#i'm glad you're enjoying my fic
soaps-mohawk · 3 months
curious anon here wondering where you get all your omega verse knowledge?
I’d really like to learn cause I’m really into the omega verse thing and then your story made me love it even more
Honestly?? Just reading omegaverse fics.
That's how I was introduced to the trope, and I've spent years and years reading omegaverse fics across probably hundreds of fandoms now.
The best place for just baseline knowledge is the Fanlore page on the trope. Then just read a bunch of omegaverse fics in any fandom that you like (I can guarantee there's at least one in there). There's so much freedom with the trope and every author does it differently. I still find ideas/concepts/takes that I haven't seen before when I read omegaverse fics to this day.
Yeah, just read a bunch. That's the best way to get familiar with it and just to explore everyone's takes on it. 💚
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prince-liest · 2 months
I think it's slowly hitting Vox just how much Alastor doesn't care for the sex part of the, well, sex. I love seeing Vox being confronted with yet another instance of Alastor straying away from usual allosexual experiences. He is not even realizing anything, it just slots into 'Alastor being Alastor'. I love this obssesive idiot.
It is, admittedly, also slowly hitting Alastor! In some ways, Vox is actually paying more attention - he's just shifting his perspective from "I love sex, sex is great, especially the sex that we definitely had that Alastor seemed to be into at the time" while Alastor is commuting in from "this isn't relevant or interesting for me to think about, so I won't" city for his weekend hobby of indulging his own sadomasochism, where he's admittedly still had to see all the allonormative billboards metaphorically plastered all along the freeway.
For Alastor, it's a matter of slowly exploring something he's never been interested in before - which is why he was open to a lot more earlier on before he decided those things weren't for him. For Vox, it's a matter of really, really wanting to and enjoying being that person for Alastor, and so being, just, so ready to enable the process in a way that involves himself. This is, in some ways, a greater motivation for Vox than self-discovery is for Alastor, hahaha.
I was going to write a little more about the particular details of Alastor's reactions and preferences, but actually, I think it's going to come up in the next sequel, so I shall hold off until then!
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thornilee013 · 5 months
101 Ways Not to Say I Do because I'm obsessed with thissss - @jtl-fics
prev | 101 Ways Not to Say I Do | WW 20.12.2023
Andrew looked to Neil. Neil shrugged.
"We can talk about this more when we get back to the apartment," Neil said, which led Nicky to visibly sigh in relief.
"We'll still need to make sure you two have rings to dispose of," Nicky said as he got back into the car.
Andrew chewed his gum. "We're not in the apartment yet, Hemmick-Klose," he said as he returned to the driver's seat. "Unless you really want me to leave you here, I recommend you follow directions."
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jamiesfootball · 7 months
apologies if this has been asked/answered/referenced somewhere i haven't seen but where did the title for 'oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love)' come from??? every time i see/read it i feel like i've read something inherently profound. if you came up with it you're even more of a poet and a genius than reading the fic had led me to believe - which was a lot lol (seriously it's so good, literally how???????????????????? i feel like this title is haunting me and the fic has definitely caused some level of brain rot)
The closest I have come to talking bout the title is here but at that point the title was still redacted on my posts so I'd say that barely counts!
So this is going to be long. Do try to bear with me, I've done my best.
The title is pieced together from two different song lyrics, but I think I did an excellent job in both picking a title that echoes the themes AND in smushing it together to make something new.
Oh god you're gonna get it is from Florence + The Machine's 'Girls Against God', which is one of those songs that came on when I was deep in the blorbo feels and they imprinted on the song so now that song just is a Roy Kent song to me, with many parts of it speaking to the vibe I wanted to bring into this fic. The quiet helplessness, the barely restrained incandescent rage -- all set against tragic, mundane life.
What I love most about this part of the title is that it's so loaded with meaning. Because 'oh god you're gonna get it' can read as 'oh god, you will understand'. Is it reassurance? Is it telling someone that it's okay if you're confused and lost now, because in the future they will understand?
Is it foreshadowing? Is it a warning? 'Oh enjoy you're obliviousness and confusion now, because one day it will make sense and you will understand. Oh god, will you ever understand.'
Then we have the part of the song that contains the title:
Oh God, you're gonna get it You'll be sorry that you messed with us
And here it becomes a threat of violence, and echo of rage acting against outside forces.
So that's part 1 of the title.
The nested part of the title, the part in parenthesis, is 'you have not been given love' by A Balladeer. Now, this song is more vibes than lyrics, though it does have some echoing ideas towards Jamie regarding generational trauma. That mixed with the lamenting tonality with which it's sung made this one really stick out.
Well, that and the fact that the title is repeated no less than sixteen fucking times. You can see why it was stuck in my head, yes?
Again, though, the lyric when taken at face-value feels loaded with meaning. On the one hand, it's someone recognizing, 'oh, I understand now. there have been circumstances in your life that have brought you to were you are now, and how you are able to perceive love has been directly affected by how you have not received it before.' But then it's also saying 'hey, those things you lived through, those things that other people gave you. those weren't love. you know that right?' And finally it's an understanding about someone, 'oh, you are an unfed thing. you do not know what love is, because you have never been given it'
Even if you take each part of the song piecemeal, with each section representing a different character, you end up with a fascinating tension. But if we combine the two we get this reverberation between the getting and the given. 'You will get', and nested with it 'you have not been given'. You will get your understanding (that you have not been given love). Oh god you will understand (that you are an unloved thing). You will make them pay (for they did not give you love). And most importantly
Oh god you're gonna to get (the love you were not given)
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altschmerzes · 7 months
Hello! I've seen a couple snippets of your Dani and Jamie story and I like it a lot! I believe the world needs more cuddling fics and platonic relationships with (hard fought) shared vunerability and all that good stuff 💯
I have a possibly dumb question: I've seen you refer it as a "two aces fic but neither of them is ace", I'm confused what does that mean? (Not the term ace, the whole thing)
Anyways, may the muse of writing smile upon you~
i'm so glad you're enjoying the clips i'm posting!! cuddling fics and platonic relationships with hard-fought shared vulnerability are everything to me and i'm so pleased to be able to share this fic with other people who find meaning and joy in it <3
the joke about it being the qpr two aces fic (but neither of them is ace) is about the fact that in the canon of the show, the arrival of dani to the team results in the coaches referring to having "two aces" now, i.e. jamie was their "ace" player (a player that gives them a strong advantage given the position he plays and the skill with which he does) and dani was another ace, and now they had two! and the fandom sort of collectively refers to jamie and dani as "two aces" as a kind of collective nickname. since the fic is about their relationship, and specifically about them deciding to have and figuring out how to have a queerplatonic relationship, i call it the qpr two aces fic! it's funny tho bc i had a post i made about that fic get circulated kind of narrowly but still outside my direct circle and people obviously thought i meant 'two asexuals' which was really funny to me bc in the fic neither of them is portrayed as asexual sldfjk.
(in this particular fic, jamie is written as an aromantic bisexual and dani is Deliberately Nonspecified And Not Really Fussed About It But Definitely Allo-Allo)
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ficsforeren · 6 months
im so sorry im so awkward but i just want u to know your Eren fixa
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vinelark · 9 months
Re: your reblog on friends, that’s one of the things I really love about BBTS. I absolutely adore your Tim and especially Kon (pretty sure I’ve raved about him in your comments XD ) but one of the best things about both of them is how strong their relationships are with the other people in their life and how present those people are in the fic. Platonic relationships can be just as important and meaningful as romantic ones, and these boys have so much love in their lives. <333
aw, thank you!! and yeah when it comes to batfam/dc, i find myself just as compelled by all the friendships/found family dynamics. like obviously i'm in timkon hell over here but part of that is being so invested in both of them and their other relationships of all sorts and how that intersects with their dynamic together.
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froizetta · 5 months
26 and 30 for the writer asks? loving (Love) Triangles so far btw, excited for the next chapter :) have a nice day!
26) If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Hmm tricky! Assuming that 'writing moment' refers to moments DURING writing rather than, say, loveliest comment on a fic or something like that, I'd say it was probably the part in Padam Padam when Clark finally learns why Bruce's heartbeat speeds up around him. I had basically that whole exchange crystalised in my mind from the start, and it came out pretty much exactly how I wanted it in the first draft. And because I wrote that fic more-or-less chronologically, it really felt like a release of tension after the build-up for the first half of the fic. Satisfying!
30) What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I have quite a few WIPs that I'm excited to actually make progress on next year so I can post them. The one I'm probably most excited for is a superbat fic I already posted the start of for WIP Wednesday, where Bruce and Clark have a really messy, drunken night out after Clark gets dumped by Lois. There's lots of pining and sexual tension and bad decisions - or at least, there WILL be when my muse returns from the war. Any day now, I'm sure!
More broadly, I want to try branching out into other pairings/characters a little, especially damijon or batfam stuff. Maybe even batlantern?? Who knows; the future as vast and unpredictable. (Although tbh, superbat still reigns supreme for me, they're just unbeatable)
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shinakazami1 · 10 months
SHINA!!! I’ll try to avoid using terms I’ve used before because I feel like that would give me away immediately BUT.
Goodness. Where do I even START?? You are so incredibly cool and such a kind and sweet person to talk to??? You always ALWAYS have something nice to say it seems, and you do not hesitate to say those things. I’ve seen you pop off with so many random in depth compliments to people that absolutely make their days. Oftentimes it’s after people post a work of theirs, but I’ve also plenty of times seen it (and received it) without any prior warning, and it absolutely warms my heart to see it.
You have so many absolutely bonkers ideas, but like, in the fun way! All of your aus and designs are extremely creative, and you execute them perfectly. Sometimes, things don’t look like they should work as an au, but you tie everything in so tightly and make sure it does, and it’s always a delightful surprise to see. It’s so fun to read your writing, as it’s got a genre of ideas that are so different from the norm but work so well the way you execute it.
And good god. Your ART. You manage to plant (ha) an image directly from your brain and onto the page in a way I’ve seen NOBODY ELSE do before. Seeing your speedpaints only serves to baffle me more on how you manage to do this— You seem to have exactly an idea of what you want to see and visualize it in its entirety before you even start the drawing, and then you transfer it directly onto the page. With nothing but the LASSO FILL TOOL sometimes. No sketch???? Huh???????? My mind is still utterly blown on how you manage to pull that off, but you DO, and it always turns into an absolutely stunning piece. It always looks like you know exactly how to make colors and lighting work in tandem with each other, and know what colors you’re wanting before you start. I am forever wondering how you’ve managed to get such a good grasp on it!
All in all, I think this even undersells a bit how cool you are, cause I doubt I could put it really properly into words. I look up to you as an artist, and you forever inspire me with the things you do. Keep it up, my guy, it’s so so wonderful to see
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
Hi it is I the suder/tuvok anon. thank you for this delicious meal I need to reread it to really digest it but God what a feast. All I can say right now is you always get the atmosphere perfect it's amazing
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THANK YOUUU~!!! You know I love a good consumption metaphor. Meal In Question: X Writing Suder/Tuvok is very fun for me because it automatically demands a thick atmosphere...they are on something strange and alien and I appreciate the challenge of trying to show and describe it. Alien romance, alien sex, alien intimacy...plus they aren't lovers. In my mind Suder is devoted to Tuvok (savior, angel) and Tuvok is [???] about him. They aren't like...romantic, but they are...entangled. Which is again fun to write, especially since neither of them are emotional individuals.
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the-kaedageist · 2 years
24,870 words Bren Aldric Ermendrud/Essek Thelyss Rated M
Sequel to More Things in Heaven and Earth
Extra extra, read all about it! Hot off the presses - 🐗 2 TUSK 2 LOVE 💜 chapter 5!! In this exciting installment of our tale, Bren goes a bit off the rails, Essek grows tired of being lied to, and Beauregard gets way too much information. What terrible choice will our heroes make next??
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Heyo, how are you? I was just wondering what other fics have you written cause I remember seeing you mention that you had others and i really adore your writing!
Also another question:
Do you have any omega verse fic recommendations?
Hello, anon! I'm doing alright all things considered.
I do have a lot of other fics, they can be found on my Ao3 which is linked in the masterlist for Cherry Red, Crimson Blood.
As far as Call of Duty omegaverse fic recs? I was reading Venator Et Venatus by TheFireInHerEyes on Ao3 before I started this fic (which I'm now behind on). I haven't gotten a chance to read many others for this fandom at least, but I know there's a few out there.
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Aziraphale’s first action as supreme archangel was to fill out an amount of paperwork that by all rights should have been called infernal. But this was heaven, so that would probably be blasphemous.
His last action as supreme archangel was to kill his best friend.
Set at the dawn of the second coming
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countthelions · 1 year
at this point Rsising Hell and all of your fics are my lifeblood now
ahah thank you!! and I do hope you're giving some of this love to my dear @silverskye13 who was the inspiration for so many pieces of art!!
For those wondering...
the original amazing amazing fic, A Good Ol' Fashioned Hell-Raising lives [here] and I do really recommend reading it if you're interested in some fun slowburning and good shenanigans set in the wild west!! [and while you're there check out what silver is currently writing, [monsters splitting hairs], because MY GOD IT IS S O!!!! GOOD!!!!!!]
and I've written not [one] or [two] not [three] but [four] entire fics and drew [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] pieces of fanarts because HR took over my heart (happily so!) I've got about four things in the works as well so uh,, tis the cowboy field that keeps on being fun to sit in!!
Here's part of sketch of one of those things I'm working on!!
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meetmeatthecoda · 2 years
I’m just here to say. I read probably half or more of your stories in less than a month and downloaded tumblr just to see if you post lizzington. I’m your fan. :)
Hello there, anon!! 😄 Omg... this is just about the sweetest message 🥺 Every so often - even now, this long after the Terrible Awful™ - I'll get regular notifications of someone reading through all my stories & leaving kudos as they go & it just warms my heart every time!! I still can't believe that people discover, re-discover, or re-read my works just like I do with all my favorite writers!! It's a very fulfilling feeling, lemme tell you, & I'm so grateful 😭 AND the fact that you downloaded tumblr just for me?!?! I'm so honored!! Anddddd definitely feeling guilty that I don't post more Lizzington these days... I mean, I still answer asks when I get them & post fanfic as often as I can (haha, slow going these days lolz) but - in my defense - there's not really any new Lizzington content floating around my dash anymore, not now that the show is effectively over. But, just for you, lovely anon, I will make an effort to reblog more lovely Lizzington stuff, even if it's just beautiful, old gifsets by talented creators that have since moved on, bc that's better than nothing, right?? 🥹 Anyway, suffice it say, anon... that I'm your fan!! Thank you so much for taking the time to send this sweet ask, my friend, I so appreciate it!! I hope you enjoy whatever remains of my silly Lizzingtons fics - as well as the ones that are hopefully soon to come - & much, much love to you, of course!! ❤️
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moriihana · 1 year
HIIII it's thesapphicdisaster from ao3!! i am loving ur dabi x disabled!reader fic. it's so important because all of the reader fics i have seen are able-boded readers. yes, mental illness is a disability and i do NOT want to discredit that at all, but it is nice to see physical disabilities getting more rep in fan fiction <3
ahhh hello there!!! i'm so glad you've been loving it!!!! :D
yeah no yea like—mental illness is 100% a disability! i struggle w both mental illness & physical disability! but like. the disparity between fics w/ mental illness as a disability and physical disability is so big that it's honestly so disappointing
since the fic was actively being written for my self-insert kayo, who is disabled and also very cool and sexy and i love their design, i was like fuck it what if i make it into a reader insert. i'm already writing it for myself might as well gift the rest of the internet with my INGENIOUS BRAIN and AMAZING WRITING in the lovely form of a reader insert
so now i've got two google docs, one with the version of kayo and one w the reader insert lmao
(there aren't many changes i've had to make, just readjusting some of the wording & taking out kayo's describing features like their scars lmao)
since i'm a self-indulgent little gremlin i'll include the art i've done of kayo under a read-more because i love them..... they're one of my favourite blorbos....
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favourite lil guy honestly
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