#i'm grasping at straws
meatballlady · 2 days
Hm. Is there anything to this promo pic having scenes in a circle? Like if you go around in a clockwise direction, does it reveal a different timeline for the season?
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fryday · 6 months
it's actually crazy how they came back from a 5-year hiatus to post almost every single day for 2 months and then leave us in the lurch until new year's like did they actually think we would survive this????? we are sickly victorian children you can't give us a phat loaf of bread then tell us we have to wait 15 days for another slice
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edgepunk · 1 month
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very-uncorrect · 5 months
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I click off immediately
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goatsandgangsters · 25 days
on the one hand, it feels genuinely insane speculating on plot points based on an actor's actual IRL name because television does not work that way! logically I know this!
but on the other hand. when doctor who casts an actor named SUSAN TWIST in recurring roles every single episode of a season that: 1. broke the fourth-wall multiple times, 2. had an episode about coincidences, 3. did weirdly long musical number about "there's always a twist at the end," and 4. discussed susan by name and emphasizes the doctor's identity as a parent way more than usual
I start feeling insane and believing that fourth-wall-breaking, throwing-all-established-tv-logic-out-the-window, extremely meta actor-name plot twists are possible
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 9 months
I can't believe only now am i just realizing that biased flashbacks vs real unbiased flashbacks in monkie kid are animated differently
Any biased flashback is all told with still frames, stylized art, or only the main people in the memory moving while everyone else is still in the background
Think Shadowplay, think Azure Lions narration using the scrolls, think LBD's forced flashes of the future and past to Monkey King and Macaque, think DBK's story of the Samadhi fire.
All of those are either stylized, still frames, frozen figures, or sometimes all three.
Whereas the unbiased, real flashbacks are fully animated in the usual style. The opening of New Adventures (s4 ep2,) the beginning of The Samadhi Fire episode in season 3... they're animated like usual episodes. Everyone is always moving, things are always happening, expressions are changing, all that kinda stuff.
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khaire-traveler · 7 months
I think there is a lot of power in Ariadne's tale, actually, and I feel like that reflects on who she is as well. She went through a fucking awful situation, left behind by the love of her life - IN HER SLEEP, BY THE WAY - to die alone on the island of Naxos with no way to leave. Dionysus found her and offered her a new life, and not only is that a beautiful display of love, but it's also a beautiful display of Ariadne's personal strength. She pushed through the struggles of her past and learned to trust and love and live again. She must've had to build from the bottom up, healing from the pain of the past, and she fucking did it! She did it and succeeded and lived happily with her god husband who literally made her a crown of stars, and that's fucking awesome, and I just think that's a really beautiful and highly underrated part of Ariadne's story: her journey of healing that she took after being left by Theseus.
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chemdisaster · 4 months
scar calling magic mountain "magical mountain". something something even though he and joel agreed that it has no connection to any past mountains, the thought still lingers-
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angxliquel · 12 days
thinking thoughts about how Yaz and Sammy both have episodes surrounding them where the word "long" is used- "The Long Run" and "The Long Game"- but it meant something completely different in each scenario. For Yaz, the distance ITSELF was long; she had to really push herself in the speed sense and go as fast as possible to get from point a to point b (literally across the damn island). For Sammy, it wasn't so much the distance as it was the pace. Kash was literally RIGHT there, she could easily go up to him and make her presence known. But she had to play it safe. She had to take it slow. DO YOU- DO YOU SEE WHAT I'M GETTING AT
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snakes-and-fluff · 8 months
Some Double observations:
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John is crying in this shot. My heart broke when I saw this, he looks like he's in such pure and genuine anguish.
Everyone's pointed out by now that white windows indicate Mikoto and darkened windows indicate John, but I also want to point out that it's far easier to see reflections in a darkened window than when there's a light behind it:
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Like how John knows about Mikoto but Mikoto doesn't know about John.
Mikoto's canines are not as pronounced as John's (see first image):
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Which reminds me of someone else...
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naranjapetrificada · 5 months
"I know the odds of renewal were slim, but so were the odds of getting two seasons in the first place."
Is this anything? Has anyone done this yet?
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freakadr0id · 2 years
This has been sitting in the back of my mind since I first watched Rise, but it seems that the show hints at an underlying sadness to Donnie's character that appears very subtly over the course of both seasons.
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(Long post after the cut)
I feel like Donnie longs for a normal, human life to some degree. It isn't a major part of his character but it's there. Maybe he doesn't exactly want to be human, but there are a few signs that Donnie wants, at the very least, a human experience.
We see a few nods to this throughout the show:
He has a knowledge and love of fashion and appearance, something he, as a mutant turtle, wouldn't need to know or care about. Sure, his brothers wear clothes several times in the show as well, but they don't seem to have as much of an interest or passion as Donnie.
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In 'The Purple Jacket' Donnie initially wanted to fit in with the Purple Dragons, a human group of teens at a human school (although it was mostly for the jacket).
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I mean, this is a boy who wants to actually go to school and even graduate college but we know that, realistically, he can't do either.
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Seriously, just look at how happy he is to be at April's school!
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Hell, he draws eyebrows on his mask for goodness sake. Yes, from a meta standpoint this is mostly for the sake of his character design since he would look really fucking stupid without them, but the key to any good character design is to have an in-universe reason for it as well. While some people headcanon that Donnie does this to better convey his emotions (which is totally valid and I kind of agree), I also think this could also be a way for him to seem just a bit more human.
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I'm not saying this is a defining element of Donnie's character - IT ISN'T. Our boy Donnie is confident in his intelligence, his skills as a scientist and an inventor, and who he is as a person overall - he doesn't want to change those things about himself. However, it is possible that maybe some small, quiet part of Donnie still longs for the things he could experience if he was a human, as opposed to a mutant turtle.
Hopefully, I'm not the only one who sees this because I think there are interesting things you could do with this part of his character - especially when you consider his closer friendship with April and the potential isolation he feels with his brothers.
I don't know, maybe this is just me overthinking things or looking for angst where there is none, however, this little thread of Donnie's character appeared often enough in the show to at least acknowledge it.
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frenchtantan · 9 months
I'm not done talking about q!Baghera. Today I wanna touch on something her mind seems to tune out for her own protection: the Federation's cruelty. Now buckle up folks, given how dark her story is, this is gonna get heavy.
When she first discovered her old room, in her little diary, her past self had written the following: "they made me do things, and I couldn't stop until they were satisfied. They are never satisfied. They just want to make me miserable. They keep plucking my feathers for... a dumb reason."
This is cruel. This is child abuse, and this is torture The entire Federation would deserve to be burnt to the ground ten times over if they did this once. They did this to her every single day.
However, here's the thing: the way child q!Baghera phrases it, it almost looked like the torture was in response to her not behaving like they wanted her to. As if this unjustified abuse was somehow a punishment, something that could be somewhat avoided by her doing things differently.
Now I don't know about you, but the way I read this, it means the torture was never a punishment. It was the experiment itself. They were deliberately, or at least knowingly, putting her in situations that could trigger her unresponsive state. How messed up is that?
This is the extend of their cruelty: they created a sentient child, but they never raised her, they never cared for her, they never tried to make her better. She was just an experiment among possibly hundreds of others. An object to poke and prod at to see how it would react. Even knowing this is roleplay, I can't think about this without getting sick to my stomach.
This is where she now knows she comes from. Where any normal child had a family's love and care, she had only the Federation's cruelty. Is it any wonder then that q!Baghera refuses to even acknowledge the torture? That her mind put walls around walls around walls to protect her from that horrific reality? That yesterday she was grasping at straws, hoping that the Federation was not as bad as she thought, in denial about what she suffered at their hands?
I am conflicted about what her burning the book meant, because she also burned all the photos. At first I thought this was just another wall, but I'm not so sure. Her room was not a bad memory, it contained everything she liked. She also didn't burn her diary. Also, she didn't look distressed, she looked angry. Her first thought went to Pomme, her daughter and therefore her family, and then came her ironic realization about the islanders building their own little prisons while trying to escape.
I believe right now she is very hopeless, and she has a lot of trauma to face in the coming days. However, the more I think of it, the more it seems yesterday's ending was not her giving up, but a spark awakening, however small. And maybe, just maybe, that spark is enough to start chipping at the walls. Time will tell.
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ebaltika · 2 months
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2023 fanart of rei asaka and mikage souji
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nereb-and-dungalef · 2 years
Ok something that really strikes me about Lord of the Rings is just... how sad Sauron is
Like, there are constant references to loss and mourning, with him going on about how "there is no life in the void," being way too into the color black and grief and hopelessness, never healing from his loss and just spiraling down into trying to replace Melkor, calling himself Melkor, but by nature only being a part of a whole, the loyal follower who never wanted anything more than to follow
Sauron put a part of himself into the One Ring and boy does that piece of jewelery do psychic damage. And like, yeah that's kinda the point of it, but I like to see the Ring as a genuine distillation of Sauron's own despair, that inflicts nothing more than his own unfathomably deep suffering, a grief that is so incomprehensible to the human mind that it by all means should not exist
The thing is that like, human emotions are fleeting. A person can feel grief for a year or a few years, but eventually there comes a time when the wound is no longer fresh and things have stabilized. Existing in a period of eternal mourning and desperation for thousands of years is incomprehensibly bleak to any mortal mind
Especially when the only strategy for survival in Tolkien's world is to fight tooth and nail against your own despair, having the big bad guy be just so deeply eternally drowning in hopelessness is. Well it's a thing I think about. He is my pathetic little meow meow and only gets more pathetic and I watch Lord of the Rings and take psychic damage whenever he comes on screen to talk about how sad he is.
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 7 months
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I mentioned this when the Adaman/Irida event happened, but I feel like this confirms it. The use of plural here refers to Rei and Ingo. With Rei being confirmed as the skyfaller and Akari being the professor's assistant (and the one speaking), the only other person she could be talking about is Ingo.
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