#i might have to make it smaller than the others tho bc it might hit the cartilage :[
ratkiddoo · 2 years
i got my ears pierced today!! it's been a bajillion years since i've had piercings and i'm rlly happy with them :D
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hey! can i request the tokyo revengers characters reacting to a gn!reader who is as strong as yor forger (from spy x family)?
Hello hello!
I'm back again! It might be a bit OOC! bc it's been a while since I finished the manga 🥲 I really loved it if you're not reading it I would reccomend to read that rather than watching the anime but if you're more into animated action then anime is good too ✨
So I'll do
Toman members + Bonten members reacting to gn!reader who is as strong as Yor from spy x family
Mikey: When he found out that you were as strong as him, maybe even stronger... he was hyped. Even tho he already showed you off to his friends, he does it a lot more now. And even tho he knows that you're strong, he's still worried about you, since Toman has a bigger name and there are a lot of gangs out there who would do everything to take Toman especially Mikey down. Anyways let's get away from the dark stuff. I guess if you were a closer friend of his than he would practice fighting with you time to time, but if you're his s/o then he would teach you some cool moves that can help with defending yourself.
Draken: I guess this man was shocked, you didn't really seem to be the type to be a fighter, especially not this strong. He would feel nice about someone backing him up in some fights if you guys get attacked, protecting eachother's backs. He would be too protective of off you, either you are his s/o or a closer friend of his.
Takemitchi: I think this guy would legit ask you to help him get stronger. So the two of you would work out almost on a daily basis. This man wouldn’t be that worried about you beacuse you’re a lot stronger than him so it would be the other way around. I think he would genuienly would try to compare your strenght to Mikey’s, but the two of you have quite different fighting styles and you don’t fight eachother either so he won’t be really sucseeding.
Mitsuya: Our favourite designer... even tho he knows that you’re hella strong, he’s protective about you. He doesn’t really likes seeing you fight, since you can get hurt anytime if you come across a stronger opponent, which I don’t think would happen but who knows. If you get injured while fighting he’s going to be the one to patch you up and scold you for getting hurt.
Pah-chin: I guess he would be impressed by your strenght and would also be very supportive. And he too would be very protective off of you (remember back when he wanted to take revenge bc of his friend and his friend’s gf).
Baji: It would suprise him when you guys get attacked by a smaller gang and the two would fight back. When he sees thst you're knocking out the people by just a hit to their stomach or just a kick to their neck and they are out... Like out-out. "How the hell did you get this strong... And when?" - he asked. "What do you mean?" - You asked back.
Chifuyu: Just like the others he's an impressed bby too. He's very very proud of you that you're that strong. He would show you off to Baji beacuse he's so proud to have you as his friend/ s\o. But Baji would tease Chifuyu about it for not being at your level.
Peh-yan: To be honest 🥲 I don't really know what to write for him. He didn't really stuck with me but I'm sure he would show you off to others, especially Pah-chin. And also the two of you would make a good fighting combo.
Kazutora: He would be suprised and impressed at the ame time when he sees you fighting, since you’re around Mikey’s level of strenght most likely even stronger. He would love it if you join Valhalla with him to get revenge on Mikey. You know guys, ‘It’s all Mikey’s fault.’ But anyways... sometimes he wihes that you’d beat Mikey’s ass up for him. (If we are in the “original” and not final timeline).
Hakkai: He would be impressed, proud and would become a fan of yours. He is a big cinnamon roll so sometimes you gotta protect him, and would stand embarrassedly as you beat up someones ass.
Smiley: He would laugh at your oponent for getting beaten up by you so easily. Would just sit back and watch you from the back as you beat up people (if its not a gang fight ofc).
Angry: Now this bby... he's suprised that you're stronger than him when he starts crying. But he would love it tho. You're stronger than him and his brother so he's impressed, but also would dislike seeing you fight.
Koko: I feel like he’d be jelous. Since you’re a (bit) stronger than Taiju and Mikey. If you’re the same gang as him he probably wouldn’t really mess with you if you’re hot headed. He feels safer with a a nice distance from you. But if you’re the innocent type than its over for you. He will tease you non-stop.
Sanzu: Now this man... wouldn’t belive his eyes when he sees you fighting. SInce his a bit obsessed with Mikey (beacuse of his trauma if we’re in that timeline) he would be stalking you to see if you’re actually stronger than Mikey. And he wouldn’t stop untill he confrims who’s the stronger. He would start admiring you too beacuse of your strenght (If you’re a Haru simp like me then you have been blessed). If you’d catch him stalking you he would probably either comes up with a lie or just walks in another direction.
Kakucho: Pretty much like Mitsuya, he would take care of you if you'd get hurt, and wouldn't really like to see you fight even tho he knows you can protect yourself, so if you go to him with injuries then be prepared to get scolded by him. When he first saw you fighting... he was amazed, since he didn't think that there was a stronger person than Izana.
Ran: Now him... A 100% teasing machine, even more than Koko I feel like. Also would flex on his brother for him to have such a cool person in his life. Wants to see you fight with his baton to see how much damage can you do with that. Would be watching you fighting almost everytime and would take videos off of you too.
Rindou: Even tho he teases you and also would flex on his brother a bit he's pretty much the opposite of his brother. He doesn't really have a problem with seeing you fight, he's not that worried for you as Chifuyu, but also helps you patch yourself up if you get hurt.
Takeomi: The other 'mom' friend/s\o next to Mitsuya. 100% that he hates to see you fight in front of him. He's worried for you everytime you go to him, and you have some bruises. Even tho he seems collected and calm, on the inside he's panicking a bit. Didn't actually think that there is a stronger person than Shin or Mikey untill he met you.
Mocchi: As we know he loves fighting and he most likely heard about you before you guys met. He challenged you to fight him beacuse he didn't belive that you were as strong as the rumors said. And obviously he lost. After that day your life was ruined by him. He always went back to you and challenged you hoping that he would defeat you one day.
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iraprince · 2 years
hi idk if this is a weird question but like. how do u Make Art with adhd? you mentioned in your comic that you struggled w various other creative hobbies, but like drawing feels to me always like the Big Bad Thing I Cannot Ever do. even tho i want to make it my career LOL
how'd you get past that?
not a weird question at all! this is actually a question i ask myself pretty much every day, bc generally my answer to "how do i make art with adhd" has always been: With Great Difficulty, lmfao.
it's hard! i am not always good at it! i made art my job bc i realistically couldn't imagine being truly happy with anything else; if that wasn't the case, i'm not sure i would be doing this. like, that ends up being a big divide between the hobbies mentioned in that comic vs art, which is something that it seems (according to viewing my online activity) i do "Consistently;" it is my career, so there's a level of like, urgency and necessity there that my hobbies don't have. which, like, obviously my advice is not "make it your job so that you HAVE to OR ELSE :)" because it doesn't work like that. i am spending an amount of time OR-ELSE-ing that i think might surprise ppl, and i am frankly very lucky that my wife is the primary provider for our family, because it gives me a safety net for when my brain makes a loud grinding noise and then belches a big cloud of smoke and i have to spend a week hitting it with a wrench.
ANYWAY. this is going to get long bc i have a lot of thoughts abt it. there's really no one answer to getting past it, and i am not "past it," i don't know if i think anyone ever can be! we can just try really hard to keep going in ways that won't burn us out. if i had to pull out the absolute #1 most important thing i've learned over the past few years, it is -- and i know this sounds like dumb corny bullshit but you really have to stay with me here -- being kind and patient with yourself.
i'm being so dead serious. if beating yourself up and freaking out and constantly agonizing over how much more you Could be drawing worked, you would be drawing right now. if beating ourselves up over our output worked, EVERYONE would be drawing ALL the time. it doesn't fucking work! it does not! do literally anything other than yelling at yourself. it's bullshit. it's fuckery. it does not work.
on the other hand, cultivating as much kindness and patience and compassion as i can muster -- saying, "well, it looks like i just don't have it today. that's okay, let's try again tomorrow," even if i'm saying it through clenched teeth and i don't really believe it -- THAT works, because it chips away at the idea of drawing being life or death. it's probably a very similar feeling to you describing art as The Big Bad Thing. of course if you hang all your self worth on it and let it become immense and dominating, it's going to be hard to interact with it! it's scary! it becomes easier to avoid it than to try to tackle it and then feel disappointed in yourself in a more active way (vs. just disappointed in yet another day where u didn't try). but every time i sigh and say "okay" when my brain is screaming and crying bc art just is not working, and i decide to rest and try again tomorrow, 1. it is easier to do a little bit of work the next day when i'm rested than it is to do ANY work when i chain myself to my desk for 9 hours and demand results, and 2. i learn that it is not the end of the world. it just isn't. and so art gets smaller, and less frightening, and it can just be my job (something i have to wrangle my adhd around just like anything else, like grocery shopping and keeping the house clean and keeping up with my friends) instead of some huge destructive boss battle with my identity hanging in the balance.
sometimes you have to talk to yourself like a little kid. if a little kid came to you upset and was like "i wanna draw but i just can't. i don't know why." you would (hopefully) not be like, "whatever, i guess you're just not cut out for it then!" or whatever other mean shit we say to ourselves when we can't draw. you would be like, "well, okay. do you want me to sit with you? how do we start? where's some stuff we can draw with? hm, i can't really think of what to draw either. did you see anything pretty or cool today? let's just draw some shapes." etc etc. and if the kid got frustrated and it still wasn't working you'd be like, you know what, that was a good try. let's have some lunch and try again later. and you deserve that same level of patience, and that level of CURIOUS problem-solving ("what can we try? what might be easier?") instead of, like, adversarial/blame-assigning problem solving ("what the fuck is the matter with you? why can't you just do it?")
also, shaking things up!! one of the most frustrating things abt adhd for me is i'll find a new strategy that Works, but it only works for like, two weeks or whatever, and then it stops working and i have to do something else. i have had a way better time just accepting that that's how things work vs thinking of these cycles as "failures."
if i start dreading working at my desk, i throw a block of printer paper onto a clip board and work on the couch for a few weeks. when that stops working, i get back on drawpile and do all my warmup sketches on an interactive canvas, with strangers around me (virtual coffeeshop lol?). when i get tired of that, then maybe i'm ready to be alone with clip studio again. nope, still not working? okay, let's stream while i'm working for a while then. let's start drawing differently. let's change the background color i draw on. just, like, i keep shaking things up to see if maybe i can trick my brain into feeling like we're doing something totally new for a while, and a lot of the times it works, and when it does not work i am not an asshole to myself, which is, as i keep reiterating, super vital.
when i make the most art is when i get super excited about something and i let myself go apeshit. (there's a reason my guild wars 2 stuff is corralled on a sideblog lmao.) when commissions start grinding to a halt for me, a lot of times it's bc i've let them become Tasks on a to-do list instead of remembering that each piece is a DRAWING; it can help for me to sit down and go through each piece in my queue and really look at it, and remind myself that these are DRAWINGS and i LOVE drawing, and to point out to myself stuff in the wip that i like, and stuff i'm excited to draw the next time i work on it. it's very easy to flatten stuff into just An Obligation if you stress too much about it, but it's very helpful to slow down and step back and remind yourself WHY you care that much. it's not just bc you have to.
i don't really want this to get much longer than it already is, especially when i don't really have concrete tips so much as rambling opinions and examples of stuff that Kind Of works for me Sometimes. i think the tldr is: relax, be nice, keep it fresh. i hope at least some of this is helpful!
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
@centeris2 #sso's shilling cap is just.... annoying? in a way I can not articulate
its bc of both the cap being too low vs how much we need to save to pay for items (since 10k js items are common), and the lack of value per shilling for time spent in the game.
if we didnt have to save up to 10k often, and expensive items were only ~5k, the cap would be less of an issue bc you would be more likely to spend it earlier in smaller steps. (cap still might be too low tho.)
and in most other comparable games ive ever seen, the value of the (non-premium) currency per your playtime spent is much higher. you feel like you get a fair enough reward for how much time and energy you put into it. sso is completely different. you have to do a really boring, often buggy, random quest (like picking up trash around goldenleaf stables) and get 25 shillings for 2-3 minutes of playtime. or play meh quality races that also take ~2 minutes each for like 20js. none of them feel super exciting or challenging and therefore not all that enjoyable.
so when you frustratingly save up shillings way more slow and boring than in comparable games, and then you're hit with a "lol you couldve gotten 1000js more but you were over limit :) ", its more frustrating than in those other games where you can relatively easily and enjoyably go earn that value-per-playtime whenever you want to buy something.
me and yasmin also talked about this and she said, the other thing is that the shillings dont do anything to give you a leg up over others. you can't pay to win anything with shillings, aside from getting good tack/clothes for races (but this is accessible to everyone easily). and we dont have a player trading system etc. so if a player has 1 million shillings, it doesnt affect the game itself in any other way than that this person can A) buy more cosmetic items than others and feed their horse easily B) avoid having to buy sc from sse as often for event items that cost js or for stablecare.
it mostly feels like its a frustrating limit to push us to buy sc for stuff bc it takes too long to earn js and you cant save js over long periods of time. but other games have similar systems done better, without making the player feel like our playtime gives us almost nothing of value in the game.
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bsaka7 · 4 months
ranking running fuel that i've tried so far
Maurten gel 100/caf 100 . this stuff is crazy like I did NOT believe the guy when he told me he only took 3 gels during a marathon and at my pace that is not feasable but like. Best gel I've tried. Mild flavor, good (more solid but not really) consistency, and both an immidiate and a lasting energy boost.
Maurten gel 160. again perfect combo of flavor, consistency, and boost, but no caffeine. I've only tried this 1x otherwise it might be No1. Only major L is these r both PRICY.
Gu (w/ caf or w/out). Gu is the first sports gel I did cuz my dad does them and I don't mind them tbh. I like the flavor variety though I'm not the hugest fan of some of them... Consistency doesn't usually bother me. 100cal so a little smaller than the no caf maurten. I feel like they have a good energy hit to them... Classic for a reason?
Random chew I got given at my last race. I don't usually like chews but this one kept me from cramping and tasted good. I think it was a european brand. Tougher than other chews I had but in a good way. This is really unhelpful isn't it. Might convince me to try some more chews if I can, you know, find them. Also I got mad bored with my gels on my long run today even though they were all different flavors.
Hammer Nutrition gel. I remember really liking the flavor - maybe it was huckleberry? - but then I couldn't find it again and then I gave up. Other than that, I must have thought it was about the same
Gu Rocktane. I've only done this one once (during my marathon) and I think it was the green one. Seemed good? All these caffeine ones I never know if I'm quite using right but they don't bother me as long as I don't have a crazy amount. Only 1 or max 2 with caf if I mess up what I bring anyway.
Science in Sport gel. GOOD OTHER THAN THE ORANGE FLAVOR. I HATE THE ORANGE FLAVOR. I thought I hated these but I'd just tried orange first and unfortunatly I have like 3more orange flavor bc i bought a BOX. my current ranking is pineapple, apple, berry (?), probably every flavor I've never tried, and then orange. I also really don't like the consistency but it's fine. Tolerable. Probably the best if I had to take one without water?
Honey stinger chews. I feel like i liked these and they were a good size and not too much chewing. Good for slower intake?? I didn't feel like they did much except make me look forward to having a little round chewy thing.
Honey stinger stroopwafel. I love a stroopwafel but I don't really know why they are an energy thing. The taste is great. Probably #1 on this list in taste. However there are CRUMBS. I hate chewing things with crumbs WHILE RUNNING because I'm convinced I'm going to inhale and choke.
Applesauce? Like the kids ones? I actually kind of loved the flavor and got a little boost but it didn't feel like it lasted. I also don't LOVE the consistency while running. Almost a little too liquid?
Cliff bar. I like a cliff bar and they don't have the crumb issue. But also they are a cliff bar... They are so heavy. But they'll do in a pinch. I actually miss cliff bars...
Candy rings this guy I was running with shared. Too sweet and I had to chew. Bonus would be they are super cheap. Maybe if I was running way further I'd eat more candy.
Honey stinger gel. I've only done this one once and I was convinced it did nothing. I think i also thought it was too sweet. This was like, two years ago take this with a grain of salt.
Nature valley bar. Only when desperate. I don't want to choke to death. Probably my go-to granola bar otherwise tho. Good before or after.
Turron bar. HORRIBLE. not only mediocre on taste but also i was convinced I was going to inhale almond bits and die. Why a nut candy bar was marketed for sports... I don't know. So. Much. Chewing. I didn't know what this was before trying to eat it while running. L.
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grimsdeadb0nes · 1 year
Blue Honey Context!
[ In reference to this; (Loser's Corner) where I mentioned it but not really in the tags ]
Fair note; There's context that needs context that needs context! so please bear with me here in my rambling! You're getting some of my LOOOOORE and it might be alittle long! Thus i'll make it a read more uwu
So let's get started! With this;
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The "Bee's" you encounter on the Hex are not natives but instead mass-produced badniks called Galaga Bee's (obviously, since when you hit them they give you Animal Friends (Flickys/Cluckys/etc)). There's a lot of 'native' critters that i've made to flush out the Hex since the most you encounter that aren't badniks are bigger Beasts (Sandworms, Swamp Crocs, etc); the Beewasps are just one of them! (In fact theres three variants/palettes depending on the Biome the bees live in!) I go more in depth about all of the Hex Inhabitants in my lore bible, I promise some of you'll get to see that at some point!!!!
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When Eggman got to the Hex / the D6's territories and introduced/spread badniks everywhere, alot of the smaller native critters fled in confusion or fear and don't return until after the events of LW / after the 6 (7) clean up what was left behind by the egghead; which is why none are seen during the course of the game except the usual "Animal Friends".
Context on top of context on top of Context-
Zenyx is a BeastKeeper, meaning she has a much higher, natural affinity for taming or befriending Beasts and Critters than any of the others; she loves all the critters, but the bee's are just too cute!
Back when Zenyx first joined the group, they were finding things she could do in each biome to “help out”, since she couldn’t be seen or known about outside the group/territories (Offcolor issues) and her own Biome is basically useless. The best she could do was beast/critter related, such as sheep handling in Windy Hill for example, since she was just naturally better at it than the others. When she was introduced to the Sandwood Hive (aka the second stage in Desert Ruins), she immediately fell in love with the little beewasp fluffbutts! And they didn’t seem to mind her at all, even getting extra cooperative after she managed to befriend the Queen of that Hive. Doing so allowed her to collect various honeys from them- so so so much easier than the big silly doofus that’s Zomom, who the bees weren’t as fond of (at the time) due to his size, loudness, and bottomless appetite.
At some point, Zenyx comes across the Blue Honey, and the first person she thought to share it with/give it to was Zom! (Technically theres a few different Honeys that vary in color, it all depends on what the bees ingest to make said batches. Certain flora or fruit may effect tastes and resulting colors, but the vivid Blue Honey that she jared at the time was from the beewasps' going off and ingesting sugary sweets left aside by a nearby (out-of-territory) market setting, giving the resulting Honey a more candy-like sweetness- trust me this all makes sense!) The first few times she gifted the Blue to him, he accidentally kept eating the jars too- 😂 he doesnt anymore though dw! He knows better now and consumes the honey a lot slower now.
Finally! Blue Context!
Zenyx likes being food buddies with him, and as such they have little or silly easy names/nicknames for certain things- just between them (sometimes Zazz wiggles his way into their food vocab tho). Which results in both of them just calling the Blue Honey “Blue!” since it’s one of the very few edible things that are such a vivid hue of it.
So during LW, when Zom comments on Sonic’s color [ “Blue! My favorite flavor” ] he’s actually being serious- bc Sonic's color reminds him of the Honey! We’re told his favorite food is meat... and bc Blue Steak is a thing, (its essentially just Extra Extra Rare... nothing to do with the actual color)- It's completely possible thats what he was talking about- BUT to be less morbid and bc the idea of Zom having an inside joke with Zenyx about calling the blue honey just "Blue!" (and him thinking about it just by seeing the color elsewhere) is way cuter/funnier! I like to think his favorite flavor in general is more candy-like or sweets... 👉👈 So during that moment when Sonic/the Player probably think Zom’s just being silly/stupid or something, the whole “Blue” thing now has proper meaning (at least for me!). --- That being said, in the Losers Corner drawing; Zenyx gifted the jar of Blue Honey to Zom as a reward for trying (the tourney) so he didnt feel so bad about losing (bc she cares)- before she conked out next to him to catch some Zzz's of course.
--- I rambled about the whole Blue Honey thing FOREVER ago with the lovely @galionne-speeding (-vibin/-digin) (luv u lilllyyy) and we both agree it's adorable and mayhaps adds just a smidge of depth to Zomom even if it's silly; I swear if I didn’t ramble off most of these little things with her, at least half or more of them would be lost bc I’m brainless at keeping notes sometime-
And thats the Blue Honey Context ramble! 👍✨
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excaive · 2 years
Might be the KJ obsession talking but lowkey thinking what if... I started on their comic story before Black Orbit.
KJ has NO plot relevance to Black Orbit. And the thing I'm thinking about making is after the events in Black Orbit, which would leave a lot of ????questions???? because nobody would have context for why things are as is if I haven't made Black Orbit first.
It is a possible approach, first establishing questions and curiosity and then you get context later and read thru the comic again and get enlightened with the new knowledge and it might hit different with the context of the depth and complexity of the characters from Black Orbit.
Mainly thinking about it bc it's way more straight forward and smaller in scale than Black Orbit bc I only have to relate to like. 4 characters (KJ, Roger, Keith and Cass not mentioning minor characters) compared to Black Orbit with... [checks notes]
probably 20+ characters I need to consider and keep track of their relations to each other, not to mention the workings of their environment LMAO
AND I STILL DONT HAVE EVERYTHING FIGURED OUT YET. I have the skeleton for the plot I know the major events that'll happen and (mostly) how to wrap it up but god. I'm missing a lot of meat still to cake up the skeleton. It's coming together well tho but it's So Much to keep track of you feel?
Just thinking out loud mostly... KJ is just very important to Roger's character and background before the events of Black Orbit and KJ is only really alluded to if Roger is talking with them on the phone or Roger gets caught up on some detail that makes him think about them.
And then also when Cass finds out Roger has been lying to her/not telling the truth about his previous roommate but you didn't hear that from me aha ;p
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homelessbird · 2 years
Thoughts I'm having on my writing.
I like to write. I get enjoyment making something and sharing and having ppl also like it. I've been posting writing since I was about 16 or 17 online and I'll be 32 on Tuesday so yeah.
And I've been told, more than once like a handful of times, to stop writing. That I should stop writing bc I make mistakes with spelling and grammar which means I dont care; and will also never be good enough or good like other authors no matter how hard I try, So I need to stop trying. Being told that I stopped writing for almost 2 years. Got back into it and been writing since.
Bc I like to write and I like seeing ppl actually like my writing. I have very low self confidence so yeah, it helps a lot.
But sometimes when I do post something and the hit counter is way, way higher than the kudos. Its...demotivating. extremely so. Like I know I know it doesn't mean anything but like at the same time it kinda does doesn't it?
Like its affirmation when you get a kudos. That it was enjoyable enough.
So its like....to me bc of my experience with negative criticism its like they were right. I will never be as good as some writers no matter how hard I try. So what's the point.
I really am grateful for the kudos I do get and the nice comments I get. But that one comment just haunts me sometimes. That person probably doesn't even remember me and they were anon so I don't know who it was but they had a huge impact on me. And I hate it.
Honestly in general be it writing or embroidery or what not. I just feel like it's never good, its mediocre it's "nice" but in the end forgettable bc theres always something better. Which is how life is. I know that I accept that. But my feelings are still hurt.
I'm not jealous of other ppl much anymore, compared to when I was younger. I feel more inspired when I see others post fic and it always makes me think and what not on my own hcs and ideas or takes on scenes. And it's fun, even if I keep to myself seeing other fic and fanart is so fun! I enjoy it greatly. Especially in smaller fandoms that sense of community is also enjoyable even if I stay to myself. Especially in the fandom I'm in now, I really love it.
But I still feel really insecure when it comes to my own stuff. Like it's a pale imitation of what other amazing people do. Easily comsunable and forgotten. And I think its just something I gotta accept and deal with.
This is for fun and if others like it. Good and if they don't oh well. But it's so much easier to think that than put it in practice.
I think im especially bothered by this today bc a fic I did for a friend is like flopping, in my eyes, and it makes me feel like it wasn't good enough. They seemed to really like it tho which is what matters most. But just that insecurity and guilt is eating at me today.
I think I might take a break from posting any writing unless I get an idea I really like and wanna share.
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absinthe-and-tea · 3 years
Yooooo can I get uhhh headcanons for the slashers to react to an s/o with big boobs? I mean like, special ordering bras bc no stores have your size big.... 😅
//I know the struggle when it come to pants so I got you. Though I am very tired so sorry if it's not the best-
Slasher HCs || S/O W/ Large Breasts
Jason Voorhees
When he first meets you, it's one of the first thing he notices. On accident of course.
He'll get really flustered and distracted by them and if you give him permission, he'll immediately be on you and massaging the soft flesh.
He's confused when you randomly leave the house and go ti the edge of camp to grab a box. When he questions you about and you explain he'll just slowly nod.
He'll start looting his victims for money so that you can buy more bras for yourself since he doesn't work.
If he notices that your in pain from the weight of them, he'll make sure to pamper you more than usual and give you back massages and whatnot.
Michael Myers
He'll just stare. No reaction. No movement. Just stare at you until you feel uncomfortable and try to leave.
He won't let you leave. You're now being kidnapped. Have fun.
He won't really do much unless you move his hands to your chest. He'll grope a bit too hard at first but he'll get softer over time.
He's not very affectionate so he won't give you massages or anything like that but he'll bring you heating pads and icy hot. Things to help ease the muscles.
If you find a credit/debit card by your bedside table, don't be surprised and dont ask where he got it or where the money is coming from.
Harry Warden
Absolutely stops in his tracks the moment he sees you. Pickaxe raised above his head, just completely still as he stares down your cleavage from his height.
Thank God he's wearing a mask bevause his face is bright red and he's pretty sure his nose is bleeding.
If you start running, he'll drop the pickaxe and bolt after you, immediately grabbing you by the boobs on accident.
He's keeping you. And if you explain you need to leave to get custom bras or need internet to order them, he'll do it for you.
Won't complain one bit if you have him massage your back your breasts. The moment you even start asking, he will be on it.
Vincent Sinclair
Super shy about it. He does his best not to look or stare but he thinks it adds to how gorgeous you are.
Thinks your a goddess sent from the heavens.
Won't mind that you have to get custom bras. He'll even help modify smaller ones to fit you if you like them.
He'll be hesitant to give you massages and whatnot, afraid he'll accidentally hurt you but after you reassure him he'll happily oblige.
Bo Sinclair
Instant horny.
He's always touching you any chance he gets. If he sees anyone stare or even look in that direction, they are on the top of his hit list.
He'll offer to hold your breasts for you to relieve the strain on your back with a perverted grin.
Will make sure you have the money to buy specialty bras. Just make sure you buy a few lacy ones for him to admire on you
He'll pick on you if you ask for a massage, making remarks on how much you love his hands on you. Though he'll comply very easily and he actually enjoys the soft moments more than he'll care to admit.
Lester Sinclair
He's immediately invested.
He loves using them as pillows, or gently moving them around.
He notices pretty quick that they can be difficult to live with and does whatever he can to help out. He's not rich by any means but he'll do his best to help support you and buy you the size bras you need.
He loves touching you so it's no bother to him to give you massages.
He's not very tall compared to his brothers so he loves sleeping with his face buried between your breasts and his arms around your waist.
Brahms Heelshire
He watches you constantly. Always trying to get the best angles so he could stare at your cleavage when you bent over.
Sometimes you'll wake up with more added to your list of things to do. Most of them requiring you to bend over.
He'll notice that it starts to take a toll and stop. But instead he'll start crawling into bed with you, running his hands up your shirt to softly grope your breasts.
He's rich so of course he'll give you all the money you need for bras and for any clothes you may want.
He still prefers you steal his clothes tho but be warned he will be very handsy if you do. Even more so than usual.
The Other
He likes them a lot more than he'd like to admit.
While he doesnt express his emotions often, he'll definitely express how much he enjoys them.
Whether it's when they are pressed against him when cuddling or hugging. Or if they are just in his general line of sight.
He gives you soft praises for having the strength to carry them around amd will sometimes make remarks to help, holding out his hands.
He'll massage your back and run baths for you anytime your muscles get too strained.
Will make sure you have the money at all times to buy your specialty bras or comfortable clothes.
Thomas Hewitt
He loves them. He loves holding them. Massaging them.
He will make sure you never have to lift anything. He'll always pick up the harder work for you, knowing how uncomfortable it can be to carry things with your boobs in the way.
He'll run warm baths for you whenever he can. And massage your entire body from head to toe.
He's not rich but he dies know how to sow, meaning he'll make you perfectly fitted bras anytime you want.
Bubba Sawyer
Doesn't quite understand why you seem uncomfortable sometimes. You'll have to explain the difficulties of having big breasts to him.
Like Thomas, he'll make you bras. Though they won't me as neatly made but he's proud of them.
Happy to massage you and whatnot.
Absolutely loves if you sleep on top of him or pressed really close. Might start to rub your breasts without realizing it because he thinks they are soft.
Will happily wait on you if you had a hard day and your back hurts. Lay in bed and let him take care of you.
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dianagj-art · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I tried to do more of the screenshot/cinematic kinds look but I gave up and just bullshited the backgrounds bc I didn't wanted to look so plain but I also didn't want to do a background
anyways Mipha is here! it's Mipha time!
(Friendly remainder that what's bellow is just copy paste from my draft and there's probably a lot of typos and gramar mistakes)
More of Yiga Link AU
<Previous / next>
A group of young Zoras finds Link's body sinking on the river, south of the Minish Woods. They take him out to land and check on him, he is barely alive and they quickly take him all the way to Zora's domain. They send the fastest of them first to inform the princess and she meets them halfway.
Link's wounds are bad, but she still can heal him, they take him to the domain to keep an eye on him, besides he is still uncouncious. They set him up on that little area for other species when they visit, and Mipha had other healers take a proper look at him.
The princess buys him clothes from a merchant since his are barely existent with so many cuts. The zora recognize those cuts, they know the boy was on a Yiga attack and unfortunately, they find his tattoo behind his neck.
They are not idiots and they fear the boy might be a spy and all was just a set up, the princess still wants to talk to him. Mipha was no fool and she wasn't as naive as most people outside the Domain may think, but she was curious, and there was a feeling in her chest that told her there was more to know about this boy.
Link wakes up in unknown clothes, he has no idea of where he is but soon finds out as he started to look around. He remembers what happened and a hand grips his chest. He knows he shouldn't be alive.
"That was terrible wound you had there," The voice startled him and he instantly stood up to go into combat mode. "Don't stand, you are not fully healed yet." he really didn't have another option, there wasn't a part of his body that did't hurt and the pain brough him down to the bed again.
He looked up to see 3 zoras, two tall ones dressed in armor flanquing a smaller one in shinny red scales and dressed in zora jewerly. The princess.
"Don't be sacred" she said and gestured to her guards to stay put as she walked to him, "I just came to look on your wounds"
Link frowned at that, the princess? Coming here to check on a stanger's wounds? Yeah sure. Link remembers his tattoo and quickly hides it with a simple illution spell that wouldn't take that much of his stenght.
"Dont you have healers for that?" he asked coldly.
The princess laughed lightly "Yes," she admitted and stood by his bed, her amrs behind her body, holding her spear "and they know more about hylian anathomy than I do, but they can't do what i can. Your wounds were bad enough to require my assistance."
Link frowned again, "what does that mean?"
Mipha smiled and gestured at the bed, "Can I?" Link recoiled his legs, leting her space to sit down, the princess did, leaving her spead resting on the bed besides her, she extended her hand to him, "give me your arm" she said softly.
Link hessitaded but he rested his arm on her hand. She carefully took off his bandages and let exposed a deep cut on his forearm, the boy winced at the sight.
The princess then put her other hand above the wound and closed her eyes. Her palm started to glow and link gasped loudly. His arm started to feel cold and a bit numb, but the pain was gone, and soon the same sensation washed over his body. It was nice.
Mipha was focused on the wound but she looked up for a moment to catch his expresion, she smiled lightly and looked down again.
The light coming from her palm dimmed until it was gone and his exposed wound wasn't there anymore. Slowly, the pain came back to the rest of his body. Mipha let go off his hand and he lifted his arm to his eye level, twisting it one way and another, trying to see the trick but no, the wound was really gone.
"You... You really have healing powers..." he had herd the rumors but no yiga had actually seen it, just heard things from other people.
Mipha hummed a laugh, catching link's atention, "Outsiders are always so surprissed to see it" she stood up, taking the spear again, "I have other things to attend, but i'll come back to heal the rest of your wounds latter."
She leaves with her guards, a few minutes latter another group of zoras show up. Two of them check on his wounds and tell him to rest while the other two just guarded the entrance. He had a bad feeling, whenever he peeked an eye to the other room he saw a guard. He didn't know if that was normal or if it was because of him.
He rests, too tired to try and transport, and fully knowing that in this state he wouldn't be able to fight. He starts trying to form a plan to get out of there. Taking a swim was not an option, anywhere near water he would be an at disadvantage. He had to make it to the montains that sorrounded Zora's Domain, he could take a run for it once he were back to his feet, he had no idea if zoras were fast runners but they had short legs, he was sure he could outrun them. Once close to the montains he could teletrasnport himself to a higher place and away from them.
Tho he didn't know where to go from there. It's not like he could go back to the Hideout.
Mipha comes back that evening and heals two more of his wounds before leaving. Link is starting to think that maybe her healing magic tires him as much as illutions and trasportation tires him. It takes a few days for him to be fully healed, all the time he is forced to stay on the rooms to "rest"
All the time he feels uncomfortable, he feels watched. It gets worse when he is fully healed and the princess wants to give him a little tour around the domain, everyone always stares at him, or maybe they are looking at their princess and he was just being paranoid.
He had never been to Zora's domain, to be honest, he hadn't seen that much of Hyrule, and he was intrigued to see and learn more.
As they start to walk around the Domain a little red-scaled Zora runs to her and hugs her leg "Sidon!"
"I'm sorry princess," another Zora runs to her, "he's been running away the whole day, he doesn't wan't to do the jump"
"If you don't jump how am I going to teach you to climb waterfalls?" Mipha asked him and he just hugged her tighter, hiding behind her from his instructor.
Link quickly put two and two together and figures out he must be the young Zora Prince, but he was most concerned with the idea forming on his mind. Would they follow him if he jumped? He eyed an opening on the level they were on, and without really thinking about the heigh he kneeled down
"If I jump would you jump?" he asked Siron, "I can't swim as well as a zora would, so if i can make that jump I guess a zora prince would have no trouble doing it, right?"
Siron thinks for a moment then nods. Link walks to the edge and looks down to the long drop. "Having second thoughts?" Sidon's instructor asked him. Link just frowns at him, and takes a few steps back, he took off his shirt and dropped it before sprinting and jumping.
He hits the water gracefully and as he sinks he prapares to transport, but sees a lot of Zoras around him. He sees that at the bottom of the lake there's a whole underwater town that probably outstretched fartest of what he could see. He goes out to the surface and finds it quite hard to not let the current take him away, even when he was under their castle as there were underwater walls shielding him from the strong current of the main water fall of the domain. A few zora heads pop out, looking at him curious. Some heads look younger, maybe teens? And look at him impressed and exited
"SIDON!" Link lifts his gaze and sees someone had jump and the tiny zora splashed in the water. He looks around but the zora prince doesnt come out.
"OW!" something bites his toes and a tiny shark head pops out, sidon smiles with sharp teeth and giggles until the current starts to drag him out. Link lets him, surely other people would help their prince. But they dont they just look, and as much as the tiny zora tried the current kept draging him.
Link reaches out a hand and takes him, wraping his scaly hands around his neck as he swims to the base of the castle structure. He leaves sidon on the rock and climbs up too.
Mipha's head pops out behind him, "you swim quite well for a hylian" Link jumps in surprise, when had she jump? he didnt even see or hear her splash, "You are bleeding," she said and he lifted his feet off the water to see quite a deep bite. "SIDON!" mipha screams distressed, "how many times do i have to tell you it's impropper to bite others!" she lifted herself to the place they were sitting and patted the space between link and her, he puts there his feet and she healed him. As always he stared at her hand facinated.
"I have to thank you, for not letting the curent carry Sidon" she said, "you shouldn't have to, he is 23, he should be strong enough to be able to withstand it." link looks at sidon as he jumps into the water again swiming closer to the rocks. 23? "but I would have done the same" "and thank you for jumping, her instructor had been trying to make him jump all week"
Link looks at his foot and thinks of all the other wounds he had, all the wounds the yiga had made. "I should thank you," he said, "I should be dead. You saved me."
"those wounds were no accident, were they?" she asked, "the yiga were sent to kill you" Link nods, "but why?" he sruggs.
"I have to leave," he said softly, "but i'll hate to leave without paying back what you have done for me,"
Mipha smiles, "I'm sure we'll think of somehting," she stands up, "I know a place you can stay meanwhile. Sidon! Lets go!" he swims to them, his little back fin braking the surface, he jumps towards Link, mouth open. Link backs up but Mipha catches him on the air and hums a laugh. "I'll meet you at the top," she said to link and pointed over his shoulder "you can use the leadder to climb up."
Mipha swims up the waterfall they just jumped from with sidon on her back. They meet at the top and Mipha leaves sidon with his instructor. He runs to link when he shows up and tries to bite his leg, "My prince, dont do that!" the instructor pulls him away before he can do damage and sidon smiles with his spiky teeth.
"I have to apologyze for his behavior," Mipha said tho she is trying not to laugh, "His new teeth just came out and he has a need to bite eveything."
They walk to a village at the top of the mountain overseeing zora's Domain. Mipha pays him a night to stay and tells him good bye. Link is bafled that she has so much trust in him, he plans on just leaving, but he has a chance. He now knew and gained the trust of two zora royals. He knew they were the only heirs of the zora domain and since the king didn't had a mate... He could make a move. And maybe, he could be allowed back with his people.
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volfoss · 2 years
i love ur colored panels so much and im considering taking it up myself 🧍🏻do u have any advice or anything :000
AUGH thank u sm🥺🥺🥺 I do all mine on ibis so like my advice might be dif than how it would be on other art programs but!
50% opacity on your shading layers (PLEASE separate the shading and base colors omg you will regret it if you don't) and use a blur tool also at 50 % (altho I do sometimes blur more or less depending, and same w layer opacity but that's normally what i do)
If you are struggling w a color palette, coolors.co will be ur best friend forever, it even has hex codes and stuff! I try and keep my color palette on the panel (altho I normally ajdjfj forget if I'm not doing one from this site but it's a godsend for blushing and stuff!)
If ur doing a chapter cover, go to the file page on the Jojo wiki and find the highest quality one! You can also like def do normal panels that way but I normally have multiple scans I check to get the best quality (I find the shonen jump app is normally the highest quality ones? Esp w smaller panels!)
Big big one (esp bc I struggle w shading), but having the official colors pulled up, it can help a lot, esp if you're staring at an area and have NO idea what the section is!
I uh? Overuse layers a lot (the foolymes one was like 50 layers before I merged) but I keep each color on a different layer so I can rly easily adjust it if I don't like it (I believe you can do this all on the same layer and select w medibang but this is what I do w ibis!) And then merge when I've finished literally everything
I normally just like use my default brush (in ibis it's Dip pen (hard)) to color and sometimes with shading I'll use a watercolor or pastel brush although I normally use the same brush for everything!
For like eyeshines and details that are painted black (ie the baseball threads on the foolymes one were black) you just add a layer on top of your panel and color over so if it messes up you can really really easily just erase it and it doesn't ruin progress!
Also for face shading I normally look at makeup contour guides! It helps to know where exactly everything goes!
Also def start w smaller panels! The chapter covers can get rly rly long and maybe a bit overwhelming so like finding a panel that's just like a face can make it a lot easier (at least from experience!)
Oh also w face shading I normally have it layered with the bottom layer being the shading, middle layer being highlight, and top being blush! I color pick from the base skin and adjust until it works right but it's also def some trial and error! I also like don't blend those layers until they're all down just to make sure I have stuff in the right place!
I don't have a like particular method to coloring overall other than I normally save the big areas for last so I can have a layer underneath and just hit it with a big brush and not have to worry about going around a million things! (I normally use the felt tip pen (hard) brush for this as it goes up to 1000 pixels!)
Shading legit is soooo important tho, like flat colors can def look good (and I do always pass my flats to a friend to make sure the colors work before I start shading, it helps to have a second pair of eyes esp when you've been working on SMTH for so long) but shading adds so much dimension and highlighting can be so so so good too! I think it just like depends on what you're going for but shading is so helpful in the long-run esp when i get the hang of it!
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medical-gal · 3 years
Death by a thousand cuts
I have been thinking about writing this for months now. Even before I decided to quit the residency at my previous job.
COVID has been kicking our ass, true, but that was (is) true for most healthcare providers all around the world.
No, my struggle started a bit before that actually.
First some background, I have been working at one of the biggest most famous ID clinics in central Europe. The clinic is in a different country than I am originally from so there was a bit of cultural accommodating at the begging. But we were a big group of ID interns/residents/fellows and specialists.
I don't actually remember that much from my first year working there. And I couldn't figure out why, but then I read in some study that when u experience a high dose of stress and/or sleep deprivation for a long time, your brain kinda stopps being able to transcribe short term memory into a long term.
I was working 100hours/week, sometimes less, sometimes more. After a year and a half, when the last half I worked in the ID ER for five months, I always stayed after working 24 hours, sometimes over 36hours, and I would see and treat 70ish patients. Nobody from the older docs would help me out, nobody from other interns either bc usually they would have their own kind of hell to take care of.
The fact that basically, inexperienced doctors are taking care of patients never really phased my ex-boss. Her mantra was that if there was a problem that you cannot resolve, you can call her and she would advise you. Which most of the time was true, I must say that.
But we all have been young docs, barely out of our medical school garments, and sometimes as it happened, we could not recognize there IS a problem that maybe needs a more experienced opinion.
I am often confronted with this idea or more like a culture, of pretending that once you are an MD you don't need help and asking for it is a kind of weakness and that then you are forever on the list of WEAKLINGS.
And let me say this only once.
That's absolute bullshit.
Anyway, the first time I decided to quit I worked there for about a year and a half, I went for a long-expected holiday, I took three weeks off, had interviews and talked with my bf about my options.
Second thing...my man, bless his beard, would support me no matter what. He is almost 10 years older than me, so he has more work experience and I find it reassuring to discuss stuff like this with him bc I know he will not sugarcoat it. He said that I should dig my heels in and last at least one more year till the end of my "internship". As a "resident" who worked at this specific department, I wouldn't have a problem finding another job. We r basically the equivalent of a french legion of medical professionals (when u work in this specific department and everyone knows it, I will come back to that later).
So I took his advice. Thankfully as a part of our training, one of those parts is a year-long internship at the internal medicine department, which I did shortly after we had that conversation and guys, that was a revelation of how medicine and just...work and life can be experienced. There were enough docs for a floor, an attending who had the time to manage and advise us. I´ve grown that year as a doc so much. Other internships were mandatory so I could have become (equivalent of) a resident, and it was a general surgery, anesthesiology, radiology, microbiology etc. But I did them all and became a resident.
The moment I came back to our clinic, my boss would put me in our outpatient department. Which I have never worked on before. The head of the department has quit a few months before, and I had no idea what to do there, bc it's a very different type work. The only thing my boss told me when I spoke of my concerns were "you will learn".
Thankfully the previous head of the department was a good friend of mine and she would always answer my questions and requests. Suddenly I no longer had to deal with the hectic life of an ID floor or ER, no sepsis, meningitis, etc.
Most of my patients were the chronic type...Lyme, chlamydia, mycoplasma... let's say it literally drained the life out of me. But I managed. Also, I started to work for their outpatient office which takes care of patients with chronic hepatatis. That I enjoyed more.
I also started to dip my toes in vaccinology, either planned like for travel but I started to be more interested in preventive care in the immunocompromised and my own phantasmagoria was to make a palliative care team in our hospital. Bc, we had none. And then a wonderful thing happened, other docs, older experienced, great at their work, started to refer their patients to me specifically.
There were more examples of the utter a complete FUCK U(s) which were kindly provided either by the system or by the head of the department or the hospital.
Then covid hit and the shit hit the interstellar space.
I still can't make myself remember the first few months bc it actually causes me to go into a rage fit, and honestly, I am done with that kind of negativity.
I hold out for a year. Year of such shitty treatment from the chief and our hospital head. No thank you- s or you are doing a good job or we r all on the same ship.
People will say that I quit bc of the money. And that's not true, tho it did irk me a bit. All the other ID specialists working at different hospitals would get covid bonuses every month. We got jack shit. Again, the best biggest most know ID clinic. We were the first and oftern the ONLY ones who would test for/diagnose/hospitalize/treat a patient who had covid FOR MONTHS in the beginning.
I mean, the medical community is small, the ID community even smaller so yes, we were able to compare and contrast the work at different ID departments in other hospitals bc our friends worked there. And all of them would go speechless when they would hear from us what we were living thru.
At one point at the beginning of the pandemic, ALL the ambulances would go thru our ER department and we were supposed to decide where the patient should go.
Ambulance with a woman who has known colon cancer, had a fever, stomach as a rock and is projectile vomiting. I was supposed to decide where she should go and the surgeon would be super pissed when I said that I don't think she has COVID but without PCR I can't be sure but I think there is a bigger pressing issue. I remember him saying:
"well if anyone else gets infected at our department and dies, it's on you."
There were other examples of seriously stressful episodes which I and my coworkers lived thru, for which we were not trained for, advised, or properly supervised. At a certain point, I started to take anxiolytics before and during my all-nighters bc I didn't know what I would do with all that stress which was so callously shat on me and my coworkers.
For a few months, I stopped working nights, only thru the mercy of my coworkers who saw how exhausted I was and would take my shifts.
Anyway, after only two months I had to start working nights bc I needed the money. The basic pay for docs was just not enough without the extra from night shifts. Talk about exploiting.
The moment however when I decided to QUIT, when I was DONE, when I actually heard my heart break, was the moment at the end of the previous year. They decided to start vaccinating in our tiny small vaccination centre. Let's say a "shit storm" brewing is the light version of events that ensued.
But basically, as I was trying to discuss with my boss that we are all exhausted, that this wave is not slowing down and that throwing more work at us, the docs and nurses and other staff, who are overworked, is not a good idea,
What she basically said to me is that who says things like that is lazy and that if she can handle it everyone must be also.
The thing is..most of us were at the bring. Some would handle it with casual and calous sex, drugs (legal or not), a bottle of wine before sleep. A coworker ended up with antipsychotics.
But u know,
we were all lazy apperently.
I realized there is no way out of this other than quitting. I could not continue being so tired and sad all the time. I took two weeks off, really thought about it. Had diarrhoea and nausea for a week as I realized I will have to quit :D
On a Monday I came back, handed in my notice. Basically what she told me and how she reacted made me realized how right the decision was.
I had to stay there for another three months bc that's the law, but my mood changed significantly.
I got another job in a smaller ID department, working with amazingly kind people, but that's another story.
But that was the only interview I actually looked for and did. I, however, did get several job offers from different types of medicine. From heads of different departments in my old hospital to smaller general medicine chain offices who are looking for ID specialists, to insurance companies.
Like I said, french legion.
Or Runway and your boss is Miranda Pristley. Once u survive that, u survive anything.
But at my old work they would keep hitting you with wave after wave of passive agressive comments about how if u quit, u wont be able to find anything as"prestigious" as this.
There were many other exmaples of a shitty and questionable situations which were treated as "normal" but there is not point on getting on that rage train.
Contrary as it might seem, I am greatful I got to live thru this, good and bad, bc now I know what I am and am not willing to sacrifice for a job. No matter how much I might love it.
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turkishdreams · 3 years
before i get to giffing this week’s episodes..
i normally don’t do write-ups for baht oyunu or ada masalı but i just had some thoughts that i really wanted out of my head. this got a bit out of hand and became longer than i intended oops 😅 and ofc, beware of spoilers!
so this week’s episodes of both baht oyunu and ada masalı dealt with quite a lot of pain and heartbreak, which really put my shipper heart thru the wringer. but that’s what we get for clowning and investing as much as we do, right? 🤡
i really wanted to give a special shoutout to AM for finally having all the cards on the table. a lot of the times with dizis they tend to drag out the miscommunication and lies to no end, but seeing them confront all the lies and deception in one go was so flippin’ refreshing. not to mention, that scene where haziran and poyraz were locked up in that hotel room and just hashing everything out.. that deserves all 👏 the 👏 awards👏 their acting was so well done, i had tears in my eyes by the end. 
and you know what? i also really appreciate that the writing gives haziran a lot of credit for trying to fix her mistakes and still wanting to stick around as opposed to her moping around and leaving the island out of self-pity, which is what we normally see. even just her locking both of them up in the hotel room just so she could have a chance to present her side of the situation was legendary behaviour, but for her to step out afterwards and claim her mark on this island, knowing she would be ostracized and heckled was the cherry on top. im HERE for this queen shit 👑 they really don’t write female characters like this so i'm just so excited that we’re going somewhere new that i personally haven’t experienced before in diziland.
also, thank god that 🐍 hakan got exposed for the lying cheat that he is as well. i was so worried that he would still get away with all his crimes and just blame it all on haziran, but he also got what was coming for him and i’m just so pumped about that. sure he got away by the end of the episode, but that ass-whooping was SO satisfying.
of course, the next couple episodes are gonna be pretty intense and filled with a lot of pain, but they’ve ripped off the bandaid at this point and now everything just has to settle down and heal. which means they can get back to falling in love without any more hurdles and lies!! what a win, right??? like honestly, as a viewer & fan, i feel respected in a sense bc they’re not wasting our time with any more intricate lies and we’re finally getting down to the bottom of things, we’re not beating around the bush anymore.
which leads me to baht oyunu..
trust me when i say i actually enjoyed this latest episode a lot, purely for the angst. but at some point, the can of worms has to come out, right? and the lies just keep piling up, there’s no end to it. the worst is that SO many ppl are becoming involved, right down to ada’s prof - who’s a real one btw - for not clarifying with bora that ada never graduated.
i hate to compare, but after seeing this week’s ep of AM, it’s hard not to wish for something similar to happen in BO bc as a viewer i’m starting to get confused about who’s in on all the lies and who’s not. as far as i can tell, the major lies seem to be that a) ada’s married - happily and b) ada graduated, but because of these lies, a lot of smaller lies have stemmed like selin being married. 
i know with a show like BO where everything is more light-hearted, we can’t expect the same sort of fallout like poyhaz had in AM but man it would be really cathartic. i just want all cards on the table, i want everything cleared up so that adbor can also move on and fall in love without anything burdening them. with the way the show has been going so far, i really thought they would be switching things up and having a confession earlier on, but i’m starting to think we’re gonna have to wait for it just like every other dizi. i hope to god i’m wrong tho. 
also, if we really think about it, why would bora even be personally affected by these lies? like she basically just lied on her resume and got the job, and is amazing at her job. if bora wasn’t already falling for her, would this really be that big of an issue to him? it shouldn’t matter, right? the most this would be is a breach of contract, a breach of trust, but the longer they drag it out, the more involved he becomes (unnecessarily). she didn’t exactly do him dirty by lying and getting the job, she got the job for her own means, not as a favour to him or anything.
the fragman for next week’s ep doesn’t really make me feel any better, but obviously i’ll still be around, esp to see jealous bora lol. idk, i just feel like it’s really unfair to both ada and bora’s characters to have all this be so dragged out, esp considering how much all this is weighing on ada's conscience and how supportive bora has been this whole time. 
bora continues to surprise me with how he's ALWAYS there for ada and notices the tiniest things about her. he's becoming one of my fav characters in any turkish dizi. which is why im equally as jumpy to see how exactly he would react when all the truths are exposed. i highly doubt he'll be as erratic as poyraz, he'll more likely be very emotional and disappointed. and he's been trying to connect the dots since the beginning instead of being totally blissful so when exactly do we get to see the outcome of that? atp im more impatient than he is for everything to be laid out 😅
all in all, these episodes were still fantastic and we better gear up for more pain coming our way before our mains get the peace and love they deserve 🥲 im gonna get to giffing tonight so if you have any requests pls hit me up (that is if any of you are still reading). also if you like these write-ups, i might do more in the future 😊
also also, im lowkey thinking about making a twitter account so that i can be engaged in the dizi fandoms in a different way and possibly share more of my thoughts, is that something you guys would be interested in seeing or nah?
EDIT: i did end up making a twitter account, check it out @ xturkishdreams if you wanna give it a follow!
as always thanks for the support, until next time 💖
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queenangst · 4 years
A Collection of Fic Prompts
These are all genfic/non-romantic fic ideas that I (and some of my friends) came up with in a game where I write a summary for a fake fic title. Some titles have multiple summaries. You can view my tag ‘fake fic asks’ to view the original asks. 
My blanket permissions for prompts apply: Please credit and link me on Tumblr (@queenangst)/on AO3 (achievingelysium). If possible, link to this post/original post. Feel free to use these as prompts or inspiration for any creative work such as fic or art, and feel free to adjust or adapt them to your liking. I’d love to see them!
Please reblog if you like these!
I may end up using some of these in the future (marked with * if you’re interested), but all of the prompts are free for you to use if you’re interested. 
Below the cut is a categorized list of the summaries, by characters/themes, including: 
All Might, Izuku, OFA, and AFO
Midoriya Hisashi/Dad for One
Shimura Nana
Aizawa, Present Mic, and Shirakumo
Izuku & Bakugou
Todoroki Family/Dabi
Class 1-A
All Might, Izuku, OFA, and AFO 
Once Upon a Time
Quirk reversal canon rewrite AU. All Might is a hero with a mysterious Quirk: one that can take and give away Quirks at will. With this Quirk and multiple Quirks given willingly, All Might defeats villains easily. When he meets the strong-willed Midoriya Izuku, he offers Izuku a Quirk and a chance to be a hero.
One for All has been searching for a successor—and his brother’s Quirk, All for One—and finds one in the volatile Shimura Tenko, now Shigaraki. Combined with the power of Decay, Shigaraki’s new Quirk can level mountains and destroy cities.
Izuku has always wanted to be a hero. With a new Quirk and a new enemy, he can be.
Shatter the Sun
All Might walks into a fight he doesn’t expect to come back from. Fueled by rage and grief, he ignores every warning Nighteye has given him and takes down the villain who killed his predecessor… All for One.
All Might limps out of a fight he hadn’t expected to come back from. He defeated his enemy, but it comes with a cost.
And then he wakes up again on the same day, All for One still waiting for him. Each time All Might defeats him. Each time the day restarts. Again and again. All Might had been prepared to fight All for One for the rest of his life, but this is something entirely different.
i’ve been found (but i’m still lost in the morning)
When Toshinori passes on the torch to his successor, he only wishes Nana were there to see it. When Izuku begins dreaming of the past wielders, he begins to feel the weight of the legacy he carries on.
All for One may be gone, but in the wake of his defeat, both Izuku and Toshinori struggle to find their place in heroism and at home.
Cross the Delta
All Might takes Izuku on a road trip in America, and their relationship deepens from mentor and student to father and son.
if only you'd listened
When Izuku complains of headaches and strange dreams, Toshinori doesn’t think much of it beyond offering what comfort he can and painkillers. After all, it’s exam season, and his students are stressed; the common room is loaded with energy drinks and textbooks alike. Izuku also confides he thinks there’s something wrong with his Quirk, but having unlocked two more, Toshinori is under the belief Izuku is simply adjusting.
Then Izuku starts sleepwalking, sometimes with One for All. And there’s the time he almost doesn’t wake up at all, and when he finally wakes up he doesn’t seem like he has control of himself.
Because the closer Izuku has been getting to One for All, a connection has been forming with its other half—with Toshinori’s greatest enemy, All for One.
kiss your fist and touch the sky
After his retirement, All Might is no longer the hero he used to be. But Class 1-A still seems to think so, and quietly All Might begins to learn how to save people in smaller ways.
lead me down the styx
OFA!AU. When Nana dies, a piece of her remains within One for All—just as the other holders have before her. Every time a holder comes close to death, they see their predecessors.
All Might sees his mentor again in dreams a few times, but he thinks they’re just that: dreams. The first time Izuku sees the ghosts of One for All, he’s just nearly broken himself beyond repair. The next time is when he takes a hit meant for someone else. After the next Izuku realizes there’s a pattern, that the ghosts he sees out of the corner of his eye are real and getting stronger, and there’s something they want to tell him.
I Have No Plans to Die Today
Alternating POV. Half is All Might desperately trying to hold on to the remains of OFA as he fights AFO because after all these years he finally has things to live for again. Half is Bakugou trying to escape his captors, not knowing if anyone’s going to rescue him, equally desperate to fulfill his dream of becoming a Hero (from @happi-tree​).
Your Heart In Your Hands
In a world where every year on the day you first meet you see a vision of you and your soulmate’s future together, Izuku and All Might meet under a bridge—and Izuku begins to see a future where he can be a hero.
Bonus notes from my tags: #pl bkdk soulmates bk was scared of the future #tho the future vision is limited i think so bkdk doesnt see anything after ua until after dk meets am #bc that future wasnt quite set in stone
The Aftermath
All Might wakes up in a hospital alone. He has lost his stomach, though perhaps more painfully, his most trusted advisor and sidekick. He has nothing, and no one. And his time with One for All dwindles.
But he keeps going—and meets one Midoriya Izuku.
A story told backwards in six parts, from loving Izuku to meeting him to those lonely years before.
Once Upon a Time
Fantasy AU. The Tale of Two Brothers is known throughout the kingdom, a myth passed down through the generations to explain why Magicks exist. No one expects the story itself to be true, least of all a young Magickless boy on the run from his tormentors. But now? Well, now, Midoriya Izuku knows differently (from @happi-tree​). 
Midoriya Hisashi/Dad for One
But That Was So Long Ago*
Time can’t erase an absence, a person who was never there. Ten years after Midoriya Hisashi goes overseas for business, he re-enters Izuku’s life—not just as a father, but as a vigilante, chasing a lead for a villain with connections to the League. Working with Hellhound, who can manipulate fire and smoke, Izuku begins to notice his new ally’s strange similarities to the father he’s constantly arguing with at home.
You know what family means to me, Hisashi? Resentment
Midoriya Hisashi drags his son Izuku on a short surprise trip to America, where Izuku is separated from his friends as Hisashi teaches him about his business. Izuku is left miserable and angry about the life Hisashi is trying to force him into. What’s meant to be family bonding and their already fragile relationship quickly falls apart, and all Izuku wants is to go home.
Eternal Slumber
In his second year, Izuku and All for One begin to share dreams. Izuku’s afraid All for One is both the person he thought and not, and they seem to share more similarities than Izuku expected.
A Dad For One fic.
In the Flesh*
Right after Izuku enters U.A., Midoriya Hisashi abruptly returns from business overseas, taking an interest in his son’s new Quirk and committing himself to his family again after years apart. Izuku feels uncomfortable with the stranger he calls “Dad,” but stays quiet seeing how happy his mom is when he’s home.
Yet as the school year progresses, Hisashi’s story seems to have different holes. Research into his dad’s business leaves Izuku with dead, outdated links; any questions Izuku asks about work go unanswered; and still Hisashi presses Izuku about his Quirk, driving a wedge between them.
Hisashi’s Quirk is fire breathing—but Izuku accidentally discovers he has a levitation Quirk, too, and more after that. A breakthrough in research connects Hisashi to the address of an old, run-down bar. And a story Izuku’s mentor All Might tells him, of a villain who can take other people’s Quirks, leads Izuku home again, to one Midoriya Hisashi.
Shimura Nana
Oddity Amidst Time
Shigaraki travels back in time and meets his grandmother, Shimura Nana.
Nana’s legacy is a line of death that becomes before her and goes on after her. But what if things were different?
When Nana fights All for One, she wins. Still, the danger of All for One’s lasting influence remains, so Nana makes the decision to leave her son alone as she continues to fight villains and train Toshinori into the Symbol of Peace he wants to be.
Kotaro is the only regret Nana’s ever had. She spends her days wondering what might have been until she meets two siblings who share her smile—and her last name.
if i die young
At the end of his life, Gran Torino gets a chance to travel back in time to when Nana still lived, and the two of them have a conversation about life and loss.
Out of the Fire
Izuku reflects on how many micro aggressions he dealt with as a quirkless person that evaporated with OFA (from @wildinkling​).
You get used to things, even if sometimes you shouldn't
All Might has carried One for All for a lifetime, and he’s nearly forgotten what it was like to be Quirkless, much less understanding how different Quirklessness is treated in society today. After Izuku confides about what his childhood was like and now navigating life after being a pro hero, All Might begins to spend more time looking for ways to help Quirkless youth feel less alone, fighting a villain of a different kind.
Do Not Go Gentle*
When pro hero—and Eri’s big brother—Deku saves her and sustains life-threatening injuries, Eri does the only thing she can think of. In desperation, she pushes her power and rewinds him, leaving Deku not only young but Quirkless again.
For Years I Have
Midoriya Inko, and coming to terms with a not-Quirkless son, her love and fears for him, and the mistakes she’s made.
Battles are First Lost in the Mind
At fourteen, Midoriya Izuku gives up on his dream of being a hero. He puts away his notebooks and resigns himself to a quiet, Quirkless life.
Four years later and as a new graduate from U.A., Kacchan swallows his pride, apologizes, and asks Izuku for help taking down the villain Shigaraki, hoping Izuku’s analytical skills can turn the tide.
Izuku isn’t sure, but in the end agrees; and four years after giving up he’s presented with his dreams in reach and an entire former class telling him he can be a hero.
changing the subject again and bite your tongue (until it bleeds)*
Midoriya Izuku never talks about being Quirkless, or about Quirklessness. No one would understand it. No one wants to try. The topic rarely comes up, until a new semester begins and there’s talk of a new, Quirkless student in Gen Ed looking to transfer into the Hero Course.
Then Quirklessness is all anyone wants to talk about. Now something Izuku can’t avoid, he struggles to deal with his own past, the piece of his trust he hasn’t extended to his friends, and a look into a life that might have been his.
Aizawa, Present Mic, and Shirakumo
when there’s blood in my ears, i’ll hold you closer
Present Mic had always had a rough time controlling his quirk. The day he finds out about Oboro, he slips. Aizawa is always there to comfort him (from @tolerantbean​).
It’s getting hard to breathe under here with you, my dearest nemesis
The villain Present Mic has a Quirk that could level buildings and cause a lot of destruction. The hero Eraserhead is one of the few people, if not the only person, who can stop him.
At the end of the day, Hizashi and Shouta are best friends, carefully tending to each other’s wounds and never speaking of either heroes or villains. Until a bigger problem forces them to work together.
an empty mirror only shows what's left inside*
Time loop AU. A few days after Shirakumo’s death, Shouta wakes up to find his best friend is alive again. Time has reset—and now Shouta finds himself racing to save Shirakumo this time.
It doesn’t work. Days pass. And the loop starts again.
A mystery forms in the pieces of a strange doctor, a missing body, and discrepancies in the local newspaper. As Shouta fails again and again to save Shirakumo, he must try to figure out why he’s caught in a time loop… and what seems to be happening to Shirakumo after his death.
Come Around (Your Song is Calling)
Hizashi has always known that he and his best friend Shouta are soulmates. It’s why they work. It’s why Hizashi can see the glittering thread that ties them together when no one else can, and in the deep silence when he touches it he hears music.
Shouta goes missing. The bond goes silent. But Hizashi refuses to give up on his friend—not now, and not ever.
shades of blue*
After graduating, Aizawa Shouta isn’t where he wants to be. His decision to go underground is a lot different than most of his peers, and with everyone busy planning debuts and looking for agencies, Shouta feels isolated. The reminder that Oboro doesn’t get to be a hero follows him, yet at the same time the Hero Commission sends Shouta somewhere his Quirk and his youth will be useful—to help infiltrate and take down an illegal Quirk fighting ring.
Unable to confide in Hizashi about the mission or his struggles, Shouta continues to work alone, distance straining his relationships. Pitted against kids only a few years younger than him, each of whom begins to remind Shouta of Oboro, and fighting to keep his head above water, Shouta must keep his secrets close to him or lose it all.
they’ll think of me kindly
It’s easier to think of society in black in white, in heroes and villains. But Aizawa Shouta doesn’t do easy, and Kurogiri—Shirakumo Oboro—certainly isn’t making things any better. In a bid for information and to return Kurogiri to the person he once was, the investigation team brings in a specialist with a Quirk that allows for two people to be temporarily joined mind-to-mind. To experience each other’s thoughts, emotions, and memories with the danger of losing themselves.
Shouta’s scared if he goes in he won’t come back, but he’s also desperate to reconnect with the friend he’s convinced is still in there. Kurogiri consents to the connection. And after deliberation, Shouta does, too.
Together, they’re not just hero and villain, but somewhere in between as Shouta looks for the memories that have been hidden from Kurogiri and relives a few of his own.
to die like a martyr (is no way to live)
All Might is beginning to learn to live again, redefining a path of self-destruction after retirement and meeting Midoriya, when he sees his co-worker and friend Aizawa heading down the same lonely path he was on. Reaching out, All Might and Aizawa form a friendship and struggle together so they may continue to teach their students, and to live as people and not just heroes.
holding you up (while the world crashes down)
Five times Izuku comforted his friends, and one time they comforted him.
Izuku & Bakugou/Platonic BKDK
Do No Harm
Bakugou goes missing when he’s seven. Years later, Izuku still believes he’s alive and out there.
He is—as a Nomu that falters when Izuku recognizes him and calls him “Kacchan.”
for you know my demons, and i know yours*
Izuku and Katsuki parted ways after a mission gone south a long time ago and their relationship soured, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not still drift compatible. A Pacific Rim AU.
let’s start with the past in front
Pro heroes Ground Zero and Deku are sent back in time to when they weren’t the friends they are now, forced to deal with conversations they never had, their younger selves’ broken relationship, while looking for a way home.
Memories of the Dead
Midoriya Izuku’s funeral is held in the summer. They bury an empty casket and look around at all the faces who have outlived him.
Katsuki goes. There’s a lot of reasons he attends Deku’s funeral—for Auntie Inko, for All Might, for Deku himself. Katsuki was the last to see him alive. They’d shared breakfast the same day Deku disappeared.
But Katsuki doesn’t go to Deku’s funeral because he’s dead. Katsuki goes with the hope and gut feeling that he’s alive.
Your Claws Rend Flesh
Midoriya Izuku has never been allowed to stay out past sundown. He always comes home early to his mother, the only person who he won’t hurt when he transforms into a monstrous beast.
His new Quirk and U.A. complicate things, to say the least.
Bonus notes: There’s a reason why Inko is so protective of her son, and resistant to him being a hero.
can you hear me?
Izuku, a few years after his pro hero debut, lands himself an injury that keeps from work for a while. Seeing Izuku unsure of what to do, the Wild, Wild Pussycats invite him to spend summer on their property in the woods to recover and recuperate; and, of course, as an excuse for Kouta to see his hero.
He’s happy to slow down, spending time learning to take care of himself, and to enjoy the woods. As he gets his strength back, he hikes often with Kouta, until one day they’re separated when a storm hits. With only a set of walkie talkies connecting them, the two struggle to find each other and shelter, before anything worse happens.
5% luck, 20% skill
Principal Nezu takes on Izuku as a student.
Out of the Fire 
Bakugou as Gordon Ramsey... (from @aizawa-wears-crocs​). 
Katsuki is hit with a Quirk that dulls physical and emotional feelings. At first it seems fairly harmless to his friends, until he gets hurt and his reaction is much different than anyone expects.  
lead me down the road less traveled
When he’s young, Bakugou Katsuki decides what he wants to be when he grows up: a villain.
And Katsuki always gets what he wants.
Todoroki Family
the dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
There’s a ghost haunting the Todoroki mansion. Rumors say it drove Todoroki Rei insane. Shouto has never seen it himself, has only heard footsteps in the hallway sometimes, but one day he discovers the stories are true—and the ghost is someone he knows, his own brother.
The Fire Within You
Scared of the Quirk he’s inherited from his father, Midoriya Izuku runs away from home after a terrible accident. And though the police and his mother search desperately for Izuku, someone else has found him first - an older, scrappy boy whose Quirk is similar to his own. Dabi takes Izuku under his wing, and their meeting lights a fire that may never have started otherwise.
violets are blue | blood is red
Todoroki Rei has been receiving flowers from her husband. At least, that’s what Shouto believes until she goes missing. The key he has to find her is the blue flowers on her windowsill and a tenuous connection to a villain: Dabi, whose motives remain unclear yet who seems to have a particular grudge against the number one hero.
Arsonist's Lullaby
Here is one secret few people know about the Todoroki family: Todoroki Natsuo is Quirkless. He had no power over fire nor ice, and his father never speaks of his Quirkless son—or his dead one.
Studying health and welfare, Natsuo keeps his head down and his anger simmering. He’s no hero like Shouto. Without a Quirk and with too much resentment, Natsuo has never considered the life of heroics or anything related to it—that is, until a strange encounter where bleeding, dangerous villain Dabi asks Natsuo for his help.
Natsuo doesn’t know why he helps Dabi, nor does he understand why Dabi doesn’t seem to want to hurt him. But one encounter with the villain turns into more, until Natsuo realizes one day he understands Dabi better than his own father Endeavor. He doesn’t get why Dabi cares so much or why he feels safe around him. When Dabi offers to help Natsuo leave his life behind, Natsuo is faced with a choice… and his own family.
When the Glitter Fades
When Todoroki Shouto is hit by a mysterious Quirk, he drops, unconscious. Though his friends worry, there seem to be no visible effects. No damage. Nothing wrong.
But as the days pass, Todoroki just… doesn’t wake up. He’s caught in a neverending dream that shows him his own deep desires—his family, whole again and happy. And he doesn’t want to leave.
Digging Dreams Out of the Fire
Moments of recovery between Todoroki Rei and her son Shouto.
when there’s blood in my ears, i’ll hold you closer*
Even after Overhaul’s defeat, there are still villains looking for more Quirk-erasing bullets, and for the girl they come from. When Eri is nearly kidnapped, Aizawa makes the difficult decision to take Eri temporarily into hiding with him. But their safe houses aren’t as safe as they’re supposed to be either, and Aizawa begins to suspect that the Hero Commission has reasons to want Eri, too.
take your medicine
Aizawa Eri did not like doctors. This was a fact. Eri had also never received proper vaccinations in her very short life. Luckily, her big brothers Mirio and Deku are there to hold her hand, even as she begins to spiral in the waiting room (from @happi-tree​).
Other Characters of Class 1-A
Now You Don’t
Traitor!Hagakure AU. Class 1-A deals with their friend Hagakure’s mysterious disappearance, sharing their favorite stories of her and hoping for her safety as the search parties continue to come back empty-handed. Meanwhile, Tooru contemplates if going to the League was the correct decision - or if her new Sensei only sees her as another tool (from @happi-tree​).  
My Grand Plan
Hagakure Toru is surprised in her second year when she’s approached by a support and hero management firm that promises they will make people pay attention to her, but soon she accepts the offer to work together. But soon Toru realizes the firm’s support gear, plans, and inviting environment seems to cover something suspicious. And when they ask Toru for more information about her classmates and school, she begins to wonder if the support is for heroes or for villains.
visual (invisible)
Toru’s internship is drawing to an end, and though she’s grateful for the experience, she’s glad to be heading back to normal with classes and lunch with her friends without looking over her shoulder all the time. Not that anyone sees her, anyway, if she doesn’t want them to.
On her last day, she takes a bullet to the shoulder, and that’s when things fall apart.
They can see her. Toru’s friends, her classmates, her teachers: they can see her. It’s Toru’s childhood dream come true, all her prayers to the distant stars in the dark of night, her birthday wishes. No more going unnoticed. No more being invisible. No more of people looking right through her.
But it comes at the cost of her Quirk. Lost, unsure of her next steps, Toru has to figure out what it means to finally be seen when she’s been invisible her entire life, and what it means when she can no longer hide anything to anyone—or to herself.
balloons can’t make you fly
Five times Uraraka solved her problems by making them float, and one time she didn’t need her Quirk for it.
Don't ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash
When the Hero Commission gets involved with concerns about Hitoshi entering U.A.’s hero course due to his “villainous” Quirk, Hitoshi suddenly drops out of U.A. entirely, leaving his friends and teachers concerned about where he’s gone.
If the Hero Commission is law, Hitoshi makes the decision to defy it, taking a more direct approach to chasing his dreams: vigilantism.
Do you trust yourself?
Yaoyorozu Momo is supposed to be perfect. She is a recommended student, has a powerful Quirk, and comes from a family with a history of heroics.
But for all of her expectations, Momo knows she has one weakness: a crippling lack of confidence. But Momo’s friends and mentors are happy to teach Momo to trust herself.
A Momo-centric fic that spans her years at U.A. and her first steps as a hero.
Ignorance is Bliss*
Maybe Kyoka shouldn’t have been listening to Midoriya and All Might’s conversation, but she was curious. She ends up hearing more than she should—but not quite enough to get the full story.
Struggling to come to terms with “All Might’s legacy” and a connection to the villain who destroyed Kamino, All for One, Kyoka asks her classmate Todoroki for help unraveling a secret. The two form an unlikely team and friendship as they begin looking for the truth: about All for One, All Might, Midoriya, and the ties that bind them together.
Fear the Anger of a Kind Soul
There’s a bit of an unspoken rule in the dorms. Don’t mess with Uraraka.
Mineta tries. The story starts with him trying to sneak into her room, and ends with an expulsion, a few holes in the ceiling, and a social media post gone viral.
Dissociation Potion
Todoroki, in a spur of bad-decision making, makes a drink he found browsing social media.
It’s not pretty.
A Siren's Call
AU—Jirou Kyoka is an up-and-coming singer, known better as JACK!, pursuing her dreams in music after graduating. Her fast track through school and constant work leaves her lonely. Though she won’t admit it, she’s on the path to burnout; even as her fanbase grows, Jirou feels like no one really listens to her.
After performing at a Hero Gala, there are suddenly more eyes on her than usual, including villains. When she’s attacked, pro hero Creati saves her, and they become friends. Creati, or Yaoyorozu Momo, introduces Kyoka to more pro heroes; suddenly Kyoka has friends her age who like her music but more importantly like her.
Not everyone approves of Kyoka’s new friends, especially not her manager. Rumors start on social media. And a dangerous accident almost threatens to tear Kyoka’s friendships apart, but she’s determined not to lose the people she’s come to care for.
dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight
One by one, students at U.A. disappear overnight. No one knows where they’ve gone, or what happened.
Tension grows as parents panic, investigation turns up nothing, and the teachers search desperately for their students. That is, until Aizawa discovers a calling card left behind, half-hidden, on which is carefully written: Let’s dance.
What’s revealed is a Quirk trafficking ring—targeting powerful Quirks, with no better to choose from than the most prestigious hero school in Japan.
Cross the Delta
Asui Tsuyu knows even at the young age of seven that her froglike features make her an oddity amongst her peers. She tries to let their jeers and taunts slough off her like water, but they seep under her skin instead. A Hero with a Mutant Quirk helps her to see differently. Asui Tsuyu will become a Hero, oddity or not (from @happi-tree​). 
Revenge of the Roses
A non-deadly Hanahaki fic in which characters try to get each other to fall in love without falling in love back.
They’ve got a deadline: exams, when Hanahaki will get them out of it. They’ve got dates planned.
And, well, it doesn’t seem to be working. (Either the characters stay as friends and end up doing really nice things for each other, or they’re both falling in love. Oops.)
Run If You Can
Tensei’s hero career is— well, it’s over. There’s no wheeling around the fact, but that’s okay; he knows Tenya will be a great hero following in his footsteps and carrying the legacy of Ingenium.
It’s just that some days Tensei wheels down the hospital halls and realizes he’s become of the people that needs the saving, not the hero anymore. It’s just that some days he gets a call from the office or a bouquet of flowers and feels worse for the well wishes, not better. It’s just that some days he remembers it’s all over, and he’s one of the tragedies.
He doesn’t regret Stain. He doesn’t regret standing up to him, or lying in the street bleeding out knowing he might have saved someone else. But he doesn’t know what to do now.
There’s no running when you can’t run anymore.
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qhazomb · 3 years
I keep pinballing between monster Gordon designs in my head, and the most common contenders have been and owlbeast form like from The Owl House (bc him fluffy), that one humanoid design where his hair is super long and floaty and full of eyes, or a spiky dragon with near geometric scale spikes (bc the irony that his monster form is all sharp and pointy but his human form and personality are so soft and cuddly)
Bubby is usually the fire type of the group, so i always imagine monster Gordon with magma or plasma? Plasma maybe better, fits a celestial theme.
ooooh, that’s neat! i like the idea of monster gordon with plasma and lightning powers might have to incorporate that with the one i’m picturing. imagine electricity arching between his mane tendrils and whiskers and stuff, which signifies that something is about to get plasma breath’d also OOPS THIS PROMPTED ME TO SHARE A LOT OF THOUGHTS SO THIS GOT LONG, putting the rest under a read more ha ha
another thing about the monster gordon au i’ve been thinking about is that he’s not a straight-up cosmic entity like i picture benrey being, but more of just an alien from another dimension, like the critters from xen (he’s not from xen, though. whole ‘nother place entirely!) in this au, i still have gordon and benrey having known eachother as children, only this time gordon was the lil monster kid living in the woods, of course. and also, kid benrey actually saw his monster friend get carted off by black mesa! he saw the company’s logo on a vehicle or equipment or something, and never forgot it. benrey and his folks move to new mexico when he’s like, 13, and ends up befriending their new neighbor- a twenty-something guy named tommy. eventually, benrey learns that tommy’s working for this lab called black mesa, and when he sees the place’s logo he’s just !!!!!! and immediately decides he needs to try and get in that place. he doesn’t know shit or fuck about science, so trying to get a scientist job there is out. but maybe they’re hiring for like, a janitorial or security position? he’s pretty fit, and knows how to mop a floor and shoot a gun. so he goes for that. gordon still completely forgets his human childhood friend, though, awww. though that might be partially blamed on some of the experiments conducted on him. speaking of his time as a research specimen, he actually had it a tiny bit better than benrey did. didn’t take until he was in his teens before a much more caring scientist showed up to make sure he had good mental, emotional, and physical enrichment. and instead of that scientist being tommy, like for benrey... for gordon, it’s coomer. dad coomer momence :) they find gordon much more willing to cooperate after he imprints on coomer, too. and also take note of how active his curiosity is, with the alien asking so many questions and looking for so many answers for about how things work, especially when he hits his teens. somewhere along the line, some ‘mesa higher ups decide to let this xenoguy indulge his apparently scientific mind, and give him a job (he’s still required to check in for tests on himself, and not allowed to leave the facility, though). even tho he’s not an eldritch horror, he’s still got shape-shifting powers, and takes on a human form, both because all the spaces he’d work in were made with humans in mind, and to reduce the number of weird looks from literally everyone outside of sector E. and because he looked human, benrey didn’t recognize gordon at all, but also couldn’t shake this weird vibe he was getting from him. vibe increases after he sees this guy heading to do a dangerous test without one of the fancy hazard suits (being near-indestructable, he doesn’t need one). just before they get to where the test chamber is, and benrey asks him again why he doesn’t have a HEV suit if he’s really supposed to be here, gordon yells “BECAUSE I’M NOT FUCKING HUMAN, OKAY?? Now will you PLEASE let me go do my fucking job, I’m running so god damn late, christ...” the “not human” part is emphasized by gordon briefly showing a glimpse of his true form. which benrey instantly recognizes. ...aaaand then feels bad about the “i need to make sure you’re nice or not, everybody here’s afraid of you” thing. in this case, some of the other employees in sector C were afraid of gordon, as they knew what he was. benrey was a new hire and didn’t (obviously) and didn’t get why some of the scientists and guards were acting nervous around this seemingly friendly (if short-tempered) guy. but now he does. as well as why gordon looked a little self-conscious about it when benrey brought it up. whoops. even though monster!gordon doesn’t wear a HEV suit, he still has trackers that the military use to hunt the science team down. the trackers are just, y’know, in him. and unfortunately, nobody on the team knows exactly where they were stuck in him, and he doesn’t wanna just go clawing himself open everywhere to find the damn things. so the betrayal still happens, though benrey is def not feeling it as much, cause like, he JUST found his old alien friend and was gonna bust him out!! which obviously he can’t do if the fuckin’ military gets a hold of him. but then, he also can’t bust gordon out if he himself gets killed by the military... so turning gordon in is the lesser of two evils. turn him in now, and then try to free him again later. that’s the plan. of course, the bootboys ambushing gordon aren’t at all prepared. they weren’t properly informed on everything about gordon, and for about this whole time, gordon’s been taking on a human form. said form being considerably smaller than his true one. gordon does not black out and get tossed in (the wrong part of) a trash compactor. he does still get pissed at bubby and benrey, though. but this time, he forgives benrey first, as the guy gets way, WAY more emotional over this all than gordon’s ever seen from him. showing off a ton of genuine guilt and regret over it, and also explains why he did it right away (even tho gordon’s still convinced he and benrey never met until the test). bubby mostly just seems scared shitless, oops. but gordo does forgive him before it’s all said and done. they still run into coomer clones and less-than-stable bubby prototypes (which are now just clones as well because reasons). bubby’s not a genetically engineered perfect organism, but a regular/realistic ‘test-tube baby.’ he’s still got a bionic heart, though. coomer’s still a cyborg, too, but not really a super-powered one. his robotic limbs are just advanced in that they’re as dexterous as his old natural limbs, and have artificial touch receptors. they’re also made out of materials that are sturdy as all fuck. they’re just a couple of dudes, as far as physical abilities go. their clones, however? still very fucked up. possibly a little bit more fucked up. this au is also another “not a game” one, and there’s a different reason for why coomer’s clones seem to have a weird connection with gordon/gordon’s brain. bubby’s do, too. those clones aren’t just clones, but also results of genetic splicing experiments. i’ll let you guess where the other non-coomer/bubby genes that were spliced in came from. go on. guess. i haven’t thought about what happens when they get to xen too much. probably just that they fight the nihilanth, since i headcanon that it was indeed still the cause of the xen portals, but benrey ate it to steal its sick boss arena. gordon however wouldn’t do that, as he doesn’t get pissed at any of the team to, y’know, wanna go final boss on them. still gotta be the big hero man (even when he’s not technically a ‘man’). after they get back from xen, tommy prob manages to convince his dad to convince his employers to NOT lock gordon up in a lab again, as it would both mean a lot to his best friend benrey (who is like a little brother to him), and because he’s become fast friends with gordon himself and thus cares about him. i’m also trying to decide if i still want mr. coolatta to be an eldritch being or make him human, too. kinda leaning towards letting him stay non-human, though this time tommy doesn’t have any of the ‘buffs’ i say his adoptive dad gives him in my other not-a-game aus. aaaand that’s all the thoughts i’ve had on this thus far!
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eueden · 3 years
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 ⟨ MAUDE APATOW. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, EDEN KOPPELMAN is actually a descendent of H E S T I A. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-THREE year old VETERINARY from CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite THOUGHTFUL & QUIXOTIC.
hi, hello, allô, hola, ciao, ella here again with another character. okay so there’s not much to say about me that most of you don’t already know, i have no life and i’m always lurking even if i never do replies (don’t tell the admins) hgsghssghs anyway, this is eden and in a shocking turn of events i actually have a good idea of who she is and look i even made a graphic, if that’s ain’t dedication then i don’t what it is.
basic information.
NAME: eden atara koppelman
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: brisbane, queensland, australia
HOMETOWN: cape town, south africa
DATE OF BIRTH: june 26, 1997
AGE: twenty-three
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: heterosexual so far but secretly curious
MAJOR: veterinary
EXTRACURRICULARS: president of the jewish student association, vice president of the herpetology club, president of the volunteer service, women in leadership member, student government member
SPORTS: captain of the climbing team and co-captain of the track & field team
character inspo.
Jessica Day (New Girl) ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
Elliott Reid (Scrubs) ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn 99) ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
tw: death, infant death, car accident, fire
Eden was born in Brisbane, Australia. She comes from an animal lover family. Her grandparents are very popular down under because they had an animal TV show à la Steve Irwin. Her dad followed their footsteps and it’s a well-known zoologist who also had some TV shows (think of Bear Grylls).
TW: death, infant death, car accident. Matthias Koppelman (her dad) had been previously married but lost his wife and child in a car accident and after that he isolated himself from the public eye and moved to Namibia. 
At twenty-eight, he felt the need to climb Mount Everest as one does, ya know? But ofc this man hadn’t climbed in years (he had experience but he’d been too sad to climb mountains. I mean he could barely leave bed, let alone climb Everest). That didn’t stop him and he did.
He almost d worded there bc as I said he was not ready but that’s when Hestia queen of fire showed up and warmed him (in a non sexual way bc she’s pure okay) and he was like oh that was a near dead experience and didn’t think much.
After he conquered the Everest with the help of Hestia, he moved back to Australia and oh surprise a few months later he opened his door and voilá a bebé was there with a note that said “you deserve to have a family, love hestia” 
He was shocked like “did i just impregnate a fantasy?”  but then Hestia was kind enough to send another and explain everything.
Anyway, Eden lived in Brisbane for four years before her dad took a job in South Africa. They moved to Cape Town (and her grandparents came with them) and pretty much had a happy life surrounded by animals. 
TW: fire. When she was nine, her dad took her to a game reserve in Limpopo and by some reason a fire started endangering animals and flora. Everyone was panicking bc I mean wouldn’t u? But Eden was attracted to the flames like a pyro (the good kind tho) and since everyone had better things to do than taking care of a child, they left her unsupervised and she delved into the fire.
Ofc nothing happened to her because ✨immunity✨ but guess who showed up again? Hestia!!!! Being a great goddess and mom, she taught Eden how to use her powers so she could absorb the fire and save all the animals and people. 
Everyone was like holy shit a miracle and the firefighters were like “the fuck? we did shit but we gonna take the credit lol”
Eden was like “did that just happen?” and yes, it did but she was like “meh that was imagination” and her dad was like *nervous chuckle* “yeah…” because he didn’t want to tell her the truth since that could put her in danger.
At 13, she had her bat mitzvah and it was all fun and games until fire lady showed up aka Hestia. Her dad and Hestia explained everything and Eden was like: 
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Hestia claimed her and off to camp she went. For the next few years she went to camps all over the world as a treat.
She never went on a quest bc she was afraid and also because she couldn’t put herself in danger and risk losing her life bc her dad already had lost a child… so yeah
Her dad remarried when she was seventeen and a year later she welcomed a new baby brother and that’s why she decided to take a gap year to be with her bro and also work with her dad in the reserves.
She moved to Athens when she was nineteen and decided to go into veterinary school. So yes Ella will get her dog one way or another idc what the admins say :chaos:
Ahhhh that’s all folks!!! We did it!
FULL BIO (yes, i completed it this time)
Eden never loses her sense of curiosity. You could say that she sees life through rose colored glasses as if she lived on the edge of a mirror country where worldly objects come to life, where flora and fauna assume almost human qualities.  
She has the ability to see the good in almost anyone or anything and tends to sympathize with even the most unfriendly person. She often hides the extreme depth of feelings from her, even from herself, until circumstances elicit a passionate response. 
She has a deep sense of idealism that comes from a strong personal sense of right and wrong. She sees the world as a place full of possibilities and potentials and is governed by her intuition. She is quite reserved and is not easily manipulated. 
She is a good listener and considerate, they try to care for and understand others in a deep way. She can be very calm and intuitive with the people around her, being able to search for hidden meanings in the actions and words of others.
Of course, all of life is not rosy and Eden is not exempt from suffering the same disappointments and frustrations that are common to others. She tends to be a perfectionist and often strives for personal ideals that can be exhausting or very difficult to obtain.
She also struggles with time management, always leaving everything to the last minute claiming she “works better under pressure” but the truth is she’s just a procrastinator. 
Very sensible, she cries almost every day either because of a commercial or a sweet story she read on Facebook. It doesn’t matter, if it’s slightly emotional she will shed some tears.
pyrokinesis: This power first manifested when she was nine years old and she helped to save an animal reserve from the flames with the help of Hestia. Since she was claimed when she was thirteen, she’s learned how to use this power. Now she can summon fire without any problem and put it out just as fast. This is very helpful because she loves baking but she’s a bit clumsy so she often burns herself, but thankfully, she’s immune, so no pain. However, Eden has never been able to create a hot wall of flames nor she has ever asked how to do that, she just hopes she never has to use it.
serenity inducement: Eden avoids conflict at all cost, not only it makes her cry but also makes her very uncomfortable and anxious which is why this was the first power she manifested. She was just a child but from what she remembers it was during a class in preschool that a kid started hitting another one. Eden panicked at such an act of violence she went there and touched the bully’s shoulder which immediately calmed him. Back then she didn’t know it was a power but after finding out about her true identity, many other events like this started to make sense. This is the power she uses the most, also with animals which is why she makes such a good veterinarian because she can calm an animal's nerves.
bond manipulation: She wouldn’t say this is one of her weakest powers but it’s one she didn’t use often growing up because she came from such a stable family that it didn’t seem necessary, however, she sometimes catches herself using it in group projects or at her workplace, you know, to keep things healthy and positive.
ability to summon food: By far the one she uses the least (personally speaking), she likes cooking and baking, so she doesn’t see the point but she does use it to feed stray animals.
Eden speaks fluent English, she has a mixed South African and Australian accent but she can switch. At school, half of her classes were in Afrikaans, so she also speaks it fluently. Greek comes from her demigod side, but she also took some classes back in school upon her father’s request. Growing up in a very Jewish family, her grandparents believed it was pretty important that Eden learned Yiddish and Hebrew, she can read it perfectly but struggles speaking it, especially Yiddish because she also attended Hebrew school. As for French, she learned in high school and she still takes lessons at Eonia but she hates it.
Her father started taking her to a climbing gym when she was five and by the time she was ten she was already climbing 6a routes which is pretty much an intermediate level and very impressive for her age. 
She had her own TV show on Discover Kids titled “Eden’s Wildlife Adventure” in which she explained the importance of different types of animals. The first seasons were shot between Australia and South Africa, but in later seasons she traveled across Africa and South America. The show ran from 2005-2011 (which was when she was claimed).
Dreams of climbing Mount Everest before her 30th birthday.
Her father is a classic rock band and so is she. Her animals have been named after influential musicians. Right now she has a cat named Hendrix, a horse named Cobain, a dog named Mick. Growing up her father took care of a baby lion which they named Little Richard because he was smaller than most lion cubs. Over the years, his father and grandparents have fostered several wild animals while they recover or before they are sent to a reserve. Among the animals they have fostered are elephants, giraffes, zebras, cheetahs, leopards, hippos and more.
While she loves rock, she’s also a sucker for 2000s pop. Please don’t ask her about modern artists because she’s clueless. 
She’s fed up with the Mean Girl jokes, we get it she grew up in Africa and she’s white.
She is a proud Jewish girl and follows many traditions. She does attend the local synagogue during Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. And of course, Hanukkah is her favorite holiday. Her family practices Reform Judaism, so she doesn’t follow a kosher diet.
Eden was raised as a vegan and her whole family is vegan. In the past years, she has been in the process of becoming vegetarian.
Favorites: Anything written by Agatha Christie(book); Say Anything (1989) (movie); Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fear (song); 
Again, no one asked me but I will reply: “Ella, does Eden hate Iker?” “Well, thanks for asking. In a shocking turn of events, no she doesn’t. How come you might ask? Well, she doesn’t hate anyone but if she ever did then yes, she would hate him.”
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