#i'm going to ride that train of thought till i go right off the tracks
ithinkinggenshin · 2 years
Messed Up Messy Love
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Ei, Yae Miko, Ayaka 
Pairings: GN!Reader x ^above characters (separately) 
Warnings: Angst, abandonment, implied cheating, hurt/comfort/hurt, swearing, death,  bloody nose, imprisonment, possessiveness, grammar errors
Word count: 6.7k
Synopsis: So I got an ask for a fic about fighting and making up but I ended up writing a breakup fic instead. So here’s that. Don’t worry, I’m gonna keep working on that request. 
Note: Under the cut because the fic is long
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She neglected you. Disappeared without a word of warning. You know she’s a busy woman. You know she devotes herself to her pursuit of eternity. She loses track of time when she’s concentrated and focused, but she seems to not realize she may lose you too if she continues to ignore you. 
You’re tired of this treatment. The days and nights without her are far more frequent than those with. It was more than enough time to have you going through the 5 stages of grief. At first, you gaslit yourself into believing she was just busy. She made time for you in the past but maybe something came up? Maybe she was held up with mountains of paperwork. Or maybe she was just meditating. You go to the palace everyday and ask the guards to let you in. Everyone knows you by now, but they still deny you entry. What is going on? 
By the third day of you not seeing her, the theory that she’s meditating has rooted itself in your mind as the answer. It must be. 
Of course, you’re wrong. 
You visit the shrine to get a fortune slip and pray. You’re secretly hoping Ei will hear your prayer and come to you. 
A chance encounter with Yae Miko leads to her talking to you about her recent visit with Ei. So recent that it was just yesterday. Your face gives away how utterly confused and hurt and betrayed you are that Ei has chosen to not come and see you but let Yae Miko still visit her. Yae sees your crestfallen expression and reassures you that Ei has just been busy and has lost track of time. She promises to bring you up the next time she visits Ei. That is, if she herself hasn’t already come running to see you. 
You nod and thank her. You believe her. You want to believe her. You’re choosing to believe her. 
A week passes. Ei doesn’t even send you a letter. 
By this point, you know she can’t be busy with political stuff. She’s an incredibly intelligent woman. She built a puppet for her to control. She developed all kinds of sword techniques. She’s ruled over Inazuma for centuries. She isn’t busy. At least, not busy enough to not have time to even send a blast of lighting to you to show she’s thinking about you. 
It’s because of the lack of lighting that you don’t worry if you’ve made her angry. The last time she was angry it stormed and thundered for over 3 weeks. She sat in her plane of Euthymia until she calmed down. To her it was a blink of an eye. It would have been an awful and painful three weeks for you if she hadn’t dragged you with her to the palace. Even though you were the one she was mad at. Even though it was an argument that you two had, she brought you with her to protect you from herself. You would’ve apologized sooner, if she hadn’t locked herself up completely like she did. She said she needed time to think. You said that you were glad you had some time to think too, but it was too much time if you’re being honest. Ei had said she’d try to keep that in mind for the future. 
The rain let up, and the people breathed a sigh of relief. Some even came and thanked you for calming their archon down. You can’t describe the surreal feeling of joy and love you felt knowing that Ei wanted you, even when she was angry, and that you two could work things out. 
You thought she loved you. 
Another week passes and now you’re pissed. 
She’s ignoring you! She doesn’t care about you! You swear she’s so selfish. It’s always her plans that come first. Her wants. Her needs. She wants to be alone? Fine! She can be alone for all eternity. Maybe she’s staying away from you on purpose. 
Maybe she’s preparing for your death. Maybe she doesn’t want to care about you when you die.
Maybe she doesn't actually care about you. 
Maybe she never did. 
Maybe she doesn’t love you…
Maybe she never did…
You cry at those thoughts. You’re not angry anymore.
Ei. Please come back. You say to yourself, alone in your room. 
All indications of her presence in your life are gone already. Her scent, stray hairs, and snacks are gone. Thrown out and scrubbed away from your previous house cleaning, back when you thought she’d be coming to see you. 
You feel like crying again. 
You try the palace again. You bring her favorite snacks. You bring gifts. You write her love letters. You beg the guards to let you pass. To let you see your girlfriend. They all look guilty as they turn you away. The letters you sent come back to you, unopened. 
You go to see Yae. For once you can see straight through her lies. Her hesitation to answer and ultimate decision to simply reassure you again by saying that she’ll talk to Ei. You scowl and ask her what happened when she brought you up before. She dodges the question with twisted words. You don’t bother trying to pull the truth out from her. You’re sure it’ll hurt you. You don’t think you can handle more pain. You turn and leave as Yae is mid sentence. She doesn’t get upset at you for being so disrespectful. Tears fall as you make your way back down the mountain. 
Ei must not love you anymore. 
That’s why she doesn’t want to see you. 
The days seem to drag on and blur by at the same time. Life goes on. The world keeps moving. You can’t bring yourself to leave your house for a few days. You manage to avoid work by faking ill, but you can’t avoid your job forever. You need to eat. You’re surprised you’ve almost run out of food. You’ve barely had an appetite. 
You finally go out. 
You go back to work. Your boss asks if you’re okay. You say you’re fine, just fatigued. They tell you to take care of yourself. You can take time off if you’re still feeling sick. You thank them and shake your head. They don’t try to pry further. You’re grateful for that. You try to get back into the swing of things. You force yourself to take on each day. 
You think you’re healing. 
Ei still hasn't come. 
You try not to think about it. 
It’s been months. You can’t tell how much time has passed. You stopped keeping track a long time ago. Your heart aches as you realize that it’s almost your anniversary with her, but you don’t think you’ve even seen her since your last one. You don’t remember.
You don’t want to. 
You go out instead of staying in and wallowing. You promised a girl you’d meet her at the festival. She gives you butterflies and makes you trip on air. You want to hold her hand and kiss her. You don’t though. Not yet. 
You think of Ei. You go to the palace. Some of the newer recruits don’t recognize you, but their seniors do. They still won’t let you see her. You ask if you can leave a message or letter. They shake their heads. You sigh. You go to Miko and tell her that you’re done with Ei. That you’re not waiting for her anymore. You say you feel bad that she has to be the messenger for this, but end up grateful as Yae brushes it off and says it’s not a big deal. Your life is short compared to hers and Ei’s. It’s best you go on and keep living. She jokes that at the very least, Ei may not conjure another storm that prevents anyone from coming in or out in her grief over you. 
You’re not sure how to respond to that, so you just thank her again and go back down the mountain. 
You continue life as normal. 
You’re blissfully ignorant to the fact that your message never gets to Ei. 
Another month goes by. The butterflies don’t go away. They migrate from your stomach to your heart, making you more giddy instead of nervous. You slip your hand into hers. You both freeze for a moment, before she turns and smiles at you, a blush spreading across her cheeks. You must be blushing too, because she smiles even wider when she sees your face. You two walk through the streets hand in hand. You play games and eat treats. Some people stare at you like you’re covered in blood, but you don’t pay them any mind. You can tell the stares are making her uncomfortable too. You feel bad for it, but it’s not in your control. You just squeeze her hand tighter. She squeezes your back. It’ll be okay. 
You told her a while ago that you dated the Raiden Shogun. She laughs nervously and says she already knew. Everyone knows. How could they not? You tell her about your relationship. About what happened. She admits that she feared loving you because she thought it might be blasphemous to love the Raiden Shogun’s partner. You say you feared loving her because you knew that people would harshly judge you and whoever you ended up with. She doesn’t deserve to deal with that kind of scrutiny. But you’re not with Ei anymore. You did everything you could to tell her so. You admit that you’re surprised that there was no indication of her being upset or anything, but you also accept that she might’ve been long over you by the time you came around to admitting that you were ready to accept and move on from her. 
You want to love.
You want to be loved. 
Others will judge you no matter what in this life. You had to accept that a long time ago. You’re willing to put up with the stares and the criticism if it means that you can be happy with another person. But you aren’t willing to put that person under the same kind of pressure if they’re not up for it. It can be extremely difficult to deal with, you tell her. She just gives you a half smile and says she’s already heavily judged by others. 
Growing up as the daughter to the Kamisato clan, Ayaka was always being graded on everything. The way she acted and dressed, who she affiliated herself with or didn’t. 
She walks over to you and sits down next to you. She leans her head against your shoulder. Let the people talk. If they really care, they’ll bother to consider your feelings as well. 
You’re not Ei’s property. You aren’t her toy. You may have been hers at one point, but she had made no moves to claim you for over a year. Even if she came back into your life right now, you wouldn't accept her. You wouldn't immediately lay your heart in her hands. She'd have to explain herself, she'd have to prove herself. And even then… you don't know if you'd be able to trust her again. 
So you both decided to take the leap. You find yourself in a slow dance of courtship. You'd take her on small adventures. Short walks through the forest next to the estate or to obscure shops in the city. Often late at night or early in the morning. Before and after her long and hard work days. In return she'd give you gifts. Writing you long letters and buying you ornate fans. You started displaying your growing collection in your house. 
Ayaka gasped and nearly cried when she saw the way you decorated your home with them. You told her that you liked to see them when you walked around. Not only are they beautiful, but they also always made you think of her. 
Time flies when you're with her. Everyday you'd find yourself sharing a moment with her, and every time you wished that time would stop so that it would never end. So that you could feel this happy forever. 
Maybe that's what Ei is chasing. 
A way for her to be happy forever. 
You know that such a thing doesn't exist, but you hope she finds it nonetheless. 
After all, it's hard to stop caring about someone you loved for so long. She told you about all the pain and grief of her past. She shared some of the burdens she carried. You did your best to say the right things and be there for her. Maybe that's where you went wrong. 
You needed to stop that train of thought. Before the tracks pointed downward and you started spinning in a cyclone. It wouldn't be the first time. 
Ayaka pulls you out of your long trip through your memories. She helped you the same way before, calling your name in the beautiful voice of hers and rubbing her thumb on the back of your hand. Innocently asking what you were thinking. 
You shake your head and smile at her. Memories are the bane of you. They're like a riptide that pulls you off your feet and away from the present moment. 
And yet… she manages to save you.
Every time, without fail. 
You keep winding your way through the festival, smiling and laughing. Admiring the beauty that came from all your neighbors' hard work. 
You come to the top of a cliff. You wrap your hand around her waist, and she leans her head on your shoulder. You turn your head towards her, and she meets your gaze. You lean forward. She mirrors your movement. She grabs your shirt and you tighten your grip on her waist. 
You both jolt when you hear the boom of the first firework of the night. Laughter bubbles up and comes out of both of you. You lean down and your lips meet hers. Her hands grip your biceps, and you embrace her fully. Fireworks boom in the background, but you swear you're both eons away. 
You feel it before you see it, and you see it before you hear it. 
Your hair stands up. 
The light blinds you. 
A blast that you only hear the first half of before the ringing in your ears makes the rest of it feel muffled and far away. 
You and Ayaka cling to each other as you’re blasted off the cliff into the water below. You’re lucky that neither of you are hurt too badly, only sore. You climb out of the water and are immediately seized on both sides. 
“Filthy traitors are not tolerated and have no place in eternity.”
That cold voice. 
It’s her.
The Raiden Shogun.
“You are under arrest for your crimes against the Shogun. Do not struggle. We are bringing you to the palace for her to decide and execute her punishment,” Sara is as matter-of-fact as always. You can tell she knows what happened. She looks guilty as she makes eye contact with you, but she gives the order to take you away anyway. 
You try to look back at Ayaka and don’t see her there. You try to fight. The soldiers don’t budge. You feel your heart pounding. You feel like you’re going to die, long before you come face to face with the Shogun’s sword. Which you probably will. There’s no way she won’t execute you for seemingly cheating on her. You’re surprised when you find that you’re more worried about Ayaka’s safety than yours. 
The butterfly that rests in your chest flaps its wings.
You really love her. 
You’re walked through the streets of the city. People come and watch you like a parade. Watch as you’re dragged by guards behind the Shogun and her general. You close your eyes but can still feel the stares. 
You think about your time with Ei. Now that you think back on it, you must have looked like such a lapdog next to her. Leaning your head on her thigh as she hovered and meditated in her mindscape, patiently waiting for her to finally acknowledge you. The way you cupped her face and always tried to comfort her. Like a dog licking its master's tears. She always felt more than any human ever could. The pain and suffering from centuries ago, mixed with the pain and suffering of her people now, you don’t know how she bears it all. You’d deliver her treats and walk with her along the base of the mountain. She took you to see the arch that was once a gateway to her sister’s mindscape. You’d bring flowers to every so often and thank her for blessing the shrine and by proxy, the people. 
At first, Ei was confused by the way you’d talk to the shrine. Who are you talking to? No one is there. You told her it was just how you honored the dead. By talking to them, you brought them to the present day, as though they were alive, to help them live on.
You had to part ways with Ei not long after that. 
Later that night, you had been woken up by pounding on your door. One of the head officials and some guards stood in the doorway when you opened it, demanding to know what you did with Ei. You looked at them confused. She never returned to the palace? Strange. You promised to help them look. You didn’t tell them where though. The places you two shared, they’re kept secret for a reason. They’re places only you two together felt at peace. At least, you thought so. 
You ended up finding Ei still at the shrine, talking to it. Talking to Makoto. She sat in her usual mediation position, talking about everything that came to her mind. You quietly called her name. And smiled when Ei stood, took your hand, and formally introduced you to her sister. 
Thinking back on it, Ei didn’t call you her partner. She said you were special to her. You wonder if that was a sign. 
You consider praying to Makoto. Ask her to protect you from her sister, as you’re forced onto your knees inside the palace, wrists cuffed behind you. You stay in a stooped position. You don’t want to look at her. You shouldn’t feel this bad. You know you’re in the right. It wasn’t fair for her to disappear on you, and now to act as though you’re wrong to have fallen in love with someone else. 
But you know it’ll do you no good to try and reason with her. 
You know the woman standing before you isn’t your Ei. 
You don’t know where she’s gone. 
That’s probably the only regret that you have. 
You wish you could see her one last time. 
You tell the Shogun that. That you wish to see the person you thought loved you. To talk to her one last time. Wouldn’t it be good for her too? To at least have some closure before it all ends. 
Your request is denied. 
You’re asked if you have any other last words. 
You tell her to not punish Ayaka for any of this. The Shogun held a higher place in her heart than you ever did. It was your own scheming that convinced her that being with you was okay. 
You plead for her safety.
Your request is granted. 
You hear her voice one last time. 
The change in intonation gives her away. 
A flash of light.
“I love you, Ei.” You whisper.
Then darkness. 
Yae Miko:
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair.
You swear up and down that you’ve been nothing but a pathetic joke to her, and everything you’ve been made to do was entirely for her entertainment. Which isn’t fair at all. 
But Yae Miko doesn’t play fair.
You’re just a pathetic human, chosen to amuse the greatest kitsune of all time. 
Fuck that. 
You’re not her doll to dress up.
You’re not her pet to do tricks. 
You don’t belong to her. 
So you leave. 
She sends you home after deciding you’re being “too boring” today. You’re relieved and at the very least, you’re reassured knowing that one of her few weaknesses is boredom. If you simply do nothing, she’ll get bored of you and leave you alone. 
But it shouldn’t matter what you do. Especially now, as you take your bags and head to the Ritou docks. She doesn’t deserve an explanation as to why you’re leaving. She doesn’t deserve to even know that you’re going. 
But when you get there, your determined gaze turns to shock. Fear and dread settle in your stomach, but anger gives you a hard front. You march down to the docks and decide that you’re going to ignore her. 
You’re completely unsuccessful. How can you ignore her when she’s speaking to the captain of the ship you’re about to board? She’s very clearly about to stop this voyage altogether by influence alone. And when you try to walk past the two, she puts her arm out in front of you, effectively stopping you in your tracks as you’re caught by surprise. 
“Please, my lady. The amount of resources and people invested in this trip! We must be allowed to leave.”
“Hm. Alright, how about a deal? This one here plans on going on this little trip of yours, correct? Let me keep them, and I’ll let the rest of you go on your merry way. Alright?”
You turn to her in horror and glance at the captain who refuses to look at you. You selfishly hope that she’ll fight for you to come with her, but when she agrees with Yae’s terms you don’t feel any surprise. 
You glare up at the kitsune who smiles down at you in return. 
“Perfect. Come along then, dear.”
You push her arm away from you before it latch on. You scowl at her and look at the captain again, who shakes her head silently. 
Just great. 
You turn heel and storm away. You're not giving up just yet. You're glad you didn't have to pay for everything up front. Only a small fee to reserve your seat. Compared to being stuck with Yae, it’s a minuscule loss. 
You go across the docks to another captain who is clearly preparing to set sail, but before you can even say anything they shake their head and turn away. 
Everyone went quiet when the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine stepped onto the wharf. They all slowly returned to their business, quietly talking among themselves, wondering why she was here. Everyone could hear her conversation with that captain. At least half of them curled in on themselves in fear, despite not being her targets. And they all looked when she referred to you. Instantly, silently agreeing to not come between you and her. 
You could feel her suffocating presence behind you as she followed you around. You desperately approached each of the workers on the docs. The captains simply crossed their arms and shook their heads. The crew-mates were more jittery and would say some sorry excuse and scurry away. 
"Are you done? You can't really believe you have any chance with these people now." 
Your eye twitches and you clench your teeth. She's right. She's effectively cut you off in terms of leaving by ship from Ritou. The gossip about you and her will spread fast. No one will let you board their ship now. Not unless it's some oblivious foreigner who has a death wish and doesn't know what it means to stand against Guuji Yae. 
You keep approaching people. You don't want to leave. If you start heading back, she'll start pushing you towards the shine. You won't be able to escape this time. The people in the city have seen you dragged around by Miko before. They see you as lucky. Lucky to be in her favor. Blessed to always be in her presence. 
You consider throwing yourself in the ocean. 
Yae decides she’s had enough of watching you desperately try to approach all the men and women on the docks. She’s barely managing to keep faking her amused face. When she learned about your plans to leave Inazuma, fury erupted inside of her and the kitsunetsuki flashed behind her. 
How dare you.
Of course, she was confident that you wouldn’t actually be able to leave, not so long as she’s around. But the idea that you were trying so hard to get away from her, it maked her electro powers fly out of control. The day you leave her is the day you die. And now, here you are, trying her patience ever further.
It’s completely futile to try and get away. It’s like watching a child play a game of shogi against a grandmaster, they have no chance of winning, but the better of the two is entertaining them. But doing so is getting quite boring for her. 
Time to speed things up. 
She grabs your wrist from behind and squeezes just hard enough to bruise but not break your bone. 
“Come now, little one, listen to reason. You’re so rash to go and make a decision like running away like this. Let’s go back to the shine and talk things through. I’m sure whatever problem you have I can help you solve.” She must look so kind for offering to help you like that. 
You barely hold yourself back from smacking her. 
You grit your teeth and speak low enough that the others can’t hear, though she’ll hear just fine being a kitsune and all. “You know damn well that you’re the problem. So unless you plan on exiting my life for good up at that shrine, I’m not going with you.” You give her the hardest glare you can muster, and almost lose it at what she does next. 
That damn laugh.
“Haha… that’s cute. You’re so cute,” she pinches your cheek, “but I can’t let you go. I’m hurt that you think I’m a problem. I don’t know what I could have possibly done wrong. Especially not to the point that you’d try something so drastic as this. Now let’s go.
You don’t have a choice.”
When did you ever have a choice with her?
Yae leads you through the streets and crowds of people. You drag your feet the whole time, trying to stop her. You take immense pleasure from seeing how angry she’s getting from all your resistance. 
Yae Miko always gets what she wants, and right now she wants you.
You get to the base of the mountain where the stairs start, and when Yae’s grip falters for barely a moment you take that opportunity and rip yourself out of her grasp. Turning heel to run, only to be slammed in the back with an intense blast of electro that leaves you writhing on the ground. Of course, one second later a couple turns the corner and sees the guuji kneeling over your body. Once again Miko looks like the hero coming to the rescue. If only they knew it was her that did this to you. 
She whispers in your ear, “don’t even try to run from me again,” she leans in closer, “or else I’ll break your legs. I’ll make sure you’ll never even think of defying me. As much I’ve enjoyed this little game of chase, I don’t intend to let you run wild like this forever. In fact, I don’t plan on letting you out of my sight again. Now, get up. Or would you prefer me to carry you?” 
You twitch and shake but force yourself to get up, your legs almost collapsing under you if it weren’t for Miko catching you. You muster as much strength as you can to push her away. She just rolls her eyes and grabs onto your wrist again. You wince as she locks you in another bruising grip. Once again, she’s dragging you around, only this time your attempts to resist hurt you more than her. You almost twist your ankles multiple times tripping up the stairs after you try to avoid climbing any higher. 
Unfortunately for you, Yae is starting to enjoy this. She was annoyed before, but the moment she stepped onto the stairs leading to the shrine she instantly felt better. Not that she was actually worried about losing you.
You’re in her domain now.
She’s now the rule maker of this game, the god of this realm. You don’t stand a chance.
You never did.
She feels so much glee as she thinks about how pathetically helpless you are. She thinks about all the different ways she can punish you. Maybe she won’t wait like she said she would and just break your legs. Or maybe she’ll put a collar on you and chain you to the wall in her room. Or maybe… 
You look over to see a wicked smile growing on your captor’s face. Dread lumps in your stomach and only swells when she makes eye contact with you. 
The perfect punishment.
Fitting for the ultimate rule maker and final rule breaker. 
You barely step onto the wooden boards of the shine before you feel the hairs on the back of your neck rising and your vision goes black. 
Yae Miko hates to do so much work, but it’s worth it to carry your body through the shine. At least she gets to bask in the glory of looking like a saint. But still, she’d much rather have you awake when she has you helpless. It would be far more entertaining. 
She carries you to her quarters and sets you down on the tatami mats. She’ll start the preparations immediately, but first, she has to make sure you won’t be able to get away before then. 
When you try to step out into the hallway to make your escape you’re met with an electric shock that almost knocks you unconscious again. You try to crawl away only to be met with more electricity, and worse, the end of your chain. You couldn’t even force the chain off your ankle when you were stuck in her room. Now, you barely manage to claw yourself back through the door, where it finally stops. You feel like your entire body has been fried. Your head feels heavy. All of the electro must have damaged your nerves because you don’t even register any pain from when you let your head drop and hit the floor. You do, however, wince when you hear that rotten laugh. 
“Goodness. You really shouldn’t have done that. Not when you're about to play again I've prepared for you,” she lifts you by the roots of your hair, “and you’re going to be at a disadvantage with how weak you’ve made yourself.” 
“Go fuck yourself.” 
Yae flashes a smile. You feel it this time when she slams your face into the floorboards. You also feel it when blood starts dripping and running down from your nose to your lips. 
“You really shouldn’t be provoking me like this. If you push me even more I’ll have to cancel the game I set up. You don’t want that now do you?”
“I’m not going to play your stupid game.”
“Oh yes you are~ After all, if you win, I’ll let you leave.”
Miko throws her head back and laughs again. You can’t help but wonder what she’s got planned. She likes to toy with you, she’s probably just bluffing to get your hopes up.
You want to slap that stupid smile off her face. 
“Don’t be so unreasonable. When have I ever lied to you?” 
You’re going to strangle her. 
“I’m being serious. I’ve set up a fun little game for us to play, and if you win, I’ll let you go free. You can stay on the island or leave and I’ll never bother you again.”
That’s too good to be true.
“But if I win,” she swipes some of your blood and licks it off her finger, “you’ll be stuck with me for the rest of your life.”
There it is. There’s always a catch with her. 
“And if you don’t play, then I win by default.
So what will it be? Why don’t you make it easier on yourself and give up right now?”
She’s baiting you. 
“Fine. I’ll play. What are the rules?”
There’s no way she hasn’t rigged this.
Yae claps her hands and smiles wide. She knew you’d choose to play. She sees that hopeful look in your eyes. 
Oh how she’ll enjoy crushing it.
“It’s simple. We’re going to play a game of cat and mouse. You run away, and I'll chase after you. If you can avoid me for more than an hour after I start chasing after you, then I’ll let you go. Simple as that. I’ll even give you a longer head start because of…” she glances at the door, “what you already did to yourself.”
“You’re the one who set up that trap.”
“And you’re the one who stubbornly kept going.” She stands up and tosses a handkerchief onto your head. “Now clean yourself up. I don’t need you dripping blood down the halls too.” 
For once you don’t argue. You’re already thinking of how you’re going to avoid her for the next hour. 
You can do that. You’ve done it before. It won’t be that difficult to do it again. And you’re pretty sure Miko will keep her word. She likes to play with high stakes. Though… she only plays games she knows she’ll win. 
It doesn’t matter. Your freedom and future depend on you winning this game. Depend on you shoving Yae’s arrogance in her face and showing her that she’s not all powerful like she thinks she is. 
She guides you down the winding halls and outside. You descend the staircase and you realize how dark it actually is. Dammit. Why did it have to be on a night with a new moon? It’s hard to see. This may actually be more difficult than you thought it would. It doesn’t matter. You’ll win. 
You have to. 
“Now then,” Yae says as her heels touch the bottom of the stairs. “Scurry away little mouse. I’ll come find you in, hm… let’s say, ten minutes?”
“Make it twenty.”
“Fifteen minutes. I’m starting count now.”
It’s just like her to barely negotiate. Still, fifteen is better than ten. You turn heel and run. You know she’s looking as she watches you leave, so you try to trick her into thinking you’re going into the forest but instead you intend to work your way around so you can get into the city. It’ll chew into your time, but if you can set this up right, then you won’t have to even move for the remaining hour. Just like before. 
You dash your way through the forest and the thought occurs to you that you might just be leaving a trail behind. Ugh. It’s fine. The city doesn’t have leaves for you to crunch through and leave prints on. You do have to jump pretty far to avoid getting wet in the river though. Which takes a lot of effort because of how weak your muscles feel. The electric shock has taken its toll on you. The adrenaline carries you across, thankfully. 
You make it into the city and bolt for Shimura restaurant. You’re worried that you wasted too much time going through the forest. You’re sure Yae’s already stopped counting. 
You run faster. 
You awkwardly scramble and manage to climb up onto the roof. You duck behind the sign but then reconsider and jump up onto the higher roof and hide behind the tower. Now, if she comes around you can move so that you can hide from all angles. And if worst comes to worst, you can jump down and run in the opposite direction. Either in and through the city or down onto the grassy hill behind the restaurant. 
You let yourself relax a bit after waiting for 15 minutes. You’re still terrified, but if your heart keeps racing so fast, you may die from the palpitations alone. You only get to enjoy the relaxation for a minute before you see it. 
No way.
A large, glowing, nine-tailed fox comes prowling up the steps into this half of the city. 
That bitch.
She never said it was against the rules to use her powers but still! This was supposed to be a game of cat and mouse not sharks and shrimps. And of course it looks directly at your hiding spot as soon as it stands in front of the restaurant. You swear it’s smiling as it starts to approach. 
Thankfully, your body reacts faster than your mind as the next thing you know you’re sprinting down the grassy hill. You can hear it chasing after you. 
The rising land in front of you is going to make you pick a path. The moment she sees which direction you go, Yae’ll be able to jump and over and cut you off. And it won’t be an option to turn around, it’ll take too long. You have a terrible feeling this isn’t going to end well. But you have to press on. 
You run along the cliff to the left and as expected, the fox leaps over to cut you off on the left side. Thankfully, it lands far enough away that you make it to a point that you realize that you’re able to go back the other way. Of course this doesn’t mean victory in any sense, because as soon as you turn back to the left, the kitsune is vaulting over you and planting itself directly in your path again. It’ll go on like this until it manages to prowl close enough to snap you up in its jaws. The only reason it hasn’t yet is because if it jumps too close to the small cliff, it risks slamming into it altogether. 
It stalks towards you, growling. You make a stupid decision. You turn heel, and it leaps onto the cliff right above you. But instead of running left or right you run directly away from it. Towards the ocean. Towards the edge of the real cliff. Towards your doom. 
As they say, better to die in freedom than to live in bondage. 
You leap into the air, and as soon as both your feet leave the ground you regret your decision. You don’t want to die.
You squeeze your eyes shut as the fear overwhelms you, and you start crying midair. You pray for someone to save you, and your prayers are answered quickly. The mighty kitsune hurls into you, and you instantly cling to its fur. It’s thanks to it that you land safely on the beach below. 
You still don’t let go of it. Even when it’s turned back into your worst nightmare. Even while she taunts and teases you. You sob into her hair and she coos. 
“My, my. What a stupid and reckless decision you just made darling. I think you owe me for saving your life, hm?”
You’re still crying as you shake your head against her back. 
“No?” She tuts. “How ungrateful. Fine. How about I carry you back up there and throw you off the cliff again myself?”
You sob harder and shake your head furiously. 
Yae manages to get you to let go and she holds wrists in the air so you can’t get away. 
“Then stop being a brat. I won the game. I saved your life. Now I get to claim my prize. Now you’re in debt to me. Because I won, I already own you. So now what you’re going to do to repay me is: you’re going to entertain me. I’m going to keep you as my toy, and you’ll let me play with you as much as I want, however I want. Until you break. You don’t have a choice. Now, let’s go home. Okay precious?”
You hyperventilate. This is a fate worse than death. You can’t face it. Not right now. Not when your heart is about to burst from all that's happened tonight. 
Miko sighs. She really hates having to carry you around so much. Oh well. You’re more pliable like this anyway. She leans you against her and transforms into her fox form, catching you on her back. She makes sure you’re secure before sprinting back to the shrine. 
Time for the real fun to begin.
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theheraldsrest · 2 years
Hi! I've been reading your posts and I'm loving it!
If it's not too much to ask, how about this: Inquisitor has trained the mounts like common mabari, able to do tricks and all that. What would their inner circle say if they came across this? I can't get the thought of a warnug rolling over like a dog and getting a treat afterwards.
“Inner Circle reacting to Inquisitor’s trained mounts”
Bless you, @wozzmeyer . I’m loving this idea! Same energy as “All dogs are puppies.” Also, sorry for the disappearance, life hit hard. But back on track with several posts prepared for each week.
-Lord Lex
-Inquisitor, they’re riding mounts, not pet mabari. Please don’t treat them like the dogs. How did you even get them trained like that? That’s a feat all on its own. Are…are you playing fetch with the warnug? That’s actually pretty adora-NO DON’T THROW THE STICK AT HIM
“So they know the same tricks as mabari? Would you be willing to show me how to train my mount?”
-She is tickled pink at this. It’s absolutely precious that they behave like dogs, including the dracolisks. Gets to a point where she treats them like dogs. It’s been witnessed that she gives them belly rubs when they roll over. 
“Oh, this is better than that joke Varric told about the Venatari.”
-Your spymaster is beaming, which is pretty scary considering. She loves watching you train the mounts, making them sit, roll over and beg for treats. Helps with training them since she also trained her own nugs in the same manner. Shouldn’t be any different, right?
Vivienne disapproves
-Why, why, why would you train them in that sense? If any training is to be done, it should be to teach them how to hold their ground and to be graceful yet imposing. This. This is just ridiculous. It’s even worse when she realizes you trained her mount the same way. It won’t stop sitting randomly.
“I’ve never been more terrified yet entertained at the same time in my life. This is amazing!”
-To think he’d ever see a horse go from begging to playing dead. Now you definitely have to teach him how to train them. Not for any reason in particular, definitely not to make Cassandra’s mount roll over at random intervals. Definitely not.
“Some of them enjoy it. Some think it’s silly. That one believes itself to be dead because you gave it a command. Its hoping if it stays dead long enough, it gets a treat.”
-It’s interesting for him to watch. He doesn’t say much about them unless you ask him, save for the occasional soft gasps and little claps. He loves playing fetch with them because they’ll bring it back to him every time and it makes him feel seen. One of the only times you get to see him laugh.
“I’m quite sure that’s not what they’re supposed to be doing, Inquisitor.”
-You can hear him trying to suppress a chuckle when he sees you training the mounts. He actually finds this funny and can’t help but enjoy this. He’s taught his hart certain commands such as stay and come, but now it knows a new trick and he rewards it every time it sits pretty.
“Inquisitor, those are riding mounts, not show ponies.”
-She wants to be disappointed in you, really she does, but she sees how much fun you’re having and just leaves it be. Forgot all about it until her horse rolled over and knocked her off during one of your travels. You thought she was gonna kill you till you both saw Varric laughing. She still wants to throttle you but she’ll just leave it that you have to get Varric out of the tree. 
The Iron Bull
“It’s a neat trick and all, Boss, but how effective is it really?”
-It is a neat trick and he does find it funny, but is it gonna help in the midst of battle? He’s all for crazy stuff like this but he just doesn’t see it’s usefulness. That is, until you give the command charge and he gets knocked down onto his ass by a warnug. He takes back everything.
“You trained the mounts to do what now?”
-Oh this is brilliant. He loves how people are losing their minds over the horses playing fetch and laying down like dogs just for treats. He’s going to treat every single one of them like mabari as well. He’s very fond of the harts that roll over and get their antlers stuck.
“What other tricks do they know?!”
-She knows there's only a few tricks that are able to be taught, buuuuuut what if you were able to teach them other, more funnier tricks? With your help, three of the mounts now spin when they see someone nod their head. Do you realize how many people nod around you? You’re gonna. 
“That’s…quite interesting, Inquisitor.” Muffled slightly due to his hand covering his mouth.
-He thought he'd seen it all but NOPE. Maker, give him strength. He’s going to choke on his laughter and possibly a heart attack after one of the dracolisks ran at him but feigned away. Even worse, someone has taught his mount to respond to conversations, nodding its head in agreement or disagreement. Sera, it was Sera. She likes seeing Blackwall questioning it.
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syinisuga · 3 years
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Begin Again [MinYoongi]
Pairing : Yoongi x Reader
Word count : 5.2K
Genre : Fluff and Angst
Description : Friends to lovers, Long Distance relationship, Lovers to (?)
Summary : when you thought the friendship you once had with him died away after one silly mistake, and you thought you would never have again what you lost;
But it blossoms back unexpectedly stronger and is slowly growing to be something more beautiful than you ever had
"I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn, and end;
But on a Wednesday in a cafe i watched it Begin Again"
It was the start of a new year and you weren't particularly happy about being moved up a few classes into an entirely new class with relatively new students you haven't personally met yet. You were still grateful for your good results in the past year to have you land in such a good class. In all honesty though, you did miss your friends from your old class, all of them being scattered in the back classes however changed your mind about being thankful that you're at least in a better one. The first few days of getting used to the classes went by rather slowly as you were listening to the introductions of the other students and teachers half mindedly, till around your 4th day into the classes that is.
You were randomly seated in the Chemistry lab by the teacher as she familiarised herself with the rest of the class. Not paying much attention you were spacing out, resting your chin on your palm, tapping away at your cheek.
" Um, hey there"
The voice from the stool next to you spoke. You turned your head to the direction of the voice, being met with warm brown eyes looking right at you. He had soft black hair, eyes slightly puffy as if he hadn't slept well the night before, lips curled up in a slight smile as he looked at you.
"Oh, hello"
you answered, trying not to sound overly shocked at the first human interaction you've had in this new class.
"I'm yoongi, what's your name?"
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you Yoongi"
"So what are your interests? What do you like to do y/n? Any hobbies?"
It definitely took you by surprise when this boy you've never really met before was suddenly making an interest to get to know you more. Something about him felt raw and not shy but in a good way.
"Well i really love listening to music and i do indulge in art as well. Spend most of my time listening to songs while drawing. Draw the mood of the song you know?"
"Damn, haha you sound kinda like me. Not tryna be cheesy or anything but i love listening to music too, I'm shit at drawing tho, i can barely draw a stickman"
Both of you exchanged a little chuckle at his open confession about himself. And even though it had only been a few minutes of words between the two of you, you felt at that moment that he wasn't like the other boys who popped up to talk to you first. This one genuinely seemed interested in you just to make a new friend.
"Yo y/n you wanna ditch PE and hang out in the library? The new Resident Evil movie came out we can watch"
"You know what, yeah let's yeet"
You don't know how it went from spending lunch times together, to skipping the most boring subjects to hang out and hide. It'd been a few months since you started your new friendship with Yoongi, and by now you were known as the inseparable duo, funny enough both of you became the class representatives. Somehow you two got closer and closer each day, the more you talked the more you felt like you've known each other for years, yet some part of you knew that there was more to Yoongi than he was showing to you.
On a particularly slow day at your classes, you and Yoongi had pre planned to sneak out to hang out at your usual spot in the library. Sitting at the back of the library the both of you laughed at a joke Yoongi made about how almost the whole school shipped the both of you.
"You know y/n, I envy you"
"Oh well, I know I'm fabulous" you playfully said as you flipped your hair back, earning a little grunt and a harmless eye roll from Yoongi.
"It's not that you loonatic, i envy you...cause you have such a nice relationship with your family"
His sudden statement caught you slightly off guard but you gave him a look, clearly eager to know the reason behind his words. Flashing half a smile towards you he starts his story.
"Growing up for me was, well, it was an experience. I grew up under the care of foster parents who constantly reminded me that my parents gave me away cause i was a burden, all my life that's what i was told. Never had a father figure or mother figure to help shape my emotions? Guess that's why I don't show it if I'm sad or depressed, which is actually most of the time"
he looks down at his hands and chuckles softly.
"But you know something y/n? Being with you makes me feel like I could be myself, like I don't have to be afraid of being judged. And that's why I wanted you to know the truth but i understand if you don't wanna get involved or-"
You cut him off by placing your hand on his, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Yoongi, i want you to know that I'll always be here for you and you can talk to me about this anytime okay? You're my best friend now! And I'm hoping I'm yours too?" You ask in a more playful tone making yoongi giggle.
"Of course you are"
"Good! Cause i come in a package deal of crackhead and supportive as well as a no return contract"
"Sounds perfect to me bestie"
Over 2 years had passed and the whole highschool down to the teachers were sure the two of you were in a relationship, as everyone saw the two of you being practically stuck together almost all the time. Yoongi and your friendship became stronger than ever since that day he decided to open up to you. It became a regular thing where you'd confide in each other for emotional comfort as well as motivation and support. Not missing the fact that your level of crackhead together had become an all time high.
Your finals and exams blasted through and you had spent all your study weeks with Yoongi in the library. As sketchy as it was you and your best friend actually did sincere studying. And as it would, your hard work together paid off earning the both of you high marks in your finals. The two of you didn't miss to make a trademark crackhead scene at the receiving of the scroll ceremony when you accidentally tripped on your shoelace and Yoongi cracked up laughing and clapping before helping you up. The two of you celebrate with drinks and a lot of food that night and Yoongi paid for everything to make it up to you for laughing when you fell.
You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before heading out to your highschool's hall. It was your graduation party but more importantly to you it was Yoongi's birthday. Coincidentally the two events had fallen on the same day, and what better opportunity than to get dressed up to party at your graduation ceremony together. It had been a heck of a ride these last two years, and you were going to make sure this last school event would be memorable.
Upon arriving you scan around the hall of students in search of the familiar face.
"Looking for me?"
He makes his presence behind you known by clearing his throat. You turn around to give your usual playful comment back but the words were caught in your throat as your gaze landed on your best friend. He was dressed smart, in a suit that looked like it was custom made to fit him, his hair in a side part and bangs neatly framing his face. You were so used to seeing him in his casual hoodies and ripped jeans that seeing him in formal wear made you choke on your words.
Too focused on getting your senses back in check, you don't notice how Yoongi's train of thought was stopped dead in its tracks as he watched you turn around to face him. He never pictured his crackhead of a best friend in something other than t-shirts and track pants. Seeing you in a dress that hugged your figure in all the right places and taking in the sight of you, with your makeup and hair all done to suit the dress you were wearing nearly made him pass out from how he was holding his breath to admire you.
Clearing the silence between the two of you, Yoongi speaks up first.
"Well well, you don't completely look like the satanic spawn of hot cheetos and depression today. You actually look pretty good"
Smirking a little smile you bite back at his comment.
"Well same to you too Mr. I'm a millennial emo teen. You actually look, presentable today"
The two of you exchanged a playful giggle and assumed your seats at your class tables as the ceremony went on.
You don't see the small glances Yoongi takes in your direction, the thoughts gushing through his mind about how you looked at the moment and cursing himself for not realising your features sooner. He admired the way you had chosen to dress up today, seeing the way you had styled your hair so your curls would frame your face, the way you had done your makeup in a more natural looking way that he thought suited you perfectly. Yoongi didn't remember when the unlabeled feelings for you came but the longer he looked at you the more he was starting to put a name to the feelings he had. So much so that he had completely spaced out in his thoughts of you like that he didn't realise you were speaking to him.
" -don't you think so Yoongi?"
"I'm sorry what did you say? The umm, the music is so loud"
"I saaaaiiddd it's beginning to get a little dull at this graduation ceremony, we need a little surprise, don't you think?"
"Surprise?? What kind of surprise?"
Flashing a smile his way you get up and walk towards the front of the hall where the ceremony host was finishing up their ending speech. Whispering into the host's ear, he gives you the microphone and you confidently stride to the front. But you accidentally go too close to the speaker and it lets out an unpleasant squee, making you move back and away a little. You look up and around finding your best friend's eyes looking back at you giggling at the scene that just occured.
"Well that's one way to get everyone's attention" you chuckle earning muffled chuckles and words from the hall.
"So firstly congrats to everyone on graduating y'all did it. But that's not why I'm up here right now. Today is a special day for someone, and since it's the last day we'll all be gathering I wanted to make this memorable for him. So everyone I would like to wish out here, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN YOONGI"
you started to sing happy birthday and the rest of the hall joined in singing with you.
In all this happening, Yoongi could only focus on you, the way you just boldly got up to sing out loud and wish him Happy Birthday in the most "you" way possible. So he didn't know if it was the moment or if it was his unlabeled feelings overflowing for you, that he got up and walked towards you as the song was ending. He couldn't tell what came over him at that moment but he knew for sure he wasn't going to stop what he was about to do next. Cupping your cheeks in his palms, he leaned in, pressing his soft lips to yours. Kissing you with deep feelings overtaking his mind. The moment his lips touched yours he knew what those unlabeled feelings were, it was Love.
You couldn't process fast enough that your best friend was striding towards you with a goal, a desire. And you surely didn't expect for him to suddenly kiss you. Registering the feeling of his lips on yours, your eyes closed on their own as if on automatic response. You sank into the feeling of his lips, and it was then you felt the spark that ignited your own unlabeled feelings for Yoongi. You had definitely asked yourself countless times before if what you were feeling for Yoongi was more than just friendship. On the countless nights he had cried on your shoulder or when you cried on his, on the many occasions where you were both always partners in crime, you would always glance at Yoongi and wonder what more could there be to the feelings between you.
As the both of you slowly pulled away from each other a roaring sound of cheers erupted as it seemed to be that the two of you were the last ones to know you two were actually in love with each other. Taking your hand in his, Yoongi and you ran out of the hall that night knowing well where the two of you stood from that moment on.
"No babe I think you should definitely take the opportunity to study there, I know it's far but it'll be really good for you, plus it's something you really like! It'll take some time for you to get used to the new place but i know you'll fit right in. In fact i know your wack ass would stand out"
You giggled at his comment but you wholeheartedly took his motivation and advice. But the question and thoughts still lingered in your mind as you heard Yoongi chuckle on the other end of the phone.
"But Yoongi, this means we'd be in a long distance relationship, with you going off to study in the opposite direction and all. Even our breaks don't match Yoongi.. what'll we do" the worrying tone in your voice didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi as he answered you in a calm reassuring tone.
"It'll take some work, but i know we can get through this okay? We'll make it, we can make it. I love you" you smiled at Yoongi's voice uttering the sweet words of love as you felt yourself calm your thoughts.
"I love you too Yoongi. Well then, keep me company while i pack?"
"You bet"
It had been a few months since you started dating, and honestly it didn't feel any different from when the two of you were in your phase of friendship, everything was going relatively smooth apart from the little fights and misunderstandings you had now that you were a couple. Sometimes you sit to think to yourself if moving into a relationship with Yoongi was the best choice, it would feel as though sometimes he would act differently and not like he always would but you just shake of the thoughts. You just figured with all these future college studies and intakes coming about that he was just as stressed as you were. You assured yourself that the two of you would be alright and that you'll always have each other.
A few more months pass and the two of you have already started your college lives. Yoongi being in a campus almost 8 hours away from you with minimal transport for him to even go home let alone plan to meet you. It was going smoothly, settling into orientation and getting to know the layouts of the campus well, meeting new friends and truly taking in your next step in education. You and Yoongi would exchange day to day text messages about how orientation and the first days of classes went.
All well and good till Yoongi's texts became slower and less frequent, he would always say that he's busy with his friends there, or straight up not giving a response at all. You became more and more fearful at how this long distance thing was going to work out for the two of you.
28th Tuesday
[12:27am] hey Yoongi! I hope you had a great day, I miss you and hope you sleep well, love you!
[08:40am] Hey Babe, good morning! I'm in class now, wishing we could skip like old times haha, hope you have a great day! Text me soon
[6:48pm] Hey i just got back to my dorm after classes, it was super fun! How was your day??
[8:11pm] Yoongi?? Are you okay? Are you busy babe?
[8:24pm] I miss youuuuuuuu :(
[10:16pm] Yoongi :(
You tossed your phone to the side of your bed as you felt your tears well up, why was he suddenly avoiding you? Is he okay?? Did he get hurt? Your thoughts were spiraling, getting messier till you heard the familiar ping from your phone. You scurried to your phone to see Yoongi's name pop up on the screen. Your smile quickly faded, replaced by disappointment at his reply.
[10:43pm] Hey, was busy with friends today, going to bed now ttyl <3
You frowned and wouldn't let him go this time. The days of short texts to unreplied texts and this is how he replies now? In a fit of fury you call him.
"Yoongi what's wrong? You haven't been replying to my texts as usual are you okay??"
"Mmh I'm fine, just busy with classes and my new friends y/n"
"Well I can't accept that answer Yoongi, I'm busy with classes and friend's here too but I take the time so why can't you?"
"Hey it's not that big of a deal y/n, we're in new environments now and it'll take me some time to settle in"
"Yoongi surely you have at least 5 minutes a day to text me??"
"Yeah of course I do, I just texted you didn't i?"
"That short ass reply was what you call a text Yoongi? It really sounds like you're avoiding me"
"You know what y/n I don't have time for this right now I'm tired"
"No Yoongi, I haven't talked to you properly in days come on don't you miss me Yoongi?"
"To be honest I've been enjoying the new company here that's I haven't missed you much"
"What do you mean Yoongi? You don't think of me?"
"Not all the time no, i have other things to think about here y/n i have new responsibilities here I can't be thinking about you all the damn time, just be happy I texted you back"
"Are you threatening to not text me anymore Yoongi? Is that what you're saying? You don't wanna talk to me anymore?"
"Oh god for fucks sake y/n stop being so clingy alright? Just grow up a little!"
The sound of his voice in heightened frustration made you choke on your words, you silenced yourself as his words rang loud in your head.
"You know what y/n I don't think this will work out, I'm going to get even busier and this will just be in the way of it all"
"I'm sorry y/n but clearly this distance is proving that we won't work out"
"Are you... breaking up with me Yoongi?.."
The pain in your voice and the soft shaky exhale doesn't go unnoticed by Yoongi. Yoongi takes a deep breath, realising he spoke too fast in frustration. As much as he did feel for you this distance was tearing you apart and Yoongi didn't want to believe it but it was the truth. He spoke softer this time giving his side of his explanation.
"Y/n, you've been nothing but amazing to me, but I realize that we were more compatible as friends, I mean think about it, we've had so many petty fights that we never had before we dated. Our growing college life will further hinder our relationship. I don't want to hurt you like this by not giving you the love and attention you deserve. I'll always love you y/n, just not as more than friends I suppose"
You couldn't believe what was happening right now, your world felt like it was crashing down on you hard and fast, you could feel the sharp stinging in your chest from how your heart was breaking the more reality hit you. Yoongi's words had reason to them, but you were still in a state of confusion. Why could you make time for Yoongi but he couldn't for you? Maybe it's because the two of you are pursuing different fields of studies? Maybe he really had better things to do? Yoongi didn't want to hurt your feelings by making you feel abandoned so he was in fact abandoning you? No? But he said he'll still love you?? Your head was spinning a bunch of thoughts ran through your head.
"Okay Yoongi...if that's what would be the best for us..then okay"
"Don't worry okay? We'll still text as usual, talk when we can okay? I won't let you go, you're still my best friend y/n"
You didn't know if his words would be comforting enough, but at that moment you took what you had and calmed your thoughts for now.
"Okay Yoongi.."
"Good, I have an early schedule tomorrow. I'll talk to you later okay? I'm going to bed now. Goodnight y/n"
"Good night Yoongi"
As it will, Yoongi and you slowly drifted apart. You would often see his social media updates about how he was actively participating in clubs, and how he had taken up new responsibilities, going to camps and hosting events at his institute and he definitely seemed to be doing well. You on the other hand fell more and more at war with your emotions, it didn't hinder your studies. Thankfully you could keep those two apart. But whenever it got a little too quiet you'd think of him, the days in highschool when you were inseparable. You missed his laugh, his endearing way of calling you the most heinous nicknames. You definitely missed his comforting arms, his words of encouragement when you were down, you wished nothing more that in this moment you were crying to him instead of because of him.
You couldn't believe that you were sitting here, broken and feeling alone by the guy that made his way into your life, and had now made his way out in the most painful way possible. You were left there clueless and confused. Did he do it for you? Was it the right thing? Did he really think of you? Why was this happening? What would have happened if you didn't date? Would things be different? Would your best friend have stayed? All these questions playing through your mind, countless nights you spent crying yourself to sleep. Thinking of how you felt almost betrayed, you cursed at yourself for sending texts to him that were only left on read or replied with a simple "I'm busy, text you later".
Slowly days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as you hadn't spoken much to Yoongi. You became stone hearted from all that had happened and slowly you got back into yourself. You were more and more active in your college life and you were growing to be better at controlling your emotions. Sure some little things remind you of him now and then, but it was much easier by now to brush his thoughts off. As sadly as your situation was you learned to move with it and not let it consume you. Every now and then you'd see Yoongi piston updates on his progressively active life and you'd feel happy for him, you wondered if he ever felt the same for you when he saw your updates on how well you were doing.
It had been a total of 4 years since everything happened, you were on a roll and you had graduated college. You had a few job applications pending and you were more stable with your life by now. All the questions you once had were stored in a box collection dust in the far corner of your mind.
It was a relaxing Saturday evening, you were in your apartment lounging on your bed. As you were chatting away with your friends a familiar ping aroused from your phone. The name that popped up on the screen made your heart heavy and you breathing shallow, a true ghost from your past…
"Yoongi 🥀"
Your screen read. Taking a deep breath you opened the chat.
[9:57pm] Hey y/n it's been a long time… are you free tonight? Can I call you?
You didn't know what exactly to think right now. Every cell in your brain telling you not to. That you shouldn't give into him again, and that you should just talk to him over text no matter what it was. But your heart was screaming for him, the familiar feeling of longing for him returning in a massive tsunami, washing over your thoughts. You took a deep breath to centre your thoughts and decided you'd listen to him and talk to him again.
[9:59pm] Hey Yoongi, yeah I'm free to talk.
As soon as the message was read by him, your phone rang. You took one more deep breath and answered the call.
"Hello y/n, how are you?"
You cursed in your head at how much you missed his voice, the way he spoke to you at this moment had a hint of the same longing you had for him.
"Hey..Yoongi, I'm good. How are you?"
"I've been good too.. congratulations on graduating"
"Thanks Yoongi, congratulations on graduating too.."
The silence that fell had you both reflecting on everything that happened and how fast it all went by. The box of questions in your mind burst out once again whereas Yoongi on the other hand was feeling guilt and hate towards himself for everything that he put you through. Little did you know that these last few months Yoongi was hit with the hard realisation that he had lost not only his best friend but the person he cared about the most. His family certainly did not improve and the one person who was there for him when he needed it, he had left broken hearted and abruptly once he found a new escape. Yoongi was slowly flooded with memories of you as he neared his own college graduation. He remembered your highschool graduation and how he felt for you there in that moment of time. He spent a few nights crying at the realisation that he had thought of what's best for you but didn't think of how you felt and how he had left things between the two of you.
"Why Yoongi…."
Was all you managed to say out loud before your emotions caved in. Understanding what you were asking he answered.
"I was so caught up in the new environment of growing up and moving on that I did what I thought was the best to not hurt you...but I didn't think far enough that doing so will indeed hurt you.. and I wasn't there for you like i was supposed to. It took a hard hit to my head to realise that I was wrong y/n… you were always there for me and stupidly I made this mistake… I thought i was thinking of the best for both of us, when in fact i was thinking of myself.. I was selfish and I realised that…so many things reminded me of you y/n, the clouds, the sun, the sight of roses, the smell of hot cheetos.."
You giggled a little at his last comment earning a little muffled one from Yoongi.
"I understand if you hate me for what I did to you y/n… and I don't know if it'll ever be the same between us again.. but I'm willing to try to bring back what we had... if you're willing to give me a chance…"
You exhaled softly before letting out everything that you've been feeling.
"I don't hate you Yoongi, I never could and I never will. You're everything to me Yoongi and I was just really hurt by what you did and how you ended things. So many thoughts went through my head and I won't even talk about how much you made me cry….you dipshit" the playful cursing nickname made Yoongi chuckle a little, slowly making him feel reassured at the directions of the conversation.
"I'm willing to give us a chance Yoongi..and you're right, I don't expect it to be the same as what we had, I just hate that I lost my best friend.."
"I know..i understand that..and I'm sorry..for everything"
"It's okay Yoongi, I'm sorry too… maybe I should've been more understanding…"
"Hey… do you.. wanna hang out Tomorrow night?"
"You wanna hang out?"
"Yeah, i wanna see you and catch up with you"
"Sure Yoongi that'd be nice"
"Great!! I'll meet you at the café by our old highschool?"
"Sure Yoongi, sounds great"
"Right then, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow Yoongi"
You could hear the smiles in each other's voices as you both bid goodnight and hung up the phone. You didn't know what it was exactly but you knew just from that phone call that everything was going to be alright. You felt like you breathed much easier now, your mind much lighter. Yoongi felt the same, he was smiling more now filled with the excitement of meeting you again tomorrow after years.
You made sure to check yourself out in the mirror a few more times before heading towards the café. You had chosen to wear a simple yet stylish outfit, your hair tied back in a low loose ponytail, your short hairs framing your face. You were nervous yet excited to be reunited with your best friend again. And as you approach the café, there he was. Standing outside the door of the café waiting for you. The now slightly more mature looking, dark fluffy haired man, wearing a long black coat was looking just as nervous and excited as he was looking down at his feet.
"I didn't know you needed glasses to see now"
your voice made him turn his head fast in your direction. The moment his gaze landed on you, it felt like highschool all over again. The way you looked standing there, just centimetres away from him. He took in your slightly matured face yet he told himself that you hadn't changed one bit.
"It's official, you're old Yoongi"
He chuckled and playfully scoffed at your comment.
"Well at least i don't dress like the satanic spawn of depression and hot cheetos"
"Sure thing Mr. I'm still a millennial emo teen"
The two of you laughed, and the world seemed to slow down. The feeling that nothing ever really changed between the two of you was knowing, however this time something felt entirely different. Both of you could feel it for sure. It was the feeling of a bond stronger than both friendship and love. You didn't know what the feeling was exactly, all that you knew was that you're never losing each other again. All this while you've been sitting there watching the feelings you had burn and crash in the worst way possible, but today right here at this café, right in front of your eyes you watched everything Begin Again.
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jpat82 · 6 years
Chapter 13
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You were lucky to find someone to give you a ride to the warehouse that Hydra owned. The only home you had known, the man at the door outside jaw dropped as you walked up. A steady drizzle had fallen since your harrowing escape from the wolves in the woods, the dress clinging tight to your skin, tattered and muddy. Your hair plastered to the side of your face, you probably looked like hell.
"Y/n! We thought we were dead!" He stated, pressing the number into the key pad that allowed you access in.
"No, quite alive." You smiled shakily as you entered, the cold seeped from the outside of the warehouse inside.
You walked down the corridor, your bare feet making a soft slapping sound as they touched the cold cement floor. Every thing was so dimly lit, and nothing but metal, making you almost wish to be back in James's home. But you didn't belong there, you weren't one of them, this was your home, and your team.
Once you came to the end of the corridor you turned and started down toward the main part, knowing Rumlow would want to see you. There was no doubt in your mind that when Fury sent a message about a missing persons report it would of been about you. It was something Hydra did when one of there own went on a mission and failed to return, that was if a body didn't come up. Most of the time though, the body would always turn up.
You tried to remember how many of your team members you had lost through the years, but there had been so many, you had lost count. Even as child, you never could keep track of how many people had come and gone, one day here and then never to be seen again. Odds are they were all dead, a fact you accepted as a preteen, it was then that your training began. They took you on a mission right off the bat, using you as lure for the vampires, not ones like James's family but others that still roamed the world that preyed on the living regardless.
Eventually you learned how to fight back, how to kill the ones 'created' as you had learned. Silver, stakes, beheading, there was various ways to take out your average vampire and you had learned them all by your sixteenth birthday and had well over a dozen kills under your belt. Even then though, you longed for a life in which you didn't face creatures of the night, and dreamed of a family, a family that had each other's back.
You stopped as you hit the main door that would lead you to the office, a chill ran down your spine and for once you almost wished that he was here.
"What do you mean she isn't here?" James responses harshly, throwing open the door to his room. His eyes scanned the room anger and panic began to take hold in his chest, he turned on his heel looking at Sam.
"I don't know, I came up here to check on her cause you were gone a while and I know humans need to eat but she was missing." Sam replied stepping out of the way as James brushed passed him, Steve taking a heavy breath and following the man.
"Did you check the library?" He demanded storming to the opposite side of the building toward the balcony that over saw the library. He threw open the doors, they squeaked in protest as his steps crossed the threshold. "Y/n!"
"Yes, this was the first place I checked cause Clint said he seen you and her come in here earlier this evening." Sam replied, watching as James rushed down the winding staircase to the main floor.
"Has anybody checked the garden shed?" He asked, looking around turning in one spot. His eyes landing on the window, the moon slowly starting to slip behind the trees as the sky started to lighten.
"Vision said he checked that place first." Steve spoke up at Sam's confusion.
"Wanda hasn't seen her since Tony's lab either, I asked her already." Sam added, watching as James ran his hands through his hair letting out a growl in frustration.
The door on the main floor of the library opened and Natasha waltzed in. Red brushed velvet dress hugging her curves as she walked over to James. She smiled at him, sliding her hand up his arm.
"James, you're tense, is everything okay?" She cooed.
"Have you seen y/n?" He asked turning to face her. Her body stiffened and the smile fell from her face as she stared up at him.
"No, can't say that I have." Her reply was short, and she took a deep breath. "Bucky, why are you focused on her? She doesn't want to be here, she made that very clear and how much she detests us."
"Natasha you wouldn't understand, I need to find her." He replied pulling away and heading to the door. "And she doesn't detest us, she's learning."
"She's still a hunter!" She yelled at him, eyes flicking red. James stopped at the door, his grip tightening on the frame. "And they need to be dealt with, not treated like some kind of queen."
"Nat.." he growled but Clint came barreling in, his chest heaving as his eyes landed on the red head before focusing on James.
"She's gone." Clint stated, taking a deep breath. "Through the woods, Thankfully Thor found her quiet cute and friendly and decided she needed wet sloppy kisses instead of being dinner like Loki thought."
"Why was she in the forest?" James's eyes began to brighten as anger slowly started to gain control through his body. Clint's eyes flicked from the man to the woman behind him. Slowly James turned his head looking over his shoulder to Natasha who stood straight, crossing her arm in front of her chest. He hissed out. "You!"
"She doesn't deserve you Bucky." She replied coolly. "You deserve someone who cares and understands you. Someone who doesn't hate our kind."
"Someone who cares and understands me?" James whispered in disbelief. "Someone who cares wouldn't of sent her out into the woods, because she matters to me. And you think you could possibly understand me Natasha? If you did you would never have turned her out, and let the wolves on her."
"Bucky." She started but was cut off by the look he gave her, one that he saved for the human who tried to destroy him.
"She better not get hurt or I will hold you responsible for this." He growled as he left the room.
You stood in the office, eyes focused on the grey wall before you as you waited for Rumlow. The room was drab, a dull grey covered all the walls and ceilings, no pictures. The desk in the center was a beat up black, edges chipped and missing, the stack of papers in the corner neatly placed. Behind the desk was an old worn leather chair, probably picked up after some building had closed down.
Growing up every thing was grey, and dull. Your toys consisted of repairing daggers, knives, gun, swords, even cross bows at one point. Long hours and days spent by yourself without anyone to talk to, that was till they took you out and used you as bait. You heard the door click open behind you, startling you of your thoughts, the soft sound it made as it shut behind you suddenly made you uncomfortable.
"Y/n, you made it back." Rumlow's deep voice came from behind you, sending a cold shiver through your spine. You found yourself missing the warmth of James's voice, something your commander never had.
"Yes sir." You responded staring at the same spot on the wall you always had.
"Beautiful dress, shame it was ruined." He said as he came into view and sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk. "Where did you get it?"
"There was a family in the woods, they took me in after the explosion." You half lied, your eyes never leaving the spot on the wall.
"You want to try that with out the lie." He stated, your eyes shot down to him. He was leaned back in his chair, staring up at you. "Bucky doesn't just let anyone go, he didn't turn you did he?"
"No, he didn't." You told him, you paused a moment. "What do you know about ancients?"
"Oh, he told you what he was." Rumlow smirked sitting forward resting his elbows on the desk. "That up until four hundred years ago there were more, Hydra has wiped all but him out. Every hundred or so years we try and take down as much of his pack as possible. He goes on the rampage and cuts the population down in the area he lives, helps with resources. But he moves afterward so it becomes a bitch to find him."
"You kill his family because of population control?" You asked bewildered, blinking a couple of times.
"Well not exactly, we do it in time of war mostly. But since none are around population control it is, plus we like to remind him we still control this planet not his kind." Rumlow shrugged talking about the subject of murder like it was the weather. You felt the bile in your stomach start to raise, to even think you had been proud to be a hunter was making you sick.
"Do you know why we chose you?" He asked, standing from his desk and coming to you. He brought his hand up, grasping your shoulders making you want to recoil in disgust.
"Cause I'm an idiot and volunteered to be thrown to someone who is all but immortal without the proper knowledge of what he was?" You snapped back, pulling yourself free.
"Not for the mission, oh no, you were chosen because of what you are." He sneered, looking down at you. "It's all in your genetics."
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evergloffpress · 4 years
Bottle of Blog No.54
The Empire Strikes Back This Is Not or Rocking the Boat For Rock’s Sake
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When Disney purchased Lucasfilm George Lucas was said to have presented his ideas for a sequel trilogy which we're promptly rejected. Perhaps the powers at Disney wanted to distance themselves from the creator of the Prequel trilogy and they're less than spectacular impact. Maybe the plots went against the ideas they had in mind. Whatever the reason could they of been any worse than what Rian Johnson presented us with Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi?
Rian Johnson made a name for himself with his films Brick and Looper. Enough so that he caught Disney's attention to put him in charge of Episode 8. In 2019 after directing the Last Jedi Johnson released his latest movie entitled Knives out. A who-dun-it movie turned on it's head. It was a fresh and ingenious take on the traditional tropes of a murder mystery and it worked. Sometimes taking a long-standing paradigm and turning them inside out can work in a creative field where almost everything has been done a thousand times before. Though not always. Rocking the boat just to feel it rock does not consistently work. Case in point Star Wars : The Last Jedi.
I'm just going to go straight to all my issues with this movie. For they are legion. I won't be nitpicking either....O.K, one nitpick. The phrase ”punch it” is used too many times for my taste. Think it was used at least twice. It still got irksome.
My first gripe is why was Han Solo's death completely ignored? I understand the movie pretty much starts right after episode 7 ends and they were fairly occupied so a funeral might not of been on the agenda. Could of been in the novelization for all I know but I elected not to read it. But Han's passing should of at least been on their minds some considering who decided to off him. It should of been especially on Leia's. Speaking of Leia what the holy Hoth Hell has her brother Luke Skywalker been doing all this time in self-imposed exile aside from squeezing the udders of lactating sea monsters? Also, he’s supposed to be the last Jedi. Isn't he being a tad selfish to wallow in self-pity and let the galaxy fall into the First Order’s clutches? Goes against who we thought Luke was. Even of he does blame the Jedis for allowing to Sith and the Empire to rise to power why not use the tools you have at your disposal to do what you can against them? You don’t have to go around calling your self a Jedi Knight but if you want to just edit the ”sacred” texts so than any written bureaucracy that would keep you from doing the most good is expunged. He was the last Jedi who was going to stop him? Even Yoda who popped up later knew how restrictive they were. It made no sense.
Why wouldn't the resistance high command share their plans with Poe after Leia was blown out into space and did her magic dance back to the ship?
The remanmants of the Resistance were panicking so why not reassure everyone that there was a plan and share that plan? Instead, Poe and company cook up this silly scheme that made no sense which screwed up the original secret plan by looking for a slicer on the Canto Bight More on Canto Bight in a minute. So Finn and friends figure out that they are being tracked through hyperspace by a device they cant possibly know exists and deduce that said device has to be on the Supremacy which is Supreme Leader Snoke’s ship. Also why was the tracking device on Snoke’s ship? Why didn't General Hux have it on his ship? They then formulate a plan based on a hypothesis which is flimsy at best from their perspective. Yes they were right but they had little to nothing to go on. Which brings us to Canto Bight. The pointless side trip that caused more trouble than they were already in. It's like the director wanted to have a scene take place in a space casino but had no real reason to be in a space casino. Finn and Rose go to to Canto Bight and park on the beach which apparently is illegal. A naturally they get arrested and meet a sleazy hacker in the jail who could have broken out whenever he wanted to but waited till he had an audience to do it in front of. They then hop on giant rabbit horses and ride away to the outskirts of town to freedom and an awaiting ship.
Most fans speculating on Rey’s lineage thought she might have been related to Obi-Wan or the product of a nightstand by Luke or something. Instead Kylo simply states that she is a nobody. Came from nobodies and is no one special. Rather anti-climatic considering how adept she is at using the Force. Then there is how Supreme Leader Snoke was so easily done in. Sliced in tow. Though it did lead a sweet team up between Rey and Kylo versus Snoke’s royal guards. But who was Snoke? How did he come to be? He was presented as the big bad of the sequel trilogy and he is tossed aside just rattle the narrative’s cage. No pay off from his introduction what so ever.
Finally we have the battle of Crait. It's where the Resistance managed to escape to while being chased by the First Order. The needlessly secret plan made worse by Poe and pals poorly thought out plot to save the fleet made things significantly worse. The sleazy jacket Finn and Rose brought in betrayed them and showed General Huz the fugitives’ escape plan which resulted in forty demise of most of them. Poe really really messed up. Also why was Admiral Ackbar allowed to die like he was wearing a red short on Star Trek. He should of flown that cruiser at light speed through Snoke’s ship at light speed and not Laura Dern’s character. Ackbar should of gone out a hero not a long side a random tech officer on the bridge. So they get on the surface of Craite which was a rebel base years ago. At first glance it looks like the ice planet Hoth but it turns out to be a salt planet. That doesn't stop the bad guys from pulling out the New At- At walkers. Gorilla walkers seem to be more accurate. So all of a sudden it turns out to be a reverse Empire Strikes back. At- At attack near the end. Yoda appears to Luke after he did his less than enthusiastic training routine on Rey. Like ESB the main characters go their separate ways to achieve separate goals. A faux revelation with Rey and the whole gang getting together in the end after getting their behinds handed to them. The concept of the Death Star was used again only this time as a cannon on the field of battle. Why could it not just of been just a cannon? Why income the Death Star yet again? So with that in mind what does the Resistance send against said Death Star cannon? Poorly armed and maneuverable skippers that were already falling apart. Why not just chuck xorngogs at them. None the less Finn goes right at it in some idiotic suicide run. What did he think he was going to achieve? Rose then crashes her skipper into the side of Finn’s ship in an attempt to save his life. Again she crashed her speeding metallic vehicle into His soeeding metallic vehicle on the middle of a battlefield right in front of a super laser cannon in an attempt to save his life. Then the real froaning begins when Rose implies to Finn she had feelings for him. That's right talk about your feelings while you are injured in a warzone with thousands of guns pointed right at you. Makes all the sense in the world.
The crowning WTF ingredient in this fustercluck of a film is Luke’s cop-out appearance at the Battle of Craite. He Force projects himself on to the planet from his xave island hideaway. Says good bye to Leia and distracts Kylo Ren while what's left of the Resistance escapes out the back end of the Rebel base. The strain of Luke projecting himself from so far away was too much for him and he dies. Disappearing into the ether. Metalic arm and all. That makes no sense. What of made more sense if the metallic arm would of just clanked in to the ground. So with Han dead and now Luke dead we are thoroughly cheated out of having the original cast share the screen one more time.
So the director shook things about hoping to come up with something many fans would consider worthy of Star Wars. Alas, I feel he missed the mark in trying to come up with something different yet remain familiar. Which is clearly hard to do. It seems each creator wrote their cliffhangers without taking into consideration who would pick up the threads next. Disney should have spent a little more time creating a cohesive storyline than rushing in to recoup their investment. That way the next film does not waste time explaining what didn't make sense before. This franchise was a guaranteed cash cow so they could have bided their time and let the story ferment a little more.
So much of this movie was infuriating and nonsensical. I was questioning settings, dialogue, and motivations far too many times throughout the film to enjoy whatever parts I did like. Be all that as it may I really did like the porgs. See? It's not all hate and bile but it mostly is.
Oliver Evergloff March 21st,2020
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nevillelongsbottom · 7 years
CONGRATS MY DUDIO I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! Do you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to ask for Wolfstar and a song prompt of Every Time We're Together by, you guessed it, Nickelback 😈😈 just kidding, love you really uncle charlie 💖💖💖💖💖 congrats again! 😃
It’s drizzling outside London Blackfriars when Sirius’strain finally pulls up and terminates, the bowels of the train spilling peopleout the doors; he’s impatient and shoves out first, but Percy is never the typeto be unnecessarily rude or impatient, and so he takes a particularly elegantand angelic step out of the train only once the crowds have dissipated.
“Take your fucking time, Weasley,” Sirius sighs. “God,you’re worse than Peter. We’d losehim on the train because he’d be so slow to get off.” He kicks off from thepole he’s been leaning against, his manner the polar opposite of Percy: Siriushas his hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jackets and still walks witha hooligan swagger, whilst Percy walks poker straight and with measured strides,his umbrella clicking like a pair of heels on the ground beside him.
He extends it out when they leave and holds it mostly overSirius. “Was it always this rainy when you were younger?” he mumbles, raindropswetting the nape of his neck and flattening the curl of his hair.
“I distinctly remember it being a lot sunnier,” Siriussnorts. “It’s probably you. It’s always fucking raining whenever I go anywherewith you.”
“It’s not my fault,” Percy says with a pout that’ssurprisingly childish. “My other siblings inherited the sun. I’m just burnt out– don’t put your Oyster card away yet, sweetheart, we’re getting the Tube.”Sirius presents his middle finger to Percy, who snorts, but he feels hisstomach roil gently: he’s never once remembered his Oyster card once gettingoff at Blackfriars, and it was always Remus that elbowed him.
Remus isn’t here. It hurts his heart just to think about it – one, that Remus wasn’twith him anymore even leading up to the Battle, and two, that Remus isn’t hereanymore, when he should be. Being the only Marauder left is a lonely job.“Circle Line, right?”
“District works, too.” (Percy is a wizard of the Tube; whileSirius only ever knows about the lines he’s had to use and tries to generallyavoid the underground labyrinth, Percy could likely make his way across Londonby Tube with his eyes shut.)
It’s a slow walk there, because Sirius can’t really bear togo any faster; his arm is wound through Percy’s as he watches the world go by,remembering the way it felt to be surrounded by his friends, hearing theirboisterous laughter like ghosts in his ears – and he forgets, mistakes Percy’sarm for Remus’s for a moment as the seventies swallow him up again: hismotorbike roars along the train tracks in his memory (not that they ever didthat, of course, but Sirius could certainly bloody dream – after all, of course, he’d been everywhere else).
They catch a District train and walk to Southbank; it usedto be the Marauders’ daytime summer holiday haunt, after all. They would tearup all sorts of suburbs and councils later in the day, but Southbank was alwaysa good place to just sit, lounge, and catch some weird Muggle art exhibition;Percy eyes it with that kind of intellectual renown, whereas all Sirius can seeis Remus sprawled out on the stairs, James with his feet up on the café table,and Peter looking distinctly uncomfortable with everybody else’s level ofpublic slobbery.
“This is a terribly arthouse place of you to go,” Percynotes, the click of his miraculously dry umbrella on the floor lost in thehumdrum of chatter from people inside to escape the rain. “I thought you werejust regular hooligans.”
“Remus took me here once, to go see whatever talk orexhibition he was interested in,” Sirius says, leading Percy with practisedease through the halls. “And then we all came. I dunno. It’s just so bloody weird that it worked great for a placeto haunt during the day; all that shit we used to get up to? Those were our dusk adventures.”
“From dusk till dawn,” Percy muses, trying to shake thefeeling of the disturbance in Siriusnext to him; it feels strangely like something about him is swirling, thefrenetic energy that age has softened in him rising back up. He shifts hisweight off of his umbrella. “Do you want some time to yourself?”
Sirius nods.
Percy finds the nearest exit, which takes him an embarrassinglylong time and a detour to buy a postcard to send to Charlie. He comes out intosome sort of ex-farmer’s market which appears to have turned into a mass offood stalls and buys himself something that he most definitely can’t pronounceand that smells terrifically pungent, buying an extra for Sirius.
It’s cold when Sirius arrives, hands shoved into hispockets. Percy raises his eyebrows. “Are you alright?” he asks.
Sirius deflects. “What the fuck is this?”
“Some sort of foreign foodstuff that tastes like it’s goingto assault my rectal passages tomorrow,” Percy grumbles; Sirius snorts,immediately tucking in as they wander along and back to the station. “Please,leave the bathroom be tomorrow. I might need it. No three-hour-long baths foryou.”
“Fuck off. They’re only two hours long.”
“The real-life clock that exists in the living room and notin your head says three.”
Getting on the Tube is a surprisingly easy affair once theynavigate the sprawl of busy station, and they both stand by the doors as itroars through the tunnels. Percy is the taller of the two, so gangly that hesometimes looks like he was stretched as a form of torture when he was young,and he rests his head on top of Sirius’s, knowing full well that it irritateshis partner.
“Hey, Perce,” Sirius says with a note in his voice thatPercy definitely doesn’t like. “Doyou think Harry still has my motorbike?”
Percy pauses for the briefest of moments. “I should thinkso. I hear he uses it to attempt to impress my sister.”
“You mind if we drop by and see if we can take a ride?”
“We, Sirius?”
“What? Me and Remus used to ride it together all the time!”
Percy sighs.
“Now, not to be neurotic,Sirius, but this looks mildly dangerous.”
“There is nothingdangerous about flying a motorbike however many metres above the ground,”Sirius said cheerily, swinging his leg over and settling himself into thepassenger seat. “Come on. It’ll be fun!”
“My idea of fun doesn’t usually involve broken legs,” Remusgrumbled. Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Get on,” he said.
Reluctantly, Remus clambered on, much smaller than Sirius,and put his arms around Sirius’s waist, ignoring the flush of heat it createdin his chest (nerves, he thought, just nerves). “If I die, it is absolutelyyour fault,” he mumbled, resting his head against Sirius’s back and willinghimself not to look out as Sirius revved the engine.
“Dying is the fun part,” Sirius said cheerily, and sent themotorbike careening off into the sky, much to Remus’s vocal displeasure; butwhen they landed, and once he had finished screaming, he had just looked atSirius and grinned.
“Let’s do that again,” he’d said.
Percy is looking at the motorbike with equal amounts ofdispleasure. “This,” he says, “does not comply with Ministry safetyregulations.”
“The last person to say something like that thoroughlyenjoyed the ride,” Sirius says, patting the space behind him. “Now get the fuckon.”
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