#i should have just left the red on the edges and not done the darker colors in the sky
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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⋆ 𝓥𝓲𝓵 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓽: 𝓛𝓲𝓹𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 ⋆
This is for @offorestsongs ♡ Thank you so much for being so kind when it comes to my Vil works! Your reblog of my last x Reader story featuring Vil made my day, and I appreciate it so much ♡ I hope you enjoy! ♡
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⋆ Vil sits at his vanity, a box sitting beside him. A makeup brand he likes sent him a PR box of their latest product, a lipstick that's supposed to be stain and smudge proof. They sent him a variety of colors, from a light pink to a plum purple. So many shades to choose from, so many options. Just from the swatches alone he was already in love, thinking of outfits he could pair them with. First he has to test them though, to see if they truly are stain and smudge proof like they advertise. He could do it the traditional way, using a glass or a paper towel to see if it transfers. That was his original plan before he got a text from you, letting him know you were on your way. Now he has a better idea in mind, a small smile coming to his face as he awaits your arrival.
⋆ As soon as you entered his room he asks you to take a seat, gesturing towards his bed. You sit near the edge as you watch him through the vanity mirror, applying lipstick to his lips. The color he chose was a dark red, reminding you of wine. Once he's done he turns towards you, gesturing to his face as he asks for your thoughts. The color looked good on him, darker than what he would usually wear. He seems pleased by your response as he stands, walking over to you. He takes your hand, helping you up so you're standing in front of him. He looks you over, moving some pieces of hair out of your face with a smile.
"They say this lipstick is smudge proof, you know? Stain proof too. Let's test this theory, shall we?"
⋆ He cradles your face in his hands, holding it gently as he begins lavishing you in kisses. A gentle press to the shell of your ear, to your cheeks, to your forehead and nose. A quick kiss to your chin, Vil having you tilt your head as he kisses a trail down your neck. He saves your lips for last, kissing them gently before pulling you in deeper. He doesn't break it until you both need to catch your breath, leaning back so he can see his work. He feels disappointment shoot through him as he notices no marks on your skin, realizing the lipstick truly was smudge and stain proof.
⋆ I shouldn't be disappointed, he reminds himself, the lipstick doing exactly as advertised. Yet, he knows deep down, he wanted the lipstick to smudge. To stain your skin, marking you with every press of his lips. He clears his throat, getting your attention as he turns back to his vanity.
"I have a few more I need to test, so please bare with me. Give me a minute to remove this, and apply the next one."
⋆ If he grabs a lipstick from his bag that he knows does stain, instead of one from the PR box, well...you don't need to know that. If his kisses linger more this time, you don't say anything, waiting as he checks to make sure a mark was left before moving onto the next spot. Perhaps you should help him test his lipsticks more often, he couldn't help but think, watching as you turned into a work of art before his eyes.
It's a good thing I kept this lipstick, he thought, pressing his lips against yours and finishing his work. He leans back to look you over, pleased that he got the results he wanted this time.
"Beautiful" he says to himself, unable to resist pulling you in for one last kiss ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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lilyrizzy · 9 months
34. washing the other's body
I promised you some girl daniel lin, I hope you like it ❤️ set right after this Daniel also breaks her hand
The sound of running water has been seeping under the bathroom door for almost an hour now. Normally, Daniel showers with the door open, and Max gets to see the steamy shape of her through the glass, gets to be soothed by her familiar movements. Something homely. Sometimes, he sits on the closed toilet lid and they discuss weekend plans, and other times they shower together.
Tonight, she'd shut the door.
For half an hour, Max had distracted himself by checking in on Gianni's live stream on his phone, dropping a few funny comments into the chat that were bound to get a few more viewers. Then, he'd shut it down and paced into the kitchen, placed their premade meals onto microwavable plates, ready for when Daniel came out.
Now, he's got nothing left to distract him from his worry.
"Daniel?" He calls to her as he knocks on the door. When she doesn't answer, there's a momentary lurch of fear in his chest, his stomach, his entire body that has him pushing it open.
Inside though, there is no horror scene. Daniel is sat in the bath, cast hanging over the side, as the taps gush out a steady stream of water.
Even from the doorway he can see that her eyes are red rimmed when she looks at him, but he knows better than to ask a question he knows the answer to. If she wants him to acknowledge her tears, she'll make a joke about them.
"Max," she says, voice sounding a little wobbly. Then, after a beat, "turns out I use this hand more than just to wank with."
With her good hand, she points to her head. Her curls there are darker with the water, and an uneven smattering of suds. The shampoo is still open, perched on the edge of the tub, and the hairbrush she has always told him was so important to use for maximum girl boss, curl boss power hasn't even been taken down from the shelf.
"I see," Max says, already moving to grab the brush. "Well. It is a good thing you have a boyfriend who is trained in curl care."
She snorts, but doesn't protest when he crouches down besides her and starts to brush. Usually, she tells him he can tug harder than he does, that it doesn't hurt, but he can never bring himself to do it. This time, she doesn's say anything, and he keeps the strokes of the brush smooth, teasing out the knots at the bottom, working his way up.
"I'm such a fucking idiot," she says eventually, just as he is lathering shampoo into his hands, rubbing it into her scalp. "I should have- I should have avoided Piastri. I should have taken my hand off the fucking wheel at least, I- I know fucking better than that."
Max hums. It's no use telling her the truth everybody knows, that where was nothing else to be done in such a quick flash, because she knows it also. It would be worse to tell her Max's truth, that he is glad it is her hand, because another time, another session, there is always the risk it could have been her neck.
"Really," She laughs bitterly, "I'm meant to be proving I still got it, and instead I'm out here binning myself into walls, it's- It's fucking embarrassing."
She shakes her head viciously, and Max uses the hands he has there to still her, to press a kiss to the crown even if it means a mouthful of soap.
"You are not embarrassing," he says firmly, tucking a hand under her chin to tilt her head backwards. He kisses the curve of her nose too, while she looks up at him warily. "If you think this is enough to change Christians mind, then the only thing you are proving right is the IQ test we took in bed last week. Remember, the one that said I was smarter?"
There's a pause and then a startled laugh escapes her lips. Max grabs the cup where they keep their toothbrushes, side by side, to fill with water and rinse off her hair, laughing too.
"That quiz was bullshit," she's insisting, "I told you I wanted a rematch," and Max is nodding like they'll do anything other than curl around each other to sleep when they finally make it between their sheets. "Besides, I gotta convince Marko too, you know that."
It's true, she does. For now, Max tries to distract her from that fact by doing an extremely poor impression of an Austrian vampire, until she's making the water slosh over the side of the bath with her laughter, soaking him in the process. When her giggles have subsided, she looks up at him again with softer eyes.
"What?" He asks.
"You're right, Maxy," she says, "I am lucky to have you."
It takes Max a beat to retrace where in their conversation he said that.
"For the curl care?" He checks, rubbing conditioner into her hair even as he says it.
"Sure," she says, and her smile seems like a secret made for only the two of them to share, "let's call it that for now."
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Can you make a nsfw stars Wesker x reader story, where he does Y/n in the laboratory in the mansion after she finds out that he’s a traitor?? This is my first time requesting, sorry if it’s bad.
I low-key love this request but also don't because me no good at make plot
little bit darker than most of my stuff, includes coerced sex (I think this is considered dub con) not sane, safe, and barely consensual
Rough and angrier wesker then I normally write
If any of this makes you uncomfortable please do not read (I could barely write this myself lol)
NSFW, afab reader, no pronouns
"Stay here, wait for my return. I should be back quickly." We're the last words you heard your captain speak to you, after that he left you in one of the mansions bedrooms before jogging out into the main room of the house. It was boring to sit there and you had assumed you fell asleep, due to waking up what felt like hours later. By time you had awoke you had grown tired of waiting and instead picked up your gun, and started wandering the mansion. The intricate and antique decor of the house, along with the limited light, gave for a spooky vibe. You tried to best to ignore the warnings, nothing could be heard, you hadn't seen anyone yet, and blood was smeared all over the floors and wall. Stumbling around, you found a basement, and inside that basement was a door, glowing light behind it and the faint echo of footsteps. Without hesitation you force open the door, holding up your gun as you do so ready to fire. The person in the room stopped and turned to look at you, scowling for a moment before they had a shocked expression.
"Captain...? What the hell are you doing. And where are Chris and Jill."
"Didn't I tell you to wait for me? Just what do you think you're doing out of that room."
You step farther into the lab, the door to the room swinging shut behind you. If you had known what was about to happen you would have run back out and gone far, far away from this place.
"You didn't answer my question. Where are Chris and Jill."
"That is none of your concern. Now, why are you here, you were supposed to stay in the room I placed you in." He growls under his breath and you start walking towards him, standing by some messy lab tables and counter tops with failed experiments. The lights don't help illuminate the room very well, the room glowing a faint blue as you squint trying to see the man in front of you.
"It is some of my concern! They we're apart of STARS, same as me! What happened to them Wesker!?" You get up in his face and yell, but cut yourself off. Instead you stared at the red adorning his face. "Blood... what happened down here Wesker...?" Further down, his clothes are torn and tattered, coated with a mixture of his own blood and others.
"That's it, my patience has reached it's end." He slams you onto one of the tables, hovering above you snarling, his glasses slip down, and shows off his glowing, red eyes. You gasp and shake, you've come to a realization.
Albert Wesker isn't human anymore.
His hand immediately shoots to your throat, his other holding your hands above your head easily. The hand on your throat squeezes it, cutting off your airflow quickly and removing your ability to think anymore then you have, to focused about living.
"You should have listened to me. If you did this wouldn't have come to this. I was going to take my sweet time with you too, but I guess what must be done, must be done."
"Wait-!" You claw at his wrist, though it being pointless for his strength. Strength wise your Captain would most likely forever have an edge above you, and it made him grin as he watched you hopelessly attack him. Grabbing and Clawing at his wrist as you desperately tried to plead with him. "Please-! Stop-!"
"Stop? But why should I. Not when I'm having so much fun with you." He loosens his grasp, enough for you to talk easier at least, yet still enough to watch you squirm and heave.
"I-i'll do any-anything. J-just please do-don't kill me-" Squeezing again he thinks over the idea you've proposed.
"Anything, you say..." A devilish grin crossed his face as he stared down at you. "Are you sure about that offer, sweetheart?" His tone was mockingly sweet, jabbing at you for begging so pathetically.
"Y-yes...anything- just- please-" Speaking felt impossible with the way he was squeezing your throat, digging his nails in as well. The pain burned and you felt light headed and once he finally released you the dizziness stayed. It only really went away after you finally got air in your lungs again, gasping and choking as you tried to breathe again.
"That was a foolish offer you made, but I'm happy to take this opportunity to have you for myself." You stare up at him, unresponsive, still trying to catch your breath. The hand trapping your hands let's go and returns to his side. "Stand up and turn around."
"You said you would do anything to live, now do as I say or you'll end up on a missing poster." Something you learned from the years of working with Wesker, he made promises, never threats. He stepped away from you and you slowly got up, doing as you were told. Facing away from him, you yelped out in shock as he pushed your head and chest onto the table. "I think I'll have fun breaking you.."
"What- what are you gonna do to me-?"
"Whatever I want, Dearheart."
I'm gonna make a part two to this I just can't motivate myself to get to the actual smut part. THERE WILL BE A SECOND PART. AND I WILL WRITE FUCKIN SMUT.
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castawaycat · 1 year
A Soul for a Soul: Chapter 3- The Fall to Save Humanity
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Summary: Y/n finds herself having to make a difficult but easy decision that will effect all of humanity.
Author's Note: All I have to say is that you may want to grab some tissues for this chapter and a teddy or stuffie for comfort.
You groaned as you felt nauseous the moment you landed on the ground. Thankfully your mom and Clint still had no idea that you were with them. On shaking legs you stood up and took a look at the giant mountain in front of you. 
Man, I should not have skipped out on leg day. You thought to yourself as you silently beat yourself up. It was going to be a challenge to maintain the power of being invisible as you exerted yourself up the mountain. 
“Really starting to regret my choice here.” Clint panted as he realized that they had only climbed about midway up the mountain. 
“Yeah. I’m gonna bet the raccoon didn’t have to climb a mountain.” Natasha said as she chuckled at the thought of Rocket. 
“I don’t think technically he’s a raccoon…” Clint said as he tried to make small talk to distract from the pain in his calves. 
“Whatever. He eats garbage-” Nat said as they both laughed as they continued to climb. 
It took everything inside of you not to laugh at the banter between your mom and Uncle Clint. Clint and his family were really close to your mama Nat since they had been friends for years. You loved seeing their interactions with each other. 
You could see the exhaustion and sadness in their faces as things got quiet as they didn’t know what to expect at the top of the mountain. Uncle Clint seemed darker and more lost in his head; you had overheard that his whole family was taken in the blip and that he had done really bad things to deal with the pain of losing everyone. You just wanted to hug him and tell him that things would be okay; but you didn’t even know if things would be okay. 
You, Clint, and Natasha all looked up when you all heard a deep voice talking to you. The figure was hooded and felt ominous. 
“Who are you?” Natasha asked the hooded figure. She did not have a good feeling about everything.
“Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone.” 
“Great. You show us where it is, and we’ll be on our way.” Nat said as she still had her weapon drawn at the figure wearing black robes. 
The figure removed his hood revealing himself as the Red Skull, “if only it was that easy…” 
You brought your stuffie up to your chest as you tried to figure out what the Red Skull was implying. Why was everyone making such a big deal about these stones?
“What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear.” Red Skull said as he pointed a single boney finger down towards a well. 
“The stone is down there?” Nat asked as she looked towards the well. She didn’t understand why the Red Skull was speaking as if he was a narrator for a secret mission in a video game. 
“For one of you. For the other…” He said as he smiled as he could see the wheels in their heads begin to piece his words together. “The Stone demands a sacrifice. In order to take it, you must leave behind that which you love. A soul for a soul.” 
You were the first to understand what he had meant and you began to feel panicked. One of them was going to have to die in order to get that stupid soul stone. You didn’t want your mama Nat or Uncle Clint to die. You could hear Clint argue with your mama as you left them behind you, you had begun making your way towards the edge of the cliff. 
“If we don’t get the stone, billions of people are going to stay dead.” Natasha said as she looked at her best friend. Exhaustion and sadness shone through her beautiful features. 
“Then I guess we both know who it has to be.” Clint said matter of factly. 
They both take each other’s hands into their own as they try to find the right words to say in their final goodbye. 
“I’m starting to think we don’t mean the same person.” Clint said as he held on tighter to Nat’s hand. 
Nat could feel her tears fall down her cheeks, “You think I want to do it? I’m trying to save your life, you idiot. You have a family. Think of Laura and the kids. God, I don’t want to leave y/n and Wanda but Wanda was always better at being a mother. Y/n will be okay and as long as she’s okay and you and everyone else is back, I know that it will all be worth it.” 
“Nat. You know what I’ve done. What I am now. Your life’s worth ten of mine-” Clint said as he begged his best friend to change her mind. He could see the determination in her eyes and he hated it. There was no way that he was going to let her off herself. He didn’t deserve to live, not after all the pain he had caused. 
“I don’t judge people by their worst mistakes.”
“Maybe you should.”
“You didn’t.” 
You watched as your mama Nat and uncle Clint fought each other to make their way towards the edge of the cliff. Hot tears stung your cheeks as you watched them struggle; you had already made up your mind that they were both going to return back home. 
You couldn’t contain your powers anymore and you felt the invisible force begin to waver. You could feel the ground crumble beneath your feet as you stood right at the edge. 
Natasha and Clint stopped fighting when they heard someone sniffling a few feet from where they were. Their eyes grew wide in surprise and fear as they saw you standing too close to the edge. 
“Y/n! What the hell are you doing here? Baby, get away from the edge!” Natasha screamed as she got up and tried to reach you. 
You shook your head as you held out your hands, “no. I’m not going to let either of you die. Mama, I love you. Tell mommy Wanda that I love her and that I’m sorry.” You gave your mom a sad smile as you used the last of your powers to push yourself off the ledge of the cliff. 
“No!!! Y/n!” Natasha sobbed as she jumped into action along with Clint. She had managed to grab onto your stuffie’s hand that you were holding onto. “Please hold on, y/n. Don’t let go, baby.” 
You looked up sadly at your mom, “it’s okay, mama. Thank you for being my mama. Let go, please.” You knew that your mom wasn’t going to willingly let you go. You had gotten your stubbornness from her. 
Natasha could see determination and fierce bravery in your eyes and she swore under her breath, she didn’t want to lose you. “No, I won’t let go. Just hold on. Please. I can’t lose you.” She pleaded with you as she tried to pull you up. She could feel Clint holding onto her so that she would have a better grip on you. 
“Whatever it takes.” You whispered as you took a deep breath and let go of the arm of your favorite stuffie. You could hear your mom scream and cry for you as your body made its way down. Images of your life surrounded by your moms came to mind and you found comfort in the memories. There was no pain as your body slammed into the ground. Everything went blank in your mind as the world of Vormir turned white. 
Natasha sobbed as she felt like her whole world had crumbled. She needed her wife Wanda. She needed you. She didn’t want to believe that you were truly gone. All she had left was the tiny stuffed animal that you had brought with you. It was a reminder to her that you had just been a  child… a reminder that her innocent baby had been the price to pay. 
Guilt and sorrow surrounded the two avengers as they felt the weight of your sacrifice. 
Nat opened her eyes as she realized that they had been transported down to the base of the mountain and they were sitting in a small pool of water. The water was a clear reflection of the sky, if things weren’t so sad and twisted, it would be a beautiful sight to behold. 
Empty and hollow sobs escaped her throat as she watched the golden soul stone wash up and land into her waiting hand.
Author's Note: I promise this isn't the last chapter in this short story. I am currently working on the last few chapters.
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ratstuckinamarble · 1 year
All right, here's a Making Of/How To for the Tater Tyke, since it's been requested.
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I will try to explain everything as best as I can.
I'm sure you could use any clay, but I went with Super Sculpey specifically. An oven bake clay just gives you more control and time to work with it than air dry.
These are nine millimeters tall, so take a very small amount of clay, and form it into a smooth ball. If you want to make two, make one bigger ball and cut it in half, so you're left with about the same amount of clay for each Tater Tyke.
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Now roll them, gently, against your work surface to shape them into a cylinder, but make sure the edges have a soft transition.
Don't forget to use a reference!
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You'll see that he's a little thicker toward the bottom, important detail.
Next, I sculpted the mouth, for which I used this tool:
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I do not what it's called, it just came with the set I have. You don't need this one specifically, the flat, somewhat pointed end is what matters. With it, I pressed the shape in to make the teeth a little 3d, and then smoothed out whatever areas lost their shape a little in the process.
Now the body is done! Onto the limbs.
Starting with the feet, take a tiny, and I do mean tiny, ball of clay. I used my fingernails to press them into triangles, where they will end up being a little bulky, so press them a bit flatter.
You should be left with something like this.
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Repeat the same process for the hands, but make them slightly smaller, and rounder where the fingers would be, to form a teardrop-shape.
Now you can attach them. Apply a little liquid clay where they should go, which will function like glue. If you're using air dry clay, you can just attach them and glue them on more permanently after they've dried.
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For the position, the angle is a bit difficult to explain. I put the base of the feet just slightly closer together than the tips of the teeth, and made them point outward, so they're just sitting comfortably. For the hands, I pressed them a little more firmly on where the arms would be, so that they look more natural going out from the body, and made the ends of them go outward a bit more.
And that's it for sculpting! Let them dry/ bake, and then you can move on to painting.
First, cover them in white paint as a base, because yellow is always rather translucent. But do so carefully, acrylic paint can leave texture, which would be quite noticeable at this scale.
Now, the paint colors I used are primary yellow, vermilion red, white, black, ivory and lavender.
I mixed yellow together with just a little red, to be left with a light orange. This, however, was too bright, so I added just a smidge of lavender to dull the color out a bit. This is the base color, which I fully painted the little guys in.
Then, I made a slightly lighter and darker version of this shade, by adding a little yellow or red respectively. I took my crappiest small brush and stippled these colors on somewhat randomly.
I made one even darker shade by adding just a little more red, and the lightest shade by adding ivory.
I used these colors to force/fake the lighting. Add the darkest shade on the bottom and right side of the Tater Tyke, and the lightest shade on the upper and left side. Again, stippling them on.
I also used the darker shade on the base of the feet, and then highlighted the edges of them and the hands with the lightest shade.
Like I said, yellow-ish colors like this are always rather translucent, so they blend together quite well. But if something looks too harsh, just brush some of it away with your finger, that should soften the transition.
Now, once again using the darkest shade, take your smallest detail brush and add a line right under the mouth, to make it pop more. You can also outline the limbs like this.
Here are more pictures to hopefully help you get a better idea of everything I'm trying to explain.
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All that's missing now are the eyes and eyebrows.
For the eyes, I used a small dotting tool to archive that round shape more easily. I recommend trying this out on a different surface first, to get a feel for it.
If the eyes aren't perfect circles, you can push paint that juts out too far in with your fingernail, acrylic paint is pretty forgiving. Once they're dry, you can round out areas with your detail brush.
Use a smaller dotting tool for the pupils. I made them a bit cross eyed, because I noticed that in the show, and I think it looks cute. If you don't like the position of the pupils, wipe them off and let the remaining paint dry. Paint over with white again, and give it another shot.
Finally, the eyebrows. They're just a black line. Use your thin brush and reference the show. The eyebrows really influence the expression, so be careful. I recommend not placing them too high to avoid a spooked look.
That's it for painting! But we're not quite done. I covered them in a thin layer of Liquitex Matte Varnish, which really helps bring out the colors more. I painted most of them in a thin coat, let them dry for three hours, and then painted the areas I couldn't reach before.
But this varnish is never actually matte, so I also used a spray varnish (Molotov matte UV varnish). I bought it some time ago because it's the only one that seemed good that I could find for a decent price, and I like it a lot.
It dries fast and doesn't get moody depending on the temperature and humidity, and the results look great, in my experience. It leaves a very small amount of texture, which I like, because it makes my sculptures easier to photograph. My camera doesn't like to focus on anything too smooth. Im just mentioning the texture, because I'm not sure you'd want that for something like doll customisation. Especially because it can lighten colors if you add to many layers of it.
I was initially concerned about using spray varnish on something so small, but it wasn't an issue. i put the Tater Tykes on some aluminium foil outside, and put some rocks on it so it won't fly away.
Don't forget to wear protective glasses and a good mask! This stuff is toxic. That goes for any spray varnish, honestly.
And that's it! Really this time. Just let them fully dry and you've got yourself some adorable little fellas.
They took me around five hours to make, but that's mostly because I hadn't made something like them before. Figuring everything out eats up a lot of time. The process would go by quicker if I made them again.
I hope this helps if anyone is genuinely interested in making them, feel free to ask if you have questions. If you were just curious, I hope this was somewhat interesting.
On a final note, I'd just like to say that I'm really happy everyone likes them as much as I do, and I'm looking forward to making more doll accessories in the future.
Have a great day! And remember to drink some water, I seem to have forgotten to do so while writing this.
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arctrooper69 · 5 months
What Hurts the Most
A piece I wrote as a gift to @staycalmandhugaclone featuring her OC Doc and my Jedi!OC Danika. Set sometime after the season 2 finale.
❤️ Thank you for giving me permission to post this ❤️
Doc x Danika
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WARNINGS: PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING. Viewer discretion advised. This is a bit darker than my usual fics. Suicidal ideation, self harm, survivors guilt, blood, medical care. Major angst but there's a good amount of comfort.
I couldn’t help myself.
The knife was in my hand, fingers curled tightly around the handle. It was almost surreal, but some part of me knew what I was doing. Some secret, sick, violent part of my mind urged me on, begging me to end things right here and now.
I don’t know why I did it. It just kind of happened. The knife seemed to slip as if it had taken on a life on its own and I was simply a passerby watching as the edge slid across my skin, drawing such a beautiful red.
It would make the pain go away. Of that I had fully convinced myself. The deeper the blade sunk, the more I found myself sinking along with it. Those heady crimson rivets fell like waterfalls and I wanted nothing more than to let them wash me away.
Let the Force take me like it took so many others before me.
It was only fair. Why did I have to be the one left behind again and again? I was nothing.
I was angry.
What did I do to deserve all of this? Why was I destined to fail each and every time I tried so hard to reach for success? What was the point of being a Jedi when there was no one left to save?
I had failed them. I had failed all of them. Master Plo. Lia. Echo. Hardcase. Fives. Kix. Comet. Sinker. Commander Wolffe. I couldn’t name them all and that broke me too. What good am I if I can't even remember the names of all the lives I could’ve saved?
All the Jedi? I remembered some.
Asher. Kylah. Willa. Torik. The younglings I pulled from the burning Temple. They were all gone now too - a testament to my weakness - only proving that I didn’t have what it took.
And Lia.
My precious Lia. Sacrificed herself in battle to save her men and I wasn’t there to save her. I felt her life flicker out like a candle and a part of me was gone as well. Maybe Master Plo knew, though he never said anything. I found myself wishing that he did - that maybe it would’ve been enough for the Council to throw me out - to spare me of all the pain to come.
Then Kix.
I’m so sorry, Kix.
Gone. Dragged away by Separatist droids as I lay bleeding in the street, unable to do anything but scream for them to stop - as if they’d listen to me. Powerless. Unable to help.
More like unwilling.
I should’ve forced myself to move. I should have willed my body back together. The Force could’ve done such miraculous things. But not through me.
The cybernetics in my spine ached - a gift from Master Krell. I tallied Umbara as the highest price for my failures. Allowing my anger to save and defend the honor of lives that would ultimately be lost anyway. Brother against brother orchestrated by Krell’s own hand.
Another unforgivable act.
I should’ve been able to face him. I should’ve been able to subdue him - to protect my men - not be flung aside like some helpless child. Maybe Kix would’ve been able to save more of his brothers if he hadn’t had to come and save me.
The thoughts came faster and more chaotic as they came, swirling and spiraling ever downwards like the blood that fell from my wounds.
I could hear footsteps now, thundering up the stone pathway. Quick and deliberate.
The sky was so pretty tonight, sun sinking low over Pabu’s golden beaches. The way it fell reminded me of others I had failed to save in one way or another.
Crosshair. Tech. Omega.
“Doc, get up here! Hunter!” Wrecker’s voice was loud. I didn’t mind though. The way his footsteps made the sandy ground tremble could have rocked me to sleep. It would’ve been peaceful. Finally success in something I could control.
It was taken from me then, knocked violently from my hands. Some stranger’s voice cried out as Wrecker’s vice-like grip locked around my arm and wrist, desperately trying to keep that crimson from flowing smoothly into the dirt. It wasn’t fair. That strange voice crying out for him to stop couldn’t have been mine. The pleas for him to let me have some semblance of control couldn’t have come from my lips because that would mean I had failed once again.
“Dani, why?”
I didn’t know his voice could sound so broken.
The agony of my reality didn’t hit me until Doc’s medkit hit the ground with a thud ringing though my head like her voice barking out orders.
I’m sorry, Doc. I just couldn’t take it anymore. It hurt too much. Please understand.
“Cyar’ika, why?” The crack in her voice hurt worse than the screaming icy sharpness that coursed nearly unbearably up my arm as she did what she was meant to do.
I found it endearing how easily she’d picked up the Mando’a from her boys.
Her words may have been gentle but her hands were not. I hadn’t realized how deep that blade had gone until her fingers pinched together the pulsing artery beneath my skin, forcing such a gutteral cry from my chest at the white hot sharpness she inflicted so ruthlessly.
I tried to run - to jerk away and hide from the agony of Hunter’s willing hands which twisted and wound the tourniquet obediently under Doc’s command, but I found that Wrecker’s arms, though gentle, held me fast.
Her voice was gentle with an edge of disappointment now - all of it laced with a quiet heartbreak. I couldn’t help the tears that streamed down my cheeks, nor the whimper of pain that tumbled over lips that had begun to go numb.
“I’ve got you, Dani. Look at me.”
I couldn’t bring myself to look at her. I couldn’t bring myself to see how my actions had cut her just as deeply as the knife I’d used on myself.
“I need you to look at me.” Her fingers glided beneath my chin, caressing the same skin that she had kissed only hours before.
I wondered if she noticed how I watched her lips tremble as she brought my face up to look at hers. I wonder if the same shame that gripped me, now held her in its claws as well. I wanted to tell her that it wasn’t her fault. I wanted to tell her that I loved her and never meant to hurt her like this.
“I’m sorry...” The words that leaked breathlessly over my lips were all that came out. I didn’t know what else to say.
The determined look she’d set over eyes shielded the tears I knew lay beneath. They were the same tears she had shed so long ago when she told me about her past. It seemed so long ago now, almost in a different life. I’d fallen in love with her then, though I wasn’t sure I’d ever told her that.
Had I failed her too?
“I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to…”
She made no sound to answer me.
I couldn’t stop the hissing moan as she folded my arm over my own chest and pulled me into her arms.
“I know, cyar’ika. I’m sorry.”
My head felt so heavy. With so much weighing me down, I couldn’t fight how my head rested against her shoulder.
“Doc… let me help. I got her.” Hunter’s voice sounded strained, like I’d added another thousand pounds onto his already heavy shoulders. I couldn’t help the tears that came again, burning hot with shame that choked me like a fist around my throat.
I wondered if she knew how I felt that spike of protective instinct shooting through her soul as she stood, cradling me against her chest, pulling me closer and ever so slightly away from the concern of the others. I wondered if she was aware of the regret that weighed so heavily on my chest. I hadn’t meant to hurt anyone.
Her feet moved quickly with practiced purpose down the stone steps and across the landing platform.
“How can we help, Doc?” Wrecker’s voice echoed through my ears and her reply sounded almost comical as it warped and blended in and out with everything else. All I wanted to do was stay here in her arms. She was warm and safe. Everything felt different with her.
I could’ve floated into a dream where everything was alright again. A dream in which the weight of our actions had no effect on the galaxy around us. It was just simply us. Doc and Danika. What a beautiful world that would be, and I wondered briefly if she ever felt the same.
The sudden cold hand of reality cruelly pulled me back once again beneath fluttering eyelids and that thin cot of the medbay I was suddenly placed upon.
“No, no, no. Danika, don’t you dare!” Her voice was sharp. Panicked fingers pulling desperately at the lids of my eyes, forcing me into a sudden, uncomfortable wakefulness. I couldn’t help the twinge of despair in realizing she’d once again pulled me back to her.
I would only fail her again, and even that thought flooded me with a tangible guilt I could feel in my mouth.
“Don’t do that again!” She nearly shouted in an angry relief. “I won’t lose you too!” Her voice quieted, “I can’t…”
I could only turn my head to regard her under lidded eyes that were aready threatening to close again. I found myself unable to keep from shivering as I watched her gather what she needed in frantic movements.
I nearly smiled. It took a certain kind of courage to efficiently do what needed to be done even when the life of someone you cared about was on the line.
“Here.” She layed a blanket over me. Her eyes were kind but oh, so tired. It was the kind of tired where even a thousand nights of sleep would not ever been enough.
Her hand felt cold as she brushed the hair from my neck with nimble fingers. She held the autoinjector in the other.
“Just a pinch,” she warned, smiling in a sad, but comforting expression as I met her eyes.
I barely noticed the slight burn of the sedative she’d given me as I felt it pull me into the grasp of unconciousness. A terror suddenly gripped me tighter than anything I’d ever felt before and I felt myself fight how that sedative pulled me down. I couldn’t let myself be taken away like this - not when she meant so much to me. I knew then, whatever it took, I had to fight to stay with her. She was my rock. I was hers. She would be my reason to keep living.
Gentle fingers weaving through my hair, woke me slowly.
The door to the medbay hissed open. “How is she, Doc?” Hunter’s voice held that same tired concern as it had before.
The fingers in my hair paused their movements. “I think she’s starting to wake up.”
“Do you think we should - “
“Yeah,” her curt reply cut him off. “She’ll stay here for awhile. Just so I can keep an eye on her.”
“Good. I’ll give you some privacy then.” The door hissed shut and she sank into the chair with a sigh.
“Hey…” I whispered. She stiffened, pulling her hand from my hair. She stood up suddenly, moving her hands as though she didn’t quite know what to say.
“Hey!?” She repeated incredulously. The sudden sharpness of her tone startled her as much as it did me. “That’s all you have to say to me!? Hey!?” The anger she’d tried so hard to convey, cracked at the last few words. She took a breath as if to calm herself. My chest felt heavy. I knew I’d hurt her, but I hadn’t realized just how much.
“I…” I began.
“Oh, no.” she interrupted me, a fire ablaze in her eyes. “You don’t get to talk just yet!”
I fell silent.
“H-how dare you do something like that! How dare you…” her voice cracked as she collapsed back into the chair beside me, placing her forehead on mine, pressing so hard I could taste the salt of her tears on my lips as they fell. Her hands gripped my face as though she was afraid if she let go, I’d slip away once again.
“Don’t you ever do that again!” The anger in her voice was gone now, replaced only by grief and sorrow.
“Am… am I allowed to speak again?” I asked timidly, hoping a small grin and some infantesimal amount of good humor would help lift that awful weight from her shoulders.
She chuckled with a broken sniff as she wiped her eyes on the back of her hand, “Yeah… I guess you can. Maker knows, I can’t stop you once you get started.”
It was my turn to chuckle.
“I… I’m so sorry,” My own words breaking over emotion I couldn’t hold back any longer. She wiped the tears with her thumbs as they flowed.
“I… Sometimes it’s just so easy to get all caught up in my own head,” I sobbed.
She moved, sitting on the cot beside me, lifting me so that my head rest against her chest. The beat of her heart was soothing. I could sit there forever and that sound would be all I needed to sustain my living.
“I know, she said, placing her lips on the top of my head. “That’s what I’m here for though, right?”
“Yeah,” I whispered, closing my eyes, leaning into her embrace as she wrapped herself around me.
“Promise?” She asked.
“I promise.”
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If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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sarafroot · 1 year
pls talk about technique!! sorry if i’m annoying you but i’m eating this up lmaooo. i appreciate your responses a lot!
i’ve been having trouble with coloring/rendering?? like idek where to start when it comes to that part of a drawing and every time i try it i get frustrated which just sucks
Answering this under the cut because its LONNGGG 😜😜😜 also you are so not annoying me I have been waiting for someone to be as interested in this as I am lolz
Here is a detailed walk through of how I'm going about coloring something for that band au-- I hope this helps!!!
For skin I start by putting down a base color; this is the color that shadows and highlights should be considered in relation to! I always set the layer to "alpha lock" so that when I start rendering my strokes stay within the silhouette I originally colored
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From here I add redness to her skin first in the form of any natural flush her face may have. I pick a color for blush by beginning with her original skin tone and adjusting the hue to a slightly cooler color and increasing its saturation. I use a soft, buildable, and blendable brush to apply this (quoll). In this scenario, I want the flush to be subtle as she's supposed to be in a darker setting.
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For shadows, the first thing to consider is where your light source is. In this scenario, the light will be hitting her from the right, so shadows should be most prevalent on the left. I pick a color for shadows the same way I pick a color for flush, only this time I don't saturate the color as much and darken the shade more. The color usually appears purple-ish. I use a more defined brush to apply shadows and blend them around where I imagine the contours of her face are softest.
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Finally I color finer details like lips, eyes, scars, and freckles, and add highlights where a light source would likely reflect on her face. I love adding washes of neon oranges and pinks along harsh shadow edges and cheeks as well! I feel like this makes faces feel more alive.
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When I use this method on a face in profile, here is my color placement:
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For bodies, I use the same colors that I used on the face for the sake of consistency. I start with any natural flushing on the body, typically on joints, tummies, butts, upper backs, and hands and feet. I use the same brush I used for flush on the face.
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For shadows on bodies, you really have to use your imagination or a reference to form a 3D image in your head. While face shadows are more straightforward as there's often a formula you can follow, body shadows are more diverse. If you were to break her body down into shapes, where does her body protrude most, and where do you imagine there are crevices? How will light interact with these shapes to form shadows? Again, I'm imagining a light source on the right so the shadows I place will be mostly on the left.
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Then I go in and add highlights and other tiny details.
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For hair, I start with a base color before putting down highlights closest to the light source and shadows in places that I imagine are hidden from a light source, such as underneath a particularly prominent strand of hair. Finally, I pick a color I feel like encapsulates the "true" color of her hair and scribble it over the base color I chose, making sure to leave some base color peaking through. I feel like hair has a lot of depth, and by doing this you can kind of mimic that complexity in color without sacrificing a simplistic art style. In total, I used four colors for her hair. I separated the darks and lights for a clearer demonstration of how I think her hair would fall.
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You can apply these techniques to really anything, especially clothes!
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Yayyy done!! I will absolutely answer any other questions you have
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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Part 1 Part 2 (you are here) Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 ...
Overall Warnings: grotesque written imagery, body horror, blood, possession(?) sort of (more like integrating), voices, loss of self (since this isn't really MCD), Darker WWX (he's not classic wwx).
Warnings for this Part: Violence (mood song for this part here).
adding a read more line this time because it's much bigger than part 1!
- Part 2
· ✦ Who are you? ✦ ·
Wei Wuxian’s head tilted as he watched Wen Chao scramble to the hems of his torn robes and beg for his life. The blood red hues stared past his inky lashes, calm and deep at first, but then flaring with bright red fractals and a glow not unlike an iron brand that had once marked his chest.
He kicked the Wen away from his hems and narrowed his eyes, letting out a quiet sigh as if dealing with a rat rather than the heir of a sect. “Do not touch me.” He lifted his robe slightly so he could sit down, eyes narrowed and locked on to the disfigured pest.
“You think…for even a moment…I would ever have mercy on you?” His expression was so entirely cold, but his hair lifted slightly from the tremendous amount of resentment drifting off of him. “Funny, really. Didn’t you want to make me scream? Cut off my hand?” His eyes narrowed as he turned his hand slowly for emphasis, that resentment billowing around him like a storm. “That’s right…I haven’t done that yet, have I? Should I start with the left…or the right?” Upon the last word, his voice dropped dangerously, venom practically dripping from his tongue.
Wen Zhuliu moved back into the picture, though this did nothing to phase the black-robed cultivator, if anything it only twisted his face further into something unsettling as if he was about to enjoy himself.
“Wen Zhuliu…do you really think you can protect his dog life from my hands?”
“Better die trying.”
The cold laugh that bubbled up from Wei Wuxian’s throat set everyone’s teeth on edge, no trace of his usual sunshine smile left in his voice. “What a loyal Wen-dog.”
The core-crusher opened his mouth, clearly about to continue their argument but then he was suddenly thrown to the ground by tendrils of resentment. Wei Wuxian’s face, shrouded half in shadow, had certainly lost its calm demeanor in the wake of an unsettling darkness. “Just gets funnier and funnier huh? Think I’m going to listen to that nasty bark of yours? If you’re going to act like a dog, I'll make you yelp like one.”
“Wei Ying!”
Wei Wuxian froze in his stance but seemed a little disappointed as Jiang Cheng took over by pinning Wen Zhuliu to the floor with Sandu. He sighed and leaned back in his seat, the glare in his eyes and resentment fading back into nothing, crossing one leg over the other as if nothing had just happened.
Wei Wuxian’s clothes were still very torn from his fall and the resentment that had scored his flesh, thighs, arms, shoulders- so much of his body was on display and he didn’t even seem to notice. The wounds were no longer there, but he certainly didn’t look like he was in a state to be running around.
Lan Wangji seemed to visibly hesitate a while longer while Jiang Cheng was double checking that their captives couldn’t escape. “Wei Ying…your clothes…”
Wei Wuxian glanced down to his arm where the most of his skin was visible, turning it slightly as if he hadn’t realized the ripped cloth hanging from it. “They are quite torn.” He shrugs, folding his hands in his lap. “The only replacements I could find were Wen robes, and I found that to be beyond my tolerance.” He stood soon after this, pulling his lapels a bit more properly on his shoulders as if trying to be a bit more modest, though he didn’t seem to care if he actually was. “I have plenty of face to spare, but I do apologize for the rather unseemly appearance I'm sporting in front of Hanguang-Jun.”
Lan Wangji’s expression flickered in conflict, seeming to be torn between two different contrasting emotions, but he finally settled on something neutral, pulling off the outermost robe he wore to drape over Wei Wuxian’s shoulders. “Here…it’s a cold night. Until we get back to the others and get you new robes…”
Wei Wuxian’s head turned slightly to look at the robe on his shoulders. So large and white. His head tilted slightly, hand lifting to touch the embroidered hems in what appeared to be a mild curiosity. “Mmm? I thought Lan Zhan didn’t care for me.”
Lan Wangji’s face twisted slightly, lips turning down slightly as if uneasy. “You’re half dressed…” He insisted, only to falter when Wei Wuxian’s face turned back to him, those eyes crescents in their mirth.
“You’re quite a good man, and I know you’re quite upset with this…” Wei Wuxian gestured to himself, the torn robes and half-healed wounds beneath still as blatant as earlier. “But I'm more concerned about the two guests in the room, and I wouldn't want to turn your white robes red.” He reached up, gently tapping the white-clad cultivator’s nose. “So why not take this back, hm?” He moved to remove the robe, but Lan Wangji’s hand stopped him, a low set to his shoulders.
Lan Wangji sighed deeply. “Keep it. It’s cold.” When he stepped back, he kept his eyes off the eerie smile that Wei Wuxian wore. It felt like he wasn’t really looking at the same man…but he couldn’t just leave him like that. Even if his robes were stained beyond recognition, they were replaceable. Wei Wuxian…he was not.
Lan Wangji visibly paused however when he noticed something dark peeking out of Wei Wuxian’s lapels. “…Wei Ying?!”
Alarmed by the sound of distress, Jiang Cheng quickly joined the group, face set in a serious frown. “What’s going on?”
Wei Wuxian’s lapels were forced open by Lan Wangji to reveal a large black stain on his stomach, trailing up from his abdomen not unlike a cursed mark. However, along the surface wisps of resentment licked his skin and had been streaming languidly from his loosened lapels, now revealed to be leaking out of any even partially open wound beneath. The red hues darkened slightly as if irritated, but said nothing to the sudden exposure. “And?”
“What do you mean, and?!” Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and swat Lan Wangji’s hands away reflexively. “What happened? We were supposed to meet and when you show up you look like…this!”
Wei Wuxian straightened up the lapels quietly, though his face looked strangely quaint it was also quite…calculating. It was strange. “Got caught, got tossed somewhere not so nice…came back.” He shrugged, the unsettling smile returning to his lips. “Don’t worry, I'm feeling quite better than I was a while ago and it doesn’t hurt.”
Jiang Cheng frowned and deflated slightly, having expected…well, just…something different than this. He pulled out Suibian and thrust it into Wei Wuxian’s hand. “Whatever, I've brought your sword, you’ll need it to protect yourself on our way back.”
Wei Wuxian seemed surprised at first, turning the sword in his hands for a moment then smiling once more. “Thank you.”
Jiang Cheng’s face softened, but froze as the other held the sword back out to him.
“But I cannot use it anymore.”
“What?” Jiang Cheng’s pupils shrunk, wondering how his shixiong could have such a normal, smiling expression after telling him that he could no longer handle a sword.
“Well, if I were to use it I would get overpowered.” He sighed and held it out to Lan Wangji instead when Jiang Cheng wouldn’t take it. “Could you hold onto this for me, for safekeeping?”
Lan Wangji tentatively took the sword in his hand, eyes lost as he looked at the scabbard. Eventually he did raise his gaze back to the swirling black on his abdomen and the others’ unusual expression. Perhaps, due to the trauma of whatever he’d been through, he wasn't fit for battle right now. “Wei Ying…you should allow yourself time to recover. It may not be good for you to-“
Wei Wuxian shook his head and smiled eerily, “The dogs over there…” His eyes shifted to the two on the floor a few paces away, red hues glaring. “Me and Jiang Cheng still need to settle a few things with them. Right?”
“But you’re…wait.” Lan Wangji moved in front of Wei Wuxian to stop him from continuing forward again. “You’re currently wounded. Why don’t we just get it over with and take you to camp? We need to take you to a healer.”
Wei Wuxian’s eyes darkened as they were lifted back up to the other man. “Lan Wangji, I will happily go after we have taken care of our sect business.”
Lan Wangji’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but pressed still despite the sting his courtesy name from the other’s lips brought. “Wei Wuxian! You’re hurt, and this cultivation will hurt you further!” His eyes darted about the other’s face in conflict, before he spoke hesitantly once more. “Come back to Gusu with me.”
“To Gusu?” The man blinked in surprise and tilted his head, frowning and squinting at the other. “Why there? To punish me? Drag me through healer after healer to try to fix me?” His nose bridge scrunched up at the thought, but his eyelashes lowered in a regrettably beautiful and haunting way. “We both know how much your sect hates my cultivation. And as it is…it’s too late to fix me, Light bearer.”
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mossyriverrocks · 5 months
ok uhhhh how i draw ig idk 😭 I’m really bad at this idk why I’m doing this but anyways
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^ I use either of these to sketch, usually in a brighter color. I generally gravitate towards blues but it honestly depends on who I’m drawing.
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Then I um um uh sketch idk how to like. Talk about it it just comes really naturally uhhh. I always start with the head. First you draw a circle. Y’know. And then the body underneath with like a. A line. For the shoulders and turn that into the body and like a box I guess idk. I added the red box line this just to make the anatomy clearer or something idk I usually just draw it and then move on. So I lower the sketch opacity and move on to lineart. I use a downloaded brush for it which uhhhhh I forget where I got it :( but uh it’s max stabilization because I can’t make non shaky lines lmao
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I um got a little fancy here sowwy :( so um um um um uhhh um idk 😭 lineweight ig I love lineweight!!!! 😍 I just uhhh put it where I think it should or just. Do it accidentally idk sowwy 😓
So uh I don’t actually add color before I do colors but like since she has black sclera and color eyes I was just like eh why not yknow so uh
next I add.. colors. Idk how I shade like. Changes so sometimes I do flats and sometimes I’ll just do one color and shade it and do the next color and shade so uhhh idk I’ll do flats first here
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So uh. Flats. Idk not much to say here. I just color picked from her ref. And chose colors when I needed to bc that’s not her usual outfit
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So then I just. Idk. Hue shifting 😍 I just add stuff where it feels right tbh sorry :(
I don’t actually use a light source for most things unless it’s like really dramatic I probably should. Do that…..
and then I like. Idk just. Repeat. For. The other colors. Sorry this is NOT helpful I’m sorry 😭 I usually like. So for the edge of the shadow I add a darker color shifted to the left or right, and towards the … uhhh opposite side of the edge I add a slightly lighter color also shifted. Bounce light or something idk. Then like highlights if I want idk 😭
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So um I went too far oopsies but uhhh yeah look at her go we aren’t done yet though so uhhh um uh i honestly don’t know from here I just. Add stuff until it looks cool enough. I gotta edit the cigarette smoke (WHICH BY THE WAY, NOT TRYING TO MAKE IT LOOK COOL. SMOKING GIVES YOU CANCER SO UM. PROBABLY DONT) and uhhhh yeah idk I’ve said all I can basically 😭😭😭😭😭 I kinda lose myself in the process and like. Don’t think at all? I kinda forget I or anything else exists. Why I like drawing: 🤭 but ummmmm um um yeah see you on the other side ig 😞
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Yea. Um. Um. Yea. If you have questions pLEASE ask I like. I didn’t this very badly 😓 but anyways yeah that’s my. Crappy art tutorial featuring my OC Luna
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rriavian · 5 months
I saw the "Soft™ fic prompt meme" and couldn't resist: may I ask you 10 or 18 for Morpheus and little Orpheus? I adored "Delicate Negotiations" and the way you wrote them <3
Thank you so much for this prompt! I loved writing 'Delicate Negotiations' so I'm really happy that you enjoyed how I write these two :) Writing this fic was just as fun so I hope you like it!
This grew to be a little longer than expected, so here is the link to it on ao3: Lead the Way
When they reached the first set of traffic lights Orpheus wanted to be the one to press the button.
The crossing itself was approximately three minutes away from his school. The road immediately outside of the building had never been a problem, was manned by a very diligent woman—look dad! It’s the lollipop lady!—and they had never needed to worry about the safety of crossing there. Her presence reliable even an hour after school had ended; not only for the winter months when it was darker than usual, a familiar face all year round, there even when the after school activities Orpheus enjoyed resulted in a later pick up. Once they ventured further they had no such assistance, no crowd to follow either, the peace of nearly empty streets theirs to enjoy.
There was a chill in the air.
Winter made clear its presence in this crispness, in the fog it made of their breath. In such a season most of the other parents preferred to travel home by car but Dream had always enjoyed walking. Even the cold had beauty. He found the time spent outdoors invigorating, found an additional benefit in how it was a far more useful tool in which to teach Orpheus, an immeasurable value found in a practical lesson.
The hour was edging into late afternoon, the evening making a greeting of a farewell, the sun slipping low in the sky. It was not yet out of sight, an amber glow across the horizon, but it was already beginning to get dark. There was shade setting into the brick of nearby houses, a hint of shadow that would soon unfold far more rapidly. They should be home before then. The traffic lights at this first stop were currently red, cars zooming past while they stood on the pavement, a rush of sound made by both tires and engine.
Orpheus was looking expectantly towards the button that would signal the traffic lights to change.
After a moment he glanced back, peered up at Dream, a wordless request that nonetheless made his intent clear. Though they had come to a stop Dream had not yet moved towards it, and so now he nodded. Orpheus had to let go of his hand to reach up and press the button, a moment where he stood alone, Dream still in reach but a new distance in how he was a moment away. Once done he looked back for approval—unmoving until he saw his father’s small smile—and then Orpheus very seriously took hold of Dream’s hand once again.
“Remember that we must wait for the light to turn green,” Dream said solemnly.
His son’s stoicism withdrew in favour of excitement; an elated smile extending right up into his eyes, proud to demonstrate his knowledge of these steps. “Then we cross!!”
“Yes.” Dream nodded.
They waited patiently, crossed when the lights changed and they heard a familiar beeping sound, turned left, reached another corner and then turned right.
The streets were still empty, but an observer might have seen two figures dressed in warm winter clothes, one small, one tall, linked by a hand reaching down while another reached up. A calibration of two different gaits; two smaller steps for every larger one, so easy to misalign, yet there was care in how they both kept pace with each other as they walked.
Dream was carrying his son’s school bag.
The shoulder strap hold carefully in a slim hand. Next to him Orpheus wore a soft knit hat covering his brown curls, the wool a deep, ocean blue, while Dream had a black scarf tucked into his equally dark coat. There had been a brief disagreement over gloves—my son your hands will get cold—but Orpheus had eventually agreed to put them on after some gentle persuasion. Well, it had been more of a reminder really, a casual comment made at just the right moment. After all, those gloves had been a gift from Calliope, and wouldn’t she like to know how well they fit?
It had granted him a pause. Then a nod. Orpheus had been swayed by mention of his mother, had flexed his fingers in the soft gloves, had shyly commented that they kept his fingers very warm.
He had wanted to be able to tell her that.
Orpheus would be able to prove it once they arrived home. They took another left, followed the road straight, and the next time they stopped Dream was sure to do so a fair bit away from the edge of the curb. It was as usual, his choice of position deliberate to demonstrate the correct place to stand.
He looked down at his son.
“May I press the button this time?”
Orpheus tilted his head up, met Dream’s eyes, a pale face framed by his ocean blue hat, thoughtful as he took a moment to consider the request. His nose was starting to turn a little red from the cold, which made Dream frown, already considering how to ensure his son was warm enough when he took him to school tomorrow. Perhaps he could persuade him to wear his own scarf…
“Alright.” Orpheus was chewing on his lip when he replied. “I suppose that’s fair.”
Dream smiled. “Thank you.”
He pressed the button.
“Need to wait for the green man.” Orpheus said seriously once it lit up. “Then we can go.”
After a minute or so it turned green.
And off they went again.
From then on they preceded to take it in turns to press the button—Orpheus very graciously making the allowance, strictly keeping track of who had gone last—and soon enough they reached the part of their journey where they’d be crossing roads without the assistance of any more traffic lights. As before Dream led them to a stop, now locating a section of the curb that was safest to attempt a crossing, finding a place where the lip of the pavement dipped flat to the road. It was a familiar part of their journey; Orpheus was eagle eyed as ever, critically surveying the opposite side of the road, sizing the distance. The path to reach it was filled with peril, a danger so very real, perhaps mundane for those used to such things but even then this would still be hazardous.
It was a mighty enemy for one so small.
Dream approved of his son’s seriousness. “Now little muse, what do we do here?”
“We look left and right, then repeat, and we can only cross once the road is clear.” Orpheus replied promptly, repeating words he’d been told in a tone that was very matter of fact. The understanding wasn’t empty though.
“Good. Do you wish to decide when we go?”
Orpheus nodded in quiet determination. “I can do it.”
The question had been an honest one, the choice had been a real thing offered, and though he’d not have been disappointed Dream was still pleased Orpheus felt confident enough to attempt this alone. His little face looked left and right, carefully watching the cars driving past, waiting for a gap in the traffic so that they could cross. It wasn’t quite rush hour yet, but it was still busy, and so the vehicles were coming quite quickly without much of a space in between. The hour meant it unlikely many motorists would be willing to slow down to allow them to cross. The task required endurance; it was not a time of year that made waiting easy, there was still that chill in the air, winter nipping at exposed skin with icy teeth.
It was the sort of cold that sank, that was felt more deeply the longer they both stood still. But Orpheus was patient. He didn’t fall prey to the temptation to rush, to ignore a risk, and soon there was a lull in the traffic sufficient for them to cross.
“Very good.” Dream approved as they crossed the road, sure to give praise when it was due, it important for his son to know that he’d done well. He asked his question when they reached the other side. “Are you pleased?”
There was no hesitation in how Orpheus nodded. “It’s not so scary anymore.”
“Then soon we can move to the next stage of learning.” Dream kept his tone soft, not tentative but mindful of potentially unsteady ground. “I will cross first and you will follow.”
Orpheus tightened his grip on Dream’s hand.
It seemed a reflex.
“I suppose.” His voice was tight with anxiety, a fear he didn’t see a need to hide, faith instead that Dream would soothe it now it’d been revealed. “Not today though?”
Dream shook his head, squeezed his son’s gloved hand gently. “No, little muse. Not today.”
“That’s ok then.”
The reassurance perked Orpheus up in a manner that was quite encouraging. His tone already lightened, no sign of anxiety now, the insecurity real but easily put away. This must not be a deep fear then. Orpheus relaxed, his grip on Dream’s hand loosened, holding on but not clinging as if he thought it likely that Dream was about to let go. They once again took it in turns to lead the crossings, took turns to choose the place to cross too, Orpheus easily taking them to the curved segments of pavement that were intended for that very purpose. Their practise had paid off, Orpheus was patient each time, was confident, his grip on Dream's hand so relaxed as to be almost absent. So familiar to be unconscious. He was soon humming to himself as they walked—a tune Dream recognised, a familiar song from an advertisement they had seen on television—continuing as they crossed the last few roads before they arrived at their home.
Above the sky went the way of rust.
Sunlight was fading fast, but that was alright, Dream had been correct that they would make it back before evening fell and the streetlamps took their turn to light the way. As they turned the last corner Orpheus stopped humming, began to sing the rhyme instead; his voice clear, beautiful, a talent to be sure but Dream’s son sang for joy not recognition.
“Though you know the road well, Still you never can tell You’ve got to be wise You can be surprised On the roads near home… Stop, think, and go.”
A big breath, a giggle, and then—
In the lull between the lines Orpheus looked up expectantly. His brown eyes bright, a wide grin beaming across his small face like light shining, like streetlights in the darkness, like the full bloom of midday. Dream smiled softly, heeding the unspoken request to join in, and they sang the last bit together—
(From this prompt list.)
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
Unending Love
Summary: The future Barsen’thor meets his mother after suffering an attack which killed his Jedi father. His father had left a package to be delivered by Praz to the smuggler on Tatooine known as Sash Blod.
Tag list: @commander-krios
He let out a breath as he stood outside the door, staring at it with wide, uncertain amber eyes. He clutched the package in his hands, trying to calm the shaking. It didn’t help much, and only made the package rattle in his hands. A Jedi was in control, a Jedi never let their emotions get the better of them. That was what was expected of the Jedi, after all. It’s what he had learned since he was practically born.
Yet he couldn’t help being scared.
The wounds were still raw for the young male zabrak. The memory of his father’s life being taken before him. The pain inflicted by the sith who appeared human but bore red eyes. One hand raised to trace the new scars on either cheek, recalling the hum and the heat from the lightsaber as it struck.
He had to keep his father’s wishes. He couldn’t let fear keep his nerves on edge and unable to even knock on the door of the quaint apartment on Tatooine. The village was a little known one but not far from a spaceport, which made sense with the woman’s occupation. He glanced up and down the street, seeing no one near and the only sound wind rushing through the sand.
He took another breath again, raising a shaky hand to ring, hoping she’d allow entrance. She should have been home, by what he’d researched.
His eyes flickered down to the holo projected image of a woman appearing. The blue tone couldn’t tell him much, merely she was Zabrak like him, maybe a lighter skin tone, curly, loose hair and four horns.
“What do you want?” Her tone was harsh, untrusting with a very strong tinge of an Iridonian accent. The young male kept himself from wincing but couldn’t help the stutter.
“S-Sash Blod? I-I have a package for you,” he stammered, holding up a card as his father had instructed in his will. The image which looked like a crest laced with thorny vines and flowers seemed to cause the woman to pause.
“Get in here before you get heatstroke.” Her tone was harsh once again, but there was more to it. Almost as if she’d seen a ghost. He jumped back a bit as the door shot open. He looked down to see the small woman staring at him before she pulled him inside and the door shut.
He looked about the place, noting how it was sparsely done. In case a quick run was needed, leaving nothing behind to weigh her down. Just a common room with a stove for cooking and two doors leading off; probably one to a bedroom and another to a fresher. It was dark, poorly lit but he could still make out some old flimsy maps laying out on the table and crates strewn about.
“Uh, here,” he said, turning his attention back to her and handing her the package. He kept his eyes pointed at the rug on the floor. Something cheap, looking like a knock off of some Alderaanian noble’s rug. The edges were frayed and he took time counting the fringes until she took the item from him.
“What’s your name, boy?” The question startled him and he looked up at her with wide surprised eyes. He actually took her in a bit more this time. Her shade was much lighter than his own but still a warm darker olive hue. Her hair was a dark toned blonde, almost matching with her skin tone in the shade of the room. What startled him the most, though, was looking at her eyes was like looking at his own. The same shade and shape as his own but hers had years wear around them.
“P-Praz…Praz Toth.” He watched her as the name seemed to sink in. He watched as she collapsed in a chair near the table, still holding onto the package. Praz moved quick, kneeling beside her to make sure she was all right, concern lighting his eyes. One of her hands reached out, running along his large scars then the spiderweb of scars from dark force lightning. He closed his eyes, furrowing his brows as he tried to control his emotions from the burning memories. Feeling his mother’s touch, even though he hadn’t known her, held an odd source of comfort and he leaned into her touch ever so slightly as a tear ran down his cheek.
“Your father…”
“Open it, Mother.” He opened his eyes and nodded to the package. Sash looked over at it and Praz could feel the wave of emotions coming from her. Fear, dread, sorrow, all rolled into a strong, powerful wave and rushed over him. She looked back at him.
“Please tell me. Is Hak-”
“You have to open it.” Those had been his father’s instructions. 
With a shaky hand, Sash removed it from her son’s cheek to open the box. She set it down on the table, pulling out a holo locket. She flipped it on, revealing an image of her with a male Zabrak with the darkest skin tone, dark brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail and three horns in the middle of his forehead and one on each side. His orange eyes were full of warmth and affection as he looked towards the woman, who’s own look was mirth hiding much warmer feelings.
Sash flicked it over, turning it over in her hands before clutching it to her chest. She pulled out the other item in the box, a holorecording. The same man from the holo locket appeared when she flicked it on, standing stately in his Jedi robes.
“Sash,” the recording began with the man’s strong yet gentle voice, “we knew this day would come. The day when I would become one with the Force. I had hoped…” He paused, as if trying to quell some emotion. “I had hoped we would meet again and you could see how fine a boy Praz has become. He makes me so proud, Sash. He’s everything a young Zabrak should be. That’s why I had him deliver this, so you could see him yourself.” He wore a proud smile, eyes shining in affection at the mention of their son. Sash covered her mouth to hide the choked sob, but it hadn’t done much good. Praz looked to his mother, resting a hand on her shoulder. “I know you were afraid and I never wanted to force anything on you. I never wanted you to be unhappy, Sash. Your happiness was one of the most important things to me. If you were happy, I was happy. Because I loved you and I always will love you. I’ll always be with both you and our son, even if you can’t see me there. Remember that, the both of you. You are both the most important people in my life. I’ll never abandon you, even in death.”
The recording shut off and Sash covered her face in her hands, bending forward as another sob quaked through her body. Praz felt his own sorrow rising at his father’s parting words and wrapped his arms around his mother as she cried. He could feel the hot sting of tears in his eyes threatening and he knew he had to accept it. He had to release it so it would not consume him. And so he wept with his mother. The two alone in that dark, lonely apartment on Tatooine, reunited after years apart. The only thing they knew of each other was their shared grief.
But that was enough.
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
....Sooo I um, y’all... I forgot,, to post the thingy I had been working on, gjfkdlfgjd so im doing it now before I forget too,, its just a fucked up Cerberus lookin ass amalgamation of an animatronic,, three lads combined into one body
I SHOULD say,, this is just the base description, anything in side facts n shit like that can be subject to change when I write stories, I say that bc 9 times outta 10 I DO change some shit around when writing with all the things I make, this shit has probs already been done before like oh fusing them essentially into one body, lmao i dont,, really care, I just had my own vision in mind and voila here we are
| Name: Galaxy
| Nickname: Gala
| Gender: They/It/He
| Age: Doesn’t have one, it’s literally an animatronic …er, well…
| Height: 20ft
| Species/Race: They’re basically three animatronics fused to one really messy body
| Occupation: Former Daycare Attendants, more so just guards and protects the Daycare (what remains of it anyway) now than anything
| Eye Colors: Moon has red and white eyes, Sun has blue eyes, and Eclipse’s eyes are just a dark orange void sorta thing (his pupils are a dark red color but you can see little white specks in them)
| Appearance: I’m skipping straight here to explain all the details I need to, soo let’s start off with the left half or… Moon essentially- his face is just,, well normal in all honesty the only thing different is him looking v scratched and beat up and p dirty, same goes for Sun in those regards and even Eclipse- p much the entire BODY looks beaten to hell and back and dirty- And for smaller more intricate details for the damage, Sun’s missing two of his rays bottom left and upper right, the body’s got damage that makes them occasionally spark and it hurts all three of them, you cannot touch ANY part of the body that belongs to Eclipse.
Reason being they’ll burn you p much (his parts are p much the middle torso, his arms, face, and then its legs but those are covered by pants but I still wouldn't risk touching them), I’m not changing much from like canon designs soo Moon is p much just the white n blue colors, right down to his blue starry pants that glow in the dark btw, Sun’s pants are the same ol striped ones, and Eclipse’s pants are just inverse colors of Sun’s essentially, a darker orange color (and he’s got black stars on them), also they still got the bells attached to their wrists, Eclipse doesn’t have any bells however.
Moon has his sharp teeth and claws, Sun doesn’t have any of those things, and Eclipse has not just sharp teeth BUT their v crooked and jagged as hell, and basically they’re fucking fingers are just long claws (Moon’s torso is the upper one and Sun’s torso is the bottom one) also both Moon n Sun have their slippers p much from game, Eclipse’s is inverse color and has what is, well,, an obvious Eclipse marking on its shoes- The thing that connects them to the neck, basically okay imagine a pitchfork BUT with only three pointy bits instead of four, of course it’s a MUCH thicker-esque pole than that to support their weight, but those three poles connect their heads to the body.
And if it wasn’t obvious, they basically have six legs connected to this one body, and of course six arms (Moon’s legs being left, Eclipse’s legs in the middle, Sun’s legs on the right and then for the arms, Moon’s arms being top, Eclipse’s in the middle again, and finally of course Sun’s arms on the bottom) speaking of their torso is actually fairly long (I mean we SAW how lanky those fuckers were in the game) and they need a big torso to support that body of theirs.
Eclipse has rays much like Sun’s but they are that darker orange color (the top ray is literally bent and hanging on by a thread at this point) the bottoms of the rays has a dark red coming out of them essentially, they’re face is all black but on the edge of the circle it's got a white glow around it (p much like encircling the entire faceplate, that should make more sense) and his mouth is a bit hard to explain its VERY much different from Sun and Moon's mouth- its basically like when it opens its mouth- its a PURE WHITE void inside, the only thing you can see is basically the blackness that’s shaped into teeth, it might look like mere shadows but don’t be fooled, it can definitely tear things apart with those teeth. However much like the others- You can see the faintest outline of the moon part of the faceplate and of course the sun part of the faceplate.
I dunno if I explained this part just yet but uh his fingers- er, well claws I guess are that dark red color meanwhile his arms, hands and legs underneath the pants are the darker orange color (he’s got some areas that look black too tho, whether its purely filth or part of they’re design who knows lmao) now I don’t know if I have any more details to cover bgfjkdlgfjd I’m so forgetful its why I don’t d o shit like this that often but the FINAL things I can think of are p much 1: Eclipse’s rays essentially are a bit more flowy-esque then Sun’s and finally 2: They have a long tail, it’s made up of all the other kinds of planets and then has a star at the end of it (the star along with the planets also glows in the dark, i just think its fun- there's no rhyme or reason for glow in the dark tail I just like the aesthetic)
I changed a few things about Sun n Moon but not MUCH- I was more so invested in keeping my own Eclipse design, at least for in THIS AU in particular lmao (i did forget one thing, they have buttons going up the torso, Sun’s buttons being red, Eclipse’s Black, and Moon’s blue, both Sun and Moon’s buttons squeak, Eclipse’s do not)
| Side Facts: Not going to bother with a personality part, but all you really need to know is that they’re NOT evil even though they look like an absolute monster, they aren’t evil- Now they COULD be misunderstood at first and that’s mostly because if someone ACTUALLY fucking enters the Daycare- After ALL these years?!? If someone ACTUALLY enters it would do everything in its power to make sure that person N E V E R leaves them again… …So kinda yandere-ish in a way but not intentionally evil, they’re just EXTREMELY lonely and have honestly a lot of trauma deep down, their scared of being abandoned again so SEVERE abandonment issues p much- They just want a new friend… They’ve been lonely for s o long now, won’t you keep them company~?
…Oh I will say though they ARE super unhinged and feral gHGJKFLHGJFDKS- I mean that’s just them naturally, its AMPED up tho to a 100 considering their stuck in one body p much.
P much- THE BEST WAY I CAN DESCRIBE IT IS THEY’RE LIKE A GIANT PUPPY WHO JUST,, DOESNT UNDERSTAND SHIT ANYMORE- like for example, they don’t understand boundaries, they don’t understand they could push things too far- They can be VERY clingy too btw, will show nothing but affection if they grow attached to you …But there’s always lingering fear even if you grow a relationship with them that you’ll wind up leaving them behind too, just like everyone else did…
Needs A LOT and I mean a LOT of reassurance but in the end he’s very lovable, friendly, and sweet …can be grumpy sometimes especially if woken up which that’s a lot of Moon and then other times VERY energetic which is Sun, and then Eclipse? …It's just, well, Eclipse lmao- kinda a neutral ground
Now… I won’t say they CAN’T be a threat but that’d mostly be the overprotective nature it can get if it grows attached to someone and he DOES have the capacity to kill or hurt ANYONE and I mean ANYONE if they are deemed a threat, and it's hard to stop them if they have deemed anything a threat… But usually, they- despite being unhinged and feral as fuck- They are nice and sweet, a giant puppy who just wants a new fren WHO W O N T LEAVE AND ABANDON THEM… HAHAHA… Ahem-
As I stated earlier,, Gala usually guards and watches over the remains of the Daycare, that is their home, and sometimes when they get especially lonely they do love to look at the drawings the kids had made for them so long ago, it thinks fondly on those memories of the kids, laughing, singing, playing around- Having a wonderful time with their three friends, Sun, Moon, and… Eclipse… . . . Sometimes, he gets himself so upset with the memories- sure they are good and wonderful BUT it hurts that nobody has come around for, hmm how long has it even been? They lost track of time years and years ago…
Galaxy doesn’t like mirrors, they DESPISE anytime they can see themselves, they don’t wanna see this body they're stuck in, they don’t want constant reminders of what happened… It just wants to go back to normal, all in their own bodies, it doesn’t want to be a monster… So needless to say it uh does have something like self-esteem issues and those can get pretty bad if he sees themselves in a mirror or any reflective surface, it’s just a constant reminder when they see their body what they have truly become.
OKAY,, ASIDE FROM SAD AND DEPRESSING SHIT BC JFC I JUST REALIZED THERE'S NOTHING GOOD HERE,, Galaxy can be very loving and sweet when you grow close to it, despite such overprotectiveness and fear of abandonment, it can be very loving- Now sure they know they can’t touch you, not with the spark thing and of course Eclipse burning you, BUT you know- This giant lad will admire the hell out of you from a safe distance, brings you gifts and trinkets whenever he can (again, giant puppy) while their voice boxes aren’t what they used to be, they are v much happy to listen, sometimes the occasional voice will break through.
You’ll hear either of their voices at times, Eclipse’s voice you unfortunately can’t understand anymore because its voice box is p much gone at this point so they mostly stick to sign language when they want to speak, sometimes when the others want to speak badly enough as well instead of hoping one of their voices gets through- They will also use sign language, you’ll hear many things on them actually, sounds of whirring, glitchy or just broken sounds, their voices, sometimes static, and then of course the occasional sparking sound.
But I’m not going to lie… What they wouldn’t GIVE to hold you close to them, you cuddle you as closely as they physically can, but if they could do that well… It would NEVER let go of you, I’m not exaggerating you would genuinely be carried e v e r y w h e r e- even though they know not to get close enough to burn or shock you, they still don’t know boundaries at all,, jkfgljgfds they’re trying their best, like come on they haven’t had any animatronics let ALONE H U M A N S to interact with in god knows h o w long!
…And of course you’re probably wondering, what the FUCK happened to these three? What happened to The Mega Pizzaplex? What- JUST W HAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!? …Weeeeellllll…. If I told you that’d spoil the fuuuunnnn, silly~! >:] …AANNYYYWAYS~! He also loves to finger paint, tell stories, they attempt to sing lullabies but it never works …so they play it on somethin else instead lmao, or just play games in general tbh- it reminds them of their time spent tending to the children in the Daycare, it can cheer them up usually …And I say USUALLY for a reason btw.
I suppose that uh Sun or Moon could hold you but then Eclipse gets jealous and angry bc he can’t hold you so they prefer to not pick you up or hold you or ANYTHING like that tbh, but now I will say, even though I won’t say how just yet, there IS a way to fix all their issues it’d just take fucking F O R E V E R considering they’re 20ft tall lmao
Also shit I did forget to mention something appearance wise, that lil uh skirt lookin thing they have on p much- They have that BUT it’s literally combined- like in the front is Eclipse’s dark orange n black stars, left is Moon’s blue and starry one, and then finally Sun’s red and yellow stripes on the right.
Btw VERY overprotective over any children that come around even tho the kids usually run away from them, but if a child were to stick around- that child will be protected- you will n o t hurt them, try it and you’ll suffer just sayin- cause uh there’s MUCH worse things they can do to you aside from burning or electrocution… 
Another thing, goddammit im noticing so much shit i missed FHJVKLFGJKDS- but uh the ‘poles’ that essentially connect to the body are color coded ghjfkdjdks no reason for that either i just think it looks nicer,, Moon’s being blue, Sun’s of course is yellow, and then Eclipse’s is darker orange. Also those ‘poles’ used to not necessarily be polls- it uh let their heads stretch out a bit, kinda like something out of a literal fucking cartoon but considering its been years since they’ve been cleaned and repaired, they’ve got parts missing, damaged, some color has deteriorated, and they also even have some rust in certain areas, but uh those are just stiff ass polls now so-
Oh yeah, Eclipse has little white sparkles on the palms of its hands (looks like stars shining on its palms) , Moon has well, moons on his palms, and then Sun well- obviously has Suns on his palms.
They also have a good few wires sticking out of them too which is not safe but again, who's going to willingly volunteer to repair a 20ft animatronic that looks like T H A T!
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augustdementhe · 1 year
Screaming 'HEAL DAMMIT' at the tit crater counts as magic, I don't make the rules.
I left the dressing off it on Saturday, turned on my space heater and went to sleep topless and it scabbed over nicely. But then I ruined it with a shower, parts of the edges opened back up so I put a bandage with belka-mnhahaha hydrocl-emnaneaha on it on Sunday.
Blood spotted today, so I removed the bandage, doused it in some antibacterial wound wash with more belk-smomehnmen in it and put another imbued bandage on it.
The wound looks smaller so I wonder if I should have another tits out day and let it scab up again? I guess that'll make it harder to take a culture from if needed though. Mregh.
Half the things I see say dryness for wounds other shit says moisture, and I just....FFFFFFFFFF. But Dr.'s orders were to keep it covered, so letting it air scab was already me going out of bounds.
I'm very ready to be done with this.
I can see a ring of darker skin around the open part, and I'm worried that that'll start sloughing off. It still bleeds for fuckssakes, but as ever, thankfully, there's been no fever, odor, red lines, extra inflammation, nor pain in excess of a 3, and even then that's only been when my breast flops in a way it doesn't like, or if I run into anything tit first, which...happens.
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ensemblestarscafe · 2 years
S. REI > Unbloomed Lilac. <
gender neutral reader, 2 shots espresso(angst)
TW/CW(please read): reader has passed at an early age.
word count: 675 proofread? ✔
ORDER: hello! 2 shot espreso with rei? thank you vv much kayu san! - anonymous sender
Childhood. Something Rei missed. In his room there were picture frames of his family and some with him and a child.
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That child was his old childhood friend, and in the picture was Rei, a young dark green haired boy, and the same child.
The other frame had the same child that Rei was staring at with nostalgia. A small caption on watercolour paper was in the same picture, with the contents of, ‘(l/n) (y/n)’. The child had (e/c) eyes. Though it was an old picture, it was evident that Rei had taken care of it deeply, the ends of the picture still a light yellow – when the other pictures had much more darker brown and yellow edges, showing their age. The picture was also kept in the more fancier and vintage frames than the others.
Rei took the picture from its place as he looks at the delicately placed picture with melancholy, his red eyes holding tears as they do their best to not cry. Though their strength and effort were thrown away easily by the wave of choked desolation as the tears fell free to the glass and floor.
Rei’s eyes widen as he quickly wipes off the tears from the glass with care, setting the small picture frame back to its place. 
Before leaving the room, he looks at the picture once again.
He remembered the despondency of his state when he had heard the news. He was only ten. That should be around nine or so years ago. A good time to forget slowly.
Rei was never able to forget. The time when he had to attend the funeral – the face of a young child no more than the age of nine or ten – eyes closed, and skin unnaturally gleaming with artificial life, a work of an embalmer’s. Make up done carefully and delicately on the skin to make it look like the child – you – were sleeping.
Yet Rei himself knew at that age that he wouldn’t be able to see those (e/c) colours, unique to his old friend. He knew that yesterday was the last time to see them. He knew that yesterday was the last time to talk to you. To see you. To properly interact with you. He knew. He knew that other people similar to you wouldn’t be you.
He knew. And he still knew it to this date. The petals of white lilacs falling down from the bushes – something that seemed to signify your passing.
Rei left the room, many thoughts in mind as he leaves his house. Walking towards the familiar park where the white lilac trees towered over the man - dropping their petals on his form - some sticking to his cheeks that still held those tears. Everything felt ethereal. And as he saw further into the distance, he saw the petals forming a small figure. A child.
His red eyes widen as he tries to run to where it had formed. But after a split second, the white petals fell.
He drops to the ground as he looks at the pile of petals.
On top of it was a small paper note with a lilac flower stuck on it with paper tape – was it even possible for a note to be there? The note read, 
To my bestest friend ever, Rei!
Thank you for being by my side even when I was sick and tired! I really thank you. I’m sorry I have to go now, because I need to… but before I go, remember that I really, really, really love you!
Bye bye! (y/n)
He knew that handwriting.
It was yours. 
Once he had read the handwritten and heartfelt note, the desolate dry ground of his emotions broke down as a crash of anguish and despair washed over the emptiness of his heart, tears forming as they drop onto the note and onto his hands.
And when a drop of his tear fell onto the white petals of the flower, it gleamed.
Just like how you had smiled.
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uwusenpaiuwu · 3 years
Baji A.K.A. The Worst (Best) Matchmaker Ever
Summary: Baji dares you to call Mikey a ‘piss boy.’ You’re an idiot, so of course you say you’ll do it. Things don’t go as planned...or do they?
Pairing: Sano Manjirou | Mikey x Male Reader
Warning(s): mentions of omorashi (pissing), but there’s no actual pissing involved
You’re gonna die. Oh, dear God, our holy Lord and savior, you’re gonna fucking die.
Baji may be an idiot, but you’re an even bigger idiot for letting him convince you to call Mikey a piss boy.
It’s a pretty damn good trade-off, you foolishly reasoned when you accepted his offer: $10 and a spin on his motorcycle, which is basically hitting the jackpot for a broke, motorcycle-less middle schooler like yourself.
Now, what you failed to take into consideration, is that you’d literally be risking your life. Had you taken a step back and used your brain for a second or two, you would’ve realized that calling Mikey, of all people, a ‘piss boy’ isn’t worth the measly $10 Baji is currently waving in the air from across the room.
You open your mouth to chicken out. Baji pulls out another $10.
“You wanna waste your allowance? Fuckin’ fine,” you grumble under your breath, making damn well sure your icy glare is received and, yeah, the irritating smirk that widens across Baji’s face when you continue on your path to your demise means your message is read, crystal clear. He just doesn’t give a shit.
Taking a deep breath, you square your shoulders and practically march towards where Mikey is casually munching on fresh taiyaki, legs crisscrossed as he sits atop an old crate.
Oh, man. What would’ve been worse: interrupting one of Mikey’s naps or interrupting him mid-snack?
(Un)Luckily, you get to experience one of them today!
When your footsteps lead you to where you don’t want to be, you stop to stand directly in front of your target, who doesn’t immediately look up in your presence. Simply keeps munch, munch, munching.
It gives you a chance to hesitate, a chance to rethink your reckless decision, a chance to back out and save yourself from a one-sided ass beating.
Alas, the chance to make that split-second decision vanishes when deep, dark eyes flicker up to meet yours, the owner’s expression reading that he’s not exactly bothered to see you there, rather, simply curious to know what you want.
It’s the perfect moment to get this bet over and done with, so, along with your prayers, you just go outright and say it.
“‘Sup, Piss Boy.”
Mikey stops chewing, and you already feel your heart about to burst out of your chest.
The room comes to a dead silence, making it all the more nerve-wracking when, following a dreadful minute of absolutely nothing, Toman’s leader speaks.
It’s the only word he says, voice low, emotionless, and instead of it being a question, it’s a demand, a challenge even, to dare you to reaffirm what couldn’t have possibly come out of your mouth.
You remind yourself to breathe, while mentally preparing yourself to get decked in the face, ‘cause it’s way too late to backpedal now. One of your feet is already in the grave; it wouldn’t hurt to speed things up and launch your entire body in there.
“Nothing. I just- I wanted to know how my, uh...my little piss boy is...doing?”
Well, you lived a good life.
Mikey stares at you, unblinking.
One second passes. Two.
“Are you into that?”
“I- Huh?”
“Baji said you’re into some weird stuff, but that’s pretty fucking dirty, (Y/n). Even dirtier than Ken-chin’s tastes.”
(”Don’t fucking drag me into this shit.”)
Seeing the horrified confusion on your face, Mikey’s head tilts ever so slightly to the side.
“You want me to take a leak on you, right?” he asks, and that’s when your soul says its farewell, leaving behind a red-faced corpse on the verge of combusting. Bringing a hand to his chin, he adds, “Or, did you want to piss on me?”
You thought getting beat up by Mikey would be bad?
No, no, no.
You’d gladly take that over this humiliation.
“Hey, Baji! What did the couple in your porn mag do? Did they take turns or what?”
And Baji, the piece of shit, can’t hold it in anymore and breaks out in the most obnoxious laughter, the kind that’s loud, unrestrained, and has him doubling over, gasping for air.
“Oh, fuck, this is gold!” He’s wheezing at this point, triggering a few of the others to start laughing as well, including Mitsuya, who, to his credit, at least tries to stifle his laughter. “Ask (Y/n) what he prefers! Ask!”
At the other boy’s persistence, Mikey raises an eyebrow at you, giving you his full attention as though genuinely curious to know what your pissing preferences are. It causes the flush coloring your face to turn 10 shades darker and 10 degrees hotter.
You don’t know what’s worse: the fact that your friends now think you have a piss kink, or the fact that Mikey is open to exploring said kink with you.
“So, what’ll it be?”
“I...” What do you even say in this situation?
“Do you want me to pee on you?” Mikey asks again in a much softer voice, hoping it’ll reassure you into giving him a direct answer. He doesn’t want to scare you, no. Knowing how nervous you get around him, he’s been doing his best to show only the good sides of himself to you.
That must be why he takes your hand in his, giving it a little squeeze to encourage you to speak up. What he doesn’t know, is that as opposed to being comforted by the kind action, it makes you feel mortified, especially at the insinuation of you wanting him to release his bodily fluids on you.
So mortified, actually, that the first thing that comes out of your mouth is an unintentionally shy, “Please, don’t pee on me...”
You realize your mistake the second those words are said.
Ahh! No! That’s not what you were supposed to say!
Why didn’t you say you don’t want anything to do with piss in general?!
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Your head is spinning, thoughts going haywire after misspeaking , but what really sends you over the edge is the, admittedly, cute little smile you catch on Mikey’s face. Now, not only is your head in disarray, so is your heart.
“Alright. Since it’s you, I’ll let you do it.”
Nope. That’s it for you. Time to clock out of consciousness.
“Oh. He passed out.”
Abrupt as it is, your passing out is of no concern whatsoever to Mikey. Nah, he finds it endearing as hell and crouches down to admire your ‘sleeping’ face.
“He must’ve been super happy,” he fondly muses, completely ignoring Draken’s advice to make sure you’re still breathing in favor of stroking your head and pinching your cheeks. 
(”He might die, dumbass. I’m tellin’ ya.”
“He won’t. (Y/n)’s strong.”)
On the other side of the room, Baji has zero fuel left in him to bark out another laugh at Mikey and his gullibility when it comes to wooing the person he fancies, though he does have the energy to wipe away the tears at the corners of his eyes.
“Best $20 I’ve ever spent,” he blissfully remarks to Chifuyu.
“Baji-san, this isn’t how you play matchmaker.”
“Dude, this is exactly how you play matchmaker.”
To prove his point, the long-haired teen points back to where Mikey is sitting beside you on the ground, carrying out a normal conversation with Draken, like there isn’t an unconscious person right beside them.
“Ken-chin, where should I take (Y/n) for our first date?”
“Huh? Date? I thought he was just gonna piss on you?”
“That means he likes me, Ken-chin,” Mikey explains, sounding, for all it’s worth, similar to a parent teaching their child a new life lesson. “And if the person I like likes me enough to want to piss on me, then, obviously, I should take him on a date.”
It makes no fucking sense, but if Mikey wants to believe that your love language is spilling less than desirable bodily fluids on each other, then so be it.
Because for him, anything goes as long as it’s you.
Not only are you $20 richer, you also scored yourself a date with someone that would let you take a piss on them and vice versa.
Aren’t you a lucky guy?
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