#i used to act quite a bit when i was younger and on stage performing was the only time i felt at peace
hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Angela Lansbury (The Harvey Girls, The Court Jester, The Manchurian Candidate)—The babe, the myth, the legend. In her own words her early hollywood roles were "a series of venal bitches" and they were all glorious. Half of them wanted to kill you and you probably would have thanked them. She even goes toe to toe with Judy Garland in The Harvey Girls! That said, she was chronically underused and misused during this era - she was just 36 when she was cast as Elvis Presley's mother in Blue Hawaii and a few years later commented that she'd played so many 'old hags' that most people thought she was in her 60s. She thought she was "all talent, no looks" but she was the full package! Post-1970 I hope we all know what an incredibly talented and compassionate badass she was, but I feel like not enough people know her early roles as a hot (often villainous) young thing.
Angie Dickinson (Rio Bravo, Point Blank, Ocean's Eleven)—Though it could be argued that overall her career leans more to TV, during this time period she was splitting movie title credits with the very top names in the business.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Propaganda for Angie Dickinson:
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Propaganda for Angela Lansbury:
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"Angela Lansbury might not be where your mind goes first when you think of hot leading women, because she had a later career revival. But she began acting in the early 1940s after leaving London due to the Blitz. In the first couple decades of her film career she has an openness about her. She said she never really fit in with the Hollywood crowd and to me she gives off a friendly, untarnished vibe."
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"Most of us know Angela Lansbury as old lady sleuth Jessica Fletcher, but it's important to know that she was smoking hot in her younger days as well as a damned fine actress. Although she didn't get lead roles until her early 40s, at 17 she was a supporting actress in films such as Gaslight (1944), National Velvet (1944), and The Picture of Dorian Grey, for which she won the Golden Globe for best supporting actress and was nominated for the Oscar. Even in her memorable performance as the manipulative mother in The Manchurian Candidate, she is listed as a supporting actress as she does not play the love interest. She was successful both on stage and screen, and won the Tony for her lead role in the musical Mame on Broadway in 1966. TL;DR While Angela Lansbury mostly played supporting roles in films before 1970, she had what it takes to be a leading actress, which we know from her success on stage and tv from the mid 60s onward"
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"She looked like a princess but bit like a viper"
"Is there anything this woman couldn't do? Act in comedy and drama, sing, dance, be a wonderful human being - quite simply a true and wonderful lady."
"god she had such an incredible career all throughout her life really but as a young lady she was just as incredible as she was in her later years. enchanting voice, amazing personality, and absolutely GORGEOUS. she lamented not having the looks to play leads in romance but that idea is so batshit because look at her??? she's one of the most terrific women of all time. also she's my grandmother's favorite actress and i truly get it"
"she is the fairytale princess of my dreams in court jester"
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soft-girl-musings · 4 months
Comedy of Errors (MK Spring Bingo #3)
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Steven Grant x GN!Reader
cross-posted to ao3
tags: theater kid slander (affectionate), amateur references to Shakespeare, steven and reader teach high school, no use of y/n
wc: 1,341
fic summary: The course of true love never did run smooth. And neither does the play you watch unfold.
A/N: as a recovering theater kid, this was a fun one. enjoy!
It's poor etiquette to laugh. Right?
How you ended up sitting in a high school theater on a Sunday afternoon, you have no idea. Well, that's not true: you never can say no to your favorite students. When they begged you to come to their closing matinee, you had no choice but to cough up the ticket money (with no faculty discount, to add insult to inconvenience).
So here you are, seated in the darkened auditorium, watching what could only be described as chaos unfold on your school's professional-grade thrust stage.
In the lobby you'd heard whispers of how last night's cast party had gotten a bit too rowdy, rendering a few upperclassmen unable to attend their final performance. It didn’t matter what circle you ran in at their age: you’d learned years ago that a “mysterious illness” following any high school party probably isn’t the flu.
Thankfully there were enough students to fill in the missing principal roles, but with only the morning to prepare, it’s a wonder they've gotten through each scene. Draped in ill-fitting costumes with scripts in hand, the students have tried their best to piece together one last staging of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. All you know about this play is that it’s a comedy, but you don’t think you’re supposed to laugh at every blunder and mishap.
(It’s very hard not to.)
Across the house you see Mr. Grant, one of the younger teachers on campus, whose face mirrors how you feel. He’s probably trying for a look of statuesque stoicism, but all he's managed to pull off is mild bewilderment.
You haven’t spoken to your coworker much– mainly because there’s rarely a moment where he’s without another colleague talking his ear off or hanging on every word of his (admittedly delicious) accent. He’s a newer hire, having come from London to teach a few history courses but was moved to the literature department the moment your principal saw the top of his resume. The modern education system, ladies and gentlemen.
The man is dressed to impress: black turtleneck under a sharp tweed ensemble, his usually wild curls tamed a bit as they grace his forehead, he certainly looks the part of a private school instructor. But there’s no denying the entirely unserious look on his face: he is one blunder away from losing his cool.
You don’t realize how long you’ve been staring until his bright brown eyes connect with yours. In an instant you understand why so many students doodle his name in the margins of their notebooks: his exasperated stare has you instantly weak.
–which is poor timing, given the scene unfolding onstage between you. An unrehearsed kiss goes wrong, and the two of you slap your hands over your mouths to subdue your laughter.
The rest of Act I goes the same way. You try to follow along, but every so often your eyes drift to Mr. Grant white-knuckling his way through the rough performance. When your eyes connect again (and again, and again) you both struggle to contain your laughter. Knowing that tears are likely stinging your colleague's eyes the same as yours makes you feel like less of an ass.
The curtain closes for intermission and you rest your head in your hands. How is this only half over?
“Bit of a rough watch, yeah?”
Your head snaps up– those brilliant brown eyes widen at your expression, now only one row of seats between the two of you.
“Mr. Grant–”
“Steven,” he says quickly, offering his hand. You take it and smile.
“Steven,” you begin again, giving your name in return. “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t some of these kids–”
“–in my Shakespearean Studies course? Quite a few, really.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “But we’ve focused more on the historical tragedies. Don’t think a textbook can teach comedic timing.”
“Oh, I've laughed plenty.” You fidget with your program and look back to the stage. “At least they’re trying their best, I’m sure part of you is proud.”
Steven’s smile grows as he shakes his head. “I’ll be honest, it’s nice to know they’ve looked at the material for once.” He leans in. “Last week I asked them where the phrase ‘double, double, toil and trouble’ came from, and someone said Harry Potter.”
You laugh out loud for the first time all evening. It feels nice to not hide it. You miss how Steven takes in the sight of you, as well as his loss for words when you calm down.
“I have a confession to make,” you say hoarsely, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye. “I have no idea what’s supposed to be happening. I’m lost as hell.”
“Maybe I could–” he trips over his words and his feet as he clambers around the seats to sit next to you. “Maybe I could help you out. Bit of an expert, myself. What they pay me for, and all–”
“Sure,” you stop him with a smile. “I’d like that.”
He breathes a sigh of relief and settles in. Pulling out a pair of reading glasses, he opens his program.
“Right. So, A Midsummer Night’s Dream…”
The rest of your intermission is spent receiving a crash-course in William Shakespeare. You’re amazed at how he spouts the most minute details about recurring symbolism, character motivations, and even the historical context of the play up until the lights dim and the show resumes. You squeeze his forearm to silently suggest taking a break, and he chokes down whatever factoid was about to tumble out next.
Maybe it’s because the students have found their footing. Maybe your mini-lecture has filled in the gaps so you can better follow along. Or maybe it’s the sight of Mr. Grant– Steven– sitting beside you, rapt attention on the stage as his readers slide down his nose each time he laughs and leans in to explain the joke, drawing closer and wafting his subtle cologne your way between still-too-loud whispers. Whatever the reason, you’re enjoying the second half of this show much more than the first.
The play draws to a close with a happy ending. One of the fae characters comes downstage to address the audience as the rest of the cast departs.
“If we shadows have offended,
Think but this and all is mended:
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear…”
“Star pupil, that one,” Steven whispers once more. “Deserves every bit of the spotlight.”
You squeeze his arm again, this time not moving your hand or looking his way. You both take in the last words of the performance in dazed silence.
“...Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.”
With that, the fairy bows and the stage fades to black.
The audience erupts into applause as the cast returns onstage. You and Steven cheer and swap last-minute quips about the performance as the standing ovation thunders around you.
You exit the auditorium together and are immediately swarmed by a handful of students– some yours, some his– who eagerly await your feedback. You each congratulate the cast, getting them to sign your programs to commemorate the day.
Finally you’re able to break away and step into the brisk evening air.
“Well that was… something,” you laugh.
Steven grins as he fastens his coat. “‘Least they’ll be tuckered out in first period, yeah? Might get a bit of peace tomorrow morning.” He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to you. “Sorry, don’t want you to leave that behind. Could be worth something someday.”
You take your folded program back from him. “Oh, I'm sure.”
With an awkward wave, Steven steps back. “Right. Well, see you around.”
“See you, Steven.”
You turn to head toward your car. As you walk, you unfold your program to see a new signature on the back page, followed by a phone number.
Let me know if you need any more Shakespeare translated. I’m fond of the love poems, myself ;)
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A/N: mk bingo has been a blast, i'm grateful for the chance to put these guys in Situations. that's one for each of em now. we'll see who gets attention next...
also, some inspiration was taken from this post (rip)
as always, ty for reading <3
event tags: @moonknight-events @spacecowboyhotch @juneknight
addtl tags: @mrs-lockley @lunar-ghoulie @shadystarlightgentlemen @casa-boiardi @nerdieforpedro @queerponcho (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
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wyvernquill · 9 months
Finally some more Dreamling Anastasia AU!
(Obligatory link to the masterpost with all the other posts in this AU - it's also pinned at the top of my blog!)
So, it's been... a while... but I've recently finally got some motivation to write a bit more of this. Apologies to everyone really looking forward to the finale/resolution - I've decided to go all the way back to the start of the story, instead. I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless!
(Tag list: @10moonymhrivertam @martybaker @globglobglobglobob @anonymoustitans @sunshines-fabulous-legs @dreamsofapiratelife @malice-kingdom - since it's been a, uh, really long time, please let me know if you're no longer interested in this AU/fandom and don't want to be tagged anymore, I won't mind! On the other hand, if someone else would like to be tagged in future updates, please let me know!)
“Sister… it’s me.”
The man on the dilapidated theatre’s stage shrugs a heavy, moth-eaten velvet coat off his narrow shoulders. It crumples into a dark semi-circle around him, releasing a dramatic cloud of dust.
“Dream… of the Endless~”
“Ah. Hm.” A somewhat fussy older gentleman in the empty space usually reserved for the audience adjusts the small circular glasses on his nose, grimacing in a polite and distinctly English way - which he has, once, after first coming to this realm and taking this form, spent hours practising in the mirror - while checking a long list in front of him. “Mr… Carter, was it…?”
“Oh, please.” The man on stage flicks back his white-streaked bangs. “Call me Hal.”
“Yes. Of course, Mr. Hal.” The gentleman purses his lips. “That was… not, er. Not terrible, I suppose. And we’re pleased to note that you appear to have… brought your own cloak.”
“Don’t get used to it. Zelda and Chantal only let me borrow it for the audition.”
“Well, it is a lovely cloak. Only, ah, while Dream of the Endless was known to have quite striking eyes, I do think that, perhaps a little less eyeliner…”
“I could tone it down, I suppose, but I really think the performance would lose something without the makeup.” Hal sighs melodramatically. “I can sing and dance too, if you need it for your… what is this audition for, actually? Play? Music hall show? Ooo, one of those moving pictures?”
“Er.” The gentleman fidgets with his cane, grass-green eyes flickering around the empty theatre. “Well-”
“Thank you, Hal.” The younger man beside him interrupts with a winning smile that only barely covers the boredom and frustration lining a rather ruggedly handsome face. “We’ll let you know.”
“Hm.” Hal, clearly enough of an old hand in the acting business to know a polite “you’re not getting the role, piss off” when he hears one, frowns, and bends down to gather up the borrowed cloak, stalking off towards stage exit right with his head held high, not deigning either of the two men with even one more look.
“...I really do not think this will work, young Robert.” The older man mutters, decisively striking through Hal Carter’s name on his list. It is the last. “None of them look even remotely like him. And the voice-”
“I know, Gil. I know.” The younger man, Hob - only Gilbert is proper and precise enough to call him Robert - rubs at his temples, as if to stave off a headache. “They never manage to get the voice right, do they.”
“Ah, if it were only that…” Gilbert sighs, setting the list down. His eyes are soft and unfocused, seeing far into a past that has long since been razed to the ground. “His Lordship, he… he had a certain air about him, you understand. An otherworldly strangeness. He was the dream-maker, and dream-made, and to look at him was to gaze upon infinity.”
A soft scoff.
“Even if we claim that he has been greatly reduced by being turned into a meagre human - no offence, dear friend - as long as he does not have some spark of endlessness about him, nobody who has ever met him would fall for the ruse. And we are attempting to con his family. I simply cannot see any viable path to success.”
Hob does not respond, for a moment, picking up one of the flyers on their table.
It reads:
SEEKING Actor, slender, pale, tall, dark-haired, in the 20-40 age range to play the role of Dream of the Endless (method actors preferred). Generous pay and further benefits await. Auditions each weekday at 6pm at the Old Whickber Street Theatre, Soho. Ask for Hob and Gil.
“We’ll find him.” Hob insists. “The perfect pretender. He’s out there, I just know it.”
“We are not the first fools who have attempted a, a caper of this sort.” Gil points out, almost gently. “None of the others ever succeeded.”
“Yes. Well. None of the others managed to find and correctly identify the late Dream’s own pouch of genuine dream-sand on sale at the black market.” Hob shoots back, gesturing at the cord just barely peeking out from under Gil’s collar. (They’ve decided it would be safer if Hob comes into contact with the sand as little as possible, and Gilbert has taken to carrying it as closely to his heart as he can manage.) “It’s hard evidence, Gil, it’s a sign, it’s our chance - and it might just be enough. The trick with a good con is really making it look like you’re giving the mark exactly what they desperately want… and there’s nothing in the world Death of the Endless wants more than to have her brother back.”
(She wants it so desperately, in fact, that she’s offering immortality to any sentient being who manages to procure Dream for her.
And, well.
There’s nothing in the world Hob wants more than to live forever…)
“Your word in- or, well, kept out of Destiny’s ears, young friend.” Gil sighs, collecting his lists and notes and the remaining flyers, tucking them into his coat and reaching for his cane. “In the meantime, how about we go down to the public house and have a bit of a snifter to wash away the memories of all those atrocious performances, eh, my lad?”
“Best idea you had all day, Gil.” Hob grins, clapping a hand on Gilbert’s shoulder. “Are you buying?”
Gilbert raises one grey brow. “At the risk of provoking a joke regarding my non-human status: in your dreams, Robert.”
Hob laughs; and, together, they step out into the winter night, old snow crunching under their shoes and new flakes beginning to drift, gradually, down from the sky.
It has been a decade since the end of the Endless’ reign.
Ten years since humanity tore Destiny’s book from his hands and burned it.
Ten years since Destruction abandoned his siblings, hiding away in his own, separate exile. 
Ten years since Despair’s first aspect was killed, and another took her place.
Ten years since Delight went mad with grief and became Delirium…
And ten years since Dream of the Endless was captured, bound, turned human, and killed.
People still whisper about it. Still speculate, trade gossip and hearsay back and forth. Some insist that the Dream King yet lives, hidden away, turned human, just biding his time, waiting for an opportunity to return to his siblings.
It’s a lovely legend, Hob supposes. A fitting end and non-end, for the Lord of Stories, to live on in one… but that’s all it is. A pretty tale, which will breathe new life into a myth only for as long as it’s being told. It isn’t true…
…but now, ten years later, Hob and Gil will damn well make it so.
Ten years is also, coincidentally, all that a man a few streets down from the old theatre can remember of his life.
Ten years since he was found, naked and emaciated and bleeding, in a ditch next to some countryside road in East Sussex.
Ten years of fighting his way through a life in poverty, with no family, no friends, no-one to care for him, except perhaps the birds.
Ten years of strange and haunting dreams, blurred faces calling out to him with names he can never remember later but knows are his; ten years of waking every morning with tears on his face and a longing for someplace - and someones - he wishes he could remember; ten years of a woman’s voice begging him night after night to come home to her, to them.
Ten years of being much too busy starving and freezing and barely surviving to spare even a single thought to the dying legends of the Endless.
This man turns his face up to the sky, snowflakes catching in his dark hair and on his coat like stars glinting in the night; and he shivers, his breath clouding mist-white in the air, curling thin arms around a narrow torso.
(For a moment, just a moment, his eyes glow dark and infinite, a mirror to the night sky and the endless universe beyond.)
And then, he ducks his head down into his scarf, shivers again, and continues on through the snow.
Ten hard years have taught this man better than to waste his time standing about and daydreaming.
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'On a recent winter day in New York when the sun was shining, Andrew Scott rushed into a coffee shop between recording sessions for an upcoming series.
“I’m scheduled tighter than a teenage pop star,” he said, beaming.
The interview had been postponed once, and the location was switched at the last minute to save Scott some time in traffic. But he sat down fully engaged and eager to start talking. Immediately, though, a passerby tapped on the storefront glass and asked for a photo. Scott, without a grumble, sprinted out to oblige, even though the gesture seemed more like a command (“You’re under arrest,” joked Scott) than a polite request.
Scott, the 47-year-old Irish actor, is in demand like never before. That’s partly due to accrued good will. A regular presence on stage in the West End, Scott is known to many as the “Hot Priest” of “Fleabag” or the cunning Moriarty of “Sherlock.” Soon, he’ll play Tom Ripley in the Netflix series “Ripley,” adapted from the Patricia Highsmith novel.
But the real reason Scott’s time is short right now is Andrew Haigh’s new film, “All of Us Strangers.” In it, Scott plays a screenwriter working on a script about his childhood. The film is gently poised in a metaphysical realm; when Adam (Scott) returns to his childhood home, he finds his parents (Claire Foy, Jamie Bell) as they were before they died many years earlier.
At the same time, the movie, loosely adapted from Taichi Yamada’s 1987 book “Strangers,” balances a budding romance with a neighbor ( Paul Mescal ), a relationship that unfolds with profound reverberations of family, intimacy and queer life. In a dreamy, longing ghost story, Scott is its aching, shimmering soul.
“The challenge of it was to try to go to that place but not gild the lily too much,” Scott says. “As an actor, I have to be in touch with that playful side of myself and that part of you that’s childish. I was actually quite struck by how vulnerable I looked in the film.”
Scott’s acutely tender performance has made him a contender for the Academy Awards. He was named best actor by the National Society of Film Critics. At the Golden Globes on Sunday (Scott wore a white tux and t-shirt), he was nominated for best actor in a drama.
Scott has long admired actors like Anthony Hopkins, Judi Dench and Meryl Streep — performers with a sense of humor who, he says, “are able to understand what you feel and what you present.” Scott, too, is often funny on screen (see Lena Dunham’s medieval romp “Catherine Called Birdy” ). And even in quiet moments, he seems to be buzzing inside at some discreet frequency. Something is always going on under the surface.
He’s been acting since he was young; drama classes were initially a way to get over shyness. Scott’s first film role came at age 17. He has often spoken about seeking to maintain a childlike perspective in acting. In that way, “All of Us Strangers” is particularly fitting. On Adam’s trips home, he sort of morphs back into the child he was. In one scene, he wears his old pajamas and crawls into bed with his parents.
“So many of the things that are required of you as an actor are a sense of humor and some ability to be able to put yourself in a situation. Because it’s all down to imagination,” says Scott. “For me, that’s the thing you need to keep. That’s the thing — because I started out when I was young — I don’t want to move too far away from. Like when kids go, ‘OK, you be this and I’ll be this.’ That ability doesn’t leave us. What does leave us is a lack of self-consciousness. Our job is to hold on to that.”
Haigh, the British filmmaker of “45 Years” and “Weekend,” began thinking of Scott for the role early on. They met and talked through the script for a few hours.
“He’s a similar generation to me. He’s a tiny bit younger than me, but he’s from the same generation,” says Haigh. “He understands that experience.”
Scott came out publicly in 2013, but his natural inclination is to be private. “I feel like I’ve given so much of myself in the film, you think you don’t want to give it all away,” he says. He describes “All of Us Strangers” — which Haigh shot partly in his childhood home — as personal, but not autobiographical in its depiction of the alienation that can linger after coming out.
“Mercifully, I feel very comfortable for the most part. But it stays with you that pain, and it actually makes you more compassionate, I think. Because we shot in Andrew’s childhood home, that sort of threw down the gauntlet in relation to how much of his own personality he was giving,” says Scott. “I wanted it to be sort of unadorned, unarmored and raw. That’s why I think there’s such tenderness in the film.”
Scott has sometimes recoiled from how sexuality is talked about the media and in Hollywood. He recently said the phrase “openly gay” should be done away with. As of late December, Scott hadn’t yet watched “All of Us Strangers” with his parents, though he planned to.
“The best way to express it is to say I’ll be very sensitive to how they watch it and how they feel about it, and how it makes me feel them watching it,” Scott says.
The tenderness in the film is also owed in part to Scott’s chemistry with Mescal. On-screen chemistry is an amorphous quality that the film industry has long tried to turn into a science with camera tests and marketing that flirts with real-life romance.
But for Scott, it’s something different. He and Phoebe Waller-Bridge had chemistry, overwhelmingly, in “Fleabag,” but that didn’t have anything to do with sexual attraction. Pinpointing that quality is something Scott pondered during Simon Stephens and Sam Yates’ recent staging of Chekhov’s “Uncle Vanya” at the National Theater. Scott played all eight roles, meaning he essentially had to have chemistry with himself.
“Chemistry isn’t just about sexual chemistry. It’s something to do with listening, and I think it’s something to do with playfulness,” Scott says. “Your ability to listen to someone and take note of what someone is doing is chemistry. You have to wait and see what the other actor is doing.”
A few moments later, Scott will have to rush out just as quickly as he arrived. But before that, he leaned back, naturally lit by the winter sun, and pondered whether “All of Us Strangers,” in the nakedness of his performance, had taken him somewhere he hadn’t before been as an actor.
“Yeah, I think so,” said Scott. “Or else to return to something that perhaps I’ve been before.”'
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Hello! Magazine (2002)
"Currently Embarked on the New Star Trek Series "Enterprise," British Actor Dominic Keating Shows Us Around His and His Girlfriend's Hollywood Dream Home."  When British actor Dominic Keating made the decision to look to Hollywood for his lucky break, he didn't reckon that it would take him eight years to make it.  But since the Leicester-born actor signed up for duty aboard Enterprise -- the fifth spin-off series from TV's Star Trek -- the years of auditioning and struggling for parts have finally paid off. In spades.  The hi-tech sci-fi show has been a huge hit around the world -- its first series [season] has just completed in highly rated run on Sky One. The feistier and more humorous tone, plus the sexier characters and all-action storylines have made it the most accessible addition to TV's longest running and most successful franchise. And it's also given Dominic a cracking role to play. As Lt. Malcolm Reed, the a's [that's what it says, what does "a's" mean?] tight-lipped security chief with a penchant for coming out with all phasers blazing, he's becoming something of an action man sex symbol. Success brings rewards and for Dominic that includes a brand new million-dollar home in the Hollywood Hills, a stone's throw from the famous sign.
The house is a symbol of his achievement following a rocky ride to the top.  Before landing the role on board the Enterprise, Dominic was seriously thinking about giving up acting altogether. "A couple of times I was on the verge of throwing the towel in and leaving for good," he admits as he relaxes at home.  Figuring that he wasn't getting anywhere, "certainly wasn't getting any younger", he thought about becoming a restaurant owner and moving to Austin, Texas. Ironically, it was his failure to land a guest shot on Voyager that fuelled his decision to quit. Having auditioned really well for the part, Dominic waited for the call that never came.  Until 18 months ago. "It turned out Rick Berman, the show's producer, had been saving me for a role in his next series, Enterprise," he recalls.  
Dominic was asked to audition for the role of Malcolm Reed and was cast ahead of the rest of the ensemble, including the show's top star, Scott Bakula (who plays Capt. Jonathan Archer). "Rick asked me, 'Are you free for the next seven years?' and that was it! My new life started at that precise moment," he says with a laugh. But before that moment came, public school-educated Dominic had to ride of the ups and downs of life as a struggling actor. Having graduated from University College, London, with a degree in history, he decided to pursue his artistic ambitions as an actor. Doing a drag act with a mate brought him his Equity card and then various stage performances won him a recurring role on the long-running Channel 4 comedy series Desmond's. When the show ended in 1994, Dominic decided to head for Hollywood. Eight years of hard work and bit parts followed until Enterprise came along. The graft at least made Dominic thankful for what he as now. As he says: "Success has come while I am young enough to enjoy it and old enough to really appreciate it and be grateful for it."
And success has given him a beautiful home and enough stability to make plans for the future with his girlfriend, Canadian actress Jilana Stewart.  Dominic describes her as "not just my girlfriend but my very best friend."  The couple met 18 months ago in Puerto Banus, Spain, where they were both on location for a Zalman King movie for US TV channel Showtime. "We got to spend some time together in Spain, had a couple of dinners and got along very well. So when shooting finished we exchanged numbers. Back in LA, I called her and we went on a couple of hikes together and I finally decided that I already had too many *friends*. I told her I liked her and the rest, as they say, is history.  
They "model very well together" as he puts it, well enough for Dominic to be pretty sure that, "when we both feel the time is right, we will make the commitment and tie the knot." He hopes this will happen "no later than a year from now."  After marriage, the next step is to have a much-long-for family.  Dominic's  only remaining family is his mother; he is an only child and his father died a few days before his 14th birthday. And that's something he aims to change soon. "Having a family is something that I did not even dare to consider before. I decided long ago to be an actor and was willing to pay the price in terms of living a life of uncertainty. The best aspect of all this is that now I am not only contemplating it, but determined to make it a reality. I now can afford to have a child and provide for that child handsomely! It's a wonderful feeling."
Significantly, Dominic's new home has a feel of permanency about it. "We only moved in on Oscar day," he says. "We've just finished some details but there are still some more to go. But mostly, this is it. We are quite comfortable here and we are sure we'll remain here for at least the next 6 to 7 years."  The house is in a prime location, minutes from the heart of Hollywood yet secluded enough to be isolated from the city's noise. With its exuberantly green garden, views of the surrounding canyon and interior of white walls and wooden floors, it's no surprise to discover that Dominic fell in love with the place on sight.  "I was going to see eight different houses and this one was the first.  From the moment I walked in I felt very comfortable with the spaciousness and the light, but when I went to the bedroom and saw the garden, the pool and the view of the canyon across the yard door, that was it. I decided to buy it then and there."
With his home and professional life secure, Dominic's hopes for the future seem set. "Personally, I am ready to settle down and eager to start a family -- although I am still saying it out loud to get used to it!  Professionally, I don't know. In some ways it is more frightening now than it was when I was working towards achieving it. In many others it is so full of wonderful possibilities, for which I am, and will always be, grateful to God.  "Enterprise has changed my life in ways I could never have dreamed of. If that's the only thing I do for the rest of my acting career, so be it. I won't have any regrets."  But ideally, he'd like to see out his contract on Enterprise and do some interesting movies or theatre during his breaks from the show. "And I think I'd be ready if Mr. Spielberg decided to ring me up with some offer," he jokes. "I don't think I'd turn him down." In the meantime, Dominic's taking lessons at the LA Film School with a view to hitting Berman for some directing assignments. Which would allow this talented Brit to boldly go into other fields.
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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phobylee · 1 year
So, I started writing a fic for that vampire AU I brought up! Posting the first chapter here because I'm actually pretty proud of it!
For context, it takes place sometime during the early 1900s. Caleb and Philip are both vampire hunters in this AU who lost their parents (presumably) to them when they were young. They're in more or less a... vampire hunting group, and right now they're on their own. But, as they say-- what you look for, you shall find!
I'll say this first. Caleb and Evelyn won't get together immediately. They're gonna have disputes-- especially given the things to come. So their relationship will take a while. Anyway, enjoy!
Feathers and Blood: Chapter 1
The night was ripe when the brothers arrived at Gravesfield's most bustling nightclub, The Devil's Eye. A fitting name for it, Caleb reasoned. After all, the town was shrouded with mystery and unease. It was the perfect place for a Devil to lurk.. and apparently it boasted splendid entertainment to boot. 
"You've been staring at the door for a solid twenty seconds, Caleb," Philip muttered, nudging his older brother gently on the shoulder. The blonde man startled, springing up like crabgrass. 
"Just go in for Pete's sake. We have to be back by a certain time and this was 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 idea." Philip folded his arms. Finally, with a breathy sigh, Caleb relented and slid through the doors. 
After a bit of a commotion, the pair went to get seated. The stage was set and performers were already singing and dancing away. A young pianist with jet black, slicked hair and tan-brown skin hammered at the keys skillfully, and not far off was another young man with a saxophone. Caleb watched them with interest, tapping his cheek and bobbing his head to the rhythm. 
"You've got to admit, they're pretty damn good," he began, smiling up at his brother who was far too interested in noting any suspicious patrons. After all, they did have a mission. 
The Devil's Eye was rumored to host.. supernatural customers. The name gave that away. And what better way to find them and ultimately take them down than to be seated in one of their (presumably) favorite hotspots? It was also an excuse to actually have a bit of fun.. which Philip did not seem to be doing. 
"Everyone here seems relatively normal so far," the younger of the brothers finally said. "But we mustn't let our guard down yet.. Caleb." 
Caleb gave a little grunt, arching a brow at him. "What?" 
"You're distracted. This is exactly what I'm talking about." 
"I'm not distracted. I'm paying perfect attention to my surroundings actually, just as you are." 
Philip, though unimpressed, shook his head and dismissed it. It was better not to argue too much with Caleb. After all, for someone so utterly dense at times, he was a damn good vampire-hunting partner. 
The night was mostly uneventful. The acts were pleasant– some of which were even impressive. The lights, the sounds, the smells.. typical of any other club, though something about the last act… Caleb found himself unable to look away as soon as it was announced. 
They called her the "Night Dove," and to say she was beautiful was a complete understatement. She had shoulder length auburn hair, piercing red lips in the shape of a heart, and bouncy curls that hid her ears. Her skin was cream-colored and dotted with a constellation of freckles, and a beauty mark sat proudly on her cheek. She had eyes that were the most vibrant, lively green he'd ever seen… and with her short-cropped dress (he wasn't quite used to seeing anything above the ankles.. nevertheless KNEES) he was just about damn mesmerized. 
Okay, maybe a little too mesmerized. Philip immediately took notice, waving his hand in front of his dazed older brother's face. 
"Caleb! Caleb, snap out of it!" 
The older man blinked owlishly, taking a sharp breath. "What happened?" 
"You aren't thinking with your 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥, that's what.. Staring at that woman like that." Philip scowled, pinching his brow bone. 
Caleb guffawed and swallowed thickly, looking away in embarrassment. His eyes settled back on the stage to see that this "Night Dove" was now singing. She had a microphone clenched in her palm, running her yellow-tipped nails through her hair as she swayed her hips and moved to the rhythm of the piano. 
It was majestic. It was heavenly. It was hypnotic. Caleb watched closely and he could have sworn she winked at him, catching little glances at him here and there as though she was trying to lure him over. Maybe she was doing the same to other guys in the audience..
Or maybe he was special. And maybe she made his ears tingle with sparks of warmth. And maybe he was losing himself in that daze again…
When her number was over, she took a bow and blew a kiss, giving the pianist a small peck on the cheek before disappearing backstage. 
"Lovely performance," Philip mumbled, writing something down in his book. "And now that it's over.. I need to use the restroom. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone, alright?" 
"Of course not," Cal gave his little brother a smile that was all cheeks, and deciding that was good enough, Philip walked off as quick as a hare. 
When he was finally out of sight, Caleb moved. He maneuvered his way through the crowd and various men and women he'd never seen before (even after living in Gravesfield almost his whole life) and eventually neared the stage, only to be caught abruptly by a hand on his shoulder. 
His eyes grew wide and he prepared to defend himself only to be spun around faster than he could have ever expected. And when a pair of familiar eyes glared back at him, he wasn't sure he 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 defend himself. 
It was the Night Dove. She held his shoulders firmly, grinning a cunning smile that glistened brightly like the stars. He could practically see his whole damn reflection in those eyes…
"Going somewhere, handsome?" The woman tsked, pressing a finger into his firm chest. "Don't recall I've seen you out here this late at night.." 
Caleb merely swallowed, pulling free from her grip. "Apologies, madam," he said coolly, trying to sound collected and proper, "But isn't it impolite to grab a fellow before you've properly introduced yourself?" 
The woman considered it, gazing up at him with a hint of curiosity before her lips finally parted, forming a little 𝘰.
"My name is Evelyn," she told him, sliding her hands down to instead relax on her waist. "Eve for short. This place is my kingdom– so don't try sneaking backstage again without my permission, tough guy. If you wanted to see it so badly, I could show you myself." 
"My name is Caleb. And actually," Caleb stammered, clearing his throat abruptly. "Actually, I was looking for 𝘺𝘰𝘶. I want to ask you a few questions, seeing as you were glancing at me during your entire performance.." there was a hint of accusation in his tone laced with genuine intrigue.
It was no secret that Caleb was a bit popular with the ladies.. and men.. and pretty much anybody. He wasn't quite as witty as his brother, but he was still charming and knew just how to capture their attention. He wasn't inexperienced by any means in that regard, though love itself was not particularly his forte. He couldn't quite say he loved any of those people as deeply as one might if they were in a couple..
So why was it that this "Evelyn" had equally captured his fascination? And why did his heart feel fuzzier the longer he watched her lips part as she searched for an answer. 
Oh.. 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘥, he needed a seat. 
"I don't know," the woman tittered, tapping her cheek. "I think it'd be a little awkward if we chatted out here. I could take you into the green room– I'm usually the only one in there anyway. There's even a nice, comfortable sofa.. You look exhausted."
He was exhausted. Caleb's shoulders slumped and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment, trying to hide it by turning his head. 
"Alright, fine. Lead the way, Evelyn."
And so she did just that. She grabbed his hand with a level of excitement that was almost childish, all but dragging him backstage towards the dimly lit green room. It invited the pair with a well furnished interior and beautiful portraits of various performers, a mirror in the corner and a cute little velvet ottoman that Caleb hardly felt bad trying out first. It was tattered and creaked with his weight, but he didn't seem to mind.
"You know," Evelyn began, grabbing a stack of magazines off the tall, chestnut dresser that centered the room. She flipped through them briefly and smiled before tucking them away next to all her favorite makeup. "That there is a footrest. There's all the coziest sofas in the world right there and you pick that old thing?"
"If it'll bear my weight, I sit," Caleb smiled, tilting his head at her. She was too busy lighting candles to notice, setting one on the dresser and another on a coffee table nearest to the largest sofa where she took her seat.
"Thought you'd like some lavender," Eve said softly, stretching her arms. "It eases the nerves. Now.. go on with those questions, Blondie." 
The nickname, though not uncommon given he was blonde, managed to catch him off guard. He swore beneath his breath and shook his head.
"My brother and I came here on the account of.. strange things happening. You could say we're detectives.." 
"Ooh, a detective," Eve giggled, raising both her brows at him. She slung her arms over the back of the couch. "If I were a criminal.. well, I'd tell you everything you need to know." 
"You're very funny," Caleb stated, scratching the side of his neck. "But this is a serious matter. I take it that you're a very honest woman, Evelyn. If you saw anything out of the ordinary, you'd tell me, correct?"
"Define 'out of the ordinary,'" Evelyn arched one of her brows, scratching the back of the sofa lightly. 
"Strange sightings," 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩. "Missing people, murders.. that sort of thing. And you see lots of people here, madam. You're quite observant.."
That caught Evelyn's attention. She gave him a thin lipped smile and leaned closer.
"Have I seen anything strange here? No. It's a surprise to have two mysterious detectives appear out of nowhere, though.. Hah. I'll let you know."
"Good," Caleb sighed a breath of relief. He trusted her enough in the moment. She seemed genuine. He could trust her. "Another question, though.. Why were you watching me?" 
"I'm not sure how to answer that," Evelyn chuckled warmly, rubbing her neck. "You stood out. A peculiar face I've never seen, seated in the third row.. those deep brown eyes so full of 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴. And maybe I thought I'd like to get to know you. Is that so wrong?" 
Caleb felt like there was a rock in his throat. It bobbed up and down as he tried to swallow it, and it took at least three tries for it to finally disappear. 
"No, that isn't wrong, I suppose. You could say I'd like to get to know you as well." 
"So the feeling is mutual," Evelyn stood to cross the room, snatching some butterscotch off the dresser. She swiftly unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth, stepping behind him. "Glad to know I'm not alone, 𝘔𝘳. 𝘋𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦."
While it was a bit of a white lie– he was a vampire hunter, not a detective– he couldn't help but feel a little bit of pride at her teasing, maybe even something else. The gentle smell of butterscotch and lavender clashed together as she neared him, resting her hands on his shoulders. 
"If I promise to offer any viable information to you as it so comes," Evelyn began, all but massaging tense shoulders and neck muscles. He couldn't complain– it felt 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘦, and with all the work he'd been doing.. he needed it. 
"I'd like something in return." 
"And what is that?" Caleb breathed. If he wasn't sitting on an untrustworthy ottoman right now, he might start falling asleep. 
"A kiss. Think of it as.. a pinky swear. I won't break my promise." 
He was not expecting to hear that– nor did he decline. His eyes trailed up to almost meet hers as she peered over his shoulder. And when he finally broke from his stupor to mutter a quiet yes, she rounded the ottoman and pulled him into a kiss. 
Caleb knew enough about kisses. He'd kissed plenty of people in the past, though typically it was a chaste peck or a desperate grab for attention. This felt different, though. He could taste a bit of caramel and butterscotch on her lips, and smell the vanilla perfume she wore on her skin. It wasn't quite love– but it was still.. different. He couldn't place it. 
Her hands settled in his hair and 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥, and much to his own embarrassment Caleb yelped into the kiss, pulling back for a brief moment just to question why she'd done that. She didn't answer though, merely rubbing his scalp as an apology. Then, as though to further the apology, she moved to place a kiss upon his neck in the same spot she'd been massaging, closing her eyes. 
"Evelyn," Caleb muttered, sucking in a labored breath. "Remember that we're only in the green room.. and if someone walks in.." 
Evelyn wasn't listening. Her lips parted slowly again, and while Caleb wanted to question what it was she was doing, he had to admit he was curious. So he allowed it.
And then he felt a slight sting. 
And then the pain melted away at once. Warmth spread across his face first and then the rest of his body. He made a small noise. 
She'd bitten him. Good heavens, why did she do that? 
Too caught up in the fact that, strangely enough it felt 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥, Caleb hardly felt when her lips closed on his throat– nor the gentle suck of her.. drinking the blood from his neck. 
He couldn't feel much of it. There was no pain, even as she drew back her sharpened fangs and licked the wound she had created. The last of the bloodshed was cleaned and her eyes were half-lidded, staring at him fondly. 
"Mmnm, Caleb," Evelyn sing-songed in a mildly drunken state. "You taste quite nice."
"Oh.. thank you," Caleb responded with a quiet titter.. and then the words registered. His eyes blinked rapidly. 
Wait a moment. 
She had 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬 from him. 
She drank his 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥.
She was a vampire. He was a vampire 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳.
He was infected.
Caleb was completely and utterly 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘥.
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starlightfades · 1 year
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background - profile - plots
₊˙ ◌ ⁎˚ 〇﹒﹙choi yewon (arin). cisfemale. she/her.﹚guess who was almost late for their shift at haesmuli cinemas again?? that’s right, it was lee minyoung! it’s a wonder their job as a ticket taker isn’t in jeopardy. the 24 year old has been working at sunset galleria for one month, and is well known for their passionate nature. on bad days, they can be rather condescending, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found asking follow up questions at keyboard warriors, but don’t tell their boss!
hi everyone! minyoung is heavily inspired by lisa cheon (no longer a heroine) and sprinkled with a little bit of aqua (literally made her an aquarius bc aqua.....i thought it was a cute nod to his name HAHA) + kana (oshi no ko), just with a little less misfortune (for now idk i'm always drawn towards angst so hmu if u are too)
i'll try to keep the bullets short so you get the general gist but i tend to ramble on and on. she may change and evolve as i continue to get used to writing her, but i'm excited to bring her to the dash and hopefully give her a new dream/goal eventually :')
as always, please give the ♡ button a nice push and i'll come running over to your dms to plot! :3
forced into acting as a child by her mother who was rly just trying to live vicariously through her
went by the stage name miae to protect her personal identity
coached by her mom but was one of those "naturally gifted" youths so it was usually just some tweaking to the script that was done
an absolute icon and star in the entertainment world until everything came crashing down around her
minyoung pin points 2 potential moments when things started to shift for her: 1) her dad having an affair and leaving the family behind to pursue his lover abroad & 2) her younger sibling's birth (wanted connection plug)
keep in mind when these two events happened she still hadn't even reached her double digit age bracket yet
but regardless, she was kicked into high gear work wise but with everything going wrong around her and being unable to properly process any of it, her acting started to slip and she wasn't doing as great as she used to
ofc lots of gossip calling her a flop, public opinion was kinda ready to shift against her and leave her behind for other rising stars.......her mom was having none of it
rather than comforting minyoung she just pushed her harder and the coaching was becoming strict (for lack of a better word). minyoung just going through the motions at that point
but she hated that she'd gone from praised and adored to pitied and ridiculed so she decided to go big for her last project
everyone expected it to flop which was why the director reluctantly let her onto the project after her mom pretty much begged for it and what would you know, miae gave a performance of a lifetime
and then she quit acting
after minyoung continued to throw tantrums over how she refused to act again, eventually her mom gave up and turned to the younger child
she initially felt bad as the elder child and almost gave in to her mother's demands to keep the pressure off of her younger sibling (since she knew all too well how heavy those expectations were) but when she saw them thriving and adored by their mother in ways that she never was, she grew resentful and withdrew to herself
eventually they would leave her behind to further pursue the younger sibling's career in the states and minyoung was left to take care of herself (i'd say this was around her second or third year of hs?)
now years later, her acting funds have reached a standstill, and she's a ticket taker at haesmuli cinema!!!!
still as conceited as ever
has always known herself to be attractive and puts no effort into hiding it or humbling herself
despite her decline in success and finances, she still outwardly behaves as if she's royalty; a materialistic and expensive taste regarding everything from food to clothing – sometimes even people
lacks the ability to read the room and will be brutally honest even if the situation requires careful consideration for the other person's feelings
has a short temper and a foul mouth developed from years of online gaming in the absence of an actual job or motivation to do anything else with her life
sometimes regrets not swallowing her pride and getting back into acting or even applying herself to a college arts program but will never share that out loud
often too prideful to admit when she's wrong
is afraid to let people in after constantly being left behind by those who were supposed to hold her dear but deep down really wants to be able to
will butt her nose into another person's business to stick up for someone if she thinks that they're getting picked on
constantly projecting (sorry in advance)
pretends like she isn't interested in anything but is actually whole heartedly dedicated to things once she puts her mind to it
acts big and tough but is really sensitive and actually wants a big hug lowkey
feels very strongly towards things while also simultaneously feeling nothing at all
a lil sassy but overall just thinks that she's being the cutest effing thing
future development?
being able to embrace genuine interests in hopes of pursuing a future more meaningful to her
i hope that being around others in sunset galleria can help her realize what she really wants to do with her life instead of letting herself hide away because of her stubborness
did she truly love acting or did she really just love the attention that came as a result of her work?
actress miae comeback???
maybe pro gamer lee minyoung???
passionate manager of haesmuli cinema???
idk im just hoping she finds something to love and can become genuinely happy
if you actually read this far congratulations and thank u for being here with me. you can find some particular plots on my plots page up at the top of this intro but i'm always happy to brainstorm up some ideas! minyoung could use any and all sorts of relationships, i'm up for anything!!
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ezamevolni · 1 year
Traces: Two-faced 👹
This moment deserves a whole mention on its own.
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I found it fascinating that it belongs so much to a kdrama yet happened in real life, was captured on camera, and how we were granted a rare glimpse of a pro-idol switching up his persona for someone. And that someone isn't you or me, it's an act solely for his Jin hyung.
The Jeon Kookie has edge.
160513 Sinchon fan sign
The whole fancam is worth a gander. There's quite a few Jinkook crumbs in there.
Zooming in on the moment that blows my mind every time I think about it... the full sequence starts at around 4:45 when the members prompted Jhope to do the ShyShyShy aegyo (dance move from Twice's Cheer Up).
While Hobi was being cute, Tae mischievously nudged him from behind and he fell, caught off guard. Jin instinctively grabbed Hobi trying to keep him upright but gravity was too strong for them both..
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About a minute before any of this happened, Jk had just expertly maneuvered himself from Point A (between RM and Jimin) ➡️ next to Jin
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His steps may say 'I'm casual' but his hands say 'It's premeditated and I'm restless'.
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After 2seok dived off stage, Tae trudged over to take up the spot where Jin had been standing.
When Tae moved up, Jk stared silently at him. In response, Tae glared back at the younger one with a challenging "WHUT?". Then Jk proceeded to 'attack' Tae:
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It was playful with a bit of tension that dispersed quickly. (it looked like Jk was ready to wrestle throw Tae over his leg with the final move)
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Namgi on the other end cued the whole team to perform ShyShyShy at that moment so Jk dropped the fight and followed suit.
Hobi and Jin had both returned onstage by then and were also doing the aegyo.
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Jhope and Jin were standing to the right of Tae now. From the above screenshots, Tae had thought of something related to the aegyo, grabbed Jin's mic to tell the fans about the small correction, and performed aegyo again on his own.
A teeny tiny glimpse of edgy Kookie first showed up here. Just focus on Jk's expression that went from unamused (when Tae took Jin's mic and started talking) to allowing a grin to spread across his face (after Jin turned to face Tae and him)
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It might have looked like Jk was laughing at Tae's aegyo because both Jinkook were focused on him right?
Don't be naive 😈
The split second Jin turned his head away, Jk's laughing expression dropped,
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Look at Jk's face closely and try to keep an eye on Jin's actions at the same time lol. It's so quick but it's true: Jk's smile dropped after Jin turned away.
Who was the smile for? >>>> 🐹 Duh.
But other shippers might argue, Jk's eyes were on Tae??!!?, he was smiling for Tae's aegyo!!?!
But I say, just keep watching.
BTW the first gif at the top is from the following moment - 2seok were offcam giggling together and Jk was watching them with a series of interesting expressions:
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Read it how you will. There's no right answer.
(I'm waiting for Jinkook to one day do a zoom q&a where we send them clips and ask what was happening here and they tell us exactly what they were thinking. [maybe in a parallel universe.])
Then here's Jk breaking back into a smile the second Jin turned to face him and Tae again:
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Look at how slick he was, making sure to turn and fix his gaze on Tae (this kiddo was just vibing out) first, then shifting slightly to meet Jin's eyes before smiling.
Pretended like he hadn't been watching Jin hyung.
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So if we go by what Jin saw:
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And when Jin wasn't looking:
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Indeed, beware the double 🐰.
I doubt Jin watches fancams of their fansigns and mayhaps never seen this whole act by Jk before. If someone did force him to watch, he'll probably say something like "nah, he's been smiling, what are you talking about ☺️" like a Kookie solo
It is that serious though. Jungkook's only a cheerful sunny good boy for his Jin. Anybody else, he don't give a damn. Not even the fans. There's a whole bunch looking right at him. (and also us thanks to the fancam owner 🫶🏼)
Assuringly, Jk knows himself well. When concentrating on a certain one in the moment, he knows he can forget about the countless other presences watching him
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Spoken with years of experience, Tae.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 months
CATFA: Part Seven
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence, language, and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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They're using Steve as a face for their brand, and he's doing shows in front of soldiers and civilians to sell bullets. They're not even using the two best weapons they have, and you hate seeing Steve dress up and go on stage every weekend. Steve's been doing this for months, and you can't believe he hasn't stood up for himself. This act has taken you across Europe and into Italy.
"I don't know if I can do this," Steve sighs.
Soldiers are watching the girls perform songs right before Steve is supposed to go out there. You refuse to put on one of those tiny outfits and strut on stage. So, they stuck you backstage to watch.
What a fucking joke.
"They're fucking stupid if this is the best they can come up with," you groan.
"There is nothing to it," the Senator's assistant says. "When you sell a few bonds, those bonds buy bullets, and bullets kill Nazis. You're an American hero."
"It's just not how I pictured getting there."
"You and me both," you sigh.
"The senator's got a lot of pull up on the hill. If you play ball with us, you'll be leading your own platoon in no time. Take the shield," the assistant says as Steve puts on his head mask. 
"Seriously? This is the best they can do?" you ask the assistant.
"I don't make the rules, doll."
"Don't call me that."
Steve walks on stage and every soldier is silent. He's used to performing for kids and families who cheer him on and clap. These soldiers give him nothing.
"How many of you ready to help me sock old Adolf on the jaw?" He gets nothing but silence. "Okay. Uh... I need a volunteer."
"I already volunteered! How do you think I got here?" one of the men shouts, and an echo of laughter follows. "Bring back the girls!" 
"I think they only know one song, but let me... I'll... I'll see what I can do," Steve stutters.
"You do that, sweetheart."
"Nice boots, Tinker Bell!" another man shouts.
Steve awkwardly walks off stage and the girls who performed come on stage again. That gets the attention of every soldier who whistles and cheers for them. Typical men. 
"Don't worry, pal. They'll warm up to you," the Senator's assistant says.
This is a nightmare. You're living in a real-life nightmare that you can't seem to escape. After the show and right before dusk, you find Steve sitting by himself. The clouds rolled in early afternoon and are giving you a light drizzle, but Steve doesn't care if he gets wet. He's depressed because he wants to fight and help others.
"Hey," you say and sit next to him. "I can stop the rain if you want."
"I don't care," he sighs.
"There you two are." You turn to find Peggy approaching you two. "I've looked everywhere for you."
"What are you doing here?" Steve asks.
"Officially, I'm not here at all. That was quite a performance."
"Yeah. I had to improvise a little bit. The crowds I'm used to are usually a lot younger."
"I understand you're 'America's New Hope'?"
"Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every place I visit."
"Is that Senator Brandt I hear?"
"At least he's got me doing this. Phillips would have had to be stuck in the lab."
"I don't get it. He knows what we can do. Why doesn't he just use us?" you sigh.
"You think these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You were meant for more than this."
"For the longest time, I dreamed about coming overseas, being on the front lines, and serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights."
Sirens can be heard in the distance that gets louder the closer they get to base camp. You look over your shoulder and see wounded men on stretchers inside a few cars. If only you could heal others like you can heal yourself.
"They look like they've been through hell," you comment.
"These men more than most," Peggy explains. "Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men went up against him, and less than fifty returned. Your audience contained what was left of the one-oh-seventh. The rest were killed or captured."
The second she says the 107th, your heart drops into your stomach. You didn't see your boyfriend in the audience, which means he's on the enemy's territory.
"No, the 107th?" you asked in horror.
"Bucky," you say and look at Steve.
You both get up and rush over to the Colonel's tent who is busy with stuffing papers into envelopes.
"Colonel Phillips."
"Well, if it isn't the Star-Spangled Man-With-A-Plan and his secretary. What is your plan today?"
"I need the casualty list from Azzano," Steve orders.
"You do not give me orders, son."
"We need one name. Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th," you urge.
"You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won't enjoy," the Colonel points to Peggy.
"Please tell me if he's alive, sir. B-A-R—"
"I can spell!" The Colonel cuts you off. "I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count, but the name does sound familiar. I'm sorry."
No, you refuse to believe the love of your life is dead. You shake your head and back up slowly to keep yourself from strangling the Colonel.
"No, he's not dead."
"What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?" Steve asks.
"Yeah! It's called winning the war."
"If you know where they are, why not at least--"
"They're thirty miles behind the lines through the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save, but I don't expect you to understand that because you're a chorus girl."
"I think we understand just fine," you growl.
"Then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly, you got someplace to be in thirty minutes," the Colonel says before leaving his desk. 
There is a map of the location of the rest of the 107th team. They're not that far from here, and you know you can save them all if you can just get over there. Based on the look Steve gives you, he sees it too. You two leave the tent and head over to yours to pack a bag. You're going to go over there and save everyone, including your boyfriend.
"What do you plan to do?" Peggy asks, following you inside your tent. "Walk to Germany?"
"He won't be walking," you smirk.
If you had to, you'd change into an animal to carry Steve all the way over to Germany.
"You heard the Colonel, your friend is most likely dead."
"No!" you shout and turn to her with an angry look in your eyes. "He's not my friend, he's my boyfriend. He's the love of my life. Until I see a body, I refuse to believe he is dead."
"The Colonel is devising a strategy. If he detects--"
"By the time he's done that, it could be too late!" Steve shouts and finished packing up. "You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?"
"Every word."
"Then you gotta let us go."
It doesn't take a lot to convince Peggy to help you cross the border into Germany. She and Howard Stark can offer you a plane ride into Germany, and get you as close as they possibly can. The Colonel knows nothing of this, and even if he did, you don't care. Once you heard Bucky is in danger, nothing is stopping you from going over there and saving him.
"The Hydra camp is in Krausberg," Peggy says once you four are in the air, "tucked between two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind."
"We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep," Howard says from the cockpit.
"Just get us as close as you can," you say. "You two are gonna be in a hell of a lot of trouble at the lab."
"You two won't?" Peggy asks.
"Where we're going, if anybody yells at us we can just shoot them," Steve smiles.
"They will undoubtedly shoot back."
"Well, let's hope it's good for something."
Steve stole the shield, helmet, and uniform he used in his shows to protect himself as well as show everyone just who is going to save them.
"Agent Carter, if we're not in too much of a hurry I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late-night fondue," Howard shouts over the loud noises.
You look at Steve to see what his reaction is to Howard's words. He and Peggy have a thing for each other but you're not going to interfere with their relationship. Steve gets up and puts his parachute on but you remain seated.
"Stark is the best civilian pilot I've ever seen. He's mad enough to brave this airspace. We're lucky to have him."
"So, are you two...? Do you...? Fondue?" Steve asks awkwardly. 
"This is your transponder." Peggy avoids his question and hands over two communicators to you and Steve. "Activate it when you're ready, and the signal will lead us straight to you."
"Are you sure this thing works?"
"It's been tested more than you, ma'am," Howard grins.
Suddenly, the plane is being attacked by bullets from people on the ground. They sensed a foreign aircraft in the air, and with this being a war, they decide to shoot first and ask questions later.
"That's our cue!" you yell.
Steve walks over to the door and opens it, and a rush of wind gets sucked in. You use your aerokinesis to divert the air away from you so you can see what you're doing.
"Get back here! We're taking you all the way in!" Peggy yells.
"As soon as I'm free, you turn this thing around and get the hell outta here!"
"You can't give me orders!"
"The hell I can't! I'm a Captain!" Steve grins and jumps out of the plane.
You're about to follow after him when Peggy stops you.
"Wait, your parachute!"
"I don't need one!" you yell and dive out of the plane.
The wind is nice against your face. Flying is and has always been your favorite thing to do. You can control how fast you go, and you can go as high as the atmosphere will allow you to. Since there is no air in space, you can't fly up there without your space suit on. 
This will never not get old.
You catch up to Steve who looks at you like you're crazy for not having a parachute on. You wave at him and continue flying faster to get to the ground quicker. You get to the ground before Steve does, and you land as gently as a feather. Steve's landing is a bit rockier but he manages not to alert anyone. He clips off his parachute just as you join his side.
"Damn, I can't see a thing. We are close?" Steve whispers.
"Stay here. Let me check."
You transform yourself into a bird and fly high, making sure not to be seen by German soldiers. About three yards from where you were is a road where trucks are being driven into the base. The cars have thick and dark covers on the back of the trucks that could easily hide you and Steve if you were to hijack one. You fly back to Steve and transform back into yourself.
"There's a road with trucks. We can hide in one of them and it'll take us into the base. Come on."
You and Steve run over to the street just as the last truck passed you by. You run towards the back of it and jump inside only to be greeted by two soldiers.
"Fellas," Steve pants.
They go to attack you, but you grab their shoulders and head-butt them as hard as you can. You punch one and fling him out the back of the truck while Steve does the same. No one saw a thing, and you're now inside the facility. The truck backs up to a dock of some sort to get unloaded, but Steve is prepared for this. He hits the soldier who moves the curtain away with his shield, and the soldier goes flying backward.
You two escape the truck and run further into the facility while remaining unseen. There is a bis ass factory where the 107th is being held, no doubt, and in order to get there without being made, Steve jumps on top of the sea containers. You two make your way to one of the back doors and slip inside.
You thought the outside was crawling with soldiers, but the inside has three times as many. There are large machines in lines throughout the factory, so you use those to hide yourselves from Hydra soldiers.
There is a small area where weapons are laid out on top of boxes, but these aren't normal weapons. Each weapon is glowing with blue energy, the same kind the Tesseract emits. You feel a sudden pull to it like you're a moth and they are the flame. Steve grabs a small weapon to see what it is and decides to pocket it.
"What are you doing?" he whispers.
"I'm sorry, but there's something about this light... I can't explain it."
"Come on."
Steve has to physically pull you away to get you to focus, and you two rush into another part of the factory. This part has a bunch of cages with men stuck inside of them. They're from the 107th, and that means Bucky might be here somewhere. A guard is patrolling on top of the cages, and you use your powers without touching him. You heat his body temperature quickly but not enough to kill him. He gets so hot that he passes out right on top of one of the cages, alerting the soldiers in them.
You and Steve run over and grab the keys off the Hydra nut.
"Who are you two supposed to be?" one of them asks.
"I'm... Captain America."
"Lieutenant Y/N."
Steve unlocks all the cages, allowing the soldiers to escape them. You look at every soldier who Steve frees, but Bucky isn't anywhere here. If he's not here, then he has to be somewhere in this factory.
"Is there anybody else? I'm looking for a Sergeant James Barnes," you ask as you make your way through the crowd.
"There's an isolation ward in the factory, but no one's ever come back from it," a soldier informs you.
"Alright," Steve says, capturing the attention of the men. "The tree line is northwest about eighty yards past the gate. Get out fast and give 'em hell. We'll meet you guys in the clearing with anybody else we find."
"Wait! You know what you're doing?"
"Yeah. I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over two hundred times."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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devizakura · 2 years
[Part 1]
They kept cuddling and playing during Gus's song among many others and he fought Mac and fell first and Deme kept clinging to him. He was always close and checking on her when Griz showed up, including during Memory.
Also!! During the last song Deme and Lonzy lost themselves in a cuddle session and then jerked back like "oh shit we're supposed to be doing something" sbsbdb.
It honestly made me hop on the Demelonzo train! Demestrap is nice but this Alonzo gave such soft boy vibes and I love it. If Munk is her rock, her anchor that keeps her grounded, Alonzo is a soft pillow that makes her comfortable and safe. I love both.
They gave us Bombastrap rights as well (I love that this production went "let's bring back ships that were once iconic but fell out of favor when the musical started getting streamlined into a universal version). They were clearly romantically affectionate, nearly getting frisky during Gus's song. She also tried to stop him during the Macavity fight (though he shood her away) and then came to check on him afterwards.
Alonzo actually also took a lot of "Quaxo" bits, like the part after Vic's solo and the "terrible bore" line - Misto was really mostly reduced to a background character until his song, save for the acts of overpowered magic. Lonzy gave off a major "leader understudy to Munk" vibe, and they're also totally besties.
A propos overpowered magic, MISTO ACTUALLY MAGICALLY TURNED GUS YOUNGER so that he can perform Pekes and Pollicles one last time (at Old Deut's request)
Another notable ship (besides the oldies which I've touched on before) is Tugger and Kocik le Miau - although he also flirted heavily with A LOT of cats (both male and female, even Alonzo fell victim to his advances shsbxbx although that was more to mess with him. I've noticed him flirting with Etcetera, her brother Brali Dalej - who may or may not be George - Cassandra, obviously Bomba, and he also got wayyyy too up close and personal with Munk to mess with him at one point). It appears that Kocik was his chosen groupie of the night rather than anything serious.
I find it kinda funny how one of the most homophobic countries to have staged Cats is one of the few that make Tugger explicitly bisexual. Not subtextually or thanks to improv, not "his relationship with Misto seems kinda fruity" - in fact, they don't seem romantically interested in each other at all in this one. But Tugger flirts with both queens and toms, even has a scene in "Old Deutoronomy" where he does a sensual "finger under lover's chin" move on a queen and then a tom all in one line of the song so you quite literally can't miss it, and it's WRITTEN INTO THE CHOREO
Misto and Electra had some moments, but not really romantic - they had a fight-duet when he stole her thunder during the ball, and he kinda patted the air near her butt at one point, and held her at the end of the pas de deux? So like, this may be kind of a one-sided playful thing for him
Oh and I dunno if I've mentioned this before but the "pas de deux" is really a pas de trois I guess sbdbdbx Vicki dances with Munk and Tugger, with them "stealing" her from each other! Nothing overtly sexual like the typical thing though.
I'd like to bring up @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door 's comment when I told her that:
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because I did kinda get the feeling like her solo was about her discovering her third name. With all the cats huddled around a mirror, having hissed at it prior, perhaps not ready to face their true self yet, so the initiation makes sense!
Anyway it's old news but I really loved Pekes and Pollicles and Macavity - maybe even more than the classic versions. Definitely vocally.
Visually, Macavity is SO GOOD in the first part, the choreography between Deme and Bomba is just MWAH, representing the seductive yet abusive nature of Macavity's affection so well.
And Pekes and Pollicles... Maybe I wouldn't call it better than the '98 version because Gus playing Rumpus Cat eliminates a lot of the funny factor that stems from the cat playing Rumpus Cat being an absolute jackass, and the cats are really trying their best even if they mess up sometimes instead of not showing up at the rehearsal even once, but it's by far the best revival version imo.
During the ball, Jelly dances on the railing, she looks like a proud dance teacher who can't help but dance along to her pupils 😭 She also conducted the kitten choir during one song, Bustopher's I think. She has a flair for the theatrics after her dad 💜💜💜
During the reprise of Memory, Jemima kept glancing up, it looked like she was receiving instructions from the Moon/Everlasting Cat, leading her to then sing to Griz and prompt Demeter to forgive her. I love that despite how different that Demeter spin made the climax, it is still just as profound. The pure heart unblemished by hatred being able to reach understanding others couldn't comprehend for a long time vs the forgiveness of a scornful daughter
Also a small fun fact - since neither Jenny nor Jelly likely have the range, the high note goes to Jemima :)
I typically skip the last song because nothing really happens in it and it drags out, but here they had INTERACTIONS! And I loved it!
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Madhabi Mukherjee (Charulata, The Big City, The Coward)—Madhabi Mukherjee is legendary for her nuanced and sensitive performances in some of the classics of Bengali cinema particularly her roles in Satyajit Ray's films
Angela Lansbury (The Harvey Girls, The Court Jester, The Manchurian Candidate)—The babe, the myth, the legend. In her own words her early hollywood roles were "a series of venal bitches" and they were all glorious. Half of them wanted to kill you and you probably would have thanked them. She even goes toe to toe with Judy Garland in The Harvey Girls! That said, she was chronically underused and misused during this era - she was just 36 when she was cast as Elvis Presley's mother in Blue Hawaii and a few years later commented that she'd played so many 'old hags' that most people thought she was in her 60s. She thought she was "all talent, no looks" but she was the full package! Post-1970 I hope we all know what an incredibly talented and compassionate badass she was, but I feel like not enough people know her early roles as a hot (often villainous) young thing.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Madhabi Mukherjee:
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She played in some of the most critically acclaimed films in bengali cinema and she is an incredibly talented actress. Everybody should watch 'The Big City' she's so good in it!
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Angela Lansbury:
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"Angela Lansbury might not be where your mind goes first when you think of hot leading women, because she had a later career revival. But she began acting in the early 1940s after leaving London due to the Blitz. In the first couple decades of her film career she has an openness about her. She said she never really fit in with the Hollywood crowd and to me she gives off a friendly, untarnished vibe."
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"Most of us know Angela Lansbury as old lady sleuth Jessica Fletcher, but it's important to know that she was smoking hot in her younger days as well as a damned fine actress. Although she didn't get lead roles until her early 40s, at 17 she was a supporting actress in films such as Gaslight (1944), National Velvet (1944), and The Picture of Dorian Grey, for which she won the Golden Globe for best supporting actress and was nominated for the Oscar. Even in her memorable performance as the manipulative mother in The Manchurian Candidate, she is listed as a supporting actress as she does not play the love interest. She was successful both on stage and screen, and won the Tony for her lead role in the musical Mame on Broadway in 1966. TL;DR While Angela Lansbury mostly played supporting roles in films before 1970, she had what it takes to be a leading actress, which we know from her success on stage and tv from the mid 60s onward"
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"She looked like a princess but bit like a viper"
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"Is there anything this woman couldn't do? Act in comedy and drama, sing, dance, be a wonderful human being - quite simply a true and wonderful lady."
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"she is the fairytale princess of my dreams in court jester"
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"god she had such an incredible career all throughout her life really but as a young lady she was just as incredible as she was in her later years. enchanting voice, amazing personality, and absolutely GORGEOUS. she lamented not having the looks to play leads in romance but that idea is so batshit because look at her??? she's one of the most terrific women of all time. also she's my grandmother's favorite actress and i truly get it"
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superghfan · 2 years
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Everything to Know About 'General Hospital' Star and Daytime Emmy Winner Nicholas Chavez
People Magazine
Meet General Hospital's newest breakout star.
Nicholas Chavez, who plays spoiled rich kid Spencer Cassadine on the ABC soap opera, won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Performer in a Drama Series in June less than a year after joining the General Hospital cast.
"Twelve months before I received that award, I was selling cars down in Florida so it was a paradigm shift of epic proportions," he tells PEOPLE. "It was very, very surreal to stand up on that stage and be recognized for the thing that I'm more passionate about than anything else in life."
He adds, "It was a real dream come true, and I'm incredibly thankful — and still now, months later, in disbelief quite frankly."
Chavez, 23, shares that winning the prize for his first professional acting role was "completely unexpected" but he did prepare a speech just in case.
"Whenever I have to be on stage as myself, I can get a bit nervous so it's helpful for me to have something to fall back on so I'm not just rambling," he shares. "So in that sense, I did prepare something. The only thing I expected was it was going to be a fun night with my coworkers."
He knew he wanted to be an actor in high school — but was hesitant to pursue it
The Colorado native recalls getting the acting bug while playing Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird in high school after another student called out sick.
"I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life when I was in high school," he tells PEOPLE. "So when the faculty all came and saw the production, I had multiple people pull me aside and say, 'You should consider doing this as a profession,' which sounded really, really crazy to me because that wasn't generally something you did for work in Denver."
He adds that working in the entertainment industry was a "pretty foreign concept" to him at the time.
He was cast on General Hospital 24 hours after his screen test
Chavez recalls the quick audition process for landing the part of spoiled rich kid Spencer Cassadine on the soap opera.
When the actor arrived for the screen test, he looked around the room and saw "pretty stiff competition."
"But, ultimately I just sorta reconciled that ultimately all I can do is be the artist that I am and bring to it what I bring to it," he explains.
He found that he got the part only one day later, telling PEOPLE it "was probably the coolest moment of my life so far." He adds, "I bought a return ticket but they called me 24 hours after the audition and they said, 'Hey, don't fly back home. We need you to film here next Wednesday. Congratulations.'"
He is grateful the support of his General Hospital costars
Chavez took over the part of Spencer from actor Nicolas Bechtel, so fans weren't immediately thrilled with the recasting decision.
"Some of the fans didn't like me at first because I'm a recast. There was an actor who played my character before me," he says. "You know I was a bit green at first. I think people were seeing that. So online, people would be like, 'I like the old actor who played Spencer better.' I've seen him work and he's a great actor. Very, very charismatic."
"Some of the comments were sorta getting to me," he admits. "[My costars] were like, 'Dude, just give it some time, give it some time let them get used to you,' you know, 'Don't think too hard about it.'"
Chavez is grateful to the cast for welcoming him into "the General Hospital family with open arms" and says fans' comments online "are great now. Now, it's like fun to go online. It's like rave reviews every time."
He predicts his character can find a better path
Chavez admits that landing in prison was "a new low for Spencer."
"I think that if I had to make a prediction about what will happen, it will be seeing Spencer pull himself up by sheer force and volition," he shares of his character's future. "Seeing Spencer pull himself up for the lowest point he's ever been in his life to becoming self-realized and exactly who is destined to become even if it doesn't please everyone else in his life.
He has some big career goals
Chavez says General Hospital has been a "a really, really phenomenal training ground."
"You get a lot of experiences doing soaps as an actor, but I would love to stay in TV," he says. "I would love to do film."
He adds that he would like to join the cast of an "HBO-style drama." His dream shows include Euphoria and Succession.
He's an adventurer seeker
One look at Chavez's Instagram and it's clear that he is always for an adventure.
He booked a trip to Istanbul, Athens and Rome four days before he left earlier this month. He also recently went skydiving and surfing.
For his next big adventure, he hopes to visit Vietnam and Thailand.
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styxnbones · 1 year
(gehenna-calling) 3&26 for cass, 21&35 for kellen, 4&21 for leora, and 1 for all of them!
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most? answered here!
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon? butterfly knife, though they're pretty handy with all kinds of knives, they chose it specifically for the intimidation factor- idly flipping your knife around while waiting for your contact to approach makes you look pretty cool (and also its just fun)
26. how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids? they've got a solid 2 dots in dexterity, so they aren't clumsy by any means and w another two dots in stealth and some obfuscate they can be pretty light on their feet. they also don't tend to move without purpose- she's not the sort to pace a room or mindlessly wander about. i also imagine they subconsciously match their stride length to whoever they're walking with, out of habit from years of tailing people.
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most? deep reds/burgundy and deep blues are what i mostly associate them with, as those tend to be the accent colors they go for in a wardrobe of lots of bright neutrals.
21. their favorite place to be? at the museum, hands down. that's Their Hoard! (even if it's technically Bernadette's, she's given them full permission to think of it as an extension of their own collection) they love the feeling of being surrounded by such rich history and vast knowledge, it's like a total escape- frozen in time and insulated from the frantic scramble of the world outside.
35. do they ever return home? far more often than they should. their sire still holds a blood bond over their father, and continues to actively cleave off their family- and since Kel was embraced instead of their terminally ill mother, they feel responsible for both her death, and the subsequent involvement of their father's new wife and her children in the shitshow that is their family. so they go back pretty often, they try to have as much of a presence in the house as they can, build up relationships with their new family members, and attempt to subtly work against their sire's manipulations, and protect them from him as much as they can. their younger brother also still lives at home, and he's the one they really worry about. even though they have tried again and again to explain to him what's happening and to get out, their sire just keeps wiping his mind so every time they see him he just seems more depressed and resigned than before, which only adds to their frustration/guilt. all in all its an uphill battle and a massive emotional drain that they would be vastly better off to just drop all together, but these things are never that simple. so they keep going back.
1.are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most? gold/yellow, and she mostly wears that as accents to pristine whites. (another instance of me visually coding a character as a terrible person by making them wear white)
4. how crafty/resourceful are they? quite a bit, i'd say. she certainly knows how to make the best of a bad situation. she's by far the most dangerous when she's underestimated, and as an actor by profession that's a perception that's easy for her to instill- whether it's the 'dumb blonde' act, or taking advantage of peoples assumptions about caitiff and thin-bloods, she's always ready to pull something out of her sleeve to turn the tables that no one would have thought possible
21. their favorite place to be? on the stage baybeee! what the bard said certainly rings true, since she's happiest wherever she's performing and these nights that seems to be 24/7 everywhere she goes. she's been dead nearly a hundred years, but (crises of faith notwithstanding) nothing has managed to kill her joie de vivre.
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Meet Matias Vidala, AKA Gloria Borealis
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Creative Director Kylan Coats’ creation of Matias Vidala was inspired by a combination of several people and situations, including a bombastic neighbor and friend, a couple of both new and experienced drag queens, and the struggle of aspiring actors in Los Angeles. “From the beginning I wanted to have a drag queen crew member in some form or fashion. Dressing in drag is such a quintessentially queer and powerful act. And it fits into the space opera genre so well (see drag-adjacent Ruby Rhod in the Fifth Element)!” says Kylan.
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“Drag queens tend to have big personalities both on and off-stage so they’re a perfect foil for more subdued crew members like Aylah or Truly. With drag there’s also a bit of sketchiness always on the periphery; the same that accompanies most subversively creative endeavors. So imagining a drag queen on the run was a fairly easy idea. As with most of our characters, we try to subvert people’s expectations on what they would be good at. Anyone who’s been to drag shows can testify to how physically strenuous the performances can be. Just like everyone else, queens come in many shapes and the idea of a big beefy queen for our Muscle skill was quite compelling.”
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Kylan’s initial inspiration for Matias is a “former neighbor and friend who has such a wonderful personality. He’s a beefy gay man who came out later in life, his deep voice is husky from a long history of smoking and flavored by a sometimes thick Argentine accent.” “The first time I met him he towered over me dressed as Frida Kahlo at a Halloween party. While that was as close as he ever came to drag, when I was coming up with crew members, he was at the top of my mind for someone I’d want onboard.”
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“For the real-life drag queens, one of them is a wonderful person who actually performed at my wedding,” says Kylan. “In the time before the wedding, he’d mention how he felt he was getting too old to compete with the younger queens (he was just a few years older than myself). The amount of energy and drive to keep performing and creating night-after-night was definitely intimidating. It lined up, to a lesser degree, with stories I’d heard from many small-time and aspiring actors in Los Angeles.”
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But just who is Matias Vidala? A 44-year-old male performer/former drag queen, Matias Vidala is larger than life, both in his broad stature, and his vivacious personality. A born performer, Matias has always struggled to strike the perfect balance between his bulky, barrel-chested outer appearance and his delicate inner diva. Following a short-lived career as the unique “Gloria Borealis”, his pyrotechnic drag persona which involved third degree burns and the odd audience member, Matias may or may not be on the run and/or doing a revival tour of his fiery show. Kind, encouraging, but with absolutely no room in his big heart for criticism of a performance, Matias is quick to anger and even quicker to tears, he’s the epitome of “all bark, no bite”. Life is a show for Matias Vidala, and this big queen is the star. There’s no point debating that with him, trust us.
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If you are interested in an LGBTQ+ spaceship management narrative game with inclusivity as a foundation, from a diverse development team then please do go and wishlist A Long Journey to an Uncertain End here: https://bit.ly/3V1gSag
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Acting technique evaluation of the Donmar project
Vocal warm up:
What did I learn? I learned that no matter if you’re not singing when you’re acting you are using your vocal chords just as much and it’s just as important for you to warm up your voice.
We did a few exercises such as, the chewing exercises and the twanging of our tongues. We learned how to massage our jaws and did a few exercises where it felt as if we were elongating our sounds in order to warm up our voice. We did scales as well as a whole body warm up. This helped us loosen up our jaws, shoulders and vocal chords, in order to deliver a flawless performance.
Tech rehearsal:
What were the challenges of this process ? One of the main obstacles of tech rehearsals were re-enacting the performance in the new marked spots. Whilst rehearsing the performance originally with in our school theatre, we tried our hardest to map out the stage. However going into the actual stage it was a bit more difficult to coordinate our cues and where we come on she come of off stage. However, we got the hang of it pretty easily and managed to rotate our performance in the likelinesses of our new stage.
WWW- we were all able to work together in order to create an amazing performance.
EBI- we got there a bit quicker.
Staging- like mentioned before the stage was wider than expected however we got the hang of the different rotation of stage and the enlarged mapping of our marks quickly. We was able to communicate with the music cues with no problem and had a smooth tech rehearsal.
Performance- our performance had some Brechtian inspired elements, such as the use of placards, direct address Gestures, music and dance.
The actual performance:
How have I developed as an actor from being a part of this production ?
This experience has enabled me to become more confident and it’s allowed to be become more familiar with the world of theatre. Being apart of this production has allowed me to get a feel of what being in a live performance is like and how different it is from screen acting. Getting the live reactions from people in the audience and noticing their instant validation and appreciation of the arts. I feel as if this experience has helped my confidence as every-time you perform a piece in-front of a growing interactive audience it helps you gain confidence more and more times.
WWW- I had great projection and freeze frames whenever I was on stage but it wasn’t my turn to talk.
I memorised my lines quite easily and was able to project them to the audience. I feel lien as a whole what went well is that we got the message accords to our audience members about how it feels like to be from a different ethnic background in Britain. And as young people how that’s affected us. And we was able to deliver a message through music, freeze-frames, monologues and dances. We were able to incorporate a range of different elements that was suitable for all ages with in the audience. From a tiktok skit for our younger audience which made it more affective because as young people, social media is the most affective way to be heard and get your point across. To a tradition protest with placards as- as for older people that’s their most affective way and what they know to be affective of making a change.
EBI- I had more lines.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
warnings: smut, 18+
Harry was doing his same script, he’s been starting every show but addressing the circular stage.
“Sometimes you’ll get m’face and sometimes you’ll get m’ass. Please, let me know if y’have a preference,” He gives the crowd a cocky grin, it widens when the audience goes insane with whistles and screams.
YN is standing off to the side, where she always stands with Harry’s friends and family who come and go - visiting them.
Harry’s eyes dart to his wife, when he sees her rolls her eyes at him, he points at her, speaking right into the microphone, “And you’ll be gettin’ the ass baby!”
The arena is near deafening with the fans who are fawning and cooing at the couples interactions, they all look back to YN.
She blows him a kiss and he dramatically snatches, smacking it right on his backside with a cheeky wink and purse of his lips.
He goes on with the show in his stunning red outfit that fit for Saint Louis perfectly - YN was matching him in a dark satin orange slinky dress that was undeniably sexy. It had Harry feeling her up backstage before he went on. ***
The fans loved that the couple matched at every concert.
YN loved watching her husband perform and after that comment about her getting his ass…well, it gave her some ideas for later.
The way the shirt he was wearing wasn’t buttoned enough so she could see the glisten on his chest, how the trousers hugged his perky backside like a sin.
It may be wrong, but everybody in this arena wanted him.
They want to hug him, kiss him, blow him, fuck him - but the only one who got that was her and she basked in it.
As Harry finishes with Kiwi, losing his absolute shit, YN and everyone else starts to head backstage. YN waves to a few fans and stops for a selfie or two before disappearing.
When Harry runs back to join, after dashing from center stage, he automatically finds his wife and wraps her up into a tight hug.
“Ew, bun. You’re extra sweaty, you definitely need to go shower,” YN crinkles her nose, pushing him off as he does stink a bit and is just sticky from sweat.
Usually, Harry would coerce his wife into joining him but they had quite a few friends who came to see the concert and YN was expected to entertain them.
“I’ll be thinkin’ about you, flower,” He teases, nipping her ear before chatting with their friends for a moment before he’s trailing off to shower and change.
YN waits a few minutes, enough time to guarantee he was already in the shower - soaping up.
She punches in the code to his locked dressing room, a soft smirk on her face as she steps over where he’s strewn the orange ensemble to purposefully piss off Harry Lambert - like always.
When she opens the bathroom door, she makes sure to be as quiet as possible - same as when she shuts and locks it behind her.
It a modern, standard shower stall and Harry is standing facing away from his wife - scrubbing his hair roughly to get the styling gel and grime out.
Harry’s shoulders are so broad.
His back is just…beautiful.
It’s so muscular, defined, and strong as he flexes his arms forward. Then her eyes trail down to his backside.
His bum was small, she loved to tease him and pinch it but it was muscular as well from those squats and wall sits he does in the gym.
After she quickly undresses, she steps in behind him into shower - pressing her chest up against his wet back and wrapping her arms around his waist.
Harry startles, nearly jumping out of his own skin before huffing out a laugh and leaning back into his wife, relaxing - well more like melting as he puts his weight on her.
“Thought y’were some crazy fan,” He jokes, hand coming down to cup the hers on his waist but frowning when she pulls back.
“Against the wall,” YN murmurs firmly, pushing him gently until his chest is against the tile and the shower head is pounding on his back and shoulders.
Harry shuffles forward, willingly albeit confused about what was going on and his wife’s demeanor as the cold of the wall hardens his nipples.
“Baby? Y’alright-“
“Did you wash yourself up already?” YN asks directly, hands rubbing softly at his sides, squeezing where his mini love handles are.
“M’body? Yeah, why-“
She cuts him off again, lips on his shoulder blade, “You told the crowd and me that I was getting your ass. I’m just holding you to your word.”
And when Harry realizes what’s about to go down, he lets out a low, explicit moan that echos throughout the bathroom.
“Yeah, baby, yeah,” He babbles excitedly, it wasn’t like this was something rare for them. They normally incorporated ass play into their sex life.
It was something about catching him off guard, when he’s vulnerable, and the post-show adrenaline has already worn off - making him malleable and pliant for his wife.
“You want to be all cocky, arrogant on stage, right? But look at you now, whining for your wife to touch you,” YN teases sharply, hand drifting down to squeeze his cheek hard enough to make him squeak.
“Baby. I’m yours, I’m yours,” He gasps, voice turning into a raspy yet high begging tone.
It was a tone of his voice that nobody in that crowd had or would ever hear. No, it was saved for her when she had him like this, like nobody else ever will.
“You don’t think I know that, Harry?” His wife laughs, fingers moving to sneak between his cheeks, pressing tightly against where he’s aching for her.
She continues, “God, I think everyone knows your mine. You can’t keep your eyes off me during the concert, parade around your wedding band, make sure my tattoo is always visible.”
“It’s ‘cause you- oh fuck, s’cause y’my soulmate,” Harry moans, pushing back on her fingers - wanting more but she wasn’t willing, “Need more, darlin’, m’close.”
She really wasn’t even doing much beside pressing at him, pushing in just the tiniest amount but he was grinding his hips against the wall a bit and her tits felt so good on his back.
Sometimes when he came off stage, he had absolutely no stamina.
Normally he could last but when he was adrenaline high and had basically edge himself in front of tens of thousands of people, it wasn’t going to be a long event.
“That’s really sad, H. Reminding me of when we were teenagers and you couldn’t last,” YN ends her rude statement with a bite to his shoulder before dragging her teeth down a bit.
It was just fun to get Harry worked up, he still acted the same from when they were younger - he’d get bratty and demanding, whiney, his chest and neck bloom into a soft pink color, and his eyes are a bit wet.
“Still just as much of a fool f’you, tha’s why,” Harry puffs out, hands continuously clenching and releasing over and over against the wall - like he wants to just make Harry wife touch him, tortured by her teasing.
“Fine, fine,” YN simpers, as if he was being a pain but she slips down onto her knees - hands dragging down his back and then his lean, solid thighs.
But in typical Harry behavior, he turns back and looks over his shoulder, “Sunflower, y’knees? We can move out of the shower.”
“Shush up,” She accentuates her words with a heavy handed smack to his right cheek and she chuckles when he gasps out a quiet, “Fuck.”
YN cups his cheeks, spreading them and leaning forward.
As soon as her tongue hits where he’s hot and tight, his legs twitch, and he puts his hands on the wall to brace himself.
“Darling, baby, baby,” Harry mewls, pushing back for more and hissing when she licks into him - his ring-bare hand leaning back to thread into her hair.
YN was planning to draw this out but she only gets a few directed laps before he’s moaning obsencenly, loud enough to hear through the god damn arena.
And then he’s gripping his cock, giving one firm tug, and he’s coming with pants and unfiltered, inconsiderate shouts of pleasure.
“S’good, m’good wife. S’no one better than you. Y’the only one who makes me feel like this. Crave y’like a drug, flower,” He praises endlessly, he turns around and helps her up - kissing her harshly.
When his hand comes to sneak between her thighs, she shakes her head and murmurs, “We don’t have time, H. Everyone is waiting on us.”
He pouts with his swollen pink lips, “I’ll take care of y’are the hotel, promise.”
“Mm,” She agrees, scrubbing the leftover shampoo bubbles from his hair as he tucks his face into her neck and tries make himself smaller.
Harry always gets a little sheepish after she does anything that makes him feel vulnerable, needs reassurance from her.
“Only with you, m’yours. Y’own my heart, ‘ave since we were fifteen,” Harry murmurs into her neck.
When they get themselves together, dressed, and exit the bathroom into the dressing room.
Harry Lambert is irritated as he is picking Harry’s clothing off the floor and putting it back on the hanger.
The stylist gives them a look, a knowing look, as he hangs the trousers on the rack.
“Fuck off,” The singer huffs, tugging his wife by the hand out of the room and to the car waiting for them.
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