#ice swimming
thebrickdwarf · 1 month
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Lauri just can't wait for summer to arrive. He is going ice-swimming right now!
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jadeburtonn · 1 year
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Anything under 5 degrees C is technically classed as ice swimming.
People in my swimming group are currently logging 4.7.
*stares at Wednesday with trepidation and tries to resist urge to buy MOAR NEOPRENE*
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lepakkolintubongari · 4 months
I went ice swimming with my friend today on a whim and I haven’t been in like a year BUT GOD it’s so invigorating can’t recommend enough. Bonus points for walking there and back in the fresh forest air.
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thelatvianblog · 9 months
Wild swimming and ice swimming are also popular traditions in Latvia. The locals brave the icy winter sea as it benefits the immune system and mental wellbeing. It’s been a natural way of self-care for centuries.
The locals who partake in ice swimming are known as Ronis which means “seals” in Latvian. Swimming in either the sea or ice holes, locals embrace the winter temperature for an adrenaline rush.
Would you brave it?
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bearofohu · 2 months
crazy how yuri on ice has finally been carried outside and shot in the head like a sickly elderly dog and meanwhile the swimming anime is a 10 year old unkillable roach getting ready for her summer formal
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laurastudarus · 1 year
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Somewhere along the line, society has popularized the Eat Pray Love-style of finding yourself. And hey — we’re not opposed! If you have the time and resources for an extended trip around the world to indulge in spiritual practices, hotties, and eating your face off, by all means go for it. But for most of us, going to extremes in order to learn something about ourselves or reach some kind of enlightenment isn’t always viable, even if the temptation to change everything with the new year is strong, thanks to being constantly inundated with ads for diets, skincare, gyms, and language-learning apps. So, the question becomes how do you set out on an intentional path to find yourself when daily life keeps getting in the way?
(via How to (Realistically) Find Yourself)
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Our favorite places around Helsinki: Laurinlahti
Laurinlahti’s small beach is the closes one to our home and this is why it is one of our favorite beaches around Helsinki. The rock above the beach provides a great view of the surrounding sea bay and it is an excellent picnic spot in the summer. The little beach has a winter swimming possibility with all the needed facilities, like a changing room and a device keeping the water in move and prevent freezing. We were not brave enough yet to try it.
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
Once the harsh winter is gone, when come the good and easier days, we often encounter bears swimming by the ice edge. Polar bears are extremely capable of having fun alone with whatever they find 🐻‍❄️ !.
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galaxynajma · 2 months
Are you a sports manga because you’re gay? Or are you gay because you’re a sports manga?
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lainalit · 1 month
Elriels: Elain loves living in the night court
Elain the moment she is outside the night court
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harringroveera · 6 months
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AU where Billy and Steve met when they were kids
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aiarts-posts · 1 month
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Woman sport
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365filmsbyauroranocte · 5 months
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the-leech-lord · 2 months
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😃Charlie Dompler Stimboard😃
Part 1/2 Smiling Friends stimboards for the NEW SEASON
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crazyplantkid · 7 months
genre i love: queer sports
Creator: Haruichi Furudate
Sport: Volleyball
Medium: Manga + Anime
Queer coded to hell and back with no explicit canon. A popular anime that's very engaging. Whenever I watch it I feel like I should get my life together. It's super good, but fanbase can be a lil weird.
Author: C. S. Pacat
Sport: Fencing
Medium: 5 collated graphic novels + 2 novels
This one changed my life. I discovered it and haven’t been the same since. It’s cute, the two main characters are oblivious wee things, but there is canon representation in the older characters. Almost (if not all) of these characters are Queer As Hell. It’s brilliant. If you like Golden-Retriever-Sunshine-Boy-with-Troubled-Past x Grumpy-Black-Cat-with-Emotionally-Distant-Parents trope, then you’ll love this!
Check, Please!
Author: Ngozi Ukazu
Sport: Ice Hockey
Medium: 2 graphic novels
I saw this in my local public library once, picked it up, and never (emotionally) put it down. These books started my craving for 2D queer sports. This is what put me onto “Fence” in the first place. It’s canon, it’s sweet, the main character is a cutie, what more could you want?
Creator: Kyoto Animation
Sport: Swimming
Medium: Anime
I’ll be real, I didn’t finish all the seasons of this,,, the first two seasons slay the house down. But I dunno, guess it just didn’t keep my focus. I also don’t think anything gets canonized later,,, so it’s still just hashtag queer coded :( which is not slay.
Author: Nora Sacavic
Sport: Exy (??!)
Medium: 3 novels
Now, you might think, “Exy isn’t a real sport” and you would be correct. Nora invented it for the novel. It’s like if the basics of lacrosse met the violence of ice hockey and it was played on a football (soccer) sized field with a balance of genders on the teams. This nonsense altered my brain chemistry, for better or worse, we will never know. However. If you seem intrigued, and want to read, PLEASE google the trigger warnings. Anything you think could possibly be triggering is definitely in this book. If you don’t want to google for fear of spoils, feel free to message me. These books are simultaneously the best and worst things I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of reading. I love them. They’re terribly written. They’re a mastery of metaphors set on a background of college sports with a mafia subplot. It’s like if a crazy fanfic got published. ALSO short king representation. Main man is 5’3, second main man is 5’0. I love this to pieces and I hate it to nothings.
Yuri on ice
Creator: MAAPA
Sport: Ice-skating
Medium: Anime
You know this one. If you don't, it’s not technically canon, but they buy each other (engagement) rings and kiss (sort of) on screen. Slays. Victor Nikiforov has my heart.
SK8 the infinity
Creaotr: Bones
Sport: Skateboarding
Medium: Anime
This one makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside i love it so much. There's angst and love and found family and tragic backstories and funny characters. Not canon though. Hashtag Japan Definitely Doesn’t Have a Homophobia Problem and That’s Definitely Not Why All of The Anime’s on This List Aren’t Canon. Anyways, it’s really cute and I watched t when i was in my own skateboarding era so i loved it so much.
If i remember more, or watch, or read more, I will add them :)
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