#id love to take credit but theyre doing all the work
epicqtefail · 2 years
This blog is so goofy I can't stop giggling 💀 I look insane on my couch rn, thank you ❤
:^D thank you! these characters have to be some of the funniest, i'm glad i'm not giggling on my own
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gilfrespecter · 1 year
I wish joe and janet would get me my money faster I have Shit I Need To Do With That
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idledee · 7 months
Your use of colour is mesmerising, I let my eyes unfocus and still enjoy your illustration… how do you choose your colour palettes and manage to keep them across the whole illustration (low contrast but amazing hues)?
Also what artists do you look up to/study in learning how to colour?
hello, what a fun question!!! id like to take this opportunity to talk about one of my biggest source of inspiration-- the art of onmyoji: the card game. there are tons of artists who work on it but all the pieces done for the game are gorgeous showstopping breathtaking... theyre a huge source of inspo for me for composition, color, and overall style. i really recommend taking a look at the art!!! i learned a lot by staring at them!!!!! here are some of my favs: (i apologize for no artist credits bc its quite hard for me to find them, but if u search "onmyoji commission" on twitter u can find a few artists!) also for long post lol
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YA in conclusion everyone hates this game and no one plays it except me and like 12 japanese players but i be grinding bc i love staring at the art
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floralkittygambler · 1 year
Coming and Going - Some More Vivzie Shit
Before you start, this is an extremely LONG read covering this account, my views of Viv, my content and my relationships within this Godforsaken fandom. This is my most up to date thoughts in 2023 on everything. This is something I feel necessary for me to do.
Contents (in no particular order):
Current Situation
Relationships in the fandom
Why I started this Blog
Thoughts on Viv/co and how they've changed since m previous posts
the fans
future thoughts and moving on
If any of this interests you, read ahead. Titles will be provided for easier following.
Why I started this blog
Originally this was a blog like any other; art, reblogs n shit. As I grew more into a Viv fan, I started posting fanart and follow blogs on her work. The more I learned the more I hated, and thus I began to become a critic. I was pissed off at viv wasting her potential, and eventually I became just as toxic and shitty as both her hardcore haters and majority of her fans. Some takes were good, some bad, either way I got too involved, too absorbed and let it consume me. Stupidly getting into conflicts, stuff like that. And I became a hardcore hater. I vocalised it. My initial aims long lost. Then I disappeared.
Vivzie, co, all that
I went from adoration to disgust of this lot. Now though, whilst I deeply dislike Viv and her crew, deeply dislike majority of the fans, I just feel... Gross. Hollow. Exhausted. I have a lot to say on Viv and my previous takes but truthfully I am too lazy and too tired and ultimately have better shit to do than go through every little thing right *now*. But I do want to at least cover a few here to do some justice, I guess.
So to skim through a few. Lets go.
Viv tracing. Honestly, tracing is a useful skill but it's bad when you trace another's work, don't credit and claim it as your own. This includes modified tracing (starting with a trace then stylising over it to make it more your style). Having nazi, nonce, etc characters I think people take extreme. These sorts make excellent "love to hate them" villains. Owning such characters isn't a crime. It's how theyre portrayed and the purpose. The nuance - something to constantly keep in mind. Her romanticism sausage party art is yikes. With her age, maturity, humour, I believe she saw this as some kind of fucked up humour, having enough awareness to understand the taboo to hide this stuff yet I do feel this was a stupid kid doing stupid edgy shit. Does that make it right? No. But I definitely dont think Viv is some nonce or nazi supporter. Later finding out how this profile was discovered makes me equally question morality on all sides. Vivs beastiality nonce artwork with the snake tub, Ive seen private dms to solidify that viv admitted to both owning this piece and that it was supposed to be a joke. Once again, I genuinely dont think shes a nonce BUT she needs to realise that if that character was below 18, she has drawn child prawn (censorship whooo) as well as distributed it via sharing online. That's still something really serious and gross. I get her humour is immature and dark, but theres lines you dont cross. And I dont find that art funny in any ways, it genuinely looks like a perverts wank bank rather than funny. Idk if the lad was one of them shapeshifting animals either but being in a human form in this instance does make the portrayal a beastiality one, due to human presenting. That's not cool. As much as I loathe those who would abuse kids or animals, I dont think this is Viv necessarily. Though I believe in this sense, Viv needs to understand and work with her cats more. She's done a lot of wrong shit but false accusations derail from solid proven issues that need addressing. At the least, Im glad the animal pervs and nonce stuff is gone. Heartbreaking that shit is so often heard of. This is the sort of thing Id laugh at as a kid but now Im grown and look after little ones, it fills me with nothing but sickening horror. Whilst vile vile vile, I havent seen anything concrete to prove or imply Viv supporting/participating in such depravity. And I fucking pray it stays that way.
You have apologised in the past. But the way you did so, the way you spoke about it afterwards and the way you are now proves it was insincere. Something to shut 'haters' up.
Viv, with all your shit, neurodiversity and late maturity, you're still yet to change for the better. The people you hang with are some of the most vile, toxic, narcissistic and shitty people. Yes men. You hire fans who'll do anything to please you, which can open the path to abuse (note: CAN, not a definitive, though in this case...). You equally are still a shitty person still. You're coming apart at the seams. Critique and hate aren't the same, and unfortunately you'll need adaptability and tough skin in this world as people can be very cruel. You lie. You twist like a constrictor. Charm the more susceptible. A very well known kissarse of yours on twitter who was quite the bully was followed by yourself, liked tweets then hired. They arent the only one either. Whilst you cannot be responsible for every single fans every single action, their are responsibilities you hold. Dont like tweets that encourage hate, dont reward negative behaviours, check your own public actions and how they may influence (act like a prick and those who admire you will mimic). Behind the scenes, treat people right. Dont play favourites. Always have integrity. Learn to incorporate critiques as well as filter out legitimate hate. I know it's not easy, but it's necessary to survive.
Viv, I can wholeheartedly empathise with receiving harsh hate early on in life and online. I know how that can taint and stunt the mind. But the thing is, you have to eventually break from that. BE responsible. Grow. Ive been toxic before. That's partially why I fixate on some of this. Equally Im angry. You ARE a VERY talented artist with potential. A shitty writer, do work on that (as well as diverse stories to tell - gain those experiences or listen to those who've been there - esp as you're doing this as a living) but when you're passionate about a piece, you're talented. And when you're not, you do what we all do and dole shite out (btw people thought I was bullying Viv when I said her P5 Alastor piece was bad in comparison to her other works. The proportions were awful, you could tell she just wanted it out the way. A startling lack of soul.) From what I've seen, you crave approval and admiration to compensate from the past cruelty. I can empathise. But that shit isnt healthy. And you block yourself from growth. You cultivate a tainted crop. You poison yourself. You sacrifice integrity and the gruelling work of improvement for the instant gratification of worship from fans by bending to their desires and your own at the cost of quality. What couldve been groundbreaking storytelling and visuals is nothing more than a glorified low-level fanfic. Wasted potential. Something I cant stand. I have been harsh as that same method helped me. In doing so, I disregarded your own humanity. I wish I conducted myself better and though I never encouraged abuse, I'm sorry that my words may have contributed to this shit cycle.
Your staff and many of your fans have... Concerning attributes, such as the fetishing of toxic relationships, blurred boundaries, disregard of boundaries, etc. The stark numbers of such unpleasant people flocking you is extremely worrying.
I do deeply dislike you. I do feel you have ultimately caused your own shit - been there - but I do pity you as well. I wish you'd go the effort to be you. To be less try hard. To allow growth and change, diversity, stop petting hatred. Get a better crowd, esp one willing to actually help you to be better by pointing shit out. To stop mass abusing others. I do dislike you greatly. I wish you would do better but all you've been doing is doubling down on shit. I feel Icarus needs to fly closer to the Sun for change to happen. It feels like the only way you may actually ground yourself and smell the roses. I just wish folk could be better as a whole. Sick of shit like this. Whilst no one is perfect, there's still standards to uphold. Growth to be had. Breach stereotypes and fetishes that dehumanise, work on yourself and your relationships with others. Careful on your humour and learn how to execute humour properly. Glad you're not doing beastiality art though. You cant please everyone and shouldnt have to in order to be admired and popular. Just be better. Also hating kids isnt a personality. I get not everyone cares about them but dont take shit too far. They can be gross and annoying but in the end they're just... Children. Theyre learning and growing. You can only hope they bloom into decent people. Admittedly a kid tripping is pretty funny but there's a limit. If you want to portray a creep, don't do anything that endorses their behaviours. Theyre vile, remember. No kid deserves that. Work on financing too. Medicating via shopping is a dangerous road. Dont bend to social pressures (such as getting wasted because friends do if you dont want to). Vet your staff. Better ethics.
And the fans are just... A minority are lovely. I had a HuskerDust fan be respectful of our differences and hope the best for them. But the majority I've encountered or witnessed have been off their fucking heads. Often encouraged by Viv or staff. The staff and fans are now claiming that critics are homophobic racists falsely (which implies certain races, sexualities, identities, etc are absolved of criticism - which is both favouritism and it's own form of bigotry. Hell, it's spitting on the real victims of such crimes over mediocre cartoons and digital lunacy). These same people then insult people for... being cis and straight. Firstly, that's also bigotry and a dick move on identity and invalidation, it's also false in some cases (proving folks just spew shit), it demands special treatment for identities when we're all equal and deserve to be treated with equity, it's also just... Weak. Bigots can fuck off BUT many critiques have been about inconsistency in plots, writing and design issues, etc. Nothing pertaining identity.
Fans have been hypocritical like their idol. We're all hypocritical to an extent. But the madness... Ok, Blitzo uses retard (note: neurodivergant and have right to say that word, even then it also means delay "fire retardant" as well as where I live it's not nearly as bad as another term used yet is still fine in the US.) I think this isn't an issue as it can show things or speech patterns of the character. Then fans have falsely accused critics of ableism who either havent used the word, quoting this or even have right to say it yet coddle this fictional character. This was referenced in a recent episode with Blitzo about to call another character (rumours are this nurse is autistic but I do NOT have full confirmation. Pinch of salt!) retard before retracting it as it being unacceptable to say. Blitzo really wouldnt give a shit. Likewise I feel this is one of those permanant grey areas in fiction; is it? Isnt it? in terms of using terms. Of Mice and Men used slurs against black folk, that was to reflect that time and the character's mentalities. Not an author's mirror. Likewise, it wasn't used as humour either. Coming from ONE ND, I couldn't care. I feel this is hyperfocused on over more glaring issues, as well as a benefit of the doubt (being character mindset and possibly not author projection). Feel free to have your own opinions, and I only speak for myself there. I can empathise with those who may feel more sensitive to the word (which is why Im more careful in it's use) but as someone who is also technically affected, I just... Personally dont feel too bothered. Likewise, I'm learning to hold more human compassion and flexibility to error and human flaws rather than perfect standards (again, this wont justify or absolve. And more serious things like an assault doesnt apply. It's daft this needs clarifying, it should be the bare minimal). Not everyone will agree on everything, but there's just some lines that should be a standard. I think the staff and fans overall conduct themselves immaturely, cruelly, and cause harm.
I regret in engaging in some arguments. Not worth it. I think I shouldve been more compassionate to difference yet equally not been so volatile with harassment. HunterGirl's HD discord hate on me is... Something I shouldn't have fed. Hate me, that's fine. But the fact someone so close to Viv allowed the harassment is disappointing and shitty. Bitch behind the scenes but dont go out at people. Likewise behind the scenes talk, dont threaten folk either *Viv* (at one of your ex-staff). Call someone the biggest wanker you know but there are limits you dont cross. As with Viv and co, I once hoped for improvement but I just lack faith in that now and I'd just rather stay away from it all. Too much toxicity I've allowed myself to bathe in and hatred and venom only burns. Only burns more of the same product. It's not worth it. Don't even have the skills or assets to do any good from this either. If I can't help, itd be best to support those who can help whilst staying away from the vitriol. Stick to the facts and my own integrity. It's tiring to be involved in all... this. Again, I can only speak on myself hence why I'm only saying me shit. Any vents can be done to friends but otherwise none of this has resulted in any good. And I contributed to cruelty as well. It aint right.
Bit more personal and past. Ive made many nice friends. Friends Im still friends with now, and I thank them. With certain issues arising, theyve been the anchors to ground and account me. Real friends. Friends that deserve to be shown more how appreciated they really are. Thank you. They have guided me into better awareness and accountability. We have our own little group now for art, gaming and hopefully any other group activities. Friend stuff. We'll rant, we'll vent, but we're actually doing friend shit now. Ive hyperfixated enough on negatives. Dragged others into an abyss with me. Its not fair for them.
There is a friend here, I think they dont see my stuff anymore idk. I was warned about them. Through all Ive seen and my experiences, I wish you to get help. Get off tumblr. Get off twitter. Both can be extremely toxic as well as cultivate toxicity. Be accountable. Get help. And focus on you. I still worry for you, though I am disgusted on some of your actions. Treat the living with respect. Learn that people will try to bait you. Let go of paranoia (not easy), confront your past and grow. And please... Dont lie. Dont lie about events that occur as you're creating your own misery. Learn to step back and not be so forceful and preachy. Been there, it's not a good place. Experience a diverse crowd on a human level. And please spend some time away from the internet. People really can be pricks sometimes. Even ourselves. You're also pretty hair trigger and tempered. A bit like me sometimes LOL. Learn to balance that. Trust me.
To mates on here who Ive only spoken to here, if you'd still like to be mates, I can link you our group if you're up for group art and gaming or activities, or to another social media account to chat.
To unanswered asks, I'll try but not promise to address them. Those which ended up deleted, I can only remember the one question sorry. And the answer is Sitri. Sitri would be a good HB replacement for Stolas, he's quite the love/lust expert and a focus on men. Fun chap! I had more for this answer but again, cant be arsed with this shit anymore. Sorry.
I joined a spindle critique group. What I learned is the union from bitterness isnt solid grounds for friendship. I wont go into details as it's a private and resolved matter. I shared the full log to current friends to have a neutral and raw take. These are friends I can trust will yank my chain if Im in the wrong. And they did. They spoke of the wrongs on both sides. These are folks who are guiding me to better. Folks I have trusted with the full log, full transparency. I appreciate you both and take your words into stride daily. To old friends, I would rather friends make their own choices. I never hated you, but was hurt on this other side of you. Likewise Im sorry to make you feel that way. Im sorry to have trauma dumped (recently discovered this term, and using it to manage myself better.) There was only one individual that I was given uneasy vibes on and made that clear from the start. I tried with them. For awhile, I even started to see them as a genuine friend. In the end, we were too clashing. We didn't mesh well. My initial feeling on the situation ultimately felt true. But when I open up about home issues and emotions, I dont want them weaponised. Especially as Ive been doing some irl work to find many holes in my perspective as well as others hard work in being involved with me. Things are different now. Never felt it needed in convo, I was too fixed on my own hurt. Home was self preservation at those times. I regret opening up over some personal issues. None of this absolves me of poorly handling situations and anger issues. Near the end, I felt more wary to be more open on certain things. But I shouldve been a better friend. I never liked how catty things got. Trolled. We all just became knobs in one way or another.
My ask to remove my triggers was me hoping to do good for you. Remove a trigger that would inevitably end up being a large part of the group sooner or later, maybe this summer. Especially as I 'lacked empathy'. I thought I was doing good. I never lied about it, and feel bitter that was twisted. If I explained something, I was wrong. Kept it brief, I was bitchy. I was willing to endure a trigger if it made things easier in the group, and the situation was more than a stupid ship. Ive had triggers Ive adapted to handle better now. And public, you are not entitled to my medical history however we're in an age where youre both valid and entitled to privacy yet must breach privacy to have a voice. I have an ED. A certain word wasn't even allowed in my presence without panic and flashbacks. I was a little girl then. And I managed to slowly ease the trigger word via gradual exposure - a replacement word, spelling the word, and eventually hearing the word. It - and what it has done to me - will always scar me. But I learned to handle it better in my own time. I dont need lecturing on how triggers work. Especially when each case is unique, each 'cure' is personalised. If you want to believe Im full of shit then... Do that. Im sorry for being a shitty friend at times and Im working on that, but outside opinions (note: these are done in private spaces so all parties are anon) have noted flaw on your end too. We all fucked up. The two things below the belt were the trigger claims (hence my example of my own experiences with another trigger) and my private issues shared in confidant are the two things I remain disgusted by. That doesnt justify my frustrations, dumping or behaviour. And my example is not a pity ploy either. We're separate now, and it's best that way.
Overall, being here, in this community and fandom, has done nothing but shit. Fuelled the worst in me and others (from what ive seen in public fandom spaces). I may do art and other creative endevours on spindle, but otherwise good riddance. Even if the purge is painful.
Another friend. Im in their group too. One to improve some creative skills. Appreciate being let in there, though I'll probably mainly lurk for tips. Thank you for allowing me to do so. Wording is honestly growing harder for me each day. It's helping me start the path of better expression.
Current and future
I word shit less. Not here, as this is long overdue. But trying to sum up more efficiently. Spending more time irl to improve myself and my life. Welcoming friends who we both can hold each other accountable and support. Focusing more on stuff to improve as well as enjoy. The world is so dismal. So I spend time doing other stuff. Im already mopey enough. Sorting things to refine and focus on enjoyments. Gaining skills to help others. Experienced some personal griefs/losses. And Im learning that people arent entitled to everything. Not quite there yet but Im learning. Im often in deep pain, so cant always do what I want to get done in a day.
Most likely, I will discontinue this. Besides others have been doing a brilliant job. Dont absorb yourself. You can control much of what you get exposed to, so what you can control, make it good! Have integrity, work on yourselves. Try not to be a dickhead but acknowledge where you are a dickhead and work on that. Balance is key to a healthy mind, take the good with the not so good. Take the time to simply sit outside and observe. Appreciate life. Similarities and differences. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. But have your standards. Learn. Grow.
Im in a lot of pain and have shit to do. Take care. I feel Viv, co, fans will only learn with drastics, haters need to learn empathy (haters as in stalker level folk), old friends Im sorry to hurt and equally feel hurt by. Best we've gone separate ways and moving on. Current friends I appreciate. That one person, please... PLEASE get help. Youre young, man- This shit is going to poison your very core. Make you into something shitty and cruel. And please treat animals with care. Me, still a twat but trying. Embrace truth, compassion and fairness with a firm angle. Or just avoid nasty shit.
Well, cya. Stay well. We're not going to be here forever.
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1tsjusty0u · 3 months
ignore the follow thing i pressed the wrong button. link and paya. what happen. actually link's relationship with the champion successors/descendants
no….. my internet clout…!!!! IM…. FLOPPING… HOW COULD THIS BE…. (/joking)
AND GOOD QUESTION!! though i am sorry to say link and paya barely interact. if/when they do its around the later spectrum of the. timeline? story? but they just met once and that was kind of the extent of it. mmmaybe theyd both clean sometimes? if he does the shrine quest by helping people out. she. would be more friends with zelda probably. speaking of he might talk with her more mainly about a plan about. what now once the calamity is gone. and then ask for recipes <3. later arcs she might start to send letters out of worry once the calamity is “over” because he’d just kind of. disappear? i should clarify this isnt out of romantic love or anything (she was done so dirty and for what) but like. being kind of scared that a semi absent coworker or classmate just stops showing up. for awhile you might get used to it but eventually when the time passes youll have to ask where they went. she’d probably be blunt about asking in a . polite way. but yeah. zelda wise i think i think theyd just hang out sometimes. paya cant really be a substitute for ancient sheikah work but they just get along well enough that zelda initiates meetings by going “deconstructing (guardian) isvgoing badly. help” and itll basically be explaining code to a rubber duck deal. paya gives either a sanity check or a second perspective which is nice. and paya can talk about whats going on around her when its just a hangout session. i dunno i think they could make a neat duo especially when talking about problems/confronting them. when pushed hard enough paya wont give the polite/avoidant answer, and zelda could need the bluntness if that makes sense.
champions descendants!!!! honestly its. pretty well id say? uhhh firstly my link didnt get the thunder helm because well. thats Their Thing. so how this affects the. story? i dont know. but yeah its alright. he sees teba mostly by proxy, but teba is the one he sees the most. because he isnt like a royal person and hes Just Some Guy it makes talking a lot easier, both physically and mentally. riju hed… sort of see the second most? im genuinely debating whether or not link being able to get into gerudo town should be a thing in this au. i would like to redo gerudo town as a whole but that will take time. for now i like to think he just. gave a letter to one of the guards with the gist of it. and he completed the quest without ever going inside town. the only times hed really talk to her post that is if gerudo town is in need of resources that he can easily get, or ice. otherwise not many letters or anything, but theyre on pretty good terms. he sometimes gets to send fruit for patricia. next would be yunobo! youd think its be easier to talk to him however theyd both have nothing to talk about to each other. its basically friendly but silent terms unless necessary. last is sidon. i am so sorry sidon….. the only way theyd really interact is if sidon himself initiated the conversation/letter chain. otherwise with link actively avoiding zoras domain.. . the line blurs between friends and business partners for all of them. if they traveled together i think theyd all be better friends but i dunno if thats going to happen. they probably play a bigger. role?? in this au than im giving them credit for honestly. also i couldve sworn i had Thoughts but i forgot…… once the calamity is defeated i think itd be a bit of a mess, though how much of one i dont know
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puppyeared · 2 years
I love your work so much!! Do you have tips on finding a style?
omg thank you so much!!! and yeah id be more than happy to give u some pointers, i put them under the cut because i ended up rambling lol
the only reason i've been able to work on (and still improving!) my art all these years is because ive taught myself to kind of learn from different artists. if you wanted to make the best tasting cake in the world, wouldnt you want to experiment with different flavors before moving on to what you like?
what i mean by this is, dont restrict yourself basically!! any invisible rules you make for yourself should be ones you know you can follow reasonably, not because other people told you what does and doesn't work.
which brings me to my next point, which is to really take the time to study what you like in another artist's style. don't just take things from an art piece because you think it looks good. instead, try to point out what you really like and why, and then you can start asking yourself questions for your own art!
let's say you really like the way this artist chooses colors for their art. do they follow a certain pattern, or is it a different palette each time? what makes it work, do they make them really saturated and energetic, or are they toned down and calming? what colors do they use the most, and why? when you start breaking down one thing (i like the way this artist colors) into smaller things that you can ask yourself, then you can kind of set up goals you want for yourself. this way you're not making the artist's goals yours, it's more like you see what they see and what those goals look like to you.
another thing thats part of my process and kind of related to what i talked about above is having a references folder handy! for me, i tend to split up my references into 2 main categories: art references and art inspiration
what does this mean? well, art reference is like what i mean when i say to study other peoples art. when i see an art piece i like, i tend to put it in my folder so i can go back and look at it anytime. on the other hand, art inspiration could be photographs or paintings that you dont want to study the style of, but you just really like the overall tone it has, and maybe it gives you ideas for stuff you wanna draw
I dont take this art to steal credit or show to anyone else, its strictly for personal use!! and even so, when I do do this, i make sure to type in the artist's username or URL just because. when you go to the museum and take pictures of the paintings, you are saving them for reference, not to tote as yours on the internet!!
if you're uncomfortable with saving other peoples art, you could also just keep it on hand through a draft or save it! on instagram i bookmark art i really like, and on tumblr I sometimes save art to my drafts. whatever works for you honestly!
you can even go the extra mile and make more subcategories if you want! are you unimaginative when it comes to designing outfits? bam, outfits folder, now i can go back and look at outfits i really like! do you want to try different palettes, but you can't come up with funky colors? bam, palette folder for color palettes you like and want to play with!! anything to go with your needs baby!!!
you might have also noticed this if you've been following me for a while, but playing with your tools is also something i recommend! i tend to change my brushes any which way the wind blows, and like, nobodys really stopping me lol. maybe you feel like watercolor isnt your thing anymore, and you want to try coloring with oil pastels. or maybe you dont like the way this textured brush looks, so you're trying this one instead and before you know it, it's like oh my god where has this brush been all my life.
and finally, i want to share my personal opinion on art clones. "but puppy!" you wail, "art clones are copying other artists art styles, its lazy and theyre not putting in the work!" you're not wrong! but at the same time, do you think you would be able to make that super yummy blueberry muffin without that recipe on pinterest? i know thats not the same thing, but what i'm trying to say is, we all have to start somewhere and i think we should learn to respect the way other artists grow.
back in 2017, lots of people were drawing their ocs with big round shiba eye brows, and nowadays some people have moved on from that, while others continue to use it. and thats ok! its nobodys job to say what goes in art! did you know when rebecca sugar, the creator of steven universe, was 15, her art style was based on the invader zim art style? it's true!
so before you start calling yourself an art clone for even drawing the same angle of a line another artist does, ask yourself: am i pretending to be this person? if the answer is no, then great! nothing in this world is original as much as people want you to believe, and while i can't tell you what is and isn't okay for everything that goes in art, at the end of the day whatever you draw should be for you. i know this gets a lot of flack, especially when it comes to vivziepop clones because her art style is so distinct, but like!! if you know it's not her and that person isn't trying to copy exactly everything about her, then that's it!
i could go on about this more, but i really don't want to start anything and i think i made my main points clear. TLDR: open yourself up to different art styles, DON'T STEAL ART AND MAKE SURE YOU CREDIT THE ARTIST, clones are more nuanced than you think, and at the end of the day, look back on how far you've come and feel proud of yourself!
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sillyhisui · 1 year
on the debate of ai art
i am a super duper easygoing person to the point where i am the essence of neutrality in nearly all arguments. with the rise of ai art i mostly just listened while others fought against it, but i think id like to share my honest opinion that no one will read but idec
i dont necessarily think ai art generators are bad at all. its fun to use it like if you take a picture of yourself and make it an anime girl, like thats hilarious! me and my friends have messed around using that before and its not bad at all. so i think the thing thats awful about ai art isnt the generator itself, but the user
people will “create” works on ai generators and claim they made it themselves, which is what is wrong in this debate. its similar to what tracing and recoloring is in the art community, its just taking credit for something you didnt make. a quote a moot of mine said once was “everyone wants to be an artist, but no one wants to make the art anymore”. people are doing things to receive praise, clout, money, etc by being the artist, but theyre not going to sit there and make the art. its really sad.
the definition of art on the google dictionary is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power”. i love this definition! art is essentially humans expressing themselves. i think of old renaissance paintings, where old painters expressed their melancholy and religious beliefs, but also in the art i create, where i express my love for my friends/medias i am into by drawing characters for them. in ai art, this sense of soul is lost. people are not creating anymore, theyre taking. and thats what causes ai art to be bad.
on top of that, ive heard that some ai generators are stealing anime arts from online, and i can see this as a problem. in my opinion, this isnt as bad as the soul being taken out of art, but a lot of people are unhappy about this which is very understandable.
i think it all depends on your perspective really and it can be opinionated. i wont judge you in the slightest if you use ai generators sometimes, but if you claim it to be your creation when in fact it shows no sign of simple human expression, please go away. id rather you personally draw the ugliest cat drawing in the world than you “create” the most beautiful ai painting
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 9-10
This is actually so traumatizing. Can you imagine being Kai and Nya. Wus life on the line as well as the entire world
Kai has such a strong sense of justice
omfg i cant imagine how pained Kai and Nyas parents must feel. Seeing their kids being forced to retrieve a time blade and their old dear friend Wu aging to death
And they cant do anything about it
Ray: We hid the timeblade in a place that fire and water coexist. The boiling sea.
Holy shit thats cool
Jay: Its just a strategic retreat!
Cole: ‘Strategic retreat’ is just a fancy way of saying giving up 🙄
HFNSJNFND i love Coles sass
Zane: Wait! I cant retreat, im getting a signal.
Jay: Oh yeah? Does it sound anything like this?! ‘MOVE YOUR ASS ZANE!!!!’
Awwww Zane wants to save Cyrus borg
No but fr theyre right, theres too many vermillion warriors for Zane to handle
id like to take this moment in time to remind everyone that when Zane tried to sacrifice himself, Jay tried to run in and stop him while everyone watched in horror. Now at this exact moment, Jay is the first to volunteer in joining Zane to saving Cyrus borg
Technoshipping has been looking especially likable lately 👀
Kai: Gotta give credit to whoever named it the ‘Boiling Sea’ for accuracy…
The time brothers can be so stupid sometimes
Can we talk about how Nya was the first ninja to make a fusion dragon TWICE
Shes the fucking best
Their fusion dragons so cool
Ray: Now listen, this is VERY important. The first obstacle—
Kai: THERES NO TIME! Wus wasting away!
just wait a goddamn second 😭
I love their sibling relationship sm
Kai, who almost fell in a crater: haha… who knew you could be so high up, under water…
Nya: 😐😑😐
Kai: uhhh any idea on how to get down there without breaking our necks.
Nya: well, we could ask our dad… Oh no wait! You were too impatient for that.
Their relationship is everything to me
Cyrus borg after attacking the ninja in vermillion suits: You came, to rescue me?
Jay: Yeah… a decision im coming to regret…
Love how Jay was a huge cyrus borg fanatic and now is just tired of the guy 💀
Cole: Duh, they kidnapped all the builders in ninjago. Pay attention Jay!
5 minutes later
Jay: Duh, its a temporal voyage, temporal meaning ‘time’. PAY ATTENTION COLE.
Love how at the beginning of this season Jay didn’t even know what Temporal meant.
I feel like thats happened before, with Jay not knowing the meaning of a word and then constantly using it when he does.
Kai: You know how moms can get, haha!
Nya: No… because, i never had one.”
Kai: ah.
Kai: Right.
Kai: Because ours got kidnapped when you were only 3.
Kai: Sorry.
what a blunt way to just drop that 😭
Awwww now hes trying to cheer her up 🥹
Hes such a good older brother
Cyrus borg is actually so smart implementing a self destruct code even when the time brothers were watching him like a hawk
(All the ninja secretly taking borg away in their disguises with their faces covered)
Jay: (Showing his whole face) Aye aye captain!
Vermillion general: DID YOU JUST TALK!?!?
Cole: seriously Jay??? We’re NINJA we’re supposed to be stealthy
SAMURAI X!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!
knowing Samurai X is Pixal makes this whole exchange between the two of them adorable
Pixals so badass
Ok but why would their parents create geometric monsters that water and fire cant defeat.
Awwwww the little geometric screams
Kai after they try to use water and fire on the door: Working together, hehe 😎(Breaks his hands and feet fighting it)
Nya: Its the dragon blade! For ONCE take TWO seconds to think a problem through!
Shes not wrong💀
Kai: (picks up the time blade and everything starts crumbling)
Kai: We gotta bolt! Or do you wanna stay and think a problem through?
i love them sm
I keep forgetting they can do airjitzu
Cyrus borg: Uhhh i remember the destruction code was a 13 hundred sequence…
Yeah. I mean, it was pretty obvious the time brother werent gonna let Kai reverse Wu.
they lost :(
okay but why do Kai and Nya need the dragon sword to make a fusion dragon. Jay and Nya didnt need one in skybound???
Zane: 13 hundred? Thats the first line of code-
Pixal as Samurai X: -in Programming a nindroid!
From Jay being the person who uses his element the most, im assuming its the easiest to animate 😭
Zane (literally shaking from how fast he’s typing): JUST A COUPLE MORE HUNDRED DIGITS
Jay: This could not get any worse.
Cole: did you really just say that? You totally jinxed us!
Jay: pft- Thats not how real life work 🙄
Yeah but thats how cartoons work
(Giants flying shop descends)
Jay: Not saying another word.
Pls pls plsssss Nya and Kai come swoop in and save the day
Kai: the dragons not gonna make it in time, we dont have enough speed!
Their mother: good luck kids.
Nya: What are you doing?!?
Mom: Giving you the speed you need! (Fucking jumps off the dragon with her unconscious husband)
Oh ok she landed safely 💀
Kai: Our mom is totally awesome!
Hell yeah she is
Nya and Kais mom: Children…
Jay: Nya!
Cole: Kai!
Just wanted to point that out. Thats for the lavashippers out there
Jay calling out to Kai and Nya 🥹
Jay: Why did they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix 😢
Ray (their father): It was the only way to save Wu….
Jay: Oh, Okay. Im good with that!
Cole: We need to go after them! Cant you build another time machine Cyrus????
Cyrus: I cant :(
Jay: Ohhhhh I get it. ‘I cant’ is business speak means itll cost ya big. Okay business man, i hear you. Uhhhhhh I have a tenner?
Jay: Okaaaay, well samurai 2.0, since we’re waiting why dont you tell us whats really under that mask???
Samurai 2.0:
Samurai 2.0: No.
Jay: …
Jay: Would a tenner change your mind?…
i love Jay sm
Can Ray and Wu just NOT die from aging??? It isnt that hard. Just stop.
Love that Nya and Kai are just hiding right under the time brothers noses
See this is what I meant when i said time travel shit fucks me up.
If Krux and Acronix went back in time shouldnt Wu REMEMBER them coming back????
Jays bio mom: Am I dreaming or are those the guys we just fought?
Time brothers: You stopped us once today, but we now have a legion with us.
Jays bio mom: Awwwwww! And here I thought I was finally gonna go on my honeymoon! Really cute guy too, Cliff is an actor and when I look into his eyes-
i love her sm
Wish we learned more about her
“Change anything, change everything”
God this is giving me so much season 1 time traveling deja vu
Love how the ninja contradict Wus own wisdom with his other same wisdom hfjsbfjsjr
i laughed a little when Kai exaggeratingly deepened his voice terribly like his fathers and then Nya proceeded to give the best impression of her mother ive ever seen 😭
Cant believe the time brothers just killed their snake commanders
Hate that their time machine is called the ‘iron doom’
Jays bio mom: Ughhhh SERIOUSLY!?!? normal snake samurai are hard enough. How do we stop THAT?
Noooo time has been altered :(
wait, no technology?
NO ZANE?!?!?!?!?
I miss Garmadon….
Seeing him and Wu young and somewhat happy makes me wanna cry
Krux: You know what they say, fight fire with time!
Acronix: I hate when you make up sayings.
Wait what is Nya doing
Ik shes doing smth super smart but WHAT
Nya istg u better have a plan bc Krux and Acronix just traveled to the future and are probably gonna destroy the world so you better have SOMETHING
also your brothers absolutely dejected and feels like a failure so maybe talk with him
wait what are they doing with it
i cant do time travel shit i dont understand a thing
Ok ok, so they fixed everything.
That was anti-climatic.
Jay: Kai and Nya did it! (Hugs samurai x) wanna celebrate by telling me who you are?
Samurai 2.0: No.
Oh wait Rays dying.
Krux and Acronix: if we go far enough in time, there will be no one who knows us! Aaaand no Kai and Nya!!!
Kai: Wow! You just keep getting it wrong dont you?
Nya: That must be really, really frustrating.
I absolutely love them
Wu cares for Ray sm 🥺
Wu: (destroys the fucking time machine)
Kai: Why did you do that?????
Wu: Putting off until tomorrow what cannot be done today.
Damn. Twisting around his own analogies now.
They made Rays old death so much more violent and sad then Wus
Cole: Wait, wheres master Wu?????
Kai: Hes gone…
Cole: So, we dont have a master anymore..?
Jay: Yes we do, you Lloyd. It has to be you.
Im so glad im rewatching this show, I legitimately forgot all about this.
Lloyd: We will not rest, until we figure out. where is Wu.
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
Batdr is fine. When you take only the game itself into account but yeah its pretty much impossible to remove it from all the context of what went down with the studio. Buuuut Im not well versed on that and i want to talk about some stuff about the game in itself.
Batim used to be a spin some years ago, from before i even created this blog. So i kinda wanted to check it out, just out of curiosity
Gotta admit, i had a better time watching it than i thought id have. Though i literally just finished watching a playthrough a few hours ago so my opinions might change in the future, probably will be my only post of this game here
Out of the gate i have to say, i didn't really like the talking animations. Like, the gestures dont feel like gestures you do when you're talking with someone. Theyre too floaty and simmetrical. A good example of the floaty thing is in the intro where Audrey is tapping her fingers on the desk. Doesnt look super right.
The style took me a while to get used to. I was more fond of the style in the first game but it grew on me. They really expanded on the style, made it more detailed and really worked with the sepia and black in a way to give everything a lot of depth while still keeping it cartoony. Dont know how to feel about the addition of new colors.
The story was pretty interesting! I do like how they messed with the concept of the loop without outright conflicting with the canon Batim estabilished. It makes sense, its very interesting! I liked the flow of the story, but i did get a little ehhhh when it began showing that Audrey was trusting Wilson to do the right thing. Because like, the man fucking drowned you and trapped you in an inky hellscape. Even when you dont know his plans, why would you trust him? Yes, he's a familiar face but still doesnt make sense.
Joey making Audrey is something i really liked for some reason, its very interesting. Maybe because of the toh brainrot fjdndnf. Though it does contradict his line at the end of Batim where he says that Henry got a loving family and he only got a crooked empire. There was a lot of small things from the first game that they seemed to forget or just contradict, which is odd because there also was a lot that was consistent.
One thing that didn't sit well with me was how more at the end it seemed to go in a direction of showing how Joey changed for the better, but never really adressed all the workplace abuse and overall shittyness he brought onto his employees. Though what else could we expect from the kindlybeast?
For a while i was thinking they would pull the "oh the loop is better than the world Wilson has made" and while Wilson's whole dictatorship thing was very bad, i don't think the loop was good either. So i like that it was framed more as something that really couldnt be changed without being paused and put into stasis like Wilson did. Neither is good but one keeps the balance of that world, and Audrey is doing her best to make it more bearable.
Also Audrey basically managed to get Joey's wish from the first game, to bring the cartoon characters to life in a good way. But the credit scene with Gent taking the ink machine intrigues me. Because wouldn't she need it? She found another way to do that?
It suffered the same thing as Batim where some stuff was just brought up and not expanded as it kinda led you to believe. Actually it felt even more here, Batim felt more tightly packed in the story department. The father thing with Wilson felt kinda out of nowhere/underdeveloped. Like, if you dont pay much attention to it, it doesnt hurt much but it sure is weird.
Im not a really well versed guy on gameplay stuff, and i watched a playthrough instead of playing the game myself, but the problems in the first game seemed to be improved in this one. Definitely didn't get all solved some of them, but improved for sure, especially the combate.
When Audrey got the flow hability i realized they were sticking close to a formula like dishonored, with that and the way they did all the collectibles (the batteries, slugs, etc), which i think it might have been a good choice since dishonored is considered a pretty good game.
So, yeah, a fine game, though the enjoyment is tainted by the irl stuff that revolves around the game and the studio
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marionedde · 4 months
watching sonic 2 rn and here are my thoughts in real time
not robotnik making a replication of his boyfriend
holy shit knuckles just wrecked the entire wall???????
What is his problem
ok sonic unstoppable didnt really work
why is the 8 year old better at driving than sonic
im so confused where did these anthropomorphic freaks come from
where did he get the tractor
ok and stone replicating his face perfectly in coffee is....iteresting
aww he's so happy to see him
robotnik is so fucking lame
nvm he just reset his own bones he's metal asf
btw did i mention ive never seen the first one
ok ok so hes an alien
that makes sense
i find it so funny how the owls and echidnas were just like " fuck you i want to guard it"
ok the heart coffee??????
why are all the villains so unserious and then the anti-heros are serious as hell
tom is such a malewife
and a dad
im so confused
chaos emerald appearance ok ok ok
none of the characters are capable of being functional and i am here for it
great job fighting in a giant ancient temple way to go guys
kunckles questioning his morals over here
tom is so girlfail
ok tom wtf
ok part 2 in a bit
omg i love rachel
woah wait what the fuck
oh ok giant green laser that's cool
how do this movie go from completely unserious to life or death in minutes
aww crab
ok um task failed successfully ig
they really should have played pumpkin hill during this segment
none of the characters in this are neurotypical
ok that’s a little gay robotnik
I know eggman is evil and shit but thumbs up to him for hating GUN
Stone pulled through with the manual hell yeah
Brothers in arms
Sonic what
Oh ok
the primary color blurs are making me grin like a little kid
no no don’t take him to the bridge
not me crying rn
what is his problem with hedgehogs
he is not dead there’s no way
Sonic what
biggest gag of the whole universe
OUR KID?????
knuckles what the hell are you gonna do with that
God their such freaks
this deserves an Oscar or whatever the movie on is holy shit
what’s with kid cudi and video game songs
oh he is not dead
I have so many emotions and I can’t process them all
a+ movie ten out of ten would recommend
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four-flames · 5 years
TFA Megatron,Starscream, Blackarachnia
Bless you for bringing in the goth gf ekv smfbskfnns
Get randomly assigned to as your lab partner for a whole semester: Megatron, honestly I'd be doing all the work with (if I'm lucky) half the credit but uh honestly if I can finesse my way into it and be charming and not a total gay disaster I could make him a sugar daddy :/ bc newsflash I'm baby
Get trapped with on a broken elevator for 10 hours: Blackarachnia. Given that opportunity I'd gush and proclaim my love to her and my willingness to support and be there for her bc shes been through so much and I'd be honored to be what ever she needs me to be good or bad through thick and thin. 200k word slowburn onesided pining all of it takes place in that elevator
Get as my employee trainer for my new job at McDonalds: Starscream is probably gonna be super nitpicky and abrasive but in a workspace I can take that for the most part. Once I catch on that hes not impervious to praising then I once again have shifted the power dynamics of the local McDonalds
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Clinging Onto You
Request: “HIII idk if your taking requests rn but I thought id put in an idea for a peter parker x stark!daughter fic where theyre in a secret relationship and they get exposed somehow? im thinking kinda angsty like he walks in to the compound all bloody or something AHH IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but thats pretty much it but yeah! i love your stuff btw!!”
Summary: The Avengers unexpectedly find out that Tony’s daughter Y/N and Peter are dating.
Authors Note: Set during No Way Home, in an AU that everyone survived Endgame.
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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Peter felt his heart practically lurch out of his body when saw Y/N falling. In a snap, he forgot about his mission, he forgot about the other Peters, he forgot about everything. The only thing concerning him was his girlfriend’s safety. It was so high up his priority list that it consumed him, and to see her safety be threatened lit a fuel he didn’t know he had.
He didn’t think, or hear, or speak when he ran and leapt, diving after her with his arm outstretched. Faster, he thought to himself, as the image of complete terror overwhelming Y/N was burned into his mind, her bone-shattering scream sure to leave his ears ringing for days.
The tips of their fingers were inches away, he was nearly there, just about to lock his tight grip on her shaky hand when bam—the wind was knocked out of him as he was thrown off to the side, too far away from Y/N for his liking.
Recovering quickly, Peter’s spider sense directed his fingers to scrape at and clutch the edge of the construction site. Using all his upper body strength, he pulled himself up and scrambled across. His eyes were wide as a bug’s as he searched the abyss of construction for his falling girlfriend, about to send a thwip of webs in her direction when he didn’t see her.
He panted. Had she fallen? Was she—?
From his position, Peter didn’t spot that the other Peter had caught Y/N with tears in his eyes about the girl he wish he could’ve caught. On the tip of a spiral of hatred and despair, his saving grace was found when Peter 3’s voice came over their shared comm system.
“Peter, Peter 1, I caught Y/N. She’s okay, just a little shaken up.”
After the initial shock were off, Peter’s influx of grief was replaced with waves of relief. His ability to breathe became easier and he felt his muscles lose their tension. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he croaked in response.
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Later on, when Peter saw the back of Green Goblin standing mere feet away from him, a desire for vengeance flashed through his eyes. He narrowed in on his target and walked towards him, arms outstretched to do something—anything—when he was stopped.
“Eh eh eh, don’t do anything too quickly,” his sneaky, drawling voice came.
Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, watching as the man slowly turned around. Then, his eyes widened, seeing the person who was with the villain. None other than the love of his life, his girlfriend Y/N, the daughter of one of the most famous heroes ever. Green Goblin had an arm around her, tightly holding her back. Fear was in her eyes as she struggled in vain.
“Let her go, Goblin,” Peter ordered in a low voice, slowing down his movements. In the back of his mind, he wondered where the other Peters were. This was very inconvenient.
He had the nerve to laugh a sick laugh and it made Peter’s blood boil with anger. “I said, let her go!” He repeated, raising his voice to yell.
Green Goblin ignored this and took a step forward, dragging Y/N along with him. “I observed your reaction when she fell, Parker. Quite distraught you were when you didn’t catch her, hmm? I’ll let her go . . . when you admit, in front of the cameras, who the daughter of Stark is to you and why you hid her from the public like your identity!” He said.
For the first time, Peter’s eyes flickered up and he noticed the cameras circling the air above them from helicopters. All news stations, most likely, broadcasting the footage to the entire globe. And, if the entire globe was seeing it, that meant the Avengers were watching, too.
(And, back at the Avengers tower, the team was watching in half-shock, half-fear. They had known that this was a fight Peter needed to do by himself, so they refrained from suiting up, but the involvement of Y/N changed it at all.)
His eyes flickered over to Y/N anxiously, who was still determined and not giving up in her fight for freedom. He couldn’t trust that Green Goblin would stay true to his word. “Why do you want me to say this?” Peter questioned.
Green Goblin pursed his lips. “Oh, Peter, I thought you were smarter than this,” he began condescendingly. “Don’t you know that my goal is to cause you as much pain as possible? You’re hiding something. You’re hiding her. And I will force it out of you, one way or another.”
When Peter hesitated, still not trusting him, Green Goblin took it a step forward. Reaching into a pocket, the young hero only saw a flash of what it was in his hand before he injected it into Y/N’s neck. Gasping, Y/N began to fight even harder, although it didn’t do anything.
“This, son, is a poison I developed. It’s quick-acting. She gets the antidote when you tell me what I want to know,” the villain threatened.
Peter’s eyes went wide. He opened his mouth, prepared to spill it all, when he caught sight of the other Peters stealthily approaching from behind Green Goblin. Within a split second, they attacked. Peter 3 pulled the man back with his webs while Peter 2 administered the cure.
At the sudden loss of his grip on her, Y/N stumbled forward. Peter leapt to catch her, wrapping his arms wound her protectively and pulling her close. “The antidote!” He yelled to Peter 2. “It’s somewhere in his pocket!”
Peter 2 jumped into action, reaching into Green Goblin’s pocket. When he grabbed the antidote, he tossed it to Peter. Peter caught it and injected into Y/N. For a split second, her eyes widened, but she soon relaxed. “Thank you,” she murmured into her boyfriend’s shoulder.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut, relishing in the comfort that Y/N just being safe was bringing to him. He only opened his eyes when he felt the wind hit his face, blinking and making out the Avengers’ Quinjet arriving before all the team members stepped out. While the other Peters returned to their own universes, Tony led the team towards the embracing teenagers.
“Y/N, Peter, are you guys alright?” He asked worthily, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
Turning around, Y/N gladly fell into her father’s arms. Meanwhile, Peter blinked at the sudden loss of her touch. It felt like he was missing something. “I’m—I’m fine. Just cuts and bruises. But Y/N—” he began to say, as the rest of the Avengers crowded around them.
Y/N shook her head, melting back into the safety next that was her boyfriend, leaning against him. “I feel—I feel . . . I’m fine, okay? Don’t worry about me,” she mumbled into Peter’s shoulder. No one was convinced.
Before Tony could start an argument with his daughter out of concern, Natasha stepped in. “Let’s get you guys on the Quinjet. Bruce will have to check you both over just in case,” she directed softly, leading them onto the Quinjet.
Peter and Y/N stayed to the back, away from everyone else. Although Tony had wanted to join his daughter, Steve had steered him away, whispering about how they needed some space with each other to process everything. On the Quinjet, everyone took their seats. Normally Natasha and Clint would pilot, but this time they put it on autopilot. Peter and Y/N settled into seats next to each other, with Y/N wrapping both arms around one of Peter’s.
Bruce was able to clean and disinfect Peter’s cuts, but then he had to switch to Y/N. “I want to have F.R.I.D.A.Y do a medical scan and take a sample of blood just to be sure. We couldn’t really tell what happened with Goblin from the T.V, but it was obviously something,” he said.
At that, Peter looked around. Everyone — except for Tony that is, who was looking at the teens intently — averted their gaze at Bruce’s words. He had wondered if they heard what Green Goblin had said, and it was obvious by now that they had. He silently thanked them for not bringing it up, even though they wanted to.
“He poisoned me, but Peter gave me the antidote. ‘M fine,” she mumbled tiredly.
“P-poison?” Tony coughed out, his eyes wide. He wasn’t the only one shocked and concerned, but the others hid it better.
“Let’s go over to somewhere where there’s more light so we can make sure,” Bruce instructed softly, before standing up and moving to the center of the ship, where the light from the ceiling was shining down.
Y/N went to to follow him, her grip on Peter never lessening. Peter didn’t mind, he was more than happy to hold onto her. He joined them both, and thankfully FRIDAY was intelligent enough to be able to scan Y/N without needing Peter to step aside. He patiently waited for Bruce to take Y/N’s finger prick, and the couple watched as he analyzed the incoming scan.
“You seem okay, the antidote worked quickly . . . But the poison and antidote has some side effects and has weakened you. You’ll need to rest like Peter,” Bruce concluded. “I’ll analyze your blood just to make sure.”
As soon as she was given the green light, Y/N wasted no time in during around and plopping herself in her seat. Peter gladly joined her.
When the Quinjet reached the compound, everyone began organizing themselves. Natasha took it upon herself to wake the now-sleeping teenagers, who had wrapped themselves around each other. Y/N’s legs were thrown over Peter’s lap, her head resting in the crook of his neck. Peter had his arms wrapped around her, his head resting against her own.
Everyone had noticed — except Tony, that was, who was too worried about his daughter to notice anything else. However, no one said a word, wanting them to sleep. 
When Natasha approached the teens, she reached her hand out to shake Peter’s shoulder, when Y/N shifted. After a moment, she settled, but her mumbling came not long after. Natasha didn’t catch what she said, but when she moved around more, it woke Peter up.
“Wha—” Peter started to mumble himself, blinking a couple times before turning to Y/N. Recognizing the situation, he shifted, pulling Y/N closer. In response, Y/N kept moving around, but couldn’t go anywhere in Peter’s arms.
“Catch me, please,” she whispered in her sleep, making Peter’s and Natasha’s eyes widen.
“Y/N, Y/N, you’re having a nightmare. Wake up,” Peter said, his voice loud but still kind, wasting no time in gently shaking her shoulder. This got everyone’s attention, stopping what they were doing to turn to the teenagers and the Widow.
“Pe—ter, catch me!” Y/N yelled, kicking her leg out and hitting the air. She tossed and turned and Peter had to tighten his grip on her so she didn’t accidentally fall onto the ground.
“Y/N, wake up,” he repeated, pausing before ultimately cupping her cheek in his hand. The comforting touch instantly drew her from her restless sleep, and as soon as she became aware, she was looking around hurriedly. “Hey, hey, you’re okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”
Y/N relaxed, wrapping her arms around Peter and pulling herself closer to him — if that was even possible. He adjusted himself so she was sitting in his lap, her legs wrapped around his waist, head nestled into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her back, his chin on his shoulder, glancing at the other Avengers.
After a few minutes of small mumblings from Peter about how he was here for her and how she was safe, Steve cleaned his throat. “We’re ready,” he announced to the team, although it was clear who his intended target was. Everyone but Peter and Y/N had their stuff.
The team stood up, Tony and Natasha grabbing Y/N and Peter’s belongings, while Peter stood up, carrying his girlfriend. No one said a word about it until they reached the compound’s living room, where Y/N had fallen asleep and Peter had laid her carefully on the couch.
“What was that?” Tony asked, coughing. His voice was thick with emotion and hoarse.
When Peter turned around, wearing a tired, concerned, and sad expression, Tony opened his mouth to retract the question. He was about to say that it was fine, he could hear about it another time, but Peter already started talking.
“During the fight, she-she fell. I dived after her but was knocked out of the way. I assumed the worst, but one of the other Peters caught her,” he explained, averting his gaze and ultimately squeezing his eyes shut as he recalled the utter fear that ran through his blood. He let the team adjust to this for a couple seconds, since he wasn’t done speaking. “Then, Goblin must’ve grabbed her. He wanted me to . . . to admit who she is to me because he wanted to hurt me. I was reluctant, how could I trust him? So he poisoned her, but the other Peters arrived and we got the antidote for her and cured him.”
Tony’s gaze fell to his daughter. “Oh my god,” he whispered, gravitating towards her and kneeling down. Reaching out to brush the hair away from her face, he looked up at Peter as he pieced the puzzle together. “Are you two in a relationship with each other?” He asked.
Peter slowly looked around at everyone in the room, all still processing what he had just revealed. “We were going to tell you,” he admitted. It was the truth.
Tony nodded, taking a deep breath before standing up. He turned to Peter and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Get some rest, Pete. You did great today,” he said.
Blinking, Peter nodded a little numbly. However, he couldn’t hide his tired, goofy smile as he let himself flop on the couch next to Y/N. He pulled his girlfriend closer to himself, knowing that it wouldn’t wake her up. Steve threw a blanket over them and the team all took their seats, beginning a quiet conversation. Closing his eyes, Peter continued to smile as he was holding Y/N and feeling her warmth, letting his team’s soft and low voices lull him to sleep.
It would take a while for them to be okay again, but they worked through it together. And now, at least, they didn’t need to hide it from the Avengers anymore. (Although they did have to deal with Sam and Bucky’s constant teasing).
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glimmeruos · 2 years
Do u have any recs for klapollo in a non-aa au?
Fair warning i dont think many of these if any will be multichap bc my brain is messed up n i wld rather read an a million word singlechap fic than a short 8 multichap fics excluding like 5+1 fics if theyre multichap. Anyways this had me going thru my 125 klapollo bookmarked fics on ao3. But yes i most definitely do. if you walked away (from me today) is one of my fave klapollo fics ive ever read n ive read a lot. I guess u cld say its semi aa au but theyre in college so not rlly. Apollo is majoring in criminology n fashion n klavier is his model its so good please read it. This au is semi similar but it focuses in on the law aspect more so if ur looking for non aa ones id rec the first one more but theyre both Sooooo good. Me realizing all of these might be college aus sorry but taking hints is also one of my forever faves. Apollo is trying to learn german for an extra credit n klav offers to teach him. Cue misunderstandings oblivious apollo and more hilarity! Clay is in it too not very much but hes there so u shld read it. NON COLLEGE AU! This is an office au n its so good shut the fuck up right now. Triangles, Circles, Hearts is abt klavier keeps bringing apollo lunches for work n everyone else is tired of apollos cluelessness n klaviers obviousness its so good n i know theres another office au fic but its abt klavier stealing his lunches so if i find it ill link it here. I recommended this one in my other fic post so srry if ur seeing it again but Backup Vocals is a jove lives au where klavier is holding band auditions n apollo is one to audition its rlly cute n thalassa n jove r a nice addition to it. This next one is again kinda aa but like it doesnt focus on it n phoenix isnt apollos boss. i like you a latte (and other coffee shop clichés) is a classic coffee shop au but like x10 more frustrating bc apollo is oblivious but he gets there eventually. Apollos still a lawyer n works under constance courte but klav is a barista n if i remember right so is simon but hes only mentioned like once. Theres a like second fic to the series thats narumitsu i think but i havent read it Sorry im not rlly interested in narumitsu centered fics Call me fake but only aa fics i rlly read r klapollo faraskye n found family. Fifty Cents is so good clay n apollo work at like a theater that the gavinners end up performing and apollo n klav end up meeting i like this one a lot too every klapollo fic ive saved is my fav so maybe these r all biased. Now confession for this one. I havent actually fully read it ive been meaning to but ive only read the first couple chaps. Stuck in the middle with you is abt apollo being apart of the troupe n klavier comes one day to visit his mom wanting to collab. His grandpa ends up getting the idea to have apollo n klavier fake date what ive read of it is good n tbh apollos characterization in this is bitch alert (accurate btw) so i love it so much. Theyre both like highschool age in this btw. DIDNT REALIZE HOW LONG THIS POST IS SORRY but thats all i have for now but as a bonus u can have this cute klapolly fic of meeting the parents + misunderstandings itd one of my faves ever
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jackedspicer · 3 years
episode where corned beef hash accidentally gets his cork destroyed at the beginning of the ep so he has to walk around with his potion fluid exposed to the elements. not much longer later he has the misfortune of speaking with miss endive for whatever reason, and the heavy perfume shes wearing poisons him, but he doesnt know it. the fumes fuck with his chemical makeup in just a way that it turns him pink and makes him feel absolutely sick and vile, but kumquat thinks it means hes in love
she tells him, “maybe youre in love!” and hash is all reluctant about it because he doesnt fucking feel like it and kumquat has such a way with words, she says to him,  “itll get better soon! let me tell you from experience, you just gotta keep seein her, and before you know it... POOF! BLAM-OH! that sweet chemistry’ll fizzle out like nothin ever happened! youll be good as new! i swear by it, corned beef. youll pull through, buckaroo.” and cbh is like “yeah yeah i guess you would know better than i do kumsquirt” (since hes never been).
and like he tries going on dates with endive and obviously shes like. oh Cute (derogatory) but she goes anyway even though she thinks hes a low brow scoundrel because panini talked her into it. and they are on this awkward and fucked up date with this heavy social dissonance where he just constantly offends her on account of being so repugnant in general and its not fun for him either. and he keeps like losing his grip and knocking shit over and the exposed part of his head keeps burping and he keeps repeatedly taking bathroom breaks to go puke his brains out. and kumquat is giving him pep talks outside the stall like you just gotta pull through old corned beef youre gonna be a-ok im tellin youse. and he is so not, and it’s not working
but endive is secretly into it because shes insane and a cougar and he has this badboy fratboy thing going on,
and one day she lets him go to her mansion and he and kumquat find her perfume department and the fumes turn him from pink to GREEN, and they look at the bottles and theres the big reveal that the heavy chemicals in her perfume had been slowly killing him, and right when they discover this, she knocks the both of them out cold because she doesnt want him to leave like they always do,
and it cuts to him waking up in like chains just like that shnitzel episode, except shes gone because she had to run errands. and he says, “if i had a nickel for every time this happened..... id have 5 cents!” and then the credits roll. and you can hear him talking to himself until theyre done rolling. Either this or he melts the chains with his now-acidic potion fluid and just leaves i dont really care. End episode
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glitchbirds · 3 years
alright anyway. chucky tv series thoughts mostly about episodes 5-8 now. this is all over the place and long please bare with me. also spoilers if you give a shit
the writing + characterization + pacing + etc all took a massive nosedive after the first 4 eps. which is a shame because we dont get to see tiffany, nica, andy, OR kyle until the second half of the show; theyre just very briefly referenced aside from andys phone call at the beginning where we dont get to see him. i feel like the parents especially are written SO inconsistently, switching from supportive to downright hostile to their children at a moments notice (or vice versa) depending on whats needed for the episode plot.
lexy is built up as this incredibly cruel girl who thinks its funny to dress up as jake’s dead father and reenact his death in front of a crowd of people (including jake himself), and after ONE episode all the bite is drained out of her and she’s just this generic nice girl who’s our third protagonist. which id be FINE with- shes only 14, character growth and arcs are a thing, i dont mind her becoming a better person at all- but aside from characters occasionally referencing the fact that she used to be an asshole theres no trace of her old personality for the rest of the show.
and tiffany- god, tiffany feels like she’s just a caricature of herself at this point. theres traces of her actual personality here and there but for the most part she’s this inconsistent mess of emotional moodswings, changing depending on what the scene needs
the 5th episode is the worst episode i think just because its so much filler and exposition and flashbacks to the films and shit the audience Should Already Know. 5+6 both have so many unnecessary expository flashbacks to the movies to remind the audience of the films and i cannot for the life of me figure out why. “for newer fans” ok but each episode starts with a “previously on” segment where they could easily shoehorn in a few little clips from the movies and some expository voiceover, which they DO in the 6th episode’s “previously on” segment? rendering it completely unnecessary to force that shit into the actual episode?
the majority of episode 5 is 1: the kids “killing” chucky, unaware he can split his soul into other dolls, and thinking theyve won until whoops! he killed again! this is somehow framed like its a shock to the audience! and 2: us finally meeting nica again and her explaining Her Whole Backstory to a man that chucky+tiffany have held captive instead of Freeing Him From The Ropes Tying Him To A Chair until its too late to save him. so much of this episode felt like expository shit that the audience should already know that i was genuinely surprised when the credits started rolling, i thought that was all setup for the ACTUAL plot of the episode. but no
speaking of nica she is the most heartbreaking character in this entire series for me because i feel like this franchise just fucking hates her. or it loves to make her suffer. part of why i dislike cult of chucky so much is because its so cruelly mean spirited to her in ways that genuinely arent fun to watch- shes this disabled woman who was institutionalized for a crime she didnt commit but is gaslit into believing she’s psychotic and murdered her whole family, by her doctor who is actively sexually abusing her. shes not able to take revenge herself and instead her body is possessed by chucky (which immediately erases her disability, because i guess thats how souls work now) who kills her abuser for her and then proceeds to use her body for his own gain, including in his relationship with tiffany (which, nica cant exactly consent to her body being used like THAT, either)
and then she finally shows up in this show and shes terrified for her fucking life and her body is intermittently possessed and tiffany spares her life but only because tiffany is attracted to HER, too, and wants to have a relationship with HER that nica doesnt want, so tiffany kidnaps her and keeps her tied up and gagged and eventually at the very end of the final episode amputates all her fucking limbs so nica cant escape from her and chucky wont have any use for her body anymore. WHICH. much to be said about disability in horror and disability-as-torture and the like but just, holy SHIT, why do you hate this girl SO much. how is this supposed to be fun to watch?
speaking of girls returning from previous films, while im glad to see kyle again outside of a short endcredits cameo the show doesnt really do much with her- the scenes of her with andy are nice, but then he abandons her suddenly (despite her hunting chucky with him for a while now and them Actively Confronting Many Versions Of Chucky together before this point) and goes on ahead solo; she finds her own way to hackensack, has a handful more scenes, and then triggers an explosion and thats the last we see of her. she’s mentioned one more time after that and not even by andy.
and YES, both devon and andy were suspected of dying in that same explosion and are later revealed to be alive, but we dont get that reveal for kyle, and im not sure if that means im genuinely supposed to believe shes dead now?
anyway. i have to talk about the chucky series gender + sexuality address now. theres at least two instances in the show that outright state that chucky is bisexual- him in nica’s body calling the guy he + tiffany kidnapped (and made watch him+tiffany make out) “kinda yummy”, and tiffany commenting on chucky getting dick while he’s in nica’s body. i am despondent and i want to curl up on the floor and die over this new reality i am forced to live in where chucky the killer doll is canonically bisexual. hes still v much homophobic though
tiffany being bi was just obvious ofc. really wish the show didnt have her Fucking Amputate All Of Nica’s Limbs Because She’s Into Nica, though
i outright refuse to think of chucky as anything but a cis man you can put a knife to my fucking throat and i will not accept him having Gender Shit going on just because hes in a woman’s body for a good chunk of the time. you cant make me. i have limits. i have fucking dignity. glen(da) though, i will point out- is brought up a grand total of TWICE in this entire show. once in the “gendaflooid” bit, obviously; and once in the last episode where tiffany very offhandedly mentions glenda and refers to them w/ they pronouns. they make no onscreen appearance, which does NOT solve my most pressing question: “if this show is actually taking ALL the events of ALL the childs play movies as canon, then what the fuck is going on with glen(da)?” because at the end of seed of chucky, glen(da) is revealed to be two souls in one, which is the reason for their gender confusion- and which is NOT GENDERFLUIDITY- and theyre split into two separate bodies, one boy and one girl. but chucky refers to them in this show as genderfluid and only mentions having ONE kid, which would imply that glen(da) is still in one body and is one soul. so what the fuck. anyway. all these complaints aside.this show does have its fun moments, its hard to dislike any scene where chucky is toy storying around or getting tossed around like a ragdoll, chucky himself is usually fun to watch because hes just So Good at being the Absolute Worst, theres some scenes that are really genuinely funny (maybe not always for the reasons intended), the main kids are alright and the acting is usually fine (the material they have to work with, less so sometimes), i have no complaints about the effects, its visually more appealing than several of the movies... im glad i saw it. i absolutely am not watching it again any time soon, at all. i curse the fact that theres a season 2. ... also according to a gravestone this is set in 2021 but theres no mention of a pandemic (despite this being filmed in 2021), and also in episode 5 nica says that its been two weeks since chucky possessed her, which i assumed was just her hearing november 8th but not the year and thinking "oh it must be november 2017" or whenever the hell she was possessed by chucky, but thinking on it now im not actually sure because theres later a mention of andy getting broken out of the institution "a month ago", and im assuming kyle didnt leave him there to rot for like 4 years, so what the fuck?
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
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a/n: hello! i’ve been wanting to do this for a while now since im a huge astrology nerd (so i know what im talking about teehee)  so this is male match-ups according to sign and compatibility. this isn’t my usual kind of writing so i hope you guys like it!! <3 if you don’t know your sign check here  
this took me so long oh my god i hope you guys like it 
taglist: @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee ​ @moonlightinsanity​ @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @leeeah-loooser​ @bby-chloe1999​ @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum​ @izuku-sakura​ @thegalxe
Katsuki Bakugou- April 20; Taurus
the absolute SHOCK in my face to learn he wasn’t an aries
it would be expected that katsuki is a fire sign, like cmon look at his quirk
but taurus is actually an earth sign 
taurus are typically seen as quite calm, but,, 
katsuki does seem like a true taurus in many ways
they can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise 
they are very realistic 
they are often great at cooking and love to shop 
i feel like katsuki isn’t a self indulgent shopper but would buy anything for his s/o 
taurus are really good at working with their hands ;) 
theyre soft romantic bbs and as much as katsuki hates being vulnerable he’d definetly be a softie with his s/o 
id match katsuki with a calm pisces
Izuku Midoria- July 15; Cancer
i am not shocked at ALL to see that the lil broccoli boy is a cancer
like cmon he’s so sensitive 
he is a cancer to the T
he’s loyal, emotional, imaginative 
he also carries the negative traits of many cancers
such as feeling insecure and having difficulty taking criticism 
i mean the kid breaks his bones to prove others wrong 
cancers love being with their friends and family 
and they love helping others
the career of a hero would be natural for cancers
cancers are such sweet babies and izuku fits right into that category 
i would match izuku with a chill taurus 
Tenya Iida- August 22; Leo 
i didn’t expect tenya to be a leo but im also not surprised 
leos are often seen as flashy and arrogant 
but they’re more than their stereotype
leos are passionate and natural born leaders
like cmon class rep! 
tenya being a leo makes a lot of sense 
he’s generous and kind and always strives for the best 
they tend to be a bit dramatic, and tenya can be too 
being that leos are a fire sign they gravitate to self growth
this can be seen in tenya wanting to improve and challenging himself 
leos struggle facing harsh realities, similarly to tenya when he learned about what happened to tensei 
leos are known for their bravery and tenya fits right in
i would match tenya with a kind aquarius 
Shoto Todoroki- January 11; Capricorn 
i practically screamed when i realized shoto was a capricorn 
it just makes way too much sense 
they’re responsible, well-mannered, respectful !!!!
capricorns i just,, i love them, truly 
shoto is no exception 
they love family, things of quality, traditions 
and their dislikes vary from day to day
cause they’re iconic thats why 
however, capricorns aren’t always the nicest 
they tend to be condescending and can often come off as rude 
they’re incredibly unforgiving *ahem endeavor ahem* 
but, its because they just have naturally high standards 
it makes sense that he is an earth sign because he’s super grounded 
because saturn rules capricorn, the tend to seem cold and distant at times
but they are incredibly loyal friends and always strive for the best 
i would match shoto with a down to earth cancer
Mashiro Ojiro- May 28; Gemini 
i must admit, i was surprised to learn ojiro is a gemini
but if you really look at his character it makes a lot of sense 
gemini’s have a bad rep of being too faced
they’re actually one of my favorite signs!!
gemini’s are are gentle and affectionate 
and sweet bb ojiro is exactly that 
however they also tend to be quite anxious, another thing ojiro happens to be at times as well 
they’re very adaptable people
this can be seen throughout ojiro’s training and how much he learns and is willing to continue striving for 
gemini’s are very sociable and will talk to almost anyone 
like, he doesn’t see hagakure but they’re still good friends 
this is why i think ojiro would do great with a fire sign 
i would match ojiro with a cheerful sagittarius 
Denki Kaminari- June 29; Cancer 
alright cancer number two!! 
to be honest, denki doesn’t really give cancer vibes 
but, his personality traits align to much of what a cancer is 
tenacious and loyal 
and denki is definitely that 
however, cancers can be suspicious of others and their actions
and denki feels like the kind of guy to snoop on somebody 
but we gotta give denki some credit 
cancers strive to be there for their friends no matter what
denki shows this in the usj attack when he protects momo and jiro 
cancers tend to avoid conflict but even so, they search for conflict in those who pose bigger threats to them
similarly to when denki makes fun of bakugou even though he could totally blow him up 
denki is a chatty and flirty baby 
and cancers tend to be most compatible with earth signs 
buuut i think denki would be better suited with a fire sign 
i’d match denki with an outgoing aries 
Hanta Sero- July 28; Leo 
at first i was like hmmm no 
but then i used my brain and i was like actually yes 
leos are prideful and while sero doesn’t seem like the boastful kind, he does have a lot of pride in himself 
leos are very committed to their goals and sero’s actions show his dedication to becoming a hero 
leos are also so funny?? and sero is literally one of the funniest guys of 1A 
sero is one of the most sociable in the class and a total class clown 
leos are almost always seen with their friends and sero is no different 
sero’s vibes are just immaculate in my opinions 
so his s/o needs to match the energy 
i would match sero with a funny gemini 
Eijiro Kirishima- October 16; Libra
ok ok but seriously, of course kiri is a libra 
libras are diplomatic, fair, and strive for justice 
aka being MANLY is in the stars for bb kiri 
however, libras aren’t the most confident people 
they’re quite insecure and pity themselves a’lot 
which makes sense that its canon that it took kiri so long to accept his quirk 
have you ever wondered why kiri is so hot and cute and perfect?
im not even kidding
libras are known for being physically attractive 
i mean libra is literally ruled by venus
who else is venus?
long story short, kiri is the god of love 
libras hate being alone
why do you think he puts up with bakugou constantly calling him shitty hair and pushing him around? 
i considered putting kiri with a water sign but they’re kinda babies (no offense i love my water signs) 
but i don’t think he could handle a person who is constantly emotional like many water signs are 
i would match kiri with a kind-hearted sagittarius 
Hitoshi Shinso- July 1; Cancer 
jesus christ ANOTHER CANCER?? 
i cant even be upset cause it makes sense 
while i would’ve thought shinso was a calm scorpio or a relaxde picses 
he fits much better as a cancer 
as mentioned previously with deku and denki, cancers really do have a heart of gold and just want to help people 
cancers are also very manipulative people 
i mean, look at this mans quirk 
cancers are also moody and pessimistic 
characteristics that shinsou has but are seen more as stoic and quiet
but cancers are also sympathetic 
and bb shinsou is a softie i just know it 
cancers are guided by emotion
like deku, he is seen as passionate for his desire to be a hero, even though his quirk is seen to be one of evil 
shinsou needs to be with someone who’s willing to listen when he opens up (which cancers hate doing)
i would match shinsou with an understanding taurus
Tamaki Amajiki- March 1; Aries
youre telling me this man is an aries and bakugou isnt?? 
i need to collect my thoughts 
OK so tamaki is an aries 
and honestly its pretty accurate
most times aries are seen as passionate in a reckless and angry manner
but tamaki’s passion is displayed in his dedication to being a hero 
i mean he’s literally in the big 3 
aries tend to be moody, which is seen in tamaki’s shy actions 
but they’re also enthusiastic and courageous 
tamaki’s courage is shown in the mission to rescue eri 
aries are seen as intimidating and tamaki’s dark features are exactly that 
and while he is very shy, he needs someone to help bring him out of his shell delicately 
id match tamaki with a gentle libra 
Mirio Togata- July 15; Cancer 
whats up with mirio and deku sharing the same bday doe 
this is way too many cancers 
BUT mirio is such a cancer lets be real 
we’ve covered the basics of cancers
will do anything for others 
and most importantly brave
the sign of a cancer is a crab 
the crab symbolizes someone who doesn’t realize their great strength  
mirio is the personification of the strength of the crab 
and poor baby has gone through so much and deserves the world 
he’s so cheerful but he needs someone to be there for him when he’s at his most emotional moments 
i would match mirio with a tender capricorn 
Shota Aizawa- November 8; Scorpio 
i mean cmon 
ofc dadzawa is a scorpio 
he’s the image of a stereotypical scorpio 
dark features, dark clothing, serious and kinda rude 
but scorpios get a bad rep for being meanies (we should be watching out for virgos tho) (jk jk i love my virgos <3) 
but scorpios have some of the best characteristics 
their loyalty is beyond words 
they would literally lay down their life for a friend or the good of others 
scorpios are passionate and assertive, and this side of aizawa definitely comes out 
aizawa is so stoic he needs somebody to soften him up 
i would match aizawa with a cheery cancer 
Hizashi Yamada- July 7; Cancer
another f*cking cancer
not just because aizawa and him are married and he’s a cancer and it totally makes sense 
but hizashi is such a cancer oh my god 
he’s sensitive, and caring, and brave, and a literal pro hero 
which is a cancer living the dream 
cancers often have difficult childhoods and struggle immensely to find outlets 
this fits with the theory that as a child, hizashi was put up for adoption and/or muzzled as a child because of his powerful quirk 
cancers are ruled by the moon, which would make sense to why they are so emotional 
because the moon goes through phases, so do they
hizashi needs someone that would help him be strong outside of his hero work and for his own mentality 
i would match hizashi with (aizawa or) a charismatic virgo 
Toshinori Yagi- June 10; Gemini 
ofc all might is a gemini 
he literally has 2 forms
and geminis are literally two faced
it makes so much sense that the symbol of peace is a gemini 
he’s adaptable and a quick learner 
geminis are affectionate and you cant tell me toshi isn’t the biggest cuddler and softie in the world 
geminis are people pleasers and just want to make others happy 
and all might’s literal thing is smiling to comfort those in fear
toshi needs someone who is understanding of what he had gone through as a retired hero and the bearer of one for all 
i would match toshi with an inquisitive aquarius 
Keigo Takami- December 28; Capricorn 
ok but he is such a capricorn its not even funny 
he’s a cocky know-it-all kind of capricorn 
but he’s also a responsible and well mannered capricorn
capricorns are people who are willing to take on immense responsibilities 
and hawks is literally the no. 2 hero so of course he’s got a lot of responsibilities 
because he’s an earth sign, we wants to get the most out of what the world has to offer him 
including fame and money 
but hawk’s head strong and professional attitude is what comforts people and makes him such a great hero 
he needs someone who would match his energy well 
i would match keigo with a level-headed scorpio
Dabi- January 18; Aquarius 
i have a deep love for this sign 
dabi is an aquarius and it is so accurate 
aquarius love to fight for a cause
in dabi’s eyes, the league of villains is the best cause he can support
and he’s at the front lines
they’re considered humanitarians,,and dabi is in his own “special way” 
aquarius love a good conspiracy and mystery 
and dabi is a total mystery 
aquarius constantly have to be stimulated and doing something
otherwise their boredom can lead to reckless actions 
they are also anti all emotions 
this is why they seem so aloof, they don’t know how to confront their own feelings 
i’d pair dabi up with someone who is willing to listen to him and hopefully allow him to open up 
i would match dabi with a charming sagittarius 
Tomura Shigaraki- April 4; Aries
now this is a stereotypical aries 
aries is ruled by mars, which was named after aries 
like his literal goal is to destroy society,, 
aries love to be in leadership roles
they’re also short-tempered 
and aggressive 
how ever, his more “positive” traits such as determination and passion are also evident in his characteristics 
they’re competitive people and tomura definitely is one 
tomura would need to be with someone who is calm  
i would match tomura with a patient leo 
Kai Chisaki- Birthdate Unknown;NA 
so kai’s sign is unknown 
he still deserves a match up 
besides his stance in villainy
kai as actually very well mannered and polite 
but he doesn’t value human life and sees his as more important and pure than those who are “sick” 
a lot of his characteristics would lead me to believe he is an unevolved sociopathic capricorn 
outside of being a villain i would match kai with someone who was understanding and a good listener 
i would match kai with a sympathetic pisces 
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