#i rarely post art cause ID are hard to do but
yeeiguess · 2 years
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Had sudden Kamina thoughts the other day and Produced Art :) I ship them in a qpr way ? Or something. They’re cute. Fashion besties. Genderfunk lovers. Queer af partners…
[image description : a digital drawing of Kaminari Denki and Mina Ashido. Denki is sitting on Mina’s lap and holding her waist; Mina is holding Denki’s face. They’re both blushing and smiling.
Denki has an open, stripped yellow shirt and light blue jeans, and Mina is wearing a turquoise crop top and shorts. She has two puffy pigtails and glittery turquoise makeup. She has freckles and her blush is purple. End ID]
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Elven goes Comic Park Artist Alley 2023
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Here it is, the post I threatened to make! It's gonna be long and full of ramblings, but I wanted to write everything down and idk, maybe you'll find it interesting to read! xD
So, this was my first time tabling at an artist alley. I had applied to another con near-ish me a couple of times in the past but never got accepted, so I was quite floored when it worked here at first try this time around xD I was hella nervous all the way up until the day I actually had to go and leave for some reason. Beforehand, I gathered some inspo at other cons for table setups and invested a little bit in one of those wire-shelf thingies, cause since it's very modular I would have also been able to make good use of it if it turns out artist alleys aren't my thing after all. I got a small collection of prints printed, I wanted to stick with a theme (namely, my original fantasy stuff, since fanart is a legal grey area and I wanted to be on the safe side - also, themes are nice!).
I managed to fit everything I needed for the table into two big Ikea bags and left on Friday noon for the con (we were allowed to set up starting at 2pm that day, the actual con starting on Saturday at 9am). I also set up two small shelf units for putting on the table upfront to save some time!
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My cat was not impressed.
Setup and everything worked out without problems, the helpers were all super kind and welcoming. The only thing that was kinda chaotic was that the con organizers and the owners of the location (the artist alleay was in a whole new building, and the location overall is insanely pretty) seemed to kinda work against each other in a way xD Communication didn't quite work, and I think if we as artists and our helpers had received at least some kinda document or ID or a little coloured wristband that said "exhibitor" or something, it would have prevented a lot of arguments and delays. But alas, maybe next year!
Since I had a quite long drive and didn't wanna do that twice every day, I stayed at a hotel nearby. It felt a little like a mini vacation, which was nice xD Cost-wise, I would have ended up paying the same amount in gas that I paid in hotel fees.
As I said, as soon as my table was set up, all nervousness from before had kinda vanished and despite my days starting super early and ending very late, I had a blast overall xD Only thing is, I didn't sleep well (but I rarely do when I know I have to get up early, the anxiety of missing my alarm haunts me in my dreams).
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My view for the weekend xD I love how creative some of the other artists' setup was, let alone how amazing their art was! There was a huge variety of styles and products, from prints to pins to handmade jewelry and plushies, and I didn't even get the chance to see it all xD
I guess this being my first table and the fear of accidentally missing out on a conversation with someone who likes my stuff I kinda didn't dare to venture very far from my table xD So I didn't see much of the rest of the con, but thankfully a lot of people found their way to the artist alley anyway! My personal highlight was having the ultimate, first-hand V experience. I randomly look to the right, and suddenly:
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Johnny fucking Silverhand! Including an ominous duffle bag that might have said NUKE... or NIKE, not sure... (find him on instagram @_iggyizzy_). Had a short convo with him both days, he was absolutely living his role, and yes xD Best quote that'll stay with me: "Don't make me laugh, or my beard is gonna come off!" Cosplay problems, I relate so hard :D
Some other highlights:
Explaining my dark fantasy world and setting with the target group "21+" to some very enthusiastic young kids who liked the pretty pictures xD
Talking to other creative people and seeing their projects - also loved the fact that there were several others tabling for the first time, and they all had different approaches that I all loved!
In general being told my art is good by complete strangers who know nothing about it was a huge ego and morale boost xD And being able to talk about a very dear-to-me project I'm passionate about in general was awesome
Talking to likeminded people who got inspired what I was doing <3
Nerding about my favourite video games with people
People really liking my inktober stuff a lot, which I wouldn't have expected
Ending the con with a long conversation with two cosplayers/gamers/creative people discussing tabletop games, Dragon Age, and Cyberpunk for about half an hour :D Was such a nice note to end the weekend on!
As I said, upfront I read up on some random resources online, some dos and donts and useful tips for artist alleys. Some of the tips really paid off ("pack a little emergency bag containing all sorts of materials to improvise if need be") which was useful to adjust some price tags and stuff! Others didn't quite turn out to be as accurate, with my most expensive item selling best in comparison to more affordable ones. I also hadn't planned on offering doodle commissions (which I'd seen people do at other cons) but I will definitely do if I ever get a table spot again, cause they were quite popular. And they made me realize once more why I miss doing commissions and will get back into them soon here, too!
Kinda negative things that come to mind regarding the whole experience are really minor actually, as I mentioned already the slightly chaotic organization here and there, but overall there were always good workarounds to that available, too. And I think/hope next time will work out better! A personal annoyance (but that is just my life in general xD) was getting misgendered quite a bit cause I'm not really passing, and me being too scared of irl confrontation in that reagard to correct people XD But I'm working on it. On the other hand, also had a really nice convo with a fellow queer dude about the abundance of pride flags and stuff, which was fun xD
And what I also learned is that the majority of people who do this regularly work Monday-Friday jobs... which makes sense, that enables you to go to cons on weekends, cause you always have the weekend off. Me, I get one weekend off per month at random (I could request specific days, but they're never guaranteed). So yeh... time to find a better dayjob I guess, if I wanna do this professionally xD Or luck out with my day off requests.
Anyway though... my personal takeaway and what I'd do differently next time:
I enjoyed the whole thing a lot more than I would have guessed
I'd make my stand more visibly lgbtq+ themed, to get people interested in queer fantasy art and writings that would walk past generic-looking dark elves
Also I'd add somewhere that this is an original project I'm working on, cause most people I got talking to assumed "oh this is just dnd stuff" and were pleasantly surprised when they learned "no, this is actually a whole setting and story"
I'm gonna wear a name tag with my pronouns on it (I wanted to do it this time but chickened out at the last moment, cause I'm just with one toe out of the closet irl and got too scared XD one challenge at a time)
I did like how my table was set up overall though and apart from some minor tweaks would set it up like this again
I would like to try to walk around more and get talking to other artists more, but I was too glued to my seat and table and everything (also, mild social anxiety, but everyone that I did talk to was so kind, so yeh XD one challenge at a time!!)
So yes. So much to my report on being at an artist alley the first time XD Would love to try it again some time, cause I had a blast, and cause of the stuff I'd like to improve on.
I still have a bunch of leftovers, too, posters, postcards, and a few booklets... But for now I'm gonna set up a Ko-Fi-Shop (which I'd wanted to do for a while) and put some things there for the time being. Once it's up and running a post will follow!
And if you read this far: thanks for reading ♥ xD
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salemssimblr · 1 year
Sims - get to know me
I was tagged by @druidberries & @m0n0lithical! Thank yall for the tags!
I rarely actually play the game so take my answers with a grain of salt but this should be fun!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Cowplant, hands down
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? For the longest time I was strictly Maxis Match but recently I've been way more Maxis Mix and I'm loving it
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nah I let it happen!
4. Do you use move objects? Religiously, I cannot build without it. Routing be damned!
5. Favorite mod? BBB, I cannot play this game without it. I also get ornery if I don't have UI cheats extension and more CAS columns.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I was on the Sims 4 bandwagon from day 1, so Outdoor Retreat.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Living. You've got build, buy, and live, at least that's how my brain rationalizes it.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I'm obsessed with all of my rpg oc sims (Ariss, Katya, Nat, Kai, Calista, etc), but probably my favorite sim-sim, well that's hard too. I really love my Simeon Silversweater makeover, and Rhiannon Reinhardt is prob my fave original sim.
9. Have you made a simself? I have! I've made myself, my husband and our dog (: One day I'll have to render them and post pics, I'm sure they all need an update now.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Clumsy, creative, & paranoid lmao
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Idk prob black or dark brown, so many of the other swatches look unnatural to me. I like the fun colors though, esp the lighter blue/cyan-y swatch.
12. Favorite EA hair? In terms of design, I really liked the braids that came with RoM and the really cool swatches, but I rarely ever use that hair.
13. Favorite life stage? YA cause it's the only one with adequate gameplay oops lmfao
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? BUILDER I rarely play the game at all but if I am I'm probably building. It seems every time I actually get into gameplay (which is rare in itself) something (a patch) comes along and breaks everything to the point where I can't anymore and I lose love for it all over again.
15. Are you a CC creator? I am! But only barely haha. I've made a few recolors and some art, but nothing from scratch YET. Soon hopefully
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I do! I'm a moderator of @cozyacres's Cozy Cave discord server and I LOVE out little community there! I've also got so many wonderful mutuals here I love you all so much.
17. What’s your favorite game? Sims 3 was fantastic and if I remembered more of it I'd probably say 3, but I got really invested in the community for 4 and it does hold a special place in my heart even if it's deeply flawed. So, 4.
18. Do you have any sims merch? I do not.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I have an account but I haven't posted anything yet! I'd like to one day post speed builds and speed renders, I just need to figure out my recording process (I tab out of what I'm doing so often that I feel like the editing would take a million years for me to remove all of my discord chats lmfao)
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I feel like my actual sims style hasn't changed too much, except that I've incorporated a lot more maxis mix/alpha into my style, but that's mostly for rendering and not actual gameplay.
21. What’s your Origin ID? SalemsSims! I have a few CC-free builds on the gallery (:
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? This is an impossible question to answer. I love so many for gameplay vs render resources.
23. How long have you had a simblr? I just legit checked cause I wasn't sure and it turns out I've been shitposting since 2019! Who knew!? lmao
24. How do you edit your pictures? I'm lucky enough to mooch off my dad's photoshop license. For renders and screenshots alike, I'll edit the brightness, contrast, levels and curves and then use a collection of PS actions/tweaking/blur/vignettes etc as necessary to get the effect I want.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? It's really hard to say... I've been excited for each one of them then disappointed in each one of them lmfao what a mood. I gotta say I was really pleasantly surprised by Werewolves, and HSY exceeded my expectations, even though both had their fair share of disappointments. I don't think I really have a favorite overall though (which is def a side effect of... not actually playing the game, lmao). But those two actually got me playing the game and that's saying something.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Oops I own them all so, whatever comes next that strikes my fancy. Idk how I feel about the horse rumors though... we'll see if it's actually good or just another disappointment.
Tagging @chaoticsimlish, @reality-refuge, @raiiny-bay, @glammoose, @buttertrait, @crsentfairy, @glittermutt, @crazy-lazy-elder-sims & anyone else who wants to do this! My brain turns into a goldfish whenever it's time to tag so pls don't be offended if I didn't tag you!
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scifriskyxy · 5 months
Some Short Rules
No drama,I don't like drama at my doorstep it stresses me out and makes me anxious
Don't beg for requests. If I do your request, congrats, you are a lucky winner. If I don't, well, I either wasn't in the mood or the character wasn't eye catching to me- too complicated ,etc
I am a self-taught artist, and really, i just want to make and show my progress on art off or whatever I draw
I am not new to the community, but I have never been noticed before at all by anyone. Really, my little corner is quiet for the most part, and I prefer it that way
I will only warn people once if they cause trouble, like rants harassment and allegation throwing ,I don't speak for long periods with just anyone, only close friends,close Acquaintances and my partner,I don't have much to speak of anyway ,any questions just send an ask or ask here-
Why don't I have my likes and followers public?
I like stuff that isn't safe for kids. This is my only blog, ok? Ok
My way are my follows and likes hidden?
I like my privacy, and I'm not really trying to build a following or a community, I just post for fun and because I like to show off my art
Why don't I interact much with my mutuals?
I'm a shy and private person, autistic actually, I have a hard time getting used to some stuff at times, and I only do art when I am in the mood to and motivated enough to do so, this is a hobby for me that I am still getting a hang of,I live under a rock on alot of things and I'd actually prefer it this way,fame and fortune isn't my thing if I get it I get it if I don't I'm alright with it,I don't like creating a community around myself I just post art,If you enjoy it reblog and leave a heart or whatever,for my mutual I'm sorry I rarely interact anything further than a reblog like or a comment,I hope you all understand
Why are you blocked?
Well, I have hatred in my heart that I want to diminish,I simply have no time to hate,I have many tags blocked from view however...some of you don't tag your stuff appropriately so I end up seeing it it may be something I like or something that causes me a silent ire within me,so I block for my own mental health and I'm hopes one day this hatred goes away with time
What do I hate, you ask?
Id rather ther keep it to myself,I hope one day I can let go of this hatred ,but for now all I can do to quench it is to block people who often post things I do not like and I don't exactly support or even want to he a part of its better than typing angry hateful stuff at others but if you already know me you know the stuff and why.In the end tho I just don't have time to be hating on stuff, I gotta keep chugging along
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beemers-hell · 2 years
honestly you have so much more textbook stuff in your dissociative disorder than a lot of other systems i see online, theres really no need to be worried!! im glad u feel comfortable enough to share this stuff ^__^ idk if bank and eb would want to post on here but id love to see their art some time !!
I guess I do, you n a few other people have showed up n said that my case doesn't seem too out of the ordinary, which is reassuring. I was just worried the way I describe how my sys works would make some people think like, yknow, im faking it, n that would be shitty. I know my gals exist!
I'm not sure they'll really like, make their presence known much online? Cause they're usually busy just doing whatever the fuck it is they do to manage my brain shit. Or banks dissociating so hard it feels like she stops existing cause thats the only way her tired ass can sleep when our body is still awake lmao
If you're in my server, you know they'll use their PKs to joke around and chat and hang out pretty often, but like, making their own stuff like art n shit? That's pretty rare lol. At best they'll probably just answer a question or make a text post every now and then!
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hhtdl · 2 years
im not exactly new here i just forgot to redownload this app two years ago BUT im here to cause and enjoy chaos
Kai or Artemis whatever helps you remember, pick a nickname if you want, he/they but i am genderfluid so dont assume im a guy i just dont like to hear she/her on me. demi-pan is the way i roll just thought yall should know that
im legal is all you have to really know, and no i cant drive i was never taught and im scared to, but i do drink cheers
im a kpop fan. mostly seventeen, monsta x, enhypen, and exo are the groups im most interested in to which seventeen is my ultimate ive been with them since they debuted and i love all 13 of them to death, doesnt mean i dont listen to others though
i play games like tears of themis(level 80), genshin impact(ar 55), twisted wonderland(rank 61), minecraft(this is where i build twst dorms and all those jazzy things)
i also kinda draw but only when id like to put an imagery from my head onto something realistic, i have a tablet and all and i try to use it but i end up not.... i still use it though its not sitting there i promise
I post my writing on AO3 but its kinda hard when i got the insecurity that everyone will hate it even though many people have read my first published work and enjoyed it even my close friends, but I will post more on there too as well as on here when i remember to. its mostly fictional characters but my friends would like to see me write kpop related fics if that ever happens i dont know
twitter is where youll see a lot of my kpop side as well as my gaming interest and my will to become a voice actor because i follow so many of them, feel free to tag me and send me stuff but i rarely open the app unless i really have to
I also have a discord so if you would wish to friend me or invite me to servers feel free to ask, same with instagram dont be shy i dont bite I'm just not really social youll find me reading and liking the things you sent without getting a reply but thats normal dont freak out but also feel free to bother the crap out of me if you really wish to i find the notifications distracting from my daily, boring, full of crap life
i do have preferences though, just because i write nsfw doesnt mean i myself do it or am into it so dont come up here with that, i can enjoy fan art but dont try to give me full on conversation unless its for educational purposes AND I MEAN ACTUAL EDUCATION.
feel free to send me music recs but no promises on me actually listening to them its a rare thing that i do because i usually only listen to my on repeat songs but please dont hesitate sometimes i get tired of my own taste
on that note, thank you for your time reading i hope whoever comes across this has a better day than i usually do and that you come visit every once in a while it would be nice to hear a hi if you do but you aint gotta, but i hope you enjoy my future content uh idk what else to say other than see ya
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the-hot-zone · 3 years
Too Old To Play With Toys: The Sad Truth Behind Sokka's Boomerang
This is Sokka’s boomerang: 
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[ID: a screenshot of Sokka’s boomerang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. It has just been thrown, and it whips through the air in a rapid, whirling motion. End ID.]
And as we all know, it always comes back. This characteristic makes Sokka’s boomerang a returning boomerang, rather than a hunting boomerang. This is an important distinction to make, and it’s where the heart of this headcanon lays. Let me explain. 
Accuracy: What’s the Difference Between Hunting and Throwing Boomerangs?
There are three types of boomerangs: the hunting boomerang, the returning boomerang, and the cross boomerang. We’re only going to be discussing hunting and throwing boomerangs, but feel free to learn about cross boomerangs and their construction--they’re really cool. As a general note: the following sources and information pertain to Aboriginal Australian cultures. Boomerangs were used elsewhere, but mainly as throwing sticks, not returning boomerangs.
So, hunting boomerangs, also known as throwing sticks or kylies, have this basic shape:
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[ID: a black silhouette of a hunting boomerang. It is shaped like a skinny tear drop, with a slight curve along its form, and it widens asymmetrically at its ends. End ID.]
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[ID: an overhead shot of three hunting boomerangs. They are carved from glossy, light-brown wood. End ID.]
Artist: Aboriginal Elder, Joe Skeen Snr. Buy here.
The hunting boomerang is straighter, larger, longer, and deadlier than the returning boomerang. “With it,” states the Britannica, “animals were maimed and killed, while in warfare it caused serious injuries and death.” This is due to its shape, which allows it to travel in a relatively straight line. With its capability for distance and force, the hunting boomerang is a very powerful tool. 
According to Boomerang: Behind an Australian Icon by Philip Jones, a hunting boomerang can travel around 100 meters. If the boomerang is heavy enough, and the throw forceful enough, large prey, like kangaroos, can be killed. If you want to see a hunting boomerang in action, watch sections of this Youtube video. The range and accuracy of this tool are amazing. 
The returning boomerang, which was used in eastern and western parts of Australia, is very different:
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[ID: a black silhouette of a returning boomerang. It has two arms that widen towards the middle and connect, forming an angled shape, like a triangle with two sides. End ID.]
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[ID: a painted returning boomerang. The base is formed from a smooth, light-colored wood. Designs are painted at the end of its wings, in the middle of its wings, and towards its center. At the center is a stylized turtle. End ID.]
Artist: unknown, but sold by Aboriginal-owned business Murra Wolka. Website here. 
As you can see, the returning boomerang is shorter, smaller, and angled sharply. The shape of it allows it to trace an elliptical path, thus returning to the thrower. But this property is not without its drawbacks:
“A hunting boomerang needs to fly well and nearly straight to strike prey some 200 metres away. The trouble is that the best-flying boomerangs tend to return, rarely departing beyond fifty metres from the thrower. With the returning form ‘there is no certainty of hitting the mark. It may come back too quickly and may hit your own friends standing near you.’ While recognising that the best-flying boomerangs do return, Aborigines defined a technological problem. They needed to strike a compromise between flying ability and hunting requirements...” (Australian Museum).
Now, the returning boomerang could still be used to hunt, but not to kill or maim prey. Its application was craftier:
“When hunting ducks, for example, nets were set up at either ends of a creek or river. A boomerang was then thrown out over the ducks which gave them a scare so that they took off up the river and flew directly into the nets. From there they were collected. At other times during the hunting of birds the returning boomerang was thrown horizontally along the ground into a flock, and, as they took off the boomerang would follow them into the air. This may or may not kill the bird and a harder way to hunt” (murruppi.com).
Still, this wasn’t the main application of the returning boomerang. In actuality, it was used as a toy:
“The returning boomerang was not primarily designed for hunting as it is too light and wouldn't guarantee a kill. Rather, it was designed as a toy for young aboriginal boys. The toy would allow a youngster to practice throwing skills but still make it fun” (murrippi.com). 
So, Sokka’s boomerang? A plaything.
Let’s Bring It Back to ATLA: What Does This Mean?
With the above information, Sokka’s use of his boomerang in canon becomes almost tragic. His boomerang was probably given to him by Hakoda when he was very young. He used it to learn how to throw; one day, when he was older, he would have carved his own throwing stick, and used it to hunt alongside his dad and the other adults of his tribe. 
Instead, Sokka’s boomerang is another aspect of his childhood that was twisted by the war. His boomerang is--should have been--nothing more than a toy. He shouldn’t have had to use it to fend off Zuko, attack Azula, and defeat Combustion Man. Regardless, it did become a tool he used to help defeat the Fire Nation, and that’s pretty fitting when it comes to ATLA’s ideas of childhood and war: Sokka spent years acting as his tribe’s protector; Katara spent longer acting as a mother. Thus, his use of his boomerang throughout the show displays how Sokka was forced into a war-torn world at an incredibly, unfairly young age. As a result, he was forced to adapt in ways that took from him. 
And we’ve all seen Sokka’s boomerang in action. Here’s a video of his greatest hits--literally. His accuracy is insane, and he catches his boomerang every time. He’s more than ready to have a hunting boomerang, yet we see him use his returning boomerang throughout the show, and long after he earns his ice dodging mark. Tbh? I think that Sokka didn’t want to carve a hunting boomerang without his dad guiding his hands. 
So, you might be wondering, what happens post-war? 
Eventually, I think Sokka retires his returning boomerang and carves his own hunting boomerang, but the shape of it is particular: 
“Some scientists argue that a throwing-stick, commonly used by indigenous hunters around the world, is the precursor of the boomerang... Through trial-and-error the boomerang was refined to a point where the most desirable size, proportions and curvature were established. This refinement brought one serious problem: any improvement in flying resulted in a tendency to return. There is little doubt that indigenous hunters brought this experiment to its ultimate conclusion, by producing the perfect returning boomerang” (Australian Museum).
In short, making a good hunting boomerang is hard. Lots of trial and error, and still, hunting boomerangs come in a wide array of shapes. Thus, I headcanon that Sokka carves his hunting boomerang differently, as compared to the other members of his tribe--it’s more curved. This would show that although he's grown up and is in a post-war world, he's changed in some ways that can't be completely undone. 
In other words, Sokka eventually moves on, but the way he throws and uses his boomerang is going to be a little different.
TL;DR: Sokka’s boomerang is a plaything, and this has sad implications. But also? He never should have had one in the first place. Firstly, boomerangs were traditionally made from green hardwood, which I don’t believe can be found in the South Pole. I on god can’t find any authentic sources for bone or metal boomerangs. To be more accurate and still keep with the trend of throwing weapons, I would’ve given Sokka a nuqaq and darts or a bola.
Also, as far as I can tell, Sokka’s boomerang is the only aspect of Aboriginal Australian culture Bryke used in ATLA (I can’t get a confirmation on Hakoda’s name). This is cherry-picking to the max, and it perpetuates the harmful ideas of pan-indigeneity wrt one large, singular culture. 
So, if you enjoyed this, please consider supporting aboriginal artists and charities. You can buy aboriginal art from murrippi.com and Murra Wolka. This article here provides a list of charities as well as active GoFundMe’s for families affected by police brutality against Aboriginal Australians. Thank you.
“Hunting Boomerang - Extreme Range - The Aboriginal Karli” by Throwsticks Channel
“Boomerang Information“ by Murruppi, Djirrbal/Ngadjonji Tribe 
“Boomerang” by the Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors for the Encyclopaedia Britannica
“It Comes Back ... What a Nuisance!“ by Stan Florek for Australian Museum 
Boomerang: Behind an Australian Icon by Philip Jones from Wikipedia 
Murra Wolka 
Gonna tag @atlaculture​​​ because I think this is of your interest. <3
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ignorancelive · 3 years
@whitedeadflower​ |  pick my favourite albums for bill clinton to enjoy
not necessarily my favorites but i always pick the same 5 albums for these so i just put 4 albums i like a lot and have been listening to more recently <3
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@opossuwu​ | 15 questions
1. What is the first song you remember hearing?
english songs: either learn to fly by foo fighters or human by the killers, i really cannot remember which one but it was around the same time im pretty sure
spanish songs: ALL the songs on/by rebelde, my sister was super into it when i was a baby so i heard so many of their songs right as i was learning to become a human
2. What is the first band you got into?
mmmmmmm probably one direction? if we’re not counting rebelde lol
3. Do you collect music on any physical format?
i collect almost all cds i know and like on CD and have recently started buying vinyl but i think im only going to get albums i really like on it since its more expensive
4. What is your favourite piece of music-related memorabilia/merchandise?
SO many things. i really like my nirvana and red hot chili peppers shirts because they make me feel cute! im also IN LOVE with the in utero angel sticker i bought on redbubble that has a transparent border so its JUST the angel, i stuck it on my record player and i love it so so much
5. What is your favourite concert you've been to?
i have not been to a concert yet :/ i went to a little student festival thing my university hosted for us and saw hunny + hayley kiyoko which was pretty neat
6. If you could see one artist (or band) who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be?
nirvana :(
7. Have you met any musicians?
i went to a cd signing for little mix when i was like 12-13 ish but thats the closest ive gotten lol
8. What is your go-to song/album when feeling sad?
i actually have a playlist of comfort songs to listen to when im sad, but i think the song i most consistently go to is encore by red hot chili peppers
9. What is your go-to song/album when feeling happy?
this one depends. probably hump de bump also by rhcp cause it SLAPS and always puts me in a better mood than when i started
10. What is one music-related documentary you love?
EYE only watched a few minutes of funky monks but im sure if i sat down to watch it now id love it. this is the worst question to ask me because i watch a ton of interviews on youtube so i cant even remember which ones were legit docus as opposed to just youtube vids so this question is gonna be basically unanswered. i do want to watch bob and the monster though
11. What is one concert DVD that you love?
i listen to it more as an album on spotify than watch it but Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged is so good
12. Do you prefer listening to playlists or full albums?
usually playlists! but occasionally ill play the albums i have on my player
13. Do you tend to listen to albums in order or on shuffle?
in order, shuffling them is rare
14. What is your favourite deep cut song by your favourite artist?
favorite artist is rhcp and honestly im? not fully sure. quixoticelixer slaps. and i like almost every song on im with you. but i think im gonna have to go with storm in a teacup cause i checked its streams and its not that popular </3
15. What is your favorite CD/vinyl/cassette that you own in terms of packaging?
THIS ONES SO HARD I LOVE PACKAGING DESIGNS. i love how rhcp’s im with you disc looks like because it has the track list on it but it doesnt look bad like other discs who do that do. booklet design i love vices and virtues by panic at the disco and american idiot by green day. idk what this would fall under but i also love how stadium arcadium’s booklet is held in the case and how when you take it out you see a picture of the band. and there are too many albums whose art i love so i cannot elaborate on that without making this 5xs longer lmao
@garbanz0​ & @dailywilliams​​ | top 5 songs ive had on repeat recently
according to spotify’s on repeat playlist:
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but also according to my last.fm:
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so basically red hot chili peppers own my ass
@badhe4d​ , @garbanz0​ , & @catts-world​ | 10 songs you like, each by a different artist
1. Monarchy of Roses - RHCP 
2. Back and Forth - Foo Fighters
3. Heart of Glass - Blondie
4. Omission - John Frusciante and Josh Klinghoffer
5. Dance with Me - Sir, Please
6. Henrietta - The Fratellis
7. Breed - Nirvana
8. Mary - The Happy Fits
9. Girls and Boys - Blur
10. It’s All So Incredibly Loud - Glass Animals
@psychoticbreak​ |  suppose you’re being sent to a deserted island for the rest of your life, and you can only choose 10 records to bring with you and those are the only albums you can listen to for the remainder of your life; what albums are they
oh GOD ok
1. in utero - nirvana
2. stadium arcadium - RHCP
3. nothing personal - all time low
4. red - taylor swift
5. after laughter - paramore
6. wasting light - foo fighters
7. im with you + im beside you if you count them as the same album - RHCP
8. so wrong its right - all time low
9. american idiot - green day
10. inside of emptiness - john frusciante
@mark-hoppuss​ |  shuffle my playlist and list the first ten songs that come up
1. New Invention - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
2. Thanks to You - All Time Low
3. Por Que Me Haces Llorar? - Juan Gabriel 
4. Torture Me - Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Speak Now - Taylor Swift
6. Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against
7. Going Away to College - blink-182
8. Time-Bomb - All Time Low
9. DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
10. Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
@frafru1​ , @whitedeadflower​ , & @psychoticbreak​ | make a playlist with the letters of my name
Lithium by Nirvana
Universally Speaking by RHCP
Pool by Paramore
Eye Opener by Dot Hacker
@badhe4d​ |  post my lock screen, the last song I listened to and the last picture I saved on my phone
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friends name blocked out but. an interesting screenshot. yes i have flea’s tweet notifs on and use twitter for absolutely nothing else. yes i have email notifs on 
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if screenshots count:
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if they DONT count and you mean purely just saving:
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my icon and boyfriend <3
@badhe4d​ | 7 questions to get to know me better
three ships: not romantically because i dont believe in shipping irl people but i love everyone in rhcp’s gay polycule energy. specifically john and anthony in the 80s. romantically tho mickey and ian in shameless. i dont think i have a third one? me and my bisexual mutuals <3
last song: i shuffled a ton of songs and skipped for some of these tags but before those i was listening to the album weird kids by we are the in crowd as a tbt, specifically the song manners
last movie: inside by bo burnham but if you dont count that, hereditary 
currently watching: it is very difficult for me to watch shows so im currently just watching youtube lol
currently reading: nothing. i cannot read :( bc of attention issues not bc im illiterate
currently consuming: banana bread :3
@the-replacemints​​ |  top 10 favorite debut albums
NOT in order. also it took way too long to come up with this list lol
1. Concentrate - The Happy Fits
2. So Wrong It’s Right - All Time Low
3. SOUR - Olivia Rodrigo
4. Strange Desire - Bleachers
5. RAZZMATAZZ - I Dont Know How But They Found Me
6. Hot Fuss - The Killers
7. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
8. Bleach - Nirvana
9. Costello Music - The Fratellis
10. WALK THE MOON - Walk The Moon
because theres so many of these im not gonna tag people for each individual prompt but if you tagged me in one of these i tag you in whichever ones you wanna do <3
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nico-idc · 3 years
random vent because i'm numb rn and feel like it
This is a vent post, ill probably talk about su!cide, self h*rm, eating disorders and depression. I’ll also cuss a lot, and things will not be censored. Also, this may seem insensitive to people experiencing any of this, sorry about that.  Dont read this if youre triggered by that.
Also, this is my experience with mental health. Everyone deals with it differently. 
So, If anyone doesnt know, I have depression and anxiety. And right now, I’m feeling numb as it’s often described by people with depression. But, numb isn’t a very good description. I can still feel. I’ll still smile if you tell me a joke, or if something funny is on a video. I’ll still cry if there’s something super sad. Emotion is just watered down. I feel it, but not as much as I should. Me and my boyfriend were talking, and i couldnt tell him I loved him. It’s not becuase I dont love him, but I just cant feel much of anything, so I dont want to tell him I loved him. Becuase If i did that, I felt as though I was lying. The funniest thing is, I randomly started crying. Still felt nothing, but hey, I had tears streaming down my face. Who fucking knows why. 
I havent been doing to great for a while now, but this is the worst i’ve ever gotten. Ive never felt numb before. I mean, I’ve felt myself starting to go through the motions, but i’ve never gone completely numb before. And before this i’ve had a few mental breakdowns. Hell, I’ve sat in a corner twice in the past month or so doing nothing but sobbing and begging myself not to move so I dont grab something sharp and cut myself. (I did not relapse, don’t worry). and recently I completely broke down over simply eating a cereal bar, got through it, ate it. I’m good now. 
Figures. That does seem to be my experience. Oh no, big bad issue one time, then magically I just talk myself out of my bullshit, and im fixed. Ha ha, yet I act like I have all these issues. I mean, I didnt even attempt to starve myself, just thought “oh, friends and family wont let me” and didnt. Had a breakdown about a year later, been fine since. Cut for a few months, went to therapy for a few months, stopped cutting. had a few breakdowns about a year or two later, then was fine. was suicidal for a while, went to therapy for a bit, was happy for months. Had breakdowns every now and then, fine now.
ha ha, first time I say alot of this is online. Figures. I’ve done that a lot too. My boyfriend has found out a bit about my depression through this site. Becuase I cant talk to my boyfriend about my shit, but hey random people on the internet! hear about my problems.
So on another note, I recently found a song that describes part of depression pretty well. It’s called “i’m not dead” by boyinaband. it’s linked below, I’ll copy paste the lyrics, and explain how I relate, and what the lyrics mean to me, becuase why not? (lyrics will be in bold)
I'm not dead
I'm not fixed, but I'm not giving up yet
Basically, this means that im still here, im still depressed, but I’m still trying to fight depression. 
I'm sick of saying that I still don't have anything done
I hate telling friends I'm trying something just to give it up
I never commit to anything, I just say I’ll do something, then decide I dont want to.
I'm still unsure of my emotional state
I'm still incapable of focusing lately
I don't feel like creating
I'm tired of asking Google how to find motivation
I’ve been on break from writing for months now. tried to get back to it, lost concentration. I think this is self explanatory. 
I don't think I've ever made
Something that's as good as I'm capable of
Ha, I dont put in enough effort and commitment to make something as good as possible.
I hate not having a reason to look my best
I only ever take care of myself with the intent to show the internet
I mean, I dont try to show the internet, but I only take care of myself when other people will see me.
If what made me successful was an imposed sense of stress then
I am so so glad that I hated myself
The only thing that makes me do things is extreme stress.
I didn't luck into this position
I struggle with decisions
I mean, im not in any high position, but I do struggle with decisions. 
I wouldn't be my own friend
I'm too inconsistent
I’m inconsistent as hell. I’m in like 10 group chats, don't talk in any of them for months, then just show up like “hi, havent talked to you all in ages, but hi”. 
Without immense pressure nothing ever gets finished
If these words make it to your ears it'll be a fucking miracle.
Yep. I went on  whole rant about this on wattpad. Without pressure to do something, I don’t do it.
I'm fortunate to know more good people than most do
I wish I had more friends I could be physically close to
I dont personally have a lot of friends that dont live in my city, so the last line isnt an issue, but I do know a lot of good people”
I'm pretty good at like 20 different skill sets
At the expense of never being great at any one of them
I’m good at quite a few things. Drawing, math, even writing. But im not great at it. I’m average.
I wish this beat hit harder
I wish more syllables rhymed
I know 99 percent of people really don't mind
I dont personally relate to this, seeing as I dont make music.
I think collaborating forced me to finish things
'Cause I was terrified of wasting famous people's time
Oh yeah. Group projects would not get done if i wasnt scared of wasting my partner’s time.
I wish I could focus on what I define priority
I wish I was as grateful as I want to be
Dont really relate to these things
I wish I knew more people who were mentally stable
But if I did,
I wouldn't let them waste their time on me while I'm disabled
Oh yeah. Id love to have a friend who isnt depressed, but I wouldnt let them see that im fucked up becuase i dont wanna drag them down.
I feel alone
I know I'm not
I have a lot of friends, but I still fell alone in this world
I used to talk to lots of people.
Lately I've stopped
They didn't deserve it,
I've been a terrible friend.
But I couldn't bear to let myself become boring to them
I ignore group chats all the time. no reason. Probably shouldnt. 
I don't let myself get my hopes up.
I love people who do.
Something good happens? what could go wrong? that is my thought precess.
I never know if what I say I feel is the truth
I have no damn Idea what I think, so its so hard to know what the truth in my head is.
I wish I didn't instinctively try to be less specific
So more people could relate, when they read along with the lyrics.
Not lyrics, but if i write/explain something, I immediately generalize things so its relateable.
I can be happy in the moment
I am not when I reflect
I smile watching youtube, but then I look back and think about how I wasted time.
I distract myself with gaming, waiting to get better
I hate it
Youtube will cure depression right? /s
I wanna do the most good, and prevent the most hurt
But I've gotta put on my own oxygen mask first
This is just an important phrase I try to remember when I’m down. for people who dont do well with metaphors, he’s saying that if you want to help people, you need to help yourself first. 
I can't predict what I'll do.
I can never be sure
I am terrified of making promises any more
I can't face my work,
I feel sick from the word
I genuinely believe I'm capable of changing the world
Don’t relate much here, except for the more positive, upbeat tone the song takes on, and i feel that this part, the part above and everything below is dave fighting his depression.
I still think I can get better
I’m holding onto hope.
I still think I can create and get pleasure from it
I hope so, I want my art and writing to improve.
I'll keep aiming to make my emotion and my logic agree
The eternal stuggle. I always try to get the two to line up, it rarely works. I try to use logic more often though.
And become the best version of me
Always trying to improve myself.
I don't want to stop!
I don't want to stop!
I don't want to stop!
I don't want to stop!
There’s alot this could mean. I dont want to stop creating. I dont want to stop fighting. I dont want to stop getting better. I dont want to stop living. I relate to all these things.
I’ll expand on this more later, it’s too late now for me to continue this
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lesbeet · 4 years
not to be a nerd but i accidentally just wrote a whole impromptu essay about editing ndjsdksksk im throwing it under a cut bc it's fucking inane and really long but honestly... i just want other people to become as passionate about editing as i am lmaooooo
i also recommend 2 books in the post so if anything at least check those out!
quality books about editing... *chef's kiss* a lot of the basic ones (including blog posts online n such) are geared towards beginners and end up repeating the same info/advice, much of it either oversimplified or misrepresented tbh. but i read one yesterday and i'm reading another one right now that really convey this passion for editing + consideration for it as its own sort of art and i just!!
it's such a weird thing to be passionate about lmao but i AM and i've spent a lot of time the past year or so consciously honing my craft (ik i mention this like 4 times a week i'm just really proud of how much i've learned and improved) and kind of like. solidifying my instincts into conscious choices i guess?
and these GOOD editing books have both a) taught me new information and/or presented familiar information through a new perspective that helped me understand something differently or in more depth, and b) validated or even just put into words certain preferences or techniques that i've developed on my own, that i don't normally see on those more basic lists i mentioned
btw the book i finished yesterday is self-editing for fiction writers: how to edit yourself into print by renni brown and dave king, and the one i'm reading currently is the artful edit: on the practice of editing yourself by susan bell.
the former was pretty sharp and straightforward. the authors demonstrated some of their points directly in the text, which was usually funny enough that i would show certain quotes to my sister without context
("Just think about how much power a single obscenity can have if it’s the only one in the whole fucking book." <- (it was)
"Frequent italics have come to signal weak writing. So you should never resort to them unless they are the only practical choice, as with the kind of self-conscious internal dialogue shown above or an occasional emphasis."
or, my favorite: "There are a few stylistic devices that are so “tacky” they should be used very sparingly, if at all. First on the list is emphasis quotes, as in the quotes around the word “tacky” in the preceding sentence. The only time you need to use them is to show you are referring to the word itself, as in the quotes around the word “tacky” in the preceding sentence. Read it again; it all makes sense.")
and like i said, i also learned some new ideas or techniques (or they articulated vague ideas i already had but struggled to put into practice), AND they mentioned some suggestions that ive literally never seen anyone else bring up (not to say no one has! just that ive never seen it, and ive seen a lot in terms of writing tips, advice, best practices, etc) that ive already sort of established in my own writing
for example they went into pretty fine detail about dialogue mechanics, more than i usually see, and in talking about the pacing and proportion of "beats" and dialogue in a given scene, they explicitly suggested that, if a character speaks more than a sentence or two and you plan on giving them some sort of dialogue tag or an action to perform as a beat, the tag or action should be placed at one of the earliest (if not the first) natural pauses in the dialogue, so as not to distance the character too far from the dialogue -- bc otherwise the reader ends up getting all of the dialogue information first, and then has to go back and retroactively insert the character, or what they're doing, or the way they look/sound while they're giving their little speech
and like this was something ive figured out on my own, mostly bc it jarred me out of something i was reading enough times (probably in fic tbh) that i started noticing it, and realized that it's something i do naturally, kind of to anchor the character to the dialogue mechanic to make sure it makes sense with the actual dialogue
so like. ok here's an example i just randomly pulled from the song of achilles (it was available on scribd so i just looked for a spot that worked to illustrate my point djsmsks)
the actual quote is written effectively, but here's a less effective version first:
“Perhaps I would, but I see no reason to kill him. He’s done nothing to me," Achilles answered coolly.
see and even with such a short snippet it's so much smoother and more vivid just by moving the dialogue tag, not adding or cutting a word:
“Perhaps I would, but I see no reason to kill him.” Achilles answered coolly. “He’s done nothing to me.”
the rhythm of it is better, and the beat that the dialogue tag creates functions as a natural dramatic pause before achilles delivers an incredibly poignant line, both within the immediate context of the scene and because we as the readers can recognize it as foreshadowing. plus, it flows smoothly because that beat was inserted where the dialogue already contained a natural pause, just bc that's how people speak. if you read both versions aloud, they both make sense, but the second version (the original used in the novel) accounts for the rhythm of dialogue, the way people tend to process information as they read, AND the greater context of the story, and as a result packs significantly more purpose, information, and effect into the same exact set of words
and THAT, folks, is the kind of editing minutia i can literally sit and hyperfocus on for hours without noticing. anyway it's a good book lmao
the one i'm reading now is a lot more about the cognitive process/es of editing, so there's less concrete and specific advice (so far, anyway) and more discussion about different mental approaches to editing, as well as tips and tools for making a firm distinction between your writer brain and your editor brain, which is something i struggle with
but there have been so many good quotes that ive highlighted! a lot of just like. reminders and things to think about, and also just lovely articulations of things id thought of or come to understand in much more vague ways.
scribd won't let me copy/paste this one bc it's a document copy and not an actual ebook, but this passage is talking about how the simple act of showing a piece of writing to someone else for the very first time can spark a sudden shift in perspective on the work, bc you'll (or at least i) frantically try to re-read it through their eyes and end up noticing a bunch of new errors -
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or she talked about the perils of constant re-reading in the middle of writing a draft, which is something i struggle with a LOT, both bc i'm a perfectionist and bc i prefer editing to writing so i sit and edit when i'm procrastinating doing the actual hard work of writing lmao
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it's just this side of fake deep tbh but i so rarely see editing discussed like this--as a mixture of art and science, a collaboration between instinct and technique, that really requires "both sides of the brain" to be done well.
and because of the way my own brain works, activities that require such a balanced concentration of creativity and logic really appeal to me. even though ive seen a lot of people (even professional writers) who frame it as the creative art of writing vs the logical discipline of editing. but i think that's such a misleading way of thinking about it, because writing and editing both require creativity and logic -- just different kinds! (not to mention that the line between writing and editing, while mostly clear, can get a little blurry from up close)
but like...all stories have an inner logic to them, even if the writer hasn't explicitly or consciously planned it, and even if the logic is faulty in places in the first couple of drafts. when you're sitting and daydreaming about your story, especially if you're trying to figure out how to bridge the gap between two points or scenes (or, how to write a sequence of events that presents as a logical, inevitable progression of cause and effect), the voice in your head that evaluates an idea and decides to 1) go with it, 2) scrap it, 3) tweak it until it works, or 4) hold onto it in case you want it later? that's your logic! if an idea feels wrong, or like it just doesn't work, it's probably because some part of you is detecting a conflict between some part of the idea and the overall logic of your story. every decision you make as you write is formed by and checked against your own experiential logic, and also by the internal logic of your story, which is far less developed (or at least, one would hope), and therefore more prone to the occasional laspe
but while ive seen a number of articles that discuss the logic of writing, i don't see people gushing as much about the art of editing and it's such a shame
the inner editor is so often characterized as the responsible parent to the writer's carefree child, or a relentless critic of the writer's unselfconscious, unpolished drivel
and it's like... maybe you just hate thinking critically about your work! maybe you view it that way because you're imposing external standards too fiercely onto your writing, and it's sucked the joy out of shaping and sculpting your words until they sing. maybe you prefer to conceive of your writing as divine communication, the process of which must remain unencumbered by lessons learned through experience or the vulnerability of self-reflection, until the buzzkill inner editor shows up with all those "rules" and "conventions" that only matter if you're trying to get published
and like obviously the market doesn't dictate which conventions are worth following, but the majority of widely-agreed-upon writing standards, especially those aimed at beginners, (and most especially those regarding style, as opposed to story structure) have to do with the effectiveness and efficiency of prose, and, in addition to often serving as a shorthand for distinguishing an amateur from a pro, overall help to increase poignancy and clarity, which is crucial no matter the genre or type of writing. and even if you personally believe otherwise, it's better to understand the conventions so you can break them with real purpose.
so editing shouldn't be about trying to shove your pristine artistic masterpiece into a conventional mold, it should be about using the creative instincts of your ear and your logic and experience-based understanding of writing as a craft to hone your words until you've told your story as effectively as possible
thank u for coming to my ted talk ✌️
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jaimistoryteller · 5 years
2019 Wishlist
Greetings All & Blessed Be I hope this finds you having a wonderful season thus far. My name is Jaimi, I am an indie author, who is fighting for disability due to a combination of physical and mental health complication, working on trying to figure out how to get a bookstore, farm market & artisan craft store up and running at the same time. It's a bit of a balancing act since my health means I can only work rarely, and I planned for others to actually do the majority of the work. It's also a balancing act as it can be used against me. While there are amazon lists, do not feel like you have to get the stuff from amazon. Instead, if you have some of it floating around, know where you can get it for cheaper, or simply don't like amazon, I have no issues providing an address to send it to! I can be contacted on here or by email at [email protected]. Since this list will cover several different people, I am not going to post the addresses here for safety reasons. I've had a stalker in the past, so now I like knowing when I give it out. That said, here are my requests for myself, friends and family. 1. Amazon Wishlist house supplies for Shelk & boys. She's a single mom, with two sons. While she got a job a little earlier this year, and it was supposed to become permanent in November, it's rather up in the air due to the business recently being sold, and the new owners are considering changing out staff. That means every penny she makes goes towards food, lot rent (which she is paying catch up on from when she was unemployed) and the utilities. If you'd be able to save money by buying the stuff you want to send or have some of it from stocking up and want to share, message me for her address! 2. Amazon Wishlist gift ideas for Shelk & the boys. Shelk loves to read - fantasy, romance, and stuff with happy endings mostly, but since she doesn't have a device that can do ebooks, she does paperbacks. N (elder nephew - 10 years old) is getting into science, enjoys reading mysteries and spy stuff, likes the Marvel heroes, and has recently started journaling & keeping a planner that he likes to decorate with stickers! J (younger nephew - 5, years old & turns 6 the day before Christmas) adores mindcraft, building blocks, play money, food, stickers, or house stuff (all of it from the cooking to the mechanics stuff), and cars! There is a combination of toys they have requested, plus things they have not but have shown interest in the past on the list. 3. Amazon Wishlist Food or Full Cart for Rachel & family . Rachel takes care of her mom and helps her aunt, while dealing with her own health issues. She's been told she's not qualified for disability because she didn't work enough and is not old enough, even though she has had progressive issues that are following along the same route as her mom's. There are three people in the family. All food from the Omaha Steaks company done on one order gets a single shipping cost from my experimentation, making it cheaper to do multiples rather than singles. 4. Amazon Wishlist gift ideas for Rachel & family. All three members of the family are into crafts. When living with disabilities, it's best to find what brings you joy. For them, it's creating things. They love all sorts of crafts, everything from planners and scrap books, to knitting and sewing, to coloring. It is not uncommon for them to save up their change to get craft bags from ReStores. Craft bags are pieces of fabric, random things of thread, and other odds & ins to make stuff. Sometimes they find larger things of cloth to work with, and other times not. no matter what the craft material, one of the three will come up with something for it. The only thing is it has to be perfume free as all three are allergic to perfumes. There is also a collection of gift cards, to allow them a chance to spoil themselves, some are food related, some are store related. 5. Amazon Wishlist hobby and gift ideas for my ma. She had a stroke in 2008, since then she has been struggling to discover who she is with the disabilities it left her. At this time she's working on escaping an abusive relationship, where her partner has a bad habit of treating her like a burden and useless. It's broken her self esteem the rest of the way, along with worsening her depression. I am trying to help her find things that she will enjoy, that she can do rather than simply sit and think of that which is lost. 6. Home Depot or Lowe's Gift Cards! All four houses have various projects that need to be worked on. Shelk - trying to finish replacing the bad plumbing and molded insulation to keep her home warm for the boys and herself, there's a few other things that need dealt with too. Jaimi - trying to replace old and raggedy carpet with floor tiles, also has plumbing that needs fixed, two base board heaters that are glitching, and a window in need of replacing. Pattie (my ma) - needs a new dishwasher so on bad days she can put the dishes in there and use it, needs to fix the sink, and do something with the carpet. Rachel - kitchen sink and counter totally needs replaced, bathroom sink needs fixed, a few other random things. 7. Amazon Wishlist for me, cause yes besides the necessities of repairing the house, there is some fun stuff I'd love to get but can't bring myself to use my bill money for. Any and all art supplies, whether they are on there, from a thrift store, extras just laying around, or from a dollar store are welcome! I have yet to come across an art supply I cannot use in some way. 8. Cards and letters - any of us, plus I know that myself, Rachel, Paula, Dawn, and Pattie will send thank you cards for them. Addresses will be provided on request! they don't have to be fancy, expensive, or long. It's nice to get little cards from people. A little sign that we're not alone over the season, when sometimes hard times and health problems strike the worst. 9. I have a service dog named Winston who I am making payments on, there is still $1,300 left on him. The sooner I get him paid off, the sooner that money goes back towards the bills. Any help towards that would be appreciated. I can provide the loan company and information who would like go that route, there is also my Ko-Fi, PayPal email ([email protected]) or GoFundMe for those who prefer that method.
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[ID: Winston the Rottweiler service pup at the vet]
10. Say something kind to a stranger when in public. A simple "you look nice" or "lovely smile" or "I hope you have a good day". It can make a huge difference and only takes a few seconds to do. There is too much cruelty in the world, so it spreads a bit of cheer. Thank you all for taking the time to read this long list! I will be going through and trying to do what I can with my limited income. May your season and year to follow be wonderful! Jaimi
PS - this is copied over from the Dreamwidth Holiday Wishlist exchange, I figure it doesn’t hurt for me to post it in both spots. 
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kirathehyrulian · 5 years
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| Auction | GOFUNDME | Banner’s Artist: @quickreaver | *Donations can also be made to Milana’s paypal: [email protected] *
🔔It only lasts until Oct. 7th!!!🔔
This Auction is open to all Fandoms!!! And, you don’t even need an LJ account to bid!!!! Plus, it’s for a good cause!!!
This auction is raising money for a beloved writer and beta reader from the Supernatural and White Collar fandoms who is in dire circumstances. Unfortunately, this year Milana had to have one of her feet amputated due to an unexpected illness that violently progressed. Her significant medical bills from surgery and rehab are compounded by her having been in the middle of moving cross-country. (For more information on Milana’s circumstances please visit her gofundme page)
How to bid in this LJ Auction: •Please respond directly to the comment by the fanwork-maker located in the comments on the auction page. •If someone has already bid on your item, you may reply to the previous bidder's comment and offer a larger amount. On Tuesday, October 8th, the mods will contact the winners and send you the info on how to make your donation. Once your donation is confirmed (receipt or screenshot), your fanwork-maker will be informed. •Please leave contact info in the Auctions page so the auction's mods can get in touch with you: you may leave your email ID in your comment or specify whether you'd like to be contacted via LJ PM instead.
How to make good on your winning bid: •You can make your payment to EITHER the Go Fund Me OR to Milana's Paypal account: [email protected]. Once payment has been made, send a screenshot (blurring/blacking out any sensitive information) to either [email protected] or [email protected] •Ash and Fire will check off that you have concluded your payment and notify your seller that they are now free to create for you, or ship your item to you. If you have any questions, please post them under the FIRST comment on the Auction’s Page. Please, reserve that comment for questions only.♥
(To get to the auction please click the auction link or the image above)
(Psst! If you want a sneak peek at all the Fic, Art, and Craft offers listed in the auction, click the Keep reading link below.👇)
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Keep in mind the listings below have been edited for your convenience. The order in this post will not always match the order listed in the auction (the leaderboard is more accurate). Please tell me if there is a mistake or if any of the links don’t work and I will try to fix it.
Also keep in mind, you do not bid here. You must bid on the LJ auction page for your bid to be recognized. 
♥No more offers can be posted in the auction after Sunday 9/29 midnight EST. The final week will be for bidding only.♥
Auction Link , Bidder Leaderboard
•User Name:blackrabbit42 What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: Supernatural, J2 AU, Good Omens, Harry Potter, Doctor Who.  I’ve only ever written for SPN, but I could do a Gen for any other of these if wanted. Likes: fics with a twist on reality.  Darkfic, fluff, crack, pwp, Squicks/Dislikes: Original characters.  Characters who intrude on my OTP Minimum bid: Fic for $10 per 1 k up to 6K.
•User Name: tammyrenh What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: A03 Fandoms: spn, spn rpf Likes: Gen, slash, h/c, ABO Squicks/Dislikes: underage, hardcore BDSM. water sports, scat Minimum bid: $10 for 1k up to whatever. My muse is long winded
•User Name: blackrose_17 What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: SPN RPF, SPN, MCU, Torchwood, DC, Doctor Who Likes: AU, Crossovers, fluff, mpreg, a/o/b, J2, J3, Sam crossover pairings, Wincest, bottom!Sam/Jared, Stony, Tony Stark centered fics, Ianto Jones centered fics, Tim Drake centered fics Squicks/Dislikes: Extreme kinks, hardcore BDSM, rape, non-con, I sadly can not write Destiel, Cockles, Sabriel or Lucifer/Sam Minimum bid: Fic for $10 per 1k up to 10k
•User Name: phoenix1966 What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Supernatural, J2 AU Likes: Wincest, J2, I'm a bottom!Sam/Jared fan Squicks/Dislikes: Destiel, Cockles, scat, watersports, infintalism, extreme underage, bottom!Dean/Jensen, het, bestiality, reader inserts, deathfic, J2 Non-AU Minimum bid: Fic for $10 per 1k up to 10k Creator Notes: (Please understand I will not be able to start on your story until January at the earliest.)
•User Name: monicawoe What I'm offering: fic (1k-3k) Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: spn, venom, mcu (mainly Stucky), hannibal Likes: gen fic, for SPN: powers!Sam, any Sam-centric fics, Sam/Brady, Sam/Ruby; Eddie/Venom; for MCU: Bucky-centric fics; crossovers combining the fandoms I listed Squicks/Dislikes: will not write Destiel or spn fic not featuring Sam; explicit stories Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: sweetheartdean What I'm offering: short fic (1-5K, depends on how my muse feels) Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: SPN/SPN RPF Likes: Sam and Dean, together and separately. Love writing gen about the brothers. But I'm cool with writing anything involving at least one of them except... Squicks/Dislikes: Underage, fluff, Sabriel, fluffy Samifer, Saileen, not great at for-the-sake-of-a-specific kink PWPs (but will write NSFW in general!) Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: candygramme What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms:J2 AU, crossovers with any other show (to be discussed with bidder) Likes: Slash or gen. I'll try crossover with your other fandom.  Will write pretty much anything you want including kink. I love to write crack, but I can go dark. Squicks/Dislikes: Don't think I could do justice to BDSM, but for Milana I will give it a good try. Minimum bid: Fic for $10 per 1,000 words, to be discussed with bidder.
•User Name: Nisaki ( or swan-song here) 1# What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: Wincest, J2, any rare-pair from spn that doesn't involve  Sam and Dean, BTS ships (Taejin, Jikook, Namseok, Namgi, Sope) and Sebaciel from Kuroshitsuji. Likes: I like everything not in my dislikes. Squicks/Dislikes: Bottom Jensen/Dean, bottom Seokjin, Bottom Jeongguk, Bottom Namjoon, Bottom Yoongi (in sope, I'm fine with him bottoming with Namjoon) bottom Seb. Threesomes, poly or any toilet kinks. Sad endings and age play. Otherwise, the sky is your limit. Minimum bid: 5$ for 1k up to 5k!
•User Name: Nisaki ( or swan-song here) 2# What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: Wincest, J2, any rare-pair from spn that doesn't involve  Sam and Dean, BTS ships (Taejin, Jikook, Namseok, Namgi, Sope) and Sebaciel from Kuroshitsuji. Likes: I like everything not in my dislikes. Squicks/Dislikes: Bottom Jensen/Dean, bottom Seokjin, Bottom Jeongguk, Bottom Namjoon, Bottom Yoongi (in sope, I'm fine with him bottoming with Namjoon) bottom Seb. Threesomes, poly or any toilet kinks. Sad endings and age play. Otherwise, the sky is your limit. Minimum bid: 5$ for 1k up to 5k!
•User Name: nerdypastrychef What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: supernatural(sam/dean), supernatural rpf (jared/jensen), star trek (movies)(kirk/mccoy), harry potter(harry/draco or lupin/sirius) Likes: first time, slow burn, fluff, happy endings, case fic, non-au Squicks/Dislikes: scat, blood, vomit, unhappy endings, end of the world, apocalypse, angels Minimum bid: $5 per 500 words up to $7500
•User Name: Nwspaprtaxis What I'm offering: Fic (1k minimum, maximum to be determined by muse; most likely no more than 5k) Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Primarily SPN (Gen Sam n' Dean, S1-5 only), but can also do ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (2007 film) and MCU (Bucky-focused). I am relatively less experienced in STAR TREK 2009 reboot, ALIAS GRACE, but can tackle them with reasonable competence. I have no published fics in the following, but am willing to attempt: INTO THE FOREST (2015 Canadian Indie film), AHS (Murder House - Cult only, excluding Roanoke, and featuring Evan Peters' AHS characters only), LOST (Sawyer-focused), and WONDER WOMAN Likes: Gen, Sam n' Dean, Evan Peters' AHS characters, Bucky, Sawyer, MPreg, Tummy / belly kink, toilet kinks, H/C, angst, dark fic, horror Squicks/Dislikes: Cas, Slash, BDSM - feel free to discuss / negotiate Minimum bid: $5
•User Name: laughablelament What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: Supernatural, Star Trek (OG, TNG, Discovery), Doctor Who (9th, 10th, 11th), Torchwood, X-Files, WWE wrestling... I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff; please feel free to ask! Likes: So many SPN ships, gen, slash, het, most consensual kinks (see dislikes for hard limits), comedy, general fluff and happiness, though I don't mind a bit of angst for seasoning Squicks/Dislikes: human/monster (including angels), non-con, body horror, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, underage (16+ do-able), RPF (au negotiable), deathfic (with a broad exception for afterlife plots) Minimum bid: $10/1k, 5k max
•User Name: ashtraythief What I'm offering: one fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: SPN RPF Likes: J2, JDM/Jensen, JDM/Jared, and femslash involving Danneel, Genevieve, and Adrianne in any combination, action, space, fluff, fantasy, sci-fi, weres, dark, crack, creature fic, first-time, bamf characters, fake relationship, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers. I’m willing to write timestamps for most of my fics/verses, but if you have specific plot points in mind, please check with me first because they might not be doable due to what I have in mind for the future (this applies specifically to the underneath verse. I will write you a timestamp, but I can’t do everything.) You can message me or ask anon on tumblr Squicks/Dislikes: any pairings not listed in my likes, hurt/comfort, angst, extreme underage (under 15), BDSM, extreme kink, spanking, feminisation, humiliation, intimate partner violence, non-con, bestiality, infidelity, kidfic, unhappy endings, high-school AU Minimum bid: 10$ per 1k (maximum of 5k. I tend to write longer usually and will certainly try if someone bids more, but I don’t want to promise something I might not be able to do)
•User Name: storyspinner70 What I'm offering: Fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: SPN (J2/Salmon Dean mostly), Thor, MCU, Buffy, Firefly, Bones, Archer, Frontier, Roswell (1999), Penny Dreadful, Blacklist, and possibly others, just ask! Likes: I like pretty much all tropes and things other than the biggies in my dislikes. RPF okay. Top Jensen/Dean Bottom Jared/Sam, Thorki (Hiddles) and Spuffy strongly preferred, but will consider other pairings for those fandoms. Squicks/Dislikes: Don't like unhappy or ambiguous endings, but I'll persevere if that's what you want. lol Kink dislikes: 24/7 restraint/toilet control esp in public, water sports/toilet kinks, scat, ageplay, vore, adult baby and a few others. Others: Destiel/Cockles (Misha/anyone), reader inserts. Minimum bid: $5 for fic up to 5k or so
•User Name: sammichgirl What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: Supernatural & Supernatural RPF Likes: wincest, J2, bottom!Sam/Jared, fluff, trope AUs, light underage, Squicks/Dislikes: ships other than wincest or J2, bottom!Dean/Jensen, scat, vore, body modding (not great at writing hardcore BDSM/extreme kink or darkfic although love to read!) Minimum bid: $10 for 1K, max is 5K
•User Name: dimeliora 1# What I'm offering: Fanfiction, because you don't want my art. No one wants my art. Samples of my work: Ao3: I'm In Love (With A Fairytale) , The Games We Play ,  Invisible Unicorns ,  Black Velocities and Shining Movements Fandoms: SPN, SPN RPF, Harry Potter, all things Stephen King Likes: Angst with a happy ending, A/B/O, J2, Wincest Squicks/Dislikes: I'm sorry, I don't ship Destiel or Cockles so I can't write it, pedophilia, cancer, water sports, scat, infidelity Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: dimeliora 2# What I'm offering: Fanfiction, because you don't want my art. No one wants my art. Samples of my work: Ao3: I'm In Love (With A Fairytale) , The Games We Play , Invisible Unicorns ,  Black Velocities and Shining Movements Fandoms: SPN, SPN RPF, Harry Potter, all things Stephen King Likes: Angst with a happy ending, A/B/O, J2, Wincest Squicks/Dislikes: I'm sorry, I don't ship Destiel or Cockles so I can't write it, pedophilia, cancer, water sports, scat, infidelity Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: dimeliora 3# What I'm offering: Fanfiction, because you don't want my art. No one wants my art. Samples of my work: Ao3: I'm In Love (With A Fairytale) , The Games We Play , Invisible Unicorns ,  Black Velocities and Shining Movements Fandoms: SPN, SPN RPF, Harry Potter, all things Stephen King Likes: Angst with a happy ending, A/B/O, J2, Wincest Squicks/Dislikes: I'm sorry, I don't ship Destiel or Cockles so I can't write it, pedophilia, cancer, water sports, scat, infidelity Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: amypond45 What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Sam & Dean, Sam/Dean, J2 Squicks/Dislikes: bestiality, water sports, extreme underage Minimum bid: $10 per 1K up to 6K (it takes me about a month to turn out a 5K fic)
•User Name: kelios What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Live Journal and Ao3 (ao3 is more up to date) Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF (J2 only) Likes: Wincest, Jared/Jensen (AU or non-AU), Bobby, Rufus, Baby--most characters are negotiable as secondaries, just ask. Squicks/Dislikes: Anyone else with either brother, anyone else with either J, Misha, Castiel, infidelity, destiel, samstiel, cockles, mishalecki, unhappy endings. Most other things are negotiable. Minimum bid: $5 for minimum 2k words. I'm happy to work with you via dm on twitter or pm on LJ to make sure you're happy with the story.
•User Name: Firesign10 1# What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, NCIS, a little SGA Likes: Sam/Dean, J2, DiNozzo/Gibbs, any pairing of which I've already done a fic; most major tropes, just ask--I'm sure we can work it out! Squicks/Dislikes: bestiality, water sports, extreme underage, torture porn, Destiel, serial killers Minimum bid: $10 per 1K up to 6K
•User Name: Firesign10 2# What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, NCIS, a little SGA Likes: Sam/Dean, J2, DiNozzo/Gibbs, any pairing of which I've already done a fic; most major tropes, just ask--I'm sure we can work it out! Squicks/Dislikes: bestiality, water sports, extreme underage, torture porn, Destiel, serial killers Minimum bid: $10 per 1K up to 6K
•User Name: Merenwen76 What I'm offering: fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Wincest, J2 hurt/comfort, first time, AU, non-AU, fluff, humour, fantasy, a/b/o, songs, cooking (not feeding)  romance, panties. Whatever  floats your boat. I am open to write (pls respect my dislikes) Squicks/Dislikes: destiel, cockles , threesomes, any kind of toilet kinks, extremely underage, non con (between J2 , Sam/Dean) , infidelity, extremely bdsm or Dom/sub ( let us talk ) , baby or daddy kinks, Minimum bid:10$ for 1 k , up to: sky is the limit and it’s for a good cause!!
•User Name: tifaching What I'm offering:100 word drabbles. Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms:Supernatural Likes: Dean, Sam, John, Castiel, most minor characters, gen, wincest, h/c, fluff, dark, brothercentric fic Squicks/Dislikes: Not a fan of Destiel or RPF Minimum bid: Five dollars for five drabbles.  Will take top two bidders (if any, lol) so two people get five each.
•User name: marciaelena What I'm offering: Fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: Supernatural, Revolution Likes: Sam/Dean, Smith/Wesson, Max & Alicia Banes, Ruby, Jo Harvelle, Charlie/Miles, Charlie/Danny, Miles/Danny, Charlie/Miles/Danny, angst, post-apocalyptic settings, soulmates, last people on Earth, death!fic, dark!fic, Americana, road trips, canon divergence, poetic prose. Squicks/Dislikes: Angels, demons, prophets, Chuck, Amara, Nick, John Winchester, Amelia, Benny, Monroe, fluff, crack, extreme kinks, genderswap, age reversal, rape/non-con, a/b/o. Minimum bid: $10 for 1k, up to 5k. Creators Notes: If in doubt about any likes/dislikes I haven't mentioned please ask before bidding. I'm willing to write two fics to help Milana. (meaning they will  write one fic each for the top two bids)
•User Name:jessie_cristo73 What I'm offering: Fic Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, Queer As Folk Likes: J2, Wincest, ABO, Alternate Universes, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adventures, Schmoop, Romance, Thrillers, High School AUs Squicks/Dislikes: Hardcore BDSM, Blood fetishes, Extreme underage, Scat, Waterworks, Fics w/out happy or satisfying endings. Minimum bid: $10 per 1k/words
•User Name: morganoconner What I'm offering: Fanfiction of at least 2500 words in length Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: Supernatural (any pairing or permutation of Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel...also please note I'm about four seasons behind canon, and most comfortable in the universe anytime before, during, or immediately following S5), Good Omens (Aziraphale/Crowley), Check Please (Jack/Bitty, Kent/Alexei or Kent/OMC, others) Teen Wolf (Derek/Stiles), MCU (Bucky/Sam, Clint/Bucky, Clint/Coulson , others), others can be discussed! Likes: creature!characters (shapeshifters, angels/demons, wings/tails, various and sundry monster sorts, you get the idea), crossovers, fluff, angst with happy endings, hurt/comfort, found family Squicks/Dislikes: Infidelity, unhappy endings, hardcore explicit fic (nothing against it just don't feel particularly good at writing it!) Minimum bid: $10 Creators Notes: Depending on interest, I'll write for the top two bidders. Please note that I'm in my last semester of my degree and my courseload is intense...fics may not be written until December, though if time allows I will certainly try for sooner!
•User Name: Sakarrie (ao3, ff.net, livejournal, tumblr) What I'm offering: Custom Fanfic, 1-5k, Offering 1-4 Fics (depending on prompts and length) Samples of my work: Live Journal: Starry Night (There's some VLD ones on my FF.net, but those are pretty old and cringy. Feel free to check them out though.) Fandoms: Mains: Supernatural, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Merlin Feel comfortable with: Star Vs. the Forces of Evil, She-ra (Netflix), Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Code Lyoko, 3Below,Teen Titans, Di-Gata Defenders Others I'd Be Willing to Do: Kim Possible, Undertale Legend of Korra, Trollhunters, Over the Garden Wall, Steven Universe, Psych, Jackie Chan Adventures Likes: Hurt/comfort, Angst, Family Love, Gen Squicks/Dislikes: Anything sexual, extreme gore, body horror, most AUs Minimum bid: $5 per 1k, minimum of 2k for complex plots Creator Notes: *Please refer to this document for ships and requirements for each fandom: ships and requirements doc
•User Name: dizzojay What I'm offering: Fic Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: I like to write Dean-centric gen fic, and have a strong leaning towards humour and/or hurt/comfort.  Favourite characters to write other than Dean are Sam, Castiel and Bobby. Squicks/Dislikes: No deathfic.  Prefer not to write slash. Minimum bid: $10 for up to 1,000 words $5 for each extra 1,000 words
•User Name: deadlybride (zmediaoutlet on tumblr) What I'm offering: Fic, 1k-8k words Samples of my work: AO3 Fandoms: SPN, SPN RPF (J2), MCU Likes: Wincest preferred but I'll do any SPN pairing; J2 fics (AU only); for MCU Thor/Loki would be preferred but I can do any of the original Avengers + Spiderman; very willing to write sex of any sort with any kink (seriously: underage, watersports, you name it, with only one exception listed below). Squicks/Dislikes: prolapse, character assassination, RPF non-AU, high school AU, xreader fic. Also warning: there are some pairings I would not write as romantic (e.g. Sam/Lucifer), but I can write most anything in a way that makes sense to me. I can work with you! Minimum bid: Fic for $10 per 1000 words up to 8k. Creator Notes: I have some due dates coming up, so likely would not be able to start until November 1.
•User Name: cookielaura What I'm offering: 1k(+) fic Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: White Collar Likes: Peter/Neal, Peter/Neal/El, Peter & Neal, most other canon relationships, h/c, angst, angst with happy endings, pining, AUs, fantasy Squicks/Dislikes: I'm not so great at NC-17 Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: celli on AO3, DW, Twitter What I'm offering: fic, minimum 5K Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Crooked Media RPF, Good Omens Likes: CM: Favs/Lovett, Emily/Favs/Lovett, Lovett/Tommy, Favs/Tommy, Favs/Lovett/Tommy. GO: Aziraphale/Crowley Squicks/Dislikes:dub-con, non-con, incest, adultery Minimum bid:$10
•User Name: Icanseenow (AO3), Tasteslikemolecules What I'm offering: Fan fiction Samples of my work: AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/users/Icanseenow/works) Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Gen, Sam/Cas, Sam/Dean, Dean/Cas, Wincestiel, Sam/Ruby, Sam/Lucifer (non-con), Dean/John (non-con), everything Sam-centered, rare ships, character-focused stories, love triangles, asexuality, genderswap, AUs, H/C, mental health and trauma, sad and/or dark stories, melancholic fluff. Squicks/Dislikes: Sabriel, ABO, Slave AU, extreme fluff or extreme kink, reader inserts, Minimum bid: $10 per 1k, up to 10k Creator Notes: For longer stories I'd probably not get to them until the start of December.
•User Name: tjs_whatnot What I'm offering: Fic (atleast 1k) Samples of my work:  Ao3 Fandoms: Anything I've written for in the past (my fandoms can be found in above link--there's a lot). Anything I've read/seen/listened to and am familiar with. Likes: character study/development, relationships, gen, slash, fem, het, angst, hurt/comfort Squicks/Dislikes: non-con, incest, pedophilia Minimum bid: 10$
•User Name: Icanseenow (here & AO3), tasteslikemolecules (tumblr) What I'm offering: Fan Fiction Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Gen, Sastiel, Wincest, Destiel, Wincestiel, Sam-heavy stories, Sam/Ruby, rare ships, character studies, angst, hurt/comfort, mental health/trauma, love triangles. Squicks/Dislikes: Sabriel, Sam/Lucifer or Dean/John stories that aren't non-con, extreme kinks or extreme fluff, Slave AUs, ABO Minimum bid: 10$ for 1k, up to 5k
Auction Link , Bidder Leaderboard
•User Name: phoenix1966 1# What I'm offering: Banner/Cover for your J2 AU/Wincest fic (or a Jared/Sam-centric image) Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Supernatural, J2 AU Likes: Wincest, J2, I'm a bottom!Sam/Jared fan Squicks/Dislikes: Destiel, Cockles, scat, watersports, infantilism, extreme underage, bottom!Dean/Jensen, het, bestiality, reader inserts, deathfic, J2 Non-AU Minimum bid: $20 Creator Notes: (One full-size banner/cover for your wincest or J2 AU or gen Sam & Dean story.)
•User Name: phoenix1966 2# What I'm offering: Banner/Cover for your J2/Wincest fic (or a Jared/Sam-centric image) Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Supernatural, J2 AU Likes: Wincest, J2, I'm a bottom!Sam/Jared fan Squicks/Dislikes: Destiel, Cockles, scat, watersports, infantilism, extreme underage, bottom!Dean/Jensen, het, bestiality, reader inserts, deathfic, J2 Non-AU Minimum bid: $20 Creators Notes: (One full-size banner/cover for your wincest or J2 or gen Sam & Dean story.)
•User Name: sweetheartdean What I'm offering: art Samples of my work: Tumblr: one two Twitter: three Fandoms: SPN/SPN RPF Likes: Down to draw anyone and anything, maximum rating PG-13 for PDA (blood and guts are A-okay). TFW/J2M are the ones I have the most practice with.   Squicks/Dislikes: Underage, vertical incest, cars, NSFW (not that I dislike that one, I just doubt my abilities to deliver it, lol!) Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: Nisaki ( or swan-song here) What I'm offering: Art Samples of my work: Live Journal: Here Here Tumblr: Here and Here Fandoms: Wincest, J2, any rare-pair from spn that doesn't involve  Sam and Dean, BTS ships (Taejin, Jikook, Namseok, Namgi, Sope) and Sebaciel from Kuroshitsuji. An art for a fic of yours that involve those and doesn't has my dislikes! Likes: I like everything not in my dislikes. Squicks/Dislikes: Bottom Jensen/Dean, bottom Seokjin, Bottom Jeongguk, Bottom Namjoon, Bottom Yoongi (in sope, I'm fine with him bottoming with Namjoon) bottom Seb. Threesomes, poly or any toilet kinks. Sad endings and age play. Otherwise, the sky is your limit. Minimum bid:  10$
•User Name: amberdreams 1# What I'm offering: a cover or illustration for a fic Samples of my work: Live Journal: fanart or traditional art tags, or AO3 Fandoms: Supernatural, Marvel, Hannibal, LOTR - open to suggestions Likes: portraits and figure work but also animals on occasion Squicks/Dislikes: Mpreg, ABO, deformity/body horror, excretory kinks Minimum bid:$20
•User Name: amberdreams 2# What I'm offering: a cover or illustration for a fic Samples of my work: Live Journal: fanart or traditional art tags, or AO3 Fandoms: Supernatural, Marvel, Hannibal, LOTR - open to suggestions Likes: portraits and figure work but also animals on occasion Squicks/Dislikes: Mpreg, ABO, deformity/body horror, excretory kinks Minimum bid:$20
•User Name: quickreaver What I'm offering: ART Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: primarily SPN, but also Preacher, Hannibal, Firefly, The Expanse, original characters ... ask if there's something not on this list! I can probably do it. :) Likes: pretty much anything but over-the-top fluff Squicks/Dislikes: I won't do NC-17 at this account, Sam/Gabriel (SPN), and unsurprisingly, over-the-top fluff Minimum bid: $50
•User Name: kirathehyrulian What I'm offering: One title card and one illustration for a fic Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: I have the most experience in Supernatural characters but open to discussion Likes: SPN Gen, Wincest, J2 Squicks/Dislikes: I would prefer not to draw Destiel, Cockles, Sabriel, Saileen, Vertical Incest, Landscapes, Vehicles, or anything beyond a PG-13 rating for PDA. Minimum bid: $25
•User Name: kirathehyrulian What I'm offering: A simple one character chibi plus one accessory illustration with a plain background Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Open to drawing any one character in any fandom or one original character Likes: Supernatural Characters Squicks/Dislikes: I would prefer not to draw vehicles, or nudies Minimum bid: $5
•User Name: kirathehyrulian What I'm offering: A 1-2 character illustration with simple background Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: I have the most experience with Supernatural characters but open to discussion Likes: SPN Gen, Wincest, J2 Squicks/Dislikes: I would prefer not to draw Destiel, Cockles, Sabriel, Saileen, Vertical Incest, Landscapes, Vehicles, or anything beyond a PG-13 rating for PDA. Minimum bid: $15
•User Name:emmatheslayer What I'm offering: set of 10  icons,   Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: supernatural rpf /spn, comic books dc, marvel mcu, stock, dc shows buffyverse /angelvese, trueblood, Netflix shows open to most Fandoms and ships don't see it let me know Likes: fluffy  wincest, sastiel, shipping Squicks/Dislikes: porn, bdsm, abuse  destiel, sabirel, Minimum bid:$ 5
•User Name: BeesAreAwesome 1# What I'm offering: custom digital painting (1 to 2 characters) Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Supernatural, Hannibal, Good Omens (I am open to do art for any fandom, really) Likes: I usually ship Destiel, but ignore that. Today for this fundraiser, I like what you like! Squicks/Dislikes: none (I'm fine with any ship/rating etc--although I will not depict anything explicit if the characters are underage) Minimum bid: $40
•User Name: cassiopeia7 What I'm offering: Original art Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Sam/Dean, Sam & Dean gen, J2, angst, crack, het, casefic, Demon!Dean, Soulless!Sam, Baby, Billie, Rowena, Sister Jo, Bobby, John, Henriksen, Ellen and/or Jo Harvelle, Crowley, Ruby, Jess, Danneel, Gen, JDM, vampires, SPAAAACE!, cops, firefighters ... Squicks/Dislikes: Underage, de-aged, Samstiel, Destiel, cockles, genderswap, noncon, watersports Minimum bid: $20 Creator Notes: Please note, I won't be able to begin on artworks until after Christmas.
•User Name: cassiopeia7 What I'm offering: Banner or illustration for your existing fic. Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Sam/Dean, Sam & Dean gen, J2, angst, crack, het, casefic, Demon!Dean, Soulless!Sam, Baby, Billie, Rowena, Sister Jo, Bobby, John, Henriksen, Ellen and/or Jo Harvelle, Crowley, Ruby, Jess, Danneel, Gen, JDM, vampires, SPAAAACE!, cops, firefighters ... Squicks/Dislikes: Underage, de-aged, Samstiel, Destiel, cockles, genderswap, noncon, watersports Minimum bid: $20 Creator Notes: Please note, I won't be able to begin on artworks until after Christmas. 
•User Name: tiggeratl1 1# What I'm offering: Artwork for a fanfic or a stand alone piece (photo maniped) Samples of my work: DeviantArt , Live Journal (the images in Live Journal might be locked for viewers) Fandoms: Primarily SPN/SPN RPF, but I'm open to try different fandoms. Likes: mostly Wincest, J2, or Gen, but I can branch out to other pairings. Squicks/Dislikes: Mpreg, excretory kinks. Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: tiggeratl1 2# What I'm offering: Artwork for a fanfic or a stand alone piece (photo maniped) Samples of my work: DeviantArt ,  Live Journal (the images in Live Journal might be locked for viewers) Fandoms: Primarily SPN/SPN RPF, but I'm open to try different fandoms. Likes: mostly Wincest, J2, or Gen, but I can branch out to other pairings. Squicks/Dislikes: Mpreg, excretory kinks. Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: merakieros What I'm offering: Digital art [2 characters, pose of your choice] Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Good Omens, Supernatural [wincest, J2] MCU [stucky, thorki, symbrock] Hannibal [Hannigram] Sherlock [Johnlock] Teen Wolf [Sterek] (other fandoms can be discussed) Likes: Everything is on Lizzo's "BOYS" song, I live in the gutter, the art can go as sweet or spicy as you wish. Squicks/Dislikes: excretory kinks, Non-Con, Dub-Con, MPreg Minimum bid:$40 
•User Name: merakieros 1# What I'm offering: Digital art [2 characters kissing] Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Good Omens, Supernatural [wincest, J2] MCU [stucky, thorki, symbrock] Hannibal [Hannigram] Sherlock [Johnlock] Teen Wolf [Sterek] (other fandoms can be discussed) Likes: Everything is on Lizzo's "BOYS" song, I live in the gutter, the art can go as sweet or spicy as you wish. Squicks/Dislikes: Nothing to dislike in a kiss Minimum bid:$25
•User Name: merakieros 2# What I'm offering: Digital art [2 characters kissing] Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Good Omens, Supernatural [wincest, J2] MCU [stucky, thorki, symbrock] Hannibal [Hannigram] Sherlock [Johnlock] Teen Wolf [Sterek] (other fandoms can be discussed) Likes: Everything is on Lizzo's "BOYS" song, I live in the gutter, the art can go as sweet or spicy as you wish. Squicks/Dislikes: Nothing to dislike in a kiss Minimum bid:$25
•User Name: dollarformyname What I'm offering: art (3 characters or less) Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, Dark Angel, Teen Wolf Likes: Fave pairings include but are definitely not limited to Sam/Dean, J2, J2/Danneel, J3, Alec/Ben, Alec/Ben/Max, Alec/Max, Max/Original Cindy, Max & Original Cindy, Alec & Original Cindy, Scott & Stiles, Allison & Lydia, Stiles/Derek, Scott/Stiles, pretty much all the threesomes/moresomes. Crossovers, h/c … Erm, I like too many things, so I'm just gonna say if it's not on my dislikes I'll probably do it. If you wanna make extra sure, just ask. Squicks/Dislikes: Angel pairings (SPN), Logan (DA), parent/child incest, toilet kinks, underage, not super confident in my ability to get too sexy/explicit. Minimum bid: $20
•User Name: jj1564 What I'm offering: songspam - you choose a song and I'll make a 'songspam' with pics and gifs, Can be naughty or nice, sad or fun, your choice :) Samples of my work: Live Journal: Hurt or God Was Never on Your Side Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Sam/Dean, John/Mary, Dean/Cas, Sam/Cas, J2, hurt boys, sad boys, wincest Squicks/Dislikes: Celine Dion! Minimum bid: $10
•User Name: BeesAreAwesome 2# What I'm offering: custom digital painting (1 to 2 characters) Samples of my work: Tumblr Fandoms: Supernatural, Hannibal, Good Omens (I am open to do art for any fandom, really) Likes: I usually ship Destiel, but ignore that. Today for this fundraiser, I like what you like! Squicks/Dislikes: none (I'm fine with any ship/rating etc--although I will not depict anything explicit if the characters are underage) Minimum bid:$40
•User Name: cookielaura What I'm offering: set of 10 icons Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: White Collar, Good Omens, Hannibal, Torchwood, Community, The New Normal, musical theatre Likes: anything Squicks/Dislikes: anything Minimum bid: $5
•User Name: kanarek13 What I'm offering: art (manips only) Samples of my work: Ao3 Fandoms: White Collar, any Matt Bomer related project Likes: h/c, angst, AUs, fantasy, slash, ot3, canon relationships, oh I can go pretty much any direction :D Squicks/Dislikes: can't think of any for art, but what I can create depends heavily on the images that I can find to use for manips Minimum bid: $10
Auction Link , Bidder Leaderboard
•User Name: a_biting_smile What I'm offering: ~1k fic (longer, if the fic is chugging along), OR one piece of art (rated up to and thru NC-17), OR possibly both if the bid is high enough! Samples of my work: Live Journal Fandoms: SPN and SPN RPF Likes: darker themes, blood, but really anything but my squicks Squicks/Dislikes: excretory kinks, extreme underage, parent/child, Sam/Gabriel, fluffy Sam/Lucifer Minimum bid: $20
•User Name: blindswandive What I'm offering: One 1-5k fic OR one color drawing (1-2 characters, plain or minimal background). Longer fic or more complicated art available for higher bids or if I can't help myself. Samples of my work: Fic: Ao3  or Art: DeviantArt Fandoms: I write Supernatural and original fiction primarily, but have also written TinMan, Tron, Kids in the Hall, Daily Show/Colbert Report (specifically Jon/Stephen), Harry Potter, and various others; have done art for Supernatural, TinMan, Harry Potter, MCU/Marvel comics, portraits of people and pets, original characters, and various other fandoms.  I think I could also write Loki-centric MCU/marvel comic fic, and could do art for most MCU and various DC. Can happy write or draw original work/characters.  For art I'm willing to try most things.  If you have any questions, please ask! Likes: Slash, femslash, het, multi/poly, kink, grit, horror, humor, smut, slice of life. In SPN I adore Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean/Cass, Rowena, Abaddon, Billie, Charlie, Bobby, Rufus, Crowley.  I love writing gritty/realistic smut and imperfect people/situations. I especially love my kink improvised and undernegotiated.  If your kink isn't on my short list below, 97% chance I'll be totally happy to work with it.  Broadly, I love drawing women (regardless of shape, size, orientation, gender-expression, assigned sex, etc etc etc), magical creatures (especially humanoid such as mer, fae, furries/anthropomorphic or chimaeric, and dragons), bondage, corsetry, period costuming, and portraits. Squicks/Dislikes: Prefer to not write Sam/Gabriel (SPN), fluffy Sam/Lucifer (SPN), or Cole, Stynes, Nick (SPN).  Would rather avoid total AUs, total fluff/schmoop, major character death, mourning, suicide, animal endangerment/harm, scat, or cbt. Prefer not to draw Nick, fluffy Sam/Lucifer, Cole, or Stynes (SPN), or scat. Not as good at drawing scenery/locations. Minimum bid: $15
•User Name: sandy79 What I'm offering: Fanfiction, Fanart Samples of my work: Live Journal , Ao3 Fandoms: SPN, White Collar, Marvel Cinematic Universe (both fiction and art); open to do fanart (digital manips) for any existing story or other fandoms (though I might ask for resources), as well as for any actor/actress the bidder wants Likes: Fluff, Happy Endings, Meet-Cutes (or Meet-Uglies that turn good), RPF Squicks/Dislikes: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-con, Extreme Kinks (e.g. Watersports), Character Bashing, Bad guys of the fandom as the main focus Minimum bid: Fanfiction: $5 per 1k Fanart: $5 for fanarts icon-size to tumblr-size; $10 for full sets of story arts (cover image, chapter headers and/or dividers, eventually end pic) and larger arts (wallpaper, both for computer and mobile)
Auction Link , Bidder Leaderboard
•User Name: sammichgirl What I'm offering:SPN related craft items Samples of my work: (Item 1)Witch's Ball with Library Card Catalog/Checkout card (will customize checkout card to winner): View post on imgur.com (Item 2)Winchester Motel Tag & Key with Charm: View post on imgur.com Fandoms: Supernatural Likes: Brothers, J2 Squicks/Dislikes: not applicable to crafts Minimum bid: one item of each available, minimum of $15 bid on each (shipping will work out with winner) - each item will ship with a few surprise SPN goodies
•User Name: Kanarek13 What I'm offering: an 11" square photobook designed by me featuring pics from the Boys in the Band Broadway play, there are some general pics of the venue, the stage, etc. and of course pics from the stage door when the boys came out to say hi. The main focus is on Matt Bomer ♥ There are no personal pics in there, just the boys :) This is a professionally printed photobook on genuine glossy photo paper with glossy hardcover. Samples of my work: (samples are given on the auction page in kanarek13′s offer listing) Fandoms: Boys in the Band, Matt Bomer Likes: n/a Squicks/Dislikes: n/a Minimum bid: $30 (shipping is on me :)
•User Name: Kanarek13 What I'm offering: A finished painting-like artwork, size 11x8” (30x20cm), printed on alu-dibond surface, highest quality professional print by Cewe of an artwork piece that I created in Photoshop. Samples of my work: (samples are given on the auction page in kanarek13′s offer listing) Fandoms: White Collar, Peter/Neal slash Likes: n/a Squicks/Dislikes: n/a Minimum bid: $20
• User Name: Kanarek13 What I'm offering: A finished painting-like artwork, size 8x11” (20x30cm), printed on alu-dibond surface, highest quality professional print by Cewe of an artwork piece that I created in Photoshop. Samples of my work: (samples are given on the auction page in kanarek13′s offer listing) Fandoms: White Collar, Peter and Neal, prom pic Likes: n/a Squicks/Dislikes: n/a Minimum bid: $20
•User Name: Kanarek13 What I'm offering: A finished painting-like artwork, size 8x8” (20x20cm), printed on alu-dibond surface, highest quality professional print by Cewe of an artwork piece that I created in Photoshop. Samples of my work: (samples are given on the auction page in kanarek13′s offer listing) Fandoms: White Collar, Neal, winter stroll Likes: n/a Squicks/Dislikes: n/a Minimum bid: $20
•User Name: kelios What I'm offering: Crocheted scarves, hats, shawls, blankets--let me know what you'd like and we can work something out. Samples of my work: Twitter I have and can acquire more yarn in various colors (within reason, of course!) but this is a good sampling of yarn available to make things and things that are already made. Minimum bid: Hat $10 Scarf/cowl $15 Shawl: $20 Blanket: $25 (baby)/$35 (lap)/$40 (adult) Creators Notes: I'm willing to make as many hats and scarves as folks are willing to buy, just let me know what you'd like.
•User Name: mwitczak What I'm offering: (1) one-of-a-kind metal stamped SPN keychain with detachable charms Samples of my work: (samples are given on the auction page in mwitczak’s offer listing) Minimum bid: $30 Creator’s Notes: ***PLEASE NOTE***: winner also agrees to pay shipping via PayPal (shipping from Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
•User Name: mwitczak What I'm offering: (1) one-of-a-kind metal stamped SPN earrings Samples of my work: (samples are given on the auction page in mwitczak’s offer listing) Minimum bid: $10 Creator’s Notes: ***PLEASE NOTE***: winner also agrees to pay shipping via PayPal (shipping from Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
•User Name: mwitczak What I'm offering: (1) one-of-a-kind metal stamped SPN  charm as shown Samples of my work: (samples are given on the auction page in mwitczak’s offer listing) Minimum bid: $5 Creator’s Notes: ***PLEASE NOTE***: winner also agrees to pay shipping via PayPal (shipping from Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
•User Name: FangasmSPN What I'm offering: A copy of Family Don't End with Blood, autographed by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. Autographs will be obtained at New Jersey Con so shipping will be after that. Sample of work:“Family Don’t End with Blood” Minimum bid: $50
•User Name: kelios What I'm offering: handmade soaps--SPN themed and non-SPN themed Samples of my work: tba Minimum bid: $10 minimum order, please. $5 for 3-4 ounce bars $1 for single use/insert soaps Creators Notes: This is a repost--the previous offer was taken, but I'm willing to offer as many of these as people are interested in buying. (I’m not sure which offer they mean)
•User Name: celli on AO3, DW, Twitter What I'm offering: small cross-stitch of a superhero/ine or space character. Samples of my work: Recent project: Twitter Fandoms: Marvel, DC, Star Trek, general space. Ask for specific characters! Minimum bid:$10
•User Name: Firesign10 What I'm offering: (2) necklaces, each sold separately. Shipping within Continental USA. 1) 22 1/2" Orange optic beads with antiqued silver barrel beads with sunburst-style pendant, barrel clasp   (image on offer listing) 2) 21 1/2" Black beads with clear faceted and carved-look silver tube beads, with silvertone pendant, barrel clasp (image on offer listing) Minimum Bid: Each necklace has an opening bid of $15. Please specify which one you are bidding on.
•User Name: firesign10 What I'm offering: 2 pairs of earrings, sold separately. Shipping within continental USA 1) Silvertone Indian-style body with 5 dangles of black beads. Fishhook for pierced ears. $8 (image on offer listing) 2) Silvertone filigree-style body with 7 dangles of iridescent purple-blue beads. Fishhook for pierced ears. $8 (image on offer listing)
•User Name: tjs_whatnot What I'm offering: Reusable/food safe bags for snacks/sandwiches and whatnot Samples of my work: (images on offer listing) Fandoms: Basically any fandom big enough to have fabric ;) Likes: n/a Squicks/Dislikes: n/a Minimum bid: $10 will get you one sandwich or 2 snack bags. For every 10 of the winning bid I'll add extra geeky bags and whatnot. If bidding goes over $50, I'll pay for shipping as well.
•User Name: Firesign10 What I'm offering: 3 pairs of pierced earrings, SOLD SEPARATELY Picutures & Descrip: 1. Black stone beads with white markings, pearlescent white accent beads. Fishhook wires. (image on offer listing) 2. Silver metal dragonfly charm with purple barrel bead, purple and silver spacers. Fishhook wires. (image on offer listing) 3. Silver metal hoop with heart motif and light blue bead dangles. Fishhook wires. (image on offer listing) Minimum bid: Dragonfly and Black & White $6.00 each. Blue bead dangles $8.00.
•User Name: honscot What I’m Offering: Sterling silver ring from Scotland, size 5 (or very small size 6) Samples of my work: (image on offer listing but might be locked for non-LJ users) Minimum Bid: $20
•User Name: Firesign10 What I'm offering: 2 necklaces, SOLD SEPARATELY Samples of my work: 1. 21 1/2" necklace with silver metal dragon pendant. Black iridescent round beads, silver metal tube beads, and clear iridescent accent beads. Barrel clasp. 2. 21" Silver metal fairy with sparkly green wings. Clear green barrel beads, scroll silver metal tube beads, silver spacers, barrel clasp. Minimum bid: $20.00 EACH
•User Name: honscot What I’m Offering: Hand painted SPN iPad/tablet cover with zipper. Samples of my work: (image on offer listing but might be locked for non-LJ users) Minimum Bid: $15
•User Name: honscot What I’m Offering: Set of four guitar string bracelets, two with clear crystals, two with crystals which have a rainbow effect.  Quite large - would fit a 7-1/2- or probably 8-inch wrist.  (They fall off my 7-inch wrist.) Samples of my work: (image on offer listing but might be locked for non-LJ users) Minimum Bid: $10
•User Name: honscot What I’m Offering: Sterling silver bracelet, 7-1/2 inches.  The links are chunky, so it fits a 7-inch wrist.  Would also fit a smaller wrist, as the toggle clasp will fit into any of the rings.  The bracelet has a hammered finish.  (It’s very shiny, it’s just hard to take a good picture in my house after dark!) Samples of my work: (image on offer listing but might be locked for non-LJ users) Minimum Bid: $25 (shipping included)
👓📠Beta Services📠👓
Auction Link , Bidder Leaderboard
•User Name: gelsey What I'm offering: beta services (thorough spag and commentary up to 30k; negotiable after that) Samples of my work: you can ask trisjellion, enchantedjae, and a lot of people who used to post on the old OWL archive Fandoms: Harry Potter and a variety of other Likes: pretty easy, I'll look over most things Squicks/Dislikes: not fond of underage and I'm not good at hard kink/bdsm stuff Minimum bid: $10
Good luck, may the highest bidder win!!!! Auction Link  , Bidder Leaderboard
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alpsss · 5 years
everyone liked my eyes today
I knew on thursday when he came round several times ‘i intentionally wanted to roast F in front of J’, and commented on my tattoo, that suddenly it all came back to me the tension that always existed. and when he said friday, tomorrow was the last day and the show would close and i said i would go. and in the morning he asked again if i was really coming. and after lunch he asked what i was up to, the plans for the day. ‘did you already notice i dont make eye contact i find it bloody distracting’ Actually shes abit like you Im drawn to girls with a certain sadness I like the messed up ones, I still gravitate towards the art types In the cab- dating is hard because no one gets the artist life, how you’re freelance, juggling a bunch of things I’ve always called them ‘partners’ not ‘girlfriends’ I don’t give it so easily I guard it a lot cos im all about my heart, im not about my brain Estella what would you like-lets do Jap food its Friday ‘I want to touch it’ ‘Only cos its you’ ‘What about you do you stay with your parents’ Similar upbringing, him referencing my sister,Have I not told you this? – said repeatedly I guess this is the first time we are properly speaking Im kidding, I’ll stop messing with you I take things so literally that I need to mess with the world as a game to deal His Aspergers ‘Youre a neurotypical- neuro means brain- you have high EQ dont get me wrong thats good’ im lacking in the emotional part cos im a T and youre an F so you guys are better. ‘now that you know me, or that you are getting to know me’ Sounds really get to him- drilling, ambulances are the worst ‘Atypical’ on Netflix Did you glue every strand of grass ‘well, I scattered it’ That’s why ive such a soft spot for Sean The night is when he makes work- is your house very neat cos his dad is OCD- all his work-making happens outside I don’t know what Love is but I know what it Isnt Rainer Maria Rilke ‘Letters to a Young Poet’ is my bible – ‘and I thought you were a Christian’ There was this girl I was sleeping with who was ENFP and she was going on about how ENFP and INTJs are the most compatible Well look at you things worked out for you you’re good, you’re married ‘He’s Kiwi’ ‘Is he an artist?’ ‘But he gets art, its not like Sharon’s..that was why I broke up with my first one’ ‘Its not like married and game over’ Living, why im alive Its my art cause All the moments and connections and love, etc And he acknowledges it too Being human-being adept at the brain? Rather I’d rather simple naivete You are such a modernist (he says hes a post-modernist) We’re from vicious apes we are inately evil ‘i still choose to believe everyone is inherently good- but you know already that im an idealist’ Its not bout being human and staying alive but not wrestling with it, just sitting idle Telling me about his fishing – and showing me pictures Telling me about Sab’s family history, and sharing about his fam. His OCD dad driving Grab, his brother not actually a weirdo gamer but is probably going to marry his first girlfriend, ‘another breakup and it will actually ruin your sister’, K and S, F and S, R and Levy and S Long, we went down the damn list Bitching about Sab like him showing me her plagerised posts and when I told him she goes ‘hows things? Slow?’ Do you want kids- or is this too early/weird to ask I don’t want to get married, I don’t want kids ‘you say this now but if your partner wanted to get married you probably would’ ‘probably’ ‘the one you marry might not be the one you’re most connected to’ ‘why do you not want kids, you’d be such a good dad’ ‘are you high’ ‘no its true, I can see how you are with the students’ ‘well youre brave and youre doing it’ – my art fight when I said I was well-loved and had a great set of parents ‘yea I can see that’ ‘your parents have a good marriage?’ ‘yea how about yours, good too?’ ‘well yea but they love to fight that’s their thing they love to fight, I don’t’ ‘well that’s good right, healthy fighting’ ‘I love women- colour blind-scottish, swedish, asian-american, an indian in between somewhere’ the broken bridge artwork The Fishtank and galerie fish,also he gets that people are fishing in the gallery– I told him when he brought up his fishing Art is Universal- said in the cab and he started opening up ‘You can come for lunch if you want and them come with me’ When we were in his fog room and I was having a dialogue with him, with the students And his student said something provoking Or when Clara walks in and she recognizes me and he said ‘famous, youre famous’ ‘Where do you live’ My dad is coming to get me and we’re going to get some food and then Im going to come back and take down the pieces Me and Raymond are similar because we’re open Rare that you can say something and id be like ‘HELL NO’ Im free-spirited ‘yea you’re more agnostic’ ZH pushes his own agenda more ‘yea but that’s because hes so passionate he seriously cant help it’ R just likes someone to reminisce the streets of London with When I said R just started knowing Im a painter, I make work ‘you have a way more exciting practice than he does’‘Youre on your way, youre doing great’ Talking about oweing your parents and he went out fishing before his parents came to visit I feel the same way- about needing to repay parents- or feel indebted ‘but there are things I cant reveal to them’ when I say ive a completely open relationship with my parents, anything goes, no filter Showing me his back scar ‘i once showed a girl and she started crying’ ‘im high now btw’- and he smokes up like 5-6-7 things I don’t even keep count Telling me about his jailtime for 26 hours, how his ex wasn’t there for him The last one was more typical, asian, Christian, one day decided I was too ‘sinful’ for her and she couldn’t deal – I might write her a letter to apologize And his grandmother and how they found her on a Sunday- how the emotions set in later, through the initial parts he was all rational and calm even though his brother was hysterical ‘I KNOW your work I saw the wall I just didn’t know that was you’ ‘Yea when I first met you I did feel like whats with this person’ ‘there you go’ Shes like you- cares about people, sees the good. how Sab is eroding away the nanyang style way too quick and too fast. S and S ‘similar types that the vice d can dominate. Rilke says be patient, they are already doing the best they can to ‘get it’- the face that both moms visited the schools with us.
Crazy shit friday
I mean i always knew the chemistry sort of existed, was underlying, or something sensed that it was going to be more than normal getting to hang out with him. But you can talk to someone but not Know-Know them in such a way, ever. you can go about in your day to day and something like this just stops you right in your tracks. and you go along, because your instincts are dying to take this ride into the exciting abyss, but also you recognize its short-lived and its made more precious that it isnt reality. you do not have to act on things/have ownership for it to take special place in the recesses of your soul (i even spoke about Soul and innerblink, how the soul is what created those things outside when he woke up with the image and started making-its spirituality rather than practised religion- dude, what can we not talk about). you just..savour it and you delight in it when its actually taking place. like ive been conscious of doing so-taking breaths and pausing while the good stuffs happening, the capital L-I-F-E is happening because i understand its rare and its beautiful and you never know when its going to next happen to you...so yea these are the things that really feed me, what i live for. its just deeply special and i wonder if he feels the same way too. aka its 7am post-yesterday and i wonder whats he thinking/is he?
0 notes
frenchkisst · 4 years
The metabolic impact of keto for those with and without type 2 diabetes
A new meta-analysis has some good, and seemingly not so good, news for keto diets.
In research, a meta-analysis is a statistical procedure that compiles the results of several existing scientific studies that address the same question.
This method was employed in a recent study; a collection of randomized controlled trials was reviewed to draw conclusions about the metabolic impact of following a ketogenic diet. This review appeared in Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), a publisher of open access journals.
The authors of this analysis started with 251 studies and ended up with just 14 randomized controlled trials that qualified for inclusion in their analysis. Eight of these observed people with type 2 diabetes, and six studies looked at people without a diabetes diagnosis. Some of the studies lasted only four days, whereas others lasted 12 months.
Before we dive into this review’s findings, it’s important to note that there are pros and cons when attempting to draw conclusions by way of meta-analysis.
One pro — the very fact that researchers can perform a meta-analysis on the metabolic impact of a ketogenic diet shows there is already a great deal of accumulated research on the subject.
On the other hand, studies are rarely — if ever — structured with the same intervention, the same time course, or the same baseline population. That can make compiling and interpreting the data especially tricky.
This new review is no different. This analysis revealed significant overall improvement for those with type 2 diabetes in blood sugar, measured by hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and insulin resistance, measured by a blood test called HOMA-IR.
Interestingly, fasting blood sugar did not improve, which is a reflection of the inadequacy of using fasting glucose as a marker rather than a critique of keto’s effectiveness.
The paper states that there was no significant difference in these parameters for those without diabetes — but they list only one study for each lab parameter. I find this strange, but that is the downside to working with a small pool of studies due to rigorous inclusion criteria.
The meta-analysis also concluded that patients with diabetes lost an average of 7 kilos more when on a keto diet compared to other dietary interventions.
Last, in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes, patients following a keto diet showed a much greater improvement in triglycerides and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol with no significant change in low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol. In contrast, for those without diabetes, the changes were not significant.
The study’s conclusion is that keto diets are effective for weight loss and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. This adds to mounting evidence that led major institutions, like the American Diabetes Association, to officially endorse low-carb diets..
What about keto’s effects in people without diabetes? The conclusion seems to be that keto is no better than the comparative diet. But, as we look closer, clear problems with this conclusion emerge.
But the authors only included just one study for the analysis of HbA1c in people without diabetes, and this compared a keto diet to a low-fat diet plus a weight loss drug, thus negating the better appetite control and weight loss from a keto diet.
As for insulin resistance, the authors again only included one study, which observed kids and adolescents and compared a keto diet to a hypocaloric diet — where both groups improved equally.
Additionally, studies — such as that by Hyde et. al. showing greater improvement in metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance from low carb, independent of weight loss — were not included.
When it comes to a lack of improvement in lipid parameters for those without diabetes, the studies included were the same two just mentioned, plus two others, which observed only women who also engaged in vigorous new exercise programs.
Can we conclude that keto is no better than comparative diets or medications for those without diabetes? I think that the inadequacies of the underlying studies undermine this conclusion.
Another way to look at these results is to note that if someone already has diabetes, a small difference between dietary interventions makes a big impact. But for those without the disease, a bigger difference in interventions is necessary to get the same impact.
We recognize this potential difference. In our guide, Is a low-carb or keto diet right for you?, we suggest a keto diet for those trying to treat or reverse an established medical condition, such as type 2 diabetes, and for those trying to lose a lot of weight.
For others, there may not be much of a difference between keto and a more moderate low-carb approach, but the only way to find out is to give both a try!
Nutritional science is rarely straightforward. At DietDoctor, we want to help you make sense of it all. Hopefully, this study review clarified the results and allowed you to make better sense of where your nutritional path to health may begin.
Thanks for reading, Bret Scher, MD FACC
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The post The metabolic impact of keto for those with and without type 2 diabetes appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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wormw00d · 5 years
sadness noise
i marked one of my blogs as explicit back in november when i made it, just in case i ended up posting anything u n s a f e for the public e y e, but i never did,
and now i cant unmark it as nsfw :((
i really really loved that account, mainly cause i have so many characters, and trying to talk about them all and all of their different worlds and stories is so messy, and no one knows wtf im talking about, but on that one, i had 5 characters for me to draw and talk about
its an undertale fan character account, and i didnt want any of my friends to find it or nothin- so i had to make new characters that no ones seen before.
it felt so refreshing to have a completely empty slate. no friends, no followers, no reputation, or any art habits i had, no characters. just startin from scratch
on my dA i feel like i have so much responsibility to post good art or else no one will like it, but even when i work hard on my art work, i rarely get over 10 likes on a normal piece (not related to any groups/communities). i have over 500 watchers over there, and im positive that more than half of them dont look at my art at all, or are straight up just inactive
on here, it feels like i can post sketches, and concepts and such, things id be too shy to post on there. dA dont really feel like a place where you can talk about your ideas for stories and such. its like empty, but in an emotional sense, yknow?
tumblr feels so different. it feels lonely like im talking to myself, and i like doing that. it feels more private, and personal, like how we can customize our blogs and such
i sent them another email. hopefully they’ll unmark that account so i can establish myself into a community-
ramble over, sorry 
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pipeact12-blog · 5 years
Horror's History with Violence Against Women, feat. Tragedy Girls, Evil Eye, & What Have You Done to Solange?
Every October I devote at least one blog post to Giallo films, but I have to deviate this year.
Giallo is a fascinating genre, and I owe Ryan Boyd for helping me jump into them. They're Horror about people who are guilty of something, or who got too close to the orbit of crime to wash the dirt off of them. They let their protagonists be wrong in ways no other sub-genre of Horror allows.
But they are also sleazy, eager to sexualize young women and assault them in ways that can be even more off-putting than Slashers. Some of the most lauded Giallo have problematic art to how they like to destroy girls. This month, after a year of #MeToo and yet another suspect of sexual violence being voted onto the U.S. Supreme Court, I have to interrupt the Giallo vibes a bit. Horror has too few ladies who get to be the killer and be proud in the way it lets Freddy, Jigsaw, and Pennywise.
So today we're going to look at two Giallo films and how they treat women - but only after we look at The Tragedy Girls, a Horror Comedy about a pair of BFFs who are tired of waiting around to be filler victims. These girls are going to become the killers, and get famous off of it.
Tragedy Girls (2017)
Tragedy Girls doesn't care that the bar for women in modern Horror is to be strong heroines who fight against cruelty. It happily picks two teen girls, who are petty and sometimes hilariously short-sighted, and makes them both the lead characters and the killers. The opening of the movie is one of them pretending to neck with a local boy in the efforts to fish out a serial killer.
Oh, they don't want to stop they killer. They want to catch him and study under him. This business is hard and they want professional advice.
In the vein of Cabin in the Woods and Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil, Tragedy Girls is a deconstruction of Slasher tropes, but for once the comedy comes from eagerly participating in the industry. McKayla and Sadie are mean girls and woefully unpopular. They barely get any retweets. They know the best way to get attention is grief. They’ve been studying spree killers, and even captured one to try to get him to teach them how it’s done. Mentorships are rare in this field. Their plan is to kill off students they don’t like and then pose as grief-stricken classmates for mainstream media. They’re going to get so many followers on Twitter.
The humor is more ruthless than the killers. McKayla and Sadie are masterfully played as unflinching monsters with perfect make-up, whose greatest flaw is not always covering their tracks as well as they could. They’re more concerned about a kill being tacky than with becoming suspects. They have their crushes, and their in-fighting over whether boys are right for them or right for the grave, but they get each other. 
It's a cheeky story that doesn't mind slamming nose-first into their selfishness with the same glee Freddy Kruger gets to play with in the Nightmare on Elm Street series. Many Slashers are built around rooting for the killer; this time that angle is being used for profound empowerment, because their stereotype are the sorts of girls who were thrown into late 80's scripts to pad body counts. Even the society around them barely thinks of them as suspects because they don't take teen girls seriously, and that's something for them to change. While the girls grow, their arcs do not bend towards turning into sweeter moral Survivor Girls.
They are the next generation of Slasher killers, and they’re adorbs BFFs. The scariest thing would be if they turned on each other.
It is fun from the first twist all the way to the end credits. All of the right things go wrong, and who you’re supposed to sympathize with moves surprisingly slyly. We’ve seen allegedly enlightened takes on the Slasher genre before, but it’s usually about the politics of victims. Making the kind of girls who are usually victims of the killer into the killers gives them enough mileage for at least a couple sequels. Tragedy Girls is brilliant. Watch it.
The Evil Eye, AKA The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1963)
After getting a taste of Mario Bava last year with Blood and Black Lace and Bay of Blood, I had to come back this year. Evil Eye shows  up on so many Best of Giallo lists, and is frequently credited as the first true Giallo.
In the course of one day, Nora Davis flies from America to Rome, has her hostess die of a mysterious illness, is mugged on her way to getting help and loses her ID, gets a head wound that causes amnesia, and witnesses a grisly murder to which she is the only witness. By the time she’s coherent and remembers the murder, all evidence of it has vanished, and the local authorities stick her in an asylum.
Poor Nora. She's stuck in the plot of three movies at once, and doesn’t get agency over any of them.
This movie is packed with badly directed and badly acted set-ups. Nora is stalked  by a mysterious figure, falls in love with a possessive creep, and stumbles upon the notes of a serial killer whose victims’ names correspond to letters in the alphabet. There’s one scene where it seems like ghostly voices are chiding her into an abandoned house. Also there’s a painting that keeps looking at Nora’s butt.
What stands out most is that nobody takes Nora seriously. She is mocked by doctors as an alcoholic since a cop once smelled alcohol on her breath. The murder victim she witnessed the demise of has vanished, so cops ignore her pleas and say she got the idea from reading cheap books. Her love interest takes the “next step” in their relationship by pretending he’s going to murder her, and then instead grabs her for a make-out session that she doesn’t seem to enjoy that much. Over and over, she’s treated like someone with an unimportant role in her own life. That she’s clearly onto a plot (or five plots, given how packed the movie is) doesn’t reduce how awkward the movie is.
Evil Eye is the American cut of the movie, and is supposed to be a little goofier, but both versions of the movie have a lot of camp. It’s aged into something that feels like Horror’s doofy grandparent. There’s a trombone sound when two people bonk heads getting into a cab, and Nora defends her home by tying loose strings around the hallway. The acting is wooden in a way familiar of the black-and-white era, but there’s a serious lack of chemistry even the lovers are on top of each other. For everything Nora goes through, she at least deserves better than that.
What Have You Done to Solange? (1972)
Above every other movie I cover this October, this one needs a Content Warning. It is an exploitative Giallo about a serial killer at a Catholic school stalking teen girls and killing them in explicitly sexual manner. It is deliberately messy and uses that to powerful ends, condemning the Catholic values that marginalize girls and make them objects of scorn. It also brutalizes those same girls in ways the modern MPAA board would never let you get away with. This film is EXTREMELY NOT FOR EVERYBODY.
  While the DNA of later Slasher films is obvious in this Giallo, what sets it apart the hardest is how little it shows of its murders. Only one happens on screen, and most of them are depicted through brief suggestive shots, and through the discovery of cadavers. Instead the focus is on how horrible it is that the deaths happened, and how distraught the friends, families, and lovers are. They keep it tense by fostering the fear that this will happen to more people. The victims are more humanized, even though they’re more transgressive in life than most of their Slasher counterparts would be a decade later.
It’s also a clearly formative movie on those Slashers. The legendary Ennio Morricone scored the film, and his mutilated violins here are the same thing that the early Friday the 13th films would rely on a decade later. It also features a killer’s POV tracking shot two years before Black Christmas and six years before John Carpenter’s Halloween. It’s hard to believe that none of these filmmakers saw this movie. There’s so much strong about this movie that I can see why it would influence aspiring Horror creators. It doesn’t make me think less of their movies (it only makes me think less of the feud between Black Christmas and Halloween supporters).
What Have You Done to Solange? is doing  different things from those movies, particularly in how it treats its cast. Friday the 13th is about sexually active tweens, but they’re supposed to be relatable in their indiscretions now that they’ve escaped adult supervision. Black Christmas has a slightly more transgressive cast, but it doesn’t feel nearly as transgressive as the status quo in What Have You Done to Solange?.
Here the main characters are a teacher and student having an affair at a Catholic school, with a supporting cast of friends who are the ones who roll their eyes at Mass and smoke in the shower. These are not the carefree teenagers of Friday the 13th. They are smarter, they are closer to each other, and are sneaking their pleasure into an oppressive daily life of intrusive parents and stalkers. Their transgressions are supposed to make them complicated, not guilty.
Those non-judgmental complications might go too far for some modern audiences. Particularly the guiltless affair between the teacher and student ignores the obvious power dynamic between them, treating it as a consensual romantic joy. It is even sympathetic that the older man needs to hide this from his employer’s and the girl’s father, which screams for a #MeToo intervention. But Giallo doesn’t care whether it’s transgressing against that kind of norm, anymore than it cares that its leads are disrespecting the stifling nature of their school at every turn.
Revisiting the classic Slashers reveals movies that feel less like punishment narratives for teens, and more movies where teen audiences are supposed to relate to transgression and root for the cast to survive. It was later that rooting for the killer became the B-movie norm, and makes those earlier movies more interesting because they recognized young people deserve a break, not a chainsaw.
The best Giallo, like What Have You Done to Solange?, goes further, not treating sneaking a blunt as cute, but natural. The real transgression is that things regressed as they went forward. Something like The Tragedy Girls should have come out within a decade of this, not fifty years later.
Coming up Monday: Paralysis Movies! Upgrade and Short Night of Glass Dolls
Source: http://johnwiswell.blogspot.com/2018/10/horrors-history-with-violence-against.html
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