#i might do a round two depending on the results
retrieve-the-kraken · 6 months
I’ve done Maddie’s poll from the latest chapter of Nothing to Fear: which of the princess movie genre princesses (and a few princes) is Wille most like?
Crown Princess Ann (Roman Holiday) - wants to be free, adventurous, gets rescued while 'high':
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Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride) - emotionally histrionic, flirty, vengeful:
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Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries): believes in romance, big puppy eyes, awkward:
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Prince Henry (Ever After) - curious about how to use his privilege for good, gets rescued, flirty banter:
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Cinderella's prince (too many to name, also who cares what his name was) - bored with royal life, rebellious, smitten:
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Elsa (Frozen) - troubled/anxious, massive secret that ‘endangers’ the kingdom, born to be a leader:
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Anna (Frozen) - feisty and impulsive, doesn't know what's going on most of the time, would do anything to protect the ones she loves:
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Fiona (Shrek) - just wants to be herself, just wants to be with the one she loves regardless of public opinion, perfectly capable of taking care of herself but is often underestimated:
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Prince Char (Ella Enchanted) - perfectly swoon-worthy, enjoys the attention from a certain person, conveniently hides a lot with his crush:
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Jasmine (Aladdin) - trapped, just wants to be free, wants to decide her own future:
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Not including the one from The Prince and Me or Princess Protection Program, because... well, because I haven't seen either...
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propertyofwicked · 1 year
people watching | spencer reid
spencer reid x bau!reader
inspo - people watching by conan gray
2.3k words
warnings: none really - canon character death, angst to comfort :)
they're counting months they've been together, almost 49
“y/n - how long have you worked with the BAU?” morgan asked, shooting you a smirk as you threw your head backwards with a load groan. 
“i don’t know? like, 4 years?”
“4 years, and 34 days, 2 hours and based on when we got called out for your first case, 34 minutes,” reid interjects the conversation without looking up from his file. 
“for someone who has worked here for 4 years, wouldn’t one assume that you would know we never get a whole week without a case?” morgan continued, ignoring reid’s comment, chuckling slightly at the face you pulled. you knew he was right, but something about garcia announcing there’s a new case made you grumpy. as a result you simply whined in response and pushed yourself up to walk to the round table room. morgan and jj walked ahead, but spencer stayed back to walk by your side. 
“hey, that made me realise we’ve been friends for 4 years - we should celebrate!” he said, not looking at you but carrying a smile on his face. 
“depending on the case, maybe we could do movie night when we get back?” you responded, but unlike him, you turned your head to respond to him. 
“that sounds good, did you know research has shown that spending time with loved ones, even doing something as mundane as watching a film, can increase your mental wellbeing?” this time he looked at you to respond, the smile still present on his face.
“so spending time with me is mundane?” you quipped, chuckling at the end of your sentence, so he’d know you were only messing. 
“reid, y/n, thanks for finally joining us,” hotch’s voice sounded across the room.
“sorry dad,” spencer joked, taking his seat next to alex.
they met in class for metaphysical philosophy
he tells his friends, "i like her 'cause she's so much smarter than me" 
they're having talks about their futures until 4:00 a.m
“hey spence?” you asked, filling the silence. the film you had been watching ending a while ago, but the two of you stayed sat on his sofa. at some point you had turned to face him, stretching across the chair with your legs over his. he didn’t mind - he compared it to the calming effects of a weighted blanket, rattling off the statistical benefits on anxiety. 
“yeah?” he looked up from his book, with a soft gaze in his eyes. 
“if you weren’t in the bau, what would you be doing right now?”
he paused for a moment, as if to think about his answer.
“i honestly don’t know. i don’t think i knew before i joined the bau either. had i not joined the fbi when i did, i think i’d still be in college just collecting degrees until i’d done them all,” he laughed to himself, “maybe a professor, i have taught a few classes.”
“i know - that’s how we met. you told that god awful joke about a horse who became hyper aware of his own reality.”
“hey! it wasn’t that bad.”
“spence - no one laughed.”
“you did.”
“and i regret that decision almost daily,” you respond, earning a light smack to the shin that was still thrown other his lap. 
“what about you? what would you be doing?”
“i used to think id be married by now but we both know how that ended,” you mention, referencing the ex boyfriend you and spencer both hated, “honestly though, i think id still be in the FBI but with counter intelligence like i had originally planned.”
“im glad you’re not,” he said with a smile. did he mean married or in a different department? you felt safer assuming the latter - it was safer to than getting your hopes up that some feelings might be reciprocated. so for now, you simply hummed in response and allowed the room to fall back into a comfortable silence. 
im only looking just to live through you vicariously ive never really been in love, not seriously
it was clear you had been mistaken, and in the most cruel and soul destroying way - through no fault but your own. he was happy, you could see. the way he no longer had bags living permanently under his eyes - he was sleeping. he’d sneak away to the payphone, assuming no one noticed. it started off serious, like he was only asking the other person direct questions. it didn’t stay that way. soon enough you found yourself sitting in the SUV, staring at him as he laughed into the phone, basically twirling the wire around his finger like a giddy teenage girl. spencer wasn’t yours anymore. you know he never was yours really, but still you held out hope that the lasting glances, the jokes, the comfort and the spontaneous movies nights meant something more to him. it was clear you had been mistaken. 
“you know if you keep staring at him like that your eyes might dry up,” JJ spoke from besides you one day. it made you jump - you hadn’t realised she was stood next to you and you certainly didn’t know how long she’d witnessed you staring at the side of spencer’s faces as he laughed and smiled over the phone. 
“i wasn’t staring,” you defended, but she gave you a look that said she knew you were lying, so you moved on, “who’s he talking to anyway?”
“we don’t know, but morgan and i think spencies got a girlfriend,” she taunted. you didn’t react, this wasn’t news to you - it didn’t take a profiler to work that out. jj didn’t say anything else, she just adjusted the strap of her bag and walked off to find hotch. eventually spencer put the phone down and walked over to you.
“hey you guys find anything?” he asked, it was a general question but it was clearly aimed at you. 
“nothing yet from me, garcia’s still digging stuff up on the victim though. it’s clear the unsub is organised, he’s been disposing these bodies for years, concealing their identities and he’s never been caught.” concealing their identities, you should know all about that reid, you thought to yourself but didn’t allow your face to waver.
“did you know that despite the rich history in the town, only 2,000 visit the area per year on average?”
“i didn’t, no.” it was a blunt response but you hoped he wouldn’t notice. but of course he did, mr 187 who couldn’t gauge most social cues but could tell when you were off with him. it wasn’t fair. how he could act like he loved you still, even though he clearly had someone worth keeping secret in his life. 
his hand reached up to rest on your shoulder, his tall frame towering over you, giving you an intense stare as he did.
“what’s up?” damn you and your profiling skills. you contemplated saying nothing, but that would only lead to more intense questioning, so you deflected, saying you were thinking about the profile. he seemed satisfied and left you to find hotch, just as jj had. 
cut people out like tags on my clothing i end up all alone but i still keep hoping
maeve was gone. that was her name, that was the woman that had made spencer happy in a way you couldn’t. she was gone, and emotionally, so was spencer. for weeks he moped, refusing to leave his apartment. but he was still your best friend. everyday, you sent him a message asking if he was ok, or needed anything, and everyday, it was left on read. whilst he needed his space, it wasn’t in your good conscience to leave him without support. 
walking up to his door was terrifying. why? you had been here thousands of times, spent hundreds of hours watching films on his sofa and yet your heart was beating so fast you felt as though it would tear through your ribcage and fall out on the floor in front of you. if spencer was here, he’d tell you that wasn’t physically possible and you’d more likely have a heart attack. he’d then reassure you by noting the statistical unlikeliness of having you having a heart attack. but he wasn’t, emotionally anyways. you knocked twice.
“go away garcia, i really appreciate everything you’ve done but please leave,” you heard him shout through the door. it was his voice alright, but deep and strained as if he had been crying for weeks - on second thought, he probably had.
“it’s me spence, not penelope. can you let me in?” you called back.
“no. please, i need some space.” ok, if that’s how he wanted to play it, tough love it was. 
“spencer reid if you do not open this door within the next ten seconds i will have morgan kick it down.” it seemed to work, you could hear a muffled sound of him standing up, shuffling across the floor and undoing the latch. you were not expecting the sight you saw when the door opened - it made your heart shred into tiny little pieces that you wanted to sew together and give to him. his hair was greasy, his facial hair had grown more than you’d ever seen it but worst of all, his skin was pale and his face seemed almost a hollow shell of the spencer you knew and loved.
“what do you want y/n?” he grumbled.
“i wanted to check in on you?” suddenly any tough love had gone out the window, and you doubted every word you said to him.
“ok, well im alive. you can go now.”
“spence ple-”
“i said i’m fine. y/n, i know you want me to sort myself out but im not ready to. please leave.”
“i don’t want you to ‘sort yourself out’ spence,” you paused to breathe, “you need to grieve, i understand that but i need you to look after yourself. however, you clearly don’t need me, you’re clearly coping so well on your own.” sarcasm was a defence mechanism - seeing him like that hurt you down to your very core, but they way he was treating you wasn’t fair. you turned on your heal, intending to leave with your dignity mostly intact, but as you go to take your first step a hand grabs you wrist, stopping you from moving.
“y/n, im sorry, please come in.” you offered him a restricted smile and stepped into this apartment, he followed close behind. you were expecting the worst, but this took it to another level. the curtains were drawn closed, takeout containers littered the counter, the floor and the coffee table - at least he was eating. spencer moved to the sofa, shoving books to the floor and offering you a seat. 
“talk to me spence, tell me everything going on in that big brain of yours.” and he did, you must’ve sat there for 2 hours as he told you about maeve, how he first contacted her, how she understood him, the way she laughed. he spoke about guilt, he believed it was his fault and that he’d never be able to forgive himself. only towards the end did he begin to cry, so you wrapped you arms around his torso and pulled him down to rest on your shoulder. to your surprise, his arms snaked around your waist and held you tight. the room fell into silence, as it had hundreds of time, but this one was not one of comfort as it usually was. 
after some time he sat up, “you know, IQ has no effect on the size of your brain. it may be cause a change in external appearance but the size itself will not change.” you couldn’t help but laugh - it wasn’t condescending, just the mere fact that he had spent two hours talking but still remembered to correct your original statement.
i wanna feel all that love and emotion be that attached to the person i'm holding
years passed since that day at spencer’s apartment. it took him a few more weeks, but he returned to work and returned to his normal self. he no longer thought of maeve, he thought of the future, he moved on in life whilst still holding a spot in his heart for her. soon, he became your best friend again - movie nights and take out were reinstated. sometimes he had to beg you to come round after a case to watch a movie. he remembered what life was like. 
that night was a night like many others. the credits rolled and the room became dark with no light blaring from the screen. silence. a comfortable one. tonight, you found yourself with your head laying on his lap, facing the tv, his arm rested on your hip and his fingers played with a hair tie absentmindedly. you said it was comfortable, he didn’t argue - spencer liked your presence. he appreciated you being in his life and never giving up on him. he admired your work ethic, and your friendship. you provided him an outlet, an escape from the stress and constant work.
“hey y/n,” he whispered, and you hummed in response, “i love you.”
“i love you too spencer.” your heart skipped a beat, but you knew he meant as friends, that’s all you were and all you’d ever be - you had grown to accept that. 
“no, y/n, i love you.” this made your head turn and you rolled onto your back to look up at him. “i mean it. i think i always knew deep down, but i couldn’t establish that that was what i was thinking. did you know studies show that some people have to feel love in order to love?”
“i love you too spencer.” you smiled up at him, squinting through your tired eyes, and his hand came down to stroke your cheek softly. 
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Sweet Nothings
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☑︎ Next Chapter | Sweet Nothings Masterlist
☑︎ Pairing: Jake Seresin x Y/n Seresin (Mitchell)
☑︎ Word Count: 5.3 k
☑︎ Warnings: Infertility, IVF, Adoption, Dad!Jake, Teacher/Mom!Reader, Kindergarteners, Y/n mom is a bitch
☑︎ A/n: I'm so excited to share this one with you guys, and I hope you love it just as much as I do.
☑︎ Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You can’t seem to stop the shake in your leg while you sit on the bed, and as your hands run across the comforter you pick off a stray piece of lent. Your eyes dart back to the bathroom door, and the pregnancy test that sits on the counter waiting. The little pink and white stick is a hard contrast against the marble countertop, and you can’t help but glare at it.
It had been 4 weeks since your last treatment, and while the doctors said you would get a positive or negative test by the second week, you couldn’t help but wait. As if the extra two weeks would make the embryo take and you would finally be pregnant.
You and Jake had been trying to have a baby for, four years. Just after your one-year anniversary, you both decided that you were ready and that having a little one running around was the next step. You had been 26 and Jake was 28, it felt like the perfect time. Jake was doing amazing in his career and has been permanently stationed at Top Gun. While you had just been hired on as the kindergarten teacher at Bay Park Elementary. Everything was falling into place, just like you had both planned.
Though after the first year and a half with no success naturally, your OBGYN suggested IVF. She had told you that due to your irregular ovulation pattern you would have trouble the natural way and that IVF would fix everything. That was two and a half years ago, and you were now on your third treatment. Each of the past two ended in failure, and with the third result waiting in the bathroom, you didn’t know if you really wanted to check.
Jake had gotten up this morning for an early run, while you enjoyed the fact that it was Saturday, and you could sleep in for a little bit. Though the need to pee came only moments after Jake was out of the house and now you couldn’t go back to sleep. In the five-minute time span, you were supposed to wait, you had made the bed, eaten breakfast, and started a load of laundry. The recommended five minutes quickly turned into twenty and now you were silently sitting and staring from afar.
You knew that Jake would be home soon, his run usually took thirty to forty- five minutes depending on which route he took, and you didn’t need him walking in on you. You hadn’t told him that you were going to take a pregnancy test, and he never pushed you to. Jake had been wonderful through the whole ordeal, helping with the medication injects that “boosted” your ovulation and he had never missed an appointment. And yes, while your father might have been in charge of the Dagger Squad, he didn’t give Jake any special treatment… Well, not a lot and Jake always made sure to figure out his days. Plus, it helped that the IVF hospital was on base, at the San Diego Naval Medical Center. Yet another plus of being married into the military, your insurance offers reduced fees for IVF. It was still expensive, but cheap enough that you had been able to save for each treatment.
Though the grim outlook was the fact that usually after your third treatment, doctors suggested looking into other options. That was another reason you were avoiding the test, you didn’t think you could mentally or physically go through another round of IVF, even with added ideas.
The last four years had been a continuous loop of your body failing you and Jake. He never said it, God he would never. Jake treated you amazingly, but the small nagging voice in the back of your head played the words on repeat. You were a failure as a woman.
You glance at your watch once more, 7:32 am, Jake would be back anytime. It was now or never. You reluctantly push yourself from the comfort of your mattress and quite literally drag your feet to the bathroom. The tile floor has a shiver running up your spine and you silently curse the cooling weather.
It’s sitting upside down on the counter and you just stare at it for a moment. Hands twisting in anxiety as you slowly spin your wedding ring around your finger. The white stick sits there taunting you, begging you to look.
“Fuck it.”
Your hand snatches the test and flips it over before you can rethink the decision. Your fingers shake as you lift it, eyes zeroing in on the clear window where two pink little lines are supposed to be. A harsh breath leaves your chest, and you bite on your bottom lip to stop it from quivering. Your hands are working on autopilot, grabbing the test and wrapping it in toilet roll before tossing it in the small garbage can. You couldn’t look at the single line anymore. You had seen the exact same test results more times than you could count in the last four years and didn’t need to stare at it to know the answer.
Once again, your body had failed you.
Your hands gently brush across the side of your legs, before reaching forward to wash your hands. You dry them quickly, before glancing in the mirror and the small tear resting on your cheek has you releasing a harsh laugh. Your eyes fall shut as you suck your teeth in annoyance, before wiping the tear away and taking another deep calming breath. If it could work for your 5-year-olds, it could work for you.
“It’s fine.”
Your grasp the counter and roll back on your heels, then lean forward releasing another harsh breath. It wasn’t like your heart felt like it was breaking, nope defiantly not that feeling. Your hands harshly smack against the granite counter, and the palm of your hand stung. Though the pain is welcomed, anything that would distract from the ever-growing crack in your heart.
You hear the front door open and shut before Jake is calling out to you. You can hear his shoes padding along the hardwood floors, and you hate when another tear falls from you. You didn’t want to do this to Jake again. He never signed up for this, he wasn’t the broken one.
Your voice cracks and you grit your teeth in frustration. You can feel Jake’s gaze through the mirror, though you really don’t feel like looking. Not when you feel like an utter failure. Your nose sniffles slightly and your hands against the counter tighten, turning your knuckles white.
Your eyes raise to look at Jake through the mirror, though before you can look at him you catch sight of your face. Tear stricken and the harsh gasp you were working so hard to hold in falls. Your chin immediately falls back into your chest as a sob breaks from your lips, and before you know it Jake’s grasping onto you. He’s dripping in sweat, but you could care less, and you fall into his chest as he rocks you. One hand traces up and down your spine, while the other weaves in your hair to hold you as you sob. Every breath is followed by a harsh sob, and you can’t stop the words as they release.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry”
“No, baby. No.”
Jake’s hold on you tightens, as he lays kiss after kiss across the top of your head. You pull away slowly and the hand in your hair comes to rest against your cheek. His thumb rubs small circles and a shuttered breath has you fighting against the way your lips beg to tremble.
“It was negative.”
You watch as a forced smile tugs at his lips and the small tear that traces down his cheek, has you reaching a hand up to brush it away. Your thumb moves over the stubble on his cheek and you give him a small smile, that surely looks like a grimace.
“I love you.”
His words break your heart because it was one thing that you always knew, no matter what Jake would always love you. Even when you feel like he shouldn’t. You gently push up on your toes and place a soft kiss on his lips. It’s short and sweet, but just what you both needed. You settle back on your feet, while Jake cradles your face in both hands and places a kiss on your brow.
“I love you,” Another small unsteady breath falls, “and even though you say you don’t need it. I am s–” Jake’s hand stills your trembling lip as another onset of tears falls. “I am so sorry, that I can’t … I can’t give you a baby.���
The words all but leave your chest before you crumble to the floor as Jake grasps onto your shaking form. His arms wrap around you to pull you into his chest, as sweet nothings are whispered into your hair and you once again, wait for the tears to dry.
“Daniel, wait for your mom to cross the road.”
You were on pick-up duty this week and while the older kids were wonderful at waiting inside the school grounds for their parents, your 20 little ones always seemed to slip passed the gate. You wave back to Mrs. Johnson as she takes hold of Daniel's hand. A sigh leaves your body as you glance around and find the school yard nearly empty. 8 of your kids rode the bus and that was the 10th pick-up of the day, now you just had to wait for the twin's foster mother.
The cool wind of the November day cresses your body and causes you to shiver. You might have lived in San Diego, but that didn’t stop the recent set of lower-than-75-degree days you had been having. A sudden grip on your pant leg is followed by what you could only describe as a mini human heater and as you glance down your eyes meet a pair of icy blue ones belonging to one-half of the twins.
“Hi Gray, where’s sissy?” Your hand gently strokes through his sandy blonde hair, to push back the stray pieces that fall over his forehead.
“Laine went back inside. She was cold and I told her that she couldn’t go whifout you, but she not listen.”
A small shutter racks through his chest, and you have to hold your tongue when you see his evident lack of a jacket. Their foster parents weren’t exactly your favorite people, and you had learned firsthand that they were only keeping the twins for the cheque at the end of each month.
It was at the beginning of the school year, not even the second week in and you noticed immediately that the twins were only rotating through 3 sets of clothes. You had gone to visit Mrs. Adam’s, the school's Head Teacher, and she had explained the situation.
It was their 12th foster home in the last 5 years, and while you found them to be perfect little angels, sometimes crazy, but still angels others did not. You had tried to reach out to their foster parents, but after a phone call that ended in you crying, you didn’t bother with them anymore. You had tried to leave it alone; it wasn’t your place to pry, and you knew that the kids were physically safe.
That answer came from Madelaine, she was a talkative five-year-old that honestly reminded you of Jake, and most days she would chat with you about different things she had learned, mostly in concern to the ocean and its sea life. Though one day, out of nowhere she had come to sit with you and Grayson on the playground bench during recess and told you, “He likes you cause you are nice and warm. Plus, you don’t push us like Mr. Meanie's face did.” It had stunned you for a moment, while Laine wasn’t affected by the words, little Gray had gone ridged at your side and clasped onto your hand. You had questioned her and found out that it was one of the other 12 foster homes. You didn’t push for specifics, not wanting to upset either of them, though Laine had told you that they only got in trouble when Gray did something wrong.
“He doesn’t mean to. Sometimes his eyeballs just go funny.”
Your gaze moved between the two of them, a questioning look on your face, before asking Gray to explain. That was how you had figured out he needed glasses, lucky the school provided testing, and not even two days after the test, you had him in a little pair of wire-framed glasses. You had him pick them out the day he had the testing, and without a second thought, you bought them.
You buying them things had become a regular occurrence. While the kids didn’t know it was you giving them clothes, Mrs. Adams made sure that they had whatever you gave her. Though now looking at Grayson you curse yourself for not thinking of “winter” coats before and mentally add it to the list to pick up when you and Jake are next at the mall.
“Come on my darling, let’s go find Miss Madelaine.”
Gray unwinds from your tan pant leg, before grasping your hand and tugging you forward. You glance behind you, up and down the road to check if their car is anywhere in sight, and find an empty street. You and Grayson make your way back into the school, stopping to ask Ms. Reynolds to call their foster parents, before heading down to your classroom.
“Did you know when a plane goes like this,” The hand not holding yours reached up and turns over, with his palm facing up. “it’s called in– inverturd”
You glance down at the little boy as he slightly adjusts the glasses on his face while waiting for your reply.
“Inverted, Gray. With an ‘e’”
You found out recently that while at home the kids either watched tv or played on a shared tablet, from an anonymous individual this last month. The twins weren’t allowed to go outside, and the pair barely had any toys, which left them to learn all sorts of things.
You learned early on in the school year that the Gray loved planes and watched an array of war movies. While Laine loved the ocean and watched the discovery channel quite religiously. The fact that they were watching movies and shows not explicitly meant for children had your gut twisting, but they had told you that the house didn’t have children’s channels. So, the next best option was military films and shark week, Laine’s favorite. That had come directly from Laine after she explained that they were learning at least unlike other kids, she was the bona fide sassy one of the pair.
Your classroom comes into view, the fall-decorated door stands ajar and Madelaine sits at your desk eating a pack of gummies. She has both hers and Gray's backpacks sitting on the floor, while she hums along to the music coming from the Alexa on your desk.
“Good job bringing Ms. CeeCee, Gray.” You glance down at the small boy still grasping your hand, his eyes remain on his sister though a big smile spreads across his face. Laine wiggles another bag of gummies at Gray, and he drops your hand, quick to grab the snack from his sister.
“Miss Laine, what do you think you’re doing in here?” You try to appear stern though a smile breaks across your face as she gives you a toothless grin. Her middle bottom tooth had fallen out just last week, and it made her smile all the more cute.
“I was cold, and Janice wasn’t coming anyway. She never does.” The small grimace she gives you makes your heartache.
“I know, but I’m here and we can do some crafts while waiting. Ms. Reynolds in the office is trying to call her.”
You glance up at the clock and see that it's nearing 5 pm. You glance back to the twins and find Grayson meticulously gluing things to his paper in a pattern. While Madelaine has used every color of feather you have, on a crown that now rests on her head. You didn’t mind staying after with the kids, what was frustrating was the lack of care that their “parent” was displaying.
“I’m just going to go see if Ms. Reynolds has heard anything, you two be good while I’m gone.”
Gray only nods in reply as his tongue peeks out between his lips in concentration. Laine gives you a cheeky smile, followed by a ‘mkay.’ Your shoes click against the tile floors, and you wave to Mrs. Rogers, the 5th-grade teacher, that’s shutting off lights for the night.
The office isn’t far from your room, and you find a frustrated Mrs. Adams that’s sitting and talking with Ms. Reynolds. They glance at you at the sound of you knocking on the door frame, and you already know the answer.
Jake had gotten off a little early, the team had run drills all morning and then Jake was stuck doing paperwork. He was more than happy when he finished that last of the paperwork at 4:30 and decided to leave early.
He slips in the truck, though before he can head out there’s a knock against his window. Jake glances over, before rolling down the window for Mav. Jake had been surprised when he got called back for the Dagger Squad and even more surprised to find out that his father-in-law was in charge. You had been married for just over a year when Jake got called back to Top Gun and you both couldn’t have been happier to come back.
“Have you talked to Y/n yet?”
The older man sighs while leaning up against the truck, he grabs the ball cap from his head while running his hand through his hair. He was clearly stressed about something, and it had to have occurred in the last 4 hours because Maverick had been perfectly fine this morning.
“No, I was just about to call her about dinner. What’s up?” Jake questions slightly confused.
“She must be ignoring Lanell. The woman’s called me twice today, wanting to know about the last round of treatment.”
A harsh sigh leaves Jake at the mention of your mother. Lanell was an interesting woman, to say the least, and your relationship was almost nonexistent. She had a habit of putting you down, and during the last treatment, she had said some unforgivable things about your lacking ability.
“Y/n blocked her and she’s lucky that’s all that happened.”
Mav’s brow furors slightly in question and leans farther into Jake’s truck.
“Lanell told Y/n that unless she got pregnant, she was a failure as a woman.” Jake’s head slightly shakes, still astounded by what your mother had said. “I don’t hit women, but by God, I wanted to lay her out.”
Mav slowly blinks at Jake, before dropping his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. A harsh laugh falls from the man, followed by a deep breath before he’s looking back at a less-than-happy Jake.
“Every time she calls me, I regret having a child with her. Why couldn’t I have just been smart from the beginning and had Y/n with Penny.”
Another laugh falls from Jake, as he shakes his head in agreement. With a nod, Mav is pushing off Jake’s door and tells him that he will handle your mother.
The drive home isn’t long, and the chill of the day is crisp and exactly the type of weather Jake loved. Living in California didn’t exactly mean that there was a fall and having days like these made Jake miss the cool weather.
Pulling into your drive, Jake notices your missing car and reaches for his phone to call you. Even when Jake got off early, if it was after 4:30 you were usually home before him. There had been times in the past, but they were few and far between.
The buzzing causes the whole table to shake and has both of the kids looking up from their current art projects. Their eyes bounce from the phone and back to one another. Madelaine is reaching for it before Grayson can stop her, as a teasing smile followed by a giggle erupts from her.
“You shouldn’t touch Ms. CeeCee’s phone, that’s not nice.”
“It’s not nice to ignore phone call’s either.”
Gray falls silent at the comment, before glaring at his sister and going back to his beads. Laine does a small dance in her chair in victory, before pushing the green answer button.
“Ummm, Hi”
“Who’s this.”
Grayson glances back at his sister and then to the door, in hopes that you’ll show up and take the phone from Laine. He didn’t want to get in trouble and would be completely fine with letting his sister take the fall for this.
“I’m Jake, where is Mrs. Seresin?”
“I’m Madelaine. Ms. CeeCee went to the office, but you can talk to me.”
A laugh echoes through the phone and a wide grin breaks across Laine’s face. Gray looks up when he hears the quiet laugh and finds his sissy with her tongue out at him. His own tongue pokes out at her before he gets up to move closer to the phone. Laine notices Gray’s sudden interest and brings the phone down to set it on the tabletop. The twins silently look at the phone’s call screen before Gray finds the speaker button and Jake’s voice echoes through the room.
“Mr. Jake, my bubba is here too. Gray, say hi.” She nudges at the boy’s shoulder, who only looks at her before shaking his head. “It’s not nice to ignore people Gray. How would you feel if Mr. Jake ignored us?”
A smile breaks across Jake’s face at the young girl, though makes sure he doesn’t laugh and waits for Grayson to speak.
“Hi.” His voice is small and it’s only a little peep from him, but Jake’s heart aches at the sound of the pair together.
Before Jake can say anything else, he hears a high-pitched squeal followed by your laughter and the shuffle of the phone.
His voice is still on loudspeaker, the echo gives it away and his question is followed by two separate voices saying ‘yes?’ One is clearly your voice, while the other is undeniably the cheeky little spitfire that had been holding a full conversation with him. A full laugh falls from Jake and he can’t help but smile at how adorable both kids were, even if Grayson didn’t talk much. Jake just knew the pair of them were adorable, trouble, but adorable.
“Not the little darlin’, Ms. CeeCee Darlin’.”
You can hear the giggling of the pair before you even reach the door of your classroom, though you hadn’t expected to hear Jake’s voice ringing through the classroom. You walk in trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to interrupt the twins. Their art projects sit abandoned, while Laine sits up on her knees in a chair, leaning over your phone with the biggest smile on her face. Gray stands at her side, leaning against the table but looking between the phone and Laine before a small ‘hi’ is mumbled from his lips.
They are completely consumed with the conversation with Jake, which gives you the perfect distraction, so you can sneak up on them. You slowly walk across the room, making sure to avoid anything that would make noise. As you get next to them you almost laugh at how consumed they are, though you're quick to reach out and tickle them both on their sides. Gray only jumps as a small squeak is released, while Laine jumps full-on and releases a scream. Both kids spin around, their own hands coming out to tickle at you now and making you laugh.
Jake’s laugh is followed by him calling for you, though you weren’t prepared for Madelaine to answer as well. Gray silently laughs at your hip, while Laine wears a shameless smile that only grows when you shake your head. Your hand tracks through her long dirty blonde hair, it was a few shades darker than Grayson’s, though their eyes were the exact same shade of blue. You take the phone from the table and gently tell the kids to begin putting their crafts away, while you talk with Mr. Jake.
“Hi, honey.”
“Hey, darlin’. You got the phone back from the twin terrors?”
His voice is teasing, and you can’t help the smile that crosses your lips as you watch them clean up. You listen to Jake and hum in answer to his question about dinner, though your main focus stays on the twins as they work in tandem perfectly together. You agree to pick up something on the way home, and that you shouldn’t be too late.
“Darlin’ did you hear me?”
The words pull your attention back to the phone call that you were still on.
“I’m sorry honey, I was just watching the twins clean up and get ready to go.” Your voice is soft and holds a longing that makes your and Jake’s hearts ache.
“They stayed late today, is everything okay?”
Jake knew bits about their story, though you tried hard not to bring your work home with you. The both of you already had so much going on that consumed your thoughts daily, that worrying about the twins more than you already did, would lead to disaster.
“Yeah, I will explain when I get home. I’m going to get them ready to go though, I love you.”  
“I love you, darlin’. Drive safe, I’ll see you soon.”
You take a deep breath as you hang up, clearing your mind of the silent longing that the wish the twins were yours. That they were going home with you to Jake, in a warm loving home that always put them first. Though the thought only creates room for heartbreak and so you push it to the back of your mind as you get ready to leave.
You watch as Janice gets the twins in the car, though she doesn’t bother with helping them buckle, and a deep anger blooms in your chest. Though it’s eased as you see both kids get the latches in place, and a smile crosses your face when they wave to you with small smiles.
Your smile stays in place until the car disappears down the street, then it falls, and you wrap your arms around yourself as you make your way to your car. The cool air plays no part in how your heart clenches and the small squeeze you give yourself before getting in the car to head home.
The drive home was fast, given that it was late enough that the rush had already passed. The stop at the Italian place was even quicker and luckily easy, given that Jake had called your order in and you just had to pick it up. Your hip pushes against the car door causing it to close, as you hold the takeout in one hand and your school bag in the other.
A small smile graces your lips as you see the front door open, and Jake already has his hand out to take part in your load. He is quick to grab the steaming Italian food, but you reach up and pull him into a sweet kiss before he can pull away. The food and school bag sit in your hands completely forgotten, as Jake places a kiss on the top of your head as you rest against his chest.
He gives your hip a tiny squeeze before he pulls away to lead you into the kitchen. You drop your bag in the hall and kick off your shoes before following Jake. He’s already got the table set and you place a kiss on his cheek in thanks, as he places the different containers from the Italian place out.
The slow tune of Bing Crosby floats through the kitchen and you smile as Jake slowly hums along to the track. You skirt around each other, and after five years of marriage, you know each other like the back of your hand and work flawlessly together. A laugh falls from your lips as Jake’s arms wrap around your waist and turn you in his arms to dance along to the old vinyl.
“How’s my best girl doing?”
The words are spoken against your hair, and you hum as he spins you out, before bringing you back in his arms.
“I’m good.” Your words ring out though there’s a hitch in your words that has Jake waiting for you to continue while he sways you. “I just don’t understand. They don’t care about them; how can you just forget about picking up your children.” A small sniffle comes from you that has Jake pulling you back, and as his hand settles on your cheek your lips twist in annoyance. “She didn’t even check to make sure they were buckled.”
Tears gather in your eyes as Jake’s lips brush against your brow, and you can’t stop them as they start falling. His hand tracks across your face and sweeps the hair from your eyes to tuck it gently behind your ear. He watches you in silence, with a frown marring his face at the words.
Jake knew how much having a child meant to you, it meant just as much to him, but seeing you so heartbroken over it was almost worse than the actual fact. You had mentioned the twins to Jake before, though you never went fully in-depth. Even without you telling him every small detail concerning their life, Jake knew how much they meant to you.
Hell, Jake knew that you had started buying them clothes, after finding a bag marked ‘twins’ in your car. After that, he may or may not, have gone out and got them a few things. Including the tablet that they so dearly loved. Jake had given the pile of items to Mrs. Adams one day and asked her not to tell you. The elderly woman only smiled at him and gave him a wink, before taking the items. Jake didn’t even know the children and yet he felt a connection with them. Having the call today only confirmed that they were absolutely perfect, hell raisers, but perfect.
You shuffle in Jake's hold and brush the stray tears from your face, while you lean back against the counter. You pull Jake with you and wrap your arms around his waist easily, silently toying with the band of his sweatpants.
“How is it fair that they get to have children and they don’t even care. Meanwhile, we try and try, and it never happens.” Another broken sob, “I would love them so much. I do love them so much, but they aren’t ours and they’re never going to be ours.”
The final words are no more than a whisper from your lips, but Jake hears them perfectly. The food on the table is easily forgotten as Jake pulls your whimpering form into his hold, in the only way that he knows how to comfort you. It wasn’t a problem that Jake could just fix and the harsh truth, that only time would tell, was not something he would ever get used to.
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okay i'll stop yelling at you now. on with the tutorial!
Step One: Blocking!
this is usually part of the coloring process for me, so you'll need a mostly complete drawing to start out with.
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now, draw out where you want the static to be with white. the average hard round brush will be good for this step, but you can use whatever you like! i for example prefer to use the polygon lasso tool to get more crisp edges (however this effect can also be achieved with the eraser tool).
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for his arms and legs, just outline them in white and color them in.
depending on the pose/perspective you might have to separate certain pieces into different layers. for example, here his left arm and lower torso are clipping through the line art
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so we move them to be below the line art layer and boom! problem solved.
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important note: you can not use another color for the blocking. the white base color is critical in achieving the most convincing static look!
Step Two: Brushes and Blues
now for this step, we will be using these four shades of blue-grey, as well as plain black and white. for your convenience, the hex codes are also included!
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HEX: 1d2427 HEX: 4d5c65 HEX: 899eac HEX: cce6f6
now go to the different brush presets for whatever program you're using. chances are, they'll have some variety of a paint-splatter brush (and if they don't, there's probably a way for you to download one or make your own).
the best kind to use is one where all of the particles are fully solid and not varying too much in opacity.
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Step Three: Jackson Pollock That Shit!
now's the fun part! make a new layer and start layering the blues with your splatter brush in any order you like. just color vomit all over your canvas and don't worry about getting any of the particles outside of the base!
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go back and re-layer any particular color as many times as you like until you're satisfied.
sometimes, all of this layering can result in loss of the original base color, like you can see here.
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but don't worry! this can be fixed by tossing some white back into the mix.
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once you're happy with that, go through and lightly sprinkle in some black. remember: a little is a lot! keep it subtle.
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Step Four: Layer Effects!
this is where the magic happens! turn your blue splatter layer(s) into a clipping mask!
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ka-boom! looks great, right? well, its about to get even better! go into your layer effects panel and select "Hard Light"
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Step Five: Motion Blur
now, this step is optional depending on whether or not your program has more than one kind of blurring effect, but for the sake of the tutorial we'll pretend that it does.
find the motion blur panel and open it. set the angle to zero.
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(ignore that i had my distance set to 2 here i just needed to have an example screenshot lol)
now crank that shit up!!
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if your static layers had to be separated like in our example, make sure to do the same amount of blurring there as well. depending on your preferences, you can change the level of distance to highlight some kind of feeling. having it at 2 allows the viewer's eyes to rest on the darker colors, but having it at 7 brings out the brighter colors, calling attention to how annoyed he is with me right now.
depending on how you mix the different colors and level of blurring, you can get a lot of different variations in the static's look. feel free to experiment with it!
Step Six: Glow (optional)
unless you're drawing a dark/low-light setting, you can skip this part entirely. again, for the sake of the tutorial, lets pretend its dark!
now, since its supposed to be super dark here, i've selected the base layer for the static and deleted the black from it.
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now for the fun part! make a new layer above the one we just made, then take the lightest blue color and cover the static with it! in the next step, this will become your glow!
i like to use a typical hard round brush and then apply a gaussian blur until i think it looks appropriately blurry, but you can also use your average pressure-opacity airbrush! both have their strengths, which you'll see in the next step!
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for this step it helps to already have some knowledge of how light interacts with objects, but its not required! if you don't have a lot of prior experience, take this as an opportunity to practice! take it from me, making fan art of specific things is a great way to get good at drawing in general.
once we have an appropriate amount of glow and blur, we set the layer mode to Linear Light! your program might not have this layer mode, so try to find a mode that does something similar or is close enough
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here you can see the strengths i mentioned before!
in the areas where i used the solid round brush + gaussian blur, i had a bit more control over how concentrated the light was at the center and how far it could spread, making it look more artificial/computerized.
meanwhile in the airbrushed areas, there's a very different vibe! on the right side where i applied the airbrush harshly in one stroke, it has a sort of cloudy look, but on the left where i applied it in multiple strokes, the varying opacities create a more painted aesthetic, which adds a lot of visual interest!
now we have arrived at the final step of this process! go to the current layer's opacity box and lower that sucker!
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you should raise/lower this meter depending on how dark it is. Keep messing with it until it feels right. for our specific example(and more specifically the gaussian blur areas), a good opacity level is 73% !
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and with that, we're done!
thank you for reading this! i had a fun time putting it together :)
before you go, please know that you don't have to follow every step of this to the letter!! feel free to break away from my methods and do your own experiments! mess with the hue of the static colors, use different brushes for the glow lighting, add variation in your particle sizes - go crazy with it!! half of art is experimentation and i wouldn't even have this process without it! :3
if you end up using this tutorial for Rob art on tumblr, please tag me in it!!! i would be absolutely overjoyed to see whatever you make :D (not a requirement though! either way, i'm very proud to have put this out into the world)
if you need help with any of these steps or the process in general, feel free to reach out in the replies of this post or in my ask box! i'd be happy to help out with whatever you need :3 thank you for reading this and i hope you have a wonderful day!
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gunnerfc · 3 months
Alex Morgan NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Alex has everything you normally ask for ready as soon as you’ve calmed down after sex
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Alex’s favorite body part is her legs, she’s caught you staring plenty of times and she loves wrapping her legs around you tightly when she’s on the receiving end of things
Her favorite body part of yours is your neck, Alex loves marking your neck and won’t stop until practically every inch of your neck is marked up
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
She’ll suck her fingers clean while she keeps her eyes locked with yours, moaning around her fingers at the taste of you
D: Dirty Secret 
Alex finds the idea of people hearing the two of you extremely attractive and the two of you have gotten caught numerous times
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
Alex is experienced and it definitely shows
F: Favorite Position 
If she’s giving, she likes having you on your back as she fucks so she could litter small kisses and nips to your neck and chest
If she’s receiving, she loves when you bend her over any surface to fuck her
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
She’s a little giggly in the beginning but it wears off as things heat up
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Sex with Alex is always intimate, she’ll always make sure you’re comfortable and you do the same when you’re in control
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
Alex only gets herself when you two aren’t together but sometimes when you’re out doing errands or something, she’ll send you pictures or a video of her getting herself off followed by a text saying to hurry up
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Alex thrives off hearing praise, anytime you tell her how good she is at something, she’ll work even harder
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Alex does not care where the two of you are, if you’re both feeling needy and can’t wait, then you’ll find somewhere private
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Hearing you compliment her doing anything but especially hearing you praise her skills on the pitch
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
There isn’t much Alex wouldn’t try once but she’s going to say no to anything that might hurt either of you
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Alex loves both almost equally, you two have done 69 multiple times because it allows Alex to do both
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
If she’s giving, it’s a mix of rough yet sensual
But if she’s receiving, she loves it when you’re fast and rough with her
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
Loves them, you two have quickies all the time on airplanes or at bars
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
She is, as long as you also want to try whatever idea she has. She’s open to trying anything at least once
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
Alex can last many rounds and they are always a bit longer
T: Toys 
You have different straps that get used depending on who is in control that night
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
Alex loves teasing you, regardless if she’s in control or not
She’ll tease you about how you could fuck her better to make you pissed which always results in you being a bit rougher with her
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Alex can be loud, it’s why you’ve almost been caught before
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
During a national team camp, you two were luckily paired together and you spent each time having sex. One night Alex was so loud that you were sure that everyone on your floor would be able to hear her
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s high, she’ll drop anything she’s doing to have sex with you
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Sometimes she’ll fall asleep quickly but most nights you two stay up for a bit just cuddling after sex
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desultory-novice · 1 month
Noir's Field Trip - "Starting Out"
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"...Thanks, you two."
Ahem! Following in the footsteps of several other Kirby OC contest peeps, you may send in asks for [Noir]!!
(...But I'm SUPER busy so it may take until May to respond! ^^;;)
[Notes/Rules About Asks:]
-I'm iffy on back-and-forth style dialogue-based RP, due to the complex interplay of pseudo-linearity in an amorphous situation plus my autistic-self often being unable to figure out what my RP partner is actually trying to say tone-wise or what they are thinking and then-I-answer-them-wrong-and-embarrass-myself...!!
That and long post-chains make me a little nervous. ^^; Asks in the form of questions Noir can answer in-character are preferred.
(You may also ask me generic "What does your OC think/do when...?" style questions, such as those from THIS detailed OC ask meme!)
-You can also send an ask for Noir from your OC, if you'd like to find out how the troubled teenage boy would react to meeting them! (These may or may NOT(!!) come with art, depending on mood, time, and a variety of circumstances. Tourney OCs will generally get preference. If I AM inspired to draw said meeting, I may request additional information/clarification before going through with it.)
Again, I'm pretty autistic, so if you are going to go this route, it'll help if I have something more than "Hiya, Noir!" to work off of - else he'll just react to you the same way he does to Marx.
(Not that you can't go places from there! XD)
-You can also prod Noir about his traumas if you like! XD Note that asking for details about certain things (the "murders" on Shiver Star or his hatred of physical contact) may result in responses with TRIGGER WARNINGS, if I decide to answer them.
-Tournament!Noir is currently in his own similar but separate timeline from Mainline Apologies Noir. However, events during this contest MAY influence his fate and the fates of those he holds dearest!
-Noir's latent cross-dimension sight means that you can ask him about his various other timelines or Kirby games he was not alive for and probably get some pretty unique/funny/strange answers.
-I almost assuredly won't be able to get to every ask/comment. Some I may avoid answering due to complexity, uncomfortableness, them not fitting tournament!Noir's narrative, or me just not having any good ideas. Please don't take this personally.
-Lastly, please leave space between sending multiple asks. ^^
omg I'm so nervous about this. I want to draw lots, for me and for others (!) too if I can but I want to follow the flow of the tournament and not JUST go off on my own crazy thing, except that I'm not even completely familiar with what the rounds will be like?!
[Non-Ask Notes:]
-The flowers in the BG are the forget-me-nots that Adeleine drew for him on his birthday and that he received in this post. That post was also the inspiration for Tournament!Noir. (Although he retains the corruption + the collar here.)
PS: In addition the song that post is, you know, named for, Noir + the forget-me-nots also makes me think of the lyrics: "Since the day I met you, there's never ceased to be music in this hell of mine" from the opening to Sousei no Aquarion.
-This, and the tag name, was inspired by @Graycoin's comment "Noir gets to go on a field trip. I hope he has a good time : D " (then I saw Starflung had the same idea to send her OC off with a backpack! Haha! XD)
-The fish bone is a gift from Gooey. He's doing his best. Adeleine is also doing HER best. ("...A comb? Really?" "It's unbreakable!")
-As to the bento box, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before (?) but the Fontaine children are French-Japanese...on their mother's side.
-Why yes, that IS a cellphone in his backpack! I wonder who might call him...?
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circeius-invidioso · 4 months
Time for some more meth math.
Space wolve math.
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Before we begin.
Side tangent.
Skip to the first chapter if you want to get to the meat and... Mjød?
Get it? Space wolves? I am not proud of that joke.
Anyway. On the poll I had placed the weapons cost of a primarch pulled through for 1. Vote.
Catch me in the corner sweating bullets thinking that I will have to do both for like 7 hours gay (we don't do straight in this house).
In the end the tie was broken a few minutes before the timer ended.
So now it's time to channel the spirit of Magnus during his trials.
My results are questionable. But I will stand by them.
I don't get why you will challenge them anyway.
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Without holding you back any further. Here is the excel table nightmares are made of.
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Don't panic. Dont even squint to see.
Take a deep breathe. And let me explain to you what is happening.
Our variables are
Pre made -> whatever has this tag does not have tech or hours calculated in the final roundup. This is either relics, gift etc etc.
Sum Hours Cost -> how long it takes for that weapon to be made multiplied by the hourly wage which is a constant 10€ per hour.
Alloy A -> Is a blend of Bauxide and Silicon Carbite. A trusted source told me that this is the most likely material to make weapons in the warhammer universe.
Alloy B -> Is a blend of Tungsten and Titanium my headcanon as to what might be used to manufacture weapons in the warhammer universe.
Paintjob -> Only guns get a paintjob I like being sane.
Sum A -> Russ' weapons value if manufactured with Alloy A.
Sum B -> Russ' weapons value if manufactured with Alloy B.
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I will save you all how I reached those final numbers. If I did I would need 50 pages and I would call this a thesis not a shitpost.
Lets just say it took some work and I might be on an Fbi list or two by now.
But it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.
The equation that gives those final numbers is.
Tech cost + Sum Hours Cost + Alloy A or B (depending on the material) + Paintjob.
But to give you an idea of the nightmare I went through get a taste of the equation without it being simplified.
((Wage A x Hours A) + Material A) + (Hours B × Wage A) + {[(Metal A Cost × 90%) + (Metal B Cost x 10%)] × Kilos of Alloy Needed} + (Pigment A + Hours C + Materials B)
You get why it took me so long and why I can't do all the Primarchs at once right?
Results Based On Alloy A
Mjalnar -> 72.8 €
Krakenmaw -> 1652.88 €
Helwinter -> 811.88 €
Scornspitter -> 121.93 €
Spear of Russ -> 52.78 €
Sum Value A -> 2712.27 €
Results Based On Alloy B
Mjalnar -> 18080 €
Krakenmaw -> 39468 €
Helwinter -> 16118€
Scornspitter -> 6874.63 €
Spear of Russ -> 13108 €
Sum Value B -> 93648.63 €
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Ammo Cost -> Self explanatory.
Upkeep Cost -> 15% of value. Don't ask how I reached this result. I will need a page of numbers and you musy not threaten me with a good time.
Tldr cause I can see you getting dizzy with all these numbers, the Ammo for Scornspitter is a 12 € per round. The more Russ shoots the more the bill rises. I will let your imagination go wild.
Upkeep Cost Using Alloy A
For all weapons -> 406.85 €
Upkeep Cost Using Alloy B
For all weapons -> 14047.30 €
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For everyone who is bored of reading all the math from the previous chapters this section is for you.
Total cost if Alloy A is used -> 2712.27 (sum cost) + 406.84 (upkeep cost) = 3119.11 €
Total cost if Alloy B is used -> 93648.63 (sum cost) + 14047.29 (upkeep cost) = 107695.93 €
So to round out this post.
If Russ uses Alloy A then he still doesn't reaches Dorn's paintjob cost.
If he used Alloy B. Then he surpasses Dorn's paintjob cost.
Russ is high maintenance. But we've seen worse.
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captainsvscaptains · 10 months
Battle of the Ships
Round 2 Part 2 Poll 3
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Propaganda under the cut
Minecraft rowboat : Any player can build a wooden boat. Its color depends on the type of wood used. A boat can be occupied by two entities, they can be used to transport mobs, players, or a chest.
Vingilote :
"First of all, I must give credit where credit is due, Vingilot must be an incredibly sturdy vessel to have sailed into the West (to elf heaven) when no other ship could. Some might credit this to Eärendil's skill as a mariner or to the Silmaril on his brow, but I know better. For if he'd attempted it in any other ship, I doubt he would have been successful. This ship was built by Círdan after all (one of the oldest and wisest elves in the world), and it had already seen service in many adventures. No doubt its decks had scars and its silver sails stains from skirmishes survived and great deeds done. No, I've no doubt that Vingilot is the only ship that could make such a journey, Silmaril or no.
Second, after it has been hallowed, it can fly! And be used to fight dragons! That is rad as all hell and I do not think I even need to elaborate as to why -
But I will anyway. I need you to picture the clangor of sword on shield, the shouts of soldiers as they strive and fight and suffer and live, and the shrieking horror of massive dragons being brought to bear on the united armies of those who would oppose Morgoth, the big bad who was bigger and badder than Sauron. I need you to feel the grit and the fire and the anguish and then, imagine looking up to see Vingilot soaring above you - surrounded by a host of great eagles, engaging those fearsome, unbelievable dragons in aerial combat with such valor and grace that the battelfield below falls silent for a moment for both armies have forgotten their conflict for dazed awe. That - that is metal as all hell.
Third, but not least, is on an aesthetic level, Vingilot is a dream ship! Its sails shimmer with unearthly beauty, woven of gossamer silver. And its mighty oars are fashioned of gold! And lo, upon the prow is the image of a magnificent swan with wings unfurled! When Eärendil takes to the night sky, with a Silmaril on his brow, it becomes transparent to let the light through! Majestic! Purely aesthetically, this ship is perfect. 10/10, no notes.
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vinvantae · 2 years
Hey I would love to request a fic about a new sky sport presenter x Pierre gasly in which she’s doing the interview rounds and keeps getting flustered when interviewing him… kinda reminiscent of Sebastian’s flirty interviews from back in the day! Thanks 💙
Hey! Thank you for the Pierre request, don’t get enough of these! 💙 Hope you enjoy! Just a little one x
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It was always your dream to be a journalist, you hadn’t chosen a specialty at university but you’d fallen in love with sports journalism and now you worked for Sky Sports F1, a dream you didn’t even know you had. You leant against the railing of the media pen, tapping away at your phone while you waited for the drivers to be released for grilling.
And boy, did you love to grill them. Keep them on their toes. Ask them questions that other reporters were too shy too, and the drivers respected you for it. You were never rude, you never crossed a line. Just the perfect amount of professional.
Except with Pierre.
“Bonjour, ma chérie.” He said, walking past a full line of other journalists to approach you, his hands gripping the railing between you. “You look delightful today.”
Your cheeks flushed a soft pink and you opened up your recording app on your phone. “Hi Pierre, good race today… thank you for speaking with me.”
He raised a playful brow and cocked his head to the side a little, as if he was sizing you up. The two of you had done this little dance more times than you could count - you did your best to be professional but he charmed you enough to have you stumbling over your words. “Nowhere else I’d rather be.”
You were sure that wasn’t true, you were currently in Baku and he’d just had his best result of the season so far - a strong fifth. So yes, there were definitely places he would rather be than cooped up in the media pen. But nevertheless it made you feel those butterflies in your stomach.
“Some very good, clean racing from you today.” You cleared your throat. “Is this beginning of an upward trajectory for you?”
“Well, I do hope so.” He hummed, his baby blues not leaving your face for even a moment. “I know I have a double Ferrari DNF to thank but I’m very happy.”
“Ah, don’t doubt yourself, you’re extremely talented.” You said, the compliment spilling from your lips with ease, making him smile. “Any plans to celebrate?”
“Depends, are you free tonight?” He said, his lips curving into a cheeky smirk, leaning towards you a little more.
“Pierre.” You scolded, but both of you knew there was nothing in your protest, he had you wrapped around his finger. “Behave.”
“Oh, ma chérie, that’s a little boring don’t you think? You like me like this, no?” His voice had a teasing lilt and it only made your cheeks turn an even darker pink. He chuckled. “Thought so.”
“I’ll do you a deal then.” You said, pausing your recording. “You give me something I can actually use and I might let you take me out to dinner tonight.”
He didn’t even stop to think about it. “Deal. What do you wanna know, mon ange?”
Pierre kept to his part of the deal and put his professional face on, and you returned your side - letting him take you out for dinner. And take you out again… and again…
And, as much as he missed making you all shy and blushy when you met in the media pen - having you flirt back was definitely better.
Hope you enjoyed anon!
This also goes out to @danielfuckingricciardo 💙 who got accepted into their masters course in journalism!! So proud of you bestie xx
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scummy-writes · 25 days
might i ask.... and only if u can do it ofc......
P, I, and S (haha get it, im so sorry i could not just not do it) for gilbert.
bAHAHA thank you thank you (this is from this NSFW ask meme)
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
got two qs that deal with stamina in some form, are you tryin to say smth- jkjk sjhfbjgd
Pace depends, I think. It depends on the headspace, and what is driving him towards the sex. Is it some sparking of jealousy? then he's pounding into you hard and fast, barely giving you time to recover from what his hands and mouth did before. It's rough, posessive, and the main focus is to pour his jealousy out in a way that it feels relieving to do so- he's able to 'mark' you as his again, and it quells whatever feelings he was having.
Meanwhile, normally... A mixture? I think he enjoys a steady pace somewhere in the middle, loves to drag his cock out sloooowly to make you whine more for him, and he wants to soak in your reactions to each and every thing he does to you. Seeing what he can reduce you to spurs on his excitement, plus the desire to make you more vocal/unrestrained with your pleasure ends up with him pounding a bit harder... faster... because suddenly he's very aware that being enamoured with every thing you do has lead to him not able to last as long as he wants... (i think this gets better over time and is primarily a result of finally, *finally*, being able to have you. but he usually supplements this with a lot of eating out/fingering/etc before sex to ensure that if he Does finish earlier than he wanted, that you'll be very satisfied still)
im gonna stop here AHAHA
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
i was gonna say it depends on what I said above, but no, actually.
Beginning of the relationship: rough, dirty, teasing, he doms a lot. His trust issues are very apparent, and for good reason, so I feel like he wants to display himself in such a way because old habits die hard, and he wants to keep you satisfied. He doesn't want you to see him as weak, and for a while, he knows being vulnerable, truly vulnerable, is going to make him feel weak. So he covers it up.
Later on.... He's able to be more slow, to murmur feelings that are closer to his heart than before. He's able to rock into you slowly, for what feels like ages, just so the two of you can just enjoy the pleasure of being intimate rather than just chasing the orgasm/overwhelming pleasure. This starts off with late late late/early morning sex, where sleepiness gives him an excuse to be a bit more sappy (he can blame it on lack of rest or something else). With romantic holidays or anniversaries, where he allows himself at least a few instances of showing his heart... and then later a few words turns into a few sentences, and then he's finally able to admit things he's wanted to admit for ages to you, in the quiet of privacy between the two of you, wanting to draw out smiles....................................................................a
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
hmm i never really imagine an exact timeframe for these things. I think, if including foreplay, he wants to go for hours. I imagine that foreplay would be the brunt of that, however, especially as he heals.
Penetrative sex? I think it depends, 1-3 rounds? I feel like 3 rounds would be only on specific occasions. He probably settles for two. 'settles' as in his body often needs more time to recover to do any more than that, but he really wishes he could do more just due to the obsessive love of bringing you to the brink over and over....
but he doesn't have amazing stamina, so im not picturing him as a sex god or anything. he knows how to make you feel good and you both have a great time, but he's not over here competing with silvio's INSANE stamina
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uselessdancedata · 4 months
Can you explain how PDL is formatted, and what Crystal’s results mean? 
okay sure! i'll try my best
so first of all there's the qualification. you send in a video of you doing classwork, so a short video of you doing basic class exercises at barre and at centre. this is pretty standard content for ballet video auditions.
from here, they accept 80 people - 40 girls and 40 boys. these dancers are split into two age groups and are divided by gender, so you have Girls A (15-16yo) and Girls B (17-18yo), and Boys A (15-16yo) and Boys B (17-18yo).
if you are accepted, you are expected to prepare one classical variation and one contemporary variation, both from a standard repertoire list. the classical repertoire is very limited as compared to yagp, adc ibc, ubc, and most other ballet competitions you might be thinking of. it also changes year by year, so you likely won't be able to prepare for it before being selected. (the repertoire list is released in november, and the competition happens in february). but generally, all classical variations are drawn from the standard repertoire. la esmeralda, grand pas classique, coppelia, etc - all names you would know. the repertoire is also divided by age, so the Girls A don't have the same difficulty as Girls B.
unlike yagp, adc ibc, etc - the contemporary variations at prix de lausanne are also drawn from a repertoire. I believe it also changes by year. they have different choreographers they work with who contribute to the list every year. these choreographers upload videos of their variations and competitors will choose one and learn from those videos in preparation for the competition.
so, at the competition, you will perform your classical variation and your contemporary variation, after taking some classes and coaching sessions from some great teachers who work with prix de lausanne. I don't believe they're being assessed at this point, but first impressions count I guess and apparently the feedback is invaluable.
after this first competition round, they go to the final round, where the numbers go from 80 to 20. these 20 finalists will perform the same variations they did in the first round.
from here, they will pick prize winners. I think the number of prize winners changes year to year, but I'm not sure if it depends on the competitors' abilities or just the number of sponsors they can find. I'm pretty sure they only had 7 winners last year and this year there are 9. not sure why, but it seems to vary!
the prize winners get to choose any ballet school of their choice from the list of schools that partner prix de lausanne, and they will receive a full scholarship to that school. prix de lausanne's school list is pretty extensive. john cranko, royal ballet school, paris opera ballet school, etc etc. vaganova used to be on there until the war. on top of a full scholarship, they get 20,000 CHF to cover living expenses.
prize winners who are 17 and above can also opt to choose not a school but a company, because pdl also has a list of partner companies that is very impressive. so they effectively get free acceptance to that company. they also get the 20,000 CHF!
finalists also have a networking forum/audition class/I forgot what it's called but they get to audition for a lot of company directors while they're at prix de lausanne. i believe finalists also get any free summer intensive of their choice (from pdl's school list of course).
so what this means for crystal:
- she has effectively ranked in the top few ballet students in the world, in both classical and contemporary!
- she will likely be leaving the competition circuit as of this year. anything she's won will be for the 24-25 school year. from what I've seen in previous years it is very unlikely she will come back even after the year is up. even though pdl's scholarship only lasts a year, you'll hardly ever see anyone who genuinely only goes for a year. they will almost always stay on, or just transfer to another full time ballet school if they can't for whatever reason.
- effectively she's made it. she might still do nationals to finish out this year but that's about it.
- her choice of school will likely be announced (if not by her, then just by pdl) in upcoming weeks.
all in all it's bittersweet but it's so rewarding to see her chasing her dreams and accomplishing all she wants!
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evilbeanieman · 9 months
YTTD Main Cast as RPG Classes
Sara- Knight. She's known as the samurai woman, I mean, what's the western equivalent of a samurai? She's got the whole justice and honor thing going for her too.
Joe-Squire. He's essentially Sara's support and travel buddy. He basically is her support for the entire first chapter, and we can see that she depends on him from time to time to help her get through things. Every knight needs a squire, and Joe would be pretty great at it, I think.
Kai- Assassin. This one is kind of a no-brainer if you ask me. Although, given that Kai hasn't been able to kill anyone, I would say he's got the skills of an assassin but probably keeps the front of being an Inn Keeper or Servant.
Keiji-Royal Guard. Considering Keiji's past in the force, it would make sense to put him in a similar position. Since he's quit that however, I'd say he lays low as a commoner with the skills of a trained guard.
Shin-Shop Keeper/Wizard's Apprentice. Shin has no physical capabilities whatsoever, but I imagine that would be balanced by an extremely high affinity with magic. Though he lacks complete proper training since his mentor..."disappeared" a while ago. Since then, he's been working as a shop keeper and studying magic on the side.
Kanna-Witch (Botanical magic). Okay yeah this is somewhat inspired by her death in chapter 2. Though she does go through a lot of character growth in the game, so pairing her with plants isn't too out there. Additionally I think it would also match since Shin has an affinity for magic, so it'd make sense that his sister does as well.
Gin-Werebeast/Fae. Kind of another obvious one. I would like to think Gin is like a kemonomimi, probably one of a wolf or even dogcat hybrid. Considering his sometimes wild nature, and love for animals, he'd definitely be a child of the forest. The fae part is mainly since he likes to be a bit mischievous and silly.
Qtaro-Barbarian. I mean, Gin's nickname for him is literally "muscle gorilla," I don't think you can get any more raw strength than this class. I would think Qtaro is a part of some guild of fighters or adventurers and had a team he would do bounties with.
Reko-Bard. Another obvious choice. I don't think I need to explain much here, as she is a performer. Though I'd say she's definitely more of a physical attacker than most bards, but still has powerful magic in her tunes.
Alice-Bard/Outlaw. Similar to Reko. His magical music isn't as strong as hers, leading him to attack physically more often. Although ever since one fatal encounter, he's been on the run. Now he tries to rely solely on his strength, as to not draw too much attention with music that might sound familiar...
Nao-Witch (Painting magic). Again a bit of an obvious choice. She can bring some of her drawings to reality, although it takes quite the amount of magic. She has more training and control over her magic thanks to studying under Mishima.
Mishima-Scholar/Potion Seller. Mishima wouldn't really be a fighter, instead being the knowledgeable scholar you could come to when in need of information...or potions, if you're strong enough for them, that is. The potion seller bit I think would aid in his "mad scientist" kind of vibe in the og game, but also because I thought the idea was funny.
Midori- Necromancer. We all know this is the obvious choice for him. I'd say that while his main focus is necromancy, he'd also specialize in other magic so he can keep it a secret. That doesn't mean his experiments are hidden well, however.
Maple- Homunculus. She would be the result of one of Midori's experiments gone...wrong? Right? An incredibly powerful being made of magic, capable of transforming her body when engaged in combat. Also, she is madly in love with him. Imagine a sort of "Dr. Frankenstein and his monster" kind of relationship between the two, where instead of the monster hating the creator, she's super lovey dovey to him.
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Had this idea for a few weeks now. Steddyhands x reader where reader wants affection but struggles asking for it. They go to Stede cause he'll probably be the most able to help. He does and he gets Ed and Izzy on board to help with giving and asking for affection when wanted. Izzy struggles a bit more cause it's izzy.
Accepting Affection:
Quiet mornings with your partners were always something you enjoyed, probably your favourite part of the day. When the four of you are still in your own little bubble, the outside world not yet penetrating it.
Izzy was always the first to leave, to get to work. Such a diligent first mate. Ed and Stede would give him a kiss, he would grumble but of course he would accept them with no real protest, and Izzy would leave for the morning.
You and Edward were usually next to leave, occasionally being joined by Stede depending on his plans for the day.
The two of them would share a kiss, one that usually got a little carried away before one of them broke it up. Stede would cup the side of your neck, bidding you farewell as is you weren't going to be working on the same ship all day. Ed would chuckle at the dramatics before throwing an arm around your shoulders and dragged you out of the shared cabin.
And as Edward left you to your own devices with a small full body squeeze, you would force down a sigh.
A part of you wondered why you didn't get the kisses but you knew why. You had never been good when it came to affection, always craving it never knowing how to ask for it, only partially being able to even show it.
It had resulted in you cringing away from affection during the early stages of your relationship, so of course they avoided laying it on too thick with you. They were only being thoughtful, but God it hurt sometimes, filling you with longing.
As always, you spent most of the day dwelling on those interactions, seeing how easy they made it look. How Stede and Edward could just reach out for each other like it was breathing. Izzy initiated it less, other than standing too close to be considered completely platonic, but always melted into his captains when they pulled him close.
It was after lunch that you finally started to build the courage to do anything about it. It was time to talk to them about it, it had been for a while, but you never managed it. The thought of sitting the three of them down to tell them, it felt like too much. The risk of them all asking questions, would they be angry about it, about you not telling them sooner. You had never been able to do it.
Maybe just speaking to one of them first would help, surely...surely then you would be able to get it out.
As if the universe was giving you the opportunity, you sae Stede heading into the captain's cabin alone. Surely, Stede would understand. He would listen, talking it through was his motto after all.
You paced outside the cabin door for a couple of minutes before finally letting yourself.
"Ah, hello, Darling," Stede greeted you brightly. Sometimes it hurt to even look at him, he was like looking at the sun. Blond hair and bright eyes, practically shining at you. Making you feel welcome, loved, wanted.
"Uh, hey...can I talk to you about something?" you asked, shifting beside the closed door, radiating nervous energy.
Stede's smile faded for a moment, concern showing in his eyes, before he rallied it back. "Of course, should I round up Ed and Izzy?"
"No," you answered too firmly. You let out a breath, closing your eyes for a moment to collect yourself. "Sorry, I just...this is already kinda difficult, don't think I could do it with even more eyes on me," you explained, meeting his gaze, hoping he could see how difficult this might be for you."Oh...alright, sit down them," Stede "Tea?"
"Oh...alright, sit down them," Stede nodded, his own anxiousness increasing. There was clearly something serious that you wanted to talk about, something that was bothering you and putting you on edge. He hoped he could handle it, though he couldn't yet fathom why you wouldn't want the others here s well. "Tea?" he asked.
"Yeah, okay," you nodded.
Stede busied himself, buying you both time to process and plan, with making the tea. Once he had two cups filled, he placed them down on the coffee table and joined you on the couch. Just close enough that your knees touched. You cursed yourself when you instinctively flinched away from it, only to push back against his knee like you were trying to send him a message. This is okay, sorry I keep messing up.
"Is everything alright, Dear?" Stede asked, taking his cup and holding it in his lap. Something to do with his hands.
"Nothing is wrong, I just...well...I don't really know how to put it," you sighed, picking at your nails, your tea going untouched.
"Take your time, I'm listening," Stede assured you but you could tell he was anxious. Your anxiety rubbing off on him.
"Well...okay, I guess I should just say it," you took a breath, steeling yourself. "Iwouldlikesomemoreaffection, I think."
Stede stared. Blinked once, then twice. He sipped from his tea before placing it down again. "Alright, just saying it is a good idea but perhaps a little slower, I didn't quite catch it," he advised, giving you a small smile, when he couldn't translate your hurried confession.
You took another breath, nodding. This really shouldn't be so difficult, asking for some affection, children do it. You felt ridiculous, couldn't believe this was such a hard thing to do. Well, that was the problem, it wasn't a hard thing to do. It should be easy, the way they made it seem. You could do this. You were going to do this. Right now.
"I think...I think I would like it if we could, maybe...share more affection," you admitted, now picking at a loose thread on your sleeve.
Stede's eyes instantly widened at your words, reaching out to take hold of your restless hands. "Oh, Darling, oh I'm so sorry. I didn't realise-"
"Stede, hold on," you cut him off, squeezing his hands in the hopes of reassuring him a little. "Sorry, I didn't mean just you. I meant all of us, y'know?" you didn't mean to upset him or make him feel guilty...
"Have we not been showing you the affection you need?" Stede asked, sounding saddened at the thought.
"I don't know," you sighed, looking down at where he held your hands, thumbs brushing over your knuckles. "I'm not very good with it. Like, asking for it or showing it, but I see the way the three of you interact sometimes and I just feel...I want that," you hadn't thought about how to voice your desires, you just tried to be as honest as you could. You hoped it was enough.
"Sweetheart, you only have to ask," he hoped you knew that, he thought that you did. Had they led you to believe otherwise?
"I know and sometimes I try but I always chicken out. I don't know why it seems to scary to...to want something," your voice was small, sounding as guilty as he had.
Stede nodded. This wasn't anyone's fault, nobody had done wrong. You all had your own things to overcome, your own hang ups, and you would work through it together when you were ready. God knows, Stede had plenty of his own. Thankfully, it appeared that you were ready now.
"It is scary to want things, at least it can be. For so long, I didn't think I was allowed to want anything. But I wanted to sail out to sea, to put together a crew, I wanted to live authentically and fall in love. Then I met you and Ed and Izzy, and I couldn't be happier," Stede confessed, shifting a little closer and holding your hands in his lap. "It's alright to want things, and the three of us only ever want to give you what you want," he promised.
"I love you, all of you," you had told them that plenty of times. It had taken you some time and a small amount of panic to be able to say those words, to open yourself up to them like that. They had accepted you with open arms, of course, had made it feel important but easy. Nothing to be scared of. "I'm sorry I'm not better at showing it."
"Don't you dare apologise about that, we know you love us, and we love you dearly. We'll show you all the affection you want, Love. And never feel like you can't ask for it," Stede soothed, releasing one of your hands to cup your cheek, stroking his thumb under your eye, feeling the moisture collecting on your bottom lash.
You could only smile. He was so sweet. You couldn't believe you were afraid of this.
"Izzy struggles with the same thing, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that, but he's so obvious about what he wants. You can see it all over his face. He might grumble whenever I kiss his cheek but he always leans into it. I guess you've just been a little better at hiding it, I didn't realise..." Stede continued, pushing hair out of your face before cupping your jaw.
"Do you think...maybe..." you whispered, leaning into his touch, tightening your grip on his hand slightly.
"Come here, Sweetheart," Stede smiled adoringly, giving your hand a small tug.
You shuffled closer to him on the couch, letting him wrap his arms around you. You giggled and put up mild protests as he scattered kisses over your face.
Eventually Stede ceased his onslaught, pulling you closer to cuddle into his side as he settled back against the couch. And he just held you.
"This is nice," you hummed, smiling as Stede stroked up and down your side.
"You can have it any time you want, from any of us," Stede reminded you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Now, drink your tea. It's soothing."
You laughed fondly but agreed, letting him hold you against his chest as you drank your tea.
"Alright, Gents, we have something important to discuss," Stede clapped his hands together, having gathered two of his partners in their cabin. Edward and Izzy sat on on the couch while Stede stood in front of them both, a smile on his face to put them at ease but his shoulders squared in a way that told them something was going on.
"Shouldn't Y/n be here if it's important?" Izzy asked with a frown.
"Yeah, are they coming?" Edward asked, looking around like you might just materialised in the room, or perhaps you had been hiding somewhere.
"Uh, well, no. You see, it's them that we need to talk about," Stede's smile faltered slightly.
"What happened?" Edward's full attention was on him once again, his own frown forming.
"Are they alright?" Izzy didn't frown, instead his gaze hardened. Always preparing for the worst, always readying to protect himself.
"Yes, they're fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry either of you," Stede quickly tried to ease their worries.
"Just get to the point, mate. Making us nervous here," Edward gave a weak laugh, shifting in his seat.
Stede nodded, putting it as simply and bluntly as he could. "I believe they want more affection from us."
"You believe?" Izzy squinted at him.
"They told me," Stede corrected himself.
"Just you?" Edward frowned, a flash of something behind his eyes. Hurt, sadness, reluctant understanding.
"They know they should have come to all three of us but they confessed they they struggle asking for the things they want, especially affection," Stede explained.
It seemed to relax Edward a little bit, but Izzy seemed to relax more. Which was an interesting change of personalities.
"I get that," Izzy nodded thoughtfully. If anyone understood difficulties when it came to love and affection, it was him. He used to find it difficult to tell Edward that he wanted soft things, found it easier to confess those desires to Stede just because of their whole Blackbeard history. Izzy and Edward got to see sides to each other they forgot even existed, got to be reintroduced, to provide the things that the other needed with pleasure. Izzy was sure you had your own reasons.
"Do we not show them enough affection? They never like...initiate it, assumed they weren't a big fan," Edward glanced off slightly to the side, recalling a bunch of different interactions with you, trying to see where he went wrong.
"Probably related to the 'struggling to ask for it' issue," Stede pointed out and Edward nodded in understanding, perhaps there was nobody to blame, not even himself. "Anyway, I think a bit more physical affection would help them feel more secure in the relationship and satisfy their needs a little more."
"Well, that's not a problem!" Edward grinned. He was going to fix this, was going to make it right!
"I figured the two of you would agree," Stede smiled fondly, knowing you were about to be drowned in affection. The three of them could be pretty committed when it came to a good fuckery.
You were tightening up the rigging, a task you fairly enjoyed for its receptiveness, when somebody latched themselves to your back. Long arms slipped around your waist as a chest pressed against your back, the familiar feeling of hair tickling your neck.
"Working hard?" Edward asked, comfortably tucking his chin against your shoulder, watching your hands work.
"I, uh...yeah, just finishing this," you could feel your face heating up as you stumbled over your words.
It was still, truly. The four of you had been together for a while now, you had cuddled with each other them plenty of times, been far more intimate than this. But having Edward hold you so openly on the deck, just in front of the crew, like it was easy, making it feel so easy and natural, it was different. You found yourself smiling widely.
"This okay?" he asked, pecking a quick kiss to your jaw before settling back to continue watching you work.
"Yeah, this is good," you didn't even try to supress your grin as you lent back into his embrace.
You continued to fiddle with the rigging, rope slipping from your hands whenever Edward would start to sway or his beard would tickle your neck. You started to feel like he was doing it on purpose, pressing fingers into your side or blowing against your ear to purposely prolong your task.
"Fucking hell, aren't you supposed to be giving Buttons the new course?" Izzy asked, stomping his way across the deck towards the two of you.
"Oh shit, yeah. Got a little busy," Edward laughed, pressing his cheek to your shoulder as he looked at Izzy. Always so serious, always thinking about work, bless him.
"Well, can you tell him something or we're just going to be sailing around in circles all day...again," Izzy sighed.
"On it, Iz," Ed gave you a full body squeeze before releasing you.
"Thanks, captain," Izzy nodded.
Edward winked at the two of you before striding off, up to the helm. You couldn't help but laugh as you got back to work, always endeared by the way Edward commanded attention.
"He's a pain in the arse, but he's our pain in the arse," Izzy mused, his voice nothing but fond. You laughed your agreement. Each of your partners had their oddities, and you loved each and every one of them.
Izzy stepped closer, looking at your handiwork. It was good, of course, he had already taught you how to perfect a rigging. "Don't worry about rushing this, I'll save your lunch for you," Izzy assured you. It wouldn't take you long at all to finish it, Edward having provided only minimal distraction. "How about we, uh...we eat together," he suggested, almost shyly, as if the two of you didn't eat lunch together nearly every day.
"Yeah, I'd like that," you agreed, giving him an amused smile.
"I'll save you a seat," Izzy promised before rocking back and forth on his feet.
When you looked at him quizzically, confused by the anxious movement, you could see that he was blushing. Before you could question him, he quickly kissed your cheek, blushing even deeper before scurrying off. Izzy could be absolutely adorable and at least you could rest assured that you weren't alone in your struggles.
However, his behaviour did tell you one thing. Stede has definitely told them about your conversation.
Just like you did every evening, you went to your shared cabin to join your partners for dinner.
"Sweetheart!" Stede beamed as you stepped through the door, closing it behind you. "Wonderful, would you help me set the table? Ed is just in the bathroom and you know how Izzy is," he adjusted the distance between the plate and wine glasses once and then twice before deciding they were correct.
"Yep, just passed him shouting at the Swede about how to properly oil the cannons," you told him. Stede sighed but there was a fond smile on his face anyway. You understood that mix between exasperation and fondness.
You got straight to work helping Stede lay the table, flushing whenever he would pass by you and steal a kiss. If he was going for a desensitising approach, it was working.
"Imbeciles!" Izzy barged in, a rant ready on his tongue. "Couldn't find their own asses!"
You bit back a smile, it not being your attention to further wind him up. "Iz, if you want the Swede to oil the cannons, you have to ask Olu to oversee it. He knows what he is doing, and the Swede is kinda scared of you, hun," you told him sympathetically.
Izzy sighed, sounding tired, and dragged a hand over his face.
"Relax, Dear," Stede approached him with a soft smile. "I'm sure they have everything handled, just come and enjoy dinner with us," he soothed his hands down Izzy's arms and the shorter man visibly relaxed before nodding. He wasn't up on deck being First Mate Hands right now, he was in his quarters with his partners, just Izzy.
Just on time, Edward came out of the washroom. "Hey, everyone is here!" he grinned, only faltering slightly when he saw the look on Izzy's face. "Iz, who pissed in your rum?" he questioned.
"The Swede," you answered for him, only a little amused. Edward laughed, finding the humour in it, it's not like the crew would actually do anything serious. And when the Swede was involved, it was usually a rant about incompetence that followed.
"Yes, my suffering is hilarious," Izzy rolled his eyes but there was no real annoyance in his voice.
"Lighten up, mate," Edward chuckled, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, "come and try Roach's new concoction. He promises it's good."
Izzy grumbled but allowed himself to be led to the table and pushed down into his seat.
"If the Swede has done it wrong, I'll help you clean up the mess after dinner," you promised.
"Fine." It was enough to put a smile on Izzy's face.
"See, problem solved," Stede smiled brightly as the rest of you joined Izzy at the table, taking your seats.
Everybody began to tuck into their food but before you could even pick up your cutlery, Ed had taken hold of your dominant hand. Innocently holding it and toying with your fingers as he ate.
You smiled at where your palms touched, at the casual show of affection. Still, it wasn't exactly practical.
"Yeah?" he looked at you with a smile, all warm brown eyes and adoration.
"This is really nice and everything, but...I'd like to be able to eat," you gave his hand a gentle shake.
"Oh," Edward frowned down at your interlocked hands, laughing when he realised the problem. "Sorry, babe," he apologised, releasing your hand after giving your knuckles a little kiss.
You were thankful that he didn't comment on the way your face heated up. Stede, on the other hand, was grinning shamelessly, proud of you all but knowing better than to voice that.
After dinner was finished, Stede cleared the plates and served dessert, placing a serving in front of each of you. You smiled gratefully as he placed the little plate down in front of you.
As he began to pull away back, you felt the need to do something. To show your appreciation. Not just for the dessert, of course, but for everything he did.
"Uh, Stede?" you cleared your throat before you could talk yourself out of it. Stede paused, looking at you expectantly but patiently. You reached up, taking hold of his lacy cravat, and pulled him down slightly. Once he was at the right level, you planted a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."
"No problem, Sweetheart," Stede smiled before placing his own plate down and returning to his seat. There was more he wanted to say but he held his tongue. He was just so proud of you for initiating like that but he didn't want to embarrass you by saying anything.
You sat up on the crows nest, feeling the wind against your face, one of your favourite pass times. Normally your free time was spent with one of your partners but even the four of you appreciated alone time every now and again, and this was how you liked to spend yours. It was refreshing.
Izzy didn't say a word as he climbed up to meet you, just have you a questioning look. You nodded and he sat down with you, shoulder to shoulder.
"Use to sit up here with Ed, when we were deckhands," Izzy told you without prompting, "we'd drink whatever we could get our hands on, talking about the future, how we'd rule the seas. The crows nest of Hornigold's ship, that's where the legend of Blackbeard was born."
The thought of the two men, young and ambitious, bright eyed and full of dreams, it put a smile on your face. "Now, a young Ed and Iz with ambitions of becoming the most fearsome pirates on the seven seas...I would have liked to see that."
"Nah, you wouldn't. Ed never sat still and I was a little shit," Izzy warned you, and you believed him wholeheartedly. You could just picture it. Could picture how you would have loved him just as much then as you did now.
"So not much has changed then?" you teased.
Izzy laughed, knocking his shoulder against yours. "I had a reputation for biting," he added.
"Of fucking course you did," you blurted out a laugh. Oh yeah, you could see that too. An Izzy Hands in his twenties, snarling and baring his teeth like a rabid dog. He may not bite as much anymore but he certainly did bark.
You laughter faded out into the quiet night, the two of you comfortable in the silence.
"You're a lot braver than me, y'know," Izzy said quietly, you almost didn't hear him over the pleasant breeze.
"What makes you say that?" you looked to him with a small frown, watching his side profile. Izzy got like this sometimes, oddly open and vulnerable. Of course, the three of you always encouraged it when it happens.
"You talked to Stede, told him what you needed. I could never do that. Ed had to tie me down while Stede interrogated me, needing to know if I even really liked him," Izzy told you and you smiled at the image, you would have quite liked to have seen that. "I could've never just gone to him like you did," he admitted.
"Were you mad...that I didn't speak to you and Ed?" you asked. It was something that had been bothering you. You knew that Stede had obviously told them and they hadn't shown you any animosity about it, but you worried that you might have hurt them, that they would feel as if you went behind their back.
"No. We understood, we've been there before, y'know. Me and Ed couldn't stay mad at each other for it and we couldn't be mad at you. Stede just has...something about him, doesn't he?" Izzy assured you. Of course he and Edward had wondered why you would speak to Stede alone at first but Stede's explanation had been enough for him to understand, to understand intimately.
"Yeah, he does," you agreed, smiling fondly about the strange man.
"We, uh...we all really...we love you," Izzy told you, like he needed you to believe it. Like you could some how doubt it for even a moment.
"I know, Iz," you took his hand in yours, "I love you too."
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence again, fingers laced together. "This isn't too difficult," you mused to yourself.
"It gets easier," Izzy promised you.
"You three make it easier."
You chuckled, laying your head against his shoulder. Izzy smiled, kissing the crown of your head before resting his head on top of yours.
The two of you were a right pair, two idiots who don't know how to allow themselves affection, dating two of the most affectionate idiots in the Caribbean.
Popping the little bubble the two of you created, two heads popped up into the crows nest. "Room for two more?" Stede asked. Beside him, Ed smiled, under no delusions that the two of you wouldn't let them join you.
"Barely," Izzy scoffed, the two of you were already pressed shoulder to shoulder with little room on either side of you.
"Tight fit," you hummed before smiling at the two heads, "but think we can make it work."
"Damn right, we can," Edward grinned before clambering over the two of you. Earning a grunt from you when one of his joints poked you in the ribs, and a muttered warning about his knee from Izzy.
Eventually Edward sat himself down by your side. Stede decided against crawling over your bodies, sitting himself on the other side of Izzy.
The four of you melded together with ease, you and Izzy leaning against each other with Izzy show how propped up against Stede's chest. Edward was wrapped around you, an arm around Izzy and his hand in Stede's. Stede's other arm was wrapped around Izzy, his hand in your hair. It was a squeeze but, as always, the four of you made it work.
"Beautiful night," Stede comment, Izzy rolling his eyes fondly at the blonde's need to fill silence.
"It's perfect," you whispered in agreement, snuggling further into the huddle.
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coreene · 2 months
The 5e Guide to Sex
I have been made aware of an unofficial guide for sex in dnd universe by my lovely friends over at the Zhentil Keep. And I would like to share some interesting stuff I found in said book with my dear followes.
Technical details before the fun part: book is called The 5e Guide to Sex. I couldn't find a writer. I couldn't find a publisher. When you search the name Google throws the pdf your way in case anyone of you would like to check it out yourselves. If you know more about the book, please let me know and I'll update/throw a link for credits. I am adding these to my que and in pieces so they will be dropping at the same time for the next couple of days/nights.
The Dirty Deed
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Transcript is under the cut
You can have sex for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution score minus 5. Since most humans have a Constitution of 10, this means that on average they last 5 minutes in bed. This refers only to the act of sex itself, not to any foreplay (see below).
At the end of sex, you make a satisfaction check by rolling a d20 and adding the number of minutes that the sex lasted for above 5 minutes (+1 for six minutes, +2 for seven minutes, and so on). If the result is equal to or greater than your partner’s Constitution score, then your partner was satisfied. If not, then your partner was dissatisfied and may desire to continue having sex until brought to satisfaction.
If having sex with more than one NPC, you make a separate satisfaction check for each one.
Satisfied or Dissatisfied. An NPC who has been satisfied with sex is likely to be friendly to you in the future, though there is no mechanical benefit. Likewise, a partner who you fail to satisfy might be unfriendly, but again there is no mechanical distinction drawn.
Very Dissatisfied. If you fail a Satisfaction check by 5 or more, then the NPC was very dissatisfied. Their sexual partner has disadvantage on all Persuasion checks made against them for the next 1d4+1 days.
Very Satisfied. If you pass a Satisfaction check by 5 or more, then the NPC was very satisfied. Their sexual partner has advantage on all Persuasion checks against them for the next 1d4+1 days.
Marathon. At the end of an act of sex, you can choose to forgo making a satisfaction check. If you do, you have sex for another length of time equal to your Constitution score minus 5. You may repeat this any number of times. Once you decide to stop forgoing the satisfaction check, you add the total amount of minutes above 5 minutes for each act of sex and add that result to your d20 roll.
Keeping going like this is exhausting, however. Each character having sex must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw for each act of sex in an hour after the first; on a failure, the character gains a level of exhaustion.
Size Issues. If your sexual partner is two or more size categories larger or smaller than you, you have disadvantage on checks to satisfy them. Further, it is impossible for a male creature to physically penetrate a creature that is two size categories or more smaller than him without also causing great damage (1d4 bludgeoning damage per round of sex for each step of size category difference), and even creatures one size category smaller than them are at risk – for each minute of penetrative sex a larger male has with a smaller creature, that creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
Technical Details
The following applies to any creature while he or she is having sex:
You are grappled while having sex. Depending on how you are having sex, you may additionally be prone, restrained, or both. You can escape sex like you would any other grapple; your partner(s) can choose to not contest your escape attempt if they also wish to stop having sex.
You can’t concentrate on spells while having sex, unless the spell is being used directly for sex (such as the sexual application of Evard’s black tentacles, as described later in this document)
source: The 5e Guide to Sex (unofficial)
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dragonpastels · 7 months
What's your favorite detail about your AU that you don't think people have picked up on, or your just want more attention on?
Oh wow, I still feel like it's really early on into this AU for people to really be noticing anything, but thank you for this ask. So what I'm going to do is sort of a "behind the scenes" sort of thing. First of all the way I draw present Donnie and future, or Evil, Donnie is quite different.
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It's mostly in their faces mind you, but I draw present Donnie with more rounded, soft, features. While Evil Donnie I draw far more angular, and sharp. It was once unintentional and was mainly a result of his design process with that process essentially being, "mmm, yes, sharp." I've kept this feature because it's a good way to show the differences in state for these two boys. The difference between one being innocent, and the other twisted. Another thing I'd like to share is the way I draw expressions for Donnie specifically. When it comes to anger for the others most of their expression is located in their forehead and around the eyes. Like our now remorseful Raph here.
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But with Donnie I give him something that I lovingly call an "anger scrunch." Where I will put most of his expression in his snoot like these.
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These I call his "full anger scrunch" where at this point he's absolutely losing it and only time can calm him down. I'll typically draw the mouth more forward on his snoot with all his teeth showing and wide eyes. Like an angry dog.
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of course, it can look slightly different especially when speaking, but I typically try my best not to deviate too much. And the anger scrunch isn't exclusive to just rage. It can range from mild annoyance and even convey conflicting emotions. Some examples of scrunches that are not used for when he's just really mad.
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Since his rage is quite obvious on his face his family knows when he's slightly annoyed or about to eat someone's face. Leo specifically knows the best out of everyone just how close he is to snapping, and abuses that. Here's a little doodle page showing the stages of scrunch.
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I treat Donnie's expression this way because he's the one that has the most animalistic traits, and body language of all the boys. It's sort of a tie-in and connection to his tism and partly because I love drawing him as an absolute creature. And with that, my rambling is over. Even though the AU is still young I hope you all stick around and enjoy your time. I might do more of these in the future, or I might not, depending on if I can make a whole thing of it. Oh! And for those of you who read this whole thing here's a special sneak peek of the next update! Is he mad? Well Time to use that new scrunch knowledge to use!
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Oh and one final thing I know most of you don't interact with the Evil Donnie asks, but for those of you who do. I encourage you to play a game of spot the difference between asks 👁👁
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 7 months
What are your good and bad surprises in the league so far?
There are, of course, significantly more examples than this, but I don't want this to be a long-ass post so I will just point out my personal highlights of highlights - naturally, they are quite Czech-centered since that's my main interest:
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The Bruins - obviously.
To be honest, I was slightly anxious about their fate from now on since losing two elite centers like Bergeron and Krejci at the same time, and also guys like Orlov and Bertuzzi, does leave you quite vulnerable, especially after a crushing first-round exit like they have experienced, but they have honestly been rocking it so far and I love it for them.
The Poitras kid, Zacha stepping up his game and delivering as the first center, Pasta showcasing that he very much belongs in the top 10 of the league, Swaymay with Ullmark being the best goaltending duo in the entire league, Marchand giving slays left red right as a captain, the defense being solid...
Filip Hronek in Vancouver
The Hughes-Hronek defensive pairing is among the best right now, they have clicked extremely well with each other, Filip is getting extreme ice time, and I am glad that at least someone from the former Red Wings is thriving in their new home
Quinn is literally leading the defensemen in points and Filip is 4th, which is insane, considering he has never been viewed as a top defenseman among Czechs
Anaheim and Arizona
They still won't make the playoffs, we all know that so let's not be delusional here, but they are finally getting genuinely fun to watch and showing us the immense potential they have.
Logan Cooley is doing great for a rookie in Arizona, has eight points already... - imagine what Bedard would be able to showcase if he had at least a slightly decent team around him
Lukas Dostal in Anaheim's net...
Jack Hughes and Elias Pettersson - for obvious reasons, just look at the stats
Honestly, has someone told them that having Leon and Connor on the team doesn't mean you don't have to invest in the defense and goaltending because I feel like they genuinely don't know that
Is it really that hard to look around and fetch at least a solid goaltender? They are the complete opposite of Boston right now in terms of the net - sorry not sorry, but they don't have a single goaltender they could truly rely on, both of them are equally struggling and the awful defense is certainly not helping them. Just go look in the European leagues, there are a ton of outstanding goalies who would be eager to play in the NHL if you gave them the chance
Imagine how sore Leon's shoulders must be right now from carrying the team - you can't depend on one elite player to drag you through the mess, you yourself are responsible for, you have to have some sort of backup when one of your stars gets injured
Jonathan Huberdeau
You gotta feel for Calgary right now - signing this guy to an 8-year, $84,000,000 contract and him scoring two goals for you in ten games played...
Jakub Vrana
I was genuinely hoping that St.Louis would be the right destination for him in terms of them giving him the space and ice time to showcase his skills and solidify his position on that roster, but instead, it's the third team that makes him a healthy scratch
I know that there is a lot of pressure there for the team to perform so it might not be entirely Jakub's fault, however, this really is his last chance to stay in the league and currently, he is not delivering the results needed for him to be given another contract
Dominik Kubalik
Watching him at the Worlds where he was single-handedly leading the points of the Czech team and scoring basically every single game at least once, I did have great expectations of him, but so far, he has scored only two goals in Ottawa.
I am not that knowledgeable about the Senators - frankly, the only piece of information I know is that Tkachuk, Stützle, and Giroux are there and that Ryan Reynolds wanted to buy the team before he invested in yet another trash called Alpine in Formula One, but knowing Kubalik, his problem probably is the lack of ice time and competent linemates, which I am not sure is going to improve any time soon
Genuinely hurts to see another former Red Wing struggling
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