#idk much about him tbh but I’ve always liked what he’s done in his roles
Also I really like how they’re giving the actors who voice acted and motion captured for the game some roles in the show!!
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
Ok, since we're almost halfway through Pride Month, I feel like I should ask this: what are your sexuality headcanons for the Sans AUs, and how do you think they would act at a Pride Parade? Anyways, have fun, and Happy Pride Month!
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Ahhhh I hate that it’s already almost done and I’ve done nOTHING. I was going to draw something, but we’ll see if I have time to before the end of the month. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
But but but I can do this much. Probably. XD
I’m only gonna do the main AUs cuz that’s a long list as it is, so apologies but I’m not adding like Razz or Sci or anything dhsjbfjsbd. But anyway since I know this will get long I’m cutting it off here. If you want my Pride Rambles heckin take them:
Going off a semi-peaceful multiverse of course, cuz I like everyone kinda getting along—
Classic: personally always seen him as Bisexual, but more leaning towards a masculine attraction. So like a 4-5 on the Kinsey Scale huehue. Honestly don’t think he’d go to a Pride Parade unless someone dragged him there cbsjfbjsnf, so he’s probably just lazing around/being carried the whole way, and wearing a million Pride accessories cuz his friends/brother just keep piling them on while he’s sleeping lmfao
Red: Mostly the same as Classic, tbh. Though he’d probably be picking a lot of fights with anti-protestors outside the parade ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blue: Pan, he likes anyone and everyone! As long as you meet his taco standards, gender plays no role. He’s definitely the energetic, supportive one at Pride that’s trying to make sure everyone feels happy and involved. He’s usually at the front of the parade, but also weaving through the crowd a lot. Someone says their family doesn’t support them?? Blue’s there to make you feel welcomed and valid no matter what. (ง’̀-‘́)ง
Lust: Demiromantic, Pansexual, and maybe Genderqueer. As in, he usually goes by he/him but doesn’t mind other pronouns, and will typically dress more feminine or masculine depending on however he feels. If he looks good, he looks good, gender expectations be damned. And I just think sexual attraction is one thing (kinda an important thing for his world, too), but being romantically attracted is rare. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ He be the one that’s always friendly-flirting at Pride, and complementing absolutely everyone. He’s totally dressed up with flare, but still stylish and in the colors of one of his flags huehue.
Ink: I go back and forth with Ink a little?? I kinda go by partial canon, seeing him as Asexual and Biromantic, but he’s not sex repulsed. I feel like with him making so many worlds and so many Lust variants, it’s more of a “yes this person is aesthetically sexy” rather than any actual feeling attached to it. XD He goes to Pride in a l l the colors. He’s probably passing out face paint and confetti poppers and other Very Messy Things too. Maybe he’s even painting people’s faces himself before the parade, honestly.
Error: Maybe Demiromantic, but otherwise boi be like Classic, just more grumpy and prone to anger. XD Idk if he’d really want to go to a Pride Parade, because of the crowds, but I suppose if he was he’d likely be in the waaaay back where no one else is, just people watching, maybe enjoying seeing a partner having fun themself and that’s it. … Or he’s on the sides of the parade threatening anti-protestors too, that’s probably a thing.
Dream: HMMMM thinking long and hard about the Dreamtale duo ngl. I just felt like they don’t really. Care about gender or anything at all, and probably didn’t have any of this in their village. I guess I can see Dream as questioning, but leaning towards Pan??? He’s probably been to so many Pride Parades though, let’s be honest. Soaking in the positivity and doing his best to cheer up anyone who’s scared or uncertain in themselves. I can see him educating himself in all the stuff he missed out on so he could lend semi accurate advice to anyone still questioning themselves. He be the therapist wherever he goes smh, but I’m sure there’s been multiple occasions that his friends have pulled him into the festivities as well. I can definitely see Lust and Ink making him dress up a bit. XD mayhaps…. 👀👀
Nightmare: mostly the same as Dream, but he’s had a lot more time to think it over. Idk, I’ve always seen him as Demiromantic, and then just not caring about gender at all. It’s the one thing he always respects in others because he just doesn’t understand mortals’ obsession with gender roles. He’s a murderer, but he’s a murderer that will get your pronouns right. He likely only goes to Prides because his boys go, lmao. He’ll do whatever they wanna do at the parade, within reason. That means no, he will not get his face painted, but they’re definitely able to throw some rainbow accessories and shit on him, even if he’s not happy about it. XD Gonna be washing the rainbow glitter out of his goop for MONTHS…
Cross: He be Bi, just like canon huehue. I’ve also been reading a lot of Trans Masculine fics lately, and I can see that. Idk if I’d ever outwardly mention it in a story, since I don’t personally know much about that kind of experience and don’t want to represent it wrong, but hey if you wanna see it in my fics go right ahead, I’m not against that at all! Cross probably swapped out his cape for a bisexual flag at Pride lmao, but he’s mostly there to accompany friends and/or partners, so he’s not super social with others unless they come up to him. A good guard against creeps though!
Horror: I was going to say Bi, but honestly, nah I think he’d be Gay. I just don’t see him being very interested in girls at all??? Femininity is fine, just not girls. He’s the big burly scary guy at Pride, I feel like he’d be getting a lot of attention he doesn’t know what to do with wheeeze. Might have also brought cupcakes or cookies tbh. Gotta make sure everyone isn’t skipping lunch and passing out during the parade.
Killer: Definitely Gay. The gayest of them all and he’s not ashamed of it. He’s probably causing a lot of chaos and arguments with anti-protestors or just general creeps, mostly cuz he finds their reactions funny. Otherwise he’s a flirty bastard and probably hanging off of Cross and/or Nightmare most of the day. Idk if he’d be wearing much flag/color wise, but he’s definitely trying to put stuff all over everyone else.
Dust: I’ve always seen Dust the most Classic like, so he’s Bisexual too for sure. He’s likely right beside Killer in causing chaos and threatening assholes, but he’s also staying by Horror so the big guy isn’t overwhelmed in the crowd. I’ll bet that Killer convinced him to make little poppers and actual fireworks, too wheeeze. Used safely, of course. Mostly. Probably. Sort of.
Fresh: AroAce. I just don’t see him as very interested in having partners honestly?? Doesn’t mean I haven’t liked some Fresh ships, but for the most part he’s chill being single in my AUs lmfao. Fresh probably brought so many things to the parade. He’s got huge rainbow flag that the crowd can carry over the top of them, a bunch of glow sticks for necklaces/bracelets, balloons, wigs, light up glasses, flags galore, anything and everything, all of questionable origin ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Honestly, I’m not usually a fan of having an entire group of characters identify under LGBT, because it’s not very realistic to me. Not that I’m against the people that do, of course! Do what you want, I don’t care. It’s just not how I roll ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
But, all the Sans AUs are based on one dude, so it kinda makes sense that they’d all reflect him in some way, some more than others. And since I’ve always seen him as Bi/Pan, ya bet a lotta the AUs are kinda the same wheeeze. There are a lot of UT characters I see as straight, Sans just isn’t usually one of them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe that’s just me projecting onto my fav, but whatever, it’s fictional characters, why the heck not.
ANYWAY these are just my headcanons. It’s not usually a thing I pay much attention to, especially when reading other’s fics. I feel like it’s really up to interpretation most of the time, and that’s one of my favorite parts of fandoms XD
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melrosing · 2 years
Part 1) With taking a great interest in mothers, seeing the dead ladies club, and noticing posts and takes on father and their kids relationships. I’ve grown to become interested with mothers and type of mothers in asoiaf specifically. Thus, what it shows about westrosi society and how they and their parenting effected their sons and daughters as that’s been done a few times for fathers. I was wondering for opinions on these six mothers and then the seventh being the mother in the seven:
Cateyln Stark-her five children, Cersei-three kids, Mellario norvos with being physically distant but prior she was desperate for the physical connection- how do you think that effected her kids both prior and after she left, lysa and Robert Arryn, Olenna Tyrell w/ Mace and any headcannons with her daughters, Alannys Harlaw with Asha and Theon. Then of course, the seventh being the mother of the seven. The influences the god mother has on westrosi mothers. Human/Narcissism/martyr nuance.
Catelyn: idk, Cat's kids have quite disparate personalities but they're close - I know Sansa and Arya don't always get along, but they're not incapable of it, and I think that's because Cat (and Ned) have raised them with a focus on familial cohesion. lmao what a way to put it but yeah. I don't think Cat's an especially strict mother either, she obviously scolds her kids from time to time but she is very aware that her children are their own people and that there's no uniform approach she can take to parenting each of them. and they all adore her.
Cersei: again quite disparate personalities amongst her kids. I think she's over-focused on Joffrey, with whom the impact of her parenting is... pretty tangible. Myrcella and Tommen seem to have been left with their septa for the most part, or have just generally enjoyed being spoilt by the rest of court whilst Cersei stayed at Joffrey's side, so her younger kids seem kind of shaped by her absence for the most part lol. Tommen is getting a crash course in Cersei's parenting in AFFC, he's obviously always known not to talk back to her etc but you can see he's not especially practised at engaging with her.
Mellario: I guess Arianne and Quentyn both crave approval, and are driven to relative extremes to garner it, so maybe the absence of a parent can be felt in that.... they absolutely feel like the children of divorced parents tbh :( difficult to guess at much more than that though, their relationship with Doran definitely overshadows the memory of Mellario
Lysa: idk her relationship w her son makes me sad, it clearly comes from a place of deep love for him but the result is its own kind of abuse, she just doesn't let him grow as his own person and treats him like a possession. lukewarm take that I know
Olenna: you'd think Mace would seem more beaten down than he comes across in the books given how Olenna speaks to him/about him lol. but Mace is confident of his own importance, so... a little incongruous, but I think that even though she has a barbed tongue Olenna prizes House Tyrell as a functional unit above all else so she must've been offering him some level of reinforcement in the background idk.
Alannys: again hard to say. Theon seems to have been shaped primarily by his experiences as a hostage of Winterfell - he doesn't look for Alannys when he returns to Pyke. I guess maybe it's hard to confront her as someone who knows the softer side of him and wants that over the front he's presenting to his father? idk. Asha on the other hand... I mean she clearly cares for her mother - we have no real idea what Alannys was like besides 'doting' so hard to say what Asha might've inherited from her or learned from her. who knows really, I think we can just infer that Alannys was a loving mother.
THEE Mother: I think similar to the impact of the OG Mary on the Christian world lol. That women's role is motherhood above all else, that they must perform in perfectly. their youth is swallowed by motherhood and once their children are grown they're become crones. interesting that the 'female' side of the Seven follow the life stages of women whilst the 'male' side doesn't really do the same for men. anyway. the Seven are all round George showing his catholic ass. I see you grrm
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bythehearts · 10 months
For this: https://www.tumblr.com/bythehearts/725079950644871168/hey-guys-im-stuck-on-a-train-for-5-hours-can-we?source=share
OKAY NEW RULE !!! please tell me who the people in the ship are lmaoo (i am not smart enough for this)
anyhow, i assume this is like… james and remus for eclipse and then like… either sirius or regulus? i’m going with regulus tho cause I think there is a general consensus that james x sirius x remus is wolfstarbucks?
okay so!!! james x regulus x remus
so, barring the fact that i generally do not appreciate wolfstar being separated lmao, i don’t necessarily hate this? like tbf i don’t know much about them, it’s not one of my ships and i also don’t think i’ve seen much about them on my own dash (which is fair, I tend to make it so that most people i follow are generally into the same pairings i am).
that being said, i have either direct or second-hand knowledge of the dynamics between these characters in the context of romance, so I’ll just start there ig.
okay, so obviously james with regulus clearly works in my mind in their crazy way that we all know and love. we all know this, no need to go over it again. okay, next!
to be entirely honest with you I personally just don’t really see the whole remus x james thing, but i admit that it could work, because obviously james is definitely someone that can be a source of comfort for remus and also does not get scared of his sharpest edges, while remus clearly sees james for who he is, and i think he’d be able to call him out on a lot of his bullshit in his typical remus lupin way and it would actually be a lot of fun to watch. ((also yes, despite what canon will have you think, remus definitely saw james for who he was, i’d argue that an instance of him talking about james to his son after hE WAS BRUTALLY MURDERED WHILE BASICALLY SAVING THE WIZARDING WORLD is probably not the time he’d launch in an analysis of the complexities of james’ characters)) ((I can talk more about this, please ask me about this, i have a lot of opinions about thisss))
remus x regulus, I have talked about many other times and you can see my in-depth opinion under the same tag i’m using for this ask, but basically i don’t see them in a traditional romantic relationship as i see their bond as very unique and personal, and i feel like mixing that in with the way that james does relationships… idk I feel like it would ruin that a little, but maybe they actually might help james open his mind about how relationships work so it really all depends on how it’s done tbf.
tbh though the main objection I have with this ship is that i don’t like what it can do for remus’ character.
i mean like idk regulus and james both should work in theory with remus because this fandom (and jkr first) has kind of written as being the mirror of two different sides of sirius (i’m not saying this is why people thought of this ship, i’m just pointing out a theme) and to me remus does work particularly well with sirius, but it just… doesn’t for me. i feel like being pulled in the chaos that is the collapse of james and regulus would not be good for remus as he’d end up once again having to pick up the role of the “calm and reasonable” one, whereas he needs someone or more than someone that allows him to collapse and explode as well, exploring both that mischievous side that makes him blend perfectly within the marauders and the more violent side he’s always felt he’s needed to hide away for the benefit of others (lyall and hope specifically). james and regulus singularly might do that for remus, but james and regulus together? they can barely contain the burnt of their own explosion, there’s no way they can absorb the impact of remus and he’d feel that and so he’d keep it inside and that would ultimately not allow him to have the development we (by which i obviously mean me) generally like to see in him.
and i mean. obviously one doesn’t have to only like pairing that are happy and healthy. if you want to write this ship with remus being even more repressed than he’s already without being able to release it with, you know, him growing further and further from accepting that side of him that reminds him way too of his werewolf self… sure you can do that, but tbf i find it way too similar to the way jkr herself has destroyed remus’ character to find anything interesting to be said there.
so yeah it’s not like I hate it, but it’s just a meh. don’t like that. yk?
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Beth Chapel, Amanda LaRusso, Joe West
Beth Chapel:
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(Note that this is about DCTV Beth Chapel, because I haven’t read comics)
Beth Chapel is an absolute sweetheart and incredibly smart!! I love her so, so much!! Though...something I don’t see a lot of people talking about is how much she really needs therapy?? Like...Beth acts so much like an adult in s1, clearly so self-sufficient and seeming to take care of her parents more than they take care of her...and maybe it’s just me, but I wonder if they’ll ever address that??
I also think it’s a large part of why she latches on to Chuck. Yes, it’s about friendship, but even after she has the JSA...she really, really misses Chuck. Because Chuck was more than a friend for her...Chuck was someone who looked out for her and was there for her, and I really wonder if he was (at least in part) filling the parent-shaped hole in Beth’s heart. Because her parents clearly love her so much!! They do!! But...I can’t be the only one who thought they were on the verge of a divorce during s1, because they seldom talked to each other, and they were always busy, and Beth seemed so used to that...
Just...idk. Get this girl some therapy in s3 please...and let her and her parents have a real heart-to-heart about how maybe she felt forced to grow up too fast or rely on herself more than anyone else
Amanda LaRusso:
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Amanda...oh boy. Okay. So...I’ve said something to the effect of her being one of the best characters on CK, and the moral center/level head, etc. When she says something, I’m on her side about it...usually.
I’ve made no secret about my gripes about s4, and Amanda’s characterization is definitely a major reason for that. Mostly because Amanda reminds me a lot of my own mom, and seeing how she acted in s4 really struck a nerve.
Like...okay. The show wanted to give Tory a redemption/regret arc. Totally fine with that, and it fits with her character - in s3, she regretted the school fight, so naturally in s4, she’d regret the home invasion (why tf she actually DID the home invasion is another thing but I’ve complained about Tory’s ooc writing before). And they wanted to tie it to Amanda. Okay, that could be an interesting angle.
However. The way they went about it is absolutely baffling. Amanda, at the start of s4, is fully intent on seeing Tory delivered justice. Which makes sense with who she is as a character and how she is as a mom. But then...she meets Kreese in a grocery store and Kreese is like “hey Tory has a bad home life, consider treating her better.” And then Amanda just...does??
Like?? What?? This is the man who tried to kill your husband, sent his kids after your daughter and her kids (who then broke Demetri’s arm and traumatized Sam), whom you slapped for doing that...but now suddenly he says “Tory has a bad home life”...and you believe him??
And it’s not even just that. Not only does Amanda believe him...she also immediately throws all negative feelings about Tory out the window. Because apparently a bad home life means all harm ever done is immediately negated. So much for the interesting internal struggle of “she has a bad home life but she still hurt my daughter.” Guess that was too much for the writers.
More to the point...this shouldn’t have been Kreese’s role. It should’ve been Robby’s. Robby is in a relationship with Tory, and he and Amanda are presumably on good terms (and they’ve had this talk before, about their pasts not defining them)!! The setup was there!! Have Robby appeal to Amanda on Tory’s behalf, have Tory scoff and try to put up a front...have Amanda be reluctant and still dislike Tory but agree to help her anyway...have her soften towards this girl who reminds her of herself.
But also...do not have her tell Sam that she needs to forgive Tory when Tory hasn’t even apologized. Absolutely not. Tbh, I would’ve liked to see this arc with Sam, with her having the inner conflict of “she has a bad home life but also she hurt me”...but if it has to be Amanda, she can’t force Sam to forgive Tory. Not her place.
Basically, I loved her in the first three seasons, and I’ll always write her with nuance...but wow did s4 tank my opinion of her (she isn’t the only one, to be fair)
Joe West:
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...oh man could I go on a rant about Joe.
Let’s start with the most obvious grievance that everyone and their mother has been talking about: Armageddon!! The sheer audacity of this man to yell at Barry and Iris for (finally!! After years of letting him go!!) agreeing to let Thawne die (not kill him, btw. Let him die, as a result of his own actions)!! The audacity!! This is the same man who shot Harry within a second of meeting him, rightfully on guard because Harry could’ve been Thawne!!
Also let’s not forget that Joe’s lecture comes after Thawne tells Barry that he’ll continue trying to kill him if he gets free. Thawne is that arrogant, that he’s fully truthful about his intentions and still expecting Team Flash to do what he wants and let him go free...and they did it?? It’s baffling. Thanks, Joe. I hope you know that the entire bs s8 finale arc is your fault (including that godawful black suit...wtf was that)
But now let’s rewind. Because...I’ve been rewatching s1, and it strikes me just how much Joe is restrictive of his *checks notes* 25-year-old daughter?? Like...Iris is presumably an adult when she applies to the police academy...he shoots her down with a cold shoulder. A cold shoulder! Not a sit-down-and-let-me-explain-why, not anything...just a cold shoulder until Iris withdraws. Even on E2 this was the case!!
And then with everyone knowing Barry was the Flash except Iris?? Including Iris’s fiancé?? Come on now 💀 Come on, Joe. Your daughter is an adult!! Let her make her own decisions!! Let her in on things!!
(also...they couldn’t dissuade Iris from writing her blog...yet they still didn’t let her in on the Flash stuff?? Remember how she was literally kidnapped for her blog?? Barry, Joe, Eddie…did none of y’all think that maybe letting her in on Barry being the Flash would allow her to be more prepared to defend herself against threats?? Y’all could’ve given her the Flash alert early too!!)
I don’t even have an opinion on him per se, just frustration
send me a character (or multiple) and I’ll fill out the bingo!
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SEBASTIAN, kirei, gilgamesh, the darkling, alina, zoya, genya, nikolai, rhysand, feyre. this will keep you busy i am sorry. but i had to add the last two for the suffering
I already did Sebastian!
Fate Characters
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I love him! No notes. I’ve said this before but watching Zero with no context was really funny because he’s introduced in a fairly low key way but it’s immediately like “WHAT is wrong with this man?” simply because of the (english dub and original) voice actor choices.
Frankly he’s got to be the main highlight of the series for me. He’s this very fun combination of fun!horrible, gross, and miserable. I love the wildly different bullshit he gets up to depending on the Stay Night route. I do wish he was slightly more present sometimes but Heavens Feel III was really awesome about giving him some very fun scenes.
I do wish we got some more Emiya Gohan style fluff content featuring him? Or something focusing on the post Zero, pre Stay Night days. But that doesn’t have much to do with the story proper lol.
My main main critique of Stay Night is lack of focus on his relationship with Rin, though that ties into my general “Stay Night should be about Rin” complaint tbh! But yeah we never see her react at all to his various villain reveals? Like in UBW he kidnaps her, or in Stay Night (Saber route) he fucking stabs her. She generally seems really unfazed by any of it! If she expected him to be that evil all along, I want to see more of why! If she didn’t, then I’d like his reveal to have any impact?
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Gilgamesh is SO interesting! His lore is a little harder for me to follow because the majority seems to be in FGO and/or Strange Fake and I have less familiarity with either. (I still do not understand how the fuck FGO works)
But just the differences between Archer and Caster Gilgamesh are so wild. And also simply from a craft perspective, I don’t often see a character who’s allowed to run such a wild gamut between unambiguous villain and protagonist. So just seeing that big of a range is very cool.
Grishaverse Characters
The Darkling:
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I love him so much. He’s so fucking awful and petty and stupid. I’m forever pissed off that the fandom does NOT appreciate him for the mess that he is, and instead see him as this boring woobie who’s never done anything wrong in his life. The sheer wasted potential in terms of fandom content is so sad because he’s so popular! But no one’s actually bothering to engage with the character.
In terms of “wasted potential” and “done dirty by the creator” I just think that KoS was. uh. garbage. I actually liked his RoW shenanigans a lot. But choosing to bring him back via bee goddess was stupid, sorry. Also I think there was a lot of wasted potential in TGT wrt how one note his role was. LB “killed him off” at the end of each book and then at the start of the next one he’s always like “nvm I’m back! and more insane!” which on one level is iconic af. But also I think she could’ve done more interesting things with him.
Also I’ve said this before I think but I would’ve loved to see more focus on what he actually does once he’s briefly in power. He *is* ruling the country for the first time, after wanting to for who knows how many centuries. I would’ve loved to see what he even attempted to do, if anything. And if he did literally nothing and only focused on hunting down Alina? Then that itself would’ve been a fairly powerful point to focus on, because it highlights how all his noble talk of bettering the country and saving people is utter bullshit.
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I love her! She deserved so much better! It’s really frustrating how KoS completely sidelined her and then brought back the Darkling to undercut her arc and all her sacrifices.
On the one hand, I kind of respect the sentiment of like “let her rest.” But hardcore not for this series when the R&R feels like it’s forcibly shoving her back in the kitchen and admonishing her for ever wanting anything else :/
Idk the misogyny inherent to Alina’s storyline just makes me really sad for her!
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I love her a lot but she’s just so unevenly written rip. Also like I don’t really appreciate the retconned race swapping for brownie points. I understand and respect LB wanting to make the series more diverse but the way this was done leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I feel like KoS just pivoted her character into such a completely different direction and then turned around and insisted that actually she’s always been like that lol. Making her Alina 2.0 Girlboss Version just did not work for me, I already really liked Zoya for Zoya.
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Genya had the single most interesting in S&B but then I feel like she got hardcore sidelined as the story progressed. She just never was as dynamic after that, and I feel like that was LB struggling to balance too many plot threads. I just wish she had more going on and more to do as the story progressed.
Also it really creeps me out how people in the fandom talk about her. Particularly Darkling stans. But ugh.
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Love him! Hate his duology!
He’s a character that, while always delightful to read about, is also most interesting to me conceptually. I just wish LB had done more with him.
Especially with KoS, like I was really disappointed with the utter lack of engagement with post monster trauma.
ACOTAR Characters:
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Rhysand pisses me off so bad because he had SO MUCH potential. He’s so fucking interesting in ACOTAR. And then literally everything in ACOMAF onwards happens.
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Idk did she even really have a personality? Especially as the series progresses she’s just reduced to a caricature that knows nothing but judging other people and being horny for Rhysand.
Send me a character and I’ll do a bingo board for them!
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minimoefoe · 2 years
Thirteen Era Rewatch: Spyfall Pt2
I'm re-watching Thirteen's era in lead up to the Centenary and since this is likely going to be my last full re-watch for a while I thought I'd do a post on each ep where I just go over all the things I love, hate or just have some general thoughts on.
The way both 13 and Yaz’s way of not freaking out in the Kasaavin dimension is to talk to themselves and like, take their roles, Yaz as a police officer and 13 as the leader among the fam
This whole plane crashing scene is great but Graham is my absolute fave
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The Master being so sure that the Doctor and the fam wouldn’t survive when his plans against the Doctor historically fail almost every time…
That’s what the Doctor would do !!
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I love the kneel scene. Love how 13 clearly thinks it’s ridiculous, love how the Master reacts to her saying his name, love how he ends up getting down on her level anyway, love how it ends with 13 winning
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Thirteen just not really knowing how to react meanwhile Ada is like ugh this guy
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Love this scene tbh. Some banter, getting to see how being with the Doctor has changed how they think, them questioning how much they know her.
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That scene does make me wish they included moments in S11 where they were trying to get info out of 13 and she fobbed them off bc it feels like they’re saying they’ve done that but we haven’t actually seen them do it. Not the end of the world but meh
Also Yaz being depressed as fuck about the Doctor being gone. You’ve got a big storm coming love
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What’s the point in Barton’s mum. I feel like they made him weirdly cruel idk. Barton doesn’t really do much for me tbh
When I first saw this scene in a trailer, for so long I thought they were in a wall, not in the floor
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This versus Twelve literally wanting to die at the end of his era. She’s come a long way.. and it’s all gonna get shattered by the end of this ep but it’s FINE
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I’ve always loved this parallel
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Outside of the fact That scene is ridiculous, 13 being like ‘Masquerading as a German solider is low even for him” but then going on to do that perception filter thing is like…. Yeah and That is low for you lmao. I also don’t even think it’s that low for him tbh. Like he’s not human and probably couldn’t give a flying fuck about our wars and politics, so why would he care about being a German solider for a day if it meant his plan would work.
Graham and his dancing laser shoes have never been my fave but I kinda like it now idk. It’s dumb but it’s kinda funny
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Love the contact stuff it’s so cool. Shoutout to Chib for being into Classic fr
I feel like Chib chooses his words so specifically sometimes like jfc
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They’re actually insane I love them
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Making them think he was a doubtless agent was enough. There was no need to mess with the perception filter. Like even if he was white and the perception filter was gonna show his real white face, it’s still just a pointless thing to do. Which makes me think they put it in there specifically bc the Master isn’t white. Bc what would be the reason to do it otherwise. I assume he wouldn’t even have been wearing a filter if he was white. It’s just a bad look all round. The fact he isn’t white and they’d now be punishing him not only for being a double agent but for his skin colour is fucked. The writers really didn’t think that through in any way literally at all. In my mind, 13 did that just so they would see his real face and not a fake version of him but it’s like.. there’s no way she wouldn’t know that the colour of his skin would get him punished more. I like to just pretend it didn’t happen bc literally why tf. It’s so OOC
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The connotations of this are uh, not good. Like I dread to think what kind of places he had to escape from after what 13 pulled. But in my mind it didn’t happen so it’s fine. Also I can’t wait for all the stories we get about the other stuff that happened during those 77yrs
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I don’t have a problem with the memory wiping. I think it makes sense for Ada bc she’s at like, the beginning of her life before she makes big discoveries or whatever she does lmao. I guess she coulda left Noor but I don’t really care that she wipes her memory too. It doesn’t feel like the big moral bending issue that people make it out to be. It was justified imo.
Love how they ask to know who she really is and she just goes to the script she’s been saying for over a thousand years at this point like you know that’s not Really what they meant Doctor come on
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Also that’s the last time we’re gonna hear them say that probably. Or if the Doctor does say that again, about being from Gallifrey or whatever, I’m hoping/expecting it to be said in a different way where it’s like we can feel them thinking of the TC
Like Pt1, this ep slaps, minus That moment. I think the only thing I don’t really care about is Barton but he plays his part I guess. I love that so much of this ep was just the Doctor and Master’s 10/10 dynamic. And the fam were great too.
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butyoumakemesohot · 2 years
totally agree with you about the mischaracterization of s/teddie!! also this might be a bit of a hot take, but i think what it boils down to is persistent heteronormativity even with nonhet ships. so basically - you'll notice that in almost every ship (especially mlm ships, so that's what i'm referring to in this case), there's always the cute/innocent character (or in some cases, the "oh, poor baby" character who you're obviously supposed to feel bad for or protective of) and then the more capable, tougher, or bad-a** character (who, more often than not, "corrupts" the other). it's just perpetuating the stereotype that there has to be a more dominant or stronger person in the relationship, and in a het ship that would usually, not always but usually, be the male character by default. But because in nonhet ships there's not that automatic control dynamic (which is unnecessary anyways, in my opinion), the fic writers compensate by watering down the characters' canon personalities to fit into those two character archetypes (which are basically just the stereotypically feminine/masculine roles, dialed up to 100). alternatively there's also the "chaotic one" and the "babysitter", which i see both s/teddie and r/onance being forced into a lot of the time. but that's why, for example, a lot of people like j/ikook (j/imin and j/ungkook from b/t/s) - because j/imin is seen as more feminine/cute and j/ungkook is the tall muscly guy with tattoos, which plays right into the ideal stereotypical dynamic for fics. and that's why, in this case, you get all those posts about s/teve being bitchless (playing into the idea that he's the weaker one in the relationship bc he's "inexperienced") or calling him girlfriend/babygirl/malewife, etc. because he's being forced to fit the stereotypically feminine role - even all those posts about him being the "babysitter" of the group play into that!! and then that's also how you get e/ddie turned into a dom bad boy and all that but anyways!! sorry for sending you a whole essay lmao i just have a lot of Thoughts about this, and it really bothers me bc it happens in like??? every fandom??? and then the characters become these weird, distorted stereotypes instead of their canon personalities, which was the whole reason i liked them & shipped them together in the first place???? idk, it's a mess lmao
bestie you’re literally so correct. i feel like that’s why people pounced on the idea of ha/rringrove when billy was first introduced because people could more easily fit him and steve into that dynamic. (therefore completely disregarding all the fucked up shit billy did.) and when eddie was introduced and was actually shown being kind towards the kids and flirtatious towards steve - basically everything the ha/rringrove fandom wanted billy to be - people disregarded his behavior yet again and instead assigned those exact same roles onto him and steve. which makes me really sad tbh. eddie and steve are just so much more interesting than all that!
i must say i am guilty of calling steve babygirl (i’ve def done it on this blog lmao) but i do not wish to infantilize him! and i don’t mean it in the context of like. his sexual exploits or anything. but i totally get what you’re saying. the whole babysitter/“mom” trope was already played up far too much and now people refer to eddie as the “dad” and it’s like ??? oh wow yet another way of enforcing heteronormative gender roles onto an mlm ship. great job guys.
also, i didn’t even think about that in the context of ro/nance but i definitely agree!! i’m not gonna lie - and i realize this is a slight subject change lol - i’m already on the fence about them because nancy is a character i really struggle to sympathize with or understand sometimes. i think she’d realistically have to do a lot of personal growth to get to the point where she could even say she likes robin as more than a friend. also (don’t come for me!!!) she wasn’t even very nice to robin in the show lmao so i feel like ro/nance really only works in fanon. but even still, as you said, people love to assign stereotypical gender roles onto them in fics as well so idk.
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bisluthq · 2 months
I was thinking about how Timothee seems to admire Saoirse more than she admires him. She clearly thinks he’s a great actor and compared him to Daniel Day Lewis, but there’s a sense of admiration that comes from him that doesn’t really come from her. We’ve also seen this with Florence, Hozier and George. In Florence’s case, I’m thinking of that interview where Florence says she loved Brooklyn and Saoirse says she liked fwmf because of Jack pretty much. Both Hozier and George have said they like any movie she’s in, and while she likes Hozier’s music and was very supportive of George during the 2020 award season (and by that I mean that I saw like a video of her clapping), she would never say anything remotely similar during an interview. She also kind of said it in that interview with James, she was talking about relationships but she said she’s always the one that’s less into it. This takes me to my next point, which is that I think Jack and Saoirse have shared similar stuff about their relationship/each other. But Saoirse sounds more obsessed and I think this is why. Jack praises everyone all the time, he praises Saoirse more but it’s not really out of the ordinary. But it her case it feels more surprising because we aren’t used to that from her
yeah but like… Saoirse really is an amazing actor (so is Timmy tho and as you say she’s compared him to Daniel Day Lewis which is pretty much the highest praise one can give a male actor). I agree the amount she praises Jack is a bit funny because like he’s absolutely lovely but the way she talks about him you’d think he’s Timmy level talented and I’m personally not sure he is?? Not a criticism at all - few people are - but it is absolutely hysterical that she will openly say Timmy is well on the way to be on par with Daniel Day Lewis (he is imo and he’s also not method so less of a cunt and he’s proven in the last couple years that he’s not just a good actor but is a proper box office draw and can helm franchises and make serious money for people so that’s fucking awesome???) like once and then also take every possible opportunity possible to say Jack is the best thing since sliced bread. It is very very very cute. I don’t think Jack expects or even wants that necessarily but she’s just really really really into him and it’s ofc very cute.
I don’t think tho that Timmy specifically has been nicer about her than she is about him. He’s very complimentary (again deservedly so as he should be) but it’s not like he talks about her that often.
I’m still tbh surprised she didn’t get Dune because I think she should’ve based on the people who ship her with Timmy and how I’ve always imagined that character. I didn’t like florence in that film. I do like florence as an actress but she felt miscast in dune 2. I also don’t believe Saoirse turned it down and I do think she auditioned so I think they went for Miss Flo because she has a bigger socials following and I understand that but I think they should’ve trusted 1) it’s Dune TWO and we know Dune one did well so no reason to doubt that 2) Timmy can helm a franchise 3) Zendaya and Austin Butler - I actually think he was fun for that in the end - will bring people in. Irulan should’ve been Saoirse idk lol.
on that same note though, the fact that she wasn’t in that film also tells me a lot about Timmy and hers relationship because he absolutely has sway with creative choices right now. If he wanted a friend in what is essentially a cameo role, Denis would’ve done it for him. He didn’t gaf. Not in a nasty way imo - maybe if she’d actively asked him he’d have done it for her but I also don’t think she would’ve - but like he just didn’t gaf? I think he’ll watch The Outrun though to like check it out and I think she watches his stuff but yeah man idk if they were good friends she’d have gotten the part. He absolutely could’ve done that for her.
re hozier and George lmao yea okay they do seem more into her than she is into them these days. But Timmy and her seem fairly even and as I say if he liked her that much, he’d have had her in Dune. He doesn’t imo and he needn’t like put his ass on the line for a very casual friend lmao.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
What are you looking forward to this awards season? I think Killers of the Flower Moon and Women Talking are my most anticipated. I’ve read both books and they’re excellent. I just really hope for the former Scorsese is thoughtful with how it’s framed; like Leo’s character’s indigenous wife really should be a co-lead with him…
The trailer for She Said looks so tepid to me. But the industry will prob be eager to award it. Idk whose the lead there, they might run both in supporting. I love Naomi Ackie but I’m so over biopics. I hope Michelle Yeoh’s hype can sustain…I’m sure Margot will win for Babylon though. I feel like the narrative is already that she’s “due,” despite her only having been in Hollywood for like 8 years. And the academy doesn’t believe in recognizing WOC in lead actress.
Good question! I'm definitely interested in Killers of the Flower Moon. That cast is.... stacked. Jesse Plemons is looking for that Oscar, obviously De Niro is a legend, I'm excited that Brendan Fraser is doing something serious business in the midst of his mini comeback, and Leo and Scorsese are always a pretty safe bet for a collab. However, I am.... very worried about how the subject matter is going to be handled. I think Scorsese is extremely talented, but I don't think he's necessarily equipped to handle this sensitively. Nor do the sea of white guys leading the cast is a great sign. I'm excited for Lily Gladstone, though; I hope her role is substantial. How often does an actress of Blackfeet descent land this kind of movie? (Answer: not enough.) Also, love that she's from Montana.
Women Talking does sound good, though likely an incredibly difficult watch. I won't lie to you, I'm kind of a bit... over.... Frances McDormand playing a certain kind of role, which is often "offbeat, hardcore lady of some sort" and I hope this is different? Nor am I huge fan of Rooney Mara--I think she can act, but I also think she's been overrated at points. But Ben Whishaw and Claire Foy I love, and I though Jessie Buckley was really good in The Lost Daughter, so it could totally be an acting showcase. Tbh, I think the focus being on Mennonites gives this a much more interesting spin than She Said.
Like, to me, She Said could very well come off as self-congratulatory when in reality Hollywood has done basically nothing to combat the rampant sexual predation in the industry. I'm not super interested in this. I think Zoe Kazan is kind of an.... ironic choice for this movie, as she's like, OOOOOOLD SCHOOL nepotism. So watching someone with the last name Kazan play someone EXPOSING HOLLYWOOD will be odd. Carey is fine as an actress, but tbh I'm so bored of her doing the same thing over and over, which is like... kinda hollow feminist treatise. Suffragette, Promising Young Woman (which I have very mixed feelings on)... Okay now.
I'm not against good biopics, and I think Naomi is super talented, but I have my doubts about the ability to... tell an honest and sensitive story about Whitney. I think so much remains in debate about her--her relationship with Bobby Brown, her issues with drugs, the abuse she experienced in her childhood, her sexuality. Then you add to her tragedy the fact that her daughter died so shortly and tragically after her. I'm just very wary.
As for who will win Best Actress--lol, y'all have gotta stop counting these chickens so early. Remember when everyone was telling me Kristen Stewart was DEFINITELY gonna win Best Actress? Who the fuck knows what'll happen. I can't see anyone surpassing Michelle Yeoh's performance, but the release date of the movie, its unconventionality, and Michelle being a middle-aged woman of color who's not from the U.S. is going to make that an uphill battle for her. But I don't think Margot is a shoe-in at all. I think Margot is seen as very talented, but I don't think she's gotten like... WOW reviews since I, Tonya. I still really don't get why she was nominated for Bombshell, as the reviews for that movie were meh, she wasn't a standout, and her subplot was pretty harshly critiqued by some.
In her favor is the fact that she will be playing Clara Bow, but against her is the fact that she will be playing Clara Bow. Plus, she's got Amsterdam coming down the pipeline. There was a time when being in a David O. Russell movie guaranteed you a nom, but tbh I think that movie may be overshadowed by people finally reckoning with his horrendous behavior. Margot (and the entire cast) has been dogged a LOT online for working with him. I think he's also vulnerable because it's been a while since his last movie (which was underwhelming on every level) and his winning streak of The Fighter - Silver Linings Playbook - American Hustle was a long time ago. Since Joy, everything went down with Weinstein. And while I think critics fawning over three of his closely-released movies in a row gave him protection, a movie about the wonder mop or whatever with a Jennifer Lawrence on the brink of her big backlash hit his armor. The thing is that men in Hollywood get away with their sexual misconduct all the time, but he's also an asshole to talent and difficult to work with. Big names have dragged him; Clooney, Amy Adams. Imo, the potential for bad press with Amsterdam is huge and could hit anyone involved in that movie. There are people I like in it--Margot, John David Washington. There are people I dislike--Anya. I hope all of them get backlash for working with him, and I think they could. As for Babylon, I guess I've gotta bite based on the cast and the subject matter, but God Chazelle is annoying.
I'm excited for the Knives Out sequel--I don't know how that'll fare awards-wise, but tbh the original got more noms than I expected for a movie that was actually fun and easy to follow. The cast is once again great, and tbh? It's early does, but wouldn't be shocked if Kathryn Hahn got nommed. She's a hardworking character actress who can do drama and comedy equally well and if it's a good movie with a good role I could see her getting a supporting nom somewhere... The Globes if nothing else lmao. But who knows at this point.
Blonde will be interesting. I doubt it'll go anywhere serious awards-wise, but I can't tell if it's going to be a total mess critical flop thing or a "polarizing, let's reevaluate in 30 years" type of movie. Netflix being terrified of its content doesn't necessarily mean it'll be bad. It's based on a deeply weird book and has been adapted by a deeply weird director. I am honestly just SO interested in seeing how Ana does with Marilyn's voice, because that's a tough gig for a native English speaker, let alone someone who's ESL with a naturally heavy-ish accent like Ana.
I'm super interested in Don't Worry Darling. It looks really stylish and fun, kinda topical for today, and while Florence has aggravated me lately.... She's very talented. It's not a matter of if, but when she wins an Oscar at this rate. Chris Pine could also get some praise, imo, as he's been consistently underrated and excels in this types of ~mysterious charismatic man~ type roles.
I think I'll have to see The Menu for Nicholas Hoult, and I do love the premise... But lmao I'll have to put up with Anya bug-eyeing the camera and people acting like it's TALENT. It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it.
I have very little interest in The Fabelmans but with that cast, the fact that Spielberg is directing, and the autobiographical nature means it'll be in some kind of conversation. Like, I really just need people to realize that Spielberg isn't.... very interesting anymore... and I doubt this'll do that but we can dream.
I'm looking forward to My Policeman. I don't know if it'll be kinda trite and expected for a "closeted man period piece" movie, or actually good, but I love Emma Corrin and I honestly appreciate the hustle with Harry Styles this year, so.
I'm really hoping that The Woman King is good. Viola got some (.... deserved) bad press for her Michelle Obama recently, but I will say that she's normally the type of actress I could totally see racking up another win, so who the fuck knows? To me, it doesn't quite read as a movie that will get that for her, but like... again, you never know. Is it gonna be awardsy? Or is it gonna be the kind of historical epic that actually works as a popcorn movie, which people used to make all the time (think Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans) but don't anymore. Either way, I'm watching.
Bones and All could be good? I do not... like... Timothee, but Taylor Russell could be on the verge of a breakout and tbh the hilarity of Chalamet being in a cannibal movie is kind of difficult for me to resist.
Anyway, that's what I've heard some chitter chatter about as of late. WE SHALL SEE.
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monster-energies · 3 years
you, me and these neon lights
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
pairing: lionel shabandar/reader
summary:   after finishing your studies, you obtain the role of personal assistant to the greatest businessmen in the world, lionel shabandar. as the months progress, you reveal some truths to him at one of his gala events but perhaps the shabandar man is more kinder and maybe...more romantic than he perceives to be.
warnings: theres none to be aware of but there is obviously lionel shabandar being naked whilst staring at art, but no smut is implied/taken action
rating: teen and up audiences
word count:   6422
author’s note: the title’s namesake is lyrics from the song no control by kennie j.d, i would highly recommend listening to it whilst reading it....for the vibes
i've been on a sporadic alan rickman marathon and so, i watched gambit ( 2012 ),, its a movie...its a comedy and you're getting what you're given. alan rickman was the many saving graces of this movie tbh,,,idk how they managed to get such an iconic cast and remake an iconic movie but make it so boring ??? uhh anyways theres my review,, now lets talk about this oneshot. the moment i watched the movie, i knew i had to make a oneshot for this sugar daddy that is lionel shabandar. i said to one of my close friends that and i quote: "he could pay for my university tuition and i'd give him my entire life." also only two people have written a oneshot for lionel shabandar so i thought,,,hey why not be the third. lionel shabandar supremacy in this house !  
 i've been thinking about writing another part to this oneshot, i feel like there's more to give with this but idk yet,,, let me know what if y'all would like that
this oneshot can be found on archive of our own
i hope you enjoy reading, comments and feedback is much appreciated
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
“come on, you’re killing me with the suspense! just send it already!” your roommate rowan edged you further.
“i just want to make sure it’s perfect and send them this resume and not that die hard fanfiction from 11th grade!” you said, throwing a cushion at rowan.
you were reaching the end of your doctorate’s degree in london. you knew that art was the right place for you, you tried everything in your life but there was nothing more than reaching for that paintbrush and unleashing your thoughts and fantasies onto a canvas.
you studied at oxford for most of your life, having done your undergraduates and masters in fine art it was inevitable that you wanted to release your thoughts on a lot of things. however, oxford university didn’t offer what you desired for the time being so moving to london seemed like the best choice there.
undoubtedly your phd was the most difficult thing you experienced and the debt that you put yourself in was something you couldn’t describe.
perhaps this could be the job that could take away your miseries.
you knew of the shabandar company in passing. they were particularly strict with who they would take on in their company.
it was no doubt that it was a rough business out there, art auctioning would be something you didn’t think about but the moment that you saw how much money an original van gogh would be sold for, you were in absolute dismay.
the company hadn’t opened up any vacancies and left you quite agitated, clearly they weren’t taking any average joes around.
the second that they opened up a vacancy for a personal assistant to the biggest multi-billionaire in the industry… lionel shabandar. you knew his name, it was pretty much everywhere. every waterstones you went past you could always find a copy of his book “me” somewhere on the front shelves. everyone in the world knew his name.
you were quick to write up your resume and answer the questions attached to the application. you were proof reading your work for the last time before sending it off.
you clicked the send button and finally you sighed heavily.
“finally! i was beginning to think that you weren’t going to send it off.” rowan said.
then you heard a notification sound from your laptop.
“i wasn’t expecting a reply that quick!” you said. turning to your emails, you opened the recent one that came right in.
dear y/n l/n,
you have currently emailed during out of office hours.
if you need an immediate response, please contact eleanor meyer at [email protected]
otherwise, your email will be responded to as soon as possible.
thank you for your message
“are we kidding me? you frightened me with an automated email.” rowan groaned out.
“the worst fear there is.” you said whacking her with another cushion as you looked up at the application you had just sent.
you actually took this time to calculate how much you owed to oxford university in those 4 years and to the university college of london for your phd.
£9250 x 3 = £27,750
£27,750 + £14,140 = £41,890
22,040 x 3 = £66,120
£41,890 + £66,120 = £108,010
one hundred and eight thousand and ten pounds.
you looked at the calculations, slumping onto your sofa and screaming into the voids of your cushion. rowan looked over at the calculations and her eyes widened at the sight.
she knew you were very much focussed on your education, but not only to this degree but that number was enough to break your bank account into tiny shreds.
“y/n you’ve got nothing to worry about. besides your debt will go in 35 years.” she said.
“35 years…i’ll be 46 by then and i’ll be stuck behind a waitrose till, scanning overly expensive macaroons by then!” you snapped.
you didn’t realize the look at rowan had, you relaxed your shoulders for a moment and sunk deeper into the sofa.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to snap like that.” you mumbled.
rowan only patted your shoulder, she understood that this phd was make it or break it for you and knowing you’d be in the last hurdle meant that you had to give it every chance you had.
“tell you what, how about we order a pizza and we watch a movie. surely that will ease your mind from your financial state, tonight’s on me alright?” rowan offered, you smiled kindly at your roommate handing her the phone.
“you took the words right out of my mouth.” you said, laughing softly as you put your calculator away and your let yourself unwind from your already hectic week.
this job had better be worth every minute of your life.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
“thank you for handing in your thesis. and thank you for being apart of the art department here at ucl, you can have a look at some of our alumni programmes if you wish to come back. you’ll hear back on your thesis grade and your graduation will be emailed to you in due course. i wish you well on your career.” your personal tutor said to you, your bounded thesis at their grasp.
you clung onto your photocopied version of your thesis as you gave a kind smile to your tutor.
“thank you…i’ll see you around.” you said, kindly smiling at them before walking off. you arrived back home and saw rowan who had just finished a yoga workout.
“how did it go?” she asked.
“the thesis has been handed in. i’m finally done with my education!” you said. rowan hugged you more times than you could count.
“i knew you could do it! i bet that thesis will make headlines.” she said.
“i think the most it will get is at least an honorary mention on the guardian but hey, anything could happen.” you admitted.
you turned to your laptop, picking it up and opening it in front of you. you heard a notification from your email, which made you confused for a moment.
you looked at the first email in front of you. clicking it, you read through and your face instantly changed to a beam, bigger than before.
dear y/n l/n,
we are pleased to inform you that you will be offered an interview for your position as personal assistant.
your interview with lionel shabandar will begin at precisely 4:30pm, should you arrive any later than this and you will not be interviewed. please arrive dressed in formal attire. no trainers, pyjamas unless stated otherwise.
if you’ve been asked to provide a portfolio and/or references of your work please do so before your interview.
we look forward to seeing you.
the shabandar association
you were jumping with joy, knowing that your application was at least successful. rowan was more than happy for you, you both celebrated in usual fashion. rowan grabbed the champagne and treated you to some of her homemade lasagne and you both sat in together.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
the day of the interview had loomed quicker than ever. you looked over to your wardrobe picking out a ruffled shirt, you did did every button and put on a pencil skirt as you looked into the mirror, your hair slicked back into a low bun. it wasn’t foreign of you to dress this formally, you had done so in your oxford days and you never entirely found your sense of style until you reached your doctorates arc of your education.
you looked at the large plastic folder that carried your portfolio and your bag that contained every essay and every dissertation you had done, you also put your thesis inside and grabbed both things before heading to the door.
“you’ll do great y/n. good luck!” rowan said. you thanked your roommate and eventually grabbed your things before leaving to get to the cooperate building.
the london underground’s services had ran very smoothly on your way to the building. when you arrived, you looked up at the building, almost as tall as some of the famous landmarks.
you entered the building, you read that you were to meet in his office which just so happened to be on the top floor.
“hi i’m here for my interview with mister shabandar.” you said, attempting not to stumble on your words.
“you’re miss l/n i assume.” the lady at the front desk asked. sally was her name.
“yes, that’s me.” you answered.
“do you know what time you’re supposed to be here?”
“uhm…yes. 4:30 was the time given to me.”
“you’re 2 hours early.”
“i know, i just hate being late to anything. you should probably see the amount of certificates i’ve gained just for my attendance and punctuality.”
the front desk lady, sally raised her brow and sent out a quick email, notifying of your prescience.
“please take a seat, mister shabandar will see you soon. please take a seat.” sally said.
you nodded, approaching the leather sofa and placing your things onto the ground. you crossed your legs as you looked at the view that bestowed upon you.
london during the in-between period of spring and summer was quite satisfying to you. it wasn’t freezing and it wasn’t boiling. it was almost like room temperature, and that seemed fine enough for you.
you looked down at the coffee table and picked up a copy of a book nearby. it was obviously his autobiography, “me.”
at first you thought reading this would be nothing short of a joke 10 pages in but you ended up flicking another page, and another, and another…and another.
by the time it reached 4:15 you were almost halfway finished. you looked up at the time and panicked slightly. adjusting your hair, and making sure everything was in place.
you brought your bag to your back and clung onto your portfolio, you were unaware that by your portfolio was also a copy of his book in your grasp.
“mister shabandar will be seeing you now.” sally said. you gave a kind smile to the front desk lady as you were greeted by the multi-billionaire.
“miss l/n, how lovely of you to make it.” lionel looked up, he got up from his seat and stood in front of you.
“thank you, it was a swift journey here. no doubt its really easy to make it around london.” you said.
“may i take your things, i wouldn’t want anything weighing you down during this interview.” he offered.
“oh uh of course.” you said, handing him your portfolio as you took of your bag and placing it to one side.
lionel gestured you to the chair opposite his desk and you shyly smiled at him before taking a seat.
“you’ve read my book?” he asked.
“oh, yes…i got here quite early so i at least did a spot of light reading before this interview.” you answered.
“are you enjoying it?” lionel asked
“in all honesty it’s a good read.” you answered, you couldn’t lie. reading his autobiography was quite interesting, you couldn’t help but think of how much his life was like a tv show.
he had flicked a few pages of his notebook and turned to his questions.
“so…miss l/n, you know me as you have read…why don’t you tell me about yourself.” he said.
“alright…uh where do i begin, well i’ve recently finished education.” you began.
“at your age?” lionel asked.
“yes, i studied fine arts at the university of oxford for my undergraduate and masters degree, i moved to london 3 years ago to do my phd at ucl, i actually finished my phd a few days ago.” you answered.
“oxford, a difficult place to get in.”
“well, the arts are in desparate need, much to my surprise it had a high acceptance rate. or rather what’s a high acceptance rate to them.” you said.
“have you always loved art?” he asked.
“yes, its just been a massive part of me. i’ve tried everything since i was a kid, but nothing thrills me more than picking up a paint palette and putting everything you worked for on a blank canvas.” you answered.
“there isn’t anything wrong with a blank canvas is there…miss l/n?” lionel asked.
“uh, i don’t think there’s anything wrong with a blank canvas. i think a blank canvas can also say a lot too.” you answered.
you peered over and you noticed that he was taking notes from this interview. you quickly turned back to him when both of your eyes met one another.
“do you parents enjoy your artwork?” lionel asked.
“oh…they’re not really in my life as such, i don’t really want to speak of it.” you replied. your eyes laying on the hem of your sleeves, fiddling around with the threading of the blazer.
lionel easily could sense your discomfort upon mentioning your family, he put the pen down and didn’t keep his eyes off you.
“you have my apologies for mentioning such a distasteful topic.”
“it’s okay, i was better off without them.” you admitted.
you took a deep breath to yourself and looked up at the multi-billionaire. his look of concern instantly going away as he continued with his interview.
“what’s your home life like?” lionel asked.
“i don’t live too far from here. i live near warren street, with a roommate from university.” you asked.
lionel nodded.
“not many people would apply for the role as a personal assistant, i’m shocked that a meek graduate  such as yourself would apply to not only work for me but to work alongside me…besides the point, why do you want to work for me?” lionel asked.
you knew that you couldn’t tell him the entire truth but it would eventually come out anyways.
the truth being that you were dangerously in debt. you thought about how you owed one hundred and eight thousand pounds to both oxford and ucl again, made your bank account sob out in turmoil.
you simply answered that you wanted to take a risk. you knew that they didn’t offer vacancies and they definitely didn’t offer anything for graduate students, you wanted something out of your comfort zone and whilst the shabandar company had dealt with pieces of art and you wanted to enhance your skills.
when asked about your strengths and weaknesses you responded with that you were a very dedicated and committed person, you always put your efforts into the things that mattered and you were a very creative thinker, that answer seemed to get an eyebrow raise from him. whether he approved of it or not was beyond you.
when asked about your weaknesses, you admitted that you were very easily stressed and didn’t fare well under pressure. you admitted that you would often overwork yourself to which, it would cause mild and (if push came to shove) intense burnout.
lionel had been quick to assure you that all staff are given a lot of resources in the case they needed any support for any given circumstance. lionel was well aware he had this narcissistic and foreboding reputation, but anyone that was taken into his company would be taken care of with whatever they needed.
“what has been your greatest achievement?” he asked.
“i couldn’t choose only one achievement, so i accumulated a portfolio and i have a collection of dissertations and theses over the course of my education. if you would like to see it of course.” you said.
“lead the way miss l/n.” lionel answered.
you got up and grabbed your portfolio and took out your papers from your bag. you went to the table before you and put out your papers in front, your hands trembling before you but you quickly finished and looked to the billionaire with a hint of eagerness.
“as you can see, this is all the practical work i had done for all my education, and down here i have all of my notable dissertations from each final year…you don’t have to read them if it will take up too much of your time-”
“i do know how to do my job miss l/n and if it takes me all day to go through your portfolio then i shall.” lionel cut you off, rolling his eyes slightly at how scared you were.
he had seen a lot of you in other eager workers but all of them seemed to quit their job in tears, but you stood your ground which was what took him back a little.
lionel took a good look at your portfolio, but his eyes couldn’t help but shift to one of your photos in particular.
“i have this piece.” lionel said.
“you do? oh you have pieces of battersea.” you quipped up with surprise.
“its good to see the artist.” he said, which made you smile to yourself.
“do you know how much that piece of work was auctioned off?” lionel asked.
you shook your head.
“twenty five million dollars.”
you were in disbelief, how could a student piece like yours garner so much worth and value? you never saw your pieces to be of any worth but knowing that your work had been auctioned off to the richest people known to man was information you wouldn’t forget.
“pretty valuable don’t you think?”
you only nodded, a sheepish smile wavered across your face.
his attention slowly shifted to the many dissertations that were presented before him. his brows slowly raised, if that was how much work you produced for your education, just think of how much you could for his company.
lionel flicked through every page of your work, a sense of eagerness rushed to him but there a subtlety to it. you couldn’t make out what or how he was feeling and it made you more unsure than ever.
“interesting…so your interests lie in its history but yet you’d be willing to take a risk in auctioning off some of the finest of works?” he said.
“yes sir.” you answered.
lionel looked up and flashed one of his famous smiles, you smiled back of course as a symbol of kindness.
“come, have a seat.” lionel said gesturing you to the sofa behind you, you followed him and sat beside him.
“now, you are aware that you’ve applied for the role of my personal assistant yes?” he asked.
“i am very aware, i did read your policies.” you answered.
“judging by your experience and this interview, you have potential…well, a little naïve but i’m sure you’ll see through that.” lionel said.
you perked a small smile at his remarks, “thank you…i appreciate that.” you admit.
“you’re only…what the kids say, fresh off the boat. you have your work cut out.” lionel said.
you turned away from him, ready to embrace rejection in all its forms.
“however…i don’t think i’ve seen anything like you, so...i will be offering you the position as my personal assistant.” lionel announced.
you looked to him in disbelief, then the smile that was on your face grew large. “thank you sir! i really look forward to working with you.” you beamed, as he extended his arm you then took it and shook his hand, his touch was firm as you shook it.
he got up and opened his filing cabinet, reaching for some papers. placing it between the two of you, you were handed a pen and what seemed to be some contracts. you were quick to read through each and every paper and signing it in the places where necessary.
once the formalities were over and done with, lionel helped you pack your things away, he also handed you a copy of his schedule. you placed it neatly in your bag, and found yourself exiting with your things in your hand.
“take a good look at the papers i’ve sent, you’ll need them.” he said, opening the door for you as he walked you to the entrance of the lift.
“thank you, so when do i start?” you asked.
“tomorrow.” he put it bluntly, it was like you expected him to say that but also not to at the same time.
either way, you had to get ready for whatever this man threw at you.
“right, i look forward to working with you then mister shabandar.” you said giving a kind smile.
“call me lionel. it should be a privilege that we be on first name basis, now that we’re working together.” he said.
“call me y/n.”
“a beautiful name.”
“thank you, i’ll see you tomorrow.” you said, entering the lift.
the doors closing on you both as the lift went down.
you couldn’t help but have a skip in your step, knowing this job could possibly change your life was something that made you beam.
when you told your roommate that you got the job, she was jumping from sofa to sofa. she couldn’t have been more proud of you and was looking forward to you talking about your new job.
you feared that the demands of being the lionel shabandar’s personal assistant would take away from their friendship, but rowan comforted you and assured that you deserve this job. even if it meant you were whisked away in a jet almost every day, she would still be here.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
4:32 in the morning.
you were no doubt a morning person, always wanting to get a glimpse of the sunrising and being able to do a lot of the things you couldn’t do in the morning.
you were expected to arrive at the building at 5:30am.
you did your morning routine and had your breakfast, before leaving rowan a note saying you’d be leaving for work and that everything should be there for her.
you hopped on the underground train and made your way to the shabandar building, it would seem like any regular day but this was lionel shabandar you’re talking about. you were asked to meet him on the 34th floor, you made a few pitstops on the way, you brought breakfast from a café nearby and you bought a new book to keep you company. you entered the lift and pressed the button for number 34. you exited the lift and turned to your left to the building’s gallery.
you opened the door and there you saw him, completely naked in front of you which frankly took you off guard.
“oh god! i’m so sorry, i’ll come back when you’re fully clothed. crap, i’m so sorry-”
“nonsense, y/n…come here, leave your things by the door.”
the shocked expression on your face didn’t leave your face any time soon. as you stood by him, you looked at the painting in front of you. “that’s the scream, by edvard munch i assume.” you said.
“you assumed correctly,  one hundred and thirty five million dollars was how much money i put on this thing. it’s a beauty, don’t you think y/n?” he asked.
“of course…it’s one of munch’s notorious pieces of art. he once said: we want more than a mere photograph of nature. we do not want to paint pretty pictures to be hung on drawing-room walls. we want to create, or at least lay the foundations of, an art that gives something to humanity. an art that arrests and engages. an art created of one's innermost heart. i think he did just that with this piece.” you said.
“the shapes in the scream are organic, objects found in nature, but munch has distorted these objects to echos causes by the sunken head.”
lionel was taken aback at how you described this painting. frankly, you had a way with words, and he saw it in your thesis.
as you both stood beside one another, glaring at the painting in front of you gone was the startled look on your face, it seemed like you were slowly getting used to his prescience…even if he was fully naked in front of you.
“now…no time like the present. we’ve got work to do.” lionel said as he eventually grabbed his clothes, you tried so hard to keep your attention on the scream, if there were ever a piece of art that resonated with the situation you were in, it would most certainly be the scream.
“how long?” you asked.
lionel raised a brow, confused at your question. “how long was i gawking?” you asked with a better reiteration.
“10 minutes, most of the personal assistants i’ve had wouldn’t even last 5.” lionel answered.
you only nodded at his answer, once he got changed you were quick to grab your things.
“i thought i’d make a pitstop, so i got us some breakfast…and some coffee, if you’re willing to take up my request of course.” you offered.
another raised brow, lionel looked to his watch for a moment. he couldn’t refuse such a thing from the new personal assistant, you followed him to his office on the top floor and you handed him what looked to be his order.
a long day would be upon you.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
“y/n! you made it out alive!” rowan called as she heard the front door shut, you looked up to your roommate with an exhausted smile.
“thanks for leaving the house all prepared, you’re a legend.” she said.
“i couldn’t have you burning the house down, that would be turmoil.” you joked.
you and rowan both giggled, you were greeted to some lasagne on a plate, a can of your favourite energy drink and between the two of you, played a cheesy sitcom.
“so what was mister shabandar like?” rowan asked.
how could you, his personal assistant describe him? you heard from your new colleagues rumours about him here and there, to which you could only see for yourself. you didn’t want to be the first to judge him too harshly.
“he’s…quite the character.” you answered.
“oh come on y/n, you’re too nice! come on, he’s hot right? you’ve seen the billboards.” rowan prompted.
“be quiet you stupid girl!” you said.
“oooooh you’ve picked up his personality already!” rowan teased.
“shut up!” you rolled your eyes.
“hey, you never know. this job could really change your life, it could bring out the real you.” rowan said.
“i better hope this job does.” you said.
as you both relaxed and continued to watch more of the cheesy sitcom, you couldn’t help but think about your real intentions of this job.
you needed a miracle and if working with one of the best businessmen could help you so be it.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
as the months progressed, you got used to lionel’s work ethic. you picked up on the things he did with a click of his finger, you even got to know one another. you contemplated telling him about your financial state, but you decided against it.
you didn’t want to feel as if you only took this job only to mooch off his money.
if anything, you loved your job.
you loved being around lionel, you loved learning about all the art pieces that were being auctioned off and some being auctioned off to your boss himself.
granted, the paperwork was messy but at the end of the day you a genuine passion for art.
or perhaps, your passions lied with him…
you were invited to the shabandar annual gala, recently your social life had been boosted thanks to being lionel’s personal assistant. you were apprehensive about this gala and frankly so, you hadn’t been to a gala in ages, not since your days at oxford. you were allowed to have a plus one with you during this event. you parents weren’t around, neither did you have a significant other so what better way than to bring your roommate with you.
rowan insisted on taking you dress shopping if you were going to a place as massive and boujee as lionel’s. you adorned a blue gown that complimented every part of you, whilst rowan had gone for a red a-line dress, enough to blind the next 5 people who saw the dress.
you both arrived in style, courtesy of your boss of course. the moment you arrived, you took a moment to analyse the mansion. it looked absolutely stunning, something fresh out of a movie.
“miss l/n, a pleasure to see you’ve made it. mister shabandar is waiting for you.” a host said. you nodded and you and rowan both made it to the front garden.
“mister shabandar…hmmm?” rowan teased.
“not. a. peep.” you joked.
you took a good look around the place to find lionel. he wasn’t around but for a moment, you heard a small growl which startled you, unveiling the mask it was him. you smiled kindly at him as he pulled you into a warm hug.
“i’m glad you could make it y/n, its good to see you again.” lionel said.
“i could say the same to you, you don’t look too bad yourself.” you replied, jokingly adjusting his bowtie.
“oh lionel, this is my best friend and roommate, rowan collins. been through thick and thin she has.” you introduced.
“miss collins, a pleasure to meet you at long last. your best friend has spoken quite well of you.” lionel said, reaching for her hand and pressing it to his lips.
“oh…you’re too kind mister shabandar.” she said, you smirked to yourself knowing that this was the first and only time, you would see your best friend completely flustered over someone as dilf worthy as him.
the three of you made your way inside the mansion, and it was just as stunning as it was on the outside. you couldn’t help but adore being in a place such as this.
as the dances commenced, you felt a sudden wave of anxiety hit you. whilst there was no doubt that lionel wanted you around, you felt small. in this massive world that was the shabandar business, you couldn’t help but feel like a pawn in this game.
“care for a dance y/n?” lionel offered, with his golden lion mask in hand he extended his other. you only smiled meekly and took it.
you arrived in the main hall with him. looking around, everyone belonged here.
you didn’t.
plus the money you spent on appearances alone made you fearful. as you joined lionel for a dance, you tried to make it look as if you were enjoying yourself, but you and your body was filled with dread and worry.
your heart racing at miles that never seemed to end, your shoulders trembling at the wave of coldness that rushed to your body.
“i’m sorry…please excuse me.” you quivered, letting go of his grasp and leaving the hall. you needed air, ironically the whole mansion was filled with it but you needed fresh air.
you rushed up the stairs opening the doors to what seemed like the balcony, and you let out all the emotions you’ve been feeling for quite some time. you cried to yourself, out of fear that you weren’t going to fit in this industry, out of sadness because you felt like you were putting up a façade.
you were a mess.
“y/n?” that deep voice called.
you turned around and saw your boss. you perked a sad smile, instantly turning away to wipe away your tears.
“i haven’t…done anything to upset you have i?” lionel asked.
you shook your head.
“its just me.” you answered.
a confused expression left him.
“i just…i don’t know what i’m doing, i don’t fit in here. i clearly stand out, i don’t know where i’m going or what i’m doing, it just feels like i’m doing a horrendous job. i feel like i’ve lied to you, i didn’t just apply to be your personal assistant for the job description…i need the money. i’m in so much debt, everything just keeps piling on top of each other and i look stupid…i look an absolute mess and i can’t do any of this.” you unleashed all your emotions, walking away from him and bursting into tears.
lionel had seen many of his staff members burst into hysterical tears because of their jobs here in this business but never had they felt like they were out of place.
lionel approached you, taking his hands into your own. “i don’t want you to worry over this sense of belonging, you deserve your position here just as much as anyone else.” lionel said.
you wiped away your tears once more, a sense of comfort was felt knowing that he acknowledged your work.
lionel had his eyes on the computer, that had been open for quite a while he went over at pressed a few keys on his keyboard before pressing the shutdown button.
”what did you do?” you sniffled.
“you’ll have to wait and see y/n.” lionel said. “now…i can’t have my personal assistant so down on an evening such as this hm?” he added.
you perked a small smile as you wiped away your tears, you felt your cheeks heat up in the moment you were with him all by yourself.
you took his hand and he wrapped your arm around his, linking it to yours. the moment of pride washed over lionel as he looked at you, he hadn’t seen anyone like you. so willing to work with him and yet your patience astounded him.
“you’re doing a wonderful job y/n.” lionel said, his comforting words wrapped around you as you slightly beamed at his kind words.
a newfound confidence wavered all over you as you took pride in being in lionel shabandar’s prescience.
you were having more fun than ever before, you let yourself loose and had the time of your life.
the most fun you had in ages.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
“you’re usually up before the sun is, what’s gotten to you?” rowan asked, munching on her porridge oats.
“well…lionel’s asked me to come in a little later, probably after last night’s gala of course.” you assumed.
“oh yeah you looked like you were having the time of your life.” rowan giggled, you only rolled your eyes at the girl.
“don’t have too much fun without me.” you joked, as you put on your blazer and left the house.
another day at work, you arrived at the building as you looked down at your watch. you were asked to come in at 8am, which was quite the shock since you would have usually been in the building by six in the morning.
much to your surprise, you weren’t asked to stare at another painting with lionel whilst he was butt naked.
you greeted him at his office, he was sat on the sofa completing a few papers about the next auction the both of you had planned. lionel had his eyes on the prize on the original starry night, he was very eager to obtain such a painting.
“you hadn’t checked any of your emails recently?” lionel asked.
another confused expression left your face, you sat by him on the sofa as you opened your bag to reach for your laptop and opened your emails.
3 emails appeared before your eyes.
lionel shabandar made a transaction to your account.
previous amount: £73.92
amount sent: £15,500,000
amount: £15,500,073.92
amount deducted: £27,750
amount deducted £14,140
amount deducted: £66,120
overall deduction: £108,010
current amount: £14,892,063.92
if this is the account holder please ignore this email, if this isn’t you please direct yourself to the link provided.
then you read the next emails.
re: tuition payment at oxford university
dear y/n l/n,
we are writing to inform you that your university tuition has been paid off, please keep the statement with you at all costs.
ucas code: w100
duration: 3 years (bfa)
amount: £27,750
course code: tf_fr1
duration: 9 months (mfa)
amount: £14,140
overall amount paid: £41,890
financial department of oxford university.
re: tuition payment at the university college of london
dear y/n l/n,
we are writing to inform you that your tuition has been paid off, please keep the statement with you at all costs.
course code: rrdfinsing01
duration: 3 years (phd)
amount: £22,040
overall amount paid: £66,120
financial department of the university college london
you looked to him with a completely dumb founded look on your face. to which lionel only responded with a deep chuckle, this was his doing?
“you actually…paid them off…all one hundred and eight thousand pounds of it?” you stumbled on your words. it looked as if he enjoyed all of your reaction.
“can you pinch me, slap me across the face? anything? i have to be dreaming, if you pinch me then i’ll wake up in my bed at 4am and i’ll be visiting you on the 34th floor asking you to stare at the mona lisa whilst you’re butt naked.” you rambled on.
lionel pinched your upper arm, you feet were still firm on the ground, you were still sitting on the sofa beside your boss.
“okay…not a dream.” you said.
“but why? you didn’t have to do that.” you added.
lionel tugged at his sleeves, adjusting his blazer before inching closer to you.
“you’ve worked so hard, it’s the least i could do and besides, don’t think i didn’t notice.” lionel asked.
you tilted your head at his comment.
“the way you eye my work, the way you analyse ever bank statement that comes in, the way you…look at me.” lionel answered.
his hand made his way to your cheek, which startled you. tensing up at his touch but very slowly, you melted into his grasp.
“you intrigue me y/n…in such…beautiful ways.” lionel said.
suddenly, you found yourself intertwined in a passionate and slow kiss. your mind and heart running at more than a million miles as you found yourself colliding with him.
the moment you pulled away from him, your eyes were screaming out for love. perhaps he was the one, granted your tastes had been very odd but he radiated perfection.
“we shouldn’t be doing this.” you mumbled.
“there was nothing in your contract that you could gain feelings for me.” lionel said, his eyes were always on you, his attention never left you.
“might i remind you who your boss is?” lionel asked.
“good girl.” lionel whispered.
another kiss bounded you together, your hesitancy slowly disappeared as you wrapped your arms around him and you edged yourself closer to him.
“reckon i could get a raise?” you murmured in between kisses.
“don’t push it.” lionel answered, a smirk wavered on both your faces as you kissed each other once more.
you found a new confidence whenever you were around him.
everything was so new to you.
and perhaps, being with lionel could change everything.
59 notes · View notes
Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Ep. 4 Takeaway
Uh. No. No, I was not in any way, shape, or form prepared for that heart-wrenching opening. That raw emotion. The gut-punching fear. The devastation. The soul massive relief from under all that fear and pain. No, I was not ready.
“She’s just a kid.” This is why Sam should be Captain America. Look, no one can replace Steve Rogers. There will never be another Steve Rogers. But that’s not the point. Sam isn’t meant to replace anyone. He’s meant to be his own Captain America. A man who has the heart and soul of a person who doesn’t go looking for a fight. A man who will fight when it needs to be done. A man who reaches out with compassion first and fists second. Sam is the Captain America this world needs in these modern times and tbh it doesn’t deserve him.
“Those are our friends you’re talking about.” “The Avengers, not the Nazis.” Thank you for your contribution, Bucky. 😂 No, but, I really liked the our friends. Not just my friends, but our friends and Bucky concurring with that by pointing out who Sam means. 
Sam sharing the story about his TT. His family means so much to him as does community and I think that’s why he can relate to Karli and what she wants to do but also cannot condone how she’s going about it. 
Yes, if anyone wondered, Baron Zemo would sell out his family to the White Witch for some Turkish Delight. 
I do like Zemo stepping back into the more villainous role. While I enjoyed the humor from last episode, it never really sat right with me that they gave Zemo a “tragic” backstory. He was Hydra in the comics and it feels weird to me to change it in such a way. He was a supremacist so his new anti-supremacist ideals is...off-putting to me.  
“It wasn’t just one community coming together. It was the entire world.” Hence why Sam can understand Karli’s goals.
Sam assuming the leadership role so much in the episode. So much foreshadowing to what’s (hopefully) to come. 
When Bucky loses it with Zemo and Sam is like “Don’t engage. He’s just gonna extort you and do that stupid head tilt thing.” Not only is this more leadership from Sam it’s also showing how much he pays attention. He knows all their social cues. He knew Zemo was gonna do that probably before Zemo even did. In other words, Sam Wilson is remarkable. 
Sam calling Sharon for help. I wasn’t expecting her again so soon. Yay!!
As soon as John Walker steps on screen I want to punch something. 
“He’s dealt with worth. And he’s not my partner.” Look at Bucky backing Sam up while trying to play it cool. We all know you love him, Buck.
Sam talking to Karli. Coming to her from a place of understanding and genuinely trying to earn her trust because he does understand her pain. He’s filled with so much compassion and so much empathy and he knows how to employ both of them to better a situation and the world at large instead of coming in guns blazing. He gets it. And he wants Karli to know that he gets it. His approach to getting her to see that she’s going about it in the wrong way. But while she’s okay with acceptable loss, she in fact expects it, Sam is not. “No, it’s not a better place if you’re killing people. It’s just different.” Again, this is what makes him a good Captain America. 
“He knows what he’s doing.” Bucky’s faith and trust in Sam when Walker is literally itching for a fight. That...cold, obsessed look in Walker’s eyes was chilling. (I’ve given kudos to Mackie and Seb for their acting but I should also acknowledge Wyatt Russel’s chilling performance)) 
Thank you, John Walker, for coming in and making things better oh wait, no. Just come in a fuck things up. Super of you. 
Sam’s immediate “no” when Zemo asked if he’d take the serum if he was offered it and asking about Bucky being included in the “super soldiers cannot be allowed to exist.” “Blood isn’t always the solution.” Sam is just. I’m running out of words.
I’m now walking a thin line of patience with Bucky criticizing Sam over not taking the Shield. Like, yes, he’s right in that Steve’s wishes were not honored, but Sam is living the consequences wanting to do the right thing by giving the Shield to a museum. He did not and would not have ever handed it over to anyone to use, especially not a man like John Walker. Sam didn’t give it to him. The government did. The same way they’d’ve given the serum to a man like Gilmore Hodge. The same way they forced it upon Isiah Bradley and then experimented on him and locked him away. The same way they “agreed” that Sam was doing the right thing by turning the Shield over and then handing it to John Walker. This is not Sam’s fault.  
I could take hours of Ayo and the Dora Milaje kicking John Walker’s ass.
Ayo and the Dora Milaje. 
Did I mention Ayo and the Dora Milaje? 
I really want to know what Ayo said to Bucky there**. After everything the Wakandans did for him, I can understand why she did what she did. She helped give his freedom and his mind back to him. I know Bucky only intercepted in that particular fight because Sam asked him to and he didn’t (not totally) want them to hurt Walker but. They gave him this place of freedom and his actions (breaking Zemo out, getting involved in their fight) did disrespect them. 
The Dora stepping on and catching the Shield. SWOON.
“They weren’t even super soldiers.” Oh, boo freaking hoo. You don’t need the serum to be a superhero, dude. And the fact that you’re basing so much of this on that plus your obesssion to gt it just proves you’re not worthy of it. 
“Power just makes a person more of themselves, right?” Vs. “Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion."
Seriously, the expressions John Walker makes sends chills down my spine.
Karli calling Sarah. I actually thought she’d show up in person. Sarah’s comments about “Captain America” and her assurances that Sam is not working for Walker. 
Sam’s immediate protectiveness when Sarah calls him and Bucky’s worry on his behalf. Sam’s anger with Karli when they meet again and the fact that he didn’t argue with Bucky for him wanting to come rather than Sam going in alone. 
Sam and Bucky working together (anyone notice a lot less bickering??) is so amazing. I love them as a team. 
Sam’s face when he realizes that Walker took the serum. 
Quite honestly, if Bucky Barnes wanted to stab me with knives all night long, I’d let him. 
Not happy with them killing Lemar for white man pain. I’m sure there were other ways they could have had Walker rage out. 
That amazing parallel between Steve slamming the Shield down in Civil War to defend himself and Bucky and Walker killing a person who was just with Karli. 
Speaking of parallels, there was SO many in this episode. The serum vials being shattered. The bursting through the doors Shield first. The jumping out of the window with the Shield. Just wow. 
“The Whole World is Watching”. A quote from Black Panther when T’Challa did not kill Klaue, an actual terrorist. The title of this episode when John Walker kills a man who didn’t even incite his rage. 
And, of course, that final image. I’m still shaking over it. If there’s a better image for what America represents to the rest of the world, idk what is. I just want to cry after seeing what this man is doing with it. This is why he’s U.S. Agent who represents the “power” and “strength” and “might” of the United States. Not Captain America who represents the ideals and hopes of what any country can be. 
The acting in this is utterly incredible. The story has me reeling. My mind has been blown by each and every episode and I can’t believe there are only two left. 
**Edit: Got it now! Thanks to those who messaged/replied!! 
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Izzy and alec sibs headcanon if you have any and have an amazing day
no anon, YOU have an amazing day! dxuhaisdha
ok idk about headcanons because i think it's more that i appreciate their relationship in canon than that i have headcanons? like i said a few asks ago though there is a lot more id like to see explored in their relationship, particularly them figuring out their miscommunications and acting-in-the-name-of-each-other issues
so yeah i like to think that they eventually have a talk about that? even if it's like a few years later that it finally comes up. because while i think izzy kind of realized how much alec was shielding him from the lightwood's expectations i don't think alec ever figured out that izzy kept trying to rebel so alec could see that he could, too, and how she just wanted him to accept himself, basically
so it would be nice to see this talk happening and these things actually being said and the both of them realizing that if they had just communicated and worked together the whole time instead of assuming what the other needed and trying to take these stereotypical roles for them they would have probably gotten somewhere a lot faster and hurt each other a lot less lol. also like, alec really has to learn how to work with the people he loves instead of in their name, so i think he’d benefit a lot from this talk
other than that uhhh
i think part of the reason izzy misunderstood alec's struggle with coming out so much (i.e. thinking that he was in denial) was because she was projecting, lol. and when like after years and years izzy realized that all her comments about girls and her lowkey over-the-top investment in alec's love life/having alec accept himself were really not as straight as she thought, she is like. ah shit. so I was the one in denial the whole time? and alec just smiles and pats her shoulders like "glad you caught up, iz"
she never hears the end of it. The Revenge Of Alec. literally getting on her ass all damn day throwing in jokes about accepting herself and "being open" and all and she's like "OKAY alec i get it i'm sorry!!"
in all seriousness though, i like to think that they actually talked about all the s1 shit. kinda similar to that other talk about acting in the name of each other (honestly i think it's hard to talk about one without talking about the other) and izzy saying that she thought alec was a denial case and alec saying that he felt like izzy was trying to force him to come out when he COULDN'T and it made him feel kind of terrified. and izzy apologizing for making him feel like that, you know?
alec eventually starts going with her to her narcotics anonymous meetings. not all the time ofc because izzy needs to be able to have her own space where she can talk without the presence of anyone she knows, but sometimes. so alec can get educated and on days when it's particularly hard for her. having the support of her big brother always helps
for so long izzy was the only source of like... actual good touch and warmth and just affection, you know? and i think they are very tactile. we did get to see some of that in the show (name ONE other person alec has hugged. other than magnus who is his literal boyfriend/husband, and even then i think they might have hugged less than alec and izzy did) but i think they are actually even more tactile when there are no eyes on them. izzy comes visit alec in the loft and magnus goes to the living room to find alec and izzy full on spooning, alec carressing izzy's hair like it's the most normal thing in the world
they are used to having to stop when other ppl come, particulalrly family, tho (remember when maryse caught izzy and max playing and acted like it was a crime?) so like they are a little jumpy. but with parents who denied them affection (or had it be conditional to them doing shit they wanted, in alec's case) and sh's gross no-touching culture, they needed each other for that and they always could get comfort in each other
i mentioned max and i just ugh i loved izzy so much in her scenes with him and i think alec would be so proud of what a good big sister she is?? and she's like "i'm just trying to be like you" and he's like "shut up" but pulls her into a hug
not really a headcanon but we overlook the fact that with their height difference alec can rest his chin on the top of her head (if she's in heels LMAOOOO)?????? like dude. dude. D U EDE
part of the reason izzy wears heels all the time is because she just can't stand her and alec's height difference. WHY did he hoard all the tall??? it's humiliating enough when she's in heels but without heels she's like hitting his navel or some shit and she will NOT! PUT UP! WITH THIS! so she wears heels all the time and if she could she would walk around in those giant wooden sticks clowns use sometimes, you know the ones
every once in a while izzy gets back on her Teaching Alec How To Dance project and every time it is a nightmare
the +1 is when alec asks her for help to teach him how to dance for his wedding. please iz for the love of god no crazy stuff we're not gonna salsa just teach me how not to step on his feet all the time
when she stops trying to make the impossible happen she's actually a pretty good teacher
alec has a lot more fun with it than he lets on
alec's never paid a lot of attention to izzy's flings cuz they're, you know... flings for the most part, but when she starts to actually date (polycule? polycule) he becomes insufferably protective. ESPECIALLY when it comes to clary
*sits clary down for a lesson called "how to care about people other than yourself: a simple guide to not being a selfish bitch with my sister". it features a slideshow. with animation*
once izzy officially comes out as bi it's pretty hard and emotional for her and alec hugs her and she's all "i couldn't have done it without you. thank you for being so strong" and aaaaa
they used to wrestle a lot when they were kids and izzy would kick his ass every time
ok i think that's all i've got for now but hhhh there is plenty of other stuff tbh i just no thoughts head empty
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tiarnanabhfainni · 2 years
Very liberal semi-practicing Irish catholic here. I always hear Americans say “Jesus take the wheel” when they get into shit and in my head I’m like ???? Jesus has better things to do???? Honey the person you’re after is st Jude. Jesus isn’t gonna do shit but st Jude? He is your guy. Your wingman. Your crisis control manager extraordinaire. Do you know how many times I’ve been shitting myself the night before an exam with not HALF the study I needed to to do done and just miraculously gotten through because of him? Too many for me to trust anyone else that’s for sure. And that was after not going to mass for at least six months. Don’t even talk to me about confession. Also at this point me and the man the myth the legend st Anthony have talked so much we are besties. (I think it’s kinda sweet that he’s just become a part of Irish culture nowadays. Like idk anyone who actually prays to him but it’s the first thing anyone ever says when you lose something. It’s instinctive.)
Same anon as before. I completely agree with what you’re saying about the insanity of it all and how many saints there are for EVERYTHING, including small parishes having multiple local saints. To me anyway, saints feel way less big and commanding than say, Jesus or god. They’re just funny little people who you can ask for silly little personal things that really don’t impact the world (or even your life) in a major way. Please don’t let it doesn’t rain tomorrow I’m going out with my friends. Please let me cook this without burning it, I want to impress my date. I’ve had a bad head-cold the last while, can you make it go away? I don’t really pray that much (at all) but I think of it as like how Dean prays to Cas. It’s casual. Jesus Mary and God are off doing Jesus-Mary-and-God-Things and tbh don’t really care if one of your cows dies while calving but St Catherine who lived in your village a century and a half ago sure as hell knows what that’s like and the struggles that come afterwards. So yeah you can bet your ass she’s gonna try and help! Anyway, sorry for going off in your asks OP but I think it’s really interesting how faith works, in that you build up this big god and saviour figure who loves all and will help everyone but the thing is you built him up too big and now he’s not approachable to the average person with average problems. A bit like Psyche. So people make up these smaller figures who they feel they can connect with more and use as a role model in their daily lives.
full cards on the table in that i am not particularly religious nor have my family been other than my grandparents but yes this is exactly what im getting at! like you really need to tailor your prayers to the right place or they’re not going to get answered. god’s getting a million calls from around the world and he’s supposed to differentiate between someone calling about their crops failing, someone calling about their car crashing and someone calling about their lost shoelace?? let the man delegate and address your prayers where they’ll do the most good.
love a bit of st anthony, man gets a full workout in this country.
but yeah in terms of the whole building up a god so big that now you can’t talk to him about the little stuff, i always think about that post where protestants treat god like their bestie and talk to him about every little worry in their lives while catholics treat god as a really intimidating boss of their company and shur look you wouldn’t want to catch his attention for the small stuff. better to go to a more immediate supervisor.
the main thing that amuses me about intercession though is how careful the catholic church have to be to make sure that they’re not promoting polytheism. like yes there are these minor religious figures who often have local pagan roots and yes you can pray to them and receive boons that you’ve prayed for. HOWEVER! it is not the saints themselves who are directly answering your prayers. they do not have any divine power in and of themselves. they are interceding on your behalf with god. i.e. since they’re buddies with god they’re going to pass on your request and therefore give it more weight. ask your supervisor to ask your boss kind of thing. but god is the one actually granting the request or else this becomes heresy.
now this is just the theological justification for it and most people just imagine the saint is the one answering the prayer in my experience but it does make the role of the saints in heaven exceedingly funny to me personally. just a giant switchboard in the sky and god’s sitting in his office with a cigar waiting for st anthony to transfer the call.
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 years
Oh okay, in the story I'm writing the character who is being penetrated is the dominant one, and I think it would be really hot for her to train him gradually over time to adjust and be able to accommodate her body, moulding and conditioning his dick as well as his mouth to be able to take her, purely for her own benefit. I'm into d/s and powerplay so I assume this is why I like it. I into everything that comes with it, her "training" his dick to adjust to her pussy including being made to have his dick inside her for extended periods of time as part of his training, as well as him being told to use toys to size train himself on his own. And then slowly introducing different sizes (could be bigger or smaller, honestly I was kinda confused when you immediately started talking about smaller sizes cause in my head I was actually imagining size training to take larger orifices like how you were saying about in my first ask with larger insertions), and how it would be slightly painful/uncomfortable for him at first but she praises him and tells him how good he's being the whole time. I have some sadist tendencies I'm also into the idea of him getting to confident and trying to take more than he can handle at that moment and going to rough and hard and it being painful for him as a result and ending up "bambi walking" as you put it lol (although I feel like this is a different topic to gradual size training, and also even though I find the idea hot I don't actually want to send anyone to the hospital by fucking them, I don't find sexual injuries sexy in real life). Maybe it's weird, but I find the idea of his body literally needing time to physically adjust to her extremely hot, as well as his body being trained to take something it couldn't before and her needing to spend time on with him to help him and prep him properly to take her without being in pain and not risk hurting him if he's not ready for it, I like the vulnerability of him possibly being hurt so she has to help him prep and be gentle with him.
I'm not talking about if the partner being penetrated isn't turned on enough or isn't wet enough, or if they're uncomfortable or in pain, I'm just talking about them training their partner to take them before actually fucking them. Also, what if it's a demon au like with your fic and they literally have a different biology to humans and their genitals are different and so their dick needs to be trained to get used to it (this is not what I'm currently writing, it's just another thought I had).
Obviously using a toy that's way too small can be uncomfortable and cause injury but like you said, that's also true of someone who just decides to insert a 12 inch dildo up their ass no?
"there’s no real reason to train someone’s dick for insertion" "i suppose the only 'training’ you can do is with fleshlights that are a bit small for your dick size but like…thats a bit of an extra step when you should be prepping your partner" Idk tho isn't it kind of weird to prescribe what is the "right" way to do things or what "should" be done or that there's no reason to do something because surely that is down to the people involved and what they like/prefer? It seems you're saying that size training is necessary if you want to have sex with a toy/dildo that is larger than average? And quite a few people liked it so I'm assuming they agree, but what I don't get is what do people do if someone with a larger than average dick and/or their partner don't like or want these roles? Like I assume this must have happened before? You said that words of praise are important but what if the other partner doesn't particularly like to receive praise and would rather give it? What if the person with the larger dick likes the idea of being trained by their partner more than their partner being trained? What if the person being penetrated prefers to be the one to give foreplay and help prep their partner for sex and the big dicked person prefers to receive foreplay and be taken care of and be gently and slowly prepped by their partner?
Like I like having vaginal sex and I'm not into painful sex or receiving pain during sex but if I meet a partner who happens to have a larger dick, does that mean I have to do this if I want to have sex comfortably? Honestly I hate the idea of needing to be "trained" or "prepped" to take someone's dick, just thinking about it is kind of making me feel sick to be honest. I would much rather be the one doing the training and prepping, I want that role instead, but I still want to be penetrated at the same time, so where does that put me?
It sucks that it's not called size training, because for better or for worse the more edgy or obscure the kink or tag is the more attention and notes it tends to get and size related kinks in particular are usually very popular. I guess it just sucks that I see so many writers writing for these kinds of kinks like with your demon au fic and they get so many notes and comments from people who just love it praising them and gushing about how hot it is and it sucks to know that I'll probably never get that kind of attention because like your saying it isn't possible for me to write those kinks in reverse or if I can it won't appeal to as many people because there's no real reason for the act or doesn't make sense like it does the other way around and then I just, feel like I can't compete because I can't write stuff like that or write those kinks because it doesn't work that way around. And then I feel bad for feeling bad or for wanting that same kind of popularity or attention because I feel like I'm being ungrateful or bitter and I don't know how to deal with it. But thank you for talking to me.
I...m not gonna lie like the end of this ask really has a kind of vibe that rubs me the wrong way tbh.
I was going to try and tackle the several points here but on fucking god the way you came at me over this and how shit in here is worded really comes off as fucking rude. I never said every single time someone takes someone larger they need to be trained for it. Your first ask was literally "what is size training" not "does someone always need size training to take a larger person"
People always write things that may not be 'common' or have a specific name for it but the fucking passive aggressive (whether intentional or not) "I'll never get as many notes as you/people who write it like xyz" really rubs me the wrong way and felt like a fucking punch in the face to someone i was trying to help in earnest based on the questions you asked me.
Write whatever you want. But you dont go into someones fucking ask box and basically guilt trip them because of note count just because of a difference in the content you make and how you make it and the way readers consume it.
I cannot tell you how many times I've written something maybe my readers have never seen before or dont quite have a popular niche but people end up loving it. If you're that passionate about your work, write it the fuck anyway but don't ever go into someone's box sideways with the way you spoke to me at the end there.
By the way, what you're talking about sounds closer to cock warming with a submissive male and possible orgasm denial. Because like i said in both asks, you cant really train a dick for tighter things. If HES too uncomfortable taking a partner thats too tight, his partner should be looser. If your female character sits on his dick to get him used to her vagina, thats still her body slowly loosening up and eventually it'll be easier on him. And obviously size training isnt needed in every case and people are different. I never said anything was a hard line in how sex should happen.
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shijiujun · 4 years
[SPOILERS KIND OF] TLTR2 - Thoughts on the last 10 episodes + EVERYTHING
Ahhhhh the found family trope gets me every single damn time!!! Honestly Zhu Yilong’s TLTR is the best I’ve seen! 
Okay first things first, TLTR as a whole was EXCELLENT in terms of characters, script, twists, SETS (wow damn TLTR creeps me out episode after episode) and the whole premise seems a little far-fetched but actually melds together really well. Pacing could be slightly better (HAHAHAHA like Wu Xie was stuck in Warehouse 11 on his own like FOREVER in the first half) but they remedied that with S2, the pacing was spot on and I was literally jumping on my feet EVERY WEEK. Reunions? Check. Xiao Ge badass catwalk from the shadows every time Wu Xie is in danger? Check. TEAM BONDING WITH LIU SANG WHUMP?! CHECK. HAPPY ENDING?!!! CHECK (could have done with an alive Jia Ke Zi to be honest, but we’ll take what we can get).
And one thing TLTR does really, really well is like touching, reminiscing scenes? Even with Er Jing?!!! And of course everytime Pang Zi and everyone else thinks Wu Xie is dying, and when Wu Xie himself thinks he’s literally going to die the next moment, wow the script is amazing?!!! I cried (okay but I admit that I cry really easily) soooo many times?!
On Er Jing - The Mole
The moment when Wu Xie recalls Er Jing saving him when he was younger, and how much he trusted Er Jing, and I do feel so sad for both Er Jing and Wu Xie? Like I don’t believe each moment for Er Jing was spent like scheming and tbf he’s not that good of a schemer, ISTG his greed and glee shows up EVERY SINGLE TIME the second he steps into warehouse 11 and Pang Zi is right, “It’s so obvious it’s Er Jing please.” Wu Xie says it as well - if Er Jing truly was a scheming little bij, he would have been seen throughout the 20 years?! So Er Jing perhaps through the years, did think about Er Shu and Wu Xie as his family, I do believe that. It’s just sad af that he chose treasure that he never saw over riches with Er Shu ya know?! 
Not sure if Er Jing and his band of crazy friends are dead or alive? Seems at the last episode Wu Xie asked to send doctors down to treat them, but I guess...
On Liu Sang
In the book apparently Er Jing isn’t the mole but Liu Sang (in a different setting, not the same situation if I recall correctly), but San Shu admits that he was drunk or smth when he was writing the ending and Liu Sang and Xiao Bai ‘disappeared’ LOLOL but San Shu has been supportive always in Liu Sang’s character, so I am soooooo glad my Liu Sang BB is pure, innocent, sometimes scheming, always whump?!! AHHHHH LIU SANG!!!!!
Liu Chang as Liu Sang is fricking amazing damn I LOVE HIS LOOK? Honestly, Liu Chang is my new obsession, I love this man. I really, really do. I love his hair, I love him with glasses, anything tbh. 
And he’s so protective of Xiao Bai?!!! LIKE LEGIT GENTLEMAN?!!! The first time when he tried to save Xiao Bai from Boss Jiao’s people in the cave, and then in the last ep, when the black thingys came flying over, he shielded her with his coat?!!! Not that it would have made a difference but damn, my pure, competent bb Liu Sang.
On IRON TRIANGLE + 4th sister Xiao Bai
Wu Xie is amazing. ZYL is damn frickin amazing too, and Chen Minghao as Pang Zi IS GOLD. HE’S SO DRAMATIC ASS?!!! And young Huang Junjie as Xiao Ge, damn. This is the best trio I’ve ever seen. This is the best trio you need. All the brotherhood shit, all the meaningful stares between Xiao Ge and Wu Xie, COME ON!!!!
And also Pang Zi taking care of Xiao Mei?!!! And Xiao Mei calling him dad?!!! I love it. AHAHAHAHA
Xiao Bai, I don’t even know where to begin. I think it’s cute, her and Wu Xie, and when Wu Xie called her and she didn’t pick up and in the last ep when Xiao Bai left him behind to run towards Pang Zi and the rest and Wu Xie’s AFFRONTED LOOK, I think he’s fond of her somewhat too. Although to what degree, in what sense, well... I just think it’s cute (ALSO DID YOU GUYS KNOW THAT MAO XIAOTONG WHO PLAYS XIAO BAI IS THE SAME AGE AS ZHU YILONG?!!! LET THAT FARKING SINK IN. THEY ARE BOTH 32 YEARS OLD OKAY?!!)
Hei Yang Jing, Huo Dao Fu, Li Jia Le, Kan Jian, Xiao Hua
AHAHAHAHA I just wanna laugh at these few - LJL especially was so mean in Warehouse 11 but the moment S2 starts he’s just a cute, clumsy bun bun who keeps getting KO-ed, glad he’s alive tho!!! Kan Jian too, so skinny and crying all the damn time, who loves his boss so much, he’s the cutest. I see a lot of fics shipping Kan Jian and Liu Sang, and tbh, in S1 I did see it quite a bit.
Hei Yan Jing and Chu Chu is frickin alive?!! Damn Xiao Hua, I knew you would have done something. Honestly, if you have so much damn money, and you let Chu Chu go without a fight after warning her that you take HYJ’s request to keep her safe seriously?!!! DAMN THE REVEAL IN THE LAST EP. Hope they meet. Baron Chen is... gosh, I love this man. Also Baron Chen and Huang Junjie were in The Pillow Book tgt and oooooof I love it I love it.
And all of you know just how much I love YOUTIAO DOC?!!! He was such a major side character in the second half of like S2 and I am all for it. His sass, his eye rolls, the way he takes care of Wu Xie and does things for him even tho he grumbles about it?!!! Damn. I need a friend like that.
On Er Shu
Honestly Er Shu was the mastermind in the novel? If I recall, it was his plan basically to get Wu Xie to go to Thunder City to get himself cured, because Wu Xie would not have done it otherwise. In fact, everyone except Wu Xie knew it was Er Shu’s plan to get him to go and that he schemed it all?!! 
And when the reveal happened, everyone was like “yeah we knew it was him and that we’re all part of his plan but we didn’t say anything” because no one knew which roles they were playing in Er Shu’s plan?! And then yeah Liu Sang turned out to be a mole but I didn’t manage to see why, but he was kind of a morally ambivalent character? And Wu Xie in the novel at one point said that he believes in the kind of person Liu Sang is and that he’s not all that bad after the reveal, so... anyway, ER SHU WAS MEANT TO BE MORE BADASS THAN THIS?!!!
I’m so sad he was really paralysed ;-; I legit thought when he stood up in Ep 29 it was really him and I freaked out but it was HYJ CRIESSSS
Overall this was definitely a drama of friendship? Forged over creepy tombs that were a mix of Frankenstein, The Mummy Returns, Aliens vs Predator and Indiana Jones?!!! FRIENDSHIP!!!! At the end of it all, Wu Xie found so many new friends that are definitely going to come running the next time they have to find another tomb? 
Like I was sad Liu Sang didn’t turn up in the last scene but he’s alive thank god, and you can imagine that the next time they need help, Liu Sang will roll his eyes but turn up?!!! And LJL also maybe?! And HDF, everyone!!!!
One thing I wanna know is what the hell is going to happen to the Wu family business?!!! Wu Xie looks like he not going to deal with the power shit, argh IDK he’s back to hobo-ing with his bros which I guess is best life.
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