#idk what their ship name is but thats what I call it lmao
zzoupz · 2 years
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LEAST fav character lets go:
jo. self explanatory LMAO i think ive ranted about the worst character in the series enough. the jo dickriders are still mad at me but what can you do about it. not my fault jo sucks. god ive got to get back to ranting about her more.
umm like idk i only rlly despise joee????? mike too. mike is annoying asf
favorite ships!!! 1. duncney/heathney.... theyre tired and i love them too much sorry lol.
2. skyellaaaa omfg. theyre so cute
3. gwoey. ugh all stars did one good thing and gave me that zoey/gwen friendship man. i like them alr
4. mkulia
5. yeah theres not that many ships im passionate about.
LEAST favorite ships: 1. any jo ships. yes even the yuri ones. idk she or he or whatever idgaf abotu what to call her. jo doesnt deseve love or respect and thats my point. jomaria is like. um whatever. JOCK IS SO FUCKING BADDD like brick annoys me because hes a fucking simp for jo. like why was bro willing to disloate his hip just to impress JOE lie its not worth it lol. i do agree that brick was completely down bad for her all the way but also like. idk jo doesnt deserve love. brick was annoying for being so down bad for her and thats one of the reasons i hate jock. just ebcause it pissed me off all the way. anne maria is my fav of all time idk yeah so i dont watched her paired up with that bitch jo. also jourtney is pretty atrocious as well bc courtney can do sm better cmon now. are we pulling ships out of our ass now???? ugh
2. idk im lowkey yaoiphobic so like. any yaoi ship. esp gen2 yaoi i dont like gen2 yaoi. LOL im only homophobic towards yaoi ships tbh theyre all prettyyyy overrated ihvbnjk 😭😭😭 also im a yuri enthusiast (unless its she who shall not be named yuri bc like. jo doesnt deserve that. jo doesnt deserve love like cmon now). every m/m ship in this fandom is highly overrated any way
3. ripaxel
4. BRAWN AND DAWNB LIKE WHY ARE THOSE SHIPPERS ALWAYS SOME OF THE MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE IVE EVER MET/????? ALWAYS SO FUCKING OVER AGGRESSIVE OVER IT LIKE OMFGGGGG. "yeah heres my 9 paged essay on why dott IS SO SHIT!!!!!!! THEYRE SO TOXIC AND BAD I FUCKING HATE THEM EWWWW!!!!!!!!" like ong it aint that deep omfgggg. brawn shippers are just aggressive for no reason idk. also i wanna start calling brawn dick it just sounds funnier lol.,,
5. yeah not sure what to put here. like i said my lifes purpose is to hate on joe.
yayy thats all. jock is for sure my number 1 least fav tho lol. still cant believe i got my first imposter on the anon island blog lmao.
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thewebcomicsreview · 6 months
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Oh hey, Homestuck 2 updated! I was expecting this to be an 11/11 update since that's a Homestuck arc number, but it's the least important of those by far.
Egads! What a despicable plan, devised by a devilish dame with a dastardly disposition. The wretched wiles of a wayward woman with a penchant for the wicked. A hullabaloo most hideous and heinous, hammered out by-
One of the biggest mysteries of Homestuck 2 is who's narrating Candyland with Calliope gone, and the more narration-heavy style of the new team is really calling attention to that. This is very flanderized Jake English dialogue. Also a dramatically more active Jake English than we've seen all...ever?
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Under no circumstances can you allow her to get to The Point.
Gonna have fun with that MacGuffin name, huh, writers? It occurs to me that Jake was supposedly a spy the whole time but this is the first indication that he's actually been telling the resistance anything instead of just calling himself a spy as a cope.
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I like this art a lot. But also what the hell is Meenah doing here? Last time we saw her, in the epilogues, she was out in space and stole the Ring of Life from John before escaping into a server beacon. Did it lead her into the black hole (lmao get owned), or is this an alternate timeline ghosts? Are her eyes closed in order to drag out that reveal?
JAKE: Shit, sergeant! Cant you add her to the groupcrab? MEENAH: groupcrab MEENAH: cod damn thats good MEENAH: i just been callin em prawnference calls
As fish puns go, "Prawnference calls" is excellent.
MEENAH: idk but hypothetically speaking if i was posted up in my big mean bitch pants just gettin my empress on and you told me insturgeonts were tryin to shore up on some kinda mythic skaian artifact
So, Meenah has her eyes closed to prevent me from knowing if this is the alpha version or a doomed ghost, and now she's dropping very vague hints about what the plot point is. This does feel very homestuck, in that it's teasing out the reveals to maximize speculation. Skaia is, of course, related to SBURB, and thus this is confirmation of the fandom assumption that they're going to start a new game, without actually saying much else.
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I have no idea why this air vent is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff style, but Vriska kicking the sound affect is still funny.
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The comedy quotient has increased notably under the new team.
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her! JOHN: what?
Wait, John doesn't know? I thought "Everyone 'knows' candyland is fake and that why they're acting so weird they're just LARPing" was kind of my headcanon for a lot of the weirder candy stuff.
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads! VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
I'm so meta even this acronym
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea- VRISKA: SNOOOOOOOORE! VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut. JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y- JOHN: wait, WHAT!!! JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?! VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time! VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
I don't ship them or anything, but this John/Vriska dynamic where John is kind of the oblivious straight man to all this wacky nonsense is one that Homestuck has been very light on since Act 6.
That was a good update. It was funny, it moved the plot along, and it gave us stuff to speculate about! And the art was really good!
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thegeminisage · 6 months
ok we watched the tng pilot. let's get into it
data is my best friend on this show and i love him
i liked riker but jonathan frakes looks like a baby without facial hair. he's gotta grow that in. also, at one point he asked someone a question and i got really excited. he should ask more people more questions i think thats what jonathan frakes was born to do. that and sit in chairs with style
also liked geordi even though we only saw him for 3 seconds and worf even though same.
the sections with q draaaaaaagged. ik people like q and whatever he has going on with picard but i'm just not there yet. this "humans are NOT savages anymore" plotline has been played out in tos many times to better effect
actually shocked picard was such a dick. idk why i was expecting him to be more kind maybe i was projecting professor x onto him?? but he kinda sucked lol like what was EVEN going on w his little pissing contest with riker
love and light, there should not be children on a starship. space is fucking dangerous. they're literally boldly going where no one has gone before. these kids could get hurt
the ship??? splits?????????? IS THAT LEGAL????
ok, furthermore, sorry, speaking of kids, not to be a misogynist but out of the 3 ladies (troi, crusher, and yar) i dislike 2 of them. love and light to deanna troi but i really hope she gets something to do besides emote and go OH THE PAIN...her look was slay. i understand completely how she turned women gay. give her something to do. give her a chance. i know she could be good.
i didn't mind dr crusher until she let her kid on the bridge even though you're not supposed to do that and they told him to touch nothing and he proceeded to touch everything and then she got mad when picard got mad. picard spent 70% of this episode being a dick and the one time he was justified she was like :/ wow you're such a dick. lmao. girl come on he literally said don't touch anything he was already being nicer than he had to be. the child was in the wrong children shouldn't even be on this ship
also they talk about wesley like he's their affair baby. idw if its true but nobody tell me. let me believe it. wesley crusher destined to suffer through male pattern baldness
also, i can see now why you're not supposed to date your ship mates. dating them is fine but being exes with them is excruciating and we had TWO PAIRS this pilot
anyway. tasha yar was rad i DID love her.
it's weird though how many of them use first names...in tos sometimes they didn't even use last names, only titles. spock called bones "doctor" almost exclusively. so riker calling geordi geordi after like 5 minutes of knowing him was a little weird
i cried when bones showed up. sue me. his prosthetics were terrible and i already miss him so much.
SPACE JELLYFISH. that part was good
overall both the adventure and the interpersonal stuff was a little ????? which is like. you can flop on one or the other. i DO have faith it will get better but i feel kind of lukewarm on it so far
there's a lot of direct counterpoints to tos, but it's shuffled JUUUST enough so it feels like it isn't copying tos's homework word for word but rewording it to trick the teacher. for example, data is like spock in that he doesn't understand emotions or whatever, but it's actually the inverse because spock understands and pretends not to, while data truly doesn't understand but wants to. then you have deanna troi who's sort of filling in for the other thing spock used to do, which is give us general impressions about unknown alien life, but she SPECIFICALLY does it through emotions so she doesn't resemble spock too much. the captain and first officer have a lot of scenes together but they're tense so it doesn't look too tempting to the slash fans. the doctor is still a bit grumpy but she's a woman this time. they don't use tricorders but geordi's special prosthetic helps them see all that shit anyway. it's tos but shuffled. lmao that it took 2 people to replace spock <3
anyway my favorite part, aside from the part bones was in, was when riker and data talked in the holodeck. and riker was like actually yeah the fact that you're a machine DOES make me uncomfortable. and data is like well i am superior but i'd like to be human actually! and you could see the little gears in riker's head turning and later he called data friend. i liked that and i love data. i love data he's very important even though the pilot wasn't good i think i would keep watching no matter what for data. and i knew it would be like that.
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justalilpearlie · 3 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
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DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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dehydratedpercy · 22 days
Percy marries Jason and takes the surname "Grace".
What is your opinion?
"Percy Grace"? Nah
"Jason Jackson"? Its giving Jackson 5 (in a bad way)
I think if they were to get married, theyd have to either keep their own names or hyphenate. Theyre such big softies they'd probably hyphenate tbh. "Percy Jackson-Grace" and "Jason Jackson-Grace" have nice rings to them.
Now, I know you intended this as a Jercy post, but I also need to consider some of my other ships:
Percy and Annabeth
❌️ Percy Chase
❌️ Annabeth Jackson
✅️ Percy Jackson-Chase
✅️ Annabeth Jackson-Chase
Jason and Reyna
So I actually went down a whole rabbithole figuring out Spanish naming conventions. But from my understanding, people typically dont change their last names when they get married, so Reyna would probably keep hers. I could see Jason changing his to match hers, tho, so something like:
❌️ Reyna Grace
✅️ Reyna Ramírez-Arellano
✅️ Jason Grace
✅️ Jason Ramírez-Arellano
Jason could also hyphenate his last name further?? Maybe?? But like, lmao no.
❌️ Jason Ramírez-Arellano-Grace
From my understanding, when people with Spanish last names have kids, the kid would then have a combined version of their names, like this:
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So if Jason and Reyna had a baby called, idk, Lily, the kids name could be:
❌️ Lily Grace
❌️ Lily Ramírez-Arellano-Grace
✅️ Lily Grace-Arellano
I also think "Lily Ramírez-Grace" and "Lily Grace-Ramírez" sound good, but thats not consistent with the naming conventions.
Also, just for fun, because I am basically a 5-year old shoving their barbies together and going "Kiss!":
❌️ Reyna Chase
✅️ Reyna Ramírez-Arellano
✅️ Annabeth Chase
✅️⚠️ Annabeth Ramírez-Arellano
(Tbh I think that if they got married they would do the lesbian power couple move of just keeping their names)
Jason and Annabeth wouldnt get married because they hate each other lol. And Percy and Reyna would only get married if they other two died and they were both unfortunately single and mad about it.
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fertaine · 4 months
(⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ the fountain's intro ! ★
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⋆。°✩ my name is fertaine or fern!! but you can call me what ever you like idk ,,, aroace nb (she/he/they) but they/them is also okay for me!
° i LOVE history, mythology, astronomy, tanks, battleships, castles/palace, cryptid creatures stuff :3
— i have audhd and dyslexia,, and i am coping from depression right now lmao
NOTE: i dont ship and idc about most of the hetalia ships though,, but i respect your ships! (... except its a proship... )
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ars fertaine — my art tag !1!
fertaine talks — me yapping ^_^
thats all bye :3
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misqnon · 14 days
yeah i definitely liked sanuso more than i liked sanji. before... before i came to like sanji. i don't think i was rly an Actual Fan though. seeing fan content of sanji (shipping content included) is part of what made me grow to like him. so ur right that a ship i like with characters i dont like would make me grow to like the characters!!
tashigi and reiju is so insanely good.. theyre perfect for each other...
robin definitely would notice but it would have so much more impact to have luffy intervene imo?? he is probably the most important person to both of them (arguably true for all the crew) and also he just . idk hes emotionally intelligent. hes perceptive. people dont give him enough credit. luffy is not stupid!!!!
"he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her more…" YEAH EXACTLY!!! there doesnt need to be a whole arc but just show us that he isnt JUST the cool guy. i need him to cry .... i need emotional vulnerability.. please oda ..... on my knees begging for this. PLEASE Oda...
"already there babes 🫡 just doing my part" thank u
"DID. DID THEY ACTUALLY CALL HIM TRACE HEATFIST IN THE 4KIDS DUB…ARE U SERIOUS RN…IVE NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE PLEASE SAY SIKE." YES THEY ACTUALLY DID. its a stupid change but HIS VOICE IS SO COOL... theres a scene where he and luffy meet on alabasta n luffy is like: hey, trace?! and trace is like "yours truly 😎😏🔥 hey luffy, whats up? 🔥🔥💪✨" and i fucking Fell In Love on first listen. i have the biggest . fattest crush on 4kids ace. why is he so suave. why is he so cool. pathetically showing my love for the worst dub's version of the best character
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i was so relieved that luffy sounded different that i can forgive anything else. i don't care if the acting is worse...
AT A CHRISTIAN GALLERY???? ur so brave
"i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it"
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(hoping i havent used this image before)
"BUT IM TOO BUSY READING ONE PIECE" good point... reading both would be hard.. /gen
"lion…and wings…so u want to be a griffin 👁️" i did not realize this. but yes i GUESS I DO?? i like manticores and unicorns the most out of any fantasy creature but i could never be a manticore bc it means i keep my face.. and unicorn.... doesnt have cool paws... oh and i love dragons... i WOULD be a dragon but i would like to be like. fluffy.. i want to be fluffy..
"DIDN THE BEAT OUT ZORO IN THE POPULARITY POLLS ONE TIME" YEAH HE DID... i dont know maybe i just missed it?? there were a lot of ppl there... and my memory is kinda hazy.. i will be on the lookout for law next time i go to a con
"WRONG bangs my sanji gavel." I FORGOT U WERW THE SANJI MAGISTRATE..... please forgive me....
that is so cool 🥹
"also sanji’s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth." I KNOW RIGJT... like hes a cook.. he should hate them... but he doesnt!!! hes super fond of them!!! because he had mice friends at the lowest point in his life!!!! GOD.. i also used to love mice so . thank u sanji. representing rodent lovers. im having too many moments lately where i relate to sanji.... former sanji hater becomes sanji
"they’re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and he’s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names." STOP THATS SUCH CUTE IMAGERY 😭😭😭 sanji would never hit a woman mouse.
"also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! 😭" IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
"we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY" HSJDHS
"should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)" YES..... YES DO IT.... in return i will sned... uhmm... law!??
ok but sanji in glasses. even at the peak of my sanji hatred i begrudgingly admit that he was very attractive in those glasses...
LOOK AT HIM SOB... whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???
heres this loser
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i have this sanji saved bc he looks so pathetic and sad
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omg nooo how did choso get in here ...... noooo ...... that was a big accident.... completely an accident.... not on purpose at alll........
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usopp out here converting more ppl to sanji likers than i am…smh. i do love the way sanji backs him up so often in canon tho, its very sweet
the entire crew IS important to both of them but arguably he is the only person on the crew they would listen to in a situation like that is luffy yea. he’s the mutual friend that they both love deeply and loves both of them deeply even tho they hate (“hate”) each other. AND he’s emotionally intelligent and wise!! yea!!
joining u in the begging for sad zoro. campaigning for abusing zoro in the next chapters. ready to make this meme real
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NOT TRACE HEATFIST…his voice did seem cool tho ur right. i like to imagine he speaks with the emojis like you typed them. (“how are you saying that out loud-”) is the crush only on 4kids ace specifically..sorry sorry TRACE. IS IT ONLY FOR TRACE
dragons. [breathes in] dude i love dragons so fucking much. i watched that documentary animal planet or discovery made where they said dragons lived in the prehistoric time with t rex and shit and BELIEVED IT FOR SO LONG. also obsessively played httyd games on the internet and other Dragon Themed Things. and i had legend of spyro: a new beginning for the gamecube and it was like my first ever video game i owned myself that wasnt a hand me down and i beat it literally 9+ times…after 9 i stopped keeping track..i loved spyro and CYNDER so much. CYNDER WAS SO COOL. THAT WHOLE GAME WAS SO COOL. just last year i started playing flight rising (but i fell off lmao)
“former sanji hater becomes sanji” KJSDBDNKJSN YEAH relating to sanji is half of why i love him. and the amount i relate to him is. way far more than i thought i would ever relate to. the pervert stereotype anime character of any given show. so mad…but also i love him a lot 😭 has become a bit of a comfort character for me UNFORTUNATELY…but i relate to his passion and his low self esteem and his self sacrificial nature and his (percieved) gender issues and even his stupid easy-to-fall-in-love shtick. god. anyways
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“sanji would never hit a woman mouse.” sanji vs. minnie mouse his hardest battle yet
dude. thank you for saying that bc. when sanji had those fucking glasses on as mr. prince in alabasta. i was simping just a little bit. and mad about it.
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this outfit was gay as hell by the way. like how am i supposed to believe that is a fuly straight man-
“whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???” it 1000% was down to him leaving the crew and needing to be rescued and learn to love himself and live for himself. robin and sanji are my two favorite strawhats and GOD THE SIMILARITIES ARE BRUISING. have u seen that post where its drawings of each of the strawhat “rescue teams” of arlong park, enies lobby, and whole cake?
law 1: edgy. flipping u off. deranged. a bit evil looking. kinda hot
law 2: naptime. flourishing. in his lane. never done wrong in his life. thats just a guy
here are a couple more one piece memes i have collected. i will be sending u a discord message...soon
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
the hotd fandom on twitter (and ao3) is actually making me go insane.
i have no idea why the poor boy who plays Bastard #2 son of rhaenyra was targeted like that by adult fans of the show but it genuinely feels like a fever dream.
the casting announcement for alicent’s brother was announced yesterday i think and immediately you can see people shipping him with luke which is ???
like at this point they have to admit they just have a weird fascination with this 16-year-old actor and are obsessed with shipping him with conventionally attractive adult men but the fact that it’s so spread and normalized in this fandom makes me feel like i’m being gaslighted like is this not wrong? guys?? idk? what gets me is that they specifically use the child actor. they saw a kid hanging out and having no personality and turned him into the Uke Supreme i just don’t get it
i feel like it all boils down to the got fandom generally being so male obsessed because the same people who bash alicent and the actress who plays her then turn around and write fanfic about idfk aegon and daemon being their self-insert’s malewives which i think is fine but when you look at the whole picture it’s soo telling. lmao.
yeah its vile. im mostly live and let live, i cultivate what i see online and avoid what i know will make me upset + when i wanna be a hater im choosing to look at that stuff. but like the line is drawn when youre just being weird to a minor. there's this movie, death in venice, about a man becoming obsessed with this pretty male youth. and ironically, or perhaps darkly fittingly, the 15yo actor for tadzio (the youth, the actor's name is bjorn andresen) was made deeply uncomfortable with the experience due to continued sexual harassment because people could not fucking leave him alone. and it's terrible, it's horrible! there's a documentary (haven't seen it though) about his experiences called The Most Beautiful Boy in the World. also if you're into japanese pop culture, you'll see he's an influence on shoujo/yaoi/bishounen/sh*ta which should tell u everything u need to know.
essentially what I'm getting at is no matter what people say about fiction vs reality, i personally believe the line should be drawn at depictions of real life children. its the tadzio thing again plus i have no doubts if they were doing this to an underage actress it would be frowned upon by the exact same people being gross.
you're into the character/dynamic, you like yaoifying it, okay! it's not my place to judge if its okay to take pleasure in it either. live and let live but i can still think its gross. youre very clearly drawing this minor sensually/sexually and are oddly fixated on him. it's uncomfortable but sometimes you just have to take a look at yourself and recognise you're doing something kinda fucked up. its okay and sometimes necessary to recognise that you are a selfish being with selfish desires that are wrong sometimes, youre not evil but you can engage with it maturely. like idk i just dont think its 'neopuritan' or whatever the fuck to think the cp, even drawn, is gross.
ALSO EDIT: i am not cancelling death in venice the book or the film for being problematic. it is fiction. i hear theyre great actually. bjorn andresen and the kid from hotd however, are real life people. thats the part i think is gross. just before anyone calls me puritan and homophobic or whatever the fuck
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
1. How many works do you have on Ao3
2. What’s your total word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
bob's burgers, inanimate insanity and there's like one steven universe fic in there. i have written for other fandoms in the past but not on that account lol (and mostly unpublished)
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
zeke running away fic, genderfluid gene fic, louise hat fic, bob mom fic, tinimmy week fic (the problem with naming all my fanfics after really long complicated song lyrics is that i simply will not actually call the fanfictions by their Actual Name. also not linking them bcuz im lazy)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i always try to respond to comments but tbh people dont comment on my work very often?? i also dont reply to comments on my old account bcuz i dont have access to it anymore
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i dont know if ive ever written anything angsty tbh?? thats not really my favorite thing because it makes me too sad. out of my published fanfics probably the fic about bob's mom wins by default and out of my unpublished wips uhh maybe my louise and tina focused fanfic. it has a happy ending (maybe) but its a real downer at times. or maybe my tinimmy fic is bittersweet depending on how you read it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
maybe my fanfic where bob gets a garden LMAO or my genderfluid gene fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no!!! actually a secret about me in that my almost 10 years posting art fanfics etc online i have never gotten a single negative comment on anything ive made. i feel very lucky :)
9. Do you write smut?
never have and never will (nothing wrong with it in most contexts but im asexual and smut is extremely Not My Thing. i actually tried writing a smut fic once to challenge myself a few years ago and spent like 1000 words describing the way the candles were lit in their bedroom before i realized its simply not for me and thats fine)
10. Do you write crossovers?
no but if my hyperfixations ever gave me an opportunity to crossover maybe?? any bob's burgers character on the infinity train would be hilarious. any hfjone character would be heartbreaking
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i dont remember but im gonna go with probably not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
NO I THINK IT WOULD BE REALLY FUN but im too much of a perfectionist w/ my writing and i would be worried about dragging the other person down with me. maybe if my ocd ever gets medicated idk
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
it depends on my mood but right now i have been thinking abt tina and jimmy jr a lot. not even romantically their relationship is just so interesting. jimmy jr/zeke/tina is also great. marshall lee and gary.... bryce and liam??
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
i have like over 30+ wips so thats probably a lot of them FJDMDMSJSKS something i would love to finish at some point but probably never will is a fanfic about how bob and linda overcame the cycle of abuse with their own childhood memories vs how they are with their kids. maybe i could write that with somebody else and we each do like a chapter at a time (they write linda's memories and i write bob's etc)
16. What are your writing strengths?
people always tell me that im really good at capturing character's voices and personalities and making them feel in character?? i always want my stories to feel like something that could actually happen in-universe and make it make sense with the characters etc. i think part of this comes from working w/ my own ocs and thinking so hard about how different people express and communicate things and then applying that to other characters is easy. and bcuz of how my autism works i can memorize how a person or character constructs sentences and create new sentences inside my head in their voice :D i really pay attention to peoples speaking patterns & how they phrase things
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably how perfectionist i am about grammar and using certain words phrases punctuation etc that it takes FOREVER to get anything done. i also think im too wordy. i can turn a fifteen word sentence into a fifty word sentence easily which is great for essays but kinda annoying when you're reading a silly bobs burgers fanfic
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
i dont mind doing it for my ocs but to my knowledge none of the bob's burgers characters speak another language as their native language?? so i cant see it coming up in anything i write
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i dont really wanna say bcuz its embarrassing and i was pretty young LMAO but it was like youtuber fanfic on wattpad (wayy before whatever youtubers you're thinking of they were never famous)
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
hmm either my tinimmy week fic or my genderfluid gene fic it changes depending on the day. right now its my tinimmy week fanfic <3
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slowjamastan · 1 year
What do you think of sufin and what are your squicks when reading a fic about nordics?
kissing you on the lips im going to rant so much
SuFin is my everything
theyre my bread and butter and toast and jam and all the other things on top idk powdered sugar etc. changed my LIFE that my middle school yaoibait fandom straight up got told by word of god himself that One Guy (who is normal fr this wasn't one of the ones who is always naked or sm) was madly unequivocably and eternally in love with That Other Guy. this was such a big deal for me and still is lbr
SuFin is peak they are my bella and edward this is my thenotebook. AND they are canonically not together and over the years ive seen a pattern of fans who are either familiar with actual swedish-finnish relations or doing research into them concluding over and over that finland would not seriously go for sweden, outside of AUs or jsut bending canon bc they really want them together (valid.......)
i love when fin is holding grudges or uncomfortable with the implications of seriously pursuing a relationship with his former (current, culturally?) oppressor so they try to keep it casual and Fail Severely, OR, my #1 favorite dynamic, Finland is fully a straight man who is like "soz but we can be friends bro lmao" and calls sweden homophobic slurs behind his back (but no one else is allowed to but him, obviously). (this is for my personal funnyvalue and ive rarely rareeeeely seen this. im right tho.)
other than that last thing basically i think its very good if they Are mutually in love but logistics and politics and realism and everything keeps them apart or maybe just closeted about it. but they have shared custody of the dog and the kids etc and have couple fights that are more serious than most but are the most steady and happiest couple on the planet overall. soulmates Real. i love sufin its good in every flavor really ummmmmmmmmmm except hyperukefied finland
thats a good lead in to part 2 of this question actually
Nordic Fic Squicks / please stop doing this, im gonna read it anyway, but still
th's k'nd' typ'ng st'le...... y'kn'w wh't ' m''n
denmark and sweden r always angry and trying to beat each other up... we read the same comic, right? theyre buddies now cmonnn
the dynamic that's like DenNor, SuFin, and Iceland is alone 4evr
WHEN THE DENNOR + SUFIN GROUP DYNAMIC UKEFIES NOR AND FIN UNTIL THEYRE BASICALLY UWU GORLS... stop imposing hetero dynamics on gay ships i will Kill You. at least do it to everyone equally...
somewhat related, my ideal nordic five dynamic is Everyone Is A Divorced Dad and iceland is making fun of them on TikTok. second best dynamic is SuFin real, then Den + Nor are amicably divorced and iceland is their shared custody grown child making fun of them on TikTok
^iceland would not use tiktok he is a euphoric intellectual freak
when they make just norway a girl for no reason. babe, no one even draws nyo!norway that well...you're just projecting your desire to be fought over by hot buff men onto this poor dude. stop making me see this. you fucks have been doing this for over a decade.
ignoring history in canonverse. when ur writing modern present-day anything they have all known each other for like, ever. why would they act like they've just met..??? im not asking for tons of research, just awareness of who these characters are, like, at all
please just write the puffin out. no one rly likes him i prommy
scandinavian trio being Weird and Tense around each other in modern day. i disagree SO much, these guys would be hilarious
not realizing that smack halfway between nor and ice's birthdays is (give or take a few days) denmarks constitution day... himaruya......
overreliance on stereotypes. this is a general hetalia complaint
can we talk about the human names ive been dying to complain about the human names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just a little bit ill keep it to a minimum
tino isnt a feasible finnish name berwald isnt a good swedish name a lot of the common popular other ones get misspelled or just sound bad, and u cant just give them christian names for their early lives im sooooo serious give them old norse names pre-baptization pleaaaassseeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
somewhere deep in my #post tag i ranted ab my old name timeline for each of them but ive changed my mind a few times since then
for finland im a Timo truther and i have been forever
sweden is such a björn but also i like when his name at least starts with ber- .... but yall r so right when u said bjorn he does deserve that
im also a norway changes his name every few years truther. i think its funny and that he would do that
denmark is a magnus, period, formerly a magni, and this is my hill to die on
iceland makes me insane i change my name hc for him every so often but i have a few first and lasties for him for make me HOUUUGH like SoS turned me on to hrafnsson as a surname which makes me go insane now. im also a changes his name frequently truther for this guy but in a more nuanced way than nor does it
ran out of things to complain about but more will hit me later im sure, thank u for coming to another aphws ted talk by andy. MWAH
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6ftkyle · 1 year
steeeeeaaan maaeeersssh
1: sexuality headcanon honestly bi, but i think he frames every dude he's interested in as "an exception" and calls himself straight even when he's married for a man for 25 years.
2: otp for stan my otp shifts around a lot because i ship stan with a lot of people and it kinda depends on who you and i have been talking about stan with the most lately LMAO i think rn its stolkien though, obsesst with them. other top contenders are stichole, stenny and stendy, but stolkien is edging them out right now.
3: brotp same as my last answer, its stan n kyle baybeeeeee.
4: notp uhhhh i guess also style. like i said before, i dont hate it or anything, it just doesnt click in my mind.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head i like to think in high school he does an agriculture class, and idk how it worked at anyone else's school, but you had to name and raise the animal and then sell it at the county fair at the end of the semester (generally for meat). so stan picks a cow, names her daisy and by the end of the semester he's so attached to her he begs his parents to buy her and move her to the farm (sorry in my mind hes never getting off that farm) and they cave and buy his cow. he's not allowed to do ag class again after that.
6: favorite line from this character Randy: Well, if you really think your life is so bad, Stan, why don't you take what you have out of your bicycle savings? Stan: ...well but... but that's my money.
my family throws this one around all the time, whenever we're trying to decide whos going to pay for something.
7: one way in which I relate to this character same as like 95% of other people, the depression :' ) outside of that i dont think i actually relate to stan too much.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character i... dont think i have anything? im sorry thats such a cop out answer, but i dont actually experience second hand embarrassment too much and i have such a soft spot for stan that in my head i make a million excuses for everything he does.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? said it before, theyre all problematic faves, tho stan is maybe the closest i come to having a cinnamon roll in this show. to me he is a little baby i want to protect.
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grantspectortrash · 2 years
Hi <3
I'm back to be a menace <3
SO. Let's talk??? How are you doing, how's life treating you, latest obsessions (other than the obvious Cobra Kai adiction. Oh yeah I saw that update by update you posted for each season) any new hot men you've discovered?!
Anyway more serious topics.
🥳- send in a fandom and I'll tell you my favourite character/ship/season and we can geek out together!
(this completely went off tracks from that ask but yknow you also love these boys and I got carried away :/ i apologise in advance)
Have I ever mentioned how in love I am with the Moon Boys??? (it was either this for James Potter so- pick your poison) Like the way Steven is so kind, patient, caring and so so so endearing but if he's pushed hard enough he WILL snap???? Like he wakes up every day, going to work with people who don't even know his name, a boss who is so pushy and mean, and he chooses to be king every single day.
Personally, I'd slap a bitch and quit so maybe I'm the problem :/
BUT. Unpopular opinion but I truly believe Steven grant falls into the category of "cinnamon roll but heaven forbid the day they snap because we're all doomed". Idk i've been thinking about it for so long. because like- Marc's already snapped. It's too late yknow, he's already always angry and upset and distant, he doesn't try to hide that, and Jake literally kills psychos for a living so that speaks for itself. But Steven?
He wakes up EVERY DAY, looks outside at this world that keeps on bothering him and he chooses to be kind. he chooses to be a nice gift-shopist. He chooses to be the funny and gentle Mr. Knight, the "good cop" and kinder version of the merciless Moon Knight and Dark Knight (yes I will call Jake the Dark Knight and NO I don't care if that makes him sound like batman thats what makes it so funny, he'd hate it. I firmly believe he'd find it offensive)
Anyway yeah that's a fun thought I thought I'd share it?!
ahahah Clem ily & you’re never a menace to me <3 I’m good thank you, how’re you??
Life’s treating me alright at the moment, I love autumn so I’m happy lol. And the addition of watching Cobra Kai has made life better lmao. Other recent obsessions include the new DJO album and re-reading the Percy Jackson series (because I am a child at heart). New hot men include nearly all of the Cobra Kai men - their casting director really went off with that cast. So life is good. Happy days.
ANYWAY yes. Steven Grant. Love of my life.
You’re 100% correct. Out of all three of them Steven is the softest and cutest and so sweet but oh boy, you push him too hard or if you insult/hurt Marc then he completely switches up and becomes protective af.
He’s fully the good cop though, and maybe it’s the britishness in him or maybe it’s just because he tries to have a good heart (and part of that’s from Marc and Jake not telling him the truth about his past etc etc) but he’s just a Good Boi and I love him for it.
Also?? Jake is the Dark Knight. And he’d ABSOLUTELY hate it you’re right. He would complain about how the suit is WHITE and he’s in cohort with the MOON god and nothing about it is dark apart from his sense of humour and maybe the way he kills a bitch…but yeah.
Thank u for this, it just made me dive right back into my Steven Grant phase ((not that I ever really left it))
Hope you have a wonderful week lovely!! <3
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im-not-a-monster · 2 years
Ryou for the ask :>
hskfjsana my boy
My NOTP for them not me having to literally go on the ygodm ship list to see if any non-crack-nonsense ships got a visceral reaction from me. yeah i don't think there's one, just some like anzu/ryou where i'm like. i don't see it rip but good for them
My BROTP for them torn - I think a post-canon embodied yami bakura and ryou are besties/worsties but also. in DSOD when ryou disappears and whatever joey is SO worried about him... most concern for ryou shown on screen since honda kept trying to free him from the ring in duelist kingdom but like. joey is JOEY about it idk it just got me with the whole him worrying about ryou and then like they must be friends. can you imagine. ryou would ruin his night with horrors beyond his comprehension and then giggle about it.
My OTP for them  paired up lmao it's Heart for this too obviously. I just think him and Yugi are so cute!!!! sometimes i just need something sweet.
My second choice pairing for them  CHOOSING IS SUCH A STRUGGLE okay I think it's gemshipping and that is Because I read a bunch of sad doujin and they're almost always presented like. fuckin. yami b recognizing that ryou's worst fear is being left alone but knowing that there's no chance he's coming back after millenium world/pharaoh's memories so he sends TKB to ryou somehow [thru yugioh all things are possible so jot that down dot png] and yeah I know TKB is a little fucking gremlin and it's NOT my first or second choice for him but I have a soft spot for it now because just. ryou needs someone.
My fluffy pairing for them this is still also heart bc thats just why i like it lmfao
My angsty pairing for them whats it called my boys have either thee best or thee worst ship names uhm. [opens ygodm pairing list] god is it really just CALLED angstshipping i hate it here. anyway him and Malik together is such a recipe for sadness because Malik is seeing this mirror reflection of someone he can never get back and Ryou is being drawn to this person who's tied up with a lot of the darkness that reflected in YB and do either of them actually want the other urhfhhhurghhguhgughgu
My favorite poly ship for them perhaps given everything ive already said it will come as no surprise at all that any iteration of ryou/malik/yb/tbk/ym would be my favorite. i think they all hate each other. i think they all love each other. the more people involved the more stress ryou has to deal with as the SINGLE AND ONLY NORMAL ONE godbless.
My weirdest pairing for them im gonna be controversial here and label deathshipping as fucking weird even though i think it's actually kind of popular and i like it. i feel like it was more of a thing back when i was into ygo initially, before we knew what Malik's whole deal was (rip tbh Yami Malik was such a... wasted storyline honestly i love ygo but so many things im like. why is that all we got. anyway.) i saythis bc in a lot it seems like YM is portrayed as a full separate person/soul like YB and YY are, so him being a fucking freakweirdo who gets his own body for reasons and who Ryou likes because he is a freakweirdo is just. kind of great. "what do you mean you're dating him he's gross" "[british nerd voice] I know it's just delightful!"
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lotus-anura · 3 months
IDOLiSH7 Ep. 7 - Ray of Light
They had to remind us of their moment just to also remind us of their fall out LMFAO
You know what i get it yeah when it comes to members in groups that get super popular. It basically happens in every single group, it’s almost unavoidable (and don’t come at me saying any insert group bc you know that’s a lie). I know when it can get super biased towards one member and a company pushes them to the front and center too much it can cause not just a rift between fans but also within members themselves. Like obviously, I can totally see why a company would want to capitalize on a member’s fame because logically it makes the most sense. More exposure to them means more money, but if there’s anything i learned about trickle down economics (is that it’s a fucking joke) is that this kinda thing doesn’t work in the long term for the benefit of an entire group. This kind of dynamic has no right way to go about it, but it needs the cooperation of the whole group for it to work. Popular members NEED to also advocate for their peers and set it straight. The times i see this happen in real life I find generally really benefits the whole group. They gain more respect from their fans and their other members get appreciation. But anyways that’s just a small little anecdote. Not super well thought out, but there’s probably more i could say but yeah.
Don’t fall for it
That’s right. ✨ Communication is key ✨
God bless Nagi
Ur separating them
That’s right IDOLiSH7 not IDOLiSH2
Where are his eyes i just noticed
Hold up i gotta see these names
WSHLASH, Strawberries, DuO (??? cmon you can do better than that), Re:vale looks like they could be another group of characters here lol, oh and there’s TRIGGER and there’s our seven. WITH RIKU NOT WEARING A SHIRT A G A I N
Lmaooo mr capitalist assumes there were connections involved which indicates that’s how he’s able to raise his talents to popularity and not necessarily just from his own talent
Not a diss to trigger btw, they probably would have been popular regardless but they’ve already made it clear that they’ve crushed everyone in their path to the top
Who tf are you
High key both groups songs aren’t amazing so like LMAO
betting on that
A slow… debut song… interesting ?
Or is it not their debut
Idk how this works
Y’all just need to utilize his cuteness I guarantee it’ll work
Damn this ship is crazy
Wish I knew what it was called
IoRiku ? Idk don’t come for me
Everyone shut up nagi’s singing
Oh it’s over (i know i say this every time)
Episode 6 - Triumphant Return in the Rain
Episode 8 - Please, Music
Return to IDOLiSH7 Page
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twildflower · 5 months
Talking about anime ash ships(?) kinda. It became a bunch of random topics.
Hm im actually an amourshipper. Its my otp from like 10 at least. Or whenever i first watched xy or xyz. When it came out. I don’t remember. But im also a multishipper so like i dont really dislike other ships in fact i find goh and ash very cute. And gary. I despise pokeshipping tho. Last on my list. Absolutely no. I just hate it idk why. I didnt even hate it because of other people i just hated it when i knew it existed?? Or ash and iris thats my second most dislike. Cause i like may and dawn a lot and theyre cool i like their ships with ash but now to me they suit the rivals/male alternates better. I still like them tho. Theyre cool. Like yeah shes kinda built off ash in the anime and thats cringe but i just think theyre cute and i dont really have a reason to not like them and rheyre my old otp. I just like them. Plus serenas pretty. And bc theyre my oldest and probably first otp. Ah. I forgot what i was gonna say. Oh yeah so then its kinda hard for me to dislike something after liking it a lot. I think i did dislike something a lot after liking something decently but that wasn’t something i really REALLY liked so it couldve easily changed so eh. I dont think my preferences really changed a lot? The only thing that’s significant enough that i can say off my mind is favorite colour i guess. I used to like uh. Actually i dont remember. But whatever colour it got replaced by blue (ITS PURPLE I REMEMBERED))because i liked elsa a lot. When the first frozen movie came out. Holy shit that was. Wild. …and. My like. Probably favorite mlp was rainbow dash. Blue. So blue. And twilght. IT DOESNT RELATE TO MY NAME THO IT DOESNT. um anyway. I liked blue a lot. Actually i somehow sticked withit for a long time even after my hype died a long time. I think I realized my fav color was still blue bc of elsa and i thought that was like really fucking cringe so i wanted to like a different colour so i went around for sometime and then i thought uhh i like stars and moon and stuff too thyere yellow. Light yellow uh yeah guess ill try and make this my fav colour and i did after maybe 1-2 years of convincing myself. Thats funny. Twildflower is a mash of twild and wildflower. Tp link and botw link ship name lmao. Then wildflower is what ppl say wild’s nickname would be from twilight. Kinda cool. And its not a taken or common name so i was like eh sure. I made this name when i was in my zelda hyperfixiation. uhhhshsh i hate typing zelda its so weird. Not gonna elaborate. Um anyway. My preferred name being link does not have to do with my username being twildflower or because of the zelda fixiation either fun fact it’s literally just because of my real name. I. Dont like that name and it catches me off guard a lot of the time and it. I just dont like it. Link is better. Kyle is just a random name. Its a youtubers i watched like maybe 7 years ago’s real name and a certain day like 4 years ago i just suddenly remembered that person and i was like yeah kyles a cool name and that stuck as my name until now. Id say its my real name. Link or kyle are both cool. Some of my real life friends call me kyle so thats the diff i guess. I dont have online friends tho the ones i am friends with probably call me nai. Nai is. Eh. I dont mind it. Its my name. Its a name i used to like know a lot of online friends i have. So thats my name to them. I dont mind people i know now that dont know why im nai call me nai. Also by real life friends i only consider id say 5 as friends and only 1-2 call me kyle. 1 I explicitly told them call me kyle if she could and the other is just sometimes when we chat because i have it as my user on some places. Not specifically for group chats tho like just as referencing to me. Sometimes i guess. Yeah tbh id consider kyle my real life name if i could. If i had to introduce myself with none of my family nearby or when my id name is outright there or whatever id say im kyle. I havent gotten a chance to do so tho. I dont really care i guess. I dont want to care about many things. I say i dont care but i care. Like. My friend. I guess.
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