#i still can't stop thinking of that discord server tho
foralternateuniverses · 4 months
One again pulling what I wrote on the discord server and putting it here:
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Sora and Ivankov are friends (also Sora is trans) and so Ivankov helps Sora and her children escape Germa.
It's a surprise attack, it was supposed to be a secret quick in and out, but they needed to do STH to stop Judge from immediately going after them, so goodbye laboratories. Sora can barely stay up but she manages to get all her children before Ivankov finds her. They don't take them to Baltigo, they meet up at a meeting up first with Dragon.
However, their disguised ship ends up being attacked by Zeff's pirates, and it happens as canon, till they're rescued by Ivankon and they finally go meet Dragon and he's to suggest windmill village, so they take them there. (Zeff stays with them)
It doesn't take them long to meet Makino, she befriends Sora instantly and decides to help them out, Ivankov has treated the kids to try to undo what Judge did, but it obv won't go away that easily, they're a little lost on how to help them be normal-er but they're trying, and Sanji is flourishing as a cook with Zeff and Makino. Theres a lot of kicking on Zeff's part.
Finally, Makino decides that they should have some friends their age, and who better than Luffy and his brothers? So up the mountain they go, Zeff doesn't go with them but Sora does, she and Sanji baked some pastries as a gift.
ASL and 124 obv clash on sight, they end up brawling until Zeff arrives and kicks them all.
Sora decides to regularly go up the mountain, even tho she doesn't really have the strength to do so, but she insists it'll be good for her and her children, and she manages to become Dandan's bestie much to the other woman's chagrin.
ASL adore Sora, Ace specially practically imprinted like a baby duck, it awakens some jealousy in the quadruplets (that's *their* mom after all)
Their rivalry becomes more and more friendly with time.
When Sora ends up bedridden, ASL and Dadan end up going down the mountain to visit regularly
They're very shaken up by Sabo's "death", Yonji is with Dogra when looking for Sabo, meaning, he gets to see the explosion and be extra traumatised by Sabo's "death", later he'll realise Sabo was his first love
And then it'll turn out that Sabo ain't dead uwu
It's the first time they cry.
Sora ends up dying some time after that due to her illness, but time goes on, Ichiji leaves with Ace, then Niji and Yonji also go on their own, and Reiju waits until after Sanji leaves with Luffy
Ichiji is sticking to Ace's ass when he confronts White Beard and later when he goes to look for Teach, he pulls the "We always done everything together" which is technically incorrect but still works because Ace ain't leaving him behind after that
The Alabasta reunion is very cute, Ichiji internally judges Zoro; Luffy, Sanji and the others think Acechiji are already together (they aren't yet) and Sanji denies having any kind of attraction towards Zoro when Ichiji brings out the topic (also Sanji might had once a little crush on Ace, one which Ichiji noticed and won't forget and which might have stopped him from starting a relationship with Ace until Impeldown and Marineford, when he's forced to accept his feelings and maybe do STH about them. Ofc he's unable to hold back after Marineford, and so is Ace, and they end up together but Ichiji still feels guilty because he doesn't know that Sanji got over that years ago and is busy being together with Zoro (they get together after Thrillerbark) so he tries to hide it until Sanji finds out Ichiji apologizes and Sanji is like "what for? I'm happy for you".)
Ace on the other hand is forced by the confrontation with Teach,when his impulsiveness and no-backing-down thing almost cost him Ichiji, but they're both taken and later separated in Impeldown so he can't do much about it.
Ichiji sees Ace's silhouette forming between Akainu's punch and Luffy, he barely has any energy left, and some of his old wounds may have reopened, but he can't simply stand and watch, somehow, he manages to throw himself in Akainu's way, arms hugging both Luffy and Ace, dragging them together. Akainu's punch burns through his arm and onto Ace's back, thankfully, before Akainu can do more damage, Reiju and Sabo finally catch up to them and intervene and drag them away from Akainu's lava.
Ace passes out, his vivrecard keeps shrinking, Luffy is screaming, their siblings pick them up and run away now that they have cover, Ichiji barely manages to catch Ace's vivrecard.
ah yeah, I put Niji and Yonji with Law and Reiju with the revolutionaries, she drags Sabo to rescue Ace and Ichiji
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obeyme-and-myfics · 1 year
Hi!! May I request a continuation of short!MC with the side characters? I love your writing! 💖💖💖
Yes, of course! I took a little break from posting on the internet so that's why it took so long for me to respond. Also thank you! I try to write as well as I can. (●'◡'●) Some side characters are gonna be missing from this cuz I'm not quite comfortable writing for them yet.
I haven't met Raphael, Mephistopheles or Thirteen(I am planning on making their own parts when I do tho!) in anything other than events. So I'd like to apologize in advance because if I remember correctly one of your favs is Mephisto o(TヘTo) (I hope this doesn't sound weird since we've only met briefly on the discord server /gen)
Anyway onto the actual prompt ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
Part 1| Part 2(here)
Prompt: How Obey Me Characters react to a short MC/Y/N
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Luke(/p)
Headcanon List
CW/TWs: Teasing for your height,
I don't think he'd have much of a reaction seeing as most people/demons are a lot shorter than him
This man is easily 7ft I don't think he gives a fuck, everyone is puny to him
He'd definitely say something by accident, something he doesn't think would bother you
He's a himbo and oblivious to this shit
He'd probably say some shit like
"You're quite small for a human" or something like that
Crouches/Bends down to talk to you sometimes
Only when he really feels like it
I swear he's not trying to be rude
He'll pick you up only if you ask
For any reason too, he adores his small human
He respects you and doesn't want to help you like that unless you want him to
If he sees you struggling to grab something he'll get it for you
Gently reminds you that he can help you and you don't need to struggle with these things while he's there
Worries about other demons taking advantage of your small stature and hurting you
So he checks in on your wellbeing more often than he would if you were taller
If he knows you're around, he's making sure he doesn't accidentally run over you
I'm so sorry! to be fair he's probably gotta do that with bitches 5'7 and below
He'd probably enjoy holding/hugging you too
Like you ask for cuddles this man is cradling you in his arm
Maybe even rocking your ass to sleep
Man has nothing to say about your height
Like he couldn't care less about it and has the foresight to not say shit if you're a little insecure
Not that he would even if you weren't
If he sees you struggling to get something off a higher place, he's helping even if you don't ask/don't want him to
That's just kinda how he is
If you request he stop that he will but you need to communicate your wants and needs
If he sees you getting bullied(/lh) for your height and you look distressed he'll give to culprit a bit of a scolding
Depending on how bad it/Who it was it'll be harsher
Of course he'd like for you to defend yourself at least a little bit
When you do he can't help but smile a little to himself.
He likes to serve the ones he cares for so if any difficulties arise due to your height he'd be happy to attend to them
That is to say its only if you ask/he has the time to
He is still the butler of the future ruler of the Devildom after all
Barbatos also wouldn't treat you any different than how he would treat some one of average height or taller
He makes the occasional comment about your height to your face
Giggles about it in private on occasion LIKE A BITCH
It's only occasionally that he does this tho
Overall its not that big of a deal to him
He's been alive long enough that he doesn't really care
Will absolutely help you with things your height hinders you from doing
If you're being bullied about your height he'll give you a chance to defend yourself before jumping to your defense
Will pick you up and carry you sometimes just for shits and giggles
Other times he picks you up and carries you away to hang out or aid him in another one of his magical endeavors.
and now we have Nightbringer /j
He's not doing anything to talk to you on your level Slay, king Solomon. Slay
He thinks its mildly entertaining to watch you struggle to grab something off the top shelf/anything out of your reach
He's a bit more careful with you than he normally would be with others
Has offhandedly suggested making something to make you taller if you'd like it
you gonna whoop his ass or should I?
He enjoys watching you stand up for yourself despite your height
It can be intimidating when people who are much taller than you pick on you and he understands that
or maybe you're not intimidated in the slightest and just wanted to unleash a can of whoop ass on some assholes who've been picking on you Period. Slay honestly.
He understands that too, and enjoys watching it go down
He finds it satisfying
Won't comment on it most of the time but he does think its really cute
Only makes a comment when he's asking if you need help getting something higher up than you can reach
and its normally something like
"Oh! MC did you need help? It looks like you can't quite reach that."
A bit more careful with you than he would be normally
Though he's gentle by nature most of the time Sadistic Simeon has me in a chokehold fr fr
He won't get down to your level or do anything to demean you
not intentionally anyway
He doesn't say anything about your height for the most part but he will slip up every once in a while
It's nothing bad he just lets it slip he thinks your height is cute
He encourages you to stand up for yourself but has no problem sticking up for you or stealing you away if you're being bullied too much.
Happy to help with anything your height makes difficult when you ask
Other than that he doesn't treat you any differently due to your height
He's just happy he's not the only short one here.
If you're shorter than him he doesn't comment on it but he is excited to not be the shortest there.
He would make a few comments about it but you just gotta tell him to stop and he will
He doesn't want to make you upset with him
Sweet baby just wants to bond with you over the others making fun of your heights
Doesn't hesitate to yell at anyone making fun of your height and calling you names because of it
Makes sure you're okay afterwards
He's getting made fun of for this though
The brothers would take to calling him your guard dog
He barely gives you a chance to defend yourself but will back up if you defend yourself before he can
He borderline clings to you like a sloth
Comes to you every time he needs to vent about everyone bullying him for his own height
You're his favorite human now
If he's taller than you, he will do his best to help with things you can't reach.
He's happy to help out his friend
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adambja · 9 months
You asked for my void success story? And my void journey? well I am sharing it bestie!!
But again I won't share any personal stuff some people here are obsessive pls lmao
I typed it when I was on the discord server because someone who is in my experiment asked me so I answered and I asked myself like why not sharing it here after all that time and all these things I am doing (coaching - the experiment - more....) and I am so excited to share the results of my experiment after exactly 6 days and actually 2 people joined the experiment but they were late!
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• let's begin with my void journey!
Okay basically I am sure no one actually knows this except for like 3 people on Tumblr and like 20 people in my experiment (cuz they asked me) my life before entering was actually great I already had everything I wanted my mom and dad are literally my role models and my self-concept was perfect and I am not saying it as an affirmation it's just me and I was always finding something from time to time related to the void state and I worked more on my self-concept using my tape I made it in early - mid 2022 (actually the same tape I sell now) then I started collecting information about the void from literally everywhere back in late 2022 then I started applying in early 2023 I entered in January but didn't really plan to manifest anything because I had the same manifesting abilities in my daily life then I thought about it more than once so I made a list full of everything I can think of at that time and I entered in early 2023 again
• How I entered?
It was just normal i was in the USA specifically NY at that time I was listening to my self-concept tape it was almost 10pm and I felt like I will actually enter today and manifest everything I wasn't even planning to do it but I knew I will experience it's just a feeling I felt at that time and I was feeling a lot of love at that time too so I meditated I didn't affirm I didn't do anything it was fully my subconscious mind but it wasn't that deep to me it was normal EVEN THO IT WAS NORMAL all these days when I entered affirmed the affirmation that's connected to my void list then got out and found everything that was on my void list in my apartment IT WAS SO SURPRISING TO ME but I didn't get overwhelmed nor confused! It was a great surprise!
Also the time it was like 2am when I got out of my void state as I remember and I was sitting at the same place for almost 15 mins just realizing what happened with me and why my head feels like this it was a weird feeling I still can't find a name to it or a word that explains it! i thought about the word "dizzy" BUT it's not just dizzy and it's not really dizzy - it's just a different feeling!
• What was my void state like?
I will say everything that's on my mind
The first time I entered it was pitch black
Then I typed on my void list that it's full of stars it's like outer space because I chose it to be like that (you can choose how your void state looks like too)
It looked exactly like this and everytime I wake up there since that day because I didn't change it! 🫶🏻
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Entering was so intense not emotionally but physically even tho I didn't feel my body 😭 it was as if my soul is getting out of my body it was so unexplainable and special to me my body was tired after it and I was feeling too much in my head after getting out and back to my physical body I don't have words for what I experienced the first time and the second time 😭 but now I have no symptoms because it was so annoying so I manifested it away when I woke up in my void state the second day (this was on my void list tho like waking up in my void state everyday and being in my void state everytime I take a nap) - that feeling in my head was so bad like as if I was so high and can't even focus for 15 mins non-stop! That's why I manifested not experiencing any symptoms at all.
• What did you manifest?
I manifested a lot of things I wanted but tbh having these things wasn't that far from me like I already could do it without entering my void state at all and I won't be specific about what I manifested cause they are a bit personal but they were friendships/relationships + businesses + apartments/homes + money/more investments..... and way more
Also I already had many investments before I entered my void state hope this clears everything too
cause many people were asking me about how do I have tips for entering without sharing my story the tips are here tho they are very helpful - it was because I don't like these people who come to your DMs and ask you to help them once and twice and 3 times with their trauma dump message or ask pls like no it was just too much for me when I posted once that I entered then deleted it but here we are again if it happens just don't blame me I will just block people.....
• About the experiment's results
I am not sure if I should post it day by day?
So I am gonna make a poll and see what y'all think!
(self-concept - void state - shifting - subconscious mind....more) (personalized and unpersonalized) • (discounts for students and specific clients depending on their problems and their situations i am dealing with) - message me
(self-concept - void state - shifting....more) • (discounts for students and specific clients depending on their problems and their situations i am dealing with) - message me
And now that's it! 💋💋
Have a good day/night cuties🫶🏻!
That's the post! 💋
You can send me a message too if you wanna suggest any idea for a post or something specific I will give you credits if you want credits + If you have any questions related to my void journey or self-concept even coaching you can ask me babes 💋🫶🏻
I would really be thankful because gurl I am so busy with (my life, coaching, the experiment and more...) rn I can't even keep up with posting here so I scheduled this post lmao thanks to Tumblr for adding this feature for real!
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xxxtoony-brosxxx · 7 months
Tw grooming/unalive/self harm mentions
Here to discuss two of my groomers from the past
Aka MiloIsHere on discord idk what their user is here on Tumblr and Unicornlilac
Yes these are old things
But still I'm going to talk abt
Yes I heard Unicornlilac had unalived themselves idk how long ago
Ppl also tend to forget nsfw rps with minors is low-key grooming if they didn't consent to it, or can lead the adult to bride the minor to do nsfw rps Abt themselves, which unicornlilac did at one point to me
Info under the cut
Idc if I get attacked by my currently alive groomer or his pals, either I'll argue with or ignore yall
Also if u want, y'all can reblog and share
But for unicornlilac:
They were in their 20s, I think like 22 maybe
I was 16, they sexualized my OCs, one basically a child, the ogs know my boy Strawco, yes, him and Gearshift did a ton of the deed bc it's what they pressured to do, especially Ezy when I first made him, Ezy was also sexualized by them, with several Bendy clones at once
There's also them asking me out, I was 15 just turned 16, they kept implying to date, low-key even mentioning having sex and meeting up irl
Ofc I turned that down, but they did make jokes abt how we would do it bc as most of u know, I'm trans, so they were trying to talk abt how we'd do it and pointing out how I didn't have a dick
They even mentioned to me how they dated someone who would have been my age at the time (16) but they broke up 2 years prior
Making that person 14 years old, idk their story tho or how long unicornlilac was with them, just might be before they turned 14 for all I know, I can't provide evidence for this bc unicorn deleted everything and I had blocked them prior to that
For Milo (who I have evidence for):
Tons of NSFW rp from them, didn't really talk much outside of the NSFW rp, they never asked if I was ok with the rp, just went ahead and did it, I only went with it bc I was a ppl pleasing traumatized wreck that broke my own boundaries for it, (y'all would know I wasnt fond of my characters being referred to suggestively if y'all remember when I was upset with ppl calling Ezy a man whore, stuff like "hot" or "handsome/pretty" was fine tho), remember ppl, if they don't say yes, that doesn't mean it's not a no, it's a no until they say yes, I was 16 at the time, they were 17 going to be 18, and continued when they turned 18, i believe Milo is abt 19/20 now
Sexualized Ezy (only time they rped was for sexual rps between him and Don), had a drowning kink, I only figure out bc they did a water demon rp with their bendy and mine on a non NSFW channels in a server, only stopping when I said my boy doesn't need to breathe and is Aroace so if that's a turn off so they stopped so fast, weird if that's just a reg rp
Plus I've heard they did this type of rp many ppl, not just me, even ones that included choking and cutting
Lied about their age in different servers and dms to do nsfw rp
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So if he claimed to be 18+ before/around the time of May, 2021
U were lied to
Many adults were lied to abt their age just to do nsfw rps
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Got upset when someone didn't include their bendy in a work with different Bendys and my Ezy, which was a surprise gift we didn't know abt
And got upset when they weren't in it and seem to take pride in being messed up in the image above, didn't feel guilty until I pointed out that's not something to be proud of
I know they contacted the artist abt it, idk how they did but for all I know it probably came off as pretty rude
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Only apologized to me to keep shipping, if I hadn't mentioned what I did, they probably would have continued abt the shipping rather than a really apology I low-key eventually pressured but still didn't seem sincere tbh and took a "I mess everything up" approach
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This was stuff on my old phone I got from Google photos, when they took a joke too seriously there and started to guilt me for it, yes I did spiral so I know I over apologized but they didn't say they forgave me until this last message and told me to not make it into a self blame thing on my own server that everyone knew was a joke, and when asked not to make that joke I apologize and we dropped it, the only one that escalated was Milo
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Doesn't ask if I'm up to rp, expects me to comply
When ignored
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Tries again
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The way they questioned the ban from my server seems pretty passive aggressive, probably nothing big but included anyways
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Also this is old from my old discord acc
He asked what bbc was, I made something up tbh I didn't know what it meant back then
Don't know why he turned it on me
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Um why???
When exposed for all this one someone else's server he started angrily (or so I'm told) questioning who did it and had threatened to self harm over it, I heard from ppl it was a way they guilted ppl to listen to them
I wasn't the only one he groomed but I'll leave it up to the ppl who were victims to step up if they see this post
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drunklollipop · 9 months
Another autistic person morbidly fascinated by Leasebound here.
I really don't like how it's full of caricatures and strawmen. And the way Rusty Hearts and the fans gleefully imagine violence against trans people makes me queasy, especially as I have known trans and non-binary people IRL.
But for some reason, I can't look away. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion. I feel like I have to know what happens so I can better understand the anti-trans views that exist and can think about what my arguments against them would be. I see it as a philosophical workout for my brain, in a way. "Here's an obvious strawman; how would you counter it?"
Oh, and I got autistic vibes from Blaire too. I saw her as having a special interest in trans rights. And her attitude of, "Let's talk about our issues!" in Chapter 9 read like an autistic person who loves deep conversations and was trying to be helpful without realising that other people might not be up for that deep dive. It sucks that she became more obviously villainous in Chapter 11.
I even mentioned my Autistic Blaire headcanon to Rusty Hearts when she still had Tumblr. (I didn't at the time, so I asked anonymously.) As I recall, she just said, "Hmmm, that's interesting!" and never mentioned it again.
HIIII WELCOME TO THE CLUB. i should honestly make a discord server for autistic people who cant stop reading lb or just for lb hatereaders in general.
YEAH the portrayal of trans people in leasebound is both disgusting and fascinating from a philosophical standpoint. its so ideologically incoherent you just want to keep reading to maybe see just what the authors problem is tho so far it seems like spicy conservatism. its so funny to look at a comic that prides itself on its social commentary but at the same time is completely disinterested in challenging its own views.
i think my main problem with gc radfems in general is that they love having pseudointellectual discussions yet only seem to confront either strawmen or some random 15 year old on twitter with 5 followers. ive never seen them try to refute stronger points and when presented with the opportunity they just go "uhhhh... homophobe/misogynist.... commit 41%!" and leasebound is just 11 chapters of that: the comic.
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onlyplatonicirl · 1 year
Hi hi! I just wanted to stop by and say how grateful I am for your amazing TCOTI. I was a hardcore fan of it back in 2020, and I have literally only got the chance to catch up with it and HOLY MOLY. I've just finished reading Chapter 26, and I'm FREAKING OUT AHHHH! You are such a great writer and fantastic at making intense scenes (in a good way!) I also love your arc with Casey & Gradient - I'm usually not the biggest fan OCs, but I love Casey so much, and he fits perfectly with the rest of the gang. Also, I barely ever see such well-written toxic versions of Ink, and I feel so bad for Error T-T
I can just imagine how weird this must be to hear from a complete stranger, but you and Shandy and the rest of the amazing Tumblr UTMV peeps have meant so much to me over the years. I can't wait to finish TCOTI, and I wish I had the guts to thank you all sooner 😅 Keep up being awesome Lorel, and I hope you have a great time in Japan!
(Also also, I saw you have a Discord server! I might try and join it later - fingers crossed it's still active, haha)
Anon!!!!!!!!! Thank you so so so much for the ask!!!! I’ve been in bed sick all day and this just made me SO happy to read 😭😭😭😭
It’s so wonderful to know that so many people love this fic because I’ve said this before but if people really like my stuff and don’t tell me then I’ll never know - I only see what people show me or tell me so messages like this truly mean everything to me 💖💖💖💖💖😭
Also I’m so glad you love Casey!!! I love him too and so do a lot of other people!!! I think the reason he fits so well is because he was not forced in the story, but he just literally accidentally spawned in the story as a character with depth halfway thru writing it. I didn’t even know what he looked like, let alone have a name picked out for him when I wrote the earlier chapters haha.
Also I will pass this message onto Shandy as well - Shandy has meant everything to me too - I got to see her in person earlier this year and the hugs were just phenomenal XD love her soooo so much. All the utmv peeps from back then as well I still absolutely adore whether they are in the fandom or not - I still love supporting artists even when they move onto something new!! I’m a bit of a weirdo where my hyperfixations last kinda like - forever but ksskkdsjjdjsjdks
Also in terms of the discord server - it is still extremely active!!!! There are many people who still use all the channels, and I usually can’t keep up with everything everyone says haha!! It’s such a lovely place tho and there’s also channels abt tcoti if you want to talk with me/ other people abt it as well!!!!!
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koychu · 11 months
Tw! Mentions of suicide, sh, sa and ed. Some other things may be triggering, but idk
You were the reason why I stopped being a bitch and actually ate properly, I looked up to you and thought you were so cool bc u were older than me
I didn't think it would go this far, was it meant to go this far? I know it's your life, I do, but why couldn't you just let time pass and wait? It's so close to my. Birthday too, why couldn't you wait after the day after? I don't wanna be born on august. I don't want august to exist. Why couldn't your mom be a better excuse of a human being instead of a pathetic one? Why couldn't your dad just stfu and keep it in his pants? I just feel worse, I don't know what to do. I want to text you but ik you're gonna be cringing if you could see them, I'm sorry for shiko, I rlly am, having to take over your dead friend's acc? .. I don't think I could do that myself
But ig it's a dying person's last wish, ik you think you were a burden to communicate with me before ur due date but. I rlly enjoyed our time together
I wish that I could just smile and laugh and not cry when I see ur messages
Why couldn't my last text to you be meaningful? Why couldn't I be early to have ask your tumblr? Why didn't I fake sick so I could be aware? Why didn't I do anything?
I know I couldn't even if I tried tho, you wanted this, and you'll do whatever it takes.
I'm sorry I made you promise, I saw how you wanted to do it earlier. I'm sorry I searched for your tumblr, you left the discord server for a reason, right? You unfriended me and only came back a few times, but all of that was to not hurt me, but yet I got selfish and texted u. Y couldn't u just live? I don't get it. I don't get it at all lolz
Maybe that's because I'm too young.
Maybe that's why you wanted me to promise not to kill myself when. I turned 15
You were still worrying about me when you weren't supposed to
Why were you so kind? Why are you so kind to *me*? Why couldn't you just leave me after that rp? Why couldn't you just let me rot and kill myself by slashing my wrists?
I hate that you understood me. I hate that you told me the risks of self harm when you were doing it yourself. I hate that you cared
Why did you care for me? You had no reason to, I'm just some stranger you met on discord.
Why couldn't you just be an example to me by being the toxic discordian everyone meets?
But I wouldn't have gotten vetter
Actually, I don't want to get better.
I want to have my body all skin and bones, I want to have anemia and die, I want to cut until my wrists were too sore to move
But you made me scared of not respecting myself
Why were you such a good person? You had every chance to manipulate me and do. More
Why did life treat you so poorly?
God why did you lie
Why did you lie about your father getting arrested?
We would never get disappointed at you because of that. None of it was your fault, why did you act as if it was?
God I fucking hate your family
I hate them so much
I want to punch them so badly. I want them to experience the pain you went through
Why couldn't you just be that oversensitive person and not accept how things ended
Why can't you understand that I don't.
I don't understand at all, I tried to for your sake.
Why can't I be more mature?
It's useless to ask silly questions
God I want to die so bad but I made a promise to you to not kill myself
You said you'd be angry at me when you look down on me/meet me in the afterlife
Yet you yourself told multiple people including me that you don't believe in life after death
You said that it would just end after death
God why did you lie just to be a good person?
I know you'll look at this post and cringe at it, asking me why I would pity you or remember you when you were such a disgusting human being
You were my friend, no, you're my friend. Of course I care about you
You cared about me, it's unfair if it's one-sided
I'm sorry for everything min
God I hate how it was set in stone.
I couldn't do anything and now I can't do anything as well
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noctualagenaria · 11 months
Choose violence 1-25
all in one? ok you asked for it buddy
1) the character everyone gets wrong
- most if not all of the men, even itto he is Not a himbo im sorry hes literally a twunk,, or as much of a twunk as hoyo can make them hes also jus awful in general 2) a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom - my top fave is baizhu and he's 100% a switch hes both at the same time so this is difficult for me to argue-- alhaitham and ayato however !!! paragraph incoming sorry--
alhaitham is 100% a bottom not because he wants to be but because he doesnt wanna put any work into the act, he just wants others to do things to him, others doing the work for him basically dfsfsd so ofc that reflects here ( also flushed alhatiham expression >>>)
ayatoooo isss s s s i think also a switch but i dont think too much abt it sjhdf he could be a service top and a power bottom at the Same Time 3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
-- every diluc x fem!reader im sorry they are all so bad and also the unironic use of "yandere!(guy)" is,,, never done right or like,,, isnt good sdfsdf at all 4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
-- there was this artist i found bc i wanted to look for more diluc artists, right, as one does ! and then after like a couple weeks of tolerating the chiluc bc it started to get on my nerves, they posted a komi cant communicate diluc au thing, and in the caption they had literally said "i thought it fitting considering diluc deserves to be worshipped <3" liKE DID YOU WATCH THE SHOW???? diD YOU PLAY THE GAME?? ?? ? diluc doesnt deserve that nor Want that and the show character komi has a mental illness that makes it awful its not something to be romantisiced at All and they were romantisicing it AND diluc like aughhhh
5) worst discord server and why
-- main genshin server or the keqing main one bc i think the main one jus is Hoyolab part two (derogatory) and the keqingmains is just meta fighting over numbers n shit orz orz orz
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
-- any and all popular ships but mostly the popular mlm shippers bc they are,,, practically if not Exactly ,,fujos basically (the popular wlw shippers are either Cis Het Men or also sapphic ppl 7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? -- itto for sure, tho the more i saw abt canon the more i hated him, i jus saw a buncha fanon that i hated so sdfsdf 8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about -- most if not all of them, most specifically kazuha/beidou family and zhongli/xiao family i fucking Hate that SO much because WHERE did it come from????? the infantalising short guys bitches??? fucking stop it
9) worst part of canon - ugh too much to fit here it could be a2 hour long video essay atp but mostly the colorism fucking Sucks 10) worst part of fanon -- also a lot, but the part that irks me the most is that No One thinks outside of the box, and im not pretending like im special or anything bc of certain things but like,,, at the mere mention of a rarepair they just go "oh no but i like (popular ship) better!" like ughhhhh stop it think differently 11) number of fandom-related words you've filtered - too many to count on twitter but here ive been spacing it out ;> 12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them - baizhu for SUREEEE and like look at the everything about him literally WHY after his release whyyyYyyYyyyYY is he STILLLLL unpopular why is he STILL lacking in fancontent im ehrgehrgeehrgere upsET 13) worst blorboficiation - childe,,,,, who made him a fuckboy 14) that one thing you see in fics all the time - they/them pronouns for baizhu ( not a bad thing but not rlly a good thing im getting sick of it a little bit ) 15) that one thing you see in fanart all the time - diluc with a Bow WHY 16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) - a LOT a fucking LOT mostly ships and the Collective Dynamic of the ships bc aughhh they are so boriinnnnnnggggggggggggggggg g g g g g and again the "found family" that comes out of NO WHERE
17) there should be more of this type of fic/art
-baizhluc 18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
-baizhu,,,,,, 19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
-,,,,,, tighnari-- and i used to absolutely HATE him bc the voice was so just IRked me so Badly it rubbed me the complete wrong way and ruined the character for me, yes i play in eng and ever since the recasting my view of him is much nicer now he doesnt irk me anymore 20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
-ayatos story quest he deserved better still 21) part of canon you think is overhyped
-,,,,,raiden and yae content 22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
-- the fact that diluc is 1) BANNED from snehnyaha 2) got WASTED in snezhnya 3) was part of a secret underground organization WE STILL know NOTHING about??? it was never brought up again and 4) Killed his Own Father out of his misery 23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
-uhhhh is i bad i dont know, 24) topic that brings up the most rancid discourse -- "are kaeya and diluc brothers " and to that i say they are exes fuck both sides of the argument 25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
--"genshin fans need to touch grass" "genshin fans are the worst fandom ever" literally look at every other fandom, any big hit anime fandom ,, (ahem mha) are like 100x worse then genshin fans, like yeag we're ruthless sometimes sure and will chew each other out thanks to most of the fanbase being on twitter of all places but we wont put glass in cupcakes
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eirasummersart · 1 year
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He compartido 334 publicaciones este 2022
¡Son 206 más que en 2021!
234 publicaciones originales (70 %)
100 reblogueos (30 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 323 publicaciones en 2022
Solo el 3 % de mis publicaciones no incluye ninguna etiqueta
#my art: 155 publicaciones
#twst: 154 publicaciones
#twst oc: 83 publicaciones
#twisted wonderland: 81 publicaciones
#oc: 72 publicaciones
#yuki answers: 60 publicaciones
#twisted wonderland oc: 60 publicaciones
#doodles: 52 publicaciones
#sketch: 43 publicaciones
#nyo: 36 publicaciones
La etiqueta más larga tiene 134 caracteres
#i don't know if i'd say blessed or it's a curse since i can't stop drawing mallekei if someone talks to me about them akslfhsalkfhsakf
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
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I was still brainrotting about Lady Mal, so have some fem!Mallekei too asklfhsalkf
I'll share a more sketchy one I also did under the cut, since it's really rough. I might go back and polish this one later tho 👉👈
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108 notas. Fecha de publicación: 7 de mayo de 2022
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Reblogs appreciated!
This is my commission info. Please, read through it all before contacting me, for any questions or before purchase.
Prices are in EURO and payment will be via Ko-fi. The basic available options listed here will be available on the commission tab on my profile on Ko-fi:
15€ Avatar - Flat colour, square shape, only headshot/shoulders up.
30€ Half-body coloured sketch.
40€ Half-body flat colour.
50€ Half-body full render.
All of them will have a flat or texture background.
+50% of base price for an extra character on any of the options. And if you want something not listed here (bust, full body, extra items/props, etc.) you can contact me via dm on any of my socials so I can give you a price for that option.
What I'll do:
Simple animal features (animal ears, horns, tails, scales, etc.)
Detailed clothing.
Simple armor.
OC or OCxCanon content are welcome as well as yumeships. I'll just ask for references for any of those.
What I won't do:
Detailed armor.
Detailed muscles.
Anything that makes me personally uncomfortable.
With the price there's one sketch review included. After that, no further changes on the drawing will be accepted. Because of how Ko-fi works, I won't accept refunds. But I can offer a change on what I'll draw (as long as the first sketch hasn't been done yet.) So please, MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS OK BEFORE MAKING THE PAYMENT.
More examples:
110 notas. Fecha de publicación: 10 de mayo de 2022
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I wanted to draw more fem!Twst and I said on the Discord server I'm in that they could give me some requests~ A friend asked for fem!Azul wearing this outfit! <3 It was quite easy to draw and I ended up lining it and doing flats~ Enjoy :D
125 notas. Fecha de publicación: 21 de mayo de 2022
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The new Lilia card is so good I am brainrotting hard about it klashfklsaf
Just a really messy coloured sketch, tho!!
Commissions are open, check out my pinnned post if you’re interested~
125 notas. Fecha de publicación: 12 de septiembre de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
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Still from this.
The last 2 of my expression practice! These were for two of my friends, first one requested by @rozengrotto and second one requested by @kokone12 C: I like to think that these two go one after the other, you call him cute from his smile on the first art, and then he blushes like in the second one 🤭
I didn't mind drawing Sebek twice because I love him, but his hair is always hard to draw OTL Still, I slowly get better at drawing it hahah
Commissions are open, check out my pinnned post if you’re interested~
155 notas. Fecha de publicación: 13 de noviembre de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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But the Roche/Ciri ship literally consists of content with haight, negativity and ridicule. This ship is completely destroyed by the fandom.
I do not know a way to fix this. I tried to create pictures with them, but it didn't save the ship from the angry fans of other ships (I want to note that they were the first to attack me) and the lack of interest of the fandom...
Does it mean that if no one likes or understands this ship, then it is bad? Because they write good stories about good ships, not nasty things on Twitter and humiliating jokes.
So this sucks but it's true: fandom can be and often is toxic. Some fanbases are better than others, some are worse. In my experience, there are a ton of loud people in this fandom in particular that will condemn things they don't like. A lot of really ridiculous moral policing. Bad vibes. I think these things come into play in this ship because "Ciri is a Child" or whatever and a whole bunch of stuff like that.
That isn't everyone in this fandom, though. There are a lot of lovely, kind people, and I've made some amazing friendships and found a lot of people I care about deeply.
Despite these lovely humans existing, you still can't make them enjoy the ship.
People not enjoying a ship, people being mean about a ship, people insulting a ship, doesn't destroy the ship, it doesn't make it bad. It means that this is not the platform to engage with people about this ship. If you've found a few others who enjoy it, make a discord server! Now you have a neat little place you can all enjoy where you can discuss a shared interest.
If you don't have others to engage with, I'm sorry. I do know what that's like, and it feels isolating and not fun, but it still doesn't mean anything is *wrong* with what you like. It's time to try to learn to enjoy things on your own outside of fandom, because at the end of the day, fandom is a fun bonus, but it is not necessary to enjoyment.
I've seen some very needless hate and criticism toward the Ciri/Roche asks, which I do not personally appreciate, and the solution is simply to block those people. They will not come around, not matter if you harass them (fr tho pls stop) , no matter if you flatter them. They aren't your target audience. Block their negativity and move on. I promise this site is so much better when you just block a whole bunch of people.
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arklayraven · 8 days
my buddy, всё будет хорошо! 💛 i think this is all the misunderstanding of intent? tell me if i am wrong but i think you were ask not to post exclusive files from discord so you take it down without a hassle, yes? we can appreciate the effort for it, so good job and thank you 😄 i see before there were others on X who do something similar and they take down their post at the devs will, so you are not alone. but the dev already ask us not to let the exclusive files leave discord and it is up to us the fans to honor it. so i think since you take down everything there should be no problem left? but maybe i am wrong. if you like i will contact the 14dwy dev on your behalf to get answers because i think this is a misunderstanding! 😧 i think you ask for communication too since i follow your posts so this will be good idea. many thanks and happy pride month if you partake with it!
Wasn't gonna say anything but need to talk about this since its bothering me again.
Yes I was asked to take down something, that was just a cropped imaged from a screenshot from the game. It wasn't even that huge of a spoiler? It was just the same status message from Ren in game from previous versions, but with his pronouns visible. Which, we know already, and the small feature was made public to all to see and know of. No matter if they play the game or not. But I still took it down out of request from a mod from that server who reached me.
I believed things to be fine now...Then was contacted again by them, but they came off so...unfriendly...And it bothered me lots.
Again. I thought the situation was resolved, but clearly I was wrong.
Also feeling I had to apologize, again, which I did just hoping this would stop.
I then realized from this all, they only reached out to me again, because they went through my blog, to find stuff to come after me for.
Then I felt honestly stalked at that point, and felt not even comfortable on my own blog and space here. I blocked the person who reached me, because again, I felt upset by this all.
It just ruined my experience for the series for me for a while, that I deleted my old writing blog for it, and felt i couldn't make edits for it as well, etc. I've been working on healing/moving on from it all however, made a new blog to start over. (tho will be keeping some stuff more privated/untagged now. since the whole situation just ruined a lot for me. especially fucked with me more since I deal with high anxiety.)
But what bothered me most over this all, is being contacted by that mod, than directly by the dev over this situation. Which I feel, could of been resolved better, if the dev just reached out to me first instead.
I understand people are busy and can't reach out to everyone on time, but would of appreciated a more nicer direct approach by them, or a attempt...Instead of being contacted by someone else with this clear power trip they had going on...and just seemed like they wanted to go after someone or start something.
Also on your offer to contact the dev, I just don't know if it'll do anything to help me feel better or others who were effected as well. So i personally don't see it as necessary I guess... (Like damage has been done from this all, you know? So yeah...)
The only best I want and ask from this all however, is this to not happen to anyone else ever again. No one deserves to be stalked or harassed, especially over a video game. It's not fun feeling like you aren't safe to post/whatever on your own blog, and not feel welcomed to just share your love a series. So I hope no one ever has to deal with this again.
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
The universe had to nerf or you would be too powerful making so many amazing arts
But I understand the fear, Fantasminha, I'm afraid of mischaracting too
The world is afraid of us
Also, I've heard that Bagi found another body? Now I think we can say for sure that is either the federation trying to frame Cellbit or it was just Cellbit being silly
But I think saw somewhere that ccbagi is convinced that Cellbit has something to do with this with the admins
I mean, he could
But her character don't know anything👍
Bagi was so happy when she found the first body on the spawn
Man, I kinda expected it, but still funny to me that Tubbo was logging on the server from the hotel as far as I know
He building a factory on his first week while I can spend months playing on a single world and just be living in the first hole I've found
I don't remember anything else to say, so feel free to ramble about aus or anything that's has been in your mind:D
- 🍽️
I think the world needs to stop being so afraid and let us do what we want u-u
YAA i think bagi found another body and a message to decode but im not sure what it is (i think cellbit discord solved it very quickly tho which is very funny zbkjasva) (they are fr just like their streamer) i think cellbit has 100% talked with the admins about something so when he wakes up from his 'long nap' we're going to be into so much angst TT or some type of horror because it is October and the horrors are allowed in spooky month
YEAH TUBBO WAS PLAYING AT A HOTEL ON A LAPTOP IM SUPRISED THAT THING DIDN'T EXPLODE WITH HOW HUGE THE QSMP SERVER IS KSVNJKASKJ he can't be stopped nothing can contain him. he's never going to get kidnapped because he will find a way to log on still
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papasmistakeria · 2 years
Can’t stop thinking of the fact that both Connor Trinneer and Dominic Keating have a podcast all set up with a Patreon and a Discord server for said podcast
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kanaqwqbear · 2 years
Only He Would Know
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Pairing: Shu Yamino (NIJISANJI EN) & Elira Pendora (NIJISANJI EN)
The things Shu does that Elira can't help but be grateful for, even if he doesn't really think it was anything much.
Elira was just not feeling it today.
"I really haven't been feeling well lately and I am sorry for being kind of, I guess, out of it, haha..." Elira says to her viewers with a tired tone.
"I'll still join today's um, Valo collab, I just didn't really expect it to be a full lobby" She says, "I thought it was like, a hopcon whenever you want type of thing," as she laughs quite forcingly. 'Sigh...' she thought to herself.
"Welp, sorry for bringing the mood down, thank you for the messages and superchats, I'll read them all in another stream! SEE YOU!" Back to her normal demeanor as Elira ends the stream and joins the collab voice chat with the others.
"Hi...!" Elira starts, "Oh, hey Elira!" "Hi Elira!" and more greetings came her way the moment she joined.
"I thought it would be a casual and likeー later would... I don't know what I was thinkingー" She rambles as Fulgur and Luca reassures her.
"Since you're here, why not do your introduction?" Fulgur initiates, "Okay! I am Elira Pendora from Nijisanji EN's Lazulight and I am late!" She introduces herself with a laugh as Luca comments, "Hi late," in which she responds with, "Hi dad."
Shu comes back and greets everyone with a hello, in which Elira says it back, with everyone following after.
The stream continues smoothly with everyone having fun and joking around, until Shu noticed how a certain teammate was being quiet.
"I could buy you, Elira?" Shu starts with a soft voice, referring to buying her a gun.
"Oh, um, alright... Thank you..." Elira quietly replied with a soft tone, in which Shu continued, "Yeah! You're welcome..." trailing off with a quieter tone, seemingly not wanting to overwhelm her.
'Sigh...' Elira sighs to herself.
Elira was starting to feel quite overwhelmed with the loud sounds and people talking in both the game and call, but with his simple interactions, it made her feel, quite grounded, perhaps? She doesn't know what it is but she feels relieved and grateful for Shu, even if he would say he didn't do much.
Shu's stream ends with him saying goodbye to his viewers. As he closes his OBS, he couldn't stop thinking about what was going on with Elira. Although she seemed somehow normal the first half of the play, he noticed she somehow got quieter as it went on. Knowing her for a long time now and what her genmates said about her not feeling right at the beginning of the stream, Shu wanted to know how Elira was holding up.
It wasn't really anything deep, but he still wanted to ask, so like a good friend would, he messaged her in their private conversations.
Shu: hey elira?
It took a few minutes until she replied.
Elira: oh shu, what's up?
Shu: i dont mean to pry but are u feeling okay? i noticed u were a bit down earlier. its okay if u dont want to talk to me abt it tho
Shu: i was just kinda concerned
Elira: oh.. um its not much rlly LOL
Elira: i was just feeling under the weather thats all
Elira: thank you for asking tho :D and for earlier as well
Shu: earlier? that was nothing c:
Shu: anyways, want to play or do something? let's cheer u up!
Elira smiled at his text but couldn't help but feel tired.
Elira: i dont mind, but i cant rlly think of smth rn haha sorry
Shu: it's all good! come, hop on vc, let's rewatch some of your favorite movies, yeah?
Elira: alright, thank u
After putting down her phone, she looked at her monitor and saw Shu already joined in one of the channels in the EN Discord server. She joined a few minutes later and saw him have his camera open, seemingly focused on setting everything up on his computer
"I am here..." Elira quietly said as she also oepned her camera, waiting for him as he was fixing his stuff. Shu noticed and smiled, "Hey! Give me a minute, you can get some snacks if you want."
Elira stood up from her seat and got some snacks and went back down to sit. Once she came back, Shu looked ready and already has his own snacks and drinks. "Welcome back! Come on, we'll start with this one."
They spent the entire 4 hours just watching her favorite movies, not aware of the texts on a separate channel teasing the both of them. After finishing all the movies Shu planned, Elira was feeling a lot better.
"Thanks for this and cheering me up, Shu. It's been a while since I watched them too so... Yeah!" She smiled as they both just hang around call. "No problem, you were feeling down too so this is the only way I could try to cheer you up..." He sheepishly replied.
Elira laughed at his comment and sighed.
"Nevertheless, I appreciate it a lot. As always, only you would know how, hm?"
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NOTE: I had this story in my drafts for so long and I finally found the time to actually finish and post it. I don't know if it's good enough but I hope you still enjoyed it :) I might start posting stories a lot more since my school is about to finish and I've been missing them a lot lately.
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atlantablack · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
tagged by: @being-luminous thanks much for the tag 💖💖
This is such a daunting challenge god, picking my five favorites god. but alright let's see here. No wait, this was actually so fucking hard holy shit
1. Remember me love when I'm reborn
In one life Harry Potter lies dead on a forest floor. Eyes unseeing and body cold. Voldemort laughs and tries to ignore the gaping emptiness that has expanded in his chest.
In another, time ripples and Harry appears in the middle of a forest. Eyes bright and death wrapped around her like a cloak.
In a life that could have been, Harry flings herself from Hagrid’s arms and wins the war. Lives her life ignoring the gaping hole in her chest where someone else’s soul used to sit.
This is the very first multi-chapter fic I ever wrote and finished. I'd also just joined a discord server that ended up really motivating me to write and where I ended up meeting @kitastrophea and @queerofthedagger in 2019, two of my best friends. so this fic really encapsulates that era of my life, of getting back into writing, and making friends that I can't imagine life without and it has a very special place in my heart.
2. a god at an altar, a beggar full of faith
The dawn was breaking the bones of your heart like twigs. You had not expected this, the bedroom gone white, the astronomical light ... - Visible World by Richard Siken
For every person that sinks magic beneath Arthur's skin like an offering, another tries to murder him, always furious when the magic harmlessly bounces off, Arthur held safe by the sacrifices of those who have died for him.
He wonders if they knew that he was aware of what they were doing. He spends a lot of time wondering why they would protect him. His father has them murdered and still more come, always in disguise, sometimes only brushing past him in the marketplace, a finger to his wrist, a hand to his back, the sweet rush of protection burrowing beneath his skin and promising safety.
He wonders how long it is until they decide to stop protecting the son of their butcher?
I wrote this for Merlin Holidays 2021 and it's one of my favorite fics I've written for the Merlin fandom. I was in the middle of resisting the urge to write marvel fic too and some tropes carried over that ended up fitting really well. I'm also really proud of the little details I winded through it and the bits of backstory I gave Arthur.
3. no (wo)man is an island
Holding someone’s soul next to your own for seventeen years leaves behind an echo.
An echo is all that’s needed to carry a voice across space (and time).
I just like this one lol we need more fem!Harry where it's also fem!Voldemort!
4. so keep up your heart, and tell me, as it shapes itself
P.S. Allen Ginsberg to Peter Orlovsky -- 1958 Tho I long for the actual sunlight contact between us I miss you like a home. Shine back honey & think of me.
Steve says, he's my friend, and Sam spends a year chasing Bucky across Europe. Spends the next year missing him.
One of the biggest reasons I started writing for sambucky was because I read this very specific trope of Sam helping Steve look for Bucky after catws and finding him, and writing my own version of that trope is just, god, this fic is like my favorite younger child. I'm so incredibly proud of it and love it a lot. Writing this also really helped me shape the way I write Sam <3
5. half in the shadows (half burned in flame)
He gets as far as New York before his body goes into withdrawal. Before he remembers that Hydra had stuck a failsafe in him so he’d go down long enough to be found.
Before he remembers that he'd run before. (He doesn’t want to go back. He doesn’t want to. He never wants to and it never matters.)
This time it does.
Last, but certainly not least, my first really huge sambucky fic. I started this thing in January and just finished it like a week ago. It grew so much larger than I ever meant for it to be and I loved every second of it. It was one of the big first things that @magicinavalon and I bonded over, and I put so much love into this fic. It's always going to be my baby in this fandom, the fic that really grabbed me and said hey, you're in it now babe. Have fun down the rabbit hole <3
tagging: @magicinavalon @yammz @kitastrophea @obsessivelymoody @jules-of-the-crown and @queerofthedagger again just because <3
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wiggly-round-worm · 4 years
Homestuck egbert discourse thread! Everything you never wanted to know!
Below the post I'll compile screenshots and evidence
This is NOT and invite to harass these people, rather, its a handy list of who to avoid
Alright, it's about time we had a chat on whats going on on homestuck Twitter.
Note, that as someone who likes john, I have only seen one side of the community, and may be lacking information on the matter, that being said tho, here's what I know
+++++++So what's going on?+++++++
Ever since the canonization of June Egbert, expressing any sort of interest in John has become more and more taboo on twitter.
I'm not going to argue on her canonicity, nor am I going to talk about her role in the comic, because no matter what your opinion on this topic is I think we can all agree: harassing people over a fictional character isn't acceptable
Hs Twitter seems to think otherwise! And believe it or not, most people seem to support it, including very big voices in the community
++++What has the hstwt community done?++++
Oh boy what haven't they done.
Starting with the most recent news, a john based discord server was raided by people who believe that john and june can't coexist.
Aside from how triggering it could be to have your safe space invaded, some members of the raid also went rogue and decided to dm and harass server dwellers for no other reason than to trigger them. Literally, they sent images specifically to trigger people.
What else have they done?
!! Doxxed and hacked a person over john egbert (admittedly, the person was acting pretty shitty, but thats not excuse to invade someone's privacy)
!! Have taken down and harassed multiple accounts for posting john egbert
!! Have sent death threats to people who like john egbert
!! Have compared the term "johnliker" to the term "map"
!! Created an account specifically to repost posts made by johnlikers
!! Have posted vile stuff in the tags, shown distaste for not only johnlikers but also transmascs
!! A big account took some john art, added their own caption and reposted it. When asked to take it down by the artist, they ignored the request, and only spoke up once a callout on them started getting traction.
No, they never took the post down
!! Got a positivity account taken down simply because the op liked john egbert
!! Specifically seeked out john art and commented under it
And so much more, and this? This was all done in the LAST 2 MONTHS
++++++Why is this happening?++++++
Junes canonization has caused a disagreement on John's validity. The problem is big accounts who began the trend of spreading hate for users who still liked and mentioned john, making the behavior seem ok, and other big accounts who stayed quiet on the matter.
Now, because of this outlook on harassment and targeted attacks, most of them are deemed acceptable, which breeds more vicious and violent attacks.
The fact that hs twitter isn't up in arms about the raid speaks loudly. If the roles were reversed, and johnlikers raided a june egbert based server, this would be way bigger news.
Further more, EVERYONE who likes john egbert, and i mean EVERYONE has been labeled a "transmisogynist".
This dehuminizes the people affected by the attacks, and spreads the idea that johnlikers like john maliciously, with intent to hurt transfems and erase june egbert, which simply isn't true.
[BC]++++++So what should I do?++++++
Short answer: something
If you're not on hs twitter, don't join, save yourself the trouble, but if you are? Take action
If you see someone organizing an attack, speak out against it.
If you see people dogpiling someones art, stand up for them.
If something big happens that affects people who like john, make posts about it, speak out, don't stay silent. Don't encourage this behavior.
Hurting people over a fictional character is sick, it's disgusting, and it isn't right. The homestuck community needs to do its best to discourage this behavior, to stop idolizing people who take part in it, and to make the fandom more pleasant and less hostile.
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