#i love the firetruck grills
definitelyisabella · 1 year
The wizard of oz episode!!!
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I love this episode so I had to draw it. :)
T I N Y G R E T C H E N.
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samantha-chicago · 2 months
Request: Hi there! Would love to put in an eddie diaz request please! Eddie proposes to reader. Eddie knows he wants to do it and has a ring ready and a plan or he has the ring but just sees a perfect opportunity and takes it? Then they maybe celebrate after?? Thanks 😊
Pairing : Eddie Diaz x Reader
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It had been a horrible call, and the whole station knew about it. Everyone felt it in different ways. Many just stayed quiet, some going to the gym, but Eddie walked to his locker and stared at the little velvet box on the inside. Buck walked up behind him, placing his hands on Eddie’s shoulders. 
“You’ve still got that thing?” Buck 6 over his shoulder, and Eddie nodded
“I’ve just never found the right time to do it” He sighed, sitting on the bench and shutting the door to hide the ring box again. 
“Eddie. Do it now. God knows both you and Y/N, and well, everyone else in this station needs a little cheering up. You’re perfect for each other. You’ll never find a perfect time if you keep waiting” Buck shook his head, and Eddie looked over with a nod getting up. 
Meanwhile, you were sitting upstairs sipping on a cup of coffee to relieve the stress from the call. Hen, Chimney, and Bobby sat off to the side. Eddie rushed up the stairs and over to you. You looked over as he took the coffee cup out of your hands, exciting a whine from your lips. 
“You can get your coffee back in a minute, baby. I promise I just need to borrow you for a minute” He smiled, and you nodded, getting up and following him back down the stairs. Eddie walked you both to a hidden space behind the firetrucks where not a single person could see you no matter how busy it got. 
“Why are you down here? You’re not planning on killing me, are you?” You joked, and he shook his head.
“I’ve been fighting about this for ages. Buck finally talked some sense into me, and I figured no time like the present” You frowned, looking at him
“It definitely sounds like you’re about to kill me” Eddie held your hands, looking into your eyes. He gently placed a kiss to your knuckles before getting down on one knee. Your frown deepened as he dropped one of your hands and reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out the small velvet box. 
“Eddie, what are you doing?” You asked as he looked up at you, his hands shaking as he did. 
“Of course I will” You smiled as he slid the ring on your finger. He stood up, hugging you tightly as your lips pressed together for a long kiss. 
“I love you so much, Y/N. You’re the love of my life, and Christopher loves you, which also pushed my decision towards doing this because Christopher is everything to me. Well, joint number one because no one can ever beat Christopher. Now I’m blabbering” You smiled watching him.
“As I was saying. You’re the love of my life, and there’s no one else I would ever want to spend every day of my life with, and today after that call just helped me realise that even more. Y/N L/N I want to spend every day of my life with you, and I love you so much. Will you marry me?” He asked, and your hands covered your mouth as you started to tear up. You always proud yourself for not crying on shift 
Later that night, everyone was gathered into Bobby’s house. Bobby cooking on the grill, May, Harry, Denny, and Christopher running about and playing with each other as you sat on Eddie’s lap. His hand wrapped around your waist and head resting on your shoulder as everyone talked. Music quietly played in the background as everyone sat talking. Your hands played with Eddie’s hands as you spoke to Maddie, who was cuddling Jee-Yun, who was happily falling asleep in your arms. 
Sat imagining how that could be you and Eddie in a few years. Christopher is off playing while you’re sitting cuddling your baby and Eddie at the same time. 
“Are you okay, baby? You’ve gone quiet?” Eddie asked quietly, pressing a kiss to your neck just under your ear. You nodded quietly, turning your head to place a kiss to his lips 
“Just imagining our future together” you whispered against his lips, and he smiled 
“Oh yeah? What does that look like?” He asked 
“Christopher off playing, us sat cuddling each other and our little baby” You smiled 
“You want a baby?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Of course I do. Do you?” You asked now just realising that the topic had never come up before
“I’d love to give Christopher a sibling” He smiled, pressing yet another kiss to your lips. Your hands wrapped around his neck and softly played with the hair at the nape of his neck. The perfect way to end the day. 
@halsteadbrasil @marvelmenarebeautiful @certifiedwootiny @oliviah-25 @Dreamsingr @Scaramou @tringeorge
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
Do you have a bad reputation? I don’t give a damn about it.
Have you ever gone through a bad breakup? Yeah.
Do you believe in Jesus? I mean, I don’t deny his existence. I’m sure he was a living, breathing, person at one point. Do I believe his dad is some magic sky dude and follow his “teachings” out of a book that was written like 5000 years ago that people are still trying to use to justify taking people’s rights away? Absolutely not.
Has anyone ever used a cheesy pickup line on you? Yeah.
Are you hard of hearing? A little. I think it’s more of an auditory processing disorder than “hard of hearing” though.
Would you ever want a statue made of you? Nah.
What’s the name of your best friend? Sarah, Ellen, Randal, Mark.
When did you last go for a run? Hahahahahahahahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What is something that gives you good vibes? Summer.
How many bones have you broken in your life? Three.
What did you last search for? I saw a bunch of smoke near my office this morning and saw a ton of firetrucks going towards it so I searched on Google to see if there was any news.
What color are your lampshades? White.
Where are you currently? At work.
Has anyone ever called you dumb? Yes.
Do you have any cats? Yes, 3 of them.
What were you doing last time 3am came around? Sleeping.
What’s your favorite love song? There’s a few.
What all did you do last night? My family came over for dinner. We grilled steak tacos
What last let you down? My sister.
How many lights do you have on? The office lights are on.
Have you ever had vertigo? I think so.
Has your house ever been robbed? No, thankfully.
Are you currently tired? I’m so fucking tired of this fucking world.
When did you last get a haircut? Last week. Dyed my hair pink too!
Do you ever use the slang “sheesh”? I do.
Have you done a breathing exercise recently? Yeah.
What food/drink did you last waste? I don’t know.
Have you ever had collard greens? Yes. We are growing some in the garden too.
Do you or would you ever live on a coast? No.
Are you a cry baby? Right now I could cry.
If you have a partner, do you have a song? We have a few.
Have you ever dug a hole? What for? Plenty. For gardening.
Do you spend too much time in your room? No. I mostly just sleep in there.
Have you ever fainted? What from? Sure.
What is something that is “just like heaven” to you? YOU, SOFT AND LONELY, YOU, LOST AND LONELY.
Who is someone you know who is gorgeous? Me.
Do you know a Chelsea? No.
Would you rather kill or be killed? I’m good.
What’s a good habit you have? Hahaha.
Would you rather have 12 fingers or 12 toes? I’m good.
What’s the sweetest, best pie you’ve ever had? Pumpkin.
What did you last try to do? I just tried to type something and made like 800 typos.
Have you broken anyone’s heart? Apparently.
Do you have brown eyes? I do not.
Are you currently barefoot? No.
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642stories · 1 year
Story #38, The X-Files Winter Ficlets 9/28
"Wrapping gifts"
Read it on AO3
“You are suspiciously quiet today. Is everything all right?”
 Maggie, a seasoned mother of four, can identify unmistakably when her baby birds are in trouble. Right now, with Dana, she senses the calm. But it’s the calm before the storm.
“I told you, Mom, everything is fine.” She reaches for the next box, which looks like a toy firetruck. “Is that for Mathew? He’s gonna love it.”
“It is. From Charlie. Who’s not even here by the way to wrap his share of presents.”
Scully smiles coyly at the mention of her younger brother. Charlie is a wild thing - never conforms to anyone’s rules and standards. They used to be pretty close in that regard, though now Dana considers herself more of a conventional type. Always seeking her father’s approval and making choices that would please him, she learned to suppress those rebellious urges long ago. But Charlie is a different kettle of fish. A troublemaker in the family. With him, you never know what to expect, and wherever he calls, you can’t help wondering if he’s even in the same country.
“Why didn’t you bring Fox?” Her mother inquires nonchalantly. “I thought you said he didn’t have plans.”
“Not this Christmas, Mom.”’ She cuts off another piece of the wrapping paper, smoothing with her fingers little snowmen smiling at her from the surface.”‘He’s gone to Connecticut to visit his mother.”
“I have a present for him too, you know?” Maggie adds, rising to her feet. “Since you miss him so much, you can wrap it yourself, honey,” she fishes another box out of the pile of gifts resting under the tree and throws it playfully at her daughter’s knees. 
“Mom! I told you like million times we are not THAT close. He’s my partner.”
“Yeah-yeah, we only work together and blah-blah-blah. You want eggnog?” She asks, not expecting an answer, and then excuses herself to the kitchen.
She’s her Mom, Dana thinks. She’s entitled to grill her.
That’s the idea of the holidays in the company of her loved ones. To grill one another about the passing year, plans for the new year, failures, achievements, and expectations. While Charlie is wandering around the city running his last-minute errands and Bill’s family won’t arrive until the evening from the airport, she does a pretty lousy job at clearing her head of Mulder and her feelings for him.
She kissed him. Oh my God, she thinks. She kissed him, and now he’s the only thing she can think of. She’s in love with him. Has been for ages. Scully groans defeatedly and drops her head in her hands as if shielding herself from the whole world.
“Now, I know that look.” Maggie returns to the room with two glasses of eggnog. Putting the drinks on the table, she takes a seat on the couch and rubs Dana’s back soothingly.
“What happened between the two of you?”
Not taking her hands off her face, Dana says, her voice is barely audible. “I kissed him.” 
“Mmm,”  Maggie  hums, “was it so bad that you are sitting here now all stressed and mixed up?”
Scully jerks her head up  and gives her mother a look that only can be described as utter horror.
“No!” She feels compelled to get things straight. “Of course not! It was… wonderful. Probably the best kiss I’ve had in ages.” She picks up the glass and takes a small sip.
“Thank God,” her mother exclaims. ‘That’s about damn time. You two have been dancing around this for years.”
“How do you mean?”
‘Everybody could see that you love each other, Dana. I was wondering when you finally admitted it to yourself.”’ She takes a look around, content with the job they managed to do with her daughter. “It looks good, doesn’t it? But you still gotta do your boyfriend’s present.”
“He’s not my boyfriend, Mom! It was just one kiss!” She stops abruptly and turns fully to her mother. 
“Well, I’m sure there’ll be more to come when he returns home,” Maggie says.
The idea of sharing even more kisses with Mulder makes Scully blush but she can’t stop her mind from drifting back to the moment they shared on the threshold of his apartment just a day ago.
“Merry Christmas, Mulder.” She breathes out as soon as their lips part.
“Merry Christmas, Scully.”
He brushes his mouth against the soft baby skin of her cheek and then squeezes her tight in his embrace. It looks like it hurts them both physically to separate.
“I gotta go,” she murmurs somewhere around his earlobe.
“Promise me we gotta talk about it.” He smells her hair as if trying to imprint the scent of her into his mind. “We are good at sweeping things under the rug. I don’t want to sweep that, Scully.”
She lifts her chin, and her eyes are like a stormy blue sea. She seems deadly serious. “We won’t. I promise.”
Soundtrack "Love Letters" by Aaron Zigman
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Waiting for This [Damon Salvatore]
pairing - damon salvatore x fem!vampire!reader 
type - fluff, smut
note - hey, guys! this was a request. i had a lot of fun writing this, enjoy! i decided to make you a vampire :) elena is a little more bratty in this lol. also you are pretty sober when you two start doing stuff, i felt uncomfortable writing two drunk people have sex, even if they’re adults lol
summary - you and damon are best friends and one night after drinking, you two hook up. 
warnings - smut (sex, oral receiving, choking kink, praise kink, you and damon domming each other lol. this is getting hot and heavy luvs), language, frisky language lol, alcohol, you being a funny and sensitive drunk
*gif isn’t mine* 
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You strutted into The Grill, black ripped jeans on, a dark red, spaghetti-strapped blouse tucked into the jeans, and your hair blown out and voluminous. Your red painted lips were upturned into a smirk, eyes covered by your black sunglasses. 
Heads easily turned at the sight of you. Men and women’s mouths opened, catching flies. You looked around to see if you could spot your group of friends. You looked to see them playing pool. 
You had just moved here two weeks ago. You were getting tired of living in Chicago, since you had been living there for the past 10 years. Being a vampire, you usually stayed in a place for a decade or so before people noticed you weren't getting any older. You usually started at a place at 15 years old, using makeup and clothing to make yourself look younger since you were and have been 20 for a little over 2 centuries. 
You had decided to go to Mystic Falls, Virginia since there were rumours of other vampires here. You thought you might be able to see you friends, but you sadly didn’t. Instead, you found the infamous Salvatore brothers. The ones that one of your friends, Katherine Pierce, talked about. Katherine, sadly, was gone and was running from the Original hybrid, Klaus. You missed her, but you knew you would see her again soon. 
On your first day in Mystic Falls, you had gotten the attention of a petite, cute blonde named Caroline Forbes. You actually ran into her first at the high school she and her friends went to. You were playing the new girl and Caroline had kindly partnered up with you. You had actually planned on using her as a snack, but she quickly threw you against the wall and was about to snap your neck when you apologized for mistaking her as a human. You explained you have been a vampire since 1796, being turned from Katherine as a favor for giving her shelter and a place to hide. You loved being a vampire and you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
Next you met Elena, who was a new vampire, and Bonnie Bennet who was a witch and descendent of one of your old friends, Emily Bennet. Bonnie and you quickly became friends, too. You showing her the good side of being a vampire and that you weren’t all looking for trouble. 
Then, you met Stefan Salvatore. He was cute, like Katherine had mentioned. He also was helplessly in love with Elena, but they sadly had broken up a few weeks before you came. Now, Elena was pining over someone else, which led you to Damon Salvatore. 
Sexy, funny, and basically the male version of you, so Bonnie and Caroline say. Damon and you had a fun. playful relationship. You two acted like you hated each other because you were so alike, but also teasing each other to the point where you two are horny and face’s are red like firetrucks.
You had a huge ass crush on Damon. You couldn’t help it. From the first time you saw him, you fell in love. Yet, the last two weeks have just consisted of friendship for you. You wanted him so bad, but you couldn’t work up the nerve to kiss him, which was funny since you always seemed so confident. 
Elena was also head over heels for him, too, which pissed you off. Elena and you kept it pretty civil, but the way she looked at Damon made you want to snap her neck and kill her, but to your dismay, she was already dead and Stefan would never let you close enough to stake her. Like right now while they were playing pool, she was making goo-goo eyes at him. 
You rolled your eyes and took off your sunglasses, putting them in your back pocket.
“Wow, you desperate for attention or something? Can’t compel guys to screw you?” Elena blurted as you walked towards them. 
You raised your brows in amusement, smiling with it. “Wow, someone so jealous that they have to insult another woman?” 
Elena pouted and moved back, embarrassed. 
“She’s a new vampire, her emotions are still amplified and she’s learning to control it,” Stefan stuck up for her. 
“Stefan, don’t stick up for her. She's been a vampire for like, a month, according to you all. She should be able to control her emotions by now,” you said and moved next too Damon, who was looking you up and down. 
I personally like Y/n’s outfit,” Damon smirked. 
You blushed but looked down to hide your face. 
“Damon, you like anything walking with skin showing,” Stefan scoffed. 
You frowned at him. 
“I happen to like Y/n’s outfit, too. Really cute and sexy,” Caroline smiled. 
You smiled back at her. “Thank you. I’ll let you borrow my top sometime. Whenever Tyler comes back, you can wear it.” Caroline jumped up and down in excitement. You chuckled and grabbed a pool cute.
You went next to Damon, purposely brushing your arm on his. Butterflies shot down from your stomach to your core. Your skin tingled at the contact. Your eyes met with Damon’s icy blue ones. You felt heat gather between your thighs, and you looked away before your legs could give out from under you. 
“Something wrong, L/n?” Damon asked in a low tone. 
“Nope,” you breathed in. 
You made eye contact with Caroline, who was smirking at you, noticing the heavy sexual tension between you two. You ignored their stares and racked the balls. You took a shot and smiled triumphantly as an orange solid ball went into one of the holes. 
“Good one, L/n!” Damon smiled and shoved you to the side gently. 
You scoffed playfully, poking him with a the pool cue. He took a shot and go no balls in.
“Looks like you’re going down, Salvatore,” you laughed.”
“Shut up, L/n.”
You smirked, taking your turn. You got 2 balls in again. You fist-pumped Stefan as you and him enjoyed watching Damon be defeated. Stefan liked it because he currently was fighting with Damon. You liked it because Damon teased you and the annoyed/angry look on his face was so hot. 
“God, I’m gonna slam you against the wall if you keep up your streak,” Damon muttered in annoyance. 
Your stomach did cartwheels again as you imagined in slamming you against the wall. His hand on your neck, choking you, making your eyes roll in the back of your head. His free hand roaming your body and-
“Y/n? You good there?” Caroline’s voice interrupted your daydreaming. 
Your head snapped to her and your face flushed. “I-I’m fine.”
You saw Damon smirk in the corner of your eye. You looked at him and glared. “Shove it, Damon.”
“Oh, I’ll shove it in you, all right,” Damon smiled. 
“Woah, that's a new one. Working on your one-liners? Hoping to get laid, Salvatore?” You teased back.
“Not by your ass,” Damon scoffed quickly. 
“Hm, I wouldn't do you either. Who knows how many girls you've been with in your 170 plus years,” you said, bumping your hip with his to get him out of the way. 
“We are gonna go to the bar, want anything?” Caroline asked, obviously wanting to get away from you and Damon’s inappropriate jokes. 
“A round of shots!” You ordered. 
“For you and Damon?” Caroline asked, surprised.  “Yep. Winner gets to plan out the next mission to kill Klaus. Alcohol makes playing pool a lot harder,” you said, looking back and smiling at Damon.
He smiled back at you. A friendly, sweet smile. He couldn’t help it, even though he was teasing you and being playfully rude to you a few minutes ago. 
You were beautiful. Your ability to not give a shit about anyone’s opinions about you, being able to handle a joke, being secure in yourself. Joking around with him, sharing the same humor with him. The fact that you were literally drop dead gorgeous. Your perfect smile, your body that looked flattering in anything you wore - even big t-shirts and sweatpants. The way your eyes lit up when you got all excitedly, like now. You were just so perfect, it was unbelievable. 
You saw the way Damon was looking at you. Your smile got even wider and a blush arose on your cheeks. His pupils were dilated and a longing look replaced the mocking expression he had before. You looked away, looking to Caroline who was walking over with a tray of a dozen shots. 
“Thanks, Care,” you smiled and took the tray from her. You walked over to Damon and put the tray on a table nearby. 
“Alright, ready to lose, Salvatore?” You smirked and turned to Damon, setting your hand on your hip suggestively. 
“I think you said win wrong,” Damon smiled at you. 
You grinned and gave him a shot. You two downed it easy and set the cups down. You walked back to the pool table, bending down and lining up your pool cue. You took your shot, the white ball hitting a purple solid, but not with enough force. You huffed, stepping back and letting Damon take the stand. 
“Looks like the alcohol has already affected your aim,” Damon smirked. 
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes. 
Damon took position and took his shot. He managed to get 3 striped balls in. Your jaw fell in amazement. Damon turned back to you, chuckling at your expression. He looked you in the eyes and did his signature smirk. As he held eye contact with you, your knees buckles. You yelped as you fell, reaching out for the pool table ledge, but it was too far. Instead of falling, though, you were caught by Damon. 
You fell against his chest, your head ending up on his shoulder. You gasped as he caught you at the last second, quickly looking up into his eyes. His blue eyes were already staring down at you. He was looking at you with that loving look again. You returned the look, trying to let him know with your eyes that you were in love with him. His arms tightened around you, his hands resting on the small of your back. His touch felt warm and made you feel protected. 
He pulled you back up on your feet, which made your foreheads touch. You felt his breath on your lips, begging you to kiss them. Damon’s right hand moved from your back to the bare skin on your arm. He ran his fingertips up and down, making your body hot. Your stomach flipped at his touch and how close you both were. Never once in these two weeks have you ever gotten this close to him. 
It felt nice. Your bodies fit with each other perfectly. You knew that you could stay in his arms forever, if ever given the chance. 
You looked back up to his eyes, seeing him still staring at you. Your eyes flickered down to his lips and back up to his eyes again, working up the nerve to make a move. But as soon as you felt ready enough, he pulled away, leaving you cold and lonely. 
“Let’s get back to the game. I’m interested in planning to kill Klaus,” Damon said and took his pool cue in his hands. 
You coughed awkwardly and nodded. You went over to the shots, taking two and downing them. You went back to the pool table, taking your pool cue that fell on the floor. You took your turn, hitting a ball in. Damon took his turn next. 
You two drank shots and played pool in silence. The air between you two was heavy and awkward. You didn’t try to look him in the eye, afraid you might burst into tears or kiss him, and him rejecting you. You thought he liked you, but apparently, you were wrong.
An hour and a half later, you were absolutely wasted. You were playing pool, drinking more alcohol than your body could probably hold. 
“Okay, I think it’s time for you to go home, Y/n,” Damon said. 
“Nu-uh,” you shook your head and stumbled. Damon caught you once again. 
You looked into his eyes, admiring the blue. “You have pretty eyes.”
Damon blushed lightly, but rolled his eyes to cover that fact. “Okay, Missy, I’ll drive you home.”
“Fine,” you huffed. You held onto his bicep, stumbling as you walked to the door. Your grip on his bicep had butterflies swarming in his chest. Damon sighed and stopped walking. He put his arm under your legs and your back and scooped you up. 
Your heart fluttered and you giggled as a verbal response. Damon smiled softly at your laugh, it making his heart happy. He carried you to your car and had you hand your keys over. He set you on your passenger seat and buckled you in. He went over to the driver’s seat. He drove you back home. 
“Let’s go, sweetheart,” Damon said and scooped your up again. You put you around around his neck and cuddled into his chest. 
Damon held you close to him and unlocked your front door. He walked you to your bedroom, laying you down on your bed. 
“I’ll get you some water and coffee, okay?” Damon said. You nodded. groaning and turning around. 
Damon chuckled and went into your kitchen. While he was getting your beverages, you decided to get up and change into pjs. You slowly took off your shoes and shimmied out of your jeans. You sat back down on your bed and took your top off. While you were throwing your shirt in your laundry basket, Damon came in. 
“Woah!” Damon exclaimed and quickly turned around.  “Damon?” You asked and stood up. You walked into him, still in your underwear. 
“Are you dressed?” Damon asked while breathing in deeply. His jeans got tighter as he thought about you sitting in your lingerie. 
“No,” you stated. “Well, get dressed then,” Damon scoffed. 
You frowned, “You don’t like my body?”
Damon’s eyes widened, but he stayed turned around. “No! I... this is weird, Y/n. We are friends.”
Tears clouded in your eyes. “I.. I thought you would like my body. I workout and my ex boyfriends say I look hot. Why don’t you think I look hot?”
Damon sighed and turned around slowly. He eyed your body quickly before going back up to your eyes. 
“Y/n, you’re gorgeous. With and without clothes. You are hot, trust me. Let’s just get you sobered up, okay?” Damon said. 
Your tears disappeared and you smiled. You nodded and turned around. Damon checked your backside out, taking a deep, hard breath. He walked over to your nightstand and put the water bottles and cup of coffee on it. 
You quickly got into shorts and a big t-shirt. You sat down on the bed, taking one of the water bottles and downing the water because of the dehydration you felt from the alcohol. Damon sat down next to you. 
“How come you’re not drunk?” You asked. 
“Because I didn’t drink as much as you,” Damon said. 
“Oh,” you pouted and took a sip of coffee. “Ew, it’s so bitter.”
“Well, you need strong, black coffee to wake you up a little,” Damon smiled. 
You grumbled in agreement and drank more coffee. You two sat in a comfortable silence until you felt a little more awake and a lot less drunk. 
“Vampires sober up fast,” you laughed. 
“Mhm and you happen to be one,” Damon smiled and booped your nose. 
You smacked his hand away playfully. He took your hand and did something that you never thought he would. He intertwined his fingers with yours. Your face flushed and you looked into his eyes for an answer. 
“Damon?” You asked. 
He put his other hand on your cheek, moving his head closer to your lips. You started to breathe heavily and your dead heart felt alive again.
Your brain couldn’t process what was happening. “Damon? Do you know what you’re doing?”
Damon smiled at you. “I know.”
His lips got closer to you and you head got fuzzy. “Damon, are you sure?” You wanted nothing more than to kiss him and have the greatest, hottest sex with him, but you after tonight’s events, you weren’t sure if he was doing this because he liked you, or it was in the moment.
“Yes, I’m sure. Now, be quiet so I can kiss you,” Damon said softly.
You felt giddy inside as Damon finally pressed his lips against yours. 
The kiss started out slow, hesitant, but passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair. Your eyes fluttered and closed in pure bliss. Damon scooted more on the bed and you followed. 
You laid down on your pillow, Damon crawling up on top of you. You two never broke the kiss while you moved. Damon did once he got settled, though. He looked in your eyes, smiling. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” you breathed out. “Me, too,” Damon said and kissed you cheek and went down to your neck.
He sucked on the sweet spot below your ear, making you moan and buck your hips at his. You felt his bulge and smirked. 
You took ahold of his shoulders, flipping you two with your vampire speed. You straddled his waist, putting your core right over his bulge. Damon groaned as you grinded against him, diving your head down to his neck. You licked around his ear, making him shiver underneath you. 
“Y/n,” Damon moaned and gripped your hips. You smirked against his skin, kissing and sucking down his neck. You set your hips back on his thighs, putting your hands on the hem of his shirt, but he was already one step ahead of you. 
He took his shirt off, throwing it haphazardly on the floor. You grinned and ran your hands down his chest, going down again to kiss his chest and go down to the top of his jeans. 
Damon let out a growl as you licked his hip bone. Damon took ahold of you neck and flipped you around against. You let out a surprised moan, loving the feeling of his hand around your throat. He bent down to your ear and whispered, “I’m in charge here, okay?”
You looked into his eyes, feeling wetness pool between in your legs. You nodded fast, “Yes, sir.”
Damon smirked and kept his grip on your neck and made eye contact with you as his other hand went down to your breasts. His fingertips grazed your hard nipples, leaving you whining and squirming. Damon smirked, putting his hand over one of your breasts, needing it. He rolled your nipple in between his thumb and middle finger. You choked on your breath, the ache in your pussy becoming  worse and worse with every move he made. 
“Hm, Damon,” you sighed, your voicing coming out choked because of his hand that had a hold on your neck. He switched breasts, his hand that was on your neck let go, trailing down past your breasts and to your dripping pussy. 
Damon glided his fingers over your slit, going in slightly, groaning at the feeling. “So wet, baby. I’ve barley done anything.”
You let out a yearning whine, your back arching off the bed. Damon chuckled and slid his middle finger in, your eyes closing in bliss. 
“Look at me, princess,” Damon said in a low tone. Your opened your eyes, seeing Damon’s mouth just above your clit, his hand entering your pussy painfully slow. 
You watched with wide, lustful eyes as he entered two fingers into your pussy, attaching his lips to your clit. You let out a loud cry, your back arching off the bed. Damon fingered you, curling his fingers inside of you, finding your spot. As he did his first lick over your clit, your hands flew to his hair, pulling hard. 
“Damon!” You shouted in pleasure, bucking your hips up to his face. He smirked, putting his lips over your clit, sucking on it. You whimpered at this, shutting your eyes in ecstasy. 
Damon's free hand went up to your stomach, pushing you down on the bed. You whined, looking at him. You got more wet as you saw his bright blue eyes staring at you. He had this predatory look in them that sent you throwing your head back again. Your thighs moved in on his head, holding him in place as he worked wonders on your pussy. 
“Tastes good,” you heard him mutter. The vibrations of his words made the knot in your stomach build more. As Damon’s fingers moved into you and his tongue swirling around your clit, spelling out the alphabet, you felt yourself coming close. 
“Damon I-I-I,” you cried out, getting stuck on your words. Damon chuckled quietly, enjoying seeing you writhe under him. Heaven knows he’s dreamt about this from the day you two met. 
“Damon!” You moaned, feeling your orgasm wash over you. Damon ran his tongue over your clit one last time, making sure to suck on the sensitive bud with pressure. 
As you rode out your high, your back collapsed on the bed, your chest heaving up and down. You looked at Damon, a thin cover of sweat lining your forehead. Damon took his fingers out of your pussy, sucking off the remaining juices. He made deep eye contact with you. You felt your body become aroused again, your pussy becoming wet again. 
He took his fingers out of his mouth, looking all over your face. He went over your body, setting his hand on your cheek. He smiled as he admired you’re beauty. “You’re gorgeous, you know.”
You blushed and smiled big at him. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”
Damon chuckled, “Thank you. Round two?”
You smirked and took ahold of his shoulders, flipping you two over. You settled your naked body over his lower stomach. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Damon smiled and went to take off his pants. You helped him, your eyes becoming wide with lust again as he took off his underwear, revealing his member. You licked your lips, knowing you had been dreaming about this time since forever. 
“Ready, princess?” Damon asked. 
You looked up at him, nodding. Damon put his hands on your hips, guiding your entrance to his cock. You slowly slid down, savouring the feeling of his cock stretching your walls out. You both let out deep, relieved moans. 
Damon kept his hands on your hips, gripping them as you started moving up and down. The slow-paced movement quickly ended as you were soon bouncing on his dick, your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. You both were panting loudly, moans coming out of you every second. 
“Hm, Damon,” you groaned, biting your lip. Damon looked up at you, admiring the way your face was scrunched up in satisfaction. 
You two felt your orgasms build up. You both rode out your highs, you collapsed on him, pulling yourself off his dick. Damon put is arm around you, his lips pressing a sweet, loving kiss to your forehead. 
“Wow,” you breathed out once you calmed down. 
“Yeah, I know. I've been waiting for this since forever,” Damon said.
You chuckled, “Yeah, me too.”
Damon sighed contently. You buried your head in his chest. 
“Is this it for us?” You asked. 
“You wanna be more?” Damon asked. 
You looked up at him with a small smile. “Yeah. I would like to.”
Damon smiled back at you, planting a kiss on your lips. “Me, too.”
this is my last damon imagine guys. hope you enjoyed reading!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
him halting over words and nat gently encouraging him to keep going and assuring him he doesn’t have to be embarrassed and he’s doing well, the baby isn’t judging she just wants to hear chris’s voice. and he can keep going 🥺
CW: Brief reference to past pet whump/noncon, adult illiteracy, some stimming, referenced parental death
Naomi and Natalie are in the kitchen talking over lunch, eating grilled cheese and tomato soup while they plan some kind of party for Miss Ruth that the old woman isn't supposed to know about.
Their voice filter softly through to the living room where Chris sits, legs crossed, humming while lining up a set of blocks from darkest to lightest color. He's already eaten, and so has Kaelah, Naomi's daughter. He could have gone back to his room, but instead he decided to watch Kaelah, and felt himself melt happily when Naomi didn't even hesitate before saying it was okay for him to be alone with her in the living room.
He was never trained for Domestic or Companion work - he was never meant to be wanted for those things, only for one other thing, the thing he never wanted - but he likes kids, and they seem to like him, and he likes that Naomi thinks he is a good person, good enough and smart enough to not hurt something so precious to her.
He's proud, and nervous, and Kaelah has already tried to pull a small pile of books down over her own head. But he caught those before they fell, so he still feels pretty good about it all.
Now, they're playing blocks, although mostly Kaelah is ordering him around while he lines them up. But it's like playing. And lining the blocks up in a perfect row is soothing, and feels good.
It's right for them to line up just so, turned at right angles to each other on the ends.
Kaelah - two years old with frizzy dark curly hair and bright big brown eyes - is watching Chris with rapt fascination as he works. She has a matching unicorn t-shirt and leggings on, and Chris would wear unicorn shirts if there were any in his size.
Or if Jake wore them, because they'd be safe shirts, then.
"Wed," Kaelah says, solemn and demanding, and smacks at a big red block. "Wed, K'iss."
"Red," Chris says, softly, emphasizing the R sound, and taps on the block, then picks it up and adds it to the line. "That's, that's, that's red... red block."
"Wed," Kaelah agrees, and smacks the block again.
"Good, um, good color, good, good color, Kay," Chris says, and finds another red block to place next to the first one. "Reds, reds are good."
Jake is out with Addie, and Antoni let Kauri take him shopping at Kauri's favorite thrift store. Leila is out with who Chris thinks is her boyfriend, not that Leila tells anyone anything ever. It's just Chris and Natalie, Naomi and Kaelah.
The toddler pushes herself to her feet and walks with an unsteady gait back to the big bag that the blocks came from, pulling things out to discard on the floor without looking, clearly on a mission.
Chris watches, head tilted, hair over his eyes. He's been growing his hair longer, and the copper brushes almost to his shoulders. Some days he holds it back with a clip.
Sir would hate his hair this long, but Chris likes it, likes the swoosh of the end of the strands along his skin if he tilts his head just right, the soft weight on the back of his neck so unlike his collar. A weight he can lift just by pulling it back. A weight he controls.
Sir would hate his earrings, too, two black studs punched in his earlobes and then one tiny silver ring up in the shell on the right side. He wants one in the cartilage, too, but he has to work up the courage to look at the needle again.
Kaelah pulls out stuffed ponies in rainbow colors and a brown fuzzy monster with disturbingly real-looking teeth she calls her "ugler friend", a small bag of glow in the dark unicorns in flat green, GI Joe's, a firetruck that makes siren noises and lights if you press a button on the side, a confused looking plastic fireman, and then finally a box larger than her own head, with big thick cardboard pages.
"Weed, K'iss," Kaelah says, toddling back over with the book clutched in her chubby fingers, dropping it without ceremony directly into his feet. "Weed. Weed now, weed, weed, K'iss!"
Chris runs his fingers over the smooth shiny cover, squinting against the first hint of a headache when he looks at the seemingly hand-drawn letters in yellow layered over green and blue and red. "Good, goodnight Moon," He says haltingly out loud.
Kaelah grins, flashing little baby teeth, clapping. "Moon book!" Then she makes her eyes very big and says, "Pleaaase Moon Book?"
Chris's heart skips a beat, nerves sparking over his arms, but he gives a faint smile and nods. He can do this. The book isn't so many pages, and he's been working so, so hard. He hasn't passed out trying to read in weeks now. Last week he even read Kauri a whole poem.
Kaelah plops herself right down in Chris's lap, snuggling her back right into his chest, her soft frizz of hair tickling his narrow chin. Chris opens the book and looks down, taking a deep breath.
His head hurts in warning, but it's not too bad. And if he's going to be able to go to college, he's going to have to be able to read to take the test for it.
When he starts to read, he feels a strange sense of being somewhere else, a long time ago, and that he isn't the one reading but the one being read to.
"In, in the... The gr... Guh-errrr... gr-ate... great green, green room there was a, a, a... a tuh-ehl... tele... telephone, and a red buh, balloon... and a pick-... picture of the cow juh-... juh-humping oh, over the moon..."
His voice is low and halting, and Chris has to push through the static and ache that tells him not to do this, it's against training, against policy, it's not allowed. He hates his reading voice, slow and stumbling, sounding out phonetics. He's eighteen years old, almost nineteen he thinks, and he can't read.
His lips press together, fighting the sadness and anger. Chris isn't angry very much - he's too happy for that. But sometimes happiness at what he has still gets all mixed up with his furious grief over everything he must have lost.
Whoever he used to be could read, he knows that. Whoever he used to be could read, and do math problems that didn't involve pictures of apples, and wouldn't have to struggle to read to a little girl the easiest book in the whole world.
This is your favorite, huh, baby?
The memory of her voice has been worse when he reads, but he doesn't tell anyone.
He's afraid if he tells, he'll stop hearing it again. He doesn't know whose voice it is, not exactly - sometimes he does but then the memory is gone again and he forgets - but he knows he loved her, and she's dead, and her voice is all he has to hold onto.
"I'm sorry," He whispers. "I'm, I'm, not... not not a good reader."
Kaelah, thumb in her mouth, turns to look at him and pops her thumb out. "K'iss," She says, firmly. "Weed, K'iss. Bun bun kitty."
"I, I know-" He's not sure how, but he does, he does know there's bunnies and a kitten and mittens and the old lady still whispering 'hush'... "I'm just, just, so bad, and-"
"Keep going, honey." Nat's voice is soft from the doorway and he looks up to see her leaning against it with one hand, in her usual jeans and shirt. Her shirt says PEARL JAM and Chris tenses as he realizes he read the words without thinking.
It didn't hurt any worse than the other reading already has.
"Keep it up." She smiles down at him, her brown hair carefully braided and laying over one shoulder. "You're doing great, Chris."
"But, but, but, but I, I, I keep having to... to-to sound it out," Chris says, slumping a little.
Kaelah smacks the open book with her hands. "K'iss more!"
"She doesn't mind that," Nat says gently. "She just likes your voice, and you. Take your time. Everybody starts somewhere, and you've already gotten over the biggest speed bump."
Chris swallows, looking down again. "I, I have?"
She nods and Chris licks at his lips, moving his finger to find the words to start again.
"And... and there, there were three little bears sitting on chairs-"
Oh, I did all those without sounding it out, he thinks, with a stab of something like a sharp pride.
"-and two little kittens and a pair of, of, of mittens..."
He turns the page and Kaelah takes up sucking her thumb again. Chris is aware of Nat still watching from the doorway, the warm and reassuring weight of her presence, and how badly he wants her to be proud of him.
"And a, a little toy house and a young mow, mouse..."
You got this, sweetie, you're doing so good! I'm so proud of you, reading so early! Screw your doctors, baby boy, we got this, you and me! Screw 'em for saying you wouldn't read!
Chris lets the elation in the voice of the woman he doesn't remember carry him through the rest of the words when he turns the pages again, bit by bit.
"And a comb and a br, brush and, and, and a bowl full of mush... And, and a quiet old lay-... lay-dee... lady who was, was whis-... whis-perrrr... whispering, 'hush'."
Goodnight room, reads a tiny boy's voice inside his mind, as the headache throbs but doesn't stop him.
"Goodnight room," He whispers, echoing the boy, the memory of someone he isn't anymore. "Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the, the moon."
Kaelah pats his hand with hers. Her little fingers are always damp. "Good job, K'iss," She encourages him.
Chris looks up to see Nat's smile.
"Good job, Chris," Nat says, and he breathes in the praise, lets it settle in his bones and rush through his blood.
In his head, somewhere deeper than the conditioned ache, she whispers, Good job, Tris, I'm so proud of you.
Tagging: @burtlederp , @finder-of-rings , @endless-whump , @whumpfigure , @slaintetowhump , @astrobly @newandfiguringitout , @doveotions , @pretty-face-breaker , @boxboysandotherwhump , @oops-its-whump @moose-teeth , @cubeswhump , @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-tr0pes @whumpiary
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holidaywishes · 3 years
Embers XVII
Chapter XVII: if you were me...
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  Summary of series: Katie moves from Peachtree, Georgia, to L.A. with her son, Alex to start fresh after the death of her husband. When she meets Evan Buckley, a young firefighter, she falls fast but will her son be so quick to accept Evan into his life?
  Summary of chapter: Bobby connects with Katie in a way he didn’t expect at a weekend Barbeque; Evan continues to try to reassure Katie that he’ll be careful
  Warning: angst, some fluff
  Author’s Note: It’s time to add Bobby’s P.O.V into the mix! Why, you might ask, because I felt like it, that’s why. Also because Evan and Bobby have such a great relationship that it seems like only a matter of time before Katie would grow to be closer to him. This is the second last chapter I think but let me know if I should go more than 18 chapters; if I get enough people interested, I might continue the series! Cheers, Stay Golden! <3
  the other masterlist
Bobby’s P.O.V
  When Evan invited everyone over for a barbeque, you half expected him to ask you to grill everything but was pleasantly surprised when he never did
  “You sure Katie’s okay with this?” You asked
  “It was her idea!” He exclaimed, “she wants it to be like our place, instead of just hers.”
  “Well that’s good,” you smiled, “I just don’t want us to intrude on anything...”
  “Of course not!” He replied, “are you kidding? She loves you guys and she wants to be able to know you all better. Family is important to her and you’re my family...” you placed a hand on his shoulder as his thought trailed off before bringing him in for a hug
  “We’ll be there” you finally said after pulling away from the hug, patting his shoulder with a smile. As the day went on, the team got call after call that were all pretty routine — the proverbial cat stuck in a tree and all that — before dispatch called in a gas leak but when you pulled up, it didn’t look like anything happened, “alright, masks on!”
  “What are we looking at here?” Eddie asked
  “Dispatch said it was a gas leak,” you replied, “don’t know who could’ve made the call but we have to be prepared for anything”
  “Shouldn’t DWP be handling this?” Hen questioned, “I mean if it’s just a gas leak...”
  “We gotta make sure that no one is injured or unconscious. We’re here to help whoever needs help.” Evan was first to head inside but not before you could shout to him, “HEY! BUCK!” You snapped and his head turned back to you, “do not rush inside there like that!”
  “Cap..” he started
  “We don’t know what’s in there, we need to be careful. Just relax...” He stepped back as you lowered your hands and sighed, just as a fire broke out and burst through the roof of the building. You watched as Evan ran to the truck and darted back toward the building before you could stop him, “BUCK!”
  “On it Cap!” He called back as if he thought he would be okay and, as angry as you were, you couldn’t stop him from doing his job. The rest of the team followed close behind, carefully checking the space and calling out for anyone who might respond. Once the building was cleared, you took Evan aside
  “What were you thinking?!” you said sternly
  “What do you mean?” he furrowed his brow
  “I told you not to rush into the building like that!”
  “Cap, I took all the nece--”
  “No!” you interrupted, “you were reckless, again! You should’ve listened to me. I’m your Captain!”
  “Nobody got hurt! I’m fine!” he shouted
  “THAT’S NOT THE POINT!” you yelled back before composing yourself, “you can’t just go risking your life like that anytime you feel like it!”
  “I’m sorry, Cap...” he said softly before you directed him back to the truck
  “I know that you know what you’re doing, Buck, but anything can happen and I don’t want you to get hurt. Not if I can help it...” you admitted
  “I’m sorry” he apologized again, the two of you jumping into the firetruck to head back to the house. Things were still tense but you hoped that the barbeque would soften things up.
Katie’s P.O.V
  “I’m just going to pick up the kid,” Evan laughed as he spoke about Alex, “need anything?”
  “Don’t think so,” you replied, “but don’t be too long. Everyone should be here soon and I don’t know them well enough yet to ‘entertain’ on my own...”
  “I’m sure you’ll do fine,” he said, kissing the crown of your head, “but I’ll be back soon.” You rushed around the house trying to clean everything before the members of the 118 got there for the barbeque that you and Evan had organized; you were starting to get more and more nervous as you felt the seconds tick away. Suddenly, you heard a screeching outside and you ran outside to see what was happening only to find Evan’s car speeding through the street. To say you were angry would be an understatement and you could only stand on the sidewalk with your arms crossed until the car came to a halt
  “Hey, mommy! Did you see us? Did you see us?” Alex exclaimed as he hopped out of Evan’s truck
  “How could I not?” you said between bared teeth, “Alex, sweetie, go get cleaned up and ready for the barbeque. Everyone will be here soon.”
  “Okay!” he said cheerfully while you waited for Evan to meet you on the sidewalk where you stood angrily
  “Hey” he smiled, leaning in for a kiss but you pulled away
  “What the hell was that?!” you yelled
  “He wanted to go fast...”
  “He’s a child!” you continued, “what were you thinking?! You could’ve killed yourselves!”
  “I knew what I was doing!” he shouted
  “You put his life in danger because he asked you to go fast?”
  “I only went sped up when we got onto this street, nowhere else!” he admitted
  “And you think that makes it better?” you argued, “what if a child had crossed the street and you didn’t have enough time to stop? Or a dog? or if another car came toward you?”
  “I--” he faltered
  “You have to be smarter than that!” you shouted, noticing a car pull up down the street, “I don’t want to feel like I can’t trust you with Alex...”
  “Hey!” Bobby and Athena greeted as you attempted to wipe a tear from your eye without them seeing
  “Hey!” you smiled back, “come on in. I’m just gonna grab Alex, Evan can you take them into the backyard?” He nodded in response, following close behind you while still giving you space. You could hear everyone arriving so you sent Alex down to say hello while you composed yourself enough to talk to each of the guests.
  “So how long have you lived here, Katie?” Karen asked
  “Since I moved to L.A., so about 3ish years” you replied, feeling Evan creep up behind you and slide his hand onto your lower back
  “It’s a great place!” she exclaimed
  “Isn’t it?” Evan smiled
  “Yeah, it’s a lot to take care of but we like it” you giggled before looking to see where the kids had gotten to
  “They’re fine” Evan whispered and you just looked at him, feigning a smile as to not show any irritation to your boyfriend
  “I’ll just be right back,” you smiled, “just have to go check on something.” You felt Evan follow you inside, placing a hand on your shoulder to turn you around
  “What’s going on?” he asked quietly
  “I just need a second, Evan!” you yelled softly, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here. Who I’m supposed to be for them,” you gestured to the guests in the backyard, “for you, right now.” A sigh escaped your lips before you brought your hand up to your forehead
  “You’re not supposed to be anyone, you’re supposed to be you...” he replied
  “I’m sorry, Evan,” you whispered, bringing your hand down from your forehead to hold his hand, “I just need a minute okay? I’ll be back out in a second.” You leaned up to press a soft kiss on his cheek before heading upstairs to the guest room. You made your way across the room, peering out at the guests mingling below, and opened the window so you could step out; taking a seat on the roof like you’d done so many times at your childhood home in Georgia. It didn’t take long for Evan to notice you and draw Bobby’s attention up to where you sat, your eyes drifting onto the horizon to avoid their stares.
  “Katie?” You heard Bobby’s voice call from behind you, he must have snuck up to the guest room without you noticing
  “Hey, Bobby,” you sighed, “come on out. Sit with me...”
Bobby’s P.O.V
  “Katie?” Evan whispered to himself as he looked toward the roof, “what is she doing?” When you followed his gaze, you saw Katie sitting on the roof staring out at the sky as she brought her knees close to her chest
  “Did something happen?” you asked
  “Sort of... I should go u--”
  “I’ll go.” You interrupted, a smirk growing on your face, “she just looks like she’s thinking.” You made your way through the house, trying to be as quiet as possible as the stairs creaked with each step. You looked at the guest room, took in the bare walls and the neatly made bed and realized no one had ever been in there, “Katie?” you called softly when you finally got to the window
  “Hey, Bobby,” she replied with a small sigh, “come on out. Sit with me...” You stepped onto the roof and sat next to Katie. The two of you sat in silence for a while, staring at the sun that was beginning to set and listening to the laughter below, “they’re so happy, you’re all so close...”
  “Yeah,” you smiled, “we’re lucky. We’re happy to have you in our little family, too.” She looked at you quickly before dropping her eyes
  “I don’t know what I’m doing, Bobby... I don’t know if I’m part of this family yet...”
  “Of course you are” you tried
  “I love him so much, Bobby,” she whimpered, keeping her head down as she spoke, “and Alex loves him and he’s been so great with both of us. I just.. sometimes I listen to his stories about work or I hear about things that have happened through the news or Maddie or whatever and I get so... scared.” When she finally looked up, you saw the small stream of tears falling from her eye
  “Why are you scared?” you asked, allowing her eyes to fall on yours.
  “I don’t want to lose him.” She whispered and, as you sat there with your eyes dancing across her face, you felt a tinge of sadness wash over you; a rush of memories of your daughter, Brook, flooding back as you connected Katie’s face with hers. She was so innocent now, Katie, so fragile in this moment, almost a completely different person than you’d seen on the bridge as she fought for her son. Like Buck, you wanted to protect her but you didn’t know how, “I don’t want Alex to lose him...” she added after you hadn’t said anything
  “You won’t lose him” you said quietly
  “How do you know?” she asked, turning her body toward you just enough so she could face you, “he’s so brash and reckless. He puts himself in danger all the time and, as much as I know he would never voluntarily put us in danger, my fears are still real. The pain in my heart is still there when I turn on the news and see something about a firefighter trapped in a burning building -- thinking that it might be him and he might not come home to us”
  “He’s made some irrational decisions, yes,” you admitted, “but he’s a good kid. And we’ve always got his back”
  “I believe that,” she said, “but what would you do if you were me?”
  “What do you mean?” you furrowed your brow
  “If the person you loved kept making reckless decisions that occasionally got them injured and you knew one day it would all be too much and he wouldn’t come home, the same way the person you married didn’t come home, and you had to sit your son down and tell them that they’d never see them again,” she rambled, “what would you do?”
  “If I had to, I’d do my best”
  “Or would you...” she sighed, “would you cut and run? Knowing that you could save your son the pain of losing another father figure. Or would you stay? Hoping that the love you had for this person would be enough to..” She stopped for a second, as if she just remembered your loss, sighing deeply as she continued, “shit, Bobby. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have s--”
  “No,” you interrupted with a smile, “it’s okay. I think about that, too, sometimes. If Marcy had left me early on, before we had the kids, or when things got... complicated, would things have been different? Would I have been different?”
  “I didn’t mean to...” she hesitated but you just smiled, wrapping your arm around her to comfort her
  “It’s okay,” you chuckled, “look, if you want my opinion on Buck, I can’t give it to you.” You watched Katie’s brow furrow in confusion before she scoffed at you, “I would be too biased. But know this, he loves you. He loves Alex. He’s had a lot of things come up recently that he doesn’t quite know how to deal with but he’s trying. The only way he knows how. Evan’s doing his best but he needs to know that someone will be there for him. Love him as much as he loves them.”
  “I can’t keep letting Alex down, Bobby..” she whispered, “I love Evan. More than I ever thought I could, but I loved Jesse the same way. So intensely, like I couldn’t breathe without him and that ended up horribly.”
  “Your husband was different,” you countered, letting her head drop on your shoulder as you explained your argument, “he couldn’t separate himself from his job. He was a SEAL first and everything else was just background. I don’t doubt that the love he had for you was real or the love that he had for Alex was real, but I can only imagine that being part of that world, the Navy SEAL world, forces you to leave everything behind. Evan isn’t like that.”
  “I know...” she started
  “So don’t compare him to Jesse.” You said finally, tilting your head down just enough for her to look up at you with her eyes, seeing that she understood; you squeezed her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.
  “Can I cut in?” Buck’s voice chimed in from behind and both you and Katie shifted to look at him. You waited for her to allow him to take your place before you got up, patting Evan on the shoulder as you switched spots. You watched them embrace each other gently before Evan tucked Katie into his side
  “I was worried about you” you heard him whisper
  “Now you know how I feel” she joked back as Evan nodded and kissed her forehead
  “Alright, alright,” he smiled, “truce?” She leaned up to kiss him in response and you found yourself smiling at their interaction before a tear escaped your eye. You imagined what Brook might have been like in this situation, how she might have cried to you about some boy she loved. You remembered Marcy and you making up after little fights like this early in your relationship. Your heart stung at the thought of your past life but then May and Harry and Athena popped across your mind and the idea that one day May might come to you for the same reason as Katie filled your heart with love and you began walking out of the room.
  “You okay?” Athena asked, surprising you as you closed the door behind you
  “I’m perfect” you replied, planting a kiss on your wife’s lips
  “Good. Now, you need to learn to stay off roofs” she half-joked and you nodded
  “They’re good kids...” you said, making Athena chuckle
  “Yeah,” she smiled, “they are.” You made your way back outside where the rest of the group was, watching as Evan and Katie watched as the sky turned a dark purple
  “They’re gonna be okay” you thought to yourself, a smile creeping across your face as Katie found you below, mouthing ‘thank you’ and nuzzling closer to Evan.
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the-salty-asian · 4 years
Chapter Three | Inferno
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A/n: In conclusion, I suck at fight scenes. I’d love for some feedback/tips on how to write one.
Warnings: Blood, fighting, stitches, language
Summary: There’s not only one but two big villains rampaging the city of Queens.
Word Count: 3.1k
Since his encounter with the man with metal wings, Peter’s crime fighting world had become a lot larger than helping old Dominican ladies and free churros. He had added extra hours to his patrol after Aunt May turned in for the night, only returning to sleep a few hours before school. Despite Mr. Stark’s scolding, Peter was ready to fill the big shoes that awaited him.
It was well into the night, yet the city of Queens was alive regardless of it being a school night. Peter stifled his fifth yawn since he had perched himself on top of an apartment building. He was starting to regret not grabbing a coffee before slipping out his bedroom window. Below him, a firetruck washed the street in red and white light, sirens blaring. Two more followed in its wake. Peter nearly fell off the building’s ledge in excitement.
“Oh shit, oh shit!”
As if on instinct, he shot a web at the street light below and swung to stick the landing on top of the truck’s ladder. The wind pushed against his mask as the truck sped down the busy streets of Queens toward whatever danger there was.
When the fire engine screeched to a halt, Peter gasped at the scene before him. The lower levels of NYPD’s Precinct 103 spilled an orange glow onto the sidewalk surrounding it. Officers and scientists alike were pouring out of the entryways with the thick, black smoke. The firemen went to work dousing the flames with their hoses but it would’ve been hours before the fire would die out. Peter hopped off the truck and ran to get a better look of the upper windows of the building.
Somewhere amidst the crowd an officer cried out, “It’s Spider-Man!”
“Don’t worry I got you guys!”
Peter tied a web from two of the light posts to a safe patch of sidewalk just below the open windows. He tested it with his foot to make sure it would hold for the people on the fourth floor.
He got the attention of a nearby firefighter, “Have them jump down on this!” Every second the firemen prolonged raising the ladder, was another second adding to the collapse of the building.
With that, he rushed head first into the front entrance and was immediately met with a wall of heat. The first floor had almost emptied out save for the few officers Peter helped direct out. When he looked back to double check the building, a shadow caught his eye. Among the flames stood a tall, dark figure. They remained unmoving as the flames licked up the walls around them. Above, the ceiling groaned under the weight of the other three floors. Peter shot a few webs at the support beams in hopes to stabilize it.
“Hey man I gotta get you outta here! It’s not safe!”
The figure turned to reveal cold, unforgiving eyes peeking through a black hood. He outstretched his arm flashing a gadget that was set into his palm. It started to spew fire as he waved his hand over Peter’s general direction. The flames barely grazed Peter as he flipped to put distance between him and the unnamed man, “Woah watch it, buddy!”
He fired his web shooter back in response, the webbing winding itself around the man’s raised hand. His weapon glowed white hot as it burned straight through the webbing. Peter dodged the second round of flames and landed on top of a desk. A small flame had started on his shoulder that he frantically patted away. The eyes of his suit focused on a duffel bag the man gripped in his right hand.
“I don’t think that belongs to you man!”
He shot a web at the bag and yanked it from the man’s grasp. It flew towards him, slamming into his chest with a thud. The temperature around Peter seemed to burn ten degrees higher with the villain’s steel grey eyes glaring at him. He started to step towards him with a slow menacing pace as if he were about to pounce on his prey.
Peter fired a web at him, “Hey man, stay back!”
Another round of flames spewed from his palm and singed the web in mid air. He crossed the distance between them, unbothered by the flames. Before Peter could process, the man had a hand wrapped around his neck and pushed him against the support beam. The metal seared his back causing a cry to involuntarily rip out of his throat. It only spurred the man on, tightening his grip around the boy’s throat. Gasps and sputters fell from his lips as the hooded figure’s steely eyes seemed to look right through the Spiderman mask. Peter’s mind raced with solutions while he was starting to see spots. Weakly he raised his web shooter at his side. The web shot over the man’s shoulder, attaching itself to a work desk. He tugged hard on the web forcing the desk to fly towards them. It slammed into the man’s lower back. His hand released Peter’s neck with a scream of pain. The boy slid down the beam, gulping the smoke tainted air as if it were water. However, there wasn’t much time for him to catch his breath. The hooded man was on his feet in seconds, a new type of rage blazing in his eyes. Peter followed in suit, careful not to catch his new suit on fire.
“You think you’re so slick, kid!?”he snarled. “I’ll show you slick.”
The first punch he threw, Peter was able to dodge quickly but the second one connected right above his eye. Another landed in his side. He desperately jabbed his fist at any body part he could reach. It connected with the man’s stomach causing a grunt to rumble low in his chest. A swell of pride warmed his chest and he smirked beneath his mask. Adrenaline was roaring through his ears as he continued to dodge a couple more throws. They fell into a rhythm of near misses and a few punches here and there. It seemed as though the man was only absorbing the energy waiting for his time to strike. When he discovered Peter’s slip up, his fist attacked his diaphragm. All of the air escaped Peter’s lungs leaving him stunned while the man showed no mercy.His head grew dizzy with pain and fumes as punch after punch found his body. The man’s fist caught Peter’s jaw and he crumpled on the spot. A malicious laugh escaped the lips of his opponent as he struggled to stand. The hooded man wouldn’t have it, he pulled his leg back and aimed right for Peter’s middle. His steel-toed boot connected over and over with Peter’s side. The boy did his best to shield his ribs with his arms knowing there was no possible way for him to get up. When he was satisfied, the man picked up the long forgotten duffel bag and disappeared into the flames.
The familiar, coppery taste of blood had filled Peter’s mouth. It pooled on his tongue and dribbled down his chin as he laid in the fiery wreckage of the precinct. Overhead, the ceiling rumbled, threatening to come down on top of him. His mind willed him to roll onto all fours followed by the creaking and shifting of the floor above him. Peter staggered to his feet and moved just before a chunk of the ceiling crashed down in the spot he had just been in. With the remaining fumes he had, he crashed through the nearest window, his body falling limply onto the pavement. The October night air soothed his aching lungs and chilled the sweat sticking to his suit. Peter brought two shaky fingers to the fabric covering his eyebrow. It was soaked in blood. A throbbing sensation radiated across his face as blood mixed with sweat. The hooded man in black was nowhere to be seen.
Weakly, Peter lifted his web shooter to aim at the nearest building. His muscles screamed at him in protest as he gripped the web for dear life. The pain in his side was growing more unbearable as the adrenaline dwindled away. He wasn’t going to be able to fix this on his own.
While her father was out, wreaking havoc, y/n had bigger fish to fry: like cramming for her calculus test. In the background, a dolled up news lady rambled on about a fire at Precinct 103. Her concentration was soon broken as the window leading to the fire escape flew open and a large duffel bag landed on the living room carpet with a thud. Y/n watched as he clambered through the window after the bag. The delirious grin on his usually grim face made her body tense. She played it off quickly with the turn of a page in her textbook. Out of the corner of her eye, her father stood with his arms crossed expectantly.
“Good day at the office?”
“A fantastic day!” He shoved the bag into her face, the stale scent of money wrinkled her nose. “Look at all of that eh? Say, what do you want for dinner? I’ll buy you whatever you want!”
“I already ate.”she snipped at him.
“Oh come on, sweetheart! Things are starting to look up! I gave it to tha kid pretty good too! He’ll be laid up for a few days I presume.”
Beside her, her phone went off. Y/n’s stomach dropped as her eyes danced over the text.
Donovan’s neck stretched to read her text, “Who’s that?”
Instinctively, y/n clutched the screen to her chest. Her mind raced as she quickly thought of a lie that could save her.
“It’s just Liz, she wanted to know if I’d meet her for a coffee.”
He cocked his head to the side, eyes grilling her for the truth. She bit her lip. He only needed to buy it for an hour.
“Vulture’s little girl? I thought you hated her?”
“Well we were able to set aside our differences. Villain’s daughters gotta stick together!.”
Y/n could see him turning the thought over in his head, “I guess it’s ok, as long as you-“
“Bring my knife? Done,”she pulled a smile. “I’ll be home later.”
Donovan’s eyes never left her as she grabbed her knife off the counter and made a gesture of shoving it into her bag. She was out the door before he could change his mind. Across the hall, y/n quietly tested her knuckles on Peter’s door. Within seconds the door was flung open to reveal Peter, eyes brimming with pain and pale with fear.
“Peter!? What happened!?”she feigned a gasp.
Her father’s handy work had stained Peter’s face black and blue, a yellow tint creeped up the side of his neck. Y/n winced at the thought of what damage was hidden underneath his shirt. She also knew what her father was capable of.
“I um- fell down the stairs.”he faked a breathy laugh that was followed with a wince.
“Those are some wicked steps, Parker..”she took his hand in hers and led him towards the bathroom. “Let’s get you all fixed up.”
Y/n settled him on the lid of the toilet, her eyes still drinking in the cuts and bruises that littered his skin. Peter’s eyes had glassed over and she could tell that every breath was a stab in his side, probably some broken ribs.
She tugged at the hem of his shirt, “Can you?”
Peter’s head nodded slowly but the pain in his eyes told her a different story. Y/n felt her heart squeeze in sympathy but she quickly pushed it away, this was her father’s masterpiece, and here she was ruining it. With her help, he gingerly lifted the piece of fabric over his head despite his muscles protests.
A genuine gasp escaped her lips as her eyes roamed the exposed skin. Peter’s torso was stained deep purple and yellow. Her fingers hovered slightly over his chiseled abdomen where it seemed to be the worst. For one thing, Donovan Sinclair loved to kick.
“First aid kit?”
Not a word left his mouth as he limply pointed to the cabinet below the sink. Y/n crouched level with the cabinet’s contents, using its door to steady herself. It didn’t surprise her in the slightest that everything had its own place. In no time she had carefully pulled out the plastic box onto the counter and littered its surface with medical supplies. Peter watched her dig through medical supplies while sucking in long painful breaths.
“This is gonna sting.”
Peter pressed his lips together and nodded for her to continue. Y/n cupped his uncut cheek with her palm and felt the boy lean into her touch. She pressed the cotton hard onto the weeping cut on his cheek. Her eyes fell to his knuckles that had turned white in the places that weren’t weeping red.
“Is your aunt home?”
“No,”he winced as she cleaned the cut above his eye. “She went out with some friends tonight.”
Her fingers grazed the wound earning a sharp breath from Peter. It took a lot of control for her lip not to curl up into a smirk. The feeling shortly died as she surveyed the cut that was stretched slightly by her fingers. Peter’s hand shot up and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. Fear blossomed in her chest at the tight grip that ached around his touch.
“Ow! Can you stop that?”
“Sorry! That’s going to need stitches, Pete. I can take you to the hospital if you-.”
“No,no, no! Y/n, I can’t go to a hospital! May will kill me!”
“Alright, alright calm down. I’ll do them.”
Peter’s eyes widened, “Do you know how to do stitches?”
“Do you want them done yes or no?”
A small noise escaped the back of Peter’s throat. He looked up at y/n through unshed tears and nodded. She balled up a washcloth and handed it to him, “Here, you might need this.” Peter balled up the fabric in his hand and shoved it between his teeth as she watched. “Here goes nothing.”
The second y/n inserted the needle through the skin, her stomach dropped. Her eyes flicked down to Peter who had his eyes screwed shut.
“I need you to relax, Pete.”
“It’s kinda hard when you have a needle in your face.”
She smoothed her hand down to his cheek, “Hey look at me,” Y/n waited until his soft eyes met hers. “I don’t know what actually happened, but whatever it was, you braved the hardest part. This is just.. cleanup duty?”
She forced her lips into the most Oscar Award winning smile she could muster. Just another thread of lies to be woven into her web. This fight was far from over.
Y/n’s reassuring words seemed to push some ease into Peter as she completed a third and fourth stitch. After every loop, she mumbled a hollow yet encouraging phrase. By the time she tied off the thread, Peter’s eyes were laden with sleep.
“Alright I’m gonna get you to bed. Can you stand?” She took Peter’s hand and guided it around her shoulder but he weakly brushed her off. She stepped away from him, eyes narrowed and hands on her hips. His courage was starting to annoy her.
“No, no I’m good.”
Peter placed a shaky hand on the bathroom counter. He scraped together whatever leftover strength he had to push himself up and take a few steps on the tile. However, it wasn’t enough. After three steps his knees collapsed and he braced himself for the floor. It never came. Instead, Y/n had ducked under his arm and her arm wrapped around his torso. A grunt escaped her lips from Peter’s weight. She should’ve just let him fall.
“Yea you’re good alright Parker.”
The trudge to Peter’s room seemed to take hours for only a few feet. His rugged, hot breath on her ear only furthered the ever growing annoyance boiling in her chest. Out of all the people he could’ve asked he just HAD to ask her. Y/n steadied Peter with one hand while the other peeled back the blanket on the bottom bunk. He fell unceremoniously onto it with a sigh followed by a wince of pain. A soft “thank you” fell from his lips.
“It’s nothing really,”she turned to leave. “Have a goodnight, Pete.”
Once again his hand caught her wrist and she felt the same panic arise as she looked down at him. His brown eyes shone with the ghost of tears. They asked the question before he could whisper it to her.
“Will you stay?”
Y/n’s stomach had been thrown off the apartment building. Not can but, will. He didn’t want a bullshit excuse of “it’s getting late”. Peter wanted to know if she cared enough to stay. Not in a million years could she say yes. If her father knew where she was he’d give her a makeover just like the boy in the bed before her. But this is what Donovan Sinclair ordered and so he shall receive. She needed Peter Parker to fall in love with her.
Y/n perched herself on the edge of his bed, “Y-yea of course.”
Peter’s eyes fluttered shut and his shallow breaths filled the room. Y/n ran her fingers through his soft curls. Peter was a teenager, just like her, and yet he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. While most kids stressed over the SATs, he was out getting his ass kicked by guys like her father and Vulture. He certainly didn’t deserve the life that she was living. He could have a real girlfriend, do all the stupid, nerdy things he enjoyed, and be as normal as Peter Parker could be. Hell, any girl that dated Peter would be treated like a princess.
At the thought of that, the urge to stab herself flooded her body. It had to have just been the pity talking. Anger and guilt mixed inside her like an explosive chemistry experiment. Her eyes glared at Peter’s sleeping figure before she quietly scooted off the mattress. Peter Parker was the first step to revenge. For her mother and sister’s sake, she couldn’t get caught up in her own web.
Taglist: @rebekamckenzie @moistpotatobear @blossomreed @pluckypete @nadiawhite03
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inctlife · 4 years
Okay but since it has been the talk of the town. Can you please list for all nct wavy members the songs they made their kids to. For scientific purposes
omg shit
taeyong - whiplash,, that shit is not about his sister and everyone knows he’s just a coward
kun - like some slow romantic song,, maybe even one he sings in?? like without you or face to face or smth and there’d be wine and rose petals and it’d start in the bath tbh
taeil would simply vibe to songs with you,, lowkey think he’d make a sex playlist AKDHSKSHK
johnny would play some old shit like lets get it on so that you two would be laughing ahdhdkhsks johnny soft, lighthearted during sex i think yES
can i just say that when i say things like that i am so hyper aware that my non-kpop best friends follow me
yuta - why do i feel like he’d listen to lips ajshskdh or maybe even chain 😏 god i hate that emoji
doyoung would also listen to something slow,, hyung line romantics what can i say,, maybe paradise? idk why
ten - o my lord um love talk....... chinese version
jaehyun would play some fucking western r&b where the lyrics are all like ‘take it off for me baby grill’ and he’d be feeling himself ngl
why i feel winwin would listen to one of the title tracks????? like literally any of the ones he’s been in, whatever, he does not care,, firetruck,, limitless, take off, moonwalk,, he is there, whoop whoop bitch
jungwoo - ummmmmmm highway to heaven
mark would just be vibing,, if he feeling really freaky it would be to some kinda rap,, if not? smth slow and acoustic like john mayer,, there’s ur soft sex
xiaojun - i’m saying love talk chinese version again bc all i can think about is that scene where the director cut him off and he kinda moved his head bc omL that reminded me why i like men
hendery romantic boy, say it with me, he’d play face to face
renjun - ik we said quiet down but that would simply be the voice he would use om word i want him to ruin me no i lowkey think he’d use 119 cause that was His Song
jeno - stronger. no questions.
donghyuck is baby don’t like it and i hate how quickly i knew that
jaemin - quiet down/ridin,, he knows he looks good this era
yangyang - love talk english version literally ONLY because of the line ‘i just want you to make it clap’
chenle - ✋🏼
jisung - ✋🏼 officer this person right here
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[Unnamed Town] Second Household
The second household is Bhavana and Bhaskar Langenberg who moved into the house next door to the Wilsons.
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Bhavana and Bhaskar Langenberg, pre-CAS makeover
High-school sweethearts Bhavana and Bhaskar found themselves, a few years after graduating, living in Simsinatti with jobs they hated and a marriage that had seen better days. Determined to save their marriage and find jobs that would let them help their communities while still being personally fulfilling, the Langenbergs packed up their belongings, quit their dead-end jobs, and moved to [town]. Bhaskar hopes to protect sims from the dangers of uncontrolled fire as [town]’s first (and currently only) firefighter while Bhavana makes sure all of the new residents can communicate with each other and keep in touch with the people they left behind as the new post-mistress of [town].
Elwood Blackburn and Dean and Dawson Stanley arrived to welcome the Langenbergs to town soon after they moved in. Bhaskar and Bhavana got along with all of the visitors fine, though Bhavana seemed particularly fond of Dawson Stanley. (Amusingly, Bhavana has 0 bolts with Bhaskar and 2 with Elwood but didn’t seem to care for Elwood much at all. Elwood, meanwhile, seemed very interested in spending the whole time talking to and tickling Dean Stanley.)
On Tuesday morning, Bhaskar greeted Agatha Uberti when she walked by (and, wow, 2 bolts with her, none with Bhavana) and she visited for most of the day. Later that same day, Fawn and Francis came over for dinner right after Francis got home from work.
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LtR: Bhaskar, Francis, Bhavana, Fawn (still in uniform), and Agatha enjoying dinner (and not enjoying baseball) even though they were one chair short
Other than dinner with everyone, Fawn and Francis were more interested in making out in the flower bed out front than in visiting but Bhavana did manage to become best friends with Francis before they left for the evening. While the neighbours were visiting, Bhaskar got his job as a fire fighter recruit. He left for his first day of work shortly after the neighbours all left. Bhavana also got her postal worker job that same night but her first day was Wednesday.
Wednesday and Thursday were quite uneventful and both sims just worked on taking care of their needs, building up skills they’d need for work, and a frankly excessive amount of woohoo (they have 0 bolts and only have crushes on each other rather than being in love but they just kept jumping into bed). Their activities had the expected results and Bhavana spent most of Friday night throwing up so frequently she couldn’t get to the bedroom (and then falling asleep standing up in the bathroom and I’d wake her up and she’d promptly throw up again then fall asleep again...) to sleep and ended up calling into work Friday morning because of it.
Bhaskar got promoted to firefighter (instead of just a recruit) when he arrived home Friday morning.
Some bonus pictures:
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Dean Stanley stares in the window creepily at Bhaskar and his brother Dawson talking.
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I was going to take a fancy *aesthetic* picture of Bhaskar in his firefighting uniform heading off to his first day of work but then the firetruck glitched.
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I don’t like that the hat makes her hair way shorter than it is, but, aside from that, Bhavana looks adorable in her uniform.
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She rolled grilled cheese secondary so she is, of course, eating grilled cheese for breakfast. Also she’s pregnant so she can eat grilled cheese for breakfast if she wants, okay?
Edited to Add the Forgotten Money Statement: The Langenberg household started the round with $12,762 after buying and furnishing their house and ended the round with $12,490
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mtngirlforever · 4 years
He enjoys the delicious food and is sure to eat all that they give him under the eagle eyes of mama and the sisters. It really is a lot if fun grilling Manuel while they eat and drink and banter back and forth. If it makes you feel any better Manuel this is exactly what the girls and even the kids did when they first met me. Nothing was off limits when they questioned me and this was when Carlos got injured. Manuel laughs a lot is a genuinely nice and normal you . The kids keep the dog busy.
When buttercups tired he goes and crawls into his dog house with a soft huff. Ricky comes back and carefully tries to climb into TKs lap while Izzy curls up in Carlos's. Ricky starts telling TK all about what butters did and then tells him about his new fire truck abuela got him. Gabby snorts with a laugh when she hears him telling TK that more like he begged mama to get him a real firefighters outfit so he could be just like his t but its not Halloween so there wasn't costumes so he settled for a firetruck. Sorry little brother I think you've officially been replaced as the favorite she laughs. Carlos gave her a soft smile and a shrug. I don't mind. I can see why I would be he says with such a fond loving look at tk causing both his sisters to make gagging noises as he rolls his eyes at them. Ma tells them all to behave which earns laughs from all of them
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arcsin27 · 5 years
This sad story about Ariana Grande I found reminded me of how much I love languages.
So, she got a tattoo in Japanese. It’s meant to say “7 rings,” but because she decided to leave some characters in the middle out, it says “little barbecue grill.”
Like I said, I think it’s sad. This is probably so embarrassing for her. Luckily, it seems that, because of the placement of the tattoo on her hand, it could actually fade.
My point is that languages can do that, which is wild. Leave a few letters out, and suddenly a word has an entirely different meaning. That’s fascinating!
It reminds me of a joke that was really popular in 3rd grade. “What begins with f and ends with uck?” “Firetruck.” (Wow, imagine if someone ever makes that tattoo mistake!)
Tl;dr Grande’s tattoo mistake gives me secondhand shame, but the fact that a small misspelling can have such a different meaning is so cool to me.
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lifewiththeboyds · 6 years
This Was the Summer | 2018
August 31, 2018
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This was our first summer in Colorado and it felt wonderfully long. We had the joy of afternoon thunderstorms, outings at the splash pad, and weekends at the cabin. Our marriage turned a sweet leaf and our family became four. Despite our new arrival to the city, our weeks were busy with socializing and activity. This was the summer of 2018 (May—August).
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Our Family This was the summer we welcomed Seattle visitors, enjoying a reunion of sorts with the Wrights at the Grand Lake cabin and jaunting around Denver with the McGinnises. It was the summer of concerts in the park and evenings at the splash pad, with ice cream in hand. It was the summer we loved being at the shore with East coast family and the summer Uncle Garrett came to hang—and so did Aunt Steph and Uncle Greg. It was the summer we said goodbye to both our childhood homes. It was the summer we took Oliver to The Bay, whooping down water slides for hours. It was the summer my grandfather passed, who took me to The Bay as a girl. It was the summer we enjoyed ramen in the company of the Matthews and 7:30 a.m. biscuits with the Teewuens. It was the summer of Oreos and dark chocolate, our post-Whole30 treats, and it was the summer where I surprised Kyle at work—twice!—for a date. It was the summer of weekends with Nana and Papa Chuck at the cabin in Grand Lake and our inaugural Boyd-Rudkin cabin stay. It was the summer we submitted offers on two houses and weren’t able to celebrate calling either one of them “home.” It was the summer we solidified our church search and consistently met with new friends. 
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Kyle This was the summer of Kyle’s early morning bike rides, in prep for his annual touring trip with Alex. It was the summer he read The Lord of the Rings trilogy and re-read A Wrinkle In Time. It was the summer he habitually grilled hamburgers on the roof deck and had the best of intentions in building a wooden table for our balcony.
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Maisie This was the summer she giggled and laughed. It was the summer she quickly outgrew all her clothing, representing a 90th percentile baby well. It was the summer she slept through the night at least once and the summer she consistently rotated 90 or even 180 degrees in her crib thanks to those always-kicking feet. It was the summer she found her hands and had to chew on them constantly to calm those gums from incoming teeth. It was the summer she spent in tummy time and in the Ergo to help calm her momma’s worries about a flat head. It was the summer of so much poop. It was the summer she slept in the corner of our room with a pink ribbon above her crib. 
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Beth This was the summer of planned and weekly meals, almost Whole30 compliant. It was the summer I read East of Eden and started Testament of Youth. It was the summer I lead a women’s Bible study and coordinated playdates. It was the summer I had energy to run and bike and stretch and strengthen my body in the 5 a.m. hour. It was the summer of so many creative ideas and never enough time to accomplish them. It was the summer I discovered the cleaning power of Fels-Naptha.
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Oliver This was the summer of growing up for Oliver. It was the summer of bike lessons in the hallway and outings biking around the city. It was the summer of “you have such strong legs!” and “you are so fast!” and learning how to brake. It was the summer of his sweet sayings like “yum of the yum!” and “hope you enjoy making honey, bees!” It was the summer of crossing off successes and doling out sweet rewards and buying Thomas underwear all because “I peed!” and “I pooped!” It was the summer where our hearts grew to swelling with pride over our son for how he is growing. It was the summer of story time with Evelyn at Tattered Cover and enjoying the gummy snacks that always followed. It was the summer of playing soccer in the kitchen and Oliver really getting a groove for hitting the ball. It was the summer where we learned he can recite the book Planes word-for-word with 98 percent accuracy. It was the summer of waiting and watching for daddy on the balcony, reading stories to pass the time, and then waving and racing to meet him when he popped up the elevator. It was the summer of standing, mesmerized, at his bedroom window while watching moving trucks and mail trucks and firetrucks do their jobs. It was the summer of racing to the window at the first rumble of a trash truck or fork lift and watching until it passed out of sight. It was the summer of story time with Joan and learning how to follow along with dances, sit on our ladybug pillow, and make a craft. It was the summer we wrote letters to our Seattle buddies and the summer Oliver learned how to open the mailbox with the key all on his own. It was the summer Oliver learned to (almost) dress himself but also learned how to (mostly) undress himself. This was the summer he exchanged his high chair for a normal chair at our kitchen table.
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To more summer adventures, next year.
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joshpup · 7 years
Svt on the 4th of July
Lets just say svt is in the grand old USA
*que shua saying the pledge of allegiance with and eagle screeching in the background*
But wait 
There’s more
Idk how it is over in the west coast 
But here in the east coast 
The 4th is wild 
Trying to figure out if what you are hearing is gunshots or fireworks at night 
Which mind you 
In my state
Both are illegal 
Back to svt
Our boy shua takes the lead
Like the few times vernon did experience it 
He was probably to little to remember 
So in this case
Shua takes the lead 
So let the fun begin 
Im sure every member has hear a bit about the events that occur during the 4th
But now that they are going to get the full experience 
Buckle up your seat belts because this is gonna be a wild ride
Also im going to be basing this entirely off what ive experienced
So probably not what shua actually experienced 
But either way its america and the 4th
Its bound to be wild no mater what
They wake up early in the morning
No time to sleep on a holiday as important as this one
Catch shua decked out in as much red, white and blue, stars and stripes he can get on his body
Also hot as heck because it is July 
But patriotism above comfort am i right no
Catch shua making sure every member has some type of stars in stripes on 
Remember those little tattoos that you get wet and then put on 
Idk if they have a name tbh
Every member has a 4th of july one on 
Like most of them were smart about where they stuck on the lil tattoo
But yall
Hoshi and dk
Stuck the sparkly red, white and blue firework tattoo right on their face
Like catch these attractive grown men walking around with these tattoos on their cheeks 
I love it tbh
So all the members are ready 
Vernon found a flag banda and is now wearing it 
Shua has that dumb bucket hat on
I guarantee you someone is just straight up wrapped in a flag
Probably mingyu 
Okay okay so now everyone is ready for the day 
Time to stake out seats for the parade 
Or at least thats the plan 
They get there and immediately get distracted 
This is where my weird state comes into play srry 
Okay but so all these little pop up stores showed up 
From weird stores that just have like old knick knacks and such to like little pet booths where you can get your dog the new latest and greatest outfit with a matching collar and leash
Mingyu and wonwoo were the first to get lost at the pet accessory stole 
After that seungkwan, vernon and chan where left behind at the food stole 
Who is going to pass up funnel cake and like snow cones 
Not them 
When shua realized they were missing
He left coups and the rest at the turtle derby 
Yah you read that right
The best race ever 
So while the other svt members got way to into watching a bunch of turtles with numbers taped to the shell try and walk out of a circle first 
Good stuff 
Anyways so eventually shua rounds them up
Just in time to arrive for the great watermelon eating contest 
Watching people inhale watermelon at an alarming rate and worrying for their safety only makes the 4th that much more exciting
So after watching that mess of an event 
And coups surprisingly getting really really into it 
The 13 of them make there way to the roadside 
Blankets in hand 
Finally found a big enough for all of them 
Bonus its also partly in the shade
So they lay down the blankets and get all settled in 
The best 
And most terrifying part 
Of the entire day
The parade 
Everything admirable about the town shows up 
So basically 
Some school marching bands
Every firetruck and police car you can fit into one space 
A lot of random floats for things you’ve literally never heard of 
Some random prom queen idk 
But svt would be like 
!!!! there !!! is !! a !!! dog !!!! in !!! that !!!! one !!!! float !!!! 
Actually go deaf from the fire truck sirens 
But whatever 
Half of them scream with joy when some of the floats throw candy into the crowd 
Except its more like they pelt the candy at you but whatever m8
Shua is have a grand old time reliving the joys of the 4th 
Vernon is probably like oh god they weren’t joking when they said all this stuff about it 
And the rest of them are like america omg wild i love it 
Except wonwoo he might get a little overwhelmed 
And like i can kinda see seungkwan being a little sassy about all the cheesy floats 
Me too boo me too 
So after a while the parade ends 
Everyone is hyped 
No matter how crappy the parade is or how good it is 
Everyone is hyped
Because you know whats next 
The most memorable part of the whole holiday 
The fireworks 
But its like lunch time right now 
Its a while before its dark 
So svt goes for lunch 
Since its such a large group of people it was decided hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill is the best choice 
So off everyone goes 
And now begins the food preparation 
Doesn’t actually take too long 
Because hungry boys doesn’t make for a good situation 
So they all get there food and eat to their hearts content 
Because eating and full svt is the best svt you can fight me on this 
So because its so hot 
Water usually gets involved 
And im just gonna say three words
Water Balloon fight 
Can you see it 
The split up into their units 
Fill up water balloons as fast as possible 
Set up bases 
Create a battle strategy 
Because this is an intense fight do you hear 
Life or death 
And so beings the adult water balloon fight 
Best and biggest water balloon fight in history lemme tell you 
So soooooo much fun 
A memory all of them would have for the rest of their lives 
They’d all be laughing so hard there stomachs would hurt 
Even if a random stranger walked past the battle 
Im sure they would just stop and watch and smile 
Because hearing such sweet laughter like that 
And watching 13 people just have straight up fun 
And just enjoy life would bring a smile to anyone’s face 
So now they are soaked 
Worth it tho 
By the time they collect themselves and dry off and like get all their energy back
Its probably close to dusk 
So they gather up blankets and chairs 
Shua hunts down sparklers and what are they called pop its ???
Omg hold on imagine svt with those pop its 
Im crying just thinking about it 
The best part of the 4th is chucking those little tnt poppers at your friends and watching them run away in terror as they explode 
Just imagine svt with that im yelling
Tbh at first they would have fun just throwing them down on the ground and watching them explode and hearing the lil snap 
And then shua comes in 
And just chucks it at jeonghan 
Jeonghan screams 
Throws one back 
Hits coups instead 
Coups throws one
Hits seungkwan 
Now you’ve got vernon and seungkwan joining in 
Somehow wonwoo gets hit 
Wonwoo isnt going to miss this chance 
Pelts one at mingyu 
Somehow woozi gets hit 
Everyone freezes and watches him slowly pull one out of the saw dust or whatever 
And then
All hell breaks loose
That lasts until they run out 
Which doesn’t take to long honestly 
Those boxes are tiny the run out so quick and ruin all the fun 
Anyways so now the sun is like almost setting 
So they all pile into some cars 
And begin the adventure for open space to watch the firework show 
Shua probably knows a good place 
Like an open field 
Or the top of a parking garage 
So they go there 
Set up camp round two 
Then they wait 
Light some sparklers 
Mingyu almost burns himself 
Tbh probably almost cries 
Minghao and jun roast people 
Someone probably flipped out and dropped a sparkler and almost caught another person on fire 
Its svt literally anything could happen with them 
Someone breaks out the glowsticks 
Cause it aint the 4th until there are glowsticks 
I guarantee you someone broke a glowstick 
Tbh i bet it was coups 
Someone would be struggling 
And he would be like i got this im the dad i got this 
*snaps it in half and all the liquid goes flying* 
Glowing the rest of the night lmao 
Finally the show starts 
Everyone is dead silent at first 
Totally into it 
110% absorbed in the pretty lights 
Then they start to oh and aw 
Then they are clapping 
Literally shook from the finale 
Like wth thats a lot of fireworks all at once how did no one die 
After thats over they beg shua to bring them back every 4th 
Literally haven’t had so much fun in a loooooong time 
Finally head back home 
Ears still ringing a bit from the loud bangs of the fireworks 
Fireworks going off in the distance probably fireworks lol
All together a highlight in sv bonding and memories and just so much fun plus cultural experiences good stuff 
Ah man just imagine all of that my heart 
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drowning-in-dn-hell · 7 years
Me picking distastefully at the Death Note Live Action
(Totally not a blog I wrote on Amino that I copied here)
*Inhales deeply*
Iz yo local Lanthenides juliani’s pinky toe here, your all-time most dependable Death Note fangasmer, with a long rant.
The sky has fallen, the sinners in Death Note hell are screaming, and DN fan trash like me are creating Dead Seas with our sheer salt.
The 2017 Death Note Netflix remake released its trailer.
Woah woah, back up a bit m8. Let me get you guys up to date on what this whole fuss is about.
The Death Note Netflix remake… Where to begin.
Essentially, Netflix is making an American “adaptation” of Death Note. But oh boy, they aren’t sticking to canon. Here’s an overview list of some… “interesting” changes.
🍿The theme of the movie is now “revenge”.
🍿Light Yagami™, with his signature “imagaY” last name joke, has had his name changed to Light Turner. Played by Nat Wolff, currently struggling through a pimple outbreak.
🍿Consequently, his father, Soichiro Yagami, is now James Turner, played by Shea Whigham.
🍿Misa Amane is Mia Sutton, played by Margaret Qualley, a cheerleader grill who falls in steamy love with Light-friggin’-Turner, because the director wanted to keep the “adult themes of Death Note”
🍿Evidently the director never watched nor read Death Note. In an interview, he confirmed that, to keep the adult themes and dark atmospheres, there will be a lot of gore, a lot of nudity, and a lot of language.
🍿I’m not sure about you, but that doesn’t sound like the psychological thriller we know and love.
🍿Keith Stanfield as L.
🍿If you don’t know: Kieth Stanfield is AFRICAN AMERICAN. Not to be racist here, but a big part of L’s character is his alarmingly pale skin and scrawny frame. Suddenly, we have this hoodied black man walking in oublic and attending interviews. Real canon of ya, Netflix
🍿The producers trashed the basic plot of Death Note and opted for something more… redeeming. Details are not provided, but it is known that it will be more Westernized. While that may be a welcomed change, it’s make or break at this point.
“Our vision for Death Note has always been to…introduce the world to this dark and mysterious masterpiece. The talent and diversity represented in our cast, writing, and producing teams reflect our belief in staying true to the story’s concept of moral relevance — a universal theme that knows no racial boundaries.”
“Oka, one of the producers of the Netflix Death Note
Okay. So I’m not going to even try to protest Death Note getting another adaptation (I mean, it’s not like it has three live action movies, one live action drama, one musical, three video games, three short live action mini episodes, one long live action New Gen. series, etc., etc., ETC.,) but seriously.
Are they even trying at this point?
Let’s check out the cast first.
Nathaniel "Nat” Marvin Wolff as Light Turner
This dude played Isaac in the Fault in Our Stars, and Quentin in Paper Towns.
Take a moment.
This kid did some great things, I’ll give him some credit. Starred in some romance movies, raised money for 9/11 as a young kiddo, wrote some cool music.
But is he a fitting actor for Death Note?
I say no.
Firstly, Light is portrayed in the manga and anime alike as a handsome, clean, and upkept young man groomed for success. He has severe god complex, and is the very definition of “perfect” in the eyes of others. I just don’t really see that in Wolff. While I will not criticize him for his appearance, I do believe in something for live actions: Same, or different. Not both. Stick to canon or change everything. Don’t give us a haunting afterimage of the Light Yagami we all knew.
Keith Stanfield as L
Okay. So-
No, not okay. This is not okay.
If you did a next generation of something of Death Note, sure, go ahead, I don’t give a flying fu-firetruck about the detective L being black.
But the original L?
L’s off-putting appearance is destroyed by Keith’s natural appearance. Keith is a friendly-looking man, but L is supposed to look malnourished, like a living ghost, He is scrawny and underweight, 110 lbs at 179 cm (don’t ask me how I know off the top of my head). His pale complexion like he has never seen the Sun is a key compartment of his character, and while I do think diversity is good, I feel Keith cannot do justice to L’s character.
Onto acting.
Why the HECK is he standing behind a podium with a hoodie and his head dipped.
Let’s see here. Male, I can estimate his height, African American, both eyes intact, hands intact, probably can get fingerprints off the podium, people taking PICTURES of him and being able to capture some facial features…
L is mysterious, paranoid, keeps to himself. He uses a goshdarned voice synethesizer for God’s sake, it’s what makes his appearances so epic. WHY are you putting him out like that? Just… why?
Oh, and he’s a rapper.
Margaret Qualley as Mia Sutton
Paul Nakauchi as Watari
I’m actually not minding this one too much, though his loving, fatherly aura got swapped for a more severe one.
Other characters
Can we just pray…
My Opinion
I honestly don’t have much to say. I’m not too excited, in fear that this whole thing may ruin what I love, but I guess it’s a new and innovative take to the anime. The “whitewashing” I can sort of understand, since this is a film in English, after all, and it’ll be easier casting characters this way.
For months, the Death Note fandom has raged about black L. I would once again like to say that I don’t mean to be racist, as even many of my black friends agree with me; I am a minority race myself in America. L is one of the only characters who are in this film who originally was of European descent (¼ Russian, ¼ British, ¼ Japanese, ¼ French or Italian).
The legitimate ONLY character they can get away with “whitewashing” for, aside from Watari.
But no.
Forget sticking with canon. Let’s take Death Note for its established fanbase, and just use its title and its character names to bait viewers, what a great idea! Give them something completely different that marginally may be good, but forget about canon, we’ve got to break everything they’ve ever known about Death Note! Change the plot and make it rated R too, how about that? Because no one cares about the fact that that’s not what Death Note is about.
This thing will either be complete sh- poop, or somehow succeed solely due to its $40-$50 million budget. But in all honesty, my problem here isn’t it itself. It’s how they wanted to be different and the same at the same time.
Anyhow, here’s the promised trailer. Tell me what you guys think.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)‘・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Comment highlights from Death Note Amino
“Bullsh*t, what’s what it is” -matsuda
“*Incoherent screaming*” -The Leader of Death Note Amino
“I’m gonna be the most optimistic one and give it a chance.” MyHeroMacadamiaNuts
“Honestly, the live action remake is supposed to make the fans happy. This, however, put the fans in a rage. I mean, the guy who plays Light looks so unintelligent. Light is supposed to be a well-organized man, but instead they made him into this messy guy with pimples whose name is "Light Turner”. Did they seriously have to change the name too? It’s not even death note at this point. Just some crappy rip off.“ -Rae
"Wait, that’s Death Note?!?” -k i a r a
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a journey to my past
I sit here reflecting on certain points in my life. I am stoned, to be honest. I have been smoking a strain of marijuana called girl scout cookies. I am 33 years old. My name, is Ashley Root Lesley. My story began long ago in 1984. I arrived with my father, and left with my mother. I don’t know the details surrounding how my mom announced her pregnancy to him.. she didn’t talk about him much, other than to tell me how much of a bastard he was. I have very few memories of him being in my life when I was a child. My last memory of him from my childhood was when I was 7 or 8. We were at a concert selling grilled corn... I think . I don’t know. Many of my childhood memories are fractured, either from alcohol abuse, child abuse at the hands of my mom, getting hit by a car or age... who knows. Anyways, I would be almost 30 years old the next time I see him. It took him getting shot by his wife and nearly dying to reunite with his children. I am getting ahead of myself a little bit. I was raised by my mother.. and she will have a few moments in this post, but they will be short. She abused me, she was mentally ill and I suffered because of her hatred of herself, and her hate for my father.
I finally got a dad when I was 5, my sister and I were finally going to have a dad! I was so excited! My grandma likes to tell me this story, but apparently when I was in 1st grade, after my parents got married, I walked around school and introduced my dad to everyone. I am 11 now, just left 5th grade, and am now in middle school. I was on the phone with my cousin Amanda and we were talking about how she had just had her first period, and I was telling her I was excited for mine and couldn’t wait. It was hot, and my mother, younger sister and I were the only one’s home so I was in just a tank top and panties. I hung up the phone and my mom told me that I don’t have to wait to much longer before I have my first period. I asked what she was talking about. She told me to look down at my panties.. there was a large red stain; I had started my period while I was on the phone.
I am 12 years now, and the excitement of my menstrual cycle had long worn off. I had a dream one night. I was standing in the living room of a house I didn’t recognize, watching a man, and I could feel the immense love I had for him. I knew who I was looking at, my soulmate. The one that I would love over all others. I was watching him unwrap a video game system, and I told him to be careful and remember to take breaks. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss and he told me to have a good day at school.
I am 13 now, we had just moved from the town I lived in for so long, to my dad’s home town. I had a chance to make new friends, ones that didn’t know my family! I am in 8th grade, and the boy behind me was snapping my bra, and didn’t until I offered to date him. So, I had my first relationship. It lasted almost a year too.. mostly because neither of us really knew what it meant to be in a relationship. He was my first kiss, the first boy I made out with, the first boy that I experienced many things with, except doing the actual deed. I wanted that to happen with the man I loved, and I knew it wasn’t this boy. I am 14 now and in high school. I met a boy. I thought I could love and trust him. I was at a friends apartment for the night and this boy and I decided to make a very mature and lustful decision. I had decided that he was going to be my first. My mother came to the apartment looking for me.. and caught me about to make a huge mistake. My relationship with the boy deteriorated pretty fast after that. He approached me one day and broke up with me because he had asked me out as a friendly joke. I was slowly losing any faith in men
I am almost 15 by now. I was at my friend K’s apartment one night and we were walking around town at night as usual and one night we stopped by the movie theater to see what movies were coming soon. I stopped on the sidewalk so I could tie my shoe. I felt someone watching me. I looked up at the apartment building across the street. I saw a shadow in a cowboy hat watching me.. so I waved. He jumped a little and waved back. I was curious about him but gave him no further thought because I would never see him again.. or so I thought.
One day a few weeks after my 15th birthday I was walking home with K, and we heard a voice hollering, asking for our bra size.. it was my friend J. He invited us up to the apartment.. the same one from several weeks ago.. with the shadow. I stayed for awhile, and then went home to change and drop my school stuff off. I went back and was greeted with a bag of potato chips hitting the ground. I dashed up the stairs and burst through the door and saw my friend KB held up against the wall by someone. Someone that I would instantly recognize.. He was my dream love. He seemed just as shocked as I was. He grabbed my hand and introduced himself. His name is burned into my memory and my heart forever. I loved him, and I knew I would for the rest of my life. He moved in with my family, we dated and fell deeply in love. I felt like Baby in Dirty Dancing. He was my first for everything. He was my first love, my first lover, the first one that I ever wanted to spend my life with. Then, my parents found out that we were sleeping together. They kicked him out of our home, and my life. How was I supposed to raise my baby alone? I was pregnant.. and I never got a chance to tell him that our love created something so wonderful. October 3rd 2000, our baby had died, and I had a miscarriage. I was losing my last link to the rest of my heart. I was devastated. I started drinking more and more.
July 2003 brought about the winds of change. I was never the same after losing my baby. I was about to leave for a walk and my mother told me to stay home. I was an adult, so I didn’t have to. I was on my way out and my mother said that I had to stay home because I had to babysit my sister. She’s 15 at this point so she doesn’t need a babysitter. I finally just stomped back up to my room. A couple of hours later my sister is hollering for me that my first love is here and wants to see me. Mom yells at her to stop making terrible jokes. She yells back that she’s not lying. I go downstairs to yell at her, and he’s really there. He kept his promise. I was finally 18 and he came back for me. We had a wonderful week.. and one day, he was gone. He had abandoned me again. I still loved him in spite of all the things that I went through because of him.
November 2005 brought more changes to my life. I met my best friend in the whole wide world that month. She has been a rock and I honestly do not know where I would be without her in my life.
March 2011, I am 26 years old now.. and I am leaving the man I had been with for over 5 years. He was verbally and sometimes physically abusive. As much as I distrusted my mom, I had nowhere else to go. I moved back home. My parents had been split up for several years. Little did I know that my life would change in ways I could never imagine. I reconnected with my first love. We had begun a physical affair that same day. He was married and unhappy, and while I still loved him, I didn’t want a romantic relationship with him or anyone else. I just wanted the physical release that sex brought. It was a mutually beneficial situation. I was also sleeping with a couple other friends.. and then the thing happened. I was pregnant again.. I had gotten pregnant several times over the years.. always the same result...miscarriage after miscarriage. I wanted to hope..but I was scared to and on top of that, I had no clue who the father was. Then, I fell in love.. and he wanted to be the father..and while I appreciated it, I wanted to give the biological father a chance to say he wanted to be part of baby’s life or no.. I lost the baby..
June 1st 2011.. 9pm..
I’m rushing home. My sister messaged me asking if mom was ok..cause someone said the house was on fire. I checked the hospital, and she wasn’t there. I don’t see any firetrucks or police lights, that’s good right?!! OMG MOM! WHAT IS GOING ON! WHAT DO I DO?!! I GOTTA SAVE HER!!! I SAW HER! THAT CAN’T BE HER!! SHE’S BURNED!! DID SHE BURN TO DEATH?!!! I tried to run into the house. I had to find her.. where is she.. she can’t be dead.. I’m not ready.. what do I tell everyone.. WHAT DO I TELL MY GRANDPARENTS?! HOW DO I TELL MY SISTER?!! WHY?!!!!!
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