#i possibly went a little bit overboard but oh well
imrllytootiredforthis · 11 months
Han saying noona does something to me tbh 😋
i wanna hear him whimper it😋
grabbing onto your hair as you tease his nipples, rolling them between your fingers before wrapping your lips around one.
listening to him keen, his legs wrapping and interlocking around your hips, digging into your back to encourage you closer as he whines out incoherent sentences.
"noona, noona please-please!"
he can barely breath as you nibble on one of them, fingers still working on the other.
he's so, so sensitive, he could probably come from this alone. even though you'd tease him about it. even though you'd keep going if he did.
because you're mean, so mean to him.
and he loves it.
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gremlingottoosilly · 4 months
Bouquet of (lego)Wildflowers(Loser!Yan!Konig x fem!Reader)
After you fell into somewhat of a routine in your captivity, Konig decided to bring you something nice to sweeten the pill. One time when he didn't got it right, and the second time where he got everything just where he wanted.
Details count: 3356 AO3 TW and Tags: Dub-con/Non-con, age gap, size difference, kidnapping, awkward colonel Konig, nerd Konig, hurt/comfort, Konig's POV(mostly), awkward German, yandere Konig, dry humping.
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Courting a woman is hard and meticulous process. 
First, you have to acquire a woman – preferably from a space that she goes to often, so you can immediately dissect whether she is right for you or not. Don’t go for a party girl if you can barely move in a dance and your liver isn’t the one of college athletes. Don’t go for a bookworm if you want your future wife(and this is also an important step, don’t be mistaken) to be able to put you in your place and then drink half a bottle of vodka. After you decide that the woman is, for sure, your type and you would be able to live with her for the foreseeable future, you need to step in for courting. And if you’re the type to zoom out during a conversation and stare at her hair(at least not her breasts, you’re already doing so good, you can have a cookie and a few war crimes for free), then your chances to court her properly are already slim. You’d be lucky if she wouldn’t call security to escort you out of the fine establishment you met her in. Even acquiring a name would be hopeless in this situation. 
So, what are the next steps in getting a woman if you’re a 6’10 Austrian mercenary(a colonel at that) with almost 0 social skills besides yelling at recruits and taunting his enemies, and your callsign is also literally König, to make matters worse? You kidnap a woman, of course. 
The problem is – König has done all of that. You and he obviously have the same interests, you are definitely his type, and there is no barriers between the two of you – you are literally sitting in his basement. Yet, he can’t quite seem to capture your heart. Your body didn’t stand an issue – if he wanted to, he’d fuck you every night and turn you into his personal fucktoy, all adorable and helpless…but he doesn’t want this. Not right now. Well, he probably does want to fuck you in every possible position, but he can wait. Can try to wait, at least. God, you deserve all the waiting. 
He tried to bring you food. Nice food, fancy food. Sweets. 
*** — What is this? You sit on the small mat in the basement – König promised he’d bring you a proper bed, but then he started to think that you’d get scared about staying in the basement for so long instead of wanting to get out and sleep in a nice bedroom, so he eventually decided to just let you sleep on a mat. Your knees are curled to your chest and you look like the prettiest thing out there. He doesn’t want to scare you, but it takes everything in him to not just scoop you in his arms like an unruly cat. He doesn’t want to be creepy, but, he is already keeping a captive younger woman in the basement of his house. It’s hard not to be creepy in a situation like this, right? He doesn’t want to, but…a lot of things are out of control right now. Well, not you – you’re in his control. Under it, so to say. Unfortunately, not under his body – not yet, at least, as much as he’d love to. König is trying to be patient, but then you tilt your head to the side and… She is so adorable, oh god, I can’t, Himmell, she is the prettiest, she is…He’d punch himself in the crotch just to get rid of the erection that is throbbing in his pants and threatening to erupt – but between staring at a cute girl tilting her head like a little bird, and punching himself in the balls König, surprisingly, would choose staring at a cute girl and suffering through his arousal. Silently. Really shocking decisions. 
— It’s a snack. For you. 
Yes, maybe, he went a little bit overboard. But he was just finishing shopping for his newest favorite thing in the world(you) with all the things that a girl living with you might need – pads, tampons, three extra sets of everything because he got too flustered to ask the assistants for advice, so he just grabbed everything that looked like it could stop bullet wound bleeding, and went for it. Also some clothes – he loved to see you naked, but a cute girl should wear cute clothes and, well, he kinda failed with getting you these ones – and pillows. Women love pillows, as he got from the social media some of his younger colleagues forced him to install. 
Yes, maybe, König went a bit overboard for a kidnapper – but honestly, would you prefer him to just fuck you over and over? At least he is buying you deserts, at least he has enough to cover your needs, at least he is trying. You definitely should kiss him for this. It would totally be a normal behavior, of course, and obviously. — For me? 
König thinks – you’re just as adorable as you are dumb. He wouldn’t have you any other way. 
— For you. 
— A snack? 
It was exactly 4 boxes filled with cupcakes, little hand-made chocolate candies, and some weird, hipster-styled cookies without flour, sugar, and happiness – but he doesn’t know your favorite type of desert because, apparently, kidnapped girlfriends don’t come with a hand guide on how to feed them, and you already refused almost half of your meals until you finally succumbed to reality and started eating again. He wants you to be happy – not too happy that you’d start questioning him as your boyfriend, but at least happy enough to not be depressed that he forced you into the life of solitude. Which you, judging by the numbers on your bank account(he went through your phone, of course, saved every picture that could be used to jerk off and then smashed the sim cart so you couldn’t be found), could really prefer. He was doing you a service, really. At least now you can help him build Legos instead of just selling those. 
— Stop this. 
— Stop what? You tilt your head to the side, again, like an adorable bird that flew into the window of his car and got crushed because birds are, in fact, stupid and can’t see the glass. You don’t look too smart either – not with your escape attempts that consist of pleading with him to let you go, the action that only got his pants tighter and didn’t fill him with the desire to let you go. — You just repeating my words. You should eat. 
You stare at the various deserts in front of you, looking like you don’t believe in his endless kindness and generosity. He understands you – he wouldn’t believe it either. He just wants for you to stop looking like a sad kitten that got splashed with water because you look to damn adorable like this. Too fucking precious. A man can’t even live with a captive girlfriend nowadays, she just has to be the most beautiful thing on earth and he is going to act like a peasant who shouldn’t even bother to bask in her presence. God, he is awful. And perverted. And a damn dog who, for sure, doesn’t deserve you. 
— I don’t really want to…
— I brought you sweets. You don’t want it, Schatzen? You move your head from side to side, indicating that, well, you’re a spoiled little brat who has to get her butt spanked because why in hell would you be against him bringing you something nice? Women love deserts, right? Right?! — I…I appreciate it. But you, um…forgot to bring me normal food for the second day already, so…
That’s right. 
*** Bringing you deserts didn’t work out – he did bring you normal food after this, obviously, he is a kidnapper, not a monster, but the problem with your loyalty and your love for him was still standing hard, just like his cock. Every time you begged him to finally give up and let you go, he’d spend an hour in his bedroom, jerking off to the memories of your pleading face. Every time you behaved like a brat, demanding him to let you go, he would spend two hours. It’s a vicious cycle that you can’t escape. Don’t want to, probably. 
Bringing you fancy food didn’t work out – turns out, captive girlfriend needs to eat normal food too, just like all other humans, and so he went straight to the plan C. Plan L. Plan L would, hopefully, involve you getting a Plan B straight after. 
— What is this? 
He has the wildest feeling that he already lived through this situation. König thinks – hey, that’s weird, for some reason, you are behaving just like you did a week ago. So wild, that the girl you’re keeping in the basement isn’t prone to changing her behavior over short periods of time, right? He is petting your head again, making you squirm in his hold because of course you’re scared and nervous and just a bit dummy overall because hey, he wouldn’t hurt you, he promises! 
With every passing second, he felt more and more stupid. What a dumb fucking idea, honestly – he went to the shop(online one, of course, can’t be risky with falling in love with another cute cashier) and brought you…stuff. Cool stuff, he thought. Probably not cool enough for a girl like you thought – for a girl that always looked like she is too good for this shit, for his shit, the of girl that probably wouldn’t bully him in highschool, but would come dangerously close to the point of indifference to someone like him. 
With every passing second and your confused glare, he felt like just turning away and forgetting about everything that just happened. He already forgot to feed you on the previous week for a few days – he did apologize and he did bring you as much pizza and snacks and real salads (aka normal food that your empty stomach craved). He didn’t even force you to sit on his lap at that time! He is forcing you to do it now, trying to ease you into the feeling of his strong body around you. 
König strands you on his lap like you’re an unruly cat – he smiles when you try to get out and only whine in his hold. He is strong, stronger than you should have anticipated – he knows he is big, but a lot of people tend to underestimate their opponents. Especially when said people don’t have a lot of experience in battle – König knows that he can defeat you with just one hand. He also knows that you don’t know this. Good for him, he supposes. You feel his erection throbbing in his pants, every time you jerk to try and get out of his hold, he only gets harder. You’re prone to notice that eventually, even that dumb little head of yours should be filled with something – but it’s almost like you’re teasing him, dragging your butt back and forth, over and over, like there is nothing else for you to do. He probably can get off just from the feeling of your flesh over his – he loves every second of it, knowing just how much you hate being here. You will learn, eventually. He is hugging you firmly, a hand over your waist – while the other is holding the box he brought to you. One of many boxes, actually – but he thought that maybe, since you act so sheepish around him, you could be the type of girl that only respects certain lego sets. So, he went out of his way(actually, not, since everything was delivered to his doorstep in like two days) to order you all possible lego flowers. You should like it. You have to like it. 
— It’s a flower. 
— A…lego flower? 
He gently pushes his head down, kissing you carefully. Nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck like an overgrown cat – you swear you can hear him purr and it only makes you whimper more and more. It’s impossible, with him – you don’t want him next to you and yet, the only thing you can do is bite down on your sobs and carefully open one of the boxes. It’s pretty, really – and working at Lego store for so long, you know exactly how expensive this shit is. 
You don’t want anything to do with it. 
— I thought a normal bouquet would be too boring. 
You’d love for him to serve you a bouquet of flowers with a tiny bit of keys from the basement as a special sprinkle. Knowing him, however, you will just get his dick with a bit of assault on top of it. It’s a miracle he didn’t try to shove his dick inside of you on day one. 
You feel his cock throbbing against your naked ass. 
Well, all miracles can’t last forever. A shame – you’d convert to christianity if a god would be arsed to protect you from the devil’s dick. 
— I…I would have liked flowers. 
You don’t even know if you’re lying or no. Flowers would be nice – anything to distract you from the psycho who has locked you up in his basement. Anything to distract you from the basement itself. A bit of color would make you feel less like a sad beige baby and more like a sad beige adult. Or a regular office worker. 
— Okay. I will…will bring you flowers next time. 
You tilt your head to the side, obviously not quite believing him. Honestly, König is quite frustrated with your attitude. While yes, he did forget to feed you quite a few times, was also caught jerking off to your sleeping form on more than one occasion, and also forced you to listen to his rants about Austrian gun laws(this is how you found out you were in Austria, somewhere not far from the border), he was still a good owner. He brings you things, he brings you clothes – his ones, but you must admit that you look freaking adorable in his shirts. You should be a bit more grateful than this. 
You move your butt again, your precious pussy just mere centimeters away from his cock – he swears to god you are heated from the interaction, and your puffy lower lips are leaking something on the rough material of his pants. You don’t want to arouse him, it’s only obvious, but you’re still moving your soft hips around and he is still a man who can get just listening to your voice talking about the total and whether he has a card or not. He is a pervert and you’re weak enough to not be able to escape from his lap. Experimentally, he rocked his hips back and forth, his cock pressing on your cheeks once again. Oh, he quite liked that. He and his dick both, that is. You wouldn’t be too bothered if he weren’t entering you, right? He can save the meetup for later. — Play with the set for now, ja? You fulp, your fingers shaking as you slowly open the box. It’s wildflowers – cute, really. You like it, if he isn’t mistaking the dull gleam in your eyes for something else. maybe, you’re thinking you can attack him with some of the sets – maybe, you’re planning to toss them across the room and turn the whole basement into a minefield. He wouldn’t lie, stepping on lego is still somehow worse than getting shot – but you shouldn’t know this. You’re a pretty, domesticated civilian, and he wants to keep you with him for as long as possible. You read the instruction carefully as he proceed to hammer his cock into the softness of your body, your cunt only protected by his jeans. It’s painful, to have his cockhead slam against the zip every time he tried to hammer it into your pussy – but there is a lesson in masochism around here, somewhere, and König never said he wasn’t affected by a mix of school bullying and mommy issues. There is something freeing in pain, with every pathetic whimper he lets go of – with every sound that only a loser like him would make. 
He’d thought you were above it, above everything – but every time he rocks his hips, he can feel you getting wetter, the uneven tent in his crotch slamming against your clit. You want to release just as much as he does – even if you’re trying to cover it by building the set he bought for you. König thinks – if he could do this with you each time, he would buy the whole fucking shop, even the Minecraft ones. König wonders what would it take for you to suck his cock while he is finishing building the other sets he bought. 
— D…do you know that… He takes his time to breathe, each word ending with a shallow breath and a low whistle as he proceeds to use your hips for his pleasure – as he finally unzips his pants and his cock almost sprawling free, leaking precum on his boxers. You whimper when you feel the heat much closer to your naked pussy, but König simply bites your neck again, whispering the words into the mark blossoming on your soft skin. 
— First products from Lego were actually wo…Scheiise, you’re so fucking hot – wooden toys. You don’t understand how, but your pussy is getting wetter when you hear that eagerness in his voice. The desire to share this fact with you – this guy might be a crazy kidnapper, but you feel so much of a cute loser energy from him, you almost don’t want to stab him with a flower you’re making. You probably won’t. It’s best to keep him sated and calm, so he won’t force anything too much on you. 
You ignore the throbbing in your pussy that intensifies each time he presses on your clit. 
— Really? 
— They didn’t got into making plastic cubes until after World War Two. They first made trucks that could be assembled and taken by pieces, but then… You hate yourself for it, but you’re actually listening to him. He has a way with words that makes everything more interesting, and there is nothing better to do – you concentrate on the sound of his voice so you won’t have to listen to the wet sounds of your pussy squelching on his crotch. 
— They started to make…normal sets? 
You know this – you remember the story, really, all workers at Lego had to know the history in case some adorable child would ask them. It’s almost cute, how König deliberately mansplains everything to you – you can fall into a steady rhythm of listening to his voice, while failing to notice that you started to move your butt on your own. Spreading your wetness across his boxers, feeling like a slut who is getting off her kidnapper touching her…seriously, this is so fucked up. You should be ashamed of yourself, but you just now and push your head back, against his chest. He would probably let you go for a while after this. He is always embarrassed after jerking off at your body. 
— Ja. They even copyrighted the sound of blocks clicking together. You knew this was a thing, Schatzen? That everything clicks together with a certain detail? 
— Yeah. They, um…taught us this in the first week. 
— Oh. 
He goes quiet for a few minutes, only the sounds of his ragged breath and the squeals of your pussy remaining in the room. You whimper when he drags you a bit harsher when he bites you in the shoulder with a low groan. You feel the added wetness on your pussy lips and you recognize that he came – in his boxers, you’d say like a loser, but, then again, you came too. He drags you to the mattress after, hugging you softly. Hand against your stomach again, the combined wetness of you and him made your face scrunch in discomfort.
You’re certainly a pair of losers. Match made in heaven. 
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stinkyme · 9 months
Hi! i looove the way you write! is it possible for you to write “jealousy sex” but with dazai and chuuya? (and maybe nikolai🫣🫣)😫🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Hello! I am so happy to hear that, thank you so much, you are very kind! :D <3
I only do 2 characters per request (for longer oneshots), however.......I went a bit overboard with Dazai.....I am sorry (no i'm not), so I am currently writing Chuuya and Nikolai separately from him (both will be in one post) since their oneshots will be shorter :)
I can tag you if you want! :D Please let me know if you'd like to :)
Sorry that it took me a while to get around this request, I didn't have an inspiration and didn't want for it to be half-assed by any means, so I waited until I felt inspired and I hope it's up to the expectations :D
I hope you like it and enjoy it! :) <3
CW/TW: NSFW, fem!reader, established relationship, he is not really jealous..more so offended :3...at first it seems so at least..., teasing, edging, overstimulation, oral!fem receiving, vaginal fingering, clit flicking (twice), humping if you squint, multiple poses, vaginal penetration (p in v), heavy degrading (may be for some people), slight dumbification (Dazai to reader), reassurance & apologizing (reader to Dazai), it's rough at first then gets soft & slow, two purely vaginal orgasm, multiple orgasms, squirting (twice), creampie, if I forgot anything please let me know! :)
** he uses bella/bello (written like this in the fic) once which means beauty or beautiful/handsome in italian - apply the one you prefer more :)
I apologize for any mistakes in advance! :)
Jealousy sex || Dazai Osamu x Reader
You knew what you were doing. At first, you just wanted to toy with Dazai a little bit by giving into the flirtatious nature of a person in the coffee shop. They offered to buy you coffee, paying you a few compliments along the way. Just for fun, you would pay them a few compliments back as sweet giggles would escape your throat. You could feel Dazai's gaze as he was standing nearby, but not near enough for a person to think you are a couple. 
"So, could I get your number?" a person asked with a wide smile as you kept on chatting.
"Oh, well..I don't think that would be necessary." you replied as you were taking cups of coffee for Dazai and yourself and leaving the register. Person was left confused but they just shrugged their shoulders. You knew that there was a line you shouldn't cross.
The two of you were walking, finally reaching your shared apartment. 
"That was a smart move, really." Dazai says in a casual but somehow bitter tone.
"Oh? Well, I didn't think it was appropriate for me to give them my phone number." you chuckle nervously, Dazai's presence was feeling...heavy. Very heavy.
"No, not that." he says as the two of you enter the apartment and close the door behind. You put your coffee on the table while Dazai leans on the wall, observing you.
"What is it then?" you were not really playing innocent, but he was never straightforward so these types of dialogues were often.
"Oh?" he imitates you as he says it.
"Well, I think trying to make me jealous in the first place isn't really appropriate, but here we are." he says with a sly smile. Your face grows into confusion..was this a bitterness? A challenge? A mind game? You couldn't really read him at the moment.
"Do you wish to play dumb with me or what is it?" he moves away from the wall and places his coffee next to yours as he steps closer.
"So? What is it?" he tilts his head as a sly smile appears on his face again, speaking in a silky tone.
"Did you burn your tongue? I don't recall coffee being that hot." he plays dumb as he moves his head from side to side, observing you. He comes closer and you just keep looking at him, still unsure of his intentions. Is it really that big of a deal?
"Tell me." he whispers as he leans very close, his lips next to your ear.
"Is this…some new kink of yours?" he whispers again and pulls away, a light chuckle escaping his lips as he sees your eyes widening.
"No? It was a simple exchange of compliments." you furrow your eyebrows as you try to plead logical and innocent, but you knew what you were doing at that moment. You just didn't expect this reaction.
"Simple exchange of compliments in a simple coffee shop in front of your simple boyfriend. How simple!" he says in an upbeat tone, clapping his hands, as if he was discovering something never seen. You get slightly uneasy, still unsure of what he is exactly thinking.
"If you are jealous you can just say it." you scoff at him as you go by him and sit down on the couch. You were not in the mood for games.
"Mhm." he nods as a silky sound escapes his throat. He takes a few steps forward and sits on the couch next to you. 
"And you.." he pauses for a second as he cups your jaw with his hand and turns your head to face him properly.
"You should apply the same logic you gave to me, no?" his voice is very low.
"Huh?" you look at him with a face that gives off confusion and frustration. He places his hand on your thigh, his fingers sliding down and resting on the inner area of it.
"If you need something from me, you can just say it." he says in a very clear tone, giving you a smile. 
What an asshole.
"I am not following." you reply as you, in fact, start following.
"Oh come on now, you are not stupid. So don't play such games with me." he rolls his eyes as he sighs out dramatically, his hand squeezing your thigh as his other hand pulls your head closer to him.
"Why try to make me jealous then? Unless you need something, I see no reason."
"You wish for me to do something to you out of jealousy, no?" he smiles as he tilts his head, his voice dropping lower. You gulp, your bottom lip twitching for a second.
"Both you and I know that I don't get jealous, so..this was a futile attempt." he chuckles before his gaze becomes darker and lower.
"For me to get jealous, that is." his voice is insanely low now. He leans even closer, his lips barely away from yours.
"But I must admit, I am kind of irritated that you even tried it. Since both, you and I, know that nobody can really satisfy you in any way I can." he whispers, his eyes moving upwards and looking at yours.
"Wish to deny?" he asks as he gently parts your legs with his hand, making you gasp really quick. 
He really can be a dick sometimes.
"No." you reply softly as you feel out of breath. Your gaze goes lower, observing his lips that were so close.
"Good. Because I do." he says with a chuckle and your eyebrows move in confusion as he leans his head near your neck and starts kissing it. He places a first kiss right behind your ear and slowly moves down, kissing every part of your neck.
He reaches your collarbone and trails quick kisses over it, moving to the other side of your neck.
As his lips move upwards, trailing kisses up and behind your other ear, you can feel a knot of butterflies inside your tummy. His lips brush over your neck that was now completely painted in his kisses before he slowly sucks part of your skin between his teeth. He is now sucking on your skin teasingly, making you leak precum already. Dazai's fingers move up your inner thigh, gently brushing over your clothed cunt. He lets go of the skin of your neck for a moment, letting his lips brush over it as he speaks.
"I think you won't need this." he whispers into your skin as he undo button of your pants and pulls the zipper down. He slides both of his hands on your hips, putting them between your body and pants. Quickly enough, your body follows and you help him to take them off with your own movement; leaving you only in your underwear. Following he takes your shirt off just as quickly, skillfully unclipping your bra and sliding it down your arms. You can sense Dazai becoming more eager and less playful as he pushes you on the couch, not a single readable thought or emotion showing from his expression. However, you notice his eyes sparkling with certain slyness and lust.
He leans in, his lips wrapping around one of your nipples and he starts sucking on it eagerly, barely providing any licks in between to soothe the intensity. Dazai's other hand cups your other breast, squeezing your hard nipple between his thumb and index finger. He starts rubbing it between his fingertips, pressure almost as intense as the one of his treatment on your other nipple. You let out a soft whimper as you try to squeeze your legs, however unsuccessfully since his body is keeping them apart. Pop.
"Don't disappoint me now bella/bello, we barely started." he says in a slickerish tone as he lets go of your nipple, the corners of his lips turning into a wicked smile. You gulp, nodding without giving it a second thought. He looks pleased, but the pressure of his fingers on your nipple grows unbearable. You bite your lip, a weak moan still escaping your throat. He continues, his lips now kissing your tummy so softly that it makes your head spin.
You arch your back just a little bit, trying to ease up the painful sensation on your bruised nipple and enjoy the softness of his kisses. Dazai finally lets go of your nipple, his hand sliding down your waist as he kisses the area around your belly button, his lips sending shivers through your whole body. He moves lower, licking your lower tummy with the tip of his tongue, his eyes closed as he follows up with another feather-like kiss. Wrapping his hands around your thighs, he finally positions himself between your legs.
"Now..what should I do to you first?" you remain silent, uneasiness slowly crippling inside you as he talks to himself. He admires your wet cunt, his eyes fixated on it as he thinks. He sighs out, speaking up again.
"Truthfully, at the start I wanted to leave you like this, but..I changed my mind." he speaks of this so casually that it makes your blood boil but given your state you decide to remain silent and bite your tongue. This once.
Dazai slowly parts his lips, leaning closer to your cunt and you can feel his warm breath on it. The sensation covers your body in goosebumps as you feel his soft, coldish cheeks on your thighs. He squeezes your thighs, leaning even closer and you feel like your tummy will explode from anticipation and neediness. He takes a breath in and places his lips around your clit for a quick moment before pulling away.
"What do you think I should do?" he tilts his head, looking at you so innocently. You feel your eye twitch, currently on the brink of suffocating him with your thighs.
"Maybe stop talking and finish what you started if you want to and if you don't then don't." you reply in an evidently irritated tone as Dazai's face remains clueless. He leans his head on one of your thighs.
"Mm..you see, I want to but I am not sure if you deserve it." his eyes switch to the sly gaze from before.
"Maybe try begging a little bit, let's see how it will make me feel." he says happily as he smiles, his tone playful again.
Your cunt starts to ache from how needy you were at this point; lack of friction made it quite painful. You swallow your pride and mutter out as quietly as possible.
"Please." your voice is so thin that you couldn't even hear it.
"What was that?" Dazai leans more into your thigh, remaining a playful smile and tone.
"I said please." you repeat, a bit louder this time. Dazai sighs out.
"Hmm, it's not good." he says as he positions himself in front of your cunt again, parting his lips.
"A slut who doesn't even know how to beg is the worst slut of them all." he whispers quickly in a bitter tone, following by using the bottom of his tongue to slide over your clit. You let out a soft whimper, unable to think about what he said, your cunt still aching and in need for more friction. He rolls his tongue over your clit; now softly brushing over it with the tip of it. He moves his attention lower, giving a few kitten licks to your inner lips, collecting your leaking precum and sliding it upwards to your clit. Pain finally stops and your body fully relaxes, enjoying the pleasure as he starts moving his tongue up and down on your clit, barely brushing over it, but at a pace quicker than before.
As much as it teases you, it makes you let out a satisfied whimper and Dazai pulls away for a moment to place wet and sweet kisses on your inner thighs. He kisses one of your inner thighs from the middle and down to your groin, leaving a soft kiss on your clit before he gives the same treatment to your other thigh. Once he reaches your other groin, he spreads your legs apart even more, making your cunt more sensitive. He places the tip of his tongue on the very edge of your cunt's inner lips, steadily sliding it up in slow zig-zag motion. Once he reaches your clit, he repeats the motion backwards, moving his tongue down in slow zig-zag motion again. Then, he agonizingly slowly drags his tongue up in one straight line, right between your inner lips and reaching your clit.
You breathe out in pleasure, watching him for a moment before you let your head rest and close your eyes, just enjoying the sensations. Dazai's tongue starts moving in circles on your clit, completely covering it and stimulating every part of it with each circular motion he makes. Your hands become weak as you try to grasp anything underneath you due to Dazai increasing the speed. You can feel your orgasm building up quickly, a tingling and warm sensation spreading inside your body as his lenient tongue keeps doing wonders.
He swiftly switches from licking to sucking on your clit making your eyes roll back as a whorish moan escapes you. Your thighs start to twitch, but they feel weak as Dazai keeps on sucking your sensitive bud, touching it very softly with his tongue from time to time. His grip on your thighs grows more rough, keeping you in place as your hips begin to move to match his pace.
You feel the heat overwhelming you, breathy whimpers constantly leaving your throat as you get insanely close to your orgasm. You squeeze your thighs around his face, pulling him more into your cunt as you feel on the edge. Dazai keeps up, still sucking on your clit as your whimpers grow into moans, your whole body heating up. You finally feel your orgasm coming, your thighs shaky and weak and you keep moving your hips from time to time, needy to cum. Dazai suddenly pulls away, shamelessly ruining all the build up.
"No, no, keep going, please!" you look at him, your voice revealing evident distress. He just keeps looking at you, almost as if he is asking for more enthusiasm.
"Please, I am so close! Keep going, please!" your eyes are pitiful to look at, your neediness laughable. At least from Dazai's perspective.
"Please! I am begging you." your sentence slips past your lips faster than your mind could process it, pride almost completely lost now.
"You are getting better at this, I must admit. Greedy and miserable slut, let's see what else you can be." he says through a whisper before his lips wrap around your clit once more. He continues sucking on it and you can't even answer him as your head falls down, pleasure overwhelming you. Dazai's tongue rolls over your clit more frequently than before, while his lips and teeth apply more pressure. You feel your orgasm build up again, your body shaking as you roll your hips into the mattress.
Loud moans leave your lungs as you feel the intense heat bubbling inside your lower tummy, your cunt clenching around nothing. You feel your orgasm on the brink again and this time Dazai doesn't stop, rather he keeps on building up the intensity.
You feel a wave of warm tingles spread inside your body as your orgasm slowly starts unraveling. Broken mixture of whimpers and moans is only to be heard as your orgasm bursts inside of you, reaching its peak. Dazai unwraps one of his hands from away from your thigh, still keeping up his pace on your clit for the whole duration of your orgasm. Once it finally starts melting off, your breathing remains heavy as your body feels weak and shaky. Dazai swiftly inserts two of his fingers inside your leaking cunt making you gasp in surprise as he switches from sucking on your clit back to moving his tongue in circles. He doesn't give you even a little break and your mind feels fuzzy.
"Wait-" you want to stop him just for a moment, but the stimulation feels too much, but also too good that your own moans drown out your voice. Dazai's fingers move in and out for a bit, sliding easily as the feeling of his tongue on your sensitive clit makes your body twitch. You move your hand into his hair, grasping it roughly as you take a deep breath out that is suddenly cut off with your own whine as Dazai curls his fingers, pressing your g-spot. He keeps on relaxing and curling his fingers, applying a fair amount of pressure on your sensitive spot as his tongue circles on your clit.
You feel lightheaded as he keeps pleasuring all of your sweet spots inside and out of your cunt. He stops movement of his tongue for a moment and extracts his fingers, leaving just his fingertips inside your cunt. He lets out a thicker string of spit and inserts his fingers fully once again making your pussy tingle from added "lube". He pumps them in and out a few times as sweet moans escape your throat before he places the flat of his tongue on your clit again, slightly bobbing his head up and down. You circle your hips to match his movement once again and he curls his fingers again, directly and consistently rubbing your g-spot.
A chain of guttural whimpers slips past your lips as you feel another orgasm approaching as he keeps up his movement, your cunt clenching around Dazai's slim fingers. Dazai lets out a quiet whine as he feels your pussy pulsating around him and your clit swelling more under his tongue. You dig your fingernails into the couch, intense heat spreading inside your head as well as in your tummy and legs as your climax builds up even more, the first few tame waves knotting inside of you.
Your chest feels overly warm, your legs barely shaking as your body is almost completely tensed up now, ready for an orgasm that was so painfully close. Dazai whines into your clit as he feels strings of precum dripping down your pussy and coating his fingers and he quickly pulls away, extracting his fingers right on the brink of your release. You want to curse him out, but all you let out is a dissatisfied sound. Dazai pulls away from you completely and puts his still clothed thigh and knee near your cunt.
"Come on, get off." he says in a sly tone, his lips glossing from your wetness. You are too needy and too eager, almost immediately crumbling under his order and moving your cunt closer to his thigh, but he quickly moves it away.
"You have to be a bit quicker." he teases, placing his hands on your knees while bringing his thigh close again. You move your hips closer and he reverts away from you again, following with a malicious laugh.
"You really are incapable. Can't even get yourself off." he laughs once more, sliding his thigh close to you again and you try to meet him halfway before he is able to do anything, but he quickly lifts it up, making your attempt futile.
"You truly are a pitiful thing to witness. Your state is pathetic." he says coldly, his eyes piercing through yours and you swallow. Dazai puts his knee back on the couch and you move as fast as you can. Your clit brushes over his pants, sending shivers up your body, but he moves his thigh away once more.
"How many of these laughable rubs do you think it would take for you to finally cum? Perhaps one hundred?" he chuckles, looking at you with no empathy whatsoever as he moves one of his hands between your legs and flicks your clit with his middle finger. You yelp, a soft whimper mixing up.
"Ahh~" he lets out a little whine as his eyes widen in enjoyment of your low state. He flicks your clit once again and you choke out a moan, stinging sensation traveling up your body.
"It would be lovely to toy with you a bit more like this, but you have something else to do, no?" he smiles slyly, bringing his thigh close to your cunt again. You slowly move one of your legs between his and he observes in curiosity. You swiftly wrap your thighs around his own thigh and start desperately gliding your cunt up and down. You use your elbows as leverage, needily rolling your hips into his thigh. Dazai watches you for a moment before he bursts into a wicked laughter, the sound making your stomach drop.
"Humping me like a dog? What a vile whore you are." he says in a resentful tone. 
"Though, I will praise your creativity. So, can you get off like this, dirty whore?" he asks, voice low and challenging as he already knows the answer. You slow down your movement, trying to find a way to stimulate your clit in the best way, but your cunt feels awfully empty. Your thighs unravel in defeat as you shake your head filled with shame, though so yearning to cum.
"Seems like you can't do anything without me." he sighs out, as if it really bothers him. He makes a brief pause, analyzing your poor state for a few moments.
"I wish that guy from the coffee shop could see us now..more specifically, you." is the last thing he says in a colder tone before he spreads your thighs and positions himself between them once again. He places his tongue on your needy clit again, while simultaneously inserting two of his fingers inside your cunt. He curls them up and starts moving them in the previous pace, relentlessly pleasuring your g-spot as he keeps bobbing his head up and down, his warm tongue smoothly sliding over your clit. You gasp out, relaxing your body once again as the sensations of an upcoming orgasm builds up quickly. You put your hand in his hair again, grasping it rougher than before, not trying to risk it. He whines into your pussy, sending vibrations through your clit and making you whimper. He stops his movement for a second.
"Don't be so rough, I won't go anywhere." he finishes with a chuckle, quickly returning his tongue on your sweet clit, switching up his movement to only using the tip of his tongue and briskly, but featherly brushing it over it in up and down motion. Your body starts quivering while your orgasm builds up more, the intensity of it washing over you and making you moan out. Dazai pressures your g-spot more roughly, another first wave of orgasm breaking through. You feel pleasurably dizzy as your body tenses up, cunt clenching and pulsating as you finally feel the pure heat and intense tingles of your orgasm reach their peak.
Relentless moans escape your lungs as you breathe heavily, your grasp on Dazai's hair deplete completely as the intensity spreads inside your body, reaching every part of you. Dazai pulls away, leaving your clit alone as he keeps stimulating your g-spot during your orgasm. You keep gasping for air, long moans and whimpers taking all of it. Dazai puts his other hand next to your head, towering over you as he still keeps pressuring your g-spot. Your orgasm feels too pleasurable, too unbearable and like you are going to pee. You are trying to push him away as it gets overwhelming.
You let out little gasps and moans as Dazai keeps up his movement, relentlessly pressuring your g-spot making your weak and overly pleasured body crumble underneath him. You feel an oddly, but so overly consuming and vigorous relieving sensation inside your lower tummy. Loud gasps mixed with moans escapes your lungs as a watery stream fastly pressures its way out of your cunt. You feel the muscles of your cunt heavily convulsing. Dazai extracts his fingers swiftly, rubbing your cunt and slowing down the stream from spraying everywhere. You breathe heavily, your body feeling too tired and too sensitive. You notice that Dazai's pants are completely wet by your pleasure, making you a little bit embarrassed.
"Ah, you made a mess you nasty bitch." he notes in an apathetic tone as he unbuttons and unzips his pants, pulling them down. He takes them off completely, dropping them on the floor.
"Sorry." you say with uncertainty as Dazai pulls his boxers down, getting rid of them as well and exposing his hard cock.
"Apology won't fix this. Plus, my pants are not something you should apologize for.." he makes a brief pause, letting you sink in a "discreet" message.
"..So, why don't you just let me use that pretty cunt of yours and keep your mouth shut so you don't irritate me even more?" he asks in a wicked tone as he spreads your legs, observing your drooling cunt. He wraps his hand around his cock, tapping it on your cunt a few times. You twitch from small jolts due to sensitivity and Dazai aligns his cock with your inner lips, slowly sliding his cock inside of you.
As soon as half of his cock slides in, both of you gasp in, Dazai letting out a broken whine to mix in. He slides it in completely, his pelvic area kissing yours. You let out a mellow moan, your tummy filling up with warmth as your pussy still feels so sensitive. Dazai's strokes are slow. He lets out prolonged whimpers and whines every time when, painfully slowly, inch by inch of his cock slides in and out of you. It feels so good and it soothes your sore cunt making you breathe out in pleasure.
"Hah-, this makes me want to forgive you more easily." he whispers in a slightly shaky voice. It makes your pussy clench around his cock and he smiles slyly as he rolls his hips in and out.
"On second thought, even your cunt isn't good enough for me to forgive you." his voice is still breathy and shaky, however revealing more irritation. His slow thrusts make your head spin and all you can voice out are shameless moans.
"I don't think I will be satisfied.." he whispers as he puts his hands underneath your knees and bends your legs over your chest. He positions himself in a better angle, so he can go as deep as he would like.
"..Until I see you break completely. Just like a helpless, desperate whore." he spits out his words without sympathy as he starts thrusting vigorously fast, his balls roughly slapping the underside of your pussy. You moan out as you feel the tip of his cock in the deepest part of you in such short intervals. His cock perfectly pressures your g-spot as well as all others already overly sensitive spots inside, making you unable to speak.
You choke on your own sounds as Dazai whines loudly, digging his fingernails into your skin. His thrusts are merciless and pleasurably painful and you swear you feel like you will cum again, if not something else. Your muscles tense and relax around him quickly, providing a pulsating sensation and it makes him bite his lower lip as he starts choking on his own whines. Your eyes tear up and your throat dries out as pleasure becomes overbearing, heavily concentrated in your most sensitive parts. 
"I'm sorry-" you choke out desperately, tears running down your face as your voice becomes thin and drowned out.
"Shut up for now." he spits out, spiteful feelings completely taking over him as his hips move at a rapid pace, his cock twitching inside of you. Dazai's eyebrows furrow in pleasure and frustration, loud whines escaping one after another. The heavy slaps of his balls make your skin feel like it's bruising and burning as your cunt drowns in pleasure. It's all too confusing and overwhelming. You moan loudly, unable to think or compose yourself. His cock feels too good inside, relentlessly stimulating your sweet spot.
You can feel your body giving out once again, your muscles convulsing and another stream of watery mixture splashes out of your cunt. You gasp for air as your whole body feels weak from another heavy climax. Dazai doesn't slow down, he just keeps going, a few heavy whimpers slipping past his lips upon the sensation your orgasm was providing. You breathe heavily, your release slowly wearing off, but sensitivity builds up way too quickly again, making the slightest touch of his cock hurt in a bittersweet manner. You take a deep breath in.
"I am sorry, I am so sorry! I will never do it again!" you almost yell out, desperate for some delicacy.
"Do better." he almost whines out, his own eyes slightly tearing up as he overly stimulates himself as well. You take another deep breath in as his vigorous pace continues.
"You are the only one for me! The only one who could ever make me feel this way and I am sorry!" you choke on your own moans, guttural sounds stopping you from speaking. His cock feels way too good, but your cunt is way past sensitive to take it properly.
"I will never repeat this, I promise. Please forgive me." you say in a weaker tone, unable to gather your thoughts.
"You are the only one, I swear. I don't care about anyone else, it was just a stupid way for me to see your reaction." you just keep talking, trying not to focus on the sensations. Dazai keeps up his merciless pace, pounding in and out of your cunt like it's a toy without feelings.
"Fuck! I am sorry, I promise I will never do anything like that again! You are the only one for me, so please-" you gasp out suddenly as Dazai slows down his pace, letting you calm down. You are panting and your body feels sore and heavy. Dazai slowly lets go of your legs, letting them fall on both sides next to his body. His thrusts are slow and delicate, almost faint.
"Thank you." you whisper out, still exhausted and overwhelmed, but enjoying the slow stimulation of your sweet spots inside. Dazai places one of his hands around your jaw, cupping it in moderate strength. He leans his face close to yours as his thrusts remain slow and gentle.
"I will be remembering what you've just said. You better do it too, mkay?" he asks almost happily, making you sigh out.
"Okay." you nod as much as you can and he places his lips on yours, kissing you for a moment before slowly pulling away.
"Good. You seem to only be able to be fucked into obedience." he chuckles as he places another delicate kiss on your lips. His thrusts are slow, but deeply pleasurable.
"I am not a dog." you say as sharply as you can.
"Mm, you sure?" he smiles in a teasing way, refreshing your memory from before. You turn your head to the side and he lets go of your jaw. He slowly pulls out his cock, leaving your throbbing pussy empty.
"Roll over." chuckling to his own joke, he gently helps to reposition your body and makes you lay flat on your tummy. 
"I will let you go off easily today only." you say in a softer tone and his lips curl into a teasing smirk.
"Whatever you say." he whispers as he spreads your legs with his knees before aligning his cock with your entrance and slowly pushes it in. You let out a whimper as Dazai follows up with his own. He lays on top of you, not with his full weight, but enough to provide some odd sense of comfortability and safety. He rolls his hips in a slow motion, resting his head next to yours as he observes your pretty face. You let a breath out as his thrusts feel good, delicately stimulating you and sending shivers up your spine. 
"Be good for me and lift your hip." he whispers in a very soft tone that makes you melt and you obey. He slides one of his hands, resting its palm on your lower tummy as the two of his fingers reach your clit. You relax your hip as he starts drawing small circles with his fingertips. Your whole body relaxes and you let out a weak moan as it all feels so good. Dazai speeds up his pace just a little bit, only to pleasure your g-spot more frequently. You feel your groins tingle as his cock slides in and out so easily, gently throbbing inside of your soaking cunt. Dazai is breathily panting in your ear as a few words of praise finally come out of his mouth.
"You were so good for me, can you do it once more?" he asks with a shaky whisper, his warm breath making your body tingle. You nod as you feel your lower tummy already building up with climatic sensations, this time less intensely, but just as pleasurable. Your soft moans and his heavier pants fill up the room as his cock pulsates inside of you, slowly rubbing over your sensitive spots. His fingers keep up the pace and you feel another wave of another orgasm.
Your body slightly tenses up and you close your eyes, the feeling of Dazai's warm body on your back tying this all together. Your release finally starts knotting inside of you, your heavy moans and whimpers silencing Dazai's sounds.
You roll your hips, trying to ride out the pleasure as Dazai keeps thrusting slowly, however very close to his own release. Your orgasm finally melts away and you gasp out, feeling completely exhausted and sleepy. Dazai quickly lifts himself up and also lifts your hips towards him, not pulling out. He positions you in a doggy and you bite down on your hand and he chuckles.
"I will be fast, I promise." he says as he begins thrusting just as he said - fast. You bite your own skin, once again overwhelmed. He keeps thrusting, whorish moans now escaping his throat as his cock roughly pulsates inside your cunt. His skin keeps slapping yours, making it feel like it's bruising even more and worse than before as he gets vigorous and greedy for his own release. You quiet down your sounds with your hand, leaving deep teeth marks behind and pool of saliva as his cock reaches deep spots inside of you.
He is panting loudly, his cock twitching even more as his whines get high-pitched and strained and with few more rapid thrusts he finally reaches his orgasm, releasing a whip of cum inside of you. In the middle of his release, he pulls out and lets a few bigger whips of cum paint your pussy on the outside as well. It makes you shiver and you feel it sliding down your sensitive skin. Dazai swiftly leans closer, gently licking the parts of your thighs and cunt where cum was falling down rather quickly and he lets your body flop on the couch.
You could fall asleep immediately, but you use the last ounce of energy to talk to him.
"This would all be so much easier if you just said that you were jealous." you say sleepily as your eyes close, but you are still somewhat awake. Dazai lays next to you, delicately tracing his fingertips on your bare back.
"But it would all be so much less fun." he whispers back and you grunt, almost immediately falling asleep. 
Surely, Dazai made sure you slept comfortably and as soon as you woke up, there was a nice, warm bubble bath waiting for you and lots of praises and cuddles. However, you will have to take care of the food, as always.
The End :) <3
Sorry for the time this took me, I was also about to take a sudden break when this request came in, so :")
I hope y'all liked it and enjoyed it! Thank you so much for support and love, it means the world to me! :) <3
Forehead kisses for everyone :3
Chuuya & Nikolai coming soon!! :D
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parrythisucasual · 7 months
no pressure ofc but may i request a jax x reader where the reader is basically a ball jointed doll with some of the parts made of a soft playdoh material that can be shaped? i have no idea if that makes sense lmao. if not feel free to just do a normal bjd! as for story specifics ive been on a hurt/comfort kick tonight so maybe reader has joint pain or smth?
feel free to put your own spin on things! ive loved basically everything ive seen of yours in the jax x reader tag so im sure itll be great.
Jax x Doll! Reader
You were tossing and turning in your bed. No matter how you lay, your joint always managed to get caught on your sheets or blankets. It doesn't seem bad, in theory, but it was terribly painful. You finally settle in a spot, sighing happily. 
“SH(boing)T!” you yelp, jerking so hard you nearly fall out of bed. Your knee had pinched the blanket. You throw the sheets off, tears of anger (and probably pain) pricking the corners of your eyes. You swing your legs off the side of the bed, deciding to go for a mid-sleep walk. You’d say midnight, but there isn’t exactly a night here.
Trudging from your room, you walk up the halls. Your joints, your annoying burdens, click with each step. You feel a pang of jealousy; the others in the circus didn’t have any problems with their new bodies. If you really had to be a doll, why couldn’t have you been a plush one, like Ragatha? Instead, you’re stuck with stupid ball joints and silicone. It sucks.
As you pass by his room, you find you’re not alone in your restlessness. The sound is faint, but you can hear the floor creaking in Jax’s room. You pause outside his door, wondering what he could possibly be up to. 
The creaking passes from left to right as if he was simply walking back and forth in his room. As if he was pacing. You frown, debating whether or not you should knock. Maybe something was bothering him?
You shake your head, turning away. Jax wouldn’t talk to you, what are you thinking? You’d ask him if hes okay and he’d gaslight you into thinking he’d been asleep, into thinking you’d interrupted his night. He wasn’t the kind of guy to admit to his problems, not the type to care about yours.
You start up the hall once more, mind settling on the digital lake. At very least you could relax to the Lake_Ambiance.mp3 and watch the digital water move.
You let out a sharp yell, falling to the ground. Your knee had locked up, twisting at just the right angle the joint wouldn’t move anymore. God, it felt just like a sprained ankle. You hiss, gripping your knee in your hands. The tears really do come now, rolling down your cheeks in an oddly realistic fashion for this digital realm. Well, at least your night couldn’t get any worse.
“What, you forgot how to walk or something?” Dear god, it got worse. You glance behind you, the familiar smug grin staring you in the face. Jax’s confidence falters, very plainly, when he sees your tears. He raised a brow, “Oh, come on, you just fell. Are the waterworks really necessary?”
You try to stretch your knee out, yelping when it doesn’t budge, “It’s not just a fall you ignorant little- AUGH!” you give up trying to move your leg, resolving to simply lean back, giving yourself room to breathe.
Jax trots over, bending down and inspecting your knee, “How’d you manage this?” he reaches out and your stomach drops, “No, don’t!” He freezes, the surprise plain on his face, “Why not? I can snap it back into place easy as-”
“You stupid rabbit, it hurts!” you practically wail. He sits back, “Don’t be stupid, (Y/N), we’re digital now. Can’t get hurt. Can’t die.”
You turn your face away from him, growling slightly, “Clearly, I’m different. Not like you’d care, right? Too busy shoving your head up your own a(honk).” Jax doesn’t react to this, much to your surprise. Instead, he silently stands up, walking up the hall, one hand on his hip.
“Wait, where are you going? Jax?” you regret what you said immediately, you really didn’t want to be alone with this right now. “You won’t let me help you, I’m going to find Caine.”
“You’re… huh?” you blink, confused. Jax shrugs, “If it hurts that bad, why would I leave you like that?” You aren’t sure whether or not he really was going to find Caine, but with the lack of arrogance about him, you decide to trust him, “Alright… thank you.”
He doesn’t respond, merely gives a dorky salute as he rounds the corner. As the minutes pass, you begin to wonder whether or not you should have believed him. Just as you were about to give up hope, Caine appeared at the end of the hall, flanked by Jax.
“Oh, dear, oh dear! Would you look at that!” Caine’s annoying grandeur made your head hurt, but you couldn’t have been more relieved. With a simple snap of his fingers, your leg righted itself without pain. “Now then, anything else I can do for you, my dear (Y/N)?” the eccentric ringleader asked. You shake your head, a relieved sigh escaping from your chest.
“Excellent! Well, off to bed with you!” he zipped back into the air, “I was busy, after all.” Caine darted away, leaving you alone with Jax once more. He seemed off, not grinning as he usually did. You’re not sure what to say, until-
“Are you okay now?” he asks, looking anywhere but your face. “Um… yeah, now I am,” you start to sit up, and Jax rushes to your side, grabbing your hand and practically lifting you to your feet himself. “Are… you okay?” you ask, “you’re acting way different.”
Jax finally looks at you, “Why wouldn’t you tell anyone you were in pain? Are you really that thick? Any of us would’ve helped you! Any of us would be there for you!” he snapped, seemingly angry you’d hidden this.
“I… I didn’t want to burden anyone…” you admit, a bit shocked. “Burden us? Are you kidding?” his voice grew louder, making you wince, “you think your health is a burden? You moron, you’re-” he stopped suddenly, noticing your expression.
“I-I’m sorry… I-I…” He sighed, interrupting your shaky apology, “Next time, come to me. Okay? I don’t want to see you get hurt. (Y/N)...” he hesitated, “I just… I really care about you. Please, don’t hesitate to tell me you’re in pain.” He gathered himself, then placed a quick kiss on your forehead before darting into his room with a final, “Night.”
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dystychiphxbia · 7 months
☆ - Meeting your parents for the first time!
something short n simple to hopefully get out of writers block!
characters: reo, nagi, sae
Mikage Reo;
Reo always comes off as a confident person who always gets his way with things
At least that's how you've always known him...until now
For weeks prior to the fated day, he has been asking you so many questions
"What type of food do they enjoy?" "Do you think (restaurant) would be a good place?" "Should I start with talking about my education or my plans for the future? Or my achievements in soccer? Or maybe my wealth?" "What are your mother's favorite flowers?" "Should I buy them an expensive bottle of whiskey? Or wine? Would they like that?" "Does your mother wear silver or gold?"
At this point you are so done with him
So you look at him straight in the eyes and tell him to just be himself
Easier said than done when he really wants to make a good first impression
You are the love of his life, he doesn't know what he would do if this evening went badly
But in the end...Mikage Reo is Mikage Reo
The dinner goes way better than he ever could've imagined
Your parents already know so much about him...Mainly since you've told them a lot of things, but also because he's...well, Mikage Reo.
Reo is charismatic and familiar with such situations, he's honestly so smooth with the way he speaks the whole evening
So your parents approve this relationship...Honestly they probably gave their approval the moment they heard the name Mikage but oh well!
Nagi Seishiro;
Nagi kind of just doesn't care much?
He doesn't care about making first impressions or getting your parents approval
And him first meeting your parents just happens on a random evening
You had begged him to walk you home from school and your mother basically forced him to stay for dinner
"Wow you are so tall! (Y/n) has told us so much about you!"
Nagi isn't sure how to act since it happened so unexpectedly
And honestly he probably doesn't leave the best impression
Your parents ask him questions about his plans for the future and his answers aren't exactly what parents want to necessarily hear
But...he plays soccer and that possibly equals good money so he is good for now
And your parents know how happy he makes you, so you get their approval <3
After dinner he tells you how awkward he felt the whole evening...
During it he realized that you are such an important person to him, and he wouldn't want to lose you over one flimsy dinner...he wished he could've prepared for it
Next time he visits, he brings a small bouquet of flowers...just to make up for the last time...your parents see that he cares about you a lot, approved! <3
He probably asked Reo for advice but that shall be a secret from you and your parents!
Itoshi Sae;
From the first mention of his name, your parents have already given their approval
But Sae will make sure to leave a good impression as his own person
He would probably set up a simple dinner in a restaurant you could never afford
He is so formal with your parents...You've never seen him so polite with anyone
And the confidence. He doesn't ask many questions prior, and answers all the questions your parents ask so confidently that you think he has a whole script for this
And yes maybe he did practice his answers a little beforehand
But that he would never tell you...
Oh, your parents are indeed impressed...Sae didn't go overboard with anything, and everything just seemed so perfect...
Later he admits that he was a bit nervous about the evening
You may tease him, but in the end you two are just satisfied with the outcome
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Hii, can I request Miguel with sunshine reader, who actually struggles a lot mentally? Like they are kind, friendly and very playful with pretty much everyone, but they find it difficult to open up about their constant feeling of loneliness and emptiness. And so Miguel sees them at the moment when all their facade is gone.
No pressure ofc, feel free to deny it if you don't feel like doing it🌿
HIII ANON, omg i love this idea SO MUCH, i hope i did this justice :') but here you gooooo
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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summary: miguel o'hara could never fully comprehend someone of your caliber; you were just too much for him. you were loud, playful, open, and kind; he thought you were that simple. but when he caught you one day after a mission, seeing you in a light he never thought he could see you in... he realized there was much more to you than you were letting on.
warnings: mentions of self-deprecation (this is an angst, for the most part)
word count: 2,655
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miguel couldn't wrap his head around you at first, around you and your psyche, around you and just how consistently tenderhearted and amiable you were towards everyone in the spider society. when he first sought you out, he thought you were the same as him; shattered, isolated, and dissociative from people to protect not only them, but yourself. but oh, was he wrong. he knew your background very well, he knew you suffered many tragedies in your life, be it as a spider person or as a person of your own, you had too much happen to you all at once.
he sympathized with you in many ways, but he knew someone of your aptitude would be remarkable help in his elite force. the first time he met you, however, he was greeted with a completely subverted image of the spider person he expected you to be. you were warm, friendly, sweet, and open.
you were a little shy and anxious around him at first, and he couldn't blame you. it was your first time meeting someone like you, but you were so enthusiastic about meeting him and the prospect of meeting so many other spider people just like you that you couldn't sit or stand still at the thought of meeting them all.
miguel asked himself at first why you seemed so trusting, so eager to meet people when he heard how well people in your life have hurt you in the past. he didn't know the specifics of it because he was busy recruiting other spider people and monitoring other universes, but he knew of the events in your life, at least short, important tid bits of them; and he had never felt more sympathy for anyone else in his life until you came along.
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when you were first initiated into the spider society, miguel was a little taken aback at how easy it was for you to make friends. you had a lot of people to talk to, bond with, and impress already, and they loved you!
every single one of them was captivated by how charming you were, how generous you were of your time and services, and how quick you were on your feet to offer yourself to join some of the spider folks on missions, or even just run errands so they wouldn't have to do it alone.
you were, in the truest sense possible, an angel. the spider society loved you, they all believed you could do no wrong. you were always up for helping other people and ensuring their safety and comfort. though sometimes you'd go overboard and not hesitate to sacrifice your own safety and comfort for them, you'd tell them it's okay, you'd willingly go above and beyond for the people you care about.
you kept telling yourself it was okay to lose yourself for other people.
you kept telling yourself it didn't matter, so long it was just you and not them.
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that's how your world revolved, right? people came and went as they pleased, you did your best, your everything to keep them, and you'd do it all again in a heartbeat if it'd meant they'd stay. you wished they'd stay if what you had to do was carry their burdens and misfortunes. you were strong, capable, and durable; you convinced yourself you could take it. you saved your city before, time and time again--even if you were battered, bruised, bloodied and thankless in the end, you smiled regardless and were willing to do it all over again.
"don't worry about me, i'm your friendly neighborhood spider person! i'm built for this stuff, i've got you." "oh, no! i'll take care of that for you, i'd rather you rest. let me take care of it, i've got you." "i'll take care of this! you guys do your own thing, i'll do this. ...because i've got you."
endlessly, those three words: "i've got you" is ingrained in miguel's head. he's not exactly tired of hearing it, he's impressed on how keen you are to be useful and pick up your own slack plus others' work. he does think you're a bit of a pushover for that, though, which he is a little disappointed with, but nothing he can do to force you out of that trait of yours.
he does wish you'd say no or stand your ground whenever you were uncomfortable with something, but then again, like all great pretenders, you took every favor and request with a smile and a pep in your step. it was like you wanted everyone to know you live to serve, that you wanted nothing but to be useful to everyone, even if it put a strain on you.
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however, when you and your team came back from a mission with significantly more injured spiders than usual, instead of being greeted with your concerned yet reassuring self that'd rush to the side of the injured spiders, you ran away when you got back to HQ, leaving them behind as you looked away in what appeared to be... unbridled shame.
miguel weaved his way through the small crowd that gathered around the injured spider people when he was told they'd all be out of commission for a while, but otherwise, do okay; he had to find you, because he had a feeling something was off about you, something must've happened.
miguel wordlessly searched for you, thinking that if he called out for you, you'd run away and hide even more. not long after, he heard soft sobs and whimpering by a nearby broom closet. miguel halted in his tracks and moved closer to the door. his expression softened and became one of genuine worry, but he still remained his composure as he realized that voice that was choking up tears and sobbing was yours.
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he knocked on the door of the broom closet, and soon, the sobbing stopped for a minute. "...do you want to talk?" miguel asked you after that moment of pure silence. you didn't respond for a little while, but you gave in and slowly opened the door, your eyes and nose puffy and red; your lip quivering at the corners--you really weren't okay, and this was a rare sight to behold.
miguel's expression soon cracked into one of worry. he instinctively moved toward you a step closer, but held back in fear of you sobbing again. "what happened?" he asked you in a gentle voice, a voice that promised he wouldn't judge you for whatever answer you give him, because miguel always had that feeling: there were a million unsaid things that were so, so wrong; but you never uttered a word about it, nor cried a plea for any help, and kept all your feelings locked away behind your insincere, forced smile.
you looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with miguel... or anyone, for that matter. you tried to shake your head, deny anything was wrong, but not this time. you had betrayed yourself, your own feelings, wants, and needs for the longest time that they all just came spilling out and being released from you in a much needed sob.
you could feel yourself tearing up again, and you tried to fight it, but miguel shook his head and put his hands on your shoulders. "no. stop it." he said in a concerned yet stern voice as he gazed at you and your glassy eyes, keeping your tears in the best you could. "stop holding it in. please. i know you want to see everyone happy, i know you don't want things to go wrong anymore, but please... don't keep your feelings bottled up. it does you more harm than good." he uttered softly as his grip on you tightened a little.
you heard it. finally, you heard it. those words that you longed to hear, in the many years you've been hurt, lied to, and abandoned by people you loved and cared about; you finally heard permission to cry, to be vulnerable, to be weak for a moment. you finally had a moment of respite from all the pretending you were sick of doing.
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in a moment, you went from being composed, yet red and puffed up in the eyes and nose, to a full on sobbing mess in front of miguel. he let go of you when you started sobbing, but you held on to him as you cried. he took that as a sign that you didn't mind him holding you as you cried, you never had that luxury before anyway, being held as you cried, letting go of everything you've been holding for the longest time.
it was relieving, it was soothing, but it was painful. it was a remedy for your wounded emotions, crying your heart out as miguel held you. you knew you might get sick afterwards, crying so hard your heart might break, but miguel pat your back--albeit a little awkwardly--and whispered words of encouragement to let it out, let it all out.
"i hurt them..." you muttered through your sobs. "i told them i had it, i thought i had it, i thought i could take out the villain all on my own." you murmured as your sniffling continued. "i didn't want them to get hurt, really, i promise... but i took one wrong step, and–" you choked out as you cried even more as miguel shushed you and told you it was okay to let it out.
"i... just... i just don't want–don't want to be left alone anymore... i don't want to be hated, i don't want to be talked bad about behind my back; i want to feel like i belong." you whispered as your crying slowly stopped to let you breathe for a bit, taking in a ragged breath as you leaned against miguel, exhausted after letting out exactly what you felt and held in, all this time.
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"you're... so very brave." he murmured as your sobs drowned out what he was saying. he didn't raise his voice at you, and especially not when you were in this state. "but so, so foolish." he remarked as he looked down at you, still sobbing. he sighed as he put a hand on your chin and angled your head to look up at him, the softness in his face ever so present as yours became redder and puffier.
"you're amazing, you can do anything and everything asked of you, and everyone loves you for that. and yet, you can't seem to give yourself a break. you're... you're forcing yourself to become someone you don't want to be." he says in a soft voice. "...i might just be doing that." you say as the realization of what you've been doing to yourself dawned on you.
miguel pulled away from you a little and ran a hand through his hair, still looking at you, but thinking of what to tell you. "if you're scared of them rejecting you for showing weakness or this... vulnerable side of you, don't be. i've worked with many of these people for years, some i've only met recently, but all of them–all of the people here love you." he told you as he watched you wipe the tears from your eyes, still sniffling. "every single one of them, they all have something nice to say about you. but we're all concerned for you," he said as he took your hand in his.
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"you're constantly taking their burdens upon yourself. you don't think they realize that? they appreciate you, so, so much; but they want you to stop and think about yourself first." he tried getting his words through to you in a pleading voice. "we're a team. you don't have to go through this alone. and, really..." he said as he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand, staring down at how much smaller, more vulnerable you were compared to him. "...i wanted to be the one to keep you from falling apart and letting yourself forget who you really are. i know i knew you for, what, a few months? but even before that, before you joined us, before you are who are now, i've seen how you are, how you act--and i've been informed of... tribulations you've gone through, things you keep hidden underneath the surface. you've been through too much for one to bear all alone."
you look up at miguel, and for the first time, you feel something new; you feel as though, despite the troubles you've gone through, the troubles you sometimes inflict upon yourself, you do have someone looking out for you. and it's always been him, ever since the beginning.
"and because... i know what it's like. i know what it's like to have to mask yourself so nobody gets worried about you, so no one thinks you're easy pickings... so you don't hurt or get hurt anymore..." miguel continued as his voice got softer. he took a breath in, and letting it out in an exhausted sigh, as if he, too, were also sick of hiding exactly how he felt and who he was. "it's the things we keep hidden that always show." he said as he looked at your eyes. "but don't... don't be scared to show it. and if not the others... you have me." he said softly, slowly reeling back from you, letting go of your hand gently and widening his eyes as he realized what he was saying. a silence befell you two as you stared at him, in wonder, at this side of miguel; this side he was hiding that he soon showed, that he soon brought to light in front of you.
"can you do something for me?" miguel asked as he broke the silence, looking into your swollen eyes. "please promise me that when you say 'i've got this'... remind yourself that i've got you. i'm right here for you to call, any time you need me." he said with a small smile as he wiped the tears from your eyes. "do you promise me?" he asked you as you slowly nodded, with his hand lowering down to your cheeks and resting there. "i promise. i... got this. i've got you." you said with a small smile. he returned the smile with one of his own. "you've got me." he said as he rubbed your cheek softly.
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and as miguel were about to pull away, you wrapped your arms around him, your bright, signature smile returning to your face. your eyes were still puffy and swollen, but they shone, even in the dim light of this tiny broom closet. "thank you, miguel." you thanked him before he could leave, your arms tightening around his waist as you held him close, not wanting to let him go. it wasn't out of fear that you didn't want to let him go, you wanted to let him feel just how much he's saved you from yourself, how good it felt to be told those words for the first time in a long, long while.
miguel was shaken at first when you held him, he... hadn't been held that way in... ever. he didn't know what to do in the beginning, he wasn't sure when you'd pull away, but as the embrace prolonged, he found himself wishing you wouldn't pull away. he soon brought his arms up, then, he brought them close to your back, still hovering his arms in the air awkwardly as you leaned into the hug.
then, in one final swoop, he took the plunge and embraced you back; and miguel had never felt a happier silence than that, embracing you, who finally let yourself show how you truly felt, and how, even if you were scared of being abandoned again, being left alone... miguel was not one of those people for you to fear would leave.
not now, not ever.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @luvstarrstruck
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warmsol · 1 month
hi bestie 😚 can we get an lil update on Kai plsssss, like what my man been up to 💕
omg hiiii i’m so happy to see you pop in i hope you’ve been well ;-; as requested here’s your favorite guy’s update ✨
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uhhh i got a lil long winded here, so i stopped myself before i went too overboard!
he’s now working at an elementary school as a part time music teacher! he’s even writing and producing their school musical! crazy, right? over the last year, kai realized there’s so much more he can do with his love of music. (band life has flopped, basically) after becoming a father, he began to notice how much he actually enjoys being around children, and teaching them something he loves has brought a lot of happiness in his life. (is this the same guy who said he never wanted to be a dad and literally rejected it at all costs?) anyway, the other half of the time he still takes on solo gigs in bars, and runs his soundcloud, lmao.
speaking of kai and fatherhood! he’s fallen in love with being arielle’s dad. he can’t imagine life without her. he’s a complete and total softie for his daughter. whatever she wants or needs, he will give. that being said though, he doesn’t want anymore children, mostly because he’s convinced that arielle is the most perfect human to exist so how could he duplicate that twice? 
marriage troubles??? while kai and ashton are very much in love, there have been a few rifts in their relationship. (it can’t be all rainbows and butterflies, sadly. especially if kai is involved.. oh did i say that out loud?) as we know, kai has made amazing progress with his self discovery journey but that doesn’t mean he’s all good all the time. kai has a tendency to get bored, he craves change and chaos. without it he almost feels.. empty? he often self sabotages, and while he’s suppressed those feelings recently, it’s coming to a point. which has led kai and ashton to couple’s counseling. kai has been a little…. flirtatious and carless to say the least. kai and boundaries? yeah that’s something he likes to test. constantly! in his darkest moments, he often questions if he’s capable of long term commitment. and it scares him, because he loves ashton and doesn’t want to ruin it. :/ but don’t worry, they’re dedicated to figuring it out. ashton won’t give up on his boy so easily.. as he's said many times.
kai and elia! they are good friends. they text and facetime now and then, even send each other snapshots of their life. kai has a bit of an attachment to elia, he can’t seem to fully let her go. he wants her in his life in whatever form he can get. (and elia feels the same) they communicate and understand each other as friends much better than they ever did as lovers. buuut there is tension when makoa is brought up, for obvious reasons. he wants her to be happy, but still isn’t convinced it’ll be with him. like, we know he's makoa's number 1 hater through and through. that hasn't changed.
kai and jasmin are closer than ever. jasmin is probably kai’s best friend. there was a time he was cruel to his sister (and the entire world around him) but as they’ve aged they have realized they’re all each other has since they don’t speak to their parents. sadly since jasmin still lives in sulani, they don’t see each other as much as they like but that leads me to my next point!
kai and ashton want to get a summer home in sulani. 🤭 y’know, get away from the city, enjoy the beach.. be near jasmin! oh, and it just so happens his dear friend lives there.. and he wants to see her more often too. (makoa just popped a blood vessel) but anyway, that opens up sooo many possibilities for reconciling, right? beach days with the fam, arielle and elia's twins growing up together.. how could makoa and kai still hate each other after all that future bonding time? (jk they'll find a way)
all in all, kai is doing his best. he's still got some deep rooted issues to work through, and maybe some of it will never go away....... but he IS happy. most the time, anyway.
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sssammich · 10 days
box of super pairings for the ask game? :D
oh crap
wrong box
there it is!
lmaooooo alright alright let me think
as usual, read more because i went overboard
the blanket statement that i will say is that kara is not sg's Little Black Dress for me. that, if you couldn't tell, falls on lena luthor. her character just feels more adaptable without having to, like, manufacture Legitimate Reasons to put people in the same room. also, in a highly biased lens, she's my favorite character so she's the barbie i'd wanna have everyone play with.
back to kara: her pool is small because i think it's specifically because of the fact that kara is actually a rather Particular Character so her pool of candidates for romantic partners is small. can you make it work with any of the others, no matter how far or close they are to her canonically? yeah of course, duh. but for me, it's all about how much more work it takes for me to get there. and the reality is that it takes a lot of work for me to get there, i guess
superguardian (or kara/winn) - NO
i mean i think they fumbled that bag so i don't feel inclined to pick it back. the potential is there, but i think the larger disservice to james' character as a whole means that i now have to work twice as hard to get to where i would want for it. which is to say i don't want much of it in the first place. 2 be frank, het ships have potential and it's not like i automatically hate them but it just doesn't bring me joy im so sorry
i do think the existing friendship though works well enough for me the same way that kara/winn also works well enough for me. for all my feelings about s6, i did like their little s1 crew reunion before the SuperfriendsTM truly became what it was, i guess kara and the boys could have truly been a Unit, and for a time, it was
kara and william - NO
here's my thing
the way that lena doesn't know how friendships work and has slept with her three friends, kara doesn't know how friendships work with male coworkers and should not be dipping in company ink. like why is that your immediate dating pool? i know it's because your life is working 2 jobs, but maybe consider not having your one and only dating pool at work (unless of course you've shared a compelling starcrossed lovers family history, in which case, by all means that shit is delicious)
kara and brainy - NO
let kara be friends with guys who want nothing to do with her romantically and brainy succeeds in this so good job
not just because i want to only ship kara with a woman; if anything, i don't have the same issue about shipping kara with a man as i do with lena lmaooo i think it's because she DOES come across as super straight on the show. my headcanons of course have kara a bit more butch, definitely gayer, but from watching her on the show, she's pretty Heterosexual lol
i'd like to headcanon that brainy is the kind of brother figure that i think kara would have wanted with kal. if kal wasn't so much older than him and didn't reach earth before she did. kara has such intense younger sibling vibes that it would have been interesting to get Order Sister vibes from her
kara and monel - NO
i don't care about mon-el LMAO
but! kara and imra is an interesting enough rarepair im happy 2 play with. here's what i'll say: dolly parton's 'jolene' but the gay reading of it
superrojas - YES, BUT
i think it's possible, if you believe in yourself enough (which i do). but i think the Effort required for it requires jumping through a few hoops. the difference between superguardian is that i'm focusing on the ladies. anyway i think their getting together literally needs lena as a connection point. first of all, they exist as canonical foils to lena; the betrayal, the reconciliation, etc etc. lena's best friends who independently broke her heart. there's solidarity there, there's camaraderie there. while lena is getting her happy ending with sam (lol), i think andrea and kara can find love due to the love they lost. the recognition across the table from each other can be fertile ground on what not to do, how not to hurt or be hurt. and i think it's a relationship that exists outside of what's traditional or typical, which i think the both of them are kind of afraid of. because i think the both of them care for that and their potential relationship would exist outside of that and people might not understand it, but they would understand each other. admittedly, one of the hiccups is the differences in their station in life. as i mentioned in the lena-version of this ask meme, lena and andrea are literally just in the freakin .05% of society and so their class status in life is so different from kara. andrea hosts galas and swanky parties and kara rents dresses. the discrepancy of 'from opposite side of the tracks' would be more apparent, which is funny because kara is decidedly middle class LMAO in any case, i also think it can still happen though, in very particular circumstances, especially if we're to focus on a version without lena. and that is actually if i put on a more serious lens to their work dynamics. i think some power imbalance exists there that feels more reasonable to overcome than kara and cat, at least for me. this is where enemies to lovers could really be something here
kara with sam, kelly, or nia - mmm idk i think it literally has to take A Very Specific Instance
for sam: i just don't believe sam would put up with kara's bullshit at all. she has a child already ya feel me? i do think there are opportunities to make this work before the reveal and rift happens. post-rift, though?god sam just doesn't seem the type to forgive on lena's behalf. so it would feel like such an insurmountable barrier to overcome. if i'm not stuck on canonical events, i do think it can happen just by virtue of their personalities. they hit similar emotional beats and function in the Supportive and Loyal departments
for nia: i'll say never say never, but i think they are better off as friends. i think platonic commitment to being friends and to be calling her out on her bullshit is the name of the game. the mentorship between kara and nia could be extended in a way that really puts her to think about her Role and Leadership seriously, both at work (catco) and at work (superheroing). the mentorship is there, but i need kara to step up a bit more, to go beyond her punch first, think later. what is the cost of being a reporter? of being a superhero? as both at the same time? nia is literally following in her footsteps, so how can she make it better for the person after her?
for kelly: i guess for me, i'd want to know who is kelly outside of kara? i think she'll also call kara out with her bullshit, but i would want the military and vigilante tension and the larger understanding of sacrifice and justice to exist as tension points. let them war about it. but otherwise, i think kara just needs more female role models.
supercorp - YES
obviously, i have established that i do
but for a more thoughtful answer, i think for me the biggest thing here is that i just honestly love how their lives are intertwined already, simply by being collateral to the feud of their male relatives. before they knew each other, the lines have been drawn between them. come to find out that they're trying to cancel out the friction between lex and clark and be better than them? let me gobble that shit up. but also, the chemistry between them is great, even with the betrayal. to be the friend who broke lena luthor to such a degree as to seek revenge on behalf of the world? like, who else is doing it like them? they also just have chemistry and history with each other, the foundation for a relationship that, if nothing else, carve themselves in each other's souls, you know? the truth is this: it's like when one partner cheated on the other partner and they have to crawl back out of the hell they fell into to see if there's still a future with them. kara can be stubborn enough to try and go for it (as i choose to believe despite the wrong lesson she learned of washing her hands of her impact on lena) and lena, like i've established before, needs the kind of painful grit to know she's alive. that's so emo and melodramatic, but there needs to be a challenge or struggle of some sort for lena to exist. smooth sailing through and through would hurt her more than help her.
the point is that there are parallels to their lives that i think are interesting to jump off from, but i also think the dynamic of sinner against sinner, perpetrator and victim, friends to enemies to friends to lovers is so good for them
there are others probably but my brain is mushy now so just send it if you remember it
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deaddoveadventures · 2 months
cont. from here with @windwithinmyveins
        It took a fair bit of cunning to get to this point. Phase one involved finding an honest-to-goodness merchant who wouldn't just swipe all the loot before they got a chance. Phase two, well, that was convincing Gale to let her take a turn at cooking! If it weren't for the fact they were trudging up a mountain pass, and if his knees weren't complaining, she doubted it would have ever worked. But lo and behold, here they were, and she intended to make the best of it. Admittedly, she may have gone overboard with the beef, but finding buffalo meat of such quality at the edge of the world? That had to mean something! Combined with the sour red wine she 'borrowed' from the Zentarim, and her meticulously slow cooking, those meat chunks would shrink, sure, but they'd become so succulent and tender that— Abruptly, the precise sound of a knife cutting interrupted her thoughts. She half expected Gale to backtrack on his promise and mimic her actions, but to her relief, it was Curumë, deftly chopping the meat into the same-sized chunks she had prepared.  Before she could thank him, though, he'd already thrown them into the pot, which hadn't even reached the perfect boiling point yet. If it were possible, she felt her heart plummet into her stomach. "...Beef stew," Ceres managed to say calmly, suppressing the urge to scream inside. She shifted the other ingredients aside carefully. "And since our Wizard doesn't bother with vegetables but can't do without his meat, I figured it was a good place to start." She neatly chopped some thyme and added it. "I've been jotting down what everyone likes or dislikes since joining the group. The ingredients are simple enough... but it needs three hours to cook, so if you're hungry... here," she gestured to a bowl of apple slices, each cut into the shape of a little bunny.
"Oh?" the half-elf cocked his head at the changeling, regarding her with a curious look in his eye. "What is it that I like and dislike then, hm?" Deciding not to passively await her answer, he chose another vegetable -- a bunch of carrots -- as his next victim instead. Blissfully unaware of Ceres' growing concerns with his cooking skills, he began chopping away at the orange roots.
"And what about our vampire friend?" he added, as death befell another unlucky carrot. "Shouldn't you keep the meat untouched, as raw and bloody as the hunt, for him?"
Swiftly the knife made its final cut, and Curumë nodded satisfied with himself and his work. Returning to the cooking pot, he snatched one of the apple bunnies the other had made for the rest of the camp.
"I mean, he'd surely prefer that over a pot of mushy beef stew. Or, perhaps…" The warlock's lips contorted into a sly smirk, as he towered over the smaller changeling. "You are his dessert? I mean I wouldn't blame you."
He shrugged, and in went the vegetables. "What do you want me to cut next?"
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awkwardtickleetoo · 1 year
Wake up brain strikes again, I'm thinking this playfulness would be Ler!Sapnap and lee!George. "If you can catch me, I'll tickle you" reverse chase! The lee chases the ler around and if the ler is caught then the lee gets any kind of tickles they want
okay, FIRST of all, I just wanna say that this has been sitting in my inbox since probably the last week of november/first week of december,,,,,, and for that, i am sorry, I really wish it didn't take this long to answer, BUT. better late than never, or whatever wise people say
second of all, I went... a liiiiiitle bit overboard with this one, but I feel like the length makes uo for the wait, possibly? that's for you to decide
im thinking is something along the lines of this:
george is in a pretty severe lee mood, but he flat out Refuses to admit it, so he finds sap in the movie room and starts provoking and bothering him to try and get him to retaliate and wreck him
sap catches on pretty quickly (it doesn't take long for him to figure out, he knows george's tells like the back of his own hand, plus hes not exactly subtle) and goes "okay. I know what you want, so I'm gonna make you a deal. I'm gonna run around the house, and if you can catch me, I'll tickle you in ANY way you want. deal?" pretty much exactly like you said!!
and obviously, george denies AGGRESSIVELY at first, and his cheeks turn pink at the PROSPECT of being lee and wanting tickles, because how DARE sapnap accuse him of something like that!! he is NOT lee, he does NOT want tickles, sapnap can shut his MOUTH, thank you very much—
.....but eventually, after sap is just Staring at him in silence waiting for him to crack, he giggles a little and goes "wh- uh... you- you said any kind I want?" and sap just goes "mhm :) anything you want. does that mean you're in?" and george just nods, very slowly, and sapnap goes "awesome! seeya, slowpoke!" and skitters his nails over George's tummy before SPRINTING out of the room and leaving George to squirm and sputter out a protest and scramble to run after him as he darts out of the movie room they were sitting in
and honestly I feel like George would like... kinda get lost in the game a tiny bit? not fully, he is still Extremely hooked on the idea of getting his tickles, but it would kinda slip his mind what exactly would happen when he catches sap, simply because he gets so lost in the act of actually chasing and catching him
so, when he manages to skip the top step of the staircase and grab sapnap's arm, successfully pushing him against the doorframe of george's own bedroom, he just giggles his heart out because he won!! he caught sap!! he did it!!!
until sapnap goes "okay!! you caught me, georgie, good job!!! how do you want your tickles?" and hes just like "oh 😳 right 😳 that's what's happening....."
and he would just keep giggling in that little flustered and squeaky way he always does as he squirms where he's standing, and he's like "I, uh... I didn't really– I haven't really thought about it yet..." and sap reaches forward and puts his hands on George's waist and goes "That's okay :) I can wait :) i have time"
and george's brain nearly short circuits, and he realizes he has to actually come up with something and then actually ASK for it out loud before sap does it, because sap can't read his mind!! but eventually he's able to get out "can you– do you think– can you maybe, like..." as he tries to ask for what he wants but gets caught up in his own brain
but, to take a break from the teasing and be a lil sweetheart for a bit, i feel like sap would hug him as he stutters through his words to encourage him as well :( he pulls George in by his waist, wraps his arms around him, presses his cheek to George's collarbone, holds him close and goes "anything you want, anything my gogy asks for, okay? whatever comes to mind"
and after some more whines and stutters and broken giggles and other noises, george works up the courage he needs to say “so, y-you know that... that claw thing you do to my– uh… like, my ribs? yeah i… i-id like that" and then he follows it up with "and- and maybe also, if you want, just like... some raspberries maybe? a few, or something like that"
and sapnap would pull back from the hug, smirk at george, and suddenly drop down to his knees and push george's shirt up to blow the BIGGEST raspberry on his tummy, and george is so caught off guard that he squeals and nearly crumbles right then and there
so sap does a few more until one well-placed raspberry right above his hipbone makes him go a little limp, and then suddenly sapnap lifts him up over his shoulder and brings him over to the bed, plops him on it, and straddles him to suddenly do little jellyfish and claws scratchies on his ribs :)
and george is just so giddy and giggly and happy and squirmy and wiggly the whole time!!! because!!! this is exactly what he asked for!!! sapnap KNOWS exactly what he likes!!! it's playful its fun it tickles its GOOD!!
and his little tickly hands are shaking around, going a mile a minute, and his smile is so big and he's already breathless from the running and the raspberries and the laughter and being thrown around so much and!!!!! he's just. so HAPPY!!! and sapnap thinks he's so god damn cute too, and he just can't stop tickling, and he knows george doesn't want it to stop either, so they're both just giggling together while george squirms underneath sap and glances up at him with the biggest, sweetest, tear-filled heart eyes sapnap has ever seen in his life when he's not squeezing them shut or shaking his head through his laughter :((( he's just the cutest little angel isn't he :(
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rolling-restart · 2 years
Okay so I love the ship Oscar/Arthur
So what about sharing Oscar with Arthur? They’re both so sweet all the time and Arthur is just as much work as Oscar but in a different way. He’s such a good master to Oscar but is so chaotic 😂
Okay so I went a bit overboard, here you go.
Oscar is very nervous. He voiced his desire to be shared with someone else under your supervision before but he is not sure what to expect. 
He knows that you know the best for him. He also trusts that you would never put him in a position where he would be genuinely scared or embarrassed. 
This reassurance is not enough to calm him down while he presses his sweaty palms on his sides while waiting for you to come home with your “guest”. He spent all day preparing himself to perfection for this occasion but he still feels like he doesn’t look or feel good enough.
The first step was through cleaning and moisturising and he might have scrubbed his skin raw in the shower with the built-up anxiety. Moisturiser burnt his abused skin and he tried not to wince at the way his fancy lingerie bites his flesh. He puts on light makeup and feels generous with the blush on second thought. He chose a pastel-coloured transparent dressing gown and started pacing in the house with anticipation.
The list of people you might bring with you is getting scarier with every passing minute. Oscar is trembling when he finally hears the chime of the key turning in the lock. 
He snaps out of his turmoil and tries to make himself look presentable for whoever is with you.
He is left speechless when he sees Arthur behind you, looking as anxious as he feels. An anxious smile pasts his lips when he sees Oscar, half hiding behind the beam of the entrance hall. Oscar doesn’t know what to think or say but he feels much more at ease because it’s Arthur. Arthur would never make fun of him or hurt him. Everything is going to be fine. 
Oscar greets you with a kiss as you lift him with one arm and make him giggle against your cheek.
“I brought you a friend to play with. Why don’t you show him inside while I put these away?”
Oscar nods frantically and hesitates for a second before he takes Arthur’s hand. Arthur looks a bit tense but gladly accepts Oscar's hand and they move to the living room. It makes you chuckle that Arthur’s hand hovers on Oscar’s waist tentatively for a moment. 
The view is so adorable once you enter the living room. Arthur is sitting on the couch leg sprawled while Oscar is kneeling on the floor, eyes down. Arthur can’t help but cradle Oscar’s hair, so soft to the touch as you know first-hand. 
You deliberately walk past Oscar a bit too close and make him lose his balance and fall between Arthur’s legs. Arthur’s breath hitch with the sudden change of tone and looks up at you questioningly. Oscar braces himself by holding onto Arthur’s thigh and swallows. 
“Do you want anything to drink Arthur? My little flower can make us tea if you want.”
Arthur glances at Oscar and his cheeks flush a little.
“No thanks, I'm good.”
You wish they knew how entertaining it is for you.
“Very well then. Baby, you know what to do.”
Oscar nods wordlessly and he gets rid of his dressing gown to reveal his pastel lingerie set, perfectly fitting his frame and making him look impossibly soft. He reaches to Arthur’s zipper and takes his cock out with practised ease. When he knows what to do, he is much more relaxed, in a contrast to the anxious anticipation he had ten minutes ago. 
He doesn’t lose time by giving attention to the tip of his cock and takes him into his mouth as a whole with one motion. You wish you were recording all of these because Arthur experiences all possible human emotions as one as Oscar swallows around him. 
“Don’t move baby, just stay like that. We have all the time in the world.”
Even though Arthur looks like he disagrees, he relaxes into the wet warmth of Oscar’s mouth and tries his best to stay still.
“Oh, don’t bother Arthur, push further if you want. He can take it.”
With your encouragement, Arthur grabs a fistful of Oscar’s hair and pushes his head further on his cock. Oscar doesn’t make a choking sound, surprisingly, and just moans around his cock helplessly. Arthur looks at you with glistening eyes.
“You never told me he was this good.”
“I trained him well.”
Oscar lets out a whine at the way you two talk about him as he is not there. He cannot complain, though, because he is not actually there. He knows he is nothing but an object at the moment, part of the furniture set just slightly more pleasant. At least for your guest. 
You reach for the remote on the coffee table and flip the channels as if it’s just a regular afternoon. You came to the record of the race last weekend and press play. Arthur looks intrigued or at least pretends to be. It amuses him endlessly that one of the people the commentator is talking about is in the room, warming his cock while not being acknowledged at all.
“You don’t have to stay still, Arthur. Be my guest and do whatever want with it.” 
You put on your best nonchalant mast and proceed to watch the race intently. You are aware that your presented indifference is driving Oscar crazy and you intend to keep it that way.
Arthur holds onto Oscar’s hair harder and starts fucking his face relentlessly. Poor Oscar is holding onto his thighs for his dear life but Arthur yanks his hand away. With nothing left to help control his body’s movements, Oscar links his hands behind his back and starts choking on Arthur’s dick. 
You throw a glance at them and shake your head with disapproval. 
“He is moving too much, let me tie his hands for you.”
Oscar moans with desperation, dying to be good for you two. He is not aware that actually he is keeping perfectly still and that you are just being mean to entertain Arthur. 
You don’t bother with handcuffs and tie Oscar's hands together behind his back with a pastel pink silk rope. You consider also tying his feet to his hands but decide against it since Arthur will need to move Oscar around for upcoming activities. 
Arthur is on cloud nine while losing all regard for Oscar’s breathing. He only comes to his senses when you yank his hand off of Oscar’s hair. 
“Help me get him on the couch.”
Just like that, you lift Oscar from the floor like a rag doll and throw him on the couch face first. He lets out a little ‘off’ but doesn’t complain further. His eyes are so empty of thoughts so full of lust. 
Arthur doesn’t lose any time and lifts his hips up and lowers Oscar’s panties to his knees. He groans at the sight of the plug peeking between Oscar’s cheeks but he also promptly yanks it off. Oscar squeals and lifts his head to meet your eyes with his tear-filled ones. You can’t help but cradle his face and touch his puffy red lips with your thumb. He has been so good so far so you might as well treat him.
Arthur is impatient but he also can’t help but watch Oscar’s little gaped hole clenching around nothing, trying to close. He spits on it and smears it with his careless fingers. Oscar whimpers against your hand, looking at you with pleading eyes. But he doesn’t tap out. He just craves your attention simultaneously. He is not greedy, not at all, but he needs your approval and attention on him to not feel like a dirty little whore being used by his friend. 
For a second, you consider just leaving him there and letting him be fucked like that, without care, consideration or question. It would make him feel dirty, filthy and cheap even though it is no stranger behind him.
You end up leaving that kind of scene to another time, to another person because you know Arthur would feel like shit when he figures out Oscar is breaking emotionally and not only physically under him. You find Arthur’s way of dimming cute, even though it is nothing like yours. 
Oscar’s mouth falls open when Arthur finally thrusts him. He doesn’t busy himself with teasing Oscar with only the tip and goes balls deep with one thrust. Oscar gasps and tries to catch his breath. You put your thumb in his mouth sympathetically and let him suck on it to soothe himself against the brutality of the pace. 
Arthur holds onto Oscar’s hips with a bruising grip and thrusts him relentlessly. His movement pushes Oscar further onto you and you suddenly get an idea. 
You get rid of your trousers quickly, ignoring Oscar’s plea. You turn back to your place and spread your legs in front of Oscar’s face. He gives you a pained smile and dives into it. He cannot control his body while he is being pushed further and further against your pussy but he doesn’t seem to be worried about being suffocated here and now. He is filled with bliss, getting to please you and his friend.
You have no rush and let Oscar sloppily eat you out while being jerked around by Arthur’s thrusts. Arthur, absolutely lost in the feeling, grabs Oscar’s hair and yanks him back to meet his chest. He is still in his clothes and it creates a delicious contrast to Oscar’s delicious naked body, only covered with a see-through bralette. Oscar protests because he is no longer to eat you out but Arthur’s hand on his neck, practically choking him, shuts him up. 
Arthur cums in Oscar like that, and stills for a second, listening to Oscar gasping breathlessly. When he is done, he lets Oscar go and Oscar’s head drops on your lap helplessly. He takes his cock out abruptly, making Oscar wince in pain again. 
You don’t follow Arthur while he makes his way to the bathroom, giving you two some privacy. Instead, you guide Oscar’s face on your labia once again and chuckle at how he sucks on you lazily. You would normally punish him for lack of enthusiasm but you also know he is very tired from the harsh treatment. You decide to take some burden off of his shoulders. 
You flip him easily and position yourself on his face. He cannot hold onto your thighs to give himself breathing room but he cannot do that this time with his tied hands. Instead, he leaves himself at your mercy and lets you ride his face. 
When you cum on his face, he is panting so hard that you worry he might hyperventilate. You let go of the thought of sitting on his chest for a while and instead untie his hands to cuddle him. 
You expect Arthur to be already gone but he comes back to the living room, dropping himself on the opposite couch. 
You raise your eyebrow. You know Oscar would probably want some privacy during his aftercare. However, Oscar looks at Arthur and smiles so sweetly. He then turns away from him and buries his face on your chest. Arthur watches you two fondly and doesn’t even make a scandalised face when Oscar peels your shirt to suck on your tits. This is something he does to calm down after an especially rough scene and you conclude that this one qualifies. 
You gaze at Arthur again, now looking at you two with hungry eyes. You know what he wants but consider Oscar’s reaction for a second. Oscar gets jealous easily and might not be as comfortable sharing you as you are sharing him. 
“Baby, can Arthur join, too?”
Oscar lets go of your nipple and looks at you. After a moment of consideration he nods. You gesture at Arthur to join you on the couch. Unlike his previous attitude, he hesitates, exposing that he is indeed not as confident as he shows. 
Three of you barely fit on the couch but you are extremely content with two of your boys on your chest, suckling eagerly, the race you put on still playing out in the background. 
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kny-agere · 9 months
Oh what about a Drabble about shinobu finding out that Giyuu regresses? Maybe while he’s staying at the butterfly mansion because of an injury?? Pls and thank you!
Ok srry this took so long I kinda went overboard Giyuu is my little sweet baby boy
Cg! Shinobu, Little! Giyuu
Tomioka was a frequent visitor at the butterfly estate. While he wasn’t a particularly good patient, he did stop by to get stitches in places he couldn’t reach or get treated for a cold or even just a simple check up. The man had a strange idea of which injuries he could “handle” himself, but some of the other hashira (namely two white-haired men) resisted any kind of treatment.
It was a “take what you can get” kind of job, and Tomioka was about average in terms of annoyance. If anything it helped that he didn’t seem to mind her yelling, even understood it in a way. His quiet asocial nature was off-putting in normal situations but allowed Kocho to work quickly and efficiently with him. Her occasional biting remarks weren’t met with lashing responses.
While she could almost enjoy his company some days, that didn’t change the ultimate reason for every visit. Giyuu liked to stumble inside in the middle of the night with some sort of affliction or flesh wound. He tended to terrify the younger girls and disturb Shinobu from her rare moments of sleep.
The latest scenario had been particularly awful. Giyuu had a nasty gash across his stomach and though they had taken care of it as quickly as possible he already had a light fever. Kocho wasn’t legitimately worried— she had taken care of much worse —that didn’t change the current panicked environment.
For a few days all she could do was provide medication and painkillers. Giyuu was unconscious for most of it. Shinobu moved her study materials into his room so she could adequately observe him while getting work done.
Tomioka woke up rather disoriented. He seemed almost confused about the situation. While the man hadn’t been too under the weather before his reaction to waking up wasn’t particularly unusual either.
“…Nobu-san?” His voice was horribly dry. The moment the woman was alerted to his consciousness she stood up and darted to his side.
“Drink this.” Impatient she didn’t wait for him for reach for the cup. Bringing it to his mouth she carefully tipped it back. “It’s a combination of medicine, electrolytes, and other nutritious goodies. It’ll fix that dry mouth of yours too.”
While she was glad to see him awake, the real reason for her eagerness was to see the extent of his injuries and fever. Testing could only do so much when she couldn’t tell what the man himself was feeling or thinking.
For now it was a bit of an awkward wait. Giyuu was still pumped full of all sorts of medication and clearly didn’t understand anything the woman was saying. He had spilled half the concoction down his chin. Purple stains were slowly soaking into his shirt as well.
“Wha’ happen’d.” Though his voice is clear the words do have a slight slur to them.
“You should be telling me that. I’m not the one stumbling around like a manic in the middle of the night.”
He looks to spaced out to give a proper response.
“Oyataka-sama said the demon you were sent after is dead. Usually this would be good news, but it means we have no idea if it had any extra abilities. Can you tell me what happened?”
Tomioka blinks, slow as possible. “Hmm…. ‘m tired.” The clumsy words come out slowly. He tries to close his eyes again afterwards.
“Hey, I asked you a question! You’ve been out for days anyways, it’s not good to sleep so soon.”
“ ‘m hungry.”
Shinobu tries not to laugh. Perhaps he’s still operating on base instincts. “Tomioka-san, I need you to answer me. Can we try to focus a little?” She snaps her fingers in front of his face, partly in hopes of annoying him, but also to see if the man can focus at all. He stares at her hand at least. It doesn’t seem like he’s really looking at it though.
“Alright, let’s try something else.” Moving back across the room she roots through the desk. It’s full of all sorts of random objects the younger girls have given her. Grabbing a simple rubber ball she slides back to Giyuu’s side.
He’s attempted to curl around himself, which is hard with his wounds. Instead Tomioka’s just pulled up his legs into himself while he lies at an odd angle. Lying on his side isn’t possible either right now so he’s tipped gently.
“Can you hold this?”
He cradles the simple toy like it’s something precious. Rolling it in his hands Giyuu lets is fall from the surface and roll against the bed until it bumps against his chest. From there he continues to shift it around.
When Shinobu tries to swipe it back the man interrupts her actions. Pushing it against his chest and covering it with his hands he grunts. “Can I keep it?” When he talks a bit of drool slips out from the corner of his mouth.
“I just needed a tool to check your cognition. It’s not really anything special.”
He’s not listening to her. Instead Giyuu looks down a the dull blue rubber. Poking and squeezing it doesn’t accomplish anything but he seems entranced by the toy.
Shinobu continues to be perplexed by his behavior. He seems to recognize her words and understand directions, but is off somehow. It’s not the slowness that bothers her. His actions have a motion that isn’t consistent with his usual movements. There’s excess in the way he continues to cling to the ball and sink into the bed. It’s imperfect in a way Giyuu wouldn’t allow himself to be.
Pulling the ball back from Tomioka his grip lacks strength. When Kocho tucks it behind herself he follows the action. His hands twitch, but don’t commit to taking it back. A deep frown graces his face.
“Do you want the ball back Tomioka-san?” She hopes to draw a response from him that’s longer than two words.
Perhaps something that warrants more. “Why do you want it?”
“You gave it t’ me.” Giyuu’s voice is so quiet she nearly can’t hear it. He doesn’t look at her when he talks. Instead his gaze remains on the ball. He makes another weak swipe.
“Let’s try this. If you answer a few questions for me then you can have it and do… whatever you’re doing.” It draws out a hesitant nod from the man. “You’re on quite a bit of medication right now, do you know where you are?”
“Butterfly ‘state… um in bed.”
“Right! And do you feel any pain?”
“No jus’ sore.”
“That’s good. Last question, do you remember anything about the demon you fought?”
“Was scary.” He reaches again for the ball, waiting patiently. Kocho is quick to tug it away.
“I need a proper answer Tomioka-san. Was the attack purely physical or did you experience anything out of the norm?”
“I dunno.” Giyuu seems a little desperate. He swipes a third time and uses enough strength to pull it back.
“Tomioka-san, something’s wrong. Can you tell me why you’re acting so strange?” He could answer her questions before, and didn’t show signs of memory loss besides his evasion of the demon. Kocho’s hand moves up to brush his forehead. As the thermometer read earlier, it’s slightly heated. The skin texture and his blood pressure both feel normal. What’s not normal is the way he leans into the touch. Last time she had even accidentally brushed against him the man had kept a wide distance for hours afterwards.
When it clicks together slowly she doesn’t blame herself for not figuring it out sooner. Shinobu doesn’t like children, young ones. It explains why she found his behavior so perplexing.
“Did the demon do this to you? Is that why you’re acting so troubled?”
Her words seem to make him angry as opposed to excited. “No I jus- um.” He turns away from her. Throughout the afternoon he had mostly been ambivalent at worst. A strangled whimper leaves his throat before he closes his eyes in something like defeat.
Kocho tries to brush her hand against his face again. He doesn’t move towards her, but his face does relax slightly. It’s addicting to watch how he softens. Tomioka doesn’t ever allow himself to be so vulnerable.
“Do you just feel this way sometimes?” The question is asked quietly. The pain killers could’ve lowered his inhibitions. Giyuu continues to stay quiet, but manages a slight nod. He’s trying to be sly about it, but the man is clearly glancing at her through his lashes.
“It’s ok. I’ve seen people do much worse.” While he continues to lie still she keeps brushing the side of his face. “Tomioka-san, it’s my job to take care of my patients. So I’m gonna take care of you ok? Besides, once we wean you off the medication you can pretend it was because if that anyways.” Her tone immediately softens to one she’s use for the younger girls.
Giyuu seems to like the suggestion. His eyes openly softly while he relaxes back into the bed. “Ok.” The man grabs onto her hand softly, cupping the ball against his chest.
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cloudninetonine · 10 months
was doing a checkover your blog since I'm back to being minimally stable after my migraine hit me like a truck and sent me flying right back to my bed to sleep like a fucking hibernating snake, but oh dear! it's already been three whole days since i last posted any ask in here? i thought it was a day and a half at most.
anyways, first of all, i hope you've been well, since I've noticed you kinda of disappeared these last few days, and if you are resting, please don't let me interrupt you akbdkdjd. sometimes all we need is a little time away from everything. either way, i hope you're doing well, lovely.
and as for why I'm here, I'm facing (what i call) a serious predicament. been writing the first work for my blog and all, yet things have been slow because of this god forsaken migraine attacking me everyday, and I'm now finished with five of the boys, and my fingers are itching to just split all of it in half and post whatever i have ready right now, and do the rest later, possibly on the weekend. HOWEVER, with how inconsistent I've been working with it, i had to reread it to make sure it was at last acceptable, only to find that warrior's part, the one i wrote just before i went to sleep, was an utter mess, some words so wrong i couldn't even begin to decipher what I meant at the time and some phrases so nonsensical i just had to rewrite as a whole. tbh his part was the only one who suffered, but man it made me laugh akjosjdkdn. the other one were somewhat clean, except that i might or might not have gone overboard with like... twi part... i'm not a simp, okay?
well, i thought it was a fun little bit of my past few days as a trying writer and i thought maybe someone else would find it funny or useful to remember to at least revise whatever they write when they're feeling unwell. and also a show of my appreciation for all you go through to post your own works, because ffs, i wouldn't last a month if i posted updates as regularly as you.
— a now plentifully rested fungi 🍄
Also thank you for asking! My mental health is taking another tumble because it';s a little bitch and I've been at work so I've been wiped out! But I'm trying to power through it!
AND I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO READ WHAT YOU POST PLEASE TAG ME ONCE YOU;RE FINISHED!! I've been there, waking up the next day to see the mess on the screen POUGFGI but it happens and I hope you were able to improve it to how you like!!!
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typenonsense · 6 months
@ ur post about a clethubs polycule with many relationships in it... can we see the chart? i love a good polycule chart that looks like a complicated molecular structure
Tumblr media
here it is!! I kinda went overboard with it because I was Ambitious and wanted to include as many relationships/dynamics as possible. and also uhh anything for the bit
Lizzie and Mumbo aren’t in here because I couldn’t figure out how to include them and what connections to give them :((( and people like Gem, Pearl, and Scar don’t have many connections because I’m lazy and also didn’t know what to give them haha
but also if you have any suggestions or ideas to make this bigger and/or better PLEASEEEE (also if some of this is hard to read or understand, tell me and I’ll make an image ID, but I can’t promise it’ll be any less confusing shavsjshhs)
notes about some of my decisions under the cut if you want to hear them:
Ren and Tango’s siblings and roommates relationship comes from session 6 of secret life, when Ren is on Tango’s account, and I felt an impulse to connect them in some way, especially since I’m saying Ren is ‘missing’ here. the roommates connection comes from me joking that Ren was just hiding in Tango’s attic (since he’s missing), and them being siblings is from Ren being mistaken for Tango quite easily, except with a different voice. These are both more jokes though or at least more lighthearted. If I do write this au, I might not include these haha and just have Ren actually missing
yes, Cleo and Martyn are still together because I thought it’d be funny. and the drama.
Scar and Grian are fine haha. or at least they will be. I just like how their dynamic throughout the series isn’t all sunshine and roses and wanted to include that a little!!
really wanted to put something between Jimmy and Martyn but couldn’t figure out what. coworkers?? I dunno
I was originally gonna do lines as well for Tango and Skizz’s tiers but then I drew a few and decided that would make this chart truly impossible to read .. + it’s unrequited (well, they’re just kinda desperate in a way that’s Only Them) + there’s two of them
the people in tier 2 are based off of Team BEST, Team TIES, and Team BITES. Cleo’s in tier 3 because she was originally teamed with them at the start of secret life
and yeah Big B’s not apart of the polycule yet because Tango and Skizz ‘looking for a third’ is wonderful to me (and if I do go through with the Ren and Tango thing, imagine that your crush’s exboyfriend who he thinks is missing is hiding in your attic. AND Martyn is still looking for Ren here and if I also say Jimmy’s his partner as a private eye that makes it even funnier because imagine the person you’re looking for is living in YOUR HOUSE)
don’t ask me why I included roommates and band members but not ‘friends’. just assume most people are friends dhshshhs
ALSO with Scott’s exes, the relationships aren’t necessarily romantic, I just use relationships as a term to say ‘oh, they’re important to one another’, but most of the relationships on here you can assume are romantic haha
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ipomoea-batatas · 2 years
Ed remembers once, before...well, everything, that Stede had mentioned something about picking flowers that grew on the grounds of his boarding school. His eyes had lit up briefly, but then the next second something in them flared out and died.
“Silly of me,” he’d said, with a little head shake, and then moved onto another topic.
Ed thought of asking, but it had seemed like a painful memory, and besides—he was too engrossed in watching Stede’s face as he kept talking, animated and bright.
It’s months later. They’ve weathered the storm of heartbreak, of grief, of pain (mental and physical—Hornigold almost had Ed bleeding out on the deck before Stede finally showed up like some kind of avenging saint).
Life follows a steady, if not always easy, rhythm—there are misunderstandings, miscommunications. Little ways they didn’t even know they could hurt each other until it happens—small, unhealed hurts to clean and re-stitch.
But there’s also marmalade, and milk tea, and warm nights with fine brandy. There’s hand-holding and oh Edwards and other things he didn’t even know it was possible to want.
And there’s also—because Stede didn’t want to give it up, and because Ed found out it could be fun again, at Stede’s side, with Stede’s absolutely lunatic sensibilites—plenty of piracy. The fuckeries are so elaborate now that the Caribbean is alight with bizarre tales—ghost ships hunting in the night, ships helmed by beautiful sirens, and even (although perhaps this one hasn’t spread terribly far) a ship manned entirely by human-sized cats. (That one was maybe not their most successful, but as Stede always says, no bad ideas in a brainstorm.)
On this particular raid—a more straightforward one this time, a small merchant ship that surrenders easily—Ed is in the captain’s cabin. It’s an odd little space, with some surprisingly delicate touches, reminding him a bit of Stede. The man’s inkwell is needlessly elaborate filigreed silver. His chair is made of finer wood than most. And all around on the walls are frames filled with bugs and pressed plants.
Ed peers at one, a big moth. He doesn’t like bugs—tricky, flying fuckers always getting up in your face—but this one is pretty cool. Bigger than any bug should be, but bright green, with little blue curlicues on its wings.
(A memory surfaces—Dryocampa rubicanda—delicate legs perched on Stede’s soft hands. He always wondered how Stede had gotten it to rest on his finger like that—but then, that was Stede, wasn’t it? Reality just sort of bent around him in ways Ed was sure he would be spending the rest of his life puzzling over.)
He looks away from the framed moth and focuses on what he came for.
Stede had assured him over and over that he didn’t care about the books and the other fine things. “I’d let you throw them overboard and me after them a million times over, if it pleased you,” he had said, and Ed knew he meant it. But still... for weeks after his return, Stede would be chattering along, as Stede did, on some topic or another, and say something like, “you know, I have an excellent illustrated volume, if you’d like to see! It’s...” and then trail off and settle back down, remembering. “It’s all right,” he’d always say quickly. “No matter at all.”
But Ed still felt like shit every time.
From then on, Ed always looked for books on their raids. Stede never went for them—he didn’t know if he still remembered Ed saying don’t and slapping the book out of his hands all those long months ago, the first time the crew of The Revenge had shadowed Blackbeard’s, or if Stede simply felt that bringing back books would feel like an accusation, like an acknowledgement that he missed them.
So Ed always looked for them. He had started filling up the shelves without saying anything, leaving them there for Stede to find. “Just looks weird to have them empty,” he had muttered when Stede caught him putting them there “Might as well use all this space.”
It had become their little thing. (Well, one of many.) Ed would pour them brandy, watching out of the corner of his eye to see Stede’s reaction to whatever he had picked up.
He had gotten better at picking them out. Stede always flushed with pleasure when it came to books, but Ed could tell when he had really hit paydirt. It was fun, to get Stede excited. Never got old.
He opened a cabinet and, sure enough found a bookshelf. He had known he would—the whole cabin had a scholastic vibe to it. There was even an unfolded pair of spectacles on the table.
He looked through the volumes.
Ed could read well enough. Most people didn’t think he could, and he fucking let them, because it was always worth it to shove people’s assumptions back in their face when it counted. Oh Blackbeard, please let me write a message to my wife back home! I just don’t want her to wonder. I’ll put it in the sea, it might never find her, but if there’s a chance...It had been real fun to read that message right back to the startled captain. Your wife’s an admiral? Quite a catch, there. Didn’t know your lot practiced mateolage. Good times.
These, though, were in Latin. He could vaguely piece stuff together since a lot of the words were similar enough, enough to know that these were science-y books. It made sense, with the bugs and flowers and stuff.
He pulls one out. Systema Naturae, it says in big letters. He flips through. Lots of illustrations. Stede usually likes ones with lots of illustrations in them. 
(There had been one quite memorable volume Ed had found with rather detailed illustrations of men in all sorts of intriguing positions. Had found it in the quarters of the ship’s chaplain, to no one’s surprise. Ed would never quite forget the cycle of expressions Stede’s face had rapidly undergone...or the night that had followed. If Ed could have, he would have shaken that book’s hand and bought it a drink.)
Most of the illustrations were of plants and flowers.
Stede likes flowers. He had never talked about it again, after that one time, but Ed sees the way his eyes are always drawn to them. Sometimes, when they were on shore, they would be sitting together outside and Stede would idly pick a nearby wildflower, looking at it and starting to smile before casting it aside. Ed would always ask if something was wrong, and Stede’s face would take on that sweet, too-bright expression, assurances tumbling from his lips like dropped coins he was trying to scoop up.
The only flowers Stede seemed to allow himself were the ones embroidered onto fabric.
Perhaps flowers made of ink would be all right, too.
That night, as per their usual routine, Ed poured brandy into their glasses as Stede “pretended” to notice the new volumes.
“Are these new?” Stede asked innocently, picking up the book with its blue leather cover. He frowned slightly, then smiled. “Ah, yes! I’d heard about this one. It’s quite new, very recently published.” He walked over, flipping through it idly. “Not quite the usual fare, is it?”
“There weren’t any with blokes getting each other off this time. I checked.” Stede snorts and takes the proffered glass of brandy, sitting down and looking thoughtful, the book balanced in his hands. The silence between them is odd. Not bad, just...odd.
“I know you like plants,” Ed finally says. “And flowers.”
Some unseen knot smooths out in Stede’s face, as if the end of a ribbon is being slowly pulled. Stede seems to frown slightly as something falls away. Then he looks up and smiles.
“I do like flowers,” he says. “You’re right.”
“Thought you could tell me about them,” Ed says. “Haven’t been around them too much. Don’t really grow at sea.”
Stede looks at him for another long moment. It takes his breath away, sometimes, the way Stede looks at him, like he’s a treasure Stede’s just unearthed.
“All right,” he says, smiling and pulling Ed down to rest against his shoulder, stroking his hair. He points to an illustration. “This is Canna indica, but they usually call it Arrowroot—there was some growing outside that bar in St. Vincent a few weeks ago—the one where we had to go in and get Wee John after that dance-off started a brawl? Such a cheerful yellow, I find...”
(This is the night that Ed learns flowers reproduce sexually. There’s diagrams and everything. Flowers—who knew, right?
It’s another good night. A really good night.
Ed reminds himself to buy flowers a drink sometime.)
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victorluvsalice · 11 months
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And then I was like "you know, I invited Felipe to this shindig SPECIFICALLY so Victor could reconnect with him and once again have a friend OUTSIDE his immediate household -- let's do that, okay?" XD So Victor went and said hello to Felipe and shared a nice chat with him at one of the side tables. :) They did indeed become friends again, I'm glad to say, and Victor even learned a bit about Felipe's new preferences post THAT update -- namely, that he likes blue but dislikes yellow. *pause* Welp, he probably isn't a fan of Smiler's tux then. Or their eye color either. XD
With the Felipe Reconnection sorted, it was time for a lovely, if unofficial in my game, wedding tradition -- the first dance! I put that dance floor in and made sure to hire a pianist for the wedding for a REASON, you know. The My Wedding Stories people can't have all the fun! Victor and Smiler shared a few lovely turns on the dance floor to the piano music, courtesy of the "Slow Dance" interaction in the Cute Romance mod, and ended on an adorable little dip kiss. :) I'll take "things I wish I had at Victor and Alice's original wedding" for $500, Alex! Ah well, at least I got to indulge this time around. :)
After that, I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided, "well, I set up a photo op area, might as well use it." So I had Alice mount her camera on the tripod, spun the tripod around when I realized I'd put it backwards relative to the backdrop (^^;), and then had Victor and Smiler pose for her while she took a couple of pictures. It was fun making them do various silly poses, but I ended up not that fond of the white backdrop, so after a few pictures I stopped the photo session so I could move it. I was just getting ready to try some nicer snaps against the beauty of nature when I saw the "Take Photo With..." option and thought "Oh, yeah, Alice should get some pictures with the happy couple too. Wouldn't it be nice if I could do all three of them in one go, but I'm sure the game won't let me pick both--"
". . .the game just let me pick both."
Uh, cue me going COMPLETELY OVERBOARD with taking pictures of the trio using the tripod camera. XD The first couple were a little glitchy (mostly due to the fact that Smiler started walking away while the camera 'timer' was going, and when I changed the poses, the game teleported them back into the same space that Alice was occupying, resulting in some weird merged Sim nonsense), but once I started another set -- oooh, the fun I was having. Oh, the joy of getting to do all sorts of delightful and silly photos with all three of my beloved Sims in the same goddamn shot for once. XD What you're seeing there is just a small representative sampling of some of my absolute favorite shots. I -- yeah. This is something I wanted for AGES, and I wasn't about to waste the opportunity to get as many shots of my OT3 TOGETHER as possible.
That being said, I DID want some of the classic "dual selfies" as well, so once I was finally done with the tripod, I had Alice reclaim her camera, then moved the trio over to another nice spot nearby with some cute light-strung trees and had Alice and Smiler, Alice and Victor, and Victor and Smiler all take some selfies together. Which all turned out very cute as well. :)
. . .Yes, I swear the last one also turned out cute. Look, I don't know WHY it happens, but sometimes, when you take an in-game picture, the version in your "screenshots" folder ends up "overexposed" like that. It doesn't happen EVERY time, but I got unlucky in this case, and ALL of Victor and Smiler's selfies had that weird "glow" to them. I just wanted to include one to prove that they'd taken a few! Trust me, the in-game versions are fine and adorable.
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