#i love nya can you tell
l1-b1 · 2 months
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Loose and quick Nya sketch :D
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
At this point my page is gonna be all about Morro and his similarities to characters, BECAUSE NYA AND MORRO HAVE SO MANY TOO?
Like situation wise/life wise I’d say their pretty different. But personality? Their elements? Who they are and how they carry themselves? Now thats where the similarities sit.
Both Nya and Morro are shown to be some of the most elementally strong characters in the show, their only contenders being each other and Lloyd (and Lloyd’s Lloyd, so theres that). They both gained their elements from Wojira, and i think that is a strong reason as to why they are both so similar to each other and to their elements.
Water and wind are both elements known for their freedom and knowledge, for being uncontrollable and followings its own whims whenever it wants. Both elements go where they please, take whatever shape they please, and are deadly powerful. Morro and Nya both perfectly represent their elements. They both are shown to be determined and stubborn, have the ability to be soft whilst also being sharp and deadly, they are both forces of nature so well tuned to their elements that its very unlikely to be seen from past elemental masters.
They both are probably considered prodigies simply due to the power of their elements, but they only reached the levels they have due to nonstop hard work to prove their worth. Their egos are probably nonexistent, but their prides are high up. Their goals, their morals, their wishes? They are determined to fulfil them no matter the cost.
(Please look up the definitions to determined, ego, and pride. Not cause you’re dumb but because knowing the definition if you didn’t already gives a way clearer understanding to my point rather then just knowing the word(i had to look up their meaning too to be sure it fits))
They both are also sarcastic little dimwits who are annoyingly smart. They both have high expectations for themselves and would hate to disappoint others. They also refuse to listen to others opinions if they are 99% sure they are wrong and have short tempers. They both are stupidly cool and know what they are doing.
I could go on and on about how elementally and personality wise they are super similar, but its heavily hidden by the paths they both ended up taking. Despite them both being considered normal and almost being outcasts, they both ended up being super important and powerful later on and grew to become better. Except, Morro was put under impossible expectations. And when Nya had that done to her, Wu was better at teaching and understanding and she was raised by someone who had a strong moral compass. These differences had caused their situations to be significantly different, and has made people point out Morro’s similarities to Kai and Lloyd more, when personally i think those two are the most different to Morro.
Anyways, Nya and Morro could be the best duo cause imagine resurrected Morro and Nya, both being the strongest duo to existence as they bicker like children.
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wyrmswears · 3 months
"Generator"; 1569 words.
The Administrator has something to show Agent Walker.
Sure, he knew it wasn’t the first time he had been called to a one-on-one meeting with The Administrator, but it may as well have been. It wasn’t like he remembered any of their previous interactions; he was going in blind all the same.
When his fax machine first spat out the offending paper, he believed it had been sent to the wrong agent. But there was his name at the top, ‘Agent Walker’. There was the possibility that someone else shared his surname, but as far as he was aware he was the only agent without a first name.
The listed meeting room wasn’t her office, nor was it one of the Administration’s more conventional meeting rooms, complete with tables 30 people long but only one person wide and more fake potted plants than you could ever imagine. No, today he had been called down to the lowest floor of the Administration: the server room. The part of his brain that understood technology bristled at that; it would be much more effective to place the server room on a higher floor. Nonetheless, he wouldn’t say anything about that to The Administrator when he faced her - he would stick to his department, as all good employees did. The networks and communications department could handle that one.
The elevator down required two separate keycards: one was his standard agent ID, and the other digitally recognised him as a department manager. The former granted him permission to move between floors, yes, but only the latter allowed him access to the basement.
The ride down took 2 minutes and 43 seconds. He counted. No one else entered the elevator the entire journey.
When the elevator reached the basement and the doors slid open, The Administrator was standing on the other side of them. He hoped he would forget this meeting like the others, if just so he could become ignorant to the way he jumped at her sudden appearance.
“Agent Walker.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Administrator, ma’am.”
She smiled. This did nothing to soothe his racing heart. “Come, let’s talk.” She beckoned and he followed her into the dark room.
It was large, but so were most rooms in the Administration. The realm reassignment department was tiny relative to the office rooms that the majority of their employees were stationed in. This room was about half the size of block 8E sub-block 185A A3/11√5. He could see three of the walls, dark stretches of concrete, sealing them in. The fourth that should’ve sat opposite to the elevator was obscured by rows upon rows upon rows of computer servers. A blue glow emanated from them and he grimaced at the thought of the voltage it would take to create a light that strong.
As he struggled to keep pace, The Administrator barely spared him a glance. “This may seem beyond your department, but trust me, your role will become clear soon.” She forewarned. She would never have him leave his department, he knew. That was the first rule of the Administration: Stay in your place. “What do you know of Lord Ras of the Wyldness?”
Lord Ras. He had heard that name. Some of the employees that hailed from Imperium had mentioned it in conversations coated with nothing short of hatred. The ‘outlander’ who had gained a position of such power in their otherwise closed society. That sort of talk only ever continued for a couple days before their new job turned their interest towards paperwork and mild office drama.
“Isn’t he the one trying to awaken ancient evils without a permit?”
The Administrator shot him a look, slow and venomous. “He is”, she nodded, “but that’s not important to us right now.” She walked towards him. He averted his gaze to the floor with stiffened shoulders but found that she only continued past him, down the alley of servers. She didn’t need to beckon him this time, he knew what he was meant to do. He followed.
There was little light between the pillars of computers. They were only between two rows of the many, but what he could see was endless. The towers sparked a theory in his mind about why she was mentioning the rogue lord. “We use a lot of power.” He started, testing the waters. The Administrator stopped walking and turned to face him, her silence commanding him to finish his speculation. “Lord Ras allied with Imperium by promising them power; do we need to ally with him too? To have enough power?”
The Administrator smiled and shook her head. Count two for smiles, and a contradiction - she must have expected him to guess wrong. “You’re right that we do plan to ally with him, but it is not out of need for power. We have all the power we could need.” She turned again and continued to weave her way through the computerised nest which was now composed of more than just server towers. Thick cables ran both overhead and underfoot, LEDs glowed from no visible circuitry, and the drone of electric humming and cooling fans only ever got louder the further they went.
Finally, they breached the sea of servers.
Now that he could see the wall they had been trekking towards all this time, he realised that it wasn’t made out of concrete the same as the other three walls. No, this one was glass. Despite this, nothing was visible from the other side. There was no depth at all, only pure light glowing an almost-white with its brightness (though when Walker inspected the way it lit up its surroundings, he realised it to be tinted pale blue).
In front of the glass wall, the cables reached their largest size before slipping underneath panels in the floor. The servers did not get within 10 metres of the wall. Instead, they stood guard in their rows, watching the tiny humans approach the divine light.
The Administrator hummed, snapping Walker’s attention back to her. She gestured towards the glass. “This is our power source. You can look, if you would like.”
He didn’t know if that was a good idea. Just looking at the glass from this distance was already beginning to hurt his eyes. Nonetheless, unsure if it was because The Administrator had told him to or because he chose to, he stepped forwards.
As he approached, he could feel the electricity in the air. It combed through his hair and bounced around a pit in his chest, dangerously close to the one that ached whenever he thought about the family he might’ve once had, before he forgot everything. He didn’t realise he was shaking with a strange sense of excitement until he was close enough to touch the glass and found himself unable to hold his hand still. He almost did touch the glass, but held back just before his fingers made contact. He still couldn’t see anything on the other side. Pale blue swallowed his vision.
He looked over his shoulder to The Administrator. She raised an eyebrow and jerked her head towards the glass again. He turned back. A bright light stared back at him.
He didn’t scream. This was unusual - Walker knew he was cowardly and anxious and that in any other scenario he would’ve jumped or fallen back or swung a punch - but something was different this time.
If anything, he stood closer than he did originally, watching the sparking lights with complete fascination. His breath fogged the glass.
“What is it?” He asked after what could’ve been anything between a second and a day, even though he couldn’t hear what he was saying over the pounding of his own heart.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” The Administrator was at his side now. When had she moved? “It’s lightning.”
Like realising one’s hunger upon taking a bite of food, the word sparked an ache in the back of his head. “Lightning…” He knew what that was, of course, as well as where it came from. They must have captured it live from a storm. He had never seen a storm before, but he had heard anecdotes of them from newly recruited employees and field agents alike. He was jealous. Did all lightning look like this? Freckles and curls?
She watched as he pressed a hand to the glass. The lightning responded in kind, pressing the palm of its hand opposite to his. “We could let it go of course, but it would run away. Far from here.”
Far from here… No. They couldn’t let it free. Now that he had seen it, felt it, he knew he couldn’t bear to part with it. They had to keep it contained. He told The Administrator such.
She nodded and smiled again. “I knew you’d understand.”
He dropped his gaze to study the hand that would’ve held his if it could.
It was almost the same pale blue that shone through the rest of the glass, but somehow brighter. The similarity in colours made it hard to tell the form of the figure apart from its glow, but blue and yellow markings fanned out across its form like the branches of a pine tree. Lichtenberg figures, his mind supplied.
He looked up at its face, admiring its curls and running a hand through his own. He wondered if he’d at all resemble the figure before him if he looked in a mirror.
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numberonepartyboy · 3 months
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stuff from my ninjago pmd au... everyone else is coming as soon as i can figure out their designs. no fullbody bc i would perish i think
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kicktwine · 2 years
I am both VERY angry and also VERY happy that you have unintentionally gotten me into Jaya again, your version SPECIFICALLY is wholesome and cute and I love it smm!!!!
(sonic ✌️ pose) my new goal is to inflict whatever parasite i got from watching seabound on other people so GOTTEM!!!!!!!!!! SHOCKWAVE BE UPON YE
have another. have another one. More
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holycrimin · 1 year
RGB Siblings!
Then suddenly theres 50-100 fangirls coming around the corner of the street as soon as he posts the photo
[Click the photo for better quality!]
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Surprisingly only a third are here for Lloyd and Kai and the other 2/3rd are here for Nya
Well here it is! This was supposed to be for new years but I took too long, and an embarrassingly longer time on shading bc i couldn't figure out how to render it properly lmao
Experimented a bit here, and i'm pretty satisfied with the result ^^
[No text ver.]
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yki-dolls · 6 months
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Huh look, it is Ninjago. Why not I suppose lmao.
This is a post apocalyptic au I kinda came up with with no idea explanation (definitely was a bit inspired by This fic on AO3)
Idk whether I'll write it or ever draw anymore of it ever but I like the designs so I'm posting it goddamnit.
Also I love the idea of Zane being fucking tall as fuck and Kai being... Less so, but hair included, being the same height as Cole. He gains like 4 inches just through hair gel lmao.
I could have made Lloyd tall, but he gives off small vibes. I just think it'd be funny for him to magically grow up and gain like... 5 inches max and still be the shortest.
This is making me realise that maybe a few too many of my design decisions are based on what I think is funny...
This au diverges at some point before Zane blows himself up at the end of s3, and is set several years in the future past that, except several things that happened afterwards didn't. Because it's MY au and I get to choose what traumatises them.
Also, I tried to sort of mix their og designs and their newer designs.
(And Jay gets an eyepatch because I loved when he got one in Skybound and I am sad he didn't keep it, honestly. Even though I know why he didn't.)
Anyway, closeups, ect:
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I realised that Zanes arm is the perfect height to rest on Pix's head and I couldn't stop laughing lol (He's posed like that so his Falcon can land on his arm but the idea that he's posed like that to torment everyone he knows is objectivly funnier lol)
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There's an odd number of them so Cole gets to show up twice <3 also he's got his tits out because he would do I take no criticism.
Pixel art Commissions
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theatlasrealm · 2 years
Kai Version: Isn't it so incredibly interesting how both smith siblings handled their trauma in drastically different ways?
Kai  has low self esteem/self worth (depends on people, powers, and statements to determine his value), constantly needs to prove himself, and is immensely dependent on external validation (his obsession social media is a prime example of this). He invalidates himself, dismissing his emotions/feelings, and needs regular reassurance (tendency to blame out-of-control situations on himself, likely derived from the mindset that his parents purposely left him because he wasn't good enough, and i’ll bet my soul he stayed awake  nights wondering that if nya was firstborn, would his parents still leave?) .
His fear of being useless is also likely derived from that same mindset and as such he portrays himself through a cocky/prideful ‘persona’. This is false portrayal of himself, simply to appear stronger in the eyes of others, because if others think he’s of value they won’t leave him, because with or without this ‘mask’ not even he knows who is truly is.
He tends to dissociate during emotionally intense/overwhelming situations, or go into a state shock/confusion. He developed unhealthy coping mechanisms (violently self destructive) with situations regarding loss and grief. All of these things are results of and/or mechanisms he developed from his childhood trauma.
but. despite everything i’ve written above.  he loves nya. raised her. protects/supports her. took lloyd under his wing. he loves lloyd. throws heaps of physical affection towards cole. he loves cole. accepted jay as a brother in law, was so supportive of jaya and helped jay in proposing. he loves jay. makes things fun for zane, reassures him. he loves zane. showed master wu to believe in himself. he loves wu. he loves his entire team and expresses it in ways that value each of them individually. he makes friends with dragons. he loves dragons. he taught/worked with kids. he loves kids. despite what the disappearance of his parents did to him and nya, despite nya’s refusal to show her parents love (valid, btw) kai loved maya. he loved ray.  he loved his parents all over again, he loved his parents again so easily. he loved and loves and keeps loving.
trauma gave him self-destructive mechanisms. trauma instilled insecurity in him. trauma took away his sense of self worth. trauma emptied him of self-love. trauma stole his sense of identity. but kai held on to the ability to protect others, to care for others, to help others. he held them close to his chest. because like hell he’d let his trauma take that.
kai refused to let trauma strip his ability to love. his ability to love is unmatched.
Inspired by this post:
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ashclouds366 · 11 months
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inspired by @mostdefinitelyahumanperson's ninja coffee hcs :)
uninked (and possibly better-looking) below cut
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kai in his jammy pants :3
i can't draw cans but jay is drinking bimbo juice (pink monster)
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regulus appreciation post.
regulus who fought his way back from an ed. regulus who fought his way through hate, abuse, sh and self hatred. regulus who, no matter what, sees the rain and thinks to himself this was worth it. regulus who fought his father's words and who will continue to do so until he dies. regulus who loves. so much. regulus who sees nya struggling with an ed and recognizes himself in her. regulus who picks her up when she falls. regulus who loves evan every time he feels like he's not enough. regulus who dissappears sometimes but everytime he comes back he comes back stronger. and with more love.
regulus who fought his way through his childhood and early teen years just to be able to say i am alive with certainty. regulus.
my love.
(this post is not about regulus black. please don't make it out to be)
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un-pearable · 2 years
at all times fighting the urge to rewatch s1
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senseiwu · 2 years
i Need him,,,
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megu-nya · 27 days
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★ ¦ anon asked: can i ask for a yandere!dom! kaiser x fem! reader where he is a student council prez and jock at the same time. he made reader into a secretary and blackmailed her. BTW YOUR WRITINGS ARE SO GOOD I LOVE THEMMM ! this is an idea from me but make it smutty pls 😳😳
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★ ¦ ft: michael kaiser
★ ¦ tw: nsfw :: fem!reader :: dubcon :: vaginal penetration :: no prep :: virginity taking :: blood
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"If you don't want to, I can tell the whole school that you've been whoring around and that this is how you got your straight A's", Kaiser said as you were about to leave the council's office, your hand stopping from wanting to open the sliding door. "Excuse me?", you said, walking over to where he was sitting.
He was crazy, you knew that by now. A sigh left your lips when you sat down on the table in front of Kaiser. A sinister grin plasters his face when he stands up from his chair, placing himself between your legs, watching you as you lean back to lay on the table, his hard-on pressing against your panties underneath your skirt.
"Make it quick", you spat as he pulls down your undergarments along with his own. "Such a brat", he groans and slaps the tip of his dick against your sensitive clit, eliciting a whine from you. "You'll learn to say yes and thank you to everything I do with you once I'm done", he growls, pushing his shaft into your core without any prior penetration.
You yelp in pain, glaring up at Kaiser who was looking down to where you two met, blood drizzling down onto the table. He had taken your virginity. "Shit", he slured breathily, a wave of pleasure rushing through his body, making him thrust his hips into your tight virgin core involuntarely.
"You bastard, it hurts!", you snap at him, tears having formed in the corners of your eyes. His hand found its way onto your mouth, pressing down so he didn't have to hear you complain. "If you want to speak then all you can say is please, thank you and more", he groans. You knew you'd be stuck with him for god knows how long.
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2024 © megu-nya — all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, translate, modify or plagiarize in any form.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request?
synopsis. you were a sucker for jealousy sex, man.
pairing. toji fushiguro x reader
genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, established relationship, domestic fluff, dilf!toji, milf!reader, tattoos, jealousy sex, exhibitionish, Toji being childish, cowgirl position, hints of subby Toji | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍 800+ w.c.
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Dilf!Toji who comes home from picking up Megumi and your daughter Nya from their kindergarten after-school activities. 
Toji scolds the two for running down the hallway as soon as the front door opens, their little pitters from their feet slapping against the wooden floor as they rush into the living room where you were lying snuggly just to tackle you into a hug. 
The two are all smiles and giggles as they kick off their sneakers and snuggle up next to you.
They were practically glowing with excitement, as if they hadn't seen you just hours before, on the same day you had taken them to school. "Mommy! Mommy! Can I show you what I made in art today?"
Despite posing the question, the girl had already started unzipping her bag and shuffling through the strange, cryptic amount of things she had packed inside of her small Hello Kitty backpack.
If you hadn't had quick enough reflexes, you'd have thought she was trying to take your eye out by shoving the bendy wire figure right into your face.
"Oh wow, honey, it looks so creative; I can tell you worked really hard on it." You honestly couldn't tell what it was—fuzzy purple, red, and green covered wires all bent into some sort of shape that you could only assume to be a figure, but you put on your best motherly smile for your child.
"It's you, mommy! Can you tell, I even gave it a big butt." When Toji came into the living room, slouching his shoulders on the back of the couch and leaning forward.
Looming over the exchange, you decided to change the direction of the conversation before he could get remotely lewd about his favorite body part of yours.
"Did you make anything, Megumi?" Despite not being your biological son, the coal-haired boy still showed the same amount of admiration for you as your own daughter did. 
But it was still very clear that Megumi had all of Toji’s attitude, with the boy showing no interest in his sister's show-in-tell and not even bothering to cover up his glare at her art project. "That looks like crap," Megumi states bluntly, earning a dramatic gasp from Nya. 
The girl held the figure to her chest as if she were protecting it from him.
"You look like crap." Toji teases, no better than the children. As the three start bickering back and forth with each other, you reach for the TV remote and pause the Netflix show that you were trying to binge.
It was like you were raising three kids, as the argument only became pettier by the second.
"Why don't you tell mommy about how Itaduri’s mom liked your tattoos?" Megumi shrugged, your brow furrowed in surprise as the two children abruptly switched teams to go against their father.
"Is that why she was touching your arm?" Nya asked naively, unaware that she had just unpinned a grenade.
Your palm pushed away Toji’s face as he tried to distract you with a kiss, curving him as you dug for more information between the two. "And what was daddy saying while she was touching his arm?"
“He said thank you.”
Now that you understood the cost of having a super hot husband, you weren't blind to Toji’s charm, but over the years of being in love with him, it was pretty easy to say that he was just blessed with his attractiveness.
Having women throw themselves at him was nothing new,it was just another daily problem added to the things that Toji had to go through. 
It's not like he entertained any of the women that came up to him because he truly only loves you, but that didn't mean that you weren't allowed to be a little needier sometimes.
Plus, he wasn't complaining much while lavishing you with affection. His hands lingered on your body long after the kids had fallen asleep for their naps. 
It was daring, having to straddle his lap on the couch in the family living room knowing that the kids could wake up at any moment, but for Toji.
It was just another goal he was willing to complete, seeing how fast he could make you cum in that circumstance.
Handing his hand down to your thighs, he gives them a squeeze as he catches his breath, watching you ride him with an admiring glint in his eye. "You're so fucking beautiful, you know that?"
"Really? more beautiful than that other bitch?" You knew Itadori’s mother wasn’t a bitch.
If anything, she was a kind lady who knew how to make really good brownies.
You’d probably scalp her if you ever saw her skirting with Toji again.
No hard feelings, but she should know better than to touch what was yours.
"So much—ah, you’re the most beautiful woman I know." Toji whimpered, reaching his tattooed hand in between and sharing some attention to your clit. 
You were a sucker for jealousy sex, man. 
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not me making another milf!reader man,,
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mittenslikescats · 2 months
I can’t even
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Some fucker changed it because ‘oh no Ninjago can’t possibly have a gay relationship’ even though there’s evidence in the SHOW and not to mention several ppl working on the show support these 2 as a ship.
And don’t tell me that ‘they’re just trying to make sure the information is factual’ cus on that same exact page they have Nya listed as one of Cole’s former love interest even though it’s been confirmed by Tommy Andersen that Cole never liked Nya romantically and that he was just confused at the sudden attention she was giving him.
But of course some homophobe probably got upset at seeing Geo being a possible love interest for Cole. I sometimes cannot with this wiki, like you have your canon straight ships, you got Jaya, Kailor, Pixane, Llokita just let us have this one gay ship be canon. It’s not going to ruin Cole’s character if he ends up in a romantic relationship with Geo. When Kai and Skylor got together did that suddenly ruin Kai’s personality? No and it would be the same for Cole.
It’s honestly tiring having to fight for queer representation in Ninjago and it doesn’t make it easier having homophobes trying to bash anyone who supports a queer ship or headcanons a character as queer in this fandom.
Also while on topic I actually hate how ppl will try to use Vania as an excuse to be homophobic. Like when a homophobe goes on about how ‘Cole isn’t gay’ they’ll always bring up Vania (and Nya at times too) like it’s been confirmed that Cole and Vania are just friends yet people still treat the ship as canon (u can totally ship them if u want btw) and use Vania as an excuse to homophobic. Like don’t you dare bring my girl into this
I’m honestly disappointed in the ninjago wiki, I thought people there would be more open to the idea of Cole and Geo being a canon couple. But I guess that’s just wishful thinking.
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kaisfruit · 7 months
Hiiii loved your first first about kai!
Could I request a one shot or headcanon about each of the ninja and how they would pleasure a fem!reader pls?
How they pleasure you | All ninja x fem!reader headcanons
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a/n: omg tysm for my first ask <3 this is like,,one of the few times ive ever written nsfw so!! i hope its okay :3 also im gonna leave out lloyd cuz ik technically he's an adult but idk it's still a bit weird imo warnings: nsfw under the cut (duh),cunnilingus (cole, zane, nya) , slight size kink mention in cole's part, degradation in kai's part, inappropriate usage of elemental ability (jay), umm thats all i can think of im srry if i missed anything ^^
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Ugh idec he's a big guy. is that a collective hc that the whole fandom can agree on? i think so
def uses that size to his advantage when y'all are alone together
I'm talking like MANHANDLING
only if u ask tho cuz cmon we all know he is such a caring guy he would always take your wants and boundaries into account
okay, my horrible down bad size kink out of the way-
mans has a big appetite (wink wink)
goes down on you like no other. like, he treats your pussy like it's breakfast, lunch, dinner, AND DESSERT babes
there would be no breaks with him. i cant say this enough, but he is eating you out like a man starved
overstimulation bound to happen srry i dont make the rules
he would NOT ask for anything in return
this man is the biggest giver when it comes to sex oh my lorddd
you're in charge but like he is if you know what i mean?
like he does what he knows you love, but on his own terms
ur in the bed and he's just instantly pinning you down yk using that strength of his, spreading your legs as far as the can go, and boom diving in head first
srry i could fill up like 3 posts of just cole eating you out im that passionate abt this topic
Plays with your pleasure like it's a damn toy
This man is the biggest tease ever
Though, his teasing does lean a bit towards minor body worshipping bc he's just everywhere
Marking you up with hickeys wherever he can get his damn mouth
Hands? can barely keep track of their movements. One second they're playing with your tits the next he's two fingers deep in your pussy
Let's just say he's taking his time here just to make the actual sex feel absolutely amazing on your end
But rlly it gets him going seeing you all whiny beneath him at his never ending touches
it's a win-win if you think about it
kai is not the guy for u if ur not down for a bit of degradation because DAMN
he has to come second place to jay in the yapping awards bc he's always saying smthn during the act
he pays attention though. listens or feels your reactions to every filthy thing he whispers to you.
absolutely ruins u for anyone else. gl w this man yall <3
He is so damn PRECISE??
Like, how does he know exactly how to touch you in that spot in order to get that reaction?
LOVES i mean like absolutely LOVES fingering you
being able to watch you come undone on just his fingers? god it is everything to him
will also add his tongue into the mix bc even tho hes a robot he cannot get enough of ur taste
just so calculated w every movement
bro made sex into a science 😭😭
tells you how good you're doing for him, how perfect you look, etc.
loves praising you bc it's the honest truth of how he feels about you
tbh 50% of the pleasure he gives u is from the pure love u can feel with every slight touch, every kiss, everything
soft dom vibes iykwim
REFUSES to even try to get himself off if he hasnt attended to you first
also an extreme giver like
he would get rid of entire body parts if it meant making u feel even better during sex
okay thats hyperbole but like
this nindroid has so much love in his robot heart for u and he needs u to KNOWWWW
she has all of these boys BEAT when it comes to pleasuring u bc of her same gender advantage
her head will stay in between your legs until you are absolutely SCREAMING her name
that fact fills her with immense amounts of pride btw
i see her as giving u a good mix of gentle and rough touches that like come together to make the most intense feeling ever??? if that makes sense
she's so good w her mouth like,,,everywhere
her favorite place to have her mouth is on ur pussy ofc, but she could also give a vampire a run for their money with how attached to ur neck she is
marks litter your neck
she's so good at finding that one little sweet spot that makes your body squirm
tends to multitask as well
like if she's currently a knuckle deep in your hole then you can also probably find her mouth licking and sucking at one of your nipples
everything she does to you is just so confusing in the best way possible
everything with him is just so fast-paced
he barely gives you any time to catch your breath in between anything
just one thing after another with jay
it mostly comes from his overzealous nature
your body makes him feel like a kid in a candy store im not even gonna lie. there's so much he could be doing he doesn't even know where to start
constantly talking. what did you expect from the motormouth himself?
half of it's mumbles of how gorgeous or how breathtaking you are and the other half is just downright filthy
honestly that second part would be such a turn on cuz u wouldn't have expected it from jay
the first time he used his element on you it was an accident
he didn't even realized it happened at first. he felt you jolt at the sensation and his first instinct was to apologize instantly, but he never even had a chance as he felt how you clenched down on his fingers and the moan u let out would forever be ingrained in his brain
from that point on, he's constantly looking for the best opportunity to let the smallest current just give a little tingle to your skin
jay really knows how to keep things interesting <3
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