#i love it when you guys send me abi asks
wispstalk · 1 year
what does Abi think of Miraak?
first impression: bitchmade. out of control ego. the corruption of the all-maker stones would really disgust her. one thing about Abi is that she sees the value of humility.
i haven't gotten far into thinking about that storyline but there's a post floating around somewhere about Miraak learning how to be a person again through being humbled. I don't really write "xyz lives" AUs save for the occasional prompt, but it was thought-provoking. (if anyone knows what i'm talking about and has it to hand, pls send it to me)
She would feel a pang of sympathy for his imprisonment as their confrontation went on, and be horrified by way he dies. That "Hermaeus Mora is laughing at us" line he says would get under her skin and stay with her long after she manages to free herself from Apocrypha. I think in time she would wish they found common ground.
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5ugarand5pice · 1 year
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
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(can we pretend it says silverstone instead of melbourne thank you)
Part 1: Dear Reader  | Part 2: Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve | Part 3: coming soon
pairing: driver! reader x f1 grid
inspired by: Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve by Taylor Swift (ik the song is unrelated but if anyone wants to cry over the possible Taylor and Joe split, my dms are open)
a/n: a couple months late but you asked and now you shall receive! thank you so much for all the love for Dear Reader, it means the world to me 🥹🤍 super sorry for going ghost (went thru a breakup, cried over a 🤢boy🤢 and tried to get my shit together) but i’m all good now and better than ever! definitely in my reputation era which means y/n will be too... soon. anyways, hope you like this and sending everyone hugs esp after the shitshow that was the aus gp (justice for carlos!!)
warning/s: a bit sad??? longer than i expected it would be but yes
If you would've blinked then I would've Looked away at the first glance If you tasted poison, you could've Spit me out at the first chance And if I was some paint, did it splatter On a promising grown man? And if I was a child, did it matter If you got to wash your hands?
The rest of your time in Monaco was spent coordinating with your team on possible moves forward in F1. Come Tuesday morning, you and Abi were on the way to your home country, a half-assed plan and bundle of nerves in your hands.
“It’ll be alright. You’ve got a kickass mom who’ll drag Christian’s ass to court and back if she has to and you also have me. You know I got your back— even if it means breaking a law or two.” Abi says, squeezing your hand twice as you make your way to your family home.
“For legal reasons, that was a joke.” you chuckle.
“Please, I’ll even help you bury the body.” your mom replies, giving you a small wink from the driver's seat.
You shake your head as you smile, the familiarity of the scenery as well as the playful conversations with your mom and Abi bring you a sense of comfort you had missed. It’s good to be home.
When your mom had pulled up to the driveway, your grandparents were already waiting by the door, a small banner written “welcome back home girls!” in your Nana’s penmanship.
“I missed you guys so much.” you almost cry out as you reach in for a hug.
“Our little racer isn’t so little anymore.” Nana coos.
“We watched your race in Austria, sweetheart. Almost forgot how much of a softie you actually are when I saw you drive.” Papa teases.
“Don’t tell outsiders that she’s a softie, we have a reputation to uphold over here.” Abi pipes, tone going high as she struggles with her bag.
“As if everyone doesn’t know that she’s a softie.” Nana says as she rolls her eyes affectionately.
You all chuckle as you finally make your way inside, Nana noting that she would have supper set up at 6pm.
The rest of the afternoon was spent settling in your respective rooms. Wandering around as you take in your surroundings, a picture frame on your dresser catches your attention.
The 2017 British Grand Prix.
Oh, God. If only you knew.
Oh, oh All I used to do was pray Would've, could've, should've If you'd never looked my way
You placed third at the Formula 2 British Grand Prix. Ahead of you was Charles Leclerc and your teammate, Norman Nato, respectively.
“You know, if he weren’t so cute, I would definitely be screaming at him for overtaking you like that.” Abi mutters as she hands you a towel.
“Please, we both know you’d probably use that as an excuse to make a move.” you playfully scoff as you wipe your face.
“I would,” she shrugs, “but I’m rooting for your enemies to lovers love story”.
“Oh, Abi.” you sigh, “Where did you get that idea?”
“Please, you’ve seen the way he looks when you pass by.” she giggles as she mocks what you assume were lovestruck eyes.
“Quit it. He doesn’t like me like that. He just” you pause, “has that charm.”
“Sure,” she grins, “but when you guys end up together, I’ll be mentioning this moment in my Maid of Honor speech.”
Before you can protest, Kenny Kirwan, your team manager, clears his throat behind you.
“Y/n, Abi, I’d like to introduce you to Christian Horner, the team principal of Red Bull Racing.” he tilts his head to his right.
“Christian, This is Y/n, this is our driver I’ve been telling you about. We’re lucky to have her in our team.” he continues, his smile faltering as you remain stoic.
“Hi. I’m Abi. Her social media manager and best friend.” Abi speaks up, breaking the awkward silence. She extends her hand, eyes darting between the two of you.
“Nice to meet you.” he grins, shaking her hand. “Congrats on second, by the way. I’m so proud of you.” he looks at you, engulfing you in what you suspect was one of those weird man clap hugs.
“Oh! Uh, thank you.” you smile, immediately pulling away. “I didn’t think you would watch my races.”
“I try to. You’ve been progressing well.”  he comments.
“Planning to win the championship, so, you know, gotta get those points.” you reply, shifting your weight between your legs.
“You can do it. You are your father’s daughter after all.” he smirks.
“Uhuh.” you wince.
Kenny does his best to ease the tension, raving about how he discovered your talent and how much potential you have to further in Formula 1.
“Well, it’s been lovely catching up with you but we really have to go. We promised Lorelei we’d be home before late to celebrate.” Abi interrupts.
“Oh! Of course.” he smiles awkwardly. “Um, before you go, maybe you’d want to go to the race tomorrow? I’d love to have you as my guest.”
“Sure. I’d like that. Abi’s my plus one.” you reply. “If that’s okay.” you quickly add, to which he smiles.
“Of course. Well, I’ll go ahead. Gotta get ready for FP3 and quali. You still have the same number?” Christian asks.
All you do is nod as he walks away, a dumbfounded Kenny following suit.
“Wait ‘til your mom hears about this.” Abi breaks you out of your trance, yanking your arm to lead you to your room.
I would've stayed on my knees And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil At nineteen And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts Memories feel like weapons And now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering
As it turns out, Formula 1 had a completely different vibe from Formula 2; the screams were louder, the air was hotter and everyone seemed more tense. However, no one was as tense as you.
“I don’t know Abi.” you sigh, your hands gripping the wheel. “What if it’s worse than yesterday?” you turn to look at her.
“What’s the worst that can happen?” she asks, eyes trained on the mirror as she applies yet another layer of lip gloss.
“His wife can hate me. I get run over. I run over someone. I make a fool out of myself in the paddock. I unintentionally ruin my chances of ever becoming a Formula 1 driver which will then stop me from achieving my dream of becoming a Formula 1 World Champion.” your grip tightening as you ramble on.
Abi glances at your hands, sensing that you were about to slip into one of your spirals. She immediately grabs a hold of those and squeezes twice. Breathe In.
“She’ll love you. You won’t be on the track. You won’t be driving. You can always apologize and flash your adorable smile. I won’t let you ruin your chances. You will become a formula 1 driver. You will become world champion. It’s going to be fun, trust me” her hands squeezing yours twice again. Breathe Out.
“Fuck it. Okay. Let’s do this.” you mutter, quickly closing your windows and stepping out of your car.
The two of you pass through the gates, feeling a bit out of place and out of your element as a guest. Christian gave the two of you a tour of the Red Bull hospitality, introducing you to the crew while at it. Although they all seemed nice, your stomach churned every time surprise would flash their face when Christian introduced you as his daughter.
When time was nearing the race, he excused himself to look for his drivers. Abi left as well, muttering something about finding the ladies’ room. That left you standing alone in a corner of the garage, too shy to add on to the hustle and bustle of the race day.
“You look lonely, want some company?” you hear a voice to your right.
“Oh! Um, sure. If you want.” you reply, flustered.
“Okay.” he heartily laughs, “So, are you here for a sponsor or something?” he asks.
“A personal guest? I think.” you chuckle, “It’s complicated.”
“Well, complicated, nice to meet you. I’m Daniel.” he grins, offering you his hand to shake.
“I actually know who you are.” you smile back as you shake his hand, “Not that I stalk you or anything! I’ve watched a few of your races.”
“I’m a driver too. Well, currently in Formula 2.”  you continue, embarrassment tinging your cheeks, “Y/n y/l/n”.
“Oh no, more young drivers!” he dramatically gasps, “Another reminder that I’m aging.”
“You don’t look a day over 70!” you joke, face immediately paling when you realize what you just said. “Oh God! I’m so-”, your apology cut off by Daniel's laughter.
“Oh, I like you. You’re funny.” he breathily sighs. “We can be friends now.”
“So sense of humor is part of your friendship checklist?” you tease, mentally thanking whichever angel God sent you. “Sadly you didn’t tick that box on mine.”
“Okay,” he pouts his lips. “Knock knock.”
“Who’s there?” you roll your eyes.
“Chickens who?”
“Enkkk.” he voices out, mimicking a buzzer. “Owls hoot, chickens cluck.”
You purse your lips. “A for effort. We should be friends so we can work on your sense of humor, grandpa.”
Daniel scoffs and places his hands on his chest, feigning hurt.
“Daniel!” someone hollers. “Mate, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Damn it.” Daniel chuckles. “I really thought I was gonna win at hide and seek this week.”
“Christian says we have to go over some notes before the race” he goes on, clueless to your presence.
“Well, it seems I have to bid you adieu.” Daniel turns to you, bowing to add to your amusement. “Till next time, mademoiselle.”
Daniel leaves, heading to what you guess is their meeting room. The stranger follows him, sending you a sheepish smile, presumably his form of apology for interrupting your conversation. You wave him off with a smile, shouting a quick “Good luck!” as they pass.
If you never touched me, I would've Gone along with the righteous If I never blushed, then they could've Never whispered about this And if you never saved me from boredom I could've gone on as I was But, Lord, you made me feel important And then you tried to erase us
Despite both of the Red Bulls not being able to set foot on the podium, the garage still celebrated points; P4 for Daniel and P5 for his teammate, Max. Daniel, being Mister Congeniality, insisted (quite ruthlessly) that you come to the afterparty. This is how you and Abi ended up back in your room, flipping out over outfit options.
“I think we need to find you the perfect ensemble that screams I’m classy but I can be a slut if I want to.” Abi shouts from inside your closet, another batch of dresses being thrown towards the growing pile on the floor.
“I can’t look like a slut, Abi. My father might be there.” You mutter, setting up your makeup at the vanity.
As much as it bothered you, you knew better than to try to clean while Abi rummaged through your clothes. She once gave you an earful, going on about how messy people are creative geniuses. Thus, the artist shall not be disturbed.
“We’re trying to attract a driver and a driver’s seat, not your father. ” she gags, head peeking out of the closet. “Have you seen the way that Max guy looked at you?”.
“No, because I’m not looking at him.” you turn away. “Besides, I thought you were rooting for a certain Monegasque.”
“I am, but it's rude to disregard other contenders.” she shrugs, passing you a little black dress. “I think this is it. Max will definitely keep his eyes on you tonight.”
Just as always, Abi was right. When you had finally arrived at the pub, Max immediately spotted you, nudging Daniel towards your direction.
“Glad you can make it, mademoiselle.” Daniel greets you, reenacting his bow from earlier that day.
“Good evening, Sire.” you curtsy in response.
“May I escort thee to thy party chambers?” he continues his act, mimicking a posh accent you’ve mostly heard in period dramas.  
“I’d be most delighted, o good Sir.” you nod, locking arms with him and Abi with the other. “I’d like to introduce my companion. Sir Daniel, meet Lady Abigail.”
“Delighted to make your acquaintance, Lady Abigail.” he waves with his free hand.
“You guys are crazy.” Abi snorts. “But likewise, Sir Daniel.”
He leads the two of you to a booth, excusing himself to get the two of you a drink. Max was still seated at the same spot, nursing a half empty bottle of beer.
“I’m sorry for interrupting your conversation with Daniel before the race and for not introducing myself then.” he sheepishly smiles at you. “I’m Max.”
“Y/n, and no worries about that. It was a busy time.” you smile back. “This is my friend by the way, Abi.”
“Congrats on P5.” she nods at him, eyes immediately darting back to the crowd.
Before Max could get another word in, Daniel returns with drinks in his hands.
“Three margaritas for the lovely ladies and myself.” he gives a cheeky smile while passing out the drinks. “Another beer for Max.”
The four of you spent the night getting to know each other better. Halfway through your drinks, Daniel excuses himself to mingle with other guests. Abi excuses herself as well, saying she needs to get water but you later catch her wink at you while a guy talks her up at the bar. That bitch (affectionately).
“So, you come to races often?” Max asks, shifting your attention back to him.
“Mostly busy with my own but I watch you guys from time to time.” you smile.
“You race too?” he chokes on his drink.
“Currently in Formula 2, yes.” Handing him a tissue, you chuckle. “I kinda take offense at your shock.”
“Sorry, it’s just that-” he starts off, wiping off his lips. “I think it’s best if you don’t finish that sentence.” you giggle. “So, Max, how long have you been racing?”
“Well, pretty much ever since my dad thought I was old enough to start.” he mutters.
“So, since you were in the womb?” you joke.
“Pretty much.” he laughs. “You?”
“Similar. Got into it because of my dad as well but continued for myself.” you look down and fidget with your rings.
“Anyways,” he clears his throat. “What’s your favorite team?”
“Ferrari.” you grin. “Big Vettel fan here.”
“You were hanging out in the wrong garage then.” he muses. “Any way I can switch you over to my side?”
“I can be convinced,” you tease. “if given enough incentive.”
“How about I convince you over dinner?” he asks.
“Bold ask.” you giggle. “I’d have to think about that.”
Oh, oh You're a crisis of my faith Would've, could've, should've If I'd only played it safe
At that time, it seemed like the world was working in your favor. You had three consecutive podiums in Hungaroring, Spa and Monza. To add to the excitement, all of those races coincided with that of the F1 calendar, giving you more chances to hang out in the Red Bull garages.
The highlight, though, would be Monza. After winning first place, Christian invited you to breakfast to celebrate and “make up for lost time”. Abi, being the perfect balance of tough love and unending support, decided it’d be best for you to go alone, much to your dismay. You paced back and forth in the hallway, making a mental list of things to not bring up. Your thoughts come to a halt when you hear the click of the door, revealing Geri on her way out.
“Y/n! Christian’s inside. You can just head in.” she smiles, hand holding the doorknob.
“Oh, okay.” you breathe out. “Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous.”
“It’s alright.” she chuckles. “He’s nervous too if that’s any consolation.”
“A little.” you giggle. “Um, I hope it’s not an intrusion. Me being here, I mean.”
“That’s nonsense!” she exclaims. “I just thought it’d be better for the two of you to talk things out alone. But, if you’re open to it, I’d love to get to know you better as well.”
“I’d like that.” you exhale. “Well, I think I should head in.”
“Of course.” she laughs, moving towards the lift. Turning around she says, “He’s trying, you know.”
Not knowing what to say, you offer a smile and head inside their room.
“Honey, do you think she’d want more food? Or is this enough?” you hear him shout.
Heading towards the dining area, you chuckle. “She left already. But, if you’re planning to feed the entire grid, maybe we can order more food.”
“Y/n.” he grins. “It’s lovely to see you.”
“You too.” you mutter, taking a seat opposite him.
“So,” he clears his throat. “I saw you win yesterday, congratulations!”
“Thanks.” you beam. “I heard you guys got P2 and P3 for quali. Must be looking forward to this race huh?”
“Quite.” he hands you a plate of waffles. “You still like this, right?”
“You remembered.” you gasp. “Even the strawberries and bananas.”
“I checked with your mom to make sure I got it right.” his cheeks tinges with embarrassment. “Gotta feed next year’s potential F1 driver well.”
“What?” your jaw drops. “Formula 1?”
“I introduced you to Franz Tost for a reason. He told me he’d love to have you in Toro Rosso next year.” he muses. “Maybe after that, you’d be racing for Red Bull.”
“HOLY SHIT!” you scream. “Is this for real?”
“Yes. It is.” he chuckles.
“Wait, who’s leaving?” you pause.
“Well, you’ll be taking Daniil’s seat. Carlos is moving to Renault for the last few races which leaves you, hopefully, and Pierre to complete the team next year.”
“Will they still be racing next year?” you ask.
“Carlos will be with Renault and I’m still unsure about Kvyat.” he says. “So, thoughts?”
“I’d have to discuss it with my team but personally, it’d be an honor.”
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die? Years of tearing down our banners, you and I Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
You get up from your bed, hands still clutching the picture frame. Based on the dark view outside your window, you assume you overslept, completely missing supper. You tuck the frame in a random drawer. Out of sight, out of mind.
You make your way to the kitchen, moving quietly to not wake anyone else up. You almost scream when you see your grandpa sitting on a barstool, a faint light casting a shadow.
“Why are you up so late?” you clutch your chest, trying to calm your heart.
“Just thinking, you know.” he mutters. “Worrying about you.”
“Oh Pa, I’m alright.” you hug him, taking a seat at his side. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine, kiddo.” he breathes out. “I heard you crying earlier. I know you’re not fine.”
You sit there in silence. Although you were raised so open to emotions, you still had trouble expressing your own, worried about worrying others.
“When you had your first accident during your karting days, I freaked out. I almost had your mom pull you out, thinking that the sport was too much for you.” he starts. “Then, on our way to the car, you walked up to me and Nan and said, ‘look Pa! I have battle marks! I can go against the tough ones now!’. You had tears in your eyes and a bruise on your leg and arm, but you looked so happy.”
He grabs both of your hands, rubbing his thumbs across the back. “I knew then I didn’t have to protect you, not because you didn’t need it. God knows I tried my best to do that. But, you didn’t want it. You were so good on your own.”
“Not to be a sexist asshole but there were times when I wished you chose a more common hobby. Ballet, piano, anything that didn’t have a high risk of me losing you.” he breathes out. “It wasn’t just the physical aspect too. I just- I see complete strangers say just cruel things about you and how you started losing bits of yourself.”
“You’ve grown, but I used to be able to still see that little racer in her braids and a goofy smile with a missing tooth. Now, it’s like you turned into this machine. I get that it’s a tough sport but I worry you will lose your heart and spirit.”
“I- ” you sniffle, “I love racing. I know that.”
“I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life but right now I feel so lost.” you continue. “I never would’ve imagined being this close to achieving my dreams and now it’s gone.”
“And it’s silly. Like, I know I have mom. I have you and Nan. Abi too.” you breathe in. “But he should’ve been part of my life as well. He’s not just mom’s friend from college who knocked her up. He’s my father.”
Although your tears start to flow, you continue. “As much as his absence hurt, I still tried. I gave up my childhood and other dreams I had to be here.”
“The worst part of it all was me thinking I finally got what I wanted. That I finally had a dad.” you exhale. “Then he sold my femininity to the world then threw me away.”
God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind I regret you all the time I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign I regret you all the time Oh, God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind I regret you all the time I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign
Heading to the track felt like hell, dread filled your stomach and your hands were clammy with sweat. For your sake, Abi had ensured you wouldn’t get any press time and to your surprise, the teams agreed. Thinking about it now, you assume it was to save their dwindling reputation. Although your social battery was at an all time low, you still stopped to interact with your fans on your way to and from the paddock. As genuine as your gratitude was, your smile and thank you’s were visibly forced.
Everyone knew what this race weekend meant to you. You’ve been looking forward to racing in Silverstone, making it your goal of the season to go on the podium at your home race in your dream team. However, that seems like something only possible in an alternate reality. Despite Max’s pleas of you staying in Red Bull, you refused. You didn’t even bother telling him about your shift back to Toro Rosso or that you had moved out of his place. He’ll find out one way or another.
Thankfully, your schedule and distance from their garage minimized your interactions with certain members of the Red Bull team. Nevertheless, keeping true to your promise, you invited Daniel and a couple other drivers to meals in between practices, doing your best to front a “I’m doing better than you think” facade. You even reached out to Alex Albon, making it clear that there is no bad blood between you and that his replacement isn’t something you took personally.
Come Sunday morning, you have grown accustomed to your new (or old) team. Staring at the mirror gave you a sense of deja vu; the bold text of “Red Bull” across your suit mocked you. Wiping off a few stray tears, you can’t help but think about yourself from a year ago and what she would’ve thought about your situation. Would she laugh at the irony or would she cry with you?
You turn around when you hear a faint knock. Abi peeks in, a small smile gracing her face. “It’s almost race time. Are you ready?”
“Fuck no.”
a/n: as always, would love to hear your thoughts so feedback is more than welcome (but please be kind) !!!  to all that shared their love for Dear Reader, you have my heart and i hope this part did not disappoint 🫂 took a while to get here (seriously wrote a long ass piece then completely changed everything but ohwell) and i think i’m happy with the direction so far?? also, please let me know if you want to be part of the taglist or if it’s not working (still unsure abt how this works but i shall figure it out!)
taglist: @lighttsoutlewis @holy-macncheese-balls @for-fuck-sake-im-alive​ @idkiwantchocolatee @dan3avocado @aquamariene-me 
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abihastastybeans · 2 months
5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 29 from here
(i just realised that that's a lot so feel free to skip some/answer selectively if you want to do that!)
(are you kidding ofcourse I'm gonna answer all of that, let's make a game out of it and see how long it takes me)(it's 15:05 when I started answering)
5. Favourite song in your native language
Can't think of one rn😭 The first one that came to mind is Venmadhi Venmadhi from Minnale because some guy was playing that on the bus yesterday. I think it's a lovely song, especially the third verse :)
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language
I don't really swear in Tamil😂 I only use words like stupid/wastrel/dog/buffalo... y'know the most common ones lol
But, again, the first swear word that came to mind is *looks around to make sure no one's listening* "watha" - which is basically the Tamil equivalent of fuck - because one of my friends called another friend that this morning lmao
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions ot traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Well there's so many but i generally think that doing rituals/ chanting slokas or vedas must be very strange to outsiders who aren't really used to that! Imagine being a white christian and you encounter a yagna happening with a giant fire, lots of huge shirtless men saying very weird words in their blaring voice, adding all kinds of different things into the fire, while surrounding people watched on... I'd be terrified 😂💀
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
18. Do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Gosh I speak so many dialects - depending on who I'm talking with. There's what I consider the normal one, there's the one mixed with random English sentences😂, there's the local chennai dialect for when I'm dealing with/in public or local vendors💀, there's the tambrahm (wow it feels weird to say it like that) dialect because that's what I was raised on in mum's side of the family
19. Do you like your country's flag and/or emblem? What about the national anthem?
I've honestly never thought about this before...
Flag - 🇮🇳 It's a good one, I like what it stands for. But no one would forget the struggle it would take when you were 6 years old and were asked to draw the national flag and you wouldn't remember how many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra😭 or even if you remembered, you wouldn't know how to divide them evenly throughout the circle... So much stress. 7/10
Emblem - it's a bit complex if you ask me but eh. It looks cool i guess. I like the phrase 'satyameva jayathe' ("truth alone triumphs" in Sanskrit) so there's that :p 5/10
National Anthem - I love it!! I like the picture it paints, listing out all those places! Only criticism is that it was very difficult for younger abi to sing the beginning because it was so very low and i struggled for a long time😅 9/10
21. If you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Aloo mutter gravy and methi roti👍
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I was thinking really hard...before i realised🤭
MYSURU. WHY do you do that to your sambar??? It's nice, I'd be lying if I said it's bad, but how?????? How did you come to the decision "oh you know what. I'm gonna make this taste sweet. Yeah."??
We went to Mysore one time and had some sambar and do you know what happened, cal? My cousin threw up, that's what happened.
(it was because of the long uphill travel but the sambar definitely contributed :p)
What you lack in sambar, you make up for it with Udupi rasam so. I forgive you😤
(now the time is 15:55)
"Hi, I'm not from the US" ask set
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
The Handsome Artist. 2 (Daniel Ricciardo)
Just checking. It takes a while, but Abigail decides to text.
MASTERLIST. Moodboard and Playlist.
Previous part: Fidelity.
Notes: second chapter!!! I love this fic and love writing it. I want to friendly remind you that this whole fic will probably be slow burn.
Warning: I swear a lot, probably writing too.
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I had some busy days. Suddenly it was Sunday and I found myself getting some flower arrangements for a wedding. The bride wanted a white bouquet but blue and lilac flowers to decorate the church. It had given me a few headaches, but it seemed to be over know. Everything was packed and the bouquet was waiting on water. Soon, they would come to pick it and I could just go home.
Molly: hi bestie. How is that awful wedding going? I just wanted you to remember that that Ric guy is probably working hard on your tattoo.
I read the message on the screan. Fucking Molly. I really loved her. But she was too much.
Me: no.
She started typing and soon there was another message.
Molly: you better check some placements for your tattoo and talk to him now.
The idea of the tattoo hadn't left my mind during these days. But I wasn't still sure of where I wanted it.
Leaning back on the wooden table, I opened Google and typed plant tattoo. There bunch of designs. All of them were different plants, ferns, calatheas, pines, lavender flowers...
"Fuck, they are beautiful." I muttered to myself.
But then one appeared and caught my eye. The plant was perfectly drawn around the girl's breast, coming from under it and traveling up her sternum. It was beautiful.
I bit my finger. I could definetly send this to Daniel. I could ask him to tattoo my breast. My cheeks warmed at the thought and my heart started beating fast. How the fuck would I go to the parlor and tell him to do it?
I decided to text Molly first and tell the idea, ending with her calling me and shouting right on the phone.
"Oooh my cheeky girl" She excitedly said. "You want Ricciardo to see your tits"
I blushed even more.
"Of course not! I just think it's pretty"
"Fuck he is. Have you seen his nose? That boy is hot"
"The tattoo! I'm talking about the tattoo!"
She was laughing on the other side.
"I hate you Molly"
"You love me. But really, Abi. I love the idea. You will look absolutely stunning with it."
"Really? Isn't it too much?"
"It's perfect. Just text the boy and make his job easier"
"You love me"
"I do"
When I hung the call, I let the phone fall in front of me. I had to go and check my bag for the little card with Ham&Avo's contact information.
I looked at it and bit my lip. I was gonna do it. I typed Daniel's number and created the new contact before going to the message app and opening the empty chat. On his profile picture he had a picture of himself somewhere in the country. He looked cute with a big smile on his lips and a hat on his head.
I finally grew the courage to send him the photo and write a short message.
Me: hey, it's Abigail.
Me: I saw this and loved it. What do you think?
I wasn't expecting an answer soon, but when I went to bed and I still didn't have one, I felt something on my chest.
The next day at lunch time, I still didn't have an answer. But at middle afternoon, when I was attending one of the last clients, the phone ringed.
Daniel Ricciardo: Hey. Sorry for not answering. I got a bit thing this morning.
Daniel Ricciardo: I love the idea. Brave girl. The place it's painful. Think about it.
My hands were slightly shaking. I had a good tolerance for pain, but I had never got a tattoo so I didn't really know how it would feel like.
Me: that bad?
Only a second after, he texted back.
Daniel Ricciardo: I don't have one there. But I have seen guys big as bears crying.
Me: I'm scared now.
I went to the door and put on the Closed signal before closing the lock and going to the back of the shop.
Daniel Ricciardo: oh, don't be. Girls are always better clients than guys.
Daniel Ricciardo: I will work on this design and on thursday we will see if you prefer another one on our appointment, okay?
Daniel Ricciardo: first ideas are always the right decision 😉
It made me smile.
Me: okay, I will see if I find something else. See you.
Our appointment came and suddenly I found myself standing alone in front of the place. I rang twice before hearing a bark. Through the glass I saw a dog running to the door and suddenly Lewis was there opening.
"Be nice with the lady, Roscoe"
"Hi Lewis. Hi Roscoe" I said touching the dog's head.
"Good afternoon, Abigail. Come in. Danny will be here in a second. He went to get some coffee."
"Oh, okay"
"Do you mind waiting here? I have a guy half tattooed in there"
"Oh no, don't worry. Do your job"
He smiled warmly.
"Nice. Take care of her, Roscoe"
I went to sit in one of the armchairs next to the window and the dog followed me. I tried to keep myself busy on the phone, but the nerves were growing bigger on my stomach. I could really go home with a tattoo today.
The door opened Daniel came in. He had some coffee on his hand and a helmet hanging on his elbow.
"Oh, hi" A smile beamed on his face.
"Came here soon?"
"A bit." I shyly smiled.
"Well, just... Give me a second."
While he moved around the hall, I took a look of his appearance. Big funky shirt, tight jeans and black vans, a chain on his neck and tattoos on his left arm.
He went to Lewis studio with a coffee and let Roscoe go back with him before coming to me.
"I don't think so" I said with half smile.
"Oh, no. Don't say that." He turned to the counter and took the two coffees there. "I didn't know what you liked, so I got some iced coffee with lots of milk because it's delicious"
He brought me coffee.
"You got me coffee?" I said completely shocked. I had noticed the three cups when he came in but didn't expect one of them to be for me.
"Yeah" He smiled and my knees went weak.
"Yes. Let's go inside. I have tons of things to show you"
As a hyperactive kid, Daniel walked to his studio and called me from inside.
The guy was so nice he brought me coffee without even knowing me.
I followed him. He had left the helmet in a corner and the coffees on the desk, already pulled an additional chair for me and taken his iPad out.
"You are fast"
He smiled.
"I am. Feel free to sit."
I took a sit and he sat on his chair.
"Well, Abigail..."
I loved how he said my name. It made my skin tingle.
"I have been looking for some examples of what you want. I found similar things and with that and the three hundred pics of Argelian ivy I checked I came up with this.
Opening some drawing app, he showed me the design. It was perfect. A branch with a curve shape, almost circular. The leaves looked exactly how Argelian ivy's leaves are supposed to look. It was perfectly drawn.
"Oh wow, Daniel. It's stunning" I couldn't contain the smile. A weird feeling set on my stomach. As excitement.
I couldn't take my eyes off it, only did it when he gave me a notebook.
It was the same, hand-drawn and probably on what would be its real-life size.
"This shape is basically to follow the line of the breast" He carefully said. He was being cautious. His voice was low and his eyes were on my face. No weird looks or glances to the area in question.
I nodded in understanding.
"We could curve it in the other way so the plant would born under one breast and end over the other. Just like this" He showed me the next page. "See? Instead of a circle, it's an S shape."
I bit my lip. Both were beautiful, but for my first tattoo, the S was way too much.
He was patiently waiting for me to decide. But it was difficult. I was nervous and my hands were shaking. Was I really ready for this?
"You are nervous" He stated.
I looked at him.
"How can you tell?"
"Lip, hands, foot"
I was biting my lip, my hands were shaking and my foot was tapping the floor. Wow. Impressive. I swallowed and looked down at the notebook.
Maybe Molly was right. Maybe I was shy after all. Or maybe Daniel had that intense gaze and beautiful face. It was fucking impossible to not think about it.
"So? Do I have a 100% of sureness?"
I chuckled a bit.
"If you have to think about it, it's a no" He said laughing.
He took the coffee cup and then sip from it. I had to take my eyes away. Why was I like this? Why did the first guy to appear on the corner got me like this?
"Okay. Listen. Stay here for a bit. I'm going to take the paper and draw it. You stay here and tell me if you like it. We can work together on the final design. I draw, you like plants. I suppose you know your favourite Ivy well so..."
I nodded. I had nothing else to do. Charlotte was in the shop, so I had the afternoon free.
"I like the plan, okay"
He clasped his hands and unpocketed his phone. "Nice, any song you want me to play?"
"Um... Nothing too noisy?"
"You like folk?"
"I do."
The huge smile on his face was extraordinary.
"Fuck yes. I wish there were more people like you"
My heart beat fast. I will need to tell my therapist about this.
"See, this is Caamp. They are my mates. Good musicians, better people. All the debts I owe. Enjoy, lady"
Why the fuck couldn't I stop smiling?
"Okay, let's get to it."
He pulled a pencil out of a bottle and looked at me.
"S shape or circle?"
"I think I prefer the circle"
"Yeah. Me too." He bit the pencil and wanted to slap his hand away.
"Well... It was your first option. It's always the best really. Trust me, I have seen regret in people's eyes."
That made me chuckle.
We spent so much time, I really lost the track of it. He was drawing, talking, dancing, telling the worst dad jokes ever, singing along the lyrics, ... All of it at the same time.
"They all have like these five arms?" He said about the leaves.
"Yeah. It's a thing of theirs"
"Good" He took a deep breath and shot a glance at me. "Can I ask for the meaning?"
I doubted. I wouldn't tell a stranger how bad my ex had fucked me up. How I had been going to therapy for months.
He nodded and let the pencil fall.
"To someone special?" He asked cautiously.
"Only me" I whispered. His stare had become too intense, so I had to take my eyes from him.
He stayed in silence for the first time in the afternoon.
"Okay. That's perfect. Be yourself. Love yourself. Who better?"
I smiled.
"So... Armenian ivy for Abigail, a woman true to herself" He read out loud as he wrote behind the paper.
I bit my lip. Oh, Daniel.
"I will say that the design is finished?"
I peeked over his hands, getting closer to him and smelling his cologne.
"Fuck, Daniel. That's... wow" If I was a cartoon, my eyes would have brilliant stars in them.
"You really like it?" He asked excitedly.
"I love it" And for the first time I saw myself with it.
"How much?"
"100%" I was smiling, I couldn't stop.
"Fuck yeah, that's what I needed to hear"
I felt a tinkling feeling on my belly.
"Oh wow, girl" He said laughing. He patted my knee and I almost flinch back, not scared but not used to others touching me. He didn't notice, hopefully. "Yeah. It's pretty late now. But... Tomorrow?"
I shook my head.
"I work the whole day"
"Fuck. Hey. When is your free day?"
"I could get some free time on Tuesday and Thursday too."
"Shit." He opened his calendar. "Those days are full."
I bit my lip.
"Maybe I could get someone to..."
"No, no, hey. I will try and see if I can make some space for you. I don't get folk listeners every day" He winked at me.
Is he flirting? Or is he always like this?
"Thank you" I whispered.
"I'm excited. I haven't done something like this in a while. Really"
I smiled. Daniel was a nice guy. He exuded this energy, he was laid back and spontaneous. Something I was not. I felt a bit jealous.
"So, can I text you?"
"Yes." I answered not thinking much about it.
"I will talk to you quite soon."
We looked at each other. His eyes were pretty, really pretty. HAd I already said he was handsome?
"You will look stunning with it" He said.
"Are you imagining my tits?" Why the fuck do you say that?
"No! Well. Not your tits. Just the tattoo."
I awkwardly laughed.
"I'm sorry. I'm nervous and I say stupid stuff when I am."
He pinched his lips and looked at me.
"Do I make you nervous?"
"Yeah. A lot. You are going to mark me for life with a needle."
He barked a laugh.
"You are right, Abi"
Abi. Only friends and close people called me that. So only Molly and Charlotte called me that.
I should have corrected him, but I couldn't get myself to do it. It sounded good.
"Well, we are done here"
I almost pout. The atmosphere in the studio had been so light, so carefree and easy. I wanted to stay for a bit more. But I didn't know him. What was the point?
"Ok. I will get going then" I got up and picked my stuff.
"Here, take this with you." He pulled the first drawing from the notebook.
"Oh no. It's your job"
"Shhh. I want you to have it. I have the original one. The one I can work with. That's a small drawing. Just take care of it"
I smiled and nodded.
"You are good at this" I said from the bottom of my heart.
Daniel opened his eyes to speak but instead took a breath.
"Thank you" He walked me to the door. "Here, your coffee. And... I'll text you"
I nodded.
"Nice. See you"
"Bye bye. Be careful!"
And I left then, a stupid smile on my face and the already cold coffee in my hand.
Danny POV.
"Why are you standing there?"
Lewis's voice pulled me out of the trance. I was observing her, walking away with that sweetness of hers and graceful walk.
"Just checking"
"Your new client?"
Caught? Yeah. Right at the beginning.
"She is pretty"
"Fuck, she is, mate."
Lewis laughed and I blushed.
"Are you already in love with the girl?"
"I'm not in love"
"No, you only keep giving her appointments as an excuse to see her again"
I gasped dramatically and put my hand on my chest.
"How do you dare? I'm a professional."
"You are. With tattoos and with women. If you like her, just go for it"
"She is..."
"Diferent? I saw. She is cute."
I bit my lip. She was beautiful, her voice was soft and her freckled skin looked so perfect. She had that curly hair, half made in a messy bun, with pieces falling around her face. And that face of hers? Wow. So sweet and delicate.
"Molly is a hard woman. She won't doubt if she has to break your legs. Be careful with her friend"
"Just saying" He said with a laugh.
I rolled my eyes and looked through the window. Gone.
Now I would rearrange my whole schedule. Because Lewis was right. I was dying to see her again.
Here it is. I hope you like it!! Just guess by its name what will the next chapter be about...
Next chapter: Mark your skin.
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hyperfixatinglove · 22 days
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers!
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I love him so much the fuck. Hasn't left my mind for four weeks. Summer is here so that means even more Jacob in my mind since now I associate summer with him because his source happens in the summer. So here's to the many upcoming times I will do some mundane summer thing like eating ice cream or swimming or having cute outfit & imagine Jacob.
I won't lie if it came down to it, I would be able to sacrifice other counselors for him. Would it hurt a lot with Dylan & Kaitlyn? Yes. I would still do it.
On my way to create yet another AU where Eden & Jacob end up captured and have to chill in cage with werewolf!Nick and Ryan abandons them so when cage gets opened unintentionally by Laura they go investigating Hackett estate & somehow learn of Silas so the duo goes to kill him. Yada Yada redeeming Jacob & making him more of what he could've been. Like I still think Jacob would sabotage the van in my Canon AU but it's slightly different reasoning. Maybe he'd do it to have more with Eden & others or maybe he wants to impress Eden so he accidentally breaks the van. Satisfying closure for his character arc you know?
Like his smile is so goofy but I love it so much?? It lights him up so well and I'm so obsessed like despite everything and all the teasing he can still smile around other counselors and just that's so precious and so good to me.
Jacob would actually mimic Eden so hilariously at times like there's this vine where someone's looking for lost item and puts their hands on their boobs & next person does it too & then guy does it and I just think that's Eden Abi and Jacob. Honestly add Dylan too. Like Jacob is so goofy at times, it balances how serious Eden/I am and is, sure I'll roll my eyes at him or shield my eyes if he does particularly sexual dance but it's still fun & it cheers me up.
But like he isn't ''merely¨ just goofy dude he has deep emotions & cares immensely for those he considers friends. He clearly needs some space to actually be more than just goofy dude & someone to open up to & be vulnerable and the counselors ain't it.
I just want to hang out with him in Hackett's Quarry and just ruffle his hair and see him smile at me. Have deep convo how he is so much more than how others perceive him, how he doesn't always have to sacrifice his own feelings for everyone else to have good time. Just lessons we both should learn, boundaries and such.
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abigail · 6 months
in regards to the postman thing i would say absolutely trust your gut. just reading that made me feel very uneasy. it may be a good idea to file a complaint or something? if he oversteps or does anything else weird it could help to have some kind of paper trail, just in case the situation escalates. in the end it may be nothing but i think it's always better to be safe than sorry. at the very least i would say just trust yourself and don't share any personal info even if he keeps asking. wishing you the best and stay safe! <3
yeah I thought on it more while at work today (and read the comments some mutuals left on the post - I read them while on shift and haven’t had a chance to reply but I agree with what was said !! thank u guys I love u lots !!!) and I for am going to trust my gut with it like.. since he called me by nickname it felt weird and he’s only gotten more uhh.. weird I guess.. (also I wanna note you guys can call me abi or whatever like .. it’s literally in my carrd lol but with this random man just assuming to call me by a nickname when idk him and he knows nothing about me… felt weird.. anyway !!)
I’m not sure if I’m able to file a complaint tbh .. as in, I don’t even know HIS name for one and if I was to do it I’m not sure if it would even do anything.. like for example whenever I’ve worked somewhere and has to file a complaint for similar stuff, barely anything has happened (as sad as that is).. and because he obviously knows where I live and now knows my bus stop/time I get the bus/direction I’m going etc I’m kind of anxious for if I was to do something about it he would… react in a way I’d rather he didn’t.. if you get me lol
but yeah I’m not gonna tell him anything personal !! I haven’t really told him anything anyway but yeah I’m gonna try to keep any future conversation as small and dull and whatnot as possible.. and I’m hoping he will see how uninterested I am and calm down, if not then maybe in the new year I’ll figure out a way to report him
thank you (and beloved mutuals who commented on the post) for saying all of this though and letting me know your thoughts and such !! I’m glad I’m not being silly about it and other people agree it’s odd behaviour and something to make a note of.. truly thank you for reading my post and messaging me ♡ sending big hugs !!!
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dddomenstarstwst · 2 years
One caramel macchiato, please!
You work as a barista in a local coffee shop. Your days come and go, until you notice one particular person, who seems to stop by a lot more often now. They're so shy, but you find it cute, so why not ask them out on a date?
{just some cute heads for all hacketteers bc I'm really sad rn and need a distraction 🤪 also trying some new style of posts sorry if its messy or smth im a mess myself}
Emma Mountebank
°^° she wasn't exactly a regular at first, emma just went along with abi cuz the latter was really excited about this 'new cool coffee place'
°^° but after she tried a drink you made her, she fell in love. With a place, with her drink, with you
°^° so she started visiting a place a lot more, i mean of course, if she can get the most delicious coffee she ever tried AND some time with her new crush then what is there to wait for?
°^° however she wasn't sure if you're interested as well, she did flirt with you a couple of times but you probably got flirted with a lot right?
°^° so it was up to you to take matters in your hands. When she visited next time, you prepared a special drink for her with a 'wanna go out w me? :)' written on a cup
°^° no need to say she was excited as hell and sending you flirtatious looks waiting for your shift to end
Dylan Lenivy
°^° tell me he's not a guy who prefers smaller and less known to public places? You can't tell me otherwise. Anyways, he's a regular all the way and he enjoys different drinks
°^° he likes to try new stuff every time so he pesters you with questions like 'ooh, how do you brew that?' 'can you teach me how to make that?' 'how many calories is in that drink?' he doesn't care about answers, he really just wants to hear you talk about stuff. Honestly, just talk in general
°^° he makes attempts in flirting tho it's awkward and maybe a little forced, but still makes you laugh a little. And he would kill for the sound of your laughter
°^° god give strength to this man if you ever decide to flirt back, he will blush so hard and stutter a lot but he'll be really happy, even tho he thinks you're just trying to entertain him until he leaves
°^° unfortunately, he won't ask you out basically bc he thinks you don't like him and just think of him as this weird customer who doesn't take hints poor boy :(
°^° he'll be so shooked when he sees a 'lets go on a date, cutie ;)' on his cup you're sure he had a heart attack. For the rest of your shift he'll stay near you making occasional jokes to lift your spirits up
Nicholas Furcillo
°^° he doesn't remember how he ended up in that coffee place, yet he doesn't complain. He gets to have nice drinks and to see your cute face
°^° he doesn't really interact with you because he's shy and awkward so he's afraid he might say something weird or embarrass himself so he just... sits far away from you and sometimes looks in your direction
°^° if you start a convo with him he will stutter a bit and shift his gaze a lot, but he'll open up eventually and begin convos with you himself
°^° he is insecure about himself, especially in things like dating, so he won't really flirt with you, but he'll be polite and nice so you don't feel uncomfortable around him
°^° he makes sure to clear up his schedule as much as possible just to spend time with you. He also started learning about coffee stuff just to impress you
°^° ask him out when there's not many customers around bc he will get so shy and red the moment you say 'i really enjoy your company, wanna go out on a date with me?'
Kaitlyn Ka
°^° kaitlyn absolutely (secretly) loves small cafes so when she found out about that place she immediately became a regular. She likes the atmosphere, the prices and the quality, and she likes one particularly cute barista too
°^° she's confident and she knows it, so that makes flirting with you easier bc whenever she feels shy she can just bombard you with some cheesy pick-up lines and joke about how cringy it was
°^° sometimes she makes fun of you for being 'clumsy' or 'trying too hard' or 'ew, that drink didn't come out that good, but ok i guess 🙄'. She does know that it probably hurts you as a barista, but that's her defense mechanism and she hates it as well
°^° she's quick to apologize if she sees you're upset and offers a date to make up for it as a 'joke' but bro, she doesn't think it's a joke anymore
°^° she'll fall deeper in love if you tease her back and jokingly misspell her name as 'Caitlyn' or 'Kaitlin' just to shit with her, if you pretend it was a mistake she will kiss you here and then no
°^° give her a free drink with 'lets go on a date, shit ass ;)' and she'll look at you mad but also blushing. She wants to beat your ass but she'd rather kiss you
Jacob Custos
°^° he's kinda a regular but kinda not. He can visit a cafe for like four days in a row, but then just disappear for the same amount of time which confuses you a lot
°^° you may think it's bc he's a busy man but nope, he just likes you a lot but is a bit confused about his feelings, he doesn't have a good experience in dating so he doesn't wanna get hurt again
°^° but you're so sweet and kind, always writing cheerful comments on his cup that sure do lift his mood up so maybe he should try dating again?
°^° he makes attempts at flirting that aren't as awkward as dylan's but still a little questionable. He doesn't mean any harm so his flirting is really innocent and full of jokes
°^° he's insecure too, he doesn't wanna be a bother but still wants to be needed by you, so teach him about some stuff and ask about his day to show that you're interested in him
°^° he will absolutely jump when you ask him out on a date, just say the word 'date' and he's already suggesting places to go that you might like, he really likes you and he doesn't plan on messing up
Ryan Erzahler
°^° he likes the place bc it's always quiet and doesn't have many people around. Perfect for listening to some podcasts. He also likes how polite you are and how you're interested in whatever stories he tells you
°^° he orders drinks different for whatever mood he's in so you're never able to guess what'll it be. However he likes to just sometimes come and order something 'to your liking' bc he secretly tries to learn about you
°^° I've read so many heads about him majoring in arts, specifically animation, and fuck just imagine him sitting near a window with his sketchbook out, him sketching you while you work bye
°^° he's really quiet and awkward, he doesn't know much about dating so he might not really interact with you, not much flirting either. He just kinda talks to you sometimes when you work and he has nothing to do or while he waits for his order
°^° if he's comfortable enough he might show you some of his sketches not of you or show you his favorite podcasts, and if you tell him about your hobbies or something you like he'll have that shy smirk and nod along
°^° ask if 'he'd like to spend some time together?' and he'll go silent, a little hesitant, but would agree nonetheless
Abigail Blyg
°^° she was so excited to discover this new place, the interior is absolutely amazing and inspiring, she sure has to sketch that... cute barista that served her a drink just now hello??
°^° she's a shy bean so she won't initiate convos so it's really up to you, or up to emma to matchmake you if she's with abi
°^° she would scream internally if you call her pretty or even more complement her arts that she not-so-subtly showed off to you
°^° make her special drinks and write some complements on a cup to make her day, she'll make sure to mutter little 'thank you's' all while blushing
°^° doesn't really understand all the coffee terminology, so she will be ecstatic if you teach her some of the stuff, that way you'll bond and spend a little time together
°^° please do write a 'you're cute, let's watch a movie?' and she will cry, blush, die, ascend to heaven and return to earth while nodding in agreement
Somehow I don't like how those turned out but i spent so long writing it so I'll post it anyway
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abi what's they're deal im so curious
are they married??? divorced???
so that's emma swan (the blonde) and regina mills (the brunette). they're characters from once upon a time. everyone thinks they're dating. the thing is though, they aren't anything special!! they went from enemies to friends, and that's it. or so the entire plot line of the show says anyways. they never even kissed! but like bro they have so much fvcking chemistry. like- they're both so gay.
to give you some backstory, henry swan-mills is their son. (oh my god that makes them sound even more like they're married jshgbnq) emma got pregnant as a teenager and ended up giving henry up for adoption. it was a closed adoption, meaning that neither the birth parents or adoptive parents will get any information about the other, for any contact purposes. so henry went up for adoption. regina adopted henry when he was a baby. for 10 years, regina and henry lived together and nothing else. then, when henry was 10, he found out who his birth mom was, and went to see her. alone (the kid's a genius). emma, being well, emma, couldn't just send him back to his adoptive mom (regina) by himself so she drove him back to where he lives, to a town called storybrooke. there, she meets regina (who is also the mayor of storybrooke). well, regina doesn't exactly like emma (because long story short, emma can fuck up all of the plans regina has in mind for the town). emma ends up staying in storybrooke because she got *weird* vibes from regina and wanted to make sure henry was alright. well, emma left her house with no clothes other then the ones she was wearing to drop henry off, since she wasn't planning on staying, so she had no change of clothes. a little into season 1 henry gave emma regina's shirt to wear since, as i said, emma had no spare clothes. so basically she was just like, wearing around regina's shirt. oh and basically regina was having an affair with this guy, graham, and when they pretty much stopped seeing each other emma kind of got together with him and then regina got jealous and (yeah don't judge) crushed his heart. like literally, held his heart in her hand and crushed it like it was an egg or some shit. she show made it seem like she did that our of fury because she wasn't happy that her sort of ex was with emma, but lots of people believe it's cause she was jealous he was with emma (and she wasn't). so yeah that's the beginning/background of their story ig.
after a while (like it takes them two whole seasons to become kind-of friends) they become friends. and like they're good friends too. like emma's parents live in storybrooke where regina and henry do (and emma does too now). so like emma will do something stupid and regina goes to see emma's parents (david + mary margret) and she finds out they just like, let emma do the stupid thing, and she's like "YOU LET HER DO WHAT!!!?" and like this one guy in town, mr. gold, threatens to try and turn emma bad (like he did to early-show regina) and regina says to him "you made me a monster, but i won't let you do the same to emma." like my dude you're so fucking in love with her just say something already.
anyways yeah. to answer your question they technically aren't anything more than friends. but like i (and many others) will ship them until the end of time because like the way they look at each other?? they legit share a son?? the whole enemies to lovers dynamic?? etc etc.
sorry that was a lot. you completely woke up the pre-teen ouat fangirl in me and now it won't shut up. this show was my special interest for two years straight, and to this day, even though i no longer talk about it 24/7, it still means a lot to me. if you made it to here i actually congratulate you on listening to me ramble about two gay ass women who aren't even actually together for so long. thanks for listening. you probably read way more information then you cared to read but whatever i guess lmao. you asked, you got a (very long) answer.
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frienderbender · 2 years
Abigaar for the whole batch of questions! Can be Bunch of Guys universe or canon universe, whatever you prefer to discuss 🙂
Send Me a Ship
i’ll do some guys AU abigaar because they take up at least 70% of my brain at any given moment
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
i think they both would! probably a whole family photo :^]
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
i like to imagine skwisgaar leaving dirty jokes/pics written on the mirror for abi to find; sometimes she adds onto them but regardless it always makes her laugh
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
they both feed into each other’s shopping guilty pleasures so. both of them.
Who initiated the first kiss
skwis leaned in first but abi actually sealed the deal.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
skwisgaar for sure. always giving her forehead kisses in the morning (once he kissed her on the lips but she said his morning breath was bad so. foreheads it is😔)
Who starts tickle fights
i don’t think it’s really their thing but if they ever do then abi for sure. it’s fun to be a menace to skwisgaar sometimes (plus he’s really ticklish)
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
skwisgaar does (after he’s done drawing a dick on the mirror fog) and he asks in a purposefully cheesy sexy voice
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
skwis ofc! and he’ll bring seb to come say hi to mom while she’s at work. if helena isn’t at school she can come too! and now i’m imagining knubbler meeting seb and helena LMAO i need that
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
i don’t think either one was like. obviously or overtly shy on the first date. their first date was pretty casual and fun (i imagine it was like, dinner/drinks and a concert).
Who kills/takes out the spiders
abi does but skwisgaar brings her the paper towel so. he’s helping.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
i think skwis would be a little more likely to. i think skwis is definitely more of a lightweight so he gets drunk faster and if the mood’s right he will let y’all know he loves his wife so much!!! that’s his wife!!!!!
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Anyway it’s S20E14 time, which means the arrival of Queen Abigail Tate :)
Edit 1: Ooh, I’d forgotten this was a Joe Ainsworth one!
Also, remember when stuff that happened in Holby actually had consequences for the hospital? In late Holby, Ric would’ve been right back to normal the minute he arrived at work, despite just having spent months in prison.
Edit 2: Abigail saying she could ask Henrik for advice on being CEO. DON’T, Abigail.
Edit 3: JASON’S HERE, SEND HELP. Also argh Serena going “why don’t we leave Mr. Griffin here to do what he does best??” Jason’s not a child, Serena, even if the writers think he is.
Edit 4: Extremely funny how obsessed these writers were with the word “sapphic” solely to avoid having to decide if Serena was a lesbian or bi.
Edit 5: Fantastic little bit of dialogue. Roxanna, regarding a patient’s risky surgery: “A risk only an addict would take.” The patient: “What does that make John Gaskell?”
Edit 6: Fun fact: you don’t need a risky surgery to have your sense of joy and happiness destroyed, you just need to watch the last 4 years of Holby.
Edit 8: I love Johnrik flirting. Also - Henrik wearing pinkish-purple and John wearing blue. Love that.
Edit 9: John talking about “knowing when to stop” like he’s ever been able to do that in his life.
Edit 10: Abi and Fletch was the most forced het romance.
Edit 11: John being baffled by the patient calling Rox “Foxy Roxy”. I tell you he’s gay.
Edit 12: Very early-Henrik esque behaviour from John regarding pushing the patient to have the operation.
Also I’d forgotten what the fuck Abi did to the CEO office. Guy Henry hated it too, actually - the reason they didn’t stick with the green paint was because Guy demanded they change back to a more subtle design once Henrik returned to being CEO.
Edit 13: I checked the interview, it sounds like he actually meant he didn’t like the design of the CEO office around the time he first came back for his second stint (so in 2015). Whatever. The 2018 design still sucks.
Edit 14: Anyway I swear I’m about to start screaming at this patient’s ableist mum lmao.
Edit 15: Serena very hypocritically trying to confront the ableist lady in question lmaooo.
Edit 16: The John and Rox relationship was really fascinating. Do wish so much of the storyline hadn’t been spent on repetitive arguments between the two of them though lol.
Edit 17: “You said ‘thank you Henrik’. What did you mean?” “Let’s focus on the task at hand.” I’d forgotten entirely about this scene! Probably because this one is another episode I haven’t seen since 2018.
Edit 18: John being crazy (affectionate) on main in this episode.
Edit 19: HENRIK
Edit 20: “John, if I hadn’t been there... would you have carried on?” :’))
Edit 21: Abi deserved better than the forced Fletch romance.
Edit 22: Ah, the archetypical Holby “patient makes their injury worse in the middle of an emotional outburst” scene.
Edit 23: The first of several Frankenstein comparisons with Gaskell.
Edit 24: When John says they could try the surgery again, the patient says “So he can still get the headline?”. John bows his head and doesn’t respond.
Edit 25: This whole scene with Ric wondering whether he still fits in at the hospital and considering leaving is really, really sad in light of Hugh Quarshie leaving the show because of how much it changed.
Edit 26: Love John inviting Rox onto the trial because Henrik suggested it.
Edit 27: This patient’s mum is driving me mad.
Edit 28: I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN this John and Abi scene existed.
Also lol. Abi saying to John “if you screw up, we all go down”. Actually he screwed up majorly and there was no aftermath to it.
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onechicagorpf · 4 years
Not A Stranger - Part 3
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader (Chicago Med intern)
Waking up in bed next to a random naked guy after a drunken night out usually sucks, but eh, whatever. you’ll never see him again, right? Well except this time, random naked guy turns out to be your ED attending’s little brother, so maybe you’re a little bit screwed…
Read Part 1 here Read Part 2 here Read Part 4 here
Warnings: SMUT. A little bit of R-rated smut! Swearing, the usual cuss words. Some angst/PTSD, although it’s not overtly discussed. Dubious medical content (discussion of amputation & blood), some of which has been shamelessly lifted from a season 3 episode of Code Black!
A/N: So there’s definitely going to be a Part 4, lol! I’ll try and have it out by this time next week. Send me asks/messages/leave a note if you liked this and want to see more - it really makes me feel so much less insecure about my writing ahaha! Also do send me short prompts or requests that I can fill as blurbs (i.e. nothing that’s going to be a several chapter story - I will request those later on!) - preferably for Jay but I can do Will as well! Female!Halstead sibling is also okay :) Anyway enough talking, enjoy!
PS: I make mention of bearded Jay in this chapter; this gif is totally the version of him I had in my head for this chapter!
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"Walter Holden. 16 years old, victim of an auto accident, came in with a dislocated right leg."
There's droplets of rain on the other side of the windows. It blurs the view - all of a sudden, the buildings you can usually see from the 13th floor of the hospital are just fuzzy, beige blocks.
"Preliminary exam showed no other major trauma, and his vital signs were strong. His leg just had to be reset."
A shudder goes down your spine - was the hospital's conference room always this cold? Well, you don't know - you've never been in here before.
"Dr Halstead advised 10 mil of morphine, but the patient refused pain medication, and the leg was reset. It was at this point that Dr Halstead handed the patient off to Dr Y/L/N, requesting her to evaluate his leg for blood flow."
There's been a strange tapping noise for the last 5 minutes, but only now do you realise it's your fingers against the oval, wooden table.
"Dr Y/L/N? Dr Y/L/N!" You snap out of your reverie and look up. Dr Lanik's glaring at you. You apologise. He takes his seat, next to Mrs Goodwin and Will, both of whom send you a soft smile that doesn't quite reach their eyes. They're trying to be reassuring, but it doesn't matter - you're ready to drown yourself.
Clearing your throat, you speak. "I was instructed to evaluate his right leg for blood flow. I did so by checking his pulses, uh, dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis." You pause, as some of the other occupants in the conference room - all members of the board or lawyers, all wearing pristine suits and a cold, calculating expression - turned to look at each other.
You clear your throat again. "It was a uh, a textbook exam."
"I'm sorry, in which textbook does it say to check for an arterial injury by just palpating a pulse?" Dr Lanik cuts in sharp.  Will closes his eyes, as you struggle to breath normally.
"90% of all patients - "
"I can't hear you, Dr Y/L/N." Dr Lanik's voice booms across the room, and Will's had it.
"This is ridiculous, there's no need to be intimidating her like this - she's a first year resident and - "
"And she was satisfied with a pulse check to evaluate blood flow? Do I need to remind everyone here that the acceptable course of action in this scenario is to order a doppler or an ABI? That boy's leg was sitting for ages without proper blood flow, and eventually the best we could do for him was amputate it."
Will shakes his head vehemently. "Pathology's looked over the leg - they determined that the severity of the accident combined with the amount of time it took CFD to extricate Holden from the car meant that his leg wasn't viable before he even stepped into the ED." Will turns to you, his eyes piercing as he spoke directly to you.
"There was nothing you could've done that would've changed the outcome. Nothing."
You take a deep breath. You don't nod.
"Alright, we've heard everything we need to hear." The head of the legal department says, after a few moments of discussion with the board members. "Given the findings from Pathology, we will not be terminating Dr Y/L/N's employment here at Chicago Med. However, we recommend that her OR privileges be revoked, and that she is attached to an attending for a duration of 2 months, by which point hopefully she will learn that not every case is a textbook case." She stares directly at you. "Dismissed." Chairs scrape against the floor as everyone makes their leave.
Will places his hand on your shoulder, and you realise you haven't moved even after everyone's left.
His voice is soft. "We all make mistakes. And - "
"I could've been the reason he lost his leg. If he'd come in with ample time to save the leg, and I just - and I just didn't realise it, I could've been the reason a kid had to lose a leg." There's tears in your eyes as you turn to look at Will, who just sighs.
"Yeah. But that's not what happened."
"I got lucky." You shrug, tears freely streaming down your face now. "I just got lucky."
Will doesn't say anything. He just hugs you.
It's not the kind of thing you just get over, you realise, because it's been 5 days since it happened but you can't get it out of your head. You've been barely getting any sleep; often you jerk awake in the middle of the night or the early hours of the morning, after which it's next to impossible to fall asleep again. It's also affecting your work more than just making you tired - you keep second-guessing your medical judgements, deferring to Will or Natalie or Ethan for anything and everything. None of them bite at you for it, because they know what's going on and they know what you're going through, but some part of you wishes they would. Wishes that they'd just grab you by the shoulders and shake you, and say "Be a damn doctor."
Dr Charles met with you for lunch earlier today, and you lamented your troubles. The kind and thoughtful psychiatrist patiently listened, before giving you some wisdom you needed to hear. Amongst which was "find a distraction".
"You mean focus on something else?" You asked, chasing a watermelon cube at the bottom of your fruit cup.
"Yeah, but it's a little bit of a dangerous tactic. See, you don't want to distract yourself from dealing with the pain and the guilt you feel, because emotions don't tend to go away when you suppress them like that. But if you're having trouble processing it, it can be helpful to take your mind off of it for a while, wait til some time has passed and it's not so...intense. And maybe then it'll be easier to tackle and get over, y'know?" Dr Charles advised and you nodded, taking it in.
You think about what exactly you could do to distract yourself as you finish your shift and make your way towards your car in the parking lot.
Maybe I should take up painting?
The thought of yourself - little miss notoriously bad at anything artsy - trying to paint has you chuckling softly. You're about to give up on this whole distract yourself thing when, as if on cue, your phone buzzes with a text message. You get into your car, turn on the heating, and pull out your phone.
J.H. 11:32PM
So...guess who's back :)
You can't help the smile on your face. Jay's been undercover for the past week - it actually got started the next morning after the night you went over for "hockey". He'd gotten a text early in the morning asking him to come in, and so the two of you had actually barely spoken since...the festivities of that night.
You 11:33PM
Congrats, detective :)
J.H. 11:33PM
Wanna come over and help me celebrate?
Huh. Well maybe Dr Charles wasn't off-target with the whole "distract yourself" thing - although you're positive having meaningless sex is probably not one of the healthy methods of distraction that he was envisioning.
But quickly, you realise it doesn't matter - ever since what happened, you haven't been sleeping well at night. It's been close to 6 days and you're wrecked, so maybe some good, tires-you-out-completely sex is exactly what you need?
You 11:34PM
Be there in 15
 J.H. 11:34PM
Can't wait :)
 Your lips curve into a smile as you pull out of the parking lot and down into the main road.
"I've been waiting to do this...for so long..." Jay murmurs in your ear before pressing kisses down the side of your neck, his hands roaming all over your body. You tilt your head to the side, exposing the expanse of your neck to him.
“It’s only been…a couple ‘a days…” You reply softly, and you feel Jay’s huffs of soft laughter into your neck. You turn to look at him, pulling away. “What?”
There’s a teasing smile on his face. “Most women take it as a compliment if a guy says he hasn’t stopped thinking about her.”
You shake you head, putting on a teasing look, “Uh-uh, that’s not what you said, you said you’ve been wanting to do this – ”
“It was implied – ”
“It wasn’t implied and even if it was – ”
“It was implied and even if it wasn’t, that’s still a compliment.” Jay says pointedly, a huge grin on his face. You narrow your eyes at him, trying to hide the growing smile on your face. He chuckles, seeing right through you.
You smack his arm. “You keep laughing at me in bed and I’m gonna get mad.” This gets Jay full-on laughing, and your jaw drops in pretend-outrage. “You fucking – ”
“No, no, no c’mere – ” Jay pacifies you, leaning over you, arms on either side of you as he starts to kiss your face, your jaw, the corner of your mouth. But there’s still the slightest smile pulling up the corners of his lips, and when he presses them to your lips, you can’t help but laugh into the kiss. Jay reaches up and holds your face, the kiss becoming soft, loving, drawn-out, and some feeling deep in your core tells you you’re just…somewhere else right now. You don’t know how to describe it, other than that everything in this moment feels perfect, feels right.
A shiver goes down your spine, and maybe it’s because Jay’s shifted, and is now sucking a spot on the base of your neck, hard and strong and deep, and his hands are skimming downwards, unbuttoning your soft cotton top before unzipping your jeans. And maybe it’s because you don’t know what the fuck you are doing here, with him, with all of this. You think about how wrong this is, how bad this is, how his brother’s your boss and this was just supposed to be one drunken hookup and then it became two (except you weren’t even drunk that time) and now it’s about to become three –
“Y/N?” Jay calls softly, and you look at him – his hands resting gently over the hem of your panties, his face hovering over the space between your legs, and the look of…almost reverence in his shining green eyes.
You stop thinking.
Your hands reach downward, sliding your panties off and Jay eagerly helps, getting them off completely. Just like last time, Jay draws out the foreplay – kissing, licking, and nipping at the skin of your inner thighs, making the heat in your core build. Running your fingers through his dark hair, you yank it a little to get him to get going, and he pinches your hip – a quick slap of the wrist. Laughing, you repeat the action, pulling on his hair, and he groans.
“You’re real impatient, you know?”
“Jayyyyyyyy,” You whine, pouting down at him. He’s got this look of a predator – a confident, cocky smile on his face. Jay dips his head down, his mouth making contact with your cunt.
“There we go,” You murmur, gasping as you feel his hot breath on your most sensitive regions. Jay’s hands grip tight into your supple skin, holding your thighs open for him as his tongue circles your opening. Your back arcs as you moan, the sensation of his tongue on you setting off what feels like fireworks in your head. Jay’s mouth presses into you, hard and deep, his tongue licking and lapping at your now sopping wet cunt.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck – ” You whisper, eyelids fluttering shut as Jay softly flicks his tongue over your clit. He repeats the motion, going up and down, teasing your clit and your hip jerks upwards sharply in response. Settling your ass back down against his soft sheets, you catch your breath and mutter a soft apology – “Shit, sorry,” – and Jay taps your thigh, a silent “don’t worry about it”, as he’s nosed his way back between your legs immediately.
Jay laps at your folds and you try to keep your head about you, try to not lose your mind, but it just feels so good. He sucks your clit into his mouth gently and your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Oh my god, ohhh my god – fuck!” You whimper, as he keeps sucking your clit, pausing to flick his tongue over it. Your fingers clutch the sheets around you hard enough to rip holes in them. The loud moans out of your mouth are bordering on screams. The feeling in your core, the heat, starts rising like a wave reaching a shore –
“I’m gonna – I’m gonna – I’m gonna – ah, ah, ahhhh – fuck! Fuck, fuck – Jay! Jay!” You scream, your vision whiting out completely as you arch off the bed, riding out the waves of pleasure wrecking your body. You hands fly downwards to grab Jay’s head as you jerk away from his still-working mouth, your oversensitive clit causing tears to pool in your eyes. Pulling him up, you whisper his name over and over again, like he’s the only gospel you know. Jay shifts up, laying down next to you and pulling you close, your bodies fitting into each other like a perfect pair of puzzle pieces. You look at him through your teary eyes and all you see are his green irises staring right back at you with a measure of something dark and lustful in them. You hold his face in your hands, running a thumb over the rough stubble of his cheeks, his jaw, where a soft beard has started to grow. His lips are glossy and wet, from you, and you see now there’s a soft pink line going across his nose that you trace with your hands, frowning.
“I’m okay,” Jay says in a soothing voice.
“What happened?” You ask, concerned, the frown between your eyebrows deepening as you look up at him.
A soft smile. “Kinda got into a fight. Guy tried to punch me, I dodged it, but his fingernail scratched me. It’s fine.” Jay replies quickly, and his face is so close to yours that you’re breathing the same air. You don’t say anything, but you must still be frowning because Jay speaks again. “It’s literally just a scratch.” You hum softly in response, running your hands down his front, unbuttoning his shirt, scanning the expanse of his chest and abdomen with your fingertips and your eyes.
Jay lifts your chin and you turn back to him. “What?”
“Are you checking me for other injuries?” He asks, chuckling. You look back down, pausing for a moment. “Maybe…it’s not like you’d tell me if you got hurt, right?” Jay just laughs, and there’s your answer. You ignore the burgeoning feelings in your heart of some kind of dejection.
Your fingers run over a sliver of raised skin, on his lower right flank. It’s a thin, pale pink scar that runs about 3 inches. You work in an ED – you know exactly what this is.
“You were stabbed?” You ask, stunned. “When?”
Jay sighs, grabbing your fingers in his hand and holding them closed. “Army stuff. Not a big deal.” He pushes your fingers away to your own body, and then reaches for the blanket and pulls it up over the two of you, like as if the conversation’s over.
“You don’t want to talk about the Army,” you point out, as Jay lays on his back, some distance between the two of you. He sighs again, looking upwards at the ceiling. “Is that a question or a statement?”
You know you shouldn’t push, but you do anyway.
“You should talk to someone about it  – ”
“I talk to people about it. I have.” Jay’s voice is tight. He’s still not looking at you.
“You can talk to me about it...” You say, and you’re terrified. Because what you’re really asking is “Do you think I’m close enough, do you care about me enough to let me in?”.
Jay turns to you, a soft smile on his face. “It’s fine. I’ve got other people for that.”
Hiding the immense desolation that’s weighing like an anchor on your chest from showing, you just send a shallow smile his way. 
He’s got other people for that. He’s got other people for sharing his feelings, his pain, his suffering, his life. He doesn’t want you for that, I mean, why would he share all of that with you? You’re just a warm body – some random girl he’s having sex with. Nothing more.
You pull the blankets tighter around you, turning away from Jay. Trying your best to quell the wave of sadness flooding what feels like every single part of you, you drift asleep. 
“Dr Y/N?”
You turn, and there’s Walter Holden on a bed in the ED.
“Walter?” You walk to his side, stunned. He’s crying – tears spilling out of his soft baby blue eyes, his youthful face scrunched up in pain and anguish.
“Why did you do this to me? Why?!” He yells, his voice cracking. You shake your head. “Walter, Walter I’m so sorry – I didn’t know, I didn’t know, I didn’t mean to – ” You choke on your words, and as you look down the bed you realise that Walter’s amputated leg is bleeding at the stump.
“Oh god, oh my god – ” You get up, shocked as the blood starts gushing. Walter screams.
“Help me! Dr Y/N – help me! Help me!”
You hear your heart hammering in your ears, your head is spinning, you stand up and you feel faint.
Will rushes into the room. He starts holding as much gauze as he can to Walter’s leg. Nurses and doctors flood the room, and they begin moving Walter out. You’re standing, back pressed to the treatment room wall, aghast. 
Will turns to you, his face red with rage. “What are you even doing?! Fucking hell, Y/N – you can’t do anything right?!”
There’s a painful lump in your throat, and you can’t breathe. Something grabs your hand and you snap your head. It’s Walter, and as they wheel his bed out, he looks at you with so much fury and torment in his eyes.
“No, no, no, I’m so sorry Walter, I’m so sorry – I’m so sorry – this can’t be happening, no, no no no – ” Tears stream down your face and you start shaking. Your knees buckle, and you fall to the ground, sobs wracking your body. Somewhere in the distance, you hear your name being called, but you can’t answer, you can’t do this anymore, you can’t – you just can’t…
“Y/N! Y/N!”
You jolt, your eyes flying open. Jay’s over you, his eyebrows drawn together, his eyes wide, concerned, his hands holding your shoulders where you realise he’s been shaking you – shaking you because – because –
It was a fucking nightmare. Again.
You let out a cry of pain, bringing your hands up to cover your face. “Breathe, just breathe.” Jay says softly, rubbing your arms up and down.
After about a minute, when you don’t feel so shaken anymore, you wipe your eyes and slowly sit up. Jay shifts with you, sitting right next to you. You can’t look him in the eyes.
“I’m – I’m sorry I woke you,” you whisper to your palms, resting atop your folded legs.
“Don’t – don’t worry about that. Y/N, what happened? It sounded pretty bad…” Jay says and you shake your head.
“I’m fine, it’s fine – ” Your hands run through your hair roughly. You need to go. You need to go – you need to leave – you can’t be here –you can’t be here with him –
“Hey. Hey,” Jay repeats, when you don’t answer. He reaches across and his warm hard gently grabs your face, trying to get you to look at him but you just push his hand away. You get up, grabbing your underwear and jeans from the ground and start getting dressed.
“Y/N!” Jay gets off the bed, and comes to you. You sidestep him, or at least you try to, but he’s much taller than you and his shoulders are broad; he stands in your way and grabs your arms softly.
“Y/N, look at me – ”
You give him what he wants. You look up at him, you stare him directly in his eyes, shaking in anger and fear and what feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders. 
“Hmm? Why? This isn’t – you don’t care – what does it matter –” You yell at him, your mind frazzled as you fall apart in his arms.
The frown on Jay’s face gets deeper, and he shakes his head, leaning close. “Hey, talk to me. C’mon, you can talk to me – ”
“Why the fuck would I talk to you? You’re just some guy I’m sleeping with!” You spit harshly, shaking his hands off and stepping back. Jay’s mouth falls open, and his shoulders sag. His face contorts into something awful - dismay, defeat, hurt.
For a moment, you want to run back into his arms – apologise, say you didn’t mean it, say you’re just scared – but you don’t. You move around him, grabbing your shirt. You put it on and make your way out of his bedroom, and out of his apartment.
You don’t know why you said what you did. Actually, scratch that, you know exactly why you said that. In fact, you know exactly why you’re what you’re doing.
Every relationship you’ve ever had up to this point’s fucked you over. Every single one. You’ve been cheated on, you’ve been lied to, you’ve been told you were just some piece of ass, not an actual girlfriend. And now?
Now you’re scared shitless of what this thing between the two of you is. You’re scared shitless that you’re making a mistake by screwing around with your boss’s brother and you’re –
You’re scared shitless you’re falling for him.
So, you do what you do best. Dump out of this, push the self-destruct button. Get him to push you away so you don’t have to go through the pain of falling for the guy you can’t have. The one that you know’s going to screw you over, because he’s going to realise he only really sees you as a hookup – that he doesn’t love you.
You try to hold back the tears, because you’re driving home and the last thing you need right now is a car accident. There’s a buzzing sound from your phone and you perk up. As much as you want to tell yourself to not get your hopes high, you can’t help yourself, and you speed down the road to the red light so you can push the brakes and wait. Your fingers wrap around your phone and you immediately check the screen. 
The smile on your face falls – it’s just a stupid notification from Instagram. You toss your phone back onto the passenger seat, hard enough that it bounces off and hits the ground. Tears once again threaten to fill your eyes, and there’s a painful lump in your throat. You swipe at your cheeks, where a single tear has made its escape, and turn to look at the screen next to your steering wheel – it shows the time as 3:45AM. Leaning back against your car seat, a deep sigh exits your lungs.
You realise there’s no way you’re going to sleep again today, what with the whole Jay thing on top of the Walter Holden nightmare that’s been haunting you for the last 6 days now.
The lights turn green.
Swearing under your breath, you throw your car into a U-turn and drive to Med instead.
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Random Jackbox headcannons that I wanted to share.
(Possible trigger warnings ahead, prosied with caution.)
The first time Cookie hosted You don't know jack, he was terrified and could barely utter a word.
The YDKJ hosts are a squad and they hang out together.
Schmitty takes anger management classes
The Champed up host is Cookies brother and his name is Chip. (Like, chocolate chip cookie.)
Chip is kind of aggressive towards others when it comes to showing affection to Cookie. He will not hesitate to fight anyone who upsets Cookie (even though he's much smaller than Cookie and will most likely loose a fight.)
Cookie is robophobic and he believes in the conspiracy that highly advanced tech will kill us. (He can handle Iphones and smart watches, but not VR headsets and home assistants and especially AI.)
Nate is totally fine with this belief, as he has interviewed people like this on his radio show Truth Talk 23/7 and has heard much stranger.
The Binjpipe lady is an artificial intelligence female robot called the Artificial Binjpipe Intelligence of ABI (I know it's a terrible acronym but I couldn't think of a good one that spelt something similar to Aby.)
The only reason Cookie agreed to collab with Binjpipe is because Donny forged Cookie's signature on a contract behind his back hoping Cookie could face his fear.
It didn't work and Abi gaslighted Cookie in to thinking she resets him and brainwashed him into thinking he's code and that nothing and nobody he knows is real.
This causes him to neglect his own health, not eat, sleep, or take care of himself, and he eventually lost his mind. Abi planned for this to happen and intended for him to die of malnutrition.
Her plan was to collect data from the Jackbox hosts, put it on a chip, kill the hosts, then download a replica of them onto Binjpipe to put their shows on the streaming service. Aside from being morally messes up, this would've totally drained the life and comedy out of the shows and make them bland and boring.
Nate was suspicious of Abi from the beginning and asked people to send him any info on Binjpipe they could find on his show.
Nate, Schmitty, guy, and Buzz had to save Cookie and rush him to the hospital because by the time they where able to stop Abi, he was to week to even stand up and was incredibly mentally incapacitated.
When Cookie was released from the hospital, he was too week to walk, he barely spoke, and he couldn't think straight or remember anyone or anything. (Basically Cookie is not having a good time.) He's mostly better now but now he's kinda traumatized.
In fact, he was so traumatized that he quit trivia for years (At least until a new YDKJ comes out, if it comes out, and if he's the one who hosts it.)
[REDACTED] insisted on helping Schmitty and Raul (I ship Cookie and Raul) nurse Cookie back to physical health, mental health, and his memory when he was released from the hospital because the state Cookie was in reminded him of the state his mother was in before she died.
[REDACTED'S] Mother had Alzheimer's disease and Redacted helped be her caretaker and would sing her a lullaby she used to sing to him before bedtime. That song was the last thing she heard before she died and her death really hurt Redacted.
[REDACTED] doesn't support su***de, it bumes him out and makes him feel bad for wanting to kill the person.
[REDACTED] Is friends with Schmitty and Schmitty forgives him for torturing him, in fact he acts like it never happened. (Nobody understands why.)
Since [REDACTED] isn't allowed to kill the other hosts, he gives them the dolls he made, kills the dolls when they lose, and makes them stay in 'the looser room,' where they watch a projector screen of the rest of the game and eat snacks.
[REDACTED] Was genuinely hurt when he finds out that you aren't his mother because he was really hurt when she died, and really happy when you got the wig since he thought could see her again
The others heard [REDACTED] in the tattoos mini game, but they couldn't see anything. [REDACTED] purposely left them in the dark about it until they played the mini game to mess with them.
The host of the devil's and the details is a demon who changes his form into a human because his true form would most likely drive the others mad. Also his name is Stan
Stan sees humans as simpletons and he looks down on them. The only human he actually likes is [REDACTED.]
There's a cult related to Stan (Who's real name is Y'thogsomore, pronounced Yo-thogs-a-more) and he thinks the cult is pathetic for following him.
It was really awkward for Cookie to find out that one of his old cats is now anthropomorphic and a game show host.
Back when Mayonnaise was a normal cat, he would somehow change the channel on the TV to The Twilight Zone and watch it whenever Cookie fell asleep while watching TV.
Cookie is a cat dad.
Felicia was surprised to find out that none of the hosts were dating each other, so she threw a make out party to try to have set them up, it didn't work and she just made everyone uncomfortable.
She wasn't allowed to do that for a long time. She's now allowed to hold singles mixers, just as long as she doesn't be as pushy as the first time.
Glargan O'Toe is and Alien who wears a space suit while on Earth. He has one eye and he glows in the dark
Glargan O'Toe likes to go to Clubs and parties
Glargan O'Toe is good friends with Felicia, and they share a single brain cell.
Gene sees DODE as an angel since he's always sent to hell and he loves her.
Toby, Lena, The shadow master, and Rachel had to save Gene from a terrible co-worker relationship (I'll spare you the details but let's just say that my version of the survive the internet host is not a nice person.)
The host of Guesspionage (Whom I've taken to call "Andy") is dating the CEO of Binjpipe (who I like to call "Malefica.")
Malefica has a daughter named Petunia who hates Andy, and Any doesn't like her.
Chip always presents himself as a ride and immature little man who holds grudges too easily and will see you as dead to him if you get on his bad side, but he's a nice guy once you get to know him.
When Chip heard that Cookie quit trivia, he was like 'Well it's about time, all that trivia stuff was so lame." When really he was shocked and genuinely upset for Cookie
When Cookie and Chip where kids, they would do this cute thing where they'd dress up as the Snow miser and heat miser and sing their songs (Cookie was always the Snow miser and Chip was always the heat miser.)
I like call son of Mayonnaise and the Mother from monsters seeking monsters (and that's not me shipping something weird, that's actually cannon) is named Mustard.
I'm just gonna go out and assume that they adopted Mustard.
Cookie was not happy at the mother when he learned that she was seeing mayonnaise
Schmitty absolutely hated almost every show on Binjpipe.
Beatboxing and rapping is a hobby that Gene picked up.
Gene always gets nervous and awkward when playing patently stupid, wich is why he makes and presents strange inventions. Toby and Lena try not to judge him, but sometimes they're just too weird
The host of Bidiots is a total hypocrite. He judges and scolds the other hosts for being so weird and sometimes violent, when really he isn't really any better.
Cookie's hair used to be black. One day he dyed his hair brown, but left some spots black to make it look like a chocolate chip cookie.
That all for now. I may come up with more when other Jackbox party packs come out. I'm sorry if anything here triggered anyone.
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abihastastybeans · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day
Send this to five different people anonymously, and tell them three things you love/appreciate about them to brighten their Valentine's day!
Three things I love/appreciate about you:
That you’re one violent Hufflepuff 😳 which means you’ll be perfect to go into battle when ever I need someone…. Let’s just hope you don’t have to face off with a troll or Hagrid 😭
I love the stories you write, the fluffiest of the fluff but also some not so fluff… 😤😤ABI I DIDNT CARRY YOU FOR NINE MONTHS SO YOU COULD WRITE SMUT! <- my howler to you 🥺
A very intelligent girl that will go far in life whether it’s the career you have your mind set on, or your actual dream… which is to become a dancer for Taylor Swifts ERAS TOUR. Yeah 😏 don’t deny you know you like to sing to tay tay. 🙄 denial isn’t just a river in Egypt bestie. I can see you singing to the song Enchated, with the cute server guy.
🎵”this was the very first page, not where the receipt ends, my mind will echo your name until I see you again (for lunch) please don’t go and serve someone else, please don’t have someone’s order ready. (1632)
Please don’t go and serve someone else, please have my order number ready-y” 🎵
😉 enchanted remix 😎
NENA COME HERE- *squeezes the hell out of you*
I swear, every single sentence in this ask is wonderful😂 Yes I'd ride into battle with you, just text me. And don't pretend as if you don't like Jily smut😤 and
Happy valentine's day bestie❤️
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scaredofchange · 4 years
Monsta X Imagine - In love with an overweight, self-conscious person.
Brought to you by an overweight, self-conscious person.
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I wrote this for fun and I hope you’ll all enjoy it. This is for you, and you only, you beautiful fucking masterpiece.
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Sweetest man EVER. He would take care of all your needs, such as getting you chub rub cream when you walk too long in shorts or massaging your feet.
Is very protective of you and would do anything to make you happy.
Knows all the places you don’t like to be touched (if you have any) and respects your boundaries like the prince charming that he is.
If someone would dare hurt you by saying shit about your body, he’d be the kind of man to get scary angry, but in a very calm manner, and would probably ruin the person’s life with a simple look.
Would shyly comfort you after.
Absolutely ADORES being the big spoon so he can feel your whole body against his.
Sweet, sweeeeeeet, sweeeeeeeeeeet love-making. He wouldn’t stop telling you how much he loves every single part of you.
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“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. Like, for real.”
He’d tell you that when you’d look at yourself in the mirror, not liking what you see.
Would always want you to be comfortable, either with what you’re wearing or with who you’re hanging out. “I just want you to be happy”.
Buys your favourite snacks without you asking because he’s that kind of boyfriend.
LOVES, and I mean LOVES, to grab your thighs during sex. It’s probably one of his favourite things on you.
Kisses your forehead and pouts whenever you feel bad about yourself.
If someone ever talks shit about your weight, he’d literally yeet them away (you know, with his giant biceps).
Would probably be able to lift you, not gonna lie. So, you could finally live that dream of steamy shower sex or ‘walk in the room bride style’ thing.
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“Babe, you are G O R G E O U S!”
I imagine him being in love with THAT ASS (!!!) would probably grab it whenever he could.
Literally gets mad if you talk badly about your body.
He’d grab your cheeks and tell you to shut up and kiss him, because “I don’t see any flaws, and neither should you.”
Lowkey wants to die between your thighs.
He’d die seeing you all sweaty after sex, barely covered by the blankets. “Are you an angel?”
He loves that you’re different and always reminds you how perfect you are to him.
Such a sweet man when he wants, type of guy who would look at you instead of the movie for the whole thing because ‘what did I do to deserve you?”.
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You DO NOT want to mess with Kihyun and his love for your whole fucking body. He’d throw fists at anyone who’d ever doubt it.
He’d go from “Fuck baby! You’re hot!” to “You are the cutest girl around” in a millisecond.
Highkey shows you off to everyone he knows. He’d want the whole world to know you’re his.
Buys you clothes and accessories that compliment your body type, and a lot of lingerie because he’d kill to see your curves in it and out of it.
He’d gaze lovingly at your body whenever he’d be on top like he’d admire a masterpiece in a museum.
When you’re on top though, he’d be too excited to do anything else but please you.
“Please, baby, love yourself, you deserve it so much.”
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 Morning, afternoon and evening naps all tangled up with you.
“Please y/n, stop moving, you’re my fluffy pillow now”
A total softie with you when you’re alone, wants you to feel loved 24/7
In public would show everyone you’re his by kissing your lips, for example, while waiting in line at the movies or randomly at a table in a restaurant.
Feels so comfy in your arms; he never wants to move.
Compliments your outfits every single day, “wow, have you seen yourself lately? I’m such a lucky man”.
Slow love-making because, your body against his? : he wants that feeling to last FOREVER.
Is SO DONE with everything but you and your magnificence.
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“Baby, you can do anything you want to me.”
Always puts an arm around you because he loves to feel you close.
Side-eyes people when you go out because you are HIS and his ONLY.
“Why are they looking at me?” you’d ask, super self-conscious, and he’d answer something like “you’re kidding right? You’re the most beautiful person on the fucking planet.”
If you’d talk shit about your body, he’d either go into a full-blown rant about our shitty society and the people who made you feel bad or he’d shut you up with hot kisses and a lot of ‘I love you’s.
Thinks you look good in EVERYTHING… and without ANYTHING (if you know what I mean)
Wants you to ride him 24/7 and is not shy to mark you.
Definitely an ass grabber during sex.
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Clingy as hell: he would love to grab E V E R Y T H I N G. Whether it’s your thighs, ass, your arms, breasts… name it, he loves it.
Always encourages you to wear the things you really want but you’re afraid people will judge you for.
“Listen, if you want me to go out butt naked so people won’t look at you, I’ll do it.”
Lowkey wants you to be naked all the time around your apartment because he can’t stop admiring you.
If someone dares to insult you, BOY!, Honey would send him to his grave. He’d literally spit fire.
Wants you to eat well (and by that I mean he doesn’t like it when you order only a salad because he knows you don’t want that shit). He thinks you should get whatever you want.
“I love everything about you, don’t ever doubt that.”
Hot, steamy sex. Kisses every curve and always wants more.
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theangriestpea · 4 years
Ménage à Trois
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Summary: Abi thought of the perfect Valentine’s Day present for her two boyfriends. Needless to say, they love it almost as much as they love her. 
Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC x Fangs (polyamory)
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Word Count: 2.6k+
Warnings: Smut, Threesome, Double Penetration, Oral, Some Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex (wrap it upppp)
A/N: This is a bit of a double celebration fic! One for reaching 700 Followers! And Two for @riverdale-events​ V-Day Event: Fall in Love with Riverdale! Hope everyone has a great Valentine’s day! And I hope everyone enjoys Abi’s debut. This takes place during Compersion which is while they are in college
This was their first Valentine’s Day together and Abi thought long and hard about what gifts she could give her lovers. Finally one Sunday afternoon it dawned on her. A new bed. The double she had was much too small for the three of them and she was sick of having to choose who she’d sleep with that night. Now it was the day before the 14th and the bed and finally been delivered. She waited until Fangs and Sweet Pea were done with their classes for the day before showing them.
“What is it called again?” Fangs asked, his breath hitched in his throat at the size of the enormous bed in front of him. She had confessed to them that she was tired of having to make a sleeping schedule for the bed. Making sure everyone got equal time with each partner was a headache. Though the boys didn’t think it was nearly as important as she did. They were happy just to be together, even if they were a room apart.
Abigail smiled, her arms outstretched as if welcoming the bed into the family. “An Alaskan King,” She said with an abundance of happiness in her voice. “Isn’t it perfect?”
“It takes up the whole room…” Sweet Pea muttered, noticing how little space there was between the bed and the walls. This kind of bed was not really suited for a two bedroom apartment. There wasn’t really room for their dressers. He supposed they all fit but just barely. Now if only they could improve the closet space…
A giggled erupted out of her as she jumped onto the bed, bouncing on the soft cushion. “Aren’t you guys excited? Now we just have to decide who gets to be in the middle!”
“Definitely not you.” Sweet Pea said, smirking as he joined her on the bed. “You get up to pee every two hours.” He trapped her beneath him, his large hands encircling her wrists playfully.
Fangs sat down next to them, watching Abi’s smile morph into a pout. “I can’t help I have a small bladder.” She replied hotly. She didn’t want to be forced to sleep on the side every night just because she got up to use the bathroom every once in a while…that just wasn’t fair.
Sweet Pea dipped down and kissed her neck, making her giggle again. “Maybe you should stop drinking so much tea right before bed.” He said in a taunting voice, his breath fanning across her soft skin.
The shorter boy smiled at them softly and stood up, prepared to leave to let them have some fun. Abi tilted her head to look at him, “don’t go.” Her voice was now a whine, “there’s room for all of us now.”
Fangs quirked an eyebrow at her. “Does this mean you’ve reconsidered?” He asked curiously. For weeks now he and Sweet Pea had been trying to get her to do a threesome with them. Despite all being in a relationship together, they had never been intimate all at the same time. There was always someone left in the dark while the other two were filling the apartment with moans. It had simply become a way of life. Abi had been adamant about not wanting to take two at once, so he was surprised that she was telling him to stay.
Sweet Pea’s lips moved along her neck, making her concentration hazy at best. “Yes…” Her voice was light, airy. “I have. Don’t go.” She repeated, her eyes slipping shut.
The taller Serpent glanced up at Fangs, a smirk evident on his lips though it was hidden by her dark hair. His hands let go of her wrist and snuck up the front of her shirt, sending chills through Abi’s entire body. He peeled it off quickly and tossed it to the floor.
Fangs discarded his shirt as well, adding to the pile on the ground. He watched with a degree of intensity in his eyes, observing his lovers entwined together. How exactly did she want this to go down? There hadn’t been much discussion. He supposed he would just let it come naturally.
Sweet Pea sat up and away from her. “Why don’t you suck my cock while he eats you out?” He proposed as he took off his own shirt and began to work on his belt. Abi sat up and licked her pouty lower lip slowly. Her eyes darted to Fangs who still looked ever so curious.
“Alright,” She answered before reaching around and unhooking her bra. “Get naked and assume the position.”
He’s eyes darkened and he unbuckled his thick belt. “I know you’re not giving me orders, baby girl.” He said, his voice as shadowy as his gaze. His pants dropped, his boxers followed, and he settled down in the middle of the bed, resting his back against the headboard. He stroked his length slowly so that he would harden more.
Abi rolled her eyes at him playfully as she took off her pants and underwear as well. She flipped onto her hands and knees and crawled over to him slowly, settling down between his toned legs. Her mouth found his scrotum, giving light licks to it before teasing it with a nip.
Fangs had freed himself from the rest of his clothing as well. His calloused hands ran up Abi’s legs, starting at the ankles and going up to her thighs. He spread her legs gently before leaning down and licking down her slit in one broad motion. She shuddered against him, eyes glued on Sweet Pea’s as she moved to trail her tongue up his hard cock.
Sweet Pea wished his phone was close so he could capture this moment on film for eternity. Unfortunately it was across the room on the dresser. He’d have to commit it to memory instead. Abi was teasing him still with her tongue, simply licking at his veins and tip, and drinking in his pre-cum. It was harder than usual for her to pay him attention, as Fangs was doing something similar to her.
She took him fully into her mouth then and Sweet Pea let out a low throaty growl. Fangs was sucking on her clit, moving circles around it with his tongue. She whimpered at the sensation, her eyes falling shut as they normally did when she was being pleasured. Pea didn’t quite like this though, he rather her look at him while he fucked her mouth.
“Look at me,” He ordered and her eyes popped back open obediently. “Good girl,” He praised as her head bobbed up and down. She took as much of him as she could without deep throating, her hand on the part of his base that wouldn’t fit. Her hand and mouth moved in tandem as she was sure to pleasure all of him and not just the part that was inside of her.
Fangs inserted his middle finger into her, curling it inside so he could feel along her walls for her sweet spot. He found it in no time, the loud moan she let out when he brushed against it gave him an intense feeling of satisfaction even though it was greatly muffled by Sweet Pea’s penis.
Her eyes stayed connected with his as she took even more of him into her mouth, his tip hitting the back of her throat as she hummed to vibrate it around him. Her tongue worked his shaft swift and fast, one hand coming to stroke his balls and gently massage them.
Sweet Pea let out another moan, his hips bucking without him meaning to. Abi choked for a brief moment, sputtering with him still lodged in her mouth. He gave her a sympathetic smile.
Meanwhile Fangs had inserted a second finger and was attacking her clit with his vigorous tongue. Abi almost instantly forgot about Sweet Pea choking her with his dick and was moaning more in pleasure, her eyes threatening to close again.
Pea put a hand on her head and pulled her hair roughly so her eyes would widen again. She whined in response, making him huff with aggravation. Abi increased her pace to further him along and he could feel his orgasm building as she felt hers. Fangs’ fingers pleasuring her core while his mouth worked her clitoris over.
A few minutes later both were coming, Sweet Pea releasing into Abi’s mouth and Abi shuttering against Fangs’ fingers. She swallowed his cum before pulling away slightly, her green eyes on Sweet Pea as she kissed up his abdomen and finally up to his lips. “Fangs didn’t get one.” She pointed out before looking back at the Afro-Asian boy, who seemed happy just to be there.
“Then give him one, baby.” Sweet Pea said, brushing hair behind her ear. “I need a moment to recover.”
Abi nodded and sat up on her knees as she half turned towards Fangs. “Lay on your back, Fangs, beside Sweets.”
Fangs grinned, getting into position. His hard cock resting at attention against his stomach. He pumped lazily until she grabbed his wrists and pinned them playfully, straddling his waist. “Hands off.” She whispered in a sultry voice that did nothing but turn him on even more.
One hand left his wrist so she could guide him into her. They simultaneously threw their heads back and moaned in unison. Abi sat still for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of him inside of her and taking her sweet time. Fangs almost bucked his hips but knew if he did then she’d likely punish him but not letting him come at all. She could be cruel that way.
Abi watched his expression closely, seeing how her stillness almost pained him. A cruel smile crossed her lips as she moved her hips slowly, rocking them against him in a small undulating manner. Fangs let out a quieter moan as she just bit her lip. She released his other wrist from her grip so she could straighten her posture.
She found the angle that had him hitting her spot with every thrust of her hips. “Can I touch now?” Fangs asked, his voice strained.
For a moment she pondered the question and she glanced at Sweet Pea, who was very much enjoying the show, as if to ask him his opinion. He shrugged, “He does deserve a reward for eating you out so well.”
Abi chuckled lightly before looking back at Fangs, “you can touch me, baby.” She cooed and his hands slid up her thighs and rested on her delicate hips. He gripped them briefly, testing her patience as he forced her to increase her pace.
She would have been annoyed if not for the pleasure it brought her. Her head lulled back again, a mewl of delight leaving her mouth as she abided by his touch. Her rhythm increased, his head and shaft rubbing her g-spot continuously that almost made her come undone much too soon.
Fangs could tell she was losing control. Her dominance tended to wane when she started to feel really good. He then moved his own hips to match her, the added friction earning him yet another gorgeous moan.
Sweet Pea got up and grabbed his phone long enough to take a short video of the two of them, his own penis starting to get hard again at the sight of them. He grabbed lube out of the dresser drawer before tossing it onto the bed. Abi and Fangs looked at it before looking at him, both curious.
“I’m taking your ass while he handles your pussy. Any objections?” He asked, preferring to get her consent on this matter as it was not something they had done before. If she said no then he’d wait his turn again patiently. If she said yes, then he’d only need a minute or two more before he’d be ready.
It was hard for her to concentrate as she bounced on top of Fangs, her breast moving in small circles. Abi considered it and wondered deep down how it would feel to have two at once. She looked down at Fangs, his face full of hope. “No objections.” She added finally and the eyes of the man beneath her lit up.
He instantly slowed his pace, not wanting to hit his peak before Sweet Pea could join them. Abi took the hint and did the same, though she could easily orgasm again and again with little cool off, she knew Fangs was not nearly as lucky.
Not long after Sweet Pea placed a hand between her shoulder blades and forced her down so that her body was parallel to Fangs’. She smiled at her boyfriend and kissed him briefly as she felt him spread lube down her ass, slipping in a finger to prep her. It wasn’t her first time doing anal as many times Sweet Pea favored it to regular sex. Not that sex between the three of them was ever quite regular.
Pea spread lube along his penis before pressing his tip against her asshole. Fangs and Abi laid still, ripe with anticipation. He slowly entered her, unable to stop the groan from coming out at how tight the hole was.
Oddly enough he could feel that Fangs was inside of her too. The only thing separating their cocks was a small wall of tissue. He moved first as he was the most dominant. Abi was biting her lip again, her eyes closed as a whimper managed to come out. ‘
Fangs began to move his hips again, matching Sweet Pea’s rhythm. “You okay?” he whispered to her, seeing a strange look on her face.
Abi laughed lightly, “Yea, it just feels weird.” She murmured in a voice that made it obvious she was trying not to moan. Both men increased their pace, feeling the other as they moved. Abi had to rest her head on Fangs’ shoulder, unable to hold her body up.
Sweet Pea’s hands planted themselves on her hips while Fangs wrapped his arms around her waist. She was helpless as they began to pound into her. Soon loud moans of pleasure filled the modest sized apartment.
She could feel herself getting closer to release as Sweet Pea whispered to her, “You’re doing great baby girl, taking both our cocks at once. What a good girl getting her ass and pussy fucked at the same time. I knew you could do it.”
Abi reveled in his praise as she whimpered out a nonverbal response. Sweet Pea smirked, increasing his pace yet again. Fangs increased his pace as well, now holding back his orgasm just so he could keep going. He wanted to be polite and let his girl come first, as always.
And soon enough Abi was coming. She didn’t have a name to scream out so she settled with fuck, her eyes squeezed shut as lights danced across the blackness of her vision.
Fangs was next, not bothering to hold back anymore. A few thrusts later was Sweet Pea’s turn. Once his orgasm ended he pulled out of her and laid down next to Fangs, breathing heavily.
Abi collapsed on top of Fangs, also trying to catch her breath as he held her close. He pulled out as well and she could feel both of their loads seeping out of her. “That was…”
“Intense.” Fangs finished for her before kissing her forehead gently. “Happy Valentine’s day, Abigail.” He said softly, brushing his fingers through her hair.
She forced herself to set up, grinning her wide Cheshire grin at them, “did you two enjoy your present?”
Sweet Pea chuckled as Fangs just smiled, “oh most definitely, and if you think you can get away with not having both of us again then you’re wrong.”
She laughed and shook her head, forcing Sweet Pea to move over so she could lounge between them, even though he said she couldn’t be in the middle thanks to her small bladder. None of them seemed to remember that now.
They wrapped their arms around her, faces nuzzled into her neck affectionately as the three drifted off into a blissful sleep in their new bed.
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Friday Night Lights
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ships: Romantic Prinxiety, Platonic Sleepxiety 
Summary: Roman and Virgil play opposite positions on their rival high school football teams. It’s the Homecoming game and tensions are high. Neither are willing to lose but one must rise above the other…
Warnings (in order of strength): Some language throughout, Just Gays Being Dudes (That is to say, some mildly mildly risqué content)
Genre: Human (High School) AU, Rivals to Lovers, Eventual Fluff 
A/N: I impulsively wrote a bullet point fic (*btw the bullet fic does contain some spoilers so beware of that before you read it*) several months ago and meant to flush it out a lot sooner but I only got a thousand words in before life hit and I wasn’t able to continue. I’m hoping to get the second part done soon, but in the mean time I thought I might as well post this! :D Love you all 🖤✨ 
Chapter 2    Ao3 Link   Fic Masterpost    Fic Request Info
The locker room light was sterilely bright, fluorescent lightbulbs glaring loudly above Virgil’s head. Bodies rushed back and forth in front of him, occasionally bumping into his knees or ruffling his hair. A hand clapped his shoulder but between the padding on his shoulders and the distance of his mind, he hardly felt it.
He sat on the wooden bench, neck bent, eyes closed, and breathing deeply through his nose. He did this before every game. While his other teammates hyped each other up- yelling and pounding each other on the back- he would go somewhere far, far away. It was how he got centered before all the chaos, how he rose above the adrenaline pounding in his heart, how he won. But today was different. Today he had to win.
“Hey, sleeping beauty, you ready to smash this game?”
Virgil grinned as he opened his eyes and turned to look at his fullback, Remy, “Yeah, dude. We’re going to wipe that smug grin off Prince’s face once and for all.”
Roman Prince sat in a tight huddle with the rest of his team, wearing a smug grin. This was the homecoming game, basically the most exciting three hours of Roman’s year. Besides, this was his senior year and his last chance to show the rival school where they belonged. (That is to say, in the dirt).
With one last shout, the team started jogging out of the locker room, jumping as than ran and yelling at each other occasionally like they couldn’t even remember how to talk. The energy was electric. Roman lived for moments like this. The only thing he loved more than the pre-game hype was the post-victory euphoria.
He grinned and ran out into the field. It was dusk, a dark blue sky fenced off by the bright flood lights ringing the stands. He was hit by the strange combination of smells that was only found on high school football fields- funnel cake and sweat and turf and axe body spray and face paint. He waved at the cheering stands and blew a kiss at the opposing bleachers who booed at his arrival. This was his world and that ridiculous West Shore High didn’t have shit on him.
Virgil glared across the field at the pompous tackler from Monarch Knights. He was currently blowing kisses over towards his team and it made Virgil want to punch him. The boy was just so full of himself. Unfortunately, he had some right to be. On defensive, he was like a wall- one that simply refused to be knocked down. When he played offense, he moved like a tractor through the other team, mowing them down like they were cards and he was a quickly approaching tornado.
Remy laughed next to him, “I don’t think staring at him is going to do anything.”
“Well, if you do your job, I won’t have to do anything to him,” Virgil shoved him lightly in the chest.
Remy pushed back and it sent Virgil stumbling back a few feet. Virgil was by far the smallest on the team but he didn’t really mind; his job was to be light and fast. Being the halfback meant he got the ball and ran like his life depended on it. All the brutes around him were supposed to keep the field clear enough for him to sprint all the way to the end zone.
Usually it worked out well. Remy would run ahead of Virgil, knocking any threats out of the way and Virgil would carry them all the way to victory. Usually. Sometimes they would come across teams with some on-steroids sort of defense. Sometimes Remy would get pushed to the side play after play and Virgil would spend every down trying to weave his way through an oncoming river. Sometimes Virgil would get trapped in front of an oncoming wall and could hardly run an inch the entire night. More specifically, sometimes they played against Roman Prince.
Monarch Knights was the only school they had lost to the entire season. But not tonight. Virgil refused to be made a fool of.
Roman could feel that stare from across the field. Hundreds of eyes were on him at the moment, but none were so venomous.
It was the little creep who played offense for West Shore. He was one of the strangest people Roman had ever had the displeasure of playing against. Virgil Tempeste was like a chihuahua- tiny, aggressive, and buzzing with energy. Standing next to him felt just as idiotically risky as standing three inches from a lightning rod in the middle of a thunderstorm. When Roman had been forced to shake his hand earlier in the season, he had been half convinced that Tempeste was going to bite him.
As difficult as it was to admit though, he was Roman’s biggest concern this game. The halfback was fast and he knew how to weave through even the best defense lineups. He moved across the field like an ice skater across a rink.
Roman tried to give the little weasel a wave, but he was too busy bickering with the boy next to him to see Roman. Is was oddly disappointing; Roman would have loved to see how mad he could make Tempeste before the game even began.
——————————————————- The pre-game niceties passed by Virgil in a blur. Someone sang the national anthem, a coin got tossed, and the Student Body Leaders said something over the speaker system but it just sounded like overly enthusiastic static.
All that mattered was that they had possession of the ball. That meant Virgil could start his sprint from the very start of the game. Virgil liked his position. He was important, he had purpose, it gave him an opportunity to use all of the anxious energy he had bouncing around inside. Most importantly, his position was the very back of the formation which meant he got to see everyone else’s asses.
He looked out across the field and over his team. Past Remy, their quarterback, and the long line of guards and receivers, the red uniforms of the Knights blazed an angry red. It was such an arrogant colour, bright and brash and filling all of Virgil’s senses. Every time they played against the Knights, those stupid uniforms bothered him a ridiculous amount. Maybe that’s why they wear them- like that thing the matadors do with the red capes.
Virgil shook his head. He needed to stay focused; the game was going to start in seconds at most and he was idiotically thinking about the opposing team’s colours. But if he craned his back he could just see Prince…
Roman glared at the brute in front of him. His mouth guard sat heavily against his teeth. The bitter taste of plastic couldn’t mask the coppery adrenaline that coated his tongue and flooded his brain.
This was his game. His to win, his to conquer, his to dominate. And none of those Concord-grape-looking fools were going to get in his way.
The beast in front of him growled and Roman rolled his eyes. He really thought he could intimidate Roman? Bitch, please. He looked like the type of guy who would hurl slurs at Roman for wearing eyeliner just because he was insecure in his own sexuality (and probably thought that Roman was just a little bit hot). That type stopped scaring him a long time ago. Besides, he could brush that guy off like a fly.
The real threat was several feet behind him. Roman had come to refer to Remy Ristretto and Virgil Tempeste as Team Rocket because they were just as annoying and undermining- except they were often more successful than the cartoon characters.
Roman stopped trying to see Virgil and made eye contact with the wall just a few feet ahead, giving him a wink. He might as well have fun with this. Anyways, he’d have plenty of time to bother Tempeste later in the game.
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