#i miss doing cards....i've been wanting to do oc cards for (checks) i think about 8 years now and never actually doing anything
xfreischutz · 2 months
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was given the opportunity to work with Cantrip Candles for their upcoming Patrons and Deities line! thank you for letting me work with your Prince of Death!
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 9 months
Wildflowers (pt. xx)
a john paul jones x fem!oc fic
summary: Julia Morgan knew nannying for three girls who had recently lost their mother would come with many challenges. But she never thought their father, the enigmatic musician John Paul Jones, would be causing her the most trouble. And while Julia is not in the business of saving broken men, her tenderness might be meant for more than little girls and wildflowers.
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notes: n/a
a/n: i miss you all so much, miss wf so much. i've been working my butt off on my writing career and the time i have for john and julia is so limited, but i still think about them all the time. this is just a little fluffy interlude to tide us all over until i can get to what will be a very signif chapter. so i hope you enjoy it, even if it's a little silly :)
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pt. xx, eyebright
“Sir Curran for the talent, ladies.”
The lights were dimmed, the stage was set, and Jacinda was doing a marvelous job of playing a jumpy melody on her recorder.
“And here he is, Mr. Starmaker himself, your host, Hughie Green!” Tamara announced.
I began to applaud.
The curtains by the window trembled. Kiera yelped. “I’m stuck!”
Tamara looked askance nervously as if she was truly in front of a full audience, not just me sitting on the sofa cozy under a blanket with a cup of tea. “Technical difficulties, ladies and gentleman!” She snapped at the recorder playing Jacinda. “Cindy!”
Jacinda stopped playing, the last note squeaking. She huffed as she stamped over to the window where Kiera was only getting more and more tangled in the curtains.
I tried to stifle my giggles as she tried to free Kiera while Tamara stood by tapping her foot, checking her wrist for a watch that wasn't there. “The audience is waiting, Mr. Green. This is live television.”
“Okay, okay, I’m coming!” Kiera squeaked and then burst through the curtains. She looked absolutely darling in her father’s herringbone sportscoat (leave it to John that an average sportscoat would be the most shocking thing I could find in his closet) that fell all the way to her ankles, sleeves rolled up just enough so she could wave the hairbrush in her hand near her mouth as a microphone. “Ahem!” Kiera gestured to me.
“Oh, sorry!” I started to clap my hands again. “Bravo!”
Kiera bowed several times to the audience of one as she came to the center of the “stage” aka right in the middle of the playroom with the television pushed back. “Thank you, thank you! I wanted to say…” She looked over at Tamara with wide eyes.
“Birthday cards,” Tamara hissed.
“Yes! My birthday. Thank you for the cards. I’m fifty-eight but feel like I’m a hundred and eight.”
I let out a rip roaring laugh as I did every time Kiera repeated the joke. She’d heard it once on television and couldn’t stop repeating it. Tamara decided to use it to her advantage when planning out this skit for my evening’s entertainment.
Since John left, the girls had taken it upon themselves to fill the night hours with little performances for me. That way, according to Jacinda, “None of us would have to feel sad without daddy around.”
Sad was not how I felt without John around. Uneasy was more like it. Especially after the way we had left things.
To be fair to John, he didn’t know how we’d left things. After all, how could he have known that Pat and I lingered by the door listening to his conversation with Bonzo where he basically implied he wasn't sure he fancied me. After a month and change of letting him inside me again and again, letting him drown himself in the softness of my collar bone, flirt with me while everyone’s backs were turned.
After all that he wasn’t sure if he “fancied” me.
It was proof to me I should have resisted him.
However, the morning he left…made it so impossible to hate him. He woke me up by diving between my legs, languishing his tongue inside me, touching me like I was something holy. And when I had come not once but twice, he didn’t want anything in return.
“I needed to get my fill of you,” John had muttered. And then, after a kiss to the inside of my thigh I wish could have been welted onto my skin forever, he whispered, “I’m going to miss you so much.”
With several long, uninterrupted kisses amidst my bedclothes, that was our goodbye. The rest of his goodbyes were saved for the girls. With hugs and kisses and waves from the front step, we watched John and Bonzo drive off down Warren Lane.
Pat kept me company that first day. And after that…I was on my own.
Trapped between unfancied and missed, managing the house was a confusing task. It had only been four days and the girls were defaulting to me at every turn as their figurehead. Everything was up to me. John had not left instructions. And there was no threat of him returning in the middle of the night with anxiety over how I’ve stepped into the role left by Maureen.
Except I hadn’t. Not really. My presence in the Baldwin girls’ life was pear-shaped motherhood.
However, with John away in Headley, I was what they had to cling onto. John called every night, but he didn't have much time or energy to spare to them as he was still getting their bearings. My personal interactions with him were quick and to an end.
As it should be. The girls needed him. I didn’t.
I don’t, goddammit.
The nights had been long without him.
But the girls’ performances made the nights a little easier to bear.
“Tonight, we have a treat with you with star in the making Su Pollard singing an Oklahoma! favorite –”
“Everything’s up to date in Kansas –” Tamara began to belt, having changed into a flowery caftan from my closet and a yellow wig she made up of spaghetti noodles, twine, and glue.
“Not that one!” Kiera retorted.
I laughed loudly. “That was good,” I muttered, glasping my hands to my chest. “That was very clever.”
Tamara pretended to be shocked, shook her head to recalibrate, and then began to sing, “I’m just a girl who cain’t say no –“
The girls had become quite taken with the show Opportunity Knocks, a televised talent competition that included a postal voting system which meant every week, along with all of my other letters, I would mail the household vote off to ITV. The things you do to see children smile.
Unlike a professionally judged competition which would of course reward contestants with the most talent, Opportunity Knocks’ public judging system often allowed for some questionable winners.
“But will Su’s spotlight dim when up against –“ Kiera continued.
“Arf! Arf!” Jacinda barked, now on her knees with her tongue hanging out and two paper dog ears on her head held up with a headband.
“Weezy, the singing Jack Russel!”
“I know how this one ends!” I announced excitedly as Jacinda began singing “Happy Birthday” in a warbling dog voice. Su Pollard and the Jack Russel were actual contestants in the previous cycle of the show.
Guess who the girls voted for?
“This and more on tonight’s Opportunity Kno –“ Kiera’s excitable cry was cut off by the ringing of the telephone.
Jacinda was the first to alert, like a true Jack Russel would. “Daddy!”
“Hold on, girls,” I said, assuming role as the offset producer. I picked the phone out of the cradle. “We’ve got a call from the BBC. Sir Curran –” I answered. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
John’s growing smile could be heard through the telephone. “Ah, you remembered I’ve been knighted.”
“How could I forget, sir?”
The girls all crowded around me on the sofa, Tamara over the back, Jacinda at my hip, and Kiera right under my arm, struggling to get comfortable in her father’s jacket.
“So, has the BBC come back to beg for our talents?”
“Mm. Depends. Let me talk to the talent.”
Adorably, the first night of our silly skits, John had wanted in on the action even though I could hear the exhaustion in his voice. So he played the role of Director-General of the BBC, Sir Charles Curran. Damn him for continuing to be so utterly charming.
I smiled and held the phone out for the girls. “Sir Curran for the talent, ladies.”
The girls clamored for the phone, all of them screaming as their various roles. I retracted the phone out of their reach. “One at a time, ladies. And dog.”
Jacinda barked and panted. I patted her head lovingly as Tamara snatched the phone from my hands.
“Sir Curran, Su Pollard here –”
“But I’m Hughie Green! I should get to speak first,” Kiera whined.
“Shhh, you’ll get your turn,” I told her and pulled her into my chest.
Kiera pressed her cheek against my bosom and harrumphed until Tamara’s turn was over, then harrumphed more when Jacinda took the next turn, citing that she was the second eldest and therefore should get the second turn.
By the time it got to Kiera, she was weepy and could barely hold the phone herself so I held it for her. “S-sir Curran? They are being very unfair to me.”
I stifled a laugh, overhearing John tutting Kiera and then coddling her in the best way he knew how. While they spoke, Tamara and Jacinda set to cleaning up the stage.
“No, they’re not nice to me. They’re never nice to me.”
“Kiera…” I patted her back and eyed Tamara who gave me a shrug. The bane of Kiera’s existence would always be that she was the youngest and smallest, therefore everything was very unfair to her while the reality was most everything was unfair to Tamara. Still, I remained impartial.
“Yes, Julia’s nice to me. But Julia has to be nice so that doesn’t count.” Kiera waited and then let out a frustrated screech. “I am not tired, Daddy!” meaning she was indeed very tired and bedtime was imminent. “You’re mean too!”
Kiera shoved the phone up into my face. I could hear John intonating carefully, “Kiera, love, this is the only time you get to talk to me today and you’re choosing to be grouchy.”
“You have to say goodbye,” I whispered to Kiera, but she shook her head, shoved me away, and ran out of the room.
“Kiera? Hello? Is anyone there?”
I sighed and pressed the phone to my ear. “I’m afraid Mr. Greene can be rather dramatic when he’s in need of beauty rest.”
“Mm, I know a few people like that. Mr. Page wasn’t up until noon.”
I giggled, but stopped myself when I felt Jacinda look at me. I covered the receiver and nodded toward the door. “Girls, you head up to bed. Check on your sister if you can. And say goodnight to your father.”
I held the phone out for both of the girls to cry out their goodnights as they loped out of the room.
“Well, at least they sound like they’re in good spirits,” John murmured.
“Yes, they are. Everything was going swimmingly up until you’re call.”
“Oh, well I beg your pardon.”
I pinched my nosebridge. “Sorry, that’s not what I meant.”
He laughed, a hiccupping quiet thing. “I know you didn’t. I’m giving you a hard time.”
I paused, letting his breath shuffle into my ear. Other than the static of the phone, it was as if he was in bed with me.
“And you, Julia?”
“Me? Just fine. You?”
John sighed. “Fine. Tired. We’ll be working a little while more today, probably.”
“You ought to be the one to sleep in tomorrow. Give Jimmy a run for his money.” Jimmy's name made my mouth immediately hot, uncomfortable, dangling bait for John.
“I like the way you think,” John replied, the warm tone of his voice remind me of his arms wrapping around me. “No, every time I decide to be a handful, someone always outdoes me. I’m resigned to being agreeable.”
I chewed on my lower lip. “Well, that’s not always a bad thing.”
“I’m glad you think so.”
Since he'd left, our phone conversations were normally limited to a short back and forth, often a veiled one if the girls were in the room, ending with one of us trailing off and the other going, “Well, I'll let you go.” Unceremonious.
We hadn’t learned how to care for one another from afar. I wasn’t sure if we’d ever learn it.
I tugged on a lock of my hair. “I should get the girls in bed and –”
“Listen, are you particularly tired tonight?”
I froze, fingers tightening around the phone. For him, I would stay awake for days. “No. Not particularly.”
“Then I’ll give you a call when we’re done. Say around half past eleven. Is that alright?”
I started salivating, my mouth preparing for hours of conversation. “Yes, that’s qu-quite alright.”
“Oh good. Good, I’ve…I’ve really needed to hear your voice more than just a few moments at a time.”
I leaned back on the couch and pressed my palm to my head, smacking it over and over. This man was eluding my ability to categorize him. “Yes, it’d be nice then to chat,” I said after a moment too long of leaving him hanging. “I want to hear about everything going on there.”
John laughed. “Trust me, Julia, I don’t know if you want to hear everything going on here.”
Oh, but I did. Every sordid detail. The drinking, the drugs, the inevitable discussions of women and perhaps parades of them too. I wanted it all.
“Alright, dear girl, I’ve got to go.”
Dear. Girl. Bloody fucking hell.
“Half past eleven. You have the right to go to sleep on me if I’m a minute late.”
“I’ll wait at least two before I give up on you.”
John hummed. “You’re quite a romantic, are you?”
“Not all women would give a man two extra minutes, but me? Well…” I drew my foot up my leg delicately. “I’m a romantic.”
“Be careful with that voice, you’re going to put me in a compromising position.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, my body all aflutter imagining what he was imagining. “God, you have to bring that up right before I’m going to say goodbye?”
He let out a low chuckle and then: “Half past eleven.”
“Half past eleven,” I repeated.
And then I heard the click of him hanging up. I pressed the phone to my chest and sighed heavily. This is bad…this is so –
I wasn’t left alone with my thoughts for more than five seconds before I heard a sharp cry from upstairs and my name being called with tearful anger by Miss Kiera.
You’ll be pleased to know that after a hellish bedtime routine and nighttime shower where the water would not get hot enough, John called. In fact, he called early. Eleven o’ three.
He kept me up until nearly two. Talking about nothing and everything.
Not a mere mention of our bodies. The way they had begun to gravitate toward one another. The familiarity we had earned from John becoming a landmark in my bed.
Yet the want was all the same.
“We should get to bed, shouldn’t we?” I asked after a long silence, my eyes falling shut as I sprawled out across my small sofa.
“Must we?”
I hummed.
“Oh, I know that hum. That’s a tired hum.”
I wondered how many times he’d heard Mo hum over the phone, across an ocean. Made me sad to realize he couldn’t run home if he needed her. No man can run on water, even with the most profound love in his heart.
“I’m sorry I can’t give you my eleven o’clock number.”
“Mmmwhat would it be?”
“’So long, farewell…’” John sang the first bars of a tune from The Sound of Music.
I snorted. “You’ve been spending too much time with Robert, haven’t you?”
“Suppose so, Julie Andrews.”
I may have been able to keep this up until morning if he kept making me swoon.
“You better not pull the curtains down to make any outfits for the girls. Especially not in the playroom. I’m fond of those.”
“What about a kerchief for my hair?”
John laughed. “Don’t get cheeky. I’ll be checking them over when I get home." Saliva moved in his mouth. "Although the blue would certainly suit your eyes.”
My body was gleefully numb until we said goodnight.
After all, a man wouldn’t know the eye color of a woman he didn’t fancy, would he?
tag list: @jimmys-zeppelin, @kari-12-10, @grxtsch, @digitcc, @ritacaroline, @kyunisixx, @salixfragilis, @rebel-without-a-zeppelin, @jimmypages, @dollyvandal, @cassiana-on-dark-side, @thepinklovewitch, @faisonsunreve, @sastrugie, @seventieswhore, @t4ngerinedr3am, @mayspringcome, @barrettavenue, @foreverandadaydarling, @glimmerofsanity, @montereypopgroupie, @lzep, @jimmysdragonsuit13, @n0quart3r, @larsgoingtomars, @paginate54, @leveeisbreaking (let me know if you’d like to be added 💋)
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pastel-rights · 8 months
Rate your friends
oh this anon finally decided to come around [insert tracy happy here]
uhhh it'll be underneath the cut because it's gonna be. long as hell BWAHAHA apologizing ahead of time if I get sappy 😶‍🌫️
Rina [ My first real internet friend 🫡]
RINAAA I see you. I see your art. I perceive you.
And, even if we don't talk as much as we used to in the past, you'll always be the first of many great people I've met. And, I really love and appreciate your presence in my life. Dare I say it was life-altering!!
Ocean, Shamia, Arella, and all your other ocs, I'm cradling them in the palms on my hands so so lovingly. I have so many things I need to tell you to be honest !! But goddamnit I have work every night so I'm always busy doing something wahhhh
New Shamia reference when? I need to draw her and her blonde bitchass dog [ jack ] again they're so funny and I miss them 😭
Blue [ My lifelong irl to internet friend ]
From an IRL friend to now an online friend, we just can't get rid of each other. You're so cool...
You don't use tumblr so, I won't talk much further... but I do appreciate you. And all your silly Itto shrine moments.
Tae [ My Beloved Wife 🫶🏼]
She's the Cro to my Lee.
The Shuichi to my Kaede.
The President Barbie to my Stereotypical Barbie.
The Kafka to my Bladie [ unfortunately /lh ]
Theeeee Raiden Ei to my Yae Mikooooo.
My wife is many things to me!! I really really love your art and your writing, and you're always so kind and funny and I just wanna grrrrr I just want to hold all your ocs and all your muses so close I love them all 😭😭😭
I HOPE YOU FALL THROUGH THE SKY, JOHN. KER-FUCKING-SPLAT, BITCH. I think you've driven me insane. A little bit.
We're so good we are so good. Don't even WORRY about it.
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Sam [ My Infamous Brother-in-Tumblr Law ]
Sam you're so. /pos
I think the Immortalpheus AU has permanently altered my perception on life.
Your writing is. well. it's painful /pos
You're so cryptic and really funny yet you and your sister make me say some weird shit during work. Like the uno cards and the Dazai shenanigans and Immortalpheus moments and whenever you drop some life shattering fics and shit you drop on others.
You're a very nice and fun person, all jokes aside!! You're very cool and very amazing and a delight to game with and just fun to be around??? your AU lore and your bots and everything is just so.
good friend good friend!!
french /j
Piano Immortalpheus forever immortalized isn’t that funny
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Navi [ My detective in arms ]
Your art and your way of expressing your characters and your son in your writing are just soooo good I rotate them in my head so often.
Whenever I see you posting about your crimes to Tumblr, I simply giggle. Get em, Navi!!
We don't talk very often but like. I'd love to talk more. plot. commit shenanigans. heart hands.
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Fifi [ fucking fifi /lh ]
I want to clasp my hands around your neck and rattle you violently /lh /pos
How are we friends /lh
We've been friends so long, it's kind of insane??? I remember first talking to you during Amy's opening event and everything just sort of spiraled from there... and every day with you is. an experience!! /pos
Still waiting for the Tower Bifty interaction fr fr [ they try to murder each other within the first five replies /j ]
Carrie [ my favorite mike enjoyer ]
Number One Mike enthusiast the real Mike enjoyer.
Im always so giddy whenever you occasionally message me, even if it's just to check on me or show me how you torment Sam /lh and your writing and way of interpreting differing IDV characters and skins is so good??? I love reading them they make me so giggly.
Overall 10/10 friend would ramble to given the chance
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Pins [ my boss /ih ]
pink enthusiast
My actual best friend, dare i say the bestest friend in the world???? every moment I spend with you is a blissful and amazing moment, and you've been through so much with me and the fact you stayed throughout it all????
I'm just... really glad you chose to stick with me this long. I can be a very abrasive and impulsive person, and yet you care for me, even with all my flaws and I think that just... says a lot about you.
You're the Jade to my Chiaki.
The Rook to my Epel.
The Deuce to my Ace!
Also your art just solos everything I glow whenever I see it
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Skye [ my twst buddy !! ]
Grabs you
Holds you
Rattles you
Is friend.
Is friend shaped.
Approved /lh
Four [ floyd kinnie moment ]
Stop tormenting me with the take a break floyds you SCARE me
Never will be over the fucking
Ghostbusters Floyd edit
I flex my Beans Floyd in memory of you
You’re not dead I think you’re just somewhere in the distance squeezing someone like your life depends on it
10/10 friend when we ignore the four imposed breaks /j
Beth [ my favorite aesop and naib enjoyer ]
Holds you gently.
The Aesop player
The Panda Naib haver.
The beloved
The silly.
✨ Beth ✨
Your art? Immaculate. I such a adoration for your art, and whenever I’m able to catch your drawing streams??? I’m just in awe!! Your colors and outfit inspirations are just so cute so nice so well done???
You’re so. You’re so cool uwahhh
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MarioGuy [ where do you keep coming from I know damn well it isn't the door /lh ]
I feel like you kind of just break into my house sometimes and make yourself known before randomly disappearing through a non existent back door /pos
You’re a delight to be around!! Every match with you is a bit. It’s uhm. Something!! /lh
Please stop breaking into my home
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Rice [ i occasionally remember that Mi Bianca thing and cry a little ]
Every time I see you pop up in my notifications I just smile and giggle.
We don’t talk often but you’re just so cool and awesome and your muses are so funky fresh and your art is so good and ????
Klai [ you. ]
Chaos gremlin.
You never learn.
But you’re funny so I guess it’s okay.
Your art is so. It’s like a shiny gem 💎 and I WANT it. Holding it hostage.
My precious friend’s doodles.
Never trusting you to prime a cipher though. No hard feelings /lh
10/10 friend!! 0/10 decoder though /j
Orange [ ORANGEEEE my favorite chaos gremlin ]
So funny
So talented
So cool
So so cool
Your art is so good, you’re so funny and talented and a wonder to talk to. Your ideas are so creative so unique and yet so unequivocally you and I just…
I love it!!
Orange stop being so cool /j
Clown [ the greatest step-parent on the scene!! ]
This is utter insanity Clown you can’t be EVERY MUSE’S step parents there has to be a LIMIT!!!
A LINE in the SAND!!!!
But also your art.
I’ve talked so much about everyone’s art
Yours reminds me of the feeling of waking up on a snow day and realizing school is canceled.
It’s always such a delight to see!!
And while every time you open your mouth, I get a little more worried about you, you’re so so cool /lh
Lupi [ you. x2 ]
imagine arson? imagine it no more im approaching your house at rapidly increasing speeds with my hello kitty lighter /j
Sleepy [ 🫡 ]
Sleepy!! 🫂 so cool,,, you’re so cool,,, /pos
Emma [ Sorry. Only one monster lover can exist in this server peacefully. GET EM. - emma ]
The caption says it all.
Also Tatya stop accidentally seducing all the muses or nearly getting stabbed or exploded or hypnotized you are worrying the GIRLIES! /lh
Al [ you have the vibes of the drunk wine family member in a /pos way ]
I don’t talk to you often but whenever you come around, it makes me so giggly. You’re very funny and your art slaps!!
Joe [ joe the silliest ]
Your art? Funky fresh.
The lore? So interesting I love the little snippets I see floating around.
You’re so creative
Your Embrace is so funny they scream sacrificial lamb uncle who’s kind of fun at parties /lh
They’ve also got a really nice and warm personality, chaotic yet chill and relatable.
Kind of reminds me of Sam but without the entities 🫶🏼
Nakki [ you. x3 ]
Grabs you like a squeaky toy
That’s it that’s everything tbh
Kory, Boris, Brian [ and the rest of the McMun's Hut /lh ]
And this goes out to all my friends and acquaintances in the McMun’s hut! What is wrong with all of you /pos/lh (except you Boris, you’re an Angel)
Everyone there is super chill and super nice, and they’re a lot of fun to be around. So many differing personalities yet it’s always a vibe somehow.
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lycorogue · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Originally started by @izanae. **EDIT: Seems izanae was also tagged by someone, but didn't state who. So I'm not sure who truly originated this questionnaire... Thanks for the tag @tree-reads
The "original" Fic Writers Ask thread (that izanae started) was getting lengthy (by nature of the game), and I was about to double its size (by nature of my writing style). But please go and check that thread out to see how other wriblrs answered. You might find a new favorite that way!
Alright, let's get to it.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
49 (really? It feels like I have so many more...) You can also find me over on FFN and DA still, and I do post my stories here too... just... FYI.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
357,107* *I feel like I should clarify that the 49 stories and 357k words is since I started publishing fanfic in 2010. I feel like this doesn't seem all that impressive now... (also... holy hecken! I've been publishing fanfic for 13 years!?)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Miraculous Ladybug (31), but I originated in the "Hey, Arnold!" fandom (7*). I've also written for Fruits Basket (4). I have a couple of D&D fanfics - 1 each for 2 of my D&D characters, and I have written one story each for the following fandoms: - Left 4 Dead/Jonathan Coulton's song "Re: Your Brains" - Graceling Realm series by Kristin Cashore (specifically, the novel Bitterblue) [Rated: Explicit] - Ender Series by Orson Scott Card (specifically, the novel Speaker for the Dead) - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (the LoZ franchise is one of my main fandoms... I'm shocked I haven't written more for it...) [Told in 1st person] - An all-OCs fic set in the X-Men: Evolution universe *I have more HA fics over on FFN that I didn't port over because they aren't completed works.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Woven Heartstrings Summary: Chat Noir needs a Christmas gift for Ladybug. Marinette is a very crafty and creative person, so Chat Noir asks her for some help in making a gift for his lady. While hesitant in aiding Chat Noir's attempts to woo her superhero self, Marinette reluctantly agrees. Although, after a week of working side-by-side with Marinette, Chat Noir's not so sure he wants to gift the scarf he's making to Ladybug after all. Could Your Paradise Also Be Your Hell? Summary: Marinette is not coping very well when she's magically transported into her older-self's body, and discovers she's now married to Adrien Agreste. [Unofficial companion piece to Remember That Time When... by @mostlovedgirl-writes ] Peeping Tomcat Summary: Something called to Adrien, and before he knew it, he was addicted to sitting outside Marinette's window as Chat Noir; just watching her. His voyeuristic habit needs to stop, but things have gotten far too complicated now that he realizes he's growing a crush on her. [Story told in 1st person; non-sexual voyeurism] I Was Thinking of You Summary: Girls' Day derails when Marinette realizes the male lead of a romance movie reminds her of someone other than Adrien. [Lukanette story] Is it True? Summary: Marinette instantly regrets confessing her feelings for Adrien. He decides it might be time for a confession of his own.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. I may run out of spoons and miss a comment for a little while, but I make a point of going back and still replying eventually. Even if it's months later. EDIT: I neglected to copy/paste the whole question originally. So, here's the answer to the why/why not question. I make sure to respond to all comments because people put in the effort to read my story and then tell me how they felt about it. I NEED to send the love right back to them. I need them to know that their words matter and warmed my heart. (That said, even if you don't leave a review, I do love you, Reader)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Despite my friends teasing that I'm "the queen of angst", I actually don't have too many stories that don't end on a hopeful note. So, if we're going "pure angst ending" I only have two: Unsent Letter for the Fruits Basket fandom and True Husband for Speaker for the Dead (Enderverse). Both are shorter stories of people believing they are unworthy of love, pity those who do love them, and believe they have sinned and are deserving of being miserable. If you want to stick within the Miraculous fandom, I'd say I'm Not Allowed to Love You [contains s4 finale spoilers]. That was angsty enough that I had to end on a hopeful note via an epilogue that I added to the closing author's notes.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh goodness! As mentioned, I try to end just about all of my stories on a high note. I was able to narrow the 49 stories down to 8 with a fluffy, happy ending. Out of those 8? I think Woven Heartstrings has the most optimistic, love-filled ending? Everybody is just showing their love and appreciation for everyone else (even Adrien and Gabriel... written pre-Chat Blanc, I believe???). It's just a lovefest story. Runners Up categories: - Favorite LoveSquare Fluff winner: I Just Wanted to Kiss You - Happiest Lukanette content winner: I Was Thinking of You - Happiest Family Unit winner: Build Your Own Luck - Happiest Platonic Love winner*: The Truest of Friends *excluding Woven Heartstrings - Happiest "I'm probably going to rework this as original fiction" winner: I Don't Care [a Gabriemilie story written before s5 lore drops]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have been so so SO lucky that I have not. My heart goes out to you writers who do. :'(
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written smut 3x (working on a 4th). I published 1. I am cishet, so I am vanilla and write cishet. Smut is also a rare genre of writing for me to venture into. So rare that my current "smut" story is more "plot with eventual porn" than it is "porn with(out) plot". The sex is a significant character development moment in 3 out of the 4 stories I wrote. The 4th was more of a character study for a pair of OCs. No shade on the "porn without plot" folks. Those stories are so fun and indulgent and I appreciate them so much. My brain just won't let me pare down to that style no matter how much I try. It's like "Nope. Must have character growth. Throw emotions into this mess!"
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one?
I think I've only attempted to write a crossover once... and it was not a very successful result. It was Arnold Shortman and Helga Pataki from "Hey, Arnold!" in the world of Familiar of Zero. Helga was Louise and Arnold was her familiar Saito.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uh... I don't think so???
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge (although I'd be down if someone wanted to translate any of my works). That said, Woven Heartstrings does have the only non-English review I've received (it's in French). So.... maybe someone translated it into French without letting me know??? I just assumed the reader knew enough English to understand what I wrote or otherwise used a translating service....
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Three different times. One was partially published. Prior to the Hey Arnold Jungle Movie officially being made, @chibisunnie and I attempted to write up a fanscript (is that how we met? I can't recall....). My friend Ronoxym and I have also attempted to write two different X-Men OC stories centered around his OC Devon. Although, in both cases, it was more he wrote the story and then I kind of unintentionally hijacked it???? The incomplete co-written fic that I actually attempted to publish* was one of the two I wrote with Rono: Please, Let Me Explain. *not published on AO3; on FFN and DA only
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That I've written for? Love Square. Specifically anything where Marinette is herself instead of Ladybug: MariChat or Adrienette. They just remind me so much of myself and my husband. Fave in general? My OTP of OTPs is probably Gambit and Rogue from X-Men. I tend to refer to my husband as Gambit to my Rogue. (Are you sensing a theme as per my relationship vs my shipping tendencies?)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My poor unintentionally abandoned "Hey, Arnold!" epic What is Truly Meant to Be. It is on FFN and DA only.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am frequently told that I keep the characters and world so in-character/canon-accurate that my stories read like "lost episodes" of a show. I'm also fairly good at dialogue and conveying emotions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
- Naming things. Titles. Naming a McGuffin. Coming up with superhero/villain names. etc. - Anything with a LOT of action in it. Be that fight scenes, chase scenes, or sex scenes. I'm someone who can picture things in my head as clear as if I were watching a movie, and I try to convey what I'm seeing to the reader as if I were writing visual media such as a show/movie or comic. This usually leads me to micromanage the movement of the characters and the action ends up feeling clunky and repetitive. - Allowing the characters to get physically hurt in a way that professional medical treatment is needed. Broken limb? Stab wound? Concussion? Injured eye? Poisoned? Nope. Can't do it. Mental block tells me "no". - Write short, sweet, concise stories/drabbles/ficlets (can't you tell?)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Huh. With the exception of proper nouns (such as Chat Noir), I'm not sure if I've used non-English words that aren't just borrowed words within English or words most English speakers would know anyway (such as enchanté, cómo estás, or dōmo arigatō). I know I italicize thoughts, so I don't know if I'd italicize a non-English word to signal that it's a foreign word??? I'd assume the readers would know that already. I think, if I were to ever use a foreign word within dialogue it would have to depend on the circumstance. If the foreign word or phrase is important for the POV character to learn, I may include it along with a translation. Otherwise, I may just state that the characters are speaking in this other language and then write it in English so my readers have a better chance at understanding what is being said. Also, I am far from multilingual, so that would help me avoid translation errors.
19. What’s the first fandom you wrote for?
Technically, I think it would be X-Men???? I think I came up with X-Men OCs and storylines for those OCs back when I was in, like, 5th grade????? Then I did some Batman fanfics in middle and early high school. Mostly solo roleplay/dressup in my basement because I was that nerd still playing pretend by myself when I was 16. First fandom I published a fic for? If you don't count play-by-post RPGs*, then my first published-online fanfic fandom was "Hey, Arnold!" *the play-by-post game was for Batman.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
YOU'RE ASKING ME TO PICK MY FAVORITE CHILD!? Unlike parenthood, I GUESS I could put effort into actually answering this.... I've got it narrowed down to 4. These are the 4 I have probably reread the most. Two of them are the stories I wrote as kind of fanfics of @mostlovedgirl-writes 's fanfics. Take what you want from that, but, basically, I guess I love living in the worlds MLG creates??? The other two finalists are my personal headcanons for Miraculous Ladybug. Headcanon stories: Build Your Own Luck - cute little Dupain-Cheng family bonding story about the origins of the lucky charm bracelet that Marinette gave to Adrien. Forever in Darkness - What Plagg's life was like with his previous holders, and why he thinks Adrien is the best one he's had. Inspired by MLG: Could Your Paradise Also Be Your Hell? - How Marinette spent the night before heading off to NYC. Unofficial companion story for Remember That Time When... Rolling Thunder - Adult Marinette and Adrien stumbling their way into a romantic relationship, finally! Based off of Finding Yourself in the Details Honorable Mention to my longest story and first completed chaptered story: Peeping Tomcat
Phew! That... was a LOT! Thanks for sticking around until the end! It was fun going back through my portfolio.
All that wish to answer this, consider yourself tagged!
Official no-pressure tags for: @mostlovedgirl-writes, @captaintoomanybattles, @thetauruspixie, @livrever, and @cyhyr
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demcnsinmymind · 7 months
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Promises made and kept, but with a twist (1/5) Aza/thoth, Lance & his own family
I don't think I've touched my main headcanon too much yet, but this is actually a big one so I need to talk about it. One thing that I've come up with that is loosely based on some things said in canon ( I did what you said and broken promises), is that the building Aza/toth made promises to Lance. Basically stating that if he does XYZ, then it will do XYZ for him. The main thing being letting him go of course, or more so, getting him out of Collingwood. The main deal was that if it got him out and back to the real world and his family (mainly his mom but also the OC daughter he finally wanted to start a connection with), then in return, he'd let it hitchhike out of the place along with him. In a moment of total desperation, he ended up saying yes to that deal and playing into its cards and thus, after much fuckery and chaos, dead cult members and a burning building later, it made itself comfortable within him and actually kept its promise - got him out of the loop, back to his own time, and eventually did get him back to Seattle/LA, back to his family, back to his mom.
But of course, it's not a good Samaritan, doesn't just do this out of the goodness of its nonexistent heart. Though sure enough, at first glance, it even seems like it because wouldn't you know it! With all its time and space mojo it can have the same effect on his mother's brain that it does have on his! Oh wonder! It doesn't just keep his major brain trauma in check, it can also manipulate/reverse his mom's Alzheimer whenever he/it's around! She does remember her sweet boy even after all this time! The reunion's so heartfelt! But alas, it's not permanent, not entirely irreversible, not sustainable. Because the longer it stays inside her mind, fixing everything that has been taken by the disease, the more he's slipping because it's not in his mind. So it's a constant back and forth, back and forth, only ever lasting a few minutes for the both of them, maybe an hour tops until at last, either of them starts slipping gets lost. And each time, with that comes the immense grief, that realization that something's wrong, that something was done to her son, that his mom will be gone soon, it's a constant echoing cycle of moments of happiness, followed by more suffering and repeated realization. Exactly what it's getting out of this. More to feed on.
In a messed up way, they all get something out of this. Delia gets to see and recognize her missing son after 13 years. Lance gets to see his mom, talk to her, see her the most lucid he's seen her in probably 18 years. And Aza/thoth gets something to sustain itself with in return. It'd almost feel fair. If it weren't for the fact that actually, it can possess both simultaneously, and for much longer than what it does for them. Because she's his mom, because the DNA's there, because she, just like him, is exactly what it needs. A half empty shell, lost and stuck somewhere in time, not really part of either world. Sure enough, she's old, hasn't been part of the ritual, is much sicker than him, so a full possession of her really isn't sustainable forever. But it is purposely keeping its actual capabilities from the both of them because that way, all that suffering's just so much tastier.
And LA! The abandoned daughter with a nonexistent relationship there. The awkward attempts at a connection. All those daddy issues. And allll that guilt. Isn't that something to latch on as well. So really. It does keep its promise to him. Gets him what he wants, and where he wants to be. And he's oh so glad and grateful for it all, and still way too wrecked from his ordeal to really see the actual gains its getting from this, the way it's manipulating every last bit of it to get more than just his body out of this deal. It gets all the emotions atttached to that family. All the trauma. All the loss. And more than anything, at this stage, it really does make him start to believe, that maybe, it is his friend. That maybe, this isn't so bad at all. Exactly what it wants. Him, and more people all around him. Suffering. It's not even causing that suffering itself. But it is playing right into it. Furthering it. Kindling it. Using it.
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 year
Find the word tag game
I was tagged by @residentdormouse thank youuuu love this game !
My words were: Playful, Energy/Energized, Exhausted, Delight/Delightful, Sorrow
I've only found them in recent stuff (so only FMA/Royai stuff, no original, and I think that's also because I really need to translate more OC stuff 😬 sorry!) AND ! I didn't find sorrow, that I needed to replace by sadness (tried in French, tried other synonyms, nothing).
I tag you back @residentdormouse 😁 and I also tag @qs63 @heirsoflilith @musing-and-music @dairogo @goneadrift @riotbrrrd @trombonesinspace I probably forget some and I'm sorry, this is an open tag so if you see this and you want to do it please do and tag me so I can read your stuff !!!
Your words are : Tender/tenderness/tenderly, sleep, restless, feel/feelings, heart
All my excerpts are under the cut 😊
Playful - Poker Night (complete OS - AO3)
"That's it, I'm done," Roy pushed all his chips and cards towards Breda. "This game is only about luck. There is no skill and no honour in winning at poker."
"No honour, maybe, but you owe me a hundred cenz, boss," laughed Breda as he grabbed the chips and counted them. "And I won two rounds with less than what you had on your current hand."
"Pokerface, boss! Gotta work on yours." Havoc clapped Roy's back.
"Work on being a better loser, too, maybe?" Breda snatched the couple of notes Roy was handing him. "At least Fuery is gracious about it."
Roy got up with another groan, leaning on his closed fists on the table.
"I should have you sacked, the lot of you."
"Nah, boss, you'd miss us."
"Everyone's so fond of you, where else would you get your reality check?"
Roy glared at Havoc. The line was very fine between playful banter and insubordination, and he and Breda were currently doing somersaults over it.
"Clean this all and get out, before I snap."
Energy - WIP (codename : dismissed Roy)
She had the time to identify the glint in his eyes, fixed on something that wasn't there – terror. But she didn't have the time to stop him from tackling her, and she could only brace herself before he caught her, clumsily, his hands crushing against her before grabbing at her ferociously, nails digging into her skin.
She wouldn't be taken by surprise again.
She caught his wrist and pulled it in his back, her other hand snaking around his neck, while he kept squirming, thrashing about. He managed to hit her in the shin with his heel. But she wasn't going to let go. Her leg caught his, and she kept it locked.
Contrary to him, she had gotten back to full training as soon as she'd been cleared by her doctor. Roy himself had barely found the time and most of all the energy after his days in rehab to do much more than a set of pushups a day, and maybe a little more on weekends.
She pulled on his arm again, carefully. She could effectively break his wrist, and she was very aware of this.
"Roy. Roy. It's okay. You're home. You're safe. I'm here. Riza. It's Riza."
He was pushing against her, his free hand pulling on the arm she had curled around his neck. She pushed back, and he ended up with his face almost buried in the bedsheets.
He struggled again for a couple of seconds, then relented. The only part of him that still moved was his chest, heaving rapidly. Riza could feel the frantic beating of his heart in her own chest.
Exhausted - WIP (codename : "bitch, you live like this?")
"Damn, you drink classy, now." Hughes reclined in his wooden chair after finishing his pint of dark ale, taking in the shining brass and polished wood from the pub.
"East City's not Central. We don't have much choice between classy and shady. This is not the classiest place, by the way, I don’t have enough money to go there for fun."
They had run out of news and gossip, and Hughes himself was running low on stories about Gracia and Elicia – a sign he was at least a little tired from his trip. He wasn’t a field soldier anymore.
Roy himself felt the first pint had mellowed him, a warm torpor starting to get through his exhausted body, pulling the corner of his lips into a content smile.
"I take it this is where you take your conquests."
Roy scowled and hummed, his gaze following the waitress, out of habit more than anything.
“Or maybe it’s the waitresses you like. Oh, yeah,” Hughes snickered. “I wonder why.”
He waved at her, and she walked towards their table, her skirt flowing, and her blonde hair shining under the soft light.
Delightful - WIP (codename : dismissed Roy) - there is nothing explicit here but this is the onset of some smut so proceed with caution, you might consider this nsfw
He cleared his throat.
“So, you are committed.”
Riza had an embarrassed chuckle.
“Guess I am.” To underline her affirmation, she tugged on his shirt so that he’d take it off, which he dutifully did before pulling her own top over her head, and throwing both garments away. His hands went back to her waist, her chest, her back, pulling her against him – she followed his pull with a sigh.
Her skin against his. This was delightful. Her silky hair was brushing the hands that caressed her back – the only reminder to him of the tattoo there, being what he had been asked to do to destroy it. His fingers tentatively brushed the scars, testing what her reaction would be. When she didn’t show any discomfort, he placed his palm over the burnt marks, hugging her yet tighter. The last time he had touched her there, it was to tend to them, right after he inflicted them on her.
He remembered waiting, keeping watch over her in the dry hotness of the desert. They were sheltered from the sun, but a few rays had managed to seep through the windows he’d blocked in their hide. He’d watched the dust dance in this light for hours, monitoring her feverish sleep.
Roy only realized he’d been lost in those bitter memories when Riza moved, kissed him gently on the cheek, then pressed her forehead against his temple. Then she managed to push his hand a little lower. Roy smirked.
“Lieutenant Hawkeye. Always perfectly clear in her demands.”
Sorrow - no occurrence of sorrow or sorrowful, so you get sadness 😅 - Phone call (complete OS - AO3)
He took her hand and gently pulled her up, seeing with a pang of sadness that she still behaved like a stringless puppet, following his push without showing neither want nor dislike.
"Look at me, Riza."
The surprise at him using her first name seemed to pull her out of her torpor, and she looked him in the eye.
"Good. Look. I'm here. All in one piece. You didn't shoot me." Unsure of where to place his hands, he put them on her waist - a light touch, as if they were at a formal dance. He wouldn’t dare anything more intrusive than that. "You never did. You came close ... But you didn't have to. You pushed me back on the right track. You always do. And I always follow."
He could get lost in her dark amber eyes for hours if he had nothing else to care about. But he had to care for her, right now. And he couldn't bear the fact that these eyes were rimmed red. Slowly, he brought his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close. He let out a sigh as her own arms circled his waist and he nudged his head in the crook of her neck - careful to choose the right side.
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winterandwords · 2 years
Sort of thinking of maybe putting a whole book on here?
I don't think you all realise just how seriously I'm considering creating a side blog to publish November Breaks (AKA Project Storm, if you've been following me for a while) directly onto Tumblr when it's ready.
This isn't as crazy or weird as it sounds. My current plan (for the love of god, don't ask me to explain this, I've talked about it SO MUCH) is to have it available, free, on my website to read online (with a full indexed contents page, and < last chapter | contents | next chapter > on each page) and also to download as an epub, mobi and pdf. I'm already posting it on the internet in a way people can read it without having to buy it first.
There is a tip jar on my website. It runs on PayPal, so can be used with a PayPal account, debit card or credit card. Anyone who wants to, and is able to, can put some money in there if they enjoy the book.
I could very easily put a link to that tip jar page, or even add PayPal buttons or links (if that's OK by Tumblr rules, which I'm actually not 100% sure about and would need to check) on the chapters on Tumblr, so I could have a tip jar equivalent here and the contents page and navigation would be no more hassle to set up than on winterandwords.com (I've done it for my short story collection that's coming out next month and it wasn't a huge ball-ache).
The only thing stopping me is the thought of random chapters being reblogged out of context. I'm not entirely sure why that would bother me, because it would actually lead people to the full book if they wanted to read. I just have feelings about it.
I'm mildly iffy about the higher chances of plagiarism of something posted on Tumblr, because at least on my website the context is solid. I mean, people will plagiarise whatever they're going to be plagiarise and I stopped losing sleep over that a long time ago. Yes it's happened with other things I've put online when I was working as a photographer, yes it was annoying, no the world didn't end, and the internet is what it is. Piracy, plagiarism and copyright violation exist. They boil my piss, but realistically anything anyone puts online is vulnerable to it. There's more to this, but it's a whole 'nother post, I've slept for one hour out of the last 36 and I don't have the mental capacity to get into it right now.
Anyway. The thing with chapters being reblogged out of order. How much of a problem is that really? Do I care? I sort of feel like there are probably people who would read a book on here, whether serialised or all at once, who might not go to an external site to read it, but maybe that's a flawed assumption. I don't know. Tired brainspew.
Slightly-later-Winter had a thought. If I do ever decide to do anything else with this book in terms of publishing (definitely not trad pub though), I can easily remove it from being read online or downloaded from winterandwords.com. But. It's one thing to know there are some copies floating around that people downloaded, and another entirely knowing there are reblogged random chapters forever kicking about on Tumblr, possibly with comments and reblog additions attached. I can't articulate why that's a thing for me, but I think it is?
Thoughts? Would you read a (short) novel on here? Have you posted one or are you posting one? How's it going for you?
EDITED TO ADD: I'm gonna tag a bunch of my chatty mutuals. I'd love to know what you think, but please don't feel like you HAVE to reply. You totally don't. I just know how quickly things fly past here.
@thegreatobsesso @ashen-crest @adie-dee @reeseweston @talesfromaurea @indecentpause @lunarmoment @diphthongsfordays @artbyeloquent @pertinax--loculos @manathen @selishady @eyes-talks-ocs @drippingmoon @the-finch-address @drabbleitout and anyone else who wants to share your views. My brain has just ceased, so I probably missed a bunch of folks. It's not you. It's definitely me.
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 5
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 8.7k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
Seohyun woke up to her phone buzzing. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, checking who was calling. It was San. She declined the call to read the several text messages he had sent. It was something about how they were all going out for lunch and she was joining (funny how they'd stop asking now, just said it) and that she was... to go on a date with him later.
She texted back a simple OK and checked the time. It was already almost afternoon- she had slept in. After showering, she was brushing her teeth when she paused.
It was gonna be her first date with San.
"Ayyy~" she waved at her reflection, resuming. She wasn't one to make a big deal out of stuff, but she had to admit it was... a little bit exciting. And she couldn't say the same about San. He seemed like the type to take these things serious, like first dates. So she decided that she did not want to disappoint him and would put in a little bit effort.
Seohyun checked her wardrobe. She didn't have much 'cute' stuff. Her first priority was always comfort when she picked her clothes. And they were usually monochrome or dark colours. She didn't like wearing bright stuff. Her only mildly cute outfit was the green dress she'd worn the last time with Jiwoo.
She moved on way too early, Seohyun thought. There was no one to help her dress up now. Her mom...
Seohyun realized there was something. Her mother had given her some sort of a top for her birthday last year. She had buried it in the back of her closet because she had deemed it too 'fashionable' for her. Seohyun threw her clothes out to find it. Indeed, it was still there.
It was a purple blouse with lace around the neck and tiny pearls. She shrugged. She'd pair it with pants and ankle boots.
After dressing up and tying her hair in half a ponytail, she stood in front of the mirror. She looked presentable, if one ignored her still-puffy-from-sleeping face. She sighed and put on the only lip gloss she had. That could do. She smiled at her reflection once before grabbing her phone and leaving the house.
They were meeting at a new café that Yunho and Yeosang had been wanting to try on forever. Yeosang had assured them it had good reviews for their desserts too. They were all already there by the time Seohyun reached. She had spent a good minute admiring the exterior of the café while the boys laughed at her unaware self, watching her through the window.
Mingi waved at her once she was inside and they made space for her. After exchanging greetings, they decided they would order food first. They decided on ordering two of everything and sharing, and once they gave the order, they all looked at Seohyun.
"You look... like you actually made effort today," Hongjoong commented.
"What do you mean?" Seohyun asked, forgetting for a second.
"Hey, don't say that, or she'll never dress up again," San pouted, and Seohyun realized, looking down at her dress.
"Is it too much?" she asked, "I've actually, honestly, never made effort. So I need honest reviews."
"It's not too much, it's perfect," Seonghwa assured, "In fact, you could have done more, but since this is you, it's perfect."
"That sounds.... like a compliment and insult at the same time, thank you Seonghwa."
They laughed and Yeosang said, "Hongjoong's the fashionista. You should only ask him."
"Yes, yes, Seonghwa's right. You look good!"
"That's the only top I had," Seohyun sighed, looking at San who was staring at her with an adorable expression on his face. "The rest of my wardrobe, you've seen."
"I guess we're going shopping then after this. I hope you have the card on you that you liked to flex about so much," Hongjoong smirked.
"I do-"
"But we're going on our first date today-"
Seohyun face-palmed. San had done it.
San looked at Seohyun for help and she sighed. "Well, no need to over-react, Wooyoung. As you all know, San and I are... sort of, uh... dating?"
Yunho snickered first before everyone started laughing at how awkward Seohyun suddenly got, and it was her turn to look at San for help. It wasn't everyday she lost her demeanor. Falling in love did make one a different person, she realized.
"Yeah, so you're sort of dating?" Jongho wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yes, Jongho, we're DATING." Seohyun said, "And San was planning to take me on our first date after this."
"You haven't been on your first date yet?" Wooyoung asked, "But it's been days now that you've been together! Sannie, you disappoint me!"
Before San could choke Wooyoung, Seohyun interrupted, "It was me. I was busy dealing with ghosts. It turns out Jiwoo had actually been a saint. Did anyone of you know that she used to do half my jobs?"
Everyone fell silent as they listened, "She was never 'bored' of coming to school with me. She just had so much time to kill that she'd help ghosts instead of me. I kind of miss her more now."
"That's sweet," Mingi said, "She really was a great friend."
"I know right! Anyways, this is the reason we haven't had our first date yet."
Other than San, the boys shared looks, and Seohyun saw with dread the devilish smirks appear on their faces as they announced: "Too bad! We're crashing your first date!"
San groaned and dramatically fell back in his chair while Seohyun gaped at them. "I-I'm speechless for once." Laughter filled the room as she said, "If that's what friends are for, I think I'm gonna change my mind..."
Before anyone could protest, food came and they started discussing Hongjoong's love for fashion and the various items he had reformed. Hongjoong assured her if she had a clothing item or something she would like to reform, he was the man.
"I do have this denim jacket that I'm too attached to," Seohyun thought about it, "Can you write something cool on the back of it?"
"Yes, just give me the jacket whenever you can. It'll take no more than two days, unless we have exams."
Seohyun looked at Seonghwa for confirmation and he nodded. "He also makes custom bracelets for us."
"Nice," Seohyun said, "I'd like some too," she wiggled her brows at Hongjoong, who laughed and nodded.
"So what were you gonna do on your first date?" Wooyoung and Jongho leaned in and asked Seohyun.
"San was the one in charge, ask him," she said.
"I was thinking we'd just walk aimlessly around the city..."
They both tsk-ed at San, muttering something about how he was an 'amateur' and would probably bore me to death.
"Hey, that's a nice idea actually. I don't mind."
"You're just saying that to be nice," Jongho said and Seohyun folded her arms.
"I don't say things to be nice, Choi Jongho."
Everyone hooted at that, having heard her, and Seohyun stared at her drink intensely, contemplating if she should 'accidentally' spill it on everyone.
"But she's right, actually," Yeosang said, "She doesn't say things to be nice. If she didn't like that idea, I'm sure she would have said to San with a hidden insult in between. I'm right, aren't I?"
"Thank you, Yeosang," Seohyun said, "I love you."
Yeosang saluted and San pouted, "Hey! You haven't even said that to me yet!"
Everyone was silent for a good minute before they burst out laughing, including Seohyun. San's pout went bigger and Seohyun poked him.
"Ayyy. I say that everyday, just not in words."
"OHHHH!" Everyone hooted and San actually smiled, trying to hide a blush but failing.
"How do you say it then?" Mingi asked, wiggling his brows, and Yunho made kissing sounds in the air, earning a smack from Wooyoung who was right beside him.
"Next time I encounter a dangerous ghost, I'm actually gonna befriend them," Seohyun said, smashing her now empty glass on the table as she glared at them, "I have a few ideas of how to make you all suffer."
Yunho snickered and Mingi immediately bowed, muttering praises about how Seohyun was the most kind girl he'd ever met. It was Seohyun's turn to smirk.
After they were done eating, everyone got up and they decided to go to the mall. It seemed like Hongjoong was bent on getting her good dresses, and he whispered to her that she should wear them on her dates, which actually made Seohyun flush for a good second.
"Hi," San said, holding her hand in his. He was walking with her now, both at the end while the others were ahead.
"Hey," Seohyun smiled, squeezing his hand subconsciously as she continued walking forward.
"Did you know purple is my favourite colour? I love this on you," San said, and Seohyun smiled.
"I did not. You'll have to thank my mom for this," Seohyun said, "She got me this for my birthday last year,"
"Oh, when's your birthday?"
"21st December."
"Right. So we have about two months. Is there something you want?"
"I wish my mom would be home actually," Seohyun said, "The last birthday I had with her was my 14th. I actually had fun then. Mom's friends had come, there's one that I'm close with. We had a banger then."
"That sounds fun," San smiled.
"It was," Seohyun smiled wistfully, "Now she's always busy during that time. So she just sends me a gift and a cake. And I spend my birthday alone."
San felt quite sad to hear that. "You won't be alone this year, I promise."
Seohyun looked at him. He had said that with such clarity that she believed him.
"I have a feeling that won't be the case," she suddenly said, and San almost stopped.
"What do you mean?"
"It's my gut. It's always right. I suppose it comes with the ghost thing. I just suddenly felt that wasn't going to be the case when you said that."
San put his arm around her, "You probably felt that because you've spent most of your birthdays alone. But now you have us, and there's always a chance your mom could come too. I can assure you, you won't be alone this year."
"Maybe," Seohyun let herself hope, pushing the feeling of dread back.
They reached the mall and Seohyun watched as Hongjoong and Wooyoung took the lead, discussing what would go well with her hair and skin colour, stuff that Seohyun didn't quite understand. She was too busy rejecting the ones Yunho, Mingi and Jongho were picking for her, making sure they got bright yellows and neon shades just to annoy her. They were having quite a laugh.
Seonghwa, Yeosang and San had disappeared to another shop it seemed. Wooyoung threw a top at her, ordering her to hold on herself so they could check.
"This has too many beads," Seohyun muttered.
"There are literally only 6 beads on it, stop being a child," Wooyoung said, snatching the top back from her and she pouted as they put it in the cart.
Hongjoong held another top, checking its size.
"Isn't that too short?" Seohyun asked.
"It's a crop top, Seohyun, of course it is short."
"That's basically the size of a bra! How am I supposed to wear it?!"
Hongjoong and Wooyoung tsk-ed at her. "It's not, it comes to your waist. Wear it with high waisted pants and a jacket if you can," Hongjoong threw it in the cart.
Seohyun threw her hands in the air as she looked back, the trio laughing at her misery. They were clearly enjoying. A thought struck Seohyun. She went to the three of them and asked if she should buy something for San.
"I guess he could use a new jacket," Yunho looked at Jongho and he nodded, "He's been using the same two jackets since forever."
"Help me pick," she said and dragged them to the men's section, and they picked a black denim jacket, putting it with her clothes so San wouldn't be suspicious.
After about 15 minutes, they were all done, and San, Yeosang and Seonghwa joined them as well.
"Where were you all?" Seohyun eyes them suspiciously.
"Just looking around," Seonghwa nodded, and San scratched his neck.
After they all got ice cream as refreshment, they decided to part ways, and Seohyun thanked Hongjoong and Wooyoung sincerely, saying she'd use them well.
"I'll get you both something too. Tell me what you want."
"You don't have to, just wear them, that'd be a gift," Wooyoung laughed.
"No, I can't! You guys put so much effort. I'll get you both something, just you wait," Seohyun promised.
San and her decided to walk back home, carrying the shopping bags with them.
"This is not how I had imagined our first date would go," San admitted.
"I had fun still," Seohyun smiled, "And anyway, the day is not over yet."
"It is! It's 7pm already!"
"Well, what do you say I take you on an adventure after we drop these at home?" Seohyun wiggled her eyebrows, saying, "Unless you have to go home."
"Well, no one's home today so..." San smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Alright, I'll follow you."
Seohyun smiled, skipping as she walked, making San laugh out loud.
San and Seohyun reached home, dumping the several shopping bags in the living room. They decided to eat dinner and rest a bit, and Seohyun said she'd take him somewhere, but it had to be a surprise.
After they got fresh, they had ramyeon and Seohyun fished out a jacket from her wardrobe. It was gonna be chilly. She went to the living room, searching for San's jacket and went to San.
"Try this on," she said, and San got up from the sofa, trying the black jacket on. "Where we're going, it's gonna be a bit chilly."
"Wow, it fits perfectly," Seohyun stood back to check. "It's a gift."
"Really?" San looked down at the jacket. "Did you get this today?" Seohyun nodded. San smiled, thanking her with a hug.
They locked the house, grabbing only a bag with water bottle and chocolates. They took a taxi, a 30 minute drive to a hill. Seohyun told San she knew a shortcut to get to the top, and indeed, after a short hike, they reached the top.
"The view is amazing," San said, admiring how the full moon lit the night sky, the stars in the sky bright too. The city lights down seemed like stars too.
"A few months ago, a ghost teleported me here. He had died of an accident somewhere around here, and wanted help finding his sister, who had passed away with him. Jiwoo was with me, thankfully. It took us the whole day but we found her."
"Wow, I'm glad Jiwoo was with you," San said, and they both sat on the grass, facing the moon. "Imagine if you were alone and had to go back."
"Oh, I'm not sure if they even moved on. They said they wanted to spend some time together before they moved on, since they weren't sure what life ahead had for them. They might still be enjoying the ghost life."
"Really? Isn't that... dangerous?"
"They did promise. I said I'd come back after a year, and if they hadn't moved on by then, I'd personally exorcise them."
San laughed. "That's kind of you."
Seohyun winked at him. San was looking at the stars, and she took that time to admire his side-profile. He really was a work of art.
"Byeol," San said.
"I'm naming our cat Byeol. Now that's an acceptable name, isn't it?"
Seohyun stared at him. "I mean, I was okay with Shiber too..."
"HEY!" San tackled her, tickling her everywhere and Seohyun laughed loudly, "Do you know how much time I spent thinking of a name for the cat!"
"Stop!" Seohyun laughed, and San stopped tickling to hear her out. "I love it. Byeol. Shiber. Whatever you wanna call her."
San shook his head at her. Seohyun realized he was still on top of her. San was staring at her, rather intensely.
San touched her hair. It was a habit of his now, playing with her hair. The grey in her hair was shining thanks to the moonlight. Her eyes shone just as brightly. Her mouth was slightly parted, and San ran his thumb across her lips.
"You're beautiful," he finally said.
Seohyun wanted to tell him that she was not, but she was too flustered to say anything. His broad shoulders blocked the moonlight, making his figure shine instead. He leaned in and kissed her softly, taking his dear time, making sure every peck was slow and good.
Seohyun's internal state was a mess at this time; her heart was beating too loudly, her stomach rolling too furiously, and her mind- oh it was an absolute mess. So she just let him kiss her senseless, her hands going through his hair and back to cup his face as they kissed.
San drew apart and Seohyun held onto his neck, making them sit, and San joined her forehead with his as they caught their breath. He rested her hands on her waist, and Seohyun gulped as she took his hands and put them on her waist under her shirt this time.
San inhaled sharply at the touch, looking at her for confirmation. He was always so patient with her, which she loved about him. Seohyun cupped his face and kissed him, more forcefully now. San followed along, his hands staying at her waist only, his thumb caressing her skin there. She kissed his neck, earning a satisfying moan from him.
"You're being naughty today," San whispered.
"You're being too good today," Seohyun retorted.
"Don't challenge me, Lee Seohyun," San warned, grinning.
"What you're gonna do, Choi San?"
San shook his head once, taking his hands away from her. Seohyun was going to protest but he took off his jacket and kissed Seohyun so hard that she found herself curving back and back until she was lying on the grass. He kissed her face, her neck, her collarbone, one hand on her waist, one roaming around, and Seohyun was a mess.
"What do you say? Do you regret this now?" San asked, smirking.
"Can't say I regret it," Seohyun answered, out of breath.
San laughed, kissing her one last time before lying down with her, holding her close.
Seohyun smiled. "This reminds me of the time when we first kissed," she said, "You were so sleepy."
"I was wide awake internally," San said, making her laugh a little. Seohyun traced his face with her fingers.
"I love you, San."
San's eyes went a little wide in surprise. Seohyun continued, "I know I haven't said it before. I don't know what I waited for. I'm sorry."
"Don't be," San brought her closer as if hugging her, "You didn't have to. I see it everyday."
Seohyun smiled, "Still. I have to say it out loud. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. If I knew love would make me feel pain like this, this weird satisfying sort of pain in the heart, this ache, I would've run away. But I still love you."
"I feel the same," San said, sighing, "I feel scared for you, I'm afraid that you'll get hurt. You do such a dangerous job. I hope I could have been more help. I love you so much that I wish I'd have to do all this instead of you."
"You don't have to," Seohyun said, "This is enough. You, like this, is more than enough."
San couldn't help it; he kissed her again, and it felt like he could cry.
After a few moments, they finally got up. San wore his jacket, and said, "Oh, I almost forgot."
He took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Seohyun. Seohyun opened it to see a locket with a silver star, a single diamante shining in the middle of it.
"It's beautiful," Seohyun smiled, "Is that what you shopped for today?"
"Yep. Come here," San took the necklace from her and helped her wear it.
"Thank you. I'm never gonna take it off," Seohyun said and San laughed.
"Are you saying I should never take this jacket off too?"
"Well," Seohyun shrugged, "If you can manage."
They were laughing when Seohyun's smile suddenly fell from her face.
"There's someone behind me San," she whispered, not taking her eyes off him. "Don't look."
San almost looked away on impulse but Seohyun took his hand, grabbing his attention. "I said don't look. Smile like you were before, quick. Laugh."
San laughed awkwardly, making sure he was smiling. "Look from the corner of your eyes, can you see something?"
San did, and whispered, "I think I see something moving to your left, but it's a bit far I think."
"It's not good," Seohyun whispered, and San understood. "We're gonna have to make a run for it. On the count of three?"
San nodded, squeezing her hand.
"One. Two. Three."
San took her hand and made a dash, realizing that they couldn't go to the trail they'd come for since it was in the opposite direction. Seohyun took the lead, dragging San with her, trying to remember the other way. She looked back once and saw a sickly old woman almost caught up now. A little scream left her and they both ran, Seohyun stopping to grab a rock and aim at the woman. It narrowly missed her but distracted her long enough that they gained speed.
"Where's the other trail?" San shouted and Seohyun went through path after path, not bothering to reply. They were probably lost now.
Seohyun was about to give up and face the woman when a pair of hands grabbed her and she felt herself teleporting a few feet away from where they were, gaining more distance. She heard San gasp and looked to make sure he was okay, but hands grabbed her and she was running again.
"You!" Seohyun exclaimed. The boy and the girl- the brother and sister that had died here. She could not believe it.
"There's a cave here, we're teleporting again, grab on tight!"
Seohyun squeezed San's hand and shut her eyes. One moment she was running and the other she had jumped through time and space and was in the said cave.
"You call this a cave?" Seohyun asked. The boy ignored her, peeking out of the 'cave' as he covered the entrance with more tree branches.
San still held her hand, out of breath, taking out the bottles from Seohyun's bag and handing one to her while he drank some too.
"She lost us," The boy looked back and smiled proudly, high fiving his sister.
The boy must have been 16- he was a tall, lean kid. His short hair were spiky and his eyes were the same as his sister's- who must have been a year older. She looked at Seohyun and said, "Didn't expect to meet you like this, Seohyun."
Seohyun wiped her mouth. "Hi, Gayoung." She looked at the boy then, "Thanks, Youngjae."
"We owed you one," he said, motioning them to sit and take a breather. "We've been living here, so we kind of knew about the woman. She's an old soul, that one. I don't think you can do anything about her, best if you avoid her."
"Well, she should avoid me! Next time I'm gonna kill her-"
"I see you haven't changed," Gayoung grinned. "Who's that with you? And why is he not freaking out?"
"He's my boyfriend," Seohyun said, and Gayoung and Youngjae ooh-ed. "He knows. There was some accident, so he can see ghosts now too. Can't touch them."
"Interesting," Youngjae scanned San. "I didn't know we could teleport others too."
"Only because I was holding him. I guess because it was the two of you, it didn't require me to properly hold him. Remember Jiwoo? She tried it once. Took me to the ghost realm accidentally, with him!"
"With him!" Gayoung gasped, "Is that why he can...?"
"Yes!" Seohyun answered, "I almost died making that trip."
San elbowed Seohyun. "You call that dying?"
"Shut up. So you live here still?"
"Yes, we'll actually move on before the year completes," Youngjae said, "We're just waiting for our parent's wedding anniversary. We used to celebrate it, so we just wanna see them happy before we move on."
"Ah, that's good."
"Where's Jiwoo anyway?" Gayoung asked.
"She moved on," Seohyun sighed.
"So she finally remembered? Good for her!" Youngjae said and they nodded.
After catching up a few minutes, they decided it was safe to go back. Seohyun thanked them earnestly, saying she owed them one more now because this was too big a favour. They just dismissed it, telling her to stay safe. They guided them to another shortcut and soon the two of them were on the way home.
They stopped by at Seohyun's first, and San went inside with her for a moment, hugging her, telling her she was so brave for keeping her calm in that situation, telling her he was proud. With a kiss to her forehead, he left for home.
Seohyun washed up and fell on her bed, beyond exhausted. She recalled the day in her mind; it was a day well spent, if you ignored the last part. She smiled as she played the moments in her head; San was such a sweetheart today. She was playing with her necklace as she fell asleep.
The few days that followed their rather adventurous first date were as normal as they could get, keeping in mind the fact that it was Seohyun's life in question. She had a tremendous amount of school work to catch up to, and several ghosts to help move on.
Having friends actually helped, Seohyun realized one day as she was doing her homework. She was an average student; she'd do great if she tried, and if she didn't... well. So they'd help her with the subjects they were good at, they'd be her personal motivators, and she'd try to return the favours as well as she could.
She'd been thinking about how she could return the long due favour to Hongjoong and Wooyoung. They'd help her update her wardrobe, and the feedbacks she'd gotten were amazing. She supposed San was a softie and would compliment her even if she was in her worst hoodie, but when critics like Yeosang complimented her, she'd feel glad. She didn't really care about how she looked, but it felt good to dress up once in a while. Special occasions only.
Seohyun sighed as she shut her notebook close and got up, stretching. She found herself going to the music room. There were no drums anymore to relieve her of her stress, but she supposed she could do with something else. The violin reminded her of San as she picked it up, and she kind of missed him, so she put that down. She went to the piano, and inhaled. She'd be playing it for the first time now, after Joon Hyuk.
She tested the keys; it sounded out of tune. But she let her fingers naturally roll over them, found herself playing a familiar tune, the one Joon Hyuk had taught her. She smiled as she played. It had truly been a while.
After she was done, she nodded as she figured out what she'd get Hongjoong and Wooyoung. Something they really needed.
"You're the best!" Wooyoung tackled Seohyun in a tight hug, making Seohyun yell as she tried to push him away.
"How did you come up with this idea?" Hongjoong asked as he admired the speakers in front of him.
"I noticed you could use speakers here without disturbing anyone. And with how loud you all are, you definitely needed it."
Seonghwa connected the speakers to his phone, blasting full volume as he checked them, his mouth turning into an O as he nodded in admiration. "They must have cost you quite a bit?"
"Oh, it's okay. Let's forget about that part," Seohyun waved him off, and Yunho ruffled her hair.
Mingi passed her a juice box and she sipped on it, checking the time. "I have to go now. Mom's coming home tonight."
"Do you want me to walk you home?" San asked.
"Oh, don't bother, enjoy these speakers," Seohyun said, giving him a fist bump as she left. She hummed along as she walked, but she had only taken one turn when she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye.
Another ghost? She had just dealt with one right after school, before joining the boys in the warehouse.
Something flashed right behind her and she whipped to her left, stumbling. She checked left and right but it seemed the ghost had disappeared. But something about its rotting scent was familiar-
Seohyun's breath left her as she was pushed, and she turned just in time so she'd hit the wall with the side of her body instead of face first. She winced in pain, pushing the hair out of her eyes. There was no one there.
But she didn't have to check who it was. The scent had been enough for her.
Seohyun contemplated running home or back to the warehouse. Ghosts couldn't enter property without the owner or mediator's permission, and since the warehouse was the closest, she decided she'd make a run for it.
She smelt it as she run, dodging one attack but getting scratched on the back near her shoulder with something sharp- she assumed it was nails. Seohyun ran faster; glad for all the running she'd done as a kid, wishing a good soul would appear and help her. But it was only her- a useless mediator with the power to only see and touch the ghosts, against a vengeful spirit.
Seohyun turned and she was in front of the warehouse. She could hear the music blast and she ran even faster if she could, until she came within what she assumed was the boundary of the property. She turned and indeed, she saw the woman, this time in the clear of the day. She wasn't sure if she could even call it a woman at this point; it was a tangle of overgrown hair, pale skin and dark eyes with purple lips. And long, long nails.
Seohyun shook her head as it disappeared and she stood in the middle of the road, contemplating once again if she should go home and risk encountering them again, or going to the warehouse, and encountering THEM.
She threw her hands in the air in frustration and went inside the warehouse.
"Oh, she's back-" Jongho paused mid-sentence as he saw the disheveled figure of Seohyun, with a bruise on her cheekbone.
Seohyun walked to them, looking at San whose eyes were wide. "It's her," she said, "the one from that hill."
San came to her, inspecting her face; the bruise was light, thankfully. "Are you hurt somewhere else?"
"On my back, I think," Seohyun turned her neck to see and indeed, her shirt was torn where those nails had scratched her. San took her to the sofa and Seonghwa brought a first aid kit, Seohyun eyeing it warily. "I should ask why you have a first aid kit."
"For a day like this, I suppose," Hongjoong said, handing her a glass of water. Seohyun looked at him once as she drank.
"How did she find you?" San asked, taking her hand and caressing it.
"It took her a while to find me, it's been more than two weeks."
"What happened?" Hongjoong asked and Seohyun explained, everyone sitting around her to hear her story.
"Why do ghosts start to look like that?" Yeosang asked.
"I don't exactly know, but time does that to them, I think."
"Don't they look scary?" Wooyoung asked.
"They look scary, but I think the fact that they were human once makes it less scarier to me?" Seohyun shrugged. She grabbed the ointment, applying it to the wound on her face. Then she looked at Seonghwa. "Is the wound on my back bad?"
Seonghwa peeked at what he could see from the torn part of her shirt, there were long cuts. "I think you should get them treated."
"Can you do something about it right now? I'll get them treated later," Seohyun said, biting her lip. Seonghwa nodded. He inspected her state, then said in a low voice, "You'll have to take off your shirt."
Seohyun groaned. At times like this, she really did miss Jiwoo.
"Or we can cut your shirt, since it's already torn," Seonghwa suggested, looking at her with a sad look in his eyes.
"I'll take it off," Seohyun said, "Let's not be awkward about this, okay? Which one of you is the best at first aid?"
"Seonghwa definitely," Mingi said.
"Should I do it?" San asked.
"You're the worst at it," Wooyoung muttered, making Seohyun scoff.
"It's just when it's someone I'm close to! I can't bear it!"
The two of them started to argue, and Seohyun decided to stop them. "I'd like you all to disappear to a corner while Seonghwa does his job. Give me some privacy. And San, you can stay if you want to."
The rest of the boys rushed away, and Seohyun bit her lip. "Not how you thought you'd see me without a shirt for the first time, eh San?"
Seonghwa went into a fit of coughs while San gaped at her statement, finally giving in after a few seconds and laughing, shaking his head. "You really pick the worst time for jokes."
"Alright, here goes," Seohyun turned her back to them and took off her shirt, San helping her hold her hair. She was left in a black bra. She wasn't flustered; not when the exposed wound left her skin stinging, and she sucked in her breath.
San helped her sit on the floor and she brought her arms to her chest, her hair covering the rest of her as Seonghwa carefully applied ointment on the three parallel scratches that ran from her shoulder all the way to the the middle of her back.
"She got you bad, Seohyun," San said worriedly, "what if she comes here?"
"She can't," Seohyun answered, "Can't enter property without owner or my permission."
"That's useful," Seonghwa muttered.
"That's actually handy, Seonghwa," Seohyun had noticed the sarcasm in his voice; she supposed he was angry at the whole situation. "I'm glad I was near when it happened." She rested her head on her knees, San watching Seonghwa apply bandages now, so careful with it. He was definitely being extra careful.
San went to get an extra shirt they had around for Seohyun, and Seonghwa finished up. Seohyun peeked at the bandages, impressed.
"Thanks, Seonghwa."
"Don't mention it," Seonghwa put the stuff back in the kit, "I wish you'd be more careful in the future."
"I can't help it, Seonghwa, believe me, I'm the most careful now," Seohyun said and Seonghwa locked his eyes with her.
"I just don't want to see you hurt, Seohyun-ah. It pains me."
"I know," Seohyun sighed, "I understand."
Seonghwa hesitated then patted her head. "I'm sure you did well back then," he smiled warmly.
"Finally. Thanks again," Seohyun laughed, and San was back. Seohyun took the shirt from him and wore it, standing up. "I'll take a taxi now."
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" San asked.
"Oh no, it's okay now. She can't follow me in a taxi."
"Okay, at least let me walk you out."
Seohyun said thanks and bye to them all, and they told her to be careful. San and her walked out of the warehouse, and San grabbed her hand, bringing her in for a hug. Seohyun hugged him back, her arms on his back, smiling.
"Were you scared back then?" San asked.
"A little," Seohyun admitted, "Just glad I was near."
San broke the hug, putting her hair behind her ears, touching her cheek below the bruise. "Does it hurt?"
"This? Nope. The one in the back, yes, a little."
"Do get proper treatment," San said, looking at her worriedly.
"I will," Seohyun laughed, "Don't worry too much?"
"How can I not?" San shook his head, leaning forward to kiss her. "Your taxi's here."
Seohyun reached home, cleaning the mess around the house, until she heard the sound of the door opening. Her mother was home.
Seohyun said hello and smiled at her. She looked nothing like her mom; she was tall, had pointy features and narrow eyes, and she looked sharp and intelligent. Her dark hair reached her shoulders. She put her handbag on the table and came to gave her a hug.
"How have you been?"
"Just the usual," Seohyun said, "What about you?"
"Ugh, I've been so busy," she said, collapsing on the sofa. "What do we have for dinner?"
"I'll set the table," Seohyun said. She had prepared her favourite dishes with the help of their previous housemaid, who she was still on good terms with. The old woman would drop by every once in a while, and she'd exchange her kimchi and some traditional dishes for Seohyun's pastas and desserts that she loved.
The mother and daughter caught up on studies and work as they ate. She told Seohyun she would have a busy time in the following month, but she'd try to come for her birthday, or else it was gonna be Christmas.
"How's the ghost business?" Her mother asked, drinking water.
"Was going well, until today I encountered an evil one," Seohyun said, "You'd have to help me with a wound I got on my back."
Her mother stared at her. "Are you alright?"
"Oh I am," Seohyun nodded, "I'll deal with her, I was just caught off-guard. She got me for a second."
"I hope you do," her mother said, "Tell me if you need help."
Seohyun smirked at her, "Wrong thing to say."
Her mother laughed, "Yeah, you probably know way more people than I do. Come on, let me have a look."
Seohyun showed her, and her mother winced. She helped change her bandages and gave her a doctor's information so she could visit and get treated, make up a story about how it was a stray dog or something. Seohyun thanked her, and after chatting a while, she left her to sleep.
"When will you return to work?" Seohyun asked.
"Tomorrow evening. I'll see you off for school in the morning. We'll see each other next month then."
"Oh, okay. Goodnight," Seohyun said, coming to her room and lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She wished she had stayed longer. But it was okay.
This was enough.
A week had passed without further incidents. Seohyun was careful; she'd take taxi if she could, or she'd keep the sibling duo with her. She called them in, saying she'd owe them one if they could teleport her when needed. So the duo happily stick with her, saying they were bored of living in the hills and would like to visit a school too.
The boys had become friendly with the duo; they'd either communicate through San (who had given up now; he was quite tired of being their voice) or through the old-fashioned way: notebooks. They'd pretend to be studying in class when in fact they'd be having a conversation with the ghosts.
"I have a question," Yeosang said to Seohyun in the middle of class. Seohyun, who had been staring at Mingi and Gayoung conversing, looked at Yeosang.
"How would you get rid of old ghosts like the one you encountered?"
"Good question," Seohyun said, "There are a few options. I could try to talk sense into them. If that doesn't work, I get help from the good ghosts and threaten them. Like, every ghost had some sort of faith, right? Usually works if you use their god against them."
"But what if they have no faith anymore?"
"Goodnight, then, I guess," Seohyun said and Yeosang gasped. "You take help from actual exorcists then too. I once did. Got quite rough, but it works."
"Sounds dangerous," he muttered.
"Kind of," Seohyun agreed.
Seohyun was walking home after school with her new ghost friends when she sensed something amiss. "Just when I thought it was over."
Gayoung and Youngjae covered her back and front defensively. The woman appeared out of nowhere, stopping when she saw the ghosts.
"Well, well," she said, and Seohyun winced. Her voice sounded creepy. "What do we have here?"
"What do you want?" Seohyun asked.
"Death of you," the woman laughed, "Don't try to talk me out of it. You can't."
"What good is that gonna do to you?" Seohyun asked, genuinely curious.
The woman laughed again, this time sarcastically. "Don't tell me you didn't know? When a mediator dies, there is a short time period during which there is no other mediator in the world. That's when ghosts can do whatever they want; trespass, interact with humans, and much more."
"How is that true? I mean, if it were really true, more people would be trying to kill me, won't they?"
"Oh dear," the woman smiled this time, all knowingly, which sent chills throughout her body, "That's why it's a secret, isn't it?"
Gayoung and Youngjae shared looks. If it was true, they could interact with their parents, which was all they wanted. But they wouldn't harm Seohyun for that. Not after all she had done for them.
"I'll be back, girl," the woman's voice was sure, "When you least expect it. And I'll make sure I hear you screaming before you die."
The three of them watched as she gave her a long final look before she disappeared. They were quite for a few seconds and Seohyun caught her breath. "Don't tell me you both want to kill me now too."
"Oh, we wouldn't," Gayoung said, "We really wouldn't."
"You sound very assuring, noona," Youngjae said sarcastically, earning a tsk as he looked at Seohyun. "Let's get you home. We'll look for someone else who can get rid of that old bitch."
Seohyun nodded and they walked home, the duo arguing while Seohyun just walked blankly. She couldn't get the look the ghost had given out of her head. She sounded so sure. As if she had something already planned for her.
Seohyun sat in front of the TV for hours, her mind blank. All she could think was how her gut had felt when she'd said that. As if that was something that was bound to happen. Was she really gonna die?
Seohyun had never been too afraid of dying; not like an average person. For her, it was a life full of danger. She had welcomed and played with aspect of death. But her life had changed drastically over the past months. She had found people to live for. And that meant she was more scared this time.
Her phone buzzed and she read the text. It was from San asking if she wanted him to come over. Seohyun bit her lips in thought. Then she texted 'come over with chocolate ice cream please'.
And San did so. They sat on the sofa, watching TV and eating ice cream as they talked about this and that. Seohyun somehow found it very easy to talk to him, and so did San. He told her all about how he used to live in the countryside when he was little (hence the slight accent), he had mostly grown up with his grandparents because his parents were busy people.
"Don't you miss your parents when they're away?" Seohyun asked. Her ice cream was finished.
"I do, of course. Don't you?"
"I miss my mom sometimes," Seohyun admitted. "She's not as bad as you all think."
San gave her a pointed look and she threw a pillow at him, which he caught. "Come on, you have to admit. She talks to me. She let's me do normal stuff. She doesn't think I'm crazy. And she remembers my birthday every year. That's more than I can ask for."
"Don't you wish she did more?"
"I used to, but then I just accepted it. It's just the way it is."
San looked at her and spread his arms for her. She just threw another pillow at him, rolling her eyes. "I'm serious."
"Okay, okay. What about the ghost?"
"Well," Seohyun sighed and told him what had happened. San listened intently.
"Is there something we can do about it?" he asked.
"I'll go to that exorcist I know, but San," Seohyun turned to face him, "Something's different this time. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is gonna happen."
"It's probably just you overthinking?"
"No, it's different this time," Seohyun sounded sure, and San was actually surprised, "Something is gonna happen and it's gonna be bad. God, I want to cry."
San watched as she put her head in her hands, sighing. She heard San scoot over and she scooted away. "If you hug me now, I'm afraid I'll really cry."
"It's okay to cry, Seohyun, come here," San grabbed her arm and brought her in for a hug, and Seohyun let herself cry. It had been so long since she'd last cry.
"I'm sorry," Seohyun said, sniffing, "I miss Jiwoo a lot, if she was here, she would have handled this so well. I can't help but feel scared for you."
"Do you think something's gonna happen to me?" San asked as he patted her head.
"No. I don't know. I don't know and it's making me so frustrated," Seohyun said and cried harder. San only patted her back, muttering comforting words.
Seohyun drew back and wiped her face. "Sorry for crying on you."
"Anytime," San laughed. "I can understand that you're scared Seohyun, tell me what I can do for you."
"Just- stay with me. That's enough."
San nodded, taking her hand. "Do you want me to play something for you?"
Seohyun raised her brow, "Can you?"
"I can play the piano a little bit, unless you want me to play the violin and scare the dead away."
Seohyun laughed, "Let's go."
They went to the room, and San showed her what he'd learnt from Hongjoong of the piano. Seohyun appreciated the gesture, and on his insistence, she played the violin for him again, and he watched her adoringly.
When she was done, she put the violin down. "I came here a few days ago. I wanted to play the violin but I couldn't because it reminded me of you and I missed you. I played today. It seems like now I only play for you."
Seohyun was packing the violin when San hugged her from the back, his arms around her waist as he rocked them back and forth. Seohyun smiled. He was such a romantic.
"I like that," he whispered in her ear, making her laugh because it tickled. He nibbled on her ear, making her laugh.
"It's like the music room does something to you, San, you become such a romantic."
"I can assure you I'm the same anywhere else too," he said, still hugging her.
Seohyun looked at the clock. It was already 10 pm and they had no school tomorrow. She broke the hug and looked at him, his hands on her waist now.
"I know it's too much to ask, San, and I need you to give an honest answer, okay? I won't mind. But, can you... stay here tonight?" Seohyun almost whispered, tears welling up in her eyes again. "I'm just- I can't be alone tonight. I feel it. Something's gonna happen."
San touched her face, nodding. "Of course. If you want me to. I'll leave early in the morning."
Seohyun sighed in relief, a tear escaping her eye, "Thank you, San. Thank you."
San wiped the tear from her face. He felt scared about how she was feeling too. It was so unusual. Seohyun was always so strong, and she felt so... human. He couldn't leave her like this. He bent down and kissed her lips slowly, her arms going around his neck and her hands in his hair, clearly glad for the distraction.
She broke apart and took his hand, taking him to her bedroom, only the dim lamp on. She pushed him on the bed, surprising him, as she shut the door and kicked off her shoes, climbing on the bed and sitting on his lap. His arms were holding him from lying down and Seohyun went to cup his face and kiss him, so deeply as if she was saying her thanks through this. San's stomach turned, his heart beating wildly and he took the chance, taking one arm to grab her, but fell flat on the bed.
Seohyun was now on top of him. She stared at him for the longest time, and it made San feel so many different things. He saw the necklace he had given her dangling off her neck, and his hand went to touch it as a smile made its way on his face.
Seohyun smiled too then gave him soft pecks on his lips, both of them smiling through it. She was taking her sweet time and San had enough. He flipped her down, now on top of her, making her gasp in surprise as he smirked. But his smirked wiped off as she leaned forward and took his shirt off, running her hands through his toned body.
"Damn, San, I didn't know you worked out," Seohyun smirked.
San only smiled as he kissed her, loving the feeling of her hands all over him. His hands went to her waist and she broke apart for a second, motioning him to unbutton her shirt. San looked at her to make sure it was okay and she nodded, rolling her eyes but smiling.
"Is your wound okay now?" San asked as he unbuttoned her shirt.
"Probably left a scar," Seohyun muttered and he made her sit so he could check.
She was right. 3 parallel scratches had left their scar. It would take time to fade. "You reminded me of that ghost again, San. Distract me."
San kissed her bare shoulder, making her gasp, and kissed and nibbled on her neck, playing with her necklace. Seohyun moaned and felt San smile. She slapped his shoulder, making him laugh. "You asked for it," he said.
"I'm gonna make you moan so loud, Choi San-"
"Sshh," he said, kissing her passionately. Seohyun took that chance to bite on his lower lip while her hands gripped his waist now, and that earned her a moan. It was her turn to smile. San kissed her some more, before lying down with her, pulling the covers over them.
"It's late," he said, bringing her closer, "Sleep now."
"I don't wanna..." Seohyun said, putting her arm around him and kissed his neck, earning a sigh.
"I'm not gonna be able to stop if you keep doing that," San sighed. Seohyun melted at his words.
"Glad to know that," she whispered, but just hugged him, kissing his shoulder innocently now.
"I love you, San. You know that, right?"
"I know," he whispered back.
"I should tell you that everyday. Hell, I should have told you that everyday. I'm sorry."
"Seohyun," San made her face him, "You don't have to. I know that. You don't even have to say it out loud."
"Still," Seohyun said, "I should have told you that everyday."
San stared at her. He kissed her forehead and hugged her. "I love you too. And you know that right? I say it everyday, goofily, jokingly, or sometimes serious. But you still know it, even when I say it as a joke. That's because you know, just like I do."
Seohyun nodded. She buried her face in his chest, going under the covers, his arms securely around him.
"Goodnight, love." San whispered.
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||Temeplate credit to @video-space !! ||
Name: Leilani christan ormsby/thistlewaite
Pronouns: he/him
Weapon/fighting style of choice: Paddles/ Bats
-"Well hello, mind for a talk James?"
-"Hopkins! Greetings, a moment of your time please?"
-"Jimmy, can we speak?"
-"James, How are you?"
Saying Goodbye:
- "I have to go check on my baby Perri, see you later James"
- "Well times ran out, I have to hear another phone call from my mother."
- "I best be going, my designs aren't going to finish themselves!"
-"Fare well Hopkins, I have to catch a gift from my Fathers' in the office about now"
- "Get back here, you, you doormat!!"
- "Once I catch you, you'll be hearing from three lawyers!"
-"Stop running, face me coward!"
Out of breath:
- "I'm wasting time, you're lucky I have plans today.."
- "No..Wait till I catch my breath then you'll be unlucky.."
-"Oh! My side! Heavens I need to run more.."
Walking around talking to themself:
- "My Daddies won't stop sending me hideous sweaters!"
- "Sometimes I wish I did come out a girl just so my mother would leave me alone about the subject"
- "Dresses aren't that bad to wear, mommy used to make me wear them when I was small! Maybe they're just tad itchy is all.."
- "Would life for me be much better if i was born a girl, well maybe for mommy's life.."
- "Having two dads ain't so bad as mommy always told me.."
- "My Daddy isn't as bossy as Mommy, I wish she'd get boys are more better than girls"
- "Only good gift I've gotten from my Daddies is Perri, no boy could replace him when it comes to those nights.."
-"Perri is what's keeping me from giving into my mothers wishes of what she wants"
-"Perri is like a baby to me, speaking of, I should go down to buy him treats"
-"My Mother says kissing boys here is dangerous, I think the only good advice she's given my entire life"
-"Maybe lower class boys can be handsome, well MAYBE can at least.."
- "Did your Mother ever make you say you were a girl?"
- "You know those rubber things in the small packages? I don't think it's gum.."
- "You know James, you are cute but I wish you dressed less poor so if we were seen together my parent's would suspect a thing!"
- "I think I have Scoliosis, I've been forgetting a lot of things"
- "When I was little I found this strange collar in my Daddies' room, I'm still wondering if they were gonna get me a puppy."
- "What do you normally shop for James?"
- "Do you think when you drink blue punch, your pee is blue? I swear some toilets suspiciously have Blue in them"
- "My mommy had a small dog named Lily when I was 7, she liked dirt, reminds me of the jar of dirt I used to make a dirt mountain in the living room when she strangely vanished.."
Conversation Response:
- "Oh my."
- "Indeed."
-"Quite interesting, may you say more."
- "Undertsable, I get that."
- "Couldn't get that, but I will try."
- "Maybe for once boys dressed nice I'd kiss them!"
- "I wish my Mommy would lay off, only if I had the guts!"
- "God dammit, I stepped in gum!I think I'm gonna cry…"
- "Perri accidentally pooped on my arm when I was chatting with a cute boy, I cant believe he'd do me like this!"
- "My last pair of underwear is once again missing! These pants are really not soft, think I'm getting another rash on my- you know where!"
Unknown/Cut Dialogue:
- "It is normal to faint five times after a hot shower?"
- "My Mother is getting on my back after that date with one of the bullies, wish she got that he actual showers?"
- "What the hell is a V card, is there letter cards I never heard about? And why do people always take them?"
- Sometimes I'll be doing something but blink and find myself on the floor, I don't get what the nurse means by neurocardiogenic syncope? Is that like a sleep thing?"
-"I have 10 brothers, no wonder my mom wanted me to be a girl"
Starting fight with Cliques:
- "God, I hope your pimples don't pop during a punch!"
- "Bet you fight like you dress, poorly!"
- "You nothing more than pennies on the ground!"
- "Come at me you heathens!"
- "I'll be washing my hand when I'm done with you!"
- "Under all that leather is nothing more but a walking non-sqeak door canister!"
- "Don't slip on your hair gel when you get a run start!"
-"Fast food places use less grease than you put in your hair!"
- "You may have brains, but i know you dont have brawl!"
- "You're weaker than my baby cousin!"
- "You're gonna wish you keep that nose in a book!"
- "Hope you like not seeing for a week, four eyes!!"
- "Keep those sweaty hands away from me!"
- "Smells like wet jockstrap!"
- "Come at me you Sport freaks!"
-"Football dont teach you punching skills!"
- "Glad bullworth doenst have you in it"
- "Proud Derby dont waste money on you!"
- "Ready to get a taste of Bullworth!"
- "I'd sue you but I dont think you have enough money to even pay for a parking hours at the cournt house!"
Requesting an errand:
- "James, If you do this thing for me maybe you can buy better clothes?"
- "Quite an heavens call, Hopkins I need help!"
- "Speak of the devil, James I need a errand please, help one out"
- "Jimmy dearest, mind getting em a few things? I'll pay extra!"
Friendly Comments:
- "Good evening James, you look stunning for once!"
- "Proper clothes, Hopkins I'm quite shocked"
- "Jimmy, ya know Perri doesnt find you all that bad?"
- "James, you make me question if some boys do have have taste here"
Unfriendly Comments:
- "Whered you find those? Bottom of your moms drawer?"
- "At least I have two daddies"
- "Move aside, I dont need to waste my eyesight on you punk"
- "The only thing thatd describe you is what you find vomited near the dumpster melted in the pavement"
Demanding flowers:
- "Maybe a little something can make me not mind your clothes?"
- "A gift would be nice if you really cared"
- "Honey, if you didnt have the fashion to ask me out, do you have the gift to make up for it?"
After receiving flowers:
- "I hope you checked for spiders, I might cry"
- "Well, i mean, clothes arent all that important right now.."
- "Quite nice of you James, ain't you a sweetheart?"
Before kissing:
- "I quite flattered, come here baby"
- "A kiss?Been awhile since a nice boy asked me this"
- "Let me see what's it like to kiss boys like you"
- "Oh James, I quite enjoyed that"
- "You know, maybe if your open tonight, I can measure some designs on you?"
- "I now get what Gord means"
- "We cant hold hands, I dont want any longer calls with my mother, BUT James I do appreciate this"
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Tags: //Honestly i dont know who to tag 😔// @video-space @gordvendomewhore
19 notes · View notes
xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch. 4
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The Black Card
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: Talk of murder, that’s pretty much it in this one. The next few chapters will have more warnings. 
Author’s Note: Smaller chapter than the last two, but it’s definitely needed to help progress the storyline. I do hope you guys enjoy this one!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Chapter 3 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 5 >>
Elijah quickly walked into the conference room. "What do we have?" He asked as he looked over at the other officers in the room. 
He had gotten a call moments ago that he was needed down at the station asap. Without hesitating, he was there at the station in record time. All he knew was the information coming in was about Damon Salvatore. 
"We got word that Damon will be making a few calls today." One officer said, looking over at Elijah. "No doubt calling Rosa to confirm that she got the black card. "
"We've got a direct line to overhear the conversation, courtesy of Rebekah." Another officer added before handing Elijah a case file.
Elijah's eyes scanned the file. The only thing that was considered noteworthy was that Damon had already called Elena minutes before he arrived.  Closing the file, he tossed it on the nearest desk. 
"Alright, all ears in this room need to be open." He said as he addressed the room. "Whatever piece of information you think might be of use, write it down. If Damon is making this call to Rosa I want to know where she is in this city.  If I catch anyone that so much as yawns during this call, you'll have me to deal with."
A throat cleared, getting Elijah's attention. "Sir, he just made the call."
"Bring it up." Elijah said with a nod. 
The officer connected the call to the speakers in the room. The ringing played through the speakers, and it seemed as if everyone held their breath for a second. A moment later, the call connected. A distorted voice answered. 
"Are you fucking nuts, Damon?" The distorted voice asked, earning a chuckle from Damon. 
 "I take it you've picked up the kitten." His voice clear over the line. 
"Obviously. You know I don't mix business with personal affairs." The voice said, causing Elijah's eyebrow to rise.  "This is definitely crossing my line of mixing the two."
"Take note of that." Elijah said as he snapped his fingers, wanting someone to take down that as a note. If Rosa didn't entangle herself in personal affairs, there might not be a hit after all. At least Elijah was hopeful about that thought. "Rosa isn't happy with who is on the hit list." he noted. "She might actually have a heart."
"Come on, Rosa." Damon said, not missing a beat. "You know this type of kitten a lot more than anyone else. You can train it in your favor until you get it to Elena."
"You're missing the point-"
"I get the point, Rosa. I get how attached you used to be. But things changed from the last time we were all in the sandbox and I need this done."
That was enough for everyone in the room to know Rosa had known her target intimately. This hit wasn't just some random person that Damon needed to be handled. It was someone who they both knew. 
"Run a list of known associates to Damon." Elijah said, looking over at an officer. "Go far as back as you can. Including classmates. There's a connection in there somewhere."
"Don't expect me to do the works on this. I'm changing it to a drop and run."
The chuckle that came through the line from Damon was dark. "Just think of all the fun you'll have beforehand. You might hate dropping it off later but at least you'll enjoy it while you can. While dropping and running would be easier, you know you've been waiting a while for this."
"Fuck off, Damon."
"Has anyone ever found out what 'the works' meant?" Rebekah asked as she entered the room. 
"Still working on that." Elijah mumbled as he listened to the next part of the call.
"It seems I've struck a nerve."
"No shit. I've got half a mind to back out of this and return it to sender."
"But no one does it as good as you do. Come on, Rosa. You promised if I called, you'd answer. Plus it'd be a shame if I had to have a talk with V about this."
"I dare you Salvatore. It'd be an eye for an eye and there's only one of them that's currently a sitting duck. While a personal visit would be fun, I have friends in low places that would be willing to help a girl out."
"There it is." Elijah said with a small smirk. "Our list can be narrowed by anyone with a name starting with a V or even their nickname. That's where our ticket to Rosa will be."
"As much as Rosa has been a pain in my side since taking this position, I do enjoy her threats against the Salvatores." Rebekah said with a smirk pulling at her lips. "We'll need a list of anyone who has access to both Salvatore brothers."
Damon sighed. "Look, I want this taken care of, and you're the best I've got. It's a bad one to you, and I get that. But name your price, and I'd gladly pay it if you don't walk away from it. We don't need anyone else being involved."
There was a brief pause in the conversation. It was as if Rosa was debating on whether or not she wanted to do this. Both Elijah and Rebekah held their breath. They hoped it would be easier for them all if Rosa just opted out. 
"Triple the payment, upfront." The voice said a moment later. "And I'm cleared from your database."
"That is one hell of a payout." Elijah noted as he looked towards his sister. 
Rebekah nodded her head in agreement. "He's got enough to do just that."
"I'm serious, D. After this, I'm out. Our contract will be over and I expect you to find someone else."
"Deal. We won't discuss business at the dinner table anymore." 
Without another word from Rosa, the line went dead. 
A thought crossed Rebekah's mind as the call came to an end. "That payout is so she can completely disappear after she makes the hit."
"Looks like we'll just have to catch her before she does." Elijah said with a small smirk pulling at his lips.
Adriana threw the phone across the room the moment she ended the call. She wanted nothing more than to strangle Damon for this black card. Damon knew all of her reasoning for why Adriana never wanted to mix business with personal dealings. And yet here she was. 
After seeing Elijah's name at the bottom of the tablet's screen, Adriana couldn't get herself to go to dinner. She couldn't face the girls knowing that Elijah was her intended target. She couldn't sit there and pretend that everything would be okay. That she wasn't having an internal panic attack because she was supposed to kill the only positive best friend she had. 
She hadn't even bothered to look at the complete file. The initial shock of it all forced her to shut down the tablet and put it away until now. She couldn't bring herself to look at any of the details just yet. Her heart wasn't ready for it. 
It wasn't ready to find the traces of her past inside of it. Or learn the new things Elijah had gone through while she was gone. But this was a part of the job that she usually would breeze through. And with every passing second, it was a reminder that she was about to cross a line. 
Part of her believed that she would already know a lot of the information contained in it. Even though it had been years since she last spent more than a few hours with Elijah, she still knew a lot of the details of their past.  And that alone is what made her the right person for the job, just as Damon mentioned. 
What she wasn't ready for at all were the plans Damon had forced on her. "The works" was a term that she and Damon used when Damon wanted Adriana to weasel her way into the target's life. Once she was in and they were least expecting, Adriana would make her kill. 
But this was Elijah Mikaelson. The very guy that she had known for the majority of her life. He was the one that could easily tell when there was something wrong with her. And now, she was going to have to put on a brave face if she went through with this. 
Now it was a matter if she could do it or not. She may have demanded triple the payment, but she didn't believe Damon would give it to her. But when Damon wanted something, he usually got it. What made it worse was Adriana never failed at her assignments. It's what made her the best on the market. 
Elijah Mikaelson was going to either break her streak or make it so she could disappear from her life as Rosa. Adriana just didn't know which one she wanted to go with yet. She knew from the moment she left home that her life as Adriana Vega was a distant memory. Her life as Rosa was about to end if she completed this job.  But it was the ghost of her past that was about to make or break everything. 
"What happened at Dinner last night?" Bonnie asked as she handed Adriana a cup of coffee. 
Taking the cup, Adriana led her down the street. "I took a look at the travel arrangements after I left the bar last night." 
"And?" Bonnie asked as she walked right beside her. She brought the cup up to her lips, taking a drink. 
"I couldn't face the three of you after I found out who it was." She admitted. "This was never a life you were a part of-"
"That's bullshit." Bonnie said, cutting her off. "While we may not have known the life you were in, we were still a part of the same crowd."
Adriana's tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth. "Same crowd or not, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this hit. Damon crossed a line with this." Her words had barely been above a whisper. 
Bonnie sighed. "How close is this person?" 
"We were all in the sandbox together." Adriana said with a nod. "But I can't give you more than that." She shook her head. 
Bonnie nodded her head in understanding. "You obviously care for this person. I know this is going to be hard for you to take care of."
"Taking care of it is the easy part. It's getting my emotions in check that will be the hardest." Adriana's voice was emotionless as she spoke about it. 
"What happens if you don't go through with this?" Bonnie asked curiously. She probably shouldn't have asked, but she couldn't help it with how Adriana was looking at the moment. 
Adriana thought about her answer. All she could think about was Greta's voice in her mind at that moment. 
"You are not to fail." Greta said as she circled Adriana. 
Adriana stood tall as Greta took her steps around her. After all the training Greta had put her through, Adriana was the perfect killing machine. Everything Greta knew, she taught Adriana, and she made it better. 
"And if I fail?" Adriana asked the moment Greta was back in front of her. 
The woman took a few steps towards her until she was right in her face. "You may as well as turn that pistol on you before the buyer finds out. It's never pretty, Rosa. Cause once they get a hold of you, you're gonna wish you had done it yourself."
Sighing, Adriana brought the cup up to her lips and took a drink of the hot liquid. "It's either them or me. And I kind of like having the air in my lungs."
"Damon wouldn't-" Bonnie began, but Adriana stopped her. 
"This is a business." Adriana stopped in her tracks and looked over at Bonnie. "I knew what I was getting myself into the moment I left. Salvatore is no different from his father, and I've seen what is done to those who go against Damon's orders."
Adriana didn't miss the way Bonnie's eyes widened at her words. As much as Bonnie had been learning from Elena and Caroline, they were blind to what went on behind closed doors.  It is evident to Adriana that this wasn't the world Bonnie belonged in. 
"Are you going to go through with it?" Bonnie asked a moment later. 
Adriana shrugged. "We'll see how deep down the rabbit hole I go tonight."
Marcel's eyes scanned the list of connections to Damon Salvatore that started with a V. The list still held a decent amount of people on it. Most of them had a record. While a part of the list was still locked away and a few others were six feet under, two names were sticking out to him the most. 
Shaking his head slightly, he sighed. The names were going to make things harder. Getting up from his seat and grabbing the paper, he headed over towards Rebekah and Elijah, who had been talking away about the case. 
"You guys might want to see this." He said as he approached them and held out the paper. 
Rebekah took the paper, and her eyes scanned the list. "Is this the known associates of Salvatore?"
"Yes." Marcel said with a nod. "Going back as far as the sandbox."
It was as her eyes landed on the same names Marcel had taken notice of that they widened. "That doesn't mean anything." 
Elijah took the list away from his sister as she spoke. He went through the list quickly, trying to figure out what they had been talking about. His heart dropped at the names. 
"We knew this." He said, shaking his head.  "Vega and Salvatore were always tied together."
"You heard Rosa, though." Marcel said, looking at Elijah. "Only one of them was a sitting duck."
"It might be time to go speak with them and see what they know." Rebekah said, placing her hand on her brother's shoulder. "Victor is the only one who is still out in the open, and he might just be the connection to Rosa we need."
Elijah sighed. "Adriana isn't going to like this."
“The Mikaelsons to come and question a Vega isn’t going to sit well with either of them.” Marcel added. 
“It might be better to give her a call as a heads up.” Rebekah said as she turned to grab her things.
Marcel grimaced. “She’ll still give us hell.”
Elijah shook his head. “Better to have before than after we get there.” He pulled his phone out and dialed her number. 
The phone rang a few times before Adriana answered. 
“Adri, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but we are going to be heading over to speak with your father.” Elijah said as watched Marcel grab his things. 
“Is there a reason, Mikaelson?” Elijah hadn’t missed the venom in her words. 
“We believe he may be able to help us out in a case.” He wanted to give her as much information as possible without actually discussing the case. 
“What case? The same one you questioned Caroline for?”
“Yes.” He said with a nod, even though she couldn’t see it. “Just a couple questions. If you’d like someone to be there, we’ll wait.”
“If my father leaves in cuffs from the house after you are done asking your questions, you won’t like what comes next.”
A small smirk pulled at Elijah’s lips. “Is that a threat, Adri?”
Adriana’s chuckle came through the line before she hung up.
Always & Forever Tag:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey​ @thewolf-and-thesheep​ @wayward-dan​ @neeadinghugs​ @kenmen02​ @elizamonet​ @dora-the-grownup​ @mschellehitt​ @xanderling​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @alka16555​
These Violent Delights:
@asiaaisa77​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @winchestert101​ @deni-gonzalez​
Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland​  @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​
The Originals Tag:
@zillahvathek​ @obsessedwithvampires​ @alien-sida
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fluffychubbyrose · 4 years
Tony Stark x Chubby Self Conscious reader.
One Shot.
Warnings- Slight Language, Slight NSFW so slight if you blink you'll miss it, Tony Stark might be more OC than some may like, insecurities, and light bullying.
(Also I don't own any of these pictures I just made the collages.)
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Tony decided today instead of staying in the tower and relaxing, maybe having a movie marathon or something that we should go shopping to get me some more clothes since I keep telling him that I only have a few outfits to wear that are comfortable when he asks why I'm wearing the same outfits again and again.
The outfits are mostly my old sweats and sweatshirts along with a couple of baggy dress shirts and dress pants that I feel comfortable lounging around the tower or going out in, because they cover me completely and hide my plushness from the prying and judging eyes of other people.
I've been wearing the same outfits on rotation for the past month or two instead of wearing the new dresses or skirts I said I loved and fit good when he bought them for me, even when they were a bit snugger and showed more skin than I'd like them to. But at the time they seemed like a great idea to get because while they were a bit snug, they were beautiful, soft, and lovely material that highlighted my figure and bust. But lately I haven't been as confident as I was when I first got those outfits and wore them around and out and about.
But now looking at myself in these dresses, skirts, and tight shirts they just show to much of me and dont look right on my body anymore, they show too many of my rolls and plushness. "You need more than a measly few outfits to wear love and you know it. If those clothes we bought didn't fit comfortably you should have just said something and we could have gotten a different style or size for you that would have been more comfortable."
He says with a sigh not budging about going shopping and seemingly pouting that I didn't tell him about the clothes not fitting comfortably until now especially since some of the ones I'm refusing to wear are his personal favorites. "I don't think they have any bigger sizes." I muttered. "Hmm what was that?" "Nothing give me a minute to get ready and we can go." I said heading to our shared bedroom to put some light makeup on, tame my hair, and change out of my sweats.
Once I'm finished I walk out and over hear Tony talking to someone so I stay behind the corner to eavesdrop. "Yeah Y/n and I are planning on going on a quick shopping spree but I'll see if she wants to go to afterwards and meet up with everyone and maybe I can talk her into getting a new bikini while we're out to wear to the beach."
"Okay we'll see you there but don't try to trick her into wearing anything she isn't comfortable with Tony." I think that was Steve he was talking to and said "we'll" see you there so is the whole team going to be there? If it's just us that could be fun but last time the "private" beach we went to was anything but. Luckily I had my one piece on and could cover up with my towel. Tony takes any opportunity and turns it into a party. "Me!?! Trick her! Never!" He said sounding appalled making me giggle and reveal my hiding spot.
Knowing very well that he's always up to something and trying to get me to do all kinds of crazy things from experiments in the lab, to getting me drunk from the expensive alcohols that he loves but I can't really stand the taste of. Knowing I was busted I walked around the corner and kissed Tony on the cheek from behind. "Oh there you are Y/n! Are you ready to go sweetheart?" He asks smirking at me with playful look for catching my eavesdropping. "Yeah I'm ready."
(Small timeskip to the shopping center.)
"Oooh I like this one!" Tony says swinging around showing me a nearly see threw black button up shirt with a plunging neckline. "Tony that's basically see threw I can't wear that!" I said embarrassed cheeks heating up at the thought of anybody seeing me in something like that. "Yes you can, if you only wear it for me!" He says with a cheeky grin. I sigh and continue look it through the rack of clothes in front of me.
Most if not all of these clothes are way to small for me. I sigh and continue down the isle looking for cute but comfy clothes that won't hug my body. Which is proving to be more and more difficult with nothing being in my size, and with Tony only picking out provocative clothing. I'm feeling more discouraged and upset by the minute deciding to give up on finding anything today I turn to tell Tony let's just go to the bathing suit store to pick out a new bathing suit for the "not a party at the beach" he managed to convince me into going to.
Until I see Tony with an armful of clothes that upon further investigation are a bunch of outfits I wanted to get but were way to small for me to wear there must be 20 something outfits in his arms while he's talking to the sales associate. "Hi, yes I need all of these 3-4 sizes bigger." He says dumping the clothes into her arms. Looking closer it looks like he got the biggest ones of each outfit which would only need to be 2-3 sizes bigger to fit me well. "I'm sorry sir but these are as big as we carry and besides these would just be a waste on someone like her if that's who their meant for. I mean no offense but they wouldn't even fit like they were made to on someone of her size." She spat sounding irritated and disgusted not apologetic by any means.
"The way they fit, or look, are up to her to decide. Not you or anyone else and say something like that again and I'll have your job by the end of the hour. So again I would like all of these 3-4 sizes bigger so they are comfortable for my girl over there." He motions to me with his head looking as pissed off as he sounds, and the way he said 'my girl' was very possessive. My eyes widen and my face heats up from embarrassment from what she said and the confrontation in general but I'm touched and happy with how he's defending me.
"And if you don't have any bigger sizes then custom tailor it to fit. If you need her measurements I'll send them to you. Here's my card and I expect to be contacted by the end of the day with all of these resized and ready for pickup." The women looks deathly pale after taking and reading the card realising she just offended Tony Stark. Knowing that his threat to her job moments ago was in fact real and emanate if she didn't comply. Seeing her so petrified makes a part of me smug knowing next time she'll think before she speaks at least.
"Yes! Right away, I'm so sorry sir they will be ready by the end of the day! You can pay for them then. I'll be right back." She squeaks out and runs off with the clothes with her head down and tail tucked between her legs hopefully feeling as embarassed and upset as am from her comments. I wrap my arms around my self with head down now that she's gone I feel tears pricking the edges of my eyes hearing her say that just proved what I've been thinking about myself is true that I'm so big that it's repulsive to be this size, hell I can't even fit into a single thing in this entire store without it being tailored to fit, that should say something.
"Hey don't listen to her sweetheart she's just jealous I'm with you and not her. Everything she said was just a spiteful lie trying to get under your skin." He says lifting my head up and wiping under my eyes where a few silent tears slipped past without me knowing. He kisses me softly and hugs me tucking me under his chin while his hands rub up and down my back. I snuggle closer with my eyes closed holding him tight. "C'mon Y/n let's go pick out that swim suit!" He says sounding excited and let's go of me grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the store and down to the next trying to get my mind off of the rude sales associate.
(Another small time skip where we just arrived at the beach.)
"Hey you guys made it!" Steve runs up in just his swim trunks, hair wet, and sand sticking to him like someone pushed him down onto the sandy shore of the beach just moments before. "Yeah we're just gonna go set up our stuff then we'll join you guys in the water." Tony replies with his arm wrapped around me. Steve smiles and nods then runs off down the beach. I'm not sure about getting into the water looking around there's a lot of strangers here all swarming the infamous Avengers wanting to get pictures with them or of them.
The beach isn't packed but it defiantly isn't as dead as it should be if just the team was here, and I don't want a rerun of what happened earlier especially now that Tony talked me into a bikini after all. Though I picked it out and hid it from his view until I changed into it. When I put it on and it actually fit really well supporting me and being snug but not tight when I wasn't expecting it to fit at all with just how small it looked, I couldn't just put it back and pick out a different one. (It's the bikini in the pic above.)
But thinking about it now I should have picked a much less revealing bikini, but I knew Tony would appreciate the colors if you know what I mean. So I put it on in the changing room and put my clothes back on over it, only taking the price tags up to the cashier so I could pay for it and said I wouldn't let him see it until we got here because I was worried I would loose my nerve and pick out another one piece bathing suit after all. Plus I knew that if I let him see me in it that we would never make it to the beach and would more than likely be banned from the store. So he's been rushing to get here and to get me out of my dress shirt and knee high shorts since I checked out at the store. "Hurry Y/n I can't wait to get into the water!" Tony yells twenty or so feet away and winks at me suggestively, dropping our things onto the sand not bothering to actually set anything up.
"Don't lie Stark you only want to see her in her new bikini! You don't really care about getting in the water!" Natasha yells back at him from a ways down the beach playing volleyball with Wanda and few other people I don't recognize against the boys. Both of them wearing their own bikinis. 'That's probably how Steve got covered in sand.' "How did you know about that?" He yelled back pouting harder than he would willingly admit, because she's seen me in my new bikini but he hasn't been aloud to. Natasha stopped playing and said something to a couple of the people I didn't recognize that were on her team and walked up with Wanda right behind her.
"Oh don't get your panties in a twist Stark she sent me and Wanda a few photos wanting some feed back before deciding which swim suit to get." She grumped at him. "But trust me you'll like what she picked out." Wanda said with a knowing smirk. My face heats up when his gaze locks with mine. "Oh I never doubted that I wouldn't like it. Now come on let's get into the water that's the whole point of going to the beach." He said pulling on my hand. "Fine but I have to take these clothes off and I'm not comfortable just stripping on the beach and you have get changed to."
I say holding my towel close to me nervous about showing so much of myself in front of everyone, especially in front of strangers. Tony not needing me to tell him twice took off to the changing rooms with his swim trunks yelling for me join him. "No way or I won't get to swim today! I'll change and be out in a few." I say while walking towards an empty room. I strip out of my clothes and look at myself in the full length mirror they had in the changing room. Feeling insecure and like this was a very bad idea all of a sudden.
Seeing all of my rolls and stretch marks in plain sight is making me feel ugly and disgusted with my self. I'm about to say hell with it all and put my clothes back on and say I'm feeling sick and that I want to go home even though Tony will know its a lie and will be worried about me, I can't handle this, I'm not ready, this is to much. That's when Tony's voice comes through the door. "Almost done in their my beautiful girl? You aren't going to keep me waiting all day are you? I could just come in there and get you if you'd prefer?" He purrs out but sounds worried.
I hurriedly wrap my towel around myself and unlock the door but I don't make a move to come out. "I'm not sure I can do this Tony. This is a bad idea I wanna go home." I'm hugging myself again degrading and upsetting thoughts are rushing through my head making me so overwhelmed that I don't notice Tony's in the changing room with me until he wraps his arms around me from behind making me jump. "Where's all of this coming from? Is it because of what that lady said earlier because she's wrong, so so wrong baby girl your beautiful in everyway!" I cringe trying not to cry knowing what he's saying is true but I can't help but let what she said and what I've been thinking lately get to me anyways.
I whimper and turn around in his arms letting him hold me again. "I'm sorry I don't know what's going on I've been more and more insecure lately for no real reason. That's why I don't wear those clothes you bought me anymore, they fit but they show to much of everything I hate and I wanted to cover up by wearing my old baggy clothes." I pull back looking up at him. Tony's silent for a moment looking at me with a thoughtful expression. "Well we'll just have to fix that now won't we?" He smiles softly grabbing my hand and leaning towards the door.
"Tony no I really don't want to go out there not like this at least." I say pulling back and looking down. "Like what? Your all covered up by your towel. I cant even see that little swim suit you bought earlier that I've been dying to see since we left the store. I love every single part of your body but if you don't want to go out there we don't have to. We can go home or stay right here in this changing room. Hell I bet if I text Capsicle he'll bring us something eat and drink then we can stay in here all day." I giggled at that imagining a confused and flustered Steve coming to the changing room bringing food and water.
"There's my girl." Tony coo's running his hands up my sides trying to tickle me. "Hey hey, No, Tony, Dont you dare!" I squeaked out jumping back hitting the wall of the changing room realizing I'm trapped my eyes widen and I'm about to yell at him again when he launches at me tickling me and I don't feel my towel falling while trying to squirm away laughing until I feel Tony's bare hands on my hips and he stops tickling me. I look up worried about the sudden stop in his "attack" and his silence until I see the desire in his eyes.
"As much as I absolutely love this." He leans close to my ear his grip tightening on my hips. "I'd love even more to see it off and on the floor." He kissed my neck once he finished. Making me gasp as heat floods my cheeks. He mumbles into my neck. "How about I show you just how beautiful you really are." Pressing his body up against mine nipping the sweet spot on my neck.
Let's just say I never got to go swimming in my new swim suit and Steve got more than just an eyeful when he came to check on us because we forgot to lock the door.
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mshig · 5 years
You Are My Humanity
This story is inspired by this amazing video from DreamsofLight on YouTube. All credit for the idea goes to them.
Characters: Dean x OC, Sam Winchester, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore
“See the thing in the paper this morning?” Dean asked, as him and Sam sat outside on a bench, enjoying the sunshine. “Three killed, same town. All within the last 2 weeks.”
“You think it’s her?” Sam inquired concerned.
“It would be a hell of a coincidence if it's not.” Dean stood up from the bench, Sam following after him.
“Where are we headed?” Sam asked, as the both got into the Impala.
“Mystic Falls, Virginia,” Dean said, starting Baby’s engine and driving off down the road.
Emma was walking down a deserted highway, the sound of her boots clicking on the pavement. She stopped, looking behind her to ensure that no cars were coming down the two lane street before she laid down on the cool asphalt, her arms splayed on either side of her. 
It had been 2 weeks since she shut off her humanity. Two weeks that she didn’t feel like dying every time she thought of her old life. When she came to Mystic Falls, it was to escape her problems. Unfortunately for her, she had developed new ones. 
She had been quick to discover that the town was crawling with vampires and she was more than eager bum off their blood stash. Her and Damon, the town bad boy, had become close friends, confiding in each other over many a bourbon. He had told her all about the love triangle between himself, his brother, and the doppleganger. Emma had been hesitant at first, but after one night of way too many tequila shots she had spilled her heart out to Damon about Dean. How he was her epic love and how it was all ruined when she was turned into a vampire. She recounted how Dean had tried to kill her, managing to pin her to the ground, the blade inches from her neck. She described how he had hesitated, his hand shaking and he struggled between what his head was telling him to do and what his heart was screaming at him not to. With tears in her eyes, she had told Damon how Dean had packed her belongings, putting them inside one of the many cars housed at the bunker, handed her the keys and told her to get lost. His parting words were to remind her that if he ever saw her he wouldn’t make the mistake of hesitating again.
It was after that day that Emma just couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness that thinking about her old life brought her. The weight of what she lost becoming too much for her handle. It was 3 months to the day after she came to Mystic Falls that she flipped the switch. In those three months, she had managed not to kill one person. Now, in the two weeks without her humanity she had killed dozens. She knew she was being reckless but honestly she didn’t care. 
She didn’t care about anything. Except the nagging hunger in the pit of belly. The sound of tires on the road woke Emma from her daydream. Headlights illuminated her body as the sound of brakes filled the air. The door to the car opened, a young woman rushing out. 
“Oh my God. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” the woman rushed, kneeling down beside Emma.
“I don’t feel anything,” Emma replied emotionless.
“Don’t move. I have a blanket in the trunk of my car.” The woman stood up, rushing quickly to the car, popping the trunk. Emma waited until the woman’s sight was blocked the trunk before she vamped up, running to stand behind the woman. The woman turned around, startled by Emma’s presence. 
“How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? Let me just grab my phone and I can call an ambulance for you.” 
“I’m feeling very hungry,” Emma said, before she allowed her fangs to extend, black veins forming below her eyes, the whites of them turning red. The woman let out a scream before Emma sunk her teeth into her neck, sucking mouthfuls of the sweet liquid. Emma could feel the woman growing weak but she didn’t care. 
“That’s enough,” a voice sounded from behind her. Emma retracted her fangs from the woman’s neck, sighing as she wiped her jacket sleeve across her mouth. 
“You didn’t use to be such a buzzkill,” Emma groaned as she threw the barely conscious body to the ground. 
“And you didn’t use to be a such bitch,” Damon retorted. “Are you trying to get caught?”
“Does it look like I care?” Olivia said, bending down to check her makeup in the car’s mirror.
“You will if your hunter boyfriend shows up to gank us all,” Damon replied.
Emma stood up, turning around the glare at Damon. “Ex-boyfriend. And I hope he comes. Then the real fun can begin.” Emma cast Damon one last glance before she walked off in the direction of the town. She always craved a milkshake after drinking blood and lucky for her there was a diner within walking distance. 
Emma was enjoying her chocolate milkshake when the door to the diner opened. She inhaled deeply, a familiar scent catching her senses. She should have known right then to run but instead she continued to sip on her milkshake.
"Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in," a deep voice boomed as two men slid into the bench across from her. Emma looked up from her glass, right into the stares of the two men she had once called family.
"If it isn't the Winchesters," Emma snarled. "I would say nice to see you but it's really not. How did you find me?"
"You've left a trail of bodies. Not exactly inconspicuous there sweetheart," Dean drawled.
Emma's heart squeezed slightly at the mention of the nickname. No, she told herself. No feelings.
"Well are you here to kill me? A packed diner? Not exactly smart on your end."
"Emma, we don't want to hurt you," Sam said softly. "But you can't keep killing people."
The waitress came up to the table at that time. She stared awkwardly between the three, sensing the tension.
Emma smirked as she stood up from the table. "Watch me," she directed at the boys as she placed her hand on either side of the waitress' head, twisting them quickly. The waitress' body dropped to the ground, screams erupting throughout the diner.
"See ya later boys," Emma waved before stepping over the waitress' dead body and walking out of the diner.
"Son of a bitch!" Dean screamed, scrambling out of the booth in an attempt to run after her. He had almost made it to the door when two men walked through.
"Woah. Slow down there cowboy. Where's the fire?" the raven haired one joked.
"Damon," the blonde haired one directed his attention to the body laying on the ground.
"Damnit. I told her not to do it in such a public place," Damon growled.
"You know Emma?" Sam asked.
"We're friends. Though right now I'm seriously considering revoking that card. How do you know her?" Damon asked suspiciusly.
"Old friends," Sam said awkwardly. "I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean."
"Winchester?" Stefan clarified. Both men nodded.
"Well that explains the dead body," Damon grumbled. "We should get this cleaned up and find her quick. I have a feeling she's not even close to being done."
"I'm sorry but who are you two exactly?" Dean growled.
"We're the ones who took care of Emma after you kicked her to the curb," Damon spit.
"Wait.. you're..." Sam said, putting the pieces together.
"That's right. We're vampires," Damon smiled, as his fangs elongated, the veins under his eyes darkening. Both Sam and Dean quickly pulling out their guns pointing them at Stefan and Damon.
"Woah, woah wait," Stefan held his hands up. "We're not gonna hurt you. We want the same thing you do. To turn Emma's back on."
"Her what?" Sam raised a brow at Stefan.
"Her humanity. You know the thing that gives you all the touchy feelings. Well Emma turned her's off. Couldn't deal with that fact that the only family she had left hated her," Damon turned his stare on Dean.
"Well that explains the increased body count," Sam said.
"Look guys. Can you put the guns down," Stefan pleaded. Dean and Sam lowered their weapons slowly, both of them still keeping them gripped tightly in their hands just in case. "Why dont we get this mess cleaned up here and then we go back to the boarding house to talk." Everyone nodded their head, Sam and Dean taking care of the body while Stefan and Damon compelled the diner occupants.
At the boarding house, Dean and Damon were sipping on bourbons while Stefan and Sam nursed beers.
"So how do we get her humanity back?" Sam asked.
"She needs an emotional trigger. Something that she cares about deeply for her to latch on to," Stefan explained.
Sam and Dean shared a look before Dean shook his head. "Dude, it has to you," Sam said.
"No way," Dean replied, downing the rest of this drink.
"I think Sam's right," Stefan said cautiously. "You and Sam were the reason she shut it off in the first place. You are probably the only one who can bring her back."
"Damnit," Dean huffed. "Fine. What do I have to do?"
Dean was nervous. It had been 3 months since he had a proper coversation with Emma and the thought of it being them alone scared him. Dean didn't have long to think about it because a knock at the door indicated she had arrived. Dean checked the peephole, ensuring that it was her before he cautiously opened the motel room door.
Emma was standing on the other side, a smug look on her face. "Hello, Dee," she smiled, before she walked over the threshold into the motel room. "I was surprised when you called. I figured after the diner the next time I would see you, you would be trying to kill me."
"Yeah, well I've had time to reconsider," Dean said, grabbing two beers from the fridge and handing one to Emma.
They sat in silence as they drank, each of them sparing and glances at the other.
"Why did you really ask me hear Dean? I know it wasn't so you can have a drinking buddy."
"Would you believe me if I said I missed you," Dean shrugged slightly.
"No," Emma retorted. "If you really missed me you wouldn't have waited three months to come find me. It's funny that it only took a little killing for you to finally show up." Dean narrowed his eyes at her. "Do I make you nervous Dee. Your heart is positively pounding."
Dean ran his fingers through his hair before he stood up, grabbing another beer from the fridge. Emma followed him, leaning against the island, watching as he downed the beer.
"You have nothing to be afraid of Dean. I wotnt hurt you," Emma said innocently.
"I'm not afraid," he retorted as his gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips.
Emma smirked, her tongue coming out to moisten her lips. Dean stared at her, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. So quickly that it almost caught Emma off guard, he strode over to her, grabbing her arms and pressing her hard into the wall. His lips collided with hers, their teeth and tongues clashing. Emma's hands wound into Dean's hair while his rested on her hips, pulling her closer. When Dean had to break away for air, Emma used her vamp speed to spin them around, pressing Dean into the wall. Dean grunted from the force but was caught off shortly by Emma's mouth on him once more.
Dean cut them off once more as he rested his forehead against Emma's. He placed his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to look at him. "Emma please come back. I'm here. I love you."
Emma flickered for just a second, her emotions attempting to claw their way out, but she forced them back down. Emma placed her hands on top of Dean's pulling them down from her face. "I've never loved you," Emma said emotionless.
"Em, I know that's not true," Dean pleaded. "Please, baby, please turn it back on. I dont want to have to kill you."
"I'd like to see you try," Emma smirked before taking Dean's head in her hand and smashing it into wall, knocking him unconscious.
Dean woke with a start, shooting up in bed.
"Woah, easy. You have a concussion," Sam said forcing him to lay back down.
"What a bitch!" Dean growled as the night's memories came back to him.
"Why didn't it work?" Sam asked. "You have to be her emotional trigger."
"I don't know but we better figure out something quick or else the bodies are going to start piling up." Sam nodded in agreement.
Emma had just finished draining a hiker when the leaves rustled behind her.
"If you've come to join the party Damon I'm afraid you're out of luck," Emma joked, turning around. She was surprised to see not only Damon but Stefen as well.
"Sorry Stef. No bunnies around right now."
"We're done playing nice Emma. It's time to turn your humanity back on," Damon ordered.
"Oh yeah. What are you going to do if I don't?"
Two more sets of footsteps sounded in the forest, Sam and Dean stepping through the tree line, guns raised.
"Really? They're your big go to plan. You do know that they had a chance to kill me once and couldn't do it. What makes you think they can do it now?"
"Oh it's not you who will be in dying tonight," Damon smirked before he vamped over to Dean placing him in a choke hold, his hands on either side of his head. "Turn your humanity back on Emma or so help me I will snap his neck."
Emma wavered slightly but hrld strong. "You're bluffing." She tried to convey confidence but the group didn't miss the slight uncertainty in her voice.
"Emma," Dean pleaded, his voice coming out of strangled from where Damon was pressing against his windpipe.
"Go ahead," Emma shrugged.
Damon twisted his hands, the sound of Dean's neck snapping filled the air. His body dropped to the ground as Emma let out a silent scream. She dropped to her knees her hands coming up to cradle Dean's head.
"How about now? Do you feel anything now?" Damon asked. "You angry I just turned your boyfriend into roadkill or are you sad because poor Sammy is left without his brother?" Emma looked up at Damon, tears forming in her eyes. "I guess it was a good idea he was wearing this." Damon bent down holding up Dean's arm to show Emma the large ring on his finger. Emma recognized it as the Gilbert ring. The one that will bring people back from supernatural deaths. Emma breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh my god Dean," Emma cried as she stroked his hand.
"You feel that weight lifting of your chest. That's joy," Damon smiled. "Because Dean isnt dead. That's emotion Emma. Thats humanity.
Emma looked up at Damon as all of her emotions came flooding in. Emma's breathing quickened as she was overwhelmed by everything at once. Happiness, grief, love and finally guilt. Guilt over everything she had done. Guilt over everyone she had killed.
"No! No! What did I do!" Emma cried, standing up. She ran her fingers through her hair as she paced. "Oh my god! I... I killed so many people! I killed them!"
"Hey calm down!" Damon tried to restrain her but she pushed him off.
"No!" Emma growled, as she smashed her fist through the trunk of a tree.
"Hey! Emma, hey. I know this stage," Stefan tried to calm her. "The emotions are overwhelmimg but you just need to focus on one thing. Just find that one thing inside of you that makes you strong."
Emma looked over to where Sam was standing, a look of concern on his face. Then she looked down at Dean's body. And that's when she found it. The thing that made her stronger. It was family. Sam and Dean were her family. She looked back at Stefan and Damon. They were her family too. Emma's breathing slowed as the swell of emotions ended.
"There it is," Stefan said nodding his head.
Emma was sitting on the edge of Damon's bed, holding Dean's hand. It had been about an hour and he had yet to wake up. She was trying not to worry but with each passing minute her anxiety grew.
Suddenly, Dean's eyes fluttered open and he sucked in a deep breath.
"Dean!" Emma cried out as Dean looked at her.
"Hey there sweetheart," Dean smiled. Emma threw her arms around Dean, burying her face on his neck. "So im guessing it worked?" he said.
"What?" Emma lifted her head, eyebrows furrowed.
"Damon said that we had to make you think I was dead. He said it was the only way you would truly flip it back."
"Wait, you agreed to get your n ck snapped. What the hell Dean! I was so scared!" Emma slapped his chest, causing Dean to suck in a breath.
"Sorry," Emma apologized. "Still not used to the increased strength. I'm really glad you're alright," Emma said before she started getting off the bed.
"Wait," Dean grabbed ber arm, stopping her movements. Emma looked back as Dean released her arm. "Emma, I... I'm sorry for I acted. How I treated you when you first turned."
"Dean, its.."
"No, let me finish. I was an asshole. Instead of giving you a chance, I shut you out. Hell I almost killed you. I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry."
"It's okay Dean. I get it. We're hunters. We kill the monsters. Honestly I probably would have done the same thing."
"Emma there's something else." Dean was looking down at the sheets, playing with a losse thread. He looked up slowly at her and Emma could see tears forming in his eyes. "I love you," he said quietly but Emma heard every word.
"What?" Emma asked, not believing what she heard.
"I said I love you. I never stopped loving you."
"I love you too," Emma said as she leaned down, pressing her lips to his. Sparks erupted between them and Emma couldn't help the smile that graced her lips.
"What?" Dean laughed.
"Who would have thought the great Dean Winchester would be in love with a vampire?"
Dean chuckled, "Well I never have been one to follow the rules." Emma laughed before melding her lips to his once more.
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