#talking us thru everything n making us comfortable for when we got stabbed
ratkiddoo · 2 years
i got my ears pierced today!! it's been a bajillion years since i've had piercings and i'm rlly happy with them :D
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writingkeepsmewhole · 7 years
Smoke Rings
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As promised here is part 7 to A Touch. I have been thinking about this chapter for a long time. I think that’s why I’m not to happy about it but whatever :P I hope you like it anyway. I love hearing from you guys on what you think so please let me know :)
Reader and Negan leave Alexandria only to end up having car troubles on the way home.
Negan X Reader
Warnings: Language I think. This is the fluffiest story of fluff haha 
@dead-head-joker @cryinersaved
Let me know if you want to be tagged would be happy to :)
I sat on one of the couches Negan’s men carried outside. Negan sitting to the left of me and Olivia sitting to the left of him.
Negan agreed to give Rick time to find the guns so here we sat waiting on him while Negan’s men showed him stuff they found.
I yawn loudly it breaking the silence that has set around us for the past minute of so.
“Tried Angel?” Negan asks looking down at me.
My response is another yawn with me rubbing my eye. The lack of sleep from last night catching up to me.
I think at most I slept three hours. With the warm day and the repetitive back and forth chatter between Negan and one of his men I couldn’t fight the sleep that overtook my brain. The last thing I remember was laying my head on something warm and hard.
Negan’s POV.
I took note of Y/N laying over on my shoulder but I didn’t move her. I knew it would get under Rick’s skin plus I enjoyed having her close. She was fun. I sit on the couch turning Lucille over in my hands the girl sitting to the left of me was looking at her lap no longer shaking.
“Oliva is it?” I ask looking at her.
She only responds with a nod.
“Seeing as we are the only ones here for a bit why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind.” “Nothing.” She says quickly.
“Oh come on!” I say throwing my arm around the back of the couch behind her head making her jump.
“There has to be something.”
“You don’t have to talk about yourself why don’t you tell me about little Y/N here.” I say smiling at her.
“I uh..”
“Oh come on now. Let’s start with something simple. How well do you know her?”
“Umm not much. I mean she is not really close to anyone.”
“That so?” I ask a bit surprised.
“Yeah she doesn’t talk to anyone much. It’s honestly shocking to see her asleep. I have never seen her with her guard down.”
“Well that’s doesn’t sound like my Y/N at all.” I say watching her almost flinch at my voice or tone I don’t know.
“Go on.” I say waving her on when she stopped talking.
“Oh right… She uh.. Has just always been a loner I guess. I mean she talks to Rick and she was friends with Maggie I think but other then that she just stayed in her own space.”
“Well that’s very interesting indeed.” I say looking down at Y/N’s sleeping face.
I didn’t get time to think over what Olive said before Rick walked up to me guns in hand.
Readers POV
I jump up from the sound of gunfire and breaking glass. Snapping my head to the right I see Negan holding a gun aimed at the window a huge grin on his face.
“What the hell Negan?” I ask getting him to spin around and face me.
“Aww I’m sorry sweetheart did I interrupt your nap?” He asks teasing me.
“Why are you shooting windows?” I ask yawning as my heart rate slows down.
“Just wanted to test my new guns and they sound beautiful don’t you think?”
“By beautiful you mean loud then yes they sound beautiful.”
“Aww come on now darlin’. You know I’m just playing.” He says holding his hand out to me while handing the gun to Tim.
I catch myself placing my hand in his without thinking. Realizing I’m very comfortable with Negan. I ignore it when Negan starts talking.
“Think you can forgive me?” He asks leaning down to where our noses almost touch.
“Don’t shoot guns around me when I’m sleeping?”
“Deal.” He says winking making blood rush to my cheeks and my stomach do flips.
“Now onto business. I think we are about done here.” Negan says spinning around and grinning at Rick.
“Not unless you have anything you would like to say?” He says making me feel like I was missing something.
I watch as Rick’s gaze shifts off to the side to one of the empty houses.
“I need to go to that house.” He says surprising both me and Negan at the sudden topic change.
“Just trust me. It’s important that you let me go over to that house alone.”
“Hmm well I’m gonna need to think about that. Hmm I simple can’t decide.” Negan says messing with Rick.
“What do you think angel?” He asks moving to throw his arm around my shoulders.
“Should I let dear pal Ricky wonder alone to do something we don’t even know about?” He asks peering down at me.
“Yes.” I say honestly, seeing shock cross Rick’s face out of the corner of my eye.
“I trust him.”
“Well there you have it. You have five minutes. Don’t keep me waiting or I’ll have to put a bullet in one of your people's heads.” Negan says grinning from ear to ear I couldn’t help but move out from under his arm though he didn’t seem to mind or noticed.
It didn’t take long for Rick to return this time with Michonne behind him a deer on her shoulders.
“She was out hunting I didn’t know she had it.” Rick says handing the rifle to Negan.
“Well lookie here! See now that’s what I like to see. You be upfront with me I be upfront with you. Now that’s something we can fucking build on.”
“Well I guess that’s almost everything. Oh yeah. I want the deer. It was killed with my gun after all.” Negan says smirking.
“Negan-.” I start but quickly stop when he looks at me.
He wasn't in the mood to be pushed.
I watch Michonne push the deer off her back and two men quickly load it in the truck.
“I love when a women buys me dinner and doesn't expect me to put out afterwards.” Negan says making me roll my eyes.
“Well that’s it. Boys let’s roll out!” He yells making all the men start moving back to their trucks.
“Wait.” Rick says earning every eyes in ear shot on him.
“Can’t Daryl and Y/N stay?”
“Oh no sorry Daryl gets to stay with me. As for Y/N she is a big girl she can make her own decisions. What’s it gonna be angel?” Negan asks meeting my gaze.
I knew he was testing me. I knew what it meant if I went back with him. I knew what he looked like to Rick if I left. But I also knew what it meant for the group if I stayed.
Wrapping my arms around myself to hold myself together I take a look back at the place that could have been home.
But what was home? In this place it was just somewhere you got ripped away from you over and over.
Taking a deep breath I only answered by walking towards the truck I road here in. I could feel Rick’s eyes dig into my back as I passed him. Negan falling into step with me.
He quickly stops and turn around.
“Oh I almost forgot.” He says leaning down to take Lucille from Rick.
“I doubt you want her around. I mean she would be an awfully big reminder of what happened.” He says smirking when Rick clenches his jaw.
Smiling he takes a step back just enough to see Rick’s face.
“You sure there is not anything else you need to say?”
“Thank you.” Rick says his jaw so tight I was scared he would break his teeth.
“You see what I just did there?” Negan asks leaning his mouth down to Rick’s ear.
“I just slid my dick down your throat and you thanked me for it.” He says pulling back to give Rick that ear to ear grin.
“I’ll see ya next time Rick.” He says moving past me and climbing behind the wheel of the black truck we were in earlier.
Climbing into the trunk I kept my eyes straight ahead. I didn't want to see the anger and betrayal in Rick's eyes.
I looked out the window when we were out of Alexandra trying to keep myself from crying.
I shouldn't be the one upset I didn't get stabbed in the back by someone I trusted for years. But here I was feeling sorry for myself.
I was pulled from my thoughts when the truck stopped suddenly making me fly forward.
I would have slammed into the dashboard if I didn't catch myself at the last minute making a sharp rush of heat go up my arm from my wrist.
“Alright what the fuck is wrong with you?” Negan asks turning off the car and looking at me.
Instead of answering I watching the rest of the convoy of Negan’s men continue to drive past us. As if they were not passing their leader leaving him behind.
I snapped my head towards Negan when he let out a sharp whistle.
“Over here doll. What is going on with you?”
“Nothing.” I say looking back out the window wondering if my eyes looked as red and puffy as they felt.
My throat hurt from holding back tears but I ignored it.
“Oh no you are not going to pull the braty act on me. I will shut the shit down right now.”
I didn’t bother answering him.
“Can we just go home please.” I say after a moment of silence which I knew how rare that was with Negan.
I didn’t look at him knowing he was most likely seething with rage.
“Not until you tell me why you are mad at me.” He says surprising me by how gentle he was.
Turning to look at him I didn’t see him enraged or even his happy go lucky self like I expected him to be after humiliating Rick.
Instead he sat with one hand on the wheel and the other holding his head up as he lend on the rolled down window.
He looked normal. He looked like someone before everything got flipped upside down. His face was for the most part blank.
Letting me see the laugh lines around his mouth and the little wrinkles by his eyes telling me he must have always been a cheerful person.
I caught myself wondering what he was like before the dead starting eating people. I had this stupid knot in my stomach I would get when a new person came in the hospital. The knot I got when I wanted to take someone apart and fix them.
But there was no fixing Negan and I guess that’s why I felt relaxed around him. I knew what I seen was what I got. I didn’t have to tiptoe around him.
“Are you gonna answer my fucking question or stare at my face all day?” Negan asked looked at me pulling me from my thoughts.
Taking a breath I pushed it thru my nose and turned to look out the windshield.
“I’m not mad at you Negan.” I say honestly.
“Then what the hell is going on with you?” He asked almost sounding normal.
“I just betrayed everyone that always had my back. I took there kindness and turned it to ash.” I say looking back at him.
“You made the smart choice. Rick will thank you one day.”
“You don’t know Rick.” I say under my breath.
“You think I’m some monster don't you?” He asks smirking a spark in his eye telling me he enjoyed being that way.
“No. I think you and Rick are similar. I think you would honestly work things out if one wasn't trying to dominate the other.”
“See I’m still the fucking bad guy in that picture how is that fucking fair?”
“I don’t see you as the bad guy.” I say looking over at him.
“What do you see me as then?” He asks lifting an eyebrow smirking.
“An overly cocky man with one to many wives.” I say trying to lighten the mood I was never one for deep conversations.
“Well we all see that.” He says laughing and starting the truck.
Well trying to. All the could be heard was the revving of the engine.
“Oh you got to be shitin me.” He says trying it again only for the starter to grind but never turn over.
“Fucking hell!” He says smacking the steering wheel.
“Want me to look at it?”
“What the hell do you know about cars angel?” He asked looking at me.
“About this much.” I say holding up my hand my pointer finger and thumb only a half and inch from touching each other.
“Guessed as much.” He says opening the door and jumping out of the truck.
“Stay here.” He says moving around the truck.
“Where am I gonna go to?” I ask sticking my head out the window.
I earn one of his belting laughs making me giggle.
Shaking my head I lean back on the seat and close my eyes. The only sound was Negan mumbling curses to himself.
We were parked next to an overgrown field the wind making it sway and dance from side to side. The air was muggy and sticky making me welcome the breeze
Guessing we were going to be here a while I decided to enjoy myself. Opening the door I prop my feet on the rolled down window.
Leaning my head back I close my eyes and sing softly to myself.
I was just starting to drift off when Negan slammed the hood down and let out curse.
“Well she is fucking fried.” He says climbing into the truck.
“What’s wrong with it?” I say pulling my feet back into the car and shutting the door.
“The hell if I know.” He grumbles crossing his arms like a toddler not getting his way.
I couldn’t help the laugh that left my mouth.
“What the fuck are giggling about?”
“You.” I say honestly putting my feet in the dash figuring we would be here a while.
“Care to explain?”
“Nah. I think I’ll keep it to myself.” I say not fighting the grin on my face.
“Y/N.” Negan says making me open my eyes and look at him.
I jump when I find his face only an inch from mine.
“Tell me, or I’ll make you.” He says smirking down at me. His eyes bright as if he was planning something.
“Make me?” I ask lifting an eyebrow.
He didn’t get a chance to try before the sound of loud groans filled our ears. I looked thru the dash expecting to see a walker close to the truck. I was mistaken by a small horde coming straight for the truck.
“Damn it.” Negan says reaching for Lucille I stop him by placing my hand on his forearm.
“Don’t there are too many for us. Roll up your window.” I say turning to do mine.
“Darling I don’t think a piece of glass-.”
“Negan just stop arguing and do it! Leave a crack in the top though so we don’t suffocate.”  I don’t know if it was my tone or the look on my face but Negan turned to roll up his window only leaving a inch gap at the top.
Climbing in the floor I looked up at Negan to see him looking at me like I grew threw heads.
“Are you coming or do you want to be zombie food?” I ask pushing myself as from from the seat as I could.
I knew what it was like to share a floor with someone.
Moving to get in the floor with me he kept a tight grip on his beloved bat him clearly not trusting my plan.
“Relax they can smell fear.” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah whatever the fuck you say angel.” He says just as the first walker bumped into the truck.
It was soft and barely noticed I knew it was one of the dead because it walked right by our heads. Only blocked by a door and a sheet of glass.
“Please don’t look down.” I whispered to myself but Negan was so close he heard me.
Meeting his gaze I blush realizing how close we were. Every inch of our bodies was pressed into each others.
Negan having a half a foot on me made my feet come to his shins. His hips digging into my belly and our chest pressed together. I bite my lip and look down when I realize I can feel his heart threw his t-shirt. Knowing he could feel mine.
His was pounding just as hard as mine but mine was not just from the monsters outside the window.
As if on cue on the dead smacked into the window pushed by one of the others making me jump and close my eyes tightly.
Just because I knew how to kill them didn’t mean I liked them. I seen what a horde could do to a house let alone a truck.
“Relax.” Negan’s soft voice fills my ears making me open my eyes.
I look up to meet his hazel gaze worry and something else in them. Adrenaline, excitement I don’t know. But he wasn't as scared as I felt. I welcomed the feeling of finding comfort in that.
“I hate those things.” I whisper my voice barely audible.
I don’t think Negan heard me. He only smiles softly.
Hearing another bash into the side next to our heads I flinch. I close my eyes tightly when the sound of breaking glass can be heard it followed by a crunching noise.
I can fill my heart pounding in my head not caring if Negan can feel it as well. All I could think about was one of them busting the window or ripping the door off and tearing into me.
I was pulled from my nightmarish daydream when I felt something smooth and warm touch my hand.
Looking down I see the wooden surface of Lucille being pressed into my hand.
Looking back at Negan he winks at me as if to tell me to take it. Wrapping my fingers around the bat I hold it tightly wondering why Negan would give up his only weapon.
It’s not until I feel him start to shift.
I’m sure my eyes grew the size of saucers because Negan makes a face as if he is fighting back a laugh.
“Don’t.” I whisper knowing how loud his laugh is.
“Shh. My arm is numb.” He mumbles is followed by a walker bumping into the window by our feet and standing there.
“Well shit…” Negan says to himself.
Both me and him hold our breath and Lucille until the walker follows back instep with the rest of the group.
“That was way too close.” I whisper at him.
“Not as close as we fucking are.” He whispers making not know if he went it in seductive way or an annoyed way.
I was surprised to know that I actually wanted it to be the first one.
‘Not the time!’ I think to myself.
“Lift your head.” He says after a while of us just laying there. Walkers still walking past us.
Much like Negan my arm was numb along with my foot. It being pushed into the petals it lost circulation first. It didn’t help I had a sore neck.
“Why?” I ask looking at him and then at the walking dead outside.
“Trust me.”
Biting my lip I wait till there is not one pushed against the window and lift my head slightly.
I have to bite my lip to keep myself from reacting when I feel Negan’s hand run up my side slightly to brush across my shoulder and go under my head.
He smiles at me as if he proved a point. Rolling my eyes I lay my head on his arm the ache in my neck already starting to subside.
I tense up when I feel his hand on my thigh. Last nights events of Nick filling my head. Even though he didn’t get far the ache in my arm and the sound of his belt still fills my head.
As if reading my mind Negan lets go of my leg and softly touches my cheek.
“Just trying to make you comfortable angel.” He says softly his thumb rubbing my over my temple.
I swallow and open my eyes ignoring the stinging behind my eyes. Feeling the same bugs under my skin as last night I burry my head under Negan’s Feeling his fingers brush mine on Lucille I let him take the bat pulling my arms in between us. I close my eyes to try to block out the thoughts only making his blue eyes and grin show up in my mind.
I open my eyes and stare at Negan’s neck. I watch him swallow. Making me wonder what he is thinking about.
“Where did you learn how to do this?” He asks softly clearly trying to distract me.
“We found a car pile up… While we were looking for supplies…  a horde came threw… Dale told everyone to get down… To hide... I didn’t want to be in the open….. I laid in the trunk of a van….” I say taking a pause every time a walker was at one of the windows. Me remembering back to the day Carol lost Sophia
“Smart girl.” He says I could practically feel him smile it making me smile and my face hot.
“Who’s Dale?” He asks after a moment of silence
“He use to be a part of our group….  Walkers got him…” I say softly the thought of Dale death a sad memory.
“Sorry.” He says sounding sincere.
I shrug as respons it being so long now I barely remember what Dale looked like. It’s funny how in the apocalypse everything seemed longer.
Me and Negan stay that way. In silence him wrapped around me Lucille’s barbs pricking my back when Negan wrapped his arm around my middle.
It was dark before the moans and growls stopped but neither me or Negan moved from where we where.
We were safe in our bubble and I didn’t want to leave it any time soon.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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