#idk if she’s going through another low or.. if she’s going downhill
pwurrz · 1 year
is my dog in pain? well… probably
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hellreads · 3 years
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Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, K-pop Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Kim Taehyung | V/Reader Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Reader, Yandere!Kim Taehyung, Yandere Taehyung - Character Additional Tags: kpopyandere, Smut, Yandere Bangtan Boys, Daddy Kink, Spanking, Drunk Sex, Somnophilia, Twins, Obsession, Yandere Bangtan Boys | BTS, Yandere BTS, Stalking, Photography, Reader-Insert, Emotional Manipulation, Abortion mention, pregnancy mention, unhealthy relationship, bts smut, Taehyung smut, kim taehyung smut, Yandere, Yandere Smut, Oral Sex, Non-Consensual Spanking, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Emotional Infidelity, Dom Kim Taehyung | V, Dom/sub, Love Triangles, Infidelity, Established Relationship, Victim Blaming, yn has low self-esteem, obsessive taehyung, Stalker Taehyung, Missionary Position, Woman on Top
Your relationship with your boyfriend hasn't been going well lately. His twin, Kim Taehyung, decides to take advantage of this.
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“I know this is wrong of me and I know you probably think of me as some kind of crazy bitch who keeps fucking with you, but I’m telling you now. This is what I want.”
and yes you are a crazy one MC, if you’ve been reading this series since day one you’d know our girl here is in a very uncomfortable and unfortunate situation trying to save her long-term relationship with her boyfriend Minho while having the devil incarnate Taehyung around her testing her loyalty and resolve through and through.
I don’t think I wrote something for chapter two but that part of the story was crucial for you to see the side of Minho, the side that MC failed to see/acknowledge because she was blindly in love with him, as mentioned before he was master manipulator he knows how to play his cards well in order for people around him to bend to his will and give him what he wants and that was proven when MC decided to make things right by talking to him, ask him what’s going on and prove that what Taehyung told her wasn’t true, that he wasn’t cheating on her and I honestly believe he wouldn’t do that, it’s just Tae shamelessly feeding the two poisonous thoughts so they’d end up separating so he could pursue MC because he always knew that they’re the ones meant to be together. she was made for him as he was made for her.
so long story short Minho spilled the truth and told her he knew everything about the abortion and asked her a lot of whys? actually i’d do the same if I was him, even if she’s not ready it’s just right to let your partner know that you’re having a child together, then you make a decision and let them know that this is what you want to do, what you think is best for you, hiding things like this only feed minds with unpleasant thoughts which made it very easy for Taehyung to plant seeds of doubt by telling the kid might not be Minho’s that’s why she didn’t have the heart to tell him of her plans. but surprise surprise if you thought it was such a sweet moment that the lovers reconciled I viewed it as Minho using the opportunity to pin her down and clip her wings, I truly pity her for not having the voice to tell what she truly feels because Minho was comfortable, they’ve been together for so long it only made sense that they marry eventually even if it wasn’t what she wanted, it was so painful to watch her slowly die on the inside, but also frustrating to know that she was also falling for the wrong guy.
she wanted Taehyung probably because he was similar but also different from his twin, he gave her the attention she wanted, he made her feel things she can’t remember getting from her lover, things were wild when they all got together under one roof, everything escalated quickly and the next thing that happened Minho and MC got engaged and it only put more sinister thoughts in Taehyung’s head he didn’t act out immediately but he had plans, MC added fuel to the fire by wanting to know directly from Tae whether he had feelings for her and then everything just went downhill and he was gone the next day (scenario was wild because MC what are you doing honey?? you okay? please stop playing with fire). 
if you’ll re-read from the start you’ll know that MC here is equally manipulative in a way because of what she’s done to Taehyung, sigh everyone’s just wicked in a sense so here they are MC and Minho back together and planning their wedding and Taehyung found someone new to plaster his broken heart, poor new girl for being dragged into this mess, Tae exactly knew how to push MC’s buttons, time may seem like it wasn’t on his side but it only proved him that his patience even though it was testing him was what he needed and true enough it brought MC to his studio way too many times and waiting for her to go away made her yearn for him more and then they meet again and here goes our MC falling into another trap by Taehyung, she really needs someone to guide her jghaksjdgdfhgkd I was kinda happy that she’s finally being true to herself and accepting it’s Taehyung she wants and she will get him no matter what even if it means breaking Minho and Yumi’s hearts, but just when you thought everything would go smoothly MC wandered around and saw the photos that proved she’s been stalked and put two and two together that Taehyung’s feeling were true but also creepy and she needed to get away from him before all hell breaks lose, but unfortunately for her she ran out of time and who know what’ll happen next, idk if she’ll be kept hidden somewhere or if Taehyung would go to Minho and ruin MC then they’ll be together idk there are so many possible scenarios in my head rn but all I know is MC is regretting everything at the moment and if she could go back she would probably never ask for Minho’s number when he saved her.
ahhhh MC you poor child, I hope you learned from this experience and if you ever manage to run away and save yourself don’t look back. |  🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒
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halion-halion-aito · 2 years
Elaborate on Kon is Dick/Roy's child, please? it sounds very interesting
okay i probably spent more time than i should've on this answer. mostly bc i don't really have... Proof, lol. it's mainly about many interesting parallels that can be found between kon and them.
for once- i will never get tired of stressing just how much kon's whole characterization and his character himself are shaped and based on the pop culture of the time he was created, which is the early-mid 90s. i mean, obviously all characters have connections to it, especially younger characters (see grant and bart geek out about star trek for example), but kon? he's built from that. the 1994 superboy solo comic is full of references, both in dialogues and on titles/captions. when he first meets starling, the first thing he asks her if she knows the band garbage, and in another scene when he really thinks he's about to die and starts listing his greatest regret - one of the main ones is that he'd never been able to see nirvana before kurt died; which of course lets you know the whole musical and subcultural dimension is really really important to him.
this of course is something he's got in common with roy; i had to ask and research a little bit around, since my knowledge in terms of silver/bronze age comics is relatively more limited, but i do know that roy too was this kind of cool kid who was into the music trends. also, he played the drums in a band, the great frog, and even when he's older he's shown to be very interested in music - in titans, you can see posters on his wall of woodstock 99 and... deep blue? (i researched it tbh; it was written in violet so i thought it was some kind of parody of deep purple, but the graphic reminded me more of the 60s hippie graphics or the master of reality black sabbath album cover. so idk.) anyways this always gave him this deep perspective, channeled though well enough that he was able not to be overwhelmed but to let it flow.
also, he shares with roy this strong sense of needing to prove his worth; this kind of constant imposter syndrome, where he ends up pushing himself to his limits and still thinking it's not enough; especially since stressing himself brings them to make small mistakes that sometimes escalate. they both have this nonchalant, cool attitude, but as soon as someone needs help they become nurturing and protective and really some of the sweetest people on earth; that attitude becomes a facade to hide their insecurities, compensating the low opinion they have of themselves. they value sincerity and respect in their friendships, and validation from their mentors is really everything they need to be cheered up.
(also they both have a great paternal instinct.)
what he has in common with dick, though, is a horrible difficulty at handling transitions. like- the last part of his solo, the one where his mental health drastically deteriorated, was the transition phase from being a child celebrity (which is one of the pop culture aspects i talked abt earlier, btw) monitored and hevily realying on external inputs, to being an independent and functional adult (tbh he was seventeen approximately). and the transition phase from teen to adult is the same phase when dick started going downhill, losing the support of the titans, going to bludhaven on his own and going through a literal living hell. anyways my popint is that none of them were able to adapt fast enough to the changes their lives were going through, and they ended up crashing into a wall (except kon found a support system in the kents).
also both of them have a difficult relationship with romantic relationship; now this stems for both of them from a variety of reasons, that i will not talk about because it is a serious topic and much bigger than me, but the consequences are visible. they both tend to get attached easily, have the tendency to give up parts of themselves for the other person and get crushed when they end up... not being the person they thought they were.
and, they have a strong tendency to self blame, which roy actually lacks. roy has a mentality that brings him to do everything he can, avoiding regrets as much as he can. instead, dick always thinks he could've done something more, or avoided doing something, and feeds his doubts with what ifs and couldve-shouldve. which is something kon does, too; there are times where he ends up regretting his own existance even, and despite all the times he's been talked to about this problem he never stops building scenarios in his head where everything went okay because he acted differently.
also he shares with both of them this great empathy i mentioned earlier, this ability to connect with literally any type of person. he doesn't look like it and he sure can be a hothead, but most of the times he is the diplomat that tries to find a compromise when the team fights. he values harmony, and everyooen has to agree with whatever is being done.
this turned out to be an absurdly long and inconclusive post. anyways, TL;DR when dick and roy get married theyd better adopt kon too because they share a lot of similarities and they would be a great guide for him, much better than superman (like, the s sure has a value but clark and kon are. opposites.)
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vtforpedro · 3 years
medical update and stuff. trigger warnings in tags I’m extremely frustrated. it’s been 15 months of frustration lol so so so sick of doctors, so sick of living through this. I am tired and getting no relief you might remember, but I was given a ‘possible’ IIH diagnosis in October. we’ve been treating it like it is IIH, which means everything has always been real etc etc and the treatment is weight loss. started my ‘better eating habits’ on nov 1st. then I immediately had the thing with my chemo pill packing on a ton of excess fluid, worsening my head to the point of ER and calling my neurosurgeon, getting taken off my chemo pill, and it wasn’t until mid-december that I actually started to see any fucking weight loss cause of that my pcp told me 5lbs a month. so I’ve been right on track with that despite wishing I could lose 10 a month but that’d be starving myself so lol I’ve lost 15lbs but now something exciting is happening again!! I am retaining fluid and I have NO idea why. which means my head is now as bad as it was last summer when everything was at its worse. constant all day long, pills barely doing anything for me, vision issues, pain issues. it feels like something broke in the base of my skull/neck because I get the scariest sensations there. it’s horrible. no human being should have to live this way and I do it every single day, numerous times a day anyway I had to go to the ER last thursday A G A I N because a doctor sent me. my pupils were noticeably two different sizes. I’d noticed three days beforehand and convinced myself I was imagining it cause it wasn’t a huge difference. finally took a picture and no, def not the same size and my eye looked like it was going inward? anyway, called my pcp, they had me come in that day, he saw it from a foot and a half away, sat back, and said I need you to go to the ER, you need your brain looked at. so again, I’ve been seeing this for three days while my head has been 10/10 extreme due to pressure in it. I get there and have to wait a while but less than two hours later when they finally looked at me? gone. pupils back to normal. doctor talking down to me like I was just an anxious mess and not that another dr sent me cause he saw what I did lol and his notes were in my chart. so, wasted visit and they put a covid patient 15ft from me and intubated them, so get to remember what that sounds like forever and ever (covid patients are supposed to be separated from other ER patients). now I’m doing a 10 day quarantine while I am so severely disabled I cannot bend over to take care of my cats food/litter/etc and it’s why my mom half lives with me but she can’t right now :) getting a covid test in three hours and it’s been eight days with nothing but head issues + fluid retention so hoping it’s negative the fluid retention I had before was a side effect of my chemo pill. I don’t know why this is happening. I should be 17lbs down now and I’ve actually gained weight despite being on the same diet that lost me the 15. I’m back to 13lbs down. this makes me feel like I might be carrying 4lbs of water weight. let me break this down because yesterday a PA told me my symptoms were too ‘ambiguous’ to say if fluid retention is happening or not - fluid retention from the chemo pill was ALL felt in my stomach. it was distended and bloated like I’d eaten at a buffet every single day - head got massively worse, enough to go to the er, doc and I agreed the fluid retention causing me to fluctuate between 15lbs was making the IIH worse - not urinating often despite drinking a normal amount - got on a diuretic, seven days later the weight was gone, head was better, started losing weight this is what I’m experiencing now - fluid retention that is causing my stomach to feel very bloated and look/feel distended - head has gotten massively worse, enough to send me to the ER - should be losing weight, have actually gained weight on a low fat, low calorie diet - the only difference this time is that I am dehydrating myself (yes I know, bad, but it is literally saving my life) because I experimented one day with half my water intake and my head was miles better. still experiencing a terrible head episode once or twice a day but it’s not 10/10 constantly - and the second difference is despite not drinking enough water, I am actually urinating more often and it’s a lot more clear than it should be, the color I expect when I’m hydrating well I consider this ^^^^^ to be a good case of why I think I have fluid retention but being told my symptoms were ‘ambiguous’ and throwing me to my neurosurgeon instead is HNNNNG (esp because diuretics are known to help IIH symptoms FOR THIS EXACT REASON) I have VERY recently had my sugars checked a few times, glucose is normal. VERY recently had an abdominal CT, also normal. it’s not diabetes, it’s not something happening in my abdomen. they hear abdomen vs legs swelling and think it’s GI because doctors never fucking listen and actively put their patients in danger but o h w e l l, I guess anyway as it’s been for 15 months, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I go this way and experience agony, I go that way and experience agony I need extra hydration for weight loss, leukemia, being obese. I need less hydration because it worsens IIH to the point of 10/10 I want to die (which makes me heavily and actively suicidal. doctors see I take anti-depressants and assume idk I’m being dramatic but no, it’s really this fucking bad. I would rather die that moment than keep feeling what’s happening in my head) there’s like no middle ground and my body and these doctors are making it impossible to figure this shit out. my mom had to come over at 1:45 AM last night (hasn’t had to rush here since april 2020 cause that’s just how bad it is) because I lost my balance twice and was lucky I had something to catch onto or I would’ve been on the ground (neuro symptoms which could be IIH, could be chiari, could be stroke) and my speech got SUPER bad almost immediately. scared the hell out of me, I have never in my life lost balance that badly before things are going downhill and I would’ve thought losing weight they’d start improving but when has my body ever made this easy lol meeting a new neurologist on monday who works in the same building with my neurosurgeon. I’ve been avoiding them cause every single one of them told me I was just anxious despite specific physical movements causing an episode lmao but hopefully this guy is better and he has access to all of my neurosurgeon’s notes and stuff. I can’t keep dehydrating myself but at the same time I can’t let my head get so bad I make a farewell note for my mom, you know? it’s just been really bad and I don’t know how to get people to listen to me. I have a 99% diagnosis and they still don’t take me as seriously as they should. this has ruined my quality of life and they would have you believe that doctors take that seriously but they do not neurosurgeon wants me to see an ophthalmologist again cause of my vision issues and to check for specific things that relate to IIH. he wants another MRI done in early may cause it’s been a year since my last one by then (actually a month later, my last one was in april, but I’m curious if the neurologist will order one sooner) to check to see if anything has worsened so yeah living in absolute hell again and don’t know if I can just get a simple one week diuretic to get this fluid out of my body. what the FUCK else can it be when I’ve experienced this exact thing twice!! before. it happened to a much, much lesser degree the first time I got on the chemo pill. but the same shit :) hanging on by the thinnest thread guys and 15 months of feeling like I’m going to die almost every single day through that has destroyed my psyche. destroyed me as a person. I don’t know what to do anymore sorry this is all a lot of Bad™ but it’s been a lot of bad for 15 months. if I can keep going, I hope one day to be able to give an update of improvement love you all
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.13
a/n: hohoho the drama ensues :’)
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings @simpformiya @sayakaaaaaa @colorseeingchick @demursv1ogs​ @chrisrue15 @beanst0ck  @parttime-simp​ @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 14
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Was it actually them?
Blinking a dozen times, they were still standing in front of the room.
The same blonde hair with sharp red eyes. Messy dark green hair with matching soft green eyes. Both of them stared at you with utter disbelief.
If this were any reunion, it would have been amazing and bring a sense of relief. So why did seeing familiar faces cause your chest to tighten? The first instinct was to look at Akaashi but with clenched fists and a tightened jaw, it was something you couldn’t do. For the first time in a while, you activated your quirk and relaxed yourself.
Noticing how your mouth was agape, Akaashi looked at your fist. Seeing how one was faintly glowing, he couldn’t help but recall all the descriptions you had told him. Spiky blonde hair with an angry look plastered on his face, there was no doubt that was Bakugo from your world. The one with softer features and tiny bits of freckles was Deku. Breathing in a little deeper, he found strength to look away and focus on the two exchange students.
‘Shit…’ Those were the words that ran through your mind. Trying to think of possibilities as to how and why they found themselves in this world was beyond you. Startled at the sudden poke from Akaashi, you accepted the small piece of paper on his hand.
Everything will be okay.
Meeting Akaashi’s gaze, you pocketed the note and exhaled. Your quirk was not working but his small note was enough to clear your thoughts for a while. If anything, all you wanted to do was to run into his arms and feel his warmth but for now you deemed it best if the two boys did not know about the pretty setter.
When the bell rang for the free period, you stood up and stopped Akaashi from following you. With each step you took towards them, your heart beat increased.
“Deku? Bakugo?” Your voice cracked but it couldn’t be helped.
Standing from their seats, Deku was quick to turn and hug you. Hugs from Deku were no surprise but the hesitation on your part made him let go and hold onto your shoulders. Bakugo eyed you from head to toe before scanning the classroom. Each person all looked like extras to him.
“Is there any place here where we can talk in private?” Deku asked.
“The rooftop is a good option.” You had to answer. Gesturing them to follow, you could feel Akaashi’s stare as you three left the room.
The walk was silent and quick but when the sunshine hit the group you braced yourself.
“D’you have any fucking idea what’s happening?” Bakugo asked as he leaned on the wall and placed his hands in his pocket. Red colored orbs waiting for your choice of words.
“Fill me in.”
“As of the moment, your body is in a coma. Everything about you is stable but your brain activity is showing constant activity.” Deku explained. “You’ve been locked in the clinic for two months now, (n/n).”
Two months? Did time move faster here? Remembering how you felt before finding yourself in this dimension, you deduced that you had fainted and ended up being a vegetable. The concern now was what were you supposed to say or react to the news? Anything you say could be used against you and Akaashi.
Akaashi. Your heart was aching at the thought of what might happen next.
“How did you guys get here?”
“All Might helped us.” Bakugo cut off Deku. “How long have you been in this hellhole?”
“It’s not that much of a hellhole, in all honesty. Everyone here doesn’t have a quirk and crime isn’t all that bad.” You wanted to shrug but that would only make things worse. “How’s everyone?”
“Everyone’s doing well but Todoroki isn’t...”
“Half and half keeps insisting that you’ve been communicating with him through your quirk.” He stood up straight and took a few steps towards Deku and you. “Why’d you stop?”
“I never felt a response.” It was a lie but held some weight. No matter how many times you tried to flicker your quirk, the response never came. To the point where you simply gave up. Or was it because you began to favor living here?
“How many months have you been here?” Bakugo spoke slowly which was new for you.
“7 months, turning 8. Time probably moves faster here.” For a moment, all three of you were silent. If it weren’t for the bell, you were almost certain that Bakugo would have noticed how you were less enthusiastic about their arrival. Though, the walk back to the classroom was a bit stressful, you made sure to avoid the third year classrooms. Ultimately failing when you were now heading down the stairs.
Of course it just had to be him.
“Bokuto-san?” You put on a fake smile. One that made him stop in his tracks and squint his eyes. “Are you having free period?”
“Yeah! Who are these two?” He pointed to the two people accompanying you.
“They’re my friends from Musutafu. They’re exchange students and I took them for a small tour.”
“WHAAA!” Bokuto extended a hand, to which both of them accepted. “I’m Bokuto, 3rd year. Captain of the volleyball team! (y/n)-chan’s our manager and she’s been doing a pretty good job! Come watch us play later if you have time!”
“Manager?” Bakugo repeated.
“Yeah! She helps in our prepping our matches and makes Aka-”
“Bokuto-san.” You butted in. “We still have classes but I’ll try to let them watch you later, okay?”
Taken back a bit, Bokuto laughed and apologized. Letting all of you walk back to your rooms, he couldn’t help but scratch his salt and pepper hair. This was the first time you ever cut him off mid sentence. He also didn’t leave out the fact that you didn’t tell them about being a manager. Turning back and heading to the cafeteria, he made a mental note to ask Akaashi if everything was okay.
By the time you three were now seated in your respective seats, you couldn’t help but shut your eyes and let out a long exhale. Grabbing your textbook, your thoughts took over. Absentmindedly, you crumpled the paper and flattened it, only to repeat the process over and over again. Feeling Akaashi poke your arm, you took the note and read it.
What happened?
Taking your pen, you scribbled a response and kept your eyes glued on your two friends. Making sure that they wouldn’t see the small exchange you two were having.
I don’t know yet. But, I’m scared.
Will you go to practice?
I can’t. I don’t want them to know about you.
If circumstances were different, that would’ve hurt. Of course, It still did. However, he knew why. The one thing he feared about you being from another dimension was coming true. Remembering their quirks, he knew he held no chances and that gave him such a heavy weight in his chest.
For the past 6 months of dating, the thought lingered but he always brushed it off knowing the chances were low. More so when even you couldn’t provide an explanation if he asked about the worst coming true. Jaw stiffening, he scribbled a response.
Where are they staying?
I don’t know. Probably near my house if the patterns are similar.
Do you think you can sneak into my room later?
I will. I planned on doing it anyway :)
All Akaashi wanted to do was to drag you out of the room and wrap you in his arms but even he knew that would only cause things to go downhill faster. Inserting the paper into his notebook, he met your stolen glance and gave a reassuring smile. One that was enough to show he too was scared.
The hours dragged and finally the final bell rang. Once all your stuff was inside your bag, you lifted your head only to be met with Bakugo and Deku. The silence between you three made Akaashi’s mouth dry. Not wanting to stare any longer, he took his sports bag.
“See you tomorrow, (l/n)-san.” Giving you a bow, to the others as well, he left the room and fished his phone out.
“Do you guys wanna eat?” You asked as the three of you headed out the room. Heading the opposite direction Akaashi went. It felt weird. You were supposed to be going to the gym and help out Yukie and Kaori. Yet here you were, walking with two of your friends. Friends whom you wished never came. “There’s a nice cafe here where we can talk.”
“Why are you so calm?” Bakugo spat out and stopped walking.
“How else am I supposed to act? If you think that I just straight up waved the white flag and stopped looking for ways to go home, then you’re dead wrong.”
“Then why do I get the feeling that you’re too comfortable…” His brow was raised and glanced at Deku to back him up.
“I’m sorry, (n/n).” He scratched his nape. “Kacchan has a point. For the past two months, your brain activity made no sense but seeing how things are, it’s all coming together now. Sero was right. If you really wanted to go home, you wouldn’t have stopped trying to communicate with us or even just Todoroki.”
“So…” Your eyes were wide open. “You’re saying you can bring me back to our world?”
“Are you implying you don’t want to be dragged out of here?” Bakugo retorted. “It’s goddamn obvious that you’ve created bonds in this place. That was the biggest mistake you could ever make.”
“Kacchan…” Deku tried to calm the boiling anger his childhood friend was showing. “Having to live here for 7 months and avoid communication is impossible. But the thing is, we need you. The sports festival is coming up and-”
“There’s a plan to rid Shigaraki once and for all.” Bakugo inserted.
“What?” As if things couldn’t get any worse.
“You heard me. If your quirk weren’t useful, I wouldn’t give a fuck but knowing with your help and strength, things might turn out for the better.” He took a step forward. “You wanted to be a hero, right?”
“Of course I do.” You held on to his gaze despite the increasing weight on your chest.
“Think what you will, Bakugo.” You snapped back. Both boys staring at your clenched fists. Small beacons of light shining through. Despite your trembling shoulders, your quirk managed to control the overwhelming emotion of wanting to cry. “Just give me the day and I’ll…”
Behind Bakugo and Deku, you saw Akaashi, Bokuto,and Konoha enter the hallway. All three of them stared at you.
“Just…” Holding onto Akaashi’s stare, he nodded and assured you with a small fist bump to the air. Even from this distance, you could make out how his beautiful eyes drooped with sadness. “Just give me time to…”
Realizing that your focus was somewhere else, both boys turned and stared at their new quirkless classmate. The same person who said his farewell only moments ago. When Bakugo’s gaze shifted to you, he knew it right away.
“You fucked up, (y/n).” He walked past you and made sure to bump your shoulder. “Let’s go, Deku. Someone here needs to get her priorities straight.”
Once he was sure Bakugo was out of earshot, Deku held your shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze.
“The most number of days we can stay here is 5.” He explained. “With the machines over in our world and my quirk to sustain it, it’s the longest I can muster. But, I just wanted you to be aware that your parents signed a paper.”
“For what?” You broke away from your boyfriend’s gaze and focused on Deku.
“No matter what the outcome will be, you will be forcefully brought back to life.”
“What if I don’t want to go back?”
“You, yourself, know you don’t belong here (y/n). Everyone is awaiting your return. Todoroki hasn’t left your side ever since you fainted. Momo’s heart is breaking at the situation. You don’t have much of a choice.”
“Go to Bakugo, Deku.” You adjusted the strap of your bag and began to walk away from your friend. “I gotta do something.”
Seeing as how you were making your way towards him, Akaashi was quick to move.
“Bokuto-san. I don’t think I’ll be joining practice today.”
“Is everything okay, Akaashi?”
“Sadly, it’s not.”
- - - - -
a/n: soo... important announcement :) i usually upload every monday and my drafts have caught up with the present :( my schedule was just super duper hectic this week that i wasnt able to prepare chapters in advance :( so the next update might happen two weeks from now :( hopefully, i can fit in writing in my sched T.T im sorry if yall are gonna have to wait a little longer for this one :(
but yeah~ Akaashi’s lineup is still very much open for those of you who want to be a part of this rollercoaster!
see you in a week or two! :*
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binickandros · 3 years
(same anon from the start of this discussion) i love how in depth you got with the answer!! and i 100% agree with you now. of course i would never want 2020!nick and 2020!tom to be exactly like book!nick and book!tom. king's representation of disabilities was already outdated at the time. i just think they should've had the same importance to the plot as they do originally, and tbf, imo they have one of the best dynamics in fiction, which could be deeply explored. i do give the writers some (very very little) credit for kinda making it less ableist (like having nick sign), but they did so wrong from the start (hiring a hearing actor) that everything kinda went downhill from there. and also, nick and tom are not the only inappropriately represented dynamic, like where the hell did stu/fran come from?? how about some more stu&glen?? they made frannie know ASL, wouldn't it make her dynamic with nick more interesting?? idk i'm not very coherent right now. i just loved your answer and had to keep the conversation going lol (and im tired of talking about harold 😔)
Right, I mean it’s an adaptation, so making changes (especially updates) on a 42-year-old work is perfectly fine. Even accepted. Esp with Nick bc p much everything happens inside his head. We’ve gotta make some changes so we know what’s going on with him, what he’s thinking, etc. But that’s the challenge of any book-to-screen adaptation, and if you aren’t prepared to tackle that, you shouldn’t do it! Anyway once again I have a lot to say...
I liked that at least someone knew ASL, but it was so obvious that 1) Henry Zaga can hear and 2) they had no one on set who was deaf or HOH. The scene where the committee is deciding to send spies is the worst example. First of all, Glen, who’s leading the discussion, is BEHIND Nick. So Nick doesn’t catch a single word of what he’s saying. Secondly, at one point Nick got up and walked away, with his back to the room. So he missed that entire exchange. If I remember correctly, Larry was sort of behind Nick too. Or maybe in front of him w his back to him? Either way, seated so that Nick couldn’t read his lips. I kept pausing to bitch about it to my mom bc it was so gd annoying.
Obvs Rob Lowe is a hearing actor as well, but he made an effort to like turn ppl’s faces toward him or crane his neck to try to see their faces. He actively tried to follow conversations the way a deaf lipreader might. Some of that could be Henry Zaga’s choices, but a director’s job is to direct, and a writer’s job is to include (at least some) stage direction.
I know that Frannie wasn’t meant to be fluent in ASL, but the fact that she translated what she was saying, but not what anyone else was saying, bugged tf outta me. Also just how Henry Zaga and Odessa Young signed! ASL (all forms of sign language, but that’s the one we’re talking about here) is a 3D language: it’s not just the signs themselves, but also facial expressions and body language. That’s why you can’t directly translate ASL into written English (along w syntax, but that’s outside the scope of this convo), but instead have to “interpret” what’s being signed into written language.
Like I’m very glad they chose to have Nick signing, but just like everything else w him, they didn’t put much effort into it. Part of that could be put on the actor (I have no idea what prep work he did for the role), but like...just based on everything we see onscreen, I seriously doubt he was encouraged to do more than just “learn the signs for these words.”
When they first announced the casting for Fran I was concerned just bc of how much younger than James Marsden Odessa Young is. I think they meant Stu to be a bit younger than James, like maybe late 30s, but...idk she looked like his daughter to me. They didn’t have any romantic chemistry, and the fact that we got no backstory as to how they fell for each other just made that worse. I’m not criticizing Odessa Young here; the poor thing was given nothing to do besides sit around looking wan and pregnant; but like I mentioned in another ask, what do these 2 ppl have in common?! Who knows, bc we literally know nothing about either of them, except that Frannie’s pregnant and Stu’s a widower.
And, yeah, I would’ve loved more Stu and Glen. I’m iffy on how they characterized Glen in some ways. Like when I heard the casting for that I was a hard NO, partially bc Greg Kinnear isn’t old enough, but then they changed the character so that the casting choice worked...I’m just not sure if the character changes worked for me, personally. I did like his death scene better in this one, though. And that he actually got through to Lloyd.
Like we all keep bitching about Nick, bc that was the worst example, but ALL of the “good” characters were seriously under-served here. Where were the prophetic dreams? Where were the groups coming together out on the road? Where were any scenes of them bonding or getting to know each other in Boulder?
I was literally just telling a friend (in the middle of typing this answer) that I think sometimes when people adapt horror (I’m looking at YOU, Kubrik, bc yes The Shining is a gr8 movie, but it’s a dreadful adaptation) they think “it’s horror it’s gotta be scary” and forget that a lot of what makes the best horror is characters. Genre fiction is criticized for being too plot-driven, as opposed to literary fiction being character-driven, and while DUH obviously the plot is hugely important in a novel like The Stand, would you actually give that much of a fuck what happens if you didn’t care about the people involved?
Nick’s death carried so little weight bc they’d diminished the character to a shadow of himself, so it was just like “oh that cute boy with the eye patch died, how sad.” Unlike when I saw the 94 miniseries (before I read the book), and I was screaming at my TV. For all that I can bitch about Game of Thrones (and I can. a lot.), D&D at least knew in the first few seasons to make Ned a character you cared about, make Robb a character you cared about, so that their deaths were as hugely shocking and tragic as in the books.
Am I saying The Stand failed worse than Game of Thrones?! Idk. That’s...saying a lot...I’ll think about it and get back to you. Game of Thrones failed so much more often, and for so many more years...
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dwtsfun · 4 years
Dancing with the Stars Season 29 Week 3: The Magical World of Disney (Brought to you by Disney+)
Tonight went a little better than last week. And it was less difficult to watch than Disney night has been since season 22. I think the scaled back production actually helped the magic shine through more than past seasons. Now a few issues. 1) The first hour (outside of Monica and maybe Jeannie) was completely hosed in terms of scores. The second hour was given way more gifts (and undeserved scores). 2) I want them to branch out and use different music and themes/movies. There are tons of Disney movies and hundreds of Disney songs. We don’t need to be using Zero to Hero for the umpteenth time. 3) Tyra was great tonight.
Okay now let’s get on with the rankings (remember, I won’t be doing my usual recap until we get back down to 12 celebs).
1. Jeannie and Brandon- What a difference a week makes! Brandon was able to reign in most of Jeannie’s excess energy and channel it into the performance. I really thought that Jeannie sold the character of this dance. I really loved Brandon’s choreography. It was really cute. I’m also glad that we got a different movie finally. I think that made me enjoy it more. As for the scores, she was scored properly. However, after seeing how other scores went after these two, I could see them getting another 8.
2. AJ and Cheryl- I thought AJ really just let go and really went for the dance this week. I also just loved this quickstep. The energy was great. The performance was there. His technique was pretty good. He still needs to work some more on his frame. And I really wish he would close his mouth when he’s dancing. Again, it’s petty, but it’s how I feel lol. I don’t like it. I do think this could have gotten an 8 or two as well.
3. Johnny and Britt- There we go! There’s Johnny! He actually showed up two weeks earlier than I was expecting. Johnny seemed to get the majority of his nerves under control for tonight. I’m not sure what it was, but whatever Britt did, it worked. His extensions were great. He is so flexible. He really used that figure skating background to his advantage tonight. I just wish he had more hip action. Now let me talk about Britt and this choreography. It was really really good. She does some interesting things with these dances and it keeps me excited. It’s different and it’s unique. I had a similar feeling with Brandon and Tinashe’s dances. I guess the newness and getting an extremely capable partner gives them the ability to really surprise the viewers.
4. Skai and Alan- First, we have a movie that I have been hoping for them to use for years. I just wish they had used a different song or chose a different dance for these two. Almost There is too slow for a jive and I wish they had sped it up a little bit. As far as the dance goes, this was super underrated. If you compare this to Jesse’s jive, there is no reason why Skai only got an 18. She never got ahead or behind the music and her technique was actually pretty good for the most part. Jesse had neither one of those going for him. Now, here is Skai’s issue. She stiffens up a lot. It’s not a stiffness that can’t be helped though. She seems like she gets really nervous and that’s what is going on. Alan just has to get her to loosen up and she’ll right back at the top. 
5. Nev and Jenna- So a few things about these two. First, they’re really problematic. I don’t like using problematic to describe people because I feel it’s been overused and has lost it’s meaning. But these two? Yeah. Anyway, the dance was fine. I didn’t hate it. But I didn’t love it either. It wasn’t bad. Riker and Frankie both had amazing Pirates dances and this one was still good, but it didn’t really measure up. Nev wasn’t was steady as he could’ve been. And I just wasn’t as excited as I was for the other two. Maybe I didn’t care for the choreography. I can’t quite put my finger on it. It was good, but I liked last week better.
6. Justina and Sasha- I almost put this lower than Nelly and Daniella. But as an overall performance, it was better than those two. However, Sasha, wtf was that? That choreography was terrible. It was very low energy and half of the time, it didn’t even look like a Charleston. Also, what was with that floor part??? Besides Carole, this was my biggest “wtf?” dance of the night. As for Justina, she was also low energy and didn’t feel as light as she usually is. Also the swivels that are such a big part of Charleston was nowhere to be found. She probably could have gotten a 20 though and that would have been accurate when looking at the rest of the couples.
7. Nelly and Daniella- First of all, Nelly’s shoes were fresh af tonight. I didn’t even realize they were his custom shoes. They looked like a really shiny pair of the ballroom heels. An innovator! Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by this foxtrot. I actually thought Nelly embraced it better than either of the Latin dances. He looked way more comfortable. Maybe it’s just a time thing or something Daniella did. I don’t know. But I enjoyed it. As the judges told him, he needs to not hunch over so much. Yes, he’s got some really nice delts. But if he just opens up his chest even a little more, it will make a world of difference. Also, I’m still waiting for him to just let loose and go for it. He has everything he needs to shine. And in each one of his dances, there have been glimpses of that.
8. Kaitlyn and Artem- I didn’t not like this dance, so let’s just get that out the way. Kaitlyn did a great job. And she deserved the score that she got. I just didn’t really enjoy the dance as much as last week. I think both rumbas tonight lacked hip action. And it affected my overall reaction to the dance. It was pretty though. I’ll give them that.
9. Chrishell and Gleb- This was another improvement. However, was it 8 worthy? Absolutely not. 7s were good. It was a pretty dance. She handled it well for the most part outside of her shoulders. That’s it. It wasn’t really anything to write home about. Also, Gleb’s acting at the end? It looked like he had just got shot and was dying.
10. Vernon and Peta- This was an improvement too. Was this 8 worthy? Not at all. I’m not sure why they were throwing out random 8s to random couples when it wasn’t necessary. Heck, this dance was about a 19/20 in my book. Vernon has issues with his footwork and he still dances awkwardly and kind of small.
11. Anne and Keo- Yeesh. This wasn’t a good night for these two. The dance itself was really odd. Idk what was on Keo’s head, but it was ugly. It looked like Anne just blanked on the last 15 seconds of the dance. Like she blinked and everything just left. They were scored very harshly for a dance that was not that bad. And they had a bottom 2 appearance. So let me start by saying this. Anne actually did really well up until she messed up that kick. And it all went quickly downhill after that. Before then, her hold was decent, her posture was nice and her footwork was decent. I have to blame Keo for the choreo too. It was a mess.
12. Monica and Val- This was an improvement from last week. But a 21 improvement? Nah. Not that much. Especially when the top half of her body and the bottom half are dancing like they belong to two completely different people. Besides that, Monica looked like she was more at ease and like she was having fun. So it helped a lot.
13. Jesse and Sharna- Womp womp. This dance was a flop. He was ahead of the music A LOT. His technique was not good. It just wasn’t great. If anyone (not named Carole) should have gotten straight 5s tonight, it should’ve been him. And even that might’ve been too harsh. But he for sure didn’t deserve a 20 for this dance. Not with the way they’ve been scoring this season.
14. Carole and Pasha- Umm. Well. Hmm. Well. Yeah, umm that was a thing. I’m glad she had fun. I can’t say much else. It seemed like she enjoyed her time and the judges didn’t completely trash her last dance, so hopefully that meant some to her. That’s it.
So that’s it. Let me know what you all thought and I will talk to you all soon.
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oodlyenough · 5 years
aight... here’s a pretty long yet tip-of-the-iceberg collection on my overall thoughts on bl3 now that i’ve finished the damn thing, every main mission & every sidequest (dynasty dash don’t interact). 
obviously mega spoilers
the good
aside from that one infuriating difficulty spike when i arrived on promethea, i had a lot of fun playing. i found the gameplay a lot smoother than the others in the series (as it should be), i liked being able to climb stuff, i liked having an easy mode tbh!!
i really liked playing amara and i like the flexibility of action skills and being able to swap on the go without having to respec. the brawl tree ended up being very well suited to my type of play, it hindered me only during boss fights and even then at least i could switch to phasecast y’know
i had a lot of big fears about what this game would do and it managed to not do anything that makes me want to, like, burn and salt the earth, so that’s a win
i thought it was pretty funny! or at least on par with the other main games, which always kind of ride the line between funny and obnoxious and sometimes misstep
i enjoyed a lot of the cast, both new characters and characters who were returning but who i had no particular feelings about before, hammerlock, zer0 and ellie as particular examples
hammerlock and wainwright were cute af and it’s nice to see a gay couple in a triple-a game 
thought the twins were fun and funny af i liked them. because fandom is Like That i was a little exhausted by troy before he even showed up but even then, like, idk i liked them as a duo and i liked the break from jack honestly 
a lot of the new gun quirks were fun. i’m not like a big... gun person... but i found some cool ones i enjoyed playing with. 
loved getting to see different planets, it was a nice break from pandora all the time. and skywell was super fun! love the low-grav playfulness from TPS without the infuriating oz kit nonsense
the little quality of life improvements from previous games were great, like fast travel from anywhere, auto-refilling ammo, etc
some of the side quests were really fun. i liked the ratch quest for rhys, the birthday party quest for mordecai, the claptrap dancing quest was sweet, the buff movie buff quest was fun, the quest where i killed grandpappy 2 seconds in and got a reward was funny as hell esp because i drove off a cliff by accident, etc
lots of people had really bad glitches and stuff but... honestly can’t relate the game ran very well for me. advantages to not marathoning it before they’ve released their first couple patches, i guess, lol 
the less good
i played a solo amara and there are some bosses that seem like they would’ve been pure hell to do alone... i was lucky and able to phone a friend for a lifeline in those scenarios (shoutout to @heavybreathingcatt and @valoscope) but if i couldn’t do that idk i would’ve just broken my controller in rage i guess lmao 
why is resurrecting each other so hard? i don’t think i’ve ever done it successfully, because it takes too long and more importantly bc while i’m doing it some enemy will just toss a grenade or punch me and i get knocked away from the ally, rendering it useless
rest in peace maya, the best res AI in the whole damn game, got me through the rampager fight her damn self
there were a lot of characters and themes and ideas that i liked in theory more than in practice... because in practice they felt like a first draft. very often i felt like i liked a thing, and then on reflection thought about nine hundred ways it could’ve been better, deeper, more emotionally resonant, more developed, whatever. 
the angel stuff was kinda nice but... also... my longest deepest sigh ever @ Poor Sad Jack Some People Terrorize Entire Planets And Abuse Their Daughters To Cope With Their Fridged Wife
like the siren lore... wish i coulda heard it without having to backtrack across every map post-game
while i found the game generally pretty funny,  almost all the emotional scenes fell completely flat for me and there were a number of scenes that SHOULD have been emotional that just were not 
for eg i am actually not upset about maya or lilith dying (or turning into the moon as it were) -- i am ok with those beats for those characters, especially lilith getting a heroic sendoff. however... both of those scenes could’ve been more impactful than they were. maya’s i think was better than lilith’s, but both of them felt flatter, either in the moment or in the aftermath, than those characters deserved. 
related: NPCs reacting to major events is fun. i liked to do the tour and check in with all my buds to get their couple custom lines after a big plot thing happened. HOWEVER... those lines are obviously timed which is *mostly* fine but in some cases really, really weird? the lines about maya should stay in rotation for a lot longer. ava shouldn’t go back to LOL LET’S STEAL two seconds after maya’s gone. i missed zer0′s maya lines entirely bc i didn’t track down zer0 on time lol. stuff like that 
the bad
i miss my girls :( we really did keep only the white men huh
the last act felt severely underbaked. i have to wonder how many rewrites this game went through, and how much the back end was slapped together last minute, or cobbled together from various drafts. a lot of this felt very first or second draft, where the characters and themes are *there* but not refined at all, or they contradict each other. the family theme that goes basically nowhere and says nothing. the way the story handles atlas vs the way the story handles jakobs vs the way the story handles corporations writ large. 
for the twins -- lack of proper emotional resonance or development for them is one of the biggest failures imo, because i think they WERE very enjoyable villains and the core concept of like... evil video game streamers is honestly on-brand and funny af for the franchise... but as soon as troy died everything went downhill? tyreen’s non-reaction to her brother dying isn’t even a reaction, it’s not even “tyreen doesn’t care she’s evil lol” which would’ve been a boring direction to take anyway) it’s just.... “we barely wrote a response don’t worry about it”. her endgame is to be a big monster because... she’s ... fame hungry? huh? her motivation fell apart.w whether they went with “troy and tyreen are shitty people who get caught up in a power struggle but ultimately love each other” OR “troy and tyreen are shitty people who turn against each other in individual bids for power” could both have been interesting stories but they did neither. 
i’m def missing some echos on the twins which brings me to another thing i hate although it’s endemic to the series and not to bl3 specifically -- hiding important lore and characterization in random echos in random places on the map without even an indication of how many there are total, how many you’ve collected, where to find them... frustrating as hell. a lot of those echos are some of my favourite material in the game! at LEAST tell me “1 of 5 echos on this map” if you don’t wanna tell me where they are! why is major lore like the twins’ backstories hidden?????? 
and bc i haven’t heard them i don’t know if it’s fandom doing what fandom always does, or if it really is the game implying tyreen is The Evil Mastermind and troy is poor manipulated brother, but either way fuck that entire noise lmao of course the women of colour in the series are just Born Evil but jack and troy and whoever else are just Sad :( fuck off actually 
typhon... sucks... what an irritating character. irritating to retcon him in as The First Vault Hunter, irritating to have him talk about shit and sex all the time, irritating to have every established NPC be like oh wow my HERO typhon deleon what a HERO i LOVE him, irritating that we skate over his parenting failures, irritating that he has a fridged beloved wife, ESPECIALLY irritating he gets a memorial sidequest and maya didn’t . just. bad.
aurelia is evil now cause reasons... bad... 
vaughn also bad lmao i can’t believe they made amara yell “blood feud”... disgusting... 
the playable had no role in the story. they’re just a fly on the wall in every cut scene. this is whack in general, and a crit i can apply to all of the main borderlands games, however it is extremely jarring to play amara in a siren-heavy game and have no one acknowledge it. 
OVERALL... I guess like a B-? Maybe a B. I had fun playing it and I’m still having fun running around in Mayhem Mode and I am def looking forward to the DLCs. Gameplay is great. But while I had hoped this installment would take the storytelling of the main games a step further, it actually felt like a step back in virtually every respect. 
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mirae2056-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
hi! this is itzel, bringing another character (to pretend i know how to write).
her blog is empty lmao so let me introduce her real quick.
kang mirae, twenty-tree, staff sergeant, 52nd homeland defense infantry division
rural girl, whose family business (fishing) went downhill during the great divide
money was lacking so she and her brother decided to join the army to get a stable job
their logic was that going to school and then being employed would take time (HUNGER) & i also have this idea of the government recruiting people to keep things in order because everything was a mess
so 18 year old mirae ended up a recruit in an army base and went through gruesome training for her parents
pay was low but at least it was something - things got better as she was promoted
her first tasks involved dealing with rebels and operations to reintroduce people to the city
with the new rank she gained 5 months ago, she was able to move within the city for operations (her family also lives there now)
the army is her life and she knows how to get the job done – she especially likes it since she feels helpful
while on leave, her disciplined habits are impossible to get rid of, but she enjoys spending time with her friends and family
idk i spent an evening researching the rok army let's try to plot (?)
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eversall · 6 years
Jimon #9? Cause i love that drama 👌👌
okay idk who this is but 9 isn’t dramatic but I’m gonna do it for you anyway and then if you find the one you wanted anon i guess prompt me again????
a note: they play a drinking game called paranoia in this. you sit in a circle. first player turns to the person on their left and whispers a question which can be answered by someone’s name (i.e., who’s most likely to get in a car crash, who’s most likely to get pregnant first, etc.) questions range from really tame to really really kinky. the person the question was whispered to responds out loud with the name of someone in the circle that isn’t the person who asked the question. so everyone in the circle knows the answer, but not the question. if the person whose name was answered wants to know what the question was, they can challenge for the question by drinking a shot, and then the question has to be said out loud for everyone to hear.
send me a ship and a kiss prompt from this list! closed
9. in public
The planned wine-night at Magnus’ goes immediately downhill when Simon walks through the door of Magnus’ apartment and sees Jace relaxing on the couch, laughing at something Maia’s saying. 
“I don’t want to be here,” he says, frowning, instead of greeting Clary, who opened the door for him. She looks at him in confusion, and then follows his gaze to see what he’s looking at. 
When she see’s that its Jace that’s caught his attention, she sighs. “I thought you two were over this.” 
Simon looks at her blankly for a moment. His brain is racing with images of Jace - Jace kissing him furiously in the privacy of his apartment, Jace dropping to his knees and unzipping Simon’s jeans, Jace, splayed out on Simon’s cheap sheets, mouth open on a soundless scream and eyes fixed on Simon as he arches his back and groans, shuddering up against Simon’s body as he comes. 
“Right,” he says, unsteady on his feet as he shifts into the role of Simon, the guy who Jace has certainly never hooked up with when no one was looking. “I - I definitely am.”
He takes his coat off, and when he toes his shoes off Jace looks up and sees him. His expression immediately closes off, unreadable and hard. 
Clary shoves at Simon. “Behave,” she hisses. Simon grunts, eyes fixed on Jace. From next to him, Clary sighs and tells Simon that she’s getting him a drink. Maia gets up too, wandering off to the kitchen, and then it’s just Jace and Simon in the living room, looking at each other. 
Jace crosses his arms. “If I’d know you were going to be here, I wouldn’t have come,” he says, his voice hard. Simon swallows against the hurt that lodges in his chest when he hears that. 
“Believe me,” Simon says bitterly, “I feel the same way.” 
“Good,” Jace says shortly. 
Simon can’t help but stare at him, drinking in the sight of his arms, and his jaw, and his fucking eyes. He’s always been so weak for Jace, in a way that makes him hate himself. It’s just - Jace is funny, when he wants to be, and he’s got walls miles high but he used to let them down for Simon, let Simon see the caring, intensely loyal, genuinely fucking good person . 
He used to. Until a night of drinking and raw, honest confessions about their fears in life had turned into them breathlessly kissing each other, desperate want spilling over into the way Simon had clutched at Jace. It’s Simon’s fault - he shouldn’t have slept with someone who will never feel the same way about him. 
But - the bitter, spiteful part of Simon’s can’t help but think that it’s Jace fault too. For acting like there was some chance. For making Simon believe, when he knows how much it’s hurt Simon, to the core, to always be the guy that’s left behind in relationships. 
Now, though, he’s just - suddenly he’s just too tired for this. 
“Just pretend for tonight,” Simon says, tiredly, “for everyone else’s sake.” He turns and leaves, making his way to the kitchen and resisting the intense urge to look back at the man of his dreams. 
It’s game night, so Simon forces all thoughts of Jace to the back of his mind and tries to limit the amount of wine he drinks so that he doesn’t end up making a fool of himself. He makes sure to sit as far as possible from Jace and interact with him as little as possible, and he manages it through rounds of Werewolf, a few card games, and Mad Libs. Then they start playing Paranoia, and Simon’s instantly on high alert as the drunker members of their circle start asking more and more risque questions. 
He notices with mounting trepidation that Jace hasn’t been drinking that much either through the night. They’re the most sober in the circle. Jace meets his eyes from across the room, and Simon nearly startles backward with how bright they are, how he’s not breaking the gaze. 
“That’s easy,” Alec announces loudly from next to Jace, so loudly that he’s shouting, “that would be Magnus.” 
From next to him, Clary titters drunkenly, and then slaps at Alec’s shoulder. “I forgot to say besides Magnus in my question.” 
“Too late, no takebacks, and I’m related to some of the people in this circle.” He says, unrepentant. His voice is taking on a mocking tone that only ever happens when Alec’s truly drunk, and Simon hides a laugh behind his glass of wine, nudging Izzy next to him and sharing a significant look. 
“Challenge, Magnus?” Clary calls out. Magnus smirks, looking slightly off balance from where he’s draping an elegant scarf around his cat. 
“Of course,” he drawls, “I’m not even drunk.” He pets Church and waves his hand in the general direction of his bedroom. “Fetch, my noble canine.” Church blinks, unimpressed, and goes to sleep. 
“Ah, well.” Magnus reaches towards the center of the circle and grabs one of the glasses and the bottle of vodka, pouring himself out a healthy shot. “Cheers!” He gulps it down, and then without missing a beat he says, “Question, Clary.” 
“I asked him who in this circle has the best ass.” 
Alec snorts. “So easy. It’s Magn-ass.” 
There’s a moment of silence in the circle, and then everyone breaks into uproarious laughter. Simon snickers as he sees Maia throw a napkin at Alec, who throws it right back at her. 
Izzy sighs. “That’s such a bad question, Clary. You should have asked who the biggest ass in the circle is.” 
“You,” Clary warbles drunkenly, pointing a lazily drifting finger at Izzy, at the exact same moment that Jace says with a hard look on his face “Simon’s the biggest asshole in this circle.”
Simon stiffens, his blood running cold. Everyone awkwardly pauses to look between the two of them. 
“Er,” Maia says, “boys - “ 
Simon laughs harshly. “No, it’s okay,” he waves Maia off, “takes one to know one, right Jace?” 
He’s burning with anger, and it’s a cold and unnatural feeling, to be this furious at the same time that he’s angry. He can see Jace’s fingers fold into a fist, and he opens his mouth to say something, but the thick tension is broken by Clary swaying forward and saying, “Hey, I don’t think that was the question!”
Simon sighs, sitting back as Izzy laughs just a touch too loudly and chimes in with something else that Magnus immediately counters her on. Simon shakes his head. draining his glass of wine and putting it to the side. 
“My turn,” Alec announces, turning to Jace, who’s still stony-faced. Alec pauses, and then glances at Simon strangely before he turns back to Jace and whispers a question. 
Jace’s face pales, and his eyes sweep over the circle before his gaze settles on Simon. “No,” he croaks out, “no, Alec, don’t make me answer that.” He looks downright frightened, like he’s been cornered, but Alec is looking shrewdly at Jace. 
“I’ve been thinking that something’s been up with you,” Alec says accusingly, “so now answer the question.” 
“It’s not that simple,” Jace counters. 
Maia groans. “They’re having a conversation without us. Just answer the question, Jace, most of us are so drunk we won’t drink again anyway probably. No challenge.” 
Jace rolls his eyes. “I’m not fucking answering it.” 
Alec shrugs. “Then I think I know everything I need to know anyway.”
“Alec - “
“You’ve been running from this for two years - “
Simon snaps his head up, staring as Jace pushes a hand through his hair, looking defeated and unhappy. “Satisfied?” he asks Alec. Alec sits back. 
“Very,” he says softly. “I know what I’m doing, Jace.” 
Simon’s throat is dry as he looks at Jace, whose face is immeasurably sad. “Challenge,” he immediately says. 
“You don’t want to do that,” Jace warns. 
“I do.” Simon reaches for the vodka and doesn’t even bother pouring a shot out, just tips the bottle over and chugs a good amount. From beside him, Izzy whispers oh my God. “Challenge, Jace.” 
Jace’s mouth is set in a hard, angry line. “The question was who I would date in this circle. But you already knew the answer to that anyway, Simon.” 
Simon’s heart is in his throat, beating rabbit-fast. Everyone’s staring at them now, and there’s a pin-drop silence that stretches between the two of them, taut with hurt and tension. 
“I’m not another one of your conquests,” Simon says hoarsely. “I won’t be.” 
“I asked you on a date, Simon.” 
“While you were drunk.” 
Jace laughs bitterly. “Why would that mean I didn’t mean it?” 
“Because you never mentioned it again! Because I won’t fucking put my heart on my sleeve for someone I’m not even sure likes me, much less - “ 
He falters, his words dying in his throat. He’s said too much. Everyone’s looking at him, and Jace’s face crumples. 
“You think I don’t like you?” he says, his voice low. His eyes are dark, his eyebrows slanting down dangerously. 
Simon gestures around them. “Everything we did, we did behind closed doors. You hid me away. What was I supposed to think?” 
Jace’s expression is unreadable, and then he’s striding forward, and for a second Simon think’s that he’s finally pushed too far, that Jace is going to deck him, and he takes a half-step backwards, but Jace’s hands come up to cradle Simon’s face and instead he kisses Simon, so softly and slowly that Simon feels like he’s going to cry. Jace’s fingers are gentle where they’re stroking Simon’s hair, and Simon hesitantly curls a hand in Jace’s shirt. 
There’s a sudden wolf-whistle from what sounds like Alec, and Simon breaks away, feeling his cheeks heat with embarassment, but Jace doesn’t let him go far, keeping him in place and pressing his forehead to Simon’s. 
“I - “ Jace says, haltingly, and then he takes a deep breath. “I like you more than I know what to do with. Will you go on a date with me?” 
There’s an audience around them, but Simon doesn’t care. Breathless, he whispers “Yes” and kisses Jace again, heart jumping into overdrive as something in him settles, and he thinks oh - because this things inside him that suddenly feels right as Jace holds him close is what he thinks he’s been waiting for his whole life. 
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slaps6787 · 6 years
I wrote this last year, but never actually posted it... and since season 4 is coming to an end, and i’m once again disappointed with all the missed opportunities they had I decided this needed to see the light of day (I plan on doing this again after the season 4 finale).
Episodes 1 - 4
- I would have made flashpoint a multiple episode arc. Pretty much 90% of the promotion for season 3 was THEY’RE DOING FLASHPOINT, and i was very disappointed after it was only 1 episode. I would extend it, and play with it a little more.
- I would keep the Westallen courtship/ dating the same I FREAKING LOVED IT, that would be one of the things in wouldn’t change, that was one thing the writers did right
- Next I would’ve had iris secretly picking up the slack for Joe at work. Like she would secretly picking up his cases, and using her investigative reporter skills to solve them, so Joe could keep his job. (wally would help out too)
- I kinda liked Joe being a deadbeat cop, and it would show Iris’s compassion and her just wanting to help people (he would eventually come around)
- Wally would make his own suit, and struggling to balance college and being the flash (like he’s really smart, and is a mechanical engineer like cisco, let him be smart and a college kid) Plus I would love for Wally to try to secretly get out of class, and find an excuse for why he’s leaving
- I also would love for Barry and Iris solve a case together, they combine their CSI and reporter skills to solve a case, and would be working to solve the case     (next bullet point) In the comics they work together a lot, I want to see it happen
- Cisco I would honestly make an evil millionaire, (the person Barry and Iris are trying to take down) I loved reverb, Carlos is an amazing actor, let’s make him a cocky, stuck up, asshole who hates Iris west for exposing his company, and “The Flash” for destroying his company (I don’t have details, i just like the idea) And the Rival was a weak useless villain, and i’m sick of Speedsters not being fast enough against other speedsters
- Harrison wells would work for Cisco (like one of his henchmen) cause I like Tom Cavanagh, and I want him in here. Maybe he would try and Go after Iris or flash (details not fully figured out)
- Caitlin would be Wally’s “doctor” if anything happened to Wally they would go to her. I’m confused AF on what Caitlin’s job is, in season 1 she’s a Bio-engineer, and season 3 she’s a doctor, I know they’re not the same job. So i’m making her a doctor. We would only see her once in like the first episode, and like twice in the last episode. Helping out Wally. They only know her because Iris and Caitlin were friends (I hated how the only 2 females on the show aren’t friends, they’ve even been through the same situations, WTF writers)
- I would want to see more of barry with his parents, that breakfast scene in flashpoint was adorable, i would add a few more of those scenes
- But they only part I would keep is when his Flashpoint life goes downhill (losing memories and speed) Maybe Joe AND Wally get stabbed/ shot, and that would be the ultimate reason Barry leaves, because he realizes he screwed up, and is ruining lives
- Barry would not be the flash, I honestly hated when he suited up again, let Wally star for a little bit
- Barry would leave the end of 4, and pick up in episode 5
- Ultimately keep it light and fun and out of star labs
Episode 5
- This would be the returning back to the “original” timeline. I would make very clear what did and didn’t happen regarding season 1 and 2 (I was extremely confused on what did and didn’t happen in the new timeline I would make it very clear, and I would keep the changes the same, but the repercussions would last longer
- Iris and Joe still wouldn’t talk, Cisco’s brother would be dead, Caitlin would be Killer Frost, but Wally would have his powers (I didn’t like waiting) Julian would be introduced
- Westallen would also be official in this episode
- Jessie Quick and Harry would be introduced at the end of this episode
- Some other changes… In all honestly this is more of a filler episode explaining things
- I would get rid of Dr. Alchemy, he was useless and Savitar could do what what he did, we have to keep they focus on Savitar
Episode 6
- I would make this a West Family episode with some hints of Killer Frost.
- I feel like Iris would want Wally to be Kid Flash (felt OOC her discouraging it in the crossover) but Joe wouldn’t want Wally to use his powers so you get them “dueling” and Wally would just be confused on what he wants, and what’s best
- Wally ultimately decides to become Kid Flash
- Cisco would be salty towards Barry, but not depressed (it was a bummer)
- Barry would refuse to train wally (he’s way too busy with life) That’s when wally calls Harry and Jesse and asks them to train him
- They travel earths, and they help Wally (I LOVE Jessie Quick, and I want to see her train Wally a bit)
- Barry is trying to reconnect Iris and Joe, but they aren’t having it (I love the wests, and this storyline could be interesting, so i would make it a couple episodes; I would keep the reason they’re disconnected the same)
- Barry learns he can solve this, and just have to let it play out
- Caitlin’s struggling with her powers (Killer First is making an appearance a couple times, but controls herself)  and it leads to the next episode
Episode 7
I would keep this episode the same, I didn’t hate it, let Caitlin shine a little bit. Only change I would make is that Cisco would snap Caitlin out of Killer Frost instead of Barry (Caitlin and cisco have a MUCH stronger relationship than Barry and Caitlin)
Episode 8
This episode would also be mainly the same (I don’t watch Supergirl or legends, and I stopped watching Arrow after season 4) biggest change would be adding Jesse Quick and Wally West (They need more people to take down aliens)
Episode 9
- This episode would be pretty much the same
- Harry and Jesse would leave in this episode, and introduce HR
- Jay Garrick pops up in this episode
- Barry would still go to the future, and see Iris die, but seeing that convinces him to get everyone together and happy for the holidays
- Joe and Iris would make up
- Cisco and Barry would make up
- The ending would be the same (Party at the west house) and Barry and Iris move in together
- Not horribly different, I liked this episode
Episodes 10, 11
would stay the same Those episodes were great, and we still had hope then
Episode 12
Only Difference I would make is Iris gets targeted by Yorkin because she’s feeling ballsy she exposes him, for murdering people and gets hit then
Episode 13 + 14
I would still make a 2 parter, but not at gorilla city (it bored me) What always bothers me about this show is they have endless possibilities, but they stay in star labs all the damn time. The Earth 2 episodes are from last year are 2 of my favorite episodes from this series. I would have Cisco go to earth 19 to chase after Gypsy, and get’s stuck there. So HR, Barry, Wally all go to earth 19 to get him back, and we see Different versions of all the characters (IDK what to do with them yet)
- While they’re away I would put Iris through the 5 stages of grief
- She would still be in the denial stage, but looking into savitar, and learning more about him, and actively trying to stop her death
- Joe would be trying to spend A LOT of time with Iris, and would constantly be checking in on her. (He’s just an emotional mess honestly)
- I would spend these 2 episodes setting a strong friendship with Julian (I hated how he was another bland love interest for her) I’d make them bro’s
- And the proposal would not happen until the musical episode (more on that later)
Episode 15
- This episode was depressing AF, and useless
- I would introduce Tracy Brand now (I LOVE her but she came out of nowhere)
- She’s a scientist who is interested in Meta humans
- Tracy approaches Iris to help her with some research to prove her “hypothesis” because Iris has written about Meta humans before
- They work together and they become friends (because we need more female friendships)
- Wally and Barry Train
- Caitlin and Cisco work together
- Just a fun filler episode
- Joe finds out that he get’s honored at city hall (because what happened to the plot line)
Episode 16
- Another depressing, and filler episode,This would be a Joe West episode. He finds out he get’s honored in the future, so the episode is basically him being a lousy cop, doing everything to not get honored. (More on savitar later...)
- Little hints of Killer Frost, she’s slowly losing it
- Iris is still researching savitar
- Joe ultimately fails, and does something amazing, and does get honored anyway (no details figured out)
- Joe refuses to be honored, but everyone convinces him to go
- Everyone attends the ceremony, and is all dressed up (I always wanted Barry and Iris go somewhere as a couple)
- But Joe doesn’t show up
- Iris finds out that Joe didn’t show up because he doesn’t want her to die
- And she’s sick of people treating her differently because they know she might die (This is the Anger part of the 5 stages of grief)
- She’s mad at Barry because everything is his fault, she might die because of him
- Plus I low key like when they fight, and this takes away all they forced angst between them with the first proposal, and we give iris more of a POV for her death
Episode 17
I would keep the musical the same, I personally loved this episode. And by taking out the first proposal, this one is more impactful
Episode 18
- I hated the plot for this episode, it furthered nothing. But I liked abra kadabra
- Abra Kadabra would be on the run from Gypsy (trying to get back to his century)
- Iris would be at the “bargaining” stage of grief, and bargains with him to give her information, but he doesn’t
- I was hoping for some tornado twins or impulse foreshadowing
- SO maybe Abra doesn’t help Iris because he knows that if she lives she has kids, and their grandkids become his greatest enemy (I didn’t like barry being his enemy, just felt stupid)
- Caitlin would somehow become Killer Frost (idk why yet, I just didn’t like the - whole “Caitlin is dead” we know a version of her is coming back, and Danielle Panabaker does a WAY BETTER JOB AS KILLER FROST THAN CAITLIN)
Episode 19
- I would keep this episode the same, only 2 differences
- Iris would be at the depression stage, you see her break down, and finally being vulnerable
- Barry would return to the future and FREAKING GIVE IRIS ALL THE LOVE (low key add a reunion sex scene because i’m thirsty AF)
- Yeah I didn’t hate this episode
Episode 20
- I would make this episode all about Barry and the speedforce, and use this episode as a set up for the season finale when he leaves (since it sort of came out of nowhere)
- And this is when Caitlin goes full killer frost (a good chuck of the episode would be dedicated to her)
Episode 21
- I honestly wouldn’t change a thing about this episode, favorite episode of the season
- But maybe give Barry a real reason to get his memory back
Episode 22
- This episode would play out like how 22 played out, I liked captain cold, and personally loved this episode, except for the “iris died” ending
- Iris is at the acceptance stage of grief, and goes around saying her “goodbyes”
Episode 23
- I would make this episode an intense, earth hopping, basically one big chase to keep Iris hidden from Savitar, and let everyone uses their powers to fight against savitar
- Every person with meta powers would chip in and keep her safe
- HR would not die, i love him as a character, and it was too predictable
- And the season would end with Iris not dying because of The Thinker, since we know he’s the big bad in S4 because Iris is apart of his “big plan”
- I hate how predictable this show has become, none of the “twists” were surprising, I heard theories on how the season would end and it did the way everyone predicted. With the HR swap.
- Barry would only go into the speed force for reasons in “my” episode 20
One shall betray- Caitlin
One will Fall- Iris
One will suffer a fate worse than death- Barry
SO yeah, this was a long ass post but, I was mad and angry with where the Flash is going as a series
So if I was in charge this is how it would’ve went
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lolana07 · 7 years
Fear 3x13
I don’t know where to start on this episode there is just too much to say so apologies in advance for jumping all over the place but AHHH this has to be the best of the series so far. I’ve read multiple reviews online saying how this episode balances the zombies vs human aspects of the show and dammit! It does that so damn perfectly I can’t even I don’t know where to start! Okay, deep breath, here we go:
I’m going to get my more negative thoughts go first, so without further ado, WHAT THE ACTUAL FFFFRACK NICK AND MADISON! Half of me is so $%@#@%# happy Alicia is not with her mother anymore, the other half is like, Madison that’s your daughter. We all know you prioritized Nick over her, but seriously? You just, what gave her a hug and some provisions and just? Waved bye? And then fought Nick? Are you @#$#$%$@?!!? Okay I do have to say, thank goodness, she got to the bunker when she did…but that’s about it.
And Nick. Nick I hope you and ThatGuy pull a Thelma and Louise by seasons end. First you joke and tease your sister about Jake saying someone’s gotta protect him, then you cause his death (Don’t Even Come At Me!) and then you lie to her face about it to cover for ThatGuy? Go Float Yourself! And now you’re going to tail Alicia to make sure she’s safe? With ThatGuy?! Oh hellll no!
Anywho, on to more exciting thoughts :)
I sadly had very low expectations for this episode because I though Disaster Madison and Co. were only minutes away from the ranch and were going to devise some crazy plan to ‘save’ the ranchers along with He Who Must Not Be Named and Nick. So the first maybe 10 minutes I semi glossed by thinking Madison was going to burst in and bring along pandemonium. Then when Alicia mentioned less people more air, I completely forgot about everything outside the bunker and air vent, and the episode went to deliver amazingness is spades.
On talking dead they mentioned Alicia pulling out some AP Biology math skills and wow without a graphing calculator? Daaamn!!! But when she said fewer people less carbon dioxide, Ofelia’s face of recognition was on point. I just can’t even, but making that suggestion knowing that a guy in the ‘room/circle’ was bitten? I don’t know if Alicia really knew what she was getting into, not really. I’m not sure I really knew what she was getting into, that’s how enthralled? I was during my first watch. Up until the first..sacrifice? She was compartmentalizing the entire ordeal. Confidently asking people to come forward, clear voice eye contact, everything. Maybe it was shock from the past few hours outside, idk.
Ofelia said it last time as they walkers were flooding past the trailers, that the ranchers now listen to Alicia, and they will follow her. This episode completely cemented this, and then brutally ripped it away without mercy, and it was gorgeous. One of her first scenes is handing out water and putting her own panic on the backburner, and looking at the larger picture.
There are multiple references to other shows that could be made, but having seen the ‘come forward’ scene in the previews, I thought there was going to be a riot and someone was going to die and through the riot, they reanimated and that’s how the zombies got in. But noooooope! I shouldn’t have been surprised, but due to my low expectations for the episode still lingering….then the ranchers started giving themselves up, and dammit that’s probably when I started getting emotional. That one Nation man who stood up with that look of I don’t even know on his face? How can you not get emotional over that expression? But then later onnn, ughhh!
Ofelia and Alicia’s hug bye and then Ofelia glancing behind, ahh! That got me too! Last episode was bad enough, thinking all three weren’t going to make it, but now thinking that again? I’ve said it before but I am loving these two working together these past few episodes, and I’m so upset they are separated, so upset. The fangirl in my wishes Ofelia was able to go with her but oh well.
I understand why the bunker may have medicine, but why so much morphine? Morphine is Intense, so what was it doing in there? Such you may need some, but boxes of it? And what is Christine doing with the bitten? If she was doomed from the start, she would have been done by the time the air started knocking them out..? This whole morphine scene was gorgeous in the most dark and impossible ways. Yes a main character is leading the scene, but for me it was the extras, or the background characters who just hit this scene out of the park. Their reactions and faces and trying to give themselves a way out….damn! Just wow, Alycia took a backseat in this one, and it was perfect.
This is also where the episode gets harder to talk about because part of me tries to think, what if that were me? In either position? Would I be selfless enough to give myself up? Would I be able to let a loved one go who was bitten? Would I be okay knowing what would happen to me? Would I be able to do what Alicia did?
I do wonder why Christine didn’t help Alicia actually…do it. She gave her a pep talk (which oddly was like Madison saying Alicia you’re always the strong one), gave her knife back, and .. until later, that’s it. Their talk though was perfection. She made up for her Madison-esque pep talk tenfold and told Alicia to never make decisions based on fear, and damn I need to come back to this character/discussion again later! Both ladies delivered their lines perfectly, the lady who played Christine almost stole the spotlight from Alycia, and Alicia telling her story about camp and Nick and the song, and then the song coming back later….I may not hear that song the same way again. And not just bc its real-world contexts. But WOW speaking of acting! I mean this entire episode the acting I just can’t even, you can tell everyone put in their 200% on this, and it shows in every sequence in that bunker and air vent. Like I said Christine almost stole the scene, and the background characters just sold the dire situation and sold the emotion. If any of them had given less than they had, I think the episode would have failed. But it was perfect. Alycia’s this land is your land camp monologue was gorgeous and heartbreaking and just encompassed everything that character I built on. I hope she gets recognition for this one. Its amazing.
Question: When Alicia took care of the first guy, from the beginning who she noticed was bitten, and helped her through it all, he kept saying he was sorry for everything he had done. And I don’t know what he is referring to. I thought he was new to this episode, what am I forgetting? Was he one of Troy’s?
Ofelia Interlude:
I completely forgot Ofelia and Crazy Dog were in the vents. Completely. I also thought in the preview/trailer, Crazy Dog was being attacked, so I thought he was done before the episode even started. And just another surprise was this really touching and raw moment between him and Ofelia, who we have seen work together and then I thought they were going to die last episode and just sdfsdfsdfsf I can’t!
It’s All Downhill From Here:
I will say, as many have, one of the episodes few flaws is that Alicia, out all Everyone in the bunker, was the only person to survive. . . . . . .  . . .. ??? What? No even one more? ……….. What?
Other than that, the rest of the bunker balances the human aspect of the show with the zombie aspect perfectly. I was so engrossed in the acting and story that it never occurred to me what it meant if someone died because of lack of air while in the bunker. I guess I forgot that the ‘disease’ is airborne, so I didn’t even think about the suffocated reanimating, because I was like, oh no air then you can’t move obviously….. Until Alicia woke up that second time and I remembered zombies don’t need air.
Okay this is reaching, but part of Alicia’s second awakening reminded me of Rose on the door in titanic…I know that’s bonkers but something about her singing the song and the fuzziness of the first few seconds just had me for a sec. Then the zombie rancher woke up! The scene of Alicia knocked out and the zombies getting up though!!!! Very chilling!
Ofelia Interlude No. 2:
Okay I’m a broken record but I thought they were going to die again and part of me ughh wishes one of them did! I am glad that they showed Ofelia being affected by the gunshot close to her ear though.
While it was greatttt seeing Alicia fight off the zombies and get Christine into the locker, it’s also heartbreaking because literally all her hard work of protecting the ranch and trying to find water and merge the groups together and killing the bitten to save air for the others to live was completely worthless in the end. She’s taking out everyone she fought so hard to save, and she couldn’t even save Christine in the end. I like how Jake teaching her about arming up helped her here, so it wasn’t unbelievable that she was able to shoot them down. I also have to hand it to the music dept here too, it’s just greattt. Then Madison shows up.
And that’s where the episode ends!!! (Actually no Ofelia finding out about Daniel, @%#$%#%$!!!) Haha, ugh. I was posting as I watched and I was so amazed by this episode I prematurely was like it can do no wrong it’s amazing I love it! And it’s at this part of the review you can go up top and see what it thought of the last few minutes.
 Thanks for reading!! Next week looks great but I won’t get my hopes too far up
@zombiechels @thedoctor-smith @3coffeecups @viguaquis @adistantstarblog 
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What A Pair We Make (Reid Garwin)
Anonymous said:
(1) First of all, can I just say that i rlly love ur blog. 💖 Second, please please please, write one about reid? like the oc is the fem version of him but a little bit like blair waldorf? thank you in advance and please keep writing 💖 ur imagines are golden 😊😊😊 
(2)  HIIII! aww may gawd, u replied 💖 (with a cas gif. I love u too, fam) sorry if it was vague, maybe the story could be they’re in this love/hate relationship but some hoe is trying to flirt with reid and oc gets real jelly? and then blurts out that she loves him??? please??? :3 thank u sm for this. cuz im legit having reid feels & idk how to handle this. 💖💖💖i
(OC’s name: Peyton Morris)
Word Count: 1,289
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It was another gloomy day in Ipswich, Massachusetts and just another day at Spencer Academy for one Peyton Morris. She exited her family car rather dispassionately, while genuinely thanking her driver. This has been her daily routine for the past year after her family’s move from Manhattan, New York.
She never got around to asking her parents why they moved but there was a part of her that like the simplicity of Ipswich. Spencer Academy was a different subject, entirely. It almost disappointed her when she discovered it mirrored her old school. Well, the zip codes may be different, but douche-bags are the same wherever you go. Meeting Kira Snider and, subsequently, Aaron Abbott didn’t turn out to be an overall good first impression.
She’d been waiting for class to start when a shadow fell over her desk. She knew then that she definitely wasn’t going to like the person responsible.
“Hi, I’m Kira Snider. You must be new,” a barely contained sneer marred an otherwise average female face.
“Peyton,” a tight smile formed on her own face, unwilling to back down from a would-be instigator.
All eyes were on them. Peyton wasn’t the first to go through this and she doubted she’d be the last. Private school politics were becoming such a pain.
“Ipswich is a long way from Manhattan. What is it that your parents do, by the way?” The mock-interest was clear; so was her intention.
Peyton smiled as she began, “Listen, Snider, um, there are some things,” she nonchalantly regarded Kira, “we need to clear up.” She paused to give some semblance of a chance for the other girl to get a word in. Peyton stood and faced the seemingly self-proclaimed Queen B, “I don’t care if you run this school or think that you do. I don’t care who you are, who your parents are, and I certainly don’t care about what anyone in this school may think of me. What my parents do is our family’s business, no one else’s, least of all, yours.” Kira’s reddened face amused her immensely. A slight smug grin appeared on Peyton’s face. “Furthermore, you’re right, Ipswich is a long way from Manhattan and I hate to break it to you, because I’m pretty sure you have low self-esteem already, that’s like comparing Chihuahuas to grey wolves. And that means whatever you dish out,” Peyton tsked, “I can dish out way worse,” she finished in a stage whisper.
There were hushed snickers that descended upon the classroom.
A boy appeared behind her, sneering, “We could make your life hell.”
“I vacation there. It’s actually quite nice in the summer,” Peyton countered easily.
The teacher chose to walk in then. Her practiced, cold stare visibly unsettled the pair and she watched them walk back to their seats. The rest of her classes were uneventful. Then, she met him. More like heard him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone execute a takedown as good as the one you pulled on Kira,“ the male voice sounded as giddy as his owner looked. He stuck out his hand, “Reid Garwin.”
One look at him and she knew he was trouble. And that devil-may-care grin didn’t win him any brownie points.
“Peyton Morris,“ she informed as she walked passed him
Reid Garwin was attractive with his blonde hair and blue eyes. She didn’t exactly hate him but they didn’t exactly have a friendship. Reid made Peyton wary. There were so many mixed signals they were sending each other. She’d think there’d be a spark but the next minute, it’s gone, nowhere to be found. And Reid was a player, a flirt, but Peyton wasn’t a saint either. Though she’d never slept with any of her male peers, she was positive Reid had atleast sampled a few their female peers.
In the weeks that followed, there were whispers about the pair. The rumor mill was producing so much salacious gossip, even Provost Higgins had to step in. The provost issued a kind of gag order, one that would be enforced by school officials, and teachers, coaches, etc. The rumors stopped but the otherwise-stable friendship continued.
A year later, this is where they are. She sighs thinking of her attempts at relationships while at the Academy. All very promising young men but she could never get the one she actually wanted out of her mind. It earned her the female equivalent of Reid’s reputation, except hers didn't afford her bragging rights. An arm slung over her shoulders broke her chain of thought. She didn’t have to see who it was but she turned to look anyway.
“I thought I was having a shitty morning but the I saw you," he winked.
She smiled ruefully, “Funny mine continues to be a downhill slide." She shrugged off his arm.
There were people looking, freshmen girls by the look of them. It always made her jealous but he wasn't hers so there was nothing she could do really.
“Don’t you have fresh meat to spoil or something?" She tried to make it sound flippant but lately she’d lost her touch. And it seemed the bastard had almost caught on.
“Nah, 'm not really interested in training when I know someone already knows the tricks,"he barked a laugh, “Hey, Peyton, what's -?"
She power walked to her first class, intent on ignoring Reid for as long as possible. Alas, the universe had it out for her; there was some conspiracy for sure. That's what her mind immediately went to when Peyton Morris saw one of the new class sidling up to the recently shunned blonde-haired, blue-eyed wonder. The freshman wasn’t even trying to hide it; she wanted people to know.
Fuck. Me. Sideways.
She walked up to them just as the freshman laughed at something that was most likely not funny, if the faces of the rest of the group were anything to go buy.
“Hey guys, " Peyton quickly acknowledged the guys before turning to Reid, “Reid, can we talk for a second?"
“Who are you, his girlfriend?” she asked, as if Peyton very existence was a personal affront.
Peyton took a second to collect herself and adopted her best patronizing demeanor. She looked right into the freshman’s eyes, “I’m the one who can and will make you immediately irrelevant.”
She doesn’t have time to hear the younger girl’s response. She’s being carried through campus over Reid’s shoulder. At least he’s got the decency to hold her skirt down. It’s some time until the blonde finds a private enough place, somewhere behind a school building.
“What the hell was that? Back there?” The question came from the deepest part of him, Peyton could tell.
She sighed, “What do you think it was, Reid? You’re smart. It’s part of the reason I-” She’d almost said it, almost let it out into the damn universe.
An incredulous look descended upon his face, “You what? You always act like I’m your worst option. There’s no way in hell. No. Way. You can’t be jealous because you don’t-!”
“You don’t get to tell me that shit! We’re both idiots because we know I’m jealous because I love you, you massive idiot!” She hadn’t intended on getting so impassioned by her declaration; she got louder than anyone had ever heard her and she was out of breath.
For once, Reid was speechless He’d never heard you cuss before either. Peyton realized then what she’d done and only felt mortification. Well, she did until she heard him laugh.
Her head between his hands, he put his forehead against hers. “We’re probably the biggest idiots Spencer Academy has ever seen,” blue eyes sparkled with mischief, “but we'll be each other’s idiots.”
Peyton spoke then, his lips barely a centimeter from hers, “What a fucking pair we make.”
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video game ask: all remaining evens
i feel like this is nhi getting revenge for dodging her question earlier
but im game
Sorry for the Long Post, Friends
4. Who do you play with now?
Recently, I’ve been playing a lot of online Overwatch with friendos! It’s a really rockin’ roaring good time.
6. Ever buy strategy guides?
I’ve never done this.
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?
IDK ABOUT RARE BUT i do have a broken, Taiwanese version of Sonic Battle that took a month to ship. TALK ABOUT A WASTE...OF A PURCHASE....
Other than that, my games are kinda normal.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?
12. Ever get picked on for liking games?
14. Favorite game music?
YAAAAAAAA’LL I LOVE VIDEO GAME MUSIC I can’t possibly pick one track that is my Favorite Game Music. So I can just name a few.
- Ghost Trick’s Entire OST
- All Versions of Cornered from PW
- P-R-O-G-R-A-M from Kirby Robobot (A lot of other kirby tracks too. I love all the Air Ride tracks)
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?
Probably Overwatch right now.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?
not really a dater
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?
i’ve beaten Ghost Trick more than five times. highlight of my 14 year old career was helping a streamer/content creator i liked through the puzzles live while he was streaming. i feel like if i tried i could speed run it.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?
I have very little gaming clothes/accessories, mostly because i get very embarrassed when wearing them in public. They’re mostly stuff for pajamas, and i don’t usually go out and seek them either. They’re gifts!
24. First Pokemon game?
Pokemon Emerald!
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?
nah, i’m a chill gamer
28. Ever play in a tournament?
I thought very briefly about playing in a local smash tournament at school, but stopped myself because of Anxiety. That and they don’t play Smash 4 because they’re Melee Only
30. How many consoles do you own?
Right now, I currently have around 8+, counting the DS’? I still have my original DS and a DS Lite, 3DS and Max 3DS and my Gameboy SP is still around somewhere. PS4, Wii U, Wii
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic
When I was younger, I did this a lot! I have the Spongebob Movie game, a Powerpuff Girls game. A Kim Possible Game. One of those Nick Crossover games. I had a Shrek Game and a lot of spongebob/powerpuff/kim possible games.
34. Do either of your parents play video games?
I taught my mom how to play COD when I was younger and she actually turned out pretty okay! She also LOVES Mario Kart, and she actually introduced me to it/taught me how to play 64 back when we had a Nintendo 64. We play Double Dash all the time, as it is her favorite. She’s very good.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?
First game I cried over was Ghost Trick, it’s been a downhill battle ever since with video games.
I think I sweat when I play Overwatch every time because of Stressful Lucio Situations.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?
I actually didn’t hate Sonic Chronicles but I literally have no defense for it. It’s awful, but i enjoyed it when i played it. Babies First Owned Sonic Game Nostalgia.
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?
kirby kirby kirby thats the name you should know
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?
OKAY i don’t know Why we had it but. When I was growing up we had an actual Original Donkey Kong arcade machine? And it kicked my ass? All the time?
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?
I don’t usually like this kind of game? But I played Tomodachi Life for a long time and it helped me when I was overrun with Crippling Anxiety. I lost the cartridge and I’m kinda sad about it, but c’est la vie.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?
It has to look like me and if it doesn’t I riot
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?
I wasn’t really a begger for Video Games? I was satisfied with whatever I had at the time and played it forever until my mom decided it was Time For Another (hence my low game pool). I think the only game I really got on my parents for was Pokemon Emerald, because I had played the demo earlier in the year and was Smitten.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales?
my frugality is unparalleled.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?
Never had the games!
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?
Ghost Trick
Pokemon Moon
Kirby Robobot
60. Do you know the Konami Code?
Yes! Up Up, Down Down, Left Right, Left Right, B, A, Start.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?
I was very, very tempted to buy an XBONE just to play Titanfall, but i didn’t and got the PS4 instead, that I never use.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?
I have a gaming computer now
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?
these are two ancient words i never thought i’d see again (no, i never did)
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?
The last arcade I went to was at Planet Play, and it’s been so long since i’ve been (like, it’s been more than a decade) that I honestly can’t remember how Young Me used to save her tickets in there. I think I held onto them, because i’m a horrific hoarder and even in my youth i kept Everything.
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lunnonbridges · 4 years
saw Rachels tumblr post wrapping up her 2019 so ima do the same thing lol ty for the inspiration rachel <3
2019 was wild had some amazing highs and some devastating lows but i mean that happens every year lol.
school: completed my favorite clinical ever in the ED wow i could go on forever about it because i enjoyed it so much and i learned so much and wow ED nursing is amazing and so crucial i can’t wait to work in the ED again in a few years (hopefully) overall i enjoyed school surprisingly i love nursing and i can’t wait to finally use my BSN, RN in action in a few months. i!! am!! a!! college!! graduate!!! passed NCLEX too thank god (no real lows in the school department actually)
work: got to put my RN license in action working as a flu nurse haha i thought it was gonna be more intense but it was actually pretty chill just giving shots lol im not afraid of giving shots at all now because i did it literally for a job lol. got hired to be an oncology nurse at swedish which was nice :) the not nice thing was having my license delayed though which means now i am not working as a nurse T_T but i mean at least i still have the job--just got delayed but nothing to beat myself up over it. glad i found a full time babysitting job to fill the void in the meantime though :) winston is a very cute baby and i love him a lot and i am excited to see him again ahah hes such a darling and pay is enough for me to pay rent and some but rip savings haha
family: feels kinda the same? i’ve always been decently close with my immediate family i guess but going to the wedding and seeing everyone for the first time in a while was weird--i am def the most liberal and like out there out of the entire family i would say like what i believe in and what i hold important etc but i mean thats also not a bad thing--they focus too much on religion and like conservative ways in my opinion and i am too scared to talk about that stuff with extended family lol bc they are so stuck in their ways and i dont want more lectures lol i dont go to church in seattle but i go to church when i am home lol all convos at home become church related somehow and i hate it honestly...i don’t want religion shoved down my throat anymore please!!!!!! it is so suffocating
fitness/body image: started gyming a lot this past summer and continued it until december loll bc i got busy with life but i gained a lot of muscle mass and started feeling good about how i looked for the first time ever really (so sad i know) gained some weight too but that’s ok bc muscle mass. hopefully i can go back to the gym in january so i can work on getting slim thiccc lol i’m such a twig. i am not worrying too much about weight anymore because it is just a number! but i do relapse sometimes and worry too much over how i look--it is a work in progress
friendship: for the most part good or actually honestly all good because the only friend i feel like i kinda lost is Jason? but i mean hes off doing his own thing with his own friends and SO so its ok. if he’s happy im happy for him! maintained friendships with everyone i was close with before and even caught up with some old friends like alice, esther, rowena and i even met up with priyanka once although she never hits me up anymore lol i tried ok she is a busy person. got pretty close with like albert and will especially the past few months and everyone else really through talking to them about my struggles and issues and i know they all care about me truly <3 i love my friends and i am very grateful for the bunch of them. still close to michael and michelle! and i became close to michelle kang thanks to rachel <3 hehe i love rachel she keeps it real for me and is there for me regardless i love living with her and being with her and she just gets me ya know? ily lots rachel wifey <3
relationships: wow where do i even begin....life was going well with jason and then it just went downhill and i am writing this post as single as i can possibly be HAHA we broke up in sept after 3 years but no hard feelings right? hes with someone else and i am content/over him for sure---i was losing feelings which is one reason why i called it off lol but ya he taught me alot but at the same time a lot of people don’t think he was the best for me lol...they all tell me i could do better/glad i am not with him so interesting to hear this now tbh we had some issues and they couldn’t be resolved properly...hope he isn’t mad at me or anything idk....i can say confidently that i am over him 10000000% and i won’t look back. downloaded dating apps in seattle lol and i got wrecked for 2019 HAHA met a really nice guy and hit it off well and i was really liking him but ya tldr did couple-y things and were even exclusive just to have it called off bc there was no attraction and surprisingly i’m not mad at all even now! it hurt the first few days but im over it now. thank you next! (if youre reading this please know this is true and i do want to be friends and this time apart with me being in the bay has helped a lot--took my mind off of a lot of things lol i just want whats best for you!) i know hes looked at my tumblr before lol thats how close we were imo since only a select handful know of this page... he was the first guy i was amazed at for his maturity and levelheadedness actually so kudos to him! not many guys are like him so hopefully the next is just as mature lol i am talking to some guys super casually tho but ya i gotta just focus on myself and friends/fam instead of boys lmao...i am extremely afraid of being vulnerable and opening up and even truly liking someone again because they always leave and i always get hurt and broken lol hopefully i learned my lesson this time haha boys are scary and i have 0 expectations anymore ha ha ha! im open to dating not too sure about being tied down though idk if the right boy comes along so be it!  i dont want to come off as like dependent and insecure and always needing a boy with me for validation--i dont want to jump from 1 boy to another boy so fast bc my heart needs time to heal and recover lol i am baby heh 
this is a very long post so ima write my 2020 goals on a different post aha overall 2019 sucked kinda but also didn't suck lol hopefully 2020 is better haha
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