#i rescued her from DA GARBAGE
rabbitmilk · 7 months
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her name is Fireball Deathwish III
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Hello all Happy Tuesday. We venture towards the end of S1. Thank you all for the love been getting makes my whole day/week. This episode is a gif desert legit one I can use haha So it'll be all screen-caps with my phone except one gif and this desert one haha My assumption is this will change as we get into later seasons. This one was lacking for sure in the gif dept.
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1x17- The Shake Up.
This episode has Chenford separate which explains the lack of gifs tbh lol It's still a really good Lucy wise. We get a look into her family dynamic by meeting her father. We also get to see Nolan get the Tim treatment LOL Off we go.
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Cold open gets me right in the feels. Nolan spotting Capt. Anderson’s grave during an arrest in the cemetery. Talia gives him a moment to pay his respects. A really nice scene. God she was so young. Love the nod to her after last ep. She deserved it.
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A opportunity comes up during roll call to watch a protected witness. Nolan jumps on the chance. Talia instantly shuts it down. Says it's like watching paint dry. Grey tells him he's out of luck. Then Tim jumps in. Surprises the hell out of everyone. Says he'll go with Nolan to protect this witness. Heh you know Tim’s doing this to get a rise out of Nolan. Test him see what he’s made of. He’s ridden with the other two rookies and not him. John seems nervous af LOL it makes me laugh so hard how uneasy he looks.
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Tim’s face LMAO I can not. Disgruntled with him from the get go. I’m fairly certain he doesn’t think much of Nolan. It has nothing to do with his age. It has to do with his personality I believe. Its the rambling he can't stand the most. I think he wanted to test drive Nolan see how he would do cause well Tim be Tim. He is going over the acronym and procedure with him as they’re leaving. Instantly thrown in deep in with Tim. Nolan goes on a rant and Tim just cuts him off by getting in the car LOL
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They arrive on scene and meet with the DA. Tim is slightly offended when Delmonte thinks Nolan is in charge haha Let’s him know right away he is a rookie. Also cutting off Nolan’s convo with the DA about Jessica. It’s funny Tim is such a hard ass with everyone except Lucy. Now that is much more true towards the later seasons but still holds true in S1. He's softer with her than he was beginning of the season, but you can see the contrast between Lucy and anyone else easily. Watching Tim with John total night and day difference in his demeanor.
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Also needs to be noted how vastly different these two are. This shot alone shows they're complete opposites. Their outfits show this more than any words ever could. John is dad clothes all day and Tim is a sight to see let’s just say that. Heh.
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Something that is a plus about this ep is Talia/Lucy riding together again. I do love seeing them being paired up. This is a much better result/dynamic this time around. More of a mutual respect there. No Nolan garbage looming over them. On their first call they rescue a teenager from his mother. His girlfriend called it in concerned and rightfully so.
His mother had been torturing and dehydrating him in order keep him from his girlfriend. Doing some religious ritual or exorcism of sorts. Pretty damn awful to watch. Lucy asks if he’ll be ok. Talia says physically yes but mentally not for a long time. Good setup for the rest of the ep Lucy. Bit of foreshadowing with her father being brought into the picture.
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As they're walking away she gets a call. Lucy asks if its ok to take it and Talia seems more than fine with. Its about her father. Talia overhears Lucy was going to wait to end of her shift to see him. She lets Lucy go right then and there. Talia is pretty great about it. She is the entire time for Lucy. Tells her it’s family when Lucy asks if it’s really ok they go and see him. Much more redeeming pair up this time around.
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We get a first look into Lucy’s dynamic with her parents and it’s not a pretty one…Her father is a therapist and was attacked by one of his patients. Lucy naturally wants the guys name so she can go arrest him. Her first instinct is justice for him. He fights her on it says was just a dissociative episode. That his patient didn't mean to hurt him. Lucy battles back and says thats irrelevant, the law is clear and she should arrest him.
He doesn't respond well to this....Tells Lucy that the law is broken. That she is working for a broken system. Very combative with her from the jump. Lucy tries to use some reason. Tells him this isn’t the solution though. To pretend he didn’t break his arm. He goes on to say this is better this than arresting his patient for it.
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Then after he's insulted her profession does a one-two punch to her gut with his words. He knows this is going to hurt her and it bugs me to no end. The guilt trip being laid down here. I have parents like this. When you aren't doing what they want they do this. The way he tears down her job and her concern for him in response angers me. She isn’t doing this to upset him but to help him. (not that he can see that) Lucy is a loving and protective person. She wants to do right by those she loves. What should be received as her caring is defensive in return. He’s attacking her every step of the way.
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Melissa kills me in this scene. Honestly the entire episode with all her interactions with her dad. That look of devastation on her face ugh. I can relate. That emotional dismissal and really almost abuse she’s taking from him. That hurt she’s feeling in his disappointment. I just want to hug her. I too have parents like this so it hits home with me little harder.
I said back in 1x14 with plain clothes day how it seemed Tim was the first person to really fight for her. Believe in her. Support her. Why it meant so much that he did what he did that day. Tim probably has no idea the impact that made on her. By standing by her side the way he did. She obviously has little to zero support from her father in the career she’s chosen. That much is very clear in this exchange with him.
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Even Talia can sense the tension from outside the room. Makes a comment to Gino while looking in. Its very evident you can feel chills coming in waves from her father. Lucy is still such a good daughter and stays anyways. Not that he deserves it….
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We head back to Tim and Nolan. They have a credible threat for the safe house. Their witness Hayes starts to give a little mouth about his safety. Tim gets into ultra hard ass mode. I don’t hate it not gonna lie haha Doesn’t let this guy get under his skin. Shows no sign of backing down. Mmm. Don’t mess with my Tim.
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The episode title lives up to its name and an earthquake ensues. Rocking the hospital in a bad way. I admire Lucy’s gut reaction to cover her father. I just love her so much. So loyal and willing to protect family even when they really don’t deserve it. This resonates with me so much. I too am the same way. Have that Italian familia loyalty drilled into to me. Taking care of family even when they really don’t deserve it.
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Shortly after the quake the safe house is under fire. Something about watching Tim in action is so sexy. It’s like watching confidence in motion. Especially in this scene. Also very commanding and sure of what he wants to do. Tells Nolan to take their witness out back. If he doesn’t they’re sitting ducks. Nolan asks what if there is a shooter out there too? His reply is the best. ‘Then you’ll shoot them.’ LOL love this man.
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They make it out and head to the beach. Assuming this is a good a hiding spot as any. This is such a good scene. Apart from fact Tim looks fine af just leaning against that railing. Its not long before they're found. They soon figure out Hayes has a tracker on him. That the men that attacked the safe house weren't there to kill Hayes but to rescue him. Hayes makes a crass comment about Capt Anderson. How they should just let him go or they’re gonna lose another buddy in line of duty. Tim knocks him out instantly. Get em' Tim! What a schmuck. Tells Nolan hook him up for them to find as a lure.
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They dispatch of the rescue team fairly quickly. Once again love watching Tim in action. There’s a nice little nod between Tim and John once they’re done. Nice to see. He knows how to reward good work. He was crucial in their take down. Tim makes sure he gets a little attaboy hehe Lucy has softened him up a bit for sure.
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We go back to Lucy at the hospital. She breaks my heart in this scene. Melissa crushes this 110 percent with the way her voice breaks getting emotional. Telling her father how she was taught to be true to herself. That this job is who she is, that it makes her so happy. (that should be enough) She goes on to say she knows he hates the system. That it’s designed to punish people and not care for them. Then strongly defends herself as a person. Basically pleading with him to accept/and understand her and her job.
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I commend how strongly Lucy backs the fact that she can make a difference. That the system can't change unless there is someone in it to fight. After this statement her dad relents a little. Earlier he heard her talking to the victim of that first call her and Talia took. He was in the hallway listening. He heard how the kid's mother was going to face charges but her frame of mind would be taken into account.
That if the son could be a character witness on her behalf they could get her the helps she needs. He tells her she was honest and kind. That he was impressed. You think hey we’re making progress. He’s finally understanding her and her choice in career. Won’t be going after her so much now. Hoping his perception of her has shifted a little.
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Then his patient who broke his arm walks in….At first Lucy has no idea who this guy is. Her father keeps trying to shoo him away. Then Lucy being the smart cookie she is puts it’s together. Immediately she has to do her job and arrest this man. You can see the regret on her face but it’s her duty to arrest him. She has no choice. Something her father is failing to understand.
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It’s insane to me he could use logic just moments ago. Then turn on her so quickly. He could do the same thing that mothers kid is going to do. Be a character witness and get him the help he needs in the system. He’s so cold to her when she says she’ll be back after his surgery. Tells her not to bother. He would rather her compromise her own ethics and morales for his needs. Sacrifice his own daughter and her career for his patient. She like Tim has a moral compass she refuses to corrupt even for family.
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That heartbreak on her face devastates me though. Now don't get me wrong, I’m with her dad with the system being broken. It is. Mental health needs to be addressed more especially in situations such as this. What upsets me is how her father treats her the entire episode. He should be proud of the fact that her morale code is so strong. That she isn't willing to be compromised. Instead he scolds her. Ridicules Lucy. Making her feel small and shameful for her job. When he's just upset she wouldn't bend the rules cause it was his patient.
Basically saying Lucy is part of the problem when she takes William away. When she is one the most empathetic humans to wear a badge. She’s desperately trying to reach out for him to understand. To accept her. All she gets in return is discouragement and emotional abuse. I know that intense reception of disappointment/guilt/shame you get from your parents. It guts you. When they should be building her up and supporting her they do the opposite. She’s so resilient and then you meet her parents and see why she is.
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The look of utter devastation as she leads this guy out. Logically she know her father is in the wrong. But that emotional part of you that wants that approval so badly doesn't care about logic. Worst part of that scene is she had it for a split second till it was about HIS patient. When the same procedure can be followed for William. Will it be easy? No but it can be done, things put in place to help his patient. But he can’t see it that way. Only see how its affecting him. Then just like earlier casts her away because he disapproved of her decision.
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Talia see’s Lucy writing up the arrest report and checks in. Lucy says she wants to add a mental health report addendum to it. Talia asks if she really thinks that or trying to get back in her fathers food graces? Lucy is firm in her reply. Says she’s pretty sure that’s impossible but knows he’s not wrong. That this guy doesn’t need prison he needs help. (she knew this before and helped out that kid's mother same way but Talia doesn't know that) Tells her was she’s going to do whatever she can to get it for him.
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Talia approves and tells her 'Good' Once again being a good person despite her parents. Lucy then asks was that a test? Her reply is too funny haha As I said earlier this pair up was much better second go around. Not dominated by the Nolan BS. They had good rapport and even got a “test” she passed. Rough rough episode for Lucy emotionally though. She at least gets to end it with a laugh and a smile.
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This ep gave us some insight to one of her parents. Little bit of her upbringing. We can see why she’s so damn driven to be a good cop. That instinct to prove your parents wrong can be a great motivator. You want to show them how capable you are. So they can be proud of you. Sadly despite her best efforts they seem to only feel disappointment.
Or as we see later with Lucy's mom her thinking this is a 'hobby' for Lucy. Like this was just dress up and a game. She wants her to come back to reality. Once again belittling her dedication and passion for her job. That's a discussion for a later ep though. Sucks when it’s both parents and not just one. Something I can also relate to. Both discouraging and not supportive whatsoever. Trivializing Lucy and her life choices just because it’s not what they wanted for her. Fastest way to drive your kids away and have them never return.
Side notes- Non chenford Didn’t really have much tbh. Whole ep didn’t have them lol I was just hot for Tim this whole ep hahah What else is new I know. They both had really good SL's in this one, but I always miss them when they’re apart the whole time.
That’s all she wrote for 1x17 thank you all for your interest. Blows my mind. Will always shout you all at for your likes, comments and reblogs. They make my whole day when I get them :) see you all in 1x18
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sofipitch · 2 years
Can you recommend me some literature other than the vampire chronicles?
Oh man I could give book opinions and recommendations all day so this almost feels too broad of an ask so I'm going to narrow it a little by recommending books that are similar enough to VC that I think VC fans will like. I'll try and remember to say what it is I think the book has in common with VC. But if you want recommendations for other genres just say the word!
I'm also gonna do contemporary books because I feel like most people have already discussed the parallel between VC and lots of classics, but for good measure my top choices would be: Wuthering Heights, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and Giovanni's Room
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab: This was a recent read and so so good. The hype is real. In this story a 17th century preasant girl makes a deal with a forest god that allows her to live forever. However the catch is no one can ever remember her. She goes through life meeting all kinds of people, but if they leave the room and come back it'll be like they never met. There is an aching loneliness this concept and book. I think in general this book has a really reflection from it's characters and other than the immortality aspect that is what I think makes this book like VC is the existentialism and yet lust for life that carries throughout. Because while Addie is often very lonely, she is also so in love with the world and people. I also really liked the character of the god who cursed her, he returns to taunt her regularly and their relationship is really fun (what tik tok teens would call "enemies to lovers"). Addie and some other characters are also queer which is a +
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno Garcia: A you a fan of vampires? This book is a really creative take on vampire, more creative than a lot of contemporary reimaginings. Humans have known about vampires since the 1960s and vampires also come in different species, endemic to different regions, which would explain why some vampire lore may be contradictory. Why can some eat food and others can't? Different species. Atl is a vampire hiding from a different vampire clan in Mexico City, a city supposed to be free from vampires. She gets a homeless garbage collector named Domingo to help her avoid being caught by both the police and other vampires while trying to escape the city. Atl and Domingo have very Armand and Daniel in The Devil's Minion vibe. He's a human guy just fascinated by this cool vampire and hey, the extra cash isn't bad. But things get dangerous fast.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia: Same author as previous (I really like her if you can't tell). This book is meant to be a take on the gothic genre, if you can't tell by the title. Noemi's cousin who has been recently married sends her a letter asking her to come rescue her. Noemi then goes to the her in-laws family home, a decrepit Victorian mansion, with an equally eerie family. I don't want to say too much but I think this one is a great gothic horror. It both does the tropes and reinvents them
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones: This one is more straight up horror. Jade is a teen horror junkie who loves slashers. So when people start turning up dead in town she thinks she knows exactly what's going on and as a social outcast, this is everytging she has been waiting for, she hates the people of her town and wants them dead. Jade reminds me a bit of Lestat, not a ton in character but there is a deeply personal narration style and the fact that you can tell Jade is masking some massive insecurities she doesn't want to reveal to the audience. I also recommend this author's writing in general, they make my head go brrr
The Devourers by Indra Das: This is a werewolf book and starts off a LOT like IWTV. A history professor meets a man who claims to be half-werewolf. Despite being unsure if he believes him the man asks him to transcribe some historical documents, which tell the story (sst during the reign of Shah Jahan in India) of a werewolf and a human woman. This story is similar to IWTV in how it uses it's monsters as a reflection of humanity, they are both very human and unsettlingly inhuman. This book does have a hard plot so much as a charactrler exploration, and of course the mystery of the characters themselves. This is also a story where monsters are used to explore queer sexuality and gender and it's SO well done. However, since it is kind of a big part of the book, it's not described in detail but mentioned repeatedly, tw for rape
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drivingsideways · 3 years
k-drama rec list
Prior to 2020 I’d maybe watched 2 k-dramas in my entire life, but this year I got sucked in, thanks to some great recs, and y’know, *gestures * everything.  
I think I’d held off watching kdramas because my impression of them was limited to romances that I didn’t enjoy at all. But this was the year I discovered the equivalent of “gen fic” kdrama- dramas that had wonderful ensemble casts, strong story lines that weren’t entirely romance focused and also a variety in terms of themes and styles. A big plus was that I found so many of these dramas had women leading the writers’ room, and seeing the effect of that in the story telling. (Notable exceptions: a certain “star” writer who should please stop inflicting her badly written, formulaic crap on the world, yes Kim Eun-Sook, I mean you, and whoever wrote that trashfire Flower of Evil)
So here I am with my own rec list! Caveat- these are mostly not the dramas released in 2020, I’m still playing catch up! :)
Under the cut for length
My Mister/ My Ahjussi  (2018, Written by Park Hae-Young, Directed by Kim Won-Seok, starring Lee Sun-kyun and Lee Ji-eun aka IU) 
This was definitely my absolute favourite of the shows I watched this year across western/ asian media. It’s a story about the thread that binds us all and the ineffability of human connection. It’s also a story that deconstructs ideas of masculinity and honour and shame in a non-western context, but with an extremely compassionate touch.  It’s a story that doesn’t shy away from showing the consequences of material and spiritual poverty; and how one can so easily feed into the other. It’s a love story that isn’t a romance, except that it’s a Romance. It’s about finding salvation in one another and in the kindness of strangers.  It’s about choosing life, and picking yourself up off the floor to take that one last step and then the next and then the next. The one quibble I have with the series is that it could have been better paced, it does get extremely slow after the half way mark. But god, do they land the ending. Both Lee Sun-kyun and IU turn in absolutely heartbreaking performances, and fair warning, be prepared to go through an entire box of tissues watching this series. 
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Life  (2018,  written by Lee Soo-yeon  and directed by Hong Jong-chan, starring Lee Dong-wook, Cho Seung-woo, Won Jin-ah, Lee Kyu-hyung, Yoo Jae-myung and Moon So-ri.)
Medical dramas are very much not my thing, and I wouldn’t have taken a chance on it except that @michyeosseo said I should, and she was right! It’s a medical drama in the sense that it’s set in a hospital, but rather than a “case-fic” format, this is actually a sharp commentary on the corporatization of health care, and the business of mixing, well, money and what should be a fundamental human right. Writer Lee Soo-yeon was coming off the global success of Stranger/Secret Forest S1 when this aired, so I understand that expectations were probably sky-high, and people were disappointed when this show didn’t give them the adrenaline rush that they wanted. On the other hand, I thought that this outing was really much more nuanced in terms of the politics and also how the ending doesn’t allow you the luxury of easy-fixes. This show has a great ensemble cast, and while it took me a while to get used to Lee Dong-wook’s woodenness (i ended up calling him mr.cadaver after watching this and was surprised to learn that he’s very popular?), in the end I was quite sold on his version of angry angst-bucket elder-sibling Dr.Ye Jin-woo. His best scenes were with Lee Kyu-hyung who turns in a lovely, achy performance as the paraplegic Dr. Ye Seon-woo who just wants to live a normal life. The love story between the two brothers is actually the emotional backbone of the story, and I think they landed that perfectly. 
My one quibble with writer-nim is that she ended up writing in a forgettable and somewhat (for me at least) uncomfortable romance between the characters played by Won Jin-ah and Cho Seung-Woo. I think part of my uncomfortable-feeling was that I got the strong sense that the writer herself didn’t want to write this romance, it was as if she was being made to shoe-horn it in for Studio Reasons, and she basically grit her teeth and did the worst possible job of it.  I do wish we could have absolutely had the OT3 of my dreams: Moon So-ri/Cho Seung-woo/Yoo Jae-myung like, c’mon TV gods MAKE IT HAPPEN, just...look at them!!!! 
Anyway, that apart, I think this was a very engaging series, and by engaging, I also mean thirst-enabling, see below. 
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 Stranger (aka Secret Forest  or Forest of Secrets) S1 & 2 : (2017-, Written by Lee Soo-yeon, directed by 
2017′s smash hit aired a much anticipated second season in 2020, and I managed to catch up just in time to watch that live, so that was thrilling :D . Writer Lee Soo-yeon  mixes up thriller/office comedy/political commentary in an ambitious series. I think S1 is more “exciting” than S2 in terms of the mystery and pacing,  but S2 is far more dense and interesting in terms of political commentary because it takes a long hard look at institutional corruption and in true writer-nim fashion doesn’t prescribe any easy solutions. Anyway, please enjoy public prosecutor Cho Seung-woo and police officer Bae Doona as partners/soulmates kicking ass and taking names in pursuit of Truth, Justice and just a goddamn peaceful meal, along with a stunningly competent ensemble cast. Also yes, Han Yeo Jin is a lesbian, sorry, I don’t make the rules. 
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Search: WWW  (2019, Written by Kwon Do-Eun, directed by Jung Ji-hyun & Kwon Young-il, starring  Im Soo-jung, Lee Da-hee, Jeon Hye-jin)
GOD. Where do I start? +1000 for writer Kwon Do-Eun saying “fuck the patriarchy” in the most grandiose way possible, i.e. absolutely refusing to acknowledge that it exists. Yes, this is that power fantasy, and it’s also a fun, slice-of-life  tale about three women navigating their way through work, romance, national politics and everything in between. It’s true that I wasn’t entirely sold on the amount of time spent on the romance, and I really wish they’d actually had a textual wlw romance, though the subtext through the entire series is PRACTICALLY TEXT. But still, it maintains that veneer of plausible deniability and I think queer fans who are sick of that kind of treatment in media have a very valid grouse against the show. On the other hand, personally I felt that the queer-platonic vibe of the show is very wonderful and true to real life, and it was only reinforced by the ending. This is a show written by a woman for women (like me), and it shows. 
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Hyena  (2020, Written by Kim Roo-Ri, directed by Jang Tae-yoo & Lee Chang Woo, starring  Kim Hye-soo and Ju Ji-hoon )
Those of you who’ve been watching hit zombie epic Kingdom are probably familiar with Ju Ji-hoon’s brand of sexiness already. I had not watched Kingdom and got hit in the face by Mr.Sexy McSexyPants’ turn as a brash, privileged-by-birth, up and coming lawyer who gets completely runover by the smoking hot and incredibly dangerous fellow lawyer/competitor from the other side of the tracks in the person of Kim Hye-Soo. When I say they set the room on fire, I mean it, ok. Every single scene between these two is an actual bonfire of sexual attraction and emotional hand grenades, and they’re both absolutely riveting to watch. “Flower of Evil” wishes they had what this show has- an actual grown up romance as opposed to a thirteen year old twilight fan’s idea of an adult romance. 
The “lawyer” shenanigans and the “cases” are hit or miss, and I think the occasional comedy fell flat for me. But that’s not why I mainlined like 6 episodes of this series overnight like a coke addict, and that’s not why you’re going to do it either. It’s so RARE, even in these enlightened days to find a female character like Jung Geum-ja: hard as nails, unapologetic about it, and not punished by the narrative for it. The best part for me is that she feels like a woman’s woman, not a man’s idea of what a Strong Female Character should be. Anyways, when I grow up I want to have what Kim Hye-soo has ok?
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Other dramas that I watched this year, quickly rated:
The King: Eternal Monarch (3/10 and those 3 points are only for the combined goodness of second leads who deserved better- Jung Eun Chae, Woo Do Hwan and Kim Kyung Nam. Please head over to my AO3 and read my attempts to fix this garbage fire and rescue their characters from canon)
Flower of Evil (-10/100, dont @ me)
Tale of the Nine Tailed (5/10, I think it succeeds at what it set out to do, which is a light hearted, sweet fantasy-romance-melodrama, plus “second lead” Kim Beom will make you cry as the hot mess of a half human/ half fox spirit ALL TEARS character. I think if you’re into kdrama romances as a genre, this is probably a good bet?)
Signal  (7/10,  This was the first full kdrama I watched this year and would definitely recommend. It’s a police procedural with time travel shenanigans and has an engaging plot, good pacing, texture and compelling performances. My one disappointment with it was the way they wrote Kim Hye-soo’s character. As literally the only female character to survive in any way, she was given short shrift, and toward the end it really began to grate on me.)
Six Flying Dragons - (7/10, also would recommend if you’re interested in Korean historicals. It definitely already feels a bit dated in terms of styling and production values, and even scripting and acting choices. But it has a good balance of fantasy and history and political commentary. I was not a fan of Yoo In-Ah’s performance in this series, but it’s not anything that would make you want to nope out of the series. It’s GoT , if GoT was thoughtful about politics and characters and not the misogynist, racist trashfire that it became.)
My Country: The New Age - (3.5/10, and that’s 3 points to Jang Hyuk’s fan and 0.5.points to Woo Do Hwan’s heaving bosom. If you like your historical drama/fantasy with very pretty men, very gay subtext -seriously RIP to show makers who thought they could hetero it but didn’t account for Woo Do Hwan’s Tragic Face- lots of blood and tears and very nonsense plot, this is right up your alley. I probably would have enjoyed it more in other circumstances, I think? But this one just annoyed me too much at the time! 
I have a couple of more dramas to watch on my list, that’ll probably carry me over into 2021, so see ya on the other side! :D
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andrewmoocow · 4 years
Steven Universe: The Fantastic Mutants chapter 5: Never Again (originally posted on November 16, 2020)
AN: Good to see you all again my dear readers! How have things  been? Am I being too intrusive? Well, doesn't matter! It's good to be  back in business after a few weeks, so let's just cut to the chase, shall we?
"So  how much of this show is actual camping?" HYDRA Bob asked Peridot as  they, along with Deadpool & Lapis, watched Camp Pining Hearts  together at the X-Mansion while surrounded by massive amounts of snack  foods and garbage. "A fair bit, but pretty much everyone comes for the  romance," Peridot answered. "Yeah," Wade stated. "like your crippling yaoi addiction."
"What is yah-oy?" Lapis asked while  mispronouncing this new word just as Pearl came in with a broom. "You really should learn how to pick up after yourselves as guests." The Gem  grumbled while sweeping up crumbs off the carpet. "Hey, wise up Pearl,  I'm basically an honorary member!" Deadpool remarked. "Hey, Flat-Top,  gimme a refill on my coke here!"
"And you should also treat the  people housing you like friends, not your servants." Colossus reminded  them, just as disgruntled as Pearl, while he gave the Merc with a Mouth another bottle of pop when suddenly, Xavier came in. "Ah, Professor!  Would you be so kind as to help us teach Wade here some manners?"
"It's alright, Piotr." Xavier calmed the metal mutant down. "Although Mr.  Wilson here can be a bit of a nuisance, we do need all the help we can  get to rescue Steven and Kitty."
"Thanks for the save Cap'n." Wade  grinned at the aged mutant when someone knocked at the window. "Hey,  anyone in there?!" the voice of Spider-Man called from outside, latching  upside down onto the glass. "Peter!" Pearl exclaimed. "Long time no  see. How are the other Avengers doing?"
"The big six are off in  space right now, and the reserves are holding down the fort for now."  The web-slinger answered as he opened the window and leaped through it.  "When your message reached us, I was the first to take it and brought  along a few pals who might be useful."
As Peter finished talking, a  silver and blue blur burst through the front doors, stopping to reveal  itself as Quicksilver. "Pietro, good to see you!" Colossus exclaimed.  "Must mean Wanda isn't too far behind, da?"
"You are correct."  Scarlet Witch answered as she followed her brother. "Hello again Crystal  Gems." She greeted the Gems. "Hello to you and Pietro too, Wanda,"  Garnet replied as she stepped into the room. "It certainly has been a  while since Thanos. I hope you both are well."
"Oh, never better  Garney!" Quicksilver responded as he sat down between Peridot &  Lapis to watch Camp Pining Hearts with them. "Ooh, I love this show! I  always felt Pierre & Percy have really good chemistry."
"Thank  you for agreeing with me good sir." Peridot added pridefully. "Oh, quit with the shit already!" Wade interjected crossly. "No one ever talks about Pierre and Paulette!"
"You take that back, you crimson clod." Peridot snarled threateningly at the mercenary and soon, an  intense shipping debate between the two began. "Oh, this could take a long while." Pearl sighed in exhaustion.
"I just watch for all the crazy shenanigans these campers get up to." Spider-Man gave his opinion while snatching some snicker-doodles from the ottoman.
"Come on, work!" Kitty groaned in frustration as she continuously tried and failed to break her and Steven from their imprisonment without using her mutant powers. "If only I could find a way to break this collar, then  we'd get outta here easier."
"Why don't I give it a shot?" Steven  suggested, deciding to use his shield to cut the bars apart. However, that failed as well. "It's hopeless. If I didn't come, then maybe we wouldn't be stuck here."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up like that  Steven." Kitty comforted her fellow mutant. "I'm sure the Gems are  already on their way to save us, so try and keep your chin up until  then." She implored Steven, but he remained downtrodden. "Let's face it;  we're here because of my mom."
"Oh, mother issues?" Kitty  realized. "I get it. That's perfectly normal. But you can't always let  the sins of the parent bring you down." She assured him. "Yeah, sins  like taking part in universal genocide before realizing that wasn't good  and instead doing things far worse than that." Steven grumbled, much to  her surprise. "Whoa okay, didn't see that coming!" Kitty exclaimed.  "Far worse how? Did she actually murder someone?"
"She  deliberately left tons of Gems and other races to die for her just  because she was bored of being Pink Diamond, let two of my friends to be  imprisoned for thousands of years, forced Gems who cared for her to  suffer from her faked death and who knows what else!" Steven complained.  "And then there was that whole thing with Magneto."
As if on cue,  the aforementioned leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants stepped into  the brig to interrogate them. "I see you've been making yourselves at  home while you could." He declared before grabbing Steven by the shirt  collar through the cell bars. "Tell me boy, why do you have her  gemstone? Was it passed down to you?"
"As a matter of fact, yes."  Steven answered. "When I was born, my mom died to give birth to me, and I  got her gemstone and all her powers as a result. She also left me with  all her baggage from ages ago, including when she was once a member of  the Great Diamond Authority."
"Great Diamond Authority?" Magneto  wondered, and Kitty seemed just as confused. "Yeah, I have to agree.  There are more Diamonds out there?"
"That's not important right  now," Steven said before Magneto set him down. "Still, why go after me in particular? We're both mutants. We should be on the same side!"
"You already know about how Rose abandoned me at Auschwitz, but the Gems only told you half the story," Erik revealed, turning away from Steven  & Kitty in the process. "My part of this tale is far more complex  than you realize. Like many a Jew during the war, I was prosecuted by  the Nazis for my religion and sentenced to death. But I was a special  case."
Heavy rain poured upon  Poland in 1944 as a large group of imprisoned Jews marched sorrowfully  through Auschwitz, their world nothing but drab colors aside from the  bright yellow Star of David on their clothes signifying their religion.  All around them, more of their people were forced to perform possibly  lethal jobs for their superiors and be treated horribly should they fail  to work or try to resist.
One young man in particular named Erik  Lehnsherr watched just as miserably as his fellow Jews and began to  notice that many of the other prisoners had brands on their arms. As  soldiers began coldly leading their prisoners away from the group,  Erik's parents Edie & Jacob were forcefully separated like the rest  from their son, with Edie being particularly hysterical about having to  leave her child.
Erik raced after his parents in an effort to see  them one last time, but the gates closed before he could get a chance,  and another Nazi grabbed the boy to keep him under control. However,  something miraculous happened. When Erik fruitlessly reached out towards  the gate, it began bending towards him. Another Nazi aided his fellow  soldier in detaining the boy, and two more raced towards him as the  fence began twisting more and more.
Erik's mutant powers awakened  that day as the gates were ripped open with a mere stretch of his hand,  but he was quickly stopped with the butt of a gun to his head from a  fifth soldier. "Bring ihn zu Dr. Schmidt." that soldier commanded his  subordinates. The four Nazis nodded and dragged the unconscious boy  away, to where his destiny would soon be realized.
"And  that's where you first met his mom, right?" Kitty asked her captor.  "Yeah, I don't think we need to hear how she ditched you again."
"As I stated, the story is much deeper than that," Magneto said. "Allow me to continue."
Soon,  HYDRA had come to assist the Nazis in stopping the Howling Commandos  and the Crystal Gems from instigating the Auschwitz breakout. As Rose  began fighting off soldiers, she began counting off the fleeing Jews.  "Let me see how many we got," Rose muttered while trying to do a  headcount. "Agh, there's too many of them! I can barely keep count when  I'm surrounded like this!"
"Less than a million!" Garnet counted  for her leader with her future vision. "However, there are still a few  that we were too late to save, namely the Lehnsherr family. Klaus  Schmidt is holding their son Erik."
"Klaus?" Rose soon came to a  realization. "That was the boy in the office! I have to go ba-" Before  Rose could finish, a HYDRA enforcer took advantage of her letting her  guard down and fired with an anti-Gem weapon, poofing her form.
"Rose!"  Pearl exclaimed while rushing to the deactivated gem lying on the  ground. While Captain America covered for them with his shield, the Gems  made a hasty retreat. "But what about those other Jews?!" Amethyst  exclaimed. "A few prisoners should take this from here." Garnet  answered, just as the Sonderkommando charged at their captors with guns,  knives, axes, and grenades.
Inside the building where Klaus  Schmidt was stationed, the mutant Jew slithered around the hall to avoid  being caught again. Nazis raced outside to combat without once taking  notice of the boy making his escape. Taking a moment to peek outside the  window, he noticed the Gems escaping the concentration camp and  furrowed his brow angrily. "Sie haben mich verlassen."
As the  warfare continued, Erik quietly made his getaway with his newly awakened  mutant powers and used a wrecked chain fence to fly himself away from  Auschwitz.
Many years later in  1963, Magneto was holding a demonstration in New York to make a speech  about the superiority of mutants when she showed up again. Rose Quartz  had decided to show her face to him again after leaving him to rot all  those years ago in Auschwitz, and only now, she shows up with an excuse  to try and make peace.
"You can try to rope yourself into my good  graces all you want Gems," he growled, preparing to fight the Crystal  Gems. "But nothing can ever change the past!"
Ripping a nearby  water tower off its supports, Erik prepared to smash it on top of Rose,  Garnet & Pearl, but then came a loud shriek coming from the Irish  mutant Sean Cassidy, aka Banshee. "Top o' the mornin' to you ladies!"  Banshee exclaimed and let out another scream that brought the master of  magnetism to the ground. "Now Neal!"
"I got you!" the Indian  pyrokinetic Neal Shaara, or Thunderbird to his teammates, boomed while  turning his body into plasma and landing a few hits on Magneto, but the  German fought back by expanding a force-field that pushed him back.  "Longshot, Angel, Mimic, it's all you now!"
"You got it!" Longshot  replied while standing on a rooftop with Mimic and Angel Salvadore and  preparing to throw a large knife at Magneto. "Just got one shot at  this." He muttered to himself just as Amethyst hopped up behind him.  "Hey, what you guys doing?" she asked the three mutants, catching  Longshot off-guard. "Do you mind squirt?!" Longshot barked, but then he  noticed her gem. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know those three, right?"
"We  can discuss it later!" Angel said while sprouting fly-like wings and  flying off. "Hey, wait for me!" Mimic exclaimed, copying his teammate's  power by growing insect wings of his own and soaring after her.
"You  guys wouldn't happen to be like ol' Maggy over there?" Amethyst  continued asking Longshot, who harshly shushed her while trying to keep  his concentration. "Okay, sheesh!"
"Now Longshot!" Banshee  exclaimed as he let out a loud shriek at Magneto to knock him  off-balance, allowing Longshot to fling his knife at the evil mutant.  But Erik stopped the blade before it could reach his face with his  powers and threw it right at Pearl with a wicked grin.
"Pearl,  no!" Rose cried out as she dove in front of her confidant, letting the  knife stab her instead, causing her to ultimately poof and retreat into her gem.
"Rose!" the remaining Gems shouted, racing to protect  their leader's inactive gemstone from Magneto. "Well, that should do  nicely for now." He snidely muttered. "But know this Crystal Gems, we  shall meet again someday soon. Even if we have to wait years to do so!"
With  that, Magneto zoomed off into the sky and left the Crystal Gems &  the X-Men below. "So, sorry about letting your boss end up like this."  Longshot nervously apologized. "That was my knife he threw at her after  all."
"It's alright. Rose will recover soon." Garnet assured the mutant. "By the way, I didn't get your name."
"Call  me Longshot, leader of the X-Men!" Longshot proudly replied. "These are  my teammates; Banshee, Mimic, Angel Salvadore, and Thunderbird. We're  all mutants."
"It is a pleasure to meet you." Thunderbird greeted,  extending a hand to Pearl. "Mutants? I think I remember meeting one, centuries ago." Pearl replied, shaking Neal's hand. "You wouldn't happen  to know anyone named En Sabah Nur?"
This revelation caused the  X-Men to gasp in shock. "Wait, you met Apocalypse?!" Mimic cried. "Let  me guess, you guys know him as a real bad guy?" Amethyst quipped. "Yeah,  he's about yay tall, superiority complex, total Darwinist." Angel  replied. "Come along. We can tell you more about him."
"And maybe  we'll introduce you to the professor too." Banshee added happily. "We'd  be glad to meet your professor." Pearl agreed, and Garnet & Amethyst  nodded as well.
"So that's how the  Gems met Xavier!" Steven realized. "But how come you remember that last  bit happening? You left after poofing Rose."
"Don't think about  it." Magneto assured him. "And now that I have you in our clutches,  watching Doctor Doom experiment on you will be so satisfying."
"But still, you can't just vent your vengeance on a kid!" Kitty exclaimed.
"Yeah,  this isn't what Xavier would want!" Steven replied, forcing Magneto to  drop his stoic façade. "He knows you can be better than this, barring  the terrorism. You're both on the same wavelength when it comes to  protecting mutants, but kidnapping one of your own for your own sake is  just wrong!"
"Y'know, that does seem like something Charles would  say. Though he would've said it better." Magneto relented, pressing a button on the cell to let Steven and Kitty out. "Fight them off while  you still can children. I shall take the blame myself."
"Okay Steven, let's get outta here!" Kitty declared excitedly. "And no matter what happens, I got your back!"
"Actually  Kit, I think I got yours." Steven replied, just as another door opened,  and Mystique stepped into the brig. "Erik! Why have you let the  prisoners out?" she asked Magneto. "It was the boy who convinced me."  Erik revealed. "As it turns out, he's quite good at turning people to  his side."
"Well, you're too late child." Mystique said to Steven. "We have finally landed in Latveria."
The  Crystal Gems, X-Men, Fantastic Four, X-Force, Spider-Man, Scarlet  Witch, and Quicksilver all marched to the Blackbird, ready to go out to  Latveria and save Steven & Kitty. Human Torch and Cyclops were in  charge of piloting the plane while Xavier planted his wheelchair in the  back.
"So tell us what we're in for Reed." Garnet asked Mister  Fantastic, who gave a sharp sigh of regret. "You should know by now that  Doctor Doom is our family's greatest adversary. Intelligence on par  with my own, mastery of the mystic arts, psionic abilities, the works."  Reed explained. "But what I'm sure you probably don't know yet was that  we knew Doom long before he turned out like this."
"Victor,  have you gone mad?!" a younger Reed yelled at his college classmate  Victor, who was standing in front of a large machine generating an  unstable portal. "This machine is highly unstable and could explode at  any moment!"
"I do not care what it takes, Richards!" the man who  would be king of Latveria cried as the machine was on the verge of  self-destructing. "This is the only way I can see my mother again!"
"Hey  Stretch, we got everyone outta here!" Ben Grimm, back then a normal  human being instead of a large rock creature, called for his classmate  while he, Johnny and Sue burst into the laboratory. "You gotta come with  us!"
"No Reed, we can see our mothers again, together!" Doom  tried convincing his rival. Reed hesitated for a moment, weighing his  options between escaping with his friends or getting to see his late  mother Evelyn again. But as he made his decision, he turned away from  Victor. "I'm sorry Vic. But I've moved on."
"How dare you?!"  Victor screeched, while his four contemporaries fled the scene. "Don't  you dare run away! We could've been something more!" Just then, the  portal machine has just about reached its boiling point, and caused the  lab to explode with Doom inside. The last thing he said before the room  collapsed on him was a scream of "RIIIIIIIIICHAAAAAAAARDS!"
"Never  saw him again after that incident. Ol' Iron Mask got expelled, then he  just vanished offa the face of the planet." Ben regaled in the present  day. "That is until he re-emerged as some young upstart billionaire  named Victor Domashev, who funded the space flight that made us into the  Four we are today."
"Hey guys, less backstory, more blasting  off!" Amethyst snapped her fingers. "Pretty sure Steven might be on his  way to being dissected by now!"
"Yeah, and a certain author friend  of ours wants to get this out as quickly as possible." Deadpool agreed,  his medium-aware comment inciting odd stares from the others. "Can we  move onto the next scene already?!"
As  Mystique had declared, Steven was now in the European country of  Latveria, famously ruled by the Fantastic Four's arch-nemesis Victor von  Doom. He and Kitty were led through the aesthetically medieval capital  city Doomstadt, where its citizens whispered in German, Hungarian and an  unknown third language reminiscent of the latter dialect.
"Victor, we have brought the child. And an unwanted guest." Mystique announced  in front of Doom's castle as they crossed the drawbridge. The castle was  guarded by numerous robot soldiers that bore Doom's face, all of them  giving Steven cold and unfeeling glares as he was finally brought before the man who's face the robots bore.
"Steven Universe." Doctor  Doom boomed, resting on his throne while the boy was handcuffed in front of him. "I have heard much about you these past few months child. Erik,  I must commend you for getting the job done, although I've heard of  your possible betrayal and won't tolerate it." Then Doom turned to  Mystique. "Thank you Ms. Darkholme for alerting me of this before you  arrived.
"You are most kind Doctor." Mystique thanked him with a bow. "We hope you return your end of the bargain and grant us mutants  sanctuary in Latveria."
"Raven, you must listen!" Magneto cried to  his second in command. "This boy calls himself a mutant, just like us!  We can't just let Victor experiment on him like this. What if he has  something else planned?!"
"SILENCE!" the king of Latveria roared.  "It seems this child has made you soft Mr. Lehnsherr. No matter." He  rose from his throne and stepped towards Steven & Kitty to give them  a good look. "He shall become useful to me soon. And as for the girl, take her away."
"Yes your Highness." Mystique complied, snapping her fingers to have Juggernaut take Kitty away.
"Hey,  put me down!" Kitty hissed, struggling to break free from the massive  mutant's hands, which was easier said than done since her powers were  still restrained. "Don't worry Steven, I'll find a way to save you!"
"Ah  shaddup!" Juggernaut groaned loudly, stuffing a big finger inside the  smaller girl's mouth to keep her quiet when Mystique put a hand on his  bicep. "And what do you want Bluey?"
"It's about Erik. We may  resort to terrorism to fight for mutant rights, but I think allowing a  child to be experimented on may be going a bit too far." Raven whispered  to Cain while they moved farther away from Doom. "Besides, he is a  mutant much like us."
"So I've heard." The Juggernaut muttered. "But shouldn't he count more as an alien because his momma was one?"
When  the Brotherhood mutants left the throne room, Steven was left all alone  with Magneto and Doom. "What do you want with me Doom?" Steven asked the king. "Was it really necessary to have the Brotherhood kidnap me  when you could've had your robots do it?"
"Why I couldn't have  just sent my Doombots doesn't matter." Doom declared. "But what does  matter is what I want to do to you. You see, you're special Steven, as  you probably know. A being who's a mixture of human and alien DNA, and  that alien DNA might prove very important to me." He explained to  Steven. "I wish to use those genes for my own ends. Perhaps make an army  of similar beings, or perhaps become part-Gem myself to gain ultimate  power! Which is why I chose you in particular."
"Doctor, an  invading ship is approaching Doomstadt." A Doombot announced as it  walked into the throne room. "Shall we send out the reinforcements you  selected?"
"You may, #1961." Doom replied, pressing a few buttons on his arms that opened a door, and behind it were four supervillains.
Trapster, a man in goggles with a container of glue-like substance on his back, attached to a hose with a gun at the end.
Mole Man, a deformed midget in a green suit with a blue visor who was holding a staff in his hand.
The  Puppet Master, a bald, dark-skinned man accompanied by a pair of  human-sized marionettes in the shape of the Human Torch and the Thing,  that he controlled with a special remote.
And the Wizard, a purple armor-wearing supergenius who floated in the air with special anti-gravity discs.
"Frightful  Four, it seems we have some uninvited guests." Doom revealed to the  four villains. "I insist you deal with them at once, while I make my  little guest here at home."
"Yes Doctor." The Frightful Four said  in unison, then the marched out of the throne room to battle. Once again  Steven was alone in the throne room with Victor & Erik, and the  former was all too eager to get things started.
"Now then, shall we begin testing?" Doom asked Steven maliciously, and Steven replied with a very nervous gulp.
After  three months of work, it's finally done! We're getting close to the end  of this guys, and I couldn't be more excited. But for now, I think I'm  gonna take a little break to focus on college stuff for a bit, and I'll  be back soon with not just a new chapter, but also a brand spankin' new  Steven Universe tale I've had on the brain for a while. It's an AU  rewrite of Steven Universe Future aptly named Steven Universe: Alternate  Future. If you want to know more about this upcoming series, I've  already got an entire episode list on my DeviantArt page along with  drawings of some original characters created for it. Until we meet  again, toodle-oo!
In Loving Memory of Sean Connery
& Alex Trebek
7 notes · View notes
patchwork-panda · 4 years
If A Moment Is All We Are (21/?)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24121633/chapters/65002714
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I stared at the rather unkempt-looking man before us, a man who, at the moment, looked more like a large purple caterpillar with spiky black hair and thick, round glasses than an actual human being. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet as Katai readjusted his glasses and shuffled forward a little, keeping the plush purple fabric of his futon gathered as closely about his body as he could.
This... is the hacker Dazai wanted me to contact?
I found myself tightening my grip on Kunikida’s sleeve as Katai turned his attention to me, his face bathed in the eerie, blue glow of his many computer monitors. I saw his dark eyes narrow behind his glasses as he squinted at my face, but when I returned his scrutinizing gaze with a quizzical one of my own, Katai immediately looked away. There was something really odd, yet uncomfortably familiar about his skittish behavior but at the moment, I was feeling too creeped out to think too much on it.
Still hanging onto the thin black fabric of Kunikida’s sleeve, I took a couple of tiny steps to my left tucking a little more of myself out of view. As much as I didn’t like hiding behind the tall blonde, I liked the weird looks Katai was giving me even less and if I wanted to be completely honest with myself, it felt oddly safe behind Kunikida’s broad back. Thankfully, Kunikida seemed to sense my unease and he shifted his stance in an almost protective manner in line with my movements..
“This is your old friend? This is Katai-san?” I asked.
Grimacing slightly, Kunikida nodded. His gray-green eyes swept over the piles of garbage around the room, then narrowed in distaste.
“Although he looks like this,” he said, turning slightly to look at me, “Katai is an extremely talented information broker and hacker.”
His lips twitched in a flicker of a smile when he saw that I was hiding behind him. I might’ve missed it if I hadn’t been staring so intensely at his face.
“He’s capable of processing data several dozen times faster than a normal human—to the point where he can single-handedly take on military cyberwarfare.”
My mouth dropped open. I poked my head out again to stare at Katai.
“For real?”
The words were scarcely out of my mouth when Katai suddenly let out a loud sob and sagged down into a grubby pile of gloom and purple futon fabric.
“C-congratulations, Kunikida-san!” he bawled, ripping off his own round glasses and furiously wiping at his streaming eyes with one brown haori sleeve. “To think you found your other half so soon ahead of schedule! I, Tayama Katai, wish you a long and prosperous union—”
I let go of Kunikida immediately and flushed scarlet.
“Wait a minute! Wait a minute!!” I squeaked. “What are you talking about—?!”
But Katai wasn’t listening to me—he was too busy crying.
“I was beginning to wonder when you’d come by to visit,” he hiccuped, snot visibly dripping out of his nose, “but never in my wildest dreams did I think—!”
He paused for a moment to wipe the snot from his face and I backed away in horror.
“That the next time you came by to visit, you’d be bringing your fiancee—”
“YOU’VE GOT THE WRONG IDEA!!” Kunikida bellowed, grabbing Katai by the collar of his shirt and shaking him furiously. “Kusunoki-kun is a colleague from work and I brought her here because of a case, you damned crackpot!”
Katai stopped crying at once. Letting out one loud, dramatic sniff, he stuck his glasses back on his face and blinked up at Kunikida, whose neck and ears had turned a bright, fiery red.
“Oh,” he said, sounding slightly disappointed.
His eyes darted to me (for only a millisecond). He frowned.
“You sure...?”
I couldn’t see the look on Kunikida’s face but judging from Katai’s reaction, it must’ve been answer enough. Katai didn’t ask again and Kunikida dropped him.
Instead, he wiped at his face again, sniffled once more, and turned and bowed to the wall on my right.
“Nice to meet you, Kusunoki-san,” he said politely, still facing the wall. “I am Tayama Katai. How can I help you?”
I blinked.
“Is he... talking to me?” I asked, shooting a glance at Kunikida, who groaned and covered his reddened face with one large hand and nodded.
Oh. So this was why Dazai suggested Kunikida come here with me.
Apparently Katai was one of those guys who had trouble talking to women. Katai wasn’t being creepy with all those odd, furtive looks he’d shot me earlier; that was literally the longest he could stand looking at me for.
I made a face.
Did I act like this while I was cooped up too? Dear God, I hope not...
“Umm... I’m Kusunoki Kyou.”
I took out the black access card from inside my jacket and placed it on the floor, near the corner of Katai’s futon, leaving it there the way you’d leave a treat for a very skittish cat.
“I was wondering if you could help me find someone,” I said, retreating backwards and sitting on my knees near the doors. “A man named Tsushima Shuji. He’s an accountant at this big company...”
As I carefully explained the case to Katai, I saw Kunikida turn and quietly leave the room. I didn’t think anything of it and was about to ask Katai about the black card when I heard a loud clattering and a splash from somewhere behind me.
“What the—?”
I turned my head to see Kunikida standing at the sink near Katai’s front door. His black shirtsleeves were rolled up past the elbows and he was furiously washing the dishes and stacking them in the dish rack nearby. I swallowed dryly, feeling a familiar heat creep over my cheeks as I watched him take a step back from the counter and wipe his large hands on one of Katai’s grimy dishcloths.
Wow. I can see the definition in his forearms from all the way over here...
“I see,” Katai mumbled, startling me.
I jerked back around to face him.
“So you want me to use this card to find Tsushima?” Katai asked, turning the black access card over in his hands.
“Y-yes,” I stammered, hoping Katai couldn’t tell if I was blushing or not. “And, if possible, try to find the money that was stolen or at least a trace of the hacker. I’m not sure if you can do that with just this card... Should I explain what this is?”
“No need,” Katai replied, now squinting into the gold wiring inside the card. “I think I know. Just a moment, please.”
Readjusting his futon where it was slipping off his head, Katai tucked the card into the folds of his brown Haori and shuffled over to the monitors. As he was busying himself with his computers, I heard a loud clattering noise from somewhere far behind me and turned to look.
It was Kunikida and he was heading for the door with several large, heavy-looking bags of garbage that jangled noisily as he dragged them along. I was about to get up and ask if he needed any help when I saw him kick open Katai’s front door with an angry roar and march down the hallway with all of the bags thrown over his shoulder.
Holy shit...
In the time it had taken me to give the briefest of explanations to Katai, Kunikida had cleared out the entire antechamber. Gone was the collection of empty sake bottles, gone were the bags of garbage near the sink—even the few pairs of shoes left near the door had been organized neatly (including the ones we’d taken off). I heard yet more noisy clattering from down the hall as, from the sound of it, Kunikida kicked open several more doors and headed out to the garbage room.
Wincing slightly as the front door slammed shut by itself, I glanced back at Katai, only to find that I was far more focused on the piles of garbage collecting all around the corners than on the case. Kunikida was being kind when he’d said Katai’s living situation would be “familiar” to me. Identical was more like it. The only difference between Katai’s apartment and my old one was that his room was full of tech instead of anime posters. Honestly, Katai’s place was probably cleaner than mine was; at least he had the good sense to put all his trash away in bags rather than just tossing it into corners and letting it get all moldy.
I shuddered as I thought about Kunikida being the one to venture into my otaku cave to retrieve my belongings the night I’d been rescued. I could picture him cracking open the door, pinching his nose shut and staring all around him in obvious disgust as he navigated his way between random piles of crap—garbage and dirty laundry that was in such a state, they definitely would’ve been censored if this were an anime production. What if on his way into my main room, he’d slipped on that one banana peel that hadn’t quite made its way into the garbage bin in the kitchen? And then landed in a pile of discarded undergarments. What if he’d seen my granny panties or worse, ended up touching one?!
I bit back a groan.
How could I have ever thought I had a chance with Kunikida?
Even if he thought I was cute, even if I somehow managed to embody all fifty-eight traits of his ideal woman, Kunikida would never see me as anything more than a smelly shut-in—!
I snapped to attention but, predictably, Katai still wasn’t looking at me. He was still facing the wall to my right even though he was clearly addressing me.
“Yes, Katai-san?”
Katai frowned.
“Finding Tsushima using this data alone could prove difficult. Would you mind if I tried tracing the money first and seeing if that gives us any leads?”
When I shook my head no, Katai looked back to the screen.
“Okay, then. Do you remember which account the money was stolen from?”
“It was a ‘business expenditures’ account,” I recalled, suddenly realizing I’d left the printouts at the Agency in my rush to leave.
Katai nodded.
“Got it. Hang on.”
He extended one hand towards the wall of computers and at once, the light in the room changed from pale blue to a bright, forest green. I watched, jaw hanging slack as one of the computer towers suddenly erupted in a storm of tiny green lightning bolts, the corresponding monitor flickering violently as lines of code began flying across the screen at incredible speeds. Within seconds several windows had popped up, one of which displayed rows and rows of names and numbers. It was a large spreadsheet and as I stared at the screen, I realized Katai had just gotten into the bank account without touching the card or the computer.
“What... did you do?” I asked, amazed.
“My Ability lets me control electronics without touching them,” Katai explained. “It works best when I’m comfortable...”
He pulled the futon covers higher over his head and continued to stare at the wall to my right.
“And I’m most comfortable here, in my apartment, with Yoshiko.”
I looked around but when I didn’t see anything even remotely resembling a “Yoshiko” in Katai’s apartment, I shrugged and got up to go look at the spreadsheet Katai had pulled up. “I think this is right,” I said, pointing at a familiar-looking line. “This is the business account we’re looking at.”
“Really?” Katai asked, sounding puzzled.
He raised his hand, the screen flickered again and a bar chart and some kind of graphic appeared on the right.
“It’s completely empty.”
“That means it’s the right one,” I said. “Can you trace the money from here, by any chance?”
“Let’s see.”
Once again, Katai raised his hand. The screen flickered a little, then glowed green but this time, no new windows popped up.
“Huh. That’s strange,” Katai muttered. “Let’s try something else.”
This time, he lifted both hands and pointed his fingers at the screen. I thought I felt an odd breeze waft about the room as that bright green glow returned but when both the breeze and the glow had died down, I saw that once again, there was no change to the screen.
“Katai-san,” I said slowly, “What’s happening...?”
“I can’t find it.”
“I can’t trace the hack,” Katai said numbly. “Well, I tried but the money’s gone. It went to some other account I can’t get into.”
He gathered the futon covers more closely about his body and parked himself in front of the computer screen, muttering things I didn’t quite understand—it was probably computer speak of some sort. As he sat there mumbling to himself and trying to find a way around the security systems, shooting bolts of green lightning here and there out of his hands, I heard the door creak open and realized Kunikida was back. He wasn’t here for long and I watched as he grabbed another set of trash bags and headed back out the door.
“So you two are old friends, huh?” I asked, glancing back at Katai the moment Kunikida was gone. “How... did you guys meet?”
Katai stopped mumbling to himself long enough to shoot back a quick reply.
“He dragged me out of my home and brought me to the Agency. They needed my help with something...”
He shuddered.
“It’s been a while and honestly I can’t remember the details too well.”
It’s either that or maybe he doesn’t actually want to recall them, I thought as I saw Katai huddle himself deeper in his blankets.
“Right... Katai-san? Can I ask you something else?”
I shot a quick look behind me to make sure Kunikida was still out in the hall. At first, Katai didn’t seem to have heard me but when I realized he was sitting stock-still, waiting for me to ask, I went for it.
“Why... did you think I was Kunikida-san’s fiance?”
Katai stopped shivering long enough to turn towards the right wall again.
“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked blankly. “You seem close. He doesn’t usually go out of his way to help the newbies. Unless, of course, he vouched for you to join the Agency and is now acting as your mentor?”
“He is,” I admitted, feeling my heart sink slightly.
I rubbed my arm.
So that was it. I was half-hoping maybe Katai saw something I hadn’t when he’d assumed Kunikida and I were together but turns out, it was just Kunikida being a professional and being kind to me. As usual.
I sighed.
“How about this...” Katai said, slowly.
He sat up a little more so that the covers fell off his shoulders and piled around his torso. He turned once again to the wall on the right and spoke.
“I’m going to see if I can trace Tsushima’s activity, since I can’t get into whatever sort of ‘bank account’ is being used to store the money. If I do that, I should be able to find either the money or the person.”
He readjusted his glasses and readjusted his position in the futon.
“We should wait for your case partner before I do this. He’s going to want to see the findings too, regardless of the result.”
“Case partner?” I asked, “But Dazai’s not even here—”
“Dazai-san is your case partner?” Katai asked, sounding very surprised. “But I thought Kunikida-san was working with you? He’s the one who brought you to see me.”
I shook my head but switched to talking when I remembered Katai wouldn’t be able to see it, since he still wasn’t looking at me.
“No, Kunikida-san isn’t my case partner. Well, not this time, anyway. He was just nice enough to introduce me to you since you know each other so well.”
“I see...” Katai mumbled, rubbing his chin. “Seems you’re pretty lucky, Kusunoki-san.”
I stared at him.
“Lucky...? What do you mean by that?”
Katai shrugged. Still not looking me in the eye, he spoke.
“He doesn’t usually take time out of his busy schedule to help the newbies on case, unless it’s a case he’s already working or it’s something big enough to affect the whole city.”
He tapped one of the computer towers.
“He must like you a lot.”
I felt a small, sheepish smile crawl across my face.
What a nice thing to say. But could it actually be true...?
Just then, my phone started buzzing in my pocket but when it took it out so I could read the message, my smile disappeared.
“So, did you confess yet?” it read.
I sighed.
I didn’t even feel like acknowledging the text, so I held my phone as close to my body as I could, preparing to erase it. But before I could hit “delete,” a second, more incriminating message appeared and this one almost made my heart stop in my chest.
“You should! I made sure all the conditions were absolutely perfect before you left for Katai’s place.”
I heard a subtle creaking from the antechamber, followed by several heavy footsteps and I realized Kunikida was on his way back in.
“How’s it going in there?” he called as he walked towards us.
Feeling frantic, I hurried to shoot back a text before Dazai could say anything else but it was too late—the phone was going off again.
“Don’t forget,” the words popped up on the screen, as I scrambled to type something back, “He thinks you’re cute!”
Stop! Stop texting me!
“Find anything important?” Kunikida asked, sitting down next to me just as the final message (and nail in my coffin) appeared with a tinny eight-bit chime.
I blanched. Without thinking about what I was doing, I tried to shove the phone inside my jacket to hide it. However, in my panic, I’d completely forgotten there weren’t any pockets on the inside and the phone clattered noisily to floor, where it fell face up on the tatami mats, screen unlocked, the winky face emoticon on full display.
Kunikida cleared his throat.
“Uh,” he started.
Quick as a flash, I grabbed the phone and this time, managed to successfully put it in my skirt pocket.
Kunikida raised an eyebrow.
“...Was that Dazai?” he asked quietly.
“Y-yeah, he just wanted to know what we got so far...”
“I see.”
Luckily, Katai chose this moment to call out to us.
“I found something!”
Ahead of us, the screens were changing rapidly, as Katai continued tracing Tsushima. Window after window popped up on the monitor, each one getting covered by a new one so quickly I couldn’t see what was happening.
“I’m tracing Tsushima’s activity right now,” Katai said. “It’s quite the rabbit hole we’re going down. It looks like he’s virtually dropped off the face of the earth about a month ago. I can’t find anything on him that’s more recent.”
I stared.
“What? But the company thinks he stole the money—”
“That’s the thing,” Katai interrupted, looking perplexed, “every bank account that he’s even remotely involved in shows no activity—even the ones he managed at the company, and there were a lot of those. It looks like he hasn’t spent any money at all himself either. What’s more interesting is this.”
He directed his left index finger at the screen and a window with columns of numbers and names appeared.
“This is a security log. It looks like someone used Tsushima’s company badge to get into the building just yesterday evening.”
“Yesterday evening?” I repeated.
And that bomb had gone off in that same building just this morning. No wonder Tanaka was having his bodyguard vet everyone. He’d probably increased security because he knew there would be some kind of threat. Dimly, I thought back to the dead black bird I’d seen in Tanaka’s trash can this morning.
“I’m going to see if I can pull up alternate identities for Tsushima,” Katai said, already bringing up several new windows on a second monitor. “Perhaps he’s still active, just not using the name Tsushima Shuji any more. If so, I should be able to find something...”
As Katai continued trying to track down Tsushima, I chanced a look at Kunikida on my left. He looked like he was watching the screen and I could see the lines of green text scrolling across Katai’s monitors reflected in his narrow, rectangular glasses but behind them, the expression his gray-green eyes looked faraway, thoughtful...
Was he thinking about the texts I’d gotten from Dazai? Or was he just thinking about my case?
“I found something,” Katai declared.
A window with several folders appeared on his main monitor. The first one looked faded, the image appearing faded with some kind of gray overlay. A symbol that looked like a lock flickered over the screen. Katai pointed a finger at it and at once, the lock symbol disappeared; the color of the folder immediately brightened up and the folder flipped open.
“This is Tsushima’s employee file,” Katai said. “Rather poorly encrypted if you ask me—this was by far the easiest thing I’ve hacked all day. Looks like the data in this file is very, very old.”
A document appeared on the screen.
“I see...” Katai mumbled, scrolling through it. “The name Tsushima Shuji seems to be some kind of alias. His real name is...”
A second document appeared but the moment I saw the name and address at the top, I felt my blood turn to ice in my veins. Feeling almost dizzy in my confusion, I climbed to my feet and approached the monitor, my hand outstretched towards the image.
“The address is wrong,” I whispered, barely hearing Katai’s protests and touching the screen. “This is wrong.”
“Kusunoki?” Kunikida murmured.
I could sense him getting up and following me to the wall of monitors, but I could not tear my eyes away from the photograph that had just appeared on Katai’s monitor.
There, in the middle of the screen, was a very familiar photograph of a thin man, with small, dark eyes and a tiny pair of round, circular glasses perched elegantly on his slightly hooked nose. It was a picture of Yamazaki Shuji, Mrs. Yamazaki’s husband and appeared to have been taken within a few years of the one hanging in Mrs. Yamazaki’s apartment living room.
Kunikida was calling for me but I was barely aware of it. I had only one thing in mind and that was getting to the apartment listed as Mr. Yamazaki’s as quickly as possible.
What was going on? Why was Mr. Yamazaki’s address listed as a place two blocks from here when Mrs. Yamazaki told me he was living and working abroad?
“Kusunoki-kun!!” Kunikida’s voice echoed after me as I tore down the hall, heading for the stairs. “Come back!!”
But even as I heard his heavy footsteps chasing after me, I’d already reached the outside. Flinging open the main door of Katai’s apartment complex, I burst into the bright afternoon sun, blinking and rubbing my eyes as I ripped out my phone and punched in the address I’d seen on Katai’s monitor. It took only a second to plot a route and the instant the map appeared on my screen, I raced down the quiet, empty streets.
What was Mr. Yamazaki doing in Yokohama, working with an investment firm that likely had ties to the Port Mafia? Had someone stolen his identity? Or worse...
I felt my feet slow as a horrible thought condensed in my head.
What if Mr. Yamazaki was involved in something shady? Something that had to do with the building being blown up this morning or Mrs. Yamazaki being murdered in my vision...? Was I about to find something horrible in that apartment down the street?
I must’ve gone halfway down the block when Kunikida finally caught up to me. Though I was no longer running away from him, he grabbed me roughly by the arm and jerked me back with one powerful tug, spinning me all the way around so that I was forced to look him in the face.
“Where are you going?” he demanded, his breath coming in sharp gasps, “Didn’t you hear me calling after you?”
“Not really,” I mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
I tried to shake my elbow out of his grip but Kunikida was not having it.
“Did you hear nothing I said to you at the infirmary this morning?” he snapped, his grip tightening around my arm. “About being reckless and endangering yourself?”
His gray-green eyes flashed angrily.
“Why the hell are you running off without warning again and what exactly are you trying to do? Answer me!!”
Wincing at the sheer volume of his voice, I managed to answer in a small, shaky voice.
“I... I’m going to Yamazaki Shuji-san’s apartment.”
Kunikida didn’t seem to understand. His eyebrows furrowed together and he didn’t let go of my arm.
“The man you’re trying to track down?”
“Yes,” I said, unease gnawing at my insides as the name physically crossed my lips. “I recognize that photo. That’s the same Yamazaki Shuji-san who’s married to Yamazaki Tomie-san, my old neighbor.”
“Yamazaki Tomie,” Kunikida repeated slowly, his grip on my arm finally loosening when he sensed I was no longer going to run. “Wasn’t she the person whose murder you witnessed with your power?”
Unable to meet Kunikida’s eyes, I nodded, letting my arm dangle limply in my mentor’s grip.
“I don’t understand why but according to what Katai-san found, Yamazaki Shuji-san’s home address is listed as a place close by, not the apartment where his wife lived. She... his wife told me he lived and worked abroad and that he’s almost never here in Yokohama. But.. if he is here and he seems to be involved with that company somehow...”
I stared at the red ribbon tied around Kunikida’s neck, feeling oddly like I’d regressed to my old shut-in self, unable to look my mentor in the face the way Katai hadn’t been able to look at me.
“Then I need to find out why. If Katai-san’s information is correct, then something strange is going on with Yamazaki Shuji. It looks like he handled large sums of money when he worked with the company and to be honest with you...”
I stared down at his shoes.
“This makes me afraid that Yamazaki Tomie-san is still in danger of being murdered. I need to do what I can to keep her safe.”
I bit my lip.
“Kunikida-san... You should go back without me. I’ve taken up enough of your time already and this address is really close by. I’ll go investigate Shuji-san before I head back to the Agency—”
I snapped up to look at him.
“No—? What do you mean ‘no?’” I exclaimed, “It’s my case—!”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Kunikida’s voice was firm.
“I’m coming with you.”
I was confused.
He let go of me and my arm finally slid out of his grip. I couldn’t stop staring at him. Kunikida looked troubled.
“I may not be working this case with you,” Kunikida said quietly, pulling out his notebook and writing several things down very quickly, “but President Fukuzawa tasked me with taking care of you... and I take that duty very seriously.”
Slapping his notebook shut, he looked up at me, his gray-green eyes as hard as steel behind his thin, rectangular glasses.
“You can investigate the rest of the case on your own but I would be a fool to let you go to that apartment unaccompanied—especially in light of the explosion at the company headquarters this morning.”
He gripped his notebook hard, his knuckles blanching against the olive-green cover.
“I’m not letting you get hurt. Not while I’m still here...”
My fingers flew to my lips, my pulse suddenly racing.
Was Katai right? Was Kunikida being nice to me because...?
“W-what I’m trying to say,” Kunikida said, the tips of his ears turning pink, “is that from the way you behaved just now, it’s clear that you’re still just as reckless as ever.  If you go in that apartment by yourself and something happens, how would any of us be able to reach you in time?”
I let my hands drop away from my face, my cheeks coloring now from shame rather than excitement.
“I see,” I mumbled, lifting my phone back up. “I guess I should text Dazai-san then, since it’s his case too. Let him know what’s going on...”
So that’s it. Kunikida-san still thinks I can’t handle myself...
I sighed.
Not that I’d done anything to prove him wrong...
Swiping through the screen to get rid of my map, I found the last series of texts Dazai had sent me and shot a quick message back. But as soon as I closed the text app, I found myself staring at the set of photos I had taken just this morning, at Minato Mirai.
It felt like so long ago, I thought, staring at the photo of the pastel-toned skyline I’d meant to send Kunikida early this morning but forgotten to in the chaos.
Was there any point to still sending it? Now that I knew what Kunikida really thought of me...?
I jumped, nearly dropping my phone. I hadn’t been expecting that deep voice to be coming from so close by and when I looked up, squeezing my phone tightly between my fingers, I saw that Kunikida was standing very close to me. His sage-colored eyes were soft and contemplative as he observed me and although I knew he thought of me only as a troublesome kohai, I felt my heart race just a little bit faster. He was just so tall and so attractive up close...
“Y-yes?” I asked, heart hammering in my chest.
Kunikida’s gaze flicked down to my phone momentarily before coming back up to meet mine.
“Is... everything okay?” he asked, “With Dazai, that is...”
Unsure of what his tone was, I studied him.
“What do you mean?”
Why was he asking about Dazai?
“Y-yes,” I answered, feeling oddly hesitant. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Kunikida rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I noticed that he still hadn’t put his notebook away. One of his fingers was still sandwiched between the pages and...
I squinted.
..was that page fifty-three?
“Well,” he began, his eyes flitting away from me once again as the corners of his lips dropped down into a frown. He was clearly deep in thought.
“I know Dazai-san is not the easiest person to get along with and I know that he likes to push peoples’ buttons. But more than that, I know how he is with women... and I know that you’ve spent a fair amount of time together since the beginning...”
His gray-green eyes met mine once more.
“Kusunoki-kun... did something...?”
He trailed off and I got his meaning at once.
“NO!” I exclaimed, raising my hands even as the color rose in my cheeks. “No! Absolutely not! Nothing is going on with Dazai-san, I swear—”
I was interrupted by a small ping from my phone. I looked down and to my horror, saw that I had just received yet another text message from Dazai.
“A beautiful morning indeed. But it still pales in comparison to you. ;)”
In my haste to put the phone away earlier, I’d accidentally sent the photo meant for Kunikida to Dazai.
And Dazai had just responded.
Shit. Even when he wasn’t here, he was still somehow able to ruin everything...!
Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I glanced back up at Kunikida, trying to wipe the scowl off my face in favor of something more neutral, more professional...
“Nothing’s going on between me and Dazai-san,” I said firmly.
Kunikida didn’t look entirely convinced.
“You sure?” he asked, crossing his arms.
I nodded and he sighed.
“The only reason I ask is... Lately, I’ve seen the two of you talking together. A lot. And it seems like after speaking with him, you get... agitated. I don’t know what the exact nature of these conversations is but...”
His frown deepened and now I could clearly see the look of concern on his face.
“If you’re really not getting along... if he’s doing or saying anything that’s upsetting to you...”
It physically hurt to see that look on Kunikida’s handsome face and without meaning to, I reached out to touch his arm.
If only I could tell him the truth... that I liked him—really liked him, and that the only secrets I was keeping from him were about his notebook and my feelings...
But I wasn’t ready yet. I still wasn’t anywhere near close to his level or his ideal woman right now and he and I both knew it.
It was just too soon...
“We can reassign you,” he said finally.
I stopped reaching for him at once.
“You don’t have to work with him if you don’t want to,” Kunikida said as I quickly moved to shove both hands back into my pockets as far as they would go. “We won’t push you to. If spending time alone with Dazai is proving to be too much for you—”
“It’s not,” I said quickly. “I can handle him, Kunikida-san, I mean it.”
And if I couldn’t now, I’d find a way to as soon as possible. For you, Kunikida-san...
I pulled my phone back out, outright deleted the message from Dazai (if I needed to contact him again, I’m sure he’d somehow find a way to reach me first) and pulled out the map once again.
“We should get going,” I said, glancing down the street, which was still mostly empty, “Shuji-san’s apartment is pretty closeby. I think we’ve only got a block and a half to go...”
Trailing off, I looked back up at Kunikida, who was once again writing something down in his notebook. When he noticed I was looking, he quickly closed the notebook with an audible snap. For a brief moment, there was an unreadable expression in his eyes, similar to the one I’d seen in Dazai’s earlier this morning, while we were leaving Minato Mirai.
I studied him.
“Kunikida-san...” I trailed off. “Is everything...?”
Suddenly, there was a sound like a cannon going off, as if someone had detonated a firework too close to the ground. The pavement shook and I was instantly thrown off balance, stumbling forward until I nearly collided with Kunikida’s chest. Thankfully, the tall, blonde detective was quicker to respond than I was and he grabbed hold of me before I could fall any further.
There was another distant rumble, like an aftershock. Kunikida’s arms instantly tightened around me and I felt all the blood in my veins turn to fire when I realized Kunikida Doppo was actually holding me in his arms.
“Kusunoki,” he gasped, “Are you alright?”
For a moment, I couldn’t even breathe, much less answer.
Kunikida’s gray-green eyes were so much greener and more beautiful up close; I could see flecks of gold and brown in his irises as he stared down at me, his thick blonde brows furrowed together in concern.
“I’m... I’m fine...”
I couldn’t look away from his eyes and though the ground had finally stopped shaking, I still found myself unable to stand. Kunikida’s arms felt so strong and secure around me. I felt so safe here in his arms and when I breathed in, I could smell a subtle fragrance, like citrus or spice... some kind of cologne or aftershave...
He smells really good... Would he notice if I laid my head against his chest?
But then a second explosion sounded—too soon after the first—and this time, I turned around just in time to see a fireball punching into the sky.
“Oh no...”
The explosions were coming from two streets away... around the area where Mr. Yamazaki’s apartment was supposed to be.
Exchanging a quick glance, we hurriedly parted from each other and began sprinting towards the area together. We arrived just in time to see a small stream of people rushing out of the building, several of whom were already on their phones, frantically babbling to relatives or the authorities. Thick black smoke was billowing out of the shattered windows of a single apartment room three stories up, flames licking the tops of the ruined window frames as tiny pieces of broken glass and blackened wood rained down on the street below. As we stopped on the street corner opposite the building, I heard a tell-tale wail of sirens as a fire engine came rushing towards us from far away, the shouts of the military police following closely in their wake.
Numbly, shakily, I pulled out my phone and checked the address I’d entered. Mr. Yamazaki had been living on the third floor. If he had been in the room at the time of the explosion, then that meant he was probably dead...
I wobbled on my feet.
“We were too late...”
“Too late?”
Kunikida’s voice was suddenly as cold as ice. I turned around to see him staring at me incredulously, his notebook clutched so tightly in his hand that his knuckles were going white, indents appearing on the olive green cover as he unconsciously began to make a fist. Although he was standing perfectly still, the very air around him seemed to crackle with energy, like the brief moment of calm before the storm and I felt my breath catch in my throat as I saw the clouds gathering in his eyes, now more slate-gray than green.
Kunikida was angry.
Very angry.
His eyes narrowed sharply and I braced myself.
“Too late?!” he spat, marching towards me. “And just what do you mean by that?”
He stopped just before me, his fists shaking with barely suppressed rage as he glared down at me, his glasses flashing in the glow of the fire like lightning.
“If you or I had been in there,” he whispered harshly, “We would’ve gotten blown up along with everyone and everything else inside that room! Kusunoki, you don’t even know if Yamazaki Shuji was in there!”
“Th-that’s true...”
But something wasn’t right. The gears in my head started turning.
“Why blow up Yamazaki Shuji’s apartment?” I wondered out loud. “Did someone figure out for sure that he was the one stealing the money? Even Dazai-san and I didn’t get that far yet.”
If only I’d been able to go in and take a look... but as it stood...
I glanced back up at the apartment, staring at the third story windows, where Mr. Yamazaki’s apartment should have been.
Any evidence that may have been inside that room had just gone up in smoke... along with Mr. Yamazaki, if he had been in there.
“There must have been something in there,” I thought aloud. “Evidence. Something important. Maybe someone was trying to cover their tracks by destroying the evidence or Yamazaki-san.”
I turned to face Kunikida.
“What do you think?”
“That’s possible,” Kunikida replied, his voice low, “But whoever’s involved could also be trying to get rid of the detectives investigating before they can figure out the truth behind these thefts.”
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than I heard a loud rushing noise, followed by a thunderous crack coming from somewhere behind me. I whirled around just in time to see every window in the third story row shatter in a spectacular blaze of heat and light as something I could only describe as an actual comet came barreling towards me—
And then it was gone—blocked from view by a tall figure wearing beige and black clothes...
Time seemed to slow. I could feel my body falling backwards. A ball of flame soared overhead, just past my face, past the long, blonde ponytail sailing in the air before me. A burning ember landed on the tip of my nose and I felt it sizzle against my skin...
I hit the ground. Asphalt crunched underneath my back as I landed painfully in the middle of the street, all the air knocked out of my lungs by the heavy weight now resting on top of me. I could still feel the heat of the burning projectile on the side of my face as it landed nearby, smoldering in a tiny, cracked crater in the road. I heard someone groan—someone with a deep, masculine voice and I felt everything come to a standstill when I realized who was on top of me.
Kunikida Doppo was on top of me.
His voice was low and husky in my ear as he spoke and his body was warm and solid against mine. I could actually feel every muscle in his body shifting as he pushed himself up and off of me and in a brief moment of insanity, I considered pulling him back down with me.
That moment ended when I heard him take in a breath that sounded more like a soft hiss of pain.
As he got to his feet, I instantly understood why I hadn’t hit my head when I’d gone down. Kunikida had cradled the back of my skull with one large hand as I fell.
He’d protected me again.
Now, his black sleeves were scuffed up, even ripped in some places and there were deep, bloody scratches on the back of his hand. When he gingerly extended that hand out towards me to help me up, I felt the flush of excitement in my cheeks morph into one of deep-seated guilt.
I couldn’t look at him as I took his hand. The pull of my Ability could barely be felt through the shame.
It was my fault he’d gotten hurt...
“You okay?” Kunikida asked, pulling me to my feet.
Stop it. Stop being so kind to me and putting yourself in harm’s way for me... I don’t deserve it.
I nodded, still staring at the blood welling on his pale skin.
“Yeah. You?”
Kunikida lifted his hand to his face, glanced at it, and reached into his pocket for a handkerchief. I mentally kicked myself for not offering one first.
“I’m fine.”
As I watched him wipe away the blood on the back of his hand, I checked my pockets for bandages. But they were all in my bag—the messenger bag that I’d left behind at the Agency office. I hung my head.
“I’m sorry, Kunikida-san.”
“It’s alright. It’s just a scratch,” Kunikida said, putting his handkerchief away. “I’m just glad you’re not hurt.”
I thought I saw a shadow of a smile cross his face as he looked at me and for a moment, I wished that he wasn’t here and that I had gotten hurt. I would’ve deserved it. It was my fault for not paying attention and being reckless in the first place.
I should be the one with torn sleeves and bloody knuckles. Not him...
I felt something burning behind my eyes and looked away when I realized I was going to cry.
If only I was half the woman described in his notebook... Kunikida’s ideal woman wouldn’t need to be protected like this. If I were anywhere close to his ideal, I would’ve been able to protect him...
As I struggled to regain my composure, I heard Kunikida speak.
I pressed my hand into my eyes to push away the tears, not caring that what little eye makeup I’d succeeded in putting on this morning was going to run and blinked up at him.
Kunikida’s gray-green eyes hardened just a fraction and he pressed his lips into a stern line.
“I think it’s best we take you off the case.”
For a second, I thought I hadn’t heard him correctly. But when I realized he was serious, my jaw dropped.
“What...? Why?!”
“It’s clear that you’re looking into something very dangerous here,” Kunikida stated, already taking out his green notebook. “You almost got caught in two explosions today: the one this morning at the company and this one here. Unless you can stop being reckless and start thinking ahead when you’re out on an investigation, you’re going to get yourself killed!”
I fell silent.
I hated to admit it but he was right. If I wanted to become a better detective, I was going to have to start doing better. Especially if I still wanted to earn Kunikida’s respect before confessing my feelings for him.
Kunikida sighed and started writing in his notebook.
“If Dazai-san still needs a case partner, I’ll have Atsushi-kun take your place. He’s already used to working with Dazai-san and he’s got combat experience. Maybe we can just have you swap assignments—”
I was surprised he could hear me over the roar of the flames and the squealing of the sirens as the fire department finally arrived but he had.
Kunikida put down his notebook. His eyes narrowed.
“No?” he echoed, as if not sure what he had heard me correctly. “What do you mean ‘no?’”
“I said ‘no,’” I repeated, standing up straighter. “You’re not taking me off this case, Kunikida-san. Not when I’m finally figuring things out.”
If I left now, I’d never find out why Mrs. Yamazaki was supposed to be murdered in the first place. I didn’t want to leave if there was still a threat to her life. And if I left now... Kunikida would never respect me as a detective or a woman.
And what I want...
I lifted my head and firmly met his gaze.
...is to be a woman who can stand beside him. One who doesn’t need to be protected or hide behind his back.
Kunikida’s eyes flashed.
“Stand down, Kusunoki. That’s an order.”
“NO!!” I shouted.
Surprised by the sheer volume of my voice, Kunikida was stunned into silence.
“Three times...” I said quietly.
My hands were shaking and I clasped them together to make them stop. I felt the bandage over the back of my hand stretching against my skin.
“You’ve saved me three times now, Kunikida-san. First there was the art gallery. Then there was the serial kidnapper. And now, this.”
I swallowed dryly and continued staring into his eyes, slate-gray and unyielding, the softer tinge of green washed away by the harsh glow of the burning apartment.
“I... I don’t want you to see me as someone who always needs to be saved.”
I want to stand on equal ground with you. I want you to acknowledge me. I...!
Squeezing my eyes shut, I opened my mouth and let the words burst out.
“I want to become a woman worthy of your respect!”
For a moment, all I could hear was the dull, dwindling roar of the apartment fire across the street. There were a few scattered shouts and I could smell the pungent aroma of smoke and wet wood wafting through the air as the fire department managed to put out the blaze at last. Kunikida wasn’t speaking and neither was I and the words seemed to hang in the air between us like a dense cloud of smoke.
“Respect... huh,” Kunikida said at last.
I brought my hands up to my mouth.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, turning red, “I said something weird, didn’t I?”
That was too close for comfort—if things had gone on like this for too long, I might’ve accidentally confessed!!
I thought Dazai and his stupid text messages hadn’t gotten to me, but clearly they had...!!
“No. No, you didn’t,” Kunikida replied, covering up the lower half of his face and turning away from me.
Huh? Was I imagining it? Maybe it was just the lighting but... his face looked a little pink...
“I suppose I didn’t treat Atsushi-kun quite like this when he first started with us,” Kunikida admitted, running his uninjured hand through his choppy blonde bangs, “but Atsushi-kun also didn’t behave in such a way—no wait, he did. He was just able to fight his way out of it.”
And with that, Kunikida covered his face with both hands and let out a muffled scream of frustration. I watched, dumbfounded, as he started pacing back and forth on the sidewalk like a caged animal with his hands still glued to his face, which was slowly getting pinker and pinker the longer this went on. Whatever was going on in his head, Kunikida seemed to be at a loss. He was mumbling unintelligibly to himself under his breath as he paced and although seeing him like this worried me a little, I still found it kind of cute...
“Uh... Kunikida-san?”
At the sound of my voice, Kunikida stopped pacing immediately.
“Perhaps you’re right,” he sighed, finally taking his hands off his face (which was now bright red). “I have been treating you with kid gloves. Fine.”
I breathed in sharply.
“I won’t take you off the case,” Kunikida clarified, “But if—and only if—you promise me you’re going to start prioritizing your own safety above the case. I’ll talk to Dazai about it so he knows as well but if you do one more reckless thing while working on this assignment, you’re done. You got that?”
I could’ve hugged him. But that would definitely be too much so I chose to bow as low as I could instead.
“Thank you!” I gasped. “I won’t let you down, I promise!”
“I’m sure you won’t,” Kunikida sighed. “Work hard, Kusunoki-kun. Take care of yourself and work hard and you’ll become a detective anyone can respect.”
He turned on his heel and strode back towards Katai’s place, his notebook tucked safely back into his vest.
“Now, come on. I think Katai wanted to give you some printouts before you ran out earlier. We’ll let the police handle this and you can get any relevant reports from them tomorrow.”
As I chased after him down the sidewalk, I turned slightly to shoot one final look at the smoldering apartment behind me. Whatever was going on, I was going to get to the bottom of it. And it looked like I was going to need more information on my old neighbors to do it.
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starlight-drive-in · 5 years
Catching Feelings Ch. 2 Seven/MC College AU
Awhile ago I was requested by @navarr0landia write a continuation of my College AU I started during Saeyoung week this year (which I was low key looking for the extra push to do anyway so thanks!) 
So here it is! Part 2 of what I am now calling Catching Feelings: 
AO3 Link  (Check here for warning/tags)
The shrill sound of MC's alarm pierces through her slumber bringing her to consciousness, much to her dismay.
"Ughhh." She groans as the full weight of her headache is realized as soon as she moves to tap the snooze button on her phone. She groans again, smothering her face into the pillow desperate to sink back into sleep. There are no hangovers in dreamland.
Of course exactly 10 minutes later - BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.
This time MC doesn't mess around with the snooze button, it's too early and her head hurts way too much for this right now, her morning class is just not going to happen. She grasps desperately at sleep again.
She's not sure how much later it is but begins to hear Mei rustle around the room, getting ready for class and then the light turns on. MC groans again and pulls and blankets up over her head in protest.
"How are you feeling there, Sunshine?" Her roommate asks.
"Mmmm" MC groans miserably in response. "Why did I let you take me to a party on a weeknight?"
Her roommate laughs quietly. "You should be thanking me."
"For what?!" MC asks incredulously.
"You seriously don't remember? Maaaaybe you should check your phone that's been going off for the past hour." Mei says before the bathroom door clicks closed.
Why? MC thinks in response pulling her phone off her nightstand and under her little blanket tent.  It's not like anyone ever texts…me? She thinks as she sees seven new messages from "Saeyoung (Crazy Cat Guy)"
"Oh, shit." She mutters as memories from the night before - as well as a healthy dose of embarrassment - flood in. Parts of the night are definitely blurry in her mind. She remembers the bathroom and Seven/Saeyoung with the cat. And his eyes. Oh my god, his eyes, and that smile. Her heart clenches at the thought of him. This isn’t good, It’s been less than 24 hours and she’s already in deep.
Bits and pieces of their conversation float through her head but she can’t seem to grasp the entirety of it. Ugh. Why did she have so many of those... whatever they weres? What did she say to him? She desperately hopes nothing too bad. It couldn't have been anything too bad if he was texting her right? Unless it was that bad and he was telling her how weird she was. Calm down MC, calm down. Just unlock your phone and read the messages, you can do it.  
She takes a deep breath and bites her lip, entering her lock code. Her screen brightens, making her headache more apparent, but revealing the messages to her.
Saeyoung (9:09am): PSHHT This is ground control to Astronaut MC, do you read me?
Saeyoung (9:25am): PSHHT I repeat. MC, do you read me?
Saeyoung (10:07am): lolol I really hope you don't have a morning class
Saeyoung (10:11am): How are you feeling, Little Kitty?
Saeyoung (10:15am): >.< Was that weird? Sorry that was probably weird
Saeyoung (10:20am): Please let Seveny know you are still alive when you can
Saeyoung (10:30am): I‘m in class now but Secret Agent 707 might have to go on a rescue mission afterward if he doesn't hear back from you ^^’
MC’s face heats up a few degrees as she reads the messages He’s worried about me! Her heart leaps again as she thinks over how to respond to him as quickly as possible.
Seven bobs his leg up and down nervously as he sits in his back corner seat of the Comp Sci lab, not hearing anything his teacher is saying about compilation errors. He unlocks his phone for the third time in less than a minute and stares at the notification bar. Was he too forward? Too weird? She didn't seem to mind is weirdness too much last night but maybe that was because she was drunk? Or maybe something’s actually wrong, what if she had alcohol poisoning? Was she hurt, or was she just ignoring him? He didn't like either of those options frankly.
“Luciel?” He hears his teacher's voice pierces through his mind’s paranoid circling.
“Can you tell me why this code isn’t compiling correctly? Tell me where the error is.” His teacher looks at him pointedly, obviously trying to catch him off guard.
“Uhhhh” He stalls, scanning the code on the board. “You have a syntax error on line 23.”
His teacher - Mr. Vanderwood, seems a little disappointed he can’t reprimand him, “That's cor-”
“And 47.” Seven adds.
“Wait, what?” Mr. Vanderwood says incredulously scanning the code himself. “You’re right… uhh thanks, I guess”
“No probs Ms. Vanderwood.” Seven replies casually.
“It’s Mr. Vanderwood, Luciel.”
“Right, right, won't happen again Vandy!” the class collectively giggles at the interaction that's quite common amongst the two
“Ah hahaha sorry!” Seven cowers, shutting up.
His teacher stares at him a moment longer before continuing, “The next type of error you may have is a runtime error, a runtime error occurs when….” - and just like that Seven has checked out and is back to his phone again, and he has two new messages! He fumbles a bit in his excitement but manages to get his phone unlocked.
MC (Q-T-π): Hey! Sorry for making you worry! I just woke up.
MC (Q-T-π): And if it wasn't weird I’d be worried it wasn't you I was talking to, but that doesn’t mean I didn't like it. :)
She doesn't hate him! She thanked him! Thank God. He impulsively grasps the cross around his neck in victory. She used a smile emoji! Does that mean he made her smile? Oh, he really hopes so!
He looks rapidly around the room. Realizing Vanderwood is busy helping someone else he quickly types out a reply.
Saeyoung: She lives! :D Seven can breathe again. How do you feel?
MC seats herself up in bed and manages to get at least her feet off the bed before she's alerted to another message, her stomach responds with a small flourish of butterflies. Wow, he's fast. She thinks, smiling and reading his reply.
Seven watches his screen faithfully for her next message.
MC (Q-T-π): Honestly? I feel like death D:
MC (Q-T-π): But talking to you is definitely helping this headache go away.
He can’t help but crack a wide smile.
Saeyoung: Glad to be of assistance!
He can’t just let the conversation die like this though. He has to think of a way to continue it, and that's when an idea hits him.
Saeyoung: I have something else that may help!
MC (Q-T-π): Oh yea, What's that?
Saeyoung: Seven’s magic hangover (and other ailments) cure-aaaaall… Ddddddrumroll plz
MC (Q-T-π): Dum-dum-da-da-da-dum-dum!
Saeyoung: Seven Star Energy Drink!
MC (Q-T-π): You have your own energy drink? :O!
Saeyoung: Uhhhh well, haha
Saeyoung: not officially
Saeyoung: BUT
Saeyoung: I’m sure it will help clear up that nasty hangover! And that’s not all!
Saeyoung: It would be hand-delivered by yours truly :)
He sends the last message and waits with bated breath for a reply.
The bathroom door opens and Mei steps out all ready for class and starts getting her things together. MC stares at her phone screen. He wants to come over? She bites her lip and thinks for a minute. She hasn’t even had a shower yet. She groans loudly and throws her head back onto her pillow in defeat, resulting in a powerful reminder of the headache she needs to get rid of.
Mei eyes her peculiar display. “Alright, tell Mei what’s wrong.”
“Seven wants to come over” MC groans.
“So?? That’s great. Shouldn’t you be excited?”
“He wants to bring me something to help my hangover.”
“Aww, and here we all thought he was just crazy. That’s so sweet! I’m still not seeing the issue though unless you don’t actually like him and that was just the drink talking last night?”
“No, no that’s” MC stutters. “That’s not it. It’s just… I look like garbage.” MC replies sitting up again so Mei can see her face, still covered in smudged makeup from the night before.
“Hmm” Mei considers. “High-quality garbage though, like rich people garbage. Ya know?”
“Thanks,” MC replies sarcastically.
“What I mean is, you just gotta clean yourself up a bit and you’ll be fine. Like a million dollar sofa with a stain on it.” Mei says tossing her a bag of makeup wipes, a brush, her foundation and a tube of mascara.
MC wipes her face down, using about 3 wipes to get everything off, and then starts her “low effort” look by pulling her hair into a messy bun with a few loose locks on each side.
Mei ruffles around in MC’s dresser “Annnd you probably want to change.”
MC looks down and realizes she’s still wearing what she borrowed from Mei the night before.  
"How many beige sweaters do you have, Girl?" Mei tosses her a particularly oversized one and a pair of black leggings.
"They're comfy!" MC defends, finally rising herself from her bed to change. "Oh shit. I forgot to answer him!" She adds a second later, frantically pulling her sweater over her head.
"You left that poor boy on read? He probably thinks you hate him now." Mei teases.
"Nooooo!" MC whines fishing her phone out of her covers.
Saeyoung leaves class and drives the short distance back to the RFA house, glancing at his phone more frequently than he should. It's been fifteen minutes, she's probably not going to answer. He shouldn't have invited himself over like that.
He walks in the door, no one seems to be home at the moment. He continues up the stairs.
MC (Q-T-π): That would actually be very nice of you, but fair warning I look like a hot mess :/
A sense of relief falls over him, and then excitement and then… nervousness? It's been a while since he's felt that particular emotion.
Saeyoung: I'm sure you look beautiful! :)
Saeyoung: I'll head over as soon and I can get everything together!
MC (Q-T-π): Can't wait :)
He reads her message as he enters his room, flinging his black and yellow backpack onto the small couch and whoops loudly with enthusiasm, jumping up and down in excitement.
"What the fuck?!" Saeran's voice rings out from the other side of the room as he whips around in his desk chair to give his brother one of his trademark glares.
It would seem Seven forgot to check the room for other occupants when he entered. "Oops sorry bro!"
"Yeah, whatever." He says, writing off his brother's little show as one of his typical little displays and going back to his work.
Saeyoung yanks his t-shirt off over his head, and walks over to the shared closet and begins flipping through shirts.  
“Great job with inviting people to the party last night, by the way. A lot of people came out!”
Saeran smirks. “Amazing how many people are willing to go over to a random house because a stranger told them there would be free alcohol.”
“Tell me about it, Jaehee’s totaling the amount now but we should have quite a pretty good amount to donate this time!”
“That’s good, I’ll ask her about it later.” Saeran answers, writing himself a reminder on a post-it and sticking it to his computer screen.
Seven check his teeth in the closet mirror, “We missed you though, where were you last night?” He attempts to pry, knowing his brother is a pretty private person but he hoping maybe he’ll tell him anyway.
“Out” Saeran deadpans, revealing nothing.
“Hmm, ok I won’t bug you about but just be careful ok? I’ve been hearing about some weird cult stuff going on around campus.”
Saeran scoffs. “Cults? Seriously? Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.”
“Hey, can I borrow this shirt?” Seven asks, holding up a short sleeve, white button-down of Saeran’s. Obviously forgetting his former train of thought.
Saeran tsks in response “Ah, I see you didn’t do your laundry again.”
“I was busy!” Pleeaaasee?” Seven begs.
“Ugh, sure fine whatever, if it even fits you.”
“Thanks! You’re my favorite twin!” Seven shrugs into the shirt it’s a little tight, but manageable.
“That statement makes absolutely no sense, but ok. What are you getting all dressed up for anyway? I haven't seen you make an effort like this since the RFA Christmas Ball.”
“The Defender of Justice, the Mighty Seven-Zero-Seven must deliver much-needed medicine to a pretty lady who has fallen ill!” Seven says dramatically, earning an eye roll from his brother before heading over to the mirror to style his hair the best he can without product. It's still a mess but at least it looks a little neater. He sprays a little cologne on his neck and then checks his breath. “Oof, that’s not gonna work,” He says to himself before looking over at Saeran. “Hey, you got any mints?”
“I always have mints,” Saeran replies tossing him a tin from the generous supply in his desk.
“Bless you, dear brother.” Seven dumps a few in his mouth and cronches on them, making Saeran cringe.
“You’re supposed to let them dissolve ya know.” Saeran grimaces.
“Yea, yea no time gotta go!” Seven turns his backpack upside down and dumps his books and laptop onto the couch before shoving new stuff into his backpack in its place, flinging it onto his back and heading out the door.
Saeran simply rolls his eyes “And don’t fuck up my shirt!” he shouts as he listens to his brother’s footsteps descend the staircase and go out the front door.
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yjk-imagines · 5 years
Been rereading my favorite Zekk stories this week. Was tired of not being able to find enough stories about Jaina, Jacen, and Zekk pre-Jedi Academy
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“How did your parents fall in love?”
It was late at night, and they were trying to see the stars. By the way that they moved ever so slowly, Jacen suspected that the few stars they were actually able to see were the ships coming in and out of Coruscant's atmosphere. However, when you loved flying and mechanics as much as Jaina or Zekk did, that was enough. Jacen didn’t mind so much either, as he was more preoccupied with trying to see if the gardens’ latest resident, a red furry beetle he couldn’t name, would trust him enough to leave his nest of woven leaves and land on his hand.
He smiled in a way that matched Jaina’s grin, though his back was turned to her. 
“Uncle Luke hired Dad and Uncle Chewie to help him rescue Mom,” Jaina said, barely holding back laughter.
Jacen crawled back over to sit next to Zekk, their legs dangling over the edge of the rooftop garden. “Mom kinda started rescuing herself halfway through. Shot a hole in the wall and led them all down the garbage chute.”
Jaina’s giggled began to spill over, and her voice rose comically to imitate Uncle Luke’s impression of their mother back when she was just a touch more arrogant, “Into the garbage chute, Flyboy!”
“Dad practically told Uncle Luke the day that they met that he was either falling in love with mom, or he was gonna kill her because she drove him insane.”
“I think Peckhum told me that’s what love is, though,” Zekk said, pulling one of his legs up to his chest, “Someone who annoys you so much but you can’t live without them.”
Jaina innocently wrapped her arm around Zekk’s and leaned her head on his shoulder, “Well I don’t think I want someone who’s annoying, I mean Jacen already fills that spot pretty well-”
“-But I don’t think I could live without either of you.” She finished, ignoring Jacen’s protest.
Zekk was quiet as his gaze turned from their pretended stars to the Coruscant traffic miles below their feet. and even Jacen felt a little humbled to hear his brash big sister admit that she couldn’t live without him.
“Why’d you wanna know?” Jaina asked.
Zekk shrugged. “I just heard some scavengers talking today, they were wondering how a nobody like them wound up marrying the princess who’d rule the galaxy.”
“Mom doesn’t rule the galaxy, though,” Jacen said. Unconsciously, his right arm wound around Zekk’s for security while the fur-beetle began to crawl up his left arm, “She says she just helps other people run it without turning into a firefight.”
“Irregardless,” Jaina shot Jacen a glare for derailing Zekk.
“I think it’s just ‘regardless’,” Zekk put in.
“Irregardless-” Jaina insisted stubbornly, “-Uncle Luke says no one’s a “nobody”. Everyone’s something. Everybody matters to the force. And the force knew that Mom and Dad needed to meet so that they could have us.”
“And Anakin.”
“And Nik. And now here we are!”
“You guys are gonna have to explain more about the force to me when you guys get home.” Zekk sighed, shaking his head. “It sounds weird.” 
His snarled black hair batted Jacen in the face, and sent his newest friend flying back to the security of the bushes. Jacen didn’t care enough to chase after it. He’d grown too tired by now, and this whole escapade of sneak-Zekk-into-the-most-secure-building-on-the-planet-if-not-the-galaxy was moot if they weren’t spending their last night on Coruscant with their best friend. 
“Don’t worry, Zekk,” Jaina grinned, watching as another cruiser took off from their eye level and shot towards the sky, “When we come back, we’ll make sure you know everything every Jedi has ever learned.”
“Well, maybe not that much,” Zekk chuckled.
“What about you?” Jacen asked. “I know you’re with Peckhum, and he’s like this old bachelor or something, but do you know how your parents fell in love?” 
Zekk was quiet for a long time, and Jacen was afraid that he’d just made his friend upset, but Zekk shrugged, “Da watched Ma painting the town square during a rebuilding year, and he couldn’t tell if he loved her or if he wanted to be her. He didn’t remember what she painted, because she painted something new every year, but he remembered every single color she used, and he would list them all for me when I went to bed at night. Sometimes I think he just made up a list to make it longer so that I’d fall asleep faster.”
“What are some of the colors you remember?” Jaina asked quietly. Zekk was leaning his head on top of Jacen’s now.
“Well, there was blue, like the sky, yellow, for the sun, white, for the flowers, and green, for all the grass and plants that would grow in the next seven years.” 
“Green,” Jacen hummed appreciatively.
“Just like your eyes!” Jaina turned her head upward, and was met with Zekk’s soft smile.
“Yeah. I guess my mom painted my eyes when I was born.”
Jacen laughed, and nearly fell off the roof.
“Now that was funny,” Jaina laughed at the look on Jacen’s face. 
“Love you too, sis.”
“Jacen? Jaina?” 
The three went silent, and as still as three twelve-year-olds could manage.
“I know you’re up here,” Their mother said, joining Dad at the doorway that led to the apartments below, “Hello Zekk.”
“Stupid force,” Jaina hissed as their parents came around a cluster of potted trees and spotted all three children, too guilty and too tired to bother hiding.
“Hello Your Majesty, General Solo.” Zekk nervously waved hello as they scooted back from the edge of the roof in unison.
“You kids know you’re not supposed to be on the edge of the roof when you’re alone like this,” Han said sternly, “You’re supposed to be setting a good example for Anakin.”
“Don’t worry Zekk, we’re not mad at you,” Chief of State Organa-Solo said gently, avoiding a rift as if she were on the senate floor. She unfolded the blanket she’d been carrying, wrapping it around the three shivering children. Zekk’s shorts and vest, the chic-est fashion from the Coruscant underbelly, didn’t provide much cover, and Jacen and Jaina’s light pajamas were meant for a climate-controlled apartment and plenty of downy blankets.
“You’re mad at us though, huh?” Jacen mumbled. He and Jaina stared at their feet, and Zekk couldn’t help but copy them.
The Princess Leia shook her head and knelt in front of them, “Well, we can’t exactly punish you when you’re heading out with Uncle Luke first thing in the morning.
Jacen and Jaina looked at each other, and then at Zekk, and their parents understood.
Han sighed. “Regardless, you kids can’t be sleeping out here all night. Let’s all head inside and get some rest.”
“Can we have some hot chocolate?” Jaina asked.
General Solo chuckled as he took his daughter’s hand. “Don’t push your luck, kid.”
“What’s hot chocolate?” Zekk asked.
Han stopped for a moment, and Leia laughed in exasperation. 
Jacen hopped from one foot to the other as he sensed the change in the force. “Come on, Zekk!” He grabbed the hand that wasn’t holding Jaina’s, and pulled Zekk inside and out of the wind, “Jaina and I’ll make it for you.”
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onomatophia · 5 years
Aquaman AU
Pairing: SasuSaku
Disclaimer: Naruto and Aquaman are not mine, obvs.
Notes: This is just a plotless fic that I needed to get out of my system.
"Thanks," Sasuke said to the pilot of the cargo plane they hitched a ride on to reach their destination. He then went to the back of the plane where Sakura sat, facing the window with a pensive look on her face.
He sat across from her and raised his eyebrow at her in question when he heard her sigh for what must probably the 100th time.
Dressed in his large black shirt and a cargo pants with her hair pulled up in a bun, Sasuke could barely believe that she was also the same woman a few hours ago who rescued him from being roasted alive by Itachi in the Ring of Fire clad in the most elegant white gown and wearing a tiara rightful for a princess. She's beautiful either way, Sasuke thinks.
Sasuke immediately cleared his throat and looked away from her, feeling his cheeks redden at his sudden line of thoughts.
Their only goal right now is to find the golden trident once possessed by King Indra which will help him defeat his half brother Itachi, take his place to the throne in Atlantis and prevent the war Itachi is waging against the humans.
Being infatuated with a too pretty pink-haired Atlantian who can kick his ass shouldn't be his priority right now.
"Its scary. Being so far away from home. Flying so high up in the air like this." Sakura finally muttered under her breath, still staring out the window.
Sasuke also takes a peak at the view below them. "Well at least you have a home," he said quietly.
Sakura turned to look at him and smiled sadly. "Not anymore, I guess. I betrayed everything when I saved you at the arena."
Sasuke looked back at her and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But you're engaged to Itachi. He will take you back." Even his words lacked conviction.
"One thing you should know about the people of Atlantis is that we're not very keen on forgiveness," she said.
"You're a princess. Your mother is Queen Tsunade. You're of royal blood," Sasuke reasoned further.
Sakura only gave him a defeated look. "So is your mother. But they also banished her from Atlantis for loving a human, didn't they? If I go back there, I'd probably meet the same fate as Queen Mikoto."
Sasuke sighed, giving up on trying to reason with her. She's right, after all.
"Well at least, you won't have to marry Itachi anymore. You're obviously not in love with him," he said.
Sakura merely shook her head and frowned. "Love is out of the question. It is my duty. My duty to family and my people. And now, I've turned my back on them." She then looked Sasuke in eye. "Sometimes you have to do what's right even if your heart aches against it."
They looked at each other for a few seconds and were suddenly interrupted by a loud ring from Sakura's bag.
Sakura gasped and immediately fumbled in her bag and took out a silver and round shaped device projecting a hologram of a map, and at the center of the map is a glowing red circle.
She immediately stood and went for the door of the airplane, with Sasuke following behind her. "We're here," she announced as she opened the door and jumped out of the plane, like it's the most normal thing to do. Of course.
Sasuke could only gape at the crazy woman now projecting into the air below.
"What the fuck—" the pilot shouted in his seat, glancing at the space where Sakura once stood with a bewildered look.
Sasuke only shrugged at him and also jumped out of the plane.
"We're close," Sakura said while squinting at her tracking device and walking up ahead the miles and miles of desert in front of them.
"Oh yeah? Close to what? Dying of thirst?" Sasuke answered sarcastically.
She glanced at him and gave him a withering stare, "How about close to getting punched in the face?"
"Look, we've been searching across this desert for hours. I don't think your whatever ocean GPS is working," Sasuke said to the pink-haired woman in front of him who just keeps walking ahead, obviously not as parched and exhausted as he is.
Sakura only scoffed and continued walking further, holding up her tracking device high up in the air. "This tracking device is made by the most advanced technology you humans have yet to see. It does not commit an error."
Sasuke rolled his eyes but went after her, anyway. "Well, your tracking device also told you to jump out of a plane. And now we're lost in this wasteland."
"This wasteland you call home," Sakura muttered, disgust laced in her voice as she continued trudging up ahead.
Sasuke thought better of himself than to respond to her snide remark, but he is hungry, he is thirsty, he is tired, he is covered with sand everywhere, he just narrowly escaped death not eight hours ago, and he just jumped out of a fucking plane so of course he will rise to the bait.
He huffed, "This isn't my home. This is a desert, if you can see. The place I live in looks nothing like this." He then proceeded to kick at the sand in irritation as he followed her.
"Oh no, of course not," she answered, panting and brushing of the sweat on her forehead and still continuing to follow wherever the tracking device is pointing to. "You also got disgusting cities whose sewers empty out into our ocean and whole mountains made of garbage and oh you've got those big factories from huge corporations that apparently doesn't give a shit about the environment and the working class they exploit as long as they make money-"
"Okay, you're right. Point taken." Sasuke cuts her off and jogs a little faster to catch up to her and block her way. "Capitalists are evil and should be held accountable for destroying everything but there are good things in our land, too. We've got pizzas, and dogs and forests, mountains, and lakes and rivers. You'd love them. They're like little baby oceans."
Sakura only gave him a flat look. "Are you trying to provoke me?" She pushed him out of the way and continued to peer at her device when Sasuke suddenly took it from her hands.
"Look, fight club. I know you're new to how things work here," Sasuke said while holding the device far up from her reach and walking backwards away from her.
Sakura only glared at him while jogging after him, trying to take the device away from his grasp but to no avail as her companion was so tall and she only reached up to his chin.
Sasuke tried to hide his amused smile as Sakura attempts to take the tracking device from him, suddenly remembering the small dog he encountered back home who keep growling angrily at him but failing to look intimidating because of its size.
He finally stopped in his tracks and gave back the device to Sakura who took it back from him angrily. He then sighed and gestured around the place. "Why don't you look around? We are lost," he said and took a few steps back and pointed at the far east. "You see that over there? What is that? Na da. We got nothing here."
And as soon as Sasuke said that, he suddenly fell underneath the hole he was standing on.
Sakura only gave out an exasperated sigh as she stares at the hole where Sasuke fell.
"If you are indeed the one true king of Atlantis, we're all doomed."
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fluffmugger · 5 years
introspectivenavelgazer replied to your post: introspectivenavelgazer replied to...  CYBORGS? WHAT? I AM SO CONFUSED. aconiteherbalist replied to your post: introspectivenavelgazer replied to... Yes? Explain? Please?
OK. This is gonna be full of massive fucking spoilers, ‘cos I’m gonna lay it all out rather than feed it to you piecemeal as the show did with the slow unfurling. also people are probably gonna yell at me on this and that.  
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ok, you probably noticed this show is huge on stealing from religious mythology. Chiefly abrahamic.
So: Progenitor species ( Yeah you could call them aliens, or celestial beings, it’s really down to whether or not you want to be religious or scientific or both, because the show allows for both and lets be honest the progenitor species fulfill all requirements for god.) sends out “seeds” to various planets.
One of these, called in the series Adam landed on Earth. Adam is known as the Seed of Life.    The seed of life creates god-like creatures, these were known as the Angels. 
However, later on (the First Impact) another seed hit earth.   This was the Seed of Knowledge and is known in the series as Lilith, which would create a species that in’t god like, but instead is co-operative and uses technology. This is the creation of the human species
 Two seeds aren’t supposed to hit the same planet because the combination of the two would result in god like powers on the same level as the progenitor species - this is what they called “forbidden knowledge”.  So Adam went dormant and the angels left Earth. 
Just to dogleg here - the seeds came via “moons” (FUCKING TRANSPORT MODULES) with a “lance of longinus” as their control system.  Adam came on the “white moon” and Lilith came on the "Black Moon" and lost her “spear” (control system). Since Adam’s spear (control system) was still active, it picked up Lilith’s arrival and shut down due to safety protocols to prevent a merging.  The “dead Sea Scrolls”  are actually a user manual, but seeing as we’re also talking about a species with PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER they're also prophetic and shit as perceived by piddly human brains. 
So humans ended up evolving and breeding and covering the planet and so you have our reality.  La di frickin’ da.
So you have SEELE who have been poking at this manual and realising what's happened and going HEY LETS BECOME GODS.  They already have Lilith - that big marshmallow fucker that's nailed the cross, it's basically a big Meaningful Imagery of a species progenitor kept in check, what's leaking out of her is Primordial Ooze - but they need the other Seed.    They fund an expedition (lead by Misato's father), who then goes poking around and finds Adam, its Spear of Longinus, and the White Moon in Antarctica. (The progenitor program, control system and space ship). They decide to poke it with a stick, and fuse some human (lilith-created) DNA with him, which created the Fifth Child / Angel (Kowaru).  This triggers a safeguard and causes the Second Impact because, you know, THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO MERGE.   (They also use the lance to reduce Adam to an "embryonic" state to try and stop the angels from reactivating and returning. )
 The "official" UN story is that the second  impact was a meteor strike.  Two billion people in the southern hemisphere were killed by tsunamis caused by the explosion, with more worldwide drowning in coast floods.  In the chaos that ensued wars broke out due to the destabilisation of many nation states, food supplies were fucked, it was catastrophic. Civil wars broke out everywhere, refugee crises, ethnic tensions, the whole shebang. India and Pakistan went full trump and nuked the shit out of each other, and finally 2 days after the disaster another nuke was detonated in "Old Tokyo" killing two million people. (and leaving that bloody huge hole)   Worldwide war broke out for a year.  Basically all the shit we're looking at in a worse case scenario with climate catastrophe happened.  Half of the human race and thousands of plant and animal species were wiped out entirely.
 And so we have the world of Eva, the result of the Second Impact.  Pretty standard "mankind meddling with things he was not meant to know and now we're all fucked" trope.
 Misato was at ground zero, but her father managed to place her in a protective capsule, so she survived, but the injuries left that massive scar on her chest, and massive psychological scars which is why she's a raging drunk.
 AAAAANYWAY  Seele aren't done with the befucking however, because as we all know humans are garbage and groups of men in darkened rooms sitting around a table even more so.  So they keep right on fucking.
  Seele embark on the "Human Instrumentality Project", which is to use a controlled third impact to force the evolution of humanity to the same level as the original progenitor species - a fusion of Knowledge and of Life seeds.  This would also result in the erasure of individuality, with all human souls fusing into a single "being" for want of a better word, the physical forms goopifying and creating a sea of primordial soup, known as LCL. I don't know if you've ever watch DS9, but the Great Link of the Founders (Odo's species) is a pretty close parallel.
 Problem is, the Angels are awake.
 The Angels are attempting to return to Earth, to basically initiate their own second impact, except in this case it would involve re-activating Adam which would erase all humans.  This would be done by an "AT field" clash  - basically AT fields are what binds a life form together - not just the physical form, but psychological, so essentially an unmaking that would revert all non-angel life to primordial goop. An Adam-generated "Angel" life form template would goop a Lilith-based "human" template.  (for the majority of the series, Lilith  is actually misidentified as Adam if that helps. If anything helps. It's a h o t mess).  Particularly where Evas utilise their AT fields, think of it as an EM field + extras.
 And so  you have Adam's "Children" (Known as angels,  but also referred to as apostles) start hitting earth one after the other, and this is where you get the Evas pulled into production and the Big Robot Battles
  Unit 01 (Shinji's) was actually generated using genetic material from Lilith itself. It's also known as a clone.  As  a result it tends to go batshit fucking insane ("Beserk") on occasion. It's a living being in an armoured suit with a lot of intertwined mechanics - the Evas are in fact, cyborgs.    There are indications that Eva was an attempt to create a controllable Lilith - Lilith (progenitor program that created humanity) having lost her "spear of longinous" (Control module) is essentially unusable.    Shinji's mother and Gendo's wife Yui initiated a contact with this eva unit pre-series, but in fact merged with the eva - her body goopified, but her soul remains inside the unit. This is why Unit 01 runs so well with Shinji (her son) as pilot, and goes beserk in battle situations where he is threatened.
 Unit 02 has a similar deal, except it went wrong. Only part of Asuka's mother's soul was absorbed, the resulting schism driving what was left of her insane ,and she commits suicide.  The part of her that still resides in Eva-02 is what makes Asuka her pilot, but without the same level of integration and control that Yui has in 01, having fully melded.  Asuka, honey, I know you're pissed that Shinji is a better pilot than you, THERE IS A REASON FOR THAT.
 Evas are cyborgs with merged human souls.  Once they worked out it made the fuckers work, they really went to fucking town on it, so every Eva is a human soul, preferably one who was the mother of the pilot if they can get her (weaponising maternal instincts yooooo)
 Go, take a break, take a walk, try and digest it for a bit.
So to give us the cliff notes at this point:  Eva is about a battle between two species over who gets to become god, with humans using genetically engineered monsters that have absorbed human souls.
 Now to REI what the fuck is up with Rei
 Rei is a clone.  She was an attempt to retrieve Yui from Eva 01 using what they could scrape up of her DNA, but Yui basically told them to go fuck themselves she wasn't coming out.  So Rei is used as a vessel for Lilith's "soul" - she's basically an attempt to first rescue Yui, then later an attempt to create a control system for Lilith.  This is why she can pilot 01 so readily, and why she's so disconnected from reality.  There are at least three Rei's in the series:
The first attempt, the little girl in the red dress who got strangled by Akagi. Seen in flashbacks she was very different from the others, and seemed to have more of a personality. To this end there are theories that her soul was used for EVA00, which would explain why it seems to hate her, and hate all of NERV because she's fucking well aware of what the cunts did to her, and being part Lilith has the full capability to express this.
This is the one we see throughout the series as a teenaged girl, who is killed when she self-destructs her Eva unit to kill Armisael.
Fresh clone right out of the vat and seemingly more involved and aware. She rejects Gendo's attempt to control her, giving the complete control of the third impact to Shinji instead (SHINJI TAAAAAAKE THE WHEEEL) 
The idea behind it:
Seele wanted to initiate Third Impact to bring about Instrumentality. They would use an Anti A.T. Field to neutralize the A.T. Fields that separate human beings from each other, causing all of humanity to revert into a giant ocean of LCL, freeing their souls. All the souls of Earth would then be collected inside the Adam/Lilith hybrid being.  Basically we goop, then Great Link as mentioned above.
Gendo doesn't really give a shit about humanity, he just wants his wife back.  He approaches Rei III (the most lilith-like and most human of Rei clones) with the Adam embryo, and she rejects him, takes the embryo, then returns to Lilith to fuse with her.   After assimilating Lilith, the inchoate form begins to merge with Evas and with all of humanity, causing everyone to go sploosh as they approach "the divine", seeing their loved ones and going all religious ecstasy.
Thing is, at the end of the day, Lilith and Adam, as advanced as they are, are created functions.  They have control software and with the introduction of Rei, Shinji becomes the pilot.
And shinji is realllllllly fucked up, hence that whole wtf ep where it's basically the destruction of his ego, the exposure of his self loathing, jacking off over Asuka, trying to choke her, facing all the fucked up parts of himself then learning that everyone else is as fucked up as he is and no dude, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING.  It kinda derails for a lot of people at this point as it's a confusing montage of imagery, but basically that's a big ol' trip through a teenage boy's psyche, and reflective of the mental issues Anno himself had at the time. 
 But it ends in a breakthrough.
 And so Shinji rejects instrumentality.  The process is left in a state where everyone has the option to *choose* - to remain linked in the singular being, or be individual, which in and of itself isn't really a failure as the ability to control your own physical forms was part of Adam's lifeform archetype.    Hence the sea of LCL, with dotted humans.  Shinji and later Asuka return to human form, but the fate of everyone else is left open.
 OK I'm gonna take a break for a bit here because holy shit this is tolstoy here and I’m actually at work, so please PM me with further questions and I shall do up further posts, but this should be enough to get you going.  No one gets Eva on the first watch, it's a fucking glorious mess and even after years of watching you're gonna pick up some new shit.
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wellhalesbells · 6 years
I see you reblogging some comic stuff an I was wondering if you have a favorite comic or favorite character or ship?
this ask is from so long ago but [DEEP BREATH IN] i’m finally going to answer it, nonny.  finally.  i kept wanting to read a little bit farther in my comics stack because.... maybe i’ll like that and will regret not having recced it, i just hafta--get--to it, see?  and, honestly, i’m still there BUT, come on, i’ll never be caught up because that would mean comics would just have to stop coming out and i would be sad forever if that happened, SO
i’m not even going to pretend like i can narrow this down to one comic.  (one ship?  sure, that’s spideypool.  one character?  sure, that’s the merc with a mouth, the regenerating degenerate, wade motherfucking wilson.  but one comic?!)  there is just straight-up too much out there to make a definitive ‘yes, this is it, this is THE ONE ™ ’ statement.  instead, uh, let’s break this shit down, yeah?  (super special secret bonus round, will note all lgbt+ rep and standalone comics.)  in no particular order, here the frig it goes!
infidel, by pornsak pichetshote and aaron campbell.  in case you haven’t seen this on every 2018 best list ever, here it is.  and, yeah, it was good.  a muslim-american main character living in a haunted apartment building where the entities feed off the xenophobia of its occupants.  if that’s not a fucking modern horror story i don’t know what is.
spread, by justin jordan and kyle strahm.  THIS IS ONE OF MY NEW AND ALREADY ALL-TIME FAVORITES.  what an awesomely weird and epic story.  the spread is an uncontrollable, unstoppable monster-making force that humanity accidentally unleashed by digging too deep.  it infects everything it touches and basically all of humanity is running from quarantine to quarantine just hoping for the best.  and speaking of hope.... she’s a baby, rescued by no, and the only thing that’s ever been able to stop the spread.  also, no’s gay?  and i just DID NOT see that coming.  it seems like it’s going to be such a formulaic, bro-y story about the action hero who kisses the face off his girl (her name’s molly and she’s batshit insane and amazing) and instead, nope, it is not that at all.  lgbt+ main characters.
the black monday murders, by jonathan hickman and tomm coker.  hate capitalism?  think all the rich and powerful are evil, soul-sucking monsters?  [obnoxious, low-budget commercial sound effects] MAN, HAVE I GOT THE SERIES FOR YOU.
the beauty, by jeremy haun and jason a. hurley.  i just started this recently but so far, oh my good golly gosh, i looove it.  a sexually transmitted disease that makes you conventionally gorgeous.... at least before it explodies you.  [wide, creepy smile]  the art is gorgeous, the characters are aces and i am very, very pleased so far.  lgbt+ minor characters.
the great divide, by ben fisher and adam markiewicz.  this?  was a COOL idea.  the execution stumbled a bit but, gosh, was it neat.  it’s post-apocalyptic where touching another person will literally kill.... one of you.  the survivor then absorbs the memories of the person who dies, taking on a ‘rider.’  some people collect them, some people go mad, some form a bond, all have the side effect of dyslexia.  like i said, neat as all get out.  lgbt+ minor-ish/main-ish character.  standalone.
revival, by tim seely and mike norton.  a rural town in wisconsin experiences ‘miracle day,’ where the dead rise again.... except, they were kinda already mourned and buried and this is really just fucking up the status quo.
the woods, by james tynion iv and michael dialynas.  a high school gets picked up and plopped down in an entirely new, and wickedly hostile universe.  it’s all survival and alliances and seeing what you’re really made of when it comes down to it.  lgbt+ main characters. 
clean room, by gail simone and jon davis-hunt.  a cult, a journalist and a clean room walk into a bar...
anya’s ghost, by vera brosgol.  you think it’ll be a cute story of a girl and her ghost.  HA HA THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS AT ALL, OKAY.
rumble, by john arcudi and james harren.  SCARECROW WARRIOR GOD, SCARECROW WARRIOR GOD, SCARECROW WARRIOR GOD!!!  okay, first off, the art in this?  pushes every friggin’ button i’ve got, and many i did not know i had.  second, this book is so fucking fun.  it’s mythology that’s balls to the wall ridiculous, funny, and features a main character whose life motto is basically: ‘do i have to?’  infinitely relatable and then some.
heathen, by natasha alterici and rachel deering.  UGH, ONE OF MY FAVORITES.  the art is just horribly, horrendously gorgeous and it’s LESBIAN VIKING MYTHOLOGY, OKAY.  OKAYYYY???   lgbt+ main characters.
the wicked + the divine, by kieron gillen and jamie mckelvie.  one of my favorite ever series right here.  it’s a hella cool concept (gods reincarnating as humans every twelve years, and burning up their hosts in two), whip-smart and if you’ve ever met a human being who likes a pun more than kieron gillen i defy you to produce them.  lgbt+ main and minor characters.
batgirl, by gail simone and adrian sayaf and vicente cifuentes.  you know how people rave about gail simone?  there’s a reason people rave about gail simone.  honestly, i’ve never had much interest in babs.  i don’t tend to go for superheroes who don’t kill and i have even less interest in ‘the killing joke’ story line and i am convinced only gail simone could’ve done the recovery on that and she did a GLORIOUS job of it.
red hood and the outlaws, by scott lobdell and dexter soy.  (ignoring recent - and annoying - developments), this is my favorite of all the rebirths dc did.  scott lobdell is the only writer to have gotten the idea down of: okay, we’re starting over, i assume you don’t know anything but i also assume there are a bajillion people reading who know everything, and hit the perfect medium between those two things.  so if you want to start a jason todd run, you legitimately can here, and get all the found family, badassery, batman-teasing enjoyment there is to be had.
iceman, by sina grace and robert gill (covers by kevin wada).  classic super-heroing here and bobby’s first solo title.  he’s figuring out coming out while fighting (and flirting) with baddies.  sina really gets his humor and how truly wonder-awful it is!  lgbt+ main character.
spider-man/deadpool, by joe kelly and ed mcguinness.  watch those names there, those are your guys right there, period.  they looked at the void of a spider-man/deadpool series and filled it with absolutely everything you could possibly want for the pair (sans a hardcore make-out sesh, though they did get a few variant covers with some puckered up lips in there!)
limbo, by dan watters and caspar wijngaard.  a fusion of 80s aesthetics, voodoo elements and a noir tone.  just some remarkably cool shit in this.  the ending, for me, left something to be desired but it was more than worth it to see worship via mixtapes.  standalone.
hawkeye: kate bishop, by kelly thompson and leonardo romero.  kate bishop is, apparently???, a super impossible character for a lot of writers.  kelly thompson is not one of them.  kelly thompson is my favorite kate bishop writer, actually, and the fact that she is ever not writing her is a gd travesty.
the unbeatable squirrel girl, by ryan north and erica henderson.  honestly, i’m so tempted to just stick this under ‘contemporary,’ because it really does just feel very... normal.  doreen’s navigating college, new friendships, and y’know... the squirrely-ness.  this had every opportunity to suck and instead it’s funny as heck, never takes itself too seriously, and is just pure good-hearted entertainment through and through.
wolf, by ales kot and matt taylor.  a paranormal detective and the-possible-antichrist go on a road trip.  people hated this comic and i don’t know how you can hate a comic that has a character called freddy chtonic who has tentacles for a mouth??? 
ms. marvel, by g. willow wilson and adrian alphona.  hi, you read ms. marvel because the world is a garbage fire and people are terrible and your cynicism is at an all time high and then kamala khan waltzes in and reminds you people generally want to help each other and the world improves when we work together and that thing optimists feel?  you’ll feel that for as long as you’ve got the pages open and that’s a magical thing.  lgbt+ minor character.
monstress, by marjorie m. liu and sana takeda.  psychic links with monsters, matriarchal societies, magic and witchery, half-human/half-animal (and other ratios) characters, all through a steampunk lens.  what’s not to like about that??
inhuman, by charles soule.  i love this series, i love the idea of being a total average joe/joanne, getting smacked in the face by a cloud of mist and suddenly having to figure out how to live basically a whole new life.  also, if you don’t fall madly in love with dante pertuz, i don’t even know what to tell you, my dude.
heart in a box, by kelly thompson and meredith mcclaren.  break-ups suck, but only because of that whole pesky broken heart thing, right?  so emma gives hers away.  problem solved, no?  standalone.
i kill giants, by joe kelly and j.m. ken niimura.  i didn’t cry my eyes out or anything.  did not.  standalone.
sex criminals, by matt fraction and chip zdarsky.  having sex = stopping time, which leads suzie and jon to the only logical conclusion: let’s rob some banks!
hawkeye, by matt fraction and david aja.  honestly there are a lot of other artist combos in this run but the only ones that are worthwhile are the ones that have fraction and aja’s names on them - sorry not sorry.
black bolt, by saladin ahmed and christian ward.  saladin revived this character one hundred million percent.  there is absolutely a reason this was parading around all over ‘best’ lists when it was released.  it really, really did the damn thing.
saga, by brian k. vaughan and fiona staples.  this is the comic you recommend to people who don’t even like comics because it is that good.  like, my dad - who hadn’t read a comic since he was a pre-teen, eagerly awaits each new trade.  the world-building, the characters, the care put into every single solitary bit of all the things?  unparalleled.  lgbt+ minor characters.
frostbite, by joshua williamson and jason shawn alexander.  a post-apocalyptic story that has humanity dying from a plague that literally freezes you from the inside out.  very neat, very cold, very readable.  standalone.
descender, by jeff lemire and dustin nguyen.  this had a rough start, for me, with the main character of the first trade being tim-21, an android who is literally incapable of having the depth to be a lead BUT that does not last through to the next trade, thank god.  lots of space and found family and world-building in this to be had!  but you know how people rave about jeff lemire?  there’s a reason people rave about jeff lemire.
paper girls, by brian k. vaughan and cliff chiang.  the 80s and time travel and lifelong friendships.  it’s brian k. vaughan, you know it’s good, okay?  why do i even have to sell you here, man?  lgbt+ main characters.
injection, by warren ellis and declan shalvey.  this is another one on my list that started out a little rough but really appealed to me later on.  there was just a lot to absorb in that first trade but, once you’ve got it, the ride gets way, way smoother.   lgbt+ main and minor characters.
black science, by rick remender and matteo scalera.  this was a rocky start, because the main character is such an asshole but in a way where he can’t see he’s an asshole, he’s just a tortured genius who’s superior to all of you, don’t you know? but i am so glad i persevered because if that’s the set up?  the rest of the series is knocking him back down.  super scientist grant mckay finds a way to access the eververse, every possible reality the universe has on offer, and that’s really what causes every single problem that follows.  hard to cause the apocalypse and be an arrogant prick, ya know?
giant days, by john allison and lissa treiman.  this series is so funny and smart and warm.  these girls are so kind to each other and relatable and failing at adulting regularly and often and i love reading about them.  lgbt+ main character.
lumberjanes, by noelle stevenson and grace ellis and brooke a. allen.  this is funny and ridiculous and kind and cool and all other awesome adjectives and you should read it, fact.  lgbt+ main characters.
my brother’s husband, by gengoroh tagame and anne ishii (translator).  this is such a sweet story about acceptance and family tbh.   lgbt+ main character.
fence, by c. s. pacat and johanna the mad.  i mean... i need to see nicholas and seiji hook-up, i need that, stat.  stat means now!   lgbt+ main characters.
long exposure, by kam heyward.  so mitch and jonas are my absolute faves and i love them to death and the author is so kind in that they actually put this up in print on indyplanet so i can read it the way i, personally, love to read comics (and - bonus! - support them with the monies).  lgbt+ main characters.
modern dread, by pat shand and ryan fassett (editors).  i’ve been trying to find more better horror comics lately so i’ve been kind of half-heartedly stumbling through kickstarter on the hunt and this was SUCH a great find.  it’s an anthology but more cleverly done than any other kickstarter anthology i’ve read, with a main story line that seamlessly strings together the would-be-disjointed ones.  this was really thoughtfully put together and really well done!  standalone.
heartstopper, by alice oseman.  a very sweet story about two high school-aged boys becoming fast friends, playing rugby and falling in love.  the two characters are mentioned as an aside in the author’s book, solitaire, and she became so invested in them that she wrote their backstory as a free webcomic.   lgbt+ main characters.
the pale, by jay fabares.  JUST started this (like, just a day or so ago) but i’m enjoying it so far!
hotblood!, by toril orlesky.  i mean... is it a webcomic about a centaur falling in love with his boss?  it just might be.  did i get a bound edition through a kickstarter campaign?  maybe.  maybe i did that.  who’s to say?   lgbt+ main characters.
the bay, by bbz.  life on mars through the lens of three young professionals who form an odd but lasting friendship.  lgbt+ main characters.
hard drive, by artroan.  is it a nsfw comic about a dude and a robot?  .... it might be a nsfw comic about a dude and a robot.  [coughs]   lgbt+ main characters.
seen nothing yet, by tess stone.  a nsfw comic about two amateur ghost hunters.  can’t imagine why i might be interested in that [coughs]   lgbt+ main characters.
captain imani and the cosmic chase, by lin darrow and alex assan.  i mean did i want a starship captain who can’t help but lust after the smuggler he’s chasing.  i mean, maybe i did.  maybe.   lgbt+ main characters.
taproot, by keezy young.  ghost falls in love with boy, boy falls in love with ghost, AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER.  lgbt+ main characters.
always raining here, by bell and hazel.  just two boys falling in lurve.  lgbt+ main characters.
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fandom-rants · 5 years
Plotholes, Story Rushing, and Shoddy Writing In Keyblade Graveyard, Pt. 1 (p.s. there are SEVERAL issues to unpack here)
PLEASE NOTE that this will not be in perfect order; there are so many things wrong with the story in the Keyblade Graveyard that I struggle to balance it all without having a raging meltdown. As someone who adored the Kingdom Hearts franchise (yes, you read that right; past tense) and memorized all the lore and played all of the games (save Coded; I just watched that one because it does not look to be worth it at all) and loved the characters, I can only express deep and profound disappointment in the story. The rushed, chaotic garbage mess of a story.
And those who say otherwise? Have chosen to ignore the story for the sake of the ‘happy ending’ (which is a farce; a happy ending doesn’t include Sora sacrificing himself again for the damsel in distress trope).
If you thought some of my other rants were long, you aren’t ready for this one. It’s so long it needed to be split up into parts.
1. Aqua and Ven
a. Firstly, it’s good to know that Nomura is literally incapable of writing a female who isn’t a damsel in distress. Good to see Aqua go “I’m gonna prove how strong I am,” only to need immediate rescuing. Brilliant.
b. So it’s that easy to wake Ven up, huh? His heart’s been linked with Sora’s for Sora’s entire life, it’s been sleeping in Sora’s for so long that Sora has taken on Ven’s mannerisms, but they can just separate without a single hitch, huh? Just like that, huh? And there’s no problem waking up, it takes no time at all, and he can move in his body without even remote difficulty, huh? Basically, there are no repercussions to any of this, huh? I call bullshit.
c. Going back a page, it’s good to know that these guys all showed up at Castle Oblivion and didn’t even bother clearing the place to ensure there weren’t any enemies around to - /snorts with laughter/ - immediately try to kill Ven while he was still vulnerable. Who could have ever expected such a thing, amirite?
d. Why aren’t Riku and Mickey there?!?!?!
e. This was actually so anticlimactic and boring. Why wasn’t Terranort/wtf-ever there to add some drama and tension? Why was it simply ‘grab Aqua, which can be done merely by having Sora show up and beat her up, even though Riku and Mickey got their butts kicked by her,’ ‘arrive very quickly and suddenly at Castle Oblivion,’ ‘unlock it,’ ‘go inside and wake up Ven’? Why was it so boring? It’s something we’ve been waiting for since 2010, and our reward for waiting 8 years is ‘ta-da! Boom, bam, done!’ Did a child write this?
2. The Requisite Romance Scene Before the Final Showdown
a. We have to really sell this romance, or else people will be pissed about the ending! Quick! Let’s have Sora and Kairi share a paopu fruit and leave their friend completely out of it! Riku doesn’t really matter, anyway. He’s not integral to the entire storyline like Kairi!
b. To make it clear, Riku was integral to the storyline while Kairi was not. Something I’ve already mentioned several times. So why in hell did Sora say he wouldn’t have gone through the things in the games if it wasn’t for Kairi, when that girl hardly entered the storyline at all? It was Riku who started the whole story off, Riku and Kairi both whom Sora was looking for in KH1, Riku only whom Sora looked for in CoM, Riku only whom Sora looked for in KH2, Riku only whom Data-Sora cared to run after, Riku only whose concerns made Sora go through the Mark of Mastery... but yes. It was only for Kairi that Sora went through the things he did. Riku, keep sitting on the sand all night while these two pretend you don’t exist. Perfect.
3. We Arrive and Everyone Fights Against Heartless
a. Is this what we came here for? Is this what Xehanort planned when he told us to come here? To sic a bunch of heartless on us? How does this in any way complete Kingdom Hearts? How does this in any way help Xehanort’s overarching goal? Hell, ignoring that, why would he sic heartless on us when we’ve defeated them a million times? How in god’s name do we fail against them this time????
b. Can I just say that it is beyond suspense of disbelief to have Kairi and Lea finish their fights before Sora? Or that the entire group would finish, see Sora still fighting, and then just run forward without him???
4. Terranort
a. How is he back? No, seriously, let’s look at this. He was brought from the past. But when you defeat Young Xehanort, he says he’s going to return to the past and live his life up to the present. But Terranort can’t do that! Which means Terranort can’t go to the past and stay on as Ansem the Wise’s apprentice. Which means he can’t trick the other students into becoming nobodies - so how is Saix there? How is Axel there as Axel? How do the others retain their memories of being Nobodies? He also can’t become a heartless or a nobody himself, since he’s not returning to the past to do so (because we save him instead of killing him)! So how the hell could Ansem and Xemnas exist??? You can’t argue about alternative universes because those haven’t been introduced in the plotline, and even if they had been, that still wouldn’t explain how this universe had an Ansem who took over Riku and a Xemnas who existed whatsoever. What the fuck.
b. Why in five flaming hells is he just waiting there at the beginning? No, again, I’m being serious. Why? To defeat the seven keyblade wielders? Why? They’re apparently needed to clash with the thirteen Xehanort clones, so why on earth is he there? For sad plotline feels? 
c. Even that doesn’t make sense. After all, Aqua had all night to warn Ven about the state she’d last seen Terra in. Apparently, that was not a topic she thought necessary to bring up. Go figure.
d. How the fuck does Xehanort even have him??? All those who played Birth By Sleep, I can only assume you all have dealt with the same frustration and confusion as me. How did Xehanort retain control over Terra’s body after Lingering Will defeated him?? Because I did. Allllll the way back in Terra’s storyline, I defeated Terranort. So how did he show up in Radiant Garden? The blast of light (or whatever) from the end of the storyline should have, at the very least, turned him into a heartless. Right then. From the start. So how did he even survive long enough to get to Radiant Garden, let alone return to the Keyblade Graveyard? What had been the point of that final battle?
5. Lingering Will
a. I was waiting for him to show up. It makes less than no sense to have him only do so at Namine’s behest after Ven has already been KO’d by Terranort. That entire debacle in the Final World should never have occurred, simply because Lingering Will should have shown up the first time.
b. I laughed in disbelief when I saw Terra’s keyblade turn into a hooked whip and then a giant fuck-off gun. I already thought the transformations were pretty random, considering a keyblade is supposed to serve its own purpose and strength without needing to turn into a door or a frying pan or a pair of yo-yo’s, but to see Terra’s do the same thing when no one else’s had? Oof. Painful.
c. Lingering Will was Terra’s mind, but apparently he doesn’t need that to reconnect with his past body! (Even though it was never with said body; it was always separate, so...?!?!?!) Instead it disappears from the plotline (like so many other necessary details) and acted as KH’s version of Fallout’s Mysterious Stranger, apparently deciding to disappear to wherever said stranger goes after doing its duteous cameo.
6. That Entire Debacle With Everyone’s Hearts
a. There’s just... so much to unwrap here. The fact that it even happened, which I’ve already noted the plot failure there. The fact that Kairi needed protecting not once, but twice, only to fall, anyway. Is she even capable of being something other than a damsel in distress? (Looking at the rest of the story of this world, I can do nothing but snort at the fact that I even bothered typing out that question.)
b. The whole shit with Chirithy. We get it, KH. You want to peddle your stupid mobile game. (A game I’ve been playing for over a year now, like a good, dutiful KH player, only to find that the plotline shows up roughly once every 300+ “chapters.”) This Chirithy shit isn’t plot; it’s bullshit. Nice to know Kairi’s heart was definitely lost, though, because bullshit on that, too!
c. Why on earth are everyone’s hearts just hanging out on other worlds? Why are they in worlds I’ve specifically already gone to in this game? Why not any other worlds from any other previous games, or worlds I’ve never been to? Oh, yeah. To bring back the annoying shit from KH1, where you enter fragments of worlds for no reason in order to fight some random heartless. Is this plot?
d. The whole ‘Dive Into the Heart’ thing being the equivalent of ‘the power of waking,’ which is also apparently how Mickey could get into the Realm of Darkness (and here I remember Mickey saying he could only do that by being in a world when it fell to darkness! Silly me). Just admit you had no idea what the hell you were doing when you made up that ‘power of waking,’ Nomura. Shit.
e. Let’s go a bit farther, because the whole “Dive Into the Heart” thing was awful. Why is that a thing? Why do you need to ‘dive’ into a heart (which, he didn’t, he didn’t, he just dove into different worlds to find said hearts, wtf) in order to save it from... what? Death? Darkness?? What the hell even happened here-
f. How is Kairi fine and waiting for us??? This actually made me think Sora had fallen to darkness (or dreaming, or what the fuck ever), because how in hell was Kairi okay? Namine said flat-out that Kairi’s heart had been lost like the others, and that such was the reason why Sora had found her in Chirithy-Verse (it isn’t any ‘Final World,’ just as it isn’t anything I’m ever going to take seriously). So how was she perfectly fine and, uh, able to... uh... meet with him??? In some sort of... Heart Realm Between??? What happened there?!?!
g. I get that this floaty, hand-holding scene was supposed to once again peddle the romance in some last-minute bid to make us okay with the bullshit self-sacrifice move Sora bounces into with all the finesse of a Sequel Coming trailer, but all it did was piss me off (as every romance scene did in this shithole of a game). There has been next to nothing on the whole ‘romance’ thing other than us being told ad nauseum that it is a thing. If you can’t even give me normal, non-romance scenes between the two, then all it’s going to be is forced trollop that you expect me to swallow simply on your say-so. If you can’t give me a lead-up to the romance, don’t be surprised if you fail to sell it to me. And if you fail to sell the romance to me, then why the hell should I ever find any part of that ending all right?
7. The Time Ret-Conning
a. This one’s a minor gripe, so I’ll just say that I despised the multiple times the game acted as if the previous failures hadn’t happened. ‘Here you go; try again!’ It makes no sense when you realize Sora actually did things to ensure we got this second chance, even less sense, somehow, when you see that neither Sora nor anyone else acts any differently to rewatching the same thing happen all over again - like, what the hell kind of time travel bullshit is Nomura writing here? Is there any rhyme or reason to this shit whatsoever?
8. That Entire KHUX Fuckery
a. I honestly cannot believe we had to watch Sora get saved by Ephemer. A lot of people loved the cameo, but the cost to the storyline is far too high. Our main character needing rescuing in his Final Battle is always bad writing; what’s the point of watching the main hero’s growth if it turns out he still needs to be protected? This other character should have been the one we followed, not the one needing rescuing! And hell, what was the point of all that growth if, in the end, it still wasn’t enough? Simply based on storytelling, it was poorly done. But the fact that he got rescued by a long-dead (I hope; everyone has a bad habit of just living forever through Bullshit Time Mechanics) character from another KH game? Disgustingly shoddy. Thanks for nothing.
b. What the fuck was that triangle spam for??? I was there when the challenge came to KHUX, for those with the highest scores to appear in the game. I honestly thought their names would just be in the credits or something, because how could you possibly add them in without making it the most horrendous bullshit possible for a video game? Answer? You can’t. That entire thing is something I’ve been trying to delete from my memory since I saw it. What a fucking travesty.
9. "I Can’t Do This Alone”
a. You are literally talking to someone, your best friend, and saying you’re alone. What the FUCK.
b. What strength did you get from Kairi, you twit? Riku, on the other hand...!
TO BE FREAKING CONTINUED... Edit: I know Nomura is BS-ing some answers to pretend he didn’t fuck up. I don’t care.
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Dih you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Lily Evans!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Dih, we’re so excited to have you and Lily join our rp! You went so in-depth into Lily and her history and backstory from your own point of view and we can’t wait to see what you do with her during your time here! Your faceclaim change to Marina Ruy Barbosa has been accepted
application beneath the cut 
Dih, 26 (My bday is in 2 weeks, let’s face my elderly age), she/her, MST. I am from Brazil, but I live in USA for years.
ACTIVITY 8. I tent to answer mostly during weekdays and less on weekends, most of the time three times a week or more, depending on my muse. I have my normal life and my hard times, but normally I explain to people with I plot with and work hard to keep my up with the activity check.
HOW DID YOU FIND US? Mah, who played Rosemerta told me how wonderful you guys are and I have to say that I was looking here for a while.
WHAT HARRY POTTER CHARACTER DO YOU IDENTIFY WITH MOST? Remus Lupin. OMG. I love him, actually I love the Marauders the most. They are so unique and kind with themselves, what helps me to also understand about my fears and problems. Everyone is not perfect, and sometimes we hide ourselves inside of shells and Remus always helped me to see the beauty in others even when they hurt me. He helped me to understand so many things when I was younger and now, my love for this character just grew.
ANYTHING ELSE? I didn’t saw anything at the guidelines to put here, so no! thanks!
Lily Evans
FACE CLAIM Holland Roden or Marina Ruy Barbosa..
REASON FOR CHOSEN CHARACTER Lily has always been a lovely character to me. Maybe because there were details in her life that I never understood, but also because I did not experience problems that she passed, she is a mystery to me. Since entering this world of Tumblr RP, I have realized that many things about her have made me fall in love with the idea of interpreting her. One of them is the fact of the discrimination by blood, which she passed through every school year and she had to show that she went far beyond just a DNA or who her parents were. Another factor that caught my attention was her relationship with Snape and how what happened between them caused a huge break not only in friendship but in her life She started to realized how people can be affected by their environment, and maybe they cannot be what they look like. It also shows me a lot about how Lily reacts to people (the first impression counts a lot) and how she slowly began to see James in a different way by understanding that everyone changes. She is not only a dedicated but also a loving character who fights for her ideas but also a role model of justice. She is someone who lives intensely human relations and suffers when she lose relationships, especially with her sister.
She is mature, someone who needed to grow up fast due to the daily exposures to students who believed that being a muggle born was a symbol of garbage. Lily’s intelligence and ability to handle problems showed constantly that her efforts were being valued when she was the first of her class. She tried her best to absorb all she could of this new world, but to love it as well. Every day, something attracted her attention, but it also makes her smile for simple and genuine spells that make Lily’s day even more beautiful. She still enjoys muggle culture a lot and whenever she can, she’ll wander the streets looking for some novelty, technology and even something she missed doing due to the adult crazy routine. It has almost a library at home, coupled with several vinyl records and also some things of the muggle world that make your life much easier.
Lily decided to work as a healer, being able to apply her wonderful potions skills to help the Order and also others during the battles. At home, or even wherever possible, practice duels so that you do not lose the agility and ability to reason during stressful situations. She has studied in depth also about potions, seeking to learn new ones and to create simplified and beautiful versions to be more accessible to all.
PREFERRED SHIPS // CHARACTER SEXUALITY // GENDER & PRONOUNS Lily ama James. Ela talvez ainda não perceba isso com as devidas palavras, porém tudo indica que seu coração é do Potter. Ela teve alguns namorados ao longo da vida escolar e também teve uma vida sexual, porém sempre fora ensinada que era algo importante que unia relacionamentos. Por isso, só fazia sexo quando tinha certeza de que estava pelo menos emocionalmente envolvida. Lily pensa que precisa só de si mesma para conquistar a vida e, aos poucos, James lhe mostra a ela o amor incondicional e tem sido uma das melhores experiencias que poderia ter e isso tem também curando o coração de Lily. Prefered Pronouns: She/Her
CREATE ONE (OR MORE!) OF THE FOLLOWING FOR YOUR CHARACTER: -AN AESTHETIC Ride bikes around the neighborhood during Summer and Spring – hot coffee with cream, and just one spoon of sugar – leather shoes with over knee socks – red sweaters – James’ Quidditch Shirts – Muggle pictures around the window, mixed with wizard pictures – The smell of potions around the house – Old books around her bed with different and colored pens – Stag necklace – A laugh during a kiss – Summer yellow flowered dresses – A lily and Petunia’s garden at Potter’s backyard – Vinyl discos stacked at the living room – Dancing at the rooftop during the night – Strawberry’s pie fresh handmade at the kitchen. -A PLAYLIST That’s my playlist for her, so just saying before being crazy: https://open.spotify.com/user/dms.mendez.diana/playlist/2W8DK1cuAwl8TzfTpo66BO?si=KCoEo5XWSgevqJBatmesDQ -EXPAND ON THE TRAITS (I am adding some where I think they are similar to what you have now for her) (+) Intelligent – She is always looking ahead, searching for dots, points or anything that could help her or others to be protected or rescued. She is really good create plans and organized without blind spots, being also brilliant executed. (+) Talent – Since when she was young, Lily proved to be someone extremely talented with magic. All from her year, beyond and before them knew her abilities of memorization, excellence at the use of charms and potions. Because of that, she received many marks that proved her strong capacity to use her talents and intelligence for her success. (+) Kind – Even that she is strong and very sharp with her words, she is always worried about others. It doesn’t matter to her if you are a werewolf, vampire or just a human. You deserve to be treated with kindness and love. And this is the most remarkable quality of her. (-) Blunt – Lily is very sharp with her words, not caring a lot about what others would it think. It is a protection against all the discrimination she suffered during the teenager life, and she tends to continuing using even when she doesn’t want to do that. At one point, many people thought she was mean but actually she was more honest than many people at school, so it worked well and it was fine. (-) Judmental – Lily tends to quickly create hypothesis about situations, people and phrases around her and already creating barriers or sharp words to defend herself. She is trying to not to do a lot of these, but sometimes James overpasses the limits and she cannot control herself. (-) Overeact – If combined with Judmental, she can react to the situation in a way that normally ends into a fight. She is also trying to control that, but it can have some interesting situations around it.
-A FEW HEADCANONS >> Lily and Petunia were best friends forever until Lily got Hogwarts’ letter. Petunia wanted to write to Dumbledore to also have a letter and be a witch. This separate them for not having the same things in life. During the years, it was not just a house separate them, but also conversations, friends, ways to dress and even how they handled things in life. This pain was strong and Lily had times she could not handle with it, because she loved so much her sister and separation was not necessary, but they were not the same anymore and with fights during the summer, it was easy to open even more the abyss between them. >> Lily met Severus during her childhood, where they started to be friends. She defended him many times from the boys around the neighborhood and it was from him she learned about magic. Lily always saw him as a good friend who was amazing and never understood that. >> Since young, Lily understood that everyone was equal. Boys, girls, people with different color, religion or even countries. They were united because of human race, and always was very open to integrate anyone who was lost, alone, needing food or even clothes. Her spirit was free and loved to lead people with positive feedback and inspired conversations. All her friends loved her and wanted to play with the “ginger hair” girl, and Petunia was always around. Even with the strange situations that started to happened around her with 7 years old. Some sparkles, fire in places that was not expected and even one-time locking Petunia inside her bedroom for no reason. Imagine, that for someone so young and no one could explain to her the situation, could it be very scary and Lily tried her best to act like was not her fault. >> Lily always reacted strongly about people being mean to others, including her. With words, posture and actions, she never let someone being attacked because of nothing. That’s why she hated so much the Marauders. >> Remus is one of her best friends. She loves his personality and kindness, doing anything for him, even helping with money if necessary for his potions. >> When Lily started to be around more the Marauders, she realized they were very similar to her personality, turning them also her best friends. She loves Sirius and how he with everything he suffered, he is still an amazing man. Peter, with kindness and gentle personality captivated her to help him to be stronger and never accept people bullying him. >> Lily could it be very strong and defend herself in every moment, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t suffer with the situation. Sometimes, Marlene could find her crying inside of the bedroom with all the things that could hurt her so bad. Never in public, but always appreciated friends who could help her to go back on track. >> Lily is a protector. She will give a 100% of her time, life and everything to never hurt someone she loves and cares about. This turns her very powerful, and strong compare to others. Because with love, she is able to do anything she needs for others. >> Sometimes she forgets about herself and she needs her friends to reminds her to sleep, eat, and even relax. The war is making her worried about everyone around her, and she knows that fighting at the Order means to put in danger her family. >> She discovered she cared a ton of affection for James when she saw him working on some papers to deliver to McGonnagal. Lily had been sick for a few days and could not do anything, but she fought against the forces and finding them is not known how to go down the stairs and continue. When she saw him, late at night taking care of everything, her heart warmed. >> To protect her family, Lily was considering a plan to completely break contact with them and a way to prevent both (her parents, Petunia, and her whale fianceé) from being unharmed by Voldemort. They would it be protected and that’s all matters to her, when she would create a way to hide them and never comeback proving she was still alive with that signal. And if all went well, in years they could meet again, when maybe she was engaged and about to marry James. >>Lily fights with Voldemort 2 times before she dies. All of those ones, she was pretty strong and incredibly fast in defending herself and attacking, but when it finished she was so scared. >> Lily received an offer from Voldemort to have her by his side and he would safe some of her friends and family from being dead at the war. She refuses and after that, she starts to put her plan in practice.
-A FEW POTENTIAL PLOT POINTS >> I really want to do in the future this process of her thinking about this plan to protect her family. >> Plots (self-para) with Petunia and her parents. Probably, her wedding (that probably Lily was not invited because of James). >> Lily helping Remus after a full moon, taking care of Padfoot and also helping wormtail with something he needed at work. >> Lily moving to live alone and maybe with James. >> Lily fighting against Voldemort. >> LILY AND JAMES WEDDING!
IN CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy. ♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: Lily: I would love to do a Wolfbane potion in a version that could be cheaper and still remain the powerful proprieties of the potion. All the ingredients are so expensive that normally werewolves cannot afford. If that happens, I will make sure they have the recipe and instructions to do it by themselves and having a better life condition. ♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: Lily: I would take Hagrid with me. He knows the Forest like no one, and his passion for creatures could help me to survive during the hardest times. Also, he knows the trails and all the locations of dangerous areas around the forest and this could make our life easier. As an object, I would definitely bring with us a tent. The forest is big, and also if we are going to make any kind of study or research, we will need a place to sleep, so a tent like the magical ones (large and with a lot of space), it seems to be very reasonable. ♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make? Lily: I know the war is starting to be stronger. Everyday we see that on news. I know that my parents and sister are in danger because of me and I cannot let them suffer because of my decisions and life to protect others. I am still deciding what to do with them, but I know that we will be apart for a while, and this hurts me for knowing the possibility that we will not see each other again. This decision is taking me forever to have an action, and I know that is because I believe I can also protect them all the time, and that’s not true. ♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you? Lily: Mudblood.
REACTION TO LAST EVENT DROP Lily would it be inside of St Mungos most of the time, trying to help others and making sure they were safe to return home. She constantly would return home tired and also worried about the situation, talking with James and the other Marauders about how the Order could actually do something. During the days pass, and others joining the cause, it makes her have more hope that love and equality will remain over such a horror situation. She would light so many candles at her house, for each one of those she knows died in Voldemort’s hand. She would ask for James to stay with her where they are and not be afraid of what is going on right now and help Greta, Hestia and Molly to create a place for the refugees.
The ring-ring on the phone caught Lily’s attention as she walked into the bedroom to get some clothes before going to James’ house. She shifted the course of her feet until she found the muggle object and picked up the phone in her hands and placed it on her ears. “Hello, this is Lily Evans.” Her curious voice echoed through the air, recognizing right away that it was her mother on the other end of the line. “Hello, mom. I was about to tell you I’m going to visit James and if you want me to say something for him.” Beats on the door appeared, and her cry of ‘come in’ was loud enough for James to show up and she just waived, telling him where she was. Her mother’s voice was strange as if something had happened and she was having trouble telling her daughter about it. “Mom? Is everything okay?” Her heart skipped a beat, imagining that Voldemort had found her parents, Petunia, Dursley’s Wale and perhaps killed everyone but mom. Lily closed her eyes, trying to control the worries that were beginning to dominate her body, striving so that horrible images did not come to mind as well.
“What?” The news was not too bad, not as she imagined. She felt her fingers tighten the phone cord and scratched her head, trying to react to the news. Lily turned to see James, dropping her body to the wall. “It’s okay, Mom. We can not force Petunia. It’s going to be all right, I promise.” She tried her hardest to keep a normal voice, but James and her mother knew it was a complete lie. When Lily hung up the phone, she stared into nothingness for a few seconds until she could tell what had been one of the most painful news that year.
“Petunia is getting married.” The sentence in her mouth was a little strange. Her sister had dated Vernon for years and had never even had him as a fiance until now. Or maybe before and Lily did not know that. She held James’s hand, seeking psychological support for the situation, while the memories of the two little ones flew like the secrets they shared and were never told again. “She’s going to marry wale in two weeks.” A tear trickled from her eye, knowing James might be happy with the news since he could see a real Muggle marriage. “And she did not invite us, James. She-she-sh.” She could not continue the sentence, feeling herself again fragile in such an intimate and painful moment for her. “She does not want freaks at her wedding party, James. She does not want me at her wedding party. What happened to us, so that the young sister is not invited?” Tears streamed from her eyes as she tried to wipe them off with her sweater and not caring that it might be a little weird.
She stared at James for a few seconds, pulling him into a tight embrace, realizing that after all, she was completely alone. “She does not want me there. What did I do wrong, James? What did I do wrong?”
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bcdrawsandwrites · 6 years
Neither Can You Rating: T Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Family Characters: Héctor, Ernesto, Imelda, Coco, Julio, Pepita, Dante, Miguel, Óscar, Felipe, Victoria, Rosita… possibly others. Warnings: Violence, broken bones Description: “Do you care about your familia… more than your music?” Héctor didn’t have to think twice to answer yes. But the grin on Ernesto’s face sent a chill down his spine as the man continued, “Are you willing to put that to the test?” View all chapters here! FFN Link | AO3 Link | dA Link 
Chapter 5: Found and Lost Summary: In which Imelda and the others search for Héctor... or what's left of him.
Pepita flew swiftly over the city, swooping around gondola tracks, balconies, and other flying alebrijes. Imelda barely noticed them, her mind focused entirely on finding a single skeleton.
Initially she'd flown off without a thought as to where they would start looking, only knowing that she had to find Héctor before anything happened to him—assuming nothing had already happened to him. It wasn't hard to imagine the circumstances. While the media had long since stopped coming to the Rivera zapateria (thanks to several dozen shoe projectiles and Imelda's impeccable aim), journalists would sometimes stalk Héctor as he walked through town, and pounce on him when he didn't expect it. While he managed to worm his way out of the situations at least half the time, more than once she'd had to come to his rescue, and occasionally Pepita would show up to drive the reporters away.
But for some journalists or reporters to jump on him in the middle of the night? Absurd. Unlikely.
The thought crossed her mind that they still hadn't caught that man—that dreadful, horrible man that had ruined their lives and nearly ruined their deaths—but surely he wouldn't be foolish enough to go after Héctor? Not after what Pepita had done to him.
Something else may have happened.
...Or nothing may have happened at all. Perhaps he had lost track of time and was staying out longer than he intended to. Perhaps he'd had a little too much to drink, and had fallen asleep somewhere. Those weren't entirely outside the realm of possibility, and while they weren't good things by any means, Imelda would rather bring trouble on Héctor herself than find he needed to be gotten out of trouble.
As they flew, Imelda suddenly realized that they did need a starting point of sorts, since Héctor's trail would have gone cold by this point. She knew he'd been off to visit his "other" family in Shantytown, so that was as good a starting point as any. It seemed Pepita was already heading there anyway.
"Do you think he's all right, Mamá?"
Imelda shook herself out of her thoughts—she'd briefly forgotten that she wasn't alone. Looking over her shoulder, she caught Coco's worried look, and chose her words carefully. "If anyone tries anything foolish with Héctor," she said, "they'll have Pepita and me to deal with."
Pepita gave a growl of agreement.
Julio (who at some point must have managed to crawl up onto the alebrije's back from her tail, and was now clinging desperately to Coco), wrapped his arms more tightly around his wife. "It'll be all right, Socorro."
When Coco looked back at her husband, Imelda took the opportunity to face forward again so she didn't have to keep masking her own worry.
It wasn't too much later that Pepita landed partway down the stone steps leading to Shantytown, not able to land directly in the town due to all the water. Standing as tall as she could, she allowed Imelda, Coco, and Julio to dismount onto the rickety wooden stairs, and stepped back. She began to climb the old steps, her nose snuffling loudly as she tried to pick up Héctor's scent.
Pleased that her spirit guide was wasting no time, Imelda immediately began descending the stairs. Coco and Julio exchanged confused glances before following.
"Why are we not following Pepita?" Coco asked.
"If she didn't pick up his scent immediately, then it's already faded from here," Imelda said. "She'll search on her own while we ask some questions from Héctor's… 'family.'" She would never get used to calling it that.
"This is where Papá lived?"
"Yes, mija. This is where many of the nearly-forgotten live." They were approaching the gate, now, beyond which lied the swampy town. Laughter and quiet music drifted out through the gate as they passed it, and up ahead a small gathering of souls sat around a fire. There were a lot of empty seats (hopefully they've just gone to bed, Imelda thought, remembering the scenes she'd encountered here a few months ago), but the souls that were still there were joyful and rowdy.
The Riveras' handcrafted shoes were not quiet against the half-rotten boardwalk that weaved through the town, and one soul twisted around in his seat to face them.
"Ah, seems like we've got more guests tonight."
The music abruptly stopped, and the other skeletons turned to face the newcomers. While a few of the souls were curious, most of them looked happy about the visitors. "Hola, Tia Imelda!" one of them called out, gesturing to one of the seats.
Imelda shook her head politely—while the residents were usually pleasant to chat with, that wasn't what she was here for. "Where is Héctor?" she asked, crossing her arms stiffly. Part of her hoped they would inform her that he was passed out in one of the shacks, but…
The souls looked at one another in confusion. "Cousin Héctor left over an hour ago," one of them said. "Or two hours?"
The first soul that had spoken nodded. "Sí. He left well before eleven. I think he was worried about getting home to you on time."
Imelda shut her eyes, trying to ignore the feeling of her metaphorical stomach dropping.
"Did…" Coco stepped forward. "Did he say anything about stopping somewhere along the way?"
Once again the souls looked around at each other. "No, just that he needed to get going."
"He did have a bit to drink, though. Maybe he got lost?"
"Cousin Héctor's been here longer than you have, prima! He's not gettin' lost nowhere around here, drunk or not."
"None of you know where he is?" Julio blurted out, interrupting the chatter.
Before anyone could answer, a deafening roar shook the town.
While several of the souls ducked down off of their chairs, one pointed up at the sky with a trembling hand. "N-no, but it looks like someone does!"
Sure enough, Pepita was circling them high above the town, waiting for them to spot her.
"Pepita!" Imelda called, relief washing over her. "We'll meet you at the top of the stairs!"
Turning around, she picked up the hem of her dress and rushed back through the gate, Coco and Julio at her heels.
"Good luck!" "Adios!" "Tell Cousin Héctor to not drink too much tequila next time, eh?"
The Riveras were already making their way up the stairs, their progress slowed slightly as they had to watch for rotten planks of wood. "Did Pepita find him already?" Julio asked, stumbling as one of his sandals broke through a damaged step.
"She wouldn't have called for us if she hadn't." Imelda turned her gaze upward, where Pepita was starting to circle back down to meet them.
Evidently the spirit guide was too impatient for them to reach the top of the stairs, and landed heavily on the stone step next to the wooden platform, raising herself up so they could hop down onto her. Imelda and Coco did so with no hesitation, Julio with some. Once her passengers were aboard, Pepita sprung into the air, flying up above the buildings once again.
While Imelda was glad that Pepita had picked up on Héctor's trail so quickly, she couldn't ignore the sick feeling in her midsection. Nor could she ignore the anxiety radiating from her alebrije; while Coco and Julio took no notice, Imelda could feel the tension in Pepita's muscles, the sharp turns of her wings as she flew.
Something was wrong.
"Can you see him anywhere?" Coco was leaning over, trying to see past Pepita's back, while Julio clung to her tighter.
"Wait for her to land, mi amor!"
It was only a minute or so later that Pepita prepared to land. It took her a moment to do so—the streets here were not well-suited for larger alebrijes, and she had to find a place to land without crashing into a wall. But when she did so, her passengers dismounted, and she led them to a narrow alleyway that she could not fit through.
The Riveras peered down into the alley, which was poorly-lit—too dark for them to see all the way down. "You're sure he's down here?" Coco reached up to pat Pepita's head without looking away.
The alebrije gave a distressed yowl in response, pawing at the side of one of the buildings.
Imelda barely suppressed a shudder—she couldn't imagine anything good coming from here, especially with Pepita so upset. It could have just been that she was upset about not being able to fit through the alleyway, but…
Drawing in a breath, Imelda stepped forward, preparing to grab her shoe if things went south. Coco and Julio started to follow her, the former looking concerned and the latter looking ready to fight, but she waved them off. "Stay with Pepita," she said. "I'll handle this."
Coco was about to protest, but Julio grabbed her hand. "Be careful, Mamá," he said.
Imelda took a few steps further as she waited for her vision to adjust to the darkness. "Héctor?" she called. "¿Estás ahí?"
Nothing answered her.
Further down, she noticed that the rest of the alley was filled with garbage—mostly old crates, it looked like—that all but completely blocked the path. That couldn't be right. Where was Héctor?
"Pepita!" She turned back to the entrance again, where she could clearly see her spirit guide thanks to the glowing fur. "Are you sure this is the right place?"
Pepita only gave another distressed cry, pawing at the side of one of the buildings again.
Evidently this was the right place, and that coupled with the fact that she hadn't found Héctor yet meant that something was very, very wrong.
Could he be on the other side of the trash pile? Imelda briefly considered climbing it, but then, why would Pepita have led them to this side of the alley? Looking at the garbage on the ground, she wondered if he could be hiding underneath something… unconscious, perhaps.
Or in pieces.
Pepita's cries were growing more insistent, her scratching more frantic.
"Hush, Pepita," Imelda called back. She lifted up a piece of a broken crate, only to find more garbage underneath.
Looking back, Imelda could see Coco pointing up at Pepita, who was still yowling and clawing at the side the building to her left.
Gaze narrowing, Imelda began walking back the way she came. This time she walked closer to the buildings on the side Pepita was pawing at, paying closer attention to them. Some buildings had doorways that led out into the alley, and she'd been ignoring them up till now. But it was so hard to see—
Something shifted in the shadows of one of the doorways, and Imelda's shoe was off in an instant. The figure gave a startled gasp, cringing as it tugged something over its face defensively.
Imelda stayed in attack position for a moment before she recognized the slim build of the figure, and the straw hat he had clutched over his face.
"Héctor!" she cried, tension leaving her frame as she returned her shoe. "What in the world are you doing?!"
When he didn't immediately answer, she found her anger from earlier coming back with a vengeance. "We've been looking everywhere for you! What did you think you were doing, worrying us all to final death?!" She threw out her arms in exasperation. "What were you doing, hiding from us all this time? Are you listening to me?"
Imelda waited for him to answer, then paused.
Coco and Julio were already making their way down the alley, but Pepita was still crying out in distress.
Holding out a hand to stop her daughter and son-in-law, Imelda took a step back, trying to get a better look at Héctor in the dark. He was turned away from her, now, still holding the brim of his hat, and… now that she took the time to look, he seemed to be leaning heavily against the wall behind him, keeping weight off of his bad leg. His free arm—his right one—was clutched tightly around his ribcage, his hand tucked under his vest. His chest was heaving, and his breathing was ragged.
"...Héctor?" she said, her voice coming out smaller than she'd intended.
Why wouldn't he answer her?
Brow furrowing, Imelda reached out, holding her hand over his and ignoring his flinch at her touch. Gently she guided his hand upward, moving his hat away from his face.
Héctor finally met her gaze, giving a valiant attempt at one of his apologetic smiles. The dark tear stains on his face and the pain in his eyes did little to sell it.
"S… sorr…"
His voice was strained and near-absent, and he couldn't get out a full word out before he nearly doubled over in a ragged coughing fit, intermixed with whimpers and gasps of pain.
Horrified, Imelda placed an arm over his back and reached out to take his hand, helping him up again as the fit subsided. "Mi amor! What happened to you?!" Knowing she wouldn't get an answer, she moved to his left side, draping his arm across her shoulders. "Vamos, let's get you home…"
His limp was noticeably more pronounced, like it had been a few months ago, and he kept his gaze toward the ground. His right arm was still clenched around his ribcage.
Héctor's head shot up at the voice of his daughter. A look of unmistakable relief crossed his features, and Imelda couldn't tell if the sound that left his throat was a laugh or a sob.
Coco was by his side in a moment. "Papá, what's happened?!"
Hesitantly Héctor turned to face her, giving her a similar attempt at the apologetic smile he'd tried on Imelda, more wavery this time.
"Oh, Papá…!" She reached out to wrap her arms around him, only to flinch back when he gave a choked cry of pain.
"Careful, mija," Imelda said gently. "He's hurt."
But to Imelda's surprise, Héctor shook her off, nearly falling as he bent down to throw his arms around Coco. For a moment Coco was startled, but only for a moment; she quickly, gently returned his embrace, leaning her face into his shoulder. His body was heaving in muted sobs, but somehow Imelda got the feeling they were sobs of relief.
Imelda stood back; whatever the reason for this moment was, she wouldn't interrupt it, though it made something within her ache. But hearing a gasp, she looked up, catching Julio's gaze. Silently he looked from her, to Héctor and Coco—or more specifically, something behind Coco, which he stared at in consternation. Imelda crept carefully around the two, trying to avoid disturbing them, and her metaphorical stomach gave a twist.
Héctor's arms were wrapped around his daughter, but only one of them had a hand attached.
When she looked back at Julio, he gave her a nod before heading over to the doorway Héctor had been standing in, searching around the ground. Casting another glance back at Héctor and Coco, Imelda walked back toward the pile of junk that blocked the alley, hoping to find the missing appendage. It wasn't uncommon for Héctor's bones to come loose, or even to get lost for a short period; nearly-forgotten as he had been, he had few memories to keep his bones strung together.
Kneeling down, she felt around the ground; it was too dark to see very well, but she would be able to differentiate bone from cobblestone by touch alone.
But she couldn't help but wonder… Over the past month, Héctor had been better. He came apart less frequently, and his bones that had remained broken for years were finally mending. Even if he'd detached his hand, what would keep him from just summoning it back?
Imelda's brow furrowed as she turned over another broken box (for the second time, she realized in annoyance). She didn't like the picture these hints were painting.
Finally she stood up, heading back toward Julio to see if he'd had any luck. For a moment her metaphorical heart leapt when she saw him lift something up, only to sink again when she realized it was not a hand, but a guitar case. He set it back down, sighing.
"This isn't right, Mamá," he whispered, looking back to Héctor and Coco; his father-in-law's sobs had turned to shallow wheezes, and Coco was whispering something to him. "You can't just lose your hand."
"I know." She crossed her arms tightly, looking back toward the junk she'd searched through.
There was a pause.
Julio shuffled his feet. "Do you think someone…?
Imelda's jaw clenched, her fists balled at her sides.
A shaky gasp pulled her back to the situation at hand. She strode back over to Héctor, who was fighting to stand up again, Coco helping him balance in spite of his bad leg. Imelda extended her hand to him, and after a moment, he let her pull him back upright. Lo siento, he mouthed, and she shook her head, brushing his hair away from his face.
Meanwhile, Julio came up behind Coco, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He stared down at his wife for a moment before turning to Héctor. "Did… someone do this to you?"
Héctor blinked slowly, his head dipping. It wasn't a nod, but it told them enough.
Imelda's ribcage tightened; somehow, the confirmation of what she'd already known only made it worse. Fury burned within her, fierce enough to nearly explode, but she had a century of experience in keeping it tamed when she needed to. Instead, she squeezed Héctor's shoulder. "Are they still here?"
Héctor shook his head.
"Who did this to you?" Coco asked, her voice breaking. She scrubbed at her eyesockets with the heel of her hand. "Do you know…?"
After a pause, Héctor shook his head again, shuddering.
The other three exchanged glances, each reading a different expression in the other's eyes: grief, anger, and suspicion.
But they couldn't keep standing in the alleyway. Slowly, Imelda being mindful of Héctor's limp, they made their way out into the street. There they met Pepita, who wasted no time in sniffing over Héctor and growling.
"She's not angry at you," Imelda said quickly. "Pepita, can you smell anything on him?"
The alebrije's ears folded back, and she dipped her head. They'd been gone for some time, then.
With a quiet sigh, Imelda turned her attention back to Héctor. Placing one hand firmly on his shoulder, she stepped away from him, hoping to get a better look at his condition now that they were out of the alley and in the light of her alebrije's glow.
Immediately the inside of her ribcage ached at the sight of his own ribs, which now bore several new cracks. Two of his upper ribs were cracked all the way through, the gaps visible as his chest heaved. Héctor kept his head lowered, but Imelda was starting to suspect it wasn't entirely out of shame. She reached out, gently lifting his chin, and gasped.
Skeletons didn't have any muscles or organs that could be damaged, but hurting the closest part of their bones could sometimes cause a similar effect. She'd suspected something must have happened to his upper vertebrae, but she wasn't prepared for the sight of deep gouges in the bone, as though something had tried to claw his metaphorical throat out.
No wonder he couldn't speak.
Once again, her chest burned in anger at whoever—or whatever—had done this to him, but there was nothing to be done. Not now—Héctor had said that his attackers were gone, and she had no reason to believe he would say anything in protection of them. The most important thing right now was to get him home, and get him properly treated.
Moving her hand from his chin, she cupped the side of his face, and he leaned into her touch. But still he had that apologetic look in his eyes, his mouth forming words he couldn't speak: Lo sien—
"Basta." Imelda shook her head, pulling her hand away. "Don't you dare blame yourself for this. Now come, let's get you home."
Pepita was already bowed to the ground, waiting for her passengers to board. Imelda turned Héctor so that he was facing the alebrije, and began to help him onto her back. It was a bit of a challenge when he only had one hand, but they managed. She sat behind him, her arms carefully wrapped around his midsection.
It was a moment before Julio and Coco stepped out of the alley; while Imelda had been looking Héctor over, they'd turned back to retrieve something. As they returned, Coco carried something large in her arms. "Papá's guitar," she said, as she and Julio hefted the guitar case onto Pepita's back.
Héctor sagged in Imelda's grasp.
Imelda shut her eyes for a moment before nudging her spirit guide with her heels. "Let's go home, Pepita."
And the alebrije gave a lurch, taking off into the night.
As they flew back toward the Rivera hacienda, Coco found herself staring down at the guitar case she held in her arms. Out of curiosity, she set it down in front of her, unlatching it and opening it carefully.
The guitar inside was completely undamaged.
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barbarazab · 3 years
May 22, 2021
I had both girls and a tablet of huge pieces of newsprint I had “rescued” at the Art Resource Center, an amazing place I’ve written about before.  I thought only the first few pages were sketched on, but I was wrong.  The whole tablet had drawings on it.  Well, that’s fine; we’ll just use the backs for --ta! da! -- dancing blottos!
Because the girls had asked to come to my house, their art supplies weren’t here. Fortunately, I have a set of pint bottles of tempera.  Unfortunately, they are in the art desk in the girls’ sleepover bedroom, which is currently PACKED with boxes of stuff from the kitchen and family room to accommodate what is turning into the never-ending kitchen remodel. Fortunately, we were able to snake our way in, push a bookcase a few inches and rescue the paints!  We were ready to begin...
...except for the lovely tarps I used at school.  Oh well, never daunted, we pulled some garden-sized garbage bags from a box outside and got to work.  Each girl dropped some paint on her own paper,  Oddly enough, they had chosen to use the same three colors: red, orange, and yellow.  Not so oddly, their pictures ended up looking somewhat similar.  Anyway, we folded the paper in half and then folded the garbage bags in half around them.
I got out my phone and put on some dance music.  They didn’t need an invitation to begin dancing on their artwork.
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You can see some yellow paint on her foot, probably from when she was squirting paint on to the paper.  Oh, well, it’s washable tempera,
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And here are the results!
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My younger granddaughter’s tore because she had too much paint puddled in the middle.  Too much paint in one spot soaks in and weakens the paper, often resulting in tears, Fortunately when we sent pictures to their Nebraska grandparents, her grandpa said that to him it looked like a giant bird with a black beak,  And it does, if you turn it sideways!  Always trust grandparents for the perfect comment!
0 notes
iwantasecretgarden · 7 years
Title: After Party / Pairing: wlw of your choice
Title: After Party 
Pairing: Luna Lovegood & Ginny Weasley 
Summary: She stayed to help clean up, and got more than she bargained for.
Post Battle of Hogwarts, post-Hinny
“Just go to bed, Hermione,” said Ginny wearily, waving her wand at the trash. 
“No,” Hermione protested, but without heart. She had helped set up for Luna’s party, and her mountainous hair was already tumbling down around her shoulders out of its glimmering piskie pins. 
“You don’t need to stay,” said Luna, wandering in vaguely around the corner. “I quite like the decor like this.”
“We’re taking it down,” said Ginny in exasperation. “Or else the next time I come over, this will all still be here.”
“How lovely to think of,” said Luna dreamily, but knuckling one of her great luminous eyes and smudging her literal starry-eyed sparkling makeup. “That my apartment might wear the places it’s been and the people it has seen.”
“Don’t make me turn into my mother,” Ginny threatened, brandishing her wand at Hermione with an exasperated eyebrow lift in Luna’s general direction. Luna had begun picking up bits of confetti and twisting them between her fingers. Ginny knew if it wasn’t stopped, they would become treasured keepsakes or jewelry. 
“Well, if you’re sure,” Hermione said uncertainly, but a piskie pin sprang out of her hair, and a great mound of it sprang free, the dark brown curls exploding towards the wall. “Oh, drat,” she snapped, holding it in place with a hand. “I’ve got to get that pin.”
“Go home Hermione,” Ginny said again, this time almost annoyed. “You can let it out there.”
“You’re right,” agreed Hermione, and turned on the spot with a faint pop. 
“You don’t have to stay either,” said Luna serenely, bending to pick up more of the sparkling paper. 
“Put that down,” said Ginny in exasperation. “I’ll teach you a sweeping spell.” 
“My mother said we should never sweep the house,” said Luna, in all seriousness as she followed Ginny to the kitchen. “She said we’d scare the dust sprites off.”
“The dust sprites should be scared,” Ginny muttered under her breath, catching a sight of the kitchen. “These people are animals.” 
“Oh no,” said Luna, sighing happily. “It was a very good party, don’t you think?”
Ginny  had to smile in spite of herself. “Yes, it was.”
Luna had thrown a birthday party for Neville and Harry together on the first of August. It was only slightly awkward seeing Harry, but they kept their conversation light: on her training regimen with the Harpies, and on his on-call schedule with the aurors. Luna had hand baked two different cakes: chocolate for Harry, and strawberry for Neville, though she hadn’t asked either of them what their favorites were. Predictably, Luna had thought to invite the best people she knew, so almost the whole DA was there, even Cho Chang had showed up, to everyone’s surprise, as she had ghosted to Australia after Hogwarts. 
There had been a great many of Luna’s animals present, even though she lived in a first floor walk up. She kept them in their menagerie, namely, the patio, which had an enlargement charm on it to the size of a city park if anyone cared to walk out her patio door. Luna was doing fairly well for herself, as she was the traveling editor of the Quibbler, and was asked to visit countries around the globe to help on semi-serious legend hunts and write about them. She had dinner every day with her father, even when she was traveling, and had inherited a number of animals she had found suffering in drawers or on roadsides that she had to take home and care for. 
“Scourgify,” Ginny directed wearily at the stacks of dishes, and sent a whirring whirlwind through the other room to pull down the crepe paper into a pile. She dug a self-digesting garbage bag out from under Luna’s sink. They were still in their cardboard packaging where she had put them there last time, and set it open on the floor for the refuse to filter into.  
“The paper,” said Luna in disappointment, coming to sink down at the small card table she had salvaged for a breakfast table. Both of her dining chairs were lawn chairs carefully repainted robin’s egg with clouds. 
“It’s all right,” smiled Ginny. “We’ll get more for my party.” 
“Your party?” asked Luna, turning large blue eyes on her.  
“My birthday is August 11th.” 
“I know that,” and Luna’s voice lost some of its dreamy quality in affront at Ginny doubting her. 
“So I’ll have a party.” 
“No you won’t,” countered Luna, still somewhat sharply. “I’m having a party for you.” 
“You are?” yawned Ginny, leaning back against the kitchen wall. “How marvelous.” 
A kettle, teapot, and two teacups floated their way over between the two women. Like everything Luna owned - or as she phrased it ‘rescued’ - the teacups were secondhand and mismatching. Ginny accepted her cup with a sigh. Like in all things, Luna had not needed to ask Ginny’s favorite tea, and had selected and steeped it with her quiet observation and without comment.
“Let me put my hair up,” Ginny complained, pulling her hair out from where it was caught under her sweating armpits. There had been quite a lot of dancing near the end, and she was wearing shorts and a tank top in the summer heat. She twisted out of her soaked bra, pulled it out the scoop neck, and hung it on the back of the chair.
“Here,” said Luna, handing Ginny a bread twist-tie. Ginny made a sardonic face, but as there was no better alternative, pointed her wand at it and made do. 
“I’m broiling,” she complained.
“It will cool down now that everyone’s left,” said Luna implacably, looking for all the world unphased, holding her steaming mug of tea. But Ginny could see her dirty blonde hair was dark with sweat around her ears, and for a moment watched a bead of it roll down Luna’s neck. Her skin was translucent and almost bluish in the overheads. Like porcelain, but thinner. Like frosted glass, holding something light and creamy within. 
“Why are you staring at me?” asked Luna, unperturbed. Luna stared at everybody, and did not find it embarrassing or socially awkward. Usually she would tell Ginny why she was staring at her, and Ginny found her bluntness comforting. 
“I was staring at your skin,” she said, without thinking how strange it might sound. “You’re very pale.” 
“And you’re very freckly,” said Luna, setting down her teacup. 
“Why are you upset?” Luna was oblivious, and quietly disconcerted. “It’s true. You’ve got freckles all over your face and shoulders.” 
“It’s from the sun!” Ginny argued. 
“I don’t know why it wouldn’t be,” agreed Luna, searching Ginny’s face for a clue as to why she was upset. 
Ginny slumped back against the wall again, pillowing her long hair in its makeshift bun behind her. She realized Luna really was ignorant of her comment. “People think freckles are ugly.”
“Really?” and Luna was amazed. “Why would they think that?” 
Ginny closed her eyes tightly; Luna never seemed to blink, and dealing with someone as ingenuous and honest as Luna was sometimes irritating and trying. Couldn’t she just understand? “I don’t know,” she said grumpily. “But they do.”
“I don’t,” said Luna. “I think you’re beautiful.” 
Ginny cracked a brown eye, frowning. She wasn’t sure if she had heard right. Had Luna said she thought Ginny’s freckles beautiful, or that Ginny was beautiful? “Thanks,” she said gruffly, and closed her eyes again. 
“And your skin isn’t pale, but bronze and beautiful.” 
“It’s from the sun,” Ginny said again, her voice testy. 
“I don’t care,” said Luna in her dreamiest voice. “And your hair is like carrots.” 
“Thanks so much,” said Ginny, eyes popping open in annoyance again.  
“I like carrots,” said Luna, perplexed. 
“Carrots aren’t beautiful!” Ginny sat up roughly, elbows on the table, spreading her hands over her temples, smudging her eyeliner beneath her fingers. She hated makeup. She almost never wore it. She had just felt…felt like she should. At Harry’s birthday. At Neville’s too of course - it was just that she wanted to -
She felt softness against her cheek. Her eyes sprang open and she saw Luna there, too close.“What are you doing?” and she was surprised her voice trembled. It was thick with emotion, she reasoned. From thinking about -  
Luna kissed her other cheek. “You’ve gone all blotchy from how upset you are,” she said simply.
Ginny felt herself flush bright red, drowning out any blotchy contrast. “L-Luna, I didn’t know you were so affect-”
But Luna kissed her. And not like friends kiss one another, not that Ginny could remember any friend kissing her cheeks, but on the mouth, softly, so softly it was like a butterfly had landed. And Luna drew away, her own eyes never having closed, their blueness dizzying in Ginny’s open startlement. 
“You’re beautiful,” said Luna factually again. “With or without the sun.” 
And Ginny flushed and stammered, trying to explain that no she wasn’t, she was sweating hard and her deodorant had worn off and her hair was up with a bread tie and her black eyeliner was on the backs of her knuckles and she could feel her shirt sticking between her breasts and that her knees were scraped up from being hit mid-flight with a bludger at practice and that she was actually a littleallergic to grass and -
She could only get out: "I-”
“I’m excited for your birthday,” Luna said, picking up her teacup as if absolutely nothing out of the ordinary had happened. “I got you something you’ll really enjoy.”
Send me a made up A03 title and i’ll write you a drabble based off of it!
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