#i might finish her at some point tho pinky promise
cherrysoos-scribbles · 3 months
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wipe that shit eating grin off your face smug ass bitch
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daverygalskisbff · 3 years
could we get some allura & lance friendship prompts? i LOVED your other ones btw 💖💖💖💖
HI I'm sorry this took forever I have honestly no idea why bc I adore these two and I ADORE this prompt so my brain should not have shut down the way it did. anywayz to make up for the wait i tried to make this a bit longer than my usual posts :) I hope you like it!
(also, as usual, everything here I came up with myself, and if there's any similarity to someone elses post I apologise and promise it wasn't intentional)
now without further ado,
Lance and Allura!
similar to lance and pidge, the two are decidedly Not close in the beginning 
i had an entire thing about how i imagine they became friends at first written out, but it was a tad too long and i didn't want to clog up the post with too much exposition. so instead, let's just skip forward and get into their dynamic after they become buddies :) (however, if anyone wants to see the backstory I would not be opposed) 
although he no longer has a crush on her, lance makes it a point to hype her up as much as he possibly can 
at first allura was confused, because she thought it was him trying to flirt with her still, but once she understood what was going on she was more than willing to join in 
lance when allura completely destroys the training droid: WOWZA ladies and gentlemen of the jury may I present to you the icon the legend the moment herself her royal highness princess allura of altea!!!!! if you thought that was impressive just WAIT till she gets warmed up because this is just the beginning!!! she can even do it in heels- 
shiro: lance, please focus, this is really important that we- 
allura: no no, shiro, please. let him finish. 
they both show their friendship in slightly different ways. lance's way is that he is physically incapable of not humouring the princess
allura when lance shows her his cartwheel: incredible!!!!!!! i have never been more impressed in my life!!! do you think you could do it in heels?? 
lance: uhhh. y'know princess I'm really loving the faith, but- 
allura: :)? 
lance:.... what if you don't have my size? 
lance fractured his ankle. allura has yet to stop apologising. 
allura's way is definitely safer, but it's also a lot more... cluttered. to say the least.
allura, returning from a recon mission with a tiny bag filled with what looks like tiny, glittery dinosaur figurines made of glass: lance! look at what i bought for you! 
lance, taking one look at the contents of the bag: wow, 'lurra, this is… so nice of you
allura: lance, are you. are you crying? 
lance (definitely crying): what? NO! of course not!! I'm just. allergic, to. uh. oxygen. 
allura: what. 
allura never had any siblings back on altea, but she always wanted them
this, paired with how much lance misses his own family, means that the two of them kind of gravitate towards each other in terms of siblinghood. 
as a child allura would imagine what it would be like to have siblings, but especially a twin. she would fall asleep to dreams of secret handshakes, finishing each other's sentences, and swapping places to trick people
she doesn't realise the brother she has found in lance until a long time after they've become close (how would she recognise a dynamic she has never been privy to?) 
this realisation happens on just a random day in the castleship lounge. she is talking to hunk, when suddenly lance, who she didn't even realise was listening to their conversation, butts in and finishes her sentence. 
she's annoyed at being interrupted at first, but then what happened sinks in, and suddenly she's fighting off tears. lance doesn't know why she's crying, but he hugs her anyway. 
the two of them match accessories a lot 
with allura's love of pretty things (and the abundance of stuff in her closet) paired with lance's natural dramatics, nobody else on the team is entirely sure of whether this is intentional or not. 
it started off as intentional. it is now second nature. 
one decision, however, was completely planned and thought out for exactly twenty minutes, and then deeply regretted by both parties for the next 48 hours
allura pierced lance's ears 
now before you get judgemental, you try making a smart decision at two am space-time while very giddy and slightly buzzing on some weird old alien candy that not even your resident alien is sure the ingredients of. then talk to me. 
pidge: okay so you're gonna need a needle, ice, and… yeah I'm pretty sure that's it 
lance: don't we need a potato too
pidge: … why the fuck would you need a potato 
lance: I dunno!!! my sister pierced her friend's ears one time and she mentioned a potato!!! I'm just trying to make sure everything goes well, pidge! 
allura: I love these earth customs you two are showing me!! when I got my ears pierced it was done with some kind of laser, but your way sounds much more fun :). 
allura: also, what is a "potato" and where can we find one? 
it goes about as well as you would expect 
the excited buzz on lance lasts about three ticks into the process, and then the screaming starts
pidge (the genius who came up with the idea) gives him some altean taffy to chew on to stop him from making too much noise, and allura, the angel, is babbling right along with him 
allura, with tears in her eyes: how was I supposed to know it was going to hurt mine didn't hurt well it was 10,000 years ago and I was very young altean children don't have very strong pain receptors you know, maybe that's why my parents had it done at that age, or maybe your people are just completely barbaric, who thought this would be a good idea?? pidge why did you suggest this poor lonce is in tears lonce I'm so sorry but if it's any consolation at all at least now your ears won't be nearly as hideous as before and you can borrow as many of my earrings as you want except for the sparkly green ones that dangle those are my favourite well they're actually my second favourite I'm wearing my favourite - you can't borrow those either, by the way, but you can have any of the others I promise 
lance, also crying and still chewing the altean taffy: hhb, llura yub domf hoff do bologuys, ss long'ss yub sanstsd thu niddle frst 
allura (who did not remember to sanitize the needle), now crying freely: I don't understand what you're saying 
(pidge records the entire thing)
the next day lance wakes up with ears that are very sore and slightly green, and allura faints
they spend the entire morning avoiding shiro in case they get in trouble and trying to figure out how to get the healing pods to work
lance: what do you mean you don't know allura you literally lived in one of these 
allura: I was asleep the whole time!!! don't put this on me!! 
lance: don't put- you are the one that pierced my ears, allura, of course it's on you!
coran, who has been watching this entire interaction in silence: oh, I thought i noticed something different about you, number three! 
lance and allura: [screaming] 
coran helps them set up the healing pod 
unfortunately lance has to take the earrings out, so the holes close back up, but fortunately coran just so happens to know how to pierce ears the correct way that they did on altea 
lance, after half a day in the healing pod, watching coran advance upon him with a literal handheld flamethrower that shoots lasers: is it too late to go back to the ear infection 
coran is surprisingly very adept at the skill of altean beautification (an activity that has a surprisingly long and rich backstory, which lance and allura get an in-depth lesson on for the hour that it takes to do lance's ears properly) 
they're exhausted afterwards, but lance looks great, so they're in good moods regardless 
they like to teach each other about things from their respective planets - both for fun, and because it helps them feel less homesick 
whenever allura is particularly down about the loss of altea, lance will visit her in her room, and the two of them will just lie together on her bed. 
they don't say much, most of the time, just link their pinkies together and stare at the ceiling 
when they do talk, it's quiet, and always allura who starts it - she might share something she remembers about altea, and lance listens quietly and then responds with something he misses about cuba 
it isn't always sad tho - sometimes they just talk about things they remember that pop into their heads, or explain things to each other that they wouldn't otherwise know 
at the space mall, they make a game out of pointing things out to each other and trying to guess what it is (allura can only guess when they're in the earth shop, but it's okay because she more than makes up for it in enthusiasm) 
lance, holding a my little pony collectible: okay princess. what is this.
allura, completely serious: a weapon
lance: ... close
allura, holding up a set of magnetic heart necklaces to the light: what does… "biffs" mean? 
lance: it's "bffs," princess, it means "best friends forever" 
allura: oh! you mean like me and you? 
lance: 'lurra what did we say about making me cry in public, we've talked about this- 
(they buy the necklaces. obviously.)
they mess with each other's hair a lot
once allura learns that lance's hair is naturally curly, and that he just straightens it all of the time, she makes it her god-given mission to convince him to wear it naturally more often
this mission includes plans such as stealing his hair straightener, "donating" a bunch of curly hair products to him because she "doesn't have the space", and getting keith to say he thinks curly hair is cool one day in the rec room
she still thinks it's the funniest thing ever that that actually worked
other than week-long sabotage plots, they both think it's fun to have lance braid allura's hair
he used to braid his sister's and niece's hairs all of the time, so he has a knack for it that allura did not expect at all but is obsessed with anyway
allura, coming to lance's room a few hours before another diplomatic party: hey..... how yall doin.....
lance, already prepared with a million different brushes and bands: oh my god just get in already
lance and allura have a lot in common 
one of these things, they learn very early into their relationship, is that they are both disasters when it comes to pretty girls (and boys, but that's a lance-exclusive situation)
so they become each other's wingmen
they both tend to get… a little too into it 
the team: [at a diplomatic ball]
lance, seeing a pretty alien girl looking allura's way and "politely" speedwalking over to her: alluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraallura pretty girl look over there eleven o'clock LOOK she's gonna walk away looklooklook
allura: lance darling thank you so much for your help but I am in the middle of talking to the president 
and alternatively: 
allura tries to set lance and keith up all the time. at first she was worried she would be overstepping boundaries, but after one particular sleepover where lance spent an entire hour lamenting his "bad luck" she decided to take things into her own hands 
this includes, but is not limited to; sending them on supply missions alone together (often), mentioning particular things lance has done to his appearance to keith every time she can, and talking about specific paladin bonds more than she maybe should 
lance hates it
keith, walking into the lounge: h-
allura, immediately: hello keith!! help settle an argument, will you :)? 
keith: um… okay 
allura: lovely! now, tell me, do you think lance looks cuter today than he did yesterday? we can't seem to agree on whether or by he's stunning or simply handsome. what do you think? 
keith: uh-
allura: oh, and while I have you, have you noticed that his ears are pierced? 
lance, beet red: allu-
allura: what :(?? can't i be proud of my handiwork?? 
lance, to keith: I am not associated with her
after a week of this keith literally sets up a system where if allura is in a room he walks into he just does a complete 180 and walks back out
one time, at a diplomatic meeting, an alien politician mistook them for a couple and they both choked on their drinks at the same time, and then got offended that the other one agreed that the concept was insane 
allura: what happened to being the princess of your dreams, lance?? I thought I MEANT something to you. obviously! i was wrong! 
lance: oh yeah?? then why did you GIGGLE, allura. what's so funny, huh?? my good looks??? my charming charisma?? how far out of your league I am??? 
lance: okay maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch 
another thing lance and allura do is pronounce each other's names wrong
they call each other lonce and allora 
it started as lance kind of making fun of allura's accent, but turned into just one of their Things 
allura honestly didn't know it was a bit until the habit had been long constructed
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nooneactuallyasked · 3 years
Diner Gal - Reggie x Reader Part 8
Requested: It’s a series, there are no requests here!
Word count: 2,560
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Julie and the Phantoms ( + Flynn ) go to a musical diner/café/restaurant for inspiration and hopefully a future gig but they end up meeting a very special waitress.
Note: This one is really long- the next part will be out tomorrow so be ready for that! Enjoy!
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Part 1 here   Part 2 here   Part 3 here
Part 4 here   Part 5 here   Part 6 here
Part 6.5 here   Part 7 here
“Hey, Diner Gal.”
Y/N smiled at the floor before turning around to face her surprise visitor, “How’s it hanging, Leather Boy?”  She probably wouldn’t admit it out loud but Reggie’s random visits were probably the main reason why Y/N had been arriving at work extra early and leaving extra late. “Alright, Julie is kinda freaking out and getting Flynn to help her pick an outfit and then Flynn freaks out and gets Julie to help her decide on a theme for the marketing stuff. You?” Y/N shrugged, “The usual.”
“So, what can I do you for?” Reggie looked down, a red flush covering his cheeks and the tips of his ears, “Well, I kinda wanted to just hang out because Julie and Luke are “writing some songs” but we all know it’s just a date and Alex is with Willie and I’m willing to bet my left sock that they’re on a date too and I didn’t wanna be alone so I thought that you’re really nice so I came here.” A smile danced on Y/N’s lips and her gaze softened, he was too sweet and just hearing his voice made her cheeks heat up slightly. Reggie’s eyes widened and he met her gaze, a horrified expression painting his face, “Unless you’re busy, sorry, I’ll- I’ll just go-“
“Woah, Reg, chill out. I’ve just got to plan out the way we’re gonna decorate the room on Friday. Plus, I like having you around, it makes my job a lot less boring.” Y/N smiled before grabbing a black notebook an opening it to a new page, she scribbled down a title so she’d remember what it was for before bullet pointing her ideas. “You know, I just realised, how much work do you do? I mean, you’re around the same age as us, you have a job and you basically co-manage this place whilst also working here as an entertainer. Do you even go to school?”
Y/N chuckled and turned to face him, “This is a part-time job but I do usually sneak in extra hours just to help out Cal, he can’t do everything by himself and there isn’t anyone else to help him, plus he’s a family friend and basically my uncle at this point. As for school, I do online school which I pay for with this job, and it all comes full circle.” Reggie frowned, “Still, it sounds like a lot. You should come to Julie’s sometime during practice and just hang out. No folders, no notes, no work, just hanging out and having a good time! And  promise me you’ll start taking it easy”
“Alright, Leather Boy, I promise and maybe I’ll take you up on that someday. But for now, just focus on your gig that’s coming up in two days, not including today of course. Speaking of, do you mind helping me out with this, I get the impression you have a lot of ideas locked up in that brain of yours.” Reggie looked at her in surprise, “You really want my help? I mean, you could ask anyone for help, why me?” Y/N stared at Reggie, her brows furrowing as a  worried expression crossed her face, “Why wouldn’t I? Reggie you’re amazing and I wouldn’t want anyone else to help me.”
“Of course.”
“Finish up these papers for me, I’m going out.”
“Cal, I’m already doing more than I should, I have to finish off an essay and send it in before lunch. You haven’t even started your time listings for today yet.” Y/N blew at a piece of hair that kept falling into her eyes and glared up at Cal.
“I said finish them, I’m going out.” Cal slammed the papers onto her desk and walked out of the office. “Cal, what the fuck!” Y/N stood up, her chair slamming into the wall behind her as she ran after him, papers in hand, “Where the hell are you going?” “Out.”
Cal shot her a cold glare that made her freeze in place before walking out. Y/N groaned in frustration, throwing the papers to the floor, “Shit, fuck, kill me.” Sighing, she knelt on the floor and gathered the papers back up. “Fucking asshole, but he might have something important to do and he’s just stressed about it. Calm down, Y/N.” She kept muttering reassurance to herself so as not to lose her temper once again.
Y/N glanced down at the paper, it was her schedule for the note giving out extravaganza. Oh fuckerooney, she was meant to do that now and she was already late. Y/N ran into the office and stuffed all the notes into a bag which she slung onto her shoulder before sprinting out into the street and making her way to her first stop: Firecracker’s house.
“Y/N? You look like you ran all the way here…don’t tell me, you did, didn’t you.”
Julie rolled her eyes despite the grin growing on her face, “You’re an idiot, you know that, right? And your face is really red.” Y/N gasped dramatically, bringing her hands to her cheeks in comical shock, “You don’t say?”
“Julie! Who’s at the door? Tell them to go away, we need to practice!” Both girls stared at each other for a second in slight shock before bursting into laughter, Y/N cleared her throat before turning to Julie, “You might want to cover your ears.” Julie raised a brow but complied as Y/N took a deep breath, “Oi, dunderheads! I thought you wanted your notes but I guess not!” Silence followed and it everything in her to not burst out laughing or snort. “And go…” Julie furrowed her eyebrows and the snickered at the sounds of scraping and scrambling that came from inside the garage.
“No! Please, give us the cheat sheet so we can win!”
“Not a cheat sheet and it’s not a competition but yes, please ignore him! We need your help!”
“Wait there’s a cheat sheet? No one said anything about a test!”
“Okay, boys, chill out and let her breath before she joins you in the afterlife.” Y/N sent Julie a grateful smile before setting the notes down on the coffee table and quickly stepping back as the boys (specifically Luke) dived for them. “So, as per mandatory instructions I need to explain the notes and help you use them to your advantage but I also took on all of Cal’s work until the weekend alongside my own so I hope you don’t mind me checking the finance’s, writing setlists and my essay and other work stuff. I promise you will still get the full explanation for each and every note!”
“You took on more? You already have so much, you promised that you’d take it easy!” Y/N rubbed her knuckles, “I know but Cal walked out on me earlier and hasn’t been himself lately so I needed to pick up where he left off. Plus, all the other workers need a manager and so that’s what I’ll become.” Julie sighed, stroking her finger along the piano keys as she sat down, “As longs as you’re sure it’s okay.” Reggie furrowed his brow but picked up his bass and slung it over his shoulder nonetheless, his concern and probable disappointment made the nasty, sinking feeling of guilt weigh down on Y/N. She didn’t like letting people down but she needed to do this, for her family, for Cal, for herself.
“So let’s do this, you can read through it and then I’ll walk you through it all.”
“Oh! Julie, can you call Flynn? I’d like to see what she’s got before putting everything out there.” Julie frowned, “Are you sure, you’re already doing so much, I don’t wanna-“ “Julie, it’ll be fine just call her up, I’d rather get this done, it’s now or never.” Luke snorted, Alex rolled his eyes but smiled and Reggie choked causing Y/N to raise a brow before shrugging it off, she just needed to see this through and then maybe Cal would be okay again.
A small smile made its way onto her face when she saw Julie and Luke link pinkies behind the piano, she didn’t that was possible but they were cute so you didn’t particularly us. And hey, she got Luke’s nickname spot on, so there’s also that.
“Okay, if you’re sure then I’m sure Flynn will be delighted.” Y/N grinned, “Sweetness, let me know when she’ll get here so I can prepare a space the printer in our office back at the diner.” Reggie furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head, kinda like a confused puppy, “How do you prepare it? Are you leaving already?” Y/N chuckled and shook her head, “No, the printer is wireless and connects to all of the staff’s phones and laptops. Since I only have my phone on me I’ll be using that.”
“Ohhhh! That makes sense!”
“Yeah, Willie said something like that when we went sightseeing and we say printings being put out without anyone nearby.”
“That’s stupid, just draw them or something, what if the wireless breaks?”
“You’re talking loud for someone with bad handwriting.”
“Hey everybody, your favourite manager has arrived!”
“Thanks for coming, Flynn. Y/N is just setting up the wireless connection back to her office, have you got a copy of the flyer or something?” Flynn grinned, “You know I do, and can I just say that I really appreciate me and my talents and you should too. You’re welcome.” Julie chuckled and led Flynn over to Y/N who looked up at them with a smile. “Hey, Flynn, it’s really great to see you again. Sorry about the short notice.” Y/N picked at the tips of her nails, a bashful smile making its way onto her face, “No problem, since Julie ditched me for her invisible boyfriend and his band geek friends I haven’t had much chance to hang around, now you’re my excuse.” Julie rolled her eyes as Flynn stuck her tongue out in her direction.
Y/N chuckled and put her phone down beside her, “Well, I’m glad to be of service. So, may I see your masterpiece?” Flynn grinned and pulled her phone out of a pocket, “I thought you’d never ask.”
“Thanks so much, Flynn. Your flyer’s amazing, we might have to hire you properly.” Y/N winked, a bright smile on her face, “Really? I mean, these guys really need my talents but if I find some time away I might drop by.” The two girls laughed and then a thought popped into Y/N’s head. She rummaged through her bag and brought out her notebook; she ripped out a page and wrote her number onto it. “Here, Julie already has pretty much all of my contact info but I just remembered you don’t, so here’s my number.” Flynn smiled, “Thanks, I’ll put it in my phone when I get home.”
“Y/N! Do your job and help us now!” She rolled her eyes and stood up, “Once again, thanks.” Flynn sent her finger guns in return. She walked over to where the ‘band geeks’ were congregated around the piano.
“Okay, so it says ‘Remember to interact with audience members’ and ‘Move around when possible’. What does that mean?” Y/N smiled and leant against the piano, “The first one is simple, Cal really liked how you guys react with each other but since we are a performing diner the audience want to be included as well, so interact with them, send them smiles, wave at specific people, pick people out of the crows, that sort of stuff.” She shifted her body to a more comfortable position, “As for moving around, again, we’re a performing diner, everyone will have a mic pack, since you can pick up, hold and wear physical things I’m gonna assume you can wear mic packs too. I don’t know how your amps work though so just move as much as possible, Julie if you can do the most moving around that would be great, we’ll have some performers dancing and working around you but you guys are our main attraction when you’re performing. Just do what you can to the best of your ability, that's all we ask.”
“Well, I’m sure we can do that, right, boys?”
“Obviously, have you not heard us rehearse this week? We’re going blow everyone’s socks off!”
“I have a feeling anything could go badly though, what if the mic packs don’t work or one of us doesn’t appear when we start playing, or- “
“Alex, chill out, this isn’t a second hotdog, and if it is we’ll eat it so it knows who’s boss!”
“Uh, Reggie, that’s how we died, I’m pretty sure the hotdog won.”
“Huh, yeah, that checks out.”
Julie and Y/N caught each other’s eyes and burst out laughing, “Can you guys stop having your little ghostie jokes, I’m trying to boast that I’m well on my way to being a famous manager to the She-Devil herself!”
“Well, now I’ve fulfilled my part of this mission I have to head off to my next mission, Agent Y/N is officially signing out.” Julie smiles and Flynn walks up, “It was great to have you on this mission, we wish you luck in your next. Stay safe Agent, we hope to see you again.” The three girls saluted each other before snickering while the boys stared at them in confusion. Y/N walked over to her bag and slung it over her shoulder, “I’ll see you guys later.” She pushed open the garage doors, waving goodbye one last time before walking out.
Y/N started walking down the path before a loud smashing sound caught her by surprise, “Wait!” A weird sensation spread over her hand, it was warm but cold and it made her skin tingle before she felt pressure replace the weird feeling and fingers curl around her hand. “How can I help you?” Y/N turned around, plastering her customer service smile onto her face.
“Leather Boy?”
She turned to see Reggie standing there completely frozen, holding onto her hand as though it were a lifeline. “Reggie? You okay?” Reggie shook his head slightly and smiled before looking down, a sheepish expression crossing his face, “Can I hug you? Please?” Y/N’s softened and smiled brightly, “Of course, Reg. Come here.” She reached up and looped her arms around his neck as he buried his face into her shoulder, “I don’t get many hugs, the guys don’t like them and I feel like it would be weird to ask Julie.”
“Well, you can hug me anytime…that sounds really weird.” Y/N chuckles as Reggie gazes at her in admiration, “So what did scream at me and- break a plant pot for?” Y/N peers behind Reggie and finds the origin of the smashing sound. “Uh, well I was going to just say goodbye but since we’re here would you mind if I came by the diner later?” Y/N smirked, “Can’t get enough of me?” Reggie grew flustered and turned his gaze to the floor, “Well- I like looking at the food but you being there is definitely a positive.” Y/N blinked, now it was her turn to be flustered, she didn’t expect him to just come out and say something like that.
“Right, yes, well, I’ll see you there then. Um, bye.”
“Yeah, yeah, goodbye.”
@slutforjjmaybank​   @morganayennefertyrell​
@dxestars​   @dcnerd98​
@ultraworthlessbitch​   @revolutionary-werewolf-ghosts
@underc0vercryptid-reads​   @miisacore​
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appledashieeus · 4 years
“We don’t talk together” - Heize but it’s about Rainbow Dash’s feelings for her crush.
At Sweet Snack Cafe...
Sunset: So... How are you guys doing?
Rainbow: Nahh I’m doing just as awesome as usual
Applejack (smirk): Huh? Ah’m good. So how about you Sunset?
Rainbow: Yeah, how are you AND Pinkie doin’?
Sunset (darting her eyes away from the girl, replying shyly): We’re alright.. I guess.
Sunset: Talking about relationships, how are you and Rarity? Didn’t you two decide to get back together after that ​Starswirled Music Festival​, right?
Applejack (awkwardly): Yeah, righ- ah mean... things are really not that clear yet. *blushing hard, and immediately gulped the water in her glass to relieve her awkward state*  Rare said she needs more time but ah’ think we’re doin’ alright?
Sunset (confused): But didn’t you two spent major time together at that festival?...
Rainbow (thinking in her head): Not all the time
Sunset:...You even rolled her sushi...
Rainbow (muttering): She makes food for everyone.
Sunset:...you made her mud-mask...
Rainbow (still muttering):She didn’t, it was real mud tho
Sunset:...And that Ponygram’s video ya two made together about camping must have, it has like, millions heart icons in it!
Rainbow (keep muttering but smaller volume): Rare likes heart icon, that’s all.
Applejack (thinking about it and start blushing): A-ah’ guess yall did have sum point.
Sunset (smirk in champion way): Hah, see.
AJ *smiled nervously while her cheeks turn in beet-red*
Sunset (notice RD’s gloomy face): So how about you Rainbow? How’s your relationship status?
Rainbow (startled): Oh.. um am alright. Too busy being captain of all the sport team in school at the moment, no time for that mussy love thing *acts careless*
Sunset: Hmm.. I see. But how about Fluttershy, don’t you take care of her a lot? Like whenever were hangin’ out you’re always with her, and last summer your fam and her fam even went on vacation together, right?
Rainbow: There is n-
Applejack: There is no way RD and Fluttershy having anything for each other ah’m tellin’ ya *chuckle* They are childhood friends, more specifically they parents are friends, even tho they don't seem like they have anything in common but Fluttershy’s parents trust RD a lot. They asked her to look after their daughter, am ‘ah right sugarcube?
Rainbow (smiled nervously): Yeah, that’s everything Sunset. By the way Fluttershy already has a crush on this tree-nerd, what’s her name again? Ahh yeah Tree Hugger. Don’t you know about that?
Rainbow: Besides, she isn’t my type anyway so yea, that kind of relationship is impossible for us. We’re more like sister if you ask me tho *placing the straw in the cup she was holding on her lips, drinking her cool rainbow ice-blended to dispel the tense*
Sunset (confusion): Ah yeah, right, Pinkie might mentioned it before but I wasn’t paying much attention haha *chuckle shyly*
🎶 Get in the group, you bring that dancing shoes~ I’ll bring that attitude, you bring the crew so we can move~ 🎵
Applejack (startled): Ohh that was mah phone. *pick up the phone* Yea Rarity?....
Sunset looking at RD’s frowning face , “there must be something wrong here” she thinks.
Applejack (hang up her phone): Uhm.. Sorry you guys, it’s time for me to go to Rare’s house. Ah’ promised her ah’ll build her closet-room today. And ah gonna post it on Ponygram so remember to check ‘em out *chuckle shyly*
Applejack (pack up her thing and finish her apple smoothie): Okay ah’ gotta go now, see yall later.
Sunset: Yeah take care AJ
Rainbow (back to earth): Ah right, bye AJ see you around.
Sunset (waving): Have fun!
After Applejack left, The atmosphere became dull for the Speedster. Dashie’s face formed a noticeable gloom which Sunset recognized.
Sunset: Hey Rainbow, you alright?
Sunset: Heyy *wave her hand at RD’s face*
Sunset: (do and say random thing) Back to earth Rainbow Dash
Sunset (lose her temper): RAINBOW DASH!!
Rainbow (startled): Huh? I’m here am here. Oh it was you, Sunset Shimmer. You don’t need to shout that loud you know. *takes a sip from her ice-blended*
Sunset (pats Rainbow’s shoulder): Is there anything wrong Dash? *she said in a worrying tone*
Rainbow (sigh): It’s nothing Sunset, I just...
Sunset stopped for a moment and thought about the conversation the three of them had earlier. Not long after studying the moment shared, Sunset finally realized what the actual problem really was
Sunset (slightly serious voice): You have a crush on AJ don’t you?
Rainbow (got startled, nervously looking around while quickly uses her hand to shut Sunset up): Wh-what? What are you saying! pfft.. tsk.. I don’t have feelings for Applejack, Sunset.
Sunset (takes RD’s hand off her mouth): Ugh.. Chill out Dash, It’s not like Pinkie’s here today to bounce and talk non-stop about this. Gummy caught a stomach ache, she had to bring him over to Fluttershy.
Sunset (looking around): And it seems like there is no one we know is sittin’ in. So Rainbow Dash, calm down.
Rainbow (finally making herself calm down a bit and sitting down): Yeah you’re right *sigh, looking down* So you know my secret huh? Now what, are you going to tell everyone about it?
Sunset: No Dash that’s not what I mea-
(The original was in Korean but I decided to use the translation. Suggest yall to listen to this song while continue reading)
🎵~ Do you feel the same now? It’s strange
This night we’ve been walking a long time ~ 🎶
Rainbow Dash froze upon hearing the song. She knows this song. She felt her heart clench inside her chest as if it was stabbed with a sword
Sunset sensed how uneasy her rainbow headed friend had become and as her friend. she scooted closer to show comfort
Sunset (patted her friend’s back): Hey RD, I know that you feel uncomfortable about all of this, but if you need someone to talk to.. I’m right here you know? I’ll be all ears.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset then look down at her ice-blended , her voice got softer than ever): You see Sunset...
Sunset: (listening)
Rainbow (sigh): I did something I shouldn’t. I have a crush on my best friend, and that friend is even DATED my other best friend. I’m a real mess ain’t I. *dugs her face in both of her hands releasing a heavy breathe of sigh*
Sunset (surprisingly and hesitantly): Dash i-
🎶~ Without any fear
I don’t know, I don’t know
Maybe back then 🎵
I just relied too much on Believing you would comfort me ~ 🎶
The feels that Rainbow Dash is feeling right now, she hated it.
Sunset (still patting RD’s back in comfort): You know RD, there is nothing wrong with you or your feelings. At all.                                                                           It’s something natural and you can’t just abandon or run away from it. I’m sure those feelings are reasonable same as everyone else’s
Sunset: Again, I am here if you need me.
🎵 ~ ​I know
We love each other 🎶
We don’t talk together I’m always yours
Why don’t you? 🎵
I don’t want to admit it Why don’t you?
🎶 I can’t send you away ~
RD’s shoulders trembled, her tears began to flow down her face
Sunset (surprised): Rainbow i-
Rainbow (slightly sobbing): Sunset I don’t know anymore. I shouldn't feel this way but I just can’t stop it. I love Applejack... a lot. *her voice getting weaker and sobber* It’s way too hard for me to control this damn feeling, I just think about that girl every time, every-freaking-second. Like, even when I play my game, if she doesn’t show up i’ll get distracted because i keep thinkin’ why or what happened. It’s too much for me Sunset, way too much.
Sunset got surprised, she never expected this, that one of her cool tomboy and stoic friend could be this soft and fragile. It... makes Sunset remember her past, she feels empathy.
Without saying anything, she continued on stroking her friends back.
Rainbow (still sobbing): Y-you know Sunset...
Sunset (starled): H-huh? *she just got back from her thinking space*
Rainbow (raises her face up, using a napkin to wipe the tears on her face away): AJ is something, she truly is something special, to me. I love a lot of things about this cowgirl. She’s the only person that could be as awesome as I am. Oh no offense Sunset.
Sunset (slightly smile): Non taken. I get what you’re saying, I thought that kind of way about Pinkie too.
Rainbow (finally giggle a bit): You see Sunset, me and AJ do a lot of things together. We’re even friend before I met the other girl, well not Fluttershy since my parents know her for a long time already. But yeah, Applejack and I spent most of the time together since we have tons of common interests, we shared the same hobbies and we’re always doing silly competitions together.
Sunset (giggled a bit): I can tell. But is that the only thing makes you trippin’ for Applejack that hard, I think there is more? *leaning her back to the chair*
Rainbow (chuckle a bit): You’re reading my mind aren’t you
Sunset (shrugs): I’m not touching you tho
They both stopped for a moment and then cracked smile together.
(I recommend yall to listen to “Some” by BOL4 or “Honey” by Kehlani while continue reading Rainbow’s thought on AJ)
Rainbow: Yeah yeah you are right. It’s not the only thing.
Rainbow (starts blushing): Well... I love Applejack because she is who she is. I love how she’s really responsible you know? She’s completely the exact opposite as I am. She’s smart and dependable to everyone… she knows how to handle her friends, family and... (blushing harder while muttering) me. She’s really strong as well, both physical and emotional, you know after what happened to her parents.
Sunset (nodding): I can tell.
Rainbow (takes a big gulp of her ice-blended and continuing): Okay this is awkward and idk what you think but Applejack is *shyly blushing* the apple of my eyes.
Sunset (interested face): Ooooo
Rainbow (embarrassed): I-i mean she is pretty tho, like nature pure pretty. She don’t even need any of that Rarity’s makeover thing *sarcastically voice*.   
She’s just naturally gorgeous.
Sunset (drinking her juice and raises her eyebrow): Hmm... I see.
Rainbow (blushing shyly): Like, have you seen those freckles on her cheeks, they make AJ looks so freaking adorable. Her voice is funny and beautiful at the same time, I don’t care what other think but her country puns are hilarious and I like it when she called me “sugarcube” or “hun”, yes I do know she say that to everyone but still...
Sunset: (chuckling secretly)
Rainbow (continuing): And gosh, her emerald eyes are something unreal for sure im tellin’ ya, they are so mysterious, deeply and shiny like the aurora light in Arctic. I don’t know why but her looks for me are somehow so powerful, especially when she raises her eyebrow. It’s like she’s reading every ounce of me making me can’t lie to her.
Sunset (nodding): I gotta agree with you on that, Applejack’s look truly is something powerful tho.
Rainbow (sign and smirk in sarcastic): Yeah, she can easily tell when someone’s lying, but couldn’t tell how much I’m going nuts over her
Sunset: Woah RD, it sounds hurtful when you say it that way.
Rainbow: It is what it is.
Sunset (curiously): But now AJ is single, why don’t you just go hit on her?
Rainbow (hide her nervousness): Seriously Sunset? Aren’t you the one who just brought up all those Rarijack moments to Applejack and makes her blush as heck? *sarcastically voice*
Sunset (feeling guilty): Oopsie! Sorry Dash, I didn’t know...
Rainbow (sign): It isn’t your fault anyway. If anyone is at fault here, it’s me.
Sunset: No Rainbow, why would you even think ‘bout it that way? It doesn’t sound like the awesome Rainbow Dash I know at all.
Rainbow (smirk): I could be awesome at a lot of things, but in this mussy love thing Sunset. I am a loser, a betrayal to my friendship with Rarity and Applejack...
Sunset (pity voice): Dash...
Rainbow (chuckle in sarcastic): Isn’t it funny Sunset, fallin’ in love with my best friend who is taken by my other best friend, how much of a jerk am I?
Sunset: Stop Rainbow, you are being negative. Besides, AJ and Rare broke up for a while now. Hey, if that Ragamuffin Rare met on the spring yatch have social media, they’re probably dating by now. And remember one thing, Rarity is you best friend , she’ll understand.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset with surprisingly then looking down at the table again): B-but what if the two of them actually still have feelings for each other… You’ve seen how blushed AJ was when you brought up Rarijack stuffs to her...
Sunset (sign): RD-
*Tingg* (coming from Sunset’s phone)
Rainbow: Is that Pinkie?
Sunset (check her phone): Yeah, her appointment with Fluttershy just finished.
Rainbow (playing with her straw): Yeah you should probably go pick her up
Sunset: Dash i-
Rainbow (rest her chin on her hand): Don’t worry for me I kinda need to head home too. Go take care for your little ​chaos.
Sunset (chuckle): Yeah yeah you’re right.
Sunset (pack up her things): I was actually surprised, RD. It’s not about your feelings for AJ, more like because I’ve never seen that soft part of you like this, at all. Not until now, that’s ju-
Rainbow: Uhm... Sunset Shimmer, talking about that...
Sunset: Yea?
Rainbow (hesitantly): Can you keep our conversation today as a secret, especially to AJ or any of the girl, or just anyone we know. You see, it’s not just  because I don’t want anyone to know about my feelings..
Rainbow (sheepishly): My reputation is kind of at stake too you know? Who would want to know that the ever so awesome Rainbow Dash being like this when it comes to this lovey-dovey things *smiled nervously*
Sunset (slightly smile. sign): I get it Dash, your secret is safe with me. Pinkie promise.
Rainbow (lightened up a bit): Thank you Sunset, for everything. I really appreciate that.
Sunset: No big deal RD, I'm glad that you shared with me too. Hey if you need a company, just know that I’ll always be ready for *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy love talk, okay?
Rainbow (giggle): Yeah yeah, I will. Now you better go if you don’t want to keep your pink cotton candy waiting for her *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy girlfriend.
Sunset (chuckle): Chezz Rainbow Dash, okay see you tomorrow *waving and leaving*
Rainbow (waving back): Yeah see you ‘round
To be continued...
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notalwaysthevillian · 5 years
Parent Trapped
Warnings: Anxiety, self-deprecation, food mention
Pairings: Eventual Romantic Remile, platonic LAMP
Word Count: ~3k
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Chapter 2: First Week of School
The next morning should’ve been absolute chaos, but it went surprisingly smooth. Emile woke first, getting ready for the day before heading downstairs to make breakfast for the boys. Patton was the next to rise, jumping in the shower as Virgil came downstairs to eat. The two switched places when Patton was done.
Once everyone was ready to go, the three of them made sure they had everything before jumping in the car.
“Are you guys excited for your first day?”
Virgil shrank in his seat. “You mean our first day in the middle of the school year? When we know absolutely no one and we’re the freaky new kids?”
“V, it’s okay.” Patton reached over and squeezed his hand. “We have a few classes together, and since we’re new we’ll probably sit together. And we share the same lunch.”
“I’ve talked to the principal over email.” Emile glanced at his sons in the back. “He seems like a very nice man. When I mentioned your anxiety disorder he said that he’d let the teachers know.”
Shrinking even further, Virgil threw his hoodie up. After a moment, he bolted upright. “What if they make me take my hood down?”
“They won’t, I made sure of it.” Emile said, his voice stern. “And if any of the teachers give you trouble for it, I want you to tell Mr. Sanders at the earliest opportunity. He understands that it helps you feel less anxious, even if it’s only a little bit.”
They pulled up to the school. There were kids pouring in from the buses, as well as the parking lot. Patton looked excited, but Virgil looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.
“I believe in you.” Emile smiled at him in the mirror.
Steeling his shoulders, Virgil got out of the car. He hunched over immediately, glancing at Patton who was still in the car.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Patton just caught Emile’s nod as he got out of the car. Once the boys were at a safe distance from the curb, he drove off, waving in the mirror.
“We should go find our lockers.” Virgil mumbled, fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie.
The two of them fell into step as they headed down the hallway. A few people turned to look at them, but for the most part people kept to themselves.
The whispers were what worried Virgil. Especially when he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
They’re talking about you.
They think you’re a freak.
You’re not going to fit in here no matter how hard you try.
Luckily, Patton had noticed as soon as Virgil started to sink into his thoughts. He bumped their shoulders together, getting Virgil’s attention.
“What’s your first class?”
Virgil pulled out his schedule. He scanned the first column, glad that the school had been kind enough to give them a map along with their schedules. Not that the building was very big anyway.
“Um...Physical Science.”
“I’ll run into you as you leave then.” Patton said, putting his schedule up to Virgil’s. “I have that one second hour. You’ll have to warn me if there’s a pop quiz.”
Virgil couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Definitely. And you’ll have to warn me about any in English.”
“Of course.”
They reached their lockers, which were side by side, and quickly dumped what they wouldn’t need until after lunch.
“I can walk you to science if you want.” Patton offered.
Virgil shook his head. “I can’t be the freak that needs his brother to walk him to his classes.”
“I’ll be okay. Promise.”
Virgil held out his pinky. Patton took it and they shook.
“See you in Algebra!” Patton said as he headed off.
Virgil turned around, heading in the opposite direction. It took him about two minutes to find the science hallway. He walked down the hall, checking the room numbers against his schedule, double checking when he found the right room.
He walked in, heading up to the teacher’s desk immediately. Mrs. Calypso glanced up as he approached, giving him a genuine smile.
“Virgil, right?” She said, keeping her voice low. “I’m Mrs. Calypso. Tho - Principal Sanders talked to me about your anxiety, so I won’t be introducing you to the class.”
Reaching into a drawer, she pulled out a textbook. There was a toucan emblazoned on the cover. “This is our textbook. You guys actually came in at a really good time, most of us are starting new sections today. I don’t think Le - Mr. Anderson is starting anything new, but volleyball is pretty easy to pick up.”
“Thank you.” Virgil took the textbook from her. He shifted his weight. “Um...where should I sit?”
“Oh! Right.” She glanced at a sheet of paper in front of her. “Logan sits by himself, you could join him.”
She pointed to a small boy with perfectly styled red hair. His glasses were a lot different than Patton’s. Patton preferred round glasses, but this boy seemed to prefer the square ones. It made him look smart and slightly intimidating.
As Virgil approached, Logan looked up from his book. “Hello. My name is Logan.”
“Mrs. Calypso told me.” Virgil said, wanting to mentally smack himself immediately. “I’m Virgil.”
Logan nodded, glancing at the clock above Virgil’s head. “I suggest you skim over the chapter. It’ll help you be able to answer Mrs. Calypso’s questions faster.”
Virgil pulled out his notebook, folder, and a pencil before dropping his backpack at his feet. He started going over the first few paragraphs of the chapter, interrupted when the bell rang.
“Alright, class, if you’d open your books to chapter eight, we can get started.”
Virgil’s first few classes went by fairly quickly. Mrs. Calypso was extremely nice. A few times he’d panicked, thinking she was going to call on him, but she called on Logan instead. He was obviously the smartest kid in the class, something Virgil was grateful for.
When science had ended, Logan had given him a smile before heading out. Virgil bumped into Patton on the way to English, letting him know there wasn’t a pop quiz and getting a giggle in response.
Mx. Stokes was just as cool as Mrs. Calypso was nice. They had a huge non-binary flag up on the wall, informed Virgil of their pronouns right away, and had handed him a small Shakespeare anthology.
“We’re working our way through Hamlet right now.” They’d said as they handed the book over. “If you know the Lion King, you’re good.”
Virgil was glad he wasn’t picked on to read any of the lines, knowing he’d mess it up. Instead he gave his opinion on what a few of the pieces of foreshadowing were, earning a smile and nod from Mx. Stokes in the process.
By the time he reached math, he was a lot calmer. None of the students seemed to really care that there were some new kids, ignoring him since he was ignoring them.
“You look happy.” Patton said once Virgil had sat down next to him.
Mr. Lockwood shut the door as soon as the bell rang. One unlucky student showed up a few seconds later, opening the door and slinking to their desk.
“We have a few new students today.” He gestured to Virgil and Patton. Virgil immediately started sinking in his seat. “Virgil and Patton Picani. You can get to know them on your own time. Our new unit today is polynomials.”
There were a few groans from the class.
“Yes, yes, I know, math sucks. It’s still my job to teach you and get you to understand the material by any means necessary.” After a moment of silence, he pulled out a remote. “And today’s means are a video.”
The class cheered as the projector was turned on, starting to warm up.
After one more class without Patton, since he’d opted for Spanish and Patton had opted for ASL, they met at their lockers.
“ASL is so much fun!” He gushed as they dumped their morning books and grabbed their stuff for the afternoon. “Our teacher, Talyn, shows us videos while we do the signs. It’s so much easier to figure it out that way!”
“That’s really cool, Pat.” Virgil slipped his backpack straps over his shoulders as they walked to the lunchroom.
Since the school was small, the lunchroom was too. Virgil was relieved to find out that it wasn’t the giant, two-story area he was thinking of. High School Musical wasn’t the best depiction of high school, but it was all he knew.
They moved through the line, grabbing some rubbery looking pizza, a fruit cup, and a sugar cookie.
“This looks nasty.” Virgil said as they sat at an empty table in the corner. “I’m definitely packing a lunch the rest of the year.”
“It might not be that bad!” Patton took a bite of the pizza. “The pizza is okay. No Little Caesar’s, but it’s...edible.”
The two of them choked down their lunches. By the time they were finished, the cafeteria was mostly cleared out. Following the few students left, Patton and Virgil found that most of the students headed off to wherever they wanted to, using their spare lunch time as a little bit of a free period.
Virgil glanced at the kids before starting to shuffle down the hall. “I’m gonna get my stuff and head to History.”
“Okay!” Patton started walking with him. “I’m gonna head to the gym. Mr. Anderson should probably know how clumsy I am before he decides where I’m going on the volleyball court.”
“You’re not that clumsy.”
The two of them burst into giggles at Virgil’s claim. Patton was known for tripping over the slightest thing. Sometimes that included his own feet. But Virgil and their dad never made him feel bad about it, telling Patton that it simply added to his charm.
Once they’d gathered their stuff from their lockers, the two of them went their separate ways once more. Virgil headed off to history with Mr. Foote, and Patton headed to the gym.
There were a few students already over there, heading into the locker room. Patton went into the gym first, hoping to talk to Mr. Anderson before class started.
“Woah, you need your uniform tod -” Mr. Anderson stopped himself. “I apologize, you must be one of the new students. Let me see...Patton?”
“That’s me!” Patton said, giving him a smile. “I wanted to warn you before class started. I’m really clumsy.”
“Even the clumsiest among us can be great athletes.” Mr. Anderson looked up, marking a few students off on his clipboard. “Don’t worry, Patton, I’m here to make sure no one gets hurt, whether it be intentional or an accident. And when I can’t prevent that, Nurse Britches does an excellent job at patching people up.”
Patton giggled, leaving Mr. Anderson to talk to the students who had just walked in. He quickly changed into his uniform and tennis shoes, throwing the rest of his stuff in his gym locker.
“You’re new.”
Green eyes looked up at Patton from the nearest bench. The boy was tying his shoes, the red accents matching his bandana perfectly.
“I’m Patton.”
The boy stood, flicking his hair out of his eyes. “Roman.”
“I thought we had to wear the uniform.” Patton said as they headed out of the locker room.
Roman shot him a mischievous grin. “If you check the handbook, the rules say we have to wear the uniform. It doesn’t say anything about us not being able to add anything to it. Though once Principal Sanders figures that out, he’ll probably fix it for next year.”
Patton let out a giggle. “I mean, you’re still following the rules.”
“Technically, yeah.”
They filed into the gym with the rest of the class. Mr. Anderson, who insisted Patton call him Coach Leo, split them up into teams before letting them loose.
Patton was lucky enough to be on Roman’s team. “I’m pretty clumsy, so…”
“Everyone gets a turn in each spot.” Roman said, nudging him into the back center. “Of course, that’s if the other team can hit the ball back over. I’m the best server in the class.”
Class flew by, with Roman scoring point after point. Once he’d fully decimated the other team, Coach Leo called out a rule that servers could only score five points in a row, and then the team had to rotate.
“Doesn’t matter, we’ll still win.” Roman mumbled under his breath.
And he was right. Their team was the winner at the end of class, with no losses on their record.
“Tomorrow we’ll work on some of the basics again.” Coach Leo said as the bell rang.
Roman and Patton headed to the locker room to change back into their normal clothes.
“So where did you sit at lunch today?” Roman asked, pulling his shirt over his head.
“Over in the corner with my twin.”
“You have a twin?!” Roman practically shrieked.
No one gave them a second glance, telling Patton that he must do this a lot. “Mhmm. His name is Virgil.”
“Well, I cannot wait to meet your twin tomorrow.” When he noticed Patton’s confused look, Roman continued. “You two have to sit with me and my friends. And my brother.”
“Your brother isn’t your friend?”
Roman waved a hand in the air. “Kinda sorta. I gotta run to English, see you later!”
By the time the day was over, Patton was loaded down with homework. He was happy to see Virgil when he reached his locker to get all the books he’d need.
“Why is there so much to do?!” Virgil asked as he packed practically all of their textbooks into his backpack. The zipper refused to go up all the way, so he just left it open a crack.
Patton shrugged. “Because we came in during the middle of the year?”
“Nah, it’s just because everyone started a new section on the same day.” Tanya told them as she walked up. Her bubblegum snapped as she popped a bubble. “It’s not normally like that.”
“I guess we’re just lucky.” Hoisting up his backpack, Virgil slung it over one shoulder. “We should go find Dad.”
Patton nodded before turning to Tanya. “Did you need a ride home?”
“Nah, I take the bus.” Tanya adjusted her backpack. “Gives me some time with my friends. But I’ll see you guys later.”
The Picanis headed out of the double doors, finding their dad waiting a little down the block. As soon as they got in, he gave them a huge smile.
“How was school?”
Virgil and Patton looked at each other. Virgil waved his hand and Patton started talking first.
“It was a lot of fun, even though we have a lot of homework. I met a lot of people and I made a new friend! His name is Roman, he’s in my gym class. Oh! And my ASL teacher is super cool. They show us videos to learn the signs and it makes it a lot easier. Um...I think that’s it.”
“I’m glad you made a friend! He’ll have to come over sometime soon so I can meet him.” Emile switched his gaze to his other son in the rearview mirror. “Virgil? How’d it go?”
“It went alright. My English teacher is really cool. We’re doing Hamlet, which they told me is just like the Lion King. And I think I made a friend? He’s in my science class and we sit together. He doesn’t talk a lot unless he’s answering a question.”
“What’s his name?”
“Logan. And he’s short, so I think he might have skipped a grade or something, but I didn’t want to ask him.” As he finished his sentence, Virgil flipped up his hood, putting in his headphones.
The next day at lunch, Patton dragged Virgil over to where Roman was sitting. Virgil noticed Logan sitting at the emptier end of the table, eyes moving over a book in front of him as he ate.
“The name’s Roman.” Roman said to Virgil, who responded with a half smile and a wave. Waving his hand down the table, Roman introduced everyone else. “That’s Alex, Quil, and Nessa. The one at the end who’s ignoring everyone is my brother, Logan.”
“Logan’s your brother?” Virgil asked.
Logan finally looked up when he heard Virgil’s voice. “Sadly.”
“If you want some semblance of peace and quiet, I’d suggest you join the loner end of the table.” Logan continued, ignoring his brother’s shout of protest.
Virgil immediately moved across from Logan, hearing Roman grumble under his breath. Patton easily distracted him with a question, leaving Virgil and Logan to themselves.
“How are you two related?” Virgil asked as he watched Roman talk with his hands.
Logan flipped a page in his book. “We’re not. By blood, I mean. I was adopted.”
“Oh.” Virgil bit his lip, not sure what to say. “Um, that’s cool.”
“It would be if my father and brother weren’t such lunatics.”
The only thing tipping Virgil off that Logan was joking was the tiniest twitch in the corner of his mouth. Once Virgil started laughing, Logan did too.
“Oh my god, he laughs.” Roman teased from the other end of the table, earning himself a rude gesture from Logan.
That, combined with the offended gasp from Roman and a scolding from Patton, made Virgil laugh even harder. Tears started streaming down his face as he continued, unable to stop for a good minute or so.
The rest of the week became routine. Patton and Virgil ate at Roman and Logan’s table every single day. The four of them became fairly good friends by the end of the week.
Good enough friends for Roman to come in on Friday, excitement sparkling in his eyes, and say, “My dad said you guys could sleep over tonight.”
Ice spread through Virgil’s veins at the thought. He stammered out some sort of excuse before taking off, leaving his lunchbox behind.
“Was it something I said?” Roman asked as he stared at were Virgil had been.
Patton quickly got up, grabbing Virgil’s lunchbox. “He - it’s - I’ll text you later and explain, okay? I don’t want to say something he doesn’t want me to say.”
Roman simply nodded as Patton took off to go find his brother.
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Birthday Girl
Rating: T
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Hey hey people. I know that last time I've promised you some dirt in the next chapter, but then Mikasa's birthday came around and I just had to make one where she's simply, you know, happy. Because she deserves it. I'll do my best do deliver the next time I write, pinky promise :)
It’s amazing what a human mind can achieve once it's freed from its carnal desires. Calling his time “productive” would be an understatement for Eren. Just a day after having his most basic desire taken away, he was already sharing a much needed catch up dinner with Armin, talking about everything that happened over the last few months. He learned that his friend’s book was going along well, for once, as Armin picked up the pace and began working on it again. His sessions with Hitch were less frequent too, the psychiatrist saying that Armin was good, and only getting better. To get a second opinion on this, Eren called Hitch, but she only confirmed what Armin said. Although mentioning Annie was still difficult for him, he was finally over her.
Moving on with his catch-up journey, Eren paid a visit to the bar, to see how Connie and Sasha were doing. And while Armin had only good news for him, these two weren’t doing that well. Sasha was obsessed with something, Connie said, but she wouldn’t share what it was, often leaving for hours and coming back late. An activity that was dangerous for anyone, and especially for a woman in a wheelchair, but Sasha was adamant that whatever she was doing, she must do on her own.
Next, Eren grabbed a quick drink with Jean, noting that his friend seemed more relaxed than ever, but when asked all Jean did was shrug and say that he confronted some old demons of the past. And finally, least but not last, Eren finalized his order of the gift for Mikasa’s birthday, an event that was coming up. A celebration would be held at the Third Wheel, of course, but he had something special for his girl, a gift that would be best shared just between the two of them, not out in the public.
The party itself still required some planning, and Eren was just about to call if the cake is ready when his phone pinged, indicating an incoming message. From the birthday girl herself, nonetheless.
“Hey.”, it said. Quite non-descript.
Well then.
“Hey yourself.”
“You doing something?”
Eren arched an eyebrow at that. What a weird thing to ask.
“Not really, what’s up?”
“I need your help.”
Oh? But before Eren could ask what Mikasa needed a hand with, his phone pinged again.
“What do you think about my posture?”
And a photo right after. A photo that made Eren’s fingers tighten around the phone, eyes widening. Apparently, his lovely girlfriend was at the gym right now, working on herself. The picture was nice, to be sure, a nice photo of a mirror reflection that displayed Mikasa bending over and showing herself off to the best of her ability. Her ass was a godlike one, Eren always said, and dressed in the short workout shorts it was a delicious snack he would do anything to get. The angle was very good too, if anything, her modeling career taught Mikasa how to strike a pose to really get someone going, and it was working wonders on Eren. Correction, it would be working wonder if not for a certain deal he made just a day back, a deal which now prevented his body from reacting normally to this kind of stimulation. Instead of any hardening, he was hit by a very unpleasant wave of tightness between his legs, the restrictive device working as intended. God. Fucking. Damnit. Yet before he could retaliate, another ping.
This time she was facing the camera, holding the phone up, giving him a very nice view of her cleavage and the smug grin that sat on her face. Sweat was running freely down her skin, so she was probably working herself hard as usual, but the way the corners of her lips turned up left no room for discussion. Mikasa knew exactly what she was doing. And Eren was once again left completely stunned.
“You think I’m standing right?”
Oh, now she asked. Eren could only imagine how much she was enjoying herself right now, giggling at the gym. The tease. Breathing in, breathing out, Eren looked away from the screen, closing his eyes and trying to empty his mind from the pictures that were burned into his brain. Honestly speaking, he didn’t even notice the cage before this damned conversation, busy as he was, easily ignoring the added weight at his crotch. But now it was painfully present, pushing down his budding erection, and Eren had to agree that it was rather uncomfortable. Another ping cut into the darkness. Then another. And another. Damn spammer.
He should ignore those messages, Eren reasoned with himself, just put Mikasa on mute for the day and move on with his party planning, but as always, his reasonable side got pushed down by the primal one. He had to see her, just had to. With a sigh, knowing that whatever she sent will be another test of his self-control, Eren cracked his eyes open. Well, he was correct.
“Are you ignoring me?”
And lastly, another picture. This time, Mikasa went all out, holding her shirt and bra between her teeth, shamelessly flashing her tits into the camera. Judging from the surroundings, she moved to the changing room, and it was logical considering that Mikasa was hardly the type to undress in the middle of the gym. Unable to help himself, Eren stared, mesmerized, at the small perky mounds, pale skin bathed in sweat, dark nipples in the middle, the cage slowly changing from uncomfortable into an infernal torment. Breath wheezing, he forced his fingers to move.
“Your posture looks fine.”, he slowly typed in, knowing very well that Mikasa had years and years of experience with how to treat her body. She knew what to do but abusing her boyfriend’s chastity situation was simply too tempting.
“Nice tits.”, he added after a pause.
There. That will show her. An answer pinged soon after.
“Thanks 😊”
Eren had to move her mind away from this, otherwise, there was a chance that she might just document her whole shower to him. And while normally Eren would welcome these nudes, right now they were a source of pain, not pleasure.
“You coming to the party tomorrow?”, he asked.
“I believe I don’t have a choice, considering it’s my birthday party.”
“I took care of the planning, but you still need to invite those fashion people.”
“I did. And Kiyomi is going to attend, would you believe that?”
“That woman really likes you, huh?”
“Well, I do have an exclusive deal with her agency. I’m making her some good money.”
Eren chuckled.
“It’s not like she’s paying you bad tho, is it?”
The three dots indicated that Mikasa is typing something, but then they stopped, giving Eren a pause. But then it clicked for him.
“You don’t even know, do you?”
Half a city away, Mikasa grimaced, staring at the message. Ok, maybe she kinda stopped caring about her financial situation a while back. She had her card, and when she wanted to buy something, she simply bought it, just like that. Some might say that it’s irresponsible, leaving all of her monetary worries on her fiancé, but Mikasa grew in an environment where they had to literally count every penny to make it to the next paycheck, and it felt damn amazing to just stop caring. Levi was with her, back when she was signing the agreement with Kiyomi, making sure that they weren’t getting ripped off, but Mikasa didn’t pay much attention, half in disbelief that anyone would hire her for modeling work. In short, she had no idea how much Kiyomi was paying her. Carefully, she wrote back to Eren, doing her best to appear in control.
“Let’s say that hypothetically I really don’t know. Is it a lot?”
Hell, he was onto her. She sighed.
“Fine, you got me, I have no idea. Can you please tell me?”
A smirking emoji with the following message.
“She’s paying you very well Mikasa, combine that with the MMA winnings and you are rather rich at this point.”
“I am?”
Mikasa felt a rush of light-headedness, sitting down on the bench. She was rich? The girl who ate cheap ramen five days a week during her teenage years? The same one who had to buy cheap replicas for her jewelry and the only pieces that might be worth something were her crucifix earrings and the necklace with the massive silver cross from Levi? Funny how that worked out. Satisfied that he stunned her enough, Eren smiled to himself. Now that Mikasa’s mind was wandering elsewhere, he was once again free from her demonic temptations, at least for a time.
“I still have to finish with the party planning.”, he wrote, “Love you.”
With that, he pocketed his phone, only to realize that he was just about to call about the cake. With a groan, he pulled it out once more. So much to do, so little time.
After a bit of thinking, Eren decided to give his gift to Mikasa before the party. So when she woke up on the day of her birthday, she came down to a surprise that made her eyes widen.
“Happy birthday!”, Eren said, leaning on the gift.
The gift which was nothing else but a full-fledged dance pole, including a small stage and everything, with enough room around that she could practice any wild moves Mikasa ever dreamed of. Pole dancing was a serious sport, and it was taxing as hell too, hard to master, a workout for your whole body. He had this idea of getting her one ever since they visited the strip club together and she was so taken with the dancers there, but logistic problems along with other things delayed it. However, when Eren realized that her birthday was coming, he finally kicked himself to act and finalize the deal. And here it was.
Judging from the way she tackled him, murmuring thank you between the kisses, Mikasa loved the gift. Now all she had to do was survive the party and she could start doing some killer workouts at home. To train for MMA matches by pole dancing might not be the standard, but it would be a welcome addition to her routine, and Mikasa was already looking forward to it.
As it turned out, Mikasa Ackerman was more popular than she expected. The bar was full, people were even standing outside, but as the weather was reasonable for once it wasn’t that big of an issue. Most of the new faces that Eren couldn’t recognize were Kiyomi’s fault, of course, as the old woman moved expertly between them, often pulling Mikasa along to show her star girl to the potential customers. Eren couldn’t even remember if he ever spent so much of a party on his own, his fiancé being carried from one small talk to the other by the inexhaustible fashion mogul. Leaning on the bar, he watched the happening around himself for a moment, a smile tugging on his lips. A large number of people understandably meant a large number of presents too; the gifts now piled up on the table in the middle. The most scandalous one was Kiyomi’s, as the old woman gave Mikasa nothing else but a damn billboard. Replacing the old Coca-Cola advertisement was no one else but the birthday girl herself. It wouldn’t be Kiyomi if she didn’t turn it into some profit for herself tho, so Mikasa wasn’t just occupying the billboard without use. In fact, the gift itself was simply an ad, if you looked at it, it was a promotion of the new biker gear collection. Next to the fashion brand’s name, Mikasa was sitting on a bike, looking over her shoulder to the camera, dressed in very stylish leather clothes that didn’t look like they saw a day on the road. And to Eren’s amusement, they made her wear heels for the photoshoot, a thing that Mikasa herself despised, as wearing heels to a bike was nothing else but pure vanity that could end up very badly for the driver. The same could be said for the overly “badass” jacket, as it had a skull on the back with a “Ride or Die” slogan above it. Yet Eren was forced to admit that if he overlooked these unnecessary wrinkles, the photo itself was very well done, Pixis knew what he was doing. Mikasa was hot and badass at the same time, surely getting the attention of anyone who would look at the billboard. And getting someone’s attention was the first step to a successful sale, as Kiyomi herself said.
“Hi there.”
Startled, he looked to the right, seeing that the voice came from a woman he didn’t know, a blonde with startlingly blue eyes and cleavage deep enough to draw the attention of any male in the room. From the way she looked Eren guessed that she was most likely a model too, same as Mikasa, probably invited by Kiyomi or someone affiliated with her.
“Hey.”, he replied, not sure what the woman wanted from him. Did he have something on his face?
“Fun party, huh?”, she continued, twirling a strand of her hair.
“Sure is.”, Eren felt a pang of pride in his chest upon hearing those words. After all, he did all the planning himself, and it was good to hear a stranger’s appreciation.
“Are you here alone?”, the blond went on, her eyes getting bit flirtier as she leaned in, giving Eren a prime view of the aforementioned cleavage. And she was definitely well-endowed, no denying that.
Her question combined with the pose finally made Eren realize what this whole thing was about. It felt weird, being hit on randomly, it almost never happened to him as Mikasa was on his arm at basically every social occasion, and Eren never tried to hide his affection for her. It reminded him of that one time when he took a random girl’s offer and ended up in the bathroom unable to get hard. Fun times. It also reminded him that even should he respond to the blonde’s advances, he was literally unable to fuck her, locked up as he was, while his keyholder was somewhere at the party, dragged behind Kiyomi. The realization was funny, making the corners of his lips turn up, a response that the girl took as a positive one. But when she opened her mouth to speak, her eyes darted to the left and she frowned instead, confused. What confused her was quickly revealed too, as a hand snaked around Eren’s waist, pulling him to press his body against someone he knew intimately.
“You having fun baby?”, Mikasa whispered in her low, dangerous voice, eyes burning holes into the blonde even as she spoke to Eren.
“I was.”, he replied, watching the other girl very quickly vacate her chair and disappear into the crowd, once again proving that Mikasa’s death stare was terrifying. He turned on his chair to face her. “What about you? Kiyomi finally let you go?”
“I managed to slip away from her.”, with a tired sigh, Mikasa took the chair left behind by the blonde, “That woman is insane.”
Reaching out, Eren put his hand on her shoulder in a gesture of silent support, fully agreeing that Kiyomi could be too much sometimes.
“Have you talked to Jean?”, he asked, willing to get her mind off the old woman.
“I did.”, Mikasa’s face lit up, “Him and Hitch are really hitting it, aren’t they?”
“True, I don’t think they care about being secretive anymore.”
“Talking about secretive, Sasha still won’t open up.”, the smile on her lips twisted a bit, “I can’t get her to talk about whatever she’s doing, and Connie is clueless too.”
“Maybe Armin will succeed where we failed.”, Eren offered, “He was always the best of us when it came to talking.”
“And he’s liking the party too,”, Mikasa added,” I haven’t seen him this relaxed in ages.”
Armin was enjoying himself, but as much as he liked his friend, there was one person whose approval Eren was after the most. She was the birthday girl, after all, this party was for her. Clearing his throat, he asked.
“What about you, do you like it?”
“Yes, it’ amazing.”, leaning forward, she pressed a kiss to Eren’s cheek, “Thank you so much.”
“Better than the first party I threw you, huh?”
“Oh, you mean…”, Mikasa’s face lit up with a smile, “That one.”
“The one where I took you to a sushi restaurant.”, Eren clicked his tongue, “Do you remember what you said?”
She was full-on laughing now, and just shook her head to indicate that she can’t really speak right now.
“That’s okay because I remember. You said, and I quote: “That’s kinda racist to assume that I like sushi just because I’m half Japanese.” “
“It was a joke!”, she squeezed out, unable to stop herself from laughing, “I liked it!”
“And I had no idea that you were just making fun. We were dating for a few months; I was terrified that I fucked up.”
“Oh Eren,”, finally able to control herself, Mikasa just hugged him, hiding her grin into his neck,” I love you so much.”
“So much that you stare down any woman that dares speak to me, huh?”
She just shrugged.
“You’re mine, I’m not letting anyone else have you.”
“Huh, and who’s possessive again?”
“I’ll be honest, seeing you talk to that girl was a bit hot.”
Eren pulled back, raising an eyebrow.
She nodded against his skin.
“She had no idea that you’re mine, no idea how much I own you.”, Mikasa’s voice was a whisper now, low and seductive, “She had no idea what you let me do to you.”
Pulling back herself, Mikasa fished between her numerous necklaces to find the chain she was looking for, holding out the key after. Her smile switched from amused to sexy, doing things between Eren’s legs that were bound to be uncomfortable.
“I see all those women looking at you, puppy, I know that they want you, want to have a taste of what’s mine. But they can’t.”, she clicked the key with her black fingernail, “They can’t, because your cock is mine, only mine, isn’t that right?”
“Yours, mistress.”, Eren breathed out, adding the title without even realizing it.
If Mikasa ordered him to kneel before her there, to slide down from his chair and kiss her shoes Eren would do it, she controlled him so easily that it wasn’t even funny. Luckily, Mikasa did nothing of the sorts, letting go of the key as it disappeared back among the collection around her neck.
“And I’ll make it all worth it for you, soon enough.”, the smile on her face changed once more, sliding from sexy to cruel, “I’ll make you suffer, puppy, but you will be loving it all the way. Because I can do anything I want with you, right?”
“Of course, mistress, anything.”
Pulling hard at his tie, Mikasa made him bow down to her height and claimed Eren’s mouth in a wild kiss, one that was sure to leave plenty of black lipstick on his face, sealing her lips on his with a dark promise. One that was bound to come true, as soon as Friday rolls around.
22 notes · View notes
av-ryan · 3 years
AV Ryan
How’s it going aaaalll the way over there in the sub dorms?
Sloan Ryan
its one building over
AV Ryan
You’re right. It’s just weird that you’re in a different building when the rest of us are over here. Seriously though, how’s it going?
Sloan Ryan
I'm actually in town with Roe right now
AV Ryan
Jealous. What are you guys getting into?
Sloan Ryan
well I was getting into sitting my ass down for the afternoon but Steph went to the bookstore
Roe is picking out food for dinner right now
AV Ryan
Sucks to be you. But at least you’re getting in time with Roe
Sloan Ryan
yeah it’s nice did you unpack?
AV Ryan
If you mean emptying the contents of my two trash bag into my drawers then yes. How’s it splitting the closet? Is the room big enough?
Sloan Ryan
[ backdated ] the room is big enough, the closet is not I can’t believe you’re still living out of trash bags nvm I can actually
[ this morning ] You are an insensitive TOOL. That was a highly unnecessary stunt and you knew full well what was going to happen. Jerk. —Sierra
AV Ryan
Si-Si, I knew I'd be hearing from you sooner or later. I just wanted us all to hang, is that such a crime?
Sloan Ryan
[ read ]
AV Ryan
Lemme know when Sloan is back
Sloan Ryan
you’re all idiots
AV Ryan
Should I have triggered Si out on purpose? No. Do I regret what I did? Also no.
Sloan Ryan
was the strip club any good?
AV Ryan
I'm guessing you didn't remember any of it? We had some laughs. And I don't care what anyone else says, I definitely didn't cry.
Sloan Ryan
why are you always crying?
AV Ryan
My therapist says it's a sign of strength not weakness.
Plus the dancers were rude AF
Sloan Ryan
your therapist is right someone rip you off?
AV Ryan
No, they wouldn't listen to me. And I'm not one to shit on customer service or sex workers, but I'm pretty sure in this instance the customer is always right
Sloan Ryan
customer is always right is a myth what in the hell did you do to the strippers??
AV Ryan
I was just trying to talk to them
Sloan Ryan
I thought you’re jus suppose to quietly appreciate and generously tip when it came to strippers
AV Ryan
That's hella boring. Tits don't mean anything without a brain
Sloan Ryan
brainless tits are beautiful you’re so weird
AV Ryan
The brain is way more beautiful than any other organ.
Sloan Ryan
brain matter is like soupy jello
I like boobs
AV Ryan
So why didn’t you want to go to the strip club then?
Sloan Ryan
thats too many boob
I dunno I'm jus trying to keep things calm right now
bars and loud music doesn't do that
AV RyanBOT — 07/16/2021
Okay, point taken.
Sloan Ryan
Roe said we had a good time
so I guess that gets you off the hook
AV Ryan
Yeah well that’s all I wanted
Sloan Ryan
yeah I know Mints ain't upset so, it's okay
AV Ryan
And we're not going to the strip club anymore so we don't have to worry about that anymore
Sloan Ryan
cool I mean yall should still go if you want to, you don't have to worry about me
AV Ryan
I'm not worried about you, I just wanted to chill.
Sloan Ryan
I mean, about not being involved I don’t want to stop any of you from doing things because I can’t sometimes don’t want to but it’s just the strippers you don’t like anymore huh?
AV Ryan
Logically I know that but, you know. Yeah they can suck my pinky
Sloan Ryan
bet they'd love to $$
Sloan Ryan
lost an hour a bounce house today smh
AV Ryan
I was wondering why you were so late. Was it Summer or Sunday?
Sloan Ryan
I dunno, I just checked the journal and Sierra left a note and about not going to beach without sunblock
so maybe not the whole hour if she doubled back too
AV Ryan
Sierra really be looking out for y’all huh?
Sloan Ryan
like it’s her job I saw her text to you the other morning
she’s gonna fight you one day
AV Ryan
I will fight Simon but I will not fight Sierra, I'm pretty sure she would kick my ass
Sloan Ryan
I think all of us could kick your ass
AV Ryan
Have all of you forgotten I've got actual combat training?
Sloan Ryan
AV Ryan
I'm already fighting Roe today, wait in line
Sloan Ryan
yeah I saw about that you need some moral support?
AV Ryan
Sloan Ryan
I'll be there but don't hurt them yeah?
AV Ryan
I won't hurt them too bad
Sloan Ryan
you already have their lock screen picked out?
AV Ryan
A picture of me of course
Sloan Ryan
oh of course, obviously
dunno what I was thinking
AV Ryan
I'm taking selfies as we speak.
I think this is the winner
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Sloan Ryan
it’s blurry
AV Ryan
My thoughts exactly
Sloan Ryan
where is this match happening?
AV Ryan
School gym before the bbq event
Sloan Ryan
got it did you sign up for that?
AV Ryan
No. I was honestly gonna just show up for the food
Sloan Ryan
you can go and mingle, hijack a perfect match
AV Ryan
Wouldn’t that be some shit
Sloan Ryan
I'm sure you could pull it off all that personality you got
AV Ryan
Now it’s too bad I don’t have the energy
Sloan Ryan
I hear that you feeling okay?
AV Ryan
Just contemplating if I want to take a night shower tonight or a morning shower tomorrow. You?
Sloan Ryan
you should go for the night shower so you can feel clean in bed its been a quiet day and Elisa just got
but also just as long as you shower, whenever is good?
AV Ryan
I don't think a night shower is going to happen, but thanks
Sloan Ryan
what if I came and sat and talked with you while you shower? I'm on the way to the airport with Roe right now to get Elisa but, after we get her settled?
AV Ryan
[backdated] Yeah okay
Sloan Ryan
cool I'll tell you when I'm on my way
AV Ryan
AV Ryan
Missing us yet?
Sloan Ryan
AV Ryan
love you too
AV Ryan
No but seriously how you doing?
Sloan Ryan
i'm good, promise just about to finish my first 22 hour print
I will be spamming everyone the results
AV Ryan
What’s the first thing you made? I’m pretty sure you put it in the group chat but I forgot
Sloan Ryan
shit sorry, I’ve been gone all day no worries, it didn’t. this was the first thing, to test it
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AV Ryan
That’s pretty fucking cool, does it actually work?
Sloan Ryan
yeah it do its big af and basically useless but cool right? the next thing I made was the slug we was all talking about. it’s a fidget thing
AV Ryan
Yeah that’s fucking cool
Sloan Ryan
i love this printer you think the school will let it claim me?
AV Ryan
I don't think so, plus it doesn't have tits so
Sloan Ryan
points were made
Sloan Ryan
I'm fucking bored. When u shitheads coming back?
AV Ryan
Sunday. Think you can wait till then?
Sloan Ryan
I sure tf can but I'm gonna go numb if all we do is watch shit print I might smash that thing
AV Ryan
You know they’ll just buy another one. Just take a break from it.
Sloan Ryan
Oh I unplugged it Printing shit 24/7 gtfo
AV Ryan
You could probably get them something for you
Sloan Ryan
fuck that, I don’t need no plastic shit
[ current ] can you tell Mint I’m sorry? bet I’m blocked
AV Ryan
I bet you're not blocked.
Sloan Ryan
tomorrow I'll check, before y'all come home today I have a headache you having a good time?
AV Ryan
He didn't do anything too ridiculous did he? It was a good time, yeah
Sloan Ryan
shoved the printer in the closet but he picked up my meds
AV Ryan
He almost smashed it. The dick does have a heart, I knew it
Sloan Ryan
yeah I saw that
It’s cool though, I jus had to plug it back in
AV Ryan
So no harm no foul?
Sloan Ryan
I guess but I’m knocking on wood right now
AV Ryan
knock knock what are you doing tonight?
Sloan Ryan
nothin really printing and rewatching bionic woman
helped Georgie unpack earlier by help I mean moral support
AV Ryan
I bought donuts. And by bought I mean took some from the cafe. Want some?
Sloan Ryan
hell yeah
Sloan Ryan
for the record, I think you’d look great with long hair
AV Ryan
I knew you thought so. Thanks.
Sloan Ryan
you want me to smuggle out one of her wigs?
AV Ryan
Nah, I stand by what I said, I don't want nothing of hers
Thanks tho
Sloan Ryan
I don’t think she really meant it you know how Sav can be
AV Ryan
It's cool, I was thinking of growing my hair out anyways
Sloan Ryan
ok cool
AV Ryan
Thanks tho
0 notes
whiskasgirl · 7 years
Tenka Wedding Event (in the Lords’ POV) - Hideyoshi
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@amigoingbananas ask and you shall receive~ Also tagging @shioune~ hope you’ll find this post useful and enjoy it! ^^
If you’d like to read the original event from december to catch up, please refer to this post. I indicated the same scenes with italics (there's some rewording and added bits here and there tho).
Spoiler warning - read at your own discretion!
Part 1
MC should be up already, but Hideyoshi can’t find her anywhere. He thinks this strange and has a bad feeling so he looks for her in her room, but he finds it empty. There’s a letter on her desk and he reaches for it with shaking hands. Its contents are the same as before. “This is just like that time”, he thinks. That time before he proposed to MC, Lord Nobunaga ordered him to take Lady Kodera(?) as his wife for strategical reasons and MC left him. [Note: I’m guessing this is referencing a past event? I’d love to read it D:] This is just a dream, he realizes, and yet his heart still hurts. The scenery suddenly changes and he finds himself outside, running. Even the gloomy rain clouds in the sky seemed to reflect MC’s heart at that day. It starts to rain and it soon turns into a downpour. He notices MC running away and he desperately chases her and calls her but can never reach her and it’s as if she couldn’t hear him.
Hideyoshi wakes with a start and MC’s worried face fills his vision. She apologizes for waking him up but it seems he had a nightmare. When Hideyoshi realizes she’s really there with him and everything is all right he strongly embraces her to calm himself.
The next morning, in the mids of the usual lively atmosphere while MC serves breakfast, Hideyoshi remembers again how much he moved up in the world, from peasant to a lord with a castle and how much he’s thankful for the people around him.
Nobunaga calls Hideyoshi to his castle and gifts him a delicate tea set for married couples. Hideyoshi looks up at him with surprise, as he thought they were going to discuss his appointment as general but Nobunaga only smirks and tells him to use the set when he gets married with MC. Leaving Nobunaga’s chamber he meets with Nagaharu on the hallway. Since Nobunaga appointed Hideyoshi as commander for the chuugoku region and not him, their relationship became strained and awkward. “I won’t accept this” is the only thing he says to him before leaving Hide behind.
Back at Nagahama castle they celebrate Hideyoshi’s appointment as general.  It’s late at night when it’s over and MC and Hide prepare for sleep back in their room. He wishes these peaceful days would just continue. While knowing full well that in these troubled, warring times it’s a naive thought, he still can’t help thinking it. As if reading his thoughts, MC snuggles up to him and he puts an arm around her in return. He tells her he wants to support Nobunaga in making a peaceful world without wars and MC promises she will support him along the way. Then he says that on way to Himeji castle they could also visit her mother in Kyoto and how nervous he is about it which MC founds cute and laughs a bit. With a playful smile on his face Hideyoshi pushes her down on their bedding and peppers her face with kisses. “I want to make you my wife soon” he murmurs sweetly, to which MC answers she wants to become his wife too. As they strongly embrace their kisses gradually become deeper and they make love until daybreak~
Part 2
As promised, they arrive at MC’s family restaurant, where Hideyoshi formally introduces himself and they eat dinner together. Watching MC surrounded by family warmth makes him feel lonely but he doesn’t let it show on his face. He can’t help but feel himself an “outsider” after all. While MC and her mother are back washing the dishes Yahiko addresses him with a serious expression. He tells him that he promised their father that he will protect his mother and sister, then asks Hideyoshi if he will protect MC from now on instead of him. Hideyoshi answers just as seriously that he will protect her with his life. To solidify this they make a pinky promise. Hideyoshi and MC spend the night in her old room. Hide confesses that her family reminds him of the warmth of his own family he lost in the past to which MC replies his relationship with Mitsunari and the others seems like a family and feels just as warm to her. Waking up early before MC, Hide goes down to drink something where he meets MC’s mom. She tells her the MC talked about him so happily to her and that she would be pleased if Hideyoshi would consider them his family too. Before leaving for Himeji castle MC’s mom gifts them a tea set for married couples which MC happily accepts.
Since moving to Himeji castle their plans to capture the region were coming along nicely however they recieve a report that Houzuki castle got attacked by the Mouri. They have fewer numbers than the enemy army but Hideyoshi still decides to go to their rescue while asking Nobunaga for reinforcements.
Part 3
They suffer great losses at Kouzuki castle but Hideyoshi still waits for reinforcements. They eventually receive a missive from Nobunaga with only one word in it: “retreat”. Hideyoshi thinks up all kind of excuses for Nobunaga but Nagaharu is very angry about this and yells at him. “Are you Nobunaga’s little lap dog?!” Hideyoshi still decides they can’t go against a direct order and leave the soldiers at Kouzuki castle to their fates.
As they return to Himeji castle, Hideyoshi secludes himself in a room and remembers Nagaharu’s cold and disappointed gaze on him when he left the main hall previously. “I misjudged you” Hide recalls his words with intense regret when a timid voice calls for him. Coming to himself, he forcibly puts on his usual demeanor as if nothing happened, but he still can’t bring himself to look into her worried eyes. “What is it?“ he asks, intending to sound cheerful, but it still comes out as snapping at her coldly. She excuses herself and tells him to call her when he needs her.
When he hears her leaving he automatically reaches out to her, but just as he would stop her he remembers Nagaharu’s retreating back as he stormed out of the main hall. “I’m alive while we left them all for dead at Kouzuki” he said. He let so many people die. Is it alright for him to touch MC with those hands? He lets her leave and lets out a self-deprecating laugh.
A few days after Kouzuki’s fall they recieve a report that Nagaharu betrayed the Oda clan for the Mouri and Nobunaga orders Hideyoshi to use starvation tactic on Miki castle. This causes a big uproar among his retainers, especially Kiyomasa is against the idea. That evening nobody appears for dinner at the main hall. MC brings their meal to their room instead and Hideyoshi notices with surprise that she used the set for married couples they received from her mom. MC asks him if he already decided what he wants to do “to protect the things he finds precious, the things he can’t give up”. When he hears this he sees his retainers and MC in front of his eyes. And that’s when he realizes when he thinks about the important people he wants to protect, Nobunaga is no longer among them. He gratefully hugs MC to himself while burying his face in her shoulder. Just thinking that whatever happens she’ll always stays beside him fills his chest with sweet feelings.
Part 4
Hideyoshi wants to spare Nagaharu so instead of using starvation tactic he decides to offer a chance to surrender themselves. Their plan succeeds as they manage to infiltrate Miki castle, however Hideyoshi can’t stop Nagaharu from committing suicide. Hideyoshi is so regretful that later he confesses to MC it made him start to think there’s a different road to unification apart from Nobunaga’s after all. MC promises to follow him whatever might happen and they embrace.
After things have settled down, they return to Nagahama castle to finally celebrate their wedding. The night before, Kiyomasa calls Hideyoshi to the main hall where they all throw him a bachelor party~ They’re all drinking when Kiyomasa asks Hide what is it that made him fall in love with MC. Just as he would answer, he notices a shadow at the door and he instantly recognizes it as MC. He starts to list her good points in a deliberately loud voice so she would hear it well. When Kiyomasa asks how many more does he want to list Hide chuckles. “I can’t decide, I love everything about her. But most of all” he continues to the shadow, “she regards you guys as a family just as me.“ At that he sees the shadow quietly leave.
Eventually Hideyoshi slips out from the party and returns to their room, where he teases MC for eavesdropping on them. (”I have a lot more things I love about you, do you want to hear them?”) Then asks her if she’s nervous about their wedding and shows her how fast his heart is beating. They kiss and spend a sweet night together~
They hold their wedding the next day and after it’s over, they take a walk together in the garden when it suddenly starts snowing. Hideyoshi holds an umbrella above them and looks down at MC with a loving smile. “From now on we’re husband and wife. Let’s make a warm family.” He cups her cheek and in return she places her hand on his and they share a kiss under the gently falling snow~
After you finish the route you receive a letter from Hideyoshi:
“You probably don’t even know how much your presence has saved me. You’re really unreplaceable and more important to me than anyone and I am no longer capable letting you go. I’m a blessed man that we became husband and wife, a family. I love you, Toyotomi Hideyoshi”
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