#idk I think it’s amazing to look and learn about other interpretations even if you disagree
It's been some weeks but here I am now to respond to your response lol. So first of all, I'm definitely leaning towards nocorro but tbh I have like a few versions of this au in my head, all of which lead Spider down different paths depending on his love interest (or lack thereof) because I feel like each one would bring out something different in his ikran ambitions:
Spider/Neteyam - he fulfills his dream of becoming a racer.
Spider/Lo'ak - he eventually travels all over Pandora to learn everything he can about ikrans, becoming an expert in caring for, training, and riding them.
Spider/Kiri - he becomes an amazing ikran caretaker, focusing his energy on the health and well-being of them.
Spider/Rotxo - he realizes that the na'vi avoid riding the forest ikrans (which I imagine are what would dominate the forests of the Metkayina's islands) because of their size but he is just the right size. This leads to him being the first to utilize the smaller island ikrans with an interesting twist.
Spider/Ao'nung - he actually creates ilu racing in this one lol, it's all part of this storyline in my head where he manages to use his knowledge of both ikran training and human animal training methods to adapt to an ilu style and bond/train an ilu into helping him escape Quaritch. I'll tell you more info in another ask if you want it's a whole thing.
Spider/Tsireya - he paves the way for a new ikran sport: a mash between equestrian trick riding/vaulting, with quite a bit of acrobatics included.
Spider & the Sullies - he becomes their personal trainer, bonding with each individual family member and their ikrans and helping them to make their own marks on the ikran rider community all while helping to heal the distance within the family (among Jake and the boys specifically). I like to think that in this one he bonds with a forest ikran and carves out a place in ikran racing all his own.
And these are all very much active in my mind. I've always loved the idea that just one choice, one source of influence, could change your fate. I like the idea that there's a universe where Spider and Neteyam fall in love and become an ikran racing power couple and I like the idea that there's another universe where Kiri beat Neteyam to the punch and instead Spider focuses on all he can do to care for these amazing creatures, etc.. You can see what parts of him each path brings out.
On another note, some of your hc's will definitely be making an appearance because there were a few that I loved and thought fit so perfectly with what I pictured. I look forward to you seeing which ones stuck with me lol. And I love that others have their own interpretations that they want to write about! It'd be so fun to see what others come up with! Fun fact: I never intended for Spider to become a racer himself, I was vibing with the concept of him being this amazing ikran whisperer who brings a different perspective to the bond between person and animal, but because of the reaction that you and others have had I've added that into my thoughts!
Anyways, I know I work slowly but trust and believe I can't wait to get the next installment out so hang in there! Oh, and I can't believe I forgot to send you a link to my newest fic
You totally don't have to read it, I'm still not even 100% sure if I like it myself, but idk I've sent you a link before so it'd just feel rude if I didn't now that I've started to? Does that make sense? Another update is that I will in fact be adding on to Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree, which I figured is something you might look forward to :)
~ CherryApollo
Hello icon CherryApollo. I'm so sorry this ask has taken me SO long to respond to, I wanted to read back on our old chats to refresh my memory but just like the nocorro accidentally mated post that an anon asked me to find the other day, I cannot find the posts even though I know it's tagged properly. I don't know if maybe it doesn't show up unless the tag is in the first few tags of the post? Someone send help.
BUT ANYWAYS, we will have to just focus on this. I agree that every Spider love interest just brings out a different side of Spider, which would result in different Spider ikran racing ambitions all around. I find it interesting that he travels in the locorro one, because I've always associated it with Kiri and Spiri. The yearning to explore more of Eywa's creations and to connect with her in different ways, and to meet more Na'vi and to see where and how they live. It's so Kiri to me, just wanting to be more a part of Pandora and see more of Pandora. I don't hate it for Lo'ak though, he's so restless and he is such a fast and adaptive learner when he's invested.
I am OBSESSED with the idea of Spider and a forest ikran, and I'm shocked no one has done it yet. They are! Spider sized!!! It's so perfect! He can fit into smaller spaces and make tighter and faster maneuvers and turns, and I bet him and Neytiri could spend hours seeing how traditional ikran racing could translate to this slightly different creature and style.
OBVIOUSLY I want more info on Spider escaping Quaritch via ilu bonding?? That's amazing, it shakes up the whole story! Would he find Awa'atlu right away or would he end up at a different village first? I have been drawn lately to the Spider escaping and finding the Sully's fic's I've seen around, although I've never seen one get past a few chapters. It's such an interesting concept!
I absolutely adore always when people are inspired by my thoughts, and I think it will be so so fun to see what sticks and what you liked and what you change!!! Please don't worry about working slow, I've been answering slow lately.
AND I SAW YOUR NEWEST FIC, I am so behind on my fic reading but I checked yours out before I posted this. I commented :) and please, it's not rude at all to send me a fic, sometimes I miss them in the shuffle so I appreciate it!
I ALSO HAVE BEEN SO OBSESSED WITH THAT FIC, I'M SO EXCITED THEY'LL BE AN UPDATE. I'll tell you, I have been so stuck on the idea of writing something original in its world. Loosely in its world, I guess, but just a soulmate world where if your soulmate is dead you can see their ghost, but also all the ghosts can all see each other as well. I've been stuck on this idea of a person whose soulmate is a ghost and as a result they're kind of an unattached loner. They are a private investigator who uses their ghost soulmate talking to other ghosts to help solve crimes. I'm thinking that they'll end up with another person whose soulmate is dead that they meet, a sort of vibe where they aren't the others supposed person but maybe things worked out the way it was supposed to in a fucked up way. It's just a weird concept I haven't been able to get rid of that I figured I'd let you know you inspired, lol.
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sm0kebreaks · 1 year
So like. As amazing at the tma has been about fat acceptance and love and has been absolutely vital to a lot of my self acceptance as a fat trans man, because this fandom actually talks about fat people (as opposed to other fandoms where fat characters and hcs are nonexistent), it means it’s also exposed me to the most and worst fatphobia of any fandom. I genuinely don’t even gaf about the actual discourse discussed in this fandom, it’s generally the people who negatively react to discourse of ppl complaining about fatphobia. The initial problems are usually ignorable to me, but it ends up bringing up peoples voices that make it incredibly clear what their true thoughts about fat ppl are. Idrk why I thought I should share this with you, ig just seeing if you have similar experiences.
I struggle here because i don't like to feel like i am attacking other artists. i'm a hater and i love to complain but i know i have my own short comings. but when it comes to the fatphobia in this fandom im always left not knowing how to talk about things because people will come to me and tell me why my complaint about someone thinning out a fat character is wrong or bad.
do keep in mind i dont really engage with the tma fandom as much i feel very much on the outskirts so this is jsut what i feel like i see on my end and i'm sure theres way more going on i simply dont know
in recent months we have had a newer influx of artists in the fandom who have come in with their own interpretations of the characters which is all fine and good. its jarring sometimes when we become so used to these formless characters looking a certain way that when new people enter the fandom with different ideas it feels wrong and like an attack.
the biggest issue has been people drawing a thinner martin. and while of course everyones welcome to their own interpretation and martin expressing that he's not exactly the smallest guy has multiple ways to be interpreted it is extremely frustrating to see people take that as giving him the most bare minimum extra weight. especially when having a fat character as desirable and as a love interest and such a Fun character is so far and few between
i could go on and on about how each time a popular artist posts a thin martin it gives everyone who looks up to them the excuse to do the same and it's why it's become such a prevalent thing lately. i don't think popular artists should have to worry about being good role models or anything in a fandom i think if youre making art you should do it for fun but it sucks to see when someone becomes so influential and are creating a problem. i deleted like three paragraphs on this alone so i'm going to move on.
i think what i see in the fandom most in regards to fatphobia is a skill issue. people don't know how to draw fat characters. but it also feels like people are barely trying. the artist i have in mind who i would consider to draw skinny martins DOES add a bit of roundness to him. i can aknowledge theyre doing SOMETHING. but you can't come to me and tell me that i can't criticize their art because culturally that's fat to them... like sure it could be. but it's also definitely a limitation of their art style and ability and instead of defending them and patting them on the back for doing good enough shouldnt we encourage people to grow and improve? what an amazing asset to be able to draw people of all size and variety. thats an AMAZING abillity to have in youre tool belt. i wish i had more resources for drawing bodyfat but unfortunately i do not. i have learned from looking at people and luckily having a lot of large loved ones in my life i've learned from as well as you know.. my own body to learn from. and learning to draw bodyfat and drawing characters i love with it has done wonders for my body dysmorphia.
i went on a rambling tangent and idk how coherent all of that is but the end point is that fatphobia sucks it has no place in this or any fandom and we need to practice our skills instead of erasing something that has made this fandom so wonderful to me.
here's some resources
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marnz · 9 days
since i'm one of those people who watched tsn in 2023 (i was 12 when tsn was broadcasted) so it gave me this weird mixed feeling whenever i read markwardo fanfic because knowing how bad these people actually are irl and not some uwu precious baby but i can't blame fanfic writers in 2010-2011 for thinking zuckerberg and saverin were cool because during that time facebook was indeed cool and the internet was younger at that time too, the fic are good i admit but sometimes i need a moment to rethink why am i reading irl capitalists fanfic, it's so hard to distinguish between tsn and irl material most of the time too and not to mention tsn was just a story written based on irl saverin pov of fb and he was also an asshole. The only fun time to enjoy tsn was probably 2010-2011 because fb was cool, the cast was close and now even the cast of this film probably don't even contact each other anymore despite being so closed in 2010, sorry for rambling i just think it's amazing that people who enjoy tsn in 2010 still post about it in 2024!
well anon. Like I said. You had to be there. Look I love context and you said you were 12 in 2010 so here is some context: yes the internet was younger and yes fb/meta had not destroyed democracy yet but I also think there was more of a sense of hope related to technology, as opposed to dread. A lot of tech and social mainstays had not happened yet, politics were drastically different, Chris Hughes (cofounder of fb & communications guy) helped Obama get elected, people didn’t think global warming was real, society was MUCH more conservative and homophobic, etc., and the internet was the place to be.
when you say the internet was younger I’m interpreting this to mean that FB had not come into its final form yet, which is true, but also it & the internet was such a radically different experience. It felt limitless. You weren’t corralled in as much. You could go anywhere, you could find anything, you could make your own websites very easily, you were not assaulted by pop ups and apps were not mainstream because Apple didn’t launch the App Store until 2008. It was so easy to learn how to code. The operating systems between Apple and Android were SO distinct. Twitter launched in 2008/2009 but wasn’t quite so relevant until idk 2014? Fandom had just migrated from LJ to Tumblr but Tumblr was also hotter with the aesthetic girlies and porn blogs. “The algorithm” didn’t run the world. Yesterday I tried to find an article by searching for it and both Google and DuckDuckGo completely disregarded my request and did not turn up anything relevant. I can assure you that would not have happened in 2011. So there was SUCH a sense of optimism because the internet felt like a social good instead of an obligation that is increasingly privatized, surveilled, constrained, and decayed.
Which is why TSN got made and why there was an interest. It was a source of profound social change. But anyway. FB/Meta has ruined lives and it and all other social media apps that elevate divisive opinions to prompt as much engagement as possible (have you heard of the awful Isabel Fall twitter scandal? I recommend this article) are awful! And yet there’s an expectation of being online because a lot of communities now organize online, a lot of services require being online, etc., fandom has become less centralized/less unified, which is its own post.
Out of curiosity, what led you to watch the film? I do find it fascinating that there’s been a resurgence of TSN fandom. If this article had not been written I would not be posting about it but there’s still a lot of fic being written and fanvids being made to Taylor Swift songs. But it’s fandom devoid of all this context. So it is very strange, because you know what FB and all these people in it will become. I think I would have the exact cognitive dissonance you described if I watched it for the first time last year and tried to read fic. It is SO deeply fictionalized, so much of it is radically untrue, but you as the reader carry the truth in your mind. Which is why I cannot and do not engage with these days. And why I hold TSN in my mind curtained off. I spoke with many ppl from the original fandom yesterday and trust me, no one wants this.
I think, realistically, whatever movie Sorkin wants to make will probably be very good. It’s probably a good story to tell & explore. But I won’t be watching it. I lived that shit
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sinkableruby · 7 months
romantic love continues to evade me
ive been asked out before by someone i was wondering if i liked or not and said yes not because i wanted to date but because i didnt want to refuse the person's expectations. the idea of a relationship felt trapping and i would be expected to do things i didnt want to do and have feelings i didnt have. so i think i didnt like that person after all
ive had crushes based on being attracted to people which is normal i think. and then i want to know more about them and get nervous around them and such. but the moment they do something even a little off putting to me i lose all interest immediately. i was attracted to their body or their style and what i wanted to get close to was some ideal of them in the moment i saw them as amazing
i admire people and then my brain thinks thats love. i find myself thinking someone is cool and my brain asks "do you want to kiss them" and i go :( at the thought because my brain is super not cool bringing up that idea. i don't know. do i? i don't think i do.... but what if? but...
and i feel that bit of admiration or vague, interpretable-as-attraction spark of positive feeling and i feel uncomfy at that too. i find myself not wanting the feeling to go further. is that because i don't really like them or is it because my heart is locked in a box and would rather die before it comes out? but i feel like if i truly loved someone i would want the feeling to go further, so why am i even worrying about it?
like if the perfect person for me came by in the perfect circumstance... then that'd be cool but thats not how anything happens. and do i even want to date or go steady or whatever with people in the first place. do i just want the ideal of a relationship, the ideal of a person?
but then i wish fictional characters could be real so i could date them. and i genuinely fall in love with them. like i know what love feels like. so whats the deal! is that more idealization? is it?????
i think my ideal state is just like, inserted into a polycule. where im not expected to love anyone or do anything. im just there receiving affection from people who like me. and watching people love each other. or not. idk. and maybe loving someone back. but i genuinely don't know if im capable of that. who would i be able to love at this point? who would i even be interested in? who do i think is cool, but don't feel uncomfortable at the idea of being in a relationship with? and why do i feel uncomfortable? how am i supposed to interpret this heart of mine
am i undermining the crushes too much? the time i learned smth about someone and instantly lost interest was once. it was like a two week crush. but i had a crush on someone for like the whole last half of high school or so. but i was too shy to do anything. the one time i talked to them normally it wasn't butterflies like usual it was just normal. do i need the distance?? god what is the fucking code in my brain i need to look at it so i can just understand yk.
at least i do have hashtag yumejoshi lyfe. that is still 100% functioning and operational. because i like feeling romantic love! it's nice. it's powerful! it makes me happy and gives me motivation. it's extremely important to me. not that other forms of love aren't, but. yk. bah! bah bah bah!
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chanrizard · 1 year
Hi again!
Yes he did speak about it but I don't know Korean well enough to understand what he said so I'm not sure about what his inspiration was either TT But I think it's so fascinating how he is inspired by anything and everything and has the amazing ability to be able to materialize/express it
And yes the lyrics!! Oh I really hope to be able to understand them without translation one day. But there is one part I found really cool! It was at 1:56 he says "everyday everyday everyday I can feel you" and then the next line is "tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow...." However the way he says the word "내일" almost sounds like he's saying the English word "now" so it sounds like he's saying "I can feel you now now now" too (but idk if this is just me sjksks) it reminds me of run where he says something along the lines of "I look haggard in the mirror Put it back, put it back, put it back, put it back" at 1:41 and then in the next line he says "delay delay delay" and the Korean word for it "미뤄" has a similar pronounciation to the word "mirror" in English and I absolutely love that word play because in all honesty until I read the lyrics I really thought he was saying mirror mirror mirror
Also just remembered that I had seen one more interpretation of volcano as a song dedicated to the members/stray kids which I understand as he's willing to be there through thick and thin with/for them. I also see it as how he will accept them for whoever they are and everything that they are and not just their camera presence/ what the world knows them to be. Especially since he knows everything that they've been through as trainees and even after debut. He knows that they probably have their own set of wounds and scars but he's willing to embrace all of it like 🥹
No seriously though if he releases a solo album it will take me atleast a decade of isolation from the world before I can function normal again. The emotions this man makes me feel sometimes I
(also please let me know if these are getting too long jdjdkd)
hi hi again, hope you're having a great day! ohhhh see i had no idea he did that in RUN, currently poking my brain with a stick begging it to *please* learn this language not just random words here and there thank you
and there's no such thing as a too long ask shfbsdkf please keep spilling your thougths in my inbox i'll gladly read every single one of them 🙏🏻 even if that last paragraph on the song made me want to curl up like a fried shrimp served with a side of sobbing :') those guys are his family and if i think about how much they all love each other -and how we get to see just a fraction of a fraction of that love- for too long eye will become the volcano erupting feelings and leaving a me-shaped crater in the floor
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maroon sampling a song from the rep era, an era where the word "fake" was prevalent and frequently used, and being a kaylor song and the ending of the great war being fake and a kaylor song is so ow (obviously taylor couldve just sampled a rep era song bc a lot of rep is about karlie and that was probably one reason but i feel like a lot of her production decisions are deeper than having only one reason)
Yeah, it is so ow you're right anon.
Like, let's add to that that she starts the song with her before switching to you and it's so painful. Like, I do think she is saying in part that the good parts of her relationship with Karlie weren't real love, it was fake love masquerading as real love because when you're in the lavender haze, everything looks good and amazing to you.
And so you can't really see the signs that this relationship is going to burn up, I think the choice of using maroon as the color is so interesting. I've spoken before about my many different interpretations of maroon, and like one of them is a fun one where I think she did it because maroon is more complex than the entirety of red. I can really do a lot of fun lit stuff with red and maroon because just the difference in how surface level red is versus how deep maroon is- I think it was motivated by the difference in the genders partially. Like, her heartbreak with karlie was deeper than with Jake for sure and it shines through the differences in the songs and like... in red- the lyrics they're all cliches. I think she did that on purpose.
I know ur talking about rep and I'm over here on red sorry anon but this is what ur getting right now lol but yeah red is on purpose all cliches because I think she is saying that relationship was a cliche to her- after all, she had already been groomed and abused once. I think it's very self-blaming and it was written in a self-blaming manner and so for me, maroon is also self-blaming but like in a real way?
The fact that she is taking accountability for hurting her lover in maroon, it contrasts to how she took on the assumed accountability that society was forcing on her through attacking her as a slut and a bitch and a villain but not turning their fingers towards the men in the situation. I also think it's a tell on the men being cliche and difficult to write meaningful lyrics about in a real way because they put up a facade with her precisely because it was predatory but this relationship with Karlie. This one hurt more and harder because they saw each other and still fucked it up. Like, they were good until they weren't type of deal and like sometimes being good individually doesn't mean ur good together and that's really what taylor had to learn with karlie and that's what shines to me when you take all the songs about kaylor and put them together.
Like, even maroon itself, it's specific to details and inside jokes and all the references mean something to the two women in that relationship that we will never understand because we weren't there with them and maroon feels like you're looking inside of kaylor with taylor in her mind whereas red is more of a outward perspective looking in- more like she wrote red about "oh no, I've done it again what will people say" type of way?
Like maroon is so special to me because it's the complete opposite of red in every way and that to me is indicative of it being queer alone but then you get the literal gay lyrics and I think it's fitting that she used maroon as the color. It's literally a shade of purple and you know, purple is also the color of fresh bruises. I think that's interesting, because in the great war it's definitely a retrospective years down the line changing of the narrative but maroon, you're right in the relationship and I think you can tell because the production alone is terrifying. Idk when I listen to that heavy thud, it reminds me of when I hear my blood rushing to my ears. It's so heavy handed in production, I can't help but feel like it's intentionally done to showcase how when ur in love, even the red flags can seem romantic or like a good sign.
And it's like, maroon is so heartbreaking to me because she is painting herself as the bad guy in the song. She's watching her lover sob with head in hands as they fall apart, that's so sad to me because it's an admission of guilt. Of knowing that the reason that your relationship cannot work is deeper than any of the fights you've been having. It's a deep incompatibility between the two of you that was always inherent but like fools in love, you rushed in and ignored the warning signs.
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idk if you're still doing these but 📚,🦋 and 🧩
oh hell yeah!!
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
OH NO.... okay so it's a couple of random paragraphs from a shapeless fic idea that was half-a-joke and half-serious where Bojan joined the GSA (gay straight alliance) club on campus and was like "I'm just here to be an ally :)" but then yeah he meets Jere.
I really gravitate towards Bojan being super repressed in fics for some reason, but I think it's because I haven't actually pulled one off where I've written him that way as a slow-build romance? So I keep tinkering with that trope in hopes I'll finally write something ;o;
Saving your screens with a read more.
"No, I'm straight," said Bojan, looking around the room. A few of the other students raised their brows skeptically, as Bojan was used to, but others greeted him with wide grins. "I'm just here because my sister's-" he cut himself off, pitching his eyes upwards in thought for the right term. He didn't want to insult anybody. Was he allowed to say lesbian? He brought his gaze level with the room again. "My sister's into women, so I wanted to support her. Learn a bit more. Our parents are kinda old school." "It's nice to have an ally," one of them said, the boy at the front of the classroom who sat perched on a desk. He seemed to be the oldest in attendance and by his easy demeanor, appeared to be the president of the club. He spoked with clipped consonants, indicating that perhaps he was from somewhere foreign. His eyes were a bright blue that made Bojan feel strangely at ease. "We have many people who join to support family." Bojan smiled. [smth smth idk plot builds, friendship is formed, events happen] He wasn't into guys because he was into girls. That's how that worked. Right? Jere took him by the hand and led him down the hallway, classrooms dark for the day after everyone else had gone home. Bojan was never one to shy away from touch, with friends or family or even other classmates, but for some reason, Jere's hand in his made his heart race.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
MY WEDDING... It's 13 days away and oh man, what a year it's been. I'm so grateful for my partner and will spare you all that rambling. We're very excited for the big day, but also so ready to stop thinking about wedding logistics.
This fandom tbh??? Like I know we're tiny and subsist on literal crumbs at this point, but I dunno, I just really enjoy everybody here. It's been real chill and I love how creative everybody is. We're all united by some goofy guys who give potent soulmate energy and we all just ran with it and have some of the most amazing AU ideas kicking around.
I think everybody should treat themselves to a little beverage. If you've been on the fence about it, this is your sign to treat yourself to a little beverage.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
For me, characterization is a big hit or miss. I'm open to different interpretations for sure, and this is in no way telling people to stop doing what they're doing, but personally speaking for my own preference, if things feel too "out of character" or the emotional beats feel too erratic/unjustified, it can throw me out of it.
Feel free to send me some emojis!
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ms-all-sunday · 5 months
Hi! Sorry if this is sudden or unwelcomed but i was wondering how would one go about ''fixing'' Sanji's character and your personal interpretation?
Now what i mean is that Sanji is an already great and complex character who has a lot of good moments and stuff, but the rampant misogyny really, really holds him back.
It just feels demeaning to an inmense degree, like that the only reason Kalifa - a member of the cp9 - won was because Sanji was holding back. Which feels like bullshit as she's a literal assassin and you could easily have rewritten it to make it so he lost due to her devil fruit instead. (or more emphasised).
I dont have a problem with an intrinsic vow but i just wish it wasn't this. I guess i just find it fustrating on how something so misogynistic is treated as a virtue. He could have had another vow instead like 'never kill' or 'don't fight someone when its clearly going to be a onesided beat down from you' or something to that effect. You know a vow that still causes problems when it comes up but doesn't devalue the agency or prowess of the other characters if that makes sense?
Idk, sorry if im being rambly. I finished reading the pre time skip stuff and its been bothering me whenever it comes up. I know it gets worse post-timeskip but i havent read that far yet so sorry if this seems premature in anyway. (I do know about Wano to a degree tho).
I haven't really seen any alternatives to sanji's behaviour - hell i seen someone argue it was necessary so he wouldn't be overpowered. And its kinda fustrating as a Sanji fan as it feels like in these moments his other qualities are kinda getting sidetracked in favour of his perviness. I dont mind he's pervy, but the way its utilised just feels kinda like a coppout more than anything and, well, misogynistic. (which im not saying remove all his misogyny, but tone it down and not make it seem virtuous if that makes sense?)
sorry for going on a rant. Its a topic ive been trying to look more into and i just want to hear more peoples opinions on.
so let me ask you a question anon, where do you think sanji first says something misogynistic? this isnt me trying to gotcha you or anything, i legitimately am curious.
i think how you "fix" sanji purely depends on how sexist you individually think he is. i think it ultimately comes down to, do you think when he treats women positively he's being sexist negatively? how much of that is a flaw to you, where do you draw the line? is your comfort level purely at where you can only stand sanji being negative towards men and treating women neutrally, or do you think you're comfortable with the opposite?
when i was a kid, i learned that characters are just a set of rules you make for yourself that when you add them to a situation and the application of those rules becomes a character. the character is both the solution and the equation, and i think the problem with sanji inherently lies not with his character at all, but how the narrative treats him for those actions, like you said.
i think it comes down to the fact while op does acknowledge and commentate on sexism a little, it doesnt have a strong enough commentary to support the characters like zoro, tashigi and sanji. who are amazing, wonderful characters, but are ultimately boggled down by the fact that oda doesn't do anything productive with them.
for example: both sanji and zoro (in their male feminist debate) are correct contextually, but op should be better at illustrating how zoro's "if theyre women they should be treated the same always" ideology can be wrong sometimes too, which would even out the commentary on them a lot more.
zoro and sanji should also progress as characters to ultimately seeing the contextual side of each others arguments and develop to the point where they know when its appropriate to apply each-others points
tashigi should've been sanjis rival, and helped the narrative illustrate how sanji's habit of treating women favourably can lean into sexism, which i feel like is the point of tashigi even being there but odas got the ingredients but is really bad at making a stew out of them.
i think ultimately the problem is that the narrative doesnt compensate for sanji, not that sanji doesnt compensate for the narrative. i think there's a conversation you can have internally with yourself on whether you want to write sanji as completely devoid of bigotry or whether you want to pick and choose and that's valid as well and i think would inherently apply to sanji even if op's commentary on sexism was well written, but. you're asking me how i'd "fix canon", and i think the fact that sanji doesn't get compensated for is indicative of a wider problem present in both tashigi and zoro's storylines as well (and the narrative also not compensating for them)
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quiteriana · 2 years
i just came home and I'm so so tired . The theater was pretty small and there was no live orchestra. I prefer it when there is because then you can feel every instrument vibrating through the ground. still it was a beautiful show
The jester was one of my favorites seriously so amazing to watch him a beautiful dancer really. The moment all the many white swans came on the stage, i smelled something beautiful. I think it was my own perfume and my senses just became more aware at that moment. The white swans were the most beautiful and so satisfying to watch the way their arms swayed so together it was so pleasing so beautiful
My favorite moment by far was in the second act. It was the moment when the black swan was introduced. The stage went dark and the music got loud as she ran onto the stage with the evil bird man. They held each other's arms and ran to the very front of the stage, and there was this brief moment where they both looked over their shoulders into the audience, and the black swan had a huge wild grin on her face that even i could see from my seat. It was literally a perfect moment. And the transition from her introduction to the rest of the ball was sooo perfectly executed the prince RUNS after her off stage while the Spanish dancers run to dance , and it all happens so fast for a moment you don't know what to focus on, but the Spanish dancers leap into the dnace so quickly it literally grabs you, and their costumes were mostly black and they still held onto the dark atmosphere. It was so beautiful and so perfect. All of the cultural dances had their own beautiful atmosphere, and they were so fast and so fun it's like.... of course they had to happen right after the black swan entered. It sweeps the audience away from her. Idk how to describe it it's just perfect. The culture dances were my favorite to watch, they're my favorite music of the whole ballet, and this choreography for them was so unique and unlike anything or any other interpretation I've seen before
And the black swan's acting was sooooo brilliant it was just perfect. After those culture dances when she was dancing with the prince, there were these moments where she'd be so graceful when his eyes were on her and she'd do this fluttering movement of her neck that she did as the white swan, but then when he turned away she'd jerk her head towards him kind of eerily. It was brilliant
And then the fouettés omg. Like everyone knows that the black swan is supposed to do a crazy number of spins and then dance quickly and widely around the stage, that's standard choreography of swan lake. But it's one thing to learn about it and see clips online or whatever and then to actually see it on stage. Her liveliness and the loud music just completely enamours you and she fills the whole auditorium with life (at least, i felt it, and she filled me with life) it was so perfect
And then the end was a beautiful a good ending. Odette was saved! She did not die and i got to leave feeling happy
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NightcoreReality Nightcore - Dementia
A: Given how this sounds and the picture, I'd think this would be a Nightcore of an anime opening (maybe a full length version of one, idk). Here's my interpretation: 
(cont:) The main character, named Dementia, would be that girl with the orange hair. Her personality would go like this. She'd be quirky, a bit nutty, but awesome in her own way. She likes apples and pink ponies, and she does a lot of drawing with colored pencils drawing those two things (but also some other stuff). She is sixteen years old and in school. All the other characters she either is or becomes friends with. 
The girl in blue with the blonde hair is named Annie. She is mature and content, and has the "give a smile, get a smile" philosophy. She enjoys making people happy in addition to her hobbies of cooking and home improvement (which makes her rather physically fit). She goes to Dementia's same school though she is in the class above her.
The boy with the blue/violet hair is Annie's boyfriend Kyle. He is laid back and does a lot of napping. Even despite this, he gets excellent grades and is in the gifted program. His hobbies (other than napping and hanging around with Annie) include video games and studying German. 
The other boy is Kyle's best friend Macon. He's an athlete on the track team at Dementia's school. He's kinda hard-boiled and stoic, not taking any of Dementia's crazy antics anytime or anyplace, preferring to either run or write his novels. 
Okay, characters established, here's what the anime would be about. 
Dementia, Kyle, Annie and Macon all go to a boarding school called Elk Valley. Basically one year they're going to school on the train and instead of going to their normal school, they go through a portal and end up in another dimension, where the train ends up at a magic school where they teach people to use magic wands and such.
The anime is all about how they learn how to use magic and then, in the second arc in the season, how they graduate to become witches and wizards and unravel how magic works in that world and they pioneer a project which changes the world for the better. During this process Dementia acquires a boyfriend there, his name is Flint Moonberry, and about 3/4 of the way through the series he gives her a beautiful ring as a present. She wears it from then on. 
However, at the end of the series, just after they've saved the world, they all go to bed in that world's King's ruby palace. Dementia goes to bed last, and she wakes up from her slumber with someone unfamiliar calling her name. She opens her eyes and finds herself lying on the bench on the train to Elk Valley, her backpack on the floor beside her. She's back in her school uniform, the magic robe and staff she picked up in the other world gone. She looks confused and gets up, walking off the train. Annie, Kyle and Macon look equally confused. 
"I had the weirdest dream," Dementia says to the other three. 
"Yeah..." they all reply, "So did we." 
"Kinda weird we all had the same dream," Dementia replies with a shrug, "But it was just a dream... Well we should get going. Don't want to be late for class." 
"Yeah. Let's go," the other three say. 
But as they walk away, the camera would close up on Dementia's hand, where the ring that Flint Moonberry gave her... 
is still there.
B: @A That was quite beautiful :')
A: @B Thank you ^.^ I'm a writer but I can't animate. If I could, I'd be working on this as an anime.
C: [this comment has been lost]
A: @C Sure! Two conditions though. 1, Send me a link or otherwise show me when you're done, and 2, if you post it to the great wide internet, give me credit for the original idea. Other than that, do what you please ^.^
C: [this comment has been lost]
A: @C Sweet! I look forward to seeing it. Till then, have a great day ^.^
D: @A Dies That was equally amazing and disappointing because I can tell I'd like the fuck out of that anime, but I'd be so sad and confused at the end. Lol
A: @D Sorry. It was just a thought. You can improve upon it if you like ^.^ actually I might improve upon it. So..... um.... Suggestions?
D: @A Hey, I didn't say it was bad! It was rather good, to be honest. I mean, not every anime has to have a perfect ending tied up in a bow with all the strings cut off and explained. A little mystery at the end could make for some great fanfiction, too. :P 
And, I think that the general idea of how the story is going to go sounds perfect. It sounds like a cute anime. :P 
I really do hope someone develops this. Lol
A: @D If there were any suggestions hidden in there I didn't catch them. 
Also: If that was a compliment thanks. If it was an insult consider it ignored.  
That's about it.
D: @A ...Oh, um.. I didn't mean for you to take it as sarcasm and I didn't try to hide anything in there.. I was telling the truth. I think it's a good idea... sorry if you thought otherwise.. :|
A: @D It's fine ^.^ thanks. 
That was actually a test though I can't say of what. 
But you can be my friend now if you want to.
D: @A That's alright! 
And I do. c:
E: @A get a quotev account and you could write this story for a lot of anime fans
A: @E Ha, I might just do that xD It might be a few years, but I might do it if nobody else does it before me.
E: this song is just asking to be written in book form. :D I had gotten the idea to write a book too but its nothing like yours. Yours is better than my idea.
A: @E Well, thank you! But I can't say any idea is better or worse. Tell me your idea?? Please??
E: well like a girl with split personalities (im 13 and i thought of this at 12 in the morning) at night she's like an assassin and one night her assassin self touches something that splits them up and if the two personalities don't get back together her core self will die.  it sounds terrible and yet i still want to write it.
A: @E That sounds interesting to me. How would the personalities split? How could they reunite?
E: i think by like a um....... magic crystal.  like the assassin is trying to take the crystal from this bad guy and it splits them and the bad guy ends up taking the crystal. (brainfart) this makes no sense
F: I would definitely read this manga!
E: thanks :D
G: @A Someone needs to pitch this to a company, or make a kick starter or some shiz. I would watch the hell out of that anime even though I would know the end
H: @G well actual the anime is Penguin Drum and at the time there are english dub and sub
G: @H You know that, I know that. but it doesn't make his,her idea any less cool
H: @G sorry I didn't mean to hate or anything I like her story
I: @A You should work on the main characters name considering dementia is the name of a degenerative brain disorder.
A: @I By "work on", do you mean "work from" as in starting from the key point of "degenerative brain disorder" and work forward to a character from there? Or do you mean "fix" as in change the name to fit the character?
I: Valid question. I meant: Change the name. 
There is nothing particularly "wrong" with the name. And a name certainly doesn't dictate a person's personality traits. But the name "dementia" seems a tad weird. It would be like if I named my kid schizophrenia.   
I don't want to impose on someones ideas or originality but the name is just a little weird and "on-the-spot" sounding.  
But in the end, you do you. I don't want to ruin something in your mind by being a nitpicker about it.
A: @I Thank you so much for the feedback! I agree the name is a tad strange. However, I was basing the story off the song. The song is called "dementia", but is using it in a more metaphorical sense. "You're driving me crazy". He's not talking about progressive degenerative diseases; he's talking about an odd person. I was referencing a similar meaning in my story.
I: @A Good point.
J: @A I love it you should write storys/manga =) would totally read it
A: @J Thanks!
K: Don't know why but I'm shipping Dementia and Macon now for some reason . . . My Headcannon is, even if he doesn't end up with Dementia, he'll turn all of this into a book, keeping her as the main character
L: You should totally make that a reality! Or can I try to?
M: Jenya Lestina A few ideas and an observation that amused me: 
Perhaps the ring Mr. Moonberry gave Dementia could allow her and her friends to traverse between the two dimensions? And perhaps Macon gets power hungry and turns into an eventual protagonist? 
Observation: You like Hogwarts xD I can see the influence greatly, not that it's a problem at all. 
Have a good day.
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
gods, ok, apparently i’m not done.
atla fandom? we need to have a chat.
(....ok that made me sound pretentious as fuck. and maybe i am, but this needs to be said, cause i’m getting....real, real tired of a Certain Corner of this fandom and as a result, this is gonna be a discourse-heavy post so feel free to scroll past if that’s not your bag. as always, my salt posts all carry the catch-all #salt for ts tag, which you’re free to blacklist/filter at your leisure. i’m Very Annoyed at the moment, which will probably come through in the following post, so just. yknow. be prepared for that. or ignore it, that’s perfectly valid too.)
under a cut bc i do care for my followers and their sanity i swear lmao
there’s a real serious issue in this fandom with not understanding what queer terminology actually means or implies, especially when applied to a fictional narrative.
i’m specifically talking about ‘coding’, here. (if i were in a more meme-y mood, i might have said ‘the atla fandom found out about the term “gay-coding” and haven’t shut up since’.)
to the people who say ‘zuko is gay-coded’, i have this to say: you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means. because he isn’t. i’m sorry, but he’s not! and the fact that this is such a prevalent claim in this fandom is distressing, bc it says to me that none of y’all know what gay-coding is or when and how to apply it! please, i’m begging you, go and look up these terms and what they mean and when they should be used before actually trying to plug them into your critical analysis, because when you misuse them and then call other people delusional for disagreeing with you it casts a pall over the entire fandom and is, i think, the root of some of the worst toxicity this fandom has to offer.
and the thing is, there are cases where gay-coding would apply--for instance, a couple series that are famous for queerbaiting their audience by coding their main characters as being attracted to one another (sometimes even despite their openly stated sexualities) come to mind, but those shows bare no similarities at all to atla and how zuko was written and portrayed! (and it would be funny, if it weren’t so obnoxious and infuriatingly wide-spread throughout the fandom, because the only queer couple we actually seen on-screen in either show wasn’t even queer-coded in any respect, and they’re canonically bi! [yes, i’m shading korrasami, or more accurately i’m shading bryke for refusing to give ka the build-up and development they deserved].)
this absolutely isn’t to say that headcanoning zuko as gay is a bad thing or invalid in any respect. (although the tendency for zukka shippers to do this specifically to keep zuko away from katara and/or invalidate his canon relationship/attraction to girls is more than a little eyebrow raising. especially since sokka is usually allowed to be bi, bc fans have no problem letting sukka stay in the background bc it’s no real threat, while jetko shippers are happy to have both boys be bi. [possibly bc katara is less a threat to jetko bc jetkotara is every bit as valid as any single ship between the three, but zukka can’t exactly let katara join in, and if the potential exists for zuko to be attracted to her then canon giving them the far deeper emotional bond becomes a threat to zukka’s existence? idk for sure--you be the judge.]) i prefer to hc zuko as bi (and always have, long before the atla renaissance), bc i don’t think zuko being attracted to boys is outside the realm of possibility, and it isn’t a threat to my ship since zuko&katara had a deep and emotional bond in canon that is very easy to develop further into something that becomes explicitly romantic--but the headcanon itself isn’t really the problem (although what it’s often in service to can be).
it’s the strange insistence that this is the only way to read his character, bc he was coded that way and so anyone who doesn’t see it must be too straight to understand--and i really shouldn’t have to say why and how that is so incredibly fucking insulting. (the ‘hetero lenses’ comment wasn’t cute when it came from bryke six years ago, and the same sentiment being repackaged and delivered by zukka shippers ain’t cute now.)
calling zuko gay-coded not only demonstrates ignorance as to what the term actually means, and how to usefully apply it in critical analysis, but also validates the frankly bullshit insertion of institutionalized homophobia in the world of atla where it was neither needed, nor wanted, nor ever hinted at in canon. as a queer woman i’m still infuriated by one fucking comic panel shoving institutionalized and systemic homophobia into a world where it was entirely unnecessary (and doing this in the first installment of the franchise showcasing a queer relationship??? making korra and asami worried about ‘coming out’ when they could have just gone on to have cute adventures together and tell people ‘hey we’re dating’ and have everyone else be ‘that’s awesome =DDD’ [because it is, in fact, possible to just have a world without homophobia i promise!!!!!] double yikes, i’m still pissed at bryke about it), and i doubly hate that ‘zuko is gay coded’ has become so widespread that ‘ozai hates him bc he’s gay’ has become a staple in that part of the fandom.
not only does making zuko gay and implying (or outright stating) that ozai hated and abused him because of it completely undermine zuko’s character arc by making his abuse about his sexuality rather than ozai’s toxic pride and anger at seeing himself reflected in his ‘weak’ son, but it comes very close to outright stating that abuse and trauma are inherently gay experiences, and they aren’t!!! they really aren’t, i promise!!!
abuse and trauma narratives exist outside of ‘my dad hates me because i’m gay’. and, quite frankly, there are MORE THAN ENOUGH queer trauma narratives out in the world. we do not need to start trying to retroactively make them canon in a series where they didn’t exist! if you’re gay and see yourself in zuko and project your own experiences on him, that’s understandable and valid. that does not make zuko gay-coded. and honestly, the insistence that he is makes very little sense to me, because you’re essentially trying to give the show credit for work you put into interpreting the characters! why would you want to do that? why not own your own headcanons and take credit for them, rather than insisting they are canon and everyone else is wrong for not seeing them??? like, i’ve said before that i’ve always headcanoned zuko (and katara) as bi, and even support it with my interpretations of evidence from the show, but the difference between ‘i think zuko is bi’ and ‘zuko is definitely gay-coded’ is that i know that bi zuko is my interpretation of canon, and that it is work i’m putting into the show that wasn’t actually intended by the creators/writers, no matter how much sexual tension i read into the jetko swordfight.
and like, zuko’s character arc doesn’t actually parallel a queer one all that well to begin with. it’s easy enough to do the work and twist it sideways just enough to make the general points fit, but the fact is, zuko’s arc is not one of self-discovery. it’s not one of coming to understand something fundamental about himself that he can’t change, that he was hated for, and coming out to his father in a dramatic confrontation where he shows that he understands himself and doesn’t need his father’s acceptance to be fulfilled.
zuko’s arc is actually one of trauma and healing. and those can (and often are--like i said, there are more than enough queer trauma narratives in the world, atla really doesn’t need to be one of them) be part of queer narratives, for sure! but they aren’t uniquely queer. and zuko’s confrontation with ozai during the eclipse doesn’t read like a ‘coming out’ at all. (yes, i’ve seen that post. yes, i rolled my eyes and moved on, bc unlike some people, i’m capable of not clowning on correctly tagged posts i disagree with.) zuko is specifically confronting ozai over his abuse, because his arc wasn’t about discovering anything fundamental about himself (and therefore realizing that ozai was hating him for something he couldn’t change)--it was about realizing that he was not at fault for the way his father treated him. it was also about realizing that the fire nation was broken and corrupt at its core, and that his father was an aspect of that he needed to break away from so that he could help the world begin to heal.
he says it himself:
Zuko: No, I've learned everything! And I've had to learn it on my own! Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it! We've created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.
making this about zuko being gay and rejecting ozai’s homophobia, rather than zuko learning fundamental truths about the world and about his home and about how there was something deeply wrong with his nation that needed to be fixed in order for the world to heal (and, no, ‘homophobia’ is not the answer to ‘what is wrong with the fire nation’, i’m still fucking pissed at bryke about that), misses the entire point of his character arc. this is the culmination of zuko realizing that he should never have had to earn his father’s love, because that should have been unconditional from the start. this is zuko realizing that he was not at fault for his father’s abuse--that speaking out of turn in a war meeting in no way justified fighting a duel with a child.
is that first realization (that a parent’s love should be unconditional, and if it isn’t, then that is the parent’s fault and not the child’s) something that queer kids in homophobic households/families can relate to? of course it is. but it’s also something that every other abused kid, straight kids and even queer kids who were abused for other reasons before they even knew they were anything other than cishet, can relate to as well. in that respect, it is not a uniquely queer experience, nor is it a uniquely queer story, and zuko not being attracted to girls (which is what a lot of it seems to boil down to, at the end of the day--cutting down zuko’s potential ships so that only zukka and a few far more niche ships are left standing) is not necessary to his character arc. nor does it particularly make sense.
(and before anyone brings up his date with jin--a) he enjoyed it when she kissed him, and b) he was a traumatized, abused child going out on a first date. of course he was fucking awkward. have you ever met a teenage boy????)
anyway, uh, that was a lot of words, so have a tl;dr: zuko is not gay-coded. there is nothing uniquely gay (or even uniquely queer) about his character arc or characterization, and he was certainly not coded gay in an attempt to sneak a queer character past the censors. if anyone involved with atla was gonna try that, it would’ve been in lok, and as established, they didn’t even manage to queer-code the actual queer relationship before the last few minutes of the final episode. headcanoning zuko as gay is absolutely fine (though if it’s only done to keep him away from female characters he may otherwise be attracted to, that smells more like misogyny than anything else), but insisting that this reading is the only one that makes sense, and anyone who doesn’t agree must be straight (hello, queer woman here making this insanely long thinkpiece) is very much not.
ship what you like, but stop trying to invalidate other ships and other interpretations of characters just to make your ship seem more plausible. it’s really not a good look.
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transguyedgeworth · 3 years
HALLO i hope all has gone well with bugs and such ur probably dealing w that as i type this but i have more headcanons >:) so! i hope these are helping deal with evil evil bugs
-maya still has a bunch of mias clothes she gave some to lana and some to pearl but sometimes she’ll wear a sweater or something that was mias
-phoenix doesn’t really like hospitals
- reminds him too much of bttt and falling
- yes i think capcom should have realized that falling off a damn bridge should give a man a good bit of upset and trauma capcom i am outside your door
- miles bottles up his feelings A LOT because there wasn’t any place for feelings in the von karma house. he’s trying to get better though
- he mostly bottles up his anger because he sees mvk in himself whenever he gets angry because mvk would be angry a lot
- fran also does the same but with any happiness or personal pride she may feel
- they both try to work on it, maya and phoenix are good influences on them
- miles has visited mvk in jail once. he won’t again
- franziska will never visit him
-miles likes to knit
-maya is sooo superstitious not like ohh if i break a mirror i’m dead but like Bigfoot Is Real and I Saw Him At Gourd Lake
-edgeworth and phoenix go often to a little coffee shop and always get a pot of tea
-sometimes phoenix brings flowers
-LMAO edgeworth asks what they are sometimes and unless they’re the two types of flowers phoenix knows he has No Idea
- the bathroom at wright and co is haunted
- maya attracts ghosts like nobodies business
-fran is afraid of spiders and maya is Violent towards spiders
- fran will shriek from the other room and maya will run in flip flop in hand, take one look around the room, and chuck her shoe at the spider. she never misses.
-maya LOVES that bakery they investigated in that one case i cannot remember the name of the one with the like. french dude? and tigre?
-pearls and maya make a scrap book for wright and co
-phoenix still draws (he was an art student and i am projecting onto him) sometimes but always drags edgeworth to art museums and talks about the art
-building on game night with the wrights they also have video game nights. phoenix is so bad and maya is still competitive but fran and edgeworth when paired against each other are Scary
-fran also sometimes lets her little brother win and gets dramatic about losing but it makes her happy to see edgeworth excited
- edgeworth has a journal bc someone once suggested it and he writes in it so often
- he also carries a certain picture of him larry and phoenix when they were kids and his signal samurai keychain in his inner pocket and fiddles with the keychain
-maya loves decorating the office for holidays
-the only thing phoenix can make well is soup and hot chocolate and he makes them at least twice a month when it’s cold
-edgeworth won’t admit it but he’d rather eat phoenixs almost burnt soup and melted bar hot chocolate than the stuff from the fanciest restaurants
- when edgeworth and phoenix propose they both propose at the same time and it’s so awkward but so so funny they both say yes of course but phoenix will tell that story to anyone who listens
ok that’s all for now! idk if i have any more (that’s a lie i have so many thoughts about them but idk how many of them are coherent) anyway i wish you best of luck with all the hubbub!!!
everything is going well thank you for the concern!! housing sent someone out to fix up the hole in my wall that they were coming through and the pest control guy just left and is now treating the outside of the building. these are absolutely helping me deal with the stress so thank you for sending them in! 
starting strong with the clothing thing, i love love LOVE your interpretation of the fey clan so much. it is canon in my brain now. capcom wishes they could think of this shit. also giving some to lana? precious, sentimental, amazing. lanamia nation rise up. thank you for my life. the detail about maya believing in cryptids and the bathroom being haunted? accurate and hilarious. and yes big agree that she still likes tres bien (i’m pretty sure that’s the name), she worked there briefly so of course she’d have a soft spot for it. i literally adore the idea of maya being hella Into Stuff, like cryptids and holiday decorations and winning at game night, and the scrapbook idea slayed me on sight. i am in tears.
LITERALLY WHY DOES CAPCOM IGNORE THAT PHOENIX HAS BEEN THROUGH SOME SHIT??? like what the hell. man almost died and then like two days later he’s like “lol i’m Completely Fine :)”. unrealistic. capcom let him be Affected by experiences please. 
kinda building off of that, AGAIN WITH THE WRIGHTWORTH STUFF MAKING ME TENDER??? i love them goin on little dates and being domestic... art museums and coffee shops and phoenix being Dumb about flower breeds and miles loving his cooking.... i am Soft i am Yearning. AND THE PROPOSAL THING!!!!! I HAD THIS SAME FUCKING IDEA GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!!!! IT’S JUST SUCH A THEM THING TO DO...
and oooh edgeworth. good for you king, journaling and knitting and stimming and learning healthy ways to cope with your emotions. also the anger thing i totally get. like not to Overshare or anything but i used to have a lot of issues expressing my anger because when i did it reminded me too much of my dad so i feel that. 
the vk sibling stuff also spot-on tbh. good that they didn’t visit manfred except for miles’ one time. fuck that guy. let him rot. they are Learning and Growing together.... fran letting miles win at a game also perfect. she cares about her little brother even if she has trouble showing it sometimes. also love that her one weakness is spiders. that seems very fitting to me and i LOVE the image of maya just. chuckin a shoe across the room to defend her Wife from the eight-legged terror.
also you are free to send me incoherent thoughts if you want that’s the form most of my thoughts take anyway fjnfjsf i’d still love to hear them if you’re willing to share!
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sunder-soul · 3 years
I've been meaning to write again, and I agree with you on your opinion of Tom. Personally, after researching on psychopaths a fair bit (for one of my own OCs), I feel that—at surface level—Tom can be classified as one. But nevermind that now, bc I absolutely LOVE the way you write him.
Which brings me to...
KING YOU ARE A BLOODY GENIUS ISTG. Part 6 was so damn well written. Like hOw?? I can't even properly write while sober, never mind drunk. You are so so talented, and I can't wait for the next fic you post (and maybe(?) a sequel?? )
The imagery of Tom just pleading and breaking down was just... pure fucking perfection (and I mean that in the best way possible lol). Keep writing King! You're amazing at it that's for sure. :)
Two-part super long response discussing Tom Riddle and psychopathy beneath the line!!!!
But also omg thank u for your lovely compliments on white dove, I really really loved writing that series so it's super gratifying to get all the positive feedback!!!! Hell yeah I'm geared for a sequel and it's just absolutely full of my fave fanfic tropes I am ready to self-indulge once more.
Pt. 1. I don't see any issue with headcanoning Tom as having a sociopathy/psychopathy personality disorder, I just really dislike when people don't do what you have done and don't actually research what that actually means. I think general media has been 'fascinated' by 'psychopaths' for the last few decades and have created a really weird cultural conceptualisation of what someone with that disorder looks like/acts like.
People will have Tom committing genuinely horrific acts of violence for his own pleasure, fucking with people for fun, and engaging in lots of different taboo kinks and then explain it by simply being like 'he's a psychopath' and it's like oh... 😬
Idk I find that specific trope lazy in terms of story-telling, shallow in terms of character interpretation, and damaging in terms of real-life consequences for normal ass people with personality disorders.
Pt. 2. All that being said, I (personally) disagree with you in terms of Tom being able to be classified psychopathic!
I'm aware that some people distinguish between 'primary' psychopaths (those with genetic predisposition) and 'secondary' psychopaths (those who develop the disorder from environmental factors, sometimes called sociopaths) though it should be noted that this distinction isn't really agreed upon across the field and is under debate lol. But I feel the need to address both since I'll probs get anons "calling me out" me if I don't haha.
Premeditation before acts of violence, severely diminished emotional responses, and a lack of anxiety are traits characterised to primary psychopathy, and at first glance I can kind of see a case for Tom here. But... some of Tom's/Voldemort's biggest character beats revolve around him being impulsive, hyper-emotional, and extremely reactionary (like just killing an entire room of his own followers and goblins after finding out Harry knows abt the Horcruxes, or freaking out about the prophecy and murdering the Potters for that matter, or even duelling with Dumbledore in the Ministry etc. etc.).
Like I know he can be super calculating and set up long-arching plans and shit, but I've never really read Tom as being that 'premeditated' in what he does. He's ambitious, yeah, but to me I see him setting his eyes on a goal and doing everything he possibly can to reach that goal in a sort of perfectionist-driven, covetous desperation where if he just pushes long enough and hard enough and far enough, he'll prove that he can do fucking anything and everything in spite of everyone else and fuck everyone who said he couldn't - rather than this detached, cool, logical premeditative flow-chart of decisions.
On the other hand, the reasoning behind Tom having secondary psychopathy reads as more logical for the character for me - being an orphan in war-time England and having to essentially self-prioritise to the absolute extreme to survive could all be strong environmental stressors that would result in learned lack of empathy. Crimes committed by those with secondary psychopathy are also (apparently) more emotionally driven, more reactionary, and more impulsive. But.... Tom does still set up these long-arching plans, ya know? He's not acting solely on impulse, and he's also still very emotional outside of his acts of violence. Plus he's also never struck me as particularly anxious (which is a trait often used to distinguish secondary psychopathy). He's both impulsive and premeditated at times, just like how most ppl act both impulsively and premeditated at times.
The point I'm trying to make, lol, is that I think it's a misread of the character to consider him 'unemotional' or detached from others bc I've always thought of him as like the most extremely emotional character in the whole series. Canon demonstrates him to be highly emotional but just very very controlled/performative most of the time. He's shown to have bouts of hugely expressive rage, and he acts very vindictively which suggesting he takes things super personally, but he's mostly able to hide these emotions around people he doesn't trust. This might make him manipulative but it does not make him psychopathic/sociopathic.
In summary, I don't read Tom as having a personality disorder, I read him as being selfish, jealous, emotional, egotistical, covetous, self-aggrandising, suspicious, and manipulative. He's a dick, your honour.
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princeanxious · 4 years
Okay stupid tumblr didnt tell me you said yes but HERE ARE MY QUESTIONS :DDD
When did they become vanpires
How old are they
What year were the vampires born
How long has V been locked away, what has he missed
Does V immediately latch onto the grunge/emo aesthetic because it matches the whole vampire theme
Is Roman a himbo™
What is the twins relationship like
Anxciet is the main pairing, are there any side pairings?
How does Janus react to the whole "oh yeah vampires are real" thing
Were any of the vamps around for any big historical events
Were any of the vamps big historical figures
Do they end up going to highschool/uni with the humans
What does everyone look like
Do any of them have really strong opinions about something useless (eg. pineapple on pizza, a certain colour, double denim, etc)
Virgil became a Vampire sometime in the 17/1800s?? Logan is from around the 1500s, and Patton claims he lost count a long time ago.(Patton’s probably at least at least a thousand years old though? But he looks more like a young 25 y/o whose attire choices change day to day but generally always gives off that Parent vibe), Virgil was turned by Patton, Logan was born Vampire, Patton was assumably born vampire. Remus and Roman are 27, Janus is 25.
Virgil was locked away for about 150 years, give or take? He missed the entire shift in society and the human experience, from how relationships are viewed/treated to longer lifespans, to cleaner hygiene, convenience, and technology, hell, even the more open existance of the lgbtqa+ community! A /lot/ has happened in the past 100 years, and now Virgil has alot of catchup to do.(and don’t worry, Patton & Logan help Virgil catch up pretty quickly, they share flashcards and Virgil gets h o o k e d on social media when he gets a phone)
He absolutely does. Its a weird adjustment, what with the now wildly varied different textiles and styles and change. Especially the lack of layers, he misses those. (And finds immense comfort in the jacket that Janus gifts him, as its big and oversized and feels oh so very soft and warm.) But no yeah, he gets his hair cut(it still grew for those years locked away, albiet still rather slowly from malnutrition) and rocks the fringe, even gets his hair dyed purple to match his eyes, all the grunge/punk/emo aesthetic! Some of his favorite new things are makeup, piercings, and so much black fabric to chose from!
You’ll be surprised to note, that Roman is sadly not a himboTM in this au, as Virgil has already taken over that roll 💜💜💜
Remus and Roman’s relationship? Honestly ride or die chaos, the kinds of siblings that play pranks on one another and insult eachother but god forbid some poor outsider steps in to try and say the same thing they said abt their sibling, that outsider will have regreted it. The kind if ‘The Only one allowed to call my brother a Bitch-Ass Idiot is ME’ kind of siblings? Look they grew up in a area filled with people who dont like things out of the norm and befriended the local bullied kid who is half-covered in snake scales and speaks with a lisp due to his split togue. Remus himself suffers from intrusive anxiety and Roman suffers from chronic(?) depression. They’re all a bit ride or die, through and through.
Anxceit is the main pairing, and while it’s not entirely set in stone, Logince and Intruality are probably the other two.
Technically its not a secret in their world?? Like magic is a thing in their workd, its just usually left out of humanities bloodline. Humans like Janus are pretty rare bc of that. Vampires are still p rare to meet but not unheard of.
Yes, the vampires were alive for many major historical events. No we are not going to talk abt any of them. Same goes w/ historical figures.
Yes! Infact, Roman and Logan share college/uni theatre classes together! Logans currently an astronomy major, Roman a theatre arts major(i think thats what its called?) Logan is a formidible lyrical rival and Roman finds himself constantly losing to his rival in the form of slam poetry, though every day Roman always gets a little closer to winning(Logan adores the challenge, and the passion Roman has to beat Logan at his own game is riviting to experience. Logan would def consider Roman a perfect companion, but would have never acted on it if virgil hadnt been rescued by said companions twin brother, thus gettig both trios heavily involved w/ each other.) Patton’s been alive so long that he doesn’t care too much for academia, and instead focuses on tactile learning, like pottery and woodworking. Remus himself is an arts major, known for making really hyper horror or grotesque creature sculptures/doll customization, so he kind of just laches onto this man who seems to be larger than life and is far from bothered by Remus’s ‘not safe for common convos’ way of talking and its nice not to have someone run away. (Honestly, the feeling is mutual between the two)
As for what everone looks like, I kinda just want to leave that up to interpretation? If I end up drawing any of them they’ll probably be reflective of the way that I usually draw the sides, just human or vampire-ified, and maybe have a trait or two tweaked specifically for the au? The only real thing standing out to me is that i might give Remus or Roman Albinism? Idk yet.
Uhhhh i’m sure they have alot? Logan hates modern mirrors, bc they are usually not made w/ a silver backing. Let me tell you the first time Logna passed his full blown reflection out of something he’d never been able to use before, its clear, consise, ans ge hates it bc he can now very easily stare into his own eyes clearly and question existance.
Patton, despite being the oldest ever, is still v afraid of soiders despite knowing they cant hurt him too horribly.
Virgil is under the strong opinion that memes are hilarious and hoodies are amazing.
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daisiesforlacey · 3 years
The Costuming and Coloring of JATP : Part 1 - Julie Molina
I’ve seen so many of these posts and I wanted to make my own! I love costuming and color theory in film and I thought I’d do my own take on jatp! Please keep in mind that I am by no means an expert and this is only my thoughts, and feel free to add your own interpretations and thoughts :)
Heads up this is a super long post (I won’t be coving all of Julie’s outfits, only the ones that have significant meaning)
And none of this could have been possible without Soyon An, the costume designer of jatp! All referenced quotes and information for her can be found here, here, and here
One of the main difficulties of costume design is having the clothing fit the period, tone of the piece, and the character. The characters have to wear the clothes, not the other way around. Who is this person? What are their conflicts? How do they look at the world? What do they value? How do they grow? Just some examples of what good costume designers ask. 
They can also be used as a subtle tool to show who each character is; how we dress is a reflection of ourselves.
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Ok so we all know she is an absolute queen with AMAZING fits, even from the start of the show! I’m going to go chronologically, just to make it easier on all of us!
Julie starts off the series in a baggy yellow sweatshirt over her blue and white shirt, her painted jeans, fluffy slippers, and a set of necklaces! (Actually we first see her at school, where she wearing a flannel instead of the sweatshirt, but the same concepts apply) This already gives us A TON of information on her!!
Her necklaces include a Virgin Mary pendant, a nod to her heritage and religion and one of her own name, which we can assume is a gift from someone special to her
She puts on the sweatshirt after she gets home and bombed playing in front of her class. Idk about you, but I always want to wear sweatshirts and comfy clothes whenever I feel down, so I infer that that is what Julie is doing! 
There is also something to be said about the visual irony between bright yellow smiley face on the front and Julie’s own grieving
(Also can I just say that I love that Julie is allowed to be a teen and wear silly slippers because their comfortable clothes. I am so tried of teenagers being over sexualized and as a brown girl myself, it’s wonderful to see these multidimensional non white characters!)
Her own painted jeans, (also pretty baggy) and sneakers as said by Soyon An, are painted by Julie! (We also see her creativity later when drawing a cupcake on her mic for Luke’s bday, but that’s another post)
Her creativity seems to have no bounds, and it’s obvious that from the start that this is how she expresses herself!
If you want to get really analytical, one could say that the bright yellow covering up her blue collar could show how Julie herself is trying to cover up her own sadness
The blue and yellow also come up in another scene of hers with Luke, but that is another post entirely
She’s most likely Catholic and cherishes her religion and family
She’s not feeling too confident in herself
She’s crazy creative and talented
She’s trying to mask some sort of sadness
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Julie then moves to plaid pants and a cropped lavender blouse (Which I absolutely adore!!!) 
She has just met the boys, and Luke gave her that little pep talk in front of the studio and is now wearing form fitting clothes!
DON’T TWIST THIS: She’s wearing these clothes because she now feels more confident in herself and is ready to sit down and play Wake Up
Julie is wearing more subdued colors; the focus isn’t on her outfit, that’s not where the color is. The color is lighting Julie from behind. The focus of the moment is Julie and her music.
You’ll also notice the lighting behind her shifts from the cold early morning, to the sun rising behind her, again, very poetic. The sun is literally rising on Julie and it is a new dawn for her, and the start of the show itself
Not to mention Wake Up which is literally about moving forward and... waking up lol
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This is maybe one of my favorite performance outfits of her! (Who am I kidding, all of them are my favorite)
Julie is wearing a camo jumpsuit with patches and her signature sneakers
The patches, once again, show us that Julie is creative in many ways along with her shoes
I love that all of her outfits seem like the average person could make them and wear them. Yet, these characters are still teenagers and are discovering their own personal style, which can be sort of outlandish. It really works to ground the show in reality with all of the kooky happenings
Julie is once again wearing her necklaces, and we can infer that she wears them all of the time
In this outfit (with an added Double Trouble tshirt underneath), she also sings Flying Solo. The jumpsuit is a reflection of her friendships with the guys and Flynn!
And this outfit with Bright??? Chefs kiss. This is the subtle characterization I live for!
Julie’s actress, Madison Reyes’, mother is in the armed forces. She and Soyon wanted an outfit to pay homage to her, and I think the camo works perfectly
By this time we already have a good grasp on who Julie is
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Julie is wearing a neon blue leotard, silver white pants, fishnets, her drawn on white sneakers and a rainbow chunky sequin cloak. She also find a drum major’s cape from the music room. She has her hair in the same cornrowed way as she does in Stand Tall, with pink, red, and blue ribbons.
While I may be jumping the gun this early in the post, I love this detail. This is her fantasy which ends up coming true in the final number and that is just beautiful
Julie’s fantasy outfit in I Got the Music is so extra and wonderful
This is Julie’s idealized self; it is bright and unapologetic and you can’t help but notice her. The outfit is purposefully outlandish and completely unrealistic
This is the first thing that clues you in that this is a fantasy; she does a quick change from her previous outfit. You can also see that her trio of necklaces aren’t there.
She keeps some elements from her actual school outfit, the pants and presumably the leotard, they just get an upgrade
Ok now onto the breakdown:
These are her school colors
This is the first time we see Julie in blue since the first episode. So far, we have seen her in muted tones. This time the blue is vibrant. This signals to the viewers that she is not hiding anymore and has almost reclaimed the color
Soyon specifically said she wanted a hood for Julie such as the Virgin Mary is traditionally depicted with a head covering
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Julie is wearing her school colors loud and proud with a cropped LFHS reddish hoodie, underneath is a bright blue leotard, a blue belt, and white distressed jeans and fishnets
Julie is now fully in her element and has formed a band with the boys!!! Woohoo!
If you recall, in this episode, Julie also interacts the most with Carrie and Nick up until now; the two characters rooted in her school life.
Most everything I said in the previous section is here too, just a little toned down.
One thing that I see in this outfit is that she’s wearing a little bit of the boys’ themes; Luke’s blue, Reggie’s red, and Alex’s denim and grey. 
This is also the day that she gets into the conflict with the boys, they go to Bobby’s to get revenge, lie to her, and bail on the dance. I see this as them becoming closer and then falling farther apart.
Julie is also wearing fishnets and socks, which mirrors Dirty Candi’s performance of Wow. This is a wonderful detail to show that the two aren’t so different after all.
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I love this outfit and I will forever be mad that we never got to see her perform in it
Julie is wearing her mothers mesh tie dye top, a black tank top, and loose black striped pants
THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT: This is the first time we see her wear her mother’s clothes, a physical representation of her coming to terms with her mother’s death!!!
This is also when Flynn comes up with Julie and the Phantoms, another big milestone. This is when they were supposed to make a mark on her school
(Ofc we all know this is when the boys bail...)
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The next day, Julie is wearing a powder blue floral dress, sneakers, with a white t shirt and a cream colored cropped fluffy jacket (this is most aligned with my aesthetic)
Again, this shows that she is experimental with her clothes
 It is also worth noting that Soyon does a good job with establishing that she is a sneaker head, I mean have you seen her kicks????
Now is a good time to talk about character colors: good media will establish a color per character. This helps viewers easily distinguish who they are and how they connect to others. Characters may wear these colors a lot or have significant moments in these colors
The colors also have their own meanings which apply (we’ll look more into this in the Stand Tall dress)
Luke is blue, Julie is purple (as we will see later on), Alex is pink, and Reggie is Red
When characters wear another character’s color it signals to us that they will be having a ‘moment’ with the other character (getting along after fighting, learning something new, etc.)
Alternatively, if a character is wearing colors opposite to another, you know they will clash
In this episode, Julie goes to Luke’s house and learns more about him and Emily AND SHES’S WEARING HIS BLUE!!! BIG MOMENT!!!
Notice a character’s colors and when another character wears them, they will be having a ‘moment’
If the color in the scene isn’t on the character, the focus isn’t on them, maybe it’s on the emotions of the scene or other characters
Colors WILL signify emotions; yellow is happy, blue can be sad or calming depending on the shade, red can be passion or anger. If a character wears a lot of one color, you can predict their emotions
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Ok no hate, this is definitely not my favorite outfit. It gives me mad Shake It Up vibes, not that that’s bad, just not my thing.
Julie performs Finally Free in a teal and black dress/shirt, silver biker short, a black vest, and arm bands
It has been confirmed by Charlie and Madison that this is when Luke realizes he like Julie, which makes sense as you see that she is wearing blue (She will now start wearing more of these cool tones)
She is also wearing arm bands, something Luke does often
Her vest is also the same one as the girl from the beginning, which we all know by now is Rose, her mother!
She has upcycled the vest and added her own special twists to it! It also helps for us to see connection between Rose and performing
You can also see a dahlia pin, her mother’s favorite flower. These often make an appearance! (They’re also purple)
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It’s Edge of Great Time!! This is maybe the most iconic outfit!
Julie performs in a white blouse with butterflies, her hair also with butterfly clips, her pants are constructed beautifully with black and white panels. She finished the outfit with black and white combat boots and more butterflies!
Soyon specifically said that the butterflies represent Julie coming out of her cocoon and coming into herself, like a butterfly would!
This is truly her most powerful and performance worthy outfit and sucks all of the attention to her
Julie’s clean contrast of black and white also make her stand out from the rest of the band! The combination is often a symbol of power and truth! (Think judges robes)
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Time to get some tissues, Unsaid Emily, it’s your turn!
This is what I consider Julie’s most average and basic outfit, but there is a lot to analyze here: A magenta sweater and jeans.
This sweater is her mothers; meaning it is probably a comforting item for her, seeing as she is about to have a very emotional moment, calling back to that yellow sweater in the beginning!
Also see how this has blue, pink, and red designs, and I’m sure by now you can tell what I am going to say: These are the guys colors! 
She’s going to have a heartfelt moment involving them, and it fits. This is one of the emotional climax’s of the show and this is when she becomes even closer with the Phantoms
You can tell, just from her standing on the steps of Luke’s house what is about to go down (Well maybe not all of the tears, but still)
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Julie goes to check on the guys in the studio in a blue floral shirt and blue jeans
These are once again, Luke’s colors, but are slowly becoming THEIR colors. She wears these when she is saying goodbye to her best friends
This is also the outfit that Julie’ wears when she finds them after the performance and they haven’t crossed over. 
It makes perfect sense that she is wearing all blue when SHE AND LUKE HUG!!! (And then all of the boys too in the best group hug ever)
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Of course we’re gonna end the post with this absolutely ICONIC outfit!
Julie is wearing a purple dress with purple tulle, a bedazzled leather jacket, and her hair IN THE SAME STYLE AS I GOT THE MUSIC!!!
Lets go one by one:
The dress is a Balmain dress that Soyon got for $500, then she completely deconstructed it and made it to fit Madison! that’s incredible
This is the climax of the show: the boy are ‘doing their unfinished business,’ Julie is playing the Orpheum, and what color is she wearing but PURPLE! What color are dahlias? PURPLE! What color has had the most significance? PURPLE! What do red, blue, and pink make up? PURPLE! PURPLE IS JULIE’S CHARACTER COLOR
You’ll also notice that her jacket has pink, red, and blue accents, the colors of Alex, Reggie and, Luke, to show that they have become a part of her and she is now a part of them
That’s the same for her hair
It shows how she has now achieved her dream, her make believe world is now her reality
I really think we’ll see more of Julie in purple in the seasons to come, now that she has found herself
I hope that you all have learned a little about color and costuming in this post! Once you get the hang of it, it becomes really fun, like a puzzle!
I hope to do more of these with the rest of the characters as well!
Feel free to add on your own ideas and interpretations!
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magnumdays · 3 years
Magnum PI 3.10 - The Long Way Home review
Season 3! Doing it again, being amazing and just killing it! Damn!
So we got three separate stories going on this week and unlike some of the episodes in season 2 where I just felt like there was too much going on and nothing really connected when they gave everyone separate story lines I really enjoyed this. (I mean nothing still connects thematically but at least all the stories are super engaging.)
We got the Higgins and Ethan plot, which is cute and totally works to give us some Higgy back story (YES THANK YOU! Juliet did go to boarding school BUT she wasn’t quite as fancy as the other kids and broke in to the library at night!! Why did it take us 3 seasons to learn this and why do I love it so much!) 
This episode also (for me at least) shows very clearly Ethan is falling for Juliet. But Juliet isn’t in love with him. 
Like legit, she’s super attracted to him (I mean come on, those abs are no joke and he’s got fab floppy hair) BUT it’s more the idea of him than him, I think? I at least don’t see her giving him heart eyes the way she does with Magnum. And the way Ethan does with her. 
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(This is a “Oh he’s so fine I want to lick him” not a “Oh he’s attractive but also the person I connect with on every level and trust with all I am” look).
I’m saying this both because I’m wearing my rose colored Miggy glasses and even if you’re not on team Miggy you have to admit the likely hood of him sticking around much in season 4 is fairly low. And I don’t think they’ll give us heartbroken Juliet, so she can’t really fall in love with him.
I did LOVE when she smacks him with the paper because he did the crossword puzzle without her. That was so adorable! And I do like that they have that one thing in common, because what else do they have? 
Honestly couldn’t they have shown them playing golf together? Something more than eating and lying in bed together - which come on, everyone likes eating delicious things in bed! I feel like I’m waiting to see the actual moment they connect about something they share. Was that the “boarding school/ I tried to please everyone” bit? Because that didn’t scream connection to me.
Seriously, they had to give them a case so they’d have something to do (I mean of course they did, it’s a mystery show but still). I think if we’re legit supposed to see Ethan as a possible real love interest we worry about they need to give him/them something more to connect over. This was their chance to do that. And they didn’t. So in that way, I’m glad we got this, because it was just... Ethan saying he likes her, not them actually showing us why they’re a good match for each other.
(It’s like when you’re dating a guy and he’s all “I like you so much” but then when you’re sitting down and eating dinner or something, once you talked about your day and the weather it’s all awkward silence and you have to fill it with more boring small talk or kissing. Because else it would just be embarrassing sitting there in silence... #notspeakingfromexperinceoranything)
Though I didn’t like their end scene when Juliet was all “You were good at this, if he’s not careful Magnum might find himself replaced” even though she’s obvs not serious but still... it just hits a little too close to home right now!
Moving on we have the Gordon & Dennis (that’s his kids name right? suddenly I’m not sure...) Which is also adorable, at least to start, but then actually goes into something pretty deep about trust and having a father who is a cop in a time where that is problematic and just showcases how it’s not easy being a parent or a teen and at the end they just got to have a nice father/son moment and it was nice. Totally unconnected but it still worked well! Why do I also enjoy the fact that Gordy loves the food network? 
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(Though I am I’m upset TC eats ketchup on is steak though. I’m not sure I can ever see him the same way again.)
Then for the actual PI/ Magnum plot. And having just watched a video on how the US military sponsors a bunch of TV shows and movies to get recruits and why this is problematic because they always makes the military come out looking good, I felt like I was going to be more of a skeptic and maybe even a little annoyed by this bit.
But I was NOT! I loved it! Like Magnum having to do some actual PI work, the fact that it was not all roses and sunshine and then having Magnum tell us the story about the interpreter that was sick and didn’t get snatched and just making a friend and being the awesome guy he is and offering to be there for him and then having him watch Liam get united with his family. Just all the feels we got! It was great. 
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And the boys working together! It just worked beautifully. Much better than the episode last year when they did a full on boys-team up, at least in my opinion, that one felt a little forced (think it was actually 2.10). 
My only like “I’m not buying this” was the parents who were just fine with their son being dead almost? Who is happy their son wanted to be a hero and in the military the day after he died? Even if that’s their normal/ once they got over it personality, right after? 
IDK, that annoyed me a little, but still. I really like that they’re trying to showcase some of the less than great aspect about serving. Because it’s not all rainbows and puppies either during or after serving. And we got little hints of that. 
So I loved this episode...but I missed the Miggy!
One call! That’s all we got? Come on! But at the same time, this episode worked so well, I can’t be mad about it.
I could have lived without the Ethan being all “I’m serious, I really like you” at the beach and exchanged that scene for one when Juliet comes back to Robin’s Nest and is all like “I see you managed without me” and Magnum would be little smug “I did, how was your vacation?” “I actually solved a mystery of my very own. Well sort of a mystery...”. I think that would have been pretty cool! 
But I do like it ending with Magnum watching the guy with his family, having been reunited and maybe we do see some longing in his eyes to have that too. IDK, maybe I’m just reading into things. But we do have the baby episode coming up in a few...
Side note:
OMG the ending on MacGyver this week! I can’t believe it but I’m more excited for MacGyver next week than Magnum and that is saying something because I’d almost decided to stop watching MacGyver!
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