#i know from the character aesthetics channel alone that there are Too Many Men out here walkin around on this ship half naked rn
warystares · 5 months
✘ CLOSED / ft. grey laurier ( @gildcdglory ) on the faceless ship / the fourth level
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if he had it in him to be even slightly more self-aware, angel might've wondered exactly how inclined grey laurier might be to lend a portion of his time to him this evening ; after all, anyone could be forgiven for thinking that, at a SOIREÉ of this size, either of them might prefer to seek out the company of a face they DIDN'T already see at work half a dozen times this week ! but that's the thing about angel and gravity, isn't it ? there's not a single staff member on payroll ― excluding the other dancers, a few of whom they've taken to view as COMPETITION in a platform pleaser sprint toward a check ― for whom angel hasn't developed bit of a soft spot ; his vulnerability, his unprotected underbelly, comes in the form of those he surrounds himself with most often. the musicians, the bartenders ― and, last but most certainly not least, the SECURITY. in a city where very few look after anything but their own asses, angel is endeared to anyone willing to look out for HER.
now don't get her wrong, though, angel is PERFECTLY capable of looking after herself ; even if her stature alone isn't enough to INTIMIDATE away any potential threats ― standing well over six feet when she's in heels tends to have that effect ― she didn't get her nickname tonight ( THE SPITFIRE, baby ! ) without being a little VOLATILE. but grey ? well, he makes sure she doesn't even have to worry, at least when she's within the walls of the club. so of COURSE she's going to seek him out when she's not, too. angel currently strides beside him, the ice of her cocktail clinking against the confines of a glass as she swishes it about in animated conversation.
❝ ―within earshot of at least a dozen people, grey ! thundercunt ! ❞ angel is in the midst of recounting her night thus far, glancing over every so often to make sure he's KEEPING UP. ❝ the little SHIT ― it's like, just because you're eye level, do you really need to address her directly ? and he is, by the way, he'd be like, here on you― ❞ they go to make a ( rather exaggerated ) comparison but pause when their gaze lands on a balloon dart game set up a few yards away. ❝ oh my god, shut up ! i forgot there were games. how's your aim ? ❞
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sinkix · 4 years
- What your fav Haikyuu!! Character says about you│Karasuno edition -
Obviously these aren’t meant to be taken too seriously lol. I’ll probably make this into a series at some point where I include the other teams idk this took me way too long to do JWIDJQENWKJQFN WE’LL SEE. ENJOY! <3
2D men are infinitely superior I said what I said.
A sucker for motivational speeches or quotes and they always get you hyped up.
Very ambitious and positive despite frequently getting lost in life
Not as innocent as you seem but still a cinnamon roll lololol
You probably eat fruit as a regular snack n ppl judge you for it
Highkey a dumbass but in a very endearing way so people can’t help but like you
Summer is probs ur fave season
Definitely own several plushies and definitely get defensive about it
The friend people go to when they need cheering up.
You either go to bed at 8pm or 3am no in between.
Your texting style consists of several messages as opposed to one paragraph/sentence with the use of MANY emojis.
You 100% fuck with pineapple on pizza. 
Got your head stuck in a cat flap that one time.
Have a hella low alcohol tolerance or don’t drink at all.
Hella clueless when it comes to people flirting with you, they have to hold a neon sign in front of you for you to get the message
“Oh you were flirting with me?” “I was every day for 5 months but thanks for finally noticing”
Definition of a tab hoarder, your pc/laptop frequently crashes because it can’t handle that many but you refuse to get rid of any.
Always get toothpaste stains on your shirt no matter how careful you are.
“Wait we had homework???”
You often get random bursts of energy outta nowhere or at 2am and have no clue how to handle it 
You can’t help but head bang and scream the lyrics to your fav songs.
Probably have a hella diverse music taste.
Likely an active/outdoorsy person who either does sports or wants to.
Vvv loyal, type of friend you can call in the middle of the night and you’ll be there.
Chaotic good or Chaotic neutral.
You’re either one of the most responsible people in the room or one of the most fuckin chaotic and irresponsible lmao no in between it just depends on your mood.
Frequently pull all nighter’s and doesn’t even feel guilty about it
Chug soda like it’s water.
An extrovert or one of those introverts that are bat-shit once you actually get to know them.
You have zero shame, can and will run across the street stark naked for a cheeseburger and a can of sprite.
Like fuck yeah who wouldn’t for a burger and some sprite y’know??
Despite being a whirlwind you are actually a hella chill person to have as company.
You own a skateboard or want to.
Own at least one pair of converses or vans.
Probably have a bucket list or tons of future plans for travelling/adventures stored in your head.
You really want a dog and would call it something like Dexter or Human Destroyer 9000.
Likely have had several hair colour phases.
A slut for doritos.
You ate glue once as a kid and it was kinda okay and that fact still haunts you.
Listen to rap more than any other genre and ur playlist is fire
Punched dry wall that one time
Probably have several piercings and plan on getting more
Prefer sports bras to regular ones.
Intimidates outsiders but your friends don’t take you seriously in the slightest lmaoaoaooa
Ppl find it hard to approach you but you’re actually super chill so you get sad 
Definition of that Kanye meme “before you talk to me” >:( “after you talk to me” :)
Probably don’t trust people easily
Type of person that once you’re challenged/dared to do something they WILL do it regardless of how stupid bc you hate being called a pussy.
Went through a phase where you only listened to Eminem.
Probably is/was the class clown or wished they were.
You have virtually no patience and a pretty short temper lmao.
You’re a go-getter and hate being told you can’t do something
Definitely snuck out the house several times as a teen.
Walks barefoot outside a lot bc fuck shoes lol
The pairs of shoes you do own are mostly worn down sneakers you refuse to swap out.
You’re that asshole that wears socks with holes in for the sport of it and it doesn’t phase you in the slightest. (dw I do too lmaooao)
Could probably bench press someone’s dad
Enjoy’s drinking coffee.
Such a picky eater bitch god damn.
Usually hella hydrated and judge people that don’t drink enough water.
Eats spoonfuls of chocolate nesquik powder when no one is looking I said what I said
You like stoic and Tsundere guys who have the outer emotional capacity of a brick wall.
You’re probably the same in that sense and don’t enjoy letting people know what you’re thinking/feeling
Poker face 90% of the time
Type of person to pretend not to find a joke funny but then crumble and start crying with laughter.
Probs an introvert
Once when someone asked you what you wanted for Christmas you responded “to be left the fuck alone” and it still applies to this day.
like fr you just wanna be left alone man but ppl keep bothering you.
You HATE it when people tell you to smile and quite literally take it as an insult.
Your bedtime is 9pm and you stick by it religiously 
Always smell really good like damn what you got on??
The most you do with your hair if it’s long enough is throw it in a pony tail and call it a day.
Either have really nicely manicured nails or you’v chewed them down to the nub no in between.
You hate to admit it but you doubt yourself a lot and it really frustrates you.
Probably wet the bed a lot as a kid and you’re still salty about it.
lololol bed-wetter Kags lover
Audibly snorted typing that I’m sorry.
Probably had a ._. face reading that since ur usually hella unamused.
Cute awkward dork though behind that facade it’s just most people don’t see it.
So critical of yourself like chill
An earth sign or an Aquarius idc.
Do not know how to reciprocate a hug but desperately need one
When people flirt with you you somehow manage to make them intimidated with your responses and scare them off.
You called your teacher “mum/dad” once and you get Vietnam flashbacks to this day.
You probably have a daddy kink and lowkey daddy issues with it
Very supportive friend who has a lotta patience
Hella determined and humble.
Mostly wear black because it’s just much easier than colour coordinating and plus you just prefer the simplicity, but you’re pretty vibrant as a person.
The one who stays sober at parties to drive the others home.
Probably haven’t been in many relationships but still do enjoy romance.
seems stern but is actually very friendly and enjoy company bc you don’t like spending too much time by yourself.
Honestly just wants to chill out, go to bed and read a book.
A coffee connessieur but mostly just drinks instant bc ur too lazy to make it properly and just drink it black.
Very reliable.
Often get stuck with most of the work during group projects lololol
People frequently ask you for the answers to the homework/assignment and it really depends on your mood and how charitable you’re feeling as to whether you’ll lend it to them
Low-key a sadist.
100% Old soul
Despite this you are a fuckin dork and have quite an immature but really funny sense of humour.
You have a thigh kink. 
Def grew up reading wattpad smut and most of ur sexual knowledge stems from that
probably prefer manga to animated versions
Absolute pro at winged eyeliner and looks v good in it.
Probably give lectures even without realising it.
Shamelessly watches the nature channel for hours on end and what of it.
Honestly just done with everyone’s shit lmao
Either are the mom friend or the one the mom friend has to look after.
You vibe with pastel colours
Your fav season is either spring or autumn.
oversized hoodies and knitted sweaters are your vibe.
Enjoy drinking herbal tea
Likes the smell of rain and will purposely step outside after a storm and S N O R T the smell of damp concrete. (srry if ur from some dry ass place like nevada lmao it rains alot in the UK soooOOOoO)
Quiet but have a really creative imagination and has one HELL of a loud voice when they’re pissed off
like,, I wouldn’t dare get on ur nerves ion want my ear drums bursting damn.
Hoards flavoured chapsticks and scented lip gloss
Either did or still have your Harry Potter house in your bio and it was probably Hufflepuff.
Gives people advice that they are fully aware also applies to themselves but doesn’t follow it LMAO.
Listens to K-pop and several Korean and Japanese genres.
Played a dating sim once and you enjoyed it but ur still ashamed and refuse to ever talk about it.
Smells like lavender or something hella floral
Probably reads a lot of Yaoi and no one else knows but you.
Would 100% own a chinchilla
Read Killing Stalking and it messed you up for weeks.
The one who was trying to flirt for months and the other person never got the hint
Probably a really pretty crier and vibe with the mascara running aesthetic.
You tear up easily lol.
Probably a water sign.
Low-key a bad bitch though 
Looks really good in red lipstick
That one person who’s v attractive but completely unaware and v insecure.
That one friend who seems so soft and innocent but can turn into a banshee when need be.
Crying is your therapy.
You overthink a LOT and it often stops you from achieving what you want.
Actually have a lot of willpower despite ur sensitivity.
Was def a pushover as a kid and still have a chip on your shoulder about it.
Hella artsy and day dreams a lot.
You attract broken souls and often get turned to when people’s problems need fixing yet you’re a total mess yourself
Listens to Girl in red while questioning your sexuality
which you do a lot.
You hate being put in a box or labelled.
Gave up on that hobby that one time and you really wanna get back into it.
Always have at least one hair tie on your wrist that’s basically an accessory at this point.
Own a phat ass fish tank with hella pretty fishes bro it’s such a vibe say hi to Nemo for me.
Too scared to ask for extra ketchup packets so you get your friend to ask instead.
Probably have anxiety.
The time you stuttered once when introducing yourself frequently gives you cringe attacks.
Major animal lover and prefers them to people.
Talked to a tree once and it was a pretty cool experience.
Wear a lot of pink or cute colours and radiate babi energy.
Likely wear skirts 
Wear those aesthetic planets necklaces and your tumblr is filled with space related art and themes.
Enjoy staring up at the clouds and figuring out what animal they are.
Has a lot of secrets that they probably tell to their cat.
dw ur cat isn’t a snitch they got you covered.
yeah they definitely didn’t just try to reveal ur deepest traumas to your cousin.
If you don’t have a cat you probably would want one and would call it Mittens or sumn.
You’re whipped for freckles and anyone that has them instantly becomes 1000x more attractive to you
Either like 5′2″ or 5′10″ no middle ground
Definitely own a turtle or rabbit and if you don’t then you should.
Forgets your assignments but the professor lets you off because you’re so nervous they can’t scold you.
Oversleeps at least 2 times a week
Will not get up before 1pm on a weekend
Wall flower at parties but people still approach you bc you are so friendly and kind.
Social anxiety intensifies.
Always get’s called on in class when you haven’t been paying attention and it really troubles you.
Has a minimum of 3 blankets on your bed that you cocoon yourself in.
Your attracted to snarky assholes.
Sarcasm and insults are your form of flirtation and you get immediately turned off if they can’t take it or get upset.
Probably shy away from your feelings
Random flashbacks to embarrassing events frequently keep you up at night
Judge peoples fashion choices as they walk past you but actually have a really good eye for what works and what doesn’t.
You look like you have your shit together and you kinda do for the most part.
The quiet kid in class that’s listening to some loud ass screamo or rock n roll’ but ppl have no idea.
Definition of the glinting anime glasses pushed up your nose bridge cliche.
When you make a mistake you question all your knowledge and abilities but no one else knows that about you
Refuses to cry since you view your emotions as a personal weakness
If someone hugged you you’d get VERY uncomfortable.
Physical contact is not your forte
Probably a 5′0″ demon.
Would peg a man to assert dominance but you’re actually a lil bitch.
Knows the answer to the question they can’t solve.
Doesn’t study as much as they should but somehow still gets good grades.
Really likes french fries and the taste of strawberries.
Just wants to be left alone
The one friend that gets talked over and it really pisses you off but you’re too nice to say anything.
Seems really passive but can actually be hella confrontational when they wanna be
No tolerance for peoples bullshit 
Really stable and just an overall reliable person.
People often forget you’re in the room lmao but it’s okay you’d rather listen anyway.
Actually has a really interesting mind and a lot to say but mostly keep it to yourself unless they’re your friend
Answered for someone else in attendance a few years ago and it still bothers you.
People often come to you to vent and you’re chill with it
Don’t stand out much but honestly it doesn’t bother you
Can and will get through an entire book/series in a matter of 3 days.
Quite a minimalist and organised for the most part
You look like you have your shit together and you def do.
Have a controversial taste in pizza.
You have more acquaintances than friends but the ones you do are a v tight knit circle.
Will re take a quiz several times till you get the character you wanted
Radiate Virgo and Libra energy.
Type of person to say “step on me” as a way of complimenting and you mean it literally.
Both a sadist and masochist
When someone tells you their not interested it just makes you want them 100x more and it frustrates you why are you like this.
Doesn’t compliment often but when you do it’s really heartfelt.
Looks like your silently judging people but in reality you really couldn’t care.
Just kidding you low-key judge them anyway.
Very picky when it comes to partners.
Independent but has random hella clingy moments.
Despite being quiet, you are capable of roasting a bitch alive if they test your patience.
Like I would NOT wanna get on your bad side
You could deadass send them to therapy, their emotions fenna need some aloe vera for that burn.
Just really calm and relaxed tbh so people enjoy being in your company even though you don’t talk much.
When you do though it’s usually something really interesting or funny.
You just don’t see the point in talking if what your saying doesn’t hold any value??
You hate small talk and would rather slingshot yourself off a skyscraper than partake in it.
Your face is easy to read and you make no effort to hide it.
If your in a bad mood they WILL know.
Look like your plotting someones demise or questioning life’s theories but in reality you’re really just thinking bout what you want for dinner.
Honestly just a sweetheart tbh.
Low-key have a staring problem.
Has really neat and cursive handwriting like who tf taught you that.
Frequently says something then panics that it could be misinterpreted 
You overthink literally everything you have ever said and the actions you haven’t even committed yet
Really likes the taste of sherbet 
Could cut a bitch if they needed to
You spend most of your money at Urban Outfitters and don’t regret it.
have an assortment of colouring pencils that ppl always try and borrow and never give them back.
You highlight the shit outta your papers and never read them again.
Really like the smell of peaches
Probably have a v interesting earring collection.
Hoard water bottles in your room and you feel majorly guilty about it.
The taste of honey disgusts you but you eat it anyway for some reason.
Somehow managed to burn rice and solidify soup.
You shouldn’t be trusted in the kitchen but you try your best regardless.
I feel like that applies to most things in your life
Like yeah you fucked it up but like you’re trying your best lol cmon
V tolerant of people but have zero time for fuckboys and shut them down instantly.
You frequently get the shakes from caffeine or anxiety
Or both.
You give really encouraging hugs.
Have no clue what you wanna do in life but it’s ok bby it’ll work out.
You’re a very underappreciated and underrated person and I love u
Probably an English/languages major
Really kind and outgoing but high-key mysterious
Actually has a phat fucking temper like damn where did that come from.
Won’t take no for an answer when you want to achieve something.
That one person people don’t realise is there listening to your conversations but you definitely are and now know Becky’s deepest darkest secret.
Fuck you, becky.
Wore contacts once and forgot to take them out for 3 days.
You wondered why your eyes were so itchy.
Your music taste does not match your appearance.
Probably watch a lot of crime shows and imagine you’re an investigator
Aced physics and chemistry.
More than likely an introvert with extrovert tendencies when you feel like it.
Actually quite temperamental but it’s okay since you’re a v genuine person.
Often debate getting a sugar daddy bc that income looking real tempting rn.
Honest to a fault at times but it’s something people come to appreciate about you.
Just really wanna sleep for 15 hours and sit in front of your laptop with some hot coco.
You like older men
The smell of tobacco and coffee low-key comforts you for some reason.
Peed in a bottle that one time while on a road trip and forgot to throw it out until you found it a week later.
You’re a slut for dyed hair and dudes with piercings.
You once got drunk and passed out on a spinning round-a-bout in a park and your friend still has pictures that you refuse to acknowledge.
Bi-curious and just radiate big Bi energy
Would experiment but you’re too hesitant.
Hates the taste of beer but drinks it anyway.
Just wants to be loved man I stg is that too much to ask.
Often wonder if your friends actually like you then realise you don’t really care anyway lmao.
You still love them though.
Tired of working over time and just wanna catch a break.
Amazon Prime is your best friend.
Random ass parcels comin thru’ each day and it feels like Christmas.
A very lonely and one-man party Christmas.
Stop spending your fucking paycheck.
Have a pretty dark/cynical but really funny sense of humour and you often make people laugh.
Have a big ass temper and people KNOW it.
Often fantasised about dropping out and becoming a stripper bc your patience was being TESTED.
Really likes money but who doesn’t tbh.
You radiate Chaotic Evil but keep it under wraps.
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shokano19 · 4 years
Dr stone characters as types of TikTokers
Warning: Contains manga spoilers for new characters! You can skip those you don’t know! 
Not sure where this idea came from exactly but I got super into it and it was really fun. Consider these to be my headcanons for a dcst AU where they don’t get petrified and instead everyone is TikTok famous. 
- science 101 - makes educational videos aimed generally at students struggling at school with subjects like biology, physics, chemistry, robotics, engineering, and astronomy, explaining them thoroughly and in a simpler form - random astronomical facts #n - goes live when he’s about to do a reaction experiment - wants to show his viewers how exhilarating science can be - rarely shows his face - tries to incorporate humour into his talks - it becomes evident he’s passionate or excited about the subject by his little chuckles - “visiting my father at NASA before rocket launch” - Taiju sometimes takes over his account as a lil prank - on everyone’s for you page with minimal effort - 14M followers
- magic tricks - social science veteran - shares psychology hacks he learned throughout his career - props his phone on his cola bottles to film himself - CEO of accidentally dropping his phone on the floor - Senku’s fanboy. Reacts to Senku’s videos on occasion by acting extra and makes a huge deal out of rare pictures of Senku - posts cut scenes from his magic show then makes separate videos revealing how he performed a certain trick - cynical, dark humour - makes his viewers question their moral compass - gets a lot of compliments for his hair - 10.5M followers
- step by step 3 minute crafts - Senku’s fanboy #2. Video duets with Senku by building the same things as him, praises Senku a lot  - geology student studying mineralogy - storytime! - regular shout-outs from Senku - always has his precious rock/crystal collection displayed behind him as he films a video and makes sure to show them off every once in a while - 2M followers
- trash talks men without stuttering - films herself in front of a mirror most of the time - zooms a lot into her face and stares into the camera while speaking, looking dead inside - dimmed disco lights - ironic and sassy - usually spits facts about anything she talks about - confident vibes - ayo famous relative check (Lillian Weinberg’s niece) - her duets are cruel - 1.9M followers
- the POV - makes relatable yet obscure videos - some questionable scenarios no one can explain - yes he wears a big towel on his head when impersonating girls   - includes Kinro in his videos a lot - anime weeb - always posts at unholy hours - refined sense of humour - majority of videos are taken in his bedroom - lowkey annoying - video replies to hate comments by either faking acting hurt and crying or sarcastically going along with them as a massive fuck you - 69k followers and he would like it if it stayed that way
- beautiful scenery shots - only has a few videos, mostly nature and places he went to with his family and friends - “top 5 places you must visit this summer” - secretive about his account, no one except Ginro knows about it - 7.9k followers - after a while he switched to making ASMR?? which gained him fame overnight and now has …. - 45k followers (Ginro’s current worst fear being Kinro surpassing his own follower count)
- unpopular opinion guy - reacts to popular tiktoks and attempts to review them (for fun, he’s a jerk for clout) - loud af, angry & narrow minded - makes valid points sometimes - dislikes kohaku’s content (probably because he feels called out) - tried to cancel Senku and failed miserably - a lot of people disagree with his hot takes - ignored the haters but got some serious threats :( - considered quitting making tiktoks so he took break - apologized to those he insulted after some reflection time - now half of his account are just apology videos - people follow him for the tea  - 500k followers
Suika (aged up)
- the animal lover - mainly videos of Chalk being adorable, Suika teaching him tricks…and him wrecking the house - “animal crossing new horizons island tour” - “my top 10 favourite cartoons” - 11k followers
- long political talks - disputable ideals - renowned martial artist  - became famous after appearing on a broadcast program with Gen and won against him in mental battle - informs on what’s currently happening in the world - has a lot of supporters as well as haters - “today’s society is flawed because - ” - encourages viewers to write their opinion in the comments - reads every single comment as well as replies to them - occasionally talks about his childhood, the good and the bad - 7.6M followers
- chaotic - reviews popular console/pc games of any genre - youtube channel linked in his bio - the type to walk into his bathroom and say funny shit - bombards Tsukasa’s comments section with stuff like “drop yo workout routine plz” or “your hair looks so soft I bet it smells like roses” to which Tsukasa can only reply with “please leave me alone” - generally in everyone’s comment section. He’s everywhere - bi king - super friendly and approachable - ayo rich house checkkkk XD - flexes on his personal mini yacht  - 5M followers
- quick, stylish and helpful cooking tutorials - shares rare recipes - pro decorator  - worked at 4/5 star bars, restaurants and clubs - non-binary icon - sometimes in the background of Ryusui’s videos until a lot of people asked about their relationship and revealed that they also works as Ryusui’s personal chef - 3.2M followers
- variety content creator - gives walkthrough’s of his job as a sonar technician - sneakily exposes his workplace’s secrets while he’s at it too - likes to gather the kingdom of science and make dumb silly videos together - archery tips for beginners - starting a new language tips - video reacts to tiktoks he finds interesting - became popular after appearing in one of Gen’s q&a videos - after that he collaborated with many others such as Senku, Chrome, Ryusui - close to everyone - appreciated for his talents - 980K followers
- fashion icon in the making - shares her everyday outfits - talks about her favourite clothing and where she bought them from - DIY accessories - cute couple videos with Taiju - fun sewing lessons! - promotes her online shop - 330k followers
- the type to stand in front of the camera and cover the screen with writing instead of speaking - known for his lip care routines (owns a lot of lip glosses and lip cosmetics) - occasionally takes off his mask for lip care videos - Homura is always behind the camera helping him film - kudayari spear practices - Helps Homura promote her Instagram account - tries to keep an aesthetic - trips abroad vlogs - 770k followers
- cringey e-boy - lip-syncs  - dances  - it’s so obvious he’s fishing for attention - secretly films Kirisame for a laugh, ends up with him running for his life as soon as she finds out - expect to get second-hand embarrassment - exaggerates a lot - needs to be stopped - does tiktok challenges with Kirisame (has to beg for her to agree) - Kohaku, Luna, Gen and Nikki have him blocked - Hyouga and Kirisame are literally the only ilr friends he has :,( - 420k followers
- popular girl wannabe - desperate to get on the for you page - everyone loves her though <3 - poses in front of the camera wearing her best clothes while cute music plays in the background - complains about how she’s STILL single - pros and cons of going to med school - reads a bunch of funny tweets and almost dies laughing - recently started following Senku and can’t shut up about his content - 200k followers
Bonus: all of them tried at least once, if not more, to recreate complicated dances that went viral on tiktok. Yes, even Senku.
Coming up with usernames for them is beyond me right now so feel free to add to these however you like!  ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
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willpowerbutch · 3 years
Willpower Butch and the Son of God
By the Reverend Willpower Butch
We found ourselves in a dour, tangled wood, having strode excellently to the north of the ruins of London. We were safeguarding ourselves from the Homosexual by burning his nail polish and thrusting our pelvises as we walked – I, by virtue of my untrammeled virility, and Timpani Gayparade because I was repeatedly kicking his ass – for this display of breedful lumber-hauling intimidates even the most unhyperbolic Gay into hours of aesthetic crying. My un-non-sodomized companion, Paragon Shag, halted us before a gully, grimacing as he did at its detestable and wet resemblance.
“Quite Anti-Rimbauded Stoics,” spake he into the gap in the David’s pants, “were you capable of womanly regard for your environment, I should caution you now to take protective hold of your erections. For I scent among the pungent mosses a grievous concoction of defensive sarcasm, elderflower, and fear of guns.”
“No!” shouted Top-a-mée Christopherhitchens tremulously at Shag’s injunction. “That odor could only announce one thing: an Anglophilia of Transgendereds!”
No sooner had the flaccid, strawberry-incensed brat danced this were we come upon by these self-same Transgendereds. They were crudely crayoning beards and boobs onto the yearbook photos of children while singing the “Internationale” in Esperanto. And they were, without exception, slathered in a gloopy, glittery sludge.
“Alas, they have fornicated with Boy George,” Shag supposed.
“Nay,” I overruled him, speaking the truth because I am a Man, “they are the undead. See how they rise from the ground like a Gay asshole thrashing up toward Papalism. See how they have returned from Tim Curry’s House to torment their enemies.”
For, in the center of that discoing mass, there stood the trifecta of swallowing come at somebody else’s orgy and then complaining about the taste: Graham “transplanted his ass onto his face” Linehan, Germaine “spectacularly missed the point of her own life’s work” Greer, and JK “spent the nineties roleplaying a little boy and is desperately trying to deflect” Rowling.
The trifecta hailed our entourage, noting that we were not party to the Transgenders’ Dostoevskian lower bureaucrat fetish. “Help us!” they cried.
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Marzipan Dostoevsky, friend of Vladimir Purina and King Gay of Sierra del Fuego. His infamous bent nose is the result of giving too much head.
Forthwith, we left them and continued on our way, crossing the border into Scotland.
As we plowed further into the wilds, we encountered a strange portal carved into the rockface of a proud spire. Drawing closer, Michael Sheen exclaimed, “This is it! The secret cavern where Franc’n’o has kidnapped God. But how may we come inside?”
There was, indeed, no discernible way through, for the doorway was a mere carving on stone. Near the top, there was a message scrawled in Scotlandenisishlatin.
The David stepped forward, the arches of his hips and back as sturdy and graceful as a yew, and his mouth as red-pink, as inviting, as absolutely forbidden as yew berries, gyrating as he read the words to himself.
“Read homo in the face of Man, and enter,” he translated for us. Turning toward me, his expression was puzzled. “Homo in the face of Man?”
“Shag,” I said frowningly, “what do you make of this?”
“Perhaps it’s a riddle. Omo represents the eyes, the ridges of the brow, and the nose in the face of Man, for facial hair is too powerful to render in this Nancy language,” Shag considered. “What we do not know is the symbolism of the ‘h.’ What could that be?”
“A cowlick?” suggested Gayparade.
“One ear?” ventured Michael Sheen.
“The tongue, sticking out?” lilted the David.
“The tongue, sticking out,” I murmured, repeating him. “Why else would Franc’n’o construct such an opening? He means for us to enact something that no Man would ever do, for the genital of the Gay is magnetized to the tongue of the Straight Man.”
My companions were much astonished at this, but also greatly impressed that I had retained so many facts about the Gay from only one drunken viewing of their episode on the Discovery Channel.
Looking between them, I could perceive the fear in their rapid flacciding. “Nay!” I shouted, mustering all my strength, “MEN!” And thus, I kicked through the doorway, sending out a shockwave that turned every blushing, pristine flower for miles into beer-soaked charcoal, scented with entitlement. And we were through.
Treading into the dark, it was several minutes before we came upon a peculiar thing. At the end of the hall was a garish, stadium-lit roller-skating rink, but unlike any we may see in the world above, for this rink was tiled with a material smoother than any quality of marble or varnished wood: twinks. Our metal-toed boots clanged as we approached, and upon this clamor, the twinks rolled around, alarmed, and like cats puffing their tails, they sprang their stiffnesses at us.
“Gentlewomen!” exclaimed the vile Franc’n’o from his throne of unsexiness. “You think that I’m greeting you to your faces, but in fact, I’m admiring your thighs!”
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It was in this moment I knew that Franc’n’o had succeeded in becoming a Gay at last. And I mourned, my lords. I mourned the children unborn because Ben Whishaw and his cohort have made western Europe into a writhing accumulation of sexually ambiguous style magazine cover-shoots. I mourned that the poppy fields of yesteryear are become the pansy fields of today. And most of all, I sprayed three-in-one shampoo/conditioner/bodywash into Franc’n’o’s eyes, for this confuses the radar of the Homosexual.
Notwithstanding this, Franc’n’o pounced. And, like a quietly imposing youth who always sits alone at the bar and vanquishes toxic masculinity by making engaged straight men curious about bottoming, his fierce countenance froze me to the spot. But just when all hope seemed lost, there emerged a shot a pearly white from behind him, disintegrating the villain into innumerable molecules of coming-of-age movie nosebleeds.
At first, I could not make out the source of this blast through the shimmering dust of a thousand twinks vanishing back into the realm of the fae. But as they dissipated in the air, I saw him directly. He was a titan of a Man, impossibly contoured, possessing flawless bronze skin and a statuesque comportment. He had hair that no beauty appliance had homosexed, and yet it was both as firm and as silken as victory garlands. He beckoned Shag and me to him, and when he spoke in his engorging baritone, it was a language otherworldly and supreme, far too masculine to pass the lips of any mortal man.
Gesturing to me, he boomed, “У него толко серп, но у меня большой молот.” And then, he turned toward a large set of doors, and we could only infer that he meant for us to follow. We passed into another long, dark hallway, which culminated in a yet larger portal which emitted an indescribable glow. “Зови меня капитаном подлодки, потому что я углубляюсь,” he spoke again and urged us inside.
We were blinded altogether, so bright was that interior. Droplets rose to Shag’s eyes and to my hardness. A voice still deeper, still richer, still more impossible accosted us. “Do not fear, my good Men,” it said. “This is my Son, whom mortals have met before. He returns to you rebranded as his true form, and his name is Panzer Dzheesaskrist.”
Dimly, I made out the irresistible figure who had addressed us. At once, all was clear. Such a vision met me, my indomitable brothers with extreme personal space, that I shall remember and love forever: it was God, the Manliest Man of all.
About the Author
The Reverend Admiral Willpower Butch, who recently topped the human race by releasing God from a pervert’s Scottish underground fetish athletic studio, is hard at work on his petition to remove fruit from public markets on the basis that it is gay propaganda. Paragon Shag, his brave correspondent and roommate, is coming out with a line of deconstructed cars to raise money for Brothers In The Comintern Have Enlarged Scrota, an anti-communist mission. Their secretary and Russian fairytale character who gets no dialogue, Dead Summer Days, is treading on thin f*cking ice with his decision to start wearing sweatpants.
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msayalailalim · 4 years
“My Hero Academia” inspired Fashion Week
          Earlier this year even when I was just counting down the days till I file my resignation already, I was still so numb from everything but there's this Anime show that pulled me out of it: "My Hero Academia". I was so excited to go home every after my shift to watch it like how I was excited to go home from school to watch my favorite cartoon shows back when I was still in elementary. It felt pretty nostalgic. ☺ I fell in love with everything about it so here I am with my 2nd fashion week project dedicated to the series!
          This time I challenged myself by making 7 looks! That's 2 looks more than my first one! I took this opportunity to use new materials for the designs like cotton swab, candle wax, clay, and foil wrapper. I even used more sewing thread for her wig here with different colors! 🤩
          Presenting my BNHA Fashion Collection! 😎
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Instagram caption:
          “My first fashion week project was very fun and productive despite the challenges I encountered during the process. I certainly learned a lot, and now I'm headed to my next ball! 🤩 This week I'm challenging myself to create looks inspired by characters from this Anime series I love so much: "My Hero Academia"! 🥳 My goal is to incorporate the character's personality, design, and story with the looks I'll create this week as high fashion as I can. 😊 I'll be sharing what I'll come up with here from today until Sunday (October 4).
          Today is the first day, and I'm kickstarting this project by giving you nothing because there's literally nobody here! 😆 Only this vintage-looking ball gown with the letters "UA", the name of their academy, embellished on it (just like how their PE uniform is designed) with matching floppy hat! This whole look and also the absence of the one wearing it is inspired by the girl with the invisibility quirk/power named Toru Hagakure. 🙂 With this design I made sure that even if nobody can see her, you can still clearly see that she's fashionably plus ultra! 😊
          One thing I especially love about this Anime series is the fact that it features a diverse set of characters. They even have one who's literally invisible! I just really appreciate that they used different quirks as a symbol of their world's diversity because just like in our world, I believe we are all unique in our own ways and we should all celebrate that. 🥰 - Marv :)”
          When I was choosing the characters I'll take inspiration from, I knew I had to do Hagakure. Not because it seems easy but because it's fun and actually challenging! Taste the Fashion Plus Ultra realness! 🤗
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 2! 🤩 Serving you hot and cold realness sprinkled with introversion and some daddy issues, this is inspired by the undeniable fan favorite, Shoto Todoroki! 🥰
          It wasn't on my initial plan to put bangs on it but when I tried to, I realized that it perfectly captured Shoto's mysterious, quiet and calm nature. I know he wouldn't let his bangs grow that long, it was just me being extra thinking it looks so high fashion. 😆 I went for the robelike outfit that's two toned representing Shoto's two quirks, and I cut it in two showing her tummy which is so stylish for me. 👌 Overall, I think it's a simple look but I believe I was able to project that subtle elegance and charisma I see in Shoto with my interpretation. 🥰
          Todoroki is really one of my favorite characters from the series not just because of his character's aesthetic but also his depth in general due to his high-pressure and toxic upbringing. I'm just glad that in the recent season, there's already a development in his relationship with his father, Endeavor. I want nothing but the best for him. 🤩 - Marv :)”
          "Sia in the house!" is what it seems but it's just my doll challenging her Todoroki fantasy! It was supposed to be a robe but the material I used wasn't the most cooperative. Nonetheless, I believe this is still a serve! 😎
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 3! 😊 This look is inspired from the ultimate ship of the series, our boy Deku and hospitalization. ☺
          I know this project wouldn't be complete without our beloved hero, Izuku Midoriya so here it is! The look is based on his need to be healed after constantly using his much powerful quirk beyond his limit since he's still learning how to have full control of it. I wrapped my doll with bandages, and gave it a plunging neckline to make it look so chic. There's also a touch of sky blue in it since it's a common color used by hospital with their gowns. Then, I added the cane and shades to complete the posh just-got-home-from-the-hospital look! 😎 I didn't have a "Deku" shade of green for the hair though. Nonetheless I believe this "Billie Eilish - Grammys 2019" shade perfectly fit the look I was going for. ☺
          Deku is really that protagonist that you'll definitely root for. His character is so well written so I can't help but feel proud of him with all his heroic deeds! Indeed, anyone can reach their dreams as long as they believe, and go plus ultra! ❤ - Marv :)”
          Serving you fashionable hospital discharge fantasy! A little fashion won't hurt, baby! 🤣
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 4! 🥳 The fashion inspiration for this look is none other than the "Alien Queen", Mina Ashido! 😊 Her quirk is the ability to secrete Acid which she skillfully uses for offense and defense! 😍 Without a doubt, she's one of the most lovely characters from the series with her fun and upbeat energy as a student and hero! 🤩
          The concept I was going for with this look is to kind of reimagine her character, and this time as a fashionable member of the League of Villains! Anyone should already be warned by the flowing Acid from her hands to her dress that she's about to make ALL FOR ONE proud even with her eyes closed. *Evil Laugh* Just kidding. 😂 Anyway, I had so much fun doing that Acid effect using candle wax! I've been meaning to use it for one of Ayala's looks for a long time now so I didn't let this opportunity pass, and I'm very happy with the outcome! 😭
          For the record, this is one of my favorite looks I've done for my doll so far. Cheers! 😭🥳 - Marv :)”
          Make way for this diva! One of my favorite looks that I've done so far. I was just so stunned by it the whole time. Even now. Speechless. 🤤
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 5! 😊 If I were to create a look inspired by Class 1-A's incredible homeroom teacher: Shota Aizawa, I might as well do one that I know will get his approval which is none other than using his yellow sleeping bag! 😂
          This had certainly been done by many fan arts already but it didn't discourage me to not do one myself since it's indeed iconic, fun and relatable! I just had to put my own twist on it so it would fit this project I'm doing perfectly. I made it look like a fitted dress with a hoodie while still making it obvious that it's in the shape of a sleeping bag. I also styled her hair in a way that would cover half of her face to channel Aizawa's elusive nature just in case the attachment to sleeping bags isn't enough to do so. 😆 I even added a sleep mask with false eyelashes 'cause why not? HAHA. 😂
          I believe I could've done more with this look, but the clay wasn't super friendly to me at all. 😂 Regardless of that, I still think that this is a fun look, and it surely makes me squeal over how cute it is. It's so comfy that even my doll fell asleep during our photoshoot! 😂 - Marv :)”
          There was a silhouette I planned on doing with this one which is like the base of a wine glass but I don't think I achieved it. Anyway, still had fun with the clay. I'll shut up now, we wouldn't want to wake up a sleeping diva. 😆
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 6! ☺ The hero I'm channeling today is the funny and lovable Tetsutestsu Tetsutetsu! 🤩 Simply mentioning his name makes me giggle already. 😆 I find his steel quirk very cool so I knew I had to include him in this project! 😍
          The narrative I was going for with this look is a straight guy heading to the basketball court alone with his fashionable streetwear. No one wants to join him out of intimidation from his looks. First of all, he's got an awesome luminous skin tone. He's confidently rocking a crop top which makes their fragile masculinity even more fragile, and he'd rather play using his ball with pastel blue color because he can. They simply can't catch his drip! His daily mental reminder is: "Well, you can't blame them." 🤣
          I wasn't planning to do a menswear for this project, but when I thought of the idea, I couldn't let it go! Metallic skin tone, black and white combination plus crop tops for men plus oblong shaped shades and even that pastel colored ball, they're all so thrilling together! I believe that all the colors worked well with each other, and with that I'm sooooo satisfied! ☺ - Marv :)”
          Second time doing a male look! Catch all this drip, Mama! 😎 I don't play basketball but if you give me a pastel blue ball, I might. 😅
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 7! 🥳 For the final look of this week's fashion project, I have chosen to create one that's inspired by the current Number 2 Pro Hero, Hawks! 😊
          Obviously, I didn't stray away from the basic elements of his overall look, I just really took inspiration from each of it and tweaked some with the hooded trenchcoat with a horizontal V-cut in the middle (which isn't really obvious in the photo 😆), face shield that covers the entire face, and glittered wings! His look is just too good to be changed entirely so that left me no choice. ☺
          I'm so excited to see more from Hawks in the Anime! He wasn't really featured much in the recent season since he just got introduced, but he's definitely outstanding already with his personality, quirk and majestic wings! 👑
          I'm so happy that I got to finish my second fashion week project! It's been a fun and fulfilling week for me! I can't say this is the first and only tine I'll feature My Hero Academia because there really are a lot of inspiration I have from the series, the ones I featured this week are just some of my many favorites. For the meantime, the long wait for Season 5 continues. 😭😆😍 - Marv :)”
          Brace yourselves for the landing of my finale look! Again, I'm just in awe. Speechless. This time, I really felt fulfilled. I just finished my second fashion week project! 🥳
          By the end of it, I got this comment from a lovely fellow doll lover who's obviously a BNHA fan as well.
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          There really are a lot of characters from that show, and I do plan on making more soon but getting a request like this from a fellow doll lover for the first time means so much to me as someone who's a beginner at this craft. 😭
          I'll definitely use everything I learned this week to go beyond! Plus Ultra! 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♀️🦸‍♀️
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character-scrolls · 4 years
Miscellaneous Headcanons: Jinx - TSM (Soften Edition)
Enjoy some cute headcanons of some of my Jinx beans <3
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - No doubt about it, Jinx would have a book review channel and it would be as cute as heck.
- An incredibly fluffy and sweet vibe, she'd have a large bookcase in her background with cute fairy lights draped over it, maybe some miniture cactus plants sat on some of the shelves.
- Probably uses some soft music box as the background music or something that relates to the book she's reviewing that week.
- Jinx would mostly be a solo reviewer but she might occasionally bring on someone for a collab
- She has gotten some god awful book suggestions, some she does reviews and some she'll outright refuse to do
- Her channel would probably be something like Bookworm or The BookWorm
- One of her videos showcases a mini tour of all the books she's gotten over the years, she's slowly running out of floor space.
What kinda blog would they run? - PASTEL.COLOURS.FOR.DAAAAYS.
- Jinx's blog is dedicated to all things literature from fiction to non-fiction
- She could talk for hours and hours about her favourite authors and the books she's read that week
- Jinx takes photos of her reading space which is normally a comfy chair with a little side table with her current book and a cup of fancy tea steaming next to it and her reading glasses resting on top of her book.
- Though in reality it probably ends up with her sitting up in bed until god knows what time whilst spouting the false promise of 'yes this is the last chapter I'm going to read I swear' wheather that's a book or a really good fanfiction on her ipad that's upto you.
- Jinx's posting shedule would be at least twice a week, depending
- Would for sure have a side blog for fanfiction
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Jinx would be a cute little ghostie for Halloween
- She's not one for being scary so cute is the next best thing
- Jinx would do her best to hand make the costume, it wouldn't be the neatest but hey ghost aren't meant to be
- The costume consists of a white robe with oversized sleeves covering her hands with a lacy hood over the top and short chains would be attached around her ankles
Who would they cosplay as?
- Jinx would for sure cosplay someone like Yuna from Final Fantasy X or Howl from Howls Moving Castle  
- She would try and get a high quality costume, trying to get the most accurate looking one
What type of biscuit would they be? - A gooey chocolate chip cookie, because she's a soft that is all
What type of tea would they be? -A cinnamon blend tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - A sweet red wine
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - For sure, a spellcaster deck probably based around the Silent Magician
- Not just for the obvious reason...also by how it's played
- Not seeing her with any other type
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Possibly Fairy? I'm not entirely sure because they're a number of pokemon I see her having in her team, I have considered like psychic for another option?
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
- Maybe a sheep? a cute little purple sheep
- Has the cutest cottage aesthetic going on
- Will gift you many, many, many books
Aesthetic: leather bound books, ink stained parchment, burning candle light, dark blues, pastel pinks and purples, empty potion vials, soft touches, sweet smelling purfumes, crytals, the glittering particles of magic, grubby bandages
Extra headcanon:
- The fiction she read throughout her years helped her discover her bisexuality, she had read so many books with different heros and their romantic endevours that it had a profound a effect on her. At first she didn't understand why she liked boys but also girls??? fiction helped her to finally understand that it was perfectly normal to feel like this.
Ruben - Jinx: TSM
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - This boy. THIS BOY. His channel would be a disaster , but a wonderful one..he's trying
- Ruben would do a lot of dumb but harmless challenges, but it would radiate pure chaotic energy
- He's a gremlin with too much time on their hands lets be real here
- Ruben would do a lot of collabs, which are even more diasterous than his solo videos depending which poor soul he asked
- he edits like it's going out of fashion, jumpcuts galore and dumbass sounds effects for days.
- He has a sizable following
- He would for sure drag his boyfriend in for a video...for a price
What kinda blog would they run? - Like this Youtube channel, it's chaotic but is slightly more structured
- Being a avid comic reader, his blog is centred around comic books
- Will have full-on arguements with other people about which character is strongest/best/weakest etc
- "Now you listen here you litle shit, YOU DON'T-"
- His blog is fairly simple in terms of colour scheme, possibly using themes available to him
- Has an inconsistant posting shedule
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Probably a skeleton, surprisingly good at face painting
- He'd use face/body paint for his neck area and hands
- Contacts maybe?
Who would they cosplay as?
- Would for sure cosplay as Beast Boy from Teen Titans, feel like that would be the type of character he'd go for
- Maybe with full-on body paint too?
What type of biscuit would they be? - Ruben would be like one of those giant biscuits with the chunks of m&ms baked into it
What type of tea would they be? - Iced lemon tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - Apple Cider
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? -Elemental Hero deck maybe?
- His love of super heros would play a part in why he chose it
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Possibly flying?
- Has for sure named one of his pokemon Jeremy
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
-Possibly a squrriel
-Has a mis-matched house because who hell is interior decorating
Aesthetic: Fireworks lighting up the nights sky, scrapped knees, wide grins,bare feet,messy hair constantly running fingers through it,dark greens, off white,loud laughter, dumb jokes.
Extra headcanon:
- Ruben is known for being the town menace, however, when he was younger especially, the elder folk would leave out baked goodies for him to pick up during his escapes. Sometimes they'd even let him hide out near their house if it was safe enough to do so. Now that he's older, they don't let him get away so much anymore but will occasionally leave out a place of treats.
Lamina - Jinx: TSM
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - Lamina's channel would be dedicated to fitness and her vast collection of swords
- She'll do exercise challenges and inbetween she'd show off her latest custom order swords
- Lamina has an intense energy on screen but will give legitmate advice on health and exercise
- She'll only really soften up if she talks about her girlfriend or her swords, getting equally giddy over both
- Her shedule is regular and she has quite a big following
- Swords will always be present in her backgrounds
What kinda blog would they run? - Her blog would focus on her swords and she'd go into detail about their history and origin
- She takes beautiful pictures of them from every angle imaginable
- Lighting is everything, it's gotta hit the blade juuust right
- She poses them with occassionally, doesn't admit it but she enjoys it
- Her colour scheme would be muted and her theme would be minimal
- Lamina tends to post whenever she has a new sword delievered
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Lamina is not usually one to get dressed up, would probably take some persausion
- She'd want it to be low effect, nothing too complicated
- If she had to pick, possibly an apocolyptic survior, no it's not an excuse to show off her cool swords shUT Up
Who would they cosplay as?
- Possibly Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail
-Because did I mention swords? because she likes s
-Not sure which armor she'd go for
-Possibly would commission someone to make it
What type of biscuit would they be? - A simple shortbread biscuit
What type of tea would they be? - Green macha tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - Straight whisky
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - Warrior deck or Amazoness deck?
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Fighting type, feel like it fits her
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
- Wolf possibly? or a bear
- Home filled with work-out equipment
- Grumpy personality?
Aesthetic: Early mornings, sore knuckles, stern looks, hidden softness, sword clashes, the smell of burning, loyal bonds, dark purples and blues,brusied skin and busted lips, quiet nights beneath the stars.
Extra headcanon:
- (tiny spoilers??) After Solus left most of her men dead, Lamina felt geniuely hurt. Her loyalty and trust in Solus was strong. She wouldn't admit but she did shed a few tears when she was alone before completely shutting herself off from her remaining men. They weren't like him, in fact, they were among the ones who mocked her and they only trusted her out of fear. She felt she'd lost her only real connection. Thankfully, she was able to open up again and she couldn't be happier. -------------------------------------------
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - Katia would have a fashion channel, she'd showcase the unsual dresses she'd buy and possibly make
- There's always a WIP of a dress on a manniquien in the background of her videos
- She'll sometimes do time lapses of dress
- Katia will occasionally post tutorials on the dresses she makes and leaves materials and such in the description  
- She'd talk about the best materials to use to sew with
- Her sewing machine is covered in cute stickers and has become staple in her background
- She keeps a list of themes to explore in a notebook
- Her following is large but not overwhelming
What kinda blog would they run? - A fashion blog
- She'd post lookbooks each with a different theme
- Her colour scheme would be soft galaxy, maybe blue and purple
- Katia loves to talk about the history of fashion and tries to re-create the clothing from different points in history
- Her blog is clean and orginaised to a T. Everything is put into categories
- Katia posts weekly and does at least one lookbook per week
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Katia would be a wailing victorian bride
- With her skills in dress making her costume would be sublime
- She'd go ham on her costume, adding every single detail she can think of to make it look better
- Kinda erie how accurate it would be
Who would they cosplay as? - BOTW!Zelda or Twlight Princess!Zelda
- Again, costume making is her jam! the entire thing would be made from scratch minus a few things like the wig
- She loves the outfits Zelda wears in the games and would study the hell out of them to get the design right
What type of biscuit would they be? - Simple lemon biscuit
What type of tea would they be? - Earl Grey
What type of alcohol would they be? - Vodka
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - Harpy Lady deck
- She just thinks they're neat
- And she enjoys the play style
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Ghost type
What Animal Crossing animal would they be? - Rabbit
- Her house would be cosy and hidden away within the trees
- Shy personality type
Aesthetic: Silver necklaces, heavy veils, masquerade masks, silk dresses, corset ties, anxious thoughts, strained smiles, secret encounters, fights for freedom, golds, silver, sparkling jewels, touch starved.
Extra headcanon:
- Katia was not always an anxious mess, that only occurred later in life due to the pressure her parents placed on her. As a child, she was playful and witty, she was rebellous and would always find ways to esape her escorting guards. These days the only way she can 'escape' are when she's in her own quaters.
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weremarkable · 5 years
Fun read. His case is strong, very strong!
I'm down for a Man from UNCLE sequel!
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Jan 7 2019
I’m not sure how everyone missed this when it came out in 2015 but the queer energy that this movie puts out is intoxicating.
Guy Ritchie’s 2015 retro spy flick The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is a fantastic and fundamentally bisexual movie, and I will die on this hill.
As a bisexual cinephile, I find myself queering most films I watch. Unless and until I’m told otherwise, all movie characters are bi. Still, some movies stand apart. Not because they explicitly embrace queerness, but because they feel queer on some deeper level. They exhibit queer themes, queer aesthetics, queer politics. They lend themselves to queering by the audience (...)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is one such queerable film. A remake of the 1964 series of the same name (which itself didn’t exactly scream "straight"), the film exudes bisexual energy at every turn, both narratively and in the chemistry, between not only its three protagonists but virtually everyone they come into contact with.
To be abundantly clear, I know the characters weren’t written bi. I know there’s nothing explicit in the film. (...)
U.N.C.L.E. opens in 1963. Suave CIA agent Napoleon Solo (a dapper Henry Cavill effortlessly channeling James Bond) is on an extraction mission in East Berlin. He’s looking for fast-talking car mechanic Gaby Teller (Alicia Vikander), whose former Nazi scientist father may be helping a group of international terrorists build a nuclear weapon. Hot on their tail is no-nonsense KGB agent Ilya Kuryakin, played by tall, broody, square-jawed Armie Hammer. Soon the two spies are tasked with working together to find and stop Teller, with Gaby along for the ride and more or less on their side.
The plot doesn’t really matter though. The pleasures of The Man from U.N.C.L.E.—and there are many—come down to the quick repartee, charming flirtation, gorgeous mise-en-scène, and constant turning of tables, where any back can be stabbed by anyone at any time.
The actors deserve a lot of credit for how bisexual this whole endeavor is. The three protagonists bicker to no end, and while Ilya and Gaby’s playful fighting (sometimes literal wrestling) does explicitly lead to and connote romance, Ilya and Solo exhibit an almost identical tension (wrestling included) that seems hardly limited to the bromance the filmmakers might have intended. Solo and Ilya are jealous of each other’s love interests when they’re not comparing gear and bugging each other’s rooms (the double entendres are hard to keep up with). Add in the overt flirtation between Solo and Gaby when they have their own meet cute, and you have a rather perfect love triangle between the three.
The villains get in on the action too, each as universally flirtatious as the next. (....)
In hindsight, casting doesn’t hurt either. U.N.C.L.E. stars queer ally Armie Hammer. Hammer played down his onscreen kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in 2011‘s J. Edgar as a normal part of acting, and was visibly and physically affectionate with his co-star Tomothée Chalamet during promotion of their queer coming of age hit Call Me By Your Name in 2017. Accusations of self-satisfied queer-baiting are not unreasonable, but for what it’s worth, Hammer’s enthusiastic allyship has always come off as entirely sincere to me.
Beyond Hammer, the entire cast is just absurdly good looking to the point of distraction. It’s not just that any pairing could work, it’s that they all seem so darn appealing—I can only assume the film itself left more than a few impressionable viewers with questions about their own chaotic scattershot of attractions.
I’m not alone in my thinking. I’ve found ample common ground when bringing this film up with bisexual friends. The world of fan fiction, well known for queering pop culture, has also embraced U.N.C.L.E. As I write this, popular fan fic database Archive of Our Own lists 2,702 works of Man from U.N.C.L.E. fic. For comparison’s sake, 2013’s Man of Steel has just 543 entries, and the whole Die Hard franchise has 623.
Even a handful of film critics could see, if not the full bisexual potential of U.N.C.L.E., at least some hints of homoeroticism. None really followed the queer breadcrumbs all the way to any satisfying conclusions though.
In one particularly dismissive review from Wired, Daniel Smith suggests that any homoeroticism applied after the fact should be disregarded. The question “are they gay?” Is irrelevant. Instead, men—straight men, presumably—should be inspired to emulate the warm camaraderie of Solo and Ilya as some kind of model for healthier masculinity, says Smith.
What a cop out, and what a heteronormative view of male bonding. Healthier masculinity is a noble pursuit, no doubt, but why should it come at the expense of attraction between men? Non-straight men aren’t magically exempt from toxic masculinity, and our experiences shouldn’t be passed over in the name of educating straight dudes.
But there’s more to it than that. The dismissal of the hints of attraction between Solo and Ilya (who also both display attraction to many women) leads critics to pass over U.N.C.L.E.’s fundamentally bisexual—rather than gay—themes.
The whole premise is one big Kinseyian metaphor. Alfred Kinsey famously established the concept of the Kinsey scale, whereby human sexuality exists on a spectrum. Your sexual orientation can be measured from zero (exclusively heterosexual) to six (exclusively homosexual). It’s a relatively blunt instrument for measuring sexual attraction, but it gets at the basic notion that sexual attraction exists on a spectrum rather than being binary
Our two Greek God-inspired super spies similarly find themselves somewhere between two polar extremes when they decide to collaborate for the greater good (the expression “playing for both teams” comes to mind).
The basic Cold War tension between East and West is extremely binary in nature. The film’s opening credits graphically illustrate this by drawing straight, hard lines on animated maps between East Berlin and West Berlin. But the entire narrative undoes this division by bringing the CIA and KGB together in a murky space somewhere in between American and Soviet politics.
In one early scene, we see Solo zip lining across the border between East Berlin and West Berlin. When Ilya attempts to follow, Solo lowers the wire, and the Soviet spy is caught right in the middle of the two extremities. It’s a beautiful bit of imagery that sums up my entire argument. This is a film so conspicuously invested in exploring the middle ground of things that it thematically lays the groundwork for queering its characters.
One can only hope that a more overtly queer sequel might one day grace our theater screens. Or a moreexplicitly queer sequel. Solo and Ilya are paired up by their superiors as they tussle in a men’s room, for God’s sake. The messaging is clear, just not stated in so many words.
Rumors of a sequel have circulated for years, but unfortunately U.N.C.L.E. wasn’t a huge hit at the box office, despite how incredibly fun the damn thing is. One potential explanation for its failure is that 2015 was a pretty crowded year for 60s spy nostalgia, and it had to compete with the latest entries in the more well-established Mission: Impossible and James Bondfranchises.
Nevertheless, Hammer has pointed to the film as one of the roles he’s most often asked about by fans, and he once even suggested he’d talked screenwriter Lionel Wigram into starting on a sequel. I’m still skeptical, as nothing definitive has been announced yet.
For now, I’ll hold on to what we have and cherish The Man from U.N.C.L.E. as a resounding bisexual anthem. Anyone who refuses see it as such is frankly missing out on some of the film’s most rewarding features.
In short, it’s ours and we’re keeping it.
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sayukiuniverse · 5 years
Sayuki from Asakusa, the first Western Geisha - JustBaked interview
Lets  make some questions to Sayuki, the very first western geisha in the world. Let’s discover her amazing and magic life.
Sayuki Geisha Ph © Roberto Martino for #AGeishaDay Festival
You debuted as a geisha in 2007 (in the Asakusa district) under the name of Sayuki. Can you please tell us when you decided to become a geisha and why?
I got my doctorate in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford, and then commenced lecturing in Japanese Studies and directing and working on television programs for broadcasters like BBC, NHK, National Geographic Channel etc. I proposed a program about geisha that would be a real look at the geisha world about the time that “Memoirs of a Geisha” was planned to be made into a movie.
What attracted you to a very different life?
As above, at first it was simply a television program proposal for me to spend one-year training as a geisha and to film that. Once I started I immediately became aware that it was simply impossible to make a program while training as a geisha. I had to do one or the other and chose to continue to train and concentrate on becoming a geisha first and foremost. I would still love to make a program… This time though I would make a reality series based on my geisha house and my little trainees.
I read you first travelled to Japan for a student exchange program when you were only 15 and grew up with a Japanese family, starting a real Japanese life.
Can you please describe how different your Australian life was from the new Japanese one?  Did you suffer for the lack of your family? Which were the first problems you had to deal with?
All exchange students deal with a very different culture, different food, and different school systems. But exchange students also have to live with families that are probably very different from their own. I had a wonderful Japanese family. I am still close to my Japanese father, though my mother died when I was just 20.
Who gave you the name of Sayuki? What is the meaning of that name?  Does every geisha change her original name?
Every geisha takes on a geisha name. Often, but not always, names contain one character from the geisha mother’s name. In my case, my geisha mother was Yukiko oneesan, and I took the character yuki, or happiness, and combined it with sa or transparent. My geisha trainees all have the character sa and combine it with various characters: Asaka – bright transparent fragrance Tazusa – transparent crane Sachika – transparent thousand fragrances.
You were the first foreign geisha in the world. Can you explain the troubles and difficulties you experienced in being accepted by Japanese geisha?
I was formally accepted into Asakusa district, so that was formal acceptance. Privately some tea-house owners and geisha may not have wanted to call me or attend my banquets, but that is the same for any geisha. I had enough support from both tea-houses and geisha to be able to make my career. I had far more trouble from online trolls who did not understand the geisha world at all but were very vocal in attacking me. This came as a complete surprise and was quite upsetting. Academics do not get bashed online for stating the facts in their research normally!
Before being a geisha, you are a “maiko” (mai=art of dancing; ko= little girl). When and how can a girl be finally a geisha?
The word for maiko from around Tokyo to northern Japan is hangyokuwhich means half-fee reflecting the fact that trainees used to get half of the fees of geisha. But whether a geisha becomes a hangyoku or not depends on their age at the time they debut. In my geisha house, Tazusa debuted as a hangyoku, but Asaka debuted as a geisha as I did. My own geisha mother debuted as a geisha because she was too tall to be a hangyoku.
Can you please describe what a typical geisha day is like? Which are the arts you have to practice? Which art do you prefer and why?
Typically, I deal with correspondence and customers and bookings and all the business of the geisha houses in the morning with my assistants. Then the afternoons are devoted to practice. And the evenings to work. Of course, sometimes we have lunchtime banquets, and evening practice, so there are some exceptions.
Sayuki Geisha Ph © Roberto Martino for #AGeishaDay Festival
I read you were not allowed to become a geisha mother on the grounds of being a foreigner… Is this true?
Asakusa District has clear rules about who may become a geisha, and normally by Asakusa rules I should have been allowed to become a geisha mother as I had fulfilled the required four years of working as a geisha. The Geisha Committee (10 members) decided that they would not allow me to on grounds of being a foreigner, thus contradicting their own rules. It was a great pity especially for my geisha mother as she was disabled and no longer able to work already, and I could have done a great deal to help her.
Can you explain what “being a geisha” is for you, the value and the importance of that role/the meaning of the word “geisha”?
Geisha means artist literally, and I think being a geisha always begins and ends with the art. Geisha are artists.
  How is it possible to be a geisha? Can everyone become a geisha?
To work as a geisha in Japan you must have Japanese nationality or permanent residency for a start. We have had enormous problems lately with fake geisha advertising on the internet. One former furisode is currently advertising with Airbnb, for example. Please do encourage geisha fans to write to Airbnb and discourage this as customers do not know the difference and it is very damaging to real geisha, especially to the new trainees who need the work. We also saw one foreigner try to work alone and illegally until senior Tokyo geisha reported her to Immigration.
Can you describe the difference between the life and the role of a geisha in the past (1600) and today and how it changed? I read that in the past Geisha’s lives were harder than today and geisha suffered more. Please tell us why.
  Perhaps in former times geisha had to undergo a stricter training… Many years helping out in the geisha house before debuting, or very strict practice. But I think, in the end, becoming an accomplished artist in any age is a difficult task and is never-ending. Geisha train their whole lives.
The figure of the geisha was born in 1600 and initially traditional entertainers of Japanese arts were men that were specialized in Japanese dance, singing and a variety of instruments including hand drum, shoulder drum, shamisen or Japanese flute. In the past geisha had to live in a very rigid way in their okiya where they had to study and stay away from men. They had to start when they were 5 years old and had to be ready to live in a very strict way. The expensive cost of their life and studies were supported by the “mother” of the okiya.
Geisha often went into debt to fund their complete training so they had to be in the service of the “mother” for all their life, hoping that one day the mother would choose one of them as her favourite.
Geisha have always come into the geisha world at different ages and for different reasons. So it is not always true that they always trained since a young age. Geisha were usually contracted into the geisha world, which meant that the geisha mother paid out a lump sum to the parents and the geisha paid the debt off over several years. Sometimes customers would pay the geisha’s debts off for them. These days it is one of the challenges of the geisha world as to who pays for the initial training as girls (and their parents) are no longer willing or able to undergo a debt-based apprenticeship. We have listed our trainees on Patreon, and are hoping that the many geisha fans around the world, will collectively become the danna(sponsor) of our trainees and help finance their flowering into traditional artists.
Sayuki Geisha Ph © Roberto Martino for #AGeishaDay Festival
I read that often geisha in the past had to offer sexual performances to their clients in exchange for cash to fund their debts with the okiya: is that true? It was called “Mizuage”. The first night of a maiko was offered to a danna (patron of the arts) selected from the okāsan. Is today the same in some cases?
  Sex or prostitution has never been part of the geisha job. Geisha have always been supposed to sell their arts, and not their bodies as did the courtesans.
Geisha were supposed to be more simply attired than the courtesans and not to compete with them. There are not courtesans in Japan any more (though there are women who dress up as historical re-enactments for parades and such) for the simple reason that prostitution is illegal in Japan.
Hierarchy in the house: describe, please.
Hierarchy in the geisha world is dependent on the date of debut, not on real age.
Let’s speak about my favourite topic: fashion and aesthetic. Oshiroi: make up school.
Geisha’s makeup is very complex and more elaborated than the western one. Can you please describe your traditional make up and its meaning? What materials do you use and which colours? Is there a difference between maiko’s and geisha’s makeup?
Geisha makeup evolve because tea-houses were candle-lit and girls with white faces stood out more than others. There were some precedents also for court nobles wearing white makeup too. The white skin and red lips make almost any Japanese woman look startlingly beautiful. There are many subtle differences between cute hangyoku makeup and more mature adult geisha makeup, from the way eyes and eyebrows are drawn.
Kitsuke: the dressing art of kimono. Can you describe the very roots and the meaning of the art of kimono?  I know every geisha must have plenty of them and every kimono should be worn in different seasons. Can you tell us something more about this ancient tradition and the way you dress?
All Japanese used to be dressed in kimono. Now only specialist in Japanese culture usually wear it on a daily basis.
Of course, geisha are never seen without kimono. The geisha world lays a heavy emphasis on the seasons, and geisha try to have their kimono exactly on the season so that customers feel a sense of the season when they come to banquets.
A winter kimono that has all kinds of flowers jumbled in together can be worn from October until May so the average housewife will choose such a kimono so she can wear it for a longer time. A geisha, who has very many kimono though, will choose a kimono that may have only one single flower on it and can only wear that kimono directly before and during that season.
For example, a kimono with cherry blossom over the whole of the kimono can only be worn for about two weeks before the flowers themselves bloom.
I read ordinary people wear the obi (kimono’s belt) in a different way from geisha, they tight it in the front. Please describe the main difference of the two styles.
The normal homongi (formal) kimono is the same for normal women and geisha, but geisha have some special styles like hikizuri (trailing kimono), and some special obi styles, like tsunodashi or yanagi in Tokyo.
The difference between the kimono dressing of a maiko and a geisha.
The whole outfit and kimono and obi and wig and hair ornaments are all different for geisha and hangyoku…
How long does it take to wear a kimono and put your makeup on before starting your working days?
The new trainees take many hours to get dressed, and the fastest geisha I know can do the whole thing in 40 minutes flat.
Sayuki Geisha Ph © Roberto Martino for #AGeishaDay Festival
What do you wear on in your free days? Can you wear casual dresses? (e.g. jeans and t-shirt)? I read that in the past you couldn’t wear jeans when you were a maiko.
Maiko in Kyoto cannot wear any western clothes because they have their own hair done up in the maiko style. So they have very restrictive lives.
Tokyo hangyoku wear wigs usually, or one-day hangyoku hairstyles, so they can revert to western clothes whenever they are not working. If they are going anywhere as geisha, though, they will always be in kimono with their hair properly done.
Hana Kanzashi: the art of the hairstyle.  Can you please tell us something about the way you do your hair? Do you do it by yourselves?
Mostly when our own hair is done up we visit the hairdresser and have it styled there.
Sado: tea’s ceremony, value and meaning.
Tea ceremony is one Japanese art that geisha may or may not do, depending on their district and geisha house and their preferences. There has been a lot of confusion because ryotei or ochaya (Japanese restaurant) has been translated into English as “tea-house” because they originally evolved from simple tea-houses. Geisha may study tea- ceremony but usually would only perform it on special occasions that have nothing to do with their everyday work.
Ikebana: the art of flowers. Which flowers do you use, why and their meaning?
Flower arrangement in Japan is heavily seasonal, and flowers are chosen that are spot on the current season. Tea-house mothers are usually skilled in the art of flower arrangement, or at least, of choosing the right flowers. Geisha may do this art depending on their own interests, but it is not an integral part of being a geisha.
Japanese geisha’s kitchen: geisha must be very good in preparing sweets and drinks. Can you explain the most important and typical courses and their value?
Geisha usually have nothing to do with preparing food, or with serving it, which is the job of the tea-houses and the maids there. In some districts, geisha have to train as tea-house maids, before they become geisha so they understand the job of the women they will be working alongside with.
The art of seduction: what is seduction for a geisha? What is the difference between Western and Japanese seduction and how to be sensual?
Japanese seduction is probably very understated and delicate. Geisha need to be attractive to all their customers.
Can you please tell us something about the art of dancing, shamisen and singing?
Most geisha begin their careers with dancing unless they are already very skilled musicians when they come into the geisha world. I was already playing western flute for a long time professionally as a part-time job before I entered the geisha world, so I chose to concentrate on music rather than dance. Tazusa, in my house, is a skilled shamisen player but because she is young she needs to concentrate on dancing for now. Many dancing geisha learn music as well, but only rarely perform at banquets because there are many older geisha who specialize as musicians. They will get their turn as musicians when they are older.
The difference between the role of a geisha in Tokyo and in Kyoto.
I think the role of a geisha is the same everywhere.
Sex in geisha’s world.  Can a trainee and a geisha fall in love and have relationship? Was it the same in the past? There is a wrong vision of some people who think geisha offer sexual performances to their clients: what would you like to tell them? Why is there still this belief?
Trainees are usually quite young and are supposed to be concentrating on learning a difficult profession so would not normally have boyfriends.
Geisha are entirely free in their love lives.
If there are lingering beliefs that geisha are prostitutes in the west, I think it has a lot to with whether westerners can understand the concept of women who are companions to customers, and works of art, but selling only their arts and not their bodies. What about western culture makes it difficult for westerners to understand that?
Geisha’s traditions are disappearing because of the lack of money and the difficulty to cover training expenses. Supporting trainees in the very first year is very important. The biggest challenge to geisha houses is how to finance the training of young geisha during this crucial time. They often go into debt to fund their complete training.
Can you please tell us how it is possible to support geisha’s traditions?
As above, I have great hopes of Patreon and asking geisha fans around the world to help collectively support our young trainees. Kimono and geisha goods are extremely expensive, but each geisha also has an obligation to support the wonderful craftsmen who make the things that geisha use.
What is exactly a danna and how to become one (danna = sponsor of geisha)?
There are many types of danna. A tabi (sock) shop that gives out free tabi to a trainee might call themselves a tabi danna. An adult geisha in a long term relationship with a man might call him a danna.
Who are your clients and where do they come from? What do you talk about with your clients?
Clients come from absolutely everywhere and are all kinds of people. We talk with them about whatever they want to talk about.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like getting out of Tokyo into nature and hiking or mountain climbing or staying at beautiful places and enjoying after hiking onsen in hot springs. And traveling anywhere overseas too. We would like to travel more and more as geisha in the future, especially to work with the very many Japanese restaurants that you find abroad these days, but also to do events, trade shows, festivals, fashion shows, private parties, openings, galleries etc.
How does modern technology (internet-smartphone-social media) affect your professional life?  Can maiko and geisha use smartphones?
Yes, of course. Maiko in Kyoto are restricted from some things like using smart phones in the street, but that is because they are very young and need to be careful not to damage the geisha image in public. It is a very funny thing to see a little hangyoku at a banquet pull her smart phone out of her obi and have it ask a customer in English if he is enjoying his meal! For me I am never separated from my ipod and ipod speaker.
What do you think about the novel “Memoirs of a Geisha” of Arthur Golden? Does this novel describe in a good way a geisha’s past life?
One must be aware that this book is a fictional book, not non-fiction. And that it was set in the pre-war period.
And that is was written by an American man, and not by a geisha.
The book did a favour to the geisha world.
What’s the best part of the job?
As below for banquets…
To be living in a beautiful world, working in beautiful tea-houses, seeing beautiful things, as part of one’s work. To be able to spend one’s life perfecting one’s art.
Meeting many interesting and fascinating people.
What’s the most unexpected part of the job?
I was surprised to find that Kyoto, that everyone believes is most traditional, is actually quite modern in their business dealings, where Tokyo is much more conservative and old-fashioned. It is not perhaps not so surprising when you remember that when geisha culture arose, in Fukagawa, it was Tokyo that was the capital of Japan.
What is the most important aspect of being a geisha?
Perfecting one’s arts.
  Why would you recommend people to try geisha experience?
As I have said elsewhere, by attending a geisha banquet you can see the best of Japanese architecture in the tea-houses, the best of Japanese cuisine, art works on the walls, flower arrangement, beautiful kimono, experience the best of sake etc., Japanese dance, music. It is a complete Japanese cultural experiencee in one, more comprehensive than anything else.
What kind of event would you recommend hiring a geisha for?
As above, we can be called to many different kinds of events from private parties to festivals.
  Sayuki Geisha Ph © Roberto Martino for #AGeishaDay Festival
Is it expensive to call a geisha and what are some of the options?
The price of a banquet is determined by the price of the tea-house and food, and the ratio of geisha to customers. One customer calling ten geisha would be extremely expensive, but ten customers calling two geisha would make it quite affordable.
What other services do you offer?
I do seven types of activities:
Geisha banquet
Geisha school – a chance to come and watch the little geisha have their lessons thus supporting the older geisha who give the lessons and the youngest geisha who are learning
Geisha Shopping – a chance to go around the shops of the craftsmen who make the wonderful things that geisha use, from letter paper to hair ornaments
Kimono Shopping – a chance to buy a kimono set, or kimono fabric etc.
Kabuki viewing
Antique market shopping – a chance to buy some fantastic antiques at Tokyo’s shrines
Lunch with Sayuki – a chance to learn about the geisha world…best for people who have already been to a banquet and want to ask questions etc., know more.
  What would you tell to a western girl who wants to become a geisha?
It is impossible for a western girl to work legally as a geisha unless she has permanent residency or Japanese nationality. To try to work illegally would be enormously disruptive and damaging to the geisha world, as we have already seen. There are many interesting things to do in Japan without becoming a geisha. Be an exchange student, study at university in Japan, learn Japanese arts, and then after the ten years it takes to get permanent residence, if you are still interested in being a geisha perhaps there will be a geisha house willing to accept you. Of course, the question for the geisha house would be how or who would be funding the training, and whether the girl would stay long enough to recuperate their investment.
  Sayuki started in Asakusa with anthropological fieldwork in mind. But after the first year she asked for, and received, permission to continue as a geisha. Sayuki made her debut after a year of training which is normal timing. Whether one debuts as a hangyoku (maiko), or as a geisha (geiko), is dependent on whether one is over 20 or so at the time one debuts. Either way, to become a hangyoku or a geisha, cannot be done without usually a year of training first.
Sayuki has been training in several arts, including shamisen and singing, and specializes in yokobue (Japanese flute). Sayuki received permission to play flute at banquets from her teacher several months after she became a geisha. Subsequently, she received permission to study separately from the other geisha in order to take the exams for music university.
Sayuki has initiated some new things in the geisha world such as making it easier for foreigners to attend banquets by being able to contact her through her web-site. But as she rarely goes to banquets alone she is always with her geisha sisters and these new initiatives are aimed at allowing first-timers to the geisha world to meet not just Sayuki, but her geisha sisters too.
Sayuki has appeared frequently in the media in Japan. The geisha world is very strict and it is rather unusual for a geisha to appear in the media often so every interview and outside event that Sayuki did had to be approved through the geisha association. Sayuki requests that the media respect geisha rules about privacy so she is not set apart from the other geisha.
In 2011 Sayuki’s geisha mother became ill and was no longer able to keep her in her geisha house. Sayuki asked for permission to open her own house after she had been a geisha for four years (as per Asakusa rules) but this was denied on the grounds of her being a foreigner.
Sayuki currently continues to work as a geisha independently and has received support from geisha all over Tokyo, including individually from geisha from Asakusa, who work with her at her banquets. Long term she may be affiliated again with another district.
Sayuki took an MBA at Oxford before turning to social anthropology, and specializing in Japanese culture. She has lectured at a number of universities around the world, and is currently lecturing on geisha and traditional Japanese culture at Keio University in Tokyo.
She does guest lectures around the world on geisha culture. Sayuki has published several books on Japanese culture. She is also an anthropological film director and has worked on programmes for BBC, NHK, National Geographic Channel and others.
Source: https://www.justbaked.it/2019/02/12/sayuki-from-asakusa-the-first-western-geisha/
Sayuki from Asakusa, the first Western Geisha – JustBaked interview was originally published on Sayuki
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A Sense of Identity--Yukonic Fanfic
Read on AO3 here. This was inspired by the motto “If no one else will write fanfic for your ship, write it yourself.”
Fandom: Deadpool (2 technically)
Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Yukio, Colossus (briefly), Deadpool (mentioned)
Pairing: Negasonic/Yukio
Rating: G
Summary:  Negasonic reflects on her own name as she deals with the gay panic of a teenager lesbian facing her first major crush.
She had never liked her name.
Ellie was so plain, so simple. It was a common name that had never really fit her. Now if her parents had been forward-thinking enough to name her Elliot, she may have felt differently. But Eleanor had never suited her, and Ellie barely worked. But it was the only name she had.
The first time she accidentally exploded into a ball of fire had been terrifying for everyone around her. For Ellie, it was a relief.
She loved her parents, but they’d never really understood what made her tick as a regular human. As a mutant? They were happy to send her off to a fancy school where she could harness her powers and maybe learn some manners.
She hadn’t exactly gained the manners, but Negasonic Teenage Warhead was a miracle of a name. When she was struggling to come up with something that felt like enough, one of the older kids had suggested listening to old songs. Some of the coolest names came from the lyrics. Taking their word for it, Ellie had flipped through old records, pausing when she saw a song title she liked. Negasonic Teenage Warhead had frozen her, an exciting sense of cold running down her center to cut the heat she always knew was there. It was over the top, strong, and just anarchistic enough to feel like an identifier. Once she listened to the record, she decided the song itself was fine. But the name couldn’t be beat.
Most of the other kids found her name to be too much of a mouthful, and she became Negasonic to most of them. Occasionally someone dug up the name Ellie Phimister. It wasn’t exactly a secret, but Negasonic did everything in her power not to answer to it and to get people to stop using it.
Most of the time it worked. Even when she wasn’t actively using her powers for anything, just channeling them was enough to intimidate most people. She infrequently got asked what she would do about her name once she wasn’t a teenager anymore.
She would shoot whoever asked a scorching look complete with one raised eyebrow and say, “The name is more than just Teenage. I think I’ve got other parts to keep.”
Secretly she liked the ring of Negasonic Warhead. It sounded even more badass in her mind than the full moniker, but twelve-year-old Ellie had been too excited by the idea of literally identifying as a teen. Until she turned nineteen, though, she could handle the middle, especially since no one ever used the full name anyway.
Except occasionally Wade, but he alternated that with so many insults and (often outdated) pop culture references that she didn’t really care.
“Negasonic,” Colossus called up the stairs. As usual, his voice carried without him actually raising his voice above typical speaking level. “Come down here. There is friend I want you to meet.”
Friend was not a typical word thrown her way. Negasonic knew Colossus had been trying to find her a nice friend ever since she’d buzzed her hair. It had been the same chin-length bob since before discovering her powers, and Negasonic had needed a change when she hit fifteen. She thought it made her look edgy. One of the more obnoxious preteens had said it made her look ready to beat someone up. She’d only somewhat threatened to beat him up for it.
Even now that she was letting it grow, Negasonic was more than happy to lean into that reputation whenever possible. She imagined this supposed friend would be easily intimidated with a scowl or two and that Negasonic could escape after a quick tour and a little awkward small talk.
She wasn’t expecting a perky pink-haired girl with gorgeous eyes to be waiting at Colossus’s side.
“Negasonic!” Colossus said enthusiastically, clamping a hand on her shoulder that was obviously oblivious to her gay panic. “This is Yukio. She will be joining X-Men.”
“Hello,” said the girl. She bounced forward--literally bounced--and stuck out her hand for Negasonic to shake. “It’s nice to meet you.”
She reacted on autopilot and shook the girl’s hand, trying not to focus on its soft warmth. “You too,” Negasonic said. Was her voice faint? Damn it! She’d gone through all this work to build a reputation, and it was all about to be undone by a single pretty girl.
“Colossus said we might have a lot in common.” Yukio’s eyes actually sparkled as she looked up at the metal man.
Negasonic looked up too, mostly to determine if he was having heat stroke from baking in his metal body all day. Aside from an affinity for nontraditional aesthetics, Negasonic couldn’t imagine what she and Princess Bubblegum had in common.
God, she needed to spend less time around Wade.
“Indeed,” Colossus said, giving Negasonic a firm thump on the back that almost sent her flying. “You two are same age, both sassy, both independent. I expect the two of you to be fast friends.”
As two pairs of eyes looked at her expectantly, Negasonic felt a bit of sweat building at the back of her neck. But gay panic or no, she couldn’t afford to be weird. If she screwed up this girl’s first day, Colossus might not forgive her. Plus, bangs that perfect and that pink couldn’t belong to a straight girl, right?
“We’ll see,” she said, trying to remain neutral outwardly. “Would you like a tour, Yukio?”
As Yukio beamed at her, Colossus gave Negasonic another affirming pat on the back. This one did force her to stumble a bit because she’d been so focused on not letting herself be blinded by the literal sunshine on Yukio’s face.
“Wonderful!” Colossus moved a couple steps down the hall. “I have paperwork to do—finalizing Yukio’s transfer to the team and figuring out her class schedule. I think she would like some of the same classes as you, Negasonic. You two have fun!”
Negasonic watched him gently thunder down the hall, her panic slowly rising toward the surface as she was left alone with the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen.
There was a twinkle in Yukio’s eye that made Negasonic wonder if the girl was onto her. Before she could process that idea, Yukio took a few bouncing steps up the stairs.
“So where do we start?” she asked, offering Negasonic a knee-weakening grin.
Negasonic swallowed hard. Time to hit the reset on her feelings because she’d never be able to function if this kept up. Pretending to become her usual moody self, Negasonic jerked her head in the direction of the grounds.
“It might rain. We would probably check out the training areas first.”
The smile Yukio sent back at her was more reserved than the ones from earlier, and Negasonic tried to pretend the smaller smile gave her a smaller reaction. Being a girl had its advantages for hiding such things.
As Negasonic thought back on the last hour, she wasn’t quite sure how Yukio had ended up on her bed.
They’d barely made it inside as the rain started up outside. Yukio had scrambled back toward the door with such zeal that Negasonic hadn’t been able to help running alongside her. They’d stumbled back inside laughing loud enough to prompt Colossus to stick his head out of his office. When he’d seen who it was, he simply smiled and let them be.
The downstairs hadn’t taken very long since many of the spaces were ones that they weren’t supposed to go in or had classes in progress. Negasonic was technically missing Latin, but she both hated it and was pretty sure Colossus would vouch for her. He seemed to be in that kind of mood today.
Upstairs was mostly dorms, and when Negasonic had pointed out her own bed, Yukio had collapsed onto it dramatically.
“I hope we’re roommates,” she said with a kind of dreamy earnestness that smacked Negasonic on her ass.
She sat down at the end of her bed, trying not to think about the fact that she’d never had another girl on it before. She didn’t have any female friends who did things like sit on each other’s beds to gossip. The closest she’d come was an offer to visit someone else’s bed when she’d snuck out to a local gay bar. She suspect the other woman had also lied her way in with a fake ID, but even with that suspicion, Negasonic hadn’t been able to justify to herself sleeping with someone she didn’t know, especially if that person thought she was over eighteen and named Alex instead of Ellie.
“We probably will be.” Negasonic shrugged and tried to look like she didn’t care one way or another. “They try to room people age alike. Since most of the other girls are under fourteen or at least eighteen, we’re pretty secluded. There were two other girls in the middle bracket. Both roomed with her, but neither of them talked to her much.
“Lots of guys though,” she added as an afterthought. Without meaning to, Negasonic watched for Yukio’s reaction.
There wasn’t one. Instead she leaned forward and looked expectantly back at Negasonic. “You have a really cool name.”
She didn’t know how to handle that. “Um, that’s the idea,” she said, annoyed by how easy she had been to fluster. “What about you? Is Yukio based on something?” Negasonic didn’t really know anything about Japanese culture, so she hoped it wasn’t something obvious.
“No,” the pink-haired girl replied. “It’s actually my real name.”
Negasonic furrowed her brows together. “Do you not have a name yet?”
She hadn’t when she’d first arrived, but Negasonic had still been relatively young. And Ellie had shed her name as quickly as she could.
Yukio shook her head, ponytail whipping around her face as she did so. “No, and I don’t want one.”
“But you have to have one.”
Yukio smiled, like she knew something Negasonic didn’t. “Actually I don’t. We have them for safety, but it’s not like any of us do anything to protect our identities.”
That was true. Some superheroes were ridiculous about keeping their identities secret, and while Negasonic could understand that perspective, it wasn’t true for a lot of mutants. Often their powers outed them, like hers had. Regardless the big players had their strong we shouldn’t have to hide agenda that they frequently pushed. Many mutants who could have otherwise kept their powers a secret, as she could now that she had much better control of them, readily revealed their identities. Masks weren’t exactly big around here.
It was easy for her, though. She didn’t have a secret identity because Negasonic felt much more like a name than Ellie ever had.
“Still,” Negasonic said. She didn’t know what she was trying to argue, but an argument felt like it needed to be made.
“I’m okay only have one identity,” she insisted. “Besides, my family call me Yuki anyway. Yukio is starting over in a way.”
“A new identity isn’t the same as starting over.”
Yukio simply looked at her, the playful indulgence easy to read. “No? Then why did Colossus call you Negasonic? Why do we all call him Colossus? There may be mutants who go by both readily, but for most of us, the new one is the only thing that matters.”
Maybe that’s why she’d always called Deadpool Wade. As near as she could tell, his alias was purely for professional purposes and because he thought it sounded cool. But to everyone who actually knew him, he was Wade. But despite basically dying multiple times without actually dying, Wade wasn’t a Before and After. It was weird because he literally looked nothing like he had before. (She’d seen the pictures. He was tolerable if you were into clean cut white men, which Negasonic wasn’t.) His personality hadn’t shifted at all, and he’d really just used his After as an extension of the same kind of personality and shit he’d done before. He was just more deadly because he couldn’t die.
Yukio angled her head as she studied Negasonic. In turn, Negasonic wanted to crawl under the bed.
“What’s your birth name?”
Negasonic bit her lip. That was the million dollar question, wasn’t it? “I don’t actually like it,” she admitted, hoping that would be enough.
That unfortunately didn’t seem to satisfy Yukio’s curiosity. “What not?”
Shrugging in an I-don’t-care way, Negasonic stared down at her bedspread. “I guess it never really fit.”
Yukio didn’t respond. The silence filled the space between them before expanding into the room as a whole. It left Negasonic ready to suffocate, and she couldn’t stop herself from willingly sharing her name for the first since taking on her superhero identity.
“I’m Ellie.”
“That’s a nice name,” Yukio said, “but you’re right. It doesn’t really fit you.”
Negasonic swallowed, glancing back up at Yukio. The seriousness she found on the other girl’s face transfixed her. They stared not uncomfortably at each other for longer than Negasonic cared to admit.
“What about El?” Yukio asked suddenly.
“It’s a nice letter,” Negasonic responded, not understanding where she was going with this.
As Yukio shook her head again, Negasonic let her eyes track the pink swinging hair again.
“Not the letter L. El as a shorthand for your name. It suits you.”
Negasonic paused as she thought about it. It felt less childish than Ellie and less girly too. “I like it,” she said. Without meaning to, she added, “I like you.”
Instantly Negasonic froze, ready to bolt form her own room of embarrassment. Yukio, to her credit, just grinned with all that sunshine Negasonic had noticed earlier.
“I like you too.”
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agirlinhell-a · 5 years
munday meme: what's a plot/plots you wanna write that you've never written? what are your favorite hobbies? what are you favorite/least favorite foods? what's a plot that you will never touch? if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
what’s a plot/plots you wanna write that you’ve never written? 
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I have an entire wishlist tag for this!! If I were to pick the ones I really crave for, it’d have to be:
Clementine’s travels with Omid and Christa in the two year timeskip after Lee’s death. I feel as if this transition is extremely important to Clementine’s character, as Omid and Christa took care of her far longer than Lee, Kenny or Jane - and arguably better - than any of them ever did. The moment Omid died, Clementine lost hope in the world again and her mentality becomes a lot more depressing.
The aftermath of Clementine’s exile from The New Frontier and being separated from AJ - from her last talk with Ava to her time alone and then in Prescott, and her dark time spent there. It’s all very much headcanon based, but this is where Clementine truly becomes her own person, this is where she truly grows fiercer, this is where she learns to fight back and become harder and stronger. This is her time when there is no one looking out for her, no one is there to watch her back, and all she has is herself. During her time in The New Frontier, she was a medic and supply runner, but then she steadily grows into one of the group’s fiercest fighters, with help from Ava, who teaches her how to fight and archery, morse code, parkour and survival tactics - Ava is a woman trained in the army, and Clementine took her teachings to heart. During her time in Prescott, Clementine descends into a much darker mentality and it’s possibly the darkest place where she’s ever been and she starts doing many morally questionable things. This is her transition from Season Two to A New Frontier. For a year, Prescott would be her home and it would shape her into someone much darker and demented beyond recognition. That sweet little girl that her parents had raised and Lee had protected was gone in that city, almost like she’d never existed. Whenever she walked into a bar, she could hear the hushed whispers of “it’s THAT girl,” “poor thing”, “didn’t she shoot a walker point blank in the face?”. No one knew her real name, as she never gave it out, so they resorted to naming her “Hellgirl” and Clementine relished in her new identity. She quickly found herself being a mythical figure - and even a bit of a celebrity - a girl of her stature having survived this far into the apocalypse.She learns how to ride a horse and ride a motorcycle in Prescott. She stole, murdered, drank, smoked, got high and gambled… in fact, she made a living out of it as a child mercenary. She was living in sin all at age twelve. She had managed to become quite the thief, as well, as she was light and quick on her feet. At one point, she even owned a bar and had hired wayward men and women to guard her.That girl is gone now, faded with time, yet her wildness is only barely concealed by a stonewalled composure.
Clementine and her time spent at Wellington - I feel as if this would be really sweet to see, something for her to look forward to, somewhere it’s safe for her and AJ… until it’s destroyed, at least.
Clementine finally arriving at the McCaroll Ranch and reuniting with AJ... and the possible events that might’ve occurred there.
Clem learning flower language from a book in Ericson’s greenhouse and giving flowers with their own respective meanings to people.
-Clementine dealing with her own mental health issues.
-Clementine becoming a pagan witch and a beginner in witchcraft.
-Ericson’s being haunted by the deaths of Marlon, Brody and Mitch… and who knows whoever… or whatever else lingers through the campus?
Card games with the Ericson’s squad!!
-Clementine experimenting with her sexual orientation.
-Clementine experimenting with her gender identity.
-Clementine discovering and learning more about her African heritage.
-threads where muses talk about things that confuse them.
-threads where muses talk about things that have hurt them in the past.
-threads where muses talk about their deepest fears.
-threads where muses talk about sexual and romantic orientation and relationships (past and present !!)
-Clem as a babysitter to Tenn, Willy and AJ.
-AU where the original concepts that were planned for Season Two and Season Three: A New Frontier happen to Clementine… and make her a much darker character. However, I must warn you that this AU would not be for the faint of heart and contains heavy, mature themes. It is arguably a lot worse than what she endures in canon, and that’s saying a lot. Clementine’s mind slowly becomes darker and demented the more she ages, she begins to look at the world in a nepotistic way, and she will do whatever it takes to survive, and she will brutally murder whoever stands in her way. Basically, this is a much darker version of Clementine and a lot of things in her canon change, i.e AJ is dead, Kenny is more or less Clementine’s enemy, etc.. This verse begins in Season Two and will continue onward from there. HERE IS THE LINK. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
-AU where Clementine is taken in and trained as a soldier of the Delta against her own will or otherwise.
-Modern AU scenarios!! Youtube Channels, vines, memes, shenanigans!!
-Interactions between Clementine, AJ, CJ and Clem’s pet tigress, Rani, based off of THIS POST. Honestly, Clementine and AJ are one hella awesome duo, but add that in with Omid and Christa’s child and oh, I dunno, A FUCKING GIANT TIGER is even BETTER. Also, CJ and AJ are a lot like brothers and their bond is just so wholesome. CJ’s witty and lighthearted and is one of the only people capable of calming AJ down - CJ is also more analytical and calmer than AJ is. I just want Rani to be feral, scary but also soft and sweet - she has an appetite for walkers and the living alike, and she’s not completely tamed, but she’s mostly cool with most humans, but harm Clementine or the two kids and she will rip you apart and eat you. Clementine found her in an abandoned zoo back in Season Two and has been taking care of her ever since... and now, Rani is HUGE. God forbid you trespass on her eating, that’s not a good time. Also, I just wanna see other muses’ reactions to this huge tiger that Clem easily pets and cuddles with.
-Clem becoming a Whisperer, perhaps with James and Charlie? I haven’t read the comics yet, but I know a bit of what happens and what the Whisperers are really like. It’d be really cool to see Clementine in this kind of scenario - but I don’t think she’d be the same girl we see in canon.
-Clem joining settlements from the comics (i.e Hilltop, Alexandria, the Commonwealth, etc.)
-Harry Potter AU!!
-Naruto AU!!
...and a lot more, but those are the ones I really, really want!
what are your favorite hobbies? 
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Hmmm.. reading, writing, making aesthetics and moodboards, daydreaming, listening to music and cuddling with my cats!
what are you favorite/least favorite foods? 
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MMMMMM PIZZA ICECREAM APPLES PURPLE GRAPES AND COOKIES!! As for foods I don’t like, uhhhhhh… veggies???? Idk I’m not a fan, SOMEONE BEAT MY ASS
what’s a plot that you will never touch? 
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Hmmm… honestly, I don’t think there’s any plots I will never refuse? I’m roleplaying a girl growing up in the apocalypse, after all, so I’m very willing to roleplay morally questionable topics and threads with dark themes? In fact, I encourage it! Please don’t ever hesitate to plot with me no matter how dark it is!!
if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? 
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Uhhhh… hmmm, I have a lot of ideas from many different fandoms! If I were to pick a few muses, it’d be Daenerys Targaryen from ASOIAF, Nymeria, the Princess of Ny Sar who ended up ruling Dorne from ASOIAF, Lyanna Stark from ASOIAF, Uchiha Madara from the Naruto series, Terumi Mei from the Naruto series, and maybe Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.
what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? 
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At the moment, Amandla Stenberg, especially with her Modern AU’s! A lot of people pick Zendaya and I just… why??? She looks NOTHING like Clem??? I’m very picky with my IRL FC’s but it took a long while to pick an IRL fc. Thanks to all of Amandla’s pics with her hair in braids, cornrows and the likes, I just really want Clem with traditional African hairstyles??????  GIVE THAT BLACK SCORPIO QUEEN SOME COOL HAIRSTYLES!!
if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
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God… ANYWHERE? Preferably somewhere in Eastern Asia, Europe or in the Caribbean, because those places just sound so amazing and fantastic to me? Canada doesn’t have a lot of cool things in comparison to those countries imho so it’d be nice to be somewhere else. If we want to be REALLY specific, possibly Kyoto, Japan, Shanghai, China, West Palm Beach, Florida or Jaipur, India.
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lalka-laski · 3 years
What do you waste your time doing the most? Scrolling social media for sure
Have you ever been backstabbed? If so, what for? Well kind of. But if anything, I sabotage MYSELF the most.
If you could be anything, what would you be? Mentally stable
If you could be any TV show character, who would you choose to be? Sabrina the Teenage Witch
If you switched genders for one day, what would you do? Not much, really. That doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.
What power would you choose to have if you were superhuman? Time travel
What stereotype/clique would you say you are more like? I was a floater who was friends with everyone, honestly.
How do you handle being under pressure? Oh I have a whole slew of unhealthy mechanisms! Take your pick!
What does your phone cover look like? It's pink & floral which is pretty much my whole aesthetic
Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what was it? I jay-walk every day on my walk to work. Bad to the bone!
What is the perfect weather to you? Sunny & brisk
If you were a stripper, what would your stage name be? Vanilla Blonde
What is your favorite holiday, why? 4th of July because it's low-maintenance but lots of fun. I love the other "major" holidays but they come with too much stress
What is your least favorite bug? FUCK LADYBUGS. I hate them!
What is your favorite thing in the opposite sex? The way they put their hand on the passenger's seat when backing up, and the way they remove their shirts with one hand (like magic!)
What is your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones, dying, being alone, never reaching happiness/fulfillment
What is something your looking forward to? Date night tonight! And then going on my friend's boat tomorrow- fun weekend ahead of me! Just gotta get through this shift...
If you could live on any planet, which one would you choose? I'm barely equipped to live on Earth
What is your favorite junk food? Chips and dip!
If you could have any animal as a pet, which one would you choose? Goats
What is your favorite time of the day? Whenever I can lay in bed and just chill the hell out
What name do you wish you had? I love my name, I wouldn't have it any other way
What would your dream home be like? Airy but cozy, with a spa style bathroom (and tub) and a library
What is your favorite color? Pink pink pink
Where is your favorite place to be? In bed?
What is your favorite fruit? It's hard to narrow it down but I'd probably pick peaches or strawberries.
What is something you’re embarrassed about? I have plenty...
What is one thing you’d like to be the best at? I have no desire to be the BEST at anything, honestly. But I do wish I was more motivated to get BETTER at my existing skills.
Ever been on Chatroulette? (; Sure have
What is the song that you know every single word to? One that I'm really proud of is We Didn't Start the Fire. I printed the lyrics out one random summer day as a kid and studied them. It's my party trick!
Most painful memory? Nora passing. But in some ways, it's one of my most beautiful too. I got the chance to say goodbye and tell her how much I loved her, which is an absolute GIFT.
If you could be anywhere, where would you be? I'd be at home in bed. Or maybe on a warm beach.
What is your favorite place in the whole wide world? See above
A word that to you is impossible to spell? I never spells words like psychology, psychiatrist etc correctly. That letter combo trips me up!
What’s something that you collect? Books, journals, candles, David Bowie memorabilia
Listener or Talker? Listener, for sure
Thing you hate the most about the opposite sex? Just their overall like... lack of awareness? Women are so much more alert and in-tune with their surroundings. Men haven't a clue.
Could have anything you wanted right now, what would you have? No mental illnesses?
Scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Session Nine What is the most awkward moment you’ve been in? My entire life is just a series of back-to-back awkward moments
One of your quirks? Walking on my toes
What type of phone do you have? Iphone 7, I think?
Favorite quote or saying? Those who don't believe in magic will never find it
Something you wanna do before you die? Publish a book, see the Northern Lights, and have a family
What is a habit of yours? Excessive worrying Look around you.. What is the thing you like the most around you? My phone, I s'pose
Favorite possession? I love all my stuff.
Favorite shirt? Hmm, I like all of them
What is the name of your best friend? I have several
What is your favorite shoes? Flip flops I guess, but I'd prefer to just be barefoot over anything
Least favorite singer? Can't stand Halsey
Something you love and hate at the same time? I'll go with alcohol
Are you one of those people who don’t like to admit when their wrong? Nah, I'm quick to accept blame. Even when I shouldn't
Girls who try too much are annoying.. Aren’t they? Incorrect
What color makes you relax? I mean, colors themselves don't make me relax
Are you an awkward type of person? Sure as hell am!
Is it hard for you to make friends? No, I do that quite easily
How would you like to leave this earth? Painlessly and surrounded by loved ones
What do you find stupid but most people like? The show New Girl and just Zooey Deschanel. Sorry to be a hater but I CANNOT STAND that woman.
What is a hobby you have? Reading & writing
What’s your plans for next weekend? I have a pool party on Saturday WOOT WOOT! Have any big dreams? What are they? Didn't I already answer this?
Restaurant that is horrible. Chipotle.
Have a fetish for anything? Mhm, and anyone who knows me relatively well knows what they are.
Do you like long or short surveys? Long, in-depth ones
What age did you stop playing with dolls or action figures? I probably played with them a lot longer than average
Do you think your more mature then most of yours friends? I'm probably less mature than most of 'em
Do you enjoy running? Not even slightly
Something that you are horrible at but wish you were good at. Although I'm not horrible, I wish I was better at singing. I can carry a decent tune but I wish I was GOOD.
A sport you think is dumb? I mean, pretty much all of them. Sports aren't my thing.
What is your favorite food? Pizza, falafel, burritos, ice cream
Ever think about what it would be like to be someone else? Of course.
Night owl or Early Bird? Early Bird
What celebrity would you not mind meeting? Idris Elba
What’s your favorite TV channel? I don't watch actual TV
Have texting? Uh yeah. How old is this survey?
You have 3 wishes. What are they? My dream body, my dream home, endless money
What did you first think about when you woke up? How much I don't wanna get out of bed (frequent thought)
What’s the last thing you thought about before you went to sleep? How much I don't wanna go to work today What do you want to be when you grow up? Or what are you? Happy
Like cartoons? Which one is your favorite? As a kid I loved all the classic Nickelodeon ones. Rugrats, of course, being the best!
Do you watch what you eat? I ought to more...
Have a favorite number? What is it? 7 or 13
Are you quiet or loud? Quiet, mostly.
Were you an annoying baby? No I was actually very well-tempered and the easiest of my sisters.
Worst subject? Maths and sciences of pretty much any kind
Best subject? English, always
What’s your favorite brand of shoe? I don't have one. I like being barefoot best.
What’s your favorite month? Why? I've never really thought about this. Maybe July because it's the birthday month of several family members (myself included), and there's a lot of fun celebrations.
Favorite season? Spring
Least favorite holiday? I like 'em all! Especially ones I get the day off for ha
Do you try new foods or do you stick with what you know you like? I'm a pretty adventurous eater! Aside from the fact I'm vegetarian, I'll give anything a go. I love trying new dishes.
Love pictures or hate them? I HATE being in them and I especially hate when people pressure you into photographs. Let me be ugly in peace!
Have you ever thought about going to Fiji? That'd be nice but who's paying?
What’s your favorite movie character? Elle Words or Princess Aurora
Have any nicknames? What are they? Way too many, the most common being Little Bit/Libit, Lala and Lizzie.
Who do you miss? Nora
Someone have your heart? Someone of your heart but doesn’t know? Glenn, of course <3
Have any sports you love? What are they? Nah. I like watching soccer because I like the players and I (for the most part) understand the game. But I'm not a sports person overall.
Do you keep to yourself or are you out there? I very much keep to myself.
What’s your outlook on life? Weirdly vague question that I'm not sure how to answer...
What is the prettiest object/person/landscape/anything that you have seen? Glenn's face (sorry but it's true)
Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? Oh yes
What’s your style? Whatever I throw together
Did you like this survey? Cause I might make more! I did!
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agentelmo · 6 years
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The X-Files MSR Analysis Series: Season 1 Episode 10
“Fallen Angel”
Previous episode analysis - 1x09 Space.
From an MSR angle, Fallen Angel tells the story of Mulder’s personal angel, and how different his life might have been if he had never met her.  We see here (and many times in the future) that when Mulder tries to go it alone, he doesn’t get very far.  There are parts of this episode which feel like a glimpse into the life Mulder might have led if Scully had never came into his world.  A crazy man running around the forest with a gun and a camera, getting nowhere fast and most likely winding up in prison, and/or fired from the FBI.  Or living the life of a nomadic hermit, holed up in a tin can clipping away at newspapers and squinting at blurry photographs.
Then perhaps he might have turned to squatching much earlier in life, and you know that 90′s Mulder squatching would have only led to bad things.  Very bad.
So the episode starts with Mulder in Wisconsin about to 007 his way into a quarantined area.  The news is reporting it as an ecological disaster, but thanks to Grandpa Deep Throat, Mulder knows it is actually a UFO crash site.  Papa Throat tells Mulder he has 24 hours tops to get in there and check out this downed UFO before the cleaners break out the military strength Mr. Muscle.
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Fuck me, can I please jump into this screencap and suck on that bottom lip? HNNNNNGGGGGG...  I feel like I am channelling someone.  Is that you @defnotmeyo?
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Clearly Mulder has failed to inform Scully of his escapade.  At this point in time, Scully is still completely unaware of Deep Throat and the fact Mulder gets a lot of his information from him.
This failure points to the fact that Mulder is still holding off from completely trusting Scully.  He can see she has integrity; despite her assignment to the X-Files being a means to an ends - a surreptitious attempt to spy on Mulder - she takes this assignment seriously and applies her scientific rigour to his work honestly and faithfully, and he sees that. 
She has supported him steadfastly throughout their short partnership, but he still cannot shake that she was sent to spy on him.  He cannot trust her with this greatest of secrets - the knowledge of Deep Throat’s existence.
It’s fair enough really, because as much as he really wants to trust Scully (and he really does want to trust her) he is still uncertain.  The way he behaves around her says to me that he has a deep affinity for her.  
Superficially he’s definitely low key attracted to her from the word go - she’s a beautiful woman - but deeper than that, they fall into sync with one another almost effortlessly at times, even when they’re at odds yelling at one another, they’re both learning that they can push each other and it will be okay.  They will have each others back.  The events of Ice taught them that.
But Ice also asked a question that Fallen Angel continues to pose.  Can Mulder trust Scully?  He desperately wants to trust her, but old habits die hard.  Mulder’s motto is trust no one, after all.  What if Scully’s entire purpose is to gain his trust and smoke out the insider leaking information to Mulder?  While it’s no fun from an MSR angle, it does make sense that Mulder still doesn’t entirely trust Scully - he’s still weighing her up.  
So he goes it alone.  First mistake.  And Mulder decides to go on this jolly jaunt through the forest cosplaying as the Milk Tray Man.
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“All because the lady loves...” 
Sorry non-Brits, you’ll have to look that one up.
He poodles through the forest trying to look bad ass, but fails spectacularly owing to the fact he has probably the dorkiest run ever.  Sorry Mulder, you just can’t look cool running over hill and dale.  
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We know Mulder can look sexy running - he has a lovely bit of sexy running in season 6′s Milagro, for example.
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Phwoooaaaaar, keep running G-Man.
But here, in this episode?  
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Yeeeeeah, not so much.  
Look at him... boing, boing, boing!
What’s actually most surprising about this whole sequence is that he gets away with it!  He dangles underneath a military vehicle and very obviously plonks on the floor with a soldier so close by he must have been asleep not to hear it let alone see it.
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I think it’s safe to say that Mulder’s knowledge on stealthiness was probably lifted exclusively from Tom Clancy novels.  
Either that, or he has stealth cheat codes enabled.
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Now I can’t decide if this is Mulder’s “I can’t believe I just got away with that” face, or his “I think I just rolled in badger shit” face.  Hmmm... 
So Mulder bounds through the forest until he approaches a light in a clearing...
Creepy X-Files forest aesthetic on fleek.
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He then reveals his true passion in life, as a photographer for Alien Vogue.
Work it, baby.
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Going solo out here turns out to be pretty dangerous, so with no one to watch his back, Mulder finds himself getting butt-stroked.  
Wait, what?
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Honestly, that’s what getting pummelled in the face with a rifle butt is called!  To be honest, I’d butt-stroke Mulder any day of the week.  Know what I’m sayin’?
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After a serious talk about breaking federal law with the designated bad guy of the piece, Colonel Henderson.... 
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...Mulder is imprisoned.  
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Divine intervention is unlikely, Mulder.
So quick run down.  Mulder gets a hot tip, tells no one about it, runs off without Scully and ends up in military prison.  What a thoroughly unsurprising turn of events.  When Mulder goes it alone and tries to do anything without Scully, he gets his arse handed to him.  
Sorry Mulder, them’s the rules.
But it’s here we are introduced to Mulder’s mirror image.  The man Mulder might have become himself had it not been for a lucky sequence of events in his life that led him to having the right people around him at the right times, whereas Max Fenig clearly did not.
Say hi Max.
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Nawww... Max is instantly endearing in his overt politeness and kooky appearance.  What we come to understand later is that Max recognises Mulder and he’s being such a try hard, wanting to be buddies with Mulder, because from observing his life from afar he feels he knows him.  I mean, we can all relate, right?
But Mulder is actually surprisingly dismissive of Max, and I think even somewhat judgemental.  He gets one look at Max and thinks he has the measure of him.  He ignores his polite invitation to talk and rolls his eyes as he turns away. 
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I think Mulder might at times think himself above these kinds of people, the crazies who sit in fields on garden furniture holding up colourful “take me to your leader!” signs.  I think that’s what Mulder sees when he first looks at Max - the archetypal UFO wackjob.  The living embodiment of why his work isn’t taken seriously.
For a moment here, Mulder treats Max with the same dismissive disdain that other people have treated Mulder in the past.
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Just to drive home the comparison between Max and Mulder, he utters Mulder’s favourite catchphrase of all time - trust no one.  Mulder might not want to admit it now, but despite their personalities being very different, these two men clearly think alike in many ways.
Side note, Max is quite possibly one of the best supporting characters the show ever had.  In all 10 seasons.
Mulder continues to roll his eyes ignoring Max, until Max asks if Mulder saw anything.  Mulder plays his usual trick, to get information out of others rather than giving up any of his own, by playing the contrarian.
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But Max isn’t so easily fooled, it seems.
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Notice how Max is rubbing his ear in this moment?  What makes him so sure?  Well maybe it’s the fact he’s been abducted by these “alieums!” several times already - hint, hint, rub scar.  FORESHADOWINGGGGGG!
Now finally, finally.  Scully arrives... I mean, it’s only been a good quarter of the flipping episode without her.  Geez... so her big dramatic entrance is entirely appropriate.
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And glorious.
Imagine a church chorus as she enters, because the symbolism is so heavy handed here.  Scully arrives, bathed in bright white light - blinding Mulder with her brilliance - liiiiiike.... an angel perhaps?!
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While the crashed UFOs are referred to as fallen angels, Scully is the true angel of the piece.  Mulder’s guardian angel.  A supposed proxy of his enemies, sent to spy on him to do the bidding of the Syndicate, essentially.  But in actuality is the only one truly looking out for him - and him alone.
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But of course, Mulder knows he’s about to get a royal roasting.  So makes a ill-considered attempt at being charming.
I love that comment though, “I didn’t order room service.”  Because when Mulder does order room service, he orders a hot red head in a trench coat?  I’m not sure we’re thinking of the same kind of room service here, Mulder.  Rawr.
But Scully isn’t interested in banter, she’s here to tell Mulder he’s really done fucked up this time.  That the higher ups are using his latest tomfoolery as an excuse to cashier Mulder out of the FBI.
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Poor Scully.  How frustrating this man must be to her in this moment.  She’s trying to save the X-Files here, Mulder, did you miss that?  She’s trying to save you too.  Without Scully, Mulder is heading for a personal disaster, because he frequently cannot see the forest through the trees.  So focused on his present goal he fails to see the larger consequences - or rather sees them, but doesn’t care - the sacrifice is worth it to him.  The Truth™ is all that matters.
Only Scully is fighting to pull him back from the edge, and when he seems utterly blasé about the fact the X-Files might be shut down, she loses her cool.
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In fact, I think this is the first time we see Scully genuinely pissed off at him – like really furious.  She’s been varying levels of irritated, but this time she’s actually livid with his behaviour, and not just because he’s disregarding the rules.  
In past episodes Mulder’s lack of respect for protocol saw Scully concerned about her career and what the consequences of being associated with this man and the X-Files would mean for her, but now she’s trying her damnedest to save both.  
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She’s angry because she cares and not just about their work, it’s established as far back as Conduit that she has more than just a professional interest in Mulder.  She cares about him.  She sees something in him worth caring about.
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Steady on, we’re not quite at that point yet.
She cares about him as a friend and knows the X-Files are important to him - he would later refer to the X-Files as his life’s work - so of course she’s frustrated because she is trying to understand him, but can’t grasp why he would put the X-Files in jeopardy like this.  To her, it makes no sense.  To a new audience it makes no sense either.
Except that it does.  What we will eventually establish with hindsight, is that this kind of behaviour is Fox Mulder all over.  For merely a glimpse at the elusive truth, Mulder would risk everything.  He is a master of self-sabotage - he is determined to barrel headfirst into self destruction - and the fact Scully is there to save him time and again is such an incredible stroke of fortuitousness on his part that, sometimes, I’d swear the Cigarette Smoking Man chose Scully for this purpose all along.
So moving on, and Mulder is being pretty flippant about Scully’s explanation of what was out in the woods; he mocks her, even.  His attitude towards her similar to his dismissal of Max earlier.  A slight “you-have-no-idea-what-you’re-dealing-with” smugness.
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But is this really fair of Mulder?  I mean, this disarming as fuck smile is definitely not fair of Mulder because hot dayum... But yeah - not what I meant.
What I meant is Mulder has information she doesn’t and that puts her at a disadvantage that she cannot overcome as a scientist who works off of evidence - proof.
She only sees Mulder seemingly pull this information out of his arse, so of course she isn’t going to believe him.  Like in Ghost in the Machine, he’s not giving her enough to go on.  It’s his own fault that she is so resistant to his version of events.  His lack of trust in her is what is bringing this all down.
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This is when we see why trust is so key to their relationship, as Scully will say much later in season 6′s The Beginning - it has always come down to a matter of trust between them.  When they don’t trust each other, they both spin their wheels in frustration.  
This is another episode where we see the outline of their working dynamic being drawn.  As Scully will poetically put it one day, they are perfect opposites of each other, and as such their relationship only soars when they both trust in each other’s judgement, abilities and dedication to the truth - whatever that might be.
When mistrust, doubt and even resentment seep in, the differences that when perfectly aligned make them so strong, can instead work full force against each other, tearing them apart.  Funnily enough, a good example of that is in The Beginning too.  
But in this moment, Mulder doesn’t believe Scully puts the truth above protocol and he still isn’t sure if he can trust her not to report everything he tells her to the people he believes work against him.  So he continues to hold out about Deep Throat... and, for now at least, they continue to grate against each other.
But hey, don’t worry about it.  Any time you start to feel down about how Mulder and Scully are at odds with each other, just remember that one day these two Spooky babies will be having kinky handcuff sex.  Canon kinky handcuff sex.
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The next little scene with them has it’s MSR charm in a way.  Because Scully is effectively Mulder’s jailer (a fact he amusingly references later with a bit of 70′s pop culture).  She’s escorting him back to D.C. to face an Office of Professional Responsibility hearing - OPR!  
We hear about OPR quite a bit over the coming years with these two, don’t we.  Which is why these early brushes with pissing off the higher ups are so interesting to go back and look at, because it’s such a stark reminder of how their love and dedication to one another eventually takes over all reason - for both of them.  
We know there will come a time when there will be no lengths to which Scully will not go for Mulder.  From being thrown into prison, to sacrificing her job, to going on the run and harbouring him as a criminal fugitive for 6 years.  This episode serves to highlight the beginnings of this behaviour in Scully.  Her going against the rules for Mulder.
So, knowing she’s been sent there to take him back to D.C., Mulder changes tack, he wants her on board, he values her insight and abilities so he wants her to help him on this now that she’s here.  When she’s there, undeniable and in his presence, it’s almost like he can’t help himself but to put his faith in her.
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Scully, bless her, does her best to hold on to being angry at him.  But Mulder’s incessant charm always screws her over in the end.  She can’t resist him - and I don’t mean sexually, I mean just his boyish enthusiasm and unshakeable determination seems to always chip away at her resolve.  
It is, after all, as she says much later in I Want To Believe, why she fell in love with him.  So it makes sense that in hindsight she often gave in to him like this because she secretly found his stubbornness equally as endearing as she found it exasperating. 
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The Last Detail, starring Dana Scully!  Ha, back in the 90’s you could quote 70’s movie classics and you’d have half a hope in hell anyone knew what you were talking about, Mulder.  
So The Last Detail is a movie about a young naval officer being escorted across country to prison.  But before his two jailers take him there they decide that, since he will be going away for a long time, he should first get to enjoy what life has to offer.  The film stars Jack Nicholson so I think that voice Mulder puts on is his Nicholson impression.  Yikes.
So is Scully going to show Mulder what life has to offer before hauling him off to OPR?  WINK WINK.
Maybe that’s what Mulder was hoping for ey?  Although, for Mulder, the height of what life most has to offer is bumming around Wisconsin looking for downed UFOs.  Pfft.  Spoil sport.
What I also like about this exchange before they enter Mulder’s motel room, is the fact that not so long ago Mulder was completely at odds with Scully, but Mulder so easily lets their disagreements go and slips straight back into their comfortable bantering.
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It’s like whenever he is with her, he is unconsciously trying to charm her - he seems to turn it on whenever they’re alone together - it’s that little bubble they have that we’ve talked about in the past; once they’re in there together they are in a world of their own.  While she is still clearly annoyed with him, he’s trying to entice her in to that bubble with a bit of casual flirting and she fights to hold on to her annoyance.
Course, the banter bus is forced to a sudden halt when Mulder and Scully realise someone has broken into and trashed his motel room.
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Check out Mulder’s Ken doll pose.
I like how Mulder gets his quip in about how house keeping hasn’t been yet, but when Scully goes to say something in response, Mulder shushes her.  
Piss taker.
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The way Mulder goes for his gun, forgetting he doesn’t have it anymore - because of course he doesn’t, Mulder losing his gun is like, his favourite thing to do after secretly staring at Scully.  His little head shake and her face fully communicating her thoughts on the matter.  You don’t need me to translate, just look at that face.
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“Soooo um... do you think she’s still mad at me?”
Yes, Mulder.  Yes I do.
So the intruder turns out to be Max, and they drag him out of the bathroom so he can explain himself.
The best part of this conversation is when protective!Mulder body checks Max when he attempts to shake Scully’s hand.
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Sit the fuck down, son.
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It’s the only time Mulder becomes defensive in this whole scene, even though he’s just heard people have been spying on him for years, it’s only when Max makes a move towards Scully that Mulder gets visibly agitated.
Nobody touches bae, Max.  No touchie.
There’s an entertaining beat later in this conversation, when Max explains that he read Mulder’s Omni article on the Gulf Breeze UFO sightings.  Omni, interestingly enough, was a real magazine that was published in the 70′s through to the mid 90′s.  It contained articles on both science, science fiction and the paranormal.  Sounds right up Mulder’s passage.  What?
Mulder seems to be slightly embarrassed to have this revealed in front of Scully, as his eyes dart to her immediately and he stutters before responding.
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That’s his ‘please don’t judge me’ face.
He already knows from The Jersey Devil that Scully thinks he has no life, and so to have his personal pursuits just openly revealed - that in his free time he writes articles for a paranormal magazine under an assumed name, no less.  Yeah, he doesn’t want Scully to pity his spartan existence any more than he thinks she already does.
Now I want to take a moment to dissect this phrase Max uses.  
“The enigmatic Agent Scully.”
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Because where does Max get the notion that Scully is enigmatic?  Enigmatic, of course, meaning mysterious, indecipherable, puzzling etc.   Max says that he’s been following Mulder’s career – meaning following his cases – through viewing his travel expenses.  He would have been able to see where he was going, but not necessarily what he did when he was there.  So I wonder if these NICAP groups are actually spying on Mulder and Scully?  Do they go and hunt them down, look into what they’re investigating – observe them?  
It might then explain why Scully is described as enigmatic – these people, who are clearly believers like Mulder - would find Scully completely inscrutable.  A huge sceptic investigating the paranormal? Questioning her partner at every turn?  From their perspective Scully would seem a rather enigmatic figure.  An oddity. As Max himself says....
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Perhaps these people were paying far more attention than Mulder realises.
While Mulder is clearly flattered by the attention, Scully finds it all rather tiresome.
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Bless Max, he does not pick up on Scully’s unimpressed tone of voice whatsoever.
Mulder does though, and attempts to appeal to her own vanity.
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 Although to be entirely precise, Max did say enigmatic agent Scully, so despite apparently having a photographic memory, Mulder couldn’t accurately remember what was said only 2 minutes ago.
Look at the smile on his face though, keep trying to reel her in, Mulder.  She’ll crack eventually!  Mulder seems quite tickled at the idea of Scully being described as enigmatic.  I think Mulder likes to think Scully is actually quite predictable, but she proves him wrong on that count several times as the series progresses.  She can certainly keep him guessing.
So Max then invites Mulder and Scully into his trailer home, and Mulder can barely contain himself.
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I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see Mulder so tickled by something, and the first thing he does is look down at Scully to share the moment with her.
She’s fighting not to smile, look at her face.  She still wants to be annoyed at him.  But he’s still chipping away at her resolve... chip, chip, chip.
This scene is quite heavily contrasted with Mulder’s first meeting with Max, where he was so dismissive of him.  It kind of shows how Mulder’s single-minded focus on seeking the truth can actually dehumanise him.  Because now he’s like a kid in the UFO candy store.  He’s charmed by the hokeyness of Max’s trailer; in fact, the manner of decor - the haphazardly placed belongings mixed with newspapers clippings, photographs and stacks of books - bears some resemblance to the ordered chaos of Mulder’s basement office at the FBI.
Later, in season 4′s Tempus Fugit, Scully will remark that Max and Mulder are kindred spirits in “a deep, strange way”.  That only the two of them could appreciate living like this - the nomadic, frugal life of a UFO hunter.  Singularly obsessed, pinning newspaper articles and blurry photographs to every blank surface available.
She didn’t know how right she was, did she.
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And that’s the MSR angle here, because I genuinely believe that Mulder could have easily ended up like Max if he hadn’t met Scully.  In fact, we see in I Want To Believe how close Mulder is to the Max Fenig lifestyle.  Without Scully working by his side, and the FBI to channel his energy, he effectively turns into Max - a recluse who sifts through paranormal paraphernalia by the ton, looking for some kernel of truth to prove the existence of extraterrestrials to the world, all the while slowly disappearing into himself in the process.
We see in season 10 that his home office that once kept his obsession contained - away from the rest of the house - away from the rest of his life, has now expanded out into pretty much everywhere -  consuming everything, including his relationship with Scully.  
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What that says to me is that he really needs Scully to keep him balanced, and that’s what we see the first glimmers of here, in Fallen Angel - a need for someone to balance his obsessive nature, his single-mindedness, his propensity for self-destruction.  
Oy... this got depressing.
So Max plays Mulder and Scully a recording he lifted from a police dispatcher radio transmission to a deputy who was the first to respond to the UFO crash - of course not knowing what it was he was dealing with.  It sounds like this deputy and a fire crew were attacked.  This spurs Mulder on, the look in his eyes as he turns to Scully tells her everything she needs to know - he’s not gonna let this one go.  
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She’s equally surprised to hear what happened out there, and now Mulder has finally cracked her - she’s on board.  Even if she doesn’t believe the truth is “alieums!” she sees there is more going on here than meets the eye, and this is how these two work together so well.
Because even if they don’t agree on what is happening, they can still work together so long as they always share the core goal of finding the truth.
Now we are going to take a side step into Mulder’s Kitchen.  Pull up a seat, we’re gonna delve into some mythology stuff for a moment.
So, this episode is a mythology episode before the mythology even existed.  So some elements of this episode tally up with what we come to know later of the aliens, but then other things certainly do not.  For example, the alien here is clearly incredibly powerful, much more powerful than the aliens we will encounter later - it’s main abilities being that it can turn invisible and PASS THROUGH SOLID OBJECTS.  We don’t ever see that again - thank God!
The alien bounty hunters we see later are significantly nerfed - their greatest abilities are shape-shifting and super human strength.  So is this alien here something different?  
Something infinitely more interesting that this alien does do, is exhibit an ability which reappears in season 10.  It’s this high pitched squealing noise that causes damage through the auditory cortex in the brain.  
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In season 10′s Founder’s Mutation, Dr. Augustus Goldman’s children that were experimented on with alien DNA are also able to exhibit this high pitched frequency which causes a very similar painful reaction.  It’s literally the same sound, but a different pitch.  Go compare them!
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Towards the end of Fallen Angel, Max also hears this sound and he repeats over and over that he’s in pain, clutching at his ear that pours with blood.
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Similarly, this ability the children have in Founder’s Mutation causes blood to pour from the ears, nose, mouth and eyes of Dr. Goldman.  
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I have no idea if this is intentional or not, but it’s shockingly similar.  If it is intentional, then will we find that William has this strange ability too?  
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But that’s getting away from Fallen Angel, and into season 11 speculation territory.. so moving on!
Mulder and Scully visit the hospital to find out what happened to the deputy and the fire crew, and as Scully chats with the Doctor in charge about radiation burns, we discover a fascinating factoid about Scully.
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Forensic medicine, ay?  I mean, that’s not surprising at all, really, but still... GOOD TO KNOW!
Next we get a Mulder-Scully walk and talk.  Hospital corridor too, classic!
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Mulder, stop looking at your hot partners lips and concentrate, man!
Mulder is actually positively buzzing; hearing that the deputy and fire crew had severe radiation burns.
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Look at how closely they walk together too, they’re bumping shoulders the whole time. ��Mulder really has no concept of personal space. 
I like this scene because it’s Mulder being as excited as a kid at Christmas, and Scully is throwing out an alternative explanation, but he just keeps coming back at her.  It’s a very familiar song and dance.
But this is what they do - Scully makes Mulder work for it, and completely opposite to what was intended, she ends up not debunking his work, but makes it stronger - actually gives it more weight, rather than less.
So what happens is that surprisingly, Scully doesn’t outright dismiss what Mulder is saying, but she is still relentlessly focused on keeping Mulder out of trouble, by getting him to the OPR hearing.
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Mulder, however, remains pretty indifferent about it.  He listens to her, but he’s not really all that concerned.  He feels he is so close to catching a glimpse of something here, that he is willing to sacrifice even the X-Files to stick around and follow it through.  
But ultimately what he’s doing here is incredibly reckless because he hasn’t actually seen anything.  I mean, let’s go back and review.  All he’s seen is a mangled crash site which could have been anything - let’s be honest - and some emergency services personnel with reported radiation burns.  What it comes down to, is that he’s risking this mainly on the word of Deep Throat.
He needs Scully to remind him of what he needs to do – to think of the bigger picture.  But poor Scully is just ignored – again.  She’s trying really hard to save his ass, but seems intent on going down in flames.  
Ah I do love a good walk and talk though.  This is how I like my baby agents. Walking and talking and arguing and Mulder being a little bitch, and Scully exasperatedly trying and failing to get Mulder to see sense.  Ah good times!
It’s at this moment, Colonel Henderson arrives with several of his men suffering from more radiation burns.  GASP!  Mulder tries to reason with Henderson about hunting the alien down, but is thrown out of the hospital, while Scully - she’s a medical doctor don’tcha know - is asked to stick around and help treat the soldiers.
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Mulder decides to return to his motel to look for Max - what an irony, the only one with the means to help him continue his search is the UFO wacko.
But Mulder arrives to find Max having an epileptic seizure.
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And Mulder is a pretty sweet guy really, right?  Taking care of Max.  He’s pretty caring when he wants to be.
Holding him through his seizure...
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...getting him a glass of water... even if Max looks terrified of glasses of water...
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...and tucking him into bed.  
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Naww… Mulder’s paternal instincts on display here.  
Oh God.
I need a minute.
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So after playing daddy to Max, Mulder notices that Max has a scar behind his ear.  A rather grim looking scar, too.  Eugh.
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Mulder has seen this before... in an X-File of course, because everything is in an X-File.
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I have bad thoughts looking at those pianist fingers.  Seriously.  No more fanfic for me.
Mulder has clearly had these documents faxed over to him, but who exactly did that?  Who would he trust at the FBI to go through his files, not to mention the fact he’s currently up for disciplinary action right now, so who would OK these documents being sent?
Who cares, we have got some hot glasses!Mulder action for you.  KAPOW!
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Mmm, yes.  Ring Ring... It’s OPR here!  We’ve decided to drop all disciplinary action, Mulder.  Just be sure to wear those glasses from time to time and all is forgiven.  HNNNNGGG....  Ahem.
Scully arrives back from her voluntary stint at the hospital - I hope she got paid for that.  And she’s exhausted and dejected.  Mulder has his theories, but wants to know what Scully’s thoughts are.
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Nice one.  Excellent theory there, Scully.  Well thought out; good reasoning.
I kid.  I kid.
I like this conversation, because for Mulder’s part, he’s showing that he values and respects her opinion, even when she hasn’t got one ha.  Even though Mulder is used to her going against him, he’s willing to hear it - he’s willing to be challenged, and that’s why their dynamic works for him, because he doesn’t take her stance personally.  He understands and values where she’s coming from, even when he doesn’t agree.
And the same goes for her, it’s why their dynamic works between them and them alone - because Scully listens to Mulder when most sane people wouldn’t, lets be honest.
But ever the guardian angel, Scully continues to remind Mulder to keep his eye on the ball. 
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His trust in her is building, because even though he’s aware her primary goal is to get him back to D.C., he trusts her to tell him the truth when he asks her to do him a favour and examine Max’s scar.
In a demonstration of her integrity, and her loyalty to Mulder, when Scully asks...
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and Mulder responds by being a fucking tease...
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Scully agrees to examine Max, not based on any claim Max is making - Mulder points out that it’s not Max who thinks he’s an abductee.
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She agrees to examine Max against her better judgement and only because Mulder asks her to. 
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Nothing more than that.  Which is a pretty big deal.  “I do it all for you, Mulder.”
Unfortunately when they go to find Max, he’s missing and they overhear on his radio scanner that someone from Colonel Henderson’s patrol has spotted someone trespassing where they shouldn’t be.
Mulder and Scully both realise this must be Max.  
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Scully realises first what this means though, that Mulder isn’t going to be catching that flight to D.C.   
The frustrated look on her face is the look of someone who knows exactly what’s about to happen... she knows this man well enough by now.  He’s not going to do anything he doesn’t want to do - but she will still try to fight him on it.  She isn’t going to give up that easily.
Mulder, on the other hand, looks at her with a face that says “I wholeheartedly concur Scully, lets go save Max!”
Wait, what?!
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There’s a hint of desperation in Scully’s voice, she really is trying so hard to keep him out of trouble and protect their work - protect him.
He literally ignores every word she says though, and continues to obsessively pursue this lead.  I honestly think the only reason he stops and engages Scully, is because he can’t find the damn car keys.  I think if he had the keys and she didn’t get in the car, he would have just took off without her, because we all know he’s very capable of that.
But because he knows she has the keys, he takes a moment to explain his thinking.  
Mulder’s theory is basically that Max wasn’t chasing the UFO, that it was in fact the other way around.  The UFO was there for Max. 
I don’t think Scully believes Max is being abducted by aliens - we know she doesn’t believe in that; but what she does know is that she cannot stop Mulder when he’s like this; he’s going with or without her.  She knows trying to get through to him will only push him away, so she gives up trying to fight back.  
She really should have just clobbered him with one of their FBI issue torches and shipped the stupid fucker back to D.C. in a suitcase.
As it stands, her only course of action is to go with him - to try and stop him doing something he might later regret.  So reluctantly, she hands over the keys.
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This is a dynamic that plays out again and again from this point onward.  Mulder bullheadedly wanting to plough on ahead regardless of the consequences to himself (and frankly to Scully too sometimes) and she trying desperately to pull him back, only to end up being swept along for the ride in the end.
This dynamic is usually balanced out by then Scully serving some pivotal role in being there – usually saving Mulder’s life.
But oddly, not this time.
They find Max who is babbling about the alieums coming to get him, but then Mulder bizarrely sends Scully outside.
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His confidence in her ability to hold off a shadowy military clean up crew is sweet, but she had no chance.  
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She’s grabbed immediately and Colonel Henderson completely ignores all of her protests.  
In the end, Scully being there this time served no purpose at all.
But then again, Mulder being there served no purpose either.  He wasn’t able to stop Max being abducted and he gets flung across the warehouse by the invisible alien for his trouble.
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Mulder is lucky that this alien knows he’s one of the the main characters of this show and didn’t decide to irradiate him to death like every other human being it had encountered thus far.
When Mulder gets up, Max is being abducted, and Mulder cannot do anything to stop it.
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The next thing we know, Max is gone and Mulder is left with nothing but his NICAP cap.
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I got abducted by alieums and all I got was this lousy cap.
The next scene is of Mulder and Scully finally at the OPR hearing.  Somehow Scully managed to get him there on time, it seems.  This scene ultimately foreshadows what occurs at the end of season 1 which is the closure of the X-Files.
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By rights, it should have happened here – it’s almost like Mulder knew someone would swoop in to save his ass, because he really didn’t give two shits about getting back in time.
We see at the very end of the episode that Section Chief McGrath is on the Syndicate books, and has been working to get rid of of Mulder.  
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But is saved by Deep Throat. 
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However, his motives are suddenly cast in shadow.  Is Deep Throat on Mulder’s side or not?  
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What it does reveal is that, without Deep Throat, Mulder and Scully were doomed before they even stepped foot in the OPR hearing.
Scully, again, being the bastion of loyalty and integrity that she is, tries to defend Mulder until the very last.�� Even when she’s denied permission to make a statement on Mulder’s behalf she does it anyway.  Or at least tries to.
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She really doesn’t want their work together to end.  That’s my greatest take away from this episode.  That Scully wants to be out there with Mulder - and she’s willing to fight for it.  If she didn’t, then she could have just let this play out, but she fights and fights - until someone shuts her down - to stay by Mulder’s side and continue with him on the X-Files. 
You know what I said about Mulder’s charm earlier?  He turns it on for Scully, and he’s trying to be charming here - but it’s not working.
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When Scully wishes Mulder luck, he banters about how he’s surprised he lasted this long.
This is probably the most touching scene between the two of them in the whole episode, because for the first time, Mulder acknowledges Scully’s feelings when he tells her not to worry.  He can see she’s feeling defeated and is concerned for him.
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What I think he fails to realise is that she’s not just worried about him for his sake.  She doesn’t want to stop working with him too.
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The look of utter defeat on her face when she thinks it’s over - it’s almost like she can’t look him in the eye because she thinks she’s failed him in there.
He keeps putting on the brave face though.  Trying not to worry her.  He looks so sickeningly vulnerable hobbling away on those crutches.  And this quip..
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Ugh it just hits you in the heart, doesn’t it?!
Maybe he should have been fired here, then he could have asked her on a date because they’re not partners anymore and he’s out of the FBI.  Then they might have got married and had babies and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
No, brain.  Stop.
Being serious now... because as disarmingly charming as Mulder is being, isn’t this all a little bit too casual for a man who is about to lose everything?
It’s actually in moments like these that we see how easily Mulder becomes his most reckless and self-destructive.  He wants to believe so badly, that all else falls to the wayside when someone dangles a tantalising piece of the whole in front of him.  His singular obsessive nature is so easily turned against him in this way.
Which is why he needs Scully to look out for him.
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Mulder thinks he’s grasped something huge here, but we know that it’s merely a fragment of the whole, and those greater truths he will discover in the next 9 years would have been utterly lost to him if he didn’t have Scully there to keep him on the right path - keep him grounded. 
He seems to have all but given up hope of continuing on the X-Files in this scene.  Perhaps that was the reason for his casual attitude all along - he knew they would use this to get rid of him no matter what he did.
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Perhaps he’s about ready to jump full blown into Max’s lifestyle – forget procedure and the FBI – that’s all just getting in the way. 
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Mulder gives an incredible speech here which seems to point to that conclusion, in a way.   That the truth will out, regardless of the machinations of the FBI, whomever they serve and whether or not they fire him.  He will keep pursuing the truth.
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Man, what a mic drop moment.
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But if he had been sacked here, Scully would have been reassigned and he would have gone right down the rabbit hole without her.  See season 2.
Again, it’s incredibly fortuitous for Mulder that he met Scully.  She really did save him from a life of ridicule and obscurity, a life in his season 1 youth he might have embraced in some petulant act of defiance against the world.  But that ultimately only he would have suffered from... and Scully.
Mulder was, and always has been, walking a very fine line between obscurity and legitimacy… and while Mulder is indeed a brilliant man with an incredible mind – a beautiful mind as Scully would later describe it in The Sixth Extinction – he is constantly under attack, whether that be from his traumatic past, or the forces within and without the FBI that seek to turn him on himself or on those around him. 
In short, he could have very easily fallen off the edge if he had no one to hold him back. 
Scully truly is his guardian angel.
Next up... 1x11 - Eve.
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sinkix · 4 years
《What your fav Haikyuu!! Character says about you│Nekoma Edition》
Yo-hoo! Here’s another part to this potential(?) series! I hope you enjoy the possible call-outs in some of these lmao. Writers block been kicking my ass recently but I had a lot of fun writing these. Enjoy <3
You can find the Karasuno ver. here 
✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧
Have a hand fetish and will not say no to choking.
Daddy kink™
Will not accept anything below 6 inches.
More of a dog person but would love to own a black cat.
You drool over tattoos.
Your grades are mostly B’s but you know in your heart you deserve that A, and tbh you probably do. Chase ur goals bby.
Halloween is likely your favourite holiday.
You have to resist not to carve a dick into the pumpkin EvEry GodDAmN YeAr.
You either study for 6 hours consecutively or cannot study at all and you get very frustrated at this.
Have the potential to be a good leader and command the room but probably don’t put it to use as much as you should.
Your playlist parkours from sad 3am crying into your pillow songs to aggressive punk music you could rob a store to.
You like bad boys who hang around bars and look like they would put out a cigarette on your forearm and call you a slut. Just stating facts sweaty xoxo.
Either dress very feminine and girly with a ‘smol girl uwu’ aesthetic or a hardass punk who would kick your ass for a can of beer no in between and tbh both are equally hot.
You’re a big softie at heart either way and just want to be held and told everything will be okay.
Ur a hoe for when people stroke your hair or caress your chin it’s your ultimate weakness.
Watched Rick & Morty.
Sleeves rolled up veiny forearms and donning a silver watch are your muse and something you fantasise about frequently.
Most of your memes are shitty top text bottom texts that are somehow funny and I don’t understand why lmao.
You call someone ‘bro’ even if it’s someone you’re immensely attracted to.
Did someone say ties? No it’s just ur dirty ass thoughts thinking about that hot business dudes attire from across the street and how you wish they were tied around ur wrists.
Probably had a crush on Jeff the Killer as a tween and are relentlessly haunted by your old Wattpad library. 
Tbh any dark-haired dude with bedhead that screams rugged and probably not good for you is something that draws you like a moth to a flame.
You often question why every person you’ve fallen for has been a Scorpio and curse that tendency of yours.
Dw man they’re hot so I feel u.
Went through a ‘I’m not like other __’ phase and it’s something that you think about a lot and wish you didn’t.
Watched dan & phil as a kid.
Any mention of Pokemon has you turning into a rabid beast you get way too excited.
It’s cute though dw bby.
Pretty antisocial but interesting to talk to.
Your family often question how you’re able to sleep in till 3pm and judge you heavily for it.
Nocturnal night owl gang rise up.
Frequently have bags under your eyes but somehow manage to pull it off.
Listen to ASMR on the down-low and will never admit it to a single soul.
Frequently go on BL binges and have many related book marks.
You pray that someone will never find your laptop bc holy fuck the amount of smut on that.
You wear scarves & beanies even when it isn’t that cold outside.
100% went through a scene hair phase/attempted to.
You dye your hair a lot or REALLY want to.
You have a voice kink low-key so anyone with a pleasant/soothing sounding voice just gets u goin’.
Cats are your favourite animal and you either do or want to own several.
Would name them after video game/anime characters u fuckin nerd lol.
Speaking of cats ,you fantasise heavily about cat-boys and have a folder dedicated to them.
Oversized hoodies are your vibe and always ball the sleeve hems in your fist as a comfort mechanism.
Shopping centres are your worst nightmare and trigger your claustrophobia or social anxiety and honestly I feel that spiritually.
Have a cute sticky note collection.
You like a lot of music consisting of guitar and slow/soothing beats.
You also fw EDM/ techno on occasions.
Honestly wouldn’t wanna anger you since you have a seething temper when pushed far enough.
It’s the kinda temper that’s eerily quiet but no less terrifying, like the other person can tell you are graphically plotting their demise.
You love sleeping to the sound of rainfall and often play those nature ambience videos while you sleep.
Never tidy your sheets and it’s just a big scrunched up heap of fabric in the centre of your mattress most of the time.
Make your fucking bed.
Your ships are chaotic and shamelessly controversial.
Would do something just for the sake of creating mayhem lmao.
You were the fucker who stuck their chewing gum under the desk, I see you.
Your brain never stops whirring it’s a constant hurricane of crackhead energy and you have no idea how to turn it off. 
Would eat a stick of pencil lead for $2
You don’t help your situation with the amount of coffee/energy drinks you consume.
The class clown who cries themselves to sleep.
Such a wholesome dumbass but somehow kinda intimidating??? 
Even if you’re not confident you can do something you’ll try anyway and honestly I respect that about you.
You !! use!!! a lot??!! of!! random punctuation!!! so you always??!?!? seem!!111!! excited!!!!!11!?
Every time you’ve ever tried to make a sandcastle it has failed.
You tried to eat the sand once but we don’t talk bout that.
You would�� also pick up slugs and snails and chase your friends around with them.
Can never tell whether people are laughing with you or at you and while you don’t let it show it high-key bothers you when you’re laying alone in your room at night.
Not one to hold grudges, you carry a ‘shit happens’ mentality which is v good but it sometimes leads to people taking advantage of it or walking all over you.
Your meme collection is both questionable and horrifying.
Like how many cursed images and heavily distorted pictures does one person need.
Never organise the files on your PC/laptop so it looks like a complete dumpster fire.
The one at sleepovers who persistently woke everyone else up with their snickering and refusal to sleep till dawn.
For the love of Asahi charge your damn phone.
I see that red bar and ‘12%’
Charge it now.
Bought a plant one time, gave it a name and talked to it frequently.
It died not long after bc u forgot to fucking water it.
No one better ever make you responsible for a pet.
Type of person that when someone asks you to tag along on an endeavour no matter how stupid it is you will agree.
2am skydiving in france? hell yeah.
Midnight shopping spree and spending over half your pay check? count you in.
Exploring an abandoned hospital and performing an Ouija board to summon the demons of hell? you’re damn right you’ll be there.
I hope you have a mum friend by your side bc if not how are you still alive.
You sometimes put the milk in before the cereal and it’s something I’ll never forgive you for.
Very responsible and usually make the right decisions.
You do have moments where you act like a complete dumbass though.
Like u go from 50 year old to 5 year old in the blink of an eye.
A hopeless romantic but it’s a side you don’t often reveal.
Prefer strawberry milk over any other flavour.
You’re the type of person to shower twice a day w/o fail.
Where that stank smell coming from? Not you clearly bc your skin is basically 90% The Body Shop’s rose scented soap at this point.
You get stomach aches a lot and you can’t figure out why.
Probably an allergy to everyone’s bs.
Really good at dirty talk even though you don’t seem the type so people are always taken aback.
You have to be really in the mood though otherwise it falls flatter than Oikawa’s ass, use your skill wisely.
You often call people clowns when you know you’re secretly the biggest one going.
Honk honk, hoe.
You send messages in one paragraph rather than multiple texts unless you are REALLY excited.
People underestimate you at times then are shocked when they realise you are capable of being a fire-breathing dragon from the flaming pits of hell.
You like spicy chicken wings.
Such a petty little shit at times lmao.
Enjoy the view from the top of mountains so you either hike a lot or really want to.
Way more of a cat person since it’s just much more convenient for you.
Usually pretty cheerful or calm and people are drawn to your stable/friendly aura.
Went through a phase of drinking mountain dew and your body still feels the awful effects
Fav element is probably air.
You’re 5′6″ or shorter.
Box dyed your hair brunette several times and can never get the pigment out to this day.
Whenever you smell something weird in the room you always internally freak out and think it’s you.
Head-butting walls is your hobby.
You fell off your bike as a kid and still have the scar on your knee.
Probably have tons of ear piercings.
Would tame a pigeon and call it Larry.
You get frequent nosebleeds and can never tell if it’s a medical issue or your extreme simping for fictional men/women.
Hopefully the latter.
You constantly chew your pen/pencil in class so you never lend them to anyone out of embarrassment.
I really hope no one ever lends you stationery bc 30 minutes later it’ll look like it was mauled by a rabid rottweiler.
You really want to own a dog and would call it something intimidating like Banshee or Diablo.
You bleached your hair that one time and it almost fell out so now you’re forced to stay at least 10 metres away from all at-home hair dye products.
You tried your best though bby so A for effort, even if it did look like dehydrated ramen afterwards.
Your grades are mostly C’s and you’re barely passing bc you just don’t care about your classes lol.
Still though you’re actually pretty smart so put it to good use you lazy oaf, channel that crackhead energy into something good.
Your phone screen has several cracks in it from when you dropped it on the bathroom floor while shitting and you’ll always be angry at yourself for that.
You have some really weird quirks but you make it work.
Actually a v chill person but you just kinda attract chaos/trouble wherever you go.
Carry a lighter with you even when you don’t need one.
Shy texter but once people see you irl you are the complete opposite, you just dk how to text without coming across as awkward.
One of those people that’s unintentionally funny and always get confused when you make someone laugh but it makes you feel good regardless.
Have a cool necklace collection and own at least one dog-tag/army style pendant.
Should really consider buying a rabbit you would look so cute w/ one.
You have really nice legs and people should compliment them more.
Either severely dehydrated or overly hydrated to the point you are peeing pure tap water so for the love of god please learn moderation, your kidneys and bladder will thank you for it.
Your favourite character would be Hinata but you like people taller than you so your love for Inuoka spawned.
You really enjoy using the double spiderman meme.
Cannot correctly verbalise your feelings without creating a minimum of 10 misunderstandings but once people are used to it it’s kinda endearing.
You usually wake up in a good mood and people can never fathom how or why.
You either stay up till 5am or you wake up at that time no in between.
A morning person bc you love the sunrise.
Change your lock-screen very regularly bc you get bored.
Your humour consists solely of poop jokes.
When you don’t understand a joke you laugh anyway and hope they don’t ask you if you actually get it.
Happened once and you’re still traumatised from the cricket silence that fell upon the room.
Really like the taste of lemonade and drink it more often than you should.
Often think about what you would look like with a shaved head.
More of an extrovert but def have occasional introvert tendencies where you wanna be left tf alone.
Never allowed to pick up anything in stores bc the last time you did you sniffed a scented candle and it shattered to the floor.
Constantly have spontaneous ideas of what to change about your appearance.
You use a lot of hand gestures like thumbs up and peace signs.
‘Dude’ and ‘lmao’ is 90% of your vernacular.
Your nails are a disaster, some are down to the nub while others are pretty grown out bc you only bite a select few please sort it out.
Look really good in red.
Your laptop has way too many tabs open from random google searches of words you didn’t know the meaning to.
You read a lot of books but for like 10 minutes at a time bc you have the attention span of a walnut.
You are the type of person to nuke your AO3 tags with things that aren’t even relevant purely bc you found them funny.
Your Tumblr drafts are a nightmare, you have like 100+ in the works yet keep starting new projects why do you do this.
Happy sunshine but you have a LOT of mood swings like that shit comes out of nowhere.
Cry pretty often but no one ever sees and it’s usually because of said mood swings.
You always smile and pick yourself up again though which I commend you for.
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Full Brightness
I always took the train to London.
I made up excuses to my many friends with an affinity for swiftness by air. The train took you to the centre, not to Gatwick. Once you factor in the airport bus, it’s probably faster than flying. I like having a table, not a flimsy piece of plastic. Babies don’t scream from decompression. And even the most absurdly hypocritical (for myself), but would always strike a nerve with my environmentally obsessed peers – “the train is electric; flying is one of the biggest consumers of fossil fuels”. I was never one to truly put the environment above my convenience, but I loved how that one shut them up.
But the real reason was one of my few irrationalities – I just have a romantic connection to rail. I love the sound, the views, the ability to wander around, the automated machine coffee that they serve to you in a little paper bag as if it compensates for the taste. Flying is clinical and cold. Airports are places of fear and anxiety; train stations are places of long farewells and slow departures.
They say that for important people, time is everything, and commuting must be as quick as possible. It can’t cut into their important meeting time or their important coffee time or their important phone call time. But glancing around Coach F I can see more men in suits and women with short hair on phone calls than any 50 quid Manchester to London RyanAir flight.
I liked to imagine that they were CEOs and COOs and Chairmen and Chairwomen and that my irrationalities of train travel were also found in highly successful people. I bet Vice would write an article about that. These 10 Weird Habits of CEOs Will Amaze You. Probably more Buzzfeed than Vice. I don’t really read any of that, but the headlines pop up in my feeds against my will on an almost daily basis. A morbid curiosity into which of my friends like them has kept me from blocking the sites completely. But in reality, Phil sitting next to me is just an underling, a scrapper.
He’s set up in the most bizarre way, with one of those tablet-come-laptops propped on the table, wired into the solitary mains plug between our seats. It has a small fold-out keyboard, one that looks like a fake child’s play-toy, without even tangible buttons to press, just marked out character zones to tap on. But despite taking a six or seven-minute interval to retrieve all of this, he’s responding to his emails by phone, the tablet-laptop left unattended as he single-fingers his way through family summons and requests for documents.
A few years back I had made wearing sunglasses at all times part of my core existence. I think it originally started as a joke, but they quickly became something I was uncomfortable without, to the point where I collected three or four pairs of £2 Primark trash lenses just in case I couldn’t locate them when leaving the house. It had nothing to do with the sun, or even general aesthetics. And to this day, I’m not convinced that anyone else has those reasons either. Sunglasses hide your soul, and they allow you to look into the souls of others. It almost feels like a superpower - the ability to look at people, to see every nuance of their movement, expression and emotion, whilst never intruding them with the uncomfortable insecurity of knowing you are watched.
I had been reading Phil’s emails and texts for nearly an hour now, and he was none the wiser. What first caught my eye was the rather absurd signature on his phone emails – “Sent from My Phil’s iPhone X”. I liked to imagine it was a power move. A subtle humblebrag about how busy he is, and that yes, he did have time to respond to your enquiry, but only on his phone and with minimal effort given to email formalities.
I had the window seat. Forward-facing, with a table. The trifecta, as I called it. Trains aren’t like airlines, who charge you out the nose for any sort of upgrade in comfort. If you book it far enough in advance, all you have to do is check the boxes and more often than not you’ll get it. Occasionally, if it was one of the trains that came through from Inverness or Aberdeen beforehand, there would be someone in my window. I took no pride in booting them out, but it was a necessary evil to be able to endure the tough stretch between Peterborough and London when the carriage that began at 20% capacity now stretches to over 100.
I found that as long as you tuck a bag of necessities underneath the seat and go to the toilet beforehand, the four and a half hours is more than tolerable without being able to move. And spreading out while there are no coinhabitants in your compartment detracts fellow spreaders from joining you, only those with few possessions dare sit next to me when I’m at full spread. Still, I do look forward to the return journey, when the carriage capacity inverts, and the final stretch north of Newcastle is completed in a near-empty space with ample room to fire books across the full four-seater and go for exploratory wanders to the closing café car.
I had my laptop out, full brightness. I liked to believe that other people were as nosy as I was, and were constantly looking at what I was working on. I worked best in these environments – cafes, trains, even libraries. My personal penchant for procrastination seemed to disappear as soon as someone else could see what I was working on. It was a touch pathetic, no doubt, but I reasoned that as long as it worked for helping productivity, I was fine with the superficial reasoning.
I always wanted to seem more important and more busy and more creative than I actually was. No scrolling through social media, no films or TV, no reading the news. Just work, or perhaps something that looks mysteriously creative. I wanted the person next to me to think I was a genius or a savant or something above my natural ability. I had dozens of excel spreadsheets that looked like chaotic labyrinths of formulae, and despite their true use being quite simple, the look is all that mattered.
I had opened one that I wasn’t even going to work on today. It had several columns involving a calculation of individual standard deviations, which always requires several formula-heavy helper columns, packing it right out with numbers and increasing its aura of complexity. In reality, it was a spreadsheet that compared cafés across towns in England. Manchester was still winning.
It had been open for about 20 minutes, and I hadn’t touched it, nor even come up with a plan of what I was attempting to do. It was there as a placeholder for other, less sophisticated forms of computer-based procrastination.
I liked to remind myself occasionally that it was okay to shelve productivity and just look out the window for a while because otherwise, my obsession with the forward-facing window was almost pointless. The passing of a train through countryside is oddly captivating, and you can find yourself getting lost in the never-ending flow of towns and farms and animals and power plants and small stations that pass too quickly for your eyes to register the name on the sign. The East Coast Main Line was my regular, but occasionally if I could justify the extra hour, or if the advance ticket turned out cheaper, I’d take a West Coast train just for a change of scenery.
Sophie wasn’t happy that I was taking the train, but I refused to budge. Arriving in at Heathrow at 0500 this morning, a first-thing flight meant I could meet her there, at the airport, at around 7 or 8. A train meant I’d be in at midday at the earliest, and at King’s Cross, not Heathrow. I’m only there for two days, she insisted. Come on, gotta make the most of it. I told her I had already booked. A lie.
I hadn’t seen Sophie in nearly two years, since she vanished to Australia in search of some lost youth. There’s a special visa that they give for ‘young people’ to ‘experience the world’ that lasts for two years. I seem to recall that her haste to leave was brought about by the realisation that, at 29, she was about to miss the cut-off for eligibility.
Her long-awaited return to the UK being only two days told us more than enough about her trip away. She didn’t want it to end or couldn’t go back to England or some endless combination of clichés that seems to possess those who go outside their comfort zone ten years too late. Summoning the girls for a girls’ weekend epitomized this neo, post-crisis Sophie perfectly, because a quick glance at the group of six invited (and three further declined) showed a list of people that had probably never all been in the same room at the same time. I knew all of them to varying degrees, but none as closely as Sophie, and I’d wager the majority of the party felt similar.
It all made sense when Emma mentioned that there was a man now. My mind went off at this news. If I wasn’t already interested in this ‘girls weekend’ for general anthropological reasons, the news that the biggest misandrist and most publicly gay member of the group of queers that ‘the girls’ seemed to be loosely constructed from had now straightened up and got a man was so tantalizing I could taste it.
It also, less importantly, explained the brevity of the weekend. All the couldn’t stand going homes and man, fuck Englands and other clichés are normally abandoned when people return home and realise they don’t have much choice, but the talk on the channels is that this man is Portuguese, and that is where they’re leaving Australia for, London just being a stopover.
Everything about this seemed so hilariously, laughably, unbearably straight. I had always known that Sophie’s publicly overt lesbianism was a cover for something more complex and further along the spectrum, but she would never be seen dead admitting to sleeping with men in her university years, let alone running off to some country she’d never been to with one. Even the notion that this group ever was the girls and ever did things like girls' nights is nonsense. It reeked of something she’d spun her new man, trying to pass as a regular old straight who didn’t attend protests fortnightly just for the thrill of breaking the law.
I hadn’t even given a single thought about what Sophie might have planned for us. Emma, who no doubt had individually messaged everyone else in the entire group with the man gossip, spun off a list that I promptly ignored. I didn’t like going into events like this with expectations. I wanted the drama to slap me in the face, to take it head-on. And boy I needed some of that drama.
0 notes
salty-dracon · 5 years
ace hang plays noctis umbra part 3
SINS OF ANGELS | Noctis Umbra Part 3 | Ace Hang Plays Otome
(Yes, they do have semi-serious titles when shit hits the fan)
Last time on Ace Hang Plays Otome: 
Lily: Wow, he’s UGLY. How the FUCK is this guy a SUCCUBUS he’s UGLY
Brid: Well, technically he’d be an incubus. Because he’s a guy. 
Lily: That doesn’t change the fact that he’s UGLY
Brid: Maybe he radiates some kind of.... hot energy-
Brid: You don’t-
Lily: Hey, everyone! Ace Hang here! I’m Lily!
Brid: I’m Brid! 
(Val and Arthur pop in from the sides) 
Val: I’m Val!
Arthur: And I’m Arthur! 
All: And we’re playing Noctis Umbra Chapter Two! 
Brid: Yes, that’s right! The whole gang’s here and together for a nice round of otome! 
Val: It’s summer vacation, and our Minecraft 1.14 series will be up as soon as 1.14.2 is out, just so all of the bugs are ironed out. We’re planning to play multiplayer and do experiments to keep all of your spirits up. 
Lily: I’m super excited. 
Arthur: Yeah, same. We’ve got tons of plans! 
Brid: But for now, Noctis Umbra Chapter 2 is out, and when we last left off, we learned that Valerius was lying to us again. 
Lily: Also our dad is ugly and evil. 
Arthur: Rana is a queen. 
Val: Thor was there...?
Brid: .... Yeah, basically. Let’s get back to the action! 
Lily: A Kapre. A stalker.... Do you guys know anything about that? 
Val: Capre.... Caper... 
Brid: Oh, Capra demon. Remember that 4chan post? 
Val: Oh yeah! 
Arthur: ...? 
Lily: Super sexy demon or something. In the post he had a goat skull head. Wonder what this boi’s gonna look like. 
Arthur: He’ll either be adorable or ugly.  
(Efren appears) 
Brid: That is not what I was expecting. 
Arthur: I was expecting like, James Bond, not a guy in a mohawk wearing a Minecraft shirt! 
Val: Wow. Holy shit. Oh my god. He looks like a cis guy decided to dress like a  fucking drag queen for Halloween without knowing what a drag queen was. He looks like someone who unironically enjoys Kingdom Hearts and somehow mixed in a shitty hacker aesthetic. He looks like a 30 year old virgin who also runs a gaming channel that relies on clickbait for income. He looks like a guy cosplaying as his own My Hero Academia OC. He looks like-
Brid: Okay, that’s enough. 
Lily: He looks like that one Invader Zim character watches anime all day in his basement-
Brid: Stop it. Anyway, looks like he’s with the enemy... and wants to recruit us... and give us cookies. 
Lily: Cookies. Om nom nom. 
Lily: WAHAHA they’re good cookies. 
Brid: I love the little package of cookies on her lap. 
Val: Seriously, I’d kill a guy who gave me too many cookies, though. At 3am. Every day. 
Lily: “You’re just grumpy because you’re hungry. You’re hangry.”
Arthur: “I am not hangry!”
Lily: “You sound hangry!”
Val: And Tae steals the cookies. And they’re good. 
Val: You know, I’m glad the main characters are warming up to Tora. Not treating her like a kid. 
Brid: She’s learning high school chemistry, so I don’t think it’s out of the question that she’s at least fifteen. 
Arthur: Yeah. And MyDude is treating her very nicely. 
Val: Yeah. I’m glad. Like seriously, edgy war stories just... hate kids. Like, fuck the kids. Adults are the only ones that survive here. 
Lily: Yeah, it’s nice change of pace. EY, RANA! Look, Arthur. That’s my favorite character. 
Arthur: I see.
Val: Honestly, the whole Noctis Umbra crew is great. Except for Valerius. Fuck that guy. 
Arthur: I think he might have a reason for keeping those secrets of his, though. 
Val: This is coming from the same guy who actually trusts the rich kid in the other one they were playing. Fuck, I forget his name. 
Val: “Ae-ri needs your help grocery shopping.”
Lily: I’m gonna be super surprised if it’s not like the South Asian market my parents visit for cheap spices. 
Brid: Seriously, what else do you expect from this game? 
Brid: Yes, that’s the last place I expected to find a bunch of underworld denizens that are part demon or something. Going shopping at a grocery store. And not a South Asian market.
Lily: What, did you think they subsided on human energy alone? 
Val: I mean, Tae lives offa sweets. First he ate his sister’s cheesecake, then he ate those cookies, then he ate that pudding... he’s just got a big sweet tooth.
Lily: Oh, big mood, Tae. I like him. He and Keelan are so funny. Everyone’s just laying into him. 
Arthur: “That’s a lot of hot sauce...” 
Brid: I see we’ve got our own weird tastes... 
Val: Ha. Melons. Innuendos. 
Lily: Or Avatar reference. 
Arthur: ... 
Brid: What’s up?  
Arthur: Imagine- meanwhile in the aisle next door, Riley hits her teacher with a shopping cart!
Lily: That would be an amazing easter egg. Keelan’s looking for his paint, barely dodges a chaotic dumbass bisexual disaster, she immediately hits someone else who happens to be her teacher. 
Val: Said teacher was also hacking the grocery store’s WiFi with his phone, which proceeds to fall into the lobster tank. 
Lily: Not saying Riley wouldn’t do that. 
(Small animation with bad doodles)
Arthur: I imagine Keelan’s like... “Alright... broad paintbrush, purple acrylic paint... ” and he just hears screaming, and there’s Riley just narrowly missing him and slamming right into her teacher. 
Brid: You say that like she intentionally hit him. 
Lily: Damn. That’s the first thing you fixate on?
Arthur: Oh boy. Something’s going down... 
Lily: Is Valerius here? Is that why she’s- Oh, hey Luca. 
Val: Oh my god, it’s Tall Evil Valerius. 
Brid: He’s so tall we can’t even see the top of his head. 
Lily: That’s funny, because I always imagined Valerius to be like, 5′4... 
Val: His name is “Aleron”. HOLY FUCK HE JUST KILLED LUCA
Arthur: OH MY GOD
Lily: That feeling when you teleport the enemy leader right into your base. 
Val: Fucking seriously. The whole crew must be having aneurysms. 
Arthur: Ha. “I leave you alone for two seconds and you start a world war.”
Lily: Welcome back to another episode of “Man with half the facts in heated debate with man with zero facts”. 
(Meme appears on screen with the two men’s faces replaced with Leo and Valerius)
Brid: More like “Two men seriously think they know what’s right for the world as a whole based on flawed information”. 
Val: “Where’s her room?!” “She doesn’t have one.” “Where does she sleep?!” “The couch.” 
Brid: Get ready for Angry Father Rage. 
Val: “YOU LET MY DAUGHTER SLEEP ON A COUCH?!”.... DAMMIT why did the scene have to end there. 
Lily: So you wouldn’t have to yell at yourself?
Val: “Your mother loved heights too-” Sheesh, did she love jumping off them?!
Lily: Fucking hell. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what he meant, though. 
Brid: Yeah, this guy’s kind of an asshole, to be honest. 
Arthur: I guess with the whole unification thing, they need her. 
Lily: I love how she’s mad Aleron killed Luca because she wanted to punch him in the face. 
Val: Oh boy, things are heating up. So because of the prophecy, the demon kids are all uniting, and the angels wanna beat em back. And they took over a human organization to do it. 
Lily: Angels. It’s always angels. 
Brid: Do any of you like Valerius any more now? 
Val: NO. He’s kind of a dickhead. Still. 
Arthur: At least he’s telling us more. 
Brid: Yeah, very true. 
Val: Why does Valerius look at us and see everything right with Nocturnals? We’re an angry district attorney who sucks the life out of people with the power of Satan and anime. 
Lily: Angels. It’s always angels. 
Arthur: You said that. 
Brid: I did say I’d romance Valerius, so-
Lily: And with that, looks like we’ve reached the end of Chapter 3! What do you guys think? This is your first time playing with us, right?
Val: ... Why do I have to be rolled up in the politics of white men? 
Lily: Pretty sure Leo’s Latino. 
Val: Still. 
Brid: Politics, politics. I still do love the group dynamic between the Noctis Umbra crew, though. Not Valerius, just MyDude, Ae-ri... 
Arthur: Tae, Keelan, and Rana. Yeah. And whoever else I’m forgetting. They’re very cute together, and it kinda sucks that they’re dealing with the whole underground war thing, otherwise I feel like we’d get a lot of cute scenes with them. 
Lily: Very true. Any theories? 
Arthur: Remember when Valerius called MyDude Umbra? I think it’s because she’s the kid of both an angel and a demon. 
Brid: Oooooo. What do you have to back it up? 
Arthur: We don’t see much about her mother. Apparently she left her in an orphanage named after a saint. Also, Leo mentioned that the mom loved heights. Besides the jumping implication, it might mean that she’s an angel. Maybe one that couldn’t fly.
Lily: I think umbra does mean shadow, which evokes themes of both light and darkness, so it’s very possible. 
Brid: Interesting. Well, we’ve been recording for an hour, so I think that’s all the time we have for today. 
Lily: Sweet! 
Brid: Can’t wait to see where this story takes us next! And we’re planning our next playthrough to probably be either the next part of Oathbreaker, or Hatoful Boyfriend. 
Val: Make sure to like and subscribe for more content, and stay classy! 
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