#i promise if i forgot you i didn't mean to but i am truly exhausted.
elvisabutler · 1 year
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so i originally was thinking to myself "conceal don't feel" about my feelings about this year and basically gushing about all of y'all but everyone has been doing it and look, look, i'm trying to be better about not coming off as an aloof person when i'm really the sort of person who thrives on at least little tiny hellos from people who i know like me. despite being as old as i am i'm secretly always that shy 12 year old who has her people and wants more people but sucks at talking, alright?
anyway! none of that is the point. the point is that i haven't been in fandom for about 5ish at least years? like don't get me wrong, read fic, watched shows but me writing fics and interacting? good heavens no. and i think the last time i wrote fic was 2011 ( ironically also an rpf-ish fandom, there's something to be said about that maybe ) and so when i went into elvis i wasn't expecting much. but then i watched it and like- i had been a causal fan of elvis before- my parents were both born in the 50s so they're just about that interesting age to where my mom wished she could have been elvis's girl ( her older sisters too so clearly it's genetically a thing on my mom's side haha ) and my dad thought he was cool. point being i always knew of him and he was some at least tiny part of my life and that's part of the reason i wanted to go see the film. plus i honestly wanted to se ehow plastic looking they made austin look because baby those posters did him no justice.
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and then i fell head over heels. watched it 5? times in theaters maybe 6, once with my mom who fell head over heels for austin butler which was not something i had on my 2022 bingo card and yet! and realized that oh heavens the fandom was mostly on tumblr let's boot up the old account and make a side blog and write a fix it fic ( that i am trash and still haven't finished ) and then @floralcyanide made their discord and eventually let me join and the rest was history?
not going into a lot of detail but i really cannot overstate how much this fandom and how genuinely sweet it is came to me at the right time. i've been missing having a solid and consistent creative outlet since i got married but especially since i had my daughter. and then in comes the elvis movie and austin butler and elvis in general and lord help me it's been a whirlwind. filled with stuff i'd never write and just a lot of fun times.
i wanna say thank you to all my favorite people who i either read your stuff or you read mine or i drool over your gif work or something else seeing y'all in my notifs always brightens my day just a little.
@superbatson @powerofelvis @headfullofpresley @venus-haze @cryingabtab @infatuatedharleys @areacodefan @star-shard @purejasmine @burninlovebutlerr @pearlparty @troubleinapinksuit @imperialmarchingthroughthegalaxy @karamelcoveredolicity @foreverdolly @powerofelvis @fantuhsise @flwrs4aust @she-is-juniper @elvisstyles @butlerstyles @missmaywemeetagain @bisexualwvtson @carnevol @mamaspresley @sassy-ahsoka-tano @butler-on-beale-street @dreamersparacosm @lindszeppelin @pennyroyalcreep, @slowsweetlove @blainesebastian and @ anyone else who regularly likes my stuff or engages with me i see y'all and i adore y'all. if i missed y'all don't take it personally i'm so tired today it's a wonder i remembered my own name.
and to my queens of graceland @aconflagrationofmyown @ab4eva and @butlersxbirdy y'all already know my love and to my other daily my life would not complete if i didn't say hello to y'all @blurredcolour, @eliseinmemphis and @bcofl0ve i love you guys. and @succsessions don't think i'll ever forget that one time you messaged me out of the blue when i was so stressed and wrote Some Tags ( tm ).
i'm gonna make it my mission to get to know some of y'all more in 2023 because truly i love this fandom so much and if it wasn't for this creative outlet appearing out of thin air, i think i'd been in a bit of a rougher spot than i am today and really i wanna just talk and interact more. and i promise y'all i don't bite if you're scared to talk to me, i'm an actual puppy, ask anyone who talks to me for longer than two minutes.
but basically happy new year y'all hoping all of our 2023s are fantastic and i love everyone in this bar so much. does that meme date me, i feel like it does.
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moon-huny · 9 months
Stole the Moon - Chapter Two
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CW: My content is not for anyone under 18. Some sharp objects in this chapter. Mild language. Some coercion and, whats this, sexual frustration? You're still kidnapped so, mentions of imprisonment.
Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: Finally feeling generous, Buggy calls for his right hand man to bring you above deck. Can he smoothly transition into his plan, or do you have other ideas?
A/N: I know I already said it in an update post, but thank you all so much for reading and interacting with my work. And for all the new followers! It truly means a lot.
I am going to rip the bandaid off now. No clown smut in this chapter. I know, I know, okay, I'm sorry. This is meant to be a slow burn people, we need some push and pull before we get to the push and pull, ya know? That being said, there will be some nasty nasty in chapter three, I can promise you that. Okay, that's all, enjoy.
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Days passed and you hadn’t received a visit.
Every evening, a small bowl filled with enough food to keep you alive is passed through the bars along with a small tin cup of watery tasting alcohol. Nobody spoke to you, nobody lit the candles when you ran out of matches, nobody offered you even a passing glance. You were left entirely alone in the darkened hull of a gaudy ship sailing to god knows where.
Maybe he forgot about you. What use could you provide to a man like that? You began to question what it was he even needed you for. What could you possibly know about the sea that he didn't know? You’d tried so hard to remember, hoping something, anything, would come to your mind.
You thought about the map. The one he spread out for you to see that night. You recalled the waiting look in his eyes, hoping you’d recognize it. Nothing. You replayed the moment again in your head, his broad gloved hands smoothing across the fabric of the map. What did the map look like again? All you could think about was the flex of his hand. The way his eyes had flicked up to look at you, under a strong brow and peering through long lashes.
Your memory wandered back to the moment when you were closest to him. When he had you caged against the wall, the heat of his body radiating off of him, hot breath ghosting over your lips. The way his knee pressed ever so deliciously to your –
You gasp, in shock and disgust at your own thoughts. “Oh, absolutely not,” you say aloud. The loneliness was getting to you.
You went to the port hole. In your time down here you’d searched the entire cell for anything you could use to escape. After coming up empty handed, you took it upon yourself to do some… redecorating.
You’d made the bed more comfortable with some fabric you’d found, and stacked the empty cargo into a more comfortable variation so you could look out the small round window. Climbing atop the sturdy mound of boxes and barrels, you looked out across the velvet waves. The crescent moon shone brightly, its reflection causing the gentle water to sparkle and flicker, as though tea candles were floating and bobbing on the surface.
A tear rolled down your cheek, another, and soon you were crying with too little energy to sob. That's when you thought you heard someone walking gently above you on the deck of the ship, humming a tune. It was different from the sea shanties you normally heard during the day, this melody sounded more like a lullaby.
The song was haunting, and yet, hearing another person, knowing somebody was sharing this moment with you in the moonlight, lightened the weight on your chest. Your crying stopped, the comfort taking over your exhausted frame as you leaned against the wall by the window listening to the voice pull you into the warmth of sleep.
Unknown to you, the vocalist leaning against the railing of the ship was devising a plan. A miserable plan to ruin you and lead you to a hell you wouldn’t recognize until it was too late – a sly smirk spreading across his red painted lips.
Buggy was spread out across his throne-like chair. The captain’s quarters were decorated like a big top circus tent – red and white fabric ballooned across the ceiling of the small room. The space was filled with gold and treasure of every kind. The desk was cluttered with navigation tools and maps.
“Cabaji, I’d like for you to retrieve our guest now,” his voice dripped with a sinister undertone. He barely paid any attention to the man before him, instead staring at a dainty silver necklace wrapped around his hand.
“Captain, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Cabaji wavered before his ringleader. The chief of staff knew what you had the potential to do, he knew what you were and it was only a matter of time before you figured it out too.
“I didn’t ask you to think,” his head fell to the side finally regarding the swordsman. “I asked you to go. GET. THAT. BRAT!”
“Yes, captain.” Turning about-face with a sigh, Cabaji made his way down to your cell.
Hearing footsteps this early in the morning was unusual. Unusual enough to cause you to bolt upright in bed. Through the darkened hallway – the morning light not quite reaching the lower decks of the ship yet – your eyes adjusted enough to see a recognizable swordsman stalking toward you through the shadows.
You sprang from the bed, your eyes not once leaving the taller man’s form. Standing in the middle of your room, you made your best attempt to question him before he could reach your cell door.
“It’s a bit early,” your voice wavered, a look of uncertainty on your face. “What do you want?” You questioned hoping that the increase in volume would make you sound more confident, it didn’t.
He unlocked the door and threw it open. “Get out, you’re coming with me.”
“Like hell, where is the clown? What are you planning on doing with me?”
This was the first time anyone had spoken to you in days. This was perhaps the only moment you might have to get some answers.
Cabaji sighed with frustration, he wanted nothing more than to sling you over his shoulder, carry you to the captain’s quarters and save everyone a lot of time, and yet, he recalled the final words Buggy said before sending him on this errand.
“And Cabaji, … don’t touch her.”
He wasn’t one to question Buggy’s orders but, on a crew that was so rarely regulated outside of performance, Cabaji had to wonder what the order was for.
“Come. Now.” You gave the green haired man a hesitant look.
“If I don’t?”
“Then I can only imagine Buggy will let you rot down here.”
Spending another moment alone might kill you, especially in the sensory deprivation chamber that was this room.
“Lead the way,” a weak response. Cabaji turned, leaving the door open.
At first you couldn't make your legs move. The idea that you could walk out, just step beyond the threshold of iron and rust and rot. Yet, you did, slowly at first then all at once speeding up to catch the stoic man.
Climbing up onto the deck in the morning light was reward in and of itself. The sun was just finishing its rise, gracing your skin, warming your face and causing you to squint.
“This way,” Cabaji called after you. He made his way toward an ornate door at the stern of the ship. He peeled the doors open, walked in, and stood to the side as you followed behind him.
His eyes scanned your appearance and, after consideration, displayed a distasteful look. You could have assumed you weren’t looking your best, being locked up on a pirate ship wasn’t exactly a spa retreat. The braid you had your hair in was full of tangled knots you had tried again and again to brush, your skin was dull, reflecting your time in the dark and your clothing could hardly be considered appropriate.
“He’ll speak with you soon,” said the swordsman. “Whenever he decides to collect himself,” and he slipped out behind you, shutting the doors.
Standing alone in the den of a predator, you naturally did what any prey would do, you began to inspect.
The room was beautiful – if not a little cliche for the circumstance – the big top theme was not lost on you. Though the room was small, something about the leading lines of the tent-like structure above you made the space feel larger.
On one end of the room, large draping curtains separated his bedroom from the rest of the office. The large wood carved bed dressed up with colorful weighted fabrics called to your aching body. Weeks of sleeping on a plank had taken its toll on you.
There was a large desk in the center with several detailed maps displayed across it. A small gleaming dagger staked into the mahogany kept a stack of papers in place. After looking around the room and seeing no one, you pulled the jeweled blade from the wood opting to carry it by your side just out of sight.
Behind the desk, a large chair with a circus motif. Golden lions wearing collars perched on the armrests, the crushed red velvet of the seat complimented the gold and ruby circus tent adorning the back.
As you reached out to touch the gorgeously detailed piece, a voice from behind startled you.
“It’s just as comfortable as it looks, ya know,” said Buggy. “Go ahead, have a seat.”
He was standing at the entrance. How did you not hear him come in? You both stood opposite one another in the room. A space between you that was comfortable and one you would normally prefer to keep, but you would rather have revenge. Holding the small knife behind your back, you stood stone still, hands becoming clammy and heart rate picking up.
“S’matter?” he said. “You look terrified.” Mock concern, his specialty.
“What do you want?” quiet, just above a whisper, it was like your voice had floated from your lips. The pillowy softness of your words drew him closer.
He made his way around the desk to you. Your eyes never leaving one anothers. He pulled the silver necklace from his coat pocket. He looked more relaxed without the garish captain's hat and the arsenal of weapons he usually kept draped on his person.
“I wanted to return something.” Your eyes glanced over at his hand holding a beautiful silver necklace. A dainty spiga chain wrapped around his fingers, but the real draw was the antique pendant encasing a gorgeous moonstone. You recognized it immediately. It belonged to someone close to you, but her face was blurry in your mind.
“I’ve never seen that before,” you said, hoping you hid your emotions enough to not draw intrigue.
“Oh? Because, I remember it looking gorgeous on you.” His eyes flicked down to where your arms crossed behind your back. Your breath stopped, squeezing the handle of the dagger hoping he wouldn’t ask.
“Put it on me then,” you say, fast enough to draw his attention away from your nefarious little friend. You spun around quickly to move the dagger in front of you, hiding it against your inner arm where your limbs crossed over your stomach.
The blue haired man smiled a sly smile. He stepped toward you, your back to him was not ideal but, as far as you knew, you still had the element of surprise on your side.
His hand came up to gently move your hair out of the way. His gloved fingertips just lightly brushing along the top of your back and over your shoulder, pushing your braid to the side. You tried to steady your breathing, feeling nervousness rising to your chest knowing what you were about to do.
His arms came up over your head to rest the pendant across your chest. As he brought the clasp together at your nape, he didn’t miss his chance to lightly drag his knuckles against the soft skin on either side of your neck. Clipping the silver together, his touch lingered for a moment.
By the way you reacted to such featherlight touches, Buggy knew Cabaji did exactly as he’d asked. Nobody was to touch you. Your hunger to connect with another person had to be fed by him and him only. If this was to work, he’d have to consume your every thought.
Right now, however, you were poisoning the butterflies in your stomach and focusing on executing your impromptu plan. In one swift motion, you spun to face the man behind you. His arms dropped to the side. His face contorted into one of anger, eyes narrowing at you. The dagger pressed into his jugular, a forceful stab is all it would take to kill him.
“Hands where I can see em, clown,” you spit.
His face pulled into a worried expression. Eyebrows furrowing together, eyes pleading, he swallowed a lump in his throat. You admit, you felt powerful. He began drawing his arms upward in order to bring his hands to the sides of head. You swore your peripheral vision was playing tricks on you.
You whipped your gaze to verify that what you were seeing was true. Both of his arms ended in stumps. Your eyes widened and you affixed your terrified gaze back onto the man.
“Nice try, sweetheart!” and punctuated his remark with a wink.
It all happened so fast, two cotton clad hands flew in from behind you and gripped your wrists. The strength of them hauling you back and pulling your arms up above your head. You looked up and confirmed your fears.
Indeed, Buggy’s disembodied hands were pulling you upward just enough so you were forced to balance on the tips of your toes. You dangled in front of him, chest heaving in panic. You let out various little feral sounds attempting to struggle out of the binding grip he had on you. Until, out of pure vexation, you let out a scream.
“Ooo, geez, honey please,” he said, frowning and squinting his eyes closed. “Little too loud for the morning, okay? Let’s maybe dial it back a bit.”
“Yeah, well doll, you missed that chance didn’t ya?”
You let out another few struggling grunts and then another scream.
His eyes rolled, “We done? ... Wanna do one more? Ya know, when women are screaming in my room it’s usually after cumming a third time.”
You just stared at him dumbfounded. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. The comment itself just about slapped you across the face enough to shut you up. He knew it too.
When he clocked that most of your fight had left your body from exhaustion, he made himself at home in your personal space yet again. Feeling his presence so close felt claustrophobic. His eyes scanned you. The weight of his gaze was enough to have you withering, his hands still holding you up.
“This dress is all wrong for you,” he said. “How about you get cleaned up, hmm?” the stump of his arm came up under your chin to lift your eyes to him. “I can’t have an exhausted dinner guest, you’d be asleep by dessert!” Then at a hushed volume, “and I prefer a conscious final course.”
Making a disgusted face at that last comment, what he was offering didn’t sound so bad. The things you would do right now for a bath, a chance to brush your hair, to clean the grime from your nails, to rest. The watercolor green eyes of the man before you softened, as if he knew what you were thinking.
“Alright then … I’ll leave you to it,” he finally dropped you as his hands found their normal resting place on his body. At the snap of his fingers, two young women opened the doors and came rushing in, immediately crowding you.
“Ladies, do you think you can help our guest get more comfortable?” he asked them as he backed up and began to take his leave.
They both stood before you, arms crossed with disapproving looks on their faces. Their outfits were perfect mirror images of each other, same for the makeup. Their hair was cut short, each movement they made caused their tight coils to bounce. The height and overall measurements of the two women were exactly alike as well.
Their only difference was their skin, hair and eye color. The red-haired woman had a pink tinge to her tawny skin – an obvious sunburn from being at sea – and bright blue eyes. The woman on the right had clearly added too much blush atop her natural sepia coloring in order to match her partner’s reddened condition, the hair framing her face was a smooth onyx color, her eyes a warm amber shade.
They turned to face him in perfect unison, “We can try.” They both said.
“Greaaat.” he replied, clearly off put by their synchronization. “Well then, doll, I’ll see you at dinner this evening.”
taglist: @tokoyamisstuff @mommymilkerfanclub @chaoticqueen33 @tootoomanycats
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nescaveckwriter · 5 months
Paintbrushes & Romance - Part 19
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"Look what you did," Dean hissed.
Benny smirks," not what I did Dean, its what you said." Dean glares at him, like he is thinking about killing him.
"Like I am going to take advice from you, what you've known her a few months! I've known her for years."
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"No Dean, I've known her for a year and a half to be precise, I was there when she Overdosed, when she went through withdrawal, when she barely spoke, or ate, I was there!, not you," his voice getting angrier with every word.
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Shock on Dean's face," what do you mean she overdosed? She never told me that, she just said she had a problem with pain meds."
"I'm not surprised", he said low, "when she was going through the withdrawal she, would call your name over and over, then when she got better, she'd sketch and paint, an image of you over and over. She truly adored you, so to answer your previous question, yes I knew who the hell you were, when you showed up at the diner with Jodie, to do the drug bust."
Dean's nostrils flare," and why didn't you say anything, or better yet, why did you take the bullet that was meant for me.?"
"Don't you get it Dean?, I took the damn bullet for you, so that she wont loose you, it will shatter her very being. That beautiful woman, loves you, she chose you, she didn't choose me, I wish she did, but she didn't. I knew from the start, her heart belonged to you, I just had the pleasure of caring about her for a while, and yes, I did love her, hell! I still love her, but I know she'll always choose you, why I don't know because you are a selfish jerk, you know that."
Dean flinches at his words, not because he was angry, but merely because, he realized Benny was right. He didn't deserve her, and he'll be damned if he ever forgot that, and to be honest he didn't get angry at what they had, hell he's done worse, but knowing Benny is so different from who he is, Benny isn't so angry at world, like he can be sometimes, and in his heart he knows that Benny is a good man, hell just by standing here, taking the punch and not throwing one back he's proven he is the better man.
Benny's deep voice brings him out of the trans he was just in.'' Look man, if you need to punch me again, I'll stand here, I will take it, and I won't fight back, but you have to promise me one thing!''
Dean's face puzzled when he asked,'' what is that?''
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''Promise me, you'll take care of her, protect her, but never control her, because if I ever find out you took your anger out on her, there will be no place for you to run or hide, I will find you, and I promise I will kill you'', his eyes grey, and his voice deep and low.
Dean, smirks a little,'' first of all, I will never hurt her and secondly I should beat the crap out of you for threating me right now, but I won't, because I can see you care about her deeply, even though it bothers me, that she has loved anyone else other than me, I'm glad she has you, and I know that, if anything ever happens to me, you will be there to help her through it.''
Not expecting the sudden change of heart, he only utters, ''deal.''
She drove back into town, wanting to get away from the fighting, arguing and what the hell ever was about to happen. It was probably so idiotic of her to leave the two men, back home, but they need to sort this shit out, and she's not going to be in the middle of all of this. ''I'm too freaking exhausted for this'', she whispers.
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Finding a parking spot, she shuts down the chevy's engine, texting Eileen if she is also at the Doctor's office. She's been not feeling herself for a few weeks, and decided to visit Dr Stone on Monday, and he called this morning, saying she should pay him a visit, she told her best friend and well she insisted to be here, and frankly she was happy she offered, Eileen waved her down from a few parking's over, fast walking towards her, Eileen looked at her, concern on her face, ''what's wrong honey she signed''.
Telling her everything that just went down, Eileen insisted she will let Sam take a look if the two men is still alive.'' Dammit Eileen, how is that Dean doesn't know that I would choose him a million times over. Yes stuff did happen between me and Benny, I still deeply care about him, But I love Dean, why I don't even know, if he acts like this he makes me so furious''.
Eileen gives her assuring smile,'' we'll figure it out, okay, but first let's go in, and see what is so important that he had to tell you in person,'' holding your shaking hand.
Biting your bottom lip, you just nod and walks in, thinking that everything was going so well, you were happy and know? what disaster is about to threaten your lives now.
''Hello, please take a seat, I've called you in here today, so that we can discuss your test results'', saying with a small smile.
''Give it to me doctor Stone''. you heard him saying ''after all the tests they've done, one test came back positive'', but by then your heart sank, thinking the worst. Not really catching what he said. Looking over at Eileen, signing to you,'' its going to be okay'', you only heard Doctor Stone, saying ''my assistant will book a follow up appointment''.
Trembling, Eileen helps you up, helping you out of the Doctor's office, sitting you down in the closest chair she can find, cupping your face, so she can get your attention,'' its going to be okay''. Helping you breathe, letting you know what the doctor, really said, you look at her wide eyed, signing to her, ''if she is sure'', Eileen just nods.
Getting up on your feet, walking in by doctor Stone confirming what Eileen just told you, you walk out, feeling a bit better. Hugging your best friend, thanking her for the support. Eileen asked you if you wanted to grab a drink, sit down and chat, but you just said ''rain check''.
After this emotional day you had, you are bone tired, the only thing you want to do, is curl up in bed and sleep. Even if it means if you had to chase Dean and Benny out of the house. Pulling into the driveway, you spot Sam's pick-up truck.
Filling your lungs with some extra air you breathed in, chewing on your bottom lip, not sure what to expect, you open the door. The sight of the three men sitting laughing, each with a beer in hand, makes you burst out in tears.
Dean's the first one to see you standing there,'' hello sweetheart'', he walks closer, slightly adjusting you so that the two of you stand on the porch, placing his hand on your cheek, thumbing away your tears, is gruff voice low,'' I've been a jerk, I am so sorry for saying your mine, like your an object, your not, thank you for choosing me, I've come to realize that it was my own insecurities that came to surface, when lashing out towards Benny. I'm not really angry at you''.
Tears still spilling over the edges of her beautiful eyes, her voice brittle,'' really?''
The soft kiss Dean places on her lips, reassures her.
Looking up into his much calmer emerald eyes, ''Dean there's something you need to know'', her voice shaky.
Dean looks concerned, ''out with it sweetheart'', holding her hands in his.
''The last few days, I haven't been feeling myself, so I made an appointment on Monday to see Doctor Stone, and he called me back today, and that's where I was. I got the results of the tests his done''.
A smile tugging at her lips, her voice sweet like honey, ''Dean Winchester, how do you feel about changing your name too Daddy?''
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''What? Do you mean,'' his voice heavy.
''Yes babe, we are going to be parents'', her smile spreading across her face.
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''I'm going to be a father?'' his eyes showing the emotion. He picks her up, swirling her around, then placing her down gently. Her laughter fills his ears,'' I'm going to be a dad, sweetheart!'' he exclaimed. This is the best news ever. He kisses her, holding her tightly to his chest, he has always dreamed of this day, settling down with the woman he loves and wants to grow old with, kids running around playing, working on there last nerve. How is it that this amazing, angel has giving him, more than he could ever deserve.?
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 3 years
No future with a boy like this - F.W
Summary: Fred disappoints you more than once, giving you no other choice, you had to let him go.
Warnings: ANGSTY, cursing, implied sex very briefly, FLUFF AT THE END
A/N: my firsts time writing angst and I really don’t know if i was overdramatic or not enough dramatic lol please give feedback
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April- 1996 - Hogwarts
Y/n was waiting on the tribune next to the quidditch field. It was already getting darker now. An orange glow spreading over the field. The sun was going down already. She was sitting there for two hours now.
She promised herself she would stop waiting after an hour but here she was, still hoping he would show up.
It was her birthday, it was her fucking birthday. And this wasn't the first time. It started with little dates, he forgot them sometimes but y/n didn't mind, he made it up every time.
He hurt her by forgetting those things all the time. But it was Fred Weasley after all. You knew this was coming when he became your boyfriend. You even got used to it. He was always busy. That's just how Fred is.
And here she was again. Trying to not let the tears of disappointment fall down on her cheeks. She felt miserable and decided to finally call it a night, going back to her dorm. She was exhausted.
Walking down the corridors, she saw Fred. He was just sitting there, laughing with George. That's when it was clear, he wasn't even late, he just forgot.
He saw her and smiled, walking her way, but she turned on her heals immediately. "Y/n!" he screamed confused. He followed her and his long legs made it easy to catch up.
She didn't answer, finding it much harder to hold back her tears now. "Y/n? Hey? What's wrong?" he asked.
Y/n stopped abruptly. "You really don't know?" she hissed.
A confused look formed on his face. "What do you mean"? he stammered. A tear fell down her cheek and his face was full of guilt now, without even knowing what he did.
"You forgot", you snapped, "again!"
He was thinking for one minute. It really took him one minute. What was wrong with that boy?!
Suddenly a wave of realization hit him. "Fuck." he squealed.
Y/n didn't need this shit right now, and ran away before he could say something. Making him run after her. "NO y/n wait! I'm so sorry, I won't forget next time, I promise, I'm so sorry" he begged while grabbing her arm, pulling her closer to him.
"You say that every time Fred" she sighed, another tear fell down.
It broke Fred's heart. It really did. He didn't mean to forget this things, he didn't want to hurt you. His mind was just so full all the time. So many things were going on in those brains of his.
"I mean it, I'm sorry, I love you y/n" he assured.
And she fell for it, like she always did. It happened every time. Fred said things that made her melt, and she forgave him. It was nothing new. Because how could she not? The sweet boy didn't mean to hurt her, she knew that, everyone knew that.
But still, her friends warned her. There was no future with a boy like this. It couldn't stay like this. So she swore to herself this was the last time. She made that clear to Fred too.
Because what if he's the love of her life? Her future? This was her last year after all, y/n’s future was right in front of her. What if Fred was her future? You both couldn't give that up.
May- 1996 - Hogwarts
Everything was alright.
They were okay.
And Fred hasn’t been late for a whole month, sounds like nothing special but to him and her it was.
This weekend y/n was going home, and not just home, but with Fred.
After a year it was time for him to meet her parents. Fred claimed he was the perfect son in law, so he didn’t hesitate to agree. Y/n was nervous and excited at the same time.
Ready in her dorm, with a portkey, she had her favourite sundress on. She was waiting for Fred but he didn’t show up. Okay it was only 15 minutes now, but with their little history it made her nervous. She was absolutely sure Fred wouldn’t forget this. He can’t forget this.
20 minutes later she was still waiting.
No. This couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be.
And then, she found a note under her potionsbook. After reading only one word, she was already furious, a growing heat filling her cheeks.
Dear y/n, love
I remembered. I swear. But I just won’t make it. I’m not feeling okay and I think I might have a fever or something. I don’t want to make you or your parents sick, so I’m staying in my dorm.
I love you, kisses Fred x
She didn’t really know what to think. She was so disappointed, again.
But she could’t blame her boyfriend for feeling sick. Although she had her doubts, what if this wasn’t true, maybe he lied because he did forget it?
No, no, she had to trust him. Fred wouldn’t lie to her. So she grabbed the portkey and went to visit her parents.
When she traveled back to Hogwarts it was late already, past midnight. Y/n hoped Umbridge wouldn’t catch her.
The corridors were empty, completely silent. This was not unusual. Most of the students were already asleep this late on a Sunday.
Unexpectedly, she heard gigles and laughs coming from around the corner. Did it come from the library? It couldn’t be. Not at almost 1 am.
She went closer to listen. Y/n placed her ear on the door. Was it... Was it...? No. No.
Did she hear Fred’s voice?
She really hoped she was just imagining this. Maybe she should trust Fred more.
But just checking won’t hurt right?
So she tried to open the door. It was locked.
“Alohamora” she whispered.
What she saw broke her heart into a million pieces.
Angelina sat on a table, with Fred extremely close to her, giggling. George and Lee were there too.
She couldn’t believe her own eyes. Looking silently in Fred’s shocked ones.
“Fuck” he sighed. “Y/n-“ he tried.
But she cut him off before he could say anything. “No, I don’t wanna hear another silly explanation from you, it’s enough, I don’t want to see you ever again” she screamed with tears in her eyes, making her vision blurry.
Y/n ran away, faster than ever so Fred couldn’t catch up this time.
“Stop!! Stop!” she heard him scream behind her.
She ran and ran, not even knowing were to.
“Let me explain” another scream followed.
That’s when she ended up in a corridor she didn’t know. A dead end. Ofcourse.
She gave up and stopped. Fred ended in front of her, breathing loudly, trying to catch his breath.
“Baby I-“ he tried
“Don’t call me baby, this is over” y/n cut him off.
Fred was speachless, for the first time in history. He didn’t realise this truly happened. He knew what he did wasn’t okay, but he never expected her to actually broke up with him. It just didn’t occur in his mind this was a possibility.
“But.. but...” he stuttered. “I swear, I can explain, what you’ve just seen, it wasn’t what you think it is. I’ve told you about the shoppe George and I want to open, right? It’s actually going to happen. We’re leaving hogwarts. That’s what we were doing, we were planning things. Tomorrow we’re going to blow up Umbridge, no not literally blow up, but with lots of firework! And then we’re going to open the shoppe together. It’s my dream y/n!” he rambled excited.
Y/n sighed. Understanding why he did this, but it didn’t change a thing.
“That actually makes things worse Fred. I’m happy your dream will come true. But you’re leaving and I’m finishing my year. When are you going to have time for me if you run a shop? You didn’t even have time for me now.” she cried.
Both of them were crying now. Knowing the break up was really going to happen. Fred wanted to keep fighting. But he knew she might be right.
A little sob left his mouth, something he never did before. She was right. He truly loved her but he couldn’t give her the happy future she deserved. He wasn’t right for her, he didn’t treat her the way she should’ve been treated. And the idea broke him. And that’s when she walked away.
They didn’t see each other again afterwards.
The next day, y/n laid in her bed when she heard fireworks, knowing what happened. She couldn’t go outside and watch...
Happy screams and laughs filled the castle. And that’s when she realised Fred and George were gone now. It was reality now. They won’t come back. Although a little part of her hoped they would stay. A little part of her thought Fred would come to her, begging her to stay with him. But she guessed he just didn’t love her enough.
After all the times Fred broke her heart, she was kind off used to it. But those heartbreaks couldn’t ever overcome this one.
August - 1996 - Diagon Alley
The summer was almost over, y/n graduated two months ago. The heartbreak still hurted but she was better now. She still didn’t know what to do now that she’s graduated.
Hermione decided you two had to go shopping. “It’ll make you happier” she stated like it was an actual fact. Y/n couldn’t say no of course.
Y/n’s breath hitched. A big clone of Fred’s face right in front of her (or George). This had to be their joke shoppe. God, it was more impressive than she expected. Guess you should never underestimate the twins.
“Let’s go inside y/n!” Hermione announced excited, grabbing her arm trying to puch her inside.
“Oh no no no no no, I don’t think that’s a great idea” she hesitated.
“Don’t worry, it’s so busy, Fred won’t see you” she promised her. Y/n sighed. She really didn’t want to go inside. She’d love to see the shoppe, but seeing Fred...
Whatever, it was true. It was so busy so Fred won’t ever notice her.
They entered, y/n was surprised, it was wonderful. Fred and George must have worked so hard to get to this point. God, she loved the place.
It brought back memories. All those joke products, most of them were used on her, she remembered. Fred thought it was hilarious to prank her literally all the time, being proud because it was something he invented himself. She couldn’t be mad about it, it made him so happy.
The place even smelled like him.
Y/n took a deep breath trying to gather all of the smell, in hope it would stay in her nose, so she could remember it back home.
She closed her eyes and imagined how it could be, if they didn’t broke up. How she would probably come here everyday to say hi, how she would watch Fred all day doing his job.
And then... she saw him. In his uniform, he stood there proudly on the stairs above her. Smiling happily, seeing all those laughing people because if his work.
He was happy. Fred missed y/n but he was happy. He thought a lot of all the things he did wrong. Although he didn’t really have time to worry.
Y/n sighed, it’s been months. Her heart was glowing inside her chest. She didn’t even feel sad any more. This was what her boyfriend always dreamt of. Her ex-boyfriend.
She turned around deciding it was not smart to look at the beautiful boy, the boy who still made her knees go weak.
Fred’s smell was more vibrant than before now. Almost like he was right in front of me.
Ow, love potions, of course.
Of course she still smelled Fred in it.
“I smell honey, flowers and vanilla soap” she heard a familiar voice whispering in her ear, almost making her jump.
“F-fred, hey” she stuttered, in shock by the fact he’s standing right in front of her.
“You look great, changed your hair” he smiled. It was true, y/n cut her hair a little shorter and decided to give it a lighter colour for the summer. The typical breakup haircut.
“Fred do you want to... talk... please?” she asked, knowing it wasn’t a great idea. She wanted to just run away after she realized what she said.
“We could go upstairs, talk in my appartment”
October- 1996 - Diagon Alley
“Come on darling, George opened up already!” Fred screamed running through his kitchen while jumping, trying to get his pants on. He grabbed an apple as breakfast.
Y/n ran to the kitchen too. “I thought you changed the being late thing” y/n joked, yes they joked about it now.
“You were the one holding me up this time” he smiled adding a wink. “You just can’t resist me in the bedroom” y/n answered daring.
She grabbed him by his collar, pressing a kiss on his lips. “I have no choice with the sexiest girlfriend in the word” Fred grinned, pressing kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
“Baby, you’re wearing your uniform backwards” he laughed.
Y/n worked at the shoppe now too.
When she asked Fred to talk, they actually talked for hours. They talked about what went wrong in their relationship, about what they had been doing in those months they broke up, talked about how they still had feelings,...
And after two hours they made up. Both being happier than ever, deciding they learned from their break up.
Fred asked her to come live in his apartment and work in their shop too. Y/n didn’t hesitate for a moment. She designed their boxes or packages and talked to costumers. But most of all she distracted Fred by rolling her uniforme skirt up and bowing down to ‘grab’ something. Sometimes he took her back to the appartment because he couldn’t hold back anymore.
Y/n now knew, the breakup was necessary. You both learned. And now you’re happier than ever.
Because after all, Fred was your future.
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partywithgyu · 3 years
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S/O seeing a future with them.
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Choi Yeonjun. 
 The wedding was a disaster. It wasn't your wedding, luckily. You and Yeonjun were two of the many guests taking shelter in a surfboard store. It was the only store open on this day. The owner was a saving grace, some would say. A beach wedding was ruined by unexpected rain. The heavy rain left you soaking wet. 
Yeonjun wrapped his hand around you as you stood there, in an overcrowded room. "Are you cold? Should we head home?," he whispered in your ear. You looked at him and shrugged. You wanted to go home but it would be rude. You turned your head to see the bridesmaids stressing over the happenings. You sighed. "Don't worry. I am fine, love. Let's stay." 
Then, your attention was caught by one of the bridesmaids screaming about how none of the guests were helping her. The crowd started chattering, trying to look for solutions. The whole situation was frustrating to witness. "What should we do?," asked Yeonjun softly. "I don't know. All I know is that we will definitely not have an outdoor wedding." 
 Your eyes wandered around the room as you tried to make sense of what was going on in the room and then they landed on Yeonjun. He was smiling. The apple of his cheeks, tinted pink, as his eyes looked at you with sparkles in them. Just seeing his face like that made you smile. "What?" "You want us to get married?," he asked you. You did. You always imagined yourself married to him in the future. "Yes. I actually see a future with you." 
Your words made his heart melt. He had been dreaming of a future with you too. He was just too scared to confess it. He was afraid that you didn't do the same. But now he knew. He felt joy. He linked his fingers with yours, raising your palm to place a kiss on them. He could feel tears brim his eyes. Somehow, all the chaos had tuned out. "Let's get married someday, love. In an indoor venue of course." 
Choi Soobin. 
Soobin is a kind hearted man. He always believed in supporting good causes. He'd shop for products from charities that would help stray cats, he would support local animal shelters and do his fair share of good deeds. 
This time during the holiday you two found yourselves heading to an orphanage with your friends. From wholesale stores, you all had bought a lot of snacks and drinks for the kids. Even cartons of fruits, you had bought. All of it only made the kids happy. The both of you felt nice on seeing the kids' reactions. When he returned back to the room, after having a small conversation with the incharge, he watched you interact with the kids. They surrounded you to know more about you. They wanted to make friends with the kind person who got them presents. 
He felt glad that he had found someone so caring. You felt connected to the kids after a while of playing silly games with them. Then it was time to leave. He could tell you felt a little emotional. So, as you two walked out of the building, he held your hand. "Let's get them more goodies soon," he said to you. You smiled at him. "Yeah. Also, spend time with them. I've always wondered what life must be like for them. They deserve love," you went on. "Can our first child be adopted?" 
"You want to raise a kid with me?," he asked you softly. His lips curved into a smile. "I hope you don't feel uncomfortable but I see a future with you," you confessed. The two of you stood before the car. He took your other hand in his. You could see his dimples as he smiled. He was so happy you wanted to have a future with him. He adored everything about you. He loved you so much that he found himself dreaming of you two getting married and growing old together quite often. "I want to spend my life with you," he said to you before placing a kiss on your cheek. On the cheeks just in case any of those kids were watching from the window. 
Choi Beomgyu. 
You had been in pain all day. It was that time of month and the cramps were not kind at all. Kind was your boyfriend Beomgyu who ordered you your favorite meal without you even having to ask. He had been very caring. When the meal was done, you plopped on the couch, next to him. "I feel exhausted," you said as you rested your head on his shoulder. "You look tired," he said. "What's that supposed to mean?" "No. No. You look beautiful but tired." You just smirked at his explanation for your playful scolding. Scrolling through the channel you two came across Friends. Beomgyu had been into the show recently. So, he kept it on. 
Watching Rachel give birth, only made you gulp. It was just a show, you knew. It was the thought of how painful birthing a child would be. You had heard a lot about it, of course. "Wow. Giving birth is so painful. How am I going to deal with that? Sweetie, you better be prepared to take good care of me." Beomgyu smiled at the thought of you being pregnant with his child. He felt happiness rush through his veins at the thought of that. "I will take good care of you, I promise." 
  Hearing his sincere promise made you feel warm. You could see the excitement in his eyes as he started gushing. "I will be the best husband. I will take very good care of you all the time. I will love you so much. We will go on so many vacations. We should go to all the Disneyland in the world. Maybe, after we have a baby. The baby will be mad that parents went to Disneyland without the baby." 
You chuckled. "I look forward to spending the future with you," you confessed. Wrapping his arm around you, he leaned closer to you. His eyes observed your lovely face. It was the face of comfort, love to him. You were his love. "I love you so much." 
Kang Taehyun. 
You were drunk. Taehyun found your drunk self rather amusing. He loved watching you act so innocently silly. He would often ask you if you want to have a home karaoke party with him. The two of you would sing his songs. He enjoyed watching you be so emotional as you sang wrong, often funny, lyrics. 
On this day, you did the same. You decided to sing his songs as he cheered for you from the bed. He found it hilarious when you messed up the lyrics, forgot most of it even and resorted to sing the word 'meow' over and over. You climbed over the bed, crawling to him. You grinned as you sat next to the laughing man. "Did I make you laugh?" 
"Yes baby. You were so off beat." He loved watching you take pride in the fact that you were the reason behind the laugh. "I love watching you smile," you informed him, looking up at his face with sparkling eyes. "Why?" "Because I love you." Your arms wrapped around his abdomen as your cheeks pressed against his chest. "You do?," he asked as if you two didn't tell each other that often. He just loved watching you get all defensive about it. 
A small yawn escaped your mouth. You shut your eyes, ready to fall asleep. " Stop. You know it. I want to spend my life with you." Warmth collected on his cheeks. Wrapping his arms around your sleepy self, he felt truly lucky to have found your love. "Darling," he called softly, moving the hair covering your face. "Hm?" Your eyes were shut but you were listening. "I want to spend my life with you too. I love you a lot." He watched the ends of your lips curve into a smile as you buried your face in his chest. 
Huening Kai. 
On this day, Kai had accompanied you to your nail salon. He wanted to treat you. Also, he was a little curious about how the fancy nail art was done. The salon lady, who you were familiar with by now was happy to finally get to meet your boyfriend you'd mention often. Everytime you did, there would be softness in your tone and a smile on your face. 
"You know," she said, stealing both your attention from the decorated nails in the machine. "the two of you make a lovely couple," she added. Kai and you shared a glance before smiling at each other then the lady. "Thank you." "I mean it. She always smiles when she talks about you. Now I know why. You two have good chemistry. It's precious." 
The kind comments only left you two blushing even after you left the salon. "We have good chemistry," said Kai softly as the two of you sat in the car. "I mean you did pick my favorite shade," you said as you showed him your nails. He smiled to himself, his cheeks turning pink. 
"Why are you blushing so much?," you pointed out in a surprised tone. "What? No. You're the one blushing," he retorted. "No. Aww! Kai is feeling shy." He couldn't exactly deny the fact so he struggled to come up with anything. You laughed at the way his eyes wandered around in panic. "You're acting like we haven't been dating for a long time now." 
  "Not my fault. I really love you a lot." His smiling face turned to you. "I know you do. But do you know that I actually see myself spending my life with you?" The confession caught him off guard as his mouth opened a little, in surprise. "You do?" 
  You felt nervous and began wondering if you had just ruined the relationship. Perhaps, it was too early to tell him that. Worse, he didn't really want that. Anxious thoughts rushed through your head. They were all pushed aside as a big grin appeared on his face. "Glad to know I am not the only one. I've never told you this. I really hope we get married someday." 
He made a bold confession. He felt relieved to know that the relationship was just as serious as he thought it to be. Knowing that both of you wanted the same thing was comforting for him. After all, you both loved each other. "So glad I can dream of a future with you." 
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Folklore [song series]
invisible strings
Modern Day AU! Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff; Steve Rogers x OC!Reader
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years
Word count: 3401
[ a/n: thank you so much for all the love and support. We’re almost done with this series! If I forgot to tag you please let me know! Also the ending is a bit lackluster but decided to save the best one for something special for the last chapter]
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Age: 21
Year: June/July 2015
Location: CA & NY
"Thank-you all for coming and christening our new place," Thor thanks everyone, as he and Loki stood up at the dining table in their lit up backyard.
"Now there's one person I want to thank, my love," Thor said, reaching his hand out to Wanda who was sat to his left, Loki took his seat back down, "My love, I just want to thank-you for being by my side these last two years. I have never been as happy as I am with anyone else. Now I'm not very good with my words, but what I do know is how I feel about you. The love I have for you exceeds anything else."
"So, I just need to ask you this one question," he says, bending down on one knee, holding Wanda's left hand, while holding the ring box in the other, "Will you, Wanda Maximoff marry me?
"Yes," she cried out, throwing her arms around Thor's neck.
Everyone got up to cheer the newly engaged couple.
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Steve and Elizabeth laid naked in her bed, comfortably in each other's presence after the night's activities.
"I can't believe Wanda and Thor are engaged," Elizabeth said, as Steve rubbed her arm as she laid on his chest.
"He's been talking about it for the last year," Steve tells her, "Said he didn't want to scare her off."
"Guess I'm going to have to find a new roommate," she jokes.
"Well actually, I was thinking."
"You better not be proposing to me post sex, while we're naked in bed," Elizabeth playfully jabbed his chest, looking up at him from his chest.
"No, no," Steve lets out a hearty laugh, "Not yet. We still have time for that."
"I was actually thinking, why don't we get a place together. After graduation," Steve suggests.
"What about your job?"
"I can commute," he says, "I'll be done with school in May. You still have law school after graduation, and I have no doubt Stanford is going to accept you into their law program, so you don't have to move."
"What if I don't get accepted?"
"I highly doubt you won't, but if you don't, I'm sure Columbia will snatch you up. And I'd follow you, wherever you go."
"Really?" Elizabeth asked, surprised he would even say that.
"Yeah. There's a lot of architect firms out there, and I'm sure my boss will give me a nice recommendation."
"I couldn't ask that of you Steve," Elizabeth said, getting off of his chest to sit up, grabbing the blanket to cover her chest.
"Which is why I'm offering. I want to do that Liz. This right here," he sits up, and gestures to the both, "This is all I want. So please, if it comes time for that, just let me."
"Okay. Promise you won't resent me?" She asks, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
"Never," he seriously says, pulling her in for a kiss, and back into his arms.
As they laid in bed, Steve notices Liz is lost in her thoughts.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
"Us, and everything that's lead us to this moment. Like there were some invisible strings leading me to you," she tells him.
"Yeah, you're correct," he ponders.
"Like everything that's happened, happened for a reason. We weren't supposed to be with each other then otherwise we probably wouldn't have made it out of high school."
"You don't think?" Steve asked.
"No, because we wouldn't have been the people we are now. Let's be real here Steve, you and I are not Bucky or Peggy. We're dreamers. Full on happy ending believing people who happened to be with realists at the time. We would've been so naive about the world outside of Brooklyn," Elizabeth says.
"We had never truly experienced pain in the way that we did. If we didn't go through senior year the way that we did, we wouldn't be here. Not specifically together or in California. But we would be stuck in a life where we forced ourselves to be happy. Where we didn't have room to grow. Room to experience a different way of life. We would've been who we were as 16 year olds. And don't get me wrong but that's no way to be."
"I'm glad this happened when it did," she says tilting her head to look at Steve's face.
"Me too," he smiled kissing the top of her head.
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"Wow, my arm is so tired from lugging this ring around," Wanda announces walking into Elizabeth's room where she was packing things into a suitcase.
"Must be so exhausting," Liz teases as Wanda takes a seat on her bed.
"Incredibly," Wanda smiled, "How's the packing going?"
"Good, I have everything I'll need for the next two weeks," Liz tells her, "You guys are flying in two days before Steve's birthday right?"
"Yup! Thor seems to be more excited about Steve turning 21 than he is," Wanda laughs, "Next up will be you next month. Vegas won't be ready for us."
"Thor really is going out for all of our 21st birthdays, is he."
"He's excited we're all legally allowed to drink," Wanda says.
"So," Wanda shifted in her seat, "Are you guys going to the baby shower?"
"Yeah we are," Liz nodded her head, "Things have been better, and Steve really wants to be there for Bucky, and so do I."
"How are you feeling about it all?"
"Honestly, if Bucky is happy then so am I."
"It doesn't bother you even the slightest that he's having a baby with the woman he cheated on you with?"
"No," Liz shakes her head, "We've both moved on and grew from our situation. I'm happy with Steve, truly 100% happy. I know in my heart that Steve is the one."
"Whoa, wait, back that up," Wanda immediately shot up from her spot on the bed, "He's the one?"
"Yeah," Liz bascule smiles, her cheeks turning a slight pink.
"I mean, I knew that you loved him, but I don't think you've ever said out loud that he was the one."
Elizabeth shrugs her shoulders trying to fight off the huge grin that wants to spread across her face, "Well he is."
"Wow, umm this is great news," Wanda says looking around the room.
"What's wrong?" Liz asks taking in Wanda's sudden mood change.
"I just," Wanda coughed, trying to fight back the ball in her throat, her eyes tearing up, "I'm so happy for you. God this ring is making me incredibly emotional."
"Aw Wands," Elizabeth pulled her into a hug.
"You just deserve to be with someone who truly thinks the world of you and would move those worlds for you," Wanda cries in Liz's shoulder, "I just remember you telling me all about the shit you went through with Bucky in high school, and then the crap he put you through freshman year. You were just so over the idea of love. Even with steve you were so cautious, so just to hear you say that he's the one. I'm just so incredibly happy."
Elizabeth hugged Wanda tightly, tears streaming down her face. It meant the world to her to hear Wanda say those things. She felts so incredibly lucky to have a friends like her in her life.
"I better be your maid of honor," Wanda teased pulling away and wiping her tears, "Because you already know you're mine."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
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"We still need to get a baby shower gift for tomorrow," Elizabeth told Steve as they lounged around his childhood bedroom. Steve was sat at his desk sketching, while Elizabeth laid in his bed reading a book.
"I can do that if you want," Steve offered, not wanting to make Elizabeth uncomfortable no matter how many times she's told him she was fine.
"Somehow I don't think I can trust you getting the correct gift," Elizabeth teased.
"Babies like legos right?" He teased back, getting up to join her on the bed, laying his head down on her stomach.
"We can go together, I still need to get a few things for the party next weekend," she said playing with his hair.
Steve hummed in response, feeling himself getting tired, "A quick little nap and we'll go."
"Sounds good," she smiled at the man snuggled up on her.
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The next day the couple were walking into the Barnes' backyard, hand-in-hand with a gift bag.
They were both instantly greeted by Bucky's mother Winnie.
"Oh you two made it!" She enthusiastically greeted them, pulling them both into a hug.
"Of course. We wouldn't have missed it," Steve smiled at her.
"Thank-you," she turned to Liz and grabbed her hand, "both of you. James really appreciates it. We all do. Especially with everything that has happened, he's going to need his best friends."
"You don't have to thank us," Liz says, "We'll always be there for Bucky. No matter what happens."
"Well thank-you," she smiles, and then turns to Steve, "Steve the men have been sent inside, so you can see your way inside."
"Already getting pushed aside," he jokes.
He placed a kiss on Elizabeth's cheek, "I'll be inside if you need me."
She nodded her head, then glanced around the yard and caught eye contact with an old high school classmate, Natasha's friend, rolling her eyes at the couple.
She cleared her throat, "Where do the gifts go?"
"Over at that table where Rebecca is at," Winnie smiled, and pointed to the table to the right where Rebecca was organizing all the gifts. Liz thanked her and made her way over.
Liz couldn't help but start to feel a bit uncomfortable. She hadn't planned for she and Steve to be separated for the entire party. She didn't really know anyone here, aside from Bucky's family, where things were still a bit awkward after last summer.
Even though things were good between Steve, Bucky, and her, it was still awkward. She and Natasha don't have the best history, they still haven't talked everything out, clear the air. Not that Nat owed Elizabeth a conversation, she just thought that now that things were okay, maybe them two can work on their relationship, for the sake of Bucky. But whenever Liz tried to reach out Nat would just say that she was busy, so she didn't push it. Not with Natasha being pregnant, plus she figured now that she was in town for two weeks that maybe they could get together for a quick chat.
"Hey Liz," Rebecca greeted her, a sigh of relief to see a friendly face.
"Hey Bec," she smiled, hugging the teen.
"God, I'm so glad to see you," Rebecca said pulling back from the hug, "Some of these girls are real bitches."
Liz was taken back for a second hearing Rebecca swear, it's sometimes hard to believe that tiny little toddler is now this young lady about to enter her senior year of high school.
"I'm sure they're not so bad," Liz said trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.
"Really? Because they're looking at you like you just murdered their entire family," Rebecca said.
Elizabeth turned around to see Natasha's friends huddled in a semi-circle around Natasha, all whispering and glaring at her. She turned back around to Rebecca and gave her a force smile.
Rebecca felt bad at bringing that to Liz's attention. Liz was always so nice to her, and even continues to keep in contact with her especially when Rebecca needs any help or advice.
"I can take that," she said trying to change the subject.
"Thank-you," she quietly said, handing over the gift bag to Rebecca.
"They're just jealous," Rebecca tells her, "Even with having my brother's child, Natasha still can't find it in her cold hearted heart to be nice to you."
"She doesn't owe me anything."
"Now that's not true. She owes you a lot, and the least she can do is be nice, especially with my mother throwing her this baby shower and allowing her to live with us until she and Bucky find a place."
"She's living here?" Elizabeth asked, surprised to hear that. Bucky never mentioned Nat living with them, they did know that they were looking at places closer to his job and school.
"Yeah, she moved in probably two months ago, when she really started to show," Rebecca tells her, "Apparently she hadn't told her dad, and once she started showing she had to confess. He kicked her out. Said she was ruining her life."
"That's intense," Elizabeth said.
"Yup. So my mom and Keith are letting her stay until they find a place of their own," Rebecca says, "And as much as I love my brother I can't wait til she's gone. He's an idiot for knocking her up."
"She can't be that bad," Liz said trying to give Nat the benefit of the doubt.
"Trust me Liz, she is. Being pregnant has made her a complete devil," Rebecca stresses, "My mom is way too nice to have that be the mother of her first grandchild."
Before Liz could respond to that, someone came up behind her.
"Oh Becky, I wanted the gifts to be color coordinated," Natasha remarked, with her hand on her belly.
"My mom told me to do it by size," Rebecca rolled her eyes, "And my name's Rebecca."
"But Becky is so cute."
"No it's not," Rebecca argued.
"Hi Natasha," Elizabeth awkwardly greeted, breaking up the conversation.
"Oh hi Elizabeth," Natasha stiffly said, forcing a smile on her face as she rubs her belly, "Didn't think you would show up."
"Oh, well Steve told Bucky we were coming," she explains.
"Of course he did."
"You look pretty," Elizabeth complimented her to try and break the tension.
"I know. I'm absolutely glowing carrying Bucky's child," she replied with a snarky tone.
"I'm really happy for you both."
"Sure you are," she rolled her eyes.
"No, I truly am. That's why I actually wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if maybe we can get together sometime this next week, to talk," Liz suggests.
"There's no need," Nat tells her, "I get what you're doing. You think that getting on my good graces will put you in Bucky's good graces, but I hate to break it to you, that's not going to happen. I'm trying my best here to be polite to you, but once this baby is born, I'll make sure Bucky no longer makes time for you and Steve. I am his life now, and we don't have space in it for you both."
"Thanks for the gift, hopefully the gift receipt is in the bag," Natasha fake smiled, "Enjoy the party."
"Fix the gifts Becky," she turned to Rebecca enunciating 'Becky', before walking away to go back to her friends.
"Told you she was the devil," Rebecca commented, ignoring Natasha's request.
"Yeah, you weren't lying," Elizabeth turned to look at Nat who was laughing with her friends.
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Steve and Elizabeth said their final goodbyes a couple of hours later, and walked back to their rental car.
"That went well, don't you think?" Steve commented on as he started the car.
"Yeah it did," she lied.
Elizabeth decided it was probably best not to bring it up to Steve. He and Bucky just fixed their relationship, that she was afraid if she told Steve that Bucky wouldn't believe them. She would just have to hope that Bucky wouldn't allow their friendship to take another hit. She had faith that their friendship was stronger than that.
"Do you mind if we made a stop somewhere?" Steve asks her as he pulls away from the curb.
"No, of course not."
"Perfect. We just have to make one quick pit stop before," he says a few minutes later, parking in a parking lot of a cafe.
Steve walked back out of the cafe with a picnic basket.
"What's that for?" She asked smiling as he got in, putting the basket in the backseat.
"Just wait and see," he winked.
15 minutes later they were pulling up to a park.
"A park?"
"Thought we could have an impromptu picnic date," he smiles, "Wait here."
He got out of the car and grabbed the basket from the backseat. She heard him close and open the trunk. He then opened her door.
"Mi lady," he held his hand open for her to take.
"Oh why thank-you kind sir," she giggled taking his hand.
He led her to a nice spot on top of a hill, overlooking the park.
"Can you hold this for me real quick," he asked, holding out the picnic basket for her.
She took it from him as he laid out the blanket. Steve took the basket back and started to unpack the contents and laid them out on the blanket for them.
"A little dinner at sunset," he offered his hand so she can sit down next to him on the blanket.
"This was perfect Steve," she kissed his cheek, as they finished off their little dinner.
"Just thought I'd thank-you for coming with me today," he says wrapping his arm around her, as she leaned into him.
"You don't have to thank me."
"I know I don't, but I want to. I know you say you were fine with today, and I completely believe you, but I also know that even if you're okay with it, it's still can be uncomfortable," he says, "So I just want to show you how appreciative I am of you."
"I love you," she leans her head up to capture his lips with her's.
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Age: 27
Year: 2021
Location: Brooklyn, NY
"Steve whats with the blind fold," Elizabeth giggled in the passenger seat of their rental car.
"It's a surprise," he laughed, "Now just be patient, we're almost there."
"Steve, come on you know I hate surprises."
"You liked the last surprise I gave you," he teased.
"It was a kitten, that's different," she smiled.
"You still loved it," he said, "Plus we're here already."
"Oh that was quick," she said reaching to take her blindfold off.
"Don't," he warned her, "Not yet."
Steve helped her out of the car, and linked their arms together as he led her to the surprise.
"Okay, we're here," he nervously said, he took her blindfold off.
Liz adjusted her eyes after being in the dark for the past 30 minutes. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted with a lantern lit up picnic on top of the hill at the park.
"Surprise," Steve said behind her.
Liz turned around to find Steve down on one knee, with an opened ring box.
"Steve," she gasped.
He took her left hand into his own.
"Elizabeth Carolina Sanchez, words can't even explain how much I am in love with you, but I'm going to try. I don't think i can remember back to a time where you weren't a part of my life, and honestly i don't want to. You've made me so incredibly happy these last almost seven years, and no matter how much I say I'm appreciate of you, i don't think it's ever going to be enough. Getting to wake up to you every day to you smiling at me, honestly i don't think there's a greater thing in the world. I'd give the entire world, if it meant that I got to see you smile every day of my life. I don't ever want to imagine a life without you. You've made me the best person I could ever want to be. There's not a day that doesn't go by where you don't continuously tell me how proud you are of me, and the endless amount of support and love you've given me. There's no one I'd rather spend my entire life with. Start a family with. Be a family with. So, Elizabeth, will you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?"
"Yes," Elizabeth choked out, as the tears streamed down her face. She lunged herself into Steve's arms and kissed him.
"I love you so much," she cried.
"I love you too," he said, pulling her into another kiss.
They pulled away, and Steve placed the ring on her finger.
"I love you," she said again.
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.7)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4] [CH.5] [CH.6] previous chapters
[CH.8.] next chapter (unavailable, check back or follow for updates!)
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You fell into a distrustful panic that night now that knew the screams of the woods were also where Jungwon and his friends lived. You weren't sure if you should be scared for those group of boys or be scared of them. You'd be lying to yourself if you tried to believe it was only a coincidence the boys had a place in the forest of violent cries.
You questioned your sanity, were they murderers? Was that their dirty secret?
Your conclusions were endlessly dark, repeating themselves countlessly. You had never wanted to sleep away your thoughts more than ever. Eventually, you got exhausted from your thoughts. It was mentally draining to try and tear apart the possibilities of the situation, you didn't have enough evidence to be so sure. You lay in a cold sweat as you drifted off into a deep but horrible sleep.
You dreamt in full awareness. The boys with blood spilling down their hands and onto their swan white clothes. A red mess everywhere on the cream walls of an orphanage that overflowed with rays of a full moon. Although you were scared of what you were witnessing, you could not wake up even if your life depended on it. It seemed as if the dream had sped up your sleep as you woke in what felt like a few seconds. Calmly, you awoke in the misty autumn morning in a crushed up pile of blankets. You sit up to peel your wispy curtains away from the window to get a good look at the dark forest that steamed with a muddy blue fog. All of the memories of Jungwon yelling at you for just being near the woods flooded your brain as you stared. This time you were determined to search deep into that forest and get to the bottom of its mysteries as it called out to you.
"Y/N I think you're going to be late for your first class." Nana knocked before bursting into your room in full uniform, not a wrinkle on her shirt.
"Y-you're already ready? What time is it?!" You glanced back and forth between your pyjamas and uniform that draped over a random stool as you were too lazy to fold nicely the night before.
"We didn't want to wake you... So we went ahead thinking you'd come down eventually." She yanked you out of bed, gripping your forearms tightly before backing out the door, "Don't be late! We promised we'd keep out of detention this year!"
Within a blink of an eye, you slip into your uniform, slinking your arms through the holes of your blouse and adjusting your legs to be cover by your ashy plaid skirt. With your bag and binder in hand, you sprinted across your campus to the gymnasium where you found yourself arriving, everyone already in the proper athletic attire.
"You're late."  Your health teacher grit her teeth in visible disappointment. Your teacher knew how unlike you it was to be late as your classmate's eyes followed your every movement.
"P-pardon me." You clawed your fingers through your bedhead, speeding to the change room, nervous she'd assign you detention.
You let out the deep breath you were holding in as you got into the empty locker room, frustrated at yourself for waking up so late. You can't help but feel upset that you let your thoughts get the best of you and ruin your perfect attendance. Truly you were ashamed but began to see no point in continuing to rush the pace at which your day was running.
The locker room door opens and you see Kyungeun peep herself inside, "Y/N? You alright?"
You pull your boxy shirt flat down, zipping and tying every spot on your tracksuit jacket, "Yeah, sorry rough morning..."
"No worries, I just said that I had to go to the bathroom but I really just wanted to check on you." She had a motherly sound to her voice which comforted your bad start to the day. Perhaps she was in a good enough mood for you to ask her briefly about her relationship with Sunghoon.
"Kyungeun, I think I need to just clear the air... I saw you with Sunghoon in the library." You tilted your head in regret as to whether or not you were starting off the conversation in the right direction.
"Y-you saw us???" Her face drained to an unrealistic hue, "Lord... Sunghoon will kill me if he finds out you know."
"Stop! What do you mean? He'll kill you? Is it because I know that you two are dating?"
"NO! Nevermind then!" She cut you off right after the question mark in your voice. She looked rather relieved at your response which could only mean their relationship was much different than you had presumed. "I just can't tell you about our relationship I'm s-sorry it's between just us two."
"So then it's okay for him to flirt with my roommate?"
"No? Are you serious right now ?!" Kyungeun panicked.
"So you are dating?" You gave a smug smile.
"It's not that..." She was visibly frustrated not being able to describe herself in words, "I'll tell you this, I'm bound to him..." She ran her index finger along the reddened gash on her neck  He's blackmailing me."
"So you're like his pet?" You held in your laughter, you knew you should be more serious but you had no other way of trying to help Kyungeun express the gist of her relationship.
"I'll tell you another day...  Let's just go before the teacher gets mad at you for taking so long to change."
After your class full of advanced leg exercises and mediocrely fun games, you got halted by your gym teacher, "Y/N can we speak about how tardy you were today?"
You got fearful of her sentencing you detention, freezing up from your heel upwards, "I'm so sorry, I just had a lot going on last night..."
"Sweetie, I know this is your first late in my class but unfortunately the school does not tolerate tardiness in the way I believe it should be." She tapped her chin a few times, "I have no other choice but to send you to detention but it'll just be a half-hour at lunch." You felt better that it wasn't for a full hour or two after school but you were still dreading the idea.
"Can't you just let me off the hook? I promise it'll never happen again" You pleaded desperately.
"I'm afraid I cannot... If the other teachers or students knew you didn't get sent to detention I could get into trouble for giving you 'special treatment'. I know you didn't mean to love but I cannot afford to lose my job so I'll see you then." She patted one of your shoulders, giving it a little squeeze to cheer you up.
"I understand..." You nod with your head that already hung low.
"It's in the English room down the hall, there is usually only a few students there. Some familiar faces."
That rest of your morning would only pull through faster as you got some weird anxiety over walking into the detention room. You could not concentrate at all in the class you had before lunch. You felt as if you were too good for the detention group of kids, but here you were about to join those you criticized. Karma.
"Make sure to answer the questions 8-16 on page 300, you have the rest of the class to do so. Any questions?" Your physics teacher stood with his hands balled up behind his back.
Realizing you had no physics book in your bag after triple checking, you shot your arm up in distress, "ME! I forgot my textbook today... I was in a rush this morning." You faked a polite laugh with the expectation your teacher would have a spare.
"I'm afraid I don't have an extra, anyone willing to share?" The teacher lifted his head to scan the class.
"I could share." Jaeyun winked making your face recoil
"Perfect! You'll probably have to move your stuff to his seat then." Your teacher suggested.
With a thick coat of disappointment, you pulled a chair up to Jaeyun's desk to which he kneed you annoyingly.
Within just a few seconds of settling down, you complained "How the hell am I supposed to write? There is no space... Desks are made for ONE person."
"Okay then don't use my textbook and fall behind" He sneered.
"Wait wait, I just had the greatest idea Jaeyun." He gave you puppy eyes when you said his name, "What if you look for half the answers I do the other half then exchange?" You whispered so the teacher could hear.
"I can't trust you make good answers though..." He jokingly sighed.
"HEY! Okay or work together for every question to get it done twice as fast? Oh wait but then I'll be the one carrying the team... Bummer..." You stretched the corners of your mouth until your lips disappeared.
"I honestly don't feel like doing work so lose-lose." He pouted and rolled his eyes.
"Same... I can't even focus, I'm having a rough morning..." You openly admitted, "I got sent to detention for being late in my first class."
"Detention? Didn't think you were the type." Jaeyun had an unexpectedly sweet giggle which contrasted with his lower tone voice, "Heeseung and Sunghoon get sent often, surprised they aren't kicked out of the school."
"They get sent often?!" Your voice rose to which you quickly quieted down to avoid trouble, "Will I see them there?"
"Why? Looking forward to going now?" Jaeyun whispered with a grin, causing you to scoff.
"As if..." A sudden idea coming to mind, "Say Jaeyun... About the party... Heard you guys have a place in the woods...?" You became aware that you could pry some information out of him that would help you when searching the woods that night.
"Yeah, we do... We don't normally tell people about it." He said casually yet still with some sort of caution.
"So why tell us then?"
"Haven't had any visitors in a while..." Jaeyun toyed with his mechanical pencil, using the plastic part to trace around his lips, "Awfully interested aren't you?" He seemed to have caught on to your intentions, shifting the mood of the conversation around in a full 180.
Suddenly the dream you had earlier slipped into mind, causing you to sit in growing discomfort, "What do you want from my friends and I?"
"Nothing sweetheart... We're more interested in you than your dormmates. You look like someone we know." He laughed like a psycho and it creeped you out how the two of you were just poking lighthearted jokes to something much darker and mysterious, "I know you're afraid of us, you know far more than most girls." His voice dropped to a whisper as he watched the teacher behind you to make sure he didn't see the both of you slacking.
"Kyungeun knows your secrets too she said she'll tell me."
"She's acting like we don't know her secrets." Jaeyun closed his textbook, "Y/N just remember this, Kyungeun is half as bad as we are and half as pure as you are."
"Alright class, that's it for today's class. This textbook assignment won't be due until Friday have a good lunch." The teacher interrupted, causing your conversation with Jaeyun to end on a hanging note.
"Good luck with detention."Jaeyun hushed in your ear.
p.s, i changed the cover lol don’t make fun of my photoshop skills!
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power-chords · 3 years
Post-trip round-up, integration, thoughts (cut for length & some Heavy Shit)
WOW I needed that and I am so glad I realized I needed that. It has been well over ten years since I last took LSD, and my reluctance to indulge in psychedelics again was rooted in a long and complicated history that I don't really need to hash out here, but doing a mild dose of mushrooms last weekend gave me the confidence and conviction that I was ready.
Would it have been wiser to take a less bonkers dose for the first time in a decade plus? Probably! Do I regret a single moment of it? Not a whit! It's tough to overstate just how powerful, therapeutic, and restorative a good acid trip is, even an occasionally intense, uncomfortable one. I do not recommend eating multiple tabs of extremely good blotter on your first rodeo, but Adam's even more of a veteran psychonaut than I am, so I was 1000% well cared for, totally safe, and in a comfortable, familiar environment. In that setting, and in a positive frame of mind, acid is not going to throw anything at you that you are not equipped to handle. I would love to make this an annual or biannual thing.
The cool, funny, wacky delightful stuff:
Put it under my tongue at 10 AM-ish. Went to go listen to some music and doodle until it kicked in. I forgot that the come-up is like, do not make any fucking plans involving hand-eye coordination LMAO. I was trying to doodle Bowery Ballroom in an old sketchbook, and that devolved quickly. The markers were old so some of the caps were really stuck on there, and I wound up devolving into fits of laughter from the absurdity of pulling the caps off with my teeth.
Ink stains on my hands started writhing and trailing and were very cool. That was the first thing I noticed. I got very sad that I stopped drawing and making art, which was something I did all my life and almost went to school for but stopped doing as an adult. And then I realized I could start drawing again any time if I wanted to, and I didn't have to be GOOD at it or a proper artist for it to be worthwhile and fun. Felt immediately happy again.
Adam decided to watch Lethal Weapon???? I was like, Don't Like That. Even though he had headphones on and I couldn't hear anything. I am ambivalent about screens at best when I'm tripping, and at worst I don't even want to be in the same room with them. Guns and violence seemed comically, brutally stupid. Turned my back to the TV and continued drawing and writing until I could no longer hold a pen. Eventually Adam got on my wavelength and was like yeah, this is too much! (He took like, twice the dose that I did. I have no idea how he was even able to talk to me, but he managed!)
Felt the need to message Liana while peaking, picked up my phone, and saw that she had already sent me this:
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I thought that was HILARIOUS (tbh it actually was, and it was not just the acid talking)
For the first few hours of teeth-grinding, reality-shearing intensity, Adam and I mostly lounged in bed with the shades pulled all the way up and the window open, cuddling and petting Ernie. Fantastic bonding experience for the whole fam.
Looking at every surface in the apartment became like looking at a stained glass ceiling, or an infinite mandala, or the muddied rainbows in oil-slicked puddles. It looked like Ernie's fur was breathing and someone had colored all over the white parts of him with a highlighter. Adam agreed with this assessment. Formica on the kitchen counters was bananas. So were the trees outside, rippling like celluloid and brighter green than I had ever seen them.
The two of us spent a good 15 minutes doubled over with laughter because Adam suggested a contraption for funneling Fancy Feast directly into Ernie's mouth, kind of like shotgunning a beer
Adam: "I can't believe I used to to this and get on the subway and try to do things with people." Me: "What? How did you even figure out how to get from Point A to Point B?" Adam: "I mean, we didn't, really. We usually got lost. It was fine, though." Truly, it's about the friends you make along the way!
The second half of the trip, when things are starting to mellow out a bit, is when you become a real rock star. I went outside for a walk around the neighborhood, and to sit in the park with my headphones on while watching kids play on the playground, and it was ECSTATIC. I was just overjoyed. My face still hurts from smiling.
Forgot that I needed money to realize my goal of obtaining a popsicle, so I had to detour back into the apartment and explain all of this to my husband before resuming the popsicle quest. He thought it was very funny, but sympathized.
Fresh air, popsicles and San Pellegrino on acid. On another level! 100/10.
Bathrooms still universally suck, LOL. -10/10. Not a fan of that bathroom while tripping face! Every time I had to pee it was like WELL here we go again into the Pink Squirming Hell Chamber (I am making this sound like more of a big deal than it actually was)
15 HOURS. 15 HOURS Jesus Christ lmao I did not stop seeing weird shit on screens and surfaces until like 1 AM. And even then, if I stared long enough, funky colors and patterns would re-emerge. It's a commitment. I feel happy and refreshed, but also totally exhausted. Definitely have to budget a full weekend of No Plans for any future trips.
The Heavy Shit:
There is some Cronenberg-level body horror right before the visuals get super rainbow-stained and stereotypically psychedelic, which sounds bad, but I promise it isn't. It's watching the veins pulse under your skin and change into very saturated colors, pores and hair and scars become very defined and wiggly, and as someone who has so much bodily anxiety related to my alopecia/IBS, it was weirdly... freeing? You get to experience all this stuff in an entirely new frame of mind, shedding judgment and old thought ruts. I remember thinking, "I do not need to feel shame about my body," and letting go of so much baggage.
At some point mid-afternoon I decided to retrieve my phone from the drawer again, and saw that I had a missed call and a voicemail from my dad. I decided to play it back, and he was just phoning to tell me that he was listening to a live version of "Sally Simpson" and Keith was doing this thing where he wasn't even touching the cymbals, and had I listened to that specific performance before and noticed the same thing, and wasn't he truly the greatest drummer that ever lived? "Anyway, no need to call me back, just wanted to let you know. I love my bubbie!" (His term of endearment for me.) And I went to go sit in bed and weep for a straight 15 minutes, the most cleansing, purging cry you could possibly imagine, while Adam hugged me and rubbed my back. I was overwhelmed, overcome by this feeling of cosmic Love and Connection with my family and my husband and all of my friends.
I had been sitting on and burying so much fear and distress from the past 18 months, the chronic, low-grade trauma that was worrying if COVID was going to kill my father, my best friend and closest confidante and the one person on earth who I feel truly Gets Me on a spiritual level, and all of that came out. Fully processed and released every ounce of grief. What replaced it was the absolute, unshakable faith that no matter what happens — including my greatest fear, which is inevitable, no matter how far off it may be — he will always be with me, and a part of me, in the music we both love, and I will never, ever lose that.
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eberles · 4 years
Million Reasons
Tyler Seguin
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Request: OK I GOT IT I GOT THE SONG IM READY FOR THE ANGST AND FLUFF AND YES *clears throat* Million Reasons by lady Gaga with Seggy 🥺
A/N: umm this is pretty sad ngl, you can blame katie tho for requesting it!! i hope you guys like angst, there is a lil fluffy tho! :) this is based of Million Reasons by Lady Gaga, feel free to listen while you read. i love feedback, so tell me what you think! :)
Warnings: angst, mentions of toxic relationship 
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I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away, but baby, I just need one good one to stay...
“Tyler, where are you? Call me back, you’re late...Again.” That was your 5th time calling Tyler in the last hour. He promised he would be home early today so he could have dinner with your parents. It would’ve been fine if he missed it, except your parents are hardly ever in town and they wanted to see you and Tyler together since they never got the opportunity. This was important to you and he knew that. After another hour of waiting at home for him, you decided you weren’t going to be late to meet your parents at the restaurant. 
“Hi guy, I missed you!” you greeted your parents, walking into the restaurant and seeing they already had a table. They stood up so you could give hugs and you were hoping they wouldn’t bring up that Tyler wasn’t with you. But you weren’t that lucky.
“Where is Tyler? Wasn’t he supposed to be with you?” you asked, looking behind you when she pulled away from your hug, sitting down when she didn’t see him. 
“Yes, i’m sorry, he wanted to be here, but he got caught up with work stuff.” you lied, feeling guilty. This wasn’t the first time he’s missed dinner with your parents and you hated lying to them about it, but you couldn’t bear the thought of them having any negative thoughts on Tyler. You parents nodded, and you weren’t sure they entirely believed you this time. 
Dinner went well and you made more plans with your parents to show them some famous Dallas sights tomorrow. By the time you got home you were exhausted, wanting to just curl up in bed and sleep. However, when you walked into your house, you were met with Tyler sitting in the living room watching tv. 
“Hey babe.” Tyler looked away from the tv quickly, to greet you as you walked in the door, missing the shocked expression you had on your face.
“Did you not get my 5 missed calls earlier or did you just not care?” you asked, your tone of voice giving away how frustrated you were with your boyfriend. 
“Ugh. Can we not do this right now? I’m tired and I just wanted one day where I didn't have to answer to you.” Tyler shook his head as he spoke and he could tell he was snippy. Although, you weren't sure what he had to be upset about. 
“Are you kidding me? We had plans with my parents tonight! You completely blew me off, do you know how embarrassing that is?” He hasn’t removed his gaze from the tv in front of him so you marched over and stood in between the tv and him, waving your arms around waiting for an answer.
“Oh shit. I’m sorry, I forgot.” Tyler shrugged, not even pretending to care. If you weren’t so tired from the day you had, you could’ve argued with you more, but at this point it didn’t seem worth it. Scoffing, you walked away, going up to your bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind you, not wanting to spend the night in the same bed with him. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were surprised to open your bedroom door to see Tyler sleeping on the floor outside of it. Your heart leaped at the thought he might’ve cared enough to see if you were okay last night. 
“Tyler, babe, wake up.” you said gently, leaning down next to him to rub his shoulder, hoping to wake him up without scaring him. 
“Y/N, i’m sorry about last night! I’m an ass, I know that. I shouldn’t have forgotten about dinner and I shouldn’t have jumped down your throat when you said you tried to call me.” you helped Tyler up from the ground and he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a tight hug. You let him hug you, resting your face in his neck, breathing in his scent, missing him being close to you. “I’m gonna make it up to you today, we can do whatever you want, okay?”
“I’m supposed to show my parents around Dallas today, but i’m sure they would love it if you joined in.” you said excitedly, hoping to show your parents that Tyler truly does care. 
“I would love that, baby.” Tyler’s words were genuine and you kissed him before pulling him down to the kitchen to make you breakfast. 
I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away…
“Tyler? Are you even listening?” you were growing impatient after putting together a nice dinner for the two of you and your boyfriend of two years couldn't even bother to pick his head up from his phone. You were supposed to be celebrating your anniversary tonight and originally Tyler told you he would take you to the new Italian place that opened up downtown. Unfortunately, this morning Tyler told you something came up and he would have to cancel your reservations, so you offered to cook at home instead for a later dinner. 
“Yea I heard you, babe.” Tyler finally spoke up, not looking up from his phone that had been dinging constantly since he got hime half an hour ago. You stood up grabbing your half eaten plate along with his and started cleaning up the dinner. Tyler picked up his head, feeling your presence moving around, “I wasn’t done.”
“Well, I am.” you mumbled, putting his plate back in front of him, “Happy anniversary.” you mumbled, rolling your eyes, walking out of the dining room and into your shared bedroom for the night. 
But baby, I just need one good one to stay…
It’s been three weeks since Tyler has left for a few string of games out of state and he was finally coming home. You were missing him a lot this trip and he called you everyday to check in. It felt like things were going back to how they used to be and you couldn’t be more happy. Your boss told you to leave work early today since there wasn’t much left to do, so that’s exactly what you did. You got home, opening the door, frowning when you weren’t greeted by the dogs, like you usually were. Walking further into the house, you noticed some candles lit around your apartment accompanied by flower petals, you were confused until you saw him come into view.
“Surprise, baby.” Tyler smirked, watching you look around the room, clearly confused by him being home a day early. 
“What are you doing here?” you cried out, walking closer to Tyler letting him take you into his arms, letting you finally relax your shoulders, immediately feeling comfort in his embrace. 
“I missed you too much to wait until tomorrow.” He kissed your forehead, and you pulled away to kiss him properly. You looked around the room again, feeling your eyes welling up with tears in awe at how thoughtful he really could be. He cares.
I bow down to pray, I try to make the worst seem better...
It started out good, amazing even. The first year of your relationship was amazing, you couldn’t recall one fight or bad memory you had with Tyler within the first year of your relationship. Unfortunately, it went downhill after that. Starting with small stuff like missing out on important dinners with your family and progressing to missed birthdays and anniversaries. Let’s not forget the attachment he has to his phone, of course everyone is a little attached, but Tyler was different. You couldn’t help but notice how it was always going off or how he moved into different rooms to answer phone calls. You were exhausted and always giving him the benefit of the doubt. Always defending him. Always making the same excuses for him. Always lying for him. 
You’ve battled with your friends and family about how Tyler was worth staying for. They all hoped one day you would realize what was right in front of you and do something about it. But you knew deep down. You convinced yourself the one reason was always enough compared to the millions reasons, you never let yourself admit how wrong it was. It was toxic, you knew it, hell even he knew it. 
He told you how much he cared and loved you, but even if he did mean those words or anything he told you. It was always going to be hard to fathom which parts you could even believe. Tyler gave you about a million reasons to leave him. But he always gave you one reason to stay.  
tagging some hockey peeps: @fav-imagines @stargazingstarkey @jmaybanks @brock-mcginny @bookoftenderthoughts @stfukie​
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ayosu-itsuki · 2 years
Entry #51
I miss writing on my blog... I feel like writing in my mind as I go to sleep should be enough.
The good thing is, it will be truly private! w
So, it's been nice, getting used to this new world I'm in. My new friends are actually really supportive and, though I did feel like an alien most of the time at the beginning, now I'm finally starting to feel like I fit in.
Lydia and I still do most of the housework, while Greta undoes most of it (laugh).
It's... rather strange, knowing that I have special powers after all. You know, apart from the dream thing, which I'm not sure I understand.
Another weird thing is how I don't have lucid dreams anymore. No matter how hard I try, I just can't explore my dream world. I could still do it after defeating... her, but ever since I came to Regulus Harbor, my dreams are normal, like the ones everybody else has — some weird things happen, I act unconsciously, without knowing I'm dreaming, and then I wake up.
Ever since I got here, I feel like there's something I need to figure out. But nobody seems to have any idea about anything related to me. Like, why did I come here? What is there for me in this world?
I already know my biological parents are Swedish. They most likely disappeared back in Kiruna, and were never seen since 1994. So what does any of this have to do with Reguha? (REGUlus HArbor, I just think it's easier for me to say ;;)
The strangest thing of it all... did my mother know about any of this? She was the one who named me Itsuki (tree), gave me the tree-shaped patch on my sweater, and it just so happens to match my elemental symbol of Life.
Lately I've been wondering if my mom is secretly a Dreamer, too. We always liked talking about our dreams together, but she never talked about any dream doors or lucid exploration.
...I miss Mom so much. I'm so worried she might not be okay without me. It's been a month already, I didn't think this would take so long, but I don't want to annoy Lydia or any of my other friends...
Briana reminds me of her, so much. Or maybe it's just me projecting, I don't know.
Greta and Panuk are like the school friends I never had, but there's this weird disconnect. Panuk does listen to me, but he doesn't seem to understand some things. He also doesn't really lucid dream, apparently. And Greta is exhausting, sometimes I want to strangle her.
It's a joke.
I'm not good at jokes.
I feel like Danny is too cool for me. I've been meaning to visit his place and he invited me to see him DJ one night, but I feel so awkward, what will I do with so many people!?!? I don't even know how to dance. Or be in public, in general. I wish I could be more assertive. I swear I'm working on it......
Lydia is great! I think she feels bad for not being able to help me with my questions, but I don't want to seem annoying. Plus, she's had so much pressure for so many years... I can't do this to her... she deserves to rest.
I keep forgetting now that Fermi and her are like, not human. It's funny, I always though of vampires as... uh, kinda scary? But honestly I think Fermi is even more socially awkward than I am (laugh). Though when they're together I always feel like I have to leave them alone ^^;............
Mmm. I forgot where I was going. Maybe I'll mind-write another day, I'm already sleepy...
Good night, Mom. I hope you're okay. I promise I'll be back someday.
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Emotions (pt. 4)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy gets sick, and y/n goes to his house for a surprise visit.
Word Count: 1920
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 5
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Over the next few weeks, the two of you had done many things together and had gotten even closer. You two went to the movies, a carnival, and even drove over an hour to a beach, where he teased you about your sloppy sand castle making skills. Most of the time he was at your house, eating with your family or just hanging out. There were even times where Hopper found Billy while driving and invited him to his house for dinner.
Because of that late beach night though, Billy ended up getting sick. Although he told you over the phone that he'd be fine, you secretly made a plan to visit him at his home. He always dodged your request to go to his house, but you made a plan to make him soup after school and deliver it to him.
Going to school without Billy felt weird and different. It felt lonely again, which became a foreign feeling. People began to treat you the way they treated you before Billy. Especially in biology.
One girl sat in Billy's seat and leaned into your space. "So how's it been being Billy's little whore?"
You didn't like that. Usually you didn't care about what people said about you, but her putting down Billy's name made you mad, something you didn't really ever have to deal with.
"I'm his friend, but maybe you don't know the difference." You tried to keep your voice calm, though it was surprisingly hard. You didn't want to look at her face, you were afraid that it'd get you angrier.
"Excuse me? You really think you can speak to me like that?!" You kept your eyes focused on the window. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
You looked at her. Her hair was full of hairspray, and you could tell that her hair is naturally straight, but she curled it. She wore heavy make up, and her hair was tied up high in a scrunchie. "Okay, what am I supposed to be looking at?"
She scoffed. "Someone who's way hotter than you." She glanced at a group of girls speculating, who nodded for her to go on. "Maybe you should leave it to the pretty girls to be with the guys like Billy. You probably aren't ready to give them what they really want."
You watched her smile at the group of girls. Your anger began to disappear. You understood now. She was just a girl, trying to fit in with bad people that control other people by bullying.
You looked in her eyes. "That's the wrong mentality. If someone isn't giving you attention, then you shouldn't try to give them your attention. You should just find someone who treats you the way you want to be treated."
She had her mouth open with something to say, but nothing came out. The bell then rang, and everybody went back to their seats.
After school when Hopper picked you up he also picked up Max so she could tell you where they lived. You first went to your home to make him soup and warm tea. When you finished, you told Hopper that you and El were spending the night with Max. So he dropped the three of you off.
"Crap." Max said. "Billy's dad is home. I don't know how he'll react to you giving Billy the soup and tea."
"El might have physical powers, but I have emotional powers. It'll be fine." That caused Max to crack a small smile, with the thought of that asshole of a stepdad losing to someone for once.
The three of you stepped inside, immediately causing Neil Hargrove to stand up from the couch. He eyed you, since you seemed around Billy's age. He stuck out his hand, to which you shook. "Hello sir. It's nice to meet you." You offered him a smile.
"Hey. Mind telling me what your doing here?" You saw him glancing down your body once more, with the snug clothes that Billy had bought you on.
"Oh, my sister and I are spending the night with Max. We just wanted to make sure that she goes to school safely tomorrow in case her brother isn't well enough to take her."
"Billy's always been a lazy ass kid. He can take her to school tomorrow, and you–"
You put a hand on his shoulder, sending exhausted emotions into him. "Sir, you look beat. You should probably go to bed."
"I... No, I–" You sent stronger emotions through him. "Yeah, yeah I'll go to bed now."
As he left for his room, you unzipped your backpack to take out the dinner you made for Billy. Max knocked on the door, and you heard Billy croak out a what?! "I have a surprise for you." Max said. "I'm coming in, so you better have clothes on!"
"What the fuck is the point of knocking when you just invite yourself in?!" He sat up angrily, but then saw you. His facial expression went from annoyed to shocked.
"Hi Billy."
"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" You calmly walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "My dad–"
"Is in bed right now." You said. "He agreed to let me and El sleep over for Max before he went to bed." At this point Max showed El to her room, leaving the two of you alone.
"No, that can't be–" He cut himself off with a coughing fit.
"Billy." You said. "I have a way with people. Just trust me. Please?" You asked him, in a teasingly innocent way. He nodded, his face becoming more relaxed. You handed him the soup and tea. "I made these for you, so you can get better. I hope you like them."
He set them down on his dresser and scooted closer to you. He hooked his finger under your chin and raised your head. "You're too good for me doll."
You smiled gently and put your hand over the one that had your chin. As you put his hand down, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You should give yourself more credit."
He stared at you, his face beginning to feel hot. "What was that for?" He quietly asked.
You looked down in embarrassment. "Um, I saw somewhere that a kiss on the cheek was a term of endearment between someone important to you. Maybe I misinterpreted the meaning. Sorry."
He quickly put a hand on your cheek in a slight panic. "No no, sweetheart! That did mean something! I was just a little surprised, is all." You smiled and nodded, leaning into his hand. He gave you one of his charming, cheeky smiles. "Can I get another one on the lips?"
You chuckled. "No, that's different."
"It's to help me feeling better." He began to crawl closer to you.
"That's not what it means." You covered his mouth with your hand as he laid you down, trying to nuzzle his way into a kiss. "Billy!" You giggled. "Your going to get me sick!"
Max made a loud cough, stopping the two of you. "So, maybe you should put on your pajamas."
You sat up and ran your fingers through your hair. "Right! I forgot to bring something to sleep in."
"Maybe you could use one of Billy's shirts."
You looked at Billy, who nodded his head. You then grabbed a Led Zeppelin shirt while Billy stared at Max's smug face. Max did always say that he was a horny ass who would get what he deserves. He guessed that this will be that time; the thought of you in only his shirt and your underwear just sounded so hot to him, and Max was just eating it up.
As Max left, you were about to follow her before you left Billy grab your wrist. "Wait," he said, his voice low. "Can I have another kiss? Please?"
You leaned down and brushed a piece of hair from his face before kissing his forehead. "Good night Billy." You then walked out, leaving Billy to push his face into the pillow, his face burning and smiling.
"Ugh, what do even see in him?" Max asked as you put on the shirt.
You chuckled. "He's a good friend to me Max. Besides you, he's one of the people I know who treat me like a normal person."
She let out a sigh. "Whatever."
"Good morning." You said as Billy watched you put up your hair in the open bathroom. Instead of leaving your hair completely down after taking your morning shower, you put up your bed head in a half bun. "How are you feeling?"
He leaned in the door frame. "Better, thanks to you."
You smiled at him before playing with his hair and getting an idea. "Can I do something with your hair? It'll be discreet, I promise."
He wanted to say the hell you can, but looking into your eager eyes caused him to be reluctant. The two of you went to the dining room for Billy to sit down. He felt your fingers play with the lower part of his hair, and he secretly liked it.
As you finished and tied it together, Max came up and let out a chuckle. "Looks good, which is weird since you always look like crap." She smiled at him, knowing that he wouldn't say anything in front of you.
He then got up to look in the bathroom mirror, and smiled. You made a small hidden braid. It looked good. "I like it." He said as he came back.
"Really?" You beamed as he nodded. You all then ate cereal together whilst talking to each other. Billy thought of you in adoration. You somehow managed to make his shithole house into a normal one by just being there. You truly are that amazing.
As you and the two younger girls got into the car, Billy grabbed his backpack and walked out of his room to see his father standing in the door frame and looking at you. "She's pretty fine looking, don't you think?"
Billy felt disgusted at Neil thinking of you in that way. He mumbled out a yeah to please him.
"She isn't like the usual sluts you have, so you probably don't have a shot with her. I think you should go for someone a little more easy." Billy said nothing as his father walked away after that.
As Billy sat into the car, you put your hand on his thigh as the two girls were talking amongst themselves. You gave him a look, silently asking if he's okay. He gave you a small smile and a little nod. You gently squeezed his thigh before bringing your hand back and contently looking out the window. You knew that just asking was enough to make him feel a bit better.
By next week you got sick, to which Billy was at your house every night after school; you had Hopper make sure he was at school instead of with you. He tried his best to take care of you, and it made you feel a different kind of happiness. You still don't know what it is, but it makes your face burn up from the things he says and does.
One day El opened the door while you and Mike were playing a card game, and Billy sat on the ground next to you, scooping you up and putting you on his lap. He handed you a piece of paper. A flyer for prom. "Guess where we're going."
Tag List:
@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear
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whiro-sh · 4 years
I don't want to keep going if it's not with you~
So basically I had this idea for a one shot and I thought, why not share it? I don't know if you'll like it but I had fun imagining and writing it so here you go !
Tw self-harm/ suicidal thoughts
>angst with a happy ending
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Summary: The Doctor finally come back to Sheffield after escaping the Judoon prison. It has been six hard months for Yaz, will the Doctor be too late to save her favorite companion ?
(angst with a happy ending, cause I'm a sucker for a happy ending)
It had been six months, six months that the Doctor sent them back to earth. Forced to go back for their own safety. Yaz knew that, Graham and Ryan told her enough. She knew the Doctor just wanted to protect them. The boys had understood it and accepted it and if at first it was hard to go back to normal life, after a month or so they seemed to be okay. They were still missing their amazing alien friend of course but they had moved on. Graham had started seeing other friends more often and Ryan started dating Sonya.
The only one who hadn't moved on - who didn't want to - was Yaz. She had tried at first, truly tried. She went out with some friends, got a promotion at work and even tried having a date with someone but it didn't work out. Truth was Yaz was not accepting this situation, she couldn't forget the Doctor and the life she had with her, she couldn't imagine that the Doctor really died that day on Gallifrey. She had constantly this hope of hearing the engines' noise of her favorite spaceship, of seeing a blue box parked in front of her flat. She dreamt countless time of the Doctor coming back and each time waking up was awfully painful. The harsh reality was painful.
As weeks passed she slept less and less at night, not wanting to see the familiar face of the blond in her dreams. She focused on her job to forget how she hated being stuck on earth, not knowing if the Doctor was still out there or not. Her family did see at first that Yaz wasn't well but soon she learnt to hide the bags under her eyes and the trace of a night spent crying silently under her makeup . She began to live in a lie, putting a great amount of effort to hide how broken she was.
One night worst than the others, she cut herself on her right wrist to ease her pain. She hadn't done that since highschool but right here and right now she felt relief in the pain. So she did it again and again, taking care to hide it well too. Yaz knew she couldn't keep up like that, she needed help but who could understand her ? They would force her to stop if they found out. Yaz didn't want to stop, this was the only thing helping her to cope.
Graham was in his room when he heard the familiar sound of the TARDIS in his living room. It had been so long that he first thought that he dreamt it but when he saw the blond coming out of the blue box he realised all this was real. The Doctor was there, smiling shyly at him. She looked skinnier than the last time he'd seen her, her hair had grown too. She seemed fine though a bit tired.
'Hey' said the woman timidly
For only response she received a hug from the old man.
'I thought we'd never see ya again doc !'
She froze for a moment she'd forgot what it was to feel someone against you. It was soothing, reassuring.
'Are you okay ?? What happened !'
'Long story but I'm fine had a little nap of 2 or 3 days in the TARDIS and a good meal.' her smile grew wider as she felt more comfortable. 'Where are the others ? How much time as it been ? I hope they are okay, how is Yaz ?'
Graham smiled at all those questions, he'd really missed this crazy woman.
'Six months only' he said but could see the worries on the Doctor's face. 'Ryan is fine, Yaz is... Coping in her own way, I haven't heard a lot from her recently'
The Doctor could remember like it was yesterday the girl's face when she left her. It had broken her hearts but she had to leave, she had to save her fam even if that meant dying for it.
The sound of a door opening interrupted the duo.
'Grandad we have to go, Sonya just-' he stopped abruptly when he saw the Doctor. 'Oh my god, no way !'
'Hi Ryan' said the Doctor amused by Ryan's surprise. The boy instantly gave the woman a big hug just as did Graham a few minutes before.
'I'm so happy your alive doctor !'
'Glad to see you too.' she answer truly happy. 'Yaz isn't with ya ? I missed her, I'd love to see her'
Ryan's smile disappeared as he suddenly remembered why he was here.
'Sonya just called me, Yaz is in the hospital...'
'What ? What happened son ?!'
'Apparently she collapsed while on duty and was very pale so they decided to call an ambulance.'
A few minutes later all three of them where in the hall of the hospital. Nadja was there too, she'd just finished her conversation with a doctor.
'Nadja !' called Graham.
The woman turn to them and was very surprised to discover the Doctor by the boys' side. She wanted to ask her where she was during all those months but right now she was more preoccupied by what she had learnt from her daughter's doctor.
'Is she okay ?' asked Ryan.
'They said she collapsed because she was weak and tired, I knew she wasn't sleeping well but I never imagined it was so serious...'
'She going to be okay...' tried to reassure Graham
'That's not... That's not all. She also has marks on her wrists and thighs. How could I not see them ? He said judging from the cuts that she had been doing that to herself for a few weeks now.'
The Doctor felt a rush of culpability and sadness, Yaz's state was her fault and she knew it. She had hoped the girl would move on from her, build her life but it appeared to be quite the contrary. Yaz's was drowning, what would have happened if she didn't come back ?
'We saw nothing either Nadja but we're gonna help her now, everything will be alright' said Graham.
'Can we see her ?' ask the Doctor, she felt the urge to see the brunette with her own eyes and be with her.
'She's sleeping, the doctor said we can visit her tomorrow.'
The Doctor wanted to insist but knew it was useless, she would have to wait and she hated that. Her brilliant, amazing Yaz in such a poor shape because of her. The blond hated herself for not escaping sooner. Yaz kept her alive and gave her a motivation to get out when she was in the judoon prison, now she needed to save and protect her.
The boys went home for the night, the Doctor parked her TARDIS in a street nearby the hospital ready in the morning to run back and find the girl she had dreamt of for months. It was around 1 am when she received a call from Nadja.
'Doctor I need your help ! It's Yaz, she ran away from the hospital, no one knows where she is !'
The Doctor didn't wait a second, she ran a scan of the area for trace of artron energy. Yes it had been six months since Yaz had travelled in a time machine but she should still have some trace left on her. Indeed she found out that the girl was only a few box away from the TARDIS position. The blond stormed out of her ship and ran as fast as she could.
She finally saw the brunette, she was in the middle of an empty street only wearing her hospital gown. She seemed lost and scared like a little girl, looking frantically around her like something was chasing her.
'Go on kill me you stupid machines !' she yelled.
The Doctor wasn't sure who the girl meant by machines but decide to slowly come closer, hands up to show she wasn't a threat.
'Yaz.' the girl froze
'No... No it can't be... It can't be you !' the brunette wasn't trusting her own eyes. If the Doctor was her it must meant that she was dreaming. The blond took a new step toward her.
'Hey Yaz, it's okay I promise..'
Yaz took a step back.
'No ! You said that the last time, but you disappeared, you left me like you always do ! I wake up and you're not here' she said now sobbing.
This broke the Doctor's hearts.
'Oh Yaz, my beautiful Yasmin Khan, what did I do to you.'
'The Cybermen I heard them, they are coming.'
'What do you mean ? Is that why you ran from the hospital ?' the Doctor asked taking her sonic to scan the area. No trace of any alien species. No Cybermen. 'Yaz it's okay, what you heard must of been some machines in other rooms next to yours. You're safe I swear.'
'How are you really here... You're DEAD ! You're-You're...' she cried harder falling on knees. She was exhausted, body trembling in this cold night.
The blond came closer and fell next to Yaz and she noticed the bandages around the girl's wrists. She was so angry at herself for letting that happen. She pulled Yaz in a tight hug.
'I'm so sorry Yaz, so sorry. I'm real I promise. I'll be here tomorrow when you'll wake up, I want to be by your side and never leave you again.'
This felt real thought Yaz, she wanted to believe this was real. Tomorrow she'd be sad again but for now she just enjoyed the warm embrace.
The Doctor took out her coat and put it on Yaz shoulders, she also noticed the girl was barefoot and decided to scoop her in her arms.
'It's okay now...' whispered the Doctor.
'I miss you so much... I love you Doctor.' the brunette whispered back before falling unconscious.
Yaz woke up the next morning in her hospital room. The first thing she felt was sadness as she opened her eyes to see the bedside empty. That's why she didn't like to sleep but before her thoughts could go farther she heard a familiar voice.
'Hey you...'
The brunette turn her head and saw the Doctor.
'So it was real...' she said softly, genuinely smiling for the first time in months.
'Pretty much yeah...'
'You've come back, you're here.' the girl stroke the Doctor cheek gently like to make sure the woman wasn't an illusion.
'I'm here Yaz and I love you too.' said the Doctor gently but serious.
Yaz's smile grew wider and she did what she didn't that day in the TARDIS just before the blond left her and the other humans. Yaz leaned forward and kissed the Doctor.
They didn't hear Graham, Nadja and Ryan enter the room.
'Seems like things should alright for those two now' said Graham glad and relieved.
The End
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