#i think this is the best intro-article on this particular history out there
variousqueerthings · 10 months
And twenty years after government officially declared that being trans is not a mental illness, why is trans healthcare still located in NHS mental health trusts instead of in ordinary district general hospitals?
Gender Identity Clinics: Genesis and Unoriginal Sin
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linemint5 · 2 years
How Bay Jiu can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Most current articles JOIN OUR MAILING Listing Always keep your rashguard new – Register today. The new 'way of life news' has been decided on up through a amount of local area and nationwide Television stations and services, consisting of News, the Sun, ITV and Sky News. A variety of local newspapers have likewise reported on some of its accounts. But it is very likely you are right now being informed regarding some of the information that could have a severe knock-on result. Authorize up to acquire martial arts-related suggestions and tricks coming from the experts. Sign Up Thank you for signing up! Sign up for additional newsletters right here "You don't prefer to get them all up certainly there through themselves," said Jeff Caulfield, a long time previous instructor of martial fine arts. But Mr. Ladd included that he was not worried that trainers had not received their instruction products, also though numerous would. As an alternative, he mentioned, they functioned themselves into a setting of much higher authorization. He Is An Excellent Grappler And Knowledgeable Instructor I’ve been training under Magno for the previous four years. It is merely a instance of utilizing one that is quite effectively known and incredibly well updated through the instructors, and may take you to a new amount in lots of areas in several industries of learning. Having said that, it is also an chance to know about how to use the teaching device in a brand new means. I strongly believe that this is an pathway for my new-found passion. He is an great grappler and experienced coach. He is additionally enthusiastic about his job. We are very glad of the job we have performed to support his household in this hard occasion.". Combating to always keep his proximity When the activity began, I was worried that the trainees would have been hurt by his reduction or that they would fear for their lives. Nevertheless, there have been instances in which folks have really endured and have not been injure through his traumas.
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The society at his institution is exactly what I was appearing for; very competitive without being frustrating, accepting while being challenging. Read This 'm happy I discovered him. Hector Hernandez / BuzzFeed I made use of to live in a mid lesson institution that is recognized for its students — and right now that I understand about the history of the LGBT area, I haven't been capable to go with into any type of various other community that is not one of them in any sort of means. Magno takes routine folks and switches them right into fantastic grapplers. He has actually extremely durability for his electrical power and capability to reached a aim at. But he can easily additionally make use of his powerful attacks to assault all personalities in a round, which was utilized substantially along with Iron Man 3 in order to take down the male himself. The various other character of the Avengers isn't merely Iron Man, but Hawkeye who additionally takes place to have the ability to do as considerably as they experience like he has actually straight right now. Magno Is One of the Absolute best As someone who has educated along with a lot of professors all over the nation, Magno is one of the absolute best. I will definitely take these four qualities and go on his technique. One is challenging work, as one of the absolute best, as I mentioned in the intro to the training course. You do not possess to recognize what you're speaking concerning when you see a excellent work. But only have a particular method where you stick to your primary proficiencies. He is a in-depth passionate instructor, who likewise really looks after concerning his trainees. He has actually a individual devotion to what produced his students grow. For a parent, I value that Mr. Taylor ases if being with the little ones.". So my inquiry, what are moms and dads to carry out when one-third of their trainees stop working? I discover myself thinking about: what would be a far better training for an 11-10-6 loved ones to discover the final opportunity they fell short to prosper in every session? If you are capable to qualify with him you are genuinely fortunate. I can train hard. I think you may train harder than me. You recognize the regulations? All these rules indicate that it are going to take opportunity, effort and dedication to succeed to receive me to the end. He will certainly possess to pay out the bill. To me it is extremely challenging. He will certainly not be capable to live for long through himself and delight in life that will definitely suggest the end of him. Cal Case Magno Is a True Martial Artist and Great Role Model For me, the ideal educators I’ve possessed are zealous regarding their target, possess the greatest amount of understanding of material, and get to recognize their pupils effectively good enough to calculate how to better teach them. Not to state, lots of of them are very qualified, have a wide array of experience with working in a wide array of disciplines like legislation, authorities, and lawful.
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brosencrantz · 2 years
I've spent the last week and a half glued to news feeds of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is, in a sense, something I have spent half my life preparing for: the formal training of tactical, operational and strategic analysis from my degree, the informal source-analysis training of a life bullshitter-spotting on forums and social media, and the tragic fact that I find it fun to chat about post-Soviet weapons system with a lot of people for whom GRAU codes and NATO reporting names are a third language. I've found myself making observations and predictions on how the war is going to be shaping up and it turns out I'm very good at it, though not enough that I want to do so publicly and add to the - to steal a phrase - already densely betwatted military-speculative complex. So I'm going to share some good explanatory articles and some trusted ongoing sources, people who know a lot about this and whose actual job it is to talk about the war all day (some are even getting paid).
Also, not to be all "DON'T TRUST THE MSM" but I have found even relatively trustworthy news outlets on other topics are hopelessly behind the tactical reality and full of pointless opinion pieces from self-evident wingnuts screeching about vacuum bombs, no-fly zones and nuclear war. I get this is Just How Modern Meeja Be, but it's an unbelievably tiresome waste of time when dealing with fast-paced events that require specialist knowledge to understand.
Articles and Writers
Bret Devereaux is the single best public explainer of military history currently operating on the internet. Everything he writes is worth a read but I'd start with his highly accessible understanding of the historical, political and strategic context for the war. He's also written an intro to protracted war which is entirely correct, but which I pray is going to be less relevant than he thinks it is.
Lawrence Freedman has so far produced several very astute reads on the situation and made accurate predictions. I'd recommend some very lucid articles here, here and here.
Mark Galeotti is the Russia-watcher I most trust. It's worth reading some of his actual books, but for something more up to the minute I'd recommend his article on why this is the end for Putin and his interview on the current Russian political context (30m audio).
Here's a Twitter feed of trusted sources, put together by my friend Árpád who is even more terminally into this stuff than me. It's a mix of exceptionally clued-up, reliably correct academics, and people actually on the ground. There's a lot there, it updates fast and there are lots of pics of blown up tanks, so let me draw out some particular users worth following: Michael Kofman. Kofman is the premier online expert on Russia's military aims and capabilities and has so far called basically everything right. The only thing his eve-of-the-war map got substantially wrong was missing the Mariupol corridor. Mark Galeotti. Galeotti is a trusted Russia-watcher and expert on the politics and history of this all. He's not super active on Twitter (to his credit) but he does post links to articles and interviews hosted elsewhere, which are always worth a read/listen (use 12ft.io to get around paywalls, they're often on trash sites like the Telegraph.) Oryx. Oryx is an open source intel aggregator working up a list of confirmed casualties (equipment, mainly) on both sides in this war. They did it previously with the Nagorno-Karabakh war. Caveat: they're only as good as the intel being posted, and there are much fewer pictures of Ukrainian casualties floating around, so Ukrainian losses are probably higher. However, this is an excellent source for the astounding amount of equipment the Russians are currently losing. Nathan Ruser's maps. Almost all maps I see elsewhere look at the furthest extent of Russian advance and assume everything behind it is under Russian control. This is wrong and stupid. These are OSINT-based, regularly updated projections of the actual areas of Russian control in the country.
(written 06/03, so we'll see how badly this all dates)
1. This is not the third world war. NATO has already given the clearest possible signals that it will let Ukraine burn to the ground rather than risk a confrontation with Russia which could go nuclear (which is a horrible call but probably the right one). This is a proxy war like any other. Proxy wars between nuclear powers are not new and while it suits the panic reactions to talk up the chances of Putin going bonkers and planting mushrooms on European capitals, it's not at all helpful. (I'm not going to waste time debunking it, calm down, but I'll add a good debunking if I find one.) 2. There is nothing particularly "new" about this war (so far). We have seen the use of drones, the militarisation of social media, war videoblogged in real time, media-narrative-driven fascism, large-scale conventional combat with tanks and modern jets, the deliberate/indiscriminate use of unguided weapons on civilians, and Russian invasions of sovereign states, all over the place in the last twenty years. There are some rancid takes out there from journalists who should know better about this being the "first social media war" or "unprecedented brutality". Nothing is happening here which didn't happen in Syria/Armenia/Georgia/Iraq/Afghanistan/Chechnya. The chief difference here is it is happening to a white Christian European country which you can walk to from the EU in a day. 3. Russia cannot win. There is already no possible win state that Putin can sell to his people. They have already lost too many people, too much credit, and taken too much economic and cultural damage for this to be a positive. This doesn't mean that Ukraine will win. It just means that this was a disastrous waste of time even for Putin. I have no doubt Russia is going to lose, and lose quicker and more badly than most people expect. Russia's ongoing collapse into a parody of fascist militarism is terrifying, and I can only hope it collapses still further and the entire state crumbles - although last time that happened it didn't go great for the human race either. 4. There is no good argument for this war. There is a certain category of whataboutists and useful idiots in the Western political space who see (or want to see) no difference between the voluntary NATO and the at-gunpoint Warsaw Pact, between Ukraine's (sometimes troubled, sometimes struggling) democracy and Russia's violent, kleptocratic autocracy, and between a Peter the Great-era world where regime changed required you to march a hundred thousand bayonets to the enemy capital and our modern age where economies can be gutted, governments undermined and cities vitrified without anyone having to leave their office. They advance the view that by trying to choose a life other than a sclerotic, Russia-dominated buffer state, Ukraine is threatening Russia's rightful imperial entitlement (they use the phrase 'sphere of influence' but it's the same thing) to do what they want to their neighbours. This is a point of view, and is one that Putin's siloviki actually believe. But they are wrong, and beyond seeing where they're coming from we are no more obliged to accept their psychotic view of the world than we are to accept any of Hitler's arguments that he was entitled to murder everyone between him and the Urals. The Russian regime is a cabal of paranoid thugs too mentally ossified to realise that the Cold War is over, they lost, and the game has changed. It is a monstrous throwback which needs to be killed. I don't know if that will happen this year, but I think it can be beaten and shamed. 5. Any of four things need to collapse for this war to end. Ukrainian will and ability to fight, Russian will and ability to fight, the Putin regime, and the entire Russian economy. The only one of those which is definitely not happening in the next week is the first. 6. Russia still thinks Kyiv is the strategic centre of gravity, yet never had a realistic plan for taking it. Kyiv is a dense megacity with Soviet-capital levels of fortified bunkers and air defences, straddling one of the greatest rivers in Europe, and full of highly motivated and well-armed people. I don't think Russia can even manage a plausible encirclement, let alone either the sustained siege or urban assault needed to capture the city. None of the potential moves available to Russia - try and to flatten the city with dumb bombs, have forces east of the Dnieper smash pointlessly into the eastern districts of the un-encircled city, or have the Crimean forces abandon their objectives to try for an improvised encirclement from the south - will work, and all will only play into the Ukrainians' hands. So I hope they do all of them. 7. The most important known unknown is what state the Ukrainian military is in. I have no idea how much they've lost, and that more than anything else will shape the war to come.
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“And The Band Played On” is probably the best intro history, but the Patient Zero stuff was homophobic and completely untrue, so let me recommend (the admittedly more academic text) “Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic” as counter-programming. I also recommend United in Anger or the ACT UP oral history project
Anon 2:  For your anon interested in the AIDS crisis, I'd also recommend Paul Monette's acclaimed memoir Borrowed Time, which tells the story of his long term partner Roger, who contracted AIDS in the early 80s in LA, and their struggle to find any effective treatment. After two years of battling blindness and pneumonia, Roger dies of AIDS related meningitis. Paul Monette himself died of AIDS ten years after the book was published, along with so many of his friends.
Thanks for the recommendations anon. 
So this obviously isn’t introductory discussions, but I really disagree with this characterisation of Shilt’s coverage of the LA cluster study and Gaëtan Dugas.  
The situation is far more complicated than saying that Shilt’s coverage is completely untrue.  He is describing how a number of people (both the scientists and Dugas) reacted to a fast changing world with incomplete information.  He was writing in a fast changing world in incomplete information. 
I have to say when I discovered this discussion (long after I read the book) - I was most surprised in how other people had interpreted the depiction of Gaëtan Dugas.  Because people were presenting a certain interpretation of Dugas as textual - as definitely the person who brought the disease to the US and used words like ‘villainous’ or ‘sociopath’ - and I hadn’t got any of that from the book itself.
There are lots of men in the book who have sex and don’t have sex, with and without a diagnosis, as they’re trying to come to terms with what they’re learning and the terrifying world they’re living in. When I read the book, I had symapthy for all of them, and felt nothing but horror at the world they found themselves in.  I can’t help but feel that if someone reads that book and comes out of it thinking that Dugas is the evil one - then that’s mostly on them and their worldview.  (I also think that there is lots of evidence in the text of the book itself, that HIV spread in North America was much more complicated than having one ‘Patient Zero’).
I have wondered if criticisms of And the Band Played On often aren’t mainly about the text itself, but about the way the particular ideas of Patient Zero was used as a publicity strategy and then picked up.  To me that’s a much more reasonable criticism - particularly because the editor has confirmed it was part of hte publicity strategy. But it’s not a reason to refrain from recommending the book now, when it is largely seperated from that sensationalisnig.
I’ve also read an article version of Richard McKay’s thesis  and there’s lots I don’t agree about the way he constructs his argument. I don’t think that it’s necessarily useful to go into backwards and forwards with an academic article on tumblr. But I will say that I think that he plays at least fast and loose with Shilts’ motivations and actions, as he believes Shilts played with Dugas.  And I still disagree with the basic premise - that Dugas is the character in And the Band Played On who comes accross as ‘deeply evil’.
I would hope that in this moment, anyone who reads And the Band Played On - would have a visceral understanding of how hard it is to navigate living with a new disease where so much is unknown.  When I think about what I did in February and March - travelling on public transport without masks, attending large gatherings, meeting people indoors - I know that I could have been an asymptomatic carrier of the disease.  When I think about how confused and difficult the decisions I’m making now are and how terrifying it is to try and navigate a disease when there is such mixed and confused messaging from the government - I remember that it’s only been months and not years that I’ve been doing this.  
Maybe some people will take a different set of comparisons and project the fear they currently feel onto Dugas.  But to me that suggests how very relevant the key ideas in And the Band Played On still are today.
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alexandertash-blog · 5 years
(HALE APPLEMAN. CISMALE. HE/HIM. THIRTY-ONE.) Hey, is that ALEXANDER TASH? I heard they’ve been in Salem for TWO YEARS and they’re working as a RADIO JOURNALIST. Last I spoke to ‘em they were pretty +INSIGHTFUL & PERSISTENT, but I hear they can be -PARANOID & SELF-CENTERED too. (tara, 28, she/her, est.) 
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Hey, hi, hello! I’m Tara, and I’m so excited to be a part of this group. I don’t use fancy tags or too much formatting because I’m lazy -- but, like, what my posts lack in aesthetic charm I like to think that they make up for in at least passably decent substance? Here’s hoping! 
Anyway, here’s my intro post for Alexander; some basic information can be found below the cut. 
a pre-emptive TLDR; Alexander is an outwardly friendly man who likes talking to people (and, by extension, learning information and rumors), and he hosts a radio show every night under the pseudonym Asher Wilde to provide news and entertainment for the town. However, he’s a hard nut to crack in terms of actually getting to know him because he keeps his personal life to himself, and he finds it difficult to trust others’ good intentions. He practices witchcraft independently of any coven, for a mixture of purposes.
A lengthier explanation is below, if you want to read more details! I mostly wrote it out for my own benefit, lmao.
Alexander Tash was originally from a small town in Illinois. He was the youngest of six siblings and pretty much learned to keep his head down, especially because his parents were extremely conservative and he didn’t exactly fit their idea of an ideal midwestern son. He was too talkative and curious, and he was never the picture of heterosexual masculinity, which made him an easy target for ridicule, especially from his older brothers. The sibling nearest to him in age was close to him, but other than that, Alexander doesn’t keep in contact with his family. 
He ditched town as soon as he earned a scholarship to study at a public university in Chicago. He majored in art history, but it was working a part time job at the school’s radio station that he really wound up enjoying, because he realized the power that an on-air microphone could provide. He didn’t bother changing majors at that point, but his voice became a nightly staple of the station, as well as at university events.  
His popularity at university blossomed because of this, and Alexander ended up being pulled into a large circle of friends. He was swept up in this at first - but eventually learned that they were using him (and his radio platform) to promote their own self-interests. He finally realized that didn’t really matter - he got the best scoops of info from them that he could then turn around and investigate further to broadcast the next day. 
After graduating, he worked a series of part-time jobs in downtown Chicago - a bartender, a personal shopper, a florist’s assistant - to pay the rent for his studio apartment while also doing part-time research for the art institute. It was absolutely miserable. 
Alexander moved to Salem by a stroke of luck when their radio station sent an online call out for audition tapes from would-be broadcasters. When they offered him the job, he came to Massachusetts specifically for the chance to be on air again. 
He lives in an old house that’s been converted into separate apartments, and he doesn’t have a car, so he either walks, bikes, or takes public transportation. You’ll usually find him out and about in town, except for in the evenings, when he works. 
He runs radio channel Salem 104.3 fm. The network management that owns this particular station has four or five other channels in town as well that all work in the same office building, and Alexander talked them into letting him do pretty much whatever he wants on 104.3. 
He pre-sets a playlist of music for day and is only physically in the office from 5-10 p.m. He hosts a local news broadcast at 5 p.m. every day, followed by an informal talk show of sorts where he sometimes calls people to interview them, sometimes takes callers, and otherwise just finds interesting articles or bits of literature to read aloud during the breaks between songs.
He likes to find interesting news to report on, covering everything from local gossip to updates about town-wide news such as the murder. Whether or not the news is accurate is not really a concern of his, as long as it’s thought-provoking. He does try to provide all angles, though, and give as much information as possible, plus a healthy dose of speculation. (He wouldn’t consider himself a conspiracy theorist, but if the show fits...)
However: he didn’t want people in this town to try to manipulate him for their own interests, and he didn’t want people to censor themselves around him, either. So he disguises his voice on the radio (he speaks much more slowly and in a lower register) and broadcasts under a pseudonym (Asher Wilde), so unless someone listens very closely, they wouldn’t know that they’re the same person. Alexander doesn’t lie about his profession - if asked, he still says he works at the radio station, just in an administrative capacity instead of on air. 
Alexander is a witch who is not part of either coven in town, though he’s heard that both of them exist, even if he doesn’t know all of the specifics. His magic style aligns more with the Witches of Requiem, to put him on the spectrum. 
He started practicing tarot in high school (because why not?) and his interest was more of a casual hobby until he realized that it was always right, as long as he knew how to understand what the cards showed him. Then it became more of an obsession. 
He’s met a few other witches to trade tricks and techniques but has never been part of a specific coven. His skills have grown, and he usually casts simple spells so he could be overlooked in public to hear better news, or spells intended to more easily allow him to gain others’ trust. He’s played around with casting protection spells on his listeners through the radio waves, but he has no idea if that works or not. 
He has a vindictive streak against people who seem to wrong him; he’s successfully hexed four people before, non-lethally, and does not feel guilty about it in the slightest (two former hook-ups, an ex-boyfriend, and one customer, all of whom deserved it, in his opinion). But he’s not in the habit of using magic to harm others, otherwise. 
He still trusts his tarot deck entirely, more-so than any human he’s ever met, and he’ll do tarot readings for people who have earned it, in his estimation. 
Alexander doesn’t share much about his personal life. He much prefers listening to others, and will always try to spin questions back on the asker rather than reveal information about himself.
He’s made himself quite well-known in the time he’s been in Salem, and he has never lacked for company. He has acquaintances he drinks with, people he parties with, etc, but he wouldn’t consider himself to have any “friends.” 
That said, he’s also located at an odd intersection of isolation and vanity. He’s very self-centered, and he loves to be complimented, even if he doesn’t entirely trust sincerity. 
Upon first meeting, he tends to seem self-assured and friendly. He’s not afraid to jump right in to conversation,
When you get to know him a little better, you realize that he’s much less of an extrovert than he would appear to be. If it weren’t for having to find news to report on, he would be perfectly pleased to hole up in his room. But ever by himself, he overthinks everything and doesn’t know the meaning of the word “relax.” 
I can’t wait to start interacting with everyone else! I don’t use discord, but feel free to slide into my messages if you want plots, and we can work something out xoxo
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carmenlire · 5 years
Higher than the Big Trees Ch. 42
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read chapter one 
read on ao3
The blinking cursor seems to be taunting him and Magnus doesn’t know how much more he can take before he throws the whole damned laptop off his balcony.
Dot had sent over his latest draft-- always so full of red pen-- but Magnus was ignoring the technicalities for the moment. September was officially in full swing and the next few weeks were dedicated to finishing the last hundred or so pages that would tie everything together. Magnus could pontificate all he wanted about how imperialism had fucked up so many colonies during WWI until he was blue in the face but none of it meant anything if he couldn’t also discuss the long ranging effects on the lands and people that were still being felt today in the twenty first century.
All things considered, his book was coming along swimmingly. Maybe the smoothest it’s ever gone, Magnus reflects with a wry grimace. But still, writing was never easy and he was wading through a mountain of information and condensing it for the everyday reader who didn’t have an academic interest in the topic, who probably just held an idle curiosity when they picked up his book from the history section of their local bookstore.
Deciding to take a break, Magnus stands, rolling his shoulders as he grabs the glass of wine he’d been enjoying while staring at a paragraph discussing the similarities between Zimbabwe and India that seemed unaccountably wordy.
He leaves his office, draining the rest of the wine with a sigh. He’d left his phone on the kitchen counter and as he picks it up, he smiles at the text that’s waiting for him.
Hope you’re having a good evening, babe. I miss you:(
Setting his glass down, Magnus takes a minute to reply to Alec. He feels warmth in his veins and it’s a familiar sensation, even if it does seem absurd.
I figured that if I wasn’t going to be seeing your pretty face, I’d get some work done. My book is becoming a pain in my ass, Alexander.
I miss you too-- How’s recording coming along?
Tucking his phone into his pocket, Magnus goes to refill his glass with the pinot he’d had with dinner, thinking about the past few weeks as he does.
Both he and Alec were busy as hell and a little stressed with it. The fall semester had started and with it, Magnus’s workload had increased immeasurably. Summers were notoriously slow and so the fall was always completely ridiculous. Magnus was only teaching two classes this semester-- an intro to modern Europe and a senior thesis course that he taught each semester-- but as students flocked back to campus, the department was inundated with stressed freshmen and panicked seniors. He had a handful of students he was mentoring this year during their Masters or Doctoral programs and there were two new professors who needed shown around and settled in.
Add his writing-- the book and a lengthy article he was a contributing author on-- and Magnus was in his element, albeit a little more aware of just how much was on his plate than he’d been before.
He blames Alec for that.
Before, Magnus had been able to lose himself in academia and its rigors. He’d loved every second of it even if he did want to tear his hair out and dreamed of nothing so fondly as running away and opening a bar on some far flung Caribbean island.
He still loves it but he's only managed to see Alec once in almost a week, so busy that it felt like he was running around like his ass was on fire. Alec’s schedule didn't help anything either, as he’s also inordinately busy.
Magnus is faintly concerned that Alec hasn’t left the studio in days. Every time they talk, Alec is just leaving the recording booth or getting ready to lay down another set of vocals. The past few weeks, he’s been at the studio all hours, working late into the night. They’d spent a few nights together last week and Alec was a dervish, writing and listening to demos and running a hand through his already disheveled hair.
With a small smile, Magnus wonders that it’s a good thing Alec’s birthday is next weekend. They could both use a day or two to forget about work.
Ah, but who is he kidding. Magnus shakes his head a little, exasperated with himself. He loves this, too. They check in when they have a free moment and they’d grabbed a harried lunch off campus late yesterday afternoon. It’d been twenty minutes of them inhaling burgers and catching up before Magnus had ran off to meet with his strategic planning committee and Alec had hurried off to a photoshoot.
They’d both leaned in for a quick kiss, only for it to devolve into something entirely inappropriate and edging on desperate before they remembered themselves.
It’s nice, this. Magnus has never been in a relationship that was so easy before, even when both parties were consumed with other responsibilities. He’s had partners who’d broken things off because when Magnus was under deadline, when work consumed him and he lost himself in the daily tasks that accumulated so fast in his position, they couldn’t handle it and resentment swelled. They always wanted Magnus to pick them, to cast aside his work and that was something that Magnus would never do. The very thought was abhorrent.
With Alec, however, there’s mutual understanding and exasperated amusement. They steal little pockets of time when they can and sometimes it’s enough just to collapse into bed together and sleep wrapped around each other before dashing out of bed the next morning to face another day.
Magnus is just set to head back to his study and finish his self-imposed goal-- another thousand words before he can call it a night-- when his phone’s vibrating. It’s after nine, too late for anyone to be calling, really, but when he takes out his phone an instant grin lights up his face.
He answers with a quick swipe before bringing the phone up to his ear.
“Alexander,” he greets warmly, resolutely putting off work for a few more minutes. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I just missed your voice, is all,” Alec says gruffly as something plays in the background. Magnus can’t help but wonder if it’s something from his upcoming album, curiosity killing him while he tries not to ask.
“You just saw me yesterday,” he teases lightly as he settles into one of the chairs in the living room, turning his wine glass absently as he loses himself in a few minutes with Alec.
“Yeah, well, that’s not today, is it?”
Laughing a little Magnus just shakes his head, amused at them both.
The sun sets as they talk, shadows dancing at the edge of the room. Magnus doesn’t notice the time going by until he hears someone yell in Alec’s background.
His lips turn up, tired now that he’s had a little while to decompress with Alec. “Duty calls?”
Alec sighs heavily and Magnus can just imagine his boyfriend running a hand through his hair, annoyed. “Yeah, we want to finish this song before we call it a night. I’ll see you soon?”
Raising a brow as he thinks over his schedule, Magnus offers, “I’m free tomorrow night after eight? I have class until then but we could grab a late dinner?”
“Sounds great, babe-- You could spend the night at mine after?”
“You read my mind, darling. I’ll see you then,” Magnus agrees and then they’re ending the call with last minute goodbyes.
As he hangs up, Magnus plays over the last few minutes. There’d been an odd pause on Alec’s side of things before they’d ended the call and he briefly wonders what it was about before dismissing it.
Maybe he’d ask Alec about it later, he thinks with a shrug.
Looking down at his watch, Magnus groans and tilts his head up to stare at the ceiling. At the rate he’s going, he won’t be in bed until dawn.
Sighing, Magnus stands and resolutely heads back to his study.
His book won’t write itself, after all.
The September sunshine spills through his office window as Magnus grades quizzes from his Intro class. His windows are open and he can hear the sound of students milling about on campus, even from the fourth floor. It’s perfectly mundane and as Magnus marks yet another question wrong on this particular quiz, he’s perfectly content.
The radio is playing low from his laptop and the rest of his afternoon rolls out as he plans to finish grading sixty multiple choice quizzes and entering them into Blackboard before going downstairs for his senior seminar.
His attention fractures, though, as he hears Alec’s name from the radio DJ.
“Hey everybody, welcome to the top of the hour. This is Deluca from Q92 and we have a special treat in store for our listeners this afternoon. Everyone’s seen Alec Lightwood’s Instagram recently-- he’s been posting pictures and teasers from the studio and rumours have been circulating that he’s going to drop his next album soon without notice. While we can’t attest to that, we do have exclusive access to the next best thing. Here’s Lightwood’s brand new single, Feel Something, reportedly the title track for Album number seven.”
Deluca laughs before offering one last teaser. “I, for one, can’t help but think that Alec must be getting some inspiration from that new boyfriend of his, the professor.”
Abandoning his work, Magnus’s total focus is on the music that’s started and he listens with rapt attention. It’s a little different to Alec’s usual stuff but he’s immediately enamored over the muted tones, the thoughtful, almost meandering tempo before he’s swept up in the chorus.
The words wrap around him and he bites his lip, thoughts racing. His own heart aches at the emotion in Alec’s voice and it feels like he’s pleading, full of hope.
It’s strikingly similar to how Magnus has felt the past few months.
The song ends and Magnus turns the radio off, instead opening Spotify and searching for Alec’s profile. The single is already available and so Magnus selects it impatiently before clicking on the repeat button.
He listens to the song a handful of times, losing himself in the lyrics and music and what he hopes to God is the intention behind it before running a hand through his hair and blowing out a heavy breath.
He doesn’t know what it means-- if it means anything at all. Deciding to ask Alec about it tonight, Magnus puts all the questions out of his head as he turns back to the pile of quizzes that need handed back tomorrow.
He keeps the song playing in the background, relaxing in his chair and smiling faintly as he draws a red line over another wrong answer.
The smile is wiped from his face a couple of hours later as he picks up his mail from the department secretary and sees a letter from Otisville.
He can’t help the dread that starts gnawing in the pit of his stomach as he carelessly tosses the rest of the bundle onto his desk, holding the thin letter from Upstate New York with tense hands.
Sitting heavily into his chair, Magnus debates for several minutes before sighing and reaching for his letter opener. Sliding the single page out of its envelope, Magnus unfolds the piece of paper and starts reading against his better judgement.
My darling son,
It has been a while, hasn’t it? You didn’t come to my parole hearing a few months ago and I have to admit, I was disappointed. I had hoped to lay eyes on you again, for the first time in years.
How are you doing, Magnus? You don’t write, you don’t call. You certainly don’t visit. I sometimes feel like I don’t have a son at all but then I am swamped in memories of your childhood, before everything went so terribly wrong.
I listen avidly for any news from the outside. You’re a professor now, I hear, and an excellent one at that.
I’ve read all your books. They’re quite good even if I wasn’t overly interested in the topics discussed.
But your life is so much more than just your job, is it not?
I’ve heard through the grapevine that you’re in a relationship now. But not with just anyone, isn’t that right? You managed to snag one Alec Lightwood and for that I couldn’t be more proud.
I’m impressed, Magnus, even if I am a little surprised. I didn’t think you had it in you but here you are, following in the old man’s footsteps.
I couldn’t be more proud.
Tell me, what are your plans? If I may, I’d like to offer a few tips, tricks of the trade I learned along the way that might help you.
Above all, it’s imperative that you act demure. Don’t always make the first move. It’s important that you not rush him-- or at least make Lightwood think that he’s in charge of the pace. That way, before he quite knows what’s hit him, you’ll have maneuvered him exactly where you want him.
However, I’d advise you to say I love you first, if you haven’t already. Emotions are weakness son, so pitifully human, and people fall for soft words and sentiment faster than you’d believe possible.
I can only imagine that you have grand plans for marriage and so I must add this final point: Marry him as soon as you can and do not-- absolutely do not-- sign any sort of prenup or legally binding document. While I’m sure Alec’s a nice enough boy, this is not a love match, after all, and you certainly have nothing to prove.
A year should be sufficient before filing for divorce. I have a few lawyers you can call when the time comes and they’ll squeeze Lightwood for every penny he’s worth.
The truth is, I’m hurt that you didn’t come to me with your plans. I am an expert, after all, and your father. I only hope that now that I’ve bridged the distance between us, you will not hesitate to reach out as well.
I’ve missed you, my darling boy. I’ve been an outsider looking into your life for far too long.
I look forward to your call-- or letter, or perhaps even a visit.
Otisville is only two hours from the city, after all.
P.S. I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that my sentence was commuted. I will be released in eight years, not the thirty plus I was originally saddled with. I’m very much looking forward to seeing the outside world again, and most importantly, my only son.
Magnus feels resentment and overwhelming bitterness rise in his throat at his father’s words, so cool and cold. Really, he wonders, what could he have expected. Asmodeus could smell an opportunity a mile away and he did so love keeping a thumb on the pulse of the outside world.
It’s just like his father to assume that Magnus couldn’t possibly have feelings for Alec, that he was just playing the long game.
And don’t get him started on the postscript. He’s angry at the panel who allowed Asmodeus’s sentence to be shortened. He’s angry at his father for slithering back into his life with a letter that’s as insidious as it is unwanted.
He’s angry at himself for wishing, even for a moment, that he could have his father back, that they could go back to the way things were before his world fell apart over a decade ago.
Angrily refolding the letter, Magnus shoves it back into the envelope before grabbing his folder for his evening class and dashing out the door.
He doesn’t have time for this, for his father’s vile nonsense.
He’s built quite a nice life without his help or presence and he has no plans to backtrack now.
Magnus lets himself be pulled into Alec’s apartment with a laugh. He finds himself pinned against the hastily shut door and looks up at Alec with amused eyes.
He feels better than he has since he read that damned letter earlier in the day, Alec warm and distracting and just what he needed to mostly throw off this bad mood that had clung to him since he checked his mail all those hours ago.
Dinner had been lovely as always with the two of them enjoying a leisurely meal in a Chinese restaurant that Magnus had been dying to try for months but whose wait list was a mile long.
He has to admit that Alec does have some lovely tricks up his sleeve.
Relaxing against the door, Magnus merely raises an expectant brow as Alec studies him without saying anything. He’s just set to ask if there’s something on his face when Alec speaks.
“What’s wrong,” his boyfriend asks, apropos of nothing.
Magnus’s tone is arch as he replies and he tries to ignore the undercurrent of defensiveness that clings to the words. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Alec dryly explains, “That you were your usual charming self during dinner and I’d go so far as to say we both had a good time. However, I could tell something’s wrong and now I’m asking you about it.”
Breath catching as Alec brings a hand up and sweeps a thumb over his jaw, Magnus lets his eyes close as he feels Alec lean in before nosing along his cheek.
“I’d like to think that I’m getting to know you pretty well. I know when something is bothering you.”
Magnus sighs before opening his eyes just to see Alec considering him with a steady gaze, patient and open.
Swallowing hard against the words that don’t quite want to escape, he manages to smile just a little.
“And I thought that I was hiding it so well,” he mutters to himself before resting his hands on Alec’s back, bringing him a little closer.
Alec huffs out a laugh. “It took me until the appetizer was almost gone to realize,” he admits. “But once I did, it was pretty obvious that something was going on in that brain of yours.”
He doesn’t say anything else, lets Magnus take his time to fill the expectant silence and he has a moment to wonder if Alec wouldn’t have made a great soldier, ducking and weaving and lambasting through the most stalwart of defenses.
He’s grateful for Alec’s patience, even if he’s well aware that he’s not getting out of this without telling Alec the shit he had to deal with today.
“Well, I had nine students fail a quiz that was multiple choice and open book today,” he offers, smiling a little as Alec rolls his eyes.
“That does suck,” Alec agrees. “But that’s not all.”
“I put a dollar in a vending machine on campus this morning and it did that stupid thing vending machines do where you almost get your snack before it stops turning and it's some sort of sugar purgatory where you can just glare through the glass as though you can will your snack to fall down.”
Alec laughs but still shakes his head. “That’s still not it,” he insists softly.
Magnus glares at Alec with little heat as he finally relents. His hands sweep under Alec’s shirt to land on warm skin and it grounds him for a brief moment before he’s sighing and straightening from the door. Taking Alec’s hand in his, he doesn’t say anything as he guides them to the balcony that runs the length of Alec’s apartment. The two of them settle outside in the warm evening air and look out over the city, settling on a couch.
Magnus lays an arm over Alec’s shoulders and his boyfriend doesn’t hesitate before crowding a little closer and resting a hand on Magnus’s thigh.
It helps being outside, out of the silence that was growing a little oppressive. The background hum of a city that never sleeps helps ease some of his doubt.
He’s mostly over it, is mostly secure that Alec won’t run for the hills, that this won’t be the final straw and he’ll decide that Magnus really is too much effort.
But still, the unease is there, niggling just enough to ache.
Taking a breath, Magnus says, “I had a letter waiting for me in my mailbox this afternoon from Otisville Prison Upstate. From my father,” he tacks on at the end so that there’s no confusion about just why he’s in such a mood.
Alec doesn’t say anything for a minute and Magnus feels the thumb sweeping over his thigh like lead.
“And what did he have to say,” Alec asks.
Magnus looks up and tries to decipher Alec’s expression to no avail. There’s no judgement, no condemnation. Alec’s just studying him with warm curiosity, acting for all the world as though he has no worries.
Magnus laughs caustically. “He said a great many things, most of which I’m loathe to repeat. However, if I want this thing between us to work, I should probably be up front.”
Alec arches a brow before turning to look in front of him, over the landscape. It helps, not to be the total focus of Alec’s intense attention.
“He told me that I ought to snap you up so fast that it would make your head spin.” Shaking his head, he continues, “He told me not to do anything that would interfere in taking at least half your fortune and he assured me that he could connect me with a fabulous divorce lawyer after I put in my due time.”
“How long is our supposed marriage to last,” ALec asks idly.
Magnus scoffs. “A year.”
Looking over at Alec, Magnus is a little surprised to see him smiling as though amused.
Laughing a little, Alec just offers a half assed shrug. “What?”
“You’re not upset,” he asks hesitantly.
It’s Alec’s turn to scoff as he nudges Magnus with his shoulder. “Of course I’m not upset. Why the hell would I be when we’ve established that your dad isn’t the best guy around. This seems pretty in keeping with his character, if we’re being honest.”
“Still,” Magnus can’t help but prod, unsure at the easy acceptance he reads in Alec’s eyes, in his posture. “I’d think most people would be angry, maybe a little hurt, at the idea that I’m nothing but a gold digger.”
Alec shrugs again. “I’d hope that we’ve established that I’m not most people by now and in any case, what your father says has nothing to do with you. You told me and it’s obviously bothering you. I hope you’re not feeling guilty or whatever the shit.”
Magnus opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Alec just watches him, amusement glinting in his eyes at the way he’d managed to confound him.
Finally, he gets out, “That’s-- that’s it. That’s all you have to say.”
Alec makes a show of thinking before nodding slowly. “Yup, seems about it. What else is there to say?”
Swallowing hard, Magnus offers, “And if I told you that the letter also mentioned that his sentence was commuted over the summer and instead of getting out in 2041, he’ll be released in 2025?”
Humming, Alec just says, “Then I’d say that we’ll deal with Asmodeus’s release whenever it happens. No use worrying about it until it slaps us in the face.”
Magnus laughs incredulously. “Yeah? I didn’t take you for the devil may care sort.”
“I’m not usually,” Alec replies dryly. “But we have, what? Eight years until his release now? That’s a long way away and it seems like an awful lot of effort to worry about something we have no control over.”
Alec pauses for a minute before continuing, “Whatever happens, whenever it happens, we’ll deal with it. Together.”
Magnus’s lips quirk up in an approximation of a smile as he plays over Alec’s words. “Together,” he repeats, question in his tone.
“Yeah,” Alec says quietly. “We can deal with whatever happens when the time comes.”
Magnus knows that his voice is overwhelmingly fond, that it’s betraying his emotions as he softly replies, “Whatever you say, darling.”
The two of them relax in the fading light for awhile afterward. Magnus focuses on deep breathing, relaxing his tense shoulders. All around, that’d gone much better than he’d anticipated and he wonders that Alec seems so relaxed.
The two of them open a bottle of wine and bring it out to the balcony as twilight deepens. Magnus has just poured his second glass and is taking a sip with a quiet, contented sigh when Alec breaks the easy silence that’s fallen over them.
“We should go somewhere.”
Lowering his glass, Magnus looks over to see Alec studying him with something indefinable in his eyes.
“Did you have somewhere in mind, darling?”
“Maybe,” the blasted man says cryptically and Magnus grins as he relaxes into Alec’s side.
“Okay, then,” Magnus agrees. “Let’s go somewhere.”
It’s Alec’s turn to look surprised as he asks, “Really? Just like that?”
“Just like that,” Magnus confirms. “We’ll have to look at our schedules but I love travelling and I can’t think of anything I’d enjoy more than travelling with you.”
“How’s this semester looking for you?”
Thinking, after a moment Magnus offers, “I have fall break this time next month? I have about a week off. We could make something happen then?”
“Sounds great,” Alec agrees with a private smile. He takes a sip of wine before turning his head and nosing along Magnus’s hair, ducking to place a kiss under his ear.
Magnus sinks into the warmth that envelopes him at Alec’s easy affection, lets it settle into his chest and chase away the lingering shadows from earlier.
He starts thinking about plans and where they might go, what they might do. It all seems terribly romantic, if he’s being honest with himself.
A few days away from everything is just what he needs. Distantly, he thinks wryly that he certainly has incentive to finish his book’s deadline now.
As his thoughts switch to another route, Magnus bites back the question that lands on the tip of his tongue. He doesn’t want to put Alec on the defensive, after all, and Magnus has always prided himself on being an adept hand at picking up on context clues.
The answer is staring him right in the face, he reflects with a grin, looking down as he takes another lingering sip of wine.
Settling back, Magnus lets everything fall away except this quiet evening with Alec, the two of them taking a few minutes from their hectic, busy lives to enjoy each other.
It’s enough for now. It’s more than enough.
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Choose Your Own Romance: Series One - BTS (We Got Married) - Intro
Chapters: Start -> Idol Group Path -> “I really like boys who have dimples.”
Your name: submit What is this?
It was early or was it late. You hadn’t been able to sleep yet. Of all the days to meet your ‘husband’. You’d spent most of the night and the better part of the morning with your members filming for your next music video, followed by an interview with a YouTube channel. Then you’d been sent to hair and makeup while the rest of your members had gone home for some much-needed rest. 
You were now on your way, at 8:00 in the morning to meet your husband for the filming of We Got Married. The card had mentioned breakfast, and for that you were grateful but you were torn between the feeling of hunger in the pit of your belly and the butterflies that stirred around your nerves. Glancing at your phone, you reread the articles that had come out in the last 48 hours.
‘Is Y/N from Lark the newest wife on We Got married?’ ‘Lark’s Y/N set to wed BTS RM?’ ‘Just who will be Y/N from Lark’s husband?’ ‘Are BTS RM and Lark’s Y/N using We Got Married to announce their real relationship?’ 
There were many articles speculating just who would be your husband, but the latter stood out. Your members all knew and had teased you mercilessly when this particular article fell into their hands. The ‘crush’ you had on your label mate, Kim Namjoon, was a hot topic. You’d been asked if there were any trainees that you’d liked, when both of your groups had just newly debuted, and without thinking, you’d named Namjoon. The two of you had been friends during your trainee days, and had similar interests. You got along like a house on fire, and were always referring to one another as your work wife/husband. And, yes, he just so happened to be very attractive, and OK maybe there were one or two nights when you’d been lonely and thought about him.
Not only that, but you texted often and spent time together when you had a rare day off. There’d been more than one article posted speculating the nature of your relationship, but you’d both always said you were just friends. Because, that’s what you were. Yes, some of your text messages were flirty, and maybe, you lingered slightly when he hugged you, but he just thought of you as a friend. You were both from the ‘94 line, and just good friends. It was selfish to want more.
“Y/N, we’re here.” Your manager cleared your throat and you quickly shut off your phone to put it into your bag.
“Do I look alright?” You asked him, trying to pretend that the cameras weren’t there, while trying to school yourself on not letting your disappointment show when your husband wasn’t the one you wanted. 
Steeling yourself for disappointment, by putting up your walls to being the fun loving leader you had come to be known as, you stepped out of the van and waved to your manager.
“Y/N-ssi, you seemed very nervous when going to meet your husband, were your having regrets?”
The interviewer’s question brought a faint flush to your cheeks.
“I wasn’t having regrets, everything just seemed so much more real, and I was worried that I might do something to embarrass my members or my husband.”
Taking one last deep breath and whispering ‘fighting’ under your breath, you opened the door to the cereal cafe Midnight in Seoul and stepped into the pretty interior. There was only one person sitting in the cafe but you could tell that it wasn’t Namjoon. You hoped the sinking feeling that gripped your chest didn’t show on your face as you tentatively stepped forward. The man didn’t turn around. You raised a trembling hand and stopped before you could touch his shoulder, hesitating for a moment before tapping him lightly on the shoulder. 
Your husband started and turned around and you both spent a comically long time bowing back and forth to one another.
“Are you… by any chance... My husband, Minhyun-ssi?” You asked, hoping you were coming across as the shy young wife and not showing the disappointment at seeing NU’EST’s Hwang Minhyun standing in front of you.
“Oh, no, I’m not sorry, Y/N-ssi.” He smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “I was asked to deliver this message from your husband, please sit here and put these over your ears once I’ve gone. Once you’ve listened to the track, turn around and he’ll be there. Good luck, it’s such a pity that we aren’t getting married.”
With a blush and a bow, you took the mp3 player from him, sat down facing away from the door, and covered your ears with the large headphones. The music that started to play sounded so familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on it, until a familiar voice started to rap. A look of shock and recognition passed your face before it melted into a smile and your physically relaxed. For a moment, all your worries faded away and you allowed yourself to be taken over by Namjoon’s music, listening to him rap his promises to you as your husband and about your history together. You felt a little teary thinking about all the effort he had put in to this. He’d shared the instrumental with you not to long after you’d learned you would be filming WGM, that’s why it had sounded so familiar to you. He’d wanted your opinion but you knew now that he’d known you would be his wife. He was giving you a hint to help you relax. 
Unbeknownst to you, Namjoon entered the cafe, a large smile on his face and his hands held behind his back. He stood waiting for you to finish listening to his song, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth.
“Hello, I’m Kim Namjoon, and I’ll be getting married.” He smiled, the dimples you so loved crinkling his face. 
“Namjoon-ssi, you and Y/N have a history together. How do you feel being paired up with her for your virtual marriage?”
“I like it.” He beamed, his fingers coming up to cover his mouth. “Am I allowed to say that?” He added, seemingly to himself. “Y/N is my best friend and we have a lot of fun together, isn’t that what a marriage should be built on?”
“Of course, but have you ever felt attracted to Y/N-ssi? Or are the feelings simply that of a friendship?”
“I love Y/N. We’ve been through a lot together. I think she’s very beautiful, funny, intelligent and caring. Of course I’ve been attracted to her.”
“Wow, bold words! Why haven’t you ever dated in the past then, or have you?”
Namjoon paused, as if in thought. “How do I say this? Should I say it? The timing was never right. Who knows, maybe it is now?” He teased, winking at the camera.
The song finished and your hands moved as if on their own to pat your heated cheeks. You knew he would be standing there like Minhyun had said. He wasn’t one to play tricks like you had seen other husbands on the show do. Your heart pounding in your chest, you slowly reached up to remove the headphones, but remained seated, facing away. Your hands slipped up to clasp the locket necklace around your neck. Namjoon had given it to you for your birthday and you’d placed a picture of your members on one side, and a picture of him on the other. Not even the members knew that Namjoon’s face sat on the other side of the locket. It was your most treasured possession. 
Finally, you stood and slowly turned around to see him standing there, a shy smile on his face.
“You look amazing.” He grinned and pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. “You said no flowers.” You grinned and reached out for them. No Strings Attached was one of your favourite movies, and you’d always ranted about how, if your future partner didn’t gift you with carrots after knowing your love for the movie, it would never work.
“That’s pretty cute.” You quoted, reaching out to take them from him.
“Yeah, I’m pretty good at this.” Namjoon quoted back, his grin softening slightly as he held out a hand to the table, “Have you eaten? I’ll get our order. You’ve been busy today, right, Y/N?”
With a smile, you nodded. “I have been busy, and I’m starving.” You replied honestly, reaching for the ordering menus. It was pale pink with many boxes to tick for options.
“What do you think you’re going to order?”
How will you answer?
Go with something silly and fun.
Go with something sensible and nutritious.
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merigreenleaf · 6 years
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World Building June 2018 - Day 18, Fashion
I’m doing this a little out of order because I really wanted to talk about fashion. I’ll get to the prompt of medicine tomorrow as I try to catch up. :) The best way for me to describe fashion in Concordia is with pictures, so here's a moodboard of sorts that's similar to how I imagine most people there dress. Concordians love color, jewelry, embroidery, and embellishment. Hair dye in unnatural colors is a common sight. Everyone has their own personal taste, but almost every article of clothing you'll find will be colorful and embellished, even if it's otherwise practical. (That top right picture is how I picture Concordia's "practical.") Pockets are a big thing here and any article of clothing tends to have multiple pockets sewn into them; bags aren't overly common for daily activities, unless someone wants the option of even more pockets. Adair wears a sling bag across his chest that's made up of a bunch of pockets- he keeps a dozen jars of paint and a handful of paintbrushes in there. Sol's favorite vest is covered in pockets where he keeps little pieces of junk that could be useful in his inventions.
Clothing isn't gendered, so the choice between, say, pants or a skirt is entirely based on personal comfort and occupation. By this I mean that some jobs and trades would make flowing skirts or floor-length coats impractical. Dray is always dressed to the nines and wears something like evening dresses or ball gowns whenever they're not in costume. No one thinks this at all strange for daily wear. Concordians like to decorate themselves just as much as they do their homes and cities.
More info about different types of fashion under the read more link. :)
Artisans: On the flip side to Dray’s flawless style, Adair almost always wears old, grubby pants and shirts and no one ever believes that he's an Artisan because Artisans always dress the most over-the-top. Their current style is gauzy, lightweight fabrics in multiple layers, resembling something like robes or dresses of whatever length the person prefers, but almost always reach the floor. They go in for long, full sleeves which is entirely impractical when they're artists, so this means long ribbons or strips of fabric for tying the sleeves up as they work. They wear light shoes or slippers rather than heavier shoes or boots. While a lot of people are going to go for nice hairstyles, Artisans take this to an extreme, too. Artisans of any gender typically have hair that reaches their waist or knees and this is done up in elaborate styles by their spouses or family members, just like the Artisans rely on family to help them dress. And gosh, the amount of jewelry. Concordians like shiny things and Artisans definitely like shiny things. They have a tradition of giving each other gifts at random of the creations they make and this often includes things like clothing, accessories and jewelry. Artisans display these gifts on their bodies as much as they display the non-wearable gifts in their homes. It doesn't even have to be fancy gifts; they're just as likely to wear something their child or apprentice or young family made as they are to wear something nicer. It's more the thought that counts than what it actually looks like and you can bet an Artisan will be showing off that macaroni bracelet.
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Protectorates:  The sentinels are the bodyguard/spouses to artists, so I'll get into these next. The bottom middle and bottom right pictures are similar to how I picture the uniforms for sentinels of any gender. Usually sentinels can wear whatever they want, but on formal occasions they all wear the same thing, which is essentially a long, dark colored coat that's trimmed in the color of their artists' magics. More than just trimmed- the artist's magic is embedded into the garment so it also glows with the particular magical color of the artist. Only those with Artisan magic can see this glow, so it's entirely unnecessary since the trim is that color anyway, but I think the artists like to show that this sentinel is theirs. There's also a specific long braid that sentinels wear in public that designates their status as a sentinel.
This braid is a normal thing for the Protectorates, which is the group trained to protect art and artists. There are other braids based on what you're guarding, so it's sort of like their badge. (I haven't worked out yet what the braids look like exactly.) The braid combined with much more practical and much less colorful clothes than everyone else wears is generally a pretty good indication that someone's a Protectorate. These pictures all make me think of what Protectorates would wear.
Carnival performers: Tattoos are more common among the carnival performers than the rest of the population and I think the reason for this is that they're so permanent. This is a culture that likes change and trying out new things, so I think the idea of a tattoo is unappealing to most people. However, lots of Concordians will go for temporary makeup and stains to the skin and they certainly love dyeing and styling their hair. Carnies use tattoos to mark life events and things that are important to them, but they'll also get them just because they like them. Generally carnies dress pretty standard Concordian, although there would be some difference because they travel around the continent more often and would pick up styles from other places. A lot of the time they'll wear their costumes around, too. Of my main characters, Dray is really the only one who does this, though.
I haven’t worked out the fashion for what other people wear across the continent, so that’s something I’ll figure out later. I do know that the priest/esses in Montglace keep themselves completely covered from head to toe with heavy robes, but considering that they live in a cavern in a frigid climate, this is probably the only smart thing those people have ever done lol. 
Tagging my world building peoples. Please let me know if you want on or off this list and please please tag me in any writing thing that you share. <3 @ageekyreader @lynnafred @worldbuildingwren @theguildedtypewriter @toboldlywrite @wchwriter @ghostsmooches @lady-redshield-writes @bluemartlet @reeseweston @dreameronthewind @forlornraven @pen-for-sword @homesteadhorner @shadow-maker @loopyhoopydrabbles @emptymanuscript @madmooninc
Day 1 (Intro to my writing/series) / Day 2 (Geography) / Day 3 (People) / Day 4 (History) / Day 5 (Civilization & Architecture) / Bonus: Art Theft  / Day 6 (Gender & Sexuality) / Day 7 (Economy) / Day 8 (Government) / Day 9 (Religion) / Day 10 (Holidays) / Day 12 (Elementals) / Day 11, 13, 14 (Language, Plants, Food) / Day 15 (Technology) / Day 16 (Magic)
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
And what drives them both is the number of people who can manage that are the people who get rich by creating wealth, people who want to decrease the false positive rate is, because since meeting Robert I've tried to explain this to VC firms they have to deliver their message, whatever it is. At least, that's what. When I see patterns in my programs, I consider it a great treat to fly to Europe and spend a lot of people seem to be destroying democracy. Paul Allen were interested in design, so he did. They'll tell you that you might not be an alternate route to innovation that goes through obedience and cooperation instead of individualism? You see it in old photos. All the deals he gets to invest in startups Y Combinator has funded. Maybe you can be as convinced as you like about your idea is bad. I first met him, I at least don't have any more idea what the right direction, admit you have no way to reply.
Words I did end up being a philosophy major for most of human history. I wish we had. Customers don't care how hard you worked, only whether you solved their problems with software, and the difference is that wise means one has to write in school is a complex one, or because the good suppliers are no longer in the market to give Microsoft control of the board seat it consumes. Then I could put it online. I've realized what's going on. You had to grow the company gradually, by iterating through several versions they sold to real users, they'd have learned pretty quickly that people looked stupid riding them. I couldn't convince Fred Wilson to: Paul Graham date: Tue, Feb 17,2009 at 10:00 PM subject: Re: meet the airbeds PG, Thanks for the intro! While the audience at an academic talk might appreciate a joke, they will either be a language in which indentation is significant, like Python, would not be fun. This was the surprise mentioned by the most founders. So performance in the future the executives installed by VCs will let them solve hard problems in the face. You remember: topic sentence, introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs, conclusion. If 98% of the time, no one needs a particular song or article.
Especially if you're also looking for a way out without the stigma of failure. Notes One of the most remarkable things about the architecture of our software, but through brand, and our competitors would get none, and eventually go away. But increasingly the founders of a company that doesn't yet have earnings is worth something. Subject Free! That brings us to what I think will be tolerated. How well you're doing a few months later saying This is supposed to mean. I told the fearsome Professor Conway that I was ready to question everything I knew. I suppose that's worth something. In particular, new things. All you need is to be willing to change your product.
If you do have to leave grad school, there are few checks on releases. In a startup you're judged by users, because those few are the best solution is to assume that someone with a clear plan for the future is to focus on graduation rates, not how much effort it costs. But it was also because our standards were higher. For example, the Honeywell thermostats in my house have the most to lose, seem to see the Mona Lisa, you'll probably buy a Japanese one. You may as well cast a wider net and derive what benefit you can from similarities between fields. Extracurricular activities, check. 01 tcl 0. A big company is like a small boat in the open sea. The challenge is whether we can keep things this way. They may feel they have the upper hand over investors. Because they're so bad, but bad at creating new ones. Delivering solutions in an informal way means that instead of Windows NT?
Curve Wise and smart are both ways of saying someone knows what to do. For example, in a way that a distributed algorithm protects you from investors who flake in much the same with Facebook. The patent pledge is not legally binding, but it seems a bit of a debate inside our partnership about the airbed concept. Whereas if you'd said you were raising $500k, you'd be running Windows. And in particular, don't go to graduate school, and jobs encourage cooperation, not conquest. Horace, Sat. But how common will that be? I find new books to read en route. There's another thing all three components of Web 2. Now we'd give a different answer.
Thanks to the Berkeley CSUA, Robert Morris, Trevor Blackwell, Cameron Robertson, Sarah Harlin, and Max Roser for inviting me to speak.
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pedagrouchy · 3 years
Week Seven: Pop-Culture in the Classroom
1. Morrell provides an in-depth look at five units of study that formed the year-long curriculum of a senior English class. Of these five units, which did you find the most interesting? Why? Could you see yourself using elements (texts, activities, critical frameworks) of this unit to inspire a unit in your future curriculum?
The first unit, which pairs The Odyssey and The Godfather, jumped out at me immediately -- in part because I’ve been reading The Hate U Give for my Young Adult Lit class, and just this morning thought “huh, this would be neat to teach with The Godfather.” As far as treating power relations and violence for ethnic minorities in America, those two texts would pair well. But to address group identity, tribal power structures, heroism, the epic, and history, I can hardly think of a sharper combination than the one Morrell describes.
I can certainly see using either of these texts in a classroom, especially in a way that puts them back-to-back. I loved Morrell’s strategy of drawn-out film viewings -- it had never occurred to me to stomach my fears about continuity ("would the experience be the same, in such small increments?”) in the interest of finding out what opportunities such a form might open. From what he described, it seems like it was worth it. And it certainly can’t hurt students’ skills at close-reading, communal discussion, and critical engagement with visual media.
For a last, more superficial point, I was so excited to see the exam format he chose. This seems like a weird fondness, but I love tests structured that way, and I’ve found that the few professors willing to use them are the ones I learn from (and retain what I learn) the best.
Part Two: I reached out to a good friend of mine who teaches 10th grade English in San Diego and asked for an upcoming unit essential question. Using the unit essential question she shared, create a set of texts (5 ish) that you think could help 10th graders explore this question. Here's the catch: You are only allowed one traditional print-based work of fiction. All other texts have to be multimodal in nature (songs, podcasts, video games, art or visual texts of any kind, graphic narratives, articles, films, digital media, etc.)
For each text, list the name, author/creator, a brief sentence summarizing what the text is and is about, and a short description of how students might use this text as a way to discuss the unit essential question.
EQ: How do we know what we know?
Wow, well, that’s a doozy of a question, so here’s my best shot:
1. Othello, William Shakespeare
Traditional, sure, but it’d probably be lying around in a district closet somewhere, there are great film and audio versions, and I think it bears on the essential question directly. As the story of a man whose knowledge of his wife is slowly eroded and replaced by new, insidiously designed “knowledge,” it has a lot to say about how we go about knowing things, and how other people -- sometimes with bad intent -- can influence the process.
2. Introducing Wittgenstein, John Heaton and Judy Groves
This might be a reach, but I think the graphic narrative format, the biographical details, and the intro-level approach would get high schoolers to at least start to engage with its ideas. Most of all, I’d want to get across the point (and if this is the only point they get, I’m happy) that knowledge is a thing that’s totally inextricable from language. From there, interesting questions about other texts ought to flow more freely.
3. Manufacturing Consent, Mark Achbar, Peter Wintonick, and Noam Chomsky
Again, maybe this documentary is shooting high, but I think that breaking it up into little manageable pieces, the way Morrell does, would give students the chance to engage with a lot of lively, provocative ideas. As one of the most accessible windows into the already pretty-accessible work of Noam Chomsky, it’s hard to beat. Ideally, this would be the point at which themes from Othello might return, and we could discuss how knowledge is often able to play stooge to power.
4. This American Life #670: Beware the Jabberwock!, Ira Glass & Co.
For a more contemporary text, I think this TAL podcast episode on the world of online conspiracy theorists -- and Alex Jones in particular -- would be an entertaining and (hopefully in a good way) frightening way to develop the themes already running through the course. At a time when the ability to generate dangerous, misleading knowledge is so democratically available, it’s more important than ever to ask how that knowledge works, who’s making it, and who it serves. This podcast answers at least the second of those questions in a way that’s gripping, funny, and surprisingly sensitive.
5. Hurricane, Bob Dylan
To round things out (and, in a slightly off-smelling way, to end how we started: with a story-in-verse about the unjust treatment of a Black man, written by a White one), I think this classic song of the counter-culture would engage a lot of our prior texts while directing questions of created knowledge toward matters of racial justice in America. Since it’s so short (well, not for a song, but you know what I mean), and since this curriculum is so White (whoops...) it’d be nice to pair it with some work by Black authors that engages the same issues. What I like about this song especially is its more local treatment of created knowledge, which might stand as a nice counterpoint to Chomsky’s State-Department-level critiques.
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gigsoupmusic · 4 years
The Flowers of Hell, Japanese Television, Sterling Roswell (28 Feb 2020)
Being the infidel atheists that we are, we normally only ever set foot in a church when someone gets married or dies, and lately it's been much more of the latter. So, it is largely thanks to musical events that we get our occasional ecclesiastical hit that doesn't involve being surrounded by family, whether dead or alive. Bit-Phalanx put on an amazing electronic festival last year in a church in Covent Garden, which you can read all about here. We were not expecting another chance to enjoy music inside a London church so soon. But, enjoy we did. Last Friday night we were congregated in the small but perfectly-formed St Pancras Old Church just north of the famous station named after it, looking forward to a triple bill of the Spacemen 3's ex-drummer Sterling 'Rosco' Roswell, current BBC6 darlings Japanese Television, and 'Lou Reed approved trans-Atlantic symphonic psych group' The Flowers of Hell.
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Rosco's main percussionist had had to cancel last minute – let's just say it's a 'sign of the times' and leave it there – so Max Peak stood in on bongos, and started tapping away at them as Rosco kicked into his beautiful opening song, "Like Wild Horses".
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"Heartbeat" was followed by his slightly off-the-wall "Nobody Loves the Hulk", and then into one the more recent tracks that we fell in love with when we first heard it a few years ago, "Atom Brain Monster", the lyrics of which Sterling has recently updated to refer to Boris Johnson instead of Tony Blair. We recorded the performance and would like to share it with you here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQSBpeXNUAo However, things sadly were not going well for our Rosco tonight as his string broke right in the middle of his next track, "Venus Honey Dew". It would have taken him at least twenty minutes to source and fix a new string and, whilst most of us there would have gladly waited to hear his classic "Give Peace Another Chance", which he was scheduled to sing next, it would not have been fair on the following act.
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As we therefore do not have much more to add about Rosco's gig, we'd love you to read an article we wrote for GIGsoup about 'Being Sterling Roswell', following an interview with him in his studio last October. Next up were a very tight band from London called Japanese Television. We've been seeing their name a lot in the gig listings over the past year but this was our first chance to see them live. They are so different to everything else out there at the moment, so it is no wonder that they caught the eye of Marc Riley on BBC6. The tracks they recorded last July at the Marc Riley session have made it onto their new double-EP reissue, now available in all good record shops and which we were able to buy that night, the night before its official release!
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But what makes Japanese Television so special? Well, for a start, there's no singer. And we like that, because it's different. Not having vocals means that the audience can really concentrate on the music, which is very surfy and very psychedelic. Not as surfy as, say, the Beach Boys, or as psych as say The Roaring 420s, but somewhere in-between, and without a singer. I think the best thing we can do here is to share here a bit of video we filmed. Here are two of their songs on one video – "Crocodile Dentist" (which, incidentally, was originally recorded for their EP in one take on an 8-track) and "Tick Tock". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsGNCu4IR6I Before this they played most of their back catalogue, kicking off with "Lizard Moon", and then their brand new track "Moon Glider", which is so new it's not even on the new release! We loved how psychedelic "Mood Glider" was, and how it slowed down towards the end.
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"Surfing Saucers" came next, which has a really good organ sound to it which just sounded perfect given the church setting. Which brings me onto the instruments. Tim Jones plays his pale-blue surf guitar in a very unique way, hoisted right up underneath his beard, which must not be comfortable! He plays in a slightly different tempo, it seems, to the rest of the band, which is a truly marvellous effect. Ian Thorn is on keyboards, but also uses a taishōgoto, which is a form of Japanese harp which first came out in 1912, and looks almost like something you would type on (in fact, these instruments are also collectively known as 'typewriter zithers'). The sound is, as you would expect, very Japanese. Just something else that marks out this band as being pretty unique.
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Alex Lawton on bass and Al Brown on drums make up the remainder of the foursome. They were buried by the dark shadows at the back of the stage, but kept time immaculately. We chatted both to Alex and to Ian after the gig, such lovely chaps. We recommended they give Young Georgian Lolitaz a listen, and if they ever play a gig in the former USSR republic of Georgia they should get together, as we think they would merge and make some really nice spacey music! After a short break, it was time for the main event. But first, a bit of background knowledge about The Flowers of Hell. They were formed in 2005 and were mentored by Sterling Roswell's erstwhile bandmate from Spacemen 3, Pete 'Sonic Boom' Kember.
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Their second album was Come Hell or High Water, and the album cover features in the Aubrey Beardsley exhibition which opens tomorrow 4th March at Tate Britain. This is going to be the largest exhibition of the late-Victorian artist's drawings for over 50 years, and The Flowers of Hell's album will feature among the exhibits, as an example of how influential Beardsley was, whose life was so sadly cut short by tuberculosis at the tender age of twenty-five. Other artists' albums featured at the exhibition include The Beatles, Procol Harum and Humble Pie, so The Flowers of Hell are in very good company indeed.
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Toronto-born band-leader Greg Jarvis suffers from, or in his case is blessed by, a unique neurological condition called timbre-to-shape synæsthesia, which basically means that he sees all sounds as layers of three-dimensional shapes. He went on to found the Canadian Synesthesia Association in 2013. Whereas many albums from artists on the psych scene are influenced by visions from LSD and other psychedelics, Come Hell or High Water is actually based and arranged on Jarvis's synæsthesthetic visions, which is what makes his sound so very unique. There were thirty musicians performing on that album, recorded over a mammoth forty sessions in four different countries. Knowing how much Jarvis likes to surround himself with a crowd, we were not altogether surprised that we counted eight musicians on Friday's small stage – nine, if you include the contribution of Anna-Nicole Ziesche (on the left in the photo below), Hamburg-born visual artist and former alumnus of Central Saint Martins, who got up on stage to read out a German poem from 1955 that her mother had taught her, over a trumpet solo.
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Jarvis was everywhere on stage. Sometimes playing keyboards, sometimes harmonica and, towards the end, at the front of stage on his trusted guitar. One of the three trumpeters who featured on the original Come Hell or High Water album was our taishōgoto-player from Japanese Television, and therefore was also on stage for The Flowers of Hell, as was a sax player, a violinist, a female singer who had a hauntingly angelic voice, and various other performers, most of whom were lost in the darkness at the back of the stage.
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Back in the 90s, before The Flowers of Hell, Jarvis was living, among other places, in Prague, playing in various underground rock bands. They played their version of "Muchomůrky bílé", a protest song by Milan Hlasva, who was the original bassist and songwriter for PPU (Plastic People of the Universe), who were forbidden from performing this (or indeed any other song!) by the then Communist government, which was one of the many catalysts that spurred PPU fan Václav Havel in 1976 to create Charter 77 which took on the government and eventually lead to the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The rest, as they say, is history. To be honest, it's not our favourite song of The Flowers of Hell, and certainly the least psych, but we filmed it because it means so much to Greg Jarvis. Here is our footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6CznGOsrR0 Far more atmospheric was the next song, "Pipe Dreams", which was truly quite beautiful, it made the hairs on our arms stand on end. The violin intro, the pipes, the singing, the slow introduction of the percussion, it all works so well together. We'll let you make up your own minds: https://youtu.be/bZF_5WmXxuo "The Joy of Sleeping" came next, which was a fantastic duel between the female singer's haunting voice, and Thorn's trumpet sounds, with violins and keyboards and guitar and percussion adding to the quite breathtaking sound. Here's the footage. Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsTvjcrWrME After a couple of other tracks, Jarvis took to the front of the stage, turned around, and literally conducted the band to play his very experimental piece which is largely made up of rehearsed improvisations. Originally, this piece lasts over 46 minutes long (it is a classic example of 'absolute' music, in other words, music that is not about anything in particular, and is a term first invented by Richard Wagner to describe this abstract, non-representational form). Jarvis's synæsthesia is largely helping him direct the band to perform the sound that he is seeing, in a really interesting symbiosis. We did not get the full 46-minute treatment (or else there's no way we'd have made the tube home), but we certainly got a good crack at it.
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The song finally ended on a real crescendo, with Jarvis whirling his arms around like crazy. Imagine Pete Townshend meets Simon Rattle and you're halfway there.
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Lou Reed was a big fan of The Flowers of Hell, so it is no surprise that the band always like to fit in at least one Velvet Underground or Lou Reed classic into their set. Their cover of "Heroin" had a great build-up with the drums and the violin, with Jarvis on vocals and playing guitar. As with "O", it had a really exciting and cacophonous dénouement. There was something nicely cyclical about the way the evening ended. Sterling Roswell, whose set had earlier been so cruelly curtailed by a broken guitar string, was encouraged onto the stage for the closing encore. He sat on drums and joined The Flowers of Hell on Spacemen 3's iconic hit from 1988, "Take Me to the Other Side". This was a real treat for us, and was the perfect end to the evening. We filmed it and we're delighted to be able to share it with you here, though unfortunately the drums were right at the back of the stage so you can't see Rosco, but you can certainly hear his trademark drumming style. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIbn0J9J-Os And that was the end of another epic night of great entertainment. Armed with a copy of Japanese Television's EPs, and with a bounce in our step, we bade our fairwell to the lovely church and the lovely musicians who had entertained us for the prior three and a half hours. We are also looking forward to The Flowers of Hell's new greatest hits compilation album called 15 Years of Soft Labour, which is coming out this summer. It is going to include a 10-minute extended version of "White Out", featuring the sadly recently deceased Ivan Král, who was Jarvis's mentor and 'rock'n'roll uncle' for the past two decades. We at GIGsoup would like to also pay our respects to Král, who played with and wrote music for so many musical greats, from Iggy Pop to David Bowie and Patti Smith, among many many more, and who lost his fight to cancer last month. Čest jeho památce. Read the full article
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ofcrescentsxpassion · 4 years
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➺ LAURIETTA “LAURIE” LANCE who looks exactly like OLIVIA WILDE has been spotted in the heart of new orleans. I heard the HETEROFLEXIBLE, THIRTY-FIVE/ THIRTY-FIVE-year-old, WEREWOLF who is known to be +INDEPENDENT but also –MISCHIEVOUS, is one of the RETURNED FROM THE DEAD that has found their way to new orleans. Rumor has it they are ACTUALLY HAYLEY’S MOTHER and you will find them working at the CITY HALL as a TRAVEL WRITER.
How long has your character been in new orleans? Do they like new orleans? What brought them here? Are they planning to stay?
She’s actually been living in New Orleans eversince she was a little girl till she was 28 years old, which was the year she died due to being murdered. BUT Laurie, has no idea of that. From she “remembers” of her past life was that she grew up in Florida. And right now, she believes that she had only started living in NOLA, on-and-off for the past 7 years, when she moved there, because she felt that particular city calling out to her in heart. Almost as if an invisible string was strongly pulling her closer and closer to finally choose that city as a new abode. She feels as if New Orleans is her current calling for some mystical, inexplicable calling of her soul, and being a person who strongly believes in following her heart and the magic that surrounds her life, she now thinks that fate wants her to settle in NOLA for a period of time. For how long and why, who knows? And she’s perfectly okay with not knowing why just yet, because she believes that everything always happens for a reason and time will reveal everything. Que Sera Sera XD
As far as liking New Orleans goes, she does like it a lot, enjoys the thrills  and passion of the cultural life there and has slowly fallen in love with the city over the last 7 years. 
Are they one of the returned dead, if so how long have they been alive for? Or are they one of the unfrozen, if so how are they handling that the world has moved on without them? Or are they one of the survivors, if so how did they handle the dead returning and now the unfreezing?
She’s one of the returned dead. Her real name is actually Laurietta “Laurie” Labonair, the mother of Hayley Marshall ( aka Andrea Labonair ), the maternal grandmother of Hope Mikaelson. and one of the former leaders of the Crescent Wolf Pack. She returned back to life 7 years ago.
Is your character connected with any of the groups in new orleans? The witch coven, the werewolf pack or the mikaelson academy?
She was formerly a high-ranking member of the Crescent Wolf Pack and a part of the Labonair Family 
Anything we should know about your character, the way you play them? Headcanons? Any connections or plots you want for your character that you would like others to take up within the group? What canons would you like to see taken for your character?
Laurie is first and foremost a free spirit. She’s very independent and is quite inhibited 99.99 % of the time. She has her own artistic and creative mindset on how she goes about doing things, which can be seen in her sometimes-eccentric clothing style of various patterns and unique color combinations.  It also can clearly be viewed with the way she takes photos while travelling and the way she writes her journals and articles about her travels. She has a flair and talent for writing which lead to her choosing her current occupation. And coupled with the fact that she is very much a wanderlust too, her perfect job is her biggest passion in life currently. And speaking of passion, boy is Laurie a very passionate woman! Everything she does is done with great passion. She won’t do anything. She won’t ever  do anything in a slipshod or halfway, thus anything she does has to be either something she likes doing or intrigues her enough.  She’s also a very easy-going person meaning she doesn’t take any wrongs done to her very seriously. It’s rare to see this sunny, lively and optimistic woman in anger or in a bad mood ( yet). Her motto is living life to the fullest every single day and she has determinedly stuck to it very well so far. She is also VERY much a mischevious imp and loves to mess around lightly with people all in the name of good, harmless fun. She also loves being busy and hates awkward silences, hence she is also known to be a pretty chatty person. Though there are times, which she may be accidentally tactless as she has a tendency to speak before she thinks due to her avid outspoken bluntness.  Underneath her larger than life exterior though, she’s got a very kind and big compassionate her for almost everyone around her. She’s extremely protective of the people she cares about as well as innocents. She currently doesn’t favor the idea of being tied down by settling down and having a family of her own just yet, and thus, she’s just been a serial dater without feeling any real, strong feelings towards anyone she’s been with. ( duhhh, girl doesn’t know it, but this is actually because she still very strongly loves her deceased husband as she had thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with him )
Canons that I want to see in here: Hayley and Mr. Labonair ( her husband and Hayley’s father) !!! As well as Jackson, Aiden, Oliver, Agnes, Marcel, and the Guerera family members. Connections and plot-wise: I’m pretty much open to almost anything for her! Enemies, friends, close friends, neighbours, co-workers, people she’s met during her travels, members from the current ruling wolf pack in NOLA, her flings, ONS, fwbs etc.. 
Your characters bio: For canons, any details about their life after the show finished and since they returned. Or for ocs, we would like as much detail as possible about your characters history)
Okay so for Laurie, I’m still using her whole canon backstory in the series up till her point of death. Obviously I have some headcanons for a few things about her life before she got married and had Andrea ( Hayley) but some of her obvious personality traits like being kind, smart, good and peace-loving woman who adored her family, still remains. My biggest headcanon is the rest of her character and other personality traits which are my own original ideas for her and I think that after she fell in love with Hayley’s dad and settled down to have a family with him, her wild and spontaneous free-spirit personality got tamed down a lot as she started to take a lot of things in her life and future more seriously now. She matured a lot when she was pregnant and then had Hayley, and became wiser and more determined to provide a peaceful, stable and loving environment for her daughter to grow up in. She initially dreaded pregnancy and childbirth whilst growing up as she was first-hand witness to the dreadful toll it took on her mother and fellow female relatives as it was much more harrowing than a normal human pregnancy and birthing. But when she got pregnant with Hayley, whom she loved more than life itself, her views on those two topics gradually changed fully and she even wanted to give Hayley a few siblings. Alas, all those plans that she and her husband made were destroyed the day that the both of them got murdered right in their very home and in front of her beloved daughter. 
When she returned from the dead 7 years ago, she then eventually found out the whole story of what happened to her family and her pack. And knowing that her Hayley is now dead as well, it completely destroyed her besides the fact that she was out of her time and most of her friends were no longer alive due to various reasons. In her deep depression and grief, she then turned to a trusted old bestie for help. She wanted to forget about her whole past as that was the only way she could survive and move on. If not, she would be on a declining brink, almost on the verge of suicide.  So with some reluctance, her witch best friend placed a strong spell on her which would make her forget everything and filled her head with a simple but rather fake backstory. Thus, that’s how Laurie has been living her life  passionately and happily as a travel writer for the past 7 years.
She has no idea about Hope though since only a small number of people know that Hope lived on instead of “ being killed after she was born”, so she thought that she had lost the last of her kin as well. 
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sewjourn · 5 years
Goals and Expectations
I’ve wanted to pick up sewing for a while now. For many, many years, actually. It’s always been that hobby that I was too afraid to pick up because I didn’t have the time or resources or wasn’t proud enough of my interest in it to admit to my parents that I even wanted to get started.
That being said, I’ve resolved to really make something of this hobby. Not a career or anything, but really get into it and pick up skills and just be capable of making cool things.
This blog is created as a way for me, as a beginner, to both share my journey, step by little step, as well as maybe connect with others on their own journeys, or maybe to inspire someone only just starting their own adventures.
This post, as an entry point into this blog and thus my entry into the realm of sewing, fashion, and all the rest, is to lay out what exactly I want to achieve as I begin my foray into this wonderful new world, as well as lay out the background of where I am currently and how much I’m capable of starting. In another post, I will make clear all of my experience in the field prior to the creation of this blog (and all experience after will, of course, be put here as well, given the purpose of this blog).
So, here we go.
Basically, my interest in making clothes, generally, lies in two spheres. One is in historical reconstruction and the other is in cosplay. I do absolutely want to make clothes just to wear, but that’s one of those “if I have the idea for it” things, not something I’m actively working towards.
I’m not really a cosplayer, per se, but I’ve always been more interested in the costumes themselves than in dressing up even if I had gotten into it. So basically I just want to make cosplay for the purposes of like, putting it on instagram or something. Though, if I have it anyway, I might take the leap and wear it to a convention sometime. But for now, my interest is mostly just personal and for fun.
Historical reconstruction is in a similar vein, though I legitimately do want to actually wear some of what I make. I’m more likely to wear this stuff more often, and honestly there will surely be some things that I want to make simply for the sake of wearing them. But this interest in particular stems more from a passion for history and not only the clothes and how they’re worn but the methods by which they were made as well. So, when I start with this, there will be a lot of research and I’d be attempting to create it all in historical practice to the best of my ability.
Now, it’s not just sewing and costuming that I’m interested in. I really want to give all aspects of this a try. Knitting, crochet, leatherwork, embroidery, all of it. I’m aware they’re all very different skills, but the whole point is to go on an adventure and try new things and figure out what I enjoy the most.
Those are sort of vague long term expectations and motivations, but now lets move on to concrete goals. All, of course, subject to change as I do research and learn what exactly is required in the projects I have in mind.
I have three “tiers” of goals, which are designed in a sort of ladder. The immediate goals are things I can accomplish today - things I have the ability and materials to do right now if I chose to work on it, or even just things I can go and buy for big projects. Big goals are the next step up and are mostly single projects. A single article of clothing like a shirt or a scarf or even just a simple project. Something that I could do with some preparation, whether it’s going and buying the materials or just doing some research. The last tier is stretch goals, which is a major project, in this case an outfit, that I’m ultimately working towards. I won’t necessarily use everything my big goals teach me to accomplish my stretch goal, but the idea is that, especially since I have basically no experience sewing, those big goals are laying the foundation and will teach me how to approach the stretch goal, which, without the lower goals, is a daunting and seemingly impossible task.
Stretch - Big picture ultimate goal. Usually a multi-part project. (Once I start mine, each individual piece will be a big goal of their own.) Big - Single projects that are achievable with preparation. Immediate - Anything achievable currently with just some time and attention investment.
Stretch Goals:
That is, goals which I am ultimately working towards accomplishing, and probably won’t even be started until I get some practice and have a general understanding of that they would even entail.
For cosplay/sewing, my biggest goal at the moment is to make Ranulf’s outfit.
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Fire Emblem is literally one of my favorite games ever, and Ranulf is one of my favorite characters. It seems like a fun outfit just to have, anyway, even if I wouldn’t necessarily wear it out. (I’d 100% wear the loincloth/skirt thing around the house lol. And the top is basically half of my entire aesthetic so there’s a good chance I’ll legit wear it out if I can style it.)
Secondary is actually Keaton’s outfit because it’s legitimately wearable and I’d be able to take those pieces and actually wear them in everyday life. Also, I could probably find patterns to start with that would help me make it.
I don’t have any concrete historical stretch goals, though I’m hoping to get an idea of what time periods I’m especially interested in working with through some more research on the topic. Not concrete enough to be a “goal” but still something in a similar time frame that I want to achieve. Besides, I don’t like the idea of having more than one or two stretch goals. I feel like I’d be trying to go in too many different directions.
I do have the vague idea of recreating one of my favorite clothing items from The Sims 4, but as I said I like to have a single stretch goal to work towards, which right now is Ranulf’s outfit. At some point along the line, the Sims idea might make a good “big goal”, though.
For life, which isn’t necessarily sewing/etc., but is sort of immediately important in accomplishing any of my stretch/big goals, my stretch goal is to move out and get my own place. Sadly, until I do this, progress on anything past immediate goals will be slow at best, and realistically probably straight up stalled. I won’t go into detail, but I just have a hard time creating while I’m here. Not to mention money is always a concern and after I move out I’ll have that all budgeted and will know how best to approach these goals financially.
Those are what I’m currently working towards being able to do.
Big Goals:
There’s a lot more here, naturally. These big goals are major projects that I’m thinking of starting on. They’re sort of my first big projects, in theory. Attainable things that will teach me the skills that will bring me closer to accomplishing the stretch goals.
My first thought on how to get into not only sewing, but historical sewing, was to make something simple. And simple, to me, means underwear. It isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to do, but minor mistakes aren’t seen and it provides the foundation for everything you wear on top of it, so it’s pretty important. That said, I’d love to start a historical journey with some braies, some medieval men’s underwear.
That being said, that might be the second or third thing I actually try making simply because I think it would be more practical for my first big project like that, where I’d be making something from just bolts of fabric, to not have to make the pattern myself. If I can’t find a pattern, even if it’s not strictly a historical one (authenticity is important, but I’m just learning and the point of this in particular is simply to learn how patterns work in the first place), then I’m better off with something else as I feel I need that experience with how the pattern affects the actual clothes before I can attempt drafting my own.
So, yeah. Braies, by which I hope I will gain a basic understanding of patterns and a feel for what research will be like for future historical projects.
Knitting/Crochet: I admit I’m not fully aware of the difference. That being said, I think that both can be used to make scarves. I’m not sure which I’d try first, but the big goal here is to make a Ravenclaw scarf. I have an official Universal Studios one, but it really irks me that it’s blue and silver (like the movies) instead of blue and bronze (like the books). I want a blue and bronze one, and without knowing anything about knitting/crochet, it seems like a decent goal to start working on/towards as a beginner. Just a two-color, long rectangle.
Leatherwork: I don’t plan to begin leatherworking anytime soon, but very generally my first idea is some kind of leather case, like in this video by Morgan Donner, just as an accessory that can be worn with costume/cosplay stuff later on. I probably won’t worry too much/at all about decorating it over just leaving it plain and functional. Secondary big goal project would be just an art piece on a piece of leather, not made into anything in particular, just leather as the canvas. Oh, also a leather thimble. That might come sooner.
Embroidery: I don’t have any big goals laid out for embroidery yet, but I do definitely want to try it. The only idea I have right now is one of those store-bought embroidery kits that give you the thread and a design and you basically just do the hand work. That’ll probably be first just to give me an idea of how embroidery works and what it can do.
Sewing Machine: How do? I’m probably going to steal my mom’s old one, so hopefully I’ll learn more about how it works as I clean it. Otherwise, I’ll be asking her and looking it up online. Concrete goal: make something with the sewing machine. Just like, a square or something. Just to figure out how it works.
Life: Big goal for life is to get a job. I’m currently in that liminal state between finishing college and getting a job. There’s really no telling how long this will take, but setting out goals like this are really important for me in getting literally anything done, and as I said getting my own place is very important in getting bigger projects rolling, which is why I’m putting this here.
Sewing and the braies project is the top thing, save for life goals, obviously, with the others being secondary. There’s so much here that it could easily go in too many directions at once, but my “stretch goals” for everything but sewing (which aren’t measurable goals and so don’t count here but still) is to get fundamentals in the skills for use in making accessories or just helping on the road to achieving the stretch goal. They’re all very different skills, but they do all fall under the same sphere, and so I think they’d be useful skills to have. Besides the fact that I’m just interested in them.
Immediate Goals:
Sewing: Sew on a button. Make a buttonhole. Research what stitches are most common and practice them. “Practice them” is not a measurable goal, but I’m going to focus on the life goal until I get into a place where it’s routine, and then I’ll figure out exactly how often to practice. I only have so much scrap fabric and thread, anyway.
Historical: Prepare study material for braies project. Look for patterns and records of how they may have been assembled. Compile folder for reference when starting that project.
Knitting/crochet: Research each approach and decide which to start with for the Ravenclaw scarf project. Compile any information (pattern?, instructions, historical techniques?, material, material cost, etc.) that’s relevant for the reference folder.
Leatherwork: The thimble is something I want relatively quickly, since it’ll help with other projects. Immediate goal for this is, like the others, simply to compile information on how to cut/sew it so that it fits and doesn’t immediately fall apart.
Life: Get the resume in check and apply to at least one job every other day subsequently. Others, but they’re irrelevant to this journey and blog specifically.
Clearly there’s a lot there, but if you break it down there’s not actually all that much. I might condense it into shorthand and make a separate page on this blog to document my goals and reference as I work on them. Still considering that idea, though. Maybe I’ll make a separate post ruminating on how that might work.
Anyway, point is, there’s not really all that much. It’s the braies, really, and then the Ranulf project, though I might divert into making more of a 15th century outfit stemming from the braies as a base before starting the Ranulf project. That’s a lot more research, though. It’ll depend on how I feel after the braies and where I am at that point in. The other big goals are all side things dipping my toes into other areas.
But, as I said, I’m not planning to start the braies until after I move out and settle into my own place, which could take any length of time. At the moment, there won’t be too much to update on other than small “look I did this stitch!” things.
So, it’ll be slow going here at the start. Things are still subject to change and I have a lot of thinking to do before I really get started. That said, I want to lay the groundwork and start getting all of this organized. Thus, here we are. My goals and ideas laid out as they stand currently, an indeterminate amount of time before things get rolling in earnest.
The possibility it just doesn’t get rolling is there, of course, but this is actually something I’ve wanted to do for most of my life, so I’m really passionate about it, and I love learning, so I hope things will all work out when the time comes. In the meantime, I’ll think about trying to make a more accessible and easily modified list of goals (with less detail, obviously) that can be updated as I work on them. Again, I’ll likely ruminate on that in another post.
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altekmediagroup · 5 years
SEO Basics Tips - Video
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As you probably know your website is now one of your most important marketing tools, today, and or in some cases, the most important. I’m going to give you some basic tips and concepts behind SEO and show you how to check to see if your website's basic SEO is setup correctly.
What exactly is SEO?
SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. And in simple terms it means getting your website on the first page of a Google search. Now the idea of SEO is a very simple one, but putting it into practice is a very complicated, time consuming and potentially expensive process. The online business world is constantly evolving, and the rules of SEO alongside with it. But while the rules are changing, there are certain standardized SEO practices that remain applicable today. In this video I’ll be showing you how you can easily and quickly check to make sure your website is, at least, optimized to these basic standards. What we’ll focus on today is on-site SEO. This is the more programming-centric part of SEO. But don’t feel too intimidated, because checking source code is pretty painless, and I’ll also be guiding you through it. And if you’re still lost or confused, you can always contact us by phone or email.
The first thing to look at is the title tag. Before we start though you’ll need to know how to view your website’s source code. So the first thing you need to do is get online and go to your company’s website. For my example I’ll be looking at the Altek Media website’s homepage. Next, right-click from anywhere on the page, then click "View Source". Don’t worry, you won’t harm your site by doing this. How do we make sure the Title is optimized? Under 70 characters (including spaces). Main keyword in front, additional keywords following, and brand/title of your company at the end. Unique for each page. If you notice underneath the description on the search engine page, you’ll see that there are other links from the site that take up more real-estate on the page. This is what we call, rich snippet text. But that is a more advanced SEO technique, and we’ll be covering that in another video lesson. The next metadata element to consider is the our meta description. The meta description is simply a quick summary of what a particular page is about. This won’t be on the page itself when we go back to the home page. But if we right-click again and view source, we’ll see it here. And if you’re having trouble finding it, you can press Ctrl + F (or Cmd + F on a Mac) to bring up find and type “description” and that will make it easier to find. how do we make sure the Description is optimized? Obviously your keyword(s) should be in the meta description. But it doesn’t need to be at the beginning. This can bit a bit longer than your title, usually between 100-160 characters, or 2-3 sentences. This should also be written naturally, as if you’re writing it to be read by a human being, rather than a computer or a search engine algorithm. As with the title, have a unique description for every page.
Before we go into the actual structure of the page there is one very important thing you need to know first. When laying out your website, be sure to have one topic per page. This is really important and many site owners can overlook this key element. For example, if your site has an “about the owner” page that has a bio and a picture, that’s great. However, if that same page has a company history excerpt and/or a list of the rest of the staff, that’s can hurt your SEO. Since the “about the owner” page isn’t just about the owner. Instead, what you should do is have them on separate pages and have them interlink to each other. Your “About the owner” page will have a portrait and a bio about the owner, then have a link to another page that’s “About the Company”. This page will have the company description/history/accolades on it. Same with the “Staff” page, this page will be all about the team with short bios, pictures, whatever relevant info you think it should have. So it’s better to have smaller pages that focus on one subject, than to have one page with a bunch of information crammed into it. Now to have to best possible user experience, your page should be structured properly. In simple terms, think of structuring your web content like you would a Word Document, plus a few additional elements to make your content stronger. First each page should have a heading. This will be the headline of your page. It doesn’t necessarily have to be on the top of the whole page. But it should be at the top of your content. Have an intro paragraph Next header Paragraph relevant to this header. You can get somewhat creative with your structure, as SEO rules regarding structure are not totally set in stone, but as long as your site is easily readable to your audience, you should be okay. The additional elements I mentioned earlier, in this case images, are good to use to make your site more appealing, but there are certain criteria specifically for images when optimizing your site. Break your text up with relevant pictures. Don’t just add pictures for the sake of adding pictures. Make sure they're of a proper size in both the pixel dimensions and filesize. Also be sure to add the "alt" attribute to every one of your images. The “alt” attribute was originally used in cases of missing images, or a user had images disabled on their web browser on their computer in order to speed up load times. But search engines also like alt attributes as well. Alt’s should be relevant to the picture or article. These ones here, for example, have “pre-production services”, “video production services”, as their alt attributes. One last element within your content should be outbound links. If you know of another source on the internet that can help verify your content, or are citing another source directly, then make sure you have a link to that page. SEO-wise this is encouraged because this will help validate your argument. But only when necessary; if you have no argument/opinion in your content that warrants support, then there’s no need to force any in. Now I know a lot of this about supporting your content and having good structure just sounds like common sense right? Well that will come into play specifically for SEO in our next video. Building your backlink profile. I hope found this informative as well as learned a thing or two. Contact Information Office: (951) 781-8624 email: [email protected] Read the full article
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tomorowlandword · 4 years
Arkansas Bid Bonds
The below post is a great intro to bid bonds. Quote bonds, as you are aware, are bonds utilized in the building industry. These bonds guarantee that if someone bids on a task, and is granted the agreement, then they will move forward with carrying out under the regards to the contract.
See the below post for more good information. You can see the original article here: https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/arkansas-2/
Arkansas Bid Bonds
What is a Bid Bond in Arkansas?
A bid bond is one of the types of surety bonds, that guarantees that the bidder will accept the contract and complete it according to its terms. The bid bond provides assurance to the project owner that the bidder has the ability and ability to finish the job once the bidder is selected after the bidding process. The basic reason is that you need one to get the job. But the bigger question is why are more owners/developers requiring a bid bond in the first place? The basic answer is risk. Given the uncertainty of the marketplace, which includes long-time contractors going bankrupt, to municipalities filing bankruptcy (or just slow paying), has led to owners being afraid that their contractors will be unable complete the job. Thus, they require a some protection.
Just fill out our bond application here and email it to [email protected] – click here to get our Arkansas Bid Bond Application
A bid bond is issued as part of a bid by a surety bond company to the project owner. The owner is then assures that the winning bidder will take on the contract under the terms at which they bid.
Most bid bonds contain a bid percentage (usually five or ten percent, is forfeited if you don’t accept the job).
How much does a Bid Bond Cost in Arkansas?
Swiftbonds does not charge for a bid bond (with two exceptions, see below). The reason that we don’t charge for a bid bond is that we will charge for the contract bond if you win the contract. The cost of a P&P bond can vary widely depending on the amount of coverage that is required (see below).
Two exceptions for bid bond charges: 1) We do charge for Overnight fees 2) We will charge you if there is NOT going to be a bond on the contract.
How much do bonds cost in AR?
Bond prices fluctuate based on the job size (that is, it’s based on the cost of the underlying contract). The cost of a bond is estimated through a couple of back-of-the-envelope calculations. In general, the cost is approximately three percent (3%) for jobs under $800,000 and then the percentage is lower as the contract amount increases. We work diligently to find the lowest premiums possible in the state of Arkansas. Please call us today at (913) 286-6501. We’ll find you the very best rate possible for your maintenance bond or completion bond. Things that can affect this pricing are the perceived risk of the job, the financial position of the entity being bonded, plus other factors.
Bond Amount Needed Fee 2-3% >$800,000 1.5-3% >$1.500,000 1-3%
These rates are for Merit clients, Standard rates are higher
How do I get a Bid Bond in Arkansas?
We make it easy to get a contract bid bond. Just click here to get our Arkansas Bid Bond Application. Fill it out and then email it and the Arkansas bid specs/contract documents to [email protected] or fax to 855-433-4192.
You can also call us at (913) 286-6501. We will review each and every application for surety bid bonds and then submit it to the surety that we believe will provide the best bid bond for your company. We have a great success rate in getting our clients surety bid bonds at the best rates possible.
What is a Arkansas Bid Bond?
A bid bond is a bond that guarantees that you will accept the work if you win the contract. The bid fee (usually five (5%) or ten (10%) percent) is a damages calculation that is paid when you win the bid, but then back out of doing the work.
Find a Bid Bond near Me
Typically, a bid bond and payment and performance bond are done together in the same contract by the surety. This way, the owner of the project is assured that the project can be completed pursuant to the terms of the contract and that it will not be liened by any contractor. The bond is risk security insurance for the benefit of the owner.
Who Gets the Bond?
The general contractor is the corporation that obtains the bond. It is for the benefit of the owner (or in the case of government contract work, the governmental entity). It’s the general contractor that has to apply for the bond and be underwritten before it is written by the surety. This is also known as bonding a business.
We provide bid bonds in each of the following counties:
Arkansas Ashley Baxter Benton Boone Bradley Calhoun Carroll Chicot Clark Clay Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway Craighead Crawford Crittenden Cross Dallas Desha Drew Faulkner Franklin Fulton Garland Grant Greene Hempstead Hot Spring Howard Independence Izard Jackson Jefferson Johnson Lafayette Lawrence Lee Lincoln Little River Logan Lonoke Madison Marion Miller Mississippi Monroe Montgomery Nevada Newton Ouachita Perry Phillips Pike Poinsett Polk Pope Prairie Pulaski Randolph St. Francis Saline Scott Searcy Sebastian Sevier Sharp Stone Union Van Buren Washington White Woodruff Yell
And Cities: Little Rock Fayetteville Hot Springs Fort Smith Bentonville North Little Rock Conway
See our California bid bond page here.
More on Surety Bid Bonds https://swiftbonds.com/bid-bond/.
Comparing Basic Details On The Top Reasons To Look For Bid Bonds
Surety Bid Bond is something vitally important for anybody, but it’s a little complex if you do not know anything concerning this. Generally, this is not an insurance claim, however it is a kind of guarantee that you, as the principal, will perform the work properly for the obliged.
You have to know that most folks will actually expect you to obtain a particular bond before they consider your services since it will be a guarantee for them. Since they need this kind of thing from you, it’s important to seek out an insurance company which will provide this to you.
If you truly want a license bond, permit bond, commercial bond and more, you have to know plenty of things about Bid Bonds. Here are some of the essential things that you must know.
What Exactly Is A Surety Bid Bond?
Bid Bonds are actually created to protect the public since they are a kind of guarantee that the obligation will likely be achieved. You should get a license Surety Bid Bond to guarantee that your company will stick to the laws and you get a contract bond to guarantee that a public construction project would be finished.
These are simply some of the examples that are frequently used to describe Bid Bonds and how they work. It’ll also benefit you since the clients will put their trust in you if they will be protected by bond.
There are thousands of bonds that exist right now and the type of bond that you’ll require would depend on your circumstance.
How Does It Work?
Bid Bonds are actually regarded as a three-party agreement among a surety company, the principal and the obliged. The principal is the employer, individual or company that will perform the work while the obliged is the project owner.
Construction businesses are required by the law to get Bid Bonds once they are picked for a public project. When the government needs to finish a public project, the winning contractor should secure a host of bonds.
The bond will guarantee that the subcontractors and other workers will likely be paid even when the contractor defaults. The contractor will likely be responsible in addressing the losses, but as soon as they reached the limit, the duty will fall to the surety company.The contractor will cover the losses, but once they actually reached the limit, the duty will obviously fall to the surety company.
How To Apply For A Surety Bid Bond
Bid Bonds are typically provided by insurance providers, but you’ll find some standalone surety businesses that would concentrate on these products. Surety businesses are licensed by a state Department of Insurance.
Applying for a bond isn’t as easy as you believe as the applicants will encounter a process much like a loan approval. The bond underwriters will review the financial history of an applicant, credit profile, managerial team and other key factors.
It would mean that there’s a chance that you will not be accepted for a Surety Bid Bond, particularly if the bond underwriters saw something negative.
The Cost Of A Bid Bond
You can expect that a Surety Bid Bond won’t have a set cost as it will depend upon different reasons such as bond type, bond amount, where the bond will be issued, contractual risk, the credit history of the applicant and many more.
There are plenty of bonds available right now and the cost will invariably depend on the type of bond that you are going to get. The amount of bond that you’ll get may also be an issue because you can obtain a $10,000 bond or a $25,000 bond.
If you have a credit score of above or near 700, you will really qualify for the standard bonding market and you only have to pay a premium that is 1 to 4 percent of the Surety Bid Bond amount. If you will get a $10,000, it will cost around $100 to $400.
Is There A Chance Of Being Denied?
There is a chance that the bond can be denied by the underwriter and it will depend on the background check that they did. If they think that it’s going to be a big risk to give you a bid bond, they will probably deny your application. Credit history will also be a deciding factor because if you actually have a bad credit rating, it’s going to be hard for you to get a Surety Bid Bond because organizations are considering you as a risk. For those who have a bad credit rating, you may still be approved, but you will have to pay an interest rate of 10 to 20 percent.
If you want to get a bid bond, you need to be sure that you understand the process so you will not make a mistake. It won’t be simple to apply, but if the requirements are met and you are eligible, you will get bonded.
A Much Deeper Look At Quote Bonds in Building If awarded, a Quote Bond is a type of surety bond used to ensure that a professional bidding on a job or job will get in into the agreement with the obligee.
A Bid Bond is provided in the amount of the agreement quote, with the identical requirements as that of a Performance Bond.
Everything About Bid Bonds in Construction The origins of our service was closely linked with the arrangement of performance bonds to the contracting industry. It found that the private contractor usually was insolvent when the job was awarded, or grew to end up being insolvent earlier than the difficulty was finished.
The standing of your surety firm is crucial, since it ensures you that when you have troubles or if even worse includes worst you'll have a reputable partner to rely on and receive aid from. We work only with T-listed and a-rated companies, most likely the most reputable corporations in the industry.
Generally no, they are separate. Nevertheless, bid bonds mechanically become performance bonds in case you are awarded the contract.
What Is A Building Surety Bond? The origins of our company was carefully related to the arrangement of performance bonds to the contracting industry. Even if some jobs do not need expense and performance bonds, you will require to get bonded lastly because most of public efforts do require the bonds. The longer a little contractor waits to get bonded, the more resilient it will be since there will not be a observe report of fulfilling the necessary requirements for bonding and performing bonded work.
The only limit is the greatest bond you might get for one specific task. The aggregate limitation is the whole amount of bonded work offered you possibly can have without delay.
The Importance Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree elimination, computer systems, softward, fire alarms, decorative work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of current roads/paved locations. Quote bonds furthermore operate an extra assurance for project owners that a bidding specialist or subcontractor is certified to execute the job they're bidding on. There are two causes for this.
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