#i plan to make temples for as many gods as i fancy
liminalmage · 1 month
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When in depression doubt, build temples (ft. what I've built so far for Zeus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Hera, and Poseidon)
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yellosnacc · 3 months
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Welcome to a long one.
The Ciwan empire is the fastest-growing sloman power ever since the war of continents and the first to discover a form of gunpowder (thanks to their enemies being uniima lls who have been using it long before).
But even with that advantage (among slomen), the Ciwan armies are iconic for a different reason. That being the Kuiqua-trained units that Sun-cutters come from.
These units have traditionally existed for hundreds of years but are slowly just becoming a symbol for show because of the political and battling changes in the world. However, you will still see them from time to time ripping people to pieces.
Just like the majority of sloman military groups the unit relies on intense teamwork, they need constant communication and preplanned routes to deal with the opposing strategy.
The simplified average scene might look something like this:
In one unit of 30 members, three strikers (Sun-cutters) make a plan with their scholars and commanding Fire-catchers (Seconds leaders). After getting to the war zone they wait for their window in which some members spy or communicate with deeper army spies. When they know their target and best strategy they get in. The strikers use hand gestures, clicks, or whistles to save energy while the Seconds forward the orders to the rest with "ground's" (war language), wooden whistles see more use in very large units. Many times, however, often just seeing the movement of the sun-cutters is enough for the whole group to act.
Strikers will sometimes wait behind their heavies (Beasts) if their force isn't necessary (units can be as few as 5 members or as many as 50, the two extremes work very differently). Once the situation calls for it, they bullet their targets, often stabbing talons first and tearing muscles in a swift motion. This may happen multiple times as other unit members engage in direct battle with the target/s or disarm them with specialized tools. Kuiqua units both kill and capture, having healing supplies on their heavies if they need to make sure their target doesn't bleed out (or their own soldiers).
All members of the Kuiquan unit are priests of different levels but all are priests of the dead (ones that speak for their ancestors rather than gods). It's believed lands conquered with these soldiers present will flourish with life. Many former battlegrounds have turned into gardens and crop fields (hopefully they don't keep this up when landmines are invented).
To the image. What you see is a small variety of soldiers. Beasts and fire-catchers have other names and features in their armor that they are known for based on all their roles that can often switch between fights. Only Sun-cutters truly have one name.
Fire-catchers are also sometimes strikers in training and may move up if they prove themselves. Though, more often Sun-cutters rise from the ranks of regular taloned soldiers with enough talent.
As mentioned in the image, Sun-cutters tend to be very prideful. Their helmets are an impractical mess that pushes their ears forward. A Ciwan Sloman's ears are very important to them and if they are damaged it's a career-ending event. Still, almost no strikers bind their ears, not wanting to be shamed for cowardness.
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an ex-striker
here is the whole picture if you prefer it big
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Btw, Kuiqua is the city Neal lives in. He has met or been arranged to meet these units multiple times since Neal himself is stuck classified as a fancy soldier. They are also not uncommon around temples, small talk is required.
Thank you for reading this far! Next I must answer the questions of biology. This has taken me 50 000 years.
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snoopyana · 5 months
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“ she can’t do nothing but yale. “
he had you pinned down, face squished into the pillows. the sound of muffled moans and skin slapping together filled the room. his phone propped up on the nightstand — recorded a video for his distant girlfriend. as a little hint that he wasn’t coming home tonight.
na jaemin. smut.
the whole ground under you shook as some drill song played, bass boosted to the max. gripping the red cup in your hand, it had been maybe.. 2 hours since you got here.
it wasn’t enjoyable.
looking around, you tried to make out your friends. you already knew that mark left, from his slurred text messages. but you had no idea where hyuck or johnny was. maneuvering your way through the crowd, you stumbled into the kitchen. reaching for the fridge, praying there was waterbottles — because you definitely weren’t sober enough for your liking.
fumbling through the fridge, you failed to realize the man standing next to you. watching you. grasping onto a small plastic bottle. you emerged from the fridge, satisfied with your find. looking to your left, that’s finally when you saw him.
startled, almost losing your already horrible footing, you stepped back. “oh my god…nana you scared me.” gripping onto your chest for dear life, you quickly compose yourself again. popping the bottle open, chugging it. mumbling under your breath, “god i needed that.”
“How you doing yn?” focusing back on jaemin, you realized this is your first time seeing him tonight. “good, could be better.” pausing for a moment “when did you get here?” he was leaning on the counter now, you standing in front of him. “not more than twenty minutes ago.” he yelled slightly, trying to drown out the music.
“ah, well are you enjoying it?” you asked him, shifting your weight, foot to foot. “not really, i was planning on leaving, then i saw you pushing through the crowd.” looking forward, you realized he was making direct eye contact. a smile creeping onto his face.
“i was actually gonna leave too, i just needed a little drink that wasn’t alcohol.” massaging your temple, there was a comfortable silence between you two. if you take out the music that is. “i can take you home.” jaemin spoke up, as he was still sober. you on the other hand, you couldn’t remember how many times you refilled your now discarded cup.
“yeah, i’d appreciate that, thanks nana.” and with that, he was leading you to the front door, holding onto your waist, keeping you from getting swept into the crowd. the cold air hit you like a storm, unsure what the time was. but it was dark. probably around midnight.
he didn’t let go of your waist until you were in his car. the gesture making you heat up. or maybe it was the alcohol that still lingered in your system. the ride was nice, it consisted of you telling him where to turn, and you guys laughing when he still ended up taking a wrong turn.
“gosh nana, you’d think you’re the drunk one with how you’re driving . “ a ten minute drive turned into a 40 minutes. but you weren’t complaining, he had a blanket in his car. which you used as you curled up in his passenger seat.
you weren’t necessarily tired, just a little out of it. Jaemin took notice of that, freeing one of his hands to snake under the blanket, rubbing your leg. you had been wearing green cargo pants, a gray fitted shirt and a black zipup. nothing too fancy, but he liked how it looked on you.
not minding his hand, as physical contact was something he did often, you stared out the window. seeing your apartment complex come into view. parking in the lot, he came around and opened the door for you. His hands find their way back to your waist as you lead him to the lobby. opting for the elevator, it was a quiet ride to the 7th floor. breathing and the rumble of the machine filling your ears.
a bing broke the silence, and you stepped out in unison. feeling around your pockets, searching for your keys. finding them in your back pocket, brushing against jaemins stomach as you pulled them out. unlocking your door, you both kicked your shoes off.
“finally. somewhere quiet.” (not for long, but i digress—) you mumbled, stumbling over jaemins feet as he was still attached to you. “oh my bad.” he spoke, moving with you to the living. he sat down first, and you followed. resting your head on his shoulder, you pulled out your phone. ‘1:27AM’ blared on your screen as you scrolled through your notification inbox. a few texts from hyuck asking where you were.
jaemin did the same, but his inbox was filled by one person. his girlfriend. he hadn’t told her he was leaving(and that he didn’t plan on coming back.) she had been on his ass all week, about useless shit. not calling her enough when he was at work. not being able to read her mind when she wanted something and expecting him to know. blah blah blah. he was tired, and needed a change of scenery.
that’s when he saw you, and decided he was gonna do just that, get a change of scenery. so here you are — laying on your couch. his arm gripping around your waist, which seemed to be his favorite spot. this felt like cheating, it was cheating. but he was too deep in to turn back.
“how you feeling, yn?” he questioned, looking down at you as you scrolled through your phone. “pretty good now, thanks for taking me home.” placing your phone down, you looked up to meet his gaze. then it happened. he leaned down, kissing you. you knew he had a girlfriend, he knew he had a girlfriend. but her existence quickly was pushed out of your mind.
the small kiss turning into a makeout session. your lipgloss smeared on yours and his face. lip outlines all over his neck — hickeys on yours. it was getting more and more intense by the minute. the alcohol that still floated in your system being a big help. pulling away from his lips, you maybe eye contact.
“are you sure this is..okay?” you whispered. being answered with a head nod and a smile. “i’m sure, i need to get away from her anyway.” his lips were back on yours, as you straddled his lap. the tent in his pants becoming painful obvious.
without warning, you were picked up — your body quickly meeting your bed. he knew your apartment like the back of his hand, occasionally crashing here when he needed a break from her but this was the first time you guys ever touched like this.
his lips were back on yours. biting on your lips, earning a whine from you. his hands made his way down to your waist, this time opting to pull whatever you had on, off. breaking away, he looked at you. “can i continue?” he questioned in a hushed tone. a small “mhm” was all he needed, and your pants were thrown onto the floor, leaving your underwear. he continued to undress you, slowly.
every time he pulled off an article of clothing, he would plant soft kisses onto your skin — making your whole body shudder. until you were left in just your bra and panties. and he was hovering over you, fully clothed. something about that made you even more hot and bothered.
as you looked at him, his fingers wasted no time. slipping underneath your underwear. his index and middle forcing their way inside of your hole. an embarrassingly loud moan coming from out of your mouth. a sly smile on his face, he was enjoying this. a lot.
his fingers pumped in and out at a painfully slow pace. occasionally curling his fingers to hit that gummy part just right. his thumb working slow circles over your clit in the process.
meanwhile, you were falling apart. moaning his name, swears slipping out of your mouth. he loved it. watching you lose yourself with just his fingers. then he felt his phone buzz in his back pocket. remembering the problem that was always poking at his neck. using his free hand, he pulled out his phone. his fingers never once stopping their mini assault on your insides.
he answered her call. “hello?” yelling could he heard from the other end, but he didn’t care for what she was saying. putting her on speaker, he threw his phone onto the bed. leaning down towards you ear. “be loud babe, i want to shut her up.” and with that, his fingers moved faster. your moans filling the room. repeatedly whining out “ah jaemin! please..” as he continued to pick up the speed.
she went silent. was she actually hearing this rn? his girlfriend started screaming even louder into the phone. jaemin reached over, and hung up. as he did, you gripped onto his shirt. a knot forming in your core. “ m’ gonna cum jaemin.” and you did. the male fucked you through your high.
she was calling again, before answering jaemin placed kisses on your forehead. “tell me when its too much.” he flipped you onto your stomach, face stuffed into your pillows. unbuckling his pants, he got onto the bed with you. his phone propped up against your lamp. he clicked record. sliding your panties off and unclicking your bra. he threw them to the side.
his brown hair fell over his face as he lined himself up with your hole. making sure both of your lower halves were in frame. with a swift motion, his hips were pressed against your ass. your moans being muffled by the abundance of pillows that decorated your bed.
“fuck..” letting out a groan as he bottomed out. taking a few moments before he began thrusting. your walls clenching around him as he stretched you out on his cock.
“ohh fuck. you never felt this good minyoung.” he groaned while speaking. his thrusts was a mix of long and slow, then fast and hard. making you go dumb underneath him. “fuck jaemin, ‘m gonna cum again..” was heard from beneath the pillows.
“go ahead, cum as many times as you please.” he whispered into your ear, helping you reach your climax once again.
the video was 50 minutes long. he laid with you in your bed. he was still fully dressed, while your naked body clung onto his. it was now 4:28AM. jaemin was cutting up the video into parts, sending them to his very angry girlfriend.
‘hope you don’t mind, i had a little fun last night.’
he was left on open.
note- i wrote this in an hour. please cut me some slack if some parts don’t make sense. i had an idea and wanted to write it down as quick as possible!!
note #2- did some reformatting. same fic just more pleasing to look at. fic is now 100% proofread, if there’s still any mistakes, don’t be shy to tell me. 💗
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For WIP Wednesday, because I don't have a lot currently that's WIP since I'm still in the planning stages on my MegOp Week stuff and some of the requests I've received, I have this tiny piece of a potential second chapter of An Unfamiliar Battlefield.
I don't know if I'll actually make that a longer thing than the one shot it is because I don't have a plot arc planned yet, but I dabbled with expanding into Hot Rod's perspective and opinions, which is nearly exactly the opposite of Megatron's narratively.
I actually have about 600 words of it, but here's a small piece. No warnings apply.
Hot Rod hadn’t anticipated the training. Then again, he hadn’t been terribly sure what to anticipate at all.
Though, he had been pretty damn sure it wouldn’t have involved dodging actual swords all morning.
Frame aching from exertion and poor landings, he stood next to the wall of the training hall, chugging fresh, clean fuel on his break like he thought it was the only cube of it he would ever have. The cube was cold in his hands as though the staff had been keeping it in a refrigerator, an utter luxury Hot Rod could scarcely imagine. His old apartment didn’t even have power, let alone a fancy appliance like a refrigerator.
The guards, looming by the doors, and the instructors, looming around the training floor, were waiting on him to finish up.
When Hot Rod had submitted his application for the position of Lord Protector, he hadn’t expected to actually hear back from anyone at the temple in Tarn. It had seemed like a pipe dream to have any real way out of the crime-ridden poverty of Nyon’s lower levels.
The public recruiting call had been regular, the instructions for applying coming out like clockwork. Ever since the last guy had died and the normal mourning periods wrapped up, the priests would put one of those calls out.
They had never seemed to go anywhere, given the lack of announcements that the position was filled and that the schedule of publication had gone without interruption for years.
Hot Rod had thought that surely there were many, many applicants and that the standards just had to have been impossibly high. After all, who wouldn’t want to stand at the side of a powerful god?
Besides, the worst the people reviewing his application could do would be to either tell him “no” or, what he had thought would be the most likely, just never respond to his application while he entertained the daydream of what it might be like to be a Lord Protector, a god’s favorite… a hero at the center of attention, loved and wanted and important.
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cutiepisenpai · 2 years
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Day 11. Hair Pulling/Blindfolds - Aizawa (Gorgon)
Gorgon!Reader x Aizawa
Warnings: Smut of course, implied previous rape, vaginal penetration, creampie.
A/N: Sorry this isn't proof read. I'm sleep deprived and just hoping for the best.
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 "I commend your bravery, Eraserhead. Not many would you make the choice that you did. Although I do hope you have no plans in subduing me, they won't work. Many have tried and they all end up the same way." You say gesturing to the statues surrounding the two of you as you lead him deeper into the cave.
"You're not a villain, just a monster you could have killed so many so easily, but your deal didn't sound like the worst that could happen."
"A monster….huh. so many people use that word without truly knowing what it means. Most people fear me from simply not understanding. I’m not a monster by choice.” You are nearing your destination. “I was once a beautiful maiden with soft skin and bright eyes.  Back when I was full of hope… and now I’m covered in scales, serpents for hair, eyes that I must keep covered or turn those I see into stone. All of which is out of my control, and yet I’m the monster.”
Aizawa follows you into the room with cave walls covered in jewels, fancy furniture, pelts strewn about. It wasn’t what he could have expected, he thought the lair of a gorgon would be scarier not the lap of luxury. He takes a seat on one of the plush sofas.
“So what happens now?” 
“Now.. nothing really I brought you here as a companion it can be quite lonely and way too quiet surrounded by statues.”
“You threatened my students and dragged me here because you need a friend.”
“Your students attacked me first. It was self defense. I don't hurt children. And I gave you an ultimatum and you chose yourself to be my captive. I didn’t have to do that. I could have removed my blindfold and turned your and all of your students into stone. You should be thanking me for being so nice.”
He rolls his eyes at your statement figuring the first chance that he gets he will just subdue you and leave. He looks over to your lounging form and is surprised to see you removing the blindfold from your eyes. 
“No need to tense up, I'm not going to open them. Just tired of having this on my face.”
“You said you weren’t always like this, how exactly did you become this?” He asks. 
You are tempted to crack an eye open and look at him but even a peek at him will be a beautiful sculpture the next second. And so far you have enjoyed his company, you are sure he has some grand plan for capturing you and escaping but you know it won’t change anything. 
“I was once a beautiful maiden in service to the goddess Athena. One day in the temple I was approached by the god Neptune. He was a man who does not take no for an answer. And for that I was cursed to be this horrid monster.” 
“I’m sorry that happened to you, it is terrible.”
“Terrible things happen to people every day Mr. Eraserhead. You’re a hero, I'm sure you’ve come across all kinds of disgusting people.” He had gotten up to move closer to you sitting beside you. “You should be careful if I open my eyes even a smidge and you’re a goner. 
You aren’t sure what he is doing had the poor bastard just taken pity on you and hearing how you ended up this way. Although you did seek out a companion he was far too close in your opinion. 
“If you open your eyes, you’ll be all alone again.” He says, grazing his fingers across your face.
It has been a long time since you felt the touch of another person, even when there were other Gorgon around it wasn’t like you all were the touchy type. Although strange it isn’t unwelcome he touch is oddly gentle like someone handling a fine piece of glass. The snakes that are normally disciplined and in a rather sleep-like state, although they have been your only companion for such a long time, you can’t say you care for them. But they react to his touch normally they would hiss and snap at any person who attempts to be near you. They brush themselves against the hand that touches your face seemingly enjoying his presence. 
“They are very affectionate.” He says, stroking back against the serpents. 
“It’s unusual.”
“Oh so they just like me. Do they reflect your true feelings? Is there a specific reason you requested I join you.”
“My first impression of you was wrong.” 
You don’t know what he meant by that. He moved again, getting impossibly closer, you can feel his breath on your face.
“Why are you so close?”
“Does this bother you? Should I move?”
“That isn’t an answer.”
“That isn’t an answer either.” 
You start to open your eyes instinctively and he is quick to cover them with a hand. 
“Okay, I’ll stop.” is all he says, removing his hand from your eyes and scooting back on the couch to give you space.
You grab the blindfold wrapping it back over your eyes. You look in his direction, and even though you can’t see you’ve trained yourself for years to be aware of your surroundings even without your sight. His hand moves to grasp yours.
“You are not a monster.”
“I know.” 
He moves close again holding either side of your face with both hands a shiver wafts over your body and the snakes on your head start to move about excitedly. You are tired of whatever game he is playing and you put your hands over his shoulders. You are surprised to feel soft long hair, in a moment of jealousy grab a bunch of his hair and yank on it pulling his head back.  You expected him to be angry, you expected him to yell, to pull away from you but he did none of that. He surprisingly lets out a deep moan, the sound sending a wave of pleasure throughout your body. 
“I used to have hair like this.” You give it another small tug. “Long, soft, I bet it is beautiful as well.” 
You are thoroughly enjoying the sounds emanating from him. You had climbed into his lap and started kissing. In contrast to his rough hands his lips are surprisingly soft. It is hard to focus on the kiss as his hands roam over your body. You aren’t sure what has come over you, why you desire him so intensely and so quickly. Before long you are both nearly undressed. He would regularly check in to make sure that you were still okay. It was sweet and endearing. You are back on top of him and you can feel his hard cock pressing against you. You roll your hips teasing him and he lifts your hips to position you above his hard cock before you lower yourself down.
You raise yourself up before lowering yourself down, setting a steady pace. You wish you could see him, face flushed, covered in the sheen of sweet. He mouths against your breast sucking on a nipple. You love the feeling of control,determining how deep he penetrates you with each roll of your hips. Although your eyes are covered you close them anyway just to focus on every sensation. You leave marks on his skin biting into the flesh of his shoulder. You are nearing your own release and hope he is as well. 
Your hands are in his hair again grabbing at the root and pulling back hard on his locks, “Are you ready to cum?” You ask in a husky voice.
He doesn’t answer with words, he snaps his hips up to yours and a needy whine leaves your lips. He holds onto your hips thrusting himself into you deeper. You groan and moan as your orgasm builds, threatening to tip over the edge. With a few more well aimed thrust and you are clenching around him a high pitched moans escapes your lips, his pace quickens fucking you through your orgasm. He finally decides to give you a chance to breathe. Stopping his movement but your body continues to shake, appendages going numb from the experience. You stay intertwined holding onto each other.  
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idlenight · 9 months
1 and 2 for the tav's. to get to know them. 👀
Thank you so much for the questions Wonda! I've been dying to talk about my Tav's.
This got quite long, and there's pictures so it's all under the readmore. If you're interested this OC ask game was newly made by my mutual @glitchy-npc
1 - Give a basic run down of your OC. Name, general info, relationships.
Syleth of the Green Knights. A tiefling paladin (and as of recently, a sorcerer) who is sworn to the Oath of the Ancients. He grew up on the streets of Baldurs Gate as one of the many urchins, though when he was twelve he was taken in by a temple of Selune. Syleth felt like he owed them everything, but they didn't treat the tiefling so well. When he came of age and the Moonmaiden had not blessed him to be one of her Clerics, he saw it as a sign from his god that he did not belong in the temple and she was guiding him on a different path. Which is how Syleth ends up becoming a Green Knight.
Stat wise: Tiefling, Paladin(oath of the ancients)/Sorcerer(dragon bloodline), Acolyte background. I'm romancing Astarion with him.
Connor Newsong, similarly to Syleth, grew up on the streets of Baldurs Gate, unlike his friend, the human boy stayed there for a lot longer. Connor did whatever he could to earn money and survive. Which is how he picked up the lute one day. Connor never went to a fancy bard school (not officially anyway, but he has stolen their litrature to teach himself) but he is quite the talented bard. His talents got him off the streets and into a life of adventure. Until the events of the game, he didn't exactly plan on ever returning to Baldurs Gate.
Stat wise: Human, Bard (College of Lore) + Rogue, Urching background. Romancing Gale.
(also yes Connor gave himself that last name when he started his bard career, tbf he was like, 14 at the time)
Lord Lucien Peter Levvine-Rainhold is the son of the human noble Timothy Levvine and the high wizard Ashera Rainhold. Lucien is the youngest child of three, his parents already had 'the heir and the spare' which gave Lucien a lot of freedom as a child. He was thought the manners of the high class and basic magic as was expected of him, but when he ran around in the courtyard pestering the estate guards to teach him how to swordfight he was given that luxury.
Stat wise: Half-Elf, Fighter (Eldritch Knight), Noble background. Romancing Wyll.
As with all games like this where I end up making multiple characters, I like to imagine them all exisiting next to each other in the story. So for my Tav's i've decided they where an adventuring party before they got snatched up by the Nautiloid at the start of the game. There is also a yet undifinied Cleric of Selune that im still workshopping, she's also part of this group.
I don't want to make this even longer so I'm not going into the details of relationship rn sorry 🥲.
2 - What is their physical appearance? What tends to stand out to people who notice them for the first time?
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The first thing one would notice of Syleth is probably the whole, tiefling thing. The horns and demonic eyes are kind of obvious. The second thing would be his tattoos or his recently grown in dragon scales (that was a weird thing to wake up to). Syleth mostly wears heavy armor, but in camp he barely wears anything at all besides pants and boots, in fact you're lucky if you even get a fucking shirt on him. (He already hikes around with too many layers and heavy plating you think he's restricting his movements in any way during downtime?)
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Most notable about Connor is that he has purple eyes and redd-ish and purple hair. Not the most normal thing for a human, he probably has some elven ancestors in his family (not that he ever had any family, so he can't check). Other than that he's quite tall but definitely not build for combat in any way, one could say his Constitution stat is trash. Connor dresses himself in a very bard-ly way, enough to be classy and eye-catching but also not too extravagant.
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Lucien is a mountain of a man, a build he can thank his human father for. Another thing that catches someone's eye is well, his eyes! While he was not born with heterochromia, after the bard Volo poked around with an icepick in his eyesocket he's one magical prostethic eye richer! (that wasn't very smart, but that's his dump stat anyway <3). Lucien might be nobility, but he doesn't exactly dress like it. It's practical armor in the field, and well loved worn casual clothes that he's probably had since he started adventuring.
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xwhatxisxrightx · 2 years
xstudentxprezx asked: “Guess it’s kind of like a sleepover, huh?” -- I don't even know who but a multiship fo sho probably including at least Jinx or Natsuki
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"Hell, yeah! Just you and me and, well--... THEM!! But no adults, no overbearing big sisters, and NO. RULES!!" Ann threw an arm around Makoto's neck, pulling her into a half hug, voice full of energy and LIFE as she threw up a peace sign and winked. "Never thought I'd be sleepin' over at MAKOTO'S PLACE!! So what do we do here? Can we bring down all the pillows and make a FORT, ooh maybe we can do a FASHION SHOW, or DRINKING GAMES, wait do you have any alcohol? Any video games? Crap, I should've brought mine!" Yes, this was all one train of thought from one OBLIVIOUS, HYPERACTIVE, & SELF-CENTERED GIRL. "Oh, what about movies? Should we go pick some up? Maybe some PIZZA, TOO!? Makoto can drive so it wouldn't even take that long!!" Someone for the love of God... Makoto was gonna need a MIRACLE to get out of tonight alive. Or maybe she and Ann just needed the METANAV APP to steal them away from this reality and give them an ESCAPE? "We could play spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven, those don't even NEED alcohol!" Finger found its way to tap again Ann's chin. "But I suppose we do need a bottle. ...And a closet..."
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"Ughh... SHUT UP, Ann-Kun, you're giving me a HEADACHE over here..." Fingers pressed into her temples rubbing gentle, soothing circles. "And why do we NEED all that stuff anyway? Why don't we do something MAKOTO wants to do, huhhh?" Pouty lips, puffed out cheeks. HMPH. "Like, I'm sure Makoto has LOTS of baking ingredients! We could make cookies and cupcakes! Could make some for everyone! Even Sae, so she won't be as MAD when she gets home." Natsuki wasn't STUPID. Makoto had long avoided people coming to her place, for many of the same reasons Natsuki had both avoided people coming to HER place AND her going to anyone else's. Geez. If only Makoto knew the BEATING Natsuki had coming to her tomorrow... She'd cancel this whole sleepover in a MINUTE and probably try to talk to her dad or something... Not that her dad ever LISTENED to REASON. (Believe her, she'd tried. Had manga torn up, poems spat on, cupcakes trashed, and ribs bruised all in the process.) "Plus, unlike SOME PEOPLE, I actually came prepared!" She threw down a cute lil pink backpack, clearly overstuffed and the zip strained to come loose on its OWN, manga spilled out. "So how about it Makoto?"
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Snicker. Snicker. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "Ah-Hah-Hah! Pffuh-Hah-Hah-Hah!" That had been the damn break, Jinx had broken down into a fit of laughter, clutching at her belly and rolling around on Makoto's fancy couch, legs kicking up into the air WILDLY (comically with a sign fo over-exaggeration, one might say.) "Manga? Pizza? Drinking? Okay, drinking DOES sound kinda good. But CUPCAKES? -- CUPCAKES!?" Jinx didn't bake often, and when she did it didn't exactly turn out well... (Not that she PLANNED it, too.) "We don't need any o' that stuff. What we need are FIREWORKS and GRAFFITI CANS." Pause. "And buildings! Buildings are great! Not this one. This one kinda grosses me out." Not because it was MAKOTO'S, okay kinda cuz it was Makoto's. It was just in Jinx's ENTIRE EXISTENCE to be a shitlord about that kinda shit. But rather, honestly...? Jinx hadn't ever been invited into a place that looked THIS GOOD... It all felt kinda SUFFOCATING and OVERWHELMING. Especially knowing she had to be on her BEST BEHAVIOUR (which to be honest still wasn't saying much.) "Come onnn, let's jet! We can go skateboarding~~ Oooh, or we could start a BIKER GANG!!" Of which only Makoto would have a motorcycle license, but hey, Jinx had stolen one before! Could you tell Jinx didn't REALLY know how sleepovers worked?
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panditjiujjain · 4 months
The Cost of Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain
Understanding the Types of Rudrabhishek Puja
Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain is a unique ritual in which individuals worship Hindu deity Lord Shiva.  give something special to god, Certain individuals view this expense as an investment in their spiritual welfare.
Rudrabhishek Puja is a significant ritual conducted in Ujjain to pay homage to Lord Shiva. Ujjain has immense spiritual significance and is home to the Temple of Mahakal, also known as Mahakaleshwar.
Lord Shiva, a revered Hindu god, is worshiped in various ways, including through the Rudrabhishek Puja. During this ritual, devotees reverently offer water, milk, honey and herbs to Lord Shiva to seek his blessings. It is believed that this puja provides relief from troubles and sorrows and also attainment of wealth. 
Rudrabhishekam with Rudrashtadhyayi is a unique ritual in which individuals devoutly offer prayers.
Why is Rudrabhishek puja so expensive?
There are many things that can affect how much it will cost to perform Rudrabhishek Puja special prayer ceremony in Ujjain. It is important to consider these things to know how much the expenses will be.
The type of puja you choose, such as Laghu Rudrabhishek or Maha Rudrabhishek, can make a big difference in its cost.
Maha Rudrabhishek
Maha Rudrabhishek is more expensive because it is more complex.The more priests involved in Maha Rudrabhishek, the more expensive it is as more priests with special skills are required to perform the ceremony.Many different materials are used in Maha Rudrabhishek, some of which are difficult to find and not common, which makes it more expensive.
The price of Maha Rudrabhishek puja in Ujjain varies depending on the temple or place of worship, the number of priests involved and the type of puja. But the cost of performing such puja can be around ₹ 10,000 to ₹ 50,000.
Laghu Rudrabhishek
Laghu Rudrabhishek is a special way of showing love and respect towards Lord Shiva. People do this by offering water, milk and other special items to the Shivalinga. It is a place to worship Lord Shiva in the Mahakaleshwar temple.
Laghu Rudrabhishek is a special ceremony where a priest says sacred words and Lord Shiva is worshiped with simple ingredients.It is easy for people to do and helps them feel closer to God. Its price in Ujjain is around Rs. 3,000, which is not very expensive, hence many people prefer to perform this puja. 
Rudrabhishek with Rudrashtadhyayi
Where you have the Rudrabhishek puja in Ujjain can change how much it costs. If you have it at the Mahakaleshwar Temple, it will be more expensive because the temple is very important and has higher costs.Rudrabhishekam with Rudrashtadhyayi is a unique ritual in which individuals devoutly offer prayers.
Rudrabhishek is a special and meaningful prayer from Rudrashtadhyayi. Instead of just performing the regular rituals, we also read a special book called Rudrashtadhyayi, which is about Lord Shiva. This special prayer helps us feel closer to God and costs approximately Rs. 3,099.
If you are thinking about doing a special ceremony called Rudrabhishek Puja in the city of Ujjain, it's a good idea to plan and prepare carefully.
Budget consideration:
Think about what kind of puja you want to do that matches your beliefs and how much money you can spend.
priest selection 
Choose a priest or puja center who knows a lot and has done this before.
The cost of Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain can be different depending on a few things. These things include the type of puja, how many priests are involved, what things they use in the ceremony, and where it takes place. Whether you choose a big and fancy puja or a small and simple one, it's a special way to connect with Lord Shiva in the holy city of Ujjain. Just make
sure to plan your trip carefully and I hope your Rudrabhishek Puja is a very spiritual and meaningful experience.
CTA: Do you know how much Rudrabhishek puja will actually cost? You can visit panditjiujjain.com to learn more about different priests and find the one that is best for you. 
For more:
रुद्राभिषेक कराने में कितना खर्च आता है?
काल ��र्प दोष (Kaal Sarp Dosh) की प���जा कब करानी चहिए?
Where is Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain?
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
"I do not have time to synthesize thousands of years worth of history unit something you'd understand Narcissus -"
"Make time for it Kertayan. My mate is hanging by a thread and I will not throw my daughter into the rule of High Queen for nothing less than honestly. You and your dark fae ilk have concentrated here more recently. Tell me everything or you can all leave."
Kertayan resisted the urge to point out that Narcissus had dark Fae blood too. He sighed and gestured to where Reshaye stood. They sat in a winged back chair. They kept to the fae form, their hair short and a dark black. Colors shifted in their tresses as they moved like an oil slick. 
"That. All of this revolves around that. 50,000 years ago the Asteri were a massive worlds spanning empire. They of course wanted more and so began to focus their efforts on the Wyrd. The void between worlds of how they traveled. I remember what it was like back then, a peaceful and somber place. My people had long since settled in its vast waters and picked off any travelers we thought were unworthy of such a thing."
He could feel Narcissus mounting impatience. 
"50,000 years ago an Asteri named Attes evaded us and disturbed it enough to wake it. He dragged its consciousness into our material world. He forged it into a weapon. One thousand years ago Prythian aquired it and have protected it ever since. Especially Keir and his family - for some reason Reshaye likes them."
Narcissus exhaled, rubbing his temples as all this information swirled in his head. 
"And you? Where does your ilk fit in?"
"Kertayan's people fancy themselves as my protectors. Nevermind they never did much before I woke or after I was imprisoned in this world. I don't like them, they worship me as if I'm their God."
Kertayan didn't flinch from Reshaye's bitting tone. He was used to it after so many millenia. 
"The point of all of this Narcissus is this war between Asteri and Daimon have been going on much longer than 50,000 years. All Asteri any of them just want Reshaye to use as a weapon like they did millenia ago under Cassandra. So yes, while I'm sure this Bryce person has some point. She doesn't matter - Rigelus cannot come here. He cannot take Reshaye."
Narcissus looked to Azriel and Rhysand. 
"You know him right? Is Rigelus that unhinged he'll try to take us?"
His daughter Lira was Valyn and Elona's eldest son's mate. He supposed through their son Elian he could even call on Aleksander's forces to come aid them. 
It was a question he wasn't sure he could answer, the mindset of Rigelus was something that was hard to perdict. Yes, he craved to restore a world that was believed to be long gone. The premises at promise, he held promise. Yet, there were moments where the sanity wasn't all there. There were times when he was sure he could turn on him at any moment.
Rhysand shrugged, his hands in his pockets as he looked towards Narcissus. "That is a question I cannot fully answer, it is hard to predict what he plans to do. Could he do what you have asked? Yes, he could. Will he? That is the part I can't answer." After all, he could see sense at any moment. He could see it was not beneficial to him.
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
MKR Sun Wukong with a Timelord s/o
Part of this was inspired by a dream I had last night. Plus I've been wanting to write something with a little Doctor Who in it. As for what a Time Lord is... Basically they're a race capable of building machines that can cross through time and space called a Tardis. One of the many traits being they have two hearts instead of just one. There is a lot more but it isn't that important for this.
Maybe for a later headcanon. Anyway, let's get started. This can be gender neutral or preferred gender. Enjoy.
Earth, a great place for all sorts of strange stuff to occur. Being a Time Lord, you were usually dragged into any oddness both interesting and dangerous. A good chunk of alien species did not like your race.
You currently were in Taiwan, on your way to visit the temple dedicated to the 'Great Sage Equal To Heaven', Sun Wukong. Mythology being something you loved, always gleaming to find any possible truth from them. This particular one being something you really fancy.
Back onto the topic of good ol' strangeness. Apparently even a sacred temple isn't safe from bollocks messing with stuff they shouldn't. Someone running away with an artifact in hand as security followed behind, so you obviously tripped the thief.
Quickly catching the item, a peculiar monkey statue made of jade. All you did was blink before you found yourself deep in a forest. The jade monkey nowhere to be found nor any civilization in sight.
'For Hanuman's sake, you couldn't give me a chance to even try calling my ship! And I happen to love monkeys too. Such adorable mischievous creatures.'
Well, you weren't exactly alone for a while as strange creatures came out of the woodwork. Considering how the day has been going, the beasts attacking wasn't unexpected.
Good thing you had a pair of good legs and a Sonic Screwdriver! Using your trusty tool to set as many obstacles as you could. Set a bush on fire, clip any vines holding a large log and even pissing off a few wasp nests. Home Alone: The Hunted edition.
You found your escape route being a nice rickety bridge. It wouldn't hold the added weight from those creatures which is what you were looking for. Once halfway across you Sonic'd the ropes to the bridge.
The creatures plummeting to the chasm below while you swung across on the rope. Original plan had been to climb up using the stone wall as a foothold. That is until something fuzzy wrapped itself around your waist and you found yourself flying.
Looking up to be greeted by the face of a monkey like being. It didn't take long to realize who this is from the cloud underneath his feet and the golden band around his head.
Welp! Sun Wukong is apparently real which means you were in Ancient China. Teleported by a jade monkey to later end up in the arms of an (in)famous trickster god. Your kind of luck.
"Thanks for the save, Handsome. Would you be so kind to put me on solid ground? Negotiations don't really work well midair with nothing to stand on. Tried it once and didn't work out well for the other guy."
The Monkey King couldn't help but stare at you before letting out a chuckle. "I definitely like you." Best to have a possible friend cause knowing this stone monkey, the Journey To The West is guaranteed to be your next adventure.
Who knows? Maybe it'll help you find your way back to 2022. Whether by discovering a way to successfully summon your ship or get help by any magic being here. Might as well have some fun while at it.
And that's it! Just like the Doctor, the Reader doesn't really fight head on. Often using logic, cunning and their brain to handle problems especially with a Sonic Screwdriver.
Sonic Screwdrivers can do a LOT of stuff and are mainly defensive tools. This is the list as writing the whole thing would make this too long.
Until next time folks, I'll see back on the TARDIS for our Journey West.
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Before I forget, this is your Sonic Screwdriver.
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noisyalmonddreamer · 2 years
Valentines day: Percy Jackson
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Lets all hope I can finish all 9 by Valentines day
- Percy likes Valentine's Day - The thing is...he often forgets about it only like a few days before - kinda. He remembers your gift...but not any type of event - so hope you weren't looking for a fancy dinner or anything! - if you want to go out you can still go out. Just no where fancy - if he plans something it'll probably be some romance movie marathon - but not just any romance movies! - romcoms! - I'm so sorry - it's Lowkey very cute and romantic tho so don't discount it! -his cabin will have fairy lights around (some stored in jars) - he'll have extra blankets and pillows! - and tons and tons of snacks! - He does have like 'actual' food tho - side note: he gets a lot of anonyms confessions but never upfront - People are to scared/nervous to ask him directly - Even though he probably would not notice they're confessing to him honestly ~~~~~~~~~~(I'm sorry if you don't have half-blood siblings. My bad:/)
Today your siblings lovingly woke you up by blowing up a popper with pink heart shaped confetti. Groaning you got out of bed and brushed the confetti from your hair. "What the fuck?" You turned to your siblings who were laughing and giggling among themselves. "We just wanted to get you in the mood for valentines day!" One of your siblings said, walking up to you and picking out a few pieces of confetti you had missed.
"Since you're spending valentines day with the most pinned after boy at camp afterall." Your sibling continued laughing, walking back to their bunk and throwing on a hoodie. "Hahaha you guys are so funny." You glared at your siblings while picking out some clothes from your wardrobe.
Your siblings left you behind as you got dressed and did your bed. Quickly you ran out your cabin door, not wanting to miss breakfast, but were stopped by a strong pair of arms. "AH-" you turned around, ready to throw a punch, then noticed the stupid grin on your boyfriends face.
"PERCY! Geez give me a warning next time!" You whinned, punching him lightly in the arm. Percy chuckled, kissing you on your temple, and slipping his hand into yours "sorry 'bout that babe." He smiled at you and handed you a rose in his other hand "here ya go! Kinda cheesy I know but it is valentines day and all so...might as well right?" Percy continued smiling at you, his cheeks flaring as he rubbed the back of his neck.
You smiled back at him and leaned over to place a gentile kiss on his lips. "It's very sweet. Thank you Perce."
The two of you walked hand and hand into the dining pavilion. You began to let go of Percy hand to walk over to your table but he didn't let go and tugged you closer. "uuhhh Perce?" You asked, looking over to him. Percy only smiled and continued to tug at your hand, pulling you towards his table. "Percy...people are staring..."
Percy shrugged and continued walking to his table, still tugging on your hand "meh. Does it matter? People know we're dating. Now come on. Let's eat"
You sat down across from Percy and began eating your breakfast, making small conversation with your boyfriend. "So you got anything planned for today?" You asked. A few weeks earlier Percy had requested you to not plan anything, though he didn't tell you what you were gonna do.
"God's you're annoying"
"You love me."
~~~~Time skip~~~
You weren't able to have the most romantic day in the world, you were still in camp and had camp activity's. Plus Percy and you didn't have to many activities together today which made it worse.
Eventually after your activities of the day were completed you took a quick shower to wash off the grime of the day and dressed in some comfortable clothes, as per Percy's request, then headed to his cabin.
What you didn't expect when entering the cabin was an overall romantic atmosphere. Percy's cabin was normally pretty messy. It was cozy! For sure! But never that 'romantic'. fairy lights hung around the room, some on his bed post and head board, some stuffed into mason jars placed in random areas. His bed looked extra comfy, fluffy blankets and a few new pillows were placed on the bed.
"Percy?" You called out into his cabin. The room was quiet before you heard a crash and someone yell out "SHIT!" and were met with Percy quickly walking to the front door, throwing you a lopsided grin. "Hey there baby, come in!"
You continued to give Percy a questioning look as you entered the cabin "did you drop something?" Your tone was slightly amused, thinking about how fast he ran over here after the sound of...what ever it was fell.
Percy chuckled while shutting the door "no" he said, walking over to you a kissing you on the cheek "nothing important at least!"
"So do you like what I've done with the place?" Percy gestured towards the cabin, trying to show off his decoration...or distract from the conversation. You weren't sure. Never the less you smiled at him and nodded your head "yeah Percy! It looks amazing! And it's so clean! It's so cute in here. I love it, thank you."
Percy beamed at your praise then quickly remembered something and ran to another part of the cabin. Picking up a plate he came back and handed it to you. "These are for us! I made them with some help from my mom!"
"That's so sweet Perce but why are they blue? Shouldn't they be red? Since it's valentines day?"
"Are you really asking me why they're blue?"
"...fair enough"
Taking a bite of the cookie you had to admit, it was good. It wasn't amazing, you didn't expect your boyfriend to be an amazing baker, you've baked with him before, but it was pretty good. "Aww Percy. They're great!"
Percy smiled at you "Thanks baby! Now come on! I've got the night planned!"
Taking another bite of your cookie you looked at him "Oh? What have you got planned?" You asked, rubbing the crumbs off your fingers. Percy's eye glowed and he smiled brightly "Oh! I ordered dinner for us so we can eat a bit later, and we're having a romance movie marathon!"
~~~~~Time skip~~~~
"If you make me watch one more romcom I am going to loose my mind!"
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xiaojusaur · 3 years
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Fly Away With Me
Pairing: Pilot! Kun x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, mentions of alcohol (wine), phone sex, nipple play, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe please), cum play.
Word Count: 5.5K
Description: After a class reunion, Kun and you, high school sweethearts, start to talk again. He achieved his dream of being a pilot and he takes you to fly with him, to then make you reach the clouds in a night full of passion.
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You didn’t expect much from the class reunion, but deep down you were excited to see how everyone had been doing and you were dying to see the changes! You knew for a fact that a few of those plastic girls were already married with a bunch of kids and some of the guys who used to bully you had turned to be ugly. Meanwhile, you were in all your glory, being successful and getting hotter every day.
You couldn’t wait to see your best friends and laugh at everyone else in secret, it has been long since you’ve reunited since work had you overwhelmed.
The reunion was taking place in a fancy hotel lobby since that way it was easier for those who lived out of town to stay there too. Everyone was wearing fancy dresses and looking sharp. Everyone had champagne pr wine in hand. You were with your friends talking about that one guy, Alex, who used to be one of the hottest guys and now was a mess.
“Look at him, he looks crusty as fuck,” said one of your friends and you all laughed.
“Has anyone seen Mirena?” Asked the other.
“Yeah, she has like five kids,” you answered.
“No wonder!” She exclaimed.
“Oh! I just remembered!” One of them almost screamed, “Do you all remember Y/N’s crush? What was his name?”
“Oh! Kun?” Replied the other. You didn’t even remember him. He was so cute, you wonder how had life treated him so far.
“Look at her, she’s daydreaming about him again,” your friends teased you.
“Nooo! I didn’t even remember him. I wonder if he’s coming,” you smiled. Though you never became a couple, you always dreamed about kissing him. So innocent!
As the event unfolded, everyone was having a great time, enjoying the music, the food, and drinks, catching up with everyone.
You and your friends were talking near the entrance when a guy dressed all in black entered the place. You were scanning him trying to figure out who he was.
“Ladies,” he nodded your way, noticing your eyes on him.
“Hello,” you all greeted him.
“Is this the class reunion?” He locked eyes with you, maybe trying to spot you in his mind, and as your friends confirmed him it hit you: this was Qian Kun. His eyes lit up, also recalling you. “Wait, Y/N?”
“Kun?” You gasped. He was so handsome! Oh God! You could almost faint there!
“Heyy! I’m so glad to see you again!” he embraced you in a tight hug. He smelled exquisite, your heart fluttered.
“Likewise! Wow!” You were excited.
“I’ll be meeting with some friends inside, I’ll come back in a few to catch up,” he promised.
As soon as he was out of sight, your friends started ooing and teasing you, “Y/N! He became hotter! How is that possible?!”
“I’m speechless! Wow... he remembered me... and he wants to catch up,” you were amazed.
“Gurl! This is your chance! Get that man! He looks expensive, there was no ring on his finger and he seems interested in you. GET HIM!” They cheered.
And you wanted... you SO wanted to get him, because if in high school he was cute, now he was unbelievably hot!
Everyone was dancing and drinking, you were in the crowd, having fun with your friends when Kun approached you again. “So what’s up? What have you been doing?” He was almost screaming over the loud music.
“Just working hard. What about you?” You sipped your wine.
“That’s great! Remember that my dream was to become a pilot?” He asked, expecting you would even remember his dreams. And he was right, you did remember. When you nodded he continued, “Well, I am a pilot! I have my own airplane.”
“Oh my God! That’s amazing! I’m so happy you could reach your dream!” You were genuinely happy.
“Thanks! Do you perhaps want to go outside? So we can talk better?” He suggested.
“Sure, let’s go!” And he let you lead the way.
Outside, you sat on a bench and kept talking. It was as if you were true friends but he was just a crush, how did he remember you so clearly? If you talked like 5 times when you were in high school it was much.
Being the straightforward person you were, you had to ask, “Hey Kun, don’t get me wrong on this but how do you remember so many things about me? We barely talked back in high school.”
“Y/N,” he chuckled and you swear you could just melt right there, his smile was the prettiest. “You do know I had a crush on you, right?”
The confession punched the air out of you. You were shocked! He never told you and you never told him, and there you were: two fools crushing on each other but never dared to talk.
“Wait... what?!” You couldn’t conceal the surprise in your voice.
“I thought you knew,” his eyes widened in shock.
“You never told me! Nobody told me! Why?!” You both started laughing.
“Well, my friends used to teased us both. I thought you would figure it out, that’s why I never actually confessed. Plus, you know how shy I was,” he explained.
“Kun! Oh God... I had the hugest crush on you too,” you told him while pressing your temple in distress.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” He shouted in surprise, you supposed.
“Because I thought you were too cute and unreachable for me,” you confessed looking at you feet.
“Well that’s stupid, because I thought you were the prettiest girl in school. And right now, I still think you’re beautiful,” his voice was so mellow, he had you wrapped around his finger.
“Thanks,” you could feel your cheeks getting hot.
“Look at me,” his hand forced your head to look him in the eyes. “We still have time to catch up,” he smirked.
“Oh yeah?” You dared him.
“Mhm. How about you give me your number?” He was being smooth and you loved seeing him struggle. Then he seemed to remember something, “Oh! Right! Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend? I forgot we are at that age.”
“Neither of those. I am as lonely as a cloud,” you sighed.
“Good. I mean... good that you don’t have anyone so we can talk,” he seemed desperate when he realized what he said. It was really funny.
“It’s okay! I understood!” You placed your hand on his in assurance.
You spent the rest of the night between your friends and dancing with Kun. Your friends kept bothering you with him and you had to told them what happened outside, which made it worse because now they were doing everything to get you two together.
“Y/N is sleeping cozy tonight!” They cheered with champagne.
“Stop! No!” You laughed.
“The pilot is taking you to the clouds tonight! Woooo!” You were all having so much fun.
The event came to an end and everyone left to their respective homes or hotel rooms. You were staying with your friends in the same room, so you all took the party to there.
You were laying on the bed when your phone started ringing.
“Hi,” Kun’s voice whispered in your ear giving you goosebumps. Your friends stopped doing what they were doing to hear your conversation.
“Oh, hi!” You said cheerfully.
“What you doing?” This was a normal question, but his tone wasn’t normal at all. His voice was breathier than usual.
“Just here, in the hotel room,” you played with your hair.
“You’re staying here too?” He asked.
“Mhm,” you confirmed.
“Great,” his tone was lower. Your friends had their eyes fixed on you and you widened your eyes and bit your lip in signal that he was being hot.
“What do you mean?” You asked with all the intention of hearing him confess that he wanted to spend the night with you.
“It’s great that we’re just steps away from each other,” his smoky voice had your head spinning.
“Mhm,” you agreed again.
“Do you have any plans right now?” He inquired curiously.
“Not really. Do you have something in mind?” You were using your sultry voice and your friends gave you a thumbs up.
“Well, I was thinking maybe you could come. We could talk some more, if you want of course,” he was such a gentleman. “I’m just here in my bathrobe drinking wine.” What could you do with that piece of information? You imagined his body under that robe, his tussled hair and his fiery eyes.
“Sure! Give me your room number, I’ll be there in a few,” your whole skin was ringing in excitement.
“305. The door is open, but if you have any problems, knock.”
“Will do!” And with that you hung up.
“Spill out!” Your friend shouted.
“Bitch! He invited me to his room!” you screamed.
“GET IT! GO!!!! Go get that dick!” Cheered the other.
“Oh my God! What should I wear?!” You were panicking.
“Do you have a nightgown?” Asked your friend.
“Not really, I have these PJ’s” you pulled then to the sides modeling them.
“I have one that might fit,” she went to her luggage and pulled out a maroon silk nightgown with a robe. “Here, try it on.” You went to the bathroom and it fitted perfectly, so you went out and all your friends started complimenting how good you looked.
“Now, go there and have fun with the love of your life,” your friend said as she fixed your hair.
You took the elevator and at the third floor, you walked slowly until reaching the 305. The door was open ajar and you could see the light turned on. You hesitated for a second but the pushed the door slowly. “Kun?” You called slowly.
“Come on in!” He shouted from the inside and when hearing his voice you got the confidence to continue. You closed the door at your back.
Kun was sitting on a sofa with a glass of wine in his hand. You suddenly felt yourself getting hot but you tried to conceal it with taking your hair out of your shoulders.
“Take a sit,” he signaled to the space by his side, “Feel at home.”
You felt his eyes on you, studying you from head to toe. It made you laugh so you told him, “What?”
“Nothing,” he shrugged, “you look beautiful.”
“Thanks,” you felt like melting.
“So, how has life treated you? Tell me more about yourself,” he said as he extended his arm to reach the wine bottle to fill his glass again.
“Life has been hectic, but at least I have a job that I like,” you shrugged.
“You drink?” He offered you a glass full of the reddish liquid.
“Sure, thanks,” you accepted it and quickly took a sip.
“Where do you work? If I may ask,” he relaxed on the sofa.
“In a travel agency,” you smiled because you found it funny how he was a pilot. Your jobs complemented each other.
“Oh! So you are giving me more work? I see,” he faked being offended.
“Hey! At least I’m giving you more money,” you laughed and he laughed with you.
“That’s true! But I’m glad that you’re doing good.” He sighed remembering how life was easier before, the moments in high school, your beautiful smile.
“What about you?” You interrupted his thoughts, “tell me about how you got to be a pilot. That should be exciting.”
“Definitely! I had to study hard though. But it’s a great satisfaction when you finally get there. The first time I flew I was very nervous, but then I felt the freedom and an immense peace. Being there between the clouds is an amazing experience.” He was looking at the distance, looking so passionate about what he was saying. It was wholesome and sexy.
“Maybe I can take you to fly with me someday,” he blinked and then looked at you smiling.
“I’d love to,” you giggled. You don’t know if it was your imagination due to the almost gone wine in your hand or the spark of the moment, but you felt he was getting closer. Like magnets, you were getting closer as if it was natural. Kun stopped centimeters away from your mouth and whispered, “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” you blurted. There was nothing that you wanted more than to kiss his plump lips; you’ve been wanting to do it since high school.
He did the final move and his lips touched yours gently. His breath smelled like alcohol, probably the wine he has been consuming. His lips felt like everything you imagined, so meaty, so soft. He then pulled away, leaving you wanting more. Kun stood up from the couch and walked to the bathroom. You were so confused, did he not like it?
“Let’s go to the balcony,” he offered you his hand to take when he came back and you did.
You two sat outside, talking about life events while drinking more wine and watching the city lights.
You felt your eyes heavy, maybe from the wine, maybe because you were sleepy, but you didn’t want to go yet, you wanted to spend more time with Kun, maybe watch the sunrise together from here.
“Y/N,” he called you softly.
“Yes?” You smiled. He placed his hand on top of yours on your thigh.
“Do you want to go back to your room? You look sleepy,” he smiled back in assurance. He was such a gentleman, you wish he knew you just wanted to jump on him.
“Kun...” you whispered.
“Yes, darling?” Your stomach knotted at the pet name.
“I thought you wanted to... you know...” you tilted your head insinuating the word but not saying it.
“I wanted to what?” He looked puzzled.
“To... have sex with me,” you blushed.
“Y/N, honey,” he got closer to you, “you have no idea how much I want to make love to you. But we’re kinda tipsy, I don’t want to do something that you may regret later. I better have you in all your senses so we can both enjoy it, you know?” Could he be more perfect?
“I agree,” you nodded.
“Let me take you to your room.” He stood up and took you hand, helping you get on your feet.
On the way back to your room, he embraced you, keeping you warm. At the door, you felt a sudden melancholy and didn’t want him to leave. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep in contact with you, we’ll go out soon.”
“I’ll be waiting for you,” you smirked and he smirked back. He pecked your lips and left.
Kun and you kept talking on the phone and finally arranged a date. He kept his promise and would take you to fly with him. You were excited to share this moment with him and to try something new. You were talking on the phone the night before.
“Are you excited about tomorrow?” He asked.
“Yes! I can’t wait!” You giggled.
You heard him giggle too and then he sighed, “I wish you were here right now.”
“What was that? What for?” You were intrigued.
“I don’t know, I feel we really get along. I enjoy your company,” he confessed.
“That’s cute,” you cooed.
“Yeah... but I also can’t wait to kiss you,” you heard him chuckled. He was so naughty!
“I can’t wait to kiss you either,” there was a change in your voice, from shy and cute to sultry.
“Do you have plans at night?” His voice got lower.
“Nope, I’m all yours tomorrow,” you were following his game because you knew where he was leading you to.
“Hmm... that sounds sexy, all mine,” you could almost see him smirk.
“Yes, all yours,” you assured him.
“How about we come home to relax a little?” He suggested, but you knew what he meant.
“I’d love to,” you sighed imagining all you would do, you really couldn’t wait to have his hands on you.
“What’s wrong? You sighed, are you not feeling comfortable?” He really was the king of consent.
“Oh no, it’s not that! On the contrary...” you cut the sentence there.
“On the contrary...?” He was encouraging you to continue.
You were on the mood for some fun, so you decided to tease him. “I’m just imagining all the things we could do at your house.”
“Mmm... and what would that be?” You heard him shuffling on his bed.
“I don’t know... sexy things,” you shied.
“Don’t be shy baby, tell me what do you feel like doing to me?” Kun whispered.
You gasped at the name, he caught you off guard. “Kun, I want your hands on me.”
“Baby, I would love to touch every inch of your skin,” he said in a groggy voice.
“I want you, Kun,” you sighed.
“I want you too. You have no idea,” he snarled.
“I can’t wait,” you admitted.
“Mmm... I’m getting so turned on right now,” Kun confessed in a groggy voice.
“Are you?” You breathed.
“Yes. Keep talking to me like that and I might have to jack off for you,” he hummed.
You gasped, “So dirty!”
“Dirty is what I’m going to do with you,” he chuckled evilly.
“Oh yeah? And what is that?” You wanted to hear him say it.
“Oh baby, I’m going to fuck you so good you’ll be begging me for more. Everyone will know my name because of how loud you’ll be screaming it. Im gonna have your legs shaking so much, you won’t be able to walk the next day,” he groaned and you moaned in response because that’s what you’ve always wanted, to have Kun make you his.
“Would you like that?” He inquired in a raspy tone.
“I’d love that,” you purred, smitten by the idea of being between his arms after the action.
“Then... I’ll see you tomorrow, alright? We’re gonna have so much fun,” his voice changed suddenly to his normal tone, you supposed he was trying to control himself.
“I can’t wait,” you smiled.
“Bye bye,” he said softly and hung up. He was torturing you so much, teasing you to then forget about it and start being too respectful. You loved he was a gentleman, but right now, you just wanted to be disrespected and fucked into unconsciousness.
The next day, he picked you up early, you got breakfast and then were headed to the airport where he had his plane. He took your hand and kissed it, making you blush, and then held it on his thigh while driving. He looked so sexy today with his dark mane knotted in a tiny ponytail. “Are you nervous?” He asked.
“Yes. Very,” you chuckled trying to sound it was fine.
“Relax,” he caressed your hand with his thumb, “It’s gonna be fine and you’re gonna have so much fun once we’re up there”.
“I’m excited!” You gave him a big smile, “but I’m also nervous because you’re here.”
“Oh? I make you nervous?” You saw his little smirk.
“Yes! I mean, you’re my forever crush and we’re here, together,” you shrugged and he laughed.
“That’s so cute,” he kissed your hand again.
“Stop that! I’m gonna die because of blood loss in the rest of my body!” You whined.
“You’re too cute,” he cooed.
Once you got to the airport, he talked to a lot of people, presenting you as his special friend. While waiting for the preparations for flying, he hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek. You giggled and he laughed with you. “What are you doing?” You asked between laughs.
“Loving you?” He pecked your shoulder.
“I like the sound of that,” you purred and he hugged you tighter.
“Sorry to interrupt,” one of the workers walked in while you two were being all lovey-dovey. “Everything’s ready sir,” he indicated to Kun.
“Excellent, let’s go!” He took your hand and you walked to the airstrip.
Kun jumped inside the aircraft and pulled you by his side. He buckled you up and placed a headset on your head. “This will drown the loud sounds and you’ll be able to hear me,” he explained and you nodded.
Your whole skin tingled in excitement, there were tons of feelings in your head. He looked at you as making sure you were okay and when seeing your wide smile he leaned in and pecked your lips.
He started pressing buttons and then he pushed a lever and the machine started to move slowly and then faster and faster and faster. You felt your heart on your throat and you closed your eyes tightly because you were scared.
“Don’t close your eyes, Y/N! Feel the freedom!” Kun screamed. And a few seconds later you felt your soul was left on the ground while your body was flying.
“Scream it out! WOOOOO!!!!” Kun was full of adrenaline and it was so funny so you imitated him. “WOOOOOOOO!”
“YEAH! THATS IT!” He encouraged you and then started touching buttons again. You had closed your eyes unknowingly and when you opened them you were over the clouds. You felt breathless, you were frozen, staring with wide eyes your surroundings. It was beautiful! The sky looked so blue and the tiny white clusters resembled pillows floating in the sky. You felt an unfamiliar peace, it was strange yet so soothing. Now you know why Kun loved being on the clouds.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” You heard him comment.
“I... I have no words. This is unreal,” you said amazed.
“This view is as beautiful as you,” he complimented you and you felt the hotness on your cheeks.
“Now I understand why you love so much being up here, it’s relaxing,” you sighed.
“Yeah, it’s a great stress reliever,” he explained and extended his hand to place it on your thigh.
He kept piloting and trying to scare you moving the aircraft suddenly or spinning it slightly. You had so much fun!
When you finally landed, you felt lightheaded. Kun noticed it and slyly wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you. He thanked the guys who helped him and said goodbye to then walked you two to his car.
“Are you hungry?” He asked while starting the engine.
“Very!” You admitted.
“Did you have fun?” He looked straight at your eyes.
“Yes! It was amazing! Thank you,” you placed your hand on his and he turned his to intertwine your fingers.
“I’m glad you had fun. Now let’s eat!”
He took you to a restaurant and there you talked more about your high school days while you ate delicious food. When you were finished he was looking at you with inviting eyes, you lowered your gaze to avoid blushing again, but since he didn’t stop looking at you, you whispered “What?”
“Nothing,” he shrugged, “Just admiring your beauty.”
“Stop!” You giggled and he started laughing.
When you got to the car again you were both in silence, but it wasn’t awkward, it was a silence on longing, of knowing what would come next; the moment you both have been yearning for.
His house was almost a mansion, so spacious and fancy. You were dazzled as soon as he opened the door: it was so bright, full of crystal windows, it was like him. You felt the air change as soon as you crossed the door. Kun stood in front of you and pulled you closer by the waist.
“Can I be honest?” He asked in a murmur.
“Of course,” your skin was tingling in anticipation of his confession.
“I was doing my best effort here to control myself, but I really, really, really, want to make love to you,” Kun said in a hoarse whisper.
“Why aren’t we doing it already?” Your mouth talked before you could think.
“I didn’t want you to think I just wanted to fuck. I really wanted to catch up with you, converse, maybe kiss and then if you wanted, we could make love.” He sounded so confident and he was being such a gentleman you just wanted to jump on him. Your pupils dilated and you gulped trying to conceal the sudden heat you felt, you didn’t know what to do or what to say.
“Kun... I so want you to make me yours,” you said in a breathy tone. There was a long silence between you two, but suddenly, as if you were reading each other’s mind, you embraced each other, kissing fiercely. Kun guided you to his room, where he laid you on his bed and leaned on slowly to kiss you again. His mouth traveled to you neck where he pecked, licked, and nibbled gently. Your breath was getting heavier and the clothes started to be a nuisance, tugging at each other shirts, hands sneaking underneath the fabric, eager to feel skin on skin. “You’re okay with this, right?” He asked breathlessly in the middle of savoring your neck. “Hell yeah!” You growled and he hissed in response.
He took off your shirt and you his, the pieces of clothes flying and landing on the floor. Kun kissed his way lower and lower until reaching your breasts, which he exposed by pulling your bra. “Mmm... so perfect,” he hissed at the sight of your hardened nipples. You ran your hands down his arms slowly, enjoying his body heat. “What if I do this?” He licked your nipple while looking at you as in waiting for your approval, but you just nodded desperately and moaned, “Oh, I love it Kun...” He continued playing with your bosoms until they were all wet with his saliva. He kept his trip down your body, kissing until reaching a little lower than your navel. Kun unbuttoned your shorts and slid them down your legs, leaving you in underwear. He left butterfly kisses down your legs and back up. He was so close to where you needed him, his breath tickling your clothed core. Your toes started to curl in expectance.
“Mmm... I can’t wait to taste you, I bet you are so sweet,” his raspy voice made you whimper.
“Kun, baby, please... I’m sooo wet for you.”
“I can see that,” he commented while pulling your panties to the side. The sudden brease made you jump and he held your waist to keep you steady. “Just lie back and let me take care of you, would you?” You just nodded rapidly and relaxed on his pillows.
Kun gave a long first lick to you slit and you gasped while looking at him, seeing how your juices sticked up to his tongue. He hummed and licked again, this time diving more.
“Oh! Oh my god Kun...” you hissed.
His lips enclosed your clit and he sucked hard, ripping a scream out of you. “Ah! So good!” Your hands flew to his head. He kept licking, sucking, making slurping sounds. His mouth was moving faster along with his tongue and you were feeling the knot in your belly trying to snap. “Fuck! Please! Kun, I’m gonna cum,” you cried.
“You wanna cum on my tongue?” He stopped for a second to take a breath and then continued his ministrations.
“Mhm! Mhm! You’re so good with that tongue!” You mewled and started moving your hips trying to reach your release. Kun started flicking his tongue faster until you felt the bliss of the orgasm, a strangled keen letting him know. Kun kissed your thighs, your belly and then reached your lips. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered and then caressed your cheek.
While you regained your breath, you could see the strain in his pants and you couldn’t wait to have him inside you, so you extended your arms and unbuttoned his jeans.
“So eager, my love?” He chuckled surprised.
“Yes, please fuck me Kun. I need you,” you pleaded desperately.
He groaned at you begging for him, he loved it. “You want me to fuck you, huh? You’ve been desperate for getting this dick, haven’t you?” He snarled while sliding his pants and briefs down his legs, finally freeing his mouth-watering length.
Kun pulled you to him by the arms, making you sit on the mattress. “Let’s take off that underwear. I wanna have you skin on skin, feel every inch of you on me,” he whispered while unclasping your bra, your already ruined panties long forgotten on the floor.
He went for a kiss and you both fell on his pillows again slowly. After what seemed an eternity of kisses, he asked, “Are you ready for me, baby?”
“Yes, Kun,” you ran a hand down his back before he kneeled on the bed right between your legs. He took his dick by the base and started teasing you, collecting your juices with his tip. He then stopped at your hole and pushed slowly inside you. Kun bit his bottom lip while your mouth formed a silent moan. He bottomed in you and then pulled back, both hissing at the sensation. He kept thrusting you slowly, admiring how he was stretching you.
“Mmmm... you’re so tight baby.” He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling.
“You feel so good, Kun,” you said in a shaky whisper. You were feeling so full of him, you wanted him closer, so you held his hand. He kissed your hand and like understand your message, he leaned over, caging you between his arms. He kept plunging into you while looking at your face and kissing you now and then. The weight and heat of his body felt amazing on you and the fact that this was Qian Kun, your forever crush, had your whole body buzzing with excitement.
Kun had his head near your neck and he took that chance to whisper sweet things in your ear. “Such a good girl. You feel so warm around me. You’re perfect.”
The room was a feast of whimpers, moans, and grunts combined with gentle touches and passionate kisses.
“Kun baby, fuck me harder please,” you begged chokingly.
He hummed and said, “You want it harder, babe?”
“Mhm... please,” you nodded frantically. He propped on his forearms and started snapping his hips faster, the bed creaking in complaint. The sound of skin hitting skin invaded the room while you screamed your lungs out from pleasure. “God! Kun! I love it! I love you!”
“I love you too, princess,” he said through gritted teeth.
Suddenly he stopped. “Crap! My arm!” He had a cramp and you found it so cute, you started to laugh. He started massaging it and then bursted in laughs too.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you assured him, “Let’s get comfortable and enjoy this moment.”
His impulse was to kiss your cheek. You were so sweet and understanding, he really made a catch with you.
“Now, where were we?” He smirked and you just opened your legs to receive him again.
Kun placed your legs on his shoulders just to reach that cushioned place that would send you to bliss. “Fuuuuck, right there!” You moaned, circling his neck with your arms. He increased his pace hitting you just right. You were clenching him, indicating that you were close.
“Give it to me, let it out babe,” Kun panted. But you didn’t want to stop, you wanted this moment to last forever. Your body betrayed you and your sweet release came soon. “Ohhh yeah, Kun... fuck!” He loved you expression of satisfaction and kept going concentrated on it.
“I love to see you enjoy my dick, you’re such a good girl,” he hissed. A few minutes later, he pulled out and came on your stomach with a loud grunt. He kissed your lips and then laid back for a moment to gain his breath.
“Wow, that was amazing...” he was still panting.
You chuckled tiredly in response, “Yes, I loved it.”
“Let me regain my energy for a moment, I’ll go get you a towel,” his eyes were closed but he looked happy.
After what seemed like forever, he looked for a wet towel to clean the mess he made on you, but he had a better idea. “How about we shower together?”
“We’re at that stage now?” You asked joking with him.
“If you want, of course,” he shrugged.
“Yes, let’s go!” You jumped off the bed all naked, grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the bathroom with you.
The shower was a fun experience and you were already imagining this happening every day and your heart shrank.
You were at his bed now, cuddling and talking about the future. “Y/N, you really make me happy and I’m glad we reunited again.”
“I’m glad too,” you smiled and kissed his exposed chest.
“I only went to that party to see if I could find you, and look at us now, between each other’s arms, sharing a bed...” his hand caressed your arm absentmindedly.
You looked up to meet his gaze, “I love you Kun.”
“I love you too, princess,” he kissed your forehead.
You thought he fell asleep because there was a moment of silence, but then he proved you wrong by calling your name.
“Yes?” Your hand reached for his cheek.
“Marry me.” He didn’t ask, he declared it.
You were shocked at first, your heart was beating so fast, but your mouth talked before your brain could process. “Yes.” No questions asked. You knew each other for so long, you saw you had a great chemistry, why not marry the love of your life?
“Let’s fly together forever.”
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alwaysachorusgirl · 3 years
Adoption Day
Pairing: Frederick Chilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 2089
For: Covers the Animal Shelter square for @adarafaelbarba 's fall moodboard bingo
TW: very brief mention of past childhood abuse and animal abandonment, but other than that, it's mostly fluff
Dedication: This is for the world's best cat mom, @madamsnape921 ,because it's her birthday! Go send her some birthday love today!
Author's Note: Jumping back a little in the Cat Daddy Frederick timeline to cover Buttercup's adoption story. Per my previously established continuity, this would take place in January, right after New Year's, and prior to "Not According to Plan"
Tags: @itsjustmyfantasyroom @prurientpuddlejumper @thatesqcrush @welcometothemxdhouse @raulesparza4eva @teamsladsandgents @rosequcrtz
The winter wind howled outside the window and snow drifted across the windowpanes, but inside Frederick Chilton’s ornate home you were safe and warm. No, our home, I live here now, you thought to yourself. You were still getting used to thinking of it as your home, too. You were unpacking the last of the boxes from your recent move. A fire was roaring in the living room fireplace, giving the room a cozy, comforting glow. You inhaled the aroma of the hearty vegetable stew that was cooking in the crockpot in the kitchen, and your stomach growled. You were going to need to take a dinner break soon, and as if he was reading your mind, Frederick entered the room and came over to where you were placing your books on the expansive built-in shelves.
“How goes it with the books? Do you need more shelf space? I can always move somethings into my office if you need more.”
“Thank you, Frederick, but don’t worry; I think I have more than enough. I am, however, getting rather hungry. I think it’s time we ate dinner, don’t you?
“I couldn’t agree more, my love, shall I set the table?” he asked, taking your hand, and helping you to your feet.
“Thank you, Frederick, that would be lovely.”
“This stew is fantastic, my love! We’ll most certainly have to use this recipe again.”
When you didn’t respond right away, Frederick started to worry and reached for your hand. “Darling?”
“Oh! Sorry! I zoned out for a moment, must be more tired than I thought; Thank you, Frederick, I have a whole slew of crock pot recipes that are perfect for cold winter days.”
“Y/N, are you alright? Have I done something wrong? Is it the house? Is there something you’re not happy with?”
“What? Oh, Frederick, no!” You squeezed his reassuringly. “You haven’t done anything wrong, my love, and the house is perfectly fine. It’s just…” you paused, not sure how to broach your thoughts.
“What is it? Whatever you need, I’ll make sure you have it! Cost is no object!”
You took a breath and tried to collect your thoughts. You loved cats, but your previous apartment had not allowed pets. You had promised yourself that when you eventually moved you would be a cat mom again. It had been far too long. But it was something that you and Frederick hadn’t discussed yet, and you had no idea what his feelings were on the subject.
“What did you think about getting a cat?” You blurted out, bracing yourself for what you were sure was going to be an argument.
It was now Frederick’s turn to go silent, taken aback by your unexpected query. He mulled it over in his head before answering.
“Honestly, my love, I’ve never thought about it before. I never had a pet of any kind growing up. My parents did not allow animals in the house.”
“Oh, Frederick, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” In theory, you knew you probably should have guessed that. You knew that Frederick’s father had been a hard, cruel man, and had been abusive toward Frederick and his mother. Frederick’s mother had been so worn down by it that she eventually shutdown, mentally and emotionally, and neglected to protect her son when he needed it the most. Of course, they hadn’t allowed pets, they hadn’t even allowed their son to have a normal childhood, or an ounce of happiness.
“My darling, you have nothing to apologize for,” said Frederick, placing soft kisses on the back of your hand. “If it’s a cat you want, then a cat you shall have. I’ll do some research after we finish here. Cats need supplies, right? Food, litter, toys, those fancy cat trees, cute little sweaters?”
After dinner you and Frederick sat side-by-side on the couch with your laptops, him researching what kind of supplies you going to need to buy, and you were looking at your local SPCA’s website.
“Good god, I had no idea how many different types of cat litter there were!”
“Oh, Frederick, if you think that’s bad, wait until you see how competitive the cat food market is. Hmm…that’s interesting…”
“What is it?” asked Frederick, looking over at your laptop.
“This listing here,” you said, pointing at a blank gray box. “There should be a picture here, like there is for the other listings, but it’s blank. It says it’s supposed to be a 2-month-old black female…. hang on; I have an idea.”
You grabbed your phone off the coffee table and scrolled through your contacts until you found the name you were looking for. You hit “Call” and waited.
“Hello?” A voice finally picked up on the other end.
“Joanne! Hi! It’s Y/N. How are you?”
“I’m great, how are you? It’s been ages since the last time we hung out.”
“I’m good, and you’re right; it has been too long. Is this a good time to talk?”
“Sure! What’s up?”
“Do you still work for the county SPCA?”
“Oh, you bet I do! Oh my god, are you finally in the market to adopt?”
“Yes, I am, and I have a question about one of the cat listings on the website. The one that’s missing a picture?”
“Yes, I just noticed that a few hours ago. Our website person put that up prematurely. The kitten was just spayed, and normally we wait until the animal has had adequate recovery time before we add them to the site, but accidents happen. Last I checked, the little one is recovering nicely and should be ready to interact a couple days. She’s the sweetest thing. Someone dumped her in a cardboard box at our front door. She had a leg injury, but that’s also healing up. She loves to play, loves to cuddle, and I’ll think she’ll thrive in a good home. Would you like to make an appointment to see her?”
“Yes, I would! What time slots do you have available?”
A few days later, you and Frederick walked arm in arm into the county SPCA. Frederick had rush-ordered all the supplies you thought you’d need and then some. You both excited and nervous. You’d already taken a huge step by moving in together, and now you were adopting a pet. You looked over at Frederick and noticed the uncertainty in his eyes. He also seemed leaning on his cane for support. He always seemed to do that when he was unsure about something. You gave his arm a gentle squeeze and kissed his cheek.
“It’s going to be okay, Frederick, you’re to be a wonderful cat dad. I believe in you.”
Frederick blushed and placed a soft kiss on your temple.
“Thank you, my love, I appreciate your faith in me, even though I’m still not sure what’s done to deserve it, or you.”
Before you could respond to that, Joanne came out her office and rushed toward you.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you, too, Joanne.” You enveloped her in a big hug and then motioned to Frederick. “Joanne, this is Dr. Frederick Chilton, my Frederick.”
Frederick gave you the most loving of looks, and nearly melted into a puddle at your feet at sound of you referring to him as “your Frederick.”
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Chilton,” said Joanne, extending her hand.
“And you,” he replied, shaking hands.
“Well, I suppose you want to meet the little one; right this way!”
You and Frederick followed Joanne to cat section of the shelter. You walked past several cats, each one trying to get your attention from their enclosures. If you had your way, you’d take them all home, but you didn’t think Frederick was quite ready for that yet; but maybe one day…
“Here she is, “announced Joanne, stopping in front of one of the enclosures. A tiny black, fluffy kitten was inside, and her eyes lit up when she saw you. She was immediately on her feet, and you noticed she still had a slight limp in her injured leg, but she was full of energy and mewing incessantly. Joanne opened the door and carefully lifted her out. You reached out to take her, but the impatient kitten leapt out of Joanne’s hands and into your waiting arms.
“Oh! Hello! Hi baby, hi sweetheart,” you cooed.
“Mew, mew, mew!”
You looked into her eyes, and it was love at first sight. You did your best to hold onto her, shifting and adjusting your arms to accommodate her constant movement and attempts to climb up your shoulder. You gave her a little scratch between her ears and kissed her head. She was perfect.
“Mew! Mew!”
“Yes, baby, it’s okay, I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
Frederick stood there watching you with the kitten, completely dumbstruck. Just when he thought he couldn’t fall anymore in love with you, you had to go and surprise him. You were a natural cat mom, cradling the tiny ball of fluff and talking to her like she was a human. He saw the kitten rub her nose against your chin and looked like she was giving you kisses. He also saw the look of pure love and joy on your face, and he lived for that, wanted to see that every day. He didn’t know anything about raising a cat, but for you, he would try.
Joanne led you to a visitor’s room so that you and Frederick could spend some quality time getting to know the kitten. Frederick removed his coat and offered to take the kitten so that you could take off yours. You demonstrated how to hold the kitten and then handed her to Frederick. He held her close to chest and sat down.
“Mew?” the kitten looked up at him, confused as to who this new person was.
“It’s alright, little one, I’ve got you,” he tried to reassure her. A lock of his normally perfectly quaffed hair suddenly flopped in his face, and the kitten’s eyes grew wide.
“Mew?” she raised a paw and tentatively batted at Frederick’s hair. “Mew…”
“Oh, that’s adorable,” you said, plopping down next to them on a bean bag chair. You saw the smile on his face and nudged him with your elbow. “See? She likes you. And I think she wants to play.” You looked around the room and saw the toy boxes, filled with various dog and cat toys, but then something else caught your eye. “Frederick?”
“Yes, my love?”
“Hand her back to me and take off your scarf, please.”
He did as he was told. You carefully placed the kitten on the carpet and proceeded to dangle the scarf in front if her. Her eyes went wide again, and then she crouched, wiggled her backside, and pounced. Her little paws batted at the scarf, then she would roll around kick at it with her hind legs.
“It certainly looks like she’s enjoying herself,” Frederick chuckled. “So, what are we going to call her?”
“I was thinking ‘Buttercup”,” you said matter-of-factly.
“I am not the least bit surprised,” he replied, immediately picking up on your reference. He looked at the kitten. “Well, what do you think about that little one?”
“Your name,” you told her, “Buttercup, do you like it?”
“Mew, mew.” She forgot about the scarf and crawled into your lap, kneading you with her paws.
“I think she likes it.” You threw Frederick a smile.
“Yes, I quite think she does. I have an idea, how about a story? Would you like that Buttercup?”
“Mew.” She replied with a yawn,
“Darling, if you check your bag, I believe you’ll find a book there.”
You checked your purse, and sure enough, in the largest section was a children’s book, one that you instantly recognized from your own childhood.
“If You Give A Mouse A Cookie?”
“It came highly recommended by the lady at the bookstore.”
“It’s perfect, Frederick.” You handed him the book and leaned your head against his knee. As he began to read, Buttercup curled up in your lap and shut her eyes, she was soon fast asleep, purring away. When he finished reading, Frederick caressed your cheek with hand to get your attention.
“So, shall we go find Joanne and make it official?”
“Yes,” you replied, gazing down at Buttercup, “If we don’t take her home today, I think I’ll cry.”
“Then let’s go fill out the paperwork and bring her home.”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter Six / Frappe
W/C: 2.9k
Warnings: language, kissing, pining lol. this is pretty fluffy before things become... decidedly unfluffy! oh Javi’s got dirty thoughts here too
A/N: HI! Thank you thank you @sanchosammy for the idea for this date :) and thank you to my pals for editing and reading for me!!
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iced beverage that has been shaken, blended or beaten. It is served cold, often with whipped cream and toppings.
Javier is not a man extremely accustomed to cold temperatures. Most of his life has been spent in Laredo, Texas, or Colombia, both places known for their heat. Snow is a luxury, something to get excited about. Meanwhile, in D.C., the slushy cold is all too common and annoying.
The falling snow enchants Javier. You’ve noticed this, watched the way his eyes glimmer as the dense flakes drift from the clouds to land on your head or jacket or his own hands. He brings his dark jacket sleeve close to his face to admire the unique little crystals, only to melt it with his warm breath seconds later. Javier is a stoic man, generally stone-faced and tense. The little wonder behind his eyes melts your heart.
You told him you loved him two days ago, when you sped away from that fancy bar Javier would never return to again. You meant it, you think. You look at the man and it makes your heart race, makes you melt just like a snowflake under his warmth. You love him.
You’ve always been quick to fall in love. It’s never taken long, but it’s never happened so quickly. You suppose the process was helped along by the many hours of close proximity. It reminds you of one term you’d studied so hard in Psych 101- the mere exposure effect. It’s a simple concept, one you’ve seen mirrored many times in your life and are now living: the more one is exposed to a certain stimulus (in this case, Javier), the more you like it. It’s that easy. Human beings love familiarity, and something about Javi simply feels like you’ve known him your whole life.
Javier leans against your windowsill, staring through the frosted glass. Your plants look shrunken, the cold radiating from the glass into their roots. You’ll have to change that pretty soon, but now you just admire him.
As always, his mustache is neatly trimmed. His hair is a little messy, slept in and wavy. He wears a t-shirt and jeans, slung low over his hips without a belt. You sit on your couch, curled into the corner with a blanket draped across your lap. Your head rests on the arm of the sofa as you watch him, watching the snow.
He turns and looks at you after a few moments. You smile and close your eyes, enjoying the warmth of your radiator and the blanket. He takes his turn to admire you, the way you watch him with such adoration. Between the snow and your love, he never wants to go back to Colombia. He doesn’t want to go back to the loneliness, to the endless beat downs his health and brain take from hours upon hours of work. He wants this, but this isn’t him. This isn’t who Javier Peña is, is it?
He’s a new man. He’s starting over, new job, new love life, he reminds himself. He comes and sits next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and kissing your temple. He can be whoever he wants, and what he wants most to become is the man you see in him. He wants to be something you love, something for you to be proud of. He wants to be better for you.
You lean against him, and he wraps both arms around you. His chest is warm and steady beneath your head, and you sigh and cuddle in closer. “Do you like the weather up here?” You ask him quietly, knowing the answer.
“I’m always hot,” he admits. “It’s nice to feel cooled down for once.”
Smiling at that, you pull your knees into your chest and fully relax against him. “I don’t want you to leave, Javi. I don’t want you to leave me.”
“We’ve got plenty of time, abejita,” he murmurs and nuzzles his face into your hair. “Three weeks or so left. Enjoy what we have now, right?”
You sigh. You’ve always been a planner, laying out the foreseeable future so that you can have something in mind, goals. Javier certainly threw a wrench in them- you didn’t expect to have someone to spend your time with, someone to be completely infatuated by. And you can’t plan what will happen when he goes back to Colombia. Will he want to put up with a long distance relationship? He’s told you about his past; he rarely went a week or less without fucking a prostitute or informant. He certainly wouldn’t want another problem on his schedule, making time for long-distance dates. And it’s a permanent job, isn’t it? He’s not coming back on a schedule. There’s too much in your head, too much fear, and it makes you bury your face into his chest. “What’s wrong?” He asks, stroking your back.
“I just… want you in my life.” You murmur, nudging your nose into his neck. “Whatever it’ll take.”
“We have time to figure that out,” he reminds you, and you sigh and give a soft nod. You just snuggle in closer and hope that his warmth and affection will take away your worries. “I do like the weather here,” he muses as he looks out at the frosty glass. “I never got snow growing up. Never in Colombia either. It’s a special thing.”
Lifting your head to look out the window, you pull the blanket tighter and rest your head on Javier’s shoulder. “I have an idea for what we can do tonight, since you like the cold.”
“Hit me.”
Balance is not an essential skill as a DEA agent, and therefore, Javier doesn’t have much of it. He wobbles nervously as he steps along, the blades of the ice skates holding up his feet.
“You got it,” you laugh, walking along as the blade covers press into the ground. “It’s just like wearing heels.”
“I don’t do that,” he reminds you with a frown, trying to make his way to the ice rink a few feet away.
Giggling at the way he stumbles along, you remove the guards and step onto the ice. The glide beneath your feet is familiar. You’re good on the ice, somewhat skilled at it. You do a little spin in a circle, pulling your jacket tighter around yourself. “Come on. You’ll be- no, stop,” you laugh as he tries to step on the ice with the guards on his skates. “Take those off.”
Javier balances against the edge of the rink as he removes them, leaving them on a pile of them nearby. He wobbles through the entrance of the rink, finally standing on the ice. His long legs knock together and quiver at the balance. “Good,” you smile at him. “Come skate to me.”
You’re a few yards away from him, and he continues to frown, trying to take a step forward- a rookie mistake- and slipping as he puts his skate down. He catches himself on the guard rail, cursing loudly.
It’s late at night; you’re the only ones on the outdoor rink. You’re not ashamed as your laugh rings out into the dark, the floodlights illuminating the sheet of ice. “Oh my God, you really are a beginner,” you laugh, pushing off and into a peaceful glide around the oblong shape.
“No shit,” he calls out to you, standing up straight again with both hands on the edge of the rink. “This isn’t exactly my wheelhouse.”
When you stop next to him, a cascade of snow flying out from beneath your blades, you take his hand in his. “Alright. One hand on me, one hand on the rink,” you tell him, daring to push forward just slowly enough for him to have time to react.
He pushes off, mimicking what he saw you do earlier, and the two of you glide along for a moment. “There we go, now push again, a little harder,” you tell him, and you both push along in sync, sending you floating across the ice. “You’re quiet.”
“I’m concentrating,” Javier grumbles. How the hell did you rope him into this? When you’d suggested something outdoors for tonight, he’d wholeheartedly agreed, eager to spend some time in the cold. This, however, a physical activity that doesn’t end with a gunshot or an orgasm, is not something he’s used to.
You kiss his cheek and his frown lightens, instead falling into a neutral expression of focus. His eyes stay on the ice, and you cup his chin in your hand to lift his head. “Look ahead, not down. You’ll keep tripping if you keep looking down.”
He nods at your orders, trying to focus on the boards around the rink as they approach. His legs remain shaky, but he’s doing well. “There you go,” you grin at him, letting go of his hand. With the other on the boards, he does a good job, and in hardly any time, you’ve made a full lap of the rink. You stop and he does his best to do so, though he nearly flies over. Smiling, you take his face in your hands and kiss him gently. “If you don’t like this, we can be done,” you remind him as you break away, keeping your face close to his.
Javier smiles softly at you, just enough to show the little dimple in his cheek. “I’m going to figure out how to do this if it kills me.”
“It might,” you tease, patting the ass he’s already fallen on several times. “That’s gonna hurt tomorrow,” you laugh and Javier kisses you again, one hand steadying himself on the wooden boards.
Breaking away, he kisses the tip of your freezing nose before leaning back. “I learn best by watching. Why don’t you just… do a couple of laps?” He asks.
You nod and skate backwards away from him. “Sure.” You hug your jacket tight around your body as you glide across the ice, doing a few little twirls and loops. The breeze is cold, even on your legging-covered shins.
You’re graceful on the ice, the opposite of Javier. He gives a half-smile as he watches you, admiring your grace. Those damn leggings cup your ass, showing the curve and the way it moves. God, he’s always noticed you for your beauty, but this is something else.
The bulky winter coat covers your torso, but your expression is so peaceful and free as you move, your momentum pushing your hair back as wind seems to curl around you. You look astonishing. Javier wishes he brought his camera with to capture this.
“Did you tell me to do this just to stare at my ass?” You tease from across the rink, skating forwards and looking over your shoulder at him.
“Would you be mad if I said yes?”
You laugh and cut across the rink, no longer circling the perimeter but taking the quickest route to him. “Not in the slightest,” you laugh and kiss him again. His lips are addictive, making you crave his kisses more and more the longer you go in between them. “Okay, come on, hot-shot,” you say and take his hands, pulling him out onto the ice.
Dropping your hands, Javier’s arms stick out parallel to the ground, wobbling and trying to balance. He pushes a little, remembering your advice and looking up, and sighs as he lets himself slide across the ice, his feet unintentionally pointing in then out then in again. “Look at you!” You laugh proudly, skating next to his side.
When you’re next to him, Javier takes your hand and chuckles a little in amazement at the movement. It’s like riding in a car with the windows down, the air rushing past. Your hand feels warm, even despite the cold air, and it anchors him as he picks up speed and the two of you fall into a steady rhythm.
He even dares to try skating backwards at one point. He succeeds for a moment, earning an astonished laugh from you, but it ends as one would expect: on his ass. You help him up and kiss his cheek. “Want me to kiss it better?” you flirt, smiling jokingly at him.
“Mm, I’ll pass,” he shakes his head then kisses you on the lips, his hands finding your waist. The two of you stop in the middle of the rink, kissing slowly under the bright lights of the rink.
Javier leans in a little, desperate for more, but he rocks too far forward on his skates. “Fuck, fuck!” he shouts as he loses his balance and falls forward, taking you down with him as he falls onto his knees.
“Javi!” you squeal as you fall backwards, landing on your ass this time. “Goddamnit,” you laugh as you look at him, his palms pressed to the ice on either side of you in an attempt to break his fall but not to land on you. He hovers over your body, and you can’t stop giggling with the adrenaline of the moment.
Javier’s laughing too, a genuine laugh that puts lines in his face. Such genuine laughter is rare for such a serious man, and you feel warm inside with the honor that comes along with bringing that joy to him. “You know, I do, I think so.” He looks at you in confusion. “I really do love you, Javi,” you have no choice but to admit.
He doesn’t respond. He can’t. He can’t bring himself to say it back, even if he knows deep in his heart that he would mean it if he said it. He does love you, but there’s a lump in his throat that refuses to budge.
Just a second before the silence would become awkward, he brings his face to yours and kisses you, slowly. It’s sweet and longing and he forces his emotions through it, transmits them through his lips and into yours. I love you too, abejita. Really. I just… can’t say it.
It’s alright. You can tell from the way that he kisses you that this is his way of saying it back, that he feels the same flutter in his heart when your fingers lace through each others’, when he wraps his arms around you and his arms flex tight to pull you as close as he physically can.
You stay like that for a moment, kissing, Javier hovering over you on the ice. It doesn’t last too long before you break away. “Not to ruin the moment, but this is deep-freezing my ass,” you admit with a chuckle. You get up and help him up, and the two of you take one more lap around the rink before getting off the ice.
The drive home is filled with comfortable silence, Javier driving with one hand on your thigh. He knows his way to your place by now. You don’t even have to direct him. You park on the street then walk into your apartment with him, appreciating the warmth of the building.
The little nightly routine you’ve assumed works itself out. You both get into your pajamas, readying yourself for sleep. Javier’s spent two nights on the couch and he’s fully prepared for a third when you stop him in the doorway to the bathroom, a hand flat against his chest. “Sleep with me tonight, Javi. Please.”
He’s spent the entire night admiring your ass. If you sleep in the same bed, he won’t be able to take it any longer. He shakes his head. “It’s for the best that I sleep on the couch, bee.”
The words make you frown, but the nickname makes your heart tingle. He translates it from abejita to little bee when he’s lazy, and shortens it from little bee to just bee when he’s tired. Well, you suppose you’ve worn him out tonight with the ice skating. “Please,” you beg of him, fingers finding their way to the muscle protecting his heart. “Can we at least snuggle?”
Javier sighs but gives you a tired little smile. “How can I say no to that?”
You find your way to the couch together. It starts with you both sitting up, your head resting against Javier’s shoulder as you watch the late show on the TV. As you both grow more tired, Javier begins to slump to the side, and you follow him down, fully leaning against him. Then more and more until Javier lies down on his back and pulls you on top of him.
“Mm. You’re comfy,” you hum as you lie on him, head in the curve of his neck. His skin radiates warmth, and he pulls the blanket over the two of you, too sleepy to comment back. He just kisses your temple and watches the TV with half-open eyes.
A few minutes later, his breathing slows, and you can feel his breathing switch from his nose to his mouth, his warm breath on the top of your head. He’s fallen asleep. You smile as you nuzzle in closer. The couch isn’t ideal, but you’ll take any chance you can get to fall asleep with Javier.
The late show drones on in the background, then changes to infomercials that run the course of the night. Neither of you are awake to see it, too deep in a perfect sleep, nestled in each other’s arms, Javier using you as his blanket and you using him as your pillow.
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captain-mcdavid · 3 years
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alternate ending - pt.1
it’s been two years... josh and y/n have moved on and started new lives. but what happens when they find themselves in the same city working side by side? can they move past their previous games and reconnect? or will old habits die hard?
word count: 4.9k
smut: yes | no
warnings: swearing, alcohol
“Oh my god, please Thomas.” You groan, “Please, can you just be serious for one second. One second!” 
He raises his hands in defeat, “Okay, fine.” 
“Thank you,” You sigh, “Now go.” 
“Wait, what am I supposed to say again?” He asks, and you and the videographer share a look before you roll your eyes. 
“Bienvenue à nouveau, fans des habs.” You remind him. “On three, okay?” He nods, and you count down, smiling when it finally goes off without a hitch. “Alright now one more time, in English and then we can all go home.” 
He nods, and then shoots you a wink. You shake your head at him, counting up to three for the last time.
“Welcome back, habs fans!” Thomas says, and Ted, your videographer smiles.
“Done.” He turns off the camera, and you give him a pat on the back.
“We really appreciate you coming in Thomas,” You say, “Thanks again.”
“Anything for you, Y/N.” He smirks, and then he heads out.
“Alright, Ted. I’ll see you soon,” You say, gathering your things. “Have a good night.”
With that you wave and head out of the arena. Setting your things in the front seat of your Range Rover, you grin, taking a minute to admire your new car. This was something that would have taken you five years to save up for with the pay at your old job.
It’s kind of ironic, where you were two years ago to where you are now... You didn’t like your job back in Ohio but you couldn’t say you ever saw yourself coming back to Canada, let alone working for an NHL team. 
You thought you had it all figured out back in Columbus. But after your life took a nose dive you realized you really didn’t. A fresh start was what you needed, and luckily with your vast experience in media, you were qualified for a position that Seth recommended to you. A position as head of media operations for the Montreal Canadiens. 
You were weary at first, because why would you want to work in the NHL after you had a huge falling out with one of the players, but the more thought you gave it, the better the offer seemed. It was in Montreal, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the pay was double what you were getting in Ohio, and it would be a lot more fun.
Not to mention, there were 31 teams in the NHL, and if the one guy you were worried about did ever leave Columbus, there was a ninety three percent chance he wouldn’t come to Montreal. (Literally, you calculated.)
And now it’s been two years, arguably the best two years of your life. You have everything you didn’t have in Ohio; Stable friendships, a job you actually enjoy, a great support system. You’ve gained in every aspect of your life.
You’ve just walked in your front door, when your phone rings. You pull it out of your purse, laughing when you see your bosses name lighting up the screen. “It’s been ten minutes, Reid.” You say, and he laughs. “I’m off the clock.”
“I know, I know.” He responds. “I’m sorry, just this and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Okay, shoot.” You tell him. 
“Tomorrow, media day, I split the players in half for you. We’ll do the first half tomorrow, and then the rest Friday.” 
“Sounds fine to me.” You shrug, “What changed?” 
“We have two new players flying in tomorrow, but they won’t be in until Friday. I figured instead of saving just the two newbies for Friday and rushing you tomorrow with the rest of the guys, we’d just split it evenly.” He explains. 
“Oh,” You say, usually you found out rather quickly when there were trades and new acquisitions, but you hadn’t heard anything today. “I didn’t know we got any new players, trades?”
“Yeah, two trades. I don’t know much, it just happened. New guys are, uh- let me see...” There’s a fast beating in your heart that you haven’t felt for at least a year. When you first started, every time you heard about a trade you’d get a little nervous, cause what if it was him? Eventually those nerves went away, but they seem to have made a comeback all of the sudden. 
You shake out your jitters while you wait for Reid to give you the names, “Here they are, first guy: Joel Edmundson, from Carolina.” You nod, it’s a name you’ve never heard before. 
“Second, Josh Anderson, from Columbus.” 
But that one? It’s a name you’ve heard all too many times. 
Thank god you’re not driving anymore, because you’re sure you would have swerved into oncoming traffic after hearing that. You can feel a chill spread all the way out to your finger tips, a unsettling nervous feeling sitting on your shoulders like a goblin. This can’t be happening. 
He can’t be coming here. 
The phone is still held to your ear, but you can barely breathe let alone get a word out. 
“Are you there?” Reid asks, and finally you manage to just murmur out a noise of acknowledgement, and then you’re hanging up, nearly collapsing onto the couch. You’re in full blown panic mode. 
Within thirty minutes you’ve already fully played out scenario in your head where you quit your job and leave the city, move back in with your parents like a loser and remain single for the rest of your life. And it sucks, but honestly, it sounds better than actually dealing with this. 
If you stay, and let everything play out, you’ll have to see Josh. You’ll have to talk to him, interview him, all while acting as professional as possible so no one figures out that you have history. Now that, that seems just about impossible. 
In a haze you grab for your phone, searching for a specific contact you haven’t used in a while.
“Y/N, nice to hear from you! It’s been a while!” He says, but there’s a note of nervousness to his voice. 
“Seth.” You scold him. 
“I’m assuming you found out about Montreal’s recent acquisition?” 
“Yup, sure did.” You say sarcastically. “Twenty nine other teams that he could have gone to, Seth. Why here?”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” He says, “Ninety three to seven, the odds were in your favor, but apparently you’re just really unlucky.” 
“Super fucking unlucky.” You whisper, and you can hear Seth sigh on the other end of the phone. “Well, know of any other teams that are looking for media op managers? Columbus would be great,” You ramble, “There’s a really small chance he’ll come back, right?”
“Y/N, come on.” Seth says, “Last time I heard from you, you were loving it over there.”
“Yeah,” You admit, “I do, I love it here, but that’s all gonna change now.”
“It doesn’t have to,” Seth says. “You said you guys ended things on okay terms, if there’s no bad blood it shouldn’t be weird?” 
“Okay terms is not good terms. He told me he’d wait for me to figure my shit out, and then I basically pushed him out the door.” You explain, “We haven’t spoken since then, there’s no way that this isn’t gonna end terribly.”
“You can both learn to be civil and professional,” Seth tries, “You shouldn’t have to give up your job because of this.”
“Yeah, well...” You sigh, shutting your eyes tight. When you open them again you’re kind of hoping you’ll be anywhere but where you actually are, with any other reality, but you’re just stuck. “I don’t really see another way this can go.” 
“Don’t say that,” Seth whispers, “Promise me you’ll at least try. Try to make things work, don’t just give up before you’ve even tested the waters. This might end up being not even half as bad as you think it will be.” 
When you don’t respond, Seth continues, “You love your job, you love the city, you have friends... You’ve built a life for yourself there and you can’t give that up over this.”
If it weren’t for those things you would have quit the second you heard Josh’s name, but Seth is right... You’ve worked for everything you have here. You owe it to yourself to at least try to make things work here before you give it all up. 
You rub your temples with a deep groan, a dreadful feeling that you’re gonna regret this sinking in. But you sigh and agree anyway, “Okay. I’ll try.” 
“Yes!” Seth says, “You got this.” 
“Does he know?” You ask quietly. “Where I am? What I do?”
“No,” Seth answers, “I can tell him... If you want me to.” 
“No that’s okay-,” You decide, “He should probably hear it from me. Thanks, Seth.” 
“You’re welcome,” He answers, and you can’t help but smile a little. He was probably the one thing you actually missed from Columbus. “Will you call me in a few days? Let me know how things are going?”
“Yeah, of course.” You answer, “I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
He confirms, and then says a short goodbye. 
You hang up the phone, and then head straight for your wine fridge. There’s a fancy bottle of white wine that you were saving for a special occasion, and while it’s not the type of celebration you were thinking, it definitely is an occasion. You pour yourself a tall glass, grab a chocolate bar, and head to the couch to start overthinking. 
Then you decide within the first ten minutes that thinking is going to do you no good, so you turn on the TV and grab another glass of wine, praying the alcohol will knock you out, because without it, there’s no way your brain will shut off. 
After the third glass and your sixth episode of Schitt’s creek, you finally start to feel tired. Instead of going upstairs and going to bed, you just flop over on the couch, pulling a blanket over your body before closing your eyes, avoiding all the thoughts bumping around in your head. 
They’ll still be there tomorrow you tell yourself, and then you’re out. 
You’re basically tiptoeing around the arena, sneaking players here and there to get their headshots, all while trying your best to avoid him. 
Your plan is working quite well, you’ve manage to go over half the day without a run in. You’ve just finished with Shea, and you only have a few guys left, so you go for another stroll around the main concourse, looking for Brendan so you can get his goal animations done. You’re turning your head side to side, looking out for a short guy when you hear a familiar voice. 
It’s been two years but you’d recognize it anywhere. 
You freeze for a short moment before you’re all but throwing yourself into the room closest to you, which true to your luck, happens to be the men's bathroom. You twist the deadbolt behind you, staring at the door in pure horror. 
It wiggles against the hinges, and then you hear him, “This one’s locked, man.” 
You wait a good five minutes before you finally tiptoe out of the restroom, sneaking back to your office on extreme lookout. You sigh with relief when you’re in the constraints of your office. You’re finally safe now. 
“Y/N,” Reid announces, opening your office door as usual, without knocking.
You give him a small smile, “Hey, Reid, what can I do for you?”
“I found the new guys for you,” He grins, and the smile drops from your face almost immediately. “They’re ready for their close up!”
You kind of feel like there’s a camera that you can look into like you’re on the office or something, because wow, what stupidly perfect timing. 
Normally you’d have the mind to fake a laugh at his dumb joke, but you just shake your head in panic, standing from your chair as you flail your arms. “No-,” You start to say, but it’s too late. 
“C’mon in guys,” Reid moves further into your office to clear the door way and you swear you could literally throw up on the spot right now. 
“Reid- I asked Ted to do their media stuff-,” You try, but it’s too late. 
They walk in, and you slap a hand over your mouth to keep from swearing loudly in front of your boss. That doesn’t stop Josh though, you can’t even look up at him, but all that comes out of his mouth is, “Holy shit.”
You nod your head, your hand slides up from your mouth to the side of your face to act as a shield, while you give Reid your fakest smile. 
He furrows his brows at you, “Everything okay, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, yeah...” You murmur, and you finally drop the awkward hand, crossing your arms with a huff. Your eyes stay trained on Reid, “I just um, I had asked Ted if he would do their media shots and he said he’d take care of it.” You explain, and your boss makes a face at you. 
“Oh how come? Are you not feeling well?” He gives you an out before you can even think of one, and you jump on it immediately, nodding your head quickly. 
“Yeah, just like splitting head ache,” You say, “Nausea, it’s gross. I don’t know what’s going on.” 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks, and you feel terrible because you know he genuinely feels bad, Reid is one of the nicest guys out there. “You can go home, you don’t need to stick around.” He tells you, and you give him an appreciative smile, refusing to even let your eyes wander to the right. 
“That’s great, Reid. Thank you, I really appreciate it,” You’re about to drop, grab your bag and run out the room like the coward you are, but Reid motions to the boys and the overwhelming urge to throw up is stronger than ever. 
“I’ll just introduce you, and then I’ll send them over to Ted, you can get going.” He suggests, and you nod, sucking in a deep breath. “You’re looking quite pale actually.” Reid notes, “Poor thing,”
“Anyway,” He starts, and you force yourself to turn your body to the side, but you still can’t find the courage to look up at him. “This is Y/N, our head of media operations. She deals with all the social media, the interviews and that kind of thing. She’s great, she’s a huge part of our organization.” You give him a short smile in response, thanking him with a light tap on the arm. “Y/N, this is Joel and Josh, they’re gonna be great additions to the team.” 
“Joel, and Josh...” You respond quietly, extending a hand to Joel first, forcing yourself to make eye contact. “Nice to meet you,” You say, and then you move to Josh, holding out your hand to him too, repeating your earlier words firmly. “Nice to meet you,” 
It’s like your body goes cold when you look at him, he hasn’t changed one bit. He looks kind of confused, but accepts your handshake anyway, nodding with an unsure stare. He doesn’t make any move to let go, so you do it for him, pulling your hand from his grasp in a hurry while you grab your bag from behind you. 
“Sorry, Reid. Thanks again, I’ll be in tomorrow.” You tell him, and then you give Josh one last look, before heading straight out of your office. 
Reid looks a little bemused, but watches you leave anyways. You’re basically speed walking out of the arena, trying your hardest to make it to the parking garage in record time, because you actually feel like the air in the massive building is getting thinner. 
“You forgot this.” 
And just like that your heart rate spikes back up. When you don’t turn, or acknowledge him, he whispers your name and there’s a second where memories come flooding back. 
Your body is nearly frozen, you don’t think you could move right now if you wanted to. Josh comes to stand in front of you, and for the first time you’re forced to look at him. Really look at him. 
It’s been two years but you’d still know that expression anywhere. He’s hurt. 
“You work here.” He says, almost like he’s trying to convince himself. 
You bite your lips sheepishly, and you can feel your resolve starting to crumble. You can’t pretend you’re not completely overwhelmed anymore. 
“Were you ever gonna tell me?”
You find the strength to nod your head, but then a second later you’re shaking it to indicate that no, you weren’t. You hadn’t decided what you were gonna do yet, you knew he was gonna find out at some point, but you also knew deep down you were never gonna be strong enough to outright introduce yourself to him this way. You were just hoping when he did find out it wouldn’t be that bad... But here you are. “I was kinda hoping I could just avoid you.” You say honestly. 
He looks tense, like he’s holding back words. When he speaks he’s quiet, and you almost miss the way he scoffs quietly at your response. “Avoid me... Are we really that-,” He stops, leaving the sentence open, because he doesn’t know what word comes next. Neither do you, but you understand. 
You just look at each other for a moment, and it’s now that your emotions finally get the better of you. Tears well up in your eyes, and you just shrug at him, because you have no idea what to do. 
“I love this job,” You say weakly, “And I love living here, but-,”
Josh shakes his head and you stop, waiting for his interjection. “But nothing.” He starts, and then he’s moving one step closer to you, and him simply subtracting another inch shouldn’t affect you as much as it does. You feel your knees start to shake, the tears getting a little bit harder to ignore. 
“This doesn’t need to be weird.” He says quietly, “I don’t want it to be-,” Once again the words are left unsaid but you nod anyway, understanding. “We’ll figure it out, okay?”
You nod quickly, meeting his eyes. You can’t tell if the feeling is warm or cold, but it spreads through your body like wildfire within seconds. You wonder if he feels it too, if there’s anything still here after so long. He drops your gaze and holds your jacket out for you, you take it and then offer him a small smile, “Bye, Y/N.”
And then he walks away.
3 weeks later
“Habs reverse retro, um absolutely, I love these jerseys I think they’re really really cool, so I’m gonna swipe right on these.” Josh says, toying with the tiny phone in his big hands. 
You step in with a chuckle, waving a hand at Ted so he cuts the video. “Alright, you’re done! Perfect,” You say with a laugh, and Josh finally looks up from the phone. You share a glance with your videographer, both of you exchanging a knowing grin. 
“What?” Josh says, and you shake your head with a smirk. 
“Nothing,” You murmur. And Ted starts to laugh. 
“The camera loves you,” He says to Josh, “Almost as much as you love it,” 
He raises his eyebrows at you, “Was I not good?” The corners of his mouth turn up slightly and you just shake your head, trying to hide your wide grin. 
“No, no,” You stop him, and he looks at you skeptically. Finally you shrug and say, “Just maybe next time we do one of these you could like, I don’t know look up at the camera a time or two?” 
Josh starts to laugh, and he shakes his head, looking down bashfully at his feet. “This is not my thing, you know that.” 
And just like that, that stupid feeling is back. Out from the center of your chest all the way to your finger tips. It’s dull this time, but it’s there. You freeze, you’re really hoping Ted didn’t catch on, because you shouldn't know that. 
You change the subject before anything can come of it, and thank god Ted carries on as normal. He didn’t seem to notice, he just flips through his camera bag as usual, murmuring about Shea’s video being even worse. 
You’re not gonna give this anymore time to boil though, so you turn to the culprit, “You’re uh, you’re good to go, thanks Josh.” You say, scratching at the back of your neck. 
He just nods, looking worried at first, but and then half smiles before heading out the door. Once he’s out of ear shot you sigh, grabbing your bag off the chair. 
“Time for a lunch break, Ted?” Cause, wow do you ever feel like you need one. “We’ll film Brendan after?”
“Sounds good,” Ted smiles. 
You nod and then head for the hallway, making sure to go the opposite way Josh did. If you have to walk the whole concourse so be it. 
You shouldn’t be so skittish, you know that... But things have been good the last three weeks. You’ve managed to talk without it being horribly awkward, and no one has found out about your history yet. However, you’re not going to take any chances. The longer you’re in the same room with him, the more likely someone is to slip up, like Josh almost just did. You don’t need to spend a bunch of time with him, just enough time to get your job done. So that’s what you’ve been doing, the bare minimum. Talking only if you absolutely need to. 
The habs were having a great start to the season, not to mention Josh was a huge part of that. He was having the best start of his career, and you weren’t going to ruin it. 
You take a seat at one of the tables in the common area, pulling your book and salad out of your bag with a huff. You would really rather a burger and fries, or something not made up of 90% water, but it was in the fridge and it was easy so you grabbed it. 
You stab the fork into the lettuce, pulling it up one time before you just shake your head and leave it in the container, prodding around at it while your stomach grumbles. 
You look up from your book when your name is called, Joel and of course, Josh are sitting down at a table across from you, an obscene amount of boxed food in their hands. 
Your heart is thumping rapidly in your chest, and you try your best to talk through it, raising your hand in a wave, “Hi, guys.” 
“What’s going on?” Joel asks, “Hungry?”
“No but you sure look it,” You lie, nodding to the boxes they’re holding. 
Joel smiles giddily as they start to open them up, you just grin and then go back to poking at your salad, trying not to pay attention to how good their food smells. You try to distract yourself with your book, but yet again, that doesn’t last long. 
“Hey,” You look up, eyes meeting a complete stranger this time. “I was just wondering if you could tell me where the opposing team locker room is?” 
“Oh, yeah!” You say, standing from your chair to direct him down the hallway. “You’re a player?” You clarify, just to be sure, and he nods. “It’s just down the hall and to the left. Past the equipment room.” 
“Okay...” He says, and you stare oddly as he looks down at his feet and then back up at you. “Thanks,”
He has longer blonde hair, what these stupid boys would probably call a flow, and a long one at that, but he pulls it off. He’s got a nice face with a trimmed beard, and you can tell just from one look at him, swedish. 
He stares at you for a moment and then chuckles uncomfortably, “I’m sorry, worst conversation starter ever.”
Your stomach knots when he says that, and you want to believe that the reason for it has nothing to do with that fact that Josh is sitting right there, watching all of this. You just smile awkwardly, “It wasn’t terrible? More the follow up that could use some work...” You joke. 
“I just saw you sitting here and I thought you were really beautiful, I’m William. I play for the Oilers.”
Your heart is pounding in your ears, and although this guy is really sweet all you can think about is Josh sitting right there and hearing all this, but you try your best to smile anyway, not wanting to be rude. “That’s really sweet of you, thank you.” Maybe at a different time you’d give this guy a chance, because he seems quite nice. You briefly remember seeing a name on the Oilers roster for tonight, William Lagesson.
He’s about to open his mouth again, when a whistle from behind the both of you catches your attention, you turn to see a red head with a toothy grin. “Leave that poor girl alone, Laggy.” The red head snips, and William runs a hand through his hair nervously. 
You laugh, trying to make him feel better, and he chuckles with a shake of his head, mumbling an apology for his teammate. “Can I maybe just get your number?” He asks, and you try not to look as surprised as you really are. 
It’s been ages since someone asked you for your number, and apparently it’s been a long time since you said no too, because you completely forget how.  
Your overwhelming urge to be nice all the time fails you here, and you find yourself saying yes even though you really don’t want to. He’s sweet and all but, you’d rather not do the hockey player thing again. 
At the last minute you finally have the mind to put a fake number in, and you feel bad momentarily as he smiles and says bye, but as soon as you see the empty spot at Joel’s table, you just feel panicked instead.
Josh is gone... Does that mean he didn’t hear?
You pack up your things and then stop beside Joel, he side eyes you and then makes a face and you just frown. 
“Coach texted Josh, so he wasn’t lucky enough to hear that whole thing... Me on the other hand?” He takes an obnoxious bite of his food as he shoots you a wink, and all you can do is roll your eyes, and walk away. “That was hilarious!” Joel calls behind you, and you just wave him off, but really, there’s some relief setting in when you find out that Josh missed that last part. 
When you arrive back at your office, there’s a note from your boss, and a box on your desk. 
“Head home early today. Boys will be preparing for the game. We can finish up on Monday. -Reid” Is written in his chicken scratch on a bright pink sticky note. 
You do a happy little wiggle, and then reach for the box. It smells amazing, and your stomach grumbles at the thought, but then when you open it and realize what it is, you’ve suddenly lost your appetite. 
It’s pad thai and spicy yam chicken... Your favorite. 
You know instantly this isn’t from Reid... There’s probably only one person in the world who knows what your order is. You used to go to that thai place by his house all the time, and you’d always order the same thing. 
You don’t even put your bag down, you just leave the food on your desk and turn the light off before walking out. 
You try your best not to think about everything that happened today on your way home, because it felt like a huge step back after three weeks of progress. 
You stop for some groceries, and take a look in a little boutique, anything to keep your mind busy. When you arrive home you play music almost as loud as it can go, hoping it will drown out your thoughts. Over the last three weeks you’ve done enough thinking about this, you’re tired. 
So you workout, shower, make some dinner, and then you sit down to watch the game, pinching yourself every time you find your eyes lingering on number seventeen a little too long. 
The game is pretty slow, the boys aren’t playing their best, Edmonton is on their game and you just know they’re not gonna come out of this one with the two points, but you watch anyway. You kind of want to turn it off and switch to something else after the second period, but you give in and stick around for the third. 
All is fine and normal until the five minute mark ticks down on the clock. 
The camera spans to the right to follow the players going up the ice, when you hear the commentator say, “Big battle, in front of the net...”
And your heart just about stops, because you have a feeling you know exactly who it is. Guess Joel was wrong... He did hear the whole thing. 
“Anderson, and Lagesson, they’re still tied up together. Anderson is hot.”
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imagine-darksiders · 3 years
I hope you feel better soon! When you're feeling better would you be able to write something about jealous Strife? That ask made me curious
“Do you really have to go?”
From your seat at the vanity, you heave an exasperated sigh and set down your lipstick, swivelling around in the chair to face the Horseman who stands sulking at your bedroom door.
“Strife,” you begin patiently, “I'm afraid my answer still hasn't changed since you asked me ten minutes ago.”
“Yeah, I know. It's just -” Averting his gaze, he crosses his arms and grumbles, “I thought we were gonna hang out tonight.”
“And I told you two weeks ago that I wouldn't be around tonight.”
You can't see his expression, hidden as it is behind the silver helm he wears, but you're fairly confident in guessing that there's a pout on his lips.
“And besides,” you add, “We hang out all the time. You practically live here. Hell, you've already turned my spare bedroom into your own personal den.”
'Den' is an understatement. Your spare room is now less of a bedroom more of an Earth museum, filled from floor to ceiling with all of the things that Strife has picked up simply because they took his fancy. For the most part, it's all junk. There's an obsolete gaming console that no longer works, a skateboard, a horse figurine made of glass, no less than three Nerf guns and not a foam dart between them...
Honestly, you're loathe to tell him to get rid of any of it, though you fear you might have to soon if you don't want the mess spilling out into the rest of your house.
Giving your head an exasperated shake, you check the time on your phone and stand up, throwing your bag over a shoulder. “Listen, it's just one evening with an old friend who I haven't seen since before the apocalypse. We can hang out tomorrow, I promise. But now, I really need to dash, he'll be here to pick me up any minute.”
Pausing to stuff your phone into the pocket of your trousers, you head towards the door, hardly noticing that the Horseman is still standing in front of it with his arms folded neatly across a broad, armoured chest. It's only because you glance up right at the last second that you manage to avoid a painful collision. “Um...Strife?” you ask, halting in your tracks, “... Move?”
In response, he simply leans back against your door and begins to inspect the claws on one of his gauntlets. “Nah... I'd rather hear about this friend of yours. You've never mentioned him.” Pausing, he shoots you a sly smirk that you can sense more than see, his golden eyes flashing, “You guys close?”
With a roll of your eyes, you mimic his posture, crossing your arms and giving him a glare that would make Death proud. “Strife, what's gotten into you? I just said I'm going to be late for my friend.”
“Yeah, I get that,” he returns coolly, “Just wanna know that my friend isn't walking into a trap.”
“Oh wow – a trap? Really? Of all the-” You cut yourself off and raise a hand, massaging at your temple. “Okay. Now you're just being ridiculous. It's not a trap.”
“Why don't you let me come with you, just in case?”
“Because!” you cry, throwing your arms up, “It'll be awkward! You remember what I taught you about third-wheeling?”
He remembers it well, in fact. Just like he remembers everything you teach him, committing the moments to memories that he'll carry with him until the day he snuffs it. He only has you for less than a hundred years, after all, and he's determined to remember every last bit of it. The Universe must have thought itself pretty hilarious when it placed you in his life. Of all the creatures in all the realms, the one he ends up caring about most just so happens to be the one with the shortest lifespan. It makes him want to hunt down the Creator and shoot a hole where a heart might be.
Shoving down his contempt for the omnipotent bastard, Strife returns his attention to you and lifts his shoulders in a shrug. “I don't mind tagging along. You know, just in case I have to watch your back.”
Your response hits him harder than a crack from Fury's whip. “I don't need you to watch my back every second of every day! Stop being so paranoid.”
The Horseman is too proud and obstinate to ever let the stab of hurt show in his eyes, but he can't ignore its presence in his chest.
He is not being paranoid... He's being a good friend - watching your back, looking out for you, all the things a friend is supposed to do. Not that he's had much experience being friends with a human. Or anyone, for that matter, who isn't a horse or his siblings. It's been a learning curve for both of you, though more-so for him, and so far, the most prominent challenge he's faced is balancing the line between being a friend and being an overprotective nuisance.
It perhaps hasn't helped that, ever since humanity was resurrected, the pair of you have been nigh inseparable. He's grown used to your presence – is dependant upon in, according to Death; a fact that Strife had vehemently tried to deny, at least until he learned that you'd made plans. Plans with someone else. Plans that didn't involve him.
It was only once he'd taken some time to reflect and found that he had indeed been glued to your side for months, that he realised the awful truth.
His older brother was right, after all. The smug ass.
A shudder rolls over the Horseman's body and he blinks, realising that in the few seconds he's been lost in thought, you've managed to reach around him to push open your bedroom door.
“Hey!” he complains as you all but shove past, and he – being the soft-touch that he is – simply allows himself to be moved aside. Grumbling, he follows you across the landing and down your sweeping staircase until you reach the front door and stop beside it.
From outside, the thunderous roar of an approaching, automobile's engine thrums in his ears.
“That's him!” you chirp, and Strife hates the way your face lights up at the mention of whoever 'he' is.
Throwing open your door, you head outside and try to pull it shut behind you, yet find your efforts abruptly halted by the Horseman sticking close to your heels. He ducks through the low doorframe and moves to stand beside you, his viciously keen gaze raking over the vehicle that idles at the end of your driveway.
By his own admission, Strife has always had a weakness for those 'motor bikes' the humans like to ride, with their shiny gaskets and noisy engines. But this one – the one upon whom sits a tall, lanky human – Strife does not care for.
“Anton!” you call out, flying down the driveway, splaying your arms out wide in anticipation of a hug.
'Anton' laughs brightly and kicks down the bike's stand as he leaps from the seat, his own arms only just opening in time to receive you when you crash into him with a whoop of delight.
As soon as those long, stringy arms wrap around your shoulders, the Horseman's hackles raise like a feral beast's and the sudden presence of Anarchy begins to claw at the confines of his ribcage. For a few moments, he wrestles with himself, weighing the pros and cons of letting his most primal form take over for a while, but after envisioning the disapproving frown that's sure to adorn your face should he pull such a stunt, he bitterly shoves a reluctant Anarchy back down and settles upon prowling down the gravel drive after you, glaring hard at the stranger the entire way. Admittedly, he is a little surprised at himself for the animosity. On the whole, he's always maintained a good rapport with other humans. He likes the species, a lot. So to suddenly be filled with such a strong disliking for this particular human strikes him as odd and out of character.
Then, Anton's hands slide down to your lower back and another bout of indignant fury flares up in the Horseman's belly. After what he thinks is, quite frankly, an obscene amount of time, the stranger releases you, holding onto your shoulders and leaning back to get a better look at your face.
“God, it's good to see you, Y/n,” he drawls, eyeing you from head to toe in a way that makes the Horseman's skin crawl, “I can't believe it! You've changed so much!”
Grinning shyly up at him, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and reply, “Hopefully for the better?”
His own smile widens. “You were always at your best, even before the apocalypse. Still, being Humanity's Hero seems to be really suiting you, huh?”
At once, your expression falls and you pull a face, extracting yourself from his grasp. “Oh god, don't call me that. I've told the media till I'm blue in the face - the Horsemen are the ones who deserve to be called heroes. Oh, speaking of whom...” You turn to face the looming presence at your side and gesture up to Strife. “I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine.”
Anton's gaze leaves you long enough to flick over towards the Horseman and you watch as he does a very comical double-take, his eyes bulging for a moment before he manages to compose himself again and lifts his hand in greeting. “Hey! You must be one of those Horseman guys. Death, right?”
Noticing that the Nephilim's hands curl suddenly into tight fists, you interject, “Uh, actually, this is Strife, Tones.”
“Tones?” He really does try to keep the disdain from his voice when he switches his burning, golden glare between you and the other human. “I thought you said his name was Anton?”
How many other friends do you have?
“It's a nickname, Strife,” you reassure him quickly, “This is Anton.”
A nickname... Of course. The Horseman's stomach twists itself into a knot and he can't stop himself from blurting out, “How come you've never given me a nickname?”
The human concept surrounding abbreviated names was a fairly easy one for him to grasp when he first learned of them. They're terms of endearment, meant to signify familiarity and friendship.
He's your friend. He's familiar. Why doesn't he have a nickname too?
"Ugh, I'm sorry. We'll brainstorm nicknames when I get back," you huff, "But the restaurant will give our table away if we don't hurry. So -"
Turning to usher Anton onto the bike, you hardly manage to take one step before a large, metal hand is sliding around your forearm and tugging you gently to a halt. Biting back a groan, you glance over your shoulder, ready to scold him, but one look at his slouched stance and averted gaze stops you in your tracks.
"Uh. Hey, Tones?" you call, never taking your eyes off the Horseman's mask, "Can you give us a sec?"
The human behind you is careful to check that Strife isn't looking when he rolls his eyes and grunts in acknowledgement before he turns and saunters over to his bike, leaning up against it and pulling out his phone.
Once Anton has turned his attention elsewhere, you raise a brow at the Horseman and wait, patient, expectant. After working his jaw for a moment or two, he finally looks at you properly and tightens his grip on your arm, not until it's painful, but enough that you understand what he's trying to convey in the gesture.
He really doesn't want you to go.
"Strife?" you prod.
Reluctantly, he lets out a rough exhale.
Although he's far better at it than his siblings, watching Strife try to openly express emotion isn't unlike watching someone pull their own teeth out with a pair of pliers. The process is slow, and it's best to sit back and listen to him rather than try to encourage him to speak. So, that's what you do, and eventually, your patience is rewarded when after another few seconds of silence, he offers a strained chuckle and says, "This guy isn't my replacement, is he? I know the bike is cool, and all, but..."
"Your replacement?" you laugh, incredulous, "Strife. I don't know how it worked with Nephilim, but for humans, having another friend doesn't cancel out any existing ones."
He knows that. He's not some whelp who never learned how to share. Frustrated with himself, the Horseman huffs and turns his head to the side, glaring hard at nothing in particular.
"Hey..." An old habit kicks in, and before you can stop yourself, you reach up to trace your fingertips along the underside of Strife's helm, tipping it back towards you and smiling at the bewildered look in his yellow eyes. Confident that he's paying proper attention, you pull your hand away again and state, "I could search the whole universe from top to bottom for the next hundred, thousand years, and I'd never find a friend who could replace you, okay? So stop worrying. Your ranking as 'my best friend' is not under threat."
"M'not worrying," he grumbles, but inside, his heart is aglow with the warmth of your words. At the back of his mind, Anarchy rumbles happily. You said best!... He's your best friend? He tries to recall you ever calling him that before. Then he realises that, no, you can't have done. He wouldn't forget a moment like that. Not in a million years. Just like he won't forget how he feels right now after hearing those two words.
Oblivious to the fate you've just sealed for yourself, you clap your hands together, bringing the conversation to what you hope is an easy conclusion. "Good. In that case, will you please let me go with Anton now?"
The Horseman's mood sours almost immediately, but at least he peels his fingers off your arm.
"Hey, kid?" he address Anton, packing his voice with all the menace and threat that he can muster, "If I find out she gets hurt on your watch, I'll introduce you to a couple'a friends of mine..." His hands fall less-than subtly to his holsters, where the silver handles of Mercy and Redemption glint in the sunlight.
Anton's face pales upon seeing the Horseman's legendary pistols.
"Stop that," you scold him, smacking the back of your hand against the armoured chest plate before turning to your other friend and calling, "Come on, Tones, let's go."
Anton all but throws himself onto his bike, kicking the stand back and jamming his keys into the ignition whilst you climb on behind him, albeit far more gracefully. The man tosses you a helmet and you shove it onto your head.
Strife's eyes remain settled upon your hands that wrap snugly around Anton's waist and it takes everything in him not to grab you, haul you off the bike, drag you back to your home and lock you inside.
“I'll be back late tonight,” you call over the roar of the engine as you begin to pull away, “There's food in the fridge if you want to eat! And my Netflix is still logged in! I'll see you later, okay!?”
Strife doesn't respond, not because he can't think of what to say, but because there would be no point. Anton has already peeled away and pushed the bike to a reckless speed. All the Horseman can do is stand there at the end of your driveway, his shoulders drooping dejectedly.
After you're nothing more than a dot on the far horizon, he tears his eyes off you and lets them fall to the tarmac near his boots.
He never notices you looking back.
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