#i love eddie + suits
agentoutofdiaz · 1 year
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chaosandwolves · 2 months
Hello lovelies
I was lucky enough to snatch a commission from @bucksketch
This is something that has been on my mind for so long and I could finally ask one of my fav artists to bring this to life
The Stucky Buddie AU
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There is no fic (yet)
But I think they fit them so well
Buck with his trying to save everyone, trying to always do the right thing, burning down the world for his loved ones
Eddie with all the trauma that hardened him on the outside at first glance but he'll do everything for the ones he loves
Buck with the whole transformation he goes through while the core of his heart never changes
Eddie with all that grief but slowly making his way through healing
The friends to lovers
The always having each other's backs
The saving each other
Yeah I love them all
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mattbegins · 2 months
Manifesting a scene where Buck is in a position of having to cancel or renew his lease in a matter of days but doesn’t like the loft anymore because it’s too expensive and bachelor pad-like for him so he mentions this to the 118 and while Ravi offers to help set him up with one of his units, Eddie says “why don’t you crash with me until you find somewhere to land?” and then cue couch theory buddie pipeline they both discover that the family and love they want is right in front of them etc etc, do you see the vision
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slimey-wallz · 3 months
Working on a certain neighborhood 🎶✨✨
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TW: Scopophobia and slight Selaphobia!!
(eyes and an ounce of flashing lights!)
Opening door and windows! (I recommend not actually going in there)
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Made the eyes so that they kinda just follow you 💕
Don't worry home, I'll make the others soon!
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I also made whatever the heck this is:
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hersweetrevenge · 2 years
okay but i think it says a lot about eddie that he clearly wanted to graduate high school.
in some way or another, it was clearly something he actually wanted to do, or he would have just dropped out when he flunked his first senior year.
but he didn't. he tried again. and again. those aren't the actions of someone who couldn't care less if they get a diploma or not. the whole school thinks he's a freak, he goes through the embarrassment every day of being the 20-year-old super-duper senior, but he does still go to school.
idk whether it might be partly on his uncle's suggestion (wayne seems to want the best for eddie and that probably means getting some qualifications), or whether he wants to do it for himself (to prove that he could, in fact, do it) but either way, instead of dropping out when he so easily could have (especially after his 2nd try) he didn't.
and this is why i so desperately wanted to see him graduate. it wasn't just about "getting out of this dump" (which he could have done years ago by dropping out) it was about proving he could do it, that he could accomplish this mile stone and then move on.
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Oliver's interview really makes it sound like he's going to figure out he likes Eddie in a more than friendship way. He's not jealous because of the friendship between Eddie and Tommy but he's going to figure out WHY he's jealous and realize it's because of some other feelings (as in he's in love with Eddie). And he is going to struggle with this realization and work through it probably throughout s7. Judging by what he said about Buck always getting into relationships easily prior to this and him wanting to see Buck actually put in the work and struggle a bit, once he realizes he's in love with Eddie, he's going to try to put the moves on Eddie! But, considering Eddie is still with Marisol it's highly unlikely Buddie is going to happen this season but looks like Buck is going to be the catalyst for it!
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unsolved-duvall · 2 years
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the suit? the chain? i need him right now im not joking
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brienne · 2 years
chrissy and eddie | the lovers that went wrong
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strangerstilinski · 2 months
school mascot eddie munson !!!
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kiwifruit67 · 2 years
If Vecna got Steve I think Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA would save him
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
im imagining that for reddie’s first year of dating after derry 2.0, as christmas approaches eddie is constantly asking richie what he wants for christmas, and every single time richie responds with the classic “i don’t need any presents” “you don’t need to buy me anything” “all i want and need for christmas is you, eddie my love”
and while eddie appreciates every time richie says that last one while giving him a big hug and a kiss, he’s also stressed out because obviously he can’t get his boyfriend nothing for christmas, but richie is such an impulse buyer that whenever he sees something he likes he’ll just immediately buy it, which leaves eddie scrambling for things that he could buy.
until it gets to christmas eve and eddie decides, fine. if that’s how richie is going to be, then eddie will give him what he wants.
so on christmas morning, richie wakes up and the first thing he notices is that the bed is empty. eddie is usually the early riser on work days, but the times that he doesn’t have to wake up early, it’s very rare for richie to wake up to an empty bed like this. he gets up, calling out eddie’s name, wondering where his boyfriend is…
until he enters the living room, and sees eddie standing by their christmas tree, wrapping paper wrapped around him almost like a festive mummy, and a big bow on the top of his head. richie stares at the scene in shock, wondering if he’s still half asleep and seeing things, when eddie breaks out into a huge grin.
“well?” eddie said. “isn’t this what you said you wanted for christmas?”
and to that, richie couldn’t help but laugh, and fall even more in love with eddie. he walked over and “unwrapped his present”, and eddie was right. this was all he wanted. all he wanted, for as long as he could remember, was to be happy, with eddie by his side.
and he plucked the bow off of his boyfriend’s head and leaned down to press a kiss to eddie’s lips, richie thought that this was the best christmas he’s ever had.
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ryan-waddell11 · 2 years
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marcoscandellas · 2 years
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Canadiens Instastory - Nov 5, 2022
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joansblondells · 2 years
having thoughts. millions of them. cant stop thinking lately about the GREASE coding of chrissy cunningham and how intentional it all feels… netflix tweeting about sandy as chrissy’s hair inspiration !! the good girl cheerleader of it all !!
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local girl actually on the verge of collapse thinking about eddie as the logical counterpart to chrissy’s sandy… you don’t give an 80s gal those sweet little 50s bangs and a bad boy gone soft to play off without invoking the cinematic spirit of sandy and danny, do not play with me duffer bros !! I am nothing if not cineliterate !!
beyond aesthetics, also cant stop thinking about danny zuko as a vulnerable softie around sandy + the biggest posturing asshole around his friends. translating that over to eddie.. obviously he’s not danny levels of cruel but.. how much of a contrast there is between his big masquerade of a cafeteria performance vs the way he strives to put chrissy at ease and his emotional availability in the woods… bitch hello !!!!
never understand the mad obsession with ensuring things are canon when it comes to ships I mean.. we are quite literally mashing blorbos together and making them kiss for funsies like barbie dolls BUT do feel slightly like I will die on the hill of eddie and chrissy as deliberate allusions to sandy/danny by the show.. if not in a vaguely romantic way then even just in a fun, throwaway visual sense
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begging some gorgeous creatively inclined individuals to gifset / draw / write WHATEVER the hellcheer potential of sandy/danny before I actually keel over.. the prom.. the gym outfits.. the drive in.. the cheerleader bonfire… the possibilities are disgustingly endless. have to stop here before I die. IS THIS ANYTHING TO YOU PEOPLE ?!?!
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unsolved-duvall · 2 years
can he stop? making me love him so much?
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