#i love seeing what folks are listening to sometimes i get a new favorite song sometimes i just get my horizons expanded
xcziel · 1 year
Tag game!
Tagged by:  @lasenbyphoenix (and i'm stealing your formatting bc i never know how to set these up 😘)
Favorite Colour: black, jewel tones
Last Song: Basia - Time and Tide (had to dig for the real mv - terrible resolution but still so very illustrative of a certain type of late 80s music video with the cute little storytelling conceits)
Last Series: Choco Milk Shake which was cute and very sweet but had a lot of downtime of wistful gazing etc for something so very short
Last Movie: Glass Onion
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: sweet, i guess? lol i am extremely white and cannot deal with spicy-ness at all. savory ... i think as a picky eater i would say no to what my interpretation of "savory" is (more umami type foods?) i think
Currently working on: still inventorying my books - i'm using speech-to-text because hand-typing on a phone = no thank you, but the bronchitis did put a stop to that for quite a while
(highly recommend Libib app if anyone else is doing this bc you can scan a barcode to enter a book, but if, as in the case of my dad's old stuff, the book doesn't *have* a barcode you can use regular google voice typing to input title etc)
also trying to exercise (walk, dance) while the weather is nice here
Tagging: @foxofninetales @knitmeapony @alxina @psychic-waffles @mejomonster @justawanderingbabbit @xia-xueyi @johanirae @epicwalrus and anyone else who'd like to play - what are y'all up to, if you care to share?
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
Good Morning/Evening!!
Could I request Dating Cole Brookstone Headcanons?
I see you are a person of fine taste, my friend!! It would be my pleasure to fulfill this request!
Ninjago - Dating Cole Brookstone Headcanons
I see him as a natural romantic
Like, he doesn’t even have to try
He just does stuff and it’s so perfect
Like, he’ll thoughtlessly pull you into a slow dance when his favorite song comes on
(Side note: he LOVES to dance with you)
Or he’ll “surprise” you with a fancy restaurant reservation and flowers (he really just forgot to tell you earlier and got the flowers because they reminded him of you)
Or he’ll spout the most heartfelt compliments at random moments
“You really are the most beautiful person ever.”
“…I’m just scrolling on my phone though? In my unwashed pjs???”
All this without even specifically trying to be romantic
He’s just being himself
His favorite kind of date is to go out to dinner
He likes trying new things with you, so one of you will pick an obscure restaurant to try out each time
Whether it’s palatable or not, you always have a good time anyway
If the food sucks, you bond over the horrible experience
“Wow. That was horrible.”
“Ugh, I know. Was that rice or shredded tire rubber?”
“Honestly, the latter would’ve tasted better.”
Talking over a table with the din of restaurant ambience is like your guys’ own love language
You’ll talk about anything and everything
Light topics, dark topics, deep topics, whatever comes to mind
He’s a really deep and reflective person, so your deep conversations are often the most meaningful
He’s also absolutely hilarious though, so joking around is a very close second
Speaking of, his love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation
As mentioned before, he’s a natural at giving compliments
But he also uses the L word quite liberally
Definitely the first to say “I love you”
He loves cuddling
He’s a big guy, so you already know he’s optimally huggable
Doesn’t mind what cuddling position; he just likes to be close to you
If he had to pick a favorite, though, he likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat
Whenever he has to go away on a mission, he gives you the biggest bear hug
He’ll lift you off your feet, squishing your faces together and peppering your cheek with kisses
The hug he gives you when he gets back isn’t quite so energetic, but it’s no less romantic
He’ll lean on you a little more, relaxing his form to fit against yours perfectly as he lets out a long sigh
He’ll rub your back absentmindedly while he murmurs how much he missed you
Those are some of his best hugs, but he also frequently just lifts you up in a quick two-second hug, sometimes even from behind
“Ack! Cole, put me down!”
“Ha, sorry babe. You’re just so darn lovable, how am I supposed to not hug you?”
“Don’t apologize; I just want to hug you back!”
Also big on touching
Not necessarily PDA (but he won’t object if you like that), just maintaining physical contact
Hand holding, an arm around your shoulder, pinky-locking, anything really
Even if it’s just touching shoulders
Likes to get creative with cute nicknames as well
His go-tos are babe, baby, sweetheart, and angel face/cakes
But you’ve also heard pumpkin, muffin, munchkin, gorgeous, sugar, teddy bear, cuddle monster, etc…
Plus some… interesting… original ones
“Hello, my lovely little dragon snackie!”
“Cole. I love you but what was that.”
He will ascend to the heavens if you give him literally any affectionate nickname
Gives you the biggest grin whenever you use it
Honestly he smiles whenever you say his name, but cute nicknames will really get him
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I hope this was alright! Thank you for this splendid request, and thank you for reading! Take care you cultured folks <33
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Hi! I saw you were doing matchups and I would love to get one for Bg3 and Hazbin Hotel! <3 here’s the info about me:
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: I’m asexual biromantic, for the matchups I would prefer a male character, but any gender is fine if you think a girls fits me better!
Appearance: I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others. I also have tattoos, currently I have three but I’m planning to get more; and I recently got a vertical labret piercing. I love to wear makeup and come up with something creative and different everyday. Also if someone lets me do their makeup they’ll have my heart forever.
MBTI/Enneagram: I’m an ESFJ but I don’t know my enneagram.
Personality: I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
Likes (at least 3 things): I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading (I love reading out loud to others, when I read dialogues I act them out a little to help picture the scene). I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid. Lastly, I adore art.
Dislikes (at least 3 things): I dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I also dislike people who need to judge others and comment on everything they do. Lastly, I dislike sports, they’re not really for me!
Extra fun fact: my favorite music genre is either musical songs, or like medieval folk songs/sea shanties, I found so many playlists on spotify!
Race: Tiefling, 100% my fav race
Class: Either a bard, or a sorcerer. If I can multi class both of them!
D&D alignment: lawful/neutral good.
I really hope I did this correctly, have a great day! 🫶🏻
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
When choosing these two characters for you, I took many things into account. First, the minute you said you act like a mom and everyone views you as a mom, I was immediately drawn to two very specific characters for both fandoms. Your aesthetic suits these two, and I chose them very well. Taking into account your hobbies, your passion, and the vibe I get from your message, I am confident in my two choices.
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
It's well known that Rolan has taken on the role of father with his two younger siblings.
Rolan wants to protect what he loves and cares about, which includes you. However, he doesn't necessarily see you as a child; he sees you as his equal.
Since you two met, his siblings would call you two mom and dad.
He can be harsh and overly serious, but once you crack his shell, he can be a big softy who loves to participate in playful banter.
He loves color-coordinating outfits with you.
He loves helping you learn and explore new topics you find interesting.
He is interested in the different properties of natural-born and learned magic.
He will ask you to show off your skills to him sometimes so he can admire you.
~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The tower had been running smoothly for the last few months since Loroikan had been killed. Rolan had begun to heal, and you two had made the tower better than ever before. Wizards and spell casters from near and far came to your establishment to gain knowledge new and old. While Rolan ran the purchasing and sorting portion of the tower, you ran the extra activities and teaching portion of the building. From time to time, his siblings would come and go, helping every now and then.
As the day ended, you cleaned up the bottom part of the shop, ensuring everything was where it should be. Once done, you headed to the door, ready to lock it for the night, when Rolan's siblings came in. Cal and Lia looked reasonably intoxicated, blubbing with laughter, falling over, and not making any sense. Sighing, you wrapped their arms around your shoulder and began going up to the portal leading to the tower's living quarters. As you appeared inside the drawing room, the siblings started to sound even more delirious. You can only assume hearing the commotion Rolan came out from your shared room, a look of shock on his face, "We let them move out and look at the trouble they cause." You laugh lightly, allowing Roan to take Cal off your shoulder while you continue with Lia.
Once you two had cleaned and cared for the siblings, you lay in bed staring at the ceiling with Rolan. "I am glad they decided to come here and not wander around some alleyway." Rolan sighed, rolling on his side to face you better. "I agree. Doesn't mean they are any less of a problem." You smile, moving on your side now to face Rolan. "Oh, like you weren't a problem child growing up, Rolan. I heard the stories." Rolan laughed softly, moving to place some hair behind your ear. Slowly Rolan leaned in ready to kiss you, just as the ghost of his lips touched yours the door to your room opened. You both turned to look at the intruder and saw Lia holding her stomach. "Mom, Dad, I grew up."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and Rolan had taken the day off, leaving the tower with his siblings. You two had found a lovely meadow near the town and began working on some new spells from a book you two were gifted)
Rolan: No, Y/N, I believe you have to do it like this (tried the spell and failed)
Y/N: No, Rolan, I am serious. This spell is meant for a blood-born magic user, and it's all about channeling your energy.
Rolan: Anything a Sorccer can do, a wizard can do too.
(Many hours of failing on both your parts happened. You took the book and sat down, looking over the words, noticing it sounded like a poem)
Y/N: Rolan, maybe it's meant for something other than the magic we are thinking of.
Rolan: huh?
(You begin to sing the poem, and the spell works, causing flowers to bloom all around you two)
Rolan: (sighing dreamily and staring at you) You are so talented and beautiful, my love. Now it's my turn.
Hazbin Hotel
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Lucifer Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
When I think of the cool, out-of-touch dad who wants to be present but is so far off, I think of this man.
He loves dad jokes and using humor to cope; the man has a rubber duck collection for crying out loud.
He would commission every fashion icon in Hell to make clothes for you two.
He is very protective of you when it comes to other demons, he has already lost so much that he's so afraid of losing you too.
He never limits your creativity or knowledge, though he wants to watch you excel in everything you want.
If you and Charlie hit it off, he's the happiest man on earth.
Even if you two don't hit it off immediately, he reassures you and helps you through it.
He loves to cuddle and just know you are there and haven't left him alone.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You sat with Lucifer on a big red couch at the Hazbin Hotel. Though you and Charlie had a great relationship, you still felt out of place helping her make such large decisions as this since you didn't want to replace her mother. Lucifer had his arm wrapped around you, watching his daughter intently as she explained her plan for rehabilitating sinners once more. You were proud of Lucifer for stepping up and helping his daughter achieve not only her dreams but also his.
Charlie, striking a brilliant idea, pulled her dad up and walked him over to another part of the foyer to show him something. You sat there politely, watching the father-daughter duo having a good time together. As you watched from afar, the seat next to you dipped in. Turning to see who took your partner's place, you saw none other than Alastor. The relationship between you two was odd, see you came to hell due to killing those that harmed the ones you loved and Alastor respected that since he did that for his momma. He also gravitated towards you simply to piss Lucifer off. Knowing this, you spoke, "If you are looking to tease the man today, Alastor, you are out of luck. He and Charlie are enthralled in conversation." Alastor smiled that same smile every day, "Y/N, you see, he is always watching when it's the people he loves, and I just so happen to know he will come storming over here to push me away from you in the next few seconds."
As if on cue, Lucifer appeared heated; you could see the flames flying from him. You laughed into your hand while Lucifer sat down directly on Alastor till he moved. With a pout on his lips, Lucifer spoke, "You can not have Charlie, and you sure as hell can't have my future spouse, bud." Your laughing died down, gently caressing the back of Lucifer's head. Once Alastor and he had their verbal diss match, you leaned over and whispered in Lucifer's ear. "So, my love, when is the wedding?"
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Up in Lucifer's room in the hotel, you went to work on his face with your makeup. He willingly offered to help you achieve the new look you were going after. Just so happens your door was wide open, and every sinner couldn't help but take pictures of the vulnerable king)
Y/N: Alright, now close your eyes and wait to open them until I tell you the eyeshadow and liner are the essential parts.
Lucifer: My love, is this all necessary? You are beautiful without makeup, you know.
Y/N: yes, yes, you tell me every time, yet still let me do this once a week.
(A sudden bright flash blinded you, causing you to smudge your line)
Y/N: dammit
Lucifer: what's wrong, my love
Alastor: Nothing good, pal, just some mementos for future use
(Lucfier proceeded to chase Alastor around the hotel in an attempt to claim the pictures)
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imdoingsortagay · 1 year
Impromptu Dance Party
Summary: Doing something sweet for your girlfriend
Word Count: 1k
also, the playlist for this will be here<3
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The day had seemed to drag one for you, wanting to just me home with your girlfriend. Eve had been called into work last minute to help Amanda with something at the old folks home while you went to go to your classes or any errands that you had to do. Getting back home expecting to see her there, you were sad to get a text from the older woman about having to stay a couple of hours more and you felt terrible. She had wanted to use today to relax, get some cleaning done, and overall just spend time with her favorite person in the world, you. 
Having about 2 hours before she came back home from work, you decided to give Eve something special, a playlist with all of the songs she loved to listen to on repeat. 
As much as you loved her, she didn’t have much experience with technology, and if she heard a song that she knew was gonna be one of her favorite, the older woman would save it on her notes so you can help her get it to her Spotify for later if she’s driving, at work or any other reason. Making playlists for people you loved was something and the thought of making one for her was exciting. 
The moment that you get home from school, you clean around the house, ordering her favorite food to get here a couple of minutes before she arrives then make your way to the living room to get this playlist made. The first four songs in the playlist are some that she heard when both of you had first met, in margo’s class and when she decided to have class in a bar. A couple of other songs that you had introduced her to as you felt it was “ something that she would love” which was proven true as you’d catch her humming to them around the house.
Making sure not to forget to add a couple of Abba songs to the mix for your girlfriend because it would not be a playlist that had all of Eve’s favorite songs if there weren’t at least three or four songs. Time goes by quickly as you make the playlist for her, the food from her favorite food place getting there in about ten minutes from her arrival. You set the food on the table, connect your phone to her speaker, and patiently wait for her arrival back. 
While Eve, on the other hand, was super tired and wanted to see you. Her day off was a work day because Amanda needed her to come in about one of the new residents coming in and she was unsure of what to do while Eve on the inside wanted to say sorry, she felt bad leaving her on her own since she had just started there. For a senior citizen home, she sometimes wished there would be at least one day when she’s able to rest. 
Even the drive on the way home felt longer than usual with all the evening traffic and she just wanted to be at home with you, eating dinner, and cuddling among other things.
My love: You coming home already eve? <3
Eve: I’ve got about 10 more minutes. 
You feel bad for the woman as you know she’s stuck in slow traffic and decide that take a quick little nap while she’s on the way. Eve plays some random radio station that helps her calm down and before she knows it, Eve pulls into the driveway to her house, so happy to be home to her lovely girlfriend. Grabbing all of her belongings from her car, the older woman is greeted by you, happily sleeping on the couch, the smell of food from her favorite restaurant in town, and the sound of what seems to be music. 
Eve wakes you up from your nap, very gently and the moment your eyes met the face of your girlfriend, you pull her in for a kiss, never not excited to see her. Eve giggles back as you give her kisses all over her face, blushing like crazy at the attention she’s getting, very much enjoying it. 
“ Is today a special day y/n? You got me food from my favorite place,” she asks while you get up to be in a sitting position, the woman wondering if she missed an important date today.
“ Nope, just wanted to treat you to something nice eve,” you pause,” and I also made a whole playlist for you with your favorite songs to listen to anywhere”. Eve would be lying if she said that she wasn’t on the verge of tears. Never not grateful to have you here, to even be dating you after having to deal with a son who was the worst, a rude ex and the universe did her a favor when you had walked into the writing class that she decided would be fun to do on her free time after her son left for college. Looking through the playlist it had many songs that she grew to love, songs that you told her many times reminded you of her, and some new ones that she was over the moon to listen to if she was driving to work, on her lunch in her office or anywhere else.
Eve pulls you off the couch without a word and puts the playlist on shuffle, the first playing being Honey by Coastal club, dancing along with your girlfriend. Each song going on made your heart swoon at seeing this woman be so happy, not giving any shit about anything else in life, grinning from ear to ear as she danced like she’s the only one in the room. Dancing offbeat to the pop songs and slow dancing together to any of the slow songs. You cherished times like these between the two of you, excited to make many more happy memories.
Every time that you did small things like these for your girlfriend, she would always be forever grateful to have you in her life and make it better
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vanhelsingapologist · 5 months
I am submitting my formal request for folk music ~opinions~ ❤️
Folk music is another one of those genres that’s hard to pinpoint. It’s basically been merging with country and Americana for years. Further, are people asking for traditional folk? Folk metal? Indie folk? Baroque folk? But it’s all folk! Folk, folk, folk. I’ve written it so many times that it doesn’t look like a word. Anyway, I went contemporary/indie/roots folk for this. Started with more woodsy stuff, too.
• Empty Northern Hemisphere by Gregory Alan Isakov. Gregory Alan Isakov is one of those artists I adore and I think he pretty consistently nails it when it comes to folksy themes and instrumentation. His Weatherman album is pretty fantastic. He’s probably considered indie folk, if I had to put a finger on it.
• My Gal, My Guy by Darlingside. The first song I ever heard by them was called Harrison Ford, which is also pretty good, but there’s just something about this song! Also indie folk.
• Oats In The Water by Ben Howard. He has another great one called In Dreams. His earlier music sort of feels like standing in a dead forest. I can’t really explain it beyond that. His newer stuff is a bit more atmospheric, but it’s good.
• Bavarian Porcelain by Sea Wolf. His song Dear Fellow Traveller got some fandom airtime, but his whole discography is pretty good and soaked with forest imagery. My favorite album is probably White Water, White Bloom, but Cedarsmoke is very kind to me.
• Let This Remain by Alana Henderson. Henderson keeps making her way into my playlists. She sort of reminds me of Enya, sort of reminds me of something reminiscent of the Dresdon Dolls, but it’s just enough that she’s got this incredible unique sound.
• Francis by Haley Heynderickx and Max García Conover. This is another one that I have to physically restrain myself from looping. Their voices blend really well, and I’d also consider it my official endorsement of both their music. Heynderickx’s No Face and Show You A Body kill me and Conover’s collaboration on the everything in winter album is worth a listen.
• Deep Green by Marika Hackman. I feel like we can call Marika Hackman folk. Her voice is haunting, her lyrics stick, and she does really neat stuff instrumentally, and she had the folk sound. Not coffeehouse music, so I had to look to see what she’s categorized as. Alternative, it was. Her new album is less folksy, but We Slept At Last definitely is.
• Darlin Corey by Amythyst Kiah. If you haven’t heard any of her work, go listen as soon as possible. She’s got this deep, beautiful sound and writes about isolation in a way that really resonates. It’s hard to find artists who make folk that sounds a hundred years old, but she nails it every single time.
• Love Me Like You Used To by Lord Huron. Lord Huron is an old favorite, and I do think their Long Lost album is my favorite, despite Strange Trails being so well-known. Nothing makes you wanna awoo the way these guys do.
• Traveling On by The Decemberists. I’m a Decemberists fan first, person second. Sometimes I go about my day and “street side smokers, holy rollers” pops into my head at random. Hopefully, you will share my plight.
• Ofelia by Kiltro. Kiltro plays a mixture of shoegaze and Chilean folk. If that doesn’t sound like the best fucking time ever get AWAY from me. Creatures of Habit bumped all year before I graduated.
• The Weight by Amigo the Devil. Darker folk. I think he’s on a playlist called Murderfolk, which just about sums it up. I might put Amigo the Devil in the same camp as AJJ in terms of sound. Slightly different in lyricism.
• Northern Wind by Liza Anne. Their new stuff isn’t folk, but their old stuff is definitely indie folk. I sometimes describe them as drinking cold water, and I think that definitely sticks with their Two album.
As always, I have no idea what I’m talking about. Hope this is good!
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quensty · 11 months
tagged by @enterprisery to put my spotify “on repeat” playlist on shuffle and list off the first 10 songs i get.
unfortunately my playlist hasn’t changed much since the last time i did this, so instead, i’m gonna put my “discover weekly” playlist on shuffle and rate the first 10 songs i get. so thank u for the tag babe but i will not be following a single rule.
🪸 erghan diado (song of schopsko) by bulgarian state television choir: we are starting off this list so insanely strong. i have no idea what made spotify assume i would like this but they were 100% correct. apparently this choir performs modern arrangements of traditional bulgarian folk melodies, and this song is from one of their most recognized projects. four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 choreomania by florence + the machine: i was surprised to see this song was written before the pandemic, but it turns out that welch based this off of the dancing plague of 1518, where 400 women danced themselves to death. what a cool coincidence that she released a song based on a phenomenon ppl theorize occurred as a result of plague-related stress post-covid. obsessed with the behind-the-scenes info, and the song is catchy. four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 becky by be your own pet: HOLY SHIT. ohhh no. “i heard u talked a lot of shit abt me / to ur new best friend / but it doesn’t matter anyway / cos i’ll find a new best friend / … but, you know, i gotta say / i loved going to your slumber party” this is fucking me up. childhood friends are like runaway cats u keep hanging up missing posters but u’ll never get them back. “he doesn’t miss carol not really or rather he doesn’t miss the woman she’s making herself into. kid carol tho … he misses that version of her sometimes” etc etc. this is reminding me so much of those homoerotic friendships i had at 8 with other girls that always ended in catastrophe, but i still remember their landline numbers. five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 bury a friend by pomplamoose: i’m pretty positive this was recommended to me based on my obsession with loveless’s version of happier than ever. i love a good cover, and that one is fabulous. it adds a brutal new dimension to an already angry song. they bring a great alt rock/emo pop twist to it that i adore. despite how good a cover this one is, i can’t say i love it—i might be a little biased; eilish’s original is haunting and nightmarish and it puts everything it can into creeping u out. i don’t think this cover adds any new flavor the way loveless’ does. it mostly makes me want to listen to the original again. one star ⭐️
🪸 the ghost of chicago by noah floersch: this song is appealing to my love of the midwest. it wasn’t what i was expecting going in but i like it! it’s cute. i know it’s meant to be a “i like this girl so much that she haunts me” kinda ghost song, but tbh i like the idea of the narrator falling in love w an actual ghost much more. it reminds me of this wip i have where—no. i shan’t say. it’s a secret. three stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 old cape cod by patti page: … idek what to say abt this. i’m sure white ppl in the 50s thought this was a bop but i do not. zero stars :(
🪸 dizzy in sunlight by the blasting company, ashley nguyen dewitt: now THAT is how u make a dreamy, sunday-afternoon-esque song. the lyrics remind me of a mary oliver poem. “wade in the water / mud covered feet,” “the wind and my mother / they both hold me upright / …oh what a feeling / as the waters / rush over me,” “my sister riding her bike from the store / my grandfather smoking his pope out on the porch / …this life spills over me / and rocks me to sleep”. completely and utterly lovely. five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 in dreams by sierra ferrell: i love the country and folk elements in this. i’m currently on a country music fixation and this is right up my alley. such a sweet-sounding love song, i added it to one of my playlists right away. four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 neutral spirit hotel by local news legend: omg this reminds me so much of some of my favorite penelope scott songs—sweet hibiscus tea comes to mind; both of these songs are folksy and have this self-deprecating element to them. “i think i say i’m quitting drinking every other week / but it’s so hard to stop / when it’s the only thing that let’s me sleep” dean winchester type shit (sorry). three stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️
🪸 down in the willow garden by the kossoy sisters: HELL YES a strong finish!! this is a traditional appalachian murder ballad about a guy facing the gallows after poisoning his sweetheart and throwing her body in a river. is me liking this song a loss for feminism? IDK. but i like it </3 four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
i’m tagging @keepoffthetardis, @cabeswater, @youthbleeding, @minimyz, and anyone else who wants to do this! consider urself tagged
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my-ace-life · 7 months
Interests Intro
I know I’m making a big assumption that anyone cares about what content I’m consuming, but when I hyperfixate on something, oh boy will I never shut up about it. So, to spare my friends and family from my extensive rants, I will be posting here about it. Feel free to not read any of this and get to the juicy stories on other parts of this blog, but to get a comprehensive view of my life as an asexual person, read ahead to see what content catches my interest!
Disclaimer: there will be a lot of discussions of old emo and pop punk bands in this section, and no I will not apologize for it.
That being said, here is a list, current to Nov 2023, of a bunch of stuff that I'm into:
Music - format: Artist {favorite album and/or “song”}
Fall Out Boy {Folie à Deux - “(Coffee’s For Closers)” and American Beauty/American Psycho - “The Kids Aren’t Alright” and Save Rock & Roll - “Miss Missing You”}
Sleep Token {Take Me Back To Eden - “Euclid” and “Chokehold”} Who gave them permission to include the lyric “So if your wings won’t find you heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone” in “Euclid” ??? Gives me goosebumps every time I listen
The Vaccines {“I Always Knew”}
Troye Sivan {There pretty much isn’t a song of his I don’t like, so I will just say that my favorite from his new album is “Still Got It” and I will always listen to “10/10” from In A Dream}
Wasia Project {“Remember When”}
I listen to a smattering of Kpop and Jpop bands: Official Hige Dandism, Gen Hoshino, Eve, The Oral Cigarettes, BTS, and Red Velvet
Hell’s Kitchen (Maybe this makes me a bad person, but I love watching Gordon Ramsey yell at people at the end of a long day)
Heartstopper (because I am basic)
New Girl (a classic)
Red, White, & Royal Blue (also because I am basic)
Young Royals (because sometimes you need to witness a love story that will shake you to your very core)
DreamWorks’ Voltron: Legendary Defenders & She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (they are a set and no I will not be taking criticism on that)
Video Games
Five Nights at Freddy’s (I know way too much about the lore of this series. It's borderline a problem.)
Oxenfree (I haven’t played the second one yet but the first one has a very special place in my heart)
Pokémon (I’m a Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl stan but I understand that is probably an unpopular opinion. I just really love Luxray, okay?)
Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse: The original Shadow & Bone trilogy and the Six of Crows duology. The magic system is really unique and I love how Bardugo writes her characters.
Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
The Simon Snow Trilogy by Rainbow Rowell
Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. This book (and the sequel) always destroys me emotionally, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Rook by Daniel O’Malley: The only adult science fiction book series I enjoy reading
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao: It’s like Pacific Rim combined with Chinese folk stories. It’s so cool.
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alltimefail-sims · 7 months
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I actually understand exactly where you're coming from. I find myself checking the wiki for more info on sims in TS4 and leaning heavily on other people's interpretations sometimes whereas I have a very clear understanding on who sims from TS2 franchise were. And what's crazy is that even the more popular sims in this community are popular not necessarily because of who the sims team "intended" them to be, but because of the fandom's interpretations/ability to fill in the plot holes.
One thing the sims team is going to do every time is give us some underdeveloped, half-baked townies!! (Although for some reason, in my opinion, they really delivered with the Horse Ranch townies for some reason?!)
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This is a really interesting question! I think Mortimer listens to mostly wordless music: classical/baroque music/traditional Spanish-influenced instrumental music. Bella would also love instrumental music with traditional Latin/Spanish influence, but I think Bella also enjoys lyrical music/pop music with a good beat as she is a vivacious firecracker who is full of life and the life of the party imo! If they're listening to music with words (Bella does this more than Mortimer), they're probably listening to music sang entirely in Spanish/music by Spanish-speaking artists nearly every time. In fact, I personally think the Goths would speak Spanish mostly at home as well because I've never seen any of them as white people (yes this includes Mortimer!)
As for Cassandra and Alexander, I imagine they both enjoy alternative music in general - early 2000s pop punk is a shared love, and this is mostly Cass having an influence over her baby brother because he was a kid when those bands were popular haha. I could see them both screaming the words to any song off of MCR's "The Black Parade" album. But that's about as far as their similarities go: as they get older the differences in their personal tastes of music are more prevalent.
Cassandra loves classical/instrumental music like her dad. She also loves death metal and screamo, the more avant-garde the better (if most people would find it weird, niche, wild and/or loud, she enjoys it.) I don't listen to this kind of music, so I don't have an example off the top of my head but as a little bonus: I think Yuki Behr turned her onto Baby Metal lmao.
Alexander, on the other hand, likes a wide variety of music. I think he's probably the biggest "music lover" in his family who kind of just enjoys different stuff all across the board. He learned how to play piano through classical and baroque music, but he's not listening to that in his free time: he finds it far too rigid/restrictive. His favorite kind of music would probably be alternative rock that leans more indie/acoustic/folk like Hozier or Lord Huron. I think he enjoys some pop music, so long as it has good lyrics. He also was in drama club in high school and I think he enjoys several musicals! I also see him especially into stuff from the doo-wop and Motown era: anything between the 30s and 60s, and that's why I always say that Stephen Sanchez's music reminds me of the kind of music Alexander would make due to its spanish/doo-wop/pop fusion. (Listen to his new album "Angel Face" and you will get what I mean! I actually would consider Stephen Sanchez's singing voice/songs to be my Alexander Goth's voice claim!)
But those are just my personal takes and how I play them!
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I don't have a ton of my own headcanons about Jesminder! I think her and Arun probably cause bisexuals to panic as they're both stupid hot!
All jokes aside though, I think they're criminally underrepresented townies. Jesminder has always struck me as this multi-talented person who lights-up-every-room and has that special kind of vibe that you can't put a name on - she just is charming, drawing people to her. I don't think she's a talker so much as she's a listener; she's wise and when she speaks it's because she actually has something to say (she doesn't just talk to talk). I think because of this, I imagine that as a bartender she has had many people confiding in her/asking her for advice lmao. She's the kind of person that calls you sweetheart and then will drop the most provocative, to-the-point rhetorical question or advice on you and it will change you forever you know?
And Arun is just like this super sweet hipster tech guy who probably drinks kombucha, rides his bike to work, and loves his wife like crazy and can't wait to be a dad. He has no idea how he bagged this woman but he is not about to question it in case she realizes she could "do better" (they're annoyingly in love though and she does not like when he jokes like that lol).
Someone needs to make a story that focuses on them because I think they seem to be an adorable couple with a lot of potential. I just think they're neat! (djservo's "Bros" story with Joaquin and Sergio has given me some Arun and Jesminder content but I need more!!!!)
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cdmagic1408 · 1 year
So I’ve just thought of some stuff I wanted to say during my time in hiatus…
Oh my god. OH MY GOD NO WAY. BOB CHAPEK HAS BEEN FIRED?!?! THIS IS AMAZING!!! I didn't think they'd actually do that but seriously tho GOOD RIDDANCE to that man I hate him so much....so here’s to hoping things will turn around at Disney finally 🎊🤞
I love this Pixar Thanksgiving art SO MUCH!! Like…Ian and Barley…they’re so adorable here 🥺
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HAPPY 5 YEARS TO COCO! Arguably my second favorite Pixar film of all time! I can’t believe it's 5...like that’s crazy…I’ll never forget the first time I went to see it in theaters with my sister, my mom, my grandparents, my aunt and her best friend in Chicago, the whole thing was so amazing! And then like two weeks later I saw it for a second time in my childhood hometown…to this day I still love it so so much, the story, the characters, and the animation are all so beautiful...I really should rewatch it again sometime...
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AHHHHHHH YOSHIS ARE IN THE MARIO MOVIE!!! YESSSSSSSS!!! They look just like I hoped they would be! I’m so much more excited for this movie now than I was back in October! Not only because my favorite adorable green dino could potentially be here, but the animation looks really awesome, and I'm genuinely curious to see where this story is going to take us...plus I've always loved Mario games and the world of Mario as a whole. I'm like Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at all the references there are so far!
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Oooooh yes!! Spotify Wrapped! I’ve been looking forward to this! What's my number one? Ah yes, The Police is my top artist and their song "Spirits in the Material World" is my top song as it should be 🎶 🎶 🎶 I listened to their music so much this summer...they’re one of my favorite bands! Also Bebe Rexha and Taylor Swift made the cut, two more of my favorites and two more greats! Yay! And OMG I did it. I listened to "Anti-Hero" enough times for it to be my third most played song this year! YES!!! 🤘 😄
New Mario movie clip gets released during the 2022 Game Awards: OMG this score is sooooooo good! 😲 like I can hear the all the different recognizable themes from the mario games here but it also sounds like animated movie score! It’s such a perfect combo! And oh yeah, I see the way you’re running Mario…that IS your run cycle and I love it! That right there is from the games! 😏 Is it bad that I want more after this clip? I mean the more I see, the more I want it if you know what I mean... 👀
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio released on Netflix just last week on the 9th, and just last week on the 9th is when I watched it! I've heard so many great things about it and I'd never seen a del Toro film before so I thought I'd give it a try! Very charming but also quite dark, it's a really fascinating take on the Pinocchio story that's unlike what I've seen of it before! I think my favorite character ended up being Sebastian the Cricket, he was so fun to watch (and for the record, Ewan McGregor has such charisma in all the roles I've seen him play from Robots to Big Fish. He's great! And this was no exception!) All the voice-acting was very well done and the animation too! I have a huge soft spot for stop motion! I thought every movement made was really amazing. Anyway yeah, check it out if you can cause animation distributed by Netflix always deserves more recognition!
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(cue Merrie Melodies closing theme)
That's all, Folks!
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voyeuristicvixen · 2 years
Captains Log 31_ You Down W BPP!?
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So tonight was Meroe, Uglee radio X KTA Black Panther Founders Day event. It was fkin litty! The kind of shit I LIVE for and makes me wanna get on SL more! Things like that just remind you that there are many kindred souls here on the grid and we all have a collective purpose in our individual journeys whether we realize it or not. A shared intention to continue carrying the torch of those that came before us and that made differences in their communities. Just little things like this can just spark memories in our DNA.
Its a science to this and the metaverse is a big part of this whole story we writing. Right now (whether we realize it or not) we are being apart of history, something our forefathers couldn’t have imagined. To be able to connect with each other anywhere and anytime in the world and share knowledge FREE.
When we do evens like this on the grid we make em proud.
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So everybody understood the assignment, one thing SL folk will do is DRESS UP AND SHOW OUT OKAY! & I was so invested in getting good pics the whole night I was just like yelling at black dragon to stay loaded. Thats one thing I need to figure out what the best settings are to load all people at once and the background pictures and textures FAST! Is that asking too much?? *tear*
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The Meroe team is really top tier I am super grateful for Gigi and Ras, never thought we’d be all the way to this moment when we first came to Meroe. It was a dream enough just to know it existed but to actually be able to volunteer my time to the cause, makes me feel like I am putting my best effort any way I can. I feel like this volunteer work is training me for taking initiative in my RL, in having more confidence with the work to connect the diaspora. Its like a foundation to stand on when I propose collabs to people I’ll have sum to back me up! Aye my favorite female rapper princess nokia liked one of my posts on our IG so I feel I can do anything now lmao. One day Meroe will be visited by people who never even had an SL account before. Inshallah!
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Bae also did his second official SL grid performance but first one with Meroe! He’s such a dope MC! African Soil is one of my favorite songs I listen to legit every week and not just because he my man either! He inspires me so much to take risks and try new things. I love how he barely joined SL but he puts himself out there even though things are still new to him. He kills it everytime too and always impresses me in the end. I basically forced him to make me his Manager. Im his baeager now, (ima make baeager happen idc! ) XD I feel like we came up with another title for that but im blanking rn. Oh well!
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These two looked soooo good, their energy also reminded me of myself and bae. It just made me feel so cozy to see like vibrations around. I think one thing I want to branch away from is the awkwardness that comes with meeting new people on the grid or reaching out to them. So many times I want to just IM folks that I find interesting and I get this feeling like “I dont want to bother them” or “what if they dont wanna talk right now” a lot of times, I think i mentioned before people don’t respond to me or have a weird vibe like instantly don’t fw me.
Sometimes I feel more sensitive than others. Like if in my RL I am getting that energy too much at work I can’t handle getting that same thing in SL too. I think thats why I didnt hit this beautiful kindred soul sis up. But I hope that I’ll run into her again at another event! The best connections form naturally. I want to invest  a little bit of time into making a “spot” again. Like when I first joined SL and the commune, it was a place people would always just set as their home and sit around and talk to each other at. Naturally people would go there just to hang and I miss that. I am still gunning for that! God will show us the way haha!
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Gigi, Ras and their daughter are just so classy and dope. I loved seeing them all together having fun and just admire everything they have built here at Meroe. I respect them so much ! The vibes are immaculate and just getting better every time we pull off another event!
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Another beautiful soul sis that I did not message but wanted to XD lmaooo I know someone out there gets me with the whole PTSD of relationships on SL!! It be so rocky but when you come together it is priceless! I think about some of my personal friendships on SL and I have a few that have lasted as many years as I’ve been on, some people completely disappeared and some left notes first. I myself was one of the ghosters, I feel like maybe I gotta get karma back for the friendships i’ve personally fucked up before God gives me more new ones to try. EEK! PROMISE ILL DO BETTER THIS TIME!
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xtrablak674 · 15 days
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New Vinyl New Artist
It would be a whole-ass lie to say I am some kind of music aficionado, when listening to streaming music I listen to the same five playlist on Spotify. When it comes to my vinyl I spent most of my collection restoring records I had back in the 90s. Then I focused in on certain artist I like, like getting Janet Jackson's entire discography on vinyl.
I am not closed to new music, but am not always exposed to new artist even though I listen to alt.latino on NPR. I am picky about the vocals of my artist, and I really prefer to BUY new music on vinyl. I know a lot of these artist stream their work, but why have a vinyl collection if you're not always adding to it?
Another way I hear new music are artist interviews on NPR, soundtracks from television shows or maybe something played in a podcast. I decided to put together a listicle of five of my favorite vinyl albums of artist I had never heard of and or never heard music from.
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Amythyst Kiah - Wary Strange
I don't even know how to pronounce this artist name, but I heard her song "Black Myself" in an artist interview on NPR, and before it was even over I started Googling her artist website.
I am also not really sure how to categorize her maybe alternative folk rock? To be honest I have to be in the mood for this album, its doesn't get played as much of some as some of my other new music, not because I don't like it, but because its hard for me to pair it with other music.
Usually when I am listening to music, I like to think of other albums to play after it, and this is a stand-alone album that its hard for me to pair. I could do some Tracey Chapman or maybe some Lenny Kravitz, but she really has her own sound and she really changes up the tracks on the album.
But as I said in the intro, I love her vocals a little reminiscent of Dionne Farris from Arrested Development fame, she was also a very alternative artist who I find hard to pair with, even though I love her debut album "Wild Seed – Wild Flower".
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Conan Grey - Superache
Wow, I couldn't even remember Conan's name as I was typing him into this listicle I was searching for Connor Grey! This aside I was very moved by a track called "Family Line" a song about alcoholism and familial physical abuse/violence, I found this very relatable.
I couldn't tell you what Conan's race was or sexuality, but I could tell you I love his smooth tenor vocals and very personal lyrics about his love life and friendships.
This is an album that has a more upbeat tempo but sometimes very sad subjects. I enjoy singing along with the young Mr. Grey. I can't overstate how when it comes to music, I am really just about the music.
I have a Led Zeppelin album and I couldn't even tell you if that is a single person or multiple people or what any of them look like. I wasn't remotely interested in seeing any of Conan's videos or seeing interviews, I just love this album!
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bells atlas - the mystic
This was my first time buying an album from Bandcamp I don't think it gets anymore farm to table than that, meaning I really try to buy albums directly from the artist websites as opposed to other secondary markets like eBay or Best Buy.
I think I heard on NPR that buying music directly from the artist sites puts more of the money in the artist pocket. And I do genuinely want to support the artist, as an artist I understand how its important to get a bigger portion of the pie yourself not getting your monies diluted by agents, managers and in their case record companies.
Now I can't recall if this was the site where they let you choose what you want to pay, but I did have one of these smaller artist have that option and I paid the standard thirty-five bucks which to me is the standard for a single vinyl album.
I clearly recall where I heard a song from this "group" I think, remember I am not studying that kind of details. But Glenn Washington the host of Snap Judgement used the end of one of their episodes to play a track from bells atlas. I used Shazam and Google to quickly find who this frenetic music was from and ordered the album immediately!
I am pretty sure the lead vocalist is a Black woman, what I loved is the music, it wasn't R&B, maybe alternative club rock & roll music? I don't know why we feel the need to label music can't we just enjoy the sounds based on their own merits?
I love the fast-paced high energy music paired with the round and robust vocals, its totally pick-me-up music. I love pairing it with my Eric B & Rakim "Paid In Full" album they both are very upbeat and have lots of beats and rhythms. This is the kind of album I put on when I need to go outside and want to get energized before I leave the house!
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José González - Local Valley
Mr. González be all up in my mentions, I love using that term, that isn't quite true but I seem to keep encountering his music on my television shows that it seems like he is following me. I first encountered him on NPR in a music interview, and I loved the soothing quiet tones of his vocals and accompanying music.
Primarily I use José's music to relax, calm down or get ready for bed. He seems to be able to magically take my anxiety and reduce it to a dull-ache and not a explosive-burst.
I heard something else of his recently looked up the album which was from a soundtrack of a 90s film and the album was like fourteen hundred dollars. Now I did sometimes put out a couple of hundred dollars for my Janet albums but I am not paying thousands of dollars for an album that I will only play during certain times. I do have an eBay search looking for a cheaper version.
Mr. González is a mix of two cultures what we used to call a bi-racial child, I think part is Mexican and the other part something Northern European, please fact-check me cause I wasn't studying any of these details. The only other personal information I recall about him was that he was in a group before, because I was looking for another song of his and found it under another name.
Right now he's hanging out in one of my tabs for consideration of me buying another one of his albums. Some artist end up having several albums in my collection sometimes surprising even me. I didn't realize I was such a big Alicia Keys & Lenny Kravitz fan I have about five albums from each of them.
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Willow Smith - Empathogen
Okay okay okay, yes I know the fame of young Ms. Smith's family hardly makes her an unknown factor and I am not even gonna fix my face to lie that "Whip My Hair" wasn't a bop that was on high rotation in my home. But none of that was driven by her, her family wanted another pop-star and were seeking to create one. She clearly rebelled cutting off all of her hair showing that this isn't who she is.
I also watched this young woman who could easily be my niece hold her own with her very beautiful and formidable grandmother and moms Mrs. Jada Pinkett-Smitth at the red table. So I clearly know who she is, but I don't or didn't know who she was as an artist and this album gave me the opportunity to get into her head a bit more.
Full disclosure I am not one of those people who study lyrics or muddle over musical bars trying to find hidden meaning in the music. Half the time I don't even really understand what folks are saying, music is something that fills the background in my studio apartment. I am usually either writing, reading or doing something else around the house when I feel the need to bump some tunes. Unlike everything else on this list YouTube served up one of her videos to me, don't ask me which one, all I remember is she was laying down for the entire thing and it was shot from above.
YouTube knows my heart and knows I love Black artist and they didn't get it wrong sending me the young Ms. Smith. After the video ended I was already on her artist site looking for her new album.
It was on pre-order and after the Aaliyah experience I wasn't doing any more pre-orders, but the release date was only a little over a week away so I would just wait till May to cop it. There were a few technical bumps with the site, but then I finally got my copy and it was love at first listen.
Frankly not one album on this list I hated, I do have an album from a trans artist Beverly Glenn-Copeland called "Transmissions: The Music of Beverly Glenn-Copeland" where I wasn't crazy about two tracks, the opening one which has an operatic beginning and this other at the end of the first side that has this call and response.
Mx. Glenn-Copeland's speaking voice isn't my favorite thing, so the call and response is a bit grating to me. Otherwise I LOVE the album. I love their vocals and song choice, I love where they sing in their voice. I am thinking I should maybe attempt to look at Ms. Smith's lyrics and see what else she's trying to express, but I am NOT-THAT-PERSON, I'm the one who gets an album and only listens to the album, doesn't read liner notes, doesn't even open any included booklets with the album.
Ms. Knowles-Carter's Renaissance album came with I think two books which haven't as much as been cracked. I am one of those odd folks who just want to hear the music. I have now reserved my loud-time for Friday nights and Ms. Smith will be bumping Ms. Knowles-Carter out of her spot as my Friday night dance party album. But Beyince Act II will pair quite well with Empathogens's kinectic youthful and fun energies!
[Photos by Artist]
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Reviewed by: Lyssa Culbertson
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Y’all know that old saying that begins “March comes in like a lion?” Well, we’d be “lion” if we told you it came in gentle like a lamb with new music releases—and we’re truthers over here! 🤠Several fantastic records were released today or in recent weeks, positively roaring their way into airwaves and earholes everywhere. Keep reading to see what we think ya ought to be listening to:
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Dalton Mills—
A true Kentucky King, singer-songwriter Mills released his sophomore album, A Good Place to Hide, today and we expect it to garner just as much critical acclaim as his debut. The collection of songs are charmingly stoic at times, yet melodically poetic and hauntingly beautiful per the course for a Dalton Mills track. Mills has curated a fantastic selection of tunes celebrating life, love, and dreams while also focusing his lyrical attention on the framework of despair and the darker side of living. There’s even a lovely little instrumental ditty that is fresh and sunshiney—perfect for a warm summer evening “Flyin” down a mountain road looking for a “Good Place to Hide” as the “Blue Ridge Skyline” is “Fadin’.” (Listen to the record to see what I did there). For Guy Clark fans, make sure you dig in deep to find a lovely ‘lil tribute to the legendary troubadour. Speaking of troubadour status, Mills is well on his way to becoming an iconic folk balladeer for years to come. We could certainly sit here and analyze the depth behind every word and chord because there is so much depth to his work, but we want you to hear it for yourself—prepare your souls, friends!
Our favorite? The first track, “Ain’t Just a Dream” is a poignant take on the intricacies of a life lived on the road, giving your soul to the highway song and the crowds that sing along. The way he vocally paints a picture of the “spellbound scene” is sure to have listeners hooked through the last note of the last song, the same way he captivates attendees at shows with his stories along the way.
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Addison Johnson—
Readers may be unfamiliar with North Carolina’s native son Johnson, but if so, we’re here to tell y’all it’s well past time to get acquainted! An artist who effortlessly bridges the gap between classic honky tonk (God loves a pedal steel) and new wave country, his sophomore record definitely deserves a spin on your turntable and a permanent place in your collection. Sonically, it’s solidly sound and Johnson’s adept storytelling skills leave little to be desired in his writing—he willfully lays all his cards out in the table. Despite the seemingly lighthearted sound to a number of the songs, be sure to pay attention to the lyrics and the thematic content woven throughout the record. “Dangerous Men” isn’t just an album name and the title track, it denotes a underlying connection between the tunes on this concept record that is eager to explore all the ways life can make a good man dangerous, because we’re all merely a few steps away from the taking a ride down the wrong side of the tracks. From barroom ballads worthy of a broken-hearted jukebox like “Out of Control” to road-warrior ready jams such as “High Way” (featuring Alex Williams), this release has a little something for everyone. Hop on for a transient trip through the curves and curses of life with Johnson and we promise you’ll never wanna jump off—Hippie’s honor! 🤞🏻
Our favorite? Rounding out the record of tunes both celebrating and lamenting the sometimes darker parts of life, “Reason to Run” is a transparent, self-reflecting track that focuses on the importance of honoring who you are and chasing dreams despite what the world tries to tell you. It ain’t easy being a travelin’ man, but man…the beautiful things you get to see—and sing about!
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Lance Rogers—
A relatively recent newcomer to playing music over the past several years, Rogers quickly hit the pavement paying dues as he found himself while honing his sound and it’s come to fruition in a telling way with his sophomore record, Too Late for Flowers. As a complex, diverse human with a myriad of life experiences, Rogers is able to effortlessly translate that to his music full of various influences from his soul journey—the mark of a bonafide creative. This collection of songs is not only reflective of who he is as a person and an artist, brimming with foot-stomping barn burners and heartfelt ballads that tell a deeper tale than the music may sound. Featuring tunes on various subjects rather than one concurrent theme, the songs lend to the stark and sensitive sides of his eclectic essence, so to speak. Though past releases have been nothing less than excellent, Rogers seems to have found both his true voice and direction while dialing into the depth of both his songwriting and delivery. For his steadfast followers, the record features a few fan favorites he’s cultivated throughout the years but with enough new tunes to satiate even the biggest hunger for new music.
Our favorite? The closing track, “Breathe for Two” is a breath of fresh air at the end of what culminates as a stand-out release for Rogers. It shows off the softer, melodic side of his vocals and songwriting, and is such a lovely song. The interesting production at the end will make you press pause and rewind for at least *one* more listen, but we’re positive you’ll lend it several.
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Jordan Lee King—
Authentically Appalachian, King’s debut record draws from the mountains that surround him and the music that abounds. Though he is a recent newcomer to the scene, one listen to his ability to weave a story through time and space with his music, and you’d be none the wiser. The merit to his music can be found in it’s simplistic honesty, focusing on the trials and tribulations of a life well lived growing up in the hollers and hills. As you listen, you can’t help but become immersed in the stories as if you’re there, sitting on PaPaw’s porch pickin’ and grinnin’ true stories as if they���re merely forklore and fantasies as barefoot babes run wild and free, immune to the hardships of life being sung about. Featuring effortless harmonies and duets by the enigmatic Lucas Wayne, the songs are brimming with brightness amidst the darkness they sing of, an almost perplexing dichotomy reminiscent of a long ago time living amongst the present for those who truly listen to the message. For a debut record, we truly could not ask for more—is it on vinyl yet?!
Our favorite? The title track, “By and By”. Whew….for someone who usually has all the words, I fail to find them here. Part sweet Southern hymn, part fantastic folk tune, it details the singers’ desires for their one day home away in the sky—the added acapella recording of “This Little Light of Mine” brings a tear to the eye of sweet memories of the smell of honeysuckle and outdoor tables brimming with casserole concoctions from the church house on any Homecoming Sunday as MawMaw sang harmony in the choir, long before the ones we loved sang harmony with the angels in the kinds of heavenly homes the song dreams about. Perfection.
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Trey Lewis—
Being Alabama’s resident “Troublemaker” can be a hard job, but someone’s gotta do it—and troublemaker Trey Lewis is the prime example of the well-worn phrase “don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” Though we’ve been fans of Lewis’s for a long time now, we realize that he was first introduced to and gained many fans (and foes) with his first (accidental) #1 hit. Y’all probably know the one. Yeah, THAT one. However, we know the man—and the talent—behind the music and can certifiably say despite whatever your opinion may be on that, he’s quite the talented songwriter. While we can point to many past singles and records, as well as unreleased tracks, that support that notion, there are plenty on his latest album Troublemaker that we think music lovers will appreciate! Sonically and stylistically, the record is a 180 from the others on this list, but as they say variety is the spice of life! Backed by some of Nashville’s rather fresh crop of talent—along with some country legends—from songwriters to musicians, Lewis put out a backroad ready record of fun homegrown sing-alongs perfect for sunshine fueled adventures with a few lovey-dovey tracks perfect for that iconic summer romance. If you lean more towards a radio-friendly than indie folk tunes, this is the record for you! This collection of tunes expertly displays all sides of Lewis’s personality in one nice package with the silly and serious woven together in a few songs. Compared to previous album releases, the record explores a different sound—both with his vocal tone and overall sound—and it’s working for him. Though he can, and has, shown skill in a variety or musical styles over his tenure as a musician, to us the “Troublemaker” has finally settled into who he is as an artist, even if he’ll never settle down.
Our favorite? The title track, “Troublemaker,” is an affecting look at a wrong way running kinda life from the reflective perspective of a child to the lived-in lens of an adult bearing the scars while figuring out his place in life. As the former outlaw kids who evolved into the black sheep of our adult worlds, we wholeheartedly relate.
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listieshadows · 5 months
Listie babbles about her CD haul (2024/01/14)
Yesterday I walked into my local Sunrise Records with the intention of purchasing The Beatles' Yellow Submarine Songtrack to complete my collection of Beatles albums featured on a picture I've had of their discography that's been hanging on my wall for years. However, unfortunately, it wasn't there, and in a fit of "Well, since I'm here," I impulse purchased a bunch of other albums. And since I wanna talk about music more, hey, I'm gonna take a sec to talk about them! I hope nobody who sees this on their timeline minds the self-indulgence.
Green Day – Warning (2000)
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One of my top five favorite Green Day albums. Probably even top three. I really liked this brief folk punk turn for the band, and tunes like "Misery", "Macy's Day Parade", "Waiting", "Church On Sunday", "Minority"... Aw, it's just great stuff.
I've been meaning to get more Green Day stuff, anyway. For years the only albums of theirs I've had are American Idiot and Revolution Radio, and I'd like to have an unbroken line of their discography from Kerplunk to 21st Century Breakdown. After that, with stuff like the "Trilogy" and Father Of All... Eh, I'll pass. And we'll see about their new album when that comes out. For now, I'll say that I did also consider picking up Dookie while I was there, but all they had was the anniversary box, and I didn't wanna add an additional $92 onto my purchase. But speaking of anniversary editions being my only option...
Elton John – Honky Châtaeu (50th Anniversary Edition) (2023)
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This is currently my second favorite Elton John album, behind Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. I mean, come on, side one is a killer. Aside from having "Honky Cat" and "Rocket Man", it's got "Mellow" and "Susie (Dramas)"... Come on! Of course side two is great as well—"Amy", "Hercules", all that—but "Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters" has just never done it for me, honestly? Plus, sometimes I forget what "Slave" sounds like, so there's that, too.
Now, if I could've avoided it, I wouldn't have paid $32 to own the two disc anniversary edition. But that was the only version they had there, an', y'know, that just sucks a little sometimes, right? Like, you just want the darn album and not all of the extra demos and live recordings they're charging you more for, but that's your only option unless you wanna go trawling around Discogs or eBay for a more standard edition. And if I didn't love physically browsing so much...! Although that's probably what I'm gonna hafta put up with anyway if I wanna get Yellow Submarine Songtrack, so...
Iron Maiden – Powerslave (1984) and No Prayer For The Dying (1990)
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I'm pairing these two together for a specific reason, and I'll get to that in a second, but first lemme get my opinions out of the way. Powerslave might be my favorite Iron Maiden album—at the very least it's in solid competition with The Number Of The Beast. I find there's hardly a moment wasted on it, and of course the big hits are all fantastic: "Aces High", "2 Minutes To Midnight", "Powerslave" and the incredible "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner". In terms of Maiden's "epic songs," I like "Empire Of The Clouds" better, but "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" still holds a very high second place.
No Prayer, meanwhile, is an album I only first heard last year, and I can sort of tell why people don't like it so much. After the innovations of Somewhere In Time and Seventh Son, it's a big step back; and even for fans who preferred the earlier sound to the synths, the songs just aren't as tight as Killers or Number or any of them. Fear Of The Dark later on was an improvement, but only so much because of its bloated track list. Still, I've listened to the From Fear To Eternity compilation enough times that I have a spot for "Tailgunner" and "Holy Smoke", plus I think "Mother Russia" is kind of neat as well.
But why did I get both of them? You might not be wondering that up until I tell you that I've already owned a copy of Powerslave for years. In fact, it was the second or third Iron Maiden album I'd ever bought. So what's, uh, the deal, then? To put it in short, there was a box set released in 1998 called Eddie's Head which had their first twelve live and studio albums, from their eponymous debut all the way up to Live At Donington. At some point they were all released individually, and those were the copies I was collecting. After all, their spines formed a picture of Eddie. I had to have a full collection!
But I had one stipulation in mind: I knew that No Prayer was considered the worst Dickinson album, so I wanted to get that one last. That meant if I wanted to finish my collection, I had to find a copy of Live At Donington. Though no matter how many times I looked at HMV or Sunrise, I could never find it. It was only years later when I finally checked Discogs and saw how much a copy was going for these days that I realized, "Oh, they're not selling this at chain stores anymore." And in fact, they're not selling any album from this release anymore. They've all been replaced by the 2015 remaster, so I couldn't even get an Eddie's Head version of No Prayer even if I wanted to.
So I just gave up! I picked up the 2015 remaster of No Prayer so I could finally have an unbroken studio run from their debut to The X Factor, and I got Powerslave alongside so it wouldn't look stupid sitting all by itself. Will I ever get the rest of them? I mean, if that's the only option for the Iron Maiden albums I'm still missing, sure, I guess. I like their spines, too, so I'm getting that out of this whole ordeal at least.
(And in looking up a picture of the Eddie's Head spines to link to, it seems like I was also missing A Real Live Dead One as well? So... Oops! Guess that's two albums I would've had to get!)
Prince – Come (1994)
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The first time I heard this album, it was because of a podcast I'm making my way through: Jukebox Zeroes. The whole concept of the podcast is that it sees the two hosts plus guests reacting to and reviewing what's considered the worst albums from famous artists, like Metallica's St. Anger or Madonna's American Life, for example. Come was the album they'd selected to cover Prince, though by the end of the episode they admitted that they should've picked, like, Rave Un2 The Year 2000, 'cuz Come really isn't Prince's worst, or even a bad album. Frankly, it's rather something that Prince considered this "lesser material" that he threw at Warner Bros. just to get out of his contract with them.
I think they largely singled "Dark" as their favorite song on the album, but for me, it's "Letitgo". I absolutely love that synth melody that Prince sings along to for the chorus. The pre-chorus is really fun, too, I think. For, like, a month or two afterwards it was in my frequent rotation, usually played alongside Angela Aki's cover of "Still Fighting It" for some reason.
Ultimately, I prefer the album he put more attention into and wanted to have released at the same time, The Gold Experience (which I've had for months longer), but I don't think Come should be skipped. I mean, at the end of the day, it's still a Prince album. It's rare he makes bad music, and Come doesn't fall into that. Well, maybe "Solo", but your mileage will vary, of course.
And as a little divergence, can I just say that, before I got Come, it was really funny that I had the Love Symbol album and The Gold Experience sitting right next to each other on my shelf? Jus', one where Prince used the symbol as an album title, and then one where he used it as his name. It's great.
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amphibeans · 8 months
October 2 - busyhead
Hey hi ! This blog post came out on Monday instead of usually on Sunday. Very sorry if you were excited to get a new blog post of mine that day, but I was really really really busy this weekend and couldn't finish this blog in time. Currently writing this Monday evening actually. The title of this week's blog post is dedicated to some friends of mine who are big into a musician named Noah Kahan. They recommended me a ton of their music and started listening to him to see what all the fuss was about. Today (reminder that it's a Monday I'm writing from) I listened to his debut album 'Busyhead'. I loved it a lot, it's lush folk pop and it reminisces feelings of nostalgia to me. I am quite the victim of nostalgia, so that's why this appealed to me in a big way. Shout out to my lovely friends who recommended me this, I hope to meet them sometime. Listen to the album here
My first experience working at a venue
The big event I did this week was working at that venue I've been chatting about for the past week. Well that day came and went and was awesome, nay scratch that it was legendary ! Let me get you an overview.I arrived at the venue after taking a 2 hour train ride to there and it started pretty quickly getting ready for my job, which was stagehand. What that includes is basically building and breaking apart the stage for the acts that were playing; which were two bands and a DJ booth. The band (which was Glasvegas) arrived at about the same time that I came to work, and I helped with getting their material upstairs to where they were set to perform. They were very nice, just 5 dudes (4 were the band, one was their sound techician) from Scotland having certain doubts if people were ever to come to their gig or not. Their show sold about 300 tickets, and I'm confident most people came in the end.
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Glasvegas performing on the tiny stage of the club surrounded by spectators.
Back to setting up however, it was extremely fun and interesting doing this for the first time. Setting up cables, giving the band their material, seeing it all being built in front of me was awesome. It took us about 4 hours setting everything up and at that point most of my work was done. Another band, The Christian Club from Belgium, came in later but couldn't set up their stuff due to Glasvegas having tons of technical difficulties with their soundcheck. In the end the Belgian band only had 30 minutes to do soundcheck before they were set to perform.
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The Christian Club perform their aura in the Club (not Christian).
After all that was finished I ate some dinner with the latter band and they went on to perform. They were honestly really really good and I also bought a tape from them. Pure vibes, and the main singers' voice was deep and pure. I unfortunately couldn't see Glasvegas' complete set because I needed to catch the train back home. It's a bit of a bummer because the songs they did perform were bangers, and I would've loved to stay.I had an amazing time and I hope to do this more often. In fact my next one is already planned as of writing.
Halloween creatures?
With Halloween around the corner, I have decided that it's finally time to start releasing some new music again. And it's coming in the form of a reimagining of an earlier track. One of my favorite tracks I've ever produced is 'Pumpkin' from my debut EP. Before I made the track I was figuring out how to create the perfect string arrangement plugin to use to program violins. At the time I didn't know how to play the instrument (I can do it now but still with a bit of trouble) and was fighting teeth and bone to create something that sounds like it. One day, it finally worked out, and the end result was the track. My vocals weren't as fresh and lush sounding back then, and my singing was sub-par. With this reimagining of the track I'm hoping to fix this issue.
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The cover of the new single, I took the photograph.
It's gonna drop on Oct 26. And it's gonna start a brand new era in Acacian. One thing that not a lot of people realize is that all my songs are connected with each other. I got hugely inspired by twenty one pilots and their huge lore that they have and I decided to do the same for my projects. Just for clarification, CALMUS is not connected. The story of Acacian that I'm trying to tell is really deep, and it's still in a lot of its early stages. I think once I have an album this will become more and more clear, but for now what I can only tell you is that it's inspired by tons of folklore I read and that the things happening in the songs aren't quite as real as you might think. They're inspired by the abstract dreams and ideas I'm having everytime a revolution happens around the earth. But to answer the question of a brand new era in Acacian, it's coming. A new story is forming. One with a lot of creatures, and one which will take some time to write and to conceptualize. I'm taking my sweet time with creating this new world, and I hope that in the end it'll be worth it for you reading this blog. Thank you by the way for reading, you are very special to me.
A look back at September
To end this blog post I wanted to look back on what I've accomplished in September. I want every last day of a month to be a sort of thinking point on what I've done that previous month, and to see what nice and not so nice things I've done to take with me next month. I want you to try and do the same. Think about the things you've done this month. Most people tend to look at the bad things they've done and not the great things they really accomplished that let them grow as a person, so I want you to focus on the positives. Of course, we shouldn't disregard the negatives, but see them as opportunities to learn. For me my positives can be big and small; the big things I've done is starting this blog and working for the first time in a setting I'm comfortable with. Small things for me are going out with my family to a couple theatre shows and enjoying being with them. For things I want to take with me to approve are definitely my school grades for math and get better at starting routines. I still struggle immensely with getting everything on time, having a schedule, and believing more in myself. I want to work on that more and that could be my focus for this month. Writing down what you want to change about yourself or what you want to stay the same helps you to better understand yourself and know what's really going on when doubts start to arise. I hope that these tips might help.
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I took this photo after my parents and I went to a musical. It was awesome. The sun shining was a nice touch.
Song of the week: I Might Bore You. by milk. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have an amazing spooky month. - Acacian
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worms-i-think · 11 months
I don’t remember if I sent you this already bc I have the memory span of a goldfish, but here:
🎶✨️when u get this put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
hi pine!!! hope all’s well ٩(ᐛ)و and please get ready to have songs thrown at u!
• Like the Movies (by Laufey, link)
I’ve said it before on this blog, but I really love Laufey and am so glad she’s getting more recognition now—this one is essentially her daydreaming about living a fanfic life. Some of my other faves by her are Night Light, Falling Behind, and Above the Chinese Restaurant. All wistful, romantically inclined songs that I love!
• j’s lullaby (by Delaney Bailey, link)
This one makes me want to cry (in a good way) and sometimes that’s just what you need in a song. It feels simultaneously like the song you’d sing to a lover while you put a braid in their hair and they drift off to sleep, and one a new mother sings to a newborn. I put this on when I’m stressed or when I’m doing soft yearning hours while I draw and need a soundtrack.
• the fatalist (by girlhouse, link)
Self-callout time, this is a vent-adjacent sadness song about. You ever hang out with your friends for a long time, and then the happiness fades out super suddenly and you realize that moments pass by and you may never be as close to them ever again? Like that when they leave, it may be the last time? That is this song. Also singer is in an orca costume, very cool.
• Against the Kitchen Floor (by Will Wood, link)
I’ve got this one in a playlist of upbeat, upset songs, many urgently complaining about a failing, dysfunctional marriage, and this song is the grooviest of them! I love making themed playlists about very specific scenarios, & also book lists to go with them. The rest on this specific are all folk punk, so this one sticks out for being danceable.
• Follow Through (by The Altogether, specifically this version: link)
Ever wanted to see Brian David Gilbert sing a tender song about promising promising someone joy throughout their life? This is what you are looking for and it is very, very sweet. Maybe someday I might love someone as much as I love this song.
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ghostly-reads · 1 year
@scattered-stardust thank you for tagging me in this <3 (I'm putting this on here instead, hope that's ok with you)
Here's 6 of my favorite songs for you! I'm putting a favourite part of each song in here too bc I just got very excited.
1. Painting Flowers - All time low
All time low is what got me into pop-punk initially and I still love them. I have been able to sing this song from memory since I was 12. To me, it's very much their best song. (and it's also my all time favorite)
-> "Show my cards, give you my heart/(wish we could start all over)/Nothing's making sense at all"
2. Death - White Lies
I heard this song a couple years ago and I just haven't gotten over it yet, most likely won't anytime soon. I just really love it. I have shouted the bridge in this so many times. (When I was 17 I put it on a playlist of songs I think would help people know me and I still stand by that.)
-> "Could it tremble stars from moonlit skies?/Could it drag a tear from your cold eyes?"
3. I've wanted you - First Aid Kit
First off: I love first aid kit!! They're one of my absolute favorites <3 It was actually really difficult to chose which one of their songs to put on here, but in the end my love for this one won out. (I do recommend all of their stuff though!! they do indie-pop/folk)
Songs about lost/unrequited love are just something else you know? And this one has all the longing!! I adore it. It has such a soft melody, it's beautiful.
-> "You caught me in a moment/When I was trying to catch the wind/Thought there was some kind of magic/But there was just well executed tricks"
4. Chiquitita - ABBA
There is no song that cheers me up more than this one. When I'm sad it makes me feel better and when I'm happy it makes me dance. It's like a warm hug in song form. I'm so so fond of it. <3
-> "Chiquitita, you and I cry/ But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you/Let me hear you sing once more like you did before/Sing a new song, Chiquitita"
5. Cassandra - Florence + the Machine
Her voice is so beautiful??? I like the imagery of the song and also the story it tells. Her harmonies in this are beautiful. The bridge!! Is so good!! Ignoring the lyrics for a moment, the music is so good!! It has this atmosphere I just feel in my bones. I can listen to this for hours and not get bored of a single thing about it.
(+ Greek mythology references!! <3)
-> "I used to move into the future, bring it all back/Let it bleed through my fingers, a treasure in my hands"
6. Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
God I love this song an outright silly amount. It makes me smile so much my cheeks hurt and sometimes it makes me feel profoundly lonely, too, but thats ok. The guitar in this??!!! The starting lines??? The drums on drop everything now???? It just makes me go '!!!!!!' in my heart you know?
-> "Drop everything now/Meet me in the pouring rain/Kiss me on the sidewalk/Take away the pain/'Cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile"
Honorary mention going to: How Long? - Hadestown (the Broadway Cast recording) (you know this one already, though)
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