#i miss my comedian era
uravichii · 1 year
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me when i remember that one filo!reader hcs i wrote years ago where reader teaches bakugo to say "mahal kita" and tells him that it's a curse word in filipino but it actually means "i love you" n reader just wanted to hear that from him but then bakugo yells "mahal kita" to deku not knowing it actually means "i love you"
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
im pretty sure you've been asked for all the ocs at this point separately but i have a tiny pea sized brain and cant remember LMAOOO but who are your fcs for the ocs? doc/andrew/jess/derek/kristen/marta/elias/etc. (im sure im missing some)
my brain definitely manifests them a certain way but im curious to who you imagine!!
So I left a lot of these non-existent or vague so people can plug in themselves and people they love BUT here’s who I picture 😍
Doc: I don’t really have an actor who fits her so I made this AI thing when I was thinking up the character? But I’ve pictured her as fairly petite (5’2”-5’4” ish?), small but not skinny, rounded but not thicc. Basically just the personification of softness and femininity. She’s got a lot of hair that’s wavy/curly that gets out of control easily and her personal style is the thrift shop version of Jess from New Girl. She looks like someone the apocalypse will chew up and spit out.
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Andrew: my sweet baby angel! When we first meet him, he is 110% Lucas from Stranger Things. Fairly baby faced but brave in the face of it all - and still able to find happiness and joy. By the time Doc leaves the QZ, I’m kind of leaning Donald Glover? Someone mentioned they cast him as Andrew Garfield and I kinda love that too lol
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Jess: Our third member of the codependency squad (who was honestly way understanding of her boyfriend/husband’s weird attachment and we love her for it) and resident comedian is, in my head, Doctor Who era Karen Gillan. Red hair, vibe of sass and strength but also naïveté (and so pretty that we can’t blame Andrew for gawking at her for months) we love her.
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Derek: the good guy who might have been if it weren’t for trauma and Joel! He’s 40 year old James Marsden. Just… *chef’s kiss* Look between him, Joel and Tommy? Doc can PULL. Someone said they cast Oscar Isaac here and look… Oscar is like maybe the one man I might find more attractive than Pedro, it depends on the day BUT I cannot cast him as anything but a leading man. Oscar and Pedro can only be end game in my book (but I will accept any and all HC castings lol)
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Kristen: Our favorite, competent as HELL trauma nurse! I pictured her as being unexpectedly feisty coming from a small, pretty, blonde package. Does she seem like someone you’d underestimate? Poor choice on your part but that’s her. Malin Akerman is who she is for me!
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Marta: our tough still figuring it out assistant turned expert nurse! I wanted someone sweet but strong who could be both naive and brilliant, so Ana de Armas it is! Only realized just now that her name in Knives Out is also Marta lol I FORGOT THAT BUT OH WELL!
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Elias: Our stalwart dogooder under the umbrella of FEDRA turned exhausted man trying to keep people alive, Elias is a kind hearted leader trying to do the best he can with what very little he has. His caring and drive I think are exemplified in Jimmy Smits - especially West Wing era Jimmy Smits at the beginning of the fic.
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So yeah! That’s how I see all these lovely lovely characters! I hope this enriches or informs the reading for you. Thank you so much for reading and asking! Love you!!
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pleasejustletpercyrest · 10 months
I’m surprised I haven’t caved and done this yet, but I NEED to talk about how fucked up it is that ole Papa Ricky missed out on prime ace/aro representation via Leo Valdez in favor of? Ruining part of his character arc? Let’s get into it.
Essentially, Leo’s entire character is based off of the loser boy who relentlessly flirts with anything that moves because he’s desperate. We see this in almost every book until he starts to get serious, and of course when the Calypso plot line begins. IGNORING THAT ENTIRE SECTION OF THE BOOKS, and instead looking more closely towards the whole “seventh wheel” thing, I would very much like to point my gay little finger and declare Leo on the a-spec.
Leo as a character is very performative, and we see him taking the role of the comedian, or the resident funny guy along with his throwaway usefulness as the engineer and repairer. In his POV multiple times we see a deeper exploration to his thoughts and actions, while in everyone else’s eyes, he’s just annoying, funny, and hyperactive. While this is an entirely different post I should be making in the name of Leo Valdez and all of his quirks and flaws, I also think that this inherently plays into the loneliness and separation that we see over and over again casting him as the third/fifth/seventh wheel.
I think there’s also something very telling about that desperation. Besides Rick very quickly throwing him into a romance to solve most of his “problems”, a lot of the earlier books show him flirting and throwing himself at women, but there’s no SUBSTANCE to it. In my personal experience, and in something very often seen in the aro/Ace community, to fit into social norms, you often try to attach yourself quickly to people, or convince yourself and your peers that you are experiencing crushes/attraction for a way to fit in to conversation and convention. Unintentionally, Rick wrote this little playboy character who is SO EASILY read as queer, specifically ace/aro!!!!
While we can only give the books so much credit for diversity and representation (as they are written by a cishet white man well past his 30s), the way that Leo is written so stereotypically gives me FUEL to headcanon that he is better than written. I like to think of his third wheel era with Piper and Jason as a sort of PART 1 to this realization, and then PART 2 comes around with Hazel and Frank. There could have been so many silly interactions if he was actually pursued as a queer character, and I will forever rage because of the sloppily thrown labels after HoO with Nico’s coming out arc.
(Once again, big W for the representation being shown, but I do have some issues with the execution)
I just imagine Leo, confused, watching these relationships on the Argo II and taking notes about what romantic attraction looks like. He has messy notes scribbled on his palm like:
-Laughs at joke that is NOT funny because they are blinded by love???
-Look like idiots holding hands and staring into each others eyes
-‘I would die for you’ but in a sexy way (aka how to date in demigod 101)
-Whatever the fuck Percy and Annabeth have going on
Relationships, specifically romantic ones, seem to be the only way that Rick truly allows important interactions to happen. What happened to declaring your loyalty but in a platonic sense? What happened to fighting for the power of friendship? What happened to Grover?!?!!!
I also truly believe that there could have been an entirely new angle explored between Nico and Leo’s relationship, and how they could’ve become tentative friends after Leo comes back from the dead, especially after the death of Jason Grace. I see perfectly an interaction that would go something like:
Leo, approaching Nico wearily at the dining pavilion: hey man, how did you realize you were gay?
Nico, not paying much attention, absolutely destroying a bowl of cereal: didn’t like women, liked men
Leo, nodding seriously, knowing full well that he isn’t gay but also not straight: I see…
ADDITIONALLY there could have been such a fun friendship with Piper and Leo if Rick Riordan wasn’t a coward and actually gave Piper a character arc where she was established as queer instead of just sprinkling it in at random. Piper, as a daughter of Aphrodite, with that ‘love sense’, I truly believe they’re could have been such fun scenes such as:
Piper, suspicious that Leo isn’t straight: so…you have any crushes?
Leo, panicking because now he has to think of someone who could reasonably be seen as someone he was crushing on: uh, um, uh, what’re you? A cop???
Piper, getting literally no vibes of any attraction whatsoever from Leo, throwing her tf off: uh, maybe
This also leaves the very real, very hilarious question of what Leo would see if he ever met Aphrodite. As Jason sees a lot of Piper, and Percy sees basically just Annabeth, I think it would be interesting to have an internal dialogue of Leo meeting the goddess of love and having her features shift constantly to try and fit an impossible attraction by melding together traits that are stereotypically pretty or beautiful.
Not all of this was entirely coherent, but I have very strong feelings on this headcanon and I am HORRIBLE at articulating anything in a way that makes sense. Thank you for, once again, coming to my Teddy Talky.
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steddie-thirst · 2 years
Strange Obsession | Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader | Stranger Things x Spree (Crossover) ONE
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((Notes: this is a crossover series that will be taking place between two universes and for it to work Stranger Things is in a more modern era.))
Thank you @rollergirlworld for inspiring part of this fic as well, she's amazing please go give her some love.
SUMMARY: Kurt is on the run from the cops after his little murder spree. He comes across Steve Harrington and his group of friends and Kurt takes a liking to Eddie's girl. A little to much.
We are now live from the scene of the series of brutal murders, A former comedian, Jesse was in downtown when she was shot and killed. The police and other agencies recommend the cancellation and use of ride-share apps, if you need a ride to ask friends or family members. I'm Kennedy Fox and you're watching Channel 6.
"Wow, I can't believe all of this is going on just a town away."
"Well, sis." Steve carefully stirs the pot of mea not missing a beat to take a jab at the guitarist, "People go psycho everyday - you just so happen to be dating one." He teases not even sparing the metalhead, who was currently lounged at the bar, a glance and Eddie scoffed. 
Eddie shakes his head, fingers tapping idly at the cup in his hands, he lets out a quiet chuckle sparing you a glance and he smiles. "Is that really how you see me, Harrington?"
Steve shrugs looking over his shoulder and spots the rather unamused look on his face, "I don't know, Eds. It might be all those crazy tattoos and crazy hair." The man argues, turning his eye back to the stove to keep an eye on the vegetables that were currently being sautéed. Rolling up his sleeves he reaches for a spatula to stir them around the pan, careful not to burn them as Eddie watches.
You pass Steve in the kitchen delivering a small slap to his arm in which he lets out a huff much to Eddie’s chagrin. "Leave him alone, Steve. Eddie is probably the only guy in town that wasn't trying to get into my pants." You demand not appreciating the lashing towards him.
"That's on facts, babe." Eddie agrees, sending a sly wink your way, making you blush and burst into a fit of bubbly giggles. He lifts the cup to his lips and down's the rest of the liquid.
"Eww, if you guys plan to flirt, do it in Eddie's trailer." Steve groans, eyes practically rolling all the way into his head. You and the brunette share a loving gaze as he works the stove - The sweet scent of onions and peppers filling the room. Tonight was like every other Friday. Dinner and a movie.
Steve, Eddie, Robin, and you wound up making these nights a weekly thing. From cooking and picking a movie and just spending time together. Robin, had unfortunately been unable to make it, with her car not working, and being stuck with Nancy on babysitting duty so it was just the three amigos.
As the meal prep comes to an end, you're left to set up the table, placing salsa, guacamole, and queso out on the table. Tonight’s dinner was fajitas and all Eddie’s idea, the man loved a good taco, as any other person would. In the process of setting up the table a harsh rapping brings you from your duties. Looking back into the kitchen hoping the boys wouldn't mind grabbing the door, but  were too busy conversing with one another.
With a roll of your eyes you set the chips down and with a huff turn to walk towards the door, "Ugh, boys." Flattening out your dress skirt and going to open the door.
Steve and Eddie were sharing a good laugh in the kitchen over a couple of glasses when they heard you scream. They ran into the living room and found you standing over an unconscious body, Eddie hurried over to you.
Steve checks the body for a pulse, and sighs out of relief, "He's not dead. But judging from all this blood, I am surprised he isn’t." He checks the face and his flips drop into a frown, "What the fuck?"
Eddie finished comforting you, his hands slowly rubbing at your tensed shoulders, you deciding to head into the kitchen. Eddie sighs before turning to Steve and kneeling down next to the body. The guitarist noticed the horrified look on his face. "What's up, man?"
Steve's lips curl into a thin smile and shakes his head, "See for yourself." The man gestures to the body's face and Eddie leans over to examine him.
"Holy Shit!" Eddie is aghast. It was like Steve had a clone, same facial structure - poor sense of fashion and overly greasy hair - but the same as their beloved 'lover boy' himself.
"Right?" Steve is just as taken back as the metalhead. Eddie chews on his cheek as he looks him over. He pulls his hand back and leans away, looking back at his friend. Suddenly the unconscious body sat up and the two jumped back.
"Shit! Shit -Jesus!" Eddie cried out.
"Who the fuck are you?!" The man on the ground was quick to ask the other two, throwing his hands up in defense. Eddie chuckled and Steve huffed.
"We were just about to ask the same question. So, can you tell us your name, dude?" Eddie asked wanting to know exactly if the guy posed a threat especially with his girl in the other room.
He gulps, "K-Kurt. I'm Kurt Kunkle.. I was running from that guy."
"What guy?" Steve asked, arms crossing over his chest. Let's say that he wasn't a fan of some look-alike asshole, with shitty hair, scaring off his sister and pulling some undead shit in his living-room.
Kurt looked between the two men above him. One looked like he dove straight out of some 80's rom-com, whilst the other looked like he belonged on stage with Metallica. "T-That uhm ride-share freak." Kurt lied, "The guy came at me and I decided I wasn't ready to die so I reached up to the front and crashed the car."
Eddie could see how that would explain the blood and the cuts.
"Okay, and did he follow you?" Eddie asked.
"No, cops were on his tail and I wasn't g-gonna stay to find out, man." Kurt drops his hands in defeat. "Look I have no idea what town I'm in and I almost died tonight, I was just looking for somewhere to stay." He explained and Steve huffed. The information checked out considering the injuries, his house was also the first one off the main road, but he was skeptical.  You had overheard the whole conversation and while he had scared you initially it wouldn't be fair to throw him back out to the wolves.
Steve and Eddie turned to converse amongst themselves whilst Kurt sat there practically the odd man out. When they turned back he jumped still pretty nervous considering, "Alright you can stay for a week. You will sleep in the guest room and if I swear you act out or pull some shit I'm calling the cops, got it?" Steve wasn't fucking around.
"Yeah-" He swallows. "I-I got it." Steve offered his hand and helped Kurt up off the ground. "Good, my sister will help you get settled and no funny business." Steve warned him.
"(Y/N), will you help Kurt find the guest room? I need to talk to Eddie." The look-a-like Steve turned his head and caught a glimpse of you.
"Follow me?" He eagerly nodded.
"I'm fucking confused Steve. Why does he look like you?" Eddie whispered, arm thrown out gesturing off towards Kurt.
"Fuck- Eddie- I don't know, man. Okay?" He shrugs, tensing muscles as his shoulders rise. He sighed and relaxed, "Listen. Just stay here for a week with (Y/N). I can't leave her here by herself and because we work opposite shifts one of us can keep an eye on her and one on him." Eddie and Steve agreed.
"So, are you a nurse?" He asks as you search for the med-kit. Having already removed his shirt so you could tend to the cuts.
"Ha, no. I just always end up patching up the boys." You grabbed the kit and let out a small hum of approval and turned to him. "So, I taught myself. My boyfriend especially likes to fist fight." Kurt would have been surprised if you were single. An angel like you was a once and a lifetime kind of girl.
"You have a boyfriend? What's he like?" Kurt asks, the question teetered on the edge of being rather blunt but it really came off as curiosity. He couldn’t believe that he had a chance, but a man could only dream.
"Oh- He's uhmm - You've met him and my brother. Guys downstairs." You rummage through the kit for the gauze and alcohol before turning back to him. Kneeling down on the floor between his legs to first clean the long cut on his arm.
"Which is which?" Kurt asks a blush creeping across his cheeks as he watches you work on the cut, nimble fingers accompanied by gentle touches. Your current position, between his legs like that drove the man crazy and no girl had ever gotten to him the way you did. To you it was harmless, but to him - Fucking Hell - you were sexy.
"Well-" You start with a tilt of your head, Kurt nearly moans - you were just so irresistible and cute like a little puppy - dabbing the alcohol on his arm and he winces, a sharp hiss escaping him, "Sorry, Kurt." You pause and when the pain subsides he gave a nod which urges you to continue.
He just really enjoyed how you doted on him, kind and caring, "As I was saying, my brother is the one with the fluffy hair, and insane amount of polo shirts." You joked making Kurt chuckle, even more than that comedian he'd offed, you were much better. With the gentle touches he only wondered what it’s be like to have those hands all over him, touching and caressing as they went. "My boyfriend is the tall guy with fluffy curls and leather."
Kurt should've known such a thing the dark-haired boy was much more protective of you and practically gave him the look of death. "What's his name?"
"Eddie." You replied and he nodded. Once you finish wrapping up his arm and stand up he’s almost saddened by the loss of contact. "And my brother is, Steve." You explain. He looked down at his arm and smiled, you were actually a good little nurse. Not to mention a pretty one at that.
"Thanks." You smiled and packed up the med-kit.
"The rest are small enough to close up on their own, just make sure to clean them. Bathroom is just down the hall." Kurt nodded and watched you leave the room. He let out a sigh he was holding and he couldn't believe what he just got away with. His massive murder spree and no one had any clue. Especially you - This was going to be fun.
When you returned downstairs Eddie was pacing at the thresh-hold of the stairs, you stopped halfway. "Eddie?" He whipped his head up to look at you and he smiled. You'd never seen him so worried and Steve was sitting on the couch dazed off, probably thinking. Eddie helped you down the rest of the way, "You seem worried, Eds."
"I was. You were gone for a while.." He pouted lips pulled into a thin frown and you giggled.
"Aww, poor baby." You coo reaching up to place your hands over his cheeks. Physical touch was definitely his love language. "Lemme kiss it better." Your lips lock with his and he moans. Steve groans from his spot on the couch. Kurt had finished cleaning up and headed down the steps.
For some reason seeing you with Eddie - his lips on yours - a rage boiled inside him. He didn't deserve you. Kurt could take care of you better than him and definitely better than your brother. Things were going to have to change.
@st-ls @munsonloverblog @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @shyposttree @damon-loves-pie @fanficfanatic204 @positivevibesnlif3 @beebslebobs @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @marianita195 @b-barnes04 @phantomxoxo @buchanansbaby
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pop-punklouis · 27 days
okay i know taylor swift's album has been out for a hot min but im revisiting it again and im still stuck on how unrelatable it is and thats why i think it misses the mark for so many people me included. it sucks because i love her and ive always been able to find myself/my circustamces in her lyrics and i cannot do that now. it kinda started with midnights too i noticed.
yeah, when the record first came out, i had a couple conversations about that with people on here. i find it fascinating as a topic, because its one i would love to see indulged in more as a think-piece. how swift's meteoric rise since folklore (which wasn't heavily autobiographical) somehow led to a meteoric rise in her lyricism becoming less collectively personal and more.... individually personal (if that makes sense?). and i would assume her insane taylor's version roll out schedule where she's been consistently revisiting eras and albums from her past work for the last four years has played into the fraying of that lyricism as well.
i dunno, i was watching an interview with a comedian not too long ago (it might've been john mulaney iiirc) where they were discussing how difficult it becomes as comedian's get older to stay relevant and relatable. and he was stating how comedian's and artists (in general) tend to go back and regurgitate or pull from old jokes/content without even being acutely aware of it because of the scene they sort of get caught up in. and the cannibalizing certain artists do to themselves when they rely on an autobiographical branding is rough because it ends up with the audience being like: "you guys used to sing about my life and now you just sing about your own life" and that kinda feels like where taylor is right now.
her newer songs feed a certain, specific part of her life like a diary which is fine because i know its a catharsis for her to get a lot of this out, but in the same vein it hinders a lot of what made a lot of people gravitate to her in the first place. when you listen to her new projects it is difficult to not immediately think about joe alwyn or matty healy or even travis kelce because of specific references and observations. its harder to separate the art from her personal life, and i believe that's where we see a big disconnect with this album for some.
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shivorce · 2 years
told a friend that i am living in a post Comedians I Like Being Revealed As Sex Pests Hurting My Feelings era but then immediately remembered that if anything bad ever comes out about james acaster ever i will go missing
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Saturday Night Live S49E16: Kristen Wiig
How epic was last weekend's episode of SNL?? Wiig is one of the all-time greats, it shouldn’t be a surprise, but you never really know with this show. Sometimes the host’s humor doesn’t gel well with the cast or translate to the audience. Sometimes the energy is just... off.
Wiig's been beloved as a comedian for a long time, but I gained even more appreciation for her after this episode. The sketches she picked, not only did they play to her strengths but also gave other people the opportunity to shine. And her humor is so fluid: she can do loud, physical comedy as well as subtle, niche comedy. Like the secret ingredient to everything, she elevates any dish.
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Let’s start with the cameos because IT WAS STACKED. Any of the guests on any given night would have been enough, but she is getting inducted into the “Five-Timers Club”, so the show pulled out all the stops.
It starts off with Paul Rudd and Matt Damon in the audience; cuts to Jon Hamm, Martin Short, Fred Armisen, and (my beloved) Will Forte off to the side; and — as if that wasn't enough — it ends with Ryan Gosling bequeathing her the coveted jacket. JUST BANANAS. Full monologue HERE.
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It was reminiscent of her last episode as a cast member, with legend after legend seeing her off.
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JUMANJI – Andrew Dismukes is his own person but there’s something about him that reminds me of Forte. His humor is not as unconventional but he has a similar dedication to absurdity. With sheer commitment, he makes a lot of stuff work that really shouldn’t. So it made sense to me that Forte was invited to this sketch—which I can only assume came from the mind of Dismukes.
No offense to the current SNL batch, I like them a lot, but this episode made it apparent that Wiig, Forte, (and also Armisen) are on another level. Wiig, the reigning queen of the batshit lady, set the tone for this bizarre scenario. She made it work. Forte, the ultimate king of 10 to 1 sketches, added credibility to it. I'm trying to imagine it with Heidi Gardner and Mikey Day as placeholders for Wiig and Forte, respectively, and while I could still see it kind of working, I don't know if it would be as memorable.
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PILATES (Pre-Tape) – this could should be an actual movie. Wiig as the creepy, high-energy instructor calling everyone "Mamas" cracked me up. Partly because it reminded me of Kaley Cuoco’s irritation with the pet name, which she recently griped about on the Conan Needs a Friend podcast.
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SECRETARIES – this sketch wasn’t made for Jon Hamm but it was also made for Jon Hamm. Trudy made her first appearance when Pete Davidson hosted at the start of the season. Gardener carried that sketch the best she could but now she had two aces up her sleeve: Wiig and Hamm. Wiig, as Tootie, dived into the screwball comedy complete with mid-Atlantic accent; while Hamm only needed to revisit his role as Don Draper. I was near tears seeing them at the brink of breaking near the end. Also made me miss seeing them in Bill Hader’s Vincent Price sketches. It's got a similar vibe.
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RETIREMENT PARTY – my favorite sketch of the night. This was the closest an alumnus has ever gotten to recreating the mid to late-aughts vibe of SNL, my favorite era. I've not thought about this sketch much or particularly missed it, but when Wiig came out with her oxygen tank, Armisen in his knee-length trousers, and Forte in his Hamilton wig, I was hit with so much joy and nostalgia. Made me realize how much I, as a viewer, took for granted, spoiled with such a wealth of hilarious recurring sketches.
Jason Sudeikis was often the perfect straight man for these sketches, but Day did a good job reacting to all the unhinged guests. I also wonder if he had a hand in writing it as Wiig’s lines sounded like something his character Supercentenarian Mort Fellner would say.
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WEEKEND UPDATE – once again, Marcello Hernandez ruled behind the desk, this time as the 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake that recently (very gently) shook New York. He was later joined by Keenan Thompson as the Solar Eclipse. Not the biggest fan of Thompson but I do enjoy his dynamic with Hernandez. Wiig, on the other hand, reprised her favorite character, movie critic Aunt Linda. Her film reviews are always a riot but she had me cackling the moment she referred to Colin as Seth.
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GO-KARTS – solid sketch that got me so invested and left me with many questions: What’s the bad thing? Why would it get Daddy drinking again? But mostly, who’s Sheila? Chloe Troast’s reveal off to the side was a nice touch. And the nickname, Big C, had me hollering.
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LA MAISON DU BANG! – this was the sort of sketch Wiig used to do a lot with Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler back in the day and while I enjoyed seeing how much fun they were having, it was never something I got overly excited about. But seeing a version of it reborn was a delight. Molly Kearney leaping into frame with a saxophone was a welcome surprise. Reminiscent of Sudeikis’ tracksuit-wearing dancer in What Up With That?.
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The musical guest, Raye, also killed it. She's like Amy Winehouse reincarnate. She sang barefoot at one point and I loved that tiny detail.
Links to her incredible performances HERE and HERE.
Fantastic show, all around. Best of the season, so far.
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krispyweiss · 8 days
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Basketball Great and Grateful Dead Enthusiast Bill Walton Dies at 71
- “Our hearts are heavy today in the Grateful Dead community,” Dead & Company’s Oteil Burbridge says
NBA Hall of Famer Bill Walton - who was also one of America’s biggest, and largest, Grateful Dead fans - died May 27 at 71 of cancer, the NBA said in a statement.
In addition to his HOF induction, Walton was the NBA’s most valuable player and two-time league champion, making him “one of the most consequential players of his era,” said the Boston Celtics, where Walton finished his playing career.
“He derived great joy from basketball and music and deeply cherished his moments with teammates and friends,” the team said of Walton. “As a Celtic, Bill overcame years of debilitating injuries, regained his zest for the game and helped guide the 1986 Boston Celtics championship with both his play and his spirit. The Boston Celtics celebrate Bill’s wonderful life and legacy and send their deepest sympathies to the Walton family.”
Walton saw more than 850 Grateful Dead concerts and could be seen towering over audiences at concerts by post-Jerry Garcia spin-off bands, as well. He credited the band for his passion on the court in a 2016 interview with Salon, in which he quoted lyrics from “Terrapin Station.”
“I learned from them about how to become a champion,” Walton said. “I became the basketball player that I was because of the Grateful Dead. I am the human being that I am today because of the Grateful Dead. They’re right there at the top of my teachers. Their inspiration moved me brightly.”
“I loved Bill Walton,” Grateful Dead co-founder Bill Kreutzmann said. “As we say in the land of the Dead: ‘May the four winds blow him safely home.’”
Walton’s “favorite thing to do was to inspire people to love life as much as he did,” Dead & Company bassist Oteil Burbridge said.
“He brought out the best in people,” Burbridge said. “If his name ever came up in conversation, everyone broke out into a big smile. … Our hearts are heavy today in the Grateful Dead community. A community that he loved so dearly. He embodied the best spirit the Grateful Dead world has to offer.”
Other musicians who became friends with the six-foot, 11-inch guy down in front - including the Marshall Tucker Band and John Fogerty - also eulogized Walton.
“He was truly a very special and joyful person and his megawatt smile made everyone smile,” Fogerty said. “His enthusiasm for life and all things rock and roll was unstoppable and we miss you Bill.”
Former Sen. Al Franken last saw Walton at a Dead & Company gig. The comedian remembered his friend as “a sweet, giant of a man with a sweet and giant spirit.
“My heart goes to his family and all who had the privilege of knowing Bill,” Franken said.
Walton also became a “dear friend and supporter” of Dark Star Orchestra, the country’s best-known Grateful Dead cover band.
“The whole DSO organization sends condolences to his family and those closest to him,” the band said. “We always enjoyed every moment around him and share in the community’s collective grief of his loss.”
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Taskmaster podcast, episode 170:
Kiell Smith-Bynoe: I’ve noticed that from [John Robins’] demeanour in the studio. He’s just quite calm and chill, and is like, “Oh, this is happening. Yep. Oh, that happened, yeah.” Ed Gamble: I think people are surprised by that, with John. Because John’s persona on his radio show, certainly, is quite angry sometimes. You know, short tempered. He’s very funny when he’s in that sort of angry, sort of desperate state. But I think there’s been a bit of a sea change in his personality in the last year or two. So to watch him be calm, especially during some of these tasks, is quite wonderful to see, as a friend. But also, there’s a little devil on my shoulder going, “I wish he was still in a dark place.” You know, overall, we’re very happy for him.
I like it when people who aren't me say the things that I feel vaguely guilty for thinking because it ignores the fact that comedians are human beings and human happiness is more important than art. But it's okay when people who do know them as human beings say it. Also, John Robins has said it himself, in some detail, in his 2014 stand-up show about how he'd found eternal love and this would unfortunately harm his ability to do good comedy (a point that was proven a few years later, because while I thought This Tornado Loves You was a great show, when the relationship ended a few years later, he did write a much better one and got awards accordingly).
John Robins has been great fun on Taskmaster this season, and there is something very funny about watching him keep it together through what's clearly quite a lot of effort, when a couple of years earlier he'd have just failed to keep it together completely. But yes, Farthing-gate-era Robins will always be a "What could have been?" missed opportunity for Taskmaster, not getting him when he was like that.
Although I have to say, I do think we're being cheated on that a little bit. I've mentioned this before, but Nick Mohammed and Sophie Willan both said on the podcast that Steve and John were very competitive, that there were times when they felt uncomfortable in the studio with how much those two went after each other. I think Joanne said something similar too. I found those comments odd, since we don't really see that on TV. But someone I know who was in the audience at one of the recordings has told me about two different arguments in the studio that got cut from the broadcast (didn't even make outtakes), both cases of John picking fights with Steve over task performance. I think John is being at least a bit of his old angry/argumentative self in the studio this season, as people who were there in person have attested, but for whatever reason it's not making the edit.
I think Ed Gamble's been great throughout this season too, all the podcast episodes have been fun. I especially like his takes on John Robins and Nick Mohammed, as he knows those guys personally and professionally. Also, I loved the time he casually mentioned to Nick Mohammed, when talking about John Robins: "I listen to his radio show with Elis James every week, so I know him... well, better than he thinks I do." I liked that, because that is how I conduct all my friendships as well.
I actually have a lot in common with Ed Gamble. Highly competitive, quite liked John Robins when he was furious all the time, really into Taskmaster, and I also bit someone on the arm in 2007. Though I had a better excuse than he did, she was cross-facing me illegally hard in a wrestling dual on the side where the ref couldn't see. Ed just did it because a man from Lancashire told him to. (He probably didn't. I think they were just pretending. It's okay.)
It's fun that we'll get an hour of John and Ed together on the podcast again next week, unless something extremely unexpected happens. Unless Joanne or Steve has the best episode anyone's ever had, and it turns out that Alex Horne thought it would be funny to save all John's absolute worst tasks until the final episode, in an effort to bring back "furious John" for one last hurrah by having his win ripped away at the last moment.
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chiveburger · 3 months
I still do like him, but ever since 1n2d season 3 ended junho has not been in anything remarkable. which is really sad because I honestly think this mf is so funny. granted, I also think the korean variety show era has truly dwindled and maybe even have died but I used to watch junho in everything. he used to be the fucking host for like ULZZANG SHIDAE... when I tell you this man was actually everywhere 10 years ago. I know he's still doing things and he's on my little old boy or some shit but it's not the same. he peaked in the 2010's and everything he touched was gold. I still go back and watch his shows and piss myself but now he's dating jimin (who I also love don't get me wrong) and they REALLY push for that fodder when in reality, other than the initial surprise of it all? nobody really gives a damn that they're together. they were colleagues, they knew each other for a long time, and similarly they both kind of faded off into oblivion in regards to the korean variety industry. all these new celebrities that are becoming more and more prominent are not funny and they'll never be junho or jimin or really, a huge circle of comedians who actually WERE gag men and women back in the last decade. not to say everyone who was "big" back then are leading mundane sad lives now because often times they're putting comedy aside and starting families but bro? I miss some of these people so much and they MADE shows funny. shows were not just written or situated with funny games, but the people in the shows created the atmosphere where humor could thrive and I think it's very hard to do that. somewhere along the way that was completely lost and that's so sad to see but I'll always have those 92 episodes of human condition so it softens the blow a little bit...
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lexstellaris · 1 year
okay i have now seen the GoT TM trailer and, well.. I have this wip I started back around the s10/s11 era with all the Jester Alex stuff that was based on a very similar premise to that trailer. Alex sorting out comedians to entertain a very grumpy King Greg bc he was better at that than being a jester but didn't deserve to be anything other than a jester, but it never went anywhere bc I couldn't figure out a plot for it other than the set-up.
However. That trailer has me feeling some kinda way with Alex's 'I miss the rubber ducks' comment that's colliding with my 'gags/silence' SoK prompt, and that 'help Alex bite his duck' task that I STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND ALEX WHY and well. Maybe that idea will get a second wind now. :D? No promises ofc, but it's percolating frfr.
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 2 years
Comedy Festival 2012: Rhys Darby
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The New Zealand International Comedy Festival begins this weekend bringing local and international comic heroes to our stages. Here, Rhys Darby talks about his forthcoming shows.
Your show in 10 words or less:
Autobiographical stories, jokes, physical theater and dance about the Armageddon.
Will we have heard any of the jokes before?
Not unless you're my wife.
Give us your best sales pitch. Why should we go to your show instead of saving our money for a big night out when Flight of the Conchords play in July?
I would be more angry with you if you missed the Conchords gig! If you can afford to see two shows this year, treat yourself to a night of Darby.
What is your pre-show ritual?
A group hug, a prayer, a seance, a quick game of Last Card and an energy drink.
Is dying on stage a rite of passage for a comedian or something to be avoided at all costs? It's definitely a rite of passage. It should happen at least once, even if you have to orchestrate it yourself.
Are members of the audience fair game? Or should they be treated with respect at all times?
They are paying customers and so as long as they show the artist respect then they should get it back "with bells on".
If you were a superhero who would you be?
Captain Awesome. I'd fly with a jet pack, travel through space and time and live in a volcano.
For those of you who don't have a musical aspect to your show ... how do you compete with all those clever dicks offering the double whammy of musical comedy?
I remember when musical comedy wasn't cool - the 1980s - when Roger Moore was James Bond. No one was getting away with "musical comedy" then. I try to take people back to that era.
Who will you be heading along to see during the festival?
As many shows as possible including Steve Hughes, Jamie Bowen, David O'Doherty and Terry Frisby. I'll also definitely be taking my kids to see the fabulous Mr. Boon!
From: New Zealand In: This Way to Spaceship When and where: SkyCity Theatre, 8pm, May 8-12
- TimeOut
Source: NZ Herald
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bylertruther · 8 months
10, 12, 18, 22, 31, 36, 38, 44, 48, 56 🧠🔍
ten: are you good at hiding your feelings?
no ❤️, which is really quite awful for me lmao. i mean. yes and no, but heavy emphasis on no. will you know that something's up? most likely, yes. will i tell you what it is? no, never. so, i guess it depends on how you interpret the question and how well you know me. hope this helps <3
twelve: what is something you want right now?
see, i could say i'm looking at him.. 🤨 but you stink, so, hmmm. i want a bowl of fried rice, much like the one you denied me however many moons ago. and some red jello for dessert.
eighteen: do you miss how things were a year ago?
no. 2022 was one of the worst years of my life and i'm still dealing with the repercussions of it. the only reason it isn't the worst is because the actual worst is from when i was in middle school, which automatically trumps all.
twenty-two: description of crush.
crush is a soda brand owned by dr pepper. the main flavor is orange, but it also has grape, pineapple, strawberry, and others, too. it's sweet, bubbly, and all that sugar makes it a treat on its own. maybe we could split one? i haven't had a grape soda in ages, but i could be convinced to get another flavor, if you so wish. 😇
thirty-one: 3 random facts.
— i was the first in my family to be born in america. — i'm nearsighted. — i'm a very slow eater. like, very slow.
thirty-six: 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
when i was younger i was very ambitious. my dreams still feel equally as ambitious to me, but they're... different now. — i'd like to get married and share a life with my partner. one that's so full of love, it makes up for all the moments leading up to it when there was none. — i'd like to own a home that feels safe in every room. — i want to be able to take care of my mom and be there for her the way she was for me. her efforts and sacrifices can't be for naught.
thirty-eight: favourite comedian(s).
the tumblr appropriate ones are brittany broski, cody and noel's that's cringe era (rest in peace 💔), and thomas middleditch & ben schwartz.
forty-four: age you get mistaken for.
hm... people think i'm early twenties a lot, like 20-23. sometimes younger. i've been told multiple times that i'm confusing, because i give off "baby" vibes, but also.. the white hairs are right there lmao.
forty-eight: turn offs.
touching me without washing your hands first. being mean. people who insist they're fine with whatever role but secretly keep track and hold it over your head or make it seem like a chore.
fifty-six: favourite food(s).
americans popped off with a good ole burger and fries combo. all pasta fucks hard, but i especially enjoy ravioli. flan made with cream cheese is to die for. if you placed an empanada in my hand after i died, it would bring me back to life instantly. enchiladas (with flour tortillas, because i'm a heathen) and burritos are hot. if you make me beef stew or a nice roast, i'll go out the next day to buy you a ring. potatoes in general any which way. soups. yeast rolls. fufu de platano. ajiaco, which is a soup, but it's esp a fave during the winter or when i'm sick :).
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whatthe4355 · 1 year
Alright, fuck it
Here's my Scooby Doo media conservation rant
Alright, so where to start. I guess let's start with the beginning, with shows first
Scooby-Doo Where Are You! (SDWAY)
There's technically 2 seasons. Some people call it three. I denote the season by the change in intro and tone.
Anyway. If you want to watch the Classic SDWAY you can't. Not exactly. You may be able to find parts streaming but not the entirety. If you're lucky you'll find the "Best Hits" of season one (what a knight for a fright, hastle at the castle etc) but you won't find certain ones that are, in a word, obviously insensitive. It wasn't as bad in the "first season" so there's only a couple missing episodes (you can find them on DVD, most of the issues w/ first season are native american insensitivity). The second season is the one people forget about, and OOF does it age like milk. This season is where you get the chase songs with actual lyrics(the infamous "I married an ostrich" comes to mind) The rather offensive episode in a Chinatown section of a city is in this run. Usually , you only get Jeepers! It's the creeper! From this run if you get any at all.
Summery: it is morally ethical to pirate this one bc of lost albeit offensive content.
The New Scooby Doo Movies (TNSDM)
You might be wondering in the heck this is. Well, this one is the second series of Scooby Doo, and honestly probably aged the best out of the 70s Scooby Doo. Youve got real comedians, the globe trotters, Batman and Robin and even the Addams Family! It's a lot of good self contained fun for 45 minutes. Unfortunately, you HAVE to pirate it. I'm not sure if there even is a DVD release of these (I have the Batman and Robin one on VHS).
Summary: there's no legal way to watch this. Do yourself a favor and pirate this one. It holds up the best out of the original three Scooby Doo shows.
The Scooby Doo Show (TSDS)
This third show ages a tiny bit better than SDWAY, but still has some era consistent casual racism and bad taste indigenous portrayal. It's better than the first show, and to the point companies aren't afraid to stream it. It's a little uncanny at first watch as it feels nigh identical to SDWAY, but shifted about 5 degrees to the left. Overall a step down from TNSDM, but solid. I will note, this show title technically covers an era of Scooby Doo, but for simplicity and sanity Im just referring to it as The Scooby Doo Show.
Summary: Pirate if you want to. it's good fun and would suggest watching instead of SDWAY if you really want old Scooby Doo legally.
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy Doo (the series)
I'm not sure what to say here honestly. I haven't delved too deep into this one. Scrappy-Doo's annoying factor varies wildly from episode to episode and can range in role from either Fred or Velma for the episode. Weird fuckin stuff.
Summary: pirate if you want, I'm not your mom. You can't really watch legally last i checked
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy Doo (the shorts)
Oh gd there's more of him? Okay. So I don't know if these are actually preserved or not but they sure as hell arent gonna be streaming. Short form, widely disliked, failing era is a recipe for media loss.
Summary: Cryptid. If you can find it, archive and save it. You might end up with the last copy of this show or something.
The New Scooby Doo Mysteries
How is there three series with Scrappy Doo in a staring role and not Scooby Dum? Ask Hanna Barbera, because I sure as hell don't know. Is this one preserved? Again, I don't know.
Summary: much like the other two Scrappy Doo Shows, I don't know if this is preserved. Probably?
The Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby-Doo
Fully saved and on a free platform to boot. You can stream on Tubi as of writing. Piracy also works too.
A Pup Named Scooby Doo
Okay we are out of the dark age of Scooby Doo. This show is available on itunes, but only the first two seasons. The rest you're going to have to pirate.
Summary: just pirate it. Its wholesome and fun.
What's new Scooby Doo?
This is a great one, and unfortunately in rights limbo between Netflix and HBO max. It's basically all you want from the original Scooby Doo minus the casual and rampant stereotyping. This is the show that really made em want to make this rant. It's the show that revived Scooby Doo on tv, and got reruns of the old stuff onto boomerang.
Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue!
For all intents and purposes, it's a spinoff of the main series. 2 seasons, both available on HBO max*mimes vomiting* and only one on DVD. About the half baked approach you'd expect from Hanna Barbera for home release.
Honestly, either piracy or streaming works. It's just not a great show imo.
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
There's so much good to be said about this show that I'd need another post to cover it. To give just a brief glimpse of it's splendor: at the time it ran, there was a flash game updated weekly where you played out that week's episode in game. Like, just a masterful take on Scooby Doo.
Summary: it's on Netflix. Go watch it. If you can't afford that, pirate. Any way you can watch it, DO IT.
Be cool Scooby Doo!
A show that probably deserves more love than hate, harkens back to the era of "whatever goes" tv, in a good way. Animation is pretty not good, writing is decent.
It's on boomerang, but what else is on there?? Pirate if you're bored.
Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?
A poor man's revival of the new Scooby Doo movies. It forgets a lot of what made that show work in general, and focuses on the celebrities heavily.
Also on boomerang. Pirate if you really want, id recommend just rewatching the new Scooby Doo movies.
Velma. No. Just. No.
The creator is a right wing transphobe and you should not even give her the satisfaction of a hate watch.
If you watch this one I'm not your friend.
Movies will be a separate post tomorrow, this took a while.
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toongrrl-blog · 10 months
My Style Analysis: Cyclical Iconic Fashion and a Missed Prom
Originally posted on Reddit
Anyone notice something about Devi's prom dress? Something retro?
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The chiffon, long flowing dress, the neckline, the ruffles, the florals and pinks feel very retro. Like very 1970s (look I know per ShopYourTV that it's a recent find from Nordstrom's) maybe 70s does 30s...
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In fact Devi's dress slightly reminded me of Marge Simpson's prom dress in "The Way We Was" which was set in 1974, 49 years before Nalini almost had a heart attack seeing her daughter and Ben in bed together (albeit with clothes on). It's all there: the pink, the apparently lightweight fabric (chiffon or rayon or polyester or a combination, that was a staple of the era), the ruffles around the neck. Marge's pink dress (surely from Gunne Sax, which was fondly remembered by Boomers and Gen Xers alike) and Homer's baby blue tuxedo were so iconic that they were made into figurines.
In fact Devi's dress falls into good company with some other examples I listed in a old post on Tumblr about this frilly, utterly feminine aesthetic in fact I want to show another Mad Men example and one from the 1930s period piece The Group (1966).
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Every outfit looks so floaty here and these were promos for episodes set in 1970, thankfully our girls up there have much happier endings than the former Mrs. Drapers.
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Here is your 1930s example with The Group, which focuses on graduates of a Seven Sisters college as they navigate adult life in Depression era America and the patriarchy (it's rough as hell). The brunette in black is future Lucille Bluth, the late Jessica Walter. Bonum est mulier.
Eleanor's look sort of reminds me of: Cher, Selena, and Liz Taylor. All very iconic women who followed their passions boldly and became icons without blindly following trends set for either fashion or for their gender.
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(EDIT: Much better example)
As for Fabi? Well the tuxedo is pure androgyny. Calling to the OG ladies in a suit, Bessie Smith (EDIT: Gladys Bentley) and Marlene Dietrich and Annie Lennox
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All these women flouted restrictions regarding gender expression admidst the jeers of conservatives, pearl-clutchers, white supremacists, Jim Crow, fatphobia, and one even told Hitler to go fuck himself (okay maybe not those words but you get the gist).
The red may be a call back to predominantly African-American men in the media donning a red suit, as noted in u/eve_salmon's "A Cinematic Guide to The Weekend Pt. 3", Rat Pack member Sammy Davis Jr. (known for a flashy yet very traditionally masculine sense of style) donned a red suit for the film Poor Devil, whom like Fabi, was Black and queer in an era that was even more racist and queerphobic than the present. We also see Richard Pryor (comedian for those not in the know) donning a red suit along with Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and Casino. The red is likely a sign of pure confidence and defiance, keep in mind that Pesci's characters and Pryor (as well as Davis) grew up in eras where looking a white person in the eye can get a Black person made past tense to use a TikTok phrase and where Italian Americans were still looked down upon, so dressing well and in a manner that commands attention was a act of resistance.
Both examples of Marginalized Men in Red Suits and Gender-Bending Women Looking Sharp-Dressed, speaks well to Fabiola's own development as a character and taking ownership of her identity in a world that tells you to be a laundry list of things to be acceptable (be girly, be outgoing, be into pop culture, be straight, listen to your parents, focus on what boys like, fade into the background, wear uncomfy formalwear that ain't you) and points for the series highlighting HBCUs as up there with the Ivies; where the Ivies represent mainstream power, the HBCUs represent how a community managed to carve their own space to let it's members thrive and accomplish more (also while Princeton waited until 1969 and Columbia until 1983 to accept women, Howard been doing that since it's founding!), what better place for Fabiola whose journey is about owning her sense of self?
What can Iconic Lady Joan Holloway say, well I can think of her Bonwit Teller shopping spree where she decides what to take with her fabulous black dress with ostritch feather cuffs: "I'll take the boots, the tan heels, the chiffon (in a cooing voice), the red (even more cooing), and this (to her flamboyant dress)", in other words, she approves.
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wanderingmind867 · 11 months
My Rant against SNL: Part 2
Seasons 7-10 seem like some of the best years SNL had. Their cast was great. Eddie Murphy, Joe Piscopo, Christine Ebersole (who has a beautiful singing voice and starred as White Diamond in Steven Universe), Tim Kazurinsky, Billy Crystal and Martin Short (who seems very funny, from what I've seen of him). I've seen a best of Eddie Murphy compilation, and it made me realize just how funny he's always been. I also saw one episode of season 10, and I loved it. Harry Shearer, Martin Short, Billy Crystal, etc. It was truly an all star cast. Makes me all the more angry when Lorne Michaels comes back and fires them.
Once Lorne comes back, It seems like he at least stayed semi-okay in the beginning. Sure, Terry Sweeney and Danitra Vance seem to have only played stereotypes, but at least some of the others were fun. I've liked Jon Lovitz in some other stuff, and Randy Quaid is funny sometimes (I like him in those vacation films).
Seasons 12-15 or so seem okay too. At least they seem to be one of the most sober casts. I don't think any of them did drugs, but it's hard for me to say definitively. But at least they sound more sober, and that's good for me. Phil Hartman, Jon Lovitz, Jan Hooks, Mike Myers, etc. They all at least seem entertaining. I like Jon Lovitz and Phil Hartman from their roles on The Simpsons, and Mike Myers was in Shrek (and I liked most of those). Not much to say since I haven't seen these seasons, but they sound okay.
The 1990s sound like a return to the drug added mess of the 70s, however. And that's not a good thing. I read a whole New Yorker magazine article on it once, and it's really tainted my view of the era. Comedians like Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, and the others can be funny, but in moderation. Also, I hate Rob Schneider. Stupid vaccine denialist. Shows you just how lax Lorne Michaels was when it came to hiring people. There was still some good from this era (as said, their performers could be good in moderation), but it seems like a return to the hit or miss days of the 1970s.
I'm going to save my views on Mid to Late 90s SNL for Part Two, however. This is mostly so that I can cut Part One off before it stretches into the long and unreadable territory that I fear we're fast approaching.
Part 2: SNL of the 2000s I've not seen much of SNL in the Late 90s. But it seems like their cast was at least okay. Will Ferrell has had a bunch of funny films, and Molly Shannon is good in her guest role on Bob's Burgers. I don't have too much experience with a lot of the other cast members, however. Still, they seem okay. My Dad liked Norm Macdonald, but I don't have much of an opinion on him. Point is, at least a good chunk of the people here went on to do bigger and better things later in life.
I can't speak much about the 2000s as I know so little about them when it comes to SNL. Still, at least some cast members from back then seem funny. Not all of them, but some of them.
Now, let's talk about the 2010s. Let's discuss the cast members, and how some of them were funny and some just don't seem super entertaining. Kenan Thompson has always seemed pretty funny, and Bill Hader has done some decent stuff outside of SNL (like his guest part in Bob's Burgers, for one example). Jason Sudeikis is good in some things, although I never watched Ted Lasso or nothing.
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