#i just love the show
skull-turtle · 2 months
Sokka is one of my favourite characters and Yue's story was wrapped with such a neat little bow but I like that episode PURELY because it leads to the iconic "that's rough buddy" scene
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baronessblixen · 5 months
Season 4 and bonus Season 5 Frasier thoughts! :DDD
S4: Niles's comedy just keeps getting better and better (The Two Mrs. Cranes and Head Game and Thanksgiving were hilaaaaaaaaaaarious early S4 eps.); and his and Daphne's tender moments are just so soft and, well, tender. Thanksgiving: what an episode. Wow, loved it. The Crane men crying in their living room, the banter and baseball gags later with Freddy, and their reactions to Frasier's ham radio show were great! The Maris plotline isn't gone; buuuuuuuuuut Niles and the bird and Marta and the leadup to his question to Frasier and Frasier's honest answer (Ask Me No Questions) were worth it. Bebe was great, and Sherry was... well, she was Sherry. Writing on the wall that she wouldn't last long with Martin; but... I don't know, not my favorite sideplot. Not bad, but not my favorite. :D Roz had some EXCELLENT episodes. And I'm cycling back to Niles, but his and Daphne's ending convo in Mixed Doubles was really, really good.
S5: Roz is pregnant! Roz had a kid! That was quite a storyline. Great conversations throughout, great hijinks, great comedy. In a weird way, I'm glad her pregnancy wasn't made into a big "thing" other than the important points it brought to the plot. (The baby's grandparents-- I love them AND their noses. It just reaffirmed how nonplussed I am with noses, for some reason. XDD But the comedy.) Again, great Niles comedy-- with Maris, with his family-- and bittersweet realities as he finally drew away from his ex. The cruise episode-- priceless. Martin's birthday-- touching. Perspectives on Christmas-- great work (the gaps in Daphne's version! XDD) I was so, so, SO happy when Bulldog got exposed and beaten up by everybody. First Date, Roz and the Schnoz, and The Life of the Party were spectacular back-to-back episodes.
Wait, I SKIPPED an episode??? Apparently, I somehow missed Room Service; which I think? I know some spoilers for but all the same. Lilith's in it and I missed it????
Welp, going to definitely watch that this weekend. XDDD
For me, I think Season 3 and 4 hit a slump that Season 5 launched the show out of. At least, I noticed a shift in S3 that didn't quite jive as well as S1 and S2. S4 had its ups and downs; and S5 knocked it out of the park. Can't wait for Season 6~.
The Sherry sideplot isn't my favorite either, but I like the episode where she and Daphne fight so she goes to Niles' apartment. Mixed Doubles is such a funny, wonderful episode! My favorite moment from season 4 - apart from Ham Radio - is when Niles is in the bathroom at Frasier's and the Hot 'n' Foamy explodes. It's one of the funniest moments in the whole show and DHP plays it so well.
You need to watch Room Service! I love that episode. It definitely has Lilith in it. I agree with you on season 5. It's far better than season 4 and it's like the show found its groove again. The cruise episode is super funny. I love that. the Ski Lodge is super funny too. There are always so many good episodes! Though it has one of my least favorite episodes and that's Beware of the Greeks.
Season 6 once again has some of my favorite episodes. I hope you'll enjoy it too. More than that, though, I hope you're feeling better by now ❤️
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inkedberries · 6 months
after patrolling, unwinding in a diner somewhere ...
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throw the man a bone batman geez
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ayo-edebiri · 2 months
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When's the new season of Séance Dog coming out? You mean the show? Probably not for another year.
INVINCIBLE (2021 - ) I 2.07
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calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.
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beachsideufo · 5 months
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a strange internet phenomenon 2
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
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i am unironically obsessed with adam west batman not only trying to be a good dad to robin, but actually succeeding. also love robin's insane energy levels and his ability to go from seething bloodlust to manic glee in record time. i think any superman worth his S would fit right into the family ^_^
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jazzkolart · 6 months
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These two are the worst. I love them.
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connabeth · 4 months
can we talk about percy uncovering luke’s true intentions and luke coming clean about wanting to recruit percy as a powerful ally and percy obviously refusing despite sympathizing with the cause because he’s just better than that leading to them dueling, with luke about to strike percy down when annabeth’s blade, the one luke gifted her, the same cursed blade that’ll reap his soul 3 years from now, sealed with the promise of family and new beginnings, knocking into backbiter in luke’s hands, and luke turning to stare at her with the most heartbroken, torn expression on his face and annabeth staring him down with more venom than any pit scorpion could’ve had.
can we talk about annabeth standing in the clearing watching the only man she loves, someone who made a promise to protect her and always have her back, someone she’s known for 5 years, looming over a boy she met mere weeks ago, someone who, despite a godly rivalry getting in the way of their initial friendship, fought for her and saved her and chose her over himself time and time again…can we talk about how the defiance in her gaze made it very clear to luke that the person he’s closest to would choose percy over him every time
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ronanlynchbf · 9 months
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while we wait.
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may i offer you all a pubby?? lil bby barns?
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beggars-opera · 7 months
“Avoid these fashions that look dated” “10 things not to wear over the age of 30” how about I’m a goddamn adult now and my personal style that makes me happy is none of your business
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My favorite thing about Annabeth is her wardrobe.
Cause like, Rick simplifies her clothes in a way a man would, and you can tell.
Cause in EVERY book, from The Lightning Thief to Chalice, she’s in the goddamn CHB shirt. With like some shorts or cargo pants. Nothing more, nothing less.
He’s made improvements over the years, giving her some other clothes. But he’ll always come back to old faithful.
Like, he most definitely did it on accident, but he made her so Adam Sandler and I love it
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muppetfreak · 5 months
Mr. Riordan, it is truly a pleasure getting to experience your second draft.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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You keep telling yourself that Namari.
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please enjoy my favorite "no context" moments from good omens 2
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