#i love seeing it with the cute bird on my dash<3
papirouge · 8 months
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I don't think ppl want to meet these characters, because they are fictional, I feel like you don't see that we don't need to agree with anything a character does to like watching their journey, we don't even need to like them ,
This take can be valid with antagonists/villains, but in my post I'm talking about Christians having fanblog of superheroes they actually love and support
As for the "watching something insulting our faith" in my post it xwas more about watching stuff "against Christian value". Like, don't you find interesting how Christians have not problem frowning upon watching shows with homosexuality (which don't necessarily -directly- insult Christianity)...but are cool with shows glorifying magic/fallen angel ? (a huge trope of the super hero thing is that their half gods... it's no coincidence)
Homophobia plays a huge role ofc (many Christians act like being gay was the worst sin somehow), but I also think that's because witchcraft has been repackaged in such a likeable, friendly & harmlesss way.
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elizaleclerc · 16 days
Hello, I love your writing, can I request Charles Leclerc x singer!reader where they already knew each other back when they were teenagers but the reader moves to LA to pursue her career so they kinda feel off cuz of the long distance, so years later Charles decides to surprise her at one of her concerts and tries to shoot his shoot after all those years they end up together and it's all fluffy and cute.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense english is not my first language, thank you <3
love this!!! tysm <3
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birds of a feather ✿
charles leclerc x reader
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summary: fem singer!reader reignites an old teenage love with famous driver charles leclerc
songs: birds of a feather by b.eilish, the 1 by t.swift
author’s note: mostly cute and fluffy but had to add a bit of angst oops! inspo from billie’s new album obv bc that’s all i’m listening to rn. also some google translate involved so oops again if it’s wrong :)
word count: 4k
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In the luxurious city of Monaco, you and Charles were cruising along the winding roads late at night, a favored pastime for the two of you. The cool breeze tousled your hair as the windows were rolled down, filling the car with the scent of saltwater and adventure. You stole a glance at Charles in the driver's seat, his face adorned with that familiar boyish grin, his eyes sparkling just as they did on the day you met him.
The car zoomed down the winding road, its expensive engine purring like a contented cat. Despite its luxurious interior, Charles had no qualms about letting you put your feet up on the dash. The scarlet sky painted with streaks of orange and pink was the perfect backdrop for this drive at sunset.
One thing different about this drive at sunset was that one of your own songs was playing on the radio. At only 19 years old, your song “Birds of a Feather” was reaching the top of the charts worldwide. At any chance he got, Charles would blast it at full volume whenever the two of you were together. It only made sense considering the song was about him.
You and Charles had been inseparable since childhood, a bond that felt unbreakable and essential to your very existence. Over the years, you both had your fair share of romantic partners, but it seemed like none of them could compare to the connection you shared. Despite any ups and downs in your own love lives, you and Charles always found your way back to each other, like two ships anchored together in the stormy sea of life.
Of course, there were fleeting moments when you wondered if there could be something more between you and Charles. The thought would cross your mind as his hand brushed yours or when he made you laugh until your sides ached. But those thoughts remained just that - fleeting and unspoken. You both cherished your friendship too much to risk changing its dynamic.
But deep down, underneath layers of familiarity and comfort, there was a quiet longing that neither of you acknowledged. A shared understanding that there was something more between you than just being best friends. And although it was left unsaid, it was an unspoken truth that added a layer of depth to your friendship.
The bass of the song throbbed through the car, drowning out Charles' words as he spoke to you. You strained to hear him over the music, but all you could see were his lips moving in time with the beat. "What?!" you shouted comically with a grin, and he reached for the volume knob to turn it down.
"I said, it's only a matter of time before you're touring worldwide," he repeated with a small smile. You shook your head in amusement. Charles always had grand visions for your music career, dreaming of reaching the stars and achieving the highest goals even when you couldn't imagine them yourself.
“You’re only saying that to be nice,” you playfully bantered with him, knowing deep down he truly believed in your talent.
A wistful smile crossed his face as he replied, “I’m serious. Before you know it, you’ll be in L.A., living your dream and making music for the world.” His words had a bittersweet edge to them, causing your own smile to falter. There was truth in his statement - Charles had just signed with Ferrari and would soon be the busiest he's ever been in his career as a Formula One driver. You were endlessly proud of him and all that he had accomplished. It feels like just yesterday when you both were just kids with big dreams, but now here you are, actually making strides towards achieving those dreams. Even with a hit song on the radio and promising opportunities ahead, you still felt like you were ages behind in becoming someone big in the music industry. And the thought of possibly leaving your best friend behind as you pursued your dreams weighed heavily on your heart.
He noticed the solemn expression on your face, his eyes full of understanding and affection. "Ah, come on," he said gently, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You know I mean that in a good way." His voice was warm and sincere."L.A. is a hotbed for the music industry right now," he continued, his excitement palpable. "And haven't you always talked about wanting to go to the States?"
You nodded slowly, unable to contain a small smile at the thought. "Yeah, but...I can't even imagine us being apart for so long," you admitted with a hint of sadness. "We've never been separated for more than a week. And even then, you were blowing up my phone every day." You couldn't help but laugh at the memory.
His own laughter rang out, contagious and genuine. "So now you know that when you're in the U.S., you won't have to worry about us not talking," he reassured you. "Clearly, I can't get enough of you." His words made your heart swell with love and comfort. Despite any ridiculous or anxious thoughts that may cross your mind, you were always reminded that the bond between you two could stretch thousands of miles.
About a week later, you had hired a manager with the help of your parents and were looking at record labels to sign with. Your social media pages were blowing up with new fans anticipating and begging for new music. It was a rightful step for a singer who had just had a song blow up, to make more music.
After many phone calls and contracts, you decided on the best deal to sign with the record label you had always wanted. With a location in Los Angeles, Sony Music Entertainment was your new employer. 
As the days passed, the familiar childhood bedroom in Monaco slowly transformed into a maze of boxes and packing materials. The bittersweet scent of nostalgia clung to the air as you said goodbye to the people and places that had shaped you. It was early February, just before the newest Formula One season started, but Charles seemed to be swallowed up by his work, juggling the responsibilities of being their rookie driver. In those fleeting moments between racing events, he squeezed in time for you, knowing that soon you would both be consumed by your separate paths. On the last night together, you took a nostalgic drive around town, savoring every street corner and landmark. As the sun dipped below the horizon, you returned to your house - now empty and cold without all of your belongings. The silence hung heavy in the air as you sat side by side, cherishing these final moments together.
You both sat on your bed as you rested your head on his shoulder and asked, “How did this even happen?” 
“Your talent will always drive you towards success, how could it not happen?” He replied and it made your eyes water. You weren’t sure how you were going to adjust with your time apart. You’ll miss his advice and little jokes. You’ll miss your late night drives around Monaco with him, taking in the cool air.
As he turned to face you, his piercing eyes caught the glistening trails of tears streaming down your cheeks. His own expression shifted from concern to sadness as he took in the sight of your heartbroken state. With a heavy sigh, he reached out to gently wipe away a stray tear from your cheek and murmured, "Please don't cry." Your eyes met his with a solemn understanding, but your bottom lip began to quiver despite your efforts.
You couldn't help but notice the glimmer of tears in his own eyes, which only made your own tears flow even more freely. Together, you both sat on the edge of your bed, gripping each other's hands tightly as you cried until it became almost comical at just how much emotion was pouring out of both of you. In between sobs, he managed to let out a small laugh and said, "It's not even an actual goodbye, I'll see you again soon.”
You couldn't help but laugh along with him through your tears. "I know," you replied with a watery smile. "I'll see you before I know it.”
But as the night wore on and the hour grew late, the reality of tomorrow morning's early flight to L.A. began to sink in. Despite wanting to hold onto this moment for as long as possible, you both knew it was time to say goodbye. You stood up and shared one final embrace, his arms enveloping you in a tight hug while yours rested around his neck. The warmth of his body and the familiar scent of his cologne brought a sense of comfort amidst the pain of parting ways.
“Tu vas me manquer mon amour,” he whispered by your ear, which made you squeeze him tighter. 
“Tu vas me manquer davantage, Char.” You replied with a raspy voice, your cheeks still wet with tears. He blew you a kiss before walking out the door.
~ 5 years later ~
The electric energy of Los Angeles, California pulsed through the air as you walked towards the venue on the opening night of your highly anticipated second tour. Fresh off the massive success of your second album, fans from all over the world were eagerly awaiting your performance tonight. You could already hear their screams and see their signs, some bearing your name since the very beginning of your career. Your first tour had been small, just a few cities in the U.S., but now with your skyrocketing fame, this tour would take you to stages across the globe. The thought of performing for thousands of people in different countries sent a thrill through your veins. As you approached the entrance, excitement and nerves intertwined within you, ready to take on this new chapter in your music career.
As you nervously waited backstage, dressed in a stunning white gown for your highly anticipated opening night in Los Angeles, your mind couldn't help but wander to a familiar name: Charles. The two of you had been inseparable during your first year in L.A., constantly talking and supporting each other's dreams. But as time went on, his calls and texts became less frequent until they eventually stopped altogether. You found yourself relying on social media to keep up with him and were happy to see that he had found success with Ferrari, but also couldn't shake the feeling of hurt and confusion as to why he had suddenly disappeared from your life. You debated reaching out to congratulate him on his wins, but deep down, you knew it wouldn't make a difference.
The next years after that became hard, and you struggled to make genuine connections with anyone in the industry. You found that often other artists wanted to use you for their fame or publicity. But you had found one genuine person, your boyfriend. The two of you dated for two years, but two weeks before the opening night of your world tour, he broke things off. You were devastated, as he had become someone you loved dearly and could trust with your whole being. His reason was that he realized he couldn’t handle your level of fame and that it was becoming too much for him to handle. 
So here you were, backstage, reminiscing on your career up until this point. Your mind ran over the setlist a thousand times. “Birds of a Feather” hadn’t made the cut for this tour, and you stopped performing it all together once Charles had stopped communicating with you. You weren’t sure why he was on your mind so much for your opening night. 
As you stepped out onto the stage, a wave of excited nerves washed over you. But with each step and movement, your confidence grew until it radiated off of you like a second skin. The bright lights illuminated your white dress, making it glow against the dark backdrop. You knew this dress well, having spent hours upon hours rehearsing in it, mastering every twirl and flick of the sleeves. And now, as you sang and danced flawlessly, you felt like a true star. Every note was hit perfectly, every movement graceful and deliberate. It was as if you were born to be on that stage, commanding the attention of everyone in the audience. The familiar click of a metronome and the muffled directions from backstage played in your in-ears, guiding you through the performance like a well-oiled machine. You had become a masterful performer, honing your craft to perfection.
You wished you could remember every moment of this night as you went through the setlist. You performed “the 1”, a song from your most recent album. Fans speculated it was about the recent split with your boyfriend, but really in your mind you knew it was about Charles. Your fans mostly were unaware of Charles and the old friendship the two of you had. He rarely talked about you in the media, and you were never asked about him, even though the two of you were individually growing more famous by the day.
As the final song ended, you returned backstage, the sweat dripping down your face and your body heaving with exhaustion. This tour was more physically demanding than your last one, with intricate dance routines and high-energy performances. But it was all worth it as you heard the crowd's roar of approval after each song and saw their hands in the air, singing along to every lyric. The adrenaline rush and satisfaction of a flawless opening night kept you going despite the fatigue setting in.
You got a flood of compliments from your team and the crew backstage as you felt the dewy feeling of sweat on your forehead cool down. Your manager came up to and wrapped you in a big hug, congratulating you and updating you on the next steps for the tour.
“I know you don’t typically meet people after shows, but there’s actually a visitor here for you. He was pretty persistent.” She told you as you stood outside your dressing room. 
“Who is it?” You asked tiredly, not wishing for long interactions with people after the show. You were worn out, and typically napped or slept through the night after a long show. 
“He said his name is Charles Leclerc. Went on about how you guys were childhood friends. He showed his ID and credentials so we allowed it.” Your manager explained everything and as she was speaking your face became flushed. Charles was here, in L.A? And your management had allowed him to meet with you. You were partly in shock and partly frustrated with how easily he was able to persuade your team.
“Well…where is he?” You asked, and your manager pointed to your dressing room door. “He’s in my dressing room?” You questioned in a surprised voice, lowering your voice in case he could hear you.  
“We weren’t sure where else he could’ve waited. He made it seem like he needed to have a serious talk with you.” She explained further and you put your head in your hands. You couldn’t believe the words that had come out of her mouth, and thought that maybe she was joking. You thought that you’d open up your dressing room door and it would be empty, earning a loud laugh from her and a “Got you!”
As you slowly opened your door, still clad in your flowing white dress, your heart caught in your throat as you saw Charles sitting on the plush brown leather couch. The air was thick with surprise and a tinge of nervousness, evidenced by Charles' fidgeting hands rubbing against his pants. You could barely breathe as you managed to utter a breathless greeting, "Hi."
He stood up abruptly, his body language tense and unsure. “Hi,” he replied.
The silence hung between you like a heavy curtain as you asked, "What...um...what are you doing here?" Your fingers instinctively ran through your slightly tangled hair as you waited for his response, feeling both overwhelmed and curious about this unexpected visit.
As he stood before you, he seemed to struggle with his words, his voice catching and pausing as if trying to contain an overwhelming emotion. You gazed at him in awe, taking in every detail of his changed appearance. The dimple in his cheek still deepened when he spoke, the same crystal eyes sparkled with unreadable emotions. But now his shoulders were broader, defined muscles rippling beneath his shirt, and his neck had thickened with strength. It was clear that time had passed, but it had only enhanced his features instead of diminishing them. "I," he finally managed to say, his gaze never leaving yours, "I came here to apologize." You couldn't believe he was standing in front of you after so long. And in this moment, all you could think about was how much you missed him and how different things could have been if he had stayed.
“Apologize?” You repeated, awaiting further clarification. 
“I’ve missed you terribly.” He began to pour out, finally getting a grip on his words, “Every day we haven’t been together has haunted me. You’ve plagued my dreams, my every waking thought.” He took a swallow, “I see you online, doing amazing things, and I just feel this guilt that I’m not there with you.”
You could hardly believe the words he was saying. You felt the same, you missed him every morning you woke and every night you went to sleep. Yet you felt a tinge of resentment. He could have been there, he could have responded to your dozens of calls and texts. 
“I’m sorry, mon chérie.” He finished his speech.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and your eyes watered with emotion, your face contorted with hurt. Your voice came out breathless as you spoke, "Char, why didn't you call?" Your heart ached with longing and you couldn't understand why he hadn't taken action to bridge the distance between you. The unspoken desire between you was almost tangible, making the current situation even more painful for both of you.
“My ex-girlfriend, once we got together she saw how often we communicated and told me that I couldn’t talk to you anymore. And I thought I loved her so much that I was willing to do whatever it took. But…it turns out…” He paused, looking you in the eyes. 
“What?” You questioned, waiting for him to spit it out. 
“It turns out as the years went on, that I just loved you.” He said as he stepped closer. 
“You don’t mean that,” You denied shaking your head, a single tear running down your cheek. 
“But I do,” he grabbed your hand, “I think I’ve always loved you.”
You broke out into a grin while tears still fell, and wrapped your arms around him, burying your head into his chest. “What took you so long?” 
“I’m sorry mon amour, I guess I was just too stupid to actually do anything. But I love you, I love you so much.” His arms wrapped around your waist, kissing the top of your head. 
You pulled back and placed your hands on his face, admiring his mature features. He took his thumbs to wipe off the tears on your face. “I love you too,” You told him and he grinned. “Will you finally kiss me?” 
His lips met yours in a gentle, yet passionate, kiss. As your heart raced and butterflies fluttered in your stomach, you couldn't help but smile as his lips moved against yours. It was your first kiss with the love of your life, a moment that you would never forget.
You had always known deep down that he was the one for you, but you had spent so long convincing yourself that a friendship was all it could ever be. But now, as you felt the warmth of his embrace and the intensity of his kiss, you realized that the love of your life could also be your best friend - the person who knows and understands you better than anyone else in the world. And in that moment, you were grateful for every step that had led you to this perfect moment with him.
Charles had to return to his Formula One season, but the two of you called every day. He made it to shows on your tour when he could, and when you traveled to France to play your home show, he was there for every minute of it. 
The crowd knew that this show was special, and fans had picked up on the new romance between you and Charles. Everyone was loving it, and older fans finally put the pieces together on the connection the two of you had. So for your home show, you played “Birds of a Feather” for everyone as a surprise, with Charles in attendance. The song had only changed meaning slightly, as you sang it with more love towards him than you’ve ever had before. Headlines were soon filled with your name along with his.
As the next year rolled around and January came, the two of you were inseparable at award shows, him proudly by your side for every one of your achievements. His smile lit up the room and his hand always found yours in the sea of people. Even when you won your first Grammy, he was there in all of your acceptance speeches, his eyes sparkling with pride.
As the year went on and you took a break from touring, you joined him on the road during his racing season. The roar of engines and smell of burning rubber filled your senses as you watched him race with skill and determination. The paddock quickly became like a second home to you, with fans flocking to meet the both of you. The Ferrari team welcomed you with open arms, treating you like family. It was a dream come true to be able to share this passion with him, and you couldn't imagine a better way to spend your time off.
Charles never dulled your shine; in fact, he basked in its radiance. He was not intimidated by your fame, but rather, he reveled in it. As you both shared stories about past relationships, Charles' understanding became apparent. He may have been known for different reasons, but he knew the highs and lows that came with celebrity status. Together, you formed an unbreakable bond of understanding and support. Life had become akin to heaven with Charles by your side, a constant source of love and grounding amidst the chaos of fame.
Together, you moved into a luxurious apartment in the heart of Monaco. The spacious living room had been transformed into your personal music studio, with instruments and recording equipment scattered about in organized chaos. The walls were adorned with posters from your past tours and handwritten lyrics. Charles stood by the window, looking out at the stunning view of the city below, while you strummed your guitar on the plush couch. The sense of security and stability he brought to your life was palpable - his presence assuring you that he would always be there, no matter where your music took you. As you played him your latest compositions, his fingers effortlessly danced across the keys of the piano, adding depth and richness to the melodies. Together, you created magic in that space - harmonizing not just in music but also in life.
As you laid in bed one night, your head rested on the pillow turned towards him, you caught him staring at you. You grinned, “What?” 
“Nothing, I’ve just never seen someone more beautiful before in my life.” He told you in a low voice, smirking at you. You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing you should’ve expected him to shower you with compliments. 
You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, “Je t’aime chéri.” 
You both settled into bed, cuddled up next to each other. He kissed your temple, “Je t’aimerai toujours plus.”     
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clownblr · 11 months
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I wrote a Whole Response to this ask and then I was like oh I wanna browse clown tumblr a bit so I went to save it as a draft and TUMBLR made it come up RED and deleted my whoole thing. So the ask box and the drafts on the blog get eaten up into tumblr’s bottomless gullet. Save me, friends :0( [sad honking noises]
BUT!! Thank you so so much for the ask anon, I got so excited!! :03
You all know parties, pierrot, and scares, but HERE are some clown breeds for YOU that you might not have known about!! (Maybe some of my personal favs hehe)
Porcelains are a favorite of mine- maybe because I care for one myself!!! I’ve seen a lot of pictures of them on my dash, but no one really talking about the breed itself. I think it’s pretty important to do so since they’re not a beginner breed, mostly due to their fragility. They’re very prone to cracking :,0( They evolved from clayface clowns, and their porcelain skin was believe to have been evolved to protect them, like a bird’s egg would- so it’s very good at evenly distributing force, but certain things can cause it to crack.
They enjoy the finer things in life- frills and shiny objects, pastries and sweets- Pinkee has been particularly fond of tea parties recently…. <3 They’re usually very small and dainty little things!! They’re also commonly mixed with other clown breeds such as parties or Pierrot!! Pinkee says hello!!
Rodeos are a breed of clown that I don’t think gets enough love, especially because they’re so so interesting!! Not many people care for them in the home- which I understand, since it’s a bit difficult to reproduce their natural environment. They’re used to warmth, having originated from the desert, and you know.., bull fights are a little difficult to just whip out in your backyard. They’re a very daring, energetic, and charming breed though! Some of my favs <3
Acrobats!!! Ough!! /pos!! They’re definitely not a breed I see on tumblr a lot, in comparison to their working human counterparts for which they were named. Different varieties/subspecies have popped up all over the globe, which I think is really cool!! They tend to parallel the humans performing the tricks they love :)) which I think is really sweet.. <3 They require a looooot of space, which is why they’re not as common domestically- they need room and equipment to swing and leap around. Their unique behaviors are what make them some of my favorites!!
Jesters have been making a comeback, as evident from my little friend Pinkee. They’re a living underdog story, really! They originate from the court jester, which was a breed that was believed to have gone extinct by the 21st century, due to the loss of their habitat and the way they evolved into different modern breeds of clown. But following the discovery of an isolated colony, clown husbandry enthusiasts worldwide have been working to spread this newer, more modern form of this breed that is more reminiscent of the court jester!! Court jesters themselves are very interesting to me, I always have some hope they’re not actually extinct,,
Teddies are, well- very similar to teddy bears, and come in a lot of different aesthetic varieties!! Usually very frilly and fluffy <33 They’re very good with kids and are overall just an extremely pleasant breed and wonderful for families! Very low maintenance as well- though they still need love and attention just like any other clown!!! They’re super common- sometimes you’ll see a teddy and you might not even know it’s a living clown, which has spooked me at the shelter,,,,,,,,Many Times,,,,,,,, I love them dearly though, they’re such cute little things! They love pastries and fluffier foods like cotton candy!
And those are some of my favs/breeds I think deserve more love!!!!! I can write up some more if you need, I was just very excited to write abt these guys!!!
Sending love! Please update us on that master post if you can!
-Mod Grace :0)
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pandoa · 1 year
Let me just scoot myself in here real quick AHEM! I would like to participate in this 100 followers event!
I would like epel with....
Daisies ~ “it’s our little secret, alright?”
Freesias ~ “you’re an idiot” “no, i’m not” “i hate you” “love you too”
Thank you^^ you don't need to do this if you don't want to and congrats on 100 follower you deserve atleast 500 but I digress.
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Daisies ~ “it’s our little secret, alright?”
Freesias ~ “you’re an idiot” “no, i’m not” “i hate you” “love you too”
~epel felmier x gender neutral reader~
warnings: just random people thinking epel is a girl while on a date with reader.. bless his heart. pls remember that although here, in this fic, it's to be taken as light-hearted comedy in a fictional scenario, misgendering others can have serious effects on people irl. always remember to never assume the important things about a person just because of their appearance. thank u <3
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♡manly misunderstanding♡
Epel wasn’t too sure what it would feel like to overblot. But he was sure that he would be moments close to forming the oozing, black liquid from his pen if you and him did not walk out of the mall you both had been shopping in as soon as possible. Because what had disrupted your very first date together as a couple was just outrageous.
Out. Rageous.
“Hello, Miss!” an overly cheery voice called out to you both, specifically referring to your startled boyfriend who jumped up in surprise. “Would you like to try out our new moisturizer?” the saleswoman chirped, “It's one hundred percent made of natural ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter! Perfect for a self-care day!”
Epel hesitantly raised his pale hand in refusal, instinctively shielding you from the gazes of the insistent advertisers as if you were a jewel in need of protection—even despite the fact that he was clearly the one in need of more protection rather than yourself.
 “Ah—No, thank you,” Epel politely declined, “I think I’m alright—”
The bright saleswoman, however, continued to tread closer and closer to the first year’s defensive form as she eagerly passed down a fancy-looking bottle of lotion into his hand, “Are you sure? We are having a limited-time sale for this season only! Here, come into our store and see for yourself—”
“Young Lady!” Readily backing away from the previous shop, the two of you hastily moved forward to flee the creeping stares of the mall only to immediately be caught by another spokesperson. “Please have a sample of our latest concealer!” The seller, this time a very young and refreshing boy, called out to Epel, “Clogs no pores and nurtures your fair skin!”
“Ah—Sorry, I’m not very into that sort of thing—”
“Hi! Wanna try out this trending red lipstick? I bet it would SO match that cute top you have on right now, Miss. Post and share it with your girlfriends, too! Or even your boyfriends!”
“Please, just leave us alone—” 
Hollering in frustration, Epel’s sanity had ticked its final thread of patience as he bolted towards the blaring red lights of the mall’s heavenly exit. You quickly followed behind him, concerned but slightly amused by your boyfriend’s struggle to escape the grasps of the endless sea of salespersons as they all flocked the young boy like a stray piece of food being surrounded by a wave of birds on the shoreline. Dashing past the tempting aroma of the plentiful food stalls, speeding away from any stranger who had so much as looked your way, and skipping across the wooden tiles of the mall’s boardwalk, you and Epel had finally stopped to rest as the advertisers were now nowhere in sight.
Well, you had thought so, at least. 
“...You know,” your voice said tiredly, finally catching your breath from the strenuous chase, “if the other first years saw this, they’d never let you live this down, right?”
“Shut up,” Epel glared back at you with no real ill intent. “It’s our little secret, alright? And no tellin’ Ace or Deuce ‘bout this! Nev’r!”
“Really~? What if I accidentally let it slip out one day during alchemy lessons that we were both chased down by a bunch of your fangirls and fanboys because of your beautiful looks? What would you do then?” a smug smile then slowly grew on your face, clearly trying to cause some sort of mischief between the two of you with your jokes.
The boy proceeded to maintain an exhausted stare at your comment, “You’re an idiot, (Y/n).” 
“No, I’m not.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you, too.”
Epel, upon hearing your words, stood still in shock for a fragment of a second as he took in what you had just said in its entirety. “That’s… that’s not fair,” he muttered in what seemed like a flash of defeat, “But you were kiddin’, right? You wouldn’t actually—”
“Hey, you there!” another unknown voice coming from the store adjacent to the both of you pierced your ears like a dozen nails on a chalkboard, “Would you like a special sample of this new cologne and perfume by a well-known rising actor and model? May I present to you, madam, Fairest and True, Schoenheit: The Fragrance—!”
“NO, PLEASE,” Epel curtly yelled as he leaped yards away from the salesman innocently holding out an elegant, violet bottle of perfume towards his stature, “ANYTHING BUT THAT—”
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a/n:  currently imagining vil in a fragrance commercial like adrien agreste from miraculous ladybug. i am dying.
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slenderverse · 4 months
omg i saw a mutual do this i wanna do it too
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vintagelacerosette · 10 months
Tag game catch up ✨
I was tagged by these magnificent sweet peas Macy @celestialmickey Evie @energievie Ling @lingy910y Laurel @lupeloto Deena @suzy-queued Vey @look-i-love-u Emmet @grossmickey Deanna @deedala Ajax @transmickey Cross @crossmydna Melodie @sirrudo Nosho @creepkinginc Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Paola @mishervellous Sisi @sisitrip Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy Kat @milkmaidovich Lyds @ardent-fox Lemon @depressedstressedlemonzest Carolie @shinygalaxyperson Ri @tanktopgallavich Jade @jademickian Michelle @mmmichyyy Arrow @arrowflier Meagan @softmick @solaq Anna @rereadanon Julia @juliakayyy Cherry @too-schoolforcool
Thanks yall 🥰
This weeks Tag game Tuesday
Name: Shermyn
Whereabouts in the world are you? Sydneeeey
Do you have any pets? My Roxy pup
What do you do for work? DMV but we actually help y'all lol
Favourite fruit? Rock melon or as mericans like to say cantaloupe 🍈
A pet peeve of yours: Music or vid in public places like doctor waiting room or in trains
Are you a fast walker or a slow walker? As many have said, bc of short legs it looks fast, but I'm just tryna catch up 😅
How do you usually wear your hair? Down & flowing & I try to make it fun with hair bows or fun clips 💕
Sunny days or rainy days? Sunny days ☀️
What time do you usually go to bed? 11pm-1am
What time do you usually wake up? Sunrise clock is at 6am but I go back to sleep depending on how late i sleep lol so 7am-8am. 9am-10am on days off lol
if you were a cartoon character, what would be your everyday outfit? My birthday dress but in the cartoon my outfit is magic so it can turn whatever I want it to be depending on the occasion but keeping them colours 🩷🩵💜 for example if I needed a business outfit it would turn into a dashing 3 piece suit 💖
Something you'd like to learn: How to write fic & to crochet
and finally, tell me something that made you happy recently: All the birthday messages from y'all (thank you) & seeing my friends for my birthday 🎂💕
Last week's tag game Tuesday✨️
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/they
Your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): Leo, & Nines (ok screaming bc this was the first time i did thay & can i say accuracy wtf 😭)
How tall are you? 151cm/4"11 aka cute sized by
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown
The last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): Barbie movie!! It was terrific & hilarious (if i did this one time the answer wouda been Birds of Prey haha great Margot films)
Favourite dessert: Love all dessert rn I'm craving for crepes 😋
Outer space or the ocean? Now I woulda said ocean before but just Good Omens season 2 means me want outta space 🚀
You’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? 10 pack nugget meal with medium strawberry milkshake & sweet & sour sauce for the nugs
Are you good with plants? Probs not bought some basil & my dad ended up take care of it idk if they still alive 🥲
Would your current self and high school self get along? Sure but she'd berate me asking wth girl thought you'd be an animater 😅
A food you can’t stand:
Something you’d do if money were no object: Have an lavish retreat trip somewhere exciting to meet all the you amazing gallabitches in the fandom, where we can have fanfic writing sessions, craft sessions & even have a meet & greet with Cam & Noel. Oh my! Am I making a dashcon for gallavich? 😆
The last app you opened on your phone: Amazon prime bc of Good Omens s2
and finally, compliment yourself! You are incredibly resilient, creative & full of light. 💖
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Concert ABC
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Five comfort characters
1. Mickey Milkovich from Shameless
2. Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed
3. Kaylee Frye from Firefly
4. Wylan Hendricks from Shadow & Bone
5. Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill
List five songs that someone else introduced me to that have made their way into my regular rotation
Last line written of fic
“Ok! Small Gallaghers, it's time to get moving and into the car, or I'll be getting chatty kathy up my as again” A familiar voice cuts through the tender moment and causes Ian to shoot up like he’s been electrocuted with Liam still in his arms.
(Ngl i haven't touched my fics in forever 😅)
Fanfic trope tier list
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unrestrainedbalderdash · 10 months
Top 5 bird species? (btw I love seeing your bird and Riddler fan art posts on my dash)
Swordbill Hummingbird. It's a silly guy, with such a long beak, I love birdies that look so disproportionate
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2. Common wood pigeon. They're a common guy, but they're like little friends, they're such cuties, and they like to come into my garden. There's a pigeon couple around my street and they cuddle on the rooftops and it's so adorable. They're the first bird call I could recognise with their "COO COOOOO COO! COO COO COO!"
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3. Moorhen. I've seen a couple of these, and their feet look so silly and big. Used to think they were coots. This is a baby and its feet are so so silly
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4. Emerald Starling. Riddler colours.
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5. European Herring Gull. Aka seagulls. They're evil [affectionate]. I've seen one yawn and make a noise like a cat meowing. Now that I love birds I no longer fear them and they hold no power over me.
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There are so many birds out there so I'm giving an honourable mention to Canada Geese (who aren't as evil as everyone says they are) and ducks because they're so cute. I love waterfowl
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canmom · 2 months
asgard's wraff too (immediate impression)
I had a brief go at Asgard's Wrath 2, one of the flagship games of the Quest 2/3, published by Meta themselves through their 'Oculus Studios'. This game is provided free to every Quest 3 owner so I figured I'd give it a shot lol. Though I didn't play for all that long before I got a headache and had to stop. (I think the headset was a bit tight, it's very finicky to get this right even with a better strap, and games that demand more movement tend to be worse for it.)
Asgard's Wrath is not to be confused with Asura's Wrath, the fascinatingly odd QTE-based game featuring animation by Studio 4°C. No, what we have is a first-person action game based on Norse mythology. Actually this new game seems to be broadening the mythological palette a bit, but the prologue/recap segment keeps things Norse.
tbh I wasn't particularly sold, but this game's been getting rave reviews everywhere, so maybe it gets better.
When I booted the game it had to compile some 4500 shaders - kinda odd, every Quest is the same so surely it could come with the shaders precompiled? Nevertheless, once that was done the game could get going. What I found was... kinda awkward, if I'm honest.
Broadly speaking Asgard's Wrath II features thumbstick movement with a directional iframe dash, and you can swing your sword and hit stuff. The opening level sees you fight a giant gryphon-like monster which flies around you and shoots laser beams. Credit where it's due, I think it's about as decent an implementation of this kind of thing as you could hope for... but in that very respect it really starkly shows the limitations of VR for action games.
Standing up and playing this game did not, fundamentally, feel more ~immersive~ than sitting at my desk playing an FPS game. If anything it felt less so. It felt sort of like I was piloting a mech rather than standing there as a Norse goddess. Especially when your character is flung bodily around: you look down and see your character's body near-prone, but your proprioception tells you exactly where your feet are, and it isn't there.
Movement generally feels quite glidy - no doubt too much up-and-down camera movement would be a motion sickness trigger, but also you can feel that you're physically standing on the floor, and somehow that is more noticeable when you're supposed to be walking than when you're supposed to be flying in a game like Rez Infinite. If you try to physically move around, the world sorta slides away from you in a weird way. I honestly think I would have preferred the teleportation based movement used in games like Half Life Alyx.
The whole thing felt like it was constantly calling attention to the difference between my physical body and virtual body.
Still, all that aside...
The game throws you in to a recap of the previous game. You get a little controls tutorial in a mysterious mystical space by disembodied arms belonging to the Norns, then you ride a giant bird through a series of vignettes from the previous game; then you get to wander around a tavern that is supposedly a prison where Loki used to be contained (always up to his tricks), encountering sort of phantasms of almost all the Norse gods telling you off for trusting Loki. Plus a little band playing tunes with a centaur in it, that part was cute.
This story, where a nameless player character is just sort of crowbarred into Norse mythology, feels incredibly 'videogames excuse plot'. From the way the recap was told, it was pretty evidently the kind of game where you're led around through a series of setpieces, while being told that you're powerful and important and a big deal. It's a story that's hard to take seriously in its own right.
I don't love the character designs. They look like a Marvel movie crashed into a truck full of concept art, full of ostentatious armour and huge horns. The way they talk, as well, feels very much like 'I am trying to get this exposition over as efficiently as possible'.
Things picked up a bit when a gryphon shows up and attacks you. The big bird here looks great and movies really well. The mechanics involved a few types of attack pattern to respond to - it's a tutorial boss so nothing too complicated.
The main weak point is the actual act of swing the sword at the big bird when it's down. It felt sort of like I was just waggling at it with a foam sword - there is no way to disguise the fact that you are swinging a small plastic controller which isn't actually hitting anything. But it was also hard to tell how much damage I was doing.
After you beat the gryphon you fall in a lake. Here, you're floating back-first into the gloom, but in practice you're falling horizontally, so again it has that disconnect.
OK, now let's talk about rendering. You knew it was coming x3
A lot of the materials in this game have that sort of smooth, noticeably low-poly look you see on the Quest. The game does try pretty hard with baked lighting and what appeared to be some envmapped specular reflections, and one point in the opening sequence had a dynamic light playing across the hands of the Norns - that was neat. I was also impressed by the rope physics while you're riding the giant bird. Certainly those 4500 shaders are doing some work in here. The main issue is, as with every Quest game, the lack of any dynamic shadows.
The tavern scene seems to be running into some kind of limit with showing skinned meshes, since most characters only appear when you move near to them, and they're all rendered with this Fresnel glow shader that hides any actual lighting information. But the characters rendered more normally generally look good. The animations at least are solid and abundant. Expressive body language is vital in a game.
I'll give it a bit more time at some point, but overall this feels very much like a game that was made as 'flagship action game to prove an AAA-style game is viable in VR', and on that front I feel like I'll take some convincing still - everything so far feels like it would work a lot better on a flat screen. It doesn't really have much identity as a game so far either - its interpretation of Norse mythology is gaudy and not particularly original, and it really feels like it's taking itself way too seriously. I think a dash of humour and weirdness would help tremendously. But maybe the Egyptian and Aztec sections will be more appealing, Norse shit is kinda played out these days.
iunno, are people still interested in reading about these VR adventures? I know most people don't have these platforms so I may as well be discussing the fauna of the moon
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steakout-05 · 10 months
barry images that make me happy :)
barryposting on main? it's more likely than you think.......this is going to be a long post so i'll put the read more header thingy on here
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Barry being an absolute silly billy thinking the poster was a forcefield and looking so genuinely stumped,,, no barry honey that's a piece of paper sweetie <3
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this is from an older post on Halfbrick's vlog from around the Christmas holidays in 2015 i think? and it's one of my favourite images of the guy. look at him absolutely livin the life! he's so cute when he's happy like that :) also this image is so gender, trans goals <3
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this is another one from Halfbrick's vlog that was posted when they announced they were moving headquarters. i really love when Barry's drawn in this style, they always make him look so beefy and expressive!! he looks so proud of himself, probably because everyone somehow trusted him to carry the delicate computers without fumbling and dropping them lol
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another one from the shorts, look at how himbo-like he is. staring into space with that empty-headed wonder in his eyes and that blank look on his face,,,, there is absolutely nothing going on in this man's skull right now. he's so sillydumb i love him <3
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i've previously posted about this image but man i can't not include it here. he looks so happy and content it's so cute :) man's livin the life and having fun!!
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HIS SMILE....... HIS ADORABLE SMILE........... such a cute adorable man <3 i want to hug him he's so.....,.,. 🥺
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yet another example of Barry having the cutest sweetest smile known to man :) this is right after Flash gives him the shoes and he's immediately so happy about it, he's so lovely :)
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i LOVE this image so much :D i love seeing Barry's softer side and the fact that him and Flash read together and that Barry cares about him so much is just so heartwarming and adorable,.,.. (i like to think that after the events of Level 2, him, Flash and Craig do this all together as a sort of family y'know? family bonding time and reading fairytales with each other :) i think that's really neat)
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this is from the Monster Dash rock opera and i think it's just so cute seeing Barry admiring his artwork :) bro looks so proud, as he should be! also i love the lil zombie chewing on the scroll :3 the zombies in MD and AOZ are really cute actually!!
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this image is just really funny to me :) this one's from the Robot Bird rock opera. it's really funny cause like, imagine hearing your phone ring right, and you wonder "hmmm who could that be" and you pick up your phone and the only thing you see is this. you don't know who this man is or how he found your number and the very first impression he makes on you is a picture of him planking in the middle of a park. do you pick up or is that image alone too intimidating to answer?
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i love how Barry just gets this blank expression whenever he's confused about something, like Craig tries to explain something basic and Barry is just gazing absentmindedly at him like "😶 huh" it's so funny XP
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this one's just really cute :) it's from the trailer and i really like how Barry's drawn here!! he always looks so small and cute yet so beefy and handsome at the same time!! he looks so tiny compared to his jetpack its so silly. also i love that cat, he looks so confused and lovely, i love orange cats they're so wonderful :)
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this image is adorable cause it's the most non-threatening looking Brains ever and Barry is just full on point blank pointing a double barrel shotgun at him. like literally all Brains is doing is just going "rawr >:)" and Barry is THAT threatened by him that he is about to shoot him in the face. they are so silly <3
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he looks like he is about to lose it, like he looks like you've just told him something catastrophic and this is the single moment of him processing it before he goes apeshit. in reality though he just was told by Craig that his rainbow jetpack's gotta be delivered to his place lol :)
and finally, a bonus babygirl Craig that i thought was adorable :)
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i-luvsang · 11 months
mooooooooonnn!! hey hello. its name twin :3 firstly, hope your day's been going well, eat or drink something if you haven't. i've also wanted to say for a rlly long time, i love your theme! it's just so well-done. the colors are everything and it makes my brain happy heheheh
question time!! ive gone in (most) of my mutuals' inboxes to ask but i wanted to see diff responses heheheh. which came first, kiwi (fruit) or kiwi (bird)?
; moony from redwa 🌙
hello hello moony !!! sorry for the late response !! thank tho sweetest i’ve had a good day so far and i’m about to eat ! i hope you’ve been doing well too !
eeee tysm !!! i’m so so glad you like it <33
ohhh i love a good question time heheh. i like this one lmao. the question is, are we asking which came first in terms of evolution orrrr which was named a kiwi first ??? and is there a relationship between the names of were they named separately from each other?? i’ll explore the naming issue here.
i wanted to say the kiwi fruit was first and that the bird was named after the fruit bc that’s cute, but after a quick google search, i was proven wrong. the kiwi fruit was named after the bird. since they are of chinese origin their original name is yang tao. then when they were first grown in new zealand they got the nickname chinese gooseberries. but! because gooseberries are not a popular fruit, they were renamed to kiwifruit after the bird bc they are both brown and fuzzy. so there’s everyone’s mini lesson on the origin of the name kiwi for the fruit, and which one came first.
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blood-bound · 1 year
maple leaf and sunflower for mark aaaand evergreen and seedling for pory!
ITS THE WEEKEND SO ITS TIME FOR ME TO BE (SO NOT) NORMAL ABOUT MY OCS!!! omg did yall miss me on the dash <3 <3 <3
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Okay look like his Vibes are definitely Fall like late Fall, things dying being cold melancholy etc. but his actual FAVORITE season is Spring <3 he lives in Michigan so it stays cold as fuck for a long time and he likes to see things like. grow and come alive. also as a professor the Spring semester is usually easier than the Fall so he likes that he usually teaches less classes so he can spend more time with individual students and his research. He *used* to like the days getting longer too... yea i picked this season to be his fav because of the Tragedy of it all and What Of It?
But really though he is a softie inside and this shows it <3 lol but i think its partially cause all other seasons have something about them that bothers him - summer is too hot so he cant wear sweaters that he likes also rushed classes, Fall is just a Lot for the academic year and also days getting shorter, and winter in Detroit is well. Real cold and miserable.
Also especially after being turned winter would have really bad associations for him lol
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
well if he ever went to Rome he would spend a lot of time Looking. Like he is really glad airport security isnt that tight cause he thinks one day he could afford to go to Rome now! Its the year 2000 in the US, Ooo he has Plany of Time. Mark might never get to rome UGH so sad.
But other than gay shit like getting lost in his lovers eyes (i crossed it out but its true) Mark isn't so much the type for this sort of thing... hmm... oh he'd definitely do the angsty vampire thing of staring down at city lights from a high place. Looking at all the people walking around... he'd think about how things were x years ago... be like wow people built all this... all the things other kindred don't care about <3 love u mark
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC's dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
Oh this is a cute question. I imagine a birch tree that looks like, way too skinny to handle the treehouse but somehow it does? Most of the treehouse isn't roofed but it is excellently shaded by leaves. A bird nest is within viewing distance. It would have flowerpots and wind chimes oh yes, so many windchimes. Lots of random pretty things hanging from branches in grabbing distance. A secret spot for snacks. A swing... yellow rugs on top of the wood... it'd be so fucking cute omg.
Also enchanted as all hell LOL
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
The Cabal Hates Vampires! All bad experiences. Alakazam was captured by em so because he has a personal hatred, so does the cabal lol. They don't see them as human at all and its truly no mercy askdlfjlsdfk.
She hates it when mages don't consider it their responsibility to help humanity. i mean like. they can do so much, they should help as much as they can.
As for new passions, well her obsession is understanding people's 'natural' luck before its influenced by herself and other supernaturals - what determines it, how far back is it determined, etc.
She is also super curious about what other supernatural entities exist cause theyve already met - in order:
changelings a demon vampires tzmizse monster/ghoul creations (i Forgor the name of these) a werewolf
and of course other mages. so tbh not sure what she's missing but im sure our st will come up with something because she is SO CURIOUS
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ailec-12 · 1 year
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I posted 818 times in 2022
129 posts created (16%)
689 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 814 of my posts in 2022
#art - 294 posts
#* - 129 posts
#hp - 122 posts
#encanto - 83 posts
#bnha - 83 posts
#severus snape - 75 posts
#quotes - 69 posts
#ask ail - 61 posts
#yagi toshinori - 53 posts
#ask meme - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#once i told someone 'i get why you want to drop this story; that's okay' and they replied very strongly that they were not going to drop it
My Top Posts in 2022:
A new chapter is out!
Some very intense moments between James and Sev take place. I hope you'll like it and let me know what you think.
30 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Prooooompt!! When Sev gets bullied by a group of kids, James is forced to look back and confront his own past behaviour. --- I'd love it if Sirius and Remus are there, too, and I'd love for Lily to get angry at some point. I kind of see this happening during the time where Sev and James' relationship is not so good (which is a very ample period of time, lol), but feel free to modify the idea as you want.
Thanks so much for this prompt, I really loved it! Wish I could've managed to include everything, but I'm delighted you still liked it so much.
Also, shout-out to @evilbeanghost for reading it beforehand and helping me see I was fretting over nothing, hahaha. Thanks, dear.
Also on AO3.
Looking in the Mirror
I. First Warning
It happens during his first week at school and Severus is paralysed by terror as he waits by the headmaster’s door. His fears are confirmed when not only Lily but James, too, turn the corner. He is in big trouble. For starters, he had no idea they would call any parents after just one fight. In addition, he has thrown the first punch, so the bruise blossoming on his own cheek had been written off as self-defence and he is the only one facing serious consequences.
He wants to cry. He wants to run. Instead, he digs his trembling fingers in the wooden bench. As soon as Lily is close enough, she crouches down. Her fingers brush against his unscathed cheek.
“Oh, Sev, what happened?”
“I reckon it’s pretty obvious,” James snaps coldly, stopping just behind her.
See the full post
31 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
I saw this picrew on my dash earlier today and thought it was really cute.
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Tagging @hklnvgl, @napo-con-fritas and anyone else who wants to try it out.
42 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
Fic Rec Friday (BNHA edition)
Just Watch Me, by WhiteWinterDragon (WIP, 13k). Rei disappears and Endeavor must take care of their four children.
Splitting Rocks, by iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid (one shot, 22k). Endeavor gets trapped in a time loop.
All Might's pen pal, by xweapon (complete, 27k). Erasermight. Aizawa sends a drunk email to All Might as he falls for Toshinori.
Gold, the colour of fear, by RedResin (one shot, 2k). Aizawa comforts Eri after a nightmare.
All Might-centric
Been Seen, by siriusfan13 (one shot, 1k). Pre-canon. "Being seen and being noticed are not the same thing. Yagi Toshinori knows this well."
Learning to Trust, by siriusfan13 (WIP, 86k). Gen, whump and hidden identity —not much else I could ask for. All Might wants to get to know the UA staff before revealing his identity to them. Lots of Aizawa and Present Mic as well.
The Torrid Affair of All Might and Yagi Toshinori, by speedwagons-glorious-mane (WIP, 3k). More All Might trying desperately to hide his identity.
misconceptions, by h1lo (one shot, 631). Nana's first impressions of Yagi Toshinori.
When Baby Birds Try to Fly, by pillowspace (one shot, 4k). Nana & Toshi, before she gives him OFA.
Let Them Eat Cake, by academiccockroach (one shot, 13k). Orphan Toshi bites (a lot) as he meets Nana and Gran Torino for the first time.
Breaking Down, by FloFlow (WIP, 13k). Nana deals with her own demons after abandoning Kotaro when Toshinori gets sick.
56 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Two truths, one lie
Tagged by @supermarketcrayons, thank you!
My favourite sport is football.
I've never been in New York.
I have a green thumb.
Feel free to guess!
84 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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Daww, this is so cute! We got a big ol happy certified sweetie Kawamatsu hanging out with Hiyori and some cranes. I’m loving the teahouse setting, especially a nicer one with grass growing again. That’d actually be a pretty cool party trick if Hiyori could keep an oragami aloft with a folding fan. The more I think of these two the more I think of Wano’s penchant for parallel stories and why Kawamatsu sought out Ringo to commit seppuku. Yeah, makes sense if 13yo Kiku missing Izo was not unlike younger Hiyori. I could see a guy like Kawamatsu really taking it poorly if he already had baggage about not being able to snap his big sis out of a funk and that old wound resurfaced with Hiyori putting him first again. Let’s forget that though, best Kappa is smiling and entertained. You know, if you get Kin’emon drunk enough he can keep that bird in the air too...
I’ve had my fun. This is still the 1080 Musings. We wanna talk about how much this crane motif rears its majestic head within as well?
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Ooh, big Blackbeard chapter. Pairs nicely with Shanks, and with a dash of Koby to make this as deeply atavistic in this series as we can. First off, we’ve talked about that “Part 2″ or sho wrapping up recently. This is two chapters now that don’t feature the Straw Hats after leaving off on a rather dire cliffhanger. Yeah, feels like an Act Break without the curtains right? First one with Law growing boobies was half a chapter same as between 1/2. This one feels a lot like the extended segment between 2/3. Next chapter might be a little more of the world or we might slip back into Egghead proper, who knows? But I wouldn’t be shocked at all to see us return to an advanced story. Scrambling to get out of there. Thing about “part 3″ of a Kishotenketsu plot though...ten by design should be a jarring shift.
Not to undermine the substance of Blackbeard & Co’s. story though. It’s...all about infighting, too much sheer power, rushing into things. In contrast with Koby being selfless, looking out for the common people, and so cutely humble. Not to mention this reputation as a hero. It’s all over, we’re deepening the ties between SWORD & Thriller Bark characters through Perona. All while Drake remains the unfired Chekov’s Gun. Interestingly, and making for a great potential tie to the post-Act 1 break, using a very “Wano” trick we can now ascertain which of the BBs is there at Egghead. Some combination of Kuzan, Lafitte, and Catarina Devon. The Crescent Moon Hunter is obviously the one I’m most interested in. Opens up another fun mechanical way to play with these themes, whether or not they directly include Kiku somehow.
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This is where my mind goes when you have a copycat impostor thing going on. Yeah Bon was fun but they knew about him. This is from Yu Yu Hakusho again, start of Chapter Black. Yusuke had to pick who was the copy. That’s it. You could even make Jinbei suss it out and give him a good moment but it’s perfect for a newbie to show they belong. If you have something like I’ve suggested for Kiku though, it could work just as well in reverse. We the reader know the threat. Catarina corners say...Nami while impersonating Franky. Acts sus, easy smoke out right? “Hey! See the newbie around?” “Oh Jin--” ZAP! Either way, Catarina interests me because of how she factors into that cutaway right after Act 1 and meeting Kiku. Blackbeard is always a foil for Luffy, so there’s definitely a reason we’re seeing themes like infighting and making the same mistakes as Rocks. But now...our main event!
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This girl is rocketing up the Blorbo Rankings. Combat pacifist with Vegapunk’s flower gun? Being all coy about radiating that wife energy? Lance Corporal Bearington back there guarding some peach cobbler and sweet tea for Koby? Remember when we saw Stussy/Sentomaru side-by-side, noted how they’re both like if you made one of Kiku’s halves a whole person? Yeah...so for SWORD we have this sweetie next to cutesy dominatrix Kujaku doubling up on both crane & peacock nods! Hibari’s a lark by the way, and her name means Skylark. Check out the fan theory more popular in Japan about some noteworthy similarities between her and Akainu though. That’s compelling...especially since Akainu is one of the big reasons Luffy needs to be composed. Either way, yeah Kujaku & Hibari together give me that same vibe as Sento/Stussy. I’d dare say even closer, but maybe that’s because of the actual crane here.
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Prince Grus! Grus meaning “crane” in Latin. First, Glorp-Glorp Fruit is amazing Viz. And the lil golem is so cute! Maybe you could say something about how the golems are a little like Basil Hawkins’s power, which was always antithetical to the virtue Kiku’s story displays, but here it’s obviously a lot more benign. Main thing to me though is look at how coordinated SWORD are in contrast to Kidd/Blackbeard. This was a hitjob and a damn effective one. Setting up Garp for the easy layup. I love this as a thematic contrast to what’s going on in the main arc! I’ll just say it too, SWORD’s gonna be a favorite if they keep this up.
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elsawr1tes · 1 year
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I posted 157 times in 2022
That's 157 more posts than 2021!
125 posts created (80%)
32 posts reblogged (20%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 140 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#enhypen smau - 57 posts
#lee heeseung - 49 posts
#enhypen - 49 posts
#heeseung.tsf - 46 posts
#enha smau - 46 posts
#enhypen fanfics - 46 posts
#enha fics - 46 posts
#enha fanfic - 46 posts
#park jongseong - 45 posts
#enhypen fics - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i love how instead of admitting that their friends have braincells the gang chooses to ignore the possibility that y/seung could be dating
My Top Posts in 2022:
S.Coups: *counting the members* 12, 13, 14- wait, 14?
Sunghoon: uh
Hoshi: he’s our son now
Seungkwan: yes
147 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Seungkwan: i’m having a child with Jeonghan hyung
Jungwon: oh, congrat-
Jeonghan: *slams down adoption papers* it’s you, sign here
153 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
heeseung: thank you for coming to my hee talk
jay: so what does hee stand for?
heeseung: what
jay: ted stands for technology, education and development, what does hee stand for?
heeseung: so it isn’t after the person who’s talking?
176 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
the sim(‘)s freeplay
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PAIRING: y/n x lee heeseung
SUMMARY: sim y/n decides to create her twitter moots in the sims freeplay, chaos ensues
GENRE(S): social media au, fluff, the sims freeplay, comedy, humour, crack, romance, rom-com
WARNING(S): swearing, dirty jokes, making irls into sims, weird in general
FEATURING: enhypen, stray kids’ jisung and minho
UPDATE SCHEDULE: why do i even include this anymore
START: 22/06/2022
TAG(S): #heeseung.tsf, #asks.tsf (for un-clogging your dash like a plumber)
TAGLIST: closed D: (you can still ask to be added to the permanent taglist!!!)
CHAPTER 1 - how jakephobic are you feeling today
CHAPTER 2 - back? broken
CHAPTER 3 - wikihow 🫶💪
CHAPTER 4 - love is in the air
CHAPTER 6 - jakehoon antis unite
CHAPTER 7 - omg jason you always ruin everything
CHAPTER 8 - the noises are the birds fucking
CHAPTER 9 - riki look at me this isn’t you 🥺🥺
CHAPTER 10 - that’s kinda sus tho
CHAPTER 11 - maybe he has spotify premium
CHAPTER 12 - thursdays are smegsy
CHAPTER 13 - what’s upsexy
CHAPTER 14 - we must stay focused brothers
See the full post
238 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
enhypen - when you sleep together [headcanon]
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pairing(s): enhypen x gn!reader genre(s): fluff & romance, established relationships warning(s): new tumblr author, mild swearing a/n: this is my first time writing on tumblr so this might be a bit weird but yeah, enjoy!
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you’ll probably have forgotten to go to bed , waiting for him to come home from the studio, so you’re asleep on the couch. when he walks in he sees you asleep and internally he’s screaming because damn, you look so cute in your little cat pose snuggled with the blanket. he gently wakes you up and helps you to the bed. you’re already asleep again when he comes back so he just smiles and lies down next to you, an arm around you and letting you snuggle into his chest.
~ JAY:
he pretends to hate it when you wrap an arm around him but secretly he loves it so much, along with when you fall asleep on his shoulder after a late night event, he adjusts himself to make sure it’s comfortable for you. when you get home, he will not hesitate to try and carry you to bed (which always fails, ending up with you waking up and the two of you walking to bed together). sometimes, when he’s really tired, maybe after a late night dance practice, he falls asleep on your chest and it’s so cute when you wake him up and he looks up at you like a confused puppy, “y/nnie?”
he tends to fall asleep first, hugging you close. sometimes his head rests in the crook of your neck, maybe the closeness of your pulse soothes him. he’s like a little puppy when he sleeps, his face relaxed and squished against the pillow, and you like to watch him breathe in tiny, as you slowly drift off yourself. on the rare occasion where you fall asleep first, most likely after a super tiring day, he lets you sleep on his chest, watching you with the most lovey-dovey eyes until he falls asleep too. however tired he is, he won’t sleep unless he’s kissed you on your forehead, “goodnight, y/n”, and you say it back every night, “goodnight, jakey”
he’s the type to pretend he doesn’t like the skinship but then when he’s asleep, he cuddles closer to you and hugs you around your waist. it always wakes you up, so you just watch fondly until you fall back asleep, your heads now touching. he always denies it in the morning, “stop lying, y/n, i would never!” but you both know how much he loves it. when you fall asleep first, he tends to hug you so that his body shields your own, he’s trying to protect you even in his sleep and you find it adorable when you wake up in the morning caged in his arms. when he falls asleep first, his head is usually on your chest, soothed by the feeling of your chest rising up and down as you breathe.
you always fall asleep first, because he keeps himself awake just to see you asleep. he hugs you super tight, whether it’s a back hug or a normal hug, and he loves it when you snuggle into his neck. you’re always super tired after a long day, so he makes you both hot chocolate and you watch a drama together until you both fall asleep on the couch, your head resting on his chest with his arms around you. when you wake up in the morning, you always laugh at his face scrunched up behind the face mask he wears to sleep, “it’s important to maintain my beautiful skin, y/n!” and you’re usually the first one awake, unless he has an early practice when he’ll wake you up so that he can kiss you before he leaves, even though you always whine, “why do you want to kiss me? i just woke up!”
there isn’t really one specific person who falls asleep first with you two, it depends on the day. if he falls asleep first, he’s probably got his arms and legs splayed all over you and when you wake up you just smile and gently wriggle out from under them. when you fall asleep first, it’s usually with your arms around his torso with your head buried in his neck, and his arms around your waist hugging you close. if he has to wake up early in the morning it’s usually to you whining and trying to pull him down to make him stay in bed with you, but he just laughs and kisses you goodbye on the forehead. sometimes you come home later than him, which is pretty rare, but by that point you just fall asleep next to him, when he’ll wake up slightly but then go back to sleep, his arms draped over you.
~ NI-KI:
he’s the type who is used to sleeping on his own, so at first it feels a bit awkward sleeping together. after a while you notice that he tends to put an arm over you during the night, and you always hug him when you sleep. some mornings he wakes up and just lays there in your arms until you wake up and let him go. some nights he comes back late and gently lifts your head up so it lays on his chest. he likes watching you, so peaceful in your sleep, snuggling up closer to him for warmth. after a while he starts hugging you back, with both of you hugging each other as you sleep. sometimes you have to wake up early, but he won’t let you go, arms holding you down and he mumbles into your ear, “don’t go, y/nnie”. you stay there for a while, enjoying the warmth, until you really have to go, which makes him grumpy until you come back.
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a/n: that was fun, hopefully you enjoyed it, and if you like this sort of stuff feel free to request it :)
check out the rest of my content here
434 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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upperranktwo · 1 month
You seem very nice! I like seeing you on my dash! Also make me think of a small bird and Doma probably lives on your birdhouse roof. He just sits up there. Menacingly.
tyyyy that is so nice <3333 & I love birds!!!!!!! they are super cute!!!! but he can't sit on my birdhouse!!! he will break it and that won't be fun fixing >.<
Send me your anonymous opinion of me <3
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4ggravation · 1 month
i woke up way too early this morning and need something to do, so here's my liveblog of the hsr version 2.2 special program!
(spoilers and such below the cut)
someone in chat just said "she boot on my hill till i star rail" and bitch i've never related more in my life
kinda sad there's like, no hint of boothill at all in the main screen
i'm happy to see aventurine and black swan in the thumbnail tho, they're some of my favorites from penacony <3
i hope y'all know it's 7:20 am for me LMAO, decent sleep schedule we don't know herrrrr
just went to the bathroom as fast as possible before the stream started. call that a speedrun (this joke would perhaps land better if i was still using the cyno pfp)
awwww, borb black swan is so cute
the happy birthday song! <333
he really just served cunt and left huh
robin is so majestic i love her
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huh, i thought robin's voice would be higher-pitched
"dashing gunman" UH HUH...
i haven't done penacony yet, i know nothing about this plot LMAO
and yeah, there's my admission of not being caught up on the story, fuck off /lh
why are you bringing up dr. ratio, aventurine ❓
the way owlbert speaks makes me so happy, i can't explain it
"maybe.... or maybe not, ehehehe" robin i love you
i love robin's aesthetic so much, all the soft blues and lavenders are gorgeous
the caged bird motif...
sunday get outta here no one cares /j (..../hj)
who are you people...
her music is so sweet, i'll definitely listen to the songs when they come out
"he's on his way" so is he actually gonna show up?
"someone who plays both sides" Hm. Interesting.
yes i know what that phrase meant in context, let me dream for a moment
i never said it before but his animations are so cunty, i adore his design
"when you're on all the wanted lists" my beautiful prince with a disorder!!
"there isn't a third phase... right?" "IN THE THIRD PHASE-"
we have to beat that thing to level up boothill?? goddamnit
OHH BOOTHILL IS IN THE SECOND PHASE... i honestly thought he was in the first phase. i'm sad to wait even longer for him, but at least this means i have more time to save!!
acheswan moment...
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okay this film event looks pretty fun
will we ever. see boothill? or is he just gonna be fucking off forever
oh lord he's getting ipc bounty-d
robin being a boothill fangirl... she's just like me i fear
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a digital version of the ultimate trailblazer's guide to penacony!! i need that
banger special program! i can't wait to see my beautiful wives (boothill and robin)
also the boothill + movie events look rad! hopefully i can get through penacony in time for them lmao
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