#i just needed to get the shot out of my head
januaryembrs · 1 day
hot chocolate!
(last one i promise)
reader & spencer who aren’t exactly enemies but they’re def not friends but reader always double checks if spencer’s fbi vest is secured correctly which in return makes spencer check her over as well and they’re always like ‘stop checking up on me and worry about your own safety’ and it just happens every single time and they swear up and down that they dislike eachother deeply (they need to make out)
BANE OF MY EXISTENCE | Spencer Reid x reader
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description: Spencer hates you, and you hate him, until it comes to protecting each other in the field
length: 0.7k
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His fingers wound through the back of your vest as you made a move to dart past him, trailing after Hotch as you loaded your glock. 
You felt a yank at your neck, his obnoxiously long arms giving you a firm tug back with little to no effort, all but making you stumble backwards as he forced you to stop, and his fingers were at your hip, adjusting the strap before you could ask him just exactly what he was doing. 
“Wha- Reid, let go, my vest is fine,” You snapped, huffing when he ignored you, in the interest of fixing your belt, his brow turned down into a frown. 
“Don’t come crying to me when you get shot in abdomen and suddenly you’re bleeding out, and you lay there and thinking, dang if only the smart FBI would have told me to adjust my kevlar, and I’ll be right there to point and laugh and say I told you so,” He huffed, his fingers making light work of the fiddly strap, tightening it until he couldn’t see a single inch of your shirt to the point he heard your breathing constrict, but he thought he’d rather you be a little uncomfortable than shot. 
“I mean, if I’m laying bleeding out I won’t really have much to say other than, Reid, get medical, I think they hit something serious, please don’t come to my funeral, you were insufferable enough when I was living,” You said, allowing your body to be tugged back as he started on the other side, because there was no use fighting it when he got in those moods when he always needed to be right. 
He paused, his brain catching up to your words and he drew in a silent breath, wondering if the other side of your jacket needed tightening even more, or better yet, if there was any way Hotch would make you stay in the car as back up. 
Spencer yanked the strap with a vendetta, ignoring the way you whined it was too tight, and his lips pursed together. 
“Would you relax, I was clearly kidding,” You said, thinking his mood had come from your teasing, because you seemed to know exactly what to say to push every one of his buttons, “What I would probably be thinking however is if you’ll be able to flag down a medic with your shoelaces untied,”
His gaze snapped to his converse, and sure enough the double knot he relied on seemed to have failed him, and his strings were hazard material as they dragged along the pavement, already mucky where they’d probably been undone for hours. 
“Make sure you do them before we move in, I’m not carrying your bone head out of there if we start taking hits and you trip over your own feet,” You snipped, and he finally released you, immediately leaning down to fix his own issues, completely missing the way your eyes trailed down to make sure he did the loops tight enough because you were being serious when you said it would loathe you to be the one to carry him away from the danger, though probably not in the way he thought. 
He huffed, standing back to his full height and giving his feet a wiggle in their shoes to make sure they were comfortable, and he looked back at you where you were watching him carefully, catching the split second where something close to worry pooled in your eyes. 
It snapped back into your usual cold demeanour when you realised he was looking straight at you, and you whirled you keep your back to him, inspecting your loaded gun some more as a way to busy yourself. 
“Try not to miss, it doesn’t look good on the reports when I have to save your ass twice,” Spencer snarked, and he practically heard the scoff before you even gave it. 
“That was one time, Reid, and it was only cause I couldn’t see past your stupid fluffy hair. You’re a cop, Reid, not a poodle, you don't need that much volume,” You snapped back, the two of you squabbling the entire walk to the building, until Hotch separated you for the sake of his growing headache. 
He just wished you two would talk things out before he seriously considered Emily’s proposition of locking you in the broom closet together.
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oceantornadoo · 2 days
bloody perfect
this is so insane i am so sorry
ao3 link
roommate!simon riley x f!reader with a blood/period kink, dubcon, slightly mean!simon, blood as a symbol for love and devotion (two and a half steps away from cannibalism)
the door to your apartment opened in a blurred flash, keys jangling from the door. you snapped shut the book you had been reading, jumping to stand at attention, like some poor imitation of a soldier. like your roommate.
“hi, simon. nice to have you back.” you squeaked out, forcing your shoulders to relax. simon had his back to you, gloved hands fiddling with the lock. his boots looked dirty, streaks of dirt staining the floor. your gaze lifted up to the back of him, looking impossibly bigger than before he left for deployment. he somehow filled out his jeans more, thighs and ass hugging them in all the right places. even his black sweatshirt seemed strained against his shoulders, fabric fighting the breadth of his wingspan. your eyes landed on his head, hair messy from taking off his balaclava. you felt yourself step forward once, twice, almost in a trance. it had been so long.
“can feel ya starin’, love. miss me?” simon turned around, his smirk mean around the edges. you were hit with the full force of his gaze, new scratches on his face, a bandage on his arm. “you-you’re hurt.” he gazed down at the bandage, as if just realizing it was there. “‘s nothin’. didn’t answer my question.” you gulped audibly, almost comically. the air was sticky sweet with your nervousness and his cockiness, getting thicker by the minute as he kicked off his boots and made his way towards you. you didn’t understand it, this sudden change in your dynamic. you’d been cordial roommates, sharing a few meals and a movie or two. it was nice to have the apartment to yourself (that’s what you told yourself on cold nights), nice to have the rent taken care of with an absent roommate. but something had changed. some hunger had festered, sickly growth set behind simon’s eyes. he met you in two steps, taunting you with his height as he forced you to crane your neck towards him. it was his nearness that threw you off, made you say some insane thing.
“i missed you.”
his eyes flashed, clearly not expecting your submissiveness. practically a bitch in heat, rolling over to show him your tummy. he could almost smell the desperation coming off you in waves, the need for intimacy, the need for him to darken your doorstep. he could almost smell something else.
simon lowered his face to that juncture of skin between your jaw and collarbone, nosing at it gently. “missed ya too, dove.” you hummed as he nosed further, like some battered K9 who never retired, practically foaming at the mouth. he slipped his gloves into his back pockets, silent as a ghost. “‘aven’t gone on any dates, hav’ ya?” you shook your head vehemently, almost knocking into his own with the force of your eagerness. “thas’ a good girl." he rewarded you with skin on skin contact, calloused hands brushing up and down your jaw. you practically moaned at the contact, your body sorely missing the touch of a man. he maneuvered you back to the couch, laying you down with controlled restraint.
“y’ve been lonely.” you opened your mouth to answer but he cut you off, one large paw covering the bottom half of your face. simon tutted, practically clicking his tongue like a scolding teacher. “wasn’t a question.” words escaped you, jaw opening and shutting with no sound. you settled for a nod, pretending you had some semblance of control over simon’s actions. his gaze trailed down your body, eyes stopping for a second at your heaving chest, noting the pebbled nipples behind your sleep shirt. you moved to take it off, hands shaking, but that same hand shot from your mouth to your hand, gripping it hard. “not tonight.” your brows knitted together. did he not do foreplay? you had been without sex for far too long to entertain that idea. just as you were about to voice this particular concern, he squeezed your wrist hard, resisting from twisting the delicate bones beneath him. “shut it. stop askin’ shit. y’re not in charge ‘ere.”
“now this.” his hands moved to toy with the hem of your pajama shorts. “can smell ‘er loud and clear.” he brushed a hand over your lower stomach, pressing into your flesh with a groan. you let out a small moan, practically a mewl, as the heat of his touch battled the simmering cramps you’d had all day. “simon.” you bit back a gasp. “simon, it hurts.” so frail under him, practically begging for ghost to come home and take care of you. he shushed you with a kiss to your stomach, lips brushing the fabric of your pajamas. he tore off your shorts with practiced restraint, the hands of a trained killer dragging down each inch like each one was its own mission. each glimpse of your segment of skin was the target, weapons trained on the underwear it revealed to him. ghost let out a groan, the sound rumbling through him to you, his body practically molded to yours. his thumbs found your hipbones, small circles repeating their path.
“simon, you’ll mess up the couch.” he grunted. “need a bigger one, anyway. shut y’r pretty trap, dove.” you followed orders immediately. he dove in nose-first to the seam of your underwear, trailing down slowly. “‘s sweet.” all saccharine under him, the beast within beating at his ribcage, screaming to be let out. ghost was a shark in the water, dangerous at the first smell of blood. the need to claim, to conquer, make use of the fertile body under him. to eat. to feast.
in one fell swoop he was tugging down your underwear, yanking off the offending piece of fabric and flinging it to the floor. you hissed as your skin met the cool air, unused to being so exposed in your vulnerable state. “there she is. come ‘ere.” there was no experimental lick, no hesitation at the sight of blood. ghost went from one battlefield to another, preferring bloodshed over the silence of domesticity.
he started at your outer lips, practically cleaning you up, movements made for his taste and not your pleasure. blood coated his tongue, mixed with your seeping wetness. one final lick and he moved to your hole, winking at him, welcoming him home. his hands pressed your back upwards, crooked nose set against your clit. “bloody perfect.” he chuckled at his own joke, chuckled at how your body was already shaking under him. he tongue-fucked you expertly, sloppily eating you up. the blood mixed with cum made a pretty pink on his pale skin, fingers digging into your back as he pulled you impossibly closer. the tension in your core was getting harder to ignore with every lick, every time he said here she is and some welcome home, dove. he moved the bottom of his palm to press down on your clit, rubbing his nose in it, and you were coming, core clenching around nothing as your body emitted the loudest sounds. “ther we go, com’ on.” whispers of encouragement to your cunt, thick fingers joining in to coax another orgasm. one turned into two, your slippery pussy welcoming him in desperately. all whiny under his touch, squirming as he banded the other arm to hold down your stomach.
“nowhere ta fly, dove.” that didn’t stop you from trying, hips bucking into the air as he added a third finger. you were unbelievably full, stretched out like his personal fucktoy. he changed the angle, reaching deeper with calm strokes as he found the spot to make you crazy, gummy walls touching his rough calluses. he beckoned inside you, like he was telling you to come here, and you did, cunt clamping around his fingers.
“simon, simon it’s too much i-“ he shook his head, making that beckoning motion again. you spasmed even more, months of tension releasing under him. “there we go, she jus’ needed sum attention, yeah? not working with your own fingers, hm?” you nodded your head, agreeing with him passionately. “gonna split ya with my cock soon, see ya all fucked out.” your lips formed a small “o”, the crassness leaving his mouth like it needed to be washed with soap. “‘s get you to a shower, dove. go’on.” you scrambled out of his arms, clothes forgotten on the floor as you flew for the safety of your bathroom. he knew his dove too well, knew you needed some option to fly away and recoup before going farther. he’d spent all of deployment thinking about you, tugging his cock in shared showers and metal-framed cots. simon cleaned off his fingers one by one, savoring the metallic taste as he fixed the mess you made. he’d order a new couch tomorrow, something that could fit more than two, five being ideal. he’d fuck you on his cock tomorrow, once you’d knocked all of those thoughts around your head enough to pass out in his arms. but for now, he’d settle for the pink stain on his chin and your taste on his lips.
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Snow Angel
Pretty Girls
Leah Williamson x Reader Warnings: Abusive relationship
The following weeks were a tightrope walk for Leah. Every glance from you sent shivers down her spine, every shared practice session felt charged with unspoken desire. Yet, you remained resolutely distant, the playful banter and lingering touches a distant memory. 
It was Arsenal's annual winter gala, with players from both men's and women's joined by their families to celebrate the teams past and present. Forced to sit at the same table together, the tension between You and Leah crackled.
The breaking point came later in the night after dinner when most of the guest's had moved to the dance floor. Alcohol, usually a social lubricant, only served to loosen inhibitions. As the laughter died down, Leah, emboldened by a few glasses of wine, turned to You.
You watched as Evan wrapped his hands around some random girl before turning back to the table only to be met by Leah's stare.
"So, about that night..." she began, her voice barely a whisper.
Your face drained of colour. You quickly turned your head back to the dance floor eyes scanning for Evan.
"Leah please, not here."
Leah let out an annoyed huff, "When then because you do nothing but ignore me."
You reached for her hand squeezing it "Please Le."
Leah looked at you confused at your desperation for her to drop the topic, but just as she opened her mouth to ask Evan wrapped his hand around your upper arm pulling you out of your seat. "Come on babe, dance with me."
You turned back to Leah mouthing later before turning to smile at Evan.
Leah watched, a bitter taste coating her tongue, as you were swept away by Evan's confident grin. The night, once filled with the promise of a resolution, felt like it was crumbling around her.
Across the table, her teammates were lost in their own conversations, oblivious to the storm brewing within Leah. Anger, laced with a fresh dose of hurt, bubbled up. She'd taken a risk, exposed herself, and you'd shut her down again.
As the night dragged on Leah decided she had enough, she was done waiting for you to come to her with an answer.
Spotting you and Evan standing at the bar laughing so happy and care free Leah decided it was now or never.
Ignoring the concerned glances shot her way by her teammates, Leah pushed her chair back from the table with a scraping sound that cut through the chatter. Her heart hammered a furious tattoo against her ribs as she navigated the throng of bodies towards the bar.
Leah grabbed your arm turning you slightly. "We need to talk about that night Y/n, I can't go on like this anymore."
Evan turned looking at you both confused.
"What night, Leah?" he asked, his brow furrowed.
The room held its breath. Leah could back out, pretend it was nothing, but the lie choked her.
"The night at my place," she said, her voice firm despite the tremor in her hands. "The night you, uh, crashed there after the club." Her glare dared Y/n to contradict her.
Y/n's gaze flickered between Leah and Evan, shame and panic warring on her face. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely audible.
"Evan, I..." You couldn't find the words unable to wrap your head around what was happening, Leah was doing this now, to get back at you for ignoring her.
The air hung heavy as your voice trailed off. The revelation hung in the room like a thunderclap, electrifying everyone within earshot. Evan's confusion morphed into a scowl as he looked at you, his hold tightening on your arm possessively.
Leah, despite her anger, felt a pang of guilt at the naked betrayal reflected in your eyes. Maybe this public outing wasn't the best course of action, but the hurt and confusion had driven her to a corner.
The silence stretched on, broken only by the murmur of shocked whispers from onlookers. Your teammates at your table shot worried glances your way, the playful atmosphere of the night now replaced with a tense curiosity.
Suddenly, a new voice cut through the tension. "What's going on here?" It was Kim, your captain, standing tall beside Leah with a concerned frown etched on her face.
Now, all eyes were on you. You could lie, fabricate some story to appease everyone. But the truth, however messy, loomed large. You took a deep breath, stealing a glance at Leah's pained expression. This wouldn't be easy for either of you.
"It's...complicated," you started, your voice barely above a whisper. "The night Leah mentioned...we did share a moment, but..." You hesitated, unsure how to explain the confusing dance you'd been doing with your feelings.
"But...?" Evan prompted, his grip on your arm tightening even further. You winced at the pressure, the situation escalating with every passing second.
Taking another steadying breath, you finally decided on honesty, however brutal it might be. "Evan," you began, your voice gaining strength, "we're not...together. We never were." You turned to Leah, your eyes pleading for understanding. "And what happened that night...it shouldn't have happened."
A collective gasp rippled through the room. The carefully constructed facade of your relationship with Evan crumbled before your eyes. Shame burned hot on your cheeks, but you pushed on, determined to finally clear the air.
"Leah and I..." you started, then paused, searching for the right words. "We care about each other, but it's complicated. There were feelings, a moment of weakness..." You trailed off, the weight of the situation settling heavily on your shoulders.
Leah, seeing your genuine distress, felt her anger begin to simmer down. Maybe public exposure wasn't the best strategy, but at least you were finally being honest. Her gaze locked with yours, a silent plea for understanding passing between you.
Before you could continue, Evan yanked his arm free, his face contorted in a mixture of anger and disbelief. "You mean to tell me this whole time..." he spat, his voice thick with anger, but before he could finish his tirade, Kim stepped forward.
"Enough, Evan," she said, her voice firm and authoritative. "This isn't the time or place. Let's all take a step back and cool down."
Evan shook his head, "No we're leaving."
You tried to stop him "Evan, please let's just talk about it here, sort it out here."
Evan pushed his hands through his hair "Don't you think you have embarrassed me enough in front of all your friends tonight, we are leaving."
The air crackled with tension as Evan stormed away, dragging you who looked to Leah with what seemed to be a pleading look etched across your face.
Kim placed a hand on Leah's shoulder, her gaze laced with concern. "Are you alright, Le?" she asked gently. Leah shook her head brushing off the captain's hand "I'm going home, I'm sorry."
Leah is lying asleep in bed hours later when her doorbell goes off, she tosses slightly ignoring it hoping sleep will welcome her back when it goes off again.
huffing Leah tosses her duvets aside, before trudging down the stairs and swinging the door open angrily.
"What." Leah goes to give out to whoever has found themselves on her doorstep this late at night but the words die in her throat.
In the doorway, you're standing there shaking a dishevelled, your eyes red-rimmed and hair windblown. Dress torn, a bruise beginning to form on your cheekbone, a busted lip and a shiner coming through on your left eye.
Leah's heart lurched. The anger that had fueled her earlier actions evaporated, replaced by a cold dread. You were a mess, a physical manifestation of the chaos she'd helped create.
"Y/N?" Your name came out in a choked whisper.
You swayed slightly, before You flinched, as if expecting a slap instead. "Leah," you croaked, your voice hoarse. "I...Leah...please...let me in."
There was no room for judgment now. You needed help, a safe haven. Stepping aside, Leah ushered you in, the late-night chill clinging to your clothes a stark contrast to the warmth of her house.
The public humiliation you'd both endured at the gala paled in comparison to the violence simmering on her doorstep. Her anger towards you was forgotten, replaced by a surge of protectiveness.
"Come in," she rasped, stepping aside to usher you both into the house.
You stumbled slightly, leaning heavily on the doorframe for support. Leah quickly reached out, a hesitant hand hovering near your arm. You flinched again, but this time, it seemed to be more out of pain than fear.
Taking a deep breath, Leah swallowed her reservations. "Let's get you cleaned up first," she said, her voice firm but laced with concern.
You offered a weak nod, leaning on her as she guided you further into the house. The weight of your body against hers was a stark reminder of the intimacy they'd shared, a stark contrast to the violence you were now escaping.
"Evan..." you manage, voice hoarse. "He...he didn't take the news well."
Your words spark a horrifying image in Leah's mind, as she recounts his forceful grabbing of your arm over the night.
You winced as her hand came towards your face looking to clean your lip. Leah began to remember all the previous times you had winced at a hand being raised towards you and she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of her next question.
"Did he…?" she started, then stopped. How to phrase the question delicately, when all she wanted to scream was, "Is this the first time done this?"
You seemed to understand her unspoken question. Shame flickered in your eyes before you dropped them to your hands.
The air hung heavy with the unspoken truth. Leah bit her lip, the concern for your well-being warring with a fresh wave of shame.
"Was this..." she started, her voice barely a whisper, "the reason you were hesitant with me? Because of him?"
You looked down at your feet, avoiding her gaze. A small, defeated nod escaped your lips.
The confirmation hit Leah like a punch to the gut. All this time, your distance, your mixed signals – it had all been because of Evan's abuse. A part of her wanted to be angry, to rage at you for not confiding in her sooner, but the bigger part ached for you, for the pain you must have endured in silence.
"Why didn't you say anything?" she finally asked, her voice thick with emotion.
You lifted your head, your eyes filled with a vulnerability that ripped at Leah's heart.
"I was scared," you confessed, your voice barely a whisper. "Scared of him, scared of losing everything – the team, you..."
The raw honesty in your voice resonated with Leah. She understood. The fear of losing everything you'd worked hard for was a powerful motivator, especially in the face of an abuser.
Placing a hand on your arm, this time gently, Leah offered a small, reassuring smile. "You're safe now," she said softly. "He can't hurt you here."
The tenderness in her touch sent a wave of warmth through you. Looking into her eyes, you saw not judgment, but a wellspring of concern and a flicker of something more – a hint of the feelings you harboured for her as well.
"Leah I..." you started, your voice trailing off.
Leah squeezed your arm gently. "We can deal with everything else later. Right now, you need to rest and get cleaned up."
There was a silent understanding that bloomed between you. The night's events had irrevocably altered the course of your relationship. The truth, though brutal, had finally been laid bare. Whether there was a future for you and Leah, you didn't know yet. But for now, the solace of her presence, the promise of safety, was all that mattered.
Leah had gotten you up the stairs and to her bedroom before placing you gently on the bed and rushing to get you pyjamas for the night.
"Right, here's the pyjamas, you know where the toilet is eh i'll be in the other room just come wake me if you need me." As Leah began to walk off you grabbed her hand "Le....thank you." how could you ask her to stay after everything, she had opened her home for you, the pain you put her through.
Leah hesitates for a moment, caught between her lingering anger and the vulnerability in your eyes. "You deserve to be safe," she says softly, her eyes filled with concern, before walking out.
The night stretches on, a tangled mess of worry and a strange sense of vulnerability for Leah. She tosses and turns in bed, the sheets tangled around her legs. Sleep eludes her, replaced by a constant replay of the night's events.
The image of you, battered and bruised, on her doorstep, had banished any lingering anger Leah felt. Now, a restless worry gnawed at her. Every creak of the floorboards sent her imagination into overdrive, conjuring visions of you tossing and turning in pain.
Finally, unable to bear the suspense any longer, Leah crept out of her room and padded down the hallway towards yours. The soft glow of the bedside lamp peeked out from under the door, casting a warm rectangle on the floor.
Hesitantly, Leah pushed the door open a crack. You were lying on your back, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. The harsh light accentuated the shadows of your injuries, making them look even worse.
"Can't sleep?" Leah asked softly, the door creaking slightly as she nudged it open further.
You flinched at the sound, your gaze snapping towards her. "Leah," you whispered, relief washing over your face. "I thought you were asleep."
Leah stepped into the room, the concern etched on her face evident in the dim light. "Couldn't," she admitted. "Is everything okay?"
You shook your head, the movement sending a jolt of pain through your throbbing cheek. "Just… thinking."
Leah felt a pang of sympathy. The weight of the night's events must be crushing. Taking a deep breath, she decided to offer some comfort.
"Would you like some company?" she asked gently. "Maybe some tea?"
A flicker of a smile touched your lips. "That would be nice," you rasped.
Leah smiled back, a genuine one this time, relieved to see a hint of your usual spirit flickering back to life. "Alright, I'll be right back."
She scurried out of the room, the sound of her footsteps a comforting rhythm in the quiet night. As she brewed the tea, a warmth spread through Leah's chest – a warmth that had nothing to do with the hot water.
Seeing you so vulnerable, so dependent on her care, had awakened a fierce protectiveness within her. But there was something else too, a deeper emotion that had been simmering beneath the surface all along.
Returning to the room with two steaming mugs, Leah settled on the edge of the bed, careful not to crowd you. You reached out, taking the mug from her hand with a grateful smile.
For a while, you both sipped your tea in comfortable silence. The unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a shared understanding blooming between you.
Finally, you broke the silence, your voice still hoarse from the night's events. "Leah, about earlier..."
Leah met your gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. "We can talk about it all in the morning," she interrupted gently. "Right now, you need to rest."
You shook your head. "No Leah...I have to....you deserve to know," you stated your voice thick with emotion.
You picked at your fingers letting out a shaky breath " He was so sweet when I first met him, but it didn't last and I thought that what I had with him was all I was going to have, all I was worth, but then I met you after my transfer and you were so soft and gentle, even as a friend and I found myself falling for you.....I was just so scared to leave him and then.....then that night here with you...Evan..he...I was only ever there for him...for his pleasure but with you....I...You were gentle and loving and...you looked after me and I loved every second of it but felt so heartbroken too because it's all I ever wanted with the girl I dreamed of but I...he scares me....the things he does scares me and it was easier to leave the next morning and ignore you then fall into my feelings because I was terrified of the outcome."
Leah, her heart clenching with every word, listened intently as you poured out your story. The vulnerability in your eyes mirrored the turmoil within her. Here you were, laying bare your soul, and she understood in a way she never had before.
"Leah," you continued, your voice trembling slightly, "I know I messed up. I should have confided in you, but I was afraid. Afraid of losing you, afraid of what Evan might do."
Leah reached out, her hand hovering gently over yours. "It's okay," she whispered, the words thick with emotion. "I understand."
A tear escaped your eye, tracing a warm path down your cheek. You leaned into her touch, finding a solace you hadn't felt in a long time.
"Can you ever forgive me?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper.
The question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken pining. Leah looked into your eyes, searching for the answer within them. The truth was, the anger had faded, replaced by a deep well of empathy and a growing affection for you.
"There's nothing to forgive," she finally said, her voice soft but firm. "You were in a difficult situation, and you did what you had to do to survive."
A tear rolls down your cheek, and you don't bother brushing it away. Relief washes over you, a sense of finally being understood. You take another sip of tea, the warmth spreading through you.
Leah, her heart clenching at your confession, reached out and placed a comforting hand over yours. "It's okay," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "You're safe now."
Tears welled up in your eyes, spilling over as the dam of your emotions finally broke. You let out a choked sob, the exhaustion and fear of the night catching up to you. Leah held you close, her embrace a silent promise of safety and support.
As you cried, the story tumbled out – the manipulative games Evan played, the subtle threats that escalated into violence, the isolation that made you feel trapped. Leah listened patiently, her anger towards Evan burning hot alongside her protectiveness of you.
When your sobs subsided, leaving behind a shaky silence, Leah spoke softly. "You're so strong, Y/N," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "For enduring all that, for finally getting away."
You shook your head, a weak smile flickering on your lips. "Strong isn't exactly how I feel right now."
Leah squeezed your hand. "Maybe not. But you were brave. You came here, you faced the truth, and you're starting to heal."
A comfortable silence settled between you, broken only by the quiet sniffles and the soft glow of the bedside lamp. The weight of the unspoken hung heavy in the air, a question lingering between you.
Finally, Leah took a deep breath and broke the silence. "What do you want to do now, Y/N?" she asked gently.
You looked at her, your eyes filled with a newfound vulnerability. "I...I don't know," you admitted. "All I know is...I don't want to go back to him."
Leah hummed running her fingers through your hair. "I want to be with you...I want to know what it's like to be loved by you."
Leah felt her heart flutter "I'll be happy to show you when your ready."
You turned to face her, your eyes flicking back and forth between her eyes and lips "Can...Can i kiss you." Leah quickly nodded before pulling you closer and kissing you.
"Ow." you let out a soft groan at the sting of your lip, "Softer next time please." Leah smiled as you began to laugh "Softer every time."
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pin-k-ink · 1 day
"just friends" // kozume kenma
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tw ⇢ friends to lovers(?), pet names, strong sexual tension, implied first kiss, dry humping, grinding, making out, face sitting, overstimulation, cunnilingus, praise kink, squirting, dirty talk, fingering,
wc ⇢ 4.7k
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"For real, this is just shameless at this point," Kenma deadpanned, slouching even further against the footboard without looking up from his game.
You shot him a sidelong glance where you were sprawled on your back beside him, manga dangling precariously. "Oh come on, it's not that bad!"
One pewter brow arched high over his intense golden stare that remained fixed on the TV. "They're literally naked and making out, [Y/N]. That's the entire page."
"Well yeah, but that's just building the tension!" you protested with a laugh, rolling onto your side to face him more fully. "It's an art form, you uncultured heathen."
Kenma's lips twitched with the barest hint of a smirk at your teasing jibe. "I'll pass on studying that particular form of art any further, thanks."
You huffed out a dramatic sigh, mock affronted by his dismissal. Though you couldn't quite ignore the way your belly did a tiny traitorous swoop at how close you found yourself pressed against his thigh in this position. Kenma's clean, musky scent surrounded you completely in the best way.
"That's too bad," you drawled before you could think better of it. "Here I was getting all excited to show you my bookmarked collection of the real spicy stuff..."
Kenma started minutely, those striking feline eyes finally tearing away from the game to bore into you with renewed consideration. Your breath hitched slightly at the weight of his laser focus zeroing in on you so intently, all teasing smirks fading away to leave him looking adorably serious.
"You, uh..." He cleared his throat roughly, adam's apple bobbing in that way that always had you following the motion unthinkingly. "You...really enjoy that kinda stuff?"
It wasn't often Kozume Kenma allowed any genuine curiosity to bleed into his apathetic front, even around you. So you found yourself nodding before you could second guess it, utterly transfixed by those blown pupils studying you so raptly.
"There's...nothing wrong with a little spice every now and then," you admitted in a small voice laced with faux bravado. "Doesn't everyone have those kinds of urges?"
Kenma shifted minutely closer until your knees brushed together with each inhale. His rich, honeyed scent surrounded you in a heady cloud, making your head spin dizzily. The controller lay forgotten in his lap as his attention settled solely and intensely on you in a way that set your heart racing.
"I dunno," he murmured, something heated flickering in those amber depths as he trailed them over your features leisurely. "Do they?"
You felt the tips of your ears warming at the subtle challenge and blatant innuendo in his husked query. Yet you refused to be the one to balk first in this...whatever this building tension between your bodies had become. If suggestive teasing was the game Kenma wanted to play--well, two could certainly tango.
"Mmm, you don't need to act so shy with me," you purred, propping yourself up on one elbow to arch your body into a sinuous line beside him tauntingly. "I'd never judge your own perfectly natural...curiosities, you know."
The tips of Kenma's ears went pink to match your own, but his gaze remained steady and heavy-lidded in a way that made your belly flip. He shifted his legs subtly apart in a clear unspoken invitation for you to insinuate yourself closer.
"So says the one who clearly has experience with...indulging those kinds of curiosities," he murmured in a low rumble, piercing eyes roving over your prone form in a way that stole the breath from your lungs.
You watched his adam's apple work convulsively, worrying his lower lip with sharp canines for just a beat in an unconscious display of compulsion. Then, without warning, he slid his legs wider in a graceful vee and patted the space between them invitingly.
"Well c'mere then," Kenma husked, fingers stroking the plush bedspread in a utterly distracting gesture. "And we can...experiment and see what all the fuss is about, just us friends."
Your mouth went bone dry as your wide eyes flicked back and forth between his half-lidded stare and the vee of his thighs splayed in wanton invitation. Mindlessly, your tongue stole out to wet your lips as your stare drifted down the lean, toned lines of his torso to where his midriff disappeared into the dark cotton hugging those thighs you yearned to—
"[Y/N]?" Kenma's voice was gone to gravelly sin itself, roughened into the most delicious rasp that hooked your focus right back onto him remorselessly.
He searched your face with his head tilted slightly in that unconscious gesture that always had your heart seizing in your chest. Silky raven locks fell across his forehead, framing that improbably pretty face to heartbreaking effect in the dimness of his bedroom.
Finally, you found your voice buried somewhere amidst the rush of arousal fogging your senses from his intense proximity and bold offer.
"A-Are you sure?" you stammered out huskily, unable to look away from the dusky rose tinting the apples of his cheeks. "About...experimenting, I mean?"
The words rang hollow and pointless even to your own ears as Kenma's eyes hooded further. He shifted his hips minutely, splaying his thighs wider in clear invitation and inducement for you to nestle deeper against his sleek form.
"It's just practice," he rumbled out in affirmation, tilting his chin up while studying your parted lips with naked yearning. "No strings attached, right kitten?"
A bolt of molten heat arrowed through your body at the throaty endearment dragging from his perfect mouth. Before conscious thought could reassert itself, you found yourself rising up on your knees and slinking forward to fill the cradle of his spread thighs instinctively.
Kenma's lids dipped to rapturous half-mast, finally allowing himself to drink in the sight of you hovering over his lap in clear invitation. His hands roamed up to bracket your hips with maddening leisure, calloused fingertips skating over the thin cotton of your sleep shorts teasingly.
Your chests were a hairsbreadth from brushing together now, sharing each shuddering inhale in the charged space between your trembling forms. With infinite gentleness, Kenma nuzzled his brow forward until it met your own in the barest graze of feverish skin on skin.
"Just friends," he exhaled in a gossamer whisper against your lips before closing the final distance in a tender, fervent glide.
Twin groans vibrated through your molten collapse as his velvet mouth melded against yours with exquisite pressure. You arched forward bonelessly, hands scrabbling for purchase against the sleek muscles of his shoulders to keep yourself anchored as Kenma's fingers spasmed around your hips.
This close, you could feel and taste his warm, musky essence in every breath you stole and surrendered back in tandem. Kenma mapped the lush seam of your lips reverently, molding and savoring each nuanced caress until you were utterly dizzy with needy want clawing at your insides.
Without conscious thought, you parted your mouth around a pleading whine, silently begging him to deepen the contact, to sear you to your core with the same satin glide of his tongue. But Kenma exercised admirably restraint, keeping the filthy heat of his kisses confined to the lush press of lips and the occasional velvet rasp of his own as breaths turned ragged.
Finally, after several endless eternities suspended in your lover's drugging embrace, Kenma dragged his mouth from yours with a low, devastated groan. You watched with glazed eyes as the tip of his tongue swept out to lave at his own lower lip hungrily, as if chasing your lingering taste there.
"Sweet hell, [Y/N]..." he rasped out, lashes fluttering as he pinned you with a look of pure desperation. "I want...fuck, I need..."
You swallowed thickly, silently urging him on with your own breathless nod. Need spiraled through your entwined bodies in raging riptides, licking higher with every passing heartbeat fueled by Kenma's burning stare and the erotic sprawl of his powerful form cradling you so intimately.
It was he who lurched up to slant his mouth over yours once more before you could find your voice. But this time, he parted those perfect lips wider around your own in blatant invitation - an offering and a plea all in one. Without hesitation, you answered him by delving your eager tongue forward to twine with his in a sultry, sensual glide perfectly befitting of your most lurid manga fantasies.
And with a low, vibrating groan against your mouth, Kenma succumbed to your emboldened depths wholeheartedly.
Kenma's mouth was hot velvet and feverish demand, stealing your every shallow breath with each insistent sweep of his talented tongue. You clung to his broad shoulders in a daze, whimpering against his pillowed lips as he expertly coaxed yours apart wider on a slick glide.
The wet sounds of your messy makeouts filled the bedroom - harsh panting gasps punctuated by obscene smacking as Kenma changed angles forcefully to delve deeper. Your cheeks burned, sticky trails of mingled saliva rapidly cooling against your flushed skin, but you were utterly powerless against the drugging thrall of his passion.
With a devastated groan, Kenma fisted one hand in your tousled hair to tilt your head aside, arching your throat into a wanton line he eagerly traced with ravaging swipes of his velvet tongue. You cried out brokenly as he blazed searing paths across your thundering pulse, lapping up the sweet-salt taste of your desire like a man unhinged.
"Ken-Kenma!" you gasped out dizzily, feeling his swollen cock jerk against your inner thigh in visceral response to your plaintive keen.
He snarled wordlessly in reply, mouth crashing over yours once more to swallow each fractured whimper you surrendered to his thorough plundering. You lost all sense of time or space beyond his scorching caresses, allowing his ravenous passion to sweep you under the crashing tide completely.
Only when your velvet tug-of-war reached a shuddering, panting climax did Kenma allow you to break free with a gasping inhale of cool air. You sucked it in greedily, nerves singing from the rough drag of his stubble and swollen lips leaving you utterly wrecked in their wake.
Kenma himself appeared utterly unraveled - chest heaving in sharp gulps, onyx locks disheveled wildly around his slack features, and lips so thoroughly reddened they verged on bruising from your heated frenzy. Slowly, his hooded golden gaze flicked back to yours with unmistakable languor and sated heat smoldering in its depths.
"Holy shit," he rasped out at last, sounding utterly wrecked in the most delicious way. "How's...how's that for 'experimentation' then, pretty kitty?"
You could only stare at him wordlessly, tongue darting out to trace your tingling lips in a shameless search for the lingering taste of his hungry mouth upon you. But Kenma was already stirring to disentangle you from his lap with careful hands at your waist.
Once you were resettled amid the rumpled bedding, he leaned back and raked an assessing, satisfied look over your dazed sprawl that made you shiver anew. Humming with distinctly male approval, Kenma palmed himself over the obscene tenting in his sweatpants before replacing his discarded controller.
Watching with stunned, hooded eyes, you settled back on your heels as he easily resumed his game as if you hadn't just suffered mutual ruination at his skillful hands mere moments ago. The sheer audacity and nonchalance of it made your breath hitch traitorously and belly clench beneath the rucked fabric of your skimpy tank.
Eventually, you found your voice amidst the rhythmic clicking of Kenma's renewed gaming focus. "That's...that's seriously it?"
One silvery brow winged upward, though Kenma's eyes never left the television screen. "Did you want something more, Kitten?" he husked out in that delicious rasp still slightly slurred with lingering arousal.
You swallowed hard at his sultry insinuation, the pet name caressing your sensitized nerves in the most wanton way. Kenma had utterly unraveled you with nothing more than some dirty kisses.
How on earth could you coherently admit to craving the impossible temptations his raw physicality promised with every sensual roll of those lean hips and thrilling flex of firm muscle as he moved?
As if sensing your hesitation, Kenma hummed disinterestedly and shifted onto his side facing you fully - one leg bent beneath him and the other trailing out in an artful sprawl mere inches from your own folded limbs. His sluggish repose angled his groin tantalizingly, making the distinct outline of his thick cock pressing against the dark fabric utterly impossible to ignore.
You inhaled sharply at the brazen display, eyes snapping up to find Kenma watching you from beneath hooded lids with knowing indolence flickering in the depths. His tongue traced the lush swell of his lower lip slowly, sensually, as if savoring your yearning reaction for himself.
"Not enough, then?" he drawled, lazy syllables dripping with sinful promise that made your thighs tense convulsively. "Well...I'm always happy to further your education, pretty girl."
His heated stare remained locked on you shamelessly as he trailed the backs of his knuckles down the crease of his groin in a vulgar caress, hips canting minutely into the motion with a nearly imperceptible shudder. You forgot how to breathe entirely as his thick bulge shifted, engorging within its cotton confines in blatant display of burgeoning arousal.
What little functioning rationality remained in your lust-hazed mind scattered completely as Kenma palmed himself more boldly, relishing the chance to gauge your dark rapture openly. Before you could think better, you surged forward onto your knees to hover over him once more - pupils blown wide and breath coming in ragged pulls that did nothing to stifle the raging fire licking up your nerve-endings.
"Show me, Ken..." you heard yourself plead in a quavering rasp choked with desperation. "Please, I need...fuck, I need it all..."
In one fluid surge, Kenma rolled you back beneath his scorching weight with an animalistic growl that ignited the wick of your desire into a raging conflagration. As you keened and arched into the exquisite drag of his hips cratering yours, he sank his teeth into the fevered juncture of your neck and shoulder with exquisite pressure.
"Then let me teach you, kitty," he rumbled against your inflamed skin as his calloused palms roved over every quivering inch. "Show you what it means to be utterly, deliriously craved...to have someone so hungry for you, there's no choice left but to indulge endlessly..."
With a ravenous snarl, Kenma sealed his mouth over yours in a searing, devouring kiss that stole every last shuddering, pleading breath as his skilled hands set to mapping out the sweetest forms of rapturous ruination imaginable.
Kenma's mouth slanted over yours in a series of lingering, drugging kisses that left you both panting harshly. You arched into the snug cradle of his hips, fingers knotting in the soft cotton at his shoulders as he coaxed your lips apart masterfully.
A low, guttural moan vibrated against your tongue from deep in his chest when you tentatively stroked him in exploration. The gravelly timbre of his pleasure had frissons of liquid heat arrowing through you. Kenma nipped at your jaw in clear reward, ravenous for every keen and shudder he wrenched from your rapidly unraveling form.
"Sweet fuckin' hell," he growled against the fevered hollow of your throat, stubble scraping deliciously. "The sounds you make, baby...like silk on sandpaper."
You cried out breathily as he sealed his mouth over your thundering pulse to suckle hard enough to sting. Every nerve ending was lit up like a livewire as Kenma mapped your body with unhurried leisure, savoring each needy whine he elicited like fine wine.
Just when you thought the building coil of ecstasy would surely snap and shatter you, Kenma abruptly disengaged with a devastated groan. He flopped onto his back beside you, chest heaving and utterly wrecked - eyes glazed and plump lips reddened from your heated kisses.
For several endless heartbeats, you could only lie there and gulp down lungfuls of tepid air in a daze, bereft and keening silently from the loss of his scorching weight. Until Kenma stirred, turning to press himself flush along your side as his wandering palm trailed down your hip and over your thigh possessively.
The thick ridge of his cock prodded insistently against your hip, precum leaving a damp patch cooling through the thin fabric between you. Despite your body thrumming like a live wire desperate for release, you instinctively parted your thighs in unspoken invitation for Kenma to insinuate himself deeper between them.
He shuddered harshly at the apex of your legs, groin stuttering against yours as his breath left him in a shaky rush. Lifting himself up on one forearm stretched over your body, Kenma gazed down at you through a haze of lust, heavy-lidded and utterly undone.
"Pretty kitty," he rasped out huskily against your burning cheek, blunt fingertips trailing from knee up to the damp juncture of your thighs in blatant exploration. "Do you...have any idea how fuckin' delectable you look like this?"
You shuddered bodily as he traced the slick seam of your folds through the sheer, damp material separating his touch from direct contact. Each nerve ending felt electrified by his slightest caress, ratcheting the coil of tension within you higher and higher by the second.
"Please..." you managed to keen breathily, arching your body into a wanton bow against Kenma's ministrations unconsciously. "Ken, I...I need..."
He growled a guttural negation before you could finish, fingers curling to drag the soaked fabric of your sleep shorts down your legs and leave your pussy bare to his scorching perusal. You sucked in a sharp inhale at the sudden exposure, sweat prickling your hairline at the intensity clouding his golden stare.
"What you need..." Kenma husked out, the arm not bracing his weight sliding beneath your knee to expose you fully to him. "Is to let me absolutely ruin you right now like I've been desperate to do for months."
His scalding breath ghosted over your parted thighs as he noseddown to nuzzle the plump curve of your hip with open-mouthed maddening reverence. A strangled keen punched itself free as his lips skated featherlight over the dewy juncture between hip and groin tauntingly.
"I don't deserve to see you like this," he confessed in a gravelly rasp shot through with palpable remorse and adoration. "So fucking gorgeous and perfect it makes a man repent of every second wasted not worshipping you properly like my goddess."
With that husked declaration, Kenma dipped his shaggy head lower to lay a blazing, openmouthed trail of worship along your inner thighs - laving his wicked tongue over each crease and trembling tendon until you were a sobbing, arched mess of desperation.
Only when you were panting his name on a litany of pleading, mindless babbles did Kenma resurface from his rapturous exploration. His chin and cheeks were gilded by the musk of your desire while his swollen lips and scorching bedroom eyes roamed over you shamelessly. He looked ruined in the most debauched way, utterly delirious from drowning in the essence of your wanton arousal.
"You’re being such a good girl for me," he rumbled out, voice utterly shredded as his broad palm skated from hip to inner knee greedily. "Gonna feast on you for fucking hours until you're utterly spent and ruined, sweetheart...take you apart with just my tongue until you're screaming my name..."
You very nearly burst into flames right then and there as he gently coaxed and splayed your knees wider into the most lascivious offering imaginable. But before your body could succumb completely to that spiraling crest rapidly cresting, Kenma delivered his killing blow with mouthwatering finality:
"So what d'you say, baby?" he drawled in a rasp of pure sin, eyes hooding heavily as you teetered on the knife's edge of madness. "Wanna sit on my face and smother me in that sweet little cunt?"
All the breath left your lungs on a single, shuddering cry as he punctuated his filthy query by dipping his head to lay a scorching line of wet, sucking kisses up your slit in blatant promise. You writhed and keened, unable to formulate a response beyond wanton begging as Kenma's perfect, plush lips grazed over your pulsing clit in a teasing nip.
"Kenma! Fuck, please, please, I need it, please just-"
Before you could finish the frantic, garbled plea, Kenma hooked his arms beneath your spread thighs to hoist you up with startling ease. With a guttural groan of anticipation, he settled back onto the mattress with his face directly beneath the apex of your spread legs and his hands firmly clamped around the jut of your hips.
You swallowed a gasp at the utterly erotic sight of Kenma's flushed features gazing up the sinuous line of your body as he tugged you closer to his mouth. His golden gaze was a molten, searing brand that held you riveted even as your thighs twitched in an instinctive need to close and hide from such an intense stare.
But before you could move, Kenma dragged the flat of his velvety tongue over your aching center with a low groan that resonated through your entire core. Your vision swam at the overwhelming sensation, head dropping back as his perfect mouth latched onto your clit and suckled with obscene fervor.
Kenma devoured you with abandon, letting you rest your entire weight on top of him to feast on your dripping folds like a man starving. His muffled moans and growls vibrated through your sensitive flesh, drawing forth a steady stream of incoherent gasps and breathless cries as he worked you over.
The coil within your core wound tighter and tighter with every swipe of his tongue, every lewd suckle and greedy nip and filthy slurp of him lapping up the evidence of your arousal. But you were utterly powerless to stop the inevitable crest looming as his strong, slender fingers flexed bruisingly around your hips and his nose nudged your clit with every slick glide.
You felt the tip of his tongue spear deep, twisting and thrusting until you were shaking above him - barely holding on by the thinnest thread of control. Kenma's golden eyes cracked open, peering up the line of your heaving torso and watching your rapturous face intently as his velvet tongue slithered inside you.
"Let go, pretty kitty," he growled against your folds before closing his mouth over your throbbing clit once more and suckling hard enough to send you soaring into freefall.
"Kenma!" you cried out as the first spasm hit, back bowing into a perfect arch as his hands clamped around your thighs to pin you down against his ravenous mouth.
He held you there, suspended above his devouring mouth as he lapped up the flood of your release with a rumbling moan. You were utterly powerless in his grip, writhing and trembling as wave after wave crashed through your veins.
Only when you were a whimpering, oversensitive mess did Kenma finally release you, guiding your limp form back to sprawl out beside him. He propped himself up on one forearm and raked an assessing look over your flushed, trembling body, pupils blown to black with naked lust and mouth glistening with your essence.
"You're such a good girl," he purred in a graveled rasp, calloused fingers trailing the sweat-dampened skin of your quivering belly reverently. "Look at you, coming so perfectly for me...so beautiful, baby..."
You whimpered weakly as his hand trailed lower, tracing the slick folds still twitching with aftershocks. Kenma's gaze zeroed in on your face, studying your reactions raptly as he teased your clit with featherlight strokes.
"Such a good, sweet girl..." he husked, circling your entrance with two fingers while never breaking that molten golden stare. "Do you think you can give me another one, pretty kitty?"
Before you could respond, Kenma leaned down to capture your lips in a lush, velvet kiss. You gasped and arched as he breached you in a single fluid motion, curling his fingers just right to drag across your g-spot with deadly precision.
He swallowed each of your breathy cries with relish, languidly working his digits in and out until your thighs were spread wide and you were grinding against his palm desperately. When you finally reached the peak, Kenma was there to catch you - murmuring words of praise and encouragement as he pumped his fingers and rubbed circles around your clit until you were a sobbing, trembling mess.
This time, the wave crashed harder and faster, wringing the last of your strength as you squirted all over Kenma's wrist. He groaned against your slack mouth, dragging the heel of his hand against your hypersensitive nub until you were clawing at his biceps and sobbing his name.
As the last of the shudders wracking your spent body faded, Kenma pulled his drenched fingers from you and brought them to his lips. You watched, dazed and utterly wrecked, as he made a show of lapping up every trace of your slick with a low hum of approval.
When his glistening fingertips returned to trace the puffy seam of your folds once more, you found the breath to speak at last. "I...I can't..."
Kenma's mouth slanted over yours, tongue thrusting deep to let you taste yourself on his plush lips and silky tongue. "Yes, you can, sweetheart," he breathed against your fevered skin, nuzzling the damp hollow of your throat. "One more time, pretty kitty, for me..."
Your weak protests fell away on a shattered whimper as he began rubbing your clit again, this time with gentle, languid swipes that quickly had you keening and arching. Kenma hummed with smug satisfaction, watching your face closely as his dexterous fingers worked your slickened flesh with practiced ease.
"That's it," he rumbled against the swell of your breast, tongue laving over your peaked nipple while his other hand slid lower to dip two fingers back inside you. "C'mon, baby...wanna see you squirt one more time..."
You whimpered at his filthy command, bucking into his touch with mounting urgency. Kenma's teeth and tongue scraped across your nipple, tugging and soothing as his digits curled against your inner walls expertly.
It was almost too much - the overstimulation bordering on pain but somehow still pushing you higher and higher in a dizzying rush. The air stuttered from your lungs as the coil in your core wound tighter, every muscle seizing up as you teetered on the verge of yet another climax.
"C'mon, beautiful," Kenma growled, lifting his head to watch your face closely. "Give me one more...squirt all over me…"
As if waiting for his permission, your body clenched and shook, muscles contracting rhythmically. With a keening cry, you came for the third time, gushing slick all over his hand as he coaxed the orgasm from you with filthy praise and languid swipes of his skillful fingers.
"There's my good girl," he murmured as you came back down, easing his fingers from you gingerly before using two of them to rub lazy circles onto your hypersensitive clit. "So fucking gorgeous, baby..."
You could only lie there, limbs spread bonelessly as he toyed with your pussy in lazy, sated strokes. His molten stare drank in your flushed and debauched sprawl, utterly undone by his talented hands.
After several hazy, dreamlike moments, Kenma lifted his fingers to his mouth once more and cleaned them of every trace of your slick. The gesture was so viscerally erotic, it made you whimper and flush anew.
Once his hand was clean, Kenma slid off the bed and stood at its foot. You blinked blearily up at him, too thoroughly spent to do much more than take in the sight of his flushed, sculpted body, now gloriously bare to the waist.
His lean torso rippled as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his sweats, pushing them down until his cock sprang free. You could only stare at the thick, flushed length jutting out proudly from a trim thatch of curls.
Kenma stroked himself slowly, eyes hooded and glazed as they trailed over your prone form. Your breath caught as a bead of precum pearled at his flushed tip, a low groan rumbling in his chest.
"Now that I’ve gotten you nice and creamy, baby," he husked out, fist working his cock with unhurried strokes. "What d'you say we go all the way?"
With those sultry words, Kenma climbed back onto the bed to settle between your splayed thighs. His hips slotted against yours, hot length prodding at your still-twitching entrance as he lowered his weight over you.
"Just a taste, kitten," he growled against your throat, slipping the flushed tip right between your folds teasingly. "You can give me one more, right?"
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With her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean - poly!marauders x slytherin!reader
Summary: Preparing for the dreaded OWLs proves to be a difficult task for one tightly-wound Slytherin. How do Remus, James, and Sirius each offer assistance, and how does she handle it?
Notes: No Voldemort, but pureblood elitism is still very much a thing. Story starts at the end of the Marauders and Reader’s fifth year. I don’t know the most about all the Marauders Era headcanons so I kind of did what I wanted, sorry if you don’t like it. 
Tags: Angst, fluff, traumatized Slytherins, pureblood elitism, slightly mean!reader
Words: ~7.8k
I huffed as I reached for another heavy book on the shelf from one of the dark back corners of the library. I wasn’t in the restricted section just yet, but getting close to it. Between the weight of the other five books stacked in my arm and the height of the shelf I was trying to reach I nearly dropped them all. 
“Careful, there, Princess. Might break something lugging around all those books,” someone said next to me. I nearly jumped as I hadn’t noticed anyone come down this same aisle. 
I shot a glare at him for startling me. It was none other than Remus Lupin, one of those pesky Gryffindors who was constantly fighting me for my space at the top of the class. My glare intensified when I realized who it was.
“Yes, and it would sure be a shame if I managed to drop these on your foot and break something there,” I snarked. 
He looked amused at me. “Whoa, Princess, no need to get feisty with me. I was just going to offer my assistance.”
“And what kind of assistance should I accept from you when you’re just as likely to try and trick me?” Lupin gave me a weary look. Typical of Gryffindors to think everyone is as blindly trusting as them.
“No tricks, Princess, just offering a bit of help,” he said with a shrug.
“Would you stop that? Stop calling me that,” I snapped at him before turning back to the book I needed. Before I could make a second attempt to reach for it, Remus stepped up next to me and I froze. But then he grabbed the book for me and set it on top of my stack then took a step back. 
“Not a fan of your nickname?” He was of course referring to me being known as Slytherin’s Princess. Sometimes I like to pretend the nickname came about because I’m always top of the class, making my house proud, but I know the real reason is because I come from a wealthy, pureblood, Slytherin family and everyone thought me rather spoiled. 
“I am not some simpering girl in need of a man to save her and it’ll do good for the people in this school to remember that.” Despite his significant height, I lifted my chin to Remus Lupin and dared him to say otherwise. 
“Of course, of course,” he agrees, nodding his head and holding up his hands. “But you are Slytherin’s Princess, aren’t you?” His eyes light up in amusement at my frustration. 
My nostrils flare as I hold back my anger. It doesn’t do me any good to blow up at some stupid Gryffindor, not when that is exactly what he wants and I am not in the business of giving Gryffindors what they want.
Instead, I turn to walk away. Take the high-ground as they say. 
“Wait, wait, I’m sorry!” Remus calls after me, quickly catching up to and following me. “Seriously, dove, I’m sorry. I was only joking. Please, let me help you with whatever on earth you could possibly need all these books for.”
I stop abruptly and turn toward him. “And why should I accept help from someone like you?” I nearly growl at him, barely holding back my frustrations.
Remus looks taken aback by my words. “Someone like me? You mean a half-blood?”
It’s my turn to be startled by him. “I mean a Gryffindor,” I bite out. This was exactly why I couldn’t stand this brutish group, they were always so quick to jump to outrageous assumptions, thinking the worst of someone like me just because I’m in Slytherin.
He looks relieved and confused at the same time, but I don’t really care to help him unpack his complex emotions about the exact reasoning behind why I don’t trust him. 
I dump my books down onto the table I had claimed earlier and began to scour the table of contents in the first one. Uninvited, Remus took the chair next to me and began looking over my shoulder at the book. 
“Can I help you, Lupin? Or are you just interested in being a nuisance?” 
“I’m glad to be a nuisance any day, but as I’ve said before I was actually hoping to help you.”
“And as I’ve said before I’m not looking for any help.” 
“But that’s the thing, isn’t it? Is that this close to our OWLs you’re scouring books for something that you think you’ve missed, but you’ve been at the top of our classes all year, so I highly doubt you’ve managed to miss anything of real importance.” I give him a confused look, trying to discern how he’s figured me out so easily. Except he’s wrong, of course, I did somehow manage to lose the year a specific herb was realized to have certain medicinal properties. “So now I’m trying to answer the question of what does little miss Slytherin Princess think that she desperately needs to know, and will that really be the determining factor in her score on her OWLs?”
I glance around to make sure no one else is listening to me admitting defeat in front of a Gryffindor. “I don’t have the year we began to use hyssop to treat earaches,” I murmur. 
Remus’s face seems to fall at my admission. “That’s what you’re so concerned about? A minor herb’s medicinal use? Not even that, you already know that, but what year that was discovered? That is such a niche detail, there is absolutely no way Sprout asks us that.”
I roll my eyes. “Obviously Sprout’s not going to ask us about that, it’s Binns that I’m worried about,” I explain. Although I really shouldn’t be giving my enemy any help in preparing for our upcoming tests. I was just as desperate to best him on these tests as I’m sure he was me. 
“Binns?” He asks, outraged. “Binns would never ask about that in a million years.”
“You don’t know that, no one knows that. We had a lecture on the history of medicinal herbs, hyssop was one of them.”
“And so you really think that from that one lecture he’s going to ask us when hyssop was discovered to help with earaches?”
“I was reviewing my notes and I had written down the year but it got smudged.”
“You’re actually a raving lunatic,” Remus tells me. He looks around the library like he might get up and leave, but then he turns back to me. “I realize these are the most important tests of the year, but I think you have way overestimated the difficulty of the questions that will be on them.”
“And I think you can never be too safe.”
We hold each other’s gaze for several moments. Remus finally blinks and then sighs. “Confound it all, fine. Hand me one.” He holds his hand out expectantly. 
I stare at him, confused. 
“Well? Are we going to look for this blasted year or not?” I blink out of my stupor and hand him one of the books I had grabbed. 
We sit in silence for a long while, pouring over the texts. The only sound in this part of the library is us turning pages. The first book I look through doesn’t contain my answer, and neither must the book Remus has. Although I am tempted to go back later and double check he didn’t find it and not tell me in an effort to trick me. 
After I get through two more books and Remus goes through three, I can’t stop myself from asking the question that had been nagging in the back of my head the entire time. 
“Why exactly are you helping me? Surely you’d much rather be focused on your own studying.”
Remus slowly pulls his attention away from the book in front of him. He blinks at me and then furrows his brows. “Sorry, I know you said something, I just didn’t quite catch what,” he admits. 
I can’t help the small laugh at his honesty. “Why are you helping me? I thought you’d want to be studying for your OWLs.”
“I am studying for my OWLs,” he replies, tauntingly. I roll my eyes at him. 
“Come on, you know what I meant,” I push. 
He shrugs and I think that’s going to be all the answer I get, then after a pause he says, “you’ve intrigued me. I’m curious now to find out when we started using hyssop for earaches.” There’s something about his tone that’s off, but I mark it down to him just teasing me. “Besides, I’m already plenty prepared to get a perfect score and take my spot at the top of the class.”
I laugh at his taunting. “Clearly not prepared enough if you’re not well versed in the history of hyssop,” I tease back. 
He gives me a winning smile and something in my chest stutters at it. I must just be unsettled by his obviously false flattery. 
“Can I ask you something in return?” He asks after a moment. 
I consider him, then reply, “I don’t promise to answer, but you’re welcome to ask.” 
He smiles again and this time it feels like my heart has been squeezed just a bit. “Well I suppose that’s fair. But are you always so…” he trails off and I get nervous at where he’s going with this. “Well, are you always so intense about knowing every little detail?” He finally finishes. 
It must be relief that floods my veins when he doesn’t ask anything backhanded or rude. I actually give him a smile before glancing down at my lap. 
“I have to be, don’t I? There’s one way to stay where I am and it’s by rigorous study,” I admit. 
“Is it really so important to stay at the top that you have to obsess like this, though?” 
I think back to what happened when I would slack off with my studies at home before coming to Hogwarts. I can’t help the way my face falls at the memories. 
“I suppose it might not be so important to a Gryffindor, but success is a high priority in Slytherin,” I finally respond. It seems when I don’t know how to react I lash out, although Remus is lucky to have caught me in a good mood as I let him off rather easily. 
Nonetheless he still looks a bit dejected by my response. I feel a bit bad for shutting him down when we had been starting to get along rather well. 
“We should probably focus on the matter at hand, though, if we ever want to find our answer before curfew,” I say, returning to the book in front of me. 
“Right…” Remus murmurs. Part of me expects him to leave at that point, after all that’s when everyone else does. He surprises me when he stays and doubles down his efforts. 
I open my mouth, to say what I’m not entirely sure. I close my mouth again when I realize that I want to apologize. There’s no way that Remus wants some half baked apology from me. 
Time passes in silence, the both of us occupied with our search, but my mind keeps wandering to the way I had snapped at Remus. I didn’t understand why he had sat down to help me, but I shouldn’t have antagonized him for asking a simple question. It wasn’t his fault that the answer wasn’t so simple. 
I can’t help stealing glances of him every few minutes, which significantly hinders my speed in reading my book, but Remus doesn't seem to notice and I can’t get myself to stop. This means that I notice almost immediately when Remus freezes suddenly. I try not to react, not wanting to have been caught looking.
“Holy shit!” He nearly shouts, someone nearby shushes him loudly, but he’s too busy jumping out of his seat to mind. “Oh, Merlin’s beard I actually found it!” He whispers loudly this time and pumps his fist. Standing at his height above me while I sit next to him I have to strain my neck to look up at his face, but it’s such a beautiful sight with how excited he is.
“You mean you actually found the year?” I ask, matching his excitement.
He nods enthusiastically at me then points to the line of text that contains the answer we’d spent hours searching for. “Yes, yes, look! It’s right there.”
We celebrate as quietly as we can and I quickly jot down the information into my notes. 
“Oh, thank you, Remus! You’ve just saved me probably three hours.” I stand to join him. It’s then that I finally check the time and realize just how close it is to curfew. “Ah, shit,” I murmur. “We should turn in for the night. I don’t fancy having a run-in with Filch tonight.”
“Let me walk you to your dorm?” Remus offers.
“What? It’s nearly curfew, you’ll risk getting in trouble with Filch. No, I’m perfectly capable of seeing myself to my dorms for the night,” I reply firmly. 
“Don’t worry about me, dove, I can handle myself. Let me walk you to your dorm.” This time Remus sounds more like he’s telling me than asking me. Nevertheless I nod in agreement and we make our way to the Slytherin common room in the dungeons. 
On the way down, Remus teases me lightly about how obsessed I must be to dedicate so much effort into finding such a small detail. I tease him back about him being a nerd for helping me look for the answer. It’s lighthearted and easy and part of me thinks I could get used to having Remus as a friend. Another part of me questions what it would look like for me to be friends with a Gryffindor and whether my parents would approve or not. Then the first part kicks the second part for being such a self-obsessed ass. 
Just outside the entrance to the Slytherin common room I wave goodbye to Remus and wish him a good night. I try not to blush when he calls me “dove,” and dart into the safety of the common room. 
The next few weeks Remus seems to make it a habit of running into me in the library when I would otherwise be alone. In the past I had tried studying with Narcissa or Andromeda but the pair of them had bad habits of wanting to chat while I wanted to actually study, so my time in the library had previously been spent alone. 
Remus was different, though. He understood my desire to focus on the material in front of me and not whether or not his hair was looking frizzier than normal. 
Before I knew it I had come to rather enjoy his company. It felt almost reassuring that there was someone else who was similarly interested in studying, but wanted to do it with me. Somehow it was like studying at the same table as him made studying that much better, even if nothing of substance had changed. 
On a Saturday morning, a couple weeks before we were to begin taking our OWLs, I went out to the Black Lake just before the sun rose. I had slept fitfully, getting more and more nervous for the tests ahead of me. There was so much pressure to do good on these, I didn’t know what I would do if I were anything less than perfect. 
I don’t know why exactly I came out here, I just knew that I needed fresh air. Without much else of a plan, I sat down at the trunk of a tree and pulled out my wand. I practiced a couple small charms and transfigurations on the branches and rocks around me. 
“I’d say that rock doesn’t stand a chance against you, but I’d like to know what it did to deserve such treatment in the first place.”
I dropped the spell I had been using to propel the rock in the air and it fell swiftly. There likely wasn’t anyone in the school who I would not have been shocked to see, but I was especially shocked it was none other than James Potter. He’s a fairly popular boy my age in Gryffindor, mostly known for his outspokenness and disruptive behavior. If my memory serves me right, which it always does, he’s actually friends with Remus Lupin.
“What are you doing out here so early?” I can’t help but ask.
“I could ask the same of you,” he points out. I finally take him in at that moment. He’s wearing loose shorts and an old Gryffindor quidditch t-shirt that he’s cut the bottom half off to show off his athletic build. His curly hair is a mess atop his head, but I get the notion it’s always like that. When I meet his eyes I’m struck by how blue they are that I can notice even with him standing several feet in front of me. I can’t help but think to myself how pretty he is. He gives me a dorky smile, as if used to the attention but still not sure how to respond.
“Couldn’t sleep so well. Thought some fresh air would do me some good,” I finally answer, not acknowledging how I’d just been looking at him.
“Some fresh air and tormenting rocks?” He teases.
“Is that all you think we Slytherins do? Torment everything?” I huff. 
His face twists at my response. “No, no that’s not what I meant at all. It was just a joke, most people laugh at them.”
I sigh and lean back against the trunk of the tree. “I’m sorry, I’m just a bit on edge,” I admit, though I’m not sure why I feel the urge to open up to this next to perfect stranger.
James takes a few steps closer and I tense up, but he just takes a seat next to me under the tree. “What’s got you so on edge?” 
“Is that another one of your jokes? The OWLs obviously.”
“Oh, right. I suppose those are coming up soon.” He pauses and tears some grass in front of him. “What’re you stressed over those for?” 
My brows pinch together and I stare at him like he’s grown a second head. “They’re only the most important tests of the entire school year, of our entire schooling career thus far! These will determine our entire futures.”
It’s James’s turn to look at me like I’m crazy. “They’re just another test, though. And I really don’t see how they’ll determine our entire futures,” he says plainly. 
I scoff and roll my eyes. Leave it to a Gryffindor to blow off something so important. 
“Look, I know you’ve got this whole thing about being perfect in every subject and staying ahead of everyone else, so I’ll make you a deal.” I turn to him, my interest piqued. “If you do any less than perfect on each of your OWLs, I’ll turn all the professor’s hair purple,” he offers.
My jaw drops at his suggestion. “What on earth would that accomplish?”
“Well I figure people won’t be talking about what grade you got on your OWLs if they’re too busy talking about Dumbledore with a lilac beard,” he’s laughing even as he says it. I laugh, too, at that image. 
“Make it bright pink and I’ll help you,” I reply through giggles. 
James gives me his award-winning dorky smile and I can’t tear my eyes away. 
“Seriously, though, I’ll bet you’ve already gotten perfect scores on every other test this year, there can’t be anyone else more prepared than you.”
“Thank you,” I mumble, not used to outright compliments that weren’t also an insult. My gaze falls to where James is still fiddling with the grass. “A bit antsy, are you?”
“Sorry,” he sighs, “I’ve been trying to work on that. I actually came out here to go for a run, it helps me burn some of my extra energy before the day so I can focus a bit better.”
I can’t imagine wanting to start the day by burning through energy, I often woke up with barely enough to make it through the day. 
“Oh, I’m sorry to be keeping you. I can go back inside if you want to run by yourself,” I offer and even before I finish talking, I’m pushing to stand up. 
“No, no you’re fine!” He’s quick to reassure me. “Please, stay. Actually if you want you could join me, it might help you clear your mind.”
I consider for a moment before deciding to agree. There couldn’t be much harm in it, it was still at least another hour before most people would get up for the day and I didn’t have anything better to do. 
While we run I can’t help glancing over to James, who’s clearly in his own world.
The sun began to peak over the horizon, slowly illuminating our path. At one point the sun is behind James when I steal another glance at him, and the way the light catches on his features makes him look like a real life angel.
James proves to be right, the run did help me to clear my mind. When we stop back where we had started I’m feeling significantly lighter than before, even if I am breathing significantly heavier. 
“That was… fun,” I am slow to admit. “Thank you, Potter.”
“Anytime, darling.” He gives me another goofy smile. “Feel free to join me whenever you like, I come out at the same time everyday.”
“I just might take you up on that.”
I don’t know what makes me do it, but I take James Potter up on his offer every day for a week straight. I quickly come to enjoy the ritual of it, waking up before dawn, sneaking out of my dorm, getting the fresh air and clearing my mind before the day. 
James’s presence was a reassuring one, even if we didn’t always talk much. I had the sense that he would listen to anything I needed to say and offer encouragement. 
As our OWLs loom ever closer I come to rely on our runs to center me in the mornings more and more, but I also question how long James will continue to let me join him. He never says anything to indicate he doesn’t want me to join, though, so I take him at face value and keep meeting him under our tree every morning. 
The night before we’re to start our OWLs I find myself unable to sleep for even a minute. Of course this wasn’t a problem for my dorm mates who had fallen asleep at least two hours ago. 
I toss and turn, thinking that maybe if I could just get comfortable I could get to sleep. Of course I have no such luck. Eventually I decide that drastic times call for drastic measures. 
I don’t have to worry about being too quiet as I climb out of my bed, pull on a jumper, and slip on my sneakers. I’ve mastered this routine from sneaking out for my morning runs. 
Two years prior Narcissa was sniffling and sneezing her brains out, but didn’t want to wake Madam Pomfrey for medicine. Andromeda insisted we could take care of her ourselves, she just needed a good, hot cup of tea to clear her system. I never knew where she learned it, but she showed me a way to slip into the kitchens undetected. She then showed me which cabinet to find the herbs in, and also which herbs were the right ones. And then she showed me how to use the kettle. 
It was amazing how much better Narcissa was able to sleep after she finished her cup of tea, and the next day she was right as rain. I quickly became obsessed with the simple magic behind a “good cup of tea” and asked Andromeda to tell me everything she knew about the different recipes and ingredients. When her knowledge proved to be rather limited I went on a rampage in the library until I was satisfied─ a good two weeks later. 
My plan was a simple blend to help me sleep and settle my nerves. Chamomile and cinnamon was sounding particularly tasty, although I was considering whether I might like lavender with rosemary more. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice at first there was already someone else in the kitchens. Thankfully when I did I only jumped a little. 
Confused, I stared at Sirius Black as he took a kettle off one of the stoves. He gave me an amused look in return. 
“Couldn’t sleep either?” He guessed.
“No, I’m quite afraid not.”
He gave me a sad smile in understanding. “Have a seat, I’ll make you a cup,” he offered. I can’t say why I listened, but I did. Maybe in a moment of weakness before a highly stressful event I didn’t care that I didn’t know him much, I just wanted to let someone take care of me. 
“Any preference on what kind?” He asks.
“Hmm, I was debating between chamomile with cinnamon or lavender with rosemary,” I say. Then, because I can’t help myself, I proceed to list off my many thoughts on the benefits of each ingredient and what might best suit my current situation. 
Lost in my thoughts, I don’t notice that Sirius has made a decision for me and already started steeping the herbs in the water. I’ve somehow veered off onto what might make a good combination if Sirius was having a headache, or if his headache was caused by a cold and he had other symptoms what could help with that. 
To his credit, he never once interrupts or even looks bored. In fact the entire time he seems to regard me with mild amusement, and I begin to get the impression that everything he encounters in life amuses him. 
I don’t even stop rambling about tea when he sets my cup in front of me. After taking a sip, I start to tell him how very fond I am of lemon balm, then pause when I finally realize the cup of tea is already made. 
For the first time since Sirius asked what kind of tea I wanted, he is finally given a chance to say something. “Are you sure you weren’t meant to be in Ravenclaw?”
I scoff at his suggestion. “Don’t be absurd, Slytherins can be just as studious as Ravenclaws, we just typically hold our cards a little closer to our chest.”
“Right.” He nods. “This was you holding your cards close to your chest?” He then questions.
“Well it’s not like there’s any great secret behind tea. And besides, even if I haven’t been able to sleep I am quite tired.” A yawn escapes me just then to prove my point. “Narcissa always complains about my tendency to ramble when I’m tired.”
“Why would she complain? I found it rather entertaining,” he says, lightheartedly. Even though his tone has a hint of joking to it, I feel like he’s being honest. 
I give him a small smile before taking another sip from my cup. It’s still quite hot, but the flavors are still strong. “Mmm, this is quite delicious,” I compliment. “Is it chamomile with… rosemary?” 
Sirius gives me a proud grin. “Ten points to Slytherin,” he jokes. A smile falls on my face. 
“What have you made for yourself?” I ask, glancing at his cup. 
“Vanilla and rose.” 
“That sounds lovely. I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that before.”
“James’s mum makes it for us all the time. Do you want to try a sip?” He offers. I nod quickly and he passes over his cup. Sure enough it’s a delightful mixture. I tell him such and he tells me the measurements so that I can make it for myself. 
“So what’s keeping you up on this otherwise peaceful night?” Sirius asks.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” I groan. He looks at me dumbly, confused as to what the obvious answer might be. “We start our OWLs tomorrow,” I scoff. 
“Merlin, you can’t really be this stressed about it.” He sounds disbelieving, though I’m not sure why. 
“I can and I am,” I say, matter-of-factly. He rolls his eyes and turns to begin putting away the tea kettle. “Why are you up, if not because of the OWLs?” I then ask.
“Not for any good reason. Have always had trouble sleeping,” he says, but the tightness in his voice, and the way he tugs at a lock of hair behind his ear tells me there’s something else he doesn’t want to share. I can’t fault him for that, though. “Which of your OWLs do you feel most prepared for?” He asks after a moment of tense silence. 
It throws me off for just a second. Most people want to know which test I’m most nervous for, want to know what area I’m weakest in, where the chip in my armor is so that they might strike there. I consider for a moment, not wanting to say something that I end up bombing. Eventually, I decide on my favorite subject. Sirius seems to accept that answer without pushing any further, so I turn it on him. 
“Defense Against the Dark Arts,” he answers almost immediately. “I want to be an auror,” he brags. 
I roll my eyes at the proud smirk on his face. “Of course you do.”
“Well? What do you want to be?” Sirius asks as if expecting a lame answer such as archivist. 
“My parents want me to be an alchemist,” I reply in what I would guess is a lame answer.
“That’s great for them, what do you want to be, though?” Looking into his eyes at that moment feels as if he’s staring into my soul. 
“I… I don’t know,” I mumble slowly and my brows furrow. I can’t help but look at my cup of tea, half empty at this point. No one had ever asked me what I wanted before, not when it came to something so major. It was always assumed I would follow the path my parents laid for me. 
When I find the courage to look back up to Sirius he has a sympathetic look on his face. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” I snap.
In return, Sirius’s face pinches in anger. “I wasn’t looking at you any type of way,” he defends.
“Yes, you were, you had this look on your face like you were sad for me,” I accuse. “Don’t be sad for me.”
“I’m not sad for you─”
“Good, because you have no reason to be. My life is great and everything is perfectly fine.” The way I say it even Sirius can tell that I’m trying to convince myself more than him at this point. I let out a frustrated sigh. I want to say something about how I’m a great witch and I’m meant to be an alchemist, but another voice in my head whispers to explain how I really feel.
“Look,” I start, then trail off. 
“It’s complicated,” he finishes for me. “I get it. I’m sure you know about my family, you know I get it.” His voice is so soft as he talks to me, as if I’m a frightened animal. But despite my flaws I am still a Slytherin, and I do not appreciate being treated like a frightened animal. 
“Leave it to a Gryffindor to be so self-absorbed they assume everyone knows their tragic tale of woe. Maybe instead of staying up late to make tea and trying to relate to girls you hardly know you should work on your form for your smokescreen spell.” The words spill out of me before I even consider them. I don’t even take the time to be shocked at my outburst. Instead I storm off. 
“Yeah, you’re one to talk about self-absorbed, Princess!” He shouts at my back. I nearly flinch at the nickname, but keep going out of the kitchens and straight back up to my dorm.
The morning before the first day of our OWLs testing I follow my same routine. I wake up early to run with James, and he tries to ask if I’m feeling alright, but I brush him off and neither of us acknowledges the way I push myself harder on this run than I ever had before. 
After our run, I go back up to my dorm to shower and get ready for the day. My dorm mates still haven’t caught on yet that I’ve started getting up hours earlier. They do ask if I’m feeling flush and press their hands to my forehead, though. I shove them off with a grumbled, “I’m fine,” and shove my things for the day into my bag. 
In the Great Hall I can hardly stomach a plain slice of toast, but I just manage to get it down with some orange juice. I feel a bit queasy, but today is too important to pay that feeling any mind. 
On my way to the first test of the day, I think back to Remus’s reassuring words from our study session the night before. 
“Look, I know trying to reassure you that you’ll do great won’t get through to you, even if I have never been more sure of anything in my life,” Remus says softly, almost hesitantly. “Instead I hope you know that it will be okay if you aren’t perfect.” My heart hits my stomach and I drop my quill. I start to shut down, prepare to lash out. Why would he say that? He thinks I won’t be perfect? 
“Maybe other people will have different opinions, but I will still be your friend and I know that everything will turn out okay for you.”
Oh. My heart flutters back to life. We’re friends? 
For once in my life, I do not lash out at someone for trying to get closer to me, for saying something honest that I wasn’t ready to hear. 
I give him a sad smile. “Thanks, Remus.” I pause for a long moment. “I’m glad you’re my friend,” I whisper. Then, because I’m not sure how to proceed after that, I stiffly turn back to my notes. Remus, ever the gentleman, goes back to his book and doesn’t push me any further. 
I don’t think anyone had ever told me before that it was okay to be anything less than perfect, but his words become my mantra for the day. 
“It will be okay if I’m not perfect,” I think to myself as I walk into the classroom. 
I take a seat next to Narcissa. It will be okay if I’m not perfect. 
The professor instructs us to start. It will be okay if I’m not perfect. 
I read over every question three times. It will be okay if I’m not perfect. 
I double check each of my answers. It will be okay if I’m not perfect. 
I finish the last question. It will be okay if I’m not perfect. 
I walk up to the front of the class and turn in my test. It will be okay if I’m not perfect. 
As I leave the classroom I’ve almost convinced myself that it will be okay if I’m not perfect. 
My stomach begins to churn and I walk straight to the nearest bathroom, into one of the stalls, and promptly begin to lose my breakfast. I hear the door open behind me when I’ve stopped heaving. 
“Think you’ve found yourself in the wrong bathroom, Princess,” someone says mockingly. Footsteps come closer to me. “Oh shit, are you okay?”
I hadn’t bothered to lock the stall door behind me, so I’m able to turn and see Sirius Black. Again. I give him a horrified look. 
“What the bloody hell are you doing in the girls’ room?” I nearly shout at him.
“Actually you’re the one who’s walked into the boys’ room,” he informs me. I give him a disbelieving look until he shifts and my gaze falls on a line of urinals behind him. My face blushes profusely and I stare at Sirius, mortified. He gives me a pitying look. “It’s okay, pretty girl, you’re clearly not feeling well. Stay there for a moment.”
Still in shock, I stay put. I hear the sink running for a moment, then Sirius comes back with a damp towel. He hands it to me to wipe my face. 
“Thanks,” I murmur. 
“Don’t sweat it,” he replies. With a tender hand, he helps me to my feet when I’m ready. “Let’s get you to Madam Pomfrey, then.”
“Oh, no, that’s really not necessary. It must’ve just been something I had at breakfast,” I lie. 
Sirius gives me a disbelieving look. “You’ve clearly worried yourself sick and we both know it.”
I don’t reply as I follow him out of the bathroom. My plan was to start going in the direction of the hospital wing, then double back to the library to keep studying. Sirius’s plan was to follow me.
“I’m more than capable of walking myself to the hospital wing,” I say tersely. 
“And I’m more than capable of walking with you. I’m glad we’ve determined our abilities for this excursion.” 
I shoot him a glare that would scare off most other people. Sirius doesn’t even blink at me. My new plan: ignore Sirius as he insists on walking me to see Pomfrey. 
“How did you feel about it?” He asked after a moment. 
I don’t respond. 
“I personally thought some of the questions were a bit repetitive, like I had to explain myself multiple times.” 
I stay strong. 
“But maybe that’s a bad sign that I didn’t do as good as I thought.” 
Just keep staring straight ahead, he has to shut up eventually, I think to myself. 
“On the second question─”
“Would you just shut up already?” I snapped. I was stressed enough over how I did without reliving it with someone I didn’t even like. 
Sirius holds his hands up defensively. “Someone’s cranky,” he says with a laugh.
“I am not cranky, I just don’t particularly care to discuss the test with you.” My eyes roll of their own volition. 
“What should you care to discuss then?” He asks. 
“With you? Not much.” Maybe if I can discourage him enough he’ll grow bored and wander off. 
“It’s a bit of a trek to the hospital wing from here, though, and I’ve found conversation to be a great way to pass time.” Of course, I should know that Gryffindors are not so easily discouraged.
“I’ve found that there’s no reason for you to walk all the way to the hospital wing with me.” 
“Wow, are you like this all the time?” He finally snaps back.
“Like what?” I pretend to be ignorant. 
He scoffs at me. “Rude, Princess. Are you always so rude?”
I flare up at the nickname. The way he says it, it feels like he knows I don’t like it. 
“Nobody asked you to pester me,” I say. 
“Most people would consider this an act of kindness, not pestering.”
“How unfortunate for you that I am not like most people.” 
“It would do you a bit of good to learn something from them, maybe you could start with some manners.”
“I’m perfectly well mannered, thank you very much. You’re the one who didn’t listen when I told you I was fine to walk by myself, and you’re the one working yourself up by staying with me when you could bug off to literally anywhere else.” With that I begin to speed up to leave him behind.
Sirius actually stops for just a moment, as if really considering my words. Then he rushes to catch up to me. “No, I want to know what’s so bloody great about you,” he says. 
I give him a strange look. “I never claimed for anything to be so great about me.”
“Maybe not but you sure act like it, so tell me: what is so bloody great about you? What makes you so special that you think yourself better than everyone else here?”
It’s my turn to stop in my tracks. “Who the hell said I think I’m better than everyone?”
“No one has to say it, Princess.” The way he says Princess feels like venom on his tongue. 
I want to hit him. Punch him in the face and give him a great bloody nose. I want to hex him. Maybe knock him off his feet. I want to scream at him. Scream that I don’t think myself better than everyone, that I’m just an imposter pretending to be perfect all the time. 
It will be okay if I’m not perfect.
Tears start to well in my eyes. I haven’t cried since I was eleven and my family was getting ready to drop me off at Hogwarts for the first time. 
“Do not cry, darling, it’s unbecoming,” my mother says to me. “Soon you will be sorted into Slytherin and prepare to continue your family’s legacy. You must show strength at all times, even if you do not feel it. We can not be perceived as weak.”
A single tear snakes out of the corner of my eye and down the apple of my cheek. I look down and it falls to the ground by my feet. Another tear falls, and before I know it I am fully crying. I start to struggle to breathe. 
When I look back up to Sirius he looks terrified. He must think he’s what’s made me cry. The truth is it’s the last five years that have built up to weigh on me continually. It’s the way my life was gilded and no one had ever cared to look below the surface until a few weeks ago when Remus Lupin offered to help me study. Until James Potter offered to go for a run. Until Sirius Black offered me a cup of tea. 
My quiet tears begin to turn into choked sobbing as I realize how sad my life really was, that these three Gryffindors had shown me a kind of genuine caring that I hadn’t known could exist. 
Hesitantly, Sirius takes my hand to lead me over to a nearby bench so I can sit down and try to collect myself. It takes several minutes for me to control my breathing, and several more for my tears to subside. I finally look down to notice that I’m still holding Sirius’s hand, that I’d actually been holding it quite firmly. 
“Oh, Merlin, I’m so sorry,” I say, my voice hoarse, as I release his hand from my grasp. “You were right. Everything is so very complicated.”
Sirius gives me that same look he did last night, and I realize. He wasn’t sad for me, he understood me. But how was it fair that he would get to leave, when his brother and I were left behind with our authoritarian families? Selfishly, I think maybe he could show me the way.
I sit there, lost in my thoughts, for a long while. Sirius stays with me. Eventually the bells toll to indicate it was time for lunch. When I glance up at Sirius, he’s already looking at me. 
“Can I make you an offer?” He asks. 
I grow weary at his words. “I would suppose that depends on what the offer is.”
“Well, your eyes are red and swollen and you’ve got mascara tracked down your cheeks,” he starts and I grow horrified as I realize what I must look like. There was no way I could go into the Great Hall looking like the mess I surely am. He lets out a small laugh at my expression. “Why don’t you go clean up, and I’ll grab us some lunch from the Great Hall. We can meet in the south courtyard.”
I was amazed that even after I’d been so mean to him, he would still be so kind to me. 
“That would be quite nice actually. Thank you,” I reply softly. 
Sirius gives me a swift nod, then helps me to stand up. We go our separate ways, me to my dorm to wash my face and apply some fresh mascara and concealer, and Sirius to the Great Hall. 
I’ve just sat down in a corner of the courtyard for a couple minutes when Sirius shows up. I try not to look too shocked when James and Remus appear with him. Of course, I knew they were all friends, they went galavanting around the entire school proclaiming themselves marauders, but I’d never interacted with all three of them together. 
It suddenly occurs to me that they likely share a dorm, and very well could have planned this all to be some grand prank on me. But they had all seemed so genuinely kind to me until this point, and I was so tired of constantly second guessing everyone’s intentions. I decided that if this were some prank I would let them have their fun at me, then show them the real wrath of Slytherin. 
The three of them quickly set up a small picnic and begin lighthearted conversation. James compliments the way my hair looks today. Sirius teases James for the way his hair looks everyday, although I would argue it flatters him I don’t say that aloud. Remus gives me a knowing look as the two begin bickering. 
Spending time with the three of them is easy, and feels right. Like it was always meant to be the four of us all together. None of them mentions my earlier breakdown, or even anything to do with our tests. I wonder what Sirius told them before they all came out here. Whatever it was, none of them shows me any judgment so I can guess he must have skipped over my rude behavior. 
I’m sad when the bells ring again to signify the end of lunch. We clean up our area of the courtyard, then head back inside. Over the course of my time with the boys I feel my spirits lifted significantly, feeling much better and ready to face the next two weeks of tests. 
It will be okay if I’m not perfect, I think to myself again, and this time I really do believe it. Because even if I’m only just getting to know Remus, James, and Sirius, I know that they are my friends and they’ll be there for me.
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gglitch1dd · 1 day
hey glitch! now that Kane has joined our lovely family, is he comfortable enough to talk to Reader while she is in the shower or on the toilet like his brothers?
The way I LAUGHED At this one. It's hilarious. I love your question tho
No he isnt🤣 but in a funny way.
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"Hey mom! So-" Kane froze in his tracks as he took out one earphone as you stood in the shower.
You wiped at the glass to see who it was but smiled. "Hi Kane." You waved.
The blond froze before you saw his entire face go pink like a marshmellow, his ears burning red. He immediately slapped a hand over his face. "AHHHH! OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY! I'M SO SO SORRY!" He turned around and slammed the door shut behind him. "SORRY!"
You blinked confused as you tilted your head, just about finishing your shower. You were rinsing yourself off when-
"Hey mom!" Toshinori let out in the same tone that Kane seemed to mimic from him. He motioned back behind him. "Why does Kane look like he's about to crawl into a hole and die?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. He walked in while I was in the shower and he just turned around and left." You stated nonchalantly.
Toshinori furrowed his eyebrows with a hum as he closed the door and went to go find Kane. Kane was in the kitchen, stress cooking dumplings for lunch. His hands moved fast to try and press down and fold the dumplings. It was the entire reason he came to find you. To ask you how you wanted them done.
"Kane, why do you look like you're about to pop an artery?" Toshinori asked, his hands in his grey sweatpants as he looked to the other blond teen opposite him.
"Why? WHY!?" Kane asked dramatically, the dumpling in his hand exploding as he did so, splatting on his face. "Because I just walked in on your mom showering!" He motioned up to the stairs.
"AND!?" Kane shouted, his rose red eyes wide in shock that Toshinori would even ask that.
Toshinori sighed as he scratched underneath his chin. "Dude, I get that you aren't used to having a mom, but that's kinda what happens. We walk in on her in the bathroom like everyday, at least one sprout does it. It's not that big of a deal and she doesn't mind. She doesn't care." He shrugged as he moved to go wash his hands to help Kane with the dumplings.
Izuku walked into the house, his shoes off as he rolled his shoulders. "I'm back!" The large prohero stated with a yawn as he moved to drop off his empty bento box in the kitchen.
"Hey dad!" Toshinori spoke out. "Kane walked in on mom in the shower today." Kane whipped his head to look at Toshinori, wide eyed and burning in embarrassment as he stood in his cardigan. he turned to look at Izuku.
The green haired man's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really? For the first time?" He asked, turning his emerald gaze onto Kane.
Kane's hands started popping soft explosions as he quickly bowed his head. "I'm so sorry, sir. I- I didn't mean-"
"She's good looking right?" The question caught Kane off guard as he paused, before looking up at the Number One Hero in Japan who had a proud smug look on his face. He folded his large arms, speckled in scars and freckles. "She's so sexy. I'm so lucky." He stated with a smile. "Toshi is mom still in the shower?" Izuku asked turning around.
"She was just about to finish by the looks of it. Why?" He asked as he picked up a dumpling.
Izuku's face split into a smirk which he shot to Kane. He wiggled his eyebrows, making the blond burn red at the implications. Izuku turned back to march up the stairs. "No one come looking for mom and I! I need a shower!"
Toshinori slammed down a dumpling. "You can shower without my mom!"
"NO I CAN'T! She makes me squeaky clean!"
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wososcripts · 2 days
Face to Face (IV)
Fridolina Rolfö x reader
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Summary: An attempt to make amends.
A/N: we're nearing the end!! not sure how I feel about this part... hopefully it's okay
Word Count: 3k
Warnings ⚠️: none?
The next few days followed in a similar manner. Alexia brought you to the pitch even though you couldn't play, and you sat there for a few hours until they were done. Occasionally Jona would come over to see you, or Olga would stop by with food. Ana Maria even drove over from Madrid to see you and take you out for the day. But mostly you slept, listened to podcasts, and thought about what the hell you were going to do about Frido.
She still hadn't spoken to you and the team was starting to notice. It's not like the two of you were very close before (at least publicly) but now it was a conscious avoidance. The rest of the girls often kept you company when they could on breaks or in between drills.
It was only after five days, on Friday afternoon, that she approached you.
“Hi…” Frido said softly.
You looked up at her from where you sat on the pitch. You had been doing light stretches on your calves, still not allowed to do anything strenuous until next week.
“Hi, Frido.” You said plainly.
You tried not to react emotionally despite the fact that this was the first time she was speaking to you since the incident. She hadn’t even called to say she was sorry. It all seemed to confirm she really didn’t give a damn about you—didn’t have the courtesy to treat you like a stranger even.
“How are you feeling?”
Her careful, soft tone enraged you.
“Not so good, actually. My head fucking hurts, I’m sick of sitting here while the rest of you play. And I’d really rather be doing anything than talking to you.”
You felt bad the second you said it. Not because she didn’t deserve it, but because this wasn’t you. You were better than that.
“Sorry, I just really would like to be left alone, Frido. Please, just leave me be. Leave me alone.”
Frido’s eyes shot towards the ground as she blinked furiously.
She turned away and walked back to the field, joining Alexia and Ingrid as they talked about something. Part of you felt bad for rejecting her so quickly, but another part of you felt enraged that she had the nerve to wait this long.
Ingrid looked over at you and then back at Frido curiously.
"What did you want to say to her?" She asked in Norwegian, knowing Frido would understand.
"I don't know… just wanted to check in on how she's doing so far."
Before Ingrid could reply again, Alexia butted in.
"You need to tell her you're sorry as soon as possible."
"I just tried—clearly she isn't too keen on having me around, is she?" Frido snapped back.
The three of them stood in shock for a second, surprised at Frido’s temper. Usually she was level headed and understanding.
Alexia sighed and clapped her on the shoulder.
"Keep trying."
With that she was off to change and shower, giving Ingrid a small smile as she left.
"Frido," Ingrid rubbed her arm to catch her attention. "Why don't we go get a drink tonight and catch up? It's been a long time since we went out, just us."
Frido contemplated it momentarily, not stupid enough to miss that Ingrid clearly wanted to talk about her mood. If she accepted, she was also accepting the fact that she had to open up to her best friend sooner or later.
"All right."
"I don't know what to do," Frido complained, tossing back the last dregs of her beer.
Ingrid sat across from her, her own beer nearly untouched. They were sat out on the balcony of some restaurant nursing the end of the night. They hadn't met, just the two of them, in a while, Frido realized. She wished it was under better circumstances.
"Can I be honest?" Ingrid asked.
Frido nodded. She expected no less from the Norwegian—though she was incredibly kind, it wasn't common for them to sugar coat things.
"You've got to go up to her and apologize. Sincerely. One on one. And you can't be sure she's going to forgive you."
Frido knew Ingrid was talking about apologizing for more than the tackle. She wasn't privy to exactly what happened between the two of you—even in your anger you hadn't told your teammates what was going on—but it was clear something unhealthy had been a staple between the two of you.
"Mapí showed me the video. I didn't want to see it at first, you know how I am with that stuff, so worried always that it'll be one of us. But I finally saw it." Ingrid met her eyes. "The way she went down, the way you hit her, she could've been hurt much worse than she is. And you just got up and left, didn't even check on her."
There was a hint of disdain in Ingrid’s voice that inspired nausea in Frido.
"Had that been any player in a match against Barcelona, imagine how any one of us would've reacted."
Frido knew, if she had seen someone do to you what she had done herself, it would've boiled her blood. To see you lying there unmoving, would've had any player on that field aching, because you were wonderful. You didn't cause fights, you forgave people, you smiled at the opposition after each game, you spent as much time as possible with the fans. And Frido had somehow broken that, gotten you to yell and scream and cry.
"We were together." She whispered, not meeting Ingrid’s eyes. "Well, not really. We were sleeping together, I was at her place most days a week."
The waitress came by, and Frido ordered a glass of wine. She needed a bit more courage to fully get this out in the open.
"I didn't want commitment. I'm not… I didn't know how to be open about that with anyone. I was ashamed of it—she knew. She could sense it." Frido gripped the stem of her wine glass and took a sip. "She hated breaks because she knew I wouldn't talk to her until I was back in Barcelona. Right before I went back to Sweden for camp… we had a huge fight. She said she couldn't take it anymore, that I made her feel like a whore, that I tossed her aside whenever I didn't want her. And I said I didn't care."
Ingrid was silent.
"I didn't expect her to kick me out. Or to refuse to speak to me. I thought we'd fall back together, we always did. But it was different this time. And I hated it. I hated it so much it made my head spin."
Ingrid put a hand over Frido’s where it rested on the table.
"Frido, I love you. You're my best friend, okay?"
Frido nodded, wiping at a tear that was beginning to fall.
"You've got to make this right. Good people do shitty things. Really shitty things sometimes. But sometimes they're also forgiven, in time. And if you want anything with her, even friendship, you've got to apologize and explain yourself."
Frido nodded, meeting Ingrid’s eyes finally.
That night Frido found it difficult to get to sleep.
There wasn't any good reason for it: she had worked hard in practice all day and her body was exhausted. Her bed was comfortable, her apartment quiet. But it was empty. She had realized that she hadn't spent a week straight sleeping in her apartment for months. At least once a week she was with you, always.
But now you weren't speaking to her. You looked at her during practice, then avoided her at all costs. She hadn't even tried texting you, worried she would find her number blocked.
She contemplated calling someone to keep her company, though who would be up at one in the morning?
Eventually she fell asleep after tossing and turning for what felt like hours. She slipped away into unconsciousness, allowing her body to relax into the mattress.
Her mind, however, had different plans.
In her dreams she was in the hospital, unable to get to you. She stood at the door to your room, peering in through a small glass window. The rest of the girls were inside, holding your hand and stroking your skin as you laid in the hospital bed. Your eyes were open but you hardly moved. All she knew with certainty was that you did not want to see her. You wanted her gone. You've ruined my life, she heard you say, though your lips didn't move.
Another time you had simply disappeared. Her fault. You had moved far away, far from Barcelona, and far from her. You were happier somewhere else, with different people.
Once more you hated her. Refused to speak.
When she woke it was to a dark room and a sick feeling in her stomach. She was lonely. She wanted you next to her in bed. She wanted to see you smile and hear you laugh. She wanted to see you play great football and jump into her arms after a goal. And it terrified her to think she wouldn't get any of that again.
How was it that she could've treated you so horribly? It confused her, as if it had been someone else. How had she let her fear control her like that? And most importantly, how had she put your feelings aside so callously?
If she was going to fix anything she would need to apologize. Apologize for it all. Ingrid was right. She hadn't been there for your recovery and now it was all she wanted. The guilt of it all threatened to choke her. She thought of how scared you must've been lying on the field in pain.
Though it was only 4:30 in the morning Frido got out of bed and went to the bathroom to start a scalding hot shower. She needed a plan for how to fix things between you two.
It began that morning. Alexia brought you to practice. You were still living with her for the time being, until you were one hundred percent cleared. You didn't mind it, in fact it was nice to get so much time with Alexia when she was normally busy.
You walked into the locker room, so pleased to be getting into your kit for the first time in a week and a half. Even if it was just for physio work, at least you were in the uniform once more.
Unexpectedly, sitting in your locker was a small stuffed cow with a card and one of your favorite protein bars propped against it. You picked up the plushie, pressing it to your face and enjoying the softness. You were a bit of a child when it came to stuffed animals: you loved them.
The card was written in very familiar handwriting, and your heart jumped into your throat.
This made me think of you. I'd really like to apologize after practice today. Perhaps we can grab a coffee?
- Fridolina
The message was a bit stilted, but you could practically hear Frido’s hesitation on the page. She was nervous.
Just then the blonde came into the locker room to grab something from her bag. She glanced at you quickly, not sure as to your reaction.
"Frido," you called softly. You hadn't decided until that moment to try and forgive her, "I'll see you after practice."
Frido seemed shocked, but quickly her mouth transformed into a wide smile.
Practice seemed to fly by now that you were allowed to do something. The physio workers had you weight training and doing yoga to try and work your muscles that were tight from the pain you had been in. You felt like you were making progress, finally, after more than a week of sitting around.
The car ride with Frido was quiet. You sat in the front seat, fiddling with your fingers and checking your phone as she drove. She had music playing softly, some indie band you didn't know. It was bordering on awkward, though not quite there. You simply didn't know what to say.
Once Frido was pulling off the street to parallel park you spoke.
"I don't think I've been here before."
"I just found it a little while ago when I was wandering around desperately in need of some coffee."
The shop was cute. The outside was painted in chipping yellow paint and the shutters were open. There were a few tables outside, an eclectic set of guests seated at them. There was an old man reading the paper, a student on her laptop, and a mother with her baby. The smell of baked goods wafted from the entrance.
"The muffins are fantastic, if you want one." Frido offered cautiously.
You nodded and gestured for her to enter first.
You decided on a chai and a cinnamon muffin which did look incredible, you had to admit. When you were about to pull out your card to pay you felt a hand on your arm.
"I'll pay, please."
You allowed it, understanding that this was all part of Frido trying to ask for forgiveness. You were willing to see this to the end. It shamed you to admit but you had missed her deeply. It felt good to be near her, to smell her perfume and anticipate her ticks that you knew so well. What made you stay was the possibility that she had missed you too.
Frido carried your drinks and food to the table you picked. It was still warm enough to sit outside even with the sun setting. You tapped your foot and ate your muffin slowly, waiting on her to say something. You didn't want to speak first, but it seemed as though you might have to.
"So…" you started, trailing off to try and prompt Frido.
"I wanted to apologize. Really apologize."
You sat quietly.
"Just for the concussion you gave me?"
Frido hesitated.
"I'm still figuring things out—it's all jumbled up in my head. I was talking to Ingrid the other day and she made me realize I had to set things straight."
"What exactly does that mean?"
"I'm not explaining this well—I wanted to apologize for hurting you. And I want us to be on better terms. I wish we could start over."
"That's it?"
Your chest squeezed painfully. You thought this was the chance you had to deal with the horrible ending to your relationship, but Frido seemed to have no interest in unpacking it. You couldn't help the way your anger flared in response to the hurt you felt.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I'm not exactly okay, Frido." You started to stand up. "I think it's better if I left. There's no hard feelings over the concussion, I knew it was an accident. Let's just forget about all of it."
Frido stood up quickly, reaching out to grab your elbow.
"Can I drive you back?"
You shook your head.
"I'd really rather walk. It isn't far to Alexia's."
Frido looked for a second like she would push further, but then she deflated and nodded.
"See you at practice, Frido. Thank you for the coffee."
You couldn't help the tears that fell down your face as you walked down the streets of Barcelona. Deciding to forget the whole thing was worse than being angry about it—at least then you got some acknowledgment. Now you felt as though Frido was telling you she just wanted to smooth things over and make nice. She wanted it to be as if this thing between you never existed—all the pain and attraction gone in one fell swoop. You wanted to scream.
How were you meant to play with someone who you had so much conflict with? Surely Alexia or Jona would begin to notice sooner or later. You knew it would affect the team chemistry. The thought just made you more upset.
The tears in your eyes began to fall faster. Not only was your relationship (whatever messy bleeding thing it had been) ruined, but there was a potential for it to impact your job, your team too. What would you do then? If it came down to you or Frido you couldn't imagine Barça picking you.
Alexia noticed you were crying the second she saw you, even though you tried to hide it.
"What's wrong?" She fretted, pulling you close to her. "What happened? I thought you were with Frido this afternoon? Why did she not drop you off?"
You just shook your head, burying it in your captain's sweater. She wrapped her arms around you, quietly shushing you.
"Come, let's sit down."
You felt like a child being led to the couch and leaning in Alexia's embrace. Deep breaths eventually calmed you down so you could speak.
"I'm sorry Ale, I shouldn't be coming here like this."
Alexia shook her head.
"Nonsense. Tell me what happened. Was it Fridolina?"
"It's my own fault, I let it get like this."
"Let what get like this? The accident?"
You shook your head.
"Not the accident. Frido and I have a…we have our difficulties."
Alexia looked at you, surprised.
"I don't think I can tell you…you're her captain I don't want to let it affect the team."
Alexia took your hand.
"I can separate work and personal life. I'm your friend too, and it seems like you need one."
"We were seeing each other, kind of. In secret." You sighed. "We weren't exclusive, she just wanted some fun I think. I didn't."
You felt defeated. There wasn't much more to do. You just had to accept your fate.
Alexia looked at you for a moment in disbelief. She had had no idea.
"You and Frido?"
"It was a mistake."
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Past, present, future
a/n: well, writing creativity hits me at the worst times. Including when I have a concussion! This one is for my silly moot @fortheb0ys
Minors DNI
Phillip was stressed. If stressed was even the right word. He was tired, and bored, and yet constantly busy busy busy. It was starting to make his head swirl so damn much that he decided to toss off his work and jobs to his poor second in command and go back to his little home town in the middle of nowhere Texas
He wasn’t there to see family, hell no. He had put his parents in a retirement home in Dallas years and years ago. He was going just to fish where he used to fish and enjoy how little that town changes- as if time was slowed there. He pulled up to his hotel happy as a clam and practically running to the local bar, enjoying as many drinks as he wanted to calm down, until he saw you walk in. Oh fuck
he hadn’t seen you since high school, since he left the whole backwater town to try his luck in the military, and told you by note. By note! He really did regret that now, how he had probably shattered you. Sure you two never ‘dated’, his parents would have slaughtered him for something like dating a man- but you two sure did everything a couple could. Nights spent together hidden away in a camping tent, secret kisses and hickeys littering him in the morning… he had really felt like shit having the nerve to show up here now, feeling wheezy and sick to his stomach.
he sat nervously next to you at the bar, letting you look him up and down as he drank a shot of whiskey, then two, then three. And a conversation started between you, about how your lives had ended up and how you’d stayed in the little country town and definitely flourished- calloused hands and well built figure filling in where you once were younger and softer, and the more he drank the more comfortable he felt around you, chuckling at your jokes and leaning into you as if he was head over heals again.
Four shots, five shots, six,
he was feeling real sick now, he wasn’t a lightweight by any means. But he had definitely lost track and gone above any standard he usually had. He felt Ick all over, barely wanting to walk out the door let alone leave you and go to his hotel- not that he could walk that far in the state he was in. He needed you in more ways than one, so he begged you pathetically to carry you home. Your grip and warmth grounded him enough that he got a grip while you carried him, softly nuzzling into your chest and hoping you’d stay just a little longer and indulge him just a bit more.
he didn’t deserve you, he knew that. You were his a long time ago and he had royally fucked up- but he missed everything about you, every little detail was making his mind spin with old memories he had thought he had forgotten. He let you carry him into your house without a single protest- too in bliss and too drunk to bother you with the idea of carrying him back to his shitty hotel, especially when your house smelt of your cologne and safety.
he almost melted in your bed; whining and pulling you next to him before utterly dozing off, and clinging to you as if you would disappear if he let go
he woke up with an utterly pounding headache and a hangover worse then death himself- sitting up with a groan before remembering where he was, and that he was in your jacket from the bar… he has definitely made a fool of himself in front of you. But he supposed it was better then being alone in your apartment- he laid practically on top of you, feeling your even breathing as you slept. He had missed the feeling of being oh so close to you, but he still wanted to be closer- okay sure, it might be a bit wrong but he couldn’t help himself but kiss down your neck softly, his hands wondering and his body slipping down a bit, in no hurry to wake you up- just wanting to feel you.
he mouthed at your boxers a bit, shaking you awake enough to get a groan out of you and a tired nod as you tossed your head back on the pillow tiredly, still half asleep as he tugged your boxers down your legs and wrapped his pretty lips around your cock-head, taking you inch by inch slowly and choking a bit until he had every inch in his mouth, little gasps coming out of his stretched lips as he breathed you in, tears and spit dribbling down his face. He was focused on solely you, only little grinds of his hips against your leg giving himself physical pleasure
he hummed softly at the feeling of your hand grasping in his hair, before getting thrown off rhythm at a rough tug from you, pulling him off- a small drop of pre-cum and spit connecting his lips and your soaked member before you forced him back all the way down. You had gotten a lot rougher, and it felt so so good to be gasping as those big blue eyes of his poured with tears- looking like a mess. But he was your mess again. Yours.
he choked and gagged every so often, but worked you up until you were grasping his shoulders tight enough to bruise, painting his throat white as he swallowed every drop down, cumming in his own pants untouched before he pulled himself away and rolled beside you
“missed you, sugar.” Was all he could mutter as he caught his breath
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cosmopretty · 2 days
Nika Mühl x Short Fem
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Always touching you in some way
Hand on your waist, thigh, arm around your shoulders, holding your hand
She loves how her hands dwarf yours
Always making fun of you for being short the team joining in too
You walk into the gym durning the girls practice and stand next to Geno. He smiles at you “Hello Y/n” he looks over at the girls and signals them to come over. The girls huddle around you both, and you smile at Nika and wave at her “Hi baby” you whisper. Geno tells them corrections they need to work on and what they did good at before ending practice. Nika smiles at you and hugs you wrapping her arms around your shoulders, your head in her chest.
“Hi Niks how was practice?” You ask moving out form the hug and looking up at the girl. She shrugs “Normal baby I just wanna go home with you” she emphasized the word home and smiles down at you. Azzi wraps her arm around you “Your always Nika come on girl hang out with us” she rests her elbow on your head. You push her off of you and squint your eyes at her “I was literally with you all this morning” you say.
Paige shakes her head “No no you were with Nika and we were just there” you shoves her and she doesn’t move. Paige pouts down on you “Aw the Smurf mad guys” you scoff and kick her in the ankle, she groans and holds her foot on her hand jumping up and down. Nike laughs “That’s what happens when you make my lil Smurf mad” you groan and flip your girlfriend off. You lift you hands up “Let’s stop making fun of me and talking about how KK is only 5’9 and playing basketball” you say pointing to the latter. KK raises her brows at you “I rather be 5’9 than 5’3 you dwarf” Nika walks over wraps her arm around your shoulder “Leave Y/n alone KK go focus on how to keep the ball in your hands” she rolls her eyes at the freshman player.
You lean your body onto Nika’s and Ice looks at her phone for a second “Yall let’s go to Canes they just started serving lunch and I’m starving” all the girls nod and go to the locker room to get there stuff and change. You stay in the gym with Nika, looking up at your girlfriend you smile at her “Your so hot when you play basketball you know that?” you ask. The Croatian girl smirks grabbing your waist “Yeah I know my pretty girl” you go on your tip toes and she leans down meeting you half way. She kisses you squeezing your waist while you move your hands to her neck. You both kiss for a moment before you hear the girls laughing Nika moves your head to her chest and flips them off “YOUR MAD YOUR SINGLE” she yells at them.
She loves the way you look on her clothes and how her hoodies go down to your knees
Super protective when you guys go out
The team decided to go out to a bar tonight to celebrate their big win. You put on a small tight black dress with matching heels and gold jewelry. You go to the living room where most of the girls were and do a spin “What do we think?” you ask with an upside down smile on your face. KK squeals and bites her finger “WOW OH MY GOSH” she says squealing again. You shake you head and grab KK’s hands to make her stand with you, you spin her around “OKAYY KK I SEE YOU POOKIE” you yell hyping her up as she dances around.
Nika walks in with a long black dress matching yours, her straight hair falling down her shoulders. You smile at her and look her up and down “DAMN babe you look good” you say. She walks up to you and kisses your forehead before leaning down to whisper in your ear “You look so sexy baby”.
All of you guys end up walking down to the bar and all start going separate ways inside. Ice, KK, Paige and Azzi were sitting at a table on live. You and Aubrey went to the bar and ordered shots together. You clink your glass with her “Cheers” you say downing the shit with your head back. Nika watches you from where she’s sat next to Caroline and Jana. You turn around and go to the dance floor before swinging your hips to the beat of the song that was playing. Nike immediately gets yo the second she sees you dancing because she knows she’s not the only one watching you. She goes behind you and wraps her arms around your waist “Hey baby let’s go sit with the girls” she says not really asking.
You go to sit in a empty seat before Nika pulls you down into her lap. You wave to the live and take a sip from Paige’s Shirley Temple ‘no alcohol’ you look at the blonde and point to the drink winking. Nike wraps her arm around your waist rubbing your stomach, while she reads live comments from behind you “Y/n’s my baby she’s so cute ain’t that right” she asks you. You blush and kiss her jaw “Nika my wife guys” you joke laughing. You feel Nika tense behind you and you turn around and look at her only to find her glaring at some guy who seemed to be looking at you. Nika lets out a breath before grabbing your neck and kissing you moving her tongue in your mouth making a whole show for the people watching. You pull away and lick your lips “What was that for?” You ask the Croatian girl. She shrugs “He was looking at my girl had to show him who your belong too” she smirks. You raise your brows at her and squeeze her thigh that’s under you “Im all yours baby” you whisper and she smiles kissing you before turning your head with her hand back to the live.
She loves to go shopping with you and you both try on clothes together
She loves laying on your chest and wrapping her arms around you loving how they go all the way around you
Her hand in always in your back pocket or gripping the back of your shirt when your in a crowded place so you don’t get lost
She always checks up on you to make sure your eating and drinking water
Your her passenger princess
You walk outside the dorms hand in hand with your girlfriend. Nika let’s go and opens the door for you, you smile and get in putting your seatbelt on. She comes in the drivers seat and hands you her phone “Play some music moja bebe” you nod and start playing your playlist. She puts her hand on the back of your seat while turning back so she can start driving. She puts her hand on your thigh and starts rubbing it with her thumb.
She picks you up and holds you on her shoulders so you can dunk
Tried teaching you basketball but you couldn’t shoot for shit
She loves your height difference
The way your head reaches her chest makes her feel so proud
Calls you her “WNBA WIFE”
Loves mirror pictures of you both
Kisses your forehead 24/7
169 notes · View notes
coff33andb00ks · 5 hours
Rule Breaker - Pt 3
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max Verstappen x single mom!reader
{masterlist}{prev} {next}
warnings: cursing, jos is an even bigger asshole, barely proofread, logan's there, glazed-over mentioning of childhood trauma Summary: Max has it all...right? Besides, he's too busy collecting trophies and completing side quests for anything else. Until... You moved across a whole ass ocean to start over, uprooting you and your son's lives to become social media admin for cars that drive in circles. word count: 7937 (i got so carried away holy shit) auth.note: listen, eagle boy swayed me with his pretty eyes and soft voice... also this was a great excuse for me to rewatch Mulan for the millionth time. spotify: i made a playlist
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"Team meeting in ten," GP commented.
Max nodded, eyes following y/n through the window as she paced in the small courtyard, talking on her phone. He hadn't seen or spoken to her since they'd finished the Q and A the day before. Surprisingly, he'd actually enjoyed it. He told himself it was because she'd made sure to gather thought provoking questions, not because some of his answers had made her laugh and her laugh made him feel relaxed. GP turned to look out the window and Max quickly looked down at his plate, even though he'd just taken the last bite of his breakfast. When the engineer turned back, Max could feel his amused expression.
"Looks like it might rain," GP said casually.
Nodding again, Max washed down the last of his food with his coffee. "More chances for fuck ups."
"It's not a crime."
He finally looked up. "What?"
GP nodded towards the window.
"If rain was a crime, would they put god in prison?" Max asked, keeping his face blank when his friend snorted and rolled his eyes.
"You're not a robot, Max."
From the corner of his eye he could see her approaching Christian, who was coming from the garage. "I never said I was."
"Then stop acting like one. You're still young, I guess you're attractive, and you're at the top of your career."
"Thank you for that endorsement," Max said drily. Horner had stepped aside with y/n, whose hands were moving as she spoke to him. "I'll be sure and put it in my Tinder profile."
GP's eyebrows lifted. "You have one?"
"Fuck no." He pushed his chair back. "I don't have time."
"Max," his friend sighed.
"I'll see you at the meeting." He took care of his dishes, making sure to thank the staff working the dining area before leaving the motorhome, telling himself it was so he could get some fresh air and clear his head for the meeting. His legs carried him around the corner to where y/n and Christian were still talking, and he boldly approached.
"…speak to him." Christian shot a look at Max.
"If he was joking I wouldn't think twice about it.," y/n said, frowning. "But I don't see how it could have been. He was extremely rude, implied I wasn't worth hiring based on my looks, and…"
Max kept his mouth shut, knowing she needed to do the speaking. Giving her a faint nod when she looked at him, he felt a glimmer of pride when she straightened her shoulders.
"I didn't spend four years in college – sorry, university – and work three jobs at once to be demeaned. I know I have the skills and drive to do my job, but if this team continues to foster that sort of toxic environment you'll have to look for a new social media admin," she said firmly.
He tried to but couldn't keep the smile from forming.
Christian looked slightly impressed, giving her a reassuring nod. "I understand. He's not employed by us, he's only here by our good graces."
"I know he's the father of the your top driver, and I spoke with him before coming to you," she said, as though Max wasn't standing right there.
Christian pressed his lips together and Max knew he was trying to hide his smile. "Of course. We'll deal with it, I promise."
"Thank you." She relaxed, sighing softly. "I'm not trying to cause trouble, Mr. Horner."
"It's Jos fucking Verstappen, he's the trouble," Christian muttered. "Don't worry, alright? If anyone ever gives you a problem, reach out to me."
She nodded. "Thanks again. Oh!" She turned to Max, smiling hopefully. "I already asked Checo and he said yes to doing it this week. Would you be up to 24 hours with you at Monaco? Not the full 24 hours since I don't want to watch you sleep, but I just stick with you for the rest of the day and show fans a behind the scenes look at what a practice or quali day for you looks like."
"Why?" he asked, still stuck on the thought of her watching him sleep.
"Well! Casual fans don't realize how much work goes into being you. The training and diet and analyzing and teamwork. All the stuff you do even before practice and quali, like walking the track."
"For the whole day."
"Yeah, except for sleeping. I mean, that would probably really ramp up views, but—"
"I'm not that interesting though," he said. Why would anyone want to spend a practice or quali day with him?
"Oh don't start with the modesty. You're an elite athlete. I'm not asking you to invite me into your bedroom and let me show your bed to the world, just a small peek at what you're like. We can highlight your sim racing, explain how it's helped you learn the tracks so well. Talk about your suit, why the fireproof is so important." She tipped her head. "Maybe a shot of your suitcase to prove you do have clothes other than Red Bull gear? If you do, because I'm beginning to think you only have one pair of jeans and a Red Bull shirt."
He laughed at that, shaking his head. "I guess I can do it. We'll see how Checo's goes."
"Perfect. Speaking of, I'm doing that tomorrow so I gotta start posting to hype it up—"
"Meeting in two minutes," Christian told them.
Max looked at him, chagrined to admit he'd forgotten the man was there. "On the way," he promised, rubbing the back of his neck when Christian shot him a knowing look and headed off. Turning back to y/n, he cleared his throat. "I'm not showing my suitcase to the world."
"Is it that embarrassing?" she asked, clicking her tongue in sympathy. "Do you have Red Bull boxers too?"
"No, I—" he cut off, remembering the company's joke birthday gift to him the year before. "Okay, I do, but they're not in my suitcase."
"At least let me throw a team logo pillow on the bed—"
"Absolutely not."
She fell into step next to him, an extra bounce in her walk. "Are you saying there's already one there?"
He shouldn't say it. It would probably be inappropriate. He told himself that repeatedly, even as he drew a breath and opened his mouth. "Why the interest in my bed?"
"I told you, I love sleep. Oh." She frowned. "It'll be a hotel bed anyway."
Opening the motorhome door for her, he glanced up at the cloudy sky as the aroma of flowers he couldn't identify washed over him. "No?"
"Are you saying you get an Airbnb?" she asked in confusion. "Do they even have that in Monaco—"
"You didn't know? I thought you asked Google everything," he teased.
Her brow furrowed deeply. "Didn't know what?"
"I live in Monaco. So no, it wouldn't be a hotel room."
The confusion melted away, her eyes widening a little. "Oh. Wow."
"Wow?" he echoed, heading to the stairs.
"You're rich rich."
"Don't say that," he requested, making a face. She made wealth sound dirty.
"In my defense I didn't think to look up everyone's salary when I got hired. I mean I knew you were rich, but—"
"Stop saying it—"
"Sorry." She smiled sweetly, which told him she wasn't sorry at all. "Have a good meeting, Max. Oh, wait!"
He stopped at the top of the stairs, huffing when she lifted her phone and snapped a photo of him. "Why do you need a picture of me right now?"
"To show the world that even Max Verstappen, three time world champion, record breaker and maker, is sometimes late for a meeting."
Dragging a hand over his face, he sighed. "You're in a strange mood today."
"I'm getting comfortable. It's what I do. Lull everyone into thinking I'm sweet and quiet, then once I know I can relax I let my true self out."
"I'm scared to ask what your true self is," he admitted, ignoring his phone when it began to buzz with a phone call.
"Chaos," she told him, snapping another photo. "And I'm so putting a team logo pillow on your bed next week."
"No," he warned her as she turned to go back down the stairs. "No pillow."
"Go to your meeting or I'll post on Twitter than you have Red Bull boxers!"
"You wouldn't."
"Try me, rich boy."
And, damn everything, he laughed. She spun at the bottom of the stairs, giving him a smile that was pure sunshine. Not about to tempt fate, he held up his hands in surrender and went to the conference room for the meeting, still smiling as he slid into his seat next to Checo. When the meeting was over he hung back, his smile long gone as he waited for whatever Christian had to say.
"Two things," Christian started, leaning back in his seat with a sigh.
Max rolled his water bottle between his hands and stayed silent.
"Your dad."
He nodded. "I'll talk to him—"
"He's on probation now. If he so much as looks at anyone the wrong way, he'll be banned from the garage and the paddock." Christian steepled his hands. "It would probably be best if I did it now, but…"
"I'll talk to him," Max said again, already dreading that conversation. "Sometimes he speaks before he thinks, and unfortunately y/n was on the receiving end."
"Are you defending him?"
"No. I'm saying…" What was he saying? He didn't even know himself, so how could he explain it to Christian?
"You're saying what he would expect you to say. Max." Christian leaned forward. "I know he's your father. But – what did y/n say? He creates a toxic environment."
Max was on his feet and pacing before he realized he was moving. "What do you want me to do? Cut him out of my life completely? He's my dad. He made me who I am." Slinging his cap onto the table, he ran a hand through his hair. "He gave up on a marriage so I could achieve my dreams. I know people call it abuse and yeah if I could change the past I would, or at least some parts, but… Would I be me if he didn't do what he did?"
Christian sighed and Max hung his head. The bitterness between team principal and his father had been around as long as he could remember. And he understood, he did. Most days even he didn't like Jos that much.
"What he said to y/n was unacceptable. I know that. When she told me, I…" He paused, unsure whether he wanted to admit what his first thoughts had been. Starting to pace again, he stopped at the window and looked outside, noting that the earlier clouds had rolled away. "I was ready to tell you to ban him."
Christian nodded. "You sure you want to talk to him? Because I'll do it. I don't have a problem telling him to go fuck himself."
"I should do it," Max said with a sigh.
There was silence from Christian, and Max finally snatched up his hat and sat back down. "I'll do it, Max."
He would never admit to the rush of relief at those words. "What was the other thing?"
He set his jaw. "What about her?"
"She's off limits."
Max blinked. "How do you mean?"
"I've seen the way you look at her."
He pinched his eyebrows together. He wasn't aware he'd been looking at her in any particular way. He just…looked at her. It was true that she did make him smile a little bit more than he usually did, but that had to be due to her self-professed chaos—
"It's in her contract. Yours too, I'm sure."
"I'm – Nothing's happened." Yes, she'd slept in his private room and yes, his sheets had smelled of her and given him dreams he shouldn't have been dreaming. But nothing else had happened.
Soft hands, plush hips, bright eyes, lush mouth—
"Keep it that way. We can't afford another PR disaster."
Max snorted, unsure how anything he did – not that he would do anything – with y/n could come close to the disaster Christian had caused. "I'm not texting her, so."
"Cheeky bastard," Christian muttered. "Go get prepped for practice."
Grabbing his water bottle from the floor, Max left. Off limits. What the hell did that even mean? He couldn't be friendly with her? He couldn't keep his promise to watch a movie with Kevin?
Fuck Christian anyway, he wasn't one to talk about someone being off limits, he decided. He went down for another coffee, inconspicuously looking around for y/n. Not seeing her, he turned his attention to the upcoming practice, trying his best to push his worries about his father to the back of his mind.
When he approached the garage he saw her, and he frowned slightly when he saw Logan talking to her. Did they know each other? They obviously did, judging by the way she laughed at something he said. Sourness filled his mouth and he gulped down his water, grunting when a hand suddenly clapped his shoulder.
"Mate, you coming out tonight?" Lando asked with a grin.
"Not a good idea to go out before quali, mate," Max said automatically.
"I'm not gonna get drunk. A few of us are just going out to eat. You in?"
"I think I'll skip it. But we'll go out Sunday?"
Lando's grin widened and Max chuckled, knowing he was remembering what little he could of the celebration in Miami. Lando loved to party after a race. "Absolutely. Good practice, yeah?"
Max grinned, bumping fists with him before they parted. The American was still talking to y/n. Didn't he need to get ready? Go fluff his hair or something? Walking up to them, he nodded at Logan. "Have a good practice alright, mate?"
"Oh, yeah, better get to the garage." Logan turned and flashed a smile at y/n. "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Sure. Be safe," she said.
She was smiling a little too hard, in his opinion. And then she was—
Hugging? Him?
Max felt like he might vomit.
"Later, Max," Logan said as he jogged off.
"What did he want?" Max asked.
She looked up from checking something on her camera. "Hm? Oh, nothing, just chatting. He's nice."
"Yeah, a complete sweetheart," he said with a roll of his eyes. Then, shoving the sourness away, he cleared his throat. "I've got the sim racing tomorrow after quali, then the race is Sunday."
Y/n blinked, then nodded slowly. "Yes?"
"I promised Kevin we'd watch the movie?" he reminded her.
"Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it, I know you're too busy. He hasn't even mentioned it again, I'm sure he's already forgotten." She turned slightly and knelt to take pictures of his car in the garage.
"But I promised."
"Max, it's really not that big a deal."
It was. To her it might not be. If she couldn't do something with her son when she had promised she could, she was able to do it another time. He couldn't just show up to her flat to watch a movie. And Kevin had been so excited… He tried not to remember all the promises that had been made to him as a child, promises he had learned at an early age would never be kept. "Y/n…"
She looked up at him, drawing a breath to, he was sure, tell him again that it was fine. But she paused, studying his face, and he heard her sigh as she lowered the camera. "This is really important to you, isn't it?"
"And to Kevin," he pointed out.
"He did talk about it a lot last night before he went to sleep. Made sure the hotel tv had Disney plus and asked if Ellie would buy some popcorn…" She sighed, smiling. "Did you want to do it next week before Monaco?"
"I was thinking today? After the practice and debrief. If you're not too busy," he added, unintentionally looking towards the Williams garage.
"No, I don't have any plans. Just editing and posting, and I can do that while you two watch a movie. I've got plans for dinner, but there's plenty of time."
"Plans?" he asked, trying his best to sound casual.
"Yeah! Logan offered to take me out to see a little of the town. He's offered to be my tour guide."
At night. Now he knew he would vomit. "How delightful," he managed.
"Yeah, he's sweet. Don't worry, I won't give away any secrets."
The sourness returned, doubled, and he recognized it now as jealousy. Which was beyond ridiculous, because she wasn't his to be jealous over. Seeing that she was about to stand he immediately offered his hand, easily steadying her as she rose to her feet.
He wondered what sort of cream she used on her hands. They were so soft. "Y/n—"
Y/n's smile faded and she practically snatched her hand away. "I'll message you the hotel info," she said, turning on her heel and sweeping into the garage.
"I need to talk to you," his father demanded.
Looking into the garage, he saw that he had a full thirty minutes before practice began. No way out of this conversation. Nodding, he followed his father to a relatively secluded spot, keeping his head down.
"His father is such an asshole, honestly. We were talking outside the garage and he marched up like he owns the—" Y/n glanced to make sure Kevin still had his headphones on and wasn't listening in. Seeing that he did and wasn't, she turned back to Ellie. "—fucking place and barked at him all 'I need to talk to you' like the guy isn't about to go out on the track."
Ellie made a face. "What a prick. What did he have to say to him that was so important?"
Y/n shrugged, bending to gather the dirty pair of socks off the floor. "No idea. He dragged him off and I could see them but couldn't hear anything. I felt so bad for Max."
"I would have too. And he didn't say anything when he got back to the garage?" Ellie smoothed the bedding while y/n stuffed the dirty laundry into a sack.
"Not to me." Sighing, y/n dropped the sack inside the bathroom and then got down on her hands and knees to make sure nothing embarrassing was lying around. "He looked like a kid getting yelled at, Ellie. I had no idea his dad was that much of an—"
She saw Kevin moving and stopped, getting to her feet while he set his tablet and headphones on the table. "Gotta pee, mama," he said, sliding out of the chair.
"Did you finish your game?" she asked while Ellie looked around to make sure the hotel room was presentable.
"Yeah, it's easy," Kevin said.
"Are you gonna tell him?" Ellie whispered.
"No… What if he can't make it? I don't want to get his hopes up." Y/n pushed the chair in at the table and checked the tablet, seeing that Kevin had indeed finished the alphabet game she'd downloaded that morning for him.
"If he doesn't come, maybe we can—" Ellie laughed when there was a knock at the door. "Never mind."
"It might not be him," y/n muttered, even though she knew it had to be. He'd been so insistent, and she'd been able to tell that it was possibly more important to him than it would be to Kevin.
"I'll make sure the lil rugrat washes his hand," Ellie murmured, slipping into the bathroom.
Y/n rubbed her hands on her thighs and went to open the door, giving the hotel room one last glance before doing so. And, just as she'd known, Max was in the hallway. "Hey," she greeted softly, eyes widening a little when she saw he was wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie. "Holy shit, you're allowed to wear non-Red Bull clothes?"
He snorted, letting out a laugh when she just stared at him. "Very funny."
"No, no, I'm serious. Isn't that in your contract or something?" Stepping back, she finally gave him a grin. "C'mon in."
"I don't know if he's allowed, but I brought some sweets." Max held up the grocery bag hanging from one finger.
"Yeah, he's allowed. No allergies or anything," she assured him, closing the door once he'd stepped inside. "He's washing his—"
"Mister Max!"
Y/n nearly teared up. Her son sounded so excited, and she had a moment of panic for letting him befriend Max. He was too busy to drop by regularly, and after Monaco Kevin would be staying home with Ellie, so—
"There's my little mate!"
Fuck's sake, even Max sounded excited. As though a movie with a three year old was the height of his day. Looking on as he swung Kevin up and spun him in a circle, she took the bag and emptied the packets onto the table while Ellie greeted Max and brought out the popcorn from where she'd hidden it from Kevin. Max and Kevin talked nonstop to one another, Max telling him about practice after Kevin gave him a detailed report on what he'd done all day. The boy grabbed his tablet and showed him the games he'd played, showing off his alphabet skills.
"You're good with letters, yeah? Maybe you'd be good learning a new language?" Max suggested.
"Do you know a new language?" Kevin asked.
"He's really good with him," Ellie whispered to y/n.
"Shh," she hissed. Because she already knew. And she didn't need it pointed out to her. Besides, she was listening to Max tell Kevin about the languages he spoke, then to him rattle off a few sentences in each one, much to Kevin's amazement.
"Can you teach me?" he asked hopefully.
"When I can, kleine maat." Max ruffled Kevin's hair. "That means little mate."
"You're my big mate," Kevin decided.
"Grote maat," Max said, repeating it slowly a couple times before Kevin said it properly. "There you go. You'll be speaking Dutch like a pro in no time."
"You want a drink, Max?" Y/n offered. "We don't have Red Bull, sorry—"
"Water's fine. Thanks."
"Can I have water too, mama?"
Nodding, y/n fixed their drinks while Kevin turned on the TV and opened Disney+, rolling her eyes when he told Max the password so he could put it in for him. She saw that Ellie was putting on her shoes and raised her eyebrows. "Where are you going?"
"Oh, I don't want to intrude on big mate, little mate bonding time," Ellie said with a small smile. Peeling Kevin from Max long enough to give him a quick hug, she grabbed her wallet and phone. "And I've seen Mulan about six hundred times, so I'm just gonna go for a walk. Take pictures. Get a coffee and a pastry."
"Have fun," y/n said.
"Mhmm, you too," Ellie said with a smirk as she left.
She rolled her eyes and handed Max his drink then Kevin his cup. Motioning for Max to have a seat on the small sofa, she couldn't help but smile when Kevin immediately climbed to sit next to him, and had the feeling that before the movie was over her son would be cuddled close to his big mate.
"Join us?" Max asked while Kevin looked for the movie.
"Work," she reminded him, transferring the sweets and popcorn to the coffee table and getting her laptop. "I'll watch from here."
"It doesn't look very comfortable."
"It shouldn't. It's work."
He looked ready to argue, but instead took a sip of his water and grabbed a bag of candy. Tossing it onto the table, he gave a small shrug when she looked at him. "You said you like strawberry milk."
Y/n looked from him to the bag several times. He remembered that? She'd mentioned it during the Q and A, when the question had been other than red bull what's your favorite drink? Staring at the bag, she felt a sudden rush of warmth. No one had bought her candy in so long… "Thank you," she murmured.
"You're welcome," he said softly.
She almost told him he didn't have to, but she knew that he already knew that. He'd done it because… She didn't know. Maybe to apologize for his father's behavior. Maybe to show he listened. Maybe, just maybe, because he'd seen it in the shop, remembered her liking strawberry milk, and had bought it because that was something he did, buy a little something for no other reason than you said you liked it.
She tried to focus on work, but the movie kept getting her attention. Finally she gave up, scheduling the posts she'd edited and closing her laptop. Grabbing a bottle of water, she joined them on the sofa as Mushu revealed himself to Mulan. As she'd expected, Kevin had already crawled into Max's lap, sharing his bag of popcorn with the man as they both focused on the movie.
"Mama," Kevin whispered, reaching for her.
She scooted closer, sighing as he turned so he could lean against her arm. Max shifted, and she tried to act nonchalant when he draped his arm behind her on the back of the sofa. Smoothing her son's hair, she pretended not to notice when the arm slid to her shoulders. He probably hadn't even noticed, she told herself, aware that his eyes were locked on the TV screen, paying attention to the movie. When Kevin's favorite part began he sat up, quickly sliding to the floor to sing along and she fully expected Max to pull away from her.
But he didn't, and she pulled her knees up, unable to focus on anything except the weight of his arm around her. It was solid but not uncomfortable, a very real reminder that she hadn't been in this position in a very long time.
"He's so mean," Kevin mumbled as Shun-Yu appeared on the screen. Y/n waited for him to hurry over to climb into her lap but he chose Max instead, and she bit back a sigh when the man gently soothed him, hugging him close.
"It's okay, kleine maat. The good guys will beat him, yeah?" he murmured, pausing the movie.
Kevin nodded against Max's shoulder. "Yeah but he's bad."
"A lot of people are," Max said softly. "But if we focus on that we don't see the good. Do you think about your happy days more or your bad days?"
"Happy days," Kevin said.
"Because they make you happy, yeah? If you think about bad days you'll always be having them. It's like that with people. Focus on the good and do what you can to keep the bad from happening. Bad happens, but the good will always be there."
"You ready to finish the movie?" Max asked gently.
Kevin nodded.
Max finally looked at y/n, glancing down when he saw the way she was staring at him. "I didn't—"
"No, you're good," she promised in a whisper, picking up the remote to resume the movie then hugging her knees. If she didn't occupy her arms, she would throw them around him. Usually she had to explain those things to Kevin. Ellie helped, of course, but Kevin always came to her for more explanation after a life lesson. But Max… He'd explained it so eloquently and gently that he'd understood. And she didn't know why, but, god help her…
It was the sexiest thing she'd ever witnessed.
His arm stayed around her shoulders through the rest of the movie. When Mulan was cast out, she got a little emotional as she always did, even after over six hundred views, and she felt his arm tighten around her, hesitating a tiny bit before letting her head lean against him. All she could smell now was him, the gentle but memorable sandalwood and amber scent that she remembered well from the day before.
"Gotta pee," Kevin announced a little bit later, clambering down and running to the bathroom. Max took the remote to pause the movie.
Y/n began to pull away, lifting her head when he squeezed her arm.
"You're fine," he whispered.
His face was so close. Seeing a tiny piece of popcorn on his chin, she reached up to brush it away, freezing at the sound of his sharp inhale. "Sorry, you got a little…"
When the hell had his eyes become so blue? Just a day ago they'd been a normal blue. Now they reminded her of the antique blue willow china her great grandmother had treasured. Her gaze slipped to his mouth and quickly moved back to his eyes and she heard him inhale again.
"Y/n, I…" His eyes flicked down and she unconsciously licked her lips.
She knew she shouldn't but she suddenly, desperately, wanted to know what it was like to kiss him. She hadn't thought about kissing anyone in what felt like a lifetime, but now she needed it. Lifting her chin slightly, she dropped her hand to his chest. "Max—"
"Y/n, you… I—"
She snatched herself away from Max as though she'd been burned, going so far as to jump to her feet while Kevin rushed back to the sofa. "Go ahead and hit play, I'll be back in just a minute," she promised, nearly tripping over nothing in her haste to get as far away from Max as possible. "Hit play, it's fine, I've seen it a million times."
Once in the bathroom she closed the door and leaned against it, covering her face with both hands. What the hell was wrong with her? Just because she hadn't been kissed since— She dropped her hands, wrinkling her nose in thought. Kevin was three years and two months, and… At any rate, it had been so long she'd assumed she was never going to be kissed again. She hadn't even thought about it in ages, because she'd been so focused on work and raising her son and trying to survive. Now, all of a sudden, she was craving one so bad she'd practically begged him.
He'd been about to tell her he couldn't. She was sure of that. Which only made it even more embarrassing. How could he even want to? She'd seen the girlfriends of other drivers on the grid, there was no way he'd be even remotely interested in her. She wasn't a model or tennis star or whatever their occupations were.
Not to mention she couldn't. It would be wrong on so many levels. What kind of impression would her behavior leave on her son? Not to mention the troubles it would cause at work? And it was in her contract that any sort of fraternization with other members of the team were forbidden. She'd known that but she had read the full contract on the flight to Italy. If she and Max did anything it would eventually come out and she'd be jobless again, this time in a foreign country.
Checking her phone when she felt it buzz in her pocket, she sighed while reading Logan's text.
We're still on right?
She wanted to say no. The best thing for her to do would be to suffer through the rest of the movie, say goodbye to Max, have an early dinner, put Kevin to bed, then take the world's coldest shower. But she was already typing out her reply.
Of course! Looking forward to it.
And she was, she thought, seeing the delivered change to read then the three little dots that he was typing a message. Logan was fun. Nice. Completely uninterested in her romantically, she thought with a sigh.
Great. Be there at 8 to pick you up. Give Kev a high 5 for me?
Will do.
Pushing away from the door, she turned on the water to wash her hands and jumped slightly when there was a gentle knock.
"I'm almost done," she called.
She heard his sigh. "Can I come in?"
No. "Yeah, sure."
He opened the door and stepped in, and she swallowed when he closed the door behind him. "I…"
"Max, don't," she groaned, washing her hands and grabbing the towel. "You don't have to tell me you wouldn't have… Even if I wanted you to. I know."
"Wouldn't have what?" he asked.
God, could the moment get any more embarrassing? "I – You – Jesus, never mind."
"Kiss you?" he murmured.
Why did the way he said it sound like so much more than a kiss? "It's fine. Go back and finish the movie."
"Y/n, I can't."
"You have to leave?" she asked.
"What – no, not the movie," he said. Cupping a hand over his mouth, he breathed deeply and dropped his hand after a few seconds, looking pained. "I can't kiss you."
"Oh." Oh. "Do you have a girlfriend or—"
"If I had a girlfriend I wouldn't be in this tiny toilet with you."
And she believed him. He didn't seem the type to put himself in a situation that could be misinterpreted if he had a partner. "Right. Of course. Then…"
"It's…" He sighed.
"Are you gay? Because I won't tell any—"
"I'm not gay," he cut in gently. "It's… I'm not allowed to kiss you."
She blinked, suddenly understanding. And she wondered if he'd read the contract, too. "Right. Neither am I."
"Christian talked to you too?"
"No? Why would he?"
"He told me you're off limits." Max shook his head. "Said I look at you or something."
"Oh." He did? And just how did Max look at her? "I see."
"And it's in our contracts. Yours and mine, I mean. So… I can't."
She nodded. "Of course. Understood. No more explanation necessary, Max."
"I wouldn't want you to lose your job," he said softly.
She continued to nod. "Got it. Thanks."
He tipped his head, then reached to take the towel from her and she realized she was still drying her hands. "I'll still be Kevin's friend."
Still nodding, she picked up her hand cream and squeezed a dollop into her palm. "Thanks. He likes you."
"I like him too." He hesitated, watching her carefully. "You okay?"
"Peachy keen," she promised, rubbing the cream into her hands. "Just getting ready for my dinner."
His lips settled into a fine line. "Your date."
The way he said it irritated her. As though she was in the wrong for making plans with a new friend. "It's not a date, but yes."
"I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time," he said with absolutely no emotion.
"Well, he's not contractually obligated to be nice to me, so… I know I will," she said, forcing as much sweetness into her voice as possible.
"I'm not nice because of a contract," he snapped.
"Right, sorry, my mistake. He won't not kiss me because of a piece of paper," she corrected.
Max's eyes flashed, a muscle in his jaw twitching. "I thought it wasn't a date?" he asked carefully.
Good, at least he had some emotion. "Oh, so I'm only allowed to kiss him if we're on a date?"
"I didn't say—" He cut off, pressing his lips tight together and exhaling slowly. "You said it wasn't a date."
"Why do you care either way?"
"Is it a date or not?" he ground out.
"It's not." She took her hair down from the ponytail as he sighed with something like relief. "But it could be in the future."
"What, so you'll kiss him because I won't kiss you?"
"If I kiss him, it'll be because both of us want it," she said. She knew she was being silly, maybe even a little stupid. But he was acting as though he were doing her a favor. As though he were somehow honorable, a gentleman even, because he refused to do what she now knew they both wanted.
"Y/n, I can't—"
"A word I'm sure you're not used to saying about yourself," she muttered under her breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, an edge in his voice.
"I didn't know that 'can't' was in your vocabulary is all." Looking at her phone to check the time, she cleared her throat. "Now, if you don't mind, I have to change."
He hesitated while she opened her makeup bag. "Do you want to kiss him?"
"Why do you care?"
He visibly bristled. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"Does he have a reputation for hurting women?" She picked up her hairbrush, and had brushed out her hair completely before he finally answered.
"No." It sounded like it hurt him to say it. "He's nice."
"Then you don't have to worry."
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, no." She laughed humorlessly. "You don't get to ask that. Now please, I have to change."
He stared at her, looking annoyed and irritated, his jaw still twitching. Then, with a huff, he turned to open the door. And froze when he saw the dress hanging from the hook. "Is… That's what you're wearing?"
"Oh my god, Max, you're starting to sound like a jealous boyfriend."
"I'm not jealous," he snorted.
"And you're not my boyfriend," she snapped.
She waited for him to turn around and restart their argument. Altercation. Whatever it was. Instead, he muttered something under his breath and snatched the door open. Went out, closing it. And sounded perfectly normal when he apologized to Kevin and resumed the movie.
Y/n was still annoyed even after changing and doing her makeup. She fussed over her hair, unsure whether she wanted to wear it up or down, finally leaving it down. She was fully aware that she was putting more work into her appearance than she would have if Max hadn't said what he had, and still knew she was being silly and stupid. Hadn't she just told herself nothing could happen between them?
Yes, but maybe if he hadn't acted as though he were doing an immense favor she wouldn't be so upset. I wouldn't want you to lose your job. Indicating that if he kissed her and they were found out, his job was secure.
"Sanctimonious prick," she muttered while she spritzed perfume on her wrists and rubbed them together. As she exited the bathroom the outer door of the room opened and Ellie came in, her jaw dropping when she saw her.
"Holy shit babes, you look amazing!"
She smiled, doing a turn for her friend. "You think so?"
"His jaw is gonna be on the floor the whole time. Holy shit, milf alert." Ellie whistled softly, waving her hand as though overcome with heat.
Y/n giggled. "Thanks."
The movie was ending and Kevin oohed and aahed over her dress, telling her over and over how pretty she was. Max stared at her, his jaw set, but said nothing, looking away and starting to clear up the remains of the snacks.
"Isn't she pretty, grote maat?" Kevin asked.
And even though her back was to him, she felt his gaze. Glancing over her shoulder at him while she fastened her necklace, she watched his shoulders rise and fall with a sigh. "Very pretty, kleine maat."
"You're supposed to tell her," Kevin whispered. "Always tell a lady she's beautiful. Right, aunt Ellie?"
"That's right, buddy," Ellie said proudly. She gave y/n an odd look, silently asking what had happened, narrowing her eyes when y/n merely shrugged.
"Because women are pretty all the time," Kevin went on and y/n smiled. At least she was doing something right…
After fastening her earrings she turned from the dresser, breath catching in her throat when she found Max staring at her. Vaguely aware of Ellie telling Kevin to wash his hands so they could eat the dinner she'd brought, she squatted, getting her heels from her suitcase, along with her shawl.
"Je bent mooi," Max said.
She met his gaze as she rose to her feet. "What's that mean?"
"You're beautiful," he whispered.
"Thank you." And though she knew it was catty, she couldn't help the words that slipped out of her mouth. "Do you think Logan will like it?"
His jaw twitched. "He'd be stupid not to."
"That doesn't answer my question," she practically cooed, slipping on her heels.
He made a sound of disgust in his throat. "He's annoying and dumb sometimes, but he's not stupid. So, yes, I think he'll like it."
"Look at you, hyping me up." She wasn't stupid either, she could hear and feel the jealousy. Good, she thought, getting her small handbag and transferring her few necessities to it.
"Is he picking you up?" Max asked. "Or are you meeting him somewhere?"
"Are you gonna stick around and question his intentions?" she scoffed. "Because if so, I'm meeting him."
"I just—"
"Do you want some pasta, Mister Max?" Kevin asked as he came out of the bathroom with Ellie.
"Ah, maybe next time," Max said after clearing his throat. "You eat some for me, hm?"
She wanted to be mad that he was so good with her son. Proclaim they could only ever be coworkers, then turn around and continue to be her son's favorite person. It wasn't fair. But she didn't want him to be mean to Kevin. So she smiled, fixing her shawl while Max told Kevin he would see him at quali tomorrow, wishing she could stay mad at him but that was impossible, especially when he lifted her son up and gave him a tight hug, telling him he'd enjoyed the movie.
"Can we watch another one day?" Kevin asked hopefully and y/n drew in a breath, prepared to say they couldn't ask Max that, he was too busy.
"Of course we can. You pick the movie and we'll watch it next week?"
He gave Kevin another hug then gently encouraged him to eat his dinner, smiling and saying goodnight to Ellie. Then he turned to her, and she felt an unexpected heat ripple through her as his eyes slowly looked her up and down.
"Thanks for coming," she murmured, walking him to the door.
"I enjoyed it." He rubbed the back of his neck. "For the most part."
"Kevin had a great time."
"Yes. And that's all that matters."
Ouch. "Goodnight, Max."
"Enjoy your dinner with Logan."
"I will."
He rocked back on his heels, exhaling harshly. "I'm…" He cleared his throat. "Goodnight, y/n."
She closed the door and bit back a whine. Stupid, stupid, stupid—
"Talk tonight when you get back?" Ellie asked gently, watching her while she fixed Kevin's plate.
"It's nothing," she insisted, double checking that she had everything in her handbag. Phone, ID and passport, room key, lipstick, mirror. "Just being stupid."
"You're not stupid, mama," Kevin said anxiously.
"I know, thank you. Sorry. Just feeling stupid."
"But you look so pretty," he told her.
She smiled, sighing as she crossed the room to kiss his cheek. "You're the best son in the world, you know that?"
He giggled, rubbing the lipstick from his cheek. "And you're the best mama."
"Only because you're the best son," she insisted.
"Do you like Mister Logan?" he asked suddenly, scrunching his face when she fastened the bib around his neck.
"He's nice. But he's just a friend."
"But." Kevin's lips poked out in thought. "He's taking you on a date."
"Dinner. You know how you miss Cotton?" She took a napkin and cleaned the smudge of lipstick from his cheek when he nodded. "He misses America sometimes. It's kind of like when you pet the cats on your walks."
"Ohh…" Kevin nodded with all the understanding a three year old could muster. "So he's gonna pet you?"
She blinked, instinctively reaching to swat Ellie's arm when her friend choked back a giggle. "Not exactly," she groaned. "We're just gonna talk."
Ellie was still giggling ten minutes later when Logan knocked on the door. "Sorry, sorry," she gasped when y/n shot her a glare. "I'll behave."
"That'll be the day," y/n muttered under her breath as she went to open the door. "Hey," she greeted warmly, smiling up at him.
He was dressed in slacks, a button down, and a jacket. His smile faded a little as he stared at her, and she saw his throat move as he swallowed. "Whoa. You look great."
"Thanks. You do too."
She let him in so Kevin could say hi, ducking into the bathroom to fix her lipstick and remind herself that it was just dinner. Logan was just a friend, or at least would hopefully be a friend. Saying goodnight to her son, she felt her shawl slipping, ignoring Ellie's knowing look when Logan immediately reached to catch it, his hands gentle as he draped it over her shoulders. Just dinner. Just dinner with just a friend.
But when they walked down the street to the restaurant, which was just around the corner, and his hand brushed hers she told herself it was alright. And when he slipped his hand protectively over hers she didn't pull away. In the restaurant when Lando and a few others called out to him she hung back, blushing when Logan gently tugged her along to greet his friends.
"Didn't know you had a date tonight, mate," Oscar commented, nodding to her in greeting.
She could have corrected him. Could have announced to everyone that it wasn't a date. But Logan's bashful chuckle warmed her and she smiled. "We American's have to stick together," she said, enjoying Logan's laugh.
"You know, England is an ally," Lando said with a smirk.
"Still haven't forgiven you for taxation without representation," she sighed.
"That wasn't me," Lando defended while the others laughed.
"Your ancestors though," Oscar told him.
"They were doing what they thought was right? How am I at fault now?"
"You opened your mouth," Carlos said with a laugh.
"C'mon, babe, our table's ready," Logan murmured, hand slipping to the small of her back.
"Enjoy your date!" Oscar called after them.
"I hope you trip over your independence!" Lando yelped when Oscar elbowed him.
Laughing, y/n let Logan guide her to the other side of the dining room, where they were thankfully shielded from the table of drivers. He held the chair for her and she thanked him while the waiter handed them the menus.
"I'm sorry about that. Oscar and Lando… I should have told them it wasn't a date," Logan said once they were alone.
"It's fine," she assured him. "I mean, technically, it is a date."
"I guess so. I just don't want you thinking I'm making it out to more than it is."
"What is it?" she asked.
"Two friends, hopefully. Spending time together." He looked up from his menu. "Probably should have taken you somewhere more casual, huh? This place makes it look like I'm trying to impress you."
She hadn't thought of it like that. "…Are you trying to impress me?"
"Do you want me to?"
Their eyes met and she slowly inhaled, thinking over what the best answer would be.
So you'll kiss him because I won't kiss you?
Do you want to kiss him?
She exhaled, sending thoughts of Max as far away as possible. "I think I do."
He looked relieved and oh, so handsome in this light. "Then I might be trying to impress you a little."
"You're doing amazing so far."
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@spookystitchery | @halleest | @lyannesworld | @llando4norris | @kravitzwhore | @younxii | @silentreader128 | @samantha-chicago | @mrsbrxkkxr | @cmleitora |
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poppyflower-22 · 11 hours
Wild Wild West
Summary: Lando walks into a bar and falls for Oscar's barrel racing Cousin.
Side note: I'm Australian so chips to me are fries to most people. Idk in my family we call everything chips. There's properly spelling and grammar errors.
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When people think of ranch life they think cows. The smell. But that’s not Lando thinks. He thinks of Y/n. The love of his life.
The woman who changed his life. Meeting her in that bar was the best thing that had ever happened to him. It was like God was leading him to his salvation.
He wouldn't know what to do without now. Meeting her was like meeting his soulmate. He had gotten everything and more from meeting her.
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Lando smiled in relief when he saw the glowing sign of a motel. It felt like he was walking for days when it had only been two hours. The sun had gone down while he walked and while it was beautiful he didn't have time to think about it.
When Oscar had gave instructions to him, he never thought it would be that hard to find a house. But then again, he was in the middle of nowhere. All he needed was a phone and everything would be fine.
And maybe a drink. Defiantly a drink.
Lando opened the bar doors and immediately made his way over to the bar. There was the bar with stools, a dancing floor, a pool table and a few more tables in witched he guessed people sat, drank and ate.
“Whiskey. Please.” Lando told the bartender who nodded. Lando sighed and looked around. He saw two-men playing pool. They looked to be in there 20's
On the other side of the bar was an older man reading a paper. No one else was in the bar.
“Excuse me. Do you have a pay phone I can use?” Lando asked the bartender when he placed his drink in front of him.
The bartender chuckled. “You're in bad luck mate. Phone broke yesterday.”
Lando grumbled. “Thanks anyway.” He sipped his whisky slightly thinking of ways to contact Oscar to come get him out of this mess.
The bartender offered him a small smile. “Do you have anywhere to sleep for the night mate?” He asked as he cleaned some glasses.
Lando shook his head. “No. I’m lost. Can you tell me where I am?” Lando looked around the bar and he could tell the bar was well looked after.
The town he was in looked pretty nice but when Lando was walking in he could tell it was small. That not many people knew it was here. He had seen many of ranches and some old looking house when he was looking for a pay phone.
“Old Range.” (Fake) The bartender said. “I’m Jeff, and that old man down there is my father John he owns the hotel across the road. You can sleep there for the night.” Jeff offered Lando.
Lando nodded in thanks. “Thank you.” He sent a smile to Jeff and John; John just waved him off and went back to reading hardly paying attention.
“Yes!!” An excited yell made Lando look over and see the two guys playing pool.
Jeff shook his head at the guys playing pool. He poured Lando another drink. The front bar doors opened and when Lando looked over to the door he felt like the air was stolen from his lungs.
The most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life was standing there looking at him. She had a nice blue dress, compared with a leathered belt around her waist. And of course, cowboys boot along with the black cowboy hat.
Y/n smiled as she walked over to the bar. She stopped and kissed John on the cheek before taking a seat next to Lando.
“Jeff.” Y/n greeted with a smile one he returned. "Whisky please." She turned to Lando and sent him a smile that had him melting. "Not from around here?" She asked as she looked him up and down.
Lando suddenly felt silly for wearing a hoodie and jeans. Mainly the hoodie. "No." He gulped.
You hummed taking a sip of your drink.
"First place again, Y/n?" Jeff asked the girl.
She nodded, "It was tuff, but they can never beat the rebel." She grinned; Jeff just laughed.
"What did you get first place for?" Lando couldn't help but ask.
The boys that were at the pool table laughed making Lando look back at them. Y/n shot them a look making them shut up. She looked at Lando, "Barrel racing." She answered him.
Lando looked wide eyed at her, "Wow." He breathed out. "Isn't it dangerous?" He asked intred.
Y/n shrugged, "Yeah but I know what I'm doing." She nodded to over his shoulder and Lando turned and saw photos and newspaper clipping all over the wall. "Thats all me." She explained to him.
He couldn't help but get up and get a closer look. Y/n got up as well and stood shoulder to shoulder to him. There were folders of her holding trophies and belt buckles from a little age to now he guessed.
"How long have you been barrel racing." Lando asked. His British accent showing making Y/n grin.
"Since I was four. I did it on pony and then horse once I got older. Travel all around the world." She explained. She pointed to a higher up picture. It was a picture collum with five photos of her holding a big trofie with a buckle int he other hand. "I'm a five-time world barrel racing champion." She grinned bumping shoulders with a god smacked Lando.
"Jesus." He breathed out. When this beautiful girl couldn't get more interesting. He chuckled, "And I can't even win a race."
Y/n hummed looking fondly at the photos. "You will one day." She told him.
Lando hummed but whipped around to look at her with frowned eyebrows wondering how she knew what he meant. "Do you now that I'm an F1 racer?"
Y/m turned to him and smirked, "Y/n Piastri. Pleasure." She told him.
Lando just started at her in wonder. "Your related to Oscar? You?"
She giggled. "Cousins. He called me before and told me he had been calling you. He checked where your last known location was and asked me to come and get you." She explained to him.
"Wow." Lando said. He took a seat at one of the bar tables near the wall. "Man, my day has been hectic."
Y/n hummed and sat across from him. "It's easy-to-get lost around these parts. But it has its perks from growing up around here." She told him. "I told Oscar I'll bring you to the ranch tomorrow."
Lando smiled at her in thanks. She smiled back making him blush a little. "But for now we should get some food in you." She beamed before looking at Jeff. "Just the usual." She told the bartender making him grin and nod before going through the doors to the kitchen.
"I should of recognized you from the photos Oscar showed me." Lando told the girl.
"Oscar talks about me?" Y/n asked as she leaned forward a bit.
Lando nodded, "All the time." Making Y/n smile.
Lando and Y/n sat there talking about barrel racing and Y/n asking more about F1. There conversation flowed making John look up from his paper now and then.
It was interesting seeing Y/n take an interest in a boy. She has had past relationships, but they never worked out. Especially the bull riding boys.
A plate being put on the table made their conversation stop. On the plate was a good-sized steak and chips. Jeff winked giving Y/n a small bowl of chips.
"Enjoy." He said before going back behind the bar to get the boys from the pool table another drink.
"This looks amazing." Lando looked at the steak in amazement.
"Yeah, Jeff makes the best steak ever." Y/n told the brit as she started eating her chips. She watched as Lando smiled at the taste of it. "Good?"
"Define." Lando answered making Y/n giggle. For the rest of the night Lando and Y/n had eaten, talked, drank and played pool with the two guys.
The two giggled together crossing the dirt road to the motel, Y/n's hat on Lando's head. John had gone and gotten Lando's key for him before they left the bar. Y/n smiled and looked up at the clear sky.
Lando stopped to see what she was doing. He had his arm around her shoulders with Y/n holding his hand that was round her. "Why'd you stop?" He asked.
When she didn't answer he looked to sky where she was looking. The sky was so clear you could see the stars so clearly. Them shining brightly down to them. "It's so beautiful." Lando spoke soflty.
"I never see stars like this anywhere else." Y/n confessed. "Home is where the heart is." She said leaning her head on Lando's shoulder.
Lando leaned his head on her head. "That's the truth." He whispered.
They stood there looking at the sly before Lando leaded them to their rooms that were next to each other.
"Well, this is me." Y/n said at her door. Lando smiled at her and tucked a piece of her brown blackish hair behind her ear. When Y/n looked at him she couldn't but smile, "Why are you smiling at me?"
"You're so beautiful." He confessed to her admiring all her features that made her, her. He wouldn't be able to live not doing what he was about to do.
Y/n blushed and giggled trying not to let his complement go to her heart. She had already felt like Lando was amazing and could be more. "Your drunk." She told him.
Lando shook his head in refusal and took both her cheeks in his hands. "I have never been more sober then right now. God when you walked into, the bar this afternoon I thought you were most beautiful woman in the world. And I won't be able to go to asleep without doing this." Lando confessed to her.
Before she could ask what, he was going to do he kissed her. It didn't take a moment for Y/n to kiss him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged on his curls making him groan. It was like a part of them each other had found each other.
They parted. Foreheads leaning on each other. "You don't even know me." Y/n told the brit.
Lando shook his head softly, "I want to know you. I want to know the good and the bad." He told her, his breath fanning her face. Y/n smiled tracing his face with her finger tips.
"You do?"
And they kissed again. So passionately. Y/n smiled into the kiss. In that moment after just meeting a few hours ago they knew they were meant for each other. They both just knew.
When they parted again for the second time, Y/n took a step back and opened her hotel door and beckoned him making him grin and Y/n to squeal when he picked her up again.
It was one of the best nights that Lando had ever had. He had never met a girl as beautiful, kind and just God dam different then Y/n. He fell in love that night when he went to asleep in the old town hotel with Y/n next to him.
It was the start of one of the tales of Y/n and Lando. Anyone that saw them together would think they would never go together. With Y/n all county like and Lando far from it, but just one second with them, you would know that they were better together then apart.
And Oscar had sworn that he had never seen Lando happier than he was when he was with his cousin. And now a new photo sat on the wall of the bar.
But whenever there in their little town they always star gaze together.
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You guys can request anything you want for Lando.
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kpop---scenarios · 2 days
Reckless (8)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Warnings: Sadness, Violence
Word Count: 2.1k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @feellikecinderella @asphalstead @minh0scat @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @hyun-hwanj @zerefdragn33l @stelle-aka-simp @iambangchanswife @seungminsapuppy @chanbahng29 @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa @glitter-z
Previous Chapters
“Y/N.. you have to listen to me.” Jisung panics. “I was only trying to do what was best for you.”
“What was best for me? So me being so depressed I couldn't shower, brush my teeth, or even fucking eat was the best for me?” You scream. “Why do you get to choose who I love and who I want to be with?”
“He's my fucking best friend! I didn't want things to change between us, or me and you. And I knew they would. Not to mention I think there's better guys out there for you.” Jisung says, glancing at Minho.
“Your reasoning for ruining him and me was because you didn't want to lose your best friend? Are you fucking kidding me!? How selfish are you!? I can't.. I can't even look at you right now.” You whisper.
“Why would you tell her? Fuck sakes.” Jisung yells at Minho.
“Are you serious?” Minho gasps. “You told her I said some awful shit and you're mad at me for telling her that you made me choose?”
“It was for her own good! And yours! Neither of you would have been happy with each other!” Jisung screams.
“How do you know!? Huh, how do you know!? I've never felt so fucking safe and content with anyone, except when I was with Y/N. She made me feel like I could do anything..like I could be anything. You have no fucking idea how much better I felt about my shitty life when I was with her. And YOU took that away from me!” Minho screams back. “You ruined me! You ruined her! So fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Jisung yells. “What does it matter now anyways, huh? You gonna abandon Maya and your fucking baby to be with my sister now? Huh?” Jisung yells.
You stand there, shock flowing through your body, your mouth hanging down as you stare at Minho with tears in your eyes.
“Fuck.” Minho screams. He lunges for Jisung, tackling him to the ground. You can barely even process what was happening in this very moment. You were too stuck on Maya and baby.
A baby.
He was having a baby?
With someone else..someone he really didn't even like. You watched Minho on top of your brother, getting shot after shot to Jisung's face, and Jisung trying to shield himself. You can't breathe. Your head was spinning. You so wished this fucking moment was a dream. You closed your eyes trying to wake yourself up but it wasn't working. Why wasn't it working? You just wanted to get up from this fucking nightmare.
Jisung manages to get Minho off of him, hitting him wherever he could. You turn around, walking out the front door. You continue to walk and walk until you have no idea where you are. You barely even remembered how you got to where you were. You pull out your phone, calling Chan. You needed someone but not your friends. You needed someone who was going to give it to you straight and not pussy foot around, and that person was absolutely Chan.
“Hellooo?” He answers.
“Can you pick me up?” You whisper. “I'm not terribly sure where I am.” You sigh.
“Give me street names and a number on a building if you can. I'll find you.” He says, hanging up the phone. You slip your phone back into your pocket, finally letting your tears flow. You crouched down, resting your head in your knees as you hugged yourself and sobbed. You felt so betrayed by the two people you trusted more than anyone else in this world, despite all the shit they had put you through.
“Y/N.” Chan whispers. You look up at him, you're sure mascara is smeared across your cheeks. He looks at you sympathetically, holding his hand out. You reach out to grab it, he pulls you up, helping you to his car. He opens your passenger side door, closing it once you're in and heading to the driver's side. The entire car side is silent, aside from your whimpering. You appreciated that he wasn't badgering you for information but instead waiting until you were ready. He pulls into the parking lot of his apartment building. You follow him inside, heading to his couch, where you pull your knees up to your chest and take a few deep breaths.
“So.” You begin. You can feel your lip beginning to tremble again as you try to get the words out. The tears threatened to roll down your cheeks again.
“Take your time.” Chan half smiles.
“Jisung.. he um, he told Minho that he had to choose between me and him.” You whisper. “So he had to make a decision if it was going to be me, or his best friend, his brother.” You say.
“What?” Chan gasps.
“That's not even the worst.” You half laugh. “Remember how I told you those things Jisung told me Minho said about me?” You ask. He nods his head. “Turns out Minho never said them. Jisung made it up to make sure I stayed away from him.” You cry. “And now I find out that Maya is pregnant, and Minho is going to be a dad, and I feel like I have no one and my entire world is fucking falling apart.” You whimper. Your chest gets tight as you try to catch your breath. Chan grabs onto your arm, looking you in the eyes, his face close to yours.
“Breathe, Y/N. Come on, breathe.” He smiles. You take a few deep breaths, maintaining eye contact until you feel like you can breathe again. He smiles at you. You lean in, pressing your lips to his. He doesn't move away, but the kiss.. Is not how a kiss should feel. You both back away, looking at each other a little confused.
“That wasn't..” Chan starts.
“No offense, but it felt like I was kissing a cousin.” You giggle.
“No offense taken, I feel the exact same.” Chan laughs. “I think we're meant to be friends.”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” You smile. “Look, I'm sorry about this.” You sigh. “Calling you, all the crying and big dump of issues I just threw at you.”
“Isn't this what friends do?” He smiles. “I'm pretty sure friends are meant to be there for you when you need them.”
“Well I really appreciate it. Any advice on what to do? I don't know if I can go back there.” You say.
“Did you hear back from that psychology scholarship you applied for a few weeks ago?” He asks.
You shake your head. While you were on your healing journey, you had applied for a scholarship at a different University across the country. You had thought it would be nice to get away and go somewhere for a fresh start for a few months at least. You really didn't think you were going to get it.
“Well feel free to stay here tonight, if you want.” He tells you. And that's exactly what you did. You had messaged Jisoo and Hyunjin, letting them know there were some issues and you were turning your phone off.
It was mainly because Minho and Jisung would not stop fucking calling and texting you. You needed time away and would turn it back on in the morning, when you were ready. That night you spent your whole time with Chan, watching movies, eating good food and just talking. You talked about everything and nothing, how you were feeling, your feelings for Minho, which, despite everything, haven't changed. You still loved him, and seeing him after a month of not seeing him had every single thought and feeling you had rushed back to you at full force. But you weren't sure if you could do it with him, not to mention he was going to be a dad. How could you come in between him and the mother of his child? You weren't that type of person.
That night you laid on Chan's couch, your mind racing between everything. You were so fucking conflicted and you honestly just wished you could get away. You turned on your phone, feeling the need to scroll mindlessly through TikTok or something. You had a few texts come through that you ignored, and an email. You checked the email, and sat up on the couch.
“Congratulations Miss L/N Y/N.” You read. “You've been selected for the scholarship in…” You pause. You screamed, as loud as you could, forgetting it was 3am and Chan was sleeping. He rushed into the living room, looking panicked with a baseball bat in his hand.
“What?” He yells. “What happened?”
“I GOT IN!” You cry. “I got the scholarship!”
“Oh my god, Y/N, that's amazing!” He yells, rushing over to hug you. He squeezes you so tightly, like a proud dad. It filled your heart with so much joy. Jisoo and Hyunjin had the same reaction when you told them the next day, but then sadness filled the room.
“I can't believe you're really leaving.” Hyunjin pouts. You take his hand, holding it tightly.
“I'll be back. I promise.” You smile. “It's only for a few months. And it'll be good for me to get away. From everything.”
“I still can't believe Jisung did that to you.” Jisoo sighs. “I broke up with him, by the way.” She tells you.
“What? Why? You really liked him.” You gasp.
“I did, but the fact that he could do that to his own sister is just appalling.” She says.
“His heart was in the right place, Ji. He definitely went about it the wrong way, but don't let it ruin your relationship. You seem to be having a positive impact on him and I like that.” You smile.
Later that day, you went home. You see a depressed Jisung sitting on the couch, wallowing in self pity and ice cream. The second he sees you, he jumps off the couch. A tear rolls down his bruised cheek.
“Y/N.. I'm so fucking sorry.” He whispers. “I was so selfish and just such a piece of shit.. my god, I'm so sorry for everything.” He tells you. You walk towards him, wrapping your arms around him.
“I know.. I know your heart was in the right place.” You sigh.
“But I went about it in the worst possible way. And I will never forgive myself for that, Y/N. I was really just trying to protect you.” He says, holding you tighter.
“I know you were.” You say. “I forgive you, but I'm still so fucking mad at you.
“Jisoo is too. She broke up with me.” Jisung sighs.
“I spoke to her already, I'm sure you'll be getting a call soon.” you smile. “Listen.. I have some news.” You say, pulling away from him. You lead him to the couch to sit down.
“Oh god, what?” He whispers. You can tell he's scared.
“I got accepted for a scholarship at a university.. across the country.” You grin.
“Oh my god, Y/N! That's so amazing! I'm so happy for you!” He yells. “How long are you gone for?” He asks.
“Just a few months.. but given everything, I need a few months away.” You half chuckle.
“I think so too. A nice little fresh start. Recharge and do a lot of thinking. Make some new friends. I'm really excited.” You say.
“When do you leave?” He asks.
“That's tomorrow!?” He panics, standing up. “Get upstairs and get packing! Right now!” He exclaims. You laugh as you stand up, pulling him in for another hug. You head upstairs to your room, pulling out your suitcases and start packing, making sure to do the essentials first. A few hours into your packing, there's a knock at your door.
“I am packing Jisung, don't worry!” You yell. The door opens.
You turn around, Minho stands there. You don't know what to say.
“You're really leaving?” He asks.
“Not forever.” You say. “But this is a great opportunity and I need time.”
“She's not pregnant.” He blurts out. “It was a false alarm.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Why? I didn't want to have a baby with her, I don't even want to be with her. It's you, Y/N. I know everything has been shit these last few months and I'm so sorry for that but it's all done. Everything is out in the open, we can really be together.” He smiles.
“Minho..” you sigh.
“Please Y/N. Please don't go. I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. I want it all with you, I'm all fucking in. Just please.” He begs.
“Please don't leave me.”
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luvvsessed · 1 day
Star Bound [M]
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A series of oneshots in a fun space au.
-> It was only supposed to be a temporary stay with the infamous space pirates of The Halazia, but Wooyoung gets captured by the Space Guard and plans change. [masterlist]
Woosan x F!Reader [1st POV]
8,079 words
Genre: space pirate au, smut, romance, one shot, mdni
warnings under the cut
note: this is a oneshot out of a series of one shots in a space pirate au i wrote :) tried to edit this so the context would make sense since i won't post the full fic for reasons.
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and in no way an attempt to be a true depiction of anyone. It’s just fun!
content: explicit content, smut, threesome, m/m content, dom!san, switch!wooyoung, anal sex, oral [f, m], use of butt plug, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex [no bueno], pet names, violence, murder, reference to past physical abuse, yeah
We arrived on Planet Nior before I even woke up in the morning, and I had to push away the sad feelings growing in my chest as I gathered my things. Hongjoong had pulled into a hanger that was being watched by someone he knew; someone who wouldn't out him to the Space Guard. As they discussed the day before, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were going to scope around some more information while Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho went and took care of getting supplies. Yunho and San were in charge of manning the ship, while Wooyoung would escort me into Yorwich.
"Oh, you don't have to do that..." I said softly, ignoring the annoying pangs in my chest. Wooyoung just waved me off.
"Please, I want to," he said with a grin and I could only smile at him.
I said my first goodbyes to San and Yunho, smiling when San and Wooyoung shared quick kisses before Wooyoung tugged my hand and pulled me away. As we got closer to Yorwich (it was a brief walk) Hongjoong and Seonghwa turned to go their separate ways from us.
"Thank you so much," I said as I bowed to the two men. "I appreciate it..." My voice wavered some and I forced myself to smile at them. If they noticed it, they didn't say anything.
"Take care of yourself," Hongjoong said while Seonghwa nodded.
"And work on your combat. You suck," he then added with a grin and I gave him the finger. "Like I said before, you couldn't handle me."
I rolled my eyes and shooed them away, a bitter smile on my face as the rest of us made our way to Yorwich. As we entered, the other pirates covered the bottom halves of their faces with masks, obviously in an attempt to hide their identities.
I said goodbye to Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho, the former two pulling me into a tight group hug while Jongho just ruffled my hair, only because he knew that would bother me. He laughed when I swatted his hand away. They went their way as well, leaving me with Wooyoung. I sighed.
"So, what's the plan?" he asked as he turned towards me. "Gonna make a life here, right?"
"I'm gonna try to," I answered as we walked into the bustling street. "I'll need to find a place to stay first, then find a job to keep me afloat until I can get my own place..."
Starting over... that wasn't easy. I felt Wooyoung grab my hand and give it a squeeze, and I could tell he was smiling at me even with his mask on.
"You'll be fine!"
We looked around some until we found a rather homey looking inn. We stood off to the side, the frown on my face deeper than ever as my chest started to tighten up.
"Well, I can always try here..." I said softly, voice trailing off as I looked at the ground. "Thanks for escorting me, Wooyoung..."
Wooyoung stared at me for a moment. "You really don't wanna leave, huh?" he asked, just as someone bumped into him. "Hey!"
"Oh, sorry..." the person with their hood up over their head apologized and scurried off. Wooyoung just huffed in annoyance, rubbing his arm a bit before he faced me again.
"Um," I shook my head. "I'm fine, Wooyoung. You should get back to the others."
I was lying, of course. I wasn't fine and I didn't want to leave... but I wasn't sure if they would want me as an official crewmate anyway. While Seonghwa was only teasing, I knew I sucked at combat and could barely hold a gun. I would be a burden.
Wooyoung just whined at my answer, pulling down his dark blue mask to show me his pout. "Fine, fine. I'll let you go."
I just laughed. "Don't be a baby. Besides, you'll have some treasure to look forward to."
Wooyoung rolled his eyes, still pouty. "Fine... but you have to give me a kiss before you leave."
"Kiss your boyfriend," I said with an eye roll. "But I will kiss your cheek."
That seemed to make Wooyoung happy regardless so he slightly turned his face to give me his cheek. I laughed softly and stepped up to him.
"Thanks for being my friend, Wooyoung," I said softly before I leaned in to kiss his cheek.
Except, at the last second he turned his head and my lips pressed against his, and I could feel him grinning.
"Come here." Was all he said before he pulled me in to kiss me again, and all thought left my mind as I kissed him back, hand gently touching his cheek.
"We'll meet again," Wooyoung whispered softly as he pressed his forehead against mine. "And San and I will have you." He sent me a smirk before he pulled his mask over his face.
Blushing furiously, I just playfully pushed him away. "Shut up and go!"
And he went, his infectious laughter echoing in my ears as I turned and walked into the Inn. I took a deep breath, ignoring how tight my chest felt, and walked inside.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung covered his face again as he walked through the crowded streets, looking for something to get for San. He was sad about the departure of his new friend, but it was what she wanted, so...
He stopped, shaking his head as his world started to spin, his vision starting to blur. He moved and put a hand up against a nearby wall just next to the entrance of a small alleyway. He just got dizzier and dizzier, stumbling over his feet.
“Hey. Are you okay?” Wooyoung heard a voice say, and why was that voice so familiar? Someone grabbed him, and Wooyoung would have pushed that person away, if his limbs didn't feel so damn heavy.
“I'm... fine...” he said weakly, now in the alleyway as two people flanked his sides. His vision was getting darker, his head pounding and his body feeling so, so heavy. He was so tired...
He fell to his knees, the last thing he hears before passing out the low, dark laughter of the men with hoods over their heads...
Thankfully, the Inn we found was looking for a waitress to start working there, and if I was to take the job, I'd have a place to live as well. It almost seemed too good to be true, how everything just lined up so well, but I wasn't going to question a blessing.
I've escaped a terrible situation at home, only to find myself in the hands of an egotistical bastard who used fear and violence to control his crew. I would forever be thankful to Hongjoong and the others for sparing my life and taking me in when they raided his ship, and will forever cherish them even with our short time knowing each other.
I start working there at the Inn the following day, so I took the day to settle in and at least get to know a few people and the area. Hours went by and soon, the sun started to set and I was downstairs having dinner amongst the inn's patrons. There was chatter everywhere, and I mostly minded my business until the two men's conversation at the table next to me garnered my attention. As I listened, my blood went cold.
"Did you hear? I heard the Guard got hands on a pirate."
"What? No way!"
"Yeah! They are stationed at the North East hangar lot and have the pirate in custody."
"Oh shit... do you know who it was?"
"No clue... apparently someone from The Halazia crew. Can you believe it? Shows how no matter how notorious you may be, the Guard will always get you."
"No shit... I wonder who it was."
"I have no clue. Apparently he wore a dark blue mask to cover his face..."
My ears started to ring then, my eyes unfocusing as I gasped softly in shock.
Hiding behind the pile of large crates, I took a few deep, calming breaths before I peaked over them, looking over at the large Space Guard ship docked away. It was now dark, Nior's two moons shining brightly in the sky and shining down on the hangar. There were new guards present, due to some taking a break inside the city before they set off to leave early in the morning. I overheard them talking about the "nasty" pirate they managed to capture, saying while it wasn't Captain Hongjoong, Wooyoung was still a premium grab, one that will get them brownie points with the higher ups.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust and shook my head. Wooyoung was inside the ship, and while no one was around outside, I knew there would be guards inside. Clutching my bag tightly, I took in another deep breath before standing up. I knew I was probably being stupid and reckless, but I had to get Wooyoung out of there quickly.
So, carefully I made my way over towards the ship, being as quiet as I could. I took a few more steps, eyes going wide as suddenly, a hand clamps harshly over my mouth and I'm yanked back towards the crates. I yelped out in pain as my back hit against one, before that same hand covered my mouth again.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Hongjoong whispered harshly, his fingers digging into my face as he glared at me. Seonghwa stood behind him, staring hard at me with his pistol pulled and pointed right at my head.
"...What is going on here?" Seonghwa asked, his voice even and flat.
"Was this a trick?" Hongjoong then asked, pressing his hand harder against my face, his other hand pushing back on my shoulder. "Get us here so you can sell us out? We got worried when Wooyoung didn't come back to the ship on time and I had to find out from my fucking contact that he's been taken!"
I could feel the rage coming from Hongjoong's body as he glowers down at me, his usually bright eyes now cold and piercing. His hand left my mouth, only to wrap tightly around my throat.
"Answer me before I kill you."
I choked out a sob, quickly shaking my head as best as I could. "No! I-I was trying to find him!" I cried out, fingernails digging into Hongjoong's hand as I tried to pull him off me. "I'd never hurt him! Or anyone else on the crew!"
Hongjoong fixed me with another hard stare, his hand still tight around my neck. Tears were falling down my face, my face red from exertion. Seonghwa placed a hand on Hongjoong's shoulder, and he finally loosened up, taking a step back as I fell to the ground, coughing all while trying to gasp in some air.
Seonghwa crouched down before me. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked as he reached for me and I flinched away from him. He immediately dropped his hands and stood up.
"You shouldn't be here," Seonghwa said. "What were you going to do by yourself?"
"I was... going to save Wooyoung," I answered roughly, glare on my face as I stood up on shaky legs. I looked at Hongjoong, meeting his stone cold face before his lips curled up in a cruel smile.
"You were going to get yourself killed, you stupid girl."
"Then what was I supposed to do?!"
"Come fucking find us! He belongs to my crew, so we will help him!"
"He's my friend!" I shouted back, Hongjoong and I's faces dangerously close as we screamed at each other. Seonghwa was at a loss for a moment, watching warily as Hongjoong and I stared each other down.
"I would have done the same for any of you," I say and Hongjoong scoffed.
"Why? We won't see each other ever again."
I swallowed thickly. "Be-because if I say you guys are my friends, then I won't feel as alone..."
Hongjoong's mouth fell open slightly while Seonghwa stepped closer. "That's no reason to get yourself killed..."
"Wouldn't you do the same for Hongjoong? Or anyone else...?"
Seonghwa's silence was my answer, and I flinched when I felt Hongjoong gently touch my neck. While his fierce demeanor was still ever present, the softness in his eyes as he looked at me struck me to my core.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered, fingers trailing over my bruises. "I've given you yet another mark you don't deserve..."
"Hongjoong... we have to go," Seonghwa then spoke up, nodding towards me. "You should go back to the ship. You're no way prepared to take on the Space Guard.”
I glared at him. “No. I'm rescuing Wooyoung.”
Hongjoong put a hand up to stop Seonghwa's protest. “Stay behind us and for fuck's sake, obey our every command. We'll get Wooyoung and leave here immediately.” He looked at me pointedly. “All of us.”
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but just followed the men towards the Space Guard ship, my fists clenched as we got closer and closer to finding Wooyoung.
Not surprisingly, we ended up meeting resistance as soon as we stepped onto the ship. Thankfully, most of the Guards were in Yorwich, so those who stayed behind were easily dealt with with bullet holes between their eyes courtesy of Captain Hongjoong.
I watched them handle the Guards with relative ease... it was almost frightening to watch Hongjoong shoot another man in the head, or Seonghwa twist another's neck with such focus... It was no wonder their bounties were so high. Soon, I got the all clear from Hongjoong and I raced down the corridor, looking for where I knew Wooyoung would be hidden.
I rushed down into the brig, Seonghwa and Hongjoong staying behind to keep guard. I quickly looked into the small cells, coming to a halt as I almost passed one very important one. "Wooyoung!"
The man looked up, surprised to see me. "Dollface? What are you doing here?" he asked, alarmed, watching as I used a key we snatched from a guard to unlock the cell. I ran inside and threw my arms around him in a hug, one he couldn't return since he was chained to the wall. "Wh- why are you here?"
"To save you, dummy..." I answer him with a smile, quickly working on getting him unchained. "What happened to you?!"
"I don't know! After I left you at the Inn, I started to feel woozy and I think I passed out..." He rubbed his wrists after I freed him, my lips pulling into a pout as I thought for a moment.
"That's... strange..." I say.
"Still..." Wooyoung started before he grinned down at me. "You came to save me."
I blushed deeply and sputtered. "Hongjoong and Seonghwa are right upstairs! San had to stay behind because apparently, he was going berserk."
At the mention of his boyfriend, Wooyoung's face fell. "Oh San, he's probably so worried."
"That's why we have to go!" I rushed him urgently, grabbing his hand and pulling him out the cell. "Let's get you back to the ship!"
The airlock hissed opened as we all stepped into The Halazia. We barely made it inside before Wooyoung was practically tackled to the ground by San, who hugged him tightly to his body as he cried.
"I was so worried."
Wooyoung lovingly held him back, a content smile on his face as he sighed deeply. "I'm okay, big guy. Promise," he said, pulling away only to press his lips against San in a means to comfort him. "I'm not even hurt! You can thank her for saving me."
The others who were standing by looked at me and I quickly shook my hands. "No, no! The Captain and Seonghwa were there too!"
"Yeah, but why were you?" Yeosang asked in disbelief.
"I- I just wanted to save him... and it wasn't a big deal! There were hardly any guards there and w- oof!" My word vomit was interrupted as San hugged me tightly to him. I hugged him back, earning a deep sigh as he turned and pressed his face to my neck.
"Thank you," he muttered. "I don't know what'd I do without him."
Wooyoung overheard and grinned. "You'd probably die."
San laughed at that, the others soon shaking their heads at the antics. Hongjoong looked over at his crew fondly, eyes landing on me who was still engulfed in a hug before he turned away.
"We're leaving now. Do we have everything?" Hongjoong asked Yuhno in a quiet voice. The tall one nodded, relieved to see his friend back. "Good."
San pulled back some, only to lean in and whisper something directly in my ear. My face turned red and I stood there frozen as he pulled away and gave me a smile. Grabbing Wooyoung's hand, he walked away, probably to cling onto him a bit longer.
Someway, somehow, I was led back to what was my room by Jongho, not even questioning him when he said that we were pulling out of Nior immediately. My mind was still whirling, face still hot as I chewed on my bottom lip as I recalled what San whispered to me earlier. I quickly shook my head, turning to my side on the bed as I cuddled under the sheets and tried to fall asleep.
"I'm gonna fuck your brains out."
"Hey, Dollface!" Wooyoung's voice was all I needed to hear before I turned right on my heel and hightailed it away. I could hear his laughter loud down the hall, glancing back at him and San. San shook his head at Wooyoung's antics while the latter just grinned and sent me a wink. I squeaked and turned a quick corner.
I found myself in the infirmary with Jongho, the man treating a cut he gave himself in the kitchen while I hid behind one of the privacy curtains.
"You can't run from them forever. This is a small ship," Jongho said, amusement in his voice, and I hissed at him.
"I know! But I'm gonna try as best as I can." Only two days had gone by after we left Planet Nior, and I spent most of those two days running away from San and Wooyoung. Especially now after I know what their intentions were with me.
"If you're not interested, just tell them," Jongho poked his head around the curtain to look at me. "Wooyoung is persistent but he won't force you, neither will San."
"It's not that I don't want to," I said softly, my face getting hot. I didn't want to admit this, but I guess I just did. "It's just I'm scared."
"Scared of what?"
I turned and faced Jongho, a rather serious expression on my face. "They are going to destroy me."
Jongho just blinked. "And that's a bad thing?"
"I'm going to die!" I shrieked, face flaming red as I became extremely flustered. My heart pounded in my chest at the mere thought of having sex with the couple that sought after me. San was clear with his intentions when he whispered it in my ear, and I knew Wooyoung had some form of attraction to me even before he was taken.
And it wasn't only them, but my sanity couldn't take thinking about the other men of the crew.
Jongho snorted. "And again.... death by dick is a bad thing?"
"You're not helping," I hissed at him and he rolled his eyes.
"As your friend, I'm supposed to make your life as miserable as possible." He stepped behind me and gently pushed me out of the infirmary. "And besides, I think you're late for your meeting with Hongjoong."
I froze.
I couldn't help the panic that formed in my chest, the nausea that rose up my throat as I stormed towards the Captain's quarters. That was where I originally was heading when I ran into San and Wooyoung, and like a fool, I ran away. I swallowed thickly, and as I made my way towards Hongjoong's office, my mind had taken me back to Diego's ship.
He hated tardiness, and took it as a sign of disrespect.
I pushed open the office door and rushed inside, three pairs of eyes finding me, but I don't see who's who since my eyes are trained on the floor, my shoulders hunched up to my ears.
"I'm sorry I'm late, sir! I got... distracted..." I winced my eyes closed, expecting some form of pain from either a hand or a thrown object. But it didn't come.
"Look at me," Hongjoong ordered and I whipped my head up so fast and hard, I swore my neck cracked.
"Yes sir."
"For fucks sake..." Hongjoong let out a breath, shaking his head. "Relax your shoulders. I'm not gonna put your head on a spike for being ten minutes late."
I tried to relax my shoulders, but found it rather hard to. And suddenly, I was frustrated. Did my time on Diego's ship truly affected me this much? Where if I made a mistake, or was late, I think that Hongjoong would punish me?
"Maybe we need another sparring session after this," Seonghwa's voice broke through my trance and I looked at him, a soft smile on his face as he nodded at me. "Might help with your anxiety."
"That's a good idea," Hongjoong agreed with a nod. "See to that after we finish here."
That earned a huff from the person I finally realized was sitting in a chair across from Hongjoong's desk and my heart stopped when I saw Wooyoung with a pout on his face.
"I've been trying to get her alone for days," he huffed again, unhappily might I add.
"You can fuck her another day," Hongjoong said, ignoring how red my face got. "We need to talk about what happened on Nior."
That got my attention fast, and I stepped around to sit in the chair next to Wooyoung. Hongjoong regarded us both for a second before he nodded his head.
"Tell me what happened."
"I already told you my side, Captain. After I left her at the hotel, I went to the shops to get something for San, but after a few minutes, I started to feel woozy and I passed out. I woke up in the brig of the Guard ship soon after that."
Hongjoong nodded at Wooyoung before he turned to me. "And you?"
"Well," I swallowed under his hard stare. Hongjoong honestly didn't look intimidating on a regular basis, but it was when he got intense like this that truly showed me he was worthy of his high bounty and dark reputation. He was intimidating because he didn't look like a threat. "We were talking outside the hotel first, and then we kissed... and he left..." I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to think of something.
"Wait," Wooyoung then spoke up. "That guy who bumped into me... that was weird, right?" he asked, looking at me. I gasped when I remembered that, reaching out and grabbing his arm.
"Do you think he stuck you with something that made you sleepy?" I asked, my heart racing.
"Nothing came up on his tox screen," Seonghwa spoke up, waving his hand to produce a hologram. Wooyoung's face showed up, as well as what seemed to be his whole medical file. "We drew blood because we wanted to be sure they didn't inject him with anything but... nothing pops out..."
"It could be untraceable," I offered and Seonghwa cursed.
"That makes shit harder for us. Who the hell just carries around drugs like that?" he questioned as Hongjoong just sat back in his seat.
"Bounty hunters, most likely," he muttered. "That means when we land on Planet Floris, we have to stay vigilant."
I looked at him in surprise. "Floris? That's-"
"The hub for all crime, yes," Hongjoong answered with a smirk. "Where all the universe's worst people go to do business."
Wooyoung chuckled softly. "That place is fun."
"Alright, we're finished here," Hongjoong dismissed us soon after, and Seonghwa relaxed his shoulders, giving me a wide grin.
"Ready to get your ass handed to you again?"
I rolled my eyes as I stood up from the chair, Wooyoung following suit with a pout on his face.
"It's not fair!"
"You'll be fine," Seonghwa playfully shoved Wooyoung away before he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, dragging me with him. "You, on the other hand, won't be."
Seonghwa dragged me to the training room, where Jongho and Mingi were already working with the weights. Seonghwa got me doing warm ups on the punching bags after taping up my hands, and after a few rounds, I was facing him again.
"Your bruises are finally starting to go away," Seonghwa said, putting his fists up.
"Finally. I almost forgot what my normal face looked like," I answered, taking a step back as he stepped forward.
"Either or, it's a pretty face." And he hit me with a dazzling smile that had me stunned. He took advantage of that, and I found myself soon staring up at the ceiling, pain rushing through my body as he flipped me over.
I huffed in annoyance.
“You really do suck,” Seonghwa teased as he held a hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me back to my feet, keeping my hand in his. I glared at him.
“Fuck you.”
“Again, you cannot handle me.”
"What if they don't like how I look under my clothes?" I then asked softly and Seonghwa just chuckled a bit darkly. I gasped when he pulled me close to him, leaning in to whisper in my ear.
"Trust me, sweetheart. They won't be concerned about what your body looks like. They'd be more focused on where to put their mouths first."
My body heated up, but before I could do or say anything, I was falling on my back again, glaring at Seonghwa as he squatted beside me, smiling. "We're happy to have you on the crew, pretty girl. Ignore the others, they're just sharks attracted to the fresh meat."
I blushed deeply. "Are you one of those sharks then?"
Seonghwa smirked and he stood up again, holding his hand out. "Let's spar again."
And we did spar, with me getting my ass handed to me over and over again. Seonghwa was a force to be reckoned with, and it was no wonder he was Hongjoong's right hand man.
"Ugh, how embarrassing that Mingi and Jongho got to see that," I muttered to myself, wiping the sweat off my forehead as I walked out the training room. I desperately needed a shower, but when I bumped into someone and looked up to see that it was Wooyoung, I knew that that was not happening.
"Got ya," Wooyoung sang, grabbing my wrist firmly. "You're not getting away from us this time."
"Wooyoung, I really need to take a shower," I pleaded with him as he pulled me through the doors and into his bedroom. San was waiting on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with an arm tucked behind his head. The reality of the situation dawned on me, and I shook with trepidation and anticipation. "I'm sweaty and gross."
"Fine, fine, you can use my bathroom," Wooyoung said, leaving my side to walk to the bathroom. I could hear the water start to run and I gulped, looking over at San.
"Hey, San."
"Hey, love," he hummed back in return, the slight husk in his voice sending chills down my spine. "Are you ready?"
I gulped, face turning red as he watched me silently. Wooyoung stepped out of the bathroom, standing beside the bed and letting San take his hand. "I..."
"You are free to go," Wooyoung said seriously, his usual teasing nature gone. "We wouldn't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do, dollface. We want you so bad, but not enough to hurt you." The force of their want for me had me quivering, taking my bottom lip between my teeth as I breathed through my nose. "I know you feel it, and you feel the same way too."
Wooyoung stepped up to me, getting in my space as his lips curled into a vicious little smile. "It was fun chasing you down, seeing how nervous and flustered you got. Only makes me want to fuck you more..."
I whimpered softly, looking at San and hoping for some sort of reprieve from the intensity in Wooyoung's eyes. It was all for naught, because San's gaze actually pinned me to the spot, a feeling akin to lava boiling in my blood. Oh no... oh no no.
"I'm doomed," I accidentally said out loud and Wooyoung laughed, dark and full of promise.
"You are. So get in the shower now, we'll get everything else ready for you."
I nodded dumbly, walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. Steam already started to form from the hot shower running, and my mind was already hazy as I started to undress, leaving my clothes in a neat pile.
The shower was hot, and I numbly cleaned my body and washed my hair. The soap smelled good, and one Wooyoung actually used a lot because he smelled just like it. I liked it a lot.
I finished the shower and stepped out, grabbing the large towel and drying myself off before wrapping it around me. In an effort to stall for time, I combed out my hair, just letting it fall around my head. Taking a deep breath, I turned to the door and opened it, walking out to a now dimly lit bedroom.
I was surprised to say the least. The lights, obviously, were dimmed, with multiple small candles lit up on the dresser, desk and nightstand. Even soft music played in the background, a sensual thump in the bass made to entice the mind and body.
And Wooyoung.... he was already shirtless, straddling San on the bed with the men in the middle of a heated lip lock. Wooyoung's hands moved up and down San's equally bare chest, moaning softly as San reached with his large hand to grab the hair on the back of Wooyoung's neck. He tugged, pulling Wooyoung's head back enough to make him gasp, so he could start to press kisses on his neck.
"Don't just stand there," I startled at San's sudden address to me. "Come here."
Nodding, I stepped up to the bed, towel still wrapped around me as I climbed on top on my knees. The men looked at me, Wooyoung smiling as he reached over and cupped my face.
"I didn't think the mood would be so... romantic..." I muttered, breath shuttering a bit as Wooyoung rubbed his thumb along my lips. Another hand pressed to my hip, San's, and he gave a strong squeeze. I shuddered, my eyes fluttering closed.
"I like to think we're romantic men," Wooyoung answered and I smiled.
"You talk as if you two are a unit."
"Because we are," San answered, sitting up while Wooyoung moved back to give him room. "From the day we met as kids, we knew there was no way we'd ever be separated." San reached and gently cupped the side of Wooyoung's face, early a dopey, love filled smile from the man.
"I couldn't get away from him even if I wanted to," Wooyoung joked, and that had done the trick.
San's eyes hardened, taking on a more possessive edge. "I'd like to see you try." The threat was clear, but Wooyoung thought nothing of it as he kissed the palm of San's hand.
The love between them was almost too much to bear, and I considered myself very fortunate that they so easily wanted to extend that love to me. I let the towel fall from around my body, pushing it off the side of the bed. There's a hiss from San, and I've barely a moment to register when he grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me into a heated, almost desperate kiss.
I moaned into his mouth, kissing him back with equal fervor. It took nothing for San to invade my mouth with his tongue, the fire in my veins just getting hotter as he kissed me silly.
"We're giving you one more chance," San whispered against my lips, fingers dancing along my cheeks as I felt Wooyoung's stare on me. "Back out now, because if not, you're not leaving this bed until we've fucked you and filled you nice and good."
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as a deep shiver moved down my spine. The intense tension in the room was thick and rolled so tight, I knew once I gave the okay, it was going to snap and I would probably most likely die. (I'm being dramatic.).
"Please," I still found myself speaking, licking my lips as I looked at both men. They were also tense, waiting for the word, for the okay from me. And I give it to them. "Take me. Please."
The mood in the room shifted immediately, and I'm pulled right back into a kiss with San, which I eagerly reciprocated. A body pressed against my back, Wooyoung's warm skin on mine as he pressed a kiss to the back of my shoulder blade.
"We're gonna fuck you so hard," Wooyoung whispered against my skin, hands moving around me to cup and massage my breasts, making me moan into San's mouth. "Gonna make you feel so good..."
"You're gonna get fucked too," San spoke to Wooyoung, reaching behind me to grab the back of his neck. He pulled him closer to kiss him hard on the mouth. "You're both mine tonight." San kissed Wooyoung again, making out sloppily over my shoulder as Wooyoung continued to massage my breasts, pinching my nipples here and there. I slowly ran my hands up and down San's body, biting my lip as I moved lower and reached for his pants.
The men swiftly rid themselves of the rest of their clothes, and soon I was on my back, staring up at Wooyoung as he grinned down at me. He leaned down and kissed me deeply, him moaning into my mouth as he ran his fingers through my hair. He's groaning as he's pressing kisses to my jaw, all too eager to show my body love while San sat on other side of me, leaning down to kiss me again as Wooyoung kissed down my body.
"You're perfect," San whispered, kissing me again right after. "You brought Wooyoung back to me. I'm so grateful for you."
"I'd-" I started before I gasped as Wooyoung kissed the inside of my thighs. "I'd do it for... anyone... on the crew..." My breath was coming out in pants, Wooyoung just teasing me with kisses lightly pressed against my pussy. His eyes shined with mischief, tongue licking his lips seductively when I groaned. "Wooyoung, please..."
"You beg so prettily..." Wooyoung remarked, before he finally pressed his mouth to my pussy. My legs immediately tried to close around his head, but Wooyoung held them back with strong hands, not even stopping his onslaught on me.
His tongue made me see stars, the way he slurped and sucked on me made lewd noises sound about the room. San's mouth was on my chest, sucking a nipple hard and flicking it with his tongue in an attempt to make me go absolutely insane. "Pretty noises... I wanna hear them all day and all night..." San whispered against my soft flesh, slowly moving down my body.
"Push her legs up. I wanna taste her too." Wooyoung huffed softly, doing as told as he pushed my knees back, giving both men enough room to press their lips against my pussy.
It shouldn't feel this good, but the feeling of their two wet tongues on me had me arching my back off the bed with a cry, each man holding a leg open. I didn't know who was sucking on my clit or pushing their tongue inside of me, my eyes were screw shut so tight it made my vision go red.
Then, two long fingers, and then two smaller ones, pushed into my waiting pussy, barely doing anything before I'm cumming hard around them, body tensing up tightly as wave after wave of euphoria washed over me, almost drowning me as I let out a sob.
"That's it. Fucking beautiful!" Wooyoung exclaims, coming up beside me to rub my sides. "You came so fucking hard so fast, holy shit."
I could laugh at his amazement. "Like you said... I haven't gotten properly fucked in over a year." Wooyoung grinned, but before he could kiss me, San stopped him.
"Wooyoung, come here."
You both looked to San, who stood up fully next to the bed. He had his cock in his hand, and since it was my first time actually looking at it, my eyes went wide. Oh... he was big.
Wooyoung's scoff made you glance at him, and he pouted. "Why?"
"Why?" San repeated, almost incredulous that Wooyoung was questioning him. "So you can get my fucking cock wet and ready to fuck your ass, that's why."
God. Oh God... I bit my lip, watching as Wooyoung huffed and stood up from the bed. The sight of his own dick made my eyes bulge. They were going to ruin me. But then Wooyoung turned to San and what I saw made my pussy throb in the best and worst ways possible.
Wooyoung had a plug in his ass, the base flared and prettily decorated with a pink diamond. He easily fell to his knees in front of his boyfriend, his greedy eyes now trained on San's hard cock while San was focused on you.
"You wanna see Wooyoung suck my dick?" he asked and I nodded immediately. He smirked. "Just watch, then, and spread your legs. I wanna look at that pretty pussy of yours."
Another shiver goes down my spine and I spread my legs wide for him, his gaze nearly bursting me into flames. It set me alight, the way he devoured me, his lip catching between his teeth when Wooyoung swallowed him whole.
"Oh fuck," San moaned, his fingers carding through Wooyoung's hair as his head tilted back. Wooyoung wasted no time bobbing his head back and forth on San's cocks, his hand wrapped around what he couldn't possibly fit in his mouth. It was sloppy and fascinating, with both men moaning, drool dripping down Wooyoung's chin.
"Do you like the plug, love?" San asked and I had to refocus myself to look at him. His face was pure bliss and pleasure, and it made my pussy throb again. "We put it in to get him ready for today. We weren't going to wait for you any more..."
To know that they wanted me that badly had an emotion so strong fill my chest, I had to fight to push it away. I licked my lips, breathing a bit heavily as Wooyoung continued to blow San, successfully taking all of him in his mouth and down his throat.
"Oh fuck... you always take my dick so well," San cooed down at Wooyoung, running his fingers through his hair lovingly. "So good, baby..."
I was going to lose my mind, watching the scene in front of me. I was grateful, so grateful. I bit my lip, San suddenly stopping Wooyoung with a tug of his hair. San had to take a few centering breaths, his hand cupping Wooyoung's cheek again.
"How's your cock, baby?"
"It's so hard..."
"Does it hurt? You wanna fuck her that badly?"
Wooyoung closed his eyes and hissed. "So fucking bad, since we first met her."
"Then go get her."
San didn't have to say it twice before Wooyoung was pushing me on my back, kissing me roughly as he pushed himself between my legs. I could taste some of San's precum and I wanted more, moaning against the tongue invading my mouth. Wooyoung grabbed my legs, tossing them both over his shoulders, and wasting no time pushing his thick cock into me.
I gasped sharply, the slight burn of him stretching me out sending shocks through me, but in the best way, the way that had me grabbing his forearms tightly. Wooyoung grinned down at me, leaning in again to kiss me sloppily as he started with slow thrusts.
"You feel so fucking good, dollface. Hot and tight and fuck..." He hit me with one sharp thrust that made me yelp, a smug smirk on his face. "That's right, I want you to scream."
He still kept his slow thrusts, stopping when San then pushed up behind Wooyoung. "Are you ready?"
Still inside me, Wooyoung nodded before he looked down on me. "He's gonna take the plug out..."
I nodded, pulling Wooyoung down to kiss him as San gently reached for the pink plug. He grabbed it firmly, watching Wooyoung carefully as he slowly pulled it out. Wooyoung pressed his face against my neck, his body shaking slightly.
"How do you feel?" San asked, setting the plug elsewhere. Wooyoung scoffed and looked back at him.
"Like I need your big fucking dick inside me now."
San scoffed right back at him, producing a bottle of lube and squeezed some on his hand. "You're lucky we're entertaining our friend here tonight," San said as he rubbed some lube on his dick and as well as Wooyoung's entrance. "Or else, I wouldn't make you cum at all."
Wooyoung's lips pursed at the threat, while San pushed up against him more, grabbing his cock and pressing it right against his entrance. "San..."
"I got you," San replied softly before pushing in slowly. Wooyoung released a guttural moan, his face pressed yet again against my neck while I gently rubbed his back. Having him still hard inside me yet not moving was maddening, and I felt myself become a bit delirious while waiting for San to bottom out inside of Wooyoung.
"God... you're always so tight for me..."
"Wait until you feel her..." Wooyoung grunted, his breaths coming out in quick pants as San slowly thrust into him, his hands clenched around Wooyoung's hips. "Oh God.... San, fuck..."
Wooyoung tried to set up a rhythm, where he would thrust into me as San thrust into him, but it proved quite difficult as San was a very vigorous lover, sweat dripping down his neck as he fucked Wooyoung hard and deep, skin slapping against skin. Still, with Wooyoung's cock inside of me still moving with each powerful thrust from San, and his pelvis rubbing against my clit... I was in heaven. Wooyoung moaned and whined shamelessly above me, his hands in my hair as he kissed me sloppily.
When San leaned down to whisper 'I love you.' in his ear, Wooyoung almost cried, his lip pulled between his teeth. San then kissed me deeply, his tall body easily bowing over both of us, our bodies so close together we almost melded into one entity.
Wooyoung came first, releasing into me with one long, drawn out moan. San smirked to himself, fucking Wooyoung harder.
"That's it, baby. Fill her up," he grunted, obviously chasing down his own orgasm as he fucked his boyfriend. It took only a few more thrusts until he was unloading deep into Wooyoung with a curse. "Take it, baby. Take it all."
"Yes... yes..." Wooyoung moaned, face pressed against my chest as he drooled. "So good..."
"I'm gonna pull out now," San whispered, slowly pulling his still half hard cock out of Wooyoung. The man on top of me groaned, and was just about to pull out of me when San stopped him.
"No. Keep her plugged up," San demanded, sending me a wicked smile. "Besides, she hasn't cum yet. Do you think that's fair?"
"No..." Wooyoung mumbled, moving a hand and I gasped when he pressed his thumb to my clit. "Do you wanna cum around my dick, dollface?" he asked while he started to rub his thumb in circles on my clit. I barely nodded.
San had walked to the bathroom, but I couldn't really focus on that while Wooyoung rubbed on my clit, making me moan and clench around him. I could feel him getting hard again inside me, and before I knew it, Wooyoung was fucking into me, fast, hard and deep. I screamed, he fucked me harder, hissing down at me.
"C'mon, c'mon, baby. Cum, cum for me," Wooyoung moaned, aware of San watching from the bathroom as he cleaned his dick. "Cum for us, so San could fuck you. You want that, right? To cum around my cock, then around San's huh?"
It didn't take that much longer for me to cum with a loud moan, my vision going white as Wooyoung continued to thrust frantically inside me until he cums again, pushing more of his load inside me.
"Oh shit, fuck... fuck..."
Wooyoung pulled out of me and plopped down on the bed beside me. The bed dipped under the weight of San climbing back on, and I barely blinked up at him as he hovered over me, lips curled up.
"My turn."
"San... San, oh my God..." I groaned when he pushed into me, the overstimulation making me twitch under him, as well as the feeling of his big cock filling me up. "It's too much..."
"You can take it," San whispered softly, kissing along my jaw as he nearly lost himself over how good I felt around him. "Be a good girl and take my cock. God, you feel heavenly..."
"I told you..." Wooyoung mumbled, turning to cuddle against my side. "He's gonna fuck you so good, baby..."
I groaned, the immense pleasure of having San's heavy cock glide in and out of me causing stars to burst in my vision. Drool dropped down my chin, and all I could do was yelp and whine and whimper with each soul shattering thrust.
"Oh, fuck me..." I ended up muttering, nails digging into San's shoulders. "Ruin me, break me, I don't care..."
"Of course, love. Whatever you want," San whispered, leaning down to kiss me deeply as he gave me exactly what I wanted.
I swore I died for a moment when I reached my next orgasm, body going tight as usual as my mouth opened with a strangled scream. With a few more thrusts, San was soon cumming into me, his cum mixing with Wooyoung's inside of me as he cursed repeatedly, his face pinched into an expression of pleasure.
"That's it," Wooyoung cooed, rubbing his chest. "Fill her up."
I whined softly, my body turning into mush as I lied on the bed breathing heavily. San slowly rolled off of me, lying down on my other side as he caught his breath.
A quiet calm enveloped us, my eyes closing as I could fall asleep at any moment. But movement beside me made me open my eyes and I looked at San in concern.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just grabbing a rag."
I blushed. "Oh."
Wooyoung moved next, grabbing a bottle of water and basically making me drink half of it. "You should go pee too," he told me and I smiled at him gratefully, nodding my head.
I let San clean me up with a wet rag before Wooyoung helped me to the bathroom. When I emerged a few minutes later, they had already changed the sheets and blew out the candles, the music now off. San grabbed me, pulling me to the bed.
"Stay with us," he said softly and I gave him a look.
"Is the walk of shame better the night of, or morning after?" I asked, clearly teasing and both men just laughed.
"Just get into bed! I'm tired!" Wooyoung exclaimed and I laughed, climbing in the bed beside him, soon followed by San.
Now I was sandwiched between them, limbs tangled in one anothers as San clapped once to turn off the light completely. The darkness was comforting, already lulling me into a deep sleep while being held so tenderly and lovingly. At that moment, I'm sure I fell in love.
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unknownmystery22 · 1 day
ONE OF YOUR GIRLS -Charles Leclerc
Summary: Where he loved the idea of her love not her. Warning: Angst pure angst, toxic relationship, asshole charles
A/N: inspired by One of The Girls By THE WEEKEND
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Charles Leclerc the man he was, his charming smile and the gorgeous eyes that no one can resist. And you are no exception. Inspite of knowing his playboy ways and his lack of comitment you found yourself attracted to him.
You being a part of media knew each driver well and were close with most of them due to your genuine questions and how you always refrained from asking about their personal life. The drivers all had taken a liking to you and all looked forward to do interviews with you, inspite of you being a recent joinee.
Lewis Hamilton your idol and your grid family was the first notice your attraction towards the Monagasque "Careful there Y/N, dont go and fall in love with him now" he said laughing but also being concerned. You just shook your head.
Charles Leclerc himself didn't make it any easier for you always complimenting you and doing small gestures which others would consider as friendly but your naive crush took it to heart. The way he would bring your favourite coffeee each time you interview him or the way he ensures you have a ride home or the way his eyes light up whenever speaking to you.
You really thought you had a chance and he did nothing to deny that or make you question your thinking about him. You just wanted him in your life if not possible as a significant other, at least as a friend. You were friends and Charles always confided in you always. Charles always made you feel like the most special girl he made you feel like you were his everything.
Max and Lando well aware of your feelings towards him. Always motivated you to tell him your actual feelings
"C'mon Y/N he never speaks to a girl more than a week if he isn't intrested in them" Lando said
"Atleast you would not keep having expectations, schatje. Just tell him" Max said
How wrong they were !
One fine evening you and Charles were hanging out in his house were you came to the topic of how you prefer your significant other to be. You thought this was it this the only shot you have. You did just that you confessed how much you like him. As soon as you confessed Charles kissed you. It was the best fucking kiss of your life. It was everything and all you ever asked for.
Everything was perfect for a while. Him hugging you, holding your hands, cuddling and going on dates. Few drivers noted the changes and were all happy for you. you too were glowing. You should have known NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.
Soon you noticed how he was never affectionate towards you in public but you brushed it off thinking he wanted to keep it private, that didn't bother you much. But when he randomly going out or partying without you knowing, flirting with other girls it made you question what you really had.
You confronted Charles about this and what his answer just made you more confused.
"What are you my girlfriend ? we are just trying thing out Y/N. I am not in space to commit right now just give me some time".
That must have been it but no, you loved him way too much to let him go easily. You stayed with him hoping things would get better and you will be a happy couple.
Things just got worse from there, he was not as open as before he slowly started ignoring you but you still held on to tiny hope you found here and there.
Others weren't oblivious to the situation though you tried not to let it show. They all noticed how you seem so down always and have fake smile on.
Lewis and Max confront you one day. You break down in front of them and for the first time you let your feeling out. You told them everything about how insecure you feel, how you feel like you are the problem, maybe if you were better or that you are being overdramatic.
"You are the strongest person I know, love. He does not deserve your love I know it is not easy to let go of him right now, but you need to he is slowly sucking the life out of you. It is better to be alone than in bad company." Lewis explained.
"You deserve to be in relationships that make you feel seen, heard, and valued. You dont have put up with his shit, schatje" Max added on. "We will be with you every step of it".
It took you time but soon enough you were done you had no more tears to cry or fucks to give him. You just said to him that you are done with him but he didnt take it seriously cause this was the cycle falling out and him convincing you and you falling right back.
"Dont I too deserve to be loved by someone ?" you asked
"I love you, Y/N. I will start taking you seriously" he tried.
You shook your head "You dont love me Charles you just love the idea of me being in love with you. You love the idea of a person living solely for you. You love that you could pick me at your worst and drop me at your best"
With that you walked out and cried for him yet in the end it hit you that all you will be is
.........ONE OF HIS GIRLS.
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jailgarden · 3 days
Totally Legit Recap of 2.3 Trailer
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Screwllum, Dr. Ratio and Jade plan to turn Firefly into Butterfly, using the power of Jade’s jade.
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It would be very costly to use a cornerstone for such a reason, but Jade has pygolampidaphobia (the fear of fireflies) and needs for this to be done.
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Sparkle, an avid firefly fan, catches whiff of this scheme and warns the trailblazer.
“We need a bomb to prevent your little firefly from becoming a butterfly, the universe’s very existence depends on it”.
After expressing brief annoyance of being distracted from Robin’s “Yo, Where did my Bro go” concert, the trailblazer agrees to help.
While Sparkle and the trailblazer make a million Sparkle plushies. Firefly was watching and listening in the whole time. Her eyes widened in shock, a butterfly? She could not let this happen, lest her eyes begin to waterfall.😔
As much as she appreciated her friends’ help, Firefly knew that the only way to truly prevent Butterfly from becoming a reality was to fulfill the script, her third, and final death.
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Firefly watched as Sparkle held up one of the plushies. The altruistic Sparkle put something inside the doll, and its eyes began to glow.
“That must be the one” Firefly thought.
At that moment, Sparkle gets a call. She looks at the contact and her eyes light up, showing the trailblazer the phone. The two of them exit the room, leaving the Sparkle plush unattended.
Firefly quickly grabs the doll, activates SAM, and takes to the sky one last time, not knowing that she just made a grave mistake.
That was not the bomb…
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Just as Firefly begins her ascent, Sparkle and the trailblazer answer the plot-twisting call, a call, from Boothill.
Sparkle speaks first, “Are you in position”?
Boothill says something southern in confirmation
“Haha, great! Now we just wait.”
Boothill waits in southern silence
The trailblazer goes back into the room only to quickly run out. “It’s gone!”
“What!? Who took it?”
The Galactic Baseballer frantically shakes their head. “I don’t know, but that was our prototype of singing Sparkles, how are we supposed to profit off of Robin’s depressive episode now?”
The twin-tail maniac then sighs. “Okay, you know what? Change of plans. Boothill, don’t just get Jade, blow up that entire airship, NOW!”
Boothill southernly ends the call
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After ending the call, Boothill smashes through one of the Feldspar airship’s windows. As he falls, he takes carful aim with his gun, a gun that contains the real bomb, the Bullet Bill Bomb!
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Firefly continues to fly higher and higher, and out of anxiety (anticipation?) of what’s about to happen, she squeezes the Sparkle plush.
A sounds emanates from the Sparkle wannabe.
Firefly stops and hovers in the air. She turns the doll around and opens the velcro on the back. Inside the doll was, a toy speaker? And it’s playing Robin’s new super depressive song!?
The surprisingly not short girl paled. If this wasn’t the bomb, then-
She quickly looks down, but it’s too late.
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The Bullet Bill Bomb had been shot. The Feldspar airship exploded in a beautiful burst. Bystanders watching from Robin’s concert cheered, mistaking it for a firework. The trailblazer rejoiced, believing that her dear friend was saved. Robin wondered where her brother was.
In a last attempt to save everyone aboard, Aventurine used his skill, but due to his cursed luck, he could only shield himself.
Topaz, Jade, and Screwllum? All dead. Boothill? He too, fell to his demise.
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Aventurine plummeted to the ground. His landing, though not graceful, was one that didn’t kill him, it never would…
He looked up, dazed and confused, trying to process what had just occurred.
Just then, with worm Aha powers, Ratio suddenly appeared in front of him, concern and anger in his expression.
Aventurine swallowed the lump in his throat, he knew what had happened, but he had to ask, even if it was just to stamp out that last shred of hope that stubbornly lingered.
“Are they… did anyone else survive?”
One glance at Ratio’s somber expression told him more than words ever would. Aventurine let out a pitiful laugh.
“Ha… of course”. He took a breath before questioning, “How, wh-why did this happen?”
Ratio, using Ratio knowledge, explained the entire plot to Aventurine.
Aventurine’s eyes narrowed.
If Firefly had just let her friends take care of things, Jade could have been the only causality. He didn’t care about her, and Screwllum? SCREW HIM!
Topaz was the only one he considered a friend there, and she’s now gone too.
Aventurine was tired of luck taking people away from him, from now on, he’s taking it into his own hands.
As Ratio helps the lovely blond director up to his feet, they watch as Firefly makes her escape, like a shooting star in the night. That was his target.
Firefly then spends the rest of her years on the run, only trying to escape the imaginary duo. It seems that her script was fulfilled. She truly died a horrid death, the death of her dignity, her (some other important thing), and her heart.
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bijouxcarys · 2 days
Prove It (Roman Reigns x fem!Reader)
Description: They work together, they travel together, they're around each other almost 24/7. So, why is it so damn hard for them to be alone when they need it? Oh, that's right... it's a secret.
Warnings: NSFW, MINORS DNI, smut, fingering, dirty talk, semi-public escapades, Roman being a lil menace, secret affairs, fluffy undertones...
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I have used everyone's real names (apart from where Sasha references Ambrose). The superstars included are Roman, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley, Sasha Banks, and Liv Morgan.
Tags: @trippinsorrows @empressdede @thetribalqueen (if you'd like to be added to the tag list for any future Roman fics, just let me know in the replies/reblog!)
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The door to the hotel room swung open, a chorus of laughter and chatter spilling out into the hallway. It had been a gruelling week on the road, and the whole lot of them were ready for some much-needed relaxation. Thankfully, a majority of the rooms down that particular hallway were occupied by WWE Superstars, so noise complaints were a slimmer chance than usual.
Using her and Gionna’s hotel room as a gathering spot wasn’t on Y/N’s to-do list, but when conversation struck up in the car about having a night of relaxation, to let go a little, Gi was more than eager to offer up the room. That was Gi for you; more like her Liv alter ego than even she cared to admit.
Not that Y/N was mad of course; these people were practically family.
“Someone get the drinks?” Gi called out, scrunching her nose up to push her clear-framed glasses further up as she plopped down on one of the beds, her blonde hair splayed out behind her.
“I got ‘em, relax,” Colby replied, holding up two six-packs with a grin. He cracked one open and handed it to her, settling onto the floor next to Jon, who was already mid-story.
“So, there I am, right? Middle of this tiny-ass town, and I can’t find the damn gym anywhere,” Jon was saying, his voice animated. “GPS is telling me I’m there, but I’m lookin’ at a freakin’ cornfield!”
“Classic Ambrose move,” Mercedes laughed, shaking her head as she leaned against the wall. “A terrible sense of direction.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault! Technology hates me,” Jon shot back, taking a swig from his beer.
Leaning over the group from her place on the bed, Y/N accepted a can from Colby, her eyes involuntarily capturing those she knew would be hard to refrain from the entire night. Gazes locked with the man standing just behind where Colby sat, arms folded; his tank top allowed for a perfect view of his tensing muscles under the gorgeous tan of his complexion. It was a look that spoke volumes—intense, secretive, and heavy.
Considering the close-knit nature of the wrestling world, it was an impressive feat that Joe and Y/N had managed to keep their affair under wraps.
“Who knew we’d all end up here tonight?” Mercedes said, her voice cutting through the din as she reclined on the floor, back pressed against the side of Gi’s bed.
“Yeah, thanks a bunch for lettin’ up the room, Y/N,” Becky added, raising her bottle of water in a mock toast.
“Don’t be thanking me, thank Barbie over there,” Y/N nodded towards Gi, who simply shot a thumbs up in her direction as a response. “But yeah, I mean it’s nice to have a moment to just… be.”
“Amen to that,” Joe said, his deep voice rumbling as he grabbed a drink from the pack Colby brought.
Jon snorted from his spot on the bed. “Yeah, because being crammed into a tiny hotel room is so much better than our own rooms.”
“Hey, at least it’s free entertainment,” Colby retorted, tossing a pillow at Jon, who caught it with a lazy grin.
“Free entertainment, huh? Guess that makes you the clown,” Jon shot back, eliciting laughs from everyone.
“Better than being the guy who gets thrown out of bars,” Colby quipped, throwing his arm around Becky with a cocky grin towards Jon. Colby and Becky were truly in the throes of a honeymoon period. It was a task just getting him to own up to the fact that he liked Becky in more ways than one, so when they finally decided to screw everything and officially become a couple—PDA and all—it was a relief. Finally, the two people who practically pined over each other for at least a year, had gotten their shit, and themselves, together.
The night wore on with more stories, jabbing at one and other, and moments over the last week that were becoming fond memories. At some point, pizza boxes were ordered and devoured, and the room’s occupants settled into various positions of comfort—or as close to comfort as they could get in the cramped space. Joe had claimed a spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed, leaning back against the wall with a relaxed posture that belied what was going through his head.
“Man, I could get used to this,” Mercedes said, stretching out on the floor. “Better than passing out alone in my room.”
“Yeah,” Becky agreed, earning an offended glance from Colby. “We should do this more often, is what I’m sayin’, babe, relax.”
“Just as long as he,” Jon pointed directly at Becky’s boyfriend, “promises to keep his snoring to a minimum.”
“I don’t snore!” Colby protested.
“You absolutely do!” Gi pointed out, honestly scaring the crap out of everyone since they all just assumed she’d passed out across her bed.
Y/N found herself increasingly distracted by Joe’s presence. Every laugh, every shift of his body, every low rumble of his voice seemed to pull her attention like a magnet. She could feel his eyes on her intermittently, a silent conversation playing out between them that no one else in the room could hear.
“Y/N, remember that time we got lost tryin’ to find that diner?” Becky asked, breaking Y/N’s reverie.
“Oh my God, don’t,” Y/N laughed, recalling the memory. “We ended up in the middle of nowhere, and you were convinced we were gonna end up on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.”
“I was being cautious!” Becky protested, lifting her hands up. “You never know with those back roads, they’re frickin’ dodgy!”
“That’s why I always use GPS,” Joe interjected smoothly, and deeply, sending a wave of chills over Y/N’s body, though she did a damn good job at hiding it.
“Excuse me, did I not just tell you about my cornfield trauma as a result of GPS earlier?” Jon called out.
“You made it eventually, man, calm down,” Joe chuckled with a roll of his eyes.
As the night wore on, the energy in the room began to wane. Conversations quieted to soft murmurs and the occasional chuckle, as everyone started to feel the weight of the week on the road.
“Alright, I’m calling it,” Colby said, stretching out his arms and yawning. “I’m too beat to head back to my room. Mind if I crash here?”
“You can take the floor, Rollins,” Jon muttered from his foetal position in the armchair, his eyes half-closed. “Ain’t no way I’m movin’.”
“Yeah, me too,” Mercedes chimed in, curling up in a corner with a pillow Gi threw at her. “Too tired to move.”
Becky looked around at the group, her eyes landing on Y/N. “Looks like we’re all stopping in here. Hope you don’t mind, love.”
“Not at all,” Y/N replied with a smile. “It’s nice having everyone here, and I’m sure that one doesn’t mind.” She glanced over at Gi, who was already on the precipice of slumber.
“It is kinda nice,” Becky nodded. “Feels like a big ol’ sleepover.”
“Except with more muscles and less gossip,” Colby quipped with an amused chortle.
Joe had stuck to the spot on the floor near Y/N’s bed. He glanced up at her as she climbed into the sheets, their eyes meeting once again in the dim light.
As the others began to settle in, finding whatever space they could to lay down, the room slowly descended into a comfortable silence. The soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional rustle were the only sounds that broke the silence.
Y/N laid back against her pillows, her thoughts drifting. She felt Joe’s presence nearby like a physical touch, a comforting and exhilarating reminder of their secret. She turned her head slightly, catching his eye in the dark.
“You okay?” Joe whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispered back, her lips curving into a smile. “You?”
“Better now,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on her face.
Her pulse quickened. They were surrounded by their friends, all blissfully unaware of the silent conversation happening right under their noses. The thrill of the secrecy only made the moment more intense.
“Think they have any idea?” she asked in a hushed tone, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Joe smirked. “Not a clue. We’re good at this.”
“Guess we are,” she replied, her heart pounding against her ribcage.
A quiet laugh escaped Joe’s lips, and he shook his head slightly. “You’re trouble, you know that?”
Y/N grinned. “You love it.”
“Damn right I do,” he said softly, eyes glued to her.
They shared a long, meaningful look, the best they could in the limited light. They both knew the risks of being discovered, but in that fleeting moment, it didn’t matter. They were together, and that was enough.
“Night, Y/N,” Joe whispered, his voice barely audible.
“Night, Joe,” she replied, equally as gentle.
With a final lingering look, they both turned away, settling into their respective spots. The room was filled with the quiet sounds of their friends, but for Joe and Y/N, the silence couldn’t be louder.
She woke up around 3am, the room shrouded in darkness save for the faint glow from the streetlights outside. She shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, when she felt it—his gaze. Slowly, she turned her head and found Joe propped up on one arm with his phone in his hand. His face was illuminated only by the device.
Seriously? You couldn’t have just stayed asleep? She thought to herself, a mix of amusement and frustration bubbling up inside her. Here they were, in a room full of their sleeping friends, with Joe looking like a whole meal doing the bare minimum. The absurdity and excitement was so much for her to handle.
She gave him a pointed look when he finally took a peek over in her direction, her lips quirking up in a half-smile when he noticed she was awake.
“What are you doing awake?” she asked as quietly as she could.
Joe’s lips curved into a slow, lazy grin, with a bashful undertone. “Couldn’t sleep,” he practically mouthed, his eyes glinting with mischief.
“Sure,” she rolled her eyes. “You just want to make this night more interesting.”
Joe shifted quietly on the floor, his movements careful and deliberate. He glanced around the room, ensuring everyone else was still sound asleep, then slowly moved to sit up. Y/N’s heart raced as she watched him, every nerve in her body on high alert.
Sliding onto the bed beside her, he moved with a careful grace that belied his size. The mattress dipped under his weight, and he settled beside her, his body warm and solid against hers.
She bit her lip, trying to suppress a giddy giggle that threatened to escape. “We’re gonna get caught one of these days, you know.”
He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary. “Maybe,” he conceded. “But that’s what makes it fun, right?”
“Oh yeah, tons of fun,” she replied sarcastically. “Nothing like the thrill of getting caught by our friends to spice things up.”
Even the darkness couldn’t prevent her from seeing his pearly white grin. “Admit it, you love the risk.”
“Maybe I do,” she admitted with a gentle sigh, relaxing into his warmth as his hand slid up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.
They laid there for a moment in the snore-filled room. The tension was palpable, a taut wire strung between them that could snap at any moment.
“So, what’s the plan?” she whispered up at him.
“Plan?” he echoed, feigning innocence. “I was just thinkin’ we could enjoy each other’s company.”
She rolled her eyes, positive that her cheeks flushed a deep pink, and despite the darkness, covered her face with her hand anyways. “You’re terrible.”
“And…? You love it, babygirl,” he shot back, his hand moving down to rest on her hip, fingertips teasing the space between her tank top and her shorts. “Remember that time we almost got caught in the locker room?” he asked with an audible smirk, his calloused thumb tracing circles on her exposed skin. “You nearly blew our cover with that yelp.”
“You’re the one who made me jump!” she protested, swatting him lightly on the arm.
He laughed softly, a rich hum that sent sparks straight to her core. “Sure, blame it on me.”
“You really don’t think anyone suspects anything?” Her question came as a small mumble, lost in the shadow of his form practically hovering over her at this point. And he was so close to her. She could feel light tickles from his beard on her cheek.
“Nah, baby,” he confidently reassured her. “We’re too good at this shit.”
“Famous last words,” she chuckled, though she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.
He leaned in closer, his lips brushing delicately against the shell of her ear. “Don’t worry. I got this.”
“Yeah?” she challenged, sliding her hand up to rest on his shoulder. “Prove it.”
With a smirk, Joe shifted, rolling over so he could press his body entirely on top of hers. The bed creaked slightly, and they both froze, glancing around to make sure no one had woken up. Satisfied that their secret was still safe, they relaxed.
“What was that about ‘I got this’?” she lightly scolded, emulating his voice the best she could in her whispered tone.
“Shh…” With that, he pressed his lips down against hers, the hand that rested on her hip coming up to hold the side of her neck. He kissed her with a hunger that spoke of all the nights they had to keep their distance, the desire that had been simmering just below the surface finally boiling over. She returned it with equal fervour, trailing her fingers up to his man bun and feeling where the couple of hours being laid down had taken a toll on its usually pristine quality.
“Take this out,” she mumbled against his lips. “I like when your hair’s down.”
He didn’t need to be asked twice. It was a relief to take it out, to let it fall down and create a protective shield around their faces as he went back in for another kiss. It deepened, tips of tongues prodding against each other until they were fully entwined in an intense dance. Her hands roamed over his broad shoulders, feeling the ripple of muscle beneath his skin, the same way Joe traced the contours of her curves with a reverence that made her feel like a Goddess.
“God, I’ve missed this,” he breathed out in a gravelly whisper.
“Me too,” she admitted.
They were lost in each other, the world outside their bubble of desire forgotten. Joe’s hands slipped under her shirt, the heat of his touch against her bare skin making her gasp softly. He paused, his eyes searching hers in the small beams of light from outside, asking for silent permission.
She nodded, her breath hitching as his hands continued their exploration upwards. He pushed the fabric up, exposing her round breasts to the cool air and his heated gaze. Following the path of his hands, Joe’s lips made a tender journey down her neck, nipping and sucking lightly, before they stopped at her chest. Pressing kisses to her skin. Tip of his tongue tracing slow patterns along it until one of her hard nubs made contact. Thick lips wrapped around, kissing and suckling like he’d never get to again. Branding possession and desire.
“Joe,” she whispered, her voice trembling with need.
“Shh, we gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he reminded her, words muffled against the supple skin as he moved to pay the same exquisite attention to her other breast. “Don’t wanna wake the others.”
The reminder of their precarious situation only added to the intensity, causing her to unintentionally roll her hips up towards his. His hands were everywhere, mapping her body with a familiarity that was both comforting and thrilling. Her own hands were just as eager, exploring the hard planes of his chest. His heart pounding beneath her palm, a mirror to her own racing pulse.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured against her skin.
She smiled, a flush of pleasure spreading through her at his words. “You’re not so bad yourself, big guy.”
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against her. “Glad you think so.”
Coming back up to her lips, she barely had time to readjust before his long, tepid fingers slipped under the fabric of her shorts and her panties. Another sharp gasp escaped her lips, internally cringing at how loud it was. God forbid, if anyone actually knew what they were doing…
“Easy, baby. Just let me take care of you.”
The pads of his fingers stroked over her slick folds, gently… teasingly. A moan rose in her throat, causing her to clamp her teeth down on Joe’s lower lip to suppress the sound.
“Damn, baby, you’re this wet already?”
“Yes,” she managed to breathe as he pressed heated kisses down the side of her neck. His middle fingers teased the smooth surface of her tiny, sensitive pearl, and she once again was forced to keep her noises to a minimum.
“Good girl,” he praised her efforts, rewarding her by pressing his fingers down firmer, further, until they slipped inside her with a smooth, practised motion.
The sensation was almost too much to bear. She clung to him, her nails digging into his bare shoulders as he began to move, digits sliding in and out in a slow and calculated motion. God only knew he wanted to finger fuck the shit out of her, but he knew that would cause unnecessary noise and a climax too short lived.
“God, how you always feel this good?” he groaned softly.
She whimpered, biting her lip to stifle it. His fingers curled upwards in their movements, pressing closer to her sweet spot. Driving her wild. Coiling her pleasure. Tighter. And tighter.
“Look at you,” he peered over her writhing form in awe. “So gorgeous… so ready for me, huh?”
Her response was a tight grip on the back of his head.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered hotly against her neck. “Tell me how you want it.”
“M-more…” She pathetically sighed. “Please, Joe…”
He chuckled softly, feeling a familiar twitch between his own legs. “Anything for you, doll,” he obliged happily, fingers picking up speed and his thumb finding her clit easily to glide against it in tandem with the rhythm he had curated on her body.
A gasp, an arch, a flutter around his fingers, and he knew. “Feel that?” he whispered in a seductive, dark purr. “Feel how close you are?”
“Yes,” she nodded. “Oh, God, yes…”
“Atta girl,” he cooed down at her, propping himself up on his arm and pressing his forehead down on hers. “Cum, baby.”
Noticing her characteristic shudder, the way her eyebrows furrowed when a release was approaching, he took the initiative to manoeuvre his free hand to cover her mouth, baring down enough pressure for her to bite onto it as she rippled and arched into him. Her cunt throbbed and tightened around his fingers, and he watched with parted lips as she came so hard.
“That’s it,” he murmured in a soothing rumble. “Just like that…”
As she came down from her high, twitches and aftershock present, he carefully withdrew his fingers. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple, his hand smoothing over her hair. Another kiss came quickly, but not without Joe taking an expert taste of his own fingers, where Y/N’s honey coated him with a thick sheen. She tasted herself as he swirled his long tongue around hers, hand stroking back his hair to thread her fingers through the dark tendrils.
It was almost sad, kissing him in that moment. The way she gripped onto him as though she was solidifying how he felt in her mind, capturing the memory; they never knew the next time they’d get to be together.
“Joe…” Y/N whispered. “I need you… so bad.”
“I know, babygirl,” he sighed, peppering small kisses along her jaw. “But as much as I’d love for you to nut on this dick right now, it might be wiser to wait ‘til I can have you alone.”
She whimpered impatiently, making Joe stifle a laugh by burying his face in her neck. “Don’t make me laugh,” he murmured, clearly grinning.
“I’m not trying to…” she giggled softly, biting her lip. They really just did that, in the same room as their sleeping friends. Damn. “Fuck, Joe, we’re totally gonna get found out soon if we keep this up.”
“Yeah?” he asked, lifting his head to gaze down at her. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, baby.”
“Yeah, I’m sure everyone would love to know that you just fingered me a metre away from their sleeping bodies.”
“They will know if you don’t keep it down,” he chuckled. “That bein’ said, we should probably try and get some sleep, huh?”
Y/N frowned, but reluctantly nodded, knowing he would have to leave her bed and return to his spot on the floor. “Where are we heading in the morning?”
“Uh,” Joe hummed, carefully pulling himself back up into a seated position. “Atlanta, I think.”
“Sit next to me on the bus?” she half-asked.
“You sure you wanna do that? Y’know… considering we’re ‘totally gonna get found out soon’?” He sent her a cocky smirk, silently moving himself back to the floor. She rolled over to the edge of the bed so she could still see him. 
“I don’t care… I’ve missed you,” she told him earnestly. It was true; they really hadn’t seen as much of each other lately, which is ironic when you consider the fact they were currently on the road. It just meant eyes were on them more than usual. 
With an understanding exhale, Joe reached over and held the side of her face, stroking over her cheek with his thumb. “I’ve missed you too, baby.”
“So sit with me tomorrow, please,” she practically begged, leaning into his touch.
“I’m not sayin’ no, am I?” he answered with a soft laugh. “Now, go to sleep, ‘kay? It’ll be more suspicious if we’re both tired.”
“Yes, Dad,” Y/N playfully retorted, rolling her eyes.
“I’ll remind you you called me that, as well.”
“I’m sure you fucking will, Big Dog.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Morning crept into the room with the soft glow of dawn filtering through the thin curtains. The peaceful quiet of the night gave way to the gentle sounds of stirring bodies and muffled groans of discomfort.
“Ugh, my back,” Jon complained, rolling over on the cramped armchair. “Why did I think sleeping on here was a good idea?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” Colby mumbled, pulling Becky closer to him. “Pass me that pillow, will ya?” Becky groaned, grabbing the pillow that had fallen off Gi’s bed in the middle of the night, and flinging it back in Colby’s direction.
Gi, still half-asleep, rolled over and bumped into Mercedes, who let out a sleepy groan. “Move over, you bed hog,” she muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow she hugged tightly.
“When did you get there?” Gi mumbled, squinting her eyes as she searched for her glasses somewhere in the bed, realising she must have passed out with them on. 
“When I decided the corner was too damn uncomfortable,” Mercedes bluntly responded.
Y/N slowly opened her eyes, the events of the night playing on a loop in her mind, extended into a pleasurable dream. She sat up, eyes adjusting to the daylight as she surveyed the room. No Joe, just a messy blanket and his balled up jacket from where he had slept. 
“Ahh!” Mercedes let out a yelp as the hotel door began to open, almost hitting her in the process. “Oh, it’s you—what the fuck, man?”
“Sorry, didn’t realise your stupid ass was standin’ in the way,'' Joe's sleepy, but cheery laugh echoed as he emerged, shutting the door behind him. He’d changed his clothes, now wearing his grey shorts and a hoodie, and his hair was back to its pristine nature, perfectly slicked back into a bun.
“Where the fuck did you come from?” Colby strained his neck from the floor to look up at him.
“My room? We have rooms, guys, did you know that?” he nudged Colby with his knee as he attempted to sit up. His next stop was Y/N’s bed, where he placed her keycard down on the table beside it, giving her a small smile. 
“You took my key?”
“I’ve been awake for, like, two hours. Needed to get out for a bit, take a shower, y’know,” he shrugged, sitting down on the edge of the bed to collect his stuff from the floor. He made a point to brush against Y/N’s arm as he did, making her bite back a smile. “You sleep okay?”
“Mhm,” she hummed with a nod. “You?”
“Better than expected,” he said, sending a smirk over his shoulder.
Across the room, Colby struggled to stand, stretching his arms above his head with an exaggerated yawn. “Alright, who’s up for breakfast?”
“Count me in,” Jon said, finally rolling off the armchair and onto the floor with a thud. “As long as it’s not cornflakes.”
Gi sat up, her hair a wild halo around her head. “Can we get coffee first? I need coffee.”
“Coffee sounds so good right now,” Mercedes agreed, brushing her fingers through her hair and rubbing at her neck. “And a chiropractor.”
By the time breakfast was had and everyone had dispersed back to their own rooms, Gi and Y/N started the gruelling task of packing what little they took out of their bags and tidying the room of empty cans and pizza boxes.
“They could have helped us,” Gi sighed as she tried to clumsily shove a pizza box into a trash bag.
“Joe offered,” Y/N shrugged, working on picking up cans and any other scraps of trash. Gi glanced up at her, narrowing her eyes with a cheeky smile.
“Did he?”
Y/N met her gaze, raising an eyebrow at her friend quizzically. “Yeah, he did. But he still had a fuckload left to pack, so I told him we could handle it.”
“Oh,” Gi simply hummed, a grin spreading across her face, unbeknownst to Y/N.
Y/N tried her utmost hardest to avoid eye contact after that, knowing that if she looked at Gi for too long, it would be impossible not to spill everything that happened. And after complaining to Joe herself about the possibility of anyone finding out about them, it would seem somewhat counterproductive and ironic on her end.
When the pair was ready to leave, their WhatsApp group chat dinging with confirmations of the same, Gi leaned over to Y/N as she opened their door.
“Oh, by the way, Y/N, about last night,” Gi started.
“Yeah?” Y/N answered as she shut the door behind them, the two of them now standing in the hallway. She caught glimpses of fresh-faced superstars that weren’t in their room last night, who took more pride in their night routines on the road than anything else, greeting them from afar with a warm smile.
“The next time you and Joe fool about, make sure we’re all actually asleep before you do.”
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