#have a nice tomorrow too!
froizetta · 6 months
26 and 30 for the writer asks? loving (Love) Triangles so far btw, excited for the next chapter :) have a nice day!
26) If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Hmm tricky! Assuming that 'writing moment' refers to moments DURING writing rather than, say, loveliest comment on a fic or something like that, I'd say it was probably the part in Padam Padam when Clark finally learns why Bruce's heartbeat speeds up around him. I had basically that whole exchange crystalised in my mind from the start, and it came out pretty much exactly how I wanted it in the first draft. And because I wrote that fic more-or-less chronologically, it really felt like a release of tension after the build-up for the first half of the fic. Satisfying!
30) What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I have quite a few WIPs that I'm excited to actually make progress on next year so I can post them. The one I'm probably most excited for is a superbat fic I already posted the start of for WIP Wednesday, where Bruce and Clark have a really messy, drunken night out after Clark gets dumped by Lois. There's lots of pining and sexual tension and bad decisions - or at least, there WILL be when my muse returns from the war. Any day now, I'm sure!
More broadly, I want to try branching out into other pairings/characters a little, especially damijon or batfam stuff. Maybe even batlantern?? Who knows; the future as vast and unpredictable. (Although tbh, superbat still reigns supreme for me, they're just unbeatable)
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miusato · 2 months
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Girl experience is when your bestie falls for either an ugly guy or a guy so sketchy he is probably a red flag sewn into a humanoid shape
Anyway meow meow Shinji undercut lol (also some thoughts lol)
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Honestly I want to draw serious Shinji with dumb neon whiskers and then it culminated into me drawing this silly little comic just to soothe my Shinjiham quota for the day hsksksksksk
Also i drew this yeah but I have this stupid crack hc where he is too emo that he has this ability where everytime anyone attempts to take a picture of him, harsh shadow came out of nowhere, the wind making appearance to fuck his hair up, the light is dramatic and suddenly his jawline is working overtime to show how menacing he is and people are baffled at how each photo of him taken manage to make him look as sketchy as possible lol
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rikkivoid · 1 year
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winter kiss
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heyitschartic · 10 months
I would have really loved to see what would happen if String Theory had survived Gold Morning. What do the Wardens even do with her running around except appeasement? There are a lot of countries getting close to war with Gimel, and she is essentially a nuclear detterant all on her own. No one wants to kick the country with a woman who can boil your seas. Permanently moaning, complaining, and insulting Dragon, except this time, she can't just ignore her since they're working together. More importantly, the second she got out of lockup, she'd go hunting down what happened with the egg Lab Rat had, and I'm sure she'd manage to find Chris.
Cannot imagine how horrible she would be as a bitchy aunt, there to permanently rub it in Lab Rat's face that she survived and all he has left is this teenage sorta-clone. They would absolutely despise each other. Would be a much more interesting conversation when Vicky goes to investigate his living situation though.
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WIFI IS MINE ONCE AGAIN as i sit on a mattress on the floor
#it feels like ive been without it for so long...#it has been... three and a half days... i am Weak....#nah jk i wouldve been find without it for much longer#but boy howdy am i Glad to be able to use my dear beloved laptop again#i am In The New Place i am Beginning To Settle#tomorrow i begin unpacking my own stuff!!! exciting!!!#i cant wait to admire all of my Things!#ohhhh and i finally have a spot on the wall for my combo whiteboard/corkboard....#im still very stressed and i want to lay in a hole but!!#i am doing slightly better than a few days ago!#the weather has been nice... cool and rainy... i am not used to cool and rainy#its also cold and i am - unfortunately - a desert creature#suffice to say i am wearing hand warmers a hoodie and a blanket#absolutely unprompted#the place's last owner Didnt Fucking Clean though#so there have been many spiders. and cobwebs. and general Grime we will have to scrub#like seriously today i was dusting the ceiling. THE CEILING.#had to dust & vacuum the windowsills... gonna scrub my bathroom tomorrow...#theres a large tear in my bedroom carpet too...#ugh and the cabinets are Small so organizing all the spices and shit has been Rancid#stuff has to go out of place and you cant see it all and MY ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS ARE CRUMBLING#sometimes it feels like my adhd and autism are fistfighting but during a move?#lockstep babeyyyy. they are Streamlined. lots of things and lots of sorting & placing and eeheehee#i have also killed most of the freakishly huge mosquitos in the house so! things are better!#that first night was Rough! its better now! this shell is becoming a House!
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cerise-on-top · 1 month
Can I request Rudy (maybe AleRudy poly??? You decide lolz) x a female ( you can choose not to write this as I know you write mostly gender neutral) reader who proves The Whole toxic masculinity thing wrong as a strong (physically and mentally) independent woman? Like she is strong and can defend herself and she does things that most men thinks she can’t do? (Like carrying heavy things, etc.)
Thank you!!
Hello! This is more Rodolfo centric, which I hope you don't mind! But Alejandro is there too, of course :>
AleRudy with a Strong!Independent!Fem!S/O
Alejandro would have a field day with you, Rodolfo would still be a little bit concerned. Though, that is not to say he wouldn’t like it. I think you’d be a certain kind of awakening for him, especially if you’re pretty muscular too. Rodolfo would have never thought he’d find a muscular woman this hot, but here we are. Both Alejandro and Rodolfo would sometimes have conversations about you when you’re at work. Alejandro would know just how capable you are and would allow you to do just about anything, even if he would offer you his help. Nothing wrong with helping your lovely girlfriend lift some heavy things as it gets done a bit faster that way. Rodolfo wouldn’t believe you to be weak, not in the slightest. Especially not with your kind of personality and body, but he’d still insist on him doing some of the things at first, such as carrying heavy things or scaring away some sleazebags. He’ll tell you a little bit about how he views the world, how he’s supposed to be the one protecting you, but when you just laugh and tell him that you can handle yourself, he actually gets kind of embarrassed. At some point he’ll realize that yes, indeed you can handle yourself in just about any situation life throws at you, but that doesn’t mean he won’t voice his concerns. Picking him up is actually kind of fun, he’ll go completely quiet and hold onto your shoulders for dear life. At first he’d feel kind of bad, he’s the one who’s supposed to pick you up. But, as mentioned previously, you being this strong actually does things to him. It would take a while, but he’d come to trust you more and more with some things that he thought women shouldn’t really be doing. If you work a men dominated job too, then Rodolfo will just shut up, actually. You’re a mechanic? He doesn’t know jack shit about cars. You’re an IT-technician? Computers hate this man, he always needs help since some error comes up. Once the initial embarrassment is over, he won’t hesitate to come to you for help. It’s for the best you work on this since he has no clue what he’s doing in those fields anyway.
Alejandro is super chill with you being strong and independent. Sure, sometimes he’d love to just watch a scary movie with you and have you cling to him in fear, but you carrying those big tires is also pretty nice. He always thought he’d be more into a shy and timid girl, but you’re actually pretty nice too. He wouldn’t fuss over you as much as Rodolfo, he’d just let you do your thing. If you need help, he’ll help, but he won’t be overbearing. Besides, he could probably learn a lot of things from you. You’re an electrician? Awesome, amor! The GFCI just turned off again, could you do something about it? He’ll sometimes talk to Rodolfo about how he should put more trust into you. Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you can’t be a total badass and strong like them. Alejandro will also egg you on to pick Rodolfo up since he wants to see him flustered beyond comparison. He loves you both, but there’s just something so fun about a flustered Rodolfo.
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leona-florianova · 11 months
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I put this design on a bunch of stuff..some of it might even work n look good... this version is transparent with dark text so it should look alright on the lighter shirts and other things... the posters etc. should prolly look better with the textured variant that i will also post, but im still keeping the design on all the random things too..
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
It's been a really busy week so I'm just going to indulge myself and talk about exactly what I'd love to be doing rn with CEO!Bucky
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When I imagine CEO scenarios though, I don't think of the reader as his assistant or an intern. Maybe the CEO and his comms director. Someone he considers an equal because I think that's a hell of a lot more sexy and still has a power imbalance 🥵
He knows you're incredibly capable. He knows you've got more drive than anyone else in the company. He knows you've spent years pushing yourself to get to where you are and you're determined to keep climbing.
But at the same time; it's nice to get a break from that too. Sometimes it's nice to just be tossed around and given orders. You get to switch your brain off and give in to whatever feels good.
And that's how you found your knees hitting the plush grey carpet of the CEO's office on a Friday afternoon.
"Good girl. So fucking pretty." Bucky's hand on your chin directs your face upwards. He's continuing the task you started a few minutes prior; stroking his own cock at a leisurely place and enjoying the sight of you in front of him with your blouse missing the top few buttons.
There's nothing else you'd rather be doing right now. There's no other release that lets you unwind like this. You don't have to think about anything other than the glossy bead of precum gathering on the tip of your boss' dick and the way that even the sight of it makes your mouth water.
His other hand is still holding your chin but you don't want to just watch when you can do so much more than that. You lean over, taking the head of his cock in your mouth, flicking your tongue over the very tip to lap up the precum you've been craving.
Your hand replaces his, jerking his length slowly with a measured pressure while your tongue swirls, keenly licking away any fresh evidence of his arousal.
"Fuck." He groans, melting into your eagerness. He's had a long week too. You know he needs this as much as you do but he's just as respectful as ever, conscious not to press himself into your waiting mouth.
"I bet you're wet already, aren't you? You look like such a sweetheart. No one would ever guess that you get off on sucking my cock. I bet everyone thinks you're so innocent but they don't get to feel the way you drip down your own thighs after you swallow my cum." You imagine that mouth of his has got him in plenty of trouble over the years but fuck, you love it. You swear he could probably get you off just by talking to you.
You hum happily, taking as much of his length into your mouth as you can manage, wincing slightly the first time his tip nudges the back of your throat. Your flat tongue rolls against the underside of his length, your hand cupping his balls and you feel his palm settle on the back of his head.
"You're so fucking keen." His blunt fingernails scratch gently against the nape of your neck and it feels like such a tender gesture. You get to be unashamed of how keen you are with him. There's no embarrassment or reservation. You don't have to hold yourself back to save face and it's refreshing to want someone this much.
You head bobs on his length, your lips forming a perfect tight ring and every now and again, you're rewarded with the sharpness of some fresh precum smeared onto your tongue.
"You should slow down, sweetheart. I don't want to finish yet." His voice is a little strained and it's beautiful. Now you're torn though. You don't want this to end but you're desperate to feel hot ropes of his cum splash over your waiting tongue and across your face.
Somewhat selfishly, you do as you're told. Your body reminds you of your own desperation and you don't want to ruin your chances of getting bent over that desk.
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yes i’m tired and angry at hbo max for not even bothering to give us scraps and yes i’m miserable and jaded about rainbow capitalism but also if we DO actually get a trailer tomorrow the extreme dopamine hit and the flood of endorphins that i’ll get from seeing new footage of edward teach will probably temporarily override any trace of bitterness about being continually done dirty by corporations for like, at least an entire week
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fintan-pyren · 4 months
I ordered a pride flag 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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pastafossa · 7 months
Thanks to EVERYONE'S recommendations on my post about How Do I Get A Knitting Circle To Adopt Me - A Woodcarver - Into Their Group, I have discovered:
My local library has a knitting/crochet club that welcomes other crafts, too! I will be attending that tomorrow, so maybe they'll adopt me!
There's a local woodcarving group that has monthly meetups! Granted it meets at a senior center and membership is encouraged which I can't do obviously but I'm going to see if that's like, a hard line or not
There are a couple small, independent craft stores that might have leads on more groups, I'll be trying to hit those up in the next few weeks and see if they have any leads!
My witchy shop used to have crafting meetups, I saw it on old FB events! That will be starting back up again soon, so I can hit that up too!
And here's a tentative one - there were so many others like me who expressed the same sadness of not being able to find a little crafting group where we could all work on our respective crafts and just have fun with crafty friends and learn neat things. So I'm talking to a friend about how complicated it would be to set up a discord server for us, because gd it, I know we all live far apart but if there's a way for all of us to do a craft night together once a month or whatever and become crafty friends, we should be able to do it, along with showing off our interesting things we make in between! So put a pin in this one, since I've only ever used discord, not really run one, but if I can make it work, I'm going to try when I have some time.
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hayaku14 · 2 months
kuroba toichi you need to stay dead or im going to fucking kill you myself
#you sick son of a bitch#if you truly love your son you wouldnt be alive#it's bad enough that you basically left the mantle for your teenage son to take up but you actually being alive????????#you just out there living your life while your son is destroying his relationships chasing after something that you started????????#his very motivation is your death and it's not even real??? the utter fucking betrayal???#and maybe being kid has kade him a better magician and has helped him find out more about himself#but he shouldve been able to have a choice if he even wanted to be kid at all it shouldnt have been a responsibility pushed upon him#AND IF YOU ARE FUCKING ALIVE AND YOU'RE JUST WATCHING YOUR SON RUNNING AWAY FROM THE POLICE WITH PRIDE INSTEAD OF GUILT YHEN YOU CAN#GO FUCK YOURSELF#Honestly the worst#also that theory that maybe chikage is travelling the world because she KNOWS toichi is alive and she's with her elevates this fuckery into#a whole different level#anyway go read cuethesun's tomorrow and the next day#good fucking food and bad parent chikage and toichi enjoyers will be pleased ;>#lol#dc prattles#as much as i want happy everybody is alive kuroba family#i need touichi and chikage if she knows too to feel the repercussions of their horrible parenting and i need kaito to be able to let himself#feel the hurt and betrayal that he is justified to feel even if he is happy that his dad is alive#but i dont trust gosho to handle that nicely if anything i think hes gonna just handwave it and wont address it properly#anyway my point is i just need more hurt and angry kaito also if shinichi is there im happy#sorry i sneaked in a kaishin i cant stop the brainrot unfortunately theres no cure 🤚😔#ALSO DONT GET ME STARTED WITH BAD PARENT KUDOS OOOOOHHHH
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
hey here’s a stray hc for something i’m writing but the hc won’t make it in the final draft. you know how sometimes when you dream, you twitch in your sleep? and how it it much more common with cats and dogs because you see them asleep far more often than humans?
anyways mysta and alban twitching often in their sleep. like DUDE. listen to me here. i’m onto something. i just skimmed a reddit thread where someone said their dog had dream feet
hear me out on this one. you’re in bed with mysta it’s late at night you were up doing something whatever that’s not important. but you know what is important? you enter the room and see mysta went to bed hours ago and is already deep asleep, so deep asleep that he’s already kicked half the covers off.
he’s sprawled out on his back, and his hair is already starting to become bedhead, and you feel the mattress sink in as you get yourself comfortable. his leg twitches! just a quick quirk to the side as you tuck yourself in.
then as you settle, another little twitch, and this time it spreads to the other side of his body for just a moment before it’s gone.
you smile. cutie. he looks so serene, but even when he’s asleep, he still has enough energy that he moves to his dreams.
five minutes later, as you begin to drift off, you hear shuffling on the other side of the bed. then pressure. mysta rolled over to his side in his sleep, and rested himself against you. he’s shivering, you realize, and his skin is bumpy as well. poor baby got too hot under the covers, but he’s too cold without them either.
you gently rub circles along his back, cupping him into a cuddle as you do so. mysta stays small in your embrace and the shared warmth gets him to stop shivering.
he stays there, though. you don’t have the heart to move your arm and send him into another chill either. so you drift off with your limbs tangled between him, and before you enter dreamland, you feel the twitch of his leg against yours.
OH OH OH OR. alban’s expecting an early morning tomorrow, so he fell asleep hours before your usual bedtime. he lays curled up like a shrimp, and as his chest rises and falls, his lips slightly part with steady breaths just short of a snore.
his hands are close to his chest and below his chin, but the palms are exposed through his loose fingers. they’re very pretty hands, usually hidden by gloves thick enough to hide identifying traits, so when they’re off (rare except for when he’s resting) you see gentle skin and smooth nails.
even when he rests, alban is catlike. his loosely curled fingertips end just above the joint where the finger itself starts, so almost all of his palm is outstretched.
like a paw pad, you muse, barely able to contain yourself from cooing and possibly waking him up. however, you can’t keep yourself together for long, and you reach a finger out to gently press on his palm like a button.
and just like a button, when you make contact, his fingers flutter.
entranced, you brush along the palm again, and another set of fingers waver while his eyes are closed in sleep.
it’s almost like a game. alban’s hands wind you down as you play with them, and observe how his fingers swirl along yours even in his sleep. he’s dexterous.
you spend too long fascinated by how they move even while the thief himself isn’t available, that when you feel the soft skin between fingers again, alban catches you by surprise as he runs his arm up and around you, without even waking up to aim. try as you might, you can’t dodge out of his grasp, and after all, why would you? he’s too adorable to ignore even when he’s asleep
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good-beanswrites · 1 month
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Her ass is not writing !
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stonerzelda · 3 months
for once i had 2 days off in a row that actually finally felt good even if i was still busy 😌... maybe because it was spent cleaning the apartment and setting up with more things we needed + we got some fun new decor things even if they're purely for aesthetic purpose but hey. Still no table or shelves but we got a ssb melee carpet and some warp pipe coasters aw yea AND most of the dirt the old tenants left behind is gone 👍
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I feel like barnabys favorite drink (alcoholic) might be a old fashioned? And non alcoholic mixed drink. Might be a Shirley temple. (Which Is my favorite non alcoholic mixed drink!)
(Of course this is all my opinion! But yea!
he Does feel like a classy guy, huh? but who's to say! Who's. To. Say...
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