#i'm rlly liking the colors on this one.. they're very her
thefunkyspoon · 4 months
Humans Are Weird: Synesthesia
Okay, here's another one. You know how some of us get vibes from numbers? Like 1 being green, and most multiples of 7 being a Wednesday. I think it would be rlly funny trying to explain it to an alien.
"JustcallmeQuince? I was looking at your chart, and... it says you can see colors, words, and even times to numbers??" The Wasllook questions, baffled by the idea. He had no idea what in the Zoleck that could even mean.
The human perks up, putting down her odd looking meal, supposedly called a "sandwich".
"Oh. Er, yeah. Why?" JustcallmeQuince responds, tilting her head and raising just one eyebrow; an odd movement that, in this scenario, most likely means she is confused. "Well, I don't understand it. Could you explain?"
She leans back in her seat, her expression fading away into a small smirk, and she does something quite odd. She...rolls her eyes? Why? What does that mean?? I decide not to question it, as human behaviors are so often irrational and weird.
"Okay, sure. So, it's basically when you correlate colors, times, dates, words, letters, and numbers to eachother. Like how 'A' is red." She explains, though it just makes me more confused. How does that work? Do all humans do that?
"But...the letter 'A' is not red."
"Yeah, but they're the same. Like how 42 is a tired mom."
I try my best to look like I'm getting it, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. "Uh-huh... and, all humans experience this?"
She shakes her head, apparently an action which means "no." "Not all. In fact, it can vary. Everyone has it at least to since extent, though. Like how the color red signifies danger, or caution," she shrugs, like it was common knowledge. I quickly write down the information in my notepad; this might be very important for later.
"Okay... and, you have it, I suppose?"
"Yeah. I have whole personalities, colors, letters, and times for letters. Do you get it now?"
Surprisingly, I actually did understand it better, though I probably would never really get it. Humans are just so...confusing. Their logic makes absolutely no sense. I nod, trying to copy the humans body language, and get out of my seat. I walk out of the office, to go report the information to my boss. All the while, I'm left in a state of confusion and disbelief. That sums up humans for you, I guess...
The End! Buh-bye <3
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ohmyhellogoodbyes · 2 years
i think you can tell a lot about a person by what their phone case looks like so here's what i think the choir kids' phone cases look like:
ocean: she probably has a plain navy blue otterbox because she is very concerned about protecting her phone and also doesn't think brightly colored phone cases are "professional." however, there is one small smiley-face sticker on the bottom left corner, courtesy of Constance
noel: he has one of those clear phone cases where you can stick things underneath. he probably puts a lot of thought into the theme of his phone case and spends hours meticulously curating the right items to put on his phone case. he probably has vintage newspaper clippings, dried rose petals, polaroids, movie tickets, etc. on there
mischa: no phone case, his phone is completely unprotected, the absolute madman. he took #yolo a little too seriously. he has a bright red iPhone though
ricky: cat-themed phone case, obviously. i also like to think it's heavily embellished --like he has dangling phone charms, stickers, etc. (all cat-themed or cat adjacent, ofc). i also think that a glow-in-the-dark, space-themed phone case is in the realm of possibility
constance: she has MULTIPLE phone cases and switches them out every few months. they're in all colors of the rainbow (pastels, neons, etc.) AND she has phone charms. she likes to stick polaroids of her friends/family on there and I'm also 89% sure she would be a k-pop stan so she probably adds photocards, too.
jane: either she does not have a phone, has a rlly old phone that can't actually have a case, OR one of those fuzzy phone cases with the stuffed animals on them.
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anti-spop · 5 months
as i said before, i believe that spop got inspired by zuko's redemption arc when they developed catra's. one thing that makes me think that is the "hair arc" both characters go through. or at least that's smth fans love to compare and i wanted to dissect here.
i think with the exception of s5, catra's hair arc is less extreme in the first four seasons. catra took out her hair tufts in s4. i've seen ppl point out that it was bc shadow weaver would touch that specific part of her hair to mess with her, so catra removed it altogether. regardless, her hair is also visibly straightened (and longer?) in s4, unlike it's "wilder" appearance in s1-3.
but then s5 comes around... and catra's hair is forcibly cut. she doesn't have the choice to do that. even then, ppl still compare catra's hair arc to zuko's, likely how the hair looks itself. but let me tell you why they're different.
zuko is always the one who changes his hair.
in book 1, zuko and iroh are forced to hide from the fire nation. zuko is the one who cuts his own hair. it grows throughout book 2, which also indicates zuko's growth as a person. he's starting to realize things. at one point he even starts accepting living in the earth kingdom with his uncle. but then azula comes along and she convinces zuko to return home and restore his honor. while yes, azula manipulated him, zuko still made the choice to go back to the fire nation when he could very well not to. he betrayed uncle iroh and katara (and the gaang overall), and with that he returned home.
in book 3, zuko's hair was mainly tied up, probably indicating the control of the fire nation over him. i vaguely remember his hair being loose whenever he went out and visited his uncle in prison, or when he was with mai (though in some situations with her, his hair was still tied up). finally, zuko lets it free, he faces his father and decides to join the avatar. regardless of influences, because they were there, zuko always had the choice to do differently. that's why his hair arc is so meaningful. in fact, his hair is never the same in all three seasons of atla.
catra's hair arc is not the same. i think it's implied that she cut it even more after being chipped by horde prime, considering it looks even shorter than when she was brainwashed. still, catra didn't have the choice here. and if you headcanon her as a woman of color (which nate somewhat "confirmed"), then this is only more insensitive and not well thought out. they never touch on that specific part of her arc. catra is never shown to be upset about her hair. if anything, it only makes her look "cute" and a "soft uwu baby" (when she rlly isn't). i hate that fans who apparently love the fact catra is a woc never call this out. everyone seems happy with short-haired catra.
the only ppl i've seen that actually criticized this decision are spop crits/antis like myself. i could be wrong, but fans rarely criticize this show overall.
anyway, yeah, i'm tired of everyone trying to tell me catra and zuko are the same. their hair arcs are not at all alike.
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its-vannah · 1 year
West Coast | Warren Rojas x Plus-Size Reader
Request from anonymous: hi! not sure if your taking requests <3 or if you would be comfortable with this one but I just wanted maybe a plus size reader fic with literally any of the guys. I know thats a weird request but i feel like a lot of the writing and a lot of stuff from the 70s rlly glorifies eating disorders and being skinny and i just would love a fic where the reader is a lot like cass elliot/mama cass, like she has a good voice or her own band and is underlooked cause of her weight.
A/N: I hope I did this request justice 💕
Warnings: Mentions of body positivity, mentions of E.D.'s (not your own)
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Being a female vocalist in the 70's had it's fair share of problems. Especially for women who didn't have the "ideal body type" of the era. Unless you were stick thin, you typically weren't given the light of day.
Growing up, it hurt to watch all of your classmates idolize women who they related to. But you never had that. At the time, there were very few plus-sized women in music and film. Those who were often got talked down on.
You looked at yourself in the mirror that night, really looked at yourself—and you found nothing. Nothing that you didn't like about yourself. Sure, there were things that every girl picks out about themselves, but you couldn't do it. You couldn't do it to the little girl inside of you who longed to have someone to idolize.
That day, you made yourself a promise: you were going to pursue a career in the music field and give girls like you, who grew up without someone to look up to, someone to relate to.
You moved to Los Angeles a month later.
Y/N L/N, vocalist: My goal, as an artist, has never been to fit in with everyone else. Society's standards have never made room for me or people like me. They haven't made room for people of color or those who have different sexualities or sexual orientations. It was about time for that to change.
The move wasn't easy. You didn't even know where to begin out in LA. All you had was a goal and a voice, two things that don't get many people very far. Anyone can sing, not everyone can sing well.
After years of getting turned down by constant music producers for "not having the right look", Teddy Price gave you a chance.
He said as long as you have a good stage presence, a good sound, and the ability to engage a crowd, you had it all.
You expressed your hopes for plus-sized girls like yourself to be able to relate to someone.
"It wasn't easy growing up," You explained, "Kids are shitheads, especially when they're younger. Chances are, they don't get better as adults. They just get quieter. I'm done being quiet, Teddy."
He nodded, taking a drag of his cigarette, "So, what are you gonna do about it?"
"I'm going to sing my damn heart out."
"Come in tomorrow."
Y/N: I went in the next day and gave it all I had. All the years I spent in choir and voice lessons had finally paid off. I got a deal with promises of releasing my own single. The only problem was that I had to write a song. I'd never really done that before. Nothing that was good, at least. He gave me three weeks to write a song. I came back in two. We were recording my album not even a month after that.
"What do you hope fans take away from your newest album?" An interviewer asked you, sitting across from you on a velvet couch on an empty stage.
"I hope that this new generation is able to look at their TV screens or magazines and see someone who looks like them. There are girls out there starving themselves to be thin because that's the idea society puts in their head. But all bodies are beautiful," You explained, "That's what I want people to take away from this. That they're beautiful and not alone."
After the interview, you made your way back to your dressing room. That wasn't, however, without bumping into a man with a head full of black curls, wearing the most ridiculous pair of sunglasses you'd ever seen.
He took a step back, looking you up and down after apologizing, "You're Y/N L/N."
Nodding, you extended a hand, "Pleasure to meet you. You are...?"
Clearing his throat, he shook your hand, "Warren Rojas, I'm with The Six."
"I've heard about you guys," You revealed, "We're both just starting out on the west coast."
He nodded, his eyes focused on your legs.
Suddenly aware of his gaze, you stepped to the side, "Is there a problem, Mr. Rojas?"
"You're beautiful," He said, coughing, "Sorry, that's straightforward."
"No, no, it's alright. I like straightforward."
He grinned, "I'm a leg guy."
"You're what?"
"Along for the ride, that's what I said," He bobbed his head, "I've got to go on, but am I good to pick your brain about your album after our interview?"
You smiled, "I look forward to seeing you."
"Then it's a date?" He asked hopefully.
"If that's what you want to call it."
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chubbletea · 4 months
I am currently rewatching s2 (abt halfway through s2e1) and rewatched a canterlot wedding yesterday so these things are likely to change abt this (I will reblog this post with it later!)
iyk the plot of a canterlot wedding, you can pretty much guess where this is going. but still, there are some differences
some time between s1 and s2, petra goes to lukas (her cousin) and shows him the ring and tells him that she plans on proposing to jesse. lukas is very supportive of her decision and encourages her to do it. she ends up proposing to them at endercon! (I imagine beacontown's not that far from endercon). obv, jesse says yes! they are now engaged :]
the days go on like they normally would (for the most part) until the start of s2. I'm thinking maybe instead of the town preparing for founder's day, they're preparing for the wedding (I imagine it's in the order hall!)
when romeo transforms into jesse at the end of s2e3, he has NO FUCKIN CLUE that jesse is supposed to be getting married in like. a week at most. he finds out by petra coming up to him and talking abt it, much to his confusion
now, ofc, jesse is down in prison with radar (and jack?) and VERY MUCH MISSES THEIR FIANCEE. they know they're supposed to be getting married soon and is very nervous abt it bc they don't know what happened to petra!! and hopes she's okay!!!! generally worried abt the wedding and what could happen and if they will even have one at all :(
petra eventually catches on to quote unquote "jesse" not being themselves. in their panic, "jesse" brainwashes petra, similar to how chrysalis did to shining armor in the episode, which turns her eyes a similar color to romeo's, but duller.
the wedding plan goes on. jesse is miserable, radar is slightly less miserable, petra is brainwashed. but where is everyone else in all this? lukas is the main person who goes "HEY WTF?", so he kinda plays twilight in this case, but no one rlly does anything abt it bc they're just like "eh I think they're stressed", which would be understandable in this case tbh
eventually lukas tries to confront "jesse", and obv, this goes poorly. I don't have an exact idea on how it all plays out, but it ends with lukas crying bc He Fucked Up and "jesse" pretending to comfort him, he apologizes, and he sends his ass to the Shadow Realm (sunshine institute)
after a while of searching hopelessly for a way out, he comes across the real jesse (and radar). he tackles jesse, despite their protests, thinking they're still the fake, so jesse has to convince him that they're the real jesse, so they bring up the time where they gave him their cookie in the dirt hut wayy back in s1e1, and he's like "HOLY SHIT! I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU" and they hug and radar's like "aww" and then they move on (again, a reference to a canterlot wedding)
they find a way to escape, yadda yadda yadda (THIS DAY IS GOING TO BE PERFECTT /lyr), and just as "jesse" and petra are gonna get married, lukas, radar, and the real jesse bust in and stop the wedding DRAMATICALLY.
then I imagine it plays out similarly to how the episodes actually went and they defeat romeo (like I mentioned earlier, haven't seen s2 in a hot second, SOO). petra's brainwashing is removed (somehow. still figuring that one out), and then jesse and petra can get married! yayy!!
oh btw I did make wedding outfit concepts for jesse and petra! here they are;
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found all the stuff on pinterest. I also made "jesse" and brainwashed petra in pt;
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and! here are the wedding roles I have planned;
radar- officiant
ivor- ring bearer
jack- bride's (petra's) escort
lukas- petra's best man
axel & olivia- jesse's best man & maid of honor respectively (it's a non-traditional wedding I can do what I want)
like I said, I imagine the wedding takes place in the order hall, and I may write some vows at some point, but that's basically it. I have some vague ideas on what wedding photos, the cake, the reception, etc. look like, but yk. I'll get there
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almightyhamslice · 6 months
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KDL3 Stage 1-1: Tulip's stage!
I'm approaching these with a similar format to my KDL2 posts, except divided by stage rather than level since each stage is very unique in KDL3. This also means this is going to take me forever LOL. In terms of standalone ability drawings, each one will contain Kirby AND Gooey, since they have the same movesets. They're only placed next to each other for comparison though since like I said they can't BOTH wear the necklace at the same time. So far I think Gooey likes Spark the best!
This level has Rick and Nago, but I never used Rick since it was too risky-- too much of a chance of him accidentally stepping on the flowers!! Nago is preferential since he has 3 jumps. I would NEVER take Gooey here unless I was playing w 2 players though. His CPU is SO bad lmao (worse than any Helper in the original Super Star if you can imagine). That's how it is for the entire game quite frankly, but I REALLY like the idea of Kirby and Gooey going on the whole adventure together, so I'm pretending I did this whole thing with 2 people LOL.
I can tell you a little more about Nago since this post is very Nago centric! He's 19 years old and is honestly a completely normal guy... other than being able to turn into a giant cat anyways LOL. He can't use copy abilities for himself, but he's very crafty. He likes to help Kirby come up with new methods and angles to use his abilities. He has some difficulties befriending the other animal friends since he feels like he can't relate to them, so for now he's only friends with Kirby and Rick. He doesn't like when Kirby chooses to hang out with other friends over him. I guess that makes him n Rick more alike than I realized LOL. He is prone to expressing his emotions in catlike ways since he's a werecat.
I don't have much to say about this level's resident character, Tulip. She's a flower nymph, and she has 4... kids? counterparts? I don't know what they are to her. None of them transform, and the little flowers don't talk or anything, they just have eyes. Though, they can move underground by tunneling I think. Only between areas without grass though! They're very particular.
Ramblings abt Nago and calico cats in general under the cut since I have a special interest in cats and genetics:
So if you were unaware, calico cats (and tortoiseshell cats) are almost always female IRL! Thsi is because 'red' (orange) and black fur colors are both linked to the x chromosome, so a cat can only have 1 of those 2 per x chromosome. If the cat has only 1 x chromosome, it can only be red or black, never both. So this means that even though he's a male character, Nago must have 2 x chromosomes for his coat color to make sense. I think one could interpret him as transmasc, intersex, or they could say he has Klinefelter syndrome or some other chromosomal condition? So I chose to depict him as transmasc in my gijinka AU since I'm transmasc and he was my favorite animal friend when I was a kid!!
Did the designers working on KDL3 intend for him to be trans? Probably not, I think it was just an oversight. They wanted a funny cat character and calico is a very cute and popular color for cats! Though idk it is possible he was intentionally transgender since Kirby's probably like, the queerest popular nintendo mascot I can think of?? If he's gender neutral is it that farfetched for Nago to be trans or intersex? I don't know, I'm not his original designer.
Anyways another funny fact abt cats that Nago's designers might've known-- cats squint/close their eyes as a sign of trust in others! So Nago's eyes are usually shut because he's showing Kirby that he can trust him! (yes that means he's VERY upset when Kirby uses the needle ability or switches to a different animal friend cuz his eyes widen. TBF, if my friend was shooting chunks out of his face and turning them into needles, I'd be pretty distressed too LOL). I really like this detail cuz it means at least one person on the design team rlly rlly loved cats lol.
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ol1verdrawsyt · 6 months
Hi! So uh, I’m wondering if you have any Dialtown headcannons you would like to share :D? Cause I’m totallyyy normal about Dialtown headcanons lol
I am filled to the brim with dialtown headcanons, but rn I'm having norm brainrot so here's every norm headcanon I can think of rn
- he's basically the father figure to the entire main cast
- He's a pretty good guitar player, and an excellent singer. Though he doesn't like to talk about his talents
- his biggest pet peeve is people taking pity on him
- after chapter 3 and the town was fixed, he swapped out his nasa suit for a nice sweater and some blue jeans
- him and mr.dickens bonded really well together when they first met
- every year on his wife's birthday, he used to drink until he blacked out. After getting a better support system, he spends the day with people he's close to and avoids alcohol completely
- hes trans (ftm)
- though he'd never admit it, he cares about gingi more than anything else. It's his closet friend and his support system
- he occasionally smokes
- idk if I said this before, but he built a new shack for himself near the funfair in the outskirts of town
- he has very mixed feelings on callum. He doesn't idolize him like he used to, but he also can't find it in himself to hate him for everything he's done. He still thinks he was a wonderful leader nonetheless
- he absolutely despises theoroar
- him and Tango sometimes chat when Norm is helping out Mingus. Tango and her unbridled enthusiasm for everything is a bit concerning, but he still finds her fun to talk to
- speaking of Mingus, they fight like cats and dogs. They're more alike than they'd like to admit, so imagine them getting along like trying to shove two magnets with the same pole together
- norm after going through Oliver's scareshack definitely believes it's haunted, but he's too stubborn to admit it
- he loves to make things. Whether it be music or food or small crafts, it's a hobby he picked up when he was exiled to keep himself from going insane
- If Norm ever got a phone somehow, he'd never use it. However, he'd be on level 923 on that one game where you sort the colored objects into the tubes (idk what it's called)
- he gets most of his personality from his mom, along with his long dark colored hair
- he's hispanic
- he's an amazing cook
- he hates loud noises with a burning passion. For Christmas, Mingus gave him noise canceling earbuds. He never takes them out
- every once in a while, God will show up at his shack in the middle of the night and ask for an omelet. The first time this happened, Norm got angry and told him no. Every other time, he was too tired and made him the omelet
I rlly like norm.....
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
hi!!! congratulations on your milestone ♡ i was wondering if i could get a matchup for genshin impact and honkai star rail?
if possible, i would like to be matched up with a male for genshin, but a female or male for star rail is fine!
my mbti is ifsp and my zodiac is leo! i'm introverted but i love socializing w/ people and i'm definitely a yapper 😭... i talk a lot to people i'm close w/ and usually type in all caps cuz im always hype like dat... i'm also vv optimistic ♡
i'm also the funniest person i know & i think i'm the clown of my friend group... sometimes i say really stupid things and i'm really reckless + impulsive
i have dark brown hair that reaches my chest and i have blonde highlights! i'm 5'0, my skin is on the paler side, and i'm on the thinner side! my aesthetic is soft & pastel and i love, love the color pink!! i think i'm really feminine & i love feminine things
i do sports and i love biology & healthcare! i also love drawing and writing & usually spend my free time doing one or the other... i'm really creative & i like anything related to art (music, literature, etc.) i wld love to be in the medical field & give others hope during tough times!! ♡
i don't really fall in love nowadays (i only like fictional charas lmao) because i'm young and i don't rlly the people my age :( i feel like they're really immature and that's okay!! ik everyone grows at their own pace, but for now, they're js not for me!
i want someone who understands me and who i can be comfortable w. i also want someone who i know isn't with me for the sake of being with me, but because they actually like me for me.
in theory, i really love the "i hate everyone but you" trope, but realistically ik it's toxic AFF and that's not the energy i want irl... but i do want someone who makes it noticable js how much they like me :( im a sucker for eyes and i love the thought of someone looking at me w/ a fond, soft expression that they don't share w/ anyone else makes me really giddy... i want it to be known that i am loved (although subtly) and i want to feel special ♡♡
i'd prefer someone who is kind of a tsundere and someone who isn't really into pda bc i don't like pda myself... also my love language is quality time! i'd rather be loved in private than in public, but things like hand holding is fine :))
anyway thank you so much for doing these matchups and feel free to ignore this one if you have too much on your plate!! you are so deserving of 300, almost 400 followers now, and you are so incredible ♡♡ thank you, again and again!
SWEETIE! HAI!! (∩˃ω˂∩)
Your matchup, go!
Okay okay I know what I might say "but alhaitham won't make me feel loved..."
he might not be vocal with it but he loves you and shows it
He will always keep an eye on you, and sometimes just doze off while looking at you over his book
He prefers to spend time at home, with either cuddling you or just sitting together and doing something, since he's not really into PDA he prefers to keep his love to you for the inside
His love languages are quality time and acts of service
Expect a lot of small things done for you
For example you fell asleep while reading a book, he will put a bookmark on the chapter and cover you in a blanket
Tho all that aside, he does act annoyed with your jokes sometimes but in reality he's very fond of them
After you Tell a joke or such he'll just sit there silently, but you could swear a smile is creeping on his smile.
Similar to alhaitham but very different
Different from alhaitham, she's more calm and less tense
She enjoys your company a lot, and appreciates your optimistic view of the world
Also she likes the fact that you're so experienced in healthcare, she might even provide you with some good situations where you can try it out, if you want ofcourse
Because of her status I'd like to think she doesn't enjoy PDA at all, but what she does enjoy is private time with you, where she can just be herself and show her gratitude to you
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audinosaur · 10 months
the seijoh boys as littlest pet shop toys!
i scoured through toysisters.com to assign different lps' to all of seijoh and by golly i had fun while doing it
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iwaizumi: pet #92
cool guy
reminds me of a german shepherd and iwa is the most german shepherd ever
he seems like he'd be an overall chill guy
tug o' war champion
i'm getting "average height guy whose friends constantly call him a short king just because they're taller than him" energy from it
and that's basically the majority of seijoh w iwaizumi
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oikawa: pet #818 
she’s stunning she’s gorgeous she’s everything
him being an ostrich is funny to me
also the colors suit him really well, oikawa’s entire personality is very mint-colored
stars in his eyes
they have matching little sprouts of hair! <3
honorable mention: #1751 
this is the bitch that everyone type casted as the main character/mean girl when they played with their lps’ as a kid and all the other toys are in love w her 
yk what i mean
and that just seems very oikawa tooru
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hanamaki: pet #460
look in its eyes. 
very fluffy 
they have the same pink hair (fur)
the curled eyelash/eyeliner is so funky and makki is the mayor of funktown
:3 face which is just so
do we all get what i'm trying to say?
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matsukawa: pet #2270 
literally everything about him is perfect 
i cant even begin to describe it
a little scruffy & shaggy, its ears remind me of mattsun's hairstyle
imagine looking into the window of a pet store and seeing this thing (+ makki's) staring up at you. would u not be amused?
he's planning something
honorable mention: #1861
he’s got sneakers on??
swagged out lizard
no need for further elaboration
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watari: pet #1026 
this is the one i am the most confident about and I personally feel like it's obvious why
friend shaped
i could see watari being a ferret otter thingy
similar big round eyes that bore into your soul
this just feels so correct i love them
he smile :)
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kyoutani: pet #135
yellow dog
it's so pudgy kyoutani would adore it
he’s the epitome of a grumpy bulldog
they have the same eyebrows (or lack thereof)
the little frowny mouth i am crying
secretly a sweetheart (i can feel it in my bones)
honorable mention: #2472 
lmao bee
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yahaba: pet #1106 
no explanation but do u see the vision?
this is how oikawa views him. puppy dog eyes and all.
it simultaneously looks like both a rule follower and a conniving little shit (aka yahaba shigeru)
imagine this thing barking ferociously at kyoutani's lps
(meanwhile watari's is just standing off to the side watching)
honorable mention: #108
they have the same swoopy hair
it made me laugh ok
look at it
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kindaichi: pet #1519 
idk what dog breed this is supposed to be exactly but all the ‘seijoh as dogs’ art i’ve seen has made him look vaguely like this
pointed up ears = pointed up hair
its tail looks very waggable and kindaichi is constantly wagging his metaphorical tail when he's happy so
kindaichi's so dogboy it's unreal
looks both cowardly and strong at the same time
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kunimi: pet #2204 
this one also doesn’t rlly have an explanation
but the color palette suits him i think 
the cat looks like it take some nice ass naps and kunimi is our catnapping king
cold dead eyes of judgement
slightly bitchy
ppl come up to it expecting to pet it but it actually just hisses at them (an analogy for kunimi when interacting with most people)
in conclusion: a lot of dogs. i love aoba johsai.
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sugar-omi · 8 months
aww I'm gonna miss the Cove icon but who's the lady? 030
help i got so confused for a sec i totally forgot i changed my pfp but then I realized n pls I've never closed genshin faster...
the cove icon is such a staple tho!!! I hope yall recognize me without it but I trust my regular horny posts will be all you need anyway LOL
altho it may or may not come back some time after October yk, I was just tryna get in the spooky mood n stuff hehe but we'll see bc I am Crazy over this lovely lady here
well.. ngl she's nameless right now. but she is my 3rd baxter child, yes I'm still on that bc yall ruined me w baxters kids being colorful n shit n now I like to laugh abt his child's fashion choices becoming progressively more colorful n crazier than his....
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BUT TO INTRODUCE MY GIRL A BITTTT (also I'm literally drawing smth else for her n I didn't expect to reveal her like this but... she's everything to me n I cranked this out in like 3-4 hours bc I'm crazy)
anyway, she's Very into gyaru fashion, specifically n mostly kogal and kuro
she's looks like a cinnamon roll, will beat your ass!!!, I'm thinking she does competitive ballroom dancing like baxter or she can at least dance well enough to wear you out n tell you you suck
she's sarcastic, has the worst RBF of the whole family. at least baxter n theo look like they're just smug flirty assholes n aurelia looks more approachable in comparison to this lovely lady here.
also she has a heart shaped freckle. it's faint n you can't even rlly tell here but it's under her eye (I realize all my baxters children have one under their eye but idc. I am ONTO SOMETHING)
anyway.. her n theo are besties and baxter has to check in at night bc they'll be in her room painting each others nails n doing nail extensions or dying her hair (its 2 toned if you havent guessed, ive seen it sm n im obsessed n so she had it okay) like go to SLEEP YOU HAVE SCHOOL TMRW!!!
just thought abt it. she's obsessed w true crime, food, makeup, and stationary videos, and the stardew valley/the sims
also just decided she is soon for the ladies. I'm thinking lesbian n demisexual, mmm
don't ask how, just know that it's true.
hates pickles. she is me. she is my child... omg Aurelia likes pickles. I was gonna say theo but he's a ramble for another time omfg I am thinking SO MUCH
anyway... ik you didn't ask for a ramble abt my oc but I will take this and run w it okay
she is very introverted but when she picks friends you are now 4lifers okay you cannot get rid of her n why would you want to? you life was a mess before her. trust. /j /lh
she's like baxter so much in the way she worries n has insecurities n stuff, honestly I think she inherited the identity crisis thing baxter got going on over there
also is the youngest and very much an accident (just like aurelia, dw they're FINE everyone laughs abt baxters reaction now which I will make a bit of later bc I'm thinking many thoughts abt the boys finding out mc is preg) so she's a bit spoiled bc her siblings were at least 9 n loved her sm when she was born
(imagining theo passing her to you or baxter n running away when she had a dirty diaper... pls thats so funny)
now ik what it's like to jump at any chance to talk abt your ocs n how fucking crazy it makes you.... I am unstoppable now
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pass1onepr1ncess · 19 days
Fan-made Houseki no Kuni x IDV crossover lineup because I said so and I'm having fun thinking about it! Also including the explanation behind each assignment!
Phosphophyllite - Cheerleader/Lily Barrier
Specifically Phos after Ventricosus's betrayal but before Winter and Antarc! So they've got the Agate legs from Aculeatus, but still have their original arms and head! I think Phos is perfect for Lily because 1)The agate legs made them SUPER fast and we all know Lily can RUN and 2) Phos at this point in the manga is still very cheery and optimistic!! It makes sense for them to cheer other people on and still be so happy!
Cinnabar - Enchantress/Patricia Dorval
This one isn't perfect, but I think it works! I think they way Patty holds herself and acts relatively fits Cinna, and I think it could be cool if the stun animation made Cinnabar's mercury poison float them around them! And when you do a long stun, it could cause Cinnabar's mercury replicas of themself to briefly form around the hunter's feet!
Diamond - Gardener/Emma Woods
As we see in Dia's first major appearance and introduction, they have a tendency for thinking outside the box with battle tactics! It makes sense to me that Dia would get creative enough to think about breaking the rocket chairs! Plus, I think Emma's bubble shield could be like the light refracting around Dia's hair :). Not only that, but I think Emma and Dia have pretty similar personalities!
Bort - Antiquarian/Qi Shiyi
This one I feel is pretty obvious, gameplay wise djbdi. I thought about giving Qi Shiyi to Dia at first, but I think she fits much better with Bort!
And ofc bc it wouldn't be IDV without that fifth identity:
Prince Aechmea/Yama - Opera Singer/Sangria
Listen, I know Netease is never going to do a genderswapped crossover skin because they're COWARDS (jk I know they have to abide by Chinese censorship laws) but it's too perfect! I mean if you just look at Sangria's shadow abilities as clouds then it's perfect! Just like on the moon! I think a good way to get around the censorship is to probably just make this skin one of the generic feminine-looking Lunarians but that's not nearly as interesting dbcjfbd
And, because IDV sometimes does Crossovers that go past just a part 1: IDV x HnK Part 2; On the Moon! Starting with the hunter this time!
Shattered Phosphophyllite - The Feaster/Hastur
Gonna be honest, this is mostly because I think the tentacles would be a good way to portray Phos' goopy gold/platinum alloy limbs. Plus, I think seeing Shattered Phos slouched over to fit Hastur's overall meaty and fleshy vibe and animations would be fucking terrifying vdjcbd
Lunar Dia - Psychologist/Ada Mesmer
Listen, hear me out. The whistle is Dia's singing. Also they gave Emily an accessory that makes her healing animation be singing and I just think Ada should also get one!
Moon Princess Cairngorm - Perfumer/Vera Nair/Chloe Nair
When she perfumes, the imprint of the Euphoria could be Ghost Quartz :). Also there's a theme of killing/getting rid someone who was so similar to them that they couldn't help but be jealous/resentful towards.
Alexandrite/Lexi - The Mind's Eye/Helena Adams
Lexi isn't actually blind like Helena is, but I mean. She spent 100+ years blindfolded so. Also! When she stomps her cane and for the duration of when the effect is active, it could change her hair and nail color to Red Lexi!!!
Amethyst 84 - Lawyer/Freddy Riley
Not much thought went into this one, I'll be honest. Ame became a scientist on the moon and I just think it'd be cool to watch them run around looking at one of the Lunarian notebooks to replace Freddy's map lmao
As for the graffitis, I think it would be rlly cool to have little cartoon chunks of the actual gems with their hardness level! It would also be really cute to have a little Shiro pet!!! Or even Kongo's Machine Brother!!
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lakesbian · 10 months
Hi! I've got like 4 questions about Pact for you if that's okay:
1.What do you think about the Awakening ritual as like a vibe?
2.What do you think about the different objects and Blake and rose's diffrent answers/personal objects answers?
3.What do you think about the fact that Awakening is how a person becomes a wizard in this world rather than like magic genetics?
4. What would your words be if you where awakening?
it's good i like it. one of the things i'm consistently really really endeared to about wildbow's writing is his ability to concisely communicate fantastical imagery in a very visceral & real-feeling way--it's not particularly flowery writing when he describes brian's power (fuck you we're bringing brian into the pactpost) as looking like this to him:
It didn’t obscure his sight, but he could tell where it was, almost as if he were seeing in strict black and white when he looked through the darkness, but the color was still there. Bad analogy. The difference was stark, but he couldn’t pinpoint what separated it from anything else.
but it adequately describes something that can't be described in the closest way possible. it's weird, and interesting, and i get what brian means, even if there are no perfectly accurate words for it. the lack of perfectly accurate phrasing for it actually more adequately captures the experience of seeing something far beyond human than any precise description ever would. & i feel the same way about how wildbow writes magic in pact, particularly the awakening ritual. the room uncannily falling away, the lines doing things they're Not Supposed To, everything being so subtle and so impossible at the same time, it's all rlly fun. i also am incredibly endeared to how the time-slippage in the coffee shop is written. feels very grounded and natural and all of that makes the horror more real and present.
2. answered this one here
3. hmm. i think it's Something that The Horrors are very much inherited but having tools to deal with them is opt-in. i dunno i'll have to ruminate on that longer but it is good that there's no pre-existing Naturally Special And Superior Genetic Class Of People and in fact if you want special little abilities you inherently have to lose pieces of yourself & become something other than human. in conversation with worm i think. wildbow loves representing trauma as literally making you other-than doesn't he it's just, like, cycles of trauma & taught behaviors here vs any random trauma like in worm.
4. well how am i supposed to know. still thinking about the implication that rose's personal token words were quite probably about wanting to be more "...than a vestige" of blake though. looking at her. Looking at her hard. Fucking looking at you. Looking at you rose thorburn
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qserasera · 6 months
i'm like, perpetually at least two weeks behind my tumblr feed but belatedly for the writer ask game: ❤️🎬🦋 (hope you're well and getting enough sleep!)
GIRL....HELP. it has almost been a month since u put this in my askbox....and No i have not been getting enough sleep but IM TRYING T W T questions from this ask meme here
okeys i was rlly happy i got to sit down and answer some of these hehehe
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic? oh gosh...all these answers are going to be bg3 related on account of uh *waves hand* everything hahahaah ^ - ^
this would be a scene from stag hunt, one of those fics based on my own game playthroughs where my protag made an unwise choice with limited information and has some Regrets about it:
"He was defenseless!" This is the closest to shouting that Astarion has ever heard from her. Her eyes blaze, sparks against smokepowder. Like smokepowder, it flares, then dies down in a flash to cold ashes—gray and hollow. "And I—was my own greed that killed him."  Against his own will, Astarion's grip loosens slightly. "Layla—" She's not so unsteady as to crumble—but her posture slackens, the warmth of her forehead leaning into his shoulder, against his collarbone... Astarion presses his lips together.  What does she want to hear?  What does he even have to offer, in comfort?  She is the one with the soft touch, and he, the crooked one.  'You could have asked me,' Astarion does not say. 'You could have asked me to kill him. I would have. Just this once. To stain my own palms in red, to wield my blade at your word. I would have done it willingly, at your command. But you—' But she wouldn't, he knows. It must have been a side effect of all those songs she surrounds herself with—a streak of paladin tendencies in her, despite her bardic background.
for the context my favorite line written Has to be the one about astarion offering to be her blade, to take on the the dirty work so to speak...something something mirror image of a lionheart knight, but in reverse :'')) he doesn't have to, but that combo of unstated protectiveness/hinted at beginnings of devotion even when he's Not the type to necessarily think about others is very. Chewy to my brain.
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
ok OK. so. i already mentioned like every single genshin fic i've written for this question (pspsps emperor!zhongli and consort!childe) so. i have to choose something else her LKDJFLSD
when i finish my bg3 transmigration tav fic meeting magistrate astarion, it's going to be Very fun and good but until i have. i don't think i can do that XD
i always forget if u did read/follow up on natsume yuujinchou but if i had to film a very short movie/film for one of my fics, i think it might have to be in your periphery
it was one of those slightly Unhinged fic images that grabbed my brain and wouldn't let me go??? and i finished writing it in like. an hour.
i can see it being filmed like a 20-minute mini-episode, with lots of implied pining music in the background even as the main character Insists to themselves that he's moved past such silly feelings like childish sentiment :))
and for the aesthetics of it, i kno it's a cdrama and not a jdrama, but i would love it to have the slightly tragic, color-rich aesthetic of an ancient love song ahhhh
o w o i need to fancast them too....oh boy. um. i have no idea actually...their faces are already perfect to me in the manga ahhh
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[img description: "matoba and natori stare at each other with surprised expressions"] someone else who knows more about the jdrama actors scene can cast them for me. 🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
oh gosh. i don't know?? (right now it would have to be astarion :)) but i do like character types who are. hm. not liars specifically, but they say one thing and do another thing (masks/identities/roles), even if they're feelings are telling them something different! schemers...planners. i also do enjoy writing uh. casually kind characters, if that makes sense.
what i cannot feel like i can write well yet are straight up extroverted characters.......it is. too advanced for me right now :''))) (that might explain why i enjoy reading fic about sportsball anime once upon a time, but very rarely Feel the urge to write something for them hahahaha)
another character type i can struggle with a little more are the ones that are ruthless/willing to be cruel since it's hard figuring out where the line between believably ruthless with some crunch for texture and cartoonish evil laughter would be lmao
i do sometimes like writing characters with less?? dialogue?? and just more thoughts, but that can be a problem for characters who enjoy talking overall (like astarion ; w ; )
thank u for asking these of me friend, thanks for patiently waiting for the response LKSDJFLKSDJFLSD
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yandere-daze · 2 years
i dont know if you play jpstars, but when you play the anniv and theme mvs (the one that has a little orange square bubble in the left corner of the music option, theyre in the farthest below among the unit categories n all that) basically the all stars mv, the one thats gonna sing are your team members and the character in your center will be the lead singer! I JUST THINK THATS AWESOME LIKE YOU CAN CHANGE IT WHENEVER AND YOU CAN MAKE ANYONE YOU LIKE SING, in my case I always put mika in the center heheheh my silly little scrunkly!!
theres also this thing abt the surprising thanks!! mv (7th/recent anniv mv) that theyll give the main three in your mv (center and the ones beside them) a special outfit change! there are 4 options that you can pick before the mv, the first being random (among the ones thats gonna be mentioned) and the others being cherry (the outfit stays the same), 777 (changes to the one like in the official/yt mv, super awesome and sparkly) and jackpot! in jackpot i assumed theyre gonna choose a random one, so its basically a gamble.
afterwards I tried to put shu in the main 3 to see my absolute favorite feature scout outfit that i REALLY want but have never gotten the chance or luck of getting and set it to jackpot, but he kept getting rlly generic and lame ones 💀 i was so distraught like i tried over 5 times and it aint doing shit.
they did gave mika the bunny⭐️puffy uniform two times and thats cute though!! i love him so much.
SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE AND RANTING LMAO 😭😭 i just think itd be a very very interesting thing to talk abt self aware au wise!! i wanna hear your thoughts abt it too if you dont mind hehe, thank you for your hardwork as always!
oh and ps the others in my mv team was midori and koga, i have midoris dollhouse card and kogas prison card thingy, my naru 5* is her pretty 5 one. i also picked mama from the initial option! hehe yeah im a mamap too, and he came home rlly easily too!! you can give your thoughts on these or not, its up to you, this is so fun wauuu
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I do indeed play jp stars too, though I've been on a bit of a break since the acanthe event that basically took all of my dias away to get Mika djdjd So it's been a while since I last played!
I love the songs where the voices actually change depending on who you put on your team! I also love making Mika my center, I can't help it, his voice is just so beautiful 🥺 I love him so dearly I'm not even kidding
I hope you have a great day too!!! 😊💕💕
gn reader
tw yandere
I imagine that in a self-aware AU they would be even more honored to be put on the team if you played a song like that! Usually all they can do is follow the moves and watch as you play the game. They perk up when you choose one of their own songs because it means they can show you their passion properly and sing just for you! Meanwhile they probably don't enjoy dancing to someone else's song that much. Why choose their song over one of their own?
But with the ones where the voices change? Oh, they're very happy!! You could have chosen anyone else but you put them on the team! These songs don't have an advantage for any particular color or unit members so you had complete free reign when it came to picking the idols you wanted.
So when you chose them over all the others? They're so so happy!! Especially the one you decide to put as the center. You love them the most, don't you? Oh they love you so much too!!!
And omg I didn't know that that was a thing for surprising thanks??? I actually haven't played the song yet so this was completely news to me! That's such a cool feature! I already was impressed with the way the beatmap would change in fusionic stars depending on who you put as center but now we also get outfit changes? And it's even possible to get them to wear outfits you don't even have? That's so cool!!
Imagine if this wasn't actually in the game originally and the characters just put that feature into the game themselves in hopes of impressing you with all the outfits they have to offer. You may not have pulled for their cards but that's okay, they'll just have to show you what you've been missing out on and maybe then you'll reconsider and give them some more attention!
At the same time, maybe the idols try to mess with the wardrobe of the ones you seem to prefer and only give them the really basic outfits you'll find boring. Don't they shine way brighter compared to them?
So direct your gaze their way and forget about those idols that couldn't even be bothered to dress up properly for you!
Meanwhile your favorites in question are upset that someone replaced their clothes without their knowledge. They wanted to show off an outfit you sadly didn't manage to get to cheer you up a bit but now that was so rudely taken away from them.
Please choose them again, they promise they'll make it up to you next time!!
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myersobsession · 3 months
Human! Michael myers hcs (based on my au)
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so i think human! michael prob ends up attracting a lot of girls, as seen in one of the movies a girl on the radio's actually attracted to him lol (it's cuz he's so "mysterious" so i'd think he'd have the same charm here)
i also think human michael had average grades in hs, like c's n all
alot of people think he's attractive, but are too intimidated to talk to him, and thinks it sucks he has no personality
if u think he talks here ur WRONGGG!!! i like to think he's selectively mute. but the chances he speaks to anyone is 0 to 0. (i'm sorry but it irks me when people make him speak)
tbh, i feel like michael doesn't rlly gaf abt his other family members or anyone at all in general hes kind of js in his little headspace
with laurie/cynthia he might disapprove of her having a bf, or he'll js not gaf.
he's aroace, he just doesn't know it. i like to think michael doesn't see gender and just sees people for what they are- meat and flesh but he doesn't terrorize him like his counterpart.
michael was probably compared to the other kids his age when he was younger, but didn't care
when he was younger, people thought he was a sociopath because of his lack of empathy and care for others. (he is)
he had therapy once, and that's how he met Dr. loomis. it didn't go well since he remained unresponsive. michael isn't all into the thought of telling a stranger ur problems lol
michael had no friends growing up, bc of how intimidating he came off, some kids also thought he was strange
people always thinks he's upset or mad at someone or something because of his facial expression 24/7 (it's his normal face)
he's autistic,,, he does fixate on people (otherwise known as his obsessions) that eventually transfers, his lack of empathy, the non verbalism
michael's very smart and strategic, generally speaking. he just doesn't present it around people as much so people think he's harmless or just dumb
when he was younger, he did hurt animals but it never reached to the extent of hurting people. he eventually grew out of it when he became a teenager
the only way he ever expressed himself as a child was because of his drawings as a kid. he used to draw disturbing things time to time though, because of his thoughts troubling him. it kind of served as an outlet or a physical manifestation of the things he thought
he does have dark thoughts/intrusive thoughts but doesn't act them out.
alike his counterpart, he probably did get thoughts about killing judith but like i said, didn't act them out!!
alot of people think michael's a cat person but personally i don't. generally speaking i think he doesn't like house pets at all, he thinks they're excess (too loud and too much work to take care of) however he wouldn't mind cats as much as dogs since they aren't as loud and occasionally clean themselves.
as a kid, he was left in a daycare, or occasionally judith had to watch after him, but she never did. he was left at a daycare sometimes because his parents would work so late.
he still doesn't like judith. even as adults they don't get along. he thinks she's annoying lol
i like to think his parents got him alot of clown themed toys, such as a jack in the box and etc bc they thought he liked clowns
michael used to use judith's and their mothers makeup for his drawings, or would go to judith's room to steal any crayons or coloring supplies she'd probably have.
michael's a stay at home guy, going out is too draining tbh :(
he doesn't like family dinners either. he's not very fond of his family (even as a kid)
when michael's older he becomes a mechanic.. i like to think it would js stay true to his counterpart with the coveralls n all, + i can't imagine him being a bigshot doctor or something. he js does something basic
he's very careless when it comes to his job, though. which is why his eye is still scarred lol
he has a huge pain tolerance though. he probably got hurt alot as a kid and can just brush it off. most he'll do in reaction to being wounded is getting irked because his actions are limited to an extent
michael's a very messy eater. even though he may be more civilized here, he won't hesitate to eat his food, hands on. (he knows how to use utensils, he just thinks it's tedious.)
that's it guys, lolsies!!! i have alot more to rant about him but this is all for now lolll
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scrunkalicious · 4 months
🪶💜 ND 🛌🪓!!!
yap as much as you'd like :3 i always love ur posts lolzies
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Bed 🛏️ - Where does your f/o like to sleep? Are they conventional with a good schedule, or do they find damp corners to call their bed? (For mordecai!!)
Mordecai on his way to try and find the most clean and tidy and symmetrical bed on the planet rn!!! If he didn't fix the bed (like hotel stuff) expect for him to inspect it for 15-30 minutes. It must be clean and nice he ain't gon take nothing less!! And Mordecai keeps a very strict sleeping schedule and, if he doesn't have work, will do his best to keep to a schedule. He wakez up like supa early though, like on a busy day for him he'll just be out the door by the time Marly wakes up, but he alwayz leaves a warm cup of Earl Grey tea by her bedside, and will attempt to make up for it in some way later.
(fun fact: the creator of lackadaisy has said that mordy'z fave tea is Earl Grey, and I actually have some and i tried it just for him <33)
Feather 🪶 - If you and your f/o were animals, which animals would you be and why? (For vityaaaaaaa)
For me, a chameleon & dog mix!! Everyone thatz ever met me and known me for at least some time (friendz, family, teacherz) will tell you that I am hella energetic and passionate. Ik this bc my mom showed me thru her emailz w my teacherz, and I've been told so myself lmbooooo,,, and my friendz are surprised i'm alwayz rlly energetic jksjksa as for the chameleon part,, erm i can and will change the way i act depending on who I'm with/current situation,,,, itz kindaaa a good and kindaaa a bad thing smhhghhghgh,, and they're supa colorful,, im supa colorful you should SEE my outfitz ((maybeee ill post outfit reveal if we wanna see))
FOR VIKTOR??? VITYA??? VIK??? VIKKIE???????? BLUD IS SO CAT COED YOU WOULDNT EVEN KNOOOWWWWWW,,,,, in the show,, bro would just like randomly disappear an come back on random somtimez,, like that one goofy outdoor stray cat that youd like give food to and then blud disappearz and you get worried an then bro is just back one day yk??? definitely would just rub his face and head against marly'z neck and refuse to move, prolly purrz or somthing like that too teehee heeheehawhaw,,,
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