#i’m not a good writer
dqmens · 4 months
I actually don’t think Hen overstepped at all during the whole purposal thing with Chim. She wasn’t mean, pushy, or trying to force her opinion until she blew up at Chim when he lost the ring. (Side note : when Maddie came to her house she looked like she was gearing up for a fight and I would’ve rioted if she acted like a bitch towards Hen)
Hen is Chim’s BEST FRIEND.Hen was just looking at what canonically happened with Chim and Maddie and the information she had. She was never pushy, she just made sure Chim stopped and really thought about his decisions. There’s nothing wrong with that. No matter what he chose she was going to be on his side. When Hen said “why is it always about what Maddie deserves” or whatever I kind of agreed as well
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zenmasterlover · 20 days
If I were to ever write an angsty fic about my beloved Jackie:
-lots more depth and angst about what goes on in her home. Maybe Pam being passed out 24/7 and Jackie’s father physically rarely being there and when he’s there, he’s emotionally unavailable
-adding on with Pam, she’d be a lot more problematic- constantly making comments about Jackie’s “flaws” and trying to get with Kelso and maybe even Hyde when Jackie is dating them
-Jackie’s need to be perfect would be examined a whole lot more and she wouldn’t lose her love to be academically gifted- even go as far as being valedictorian for her class or for more drama be tied with someone on the cheer squad for it
-Pam Macy would be one of few main antagonists that is shown more frequently
-Kelso and Jackie’s breakup would be a lot crueler
-I do believe Jackie has some eating disorder and it’s pretty much canonly proven so that would get further examined
-her friendships and relationships in general would be wayyyyy more angsty. Her cheer team would be a lot more cruel to her
-Hyde and Jackie would have a better enemies to lovers arc (maybe, it’s pretty good now)- there would be more scenes of just the two of them together and how they build their relationship
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bravano · 4 months
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So a couple weeks ago, I posted a Saiki Toga crossover thing. Now, here is Kuriko lol
Alt version under cut:
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Trying to get over myself and write bad comics
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pyr0man1c · 14 days
Fragile are the butterflies wings; torn, hastily put back together with tears and tape.
One day, she wishes, one day there will come a person who will treat her with such softness;
That she can let her delicate wings flutter before them to be treated with care.
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redfivez · 3 months
watching the detectives is my favorite lesbian romcom
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breadddie · 1 year
it’s the last day of the semester again and i’m afraid.
my superstition is baseless but the weight is heavy. the weight is heavier today than it has been in a while.
we’re coming up on five months now. it’s been a season and a half, still adjusting to this new life. we’re coming up on five months and it won’t be long until you’ll have been out of my life for as long as you were in it.
i’m walking through campus and i am afraid and i wonder if everyone can tell. i am afraid because my dog is at the vet and i haven’t heard from mom in a few days and i am begging the phone not to ring.
but before i know it it’s the end of the night. i am walking home in the pouring rain having forgotten my umbrella, but i’m not angry about it. i am walking home in the rain and i am not angry because it is dark and cold and when i run out of the building i don’t think twice when i pass the courtyard where i got that phone call.
its not beautiful outside like it was that day and i am not as at peace. things are different, it’s dark and cold and raining and i have a project due and i’m without the same carefree naivety i had 20 weeks ago. things are different, but it is the last day of the semester again. but the phone didn’t ring. it’s the last day of the semester again and i’m not afraid anymore.
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writeouswriter · 1 year
My followers: And is this “writing” you’ve been “working on” in the room with us right now?
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caleism-1 · 1 year
Both of you are running through a field of flowers as you hold hands.
She looks back at you with a smile that you would call enchanting, so enchanting to the point it makes your eyes sparkle and your heart stop for a moment. The sun shines on her, making it seem like her beautiful green hair is glowing. Her mouth slowly parting as she starts to say your name.
Slightly startled, you snap out of said enchantment as she gives you a warm look as she continued to speak. Finally realizing that you guys stopped running, her next words came as a shock.
“I love you.”
The three words you always wanted to say to her.
The words you wanted to hear from her.
You finally heard them.
“I love you too.” You said as you started to smile.
Sorry, I’m not the best writer.
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Tag yourself
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bixels · 22 days
Bit of a weird question, but what is your overall least favorite thing about MLP? 
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houseswife · 6 months
listen. this may sound like a reach but I don’t think house’s eagerness to go to the lesbian bar with thirteen was fetishistic glee. because like. okay. straight men love lesbians. but it’s only ever in a “conventionally attractive porn stars making out”, “I’ll pay these 2 strippers to kiss” sort of way, not exactly in the sense that they like to surround themselves with regular, real life sapphics. in fact, most hetero men despise the lesbians they meet in real life because they see them as either unattainable or unappealing disappointments to their fantasies. now, listen. house isn’t stupid, it’s not like he thought thirteen was gonna let him in on some hot girl-on-girl voyeuristic action, and he certainly knew he wasn’t about to get laid himself at a bar of ALL WLW. he’s an overconfident perv, sure, but not the kind who thinks he can ‘convert’ a gay gal, nor would he even desire to. the damn patient of the week is a guy who tried to ECT himself straight, which house obviously doesn’t believe is reasonable (this episode also gave us the shot where both house & thirteen are shown making a face in response to “I’m as straight as any of you!”)
with all of this laid out, you kinda have to assume that he was excited about the bar for another reason. dare I say it was simply… the joy of existing in a queer space as a queer person?
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mecub · 2 months
It is past 1am and I am thinking about @somerandomdudelmao’s Marble Sky, and this lightly bonked my writers block on the head for long enough that I wrote a little thing.
The world is green. Green, bleeding from the lights and from his insides and from the space where—
Ward wakes up shaking, crumpled on the floor like an old paper someone couldn’t be bothered to throw away. 
The world. Is green. Green and pretty, green with plants and vines, but for a moment something inside of him screams like something’s clamped over his mouth and his blood is burning and—
But it’s not green like that. Here, the green isn’t the immediate threat. The threat is one of them, bigger than him and probably put there to make sure he doesn’t try to escape.
“Oh. You aren’t dead,” the alien says.
That’s… not reassuring. But also not the threat he’d been expecting?
“Are you by any chance one of the talking ones?”
Something is wrong. Everything is blurry, and when he goes to rub his eyes, he finds gauze and okay, that. That is going to be a problem for later. Once he’s safe. Once he can let panic overwhelm him without the lack of attention putting him at risk of—
“I am,” he says.
“Cool. So they found another civilization to destroy. Hungry?”
Them. Like this alien, this alien who looks so much like them, doesn’t trust them. 
It’s ridiculous, but at this point? Ward just wishes he could’ve just been thrown in a normal prison cell. Just one normal, reasonable thing that made sense would’ve been nice. And yet, he’s sitting in vegetable prison with someone who might be an ally but is also probably very much not anyone Ward can trust. How does someone even end up in vegetable prison?
“What’s with all these greens?” he asks, because he can’t just demand answers. “Are you in jail for being the only vegetarian here or something?”
Good ole sarcasm. A great way to be eaten by aliens! Hey, maybe they consider humans a vegetable.
“You’re radiating negative energy at me.”
No shit. “Wanna guess why?”
“Hey, I’m not with those— Wait!”
Uh oh.
“You said greens! You know what color is?”
“You must have eyes!” And then the alien moves towards him, without a second thought, like they know anything he does, running away or fighting or yelling for help, won’t do anything. Ward flinches away from their outstretched hand. 
(An outstretched hand, moving towards his neck, slicing him open like the specimen he was. An outstretched hand, with his blood on it, and he couldn’t move couldn’t fight it couldn’t—)
“Yes. So?” he snaps.
“Can I touch you?”
“Wh— No.” No.
“Please,” the alien says, “I won’t hurt you. I swear.”
Ward… could try saying no again. He could try to move away, try to talk about this, try to save himself from whatever’s going to happen. He wants to, he really wants to.
But. Sculptor didn’t listen, didn’t care, he just cut into him with a smile. And this one is larger than him, and they said they wouldn’t hurt him, they swore it, they asked for a favor, they look desperate, so maybe, maybe he’ll be safe. Maybe this will keep the alien from dropping whatever this act of an ally is.
The world is green, and Ward reaches out a hand and says, “Here. Happy?”
And the alien reaches out a hand and— 
And lightly touches his. Gently. 
The world is green. And in the middle of it is someone who looks a lot like him.
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I need a fic where Arthur knows magic isn’t inherently evil but doesn’t know about Merlin’s magic.
So he sees his new manservant being terrified of anything magical and tries to convince Merlin that magic can be good.
Meanwhile, Merlin thinks that Arthur knows about him so he’s trying to subtly convince Arthur that he should stop bringing it up.
Morgana just cackling in the background.
And it goes on until Ealdor when Arthur is like: “why the hell are you so anti magic if you have it?!”
And Merlin is so confused: “you didn’t know? But you kept trying to reassure me that you weren’t afraid of me.”
And Hunnith is watching all this unfold like: “ah yes, soulmates. Two sides of the same coin but if the coin is anything like their brain cells, it isn’t worth much.”
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samaraxmorgan · 15 days
Crack JJK headcanons but it’s all early 2000s uncle Sukuna:
The spiritual successor to Crack JJK headcanons based on nothing but vibes. Send me your own silly headcanons I would absolutely love to read them!!
He desperately tried to make Yuuji’s first word be “fuck.”
He got so sick and tired of having to watch the same Barney VHS tape while babysitting that he ripped the film out and blamed it on toddler Yuuji.
Yuuji always begs him to draw his tattoos on him every time he babysits.
One time toddler Yuuji broke Sukuna’s flip phone in half. Sukuna was too impressed to be mad at him for it.
He brought five year old Yuuji to a Slipknot concert and had him up on his shoulders with big noise cancelling headphones on… and also “forgot” to ask Jin permission to bring him beforehand.
He tried to do a trick on Yuuji’s razor scooter and accidentally broke it.
He took Yuuji with him to Warped Tour.
He got really embarrassed when Jin showed Yuuji his high school yearbook photos of him with a mohawk.
He has a leather jacket with pins and patches all over it and Yuuji LOVES wearing it when he comes over.
He cut Yuuji’s hair when he got into middle school and told Jin “I’ll be damned if my nephew has a bowl cut.”
When Yuuji got into a fight at school he asked him “did you win?” When Yuuji said yes he took him to get ice cream.
He had a white iPhone and dropped it, cracking the glass on the back; Yuuji colored in the cracks with neon pink sharpie.
The first time Yuuji snuck out Sukuna chewed him out when he got back home, telling him “I don’t care if you sneak off, but you fucking tell me next time.”
Whenever Yuuji gets in trouble at school, Sukuna is always the one to pick him up because the principal is afraid of him.
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starbuck · 7 months
the thing is, i love The Narrative, but i also absolutely adore a truly character-focused tragedy where everyone’s downfall is caused not by larger narrative forces, but by hundreds of tiny decisions made by characters who, despite their best efforts, just suck.
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