason?”
“Of course!”
“Well, Scott has a chicken. Virgil has several, he’s a bit of an addict, apparently. Even Alan has a duck.” Gordon threw up his hands. “What can I say, I wanted to make sure you had your stake here as well.”
There was something in Gordon’s voice.
John swallowed. “I have a lot of stake here, Gordon. You are here.”
Gordon looked away. “I didn’t want you to think I had forgotten you.”
“I didn’t.”
“Good. And now you have a chicken.” Gordon turned back to doing whatever he was doing.
John looked down at Polly.
She was eyeing him again.
He let out a sigh. Gordon was being Gordon, so understanding was optional, but he was his brother and love and support was mandatory.
“Thank you, Gordon.”
His brother still had his back to him, busily doing stuff. “You are welcome, Spaceman.”
Polly clucked in agreement.
“And Polly is short for Polaris.” Gordon finally turned to face him, a soft smile on his lips. “Maybe she can help you find your way here more often.”
A bird squawked in the distance and Polly sat up straighter, fluffing her feathers.
Gordon placed a gentle hand on his arm. “Anytime, John, no pressure. Just know that you are always welcome here.” Bright brown eyes gleamed at him.
There was something tight in John’s throat. “I will. I do.”
“Good.” Gordon smiled again before turning back to sweeping out the pen.
“After all, I have to visit my chicken.”
Gordon eyed him, but John could only smile.
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blackstarmylove · 5 months
It All Started with a Bite (Word Game)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: Unei x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: @acpzyrw
Prompt: The word games were great reads so I'm just going to slide another one in there if you don't mind~ fem! mc and the special-est man Unei with the words, ordinary, captivate, and bite! •ू(ᵒ̴̶̷ωᵒ̴̶̷*•ू) ​ )੭ु⁾
A/N: Hehe, I'm glad you like them! :3
Word Count: 751
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Unei was absolutely and hopelessly captivated by you. The way you looked, carried yourself, spoke, smiled, everything about you had him entranced. He had liked you for the longest time, peeping at you occasionally when you came to Starless, but he was afraid to make a move. Something always stopped him, a shyness he could not identify, and days, weeks, and months ticked by as he continued to admire you from afar.
Unei sat in a corner and drank alone, his eyes drawn to you as you laughed with your friends. What would be like to talk to you, to actually hold a conversation with you? He couldn't bring himself to do it, even if it was just to ask how you were doing. As your eyes wandered around the bar, you met his gaze momentarily, but he quickly lowered his eyes.
"Is that Unei?" You mumbled under your breath. When one of your friends asked what you said, you shook your head and excused yourself. "I'll be back in a few."
When you approached him, Unei's muscles tensed, and his breath got caught in his throat. He wasn't sure what to do; his mind was racing a million miles per hour, and his hands would stop shaking.
"Hi, Unei. Having a peaceful night out?" You warmly smiled at him. Instead of replying, he stared at you with wide eyes, like you had asked him to hand over his bank information. Chuckling, you spoke again. "Are you okay?"
"Y-You...know my name?"
"Who doesn't know Starless' hardworking intern?" You laughed.
"O-Oh. Y-Yeah, I came to d-drink. What brings you here, (y/n)?" The intern asked, reaching for his drink with trembling hands. Before you could answer, he knocked his glass over, spilling the beer on his lap. His cheeks instantly glowed red, and right as he was about to apologize, his hand hit the plate of food.
You thought he might have had a bit too much to drink, but he didn't give you a chance to ask. His nervousness was getting the best of him, and Unei thought chugging a can of beer would give him the courage he lacked. So, he grabbed the can and downed the content, leaving you speechless. Three cans later, he grinned at you as you stared at him with your jaw dropped.
"Hey, (y/n). Do I look capt-captiv... good?" He slurred his words.
"Captivating?" You chuckled and tilted your head slightly to the left.
"Oh...w-wait...I drunk...not you," Unei laughed. "Alcohol makes everyone...look better."
"Huh? Unei, I don't need alcohol to find you captivating. You're cute." You giggled.
"But...I orinary..."
"Ordinary? Who told you that? You have a charm of your own, and that makes you far from ordinary."
As you watched him stare at you like you were a ghost, you wondered why he considered himself ordinary. Did he think that of himself, or were the people in Starless influencing his thoughts? When Unei held his hand out to you, you snapped out of your thoughts and looked at him questioningly.
"I happy...but need check if dream..." He chuckled and waved his hand a little. Though you had no idea what he planned to do, you lightly rested your hand on his. Unei drew your hand close to his face and intensely stared at him, but the next moment, he brought his mouth closer to your linked hands and shifted his head left and right, looking from the back of his hand to the back of your hand. Opening his mouth, he lightly sunk his teeth into the back of your hand.
"Huh? Oh...I bite you? I mean to bite me..." He nervously laughed and kissed the back of your hand. "I sorry. I...only check if it's a dream or no."
"Dream?" You curiously questioned.
"Hm. You...say I cute...so dream...'cause I like you."
Your eyes widened as your lips slightly parted at his confession. Did he just confess that he liked you? You finally got your answer to why you caught Unei staring at you from behind the employee's only door. For the longest time, you thought he was monitoring the crowd, even though you felt his eyes on you. No, he was actually staring at you because he liked you.
A small smile tugged on your lips as you watched Unei stroking the back of your hand to alleviate any pain he might have caused you due to the bite. Would he remember this tomorrow once he sobered up? You truly hoped he would.
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3][4]
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(And if you squint) Implied California/New York
Read on AO3
(This is a songfic using the song Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez)
Warning: angst
Hey girl, open the walls
Play with your dolls
I sigh as I walk back into the statehouse again. 5 days a week, only Friday and Saturday for breaks.
I think the only real reason I kept this job was because of Gov, the states are just annoying.
We'll be a perfect family
"Oh Greg you're here! Great, we can start now! Can't have a meeting without filming an episode! Gotta get paid somehow..." Gov greeted mead I walked in. He mumbled the last part, but I heard it. Money's been tight, I realized that a while ago.
When you walk away is when we really play
Gov walks out of the room and immediately Florida runs at me, Louisiana and California close behind him. "Greg!! You're back!"
"I was gone for two days, Florida. You know I come back every time."
Florida isn't the brightest.
You don't hear me when I say
After the meeting, I go to speak to Gov. I always do, not that he ever listens.
"Mom, please wake up
Dad's with a slut
And your son is smoking cannabis"
"Hey I think California might finally have the whole Disneyland thing under control. It's safe to say he can handle himself now" I tell him.
No one never listens
"Sure, yeah" he mumbles, shuffling through papers on his desk.
This wallpaper glistens
"Alright, I'm gonna go sleep then" I tell him. Without waiting for an answer, I go upstairs to my room. It's next to California's and Texas'.
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen
Of course, they're fighting again.
I guess tomorrow might be a better day. 
Places, places
Get in your places
"Gov calm down, they're probably fine" Virginia tells Gov.
"No, they need to be here. They need to be sitting right across from me where I can see them or- or-"
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
"Greg, can you come comfort him? I'll try to find Loui and Florida" Gin asks me. "Yeah, sure." I reply.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
"Gov it's okay, nothing's wrong."
He's having a panic attack.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
"Gin will find them, they're okay"
"No, no they aren't I can't- don't-" he chokes between tearless sobs.
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
"I found them!"
"Virginia, thank God you're back!" I exclaim.
Gov takes a few deep breaths, "finally. Now I know you two aren't hurt."
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
"Alright everyone sit down in your seats, we're going live today" I say, the states mostly know to listen to me. Except New York. He does what he wants.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
"Alright, live in 3..
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Just after I finish my countdown, Gov shoots me a look that says "thanks for that"
I just simply nod and mouth, "don't thank me, thank Gin for findin' em"
I see things that nobody else sees
The meeting was just as eventful as any other, Texas and Cal got into a fight, Florida passed some questionable laws and Loui just drank to avoid responsibility.
After the meeting was over I did what I normally do and take the video equipment first, then go back to the Table for my sound equipment.
On my way back, I see Cali and Texas still at the table, New York seemingly holding Cal back.
"Don't, B. It's not worth yer time" he tells them.
"Don't tell me what to do, York!" They pull away from him, "I can fight my own battles!"
I see things that nobody else sees
I leave before it escalates.
I don't wanna be part of this mess.
Hey girl, look at my mom
She's got it going on
Gov is in the kitchen, not drinking coffee for once.
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry
When you turn your back
I walk closer to him instead of continuing to my room. It might be nice to have a normal conversation with him for the first time in who knows how long.
She pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity
Turns out I was wrong, “Gov what the actual hell are you doing?!”
He’s drinking.
“Louisiana!” I scream, the tone in my voice harsher than I meant it to be.
Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic
Go back to being plastic
“Mais, what was dat for?” He says as he runs down the stairs.
“Did you by any chance give Gov vodka?”
No one never listens
“Nah, you know I only drink daiquiris”
This wallpaper glistens
“Sure you do.. just leave okay? Find out who gave him the vodka if you can”
One day they'll see what goes down in the kitchen
“I’m fine, Greg. Stop worrying so much” Gov says, his words are already slurring a bit.
“You need to get out of this addiction, Gov. You were doing so well, what even happened?”
Places, places
Get in your places
“It’s none of your business, Greg! Leave me alone! I hate all of you. You’re all useless.”
Loui looks hurt at the statement, but I just shake my head. Gov is an aggressive drunk, he doesn’t mean it.
He doesn’t mean it.
I just gotta remind myself that.
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
He doesn’t mean it towards the states.
He doesn’t mean it towards his coworkers.
He doesn’t mean it towards me.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“C’mon Gov, let’s get you upstairs”
“No! Absolutely not! I have work to do!” He screams, shoving me away.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Louisiana tries to help me calm him down. He tells him, “What would dey all think if dey saw you like this? ‘specially Flo’ida, you know how much he cares ‘bout you, even if he don’t show it.”
“Especially me” I mumble to myself now than anyone else. Gov and Loui can’t hear me.
“Gov,” I start, “Louisiana’s right. You gotta calm down. For the states if not for yourself.”
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
He doesn’t answer, which usually means I’m right but he doesn’t want to admit it.
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
I take the bottle away from him and place it on the kitchen counter. “Come on, Gov. Let’s go upstairs.”
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
We get to my bedroom and Gov sits on the bed. “You gotta stop this man, I hate seeing you like this” I say. Not that he’s gonna take me seriously but might as well try.
I see things that nobody else sees
A few hours pass, most of the time Gov just sits there and complains about everything while I edit episodes and send some emails to Ben, Liv and a few others. We were going to have them make a guest appearance again.
I see things that nobody else sees
After I finished my work, I joined Gov on the couch. He’s listening to true crime again, honestly I can’t blame him. That stuff is interesting.
Hey girl (hey girl)
Hey girl, open your walls
Play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
“Gov, you wanna go sleep? It’s gotten pretty late” I ask him.
“Mmm I don’t wanna get up” well, that’s a first.
Places, places
Get in your places
“Alright, stay here then. I’ll get you tea” I offer. “Coffee?” He pleads.
“Absolutely not”
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
I go downstairs to the kitchen to make tea and see Florida and Louisiana sitting at the table. “You okay, Florida? You look a bit off” I ask. I’ve gotten to know the states pretty well.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“I-is Gov okay? I didn’t means to stress him out so much.. I- Loui told me what happened, Greg” he turns to face me.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
“He’s okay, Florida. I promise. He’s gonna go to sleep soon”
“Mais sha, I told ya he’d be alright”
“I guess you were right Loui, I just- I know I’m a lot of trouble but I’ll stop if he needs me to-“ Florida starts, but I cut him off before he can finish, “Florida, no! You make him happy! Sure, he gets stressed when you’re not in his sight but that’s because he feels responsible for you. Almost like a big brother”
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
“I see him as a big brother..” Florida lightly laughs, his voice bitter.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“Seriously Florida, he’s okay. I promise.”
Please don't let them look through the curtains
“I believe you, Greg. Thanks.”
“Of course”
I see things that nobody else sees
I grab the tea cup off the stove and proceed upstairs back to my bedroom.
“Here, Gov. drink at least a little bit” I say, handing the cup to him.
“Thanks Greg, I don’t know what I’d- what any of us would do without you”
“It’s my honor, Gov”
I see things that nobody else sees
We lay down next to each other in the bed, and when his hand accidentally brushed mine, my heart skips a beat. After a few minutes pass, the silence only proves Gov has finally fallen asleep.
I quietly get out of the bed and grab the tea cup to take it back to the kitchen.
“I love you” I whisper to him before closing the door to my room, “I really, really do”
I know he’ll never hear it.
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annawrites444 · 2 months
Hey! Could I request a full bouquet for a Harry Potter matchup! I'm a ravenclaw and either marauders or the golden trio timeline works with me! I'd like a romantic theme, please; along with a male character below the age of 18 (I'm 16). I'm considered to be a sarcastic person, I'm also very good at giving advice and I'm considered to be the mom friend of the group. I like reading and studying, and adore academic validation. I also tend to get very competitive if someone's better than me at something I'm passionate about. I like doing ballet and swimming. I'm also an avid romance reader, I've read almost every romance book to ever exist haha. Thank you and have a great day <3
Sirius Black X G/N Ravenclaw Reader !Matchup
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A/N: Please don't repost on any other platform other than Tumblr :)
I had a hard time choosing but I see Sirius Black (6th year)  from the marauders timeline sooo much so I’m going to go with him if that's okay :D
Sirius Black X Ravenclaw Fem Reader
You had no time to lose, the library was about to close but you desperately needed that book on Potions. You were determined to get an O for the next test the following day, but had forgotten to pick up some of the required reading beforehand. You finally reached the dark oak library doors but as you twisted the door knob you realized… it was locked. Bloody hell. You were locked out, however you would not let Severus beat you again in potions. So you muttered a soft alohomora under your breath and heard the satisfying click of the lock before entering the dark hall. You had to make it quickly to the second floor of the library before any loitering ghosts like Peeves would spot you and likely rat you out to the librarian as he had done the previous week. You tiptoed as fast as possible behind shelves and up the metal stairs before hearing a large BANG noise. You were sure you were busted as you turned in the direction of the sound. You were shocked to meet Sirius Black face to face holding a strange metal vase from a nearby shelf. “Fancy meeting you here L/N” he said as smoothly as possible before quietly setting the vase down on its pedestal. “Same to you” you said dismissively as you promptly turned in the other direction about to find that potions book. “I wonder why you’re here l/n” Sirius, to your dismay, followed on your right just a pace behind you with an amused look on his handsome face and hands folded behind his back. “None of your business Black, you can go back to whatever it is you were doing.” you waved him off trying to ignore the swarming butterflies in your stomach. He sauntered off and as you finally held the book you needed in your hand you heard the librarian’s loud and shrill voice as she scolded Sirius. “Mr. Black you should be ashamed of yourself, walking around here at nearly midnight on a school night no less?!” She gripped him by his arm, her sharp nails digging into his skin. You managed to duck behind a shelf in time to avoid her gaze but made eye contact with Sirius and offered a sympathetic smile as you watched from afar. “Well, Mr. Black were you here with Mr. Potter, Mr Lupin, or anybody else?!” She pointed at him with her finger and he looked away from you as he answered her “No, Ma’am I was here alone tonight.” You just shook your head and smiled as you watched the librarian haul Sirius away but not before he shot you a quick wink over his shoulder causing your face to heat up in a rather embarrassing way. Well, at least you got that book you wanted, and more…
(Song) Fluorescent Adolescent- Arctic Monkeys
Now I know canonnly Sirius wouldn’t be an Arctic Monkeys fan, but this song just reminds me of him. Hope you like it toooo :)
Okayyy I know everyone has said that Sirus is more likely to go for a S/O who is in Gryffindor but I kinda  disagree, I feel like as long as his S/O wasn’t in Slytherin then he wouldn’t care. And he loves the fact you are in Ravenclaw. I think he likes sneaking in and out of places- Including the Ravenclaw Common room. 
Before and leading up to when you two begin dating I feel like Sirius is always around you, as soon as you do something small that captures his attention he is never letting you go. Ex: You answer a question in a class where you are more reserved so all of a sudden he hears your pretty voice and he’s enthralled and is interested in you. 
STUDY DATES- at least once a week, I have a belief that  Sirius is smarter that he would let on so maybe he would play dumb on certain subjects just to get you to explain them to him. 
He 100% knows you love romance books and sometimes you might find little notes in your favorites by pages you’ve bookmarked or highlighted saying “I definitely did this last month” or “You bet we are going to try that later” sometimes even little remarks or jokes about whatever the protagonist is doing. 
Ever since he found out about you taking Ballet lessons/ practices he would start to show up to your recitals and performances always in awe of how graceful and delicate you danced. And of course he brings you a bouquet of your favorite blossoms. He also 100% drags the marauders along, though they might grumble at it at first they are soon in awe of how skilled you are too. After the performances when he greets you off stage i just know he would have a witty comment to say as he hugs you and hands you your flowers. 
Thank you sooo much for being so patient with me, school has been more crazy than I would have originally thought for this semester! <3
I hope you enjoyed!
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
favourite tf2 headcanons? yours or other peoples?
ohoho man. grab a seat anon, and let me tell you a really long and stupid story about a headcanon i had many moons ago...
i got into tf2 over the summer of 2011, when i was 14. somewhere at the end of the 2010-2011 school year, i went to a function that the local high school held to acclimate next year's incoming freshmen. while i was there i bumped into a friend from elementary school who i'd lost contact with, we traded Skypes (where my skypers at???), and he got me into this awesome game called Team Fortress 2, because, hey, it just went free to play!
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(here's my proof i joined literally one week after it went f2p)
here's what you need to know about 14 year old Shebbz: i was extremely autistic. i had just found out about tumblr after spending my formative years on deviantart. i still did not process that i was a comphet lesbian. and i LOOOOOOVED scout! i loved him so much. scout was everything to me. he was ME and also he was my BOYFRIEND and i was drawing him on EVERY surface i could use a pencil on. all i played was scout. i was not good at it but that didn't stop me. i was textbook 14-year-old crazy and scout was the chosen vessel for it. also i drew like this:
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ok. so. i'm insane. i love scout. thunder mountain is my favorite map because it's the prettiest and that's the only metric i judge anything by. and every day i talk tf2 with my friends at lunch, which is about three to five obnoxious 14 y/o boys. and i fucking wish i still had the paper or at least a scan of it, but one day i had the BRILLIANT idea for a headcanon for scout.
okay so get this, i tell my friends at lunch as i'm unzipping my backpack to grab my notebook. scout is so funny and cool right? nods of agreement. he's obviously way too cool for the other mercs to handle. he's hip and with-it. well, check out this idea i just had, i think it's got a lot of potential. i slide a piece of paper over the table to my very dear friend who got me into tf2.
it's two panels. the first has scout holding up his own drawing of the thunder mountain skybox scenery, storm clouds and all, and he's saying, "look guys, i drew thunder mountain!" in the second panel, all you see is bullet holes through the paper and, presumably, into his torso meat behind it. "ow," he says. he's crying a little.
now i thought i was really onto something here. i was excited to get talking and explore more headcanons branching off of this one.
but my friend shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY. lo, my obsession with scout has turned into bastardization! i have lost touch with the canon! at this point i have woobified scout into something completely divorced from the soul of the character! and my greatest crime-- baseless projection! put that bit from jurassic park about the scientists here. clearly, he surmised, i had been poisoned by all those saucy yaoi askblogs i'd been following at the time. (hey, leave askheavy out of this!)
i was ashamed. embarrassed. he read me like an open book. i felt like the scout in the drawing. i put the drawing up, did away with my frivolous little headcanon, and resolved to be more of a stickler for canon-accuracy in my fanworks. hell, i nearly ended up becoming something of a fandom police myself. but i always felt a little slighted. yes i was projecting, but because of that, it was so personal! so what if it was totally baseless? it meant something to me!!
anyway, that was late 2011. seasons came and changed the time... i later had a falling-out with that friend (for totally unrelated reasons) and switched high schools to a newer fancier one. i got diagnosed with bipolar and i was trying so, so, SO hard just to get out of bed and scrape through my classes with C's and D's.
2014. june. i'm 17 and i'm borderline comatose now that it's summer break and i have no reason to get out of bed in the morning. what little creative energy i have is directed towards my askblogs with incredibly inconsistent and sporadic results. and i really don't play tf2 much at this point. no energy for it.
but then... a light in the shadows. a triumphant fanfare. at long last, there's another tf2 animatic, and it has hand-delivered unto me the sweetest validation, the coldest dish of revenge, the delicious ice cream sundae of justice:
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scout has drawn a picture of spy getting hit by a car.
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helpimhyperfixating · 2 years
Photos And Crushes p3 !!! 😫😫 I love the first two so much :,)
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Thank you both so much! It means a lot that you liked it given its one of my favourite works I’ve made >w<
So originally PaC was meant to be just that two parter, but then my brain said “horny time 😏” and I decided to make a 3rd part so that I could fit in a smut XD
However… sadly after writing the entire chapter out, my phone glitched and everything on it got wiped, including the last chapter, leaving me with only an old draft. I kinda lost steam after that because I was so sad. Felt like everything that I rewrote was worse than the original
But I still plan to finish it someday!! I have a big chunk (like 2/3) rewritten! So yes, here is the start of the third chapter as a sneak peek ;3
This is not smut btw so its safe to read
Walking around town, Jotaro sighed. It was good to breathe fresh air again after he had been unable to leave the house for three days thanks to his grandfather and mother not letting him leave because of his injury.
Had it been just his mother he would have been able to just brush past, but the same could not be said for Joseph Joestar. The man was built like a brick house despite his age and would thus easily overpower Jotaro now that he was missing the full use of his left side.
It was just that… the young Kujo wanted to see you.
After getting shot and him taking you home, he hadn’t seen you due to being stuck inside. Especially after what happened in the forest though, he really wanted to. You never even properly got to talk it out.
“Hey, mister! Mr. Jotaro!” A young voice suddenly sounded from his left and the man nonchalantly turned, seeing Jack and Tommy running at him while waving their hands.
Jotaro scowled a bit, having preferred if they addressed him a little more formally - he wasn’t their friend after all - but it’s kids, what can you do.
“What is it.” He asked as he leaned his right side into the fence he was standing next to, Jack and Tommy’s eyes falling to the sling his arm was wrapped in, the left side of his trenchcoat just draped over his shoulder, leaving the sleeve empty.
“Whoa, what happened?!”
“I got shot.” Jotaro deadpanned and the boys’ eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
“You did?! D-Did it hurt?” Jack nearly yelled that out and Jotaro barely managed to stifle an annoyed groan.
“Yes. Now what did you call me for.” It was a demand, not a question and the boys quickly snapped back on track.
“Right! Have you seen Ms. Y/N?” Tommy piped up and Jotaro furrowed his brows.
“Not in three days. Why?” He asked, a little suspicious.
“W-Well, we were supposed to have a lesson yesterday, but she never showed up...”
That caught Jotaro’s attention. For, you never missed a lesson. Teaching those kids was the highlight of your week, much to his past chagrin. So, to hear you missed a lesson? With no prompt or explanation as to why? That sat wrong with the man in black.
“We’ve been asking around if anyone knows where she is but no one has seen her.” Jack now spoke and Jotaro kissed his teeth, mulling things over as he straightened up.
“I was headed to her house anyways. I’ll see what’s up.” Jotaro informed the boys just out of courtesy, since they did come to him for help after all.
“We’ll come with you!” They perked up but Jotaro scoffed.
“Fuck no. Go do whatever it is that you do, I don’t want to have you snot-nosed brats loitering around.”
“O-Oi! What did you call us?!” Jack called out, offended, but Jotaro just raised a brow.
“You heard me. Leave me be.” With that, he turned on his axis and started walking, continuing down the street he was before the kids showed up.
Yet a worry spiked in his mind and gut. His eyes drifted to his left arm and his breath hitched slightly. The sheriff had informed Jotaro they caught the two guys, but they were part of a gang. Would the others come after you?
His thoughts took up so much of his time that he didn’t even realise he was already standing in front of your house.
Looking up at it it seemed.... empty.
Quickly crossing the small path to the door, Jotaro knocked.
No response.
He tried again, this time a little firmer, yet still no response.
Deciding ‘fuck it’ he walked around the back, having to hop two fences before he reached the back door. It did not have a lock and Jotaro knew that so he simply twisted the doorknob and opened the door, stepping inside a moment later.
The entire house was dark and cold, some items strewn and flung about, but only a few.
“Y/N?” He called out, just in case, but as he expected, no answer came.
Something on the dining table suddenly caught his attention and he walked up to it.
It was a paper, something written on it in your handwriting though a lot messier, as if you were writing it in a hurry before being pulled away at the end, the pencil dragging over the paper and leaving a messy line.
Turning it around to face himself, Jotaro read your note.
‘Aunt sick
Gone f-‘
After that it was already illegible and Jotaro lifted his head, scanning the room once more. There really was no sign of either you or your family and so he turned around to walk out of the house, hopping the fences once more as he held the note still in his hand and read it a few times more.
So your aunt was sick and you went to visit her? If you couldn’t even visit him to say or even leave a proper letter, only this messy note, then you had to have been dragged off by your parents in a hurry. Was it that bad? Or was this a coverup and did that gang actually come after you? No, why would they just take you and not leave a ransom note or something. It couldn’t be that.
“I figured I’d see you snooping around here at some point, Mr. Kujo.” A crackly male voice suddenly said and Jotaro looked up from the paper in his hand to see an elderly couple looking at him from the house next door.
Jotaro creased his brow in question at them, not having a clue who they were or what they wanted and the woman chuckled, now speaking up. “Next time, don’t just break into someone else’s house. You can simply ask around. I saw them leaving in a right hurry three days ago. Wagon loaded and storming off.”
Looking back down at the paper, Jotaro’s suspicions about you being dragged off by your parents were now confirmed and he curtly nodded at the couple, stuffing your note in his pocket and turning back into town, walking away.
And just like that, two weeks passed.
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Can I get a spicy fic with Clef and Reader, but reader has n o i d e a how that works
I shall try my best rehehehe
You can read the title tee hee
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-so you've known Clef for awhile, but all you two have been is just friends. Close friends as some would say
-You've always wanted more but similar to other doctors he to has his rumors of how he is within the sheets
-some claim he's simply 'too big' for anyone hence why he doesn't even have a partner, others claim he's like a monster within them
-you usually don't believe rumors but you couldn't exactly go and ask 'hey Clef is your dick actually so big that it can't fit into anything?' Then again when you really think about it he probably doesn't have one that big.
-then again..he is anomalous so maybe he does.
-but all that doesn't matter, you two are strictly friends.
-right about now you were hanging out with the three eyed man, your mind swirling around the thoughts of you and Clef once again. You hadn't been paying attention to what he was saying as usually you two had a good quiet friendship not really much talking from either of you
-you felt someone grab your face squishing it a bit "can ya hear me now?" He said with that shit eating grin of his. You swatted his hand away as he chuckled backing away before you could even touch him
-"sorry Clef, my mind was elsewhere" He nods "i know."
-you give him a look as he just sits across from you "your face is as red as a cherry Y/n"
-you blink trying to cover your face "ah yeah-" he interrupts you "actually it's always red whenever i'm around you..odd isn't it?" He was fucking with you and you could tell.
-but you still acted like a nervous wreck as you felt his ukulele under your chin making you look at him, his third eye now on under his right eye all three staring at you
-he chuckled putting the ukulele on the ground "you look so nervous Y/n, never been with a guy like me?"
-you stared at him as your eyes widened "i um- no i've never been with anyone-" you blurted out
-his grin turned into a smile "oh? Really? Hm.." He leaned back in his chair "that's fine, i can go slow" he said getting up and walking to where you were taking your hand and helping you up "if that's what you want Y/n"
-without thinking you nodded, and you felt yourself being led elsewhere. You didn't realize he led you out of his office, that you two were heading to where his dorm was.
-you didn't realize till you heard the familiar beep of the door, your mind had been trying to prepare yourself for losing your virginity to your friend, a friend who had a shit ton of sexy rumors around him
-he closed the door behind you before kissing up your arm like fucking Gomez from the Aadams family
-he grinned at you before capturing your lips, holding you against his chubby dad body before letting go
-he led you to his bed "don't mind the mess" he said before sitting you on the bed "you sure you wanna do this y/n?" You nodded as you saw his grin grow again
-since this was your first time with him, he was a very gentle lover. And luckily the rumors weren't true, he was pretty average down there
-he definitely left some marks on ya that didn't go away for fucking weeks, oh and don't think this was the only time y'all two hooked up
-he couldn't get enough of ya, and loved how you were under him or uh riding him
-He's definitely a risky guy, a few times he's grabbed you and literally fucked you in his office
-sometimes he likes to mess with you by having you sit next to him and he'll just start rubbing your thigh
-if y'all two end up in a relationship from this is up to you, he doesn't really care. Sure he likes ya but if you just wanna stay 'fuck buddies' then he's cool with it
-of course he's great at aftercare, literally goes a whole 360 to make sure you're okay and stuff and that he wasn't too rough.
-he asks for consent for basically everything, especially if he's doing something new he makes sure you're cool with it first. If you're not it's never brought up again unless you bring it up
That's all folks requests always open!
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hey mate. So i read Reset and i was feeling way to much so i decided to track you down to pour all my thoughts on you, even so, idk if you are going to even see this, but hey, it's a way to take it out of my chest.
So, um. I don't know if i finished your fic, or your fic finished me, in the best way possible. I've been here since the game came out, and been in and out the fandom like three times by this point, and this time around i decided to read some fanfic and and, i found yours and- godness. IT'S SO GOOD, IT'S AMAZING, I LOVE IT. The plot, Connor's personality, Hank's too, i adore time travel fix it fanfics and tbh this one is just so perfect, *chef kiss*, i love it, you don't have and idea. I finished reading and came back to re read some loose scenes because i felt empty inside after it, lol. Connor's panic attack at the bridge, he shooting through Amanda's head, Christopher's support (?), everything it was sooooo good. Heck, CONNOR'S BREAKDOWN WAS MY FAVORITE SCENE, I'M NOT KIDDING YOU, I READ IT LIKE 5 TIMES ALREADY, IT HAS SO MUCH FEELINGS ON IT, SO MUCH RAGE, SO MUCH HATRED, DAMN, TBH BEFORE I WAS AT THAT MOMENT I WAS LIKE "I hope Connor says fuck on some moment." THEN THE MOTHERFUCKER SCENE HAPPENED AND I GASPED, AND THEN THE SCENE WITH NOT-HIM, WHEN HE SAID FUCK YOU, I GOT FLIPPED, LMAO. I ADORE WITH HOW MUCH FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS YOU WROTE THAT, I COULD FEEL IT THROUGH MY PHONE'S SCREEN. I WANT TO STOP TALKING ABOUT THAT MOMENT BUT IT'S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE I A D O R E D IT, I L O V E IT. He said Fuck with so much venom i felt so proud. Heck, i'm not used to read Connor with feelings other and anxiety nd ptsd, so seeing him feeling whatever this was, was refreshing as heck and i now hc him with sass. I could even say- you made the character better, and that my friend is not something easy to do, preach, i bow to you, i want to put ur brain in a throne where it belongs.
Anyway- that's it, nothing more, nothing else. I just wanted to say that your fic? Amazing, perfect, tasteful, thanks for the meal, i love it with my whole heart and i will be obssesed with it for the next week, even month, lol. <3
Omg thank you so much for this ask it was SUCH a blast to read! I showed it to my partner and they also thought it was so nice and funny to read through.
I'm so glad that you're also the kind of person to go back and re-read specific scenes when you finish a fic because I am absolutely that kind of person as well lmao. And I love that the not!connor scene had such an impact on you!! It felt so cathartic to write and I'm so happy that readers feel the same way about it! :D
Also, your ask made me go back to Reset and count up all the times Connor says "fuck" - because I thought it was pretty often, but you're right! He doesn't actually say it very often (out loud, he thinks it way more often). So here's the stats of how many times Connor says "fuck" in Reset if you're curious XD
8 (not counting his breakdown) 13 (counting the breakdown) Getting back on track though, I'm so happy that you loved my version of Connor's personality! I was worried when I started writing this that people wouldn't like or vibe with him, because (as you said) people tend to headcanon him as a lot more anxious, which is also very good, it just didn't fit my fic very well. So hearing that not only did you like him but also that my fic made him feel better to you is SUCH high praise. And that's not even counting all the OTHER high praise in this ask that really did make my whole ass week.
Thank you so much for this ask, I'm sorry I didn't get to it sooner (you know how tumblr is lmao) <333
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sylvieeee5 · 2 years
HI!!! Don’t know if you know me, but I’m Sylv! I do liveblogs of MBS (I’ve been a fan since fifth grade haha) that are QUESTIONABLY readable and cat-picture heavy!! Speaking of… a little kitty update!!
If you’ve been reading my LBs for a while, you may remember this adorable bean:
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Well, I’m delighted to announce that Sonic has found his forever home- with my grandparents! Congrats on winning them over, little man- can’t wait to see how much you’ve grown when they come to visit next week!
okay i actually have to watch it now hhhhh
fear. and excitement
MBS Season 2, Episode 1: A Perilous Journey.
Let’s go.
!Warning!! Book/show spoilers ahead!
Welp, she said it! Roll credits on the whole production, boys. (actually no don’t habsgshdhssh)
okay we haven’t even made it past the RECAP yet, come on sylv-
rip mouse 😭😭😭
hey king cmoN IT WAS COOL
baby!!! also we have her name said for the first time!!!
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yes.... yes you are 4:12
NEW INTRO?????????????
4:20 (ayy)
THE A L PA C A HUH??????
also “not identical”  👀
dog man...?
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i amn... intrigued
smug... fishing for compliments... yep this is the loser we all know and... love?
Ah Connie girl- trying to use your newly-discovered psychic abilities to kill him through the screen?  I don’t blame you tbh
who’s he blaming for this one???
Heavily used in the trailers... might I be detecting a bit of double meaning?
“I can”- make anyone happy... and control what they’re saying.
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the only sane one-
rhonda: completely unbothered
...how many times has constance tried to do this sshkj
🙄 babies.
okay, i know they’re not legally sisters in this ‘verse, but... sisters
mission failed. we’ll get ‘em next time
very reassuring.
girl what????
are you forgetting the tried-to-take-over-the-world part???
well crap
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It’s been a year, but Kate’s still struggling with healthy independence vs. shutting people out,,,
And their relationship... It’s still new, to both of them. It’s a struggle to go back to... being father and daughter.
parents expressing interest in your fandoms be like-
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“We know each other.”
such a good ammaaaaaaaa i’m going to cry
ms perumal i love you
excellent icebreaker queen
a firm no
okay i know that was a trick but...
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girl what
fyueawkiWHQdiquhlJHSDKKADSUKI hey. don’t diss the sweater vest.
the well.
Everyone’s a critic
she really said  👀
also WHAT
o-hoh no
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constance he IS your father and you CARE him
they play chess
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sibling behavior
constance behavior
“A book in a book... Bookception.”
that was. remarkably stupid
the journal that... isn’t a journal and is just a nonsense book.
what’s that got to do with it constance
Everybody knows that, Kate.
brave boy arc :)
That’s not a verb, sir
kate i adore you
local fish population decimated. sugar prices skyrocketing. great job guys
oh my god
what have i just witnessed.
his stupid gOLF CART
they’re coming right on THROUGH with the curtain loser energy
this ain’t a pyramid scheme king(derogatory)
I’m so stoked for this season!!!!! So far, apart from the Curtain stuff (which I, still have not fully processed,,) it seems pretty 1-1 with the book... but as we know, things will certainly diverge...
I give 201: A Perilous Journey a 9/10! A lovely little bite of what’s to come- only prevented from a perfect score by the laCK OF A TITLE DROPPPPPPPP
I am. so upset about that.
See you later today for episode 2!
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Aah promo time :D
Oop baby proofing 👀 :D
That's kinda sweet but I thiiink he's being annoying lol xDD
I'm thinking it at least a bit without context sooo xD wiiith?
OOP "I already am" (smth like that) XDD
A stroke in a like 5 year old??
That's not good 😬😬 :(
Ooh an interesting brain surgery though 👀
Uh ohhh
That does not seem good xd
Well that episode's gonna be WILD lol!
They all have been recently xD but hey that's just the gig lol. I've just noticed that I've been saying it more beforehand recently lol.
But, still, exciting :D
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I really enjoyed this episode!! It thought it was great :D. I thought we'd finally get a death again, but I'm really glad we didn't :)). I'm sure it'll happen sometime, and it'll be rough lol xd. But I always have extra feelings about cystic fibrosis because of a book I read, so maybe that added into it lol, idk. Anyway, I thought it was an amazing episode, great cases and some good focus spread :).
Now, into the individualized portions!
First off, Asher and Perez :DD. Didn't see them much this episode, but we still love them 🥰🥰. They both gave Shaun good advice, and there were some fun interactions between the three of them :). Also what Danny said about his dad was so sad :'((. I mean, it could be worse, but still D':. Also, Asher had a s'more for the first time last year (in universe) :D?? That's adorable :)). That he got to, I mean, and even though it kinda sucks it's also kind of fun he never did :). Anyway! These two were also amazing on their case and they were fun this episode :). I love them, you honor 🥰🥰.
Andrews! He wasn't in this ep :o! I realized about halfway through lol. I mean, he was mentioned, in assigning work to Lea XD, but not seen. Huh! Well, we miss him :). And, a quick note, Jerome too :D!! And Villanueva :))). Anyway, I hope we get him back next week! I love him :D. And the others too of course 🥰.
Park and Morgan :). I thought their storyline this episode was really fun :D! I mean, not great stuff, but it wasn't SUPER heavy. Like, kinda, but not much :). I'm glad the guy wasn't lying lol, and that the study ended up okay :D!! I'm also glad Park managed to give Morgan a bit more hope in the world :). Or at least, a little bit more of a reason to think/look for it :'). Anyway, I'm glad the guy's okay (plus that's a LOT of blood to donate lol, good for him!! and thank you sir :DD), and they were great this episode :). I love them 🥰. Also Park's whole thing with the coffee machine (I know it wasn't much but still), especially at the end, was great lol XDD.
Lim and Jordan now. :(((( This storyline was SO SAD!!! I'm so glad it worked out in the end though :'D. I always find it interesting when we have a patient that one of the doctors has been seeing for a long time, especially if it's from before the show eve started :). Idk, it's just cool to me. Anyway, seeing how hard Lim was trying was HEARTBREAKING 😭😭. And then Jordan being right by her side :'DD. It was amazing <33. I love their relationship :'). And Brekka (pretty sure that was her name) was so sweet and cool :)). The whole part with the book and her letting go (in general, not just the moment - I don't wanna say giving up), everything around that, was just 😭😭😭. It was so beautiful though :') ❤️❤️🥺. Anyway, I am so glad everything worked out in the end :'D. I love them <33.
Glassman! 😭😭😭😭 Y'alllllll. The storylines this episode!! Half of them were so sad xD. Most of them, maybe - or even all of them lol. Anyway, I loved all Glassman's stories about Maddie :'D. I mean, I think it was only two this episode, but with one last week too, it's a lot more than on average lol. Anyway, they're all so sweet ❤️❤️. And sad 🥺, but still :')). But seriously, seeing Glassman dig through he wreckage of his house this episode 😭. UGH, it was a bit rough xd. I feel so bad for him 💔💔 <33. But I'm glad he was Shaun and Lea by his side to move forward with :'). Speaking of, his scene with Shaun, and with Lea, and with both of them - all amazing 😭😭😭🥰❤️❤️🥺. The advice, the experience they got to have together :') just amazing <33. I loved them so much :'D. Also, the nail polish <333. It hurt but still 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. I love him <333.
Lastly, it's time for Shaun and Lea! PHEW, theyre okay :'D xD. As I suspected/hoped, it wasn't as bad as the preview made it out to be :'). And I mean, parental differences are a big thing to sort out, you know? There's a lot riding on it for sure, and it's gotta be stressful. I mean, just look at those parents from the case 😭. Case wise, by the way, I'm so glad everything worked out :'DD. The kid was okay (looked like even minimal/no brain damage!!! :DD), and the parents united again :')). It was really nice ❤️❤️❤️ <3. Anyway, I'm glad Shaun and Lea managed to solve the issue without a fight. There really wasn't one - there was a slightly heated discussion, but most of the problem was caused not by a specific disagreement about those decisions, but by Lea being busy and Shaun pushing it a bit. It wasn't anyone's fault, there was just stress on both sides. And everything ended up okay :')). Again, I loved both their scenes with Glassman <333 they were so sweet. And the ending one :'D - doing the little hand hold thing 😭😭😭❤️, and then feeling the baby kick :'DD 🥰 (plus Glassman getting to be there for that experience :')) it was just them, together, enjoying life - literally lol, it brought them joy :'D), and then starting on the list lol 🥰🥰 🥰. It was all so sweet, and while I'm a bit stressed for next week with their relationship with Glassman (not permanently, I just mean that side of the storyline), I'm sure it'll all end up okay :). Anyway, I loved that last scene, and the plot in general :)). I love them <333 :).
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I thought it had some great storylines (some in general, all of them were great) and a good spread of focus for the most part :D. The cases were great, if mostly very sad xdd, but everything worked out and I'm really happy it did :)). For once everyone ended the episode happy lol xD! I am a bit stressed for the next episode, but not much - not near as much as I have been for these past few lol. Anyway, really good episode 🥰.
So yeah! I loved this episode. Even with all its sad parts. I'm excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 13: 39 Differences
This episode was a good one! I'm a bit nervous for the next episode, but not much. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 14: Hard Heart
See you then!
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Dear Mr Tracy (Part 4, Bit 2)
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Sweetapple | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 - Bit 1, Bit 2
@flyboytracy​​​​, @amistrio​​​​ and @onereyofstarlight​​​​​  you asked for it, so you get to suffer more :D
Thank you so much to @gaviiadastra​ for the read through. And all the wonderful comments about Alex today. You are all so kind to me ::hugs the lot of you::
Only a short bit tonight. No Alex in this bit. I started writing his bit and promptly slammed into a wall - too tired to write more. So this is what I managed to write in the car today while waiting for kids outside the schools.
I hope you enjoy a little Gordon. Alex is currently a stunned mullet staring up at the sky. More to come tomorrow, I hope.
Scott glowered at Gordon for the next several hours.
Gordon ignored him and enjoyed the ruckus he had caused despite the Commander’s misgivings.
True to form, a small request accompanied by younger brother puppy dog eyes had Thunderbird Two launching with not only Virgil aboard, but Alan and Kayo as well.
John, the wuss, begged out claiming some major project. Gordon would get his ass down from orbit sooner or later, or move the family barbecue up beyond the troposphere and invade his Lord’s dominion. Eos would probably invade their washing machine in retaliation and fry all his underwear, but it would be worth it.
Grandma sent her apologies, as did Brains, both of which were a shame. Gordon was interested in what would happen if you put Alex and Brains together alone in a room together.
The nerdgasm might take out a small country.
Give or take Virgil in that equation and the resultant chemical reaction…
Gordon smirked as he backed Four into her module, freshly dropped in Māhia Bay.
He was probably in for it. Virgil had been grumpy for the last week. Gordon understood. Along with his brother’s obsession with Dad’s health, the engineer’s task list was capable of eating him alive on the average day. The strain was definitely beginning to show and Gordon was definitely worried about a last straw situation doing some serious damage.
And Gordon wasn’t alone in his opinion. It was likely an influence on why Dad jumped at the idea of a family dinner.
They were celebrating, yes, but the presence of outsiders at the party would keep things a little more on the straight and narrow.
Another smirk. If Gordon played his cards right, Virgil might not consider the word ‘straight’ as the right descriptor.
He ran through his submarine version of post-flight, and Four wobbled as Two’s grapples lifted the module off the ocean surface. By the time it clunked snug into its place in the body of the big ‘bird, Gordon was unfastening his restraints and clambering out of his submarine.
Virgil tended to hover until Gordon was secure in the cockpit beside him unless there was a dire reason to move.
Gordon appreciated it, having had the fun of Two manoeuvring while he wasn’t restrained. Not the greatest of experiences. Clambering up through the massive ‘bird, he prepared himself for the flak Virgil was likely to dish out for dragging him out here.
Alan grinned up at Gordon as he entered the cockpit. Kayo offered him an eyebrow. A suspicious one, but that wasn’t unusual.
The back of his big brother’s head beckoned.
“Hey, Virg. Thanks for the catch.”
You could really judge the mood by the span of time between that statement and Virgil’s acknowledgement.
Gordon bit his lip as he slid into his co-pilot seat beside his ominously quiet brother.
Surprisingly, Virgil didn’t look at him. He appeared lost in thought.
Hovering over the ocean in a huge rocket plane, and lost in thought.
“Virgil, are you okay?”
“Huh?” His brother actually startled before frowning at him.
Here it comes.
“Four secure?”
“Good.” And there was no further comment.
Gordon blinked as Virgil switched from VTOL to forward flight, Two gliding smoothly at his touch and banking towards the airstrip on the Māhia Peninsula.
As the ground grew near, Gordon wasn’t sure what to think.
Virgil tended to be the predictable one. He was cool, calm and collected, reassuringly the rock of the family. He had a temper, yes, but it took a lot to set him off - and if you did, stand back, preferably miles back, another continent back.
But this mood? It wasn’t Virgil at all. The man was exhausted, obviously.
Scott agreed.
Agreed enough to take Dad on a tour of the Māhia facility today to get him out of the sight of Virgil. Enough to authorise Gordon taking out Four, and luring Virgil out of the hangars to pick him up.
The dinner was just a bonus.
Inspiration that had struck along the way.
But now, looking at his big brother, Gordon wondered if the man was even up to it.
Two touched down as gently as she always did. Virgil’s hands were as steady as they always were.
Standing off to starboard was a small group of family and friends.
“I will greet our guests.” Virgil backed out of his station and stood before Gordon could utter a word. “Gordon and Alan, please deploy the extra seating.”
“Aye, Captain.” He said it with intent, but it was soft and unsure.
It was enough to earn him a frown as Virgil strode to the forward hatch and triggered the elevator.
Arms folded, his big brother descended out of sight.
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fearofahumanplanet · 2 years
hello and how are you?
we are here to give you some love back! :D
10 | 13 | 29 | 32 | 37 | 46
Also Known As: The Not Yet Dead Author @365runesofwriting
Holy hell that's a few questions. Hey Rune, I'm doing well - how are you??
"10. Do you set yourself deadlines?"
Yes, yes I do. For example, I plan on finishing Serpents' first draft by the end of December. It's a great way to keep myself on pace and motivated. Gotta be particularly hard on myself on that front :P
"13. Describe your writing process from idea to polished"
Oh boy. Okay, buckle in
Step 1 - get idea, usually in a situation where I can't write it down bc my Muse hates me
Step 2 - remember idea six months later if it's any good, write it down in story ideas doc
Step 3 - Two years later, scroll through list of story ideas when I finish a project and go "yes! this one! this one fits my brain worms and will for the next six or so months!"
Step 4 - buy twelve six-packs of Fanta
Step 5 - spend three all-nighters obsessively researching and coming up with characters
Step 6 - spend a week outlining and forget all my adult responsibilities
Step 7 - take a few days off when i remember i have an adult life, realize the characters don't like the plot i've outlined and re-write it
Step 8 - give up on perfecting the outline out of impatience and start writing the first draft
Step 9 - don't see the sun for six months
Step 9.5 - realize the characters still don't like plot and resort to improvising as they go off my carefully-planned rails, having to constantly adjust the plot on the fly as they do batshit insane nonsense
Step 10 - Finish a first draft. Go and write something else, take a few months off
Step 11 - thebrainwormsarenesting.jpeg
Step 12 - come back with an "objective" perspective and go through editing, sometimes rewriting the whole damn thing if my characters are still bitchy
Step 13 - rinse and repeat until I reach the third or fourth draft and decide it's completed to my satisfaction (it's not - but if i don't lie to myself I'll never stop)
Step 14 - go "that was the worst thing I've ever experienced, I'm never doing that again"
Step 15 - get reminded of one of my story ideas three days later and the cycle begins anew
"29. Favourite villain"
Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, though he kinda had a redemption arc. For someone who had a CORRUPTION arc, see Jinx from Arcane.
(Yes I did two, shush)
"32. Most difficult character to write"
Badb, because she's way smarter than I am and having to come up with a bunch of ludicrous machinations and 4d chess plays that actually makes sense is absurdly difficult. The girl needs to calm the hell down
"37. First sentence of your current WIP"
"O Muse, voice of Melpomene, she whom deals in tragedy and loss… shine thine weeping eyes towards those serpents sequestered; reveal to me a love written in blood, and hide not from me the deepest depravities of broken beasts; let this vilified vessel lighten the deceitful burden that buried them."
(Yes, I quite literally did an ode to a Muse in the style of Odyssey and Illiad for Serpents)
"46. Do you reread your own stories?"
Sometimes on accident. I'll go back to edit some tiny thing, or I'll go back to fact-check something for a convo, and then I'll sit there for an hour re-reading the whole thing. I don't do it on purpose, but it is very nice to know the stories are engrossing, bc they sure do fucking ensnare me every time
Thanks for the asks!
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mysacredmuse · 3 months
Hiiiiiiiii!!! Guess who’s back?
That’s right, ‘tis I, the 🌻 anon. For I have embarked on a wondrous journey- okay, no that’s a pretty terrible knight impression.
Anyway today’s my self-imposed “appreciate wonderful people” day so I wanted to drop by and remind you that you’re very great and wish you a wonderful week ahead! Hope this week was kind to you, because mine took me on an emotional roller coaster- I got both sickness and E1 Sparkle. Hoping next time my good luck in Gacha games won’t be accompanied by coughing fits.
There’s also quite a lot of new anons!! It’s so wonderful to see how many people (with wonderful taste, I might add) start noticing your work, because you deserve all the recognition in the universe!! And I also hope we can all become friends!
Anyway, I might drop some rambles in your inbox later, but that’s all from me now! Have a flower! (Wait, if I’m a 🌻 anon and I’m sending you flowers, does it mean- nevermind!)
HELLOOOO !! :D happy to see you and may I notice that you are on a roll sunflower nonnie LOLOL, I love it !! I think you did an incredible knight impression, I was quite immersed in your ask. I think argenti would hire you to be his fellow knight of beauty given your wonderful speech and impression :D
thank you so much for being so sweet !! make sure to appreciate yourself too, be kind to yourself and pat yourself on the back because you are amazing and you are doing a lovely job :) <3
I am sorry that you are sick though :(, make sure to drink lots & lots of fluids, eat soups and get that vitamin C if you can !! I usually like to make sugar with water (or milk) -> you get up sugar until it becomes brownish, add milk or water and wait until it boils. It's really good for your throat and it should help with the cough :) <3 BUT HEY, E1 SPARKLE IS YOURS !! I think she sent that cough to you as a masked fool she is LOL
all jokes ofc !! make sure to rest and take it easy and enjoy using your sparkle eheh :3 <3 I noticed that too !! :O a lot of new nonnies are coming around and it's lovely to see tbh, I like talking to yall :) and you are sososo kind, thank you so much for being so sweet :") well, people are already forming alliances, so we are getting there HAHAH
of course you can jump in my ask box later !! I will be happy to read whatever you have to say :D and sending you lots of love and healing !! <3 thank you for giving me yourself :3 I will give you.. 🫖🧇🥞🌞🍌🥘 and ❤️ for quick recovery and some 🐞 for a good luck in the upcoming week !! :D <3
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tsuki-sennin · 8 months
A light has gone out over Skyland's very own. Naturally, it falls to us to do something about it! Since this involves flying, Tsubasa naturally seems to have a big role this time around.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Oh hey, you're that guy from the first episode.
-Bright Jewel.
-No night flying for anyone until further notice. We haven't gotten around to building lighthouses anywhere else.
-Somebody should really check in on the public works.
-Oh, so it's unexplored, huh?
-Well somebody had to build that tower, right?
-Oh, wait... it's a rock formation, I think.
-Leading the charge, eh Tsubasa-kun?
-Y'know it pays to have failsafes.
-Believe in the boy.
-All those bird d
-I love this kinda world building so much.
-So, that must be the Thunderhead...
-"I'll read the wind for you!"
-Let's do this!
-The dream is real.
-Wait, hold on a sec, that spire had stairs, this IS explored!
-Inhabited too, it seems.
-Nothing to be scared of here, Mashiron~!
-Hammoak Trees! Chekov's gun firing early, it seems.
-Korok leaf!
-Sora'd absolutely be doing the most insane bullshit in Tears of the Kingdom.
-Reptilian tracks...
-That's a pretty one.
-Oh, a whole tribe of 'em, it seems!
-Easy there lad. I'm eagerly awaiting a
-Dragons :O
-Well of course he ain't scared! What boy wouldn't be excited to meet a dragon?
-Big shiny rock.
-Awwwwww, got dropped, eh?
-Requires a bit more dexterity than normal.
-Uhhhhh, one of you guys can rather handily fly and hover, you can just do that.
-Flight lost over centuries of evolution thanks to their interactions with the more humanoid Sky Landers... just like the Puni Bird Tribe, in a sad way...
-Hello, Skeebo.
-Oh, that's a big-ass mushroom.
-Flytraps too, eh?
-Shield layering.
-Jesus, Majesty sure can kick.
-"This is the power of the Kyoborg's mycelium network. There's not a chance for any of you to escape this world."
-Take that first step.
-Wait what
-Wing, buddy, I love you, but I don't think it quite works that way.
-Oh, never mind, guess it does! Hammoak leaves! Coming in clutch for that chance!
-However many generations of evolution, and apparently air currents and adrenaline can make wings do what they're supposed to once more.
-Goddamn Wing, I'm so proud of you.
-Be free,
-Goodbye, Skeebo. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
-The dragons once more.
-You knew?
-How old are you?
-Sage Tsubasa...
-Hot damn, they're really building our boy up.
-What a legend.
-Pretty good episode once again. More worldbuilding is always welcome, I really liked the fake-out tension with the Dragon Tribe, the Floating Island was a gorgeous set piece, this week's Kyoborg was super creative, and of course Tsubasa taking the lead was a welcome experience.
-Right, next time.
-Yeah sorry I started rereading Chainsaw Man yesterday.
0 notes