#i wasn't up to fictober this year
capriciouswrites · 2 years
on the first day of halloween my true boo gave to me...a sakura with a sword
Alright, only two people expressed interest in seeing this, so apologies to the rest of you. I'm thinking just tumblr drabbles, but some might get long. So, here's a little bit of Sakura's POV for a bit between chapter one and the as of yet unposted chapter two of i get knocked down (BUT I GET UP AGAIN). Enjoy.
Sakura itches her nose and tries to fight off the second hand embarrassment she’s getting from this whole…thing. Haku, next to her, is just staring in horror. Which is absolutely a reasonable response, and luckily on his henge’d face can easily be mistaken for terror.
Which is good, because they’re supposed to be civilians and ergo be terrified of all of this.
But really it’s just…really, really bad.
“Did they just —“ Haku’s mouth snaps shut as Sakura shoots him a look — her brown eyes might look softer than her normal green glare, but he’s always been a smart kid.
Not that he’s wrong. And really, she’d prefer he be horrified and disbelieving than think anything that’s happening is a good idea but —
Sakura squints slightly and then tilts her head, hand itching for her bingo book. That's not a symbol she knows. Which is just wrong. How can there be a village she doesn’t know? They’re wearing their forehead protectors proud, which is nice she supposes but… 
“There are too many,” one of them is saying, not even bothering to keep their voice down, “we should just kill some here. Keep the healthiest.”
Sakura sighs and tilts her head back. Next to her Haku’s shoulder’s relax. Her lips curl slightly and she shakes her arms out.
Every few months she likes to have them henge up and join a caravan as civilians just to work on some of those subtle skills that being a missing-nin don’t emphasize, but it’s not like this is the first time she’s ended up doing something to defend the group — but normally that's because whoever’s attacking realize that there’s someone with chakra just chilling there.
These guys haven’t noticed, didn’t even notice when Sakura made a clone to join the children.
Haven’t even noticed that mist is slowly rising and curling around their ankles and higher, despite the bright sun beating down.
Which is just, hell, just insulting.
“Okay, I’m sorry," she says, stepping forward from the crowd where she’s been cowering with the others, “what fucking village are you from?” She considers and glances to the children, “whoops, sorry, cover your ears, that’s a bad word.”
“We’re Sound! And we’re going to —“ Sakura whistles sharply to cut them off and signal Haku.
“Sounds made up,” she says, “but I changed my mind, I don’t actually care. Okay, bye.”
The ice mirrors rise from the mist slowly, and she wants to applaud at both how smooth they move and how down right creepy it looks. Haku’s learning so much, she’s so proud.
Her hands go over her shoulders, even as the fake-ninja arm themselves and look around, one splitting into two which is just bizarre, to pull out Kabutowari even though he just looks like a backpack at the moment.
She still hasn’t bothered to drop the henge, probably won’t, since what she’s pulled out looks like a leg of lamb attached to a mirror with ribbon holding the two together which is, quite frankly, amusing enough to make her enjoy what’s probably going to be a brutally boring fight. She snickers to herself, deflects a blow with the mirror and then cracks a skull open with the lamb before flash stepping to the next one.
“Okay,” she says once they’ve raided what the civilians have left behind — she figures they escaped with their lives which obviously wasn’t going to be the case otherwise, so taking some of their shit as payment is reasonable, and they weren’t even there to argue so they must not’ve cared about it too much, “but ‘Sound’ is definitely fake, right?”
Haku shrugs and continues to examine the roll of silk he’s going to spend the next week bitching about carrying until they get to one of the few tailors they like.
“Oi, brat, don’t ignore me. Sound, fake or real? I kinda want to find out what’s up with that. Side trip?” Haku rolls his eyes and ignores her, so she reaches over to flick the side of his head — being very careful not to catch him with the sharp edge of her fingernail. “Show some respect, brat, we’re gonna go hunt down some fake ninja, it’ll be fun.”
“Yes, Sensei,” he says, dryly, giving her a look over the silk that makes her laugh — he’s come so far from the shy boy terrified of his own bloodline limit, she’s so proud.
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 14: Mark Hoffman (Pumpkin Spice)
My loves here we are! Day 14! Two whole weeks into Fictober! I hope you've not only enjoyed all the fics especially this smutty week but I also hope you've been enjoying October!
This man makes me absolutely feral so where as this isn't self insert at all this fic is also very much so a gift to myself from myself.
Notes: Minors DNI, Nsfw, Smut, porn with plot. No pronouns used and no description of the reader used either. Age gap and all that good stuff. Mark Hoffman gets called daddy and calls himself daddy in this. Like i said this is literally a present to myself.
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"Baby, baby, baby, what did I tell you were the rules before I left this morning?" Mark tsked at you, placing his hand on your throat while looking down at you from his place standing next to the bed.
"Speak my love, use your words" He commanded when you didn't answer him.
"Y-you said I wasn't allowed to touch myself" You said peering up at him through your eyelashes. Mark smiled an almost evil grin.
"And what did you happen to do while I was at work?" He asked in a condescending tone.
You gulped trying to swallow the lump in your throat before answering him.
"I-I touched myself" You whispered, looking down at your hands. Mark put a hand under your chin and brought your head up to meet his eyes.
"What was that?" He asked again.
"I touched myself" You said louder, Immediately flinching as Mark's gaze on you hardened.
"Now my love, please would you care to tell me why you touched yourself when I specifically told you not to?" He sat down on the side of the bed with his hand still under your chin, his other hand coming up to move your hair out of your face as you kept eye contact with him.
"Because I had too Mark" you pleaded, You could tell you peaked his interest with this.
"Why did you have to darling?"
"Because you left me high and dry this morning like a dick!" You said suddenly getting mad remembering how Mark had pushed your hands off him telling you he didn't have time for sleepy morning sex and that he had to get down to the station to continue work on the jigsaw case.
Mark's hand flew up to your throat, squeezing as if reminding you what he could do if you weren't careful.
"I'd watch that fuckin' mouth of yours" He warned "You're already in hot water as it is baby" Your hands grabbed Mark's much larger one that was wrapped around your neck.
"Now if you really are that pissed at me for leaving you this morning I guess maybe I should make it up to my Baby huh?" You nodded at his question. "Use your words or you get nothing" He reminded.
'Yes, Daddy"
"Mmm That's a good baby" He removed the hand from your neck once more to run it down the side of your neck, his fingers tracing the outlines of the last love bites he had left there before the two of you had to attend a ball at the precinct.
"Have to make sure everyone knows to keep their eyes up here" He had told you as he sucked your neck as you finished doing your hair for the night.
As his hands trailed down your body he tugged on the back of your thighs to get you to lie down, He removed his shirt and stood up for a second to remove his pants keeping his boxers on for the time being before moving over to you.
You had already removed your clothing when you thought you would be safe to masturbate without Mark knowing. The only thing between Mark and your entirely naked body was your underwear you had tugged back up your legs when you realized your boyfriend had arrived back home.
Hoffman made quick work of them though, ripping them from your body and tossing the fabric onto the floor.
You had been with the officer for going on 4 years, You had met when he was assigned to your jigsaw case in particular. You had been very unlucky in becoming one of the Killers targets but was one of the lucky few to actually escape.
When you went to the police about it Hoffman was assigned to you almost as soon as you stepped through the doors of the station. Since then the two of you have been inseparable. He found you when you were at your weakest and swore he would take care of you and four years later he was still living up to that promise.
You had breathed life into the officer. Opening up parts of him even he didn't think he was capable of. I mean sure he was still knee deep in making jigsaw traps and had even selected you specifically cause he needed you to be his, but you didn't need to know that at least not yet.
Mark used his finger to caress your cheek gently as you laid underneath him in your shared bed.
"That's my doll huh?" He asked you softly, You nodded finally cracking a smile at him. He returned your smile before finally thrusting into you. You gasped at the new contact of him inside you as he wrapped a hand in your hair bringing your face to his neck as he held you.
"it's ok, this is what daddy's baby has wanted all day so this is what his baby gets" He said shushing you.
You whined as your wrapped your arms around Mark's shoulders.
"Daddy please" Mark was going painstakingly slow, as if almost teasing you as punishment for touching yourself. He chuckled at your whine.
"Aw does my baby want me to go faster?" He rasped in your ear.
You nodded into his neck, groaning as you felt him finally push fully into you. You felt as his balls rub against your bottom half as he held still for a minute.
Tired of waiting you tried to buck up into Mark from underneath him. This caused him to slightly pull out of you and look into your eyes.
"Excuse me doll? You think this is on your terms ? after what you did today?" He reprimanded you.
"Mark please! You can't do this to me" You begged him again "I'm sorry I touched myself I won't do it again besides you said you were gonna make it up to me for this morning"
"I am baby, but I can't just let you get away with touching what belongs to me, What's between your legs does not belong to you ok? It belongs to me, I'm the only one who's allowed to touch it and I sure as shit am the only one who's allowed to fuck it" He growled out pushing himself back into you as hard as he could and starting to roughly thrust.
He set a steady but hard pace and he pulled out and snapped his hips back up to yours. Tears sprung up at the corner of your eyes at the intensity in which he fucked you.
"Oh come on don't cry on me. Isn't this what you wanted?" Mark taunted from above you. His hands now gripping the sheets on either side of your head as he held himself above you.
Your eyes fell shut as you felt the tip of his cock hit against your sweet spot, brining you closer and closer to your climax. Mark brought a hand up to tap you cheek and make you open your eyes.
"Nah baby you look at me when you cum alright?" He said, eyes meeting yours.
You pushed your noses together, eyes never closing again as you felt your climax creep up in the pit of your stomach as your walls clenched around Mark's cock as it painted your walls with white. You were still seeing stars as he pulled out and collapsed next to you on the bed.
You placed your head on his chest and he brought a hand to it to caress your sweaty forehead as his lips kissed it. He used the other to bring the blanket up around the both of you before wrapping the other arm around you to hold you to him.
"You alright baby? It wasn't too much was it?" There was your Mark. A giver and taker in every sense but always with your wellbeing in mind no matter how rough he could get. You nodded.
"Yes daddy I'm fine" You told his softly, clearing starting to fall asleep as you felt his seed leak out of you. You loved that feeling.
"Mmm daddy's good baby"
"I love you daddy"
"I love you too baby, Daddy loves you more then anything"
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Gray Jedi
Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 23 Prompt: "No, you won't understand, ever."
Summary: Y/N left the Jedi Order over differences with their teachings and a love for Anakin Skywalker. Now, however, something is wrong with Anakin, and they might be the only one who can stop tradgedy from happening.
Word Count: 2,094
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I'd spent the majority of my life as a Jedi, so I'd heard plenty of Masters utter the phrase "I feel a disturbance in the Force" or some variation of it over the years. I'd even felt a few myself, once or twice. But nothing had ever felt like the looming cloud of dread that hung over me now.
I hadn't been a Jedi for more than a year now, which made the feeling all the stranger. I'd left over a few differences with the Council and their rules, opting to become a Gray Jedi by technicality and a non-Force-user by practice. So the feeling of dark premonition battering me awake from my peaceful sleep was even stranger.
Even having let my connection with the Force fade a bit, I knew enough to not ignore this sign. Especially because the face of my former best friend, Anakin Skywalker, featured in every single flash this vision was giving me.
Anakin had been one of the reasons I'd decided to leave in the first place. Somehow, when I wasn't paying attention, I'd fallen in love with my best friend. And that kind of love was forbidden among the Jedi.
I'd put up with it for a while, for most of the Clone Wars. But finally, when it started to feel like Anakin might have returned my affections, it got to be too much for me. I couldn't have something with him and still be a Jedi. So I'd left.
Anakin had stayed, and I didn't blame him for it one bit. The Jedi were the only family he'd known since his mother, and the only family he had left since her death. I, probably stupidly, had never talked to him about my feelings. What reason would he have had to leave?
I'd been living a new, peaceful life as far away from the war and the Sith and the Jedi as I could get, and it had been going fairly well, all things considered. But now, something was clearly wrong.
I hadn't survived as long as I did in the war by completely ignoring my instincts. So, I grabbed my lightsaber and took off for the Temple, since that would be the best place to talk about my vision and to start finding Anakin.
When I got to the Temple, however, I found it almost deserted. Something was clearly, deeply wrong.
As I stood in the entryway of the place I'd once called home, I felt a harsh shove in the Force, like someone had physically put their hands on me and pushed. I stumbled, taking a few steps in the direction to keep from falling, then decided to keep going. I rested one hand on the hilt of my lightsaber, ready to draw at a moment's notice as I raced through the halls.
To my surprise, the shoving brought me right to one of the most relaxing, comfortable spaces in the Temple. Even more surprising, I found this one full of what must've been every youngling in the Order.
They looked at me questioningly, and I looked back the same way. That violent shoving in the Force had stopped, so what exactly did it want from me? Why had it dragged me here years after I'd left all this behind?
A moment later, I got my answer. The gaze of the younglings shifted from me to a point behind me, and chills went down my spine. I heard a familiar voice say my name, but nothing about his presence in the Force felt familiar.
Slowly, I turned, leaving one had on my saber. With the younglings behind me, I came face to face with Anakin Skywalker, the only man I'd ever loved. And he looked terrible.
His shoulders were hunched, and he held his lightsaber in his hand like he was ready for combat. His hair was a mess, and through the Force, I could almost see a literal cluster of darkness surrounding him. But worst of all, his eyes were yellow. Glowing Sith yellow.
"Anakin..." I breathed, keeping my tone carefully calm like I was talking to a scared animal. "What are you doing?"
"The Jedi have to be destroyed, Y/N. They are corrupt, and working for the downfall of the Republic."
"Anakin, what-"
"They've been keeping things from me my entire life. They're plotting against the Senate. This is the only way to ensure peace."
"Anakin... I understand that you're feeling hurt and angry-"
"No, you won't understand, ever! This is the only way!"
Anakin ignited his lightsaber, pure emotion and anger lacing his tone as he seemed to grow to the point of towering over me and the younglings. I should 've been terrified. Instead, I was feeling some anger of my own.
"You think I don't understand what you're feeling?" I demanded, raising my voice to match Anakin's tone. "You think I don't understand the anger, the betrayal that comes from realizing the Jedi aren't always right? That the thing you grew up with, your family, is enforcing a code that is actively hurting you? Do I need to remind you, Anakin, that I left the Order? A year ago?"
"It's not the same."
"No, it's not. Unlike you, I managed to develop somewhat healthy coping mechanisms and didn't listen to the Chancellor hissing in my ear, the snake."
"You're like the Jedi! You hate him! He's the only one who's been honest with me, who's helped me."
I sighed heavily and rested one hand on my hip. I could still feel the storm of emotions swirling around Anakin, but now I was determined to diffuse it.
"I don't hate the Chancellor Anakin, I just think he's a slimy politician. Ergo, not to be trusted. And usually not the honest type."
Anakin spluttered like he didn't know what to say, so I continued.
"Anakin, listen, I understand feeling angry and fed up with the Jedi. It's why I left! And I really don't mean this as an insult, but since you came to the Temple so late, they were especially terrible at accommodating you and helping you find healthy ways to deal with your emotions. But the Sith are absolutely not the answer either. Their path is an endless cycle of pain, anger, and hurt. You lash out, like you're doing now, in an attempt to stop the hurt. Then you feel more hate, for yourself and for the world rejecting you, as a result of what you did to try to stop the hurt in the first place. And other Sith, whoever it is that dragged you down this path, will manipulate, exploit, and abuse you through that pain to get you to do their bidding. I... I really don't want to see that happen to you, Anakin."
He took a long, long moment to respond, his eyes staring into the distance past me rather than focusing on any one thing. I just waited, trying to project all the warmth and love I'd ever felt for this man to him through the Force. Finally, he turned back to me.
"You don't know who the Sith is?"
"No. I stopped caring, to be totally honest with you, the day I left. I wanted to leave this life and everything that came with it behind."
"So why did you come back?"
I sighed, long and heavy. This was not a conversation I particularly wanted to have, especially not with a bunch of younglings listening in behind me, but it was that or let Anakin fall. The second option wasn't really an option, so that left me with the first.
"I got bodied awake by the Force in the middle of the night after spending a year ignoring it with a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and that I needed to come back here."
"And why did you listen?"
"Well... because you were in the vision, Anakin. I didn't get details, but I did get an overwhelming bad feeling, and I knew you were involved. So... I came back for you."
He narrowed his eyes at me, and I squirmed a little under the intensity of his gaze. There were so many bigger, more important things happening right now than my feelings for Anakin coming to light, but somehow that thought dominated my mind.
"You came back... for me?"
"Yeah, Ani. I mean... ugh, I can't believe I left the Order and now I'm still having to admit this, in the Temple no less." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, completely removing my hand from the hilt of my lightsaber. I had no desire to fight my way out of this one against Anakin. Then, I used every last ounce of willpower in my body to look the man I loved straight in the eye. "I love you, Anakin. I've loved you for a long, long time. A while ago, I thought maybe you might've felt the same way, but... that doesn't matter. The Jedi Code forbids that kind of love, that kind of loyalty and reliance on another person. But you, and the love for you filling my heart, have always made me happier and stronger than I was without it. I spent a long time trying to square that with the Jedi ideals, and I couldn't. So, for that and other reasons, I left.
"But Ani, for the record, it didn't and doesn't fit with the Sith teachings, either. The Sith have no room for love. Obsession, maybe, but not love. They thrive on hate and anger, and there's no lasting room for those emotions in a loving relationship. Or in a happy existence, for that matter."
"You... love me?"
"Very very much." I gave him the smallest smile, letting as much hope as I could muster shine through. Anakin blinked back at me, his grip on his lightsaber relaxing, and I thought I noticed that cloud of darkness shrinking quite a bit.
I took a deep breath, then held out my hand to Anakin. I'd already come this far, so why not.
"Anakin... come with me. Let's both get the hell out of here, leave the Sith and the Jedi behind. Let them fight their war with their Codes and their restrictions, their lack of love and their hate and their anger, and go make our own, happy lives together somewhere else. I can't pretend to have all the answers, but I've at least had some practice developing healthier strategies for dealing with big feelings than the Jedi ever gave me. Let's go figure out more together."
For a few long, heart-stopping moments, I thought Anakin would refuse. He'd raise his saber, let the darkness win, and end everything right here and now. Then, slowly, he retracted the blade on his lightsaber. The darkness had all but gone now, and the yellow had faded slightly from his eyes. Finally, he nodded and reached for me.
"I love you too. I have for a long time. After you left, I thought I'd never see you again."
I smiled, trying to keep the sadness out of my expression as much as possible as Anakin finally took my hand. Our eyes stayed locked on each other, and I pulled him closer to me.
"Well, it's a good thing I came back then, isn't it?"
Anakin nodded, slowly at first and then much faster as he pulled me the rest of the way to him, wrapping me tight in his arms. I hugged him right back, a warm glow surrounding me and spreading through every part of my body. Who or whatever had shoved me here with the Force seemed to let out a sigh.
"C'mon, Anakin," I said, pulling back gently, just enough to smile at him. "Let's get out of here."
He nodded, a small smile finally working its way onto his own face, and I led him away from the younglings without looking back. I hated to think what might've happened if I hadn't been here, but it didn't matter. It hadn't happened, and now Anakin and I were finally getting a shot at some kind of happy ending.
A disturbance still echoed through the Force as we left the Temple and returned to my ship, but it wasn't the one that had sent me running here. Something strange and terrifying was happening in the galaxy, but now, it was happening without Anakin. Hopefully that would make a difference, and even if it didn't, at least I'd have him by my side for the rest of whatever was to come.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
"I Think She Was Just Trying to Get Away"
(Fictober, Day 18)
Today's prompt is from @tossingmyglossymane: "What happened after Monday? Conversation between our two favorite idiots after the episode. Or really, any episode. I’m a big fan of missing scene fics."
Had fun with this, though it turned out a little bit different~.
Mulder's voice filtered through, monotone-depressed rather than monotone-informative. "I think she was just trying to get away."
“...Are you okay?”
“Meet you there in an hour.” 
Scully listened to him cut the call; and sighed, placing the phone back on its set. 
The universal Mulder brushoff. 
No, not a brushoff-- a “do not touch” sign. 
As much as he encouraged his partner to open up to him, Scully knew Mulder compartmentalized his emotions into boxes identical to her own but with even tighter lids. Failures especially hit him hard-- striking his gut, curving upwards like a hook, ripping apart important organs on its way out-- and they both thought it easier to escape each new wound than to face it. For her, escape was work; for him, it was distance. For her, Luthor Lee Boggs immediately after a funeral; for him, a jaw lock on the Truth until all possibilities ran out. Then collapse: for her, usually on his strength; for him, likely wherever he stood but more than likely in his basement.
Scully paused, blinked, realized she'd only ever seen him fall apart twice in their partnership (Lucy Householder's unexplained death and his mother's unexpected stroke), almost thrice when ten to twenty feet away from her illusory suicide. But she knew Mulder: knew he wasn't ashamed to arrive at her apartment, helpless, with red eyes, bloodstains, and guilt-- knew shame was her department, not his. Mulder avoided. He was afraid giving in was giving up; and only ever broke down when admitting defeat.
Her mother and Melissa had told her-- in as much detail as she could tolerate-- about his behavior during her abduction and (first) miraculous recovery. Scully had also seen him lose more of himself, his hope, through her cancer; and watched his faith collapse after her remission. “I can’t do this alone,” he’d confessed in his hallway last summer. She believed him.
His one-in-five billion, Scully pondered. Another burden: believing in a man the rest of the world has written off. His Doubting Thomas, following faithfully for years but still insisting to see and touch with her own eyes and hands in order to believe. But until Mulder died and resurrected... well, until Mulder had died and resurrected as an infallible, unquestionable deity, Scully reasoned she was safe in her doubts. One fallible partner to another. And there was always unshakeable trust under her doubts, which she knew he needed more than blind belief.
She looked around the office, wondered what it meant that Mulder had gone home to fight insomnia rather than stay and brood. How tired he must have been. 
Making a decision, Scully retreated from the desk to find her laptop, diligently rooting through her emails until she found an autopsy request. At the very least, she’d make sure Mulder had a few hours to himself, time enough to put his internal organs back into their proper positions. Maybe even bring him some cool but incomplete information about the gory details-- an abstract puzzle to help along the concrete process. 
“Partners,” she affirmed, selecting 'Dana, Need a Favor' with precision.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023, and @fictober-event
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blessyourhondahurley · 8 months
Suptober day 7 – How Could I Forget?
Cas shows Dean something that brings it all back...
Suptober prompt: Black Cat Flufftober Prompt: Porch swing Fictober Prompt: “Do you recognize this?” Inktober Prompt: Drip
I guess because Suptober is shortened this year, I am already hitting my mid-event slump where I hate everything I write and have no ideas that excite me for any of the prompts lol. So today is basically a "push" that will be concluded(?) tomorrow...
(Read on AO3)
It took three times as long as he'd thought it would, but Dean finally managed to track down and patch the chronic drip from the shower drain. After a combination test drive/celebratory leak-free shower (which also happened to cleanse him of all the sweat and dust he'd accumulated while digging through the pipes in their crawlspace), he went to find Cas to tell him the good news.
He wasn't in the kitchen, wasn't in his study, wasn't in any of his usual haunts downstairs or out back. Just as he was starting to worry that his husband had taken off somewhere without letting him know, he heard a distinctive squeak outside the front door.
Cas was in their porch swing, rocking so slowly that only the soft creak of wood against nail betrayed the motion. Licorice, the little black cat who'd adopted them a few years back was curled up beside him. Dean nudged her over to make a spot for himself. She cracked open one yellow eye and made a little “eh” noise at him, then sighed back to sleep.
He settled in next to his husband and pecked a kiss to his cheek. “Hey sunshine, whatcha doin'?”
“Do you recognize this?” Cas asked, handing over a piece of yellowing paper.
“Holy shit, babe,” Dean murmured. “You kept this?”
Continued here...
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not-krys · 8 months
Fictober 2023: The Traveling Adventures of Mr. Fox and Miss Mouse Part 2
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Prompt #4: Do You Even Know What This Means?
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Rating: Teen
Characters: Mitsuhide Akechi, 'Miss Mouse' (Fem!Reader Insert using a moniker)
Summary: Detective Mitsuhide is given the task of returning a runaway bride to her husband back East. Miss Mouse, as she's calling herself, refuses to return.
Notes: 1880s America / Historical Travel AU, Fem Reader Insert, so feminine terms will be used to refer to the reader (lady, miss, missy, girl, wife, etc), Mitsuhide also being a manipulative lil shit but what else is new?
Had brainworms for this AU back in February of this year and have now decided to expand upon it for this year's Fictober entry. For the first part of the story, check this link!
Also up on ao3!
And thanks to @bluetri4ngles and @drachonia for beta reading this for me! And I know @lorei-writes was excited about the first part, so here's a part 2, love!
WC: 2487
He had only closed his eyes for a minute. Mitsuhide had sworn it had only been a minute, but it seemed a minute too long for his liking. Maybe it was the swaying of the train, maybe it was his own fatigue catching up to him–he didn't know what would have caused him to be so unaware–but in the next moment, the sun had dipped behind the flying tree line, the lands out the window seemingly flatter and grassier than when he had departed. He was still sitting in the booth he had sat at with the lady in the purple dress, the girl he was supposed to be bringing back home, but there was no sign of his companion, not even a lingering scent of the lavender she had in her hat.
Well, this wasn't good.
She did have the good grace to cover his food with a napkin (untouched), and a little note thanking him again for the help earlier and letting him know that she was retiring to her cabin for the evening. Even had the audacity to sign it as Miss Mouse with a cute doodle of a mouse in a bustle dress next to her signature. Mitsuhide sighed.
He thought of returning to his own car for the evening, following suit of the lady, but he was stopped by a passing steward who handed him a note. A telegram, rather, with a hushed message.
"201." he said simply, his face strangely stiff, even for a railroad steward.
Mitsuhide raised an eyebrow as the man walked away, pushing up his glasses, seemingly. With a defeated shrug, Mitsuhide looked over the telegram, his white brow now furrowing.
"Husband growing impatient. Bring girl home. Threats of bankruptcy and setting building on fire. Doing best to stall. Please hurry. KB."
"Kyubei," Mitsuhide crumpled the paper in his hand, looking back out at the orange and purple tinged scenery.
"Doing things thousands of miles away is easier said than done, my friend." Mitsuhide closed his eyes and stood up, going back to his cabin to think. He was in for a long ride and Miss Mouse would surely hate him when she learned of his true intentions. A sad thought, to be sure, but there was a reason mice and foxes weren't the best of friends, after all.
Miss Mouse, rather you, had retired for the evening after leaving your savior, Mr. Fox, behind in the dining car. As much as you had enjoyed his company and that he had saved you from some rough gentlemen that seemed hell-bent on harassing you, you couldn't stay with the dashing Mr. Fox.
Or rather, Mr. Akechi, you thought with a sigh, remembering the sight of his bellflower-stitched holster.
Yes, even word of the white-haired detective had reached your noble circles. A tall man with a deep voice and a grin that was just asking for trouble. You almost couldn't believe that Mr. Akechi, the famous detective, had boarded on a train, the very same train that you were on.
Being rescued by him certainly did a number on your heart, but the reality of the situation soon sank in after you'd had a minute to think.
Mr. Akechi likely wasn't here for a leisurely train ride through the countryside. In all likelihood, he was probably paid to bring you back home, back to that disgusting pig of a man that had swindled you out of your family and their money. You felt your blood boiling at the thought of that man's hands touching yours, and your stomach churning as he smiled a lecherous grin at you.
No, it wouldn't do you any good to waste another thought on the man. You needed to think of a plan, to find some way to escape a detective like Mr. Akechi. It was your only hope if you wanted to keep your freedom.
You sat in the comfy chair in your room, contemplating what to do next. A planned stop was coming within a day or so, you thought. You could slip into the crowd and sneak aboard another train. Although the possibility of getting caught made your heart stutter and cower out in the end.
You could also sneak into the crowd and wait for the train to leave, then just explain to the staff that you had simply missed your train and would wait for the next one. A simple enough excuse and a believable one. You could get lost in the town nearby, say you lost track of the time, and just wait in town for the next available train to take you to California. Mr. Oda would understand, wouldn't he? People get lost traveling by trains all the time, surely?
Although, it would look suspicious if you took your trunk with you into the rail station as if you meant to stay longer and not get back on the train. Would you be willing to risk leaving your belongings to elude the detective? You had heard stories of people losing their way with no belongings and dying out in the great unknown.
Maybe, you thought, perhaps you could buy more supplies in the rail town without it looking suspicious and just leave your original belongings on purpose? People lost luggage all the time anyways, right?
You sighed. Who knew starting your new life in the West was going to require this much of a daring escapade to elude both your suitor and a suave detective?
No, he wasn't that suave. He was here (possibly) to whisk you back home! That took down his handsomeness some. No amount of charm he could exude would persuade you into going back. Not ever.
You looked over at your hat, little lavender springs already starting to wilt. You frowned and stood up, taking the hat into your hands and pulled the sprigs out, setting them aside to press later.
You sat the hat back onto the table and prepared for bed, stripping the purple overdress and petticoats from your body, breathing in deeply.
Rocked by the swaying of the train, you laid in the provided bed, pulling the feathered blanket over your head, hoping to come up with a more solid plan in the morning, and a stronger hope of not seeing a certain white-haired Mr. Fox in the dining car again. Your rescuer could easily transform into your kidnapper and you sincerely hoped that wouldn't be the case. His kindness and wit had warmed you, but warmth had a habit of dissipating if there was a stiff breeze present.
You closed your eyes, hoping against hope that Mr. Fox was just here for a leisurely train ride and nothing more.
The early morning sun and rumbling stomachs roused the passengers of the westward bound train. Mitsuhide brushed his hair back as he replaced his hat, noting the lessened dark circles around his eyes. Who knew that following a girl across the country would do wonders for his sleep habits?
With a yawn while buttoning up his waistcoat, he headed back to the dining car with a flourish of his jacket, finding you once again, enjoying a light breakfast and, thankfully, no unscrupulous gentlemen around to ruin your meal time.
Well, save for one unscrupulous gentleman, he thought sadly.
You jumped a little as your sudden guest seated himself, golden eyes training on you like a fox that had trapped a little mouse under his paw.
"Good morning, Miss Mouse." Mitsuhide said as he sat across from you, his dangerous grin lighting his face.
"G-good morning, Mr. Fox." you returned, cutting up your eggs with a frown, "I see you are in better spirits than yesterday. Did you have a good sleep?"
"I did, thank you for asking." he said a touch thinly, remembering the state she had left him in yesterday. "I'm heartbroken, however."
"You left your dear husband to fend for himself in the cold dining car all night. And after such a gallant rescue yesterday, too."
You froze.
"I never said you were my husband. That was you fibbing to make those other gentlem-"
"Yet rumors are already spreading that we are arguing and you sent me here in your anger."
"…Beg your pardon?"
"You left me in the dining car when you were angry with me. The staff and a few married couples looked on in pity. It was quite embarrassing."
"Wait, you really did sleep here all night?" You asked, worriedly.
"Feel my hands, dear, and see how cold they are."
You stared at him, trying to decide if he was telling the truth. You then looked down at his hands, frowning.
"You're wearing gloves."
"Yes, I am. So are you. Quite a mind for detail, Miss."
"Your hands wouldn't be cold if you were wearing gloves." You said, "plus, the passenger cars are all heated through steam. You wouldn't be cold at all."
Mitsuhide smirked.
"Then, perhaps, you could rub my back? The chairs here are quite comfortable for sitting in, but sleeping in them certainly isn't the best idea."
You frowned deeper.
"Teasing, Mouse." he said, "I was only teasing you. I went back to my cabin and slept quite deeply."
You returned to your eggs with a pout.
"Well, Mr. Fox, some of us don't need or appreciate being riled up like that first thing in the morning."
"I was being serious about the rumors, however."
"You and I are not married."
"No, but I did put on such a spectacular show yesterday, so much so that seeing us apart has made others curious."
"Then quell those rumors." You said firmly.
His sly smile made you pause.
"I'm afraid It would be in your best interest if I didn't."
"And why, pray tell, is that?"
"A young, unmarried woman traveling alone is just asking for trouble," Mitsuhide explained. "A married woman traveling with her husband at least has him around to protect her."
"And you're offering to be my husband for my protection?" 
"Why? Why do you want to protect me so badly?"
Mitsuhide paused, seeming caught for a brief moment. His placid look soon returned, however.
"It's in my nature to protect young ladies in distress such as yourself."
You huffed. So, this was how it was going to be?
"I was doing fine."
"Yesterday proved otherwise."
"I was going to ask for help from the steward and have them confined until we get to the next stop. That is, until you intervened."
"And if they escape their confinement after the train reaches the next stop, what then? They could kidnap and have their way with you, whatever their perverted minds were thinking of doing to you once you were alone."
You paused, now the one trapped in the logic trap. You had only wanted to escape that horrible match and now… You were alone against a fox dead set on trapping you, the fox not even being the worst of the dangers in front of you, you were beginning to realize.
"Though your bravery in striking out on your own was admirable, you must also understand the world we're in, Miss Mouse." Mitsuhide said. "A woman without a man to support her won't last very long, especially out here in the unknown."
He rested his chin in his palm.
"What I'm offering is protection, so that what happened yesterday won't happen again. Better yet, a worse outcome won't come to pass so long as I'm here."
You looked at him, studying him.
"And if I refuse your protection? If I escape at the next station and flee without you by carriage? By stagecoach? Even by a horse?"
"Trouble much worse than yesterday will find you." Mitsuhide frowned, not the least bit thrilled at the idea of physically chasing you across the vast countryside aside from the comfort of the train. "Even fleeing by your own two legs would leave you at the mercy of the elements along with the evil men trying to catch your tail."
You looked away, not hungry anymore.
"Do you know what all this means, Mouse?"
"I know what it means." You bit back. "And I hate that you're right."
"Hate it and me as much as you want, Miss Mouse. So long as you agree to lie about us being married. It's for your protection, after all."
You sighed in defeat.
"I have half a mind to make you sleep in the dining car again, Mr. Fox."
Mitsuhide chuckled, pushing your plate back towards you.
"So long as you keep being my wife, Miss Mouse. I'll even sleep on the roof if you tell me to."
Much as you didn’t like him in this moment, you still had your standards.
"No, don't sleep on the roof, please. However, as your wife," you shoved the plate towards him this time, "I want you to eat."
Mitsuhide blinked in surprise.
"You didn't finish your dinner yesterday because you were helping me. The steward told me when I arrived here this morning."
"And I remember telling you I lost my sense of taste ages ago."
"Your belly doesn't care about your lack of taste." You pointed your fork at him. "Besides, I can't have my ‘husband’ collapsing from hunger if he's supposed to be protecting me from all the nasty villains that are coming after me. It's the least I can do as your ‘wife’. That’s what you wanted, correct?"
Mitsuhide chuckled after a moment.
"You're kinder than I deserve, little wife."
"I'm not your wife.” you repeated. “I pity the poor waif that takes your hand someday."
"You and me both." He never pictured himself getting married, however nice a thought it was. He couldn't put someone through his life guilt-free, wouldn’t dream of putting someone through his life, not even his worst of enemies.
Instead, he took his pleasure in eating off your plate, ignoring your pointed scowl as he snatched your fork when your back was turned to order more food. The small domestic atmosphere, though with many more strings running underneath it like the tracks beneath them, it made him smile genuinely inwardly, having the taste of a humble life he would never know otherwise, he felt. 
He had been surprised that you remembered him not eating the previous evening and had thought to remedy that, despite knowing who he was, evidently, based on the change in demeanor this morning. You truly were too kind to him, at least suspecting his true intentions and yet still thinking after him enough to remind him to eat.
His true heartbreak would come when he had to take her back home, he thought with a sigh, forced to feed this kind little mouse to a much more despicable creature than him, the thought causing more displeasure and annoyance than it should have. 
What was this little mouse doing to him, causing such troublesome thoughts in him?
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yohangaontdj · 9 months
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 9 (Part 1)
This episode has so much domestic bliss that I shall spend Part 1 and Part 2 talking about it.
And it starts with Yohan bringing drinks to Gaon.
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The other time we saw Yohan serving a drink to him, it was coffee. And the whole affair was business-like as if they were in a meeting.
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This time round, the ambience is casual, intimate. The two of them in their home wear, and so like buddies or family members having a drink after a long day at work.
And we get to see Yohan being vulnerable before Gaon. His emotions, as he talked about his brother. It was there, Yohan not trying to hide it. And to me, it shows how much the two had progressed. How much closer they were that Yohan had allowed himself to be that open to Gaon. Which I believe isn't a thing that Yohan does easily, and will only do so with those that he fully trusted.
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Its just so so domestic, this scene. And it makes me feel like they're an old married couple who had been woth each other for a long time.
And it's also interesting that this is Yohan's first time serving alcohol to Gaon. When previously, he had taken the champagne flute out of his hands in Ep 4.
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Makes me wonder if it's because Gaon couldn't drink much. I maybe wrong but in the previous episode, he had brought orange juice instead of soju when Professor Min and Soohyun had gathered at his place for a meal.
And then we also have a depressed Gaon with Soohyun at a bar. And Soohyun had to urge him to 'bottom ups'.
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This is highly unusual if you have seen a lot of Korean drama. Usually when the drama character is facing some crisis, they would be found drowning their sorrows with bottles and bottles of soju. But we don't see Gaon doing that.
And I can't help but wonder if Yohan had found out by chance that Gaon gets drunk easily. Maybe there were some chocolate with alochol that someone had gifted to Yohan. And Gaon had, after taking two or three, started doing pretty interesting antics when inebriated. (I did write a fic based on the idea that Gaon couldn't drink in my Fictober Challenge 2021).
And so, Yohan only let Gaon drink when the two were at home.
Next, we have Gaon being so at home in the mansion.
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Then getting startled and trying to hide what he was watching from Elijah.
I couldn't help be tickled by Gaon's reaction. Cause he had chosen such a public place in the mansion to watch what wasn't a very nice video. Then getting flustered when Elijah had stumbled upon him.
It's the kitchen where anyone can just walk in. And to think that Gaon hadn't thought of that. I take it as a sign he is so at ease in the Kang mansion that he pretty much do as he pleased, just like anyone will do so in their own home.
And here, we have Elijah offering her help to Gaon, her second time doing so.
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She did it in Ep 8, offering to hack into the prison system so that Gaon can kill the scumbag who had cheated his parents.
And I love how, each time, Gaon had listened to her with a smile on his face. He hadn't put her down or scoff at her suggestion just because she is a mere sixteen-year-old.
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And that takes patience as well as a willingness to treat the other party with respect, even though they are so much younger. Which, to be honest, isn't easlly found in the Asian context where seniority matters a lot.
And this next bit had me laughing so hard. How the sight of Ms Ji taking out an apron, can have Elijah becoming like this.
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And Gaon's remark about Yohan never forbidding him to cook! 🤣
And just look at their contrasting expressions in the next pic.
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Poor clueless Gaon will find out in the next bit, why Elijah's reaction had been like - Are you mad? Or are your tastebuds that bad, you want to eat Ms Ji's cooking!
I just love TDJ and their sense of humor.
More domestic bliss to come in Part 2.
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mordenheim · 8 months
Fictober 2023 17: “I never said it would be easy.”
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Hodgy sighed as he covered the steaming dinner plate with a golden cloche before lifting the tray in his flippers. He felt it useful to help balance the plate on the little square pouch that was attached to the skin of his blue penguin shaped body. He spun on his little peg legs in a most adorable manner, which made him grumble under his breath.
He had thought the day he died would be the worst day of his life, but it had barely been the beginning. One moment he was lying in some back alley, bleeding out from a deal gone wrong, the next thing his soul was in hell, getting stuffed into some kind of cloth penguin suit held shut with magical tape. Ever since he had been bounced from master to master, forced to work endlessly to earn Hel, currency to pay off his literal debt in the afterlife so he earns a chance at reincarnation.
He looked down at the tray in his flippers, then up at the tall, slender silver haired werewolf in front of him. He looked mostly human save for his long, pointed ears, sharp teeth and silver tail.
“You know this isn't going to work, right dood?”
He frowned down at Hodgy as if he were something the werewolf might scrape from the bottom of his shoe, “Look, I made a vow to stop trying to get my master to.. partake in human blood. Therefor, I needed to find someone else to get him to consume it. I never said it would be easy.”
That look stung worse than anything. Hodgy had looked up to Fenrich since just days after he had been stuffed into this body and tried his best to please him, but it was never enough. He had tried time and time again to get him to just give up and let his master be happy as he is.
He sighed and straightened his back, holding the tray out in front of him and nodding with renewed determination. If he could actually pull this off it might just impress Fenrich enough to make him take Hodgy on as his own personal Prinny. Personal Prinnies were usually treated a lot better and paid off their debts sooner.
“You're right, dood. I'll do my best, dood.”
A few moments later, he took a deep breath before knocking on the door to Lord Valvatorez's room.
“Enter!” Came the voice from the other side of the door. It was surprisingly warm and jovial so Hodgy carefully balanced the tray and used a free flipper to let himself inside. If he had a stomach it would be full of butterflies due to the nervousness overwhelming him.
“G.. good evening Lord Valvatorez, I b-b-brought your dinner, d-dood!”
“Ah! Wonderful! Thank you so much. Hhh... Hodgy? Was it?”
The Prinny nodded, practically bouncing with happiness. Lord Val was one of the few who bothered to remember his name, though how he could tell him apart from the others was a mystery.
The vampire lord smiled and rubbed his hands together, lifting the cloche off of the dish, the aromatic steam, filled with the smells of cooked lemon, herbs and spices, combined with the light scent of grilled sardines filled the room. He speared one of the small fish with a fork and started to lift it to his mouth when he froze.
“Y-yes, dood?”
“I don't smell blood hidden in my sardines again, do I?”
“N.. nooo, dood?”
“Is that a question or an answer?”
“B.. but! Fenrich made me do it, dood!”
The vampire made a face at that, “Nonsense, I made him promise to stop trying to trick me into devouring human blood. He wouldn't try to go back on his word that way!”
Hodgy just stood and stammered, hopping from one peg leg tot he other as Lord Valvatorez stood and calmly slid the contents of his plate into a nearby trash bin. The blood on the plate from the speared fish plain to see.
“I'm afraid this is a grievous violation of the rules. Your account will be deducted by two thousand Hel.”
“B-but! That's not fair! That's almost a year's salary!”
“And another five hundred for your failure to end every sentence with the word “dood”.” His voice was flat and monotone. The master wasn't angry, just disappointed, and that was somehow a thousand times worse. “Now, go apologize to Fenrich for making such a wold accusation.”
Hodgy just hung his head in defeat as he murmured with what little energy he could muster, “Yes sir, Lord Valvatorez, er.. doooood...”
The vampire's heart actually hurt a little as he walked over and patted Hodgy on the back. “I'll tell you what. Just apologize to Fenrich and we'll call the rest of it even. You've made a lot of progress and I've been keeping my eye on you.
Hodgy blinked and smiled up at the vampire lord, “R-really, dood?”
“Of course, you've been doing a wonderful job working off your sins here in the Netherworld, but,” he crouched down, smiling as he looked into Hodgy's wide eyes, “I never said it would be easy.”
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thatseventiesbitch · 8 months
Fictober 5 - "You're the smartest person I know."
New Years Eve, 1979
“Things are a lot different now, Eric.”
That was the second time she’d said that to him tonight. He frowned.
“Except us,” he blurted, setting his hand over top of hers on the table. “Right?”
“I don’t think there is an ‘us’,” she said, quietly. She withdrew her hand, and Eric’s heart started to thud. “I mean… you broke up with me.” She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Right?”
“Donna,” he whispered. He swallowed hard. “I didn’t… I - ” he struggled to find the words, especially when her green eyes started to well up with unshed tears. “I’m sorry,” he finished lamely. “I-I said I’m sorry, okay?” His heart ached, watching her struggle to keep her emotions at bay. "I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered.
“You didn’t,” she snapped, pushing her chair back from the table suddenly. She stalked across the kitchen to lean against the counter, putting distance between them. But in the thick silence that fell, Donna felt her eyes start prickling again. A hot tear coursed down her cheek and she brought her hand up to wipe it away. “Damn it.”
“Donna,” Eric repeated. His voice broke, and he swallowed down his emotions. “There’s always an ‘us’. I just - I just wanted you to know that you could go. To college, to wherever. That you didn’t have to wait here for me.”
“Look Eric, I don’t need your permission - ”
“I know,” he cut her off, his voice mounting and becoming high-pitched. Squeaky. He was flustered. “No, no. I know that. I just mean - I mean - ”
“Oh my god, just say it,” Donna shouted at him, her frustration reaching its peak. “What are you trying to say?”
“I was worried about you.”
The admission was soft and sincerely said, and it caught Donna off guard. It also deflated most of her anger.
“What?” she asked lowly. her brow furrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just because I was in Africa doesn’t mean I wasn't looking out for you, okay?” Eric's big, green eyes were emotive. He gave her a small, tentative smile. “I have secret squirrels everywhere,” he explained.
Donna just looked at him, her expression unreadable. But her temper had been successfully diffused. 
“When I left, you just… stopped,” Eric continued. He was watching her face closely as he talked. “You stopped wanting stuff. You stopped talking about college, about the future. It’s like you were just waiting here for me, or something. That’s not what we talked about.” He paused. “And that’s not you,” he added, gentle. “That’s not my Donna.”
Donna turned away from him and blinked rapidly, trying to avoid crying. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her lose her composure. But he'd stunned her.
She sniffed and turned around again after she'd recollected herself.
"Well, you're wrong." She meant to be defiant, but her voice warbled. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Because I am going to college. Tomorrow."
“I know. That’s awesome,” he said, his smile finally reaching his eyes. “Are you excited?”
“Of course,” she said, crossing her arms. Still trying to be hard with him. But her voice broke as she tried to continue. “W-why wouldn’t I be?” She cleared her throat. “I - I mean. I’ve been ready for this for two years now, so I…” but her vulnerability finally took over, and her expression crumpled. “I - ”
Eric stood and opened his arms to her, and Donna flung herself forward and buried her face in the crook of his shoulder without a second thought. She let out a strangled sob, and suddenly her fears, her deepest insecurities, were tumbling out of her like a dam had broken.
“I’m - I’m kind of scared,” she admitted, her voice breaking. “What if I can’t do it? What if I’m not like, smart enough?”
He chuckled, but not in a way that felt judgemental.
“You’re smart enough," he assured her. "Donna,” he soothed a hand up and down her back. “You’re the smartest person I know, okay? You were meant for college. You're gonna be great."
"You think so?" she asked, her voice small.
"Yes," Eric confirmed, squeezing her sides gently. He waited until she made eye contact with him, and raised his eyebrows. "Absolutely."
“It’s just - campus is so huge," she continued to ramble. "And - and everybody in college is smart. What if I can’t like, hang, and I - I fail -”
"You're not gonna fail," Eric's voice was soothing, reassuring, confident. He squeezed her sides again. "But you know what? If you do, you're still gonna have me." He gave her his familiar lopsided grin. "I'll be there to catch you, m'lady. Like you're always catching me."
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the-spooky-alien · 2 years
Day 14 of Fictober !
Fandom : X-Files with the prompt "Yes. No. I don't know."
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2022
Scully's words kept echoing in his mind as she left, her heels clicking harshly against the floor. Underneath it, he heard her quiet sniffle.
That was what forced him into action. He could count on one hand the times Scully cried, and most of them had been after traumatic experiences. He couldn't let this be one for her.
He couldn't watch her walk away from him feeling like he didn't need her. When in fact, he needed her more than air or food or the warmth of the sun.
''Do you really believe this ?'' he called, following her, unable to care about how loud his voice rang in the hallway.
Scully stopped, abruptly, but didn't turn towards him. He could almost distinguish the tension in her back despite her blazer. ''What, Mulder ?''
''That I don't need you ?'' Even if it wasn't coming from him, each words tasted like acid on his tongue. The prospect of thinking of her, of the woman he loved most, as dispensable was making his stomach churn. ''That you've always held me back ? That you aren't the one who keeps saving me again and again ? That you aren't the only person in this world I trust with my life ?'' Punctuating every question with a step in her direction, he ended up just behind her, close enough to feel her warmth. ''Do you truly believe you've always been a hindrance to me ?''
Her head snapped to his, her lips turned downwards as if she was trying to keep from bursting into tears. From the tears pooling into her eyes, he wasn't wrong.
(Oh, how he hated being right.)
''Yes,'' Scully spat, her eyes darting away, focusing on a point above his shoulder. ''No.'' She shook her head, frowning. ''I don't know, Mulder ! I've been assigned to debunk your work, I never believe in your theories, and the X-files aren't my quest, as you often like to remind me !''
He winced, recoiling from the venom seeping from her tone. ''Scully-''
''Why does it surprise you so much ?'' she asked, and her voice wobbled and her face wavered, and for a brief second, he thought she would lose her fight with her tears. ''For God's sake, Mulder, why- I don't understand-''
He wished he could hold her against him until she could feel how his body melted for her, how pliant it became underneath her touch. How he would follow her everywhere in the whole damn world, even to fucking freezing Antartica, if it meant keeping her happy and safe.
''I just don't understand how you can't see it'', she whispered, the skin of her throat tightening around the lump he could discern in her voice. ''You don't need me to be with you, you just need someone. It doesn't-'' And then, her eyes flickered to his, allowing him to witness the raw fear swimming in her icy blue stare. ''It doesn't have to be me.''
He would have laughed at her if she wasn't so grave. He would have laughed and pointed out to her how clingy and needy he had been since they met. How he couldn't bear to have her away from him, so he had to call her every night. How he couldn't spend a day without seeing her smile and laugh and roll her eyes at his stupid jokes.
How fucking in love he was with her.
Instead, he smiled gently and, with one hand, cupped her soft cheek. Her eyes widened, but even she wouldn't be able to deny how she leaned into his hand. ''Of course it has to be you.'' His voice came out hoarse, weighed down by years of memories and feelings he tried so much to keep hidden deep within himself. ''Scully, it's always been you. From the first day we met.''
''Mulder...'' It came out choked and broken, like a plea for reassurance.
Without hesitation, he grabbed all of himself and laid everything bare in front of her intense gaze, allowing her to see what he was, thanks to her.
''I need you.'' And it was that simple really. He needed her, and he needed her to know it. ''I don't just need someone, it has to be you. You and your goddamn rationalism, and your obtuse science, and your fierce compassion and bravery.'' His other hand cupped her neck, tugging her closer until their chests brushed against each other's. Could she feel how hard his heart beat for her ? ''Hell, I wouldn't be standing here right now if it wasn't for you and all the times you saved me. Scully, you're everything to me.'' A tear rolled out, landing on his own skin, scorching. He wanted to kiss her. ''How could you ever think otherwise ?''
Scully closed her eyes, her chest expanding against his as she inhaled deeply, as if to steel herself against the corrosive love he threw her way.
''I...'' Her eyes opened, glinting, and her lips parted, and her hands wandered over his chest, landing on his shoulders, and he felt the muscles of her abdomen contract as she raised herself on her tip-toes, and she leaned towards him, the ghost of her breath hitting his own lips, warm, and- ''Ow !''
She jerked away from him, clasping a hand to her neck. His stomach burned with the weight of disappointment. It quickly spread to his entire body the moment she collapsed into his arms, muttering about pain in her chest.
And then, there wasn't time to think anymore.
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober: Day 1 Corey Cunningham (Apple Cider)
Welcome to Bubz's Slasher Fictober! I will be posting one fic a day leading up to Halloween! This is of course day one so this will go up on October 1st! I hope you all enjoy!
Notes: Minors DNI, No pronouns used, Pet names used, "You" used with Gender Neutral reader.
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You couldn't believe it, Corey had killed those kids, all of them. You knew those were the kids that had been harassing him years now but you never expected him to do something like that.
Corey was so shy and quiet, It took two weeks of the two of you being in a relationship for Corey to get comfortable with the PDA and other normal relationship things that you never in a million years thought he was capable of something like this.
After Corey was late to stopping by your house on the way home from work you had decided to walk to his work and check on him, if Corey was anything he made sure to never be late, especially when it involved you. The walk was relatively short and it wasn't too cold in Haddonfield, but the scene you walked up on would chill you to your core.
You watched from the sidelines as who you thought was Michael Myers at first had picked off the kids one by one. Quickly you came to realize it wasn't Michael Myers at all but in fact Corey, Your Corey. After all the carnage was done you saw Corey stop and look over everything he had done, You went to back up slowly just wanting to go home when you stepped on a rather large branch and tripped.
The sound of you plummeting to the ground alerted Corey and you saw his head snap towards you, even through the mask his eyes met yours, You saw his hands reach up to pull the mask off his face.
"Baby" Corey nearly choked out, You shook your head feeling the tears prick at the back of your eyes had you picked yourself up.
"N-No! stay away from me!' You yelled as you propelled yourself away from Corey who was starting to walk towards you.
"Baby c'mon please, let's talk about this" Corey pleaded picking up the pace to reach you. You shook your head again starting to run this time.
You picked a direction into the woods and could hear Corey behind you as he too began to run after you, with the tears in your eyes you could barely see but kept running as fast as you could. You could hear Corey gaining on you but you didn't for a second stop until for the second time tonight, your foot hit a branch.
You tumbled to the ground, your ankle throbbing with pain as you tried to pick yourself up to lean against a tree. The heavy footfalls stopped as Corey kneeled in front of you.
"Hun please just let me explain, You know I'd never do anything to hurt you" Corey said as he put his arms around you. You tried to resist at first but were quickly enveloped by his familiar smell and feel and you found yourself melting into his touch. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hid your face in his neck and he shushed you.
"You killed those kids Corey" you felt Corey tense. Corey pulled away and held his face in his hands.
"I know I did. Those kids tried to kill me, they pushed me off the bridge, I mean I-I just couldn't take it anymore" Corey sobbed.
You paused looking over the sobbing mess that was your boyfriend in front of you, you knew those kids had been harassing Corey for ages ever since his accident, You still didn't know how exactly to feel about what you had seen but you knew you couldn't leave Corey.
You wrapped your arms back around his neck and hugged him tighter.
"It's ok Core'" you shushed him "We'll get through this together" You promised.
"You're not going to leave?" He asked nervously, You shook your heaD
"No Corey, Never"
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
AP Test Season
Platonic!Shuri x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 24 Prompt: "Is it over? Is it really over?"
Summary: Shuri's in Santa Monica to help her best friend through quite an ordeal.
Word Count: 1,071
Category: Fluff
A/N: @bandshirts-andbooks this is for you, I don't know if you remember but literally forever ago you sent me a request for platonic!Shuri and reader and because I can't read I didn't see the word platonic so I said I wasn't comfortable writing for her. Ngl it's 100% haunted me since I was going through old requests and realized that I'd completely missed the word platonic lmao, so here is a fun and sweet fic that I hope you like! Sorry for my terrible reading comprehension lmao
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I staggered out of the building, head throbbing, sunlight burning my eyes. I almost tripped on the first of the stairs and did a header down the whole set, but thankfully, someone else reached out to steady me before I could.
"Y/N! Are you alright?"
I turned, blinking blearily at Princess Shuri, one of my best friends in the whole world. She stared at me, concern written across her face as I took a deep breath in and out.
"Is it over? Is it really over?" I asked, my voice croaky from lack of use. Shuri nodded.
"Yes. It is really, truly, completely over."
"Oh thank God," I sighed, flopping back dramatically. Shuri laughed, guiding me over to a retaining wall outside the school where we could sit together shoulder to shoulder while I recovered.
I'd just finished my last AP test of my last year of high school, after a grueling two weeks filled with four-hour tests. It had been literal hell, and had almost killed me, hence the current brain fog. But I'd made it. And now, I never had to take another one of those stupid things as long as I lived.
"Come on," Shuri said, standing and holding out a hand to me after giving me a few minutes to recover. "You cannot sit on this wall in a stupor all day."
I scoffed. "Watch me."
"No! We have fun things to do! You survived your last round of testing, we should be celebrating!"
That peaked my interest enough to get me to sit up straighter. Shuri grinned, and I sighed, giving all the way in with an eye roll. I slid off the retaining wall, landing on the sidewalk next to Shuri and trying to muster as much energy as I could.
"Alright, Your Highness, you're in charge, because I don't have the brainpower left to contribute. Where to first?"
"Just follow me!"
Shuri took off down the sidewalk, smiling and laughing under the sunny Southern California sun, and her energy was infectious. A smile spread across my own face as I followed her, and with every step in the opposite direction of my school, I felt my strength returning.
Shuri led me to the Santa Monica pier, site of a scene from one of our favorite movies, Hannah Montana: The Movie. We wandered up and down the pier, grabbing snacks and taking ridiculous pictures together, then made our way into Pacific Park. We rode the rollercoaster, the Ferris wheel, and did every single other thing that looked remotely interesting until the sun started to set.
"Shuri, you are a literal lifesaver," I said as we strolled towards the end of the pier together. "Seriously, I think I would've just been catatonic for the rest of the day if you hadn't been here to pull me out of my funk."
She laughed. "I am glad I could help! It's been fun to be in California with you."
"Agreed. Couldn't imagine a better start to the summer."
We shared a smile, clinking our bubble teas together as we turned to watch the sun sink slowly into the ocean. Finally, once it got dark to the point that the lights of Pacific Park glowed as bright as the stars behind us, we turned and headed for home.
Shuri was staying with me and my family while she was in town, and as soon as we walked through the door, I felt a wave of exhaustion crash over me. My shoulders slumped, and I let Shuri take the lead as we wandered through the kitchen.
"Okay! So I thought we could make some popcorn and have a movie marathon to finish the night-"
She stopped mid-sentence as she turned around to smile at me and found a zombie smiling back. She huffed a laugh, a small smile coming to her face.
"...Or maybe we could do facemasks and watch something shorter, then go to bed."
"The second one," I said, nodding. "But let's keep the snacks part."
Shuri and I loaded up on all our favorite foods, then headed upstairs. Thankfully, it was a Friday, so we could stay up late without me having to worry about going to school tomorrow.
We picked out facemasks, then decided on watching Wizards of Waverly Place from my queen sized bed with her laptop. The Wakandan tech got a higher quality image than even our TV downstairs, and we never had to wait for it to buffer.
My phone timer went off a little ways into the episode, telling us it was time to take off the facemasks. We took even more dumb pictures together of our faces in the mask before removing them, rubbing in the remaining serum as we flopped back into bed. We snacked for the rest of the episode, and I made it through without falling asleep. Once it ended, Shuri closed her laptop and shut off the lights as I sank down underneath the covers.
"Goodnight, Y/N!" she said as she climbed in on her side. I sighed and muttered a goodnight back. Then, even though I was quickly losing the battle to stay awake a second longer, I spoke up again, holding true to the sleepover tradition of continuing to talk after saying goodnight and shutting off the lights.
"Thank you for today," I said. "Seriously, AP test season sucks, and knowing we'd get to celebrate and have fun on the other side of it is the only reason I didn't just draw a cat on the DBQ page of my AP History test and call it a day."
Shuri laughed. "I won't lie, I would have liked to see your cat drawing. But I'm glad I could help you get through this. I had a lot of fun, too."
"Wakanda's next, alright?" I said. "Now that I'm done with classes, there's nothing stopping me from coming for a visit this summer."
"Deal! There are so many things I want to show you in person. T'Challa will not know peace as long as we're in the palace together."
I laughed, opening my eyes enough to share a smile with my best friend. We did our handshake, and then I rolled over and closed my eyes again, ready to go to sleep for real.
"I'll see you in the morning, Shuri," I sighed. She huffed a laugh.
"I don't expect to see you before one in the afternoon. But I will see you tomorrow."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
"Doesn't Make Him Less of a Miracle"
(Fictober, Day 30)
Fictober's almost over, and I haven't tackled the very genre that lured me into fic in the first place: S9 AU.
William took after his father in many ways: he was very bright, unnaturally articulate for his age, and immaculately opportunistic: a born-and-raised schemer (though said schemes were often undercut by his innate inability to lie believably-- which Mulder ribbed Scully about, mercilessly.) He was also an incredibly fast runner with a propensity to dive head-first into the nearest kerfuffle. 
And Fox Mulder, the intelligent progenitor of this intelligent child, exploited that propensity to its fullest whenever he needed a few hours of unbroken concentration. Thus, Skippy’s Bouncy Castle and Ball Pit Stadium became the local haunt for the Mulder-Scully family’s operations. 
Alternating his afternoons between sifting through poached documents and worming his way into various mummy or nanny groups, Mulder learned just as much about thumb sucking habits as he did the ever-changing factions and movements of the crumbled Consortium empire. It wasn't a leap to apply his hostage negotiation tactics to toddler tantrum mitigation; and, to his surprise, he seemed more popular outside of the Bureau than in it, constantly getting interrupted by a child or their guardian with yet another situation that needed diffusing.
But like all aspects in life, there were prices to be paid for peace; and little William Mulder-Scully chose closing time on an already hectic Monday to exact that price.
“Willaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” Mulder dropped his hands out of their airhorn position, pivoting to watch, helplessly, as hordes of well-behaved, snot-nosed, and spit-curled children of all ages wobbled out after their parents. The very picture of the Rockwell American dream. Staff members were whipping out mops or picking up stray toys-- one particularly under-tipped teenager glowered at him from her post near the light switch-- and still William did not appear from the midst of the ball pit. 
For a split second the old fear rushed irrationally back, cold sweat breaking out on his neck, "Fox!" clamoring in his mind-- but Will’s sudden outburst of giggles grounded him in reality, shook him involuntarily with relief. Deal with it another day.  Annoyance at his unexpected fear-- and annoyed he was annoyed-- spurred Mulder into action.
"Will, outta the ball pit-- we gotta go pick up food.” ‘Pick up food’: the universal unspoken for quick-and-easy greasy garbage from the nearest burger joint. Another thing father and son had in common.  
His precious miracle cackled. “Daddy, I’m a sea monster. You have to come hunt me.” 
Mulder jolted at the sudden, vicious tug on his sleeve. Light switch teenager, frosted lips curling even further downward, had somehow learned teleportation and wasted that ability by scaring the daylights out of him. “The ball pit's closed. Grab your kid and go.” 
The ghosts of each and every one of Scully’s long-suffering eyerolls flashed through his mind; and he counted them, likely by tens, in an attempt to remain calm. Losing his cool exterior while hopped up on too many cups of coffee would only damage any potential future discount-- not to mention the years of ammunition Scully would have on him as their son inched slowly towards the plague of puberty.
“Yeah, just a minute, my--”
Losing interest in Light Switch Girl, Mulder covered the last few feet in a light jog, skidding across a wet patch on the floor but recovering his footing with a couple of hairy maneuvers.
Red ball, green ball, blue ball, green, green, blue, purple? Red, blue-- 
Red hair. The sea monster was just submerging on the other end of the pool, upgrading his chortles to belly laughter. 
“William, we can play the sea monster game tomorrow, but we’ve got to leave now.” Mulder was pleased to note that his son’s head paused, recognizing that ‘William’ and ‘got to’ were a big deal compared to ‘Will’ and ‘gotta’. The head bobbed up and down, wavering between losing the battle with honor or fighting the war with outright rebellion. 
Since logic seemed to be winning over wheedling-- a trait Scully would rib him over, mercilessly-- Mulder doubled down. “C’mon, Buddy, the workers have to clean up and go home. They want to eat, spend time with their families. …Watch a movie.” Well, a little wheedling wouldn't hurt.
The sea monster was drifting closer, his thoughtful Scully scowl and blue eyes rising above three green balls perfectly resembling algae-speckled rocks. What are the odds. “Is it… dirty in here, too?” 
YES. “Yeah, Will, it’s pretty gross in there. Probably has a few cooties, too.” 
His son may have had the genes of a scientist, but he hadn’t quite figured out the finer points of germ pathology. William breeched, fast, which gave his dad scant seconds of catch time before nearly faceplanting on the floor. “Cooties!” he chanted while wildly flinging his arms about, forcing Mulder the Triumphant to dodge a few accidental nose wallops.
Cooties really did come in handy. 
Great. Light Switch Girl was back. 
“--your laptop and bag were moved to the front desk. If you could please grab them, we need to finish closing up.” She crossed her arms, sneered at his wiggling son, and began to brusquely tap her foot. 
In moments like these, Mulder wondered why he bothered trying to save the planet.  
“Thanks.” Readjusting Will-- who was attempting to climb, face first, down his back-- and offering an equally charming lip twitch of his own, Mulder skidded his retreat across the room, sorted and collected his things-- with the hand not currently grabbing his four-year old’s ankle-- and hoisted all of his belongings-- sea monster included-- over both shoulders before making his grunting exit. 
“Willy, I think you’re getting too big to be able to lug around anymore. Soon you'll have to help drag me back to the car.” 
Sea monsters and cooties forgotten, William puzzled this new idea while getting situated in his car seat. Mulder let him pursue it in silence-- another neat wrangling trick-- as he buckled, unbuckled, and rebuckled straps; then, since the gears were still turning in his son's head, he slid the bag onto the floor and slid himself into the front seat. The driver's safety belt was clicked into place when Will jerked upward, waving his hands and beaming at his father in the rearview mirror.
“It’s not me, it's the laptop! It becomes heavier every time you save another part of the world!” 
Mulder chuffed a laugh, enamored with the flawless logic of the young and uneducated. “You’re too smart for your old man,” he assured, proudly. 
“Can we get chicken?”
Just like that-- subject over and burgers out the window. “Sure, buddy. My treat.” 
Fighting Colonization, catching sea monsters, and hunting down KFC may not, exactly, be a day in the life of the average American family; but it certainly enabled him to strum up an interesting moral out of the Flukeman and its excitement to go home. On second thought, Will would probably be incentivized to try hitchhiking to the ocean himself.
Now there's something Scully and I can't take credit for: possible obsessions with sewer tanks.
Somehow, Mulder didn't think she'd like that, either.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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blessyourhondahurley · 8 months
Suptober day 4 - Commencement
Castiel completes his training with Rowena, and it all goes very fast after that!
A new part to my 2019 series Rowena's Shop
Suptober prompt: Nimbus Flufftober Prompt: Cinderella Moment Fictober Prompt: “Do you even know what this means?” Inktober Prompt: Dodge
(Read on AO3)
“Oh, well done, Castiel! Very well done, indeed! You've gotten it exactly right! Look!!”
Comfy and dozing in his overstuffed armchair, Dean can hear Rowena's words of effusive affirmation drifting in through the curtained doorway to the back of the store. The cooing, approving tone of her voice is one she's never used with him, of course, but Cas has been drawing it out of her more and more often lately as he's neared the completion of his studies. From the sound of it, he's just ticked another box on the list of spells he needs to master before he “graduates,” whatever that word means for a literal sorcerer's apprentice in the Year of our Lord 2023.
He's starting to doze off again when his boyfriend comes bursting through the doorway, a wide, gummy grin on his handsome face.
“Did you hear?!? I did it!!” he trumpets.
Dean stands to give him a hug. “I heard, honeybee! Nice work!! Does that mean you guys are done for the day, or are you taking a break? Maybe we could go grab a late lunch...?”
Cas gives him a firm, full-bodied squeeze, then pulls away, shaking his head. “No, beloved, I did it. That was the last one. I'm finished. Do you even know what this means?”
Dean watches, mouth agape, as he murmurs a few sibilant words and flicks a finger. The cozy glow of the shop's chandelier dims as a nimbus of luminescent power gathers around Cas's head. The blue highlights in his hair coil and eddy, then the color surges, flowing down the man's body and draping it in a floor-length brocade cloak that perfectly matches his gorgeous eyes. It's a Cinderella Moment if Dean's ever seen one.
“Holy shit,” he mutters.
“Indeed,” Rowena intones sarcastically as she walks into the room. “Eloquent as ever, I see.”
“Hey, screw you, Broom Hilda,” Dean snipes back. “Forgive me for being in awe of my boyfriend the fucking wizard.” He rolls his eyes at her and turns back to Cas. “So, what happens now? Can we celebrate? Go out for a nice dinner? Or should we just skip to dessert?” It's a cheesy line, but God help him, that little display of power got him so freaking turned on. If Rowena wasn't here he would 100% be on his knees right now.
Cas seems to be on the same wavelength, because he's got a dirty smirk on his face. He opens his mouth to respond, but Rowena throws up a waggling finger.
“Ah ah ah, there'll be plenty of time for that sort of business later. Right now I need your help with the last o'my cases.” She gestures behind her, at a teetering pile of steamer chests that definitely was not there a minute ago.
And the same-wavelength thing must still be in effect, because the two of them reply in unison, “Wait, what?”
“I've been stuck here long enough, boys. Now that you're ready, Castiel, I'll be goin' walkabout for a bit.” She points again at the trunks, an imperious quirk to her brow, and the two men scramble to fill their arms.
Rowena herself picks up the tiniest, daintiest little handbag and leads them, shuffling under the immense weight of her luggage, out the side door to the alley. Her car, like her a sporty little compact number of indeterminate age, make, and origin, seems much too small to hold so many massive cases. But of course, like magic, it all fits neatly into the boot, with ample room to spare.
Dean slams the lid down, then rounds on her. “So, what, Cas finished his training five minutes ago and you're getting outta Dodge? How long are you gonna be gone? What's gonna happen to the store? Wh–”
Whatever other question he'd been about to ask dies on his tongue when she snaps her fingers. (He's honestly not sure whether she did a silencing spell on him or he's just terrified of her.)
“It's tradition, you utter gowk. I've nothing more to teach our Castiel, and the shop practically runs itself, has done for centuries. And, much as I loathe to admit it, you've become quite an exemplary assistant in all the years you've been lollygaggin' around here waiting for your fella to do his lessons. The pair of ya'll do fine. And I'll be back around, in a few months or years or... Well, eventually. Cheerybye, boys!”
And she's gone, in a puff of sweet-smelling exhaust.
Dean and Cas stare at each other for a full minute, slack-jawed and stunned. Finally, Dean gathers himself enough to break the silence.
“Honeybee,” he says hoarsely. “What the fuck.”
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not-krys · 8 months
WIP Wednesday: Perfect Strangers
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I had wanted to do this for Fictober this year, but couldn't finish it in time for Comte's bday.
However, since his bday falls on a Wednesday this year, this month's WIP Wednesday will be that WIP instead of my usual fare of putting my OCs into situations.
Normal warnings apply: Raw, unfinished writing, based on the Perfect Strangers AU event
Check out my masterlist!
"Your eyes are wandering again, Monsieur."
Comte, shaken out of his reverie, turned back to the lady at the table as she sipped her lemonade. The lady that was going to be his fiancée, he thought with a sigh.
"She's on an errand in town." The lady giggled. "If you stay until evening, you're bound to catch a glance of her before you leave."
"Mademoiselle, forgive my rudeness. It seems my attention lingers elsewhere this afternoon."
"As well as every other time you've visited the manor. If I didn't know any better, I would believe you seek the eye of someone else in this household. My lady maid, perhaps?"
Comte paused, caught red-handed, but she seemed to hold only amusement in her gaze.
"You're not exactly subtle about it, sir."
"…Again, I must ask for your forgiveness-"
"No need. She has a tender heart. It catches your attention in a way nothing else does. Trust me, I understand."
"You do?"
"She's been like an older sister to me for as long as I've known her. And she is easy on the eyes."
"Mademoiselle, I didn't mean-"
"Again, you overestimate your ability to be inconspicuous, especially when it comes to her. It's quite charming."
She folded her hands, resting her chin on their bridge.
"Anyway, we are alone right now, so I would like to discuss some things with you, without the prying ears of my parents and to spare the feelings of my dear maid."
"Yes." Comte cleared his throat. "The venue, perhaps? I have a list of locations that would be-"
"I want to call off the marriage."
"I want to call it off."
"Just as your eyes search for a soul that isn't here at present, I'm afraid I'm just as preoccupied. A lovely baker's daughter in town. My parents would never approve."
"So, we are in the same boat?"
"Loving another when we are supposed to be loving each other? Precisely."
Comte looked down, thinking about their predicament.
"It's the reason I called you here, le Comte." said the lady, "I want to give you my blessing to court my maid, but, circumstances being what they are, we are at an impasse."
She pushed her empty glass aside and pushed forward an envelope.
"However, what's in this envelope might be the solution to our problem."
"What's this?"
"Documents pertaining to my dear maid. How she came into my family's service when she was a young girl. The articles are only part of the story, I'm afraid. I was caught before I could complete my investigation and was reprimanded for digging in places I shouldn't have. Which is why I'm handing them over to you. To finish what I couldn't."
Comte opened the envelope, taking out the old papers with care. Some were ledger copies from the house when the lady was in her infancy, inventory mostly, employment papers, and, oddly enough, what seemed to be personal letters to the lady's father addressed from a person with a woman's name. It wasn't the lady's mother's name either. Comte frowned.
"Specifically, that name mentioned in Father's letters comes up a few times. I would like to find out who she is… or was, if my hunch is correct."
"And if your hunch is correct?"
"Then both of us will get what we want, with some arm twisting along the way."
Now it was Comte's turn to look amused.
"You would do anything for her, wouldn't you?"
"And you wouldn't? After searching for her all this time?"
"I would take down all the stars in the sky and place them in her hands if it would make her smile."
"Good answer." The lady stood up. "I wish you luck in the investigation. Pray that you have more luck than I have been having."
She walked towards the door.
"And, I would appreciate it if you would keep this a secret from [Name]. At least until you finish the search."
"I will. And thank you, mademoiselle."
She smiled.
"I want her to be happy, just as you undoubtedly do. Make her happy, Monsieur, as I know where Father keeps his rifles and his keys."
"…You are quite frightening when you want to be, dear."
"Only when I need to be." She blew him a cheeky kiss and stepped out the room to get more lemonade.
Another month had passed before Comte returned to the little mansion on the hill, hearing the excited, bubbly voice of the lady that had once been his fiancée. She was telling someone with a soft voice about how she wasn't engaged anymore. The gasp of horror from his beloved's lips, while it pulled at his heartstrings to hear her heart ache for her mistress and friend, he also couldn't help but feel proud of his accomplishment.
He had turned around a marriage proposal once aimed at his beloved's mistress now it was a promise he wanted to give to his true beloved, the sweet maid he had danced with once upon a time.
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vampiricmycelium · 8 months
double constellations
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Ship: RokuVen Tags: post-KH3, cuddling, stargazing, ambigeous relationship also on ao3
Roxas and Ventus decide to spend a peaceful night stargazing, but as it often is with them, it gets a little chaotic. Written for the Fictober prompt: “Give me that, before anything happens.” & the Roxas & Ventus week prompt: Stars
“Give me that, before anything happens.”
"What do you think is going to happen?"
"You trip and break it." Roxas stopped where he was, turning to glare at Ventus. Ventus narrowed his eyes right back at him.
"That happened one time."
"Fine, but I'm not going to break this. It's Aqua's. I only break your things." Roxas ended that sentence by sticking his tongue out at Ventus. He laughed at the angry look Ventus got, turning a shade of red he was rather familiar with. It was strange to remember that they basically looked alike excluding a few details. He was quite fimiliar with the sight of Ventus blushing, knowing that he probably looked the same way when he blushed. Except, Roxas didn't blush in the same way. When someone walked in on the two of them cuddling on the couch one morning, both of them became flustered messes trying to explain what had happened. Ventus seemed to try and play it off by looking away and just getting redder and redder. Roxas, on the other hand, tried to stubbornly insist he wasn't blushing, stop laughing.
"I've noticed. I am starting to suspect you have some sort of vendetta against me."
"You've only noticed now? I am hurt. I thought I was being plenty obvious." Ventus shoved Roxas gently, but in the sand, he seemed to nearly stumble over. "Now who's at risk of breaking the telescope?"
"Whatever. Come on! Let's get it set up!"
The two of them rush a little bit, placing the telescope stand down into the sand. They are still a couple feet from the edges of the water, trying to remember how far in it might go. Aqua would probably forgive them both if something happened to her telescope, but they still didn't want to test that. They manage to get it set up without too much fuss. Then the next challenge appeared.
"I should use it first."
"I carried it here!" Roxas had a point. He was the one who had carried it most of the way to the boat and then off of it. Ventus nodded, moving to the side to let him take the first look. Only to shove him over when he bent down. Roxas let out a startled noise, kicking out with his feet to knock Ventus over with him. The two of them laid there on the beach, starting to laugh at the ridiculous of what they were doing. They really had nothing against the other, the opposite in fact, but it was fun sometimes to act like they were rivals, competing for the position as the supreme blonde. It was probably for the best they couldn't really interact when they were in Sora's heart.
They finally settled down, taking turns gazing at the stars. It was a beautiful night and the stars seemed clearer than they ever had been. Roxas pulled away from the telescope after a while and moved to sit besides Ventus.
"What kind of constellations did you have?"
"I don't really remember the names of them. It's odd. I was asleep for so long you think I'd remember what life was like before then. Not like I really lived through all the years inbetween. But things seem to be sort of fuzzy when I reflect back on it. I feel like..." Ventus got quiet, but Roxas bumped into him, leaning his head on Ventus's shoulder bringing him back to the present. "That one there. I think it was called the Nauticlus. See, it kind of looks like a ship."
"I don't really see it. That one is part of a made-up constellation me and my friends had. It's called the Starfish."
"Oh I can see that! And that one there is the Giant's Belt."
"Ha. Yeah I can see that one. Looks kind of silly."
"It is a bit silly."
They fell into a comfort conversation, leaning against one another on the beach. If the others could see them, they'd tease the two of them. Terra and Lea had been merciless about saying that if they started dating it's "because you're so vain you'd only date your reflection." But in moments like these, that felt farther from the truth. Roxas and Ventus tended to be around each other because, maybe excluding Sora, they felt the most at ease with one another. There was an undeniable connection between them. It never felt difficult to just be around the other, making jokes and bickering and just being together. Not that either of them ever really thought they'd take steps beyond this. Roxas and Ventus just wanted to be able to be close to one another. Whatever that meant, whatever feelings they had for one another, it didn't matter.
"I think that one is shaped like a heart. It's a sign we should make out on the beach."
"You're ridiculous."
They both laughed again, not wanting to get up and leave. In fact, by the morning, the telescope was knocked over and covered in sand and the two of them were cuddled up. Having to explain to a confused Riku what had happened last night. At least he didn't tease them.
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