#i think i've mostly settled on his personality now?
fxrtunas · 2 years
— — character disposition
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     this bitch more multi-faceted than I thought he’d be lKJALKSJF 
     with most ppl (strangers/acquaintences/clients/some friends):
flirty sloot 
cynical/emotionally disassociated ho 
professionally polite bs
     with close ppl (crush/significant other/best friends/’family’):
quite soft and easily flustered
rather down-to-earth & serious
much happier as opposed to light-hearted
shows negative emotions much more often because he trusts them with it/lets down his guard enough for it
can get very unhinged if anything bad happens to them (an escalation of his cynicism/emotional disassociation)
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lettucedloophole · 5 months
i hope you are doing well today!
this is a super late response since i haven't been active on here but thank you sm!! 😭🙏 you're so sweet, i really hope you had a good holiday season whichever holiday (if any) you celebrate 💙
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monnn · 4 months
When you know, you know.
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staring: Idol! Mingyu x Non-idol!, GN! s/o
wc: 1.4k-ish
genre: slice of life(?), FLUFF. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LOVE MINGOO, comfort-ish(?)
warnings: mentions of food, reader being sick(in love), tooth-rotting fluff.
a/n: hi omg hello, i am alive and finally out of my writer's block(ig?). i'm terribly unwell atm and i've never craved the comfort of a person as much as i do with gyu, so here's a highly self-indulgent fic! i hope you are doing okay and i just wanna say, i'm so glad to be writing again. have a great day/night and hope this fic reaches the person in need of a cutie mingoo atm! ♡
the song rec for this fic would be Margaret by LDR ft. Bleachers!!!
Mingyu's on his way back, with your favourite meal and boba. Was there a reason to get take-out? Definitely not, he really just felt like it. If you had made food, Min could convince you to have it next day. That's how it usually went and he was mostly successful. With his manager dropping him off, he heads inside the elevator and straight to your floor. Since he already knew the code to your apartment, he quietly let himself in, eyes immediately searching for you.
What he doesn't expect to find, is you sitting in the dark on a chair, curled up in one of your fav blankets with a flask coddled in your arms. Your head's supported by a chair on the dining table, mouth slightly open as you doze further away. Min quietly trots through the living room to you, slowly putting the bags down, careful not to wake you up. He adores you for a good minute, slowly lifting you up to rest in your bed. Their neck must hurt, but they keep doing this >:( he wonders to himself while carrying you.
He lets you rest while he does all the chores that you weren't able to do cause of your sickness. A few hours pass by, you wake up with Mingyu sitting by your side, barely touching you in the process of waking you up. He knew how extra sensitive you were to touch when sick, hence he decided to call out for you than kissing you to consciousness. You wake up slowly while he adjusts pillows behind for you to sit straight, he really is a nagging Asian mum in disguise. Handing you warm water to hydrate, he looks at you with all the love in him to see if you need anything from him. You catch him looking and reach for his hand, realising the love you have for him is unbelievable.
"You know love, I can't ever thank you for being so kind to me. I feel like there isn't enough of me to be so damn grateful for you." you say, lovingly gazing at the love of your life. A faint pink's spread all over his face as he nuzzles his face to your hand.
"And I'm ever so happy to be the receiver of your gratefulness, regardless of the amount. It takes two to tango I guess." he says, ever so lightly pressing his lips to your hand. After basking in each other's presence for a while, he mentions about the food he's got, which gets you outta bed in no time.
You head to the kitchen to unpack the boba, while he joins you in heating the food up. It's then you think how freeing it is, to be doing the most mundane things with Mingyu. He just seems to make the littlest of things much more better and you love that about him. A bump against your shoulder gets you back, where the food to your side is all ready to be devoured. Quickly removing the covers around drinks, you move to place them on the dining table. One where you're sitting and the other next to you. That's the thing about you guys, Mingyu never likes it when he's not next to you. He hates how all the fancy restaurants have seats across and not next to each other. But now, he gets to have a meal with you next to him and he thinks about how this is his highlight of the day. Min loves being around you and having a meal, so it's like two of his favourite things put together. You spread out the mat for the hot pan to be put on while settling down in your seat, waiting for the food to arrive. Looking at this, Mingyu hurries to place the pan down while grabbing two spoons before sitting down. Both of you look at each other, nodding in agreement to start eating. It's absolute delight running through your body and eyes for Mingyu. He loves it when you enjoy things he does for you. Raising your boba drinks to cheer, both of you devour in silence, enjoying the food and each other's presence. By end of the meal, you're much more comfortable to let Min under your skin and he's never been so much happier to be as affectionate as his heart needs. Taking the last bite, you stand up to call dibs on cleaning up since he literally did all the leftover chores. And right when you're about to get the pan, Min's grabbing you by the hand, turning you to face him. You're glad to be seeing eye-to-eye since he's on his butt and you're standing.
"What's up?"
"Can you please let me do the dishes? You're literally sick, doing more work would just worsen it."
"But Min, you did all of the chores! It's really unfair if you don't let me, you know." you say as he scoffs.
"I don't care, I love you but please let me do the cleaning."
"I love you so so sooo much too my Min, but I cannot let you do the cleaning up."
"Okay, how about we rock-paper-scissors this?"
"Alright. On the count of three, two, one!"
And to his luck, you throw a rock while he throws a paper. The council has decided and you accept your fate, slowly moving away from the pan.
Right at the moment, Mingyu pulls you in a hug, nuzzling further to your middle while almost sounding like a puppy adjusting to fall asleep. You wrap your arms around him, leaning down to lay your head on his. But, you're suddenly pushed away just to be pulled back onto his lap, while he holds you dearly and continues to be adorable. Again, you have no choice but to stay limp for him to recharge himself. It's hard not to admit how secure and loved you feel in Mingyu's big beefy arms, you kiss him on the side of his head impulsively to convey the same. That loosens his hold on you, him whining on how you always catch him off-guard with your actions. Now, there's nothing but giggles filled in your living room, both of you so knee-deep in love and into each other cause when you know, you know.
a/n: comments and feedback are highly appreciated! hope you enjoyed reading this work of mine, thank you! x
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babyleostuff · 10 months
my favourite person | joshua hong
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prompt | i'm not a lot of people's favourite person
word count | 1.3k
genre | angst & (mostly) fluff
author's note | ugh i haven't written a longer fic like this in a while, i've missed this
Joshua was that type of person who never wanted to bother you with his own problems. He cherished you and your happiness way too much, so what would be the point in sharing his own worries with you?
He was a big boy, he could take care of himself, no matter how much he wanted to find peace and comfort in your arms.
You knew something was wrong, despite him insisting he was fine. You knew him like the back of your hand and something has been clearly bothering him.
His bright smile was gone and even if he did smile, it didn’t reach his eyes, like it usually did. He didn’t share any funny stories from the practice room, he went to bed without giving you your mandatory good night kiss and you woke up to his side of the bed cold and empty.
“Joshua, you really have to tell me if anything is bothering you,” you said and squeezed his arm. “I’m here for you.”
But the only response you got was a small smile and a “I’m fine darling. Don’t worry about me,” which didn’t make the case any better.
You decided to let it go and wait for him to come around. Especially, because he had a company dinner soon, which you hoped would cheer him up a bit.
Perhaps a talk with Jeonghan or Seungcheol wouldn’t hurt as well.
Leaving with a quiet goodbye and a kiss to your forehead (like he always did before leaving), made you hopeful you were slowly getting your Shua back.
Some of the boys posted a couple of pictures of them together, before the party even began and Joshua was in every single one of them.
He seemed fairly happy, but you knew very well he could have been pretending.
Nonetheless, you decided to put your phone away, there was no point in dwelling on whether he was fine or not.
He wouldn’t be coming back to your apartment tonight anyways, he never did after big parties. He was always afraid that he’d make too much noise and wake you up, so he always went back to his own place after a night of drinking.
Settling down for the night, you unawarely stroked the pillow on your boyfriend’s side, where his head would usually be. He had never told you this, but his heart always skips anytime you run your fingers through his hair, as a warm feeling settles in his tummy.
He was always convinced that love was an emotion that he’d never be able to describe, but the genuine care in your eyes and the happiness in your smile could make him talk about love for hours.
You tiredly rubbed your eyes with your (Joshua’s) sweatshirt, trying to pick up where the sounds were coming from, while still being half asleep.
You stumbled out of bed, not so gently running into your dresser, while trying not to freak out over a thief who's probably robbing your apartment right now.
Finally, reaching the kitchen, you exhaled in relief as you saw that it was only your boyfriend, trying to take off his shoes.
But then you realised something. Why was he here? And then you realised something else.
He was definitely not sober.
Seeing your boyfriend drunk was nothing new, but seeing him wasted was something you thought you’d never get to see.
“Honey, are you okay?” you asked, quickly grabbing his hand to get his attention. You couldn't help thinking that something bad had happened, as his eyes were wide and he seemed almost… scared?
Shaking his head, he clumsily grabbed your other hand, putting them on his cheeks.
For a second you thought about calling Jeonghan. You’ve never seen your boyfriend in such a miserable state before and it was scaring you. The light in his eyes was gone and his beautiful face showed nothing but pain.
Nothing about this was good, but the worst was that you still had no idea what had happened.
As you got lost in your own thoughts, you felt something wet hitting your fingertips and that was when you realised Joshua was crying.
“Oh baby,” you whispered, as he collapsed into your arms. His sobs echoed through your quiet apartment, while his shoulder shook with every breath he took.
He held tightly onto you, almost as you were his lifeline - the only thing keeping him alive. Your own heart was breaking with every cry that he let out, the sound shattering any ounce of hope that you had that he’d be all right.
You lowered both of you to the ground, so you could sit in the dark curridor, illuminated only by the moonlight coming through the window.
Taking a shaky inhale, he put his head on your lap, while you gently stroked his head and placed small kisses on his forehead, to let him know that you were there with him.
“I’m not a lot of people’s favourite person.”
The not so comforting silence of your apartment was finally broken by your boyfriend, who seemed to have calmed down, even though he still struggled to take a deep breath.
“What did you say honey?” you said quietly, brushing his hair away from his face.
“I think I’m not a lot of people’s favourite person,” he repeated, slowly pushing himself up to seating.
You looked at his tired expression, wanting nothing more to take all of his burdens away from him.
He was usually very good at avoiding the hate he got online, but from time to time, it could really get to him. It was unavoidable, you both knew that, but sometimes he wanted nothing more but to talk to his fans and have a good time with them.
But because a lot of people want to harm him, his reputation and his feelings, it wasn’t easy to manoeuvre between the good and the bad comments.
It seemed like this time he stumbled upon some really nasty shit.
“Why do you say that? Where did it come from?” you asked rhetorically, voice laced with concern.
He didn’t respond, only put his head on your shoulder, putting all of his weight onto you.
Not wanting to dig deeper, you put your arms tightly around his shoulders, and placed one of your hands on his tear stained cheek.
“You know,” you muttered so as not to startle him. “You might not be a lot of people’s favourite person, but you’re definitely my favourite person,” you kissed the side of his head, as you felt more tears rolling down his cheek.
“I have no idea how you’re feeling right now, nor will I ever get to experience what you’re experiencing, but I want you to know that despite all those horrible people that want to cause nothing more but pain, there are thousands of people who love you and cherish you.”
“Take a look around you. You have me, you have your brothers and you have your true fans that want you to be happy,” you whispered into his hair.
“I think that’s more than enough,” he said quietly, lifting his head to look at you.
His eyes were red, but to you they were the happiest they’ve been in a while. Even the corners of his lips were slightly turned upwards, to which you couldn���t help but smile.
“You cannot make everyone happy, Shua. There are going to be people that’ll want to hurt you, but remember that you’re always surrounded by people that love you,” you said.
He turned away to wipe his wet cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed about his emotional outburst.
Usually, he’d go to his own apartment and cry himself to sleep, but tonight something made him come back home to you.
“Joshua,” you put your hand on his shoulder. “Next time, please talk to me before it gets that bad. I know that you don’t want to burden me with your worries, but I can't stand seeing you like this.”
“I love you so much, and I want us to go through the good and the bad together.”
He nodded and took your hand in his.
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asuyaka · 8 months
It is currently 3AM for me rn so apologies in advance if this looks like it was typed by a drunk person,
I've had this idea at random, but I'd like to request Teen!Gojo with Male!Reader(who Gojo has a fat crush on) who is very physically affectionate and by the power of plot armor has the a ability to break through Gojo's infinity. And so he uses this power, not to beat the living shit out of Gojo but rather to sneak behind him and either give him bear hugs from behind or tickle his sides whenever he isn't looking.
★ - Thank you for requestin' anon !! 'm in love with this concept s'muchhh!
☆ - Teen! Gojo Satoru x Plot armored! Male Reader (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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You,—contrary to popular belief— weren't a strong sorcerer.
At least not compared to the almighty Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru. The strongest sorcerers of the modern era.
Though, there is one thing about your technique that could easily make you one of the strongest. If you trained and worked with it, but that's too much work.
Your technique was sort of like Shoko's. RCT, but you had better control of it due to constant training when you were young.
So, what does a young teenager, whose bored out of his mind, do at times like these?
Stifling a giggle, you channel your cursed energy on your hands, sneaking up behind Gojo who was too busy arguing with Geto about something.
You pass through Infinity easily, grabbing Gojo by the waist, picking him up, and twirling him around. "Hi, Gojo!!"
Gojo yelps in surprise. It isn't every day—scratch that— no-one was able to get through Infinity unless he lets them. No-one except for the person holding him, who as much as he denies, has a fat, big, huge, ginormous, and massive crush on.
"[Name], it's great to see you," Geto says sharing a knowing and mocking look at Gojo, who is desperately trying to calm himself.
You keep your hands on Gojo's waist, peeking your head through the crook of the albino's neck. "Do you know when that crepe store down the street opens?
"Uhm... it opens tomorrow at 3," Gojo mutters as he pushes his glasses further up his face to hopefully hide the increasing blush on his face.
[Name] giggles happily, spinning Gojo around a few more times. "We should go when it does! It'll be like a nice little get-together!"
Geto snorts. "Ah, I won't be able to go and Shoko is... being Shoko. You and Satoru should go together don't you think?"
Gojo snaps his head up glaring daggers into his friend's eyes. He knew exactly what Geto was trying to plan, and [Name] being the absolute angel he is—
"Yeah, that sounds fun!! Just me 'n you, right Gojo?"
—agrees without a second thought.
[Name]'s hands move from his waist to his torso, a scheming smile on his face.
"[Name] don't. I swear to—"
Gojo interrupts himself with a loud laugh his hands on [Name]'s wrist, his glasses falling onto his nose as he shakes his head frantically. "S-stop it! Suguru! Do s-soemthing!"
Geto raises his hands up defensively. "Hear no evil, see no evil."
"[N-Name!] St- ah! Stop ittttt!!" Gojo's eyes are brimming with tears now, his chest heaving and his body convulsing. He hates being tickled, mostly because his body is so damn sensitive due to Infinity.
But [Name] just... God he doesn't know where to start.
You let go of his torso with a bright smile your hands immediately settling back on his waist. You were a big physical touch person if that wasn't already obvious.
"We're gonna have so much fun on this date, Gojo!"
Geto laughs at his friend's expense who was blushing. Like, whole body blushing.
Gojo swallows thickly, forcing himself to remember it was a friend date. They were just friends.
Only friends.
Fuck, he was in love with this idiot.
"Y-yeah. We'll have fun without Suguru!" Gojo is quick to regain his normal attitude. Well, as normal as it can be with the man he swears he's going to spend his life with nuzzling his neck, talking with Suguru about something he couldn't care any less about.
"I'm glad I'm not coming. I know you'll have a fun time, [Name]. Satoru has quite the surprise for you." Geto teases, drawing an air heart between the two.
"Suprise? What suprise?"
Gojo blushes it feels like his skin is going to melt off. "Nothing! Suguru is making stuff up!"
"Mhm. Sureeee."
[Name] presses into Gojo's cheek. "C'mon tell me!"
Gojo glares at his friend who just shrugs.
So much for being his best friend.
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owlf45 · 6 months
romance me with mosquito facts
mosquitoes, when in a condensed enough space, sound like gentle rain.
i work with a specific mosquito species, called the aedes agypti, which carries diseases like dengue virus, west niles virus, and yellow fever. the males are generally smaller than the females, though emerge into adults sooner. you can tell the difference between males and females by the fluffy antennas of the males.
gay mosquitoes everywhere.
mosquitoes tend to be social, if stupid creatures. if you stick two mosquitoes alone in a cage, they probably wont chill (and wont mate). it's just not their style. this is especially frustrating when trying to set up specific genetic crosses.
although i never met them, there used to be a researcher at the lab who did the most batshit stuff. we keep our mosquitoes in mesh cages, so they can't escape but they can feed through the mesh (so we don't have to reach in and out of the cages and potentially let some loose). this old researcher used to grab the morning newspaper, roll up his pants, collapse in a chair and settle his calves over the mesh cages for literal thousands of mosquitoes to feed from him. for hours. i want to meet this man so bad.
mosquitoes are stupid and annoying and prone to killing themselves akin to a goldfish constantly getting stuck in a filter. but strangely enough, you grow to love them. they are simultaneously fragile and durable, easily discernible and difficult to hunt. you can tear their hind legs off and put them through shock a few times and they'll be fine, but a single finger will smush them (quite inconveniently, when you know that bitch could've moved!).
directly after bloodfeeding a female mosquito, if you kill her—often by clapping her directly between your hands (female mosquitoes are the only ones to bloodfeed)—the blood will still be warm.
although i dont screen larvae for traits as often as I used to (I tend to do more database/mosquito caretaking work now), certain gene-linked traits can be found physically in the larvae and pupae stages—sometimes they glow bright blue/green under fluorescent lighting, for example.
like I said though, i mostly work with caretaking. i do the bloodfeeding, i replace their food and water, and i make sure they're in good health and can lay eggs on a proper surface. the mosquitoes under my care live for about a month and a half, though if they're still alive by the time we need to hatch the next generation, we simply fridge them and kill them off. put mosquitoes in the fridge for a few minutes and they'll go to sleep. put them in for a few hours, and they'll usually die— we keep them in for 24 hours to make sure, though.
mosquitoes are difficult to contain. compared to other biochemistry departments, you have tiny creatures that are mobile and can fly, and can't always be seen by the average person unless they're specifically looking for it. I've worked in microbiology labs before, but if there was contamination, it was solely on the researcher. contamination from a loose mosquito is hard to track. this is all to say that I work in a bunker—double doors, minimal vents, no windows.
mosquitoes are the deadliest animals in the world. mosquitoes kill over a million people a year (hence my research). i sit in the back of the bunker sometimes, in the side warm room where we keep our cages of mosquitoes, hundreds of different genetically modified lines in progress at a time, and I have blood on my palms— blood that I fed to my subjects before I squashed them because they escaped from their cages, and I think about the fact that for over 200 lines of this species, I grow them from eggs to adults to death and hatch their offspring again and again and again. i think of lovecraftian horror and I hear gentle rain and remember images of war that keep me up late at night, and I wonder what's the point, for a few numbers in my bank account, and then another mosquito has gotten loose and lands on my arm and doesn't bite me, because it's already full; because i already fed it; because it's just looking for a small, dark place to rest in the folds of my jacket.
mosquitoes love to hide on black surfaces.
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talaok · 7 months
hi!! it says in your desc that requests are open but in case thats outdated feel free to ignore!!!!
i know this may be a weird request but can you do something with joel with a reader that has scarring in their pubic area? i have a skin disorder that gives me really bad scars down there and i have Not had great experiences in the past sleeping with people because of it like it is TRAUMATIC atp to show people 😭 mostly hurt/comfort but if it makes sense to throw smut in there feel free i absolutely would not turn it down LMAOOOO
and shout out to people w scarring down there, whether from skin issues, fgm, assault, etc. etc. we up fr 😔✊
Warnings: insecurity, body image issues and smut | oral sex (f receiving)
a/n: its not a weird request at all, ive said this before, i feel incredibly honored whenever you ask me to write such personal stories, so thank you 💖
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His hands were beneath your shirt, his calloused fingers caressing your skin with a gentleness that defied his rough exterior, that he only showed a few.
His mouth was on yours, his tongue twisting with your own, letting you taste him as he tasted you.
Your hands were on his face, holding it, stroaking his beard, trailing to his hair, while one of his legs parted your legs, settling between your thighs.
Your back was on the bed, the soft duvet shuffling beneath your movements, beneath your exited shivers and shudders.
It all was perfect, just perfect... until his fingers traveled lower, until they began seeping underneath your shorts.
His eyes opened as he leaned away ever so little
"I'm sorry" he said, retracting his hand "I thought you wanted to..."
"I do" you murmured "I just-"
And there it was, the block.
The barrier, the wall you had built brick by brick over the years.
"what?" he asked, his brows knitting together in concern as he moved to your side, propping his elbow on the mattress "What is it?"
"Well I- I don't know if... you want to"
"what?" he huffed a soft laugh, "of course I want you"
"yeah now" you sighed, avoiding his eyes, 
"y/n" he called your name, urging you to look at him with two of his fingers beneath your chin "What are you talking about?"
"I just-" you bit your lip, your eyes trembling, taking in the look of him before he knew the truth, 
"Whatever it is baby, you can tell me"
And the saddest part was that you wanted to believe him, but a part of you knew, you knew how he was gonna react, you knew how it was really gonna go.
As kind and nice and perfect as he was, you got proven times and times again that there was only one way men would respond.
"I- Well I..." 
god, why was it always so hard?
"I have a skin issue" you spat out, forcing yourself to not think about it too much 
"ok..." he murmured, his eyes scanning your face in the hopes of finding out where you were going with this
"so I have...scars" you breathed "down there"
You swore you felt your heart drop as the words left your mouth, just to speed back up at full force the moment he spoke, after a brief silence.
"oh" he hummed, his eyes still fogged with confusion "and so I can't like... touch you or-"
"no no, you can-" you sighed, frustrated with yourself "but I understand if you don't... want to." you explained "I've been told before that it's not really... pretty so I totally get it if yo-"
"first of all" he shook his head, getting out of his confusional state at your words "Whoever told you that is a brainless asshole" he stated, looking you straight in the eyes "And second of all" he smiled now "darlin', you're the most beautiful, hottest woman I've ever met, I almost died when I met you" he exaggerated making you stifle a laugh
"no I'm serious." he promised, taking your hand in his "And if you think that that's gonna change because of a few scars, well then sweetheart I'm sorry but you're wrong"
And although your heart was swelling with hope, with a joy it hadn't known for a while now, your brain couldn't still be sure of what was happening
"you're saying that now" you whispered "but you haven't seen it yet"
"darlin', I promise on whatever you want, that I'm sure" A soft smile was still pulling at his lips, and his voice was warm, honest, like honey "That nothing in this world could ever change what I know, and what I know is that you're the most gorgeous woman on the planet,"
"no, no but" he shook his head, interrupting you "You are, and the fact that you don't think so is unbelievable" his eyes were shining, glimmering with that sentiment you still hadn't confessed to each other, but that he'd been on the verge of expressing far too many times "I want you to say it. Say -I'm the most beautiful woman on the planet-"
"but I'm n-"
"ah-ah-ah" he shushed you "What did I say about the buts"
"But I'm just saying think about Jennifer Aniston or Sandra Bullock-"
"yeah exactly, they're nothing compared to you"
You couldn't help but snort at that "Oh please, you're just lying now"
"I'm most definitely not" he protested, "have you seen yourself in the mirror darlin'?"
"I have" you rolled your eyes jokingly, your lips still turned upwards into a smile
"you sure? 'cause it doesn't feel like it"
"stop" you begged
"No, I won't stop" he frowned "you're beautiful, I need you to know that." his forehead fell to yours "Whoever made you feel any differently was just an insecure stupid asshole who didn't deserve you, ok?"
And it was at this moment, that you realized just how how much you loved him.
It was as you took his words in, the truth in them, the care behind them, that you realized that he might just be the one.
"ok" you murmured, after some time, for the first time in a long time, actually believing it.
"that's my girl" he grinned, not being able to stop himself before he crashed his lips with yours, kissing you as if his life depended on it.
And with just a kiss, you were back at where you'd stopped, your belly tingling and your body desperately looking for his.
"Joel" you whispered, in between kisses "I-I want to"
His eyes opened, looking a bit taken aback "You sure? I didn't want to put any pressure on you sweetheart, I'm completely ok with just kissing if that's what you want-"
"no" you shook your head "No I want you"
The smile that spread on his face at that was enormous.
he kissed you again, just to start a slow trail of kisses down your neck, making you squirm and whimper underneath him.
He waited for your nod of approval before removing your shirt, and after having reserved time to your (as he put it) "perfect tits", he then moved on to your shorts, now waiting for a vocal permission before doing anything.
"You can take them off" you murmured, watching closely as he did, slowly slipping your shorts and then panties down your legs.
"Jesus Christ sweetheart" he breathed "you're fucking perfect"
And you could only blush and smile shily, not realizing what was happening, until his head was between your thighs, beginning a line of pecks from your navel down toward... well towards down there.
"no y-you don't have to do that"
He didn't seem to hear you, his mouth only traveling lower and lower until it was right there where you needed him the most.
"does it hurt if I touch them?"
"n-no" you stuttered
He licked his lips, his eyes not on yours, but on your pretty cunt 
"and if I kiss them?"
"I-I don't know, I don't think s-"
And just like that, he had dived in, fist slowly kissing your skin, paying no mind if it included scars or not, just to start tasting your whole pussy, licking and sucking all he could find like a starved animal.
His grip on your waist was relentless, probably leaving bruises behind, but all you could do was lose yourself in the feeling as you moaned and arched your back from the bed.
he continued his work for a while, prolonging the experience as long as possible, before he decided to bring it home, and started focusing on your clit, sucking and licking your bud desperately.
And in a matter of seconds, you had fallen apart, moaning his name loud enough for his neighbors to hear.
"wow" you breathed, your chest rising and falling way too quickly as made his way back up again "That was... wow" you murmured, ghosting his lips
"I just wanted to prove to you how beautiful you are" he smiled, kissing you softly "All of you"
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permanentswaps · 1 month
Fun During The Swap Flu - Breaking Quarantine
Check out part 1 by @viceversa-666 here.
Day 74:
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As the days passed by, I found myself settling into Jared's life more and more. Even though initial novelty of being in his body had worn off, I was still jerking off my huge cock at least 5 times a day. Damn Jared’s sex drive is through the roof.
Anyway, they said that the virus would last 30-45 days. When Day 30 came, I felt a wave of emotions. Mostly I was dreading giving up these muscles and my sexy face, but I was also feeling a bit afraid of losing my identity. Even though I hadn’t been like this for that long, I had truly come to think of myself as Jared. But, to my momentary relief, nothing happened.
However, the following weeks were excruciating. Every day felt like a countdown, with the looming possibility of being ripped out of this body at any moment. I found myself constantly on edge, wondering exactly it would happen.
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But here we are, 74 days and counting and it still hasn't happened yet. Somehow, I'm still here, still inhabiting Jared's body.
We keep hearing reports of some cases of the "long swap flu," where people just seem to be infected indefinitely. At first, it sounded like a wild rumor, but every day past 45, more and more I began to cling to these stories like a lifeline. Could it be possible? Could I really stay like this forever? I hope to hell its true - I love my body.
And you know what gives me the most hope? I don't think that anyone is particularly concerned about it long swap flu. It seems like they're more focused on preventing more swaps and making sure the majority of people get back. I guess a few hundred is an okay margin of error in the grand scheme of things - even if for me, it's everything.
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My brother isn't too happy about all this. I can see the worry etched into his face every time he looks at me. He keeps googling different information about treatments, desperate to find some sort of cure.
Honestly, I feel a bit bad for him. I know how much he misses this body, and I can see that he’s not taking on my old identity as much as I’ve taken on his. But at the same time, I can't help but feel a sense of selfish relief. The thought of going back to my old life fills me with dread, a stark contrast to the comfort I've found in living as Jared.
In the meantime, I've been hitting up the dating apps, eager to explore this newfound sexual appeal. It's exhilarating to flirt and connect with people as Jared, everyone just keeps telling me how hot they think I am and keep asking me to send nudes. In fact, I’m in such high demand, I decided to start an onlyfans just to make sure the people get what they want.
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But up until now, I've been a bit nervous about exploring anything physical in-person – I mean you never know when I could switch back. But hey, I think I’m just gonna say fuck it and break the quarantine. I have this absolute stud in my DMs begging to breed me, and I for one can’t wait to be dominated.
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shanastoryteller · 8 months
happy halloween!! i would adore anything severus related, please :D
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
They buy a new house, mostly with Sirius's money even though it's in Severus's name because he's the only one of them that doesn't send sellers scrambling, as he's not a known werewolf or ex-convict.
"Oh, how I've fallen," Severus sighs, looking around the charming townhouse in despair.
Remus considers hiding his grin, but Severus always knows anyway so it'd be a wasted effort. "It's significantly nicer than your apartment. Not that I minded it, of course, Andromeda did wonderfully."
"We're down the street from the Weasleys," he says with the same level of horror that Remus has used other people use to describe an imminent Death Eater attack.
"Lots of kids for Harry to play with," Remus reminds him. "Right down in the middle of a magical community. An excellent preparatory school."
Severus looks like he's going to be ill.
"If you're done chitchatting, why don't you help with the unpacking?" Sirius interrupts crankily. Harry's in his arms and kicking his feet like he wants to be let down, but they haven't done anything to baby-proof the place yet. "Merlin, we're going to have to buy so much furniture. And things. Why does being a person require so many items?"
"An intriguing question," Severus says flatly. "Why don't I go ask Andromeda what she recommends? Good luck unpacking."
He apparates away with a crack.
Remus had only gotten halfway through a laugh and Sirius an outraged yell when he returns with another crack, plucking Harry from Sirius's arms and settling him against his chest. "Wouldn't want you to get distracted." This time the sound of him apparating away has a distinctly smug tinge to it.
"Side-long apparition is dangerous!" Sirius shouts, even though Severus isn't around to hear him.
"This is going to be fun, don't you think?" Remus asks brightly.
"This is all your fault," Sirius tells him petulently. "You just had to go and make friends with him."
"Yes, so sorry that I became friends with the person who cleared your name, freed you from Azkaban, and saved Harry from being raised by Petunia," he says dryly. "How could I?"
Now Sirius is the one who looks ill.
It's like he's living with three children, honestly.
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thelov3lybookworm · 9 months
I Didn't Ask For This (Part 9)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Summary: Marriage had always been something sacred to little Y/n, something dream like, where her husband would come and whisk her away to a fairyland. At least, that's what she had always thought.
All her dreams would be shattered.
But maybe she can salvage them?
Tw: forced marriage, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: I've been soo excited to write this part, especially the ending. Despite the almost whole thing being erased because I didnt save it, I like this part. Hope you do too.
Y/n smiled softly as she stared at the Sidra, standing next to Azriel while leaning against the railing of the bridge.
"It's very peaceful." She murmured.
"That it is. It feels more so at night, because there's more chaos nearby." He offered. She nodded.
They had been walking around the city for a couple of hours now, and it was almost dinnertime. They had decided to rest for a few moments before continuing. She was so tired that she was sure that her legs would fall off if she took another step. Obviously, she hadn't considered the consequences when she promised to spend the whole day with him.
The whole morning and afternoon was spent with him pointing at shops and telling her of how he and his brothers terrorised Velaris in their younger years. Y/n's stomach hurt from how much she had laughed. From those stories, she knew that most of his five hundred years had brought him happiness. And that made her happy, for a reason she didnt want to think of.
He tilted his body so he faced her more. "Where do you want to eat?"
"I don't know...can't you decide?" She glanced at him, quickly turning back to the river, because she couldn't look at him for more than a moment without blushing. Especially with the intensity with which he looked at her. As if she was the only person in the world and if he didn't pay attention to every word she said, he'd die.
She could feel him smile as he straightened. "There is this place along the banks of Sidra. Its the inner circle's current favourite place to eat."
"Okay." She mumbled as she turned to him. "How far is it?"
"Don't worry. I'll carry you."
"Excuse me?"
He grinned, turning away from her and giving her instructions to wrap her arms around his neck, ignoring her protests. She finally relented, his hands going under her thighs to hoist her up. He couldn't look at her, which she was glad for, because all he would've seen was the redness in her face.
She clutched him tighter as he started walking, mindful of his wings. He again started telling her stories.
"There used to be a restaurant there." He pointed to a tailoring shop with a jerk of his head. "When we ate there for the first time, we were obsessed. We made plans all week to eat there on the weekend. When the day came, Cassian starved himself in hopes of being able to eat more. And, because he was so hungry, he gobbled down all the food without chewing. When we were leaving, he started feeling nauseous."
Y/n grinned and rested her head on his shoulder, having an inkling of where this was going.
"As soon as we stepped inside the town house, he threw up all over the threshold. After that he never even stepped foot in the general vicinity of the restaurant, as if it was somehow cursed."
Y/n laughed. "He is... a masterpiece."
"That he is." He agreed. Soon, they had reached the restaurant he was telling about and he helped her settle before he took seat.
As they ate, he managed to get Y/n to tell him about her life. And, because there were not really any happy or pleasant memories in her life, she told him of the less gruesome and painful ones. She watched as his anger grew with every word from her mouth.
When they were flying back, he stayed mostly quiet, as if lost in thought. Before they landed though, he turned to her.
"There is a family dinner tomorrow at the river House. I'd be happy if you came."
She considered it for a moment before nodding. "I'll come."
"Thank you." Quiet joy took over his face as he set her down, his lips twitching as if he was holding back a smile as he kissed her hand before flying away.
She stared at his form until she couldn't anymore, smiling.
Azriel had been extremely adorable today, and she would be lying if she said that she wasn't excited to see this side of him again.
The darkness was creeping in again as she stared at her abdomen in the mirror. Her shirt was stuck around her wrists as she clutched the cloth to her chest. The disgusting thoughts and vile ideas she had regarding the disgusting marks on her body swirled through her mind.
She hated herself for it.
She hated everyone who played a role in bringing her to this point.
Everyone who had a hand in turning the hopeful little soul she had been into the unoptimistic female she was today.
Somewhere deep in her she knew it was wrong to think about herself that way, but she didn't care. Her father and the other men's laughs were too loud for her to hear the rational thoughts.
This was the sole reason why she never looked at herself when she changed. It bought back those dark memories and thoughts. But today she couldn't help it.
She was getting ready to go to the dinner with the inner circle when she had peeked at herself, and now she couldn't stop thinking of how disgusting her body was.
She knew if someone came in from the door, they would have an unobstructed view of the map of horror on her back. But she couldn't bring herself to care at the moment.
While she was busy thinking of these things, she didn't hear the soft footfalls nearing her room. She didn't hear them until it was too late.
A knock sounded before her husband poked his head in, the smile on his face disappearing as she pulled the shirt back over her head. She gave him a shaky smile as she watched a muscle feather in her jaw.
"Az– Azriel. Did you need something?"
He didn't reply, entering the room fully, the door clicking shut behind him. He prowled closer, ignoring her questions and attempts at distraction. When he was close enough, he traced lines on her now clothed back, exactly where some of those scars were.
His eyes slowly lifted to meet hers in the mirror, his voice quiet and deadly as he spoke. "May I?" His hands brushed the hem of her shirt. She wanted to say no, but she nodded.
He slowly and gently lifted her shirt as she clutched the front of it so she didn't get completely naked in front of him. His eyes traced the marks on her back with a fierceness that would've sent people running.
"Who did this to you?" His voice sent shivers down her spine.
"My– my father and a few other men."
He met her eyes again, his eyes flashing before glancing down at her abdomen which had gotten exposed. He stepped closer, curling his arm around her around her to reach the scars. His face was murderous, but his hands were gentle. So gentle her knees nearly buckled.
He traced those scars, completely silent. The air was filled with tension as she watched his every move, her eyes prickling.
His eyes slowly lifted to hers again, his voice lower and more dangerous as he spoke. "Anywhere else?"
She knew he was asking if she had more scars. Which she did, so after a moment of consideration, she unclasped the few of the clasps at the top of the shirt and pulled the flaps aside.
A startled gasp full of horror left him as his eyes flew wide.
There, on her chest right above where her heart should be, was a nasty scar.
"How did you survive that!?" He questioned, his voice wobbling.
She smiled. "He wouldn't have let me die that easily." She turned to him. "Before the bargain between us was made, he wasn't that bad. Then he slowly started ignoring us. Mother wasn't talking to him, spending most of her days with me. But then, so deep in despair she was, she stopped taking care of herself. And that was the start of her slow and sure demise." She took a deep breath, tears gathering in her eyes.
"After she died, he only got worse. He started yelling at us, and then hitting us. It soon turned to whipping us." She searched Azriel's face before continuing. "After you left, the Camp Lord kicked us out of the camp, not wanting to share the power when he was no longer getting something out of it. We stayed nearby for a few years before father somehow convinced him to let us back into the camp.
"Later on, we found out that he had made a bargain that he would let the males in the camp beat us for their own sick pleasure. He–"
"What?" He had gone rigid.
She swallowed. "They started an event. It took place every year. The men who wanted to feel like they were great warriors would come and fight with the women, who had no experience. Seeing their opponent, especially a female, beaten and bruised, gave then satisfaction. Some of those scars are the result of this event. But it was stopped the moment Rhysand became High Lord.
"One day, father got so frustrated for something that I can't recall right now, and conveniently, I was nearby. He got a blunt knife that he was about to sharpen, ant stuck it in my chest. It hurt." A tear escaped her eye as she recalled the pain. "And becuase it was blunt, it took more force for it to pierce skin. When he was done and I was nearly dead, he got a healer to get me healed."
At this point, tears were streaming down her cheeks. He pulled her to his chest, his lips ghosting over her temple. He murmured things in her ear, but she couldn't make anything out over the sound of her sobs and her heart beating in her chest as she clutched onto Azriel as if he was the only thing keeping her alive.
He didn't complain, holding her back just as fiercely.
Sometime later, she decided to get dressed. So she pulled away and walked into the adjoining bathroom. When she came back out, Azriel smiled at her.
"I'll drop you off at the house. I have an important thing to do."
She nodded, despite wanting to ask him to not go.
Soon, she was sitting with the inner circle in the sitting room of the River House, glancing out the window continuously, hoping he came back soon.
It was somewhere near midnight when Azriel returned, smiling at her. She smiled back, a blush already creeping up her face. He sat next to her. He smelled and looked like he just taken a bath, his hair damp.
Almost an hour later, the High Lord left the sitting room, saying someone had brought some reports for him. Azriel watched him go, his jaw clenching. But when he found Y/n looking at him, he smiled again, relaxing.
It wasn't long before Rhysand burst back in, fuming. He walked straight to Azriel, who was already standing.
"What is this Azriel?" Rhysand waved some papers in front of her husbands face. Confused, everybody sat straighter, somber.
Unease started swirling in Y/n's stomach. If the High Lord was so mad, it must be something important.
Azriel glanced at the High Lord's hand before back at him, speaking calmly. "Those are papers Rhys. More specifically, they look like reports."
Rhysand looked on the verge of murdering someone. Y/n stood. "Tell me why, tell me fucking why, an Illyrian camp was burned to the ground. That too exactly while you were absent."
Her heart stopped as she stared at Azriel, his face void of any emotion or remorse. If anything, he looked proud.
What in the name of the cauldron did he do?
Taglist: @bubybubsters @maxxieluvs @bubbbllee @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @waytoomanyteenagefeels @tell-me-a-poem @the-lake-is-calling @spaxxxi @japanese-wonderland-blog @valeridarkness @moonlwghts @deadratio @esposadomd @harrystylesfan2686 @missusbarnes-rogers @whatthefuckshappeningrn @hyacinthoideshispanica @historygeekqueen @lizziesfirstwife @nastynesta @aroseinvelaris @nightless @cleverzonkwombatsludge @kodokunarisu-blog @selillusion @eos-princess @moonfawnx @a-court-of-milkandhoney @emilyo-218 @wannabewolf @ailyr92 @chronically-online-cheese @myheartfollower @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival @marina468 @menaosama @starryhiraeth @hereticdance @mali22 @valencia-rou @azrielsstarlight @marvelouslovely-barnes @luvmoo @starlight-hope @a-frog-with-a-laptop @fall-myriad @alt-ghost @elleofdragons @ruleroftides @5moremin @stargirl1714 @bunnymallowo @ivy-34
Part 10
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daenysx · 1 year
Hi, would you write a modern aemond where he's a virgin and quite shy? ♡ First time with his girlfriend he's a bit ashamed of his inexperience/has performance anxiety and he doesn't last very long, but she's super kind about it and makes him feel comfortable
thanks love ♡
hii! thank you for this request, i've never written aemond as a shy character before but i tried my best, i hope you like it!!
i always think that aemond would love receiving praises and he deserves to know how good he is. in my stories mostly he is the one giving praises but this time i wanted him to be the praised one. ♡
title's from suki waterhouse' lovely song 'good looking'
my masterlist
my good looking boy
you are the first person modern!aemond has sex with. nsfw.
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aemond has no idea how good he looks right now.
not good, perfect. such a gorgeous man and he is with you. you know he doesn't usually believe in your words about how good looking he is, how kind and gentle, how perfect for you. he's gotten used to receiving problematic words from his family, he's never felt appreciated enough and you always intend to change his mind.
he should know how perfect he is.
he is just sitting on the couch with wearing nothing but his sweatpants, his back is against the comfy pillows and he has this book he's recently obsessed with in his hands. his pretty hands. he looks concentrated, unaware of your presence as you stand by the door. you take your time, watch him a little bit more and enjoy the sight in front of you.
he lifts his hand to push his hair from his face then reaches for his cup on the coffee table. he takes a sip and you watch how the muscles of his throat move with the act. as he puts the coffee cup back, he looks at the door and sees you.
he smiles so beautifully when he sees you standing there. you approach him, he puts his book aside and opens his arms for you. he always welcomes you with open arms and helps you lay on top of him. he knows you love the comfort you feel with him after a long day, just listening to his heartbeat to acknowledge his presence, feeling he is there for you.
your relationship has started a little while ago, you were just friends before you both realized your feelings for each other. aemond always told you how bad he thinks he is with feelings and relationships but that was okay. you were willing to be the brave one, the one who confessed first, the one who gave the first kiss, the one who first started a hug.
you lift your head enough to kiss him, he parts his lips enough to let your tongue in his mouth. he holds the back of your head securely in his big hand and you keep kissing him until you decide to move further.
you feel him smiling on your lips and you smile back. you've never done anything more, only these intense kisses and touching each other. it felt a bit awkward at first, thinking you were friends before and now that he is your boyfriend. you took your time, waited enough to feel comfortable for something more.
and now, you feel like you're on the edge with how gorgeous your man looks.
he can turn you on without doing anything spesific. fuck, he turns you on just by sitting shirtless and reading a book. you try to settle on his lap more comfortably and he holds your hips while you do that.
you press yourself to his hardness which is inevitable to feel right now and he makes a sound, clearly indicating he was not expecting this.
"sorry." you say, laughing slightly.
he smiles, "that's okay."
"i know we didn't really talked about this but- if it feels weird we can always try later. i just-"
he cuts your rushed words with a simple kiss. "nothing feels weird with you sweetheart. it's- i want to do this with you. but, i think you should know that i've- i've never done that before."
you are a little bit surprised but you don't say it. "that's fine. we can take all the time you want. just-anything you're okay with."
you see his cheeks turn pink and you love the color on him. you can't even describe how lovely he looks, how pretty for you. you give him a comforting smile.
"do you want to go to bed?" he asks, almost whispering.
you nod, take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. he sits on the bed while you stand and looks at you, unsure of what he's supposed to do.
you lean closer to give him a little kiss as you move your hands to take off your clothes. your shirt goes first, then your skirt. he watches you with a starved look on his face. you take off your bra and your panties as he can look at your face only. your clothes make a little pool on the floor and you kneel in front of him.
"can i take this off?" you ask with a smile, your forefinger points his sweatpants. he nods and lifts his hips to help you.
he doesn't wear any underwear.
and he looks gorgeous. the tip of his cock is slightly red, he is hard for you and you can't help but pressing a little kiss to the tip of him. he winces, closes his eye.
"we can do anything you want, however you want. just tell me, my love." you say with a reassuring smile.
"i'd like to be inside you first, but i'm not sure i can last long." he says.
"that's fine. we have all the time in the world. would you like to be on top?"
he thinks for a small moment. "no, i want you on top of me. you'd look so good on top of me."
for a man who never had sex, aemond targaryen surely knows what to say to make you fall for him.
he lays down on bed, extends his hand for you to reach. you sit on his abs, slowly moving on top of him and his cock presses against your backside. your wetness stains his abs and he loves the feeling. he loves the way you kiss his chest when you move, the way you bite his nipple playfully, the way he can hold onto the soft flesh of your thighs.
you are everything he has ever longed for and he is glad that he waited enough to have his first time with you.
"that feels- fuck, that's perfect but i want you, i want to be inside-" he says with an impatient voice.
"do you have any idea how good you look right now? no, you don't. you don't have a little clue about what you do to me just by looking like that. my good looking boy." you say, finally moving closer to his cock.
he moans deeply when you hold him in your hands, adjust yourself on top of him and take him inside you. he loves the feeling of your warmth, your tight muscles clenching around him, and it's perfect. such a lovely feeling, it makes him feel safe, totally unaware of the outside world right now.
you start riding him, taking his hand to stroke your clit at the same time. you guide him first but he is a fast learner, he starts doing it with his own pace now. you arch your waist like a purring cat and he says your name with a desperate voice.
"i'm- too close, i can't stop!"
you nod feverently, "don't stop. never stop."
he rubs your clit harder and your little kiss on his chest makes the final for him. he lifts his hips and comes inside you with a grunt.
you are mesmerised by the way he looks when he comes.
he takes quick breaths, tries to calm himself. your warmth still surrounds him and he realizes you're still waiting for your own peak.
"fuck, i'm sorry. i'm sorry, my love, i should've-"
you shush him as he sits on bed with you on his lap, put a finger on his lips and stop him from talking nonsense.
"that was perfect, aemond. it was supposed to be good for you and you- you don't know how pretty you look when you come. for me it was enough."
he kisses you, he is still inside and you can feel him getting hard. "thank you for being so kind. i love you."
"i love you, too."
"can you let me make it up to you, right now?"
you laugh at his words. "of course."
he smiles too, you lay on your back now as he stays on top, he pulls himself back. "i need you to tell me what you like. i want to learn how you like it, how to make it good for you."
you nod attentively, hold his face and kiss him. you guide his long fingers on your clit. "i like how you touch me here. like this."
he nods, trying to understand the basics of it. you let his hand move and he finds your entrance with his fingers. you guide them inside you. "there's a spot that feels- oh!"
it appears your good looking boy is successful at everything he does. his fingers find your g-spot with the little help from your hips and he presses there.
he moves his fingers inside you, his thumb stays on your clit. "mm-hmm, there. that's so beautiful. you are so good for me."
aemond loves when you praise him, your words are sincere and so sweet. he wants to make you feel good, he wants his touches to make you lose it for him.
he sucks your nipple, and then the other one. you push your body to him, wanting him to keep going.
"like that, just like that!"
it only takes three more thrusts for you to reach to that lovely state. you moan his name, not caring about how loud you are. he feels the pride deep in his heart, smiles broadly and kisses you. you grab his cock when your orgasm hits you and you move your hand fastly to make him come once more.
he pushes his cock to your fist and he is gone after a few moments.
he feels so good, so relaxed. he lays on bed with you on his chest and pulls the covers on you.
you are trying to catch your breath as he rubs circles on your back, your nipples press on his skin and his softened cock rests on his thigh.
you enjoy a few minutes of comfortable silence.
you leave the bed afterwards, go to the bathroom to clean yourself. you grab a towel for him, hand it to him when you go back to his side and let him clean himself.
he looks calm and grounded, his eye closing slowly and you know he wants to sleep with you in bed. you kiss his forehead affectionally, mumbling how perfect he is. you take the used towel from him and put it in washing machine.
you go to kitchen with quick steps after wearing one of his shirts and clean panties. you bring him a cool glass of water and sit on the edge of the bed on his side.
"come on, drink some water my love."
he slowly sips his water, grateful for the care you show him. you hold his hand when he finishes the water in the glass and put the glass on the nightstand.
he opens the covers for you and takes you in his arms. you kiss his neck, wrap your arms around him.
"thank you." he says, and his voice sounds a little shy it makes your heart clench.
"i want you to feel good with me. i like taking care of you, i like making you smile. you deserve all the sweetness i could ever offer."
"i feel the best when i'm with you. i just- i'm not used to it but i love it. pretty words and someone taking care of me." he says.
"that's okay. we have time, remember? you'll get used to all of it, baby."
he kisses you good night then, and you watch him fall asleep, holding you closer and closer.
your good looking boy.
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s1m0nth3swag · 2 months
Hello, Simon! I enjoyed reading some of your recent works for Francis Mosses 🥺 is it okay to request for period comfort? keep it SFW please! I'm just in a emotional rollercoaster right now because of it and I don't see much sfw works of Francis here on Tumblr. Thank you so much in advance! 🤎
Tysm for the ask anon, so sorry it took this long!
I've been working on some personal projects recently and have had less time to write (especially since I now have to actually take care of some of my grades because some aren't looking too good.... whatever, though I'm balling through, it'll be fine)
Also, I'm so so sorry this is short because, uhm, how do I write about period comfort when all I usually do is ball through and act like the tough man I totally am (not)
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO; GN!Reader but mentioned to be afab due to having Periods, established relationship but not having been together for that long, Francis is a little silly and unsure at first because that man wouldn't know what to do and I stand by that statement.
When you had woken up this morning, you had immediately known. Just that feeling of being uncomfortable, as if your body needed to make extra sure to signal you that you weren't pregnant. You groaned in annoyance, wanting to sleep for a little longer, but if you did that, you'd probably end up having to change your bedsheets, and that's the last thing you wanted to do right now. So, instead, you trotted to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, your boyfriend Francis was absolutely confused. You weren't the type to get up early, especially not when he was staying over. Usually, you'd snuggle up to him, wrap your arms around his waist to keep him in bed with you. He figured you maybe just needed to go to the toilet, though something seemed a little off. He didn't pay it much mind, though, simply drifting off into a state of being half asleep again. At least until you practically fell into bed, making the mattress creak. "Francis." You grumbled, moving to press your face against his neck like you'd always do when he stayed over and was still with you in the morning. "Mm?" He hummed, his hand coming up to carefully run through your hair. "Got my period." You huff, your face scrunching in annoyance. Francis is caught off guard for a moment. "At least you aren't pregnant?" He mutters, trying to lighten your mood, though that only results in having you hit his chest softly. He really doesn't know what to do. He never had to deal with this before. "What usually.. I don't know.. helps? Makes it better?" He asks. Francis has heard of buying chocolate or making a hot water bottle, though he really wants to make sure not to just assume what might be good for you. "Just stay for now, okay?" You ask, snuggling further against him.
The two of you stay cuddled up in bed for a while, with you getting into some, for Francis, very weird positions just to relieve some of the pain. He starts massaging your lower belly at some point, which makes you comfortably rest against him so he can keep going. He figures that this helped your cramps, though you aren't really a big talker right now. He's just glad you aren't getting sappy on him or worse. Francis reminds himself to stop thinking in stereotypes. You fall asleep at some point, and he has half a mind to get a blanket over the two of you while he tries not to fall asleep as well - he feels like he should be awake once you wake up. He wouldn't want to have you have to do something alone when he could be helping you.
The next few hours are mostly you being asleep and Francis drifting off just to jolt awake again. Once you wake up, Francis gets you water and, because you now specifically asked for it, made you a hot water bottle to help the cramps. You put on a movie while he was gone, some romantic one that he knew you had watched at least twice before already. Not like he minded, though. Wasn't his place to judge. He settled beside you again, making sure to carefully place the bottle on you, letting you adjust it yourself. "You alright?" He hums, resting his head against yours. "Obviously not. I'm actively bleeding, Francis." You huff, rolling your eyes playfully as you shift closer to him. "Honestly, though, as good as I could be right now." You then answer, sighing as you close your eyes to bask in your boyfriends presence.
You stay cuddled up like that, watching the movie together. Francis gets up at some point to make both of you a tea, making sure yours is a Green tea after searching for what tea helps with cramps. He's generally just very mindful of you, even offering to run to the store to get you anything you want - which in all honesty almost makes you tear up because he's just too sweet - but you just want him with you, and that's all that counts.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
Btw, if anyone cares to know, my position on Biden and the 2024 election is this:
Starting September* 1, 2024, I will be doing whatever I can to make sure that Trump does not get a second term as president
Until that day, I'm going to be doing whatever I can to push for an end to the genocide in Gaza and an immediate ceasefire, and that includes criticizing, protesting, and lambasting Biden for funding and providing weapons for Israel's genocide
ETA: I will still be posting about significant good things the Biden administration has done, though, because some of it is a really big deal that people deserve to know about
ETA: But I will not be defending Biden from any criticism around Palestine/Israel/war crimes
*This originally said October 1st but someone pointed out to me that there are a few states where early voting starts in late September, including a couple swing states, so I changed it because that's a very good point
I don't plan to tell anyone not to vote for Biden in the meantime, myself, because shitty two party system and I'm really serious about Trump not getting reelected
But I'm also not going to do anything to discourage people who are seriously rallying against Biden, because he is, you know, literally bypassing Congress to make sure he can fund crimes against humanity
I never want to diminish that reality.
And more than that: If we want genocide to actually be a dealbreaker for politicians and presidents... then we need to start acting like it could be.
Details/related thoughts:
I will still be posting about good things Biden and his administration are doing, because they are the ones running the US government and Congress is super deadlocked, so a lot of the national-level good news in the US has been done by his administration, and I'm not going to stop posting about that good news
Shout-out to the anon who accused me of being a US government propagandist with a whole PR team bc I posted about Biden a few days in a row. I promise you I'm blogging from my bed in my pjs and do not have a PR team lol
Also, for people who don't think we should be spreading serious criticism about Biden, for fear of Trump winning in 2024: I hear you--that's an incredibly valid fear. I've struggled with that myself, in the process of coming to this(/these) decision(s). But consider this: it's better that we really pile on the criticism and pressure now, because a) people are dying, and b) Biden's chances will be much worse if Israel is still bombing/decimating Gaza on election day
Relatedly, for anyone who's tempted to think Trump would be better when it comes to the Gaza genocide, again, it's really understandable to want to put your hope in any viable alternative. However, I promise you that is not going to happen. Joe Biden at least conditionally gives a couple shits about human life. Trump doesn't. Remember Trump's Muslim ban? In all likelihood, Trump would just tell Israel to bomb Gaza harder and ban Palestinian refugees from entering the US
Last thing on Trump: maybe this is naive of me, but for a lot of reasons, I'm not actually particularly worried about Trump winning in 2024. If I was, I might have made some different calls here. I have a few asks about this in my inbox and will probably make a post at some point about the reasons why, but yeah, Democrats have mostly been wanting to run against Trump instead of DeSantis or Haley or whoever for some very real reasons
You're welcome to disagree with me/this post in any direction, btw
Seriously, I'm just a random person who doesn't speak for anyone besides myself and my own blog. I'm not saying these are categorically the right answers, or that any of this is what everyone should be doing. This is simply the system I have settled on (right now) for how I personally want to handle all of this
You're welcome to disagree with me but please don't send me any angry asks about any of it. Not that I in any way get a lot of those, thankfully! But yeah, this isn't something I'm interested in debating, this is mostly for notification/explanation purposes
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dracoxsworld · 1 year
Protection. - Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: Bro Draco gets angry. Cursing, mentions of assault (does not go into detail at all), please read with caution! Also Oral (f receiving) And fingering bc Draco is a SIMP!
a/n: You guys this took like 2 and a half days to write.. It's 2,396 words. please don't let it flop :') Anyway I hope you're all good and safe. Happy weekend! Whoop Whoop!!
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You begged Draco to agree to you two going to the slytherin ball. “Y/n, you know I’m not a social person. I’m already around those bloody people enough in class.”
“Draco please.” you begged, batting your eyelashes. Draco pursed his lips, and exhaled through his nose. “Fine.” a reluctant Draco responded. You giggle with excitement, clapping your hands. You quickly get up on your tip-toes to kiss him on his cheek. Draco gives a small smile, but you can tell he regretted his decision. “I’m gonna go get ready.” You beamed.
You slipped on a very short, dark green dress. It was a bishop sleeved dress, with a cut out above your stomach, with a knot tying the fabric together. You put on dark grey tights, and black heels. You smoothed the dress down your waist, and smiled in the mirror. Draco came into the bedroom, and leaned in the doorframe. You didn’t notice him for a moment, not until he spoke. “Melvins beard.” He muttered. You turned around, facing him and smiled. “Do you like it?” you implored him.
“Like it? You look..ravishing.” Draco purrs. He walks closer to you, his big hands settle on your waist. He started you up and down as if his eyes were glued to you. “You know,” you began. “You look quite sharp yourself.” Draco was wearing his all black suit, with the Slytherin pendent on the left side of his chest, glimmering in the candle light in your bedroom.
You and Draco arrived to the ballroom. Everyone in your house had already arrived, all in their own cliques talking with drinks in their hand, presumably pumpkin juice. Draco has his hand in your waist, nodding to his Quidditch team members. Some of them, happened to lay eyes on you. You assumed Draco had noticed their eyes of hunger for his girl, because he mumbled something about hexing them before they can even think about their next practice.
You spot your friends, Daphne Greengrass with Pansy Parkinson. “Draco, I’m gonna go say hi to the girls, okay?” You announced. Draco looked down on you with concern. “Y/N, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Draco expressed, his eyes now gazing the crowd full of Slytherins, mostly observing the male classmates. You huffed. “I can handle myself, Draco.” You begged. “Fine. But stay where I can see you.” Draco grumbled. “You sound like my dad.” You muttered back to him as you were walking away.
You tap Daphne on the shoulder, she turned around and gasped. “Look at the hottie of the night!” she beamed at you. Pansy smiled and gave you a small wave, which you returned. You and the girls gossiped about peers, specifically about who they were with, or, more importantly; the ones who arrived alone. That's when Daphne's eyes land on Theodore Nott.
"I've heard interesting things about him, Theodore." Daphne noted. "Yeah? Like what?" Pansy questioned Daphne. "Just that he can be very manipulative, almost like he puts a spell on everyone he talks to," Daphne replied. You tilted your head in curiosity at Daphne. "A spell?" You prodded. Daphne nodded in response. "Nobody has ever said 'no' to him, I don't think he knows what it means." Daphne said in a shudder. "Not a good dude. I mean, I know us Slytherin's don't have an exactly shiny reputation; but that's not what I personally stand for." Daphne asserted. You and Pansy nodded in agreeance. You took a moment to look for Draco; you seemed to be in a very interesting conversation with Blaise Zabini. You smiled at the sight of Draco actually enjoying himself. "Shall we go get drinks?" Pansy suggested. You and Daphne nodded, and you all went to the bar.
It was about 30 minutes into your totally-not-spiked pumpkin juice, Daphne and Pansy went off to the restroom, when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and jolted in your seat as you noticed who it was. Theodore Nott. He smiled at you, it was a sour smile. Not friendly or genuine. Mischief was behind it. "Theodore, is it?" You proceeded cautiously. "My my, I am surely worthy if someone like you knows my name." Theodore said maliciously. "Well, that depends of the reason." You snapped back, turning around towards your drink, your back now facing him. Almost immediately, Theodore gripped the bottom of your seat and spun you back around. "Excuse me!" You cautioned, as you were gripping the bottom of your seat to steady yourself, they landed on top of Theodore's, who took it as an opportunity to roughly grasp them. You try to pull away, but his grip doesn't weaken. "Hands off!" You spat, struggling out of his grip, he finally lets go, trying to not cause a scene. "Y/N, I always, always get what I want, you know." Theodore said with a tone of confidence. You rolled your eyes. "Not from me, I already have someone, thanks." You replied. Theodore chuckled. "That excuse won't keep me from you, doll."
"I'm not your doll," you hissed.
"Then who do you belong to?" He questioned. "I would like to know who my competition is."
"Draco Malfoy, and don't bother. You don't even compare, 'doll'". You mocked. Theodore's eyes grew dark. "Now, baby, you're getting on my nerves. You'll regret getting on my nerves. I'm sure you've heard that too." Theodore threatened. You reach for your wand, that's tucked into your sleeve, but Theodore catches your hand. "Now now, let's not make a scene. Just come with me quietly and there won't be any trouble." He stated, tightening his grip. You winced in pain, your eyes dart around the room, attempting to find your silver-haired hero. But he's no where to be seen. Theodore smiles, "He's not here to save you, hon."
"Doesn't matter, I'm not going with you." Your provoked. Theodore brings out his wand, and points it underneath your chin. "You want a bet?" He chuckles. Poison fumes from his mouth, your eyes fill up with tears. How were you going to get out of this one? "What you hear from me is true. And, you've pissed me off. The thing is, nobody knows what happens when you piss me off," Theodore warned, leaning closer to your face. You smell cigarettes off of his breath. "Most aren't able to tell anyone what's happened to them, love."
"Now, be a good girl and come with me." You reluctantly got up from your seat as he guided you to the exit, moving his wand towards the bottom of your back, in the middle, where no one can see. You almost make it to the exit, tears falling down your cheeks. Why isn't anyone noticing? Theodore's grip gets tighter and tighter as you get closer to the door. Then, like a miracle, Draco appears, seemingly out of nowhere. Relief washes over your body. "I believe she arrived with me." He growled. Veins along his arm were popping, his face was redder than you've ever seen. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Everyone around you turned around in your direction, gasping, trying to hide behind each other. You try to run up to him but Theodore pulls you back, putting the wand back to your temple. "Don't you dare, she'll get it, I promise you." Theodore swore. Draco withdrew his wand. "Draco, don't!" You cried. "Yes, Draco" Theodore mocked your cry for your lover. "Listen to your slut." He said with poison on his tongue. "You've got a nasty one, Malfoy. I have to teach her respect. "
"You bastard." Draco cursed, lowering his wand slowly. "I'll take care of you without magic," Draco grumbled. Before you could even realize what happened, Daphne and Pansy came up behind Theodore, each girl on each side grip his arms and hold him in place. "What the bloody hell?!" Theodore stammered. "Petrificus Totalus!" Pansy exclaims., wand pointing at Theodore. In an instant, Theodore's body petrifies, and falls to the floor, you fly forward from his body almost falling on you. Theodore, paralyzed other than his eyes, is unable to say a word. Draco's arms wrap around you instantly. You've never been so grateful to be in his arms, you sob into his black suit, not caring of what those around you think. "I am so sorry I let you out of my sight," Draco said into your hair, starting to sob. "It's not your fault Draco, I wondered off, I-" "No." Draco interrupted. "It's his fault."
Draco walked up to Theodore's stiff body. He balled up his fist, each finger had a silver ring. He swung his fist that then collided into Theodore's fist. "Magic or not, I'll fucking kill you!" Draco spat at him, continuously swinging his fists at Theodore's face. You, Pansy and Daphne pull him off, he's huffing and puffing. Theodore was almost unrecognizable. Black, blue, and red. Same for Draco's knuckles. "This sick son of a bitch isn't worth it, Malfoy." Daphne said calmingly, gazing at Theodore's condition. "Y/N, are you okay?" Pansy asked concerningly, checking if you were hurt. You nodded your head gratefully, giving them both a hug and "thank you's". "Let's leave." You begged him. Draco stood still for a second, debating if he should attempt to wack Theodore again, Theodore's eyes were full of fear. Draco leans down to him. "Now you know what it's like to be someone's bitch." He mocked. He stood back up, held out his hand for yours. "Are you ready, love?" He asked lovingly. You nodded, and took his hand. You could hear a pin drop in the ball room. You nodded, "Yes, please."
You and Draco made it up to your dorm room. You quietly made it to your bed, and sat down. your wrapped your arms around yourself. Draco looked at you apologetically. "Draco.." You began. "I am so happy things turned out the way they did, but," You looked up at him, but you were blinded by tears. "What if they didn't?" Draco took a deep breath, and came to sit down by you, wrapping his strong around you, pulling you close to him. "I don't know, I don't wanna know. I am so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have lost you, I can't forgive myself, I won't. I don't want to." He mumbled. He looked at you, tears forming in his silver eyes. "I love, you y/n. I am so sorry." Draco sniffled out. "I wanted to kill him. I wanted to end his life." Draco admitted. You nodded in understanding, and fiddled with your wand. After a moment, you flicked your wand at your door. "Muffliato," You commanded. Blue aura spreads out from your wand, and travels across your dorm room walls.
Draco looks at you with curiosity, but welcomes you when you straddle him, wrapping your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. "Draco.." You said softly. "He laid his hands on me," You choked out, starting to get upset again. You cleared your throat after a moment. "I want your touch." Draco's eyes widened. "Are you sure? After tonight I-" "Please" You interrupted, still softly. He gave you a soft smile before passionately kissing you, he wrapped one arm around your waist, the other traveling up your thigh, under your dress. You hummed in pleasure, and he smirked in the kiss.
The kiss slowly got more intense as you both settled yourself completely on your bed, you still on top of him. Draco pulled your dress up over your shoulders and head. "You're so beautiful, Y/N." Draco whispered to you, cupping your face in his large hands. "You're so important to me, I need to protect you better." You kissed him softly again, not wanting him to make himself feel even more guilty. The kiss becomes more intense again, but more quickly this time.
His tongue brushed against your bottom lip asking for permission to enter, which you granted. Draco's hands were simultaneously roaming your body, feeling every curve and surface. He got to the middle of your thighs causing you to moan in the kiss, which encouraged him more. He began inching towards your panties, which were wet, rubbing his fingers along the soaked fabric. "Draco, please." You moaned out in desperation. He looked at you and nodded. "I'll spoil you this time without teasing, love." Draco said, full with lust. He laid you back, and ducked his head to be in between your legs. He took your lace panties off with his teeth, teasingly slow. "Draco, you promised!" You said with frustration. Draco quickly finished taking them off, went went back to between your legs, right in front of your heat. You felt his tongue on your wet and needy bud. You moan his name, gripping his previously neat and smoothed back hair. His tongue go in circles, nice and slow. Perfect amount of pressure you needed. You feel his finger slowly tease your entrance. His finger slowly slides in, earning another moan from you. He pumps his one finger in and out of you while pleasuring your now swollen bud with his tongue. "Dray, I'm close" You moan out. "Come on baby, cum for me." Draco praised. Two fingers now, pumping even faster. His tongue assaulting your bud. His curled fingers are hitting your g-spot perfectly.
You begin to see stars, your legs are shaking. He keeps going somehow faster, when It feels impossible. You moan his name louder. Thank Merlin you casted that spell, you think. You feel the knot in your stomach grow. "Come on baby, cum on my face" Draco murmurs from between your legs, into your pussy. That was it. You finally released your juices. Draco licked every drop up, you squirm and buck your hips up and down from the overstimulation. Draco eventually comes back up to you, kissing your lips, and your forehead. You yawn, and your eyelids feel extremely heavy. "Your turn, you smirk up at him while he's holding himself over you. He chuckles softly. "Nah, babydoll. We can have that in the morning. You need some sleep." He says lovingly. You try to protest, but Draco already has you snuggled up to his chest.
The night ended on a good note, and you were just grateful to have Draco Malfoy. Very grateful indeed.
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jnnul · 1 year
five questions
a/n: and here is the first of the wips! i know this was supposed to come out on friday and now it's almost wednesday but it's out and that's worth something, right? i hope you love this little fluff piece + mark as much as i do!
word count: 5.1k
tags: finance bro mark and y/n, slice of life, mostly fluff, kinda your typical suburban modern day couple, idk they’re just good ppl who experience a slow and sweet romance, oh! and mark sucks at beer pong
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sorry, is this seat taken?
you pride yourself on not being a very superficial person. you always look deeper into a person of interest and in the past, your friends have made fun of you because you never seemed to find the people they thought were attractive very hot at all.
he seems like he swears at his mom. they give off the impression that they are rude to waitstaff. i don’t care how hot she is, she’s literally fighting with a customer service worker for no reason.
did it mean that your ability to look past superficial identity led to you giving some pretty sketchy people second chances? maybe. but usually, it did more good than harm.
but for all of your in depth thinking, you realize that you’re just as superficial as every last one of your friends when the man of your dreams asks you to marry him.
what he really says is, “is this seat taken?” but it all sounds the same when you’re half in love.
with dark eyes that are bright and shine with innocent curiosity, slender lips with a slight pout, and tousled black hair that falls into his eyes, you realize this man looks like nothing short of an angel.
you stutter out a squeaky, "no, go ahead!" before moving your laptop a little closer to you so that the hot stranger could have space to put his things down. he offers you a sweet smile before sliding into the seat next to you.
"my name is mark, by the way," he says once he's settled into his seat. he's about to ask your name but he nods to the keychain that's attached to your lanyard. "i'm guessing your name is y/n? that's a cute keychain."
"yeah," you say, flipping the keychain so that mark could see it properly. "one of the kids i teach made me it a couple years ago and i've carried it around ever since."
mark's eyebrows furrow at that as he checks his calendar to make sure that he's in the right class. "you're an education major? what's an education major doing in a business statistics class? this class is an upper level business class i thought?"
you nod and close your laptop so that mark could see the sticker on the backside of your laptop. you point out the biggest one that has 'ucla - anderson school of management' written in bright yellow letters. mark's eyebrows knit as he reads it and you can't help but laugh softly at how utterly confused he looks.
"i'm a finance major. i just really like kids so i spent last summer juggling between an internship at apple and volunteering at a learning summer camp for kids who are underprivileged in education," you explain, watching as mark's confusion turns to awe, his dark eyes glinting as you explain.
"damn. that's so cool of you, y/n. i'm sorry i assumed you were an education major. turns out you're just an angel instead," mark says, almost offhandedly. you freeze at the last sentence and immediately, mark's ears turn bright red as he realizes what he had said.
you to turn to face forward as mark rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and if you weren't so damn flustered, you would take a picture of how incredibly cute he looks.
mark had pretty privilege, as far as you were concerned. if any other person said that, you would probably just laugh it off and thank them but a single comment from mark had you blushing and internally combusting. the worst part? you didn't even mind it.
the two of you are silent for another couple minutes before you turn to him once more, a corner of your lips tilted upwards, a teasing look in your eyes.
"you know i definitely don't mind being called angel by a pretty boy," you say casually. you try not to let your voice give away how nervous mark actually makes you but there's still a little shake when you say the word 'pretty'. because really, mark was so pretty. just...too pretty to be good for your heart.
it doesn't really matter though because mark looks at you like you've personally put the stars in the sky.
"you think i'm pretty?" mark says, his voice soft and tentative. you look at him strangely. surely he had heard that many times over the course of his life? why did he sound so surprised?
"i think you're very pretty, mark," you say matter-of-factly. mark wants to say something else but everyone has filed in and it seems as though the professor is starting the lecture soon as the lights begin to dim in the hall.
mark has heard that he was attractive many times before. in fact, he'd probably become synonymous with the word handsome, as his superlative in high school was 'most likely to become a famous singer' and 'most likely to win prom king'.
so why did his heart flutter so much when you called him pretty?
can you help me with this one?
turns out, mark is shit at statistics. he's great at the business part, as you have learned over the past three weeks of sitting next to each other and working on the practice problems together. but the actual statistics? you might as well be working with a victorian child.
"i still don't understand why you can't just assume that this condition applies in all scenarios," mark says as he reads through the question once more. the two of you had grown pretty close over the past month or so, and often, you would go to the library after class to work on the assigned homework or projects together.
mark was a good study buddy (he always brought good snacks) and he had a great work ethic that made you feel guilty about not studying when he was. not to mention that he was gorgeous eye candy to look at whenever you needed to take a break from your work.
which was pretty much all the time if it meant looking at mark lee a little while longer.
your friends had teased you when you described your encounters with mark thus far. although they never really crossed the line between platonic and romantic relationships, just the fact that you were practically dying of anticipation was enough to rile your friends up.
you had had a few partners in the past but most of them ended at the situationship stage - very few of them become actual relationships. so, you had put a pause on dating for good (much to the dismay of your gossip mongering best friends) and had been happily single for the past year or so. unfortunately, that was when you met mark lee and your heart decided to rebel against all sense of logic.
besides his pretty face (your friends were very surprised to hear that you had developed a crush on a good looking man for once; you had a seriously incriminating track record), mark lee had a pretty heart. he was so incredibly humble and kind to everyone he knew - which was a lot of people, as you came to learn. he was super friendly and great at remembering little details about people that made them feel as though he truly cared about them.
which he really did. it seemed like mark truly cared a lot about every single one of his seemingly thousands of friends and went out of his way to make them feel loved. for you, however, it seemed like he went above and beyond.
it seemed as though after mark (and you, really) had gotten over the initial shyness and awkwardness, the two of you were rarely seen apart. you weren't sure if the two of you were toeing the line of romantic relationship yet, but it just felt like you guys were having fun. even without a label or anything, you and mark tended to gravitate towards each other in social situations and even made consistent efforts to see each other outside of your respective friend groups.
for example, you really didn't belong in the frat scene. you had expended all of the energy and patience you had for frat house parties during your freshman year and quite frankly, as a junior in college, it felt kind of embarrassing to go to them without having any real connections to brothers themselves.
but mark was a brother in nu chi theta so within the first month of your friendship, you found yourself at the NCT house with a red solo cup and an uncomfortable top on.
"hey y/n! i'm losing over here! can you help me with this one?" mark calls out from behind you. you turn around to see him extending a ping-pong ball (that smelled like it was coated in beer, vodka, and...laundry detergent?) in your direction. you look to see if your friends, who you had dragged along to the party, were going to save you from death by beer pong but you're on your own when you see two of your friends making out with the same boy.
you would stop them but the image was far too gruesome and downright hilarious. and in their drunken state, you doubted you could really separate the lovebirds (?) anyway.
"alright, but it's gonna cost you, lee," you sigh dramatically, setting your cup down on the counter before accepting the ping-pong ball, your fingers brushing over mark's.
"name your price," mark says confidently as you line up your shot, ignoring the heat that radiates off of mark's body as you realize that mark was a lot closer than you had previously anticipated. his words sink into your skin and you involuntarily shiver when you feel his breath on your neck.
"hmm...i'll have to think about it..." you trail off, finally throwing the little ping-pong ball into the cup. you turn so that your chest was pressed against mark's front and all your thoughts have been replaced by the look of his eyes in the dim lighting. the words tumble out of your mouth before you even realize what you're saying.
"go on a date with me?"
your heart drops as you see mark's face turn from confusion to shock and then back to confusion. he rubs his neck awkwardly (a habit, you had noticed, that tended to present himself when he felt particularly confused) as he licks his lips nervously.
"was...was us hanging out everyday not...dating? i kinda thought we were already going on dates," mark mumbles, his cheeks flushed. you stare at him and a strange gurgling laughter rips out of your mouth before you clamp your hand over your mouth, your eyes wide in horror at the sound that came out of your mouth.
"does this mean you like me?" you ask, and once again, you're graced with the sight of mark lee looking just all too angelic under the strobe lighting as he nods before tentatively making eye contact with you.
"uh...if you asked me on a date, am i safe to assume that you like me too?" mark proposes and the way that he says it, almost like he was presenting a business pitch to a potential investor, makes you laugh once more as you lean a little closer to mark, your lips barely brushing against his.
"more than you realize, mark."
can i come inside?
the first time mark came with you to help out with the kids at the school, it was completely unexpected. another one of the student teachers had suddenly fallen ill (you found out a few months later that at his girlfriend's baby shower that he was not, in fact, sick) and no one else was available to help out.
your supervisor was a sweet old lady who was dedicated to helping as much as she could before 'her joints gave up on her' - which meant that oftentimes, she tried to take on more responsibility than she really could. and then that meant that she often didn't hire enough staff to keep the place running, hoping that she could do all of the administrative things herself so that all of the people who did come in could focus on working with the kids. needless to say, as one of the only volunteers who had been with the organization for more than four years, you knew more than well that the sweet old lady needed more people to help her out.
so, you forced your boyfriend of three years to help you out. well, not really forced. mark had the day off from work because it was the day before july 4th and really didn't have any plans for the day. so when mrs. varghese calls you frantically at nine o'clock the previous night, mark offered to come with you.
"we've been together for the past three years and we've been living together for the past one and a half. i lose my girlfriend every monday and thursday evening to kids. i gotta meet the little suckers who've been monopolizing my girlfriend." which was mark's stupid way of saying i love you. let me help you out a little bit. let me be part of your world. maybe in the disney princess way.
and you're a sucker for kids and your boyfriend, even after dating for three years, so you agree and the next day, you're piling into the passenger seat at seven in the morning to teach young children addition and subtraction.
not really how the two of you (mostly mark) were planning on spending on of your rare days off but you could never deny mrs. varghese of anything. especially if it meant more time with the kids.
mark always joked about how you should've become a teacher but as much as you loved the children and the interactions with them, you were not a fan of the underpaying salaries. so you made it a point to become successful in your career and dedicate a percentage of your paycheck to donate to the school you volunteered at instead.
which had caused some struggles when you first moved in with mark, given that it was only the two of you rather than you living with three of your friends and your share of the rent went higher. but you figured it out and mark definitely wasn't the type of person to hold it over your head that you weren't able to pay your full share of rent for the first two months.
because that's just who he was. he would cover for you, covering up all of the little parts of yourself that you didn't like. and you would help him see that those blemishes he thought he had were just things that made him more lovable to you.
so when mark steps into the little school and immediately, kids are swarming to the two of you, trying to find out who the attractive boyfriend was, you're not even surprised. mark had a natural, comforting air about him (not to mention the fact that the kids were overly invested in your personal life) that made people want to draw to him like moths to a flame.
in fact, he's so overwhelmed by the love that the kids are showing him, he's still hovering around the door awkwardly, semi-bowing to mrs. varghese, who's watching him with amusement.
"can i come inside?" mark asks, trying to take a step forward while not hurting any little kids. you snort at his awkward shuffle before clapping your hands together, taking it upon yourself to relieve your poor boyfriend from the possibility of death by enthusiastic children.
"can you or may you?" mrs. varghese says with a humorous smile and mark's eyebrows furrow as he contemplates the question. the kids are slowly making their way over to you, where you're starting to distribute fruit pouches as a morning snack and mark finally feels as though he's only carrying his own body weight - as opposed to ten other children's.
"it was 'can i' at first but now i think it's more of a 'may i'. mrs. varghese, i presume?" mark says, extending his hand for the old lady to shake. she just looks at it strangely before gathering mark in a tight, bone-crushing hug.
for such a frail old lady, she had a lot of strength.
"get out of here with those manners. y/n's told me a lot about. and anyone in y/n's corner is family here, alright?" mrs. varghese says, and mark has to blink furiously to push back the tears, although he can't really tell why her words are hitting him so hard.
you mean that?
mark was really easy to love. that's just the type of person he was. in everyone else's eyes, he was a good guy who just always tried to be better at the things he was already incredibly good at. he was always polite with strangers, babies cooed at him, and was the type to be the person to start a 'pay-it-forward' queue whenever he could afford to do so.
and for all of his perfectness, mark was a very flawed man. he was a little bit of a miser - he hated to spend money on himself, even if he would splurge a little more on you. he was a little bit on the insecure side, and no matter how many times you told him that you loved him all the more for his quirks, he still got down about it. mark was also really bad at communication when things made him upset. he was just so easy-going that he would let the smaller things accumulate and build until he's practically bursting.
and mark was kinda mean when he got angry.
he would never hurt you, of course. mark didn't think he could ever live with himself if he knew that he had laid a hand on anyone - but you in particular. and he really, really was trying to work on his communication skills so that he wouldn't let it build and then get so angry.
but when mark got angry, he seemed to just turn into a different person. it had only happened once in your relationship before, almost right after you had moved in together
it was about something incredibly stupid but the tension had been building for a while prior to that. technically, before you moved in, the apartment had been mark and one of his friend's, johnny seo from school, before johnny had moved out to move in with his own girlfriend. and mark and johnny weren't exactly...the cleanest people. you didn't really mind the mess but soon it turned into an unhealthy balance of mark leaving things around the house and you having to clean up after him.
not to mention that a lot changes when a couple moves in together. naturally, tensions were running a little high. for all your cleanliness, you had a really bad habit of leaving unfinished meals in the fridge until they went bad and started to smell, which made mark upset because that was a waste of a valuable meal. and so on and so forth.
one day, the tensions just burst and the two of you ended up in a screaming match going back and forth and back and forth about cleanliness and not eating properly and soon, it escalated from a conversation about living together to being together in the first place.
mark regretted it almost immediately, cursing himself out when he saw you just completely shut down in front of his eyes. he knew his anger got the best of him sometimes, and when he was in the moment, all he could think about was winning the argument, no matter what he needed to say to win.
that had been the worst fight you've ever had. after that fight, you got a lot better about portioning your food to eliminate leftovers and mark made a more conscious effort to clean up. you also started talking more to each other about what things did or didn't make you happy.
but even as mark was getting better at communicating with you, he still didn't know how to raise up issues with you. usually, you would tell mark what you were up to and then you would naturally ask him yourself if he was comfortable with what you were doing. he would then reply with a simple yes or no with an explanation and that would be the end of that. he always hesitated to raise up an issue with you though. he didn't want you to think that he was trying to control your life or be one of those possessive boyfriends.
one day, though, you were out clubbing with your friends (your friend had recently broken up with her fiancé and she really needed her girlfriends) and you had come home pretty late. mark had stayed up, watching a movie (barely), worried about you making it home safely because he knew that your friends were prone to trying to get you as wasted as possible.
mark never told you explicitly but you had a feeling that's how he felt. it frustrated you though that he never said anything to you and wait for you to bring it up to him instead. so that night, you decided to drink a little more than usual (but not as much as they tried to make you drink) so that you could finally, finally get mark to talk to you about his issues.
really, for your behavior, you were expecting to have a round two of what had happened when you first moved in with him. you were imagining a screaming match like no other but instead, mark just looks at you, sighs, and pulls you into a hug when you come stumbling through the door. confused, you begin to pull away, but mark just continues to hold you tight.
"i was so worried that you might not get home safe. and i promise we'll have a proper conversation about this when you're sober in the morning but i love you so much and...let's just talk about this in the morning, okay?" mark mumbles into your hair. you let mark just rock you gently side to side as he clings onto you, completely opposite from the reaction you were expecting.
"mark, i'm not drunk. i just...i'm tired of always being the one to bring up issues. i know that you don't like it when i get drunk outside because you're worried for me but i'd rather you tell me that than me having to guess that by myself. i can make my own decisions and i'm a big independent girl but you're the singular most important person in my life. i would never consciously do something to make you uncomfortable but i make mistakes sometimes. i need you to be open and honest with me when something makes you uncomfortable - because i know it takes a lot to get that far in the first place."
mark steps back to look you in the eyes, his eyes glittering in the shitty lighting of the apartment. "you really mean that?"
"i mean it with my whole heart."
do you promise to love me for the rest of our lives?
mark tries not to trip. he tries really hard to hold in his sneezes, tears, and any other bodily fluids that are inappropriate for the situation. but the nearly fifteen feet from the entrance to the where the officiant is standing is enough to make mark want to puke all over the very expensive carpet you bought for the wedding.
when you first proposed having a backyard wedding, mark was extremely opposed.
a wedding was a once in a lifetime day where you could celebrate your union together with your partner and start the journey to the rest of your lives together. in fact, it was mark, not you, who had the pinterest board (although, to be fair, it wasn't actually a pinterest board and was rather just a folder on his phone of screenshots from pretty tiktoks). he had a vision for the wedding - one that included all members of your friend circle, your families, and your family friends as well.
and well, that wasn't really in the budget. rather than spend 100k on a one day event, you proposed having a backyard wedding that would be significantly more economical and using that 100k to buy a starter home.
"you still get your expensive venue and we have a place to move into. a real home that we can start a family in, mark," you had argued as mark paced back and forth in the small, almost cramped apartment the two of you shared. mark stops when he realizes that it only takes fourteen steps to make it from one side of the room to the other side and back.
and that was the biggest room.
so mark agrees on one condition: there are no lacking traditional elements of the wedding. the both of you worked together on the pain-staking process of planning a wedding that included portions of your culture and his culture to put on the wedding of a lifetime. hopefully the only wedding of your lifetimes.
well, the only wedding for you and mark, at least. but that was about the future and in the present, mark can barely keep from keeling over right there at the beautifully decorated altar that you and your mother had spent hours on.
after so long of being together, mark can't help but feel just so incredibly lucky and overwhelmed to be finally marrying you. you. the person of his dreams. the person who taught him that love isn't always fireworks and euphoric thrills; that love can be huddling together when gas bills were too high to pay and wanting nothing more than to see your significant other when it's been a long day.
love was you and mark really, really can't wait to finally show the world how much he truly loved you.
unsurprisingly, mark almost cries when you finally enter, the picture of the stunning bride as you clutch your father's arm for the last time as y/n l/n instead of y/n lee. mark isn't sure the last time he saw you this nervous but when you meet his eyes, he can feel the rest of the world melt away.
just normal people with enough love to fill the world, is what you say in your vows. just a guy and a girl in the same business class who never travel business class because the two of you are such money minders - something that my soon to be husband has rubbed off on me.
"i will never forget the moment that i knew i was so irrevocably love with mark. it was two days after we fought for the first time. i remember that i was so incredibly angry and scared that that fight would be the end of y/n and mark. that i would have to move out and redownload tinder and just be miserable again for losing one of the best things in my life over a little sock in the wrong place and leftover pizza."
"but two days after we fought, mark came up to me, hugged me and just said, 'we're gonna get through this. i love you too much to not get through this.' and even though everything just seemed so uncertain, the moment mark said that, i knew instantly that we really were going to get through it. because mark had faith in us. and i have faith in us. i love you, mark lee. from the moment you sat down in that ucla business class. i have loved you for so long and i will continue to love you forever."
there isn't a single dry eye in the house (quite literally) after your vow. mark has to clear his throat four or five times before he can start his vows, too afraid that his voice would give out on him in the middle due to how much emotion he was feeling.
"y/n, you asked me one day when we were binging american horror story and pigging out with a family sized bag of chips when i started falling in love with you. and i couldn't answer then so i just said that for as long as i can remember. and that's true - i still don't know when i fell in love with you. i just remember that one day i woke up alone in bed (don't worry mr. l/n, i have never slept in a ten mile radius of your daughter...please don't make her divorce me) and thinking that i would rather wake up next to you instead for the rest of my life."
"but i do know when i realized you were my soulmate. five moments when i knew i found the one. when i asked you if i could sit down next to you in business class. when i asked you to help me with statistics because for being a business major, i'm horrible at math - go figure. when i volunteered with you for the first time with mrs. varghese. mrs. varghese! - where are you - mrs. varghese! may i marry y/n? then i'll be real family."
mrs. varghese blows into a handkerchief unceremoniously, waving mark off through her tears, making the crowd and you laugh a little. mark's smile grows when he sees you laugh and continues on nervously.
"and the fourth moment was the time when you gave me a reality check. when you reminded me that love doesn't work without communication. you've changed me so much for the better, y/n, and i truly could not thank you enough for it. so, i have one last question for you. one last moment for me to know that we're soulmates."
mark takes a deep breath, holding one of your hands in both of his as he looks at you with soft eyes, so filled with love that your breath catches in your throat. "i promise to love you and stand by you for as long as i breathe. can you - can you promise...do you promise to love me for the rest of our lives?"
it seems as though everyone in the venue is holding their breath before you press a sweet kiss to mark's cheek and say the words that everyone has been waiting for.
"i do."
and with those five questions, mark lee had found his soulmate.
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ghouljams · 4 months
you know what, as Angels self-proclaimed cool aunt, i am going to do a very controversial thing and say hurt. her. i want to see Keegan destroyed and sobbing. i want keegan not being able to look at their kids for more than a few seconds because they look like her. i want him finding drawings that the little monster made of their family and just breaking down again. give. me. the. angst. (pretty please)
Well. I've been wanting to write this for a while, but I'll keep it short.
tw miscarriage
You think you're a good pregnant person. It was rough the first go round, mostly because you were doing it on your own, but now you have Keegan around. He's around all the time, you can't turn a corner without him being there. You can't lift anything or grab for things off shelves, you can't go to the store alone, and Keegan follows you to work with the little monster in tow. It's actually sort of sweet saying goodbye to your little family outside your office every morning. You kiss both of them and wave goodbye, knowing they'll be there to pick you up when you get off.
It's a neat little routine you fall into. You feel good, healthy and happy. Keegan's started getting up early, getting Ainsley ready for the day and making breakfast. He kisses your cheek every chance he gets, settles his hand against your stomach, pulls you into his lap to feed you, he's more affectionate, more attentive than he's ever been. You'd be a fool not to give into his care. You know what it's like to be on your own, so this time you're taking full advantage of him.
Your toddler climbs into bed between you and Keegan for stories before bed, and cuddles close against your side. When their eyes are heavy and Keegan finally scoops them up into his arms to cart off to bed they reach for you, wrap their arms around your neck and whisper a good night to you. Your heart swells with happiness as you kiss their cheek. Your baby. You're holding off on telling them the good news until you can show them a proper ultrasound. It'll make them happy seeing a picture.
You really shouldn't be so happy, you're only a few weeks in, not even showing yet. It's Keegan, you think, his excitement is infectious and you've never seen him so happy. It takes everything in you not to smile every time he looks at you, every time he touches you. It takes everything not to giggle and grab for him every time you remember that you're having a baby with the man you love.
Keegan wakes you up at the first scent of blood. Spotting, then a brilliant horrible red. Your stomach drops, then the cramps hit and you don't have time to mourn because it hurts. It hurts and there's no amount of tears you can cry into Keegan's shoulder that make it stop hurting. Keegan's lips press against your temple, his arms tight around you as he calls 999. You hold on just as tightly, your body shaking with an emotion you can't put name to.
It wasn't far along, you try to tell yourself, I didn't even know them.
It doesn't help.
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